Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 01, 1858, Image 1
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Thn 0A fumy i 111151,0 Is 'published woohly on a iargi sheol,containlng tweuty eight columns, titel furnished to subscribers at • $1.20 I -. pall strictly In : $1.75 if paid within the your; or s2ln all eases when payment is &flayed until after the oSpilllttO t of the year. Nil lillbSCriptll/1111 reneived for a lessperiod than six montits,lind 110110 discontinued until.all arroarages aro paid, unless at the option of Ihe publisher. I'oo Honig° SllilliCtribel, lirfug out of Cumberland county itt not be paid for imailvance.,.nr - the paymmit: assumed by some responsible person living in Cumberland coun ty... These terms will be rightly adhered to in all !aster. EhIEN TS, • Advertiselnents will be charged $.1.00 per square of twelvo linos far third insertions : and 25 roots for 1,111,11 ;*ll t olverfikenunits of less than twirl, u [hers ejliSiderol:. n square. 4. • Advertisements Inverted before Marilagea and deaths II eentie per lino for first Insertion, and-4 cents' per line for subsequent insertions. Connuunirations on stile ^juots of limited or individual Interest Will be charged conic per line. The Proprietor will not be responst . We in damages for errors in advertisements, Obituary, notices or Marriages, not exreeding live fines, will Lo inserted without charge. • • • JOB PRINTING The Carlisle Ilimald'.loll , OFFICE Is the largest and most complete establiAhnien t In the county. Three good Presses. and a general variety of material suited Isor plain and Palley work ld• every kind. enabh 120 to do Job printing at,the shortest notice and on the moat reasonable terms. Persons in want of Bids; IllankS in...anything In the Jobbing line. will find it to to.Aivym clA_..lL:very variety ut Blanks eUnstinhir on hand. anteruf anti Local Thlformation U. S. GOVERNMENT Pro:Meta—l tmittt Ittlento:et. 'ine l'reqideet —.lntl , : C. Seeretary or Stale —GM.. LEWIS CAMS. Sectet:t ry of 1,—.111,1ii TiIoNITSON. • Sucret.Lry orl'rellSlll7-11 0 111 3 . 1 ., Celia. Set•ret.try Of IV:4r-.loliN 11. TeerehiFY Vor'N:fo,-. I ISAA . O -T111.70..y.-.- • •n.•-• • Punt )lusler 014..1111—A: V. IthowN.• Atterney General—thitintitut S. 111..t0t. Chid Justice ut the' Utilteil Shites—lt. It. TANEY.., STATE G9VERNNIENI' aovernor—WiiUA•e 5. I'.“`KER. Secretory of Statp—Wil.i.r..), 11. lIEISTER. • Surveyor limu•rtl—.loin 110w1:. Auditor (ionoral—JAColl FRY. .lii. Troatrurpr-111:NIIV S.-NIEORAIV. • .luttgos of the suprem Court—lt. Lowly. .1. M• ARM 855600; W.ll, LOWRIE U. W. WOOOWARD. W. A. Powriat COUNTY ' OFFICERS J'reshlont Judge—lion. Zanies 11. Hroinitn. At:sod:all Judges-Iton. 3lielniel — Coel(1111, .Sanntel koodhurti. District Attorney—Wm. .1. Shearer. Prothonotary—Philip (Nighty, Ree - oilihT &a—Daniel S. Croft. Itt•ttlstor=S. N. linontlnger. . Sherdr—J3eoll Deputy, John Jacobs. County 'l' reasurer loses Bricker, Coroner—Nlitehell county Commissioners—Willi:on M. Henderson, An. drew li'err. Fannon :Slogliw. Clerk to Commissioners, 'James Armstrong,. , • Directors of, the Ppor—George Brindle, Joins C. Drown; Sanmet Trltt. Superintendent of Poor Homo --Joseph LObach. li-OFFICERS. • Chief Burgess—lVlDlani Cart.. • Axsbitant Iltirgess--Traneix Town Council—J. 8.-Parker (President) John Out. Hindi, Robert 'Moore, James AL — Allen. William Cameron, John D. Borges, 3lichael Holcomb, 3lielmllnlch, 'eter 3lonyer,, Clerk to Counrll.-I,lms. D. Mahon.: Constables—Jaeol; Bretz, High Constable; Hobert McCartney; Ward Comdahle. Jostle. of the Peace—A. 1,. Sponslet, David Smith, Mlehaul Holcomb, Stephen Beepers. 0 cliulicirlis;- First Presbyterian Church. Northwest anglb of Cen tro Sqlike. Rev. Conway P. Whig Pastor.—Servicea ever) Sunday Morning at 11 o'clo . ck, A. 31., and 7 o'clock p mil,-- - Piesh3 Lorton Church, corner of eiouth I, atioNer and pointrot streets. Rev. 31r Calls, Pastor. Services coinllllslleo at 11 o'clock, A. id., nod 7 o'clock P. M. Church, (Prot. Episcopal) IlOrilleltht.lloo of Contni Squire. Rev. Jacob Vo ss, Ream . . Services at 11 o'clock A. NI., and 3 o'clock, P. 31. English Lutheran Church, Bedtbrd between 3 - lalti and Loather streets. Bev. Jacob Fry, l'actor. Services at 11 o'clock A. 31 mid o'clock P. M. Gerinan Reforie na Church, Lonnie, liet ween' over :end l'itt street, nee. A. 11. Kremer, Pastor.— Sort lees at I I o'cbsk A. M, awl CO/. o'clock 31. 3lethodist E. Church. (first eliarg corner ot chill and Pitt Sircets. lice. It. D. Chambers, l'astor. Services at 11 o'clock A. 31.'elock P. 31. 31elliodIst E. Church - (second charge.) 110, A. A. Meese, Pastor. Services in College Chapel, at 11 o'clock A. 31. nod i o'clock. 1' AL Itoulaii Catholic Church, Pomfret near East street. Rec. Linden, Pastor. Services ou the 2nd SUll fifty 111011011 0,111311 Lutheran ~,,, of PoinfrA and Bedford streets. Pastor. Service at 101,1 A. M. Atirlf lieu changes In the above are necesaary the proper peililllls Ore requesied to tellfy us. • DICKINSON COISkGEI Itev. Charles Collins, IL 1):, President and Professor of Moral &knee. Bev. Garman M. :Johnson. IL Professor of Philoso phy cud English Literature. . Jetties NY, Marshall, A. M., Professor of Ancient Lan guages. Ifni . . Wm. L. Boswell, A. M., Professor of :Mathematics. William C. Wilson, A. 0., Professor of Natural Science and Curator of the :Museum. Alexander Rhein, A. 0., Professor of Hebrew and Modern iAllIg1.111)40N. Samuel 1). Ilillumn, A. M., Principal of the Grammar School. 11, F. Purcell, A. IL. Assistant In the Grammar School. BOARD OF,SCROOL DIRECTORS Andrew Blair. PreNident, 11. Saxton, P. Quigley, E. Commun. C..P. Ilmnerhh,.l. Hamilton, Sorretary,.lason W. Eby, 'rreasnrer, John Fidmr, 3lessenger. Meet on the lot 3finolay of each 3lonth at 8 o'clock A. 31. at &l ocation CORPORATIONS CARLISLE I)ll•OSlT'ltAlNK.—Presitliint, 11lehard Parker, C. 31 tissuluntii -; "Clerks; '4E - P.' Hakilei: ltitnth; Dailey, C. W. Reed; Directors, Richard Parker. Thom. Paxton, Moses Bricker Abraham under, Jarol Leiby. It. C. Woodward,' Win. ' ll. Mullin, Samuel Wherry anti John Zug. CustattUAND-VALLEY-11A14-1111AD - CONlKANY.—Presidinti , Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M. Diddle; sup e rintendent.; 0. 5. Lull. Passenger trains twice a day. Eastward leaving Carlisle at 10.80 o'clock A. 01. and 4.00 o'clock P. M. Two trains every 'day Westward, leaving Carlisle at 0.00 o'clock,A, 01., IMO 2.50 P. M. CARLISLE OAS ten WATER COMPANY.—President, Fred erick Watts; Secretary, Lemuel Todd; Treasuter, Win. Id. 'lectern; Directors. F. Watts, Diehard Parker, Lentu. el Todd. Win. , 01. Beetent, Henry Saxton, .1. W. Eby, J 01111.1), Gorges, It. C. Woodward. and E. 01. Biddle CUSIDERLAIRD VALLEY IiAK.--LPll.ldOll,l, JOllll S. Pier. rat; Cashier, 11. A. Sturgeon;Joiler,,los„ C. Hoff er ._ Directors. John S. Sterrett, WitClie r k; * slellithii , Brent, Mau, Richard Woods. John C. Dunlap, Sterrett, 11. A. Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlap. SOCIETIES Cumberlael. Stor Lodge No. 197: , A. Y. M. meets at Marion hall on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every Month. St. Johns Lodge No 2:10 A. Y. M. Sleets 'id Thurs day of each a:oath, at Marion Carlisle Lodge No II 1. 0. of 0. F. Meets Monday evening, at Trouts building. FIRE__COMPAN IE Thole Won Niro Company was organized In 1189. ,-Preside et, E. Ceroman; Vicu President. 'William 31. Porter.; Socrutaryot. it, Ewing; 'frown. , , Peter Mou 4yer. Company meets the first Saturday I,olarch, June,. September, and December. piny Was instituted febru. The Cumberland Flee COlll ary 18; 1800. President, llama TicCartomo; SeendarY., - Philip Quigley; Treasurer, li. 8. Bitter. The company moots on the third Saturday of January, April, July, and October. • , . The Good Will Hose Company was Instituted In March, 1855. POW - dent, H. A: - .P.rnigcon; Vico President. James 11cCartney; Secretary, Samuel 11. Gould; Treasurer, Joseph D. Halbert. 'The company meets the second SaturdaYuf January, April, July, and Oclubor. RATES OF POSTAGE . .• Postage on nil. lutlersof one-belt Dunce weight or un dor, 3 route pro paid, except to California or Oregon; which Is le imrhs prepaid. - Postage on thd•• Herald"—within the Cohnty, free. Within the Slato 13 cents pop yedr. 1•oony part of the llnitod,Statos 2d Cants Postage on ail tnnisiont papers - under 3, ounces In Weight, 1 coat proludd or two C-01118 unpuid: ' Adrorl hod letters, to ho charged with - the cost of edeorlising. . HERALD J 08.4. BOOK . ' • • PRIN'I,IN • G S. Ei Cor. Orthi 8t POETICAL. • [WritleTilor the Herald.] TRUE LOVE: I= Thu wife tiles not to feat Ise scenes Amidst the youhg and gay; 'When he, the loved of her heart • Is'ahsent far !twaYi,, - , She treari 01 es still Within.her soul' yofitiq, ~ , And wears around hit brow the wreathu_ Of virtue, faith, and truth.' • . . The .11ilhe'r of the 'sailor-boy (Pith Lo. rt Fe light and fre'e; In oft reMinded by the FLOM Of idol win, ',lves the sea; And us the winds are hurrying by • ' lu fitful gusts so Mid: , Ills thoughts revect 1.91h:110e hopes That"throng ard'und' his child E'en sn it Is'ln every . coo— The ()allies; off we roans; The stronger are the thoughts which rush Upon our minds of The-lallirn,.-tear ,, the--Intt,s tlg • Attest the well known truths; ' • • That ties are dear to All, . The aged and the youth. • BALTI3IOII/,:, OUR TWO BOYS• ' The eldest has rant flidshent yet • ,t, The third of lire's young years, - Ills eyes are blue as violets, • ... . •. . - ... .. . _, ... ... __. _ - -- •. ....., . . And bright as evening's tearsy . . ~ Ills Indr is gulden as the beam, . .. . That usher In the la• 161, .. • And pafter than the tassels aro . . • • That piny., the gnawing VIVI ; , • ' his yoke is sweeter to :nine eat ' Than lutes er win, Ila od streams ; f • . It ring's militia*. eat,: by allay,. . " ' . And crimes in nay 4_11 . 1,11111N. • . . . Ile hes a hundred prettywa 'n ' . . - .. Which I delight to.seo! .. I 1.0 hillllloXt IO IliutV'en an her ---!---Wlaugave-the eidlA to-ane; ,And when he nestles to nay heart . • And-ealln we-lay-my aninte— _ Ale truly 111111110 hol,lloMti for 1110- 1 nigh-nu aware for thane,. ' - But think that; having such a gem. To wear ;Ilion nay breast, ' Contented should I be to lefloo - ~ The . eln9lets for the rest. " DIY °P.:Eileen ag's little life _ ❑n MOH aIS IS counted 3 et; ,; • Ills eye is lustrous ass Star; Anti Mark as imrnhhed jet, llfs hair is brown, like forest leaves ' when fnlsts - begin; --- Four teeth have blossomed In his mouth; A dimple dells his chin Ills smile Is like the smile that pimp, Upon a ehuruh's face— he Is n cherub, though . he maims . rW,7; home bin divelllmi place: No fear that we shall elitertaln " An angel unaware!"— . That heavenly lUok upon his fare, ___._.That glory_on • la - ."" • Remind us whence the darling came And bid us not h.rget " • That he who lent this child to us drrt dThlr. THE MOTHER-IN-LAW ‘Vith a spark of something more than min chief in her dark eyes, 111111 with lips more compressed than .the gentleman at her side thought quite consistent with amiability, Ber tha Donaldson hummed. ." I'll be no submissive wife ; no, not I, no, not 1." Psha, Bertha!" said her cempanion,some . what petulantly, "don't he fooli,h, I increly mentioned it as a imposition of my mother's, lull we can do as we please in the matter, you know, and if you prefer haling the wedding at Beechwood, and starting from thence oti our )our I mil perfectly willing. My mother only ;61)jected to it on the score of trouble I sup , pose." Bertha's fingers trembled so that• the,pieee d' s tine cambric which she Nvas embroidering re ivi ed a rent as she jerked the working floss through it, anti the flushed cheek, and the tali ping of the little foot, and the prpressed tone of her voice, all betrayed the 'excitement un der which she labored. • • "She is - kind,';replied Bertha without look ing up. "but let her rest assured that the ser vants at. Beechwood think nothing too moth trouble for their mists. My wedding tales place'in my old hotne - , thh sanctionpf lily guardian." . Cecil Hamilton looked steadily at his be trothed as she uttered her determination in n, !inn voice, and a shade of annoyance passed over his lino but dreaniy face, as visions Pro `guide of - discord, and scenes which he detes ted:rose before him as he thought of hit:halm doinineering_mother; and his passionate (tut high spirited bride. And so the. wedding took place at Beech wood: The heiress willed it so,:for she pa without a near relation-in the world; 'ainttill slit: knew Cecil !lentil WI; Beechwoosl scented to be thil oily thing for her to love, connec ted as it was with memories of altappy . chila- t hood, and the loving eyes, and voices of her parents During„a visit to a school companion one summer vocal ion,' ert ha became acquainted . with Mr. Ilamilto 1, who was also a guest in' i r .the honk% 'no 'Was at once fascinated 'by his elegant' person. his wonderfitl conversa tional powers his t.efined intellect, /11111 above all ,by the calmness of his manner, which she thought the reposeiof a great mind, and not as it' really w , the indolence of a dreamy nature. Oirlii9 . lli e, Cecil Ilamillon was enthralled by the beauty, the wit, and vivacity of Bertha Donaldson. The light which ever flashed over her face, the gayprepartee which sprang from her lips, and the sparkle of her manner, kept him in a hihd of &e mu wonder as to what she would door tiny next, but it gave hint,no , uhle - . 7- ll 7 -- ' 4 O - C - CibliTid to hi' trou— was nocibligid to 111 . 01180 him self 16 exertion, for her quaint thoughts Nought out his own without effort, atrbe-' sidO that, he knew of Bertha's dream-side also for - be Mid 86ineturnes•seenher ti - yes cast down her:little hands folded Madonna wise, and a holy quiet settle over her face and form, and he of once recognized in these moods the ideal which he had so long sbught„to find realiatl. .. The . engagement soon followed, the approbation Of Bertha's guardian, who, being a bachelor ; was glad to be so easily rid of what ho considered to Vesn troublesome, flighty. girl, who was to lead him an lanes fates chose through-society after a husband. Indeed the good man had at' one time ,sericusly thought of marrying .ber himself, in order to escape 'the vexation and responsibility of guardian- ship. • ' Of her future mothei- in-Illiy,Berlha Donald son knew but little. With.lifrsonguine and tunchililed affections, she woo prepared to fuse deeply one who- was - so nearly rebated to Cecil, and at once proposed that mother should live with them lifter theit•Marelogo.for . Cecil was an only child, and life wouhl bevery, monotonous if living by hortelf. . ,„ CARLISLE, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1858. did , Bertha; know that., even without this iniltation such had been Mrs. Ilantilton's intention.. Her son had a fortune as largo as llerthA and if the heiress would live at Beech- wood, she argued, in preference to any other place, Why then she felt, under no , obligation nt receilfing her hospitality. ' Mrs. Hamilton had been accustomed all her• life to manage for those around her. She had completely swayed.the intollectual,but dreamy indolent. husband.. and os a platter of course ' she now swayed her intellectual, 'dreaming, indolent son. That, that son's wife Would re bel- at - such-long -est Mil islred-authority-never oceurred to her. 'ILo be ogre, - th i n .decided !itand which Bertha. took about 'having the wiNbliig, at. dear old.BeeeliWood,and (inking all her friends, caused Mrs. Hamilton to raise her eyebrows for a moinent, but. she loOked upon -it. as the ebullition of temper of an unrestrain ed child, and speedily forgot it. •So, as we said belbre,'Berthit 'Donaldson's wedding took plane at Beech wool , It was a disagreeable, drizzling evening on *sbfi Cecil Hanillton and his young wife re t nKned.from their wedding tour,'lnt, evening, that albeit June had come 'With her roses and all her summer glories, made the. fire which blazed in the little sitting room Idok cosy and , Ciiinfort able to the tired, wet. travelers._ The .only fling in the tWilight, lint the quaint silver tea Her; vice which stood on the already prepared table glittered brightly in the light, as it • rejoicing ill its kindly old-fashioned way, that ands- . tress once more reigned in.fleechwood. Bertha• drathilton was both tired and nervous ns ,she apprmtehed• the tempting tea-table. !rite novelty of her position as mistress of the house made her feel al' awkward as, it was possible for one .of her frank, independant disposition t ()feel, .and half.lin going step, but With a smile breaking over her face as she thought how ridiculous she would look presiding at, the lea tray, she re luctantly approaelted'Uie head of the Aside llamilton made her comfiirtable - at once by- taking what, ,, ,shoubl have been. Bertha's . place as quietly as though - she had sat there, mid poured tea Out of that very pct for years. TIM poor, tired little wife said nothing. but was secretly grateful for wind. she considered her mot her's kindnes :int!, bet in relieving her of such terrible duties when she felt so ner vous. --The next dify and the next Mrs: Hopilton ',again took p o ssession of the seat at the hcad he table, and.-Bertlin_began to .debate in her own mind whetlier she should not now claim her place as mistress of the family. Yet something in the manner of her mother-in ' law deterred her from making The, proposi tion.- -The !Ore which Bertha had been so ready to give her scented forced back into her own,bosom by Mrs. ifamilton's cold, solf-sulTh. eit9it matinee: mother trouble, too; riroused the new wife to tesense of her real possition at Beechwood Old Mts. Howell, who had been honsekeeper there since the last Mrs.- - llonalpion had "or rived as a bride. suddenly app in Bet` tha's - yooto one . morning, jingling her 'hiesket of keys in her excitement, and plumping down into a chair without waiting for an invitation, a piece of disrespect th• which' the forniad, old I fashioned lady bad never been guilty before. I can't stand it, any longer, Miss Bertha, it's no use," exclaimed the good woman, quivering with indignation; "I can't:--play seeonddiddle to nobody." " What is the matter, Mrs Howell?" nue riod,the-young wifedooking-up•witlraston:ish- - mem .from IR , book which she wa'S - reading. "Why," laid the old lady, "there is yore, the mistress of the house, that never give an -order-butjust-like-u-latidri-while-mndatnet , goes dictating. about, jiistits_if,Beechwood.was.. hers ?" " I really do not know what you mean,. Mrs Howell, I have seen nothing of the kind in my, mother," was the reply. Mrs. Howell was more indignant than ever un finding that her young mistress did not appear If , atlvocate her cause She. who had held undisputed sway in Iteechwood so long, to stand cattily by and see another interfere with bet' rights. "WhY, - " continued the old housekeeper, "from the very day you wore married and left liCr in the house, slit! his been domineering Mill diGhning to us, just as if we were a pack of slaves. Just now she came while I wits putting up lily sti•awberriets, that's its belltit fill and clear as crystal, and told me that pre serves done ill that way wouldn't,keep. Just as if I didn't lipow-! She says she will dO the rest of the preserving herself. Well, she may. but if going to be housekeeper, I'll leave, and slit' may take the key's' " Nlt's Howell," said Bertha, in a tone in tended to be severe, but poor child, it was all she could say, for domestic difficulties were such new thiiiiFqtrir ter to manage, MrS. How ell, however, was in too full'a - tide of,injuries to lie easily stopped by Berthas half-timid re proof, so We went on with increasing excite ment. ~"And there's Jane. the . housemaid, that's been tinder my trairdng ever since she was vs high as my knee,-utadam looks after-her, and takes .. a hair pin atolgoes_around-the-edges-of the carpets to see if they are clean in die cur aters, but she don't find Much dirt, I know, for I'll back Jane againsethe whole nation for tidiness. William says he expects that item she'll go nut and show him how to harness the horses or wash the carriage„arfd John too, he says she knows- more about forcing the hot house vegetables than he does." airs. Howell stoppqd _here for want of breath or it is toted probable that Bertha Would have I found a separate grievance in each separate ii-paktment of the establishment. • ••I think, Mrs. Howell." said the yo . utig mistress, "that you, have all been so alle - t onied to having no one to interfere with you, Hutt you must have mistaken my mother's manners. _She is naturally distant to every , one, 'mud you have misapprehended her. I suppose she thought I was young and inexpe ,l r,ienced, Mal has kindly intended to relieve me tameh as ,possible. Take, your keys how- ever,' aiati have no fear of any one usurping your place.'' ...Bertha said this aim:trendy very camly,but ikreality . with tier anger rising every moment. She iiow saw 'that she held the position of guest rather than that of mistress at. Beech wood, and she. WaS , det ermined to regain her place. •An appeal to' her husband slur know was out of the question; for slum loved him too much to' be willing to disgust hint with a womaa's' quarrels, and it would L either against his with or mother that he must give ' 1 judgment l'oor eland!. Mrs. Howell had played_thej - Bra in the little Paradise in which Bertha had been living,-and made her -taste of the tree of knowledge much' against her wishes. That very day,someguest,s were to dine at -Beech wood, and its young mistress, soon decided upon her line of conduct. As they entered thb dining-room, Bertha quietti stepped up at the head of the luta% laid ltbti, hand .. upon 'the back of the chair. which - Mil& Hamilton . wa4.already- , approaching, tone, "1 ant obliged to .you; mother, but I will take this seat for the future." Mrs. Hamilton made no remonstrance. but her eyes flashed, and a 'white Circle spread around her mouth She withdrbw a little to ono sidp, Ind stood witha icind of conspicuous humility-till all were'seiticd.: • • Till that liniment emighad noticed nothing of Ihie quid, watfire. rook of imnoyance and reproach. which (lid not &cape tho hills oyes of his wife, Aus cast upon her ash° asked' his another to 'be seated. '• I really did not know where to sit,',4Fril . liad not. lily accuoottied idate,7' was the yoldy. A feeling ofc'onstriiiiii and unoa'inesspnAs ed the gnosis, as. they •nll felt-ns• though i they lout. beet' ' the usurping 'Forty. Poor . 11calitia face Ilnahcd a pain nil crlnison.aa.Llfo' said in a half apologetic, half Ifiughing tone; “Ledies.and gentleman, "you,se,i-me for.the, first time. a, the head' ofmy own. table,' for mamma has' been kind enough to 'relieve me of this ,ditty heretofore,.and we are not nexus tented yet to the'chango of plebes." The tact and pleasant manner. of the young wife soon made all as comfOrtable as they had been before, and Cecil' secretly thought she 'tad never appeared to so muolozilvantage. 'Never once during the rest of the day did, !tins Hamilton address her, daUghter-in4aw, and only answered in the slugfest possible -manner-if-Bertha - -spokel liery making-th, poor thing as uncomfortablenipossible. As they Stood on the - piazza toget rin the even, ing, bidding adieu to the deOittling guests, Bertha said in a reconciliatory tone, ..Are you not afraid of faking coltfhwithoutqoue shawl. mother? "I'll get Itfot4tecO, ‘• Do not trouble yoUrself, Airs. Hamilton. ' I do not take kindness upon Sufferance," was I the icy reply.- Thtulaughler'seyes_filltfil_with' tears, _an& her hand trembled as she twiched off a ..twig of jessamine to hide her emotion. Cedil walked up and down: the - piazza with his hands in his pockets, whistling a discon solate air in a false ..time,..itityiog. WhOM...he_,,dearly.loved.,—yet—fonling •s mother,was really in some unaccountable way . the injured party. In -- truth, Hrs. Hamilton had a knack of always milting iconic feel this hi. spite of their better judgment, and Bertha who beginning 'to- . thilik - that. she only must be in fault, whidf - heiMuothor Approached her and said, , •I shouldlifit so far Terget my dig nity as to allude to the insult Which if receiv ed. to-day, were it not to request 'that, here after, for your own 'sake, you will Select a time when there are no guests in Hielonselo make a'ilisplay Of yoirr. authority.' 4 - 'The tears whicn before wore:dimming Ber tha's eyes were dried up by the-flash of indig nation which shot from ,them es she relied "I did not mean to insult you madam! I have too touch respect for myself to forget what is due to those connected -with toe, but as the mistress-of Beechwood I felt that it was a duty I owed-to my guests as well'as myself. to appear hereafter in that . character. I dm obliged for the charge - which 'yeti have hereto fore taken of my affairs, but I Will relieve you of iL'in the future " - The lone this time was tuirldnglmt con ciliatory, and with-w defiant air Bertha enter , ed the hotise and retired to her own room. She-awaited her husbands -coining-with:some anxiety, not kno•ving from MS manner on the piazza whether Irreipect sympfithy or reproach tilts presence did not relieve der . ntuelr. - The whistling stilt continued,_ interrupted only by the, monosyllables with which he replied to his wife's,retwirks, and when Ai said .IMunbly, -"Will you not kiss toe, and wish ale good-night, qcil?" the half...reluctant, "Yes," and the,kiss smothered by n Holten ,sigh, Made her repent having made the' request._ The vetfe's toys Were again' quenched by,anicee,. and after tosii ing restlessly for many hours, she at last cried herself to sleep, in conSequeneeuf her fertile imagination having pictured . the: gloomy un loyetaut tire before her in the darkest colors. The breakfast. the next-morning was - the most uncomfortable for all.- -- The - Wift! - felt. that Iter peace-offering of the night before had been oitly t half adeepted—tP, „Tether that another .now stood between lherself and her son, and one,. too. who set, her will at nought, while. Cecil thought. of the annoyance it would be to have such constant bickerings foreSiCW; teal weni9Tetl"Why - v0 - - people - whom be loved so touch could not live happily together. Cecil Hamilton was in everything a man of 7 - compilitt ass he pleasetl-neithmt / Part.y,--sb-Ite-quickly- walk l'ed jute )he library, and shut himself up with the old dramatists, to revel in their delinea tions of character, when there was a page of human nature in the next room, which lie, in his indolent egotism, had not troubled himself to read. Mrs Hamilton °pursued the even tenor of her way'' in haughty silence, always frigidly polite, butitever cordial to Bertha, but this was a mood to which her son was so accus tomed that he did not even remark it, and con sequently the change in his wife's imtnner struck him the more forcibly. He saw noth ing for her to resent, and secretly regretted what he thought her sullen disposition. All the sparkle and vivacity.whieh formerly char acterised her had disappeared, and Cecil sadly missed the tender carress and light kiss which he used to receive so frequently. He was' a most Undemonstrative man, and little knew how his Acidness and indifferent manner had chilled the' warm heart of his' wife, 'So time passed, Bertha• a reconciliation with,her husband, for which her proud spirit forbade her to ask since her- former repulse, and he cooly waiting till her fit of petulance slmuld ,he over." Mrs l THandlt on .no longer took the head of the table, tier interfered with Mrs. llowell,nor too closely scrutinized Jane's work, yet her influence was felt nevertheless. The servants complained that. there :was no possibility of pleasing,her in anything, they did, - and those who - had - livedin - the'famitylitr years constant- ly threatened to leave. It required all the tact and dignity of Bertha 's character to re tain her servants, yet not to compromise her mother-in-law. A year passed thus at Beeohwood. Bertha liamillons. heart was' now suffering for the want of early disciplin i Her temper - had -be come. haughty and .irritable under the •cold surveillance of Mrs:liamilton. — She'Mid for: nierly yearned for the old caress anti kind words of her husband, for which her pride forbade her to ask, but she was now almost beginning to despise him for the Manner in . which he yielded every thing to his mother. Cecil, on his port, wondered how he could have beenn . so mistaken in a character. His wife, in some unaccountable way, always ap pearedA greatest disadvantage before his mother: It pained him to the heart to think thilt it had .only been a childish fancy on Ber tha's part for him, and .he determined not to trouble her 'with remonstrance; 80 the two went on outwardly indifferent, but inwardly sorrowing, with Mrs. Hamilton swaying bor. son as of old. , 'And thus it was. when nntheii•ess was born to the united fortunes of the Donaldsons and Liatailtons. The young mother wept wild tears of joy as she pressed hdr child to her bosom, and •thought that: amr•sho would have some one to love her exclusively, Omagh for as'inonientsbe trembled as she thought. of her woman's des tiny, ''to make idols and find them clay," - as .she_herself,had-dime--Cecil-Hamilton-heaved a deep sigh as he BOW the Javiiilt tenderness which Bertha bestowed-on his daughter, and secretly envied the" unconscious little thing whilst Mrs. Hamilton deelared , that. the mother was too delicate' to nurse the child, so, both for her sake and its own, a wet nurse must be' provided... Bertha listened in silence when 'Cecil's presened one - evening Mrs. Hamilton proimsed ihto her, but- her color •rose and her - eyes .flashed lung before her mother-in-law had con eluded }'Madam," said the, young mother, "you have governed your own child through his' whole life, and I shall do the 'same by mtge. In this tbing. ITU not be thwarted .1 am perfectly able to nurse - my. own baby, and I would rather larlievin the ground than on anothei's bosom: This-ie never , to be men tioned to ma again:" ,- But, portha," connuencedeecil who was really alarmed for his wife's bealth, from his nvilicett representations': ~ • , • , I have decided the matter," interrupted the jrif4, in a' tone of totteW icy volfincis ihn, it left' MI room for . furflier renionstrance.. • Mrs ilomiltoii lifted. her ryes und . bands `with the uir uf at utaFtyr,.‘vhieh graphic; puu- totnime was not lost on either Bertha or her . . So till little Marion Hamilton wat three show old, was sho source of conten ion Mr ; weed her grand Mother and her parents. ilfrs. .Hamilton looked upon thmlahild as U ol ol'ol4 i to lierseXquite as much as to its mother ; 0 interfered with' its food, its elm eisti,'itii dr? 9I she scolded its nurse , and often contempto 's ly chided Bertha herself. Bekhd. watelted every encroachment upoli'her maternal author ity ivith jealous eye, and often with ;angry words ; and Cecil petted his darliig; and ap-• pealed to-his:inother_with - regard to..its_educe tion. . . " I tell, you,- 'Cecil, she • will 'grow up ms head-strong and passionate ,as Bertha herself,. if you let matters go on in this may,".aaid Mrs. liamilton, one morning. " Iler "Mother humura.her in every whim, and I really be lieveTthe-thild7takes a pleasure in disobeying me." , • "Slie•ii perfectly obedient to Bertha or her purse,"_. argued .Ceoil._‘.L . Lthink_tilie"ioa child: who must ho managed by love and not harsh ness ; for 'severity seems to call out all the bad qualities of her, character." . •• - After four years of marriage Cecil Hamilton was begining to have' glitneringsof his Wife's . heartAlirougirric - child: • But what:Mrs Hamilton had said was true. , ' Little Marion defied her authority to the great est possible extent; for her whole naturewas, roused to antakenism by her grandmother's manner. At that very moment she had: es- • Tied abed of fine carnation pinks, Mrs. Ham ilton's especial favorites and care, which she had been ordere¬ to touch, and with a mischieious laugh she flew at it, and com menced pulling oil buds and Idossems, her little hands trembling with haste, lest she should be-discovered-•before. the work-Of des truction was complete. With a sigh of satis faction Marion contemplated the wreck ; then gathering up some ofthe flowers in her apron; she seated herself on the piazza steps to play with them. The nurse's voice was heard calf ing Marion, and the child's answer front the— bottogrof the Steps caused Mrs. Hatnilton to look out of the window. In a moment her sewing was tossed on the floor, .and with the swoop of a hawk.she rushed upon the child. - Marien was so engrossed-,with her flowers that she did not hintr her grandmother's ap- ' proach, and with n, scream she turned her cies, wild - with affright, upon Mrs. Hamilton's face as she seized her by the • arms with a grip.which-lior finger made like_iron._ 'Blow after bliiw reddened the little face and neck, and the sharp finger Intik. sank into the child's flesh -as she pnlletilter along the hall. With a shako and that sent the little' thing • reeling against a shelf, she pushed Marion into a dark pantry and 'looked the door. - The child's screams attracted Bertha, *lto wits in - another part of tfie ground giving directions .CO - the gardner. Fearidg some dreadful acci dent- had laappened,_she to the hlouye ,. 6md on entering the hall the' whole was explained by her mother-in-law's Nee, the broken flow ms; and the shriek from the closet. With a bound she reached the debt., ,turned the key, and seizetTMarion, who was almost inconvul slims from pain and terror of the darkness. ' Bilthout a word she carried the child to her . chamber. where her husband was soon attrac ted by the continued crying. What in the matter, Bertha I" asked Ce cil. "Nothing, except that your Mother has nearly killed the child," was the reply, asshe stilt - gazed - WO - Marion's - fine; - 'and - walked hurriedly up and down the room with her in her arms, endeavoring to quiet her. It was a long while before thin shrinkl_tmbsidedLinto solisTaiiirthe little thing sunk intd a fevered sleep- on- her mot her's-bosmn. Cecil lied paced up and downs the room be-. Ilertha,.in her hui.ried walk, not daring to ask a question, as he saw her stern, white face. "Cecil Hamilton," said she, at last, as she turned upon her husband like an angry lion ess, "your mother and I can live together no longer. You must chothe flow between her and me and .your child. You ceased, to love me years ago, so I suppose your preference is soon made. I thought When my baby was born that. you must love me; but I was mista ken. It was no little thing, Cecil Ilamilton,• to wreck my happiness so carelessly as you dill, but. your mother has ever stood between us. My child's temper shall not be Made as irritable as mine has becothe through her prey= once; and if she ever touches Marion again I give you no Choice for decision r —fOr Itake her and leave your house!" " But what. was the matter to day, Bertha ?" asked' her liusbnind, •in a voice which differed very muck from his usual nonchalant tone. Look there, and , there, and there l" was the reply, as the mother bared little Marion's shoulder, and. pointed to the cheek and arms, on which the marks of ,Mrs. Hamilton's fingers still lingered. „ Marion was to blame, I 'Olio no doubt; but I was the proper person to punish her in a suitable.' manner. Had she been shut up in that dark closet five minutes longer she might have been an idiot for • • . . • The father ' s brow grew dark as ho listened. In Bertha's excitement the whole.story or her trials with her mother-in-NW — was poured in to her husband's ear, the more readily, per haps,. that. he had never evinced BO much inter est in them before. tt But Bertha I never inspected all this!" he snidrit last. have - done wrong - in - letting -- ipy..indolence. and, love. of. pence so long close.. my eyes to your troubles. I have been aeons lomed all my life to leing ruled by my moth or, without knowing the fact, perhaps, 'and I was really-afraid that my wife was becoMing iritable and unamiable . without a cause,, little thinking or.noticing how much you had to' annoy yon." , ' "I could have'borti it all if sliChad onlydeft me your love, Cecil, but to take that too!" and here Bertha burst into a passionate, fit of weeping, brought on by her husband's change of manner. for had she not been sure that he now heartily sympathised with her, her old pride would have forbidden her to regret to him a love that was lost. - •• My poor little wife ! you love me yet, as . much as when we were first marcied, and so 'happy, do you not r and Cecil imprinted a tender kiss on her forehead, as she lay sob bing on The - bed whore she had last placed Marion. Bertha threw her arm around her husband's neck, and amid tears and blushes she con fessed how unhappy his indifference had niede her, and blamed herself more than she need 'Mr:44one for the domestic trouble, de :ill:04 illiehow she saw thiirirvitia — diitylair7 pride and haughty tomper,thatited caused it. all. ° Mrs. itamilqin was herself alarmed at the offeets•of her violence, a's little Marion oontip 7 ued her screams' after being carried to her mother's room, and Mtn was itbout following to make what amend!: alto could, when she saw her son go into the ohamber.l, She await. 'ed. his return much impatience, and when an hour passed by Italie did not make his appearance efie felt that ho was no longer inkier her authority, that her '.'kingdom was divided" already. This fact,- combined with the events of the day, and Bertha's' indepen dent disposition, made her determine to accept from a bachelor brother. _who had_ returned : from India but a short time previously, an in. • vitation to take charge of his house.: , 'Cecil' and Bertha in the meantime were do bating as to, the kindest mode of asking Mrs. Hamilton to leave, Bertha with 'a sudden' re:' vulsion offeeling_eaused by her happiness,' having in vain endeavored , to persuade her' husband .to '.hor telandri; But Ito was'iri- 1 miwunderetood both. wife and mother. too well to see muelvellance;„ o r ha v porEl.Nil such an arrangement, and lie had suffered too much for four years to be willing to run another risk,' . ' They did not all meet again till-dinner-lime, when 'Mrs Hamilton said she had received an ot4of letter front her brother that awing, renewing his request-for her to live with him and that she had already Written to say that she would aocept the invitation. Both and Bertha breathed more freely, for it wits am unpleasant duty to ask a mother, to leave' the house, At the'end of the week they were standing On the end of Me piazza, bidding Alm Hamil ton adieur though little-Marion to the last re line-Tr to be - fried - 01p • • hinny years have ,passed - sines, then, and there are other little feet now, beside M trion's pattering through the garden walks and along the halls, and Bertha Hamilton has provetUto be all that her Cecil's fancy had picture I her hefore'he was married, and she only counts herlife as really begun since the departure of . h e r mother-iri-law, . (Corronpoodonco of the Iforald J CAM 1:111011:40, in7L1WA.11.6,1 August 12th, 1858. f EDITOR: In ' my letter of yesterday, front - thisTplaWrOftulfiliell Immeirmount or the Comp,Meeting,. now in progress. ' ' For Many years past, a large number of. the Itfethodists or Philadelphia, and of the Eastern shore of Maryland,. ilaYo been in 'the 'titbit, normally, of meeting at a place called Red L;on. These annual gatherings hove given the ptace suite an enviable celebrity. But, for important. reasefils: the parties interr ested have abandoned the celebrated ground, of RA Lion, andlixell upon a grove located nt4way betwebh Dover and Camden. Eigh teen acres of land have been-purchase!L:With the intention of making it n first class place for their annual "Feast of Tabernacles." . As I approached the Carpp, ‘. around, the songs of Zion fell sweetlyupon myMar, excit ing a class Of feelings in marked contrast With those willck had pervaded my mind -for -two I weeks or more.. Alighting from my carriage on the suburbs of 'the encampment, [ was struck with the beauty of the scene before me. _Night having thrbwn her dark mantle over the forest, the camp-fires wore blazing in different directions, revealing to my, view a great_mum ber of canvass -tents, together_ with a variety of hoard cabfds,,. Upon reaching the inner circle, I inquired of a friend as•to the number of tents pitched upon the ground, when to nay surprise' found it reached over four, hundred. The tents are ,handsomely arranged in four circles, with a space.of sii feet between each circle. The area within the inner 'circle is large.enough for. the accommodation of sever al thousand persons,. comfortably seated. At the lower part Of the encampment, is . the. stand for the preachers, iihmediateli in the rear of which at'e • accommodations for the -colored people, 'many of whom.afiiiitieb.MlVed upon the ground, Near the encampment are several large springs,- affording a sutficient_quantity of water, of good qUality, for the crowd Of. people -which, daily - throng the consecrated grove-. ' • • • During the progress of the meeting, Minis tershave been in attendance from Philadel phia, front different points of New Jersey, from ,Now York, and other sections of the countit, public services are held, at the stand regularly four. times a day —prayer 7 tneeting at 8 o'clock, A. M., and preaching at. 10o'clock, A. M., and-at 3 and 6 o'clock, P. M. . Twice, pteaehing-took-place-at4m , clook- i n -t he Menll.. - ing, Rev. Mr. Hersey officiating. Even at this early hour, the congregations - numbered over ene-thousamipersons. Throughout the meet ing, the preaching has been good, in some in - : - atances-tho •sermons have-been--characterized i , by great eloquence and power. The congre gations have been seribus and attentive, and from the large numbers that daily present ihemselves at the altar for religious instruc tion, I think nnich good is being aecemplished. On Tuo'oday evening, quite a sensation was produced by the arrival of Rev. Mr. Roach, of Allen Street Cluirch,, Now York City, with several gentlemen who are attached to what is known in religious circles in that city, as the Flying Artillery." This company of chris tian men have assiduously devoted themselyes to the work of the Lord, daring the great re vival-in New York, going about from place to place, holding prayer and exhortation meet tings. Their efforts at this Camp Meeting, have been crowned with great success. They ging sweetly and exhort powerfully. They are men of fine personal appearance, good po sition in society, deep piety, zeal and energy of character. Yeltcrday, n p . atient:in in formed me that they were men of wealth and influence, in the city of New York. and have given themselves up to the work, of their Heavenly Master. • I have never seen so many Ministers at one Camp Meeting. Up to this time, nindy-four have been present, and as the tents will not be struck until to-morrow' morning; others will doubtless' arrive, swelling the number. perhaps to ono hundred. At the close of the sermons, prayer-meetings are held at the stand, and in theAlifferentlargo_company-tents. front Philadelphia and other places; and when they are all, in full blast, the hosts of the " wicked site, " tremble under the divine and gracious influence pervading the encampment. This section of country Is 'proverbial for hospitality to strangers ; and after a sojourn of several days among. them,d take great _pleasure .in acknowledging thelinslness and attention received fromthe„preachers and the people. - • This morning, at a very early hour, with out the privilege of ,a parting glance at gone very estimable friends, I jumped into a stage coach, an in a few minutes I found myself at the Depo , comfortably seated in a Railroad Car, on ny' journey to the beautiful Cumber:- land V Hey. 'Yours-truly, - • • - . TREBOR. .BvnoN's FIRST Love.—ln alluding to the lentil at Brighton, on the ath ultimo, of Mrs. Mary Duff, widow of Mr. Robert Cockburn, the Glasgow Herald says : —‘, We believe this lady,. whose husband' was a brother of the late Lo'rd Cockburn, was Lord Byron's first love. The noble poet mentions, in one of his letters, that when a little boy, residing with his-moth er in Aberdeen, he and ' Mary Duff" used to walk together under the charge of their fe male attendants, and that the feeling he then cherished towards her wile the first: dawn of that passion which, in more mature years, glowed with suffioient intensity. His famous Mary' Miss Chaworth,to whom he addresae: that impassioned poem, the Dream,' died more than twenty years' since. No wonder Byron, in another poem,, _writes, have a passion for the name of Mary.' " . PERSEVARANCE.—A beautiful Oriental pro verb runs thus :'—" With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes satin." How encour aging is this lesson to theitaPagent. and _des, pending i . - - And what difficulty is there, at which man should quail, when a Worm ,can accomplish so much from the leaf of the mule berry ? . . . „ • SAUCE FOIL BAKED PODOINOB.-4 very cheap saucvonn - to mado' by swootunitig-a hitwl of rich cream and spitting it, with nut, meg, cinnamon' or vanilla. A 'still ribber wince is made by mixing two parts-sugar with one of butdor, whip them to froth; spice*as :ibove, and add,aclittle winnor brandy if liked, htit a 'spoonful' of -sharp, vinegar will, do att etelk. 'Another made,by thoroughly mizinia .wi,th the butter , and gar, - and then ponring - lin botllgg.,wu ldr Obit is Of tho consistency of (hid cu ruu, raiding the rine or. vinogitr and spicing to taste., ,• ' tce. _l42,__oo:llrsiot_pald-Pit-adrguice;-1- NO., 51. . • [Corre , portdenoo of Abu [lots along tliarftek] ^ ' " - • LA PORTE„IxnrAteA, y August 12, 1858.: : Data 11anatm : A 'he usual burly burly and WO find ourselves in ills cars bound for.Old •cago.. A whistle: and a jerk,. then out:into pure uncontaminated air-of the country. For -- the'first twenty or thirty miles our iron path way wound its serpentine folds around - find • about sharp abrupt bluffs, that jut out in their quiet beauty,. as if to take n. - , ,, ,peefi” . at - their loveliness in the clear mirroied depths of t•ho• -noble-Oltior--Nestled away. in almdy dells tind•f romantic nooks, are seen quite a nit:tuber of: pretty cottages . 'which look: to the weiiried raveller like real spots, on the journey of Prenceneli - Vine clad window peer out happy . robes, whilst fair - hands Wave God speed 10 the flitting realty that coerce and goes .like pulse throbs of a fleeting world.' Children, happy in their own joyous innocence, climb • -the latticed fence and, Aida out their silvery laugh - fit - gleesome wonder. flittipy hood! Thy memory. 'comes hovering back through the dim vista of other days. Enclty dear. familiar face wreathed ..WitiLpleastires _ that once loved 'end imparted joy. ,For a...moment—the —past•--seeined—present'r•-arid - - with it comes the consciousness that of the manithat commenced the journey of life with use, but few remain, for the greatest -number sleep in the tptiet grave-yard. - 'There goes a steamboat ploughing its wetirH some 'way up the Ohio. The deep rattling. cough-tells truly it Wile idle • task. A hasty wave from the many passengers that' ditt;ht.r decks, and we are gone. The 'relative sPeod of railway and steamboat traveling is surPrO , ing, reminding one of the fable of the,Tortoisc and ICeynard. One toiling steadily on with R faithfUl endurance, the other, wild,_reeliless and majestic: .. . Rochester is a pretty ' to.wn situated on Bea: - , ier River. It Wear quite a business aspect. There are severdl very extensive. manufactn _ries located hero. One of which is a Oar. ea, tablishment, and, judging from the number of cars used upon the western roads, bearing the "i card " of the company,. would " . warrant. the Conclusion that it has fully succeeded. Wag.. on-Making seems. to be a great 'business of the place. Thousands of these vehicles aro au, nually sent off westward; where a ready sale,' at remunerating prices is obtained; The old town of. Beaver has lost her ' , prestige," ..and given place to,tho enterprize it'd ,capital, of Rochester and New Brighton. The next thirty miles is noted for dustand "Dutch."-. Enon valley is generally settled by that unique class of Germans known ,as --l.' Ombilt.„l".l`he men -in k their 'shall-bellied chats, fiat/ " Tiles," and lengthened beard's. The women in plain blue dresses, borde . rlciss caps fit(l sun-bonnets, A modest yoimehtan can hero form a definite idea how mitch of the vaTivalking rotundities of the present:Any , are really woman. -Does 'not the canoe ofliu inanity and justice_ demand' that the Wins'' , plead guilty of the crime of false pretences,;' Presuming that menAre . ,to a 'false. Aelusi ' '3, 4 . "given, they spread" themselves fraua-a '' - to - stop, - and who oat- - escape escape Just. thinklio" A poor fellow Must feel, when woke tip - Willa fact" that thnes are hard,(llnd'crinoline'exton sive, should he not pause and well consider the, probable cost e'er he to "bonds unite'?" Commend me to the girls of Enon Valley, tlien one gets all. he bargains for. The welcome Bound "Alliance twenty minutes' for supper." A rush and a scramble. Dignity 'whiell sits • entlirozied•on my shonlde - rs'l'evoiteil . at .1-I,le— basedhought, of a game of snap. Slow tihd. with measured step I come, and descending to a chair,. forth_from A pocket drew my khr cldef and spreading carefully niiii• my;!MW ' - rtrowsers,' I raised my tripod and to the on slaught cattle, but 10. what was, is now, no more, 'but to maws insatiate, 'tis gone, to risn . -no more, provided •my warm wishes should not lend it a feeling of aspiration. The 4n.wy. polite landlord only charged a "half a dollar" for the sight. I resumed nay seat and pon dered well the theory of that old philosoldier, who once said that there was a principle of innate politeness in every man: lie ' tempted to eat a railroad supper, or he wquld not have said so. I picked my teeth ,from the force of habit, and calculated my limier of endurance. Bed time came, and 'lo, wide soft cushions invite the weary One. These were•spread by my young friend Woodruff, who is the-pat entee. The, cur is arranged that,: hilly-six berths can be rigged up. They are suspended three*" teirs "in height. It is 'decidedly? OM 'best sleeping car arrangement 1, have seen. But then fifty cents "extra", is' egacted for the Privilege. . Some writers have presumed to say that all railroad conductors are polite and accommo dating I respectfully claim the privilege of , differing. • ,But if you wish -to -find a model conductor, I refer you to my friend, It. M. Shipman, of the Fort Wayne and Chicag6. Ilis gentlemanly manner, good. taste a n d an tiring exertions to render his passengers nom- fortable , has.rendered him justly'popular: an . evidence that I am not"'lto wearii , - a - magnificent.thadge" - of chased — gold; upon' the base - is represented bowell Factories, bridge and a train of cars; reverse, " Pre- - tented to R. M. Shipman, by his traveling friends on the Lowell Railroad." Mr.- Ship man was connected with that road for several years. But it is time to close. 1 will write from Chicago, and give some agricultural and -political news. Yours, - _ Bc.ku-Twor.--fiitio.---1-cannot;-believe-thatlhe' earth is man's abiding place. It cannot be that our life is•cast by the ocean of eternity to float fora moment on its waves still sink to nthingness! .tiltie why is it that 4lte'glo• riot's aspirations which leap like angels from the temple of our hearts, are, forever wander ing about unsatisfied ?—.Why that the rainbow and the cloud come over us with a beauty that is not, of earth, then pa'kteOff and leave us to muse upon their faded liovelluess ? Why hi it that the stars who hold their festi, vals around the midnight throne aro sent a bove the grasp of limited faculties, .for ever mocking us with their unapproaching glory? And finally, why is it the bright forma' of hu man beauty are preSented to our view and then taken from us, leaving the• thodsand• streams of our affections to flow back •in .Al pine torrents upon the, heart.? Wenn born for a higher world than that of the %earth ; there is a realm where rainbews'nevor fadc-L where stars will be out. before us,'lik6' islets Atelumber on_thasicen.n4_and_wltuarlho_be ings that pasit before us likeshadowtrovill stay in our esonce forever • • Tun Csuss.--We copy' the following from a, number ef the National Intopip:icor., dated August 28, 1823: • .4 Fourth of July Toast Drunk. Virginia. "Why is the community so much embarrass., ed 2- ' Because banks lend money that-have not gtit it to lend ; and . Because people spend money yidro line° not . earned it to spend. , , Remedy. : 47 . . Own filo money beforei you knit it.' Earn-tinyinoney gna.., ,4 Jane. What loiter in the alphabet dd you like best ?"—'°Noll, Pdonalike to 'isay',o ,;) Mr. Snooks.%-.-Pooli, notuunise dill right 0100 Jallo which do you like. tio4tl"-+..We11," (bltishing and dropping -hdr ''" the bent. •• • , . "I am going to drittg,•,o§ in t o 11!I Ilie young holy emit] 'ut't ho byname- J G. W BIM