Ely Wade's. CARLISLE PRODUCE MAR Reported weekly for.' the Herald by NVoodward & hohnittlt. Fnouß Sußeyfiuo, , per bbl. do. Extra, '• • do: do. Family AYE do. WHITE WHEAT per buvliol A.Eo• do. . do. , 'AYE do.- OATS TIAIGTHYSEED do, • SPRING SAiILyT• do. WINTER, 13A.104' Nem; ithifertiseniegts C 1,1:MB , EaLI.NODRANVicis{I,LittioY:AINSTITUTE, Rev. TIRNJANIIIIO. LIPPINCOTT, A. It., PRINCIPAL, ANa TEACIIIR OP MORAL AND NATURAL. SCIONCE. A. OSTEIt MULLIN, A. IL, Mallynnatles and Modern' Languages. THOMAS S. REESE. A. It., Andent Languages and Higher En :Ugh. This Ineltution having passed..intli now 'hands. will 'he redp..ned,as n MoleSchnol only. on Thursday, the 2tl day of September nest It is the design of the present • proprietars to make it a strictly first elass Pearling School, for training rind fitting bets and.iyoung mon either tar collegit - fir business. An effieleat corps 61, In. _struetors has imett_pr.ranizell, whose, personal. interests nn: Identified with-the success - I , f tlio 'who .1.1 MI spar,. no pains to make ll:worthy of the rtinh: dunes and patronage of tit, public.. The litiliclings of the Institute are ample, and well arranged !Ix the no ' commodation of alma ninety boarders. And' all students kront II road are exneefed to board teachers.— . hily will thus enjoy the benefit of eonstant .insituellen ,And supervision. Meeltanirsburz is'situated In the centre of the bean - And Is easy of access by Railroad from Philatielphal titn..re, eze., No Mention could be more eligible for nc. coos—none more healthy or attract lye. for suet, A school. Pupils front Washington. Baltimore. Philadelphia And Intermediate ;points. taking the morning~ train; will reach Nitwit/mit:slung by 2 o'nlifek. M. As it It the determination of the Principal and his AssMants to Own the InAltitte 011,41 permanent and elevated basis. with evert . atiplication requisite for superior MUT, tilOY appeal with confidence to till who have sons to ed. , r.l,l)ate. ' The seholtistie Year will be divided into-two sessions or twenty two weeks rant, the first beginning on th 6 first Thnesdav of Septesnber. and ending on the first Wedneq.lay of February" to second sesslint beginning on Abo,first Thursday of February, nod ending on the tirat'Wednasday of July. • • T E 11, M S • Bonr.l. Washing, Room Rout. and Fuel per SeNsinn. Ell 00 . Tuition, (Common 'English.) - 12 00 ( ish.) *- • • - aOO ' 44. Ancient and )14 - tom fdinctiages,- ~ 15.00 'Term) , Per ri eetiii papihle lUntivanee. - RsL p o , further information apply to the Principal, lllechaniesburg, Pa.. M EI. , "ERENC ES: - . , Hoy. A. O. 'alarlatt, K. M., - Pres't. of ) . 'lrving F.unale College, . I Ira' Dar, M. 11., . . l. MeciPsVg., Co. Ephraim Zoo. Esq.„ - . . llov. S. 11. Dunlap, . - nor. D. AV. Ilarthie,,D. IL, 1 Harrisburg, Pa. lion. A. D. Mister, - Itor. AV. D. ICtinsard.., IL D, Leo. Wiii .M. Pitcher.. " - Dallimore, Md. 1I,v: n: F. Smoke, A. M., . , Dor. T. IL Sargent. D. D., Wm. 11. Allen, 1,1,. D., Pres. Girard College,) --- - Nov. .10;opl) Castle, D. I) , - . '-I , llllad'a. Ilev..Pennel Coothou. ' Iter..l;r. - Ci , ini. - I ) .' D', PH ail. of N.J. Cent Seminary Rov. A. A. liev.o• -- 1 - - itov - Jelin A. II ere, — lOll.llOlO. . Iter. It. I). Chambers, - - - , Igor. C. I'. WIII.g.1). H., _ Bor. T. Danaberty, A. M. M.D.. Waynesbere!,_Pa. . .Iter. J. S. Loose, A. 31., Greencastle. ' -.. , Iter...lnim McClintock, 1). IL. Now_ York City. Rey J. SI. Haley, D. IL, Pittsburg, Co.-. . -Dtcstsyos Coiitur, .111 y, n, 193. • :the undoreigoeil members of the Feoulty of hi An sett CollefAil takh great ploosuie lit 1 0 thutiberlited Valley lostilutni - multorits - oeir mg:th.. -.1 lirriTrit.the confidence and pattoonge of the. public.— Thu'.'rilleipal and his Associates ere giallo:Iles -thilii lustituti.tit,iviiii,whom we ore lotituatiqy,nequaltited, 111111 it gives no phiasure to certify to their elotroker Its gentlemen end, their, quatlfirotiou ss tetchers. We heartily recuounetid them to the pul.lio. .• , C. Collins, Prt.., • W. 1.. Boswell, 11, School, - J. W. Ilerahnll.. S.D. fillinuto W. C. IVilmen.• CIIIIOOL EXAMINATIONS.—The o.3lllnaiionn of Teachers fur the public schools will be llold.as follows: New vllle. July 2011 i, at 10 'o'clock, A. 31 Shlppestaburg bor., 6 . 30 11•• t. 31eallaniraburg. " 31 6 . 9 6, Sluppousbur4 Cp., Aug . . 3 6 . 1 " P. 31, &mtliaulptou, 4 ‘• 9 " A. 31, Newton, 6 ' I “- 9 Silver ;,4prtr.g, 14 7 64 0 14 61 /111110W011, " 11 "10 " 31/011. . 11 1 " Frank ford, ISI. I. • 41 Went Paulsboro' 66 . 13 " A. 31, I:aqt Punlabolo' " 14 " 10 " k nu t,. 17 " 9 " . •4 , 9. " 19 0 N. 11i41.110,4a, " ..19 U" 31oaroe. " 20 " 0 .. '111.1111041n, " 21 " 1 6, P. 31 6 6 10 " A. M 26 " 1 - P. M Ut Er Allon, I.'nrir Al ,on, MESE= Directors will please make the lieresary arrange ments. The old certificates will be exchanged on Cite days of Aamientlen. Tim examinations will he public. No private exami nateltis will be alien ed; except In extreme Cent, DA.slth County July 21, 1858—at IRON RAILING !-,-lron . Railing for _l ... Cemetery enclosureß,puhileand private grounds and gardens, made 'to order at the Carlisle Foundry. Our Mock of Railing. Verandah and Bracket patterns eons. prises a large variety of new and elegant designs witieh the puldhl are invited to call and exattlThe: Ords rs canting and putting up Rolling e ill be promptly exeett• tad its ill nfitetory prices. entirely new TES 110118 E STEAM ENOINE and BALER now On hand, warranted to •be of the bent untkeOttul will be nOld at a bargain fur cash or on short thole. F. (I A II DNEII • 1, CO. July 21,1855. FAILMERS!---Now is the time to get a now TIIIIESIIINO MACHIN a and II 0 It S POWER. We have a numlar of wall made Slaebines now on hand. at the Carlisle Foundry and Machine Shop, which tan Noll on the most reasonable [mum The; combine all the latent Improvetnentx and are war tn!ed to lie of go d material and wort:mm..lllp. ' Also, CORN SHELLER • of the most improved' eon , atructlon, which do,their work rapidly and thoroughly. For sale at low prices by F. (lAIWNER CO.& July 21, 1855. PUBLIC SALE.—Ae the ..Assiknee of *John Coover,l =VIII expo:. to polite soli", on elm promises, on TUESDAY, tho,l4th of September, MS, at 11 o'clock, A. M. • A FIRST-RATE FARM, . _ situate In North Middleton township, Cumberland co., on the Conottodolnett creek, and bounded by John Ja• cobs, livid Hoover's Mill tract, Adam Thom. David Malston,,and others, contalutng 0 , •• 143 •A c r s_,.. --- • having thereon erected a • • . . • - TWO-STORY WEATIIEitiIOARDED 'IIIOUSE, • LOG 13:110.1, CORN-CRIBS, Wagon Shed Carriage Mae, and other Improvements. Abut. 120 aeres are cleared and under good fence, the residue well timbered. The land is of au excellent quality, partly Ihnetdohe and partly slate a part of which has been well limed. and luta on it a good Apple Orchard and other choice fruit-trees. - The farm Is capable of division, and will be offered In parts or all together, as will best null purehasetv.. . The terms will be outdo known on the day oracle.. IllellAba. L. HOOVER,VitrE Assignee of John Coovor. iwily 1858—ts THE BEST PIANO FORTES ARE MANUBACTUItEU•DY RING & SONS, =II • THIRTY-'FOUR MEDALS,- TIIE •.-' FIRST PRENIIUNIS OVER ALL C 011 1 .6 IN TIM IJNI'VED-STATES. MILSiItS.R. A .SONS, having 'removed 'to their no; ware roman, 1307 Chesnut atreat, Philadelphia, aro pro , pArod to ottor a forge atiortmel , t or GRAND, PARIAR 41.t.t:,11),13.,),UA1t8 and UPRIIIIIT PIANO FORTES In v ilo n y; stylus and cop!' and •at - prices which cannot' -MI to !ille we. DOscrlptlve catalogura sent . to any mt . de- 01 uPon application: , - . . . ddlP 20.858--ly • - • z 7-- °ARIAS L lil SU LPHUR,- SPRIA GS: ILI Tito beautiful and Popular mitering place Is now open fur Life CUAiloll. the Windings are largo and own . nualleus, the grounds tinkered n Ith extentive Towns and shaded wilts, whilst the uvdielnal qualities of thd• 'springs, aided, by the braciehrotountain air, will restore .health and vigor to the most'debilitated system: A lino band - of tnusiC, and' an, Melent eorps or ger- - mints, have been effgaged for the Ammon. 'Dm Itable is supplied with all the delicacies of the seaslol; the bile clef s Are.woll furnished, fed these who seek pleas• u as well AN htsith. will' , Plot the . eustunfaCyuflo aO. me is of w' der} ff . places, combined with all the applb WIMP of ft.Ortt , Cm., llcittil. . •" , '. , ," .*: : . ;Visitors le Meg -Philadelphia or ' Pal ilmoid In the Morning, ruff* llarthilu bJ t P. M., A'Ud..aCrirp, ~,,lp,, spriags beAfre tea. OW ENB 01,1ANDLEV., Jar 1.4,,'68-4.3i. .4 .- JPIeLirOS ! FIJI:3.OS! • 491=1***, 2 •_.. 4 ....„,•-_....7 .. ..._-T-. ....-7...:---,-... _ ..-••• • '!- , Ql,- , -- --•-,4.......,-- --,• ~.:. ) 4 , ' 'Jic.. . ~ 1 •--.' . 1 $ 8, 8 7 4,12 2,60 ~ • G,OLD MEDAL PREMIUM .. ... . . • PIANO FORTES I ~ - • ' .- --, WILLIAM -liNAHE'a C 0.,• .. --- , -- - 11ANUFACTUltERS Oil GRAND AND . -. " ---- 7SQUAIiETMNO7FORTES777 -- . -- Nos. 1,3, 8, and 7, Worth Eu(aw 5tree.....4 . • "'Opposite Me Eutaw .T.lbuie, . . . • • -.. E ' And at our NE t SA L S -110 OM, • . 207.13oltimore street, between Charles • • and Light streets! . • . . . These celebrated PIANOS here, at, different Fairs, far seVeral successive years: been awarded the highest pro. mimes for'excellenco • flier nil vamietitlon. They 'hate , - ONO been pronounced by S. Melberg. the hies! Mehra, , toil pianist : 1,1 ; 11m werld, and other distlngithlied artists. 111011(1111g Mr. Strakoseh. Fee, &e., to he equal, if not htl• potter, to any hi this Country., We latve etinstantly on hand nt our extensive Ware roams as above, the largest assortment of fine I'IA NO FORTI.:S to be feted In this city. whielt we will sell._ wholesale and retail, on the most liberal tome to 'snit the , times. . —ln.every_ eitsAvre guarantee our. Planes to gito entire satisfaction. - , La.i . Constantly on hand a fine assortment:. f MELO. DE 0N S of the I•oot Tonkers.,at prilw - froluiSts to 8 200 . SE-.Always for sale it largeinthiber of secombhiud PIANOS. nt prices Tainting from ViS to 520 . 0... . • ITS_ Pianos exchanged, hiretband tuned. • ' , WILLIAM .KNABE k CO. --July24 - 188; -- - -- 1 --- " -. -----------------7---k 4.00 . - 2:00 No Salo. ' B. •J. ICTEFVER'S W . llOl, Fl . B AL T A N . . 1). TA Drug, Chemical, :Confectionary, Fruit AND - 111111E'T IrtSTORE. Tin,' undert.igned has just replenished his stook, of !MVOS and MEDICIN.F.P, w filch. having lawn sn. lected with gre•tt rare. fur Is. satisfied urn FreA and Pure. Physicians' prescriptions will Jai promptly and faithfully attended to. Orders from merehants In the country will is tilled with earn and on this most reatwm . alde terms. All Mil -MI - prep, rt t ions made et: ictly , In accordance with 1110 U. S. Pharmacopeia. • '' SPIcES t. OUND AND AY [IDLE, • sncluts,rjumunon, Cloves, Alspice, Corlaader:P e ßier, (linger,)t istard, IlahhM Fad.. W aslithgt .:T, Crean Tartar. Nutmegs:, Yeast. Powder, 31ace . , Citron! Sweet- Madoram, Thyme. he.. Am.,- . fresit and pure. Ile has on hand all the different Patent Medicines of tho day. CONFECTIONAR IBS. • Oramit.si 1:0'16144 Figs, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Almonds. Filberts. Walnuts, Grour,duuts, c res puaus CheNtsintscAmerican. German and Frew.lt Candles, and Candy To) µof every variety. Thom. wishing to maku wholesalu myelitises can ber,rhe supplied with the best qua,lity of Conleetionatles and at loner rates than pt any other house In tbe.enuntry. Ito has ekes full as , suettnent.uf . . AMERICAS, GIIIDI:1S AND FIMSCII TOYS, rote:Mitt , ' of Wood !mil Tin of every. dvqcription. such us Dolls. Doll lleads.. Horses, Wagons, Dints, 3loi lug _ Figures, Fanry Work Poses, Monks, Cords. Munn, Choirs, Whips, Trumpets, ‘Vltistles t Drossing Stoutly, to.he Fld t II bolesolo and Retail, 111,t1 in prices, competition is defied. _ . Port Monnniesr Purses, Pocket Books. Finn 'Pocket Cutlery. Shell and Pearl _ and CasdfNeedle'llonits, Port Folios, Calms, German, French and Anterimtn China Wale. I nkstands and trays, Card Jtacks and Baskets, Jett Breaht Pins; Necklets and Bangs, Condm Puff, LonF, Side. and Back iiuttnperrlm Combs. linty. Clothes. II lt, --- -- Butt . m. Neil and Tooth Bruslies. Sewing Silks, latent Thread and Spool Cotton. Buttons; &c., &c. PERFEIIHRIES. . . Fancy Toilet and other tqarns, Pearl 'Powders, Ex-, — ,,. tracts, first quality Hale (file. iii,lllllliVii. SIIIIVIIIii . S0111.ii; 11111 Own...l'l,th Paste, haunt era Aousand Flowers, Trleopheretncl'onth Wash Ilakliirllorators, and little - lise„Aln, Jus.ye have been selerted With CAM and will all on exilmination s speak: Fir themselves...__ TOBACCO AND 5E(1.1118....' . ....._ • On baud the beg( lot of Segarnend Toleiecri that has ever horn broludd to this town. - Ills Segars will nm• viper the steoher on trial of the purity of the mate, bit o rvbkh has 011 heed thorn Only kirk ore imported slid which he Call re%outinend on such. WO 111,41_11a 011,8 k of the true Wellele Cep/1r ns they have alriady gaini - of for themselves a reputation that they Ti richly al , l4Pere.. Ile also keeps the r YUPIu of Sugars to snit the tootle; TehilCl,l such an--El ado. Plain Congress, Twist Fig Leaf, Civet) , I..Onfgret:f., - tifid - Hun - Cut Tobacco -and-, ~.11 best motet bd. Feeling thanhful to the generous piddle f•r their lilt oral patronage. a COntilllndion of the same in solleitO, at our peritiadent location In South Hanover sheet, di rectly opoosito Ilannon's 'llutol,• and next dour to Mr. C. lotion's Urocery. • - B. J. KIEFFER. Carlini°. Arne 23. 1 edis-1 y INDIAN ROOT :PILLS Dlt. 101ISE, tiro Inn outer ,of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT P 11.143. has spent the greeter part of his life in traveling. having slxilod Europe. Asia nod Africa, es well as North America—has spent three 3 ears among , the Indians of our Western country—it was In his way' that the Indian hoot Pills wvro first discovered. hr. Morse was the first mini to vstablish the fact that all diseases orig.., ISOM , I‘l P ibiTi 01•"filE BlAntlf---that our strength, - health and life depended upon Oils vital \ fluid. • Khoo the various passages become clogged, and do not art In perfect hal niony with thd dl derma t Worthing of the body, the blood loses Its action, becomes thick.. corrupted and diseased: thus causing all pains, sick ness and distress of every name; our strength is ex. inn usted, our health we are deprived of. and If nature is not insisted In throwing olf the stagnant humors. the blood will become choked and cease to net, and thus our light of life will for ever Ito Inown out. How •Int• patent then that we should keep the various passages of the body fr. and illicit. And irons Illettrollit to in Unit we have it In our power to put a medicine in your reach. namely. Morse's-Indian Root fills, inanufactured from plants and roots 41kich grow enured the knoun lemons Mils in Nature's garden, for the health and re covery of diseased 11100. One 'of the roots f r om nr } A ar these Pills aro mule io a Podia OnVIIS t. o pores of the skin, and assists Nature In throwing tint the liner parts of the corruptive within. The second is a plant which Is ark Estiecturatit, that opens and un clogs the VIISFAVO N, the ll1111:41 AIM throt in a soothing men nei , perform Its duty lit throw big ea phlegm, and other lIIIIIIIPSO ISOM 111110 by copious spitting third IN a Diuretic. which 'gives ease and double strength to the kidneys thus enciamaged. they draw large nwuuuls of impurity from the blood. tk Welk is then thrown riot . bountifully lay the urinary or waiter passage, and which could nut 'ilk - Ye been discharged in any other way. The tomtit is n CMllllllle. rural LICCOIIIIIIIIIIOB 'like other prop ertleS of the Pills- while engaged to- purlf)ing the - blood ; the coarser pm tides of Impurity which rennet pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and non-' vowed off hi great quantities by the towels. hmin tire el owe, it Is shown-that Dr: Dlorse's Indian 11..t0P tills not only enter the stomach ' but beeorne trulti'ld with the blood, her they find way to every miry, and completely rout out and cleanse the system tront all Impurity, and the life of the body, which is the hommes perfectly healthy cease kuently ell sickness anal pain is driven tent the system. for they cannot remain when the handy been:nes so pure and clear. The reason why people ere so distressed when skit, and why FO many dl., Is became tikey do not get a medicine which will pass to the-afflicted pints, and which will open the nattind passages for the din :no be east ; hence. a large quentity ul food end other neater is lodged. and the stomach and lutestines'ine literally overflowing with tan corrupted mass; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, must:only mix. log w ith the throws the corrupted matter through_eyery vein and artery. until life Is taken from the body by dler,aue i. De.llerSe's• PI I.l.Slinve added to themselves victory upon victory, by restoring millloos I thoAlck to blooming health and happiness. Yes. tlionsudds schu have been reeked or-tokniented with sickness, pain and anguish.' and whose feeble frames have been scorched by the burning eletnentS of riming fever. and mho have Leon brought, its it were, within a step of like silent grave, new stand real)' to testify that they would have been nunkberedawitit the dead, had it not been for this griakt and wonderful medicine, .Itorse's Indian Root Pills. A fter one or two doses had been ta. kink, they were astonished, and allsomtely surprised, in 'witnessing their charming effects. 'Net only do they give immediate ease and strength, cud take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they once go• to work at the foundstion of the disense, whielk is Moo). There, fore, It will 110 shnwu. vspeelally by those who use these Pills, that they will so demise and purify, that disense —that deadly ekienky---will take its night, and the flush of youth and teatity will imein return, end the ores. poet of a long mud-happy life will cherish and brighten your'days. • Catrrimr.=Beware of acounterfelt signed A.)). More. All genuine have the name of A.. 1. Wow,: S.: Co. on each Los. Also the signature of A. J. White k Co. All others urn spurlou . • ' A. J. ViIITE & CO., Sole Proprietors, DO Leonard Street. Now York. Nforse's4ndlan toot Pills urn sold by all dealers in Medicines. Ageots are wente In every town, vilhsge and hamlet In the land. Partite desiring the agency will address as above for terms.o. ! Price 25 cents per boa, fiveslances wlirtio sent on re , ! celpt of $l, pi stagepaid. • HuILVDS. A ry-,,Por male Garfish: by W. 7lnverstick. IN= A CARD:,. To the _Voters" of the Sixteenth Congr..Bzional FEctnw Cerizssa :—As tho People will boon leo called upon to soled a candidate foe a seat hr - tt Congress, nod bullock% that the time has arrive-4.w hen the ix:seises-with earn their broad by the sweat of thoir '- • brows intro telt and soon the nod offocts ref the Num- - Artie British Trddo policy, mid urn moody hastete Nfor nunirwleorarn let favor of re lopnguratlug the grunt system of Protection to A:freerlcan — liieltititry - HEN ItY CLAY labored a whole life to establish;—' therefore. at - the sulk:Ration of friends of the cAse, I offer utyself an a TAILIFF CANDIDATII, and tooling that' protection to le the great aUestion • of the oge, in the establiAing of which 1 would labor • fleithfully, and hull as a triumph which would do honor • to the ronnory of the istuotern AA; and restore our counlry,mwe morn toleapplenees and prlispority. Then would he heard the sintud of the hammers in illte Cruets' _ 'Slid smith Alias:nerd therniliP and factories would hutp - ••• mid clatfor—then would •thousnuds who pro now du prtved.'uf work, rejoice in having an opportunity to earn broad" for their wives and ehllilren—then would the ilirinorhave a good suarkohner his produce,— then would t Lir uecOhnile ho suitably Awarded for his geolup—then would the country truly be ..covored with hietuings nut! boni•flts." ' • . • ," reeeivo; the noneinatton And be tolected. pfedo guy' hugely support to lit -re•l '"dos rut forth In the l'oopie'icaU fora Mute Co,. cairn. ". • • " ' 41. 1{14:841,Illt. • York, June 2t1,•'63. .• r• • '' - • •• 1.11, 'AUKS M.I.T I K' COAL - ..-‘'-,40;060 liusheia.ur Coil: Anto the . CeletaAteit *.beni"op - 111uee. reruiving awl fur salo : • • • Aomori , W. D. 31U11,WArs l'_l,l7OY GOODS DR: MORSE'S = • liscellaneouo. , pooKs.L BOOKS !'t BOOKS I. Jur • SIIRTOCK, TAYLOR to SMITH •' . are sola,aMints,in Franklin and . Cumberland , coUbtleB for the . fullowing valuable works i ' . . . . Benton's Abridgment of tho Debates of Congress. Pride per Vol., Cloth 83 00i Sheep 3 50., , • Bonton's Thirty.. Year's Vie ; complete 'in 2 'vols. Cloth 55 00, Law Sheep WM. . . , • . Morse's General Atlas of the World; Colore aps and booed, $OOO. . • . . . Burton's Cyclopaedla of Wit end Huraor. - "America, Eloquence:, a collection of sPacciloller*ii Viler most.erninent prelims of„ America, with biogra phical sketches.alld iiiustrirtAto notes, by Frank dirpre, new ready, • pldte In te t "vols,..Cloth,4Boo;Jilbrary. style, leather, $0 00; halfkali, gilt, 800; half =roc -64..1..V.Q. i...c.t... • , • • ' SANDERS' SCHOOL BOOREL -7 7. • ' , odors' Primer. . , . .. Sanders' Speller. ' . . Sanders' Reader, No. I. • Sanders' Reader, No 2. • ' Sanders' Reader, No. 1. Senders' !leader, Nu. 4. . . Sanders' Rombir, No. 5. ' 'Seeders, Reader,No. 5. . ... . . . ' - Sanders'•lligh School header. '' , re" -- - • ' • Sanders' lecilles' Reader. ' Sanders' Speakers Wholesale andel:doll at ' 1 " ' , - "- • " SIISYOCK, TAYLOR dc SMITH'S. Mehideous, . • • SIIRYOCK,vnyLOR & SMItIFS: - Planos, •• • SIIILYOCK;TAYIOt & SMITH'S, A largt,ep.lpyli pf SrhooLß6ok. , wholexnln and 1114 3 ‘ . 11 SIIItY(SCK, TAYLOR & Sit Paper.Envolops . , Puna, inkx, ole, etc. v Ult & SMITH. COME - AN E D SE Il E I LEI 4 , CORNER 01.1 . ATE THE MAILEI.T HOUSE.. BOOTS,:HATS D,CAPS, • E _4 R fir -13'a offer to our limner' customers and the public In general, a first ralo.assortment of now goods, suitablo fur SPRING AND S,U,MMEn WEAR. . • unsurpassed for beauty, ntylo, durability, and cheap ness. Our stork consists of FINK SILK MOLKSKIN lIATS, Fine Itnasuth, Boys', and Children's Fancy Ifilts. of iiiMy:Color. ' STRAW (BOBS AND CAPS,' we ere sure the best assortment' ever offered in the county, and worthy the' attention of all. , 1100 TS AYD SHOES. of every variety and' style, 14dies. Jllescß and Chll dren's tine 'Gaiters, and tilt kinds of Chlldi•ou's Fancy Shoes: For Gentleman a good assortment of every style and finish; in fat every variety in our line. Thankful to - Alle.puldle - for past - fitvor n we solicit a continuation of custom, as we 11013 aura wo ran make It to the advantage of the purchaser. Carlisle, April 28, 1858 'CtU3II3-ERLAND VALLEY It. It:—. vi SUMMER ARRAMIE3IEST I . CIIANOE OF 110Ultel ~•• . • , On ona,n . fter...TßUASPAy, 3lay 13th:1888, Passenger , Train,. will run as folleW's (S. - outlays excepted:) - . FOR HARRISBURG._ . • - • ._ ' Ist Train. • 2,lTrain Leave diambersburg, 5.15 A. lie - 2.15 - I'. 31 ShipPensbnrg, • 5.44 " ' 2.44 " -- " Sayville, 6.10 • " 3.18 " Carlisle. 7.110 " 3.58 4 1 / 4 . 3leeltanieslwg, 71:0 n 4.30 Arrive at Harrisburg, 0.00 " - 5.00, , " - "., FOR CiIA3IIIERSBURO, . . - lot Train. 2d Train. ,Leave Ilarrishurg 8.30' A. 31 ' 1.08 P. 31. - Nleelmniesburg 0.08 " 1.39. " - J. - Carlisle, ' 0.40 " 2.13 '! • Sayville, . 16.20 " 2.41 Shippehsburg, 10.5 : ' 3'21 Arrive - at Chambemburg, 11.22 " 3.53 . 4 - 'Fratlns leave Ilarrisburg.thr Philadelphia. vii•Pettit'a Railroad. at 8.10. -A. 11.. I:30, 0. 11., 1128, P. 31., and " 33.00 at night, By Reading, via Lebanon Valleyßail: !glad at 2.45 P. 31. boo Pitt.thorg, :CU), A. 31.,1.00.P. 31., and 5.19. 1'.,31.. For I.laltimure. ti 30, A. M and 12.111, lion.. Ferll , ker. ion and- Williamsport, at 1.03, P. 31. Train on Dauphin Road at 1.30, P. 31. -Fares from Ilarrisburg. Mechanirsbui-v, Carlisle,,.,ship re"si letn ntrg, nod Ctheto,," cershurg. will he nth,less alio° paid fur Tickets at the Ofllee, than when' paid in the Care. -. . . - (m.. Tim Ticket ow., of the Company at Ilarrisivarg, leas neeti removed to the -liepot• of the Penne3l rattle Railroad Comnany, third dour from the Eastern and of. the building., .. . _ . .. 0. N. LULL; Super't -. ,Itellroad Mlle°. Chambersburg,l . , . ' FOUNIiitY AND StAcjiiNE-sl.Eyr,_ CAi614.41.E, PA NORTH STREET, EAST OF RAYMOND'S HOTEL rim 5U11 4 1311 I neat would respectfully ilifortn the 1 public In general that Ito Is now prepared to men u• fsettire all kinds of Attrlcul turd isnpleUunits; such as I lorse ['owe's and Thrushhlg Machines with hepu alms attached. Albo, Corn :hollers, for hand lir horse im,. litratv and Fodder Cutters. Nowt:lts, Harrows, Cultivators, flay Hakes, Oral. Fans, (Irontar Saws. de., lilt Invites particular attention to itlfit's !Wont Clo• nor Huller and Clualler. 'Ms machine trill hull and. clean from three to sin bushels per hour, and is consid ered derldedlx the best now in use. Ile will furnitilt to order IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS of evert. description; such • as 'l'l...siting 311.11111 e, Plough. Corimbeller. Cellar Itratee, Sash Weights; also. beautifully det.igned ttailiug thr Cemetery buts, Endo. euree, kc.. kc. promptlS. attended to for !leaping. Slow lug tool riiroddaig 31aehinem, and all kinds of Agrlcul lund linplemetits. ' =I A. J.-KeTZ,-ForemAm-- CArlislo. Juno ltk, '6S-lama • E W STAGE ROUTE.- ' Tie subscriber has started a trbweehly line of . Stages between Carlisle and bandisburg: leaving Car lixlu every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Immedi ately on the arrival of the afternoon train of cars limn .the east. Returning, leaves I.andlsbuv,c at gOO A. M.. every Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. sad arrlv,es at Carlisle at LOU P. M., %la. Perry 'County Warin Springs, Shermansdale ' SterretCs flap and Carlisle Sul ph ur Springs. Oy and arm- mune the 1501. the line will be run daily for the accommodation of passengers going to the Springs. —Fare to the several points as follows: Carlisle to Springs, Sterrett's Gap, . Shermamda . Perry County Warni Springs, " ..LEtudisburg. . . . • RETURNING. Landlsburg to Warm Springs, ~ . .Therinunsdale, . , . . Sterrett's Gap, . . Sulphur Springs, . . . . The above line will iegtilurly carry tho MAIL to and from the several points above indhltted. 1 have nlS;oa well stoel:ed LI VII.ItY STABLE', from which I um ut all limes ready to furnish horses and ear rialtos to those who will Mvor me with their patronage. on the most reasonable terms and in the very best style. muyl9lbsN. lIENDEL. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR L j . SALE —The undersigned. having relinquished the erenntilo lhoduemi and returned to the Country, oilers his Valuable TOWN PIK/Pk:KEY and STORK STAND, situated In Upper Strasburg, Franklin County, rd.; nt Private Salo. ' . - - , This ,Vreparly consist s..of , FINE ACRES OF„.LiAAD, more or lest!. of the best . - ty. Tho Improvements area largo new .••• two.storted Brick STORE STAND and BO6," • a Brick SPRIFO HOUSE, sufficluotlY capacious to damp; into a Dwelling; Smoke House, Wood Rouse, Carriage Iloutio. Corn Crib. two 'stables, and pther necessary and crwn. [tient buildings. There arp,two fine (buttons attached, 0116 a good solectlotrofr 'lesions - kinds - or - choice Fruit "Trees, andtot the property Is one of the very beat Springs of I.lltoaftono Water In thacounty. This is, beyond doubt the hest Store Stand in the Town, tho nodorslgnod himself having done a business amounting to YLLOIOI n your: 411 i nosy Occupied as a Stole Stand, anti the only reason why It is offered fur silo is because he tans removed tat tho eountty. • Persons wishing to Invest In such a Propertyocould not do better than to make timinatienuf this, and sou its ndrnntogun. Thu big near the town, will be pleased to show it to persons •, wish to , l• a. . 3.0.50te oprlar - Ritin may 7...N141 . taratmodatitur. -.:Ju1t.1.4118-6nt,] CH OOL TAX OP 1853.—The Dfi kJ; plicate of iCliCalTaiiii of the Nhiol I) latilcEot Carlisle.lor the present year hem been Issued and placed In the bands of the 'freasurer for. collection. The tax able citizens are notlfled that the Treasurer will attend at the County Commissioner's ofilse for the purpose of receiving sold tuxes. on MONDAY, the 16th of August. 1858, Ipetween the hours of U and 12 in the fbranoon, and 2 and bin the afternoon of mid day.'On all taxes puld on or betore that date a deduction of FIVE PER' CENT, will .be made. The taxes may be paid at any , time before the above date to tbe.,Treasurer, at hla 4ture room lu slarlon 110.11 Luildina. • a a.W. - EBY, Treasurer. Carliale; July 7;18 . 58.. • ' . . ripHE.. SUBSOMBERS HAVE FOR L BALD 190 THOUSAND .:Whtto Phial .Shin glue, of superior quality, which thily will sell sit• river piques.. Also, u large lot of Cherry and Walnut, froin inch In 3 Mulles think; which they will, sell wholm• s olo or retail -low. Also, n pair' Cl MY Scales ' , whisk bo sold' low. n uuw 'Tlireshlng Machine to trlilelnwntuilte the attentios sit lit huers, airwereul dia pcsisd t, give a Liman. All Maids of Lumber and Coal constantly ou hand law for =h. • • •• - •" • . • , •BIIROH & 11091.911,' COD% Juue • • • ,Carbs. . • continues the "practice of the low, in the °Mir/ .fermerly °copied by his father, Win. M. Diddle, s@q >• and more recontly,•by, tho firovof Pouroso.di now dissolved. • • • o • • •: • . • CP. :H.UNIRP:II - 14, Attornertit'Lniv, . 7 -oMco on Nortli IlanoJor stroot, n tbw dOors South or alluiA' linter — All bumnai outrustad will be.prouiptlj%sttoriaod to. [April 16. TAW NOTICE. - REMOVAL. ,--- W. _4 M. PEt4ROSE hae . romoved,bis °Oleo to tho room formerly occupied by him on Main Weld n fuw dooin ;CAA Uf:the-llothudiatibihtirelilnhotolliolwill-promptly nidend to nil businoss entrusted to him. August 19, 184. . • - . . • • f AV/ OFFICE.-LEMUEL• TODD' LA has resumed the practice of the,.Law. ‘. Office In bentre.Square, west side, near. the ; First Presbyterian Chtirch— April 8;1857. . --FIR: S. B. KLEFFEIt Office in.Nortli Hanover street tetra, doors. from Arnold Is Sou's store. 011 Ice hours, more partleularlyfrom 7 to 9 o'clock A. 51" and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. • TA' O:OTOR•ARMSTRONG hag .ITIDDV 11_,/ed bigot& to Centro Square leek, of the Court house; whore he may lie conaulted . at auy hour of the day or night. Dr. A. has had thirty.leitrii experience in the Tknfesidon, the last 'ton of which lion boon demo,' ted to the study and - practice of homoeopathic modh eine.. May 20, " • R . J. S . Ll Ilometeiiathic i'hyslelneand Surgeon. Oleo, ,}:ast Male street, adjoinher.bastou'a. hardware store:"" - -* Carlisle, March 31, 1858.-3m.° GEO. W. NEIDICIL Late ihanoustrator of Operative Dentlitry to the' 17 - As crir; j o in u l t tr s e u re nz er C 3 eliego' of ter. . onie. At hin resktoueir, opposite Marlon 111111, West Main Street, Carlisle Nev. 11, 1857. D1t..1.C.1.100 . 1M1S . 13ti a ...._- - ,,'" South Hanover street, 4. "mll - 11ter . r ........, next door to.the Yost °Mee.. . no,Will be absent from Carlisle the last ton days of each month.fAug. l , '55 D R 8.0 R . G Z: B E T Z,, linvina- returned to Carlisle, offers his professional services to the citizens generally.' Oflice in North Pitt street,. nearly epposlto his former residence. Terms—Moderato. Lparlisle, March 31. 'fl/f. = B. CriCIRGE .8. jfltaillT, DENTIST. from thO Bal . ,tdmore College of .Bental Surgery. IMOffice at thy residence of his mother, East. Louthel *street, three doors below Bedford. March IL9,lBso—tf. Dlt. J. reppeef - isij Is sas • fully-inform the ladles and gentlemen . - of Carlisle. anti vicinity. that he has re sumed the prartiee of Dentistry, end Is prepared to per. form all operations - on the teeth and gums, belonging to libiprolession. Ito will Insert full seta of. tooth on. gold or silver, n ith single gum teeth, or blocks, as they Ann? prefer. Terms moderate. tusuit the limes. Mike in Illgh street, directly opposite the Cumber land Valley Bank., -. ;Ali-Dr. N. will be In NowviLle tho last-ten days of: every mouth.' Jan. 20, 1059. 7 1y,t , ---- - - S. W. ILVVERS'rICK, Druggist, North Ilantiver Siraot, 040181 o: . , ..Physlolon , f prescriptions carefully compotAndod A full t;upply_pf frooll glrUgtl MO 0101311011 s. / .•r -- ' 13: - J . ... — K - IE F.PE It,- Dealer in Drugs, - (11tontivAls,--i,erfuniurY,--Faury---Artlelem, -Could, tloptiry. 1:44,u1.11 Ilpuovor Strout, Carlisle,ya I‘l B I 4; R !—R. Shapley,. sr., pureltneell the ItUNI14:112:YAlt1), formerly kept by IltMry °foss. has removed It to the corner of North and Pitt strottts, where Ito has a largo lot of oat, ohesnut shoved and out shinglet, with .pints of all de seriptpitt, oak pt ok ant/ go:tutting: shingle and plaster ing ail of whlehwill 'solizheap for cash. - _ March 24,1858. • • CA. 13AU31,13001i-binder and • 134 - Astc - .8.K.K - 31AN tIYAOTI/ IL. ,• • • Nechanicaburg, l'a. Musk. Maaaalaca, pave-honks. Copy•lro..ko, Se., &c., are received and re• tupaadoleatly-bound.in ona_weekott nodorate cluirg AM Also. paper ruled to any devired pattern. Jan, 0, 1/358.1 c n ICRIVENER AND . CONVEYAN- Ly CELL—A. 1,. SPONSLEII Isle Register of Cumber. and county, will ...orally sittendilh the transaction of all such business no may be entrusted to bini,nuch as the writing of Deed, Mortgages Contracts. ke. Ile will plan devote his attention ' o the procuring of Land War rants. Pensions. Le. as. well as the purchase and sale of Heal Estate. negotiations, ofloans, .c. MOillre on West / igh Street. formerly occupied, .y W. M. Pantos( Esq. near the Methodist Church. . FRA.NELTN H OUSE, 'Saiitli Hanover Street, adj . O'lning the Court . Ifouae, Carnal°, Pa. JOIIN BANNON. Proprietor. SW- Mall Coach leaves daily for Papertown. Patera , burg, York Springs and Itaaover from thia Homo. SIMON I', SNSDKII, Ohio. W. K. MeKutt..oir., Pommylrani. • le COOK, , itilol.lo IFIouU. S NY 1) Ell, 31'FARLAND , AND COOK, Bankers and Dealers in Real Estate, Juno 3, 1557.L-ly IU)II3ERLAND COUNTY NOR SClliholo—The second besol on of lids Iostl• lotion will commence In I LII tAIIY HALL, Newville, TUI:SDAY, APRIL 6th, I 858, and continue FIVE 31ONTIIS. An able corps of Instrurtors hare been secured. and no effort mill he spa. oil to render the school worthy of the po.,ltion It seeks to occupy, and of the patronage it leaped fully solicits. Fur circulars onotalning full particulars address T. A. Mt:KINN EY, Treasurer. l'a. By order of the Board of Trustees, • DANIEL di1k.3.1.1', President. 'JAS. NleCANnisli; Becratary. Feb.l7, NIIANTCLI, MERQIIANT TAILOR, • West Main i (root, (opposite lho Rah nlad °Mead has Just received a now and eln.atut aheortutont of Cloths, Main, Mack and Fancy Cassliners, and 4 variety of Halo and k igurod Vestlngs, 'all or which ho will make up to measure In fashionable style, and on ma -1,0441110 terms. ky Ordus a attended to promptly, and tho ,Ilttluit or all garments guaranteed, or no Halm Owlish), maylolB3B. N, HANTot. so 50 VENITIAN.BLIND MANUFACTURED. • Ilintilkauletburg,: Pa: 1311 OD . All styles urn! patterns of Minds made to order, and Old Blind, repaired Ina neat and substantial mem ni.r. and on reasonable terms . .4Q --Orders from earth:le and other paints abroad re. speutfuily sellejted, and promptly aihnided to. t direetly upposlt the `Union on tl ' tt'eot Main Sheet. - •[July 14,'58-t: f, • - OTRlE.—Notioe ie hereby given that the hot Business" conducted In ihe Borough. of \uwv{Iln by Willinar. E. Eratzor, for tho subscriber, under the tamo and. style of '• William E. Crutzer, Agent,' was dineontinnod on April Jot, 1558. T to account hooka tiro In the liana of the subacrlber, WI 'only, is duly authorized to collect thu saute, and guratti all Immune indobted on cold - books to rail lin utodiatoly and settle their accounts. • JAMES ILIWANDLUIIf, Nowaille. Nay 6,1856.-3 mos N°TICE:— Letters testamentary 'on the setete of Dire, BARBARA' MlLhbal,- lattof illUTtorushlp of Monroe. Cumberland county, deceamal, boon grouted to the undernlgned, 'macula here• by given to all 0.060 Indebted to. cold eotote;• to make humedlato payment; and Ilium having claim; agelnet the sautUatoyequested te . prosentittwub duly autboutl• rated fur euttlemeut. - . JACOB NIESLY, of Mo'orae. JOHN BRANDT, of Jlochnnicsburg. Executore of ilarbora 310.10 r, doconnoa July 7,1,868.40 • ' • r by give , that aivlleattorth far LECENSIi, under the act of • st.March;ltile,aatt its a oppletoe ota taust - be filed with_ titiderelguett on or beton) the 2,llltty.orkuguet next, , o:thorwine 'buy will not be hearth . • , . • • li.s.amin out; =I VTATE NOTlCE.—Letters testa untutari on the Estate of Arehlbatd McAllister, rteeuestiC' late of Dirgitisau township, have bon liachid . to the subsbriber, residing in the SUMO township. All persons having elision; cosiest the-60111'0state will pre sent thew or settlement, and 'those lyitichted will wake JAMES M.. EALSTOiI, --- i — H - Egeolitoitof:A.ltipAllister; deed._ . JuI6V6BT-6E. • • -given; thatippllentloirwill bo sund.ilb - tho".nogt no e r.,Nnuaslyanja.,, to •altee, thb. ebuirtor,o( tho fleltLTuLld DEPOSITAIANK, loud lir the • 4through of Carlbdo; Cumberland 'Chub tr se. as'to ton for e upou • saldblank the rights and priethigi , a of alinoksdr Issue, and to obingelts name to tho:tleatiebo - BANK a- ohm to' Wee 0080 thdcaultal 'of said Hank . ; whleh - da at,:prenent dovonty,twn Thotfean'd with pr of; th ortestng the aeotolabder prasont ebnitor:,tef nuoildui drodthouFhldodurey-to'tutlhuudral thousand dollars. r • N4I. , :bIUbS.EIMAI.ii CA Yntsa. : Ckrflo e, Yukio ; .„ '~`~ ii MIN NBAII.II4S Minnesota Territory R. H. THOMAS, tend Notices New' oat', 4AR.G.E'SNKING 'AKRI\r/i:L YON YO4R ANL) PHILADELPHIA, OP ELF'Art T IT . KW , G , OODS, ' A. W.-131ENTZPS.STORE.. , siadtidia - ito - ok of no* Mint Dress Billial-311agnIficOnt Styles Panay Dress Silas. 81.0 H 11. 'AARE 1I l ELEGANT tll French Foulard Silica, Chineio' WWI; Satin and . . Striped Uareges. Velonelas, Ducallut, Beautiful . now printed Mentes, French printed JfLOCI• . • . " — netts,, Vury haudsanfe — Engllsh - Brlß ---- • Hants. very' handsome Frevell . Brilliants, English French and • AntarieurtrinterSeaehr------ , Froutch and Dou t estio - . - • . .oinghems, Bonnets, Uou - • not .Ribbons and • • ' press Trl =anis, Shawls in•aeury variety, Silk prep°. Stolla,Cashmere, fic. Entiwoldurles; Tory low Cont. • Prising COLIVRRS. SLEEVES FLOUNC— MOS, EIaTINOS:YEILS, tc. Carpetings and 011 Cloths( NEN N 0 BAI N, THREE PLY; 1111USSELLS, COTTON & IIEtIP. Drumtets and Floor pii Clothe of all widtbs._:_. • • ' • LINEN ,GOODS. A complete assortinent embrieirm all the moats* breed marks. . . 'Gloves and . _ • " - hoaiery for La- • ' . 'dies, Misses and • , ' • Children; great variety •,_ ' •'-'•- of kid,-, silk- and—Cotton , .. Gloves, Ladles Elegant Twisted Silk Mitts, Sze. DOBIESTIC AND ETA . - ME GOODS: Bleached and unbleaeliod •,• • Llitlrtines, Bleached and unbleached litatt -. • . Digs, Wortlen and Cotton Flannels. Cornet ___--' ._Jeans 'fichinge, Cottnoades, Satinets,___ Tweeds; Cotton and :Linen Dia- . pore, Table Covers. Bleached _ . ' . • • and Brown drillings, . • ' ' and An 0110.15. YA- , ' , rlety of other . articles. - ' " • In fact, this stock of goods ds very extensive, thor ough and comploto, haring boon purchased With a peat deal of rare, we feel confident we can piens° any one whuwilLfaxorms witlitt call, • .. • . . Alfeandid persons who have patronized vs hereto. fore, will admit, that we have Feld the best bargains over purchased In Carlisle. We can assure our friends and all lovers of "Cheap. Goods," that wo are as 'well prepared us ever to offer superior inducements for their patronage• A. W. BENTZ, 'Booth Hanover street, opposite the Post Office. Carlisle, April 2I;18511 .I\r' EW - GOODS ! NEW GOODS 11 I havojtrst retttred . froikow Torii nod dolphin, and am now•oppnlng in the now store room the largest and nmet . splitndld stock of . . SPRING AND. SUMMER GOODS Over . brought to Carlisle. A magnificent line of LA.. DIES DRESS GOODS. each nor Plain and Fancy Silks, Bay/Mere Side Stripe Silk. Elegant Black -.Silks. very low, Poll- o Choler., Grenadines, Valencia., and Da. rego Rohe., Side Stripe butanes, Ducalls, Organdy Lawns. Brilliant.. etc., etc. . - A full assortment of Embroidery,. Elegant Collar., UnderaleeVes, Handkerchiefs, I nserking, Edging., licirmengs, etc.. etc.;,cheaper than ever, Cambric., Barred and Striped .Inemet., Natmooks, lite., etc.' filtmlin., Checks. Gingionis, etc., of all kind. and at the very lowest witch: BONNRTS, - RIBBONS, FLOWERS, Ruches, an entire new assortment,. ' EPRINO. SHAWLS, a large assortdent and very cheap, such as Stialla.'wool De - Leine. 'Tibet, Grenadine. New Cloths and Cassimeres also list received. ens., Allures and other goodsfor rove' wear In great variety. Counterpanes, hosiery. Gloves, 11111.1 a, etc., etc. -' - A full'end 'new assorrff6lllo.l`6lahogany, Rosewood and Walnut framed Looking Glasses. - .C.IIIEET*I9B:4,ND 31Arri,thr#—.Inether supply of,super Imperial, Ingrain, Venetian, hemp and Stair Cat pet- hips. at very redueed,priceb.i, This stork has been laid In with great care at the vety lowest cnshf prices, and will be sold for the caslrat_ such prices as will, convince all that Oirilby's new store is the place to lay out their cash to tile very best alivantlige. Light profits and quiet: Niles. Recollect the nets store is on the corner of Alain and Pitt streets, opposite the 31elliodistAlhureh. Carlisle, April 21, 'Ziti.) CHAS. OGILIIY. • NOW IS TILE TthE FOR BARGAINS„ L A,RGE AND EXTENsiTE, ARRIVAL CiF SPRING AND SUMMER -GOODS. 41 the New Store, Corner of North Ilemover ttnd Tw'uther Streets. The undersigned returnetivinka 11)C-the patronage bestowed upon him by the pnitlle; and at the 14111111, time respectfully announces that ho Luis just returned from Philadelphia. and to now opening n new.lot of SPRING AND eUNISI Ell DRY GOODS AND ODOCESIES, con: - Fisting in part as follows, - and. whicii-he is •determined tolill - at the IMvigt raah . prlres. SILKS,- DUCAL CI,OTIRS, Chain°s, Alpaca. Do. Laines Deßages, Lustros, Poplins, Baregen, Brllliants.Skirting,French and Scotch Gingham Prints, Gloves Hosiery, Co Handiterehief. - ker - ker -- Sl* Gloves, AND - MANTILLAS, In every style and quality. STAPLE AND DOMESTIC•DRY GOODS; Cloths, Can. statute,,, Voiding, Flannels, Muslin", Tichings, Stripes, Clinch. Calicoes, Cottonades, Linens, Shootings, Duni. umo, Nankowns, Grillo, .MPrsulllro Quilta,*eolorod and white Carpet Chain, kr., Am Parasols and Umbrella. Also a larp and splendid assortment of BONNETS, HATS, CA PS. HOOTS AND SHOES. • A supWrior lot of fresh QM/MAU ES, Tens, Coffee, Su. gar. Nfohisses.liice,lipicen. kr, Ar. laving selected my entire stock with the greatest awe and the lowest ensii emus, I c•in in.sure my friemis nod the public generally, thnt I will do all in torpnwer to make sly establishmen t known no the II RA D QUARTERS FOR ItARGAINS." These who wish to purcintse will fled It CO their nd vantage to call nod OXIUIIIIIO my stock before purchasing. I will pay the highest market prlceder Butler. Eggs, Rags. Soap, and Dried Fruit, Carlisle, April 21, 1555, J. A, lIUMRICII, Jr. N E'y GOODS FOR SPRING 'CLOTHING. • Thu subscribers respectfully inform their patrons, mad the citizens generally that they have recently received from New, York and Philadelphia. n largo and elegant assortment of clothing suitable for the present season, manufMtured of the best 'materials and In the most fashionable style, which they are determined. to sell cheaper than similar nrfic'es can to elsewhere. • Their stink comprises DitEgS AND FROCK COATS, of 11010 1.101 1 - 1001i0101)1I0 styles. Business Sacks and Frocks of the best material and latest patterns . Double and single Invested Vests, Id endless variety-0101re styles. Hue Ithack 'react Doeskin and-Fancy Cassi. mere fonts, Plain light colored Canshnere Pants, in groat variety— choice styles • BOV'S CLOTHING. In °gator to meet tho wants of the people In this branch of their business great care and attontion has Leon given to it the premed seastm. Coats. Pants and Vests of all sizes and qualltiPA, to which comtant addi tions will ho tondo during the season: • • Also, a full assortmont of tthlrts, Collars, Bosoms, Cra vats. Pocket itandkerchiefs,Suspenders,Stucks, Waves, foolery and Umbrellas. Alwayk, on hand a largo assortment of Black, Brown, Blue and Olivo Clotlis t Black Doeskin and fancy Citsob morn Vestings, kr. Clothing of every description and quality well made, and of good material constantly on hand. Customer's work nook, up to motor, at the shortest notice and on reasonablo terms. ' • ARNOLD k LIVINOSTON. Carlisle, March N. 'M.-4m] North lianoer st. D.. 1. I.EIDICII. `CRRYD• W. C. SAWYER NEWS FOR THE. PEOPLE. . Large arrival of new and seasonable goods al LEIDICH - 'SA WTER'S, (formerly • Ceo. W. Miner's) Store, East_ Main , Street, a few doors below Mar- Hotel. HJust returned from Philadelphia, With 1 1 large addition of new and desirable goads to our former stock, we are how prepared tq offer grout induce ments to town and country trade. Our stock embraces nearly every thing suitable for Ladles, Misses, Mesa's, Boys' and Children'a wear: cost slating in part of elegant Crape Shan in, Stella and Cashmere Shawls, Lace and S.llWillantillam, very beau Ulu! Swiss and Cambric Collars,.. Edgings. Insertings, Parasols. Ladles Suu Umbrellas; Qoutleman's flue silk Umbrellas. Kid (Gloves, best quality, long . .auil short Mohair Mitts, Silk and Lisle Cloves, a full line of her story, suited to both sexes and all sizes. Beautiful black (111.11,/4 Doithino Silk. elegant fancy silks, selling mute CHEAP. Ft ends foulard Silks, Alareollne and thiuble Florence. all colors and qualities, very superior Bombe aloes, Alpacas, black and colored all wool DeLaines, Tissues, Itareges, Jasper, Beyedlre, Clnowslan and Hint. alayah Clothe . for travelling dresses, Challios, Chintzes, tine On:lndio Lawns, French dn. Jeconot, do. Lisle Bingham, Scotch do. Engthill Calicoes very desira ble at . l2M, dourest is prints all prices, new style shirting calicoes. Mena large stork (Zile* 'Ma Standard 'brands bf Musllns and Shootings, 104 Allendale Shooting, Pillowcase Muslin, wire-thread and herring•bone Tick no, Virginia Osnalturgs, Furniture CheEks,..„,Cotten ipantlngs, comprising York, Mills, Ripka's Stripes, Tertu'a. Mills, Denims, Ac., &a; IA Francis black cloths, . very .imperior, French black Doteskin Ceselmeros, fancy, Tor boys wear. Silk and'eatin Vestiugs, black, and col. mod - Silk Ilandkerchit fs, Men's Stocks, Fancy 'Cravats, ..standitiglind Byron Whirs, ready made linen and Mar settles bosoms for shirts, blac i c and white straw and mhlp hats, bonnets, flats, and • a great variety of other *Hides. We hope from our experience In business and desire to become established in trade and attention to custom ere. to merit a share of public patronage ter which we will foolAruly grateful. Please call soon as the bargains are going off rapidly. • " . Carlisle, my2ts'sB-Iy. , . . , 4ate:l gni IiANTIVATPII thy tnk - re - - -- m tvea the e.gency.Tor.the , 3 4. the , American the Heston It'atch 'Spectrally inform my old frieeds.ond the public guttur ally. that V have u tine assortment now opening and ready tor w i th gold:ens; !Oyer- caeca aqd ,very, One st 3 leo, and regard to time thtTy - ean't beac6 - preve that tact it la only neuossary to give them a trial. Persons in want ore correct thno.plure,are,reepoctfully invited to call and eve our watt:hue. • IY: DA: NAUGLE. y ,Maio Street, Carliale, Pa.- .• June 80, '5B. . T-111t4IBLE - -S.ENSATION II m n u on g , LEIDIOII'k SAWYER'S new stare, '(formerly occupied by Geo: W. IlittiCr.) . • kleige and caried-ascortruent of-Dry--Ooode,'-Ladiee. Press goods. new styles„ at Vary LOW PitIOLS, . Lace and $Uk. Mantillas, greatly under regniacpricee; vanglutt froursl.6o enl4o. - „ , • • Embroideries, Cambric, JacnneVactil Swiss” Sets, Col l/W.O, ,tinder,oleaves, Decide: h,dainip,'lnee c tlnge, It. • Also,. the article above all others for the oeooon. , 144105, !Maces and Obildinit's Hopped and 0%1.10 „oX , Tionidou skirts. Thesuceklria,'wberevei , war recolvi: the highegt profs° for collo; glwoo and durability of Wear. NV° respectfully seibilt. tint atantien of. the. public.. • • . taillille/4u1Y14,)868.. , • , lust received fr6aIa.BU.RNI, FLUID JV,..,audALCCIUOI., at ettu lbuevtioittuittei. .- '. • ' Min SOUTHWOUTIL - . • - • t,- • Damn 0, W. OILVIKW,N; ' 011Mtlil0F! ,, BUDD • -,. . • , T UOM Ail DUN NA &an. VI, D, I , , . =NUN' OT I APPi_JUff, I • ... . , ONOMIII ARNOLD, • ' , • BAUM, VOUNO._, ' . , Ilino, ANNA VillitoTAT. _._ ^ -- -- - NM VIINIINIA vAUQUAN, '.. .. Mrla. PT VilltNON,- . - .. , .. ....... - / lima 11A17111C1diltS, . • • —...::• ....b , 11 1 011,1iY JOIINNOks • . ' Writs) only Rtho • aoraw,s vitrzr,. • GIOLDEN. , PRIZH. .. . . , - - - - ',GOLDION PRIZE. •• . : ' GOLDTiN PRIZE, , GIOLDL'N PRIZE), .. t7(lolaNill4-PRIZ4'- . iiM GOLDEN PR.121, ALIJSTRATED DEAN & SALTER, Suceessorito BMW e Co. : Tho New York'Weekly GOLDEN PRIZE la ononf he -- largest and Lost litorary papers of tho dayn Impor t ial Quarto, containing eight pagos, or forty.colinuna, of the moot interesting and fascinating IT,Oding matter, AGRI the Dona of the very t h at writers of the day.. ELEGANTLY, ILLUSTRATED EVERY WLEE. • • A PRESENT, - - •wowrit rR 50 OEM" TO $5OO 00, be given to each subscrlbor Immediately on receipt or the subscription money. Tide Is promoted is alit, moutO - Of lerlendsblp, nintnotata an Inducement _t0.41.. tale subscribers. TERMS • Ono copy for ono year,.. Ono copy ToFttib — yiirs, One copy for throe yearn, Ono copy for five yours, • - AND TO CLUBS. . . • , Three depths, ono year, ss' 00 and 3 - i• Nye t. , oPles, one; year,. .. 800 and 5 • 4 . Ten copies, one year, l5 00 and 10 Twunty•one copies, one year,' 30'00 and 2t Tho articles to be given away are comprised in the fol Towing • . 2 Packages of Gold, containing •'• $5OO Q 0 each 5- do , do do, 201) 00 each • 1040 do .do 100 00 each 10 Pate_ Hunting Caned Watches 100 00 each ' 20 Gold Watches 76 00 each 50 • do ' 60 00 each • . 100 do, • • '.50 00 earl, . 300 Ladies' Cl°id Watches ' 35 00 each 200 Silver limiting Owed Watches ~ '3O 00 each '- 500 Silver:Watches __..• $l6 00 to 25 00 each 1000 Cold 0 uard, Vest, IjobC • halssslo .00 to 30 - 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Ttroothes:Bar ]Drops 'Breast Pins, Coil fins,. Sleeve Buttons, itinsS, Shirt Studs. Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles,'and a variety Of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $l5 end,. We will present to ovary person sending, us .50 sub. scribers. ats2 each. a Gold Watch, worth $4O; to any ono sending us• 100 sulimribers. at $2 each, a Geld Watch, Worth $9O. Every subscriber will also receive a present. Immediately on receipt of the' money, the subscrib er's name will be entered upon our book, end the pres• ant will be forwarded within ono week, by malt or, ex• press, post paid. 'All commtinleatlons should be addressed to- - DEAN eSALTE,II, , • • : J.. • ..R . C A'S S R. Y' S . , • . (LASE AYRES a CASSELBERRTO DRY- GOODS • STORE, ' 53 NC!RTII EIGHTH StREE . T, BELOW - ARCH. (01 , 0 NO. 49 0 PHILA.DELPHIA. . • - DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ONE PRICE—SMALL PROFIT—CHEAP FOR OASII. • PEA N 010 IMPIWV El i • PATENT MELODEON -TIE OLDEST IfSTABLISIIMENT in the UNITED. STATES, - EMPLOYING TWO 'HUNDRED MEN, cud Fluiehing 'AMITY INSTRUMENTS PER WEEK: - • • • pm:0;1611; ell their itectult improvouients=the Divided • Stroll, Organ, Meludoon,.&e., Re. (The Divided `Swell can only In 3 obtained In Melodeons °four 31'11_1.1Ibiett.tre.) GPO. A. YTL,TNCI & C 0... Manufacturers, Burnslor:Neav York WHOLESALE DEPOT: - Si FaTIOn st.',W. T., 110 Lakc at: Chicago, 11l WIIOLESALE RNTSltvoiseli &Richardson, Tics. ton Mass.; W. F. - Colburn, ,Cluchinntl, (1.; .Pahnor fc. - Wotor, St. Louis, Ito. Ith, P. Wesloin, Now:Orleifig: - ! . From the Home Journel, April 3, 1858. The slelodeons Inanufuctured hy, Prince & Ce.tatie for sale at 87 Fulton street, are the hest in the' mrfErld. We have tried-them, slid therefore speak understand. Ingly of their merits. They ore afforded at n very mod. orate cost.' riticEs OF POICTAIII,E INSTRUMENTS Four octave Melodeon, extending from C to 45 Four and a half octave, ' do. Cto F Co Flva 9,dave slelodeou, do. Fto F 75 }lvo octave, doufile rood, do. Fto F ' 150 GROAN MELODEON Two Danko of - Kum Five Seta of .Woott, Mglit. Ftopm 4 Ono nod n dolt Octavo Foot Pedals, ono Set of Reeds, In Poktl'llass Independent PRICES OF PIANO CASED Five Octave Melodeon, extending from F to F $lOO Six Oetove 3lolodeon, do. , Fto F 130 Five Octavo double rz,: do. Fto F......... 150 Five Octave, Two Banks or Keys 200 Our facilitlet for rmtnufacturing are perfect, mon . = our long experience in the business. having finished and sold over TWENTY.TWO TUOUSAND MELODI, OS, we feel confident of giving satisfaction. All Melodeons of our manufacture, either sold by us, or dealers In nn) part of the Udited States or Canadas, are WAttlt4NTlp to ion perfect In every respect,andahould any repairs be necessary before the expiration of one year from the date of sole we hold ourselves ready and willing to make the IMMO free -of charge, provided the injury Is not caused by accident or design. GEO. A. PRINCE k CO. sole of our Melodeons may be found In cities and towns In the United-States. Agonta for tho 01l the principal and Calming. Iido—SIIIIYOCK, TAYLOR & SMITH W. It. LINN. [111:v111'58. A putt: Ikt Carl At Nenvlllt* OLD Fit. STEPIIEY 11. DURNS. who has devoted hie whole life to the cure of CONSUMPTION Wed Its kindred diseases, now that his days are nearly spent, 11. Is desirous of placing his rem. oily In the hands of all afflicted, free of charge, hoping in this way to do n great deal of good before be dies. Ile fools confident that his remedy will ef feet a mire In nittety.nine cases out of an hundred. Ile will scud earl, appli cant that gives him a 'description of his or her complaint a small quantity of medicine, with full and oi.plicit dl. rectlOns for preparing the same article themselves. when they find ,that it benefits them. Each applicant will send three stamps, (U cents.). to pay the return letter and assist in paying for this advertisement: CONSUMPTION CURED, =} THOUSANDS INSTANCES, ,„ pa. 8.11. )!ILIRNS, Address, DR.% 11. DURND. jul6'bB—lt. New York NEW YORK R. STREET CONFECTIONERY, - CA. lt LISLE PA. Wholesale Rates Reduced 4;2 per 100 lbs. • The attention'orCountry Merchants and the public generally is Invited to a largo assortment of 0-eHorcE CANDIES, • . manufactured of the best material and warranted to contain no poison in their culors,'• which will be sold Wholesale or Retail at low rates at the old stand of P. MONYEI:t, NORTH HANOVER STREET, OiRLIBLE, Pa., A few doors North of the Carlisle Doioaft. Bank. - Just received a large assortment of -• FRESH FRUITS AND NUTS • of the latrist importations, consieting of - Oranges, • • Lemons,. Sabrina; • Pruner'. . , • Figs, • Mies, Banannas, PIIIO Apples,' Almonds, Filberts, • Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &e., all of which will.be sold at low rates. Also, a large as Sortatu ut of - • TOYS AND FANCY GOODS . of every variety. Also, all thebest brands of BEGABS AND TOBACCO, of American end German manufacture. The subscriber returns thanks (bribe - liberal patron-, age bestowed on him by the public, and aolicits a con . thluance of their favors. Bemember the Old Stand of P. MON YETI, North ilanover Street. Carlisle, Julie 16, '6B PROCLAM WIIERL/03 . the Lion. JAMES 11. °DMUS'. __Ldent:Judtie of the several Courts of Common Pleas of the counties of °nail:M . o*nd; Perry and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer and Terminer and ~. General Jail Delivery In said counties, and lion. Bon. .11911. M. Cocsurr, Judteo'of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General "Delivery the the trial of all capitol other offenders, to the said county of Cumberland, by their precepts to too db retied, dated the 12th of April, 1858, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery to be holden at CARLIShE, on the dth MONDAY of Atigust,..lB.sB, (being the Oddity ' ) at:ten b'elOt•in the • . tbrenoon, to continue onifTreek, NOTIOII.IB LIEREDY -GIVEN to the Coroner, Jun . Aires of .the Peace and Constables of tlitreald county of Cumberland, that 'theyy, rare by ;the said precept cone. Mended to - be then 8101114 e in-theld-proper -persons,. their rolls, records, inquisitions; esonlinntionb . and all other remembrances, to do,those things•yhich to their officer anpectain.to be gene, and - allthes&tbat are bound by recognisances;.;•to prosecute against the; , • prisoners that ore or then"shall he In the jell of sold , s• • county, aro' tole). 'there, to presde:On them as shall be ..1417 14 114.1 JAOOB`.DONAfAN, snarls Vkj,II4DOW, , - Sii.AoPp y dud Cheapest:essoitth — ent orWitiatiw --*Lades can be tied at the new stere,of "- -• . liprg/tt,,PYIPRATOE I „ . . . . . ' ' .' I'll}l 'AI &'A fiV.Prt.' POPO% ' -- . • Caropbuffiled - ,Opttreirfrom GUMS • ,litt ONX I:tt -TUB. 41EST, •PtIIIGATI VA - AND NITR .1 totutoINE5:llOW beibill the .puhlltt OM late al t o . Cssitome, easier, mlider L Rid mOre ethietuartban any other medicine known, t ill 11100113 . 1 y fi oAtliAlvtle, but - -a brew meetly, outing first on the leek te..ejene Its.. - - - merhhl matter, then on the atonevelFelettoitele to NI” • - .V ry 14'1110 lent ten 'th tte etecempl Ming ; twei peewits • offectualif i legliont'any of tilt, pitiful thallnka expert , • „,,,„d ti t the nyerailen of inapt 0AT11404108. 'it strongth. • one Doi PYfitolll 01 the 0,141 e elm that It poetic It 1 'and When Wien ihilly in moderato &AM li/111-alrangthen_ • -nnirbulidlt-art,lt -unusual rap:l4y, .- , The Pliver in ooof g , the, prlneliter retraleteri • l i o of tlia bullion body mist- when It perthrmo all _filiktilinty,ilh,_ 1iz......,......• ' -Ctil-Ottho-100111-111*-- fully &collided. The' 1.,„,i,) etilanach„ Is, almost en. Healy dop.iiiiont, on the --r L L, , healthy • notion of the . 'Liver for till) proper per. • c--71 feemanee of tie fu n dl o p pi when the Stoninch to at .....el fault, the howale ere et •tettlt; end the whole - .7.'1. ayettm metiers 'ln tem. . gamut of ono orgen , , re l . te Selwer —, bovine " i resoled to do Po duty. , For the Mutation or that ,t orknui, ono of,tho tin,. ,c'r. prietors hoc matlo It hill . ' study, in a nractice uf _..."'''"' mote than twenty years, .to find soma romed,v c whorowith to 00linternOt ' the luinlY derinikoeiolite 1 ,..;4 • to which It fellable, ~ To prove that litho,. reedy is at inet found, - 1 • any person- trudblad- t•-;,;. - .with - 14 , tror tom. ' plaint in any of Ito r — forms, lute, bet, to try a , nettle, and eonviclionl.. 4 le certain. ro " . These gums uinveall morbid. or bail matter •••- tiom the ayntein. sop; ),,...0 plying In tholr•Plfloo a healthy flow of Idle, in.. .. , ,vigoratlngthe etomaeh, • :vain - dug - food' to - digest" r:2 4 - - - well; pacifying the blood giving into and health '-to the whole machinery rianeving Alio (4111110$ ofagO, and effect log ir radical cure.., • ;A ' --Ono rasa -after eating .' Is auffielont to relieve the ..nomach 'and pro- vent thejood, from ria• . inn and souring.., . Only boo dose taken i.... 1 before retiring prevents , 'nialittnare. - . " . ... _Only.-one-done-taken-14 -- at — biglitHounerill — tlikr - i bowels gentlY, and cora '' costiveness. • , . . $2 00 and 1 Present. - 3'60 - afid - 2 - I.ltatalla o'oo and 3 800 and 5 u- One dose taken after co cure each meal will Dye. pepsin.' .iii - One dose of two „cm., teaspo . onfulevalll always ' relieve :Mak Headache. • 1...4.41 •.- •.• - a. One bottle taken' ter g i female Obstruction re ,, moves the cause of the disease, and makes a perfect cure. . Only , one dose Immo- 0 diately relieves Cholla, while ono dose often re- ~.__ panted is a aura, cure - for . _Cholera. -D - and a preventive of Cholera. Ono dove token often 1 4 will prevent th e recur. lance of bilious at. • tacks, w it ro ll.. all painful fool- 44,0f4 legs. - lmonly ono bottle In needed to throw out the orsystem.the effects of ifj medicine alter a .lo o p . Coe bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallow muss or unnatural color from the skin. One dose taken a short time before entlnggives vigor to the appetite and - makes Modlligest well. One dose often repeated cures Cheonie rimer In Its worseforms, while sum m es' and bow— el complaints yield almost fo the first dose. , • one or two doses cures attacks caused by ;worm*, in children: there is no surer, safer or speedier remedy In the world, as It sorer We take infinite pleasure in recommending this medicine es a preventive for Fever and Ague,' Chili Fever and nll Fevers of a Billions _Type,' It operates with certainty, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtues. All who use It ore u tying their unanimous testimony in Its favor.. u -s)„. M water In the mouth with the Invlgorstor, ondluvallon-buth together,- .. Tun 'LIVER INVIGORATOR • - - IS' A GREAT - SCIENTIFIC 'MEDICAL. DISCOVERY, and Is daily working cures, almost, too great to believe. It cures no if by magic, even the first...lose giving bone. fit, and aohlum more than one bottle is required to cure• any Mini of LIVER Complaint, from the world, JAM:I dles or lb...pepsin to a common headache, nR of which are the lamina n Diepaeed Liver. . PRICE 0E11:1/01..LAZ PER norrir. DR. SANFORD, Propriotor, 345 Broadway, New 'Vert. no—Sold hi Carlisle by S. tLLIOTT and S. W. HAY EASY - I my 20058. THE ONLP SAFE PREPARATION GR A .11 . HAIR. To Ififorlglnal color; by Nature's own -proces., Is J'ROF. 0.T.. - WOOD'S CELEBRATED - HAIR RESTORATIVE. IN proof of the aboie assertidwroad the following tes- - Oniony from distinguished persons from all parts of the country. . LION. SOLOMON MANN, Ann Arlon Mich. says - his wife, whose- hair had bocomo very thin - and entirely white wars restored to RA Mginal brown color, and had thickened and become beautiful andirlo.say...ppou,..and. entirely over tho head gthors of tny family and friends are using sour Itestorativo with the happiest effects. HON' AMOR RIME:SE, Ex-ffenatof of Illinois says my hair was prematurely gray, but, by the use of Wood's Restorative, It has resumed atsoriglual.culor. and I have no doubt permanent]) so. 11.-LT.STEWART,-says, my hair wee Very gray, .-bubi sifter using two bottles, it restored it to Its original color. - irklY.,T. K. MIMIC, Brookfield, Alasa,says it has re -mocoril from my head itilitrunnation; dandruff, and a constant Mullaney' to - itching, and restored my hair, which was gray, to Ito urlginal,,Qlor. J. WAh4I4IMON, Monmouth, 111., says. my hair wills tor -thin's, gray, or 'Miler whits, but by the application qttiiv Restorative an directed, It ban 1MUE14414 nal color. DR. 0. WALLIS, Chicago, says, after using 0 great many other preparations,.all to no effect, I used.onis bottle of your Hair Restorative. which has cured a hu mor in my Maid of two years' standing. lIIiNJAMIN LONLI Itl DI; E. 25/ Seventh Avenue, New York, rays, having had my hair by the effects of the Erysipelas, when It began to grow, Instead of kink, as heretofore, It was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to rostoro the color without effect, , l was !Minn d to try yours, and in spite- of all my doubts -It has had the dashed effect, IL L. WILLIAMS, M. I).. Peckensvillo, Alti.,saye, I Lave used your Restorative, and find'it all It is recom• mended to Lo. 1 bare tried It for Tetter and .fitid It n curtain cure. W: M. WOODIVAItD, M. TI., Frankfort, Ky.. says, be recommends it in his practice as the best preparation for I he heir now In 1111.0. EDWARD )VALCOTT, says, threo months ago my hair was very gray, It is'imw a dark brown: the original valor, smooth and glossy, all by the use of. Wood's Its• storadve. 'W I I.SOS. 15./10, says, one month's proper application will restdru any person's hair to its,orighit.l color and texture. J. D. 110E8, says, n few applications faatened my hair firmly, It began to grow out amt turn black, Its original color. • BETSIX SMITII, North.Enat Pennsylvania, says that her hair had. for a number of years, been perfectly white. but now It is restored to Ito youthful color, soft hod glossy. • DII. J. W. BOND, ft. Paul, says that hishrtlrls strong thick and black, althougha short thus sluice ha wa■ laths bald and gray. The people hero saw Its eflcetsand have confidence In It. MORRIS °OMAN°, M. D., Si>Louis, says that after trying many other preparations, all to no effect he used two bottles, which covered his bead with a new and vigorous growth ot hair and Orvit es all to cline and FOO it. ^ SARAH J. DROWN, says her hair sees not only gray, but so thin she feared Its entire Firs-.-hut after using two bottles it has restored both the rotor and growth. Prepared LyAU. J.' Wihin .t CU„ 114 Market street, Faint Louis, and 311 itroadwiey, New York. and sold in , nil Dm:mists and Patent Medicine Dealers; also, - by nil Fancy and Toilet Geode Dealers in'the United Slates and C. eida. Es P: le In Carlisle, by S. W. HAVERSTICK, SAM'L ..101"1', and Druggiks everYnlism- READ! READ!! • PILES I—NO CLAIE, NO PAY! . • DR. Du•P 11 0 NT; the eelebrat . ed French practitioner, has established an agency Inn l'bllatlelphinc, tine only one in America, where direr. tines and medicine may be procured-for the treatment mid COOK of Hemorrhoids or PlLmi in an Incredible short Spa,' of time. Tide announcement is media 'with the utmost confidence, lweuse it Is an enispusincis FACT, attested ity thousands who have been sufferers, that, the various 'theses of this die... ogling silliest. 'can •be speedily cured by this new mode of treatment.• The relbf. Inn meet rases, Is most litotentaneoue. Fo sure• nro the proprietors or this, that they are willing to take thin rich I,llolllrelve9. -41.r3 - 7 THE 00000 or ANT PATIENT Itr.tURNI:U, IF A CM:IS NOT PERFORMED, RDERE DlRtio DINS AIM ALUOVED , Thejpedt amount of distress and torture endured by thousands of people, mono' this diocese, the other de• . raugenuents of the system consequent upon it, cuff a -kninwleege or the Ilia that relief can be afforded, hae Induced tine establibbnimit of the American agency. rersons nt n distance, wishing to obtain the medls Cloth should state. by letior, how long they have bad the diocese. and whether the plies are of the bleeding blind, or protruding character, iss th¢ treamept has to •be varied accOrdliOr to the varietyll the diocese. • The ;prank are so plebs that any persona can make the appal, cations. By making n' plain statement of, the awe. and enclos ing theca donuts, medicine and full directions wilt po aunt to any part of the country. Address, 1)11. J. IL pUPRONT. Philadelphia; Pa. nutylolBl3S-li U VALL'S GALVANIC' Thin great remedy has tidained for Itself, a world *do reputation, as a blessing to Invalids. In cures of spinal disease. Rheumatism, burns and Scalds. Monona headache. Erysipelas, Neuralgia, Ac., it han'etnagical effect let removing pain. Imparting to the diseased wilt • a natural current of electricity, by which the healthy' • functions are restored immediately, and a curt. Directed As no one has ever usod this article without' benefit we cougdently refer to those'who have applied it,7lb their testimony in its facer. r-wainrhy+r-I, 57---Ilaremtlekr&EllietteiKautrnum. II .1. Moira., and at allllha country !dares throughou t ,N. It. the unliprm pricit'iti4jarilJeiris a bottle,' as tlns le the only sits thatrli §latos.. • T.T.0.N.- . .., . . , "MOUNT .110 M, „BPRINdEI.HOTEL,Y . . • `iira MILKS FlbilitrOADZ.l6lo; PA:; . . • , . .. '.At.i . he Gap of ete'4,tith',. ountaio.., .. : -- • il 1.1 atiii s cii inE ,or t hi e t : L iii ren bo,n4 t a . TClividwot'Stroot, • l'hliotltlpbte:•biottng .leoseil the - -- oloro popular Eluunoor Itolsort., of the late .I.roprietor, • J o o.-31-.Pa0.1371-willoomtboo4olO_OtilliPlOJkor,luoo, for the reception of ttueot4.• .- •.•• 1 • -:•: • • • • ',. • • • ..Terfusgoottookle. A4kiress,,• ~ . ' • . ~ ,-' , ,' • . . . • • • . ' Mount Ifolly:Sprlogo,T,', ' ''''-:''',. _ • - - • . , Cutoborlatid Clotuity..Pa. . , . . . . ~ N 0 u Ti0,...„,,,:,,t,,.,,mi.ie0,,,h,:8 tndo an asalganuntic ill foiitobalaitqrt emit Ors. ~' Prraonwmtiaidnivi!triemsil Vali to.krirdot t ad to Lim, will, make. narnanttnad ;Lna JOlnicrla4L ; trllk ;mantt thaw for. antlaannit , tri , ....;4 , i6 ., ii ~ , - • • 4ou:q-uulismi. A stiloeto. July /..1513-4to 3Ttebtciaaee~ That does not Di .e, buit will restore MIEN