Elje. Varitits.- '` CARLISLE PRODUCE DiARKET Reported sveekly lhit. the Herald' by •' Woodsvard'& Schmidt.. Ttotp. Sopertiuo, per 1)b1.., fill. Extra; , do. do. , Ftkoidy do! Mr!_ (10. W111:111 WidEAY pet. busdial RED du. ' do. •- RYE do. Cone • do. , do CLOVNRHEED - ' (10 TIMOTUYSEHD do. &um: lLud.Ey do WINTEILBAULEY , do. PIIILADELrMA MARKET • There is no export t and the market is dull at prev'Ously. quoted vales, sales are confined to e Wants of the - retailerS and -who ny.sparingly.- The only sales we Iteai ofar62oo bbls fresh ground super-at ssati 25, the haler for better brands. • and 750 -lib's good western - extra to the trade. - atlVs 6 . 0a5 75 per bbls, 'according to -quality.; fancy brands are selling at s6an 50 and old stock superfine at $4.3704 62 per bbl:' Corn. meal and rye flour are scarce and wanted.. ~ In wheat there is not much doing, but the receipts'arelight and prices steady, with sales of 2500 bushels fair to`- prime Southern reds i11:120a122a., mostly •at the latter rate, for prime. Delaware. ,White is quoted at 130 to 1411 a., with limit ed 'sales Rye is badly wad ted, aid 501) bushels old Pennsylvania brought 83e., which is an 11(jValICC. • New is searce nt Ctirn is not much 'inquired for,'aiad is dull ht a further decline, and Some 5600 - OK - most ly - Notit hern=yellow„have-beem_dis , posed of at 88c., afloat, including sons at 86c in store. Oats are wanted, and- about 20110 bushels new Delaware brought 40c. afloat Old'oats-ares-badly--wantediand+eity_searee_ Jfeto.llonertisentellts Morse's Indian Root Pills. C UT I 0-N IMMO= and not be impitsed Minn by a Counts felt of Morse's Wien limit Pills. signed Moore.— genuine Indian Hoot Pills have the name and signature of A. 3. White k Co. no each boo. Ott. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS, 11.15 . 141)0ot the greater part of his life in ;travelling. having Visited Europe, AFill and Af lira, as well MI North America--ins splint three yeaaTICIIIOtIg. the Indians of our ; Western country this way that the Indian Root Pills were first dlseorered. Dr.,Morse was the first in,,,,, . the Let. that all dis . easva .arls.ofron 1)11'1110'1'Y OF itimoD—that our strolgth • - hearth and We depend upoti-thia vital 'kik,. . . ' i(OLoonurd Street, Now York: August 11, 1858. . SAVING KUND Walnut Street, Smith_Wed Cgrner,of 1'1111,11)EL . _ INCORPORATED EY STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA • FIVE PER dENP4NtERUST.- Money In received In any sum, large ft), small, and in• terest paid from the day of depooit to tho day - of — with , drooqd. The office is - open every day from 9 o'clock in the morning. till S o'r'ock in tin after:ohm, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o'clock: HOS. HENRY . L. II ENNEIt,. ROBERT SP:Unit/11E, Vice President, ItEED, Secretory. uintx ohs Henry; lb Renner, r w, d• lb Carter, Ittiber;. Selfridge, Samuel K. Ashton,: C: Ib 711nnis . . Motley Is revolved and p:t; without notice. The Investments are mut 0 round Rents, and bush Charter requlms. August 11;1858, T 1. ARG EST CHAIR AND FURNITURE i:s'rABLISIpIENT IN . TII E UN lON.' FRIDAY. -the 24th day of SEI"I'EM liElt next, a VALUABLE ,MILL PROPEBTIr, alt titled on the e,enodogulnett Creek, , in West Pennshoro'-townshlp, Cumberial d county, 7 titles west of Carlisle, and 2 miles north of the Cumber land Valley Itailmol. In the midst of a line gntitpuniu. lug country. The mill is hollt of stone, lilies run of Ilurrs, and oat svt of chopplug•stones, all In perfect running . order. The supply of water is abut• loot, and II good rule of emu atry custom. There Is also uu the premises , . French PuII Stuff Caned PARLOR CHAIRS . , In sets PLASTER MILL AND PAW MILL, with Plush. Mar, lirordlello. Nathiot's Gay Street.Warejtooms, Extendiag froni-4,1-aft-to Frederick Street; hoeing 40fect front, 170 feet deep, and 6 stories 1411, . BALTIMORE, MD., {{•horn is kept always oh I and, or made to order, eve style of French , TEPE.A. TWPES, in Plugh, flair , ;lotlys or Broeatelle. Franca, roll dtnlf and medallion, Parlor ARM CIIA IRS In Plush, Ilair, Cloth, or lime:dello. SOFAS; 1101.k:renal Atulininny and Walnut Purl°. CHAIRS, In thlir, Cloth or Plush. ItOCki I Ntl CI l'A I lin—various doidgna, iu Hair, Clot and l'lnsin • Stull Sluing LOUNOES—a largo assortment always on hand, or any pahern made or curennt with any gbods to order. CHAMBER SUITS—in Walnut, complete, from op. CANE CIIAIIIS and Itorkingdo.—tho largest assort ment.repalptando_lo_tit_Llnittkl.tituterfront.sl;tatiot , . . . liar Mom, Offen and Pining CIIA IRS, in Oak, Wal nut or Mahogany. with Cane, ll'ood or Ruffed Feats an assortment embraelt.g over An demi. Wood , Seat CHAIRS and SIZTEES and i!OC1CIN( CIIAIIIS—over 100 dozen, • , Neather Iloilo, flair rind Hoak %Wow+, of every'ra riety. Airo. 01l kindx of (lilt nod Phdo Frmnes for Loulilng Ac.' , A. MATIIIOT k SON. 2 ,North .(I . ay.Stjeol, near Fayotto street MEM FIVE CENTS • REWARD.-- 1, . Itlnt.away trout Oa subsaibor, rest -.- , r"r" - illinr - at Mount Rook, Cumberland county, on the :light of thu lirth 1111, -.. Sr.-- -,. . MA ICl'll A 'E. IfAICIIAIS, an Indus. 1 turgid girl. All persons are Warned i ....,.. (ruin trusting or liarlmrlng her at ~,f my exponsu, pa 1 will nut be account . Al'i able. <4l, i *M. M. DAVI - D . SA. ',Wo w 'Aug.* '5B-3t. g IARLISLE F.I , :IALE SEMINARY k) will communes Its mixt lispt.. 1. It Is a boarding and day saint I, plels intly located near the Gorman lief Church. (Yost houther street. 'rune prlti• Opal (Mrs. (lark.) will ho at home altar Aug. 21. to re. colas any who - thay Trish to consult hor about the ad• ucatlon of their Mini:Odors. It la desirable that those who desire ente . rrng the Seminary, should lin punctual at the opening as a delay Ora raw days I , ausus consideratle inconvenience In insw ing the dames. F;FER ENOES nor. 0 P. Wing, D. S. 11. KlolTor. *Ras David tlturrutt; - *Jon nson DLmre , *Patrons. " Aug.'4,ll3sS-3t. N EW FIRM. nnTs! JIM'S I I !lA . 'S I 1 I _Tim undo..signed,would respectfully minimum, to the public that they Mao purchased tho stock, Sc., of the Into-William -11. --Trout, duc'd , and the luirriNo 111:81:01815 at the old stand In West High Orem, whole thoy hope all the old customers, mid oth ers will give Thom u rail, as they fenl confident, of biting A li nt i iltoplunse, • They have now o, hand a sploud d assortment 7—, .of #P . • --- ----- -.' II A T S ) • --- e e t ...— • Ko ~..._ ••, . - • • •. of nll deuerlutlons, from the coinmon Wool to thy finest Fur and 81 Ic linta. and of miens that nipal omit every one wliq has an eye to gutting the worth Of hie tummy.. alit Beaver It are unsurpassed, fir lips 4 tnepe. durability sod finish, by thtittu of any other na abilahnond In the coon t). , •11tis' Mato qf evefy duscrlptlon flit:latently on hand. Call and miming. e • t. Mig..ll, 1 R56-1y . , T IND° w sti:464.l)ll,Al—Tlie fitie§f, cholp4t. iosiitiiiinne of Window sbudefecan boliad n LLu liga idiwowr, . - • • ' V. A. Wintillell . - Will be - offered at public sale on the premises, ..tin Tuesday, the 7th day of September. 1550,• tho mansion - and farm of Joseph Radler, sen.,:dereased, CONTAINING 110 ACRES. • - Ile the name more or. less, of first•rate limestone land, situate • in- , East rennsbero' township.-- Cuttilarland . - "Conoty, within three miles of Harrisburg. onoTourth of a mile front White Hall Academy. at Ilowmansvillu, ...fertnerly known as Bowman's Tavern. The land Is bounded nu the south by thuCuMberland . Valley -Railroad, on the north by lands or Hr. Joseph Crain, Gorgon, and others. and cm the west by the road-, leading to Oyster's Point, from which it is distal& about oneqourtit of tt mule. • The Improvements are a large BANK itAAN, a double FRAME' HOUSE. with 4 • Kitchen attached, and all other necessarysmell- out•tullElings,•it never-finking well of IT a• ter near the house, and au orchard of -choice fruit. About five acres of this land is well timbered, and the stance all under good Ibnce and Ina high state of cultivation. Sale to commence at one ollock- - tm - mid-day,when-- terms will be made known and attendance given by • JOHN SADLER, JACOB SADLER, • \ EX'rs'of.loseplf Sadler, stub, - &c . d. - July 21, IMS:4. s. . Lim; Ex. ittstirt 4 times and Tharge this office. .$ 4,50 4.75 5,00 8,00 4.76 2,60 - VSSIGNEE'S SALII OF - - RE/1 4 T A - T • The folloiving Reel Estate will he cold at public sale, •viz: NO. 1. On.Thurstiny: the oth day of September,. 1958, will Ito sold on the premises, ' 4BU ACHES (IF 000 D LIMESiONE_LAN . situate in Silver Spring twp.. Cumberland Co.. within finer miles of-Carlisle u bounded by. lands - of Illea4, Cul berson's heirs, and others, The improvements area FRAME DWELLING 110111 SE, with stal ling and alieds.• About six arras is well. timbered and the in:d aily,: in a good state of cull ivai has. .• ' - At the smite time flint Maro will be sold, one a, good two Horse Wagon, Hay !Adders, a Wagon Box, and a ea:unity of farming implements. No. 2 On Friday, thu'leth day. of Septemb2r, 1858, ' 37 ACRES tWiILACK SLATE. LAND, situate In Hampden townslillm, nil by land; of Joseph Eberly, I.n.thattiel Echels. and -Ilenjanduidatrly...ight acres_is.welLthubered.mm. lulance Ina good state or eullirollon, lhcre,ls Whey, falling stream of running water on thin tract. 150.3. On SatUrdiry.lbe 11th day of 6rntember, 1858, a lot of ground in tile Borough of merhanieshorg, bounded in , the reinvent On the north. High ktrteb on., the ens), an•t Strawbilrry Alley on the south. about CO hbet on High strout, and •189 feet deep. Sale to rout ine:ire on eaell day at one o'clock, P. 31., molten the terms of sale, will tornado known by • JOHN .110USEIL---- .NIIIN :-.IADLER, Assignees of David It. liockalidlow. ulv 98, 18584. it. MIS DUI3.LIC SALE.—As. the .A.Fs - igneo nf.lohn Coover, I will expofto.to public sale. oil the pren,lsi, on TUEMDAY , the 14th el tietitoother, 1858, at 11 o'clock, A. M. • A FIRST-RATE FARM, • Uttar° In North 311(1,116ton towitshlp, Pumborlitud co., it the Nnodo4ulnott crook, and boundod by ,1011/1 Jn• roct, -- AdattrTlittin.r. - llasid labitou, add others, rnntoLdug "" 14 3 A.c r e-s , having thereon erected a ' • -.. • 'fIaPIiTORY I'VgitTIIERBOAIIDED , il 0 , U . S E , . : -.tr 44.1 N 7 . • • 2 :"""" ' "-.. :. lOG BARN, CO RN-C IG BS, ‘v,,Lron shed c.,rri. , ...0 House, and other Improvements. ,Alsrat 120 stereo are cleaved and under rm.' fence, the residue well timbered. The land is of an excellent qualitY. leiri lv limestone mod partly slate. a part of. which has bee i well limed. and ill. on It a good Apple National SAFETY • Lit U S Ordinal nod other choir., 'fruit i roes. Tito farad Is capable ofdi vision, and will be offered in parts or all tonothlw, ns will best suit purchasers. 'autumns will be made known on - tho day of solo. --- 311C1,11AKI, L. 110014111, fC Assignee of John Coovor. July 21, 1558-111 VALUAI3LE PROPERTY }.OR —Thu undursinned," having Company tha Morrantilo !lushly,n and removed to the .Comit i ry, offers his VllWaldo TOWN PROPER EY and STO STAND, situated in Unpur Stnishurg, Franklin county, in., at Private Sale. . This Property consists of VlA'fr: ACRES . .. OF LAND , more or loss:of the bl4.t.quali Je' . 1:,. .. ty. Thin Imp m roveents area largo new •ma a i : • two.storied Brick STORE ST,,1";11 and N: e.,. ... DWELLINfi, a Brick SPRINIII.IIOUSE, ~. — aillieliiiitly -, catilircliirgi — talfalicTliflo a • . _ Dwelling; Smoke Ilaluse, Wood House, Carriage Hoare. Corn Crib, two stables, anal other necessary and nave. talent buildings. There are two Sane (hardens attached, with q good sclectio» onf. various kinds of choice Fruit Trees, nand on the property Is Au of the very best Springs of Limestone Water in the county. 'flair is, beyond doubt the Inert Store Stand in the_ Town, the undersigned inlansulthartaig.done a business anneuntlng tan i,12.000 a year. it is now occupied as a Store Stand, and the only reason why, it is offered fur sale 10 because he has removed to the •coun try. Persons wishing to Invest In such a Property. could not do better than to make an examination of this, and FCU Its saalantager. The proprietor, residing near the town, will ha pleased to show It to persons who with to ~ p urchare. The paytneuts , wlll be undo easy and ae. comet elating. July 14, '5B-6w.] F. Carroll Brewster, „.. Joseph B. Parry, Francis Lee,. Joseph Yorkers, I[lo7 I/Wendertier. iyments ulna, In ono dully le In Heil Estate Nlortga;.res first class securities us the A l Al ui AT PRIVATE SALE.- The undersigned hereby notifies all purchasers of farms, that he wishes during the summer or routing Pall. to dispose of his pn?perty, loclited miles south east of Carlisle, Cumberland cm.lnty, Pa. The property emisists or tifty.eig lit sores of trot quali ty of LIMESTONE LAND, and inn high state of culti vation. The improvements are, a now and commodious MEN, a goodi t . DWELLING uoush, Ist " ! er a well of never filling water, and an or • chard of every variety of choice fruit. The proprietor being atfx ions to remove to a distant part of the county, will sell at a moderate price, and on accuninualating terms: For further particular's apply to the proprietor persOn v, hie residence on th p e above property, or by letter, to 'Carlisle, Pa. - 2H, 1858-50. • * * *"Lancaster Examiner," " Lebanon Courier," in Bert to am t *1.50 and charge'llmuld Unice. VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AT PUIIIAC SALE. • ' • Will be offered at Public Sale. on both In goo I order. Thorn aro six acres of lona aIIL tho mid other num.:try out-hulifllngs, and utt orclgini of choice fruit. . , As this Mill has been known for many years. as the nrrin.rty or the late 'Francis- Diller, no further descrip tion Is deemed necestclry", , 'Puirhasers can examine for themselves previous to or on the day of sale. hale to,comnu•nro at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, when terms —SAMUEL DILLER, ..,,pII,N GREIDER, I=I3I2IEC N. IL—Persons desiring culler information may ad dress tho subscribers hy mail, directed to tho Plainfield Box, Carlisle. P. 1). ',all. Ex. insert till sale and solid bill to this °Mee. j)Cf MAC SALE. . !") By ,9rlllo of an order of the Oinharue Court and the but wit] and testament of John Ramo. deed., we will expose to nubile sale. on the promisee, on SATURDAY, the 15th of September. 1858, et In o'clock, A. M., . , • ,TRli MANSION FARM, of the Into Jelin Ileum, dce'd„ situate In PhipPetisburgr l, township, close by tin. lloroucli of Htippftti.i4burg e and' • which Contains 131 notes of lbst rate Milestone Itu.k .bout 25 acres Of whiCh Is In timber, nod' tub reslduet.. under good fence and well cultivated. The Improve-' meats aro excollent consisting of it TWO,STORY • . , BRICK HOUSE, . . 9 and baseaseul, a large Bank Barn. and other null Mid logs. A large spring that never fails, rises at thodoor, and has a stone Spring House odor it. Locust.grows abundantly on the Ihrm. It is considered one of the Lest farms in thin county of Cumberland. It will ho sold altogotheror in parts as will Lest suit purchasers. Thu terms mill be made known otf the day of sale by JOSEPH li, BAUM, SA3IIIIIiL Ex'rs. of John Baum, dec'd,_ • 11, 1858—ft , Aug. 11, 1858—t. Aro- Cluitniuoshorpt " Transcript," and Shlppenshurg " News," please publish till sale, an send bill to thin office. • • . VSTATE OF JOHN' SHEELY, sen. _LA -Lettere testamentary on the ostato of fohn Shep. ly, late of Lwwer Allen township, Cumberlaird county, docoaseclohave been granted by the -Ilogh,ter of •wild county,.to the undersigned. All persons Indebted to the estate are required 'to wake Immediate payment, and these having claims to present - them duly authenth noted for settionient to Aug4,'sB V irEs# WWI STREET, CARLISLE. The mhseriber. having It;asod the above well known respertinlly ashs.of Its former potnine a contrin MM./ of MM. ruutom. ' lie. is well prepared to nernimandate strangers and travellers, and those who snip ivllhldtn,will find his house a pleasant tonporary• J. CALLIO • • • Ills har will ho proshiod•will the choiroal Ilquortit• hia fiihio will olwayarbe furnished slth the degrades of thii season; and 111,04410 will•he under the charge of a earedl and• attentive •taitler. Frlnitdr,"call end see and }wigs yourselves. • DAVI,D li.• WU. July 21, &al 03state Sales. VALUABLE READ. ~ ESTATE • AT PUBLIC SAGE , . ' • • EMESEME2 MICHAEL FILIESE, sr - • tc - ' ill; 7- • 117 4_ WI. JOIIN SLIMILY, LEVI MERKEL, 'Executote of Joim Shouly, £H.ISfC~~QUCOUS. f PLJJr'O' t P1J1.4 0 ~VP' , ' • _- rr. 1 2045P fit e,.7;7.-,-- - r 4.: e.!..-:.--,:::,, -. 1‘ 4 79 _ -,-,,,,,,..._ _—_,..,,,,--,:-..)_ -(,.. , . . ir , .. -.) 1 , , .... : ... , _., ,:. , . $ ..., . iz. , 1 . _ _ _ /..„ . _ . _ 5„..„ _ G OLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANO FORTES I 'WILLIAM IiNABC & CO MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND AND • SgUARE PIANO FORTES, - • ' No . a. 1,8, 6. and 7, North Eutaw *erect, , ' Opposite the Edtaw !louse, 2 207 'Balliinoril street, betwien Charles, • , and:„Light streets . .. ' obrated PIANOS have, at different Vnitu, for essive years. been awardedlhe highest pro , .xcellenre over all competition. They have onoanced by S. Thallemr, the most celebra ted pianist in the world, and other tiktingulshed artists, IneLading Mr. Arakesch, Ac., &c.,.tb be equal, ifnot no perier, to any In this country. We hare constantly on. hand at our extensive Ware rents Its nbovit, the. largest lissorttlient, or line PIANO FORTES to be found in this city. which we will sell. wholesale and retail, on the most liberal torms.ter snit the times. In every case we guarantee our pianos W give entire satisfimtion. • Afs Constantly' on hand a One assortment' f MELO DEONS of the makers. at prices froin,Bls to $2OO. yt,ll_ Always for sale a large number of second-hand 'IANOS, at-prlcei, ra aging-Irani $75 to s.ou. •• 1M Planes exchanged, hired and tuned: WILLIAM KNABE A CO, IN July 21,J86'8.‘' • ,„ N itir.Rb • .r r pOS c ,.. (C3rorD) PIANO FORTES r kka . MANUFACTURED BY • CHICILIGRING Si SONS; I=l U MEDALS, • THE EIRST PREMIUMS OVER rVLL COM ,PETITQRS IN vul UNITED STATES .3IESBIIS. C. & • SONS. having removed to ,thelr:now Avare.roitk 181)7 Chesnut street, l'ldladelphla. aro pre pared to offer a largo assortinent of II It AND, PA RLOR GRAND. SQUARE MO U UltlollT PIANO 1••i)I f 1'BS lu various styles and raw•s and at prices which cannot NI to please. Desvrlptive catalogues sent to any ad dress upon applleation.' July 21, ISsS—ly . . 1? • s BOOKS . !.. are sole'agents In Frahl:lin and Cumberland couutlea for the falldwlng valuable work); : ' Benion's Abridunent of the Debates of Co - ogress. Price per Vol., Cloth $.lOO, Shoop 3 6 0. Benton's' Thirty.'Year's Vie ; complete In 2 vols. Clothh .T. 5 00, Law - Sheep $ll 00. 31erse's General:Atlas of the World; Colored Maps end-bourol, 00. Burton's Cyclopmplia of Wit and humor. American Eloquence; a collection of speeches, etc., by the nio4t eminent orator's of America, with biogra phical sketches and illustrative notes. by Frank Moire,' now ready. complete In to, vela, Cloth. $5 On; Library style. leather, $d 00; half call, gilt, 8 00; half worm. 4?,.. 7 00. _SANDERS' 601100 L BOORS. vendors' Primer. Sanders' Speller. Sandors Reader, No. 1. Sanders' Reader. No 2. Sanders' Reader, No: 3, Sanders' Reeder, Sanders' Reader; No. 5. Sanders' Reader, No. 5. Sanders' Mall School Reader. Sanders' Ladles' Reader. Sanders'.Speakers Wholesale and retail at SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S. Melodeons, . • • Q 1! 13=1 A largo supyly of tirlool !Woks, wholesalo and retail TAyhoics, SMITA'S. Paper. Envolops,.Pbos; Inks, etc , etc. • 811 ItYUCK TA YIAlt & $311T11..._ COME AND SEE K E-L-L-E R CORNER OPPOSVITrue MIRK CT 110138 E. BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, I tt VE, 1V We oltor o orilfriner eustoniervi and the public in general, a lisierato aasertutent of new goods, suitable SPRIG N AND- SU.UMER NEAR. Unsurp.u.s.af;r beauty, durability, and cheap uoss. Our atovii consists of PINE SILK MOLESKIN HATS, Fine 'Kossuth, Boys', Youths:, and Children's Piney 11 - nts, iivery . eraor: STRAW WILDS AND CAPS, we.wre sure the best sKsortment °vat. otrpred In thu county, and worthy the uttenPon of all. BOOTS AND SHOES. of every variety and style, Ladles,. Misses and ChM dren's flue halters, and all kinds of Children's Fancy She.. For Gentlemen n good assortment of every style and finish; in fret ovary yorioty in our line. Thankful to the poldb: fo r pont favors. we solicit a continuation of custom, as we are Hero we can woke it to tho advantago of the purchaser. Car6xlo, April 2.8, 1858. Fl • • A Card ?rem Dr.-James -M. Jarrett, 01."EllE Tight. LUAU I.‘ r con. nection for the p.tOL eight years with the above Institu tion, its Chief Physician, and a twelve years' comae .of steady devotion to tint Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and thy kind, ed dinettes. together with any unrivalled upp,a•tunities and advt.:Wage tit palhologruti est:arch— not a little by a perfect syliteni ul Medical Inhale. enabled me to arrive at a &claire, direct, and hu,eNsful course 01 treatment - for the positive:and rad!. oat cure of all diseases of the Throat, latig,{ and At Passages. lay atilt, laden, the vali..r and curative), sp. erties tat Medicines are directly addressed to the dfautscd organs and the ititeguanni L. Idu nut ativ hie the Mow Medical Inhalation, of arty kind, to tam exclusion of general treatment; and although 1 consider It a useful adjuvant in the proper inanagement of these fearful and often - tidal diseases, yet 1 debut it very necessary, that each patient slutuld have the liellent of both general and ioai treatment. Tote success of my treatino t hn the above diseases, arid the high thwarter of the lust P Lidice over which I have so long had the honor to pre. side, are tea well k 'n to need any eulogy or a nine me. At the soiichatfon of many private and mmessional friends, through whose philanthropic aid the above charity has been lung and liberally supported and afteedue consideration I have concluded to Matti Such arrangansunla as wily bring the bunions of my us. pretence and treatment within the reach tit MI, and not confine 103 . .14 tni fieretelbre, to litre only who entered the infirmary, lir who were able to visit meat my office. Moping therefore that the arrangentent gii u entire 'satisfaction, both ' to any prolessional brethren and the public, l would respectfully announce in conclusion, that lean navy liz . sinpialteAt all :iseases as tt . h.vn, and that the medicines, the smile as used ill Lilo Institution, prepared to suit each full. tidiedcane Inhaling Vapors, Medical Inhalers, he.,he., will be ' Ibrivarthel by express to lily 'part of the Unita' StatOrehr the Catiadas. TERNS-31y terms of treatment by let ter are as follows, vie: $l2 . pee.attuuth far each patient, e lath will include inedtchie Mink:lent • for °lmmunities lase;' also, Inhaling falser, and, an ! haling_Appufatus. Payment as follows: id to he paid to Express Agent on receipt of the the balance tai at the expiration of the month,% f.the, patient be cared or in entirely satisfied with the •treat, went. Patients, by giving a full history tit their gise, I end their symptone, in lull, ran be treated us evil by letter es by pursued examination. •Pationfs availing thcamelves et Ur. JurretCs treatment any rely upon infmettiate atlarperinagenteellef, as he seldom has to treatra'i;arie otter thirty , daya. Letters fur advice prompt. ly a4wered. Fur further particulars uldiess , ...1A31E.1 M. JAIIIIUTT, M. D., No. 820 Ureitd,:my.,Cor. Twelfth St., el. Y. B.—Physicians and ethers vb Ring the'City are ur sportfully luvltrd to rail at the !Mir iiiiii where minty Interesting rivets ran 1111 witnessed, and where our tae PItOVLD,APPARATUS for the Inhalation of medicated vapor Can be seen and inspected. LA ugi'bit-thu. .• • I I NORTH HANOVER STREET . coNmyrioNEßY, C A It 1, I S L—El P A 117ipleede Rules Reduced $9 per 100 lbs. The attention ofeountry 31erclianle and the p u blic generally la Invited to a large astiortulent of ' • CIIOIPB' MXDIES, oanvitartureiriffthe .0 um or a and warranted to ',patina no poison In their colors, which will be sold Wholesulo or Detail at low rates at the old stand oil ' . P. IDIONY,E It • NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLIBLX, PA., A fow doors North of the esrlisle Deposit 'kph. Just received a large assortment of - PRESII FRUITS. AND ~NUi'S • &the latest Importations, equarstlng of —•— Oranges, -_'!„ _ _ . Lemons,. ' . . Raisins, ' • Prunes • ' ~..l Figs, ' Delos, . . - - llsomonts, ' hue Apples, Almonds, • • ' Bllberis, •Cresin Nuts, Cocos Nuts, &e., eller ?Odell *llllm sold at low iiil ' Z' - Alio,a largo as sediment, of . - TOYS.AND FANCY GOODS of every variety. Also, nil tho•best brundo or ANT) TOBACCO, . or Ainoilcou onOVorautu manuraCtOro. Tim nubscrlbOr ruinron thanko for Cho Mara) pntron. twit Inotoorodnn Jaw by Iho • pubile.:nnd nlndio noon. longue(' of tbelrthrors. nounonbor tho Old Stand of, VON Mt, North litiriOvAlr etroot... CaillnlO, lung 96,'58, • • „.• . Water; avid • soda . •• (HACK ELM 'ion. Cukn,Currnn C du...1 mho's,. ac intsli • ' lcArteXlilft'S, • • . "''d Caskst of Gems of Y 4,574 Wisdom," A TilOtS AND ,t,l STORIES, OR PACT AND FNNOY, WI:4?AND uTtoa, , RIIYAIE, REASON, AND •ROMANOE, EMU/ 114 . 8. 0. COODMCII—PETER PARLEY.) Ono iolume, largo octavo, .hatitlignely bound In red " morocco, ultl, dlt side and WA; containing ,L 750 pages, and Illustrated•by 800 Bering Ail Engravings f. . - VIE design of this bofilz is.to 'rlu hole libraries In. J.ton Anglo voluntol-to furni a moan m I ter eVery day and every hour—for 2VII . toude, humbr, ago, ca price—a book forlhe grove an g ay .the old and young •—we liars, .therefore,-Sciellee ' to • Philosophy; 'thyme and Iteasou,-Wit and - Windoniz-Fact, , end-Pancy,whieh, put together lIR tlioy come, produce a sort of inteliectu. al plum pudding, Inasmuch se the whole IS peppered and spiced with puns, conundrum, and drolleries, to say nothing of a garnish of throe bandied engravings. In these pages are given the essences of thought and sentiment from Goethe, Sydney Smith, Sam. Johneon, end many otherit clerical anocrlotes,flihardtaii occon-• tricities, Western extravaganzas, Withered from the four winds of t h e Press; outlines of the tales of Don Onixoto and Gil illait_uiLtbe fable .of Florian and La fontaine; of Hie epic pootnifirlarnsalatu - Doltrared - , - I Tolemarima. Orlando, Furies°. and others; of the - Life• and Sayings of Mrs. Partingtonoind 'the Widow Bo- Anti; or the iliitisby Patten; and WOO - keen Mountitiii' Girls; of the Life of Sam Houston, Gerard the lion-kil ler, CUllinlingx the elephant destroy or, and Livingston the girtiffe.rintScr ; of Stevens' traVels in BgYpt and Palestine, Paul and Yieginio, Alex. Dumas, the Swiss ' Fluidly Robinson, Mr. Glidden and Sam 'Patch rivitli spiry citations of prose and poetry, from the master. spirito of the day—Longfellow, Bryant, Bayard Taylor, Or. Kano, Col ttttt adorn Perry, etc. It furnishes also a fund of inforanation fur the sorious—the Natural Hiatt , ry of the Bible, 'whieh ifka,MlbjeCt. of exhaustless inter est;' striking facts in Astronomy, Chemistry, and Na tural Illstory; romarklible Biographers, interesting travels, and wonderful discoveries In art and science. rotor Parley, the editor of-this iota„ hos a world-wide' reputathit, toion - aiithor-dala-writtEgq haring become .tlimillar as iron hold words wherever the English lan 'asap, In spoken. THIS IS lIIS LAST WORK, and we predict f +it a popularity equal, If not superior to that acquired by any mlLis former publications. _ • . ' It- This work trill ho sold exchisively by nuteterip- Golf . , nt the boa , prlte of $3 50. Agents wanted- in all parts of the country to obtain subscribers far It. • SP"clitten coplesmill+abo son t.by mall, prepaid. to any address-on recelpt'of tirprice.---Forlull-particulani ad dress DEBBY & JACKSON, Publishers, • 110 Nilsson st., Now York. .August IL 1855-3 t. NOTIGE.—Tinos. M. BIDDLE j continuo' tho practire of tho- law, In the °Mee formerly oenhpied by his father; Wm. M. Biddle, •}kq :and more recently, by the law firm of Penrosu & Biddle, now dissolved: P. IitTAIRICH, Attorney at Law. e,isort!, linnover street, h few doors soul Lof Mass' hotel. All business entrusted to Lim will be promptly attended to. [April 15.' AW NOT ICE. •-•.- REMOVAt. W. j . PENROSE has romniod hia °Mee to the room 'formerly occupied by idni on Main street n few doors east of the Methodist Church where be will promptly attend to all business entrusted to him. . • August 'IP, .---,--- f - AW:OFFICE:LEATTEt TODD has resumed the. practice of the Low. Mee In Centro liquore,"west Me, near the First Presl4tarlan Church. April B_, 1857. DS. B. Ic.ll7.FElt Office in North fum.,vor street two doors frewn Arnold & Bon's store. Of hours. more particularly from 7to 9 o'clock A. M., and from L to 7 o'clock, I'. AI. DOCTOR ARMSTRONG has foamy ed his office toCe;iito Square west of the Court IbTuso: where ho may, be consulted at any hour of the day or night. Dr. A. has had thirty yearn experience hilthe profession, the lost ten of which have been de•. ted to the study' nod practice of Homoeopathic meal. 'cine. May 20,'570m. R. J . . N S N_, / llonpropllllle Physician and 'Surgeon. Offico, East street, ny k lhlailng Saxton's hardware store. • -- Carlisle, March 31, 1858.-41 m.. GEO.W. NEIDICII, - 1):, D s. -=- Late Demon g trator of Operative Deudetry to the Baltimore Colle g e of Detail Sur g ery.. • a,$TXll!' OMee nt hin residence ; opposite= Merlon. 'oat Main Stroet,,CdrllBlo Nov.ll, 1857.. • ite. . ti Suulh Hanover street; -.111-I*.fr-Aai next dour to. the l'oed. • Office. nß.win be absent from Carlinle the last ton day, each-montil. • fA ug. 1, '56 • DR. GEORG.N Z. BRE.TZ; Having returned to Carllslo, oilers his professional services to the citizens generally. 0111 capt North Vitt street, nearly opposite his former residence. Terms—Moderate. T IR. GEORGE S. SEA, a 1(1111'; DENTIST; from-tho-Bal• tlinore College of Dental Surgery. irm,„Ofllee at the resldenre of Iris mother, East Louthes street. three doors helow, Bedford. March 19, 1894-tf. :41P DR. J. C. NEFF respeat• fully informs tho:ladlost and gontlomen of Cafislo, and vicinity, that ho has ro awned tho practico of I en ilstry, and Is prep rod toper form all operations on the tooth and gums, belonging to his profession. Ile insert full !wheal' looth on gold M. sliver, n ith sin& gum tooth, or bloke, us they may pram.. 'forms moderate. to suit' the titmice. Office in 111411 scrota, diroctly opposito the Cutnhcr land Valley Bank. = ,441 - 1)r. Y. will bo In Nowvillo • bfl lont, ten' day a of ovary month. Jon. 20, 1858.-Iy* ItS. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Stroot, Physlcian'o proscriptions cm ofully compounded A full supply of frost" drugs nod chemicals. B. J. KIEFFER, Dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Nancy Articles, Conroe nhnutry. South llonover Street, Carlisle, Pa. B EE.DE & Mi;NDENHALL, .korth Astern Land and Cidljting Agents Particular attention paid to the business of non-rest. dents, such as buying unit selling Real Estate, loaning money on real . Astute securities. Paying Taxes and looking after the general interest of non-residents. References given If required. ' Address, BENUE fr,•MENDENHALT,, Minnespta. 'July .21,1854-1 y ATTORNEY A 3 LAW AND GENERAL AGENT. F ut te t, u a i t . t i e ‘ : t Cl u n y otot monta. buy tahnopell Real Estato and Boeotian. NOglitlatichians;nay taw; Imato land warntnis.lke., to. Refer to thu ntembern of the Cumberland County liar, and to all proulluout citi zens of Carllolo, Pa. , . [Aug.llo4-Iy. • rU 13 It I—R. E. Shaploy, Sr., 4 - 11 — ue9ngpurtihrtaed-Ilic-I,UtIREILLYARD,forinorIy• Wept by Henry Olass. has rento'ved it to the corner of Nor'h and Nit street% where ho has a large lot of oak, chesnut shaved and cut shingles, with posts of all de. scription, oak plank mad scantling; shillala and plaster ing lath; all of whlchwlll he sold cheap fur cash. March 24.1858. 0 - FRANKLIN HOUSE, 1 South H Hanover Street, adjoining tho Court House; Carlisle, Pa. - - ,alOllN HANNON. Proprietor. gap. Mall thach kayos daily for 'Papertown, Patera burg, York Springs and Ma-lover from this House. §,;;ICRIVENER AND CONVEYAN CER.—A. L. SSC:IMES. late Register .3:Cumber. and county. will mwefully attend,to the transaction of all such business as may be entrueted to him, ouch as the writing of Deeds, M ortgages Contracts, &c. Morin also devot e his attention the procuring of Land War rants. Pensions, be. no well as the purchase and sole of Real Ilstate, negotiations, °Mans; IXigh..Office on lyeßt, High Street. formerly occupied, Penrost Esq. near thOlethodlst Church. Bmos P. tbortion; Oblo.. , : W. K. Me(+Amore, Pennsylvania., L, f r y. Coox, Ithodo Island. • `N )(1) R,. IWFARLAND, AND COOK Hankers and DealereAn Real Estatep, I,- bane 3,1857.71 y VENITIAN BLIND NIANUFACTURER.N Sir All styles and'petterns of Blinds imide•to order, and Old 0110d4 repaired In a neat...and nubstantial man ner, and on reasonable terms . Orders from Carlisle and other points abroad re spectfully solicited. and promptly attended to. • • I Shop directly opposite the thileit West Alain Strout.• ' • • [July f t ' . , A. IC. C. BROOK'F f N,' '22 'COE*. STREET, 'ROW YORK, • . tdAtfuenctuttab - Or . , . GLASS VIALS; • ; AVM At ft§11,14V.14 tt111t811:40,110T1'4108, BIM* • , Wiro , :tor ..:Ohendsti, brugglntei t , l'eittitizers; Pbanogiliptionb bid.'. roon4 ft isle - Ware by the papbaoh A Ilberitt mach) to - tho:Orotte.' OrdenNom, ilnintry Itrogglgt, aitd Doetbirti Price, Lixtei itont on applicot' 33itstties lf,arhs Ottor ST. 0"1 Vre- Learn:du, March 31..58 BANKER, W. C. RHEEM, Minneaota, Ilp•IDIEAOL118, • Blltinespta Territory. R. H. THOMAS' Dlliehpiitlosibtirth. Pa. LARGE SPRING AIyRIVAI• NEW YORK ANr g I'HILADELPHIA I _ °I ELEGA N Mr, G 0 0 P'ff; • • A. W. BENTZ'S STORE. Splendid stock of new Black Dross Silks—llagnincent • Btylee Fancy Dress ,Sliks. • . 'MPH ELEGANT tl S. , --French- Foulard; Silkat Chinese-Silks. •Satitr. and I - Striped Barnes. Valeuclas, Ducalles ' Beautiful , ' • now printed ChalUes. French printed Jacm. • . net's, very. handaopte 'English , ss• Banta. very handsome - French • . VI Illfante,.English French and . s . • _ 4tuerican- Prlnta,- Mach,- - - • • ••-.1" , • Ghighamo, • - net Ribbons and • - • D rens Trinuninis, • • ' • Shawls In every variety, Silk Crape, Stella, Cashmere, &c. Embroideries: very low Com- , prising COLLARS. SLEEVES FLOUNC. • INGS, EDGINGS, VEILS, o e. Carpeting,. and , Oil Cloths: VENNI AN, ING RAIN, lIREE — CLY - i — BRUSSELLSCWTON-&—IIEMP.. Druggets and Floor Oil Cloths of all widths. - • - • -- LINEN GOODS. . • - - A complete assortment embracing all the most Me . brato4 marks.. Gloves and Gosiery for LA:- d I e s, ' kn. d Children, grunt variety of kid, silk and Cotton ' -Gloves Ladino Elegant Twloted Silk lintel:4m. 'DONK:WIC AND STA PLS. GOODS": Bleached and unbleached Skirtings, Bleached and unbleached. sheet, Ingo. Woolen and Cotton PlanneiN: Corset „ Jeans Ticklngo.Cattonades,Satinets, Tweeds, Cotton and Linen DIA • . pars, Table Covers, Bleached • • and Brown drilLings ? • , and an enthuse ea "rlety of other , • - • . In fact, this Stock of goods is very, °stonily°, thor• ough and complete, having boon. purchased with a great deal of earn, we feel confident we can please any ono who will favor us with n call. All candid persona who trove patro u lznd ushereto. Tore, will admit, thaf - ire 'have sold tho best dnimins, over purrhased in Carlisle. We can assure'our friohda and alLinvers of "Cheap Weals," that we are as proparedusuvetto-offer-suporlordndueemontAfor-their patronage. • . A. W. BENTZ, South Hanover street, opposite the Post Office., Carlisle, April 21.18 as B. J. KIEFFER'S WHOLESALE AND IcETAIL Drug, Chemical Confectipuary Yrttit • AND 11.1iRIET1" STO E. .• UWE undersigned has just replenished his stock of DEWS and IdEDICINLS, which ' having been sec lected with'gmt cam bp Is satistled are Fresh and Pure. Physicians' prescriptionOwlll be promptly and faithfully attended to. Order, from merchants in the country will be filled with rate and ha the most reason• able terms. official preparations made strictly In accordance with the U.S. Pharmacopeia. -- SPICES (MOUND AND WHOLE, such nil bin name., Chives, A Implce, Coriander,- Pepper, 4.lfifgeriMU ' tafal, e'odit; WaShillg - •Soda, Cream T artar, Nutmegs . , Yeast Powdelace, Cltrap. Sweet Marjoram, Thyme, Jce., ke., fresh and pure. Ile has au hand all the. different.Pateut Sledicines of the day. , . CONFECTIONA R I E.S. Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Curiants, Prunes, Almonds. Filberts, Walnuts, Uniuminuts, Creamnuts Chestnut., American, Cerium and French Candies, and Candy Toys of every variety. Those wishing to make wholesale purchases-can here be supplied Vitikthe best quality of ConfeetionarnYir and at lower rates than . at any other house in the country. lie has also a full as , sortment of . . • ' • AMERICAN, UERMAN'ANITPITENtirTOS4,I .consisting of Wood and Tin of every description. such' as Dolls, Doll Heads, ,ilorses, Wagons, Birds, Musing Figures, Nancy Work Doses, Masks, Cords. Drums, Choirs, Maps, Trumpets, Whistles, Dressing Stands, to - bdsold Wholesale - and Itotalh and. In prices, competition is defied. FA Llti r coops. Port klonnnies, Purses, Pocket Books. Fine Pocket CutTeTy. Shell and Pearl "ard cases, Needle Books, Port Folios, Calms, Gerittan, French and American . China Wale, Itikstaruls and trays,- Card Racks and Baskets, .Yeti Breast Pins, Necklets and Rings, Combs PulT, Long Shie, and Ilaek utlapePeha Combs.- litilr,Cinthes, Hot, Mutton. Nall and Toolh Brushes, Sowing Silks,- Patent Thread and Spool Cotton. Buttons, the., the, • PERFUMERIES. . Piney Toilet 1111111 other Swans, Pearl Powders. Ex trnets;first quality Hair Olis, — t'onades, Shaving-Soups • . ' . " Trironhereus, Tooth Wash, Itair invinorainns no a r Dye. 'thin niswn have been selected with earn and will all on examination, Speak fur themselves. TUB CC9,A ND 'SEG A RS. On hand the beet lot of Smears-and Tobacco that has ever Leen brought to tide. town. Ills &gars will con vhice the mdt m. on trial of the purity of the material of which they consist.—lle hits-On hand those only which are Imported and which be• can recommend as such. We need not speak of the true German Seger on 010 hate tylmtdx„trApoil, fgrltbemseiveo a reputation that they so richly deserve. lie also keeps the common al tide of Sugars to suit the trade; Tobacco such as El dorbilo. Plain Congress, Twist Plain, Fig leaf, Caven dish, Congress, and Fine put Tobacco and Snuff, the best material. Fueling thankful to the generous piddle for their lib oral patronage, a continuation or filo souse to solleited, at our ttn ieranont location in South Hanover street, di rectly opposite linntion's hotel, and next dour to Mr. 13.1uhtilf's 1.4064, Carllsln. Juno 23, 1858—ly XrEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! Li I havojust retornod from Now York and Pldla dolphin, and nun now opening la lho now otoro room the largest and most splendid stork or SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS over brought to ,enjoin. A magnificent line at LA DIES DRESS GOODS. mach aa Plain and Fancy Silks; Beyadere Side Stripe Silks Elegant Ilhick Silk., very low, Poll Ile Cheviera, firenedines, I - 100'1E11ms, and Be rege Robes, Side Stripe DeLanes, bucolic, Organdy Lawns, Brilliants, etc., etc. A full. aaaorttnent of l'Anbroidery, Elegant Vol Undershalves, Handkerchiefs, Inserting, Edgings,. Flounc'ngs. etc., etc., cheaper than ever, ..Cambrica, Harrod and Striped . Jaronets, Swiss Minding, Nansooks, etc., etc. :il usl kW, Tlrk lugs: Checks, Olughanis, etc., of all kinds anti at the very lowest notch. BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ruches, an entire now assortment. SPRING SHAWLS, a large assortment and very cheap, such as Stella, wad Du halne, Thibot, Grenadine. Now Chiths sod Caledwres also Just received. Can simercs and other goods for Boys' wear in groat variety. Counterpanes, Hosiery, Moves, Mitts, etc., etc. A full and new assortment of Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut fronted hooking Glasses. _ CARPI:M(IBMM. Marrmos.—.lnother supply of super Imperial, Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp mid Stair' Carpet- Ines. at-very reduced priceei. Thin stock .has been laid in with great care at tho very lowest cash prices, and will be bald for the rash at such prices as will convince all that Ogliby's new store Is the place to lay out their cash to the very best advantage. Light profits and quick sales. -Recollect the new store is on the corner of Mehl and P:tt streets, opposite the Methodist Church C,arilsle, April CHAS. 0011,1IY. NO IV IS TILE ME FOR B.4IIGAINs: ARGE AND EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL OF • 4RING AND SUMMER GOODS. • At the New &ors, Corner of North Ilanover . and Loather Streets.' o undorsig!PA—rPturoo tiosoku for.the pntround iiitowed upon him by the pnhllc, mid at tho munition, respectfully announces that ho hasjustagturna from Philadolphlit, and Is now opening a new.lotii UJUNG ANDSUM Nallt ,DItY GOODS AND GROCEIt 'ES; non• sletingilg part no follows, and which ho is determined to soli nt the lowest cash prices. SILKS, DUCAI, CLOTHS. ChMlles, Alpacas. Do. !Aloes Deßaps, Lustros, Poplins, /Awns, Bareges, te.Sklrti iig.Fronell and,Scotch Gingham Prints, Gloves,Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs. dc. SHALS AND MANTILLAS, in—every_style_and quality. STAPLE AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Clothe, Can. simeres; Vesting, Flannels, Muslins, Tlckings. Stripes, Chocks, Callivies, eottonsties, Linens, Sheetings, Dent. mon, Nankeens, Drilla, Marseilles Quilts, colored and white Carpet' Chain, dr., to. Parasols and Umbrellas. Also a larre end splendid .Assootinept of BONNETS, HATS, CA PS, BOOTS AND SI I OES. A superior lot of fresh U ROC KM ES, Tom, Coffee, Su. gar, Molasses. Rice, Spices, to,, Sc, ' Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care, 'and thq lowest coin mum, I ran fissure my friends and We public generally; that 14111 do all in my plwor to make my establishment known as the HEAD QUARTERS FOR BARGAINS." Those who wish to purchase v i m find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock Before purchasing. I will pay the highest market price for Butler. Eggs, Raga, Soap, and Dried Fruit.. J. A. HUMRICH, Jr. Carlisle, April 21, 148. NEW GOOD'S FOR SPRING ME suliscribers resp C octjully il il?iirre their pahuns:and the citizens generally. that they have recently received from Now York and Philadelphia, a large end elegant ' assortment of clothing suitable for the present 1W11.0,1% . I gictuthe...hest-materials-and-in-the-ruest fashionable style, wfilielt - they are determined to' sell cheaper than similar articles can be elsewhere.' Their stock comprises DRESS - AND FROCK COATS, -of new Lad fashionable styles.. Business Sacks and' Frocks of the best material' and latest patterns lkiuble and aluglii breasted Vests, in endless variety—choice styles. Flue Biaok French Doeskin and - Fancy Cosi-- mere' Pants, Plain light colored Cassimere Pants, in. great .riirletyr. choice styles 'S CLOTHING.. .. Iri'ordor - to•meet•the - wants-of-the. iieople in .thls branch of their business great care and attention has been given to It the presonl season. C,osts„Pants and Voids of all shies and qualities, to which constant addl. thins will bo made during the season. Also, a full assortuiont of Shirts; Collars, Bosoms, Cra• vats, Pockot llandkerchlefs,Shopendurs, Stocks, Gloves, foolery and Umbrallam. Always do-baud a largo asoortmentoof Blacks Brown, Bine and Olive Cloths, Black Doeskin And Awry Coast mere Vestings; &a. ' Clothing "(every description and quality well made, and of good material constantly 'Olt baud. • ~ Customer's, workmade up. to order , at the aborted ! notico and on reasonable. term. -• ; • •, • . • ARNOLD 84 - LIVINGSTON. , :Carllale, March dt.'BB.—SuLl , North Hanover it., . . , 'that eilpl6timili for LlCE.Prigli, pod , * the act et* • ot.Pitarth;4B4B;inctitesepplowetit4 otuathh 'the lutderaligned on -or betore.theltpay ufAugaet twat '6{1'6 4 04 1,4131.101 k not be beer,. • - '•i : „ 8. CROVT, Clerk. • JuiT, r .. - • , , • afithatitinttous. tUMI3J ! n u VALIINV IaTIITTE 3/NOISANION'IWW/, PA. ‘. • lIFINJAMIN C. LlPpiNoarr. PRINCIPAL. AND T4AOIIEN 'Or HURAG - AND NATIMAG RUMP'. A. yognn. muIA,IN, A, 11,„ MathOluatica and bfod.rn • rAngungoo, • . TILOMAB B. B/11.:811. A. R. Aneloni Larmuagas and lilghor • This InstitutlOn having !mimed Into 'dew hand., wi be reopened :ma Male SeiirMiptily. on Thursday; the Yd doy of September next. It le the design of the present - - proprietors to- make it- a strictly firstmlass Boarding --Schuol r: for_traintug_undifittingiboys. cud youngintini either for college or business, An eflicloit corps of In• - Streeter' has hem organised, whose personal-interests— are identifi e d with the success of the Institution, and who will spare no polite to make it worthy of the confi dence and patronage of the public. The Buildings of the Inntitute are ample, and well arranged for The ae• commodation of about ninety boarders. and all studente • from &woad are expel:lied to board with the teacliers— , They will thus enjoy the benefit of constant lush uCllon ' and supervision. , , —Mechanlcsburaqs.Vituated In the centre of—the-beau-- Z tiful•CtiMberlatifili, ag enialne miles from Ilarrliburg, and le'ea") , at 4 4 ' . by#4llr out from Philadelphia,Bel• ptirciere,Atel'AS tilititlati• - could be more eligible foTer- . aces'•—nodll'lUStUhtiltity or attraative for such A school. Pupils fro*V-Waeltlogton, lialticnore,•ithiladefehla and intermediate points, _taking- the ' morning train, will reach _Mechanicsburg Ity,2 °Week, F. M. At It is the determination of the Principal and hie- Assistants to place the Institute on a...permanent and elevated basis, with every. application roqUhdte for puperlor-eueetaa, they appeal with confidence to all who have sous to ed ucate. • . . , The aelkolaatie year will be divided into two sections .• of twenty two •weeks each, the first beginning on the licit Thursday of September, and ending oil the first Wednesday of February: the second session beginning . on thefirst Thursday of February) end ending on the •13rat Wednesday•of July -_ . . • T-ERNES.. • • • 4 • Werthing, Room limit, and Fuel par • &rodeo, - ' - - $60 . 00 'Tuition, (Common English.)' 12 00 ( li e r !M - - ' 1 .%00 lnont ierr.fongunges 500 inirtanlou - pnyabl.in - add,weT m:y n F i T o) f u ti r r g tliK . lnformation apply to the Principe et7i LONDON CLUB/jo i/ • Ae :114 - 4116 -- • 4 4 %, '7,44 0 - ,11% „ 0 -,c‘ • ' 4 * ;" 4 ' g t Of .TlL'iv`" 6 ..! $';; ; Or ti r‘X3sl 1:4,4414 • , 4 " 11 1 , 6 7, ' , 6nt. °1 wt.‘ • • • e6h!itin .43 g J. R. CASSELpT.IRitY'S (LATE AIMEE L CASSELIIBERY,) DRY GOODS STORE, 53.N0RT11 EIGHTH STREET, BELOW ARM. (OLD :140. 49,) -0- • . . DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ONE PRICE-51ALL YOII. CABII. ju9'lsll-1y; . . • I • • PRINCE & CO.'S • IMPROVED PATENT M E LODEON. • TILE OLDEST ESTARLISIIMENT in the STATES, EMPLOYINO TWO ILLINDRIED MEN, and . I"lnlablng EIGHTY INSTEUMENTS PER WEEK. Combining all their Recent linprovaments—the thrlded _Swell, Organ, MeWool], ea., ite. (The Divided Swell can only ho obtained In 'Melodeons • , of our Manufacture.) ••-. GEO. X: PRINCE . & 00. illainuracturers, ItuffacT,—ltifew WHOLESALE DEPOT: • 87 Fallon it. N. Y., 110 Lake at. Chicago, /11 WHOLESALE AGENTS—Rut:soli & Richardson, Him ton ~ Mom.; W. P. Colburn, Clneinntal. 0.;- Palmer & bor, St. Lpuls, Mo.; Ph. P. Worloln, Now Orleans. • From the April 3, 1858. • • The Melodeons manufuctured by Prince k Co., and for sale 'OM Fulton street, are the hoot In the world. We have tried them. and therofore spook understand• logly of their merits. They aro afforded at a very mod erate soot. PRICES OF PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS Four octave Mob loon, extending from C to C..... Four ands half octavo, do. Cto Five Octavo Melodeon, do. .F to Five octsvo, double reed, do. Fto F 13U --Two-Banks of—Keys..FlueBotßufltoeds,-111alit-Ftopa One and a Half Octavo Foot Pedalo, Ono Set of Reeds, In Petal Bass Indepondont $350 PRICES OF PIANO CASED Five Octavo Melodeon, extending from Fto F : ....$lOO Ole 'Octavo Melodeon, do. F top 130 Five Oetuve double reed. do. Fto F 150 Five Octovo, Two Banks . of Keys 200 -II: XIEFPEM _ • Our facilltloi Ihr Manufacturing are portent, and from our long experiontai In tho business, baring finished and slid over TWENTIC.TIVO THOUSAND 311H4DE OSS, we fool confident of giving satisfaction. Ali Melodeons of our man uSirtu re, either sold by-us, or dealers In ani part of the United States or Canadat: firo WARR 50001.1 110 perfect In every rosport; sod ghoul any repairs bo nerossory bonne the expiration of 0110 your from the ditto of solo we hold ourselves ready and willing to niako the Sallie free of charge, provided the lojury . ls not caused by accident or design. GUO. A. pitixcE & Agents for the solo of our alolodoons may ho (own; In all the principal cities and towns In the United States and Canadas. Agents nt Cerlislo—SllltYoCK, TAYLOR 4 'SMITH Al News' It. LINN. bunyttrsB: - FARMERS' AND ' MECHANICS' FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, ~;~ ~. HattTLIETHEET; EASTO P A'V ido ND . E HOTEL : gum SUBSCRIBER. would resimmtfully inform the public in general that ho lernow prepared to moon. facture all kinds of Agricultural Implements; such as Horse Powers and Threshing Machines with separators attached. Also,"Corn Shelters, for hand.or horse power. Straw and Fodder Cutters, Ploughs, Herrera, Cultivators, Bay 'takes, Orals 4111 i, Circular Saws, &c., &c.' lle Invites particular attention to itlfo's Patent Cle- Tor Ilullor-and-Cleatier.--This- machine will-WI-mid clean from throe to elk bushels per hour, and hi-eonstd ered decidedly the best now In use. Ito will ulso furnish to order IRON AND'IIItASS CASTINUS of every description; such as Threshing Mashine, Plough, Cornell°lier, Collar Orates, Sash Weights; also, beautifully designed Railing for Cemetery Lots, Encl.. sures, &e., REPAIRING psumptly attended to tbr Reaping, Movi, lug and Threshlug Machium kinds of Agrieub tural Implements. • . ,--•• JACOB 'MIRA lIIMS. A. J.'Kurs, Foreman. Carlisle, Jyine lu. 'lsB—imes NEW STAGE ROUTE.- Tho subscriber has started a trl•weekly lino of Stages between Carlisle and Landisburg, heaving Car• lisle ovary Mauldin Woduesday and Friday, 'named'. Maly on the arrival or the afternoon train of cars from the east. Returning, leaves Landisburg at 800 A. Pb.. every Tuesday, Weluesday and Saturday. and arrives. at Carlisle 0 , 1.00 P. M., vbs. Perry County {Vanua Springs, Shormanstialo Sterrutt'a Gap and Carlisle Sul phur Springs. On and Min June the 1510, the line will bo run daily ibr tho accommodation of passengers going to the Springs.' , • ..to_lhasoveral poltas as follows Carlisle to Sulphur Springs, . ." . . . $0 50 - • • Storrett'S Gap, . . 75 " Slameansdale, . . „ . a . 57 • " Perry County ;Warm ipringo, . . . 1 00. - " Landisburg, •. . '.• 1 00, RETURNING. Landlsburg to Warm Springs $0.20 ' ' Shermansdale • ' 80 " Eiterrott's Gap, . . . 76 *---' - "-• ---Sulphor-SprlngS;. . --.•-". A . 1 00 t`C4Oll;l4 . .. ' . 00 The above line will regularly carry . the/a/11h to. and from the sevohirpolnts above Indicated. I have 'also a well clocked LIVLRY STA7ILE. from which I am at all timee ready to tarnish horses and car • sieges to tholes who will favor me with their patronage, on the most reasonable tornisaud In the very best style. - mayiolBsB. • 7 7 . GEORliiklilliNDElr. • „ T • iIN.IACHtRB' W. 4. -TED==,Witntild 405 in South Middletonln towlialliP, CouieboAand Co:, AOIIEItS, to take charge of 16 schools,. in•that • district during the , ensuing. winter; ',to ' whom .Sbural Applicants w il inset ihr,extuilititiolvii't 'the Soiling Spring* School , house, on,,iVednesday ',the 18th day of, ~A pgast,.at.nhie o'olork. A. 61, ,Ity order of the Board. ' . -4 -. c ,-.-.• ' : 40I1N.11ECKMANi .., . ,-..: August 6,.113W,"•. , .. •, -.-, ... '...- . - .Secroter.. ' . . TON ) Si„:e. ttroO al Fdrirel llKri; for WO AC tlii.WOrho re of arif. • —W U DIU te4y, . - OIWAN MELODEON CARLISLE, PA Webtetnes. • Tfilt 'LIVER - I NVIGRAT . Oft I . P/I)I O AUND Pit hnisANNiip, .easnimunded. entirely -Item tillftlno • T g oxx OF TUX weer - i I 'inIO4TIVE AND ^LIVES before the public, .that acts se a ' entinwrin, easier, milder, end more effectuel than any other medicine known. it Is not only a 041•0•1410. but Liven remedy, acting first On the Writ •th.ftioot , ite morbid matter, then on the stoniaeh ant bowels to car. • ry off thdt nattier, time accomplishing two purpose, • ,effectually, without any °flint painful feelings 0 4 0 _, 14 , enced t operation of most Onnt4verion.' It strength. ' one the eyatem at the saute time that It-purges it{ and when taken daisy In moderate-doses, will strengthen . - and hirild It tip with .unnoothisapldity.. The LlVer la onfthrthe prineleal regulators --of thelf unfelt bed - yrend, -- ifyr - witen - it -,-- performe - 11* - ---- functions fv.il the pow- ern of the - system are fully /lei - eloped. The c,„„7 stomach ts" lament cap tinily dependent. on the healthy action of the Liver for the proper per- e' formancoolltefutuftions., when the stomach Is at „„, e rrl fault, therhowolil are 4 - fault; 'and the whole syktetit suffers in comm. •auctuefor ono omen— /Nu? ' the Lliner.--,bavint conned. to do Ifs duty, P.`l For the diseases of that organ,..atieLof_the_p_ prletors_batmadealt_his:__—_, study, in a practice of — mom thantstenty yearn, to find some remedyc,,D _wherewith to counteract - Ole Yeanyderangentonts to ,Whieh It To prove that this !"—' toady IA at desk found; any parson troubled with Liven' 'Own. • plaint in any of It o r - forms, has hilt to try a ' bottle, and conviction I is certain, ; Theca game removeall morbid or ' bad " - matter from the system. sup- 1,„,..1 plying Iu tludeddefee a healthy flow of bile. vigorystlng the stomach, muffing ,fud to digestwell; purifylnk the blood giving tone and health' pe, t o the whole machinery removing the causes of , rufe, 'and effect ing a redicel cure. W , • " - One due after eating in nufficiont. to. relieve the stomach and •pre , vent the food - from ris ing and souring. • • • ••• -- Only one dose token 1.71 before retiring prevents nightmare. • Only one done .. teken 1 •4 et night' foosenn the • bowels gently, and cures costiveness. One dose taken after VD each meal will enrol/ye. - • pepnie.• • , 4T -- One done of two ,no,„ teespoonfula dill always relieve Sick Headache. . - • .• One bottle taken 'for .: 4 female obetruetion re moves the cause of the disease, and makes perfnereirre. '• • Only one done Immo , diately relieves. while one dose often re- peatcd fen sulfa cure for Cholera Morin:fa, 4 and a • preventive -Cholerra-• One dose token Often Z_ 4 -, will prevent the recur . rence 01 bilious at. . tacks, while it ro• • !loves all painful feel- wrefl Ingo. • itkajiniY one bottle In needed to throw,out the of system the effects of 14,1 medicine niter a long sleknou. • , Coe bottle, aken for Jaundice removes all outlow nen, or-unnatural-color from the ' • • . One dose taken a short thim before eating tires vigor to the appetite and Mikes food digest well. One dose often repeated cores Chronle . DiseL 'thorn in it. 4 worst forms, whilesummerand.bosv— r el complN ntiyield almost to the trot dose. One or two doses rums attacks canned ht . worm..; In children: there is no surer, safer or spoodionremedy in the world, as It never fails. . . • We take infinite pleasure In recommending this Medirine as it preventive for Fever and Agne, ' . 5 Chill Fever and all Fever. of a 011111 one Type. It opomtea with certainty, end thousand's:go willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. Alt who use it aro airing their unanimous tostimony,,. In its favor. Mix wafer In the mouth IFIEIi„thIY Invigorator, nuitswallfivi bothiMMther. , , • TILE LIVER INVIGORATOR ' IS A .. OItEAT SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and Is daily working rules, almost too great to believe. . it cures no Irby magic, even the trot dose giving bane , fit, and seldom more than elm bottle ha required to cure 'any idnd of LIVER Complaint, from the worst 'icon. dice or Dyspepsia telt common headache, all 'or - Achlett are the result Of a Diseased Liver. ..-r, PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER MOTTLC DR. SkRYORD, ProprlotOr, 345 Broadway, New Yark. Anitt In Carlisle Ly B. ELLIOTT and S. W. Rill ERSTICK. 1my281858. THE ONLY SAFE PREPARATION, That does not bya,.but will restore Gr. 117 A.-1 1 - JEI . To Its original color, by Nature'', own proCeiui, is PROF. 0. J. WOOD'S CELEBRATED HAIR . RESTORATIVE. N proof of the above assertion, road the following tee. - timoilyy from distluguishod persons from all parts of -- .the country. '• 110 N, SOLOMON MANN, Ann Arbor. Mich., says his - wife, MbOse hair had 'become very thin and entirely white was restored to ftiorlgMal brown color,-Sad had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon,. and entirely over the hoed . Others of my 'family and friends - are tieing sourßestorative, with the happiest effaces: lION , JUIRIE-IllebESiertx-Senatorof-illinole ' my hair was prematnibly gray, but, by the use of Wood's Restorative, it has resumed itsoriginal color. anlll have no doubt porninnontly so . , - • lION. If: m 1,. STEWART, says, y hair wasffery grey, but alter using two bottles, It ninon:Kilt to lts original color. • REV..). K. DRAG°, Brookfield, Mass., says it hoe re." moved from my head Inflammation,- dandruff, and a constant tendency to itching, and restored my hair, which was grnyi to its original color. -- .1 W. DAVIDSON, .51min:tooth, Ili., gays, ms , hair was tw , thirels, gray, or rather white, but by the application of tile Restorative as directed, It has resumed its orltel nal coin.. DR. O:IVALLTS;;CideaP, lays, after using a groat" many other preparations, all to no effect, I used one bottlo of your hair Restorative, which hasOurod a hu mor in my head of two years' standing. BENJAMIN LONIIIO DOE, 254 Sovenlh Avenue, New York, soya, having lost my haft by the effects of the Erysipelas, when it began to grog, histmd of black, as " heretofore,. It was well mixed with gray. Having Many prolog/tat - dm to restore the color without' etfee 1 • was induced to try yours, and in spite of all my' doubts it has had the duel rod effect. 11. L. WILLIAMS, M. U.. Peckensvllle, Ala., says, I have used your Restorative, and find it all it is ream- monded to ha. 1 have tried it for Totter and find its . certain cure, ‘r. M. WOODWARD, M. D., Frankfort. Ky-' says, ha recommends it in hie practice as the hest preparstlon for the hair now in use NDWARO WALCOTT, says, three months ago my • • 'hair was very gray, It is now a dark brown, the origins) dolor, smoothaud glossy, all by the use of Wood's Re; • toratlvo, '4VILSON KLNO, says, one month's proper application' 'wliriestore any person's hair to its original color and • texturo. , • .1. D. HOES, says, few appllcatfons fastened my hair 'firmly, it began to grow out and turn black, lisorightal color. BETSEY SMITH, North.Eist Pennsylvania, says • that her hair bad, far a number of years, peon perfectly . white, but now ft Is restored to Its youthAd color, soft and glossy. DM J. W. lIQND, St. Paul, says that his hair b strong thick and black, although a short time slime be wag both bald and gray. ' Tbo people here saw its effectsand• have confidence in it. • MORRIS- . GOSLING, M. D., St. Louie; says that after trying many other preparations, all to so effect be used; ' two bottles, which covered his hood with a new and vigorous growth of hair and invites all to comeand see It.. SARAH J. BROWN, says her hair was not only gray,, l J but so thin she feared its entire loss—but after using two bottles it has restored both the color and growth.- ' Prepared by 0..1. WOOD & CO., 114 Market eared; Saint Louie. and 313 Broadway, New York, and 'sold by all Druggists end Patent Medicine, Dealers; also, by all Fancy and Toilet floods Dealers in the United Stales,'" and Canada. (nry26'sl3.' , Formlo in Carlisle, by S. W. iIAVERSTICK, SAM'ft ELLIOTT, and Druggists everywhere. 146 DU VALL'S GALVANIC) - OIL • PREPARED 01119INALLY Ilit • - "PROF. 11.. U. DU VALL, ' Formerly of the College of Surgeons, Ptirrie, Is now offered to the public for the Ciao of Sore and Painful ilseases; thr instance—Pain.or Soroness in any part 01 the Systole, Itheumatlsres, Pain In the Back, • Breast - el. - Shim - inaled,Dreasts, Neursiala;. - Butini, Sprains, headache, l.`ratep in the Stomach, or auy other .DlSpitse that is SUItE it!!.D PAINFUL, and It Is on over this class or Digests's, we claim a .PERFECT ly TORY. We say pmitively, to our patrons. we can re. Hove the sufferer PO times out of NO. We would just say to the public. Prof. Du Tall was 29 parrs in bring. leg thin medicine to the eaperlority It tuts over all oth ers. to.. Price 50 canto por bottle. 33% percent; off to - the troth, —1;0.-Al I orders muet-11, addressed-to- -- - " - J. - D. ,TOY ERODE, Sole A'gt, for 11. 8, Aui4'sB. lowlstoww•Allfflin conotY, For sale by S.W. Ilaroratlck, 8. Etllott.ll. Kauffman,. 11. J. !clew, awl at all the country Mores throlighout _Chu county. , CLARK'S.. (111nmily Evan, A Cfark t ) GREAT GIFT ROOK STORE, 220RT11 QUEEN Sinil . ; LA IiCA E R PA More Liberal Indurementi than . at any, other . Establishment.in the Countw. ayillredn myself att4n 4 m' ox te nses located not atone one fifth great thee. of simi lar establixitments. in New Yoik or Philadelphia; and having had extensive experience In the business —being nearly Pear yearn a partner or 43.00,1Eri00, Esq., the britinatoi of the (lift Enterprise, I Batter my. seitthal I pan nifer ' , realer inducements than atiyi otb• er ooneern in the I ultra Steles, ' — A (I ift - aorth front - IP - cents -- to - $lOO - will - topompaut each Nook at the time ordered. • ' • AGENTS WANTED, • —• • In every town in the United States to whom~ most libe ral Inducements nro offered.. 1 have lately Issued a new Catalogue ' covering 82 puns, embracing an Indefinite variety or Buokri of ova• ry deacrlption,.a.onpy of which' will be malled;posiaga paid, upon application, to. any address in' .theslinlied States, Lot no fall to pond fora copy: ndfrass_ Lancaster, Pa. Aug:lljls.sß,- NOR-'• Iu ciUMBIMLAND COVNTT ,-• OR' • - j,lqAt. BCIIOOI.The second eendon'of this Instil lon yd commencei In'LITERARY • lIALL; Newell's," '..1 Pn.. on TREBDAY, APItI4- , 6th, -1858, and: continue '.. '-. PIPE BIONTIIS. ..,. , • .: , ... ' , An' ebb, corps of In etruCtoie bevel teen Oeitind, and ' .. ,° 5. uo cZct will be spared to T ender the schpotliierthy or, .-..,: the piintlon it woke to occupy, And of tbeicttconagn 1%. reepodhilly toilette:: .• , , ..I- ~ -`.1,,', •, • Itor dreamt omtelnlng full parilenlots address , , 1 a . , , '4... A. hlcKlNNEF, , ,Treesurer. , - '' 'By Order of thillneed of truitees, -.. .- ... .,T, r ,..' ..-.. . ' ' .. r . . '' ' ' ' . .' '!''• . , . 'IkANIXLSIIELLYiPtioIdent. , . . ' 4 JAB,., MQo.474it Oflngary.:.', ,, ~ ' V0041 8 ."1f: • ••• . 1 ri l iteß• 4 o l4 ol 4 • ~ • EliS t',IIIERMOiIETENES I i the abtivo, Ipmks,t‘b d th3lh . 43. . . KIZVF 1 11