gt Blanctts. , 111 GARI.IBLE PRODUCE' MARKET.. 'Reported .weekly for. , tbe 'tierald by • Woodward-do SOkmld t. Ft;tlUft 'Superfine, per 661. do. Extra, . • do. ' do. , Fondly RYE WutrE.NtIEAT per boigiel lUD do. ."do. ATE do. cooN , • . - do; OAVI do.. CLovigno E En do. TIAIOTIIVBEED do. SMING BARLEY ' • stew ilbt)ertisenletits. IllorSe's !whoa Root Pills. CAUTION Merchants arlit.Traders will lo on their Guard and not .be imposed upon •by a: Collide ;Yell of Morse's Indian Root Pills. signedl A. D. - Moore.— All genulemindian Root Pills havirthe name tied signature of A. J. White A; Co. on each . ism • . DR. MORSE, the inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN MOOr PII.LS, has spent the greater part of bin life fa travelling. having.visited Europe, Asia and At • , riot, AS well us NOrth A111014.1=.11M spent three . years among tile .Imllans of oil/. ,Western country -At was In. tub, way that the Indian, Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all diseases arise Dom' 0/ , D1.091)-that bur strength, ' • 41.1 th end life depend upon MI:cella! fluid.. A. 3. writql 60 reiiiii — CreBfient, hew Yer Augurl 11, 1858 C -12 (17., I=l at. =en mt , •3 • 11 Walnut Street, South 11 eat Corner of 'Third, PHILADELPHIA INOWSPORATED UT- STATE_ OP PENNS'S! ii,VANIA FlyE ,VEi CENT INTEREST . , -.,Money Is rocolvcd In any xont, largo nr small. and In Wrest paid from lite day' of deposit to the day of with Arawal. • . . The office Is open'every day from 9 O'clock In the morning till 5 o'clock In the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenimts,till 8 o'clock. • ' • 110 N. llii VEY L. BENNER, President. IiGRERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. WM. J. REED; Secretary. MEE= Henry L. Benner, • Edward 1.. Carter, • Mutant Selfridge, • Shinuel Ashton, ~ C. L. :litmus, • Money In received and pa; without notice, The investinents'are mad, — Ground Bents, and such Gliaiter requires. August 11, THE - : LARGEST CHAIR AND • E'IIItiIITOILE ESTABLISII3IENT • IN THE ;UNION equate In Hampden toi(nshlp, county aforesaid, bound ed by lands of Joseph..Eberly, Ni.thanlel Eckels, and Benjamin Eberly. Eight nerve Is well timbered and the balance in a good state of cultivation, 'I here Is a never failing - stream of ruindn'g water on this Eruct: - No. 3. On Saturday. the lltb Jay of September, 1858, a lot of ground In the Borough Mechanicsburg, bounded by the railroad on the north, High strict pn the east, and Strawberry Alley on the.smith about 80 feet on High street, and 18u feet deep. Sale to COM. mance on end) day at one o'clock, M., when the terms of sale will ho made known by JOHN HOUSER, JOHN SADLER, • Assignees of David It. Rockafellow. French Full Stuff Carved PARIA)It CHAIRS, -In sets I July 28, 18584. s.. with Noah. Hair. or Brocatelle. Nathiot's Gay Stieet Wareritacima,_ Extending from Gay to Frederick Street, having 40feetfront; 170 feet deep, and 6 stories high. BALTIMORE,. ,MD., 11 hero +) fit 3 lo ;loth or Is kept always oh laud, or made to order, ewe of French TEMA 'FETES, In Plush, Hair Ilrocatelle. Fromm Full stuff and Medallion, l'arlor ARM CHAIR; In Plush. Ilnlr, , Cloth, or Ilrorntello.. SOFAS; hall'Freueli nod Walnut Parlor cliAlltS; In Mir, Cloth or Plush. ' ROCKING ellAllth—varluus designs, In Ilnir, Cloth and Plush. Stull Spring LOUNGES—a large ornament altraya on bond, or any pattern made or covered with any goods to Walnut . ; complete; from $3, CANE MIMES and flocking dn.—the largest assort went ready-made In the United Staten—frian $l2 n dos en up, Par Room, Office and Dining CRATES, in Oak, Wal , nut or Mahogany, with Cane, Wood or Stuffed Seatr -an ansortinont embracing over 50 demo.. • Wood Seat CHAIRS and SITIVRES and ROCKINO CHAIRS—over MO &non. 'aatitur-ifetlx,llair-andilusk_Mitttreasetu:Ce_tery_s. rlety. AIFo. -all kinds 'of Mk and Plain FlllllldS for Looking Ulessee, &E. A. MATItIOT & SON, 25 North Oay Street, near Fayette street El= VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY. SALE. • Will he offered at Public Sate, on FRIDAY, the 24th day of 'SEPTEM BER next, a VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, eituated on_the . Cinindoguinet Verna,' in West Pentisixiro• township, Cumberla. a county', 7 miles west of Carlisle, and 2 miles north of the Cumber land Valley 'Railroad. in the midst of a fine grain-grow ing country.. The mill Is built of stone, and rontait a' thine run of Burrs, and one set of chopping atones, all in perfect running order. The supply of water Is Ann. dant, and a good run of country custom, Therelp also on Um premises a - PLASTER MILL AND RAW MILL, both In good order. There are six acres of land wllltthe Liorator right, atta,hed to - the props ty. ttn width aro erected a good DIWEI.I.INCI 11011 SE• Stahl°, and athin'eletininiarjUnt-Indldlngs,and auoribuid of choke Pult. • • As this bllll bas been known for ninny years, no 'the pnmerty of the Into Francis ,Diller, ito further &scrip tint, Is deemed necessary.' l'undmers can examine for themselves previous to or on the day of sale. Sale to CIIIIILIIVOCO at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon, whoa terms will be made known by • August .1, 185S-t..S. • N. 11:—Persons desiring fuller informal 4 'nay in'. dross tilesubNeribern by mall, directed to tho Plainfield .lion, Carlisle, I'. (J. Lan, Ex. Insert till sale and send bill to this oilier. I.?STATE OF JOHN SIIEELY,.B6h. 4 -I betters testaniantaiy on the estate or lobs Slice , y, rate of b,wor Allen township, Unniberlatid county. duce:vied, have been granted by the nuglster .of said moiety, to rue undersigned. All persons Indebted to the estate are requirol to mike Imiloolil to m uncut a id those having doled+ to preseu t them duly authenti cated for settlement to " JOHN SHEELYI LEVI MERKEL, Executors of John Shoely, deed Augl;bB j 'IARLISLE FEMALE SEMINARY lJ will commence Its peat session Erupt., Ms a boarding and day !whoa, pleasintly located near the Gorman-Ref Church, Nest lewither ,strset. Tito prin. chsal.(3lrs. Claris.) will_ hada hums after_Aug.2l,-to ro calve any who may wish to consult her about Ulu - ed euestlou of their daughters: It la desirable thet'...these who desire entering the Bentluary, should be punctual at the °taming os a dolay of a few days MOOS considerable incenvonieness la ferns. log the °lotuses. =! * Bev. C P. Wing, Kremer; *Reif David nteryttt, .ratrnus.. - FIVE CENTS REWARD. ltun'away &out the Uubs..rlbor. lex!- , Mug .ttl, Mount Itc dc. Clunbrrland county; on tpu night of the lUtit nit, MA1.1:11A H. HARMAN, an indon. tumid trirl` All potoono urn warned (non .trootlng or 10nh0ri,.,.; bor .4 my °n0n...3, no I will nut be nocotmt t 'abl4. Aug. , '5B-0t A. H. 0: gACYCKEN, - 2-21..plAIVN STREET, NIA:W TORN, =I SVIUNGES,.II,I3if.EPAtIIIe VIAL?, I:3I.ItADU . AVM MEASUII.ES, NUIO. 4 INOIIOTI'LE9, ETC: were, for brOglttsts, lierretnBre. Pho,o„-rerberB, etc.. Omen ti UNN Were by the peeNBte. A - , 16,4.11 •ileu suut 181810 to •,8,1 , t.rti re frBB, 04.1c1..y- Itru r,14 , 4881,18,11tr8 ' 8088 1,1,0 .111111ETIe STORE • Tundersigned hoot just reploidebud hie stock or DitsuiS and AINDIOINES,' which, haviliK bee looted with groat cure, ho In selleflod aro Fregh nod Pure. Physfelenat prescrlptioue xlll be, protiiptiy nod - filitlifelly Mt withal to. ' Ortiore Dont 'morthitute in' the to country will labillied with earn AIM oit tha most renew, • ablo tarot. All official prepamtione made Strictly in accordance with •tho U, S. Itbarniscopoli. . BMOCS (WOUND AND wilor,E,. ouch he Cinnemon, Cloree, Cririnoder, pepper, . Glow, Niustard, Baking roan. Washing Soda, Cream • Tartar, •NUtmogs. Yeast Powder, Jinn, eltroti.Sweot libujoratm Thyme. Ac., Ac,, fresh and pure.' lie hoe on - . lined all the different Nitwit elodielnes of thehluy.. CONFECI'ION:4I?IES. • $ 4,26 4.50 9,75 3.00 1.10 ,„1,00 4 75 2,00 EZ2 _ . Oranges, bomons;WlTC - 14fircEurranfg - Prunes, ••Almonda, - Ellberrs; -- Wnitintsr, -- Grounrinulsr - ffreanmuls — • Chestnuts, American, Remain and Front+ Candle. and - Candy TAys•of oyery variety. Thaw wisblim to make wholesale pureliasea can beralm supplied with Ilia best - nullity of Confortlmme les and at lower rates than at any °nir. lulus!, in the country. lie has also a full as sortment of • AMERICAN, OERMAN AND FRENCIL TOW, ' consisting of Wood and Tin of every, description. such no Dolls, Doll Heads. Horses, Wagons, Moving Figures, Foneyafork Boxes. JLnsko, Cord's. Drums, Chairs, IViiiisr-Teitiopetn,- Whistles, 'Dressing Stands. &c:, kc.. to be sold Wholesale and Itetailrand In priest, couipidltlou . js defied. FANCY GOO/)S. Port /donnales, Pluses, Pocket 'hooks. Fine Pocket Cutlery. Shell and Pearl aril t'ases. Needle.llooks, Port Cabas, German, Frock and -American China Ware. Inkstands and trays—Card 'hicks and pasties, Jett Breast Pins, Necklets and,ltings.Combs Pull, Long, Side, and Bark-Guthiperelia Combs. 'ilair.Clotheii. llat, Button. Nall and Tooth Brtielles..Sewing hliks, Patent Thread and Spool Cotton. Ihittons, ho., &a. „ . • PERFUMERIES. . : , — Riney Tellet — and — nther-Sonns. Peael Powderiq::-Ex---- •tracts. fiat quality flair Oils,Pomades, Sbavlng , :Maps - and Creams. Tonth.Pasle, Pam era Thousand Plowel•a, Taeophireds, Tenth ‘Vash, flair Invleommrs, and Hale Dye. The 8110V0 have been solorled wlth.eare and will all un'exanfinatlon, speak for themselves. • TOBA CCO AXD SEGARS. On haul thnitiSt lot of Segura shit _Tobacco that has . over Limn brought to this town. Ws Pegari, will eon - Vince-the Sthokur-on-trittLa-the-purliy_ol..the nuWerlac_. of which they ennshd.—lfe has oil hand those only which are imported and which he ',am re , commend 'as such. Wu need not speak of the true German Seger es' they have already gained for - themselves n reputation that they se richly deserve: Ile elsa keeps the common at tiele'of Segarki to soft the trade:7Tobacco such nui iii dmndo. Congress, Twist Plain, Fig Leaf, Caven dish, Congrehs, and Fine Cut Tobacco and cnuff, the best material. Fooling thankful futile goneroua public for their lib oral patronage, a continuation of the game Is iollciled, at our permanent location in douth Hamner atieotoll roetly opposite Ilannon's lintel, and next door to Mr.. C.lnhoirg linvery. • Cxrlisle. Juni9 23, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE .AT • IUm.IC SALE ' FA S 'Jr • A T E ' offereeat p r ublie udu on f.ho prendsec on. Tuesday,' the ith day of , Septuather, 1(55, no. inanslon and Shrill of Joseph tiadli!t, son., deceased,' r 114 the same.more or less,. of first.rate Ilmostone land,' sltuato in East l'enitsboro' tolvimhlp. Cumberland - Comity; within threo' miles of Ilarriaburg. otte.riurth of a mile from Whit., hall Academy. at Bowmansville, formerly known as Bowman's Tavern. The land Is bounded on the south by the Ctunberand Itifitromt, ,turthu north by - lands of Dr. Josoph Cralo, Gorges, and others, nod on ill,' west by the road lea.liog to Oyster's Point, from which It Is distant ono.foortlinf a mile. - Improvetuelith aro a largo BANK ' I AEN a double FltAlllE 'LOUSE, with , I Iteha I attached, and ill other necessary •es• I I mover-falling well of wa. I ter 'near the boast,. 'sod an orchard of choice fruit. Al,ont ilvdaeres.of this land is well timbered, amid the , 'almost, all under good fence and inn high slat° of_eultivation. - Salo In COILLIOSILL at ono-o'clock on said day, whop . terms will bo undo known and attendance given by . • JOHN SAA ,, Dhlilt ." . *JACOB SADLER, ' Eers of Joseph Sadler, son., doed- - July 28, 1858-t. s. * * *Lau, En. Iniert 4 tunes and charge this Mace. P. Carroll Brewster, •Joseph ii. Parry, Francis Lee, • Joseph Yeres, , Henry. DllTonderffer, • yoreutiernad in own daily le In Real Eatnto Mortgages first•elnss securities as -the ASSIGNEE:S s SALE 91? .REAL Tho following Real Relate wiltbe sold at public sale, r: • No. 1. On Thursday, The oth day of Boptuthbor, 1858, 111 ho sold onjho promises, • 480 ACRES,OF 0000 LIM EN'TONE LAND, altuate,lu.Sili'er Spring twp., Cumberland Co., within 'fur miles of Carlisle, hounded by. Mods .- of William liongy, Culbersion's Ingo, and otheisr Thu improvements are a FRAME DIVEI.I,ING HOUSH,with stabling and sheds. About nix acres is well timbered and the bal ance in a good statu.of cultiviiilon... - , At the same time and pinto will ho sold, ono Horse, aimed two Horse Wagnii, Hay Ladders, aWagton Box, and a quantity of farming implements. , , No. 2. Bo Fridny, Mu 10th deg) , of Soptonilm, 1858, will ho sold on the premises, . 37 ACRES OF BLACK SLATE LAND, • PUBLIC SALE.—As the Assignee of John Coover,l will expose to public sale, on the pretnises,.on TUESDAY, the 14th of September, 1815, at 11 o'clock, A. M. A FIRST-RATE FARM, situitte In North Middleton township, Cumberland co., on the Conodoguinett creek, and bounded by John Ja• cobs, David llooter's Mill tract, Adam Thom, David italstom.altd others, containing 143 Acres , having thereon erected a II OUSE, .LOG BARN, CORN-CRIBS, wmon Shed Carriage blouse, and other Improvements. About 120 acres are cleared and under good fence, the residue well timbered. The land in of an excellent, quality, pa..ov Ihnesione And partly elate a-part of which lire been well limed, and has on it a good Apple Orchard imd o, her choke irtlit trees. The farm I. capable of dlviblon, nod will be offered in parts or nll together, IS will bent suit porehnsere. The terms will he made known on the day of Sale. 111,11AF.1. L. 1100VElt, , - - ,Assignee of John Coovor. July 21, 185lt—t e : I ire . _ A VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE,—The undersigned. baying rellimulPhed the Mereantile Ilueinese and removed to the Country, offers - hie Valuable TOWN TWOMEY and STORK STAND, situated in Upper Strasburg, Franklin County, Pa., at Private Sale. 'fib, Property consists of FIVE ACRES . OF LAM), more or less. of the best quail- • t 'e , ty. The Improvednints aro a large new •• • • 11 , ,I woistorled illicit .:•1‘0, 1 0) ST an AND dt:t fe DWELLING, a Br ell SITING HOUSE. " ~ sufildiently capacio to change. lino a • Dwelling; Smoke Ile se, Wood House, Carriage House, Corn Crib, two stub s, and other niteewtryntild conve nient buildings. 'There are two fine Gardens attached, with kgood,selectlon of various binds of choke Fruit Trees, end on the property is one of the verj best Springs of Liniestone %Voter In the county. This is: beyond doubt the best Store Stand in the Town, the undersigned himself having done dbuSiness amounting to 512,000 a year. It Is now occupied a 4 a Store Stand. and the only reason why it Is offered fur sale is lice uos,. be has removed to the enuntay, Persons wishing to Invest In such a Property. could not do bettor than to make all examination of this, and see its advantages. The proprietor, residing near the town. will be pleased to show it to parsons who wish to purchase. The payments will he tondo easy and no. commutating. .. July if f '56-6w.] , PHILIP "EARPER. SAMUEL DILLER, JOUN 011111DE11. A L FARM AU PRIVATE SALE.- Tly undersigned hereby nollfieli all purchasers of farms, that ho wishes during the. summer or toeing l. to tilsposo of his property. located 4r, miles south• east of Corlislu, Cumberiard county..N. property consists oflllty.eicht acres or best finali ty of I.I3IESTONE. LAND, and In n high stato.or culti vation. Tim Improvements are, it new . and commodious BANK BARN. a good b k . Aa-'2O DIYELLINCI.IIOUPE, a well of never Ailing waterfand an - or chard of evory variety of choice fruit. The proprietor being; anxiousto remove to a distant part of tint county; will sell at a moderato price, and on accommodating terms. For further parlleulars apply With° proprietor person ally, at his residuum on the above property, or by letter, to Carlisle, Pa, Dr. S. D. Kieffer, -*J.- H.- Parker Dav, - *Jounsou Moore, Aug. 4, 186K.;3t July 28,1858-sts. %. 4 •Yatheaster Examiner," " fAhnnon Courier," in melt touint $1.60 and ebargo Herald Office. CARLISLE. St LP HUB. 5P111..413 : 5., Thigilerintiful and popular watering place Is now open for the season. Tim buildings tire large and coins itindinus. the grounds Improved Ulth extensive lawns and shaded' onike, whilst the m.dlelmt) qualities of the sprints, aided by the bracing mountain ale, will restore o healthand vigor to the Cleat debilitated system. A lii4bitini or. Illtlfle,.ond.rtt,efflefunt -morps of-ser— vant., bilim ' , eon ongogoil for the season. The table In mipplied, with all the delicacies. of tho reason; the Anunlicis pro well furnishiut and those who seek ple.• urn an well Us health will find the customary , amuse- • mints of witterliiir pieces. combined with all the apply awes ern first alms. Intel. WM. M. DAVIDSON VlSlters 'having' l'ldholelehla or .hrtitlteere in the member. reech Carlisle 14 2 P. M., end arrive at the ' , pillage before tea. ' July 14,'68—Ens NITINDOW,.SHADE;S:!--The ' l hv•.xt: cliNtiwor.vnrtteillni ti tlludnw '.• 1.0 h.. t 161. • j . fJ. KIEFFIIR'S • . 0A ER AND WE TAIL .0: Drug, Chmioal, Confeotioniri, 7 ,Fruit • . eiND 4 "*. - . = 31car- testate Sales = TWG.STORY WEATHEILBOARDED MICHAEL FRIESkI, fir. OWEN :It CIIANDLEA, VIA s 14.4 0 ULD MEDAL-PREMIUM - PIANO FORTES I WILLIAM KNABE- & CO,; MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND• AND .'S-QUA-RE-PTA-NO-FORTES;-. 8. 6. and 7, North Eutaw street, Opposite the Eutaw House', And nt our NEW SALES-ROOM 207 Baltimore street, between Charles and Light streets. - Thosecelehrated PIANOS Faire, fir enverel sec.:St:lvo yours. been awarded the .highest pro: Mimes fur excellence over all competition. They have also hoot pronounced VS. Thallterg, the most celebra• tad pianist In the world, lind other dist' nutilslied trusts, inoluding Mr. Strakescli,.&c.,,Stc., to be If not au• porter, to any In thin country. We have constantly on hand at our extOnelve Ware• roomilis above, the largest assortment of fine PIANO FORTIN Lola, lounl In this city. which .wo ,will sell. wiudesalvand retail, on .tho most 'Mural forces to suit the times. • • bL avert' 'OAS° are guarantoo our Pianos to 41No entire satisfaition. 44r- Constantly on hand a One asanrtment r 51.1.11,0- DEONS of the best makers. at prices from $l5 to $2OO. t;rlL. Always fat sato a large numbor or speoud-hitUd PIANOS, at prim; ranging from $l5 to $:00.•: —ss.-Planos sixellangod r lllrod.mid Wood.. - • •• • •AVILLIA3I.KNAIIE h CO.. Jill) , 21, 1858. , CHICK ERING & SONS, . • NOIO HAVE RECEIVED ' T /11:fY - FOUR M E: 4 DA L , THE' FIRST PILE MIUMS OVEIt ALL CO) PETITORS IN-THE UNITED STATES. MESSRS. SONS. having removed to their now ware mono+. lath Chesnut ttreet, Philadelphia. are pre• pared to oiTei. It largo astortotent, or GRAND, PARLOR GRAND. SQUARE and It MI rr_tri A soyo.irrEs. IP various ~ty les and caters, and ni privet which cannot fail to, please. Deseriptivo etitaloguts sea to any ad divot upon appli..atiou. • • . July 21, I 85S--ly • 13,0...0 KS !!.. i3001C.5..!!! I.3 QCkKB S - 11 : 11 - 1;OCK TAYLOR AT SMITII • • are solo agents In Franklin and °timberland couhtles fur the following valuable works: Ilenton's Abridgment of the Debates - of' Congress, Price per Vol., Cloth s;t de, Sheep . 3 'A. _ Bontou's Tiffety• Year, Vie ; toinpleto lu 2 vole. Cloth $5 00, Law Sheep $0 00. • . . ... Moron' s Oeniiral Atlue of Lilo—Woad; Colored Mope nod bound, $0 00. .___ . _ Burton's Cyclopliedin of Wit and [rumor. • 'American Eloquence; a collection of speeches, etc.i by the most eminent orator, of America. with ,blogra. ',ideal sketches and illustrative notes, bY Frank Memo, now ready, complete in tot vole. Cloth. $5 00; Library style. leather, $000; half cali, -gilt, 800; half moroc . co 7 00. SANDERS' SCHOOL BOORS q m!nders' Primer. , . Sanders',Speller. ' Sanders! Reader, No. 1. Sanders' Reader, No 2: - Sander? Reader, No. 3, Sanders' Reader, No. 4. . .Sanders' Reader, No. 5. • Sanders' Reader, No, 5. ' - - Sanders' School Readey. Sanders' Ladies' Reactor. Sanders' Speakers Wholesale and retail at SIIIIYOCIS, TAYLOR & S3IITIFS .—Motodnone r -. Planps, A large supylypr School Books, :whole . sale and rota! - SIIItYOCK, TAYLOR ,•SMITH'S. Paper. Envelops, Pens ; Inks. etc ; SUR YOCK.TA YOE. A SMITH. fIOME AND SEE KELLER, CORNEG 01•PuNITE lluun. BOOTS, SHOES, fikTS AND CAPS, NE IV .4 IVA L. Wa °liar to our Connor customers and the public In general, a tlnd rate aseortmont ot now goodN, suitable for SPRING AND SURIIER WEAR. unsurpassed for boauey, stylo, durability, and cheap nese. Our stork consists of FINE SILK 3101.ESICINAIIATS, Finn Hosguth, Boyle: Youths', and Children's Fnncy lints, Of every color, STBAW t 1 OODS AND CAI'., we Aro sure the best axsortment evor offered lei the county, and worthy the attlen Don of nil: BOOTS AND SHOES.- of every variety told style, Ladies. Misses and Chil dren's tine Clatters, and all kinds of Children's Fancy" Shoes. For Gentlemen a good assortment of every style and. littish; in tact every variety in our fine. Thankful to the public for past lavers tre solicit a contlnu.ttion of custom. to we are sure We can make it to the advantage of the purchaser. Carlisle, April 28, 1858 ...5.,..i, nl. A Card front Dr. James 111 ; Jarrett, OF tile, 1'0t.41 LU..13 /At. 11.31.1it1.—ory uou• 'ruction for LllO NMI 4.11,411 . 1 years with Lila 01,000 lustittb.. Bum as Chief ruyericiam aud'a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its Kind; ed diseases, together 00th Lay 01MM/a uppurt unities arid ad r C.ll lege ur pathological research— aided 001 a little by a porlret s)stoui tot Alerlical tion—h no °alibied we to arrive at a decisive, direct, out' emcees: dui course Di treatment tor the positive and radi• - carcurtruratl - thscaseerol-the-Ilievat,hurigs,saird-Air- Passages. By . Inn. ration, the yap, ,1111 curative prop ernes ul atomicities are directly addressed to the diseased I °roes dud the hiteguirreut. ldo nut adi is° the thorn .thatical Inlialatieu, of any hied, to the exclusion of guttural treatinutd ; nod although I. consider It a useful adjUVallt 111 1110 proper aiaisauttleilL Ul these tearful gild olio,, htmlt:l !Altman., -yOl. 1 1100111 It very precesvairy :that inch patient sutural trove tau bumnft iii both gi) 110rall .red tuca. treaLlituUL. Iltu Surreal 01 my 1011.1/100 L hi are above diseases, and the high character el the loud Cutler, 1/ler which t teat u nu 1001.1 had Ike horror to pre , side, aro tea Stab kninyn to peed any Eulogy or corm r. e .tirour UlO. At the soncitatioir et many private and profeSsirmal friends, through 01,000 Lill 1 1/11.1 liroplC old the above chanty tins beer, lung anti llbmullj supported :hid alter duo 00131,1durailital,.1 have eutiVlUdtal to tirakr such arrangaareiris as wirl briug the laments of my 01- perience and treatment WIWI la tllO reach id all, awl nut curdle° 111)11011; 1111 1101010101 . 0, to tlb.eo'udly 1111 u en Lured the 1 11111.1111 try, ur %he were able tot hilt meat my office. 11611111 g thurerure, that the rirrairgurriertt will give entire satislirction, both to toy proluespinAl brethreri and tire public, I WOlllll respectfully Murmurer, lit couclusum, that 1 can new be consulted personally or by linter, Oil all ;11,11.11 , 011 no ab •vo, dad 111.11•1110 111..1110 nun, the 1,111110 as used lir the institution, moored to suit each linlf vi dual. case, luhaliug Vapors, aleffical - Inhalers, S.c., will be forwarded by express tri any port ul tiro Jolted States or the Cituarlart. Timms-31y terms yr rreatureut by loiter are as 1011010 s. vir.: $l2 per mouth for each patient, Odell will include wedicieni 'sufficient for ultu ta01411•0 114; als 1 1 Inhaling tuner, and au In haling Apparatus. Payment as leiltrivS: $0 to be paid to r..xpress Admit on 00001111 01 the box 'of Medrolire. and the Immure to at the eximation of Llie month, if the patient be cured or is 011L1r u ly 6.1 L1L•1113,1 with 1 , 110 Great went. I.:damns, IQ giving a toil histury id their case, 'arid their symptoms In lull, carrhe treated as null by letter as by personal examiurition. Patients availing their...oes ur Dr. Jarrett's treatioput may rely upon immediate and permanent relief, us he student has to treat a case over terirt.) .. days. Letters for:idyllca priruipt• ly answered. For Butner particulars address • JAMc.e M. .lAltlik.l".e, M. D.; No. 820 tirLenhvay. Cor. fwnd th St., N. Y. P. B.—Phyniclans and othorbly I. it Lim city uru cpectfully Invited tonsil at the I uhrissary. e hero many inters:Ming canes can ho witnessed, and while our' in euev WS fur the inhalation uf medicated vapur ca u sta.o and suspected. LAugi'6l3-tins. mama NORM II A N E It- STREET 'CON FELTION ER Y, • • CARLISLE YA. Wholedule Rat Reduced $2 per 100. lbs. The attentlun of Country Merchdota and the public genuraily, InvittYd 'to a large no urtment • . CHOI CE OA 4VIALEA - manufactured of the best material and warranted to I , olltlllll nu poison In their colors, which, will be sold Wholesale or itstairat low rates etiho old stand of P. moNys if ir,'" . .4 . : NORTH HANOVER STREET ,ARLISLE, PA., . . A few doors North of thallarilsle pepesit Bank. ...„.._.......,.du5t received a.large assoOtment.of. FRESII F.4II.I*TS. :411W NUTS . • - of the latest Importations, consisting of . , • ()lunges, Lmuons, . . - ...Raisins, ' . - Prunus . Figs, . limes. . • llonattnas,.. ' .' Fine Apples, ; Almonds, . • A,- ,Vilhome, , . Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &e., all of width x 111 Lo sold at low rates. , Also, a - largo as sortmeut OS • TOYD AND FANCY.OOODS of ovary' variety. , Also, all tire best brands of 81..0ADD AM/ TOIIACCO, of Aanoilcan and German manufacture. • The thiscritior.rutUrnn thangc for this Moral patron• ago bestowed on him by the. !nadir. mid outrun a con thusucis of their favors. Iltnuumber tie, Old tstand of P. 3111NYElt, Cailichr, ace It, 'GS. • • North Ilanover.ntitet..-- lIION.—TEN TONS pluirconl I Pf,rg;t) P, I 11:0V. fi r P aft It. iti•tattl 11. It t'ltPit.tV, M lisrcltancuii~. SHE BEST PIANO FORTES= =1 ;811RYOCR, TAYLOR & SMITIPS._ I= I= . . " Casket of .Gomi .of Wit . gnr.l Wisdom." A THOUSAND AND ON STOKS • 'OF FACT AND TANOY, WIT AN,EI . II IMOIIS • RHYME: REASON,` AND . ::II,OSIANCE,_ :: EDITED no B. C. Coomliao,o4l;it Coo volume, 'erg° ()dam hrintlgonlio boilnd In roil morocco, with gilt Aldo and book; oohtelolag TOO pAgex, and ;. '" - . llluateated - by 800 - BeatitOil"Engravings • • „„ • . - I.OE design of this book Is to bring wholo libraries in to a Anglo volume—to furnistm montal meal 11:r ovdry day and MIT hour—aw ovary tastec'humor, ago, etb• price—a book for the grave and goy,•tho old and young —wo blow, thorefore, Schulte and .l'hilosophy, Rhyme and Itegson, Wit and '‘Visdotn. Fact and Pitney,, which, put together no they comp, praduco a sort of intolloctli• Al plum pudding, Inasmuch tllo ' opals Is PM:Wed and spiced with puns, conundrums. and drolleries, to any.tiothing-of-tvgartsish-of-three-bundlredrengravirig - : In finite pages are Avon the (MR1100401: thoughtoinct sentimuut from Goothe,'Sydnoy Smith', Cam. Johnson. uladAnany others; clerical anecdotes, Illbornian ocean trieities, Western extravaganzas, gathered from the four winds of 'the Press; outlines of the tales of Don Quixote and OD Dian; of the fables of Florian and La- Durham; of the °pie pontos dr Jerusalem Dollvered, Telemachus, Orlando, Fttyloso, and others; of the Life and Sayings of Mrs. Darlington, and.tho Widow Ile• dot t ; of .the unsby Donors-, and the Green -Mountain - Girls; of the Life of Sam Hesston, Gerard tint lion-Itil." ler, Cummings the 'elephant destroy or and Livingston tie gira ff e - chaser; of Stevens' travois In Egypt and Palestine, l'aul and Virginia, Alex. Dumas, the Swims Family Robinson. Mr. Whitton end Saul -Fetch ; With spicy citations; of proao and poetry, from the master. spirlts of the day—Longfellow; Bryant, Dayard Taylor, Dr Kane, Comrnodoro Perry,•ote. It furnishes also a • fund of information for the curious—the Natural DMA ry of the !Ditto. which Is a subject of oxhaustiess Inter. not,; striking facto In, Astronomy, Chemistry, and Na tural Ifistory; 'vetnarkablo IllographorA, Interesting travels; tied' wonderful discovering, lo atten d rater Parley, the editor of title hap . a world•wide reputation, as an author—his writings Inuit* become famillaras household words wherever the English lan guage is spoken. THIS 14 Iliti LAST WORK. and we prodiet foe It n popularity . equal, if not superior to that' acquired by any of Ids former-pdblioations: ' . • Ylibfwork will be sold okelualvely by 'aUbserlp- Lion, at the low price of . .Y,3 50, Agent*. wanted In all parts oft% country to obtain subserlbermfor It. Spoclu 0,, enplek Will be sent by moll; prepaid. to any address on receipt of the prime. Yo, full phrticul4rs ad dresk • DEKBY le JACKSON, Publishers, Ilk Nassau et., Now York. A %Ink Xl, 1858-8 t ustness_rat API NOTICE.—Thos. RIDDLEL continues the practice of the law, hi r the office formerly oceopleilliy I i fathocc - Wro. -- M,Biddle, Etrj and more recently, by the law firm of Penrowie tr. Diddle, now dleitolved. - Dec. 23, • W4.] fl P. HUAIRICH,-. Attorney at Law. •-re(Nllco on North lianover street, it few doors south orals.' lintel. 7111 business entrusled to lihn will br promptly Attended to. .[Aprll 15: AW NOTICE. -- - REmovAL. N. - IE4 - PE N 110.9.:•hturromovotillim offloolo thiryoogr 'formerly occupied by him on Moil, ,street if 'few doors oast of the Methodist Church whore ho wlll promptly attend to all Jim:loess entrusted to him August 19, 1857. - rASV OFFICE.-LE HIM : TODD . ',EA has restuned the practice of the Law: °Mei In Centre 53quare, *est side, near _the First Presbyterian Church. .April 8, 1857. . ' S: B. KIEFFEROE6e hi North illanovor otroot two doors from Arnold s(in's atom. 011leo hours. morn particularly.frout o'clock.. A. M.. and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. AL DOCTOR ARMSTRONG has remov ed lila °Rice to Centro Square' west of the Court Ruse; where ho may bo consulted at any hour.of the day or ninht.. Dr. A. link hod thirty years experience 1111110 profession, the last ton of which have . .)een devo ted to the study and ' , radial of Ifouneopathie moil. clue. 3loy 'Knot. , • . It.•.J.•S. It ANKIN t • lloinocyatiae Physician end - Surgeon. Office, Nast. 31 altustrent, - n,ijolnittgl•tstou'ic hnrdwnro store. 31dreh 31, . faEO.W. NHIDICII,, D. D. , S: -. kJ' tate . ihnnonstrator of Operative Dentintey ' to the. 'College of 13t1111•1., Dtt t i i M e rgery., • ero, Office at his residence, ,opposite Marion 11011, Wort Street, Carlisle. Nov. 11, 11157. • i.O.LOOMIS ts South llontAer street, """ - " CU& tW• -• next door to the l'eqt Office. ha absent from Car Halo tljo last tow days of each mouth DR. GEORGE Z. - 11 'ern ; ` a te-~~`~`~~~ Having returned to Carlisle, offers his- peofessional services tosthil citizens generally. 0111, in North Pitt street, nearly opposite LI/puller residence Terms—Moderate, (Carlisle, March fft. i11igz., ,, .--,. BIGHT, DENTIST, from the Bal. 2- ."------1 - D R-.--GEORGE -S. SEA illig-. z~`-~ tismiro College of Dental Surgery. . t.,. - 9..0111re at the residence Mills mother, East Louthel strret..three doors below Bedford. March ID, 18511.—tf. " 1)R. J. C. NEFF respect : fully Informs the ladles and gentlemen "" .6, ... 0-1 of Carlisle. and vicinity. that he has re. sanmd the ;intake of Dunn..try, and Is prop trod to per. form all operations on the tooth and gums, belonging to -his profession. Ile will Insert full sets of teeth on goliror silver, with single gust teeth, or blocks, as they may prefor. Terms moderate. to suit the I lutes. Office In high street, directly opposite the Cumber , land Valley Bank. Attii-Dr. N. trill be In Newrille the last ton days of every month. Jan. 20, 1838.-lye • TIAA'BRSTIOK, Druggist; North Ileum:err Street, Carlisle. Physlelsn's prescriptions ran orally pompoundett A full supply of fresh dru,te and 13. J.. KIEFFER, Dealer in Drugs; Chemlealß,' Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Confer. tlonary. South Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. jp,T) BEDE & MENDE Nll A BANKIMS, Vorth Western Land and Collecting Agents. Particular attention paid to the business of non.resl. dentin, such at; buying and .aulling Real I.:state, loaning hi utey on real astute' kecuritles. Paying 'faxes and looking :After the general interest of uon•roslduuts. References given If required. Address IiEEDI Minneapolis, Minnesota. .lulu 1854--1 y ' • w. • C. - RHEEM, • ATTOWIET . AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT Minneapolis., Minnesota tlnn IV I giro t r t i O t . l Na t iL n e t s o t m e : I n i t 3 ;, ti b n i n iv " t il:17 11 00 1 1 3 , 1 Neal Estate nod securities" Negotiate leans; pay•tuxe-,• locate land warrani o.'ki•. t Se. Refer to the members of the Cuinberland County liar, and Mull prominent citi zens of Carlisle, Pa. • [Au; 4'58-1y: r U m B E It K. Shapley, sr. i . J haring purdnised the LIMBER YARD, farotorly kept by Henry Wyss, has removed 11 to dile corner of Nor. ft and t st reels. where lie has at large lot of oak, chesnut shaved slid cut shingles, with .notts of air do. scrintien, oat: plank and scantling: shingly and plaster- ing lath; tither'whkli will ho sold cheap fur rash. Mirth 21, FRANKLIN- HOUSE, , South Hanover Street, adjoining' Vourt Reim, Car Pa. JOAN HANNON. - Proprietor. 4Q- Mali Coach loaves dully for Popertown. Potorit burg, York Springs and Hall:icor front this 4lnuse. QCRIVENER .AND CONVEYAN io spoNstmt 100 Itegloter of Cumber and count'. will carefully attend to the transaction of all such business as may ho un trusted to him, ouch us the writing of Deeds. Mortgages Contracts, do. Ho will Mao dovoto lila attention 'a the procuring of Land War rants. Volutions. &c. nn woll an tint purclinse dud sale of ReaF6statto, negotiations, of loans,- sc. tia,.Office on West nigh Stuart. formerly occupied, 1 W. M. Penmenn ksq. near the Methodist °berth.. SIMON P. SNYDER, Ohio. • W. K.Ma . AILLANE, PonliNylV4lll/1. - L. le COOK, Ithode [slued. . SN YDE R, FARLAND, AND COOK, • - Bankers and Dbalers In Real Estate,. MINNEAPOLIS, • . - Alinoesete Territory,- - 'June . • CIUMBERLAND COUNTY NOR k) SCHOOL—The second sesdou :Ibis Insti tution will poinnioqoAti LITERARY lIALL, Ps., on TUESDAY, APRIL sth, 1858, nod contloun ,PI E MONTI'S. - - An able corps of Instructors have been secured. nod nn eltwt will be spared to reuder the school worthy of tike position It souhAjo - occupy, and of . ,the patronage it iespectfully solicits . - her circulars wrierilning - full.partionlars addieis T.' A. bleKlNSßlC,"lreasurer: • Nolertiiv, Nn: By order Of the Board of Trustees. BANIKO SIISILY, President. Joe. Moo t_411311, Secretary. Neb. 17, 'OS.—tf. HAN'XU4I, NEItODUANT , TAILOR,. L West 31nIn Street, (oppaulto the Railroad office s ,) has.just recelvud'n new and elegant' assortment of Cloths, Main, Mack and Fnney - citualutertwandwvailety ' ridaltradWeveetWetntnits;44-11-Lwhielr7he—ril make up to n 'eneuid 68hidenble style, end- on reto 417- Ordure attended An.promptly, andlivu htting of nil htratunts taranteede,er. nu Riau. '," Varllcto. may 31848, 4 . ' N. lIANTVIW New *Wm jAftGH SPRING ARRIVAL /_ . 4IV'YORif ANlrsllll4ollllPliitif 1:L ANT N.F.W. GOODS, A. •W. BENTZ'S' STORE. Splendid steak of new Black Duns Silks—kingnlfkont Styles Panay Dross Silks.. MOH t i HARE f 1 . 1 ELEGIOITI ,Froneh Foulard Snick, Chinese Silks. Satin and • Striped Ilarogay. 'Palomino, Ducallee Beautiful . • new priand chunim French pridtud JACO, • nuti s, vary handsome Onglish 8011. Banta, vary handsome Freneh • Brilliants, English French and Atherlcan Prints, Scotch, • ' Gingham, • Bonnets, Don; • not Ribbons and • Dress Trimmings, - • Shawls In avow variety. Silk Grape, Stalin, Casiunere„ ' ke. Enibrolderlea very loot Corn. . prising 001ZA lIS. SIMS YES FLOUNO. . INOS, EDGINGS: VNI I,S, 'a. Ca rpot Inge ..atid_oll._Claths: I.TIAN, I N • THREE PI.Y, DRUSSIMI,S, COTTON .4 HEMP. Druggets and Floor 011 Cleths of all widtbs„ • LIMED GOODS. A complete assortment onibraeing all. the -most eels brated marks. • Gloves and Hosiery for to. • . dies, Mieses and Children, great variety 'of. kid, silk and Cotton Gloves,•Ladies Elegant. Twisted . • - DOMESTIC AND ETA - P PLE Bleached and- unbleached ' Skirtings, Bleached and- unbleached sheet Digs. Woolen and Cotton Flannels° Corset Jeans Tiekings. Cottongdes, Satinets, • 'PYoOfili,' Cotton avid Linen Dia- Tablo_Covers: Bleached • • and - Brown - drilPega ,, - - and an endless va- • ' . • riety of other • • . articles. •. In WIC this strOc . of goods a veze.gtcnalve, thor. ough Mid complete, having boon parch, sod with groat dont of rare, we fool conildet4,we MU please_ any ono who will favor us with A call. tandid_parsonal...who _have...patronise& us...hereto, fbrew-wili-ndmitthat-we--have-sold-tho'best-hargains over purchased In Carlisle. ii',, can assure our friends' and all lovers of;' Cheap floods," that wo.are es well prepared as ever to offer superior inducements for their patronage. A. W. MINTZ, South Hanover street, opposite tho Post Office. earlislo. April 21. 18511 EW GOODS ! NEW GOODS !I N , lflutvoJust returned from Now York nod dolphin. and am new °honing in the now store room the laro nod most splendid stock of ,f SPRING AND sommEn GOODS. ever brought to Carlisle. A magnificent line of LA DIES DRESS GOODS. mull No Blain and Fancy. Silks. Bay/Were Side Stripe Silks Elegant Black Silks, very He Chovlurs. Grenadines, Valeneloas, and Ina. Vege - StrlpalteLatiec — DlicalllC Organdy' Lawns. Brilliants, etc., etc. A full assortment:of Embroidery, Elegant collars, Undersleeves. Handkerchiefs, inserting, Edgings, FloutiOngs. etc., etc.., cheaper than over, Cimbrlrs, Barred and Striped Jaconets, Swiss Muslins, Napsooks, etc., etc. Muslins, Tickings,Cherks.tiinghams, etc., of alt kinds and nt-the very inwest - notch. • • - ' BONNETS,' RIBBONS, FLOWERS,— , Ruch., en entire new assortment. • . SPRINO SHAWLS, a large assortment and very chuiip, such as Stella. wool DuLeine, Thibet,Gronaditie. New Cloths and Ca.lmams also Just received. Can- elmelierand other goods for. Boys' wear In great variety. Counterpanes, Hosiery. Gloves, Mitts. etc.. etc. A full and new assortment of-Mahogany,-Rosewtod and Walnut framed Looking Glasses. . ._ - .CARPETTN(IB AND MATTINGM.—Annther supply of super Imperial, Ingrain, Venetian, !temp and Stair Carpet. Ines. at very reduced pricei. This shirk has been laid In with great care at the very lowest rash prices, and will be sold for the rash at such prices as will convince all that Ogilby's new store Is the place to ley out their cash to the very hest advantage.- Light pronto and, - ottlek sales. Recollect the now store Is on the corner of Main and Pitt streetsf opposite the Methodist Church. ' Carlisle, April Cll,lB. OGILItY. -- NOW IS THE ME/OR - BARGAINS: - 1i AItGE=AND RXTM‘I SI E ARRIVAL OF • SPRING AND-SUNIMER GOODS. At the Neap - Store. Coiner of North -.Hanover __....—„-_ .. and Loather :i'lreeter.- „ , ...„-. The amdersigned. returns thanks 'for the patronage bestowed upon him by the publie, and at Cho same time respectfully announces that he Ims,lust returned from Philadelphia:and is now opening is now lot of SPRING AND v.U3IMER DUI' GOODS AND GROCERIES; cod. slating in part no follows. and which he is determined to sell at the lowest cash prices. SILKS, DUCAL CLOT/IS. Challies, Alps*. De. Laines Pillages. •Lustrts, Poplins, Lawns, Bareges, Brillintits_Skirt(ng,French and Scotch Cllngliams Prints . , Gloves 'Hosiery, Collnis, Ilandkerchiels. Ac., Ac. - Sit AWLS AND MANTILLAS, in every style and quality. STAPLE AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Clothe, Can , sitneres,Xesting. Flannels, NI wiling Tickings, Stripes, Checks. Calicoes, Cottoned., Linens, Sheetlngs„Denb ums, Nankeens, Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and white Carpet Chain, Ac., Ac. Parasols and Umbrellas. Ali. large and splendid assortment of BONNETS, ILA S, CAP N S,' ROOTS AND SIDLES. l e superior lot of fresh GROCERIES, Teas, Coffee, Su• gar MOlll/18.1. Rim). Spices, A c., Ac. Paving selected my ant re stick with the greatest care, and the lowest Costs imicyl.l can oyusrc my frlendgand_the_publig *genendly, that I will do all hi my plwer to make ley establishment known as the , HEAD QUARTERS FOR BA !MAINS." Those who wish to purchase will find it to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purelinshnr. I will pay the highest market price for Butter. Eggs, Dna, Soap, and Dried Fruit. Carllnlo, Aprll 21,1858 NEW GOODS FOR SPRING CLOTIIING. Tho subscribers respectfully infirm their patrons, and the citizens venerally. that they have rneently received trout New York and Philadelphia. a large and elegant assortment of clothing suitable for the present season. manufactured of the last m aerials and in the. most fashionable style, which. they 'are determined to sell cheaper titan 61111111 Ir art ic'eS.lll be elsewhere. Their stock comprises DRES.S. AND FROCK COATS, of new mid fashionable styles. Business Sacks and Frocks of the ben( material and latest patterns Double and single breasted Vests, In endless variety—choice styles. Fine lilted, French Doeskin and Fancy Canal. inure Pants, Plain light colored Casshnere Punts, in groat variety— choice styles Q 1 In order to meet thu wants of the people In this branch of their business great care and attention has been given to it the present veaooo. Coals, Pants arid ' sts4d-all-sizes-andlualltiesr-to-wilich.conetant-addi Huns will be tondo daring the season. Alen, a full assortment of Shirts, Collars, llosnms, Cm -vats:Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Stocks, blloves,. Hosiery and Umbrellas. , Always oft hand a largo assortment of Black, Brown, Blue and Olive Cloths, Black Doeskin and fancy Cass'. more Vest' ligs,,,te. Clothing ..fuiery duscriptletiand quality well made aid of good material constantly Oil hand. Customees'work mach, up .to order, at the Aortae notice and on reasonable terms. _ ARNOLD & LIVINOSTON. Carlisle, March 21.'58.-9m.] North ; Hanover et T E STAGE 0 U E.— L The subscriber has started a ' -tri Windily line of Stages bet wren Carlisle and Landisburg. leaving CA, lisle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, lamedh ably en the arrival of the afternoon tntin of cars front- the east. Returning, !email Undiaburg at BOU A. IL. every Tuesday, WeaUesilaY . And Saturday, and arrives at Carlisle at 1.00 M., via. Perry bounty Warm Springs, Shermansdalo, Sterrett's Oap and l'arilide Sul phut Springs. On and lifer June the Intli, the line will be run daily for the aceotrunedatiOnsofliaesengers going to the Springs. Mari, to the soieral paints as follows: earliele to Sulphur Sprlnge, .. ... . $0 50 . " Sterrett'illap,-.41 . " Stiermanstiale - , . ..... m ; 87 •" Perry Vounty"Warm Springs, . 1 Oil ft . Landlsburg-, . . . . . . 100 , RETURNING. , Landisburg to Warm Springs .1 / 4 ,, 50 25 Shermatibdttle, 't 50 Sterrett's Bop; . . 75 Sulphur Springs, 01100 - tt Carliste, • 1 . 00 Tho above line will regularly carry the MAIL to and from the several points above indleated. I have a/. a well stocked LITLIII' STABLE. fmitt which I am at all times ready to furnish horses and car . riages to those who will favor ate with their patronage. on the moot reasonable terms and in the very best style. may,lolBsB. GEOltliki BENDEL ÜBLIC SALE OF CARLISLE REPO: IT BANK STOCK: . Will be sold at Public Salo, at the Court Mouse, in the Borough of Carlisle,. Cumberland county, Pa., •ix hundred and of}ytno shares'of the capital Mock of the C.u•Ilslo Deposlt Dank, on FRIDAY. the 19th da) AIRIUV, 1858, nth. o'clock in the forenoon of that day • Terms of solo to ho cash, and the stock ti queened lo the purchaser on the day of sale. upon payment or 000• chose money. SAAIDLL ILEPRUI.N. Carlisle, July'2B, 1858-2 t. 1 TE A CIIIIICSWANTED—Wiinted e_y in South Middleton township, Coumberband Co., la reArtlißild, to take charge or i 5 suhoole, -in that district during the • onouing winter, to whom liberal Eateries will be given. Applicants will mut for examinati9p et the Bolling Springs School house, on Wednesday the 18th by of ittntust; - at nine o'clork - . - A. M. By order oft o card. JOUN.IIECKMAN, _ August?s, 1659. Al. . ' ~. See Man •. „ R. H. THOMAS -f yENJTIAN BLIND -MANUFACTURER.r AleollantoSabi!lig, Skil- All-styles and patterns of Blinds mode to order, and Old Blinds repaired In a neat and substantial man• net, and nn.rensonable tonna- • r - • . . . . . . . . . - 444 , 0rd0rs hont Owllslo mid-other points-nbroaii rev. spoctrully solicited, ♦nd promptly altondod to. . , :limp diroctly.opposlto tho 'Union Hotel,' Wont Main Stt out. ' . [July 14, '56-t. f, ' ' oTIGE.-- , Letters •testamentury. oh I the. Estate a 'slre, BAItIiARA •MlLtElt, late of the 'Coivoiabln of Monroe. Cutiiberland county, Deceased;. having Won granted to the underolgubd, notice to here by'glven to all those Indebted to said'. eatatu,,to:gpelle.. luniftilllate payment - Fend Bose having ebillna egalost - thirselnivato requestedlelireeentl i belo, , dulkauthentl-; eated for ilettleinnut, , • •. • . • ~• Al'011 • NIES• r.r: of • • .101 IN BRAS:DT. of Merlionleibur... • . • humut•mit of Barbara Miller, deconoed. ' • • •• C'"Vg4,ToLlkli:, - p - A4N" 6I7— T REP, AAUJA43JN Or I4TPPINOWT, A, 11 1 ,, Par, .m4Piign nP 14444114 1 44 NATI/44h NP NN& A, YOPT-Ell 6 I. lb, Matheptatleg undlicdPih 111014PP 4719AlAts P, 111114ire,A; Aliplont risnOmgp s ,l onir ifighor . Thin Twit-Mut-ion hoeing paused into now hands. Will lm ieopenod an a Maio Sohool only. on ThursdaY, flip 2 , 1 day of Hoptumbur noxt It in the design °Nile proaolit proprlotorn,to• - Inaba it a atrictly first-000 • Boarding •1 ' • llelfool,.lbr training and fitting boyn 'and young mon eithor for oollogo or Minimum An officio at own of In atruntorn bas boon organixad, Wlloll4l' pornonal Intorests .--ataldositllled•tvith-tlie-suooesnor-016.4rielltullunriml, sih7i - Wlll spare no pais to take ft .- worthy id'tho aonfl• - • donoo - and patronage at thatiblio. Tho Buitutogo or -1910 luntltute aro ample, and well arrafiged for the no. "comutodatlon of about nlnuty boardorn, and nil otuileuts from abroad aro oxpootad to board with thu toaohors. , ... 'not , will thus enjoy tip bonotit at ooliutaint instruction ' and suporvlslon. ' • 1 MochanlasbUrg in nituated in tho aontro of tho beau. . titul Oumborland Valley. nino Milan from Marrisburg, and - ls Quay-of ousss byltnifronctimm - viiihtuoipiiia - ,u4v • timoro, &o, No location ootdd bo morn ow lido fir an. • mean—none mare lionithy or Ottrantivo torn oh a school. . Puidle front AVnshltigton, Ilaltbuore,-Phll dolphin nod Inturfriedlato paints, taking the ,mornit g train, will roach sloollanlenburg by 2 o'clock. P. 51 AP It In 1110 determination of tho Principal and hit Assistants to pine° thu Inttituto on a permanont and elotlltud basin, with. oVory application rtmulalto lbr, superior NIIOOOOO. May appeal with eonfldonao to all who bane noun to et-l ife:du.: . .-- • - Tho aeholaatio year 4'lll be divided into' two iaaafong. of twenty two ameba ftoli, tho'firat beginning on tho lira Thursday of §eptoinber, and uniting. on Oa first - IViolneaday of Fobritary i 1,116 uoutinj aussiou . bligifininie on tho flrsi Thursday of Fobruary c rul uniting Di the finit-Weduoaday of July Illiiiid. - Winililoll7looni Bunt: per - '. • Tolllom (Common Enollsb.) - 12 02 " (Ilighor En2l)xh,), - - • 15 00 ' " Anolont and Jtndorn tantrum% Term pur ifueston payablo in advance. vpix. Po! further Information appq' to tho Prinerpal t Idoehanicaburg, Pa. - • REFERENC3 hey. A. G. Marlatt, A. M., Pres't. of Irving Partial° College, Ira Day, M. D., - Ephraim Zug, Esq., Rev., B.ll.Dunitip, Roi. D. W. Maine, D. D., }. . rrarmsourg, Pa. Hon. A. O. llcister, Rev. W. IL Edwards, D. D., 1 Lev. Wm M. Pitcher, S Baltimore, Md. Iteir. B. F. Brooke, A. M., Rev. T. B. Sargent. D. D., Wm, H. Allen, LL. D., Pres.Girard Collegel • Rev. Jommir Castle, D.. 1) , Phlind'a. RC, fennel Comm, Rev. J. T. Crone. D. D., Prin'l. of N. J. Conf. Seminary. Rev. A. A. Reese, liarJohn-ArGere r - 7 -- • Rev. It. D. Chambers, . Rev. C. P. Wleg, D. D., ' IteV. T. Daugherty, A. M., M. D.. Waynesboro', Pa. Rev. J. S. Lonny, A. M., Greencastle. , Rov. John McClintock; D.D. New York City. ' Rev. J. M. Ridley, D. D., Plttaburg,..Pa. - The undersigned members of tha Facultyrof Diekin, eon College take ureat , pleasurn in tecomniending—th ' ChtnberLand Valley Institute. undtir Its new 'organise. Hon, to the confidence and patkinage of the• public.— The Principal and hie Associates aro pu situates of, this Institution, with whom wo are-Intimately acquainted, and it gives . l.ll4 pleasure to certify to their character an gentlemen ant tholr witalifiention as te when. Wo _..heartily recommend them to the public. C. Collins. Pros., W. L. Hornell, 11. H. Johnom, Alex. J. Sellers, J. W. Marshall. S. D. Ilillmun , ' .W. C, Wilson. . . , 46„:7,.';,..,„ ~..,I •',‘ 's % ' „ os 6 ~ c6i.4 '64.1 % '404 '4 '' t , :;; 7; 1 0 --- , ~..' 3. 1 1 \ IP S' ...,, • "'" 1 1. S. brlur P .a t ‘ ''' . • _ . 4.onintni”, ..P.4" ‘" J: R. : CASSELBE•RRY'S. (LATE ARP A CASSELDERRY) DRY GOODS STORE, 53 NORTII EIGULTII STREET, BELOW ARCH, 49,) • -- DRY GOODS, WIIOLES ; ALE AND RETAIL,. ONE PRICE-SMALL PROFIT-CHEAP FOR CASH. • ju9'sB-Iy. J. A. 111111111C11, Jr. PRINCE & CO.'S IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON THE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT In thu UNITED STATES, EMPLOYING. TWO HUNDRED MEN; and Finishing EIGHTY INSTRUMENTS PER WEEK. Combining :di their Recent I mprovements—the DI v idUd Swell, Organ, Muledeon„otc., Ac. e (Tho Divided Swell can only be obtained in Melodeons colour Manufacture.) GEO . . A. PRINCE & CO. lffanutaoturers ; Buffalo; New York 87 Fulton at. N. -110 Lake at. Chieauti; WHOLESALE AGES:TS—ltussell & Richardson, Ms toil, )lass.; W. C olburu, O.; Palmer & Weber, Bt. Louis, Mo.; Ph. P. Wedeln, Now Orleans. Tlin-Melode.ins-ninnufuetured,byr-Prinee-A,C0.,-and for salty at 87 Faline street, are the beat In the woad. We have tried thorn, and therefore speak understand. Ingly of their.tuerlts. They are afforded at a very mud. orate cost. _ _ _ - PRICES OE PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS Four octave Melodeon, extending from Cto 0. $45 Four and a half oetave, do. ' C to F GO FaveVetave Melodeon, do. F to Eve octave, double reed, do. Fto F 130 Two Danko of Koyg, }IVO Sots of R00d.., ElAt Stops - Ono 1111114 Holt Octavo Eoot Pedals, Ono Set of Iteedn, in Point MPH Indopandout $340 Flvobetive Melodeon, extemllng from Flo F ..... .....$lOO Six Octavo Melodeon, do! F to F 130 Five Octavo double reed. do. F,to F 150 Flvo Octovo, Two 13auks of Keys .200 Our facilliim for manufacturing are perfect, and from our long experience in the bushier., Laving finished and sold over TWENTY-TWO THOUSANCIIELOUE. ONS, we feel confident of giving satisfaction. _ All Melodeons of our manuiketure. either sold by us, or dealers in any part of the United States or Canadas. are WARR cotta to ho perfect in every resput, and should any repairs he necossury before tini ',spindle. of one year from the date of Ale we hold ourselves ready and willing to make the same free of charge, provided the injury la not mused by accident or design. OCO. A. PRINCE A CO. . • . • . iieonts for thrtatile'of our Nteloticona may 14 found's, all tho principal cities and towns in tho tiulted Stales and ettlllida6. Await. at Carlisla—SOßYOCK, TAYLOR & SIM At Rover [maylO'sB. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' FOUNDEtY AND MAdnINE 'SHOP, . • , NORTH 'f3TREET,ST OF 11.klilIOND . 8110TEL. • rimu sunsonve 14ould respectfully Inform the J. publln Id nu nil that he Is now prepared to olefin. factureii 10Wds of Agricultural Implementii-stfch as Verse I'd els ,,, and Threshing Machines with 'iiipiraters attached. • - . .. . • Also, Co . Bbellers; for bind or borne peiM. Str a w aild redder Cutters, Cloughs,' Harrows, Cultivators, Hey hakes, Crain Fate, Circular Saws, dm., die. _ ! 2 _ lie invites particular attelitien to Hikes patent Cie: ver Huller. aud;Olonner. This machine will 'ltuir and clean from throe to six bushels per hour, and Is cousid-. erod decidedly tile beet now In use. , Ire will oleo furnish to order IRO AND BRASS CASTINGS _otAtverv- dAcriptionc such as, Threshing. Machine, ~„...S.tough,Cornahellar.,Collarprates, Sash Weights; also, beautifully duslitited ltalllug tbr Cemetery bots, 'Sae°. sure, .te., he. , . ' , .‘ IMPAIRING minntly attended to for Reaping, Mo • lug and Threshing Machines, and all kinds of ,,d it mplemen yy tural Its. - " • • • . "JACOB ADA • 'MSc A. 3. Ktrit, ForontiU. • Carllolo. Juuo 10; "58—Imo! • • • hereby. • that appilmtlaa's - fr - LlCE:NlErunder the - act - 0 "Slat 51nrgh, lNSa,mid ltx supplentent , i'mat' flhiOvith , tllO utitterat mod'ou or ludo ra the 1d day ut-AlmUmtiloat, - - otheralto Ilia.) , will not ba heard. , .„ ,• • ' • • • ',XI! Ongr4, o ,terk. • 11,116cillantiitioi'''.'-;- TERMS Moch'ab'g., Pe DICICIMON CoLLEar,%ltcy; 3, 1858; LONDON ts( CLUD GINBO G V ie* 2) _2 p 4 ;- .4*RCE.1.11.163‘ I= From thu Mule Journal: April 3, 1858 °ROAN MELODEON PRICES OF.PIANO CASED C Alt L I 6 LE,,I' A. Mlebteloos, T Altil) BY PR, 9AN➢QRD. Compounded . entirely from OMB.: . h omi-or Tip: BEST . PINIOATiVE AND /AVER . • A. MEDICINES new hafbre the 808% that sofa Se (Irroieuvio, gaoler, Wilda; and more alrodteel then, any .other medicine known, - it is HOMO 4 DATtlea,lo but I.lllotl remadrocting flout on the loo t to alai its Murata thwer, then nn the stomach and bowols tooter. ry off , hit . tenth% shits aconmplinhlng two ;wpm , eficrtnellY. Without any of Nip pniurglibolinge expert. • ' pawl In the operation ctinnst Cemsniene. It strength- ' ens aysiem at thp.menie Mule that purgos whop taken doily In modende dates, will areAgthen ' end build It , up With unusual rapidity,- • The Liver Is one of tbo principal regulators • of the lowlier, body, and whom It partivms, Its .- 1100140 es w-II tho pow- era of the syetoimieret_ ~,,i. 'eltlf,C - deleei r eht - almost en. , timydoponduntou the , timothy action of the • Liver fur thu proper per- ri.l formanee of ihe (Cations whom the stomach Is tit .00 fault, the bowels are all fault,• and the whole adorn' sulTers,ln eons°. • - qualee of ono organ.- g i the Liver hiving ' oouood to' do Ito duty. For mitt! _moo. of that, organ, one of .the pro- I. an printore has made It his . study," In a practlou of mope than twenty years, como-god c2 - wbbrowith to eounteract - - the many dorangemont, to whit* Otis Babb, • Ti' Prove That thin ros niody Is at hest found, Act porton , troubled with - MVP*. COMO. r plaint 100 any of Its r - forme, bait but to try 4 • Lail...and conviction is artnin. Tina gums rentecoall cr•74 morbid' at bad matter from ,thu spittoon. mop-, o ww e plying in their pima healthy flow of blip, In.. vigorating the s omach, • cauely food to digost g well, purifyln , blood . ' Blain tone aid health "- w ho iry nochine route Ong 800 cause of e, and effect.. log * * Bulked cure. ',T4 Ono vino after allots let endliclent "to rabies' the - Idonfali and pit . vont the fend from Hi: • log and souring. • nig ht Only one dm taken 15...4 Wore retiring prevent. Only . , Only thoo duo- taken' try at night loosen s . thy bowolegenllY, and cures • • costiveness.: •. •' • . o . o _42EQAR4iiii. after C 6 ; ouch - meal-will cure Dye. • . . • • ro - e One- don or two ^ • teaspoonfuls will always ' rolleva Sick Ilatinche heintd One bottle taken for g female .obstruction re. moves tho cause of tho ,diaeasd, and make, -pared curs. • Only one dos° Mime- (=lt diately relieve, Chalk, ' while ono does often ro- ' pealed lea aura cure for _chgliereDiskr.bger - Free. -and a preventive-of Cholera.- - One dose taken often Z will prevent tits reeport,,,, ronce of billions at- tacks, while It Bova all painful fuel- -.eft lose. ' dny,-Only ono bottle Is needed to throw out the . of system the caeca of (LI medicine atter a lOng. siclinese. Coo bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallow- • , nues or . unnatural color front tho skin. - Onedose taken a short time before eating gives visor to the appet its end makes food digest well. Ono dose union repeated cures Chronic risme' in its worst forms, while summer and bow el complalntayleld eluvial° the tires doso. One tor two doses Mira attacks eaused_by worms, in children: Moro is no surer, safer orspeedier remedy in the world, as R. nova folk IV° Aake Infinite pluauro In recommending this metlielne ns a proven tivo for Fever and Ague, • _Chill_Fever-soll all -Fevers-of - a-Billion. • Type. It operates with cinlainty, and thousaudsar• • • willine, to testify to its wonderful virtues. • All who one It are saving their unanimous lestltuony • In Its Myer. latft- Mli Water in the, mouth with 'the Invigorator, and swallow both cogoiher. . THE LIVER INVIGORATOR IS A 014 EAT EINENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and 'tidally working cures, almOst too groat to believe. It Oarres as if by magic, even the float dose giving bens- - fit, and guidon" more than cnebottliris required to curs ,any kind of LIVER Complaint, from. the wont Jaun- dice or Dyspepsia to a common headache, all of which ' are tho mutt of a Diseased Liver. - _ PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE, DR, SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broadway, New York, Sold In Callao by S. ELLIOTT and S. W. itAy.. ERSTICK. my 201858. 16 00 TII2 OkL.I" - ,S'AFE PILEPAIt4I'ION. That does not D r yo,lint. will restore • GRA 1r HAIR. To its original color, by Naturo'a Own proccsa, le PROF.- 0. .J. 'WOOD'S CELEBRACELEBRATEDHAIR. RESTORATIVE. IN proof of the ntmve assertion: rend the following tee. Untruly from distinguished persons from all perts of 'the wenn try. - . 110 N. SOLOMON MANN, Anti Arbon -Mich.; nays his wife, whom halFbad beThme very thin and entirely white was restored to its original brown color, and had thickened and 'become beautiful and glossy upon, and - entirely over the head Others of my family and friends ore using lour Restomtive 'with the happiest effects. HON. JUDGE BREESE. EX , Senitter of Illtnole says any hair was prematurely gray, but,by the use of Wood', • lteetorative, It bus resumed its original color. and I hive no doubt permanently so. • 110 N. L. STEWART, says, m y hair was very gray,. • but after using two bottles, it restored It to its original • - . ItEl'..l. 11,11RAGO.:11rooklield. Mass., says it has re• moved from my head infinamention, dandruff, and a - constant tendency to itching, and restored my hair, m Idol, was gray, to Its tiriginacolor:* • ' .1 W. DAVIDSON, Itionmoifth, 111., says, my hair woo • tm•-thirds, gray, or rather white, but by the application of the Restorative as directed, It hne resumed its origi: , nal color. DR. O. WALLIS, Chicago, says, after using a mat many other preparations, ail to no effect, Fused one bottle of your flair Restorative, which has mired a hu: now in my head of two yearn standing. • BENJAMIN LONURIDOE, 254 Seventh Avenue, New Yo c k, seye,_ having.lost_ my. hair- by the effects of the ..Erystrielas, when it began to grow, instead of ' heretodes, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the color without effect, I • was induced to try yours, nod in spite of all my doubts 4, it has had the desired effect: .11. L. WILLIAMS, M. D., Pecliensville, Ala., say., I have used your Restorntive. aria and Ball it is mom- ~ mended to he. 1 have. tried It for .Totter and dud It • certain - cure. W. M. IV(R/DWARD, M. D., Frankfort. Ky.. nays, he recommends it in his practko as the hest preparation for the hair now In use. -• EDWARD WALCOTT, says, three months ago my hair wee very gray, it is new a dark brown. the original color, smooth and glossy, all by the use of Wood's Km storative. WILSON KIND, says, one month's proper application will restore any person's hair to Its original color and texture. J. D. 110 ES. says, a few applications fastened, my hair firmly, it began to grow out and turn black, its original color. BETSEY SMITII, North• East Pennsylvania, says that her hair had, for n aunther of years, been perfectly white, but now it is restored to Its youthful color, soft and glossy. DR. J. 15•. BOND, St. Paul, sayer that his Wein strong • thick and black, although a short time since he was both bald and gray. Thy people here saw its effectsaud have enoddenee in it. MORRIS,GOSLING, M. D., St, Louts,. says that after trying many other preparatlousoll to noeffeet_henied two Feed with a new and vigomus growth of hair and Invitee all to comeand see ate SARA!! J. BROWN, Bays ker.-IL& byes not only gray, • but so thin she feared Its entire loss—but after wring ' two bottles it has restored both the„color end growth. • Prepared by 0..1. WOOD A CO., 114 Market - street, Saint LOUIS, and 312 Broadway, Now York, and sold by . ill Druggists and Patent Medleine Dealers; also, by all Finley and Toilet (Mods Dealers lu the United States end Canada.• [my 261•11. -.For sale In 01HW°, by B. W. lIATERSTICK, SAMI. ELLIOTT, and Druggists everywhere. READ! READ!! PILES I-NO -CURE; NO PAY t FIR. Du PRON T; the celebrated French-practitioner, has 'established an agency.. In Phlladelphiai the only orie 13 Atiories, where dime tlons and medicine may be promised for the treatmentand conk of Hemorrhoids or, PILES in an incredible ailed space of time.. This announcement is made with the tanned conlidenee, bemuse it in an ESTABLISHED itttested by thousand, who have been sufferers, that the TUFIOUK phases of this distressing dinette „cap be speedily cured b e y this new mode of treatment. The relief. hl 111 DH canes, Is most instantnneons. Fq sure orb the proprietors' or this, that they are willing to take the rink themselves. *0 THE MONET OF ACT PATIENT., WILL HE RETURNED, IF A CURT 18 NOT PEEFORRILD, DIBECJIONB ARE FOLLOWED 1j The great:amentit of distress and torture endured by - IlWittsands of peopld. from this disease, the other de rangements of the system consequent tipon it,' and a knowledge of the fact that- relief can be Afforded, has Induced the establishment'of tlie American agency. - Persons nt a - dishince, wishing - to 'obtain the Medi- - clue, should state. by letter, how long they have bad , ‘• the disease, and whether.the pilot are of the bleeding blind, or protruding character, es the-treatment has to ' be retied nc,* - irdiet to the variety of the disease. The 1111.1111 K are no plain that any person eau make the appli. cation. Ity making a plaril"statement of the cane, and etudes- . log three dollars, metil, no and ,full - directions will he' so4t, to any part ot -coontry. Address, J27lt. DUPRONT. rnayl9lBs6-ly. Philadelphia, Pa. DU VAL GALVANIC - OIL PREPARED ORIGINALLY DT PROF.H. U. DU VALL, , • Formerly of the College of 'Surgeons, Paris,' is now offered to the publlC fur the Cure orall Bore and Painful Diseases; for Instance,Palu or Boreneisln auy part et the System, Itheutnatisnis, Patin in the Back,- Breast or Sides Bvitied Breasts, Neuralgia, Bums, Sprains;Hued:ate, Cramp In the Stbutaelt, or any other Disease that Is SuitE AND PAINFUL, and It is only over this class of Diseases Nisi claim a PERFECT, VIC." TORY. AVe say positively. to our patrons, we- can .re' ; Iluvo the sufferor 99 times out of 100. , We, would Just ; say to the public, Prof. Du Tall wall 25 'years in log thialnedleloo to the 'superiority It Ida &ter till °the . . kt. Price 50 cents per bottle. - 93% per' cent, Wile Lilo trade. • '. • int.:All, orders must be 'addressed to • '. .1. D. STONEItUDE, Sole A'gt for IT, S. - Lowletown, Ilittllin county, psi Parsnip by - S. W. Iraveirstlck, S. El li ott, 11. leaueriiaa; J. Maffei, and at all the country stores throughout the nty. -• • . IsTION . 1101JSEH . )VEST 1irG 1 4 ...8772 . 8'. F • atRI4I4IA: :The,aubscribe,r, bath Oldie bongo, remperthil tontiuuanco of their cu accommodate etrangote BUT :With hint:trill And' Ills htievilll bo prot , k bin table will always be, tbo seatoti; and Lla ate a careful ;andwitoutivi and Suti3O.thrirountolvm ..July Eli ISE MS MEM MI Aorro tons it.; irg4lito •lift4g os of tee