Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 14, 1858, Image 7

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. . 41 . ulwer pn thellestmotionofJerlealim.
•. .. 'A few . weeks ago Sir RBI' wer Lytton
/ N;ltiliverectlifeetairei in Lincoln, villa' city
• --4. 4orhae fora number of years repretionted: -
,-,,J'.'iti•Barlianiention.tlreilarly history - of Ens
' tern Rations., :Ho gave, an outline of-the.
.-, . :.,histeryof Babylonian, Assyriati„Tersianl•
• ". ''Bghttfan'Greek• tiri'd 'Jewish nations, and
..1, olesed •with-tbe - following powerful and
. *
.. ,'''diainatio description of the destruction of
4 : 1, --• Jerusalem by Tam: ' ' . •
- ' . 'S'iit• years after the birth of our Lord,
`.. •
Judea and. Samaria. beanie a Roman
• `--..provinee, under subordinate ,governors,
.. . the, uiost fauious of w)totti was Pontius Pi
---.'. litte7Theiie -govertiorslocameificp i pres-:
• . sive that' the-Jews broke out into 'rebel-.
li6n7rtinitireidifyydifferifi leTOTeru
... ' salem.Was filially besieged by Titus, after
- • . ••ivardsEmperer of Remo. No tragedy on the.
• stage has the same scenes of appalling ter
mer arcaro to be found in the history of this
. •seige.• The city:itseif -rent by factions at
. ~thaiteadifelikwar with each other—all the .
.ejeinents Of ctvil hatred had broke loose—
, the.streets Were slippery with the blood
;of cititens: l —hrother slew brother=the '
\ . granaries were set on fire—famine wasted
those whom the swerd did not slay. In
. the midst of .these civil massacres, the
Roman - armies appeared before the walls
• . of Jerusalem. ''Then for a short time the
rival factions united thecouiprim fee; they
were again the.gallant countipnen of Da,
'yid and Joshna—they sallied -forth and
scattered the- eagles of Rome. • But this
. • triumph was brief; the ferocity-of, the ill
fated Jews soon egaiu wasted itself on each .
other. And
_Titus marched on--.—eneanip
.,edlis armies close by the walls—and from
' theheigbtathe . Ronitin general gaze . d with
'awe on' the - strength and
. splenclorof..the,
— l - iiiTiffir Tehevah: .- -. • .
let,tis here pause- - -and take, ourselves,
' a mournful glance at Jornsalem, as it then
Was: The city,,was fortified by a triple
wall, save on ono side, where it was pro
tected by deep and impassable ravines.
These walls, of .the most solid masonry, _
were guarded by. strong towers ; -- opposite•
to the•loftiest of these towers Titus had
id. From the -height 6f the tow
itiriel might have seen , stretched
whole of .. that:fair territory of
out to pass from . the countrymen'
Within these walls Was :the
the 'kings—its roof of cedar, its
he rarest marbles, its chambers
..thcoostliesttapestries,,and .ves-.
.. gold and silver; . Groves and gar
dens gleaming - Witlefiftintains, - .adorned
with-statues of bronze, divided the courts
of the• palace itself.. -lut high above all,
upon a precipitous rock; rose the temple,
-fortified and adorned. 14.5010m0n.... This
temple was as strong without as a citadel
-----within more adorned Oh a palace. On
entering! you beheld 'pertiorii•of nun-dor
-Jess . columns of porphyry, , marble and
alabaster; gates adorned with gold and
silver; among which was the wond4rful
. gate:- called - -the - Beautiful. ..Further on,
through avast arch, was, ittc - sacred - per
-tat which admitted into the interior of
the temple itself—all sheeted over with
- gold, and overhung by . a vine tree of gold,-
the branches of which were as large as a
man. The roof .uf the temple,even on,
Tr — the outside, - was- set over with golden
:-spikes,to prevent the birds settling there
and defiling the holy dome. At a dis
• tunes, the whole temple looked • like a
mount of—snow,lretted with golden pin- -
sales. 'But alasl the - veil. of •that temple
- had been already rent asunder by an•in
expiable crinte,..and the Lord of Hosts did
not fight with Israel. But the enemy is
thundering at thewriill. All around the
city arose immense machines, from Which
• Titus poured down mighty ragments of
rock, and showers of fire. The walls
gave - way—the city . was entered—the
temple itself was storpied. Famine in
the meanwhile had made such havoc,
that the besieged were more like spectres
than living men ; they devoured the belts
of their swords, the sandals_to their feet.
Even nature itself so.periShed away, Hist
a mother deioured her own infant; ful
filing, the awful words of the warlike
prophet who had first led the Jews to
. wards the land of promise—" The tender
and delicate women amongst you, who
• would not adventure to set the sole of her
foot upon the ground for delicateness and
tenderness—her eye shall be evil toward
her young one and the children that - She
shall bear, for she shall eat them for want.
of allthings secretely in the seige and
straitness wherewith thine enemy 'shall
distress thee in thy gates." Still, ae . if
the foe and the famine.was not scourge
enough, citizens' Smote and murdered
each other as they met in the way—false
prophets ran howling through the streets
—eve* image of despair completes the
ghastly picture of the full of Jerusalem..
And now the temple - was on fire, the
Jews rushing through tie flames to perish
amidst its ruins. It was a calm summer
night—the 10th of - August; the whole.
hill on which stood the temple was one"
gigantic blaze of firethe roofs of cedar
• .
crashed—the' golden pinnacles of the
. dome were like spikes of crimson flame.
Through the lurid' atmosphere all was
carnage and slaughter ; - the echoes of
. shrieks and yells rang back from the Hill
of Zion told the' mount of Olives.— I
Amongst the smoking ruins, and over.
piles of the dead, Titus planted the stand
- and of Rome. Thus were__fulfilled . the
last avenging prophecies—Alms 'perished
Jerusalem. In that dreadful day; men
• still were living who Might have heard
the warning voice of him they crucified—
' Verily I say unto,you all,, these things
shall come upon this generation. * *
* 0 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that
kiliest the prophets and starkest them
- • are. sent to the, *, * * behold yo'ir . ,
house is left unto you desolate , And
thus were the,. Hebrew people scattered
over the face of the earth. still retaining
-to this hour their mysterious ideetityl—
atilla living proof of those propheti they
• hitd scorned'or slain—still vainly await
ing that Messiah, whose divine mission
was fulfilled eighteen centuries ago, upon.
Mount Halvary.. •
A Qualter,bad his broad brimmed. hat
blown - off, and he. basedit for a long
time with:fruttlesi , nd very ridiculous
zeal. ;Athiat. seeing a roguish looking
IM , lau_hin: at his dinster ho said to
- ,11114- , 7" Art thon.a profane The
youngster replied that.he,aometimes , did.
; alai° in that.: said he,'
taking a half dollar from his,pooket, "thee
: .niay - domn-yonder-fleeing tile fifiy — enn -
ik• sturdy-144 hig man in Cleveland, a
. shOrt.,'tiaittinitae; while busily engaged in
doidaditig aidandy, wh'o had insulted hie
• dangbief,,beiagasked what he was.doing,
repitid"...-:•"'quttingTa - swellV - Ttrud - roon7.
without; hirthet
11 4€1.0q4 Pn• '7 =
. • , •
• terA kip. hi lke - cinnamon troo-- 7 ,
taxi) bpr . is# ,rmklikimoro tbaa o y.,,
.31.4#114.u0i4,.., : :', - ....„..,,,„:,
Billite 0 M Ell
• • •
- These fellown Abet fling - out thelrTed - gags . and nitke
eo much fuse about the effeetk of the f'
"Suspension end Ito consequences" "Groat attraction"
Prices greatly reduced" acid other queer "}IOIKIEfh%
are all talking fof- liukcollec,Olut If you really want
to get the 'worth of'yoUr money, call at the gamily
Oratory and Quefinewaro Store of •
• :. ,J; D. HALBERT:
on the lc iV Corner of the Public Square au3 directly
oppoelte thaCarlbile Deposit Blink, in the borpugh of
Ills stock of_Chins, Glass and Quenneware Las fast
bOon roplenishod from Philadelphia, and' for beauty of
design, qualfty and clicapvass '
• ..,
•GR 0
CERI ES t - r
• _lliii_aSsortimAit—of , ELMlLY--GROO RI-ESrie-fulti
irmh, clean.and enmpletepsuch as
Java and Rio Coffee, * iffixedllickels, ,
•." l. ' - ' .. • Roasted,. ' Plain do.
..... Imperial Tea, Worcestershire Sauce,
.4 .---Z ' Oolong or Black do. American do.
1 , •
g i l
fr: Pounded Hominy , Tomato Catsup,
f I lit Heckel'''. Farina, Salad or table oil, ~.,.
• , Pc' • Corn Starch, . Pepper sauce,
• ... • -Rice Flour, . Table salt, • •
ilaker'S Cocoa. ' Syrups and Molasses
•:: 6 Chocolate, • of every quality,
Preston's Eagle do ,• • Macaroni.
• • SUGARS: ' SPICES, (ground A unground.)
Now Orleans, Cinnamon,
Porte Rico, .. Mace, - •
• Crushed, • . • Nutmegs,
Granulated, :. Cloves
' • Pulverized and ' Alsplce,
Refined. • , • Popper and
. , .
•CirszeiPine apple and New York dairy Cheese.
Cran nice, Broome and Cledarware
• 4
-14 ,kl`fmt
..os. 1,2 and 3. ,
. .
, Saponifier -or Concentrated Lye for making Reap: lio.
„sides 11."_111OUBAND AND ODE' . Articles that cannot tie
a ntlmerated, but which ~tho public aro cordially Invited
to examine for themselves. • . .
The subscriber thankful for the verylibeird patron.
'nue Aillibh ho has received froth the community In times
plot, respectfully solicits a cootie tierce.
' ' • '''. JOSEPII D. HALBERT.
..:''. Carlisle, Dec. '23, MT. • . , '
.., ,
• Malt darlisle,
A. large supply of
"atchea, Jewelry. Lill•
or and Plated Warp,
3:iebiCh I invite ate.
If you want to .16.
from. the largest
ock ofClocka, Watch.
, Jewelry, Sliver and
taxed ware in Carlisle
We have a large assortment of Gold and Silver lIU7P
ink - and Open Case Watches to suit all Pang* and
Flue and Cheap Jewelry of every style and quality
in netts or by the piece as wanted,.
Silver and Plated Walters, Cake. Fruit, Sugar, and•
Card Baskets, Silver, Table, Tim,.Cream, Sugary Salt,
Dessert and Cream Spoons, •• • •
. . ' ...At NA.UGLE'fI,
Fine Pearl, taia. Coral, Cameo, Goldstone, Mosaic, Flo.
routine Moardel7et Box and Blass setts cheap
Diamond Breastpins and Fingerings, -
Gold Hunting Casa,..Eigbt Day Levers; Geld Hunt
lug Cam, Duplex; .Gold-Hunting, Chronometers,
Bigley's best quality of Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold
Pens and Mixer lioldera,
Sliver and Plated Teti Rotts.:lloblets, Cups, Toast
Backs, Pitchtirs, Urns, Tureens, Tea Veils,
Gold Nerk, Test. Curb, yoh, and Chatinin Chains;
Gold Bracelets, Lockets, Thimbles, Crosses; Charms,
--.. At NAUGLE'S.
French Time_Pleces to run threirtlifd ftutr - weeks; — . — . - -z
- ' At NAUGLE'S.
Gold Sleeve, Test, Collar, and Shirt Studs of all styles
and quality;
Plated 7orke, • Spodne, Kalvun, Napkiu Mugs Silver
Thimbles, Sti{Edda,
Pintlnas, Accordeons,lllunic llotcon—a fine variety,
Ladies'"Portmonales, Pearl and Leather, Plain and_
Fancy Travelling liege, very nice styles, cheap-
If you want to Itit_your Watches put In good M
ph" and warranted, take tLomto
II you want to getit Cheap Clock, you.cati get It
- If you went your Sillier ware neatly marked at short
At hIAtIOLE'S. '
All 'goods warranted u represented, or the money re•
romps thekgent bargains ere halted to mil
Carlisle Foundry,
Rant, Main Street, CARLISLE
This extensive establishment is now In Complete or
der and supplied with the best machinery for executing
work In every department. The Amildings have also
been greatly enlarged this aiming and stocked ♦with the
newest and 'most improved tools for the manufacture
of . .
Shutters, Blinds, Mouldings, Brackets and all other
kinds of Carpenter worrk. We invite Builders, Car ,
renters and others to call and examine our facilities for
•doing this description of work. The host Materials
used and pricenas low as at any other establishment In
the County or elsewherd.
and repaired as hiffefelt&C—Enginetrhave—been-recent
ly built for W. M. Henderson & Pon, in this borough,
It. Bryson & Co. Allen township, Ahl & Brothers, New
, ville, Shade & Wetzel, North Middleton, and °Caere,
at who'e establishment they may bo seen In daily op
eration, and to whom we can refer for evidence of their
auperlority. . •
/ •
°revery . description, from the smallest to thO heaviest
places, executed at abort notice for every kind of ma.
eNinery. A large variety of mill castings now on band.
--11*e kkillful Pattern makers constantly cmOpyed.—
REIVARING promptly attended to for Paper — Mills,
Distilleries, Grist Mills, Factories, Ac. Turning and
Fitting Mill Spindles, Ac. done in the best style.
such as Bevil Roar Four Horse Powers, Horizontal
(War Four . and Two Horse Powers. Corn Shellors,
Crushers, Ironitollers.' Plough castings, and other ar
ticles for farmers, on hand or promptly made to ardor.
and repaired. Our facilities for building Care are now
more complete than heretofore and enables us to fur.
rich them Ao transporters on tho rail rood on accomo
dating tenon and made ofd the best materials: Orders
solicited and entire satisfaction guaranteed.
The long - experience in the - brisiness.of the senior
partner of the firm, and the completeness of our - iria
chinery in every branch of the establishment warrant
ns in assuring the boat work to all who favor us
with their orders. 'The continued patronage of our old
friends and the public Is respectfully solicited. .<
May 20, '57,- I y, F. GARDNER. & '
ho suttscrlber respectfully informs the public goner ,
• ally, that he has resumed the manufacturing of BOOTS
AND SHOES, In West Main street, a few doors west of
. the Railroad office, and 'haying a good assortment of
Leather,•Morocco and Trimmings, and engaged comp. , .
tont workmen, he is prepared to make Up to measure,
every description of work In his line.
Ile has also received from Philadelphia a well selected
stock hf coins AND SHOES, comprising every variety
for Spring and Summer wear, ' which he offers at low
• ,
prices. •• - " •
Gentlemen's Soo French CalrDoots,
do. Gaiters, Oxfbrd Tir'S and lirogarts,
•Ladies Gaiters, Boots, Buskins, Slippers and Tien,
with a large variety of Boys, Misses and Childretui Gal.
tore,-Boots, etc. eta .iPtirchaaera are requested to call
and examine his stock: , ROBERT MOORE.
Carlisle, 4prll 21, 1868.'
Macs Duke and Aughinbaugh, beg leave to announce
to the public., that they will open on the first
of April, an entire new stock' of MILLINERY'. sw,
GOODS of all kinds, on the corner of Hanover
• and West Louther streets, in the room former.
- .1 melt le&by Jacob Netter, and adjoining Dr. Ultser'e
• .Our amoral - tent • embraces many varietiester the
. spring season, end haying a perfect knowledge of the
business: we will spare no effort to please our custom..
ere.' The Ladles are especially. Invited to call and ex
ouxotock. ,• • • - •
IBleaching for Ladies and filentlemenqwear, done up
J lnthe tritest -style Anil warranted. - equal to - any done'
elsewhere. •_, Misses DUKE & AUGLIINDAIdOIIO •
- 11 . 81, 1858: - :'• - • ,•
• ,ZIIERIF - F.'S 'OItICE,To !his' Vci-
myself as o candidate for the Mee otSIIKItIFF of this
county,and If elected' will "perfbrra the' 'duties. to the
best of my ability. Respectfully, • ,
' --- 7 - 7NewvOleOnne2clWW ,
ET.ERIFFALTY•To.Tuw.YorEtts ia.
.0 sing eloStpa,to 0%0.0E101' sumtuurotthin county,'
I hsrobyuffar mysidttoYoui isonsleloratlon, - as a condi•
date tOc.tfio , same] antl.u!cist'resportfully solicit your
• _ _ .1:4( . 1111.0114 ?clop:4TN/t11%,?
' ' Quits% Jiumt . g, IBairt e; -'' ' 0 - - ' .
:,,,,,f11igx.c0c0v,*,.:,..,,,,.,:,.,,.:L . .:':,:,40,, / 40. 1 ,ctit(Agpf.I . cnt,,,.,,,.,
kj , jI4OPRIETons. . •
;WO RP; silintiklastb
; 0. 13881METT, : M. Joust DUNLAP,
i 1,9118 0 : DUNLOP. 4 ; ;IVA: iionarsti.
This Bank, doing business In the name ofKoi,lfroii.
nenian At Co . , is now fully prepared to ,do. a general
( Banking : Minimal with iiromptilestratitt fidelity.
Money received on deposit and
.paid back op demand
-without notice.. Intermit -paid ofispeelatdeposits.- CM ,
tifletateit of dePositrboaring• interest at the rate of five
per cent, will be .issued for as short a, period as four
months. Intereat. op all certificates will 'cease at ma
turity, providedAsowever, that if Bald "ceitiffEfitittriird
renSwed at any time ttitereafter for another given- pe
riod, they s h all bear the same rate of interest up to the;
tithe orronowal . ' PartieuliiPatteritton paid t¢ • the deb'
'balms of -notes; drafts; chocks, 9c., lu any part of the'
United StateXt%Cariatlas. ,
Remittances Made to Englarid,
.Irelend,nr the Conti
era entrusted,fiTtheni, may be rat e, upon.
They call the attention orlitarmers,,Mechadics -and
Ball rthers who desire a safe 'depository for their names,
to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Dank
am INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their estates for
all the Depossts„and other obligations of Rer,'llrorine-
NW% Co. '
• stay•have recently removed into their now--Booking,
ruiln dßectly opposite their former stand, in West,
Main Street, a for afters east of the Railroad Depot,
whore ilmy will at aillimes be pleased to give any in
formatimi desired in Regard to motley matters in gene•
-Open for business front 0 o'clock'in the morning until
4 o'clock In the evening., . -
11. A. STURGEON, Cashiert
Carlisle,-May 20. 1867. •
1 - 1
DANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, boort*:
rated by an act of Assembly, Is now fully organized, and
In operation under the managerdent dt the following
coninthisloners, viz: - . , vi .
-Daniel. Bailey, William It. Corps, Michael Conklin,
T. - Elchelborgar Christian . Stityputn, John. 0.. Dun
lap; Jacob 11. G r oover , Lewis-flyer , 8. Eberly, Denja
min IL , Mosser, Jr - Brandt; Jaxeph--Wickernhant,
Alexander Cathcart. .
• .
The rnton of insurance aro as low and Tavoroble as any
Company of•tho kind in tho State.,'Perv,ons wishing to
become members are invited to make application to the
agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon
thorn at any time, ' '
.BENJ. IL.MOSSER, Prisidetit.
CHHISTIAN - STAYMAN, Tice Prosidont.
Lqwis RYER, Secretary.
MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. • •
.61:15111 - ERIAND - COUNTW= :TA E6efrlek, Allen,
Rudolph Martin ' New. Cumberland; Henry_ Rearing,
Shiremanstown; Samuel Woodburn, Dickinson: Henry
Bowman, Churchtown ; Mode Oriffllb,• South Middle
ton •, Samuel Graham. W; Pennaboro'; Samuel Coover;
Mechanicsburg; J. W. Cocklin, iffiepherdstown; D.
Coover, Sliephordstown ; G. O. Ilerntan, Silver Spring;
Beni: Ilavet stick, Silver Spring; Charles Bell, Cat lisle.
YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wol
ford; Franklin Jae. Griffith, }Barrington; J. F. Hear
doriS, Washington.
—DA UPIIIN-Clh*-11ouser . A . -Loch,ruari;alarsisburg.
Members of-the company having Tadi cies a bout to ex•
plre, can have them renewed by making application to
any of the Agents. • •
Crir, Where be has peen itt s incthigul practice,
for it number of years; received him \edtidnition at the
.best Medical College in'the United Stilton and Inicl_the
,experience end practice • in the different llonpitnis Air
several years,a member of tlte',Anelytiesl Medical -111-
stitute 4rNimr York,.and late4ledirel "Surgeon,of the
United States Navy, now offers himself to the public to'
attend any profesnionel '
Tho purenthnedicincs always on hind direct from the
best Lnixtmorles-of-our country 4 sand-the-D• inn cal
°aidens of the world. No pateht-medicines prescribed
or recommended. Medicines used only which 'will not
break down the constitution, hilt-will renovate the gyn.
tem from all Injuries It boo stint:lined - from mineral
medicines. Chronic and difficult diseases must be trent
edmpon analyttrdil principles, which In td know nod an
certain what disease Is. Ito nature and - eltrneter re,
quire a knowledge of the chemical constituents of every
solid and fluid of the !Inman Ludy; the:changee those
minds and fluids are capable of undergoing.. To know
what Medicines to employ to cure dissenter, requiren
knowledge of the chemical constituents of all agents
employed in medicine; and If we'are - in.pdspenedon -- of
this knowledge, it in possible to cure any diseaste=no
matter of how long stonding—and leave the patient 7n
a healthy.and perfectly,mired Condition. ,
• Melanchely. Aberration, or that ante of - alienation
and weakness of the mind which rentlet3 names rocs-,
Pablo otenjoying the pleasures or performing the duties
- of lifey - Dyspepsia,_that distressing disease and fell do.
strayer of health and happiness. undermining the - con
siltation-, and yearly carrying thousands to untimely
graves, can most emphatically be cured. ltheumatithi,
hi any form or coedit on, chronic or - acute, warranted
curable; Epilepsy or failing sickness; all chronic. and
stubborn cases of Female I/Incases rieljeally removed;
Salt Rheum, and every description of uherationn; Piles
and Scrofulous Diseases, which battled all previous
'medical skill can he cured by my treatment, when' tlie;
constitution in not exhausted. "
I-do .
'disettscit (yes:Ctisniustafion) ion be cured.
.fitjx.. Cancer cured without the knife.
I will remnin in my office og WEDNESDAYS and BATTS
DAYS, from 9 o'clock A. M. to I P. 01.. to accommodate
Patients from a distance, and consult In the Kiljflish
and flortnan langungea Will make visits to any dia.
tame if required.' May be addressed by latter, Fulton
Square, Laricasttearty, I'a.
W. 11. WITMOR M. D.
March 17,1858.-3 y. - . ,
Author of " Pickwick Papers," " Nicholas
• Nick/7y," "Dombey 4 50n,.."- etc.
Be-published monthly by the Subscribers, from advance
sheets, under sanction of the London publishers, and
.by special arrangement. thorn, Each monthly
number confidus
And almost every conspicuods English ,Wtiter, thus
rendering it by Err the most interesting, varied and de•
Cm:llSb language. No were of the kind contributes so
successfully and so vouch to the Boating literature or
the day ; its sharp, crisp, genial articles. and its admi
rable "tasks me more extensively copied by contempo
rary publications thou those of any other work whatso
ever. •
Timms, .
. 0 .• A prompt remittance of $3.00 will secure a • regu
lar delivery, post-paid. •
Two copies for one year, ' $ 11.00
Five " • IS OOll
Eleven" " . . • •• . . 20.00
Clergymen and Teachers supplied at Two Dollars a year.
Tluh voinnies of Household, Words commence with the
September and March Numbers but subscriptions may
begin with any number desired.
can now be had, bound in cloth, at $1.75 per volume.
Sent free by Express or Mall, ou receipt of price.
We will send household Worde and o
following Magazines for one year for $6.
North British ilavlois.
WestinMister lter
ilarpors' Now Monthly
'Emermon & Putnam's.
Edinburgh Review.
Atlantic 'Monthly.
Oodey's Lady's Book.
Frank Leslio's Magazine,
iliackwood's "
London Quaetorly.
Graham's Magazine. • '
" Knickerbocker."
We will send 'Household Words with any two of the
above Magazines or Reviews, for one year. for $7.50.
"Back numbers of "household Words" can be fur
Dished at the Office of Publication; price 25 cents each.
Axa- Ali persons subscribing to Household Words
through any Association or Bookseller, must look to
themtl'or their supply of the work.
Address, ' JANSEN & CO.;
No.llB Nassau Ito New York.
I'VAil It Y STABLE.—Having pur
chasid from J. It. Nonomakor his LIVERY. EP
TA LISIIMENE, I will be always ready to accommo
date the public with IPORSES, CAR
,:p4 .„.......„ RIARES, BERRIES, and every other sr
tile:27=F— Belo In my line. By strict attention to
business and A desire to please, the subscriber hopes to .
receive a liberal share of public patronage.
-- N. E. Omnihusses On hand to supply those who may
be In need of them. ' . ' - O. IL •
Nov. 25,1827,1
J. PHILLIPS & CO., have opened a now BOO T
/DION STORE, on West Main street, nearly oPPo'
site the linfirJad Depot, where they have just received
a largo and well selected assortment of French Calfskin
Bless Boots, double and single soils.
-Calfskin, Patent Leather and Cloth Congress Gaiters
of black and limey colors, in great variety. -",
Calfskin, Patent Leather and Morocco Oxford Ties,
Shoes and Slippers, Hoye and Youthscongress and But
ton Gaiters, Shoes and Brogans.
Ladles French lasting heel Gaiters, black and fancy
colors, Kid and Morocco-Lace,,Boots and Buskins, fine
Hid Elippers."Blorocco Ties and BUsicitill, English Kid
and fancy toilet Slippers. Misses Colored Gaiters, Morpc•
co and goat•welt boots, Slippers and Ties,. Chlldrett's
black and colored Morocco boots, ald•aucle Ties, Chß.
dren's Chiltern, Infants sloes, im...4.3. Codiprising a
full stock of everything in their line; suitable for the
season. '
'The above sleds are made of the Veit material and
workmanship, and will, be mold as cheap as the • sdute
quality of goods can be purchaeed elsewhere. - 1
Cgrlisie, May 12, 'ES—film.
. ,
0. YONIIEILEN, respectfully informs the cithiena
o Carlisle and vicinity, that he hoe removed two doom
sonth of Glass's hotel, in North llanover street, whore
he Is prepared to execute .all kinds. of •
work .connected with
Re has always on hand a large' assort-
ment of ready made Rifles, 0 uns, Pistols, r
Locks, gays, Gun Trimmings, do, all
w w atmmrett
to roPorhiir ' kinds of Guns; Clocks, Locks, &e.t, en
graves on Mm o Copper and Iron. mends stoves &e. Hi
. bee also purchased the Patefit - right for Repeating Rifles
and Shot' Guns, which be= Offers to the public at very
'low prices. - He'hopes that by a strict attention to bur.
West, and it - destre to please; he will mertt as well is re ,
- Mee a share of the public patronage.' • •
kludixofßinv-irins truid&to order.
Carlisle, April 21. 1868:' '' " ' [Bm.] •' .
• 'PICTURE 1+16051W, liiitNUFACTOItY,
•, .
.t/I Diet/3d Street; New York.- o® oo 210
, formerly ilBB, 399 and 392 Greenwich.Stroet„
wge assortreent of every description of Lookitig
Glasses and . Picturo Niames'always on hand . Comitry ,
orders solicited. Goods carefully packed and shipped
to any part of the Vatted States or Canadas. .
May IL Y.
~' : TERs! I , 131E101(1)1E1'En 111 . • Just iatelvad,
: .
aboviNial altos. snakes audjlnlsh at: ••• e•'.. ' . c: • ~
.... i... , . , ~. v... •., .. • , D. J. F.5928%1
.., , EI
• .. •
pa n (4;:gB.!S PATENT
~„ .
.. . . ... .
The - ,Fitninitriflif Cutalittrhinti"connty , are befitnil to
tall attbe Carpals Foundry and ex/maw the above
Drillothich•we ant new•manufacturibg.: wiLLoup II- '
nrs INDIA .lIIIBREIt • SPRING'.DIPILL is ,unquere
, • tionably the very bast Drill now: in use.:. It wee award
, ~ e ti the First-Promium at the-Pennsylvania State Fair
heldin Philadelphia itiGctober, 1851: "twits nwarded
the First Preinintu'ht tho'Cumberiand County Fair lost
~.fall, and' hatereceived the 'First Premitim at 'every Fair
whore it has boon exhibited, with' but one exception:
_Attar/mit:ok above' all others is so apparent as toonly
need atresaFinition. - --- :- - --- • -- ' - •- •
'or-goodie goodie .on gold's containing strains or ether. ob
structions i in peculiarly, adapted. The: depositing.
tubes bit s Drill-an/ so couneeted- with India "tubber
SPrlfillfit • t at •.whiftitheY, meet; with Any. obstruction.
they will n Gag Weß,Bass over. the obstrudtionandim.
reediately regain their' Ibinter.posititin.. Any rook
,pacsed ove n without stoppage or injury re - tiiiiiDlTlC
Thd feeding apparatus of tide Drill is also entirely new,
biting composed of Vulcanised India 'tubber Boners, by
•means of which the suedds not discharged' intermit
tingly hut Ina constant stream, and no irregularity or
gound or change of Paced will vary the amount sowed.
•on the acre. It will new, wheat, rye, oats and burl,,
equally'weiliand in any desired quantity, withbut the
possibility of •cliolting or breaking the grain It also
send gransgeed. But without further enlarging upon
the merits of this Drill we would-osier to havotParni
ern call at bur establishment and exafitkne it, confident
that after seeing they will be satisfied nee to Ito summit
wily-and find it the very machii no to null the farmer
and the field. " • ..: -.' . .
zny2B'sB, •- - .°. ' ' •F. GARDNER /i CO:
F. fi • —sThe above deidribed Drill will be sent to Par-
Chimera litany part of the United „States, and to Agri.
eultural-trinohttuses, to eel' ott commission. Licence to
make thillfilband county rights, to bit-had by address•
log the proprietors, WILLOUGHBY & BLACK, Carlisle
CumberiandContity, Pa.
AT.B. 0. 'HUI' MT'S -
Bhad rdiff Mackerel of different gradre,
..„ ' - At lITIY}:TrB.
...C•081:2:196::',9317"1ite."-E:h-I:l::lle:C::d::lliiii:r;Fnig7'AAtt 1111171.11-1/2:.'17;:
Chios° Rini cnickare cauttmbad .
Dr11;.I Fruit, Proporv:3B,:fiVtelli . io, •
At anyErv q .
Buget;•CurrA 11elif and Ilatus, .
A:nilA4*W 1:1WORS; -
1511s,.11'hIto Lead, &c., .te.,,,
BRA woeful Article' ero. Itiv en ted,.for home. store •
and efftee; simmeglir)o utility every ether
• glue, gum„ inuellege, pasttrof
• cement k .
Adhesive on paper, cloth, leather, furniture, porc'e
lain, china, marble or glans.
Foy 'ninnuilteruring Finley 4rticlee, Toyn, etc., it has
Ito superior, not only possessing greater strength than
any other knOwn article, but adheres more quickly,
leaving us stain whore the parts artojelued. NEVER
Within-the last three years, upwards of 250,000' hot-
Lice of this Justly Tolerant., LIQUI DM Lill' have been
sold, find the great 11.11VPIllen0e which It has provt:ll iu
every rase, hos deservedly secured for it a demand
•whichithertminitfarturer has fennel at -thneg.• diffi
cult to meet; acknowledged by all who have used it;
that its merits Are filcalOrn any similar article or imb
Lotion ever - effered to the public.
Ariir - Thls GLUE Is extensively counterfelted—zobservu
the !able, '•lllelteo's Celebrated Liquid Glue, the limit
Adhesive.". Take ne other.
Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and %dell, by
• WM. C. McitEA, Stationer,
, Nit:9o7 Chestnut Syeet., Philadelphia.
I,lo.lheral inducements offered - to persons deatrou
of selling the above article.
; Sept .
117 J . 'BASKETS,
TOBACCO and' •-
just reeelirOd:at the ranillyllrocery Stoie of
Bee. 2.3, '574
LUST —A copy Of the illustrated'edi
,tion of FIZOISSART'S was lost
shout-a pen-ago; Any person Loring the work, will
renter a favor on the owner, by ietortihni It to the
Nereid Offire.
Carl Die, Feb. 17.1 MI
-p,..1011:417AL.—1 Amy° removed .my
store from tho old stand to Hamilton's now build ,
ng on the corner of Main and Pitt Sig., directly oiaw
situ the MethodistApiseopal Church, where I will be
pleased to see all my uld customers; and us nanny now I
ones as will River me with thtir patronage.
I am receiving a new stock of goods, and will run
them off at very reduced pares.
Como ono andall tothe New Store, and secure good
bargains. Small profits and quick sales.. • •
- March 10, 1858. -CHAS.OI3III.IfIi.
In- Hanover liiinat: i tgeott e rs K frotn the corner of the l
Square, lu Carlisle, at present occupied by 111 ip
Gee. Foot. This House Is well calculated -
for a private dwelling or place of business. Ap,
Watts & Parker, br to the subscribcr.
' Executor of Thos. Brown, deed.
,Oltrlisle, Feb. 24, 18b8.—t f. .
Leavenworth City, Kansas Territory.
W 1.1.14 buy, self; hod locate lands in
Kansas and Nebraska Territories, lowa and
, Western Missouri, buy and sell lauds, loan end - incest
mosey, buy and sell drAfts,give Information respecting
the country, and do a general agency business.
John, B. Bretton, Esq.. Carlisle, Pa.
Wm. M. Rectum, flanker, !•
lion. J. 11. Graham, ••
Her, Brenneman & CO., Bankers, Carlisle. '
Wm,. 31. Henderson, Esq., Carlisle.
tietirge Sanderson, Esq., La ter. Pa.
Dr. John A. Abl. 51. C., Nehe'vmile e l'a.
Win. S. Cobeatt..lit.q., •
H. W. Clark & Co., Bankers, Philedelphia,
lion. Michael Cockily, Sheyberdstowat, Pa.
Henry Reiman &Sons, Merehnnts, Baltimore.
E. L. Blake, Esq., Crishier"Mereautile Bank, New York,
Snyder ,k 31'Farlano, Real Estate Agents, Minneapolis,
Minnesota Territory.
IVm..Kilgoro, Esq., Attorney and Neal Estate Agent,
' Sterling, 11l
11.15*. 'lttatcer, Esq., Henry city. M.
Ez•Gov. Joseph Winer, Cumborlund county, Pa
r —Clrtrk-&.C.o.Ponkorc,,Modol
Gov. P giiiiT
Pollock. 11nrritPn.
March 18,1 67.-Iy.
Eor ono co
.11rPo to Inform fl rent-sand the pub
lic generally that ho now has on hated nbd is con
stantly wanullicturing Threshing Machines with Pier
pont'o Potent Shaker, which are generally acknowl.
edged to be the bust articles now In use. Also a variety
of Improved Clover linnets. Corn Shelters, Straw Cut
ters and Plank's .Colebrated Plow. lie also attends to
the repelriug of Agricultural 3inchinery- in the best
manner and on reasonable terms. Alanufoctory on
North Hanover Street, directly opposite the residence.
of George kletzgor, Esq.
Sept. 2.'67-1y JOHN PLANK.
moved to hie New Ofllco on Main street, ono door weal
of the Cumberland Valhi) , Bail Road Depot.
Its is now pernumently located, and has on hand And
for sale n vary large amount of Real Estate, conMsting
of Forma, of all sites,. Improved and unimproved. MIII
Proportion. ToliffiPittperty - otevory'doscription; Build.
log Lots, also, Western Lands and 'rows Lets. lie will
give his attention, as heretntimp to the Negotiating of
Loans, Writing of beads, Mortgages, Wills, Contracts,
and Scrivening generally. _
Oct. 28, • • •
This Inatltullon opens this, the third week of
,April, for al, inonthVatesion
The school hilocatedin a healthy and a pleasant ru•
ral town, and Herds a thorough English and Classical
Education upon very' reasonable terms.
Access easy, ~Mr. Mendel of Carlisle runs adally stage
to bandlsburh via Warm Springs. from the first nam
ed place. Tuition, Warding, limn* and Contingent 00
per moisten 0f2.1 weeks.. I'. BUCHER, Principe'.
Landlsbnrit April, 10.1363. 3M.
F 0 U T . Z ' S kIXTURE.—This is a
powerful and truly magical remedy for all eater.
nol diseases,. either on man or 'bond." We would ask,
have . you the illieurnatism or Corns? Them are riot
Ppleasant eumpbsilons,. and we know that you would
ike to drive them away as quick as possible, Then use
Fouts's. Mixture. . . • . -
• • . .
Would you bayo your sores, swellinge, cuts, borne,
sprains, bruise., or any other wounds 4=164, we repeat
It, use Youts'a Mixture.
- It is truly. atrouderful edicts; -
If your horse hae the Spariti,.ltinghone, Poll-Evil,
„Fistula, Scratcbee, (tracked heels, Chafes, Galls. Sprains,
&c. We toy again and, kale, your remedy le louts'',
Mixture.: It costs but twenty-five cents to try It,
• • Hundreds who wee - ticked' with' pain',—voree who,
were thought Incurably - M[lood, have been restored to
,health_aniLsolitidnoszLatieiLetiotclog in the_
blessingsthat health. bestows; and_thue,..dear!readeh.
may It be with you, if you are So unfortunate an to be
afflicted with any of theills roe which you And this
Litilment cenimmended, Use It Presertlngly," 'Uso ill
• felthfully, and'•we think you will have cause to blest I
the day. • became acquainted with' Foul
Mixture.' Prepared by S. W. POLITE. - Westminster, idd
-For sale by tiLly:lleverstlik,Earlisle, Pa., and store•
keepers throughout the county, generally. - Prim
and 60 cents n 7 bottle;' •• : Unt. 6.68-I Y. •,
• •
Set FAftE,'ILtDUCED: — WO •
T S UNION 11,0 IT 14
- .006 . & 66 81U(eirket: St., aboy7p!.t4j
PH - ' , ,
• • '7 . _..__ _ 6
Ir. fro - prletor.
.' , TFItMS:-A11f,".26 per div ! ,;.', ' :ju!9'¢B.,
AXTriter,.,-.Ougur,. , Butter • and od t
CRAOIXERIES. Tot CAke,Curnint do.,;Jumbel
&c,. frig' • •, D. J: KIEFFISIVE.
`i . r;'l , l:kridbillti_geOtly ei:i9uted
Apply to
7 - AXTO' - •
• The subscriber hasjutit returned .from the'Eastern
,citlea, and would call thd attention of kilo friends and
the'publlc generally to the large and well-selected as
sortment, of HARDWARE which ho has novr on hand;
'consleting,in part of BUILDING IWATIGIIALS,, such as
Nalin'Screws, Ringed; Bolts, Locks, Glass of every,do•
licription and quality, such as Common,lViiite, polished'
Arneeican, French, Enamelled and Double thick of 01
, sixes, Paints, 011 e, Vanilithes, den, Ac
OOLS , -Including Edge Tools of every descriptlhn,
i J ows.planem, limes add Bitts Augers,'Squares,O naps,
iletb-Ilaspn Abu:imam Vices,- Anvil,: Sayer ._Plutes,
' Blacksmiths Bellows. hm.;',ltt.• ' s
. ,
Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a large assortment
of Tools of every description, together with Ladies' and
Gentlemen.' Morocco, Lining, llinditig, Patent and
French Calf Skins, Shoe Thread, Awls, Wax, Pegs, Lasts,
Ibtruessllouuting, Cyllars, Glrtbing, Whipstock, Dour-
Also, Coach Makers Tet,is and TelmniWgß7ifittliftißity
such as flubs. Spites; Fellows. Matti. Bows, Floor Cloth,
Canvass, Cloth, Damask, Fringe, Lace, ]lnes, Axles,
Spring'ltelts. Ac., he.
Cabinet Makers wilb find a large assortment of Var
nishes. Ouk, IVainut, amplanegany Veneers, Knobs of
•101 Muds and sizes; Mouldings, Rivets, Hair Cloth,
• Plush, Curled Ilalr Chair and Sofa Sponge, hc.,
Housekeepers will ijiHn find a large assortment of
Halves and Forks, Beittannta, Albata and Sliver Plated
' Table and Tea Spurns, Candlesticks: Wallows, Shovels ;
nod Tengs,lem and Brass Kettles, l'amg the; together
with Cedarwaro 'of all kinds such as Tubs. Buckets
Churns, Ac , he.
Aricultural Implements, embracing Plows of all kinds,
cultivators, floes, Shovels, Rakes, Forks, Chains, he
IRON, a large ate Is, comprising rill kinds In general
use which I am nailing nt city wholesale wipes.
Remember the old stand, East Main street, Carlisle.
• ' April 7,,1558. IL SAXTON. '
rz_t=--7,1•‘, Y`'-• -(V41))',
-4 4 1 ""u r S • -4 Pf 1858
- • t •
• ,
It o
--- -
119_cstAligh_Styeefi r lar114,:-Pa.-
--(Primium a,L•aMeri at :dimberland County
Agricullyrah Fair of 18570
. The subserther has Just , received 'the Most. splendid
assortmont olartleles in his line. over brought to this
-place—which ho is determined to sell at prices that do
ly competition.
Chamber, •
D hal ng.rooml FURNITURE.
R. I tollen_ u.s) -
office . •
Eilibracing eviiry article used by Hem s° and Hotel
keepers, (d' the most approved and flothienable deSign
rand finish. Including elle, Cottage furniture in setts.
reeeptien and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, dilt frames,
. pictures, tic., Sze..
Purchasers are requested to call and examine Me
stock, at his extensive ware-rooms, {Vest Midi] street,
North side. • et. lb 11WINti:
Particulansttentlen given as usual to funerals;
darn Iron,' town and country, attended to•proTtly
id on moderato tern).
Carlisle, :%1ay..112,
N • RN- - 0 -- A: -Jr A.; •it-
AT TIIC WEST J;NTI C \nl,lol.c.
The subscriber would respectfully call the attention
of Lintellurners And the citizens of Carlisle„ and the
sou outulihg_ coital) , generally, to his NEW COAT,
YARD, attached to his Ware lionse. on-West 11101 St.,
where he will' keep constantly on hand a large supply
cf the best quality of COAL, to wit:
Lykens Valley, Luke Fiddler, Pine arose and Troyer.
s . ton, 'Woks". Egg and Not Coal—screened and dry coal,
which he pledges sell at the lowest prtssiblo
prices. Best quality of Limeburner's and Blacksnah's
Coal always on hand.
44. All orders left at the Warn House, or nt his feel. -
dense In Not thAlauover street, will be promptly at
tendetl to. j •
April 14, 'sll—tf,
'.4 . 7IIOtEALE Ann arrAtt •
- 414 R., I) EG RA AF,
„ DO4VEWe, (Wholeenle-waie home.,).
and 461 PEARL St. (Retail Store.)
Dills of $2.5 al Wholesale Prices
. •
In Denotelle, De!nine atl.Klnsll. l'ono Seat and Coo,
• mon Furniture In grout
In Sots from $22 to $lOO.
Also, Feather Beds_and_lieddlmt ' Patent Prendum_ Sat
Bedsteads, and Patent Solt Bock ing Cmdlett.
Deafen; will End at the alswe stores the largeat and
best assortment of any establishment in New York, and
can buy either at wholesale or retell cheaper titan at
any other house In the city. LAp.l4, VI-Ztmes.
I o.'ooo A YEAIt. , --$5,00, $lO,OO. and in IMO
case, $ . 25,00 have been made In one day
by selling what I furnish on receipt ol $l.OO. It Is
entirely new, and what takes In the country like
wildfire: can be sold to every person, male or fe
male. Thu business Is very easy, and perfectly
honorable. Try it—you cannot help lint succeed.
Time article will sell itself readily, wherever shwa].
send circular, with lull Instruction and with, otn•
lute samples, on receipt of $1,00; or I will sell an
exclusive right Pw any country town with less than
10,000 Inhabitants, for $5,00: large cities not for
We, This is no humbug, catch.penny affair,' but
one In which many thousands of dollars will soon
In, made by some one. Come, .now Is your only
chance. Address.
293 Ilneulway, Now York City.
April 11. 1850.--fitnos.
0 k 0: 1 .1:
TA A V i I. N „ D „ re S tu t r i n ° t
their ‘ 11 3'. 1 t i t r ( e l i - O N t G li k e j l
it air Castellon., lbr the very liberal patronaio extol
dod to them, and would respecliully inform the public
that they continue to'nulutlieture CUSTOM Lit Work,
at their old stand. on North Hanover street, two doors
above the drug store of S. W. Ilaverstirk.
, With a number of first rate workmen employed and
facilities tar securing the best stock to be found in the
market, they mire prepared to make up every description
of HOOTS A N U 8110E8, for ladles and gentlemen's wear,
In the most fahltionablo style, And of IVAItIti:NTED
' torials and workman hip.
Many years of pro, tteal .experionco In the business
J:1.,011 bore a n d In Philadelphia justifies theft in saying,
that [boy are abto to Insure full satisfaction to all tilos!,
ieLo may ego tLeTr.tii
April 21, 1855, tr.
y HARDWARE ! receiving their Fall stock of Hardware, which
Is unusually large. and in' connexion with their for.
mer heavy stock makes It one of the largest and most
varied assortments over offered to this public. They
have every thing the t the Farmer the Builder, the
Merchant. or the public, may want in their lines, and
which they are selling at the very lowest prices. They
solicit a call from the imbile 'bolero making their pur•
chases, as they feel confident they can offer inducements
that will reward the 1.11 , er for the trouble.
Feeling thankful ton generous public Ihr their former
liberal patronage. a continuance of the name it solicited
nt our old stand in North,llnnover Btreet,
October 8,1850. '
•• Room FOR RENT.
" I Ylts troll Known Dwelling House and Store Room
altuati, in Main street, and now in the occupancy of
Charles Ogllhy, will be Mr rout from the lint of April
next. For terms apply to
Jan.l.7, 1855.]
ho sulwribor having located hhnself. permanently
lu West High street, two doors above the Railroad Du.
pot, has Just open.:d Ids;. '
CA 111 NET WARE-ROOMS. • , •
where ha intends, as usual, to uhuiufactur o and keep
constantly on hand ovary style of parlor , furnlturu
and chairs. ' . ,
. .
' .Walnut and Mahogany Dressing
Bureaus with marble tops. Sofas, 74 1 :4
Tables and Wash-stands.
Walnut" What-nota" and Ward
AiMUM, and ROCKING chairs with velvet' Or
hair cloth seats and backs.
.' Mahogany and walnut chairs with hair cloth
Or cane crate. •
- Plain chairs of all kinds and stuffed spring Lonna ES.
Curled hair and husk MATTRASSNB of every variety,
togothe; with all other articles usually found in his
line of inkiness.
Particular attention paid to r epalylng and tarnishing
furnituru of a kinds.
Doing provliradsilso with an excelloot HEARSE, bu
is prepared to 1111 all orders for FUNISIIAL2I lu town 'or
country. •
• .
Jan. 5.1858.-11 y.
sou.—Tho subscriber hes now on hand at his
shop In Pitt street, near Parsons' Hotel, Catlisle, an ex
tensive assortment of CARRIAGES, BLJUUIES, liAlt-
ESS,Ac., of his owe and •of-Philadelphia-maker-ngd
- which ho is prepared to sell at prices to, suit tho
„,.• Repairing of Oarnages and Iluggle4 done at the
- - shortest notice and of reasonable prices. ( • • •
The subscriber has still on bond a largo number of
noitslis cAttwAoris, &c., thr hire, which ho offeni•on
reasonable terms-Thankful Mr past favors, I rasped
hilly-solicit a abase of public patronage. -
• • • ,••••• , ADAM BENSEMAN. •
Carlisle, Juno 10, 1858-11 n. _
'TONS of Lykens Valley iklut,Ceal k aauperlor .
e, receiving and tin sale by . ,
dualist - 8i 105'T • _ • W. Ii mungAv
THF) PUBLIC.—The undersign:
etl-being known-na .bis
'serskos to all requiring literary aid.. tie w ill, hauled;
-Addrossos. Orations, Mauve '• Presentation. speeches as
"replies, Linos. tor..AlPpms. , Aerostioo- , prepare 'Matter
' tbr the Prose—Obituaries. and.7rite* Poetty,.upon; Any
suldeot. , 'Address (post paid)) .. •
• . , • • ..pirway JOIIZIOON,'
'Feb. 17, 1858. .. Baltimort: Md. ,
Fauoi printing iort'n harp.
eito aburrtistments.
'• ; -
. , •
• (4.0.. L .1) .141 E.D It E ., .111 1:n.1
partner of the late-firm
of Knob°, Orel& .t Co., centimes the ninnufiicture and
the none
_of 'WILLIAM . &NARK ttc - CO., at the eld
stand, Nos. I, 11; 6 and 7 Mirth Eutaw atm!, opposite
• Thankful for the extensive Patronage received by the,
Into firm for the list lifteen 'yeare, I respectfully boa
leave to Inform Eh° politic, that since the death of one
of my partners, Mr. floury Otchle, by wldch the part...,:
airship was dloolved, I have purchased the entire
large ;stock of unfinished Pianos, luinherOinil ether.
preparill ntterielobelouglng, to the late firm. I shall
tlihrefore continue the business at the old stai d ns
above, and will Midenvor not 'only to spatula 'the well
established mpulatlon of the late firth, but to excel
all kriner efforts - li, perfectifig, the Minna Forte.
Since the:dissolution of the late firm, I ram menufac-
tuning Photos on a new and much improved scale.—
The first Instrument finished according to fhb, new de.
signs, was deposited in the Pair of the Maryland !not',
tutu, held October, 1855. at which ft took the !deltoid
honors of the Institution; having been awarded the
"(Mid Modal Premium." over tho, unusual competition
of fourteen Pianos, exhibited by some of the best ma,
kers of Boston, NOV York - and Baltimore.. '
At the :Industrial Exhibitions, -held In Or.
miter, 1855. and October, 1850, by the" 6lethanies' 111811-
tote of Richmond, Virginia, my Pianos were also award.
td the Highest Premiums.
Again, at dm late Fair or the liferylend Institute,
held October, 18511. niter u most thorough and an un
usually protracted Investigation of the merits of the'
eighteen Instruments on exhildtkNi, from the most,
'.eelebrated factories of Italtinthre. Ned York and -Bos
ton, my Pladolf were again awarded thehonors
of the • 1 nstitution, they boring reeelVi..l the Wield
Medal Certificate," on, honor only .adjudged to tinkles' I
of such superhir merit us, to defy competitien for two
suceesaith years. -
MS°, at- the 'Third .11illibitinis 'of tliu
moomnic'a Institilte. held in Washington. D. C. March
1857, they Were once more dwarded the highest hon.
.19th regard to the qualities ef my 'Mums. I confl•
- delitly - riifi , ftd - tlie - EF&liiiniiiitilf7T tun conni - fitly — i - 6 - .
ref Ong from I'i.o6.s4iirs and Amateurs. speaking for
-thinuselt es and --otimrs, -of the - high dippreciation In
which my loslrinnents tire always held, and which can
hose., at my 'Wererotims. Aoh this is the beat and
most reliable epsomite° 1 can Offer to customers. tiper
Pout my own knowledge of the Instruments, Mont in. -
purchasing tit toy establishment,. they are guaranteed
the 110FAX1111011 of in Pin no, equal, if not superior, to any
nude in this comitry or LUMP°. .
All Pianos built at any Faekory have full Iron Frnineff,
being SO C 011,01.1.1114101 110 10 secure great/ millitional
strength, without affecting the Tour, and therofere will
- stand hi any climate,
lillillOS made to ,r ter, Of any Iduiltff scoot, and with
any style of II n ishthat May be desired.
The greatest care is le.stowed Upon my wak. and the
selection or the lead materials; 11111.1 every 'lnstrument
turned out or my. factory ran therefore he folly Wal •
ranted 'as possesslog all the qualithai requisite fur a_
good Plano.
All Instruments of my man Whet urn are also - aueran.
teed fordive years from the day of sale
Particular al tentiOn is rata 111 the selection of In.
Arun - tents °hint's, 111111 a rnivitros OP ox.
CIIANGE granted it Nov t ill 10• Wlllllll FIX 1111111011 . funs
the any of sale, should such Instrument not give entire
flat 111110•11011.
- -Itl9*Wlll/LESAGE, DEALERS avlll.oud. it. their-advent.
age to give mo n °all beforapurelit*ing else° here. • .•
fill_,Constii tly on hand a fine assortment of 11.:1,0..
DEONS,of the best makers, at price° full 10 $2Oll
- single and double reeds--and also with &wide
key, boards mid Stmel, well adapted for the use of small
churches, .-'
PIANOS exchanged, hiredl,or tuned. • _ -
WM. RN A nn.
• The fidlowing - test Minoltas Wool two of the most end.
volt 14311151 S 111 the world. will show how any bistro
meats are eppieciated by those great Perfiirmers, who
have had opportunities far tooting the best Planes of
Europe and America*: „_ _ _
itfit. W. Baltimore: .
Dear Sir: I Lava great pleasure in certifying that
inner tried your Square Pianos, nod find them Equal, it
not superior to any in this country. Among their great,
pi:tittles, which dixtinguish Ahem. IN ll°, 01,1100,1 of
tone, the' agreeable and even pouch, and volume of
tone. - 'Wishing you ail thmanceess you so highly de.
servo, I am, sir, yours very truly. • •
-- Dec. Ni, 1850. .. "it. THALBERO: -
Tri Messes. Wm, Knob° k Co., Baltimore:
llentionasn : Portrait mo to express you herewith my
sincere thanks for the superb ainatad aud Square Pianos
whlela _you ilttrO.P.:1111 . 11-1111.. HMI en which I have' per.
forum! nt my ennrorts. reannot. bait einagratulnte;you
upon thin immense progress and improvements you eon
continually onto on your Pianos, which - , - , in - my °pin- -
ion. not naming tine very best in thin Cbuntry.
' With lusnly wishes for your SUCkTII9 anti prosperity, '
whirl. you richly deserve by your nolurptiso, energy anti
activity, I remain yours, very truly,
- July 15, 7857-Iy. - MAURICE ST11A1COSCII;
C. I. BUSH'S . ,
tlittpcet St., shave Eighth,
The tostitneny of Prot. Booth and Dr. Brinekle
having previously been published, the following Is now
From l'rof. McCLOSK Y. formerly professor of Theory
and Practice rat Medicine In the Female Medical! Col.
0 loge of Pen nay Ivan hi, a nd Into ProtessOr of Surgery in
tho American College of Sled trine, Ae.
Pint. 001.1111.5 1 Nov. 27th. ISM!.
Mr: Joseph E. Hoover:—.l trial of your LIQUID
HAIR DYE will convince the most skeptleal, that if IN
many ethers. It has In several Instances proved ser
viceable In the cure of some cutaneous 0 .4 ,1 . 1 .. 0 . am
head, and I have no hesitation in commending it to
those requiring midi an application
Very respectiVily,
.I.F. N. McCLOSKY, M. D..
475 Race St., above lath.'
still maintain their high character. which has always
distinguished them, and the extensive demand first
created, hlscont blued uninterrupted until the present.
Draleriatddressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RACE
Street, above FOURTH, (old No. 141,) Philadelphia, will
really° proziwt atten limit by
JOSEPH E. HOOTER, Manufacturer.
um" Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store"
No. 138 No. US) .Notth SECOND Street . ; Corner of
Quarryp Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches, roll biwelled, IS earetsases, Vit 00
Geld Lupine, 10 caret, ~. •400
Slicer Lever, full Jewelled, l2 00
Mier Isipine. jewels, .... „ . _ .. _ , _ ... 0 00_
Superior I/elution:, 7 00
Gold Spectacles, . . 700
Fine Sliver do., . . ' 150
Gold Bracelets. 3 00
Lady's Bold Pencils, 1 00
Silver Tea Spoons, set, .
~ 5 00
Gold Pena. nith Pencil and Silver holder, 1 00,
tiolit Finger Hines 373,e . , eta to /00; Watch Mosses,
p1ain , 123,6 ets., patent 19.1. Luna 20; other articles in I
proportion. All goodd wan:lilted to he what they are
sold for.
AZ+ On hand some field and Slicer Levers dud Le.
pines still lower than the above prices. " - 1
Oct. 14,1857-Iyr.
OIIN 11. ALLEN & CO., Nos. 2 & 4
.Chesnutstroht. (south clde , ludow Water.) Vilna
dolphia, (tho hidest %food ware IloosoAn tho city.)
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Patent Ma
chino.matio Brooms,.Pateut Grooved Cedar-ware, (War
ranted not to shrink,) Wood andWlllow•ware. Cords,
Brushes, hr., of all descriptions. Please call and ex
amine our st o rk.- August 5,1857-1 y;
v SILVEItIVAILLAT CONLYI63 old established
Stood. IVest Melo St., nearly opposite the Cumberland
Valley Punk. •
I have Just, received a new assortment of watches,
jewelry. tnedolliona; silverware, At, In addition to my
former steak to whiih I invite the •attontlso of the
public, The assortment embistecri floe ft%
gold and silver lover watches, Hunting n
and open coca do., gold Anthem . for \ A .
_Ladles and Oeutlemen_
pines and Quartier watches of every va-:7 4
rlety In style and price. `
Also flue gold Medallions. Dreast'pina for Ladles and
Gentlemen of every quality pattern and - prlce. Gold
fbb, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, finger
rings, culLptas, studs, eovethuttons, cromest charms,
de., &c. Gold and silver thimbles, aver and platad
hutterlinlves,-forksrtable, tea. salt and mustard spoons
of every variety. A largo- assortment of
and common spectacles, .t ult all'
ages to which we invitirspoc I Jaen , :
A fine lot' of GOLD PENS from the best- makers,
VOCtACIO caves, fancy &Ikea, ellyer and pearl, OM cases,
gold and common bracelets, watch chains,
Mantle Cloche and a variety.of articles usu.: 4%
ally kept In..letveiry ostabilshments,-which if s isir
will sell low -' for rash. All, articles war: -
Pl.be_Mhatthel_ars_ wapresented.,..:;_l_ '
Per Willie attention paid .as usual to .*-;
M a fell - REPAIMING 'and all 'work war, •
Do , i; 23,•2367.1
PlG'..4llbg.-TEN TONR oliuroo
Forgal , P!G 111.Q*, for sale at the War tinnii, of
Jalg, 27. 1135111.1
TTIE Suburiliers would respectfully calLthonttention
.Of. the coal conspmere of Carlisle and vicinity, and
tba publlc generally to their' a odor quality of coal,
LEIIfENS VALLEY, . Broign'ff,,Stove and Nut.
and the colebrated Lohbory, , whitorieh, brokinl, Egg,
Stove and Nut
This yank's mituated at the °lig end,pf Carlieio, oppn
mite the One iVorkm, where they will keep conetantly on
hand a.large stock oral! kitidm Und'Fizeli of coal, which
'will be mold as 16w am any in the borou:411. All coal for
fatuity use_wlll_he rescreened before
.dolivery-and war
milled to give entire math-faction. . .
always on hand and at'low figures.
Ali orders left at Han residenen of James Hoffer, West
Pomfret street, at Squire Smith'i office, South Hanover
Street, or at the rcsidepcenf Jacob Mann, 11orth.eaet
• Lumnstt! lit'3l nER I —IV o are also prepared
to furnish!..nll kinds anti quality of dry Lumber at
grcatly . roduced mhos. .
Bills sawed to ardor and futnished at the shortest
notlea. .? .
We have ronitantly nn:band all k Inds and quality ny
Shingles,-sitel -. ,white '
pluo ' hundnek, chestnut, nal.
&c. , Alsu all s zee of Walnut for liambralls, ,window,
sills and Lint stuff, ash, poplar, oak and !dont till
kinds of Finn , latitering talk, shingling lath, broom
handles, worke flooring mid weatherboarding, rough
and sinnoth . railo. posts, and every article that can bo
kept In a hunther yard. Baying care of nnr own we can
nt all times anal at 'short millet, supply any article In our
lino of land ILPSS at litty prices.'
Wo aro thankful fur past favors and solicit'a caution.
anco of public patronage. Our motto Is to please
Carllelo, iny26lfl6il,
. .
CO A L.-1,000
Tone Lykon's
01,. hod. on awl . ro..
/maned, prepared :ex)
'prefdy for foully use,
nod kept trNoKii covyit,
so that 1 eat, turnisil It ohtj.itud CLEAN oil seaßons of the
year. I have tilt. on hand mod for Fold tlie MAACK
101A3lt IND COAL from the Dull Imore Cottipany.Mineo.
This Coot it: natottntily calculatud for LATIsONE . ,SIOVeX
and' Collar l'oraneee- all of uhlril 1 will Fell at moll
profits for rash. and.d . elleer to any part of tholrornugh.
_August 5, 1857.
P - 41/ c r't..::7.:
'4 •s i *AV
• •‘;•• -
Fll E S 11 A
romp I V A . L
-000ns FoiorArsii •
S. W. lIAVERSTICK bee Just received friim the city
and is now Opening a splendid dislay of FA NCI' 1.1001/8,
suitable ( o r the approaching hol iday Veamm, to which _
Ira desires to call. the attention of his friends and the
public. ll is essortmen tin this line cannot he suvpassed
lin novelty and elegance. and both in quality nod price ,
of the articles, cannot fall to please purchasers. It would
be impossible to enumerate his
110 . 1.1 PA V- PA N(tr,.( 4 001)5,---
wnum compriSeevery variety of fancy article of the most'
exquisite finish snehas. • ..
Papier Macho
Elegant alabaster Mel porcelain ink-stands and trays,
'Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, .
!MIPS' Fancy hostels, _
Fancy NVork lioxes.'with hewing instruments,
i'nrt3l,lllllldeS, I:very .varletv,
Gold pens nod pencl ls..vancy paper weights.
Pa peteries, and a lorge a riety of ladles' Fancy station
,%folto seals and Irnfers, Sllk nod'hend purses,
Ladles'rlding whips, elogentky finished,' Donee' fine
ullery • .
__Perfumeliaskets end . .
.11111,1., of every khid for the
Roussol's Perfumes of the various kinds,
Musteal Instruments. id' all kinds and at all privet.,
together AV ith an i nnnmornl)levnrioty of articles °ler nnt,
Iv finished and suitable for :holiday presents, to'loci
lie Invites speeial :it teklon.
Also, un extensive and elegant reflection Cl
IIoODAr tiller Hook:1,
comprising the various Englishand A Incrlcao ANNUALS
for lClr, richly .'einhellsbed mud Ilinigtrated POIOICAL
children of nil twos. than lillich.nothing can ho more
appropriate or pleasing OF holiday gifts. Illsassortment
of &Imo/ IlfssllK ii).d School Stationary Is also cotimletc,
and comprises everything used In College and thu
Schools: Ile also desires-to roll the particular atten
tion of routines to Ids eaMint assop latent of '
from the rix lensi VI. estahlishtnents. of Commits, Archer
and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of
Parlor. Chamber and study lumps, for hurhing either -
Lard. Spiro, or Elliortal oil, together with Plower Vnges,
rancV, Screens. assortment In this lino Is uu
ranks, In the borough. Also,
In every vnrlety and nt nil prinei, all of which 'are pure
.Ond fresir.such n.. ran - he - confidently- recommended to
Ids friends told the little folks. tile clock eithrneen
- overYthlng In titelliie of Farkeyth*twvith_many_other
articles useful tolinusekeepern 3vltielt the public are on
. peclally Ins Red to roll and see (luting the hallday,—
Remember the Old stand, nemos , opposite the Bank on
Noi%h lloo2ver tttreet." .
lir D•A 0 C T . I N
A Benevolent Institution, established byspeciat en
dormant. for the reliant the sink and distressed,
.alllictod with Virulent and Epidemic diseases.
To all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such as
ONA NIS% or SELF A lIUSE ke. •
Tho HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in, view of the awful
destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases,
mid the decrial.ns practised upon lite unfortunate sic
thins of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago di
rected their Consulting . . Surgeon, as a CH Alt ITA tiLE
ACT worthy of their name '
to open a Dispensary for the
treatment of thiti class of diseases. In all their forms,
and to alio MEDICAL ADVICE 01IATIS, lo all wino
apply by letter, with a description of their condition,
(age, occupation, habits of life, t 0..) and in rases of ex
CHARGE. Up needless to arid 'that the Association
commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will
furnish the most annum,' modern treatment.
The Directors, on a review of the past. feel assured
that their labors In this sphere of benevolent effort,
hove been of great benefit to the afflicted. especially to
the young, and they hats resolved to-devote—Clem- '
selves. with renewed zeal, to We' vary Important
ninth avOideed cause.
Just published by the Association, a Report on Spar.
malorrinea. or Seminal Wealttiesl4. the Vice of Onanistn,
31asturbation nr Self• Abuse, nod other tile. tines of the
Sexual Organs by the Consulting Surgeon, which
be sent by mall, (in a sealed leiter envelope,) FREE QV
ell A RH I, no receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage
' Address, for Report or treattno It; hr. HEOIIGE
CALHOUN, Consulting Stlgeou, !Inward AssOciation,
No. 2 South Ninth Street, Pu,..,nlphis,
Ily order of the Ilirectoni.
EZHA 11. II EARTIVELL, Prealdtut.
GEO, Secretary.
Mc. i 1527.1
Alt MEALS- L 0 0 K lIERE
The subwribor has boon appointed agent fur
Gnmberland efutnty. Ibr the eulehrated Greenman
' • 113Li1kiLL` 4 0 1. 10 1 1
on article which has been sold all over the State, and
given satlsihrtiOn to all who have tried them—Also on
hands noe of the Hen Motel Farm hells, and everything
else lo the farming and mechanical line. All to be bad
at Micheal, hardware store of,
East Main Strout
Carlisle., April 2.8, 1558
1 -1 4 X (l 4
.. 1 . 2A A. It. ITENWOOD would respectfutWnform the .
citizens of Carlisle and vicinity the elio has talctlz rooms
in Zug's new building, east corner of. MarkeVWquare,
where bo is at all times ready to take AM lIIIOTIII.B
in the latest and most approved style. Pictures taken
in rainy and aluudy weather its Well as clear. and wt t.
hi:talon given or no charges made. Portraits and Da.
guerrootypes copied. ' 311niattire Pictures taken fur
Lockets .to., in A nihrotype.
Ambrotypes warranted to stand the test of time, beta
or water.
Unties and Gentlemen aro cordially mita Red to ea
and examine Nitildlllollll.
Prima Irmo :Meta. to $lO. A. It. lIEN WOOD.
Jan. 27, Artist.
A. - .-11.. - Pint.Lies,-s pupil of - IlAttUrt, the vino-:
brated Pianist . , IVashingtolk, D. C., oilers her servars
to those w ishing to receive i1 . 5.1/111i on the Plano: tier •-
residence Is in Alexander's liow, t street.
Terms :—Eight dollars fin thirtysix Imssons. •
Carlini°, 31arelt 17, 11.55.
ANDRI:NV 1104. - • M. JEFF TictillPSOL
. • B G T-II 0 It 80 N •
❑nvo oponed an taco at St..l oseph:34l...for the pur
elm. and sale of Beal Estate. Inkling and selling Land
Warrants, entering land on Time, Curtsying and Nap.
plug Towns, "smitten of Warrants. and making Invest
ments fin' nun-residents, paying of Taxes, and all Nal.
ness pertaining ton General Land Agency In 31Issouri;
Baustis, Nebraska, and loon. •
irshOffire - on Second Street, North of A. T. Beattie's
Banking House.
'A large variety of new and beautiful patterns just
opening and will be Fuld dumper than ever at -
401 IN P. LYNN 44..q).N11,,,
' ' - Cheahllardware and Priper Stem
North Hanover Street
A beautiful variety of WINDOW SHADES just
rived at J. P. DYNE PONfB
Green and blue Window l'aperaJuet opened at
Apri 18581
,4011)1 1.2(9Z.7
One email box at Pills eurealninetyninu came ofieof
a hundred. No Balsam; no Mercury, no odor on the
breath, no fear of detection. Two small pills a dose;
tasteless anti harmless as 'Alter. Full directions aro
'given, so that the,petiout can curl himself rertatu
tut with the ,advice of the most - exporioncod - surgeon, '
aud.mucif bet tectban.with thitsulvice_ °tone,
experience in this 'class of disease.
by enclosing one dollar to Da. D. (1. lYst.von. No. 164
North ?ev.enth sp. below race, Philadelphia. A Liberal
Discount to tho-Trado.• None genuine without the
written signature of D. 0. Waltun, Proprietor.
Dr. W treatnent .for Self abuse, 11 eak nos, Ra, Is
.entirely different from the usual rooted. Pr..W.,,haw.,
aureAlrhuudrede.wito have tried otherawithout..beneflt.
:ThWtreattnent VIM curtaih to cure us Ott atm Di' to
rise. Forloso a stamp, and ndciresei Dr. W. as abovit,
— lovlng a full ltialbry of Out case, and you *lll bleMillie
day yon mode the effort to secure -what is certain—A --
Jan: 21 1668.-11. • '
. ,
r..l.lllotiA L KSMITIEIS! 'GOA 1 4 .-=:-.. 10,000
- , Bush le or Attintinot6 Cool:ll4on.Vto*ibiate,4
4 7/ 1 0 . 4 .reepliviug and hi-00kb" • - - • •
u. ... .. . .
8111 0M 11.0FiER