Qe' Purhels. CARLISLE PRODUCEMARKET Reported weekly for the Herald by • Woodward & Setuddt. , POUR Supa•rfiue, pox bbl •dO. Extrn.' _ do. do: Family • do. „ WHITE WHEAT per btoliel d u • do, do _OEN do. OATS • =I CLOViliff HEW TIM IiTILYB kIED SPE I NO. nAhlgy WI VEIL BARLEY =EMI - -PIIILAIIEI.IIIIk-MARKET; 7 . The Flour market is steady' with rather 'more inquiry to notice toAtty, partly spoon ' knee, and 14 - a 1500 •liblev, - have - b6itn _ 'posed of at $4 25 for standard superfine. and' • $4 50 per bbl. for extra, chie fl y •or fbr .** mer-descri „at-whi elt_rat es_hiddersl - arn_ generally free sellers. .) The demand for home consumption continuCs moderate, * mostly- within the range of $4 0 a $4, 75 for extra; $4 87i .a 5 25 fhr extra tinnily, and $5 50 a 5 75 per bbl. for fairy brands. as.in (pettily. Rve l'ipur and .Cure • are quiet; the former is held Its: 4 311- and the latter. et 's*3 37 ; 1, for Pentisylva. • Me Meal.: ‘• The demand for WlNtt eottibines • and prices about the same, with further ; stiles of 2000 bits. i „ n lots,. at 78c 11))• inferior, and - .05 a 100 c, for ',goo.l'..and,prinfe.„):tels ; I •'• white ranges at 103 a lse, us" in quality; * tire - dal ter-kir-prime-West ed by the distillers at*iiticl)fit there' .' is very little offering% . Corti :het little imluired 'Mr and dull to-dav• at previous quotations, . and only, smite 4000,a 5000. bus. Mum] era*, pert taken lest evening,•at 68 a 70c for inferior.end good yellow afloat ; prime has are held at 72(1'; 10110 bus. fair white brought . • 70e:. Oats are in siMuly demand at 38 a 30c 'fr Southern and 40c for Fentdt." 31cto IlitnertiB.entents • KIEFFE:R'S w 0 sALE AI: E T L Drug; Chemical, Confectionary, Fruit P.IRIETV A TORE. . . rlllll.l . AinderA.lued has jus(repholishil Lin ttooli of 1 Millis and which, hat hip leeu to leafed with groat emu. he h. saih.fieti my Fri,ll amd ptemalptions ollkhe promptly mid. faitliColl)• attended 10., orders front hierchatets iu tho country will he tilled u rare ahti 'Oh tine most .ikt,.. - pos ; All vellaratiolis.spitie heti) iu necofthilice with the U. S. ilharlativoirela. STIer.S WOUND AND Wllol,', much naCilloamor, Plover, Aleplee, Coriander, Pepper, (.(lod.dr, Ito Ling ludo. LL :oiling Soda, (:rm.. Tartar, Nutteegs, leant Pon,!' 1., llore . Cite m. voooi 111tiljoralls, 1.,11 mud 141 . 4;. - 114311.1F - Oir hand 4111. the tillfelent Patent 31eilleities of the CONFECT/O.VA • Oranges. Lemns, Figs. loisuns. 1.1.11111,, A111111(1. Ftlleitis. 11:n! nuts, lirouilkuts. CI ennui uls Cliestrunta, A11101 . 1tall; Ueri/111ZI anti Frenrit nutlike , and enetly To) s'or en ery cnrioti. 'lll,o a Isliimx to make wholesale purchases ran lion lie supplied a It& I liel.ett quality or Confertlionnit , s and nit 100 es rates titan at any other liaise lit tint country. Ile Inns unison full nun. _ ANIERICAN, fIEIIM AN AND FIIENCII,,TOYF, -- rnnsist Mg of NVimti mol Tin of I.very dewription. sorb us Dolls. Don m liFeP, Birth:, 310 , figures, 'Fancy Work hoops. Carlo. Chnier, Whips. Trompets. WiMtle,', 'Dr de , de.. to be bold Wholesale ami Iteuti!, and in privet., competition In defied. TA r Goons. Port rtlonnules Purses, Pocket Pocket Uookn, l 'ort Folios, Calms, tioltuol, French and Ana:dein) lhlnn AVate. Ira:stands and trays: Card BHA:. antl.Bostels, Jett itreast Pitts. Neerdi.tt, nod Rings. Colons Puff, Long, Elul, and Back thitlinucrchu Combs. ',lnlr.Clothes. t. 'BAC)), Nail-and To)11) Brushes. Fo , u'lng',..Sliks, latent Thread.antiFpoul Cotton. Buttons. Ac.., &c. .• •yi PEItrUMBIIIES. • • - Fancy Toilet nail other Stins, Peind Powders, Ex tracts, first glutlity (lair Oils. Pomades. Shari inz Soaps and Creams: Tootle ('tale, Balm of a Thousand Flowers, Tricophereus,'Frah VaMII, War Invi;orwors, mid flair Dye. The Stowe been, seleeTed with curb and - will all on exainhiatloh, speak for themselves. -. • , , TOBA (,'CO.. A -VA SEG 'IRS. On hand the best lot of Senors and rob:rre' .that has ever Leen brought to this town. IJds Fegars will con• viiree the smoker on trial of the purity of the nraterial of which they consist—lle trims 011 'hand those only which are imported and" width he ran ru ommend us 1,11,711. We need not upeak of the true Item'. SVgil I'4ol 011). intro 111,110 gained for thmosolvt, a reputation that they on, rirkly deserve. Ile also keeps the COllllllOll or tide of Sugars to suit the trade; Tobacco such as El. ilnrado, Plain Congress, Twist Plain, Fig lanif,Caveri; dish, Congress, arid Flue Cut Tobarco and ...mutt, .the Lest material. Feeling thankful to the gnirereris polite fig their Illi end patronage, a continuation of the , 111111. in semi, WO, at one p. , rinalient meantime In Smith Hanover street, rectiv opposite 11111111011'M Motel, nod next do..r to Mr. C. tiroczy. Carlinie. June 23. Irirwtialy. , -- II 0 . 1.1 S .1i ; . 110 I 1 NV OIID S ~ momwrru Isl . CE[AIII,E6 DICKENS, ' Author of "J'iebriek Popr,,'"• Nichohzi Nichlekrf," "Dolohey ...i• Son," ele. Re-published monthly lay the Sul seribea from udr.,o •la'tx. under FM/ail - 111 of the lennion publishets. and lay Flamini Mt:immanent with thaw. Earl, monthly number eoulniatx TALES, STORIES AND OTHER ARTICLES CHAS. DICHINS, WILLIA3I HOWITT, LEIGH HUNT 11Alt lIY CoIiNWA LI, WILKIE CakINS, And ainto4 every conspicuous English writer, thus r It by far the 'in. st iliterestior, varied and die c !idly the BEST .I.ll7liltAllY Pl.:11101tICA I. In the worK, of tin, hind .iiintritiuti•A se successfully and so much to the flouting literature of the day ; It' sharp. crisp. genial articles. and Its mind ruble stories urn niece e, ely copied by .coldanpo mary publications that, th se of any other norli iihatsn. ever. TERMS, 25 CENTS PER )0/5,111EU, $3lOO PER ANNUM +*. A 'pro') p' ron Mance of 'sl.oo bCCUm a regu 41, livery, p st paid. TIMMS TO CLUBS. Two c. pies for ~pe year, ..... $ tPU Fiv'e I•.L•ve a ,; • .. . . . 20.00 Clergymen and - Teachers supplied at Tao Dollars a year.- - - TIP. v. Ninen if lint.t.eltold Words rum mewl. will, the Septetnt . or and Mgrel. N umbers but subi.crlntions ttuty begin with any number SI , TS IIOUTE11.1.1) WOll 11S, Ili TIILA. r ' zami ow ha LA. Wood 14 cloth, of $1.75 piir_volumo,_ • Soot ire , w.NI kV. ,n 1 receipt nit price. CLUItttIS6 11 ' 1'171 01q11;1t 31A117(7.rrItS? - - We will rand tlonewhold•Worde and elnieFoue of the fellowlag Meg:allies for Quo year for ;I'. Oodey's Lady's Book. Ninth British Hollow. Fri Leslie's "'agnzlne, Xe,tinnlolster - Iterlew. Ul t:k wood's " ll...rens: New Monthly. L - undon Quarterly. - ntcrsuu S l'utuanes. 01 . 111141111 . 41 51111 . 117111e4 Idhiloryh Itevirw. elrkerl orter." • • :ttlentle Monthly. - will sand IlouseLohLAiorthorith any...twe of the al ore Mingazlore or het lees. for one 3 oar. for $1.50. Hoek nutobers of '• lloucellold • Words " can be fur nishea at the Mee at l'utehotion. Oro 25 rent.; rock. tcZ"- All persons enlowribing to Household Worth, through an, AABor'n , I ot or ltoolcseller, must look to them for their supply of tine work. Address, JANSEN A CO., ju23 . 6ti. • No. 11 it Nassau St.. New. Cork. 11;IND ANNIVERSARY, .()F, TIIE :0 BELLES LETTRES SOCIETY. '; hu 72d Anniversary of the Belles hettres Society, of DI kluson Colkur, will fo hold nt On MoNDAT, JULY. thip sth, at 8 o`clu'ck, P. M. Thu public tern respectfully Invited to attend, E=MEM Partial M. Eclonati, Seth H. 'Yocum, W.lber N. Townsend, Enoch E. Kalb, Julia S Tyler, Geo. F. Ilouusl. .IAS.J. PATTERSON Chairman. • • 69Tu, t 1 N \ ERSA THE UNION PUILOSOVIIICAL SOCIETY. • The OA Annlveronry ofthe Union Philosophical So- clety, of Nolan.). Collage. mill ho held at Corilsle,- On TUESDAY, JULY the Oth, 'at B o'clock P. M. the pupil. arc rospocifully luvitoil 4o.attould. =I Rufus FL Shapley, John F. Allen, James L. Shipley, John .W. Chas. F. Thomas,. Kreleston:S. White WILLIAM W. 3IRRIIICR, Chairman. : NTO F-A R M 11,-S winOrctcic. , 9 • - IMPROVED NEW JERSEY REAPER AND MOWED,. , • The Sul.eriber boblg desirous to Introduce the vbevo nouied mishit)°, would do so Modestly . . having learned byexpellent.° that large stories are usiiuro doidsupurior machines. lheret're he would say the tibgve named machine hos Thom to o,e unto lbs2,'add hue given the most en. tiro tottisraetton. • it Is eltnida. durable and' effective ' not liable to' got . of order, raid of light draught. Btu:illy adapted to - 'Utah mewing and reaping. A a ruiple mlllllllllO way b 9 seen ht the tuiteltllle shop of i3auluer a. Ca, Curltele, #here . fartliera are luvltel to a,vd uilullie'ler theleaulvou ' • . r Cue nr 111AI:113,10 ho 11;IhThit L.. 13101110 at on 'oily thy; or'llo euun ea a field of tthiss eau te'pru' .cured puirkne.."',llue • IMIco •will be givou of . , , • r °ARAN Eli. a Co:: • . • , Temporary Asaute; Carlisle, ,Pa. , . . . -• " ' " INDIAN ROOT PILLS n it. MORSE, the lucrative of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS, bee sputa the greater part of life 1.1 traveling. having visited Europe.' isle and Africa, as troll ns North-America—has-spent- three years . anon g 'the Indians of 'our %Yeeturn country—it wee in his x, y that the Italian hoot Pills were first discovered.. Dr. Morse was the first num to establish the fact that ell disowns 'arise Irina - IM PURITY - OF 'l'll IDA)oll—th3 Our strenAth, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. • $ 13.87 4:12 4.62 2.60 'When Iho various passages become dogged, and do -not act in perfect-harmony, w Ith the differentlaulet lora . o the body, the El and limes Its a t on, tee - ,lnes .corrupted and diseased; thus causing all pains, mesa and distress of °Very . attatne;. our strength is hausted;uur health we are deprived of. as.d hr nature is hot assisted In thro.ving off the atagoattat humors, tine . hinod wlil become clanked and cease to act, and thus 'our light of life will falterer bp '.own out. Bow 101- a. Portant than that we should keep the various passages •- of_thebodi - free and open. = And.how--plcutnntAo -paL_ that we have 3lTni our power ti T put' - nTlealitaine In your reach, namely, Morose Indian hunt Pills, nonaufactured from pintas and room which grow around the moon, - laitioneclits in natures garden', fir the health al.d covery diseased mom Otte of the roots. from which these Pills lire Made Is a'SFldol.llle, - w bleb Opens t. o is rue Cat'the skin, and assists. Nature in tip oartnirmut that hoer parts of the corruption ,wlthin. 'lite second Is a admit whlell is an bxtiectuant, that opens iced un claaat_the_paa,s tee_to_the lungs and_thus in a. to tattling_ ' Hamner, I e. forai Its duty by throwing. ofl phlegm,and otheehilinFo-1, trona I tams by commis spit Dog be third Is it Diurenic. which gives ease nod Makable strength to the kidneys: thus encouraged. they draw large amounts of impurity Cr, ut th i s Idood, whirls ie then thrown out by the urinary ur water passage, and which could not have beets discharged In any other way. The fourth is a Cathartic. nod ileciFiiipanleS.lllo other prop _erties-of.-the-laills-while-mtgaged - ht - purifying pie 111,301; the clarser pat titles of itupurlfy• which cannot , 'pass In the other outlets. tire thus tmken . ;11 11!Fd con- " vary.] his parent quantities fay the bowels. Prim; the IFlFunt., It IS shout a that Dr. :gorse's Indian Root Pills mat poly outer the Stomach. but become. united Witt' the laloo, ; , Par they find way . to every part, . rim nod crimple sly rout out and clelinstr the. system Irian nil - ittalaurity. and the lite of the lady," whivit is tho blood. larva on tiv es pero.r ease ittently uhf .sicknessru d India IS a / 1 411'11011 the.syst, ta,,, for they ealtillit len:alit wheal SLc bialy Lerman,- so ilaireMniclear. ----Tho-Mason_e_hy_pimplorare-M-Clistlesc.ari.:-when-slak anal oily tomoWy Cie, Id IFF re use they do not got a medicine u Welt will }ire to the /deleted pails, FllOl will clinic the naturalo isisrttges the disease to he cast nut: Louie, 0 large titinil My /F 1 fin d nod a I her manta r is hart:red sod that stomach and batesaines nre .litettally 0,11111..11w with •tlll, corrupted scums; th.ys ' ler,FFlng;dlmpFeealFle fennel, tatIFFIF, corbtolitly the I lied, w 1,11-h throes the cm eluded matter . eiery rein tied artery. until life Is, taken hem the body hylliSl.llSll. Dr. 3ladse's PILLS lIIIVO added Id . themselves a ictrary uponrestOrlilK 10111IFFm1 the sick 1.1, 00,111 g 0101 111111111111'M Yes, 1.1. I/I , IIIIIIP 111111 have !Fern (ached or tot Incanted - With sick I:estypain acid anguish nod .11(1r0 feeble Ganes Lure he, n c: eal by the. burning . takeout to of raging fever. a oci wit, have Leonia might, as It wrrc, within step Of 1110 bIII,OI gr?Fve, mine stand tends to testify Ihnt - they .011 , 11 11P11. 'Welt II lill,rel .1 NI 1111 the dead, had It -411 t, been for this great nod wenderful utedicine. lous se's 110.11:10 foot Pills. A lter 00,111. tWO Ill'Fl4llllll been ta ke, , 110Fy were 3151,411010', FtlFil ni io cutely ...prima', in witnessing their charitable efforts. Net amly do they__ ei ve Immediate chsl, and sta erg t la..nadi•take aunty tall_ sirkuess, polo and anguish. but they mare im to work at the foal andation of the disease. which is blon.l. 'I here. • for, it u be sh..wia. ea:peel:illy IT these Winn use these I . IIIS. Ilea they will so ell'HIINe:11111 purify. that disease —1 lin FFIFFFIF9—u 111 tal.e Its flight. nIFFI the flush 01 you lii add I FFnuty .111 lien lo and the ;Fri s port ofn ham: and Nappy Ilk will eherlsla nud brighten your clats. I , 200 No Salo AfAtl ore or stionelet lilt Hhsfiefl A. B. Moore. All genuine halo ill.. lapse of & Co. on each I ox. q Intl the flf_nature of A.J. Willie & Co. All ,vllferti_are spurious.. _ _ A.. 1. W lITC & CO.. sole Proprietors, ho Lenfotril S(reet. Now York. I), Ifs rso's I 'Whin lfuot aro Fold by all. &aloe bt Nteiltrlnes. --A: a tt , nre,Canted In every town, rllLr, a and hamlet In the Lind. Parties desiring the agency will address an above for terms. roirtS per box, fivo.boxes will be 110111, 011 . .fe, eelpt ill 'Att.:o paid. iju23'sB. For : 4 010 lo 1 :11.11x10 by P. W. Tin. oUtlok• LAVE 1 - 0114 . 1110 . N EY BY BITR -17 [11.431N0 ATM 4 REAPER A ,\, Al 64v E , T AM now proparei to tarnish tlio above named,valtia. J Lie nforlilues which hese Mel With so much furor by all who liftVC properly tested them. It is admitted by all who have :Paid this and other machines that "/11% K INS' E4:I4%ItAKINIi ItEAPhft _AND MOWER is su perior to all others because It to an, easy draft for too horses, no weight 0:1 their necks breause of the light ness 4.1. Om towne and an side draft. A—boy of from 12 to 10 years of aye. is Ohio to manage this machine. The rake attached to the machine does its work fully as well as it can be done by hand. Tice a lboving .nrtmed porno:, Intro purclamed and used tills machine to whom we would refitr farmers for any Information they desire on the out jest: Col. 11'm. 311 ilenderhon,' Alexander McDowell, George lialtzhoover, sr, . Jamb Nottsidtter, two. S. Sterrett, . . Richard Wrods, WilliAln Kerr, ' Peter Myers , George Beaton,. Sam uel 'Brat:ton. Those wishing to purchase will call on 11. L. BURKHOLDER. Carlisle, ' - - or .1. 13. TOMLINSON,. liarisburg. Carlisle. Juno D. 1858 -13 n. FARM ERS' ANI) 111 EC RA N ICS' . FOUNDRY ANI) MACH IN E 13E11=13 ==! rprtE F 1111 , elt 111101 would rt.,port fully Inform the 1 pnbil.• in uenornl Um I hw In now prepaled to In !Mtn, fn•taie nll Idnds of .Arriunlturol Impli molts: ,ttelt nn Horse I'uvvrln lind !Threshing 3lndilnes with , tol.intors Al.; 1'1.14 ahrllrrn. fcr baud nr Lrr se tampr. Straw ritul Fialticr .Cut ter.. Cuitivaloi a, lIIIV V , 11:1•S.1101111 VII., Circular Situ's. Ito la vlpys rotlyular attention to Putout (In. salt Duller 111,1 This ....hi...will hull and Ihroo to six bushels par hour. soul Is comld• urea ilpelitpdly the lust mow in us, trill also furnish to order • • . r • IRON AND lilt ISS (lASTINOS • . of over,: deccflplinn: such no 'flireslAlux Machine, Plough. CllVllshiller Ilro So f.ll WnlxWs: lwantlfully designed Bulling. per Conotory hots, EMIG SUI'I.I, he.. 4c. - • -- • IlEl..111(1.NO promptly nitooded to for IN:spine.. 'Mow. log and Chrei..hlng nod nil lands of Agrleul. turn] Implements. I=l \TORT[I HAN()VER STREET . cONFECTIONEIII:, . CARLISLE PA. 117ilesale Rates Reduced s.2.per 100 The. 'rho attention of Country Merril:lute and the public generally Is turned ton large aFgortment of • 0110 CANDIES, manufactured' of the best material and warranted to contain no poison in their colors. v;idell soul he sold 111tolosalo or Retail of law rotes ut the old stand of Pii-MOSTER, ^ - NORT/I TIA.NoVF.R STREET. CARI.IBLe, PA., -- A fow doors North of that:Arltste Deposit, Bank • Just revolved R forge ovsorttitent of FRESH FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest Impgrtatlous, consisting of , Oranges, " biller's; - liaising, Prunes ' Flo,. DM es, Ilanannas, - Pine Apples," ' . Almonds,Fillies's, Cream Nuts; Cobble Ruth, dm., all of which will he sold at load rates. Also, a large as sortment of of ovary variety. Also, all thu boat brands of BECIARS AND TOBACCO, of American and Gorman mannfocture„. The subscriber returns thanks for tlio liberal patron. ego bestowed on bleu by the. pul lic. end solicits n con• limitation of their lOcers. 'Himmel/NT ti, Old Rand of P:MONYEII, North Ilatiover Street. Carlisle, Jure 18,'68 rIUNSMITHING.-REAIOVAL.- I :L A C. VON II EILNN, respectful& informs the citls'ene of Corllslo and viciplty. that' he Iwo removed two doors - sonth - ntOlass'altneel, in' North Ilanover stroot;whoto , A e < ho is prepaeod to execute all hit de of • work conneetod• with 0 UNSMITIII NU. , Ile has always on hand a largo . assorl• ' moot of ready ,all Miles. (lune. Pistols,• ~ lAnkx—Knyd—Giitt—tirlunulnia,Ae,_lilLid_ _ Which he will soil wholesale or retail. Ile also 'attends to reparitM , ail kinds of ()UDR, Clocks, 'Lock*, Afe.: on. graves on Brass Copper and Iron. moods tg °vet; .tc. lie tins also purchased the patent right tbr Repenting Rifles nod Shot OUTIK, which he otters to lho public at ,very low prim'. lie hopes that by n strict Kttuntion to bus iness, apd n desirtoto, please. he will nitwit as well as ne eolvo a Aura of the public pstronsgO. - IffieAll kinds of iffro Anna mode to order. ',- Carlisle, Atoll 21 , 1858., . ' - [gin.] . - --- - .' -,-.. • PF'S Tglta•OP CUMBURLAND 4 I . inynelf as a candidate for „the office of EIIKIti VI? of ibis 01UntY • and If, elented„ porneett , .ttn. Wilt or in,y )wsPevirliqp. r., • • 2, IMO. , item ,fitinertiemeidi, DR. MORSE'S CAKI.ISLE,'PA =I TOYS ANp FANCY GOODS Alistellancous. M: "BiDDLE G 4 yr -NOTICE.=;TFiOs. continuos the. prudes of tho law, in the, office formerly occupied by his father, Wm. al. Biddle, Eng , and more - recently, by tho law firm of Penrose & Biddle, now dissolved. 4iim ton's Abridgment or the Debates of Congress. Bec. 28,'67.] " • Price per Vol., Cloth *3 oe, Sheep 3 GO. • •- .BOOKS! ' - .BOOKS !? BOOKS!!!. SIIHYOOK, TAYLOR & B.M/Tll. , are solo agents In Franklin and Cumberland .sonnties for the following onlUablo works:' Benton's Thirty Year's Vie p cornpleto in Cloth $5 00, Low Shoop stloo. —.Norf.'s General Atlas of theLWorld.-Colored Map and bound, $d 00. 4 • • . - Buddies Cyclopaedla of Wit and nutter. American Eloquence; p collection of Speedier; etc., by the-roost eminent omtors- of- America.--with blugra pbical sketches and illustrative notes. by 'Frank Mo..re, now ready, complete In tar vols. Eletb. $5 00; Library .style. leather, $660; half call, gilt, 800; half memo. co, 700. '• • • SANDERS' SCLIOOL.BOO.SS. • `enders'' Primer. , Sanders' Speller. Sanders' Reader, . . : - Sanders' Render, No. 3. Sanders' Render, No.l, Sanders' Reader, No. 5. • Sanders' Reader, No. 5. • . ~,Saoders" high name! Reader. Sanders' Ladle's' limier. . Sanders' Speakers Wholesale and retail at • • SIIRYOCK. TAYLOR & SM I'M'S 3lolodooms Planes, SIIRYOI.IIrTAYWR - 1 - 8311T11$ SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR A: 2:3MITIVS. A largo aupyly of Selwol BOoks: wholesale and retail ERR POCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S Paper. Envelops, Pons, Inks, etc , etc. =ED - -AND 51.141 :K R coics,E. TfiEllealicmr IfouBE. • " BOOTS,, S . IIOEB. HATS , iIND CAPS,- RE 11' ARRIVAL'. Ws:Of/arta. our, former custauten. and Um public In ganeral, a first rate tisane nand anon, It .aultablo for • ' • SPITING• ANT) SUM.WEIi` WEAR I.APltUrpnlikellurbenuty, -NO;lo r anil cheap' nobs, Our st , lek vonsints of FINE SILK MOLESKIN MATS . . Hui. Kossnth, Boys; Youths', and Chlldren'S Fancy lints, et every color._ . STRAW IitIODA — ANi) OAI'S, we are sure the best as.rttnent ever offered In the county:and' worthy the attention of all. ' • BOOTS AND - SHOES or every variety dud' style, Ladies. Misses and Chit dren's line Clatters - , and all kinds of Children's Fancy hoes. . For (lent lemen a goad assertntant of erery'style and . lil.1..11; In faet'every Aarlacy In our Hoe. , Thankful to • the pullie for past flyers: ire solicit a coral's° Mtn, or no Ave - are sore Ave can make It to the advantage or the purchaser. Carltale, April 28,1838, - LLEY it. It. r SUMMER AILILANOHNIENZI - /IP %. • . 'CHANGE OF HOURS! - On and after THURSDAY, filny 13111 . 18511. l'assenger Tram, will run as s,llawal (Sued:lye excepted* . • . FOlt HARRISBURG. ' ' ' Ist Train. • 2d Train Leave Clinail,lershurg, 5.15 A. M. 2.15 F. M 1••• Shippeusburg, '5.41 " • 2.11 " 1:10 •‘ 3.14 , '• Carlisle, - !LW a 3.54. '• 3lut:haulm:burg. 7,3) " ' errivu at Harrisburg, . 8.00 " 5.00 " FOIL , • Ist 'Frain. .2d Train Leave llarrlslinrg 8.30 A. \l' . • 1.05 P. 31 • • Mitch infesburg .9.05 6 - 1.39. 66 CarllNlo, - 9.10 •• '2.13. •• Slitilpellsburz. • 10.52 " 3..23 " arrive at.Chantber.iburt.T, 11.22. .. " • . :t.53 Trahln leave IlArrlshurg for Plvladelphia, vin l'enu'a Ittalroad, ht M. 1.30, p, and 1 . 2.110 at olzht. Ity Itemllog. Lebanon VnHoy. hall. • . . For Pittsburg, 3 40, A. M., 1.00. P. M., mud 5.10. P. M For Ihdtlm•re. 8 30, A. M. nod 12,16, 11.. dm and nt -. 1.05, P. M. Trnin on Dauphin bond nt 1.00,7. M. . Fares from Harrisburg. MeiManiesinirg, i:ffirliqe. ship ponsburg, And ChatnLersimrs, iVTTI 1.0 len celaS it.l4 for Tickets at tilt! OfIlm; than 'obeli paiii iu [lit e° rs. • 0 Ty, 'rho Ticket 0111ce or the Company tit tlarrlaburg, as been relented to the- Depot of the l'euria3lrania :iiiroad Company, third doer from the Eastern end of nuildip* . . . • ..-1,),N.SU1:11; - -Superet Railmad 0111....Chambehilurg, t • • May 12.1858. ' . E W 8 'l' AUR ROU E The "subscriber line started a tri weekly line of Stages bet weetr Carlisle nod Landisburg. leaving Car lisle every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Immedb ably enthe arrival of the afternoon train or ears fren the east. Returning, leaves Landishurg at 8011 A. 11.. every Tuesday. \Pettn•sday and Saturday, and. arrives at Carlisle at inn via. Perry .. County Nam . Springs, Sham:medals. Sterrett's Gap and ('artiste Sul •phur Springs. Ou and tiler June the (Silt, the line will be run Mall: for the accommodation of passengers going the Springs. Faro to the several points as follows: Gish, to Sulphur Springs " • Sterrett's Cap • Strerinansilale, i'rrry County Worm Springs, Laudisbur4. . . . . RETURNING. • LoLlisburg to Warm Springs, Sharma tnabile , • " literrrtt's (la, Sulphlr Spring:, '• Cnrlis,o. . . . Ttin abnyn lino will e egularly carry Om MAIL to and on the several points above Indi••nted. 1 hare also a wall "stncl,c,l I,IVLI:Y STABLE. from . . • which I am fit all limes ready to furnish horses:tint ear tit.ns lu those who will lion,' MO with their patroonm. on the most reasonable terms and In the very lost style , maythlSsB. \ lIEL. 01.1) STEN' EN It. II I.:ItNY, !who has decided Ids whole life to the naive of CON,I;3IIiTION. and Its hiudrrd now that air loss ors nearly It:pent. he is iliedrous of !dining his rem :sity hi the hands of all iitllicted, frevol aliaravl hoping in this way to do a great died Cl weld before he a 11..,. lla feels confident that his ietnedy will ql feet a enrein niffely•nhiecareS 'mils or 1111,111111,1,t1 Ilea ill need cock 11111,11 rant thU glees 111111 a defairiptlon of his air her complaint a sinall tplantity lot' Medicine. Willi full cud tesplicit di reettiois prepat hag the same article [blamed Vi S. WIIOII they find that it hehelith Ihmu. liarit applicant will tine° stamps. (9 vents.l to pay the return letter 1110 ;ISSISL * pay big . this advertisement. =I C l' R l' I), 'IIIIMf' THOUSANDS EMEMEI2I Un. 8.11. IlunNF, Addre s,, ESIME =I TON'S AMERICAN PILLS 01" PO THE AFFLICTED. JIERkA vlrToludy.§. yvt. WA 11. • J YOUNG One small box of Pitlo rums ninety nine roses nut ci a hundred. No Dols on, no NIPMUrY. no odor on -the ,r lispoth, no fear of detection. on smell Nile a done; tosteleso slid -Isortnleos-no-water.--Fiti I - direr:fens are Jiveo. Su tint the patient cue cure himself as rennin as with Mc odvlre of the newt experienced • end 11)11(.11 better non with the advice of one of little eiperienre in thin chow of ilhense. • • SENT BY T4l ANY PART OP TIfE COUNTRY by ~,,etosbb, not dollar to Dn. 1,. IL Wu:res. No,- Ifcl North Seventh AL 1,1•10 W rare. Philadelphia. A Liberal Discount to. the Trade. None genuine without the written signature of U. U. Walton Proprietor Dr W 's treatment for Self. abuse. AVrakness: he., Is entirely different foe. the 11FUld tours., Dr. W.- Ins cured hundreds who hove tried Minns without benefit Elie treatment Is as curtain to cure so th ens is to rise. Enclose a stomp. and addres , Dr. V. g g -giving a- full history-of the rose- end you will hie:a the day,Vell 111;111 . 11 Ella odfott to secure what is eertaiii—A RACIUA L UDE. Jon. 27, 1850.-13% I? OUT Z' S 111IXTU Ithi.-1 his is a , powerall and truly magical remedy for all exter nal dlsoasee, either MI onto or beast. Ito would ask, bare you, the Ilhounottisat or Corns? These are not pleasant Clinlyll,lllolse, and wo know that you would Ilk° to dtiee thorn away us quick I. possible. Then unit Yenta's Mixture. - Woutil you hare xour - sor - es, suiellinirs, cuts. bunts. siuttins, bruises, or soy other wounds bertied, - tve retreat. It. 0.0 Foutz's Mixture. It Is trnly a wiallOrful artirlo If your ,horse has the t.parin, Itinghono. Poll.livil, Fistula, Scratch., Cracked heels, Chafes, tia' is. Sprtitts, Sc. IV° nay ;cola and nolo. your remedy is Vents's Mixture. It mete but twenty.flre rents to try It. Hundreds who were racked with pains—a:ores who were thought incurably aided. hose been restored to health and soundness and nro now rejoicing in the. blessings that health bestows; and thus, dear reader, nosy it he with you. if yen are so•unfortunate as to be afflicted with any of the Ills, for which you find' this Liniment recommended, use, it'ipreseryingly, use dt faithfully, and we thinkfyOu_will have cause to bless the day when you, became acquainted with Fouts's Mixture Prenatal by S. A FOUTZ, Westminster, Md. For sale by S. W. Ilayerstick. Carlisle, l'a., and More keepers throughout the county generally. rrleu 25. and 50 cents a bottle. fjul6 • 6B-Iy. • "MOUNT HOLLY SpItINGS HOTEL," ' FIVE MILES FROM OAULISLE,'P4., At the Gap of the South Mountain.. • Tll EPUBSCE LEER ;of the St. L.Awratlce t'tl • Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.-- having leased the /Move popular Sumuler liesort,"or the late 'Proprietor. Jos. W. Patton.'will open the same on the 20th'ofJ une, ler the reception or'gnoNts; • Terme moderato.. Address, . 'A. U. MULLIN, Dloutit llolly Spine, Cumberland County, Pa. just received N' F f ‘ G ro W m INI 0 11it O del l ?il S ; - 61 i il a flriOsZly - of WATCIIKS NI) JEWELRY. parsons In want of a idea Watch. or fine ratt ofJewelry. are respectfully invited to call rod .cis for themselves. Also a large assortment. of Gold demi and Ponelle of the moot relubr4l.9 makers- G. w bi Ili I mill the attention of the writing. community foe harping fall at Naught's Cheap Jewelry. Store. )lain ?Jetted. Carlisle, Pa. '-u1y287•13, 11. VATTaT!M' : (LI 1-1 I RIF PA LT Y- 7 Tti. 'rum' Vortoi iir . , k 1 iripiUNRI,‘NI, COUNTY.--VEunw Cinzscoic.Desloolni of helm eisetudi to, the of eoorSittlitlFilrif thleirounty. I hereby oler Inysolt to yclur;corisiderlitins, ass. solidi: dots fbr tho sstue, and suoat - risiosetfully 'solicit tour . ;support. • • - - .. . . , , --'' ' • ' ' . . A 116DERT IifoOARTNEY. . . .. . • QuilolsOutie 2, 1858.-t e:, .. . _ .. el P. ,HUAIRICI11; 'Attorney at Law. J.—ome,i on NArth lien Over street. tow doors south of Wass' llotelt- All- business entrusted to him will be promptly attouddd LAW NOTICE. - R , Emoirxr.,. -. W. - 51: - PEZ91108E him rentlived fife°Olen to the om formerly occupied-by h!m on Main street a few doors east of the slothedlat ,Cliureh . where ho will promptly attend to all business istrusted to him. . August 19, 1857. ' .. -. P . AW OFFICE.--,LEMUEL TODD has resumo4 tho.practice orthe .offiee in- C hurch. ePtre.liquare,Lrepst. side, pear ttokirst-Presbyteriari. April 8, FIR.. S. B: KIEF.Pgit Offle . o iii North ....ritnnover streci two doors from Arnold & Son's store. Onlce bourn. more'particulcrly from 7 to 9 o'clock A. M.. nod from sto 7 o'clock, AI. • ' DOCTOR-A-RMST-RONG-has--remov-L ed his office to Centre Square nest of the Court House; n where he may be aiiimlted at any lunar of till , : day or night. Dr. A. has bad thirty years experlunce, In the professlA, the inst ten of which hays 'seen dmii.- ted to . the srudy aml practice of llonneopathic medl. tine. Slay 20, • R. J. S ' Ilibfficeopathle Physician end Suigeon. Office, East Maio street. dr:joining 4 ..mxtoti's hartlwAreTefore.• }larch 31, 181,8.--Bto,* • , G. 11.16.., W. .NEIDICII,- p. D. S. -"- Late Darnonsinitepar Operative Dentistry to the tou: 111tirze CM age or OM% ntra rY r4ifienee.. • N0v..11: It 7. • Du. EC.LOO3IIg • 3'‘m"n ;:luoo' tti Hanover. Street, text Ornep. • 1 . 0... 11. 111 he absent from ,Ceflisle the last ton 41'4 re.ich month. (Aug. I, '65 D It . UEUItU . I Z. BltE ,T Z , .having returned to Carlisle, tdrein-hia professional see ices lo tin% cititeha generally.' oak,. in North Pitt street, nearly opposite his "filmier restlenee• Terms—Mo l leratc. March 31.'58: =I T\R.wry GEORGE S. SEA - - isivertr . 11/11101,1TOENTIST, from the ' Hal- Maori, College of Dental ° Surgery. trgi,.Chlice at the residence of hie mother,Enst Louthei treets. three dlion+ below Bedford. ?larch In. liis6--tf, C.."N EFF; a respeo- iiiii. , -__ fully inferno the Indies and gentlemen °".• ofe . arlisle.tuld ; vicinity. flint he has stinied the practice of llentiqry. end As_ prep evil to per form all operations on the teeth and gums. belonging t hie pt‘ole,dott.. lle Insert full into of teeth on gold ue silver; n It It single gum teeth. or Ids.ks, as they may prefer.' ferms dernto, to suit the times. titlioe in Hid, qtrent, directly opp .site the Cumber land volley Bank, • et)-Dr. 1 1 / 4 '. will bo In Nowvllle tie last_ten days of ovary- utonthe...L .1 , . Jan ^0.1358.-Iy'lSsB.-Iv.' C.7 .-** " . • ..„./ S. W. lISI'EItSI'ICK, fist, North Ilanover Street., curlirle. - ' PlA,l4to's prenerfpt Mfrs rm'efulli compounded full impply of frenh dral,..ti and chondralB. r m kh tying puraln.ed ,ho LUIIIIEIt YARD, foilaerly kept by Henry (Oaks Las I . ollloVed it to lho-corner of Nor.h nod NU to reet , , where ho has a lards lid of oak, *glean lit shy red nod cut aliltrzles..Wlth po+ta of nil do scriptoin, grub p nnk sod scantling: shloule and plaster. lax lath: - all of schichwlll ho sold cheap for cash. March 21, 1828. lllRNlCKl7llll6l)ll..billdbraud BEANK.RY/K MANUFACTURER, Alechanieshar.4 .ftaf•NewNpapc - 11; 'a”.bokx. Copy.looko, he., etc., aidt received and nrao.l. no:a r ty bound In on, itcolt. at moderato charg ;ft • Alan. piper ruled - brany - declrdd - pattern. .• - • - • Jan'. 0,10 S.) QCItIVENER, AND CONVEYAN- L, CEIL—A. L. SEW:SLED lgie Register of Cumber.' nod county. will carefully attend to the trrinsactlon of nll such huslitess as may ho entrusted to him. such us the writing of Deeds. Mortgages Contrails. &o. De will also devote hls Litton Lien •0 the Armoring of Land War rants. Pensions. Ac. us irett'nin Initibirstornd sole' of Reel Estate. negotiations, °florins, lc. *6_olllc° on West filch Street. formerly occupied, y W. 31. Pontos.. Esq. near the Methodist Church. VRANKLIN HOUSE, south. Hanover Street, ackloihing Cho Court House, Carlisle, Pa. JOHN lIANNON. Proprietor. "'-•• 'I tit Coach letves daily for Plpertnwn. Peters. burs, Yark,Sprimm and ILramer from this House. go 50 1 (H .1 00 12111 Sniov P. SNAen, Ohio. .W. K. Meritu.ANE, Ponodylvanin. , L. L. COOK. Moil° Tel . . SN Yir) E R, INFF ARLAND; AND • • • . 'COOK, Bankers and Dealers in Real Esintet 1111EI'l .rl l O T E PUBLIC.—The .indersign be ,iu„•% well known as a - wrlter. would ulfur his servir,a to all requirlud Literary MIL Ito will fm-rdsh Ad Ires,A, Orgthms, Essa Y's Present:tido. nibovelo-s and rephen ldneNir Album?, Avio.dlen—prepare matter for the l're:•si !aunties. and write I.4,etty upon any suldect Address (post paid) • FINLEY .InIIINSON, Feb. IT, • Balthuore. Md, (i 13311 3 I) COUNTY NUI3- I mm. S)IIIIAL.—Tho sec And ses,l4l of this NW [talon will roonnonco In LITERARY HALL. Ness, We, to.. on TUESDAY, APRIL. CO, 18" uud. continuo FIVE MONTIIS. Au 11111 e Corp , Or 11114,1,0 M have been Secured and a etf,trt trill be spared to render the school worthy of wiwstti m 11...ttelts t r occupy, and of the patronage hi taped Italy e,lirltx For circulars contaluing full particulars address =I New ?'ork Ity'ordur of 4,11 t, Board of Trusters, IMNI EL BIIELLY, Prealdont. ViDll5ll, Socre la r3'. Foh. 17, 'sA.—tr. I.N- INERCHANT TAILOR, a : West Main 'SI reel: (opposite tim 'Num.] has jut received it new and elerant as,ortnient of Black and Fancy Cassiniers. mid a variety of Plain and Figured - Tool Inge. all 'of whlrll lm will make-no to ineloadv nrtsltioeahlo sly In, mid - on - ten: stumble terms. . Atii— Orders attOnd.d [AI promptly. anctize fitting of till atirmeii IS Outran temd. or no toils. • Carlisle. niaylnlSt,K. N, 11ANTelli. NOTIC K.- 17 ,'Not ice is hereby given !hat hmasoss" - conducted In !he - Borough- Newvllla hy.Wlllhan E. Crateer. for the subscriber, under the name and 'style of '• William E. Crateor, was d;seentiotted on April let, 1858. The account books are hi the hands or the subscriber, who only. to dully :tuthoriseJ 1,, eolith the wrote. and ',quests all persons indebted on cold books to call Int toodiately and settle their nreoubtS.' ' . • • JAMES, McOANDLISII, May A, ISsB.4lmtin 11 , 1 STAT E OF DILL, dou'd. Letters; of Arlininistratimi On the estate of Peter Dill, late of 'Hampden too :Ishii,. Cumberland county, deceahed, have been issued by the Register to the sub. scriber, residing in lower Alien loWilnlkip. All persona indebted to Ilia estate ore requiredlo make linumdlato 1101 - nod and thine+ having claims Ointment theni duly authenticuted fur settlement. Vzsl ETTERS. TESTA3.IENTARY ON IA the Estate of JACOB LUCA:Vete of the Town ship of South liddloton, deceased, have been granted to the subserila-r. residing In tiai samo Township. All pelmets who have anima against mid Estate aro re quested to present them foe settlement: and those indebted to eald Estate aro requested to make Itureedi ate payment. mylB.lrBsB. ESTATE NOTICE. - -Letters testa - mentary an ihe EaAu, of - Archibald l'ileAllister. dammed. late of Dlekinson township, have been Issued to We subsbribor, cesidinn In the mum township. Ali persons hoeing claims neninstttnisuld estate will pre. sent them for settlement, and thoselndebted will make payment to ‘ Jul6lB-0t having .sold II his anti° stock and Internet to tie .I:icy iPoodi 1 / 1 1Auess—to.alesars..LeldIci.i'llawyer y .would-reapect, fully recommend them to all big old .customore and all who want chew awl - &likable lcOodis; bell* satisfied that they will endeavor to plow all who way glee them a call. Expecting to leave Carrillo at least. for a time, he - urges - upon - ahrthWelrgo — ha — Te unsettled accounts wt him, TO CALL IUIJEDIATELTLAND SETTLE UP, SS no ftirther indulgence etin he shown. ' Thu subserlberrnay be found at his residence for a week or so ready to settle np with all those inde'3l,eth' • my2trsB-at. . . • ,131..0. W. •lIITNER. IkrOTCOR. —r'Notiee is:hereby Riven, LI that applleatith will be made to Ike-next Lenin. leturn of. Peinisylva dn., to. alter_ the. charter of the 11),ELT 4 1.1: DEPOSIT DANK. located in the, llorough of Carlisle, Cumberland .Countr; en at tie ,confer upon Dank. the rights and privileges of a Dank of Issue.' end to change Its, noise to the tleetisie'D %an ; also; to - increase the malts! of sold.. Hook, which As It.present Seveuty,tworThousend..D.illais...wittr,privileito'of creaslnic the same under, Its present'harter to one hun ~' 'Mod t h ousancldellars, to twohninired thnnsand dollars. r 0. uttssELmAN,cimilar.:.: Cerdsleijnie • , Zusiness Carbs ~~k _~t~~ ST.) , MINNEAPOLIS, 'Minnesota Territory T. A. MOUNNEY, Trez.rer. .!Noryllle, PA === - `hf. P. DILL, • Adthinbarotor of Deter MIL doo'd JOHN METZLER. Executor of Jacob Luca's tleo'd JAMES M. nAtsiori, Execrator of New . motto. A RIWV" AL ear;. AND no FILF:GiAtT NIW . • 4. W.' BEIIiftVIS STOliEw Spiehdid :Stock - of ner(Blitelr Dreep 'SHlM—Magnifico:l Styles Fancy Dress Silk.. '.-11/4:1111 RARE:!!-ELIdQANTf I2 --,--French -- Fnulard --Silber- Chinese Silks, - Satin -- and dtriped Bareges.Valenclas; Ducalles Beautiful • new printed Cl:allies. French pri nted Jame netts, very handsome 'Ebglish Brit. Banta, very handsome French Brilliants, English French and, • . •' Am Icon Prints, Scotch, ' ficonch and Domestic e'" Ginghams, , _ _ Bonnets, 139. - net Ribbo ns an Dress Trimmings, • Shawls in every variety, ° Silk Crape, Stella, Cashmere, . Ac. Embroideries: very low Corn° prising COLLARS. SLEEVES FLOUNC— MOS, EDOINOS. VEILS, ' c.' Carpeting:: • ' and • Oil Cloths: VEN ITI AN, IN tilt A 1 N; . THREE PLY, Bitussms, COTTON & HEMP, Druggets and-Floor-011_Cloths ' LINEN GOODS. A complete assortment embracing all the Most 'vele brated marks. • GIOVen end ' Hosiery for La- • • d I es, Misses n d . Children, greet variety • of. kid, silk and, Cotton . (Moves, Ladies EleFrint Tn fisted Silk Mitts, &r. DOMESTIC AND STA PLI GOODS: Bleached and unbleached Skirthiss, 'llleathed APO...Unbleached sheet logs. Woolen and Cotton Flannels. Corset Jeans Tiekings, Cottoned., Satinets, Tweeds, - Cotton and •Linen,Dla - pees, Table Covers, Bleached and Oronn drllilngs, - - and an. endiesti va-.+ l • _rlety- , ,..of—other articles. • ; • In feet, this stook 'of goods is very extensive, thor .ough and complete, haying been purchased with n great deal of care. we feel confident we mu please any one who will favor us with a call. All raptild persons who hive patronized us hereto. fore. Will admit, that we have sold the best bargains uvbr purchased in Carlisle. We can assure our friends and all lovers of "Cheap Goods." that"we aro as well prepared as ever to offer superior inducinuents for their patronage. • • A. W. DENTZ, South Ila noviir street, opposite the Post Qtico. 'Carlisle, April 21. 1858 VEW GOODS !. NEW • GOODS !! I-13n6ejAnt-retnnved-hom . . . . lelphin, and am now opening in lho now store room he Inmost end moat splendid stock of • ,SPRING AND SUMMER .GOODS ever bmtight to Carlisle. A niagniacent line of LA DIES DRESS 0001)5. sorb as Plain and Pitney Silks. llayadere Side Stripe Silks Eleirant .111adi - Silks; very low, Poll De Chpviers. Oronadines, Vail:napes, and Da rego Robes. Side Stripe DoLanes, Duca Organdy Lawns, Brilliants. etc., etc. A full assortment of Embroidery,' Elegant Collars, Undoesleaves, handkerchiefs. inserting,. Edgings Floanc . llo...etc., etc:, cheaper than ever,' Cambrics, itarred•n,d Striped Jaconets, Swiss Moslins. Nansooks, etc , etc. Muslins, Tlekings. Checks. Oltighams,etc., of all kinds and at the very lowest notch. • JUBLIOA:4,, FLO.IVERS; • Ruches, on 'entire now onsurtment. SPlit All SII AWIS, II largo assortment end very chi•gp. such on Steno. wool.DoLnino. Thlbet,Airemllne. New Cloths and Cass'mores also Just remised. Cue sintures and other goods for boys' wear in "great variety. Counterpanes, Hosiery. gloves. Mitts, ete.,.etc. A full And new assortment of Mahogany, ItoSewood and Walnut framed Looking Musses. CAIRN:M(IB ANT, MArrmis.,—.trtother supply of super Imperial, Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp nod Stair Carpet. very reduced prices. This stock has been laid in with great care at the - very lowest resit" prices, end will lie sold for the eashat such prices as will convince all. t hat.Ogliby'a new sterols the ;dare to lay out their .Fll.lO the very best advantage. Light profits and qubit sales.--Ite.llect-thernow-storo-is on thwcorner-of Matti and Pat streets, opposite the Methodist Church. Carlisle, April 21,'55.] 011 AS. OPILI{V. NO IV IS THE TLIIE FOR 'BARGAINS I'•ARGE AND EXTENSIVE AIt SPRING AND "I XO ' Ett: 'bans. at the NW? 7Coi•ner of North Hanover _anfit Lowther Streets, „• The undersigned returns thanks for the. pstronnge :I. , estowekLupuithitmhy_thepublic..tunlat-therminutlum respectfully announces that he his Just returned-from. Philadelphia, mud is now opening a flow lot of SPRUNG' AND SUMMER DRYAIOODS.A.N.B.OROCEEIBS, Sem slating in part as follows, and which he is determined to sell at the lowest rash prices. SILVIS, . DUCAL CLOTHS. Charlton, Alpacas. De. !Alma Deßages, Lustros, Poplins," Lawns, Bareges, II rillian ts Skirting. French and Scotch CI ifighant tTPrints. Uloves, Hosiery, Collars. Handkerchief. Ac., kc. . SHAWLS 'AND MANTILLAS, In every 'style and quality. STAPLE AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths, Ca.. stMeres,TOMing."Flitiiiiits. Mullins, Ticktnes. Stripes, Checks. Calicoes, nottonades, Linens, Sheeting., Dent. urns, Nankeens, Drills, Musselilss Quilts,'colored and white Carpet Chain, Jr(c, Ac. Parasols and. thuhrollns Also a large and splendid assortment of BONNETS, HATS, CAPS. ROOTS ANDIVIOES. - A superior lot of fresh CIROCERIES, Teas. Coffee, 'Su• gar, Slolnsses. Rico, Spices. Ac., Ac. Having selected my entire stock with the greatest lam and the lowest Conn PRICES. I roll assure my friends and the public getiernlly, that I will do all In my power to make my establishnieut known as tlui ...HEAD QUARTERS FOR RA ILO AINS." . Those wim wish to purchase will find it to their ndvantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing. ' I will pay the highest market price for Butter. Eggs, Rims. Soap, and Dried-Fruit. 3. A. HUMItILII, Jr. Carlisle, April 21, 1858 • NEW GOODS FOR SPRING CLOTHING. The subserlbors respectfully inform tbelr patmus, and the citizens genendly, that they haverecontly received tram Now York and Philadelphia. a large and elegant assortment of clothing suitable Mr the present !wagon. manufactured of the best ni aerials and in the most ill/4110110110 style, uhich they are determined to sell cheaper than smiler attic as can be elsewhere. Their.stock comprises DRESS AND FROCK COATS. of new mid litsitionable styles. Business Sacks and Frocks of the best material tad latest Inatom; Double and single breasted Vests, In endless ,varlety—cheice styles. Fine Black French Dneskin and Fancy Cassi mere Pants, Plain light colored Cassimere Picts, in girat-variety— choice styles WV'S CLOTHING.' . In order to meet the wants of the people In .thi branch of their business great rare and attention ha been given to It the ,reseal le4SOll. Goals. ['Mat, an, Vests of nil sizes and qualities, to which con:dant addi tions will be made during the season. Also, a full assortment of Shirts • Collars, llosoms,lCta vats. Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, ntorim, , Oloves hosiery and Umbrellas. Always on hood n lame assortment of Black, Brown Blue and Olive Cloths, Black Doeskin and fancy Cass' were Ventlngs, Clothing 4•f every, description and quality well made aid of good material constantly on hand. Custottno , s work made up to order, at* the shortes notice and'on reasonable tonne. SltNOl.l3 & LIVINGSTON. Carlisle, March 24.'50.—5e..] North Hanover tit JB.. K E E lt' S FIAT, CAP, • 1100 T AND SIIOE - STORE. North Fast Corner of the Public Squire. The subscriber offers to the publia a complete and eholen iissortmunt of lints, Caps Boot,sand Shoes. \Vidal bore lust been purchased from the best manufacturers , . Our stock consists of a groat variety. of beautiful- - . SILK "AND FELT DAIS, made expressly for customer.. All kinds of. Cape for Men. Boys and Children. Wo would invite partic,ular attention-to-our: well selected 'and groat variety ol these goods. as.wo are confident tb.iy aim - of:be excelled In the town or county.., ib Ras AND SIMES, 'of every style end variety, ell unequalled for price sod fin lob. It consists in part of MEN'S hno French CALF BOOTS, BOY'S ••• " . • YOUTH'S " " • LADIES' French and English GAITERS, • Misses' and Children's , • Every variety of Children's fancy Shoes. The heat lot of heavy WINTER BOOTS, .fur men and . boys. In town. Thankful to our friends and the public for past fa vors, wr b..po by strict attention to the wants of our custoinera, and by selling (1001)000LS, to merit their continued tliver. J;11; KELLKIL N. D.—W, 'bell no Auction Goods! • [Oct. 7,'57. D. J. LEIDICII:' "SCOW PEOPLE. C. SAWYER NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE. Large ariaial of new and seasonable goods at LEIDICH -- ,; t tr SAWYER'S, ( formerly , - Geo. .11'.` IT a ner' 8) Store, East .3.4a"in . Street, a few door.- below Afar . tin' a Hotel. ~ • HMING Just returned from Philadelphia, with a large addition of new and desirable goods to our former stock, we are now prepared to'offergroat Induce. manta to town and country trade. Our stockeinbraene nearly every thing Suitable for Ladies. Allmon, Alen's, Boys' and Children's wear; con sisting-in part of elegatit Crape Shawl", Stella and Cashmere Shawls. Lace and Silk Mantillas, very beau- Ling Swiss and Cambric Collars ' Edgings..losertings, Parasols. Ladles Sun Umbrollatc.Oentientan's fine silk Umbrellas. Kid Moves, `beat quality, long and short Mohair Mitts, Silk and Lisle Gloves, a full line of bre -Amy, sidled to both- 60X1314 and all ulcer. Beautiful bleak gross,Dulthine Silk, elegant' fancy ;Allis, selling VXIIT OUZAP. 'F, each foulard Silks, Marcellneand double Florence. all colors and qualities, very superior Bombs-. sines, Alpacas, black and colored all wool DOLaines, , -Tissuesiglareges.ApporrileyetilisrCirooslan and-Him alayalt Clothe for travelling . dresses, Challis.% Brilliants. .Chintsea, fine Orgindlo lawns, Porch do o Jaconet, AP. Lit.lif Gingham, Scotch do. linglish,Calieoes yery desirse . Me at 123 domestic prints all prices, new style shirting 'calla/es. also a large 'stook of new and standard brands "lili ntri — iiid7Sh - Rttrigtlo4 - Allendels7fibeetingi - Pillosv.ease 'Muslin, wireihread oral herringbone Mk . np. ' Vlrglula Osnablirts. Furniture 'Cheekily Cottcn ipantingk, --- , - .eotnprgling ;York Mills, 111pka's Stripes, Peon'a.&llllls.Denttp,*&e.. &e. - 114 French bleak clothe very supotlor; French block Doe-akin Cassimeres, Luny for boys wear,' Silk and eatin.Yestiugs, black' and col ored Btlk Mandkerchlefs, Mon's Stooks. Fancy Cravata, alandittgAnd Byron Cogere, redly made linen and Mar: sallies ,bosoms for Adam-black And white straw . and* .ehif ha t s, bannets, ,flatil, and A -great variety uf ther - .IYe bop!' frAm our experience in bullhorn and desire. to become established in trade and attention to custom• era, to merit S sham of goblin patronage for which we 'will feolAruly grateful;.. Please call sootraithebargalim. . . sop going oil - 1 : 8 1,4 41 ,7. . '• ' . 'l' ' < '-': ' • .• . ' ~•„1Ar1i.10,,n174.1 kg-4y. : - ~,, o ... ..- ... ,- - '.: -,: , .. . . . . . . , .. .. -- -, 11,F,'" - liandbills neat exeouted,--.-- „•- ~ 13oiertiseinento. Min 'BOUTHWORTU.' " COIAMEL GAT CROCKETT, CHARLES BURDETT, THOMAS DUNN ENGLIIIII,II. - D., . HENRY CLAPP, .1011.„ OEORG E 'ARNOLD, ' SAMUEL YOUNG: ' - Man. ANNA WIILPLEY. ' Mee VIRGINIA VAUGHAN, •Man..Dl VERNON, Mies CLARE, - • FINLEY'JOUNSON, Write only for the GOLDENPRIZE-:- • GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. . GOLDEN PRIZE. 4 GOLDEN PRIZE. - • • GOLDEN PRIZI ILLUSTRATED DEAN & SALTER, Successors to DcGeri * Co. The New York Weekly GOLDEN PRIZE.Is ono of, the largest and host literary papers of the day—an imperial Quarto; containing eight pages, or forty columns, of the most intereiding and fascinating reading metier, from — the peniforthicrertfireOrtiters of the day. ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED EVERY. WEER A e PRESENT, • WORTH FROM 60 CENTS TO *5OO SO,. Will be given to each subecriber Immediately on receipt of,the subscrlption - mcney; — Thle - lirprerented - mra - Mir I i inento of Friendship, and not as au Inducement to ob tain aobscribeni. • T It DI S One copy . ..for one Yeer, One copy for tw,o yearp,^ One copy for three m ca One copy for five years, AN D „WO CLUBS . • Three eoploa, one $5 'Five tandem. ono year, ' 800 and ,5 " Ton coppa, ono year,• . 15 00 and 10 .• Twonty.one copies, ono year; 30 00. and 21 The artieloslo be given away are comprised In the fo lowing list: , - 2 Packages of flold, - cotitalnlttg ' $5OO .00 each - 5 .do do -- do 000 00 each • 10 do do do TOO 00 each 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches 100 00 each 20 Gold Watches 75 00 each • 50 do 00 00 each 100 do 50 00 each 300 Ladies' Gold Watches '- ' 35 00 each 200 Silver Ilunring Cased Watches 30 00 each 500 Silver Watches . $lO , OO fe_25,00 each. 1000 - Gold lloard, Vest, Fob Glialhssl.o 00 to 30 Oreach Cold Lockets:Bracelets,' 'Brooches, Rar Drops Brmmt Pine, Cuff Pins, Sleeve• Buttons.. Dings,. Shirt Studs". Watch Heys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 rents•to $l5 each: • We will present to every person sending us BO sub scribers. at $2 each. a Cold Watch, wort , . $10; to any one tending us 100 subscribers. at $2 tech. A tiold Watch, wortlis9o. Every subscriber will also receive s present. • • • lunnedlately on receipt of the money, the subscriti. er's nom irlillieontered upon our book, and the prew ent will be tbtwarded within of week; by mall or ex• press, post 'paid.. • All communications shouldlie addressed to , • DEAN & SALTER, PROPRIETOIIF, - 335 Broadway , ?iiiiy.l;ork ESE A GREAT 1100 k FOR AGENTS! Published thus day,. Fob. Olh, lgtiir FIFTY YEARS IN CHAINS: Olt, THE LIP}: OP AN AlliiitiCAN St,,AWE. •. WRITTEN 111 .11MSELF. • 430 Pages, Cloth, airt flack. Price $l. Thin Is the title of one of the most intensely inter' estinghlographies of the day. It Is the plain history a an American Slave In the Mr South, who. after two or . three escapee and recaptdres, finally an old mast, annul freedom and rekt in minor the Northern States.. jereos.Siw. The story is told With in vat sloiplicity, but with much poorer atitt-pathon.' 'Whoever taken It will find it difficult to lay It' down uatilltJa- fin ished.—Na v oskl. Hat, {Washington, D.C. •"' • A narrative of roil experience,- like the • above, will have far more effort agal,pst slavery than' the ingoni. nusly wrought novel. IMOnvor_true to lif Its-pictures • way be.—Am. II terts'r • flare is the book of facts, stranger than fiction, end thousand fold more thrilling; a simple tale of /Ifirlatig oppression, revealing truly the workings of the tt toot-_ liar imnlt'utiont' In our country. To the story•loring, we would say, hero is a story wortl reading. MISSION 'REC0111). , 'CANVASSER IS WANTED. In en - Ch county.ln ilia free 'State', to engage In the sale crib., above work- immediately. Such can easily -- clear from - - - *5O TO 19100 PER MONTH, 3 Tho work Is beautlhally. printed and hound, and in as largo an tho book, that hell for *1 25; but as_vreAnexa. to sell at-leant ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOMES, through agents, we have mad° tho retell prico only ONE . DOIr I V .4 - AMPLE COPY of the book will be cent by in 11. pbspize paid, on receipt of thif pried, And our private circular to Agents, with terms. etr. AttPens II DAYTON, Publinher, No. 29 Amentreet, Now York. I= RIE=EII7MI I.lstm Inducements to Buyers this Stuns. Opening oh DD [YIN'S Now STORE. No. 415 BROADWAY, one door South of Canal Street, Now YORE, ON MONDAY, MAY THE 10TH .- - Ono thousand elegant now MANTILLAS, Imported from Paris for tho occasion, WILL BE EXHIBITED ON. THE OBI:NNW] . DAY SPECIAL NOTICE . TO LADIES In nrdor to satisfahorily inaugurate tbo auspicious ovout . of Removal to his Now and Elogant :tore, tho oubscriber h. determined DURING THE WHOLE OF TILE PRESENT SEASON to niTur to his very nu3l9Vouo patrons thrnughont every section or the ilnion,.3loST EXTRAORDINARY INDUVRAIENTS AS REGARDS PRINS. ❑e is now manufacturing from Imported Earlsian Designs, , • MOST EXTENSINE AND ENTIRELY NEW STOCK Inkving. In accordance with Ills expressed determination as per mine ao nounceMent. mode a complete cleanince of all hits former merchandise. The advantages of purchasing from thin collection will, therefore, at one ho manifest, every article in the Mock being entirely fresh and now, Elegant Black Silk Summer Circulars, • Do. do. Silk and•Lare, French Lary...llantilhuste- Do. do. Tatman, • Do. do. Circulars, - Summer Cloth Raglans and Basques, • Darege.and Crape V ante Circulars, Mourning Nlantillas, • Hinson' Mantillas, Ladles' Ousters and Traveling Cloaks, Nether with every other fashionable article connected lilt the Mnutilhi Trade. Beautiful Stella Shawls, in black and white, and every ehltable color. 'N. 11.—The subscriber takes this opportunity of stet leg, that whilst fully resolved on maintaining the high character his establishment has already obtained f.. 1 keeping at tick's of first class fashion and quality, he I:- equally determined to offer them at prices in'accord ance with the present season of retrenchment and economy. • • GEORGE - MILPIN, 415 litimdsray, Nea York.'.' (Under the Brundnith (louse.) Nay 12, 1558-2 m. J . It.. C A S_B..ELL BEItIt IC 'lt3 (UTE Alf111:14 CASIELDERILY,) DAY- GOODS' , STORE, 53 Notvgit ir.icarrn STREET, .IiLLOW ARM (oID No. 40,) PHILADELPHIA DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, ONE. PEICE—NMALL PaorIT—CHEAP ROIL CASIL. junS-ly, PRINCE & CO.'S IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON THE OLIO' ST ESTABLISHMENT In the' UNITED STATES, EMPLOYING TWO HUNDRED MEN; and Finishing EIGHTY INSTRUMENTS pER WEEK. Combining all their Recent Improvements—the Divided Swell, Organ, Melodeon, Ac., Ac. „ (The Divided Swell can only be obtained in Melodeons of our Manulacture.) GEO. - A. PRINCE & CO. • • 2111;inufnotdrers, 'Butirklo,•NeW York ThIOLESALE DEPOT 87 Fulton et. N. Y. 110 Lake at. Chicago, 11l WROLESALR ACOlNTB—Rutmell & Richardson. Bca ton, Mass.; W. P. Colburn, Cincinnati. 0.; Palmer A. Weber, Bt. Louis, Mo.; Ph. P. Werleln. New Orleans. . From the Home Journal. A prll a, UM; - The Melodeon!' manufactured by Prince *CO.. ' and 'fir rule at 87 Fulton 'amt, are the beet In the world. We have ttled them, and therefore spec* updetetaad. biFly of their merits. They are Attended at a'ntymod•'• etatouost. , PRIORS OF OORTABFM.INSTRITMENTS Four octave Melodeon, extending from 0 to 45 Your and a balf octave, • do. . . Cto Y.-- 60 Y,ve Octave Melodeon, . do. Fto F 75 Five octavo, double reed, do. - lf, to F........ 730 ORGAN MELODEON: — Two Banks of Kays, Five 3 - eis of Benda, Blitifitiens One and a Half Octave FootPedalif, One Bet of Beals, In Petal Baas Indepeudent.—... PRICES OP PIANO CASED . • I: Five ' Octavo MelOdeou, extending from F to F.......... 5100 'EllialeteWe'll - eloiliketi; --- do. --- TV'toTZZ. - . - . --- -. - 100 Flee Octave double reed. do. " ' Fto F.'. ....... 160 ' Five °clerc; Two:Betake 0F•1icep.........e.......„..,....:........'1.010 • . .„ . • . • Our &Millet for nutnuflicturipg ere . yierfeet, end from our long,experlance In the' business; , lutying 'fiolOwd and sold- peer ,WW.ICNITTWO TIIOUBAND.,IIIKLODK , ' ONB, we feel confident of gleiuglatiataction,, , Melodeons of, oui.ocanufacture;oltberaold by as, ordealent In any pert of the ~ Unlted States or:Oanetlas. wont often to be perfectin every r.eipegt.andeheel& c - eny repaint be. peconsary before the oxplmtion of one year fkom,thedate oriole we hold outuellies ready and , ' willing to me leelle same foie of charge, :Pfa ,l o o4 ' 4 4 0 injory, la not causedlky accident Or, design.. '• , • , x'' Ake n icer the side Of mir 'Melodeons 02i4,Di:ount' lir 4:11 thutnincinatelties Slut ; tostoe.tu Otii 3 Oulted istato,m, 'Akan e et; Oarltele-411111M0g; . a: LINN, ;,, TIIE LIVER INVIGRATOR ! PRE 'ABED BY DR.;/SANFORD. Compounded entirely from GUMS. lIS ONE OF THE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER .31EDICIN ES now before the public, that acts as a Venancio, miller, milder, end more effectual than any other medicine known. It in not only &CATHARTIC. but , .a Leven remedy,-ecting first en the LtVER 10 eject Itli% morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to car/ . - ry off that matter, thus accomplishing two pprposes effectually, without any of the painful feellngn'experl awed in the operation of Moat CATUULTICO. Strength.. on the system at the come tlmd that It purgeliit ; and when taken deny in moderate dome, will strengthen and build it up with' ordinal rapidity. The Liver is one of t he principal regniatora of the Imolai) body, and when itv 'performs .Its functions w-11 thellow- • en of the eyetem Cr. fully developed. The Q stomach is almost, en tirely dependent on the healthy action of the Liver for the proper per =_-fonnanccof its fmtetiona -.when no stomach is et .„,,,e4 fault, the howls are at fault, and the whole system suffers in cense- • anew& of one organ—ryo, the Liver having ceased to do ITS duty.- I.`'l Ferns diseases of that organ, one of the pro, den prietorn has made It his Andy, In a practice of .more than twenty Team to find some remedy CD wherewith tomuntentet the many derangements to which it Is liable. • To prove nut this re- medy In at last found, env person troubled hy with Liver Com. plaint la unif of It. formn, has . but to - try.a WWI), and conviction Is certain. These gums rentoreall Or--1 morbid or bad matter frdln the syntem. sup- i„„,,4 plying in their place a healthy flow of bile, in- vlgorating the stomach. causing food to digest well, purifying the blood giving tone a nd beelth to the whole machinery removing the t tames of , the dinette', and effect. lug a tedical-com. One done after eating T Is nufflelent to relieve the edema& and pre vont the food from ris ing and souring Only one dose taken before retiring prevents nightmare. •• , Only one dose taken at night loosens , the boucle gently, and cures contiveneetb Ono done taken alter cf) each meal.will core Dye mein. On - e dose of tiro ~met teaspoonfuls wiffi_G•ws relieve- sick One tattle taken lit'female obstruction re-' thil cumin al the pgdisease, and mites a perfect rum. Only one dose home. 0 diately relieves Cholic, while one dose often re- •pealed in a sure core for Cholera Dlorbumn 1.1..1 and a preventive of Cholera. One door Liken ofe& Z will prevent the recur reeve of bilious at. tack., while it re lieves all pinto, tool. wee in e. ramnly one bottle is ; needed to throw out the of ?Intent the elTerte of 14 2 medicine enter a long niukne One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallow ness or MIMEO ral color from the skin. One &pm taken a nhort, time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and - makes food digest well. One done often repented amen Chromate Mae. stnehrnert in its worst forms, while ansnmerand bow el mniplaints yield elmont to the first dose. one or e we doses curet a thicka ‘ltuSed by worms, In children : there is no surer, safer or speedier remedy in the world. no it nave, fails. We take infinite plensure In recommending thin &nth ine ton preventive for Fever and A sue, 'Chill Fever- nn il oil Fevers of a 01111ou• Type. It operates with certainty, and thousands.° ening to testify to its wonderful virtues. AU who use it an wit log thee unanimous testimony In its favor. errs. 1 11%._waier in the mouth telth the Invigorator, and ...fine, both , ogellier. - THE LIVER INVIGORATOR , IS A ORE Vl' SoIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, and is daily tumidity rums,'dtnost too gnat to believe. - fteunet ns if by magic, even the first done giving belie. tit, and n.Udom more than one bottle is required to cure . soy kind of LIVER Contplaint, foam the tiorst Jrtuil• dire or Li) spepSla to a Cot:Minn headarhe, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. - PRICE ONE 1.014.411 pEit ... I3OTTLr. . DS. SANFORD. Proprietor. 446Broadwev, New York. 0p... Sold in Carlisle by C. ELLIOTT and S. W. HAV ERS FICK. - - ' myttlitifffb ,„ • $2 00 and I Present. 3 00 and 2 Presents. • b OD and 3 800 and .' 1 ' THE ONLY SA FE PEE PA grOION • ilgesn9t Dye, but will regions _ _ G R . I It . To Ito original color, by Naturo's own procean, PROF. O. J. WOOL'S CELEBRATED • HAIR - RESTORATIVE. I N proof of the assertion, reed the following tea. thnony from dlpthigulthed persons from all peril of the country. RON. SOLOMON MANN; Ann Arbor. Mich.,says.his wife, whose hair had become very thin an entirely white was restored to its natinal brown allot., And had thickened and become beautiful and glossy upon, and entirely over the head ' , Others of my family and friends . are using your Ileatorative with the happleot effect.. - 11VN. JUDUK DlihksE, KO-_Senater of Illinois says my hair wapprematurely gray, but. by the tumor Wood's Restorative, Whoa mounted Its origlual color.and I ham no doubt permanently no. 110 N. 11. L. STEWART, my., my hair was very gray, . but after usiug two bottles, it restored it to Its original Law -- REV. J. K. BRAUO, Brookfield: Slam., says It has re moved from my head inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendency to itchlng, and. restored my 'hair, which was gray, to its original, color. ,• - J, W. DAVIDSON, Monmouth, 111., myrk my hair was two thirds, gray, or rather white, but by the appl atlon of the Restorative as directed, it has resumed its origi nal color; • DR. U. WALLIS, Chicago, says, after using a great many other preparations, nil Woo effect, I used one tattle of your flair Restorative, which has cured a hu mor in my head of two yearn' standing. BENJAMIN LONU RIM/ E. 254 Seventh Avenue, New York, says, having lost any hair• by - the effects of the Erysipelas, when It began .to grow, instead of Meek, as. heretofore, it was well mixed with gmy. Having tried many preparations to restore the color without effect. I was induced to try yours, and in spite of nil my doubts it inuehad the desited effect. • 11. L. WILLIAMS, IL 1).. Peekensviße, Ala., says, I have used your Restorative, nod find It all ft Is memo. mended to ho. I have tried it fur Tetter and Dud It a certain cure. • - • • W. 517. WoODWADD, 31. D., Franlifort, Hy.. saYs, he recommends it - in his practice. as the best preparation for the hair now in use. EDWARD WALCOTT,, says, three months ago my bnlr was very gray, it is now a dark broivu, the original color, smooth and glossy, all by the use of Wood's Ili. etorative. - . WILSON' KING, says, one month's proper application - will restore any person's hair to Its orlgluxl color and texture. 'J. b. 110ES,,says, n tow applications fostonmi my bale' firmly, It began to grow out and turn blaOk, .ts wiginal cater... BETSEY SNIITIF, North. East Pennsylvania; says that her hair bad, for a number of years, been perfectly white, but now it is restored to Ito youthful color, ffeft and glos.,v. Ult. J. iV. BON% St. Paul, says that his heir is strong thick and black., although a short time shier he was both bald and gray. The people here saw Its effects and have con fldenee In It. MORRIS GOSLING, M. D., St. LIMN, says that after trying many other preparations, all to no effect he us e d two bottles, which covered his head with a new and vigorous growth of hair and invites all to coma and seal!. SARA!! J. BROWN, says her hair was Lot only gray, but en thin she feared its• sot ire loss—but after .using two bottles it line restored both the color and growth: Prepared 4'o. J. IWO') & CO., 114 Market street, Saint Louis ' and 312 Broadway ' New York. and sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers; also, try all Palley and Toilet lloods Dealers in the United States and. Canada.• m'26 . 58. Few wile in Carlisle, .by S. W. lIAXERSTICR, SAM% iti,Litirr. and Druggists everywhere. READ! READ ! ! PILES !-NO CURE, NO PAY " R . Dußlt O N T , the eelebrnied 'Prate'i practitioner, has established ant agency thlholelphln't the only ono h America, where dime.' Elms and medicine. may be procured for the treatment and cots of .11entokiltolds or MIAS in au incredible short space oil time. This announcement is made with the utmost confidence, because it is an ktrrsnusurn PACT, attested by thousands who have been sufferers, that the various phases of this distressing disease can be speedily cured by this new mode of treatment. The relief.. In most cases, Is most Instantaneous. So sure are the proprietors of this, that they tuff willing - to take . the risk themselves. ,Q r. 'lot MONEY Olt ANT PATIENT • WILL 00 RETURNED, IF A CURE to NOT ?MOUSED, NOM 01000IIONS ARE VOLLOWED TOO great amount of distress and torture endured by thensands"of people. fioni this disease, the other de• ritogoments of the system consequent noon' It," and a knowliiiige of the feet that relief-can be afforded, has tedueed 'the establishment 0r the Amerlean agency. . Ilet'vons at a distance, wishing to obtain the toed!• eine, should state. by letter, how long they bare had . the disease, and whether the piles-are of the bleeding blind, or protruding character, asthe treatment has to '""•-• - be veriest according to the warier-59f the dlifease.' The means air se plain that any person can make the appll• cation. Ity makina a plain statement of the case, and encloa• ng throe dollars, medicine and full directions will be Int to any part of the wuntrY, Address, DR. J. It: DOPRONT, Philadelphia, pa. tuayl9lB6R-17, CON IIINI UTION 113:11 CURED, AND HAS MIEN T 10IIIIANpT INSTANCES, ~H. 64{~. BQHYp: NEW YORK OCTOIt Isoder, city. 141.xdst i , the aufte,on rldt** ontiult with kUJ tody: jpiG 10.NW:obikrobul Forge )oM4.l PIO .I,laN, Air the Wittehon*ot AnG '4.1 ' , tz • - M onA . ------- .winPQiW'i 8441)- 454-7-'11'1117.1'!"98 v:x.*N*R3P- 312ebicineg. OLD DIL STEPUBN, •U. ,the celebrated Indian PhysielatO,hat, log arrived to an advanced old age, do sires to spend the remnant of.ble a ge , In sending do the afflicted throughout the land thn Medi whlcht has ~roved so, successful do Cure ~of .. lontrumption, Bronehitle, • Asthma, !Ater Complaint, Coughs, .Dystropsitt, to, free of chargo. • •. • The old Doctor has broughthis Rem. Jdy to great perfection 'in hie practice d' the last fifty yeare,' and reels cootie lout that It will cure 9 ream out of 10 if Sentineled Consumption. 'Ai his efi -Went, eireumitaneee ;enable him, he 411 send each applicant who furnishes description °thin symptom' C 'Small ivantity of his medlalne,rith minute ,ad explicit Om:Oleos bloc ViCParitll( lt I..hemsetresixthen_theyshall lattetrleat_ it. and learned Its beneficial effects In heir cameo l eel) appliamOrill land ' 114m:ups (9 cents.) to2psy the risturn • :utter and to =slat "in tile parleetit of MIN adrertieement , . • - 'luierllB: ' • • fireor-Tor,k. H., w. Tmoiti Lan .wilt visit parboil) Weshlptoo total, '24th' inst.' :MecbahleeberwAtibloqd the 21Sth tont., tO7eximtoo petlnfits, onneerintully trent, all dleuJWe Or. ttio Ivato Porter toilodlee.. Caolitiltol4o4 ~ : nc0,'....1500 bit tegulet. 4F1.1' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers