(iqt Rfitritets. CAttLISLE : PRI:IIEEVOE MARI44`. • • Relkorted , wrikly' for the NI °raid by Woqthroyd & Schmidt.. , • /2 Fumy, Superfine, poi bbl do. Extra, do. do. • Family co do . . Rye • l WHITE WHEATim,r bushel lUD do, da. .RYE Coax OATN d 0..« CLOVFAISEED ,10. , TISIOT.IIY.SECT). 40. • SPRING BA Iq.BY ilO. -=‘VTNTEIV-, - -BAIILT,Y __tip__ __-,---- PIIILADE LPIII.II. MARKET 1-- , 'Loutt. there is no alteration to note he Market remains , quiet s but holders an firm a in their views, nd•_the,stoelclight, but ' the dema td is mostly to supply the trade, at from $5 50 to $5 624 for fresh_ground sit pertines $5 75 a 0 25 . for extra, as to brand and $0 50 a 7 50 for extra family-Flour and fancy brands, as toilithlity. Cons Mum; and RYE FLOUR are also scarce and firm, at $1 ' per. bbl., hut we hear of Ito sales to.day. The tnirrket kir 3Y:‘ EAT steady and firm, and ahont 250 . 0 bushels red found buyers to day, in lu(spit. 123 a 130 e., 'the_ latter Jim prim ,• some 8°,1114000 lins - hels white also sold tot' 135 a 1 , 13e.5 mostly at our highest•tignres fnlr handsome southern, afloat, • New RYE . is• .. selling atthe distilleries 'at 70e.,.pei.., bash • el; old is dull, and we quote - Tennsylvania • sales oi'Penn4ylvania yellow. .are repot:ll4m . • 90e., at which - 'rate - Ao9o — lmshels--sold after 'Cliangt. on terms kept private i'there are more sellers than buyers. ()Ars urn' in steady nemand, with:further sales of 7•000 • buThelm'soat.keen; mostly•at -12 e., Nem Jthnerlisements I' 4 ' Olt .SALE..--,Twu._Sauhindlipsj niAIIISOII 1 . 0111 . 41!, id' I rnhi Upon hum dinto .41.11 ...Ilion to Ilzu " Herald °Piro." Aug. 25. l\ilN—lt. Jo IMI IHTIINERS' cl 0 A L.— -2,0( r(N of Lykous Volleir Nut Cool. n Utli , ollo,. C: clu. receivin g and for solo by A uu t tut. F. 1t;57 4 ._ TIIST ItECEIIr.ED AT • • Lminten SAW' V El , 11(4 str re. (tholbor lot of Douglas awl s.llerwood's re ',rated IA SHIRTS. Mso llow stylus Maerie.lo s hiota. (very beautiful.) tool a variety goods -alto I for 'Old F01(0011. (Sill anal osazaioo " • t l'.11.E131 , 1• PA INPI. rc.ceive aTy'syt,llll. , 1.31111, thr i 1 1 .411 IVl.lllil In Ell(ii15.11 unit Classical studies Ind i/lllllg Laurunges. I.Yssous al, en iII Drawly. and M uste.' Cllllllll‘.llo, at, lice re,ltleueo. tuk Wet SO out, thu of Sew rl :Aug. 21",y1.fi5g. f is s -. ToTi CH.—Letters . : iir ... .A(liiiiiiiBtlTtion upon they4tnte ..r Man o. Salon!, of Silver:vring It - n,.1611,. de.4 ,.. .T.7liTtinA. - eii r ie: r s - nneti In clue form nn I.:m. to rho An ' , Holber t reAlling.in :ilk er: , nrinig townAltip, to whom applivation A ill be nuttle in Any. blob.ss eon nt ettAl h‘itin hen toilate. Aug. 25, 'sq -I,w CUMBERLAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FALL EXHIBITION OF 1858. • • TO BE lIELD AIT CARI.II,E, ON WEDNESDAY TiluitsDAY AND FRIDAY, THE Dan; Hut AND-nth DAYS OF OCTOBER. • " I= Eccrotar3 TEA ELIE E 8 W ANTE (X—Wau t ed in Nortli Middleton township:olllll)4lam eounty, 14 'feathers, to take charge of 14 schools. lo thii district 'during the ensuing winter, to whom liberal salaries will he given. Applicants till nret exonitnallon Itaynonon Las ern, Carlisle. on iliorsday,lo 19111 day of Auirut.t., at 9 o'clock, A. 31.. By order of the Board. JOHN MILLER. 9yo y. Augu,t 11, 1958 A . (;00D INATESTM ENT. The su lisertherolTers for sale Bonds of the Borough or iimtirtd.bs,Airt,Ltuur.tglivu C:trlbhi Water Company's Works. Is . •titlliis of $111110,11.0 trAYI, i‘ithroup..„ Its , v ayn.,.t.. of the Interest soni.annually Verson, den!• rolls of a perfectly safe inyektinent for their money anal punctual payments of interest, a ill-rha.well lo rovers these isaols. hurl. . TODD, Pre,' t. of the Carlisle Gas a lalWater Comp tny. August 11. IS.lB—.lf ARARE eIIANCE FOR A PRO FITAnt: , NVESTMENT.-Thu sulsoolher, for private reasons whirl! ,•all 110 PUrSollllily oxpinhwd, iir fm, for sale or, the most Ilhoral to-ms, the entire stork of Ito ,ks. Statlollery. rte., the good will) ho.. longing to : 4 1tryoolt. Taylor ,h Smith, in the store on the south east, corner of the square. opposite Holler's hint store. • August IL 1855-3 t r, STATE OF JO il JIN SIIE ELY, sen _ A -Letters testotnentory o the estateof lobo She,' v, y, Lae or Lower Allen tow lothlp, enuoly deceased, hose boen Itrontell by the I/egister of oak county, to the undersigned... All persolo, lutlehtell t, the estate tire rognlrrd to Make IMOOllliatl. pan AMU t 111,0 boring claims toKesent them duly outheoli rated tor sett lm ola to '• JOAN 1:1;1i Esiwntors or,lolin Shealy, dee'd =CI HOUSE.- WEST MP II STREET, C.-InLisLA The sot scribes•. baring leased nte.aboi-e well known publin 6onee. re•pect!ulir asks of Its former patrons couthintineo of their rust . Ile Is well prepared t ,•nuunodnle !Ala:leers and tro•rllers. :not those wit Mop with find hie 11011140 11 pl,•as:ult tenitionir Lome. Ilia liar will he (ir via.9l with U 101.111111,411 Hooter)/ Is table will iliwitsei 11l furnixl ed Nith, tLe ilelleawles of the heilsoii; awl llis ttal It rFll lie wilder the charge of a eurefill attentive wider. Friends, call 110 see mud judge for yourselves. • OA VII/ 11.01 I.L. .11i11 21, 11,51'. • . rgiIIE BEST (Cfor.)) j PIkNO fir .) ' FORTES %NG $' • ARE. MANUFACTURED DT CHICK ERING /41, SONS, = • • EDALS, TIII4II S' PREJIIUUs ONIIII ALL COM 'ETITORS IN TILE UNETBD STATES MES.IIIS. C.. 0 SONS. having removed• to their huw were rOOlll5, 1307 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, are pre pared to oilers largo ass,tioiltit or GRAND, PARLOR GRAN O, SQUARE anti UP/110111, MAN . () FORTES in various styli's and cusps, and at prices which cannot foil to please: Deseriptivn eatslogius sent to any nil dress upon applivatioh. • July 21, ISt, . ' 4AHMERS', AND MECHANICS' . FOUNDRY AND 314 CHINE SHOP, C A it ...,, ~ r.: ' - - : . ,- V,47,i4 ~..i_,-__---. ~- - --,.,1?,, - .1..,..., - ,1', . .,--- , --r, . ..., . ., -. _. A , ~....:-.. 4 lv .........„.4„A„..,_ ~„:_ ,Iv 4 4 )-7 ' . '7 - • . 1 :• ••=7:4( .v, - ' ia - - 7 .-"-:t7.1.37-:-•-•••• j , - ...-#. 1 -:••=7. - .7-.:- - -= Z:FS-__ 4 •`•• --- -- - 5, - ....,:• - • - '7' - f. 7 .ti 0,,,e------ - -z:7 " ' " ---- ' 7 ' .- . ' '••' . ''''' - ..21.--: biZZ.---01-7 IiORTIISTRECT, EMIT 9F__RAYMOND'ELIIOTEL Twould respeetfully Werra the .1. public In ;unwed that lie is 111)10 prepared to MIMI, facture all Muds of Agricultural Implements; such us Bore powers and Threshing Machines with separative attached. • Also, Corh Shellors. Air Land nr horse power. Straw and Fodder Cutters. Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, hay hakes, Oral n Puna Circular Saws. , Ito Invites partleular attention to HMIs Patont Cho- vor II nllor and Cleaner. machine will... Jinn and Chian troin - thnie la mule bash°ls per hour, and is cansld• tired ddrldodly the hest now 110 will also furidsh to orderl.. IRON 11 , ND'HILASS OASTINOS • of eiritri , dnscrlption: sunli fan Tiirnithing - Machine, • Pliin :FL Cornallullifr. Collar (Irate; &nib Weigh ; obit), limn Aridly dmiAtinl Itulllug fir Coinanry Enclo surin, &c., Ac... • • • — 9 ll, AlRTNlfiiininptlynttoinlcil•tn for limping. Mow. ing nod flirontiLig Dlucbluue , mid all Idndq of Agricul• turn' Inipininunts. '• I ''JACOB AIIRA'111)18.'• • gars,' ForerriniC Carlisle, J nee (neon', VAI.AJAI34L.II,EALESTATIAT. • Will be offered at public sale or. the promises. onl Toesday,.the ith'day or soptembor. 1567, the maimion ' and farm of Joseph :huller, sem, deceased. CONTAINING 1 is Ile the Hams more or logs, of thst:t.ratr limestone land, situate in Est Pounalmro' lowitablp. Cumberland County. within three miles of. Itarrisburg. mle•fourth of npafle frolt • White Ball - Academy. at llowneuieville, eeroterly known,as it,hyliton's Tavern. $ GM° 5 25 5,25 8,25 1.18 1,08 The lend Is bounded Oil the sooth.h.ytheCluriberhukg Volley Its1111.1:ur on the nori !awls or Dr. Jesel Crain, Gorgas. end of hers. nett on the west hy • the rood lending On uynLor'd" Volta, f•onl - whlelf - It Is dints:it ;Mutt Otte fourth of n mile, 60i) 2,76 The Improvements are a lame BANK ISAILN, a double F11A311.1 HOUSE, with rt. Kitchen attasly.A, un mul all other eeesseey .nevet , thiling• r owa ••• • -ter near the house. and all orehard of • • • choke About live acres tut' this land Is well timbered, and the inhume all under good Jounce amide n higli state of cultivation. • -56 • to COIIIIIIOIIOI at 111.., 05111011 011 said day, wbon terns will be mid° Itsulro and attundaseo,givsli by .101 IS SA 1)1,Elt, • JACOB_ SA1)1,1;lt,. • Es'es of Joseph sadler, son., dpc'd ;July 25. IFSB-1 - . x. L3n, insort 1 thnna autrrlfiirgo this oflicii A SSI G N E' S s `BALI: OP 11N ~L The followite4 Bye! Estato u9ll be Feld et hublle FIIIO, No 1. (Is Tlllar,day, 901 day of Septumber, 1853, bo sold oil the'preitdsem, .1 ACIIEti GOOD LI3I ESTONE LAND. _ . lima., In - Stiver - Sitelittleb7l7Winbosboid Co.: "if int- or ea rlislo, Non:died by lands of William lea;y. CulborsniCsloW... and othors.4llbo 11111.10,s111ellt. so vit A3l I.; Mt' 11011t5E • s ‘ ltb stal Dog and, Aids. Abort rez asi-as Is well thaborod and the Ind nee in a good stato of rid lien iiun. At tbo•sant Woo and Wiwi, wlll Ii sold. our Ilosho,- plodAtio I fprmq 111111.4vA, _ll,ll . l,l(tam, iiiVagou tfl , a quantity-of ihrodk Implemon No. 2. On Friday, tho laitt day of SoptainloSeoB3S, flub, sod _on..tbo.prontisea. ;_.. :IT AClus 01' llVitfl: SLATE LA NJ); • idtuate in Ilatontlen towtiship.l.ollllty 1101111 d, 1:1111i/4,411' JOSIIIIII El/01 . 13 Ni.thaidel Ei•ltels„ nod - Ittincionin Eight ain't, In woll timbered nod the bulimia. In n good Stale of vollivatlon. 'I here Inn tiesor rat ILng Aa.:tin or reeling_liattnr_oil_tlits_tratif._,•_ So. :1. On S ter iii, the 11tH Illyiff 'Sento:oh., 1158, n. lot of ttround In the Borough of Muelionle.liorg, bounded by the railroad on the north. lli