IS Varhets, CARLISLE - PRODUCE RK ET. • Reported .weekly for the herald by :Woodward S. Schmidt. FLoun Superfine, Per hid. • ' $ 4,25 ,de. Mum, di) ; 4.50 , do. Family - do• • • 4,75 11YE • • do. . ' 13,00 WHITE WHEAT per bushel ,• • 1.10 Iteu • do.- 1;00 RYE , • do fio Cottx do. • MCLOVEIII3 t • • do.. ,TIMOTIIYiJEED do. SPIIINCMIILEY • WHITTEII I.lMILlir do. PiIitADELPMA MARKET. ..FLOUR AND MEAL—There has' been more activity in - the market for Flour, since the close of last week, and holders, owing to , the very reduced state of the stuck of fresh ground Flour, have realized an advance of fully. 25c, a barrel Butt des&ittion, old ,stock being' dull and neglected at prOion quotations. The sale etimi wince some 6 1 .01 barrels at 4 . ;25 . a 4,50 for old stock superfine and that recently made, 4,75a5 for fresh ground' do,• the latter fur - selected brands, made frOm new wheat, 4,75a5 for sound old extrapoit r, 5a5,25 for fresh won wf do, 3,12/ retkninidlitigs, and 3,62/a3.75-fitr condemn • ed, including 300 barrels Brandywine at 5, • 50, and .200 half barrels superfine 'at 4,81 __J se mark et,closinlmtietzitut.:firm figures. The InnimArade also,. has been .-more active, witliAie above range ofprices for. com in on to T ao' ce Ili:ands and cxtrits'oind 5,50a1l per barrel for, thou lots', as 16 brands • mid freshness., Bye Flour and Corti Meal have ad vaneed,.some 200n300 barrels of the latter, Pennsylvania' meal, at $3 50 a 3 75 per bbl., closing scarce at•the• highest lig. _ures.....Theitisliections_fur_t* wi uk on d the 29th inst., are,-7697 barrels Floor; 3,50 half burred do.; 303 barrels 'COrn Meal, and 91 barrels Rye do. • GR.\ I N.—The 'market has been poorly supplied with .IVheat, and bidders, under a ---intalerafeAerttabd Ittr Millitwr -have pk-up their-prices 5a10e., per hushe'l on pod - and prime lets; sales include 10 600 Lu. at 10 a I Dia., fbr cononoWto prime Reds; anti 115 • a 1:35e., for White, thostly Southern, afloat. Rye is also better, and about 45011 ha. have been sold at . 1.0:t73e,, for Old, ;tad tioll6se. for new. Own continues scarce and on the advance, and • prices are 2e: better; sales reachilig abtait 12,000 ha. iellowlttlloall2e. afloat.. including .White. at 87n814te - Oats Nice been. in lbw ratitaiSl, but 28,000 bit: to - - natice ttt;42a42 , 3e. for : ohl -Pcitasylvaitiaond 3tia4oe. fin. nem; 'Delav:are, 'afloat, closing at 37e. for the latter of good quality. • Jtetu Ilimertisements !rife; - LARGEST . .01-lALIt AND ESTAI'II.I:4IIMENT IN . TII E UNION Gay Street ,Ware-Rooms, Exlenflipy. front [Joy to Frederiek'Streci, 40 fret front, 170 fret deep, nod 0 s toriex . 37 4 KET I Whers.lor kept shrsys oh laud, or made to rililei'; - ero y style of Frolic!' TE,I:I,A TkZES, in 19urh, Hsi ths or Ilroestolle. Freocu Full Stuff and n'eclalllno, Parlor ' ARM CHAIRS In Phu3lt. 110 Ir, (Toth, or 11r:orateIR, . • . . 'French Poll StuiTCßived PARLOR CIFAIRS, In sets" with 1'lush:11211r. or Brix:Moll, S.PFAL+; half Fiench Mahogany and Walnut Parlor CII AlltS, In Ihdr, t loth or - PlUsli, 11001{ING CIIAIItS 7 -varloux deslgna, In Ilalr,..Cloth and flush." Ittulf Sinful; LOUNOES—n large assortment nhvny on hand, (0. any' pattern Outdo or - covered with any goods to order. CHAMBER SUITS—in Walnut, colnpleta, from $9. • u CANE CHAIRS and Rocking do.—the largest 'assort• went ready-made In the Etat d Stated—from $l2 a don. on up. Bar Room, Oilier and Dining CIIAIItS, In Oak. Wal , nut or Mahogany. with Cane, IVood or Stuffed Seatt.— an assortment, embrailt.g over SO &gam Wood Seat CHAIRS and SETTEES and ROCKING C lIA 111 S—over I no dozen. . Feather Pods. Hair nod Husk Mattresses of every va. rlety. Also. nil hinds of (lilt nod Plain Frames bin Looking °lasses, As. A. US\;I7IfOT & SON, • 25 Nolth (lay Strett, neAr Faye' to street, ME •" The Greatest Biography 4y . the Age." =9 THE LIFE OF-THOMAS JEFFERSON PT II 1N HT S. BM:PAU, U. I). In Three Volumes, Octova TIIIS work contains upwnt ds 1.1'2.000 pages. is printed on fine paper, and handsomely bound in vu lons styles. It is.illui.traied by several engravings on suet,' and RWII.IIIIB ISO 1;lyttplI among the Portlier are two tine portraits of Jii;t:stfl.iD:. he, roc embrace, among others, thiellri 1 :al draft of tin Declaration of - intlependimemiklellersoir's - nwri - litind , wtiting This is. hi everPsimso, an authorized work : it was undertaken under the iimpuhation of his , and with an unreserved access to aihtlio private papers id Jefferson - in) their .tiossession : and has received the benefit of their mollectitots and .1111)1o. at every Mill. cotitallis the ..inessions of Jegelsoli on every great public question which arose. trout his ad. vont to pubile-lith to his death—a period of about sixty years. and en firiveing the n lade Soloing period-01-th e • Republic. It cont.iiiis Jefferson's heretofore Impute lisped family correspolliloure: selertlOlll. from his finest published letters, state panels, rte., etc OPINIONS OF THE PItIFAS. o No other Life of Joirilrann ever publkhed—piobably • none that ever miu. be pordimiletio.lNtil bear any coin. prime to this to thoroughnes, ftilpess of incident nod eoubelentious The biography has os bluntly been a laboini - lOve. nod this 3 ruts of IF tient, ansittuattaloil it Ilea root, have been given with ungrudging, untiring . enthusiaent.",—Not A'ouo Tr' nn NF. " At length the public haven life of-Thomas Jeff,. sett that Is not only fascinating. and that ofbre sure to ho ovular. tut: ono that will stand the ersential hlstts rie tost—; hat of accuracy and truthfulness.' It is seen that the ground-work of the whole is authentic cutout. pwary material, and of tiro order. To gather It has team the work pr years. We would not compare thin volume math. that Iniudtal , le and incomparable id ography of Roswell. and yerso faithful is the portrait. ere that Jefferson IN nude to drive of himself. that his -.nature, lily TUry . SOUL IS doline itod with a dintlitctuel.s not unlike that in w Mai Johnston stutal out In the pages of POsT. Imbued with that elithuslastic admiration of his subject, without which a bhatrapher Is rarely sueees-ful. Mr. itandaTl nevertheless does not seek to hide what°, er faults he many find, either--from himself or -front-th. road,. Ile paints the Islet Urn 05 Cromwell I added his should)." paluted,.';warts and al . Thu picture gains by tbb, eeloring,'-wthout. losing any of itst majoetle proPortions."—Atnaxv I..vcNtsu JOORSIAL. •• No ono who runs his eye, however casually, over this work, will flail to his satisfied that Mu. Randall has added very largely to the stock of the world's Wilma. Mon about Jefferson:that he lists had 11MM; to ammo. hitherto utioxplored. and that be Ina dello 0101 . 0 than was over done by any eau before him to illustrate Ithe personality of that groat statesman:'- , NEW lionk hvx- NIXo•POST. "We have road with delight Mr. Itandall's eaptivnt -ing details of Mr..lefferson's personal history, which he Auto sedueoutily gathered. slid admirably grlupeu to gather, (loth a groat variety of authentic sources, Itith• ono unexplored. Out of the tempt' Ist richness of his materials, the able and 'eleattsighted author has con strueted a hook. at once most entetlaining and Instruct. Ire—onet thaLshould be studied by every patriot of Um land."—,lttoiluesn tannins:a. Tire can be only one opinion an to the ability,' general Impartiality and Induetly whkii Mc. Randall hue brought into combination in the composilien of Ole blow,p4y. * • • • lie In worthily executed a much wanted book."—PnimmcfrinA Paces. 1 . It will inks place among the" choicest `elasoice of • "American llteratureond be consulted by"ciery• future histpcjan_ of 4.1i1e equal! rIIII.ADELPIIIA EVViI,HO ifULLETIN. ' , . Bone "We like it hegauselt neither nrals, pallister;ax. aggeriiten,' nor distorts, but approaches, In evory in. stance, and In every particular, the gamer of the noble eharactor whose opinlona hove done minuet, to shape the dotriestie and ihreignt,olicy or the nation ho motel bited so' greatly - to yall Into eXistence,"—N. 0. Tana DELTA.. • ‘Altai" This work 1w BOLD .EXOLUSIVELY, BY ' -- SUlwiett I l'T I t i - nt - tto low y rico of.s7 50—htp dttornuy_ 'Bound-Br-cloth. kaperleifeed Cairmaslng . Agonta wonted,O lit all FN prou onv , OA To alwallisalwerlferit f , or thin mirk. p• 'Omits ohould state whet couptles tboy wo•ild like to Spocirdalfenplearivill ho mint lo" mall, pricpald, to Wily addrem, ou receipt of ' " porticulore addrefa. • i:. • , '• . • , .I,ACKSON, Pullahura, 'No. UM NIIBI4III Street Nilw fork: . kug-Vbs. p:jmHandbills nlatly'executed • - o;r3 - ,... kIE!FFER'S WII66NtiAL-AND'It,E.TAIt, Drug, _Chemical, Confectionary, ,Fruit ,FV././1/leTi'• STOARE., •. . rpfii undeislantld. lute JoeL replenished hie stock of • I Itlo3lS and 3LEDIGINEI. 4 ,, which, hoe her heett se. halal with greet care. he la Whiled ore Fresh and 'ore. Ph3blciane preneriptiona will he promptly. .and faithfully attended to: (Inters. froM morehante in the 'country Will be Oiled with earn and on the most reason able terms. All olpolal preparations made Aridly In ace - ordaileti with the tharnutropela. ' 9 SPICES GROUND AND' such its Cinnamo u ,,Clocna, Alspirr, Coriander, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, "linking inhiug Soda, Cream' Tartar. Nutinega, Yeast Powder, Maize, Citron. Sweet Miii;ornu, Thyme: &a., Ac., fresh arid pure. Ile ban Qu . , CONFECTIONARIES._ 4 75 2.00 Ciranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisin's,. Currants,. ?runes, Atmonds. Filberts,- W11111111P," flre:mmuls Chestnuts, Amerimn, German and French Candles. and Candy Toys of every variety. The't,, wishing to make wholesale purchases ran hero he supplied with lint best 'quality of Confectionaries and at lower rates ihan at any other housoin the couut.ry.-Ale Ants also& full as sortment of AMERICAN, (iIIIIMAN''ANDFRENCII TOYS, .consisting of Wood and Till of every. description. such ass Dolls. Doll Ilemis. horses, Wagons, Birds, 310 h lug Figured: Fancy IVerk Boxes. Moats. Cords. : Drums,,, Choirs, - Whips,:Trumpets. - Whistles, - : BLossing &C., kV.. to be sold 11 holosele and Itendr; and In prices, competitiv Is defied. FANCY GOODS. . .. Port Monneles, Purses, Pocket I!onks. Fine Pocket Cntlery, Shell and Pearl ard`Cases, Needle Books, Port I , OIIOK, Calms, liermall,Mid) and American China J . - Ware. Inkstands and trays, Card RIO. ned •linaketn, Jolt Breast Koch lets and kings, Combs Puff, 'Side. and Back Outlaw:m.lm Combs. 'lair. Clothes, II t, Hutton. Nall Tooth Brushes. Sewing Slikel; Patent Thread and :pool Cotton. Buttons, do , Sze. • • P.Elt F Ir,lt I ES. --- Fiin - errolkt - umr - nthnr - Sonug; - Pearl — Powt trartg. find ljuAlfty Ilnir 1111 s. l'onotdes. Stmt leg nod Creams. Tooth l'aste, of a Thousand. Flowers, Triropherous, 11'aslt. flair !mi.:orators, and Heir Dye. The n Loire . havelll'llll Feled ed with rare and trill AD on oxamientlon, mienli for doonselv es. • ' * • TO/li (10(1 AND SEGA/IS. - On band the best let, of Sworn and Tollheco ❑tat ban. over Lent breettatt tV tills tussle. i I lls :Warn ve 111 con vince the, Folo.ser on turd O . ! thee parity of the material or withil tilo' • consist.-110 has on hand those only lelclt aro Ingo. teed and which lie can re onetnend 118 of the true - German - Sege• de, thee linve already gained for thenneeleen reputation thed they so rlehly deserve. Ile alen kieps the eousnion is ticle of *osiars to suit the trade: .Tohacco such an' Plain Congress, Twint ePlain. Fig Leaf, Cali en. dish. Congress, and Fine Cutr....Ti;bacee :end snuff, the best material: Feal_axilianlibll to the generous public for their lib oral patronage, a contblnallon of the mune Is solleited, - at our pl.rniqueni location. In South Ilanover street; ll reCtly and next dam. to Mr. C. I nhoit's Grocery. 8..1. KIEFFEII. ISAR—Iy. Jitaf • Lstiitc Sutcs V A . 1, UA 13 LE u ATM Al _FIRST-RATE FARM. -WIII 114 olrorod ot poldle sale op the prooilsea, on tho'ith day al . -September: 1568,- •Ind farm of .Ito:diph de.aa.vd, - CONTAI'NINO 110 ACRES 10,tillt 1,11110 'more (Ir IPS% , 1f first rate Ilmestaii, land. Ituate - In East l'enunlinro township. Cumberland County, wltbin three ;ellen' of Harrisburg. nee fourth of li mile fn.m. %Vint° [fall _Academy. at Bonin:mm . llle, formerly known HS line wait's'ravers. The laud IN ',Minded on the nnhit by the emuberland Valley Railroad. on the north lit lands ol Dr. Joseph Crain, liorgas. and (diners. and on tine west by tine road leading to Oyster's Point, from which It Is distant about one (lies h of a mile. • • The law n... are Ii lareo HANK , IIAIB N. a double Fll ANI 110U:W. Adtil Kitchell 'ittl ached, nod all other neee•sary •• • • 1 1 0. out•buildlogs, a neyer•hilliog well of wn ter near the Imam,. and nu orchard nY choice fruit. Aleut floe acres of this Nod Is well timheind, and the 11111111 . 0 all under good fence and Ina high state , . Sale ..... iiience lit idle o'clook on saTirday, when terms will be made known and attendance j4leen by _ JOIIN SAIThEIt, JACOII SADLER, • Ex'rs of Joseph Sadler, sou., dee'd. July 24, 1858-t. s. in, Ex. Insert 4 thuoi Mad charge this Mare. SSE:3-N E E'g SALE OF . REAL 171 A-1-1 The .following 11.1 Estatri will be sold.itt, public .le, No. I. On Thursday, the oth day of Beptomber, 1858, 'will he sold on the premhus, - , '• • --- 48 u ACMES OP GOOD LIMESTONE LAND, -situate In Silver Spring top.,. Cumberland Co.. four Miles of_Cerlible, bounded I.Y. tali& of 111111 am !logy, Cult...Ws heir, and others. The inmi ovements Me a FRAME hIVIIII.I.IMI HOUSE, with' stalling, and sheds. Al.out nix caret in well liisibereil and the hat, . . anee inn g0..41-stato of cultivation.. At the.s.tute Linn, call I,loolf will be sold. one Horse, good tot 'torso 11 non, Ifni battle, n, a It ago Box, .nutt4.444h.lity_nl.larta Ina imlements. • No. g. On Friday, the 10th day 41 Septomit,r,"lBNs, will be sold.on the 'trembles, ACIILS OF BLACK ELATE LAND, situate in Hampden township, county aloresahl, bound. ed by lands of at seph Eberly, Nr.thattlel I.:chola, and Boniatnin Eberly. bight avres Is well timbered and the balance in a good state of e ult I veil., IllerVlß u net,' falling stream otruntaing water on this taunt. No. 3„ Iht Saturday..the 11th day of Suptember, 1588 , n lot 4.f ground in the Boronab of.Nlechauleslang, bounded by lin, railroad us; the tea tb, high, 010 et on .the tact, IIII•1 Strawberry Ahoy on the south 'about 60 feet ou high street, and IN, fret deep. sale to rout. menet, on ea.,11 day at one otlock, P.M., when the terms of sale will be made known by • , • JOIN IltiliSEß, JOHN : 4 A DI,KIt, Assignetm of Lay Id It. 'WA:11010w =1 • DUBLIC SALE.—As the Assilitkve JIL of ,Inho Conner, I will expose to ',labile nolo. on the premises ' on TUESDAY, the 1-1111 t•olitotober, 1858, at II o'clock, A. M. A FIRST-RATE FARM, situate In North Middleton township, Cumberland co., on the Conoclogulnett crook, and bounded by John Ja mbs, David Ilia.ver'r. Mill tract, Adam 'l bona, David Ralaton„and others, containing I43.Acres, hating thereon erected a TWO-STORY WF:ATII ER BOA RUED 1 . 0 Se; 4 k ?.;:4:g LOG BARN. CO RN-C R I BS, Itagon Shed Carriage Rouse, and other Improvements. About 120 acres are cleared, and under good fence. the residue well timbered: Thu Will is or an excellent ittatlity r otri ly—lharstone—nod—pm ily—a.late—a—part.of--- oltich,lets been well lisped. sod has on It a good Apple Orchard find other choice rridt trees. The farm Is capable of dit hden, and will Ito olTered In parts or all together, as will best suit purchasers,. 'thin terms will be nude kunwu on the day of sale. ' MICHAEL L. 11 , 1UVER. • . Assighen of John Comer. July 21, 185R—le ----• i t VAI.U.IIII,E PROPERTY FOR SALE —.I hit undenikrnetl, lowing rolinfinlNlted tho di ill eNft stud I Call/S . od to LL, Country, otloin his Valuable TOWN PROPER PX anti STORE STAND, sit notort In lii.ntr Strahlurg, Frinknu County, nt Privatr Nth, This fags rty consists of JIVE ACRES OF LAND. moro or less. of the bent . . The Improvements two a large new wog Ewe:storied' Ilrick STORE STAND and ' VI .• DW1.1.1.1N1 I, a Brick ;WM` .1101. t, , sufficiently °Ala.:1 0 11S to (linage iwbU n itinOtu flout, Wood House, Carrie*, Howie, Corn Crib, two stables, and other neee:sary and contn. n lent buildings. There ore two line Oat dens attached, n ltb 11 jnlnd coli c of various kinds of choice Fruit Tires, sad on the property is one of the yet) beat' Sprinks of Limestone Water in the county.' This is, beyond doubt the best Store Stand In the " Town. the lersigned himself ha vlng'done a aped nefs nolountlng to f. iti.ooll a your. It is now no II Stone Stand. nod the only reason why it in often d for sale is because he line removed to the country. Persons wii.hing to invdstin such a Propetty. could • not do better than to utnke nn exit minntion of this, and sun Its nth:lntegra. The proprietor, residing near the town, will be pleased to show It to pets.. who atilt to purchase.- The puymvutayarlll L 3 m tde eagy and ar. commodating. A FARM AL' PRI Tim Undersigned hereby notifies all purchasers of Mot he wishes during the slimmer or rooting Foil. to dispose of bin property, located 12!4 mike euuth• oust to Carlisle, Cumberland county. in. T be property consists of fifty-eight acres of t.est ty of I,ISIEsTuNE LAND, and in a high state of cult'. • ration. The Improvements are: a 110 w 'and commodious DANK BARN; it good DWELLING 110Ua1:, • a well of never Ealing water, end an or chard of every vin lay of rIIOII . O fruit. The propriutio , bolllff noxious to remove to it distant part of the county, will sell at a mialeratei nor, Koltun • accommodating terms. For further particulars apply to tbe . proprletnrpereon• nlly~ it his residence on the abb - ve property, ui by letter, to Carlisle, Pa; • . . • 1858-cd*, "Lancaster Examiner:l " Lebanon Courlee," In, Bert to amt ff 1.60 and Charge Ilerald Office. , p L _ S.P This beatittful and pgpularlint'.orlng place in now open for the season. The buildings areierge and eon. medians, the grounds improved eith extensive lawns and shaded a elks, o Mist the niedlrleal finalities of the springs, aided fly the bearing (tuntain air, will ream) • honith nod vigor to the most debilitated system. A finehand of music, and an eflielont etirps of ser vants. have I.een engagsd for the season. Tho table In supplied 'with hli the delicacies of the season; the chantey s ere - Well furnlshedTand tlit.sywilliagett_plAgn tire int — WillTiiithlgirtll7oll - 11Tiirtiii — ettstemary innate menta of watering places, coMbinell' with all thin mires ore first class lintel. • . . . . . ' Vlaltora leaving Philadelphia or lialtininre In the vmorning, reach OWHale '))y gP. M., and 'drive et the Springs'begin+ ten. ' - . , • • , -OWEN lc CIIANDLEM, • ' ' .7n1y,14; , 68-2ni. . " -, , ~ . .„ . riT . I N NV •'S Ft ADES 1..-1110 finest, an'd tiftsbrtaiwot of I% lodow abodes ran be t_ j ho now stor . tr pumiucil , : _ZS I Is! '7 l- Ir.g f ./OLD MEDAL PRE3HUM lA . PIANO i'01ITI•:S 1 • . These celebrated PIANOS have,.nit different Pairs, fir sereral.Surcessive years. been awarded Ole hlainest KO , minima for excellence. over all competition. They have also hoen•prnnnunrnd 'by S. Timlbera, the most eelebra• tell pianist le the world, and other distinguished artists, including Mr. r!tralonsch, &e.,•4e., to be equal, if not sin• nerlor, to any in this country: . We have constantlyam hand at • our extbslve Ware rosins as 10111 V 1, 4 the largest ems •rtment of tine PIANO Foter ES to ill, Omni In tills city. which we Will sell. wholesale and retail, on the must liberal herons to putt the tunics. • ' - • In every ease we guarantee our Planes to give catty satistnetkin. Isar- Constantly on hand a fine astOrtnuolt r M EIA DEC INS of tho bort makers. at fn•leos h. an $l5 to VW.. ,piA 4 6 : l,..Aln a Ty , ii . ll . 7 ' , Edo r large number sccmtd•hnnd taf,. im.Yetlig r CZ= tuned. WILLIAM !BABE 4' C 0: July , 1858. THIRTY-FOUR NIET)ALS, FINAT I' DAN I u-ms- OVEN Al,l. COM rETrrons IN 'UN rrND STATES MES, , ItS: C. A: SONS. having removed to their no' ware ranee, I:1117 Chopp -wt root, Philadelphia. are pr, pared-lo offer n largo. nor , rtinent of (IRANI), PA Itl.ol ORAN!), SQUA E.anil UPRIII lit PIANO FORTY:S. I vni ions st)lmi nod cure and tit priers which en non fill to plase. Deseriptliii cataltigu,((sent to nnym drops upon applkitlon. July 21, I0.:(8--ly BOOKS,! KS ! BOOKS ! • BOOKS ! . smi.rn 'are sole agents in • Franklin and Cuniburland coUni.h, for the f9llowlim valuable works: — Itentloie Abridgment of the liehates uE Cungres. Price pur .Vol., Cloth 41.. t Ott, Sheep a 50. Ilea ton's Thljty l'ear!ii Vie ; 'complete in 2 vols. Clod, W. Law Shoup sti OU. • Morse's IleucnJ .Atlas of tlle World; Colored ,Mnpe and bound, $6llll. • . Burton's Cp.lop:mita 61 Wit snd'll moor. American EloquenCe ; a COneetioll NIPPOWS, etc., by the nimt eminent orators of Anlerlea. with hhigre plant sketches and iiinkratiVO Hot... by Frank Mo To. now ready. complete In tonr-volsc-Elotb.s7] no; hibrary style, leather; $0 up; half call, gilt, 8 OU; half m0r0e ,33, i 00. . SANDERS'• SC1101)1, BOOKS. ` , odors' .Prinier. . • . ' Sanders:Stadler. ----Sanders' Reader, So, 1., • . -- Sanders' header, No 2. . . Sanders' Reader, No. I. • _ , Snders' Reader, No. 4. . . . ___ . S: Sa tut I, re.'_ Header, N 0.5. - Sanders header, No. A. . - - Sanders* High : , e11(.1 Iteadei. • _ • - ;hinders' I Aidies':lteallhr, - - Sanders' Speakers Wholesale and retail at • SIMI - 01:1c, TAYLOR .t. S)IITIPS Pianos, . ,SIIRYO6Ii, TAYLOR 4: SMITH'S. • A large.supyly orS,llool Ilooks:wholesnl , i4ind l'a‘l l • SHRYOOR, TAYLOR & SMITH'S.- Paper. Envelnpk,Pens Inks, etcet.e. .• . , • Sit hYoeic T.ZyLtm & SMITH. --- CO \ FF. AND•SBE K E r, IvE CORNER OPPOSITE Tilt MAIIICia HOUSE. We oiler to our runner 'customers and the public in general, a flmt rule amortment of new goods, suit ii l unsurpassed for beauty, Idyl.", durability, and cheap. 110:01. Our !dock r0m,10.9 of , FISH SILK 3106liSKI1 lIATS, Flue Koaliuth,•iloyie, Youths', and Hilton's Fancy Ilats, of every color.' STICA WOOS ANN) CAI'S, we are cure the lend iietortnient OVIr offered In tho county, and worthy the attention of all. BOOTS AN!) SHOP.S. IP every visrlety and style, Ladies. Misses and Chll Jren Ilne Ualters. and all 'lands of Children's Fancy Sham For Gouthunen a good assortment of every style and finish; in favt"every orluty in our line.-, - - Thankful to the public for past forma we 'solicit a continwiilon of custom. as we are sure we can make It to the advantage of the purchaser. P':23 A Card from. Dr. James M. Jarrell', 'VILE Nl.ll . C,/ItIC I,UM/ I.v rtitll,lBl • .—sly con notion for the past eight years With the above Instilu• tion, as Chief Physiciali, and a twelve years' . COUISU of mtelltly dlll'otioll to tilt Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kindled diseases, bigether with lily unrivalled pp irtuhlties and ad ymitage ul pat litilogival research— alited,init a little by a perfect system of Medical I libido tion—h is enabled mu to !arise at a decisive. direct; and successful course of treatment by the poultice and radi cal cure of ail diseases of the Throat. Lungs, Oflli Alr e.Oisageti. By 11111 lends, the cap •r and cunitive prp. firths of medicines are directly addressed to the diseased 'organs and the Integument. I du out advise the Meet Medical lull:dation, of any kind, to the exclusion of general treatment; find altliouglel consider It n useful adjuvant In the proper managenieut or those fearful and olten fatal dine:ors. yet I donut It very necessity. that I.,Celf - PlithitiriflßlTild — have the benefit of both general and Inca; treatment,. 'l'he success of my treatme L In the above dlaeases, and the high character of the lust i• Lotion over which I ha Ye no long had the honor to pre. sit , ', are toil spelt klloWll to treed any eulogy or cont. e t front toe. At the aolieltation of many private and moressional blends. through whose phibinth_rople alit the above dual ty has tired long and libentliv - kupperted and after due consideration, I have faniclufted to nick, arrang.nnetits its will bring the benefits or my ek. perfence and tie &Kent Within the reach of all, and out o ndlan, myoollyoo lieropebre,•to iii so 014-.410 entered the Infirmary. Or a Ito were able to Vita ale at my tittle, (loping thereliire, tied the or...gement will give entire satisfaction, both to my professional brethren and the publie,l would respectfully ullluluhce In coorlusion, that I Coll new be consulted personally or by letter, en all:lsouses as :sit ye. and that the medicines, the sane OR used in the lust Mahn!. prepared tit stilt each bulb ideal i•ase.inhallul Vapors. Medical liflnVers, trill be tbricariffid by express to any part of the tutu States or. tile Canadits Ttims-31y turns of treatment bflotter aro OP fdlosoA, I'IZ $l2 per mouth fir earls patient, 0 Well will Include iniallebte sufficient' f one utuntlis use; Ills Inhaling Vapor. and 1111 Apptinttus. 1 . 01101VM: $l/ to tie . paid to Express Alma on receipt of the box of 31edielne. and the balance $0 at the expiration of the month, if the patient he cured or is entirely satisfied with the treat ment. Patients, by giving a full history of their cat4e, and their symptoms In lull, can be treated as troll by latter as by pUIVIII/11 UX111111111•11011, I.lltlolllll themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon initionliate and permanent relief„ aft he iffildiMi has to treat a ease OVOrthirty d aye. Letters thr advice prompt• ivy answered. For Curtner particular/. addresti - ES sr. - .l.tiouirr, m. D., No 820 Sr..allosty. Cor. Twtillith St., N. Y. B.—Physklans qml others vi itiug Um city urn to _eplet,fillly_lityltra,lo tall at Us, Infirmary. %Olen, tangy lotorestllig, Mies q,lliln w115.".50.1, and trliera our to. , PROVED,pirche luhnlntiuu of IllUdiellted viper • 1:411 - bo - sqpi And Inspuetad. ugT 1. 6S-0. v • i 1.1) PION AN , 0 V : E It STItELT • CAUL SLE PA. Wholesale Rates Ileduessks!, per 100 lb's. Thosit6l.loll or Country Merchants pod the public •golierally Is luvitod to a largo assortment of CHOICE CANDLES; . intowillictured of no host tuntorint and warranted to ovmtuin uu poison I:l:thtiir colors, which will he Bolsi Wholesale or Retail at low rat. at !ha old ataud of 0 - N - Y E - 11. NORTH HANOVER STREET, OARIARLE, PA., . A few doors North dr tho Carlisle Deposit Bunk. Just received a loritti niesitment of ~ FREsit LIdUIIS.AND NUTS of Out latent Importittions, consintlug of • -Leutonmi • ' ltabdos, . Prunes -Mumma's, . ' Pine Apples, • Almonds,, • 'Filberts, Create Nuts, ‘.„, . Cotoo Nuti, all of which will be sold At low intuit. Also, a large us sortmout 01' YOYS, AND FANCY GOODS • .oLorkry_tortoty., AlsOiAtll.tho bestbraitls of SEG ABS AND Too ACCO, of ANORIVILki and. aOrllltlU manufacture. , :The'subsOrlher mew/m thitilka for the' I thong patron. , age bostowed on him by the public, and solicits it eon. tinuanee of Lheic r hivinw. Ilenturtiber the old Stand of . , • • 1 , • •B. MON it line GI, "North' ilantwor'Strent. MICHAEL FEIESE, sr. ILACKS)IITiIS' U 0 A L Iluteleli! of Illtumbome Coal, from 'the enlebinted' .I,etoon" %ll ioo, rerelviug and for ealu b 1 4neli4t E, 1847,!- • W.lll. HURRAY. . itlisc"Mancous. PIJJI O PiJ)O! MANUFACTURERS 'OF ORANILAND ' SQUARE. PIANO FORTE S 7 - EMI A IRE & Co WILLJARI Nos. 1;8. 6. and 7, Hor•tli Eutaw street, Opposite the Ealaw Ilause, • And aCour NEW SALES-ROOM, 207 fialtimore street, between Charles and Light streets. ', TnE tBST PIANO FORTES MANUFACTURED DT CHICK EttiNsO &c SONS, WHO HAVE-RHOOIVED MQlndeomt, . SilltYoCh, TAINLOIt k SMITH'S (OUTS, S 110. ES, II ATS AI41) CAPS, ' A I? It I VA L, SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR Carl Ixle, April 2S, 1858 t, Tdaf. ,;Bit:IDLE j continuos the practice of the law, In 'the °Mae fortnu'rly occupied 10 , hie father,' Wm, .Diddle, ..Deq and mnr° recently, by, the law firm of Penrose & • • Dec 23, '67.] ' • - ' , , Attormay at law. Cy. -0111¢o on • North; Hanover attriot, 1t tow•tlOOrs south 4131ass' Hotta. All buslnoSs entrust/or to hint will be propptly attoluhnj•to. • . -[ ITA] lb: y A• NOTIOn;.- - - REmovAe. w. t M. PENIMOSE hue rimmed hii °Mee to the Nom formerly occupied by him! on Dlein street a few doors met of the Motiveliet Church where he will promptly attend to -all businese entrueted to him. • Augest 1867. - • ASV ok' E 51 . UEL. TODD ILLban reaumed tfie_rtactire of the Low. Office In Centro ware, Welt Ade, lank ihe Wet Priebyteilen :Church. April 8, 1857 . - ./AR. S. B. KIEFFER Office in Noith ILJ I lan nvor stroet two doors from Arno' A: -Son's store. °Moe hours, mornparticulerlyf -to o'clock A. 111...enii - frorn 5' to o'clock, P. M. ' • ' . • ouron ARMSTRONG-him reniov od,' his office to Centre \ Mineril west of the Court 1e ; Where he may , . beconsultell at Any hour of the pous day or rielit. Dr. A. has Mid thirty years fisperiseic r e In the profession, the last ten llf which hava-beon deco tod to the litudy and practice of ffouiceopathle motil. clou t • . May 20, %Mi t : . NKiN, • , Ifortuvo'patilla Pli3.llclan nn i 1 Surgeon. Oflico, Lnot Main utruilt, o Jalning baxton.l.burdware store. CarN, March 31, GEE. w. NEIPICII,c'D; D. S.— LIE° Dumunst ret ‘ os efOpeeetiieDenilstry-to-the- B:ilinrere„C;"°g° of - . - %MO, Ofheent lileeesldinee. opposite,. hlarlou West. :%101T1 Sfreet, Carlisle.' ;. Dit.1.0.1.A0031.1S 'Rooth Ilanovor area, - e.V*- next door 'to the Post Met). ha absent from earllslo the lust ton days of oath month. - - - f Aug: . I, DR,.E Cr`E 'Z. .B RETZ, . !laving. returned to Carllale, oilers Ills , professional sUrviees to the citizens generally. . — Mir, In - North - Pitt iltrileri . Uendy opposite his former residence Teriiis- - 31tdFrata: • • . Learlisle, March 31,.'58. GEORGE -S. SEA -06 -4. - 7 Li 140 , DENTIST, from the Dal • college , of Dental Surgoay. TYf)„.olllce aL thb reside:icon!' tax mother, East Loathe' street. three doors below Bedford. • , March 19, 1.856.—tf. • ' DR. J. .C. N EFL , respect la • fully itiforins the ladles and gentlemen of Carllshr. - and • ticinityrthat hn• stinted the practice of Dentistry, and Is prepared to per all operations on the tenth and gums, holmntloti to for_ will Insert full sets of teeth on gold or silver.iik h hsingin gull, teeth, or bleAli, as they may prefer. Terms moderate. to cult the times. Unice In nigh street, directly opposite the Cutnlair land Valley Bank. N. will Ls i.F Nowvlllo Ulf, last ton' dayirat •very nnottll. I Jan. 20, 1850.-Iy. • S. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, - • North I lanover Street, Carlisle. Physician's iireseciptioltMUilfully coUipoynded A full supply of fresh drugs and chemicals. t - 18. J. KIF.PF ER, Dealer in Drugs ; Clonnlcals._Pottlooory, Watley Akleloo. Oudot, thotittyz - youth Iliatavor'Stroot, - Carlisht - , L'u.— f U M II E It. I—R. E. Shapley, kr., / having purehased the bt111111:11 YARD, forperly kept by Ilenry 171nse. has removed It to the corner or North and Pitt streets, whore be has it large lot of oak, Thesnutsboved and cat shingles, with posts of ill - de• seription, oak plank and scantling; shingle sand plaster , lug lath; all of whkinrill be sold cheap for yeah. ' Mardi 21. 1858. I"RANEEIN% HOUSE, • South Hanover Street,-..tutiololog tho Court House, CarHslo, .• JOHN-HAN • ' ' Ptopriutnr. 4" - a-Mttp daily. for Papertout, Peters burg, York Springs nod Haa r ovot (rout this House. QCRIVENER AND, -CONVEYAN- L 7 SPOSIM.EIt into Register of Cumber and county, will carefully attarl to the trannactlon of nil such business as tunylte oMruatcd to hint, such as the writing of needs. 116rtgages Contractn. kc. Ile will else devote itis:tttention . 0 the procuring of Land War rants. Pensions. 'cc. nv well ea the purchain and gale of Peal Entitle, negotiations,.of loans, cp,ollire on ,Went Stroet. fitroterly °coupled, 'y 31. Peurost 'Esq. noir the Methodist Church.' . Sows P. Ssroen, Ohio. P IC. 3h.F.OILANE, VounAylvnulft. L. f.• COOK, Iloilo Wand. . SNYD 111 It, •I'FA.R.LAND, AND • COOK, Ranker. rind Dealers In Real Estate,, BICNNEAPOLIS, • Minnesota, Torrilury. • Juno 1, IiUMBERLAND COUNTY- --NOR / stAi. 8016101,- , -Tho socoud saw.' •n or Ws Instl• lutlon will r minium° In LITERARY lIALL, Pa.. on TUESDAY, APRIL 6th, ISA, and. continuo FIVE 3IONTIIS. I=l3 . . . An akin corps of.) ortruictora NM boon secured, and cifort will lot two ed to render the school worthy of he po,illeti it seeks to occupy, and of the patronage It vspectfully For circulars mot:doing full particulars address T. A. McISINNEY, Treasurer. By order of the Board otTrustees, - DANIEL, 511E1.1.1r., PredMont. JAS.' McCANDISII,•SocrotarY.. -- . Yob. 17, NANTCU, MERCHANT TAILOR, Went Main Street, (opposite the Railroad °faced has just rood vod a fol/ and alovant tolsortment of Cloths. Plin. Black nod Fancy Cassitners. and a variety of Blain and Figut od Vestings, all of which ho will make up to measure ln fashionable style, and out ma- WWI We terms. . . . AZ- Orders attoolled to promptly. and the fitting of II gurmonts plant nteod, ot no sale. " -- Unrll.lle, mayl.olBsB. N. lIANTCII. 11. H. THOMAS, VENIT AN BLIND MANBFACTURER." 7 ' blechrinloilburgi Psi. .11 , V7 All atylem and patte - rna of Minds made to order, and till] Blind. rerialrod in a unit aud nubbtatstlal roan. ner. and 11l reaponable terms • irdors from trorllsle - awl other, pints ebrond-re. sportfully pc:dialed. tod promptly oltended to. , directly opposite the ' Union %Vast Main Ste tot. (July 11. f, • Letters testamentary on rho Estate of Mrs, LAIIIIARA MILLER; date ,of LllO Township of Monroe. Cumberland county. deceased, having boon granted to the undersigned. notice In hero. by given to all those indebted to mid? estate, to make inimmiloto payment: and !hose having claims against thl,-vanie are requested to than, duly authenti cated,fer settlement. JACOB' NI ESLY, of Monroe. JOIIN. BRANDT, of Mechanicsburg. lixecutors of Barbara Miller, deceased.. July 7,18a14.—1te \TOM B.— Notice is hereby .given, that applleatinns Ibr LICENSE. under the net of 3lst. 1 S:didm d its supplemunti must bu Ii led with the undersigned onu or helium the 9d day . uf August next, otherwise I hey will list i.e heard. DA. CROFT, Clerk. duly. a C.. ClOllOOl, EXAMINATIONS —The bu odxsitullinti q ns,of Toaohors for thu public achools will held thllows: Newellle, July .2.9th;nt 10 o'clock, .A. M. .9,lllppousburg hoe:, " 30 '`..‘ 'll ' I :4 l l e t:p l Pl i sTi b u u rK r tp., Aug. ‘ 3 ; 1 1 ; 1 1 1 Southampton, " 4 " 0 '" A. 51. Newton, "& • tl. Sliver Spring, „ 7- Hopewell, 9 "10 " 311111 u, " ." " Frankford, 'l2 , f ,'" West ronushom' " 13 ". 9 " A. M. East Planahoici• " , 14 " 10 w • ' 1 1 7 8 7, 0 9 t 4 4: N. 311tIdloton, " ,19 —‘ 9 " 51Unroo, • . "^0" 0 Ilampdon. ." 21 " 1 " nM. Upper Allen, . " 25 "10 " A. M. listrer e -1"1. Directors will plinkai undid tile necessary arrange-, Monts. The old certificates will be oxeliiinged on the days of examination: The oiainintitions will hr public. •No private exam'. natolna will be allowed, exceptdu extreme eases: _ ' 13111iLLY, Comity Sup% _ July 21, 1852-21. •. •• :.• '• tr. t ..t. , , "MOUNT lIOLLY 'SPRINGS HOTEL," .pivp.miLiti FROM.CAufaRtR, PA., - . .. Al'the Cap of At South MO uutain. • . .. T ' ll.i: 8 u . B 8c It 1 81:.;nr the St. Litiereiteilletel • Chestnut street, I'llihetelphle. having lensed • the above rimier Summer _Resort, of the late it i reprietor. Jos. AS .tiril teni 011. open the esuliten the:Nth ofJuuo, fur thit reception of 'gnests.. . ',' :.• • , .., , • ' 'if. ill:M 114T t it , '. • Terms moderate. Adtreiss, • ,• . ,• . - , Monet Itelly RpriniN : •- . .'. • '• ' ' Cunitsirtheitt County, Pd . . Y *E AO WAN TE . ted FIFTEEN TEACHERS, 18 nintieranS - 2 Ibtintlee, 14.11'04 Fennaboroogh Dletrlet.. - BIIIMInatI aim to take' piece' et FhtloteiTd Reboot House, on thepth erAquet, nt U o'clock, A. )1,,' 114ortter Or the hoard. I' • •'" - MARSHALL JAMES,: S'etiefely. ' ''July 28 18M-pt 33itii0esg" Zarbs:. CCM= I= New Oootto., LARGH SPRIN`G . ARRIVAJ , NEW YORK ANritiIITADRINfItA, ELEGANt NEW GOeYDS, . 4t.• ‘V IiENTZPS STORE''.. • .Splendld stook of new flack Dress 811kSr.1 1 I4E.P/Oceltl 'Styles Pawl/revs Silks. • . . 4/00 S f .8411/0 1.1.1' EGuamvy I French Foulard Biik., allow Bilke, SiAin and • Striped Baregel, Velenclap, D 14041/ WI, Beautlfill • pew printed Galileo. French printed JIM. • gotta,' very handsome Ehglish 111 , 11. • • Hanta. very handsome French . America Printe, Seatelt, ' French and Dententio • Oinghems, — net Mahone end . • Drone "Tri mmings, • • Shawls in every variety. •. • - Silk Crepe, Stella, Cashmere, • ' &e. Embroideries; very low Com. " • pilsintr COMA Its. SLEE9II3FLOtINC- • DIOS, kfiIIINGS. VEILS, •a. Cerpotings ' and 011 Cloths; VENITIAN, INUR A IN. THREE PLY, IIitUSBELLS, COTTON k HEMP. Druggets and FlOer 011 Clothe of ell widths. LINEN . 00008, A rnmpfalo cumortuient embritrin; 11/I"the most Gehl Cloven and• • . Hosiery for La , di en, alleitee• n d Children, groat Variety of kid. eilk and Cotton, • • Moves, LaMar Elegant Tu`tated • . ' Bilk tittle, &c. DOM liitTlC AND STA " PLC GOODS: Bleached and unbleached Skirtlnge. Bleached and unbleached sheet Inge. Weldon and Cotton Finn nele. Corset Jranefielclnga, Cot tonndes, Sa t inutg, Tweado,. - Cotton and , • port', Tahiti Covera, Blenched and Brown „ - , and an endless no. , • rioty of. other . • - In filet, this Stock 'of'geodp to very extunsivaTibor ouch nod complete,-having been parelunied• with groat dual of ear°. wo feel confident we (11n plonks any one who will favor us with a call. All outdid warms who have patronized us hereto; firm-will-ndmlt, that._we. have sold. the best bargains ever pun-based In Carlisle. We ran more our friends and althivinWor.“ Cheap .tiondo." that-w9--are - as - yell' ',plmed no ever to offer superior Inducements for their patronage. A. W. BENTZ. " South Hanover stroet, opposite thu Post OBleo. Carlisle, April 21. MR NEW . GOODS ! NEW GOODS !! I havojuot returned from Now York and Phlln dolphin. nod inn now opottlnd In the now atom room the largest. ond.most Pplendtd.stock_of SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS aver hiought to Carlisle. -A mo.ioDseont lino of LA DIES DRESS-GOODS, ouch as Plain and Policy Silks Ilayodere Side Stripe Sulks Elegant Block links. ver:. low, Poll Do Chuvlers..llrenadlues; Volum:lens, and lie rept Robes, Side Strhiu Delanes, Uncoils, Organdy Lawns, Brllllonts, etc., ote. • A full ossorttnent of Embroidery, Elogant "oilers, Undersleeves, Handkerchiefs, Inserting, Edgings Flonne'ngs. etc., ate., cheaper thou ever, Condoles thaTettond Strlpert,Jaeonets;t4Vl9.l3lusllns, Nonsoults. etc., rte. 'Mutable; Ticking.. Cheeks. °lngham, oleo of all kinds and nt the vary lowest notch. - BONY L'TS,72I 111102 VS - PLO irEks, Ruches, an make] now assortment. • " ' :. , 1 , 111.50 SHAWLS, a 'largo assortm - ont and very cheap, such a 4 Stolla wool D 01.00., Thibet, lironadlne. New Cloths find Cate , lmeres also suet received. Cue. shnereS and Other goods for Boys' weal. in groat variety. Counterpanes, Hosiery. Moven, Mitts, etc.. etc. • A. full and now assortinent of Mahogan,y, Rosewood and Walnut framed . Looking Classes. CARVETTNOS AND Marrtans.-..-Another supply of surer hoporial, Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp and Stair Carpet, Ingo. at very rodunal.prkes, nix stork has been laid in ‘slth great rare at the very lowest eachprices, and will be sold for the rash at suell.priees as will convince all that new store In the plaeo fa Iny out their rash to the very best advantage,. Light profile and quirk sales. Remittal the now store Is on the corner of Main and Nit streets, opposite the Methodist Church Carlisle, April 1, ' Cli AS. 00 ILiIV. - NO IV IS THE TIM!? P'OIIBARO4INS: L ARGE AND EXTENSIVE ARRIVAL 0P... .-... • . SPRING AND SUM MER GOODS. Al the New Stare: Corner ot North Hanover and Lowlier Streets The undenligned roinrnS thanks for the patronage' bestowed upon him by the publ ir, and grille same thin,. •respectfully "announces that he has just reltdmed from Philadelphia, and Is now onening - a now, lot (4 SPRING AND SUMMER DRY (0)005 AND GROCERIES, con. Mating In part oaf flows, and, which hog determine) at the lowest moll prices. - • • SILIiS,L__DUCAL (monis, Chailles, Alparas...De• halms Dellmtes, Linares, Poplins, .Lawns, Ilareger,. liallianta.Skirting.Ft en eli and Scotch Dinghams Prints, Gloves, Hosiery, Collars. ilamikereldels. Slt AWLS AND MANTILLAS, in every "style and trualitY. STAPLE AND DOMESTIC ‘MY 00005, Cloths, Cits. Figalnir, Fianna's, A111%11111.; 'Pickings. Stapes, Cheeks. ralimos, Cottontides, Linens. Sh - eCtings, dent. tuns, Nankeens, Drills, Marseilles Quilts. colored and white Carpet Chain. &c., /tr. Parawis and Umbrellas Also a hir.N 'and splendid assortment of BONNETS, HATS, CAPS. HOOTS AND SHOES. A uporior lot of fresh UIIig.IIIRIES, Tens, Coffee, Su• , gar, Molasses. It Ire, Spices, &c. Heel t; selected my entire stock with - the greatest care, and the lowest • CASH PRICLS, / ran assure my friends and the public generally, t h at I will do all in my p awer to aunt. nay ustehiltdiniont known ss thjx...:LIIIAIII) QUARTERS FOR 11A till A INS.. • Those wltcre Isirlo purchase will find it to their advantage to cdli and examine my stock before purchm•lng. I will pay the highest netrket olio for Butter. Eggs, .'lingo, Soap, and Dried Fruit. 'J. A. lIUMIIICII, Tr. Cellist°, April 21, 1858. Nli'v G 0-D S FOlt S 141.1 N CLOTHING. Thu suliscrlbers respectfully inform their patmns, and the ellisetis generally. that they have recently received from New York and Philadelphia, n large and elegant assortment of clothing suitable for the present season. manufactured of the rest materials and to the-must fashionable style, !vide!, they are deterial s ned cheaper than snnilty artle:es esti. ho elsewhere. _ Their stock comprises DitliSti AND FROCK COATS, of new ad lashionable styles. Business Seeks and Frocks of the best material tint latest patterns Double and klugle breasted Costa, In endless variety—choice stylus. Fine Black French IMeskin and Fancy Cassi mere Pants, ;Plain Hula odored Cassimere Pante, In great variitty— choiee'sty les BOV'S CLOTHING. In order to meet the wants or the people In this branch of their bwlness great rare nod attention has been given to It the present season. Coats, Pants and N'ests of all sizes :Ind qualities. to which constant oddi mom, will he made during the season. - I ~ , • . A150,.4 full assortment of Shirts, Collars, 110.1111 P, Cm rats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Stnipenders, Stocks, Gloves, llosierfand Umbrellas, Always' lt hand a large assortment of Black, Brown, Blllg and 011 ye Cloths, Bina Doeskin and fancy Csiasi -moro-Vehtings, Clot Ident,of every description and quality well made, and of good Material bmstantly on 11:11111. Customer'igivork made up to order, at the shortest notice pod on rea.ualde terms. ARNOLD & LIVINOSTON. Carlisle, March 24. North Ilenover at G REAT REDUCTION [N PRICES, AT 0011.111"8 NEW SMILE. Yhave this day commenced to'rult uR myclarge and splendid stock oil' SuumiturOtads at very reduced prlces. Elegant I.dwas wortlil2 and 18c. for 6 and , cis. Bareges du Latins " 11 - 10 " do. " 23 • • ' 6. • 18 Gingham " 12 -66 16 '‘ 10 and 12 " Militants "12 " 18 -6 ' 10 " 12 66 Doh go • " 12% ,o 8 Madams Cloth " 18 .gi 12. Summer Silka 75 '• 50 Due., " .31 211. .a. 'Silk and Baregu Mutantaa much under prioe,-Needlu. work Collars and Undorsleeres. Groat bargains. Par asols cheaper 9mn over. Cotton and Linen Pants stuff. Very cheap Summer Casslmers, cheaper than over sold In Carlisle. Carpetings from 12%rts. to $l. Very low Mattings at Cost. A lot of wall made Monts and phoes, below cost to dose them not. Purchasers wishing to lay out their tummy to the best advantage, will do well to rill at Alio pew store rams, West Main street, opposite the Methodist church. —4 ' CIIAS. 0011,111 i% July ill, lBtiB.. , . • VE'W STAGE ROUTE.- „1 1_1 The subscriber has started a &I-weekly line of tages hotwoun,Narlisie n Landlsburg, nosing Cur -lisle every - Montlayi'lrettlt — Hud — Fridny,"turtuirdi , ntely on the arrival of the a \ train of care from thirenst. Returning, leave., I trg at Bop A. M., - every Tuesday, Wednesday an' ••y, and arrives nt Carlisle nt 1.00 I'. 51:, via. 1. 1 61 County Warm Sprlngs,Shermunsdnie Sterrett's flap and Carlisle Sul pour Springs. (In and afor Juno the 151 h, rho line will he run daily for the accommodation of passengers going to the Springs. , - Faro to the soierni points an full Owe: • Carlini° to Sulphur Springs, • • $0 50 •” Sturrett's Gap • ' Shermansdale, . . . . . . H 7 ".. " Perry County Warm Springs, . . . lOO " •,Landisburg, . . . . , . . 100 • RETURNINO. Landiaburg to Warm Springs $0 25 , Sherummniale , • - 16 Sterrett's Gap, . . . . . 75 '• Sur ur'Springs, 1 00 The above line will regularly emir the MAIL to. and from the several points above lodic:Med. .1 have also a well steehed LIVLIIY STABLE, from which l'am at all threes reedy to furnish horsus add ear • Hag. to those who will fever me with their patronage,' do the most reasonable terms and In the very beet style. maylhlfiesB. GEORGE LIESIMIL. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. • • AvANTED, a Teacher eempetent, to take charge of a school in the borough of .Now , ilumborland, In thlo,couoty, for the winter cession, to white* a liberal salttry will be Debt.— For furtherparliculara address XIII. B. VitOWELle flocretery School Board. "T7u1y.21, - 1553,-84„ (;)OTEACHERS . WANTED. tfantiid In Dickinson township. °midairland' pplikr 20 TRAWLERS; to takii charoti of,;Arnebotilic thi , trict, during the sunning winter; to whom liberal rice will be given. . .• ,- • • , Applicants edit meet for extunlantion at the StOno lfaveru - ,"im.T,desdny, dux, of August,' at. ohm .Dy, order of the ikard. :Jutys;l . B4seLa . c. . • 8.0,9t.r5. • ithirtilao4 v Wei#ortonitumo, 1 34 K, 000',FAS1111 C, ,I,irillgeor•R. t AMA n 40414 Op lioit4 4NO WATURiii moron ' 090TER . /IRIAN, A, 0, Sfottawatjcis sod nihiorp 44/POIPIMb • Ti10)1,40 0, 110E00, 'A, 0,, *natant T4llo.ll**.an4 itigher Opg0);IL, . . , ?hisThet.ltutlan having'passed Into now bonds. will burcumenad pea Male Sithool only. on Tituriebty. thet 24, 'day or Soptonibor next: It la the design of the prosetit proprietors Ito make It e atrlettpflrat.clua lkordint • -Mahout. for training opd fitting boys-and young men either for college or business:. .111 uticiunt corps of In. •littligeturs big haewertatulzad, wbopuparannkl ititarcete are Identified with the auctem of the Institution, and : • who will sporo no pal na to make ft worthy of the quiff. -- • — dencran4 patstmage .fluilditlita or the Inatituta are ample, and mall arranged for centmodatlon of about Mindy bourdera, and all students from &woad. aro - expaatud to board with iheleachurs.— Tboi wfli thus enjoy the bunefltef constant limb pep 0 ~and suporvielan. , • Mechanicsburg fa situated In ilia centrUof rho beau WM Cumberland VallaYvnine Wit* (raw iiinTlahnia, and la alloy of lamas by Railroad from Phlladelphicillalv Mama. km No location could he more cligibla for ne• • eau—none more healthy or attractive for ouch a school. Peptic from Waablnalum Iktltiuwn, rhiltulalphha and Intermediate pinto, taking the .morning tram, will Mutat )luritanicsharg by 2 dolock, it. If, aa It la then. deturruluntlon of the Principal an 4 hie Malatanta to - place the Inutitutd on a permanent and olavated lonic. • with every application requialte for superior success, ' they appeal with all who leave sone toed. Tito mhoinstic year will Jut divided into. two aosslnna - of twenty two weeks each, thu trot beginning on the fret Thursday of lieptembur, and needing on the trot Wednastlay of Ilehrtiery: thu second 'maiden lumlnnina on the Peel Thuratlity of February, and' ending on the ilnit,Wednesday of July • -- Boom Rout. aud Fuel por 00 00 12 00 ,la-00' ,da Endßeth), - I ,— .,.(llldbegNittallah -- - ,I' Ancient and 'Modern - Lantraingee, Terme per aussion.payaido InAdeanre. lA. Not further Information apply to the Principal 3.lechaniceburg, Pa. • , —R-Er ERE NC E ..% • • Rey. AJl:Mariatt, A. M., Pros't. of • Irving Foinalo'Colloge,- • :Ira Dal M. D., • • • :,F.phraiiii Zug. May, . 11ev. S. 11-Dunlap, Rev, D. W. Pardue, D. D., } ' liarrishurg,'Pa, F:•Ililii. A. O. 'rotator, Hoe. W. B. Edwards, D. D., - Lev. Wm M. Pitcher, Baltimoril, Nd . t'..ltay. B. P., lirooke,.A.. M„.1,„ - - -- • ltov. 7'. IL Sargont.. D. D.. , Wm. 11. Alion,T,L, b., Prvi.(illrard Collego,} •,i 800. Josoph Castle, B. D, , " • . Philail'a. , Rev. Pounol Conmlio, Rev..). T. Crano, D. D., Pridnf N. J. Conf. Bominary, Roy. A.A. Mies°, . Bev John A. (film Carlisle. • • Itay.ll. D. Chambers, . , • 800. C. P. Whig , D. Th , Boy. T.. Daughert y, A. N. M. D., AVayneaboro'',,l'a. - . Roy, J.B. Loose, A: M., Greencastle. , Iler..lohn•MuClintook, D. D.. Now York City. . • lIev• J. N. Itelloy,-D, U., Pittsburg, Pa. : , Dicamsom COLLEOF.O • . The undersigned Members of tiro ,F,Mmity.of Plekin 'son Pollego Mho groat pleasuro In 'recommending tit Cumberland Palloy institlll.o, under its Wow,orgattlta tiny, the eonfidenctiliitti patrotiago !IF tho public. 'rho Principal and his Associates are giallo:gas of thi Instil titian, with whom wo are intiointeiracqueluted tunt it glees up pleasure to certify to their character a goutlmuun and thoir qualification ne teschers. heartily recommend them to, the public. C. Collins, Pres., W. L. Boswell, IL NI. Johnson,- Aloe. 1. Sehent, J. W. Marshall. R. D. ItillouttP,- 0. °`° G I • "%PE I - . - • (4( P., • • , • ..1 °*1415444P-- 414 P. •0 + r 3"PI--1. 1 " -- K - i, -== , 4;Jo. lett 4 4 W t‘3 4 ;, 1 4 4.. .T11:1: V's*. 0 n l Ci,„, (10 , o , z es - 4 ep, lOcabo' taln I o' eM _- J. R. CA - SSELBE'RRI"S . . (LAT,: Anttli k CASHELIIERIIY,) DRIV.,4IOODS STORE, 53 N Tit EIGIITII STREET, uii.ow Ancoi. (oLn O. :19 4 " PHILADELPHIA. • DRrOOODS, WHOLESALE AND -RETAIL ONG PRICE--1311ALL PROFIT-01E1,r 1 , 011 CA9II fu9'Sft-.1 y. PRINCIR,f CO.'S ' IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON, THE OLDEST ESTABLISHMENT In the UNITED STATES, EMPLOYING TWO ituNnltEn MEN, and Finishing EIGHTY INSTRUMENTS PER WEEK. Combining all their Recent Unproven - ten ts—the theidod Swell, Organ, Melodeon, Ae., tte. (Tho Divided Swell eon only lu obtained In Melodeon of our Manulacture.) • GEO. A. PRINCE & co. Maukuthettairere, 'Buffalo, New York =1 87 Fulton al. X. I:, 110 Lake et IYIIOI,ESALE AGNNTS—ltussoll & Richardson, 1R.,. ton„Nlass.; W. F. (Wham, CinclnnntL 0.; Palmer A 'Weber, St. Louis, No.; Ph. P. Worloln, Now Orleans. From the llomoJournal. April 3, 1858. Tho Nlelodeons manufactured by Primo & Co., nn, for Rile nt 8i Fulton stroot, aro Ulu boot In the world We have tried them. amt therefor,' sneak understand 'ugly of their merits. They are afforded at a very mod orate rust. PRICES OF PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS I ---FoUtAletaire-Melodonni-extentllng-front-C,torir-4. Four and a half octave, do. Cto 60 Five Octave 3lelodeon, do. Fto F..... 75 Ilya octave, double reed, do. Fto F........ 180 ORGAN MELODEON Two Banks of Keys, F vo Sots of Reeds, Eight Stops One and n.tlnlf Octave Foot Pedals, One Set of Reeds. In Petal Bass Indepondent $31,0 PIFICES ON NANO CASED it Five OctnVo Mnlodoou, oxtondittg front - V-tii e , j sloo Shi,lletaro Melodeon, • • do. 1 , to F FlvnOotovo douldo rood; du. 1 , to F 150 Ilvo'Ortova,-Two honks of Koys.::.— ...... —..„. .......... ;--200 Our Corinth,+ for thatinfocturlng are perfect, and from Mit - Tong experience in the businef,s, having finished and Cold over TWUNTV•TWQ THOUSAND MALOIfI ONS, we feel confident of jilvi lig satisfaction, All Melodeons of our manufacture. either sold by us, or dealers In any part of the United plates or entiodes. nrcovnart.iNTED to be.perfectin everstespect.and should 'an) repairs be necessary before the expiration of one year from the data ornate we held ourselves •ready nail willing to make the saute free of charge, provided the Injury is not canned by accident or dsign. HO. A. e PRINCE & CO Anentsfor the solo of our Melodeons a ay be found In nll the principal citlen and towns in the_ United States and Confides. '.• Agents at Carlisle--SIIIIYOCH? TAYLOR. & Al Nowville--W. H. LIHN. [mayin'An. PARMEIVLAND MECHANICS' FOUNDRY AND MAC II IN HOP, CARLISLE, , •.• .9TIP.EF.T, EAST OF UAFIVIOND'S HOTEL. i'illll SUBSCRIUNIR Would respectfully hiform the: publle in general that he is now prepared to Diana facture all kinds of Agricultural Implements; such as Horse Sowers and Threshing Madill:los with separators' . attached. . Also, Corn Stealers, for hand or hoi4e powers' Straw ' — and Fodder Cutters,-Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators; Hakes, Grain Pans, Circular ilaNis,&c:, As. • Ile Invites particular ratan tier; to Ilife's -Patent-Oa ver Huller and Cleaner. • This ninchino will hull mid' clean from three to six bushels per,hour, and is said; ' 'toed decidedly the best now In use.. Ile will hiso furnish to order. • • • • IRON •AND-131tASS CASTINGS , • •• -of °Very ddscription; -such -,rts ;Thmilling , Machine, - Plough'. Cornsholler, Collar Grates, Sash Weights also, beautifully designed Its h ug fit Ceinotery Lots; Surto- - -sures, • . IP:PAIRING prOMptly attended to for Reaping, How-, • lug and Threshing Idadhinus, and" all kindi ofrAgricul ' feral Implements, JACOB AIIHAIIIMS. • A; Kura; FOrOmen:' . • - • • ,Horlisie; June 10. "58—Imos • ‘• , ~• • , '•• , 11.11.1 RS V , ANTED.-- , •ll, T allfrd :ma trr .TRACICY.IIB for lerankford'Platflct, Ex. am nations will taku_ plow at Logan's tlebool: Noma 'lBo.6,ilualta 12th' of .Aquut, at 1 o'clialt'T.: ll . l . by , ordor bf lloted.o . ,"."0(!ilIN- DO. .•%"; . • July 28, 1888-11 t. , ottry, EIIIM NIB THE [AVER lIITATOII , • thatVitttgP feit' PR& ..;4 3 ompoonded Oviirelly.fres 601115,' Th 0/th h, Tun Dihir 4tIP GIVER J., di ghlosi now Whys tlut publia. that arta Layne nem, r, milder. paid anew ,flannel titan/nay other medic, knOw/b! It le net only rietfataria but , w liirrit rowdy, actinic Proton M. ustat to asset Its morbid Matter, than on the stowed; and howele posse ro oft that inatter..thua accranpliahlitir tan pUrpootta l'ir e ttuollYr tc/thaakillY•okidto painfni_faelluarl *apart , Pnrrd In tile operal lon of Moot Otirptivrica. ttinreriattn am; Elio ayatam al the an time that It purger( It: and witrn tug,. duly ht inodarato nosoti, Wit strengthen • and build It up will , unuaoal rapidity, • • Thu lo amps' •..3 - the, principal regulators tho human body - When - ,- perfornir ita -- funtdione w. II tho pow. ore of the eyatotn era fully 118 , 01apouiThu (..„7 etonmeh la almost tlraly/lopoodoneon ther boeltby lonian of the - I.4,rerfor the.proper per- rmt. fortnarteeofltafunetlonor-- ow, ow 4,neulejl 15;4 ...R) fault, the , 'lowa, ire at fault. and the whole system vultira lu collars , /formai of one orgom- pg . tflo !Ayer -- baying crowd to do lo t duty• Nor the' illsessao of tbet organ, ono of the prlotore has made It hie idits , . 1 ,, 4 prifothm of mere than twontylears„ to nodwherewith to counteract the many deraliganandc to which it le liahly. • .fn prove nut tide rto "Infidy la at daft found, any porann troubled with LlVer Corn. plaint In any of It, forme, ha, but to try , a bottiu, and conviction cartajn, Thule 5 001 " ranlovoall morbid or had 'natter from the ayetnin. cup.plying In till& piece e Imulthy for of im..1 1 1 % .: thp fitoweeli. einithur food to tilircrt ,- zwpitaserifyinglitirblood alvllut Lama it cud brain) ge 4 del:Mote machinery rumoring thu ranaes ur • luta, cud effect ing radical mirk, CTZ ' • Una ,lore 'trier °anon is aufflclent to. relieve the fitolll/10/ and pro. vont the food, from riff. log and fouling., Only one dose Won iw•al before rearing prevent,' nightmare, ; Only one dome Wool 1. ".1 ' at night loollotnt the - .lximilligan (Ay. and Curer gorily/moor. Ono dello taken otter each meal will enmity*. - pepla, Ono dorm of Iwo teampoonfula will always callow., hick Headache. levay • ran Ona - bottio - taitoiroiMro• moron the Cain" of the Ig diabase, and makes a ' perfoot cure. ' Only foie don, !mine , Q Mutely relieve, Moll; blur 000 doe. often rio pealed ton nun , curoler Cholera iliorbna, and n preventive of ;Cholera.. _ I- proven tll -recur- , -- Onu_die•ntolum...nftun ninon of at.- tricks, while ,fit re- never nil painful feel- we; 4 Inge. cs„,lnly ono bottln Id_ flooded to throw out the of 11)34.0111 the effects of (/..j medicine alter o long de Alin el.. Coo bottle taken for an Dee removes all sallow. Ilene or unnatural color from the skin. BEI ~~i Macl'ab'g., Pa . . MO dose taken a short Limo before eating gives vigor to the uppotito nod 11111{W{I rikitt digest well. Ono dose often remelted ,cures Chronic Mar. Omit In Its viorstforms, Ishii° an mmor nod it cotiijdnloti y lehlalmost to the first dom. .000 or Ira .doses rums. attacks 'mused by Worms, itfelfildron: thorn ie no surer, safor or epeodior remedy in the woeld, no it tower (id's. No take Infinite ploseuro 'ln recommending this inedielne non preventive for Fever And Ague, :Chill Fever and all Fevers of a. 111111111 one Type. It of with certninty, and thousundonre whiffle.: to teotlfy to.lto-Ivonderful virtues. • All who CPU It are riving their unanimous teatimony in its et vor. *IL ; Mix water bribe 'mouth with ' lhe Invigorator, - and ownilm• both hicather. • LIVICILt INVIGOITA.TOII. • -IA A , OltE AT RN ENTIFIC) - TITEDKIAb" DisctiVsne;:, anti Jo daily working rum.. almost too great to believe. Pit-eurog nn Eby nfeigle, overt the firot done giving bens , lit, and.soldoni morn than ono.lsfiLle_lo required to ours. any kind of LIVER (lotiminint, from-Alio, worm Juan. dice or tlyopepshi to n ennunnn headache, sir Of which aro the result of a Diseased Liver. 133= DR. FIAIFOILD, Proprietor, 315 Ilroadthiv,New York. till, Sold In Carllele,by 5, lII.LIOTT 7 and S. W. 11AV-..,_ FitsricK. I my 251858. SAFE. PREPARATION - That ttOos not Dyne, Lid will restore .GRAY HAIR. To Its urigineri•UltW, Ipi . Nature's uwn proem, le -- .T: - WOOD'S CELEBRATED' -- HAIR RESTORATIVE. ,Z; proof of the above rhowtion, road the folit?winetel;- ,L thnnuy hum (116tingnished persons Ironiall win or the euuntry: • ,• • • HON. SOLOMON MANN, Ann Arlan , . Mich:, Adys his will,, whose hair bad berme very thin 111111,entlrely white was restored to Its might:ll brown color, and had thickened 1111E1 become beautiful' ntid.glessy upon, and en IA rely . over the head Others of my famliY and friends aye'using 3 our Rentonetive with the happiest effects. HON. JIMA) II IMPASSE, Foc•Setutto - r or Illinois. aayn my hair Was promo, tirely pray, but, by the use of Wood's Rester tit o, It 1,48 lesumed itserigituti color. and.l have no doubt permanent!) so.' 110 S. 11. L. STEIV A IN', says, my halt. Was very gray, but after using. two.but ties, It rnet9rod It Wits original color. REV. J. IC. illtAilil,.llroolrflold. Mafia., aiya It has re moved from my head, Mllairimatimi, dandruff, mod- a constant tendency to—ltching, and teritrofed my hair, which was rimy, to Ifs original color. W. DAVIDSON, Monmouth, 111., airy., my hair was tie , thirds, gray, or widow white, but by the application of thin Ileaturgite no directed, It loon resumed Its origl col:.r. 3 1)11. ti; WALLIS, Chicago, keys, after using In great many other prep:multi:le, all to no effect, 't need on• ladth, of your Hair Restointive, which hascured a hu now in my head of two years' standing. II ENJ AMIN I,oNtl It E, '254 Seventh Avenue, New fork, says, balling lost my hair by thtrilt fatz t f the I.rysinclas, when it began to grow, inktuad of b dt, as leorehol,,, it was well:mixed with gray. Bating tried lenity preparations to restore the color without effect, 1 nos Indue,d to try yours, end in NOLO of alLmy doubts It has had tbe,deshed effect. b:AVILLIAMS. Peckenoville, Ala.,. says, I have need y6ur Restorative, and Bud it nil it is recom mended to hit. 1 haye tried it fur Totter and had itp certain cure. • W. M. 15'001/WARM Frankfort. Ky. 141yil; he reeonnuends It In Itiq in...lice us the bout preparation for I.he hair now in use. , EDWARD WALCU'FC, gays, three months ago my hair 'Fits very gray, it la our a davit brown. the original ruler, ouu and glossy, all by the use et Weed's R. korai Ire. • it I LSON R INC. says, 0110 month's proper applleatTon will . restore any person's hair to its orighml color and texture. .1. I. lI,IES. says, a few application*, fastened my hair firmly, it began to grow out and turn black, Its original cob., 111,TSEY SNIITII. North• East Pennsylvania, *sayit • tint her hair had, Sro a :Mudwr of years, boon perfectly white, but now it Is restored to its youthful color, soft and glossy. ' DR. J. W: BOND, St. Paul, says that his hair Is strong think and black, although a short time since he was bait bald mid gray. The people hero saw Its effectsand , have confident,. in It. ...MORRIS DO:11.1ND, M. D.; St. fouls, says that after trying many, other proparatiens, all to no ellect•he used two bottlus which encored, kin hold with a now and - igorauxgrowth 01 hair aunt inviles.ull to conio and see it. SARA!! J.-BROWN, 003 x her ,h4lo'was not only gray, but so thin she feared Its °Mini bus,•-bitt after using ' Iwo to ttkia it boa entered both the color and growth. Prepared by •D. J. WO.lll & CO., ltd Market street, Saint LOUIS, and 312 Broadway, Now York, and sold by trillATTlCSlCirnit - Diftdift - Mirdtellie - DO&larsalsoTty - all Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United Slates I.istl Canada. Imy2tVsii. '••••-•-• Per sale in elitjislo, by S. W. 11.111111TICh, SAM'L • ELLiorr, and Druggists overywhore. Chicago, 111 11 A T 1 I A - D I I 1tp,31).!_„114,- • • - !—NO CURE, NO PAY'I • • ,D,H . I) u P ICUN T , the celebrated Proildi 'bract Stoner, 'hes established an .agency • In Philadelphia, the only one Ps America,' where dime, Lions nod 1114.41irilli• may be procured for the treatment nod culls of !lemon holds or PILES In an incredible sithrt owe of time. This announcement is made' with ?be utmost 'confidence. • because. It in ati ENTADI.IBIIED - Cu; attested by tiostomuis who have been sufferem, that the various idols's of this diatrossing disease can be speedily cured by Ibis new mode of treatment. The relif. in most eases, is meet Instantaneous., So sure are the pn.priot , irs ,fthis I hat they are willing. to take the risk themsch OS. .111:16 1 Too MONEY OE ANT PATIENT WILL DE RETURNED. IF A cons IS NOT PERFORMED, WIIERZ 011t,C. lONS int rbi.t.ow,tp "Citt The gaud nnwitlit of distress-and texture endured bY thousands of people. trout tills disease, the other 'dlr., • rangeinents 01 the system consequent upon7Rntlid - Tt knowleCgo of the fart that relief can be alibi:dud,' has induced the ostabiletnnent of the American agency, Persons at a thistailee, whetting to obtain the medi cine. should state: . telirtfor, how long they have had . the disease. and wilethur,the piles are of the bfbeding blind, or protruding elottecter, as the treatment hilt to be-varied Re...011111g to the variety of-the disease. 'The 1111.1. are let plain that any terson ate wake the . appli. cation. ilylnaking n plain statement of, the ease. and eneloto log three dollin a, and• full direotiona will be sent to any part of the country. Address, ' It. DUMONT,' tanytelB6S-ty., • Philadelphia, Pa. , lj Ni 0 N "HO'U Sig ..-: ". 4 . .. .. WEST lIICII STREET, CARLISLE. ' - • . - . -- The sul.serlber. having leaned the above welbkriown public house, reopeatiully asks of Ito (annex' patrons a . .11Lilltlatie. of their Modem. lie is well prepared to' accommodate strangers and travellers, and thho sop with him will dud his house a pleasant to s ty how.. . . • Ills liar will be provided with the &Omar Minors :.‘, _liiii_tit Wu i% ill al waya_befurnishodmith_tho delleaties of__..._ . the semen; and his stable will be under, the charge of.. - a careful am! attentive ,ostler.- Ftioudp, tall - and 'see • and judge for youriadves. - • ' Dllllll IL GILL. H July 41,1858.. - lA ERS !----Now is - the Wee to get n new TURN: SUNG 31ACMIN11 - and ' - }1 041:84; puwkac.. pave, , number; of .well made Machines at Urn - Caillele 'Foundry andAlachltie chop. which we will sell on- the most 'reatainatiMtermik They rambihd ail . the latest impnwementi and , pre 'tra. milled to le orno 4 'material and worlimahlildp; O.lliN hillihkgrt- of the mostitnpured_obn-. wtruction, whltth ¢ l their work rapidly. tindtheroushiy. 'For ante of law , Triceihp ' F. Gl/111nril7AIVICO. • ii. 181,11. • ; _ ,; „ ;.„- Alt-V-le.ST_ HOME EtIJP _ The Agricultural SocietforCuttilw;rliiii ohm. - , ty, will untet an their:l , or firountle, tp,crlettielct ftjelr IlltretaiUloute. eu SATURDAY. theithif AUDUST,at. lUceclook.'A.3l. , . Ju election -Tor., Riecturtf pf thp ,Truiteett 4 17 4h 0 ;pursuance 'ortho,:atot, of • 'Aepetubly, bald. LygrderipftheibcletVt: 2 5 ei ittIYY: L lova, if For -7111114;1"" 27:74187 IRON, roiltalo itl7s • W. B. MURRAY *Wang, N