ME ,fitroleris-Tililiiirtntilt . NE ' Indiati'Coro . . Tb'e follOwinginformation on this in. subject was ifir'itistCti by a, Mr. • - ; Andrews.—( 'Working Fortnei. • "The kind or Vaiiety of corn. at hurl *eat,..dependa not on.tlie kind orr-i i ariety of bop phfited, but:on the rieey from which the planted torn' re. :'eeivcs its'pollen. Tith I have cluablish . • ed by repeated exPeritnents. For , instance . heti° planted the improved Canada . torn, =•••=erid have raised row it ti '.for use at the tittie that the- ears , t le • 1- Canada core would htae been in the .• .41a mode of operation was very simple aeon is the 'tassel of the Canada corn • : -began,to appear it viitt cut off. The tas . cel was also cut. from the Sweet. corn and • . ; •74hw - p - olletvfronf - it onr he silk of — t --.cipient ear on the Canada corn. The eta' will be . Sweet cure without any mixture of kernels of the Canada corn. .-If the' tassel be suffered to remain On the •Oolada - corn, and the pollen from the . *vibe! of-the Sweet corn be shaken, on the silk of thevar, the ear will consist of lernels of Canada corn and kernels of . .Sifeet corn intermixed. .1f "have mixed three, varieties on one cob, by shaking the Jiallett from - the tassels . at different times, and I see no reason why Many more mig t not be Oiled to them: But if the pellet) - front tassels of,,different varietio, be shaken on the -bilk 44 - any variety, at the Came time corn • produced, will have "inlt - tombined , till - thirpeettliarities t erthe .varieties represented in the pollens.. It :_i_orttty this means. that, 4 l. __produced the ' . Rhode Island premium corn; and - the. Andrews Hybrid corn ; the' first, by a -combination of the pollen of Rhode Island' premium, the Rirtmouth white, and the improved Canada emit. • I have I'vond tame arieties h t-will-itet:dn tem' ix-s-tm• (ho ear with other 'varieties. 1 lone •- , :ttever known the Rhode Island premium :to do so. There are probably others that will'nok,mix in the kernel.. Why, this is so lam not prepared to say. Further ' experiments may demonstrate. the facts more clearly, and 'perhaps afford the 'reason fur them.. It is the pollen 'from . the tassel that decides the kind of. corn. - .and - without this - Pullen . thei"e - will :be - , no The . cob will grow in its cmming of hutdes; but'without a kernel or corn on it... An easy wny to prove this, is one that I adopted: cover the incipient ear so that no pollen can lodge on its This can be done With_ a paper'or cloth; 'if it be done effect - tally you will raise cobs, nd that will be all. 'lbis:led • too to let•the suckers en - niy corn 'alone. .never cut them out or remove - They 'yield pollen, if not ears„ and thus help fill the-ears on the parent stock. ' lace come •to the conclusiou,-,,that in those varieties. that most ahound,th suck et w, there is a deficiency of pollen in the rtaesels to fructify all the silk, and Make well capped ears ) and - that nature sends the suckers 'to supply that deficiency. By examioing the ears of the Rhode Island preuihtto'corn; or-,the • Andrews' Hybrid corn, it-will:be-seen that the--corn _grows very close over the butt of the cob. as well as being well capped over to the other end: • a - • Decay in Fruit T-rees. • - .Ve,have, often heard the practice - rec ommended of driving nails into decaying fruit trees, to restore their-yip:tr.. But we have never seen the result set forth . so 1 .-- itrikinglysts-in-the--followitig--from -the . Southern Planter. A singular fact, and one worthy Of lie": ing recorded; was mentioned to us a few days since by Alexander Duke; of A lbw.- marls. Ile stated, that whilst at a neigh. liarrillittattention WllB called to a peach _oreharti,_exery_treALitt.which-had-been-to. tally destroyed by the ravitges of the worm, with the exception of titre:, and these were the most thrifty and flourishing peach trees he ever saw. The only cause of their superiority known to his host was an experiment ma..e itt consequence of ob serving that those parts of worm eaten tiMber into which nails were driven were generally sound. IV heti his trees were about a year old he had. selected three of them, and driven p tenpenny nail through ' the ody, as near-the ground as possible Whilst the Wallee of his tirchard bad' ,gradually,. failed and finally. yielded en• tirely to the ravages of the worms, these :three, selected at, random, treated precise by in the same manner; ivith the excep •tton of the nttiling; - thati-nlways been. vig .'orous and healthy, furnishing him with the greatest pransion of the most lusa• ions fruit.. It supposed that the salt of trou'affitrded by the nail is offensive. to the worm, whilst& is harmless, or'perhaps even beneficial to the tree. . . . A chemical writer upon 'this subject says: "Thii-olydution or rusting,of the iron by the sap. reYolvesammonia, which as the-sap rises, will ofeourse impregnate every part of the foliage: and prove too severe a dose for the delicate palate of in• •trudinginseots," This wi iter recommends driving half a•tiozen nailSiuto - the - trunk. • Several experiments of this kind have re= .-sultod,Successfully, • ' 4 Items for Farmers AGRICULTURAL COLLEOE.—Michigan ~ is the first to inaugurate an Agricultural College. Asyet it has only accomedatitihs for one hundred students.. At the com• ruencement of the present term there litre but twenty eight vacancies while ninety.threo applicants appeared and wire examined. . SOAP SUDS FOR CURRANT BUFIDES.— ,kwiiter in the Indiana Funnel' says lie• • has done well with ellifilut burihes. Ile ateribiites his special success to the f ue r that he has made a liborid use of soap studs and .ohaitiber-lye'bbout their roots. - in - the-summer time. Some of his bush. •al are Seven feet high. . • • IHE SEX OF Eons.—According to :Monsieur Gallia; a French servant, the - s iien . of eggs; can be distinguished..., MI :eggs containing o the germ of 'fiats In WrinkTes on thar smaller end, 'while female eggs are equally ut both WORZEL .INJURIOUS__TO :11011CSDINO SOWB.—Several- corrmpon-, dente of th'e Mark Lane Express stale to-be-a fact, although, as the -usual ~(partial) food of. swine, they -are foued .valuable And .without tiny injurious .., , . , :•11, is no crop raised .::that as a 'general thittg .pays better on good Roil than „cabbages: The; product 'irar 'sore , is of greater nut rit ve_volue.than thaeotaily giher crop 'WO . , '", • ,8'T4:100 itrit,' , TOS• COATS o} . WHITE 110ft.48.—A .ready, easy , and effecluab 7-iiiimie:sier-retntoving Maine :from white; keittea,is in.washieg the part ,wijh 'soap -hod , water, , to "touch 'Abe pert whit' the „raalerieulau's# "'blue-bug:" • . , . ..... __ . . T'S ' MX: . Aill • 'B UM) Ci.illkE ! I. , . These fellows! that fling out'tbelr ted **and • male so much (ussaliout thwellbets Of the " 31oney Panic," .Suspenelenand Ifs consequence." - (treat attmetien" “ Drlcee greatly reduced"- rind other liuuer.. DODGES," •- . nroult talking Pm Itteconac; But If you really. want b to get rho . mirth of ynui. marl, coil at the Eatolly' '-' ' firocecy and Queensware Shile of J. D. It/UM:RT. ' •• . ' I , on the N. W Cornacof_the l'ublio'Nquarn imi directly • - opposlte-the Carlisle Del3osit hank, In the- borough '.et (orllolo. _ . . Ills stock of Chinn, Maks and Quennswari imp just -, been repleniehed from Phliadelphln, and fur, beauty of , ' • design, quality and cheapness • , . IT CAN'T up BEAT. .. . . . . weet corn, - -mirlmatnidtit — or 2 FA'III Ii 1 • -•-13 KOCH TUE& Is-full, (non, clean and complete, ouch an • .lava and Rio Coffee, - .. 'Mixed Plakels,' •• ' ''. Iloantad,. Plain do. , Imperial Tea, •••;,Worcenternblro Sauce, • ( -•-. 4 T-j Oolong or Black do. American do. 01 1 ',, 1 1 , ; , ,r1; ,,, d llolnlity , ~, ,'"; ,, oZto ,..r i t 'i? l ,: i t u ip c4i, .. • Corn A' . ; 'A 3 pCloen twor'- - - -- dice VISO, 1.1T31710.na1t, • B.lker'n Cocoa, 4,40:0,4: k , .x.53,f rum; end Molansca ' , ‘;‘,.i.'.",,..g,hy1t1d; overy quality, 'Preston's Eagle do, .• 'llll A. 11. loartiettlar pt.tlion riven nx 11F11 tl to filliel . lllA ordura ropt, to •apt.t. eutuAry, attundell Cu pmnqu l} rind .41.,tin 41:ratt• -• Ir. E. earlitile;:%ltty 12. 1555.—1 y. . • XT .1 , ; • W C 4) -.A Y .1. it .1)- .1.11 TIIE WEST t..!:1, or etIiI.ISLE. The NlllO4 iber enlll.l rebpeetrolly call the ntteetlo, or Llntelturorrs pot the el' luaus or Carlisle; and the surtoutoling call try generally, to tile N (11/Al. ornelted to Ills %%are 11ou•e. ell West st where he will keoll.l.olll4lllltlY 011 hotel a large 'supply rt the beet itu;tlhy of OM I . to tilt: I.v keno ‘'lthey. I,tthe Fiddle., Hoe (triton and Trevor toe, II eke.. Egg nod NM Colll—sereelli.d nod dry cool he pii•dge Itltte.eli to bell or the lowest tbertllde KIN, nest ttuallt,, or. Itlntelturtter's and Illsekstolth's Cool always tot baud Atry• Al orders lea at the Wore 111.. use, or et his rest 41110, 111 th IL•uureer I,treet, will I.e itrthiptly nt tended to. 1 4, - J. W. . 1001' • A\ I I I (/ - F.l A K I Ner.----J & TAlrli In, return lltririducele thali . to 111.1 . 1 u•lonivr, for the ‘t , r3 ; lilenil withddigt. etleu •dea to Owl", mid would restwetlUlly Llferi . ii the piddle that the eeoll• uv la 111111111.asture I at their old stand. MI North Illiouser• stook, two d o ors aliese the drug store or a. tt. lit eel stink. MEI it Rh 11 . 1.Milidd• id fast I• enarksness - ,ensplo)ed and fitellittes for seeming Ilia I est stork, , to be found iu the narked. they . ase prepared to sindse.up floury deseription of It I IT, Ass 1.1: 4 11 n.s. or kdiess and gentlemen's wear, hi the most rosslsloonlsli stylus 'stind el WaIMENTLO eta tints coed we,idsinssi 1 hip yeisis'iti pro Wel experience In the I Ilfdllefsnn . Is Lit lies,f;pl=Sl In .11.11adelphla justftes thens In Pa , Mi. that they strissiihs toil mute full butinlactiess' to all those who moksleave tins trisrdesa April 2I; issb, • 11ARWARE! HAS !- L • mitiN & SUN' are now resolving their FAILStock of Ilardwari3. which Ix tutusually and Id connexion with their far 'tiler heavy stork makes It one of the !truest and most varied assortments ever offerial to- this public. They have every•thlnd the t the tumour. Om builder. the :tierclunt. or the nubile. may want In their Burn. and which they ore the very lowest prises. They theliwe chases. as they feel confident tiny can oiler Inducements that will toward the i u er for the trouble. Fortin,: th:ll,klLl t., a,tenorour publle t rtbeir former Ilbond patemowo a continua:tee or Ow $lllllO It sollc.led " at our old 1411111 North Ila .or Street. Carlhdo. JOHN I'. LYN h. A: SUN. October 1)..I I.E11)1(11 . - 64,•4i - W. a. SA 44 YI':!X NEWS FOR THE PLOP • • Large arrival of new ..and seasonable goods at IVY/'l.'S, ie rly '(leo. Hiller's) Store, East Main Street, a Jew duos below Afar- • lin's lintel. 11AVIS(I just returned' fulfil Philadelphia. with a Inge addition of neit UrSirabill goods ti, our rinse stork. me are mot prepared to Mier great induce manta to town and centitr) trade. Mr stock embraces - nearly evbry . thine; suitable for •Ltelles. Ilisses. Mutt's. Ito) x' and t bildren's wear: e, ip sisting in part or elegant 'rape Shank. :Avila and Cashmere Sliatehs lure aid Silk 3buttillas. very beau. 0611 swiss and Cambric Collars, F.d.:lngs. Inserting. Parasols Lattles still Umbrellas. lientleman:a tine silk -Ihnbre las. hid Moves. best platity. - long and short Mohair Il ltts Silk and Lisle litotes a full Mat of 111, story, suited to moth sexes and all she,. Beautiful black Gross 11,1.0111,u •Ilk pier:int fancy ellks. selling VERY eiteNe. I' emit foulard Silks, Ilarrelltuhteul double • Fiercer°. all colors and qualities. very superior Mud.. allies, Aipteas black and thawed all wool hotAines Tissues. Ilareges •Ito:per. Get edit 1., Clreaselnn and 11 leo alayalt Cloths the tuts idling dresses. Challips. 1141113 n ts. Chintzes. tine ,'revels 11 . Jaconet, do. 1,1•Ie Gingham, Scotch do tannish t'alicoes very desire • bloat 12 1 d sli t prints all prices, new style shirting calicoes 'Moon large stock of new slit standard brands of Muslim; and sheeting's. too .Illendale Sheeting. Pillow ease 3luslin. wire.threati and herring bone 'rick- Vlrtittla thttaburgs. Furniture 4 becks, Cott,. clettprlsing York Mills I. !pies Strives. Monett hills, &c. L.l Froitett Nark moons Very superlar, French 1/111A thssatdlo Cassititeres, fancy for 1.3 s wear. Silk and -unit Vestiotts. black and col tiled Silk Ilandkereill. h., Ilen's (talks. Fatte . ) . Cratals standing and Byron Collars ready made linen nod Mgr.' xnillvs imsoms for shirts, black mid' bite st-tter 'and chip hats, botutets,'llats. and itgreit Sorter .- or other articles. We hope from nor experience in inisinci.4 ithd , deSir to become eat:1111101ml 111 tltlitt`ttliti attention to rodeo ers to inerit,a share of piddle pa . mange for within w will feel truly graceful. Noose cull soon us the bargain are going off rapidly. Carlisle, sny2nlo6-ly. SUBSCRIBERSAIAVE FOL LE.190 Rig . 0.0 WWI, Pine HA, glom, of siiperlor ylfillity, which tiny %11l will at rlrr PPr Alt.(' a hop lot ('hurry and Walnut, filo luch to J Willem thick. which they will mill' a Lodi ,ii, or retall 1111 r. Also a mir if my seal,"„ whi.l will ho sold Ait.o. a now 7 brashinit t which WeYlEi'hWftell.ll/ lif 11111110111, 11a pooch to jail a a litrgaln. All - Minix of Lumber and C,41 conntuntly on band law for mill. - qIrIiSIII.JUIIO 27. '5B ('lllAl.lto AND F I'll.lltE 4, I TIM sulisrAer Inivlntt Wont d !Amnon' pernmnentk 111 Wrnt 11101 grunt, two dull nbovo pot, InniJust 'oponed lIIn CAIIINI.T WAIIF.It00)18. whore ho Intends. MA usual. inanufnetnre. and keel conatantly. bn hand ovary 'etylo of parlor furultun ,and chairs. W.tinut and Me' -.any Dressinr Bureaux with n. rb tops. *dim, Tablee and Wash D eV, %%bat nuts.' and Ward.. at:Nell AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS . - 51PA ItI: dt and ItOOKINti chairs „with velvet oi hair cloth Fenix and barite. lilahogitily and walnut chairs with hair Cloth or C.lllO ROHM eh tirs or all kinds And Ftialll , 4 spring hotraara Curled hair And husk M ATTIt Aral*? o every vadat together with nil other articles usually found In hi, linnuf_huriluess.. IR:rtletilarnttentinn paid IA i epairlng and varnishinp furniture nr all kinds. fining peovlded alio, with en excellent DEA USE, In In pn.pored to till all orders Jim Vtixtn,tto In town to country. r _ • •-11 11E1311.11NERS' C A - L •2,oth TONS of Lukens Wallop Nu; Coal. a' pubedur r: . c u. rerayinu end fur lisle by :=•Auuurt.S.lSs7 ri l 0 . THE PUBLIC. - The untlereign ed being well known as n writer. would °Ter hit narwhals to all re/Orlon Literary alt. Ile will hamlet. Ad iretetee, Oration. Emote Prottentatlon speeehte tool mile. Moe* fur Acrostire—prepare , nutttel for the Preen—Ohltuaries and write' v.t.ty upon an) suldeet. - Address (poet paid) • . • . • • - • FINLEY J N OHNSO. • Feb.l7, Ism. -- - • halthnere. Md. N .111ANTCJI, 'MERCHANT TAII.OII • Writt-Ilain Street. (etirsits ilia UnUipad afflca , 4 baa Juxt rettelluat a uow and Ala mat axociluaout 41: ,1111 •tha.and Valley eaxplutern. and a varlets 'of Philo and •1 'guyed Vesting': all• of wid 1i •he let, .make up to measure In tiohlugabla ityle, and on re.. ix:stable term". . . ardor* ottonded to priuuol,jr, • aud thu fitting 01 rreirmonts zuoroutrod, or ou uulu, , • r . (lorltito; tpuiI4IPOIL ,; ' • tikIIAN'TCII:.. Xetu .131 . 31E1';75E ST(H;Ii iIA RI/WA A. 13.,1-E .- !0 -••• • ••• .2 r. r„. I • qc =EI ` - NISSS 2GriculOiro , ( Fair of 18.)7.) I= I= JAMES IC. ,}VpVEIt ' DM . MORSEI'S."- r INDIAN. ROOT PILES ' the In; rotor of Th.littin'B' INDIAN •-•ltaly 19 1.1. x, hnn 111, lit the Fluster part of hip 1110 1.1 traveling having Europe. ANN and Airier, as well nn North Anterimi-juis spew three eats tee or our 11 ester , . eourtry-it lawn in his way . that tile indr-tri 1.0.44'1110 were fret disonerod. Dr. ,11..n.e.was c he trot-wan in- antublish - theinst-that-all diseases arise lenity I Wi.lliciTy flin 1114WD—thin our stren,th. health and life depended upon this vl of fluid. il hell the various passages buret. elogoreil. slid do not net hi ittorreet hat ttttttt y with the'illitertont :unctions tof.the the of and loOti its a,.ti,,,,, becomes thick. - corrupted - and - diseased:- thus - causing - nil pains: - gick - Aires andollstress of every items. our strol4o boosted. tour health we ate depril ed in 111 nature in not unliintrot in throwing oil - lilt, st.iguat.t hooters. the blood win keened; choked tad cease to art, and Limn our hint id die will forcer t o botown tout. -Hon.-lip poiLinit" then that tie - SI hi keep the vurioux pnewngem -01 , -Linbbody-; (roe-iind spi3ll. .41 tod•butre plurouet. tows that. we.have it it • tin power to put it otedlo•lo.0 In your _rtoirh. lamely. Morse's Indinto liort Albs, Inni,Ulinqured trout plantti lOW rims which grow aniurd the to um. noiseselltlit /It Astture's garnet., for the beastitand re. vevery 11111. ill the note fit - to which these Pills tiro - mends Is tI soodordie, which omens 4.t.pores of the tisloo, tintl_asslods Nature lit ter ow fog out the litter puts of the corruption within. alto second is 4'1.111.14 101101 is nn r,sieoctoorittot, that 11111,1iN ntid Ills• the pease to the liings ;till tiotoi lit it 1 , 0 othhog j t it_plde 'III Mid ntlmr Inuurcb 14 . 0111 11111148 try repinun 'libidos: the thltd Is a Ward i% es uric and .1 mble hirength lo kid no, s: thus etteourn they .Iraw huge Moonlit!. 13 , 11 i the big tar. which It thou: throe n n ot hello [Aridly by them littiry or water passlice,otond whit fi cattint nut itavo been iliso , bar,tl In tiny Other way. The th Is it Pelham lie :nod aro 'quotes the other pro p oil ties •f the Pills •it Idle etfinteed Lit inirlf,lng Unit the emirs, inn licks tf lugmnity which I'lllllla 'pass lo the other outlets are tints taken up and .con. Cop! oil In prosit, quantifies by the bowels From the al on ~it is shoot 11 tuna br. Morse's Indian ,fitto t title toot only tooter the stootoonsh. but. bureau: :mite& with the lion', for they find say to evert part, Ind completely rout but nod leans° the Pypl. , nl from JI Impurity. ail ihu line .I.i ihn bed,, %kirk In. the perfectly health. co•sse all lettoesi: aid pain Is d;itiontp to the systet •, fire the, oantoot Nonni. when tlielenly I eetout•ss 'pule and elenr. 'I be Y`loll win) people are no olintresno J. w Ilan .alck, tod why 1.0 malty, /11., is Ii1.1,11Unl: they do,/ not get a loalfrine ii ld^ii teal! in the afflicted parin, nod whii.h will o.peit the !Adana i.assa,eto for Ills dissent lin au east nut: hem,. a Outs lioutottlty tat Inn noti:olltee tont . ter Is lodged. and the stolen/11 11110 Illtelilll , l'S are deroolly even 111.111 g In UN" the corrupted mows: thus looter Mot/ nol,toolotly udx - thi. loleoli,.whielntlttn:ms the rerropti oil/latter hroadla every veil. and 'artery. moll] is tot eh filen body by dlaeina, 1/1•. 11forne's LLS have added to . _throne/I rem rielori pi, II ,11:1111 . V._by_re.....ta_Ing_utillIcus ..f...the ' slab to 11 sonlloa health not! happlnows. 111 , 11,111 N wllll Lana - Gaul rarktiot otr tor/mimed with Arkootaw, pain and nog/INi sod alone feeble frames hare lawn nnrelted by the burning /dement s orneritar ;Ar. dad w h o have been bola, ht. en It we ' re. all lola 11 -trio of the /41eolt .rove. Ivor rototood.toahly to testlfi limit Life% a on'el 11/li, !Well 111.11i110i11.1.1 Will) 111'11144 had It VA 11,1'11 Ili” this vent nod woodet fIJ aledlodoe. 11 / a . m.'s oohs Loot-0111s. - lter 41 beeorton -7-otoi-rhey:--wereastarlnhooTtall NOll , l l lrStlffiri, l. o, , their rbanolo. elTerts. ,No t "ids do they Ice immediate elle, 111`11 ntreldh. at.ol take sway all dvidiesi. pain nowt ao.aulnlt. but they purr tdln watt; it etli. 11/11,111.111 ,1 11 of the din/ 05e..111 , 11 Is blool. There . ;ore It wit Is. show oh espowlally hr tit netlll doe Chem, 'ills that they wilt 1.0.,1T1gi.11111111111 . 1fY. that disease —th.ot deadly vin.',on—Will no.° its tile flush, .1 y.otithantol lealoty watlo 1 . 11t11 , 1, 1111. P ;I:.'t 14;r1 long at happy lift wttl eherlslo and brlglateu row dot s. • , tOrt , ,,:-.llewnr.. ore row terfolt slrned A It. ' .lloor ' e. mm1t1.4.• now of A.. 1; iritrt I, A, Co, on 11111:11110%. 1 Hit 1 . .1gn lore of A .1. %%late k CII. All .11irrs are xi un• is I , • - - IT PirMrietoes,.' •. •• . 5r I eminrot 4 treat New'Yerk. 111, Mors , .'s Thu In •t I ills am sold by all. dealt.' ) 4 , I1•.11' Avo• to pre war tot In every t.oien; village and hamlet ill 1111 1 1111111' l'netks dech lug the agency will :addresses • 31.v1• for terms. • 1 . 1 . 11 . 1.'15 emits per box, Eve Loxes IA ill Le sent on re eelpt of sta,e paid. [ju23'sB. /hi , ' For rule In Carlisle by O. W. linverpitlek. The tooth:limy l'tot. Booth and Dr. Itrliichle having pre‘ inusly be'sii published, the following In DOW •r Front Prof. McVLOSK Y. fprnierly .protessor el' Theory and Practi. o.ot Medicine In the I•einaltr 31edical ltniiln.atou laie.riote,,sur of S.urgery dn. tl SLAlntr.kalam.l I e. , e Ale,tiejj,,..4.c • — • 14111. ti.. 1.1 . 111.1. Nov. 27th 01St. ' .Mr. Joseph E. 11.,ver:—A' tilal ,11 our LIQUID 11.2111 file. will C 011,1111.0 the 111..01 skeptieal. that it Is a sort. t lA:GAST. Mild lotitl preinliatiOn. I.llilll bath others it lots in several lindances pried ser viceable I . the eureifaollie elitatte. , lll. el . 01, the head. tuiti I have nn liesitatitm in cowmen ing it to I hosai requiring such au application Very respectfully, J. F. X. Aleelispdi Y. .478 line° St., al.ove lath., HOVER'S IV ItiTlNfl including ii. 4.11'S ItITINti FLUID. and bi. 1,1 ISLE INKS. still maintain their high charativ, w Web has always distiueul•hrd them. and the . einem-Ivo demand first created h enlitinllo.lllllll.terrigiteil Until the present. orders addressed to the Manuliictiory. No. 411, igAct; Street, :Astro rii. (old No. 141.) will receive prompt attention by JoSr.l'll h. II /OVER. 3lanutiicturer. STA UPPKR .L• HARLEY. CH EA P VA I CUES AND J El% ELRY ..1 4 . ,1 13 i. : 1 1 v, N , : ,, 1 1 ) , 11•71:A i No. 118 (Ohl No. U..) North. Sr.COND StrtZ l ar 6 u t tr7,l Quarry, Phlhulelphia. ti..ld Lot Or I% atenrs. full fondled, 181=rut. eases, $.2800 thild Lupine. IS saint, 24 00 • sqlver Lel or. full jewelled, 12 00 . Sliver lA•plis jewels, ' U 00 S it upollur Quastiers, 7 00 . Gold ss•taelss, . . . 7Ou Fins Silver do., • 1 00 . tl. Id lirtintiots. 3 00 . I,,,d,)'s(Mdd I onclls, lOO Silver TV/. Sll.ll, net. ' • 6 00 gold lien. N1)1) 1 . 1,10.11 and Silver holder, 1 00 Hold Finger Itloas ets to Viii; Watch flla,k.e plain 193... ets.. pateot Luna 2.1 z . other articles teoport ion. All roods warranted to 110 what thoy a no,d tor. STAUFFER 4". HANLEY.. _ On hsnri Nome SIIvo;r Levers and Ln pines s ill 10%,er 111311 OW Ile: o prices. Oct. 11 1857,1 yr. A l'i) i .J . Ell' EL 17, AN I) y SILVER. A VIA R CON LYN!S old estoldishod Straoil, West :Slain St.., ilearly opp..slto thu L no:Le:loud Volley hook. Inti,tjust....iecelyed q new assortment of watehes juweiry medallions Otrilitiattto my p.rmerstock to whiiit I invite Um ottout e l . public. Tin) nifortment endortees Mao :told and silver lento 'wadies. llulding , and open 'On.l do, gold Ashore . . elt:n==rumm — rlinta and Quartier synklies of every vu nay in style and price. " • • .1 , 4,4,1 Also floe gold 3ledalliens. Ilreast.plos fur Adles and _.lentlenten of every quality. pOttero4tol_lolce. t Void lob, vest. curb noil neek ehalos. field bracelets. finger rings, eull-pioN pa tts. sleevobuttons, coleus. charms. tiold nod silver • thimble', silver arid plated hotter knit es. 100;s:table, tea. Nth and to tastardspeons of every variety. A. large tos.ort t • f grdd. , sliver and vonntoo spectacles, to molt all ages-ti, o Welt we Inv lie si.ditl at WO. _ A line lot of COLD PENS front the b. at makers, tilectacle eases. fancy isixes sitter and pearl card loses; .;aid and runmlon brilettlaip, watch challis - %With, Clocks and a variety of articles sou -lily kept in Jewelry 4.itablisliniel ts. whi4 I wilt sell low ' for rash. All articles war itt .tit Ito ho what they lira represented. . Ts 'lcahn. attention paid as usual It .. 11 Iit:PAM:NU and all work war muted. Dee, 23. IRti7.l CIO tin P ROO LA ?II AT LaN Will IV AU the lion. 3A ES 11. GRA - lont - Judgent - he - soveral Ccou rts - of CO111;11 , n Plena - hi the ccu p ties Cuutheriand l'erry and Juniata. and justice of the Yneurul Courts of Oyer and Terminer and tetteral Jail Delivery In said counties, and lion. SAM eel. WOOI,MURN and Hon. 31. COMO', Judires the courtlly or did Terminer and (tonere! Jail Deihl ry for the trial nt nil capital and other offenders, is. the , old county of Cumberland' by,thelr : pre.ypts to WO .15. reeled dated the 12th of hattrordered the . . 'citirt or Oyer and Terudner and Menem' Jell bribery to be holden' et thu 4th MONDAY of tugunt !HA (being the tid day,) at. ten b'elock In the direneon. to con 01111 e one week. . Ilf.lllklltEllY.OlyEN.thu,Con r wor,Ju tires 01 the Petri it and %imbi., of the said i:uullicrinnil, that they are by - the wild precept corn. :wooded to be then and there In their proper pershns, with thole 'rolls. nwordn, inquisltiors. ointininatlons -ind all other itimeinlinitices. to do tint. Minus •I‘ bleb io their officer appertain to lw done, and ail those that Ire hound by nasiguiratieso to pri tiel , ote against the that ore or then shall bit in the-jail of said ...nasty, ant ti be there to ;imprimis thorn as n 6411 be S , JAPOICI3OIVM AN, • ...title 14. IltrAl - • co A1..-10,0(9, 4~Vitamin of Inturnlnoun Goal. front the eelelorited ••••-• %goon receiving end fonnalety AnTIWIS.IRST. • • . - W. 11,4.1110 Ar. IV Jut.. I; .Sugar, Butier ai.d Stai v v. ' 01 Tea t.iik.o,CurregtJu...lumbelo, sc. iomh . . , l!.1/ ri''10"VAill'el"11111711111;01Arl711';.:11trlitZ t V l i 7 4ll t Y t." t i n ') 100 pubic geuerally to , their superior quality coal such. , nth • MIKE; 1 , 11t111.1.11, _ raid the celebrated Lobbery white nth., brolieu, Egg btot e nod Nnt Coal. '1 lilt yard it taunted at the tout brd of Carlisle. oppa: sire the 1010 . 0110101..vilit re they nil 001,101110K0111 11011 d 0 1110p0 SO,OO 01 nil LillooBllo tto, t op mid. uhk.h, will lie sold kw, 011100 lo the bort.ugh. 111 l toil for won). 000.0 111 Inn 000111'1001i 1 elute delherY and wat rlllited 1 We lto tail ire r4itiehiethay - • Best qiiallty of Limeuutimw'swed 14.1rxbu1r11's COAL, .01,00 0 0111011 W IMO at low tleures. '• • -All ordkwleft at the reddenre of .Tanws strictitt - Sq i•liltlt's 1 dire: truth ii/eolril Street. ow at the residence al .1..01, :bruit!, ,A.okth.rat.t strict: will prouPtly atteaded ---- - Ix:ODER ! (AIM DEO ! We are 811..0 prepared to furniali all kli da! and quallly.of dry LutaLer at lUltat,ly reduced prit es. Milli Frayed to older and furnished, at the - abetted !• , hall' c.lnFtantly or Ina d I hub; and quality ny phis, !05l orWitlaut our lland•ralls, x Index!, Frills and Hato at utt ash: poplar.. utk and, Man :.all 1,11 ds 0; tglltiOr, plastering huh. shhiplfou latl, broom handles. narked 11°,4 Ing and weather I nattlit.g. T . , nett and stits th rails p, ett, and ever) !arthle 110,3 rat, I e kept Ina !mber yattl. 11/14111g Olins of tsar uwn we em m ta ll tines Fred at short notice supply any article in our lion 01 IntAneas at inn Pres. We are thankful tl , r yam tavern and ' , ellen a rentlnu• once ot: ( public patronage. ts i 'Our in uo t i t i ,, 1 31 ti. please. Carlisle; .. . . . , 1' A IVI I L Y - • . L ` • r () A . t. —l,OOO • ~.. •._ ~.,_ 6 ..,1ii -7:., -- v f. , -• cw, o Lykep',, vniley _...-- • .t.1"11 I,rol en; and re, • , s. $4(4,111, —l, 1 emu] prepared OX - 2 "` . .. . i d v 1.13 I; .Welly, U. nod kePt.timy:tt curl It. HU 411.10 .u. Mi.... ' . • ... 0 CLEAN all SC:IFOCP of the year. 1 Lowe—loud 'and (LE ' 'mile the BLACK DI A3ll IN I) COAL BIB; the Baltimore I 'on. pa tly•lkiltme, This Coal is ndmirtild.Clll. tele 441 for Lvt host , Ounces mid Cellar Furberes: all Of 1., 111, h .1 it ill sell at smell profits - for cash. and - deliver to atiy•part nf - the botough. August 11, 1067. - IV. 11. MURRAY. . _ 1, 1 It 8 II A It'll IV AL! GI nilgt FOR' TR. HOLIDAYS 1I- FANCY. GOODS. GIFT BOOKS, Ste. .• S . II AVERSTICR has just received Iron. thy city and is now opening nspluudid dislllny 01 NANI.Y 1100118, suitable for the appiouelt I eig 111.11 day Season to which _lie desires. t1i..11-4110 attention (tr - ;111S - fill'iltif - 1111d the .public.—llls.absortment , hothis-linioctinnothesurpnased, in no, ally and elegem-0...1/nd loth in quality and price of the•articies. et. please purchasers. It would beitimussll.l.• to enumerate his ' - 11.11.10A1• FANCY 0011115. ctnnpriseevery variety of fancy article of the moat finish as. 'Papier Nlin-lioylsoile. Elegant alabaster and porcelain . ink-stands and tram Fancyivory.-pearl and shell card crises, • • ra,,ey - it.kett,.. Kt,. o ‘Vork Rosen with sewing Inntruniehts, fort N1.011,211es of every variety. • -Gold polli4 and 110,111111. Caney paper weight's. - Papeteries, and it larger. r i ot) . of ladies Fairy-station ery. 3lntto - seale and wafers. Silk wed head purses. Ladles' riding whip, elegantly finished, Ladies' fine cut•ery . Perfmne baskets and bags, Brushes or everrk Ind for the toilet. Roussel's Perfumes of the varlinis kinds. Musical Instruinetits. 01 all kinds and nt all primes, together witit'an i n n unionible variety of articles elegant• ly thlislied and sultal Ir I'lfe holiday preset.ts,•to hhish he invites special :Mention. Also, an extensive nail, elegant collertlon Rohl PAY Mr/ JtUlths. comprising the various linglleltaild Allltri. to - ANNUALS •r lays. rirlmly enthelinlied and 'Unstinted POLTIPAL 1111(5. with CM LIIIIEN'S PIPTIIIII AL 'BOOKS, for hiren of all ages. than a hich nothing more n • oprlate or pleasing as holiday gift, Ilia assortment •chool hooks and School Stationary Is also cOmplete, 1 comprises i•veri thing .used in College and the coils. Ile also hoboes to rail the' parth•ular it of Families to his elegant nsxorta ant of CA YIPS. lift: IN In ILES. etc., in the extensive estahlishmerts nt Cornetius. Archer. 1 others ••f• Philadelphia, romprlninit every style of lor. Chamber and study Lamps. for burning either it. Sperm or 1 - thertel ul!, together with Flower Vanes, ley Screens:. Ac. Ills assettinent In this line Is mi.' taled in the borough. Also. - 1.; IP?, FANCY CONF. CTIONARY— NUTS— PRE. „ . SPIIVED FRUITS, An.. dev••ry variety and at all p prides all of which are pure fresh nude Iw ein be midi dontly yerenuireinled to &Jen& mod the little folks • Ills stork embrace. irrthlug In the litre of Fancy Roods. with ninny other holes uset ul tahousel...epi , rs which the puldie are cit. - hilly Inv lied to call and sue 111111118 the hOlidaYK— [leather the Old titan LI; nea r ly opposit o the hank. pp rth I hultiverbtrept: MMIEM OIVA It A.S_SOI) EAT lON, 1 11. A 11.1 P ff. l'A `lnnernlent lertitution, eatnhlisland by special en ,winonit fnr the reliant the sink and dlatresued, afflicted with Yiruleat and I.piderair o all 'Fin sous ikfilletud wlth Fxxunl Idocooes, ouch as lIIEA. C.O.:UV% Al, 'd k... 4 KNM•Ot, NJ NCE. (MELT. SYPHILIS, the Vire ‘NANISM.or ShLp Ar.. Ac. Ito II 11 AIIU ASSitel tTION,in view .4 the awful tiorrof Inn eaugtd by - FeKutil diseases, and the tlcerptimts practised upon the unfortunate Tic- thos,of such diseases b Quarks set oral 3 ears ago cli matal their I 1.1 Suiting Surgeon. az a 111.11.1 TA lILIS, Acr worthy of their name. Import n hispen.ry for time treatment of this 'class or diseases, In nil their P rats, and to pito 31Z.1,10A1. Ali{'i('t. GRA I lit. to all who apply-hy- w it It -a descris_tion-of- thetrxruolition34L ogurnevtlertl7ll7lrtillStranTte. .1..) motin eases of ex treme povert. , FUltlltill Mt Mel Fit Et. WV 1:11,11111E. It is needless to add that the Association commode the highest 3ledlcal skill of the ape. and will furnish the 11.0.4 appnov d modern treatment. The 1 irectorr, "II as review of tins taint. reel assured that their labors in this sphere of latherolei.t effOrt, baye been of grunt benefit to the 14111..441. especially to tino yinutna. and-then have resolved to devote I hem selve.s. with renewed zeal. to this very inntanrtaint hut minein despised cause. . . Just published by the Association. n Feport on per• nnoorrhce.t. or Hem I nnl It eel< o ese. the Vire of (tontine, Mast urlactlon or Celt-Al use, nod other lobe noes of the Sexual n Intone, by the ece.sultlog Surgeon, which will be sent by Ul3l, (111 n sealed '• 'Coo nog elope, , FULL OF I 1 IA lilt h. on receipt of I 1.5 f or pontaga Address. for llroet ol Ire/time I. Dr. Ii hulllj E CAI,II Consulting r 'goon, Inward Assoc lotion, So. 2 South Moth :tr... f, 'Ma. In, Ity or. er of Ale Moreton, or. IIEAUTIVELL, Presldo nt. GEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. , • Dee. 2, 1nf07.1 • BELLS! BELLS! BELLS! 1; ~ RDII.RS LOOK 1.1 Kit E The subscriber inns been appointed agent for I ninherland county. for tin. celebrated Orecticastle FAIN lii LL which inn is trill.. nt very inn prices: an article nhicb has het n wild ell neer tl e State. and given i.atlstect loin to all she tried Orlin ..n hand n .tne of the Itell 3letal hunt hells and ever, thing else in the farming and mechanical line. All tol e had at the cheap battle/50e store of • 1111:NItY SAXTON. Carlisle. April 28. 1888. Emit Mehl Street. • XCELS 10 It it' I C U E S A. It. lllhNWinilo would rekpo. trolly lofurin th. 1•11.17,11 F of Carlisle nod ,loloit3 Lind tie 114• tet on toot.. to 74 s mow Indlding. east turner of Monet :•quare w hot, he Is tit - tilltimes rend, - to - take 'A 31111;0'111'1.g tel the Infest nod loose gopproled /..t) le. leturoslahen in natty nod shady weather as evil as clear nod sot. Isfsetion y hen Or to, el., el. 11101 e. 14 rtlllitS 11141 in. goer:l , er pled. :Uit.lnt are l'lctures taken for Loot Pts An. in A introtA pin Antbrot)pes werrnoted to stnnd I he test of time. beta or water- ' I Ladles and Ilebtlenten aro ccrdlnlly invited to an MRl.lllllllll' ,1101illlulitt. Prices twin 2. rts, to .$lO. - dim 0 ", ~ i r)EAL ESTATE AGENCY. innuw Ir. Kor.. DI. JI rr lIIIIINVBOI4. Boh k TllO3l P S 0 , !lave opened an nitre oseph, 31n.. fir the pur rime and sale of heal Witte (vying and seillrg Land Warrants. entering Landon Time. Stirs log and 3'nro ping Towns. Location of Warrants. and mat hip it, I et mains for netoresldeets pa ing axes_ nl d all lug mean pertaining to a General Land Agency In Nimrod 1i11111,418. hel.rasLa and Town. rat Office on Second Htrot t, North of A.l'. Prot do% llooking House. :July SO, 1850. tWALL PAPE,It ! WALL PAPER RILL PAPER FOR THE Mil LION. A large ,variety of new and beautiful patterns 'Jun! °petting and will be sold eboarer Mao ever nt JPIIN P. LYN bk i t itt Cheap blardwart , etere. Novi lint over Stre,' A beautiful variety of WINI)IiW SliAltbb }tot lived at .1. P. I,VNI & FOIST • • • (keen and blue Window Petperejug 011Pli eI April 7,1:68.1 " JOHN P. LYON.A eON THOMAS CONLYN • • -- • DR. WA LTON'S AMERICAN PJLLS. JOY TO TIII: AFFLICTF:D. . • TOU.VG AMERICA VP TORIOUS. of Dills-mu es.,oita et y-i , uolcases outot it bundled. No Balsam. no Mbreury. 110 odor on the breath. to fehr of deteetion, Y ao, smell ;me a do se ; tasteless 41. d harmless as water. Full directoos ate Ave., so that the 'bailout can cure ht wool, as r. l ints as with the advire of the nu sl torperionted PUTLAOIi, and shish better nail a itit the advice of ore of little exporieuce in this class of disease.-- a SENT hY tiAl tell) ANY I'AI.T.OF 71IE COUNTRY by enclosing 0111' dollar to lie. lo 0 WALTON. No. 111 anal' Fes enth St. belnw'race Philadelphia. A tit evel Discount to Om -Trade. None genuine •et JIM w the .writteo signature of D. 0, Walton, troprteh r li_twatnentiOr...FtdrabM , th.:Deaht roe.. kl'.. Is - ,• en - Seely different:horn the usual course I r has cured imodreds.slo have tried Mums wilts ut. bet et t 'the treatment Is i.e certain to el re NO Ih sun IN to rise.., Enclose a sbunp.• and eddies Dr- IV as Jan se, c. ulying a full Pietro of the(ase and ton all I-lets the iheyon made the effort to secure what Is certalb—A It tete v I UDE,' , • yell, 27. lene,-Iy. . re- . othe4 the itdorey fir the MI of tl a Azurrlttin h. from tho Ihwihm b Crmploy. 1 '",•nold re. spectfolly lot. •my old friends nod ,the polite germ th4.l 11000 n flno assortment I om. civet:log no in -In odd nod Inver rimer; 'fird very ASO r 04 leg and with regard le time they can't he I eat to vo that ttrt It is only , . l!rilivf4ty to Aelvo them a 11. ' Persookllt Want of. COITIVt here piece, ate ryppyrttuily , hotted lo call an d Hmrotlewotrhrs. • . Street. Guild., oiisi 30.'6& ~~YisccLk iicou FAMILY()O Erokeo, 1.7.14 g, Stay., nn ru do. do. do. 241 , ;0 4 8. W. lIAVERIMCK A. It. IIEN40( 1).