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T - 11.1119 OF PV6I.ITION MO .7A 111.14 LI: I filMl 14U IS puolished tr.uokly 0111 a largo - shoot entail Iv t.iutity eight R.)1(1111110. andrtltoislloll 11 to .11Norllisr at .31.AL1 1 :p.tid strictly in totr.ttor..: St 7 5 if pill within !Ito year: or .$:1 in all vas.: who. payment ta delaye I wall after the .ex plratle a' of the year, Xa suhs:rlptl ,as resolved liar a less,period than • His m mtlot. fooluone discontinued until all erre/mutes are ptbl.- unless at the ..ptlon of the publisher: Tapers Beadjaknabsorlhoes Irvin,: out of I 1111 l berland countyt mast be pdd for In advance, or the payment assumed • •hy sine nay "Nfldo person-II slang In Cumberland eoun • •cy. These tunas' will be rb.chlly adhered tO all ' =sus. • A DYE It7'ISEPIENTS, Atlvertkitinintit will be charged LOU 4, per square of • 4welve MIAs for , liree Insertions and 25 rents for .101: 'itulwoquont Insertion. Alliedvertisements of less than twelve Mol t s 1 . 11 . 11,41,t011..1 DS 11. ' • Advertisements inserted before 31arringes and deaths .b routs per line for first insertiou4,l44 cents per for 81.1 1 .S0 . 111f1•11 . insertions. Contmunientbins - on sub• jets of limited ur indivltittal Interest will be charged -5 cents por/Inti.—The Proprietoi . .. will -vist-100- responol . ble In dame:refs P., errors In tottvertistmentts, obituary notleow or—lierringes-itot eseeeding iwo Inserted without ehar,te • JIIII PRINTING The Carlisle floreld JOU I'll I.NTING OFFICk Is the !erreSt and most complete establishment In thucrtuofy Three gond Tresses. mud n guttural variety of materiel spited for plain nod Fancy work or every kind • P US tad .111i1 I . rlotl,g at the notice end n 1 the most reasoneldu terms. l'eraons hi-wduc or 1:116. Illanks or auk thing In the 3.11d.1ng Ilene, will find It their, I.,terest zlve us'ah calls Leery variety or Mal - cent:la - n[lr en' hand. .Cleneruf .mth Cucnf .anftimotiot U. 8. kit)VERNNI ENT President—.l %min Ilven %SAN. Fire pre4ront fterretttry of ,t3te—ltun. 1.1.W16 CAOrl. St4 , retttry of Interior-3 \COB TIIOMPsON. SOCret..ll . l of 'Treasury—ltonrr.LL• Cann. '' Beeretary nt O'ar—:Tony 11. 1 , 1.0 v D. tleeretctrs of %AC Post Master tlenernl—A. V.' ItscoVN. •' Attorney Iletterst—.ll:nott to S. '1(1.(0K. • Chief .I,t,jhttee 'Ol Om Unite.] titate*--li. 11. TANEi sTATE OOVERNMENT 011VOrner—W11.1.111 M F. PACKER. , Stier°lary or State tM M. MISTER Surveyor Ooul rnl—linty ItoWr. liuner.o —.l l'oll Mt v Jut. rreasurer—li :Nur S Woe .111.14e$ of 1,110 Slipro 13nrin. 3: Mo Anm ninon°, kr. It. 1.11W1{14 II: W WooincAnu. W. A, l'oNTnn COUNTY OFFICERS President l .. s 11 Graham. — Axii ail . khimuul . hharlet Shearer. Proth o.ry---.1.11111110 . ry---.1.1111111 Quigley Ite,order ize.-1)31)1e1 3. Unfit. Rezister—d. N. LlO4lllllOO. • 111:th 'herllT—J:orni. Bowman: County 'rrensurer —Moses Darker. • CorQuer—Mitchell :%IrClellan. _._Cuuute_CUWUldNLM,Cre< lllll lnln \I . llondnr+ml i A n - drew Kerr, mauttel Clerk to eottung - slotiVrs. James Artnntrotti:T.— • Directors of the Door--flo nyu -Brindle, John C. sgmlugli 'knit. Sui?eriotontiont of Poor Nous, --Joseph Lobnelt.. . 11 . 01ft.0 ill OFFICERS Chief Cart. ANANDIfit Iturote.-1. oath. •' Town: Coula 11—J. It. Pnri. 11'reph.lent) John Out. 1 , 11.111 i itoberr t ore,, Allen: enmenm. John 0. ,IloreJni,_3llelimil...ll4cutb, , • Clerk to-.5iu..11.—Th - ni.-'1). Mahon': Constobles—Jne“b 11![ , :gh Constabl Robert 114 . 711111 M: and 1701,NUM. Juel leux ..f tlw Pe:tet-3. t.. Elmileler, Darla Smith, MI :haul 11.0170mb, cteplime lfeepmx. •"' ' CHURCHES.' First Prrel , 3 tel len t tihrtlnrest angle of f.'en. Ire :;.lucre. liOV. Coll Wity Ming l'asior.—eervlces over. buoday 31ereing at 11 o'f!lotdc, A. M., awl 7 o'clock • I'. 31: .; *cooed l'rushytertan 4 hurrh, corner of Smith • anover and I',olol, et ot ruts. Itcr. 31r halls, l'attor. rervlces 1 COI , IIIIIVIICII at 11 o'clock. A. 31., m.d i o'ciork I'. 31. I howl. ti•rol., 04 on ImtviiMile or Ceotn; ,L0c..11C.)11 .lores, hector. terriers at 11 o'clock A. 31., and 1. h'cluck, P. 11. k.agl4ll k.Ulllel3ll ihurch. Itetlr,rd bets con Main' a nd lout liar streets. Rek. Jaen!. kry, iitstur. sort 'vet' at 11 o'clock A. M., and to o'clock I'. 31. &kerma,' nefornted. l hufreh. I.s4lther. betwoon 111 t• over and Vitt eakeets. lilfV. A. 11. !ironer. l'ash.r.— cervltw at t 1 t'clock .1. M. nod n o'clock I'. 31: Methodlpt r.. Vli 111 . 1 . 1/. tl.. si charge) roraer 01 Alain and Pitt St routs. h.,. h. 0. t lutulherN.' t ,ervlres nt 11 (A. 1,0: A. 31: tokl U. 31eilrallst 1.. t harsh ,secnnd charge.) nue. A. A. Boca.. ilteitnr Seraee t'ulle,;kk mat 11 o'clock A. 31 and 4 o'clock. • Rowan Catholic Churi.ll. Pomfret near East street. Itee.-- ..inden. Punter. Ser.liestn. 11 a oii Sun day of each month. lierfaaa Lutheran Chervil col en . of Pomfret and Bedford streets. ---' Past,. :,er‘ leo at .44-When changes In the above are neeeamry the ipreinur persolle are requested to w Lir) Ito! Charles Collins, I), U., President and Professor of Muni [4.10111.U. Roy. I.lrtuan M..ll.linson. D. I)', Proft•seor of Philoso phy 014 r.nalicli Literature. , • *James N Marnhall, A.. 31., Professor of Ancient Lan guages. . • • Iter. Boswell, AI 31..Prnfesser of 3lathemat • %1111 inn, U. %%1111011, A. N., Professor of Nutuial Science. and Cloister 01 toe Museum. Alessodur rwhent, A. 11., Professor of Hebrew and Modern Languagen. kantuel ii Hillman,' A. M., Principal of the Grammar School. 11. P. Purcell, A 8., Asa,islant In the G mamma! School BOARD (e SellooL DIRECTORS Aminny Blair. Probidont. 11. Paxton, P. Quigley,' 11:- , Commun. C. P. Ilinnerioh,,l. -Hamilton, booreiary.Jabon W. Eby, rousiner. John bnliar. 3loot on th e ht bl e edey ut eeeh tat b o'clock A. 31. ut Ed ucation MM. couponATioNs Cent etc Dkrosirll.%BK.—Plesldent. Richard Parker, Cashier. 11 la. 11.1leettaa; C1011.14...1:1'. l lasler. N. C. 6I ul. sellllllll. C. IV. 1,01,1: Directors. Rickard Parker. Thema,. Paxton, Moons Ilriulwr, Abraham healer Jar, LI Why. It. C. Woodward, We,. It.'.3lulllll.•Bauluel M harry awl . John Zug.," etl/11300L011/ VALLI 0, HAIL HUAI, Comm:cr.—President, Frederick 'A attic: Ceeretary aud 'treasurer, Edward 3!. Middle;,kluperiniendent. /J. N. kull. lEssenger tralllll twice a day. Eastward lull 111,1 Carllsle pi 10.30 o'clock A • 31. and 4011 o'cick 1' JI. Two brains every day Westward, leatli; Cuilisle at 9.6 u o'clock A, M., +mu 2.80 P. 31: CARTA/ILE IIAI4 one WATEIICOMPANT.-1`11:1FIdel1L, Fred. trick Watts; Secretary, Lemuel Todd; Treaisuler, V. in. Ileutelii; DireePors -F. Wads. I.lchard l'nrker. Lenin el Todd: M ilk 31. !Widow. 1101.17 Baxton J. W. fly. John D. *halos. it. 1.1. Woodard and C. lilddle' Conaontsma VALLLY lIANK.-1.11411.101it..1,1h11 raft; Cashier. A. Stan:eon: Tesler. Jos. C. Moller.— Directors John 8. Btereett, Wm, Her, 3ieleholr !Irene. man, illchdrd Woods..lohn C. Holdup, hold. C. Sterrett, U. A. aurgwil, aud•Captaln Julia Dllllllll/. MM Cutabor Flar Imago_ Nu. 101, A. Y. 31. ntecEs ut ' Marian • 1401 on uud 4E4 Kzgday. uveq s t . J0i;.6 . 461 :11311 r -A.:17: 31. :quota '4l l'hura• day or mull uumtb. ut 3111rIon MM." i : • ~ ear1i01e4,4...10 No 111 1. 0. of 0. F. Moeta A.tofi(by liirelpit ? at Truuts , liolldlKEE. ; • TIRE — The' UnicnriFirti Colnpa ay nlze4 'Fp Proildx.l.. :flt• ttt t au; Vice Piecidet.k.' AVI I Intu M. IKlrteir B,Nerut.nry.4 - .l l, l:;chht:'TieticurC 41.ei er'11166.: y' r. CothpaitY the 114;it. StatUrdilly Aprombur. and December.. , . .„. Thu IlmuNielund FlriVompnny'weilnilltuted ~ ;icy N. Presl.l..tit .Itoburl 1% 1 4. Trutiiiot.r.`l/. N, Itlit6r: '1 he company . ..«.:-.l l llPllltunuttm . t4i..9. 'Ma 1.16 , 14 W.lll. and lktr,ly ~ r ... lfogieCiim„lanivloilpittltuted inblircl4' . 1E155' ProolAilut. 11,. A. 4, utpri; C letc V,reslthinl.,.lankes '' , ll. , lll.cCarineye Vtie.ktery. e.ani qel. 11. (Inurd; , Tivagilivr: D."..11.114,trp: cyn . quiny,ln•934s Acp.intl- ' Aprill, uly.'find • rnPinze on all ,Icitoritof one:lntlrounce_setl . Fllt 6r am d'or, " n r e ig9i 1,. to ~p,„,,„n e e n en. rrtqf N% Itltit olukSAutu . ) ar. Unitud'Atntnr 20 Poardge on all tinns opt, nnppri; unilev , 3 rittotepw In; gent pr&ptild. or t wo ronip toro. I‘ .l Sh tin! cur l'i"to*l lIEU%t)J(S& RoOK ''''' ' ' :.p,lllsll Nee: - ,;7'',0FF1CT43;',.-',,r .c7r.;:i.''.olll:;',lliii4...o:ltiftel..;i: ''' ''' ''''''''''' '''''''' ''' ,j6.' , 4 5 .P...1 , ,,:04,':,':: ; ;'. - I,;ii'd 1;;.1-. , t i' ,, ?e:.d: , ;:', , Ti , .1? , :r... ,, ,Nr, , ,'"- - .7 ~.- - '..,- . "., : •:':, , ,::,- , 1,C7, 4; , ,, : ;:q 00.1.44.;',. , ':.<4.1,,A;t:f,:0..'..'1itg: ';', .. ER, l'ipprletor. When the reaper's task was'ended, and summer wear . • •Mg late, , • •^ Parson /leery sailed from Nowt ury with his wife and •,. ' • Dropping down the dyer harbor in the shallop' Watch . and Walt. •Plenenntly ley the elenrings - in the mallow, ,summer morn, And the newly planted oreherdo dropping their fruits first hero, • • ' •, And tio.t.honiesteddVihe'brpwn islands ernidA emu of earn. ' • 1- Broad mendowe redeldhg.eeetrint the tided ereahs • • 'Veen, And linlo relied. ware Ilhe„inland. will oldie and nntc green ; • A fairer Innueonwanaller land, Mr e e bad 'never Feen. n . Yet. wny sailed l'ervon Avery. nway'xbere duty led, And the ink,. of {lodseetedvalllns' , to treal, the 11,. log' breed 0 Foulsnt fishers 'starving on the rocks Of Mut Ho • head 1 breeze The blackening Sky nt mitt Itlght Ito blorry.lights deo fee, An 1, tar mid low, the thunder of tempest Prcpbeslett. Blotted out ‘vnB All Ike coast line, gone were rock and Wood I sand: nimbus stood the helmsman with the tiller in hl. hood, • • And wick Ironed-of..the.darknesS hat was era and's: hat was hind. • . , , . And the preiielier Lentil his dear once, nestled round Weepill a sore; Never heed niy little children! Christ is. walkidg wt befere • To tine pleasant Inui of heaven, where the seo'shdll l to 'km more I" All nt mire the great cloud parted, likear curtain drnv tl neldr• • • To let d..tvn Alto torch of lightning do the terror thr Wide; - And 11, thunder und, the whirlwind legether smote . . • the tide. , There tvrts_wallingin the_shollor, -nlonan's nall-and man'sdesioilr, 'A crash oilereaking limbers on the Meta so ehnrr and hare. And thrmigh It rill . the murmur or Pother "AvOry's proffer.' Ireputyj John Jacobs inde tie struudle in the darkness ulth the U.lld maven path • Ott a work ulter every billow Croke above him unit panned, . Alone of all his household the wan of °oil was cost. . , Tliere rr'comrade lienrd him prating in" the pause tf wave and swim]: v _ ' 4 .411 my own have..gone I•erore me, and,l linger juwt: hellind; • • ale. w.v4 Not forllfis Lank, hut' oi4ly • for Um rent thy Tam ai d In thinnial44,f deathielnillenge Let me see the great salvation of a blob urine ears Ira e heard(' • Lel toe pats from hence forgiven, thri ugh the glare of Christ, our Loral. In the leptfent of these eta' ere weal nhlto nq every 'And let.tne follow up to.Tbee . nly beuselold and try kio I ~ Open too am gate of • tLy !leaven and let me enter In The cal of 001 was opened !olds sercapf'shistrequest; As the storir..; waro swept hunt dewuonrd the /Mitt . . . prayer upward passed; And the soul of father Aver* weld with It - to MR reef. There was a tvalling on the tuatiolasal fr . , to the ,cd s• • f .) arblehestsl,' •In the stricken church of New bury the notes for prey. er was read, And long by Li and and hearthstone o,ollllw mourned 'the deed. And slill the &bele nut.l.s mid, or ;emitting from the equoll, 11"lh Brut e lee rrrt cores ,the anelsvit tale recall, When they see the white woven breaking on the i• Rock of ANery's Fall!" ME t If it is a great triumph .for a woman to at-, tain celebrity and fashion in• society in Paris, It position has, in to large provinei. town, far greater renown, 'and is attended with more alno Inc power than in the capital, whet o the numerous circles into which society is di vided, gives, necessarily, a queen for each es pedal realto. About two yearsago, the town of Moulins possessed aniongst the 'curiosities and attrac tions pointed out to Alingers, :and held in high esteem by the ' lialithillilltit a younghady, of the Millie of Alexandrine tab She wit- thd daughter'of n gentletpan, the name of whose ancestors might be 'seen on homily of the public inonuments,'ll welt as in ' (he archives of the city. For ninny years this representative of the house of d'Orville had been absent frOnt his native town liken ho returned to it. it was rumored ' that, hylsome' of those wonderful, speculations for which t'ar's is celebrated. be had increased 116 "pa- - tort tehnheritance.a, d that lib. inunrusewealth Wily warranted the style of pleiolid nutvhdi 7 erne, in which he et•tablished himself and his , . . ' WM 11, was a widower, and bad ati only diluglin ter, .Alexandritiß dOrville, whose education 3 had•been the olvect of hi, ca e, as well *slim theme of conversation for ninny years in the town,ol ..At eighteen, when Meilen,- , .1 oiselle made her appearance tit a ball 1 at died'refeces, there rids but one'opinion of her beauty; her manners and lieraccomplish nava;..and, us nil Moulins had interested if self in her education so new nil Alottlinedeci: ded on being proud of her.. Perhaps the W..; vernal :dietitian and admiration she excited ; might be in:a Theasure,influenced by Alexan drine's tieing; an: heiress,. the. undould cd; heir, ess . of that immense wealth her father was sup, Porcd. to.; posseas--30 . wealth extiggeratt I nil magnified' by the fact that ifs . source, was a mystery cycle, toAlte most..inquiring,minds of. •• the city. . Nitture,bad,. certainly.. midmls mistake in making Alexandrine tlie llaualtter.of a : private ge ntleman. ',l..tiie'l%:ll(l.eridettCy intended tor -qtteet-Generotts, -- highrnrimirdiirre - t - orrill7 potty pride, herr monitor and, : hearing were to line o.tholoughlydncitpena t nt -• and selt,possess ,• hat the, lead in.all eureka was !I'M!' to:hpr ithnoetinviki'ittarily those dTder, ! ntid evil; higher. Li inuk, Jell that. they were hei e tig patriatiAd by It, girl nlein': -ther,hed. Tnei Intended ''.lcF.cinideseend.:ti , :no4 - - • ' • • gni 'tilt liftes - e''advantikgel,3` wno nor wantingiljn' nppititiritofo , liar linnu, It waan geitir cleriglif 'tribe Orwilitr Of IbloulinIzi"" rtiffeekotritii' hit" t 5(1 •-licrsVe6t . ."peicevrii,tinliviikimiti , 'or e ex-' t bey 'bad been rtiliiderliL'intici aontlhuu tI her career rix; proudly, It over. `she kid bar 'airn ago . 'n'Oeiiftidlo' ll'o'ittiititriticnit fide l tiof , voe§ win t,er ft.' I Tenilot; 1,4; mnie tsi" 4 4s •;.; Ike4L - fatber b rieitli , lib'yeit't.r lagide , . . 25312 E2li p o etr tj ,TOT SWAN SONGVOP PARSON •q iv.P.Ry. ALEXANDRINE OMEN PAPAM , ___rO(2___W&M_VAMEXIT_GEMOZIIN,- The gossip's 'of Moulins were net without +peculating on• this , intimacy, and .many pre' dieted H i nt; after nll, Maximo would tie theft'. cored nigrtnl and carry,olf the prize. Max: howeVer, - knew better: fur C(fusin, with the flintiness which diatincujshed her. had Attled thnt question in n Eery words " Alexandrine," had Maximo ,said - to her one day. when they:were alone. .!,,dirittive jested ,81.1ifbri3.. possessed of every adiantago supposed to bei.jesireblo inn husband. What 'would you say to one Wilt) offered Ynn-un bounded devotion. a heart that has never bent but: for you, a.moderate fortune, - ,and an,lion °raids and noble nanie?" .• " I should .ny."..'replied Alexandrine; "that. T ivant the d6olipb of nn Onet,,,fer in'ivenl or utt, I. can suffice to myself: mid that. I. should' not value. the love of het rt,.hoWever goad or noble even one as good and noble as yours. cousin Ilixitue :if it did not make mine beat in return. tGive me ..voint hand De yon•feel cote pulsation, quietier than health and youth N:13611101111:3 nrtwered.. Ile 110 er renewed thi • conversation: lest n more foimal rejection should b. nigh him from Alexandrine. altogeth er . 1 ' But.. after all, Al xandrine was not inVul nerable. There C4llllO frinn• Pails to tale pos session efi. tt.'l.arge.e)4taie _ bequeathed_ Itita.byl his uncle, n certain einutt Jules de Mittleerier Tvrini"tkelit•graiiiiin rlitrilial-apjf6iMiiiirlife , Po:fee/lite. M oil lifis, profdmidly impressed by . his appearance and. mat.tter, had considered hint a tit match for Alexandrine d'Orville.— ' Alexandrine had. in her inmost heart. though no out ward in inirestat ions testified to the fact.. acknowledged tb itertielf that the ('ount woe the only man to 'whom site would (liment to resign her libertrand her individuality. Mon sieur 7sfattleVider. however' appeared 'perfectly. .unconsciotts.of...the pions . and - conjeet ures :go big 'on around lain ;,:nny, he even appeared unconscious of the. (+orals of the Moulins heir . C 99 ' ' ~_,. Poo proud to be coquettish. Alexandrine earl i d it till with n hizh hand, appearing quite unconseinof M' le Count' e Maulvrier us be was of her.' • hut. One evening, without any prelimina rit”y the-Count invited Wile d'Orvilleio dattee;, and...ratee' the ea - nclusion; he 'sni . tlown . near her, 'for ever nguin laiireFsitle during the whole evening: M' de Maulevriermenly tes tified his admiration and his devotion; and. finfilly, as he conducted Alexandrine .to : her carilage_llo4ent o_ press-heg-hnntl end ask her pertais-ien to wail on her father , "SLnll . 1 - .find an .atlrottte to plead my cause?" • ' It you need one." lied'. Alexandrine Annlo, t Were." Ajexonthine epntriVed to know when M do Monicoldov_paid-his-risicomel-nooreety-had4he,•• door cloned on hint before she entered theKB room. ' • - •' .►le:Catarine.^ said her father. I was gaVg..ll:l.send for you. , 51. de \laul.•vrier was here an instant ago " Lkuow. that What answer did you give him ?" An evasive - one.- because - "Because_ yon didn:t know .what I thought. Fitt Ler dear. you- limy. soy yes." Morn"- --•- - • • - •• Does be love Alexandrine or my heir e9AA•' - • - • •` Fathr' that doubt is not comp'imentory to ;yourchild.. M. de ‘litutevrier doesn't; I'm sure cave for motley." - That is lucky, child, fo'r, 11 . have a confes sion to make. lum an utterly ruined man.— You will not have a thousand : francs at your disposal " Mademoiselle d'Orville start ea. " her," said she. .how did it happen-what -could it be?" I"Do not ask. me, darling I core not for Bruin; but the disgrace the mortification to yet my child," "Never fear for me, Dither they cannot. month:) , me. ,Rear up. let 114 leave the city; ~b\ u t no - M do Nlattlevrier." 'Otero is 'the worst. I cannot avow-to him —I do not trust hi ti.' " I do." " I wish he had not to be tried. Wait ti few days, Alexandrine; live a few dayii longer with your illusion —for my sake." Alexandrine's proud nature revolted at de. ceit but she was rewarded for the sacrifice, by M. de Mtmlevrier's protestations of love and devotion when they met on that very evening. •• Ile will•statut the test I wish I dare tell bind"' . lfarbight'mice to inspire he • father with the confidence she felt in M. iltmlevrier, she hastened to his room. It was very late ; yet surely he must hear herAnocking her voice must awaken hint. lint no voice - wax ever destined to wake hint more. . The door being broken open by Alexan drine's command, M. tl Orville was found dead in its bed. • • . . M. 11 Orville's ruin was known of course. with his death. There was - grerit wonderoune great indignation. and much supercillious pity „ for Nl'lleitUexandrine. .She could havegitetsr front her creditors her mother's ftwtune, but , She refused to . accept anything, anti with-only i' her personal; effects, left what. had' been her !mote the - day of her father's funeral. She hind nn 1111111. who 'was thc widow of. a 1 nobleman attached to the-court of Charles X. She wait rich and childless: but between. her- Self and her brother alend 'had existed alute-t 1 since A lextutilrine s birth Still she was Alex- I ntdrine's nearest relation and her un-n digni 1 ty and .the conventionalities of the works obli- , ged hei- -- le . ( - AM:Tiber niece the protection -of her-honso. , - . - =' ! roldly,and proptlly. was the offer made; l coldly and proud y was it accepted: (In the day of - her arrival nt ' her aunts two let I ere [were' givon fto • Alexanainc..T..Ono was front 11111)01110:atol run thus: " Alexi:whine, my ,best„ beloved. The de votion I offered You is increased tenfold. My ,love isPi 'sante: That - could not increase.— If ' s-rn' 1 II not lehne be your husband re• Tenth - ... 3.N. ) •r that. I nun • your brother, and .your li l nest : fitetret f riend." 1, ~ -The Other note was thus worded : • - ~, . . MAnuatitianue— Believe: tne no ono has more deeply sympathized with your grief than t lint, tin your ehange Of sits :::vototliniti found the protration 'of fillelf a disti nguished Person' AS :yonr , nuist. If. I vi!sye.n;,l :obliged tio , leare , Aloulins for . Paris immediately- having decided , to miside in ihe, otipitUE—'t Iviiiithit have done myself the honor of :calling 'on you. Your oht servant, J trim' WitittiAltiTait - "T - To her cousin% letter Alexandrine answer rtinOTlo: Aqve.lllll..teaebos' us to know our triettdet not'comele me; eon but be sure: that , your - letter' is int. greatest:, • , ; ~; no put? de l'illiplev;;l6's let for elm more cAr.efully Vtif 'find ins. Nad .! rig be ' -, 'OtEen - at)i ibarnpter _'patio the.teat, by • :116r Si/no rt ai I proudrli kJ , • 11 Prr opp IV:18• ilk() jtA4gemeut: of n weak 'Ora 'lout() stypng and ; t Mmi:'le.rortoln tll6- dauglicer i yon' `o4V l 4,;('t rot , no ~ .„4 1Z itflitinOii". , toigia'Aloilititlilndi 4. buL 2 • CARLISLE; WEp'ESDAY; JULY-28,, 1848. ivhat'will bring!,4t least iTio • anti:ant .of: this ... Thilt.. ,, yeiling, Mid. del)i*ville, going up to ' her'attni'S matt of .1) ts sit esti; who. dined with Iter•twice n week.' sni lotitt:' •: . i ., ••illonsienr 4,eniaire, 'l.ill -yen be gcnid enough to sell. this bracelet for nib, in order, that. I may pay a bill I lutie:.beedlOsly, eon ' Mute. de Portallier bit her lips - ,.and every one looked-at her ~• .. ,•' . ' -.::,.. ,: • Soule days afterwards 'M do Portallier re newed (lib Atielc: • , , ..; • ': : - . .! Pray, .:Itlinlenictieello.d„Otv_ille:fvvhcrdo,yett think - will give YBu new Silkdresseswben those j you wear are gone ?.''l nut afraid yOtrwill„ not.' be able !heart) t hent'yourself,you -wort-brought I _ite an heiress and nothing elife,' . ' . Alexiralrino'didj-ltilt liiiii,. dada grand dinner given by' her aunt, she appeared' in n'high black' merino, dress . viith a plain White linen, eollar. and eVernfterwards • -retained the same_enstriiiiiif - Wifeiny ifel'diffiiFir ro 'lair - tinned guesfs ' were acconill'i qi'dia, -- Sl3 would retire th it distant part of the:titan, and taking her work basket, begin dilliiently• to work. . ' - Alure,de PortaHier tried to conciliate, .but. her piece was so perfectly. deferential and re spectful that it,was w difficult maid]. o enter . . went to Paris for thel•winter. Therothe hoped Ifint - heritiece - votilti — chmtgeboth'iter7thW and her 'manner. , She wits, - however, mista ken. Alexandrine, pet•seve.ed"; Only as her work did nut prevent. her eonvereing. i he pres ence of 't his handsome, indePendent..;:enver girl in the somewhat staid.ittui stiff society. of the Countess got to be grout attniction in. the Faubourg. St. Germain. Mtie de. Portal- Her, who saw - gradually the exclusive - circles of the FauboratieSt:Gernmiu gatiterround her: .began .to feell hut Alextuadrine'pois &necessary, element to tier happiness, , antl slin grow defer ential conciliating, and affectionate - Alexandrine affected not. to eee . the change. but still,percevered in 'her habits - and ilthlllllll - One evening a gentleman introduceTte . Mine. do Patel icr; M. de 111aulevrie. Alex• andrine started as. from her retired corner, she rechgaized him, but recovering herself.. she wont up to him noir greeted hiM, with ' perfect ittept:possession risen old acquaintance. • • • Excuse tine," said she; titter the first solo tntione, "if 1 ilia not .answer the note,you wrote foe. I was, so absorbed at the time, that I know you will excuse ntit"dl du . • Nlatilevrier. : was astounded. lie di _ not exactly know' vhat - to say. So lie - Milted Alexandria lO,w she liked Paris. V " I know nut hing of Paris beyond this room that is sufficient for an old maid in lily posi But Alexandrine. old nutut ns she °hosed to style herself. (she was - twenty otiel.ectimed iretf - Wobiep in Wei: a u ta; ' drawing roofits,. Iler beauty., her ptide. -hen necomplishmehts,, were Iko themes of general admiration. •• You have,the talent of en artist."- (AM!. de Mauleviier. 0110 day, AO :Alexandrine, as , 'iiiie-rase-frimi the piano. I have*striven tol- acquire it When my nuns grows Fired of inc I shall have 'to give les , ons for my daily breed." - Such speeches.ns.t hese, 4 uttered.: fearlessly, nlotid;- created great.sytiQpniliy_tor 41trikainfria and the - miiinedversiothrifflirrifon Mine. de foriollier; . M. do Maulowlier. thought of course he could not think of Alexandrine ash wife, now ' that slit Was pour w•ns•deeply mortified at the calm and:Civil bulitference with which he was treated. At Manlinit be had courted the heir ess: here in Paris. he was facinated by the woman•— a w•uualll, too,' the, object ot•: univer— sal admiration but who seemed to disdain a.l admiration., llis vanity. would Idol nllnw Lam to'give up the idea of making an impression on Alexandrine. It he could bin feel - that he was regretted. he would be satisfied. But Alexandrine Lever changed her manner to wards hill' .Madame do Portallier, however, sow M, de Maulevrie's admiration. She . had Jiegun to di4cover that her' niece wars necessary to her happiness. ,She without old n•omnn, and her importance, her pool ion depended oP. andrine's remaining with het': Alexandrine; ' said Ate. • it is time you should Murry?" Marry ho would have me, poor as 1 ate" " Yon may be.poor, but I—" "You are rich." "Well '11:1‘11 you never lied a preference?" "(lure aunt," said AlexandOne. "for M. de Nlauluvrier."/ l'lte_v.ery_husbauiLLlvid_thoug4...for.. von." 11'r had been rich," said Alexandrine,: "it would have been, perhaps -a happy, lot should have lived with you, have ,embellinbtal your.old age, have surrounded yon„ with ante and rove. but 1 ant t ai poor It cannot. ” •, Childs hal ant rich—:and are toy natural heiress." •.Ikly dear aunt," hid Alexandrpte,•-`stnep- Pig d.•%rta to kiss her amp !nand,} •,you_itre too good." ' „2„!.),,intg11,1 never lettynyto,, , ', dear and 'you-% forgivewiner, , ' !:, All is forgottta.--antitt,- tliine.•with real entetiou' never, seer . leave you.'. A few weeks aftertydrits: AlTlO'4lovantivian: in it Wind splendid cost dine. the waiting,ttlip arrival of thelawyers and the 11190 gile"stis; to sign them:llTh* contract. .Antzugst thoso guest if wan her cousin Maximo. .slte hind jael left her aunt's (bossing room, wityp„,procecs ing to the drawing-,rount,.rella tincoputcrctlAL. do Alaulevrier "Jules," Said she. ',do you,tove or is it only n marrit* dr coliren;enee iitlvr I love you, AlUxandiitte, noW, and 'your fatune is nothing to me." , : Mextindrine had only Owe ,to.treply, by ts sndle of deep weaning when Itor {loot enter ed and the guests begat wits , yeWly,'' The lawyj'r notiTiage contract. Al'lle Was .an heit'ess.•ritler.all';' and Al: do AltuabwricrAtad a rich dewer.:hosi4e a beautifillnytte,.. ' '.. Now..amid the science of all 'the ;''speetators Alois - inch ine takes the peo. . Butt.!htifore! she signs-she plittneli. and, casting 4'....liqide'her.. she' takes from lair bootti.'• .;...,,., ~ ..'-.1% ' .' .'''''', '' ~ . '.. lily deal.. antitli i 9 Z 1 , ...,. , „ ,-,. ;i .4roy!thrt - e contract has bee „;;;;.: V,..,1 , . 11.1 . . i , ' riiitedl, , Is Ina nt least' - ti% rim.. - ;.c.. --- '" .. ..t.. 7 'fi t , .eiii - ',. - . . .. .. ~ 'Wealth; end, - i1iti1.0 , 1....„.2 no -.Ca lion. in' the mateb,'.allow'in • ... ~ 1 ftd7 ,, jrc, short mo 10: ' ''!' ~,',ll,..':''q- ''.-''''' 1.. 41 4 'l'llele,'in.a. , c)iiier : '. T'ot ~ .'!'4 lo.ittiicirlait read' tile note -Ohn, ' "' ~.!,.. . 'Oenlved t jinni her intended,. -'.'?,,, •;. e • ":) L , ;, , .` : r '- , t :' ',, 2 - __Mlien_Blio-Igd-crotirolt If . ... , it. t-tltiii,ni4yri.. - 1 islimv4.of ell sli6 tWiiiteditili; iie :'' netedP. and , holding it over a oandleVrWateheddfas . #buti , 1 e d, - , -, . '.:. ~ . ;..: , :i:' , ' --14,-;ti:'4*"'`!''.'''.."4''('' ft; , lti ' , .._osi„7'.. said . she, enetiliattioles fell 4troun , l—'J , now t .11:! el.) V.tier,l;lutiei done with 'you '-'•• Yon itidiyanr , letter:Will' be alike Torgetteit for . :patniLayerigtkl. i.'!" , .. 0,",i - ..ii, .- - - . Villi' . 2a ii:iifoiiild .iiiiiftespio.. i ,ilE+, , !iiauteit vticir,;4lle4wali-nd'proudlrldwi . hei , aitnt..l._' ".Why. AlexandririePtliewth` ellis , to' be - rni Wedding: ittlerrnllFJ: :Built libinoOdeVdriailier.., •• Yes, aunt, merely ,e: oli•inke of ::tinebandle ; Nfrilime, ,j 'eentinneilatextindellitee_WitlUeelo, dignity, A:th - eiliata. - yetniabtlifii4 .*iton.l.l was: in sorrow and.' poverty. 1 . 8 yanks,. Witl yotino.; „e , ep r t . - it - pow - Y,E : 7 u ;' - w- Wlth thetpii'gkotftiie and k , y;.. t p kelaint -: : 6d niiiiiii,..,;tut'ivftliiit,th6'.iontiint.'l'i ti , hoeriolqbufl lre'xitifteiegttut happiness , Ltd. ! nate jle, putiAttiorike*lioOrttAte..Pl'...,:. , ~t.'1'114111,90;::)111;011'‘q.:IOrivFNoiPit0 ge..Pi k riiillicir... '..;.....': -...., - ',: , • ' ..:'".. .'„',':,-. ..',,' .. I' `! r' 4 'iek : ;"iiiblieil ' Ati;iiiiilk t ido;' , 4'ralt . s , o* driitiliter,',.:,[(Ai)tilti94Y.lo;blii.«ipMe:4l)l,rii% - end, for Te*.i.nge.:!.:ks:# 4hair.amk;i4nY,iini . o., -0 . 9 v 04 31 '4 i ' ipiathlrr i cAtiAiir4;;J4-40 I. dawn I '4 Aapppeite: d'i4 #•-i•iV,' .',:-.,, 4 :;-' . i.'', -',' -7 i . :- '• ~..—'," '.,1,:i ..,".'!,`"..., ' '''.'' 4 r'!:‘''," -.. 4.. 4 ',14. , ..qt, 4 ', .r,43 . ?,44r - ::,:-2 . W.1 .4;:1,VA ,, , , ,Z i.t.;:i' i'., NIMM Mil SIM LETT?..It RAWL i..trfittisiii JOE;"' , ... ~ .. '.. OttiMott . 01r.- 3 Bittte county. Cal., I •' ' . ' • June 18, 185 g ... ' 1 . Dear Iffraid ; —With us - iiow.there is but one subject tolerated. eit her iMeonversation or cor respondence; a single Wing on which frdnt the chop who occupies the tripod to Abe fellows . who' "spread ' on the corners , plays the some tune. Every tongue' in.Cali fornhi Is at this-time brotight into requisition to iletaillind circulate the news from the new ly discovered'gold fields in If. It M. territory ; on thel'adific CoaSt. -- Foi - Seineriileek -- 4 - P - ost. the rush for the new gold regiOni hail:teen great, the,exodus is really fearfOl.— lipon.ilio sailing of. the steamers ' froni:San -Francisylip l'or Frazer Hirer. living streatiM of bunion beings roll 'down; the streets to -the landins, in hopes of obtaining . a ,passage to the new'Dorado. and, lim dreds' go away dis- .appointed , -but-resolved-tmwaitimtil-nn-': -ns-they-ctin-lieforttinate- enougt4irTtoreff. The principallioteli of the.tißy .arelfr! fluently' compelled-to turn Mr ntipllciinislieilmard mid lodging, by scores andfitMe ,iT, 7 .ol . eilheitig per eons from the interioeWhOrproceed to the Day with a view_pf_being ill:readiness for - the first opportunity that presents itself. to he on Itheir way to ' The _glorious hind. of huge-and Mighty. gold chunks. ' - Portions of t tefildifor- - mhz . tuincs__ar.a-almests:depopttlate-Claints-- that could not he bought. two months ago, for fifteen hundred or 'two thomand -dollars are sold now for three, four and-eight hundred.. L. snOrificed, thrown away, in. mixiotts haste to try those new; regions, where all you liity . to 'o is'to pull up a tuft of grass and shake tlie'mfld from the roots, as- you walk along the banks of the limpid FriZer.' Quartz mills, that late awoke the thunderous ecluies'in the Mountain glens; are /le silent:as .fillszen eatm reels, for- the busy hands that worked them are all vanished. gone to seize upon the great auriferous -Is ulderii of a tOn's weight, that superfluously encumber the earth on the mar gin of the golden shored Frozerltivcr. Enter.- ging from the. dim tunnels under he hills..the late delvers rush forth, disdaining the cry of their employers, "Stop madmen, well raise .your wages,!" and hastily bundle up their sacks for the geeril starting point, San I'm siseo 'The ordinary, number of stages on the lines will not do to accemmealate the multi tudes that are agog, mitre ones have to be put on for the purpo-e. Nor will this altogether meet the new necessity. ntid_passOpels there fore secured. in-rnotny- instances, for several dais ahead: The drain IS list alone from the mines, and the cities, but the agricultural dis. tricot are suffering severely front the effects of it. I hear complainitftvery 0•yof a scarcity of hands -to- thenecessary wink of ilic-farins; at .t his part ienlar sensotr of the year ' ~. - -- The - resultmrall-this eibilement. rviTi - un, doubteilly be to injure, very seriously, this. State. nt least for the time being. It takes out hundreds of thousands of - dollars. ahoot , t at one sweep: and leaves in our town bills and bart;. millions more tluthweuld be taken out, were the miners, whose businessiLis_to_dait,_ pot gene tit the new I accompanied a friend; who was going to. the, new mines, as ; far as San Fran - Cisco. last - week. and was-astonished at Alm magnitude of Abe preparations now making for Frazer Ulcer: Ittriverttntttraqa, o a:. a. t.,,,AnemaittAdtwev --- eT dares were busily engaged'in 'Manufacturing, selling, putting up and storing on shipboard every conceivable thing necessary to minister to the wants of gold hunting humanity. Va -1 dons squads of men. - dressed in the garb of the • honest miner " were to be set n wending their way down to the wharves for the pur 'pose of stowing their "plunder" on board, or of proem•ing passage. Cross grained mates and ill tempered draymen were,wranglingov • the delivery of goods:-sun-browned sailors and brawny-fisted tAevedores were sweating over their wink; keen•looking jobbers were driving hard bargains with pm•chasers; c•heap Johns were. belling cheap goods at dear prices to incautious customers: broken-down politi cians and small-potato officetholders ;were planning trips to the mines, and ex-otticials were making ealeulations for opening restau rants at .1% hattann ; bar-tenders were busily engaged in mixing toddies. and those practio ing at the bar *crofts busily engaged in pour bug them down. and every-time they:drained their glasses the toast was Frazer River. - in shorty the Frazer River excitement ex t every corner and ,permeates every nook and cranny. of society. The •• mud 'don:t youlhink sills"Mf sociely,wear 1411111111 g Moos, for they . , see a chaneo for, their horny hoods end stout sinews to win for them fortunes and golden honors. Contraelori and speeululuelau 44 4; 1 er lots. irsifity -visages on which grim 1: ~ pair is depicted; owners of wtiter F i rlifef.oOkk, stages arc.: jtibilant ; ,owners of 40, - .l* ...v . :l,* turfpripg, and ho,lertr,!oli.'qUarbeti r tnl. , -,,iy-eu nitifint stook stock 'are''.iii'llier.'-ble- 411 '1:. ' di tf• iifili iion ~ ' ' , 0 , ;,_,...t' 1 ' , 1:tt4`4 1 ,,, , Strikes for higher wneisoe.o44o4o; 4 - :,1 an liar's of the Slate, It 1,91MT 1 4104.10 *, ,4 per dtpi : was the regiultlfi . tret;ltt.o,:qtot.t, tire dollUnt are free! J • s r .(14,114:14,tVM54&1 Scarce:, The mast; . ' :48iArtlifopVjot i t. struck and olitajnedio 'Otifitii*: ; ,:;ra k l,. the . curpentemtlutrif.atk - ./k. , 30b 314.4 . c? a - s c .'. • • ..e.', ,f , ' . --.', 2 :5-'=%'• z- ,l7 .k'''4 , ':'''r .I !alto; "ff 411 4 ?0, 1 )..!I I V, . , a * ( 4 ri , %.• "Yealc , leithou.„.P • I,uf, , {9 : q.:lV g!' i . , : I;*des , • , A .eober,Aa.',--,,!gt ?! .- • '-!-, • (*itig." . .-. Th ese Sc,dL .09 .. ..-'.;,,,`"'. iiiliOtitreftiiir.4rd. for. I he 'purpose, ,- .' - :'-. jeteqd,r,tryer-on the shim-, pode. 'fittly,?,„ t ilitteiume is ~ goinini cep vei.1,i,..!.!„..1t.--. pt! ,!!! . . -,1•01 , !!•.... . , - ! Y The rirestrof t llo ,!,, b•Atote hevforied.hord to lices - OttOtlaleli bine - tit ilitruttfo - Chltfor: 'Oa .but,. it is tan use, the cryis 4iti,they . go, notwithtsantlinithe bluster of our papers a bout the Mrogunce and ' , insulting tlieration of the Hudson's Bay romitsuy.". .The 'truth of thettlttl er is, this cOmpanyAms .Riven,netice that thi - j , ilfimpose a tax of Otithiliii per annithAtu each miner, and in retina ti•ill'ren- der every onsictoneo i and 'proteCtion to &tow ilia, is . inposed oploreittnerB Alone. no protection gun. ontteed wliorenti the Iludsort . IlliyCompany levy Ale tax lith o* disariminittureas - tir - lbe citizenship of the taxable: - The tax-is liumone-and'proper and is not imposed by.the company for the pur,, .pose, notkingi money; but ,b, etiablefLient to , protect the . ntiners' ,ogninet the . _ derjfig lira war-like In dians of the Frazer4iver,eoptilt ,- • IY, , :•fin4. oVer.l , l lo o l !tlie; . oOnitntoy, have sono=! 14ii , e‘nonirel : .., ~,, , -, -,, ', r: ,>-, .„,„,:•, !"-Vs„. tt;,e,gniy,,l4 ' ti.liti:rte#, mince. there eap he'll.) :i - r.. - ,..!.,7„ . 0,-,(o,iheir:great;richnese, , I hutve„Oonr !.,(Atog, Veit ..tgi ojtA,C,Okfqpila,. ; ;!fo,y-Alnpr,' r*iiirtliwitillly retorneitfretn - thvointol he Jells ;tetsVntifOrt. to in herintlmioetiilive Aid ii et, eg 0 111 ilolet , ;llO , liaw ea ~FrOzi,r,!tivqr, ;Itiee‘eiqey _,I 4.,071d--4-Jetterfrophoypttog-meorulna - left-Perer', 1iv.R ., P ,1 104 ., ii 1139- -1 '407 11, ,cr . ettyA+,, ho bah .been . ..twenty,foor dar ; ;* the: tnioee, : nit' ,in. OA, ,tinto'..hei. MA nocurnuintett , twenty T ene, . 1 9414 - riiV:k ., Y -- 0 047PF41 i 4* Ig•raoo.'lnd leMOk§ , tltt•lol l l.! l4 4 n,4!/ 1*PY.0 , 4 40 Y V 4 inPaJiffTnia t 9 T,t4."410 ) P,nr- WO , ' ll6 i°2l l o 403."?44,3:ricTiiint-Vileupt, fAeia . . yAseiJte , krooe4;ao7 - lkiiolfrl444 - C 4 i.lok mp,apaArt,eg„oqoe f a r Praser: 411 the; no, ; . eetnis;•botyiiblioand-private,lhni : Lftlte° ,ee,o'n. ogr"eithiii , ilii'iretf - Do - radii ie riolier and 'lnord'exteiiiiiio tititn --, CfiliforithalrAit:ileen of ,thpiits iieeHonnte,',,thnnhthentiekty of whieh `,b,iq- VWX.47l4 , lll#4.iilffifil nor ,11 41110iiilgAPWthe R,iver,revq!.. phonhl liecome aro & or callfotithii, , -1---1Y.,!.L;.", , t thii4SirifiliggirgiEll'e*birtefoßhoe Act tiprziKneyblopetlia; Britinnien,:iliet,ll46,ll6, l t) grftl4.9oltc c 1 1 11 )114,,eXPIP11JII , ) 111Pnlial 'it 4 , , g o ert ,tii , r :InenC *ill e4oßmentmres` tiv tit. hes), :lie* trait thecordwa,:-;!:..r San :Fitu N lAss4:t 4.lna' house ihere;'h!ui.sioc : iiixi 41.1 , 1e,Ciremt Eas t teru ' I orroPpondenee of.the !Jerald 1 ERI strong representations of the advantages which nit error ; steambents have sometimes been thitr coast offers for a • large .passenger and' lightning, but the damage was very freight trade,. that it is , very , probable the•jm- t riffling The toasts, of - ocenfi - Tdeamers are' viathan 'Wilt be dispatced hither when She is liable to. be struck by lightning. completed.. This gigantic, ship would cer- have a record of the lightning striking a ; tainly command an immense carrying trade piece of hot iron, that a blacksmith held on an. if put -on the rggto between Panama, - San anvil with his tongs. The red hot iron gaits Franchico nnd Present.. *E• . out abundant scintillations,"' r " • - maims render the.supposition idiuminable that The' melted iron in Mr. Cooper's furnaee,' she will be placed on the Pacific. !at. Trenton, New Jersey was so highly ehorged I have seen some krazer - rives .. .gold,' it is with' electricity. during a thunder storm. that darker and:nnt:tiolptire as that of California. it gave Stanek:. to ',the fireman win) was probine• and assays, sixteen dollars and a half per entce. the hot iron with an iron bar. in San Trancisco, • - It is knoiVn to observing mansgerti of dairies • Yours, that Milk is Sometime's eltanged by distant' • ' thunder. the brewer finds diStant;thunder casionally to stopTermitt at ion ; and the Mitch*. • or, when there is mnkh lightning, ors peculiar . kind, sees the.fresh meat in his market stall . -• • !become putrid, and exhibit a green coloring . !matter tipozi' its surface: and if nurses and phyW - cians - w:llWitifie ---- fley,will see - thaLthe sientre tilfeeteil by thunder storms. • • . • The Mammoth - Cave, of Kentucky is free from lightning—thunder hotel/ever been heard M. lightning seen from • within this Cave. 4. 1 itheient times. - before lightning rods • were i use, grottoes under the water were made as a • place of resort for safely deringthundorstorma.- ---- Acitte great Salutes' of ganhawha, where. inflammable gas ,rises in.vast columns f - Tho.following beautiful (03say. ,7111 S. read by a young lady, at a recent examination' in ono of the Sikninaries'in-Mboourf:' -LET-THERE BE-LIGHT;- . " In the beginning," deeper than Ilgyptlan darkness was that which enveloped the earth. No twinkling star relieved the salmon black ness of the sky, nor tiny ray from the fire fly's feeble lamp enlivened the chaos; but all was silent. twiny darkiseas.._ - -- Around the throne of the mighty: God - was collected all light, - which there allOWn'dwithil-. {- ltmitnblo Splendor. - • ' At last the esisnipotent voice of the Creator pronounced the Words,. "Let there be light.." and' front the throne there issued a vast 'flood . of glowing radiance which descentled_on the -- -swift Wings-of morning lb illume the earth. ' Allsen arose a Mighty shout of joy froniAte assembled host of heaven, and '•God said, it is good " Darkness drew her sombre mantle around •- Ater,' and-fled affrighted to the 'secret , - flavoring • of the earth The light danced merrily on the 'sparkling waves, and penetrated the deep ocean. 'Stiffly it called the hidden verdure - from the cold boSufze of the earth, and joyfully it was ' obeyed... • The Sherry insect spert&l- on its wing, and life was throughout the regions of • Water disolved" into vapor and . • fleecy clouds in the air. •• Tnen the seven colors bent in hi brace across the sky,fortning the " and parted 'to 110 their appointed The roil painted with fairy pond miff Aurora..kiii.edl-the delicate pu flowers then divided:into the sea, _glawing_ldusluen_the sea-shell's ci Green moved quickly. over the el ing - trees and grass with its refresh Yellow sprang kettle smaset - riky led it with its US•ight. golden hue; .1 iu their rdsel'owe s'rays mo.ved 'dor shore of the shining sands and dark crivrirsis of the earth at Just, v „" its Illogic impress on the glittering lilue.i.pread_tbeleavens with its riafazure,lllesa rested on the but _elearetratispdirent-wasters, Purple went to tne overburden( ' left its tint on the Isirscious grape.. Violet abashed fled 'to a mods • and hid in its jeweled cup..:. Orangl - ; as it_ uasfal ever•tlieStel trio tie - Ildfretirrititls - it a - Ver then sought the delicious fruits of and smiled upon them.. d • 'Agtintwere Ihrietto . lora sent on th when man•was created. • • • Ited tinged the rich blood whit through his veins, pressed his chec glow of Itealthd;:and lingeied enrapt lips of :I.lWe-tong kiss. Blue &wish in I hendld radiance at ing eye. Yellow danced in thasirty of his hair, and the severe oolora:nr beautiful combination, lop, Weir -snip on his noble brow. . • Theo God, the inaketit atilVifiO4 .'atones those thrillitid ?u Lot light." and Avila . • „ • k illumissed mortal being. - --- • - Ile looked at the assist your choice in this respec tug flowers and Vst.t4o' -14,„ • • , s r.'"ff Select your • subject. This masi'be g.tzed above hitsit.arn'T N:141)6# , . :fipriotis or comic. Serious 'poetry will endear swelling_and doCrhinpfd to-the younger port idin of the girls; acetic . covering thnistrilyl* ...p r ow::, poetry will malts,, you to 1/i1 emisidered a de ..ding 5hda1t0.4 . 1.4„ )44' .14 7 , 7144 - 434,11 . ,a1: sis-able perso di Ihr pie •n ic n evening sociables. dwelt. in"pe p Either is therefore desirable eyes trl /he:d Itipsista4 - cf '• 4. all means have your . verses end alai Isd Ow * e-',,:-PV:flitOliliGlitPhittrgterions with ~fine moral sentiment, so that the reader j' ; - 4 .,•Wh0 could may esteem himself 11. very good person be ll{(L,'iaW4r;(iP.-40t;pid,•'irr4droas-- things? . ' cause he repeats and assents t ()your moralities.' - "and afialifikr, - .s4scp.,erplied,l„, -, •lt'jg'l the First As an instance of the applicatirm of these ir z ie.,,mhipestvlre , -gr e Tir• - "vertre's - llfe - wrifel - -7ifTe - edTiti'versthedi epitnp`ti on . d t: re 4l.Ain,Witr: - . 4047,4%1 !se ,was his stlker. 1111 old horse, Charley, written during a 'iy . ,:',„fl,lfit..s.rodp',o - 4419,14..yki5.,ured the light, the steamboat 'still from Fort Washington to New 4',..renalWititi*FfttAgis,littsinuating wiles, and York city.:.• • ~.PPot3AF,sztgEl4,9,oe; . Poor Charles'!" says the Writer, ''like •;',,,rAlirMatrup: - lldentli tine King, of Darkness, to Plato. his bones grew dry, when he reached - 9.fsiair; - .o4 . ,pliketi , of the lost .Light. • the age of twenty-eight; and: attempting one. .",34',4411 1 ,90,51Was merciful, and sent - the glori- tiny to kick up his heels like a Colt,lide .broke l',.,rrarltll44r:Of•ltighteousisess to drive diteknese. one of hislegs. Ile could not commit suicide ferevet" as the great philosopher did Afton. he brolle ~,, , "lesk • Thse heavenly decree '-let there be light,"" his finger, mills so one of the farmers shot s .:;'5148 been issued every- time 11 new soul is born Charles as mildly as possible." into the kingdourof Christ. and whenever the • light of int eiigence beans upon the eoni t bough ..often - nervy the Good Fit. hrtes voice remain ed silent, and the weeping friends. and the . heart broken Mother. lament the birth 'of an .. idiot child, for - those blessed dwords have .not yet been spoken, but they are spoken: When • ".Tht ... sadittl, freed front its cumbrous prision of • - - • ..151-reets„ihe eternal:morn - ,of a" __At,last,..:whew.. , ..the,, earth is rcansuined-by ' fire, and the''earth 'passes away with it great r• • poise," .the light will-return. to Ilehven, and - -shine with renewadsplendoraround the "Great '. White Throne." • •-• • • • Therelor an eternity will it• shine. 'reflected 'on the puto and happy fitees.of ttto blest. e. , LIGHTNING. . Our records of, ightning ,phenomena are Continued in •all their fullness and nainuti Ni, case of death by lightning in a - steam , boat or railroad calL; 'or to a telegraphic ope rator, or in an iron vessel furnished, with me tallie lightning conductors. has yet come on. der our, observation • during, the, many years • Covered' by our"iitioril in ,Our. extensive , field of ' ••researelt, • , s , -,`.. ~,', ;:,, ~_ , ~ :, . • But tiWAloathe*by lightning ; have occnrred , jn. biandijmiutritOod with,metallic lightning conditctOrs, ono of these Wati at North. Prairie WiSCiiiiiiiidulY 8, ittlis-the'"other at Walden, ' •; Vermont, July; 18,; 1867 it have' , no ~ doubt; i could 1. have seen 'those .4 wo ibuilthagainanedi , likely, after.ther land been struck by lightning -I— tliairtiltrailirlitrv - e - fdirrA such traces at ill•Fe, • '''lightnlng iii wOuldrhaVe 'Captained the appa. ".' rent failure of the •• • rods.• ,••••,• • • ;': ,• .:: , • • ,'••• Three - fel:de will allay :the fears 'of, tinny , r,,p,rtiops. v v he are in ateamhoats.,railroad 'Mira n --..irenlversela or iron buildings, or in. vesse ls . or ]buildings - - ]buildings furrdshed with lightning oodductors; lAtiring : t hander , RfOriat4F, ...L . ....Li . ., , 1 !: Li. A..,COOe s OfirliffOilig come : under ! Tny,Olr3l Ob., -:'=with= , _,,il 'person. in .a;house..not furniehr -: ' =with = rSda'SMs.'dntitig-thlatider::•sfchilik.;:ii+ ag 7 "'''ltaied'aiid - diarrissed thatiall . the ' titionibers of 47 the &roily: in the hodse;*ere in attlattliknee Co. i..1.4t00t he .001,tiodeALIkerApitnl,;.,huy ,on Op : . houie ,:,...,:b . Olog . 1 . thoroughly furolollo4 pc , lth eiCtalibilight 7 , I . king conductors. her sdiffirinkduirlngthurides --L itorthe'vriiiltP,hiiiid - hotnitilfholty - dessett: - Wer 14' ' 1 144 forded aliwryearalthice,thti:deatbeoraludy, - . .:;',... at; ki ; nearrongititeoptde,, l fFset ,ietgrmf!garing ur #; lll 9 ll 4R:llf4tri?Rir*C4;tf , ..,,”'7,' ~;...;., L ' -•w o h a ,,,, r 0d 0 ext,pore; In4utry.• or, plop- ', ';' iOnotOio: ea to the Street' erthOriad Anotitthips' '': .:-! 4:4 l ititi ..i Eyait'i ' 22 TiWCchivinciiigi) lit k iin, , ,-.., i it :-, spors tin& lo4iiilitolngeOricipoloro upon. httin that' liti,•bintroliii,'•isr•iiiiimiiititimii#Nitiot.-4c,o:'::‘,, rygn,,A , Niv,o: -, 4o . 4jAtiks.Ar,p,atitg!,, r 444lan omit. - u e,,..i. , '•,10., 1 ,.1,, ,, .-_ , ,!..„ i - - .4., i, ~.i...,:,#-i .. .i ,k 4. . :,, d iv. ::, ...4. : ,., . , 4, - ;yoohity.ortiri,ii!tiymiliMKted:A!" , :v4)(oT PO . 1 11 :9! .. :, ;,, - ~%-,,,, ~.. •-:,;.‘:.::- - -r ,'-,,;(.6- 7 :41: Z ",,,,;. A .v3.- , ,,' ,',„ 4 - , , (041.1 'With - 4 Aightning oumu''upon It' .: . . . .'. .itigh,•, - A ides: . snys" . ed . 10ge1ma,754 tqa,n41....,.•,• .., ,1 4 , '"l,llgliktiiiiiiips*WVeigenitiil'4,6lltfot;eauiZS, - IIIcu'O*Ilai..1; 41 91 40 .4107,4)..11 111 10$?t, ,': ~. `;'::r: ' ' ... 1 4 , 1giaia,skti:liotieg*trucilcAllituulig. f': , ?IVA_ la lin# la trw,viipo4-3'ikSf'',`l.7‘;i:Vt'). '. 7ciAr 1 ,, '-e'''° ;)1;:i` 4 ,...,1 , ,g ! , ; , .. :tir 0 1 D , T i,, a . tic ,,. ; ,; , : : , ;::, , .i...... ,, ii , ..L. ,, ?.') , ‘ . !:::: ,- ' ,7 /Y4% , -,i0:0i,...ti-414': , •lit4' li 14'..144eogyr'''''Att''',•" 1111111 $l - 50 - peratinU s ln advaOce. *2 OQ lfnot paid In.aavance. coumix Jos . teigHLlnto eet the fears were ex pr.,ssed that the tas - "might beconie ignited by lightning and the whole surface destroyed' by volcanic action. No fears of any such action need be. apprehended, for the gas, is so covered wit;li water th a t the lightning. with Ira mighty powers. cannot pass through, unless furnished with a Covered nonductor. I limit; a letter of recent date 'from California; in which my.correspondents mention the . - ec ,curronce- of a thinnier - stortn44lrate VisiCtir to" ' f ' that { n ut 'of he-world. - On the coast of Peru thunder and lightning • is . very five. but earthquakes arc of frequent : occurrence t'while on the opposite side of 'the. Andes lightning is Very frequent, And earth._ quakes almost wholly unknown. ' - - In the Aortic zone we meet withito record, f' thr •ikatt, . . ' Here lies n,fnitittal.steed, A stanch, tuicomprotaising ,".stiver grey;" ' Who' ran the race of life wilt sprightly speed, Yet:never.ran—away. .Wild oats tic never soNied Yet masticated tame elms with much zest; brow each light allotted load, dx cheerfully took rust., „ „ right were Isis cies: yet Soft, t And in the main Isis toil wait - *bite and_ lowingi And though ho never sketched a single draught Ito allowed great taste for flrawing. • Litlia , woire_his-linns and clean, 'Ellie(' alike for begey or for - dilly; And like nipolcon the (heat .1..w00n, • • , lilid a martial pcigh. . Offlurro i watched him grace " His favorite stall. woll lit tared, warm and fair. ,With such canioutiiient shiuitig from his face,. Anti such stublit air! • . 'With here and there'll speak Of ronn diversifying his broad imply. And niartyr 7 iike. a hniter . bonnd his neap Which the -rack. Mere omnibus:! at length . • . TlAolly. day of 11;4 life ,Ras . damped by .death, S Aim . s info atrenotb, lie drew'—.Lis final •breath: •,;•• ••' • ---•qh:lllPanotireits—Liattr'Llti-",,-'-liongfel low's'pen-piuture of 'the, ever , prevalent hind 'natural inclination of, thelltir..llower, to leave' fat her and tint her. :vial cleave unto a hushand, and Thus it is oyr.dayg4tqr# l .3lll?,pe..:l : ; :ic .Thoso we lyrorang thotio irko„lovo . ' 7 ".lyorNvh4nilley !Live'telirnOilioliiiliiilq;!.; CoultiO n'ytiOth I Viiliaqrs Reckons to the fiiirest , , Niel - Stie' To ifo Leaving all things for- the -- . • BIS BiliWl, sajoil,.9l:, ,I„ . 4trt t 4.104, initiltiiVe! bun.' If pi,' lad uow and lizi.• n'tiivi',ll#ol4:bt t ' 111 EMS NO. 46.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers