etc Markets. CARLISLIC PRODUCE' Reported svoekly-for- the Merida by Woodward & Schmidt. - FLOUR Superfine, per bbl. do. Extrst, \ \ i o. RYE WHITE WHEAT per bindle' RED do. do. RYE _do. ME CORN OATS CLovsn SEED do, .. TINOTIVISEED ==-do.----- , ______ _ SPE INO BAR LEY do. • No S alo, WINTER 'HARLEY . dO. ' - • do: - PHILADELPHIA • II . IARICET. The privitte whites by the America are ratherinverable for FLotta and have imparted increased firmness to the market The export . 'demand. Lowever is quite moderate; and the 'only transactions reported are 1400 bble Thotints' fresh ground superior at $4 75 per bbl ; lOU bbls. de. old Afoul< at $4 . 25; and 300 bbls. Western extra at $4 75. There has been steady' inquiry for lnone 'Consump tion within the range of these figures, and ex tra family and • fanoy,tots from $5 to $O. no in quality. The receipts continue small, and the st ock is•gradually•becoming reduced There • is not touch deMand for Bye , FLOOD ; sales at $3 3 tr. The market is nearly bare of :Co u* 31.1.1 A wapt ed sales of 200, bbls: Pennsylvania at $3 50 per bid There is very little WllKATooming forward: either by eat road or water l'ripte'dots are, in demand. but interior descriptions are neg lected. Sales of 1500 a 2000, bushels at 105 a 11116 per bushel for fair and good new sbuth: era and Pennvlvania red and .120 a 130 c • for white. 540 Bushels , old llve all offered, sold at 80c. ' CORN is much wanted• but the receipts are trilling and prices advancing. Sales of - 1200 - imohels -yellow-at-90c;—part-in stdre. OATS are dull. and prices have declip ed Sales'of 1200 bushels old Pennsylvania at 42c, and 1000 - finolfids'ne,w I/eke:are - at 38c per bushel. aflat. In BARLEY and BARLEY MALT nothing doing., • )lemr Iltmertisements _g LO ON ---''' ( 55x7' - ‘ it - s( CLIJB iz a s.; ) f 0C 3 ' . ' 4. -, kJ • , •• 4 ps i e) • ir t, • \ L _ 7_,,w_. , ..-.-5w,,11:-.- 4 , -.F,-.--, - _--/ v ,, ',741 E . , I,C) . q ., -.,--L_Kl . ,:2 - J F. 9--/ ---, `--9` ,13Y.:•-•:.--- A 1 / /. • r., - - , ~, ''`, rTIET3._ . *.- - 'i 4, • " . 4. 6 ,, , .. . - --- ~. • ' ...\...,. V ss •, . ~,,, ~-„, •,, i. I, .. ' " wA"'" -IVIA-1.11-8.11 LE Litt?, A 1.--ESTAT F.' A'l' •T 7 - 11:111.1C SALE • PllttfiT.ltATE FARM • ho °lrmod at public solo on- the prondoes, o Ttioodoy, tho ith day of Sunk:tuber. 1 , :51i, the manblo and form of,lo.tnil : 4 a.ller, son.. do.-easetl,6 CO VITA INO 1 I t 1.;:? . - Ile the F:11110 mire or .less of first rate ilinestonjlntol... allied° In East l'ininshoro' Cumberland County. within three- miles of Ilarrlsburg. of a mile from White Ilall Academy. at llowinansyllle, formerty linoWn ins 150,1111311 . 14 TaVern. 'Phu land Is loan - Mal ou the south by the Cumberland Valley Ilallroad. on the tin liv lands of Dr. joeplr Cralo, tiorgas, and in here. and on tine west liy the road loading, entire .Point, - 1715Fii which It Is-dirtant .about °impart h of a mile. The improvements hre a large nom , , double E HOUSE. with I(ittlitin attached, and all other necessary •••• out buildlitgr.,-,nmer-failing well of non - ter near the house, and rill orchard of • • choice fruit. About five acr - es of this land Is Well t.FhO mod, and the aloe, all under - good, .fence mid in a high state of cultivation. Sale to rommence at nine 0 . C1 , 111( on said day, when tutus will be made known unit attendance given by JOH X SADLER, • JACOB SADI.EIt, Eiera of Joseph Sadler, son., dee'd . . July 28, 1198-t. s. lima 44 Imes-mid cluirgo thin ollice. A SSIGNEE'S SALE OF REAL ' ESTATE. Um following Beal Estate will bi sold at public sale, viz: No. 1. On Thursday, tin• oth day of Septetuber, 1858, will be sold on the premises, •44 ACRES OF 600 D LIMESTONE LAND, situate in Silver Spring twp., Cuttiberland. Co.. within fmr miles of Carlisle, bounded by lauds of William Culberson's heir.. and uthenz. Thu imp °contents ate at FRAME DiVEI.LINII 11011 SE, with shilling and scour. About no acres Is well timbered and the bal ance In a gowl state of cultivation. • At the cattle time and place will be sold, oho liorse, ~a good two Dona! Wagon, II:t3 t.atitlers, a Wagon Dom and a quoitity of faruang imp!enients. 'to. 2. On Friday, the 10th day . of Septembw, 182 E, will be sold on the promises, • Si ACIILS OF MACK SLATE LAND, situate lit Hampden township. county of bound ed Ly lands of Ji sylph Eberly, Naltaniel Eekels, and Benjamin Eberly. light :11:IVS la well timbered and the habitue iu it good state of cultivation._ 'there Is a het or falling stream of 11.11111111 g water all this tract.•' No. ii. On Saturday. the I Ith day of September, 1028, a lot of grallad in the i/1111111all of ylnrh:ullesLorg, bounded - lq - the - rnilmid-on-thernorth r ltigh_atrtitLAnt the nits.. 11111 Strawberry Alley on the s alit about, no teet oil 111,01 ntreet,' and 181 feet deep. Sale, to com mence on nlOl day at uni; o'clock, P. 31., when the taws of hale will be wade known by - .10115 SADLER, ' Assignees of haVid It. liockahliow. July 28, 165 f-t. s. • A FABII. A NUN' ATE SALE- thu undersigned hereby notifies all purchasers' of farms, that ho it lakes during the summer or , binning M.lll to dispose aids property, located SSG tulles soutle oast 0, Carlisle, t.mulm9n lid county'. In. ' Thu pi °pony consists of fifty. el Ai acres of best quail. ty nr 1.1.11 ',STONE LA SP, and In a high'i,tate of culti. ration. The Improvement. are, a new and eotuniodiont, BANK Bi RN. a good •, 0 1 r." '47); I '1 NV EL I, IN 0 II 011 E a well o n tor f Wog water, nod no or Elora ot every v nwt of, bolco ro. , n pr uto IIIIXIIJUS to remove ton cliktupt part of Ilw county, will bell at a moderato 1 rice, and ell ACOOIII ..4111l1111: Lerma.' . . For f olior particulars apply to the proprietor person. nil,, .1 his Mg on the above pi opium, ur by letter, to Carlisle, kn. ' • . MICH:Ik% IItIESE, or July 28, *.. 1...0r inter Emindner." Lebanon Courier,. lu ern to nmt 1.50 mid r lurgellerald °Moe, - DUBUC SALE .OF CARLISLE DEPJ,Iy BANK biiiCKT-- fold strublio Salo, at tho Court !UMW, In thu Borough ,Df Car Cumber:nod I's., six hundred ural tilt) too shales of the capitol Muck 01 thu (latish, Deposit Boni, on FRIDAY. the lath day of AU l UST. roan, nt 11 o'clock in the forebran 01 that dn . 'forms or silo to I o cash. and the stock t rakish, ed is the porch:our on thu tidy of rule. up in paymorit or sur chasm in inoy.. SAMUEL LIEPIJUIIN. .ligy 25, 11358-Ai. Agricultural ci. of d A that t ,j s tp , e a h t • 'cl ,A. 3 Usrtes 1. locdon for Electors drilustoes of the Ineri 111411 Schou'," lo purpotance tho net of Asset' Lly, xill Go hold, 11y order id the &wkly. D. S. ChOFT, Secretary. Carlini°, July 24.1858 90 TEACHERS. WANTED- Wonted In Dickinson township. Cumborland county, '2O TBACIIIII23, to take charot of 20 oclutolS, In that dis. triel,_durkrig thil ensuhigiqutur, to whom littextil_eihin, ries will bo glees. Applicants will moot 'for °forthith% at ilio.Ftone Tavern, on luesiloy, the 17th day' of August, at Wu° o'clock, A. M. By ordw, of tho Dcard. ADAIITOOVER, Secretary. July 28, 1858-at Vr EA CII EDS W ANTED. •• iVanted FIPTEEN TEACUP:IIIi, 13 males And . 2 females, or Verliknineberengh"Vialtlet.: Eliminations to take place at Plainfield School nonce. on the 13th of August. at 9 o'clock, A. M. Bp..order of the Board, • , • . 'MARSHALL. JAMES, .„ Secretary. July.2Brl6sd-fit WA fI:EACHE'RS WANTED. Wrinteci M OUT TEAClptitli for Praokfard District. Ex am natlona Mho' place at Logau's school: Bound, 140:5, on the 12111 of August, at 1 o'clock, P. M. By order of the Board.. . • • . JOIIN DONlltit, --July 28. 18158-at. -.,. -Secretary,- . UNION WEST;IIICII The subscriber. batik lamed the above wellgums° 'pubile hens°, respectiullyisks *of its former patrons a contluminci of* their eastern. lie well prepareili to acconimoilate'stranners anil travellers, cud thole who . ship' with flfid'hls house a pleasant tdulporarY, home. • Millar will be prevbied with thichnlinult .his btu will always be fitriihuitnl jth the cifilicaeles of the siiiolour el:W.111s stable will be litnlnethe charge of, id nitre& and *attentive ostler. Friends, null ',and see and) bre for yourselves. • • - it. PALA ov - o:s.: • . . •. , . • • • • iF 1 4 1 : 27 j • .) • $ 4.00 4.25 4,60 2,60 1,00 1.4_/LD MEDAL PRE3IrUM • . , . . PIANd FORTES I . • WiLLIAIR . KNAiTE CO., MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND AND. SQUARE PIANO . FORTES,: _ Nos. 1, 3 5. and 7, North_ Eutaw strest, • • • . . Opposite the Eataw Havoc. • • Atid alour N E 11' SALES-ROOM, 207 Baltimore street, between Charles • . • and Light 'streeti. • These celebrated PIANOS have. at different Fairs, for several sucrest•ive-veors. been awarmA tin 1,10,,,5t p r e. minim; for exeelilefife over All VI , hm.' They have also Iwo,. prononiired .by S. Thal t the tot retard. telrplaniat in the world, an4other lug tikited art hits, illehldillt; Mr. I,, ,te., to be equal, If not bll• perlary to tiny Lt t hie country. We have constantly oil hued of one exteostve iVare rooms as above, the largest ni , s6rtilleuf of the ['IAN° FORTES to be found in this city. which' toe will sell. wholesale and retail, on the flies( libentl Wiles to suit the times. 111 every case we guerantee,our Planes to give entire satisfaction. . Artli , Constantly on hanin fine ossortiMmt f MELO DEONS of the best'undten, at prices from 51010 $2OO, Itai_ Always for sale a 'ergo t culler of secondhand PIANOS. at prices ranging frem 14'75 to /5(200. 11 , a. Mopes exchanged, hired tint tuned. • , • ' ILIJAM_KNAII4_,LCO„ July 21, 185 S. • 4 00 2,00 13.' J. RIEFFER'S wnor.-EsAi.E AND It ETAI I Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Fruit • ILGIETI" STOAT' lE. - • undersidul..l haejust rOplonhltool his stock of -1 . ---mwt 4S and - illrit,havlinr. Leon so. -- li.oted with great cam, he Is sathtled ore-Fresh and Pure. Physicians' preserli.liohs nIII ho pooluidly and faithfully ?Wooded to.- tirderm flout inerrlntots In tho country eihhln lillfvt with I.:M.111111 OD the . t reason ablo terms. All official preparatiOns math; stiletly In accordaueo with the U.S. Plelrlearellel:l. • SPI1; 6:6 UROUND AND WHOLE, such US Clinninnon, CIIIVCF. Coriander, Pepper, Ginger, Mustard. liaising 1'01111: V n.hinng Soda, Cream Tartar. Nutmegs, Yeast Powder. Mae, Cite... Sweet 3lnejerani, heeds and purr.. Ile has Oil hand all the different l'atent Medielers of the day. • C0NFLV2•70..V.1,41E.5 . . • • • Qrangegl.ennins, Figs. liahins, Currants. Prunes, .A lnunndx;_FllGerle. Walnuts, Creninnitls Clivtrnite, Jcineric4n. (Jeremy; and French Candles. and Candy Toysuf every ‘ariety.•..Thos..e ' nutko W11011!Sallt I•ana here be y. 61.1,11,41 with the la Olt quality 14 011111.11i1111111Ve 111111 nt incur rates 11111,1; /It any other house hi the country. Ile has alsoa lull as sortment-of - " • . • • ANIERICAN, mow; AND rm.:Nell TOYS, 'consisting of Wood nod Till of evory description. such Its Dolls. DOH 111.1111 S. Mooing Figures, Caney Work littses. Masks. 17ortigI Drums, Chairs, 1% hips Trumpets. 11 itittles, Drosslinc tte., k,.. to he sold Wholesale and and in'prices, competition Is defied. FANCY, GOODS. Port Mond'ales. Purses. Pocket 130 ‘liF. Flue Pocket '• Cutlery. Shell and Pearl and eases, Needle Dunks, Port Folios, Callas; German, Frond; add Morrie:ln .Chinn %Vale. 'lnkstands and tr*s. Card harks anti Baskets, • dolt Breast l'lns.eckli IN and lungs. etenbs Pair. Long, Side. and Beek ti leporello 04.1.5, 'lair. hithi.s,ll..t, - lintel', Nail and Tooth Brasted. See log Silks, Patent Thread and ....void rottnn. Buttons, Ne PERFINEItIES. • • .. Fancy Toilet and other Soon.. Pearl Pou'llers,4Ex• -tracts. first..quallty (lair kilo. YOIIIIOIOE, l'lll,lllg . : 4 1111pIt unit Creams. Path Illiltoof It Thousaud - FleCri•ts; -- Trieophereus, 'ft oth Wash. Ilair InvipirMors, and flair - Ine. }The abort; have 14. e. wheeled witll'eare and V ill - -- acl-on oxanlulttinui 911.111‘ fir themselves. .71)./I:lt'C't9 ANI) SEGARS.- liand the hest 'tor and Tokieco that .11118 • _ever Icon Ikon , his town.s ;;egiirS_will..4;stil,___ tits smo,er • nil of the put fly of the mated:ll of which they enoslst.—llt• has on, hanif those only whirl; are Imported and whieh he "eau re emtnend -as such. We need not speak of the true llerman Segar ns they have already gained for then:solves a reputation that they iarelehly desetNe. 'lle els rkeeps the claimant— tide of Sogark to stilt She trade; Tobacco guilt as El dorado,--Plain.e.ongress, Twist Plain. Fig Leaf, - raVen•_ dish, Congress', and Fins Cut Tobacco and ' , nun; the • best material. . . Feeling thankful to the genera. public 11• r their lib, oral patronage, a eentlinudion of the 'saute is solielted, at our permanent location In touth Ilanovor sl7OOl, di rectly opposite Ilannon's Hotel, and !Mot Mr. C. Juba's Cirocery. ' 11. J. IiIIiFFER. Carlisle. June 23. 1800-Iy. GIUMBERLAND j'ALEY - - INSTITUTE, . MEcurimesnyuG, PA. Ittv.• It W.C.IA MIN-C. LI I'PINCO'I'T, A. lI—PRINCIPAL. • AND TF:teuirn or NoltAl. AND NATURAL. FCIENCI . . A. FOSTER MULLIN, A. It., Mullion:dies Itlld 31(0,11 , • 7 Languages.' THOMAS S. REESE. A. IL, Ancient Languages and Higher Tills 111Stit 101011 having pitied into rein bonds. will lie reopened non 511111. '..e114/ . •1 only. 4111 r11111 . 401 , 1y the 2d day ill Sept°lllller 11%1. it Is the design of tine present p ro prietors to 11111110 it :I stril tly fuel-class Boarding School, for trainlo4--and bole , ttni Young men either lire,.llege or 11111.11/14S. All e1114.14.,1t corps of In. strutters hua been orxittized, whose prrsonnl interests are identified with the success the Institution. and who will opera no pains to make It worthy of the coml. deuce and patrona2e of tit. public. The 'Buildings of the institute are ample. and taint arranged for the /IC. eottiniodation of about ninety hoarders. and all stittenht 'front a' tried :ire unpaired to beard pith the teaellers.—: They will thus enjoy thelwnefit of constaunt' ioatl 1101011 nod supervision. 3lechatilestantt is situated In the centre of tile beau tiful Culabsrland nine miles 1 . 1 . 0111 11:11 . 1 . 12.1111114 and is easy or necess by Railroad hunt Plilladelphia.llal titnore, No lova dull could be more rlipilde lie ac cess—none more healthy Or attractive for sada a school. Pupils front Washington. ll:dilutor, Philadelphia and intermediate points, tat trig the moraing tralin.lllll reach 3lechanleslaira by 2 o'olock. P. 31. As It is the — diTirrmimition—ofotito.-Prittelpal.nod_ltaihtantsjo place the Institute on It permanent net elevated lends. with every application requisite fir superior suciao.s, they appeal with confidence to all wino have 1.1110 to ed. wan.. The scholastic year mill he divided foto twn sessions ef 'twenty two weeks PR rh. ti first lietlfu ulna fin the first Tintroolav of September. nod endlni oil the first NVedlivsilay of February: the sorond session beginning: on the firs' Thursday of February, aud, ceding on the fist Wednesday of July E MS Board,Washlng, Iteonllcent. find Furl per Sessron, Tuition. (Common rnalhh.) (Iligher111411.) Ancient and Modern I.anauwges, Terms par Fei.slon payable in lid ysy"Fn further loin:In:Won apply to tha Mechanicsburg, Pa. !REFERENCES. • nay. A. (.I.lrlatt. A. M., Preol. of Irving ?anode College, Ira Day, M. D.,. • kpliraini Zug. Esq., Rev. S. R. Dunlap,- Rev. D. W. Rattle°. D. D., }. Harrisburg, Pa. Hon. A. O. Heist., Rev. W. D. Cilwardr, D. D., Lev. Wm M. Pitcher. Ilalllmore, Jill. Rev. 11. F. Iltoolie,'A. Rev., 'I% 11 Sargent. D. D., ' Wm. 11. Allen, 1,1,. D., Pres.Oiraril College, ) Castle, U. D , Philad'a. Ilev.,Pennel COOlll.. Rov..T. Cr/1110. D. U., POW!. of N. J..Conf. Seminary. Rev. A. A. Ito. NO. .1 ev John A. Dem. _ ' Rev. It. D. Chninl.‘rs, How. C. P. Wing, D. D.. , Ituv. T. Daugherty. A. N. MAI.. Waynesboro', Pa, Rev, J. B. I,nose, A. M., tirooncustio. • Bev. Jobe McClintock, I). D.. Nu u. York City. Bev J. M. Denny, D. D 0 Pittsburg. to. DiCKINHON COLLEGI . , Ju y, .7,185i1 The undersigned members of the Faculty_of llickln eon Coiled., take greatpleasure in recommending the Cumberland Valley institute, under Its now organiza tion, to the confidence and pall move of the public.— The Vrincipal and his Alward:dee are graduates of this Instil titian, with whom we are.jatinottely acquainted, and It gives us pleasure in ortify lo their character on gentlemen and • their quallhealion teachers. We heartily recommend them tall. nubile. C. Collide, W. la Boswell, If. M. Johnson, Alek..l. Schein, J. W. Diarshall. S. 0.-11111 man, - • W. C. Wilaon. QICHOOL EXA3IINATIONS.--The othcominntiolis of TOaeliviafor the publle schools will ho hold au follows: • ' :'July 20th, at 10 o'elnck, A. M. Shlppensburg Iwr., " 30 • Menhanlesburg. ", 31 n 0. 4 , 4•/ Shippensburg tp.,'Au. " •P. Ai. Southampton, : 4 " Er " A. 31. • ..Newton, . 5 0 4 ' Sliver Spnng; '" • 0 :- • • lloperell,•_,-, OIQ 1E ...., •.1 • Iliit/b/. - ". 1 . • 01. Yranlahrd," 12 • - , ••• ' West Pennsboro' ' 0 M: -Nait,Penusburo' -14 10 ", • , • ' Dlrkliesony ~- •'" 17 " 0 r . 4 , S. Ailddlelon, "' 18 .' 0,. " • •N. Middleton, •' " 10 " " • - Hampden, , " ' L .P. Al. ', • Lower Ahon. " 20 " 1" P. 87. • =Now cumberland? , -", 1.! I/In:dorm. Will Meese make :the necessary arrange: menu. ;The' nld certificate: wUt ho ex Longed ;on tlei dive Of exasninotion. • • The exarolnotlone will le: public. • No '7:rivete exanii •untoina will be :plowed, excrpt In oxtrenntraers.'. • •• . • •• •DAls LEL 1311 ELLY, County4iup't.' • ' • pIVELIANG.IIOUB.III ANA STOItE' . '•. 890 M 'FOR 'he titllr Knonit Menu' miil Shire 'llootn ,eltunte,ln Mal t a Arent. and 'new In, the occupancycf, Charles Ogflhy, wilt' be.fur rent,frem the fl re t of tA i irn. next.' For terms apply , to • • " 7 ' Jan. w isrow uricAkiptooN. • 110001' --,1j00K5.!,, BOOKS 1 . 11: IL • SIIRYOCK,TAYLOS & SMITH , aro solo asonts In Franklin and Cumberland mi:lntl4 for Oho followlnwralunble works: , Denton's •Abridgment of the Debates of .Congres, Price per Vol., Cloth *3 OS, Sheep 3 GO. . . Benton's Thirty. Year's' Vie ; complete to a yblu Clot BO 00,4. aw Shoop vs 00. 3forse's'Orneral Atlas 0 - Ctiro World ;'Co rod gaps and bound, $0 00. • Burton's Cyclopaedia of Wifand Ilurdo • American Eloquence; a collection of a re hes, etc., .by the moat omluenkorators of America, :with blogra• phlual • and Illustrative odes. by Frank Bo pro, now rrady, completo In tai cola. Cloth, $0 Library style. loather, $000; half call, gilt, 800;,half moruc. co, ZOO. • --- , i3A,NDERS'-tOIIOOL - BOODB. --- `enders' Primer. ' • . • Sanders Speller. - • • Sanders' Reader, No, I. • • • Sanders' Reader, No 2._ Sanders' Reader, No. S. Sanders' Reader, No. , •, , Sanders' Reader, No. 5. . • Sanders' Reader' No. 5. Sanders' 111,111.Selund thunder. Sanders' Ladles' Reader. Sanders' Speakers Wholesald and retail at ,_ SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR k SHIM'S& Meßodaous, • SIIRTOCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S Pianos, • , • - SMItTOCK, TAIMAMA SMITH'S. A large supylY of School Books, wltotenale and retail SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S, Paper. Envelops, Pens, Inks; etc, etc. tiIIItYOCK TAY.I,OII & SMITH!. COME AND SEE KELLLit Co It OPPOSITE THE MARK ET ilOl.lB-E. BOOTS ; SHOES. IrATS AND CAPS, •A' Ir . "A , A • We offer to our forrrior custoutotu and the publicity trutteralre first rare assortment 'allow goods, oultablo SPRING AND SU.II.IIiR WEA R unsurpussucl for.boUuCy, styli), and ch_eur MM. Our stork consists , . . Fin, ICnssuth, Boys`, Youths', and Children's Fancy flatZof every color.' ' . ' . . . •- - STRAW I.lollhi AND CADS, we mre sumo the best assortment over offered in the county; nod worthy the 'attention of all. . . Boots AA . ") 5110. S. • . • , . of oven* variety and stvle t Ladles. Mlsseg and Chit dillies Ilse iiiiiters. and nil kind:lof Chlldrou'aTnincy .., , boos. . . , . " For Gentlemen a good assortment of every style and finish; in fast every variety In our line. • Thankful to the public for part favors. we solicit a contioult lon of ;nisi .is see 'aro sure we con make It to the advantage of the purchaser. . rt. IcEacii. 2 .. 8,9856. ' IU3II3EIt LAN!) VALLEY It. It.- It AllitAMl ENDA , . ?SIMI 211121 CHANGE OF HOURS! On And niter THURSDAY, May 1858, l'assenger will run asTolinws: (Sundays Szcopted - - Chambers - burg, -", " Newv Ille, " • Nlechanirsburg, Arrivu at IlarrisburA, - S 00 1' • • • ' Ist Train. 2d Train Leare.llarrlsburg -- 8.30 A.•M . - 1.0 I'. M " 31adianiesburg 9.04 " 1.39 Qarlisle. 9.46 " 233 " • " Nowville, . 10.20 " 2.47 Stapponsllurg. 10.112 - . " • 323.. " Arrive at Chambersburg, 11.22 " - 3.53 " Tealng leave Ilarrlnburtt for 'lllladelpldn. via lotion MilkMIL nt s.lO, 1.:10, P. M., ILA P. M.. awl 12.00 at elatt. fly Remlltag, a Lebanon N'alldy road aL2.45 P.—M, • " For Pittgburi; 3 40, A. 31„ 1.1111, P. M.. 1001 5.10. P. M. For Baltimore. t, 30, A. 31 And 12.10, 0000. P. Tr •ver. Ounto Willhipnilort, at 1.05, P. 31. Train on Dapphill llodd at 1.30, I. 31. . .Fares front Harrisburg. Merhanirshurg: Carlisle. Ship—tho.l.lll.4.thau_achea_paittiu.. the Cars. • cm. Tito Ticket OMNI of Lite Company at Itarrig_RurF .: has - failoo ralaqvoil, to the .Repot ' of tit., • l'anopyl% ati Railroad Cojaparty,..thirddoor- , frunt-tita Eas , tu r slat . oRd lit VJAILT.; -. 9 - Rpetl Railroad Wilco. Chrtminatbpr . g,l . 311)-12.14513. _ • FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' FOUNDRY AND M'AelitNE SHOP, NOLITH 4THEET,EAST OF It1Y310:41) . 5 HOTEL tlr i p i : l o. :4 l. u Z. C , l , t . l o i , l . F i lt el:,, v c 4 ;‘ i t: l is r =l; r :l l ) l l,..Tir r o l tu Facture all hisido "t .14rit ultitral Implempttm; suell . 11•+ree Powele end Threshing 31arldnes with sppalatoin attached. Also, , urn Shollers. for hand or horso pow"r. Straw and roll.lor Cutters. Ploughs. Harrows. Cultlvalorgt, tiny itakus,prain Fans, Circular Saws, Ac„ kc. Ile invite's intiticular attention to !tire's llatent Cie/. ver Huller and ,lualtur. Tide •niarliine will hull and clean from three to six bushels inn. hour, and Is consid ered decidedly the best luny In use. . • lie veill.aho Furnish to order IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS .1f every description; such as Threshing :dm.lane. 'lough. Corneillelier, Cellar birates, Sash tt • eights; also. beautifully designed hulling for Cemetery Lots, Endo• It I: l'A I It I SO promptly attended to for Reaping, Mow• In; and flirt:shim; Machines, and all kludh 'of Agrlcul• ;oral Implements. A.. 1, Foreman. Carlisle, June lu, VPIW STAGE 11.()IJ l',E . %;;_i Thu subsealiter has started a tel weekly line of ..Lags ladwoon Carlisle and Landisburg leaving Car lisle sorry Monday, Wednesday ant!, Friday, immedi• rtely on the arrival of the afternoon train or earn float ; the east. • Atuturnints, leaves latudiaburg at b OS A. 'Ma , over; Tuesday, 11 oincaday and Saturday. and arrives at Carded., at LOU S. 'M., via. Perry-County Warm Springs, Shertuansdalo ' Sterrett's 1101, and r'arilitis Sul phut Sprints. On and tiler lucre the 'Snit. the line will no run daily for the 'accommodation of passengers going to. the Springs, . Faro to the several points as follows _tittr,lttiu to Sulphur Springs, . . , Storrett's Jan p. . . . . Snermansdale. . . .... . Sorry k'onnty Warm Springs... 1 On ''• " LandlAurd, .• . . . . . . . . 1 .11 • ILETURNII4I snn 00 12 01 15 00 ]5 00 Ilech'slig., Pa, Landinbuyrtii W.trin Springs, . Howl:I:m.1;de, • Sterrett's Gop, " Sul plink. Silva I.glt, . . The above lieu will tinctilarly isirry 2 thki 31A11. to and Row the severed points abort. Indiostu.l. =EI I hare also a wall LI V 1.1; Y STATILE: from Nhhth I am at all time.: ready to furnish horses and car ria.:es to those who wit' favor me with their patromore, on the moat masouable tormsand Ju the very twat style. mayl9lBsB. GEOltilE lIENDEL 8' ALU A RLII PROP E RTY FOR . 4 . SALE he 11114101.Sirlilld. 'having relinquhhod the A ereautilii Ull4llelifl 4111•1 rumored to the Country, offere his Valuable TOWS PIUISESIN end SAME ,'FAN D. eltinited In Upper Strnoburg, Franklin County, Private Sale:- ' Phis Property consists of FM :ACRES IF I.AAILInore Or 10101.. 01 thiPhest quail- • F ty. The Improvoutunta ore a large now 111•• I two storied Brick : STOILK - `, STAND and OIVELLINIL. a Brick SP111:41 to.tMelotttly catuteloits to clump, into a 1/welling; Sumko !louse. Wood lloustijearringo (louse. C(Jr) Crib, two stables, and other neceasary and entire• went buildings. There are two fine °anions tottarbed, with a good selection of various k Inds. of choice Fruit Trees, and on .the property is on e of .the vet.) bast Sprlogs of Limestone Wator in the county. 'Phis le, beyond doubt the hest 'Stunt Stand In the Tonll,lho underiigned himself having done a business amounting to $12.000 a vein ' It is .now occupied ea a store Stood, and the only reason why Ills offered fur - stiltchrlmeaustriortms - removed - tirtturrOmill ,curtins wishing to .Invest in 'curbs Property. could 'not do better than tq make an examination of this, anti see lie IldVitladgeB.74l proprietor, residing near 'the town, will be please to show it to persons who wish to purchase. The payments will be made easy comniminting. July 14, qt(l-Ow.] • (.71 ARLIS L UHL Ult. , Plt • GS. It ll:This liedutiful and popular watering place is now open for , the SOANIM: The buildings are large,and corn., mudieus,.the grounds improved .ulth , extensive lawns and shaded walks, whilst the modlelueligialitlea of the .springs, aided by the hraelug mountain air, will restore 'health and vigor to the most 'debilitated system. • A tine,band of music, and an iglielent ,corps of. ser ,Vauts,•have been ougsgrd'air the gesson.F The table Is supplied with all the ileliniairs of -the mum; the ehambeis are well furnished, and those lito . seek pleas., areas .well as health: will line_ the onkel:nary ainuse, of watering places, combined - 41th all kee appil- Alums of a first Oars Hotel.- • L_: • • ' Visltme leaving philadelphia, or. Baltimore In the• Mambo, - reach Carlidle by . P. M., aug arrive at , the' Springs mine tea:. •• • July 14,•'14-2m. ; • :NOTICE. TO TEACILERS . :-• tuLur compeiout to. tUtlto‘ohuily,/,' .. uchoot 1,,, the , • boYonnth .New CUltiberlitUtl, to Is' county, for' tin! ' . ortujoy oposlois, to whom u liberal _fury willbn j4rthurt.yrtl , Cyyllt.yU L t!„thuu vi ' ,. ; l. 13 ; pliqw , r ,F,34,71,r,4ry ,§clipotllgard. • - 341,, - 9i411151i-43,4 •• , „ • • Alisc / Olaoco,p. VINE SILK T‘thEESKIN HATS FOR lIARRISBURci. • • Ist Trahi. 2d Train 5.15. A. NI. 2.15 P. II " • 2.111 - 6.10 " • .8.18 ." 7.80 : :1.58 . " ERE CARLISLE. PA. =I KAEPER: , iustness; barbs. AW L A I 'continues the practice of OM law, to It/idle° formerly occupied byy hla father, Wm. M.' Biddle; and more recently, by the law Jinn of Peuruse 4 Biddle. now 'dhoolved. ' . HUMRICH, Attoiiiay, at Law. co e-on- North -lionovriestreet,-iefew doors south lintel. All busiobis entrusted to him will be promptly attotidod to. , , :. (April lb. • T REbuivAt. W. EA M. PENROSE hoe rOmoved tile 'office to the room formerly occupied Malrydreet a few doors east of tho Metbodlet Church *here be wilt promptly attend to all buolnues entreated to '—Auguet-10.-1857. ' • LAW, OFFICE.-LEMUEL TODD hes resumed the prectie ortle LAO: Moo In Centre Square, west side, near the4lndPreebyterlin .Church. . • • • April 8, 1857. •-• ' • DR. S. B. KiEFFER office in North Hanover street two doors from Arnold 4 Son's store. Moo hours, more particularlyfrom 7 to 9 o'clock A. 51., end from sto 7 O'clock; P. AI,. • 'D OCTOR; ARMSTRONG. has.remov . - ad his office in Centre Square ..west of the Court IO; whore ho may be donsultea at any hour of the day or night, Dr. 'A. bits had thir t ti years oxperionce In the profession, the last ton of ir h have 'anon dove tad to the stUdy and practiao of onneopattile wed'. eine'. , rility 20, itiflini. T 1 It . J`: S. It N lionicentiathic . Physician and •Su a qiion. Office, .East 3ldiu street, adjoining haston'S har we're store. Carlisle, March al, 1858.-31n.* . • . • aEO:. •W':;. NEIDICII,' ,D. D. S.-. l_..fir ' tnfo — Dotoonsirolor of Operattveflootlstry tothe' "141114 i iip , A ll o h n i t t i l ll M rite C° r! lug° °f it Wir.le. • Offlio fit Ida resldeheo, , . ~ . . oppo!dto Marloti lioll, West.3l:do I'Atreet, Carlisle. - '.. ' Nov.ll. 1857. - -....„ Da. LC. LOUJII~ strufli Hanover etroil.."', next door to the Pod. 011 lee. , - it - V-111 ti 11 be liment - from L'lrlhai the last ten days of en,511 mouth. [Aug.l, '65 • , . • D R RC, E RETZ, • 1111 r. • returned to Carlislo. - offers his profession's! services to the citizens North Pitt streef,lM‘fly opposite his former eshionce Terms—Moderate. . [Carlisle, Men+ 8k 'BB. D R.- GEORGE S. SEA , HIGHT, DENTIST, from thi n galore College td'' Dental Surgury: . 61)...0 . 111ee at thu raiddelleu of Ills mother, Lott ',withal treat. three doors holow Haggard. Maroh MI/4511—g. . • - ..% - fz • rift. .T. C. :N . E - respect: itifOrnis the ladles and gentlemen . ' llllll a a of Carlislo. and vicinity. that he has re sumed the, practice of Dentistry. and Is prep well to per. form all Operations On the tooth and genie. 1/01O1Otillg to hiS pr00,10 , 11/11. if,, will Insert full t.els of teeth on gold or silver. It I:it single gum teeth. or - I:l6.4.ictis they may prefer. Terms moderate. to suit the limes. tube in 111th street, directly otoulte the Cumber land Volley Bank. fkarDr. N. will-ho In Netvville the last ten days of every month. . den. 20, 1858.4y* W:- lIAVERSTICK, Druggist, North honorer Street, Carlisle. Physician's preseri pilaus cal orally compounded A Sall supply of fresh drugs and chemicals, • tfl3. 3. K [En? KR, Denier in Drug,s, Chi , iiihnhiPorfuluery, -Fancy- Articles. - Con thnhiry. South linnover, FJII_3II3,E B !L--11,. E. Shapley, L KC, huller burrow.] the 1.11%01E1t VA RI), formerly "kept - by - Henry Illaso. has repave.] It both 'coreer_of \ur.11ei flit o ...ea.. where he haart_large lot of Oak, rhesuut slaved and rut slitryllea, with po4ts of all 'do.. scrlption, onk plank and srantllln - shleale and plaster , Inn lath: all of which will to-sold cheap fur cash. March 24, 1.858. CA.,11111,NBAU)1; Book-binder and i BLANK 10(oli_MANUFACTUIttill. Mecharcayry, Pa • Musk. illaintzl , ue, SewspAlva, nibles, Plank-boas. l'ass•books. Copy Ay.. aro revoked' /Cod re tamed. neatly tenth I in:on 4 week. at, moderate eharg es. Also. paper Moil to any desired Kittern. ' IGRIVENER, AND CONVEYAN .CEII.—A. h. SPONSLEII hGp Iteglaterof Cumber. aad county. will carefully nttond to the troussetisu of all such business nn mat ,bo motrusted to him, such no 11115 wilting of Deeds. Mortgages Contracts. *r. lie will also devote his attention o the procuring of Land War routs. Pensions. &c. as wall as the purchase nnd sale of Real Estate. negotiations, ofloans, .c. C . 9_ollire on West nigh Street. formerly occupied, y W. M. Penrost Esq. near the Methodist Church. FRANKLIN HOUSE, outb Ilanuvor Streot, adjolulu tion Male, Pa. ' •. • • Pioprietor. 4 . 111" - tinil Conch limns daily for l'Aportown. Peter,. urg, York Springs snd Ilagovor from this lIOUNa. • Sines P. SYYDKR. Ohio; W. Main Perinitylvtinitt. L. le Cour., node Island. S N V.l) E M'FARISND, AND COOK, • Rankers and Dealers In Deal Estate . , MINNEAPOLIS, • Minnesota Territory. June 1,1857.—1 y. lIJM]fI•;RLANU COUNTY NOR k..) MAL SCII.P.Mt.—The second ses-I •n of this lustl• lotion will couuuuneo in LITERARY MALL, Nowellits, In., on TU Et:DAY, APRIL fitly 1851, and continuo FIVE MONTIIS. -- An - ahle - corprof - Instructomhave - been4ecured , and nn effort will he spared to render the school worthy of the position it seeks to occupy, and of the patronage Is respectfully solicits. - For circulars contalulng full pdrtlcillars address , '1 • . A. Mt:KINNEY, Treasurer. • , New vine, Pa. By- order of the Berl of Trurteca, DANIEL SIIELLY, Predldent. JAS. MCCANDINII, Secretary. Feb.l7, .58.—tf. N i fr lIANTC LI, MEttcliANT TAti Olt, • Nest Moi., Street, (opposite the Railroad eftleeq imp, just reeelved a now and .leg ant assortment of laths. Plato, Mark and Fancy Cassliners. and a variety ofPlain and _F Igured_ Susi is Inlet he will niche nirto measure In fashionable style, and on rea sonable terms. . . . 'Ake Orders attended to promptly..and the fitting of all momenta guaranteed, or no sale. Carlisle, mayllllBsB, CM , R. H. THOriklAS, • . VENITIAN BLIND NI,INUFACTUBER Illechnuloobijig, P. EMI __Jira" All .tyles !tut] pattern. 4i" jiltillejmule.t 0 order. and Old repaired In a neat. awl substantial man. tier. and en reasonable lerme AIZ . orders form tr . /n.11.10 and other polnte abrqad ro. spectfully solicited. gull promptly aitoOdod to.' opposite thltuis Hotel,' West )Isla Sti out. [J yls 14,'35-t. I', • tend Jtotic,es,. N - onc E.—Notice in herabygiven that the Hot Iluoinoos .conductodtin the Borough. °WM'. by WllilOut B. Crottor thit 'ouhocrlbor, uudur thu name and style Clatmar, Agont,'t was diocoutlntiod'ou April 1at, , 18/iii. . Tho account biatk-s-aro to the hands 01 the subscilbor, who only; he Maly autharlaad to collect the mono. and rat - Imola nil porsmis indebted o, oold. hooka to call ,Ito tnedintoly and outdo their accounts. JAMES 3IoANDLIAII, M6y 6, 1858.7m0e OTICE.— Lettere testatnentury on tho Estate Of Mre, !Atilt/MA )IILLEIte har - of the 'fipviiehip of nobroe. Cuelpiirlatid enutity; demised, having Wen granted to the undersigned, noticals hem, by given to all those indebted 'said , Ostate, to mice immediate payment; and them booing dolma against the RIM are requettud to presort thew, duly authenW rated for settlement. , NIESLY,of Monrde. .1011 N BIrANIM, Executors of BatletraNiller, deceased.' July 7,1858.-4 L • Nat OTlCE;•,l—No!ipe • ie . ;ha .liven;';' r; L . • that upidleatioua fuICE.II3II, under the act of 3 March, lasti,and its gunplay:teatsmust behind with the undersigned on or before 0024 4ay of 'August next, -otherwise ihey ,willnot be hoard. A. 1). 8. MIOFT, Clerk. July, '6B;--4 aa, .jlj j STATE NOTlCE.—Letters 'testa. , ," moutary 4o the h:statri or Arc matured, tats ofillirtioroa towoaLtp, have b een ~,,,„e a . to Ibe aubabrlbor, roatdiratto,tho.saute,townehip. Alf persona havingoialms agatost the mild, estate hill pre. moot thorn fur settlement, mut those Ihitehte4 itillucalci mutant to . .. 44131E8 •14:::ift.ALSTtlit; ". • " , .}lxeciAtoe of .C.3 l olllBtor, Owed. . , . . • xroTt.en. .Notide'is' hereby given,' 1, 1 ekt Ppplleatinw,U,lll l iet nuide A:0 the nest ,Eaglet, ,isiture ef, Peuitsylfenis.' le Slier • the' charter• of, the' 'BANK, located' In the Borough• '.of Carlisle , Cittoberlnudjtiountyi toconfer upon odd Rank the rights and privileges of a itaiik of lisdi, and to char* Its Me to the lisiuttsits lissici also '.to Ini. ranee the'reipitivi 'Whisk t is ut • premint t lieventy•two•Thoustindt: Uollalef lath, prit UFO of-h. ntilexinit the mule under its Present plortor to, clue limp, droll thousand dollars, to le olittudtred thonsaud• - ~•' - i ..-N,V.,jklyW.4lo,oas#ool. i3til~ele'Jlta f 1; -19114“ • • - • •LAR GI; SVRINCI: ARRIVAL NEW YORK ANVIIIILADELPHIA, . E L.EI) ANT - 00 D - S. ,_:_.,...A..W..IIENTWS_STOItE. .- ' _ Splendid stook of new Black Dress Silks—ahroltlean ' Stoles Fancy Draws Silks. .. ' iticu 1 I.- RARE 11 I' ELEGANT 111 French Foulard Silks, Chinexe Silks, Satin and • Striped ll:wages. Vlenclaa, DUVlliibil. Beautiful - nog:rioted Cl:allies. French printed Jam. - ,—,_netls,-very -handsomer - Enialstrittlr Hants, very hatidgeme Frond: • ---------Brlllinuts,-Englieh Fronchand ' • American Prints, Scotch, . • • Frond: and Domestio • • •- • - ' Gingham:, ' . . • • . Bon nat., lion. e net, 2101 bona and' . . Dross Tr I nindrigs; ' • ' ' ' Shawl:: In ovary variety, Silk Crape, Stella. Cashmere, • • dii'. Embroideries: very low Com. • ' '-' prising COLLARS. SLEEVES FLOUNC. , :c. INDS, MMUS. VEILS, •a. Carpeting , . ' 'and 011 Cloths: YEN !TIAN. IN CI It AI N; ' THREE Dt.Y, BRUSSECLS, COTTON Ar..llbilllP, prugicets and Floor Oil Cloths of all 'widths. • LINEN 00005. , A complete assortment embracing all the most Mu heated marks. '''''. , • Gloves and , ' `Hosiery for La '•-"Qs,'•Mlsses and • Children, great variety of kid. silk and Cotton - Ciloves, Ladies Elegant. Ts 'stet! Bilk Mitta.&crd:oo3lESTlC ANITSTA • PIA: GOODS: Blenched and unbleached Sklrtinga.• Bleached and unlitenched sheet Ingo. Woolen and Cotton Flannels, Corset Cot tonadeli, Ka tinete„ Mewls,. Cotton - Mid - Linen • porn, Table Covers. Illeached and Drown drillinga, and an endless Va. -• fluty of, other • In fact, this stack of goods Is vsy extensive, that rugh, and complete, having been purchased with a groat deal of istre. we feel confident we can please any one who will favor us with a call. All candid persona who have patronized us hereto. fore, widhadmit. that we have sold the laist".liantaina ,eyee pUrehased In Carlisle,--tVe-ean-assure -ear-friends and all lovers of "Cheap Goods." that we are,,as well prepared MI ever to offer superior inducements for their patronage. . A. W. BENTZ, —Mouth Hanover street, opposite the Pest Carlisle, April 21.1858 VEW GOODS ' NEW 'GOODS ! ! T bavejust relltrnal from New York and Phlla dolphin, and fin now - oper-In the now store room the largef.t. and nnot splen steak of . • SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS 'aver brought to earliFie. A tungnifleent line of LA DIES DRESS GOODS. finch as Plain and Fancy 'Silks. Bayadere Side Stripe Silks Elegant Black 8111. s. very low, Pell Do Chellers. Ilreoadines, Vale:ldeas. and Ita rage Robes. Side Stripe „Delatlea, Ducalln, APriran j , lY. lAkwits, Brilliants, etc.. etc. A full.aasortmeut o§ EmbrOlderyi. Elomant follow, ['lndereleaves, Ilandkereltlefa, Inserting, Ktlglngs. lete. ere,. etc., cheaper than ever, Cambria, jtarre4 a,d StrinetLla,:nnets, Seige Muallas. N . ansookv, ete..-NtgliwtiAletilmvi,lka,C3lnliliaincolc:;iir all binds and at tlia very.lawese notch. 6OIV,VET:3; RlatiONS, FLOVERS, Ruch, ' at+sortment. 81.111.N0 ell tWt,S, o Ilrge-rissortment and very cheap. such sifetella wool DOl.lllllll. tirenaditte. . New Oaths nod eas•lnieres alcn jUlt received. ' Cas. shneres and other einte for hays' near in great variety. , • counterpanes,, I liedery. ifloves. Mitts. ete.. etc. full and new assortinent of Thlllogftny,.llo,wprood and Wtilitul trained Inmfdpg Glasses. IlmtecoNoB. sal, 31 Mr, tp.thur supply of super Imperial, Ingrain, Venetian, Ilenm and Stair Carpet. logs. at very reduced prices. This stork has been laid, in with great earn at the very_ lowest cash prices, and vvlll to hold for the cash at such prices as will convince nil that Ogillky's 1101 e store is the place to Jay out their cash to theSsery best advantage. Light profits and qubdi saluk. 'Recollect the new store Is MI the corner of .31ain and Pat streets, opposite the Methodist Church..„. Carlisle,,iprll . td. 01111,11 V. NQ IV IS,IIJE 71,111i1.F012 - 11AkotAi;i• 1 ARGE AND EXTENSIVY • AIGGVALOF •SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. - 41__tke._Xe_w Stare: Co.riter of TIM undersigned rei urns thanks for the patronage bestowed upon 11101 by. t he piddle, and at the somotim,• respectfully announces that he - los - just returned front Philadelphia. and IS now opening a now lot of SPILLNti AND Sint AEI( DRY (MODS AND QIIOCERIES, con• elating In panne' follows. and which by is determined do soil at the lowest rash prices. SILKS, L'UCAI. CLOTIIS.' Chnlllro,. Alpacas, Pe• Laines Dellages. Lustre. Poplins, Lawns, Ilareges, RH Man hi.Skirting,Frencli and Scotch ()twinkling Prints. Gloves, limitary, Collars. Handkerchief. hc., &c: Sli AWLS'AND MANTILLAS, In every style and quality. • STAPLE AND DOMESTIC MIT GOODS, Cloth. Can. cres. Vesting. Flannels. Muslin. Tickinga. Stripes. Checks. Calicoes, Cottonailes, Linens, Sheeting. Dent. unto. Nankeens, Drills, Marseilles' Quilts, colored nod white Carpet Chain. Ar., de. Parasols and Umbrellas Also a and splendid assortment of BONNETS, HATS. CA Pe,, BOOTS AND SIDES. - A superior lot of fresh (1110CERIER, Toss, Coffee. Su• gar; Molasses. Rico. Spices, he., ,tr. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest care, 1111 d the 10111.0 CAM retire, 1 con assure my friends and the public generally,, that I will do all in my ewer to nicks my establishment !mown as the HEAD QUA It PERS FOR lIARUAINS." Two.e who.wha, to purchase will find It to their advantage to cull and examine nay stock before purchasing. I will pay the highest mnrket price fut liutterr Eggs, nags. Soap, and Drfed Fruit. J. A. HUMIIICII, Jr. Carlisle, A pril 21, 1859. N E w (.4 0,0 DS FOR SPRING currnisur.. • The subscribers respectfully I stint their patrons, and the citizens nturally. that they have recently received from New York and Philadelphia. a large and elegant itssartmeut or clothing suitable per the present FellSoll. manufactured of the bent m aerials and in the most, fasithmable style, which they urn determined to self cheaper than smaller art le'es can be elsewhere. ' Their stock comprises IMES: AND num: COATS, of new nnd fashionable styles. Business . Sucks and Frocks of the best material *ad latest patterns Double and single breasted Vests. In endless variety—choke styles. Flue Black trench Doeskin and Fancy Cassi fliers Pants, Plain ll,fht colored Cassitnere Potts, ,in great variety— choice styles 111/1"S CLOTHING. order to meet the wants of the people In this _branch of tintiness,gs_tatt pare and attention has 11111111 given to it the ',resold siiii.T67 - railta: - Pants - and Vests of nil sines and gmiliien.,to which cem,tant addi tions will be made during the Fl.lOll. Also, a full assortment of Shirts, Collars, linkoms, Cm ants. Pocket I landkereh lei's, Suspenders, ctovits, Gloves. Hosiery and Umbrella. un hand a largo nasurtmont of Black, %min Itluu and 01Iva Cloths, Mark Doeskin and (alley Cacol tnoru Vl.stings, Clothing every description and quality well made, aid of geml material eonstantly on hand. Cumtenwee. work undo up to order, at the shprtcfit notice and ou reasonaldo term. ARNOLD k • 1.1 VI NOSTON. , Carlisle, March 24. 'llB.—ant.] North Hanover st REAT II EMIG 1 lON IN PRIOES, AT OGILIIT'S NEW STORE. tiara MN day commenced to run 01l my lirgo and splendid stork of Summer (looda at very reduced prices, Elegant bawl.; worth 12 and He. tnr u-and lY eta Enrages du Luina 1L 't • 10 ' =UM u . 25 18 , .. . , Gingham ---" 12:At, 10 "10 and 12 ~. Brilliants" .12 " 18 "In " 12 • 3 . Bebop " 1234 " 8 . .. Madona Cloth . 1i -t , 12 ° ‘• Sumner Silks" . 75 ‘• 50 ". ..1/448_. Slik and llarege Mantillas much under prier, Needle work f'ollars and Undersleoves. Ureat bargains. Pat , nsols cheaper thitn over. Cotton and lAnemPants stuff Very cheap Bmomer Cassimers, cheaper than ever sold In Carlisle. Curpetings from 12licts. to V. Very low 3la tti ems at CoAt. A lot of wall made Boots and Shoes, below coil to close thou out. Purchasers Wishing to lay out thole money •to the hest itdvantage. will do 'will to c ill at Lin new Mom town; Wost Main street, opposito thu Methodist ebui•oh. MIAS. 01111.1117. duly 21. 1858 DUBUC 5A.1,1 , 7“..Aja -- Astiigneq of John Comer, I wlll.eaveo to late sale. on the provotees. on TLESDAY, the 14 Soptornber, at II•o'clak; A. M. • A FIRST-RATA) FARM, • situate In North Middleton township, Cumberland cu, on tau Conndortainett crook, and bounded by J o h n cobs, David liol/VOI'S Mill tract,. Adam Tholutt. David Italstouond others, containing 14'3' A cross harlhg thereon erected a • ' TWO4TORY WEATIISRBOARDED •.; • Uj]•- U O tJS E., • - _LOGI BARN. CORN-CRIBS, Wigtm Shed Carriage Count and other improvements. About 120 acme are cleared and under gOod fence. the residue well timbered. Thu land in or an excellent quality, pertly limestone and partly slate a pert of whTch hasimen well limed. and hue on it a good Apple Orchard and other choice fruit trees. ' The farm is capable ofdlyislon, and, will be offered in parte or all together:aft will best suit purchasers. The ternutwill uncle known on the day of Assignee of John Coover. July 21. 185 - B,—ts' , 1.110. N, gAIL•ING k—lrgis r for xeutikerytgfidesurii,"pnblitiattil prititt gmundiand' gardens. made to order at ,the Cgrllelo Stook of Baking: Verandah and 'Bracket 'patterns sem. paean Alamo variety of new and elegant designs which the public are twitted to call and examine.' Orders fur meting and putting up balling will be promptly execu ted at satisfactory prlcea, • OIL, An entirely tiew.Tlol 110I18E STEAM, ENGINE and BOILER now on band, Warranted to be of the best makcy and will be sold at a bitrgalu for cash or OP shirt I '• • OARDNEItCO.,,.; • • • •• , July 210(858. jrAlolllilt.S !--Hgt.04 . 114 ' the 4110 logoi. , a new TllBBBl.llllO 10011 IN 8, and o , lt 8 WEIL WP bay. AMILAIAW rfoll,lnsolr Machines • now on hand:tit' ttni . Wade •Fotnidit rutd/Nlactilne, , 811up..erblell we will cell on tbornost, reasonable terms' They rtffilili1110:411-'•the. ntost Itoprovoniuuts 'and 'ire walrsntedto boor -gad nutter/al and Workinansbip." Also, CORN' d/f ,tbu ,ineat-luiproved ateurtleti, *bleb do their work rapidly and ttionsuably. , k/orkale ittlow prices 4y, r. V. <IMP:NEB ;:ablylNA.' Noi);-::01600b0, 10=tnl and Loather Streets eon .7purrtiogniento. . . ' NUB ROUTIIWORTIfi ' • 001,ONFL W OltOnitlaT, CHARLES Ht/H WITT." TOOMAR' DUNN IdNOLTSU, HENRY CLAPP,. ANL, . ONOROD 'ARNOLD, • fiAIt(LEL YOUNO. WHILPLNY. VIROINIA VAUO RAN' MIN. PI V.HRNON, Dim HAYTI OLAREi " FINLEY JOIINBON, • Write only tor the :GOLDEN PRIZE. - • -GOLDEN PRIZE. - - ----GOLDEN- PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIER. - --- GOLDEN --- PRIZE7 GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRI4 14 ILLUSTRATED tikAN-a SALTlitt; BocceAsorx to bum ... . . , The Now York Weekly GOLDEN PRIZE le one of the 'argent and hest Iltorery papers of the day—an Imperial 1 Quarto, entitalning eight pager, or forty ooluuma, of the • most 14toresting and rawinatlng reading' matter, from the pens of.the vorytlret writer') of Mu day. ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEE*. A PRESENT; FllOn 60 CENTS TO $5OO 00, WIWho givou to each subscriber immediately on re/hipt of the subscription matey. Thilf is presented us' a Slre. mouth of Fyieudshikon4 not no an induecauvut , to oh. tain subscribers. • • • p' TERM g One Fopy for one year, One.copyttor twe youth' One ropy for three ears Ono copy for Live years,' • AND TO CLUBS. Three copies, one year, • $5 00 and . 3 4 4 — Elve - cordes.: one year, - • ••- HOO and 5. . 44 Ten copies, one year, . •• • 15 00 and 10 . 4 4 Twenty-one copies, one year, 30 00 and 21 44 • The artlcloa to ba wren away aro comp:hod In tho lot lowing lint: . . . . . . . _. 2 Packages of Gild, containing ssoo 00 each • . 5 :d.p, , '..16 • • do`_ . —2.00 00-each. 10 do' .--• do do • .. 100 00 each. 'lO Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches 100 00 each 20 Gold Watches... • 75 00 each. _____so____._do . _ . OO 00 each. 100 do ' . --, . - 'llO 00-each. . . 300 Ladles' Gold \Vetches - . 3,5 00 each. 210 Silver Hunting Cased Watches . 33 00 each. 500 Silver Watches . $lO 00 to VI 00 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, Yobehaft.esl.o 'OO to 30 00 each. Gold Lockete, Bracelets, 'Brooches. Far Drors Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Sth rt Studs, WatchAcem,pold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of otheatictl side , Worth from 5U cents to $l5 each. We will present - to every person • 50 Hub scribers, at $2 each. a Gold Watch, wort , $4O; to any one sending us 100 subscribers, at 52 inch. a hold -Watch, worth $OO. livery subscriber will also receive a present. - ' • immediately on receipt of the money, the subscrib er's nu ne will be entered upon our bouh, and the pr4s. ent will be Mywarded within one week, by mall ur ex press post paid. All ciniankunicat ions should be addressed to - - DEAN & SALTER, Pitoraimmmi--- ME! J., It,. CASSELBERRY'S • (LiTr. Avrre, k CA4 , lkl,llERkr,) DRY GOODS' STORE, 53 NORTH MOUTH STRILET, • lIELOCT Anal!. (OLD DO. 49.) PHILADPLPHLA DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ON F. PRICE-SMALL r . 11.0F11-Cll CAP FOR 00.911 • • PRINCE !SD : • 1511"ROV E PATENT - MELODEON Till: owsr ESTAIII,IBIIMENT In the UNITED svams, EMI% WINO ,',CWO HUNDRED MEN, find Finishing EIGHTY I N6TIIII NIEN.TB PER WEEK, • Combining all their Recent imp-ovenware—the Di. Wed .• Swell, Organ, Melodeon:dm, ' (The Divided slvoll eon only be old:tined hi Melodeons of our Menulneturod • - GEO. A. PRINCE & CO. Manufacturers, puffelio, New York. = 87 Fallon a(. Y., - 110 Lake at, Chicago, lil • WIIOI,F,SAMI AO ENTS—rltitssoll & Richardson, 80 0 ton Mar..; W. V. Colburn. 0.; Palmer & Weber, St. Louls, Mo.; Ph. I.:Werleln, New Orleans. From the Home Journal. April :1, 1858. The Meloodoono manufactured by Prince & Co.; and for !Lite at 87 Fulton street, are the boat' In the world. Wu have tried them. apot Iherefiro apook underatand• lona vof their merits. They are allbidod at a - very 11101. i• orate root. PRICES OF PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS Four octave Melodeon. extending from Cto C, 045 Four and a bait' mtave. do. F 60 Five,iirtave Molodedn. do. tolq : 75 Flvd octave, doublo reed, do. Fto F 130 ORO AN MELODEON • -Two Banks of Keys, Five Firs of Weeds, Eight F tops One and a Half Octave Foot l'edals, One :idol [Leeds, In Foal Bass Independent 4350 PRICES OF PIANO CASED Five Octave Melodeon, extending from Fto F VW . Six Oeleve Melodeon, do. F to F 130 Five Octavo double reed. do.. Fto F 100 live Oetove, Two Menke of lion 200 Our facilit lei for manufacturing are perfect, and front our long experience In the business. having 111,15hed and sold over •TWENTY TWO THOUSAND .111ELODE. 0N5,.1.6.1 feel confident of giving satisfaction. All Meltrleons'oi our manufacture. either sold by 115. or dealers in an, part of the United States or Carmdas. are IyAlllt iNTED tots. perfect in every respert.and should, ally repairs lie necessary beibre the expiration of one year from the date of sale we hold ourselves ready and willing to make the 5:1100 free of charge, provided the .Injury is not caused toy accident or design. • OHO. A. PRINCE & CO. Auenta for the ante Uralic Melodeona ray be found In nil I ho principal dilee and tdwrie lu the- United Status and Cllllllll.. Agent, at.Carlinle—SllßTOCK, TAYLOR k SMITII. At NoNviile—W. R. LINN. Luny lil'58: THE,BEsT PIANO FORTES ARE MANUFACTURED BY RING & SONS, -• , WHO HAVE RECEIVED - THIRTY-FOUR MEDALS, THE PIRA' PREMIUMS °VI:IitALL CONE- PETITORS IN rim UNITED STATES mvssus. C. d: SONS. having removed to their now ware rooms, 1307 Chelitila street, Philadelphia. are pre pared to oiler a large assortment of 0 ItAA It , PARLOR MUNI), SQUARE and UPIIII.IIIT PIANO FORTES in ritriOUS, steles and-cases and at prices which cannot foil to pheiee. Descriptive cataluguni bent to auy ad dress upon-applimitiou. Inly 21, 0 1855—1 y . • • CONS PTION OLD DD. STEPHEN It. BURNS. who has devoted his whole life to the cure of Cossuarrion and Its kindred diseases, now that his days are nearly spent, ho Is desirous of placing Ills rem edy in the hands of all afflicted, Deem charge, hoping in •thls way, to do a 'groat deal of good before ho dies. He feels confident that his remedy will el feet a cure in ninety - .due cases out' el' an hundred. Ile gill send each applf. rant that gives him a description of Ids or her complaint a small quantity of medicine, }with full and evilcit,..di rectionerfl,r preparing the nuns article themselves. whoa they, find that It' benefits them. 1:11C11 applicant will wind three stamps, (It rents.) to pay the return letter and assist in paying foi this advertisement... ED= CURED, 1= THOUSANDS or INS ANOES, Dn. S. H. BORNS; Addrong, lilt. S, 11. BURNS. 4 JultaB—it. Now York NEIV YORK NOitTLI ANOVE It' STREET 7 CONFECTIONERY,. • 'CARLISLE JVho!eeale Rate, Reduced $2 per 100 Mi. Thoattentlon of Country 31erehanla and the public . generally is to a large assortment of CHOICE CANDIES; ' • • memiithrtnred 'of the best. material rind warranted to' . rentals no poison'-In their ,colors, which will be sold . Wholesale or Retail at low rates at Ibe old stand of . P. noNyErt. .'• r • Nairn LIANOVIR 81116 CT, CittL.IBLC, "A few doom N4rtb of the Carlisle Dejscelt Bank: . . Just received a large assorimellt of 'FRESH FRIIITS•4IVH ;NUTS 'of the latest importations, consisting , " 4 Oranges,'- , "Lemons,' , • .Daisies,frunee BananusS, . . Pine 'Apples, . Almonds;,, • . „ filberts, . • Cream Nuts, - , Poona Nuts, AA., • .All Which Willie - sOld aklow' rifles. Alio, - nlargeonr soituseufet " TOYS 'AND FANCY;43IOO,br s .. • :-' ' of every variety. • Also; all 'the. best brands of tiEGARS' AND, TOBACCO, • of American esndOeitrusti manufacture. The subscriber returns ilsanks Mr the' liberal ptitroiv nice bestowed on bins by the, public.- and *White n c”rs• thmauniqtbelr favors. , lismonsbOr i l,hztAd y ttand of Nerth earlllifu. Jute 10,"7,8..t I n icLACKS3I . ITHS': 0A L .-IQ,OOO. • ihnholo of Bitatillhoiti Cdali frord.itto edebtato4 anon':.Sliatimzecelvisgand Air Bale h~ Adints4 ti 7,-•.l.7•,°""'ta`:* . THE . LIVER :INVIORATOR ~...._ Pith MIND 411' . D11.1301"011D. Compounded- entirety .from GUNS., is oss Of xlll3 411$T PUROA'L'It7t AND WEB • N EP, now beam! tho 'public., that ooti aka Cartl4B7lo• eager. folltigr. And more alleettial thantOY . other mvdlulnn IfltOwn. It's nel rally nOaTliAllTift. talk - 14001, rftietlY. noting Out on IN Om% lo ojont-Ito 'morbid Twitter, then an alto stomach and bOwelll 0' off 'hot =atter, thus aeeonipllshirne two phrPolhil eireetinilhy. without any of the painful faeliTllll•eaMflit cured lu the operation of most Cityn.tastee, 11litron4W. ens the system al the same time that It pirat' It 18154 . when lAI4OII daby-lu Auodurolo-dopep, will •stembhon rind build It up with Untlanal rapidity, . • The Lives. la ono of the prlnehnil.rortulaters finictions w.II the pow- era .of the system ars • fully ilevoloped. - Tile Q stomach te almost on." tinily dependent on the healthy, notion -of, the Myer for the proper pep- romance, of It, I'UVOtIOPII when the sternal:lt Is et fault, tlfu horride are, at fault. nod do whole system Puffers In cones. quintet, of ono argon-- ry? tho Liv•r •••• boring ceased to do Its duty. I".^1 Poe the diseases of that organ; One of the pre- =. udders has mode it his study, Inn practice., of more than tieHuty years, to had onto remedy CD. wherewith to counteract the many Ourangoinente to which it la Ilabis. Tu prove that title re. P""" mpdy. b, at Intl fbund, opy. peritOtt troubled with,. Liver Coil. plaint In any of Its r":" fortes. has but to try a , •and conviction certain. Thee° gums mum - unit morbid or bail Matter • • flow the system. sup- ~4plying In the a - healthy flow of vigeratlng the.stnniseh,, - ,causlog fool to digitst I: e it well, purifying the blood lied giving tone !width totthe whole machinery 'removing the Pauses of , • Mut, and effect... • lay a radical rum One dose aftor eating • la aufliciont to- relleyo - the' Abate& arid - food 'from ing and souring, - Only one dose • taken imfbro retiring prevents . nightmare'. • Only one dose tahou, 1 74 at ,night loosens; the • bowelggontly, and cures------- costiveness,' One dolly taken otter Ci) each' meal will cure . . pepsin. . ()Reties° of two • tea4oonfula will always • relieve Sick Headache. • I...ssi •- One bottle -joker] ror female obstruction re- InnVontlairca title of the disease, and makes a perfecti cure. Only one dose hum; 0 iiiintoly relieves -Medic, while olut &se Orton ro--, _ pentad is a sure cure for ' Cholera Martian, and a preventive of Cholera. t-One dose token ..ortork--Z mum of blllo s Looks, while it rce Heves all 1,1111111.11 fuel- .e;' 4 logs. • • un..Only one !male Is needed to throw edt the of system the effects of (LI-. medicine alter a long - slektiebs.. $2 00 and 1. Present. 3 00 and 2 Vresunta. - 00 and 3 `. , 8 00 and 5 . ene'ottle taken for.litttntlice removes all sallovra nom or unnatural color from the skin.. • dose taken a short thou before eating gives vigor to the appal te'and makes Mod digest well. One dose often repeated eII ref, Chronic, Dior- Owen In Ito worst firms. while SU mmernud bow el complaints yield Monist lo the first dose.- - one or Iwo doses runes attacks caused by wnrrpr, In children: there Is no surer. safer or speedier remedy in the world, as It never hills. ^ ' We lake Infinite pleaStire' In recommending Ude medicine no a preventive for Fever and Ague, Chill Fever and nil Fevers of n 111111aum Type. It operates with certainty. and thousaudsare willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. - All who use It are ci ving their 'unanimous testimmi.t In lie favor. • .119.,..31.1s wafer t, the mouth with, the Invigorator, and Awallo,botlitogether. . —MAW. r.'VEIt INVIGORATOR IS .1 GREAT Sr7IENTI rIe..3IEDICAL, DISCOVERY, ands deify working cures: almost too great to believe. It ellll3/ , Its Irby magic. even the trot dose giving bone lit, and seldom more than coo bottle is required to cure any kind of 1,1 VER'Comnlnint, from the worst Jelin. dice nr Dyspepsia n common Imo] wile, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. DR. SANFORD. Proprietor, 845 Broadway, New York. - an Bnld In Carlisle by kiI.I.I9TT and 8, W. 111 3 7 ERB V ICK. niy261858. THE ONLY SAFE- PREPARATION , Thitt doom pot Dye,, but will G A: 11AIIt -To its original color, Nnturo's own proers, l - PROF. O..I.,wOOO.smELEBItATED HAIR. - RESTORATIV.K N- proof attn. ah itss.rtion, read the following tee. 1 thtiony from distinguished . perstfus from all parte or the country. • ' • ' HON. SOLOMON MANN. Ann Arbor. Melt, says his 1. wife, whose hair' had become very thin and entirely_._,„„, white was restored to Its oriAlttalbrOWn color. and had thickened and become beau:llu] and glossy upon, and entirely...over thu head Otitt.r.; ofonyfiimiiy and friends are using your Restorative with the happiest effects. ..110N4 C BREESE. Ex-Senator of 1111noin says - MY-hair Was prematurely gray, but. by the Use ofdletape Restoratis e, it has resumed its original color. nod 1 have noffoubt permitnenti AO. 110 N. 11..1...811:1VART, says, uly,hair was - rery gray, • but after drting two bottles, ICiestefed it to itsoriginal color. REV. J. K. BRAWL Broalleld. blase.. says it has re; Lunged from my head inflanneatiion, demi, dff, and a constant tendency to Itching, and restored my hair, which was gray, to its original color. • J W. DAVIDSON, Monmouth, 111., Says, my hair was to. thirds, gray, or rather white, but bythe application of the Restorative as directed, It has resumed its origls US . color. - Olt.O. WALLIS, Chili-ago, says, after using a crest many other preparations, all. to no effect, 1 - used' one ~ bottle of your Hair Restorative, which has cured a nor in my head of two years' standing. ' BENJAMIN - LONOITIDGIC - 25f SeVentl. A venue, New York. says, having loot my hair by the efforts of the Erysipelas. when it began to, instead of black, as heretofore, It was well mixed with gray. (laving tried many preparations to restore the color without effect, I was Induct d to try 3 - ours, and 1., NOD. of all uty doubts it has had the desired effect. 11. L. WILLIAMS, 31. D.. Peckensville, Alit, says, -I have used your Restorative. and find it all it Is. recoil, • - mended to be. 1 Lase tried it for' 'fetter and hind It a certain cure. W. M. WoODWARD, M. D., Frankfort, Ky.. says, be recommends It In his practive as-the. Lest preparation for tine hair mow In Use. ' , EDWARD WAIAIOIV, says, three months ago my hair 'roe very gray, it is now a dark brown, the original clor, smooth and glossy, all by the use of. Wood's R.. WILSON 'KIN°, says, one month's proper application will restore any person's hair to its original color and texture. .1. D. HOES, says; 'n few applications fastened my hair firmly, It began to grow out and turn biar.k,lts original color. BETSEY SMITH, North. East Pennsylvania, mys that her hair bail, for a number of years, been perfectly white. but now it is restored to its youthful color, soft and glossy. Mt, J. IF. BOND, St. Paul, - Says that his hair is strong , thick and black. although n spurt time since ho was hoth bald and gray. The people here saw its effects and have confidence in it. — SIOItRIS - 00S1rING, --- 31, -- Di - St. - Loula,- - says-thal-efter------- trying inany other preparations, all to no effect ho used ! two bottles. which covered hist head with a new and vigorous growth. of hair and invites all to miaowed see it. • SARAH J. I IIIhOWN, says her hair one not only,gray, but do thin she feared Its entire loss—but after using too bottles it has,restored both the color and growth. Prepared by 0..1. WOOD .1: CO., 114 Market street, Saint. LOUIS. and 312 Broadway. New York, and sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealant; also, by all . Faiseyand Toilet Goods Dealers in the tutted States and Canada. ' • uty2o'sB. For sat.; Carlisle. by S. W. ITAVERSTICK, SA3I'L F:l.Liorr. and Druggists everywhere. READ! - REAR!! ' PILES I -NO 'CURE, NO T',.4).71, 11 DuPll 0 N r, tie celebrated Frmn:Mpraetitioer, I n mitabill•hed niCageney 'hihntelphla, the only one 11 America, where .dtree.. done and ...Men.. may .be , proeured fur .the treatment 7 and runt of Ilenterrhords or PILES in an — lncridible short spare of time:, This aunounrement is made with dbo utmost. confolenre. 'muse it is HD ESTABLISHED r SOT, attented .Iry thousands who have been sufferers, that the various phases or this distressing disease ran ho speedily eit red by this hew motto IS treatment. 'The relkr. In Must chess; If most lustantaneous. Fri sure are the PrePrieters or thin. that tilt y are wilting to take the risk thensalves. /Ka - Tut MONEY OP A 3 PATIENT 111.TOON Ell, n CORK la N9T PEUNUTIED, WHEEL DM': in SHE TOLLoWED Thu great amount of distrets and torture endured by thousands of 'void, front this dlkeuse, the other de rangements or the system consequent upon it, and a knowle,4ntin the fart that reliel am Ire niTordt4ll, bus Indueotthe eNtaidishmeed or the Amet Ivan aueney. Person's'atn illatancm - wishing: 10 obtain time meal. eine, should state: by letter, how long they hare had the disease. and e hither tits Olga are of the bleeding blind, or protruding ehanteteT, as the treatment has to bu varied °wording to the variety of the disease. Thy menus are' NO plain that any person can make the applh cation. , fly inskinz n plain stntement of the reap, etteenelos• ing thme dollnio. no , dlrlnit and full dlrietlons *lll he scut to uuy port of the country. Address. nmyl9lB6B-1y U' VAIL'S GALVANIC Ills great remedy has 'titillated for itsetfriArorld wt a reputation. as blessifig to htaellde. 'ln cures of Mama disease, libetunto ism. Bums and Salida, Nervous headache, Erysipt fieuralgia, Sc.. it ban a roxical effect In rettiovlttglstie; ed tO•tbediffeas erte— n enthral eurrent,of eloetricity, by which, the b altby functions are restored immediately, and a can effected Ate no one boa ever Used' this Article. without 'benefit we confidently, refer. to those who - have applied their testimony in flu favor: For - tale by If.Al'.•fluvechtick, 8. Klllott.ll. Kauffman, B. J. patilln, aud, at the couutry.stores throughout thi. county. --KOl. • The unifcirm;prieuls•Eirrv-CarersePhoitle,-as•-• tbueStatltqthe oily else that is shipped, to, the Nov. 26 .1 8 P. • ;ire ie .1, .. !':" • • I: /!• D E N D'E,N L •, • , 'it ANKEES, North 'lreitern and aild.Collecettag ilacatoP PiiiticladTbtrif , t,lo~ void to".tile — buSlness of - nerFresi; — • dente, 'sad, bnylegranii • 'Estste,tespipg • • money tin ;real espile , ksylpg, 'ISSee and looking after th e general interest of uoteresidOnts. • Referencia given Ur - Naito& s • •••,: • Address, BIitaIkI.&•IIIENDENIIALI , ,, • Minneapolis, Allaisots. MEM= WINDONT'SHADESI 4 -Ttie finest, larreac rheapeof Tikap#ll3oo4:pf "!!1 8111 -', `lrit'Vril'olo'ntotr...r, • TC'r at4 1 .A 11 4 I:,,'lll.ll'o"AttriPiAst %,• - • • AteDicines: PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER DOTTLE Dit. J. R. PUPIIONT. • Philadelphia, Pa. MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers