.gl)t Allndicts: CARLISLE PRODUCE . MARKET Reported weekly for- the Herald 14 'Woodward...lc Schmidt.. Fuitnt Suprrtiue, per.bbl do. Extra, . do. Faintly • do. Bler. .'do. WHITE WHEAT per bindiel lieu do. do: . - • do. Court OATS TITRITITSITEMI --13P81No-IS*NL6T do, ' • WINTER. BAILLEY do. PHILADELPHIA MARKET. The Flour market is steady with rather ' • more inquiry to potice to-day,. partly specu lative, aifd 14 a 1506 bblsy have . been dis , • posed of at $4 25. for standard superfine, and $456 per bbl. for extra, chiefly of the fbr mer•deseription, at which,,rates holders are • generally free sellers., 'The, demand for • • - home consumption . continues moderate, mostly within the. range• of $4 0a $4 75 for. extra; $4 87 ; 1 a 5 25 for extra family, • and $5,50 a 5 75 per bbl. forfabey brands, • in quality., • 11,ye Flour and 'Corn Meal , . are quiet ;• the filmier is held at $3 314 and the latter at $3 37k, per bbl: for Pennsylva nia Meal. • ; • - • • Thti.denfand for Wheat continues limited,. and prices about the same, with 'further • sales of 20001ms.ln - lots; at•7Bc for infcrior, and 95 a 100 e for good and prime reds ; white rattge4 at 105 a 115e,.aa in 'quality, the latter fbr pvimb Western. :Rye is want : . ed.by therdistillers-atAtic,-but there-is—very little offering: Corn is but little inquired for and dull 40-day at previous quotations, and only some 4000 a"5000 bus. timid hay ;ars, part taken last •evening,m4BB a 70c Mr . 'inferior and good yellow, afloat ; prime lots ard - held at 72e ; 1000 bus. fair white brought 7-3 fji 70e. .Oats are in steady demand at 38 it 39c for Southern and 40e for Penna. . - IrA - L - TIBIOWE - DrA - RiCET June 1 iith.—.Flour ' there was very little inquiry to-day and the market for all ieties was rather heavy, In City, Mills flour we hair no sales to note, but 'standard super _is held quite firmly at $1 per blkeash. Ex• tra flour is dull- and heavy, and the only sale .; riiported• wits 100 bhls extra on private terms. We nine quote Western extra at *4 624-a •4 75•;-IToward •iitreet do 75- a -5 25 audtity Mills rhi nt ssas 50. Balti - more ground family' hour is - still selling at 's7 50 ; nail do extea at $6 5(1 per•bld ; some brands, however, are selling at $0 50 for • 'family, and soper bid for extra. Rye flour is in fair demand, and we quote•it as firm -at $3 374 it 3 50, as to quality. Corn Meal remaining,, unchanged, toid-we quote City Meal at $3 50, and Brandywine Mills do at $3 75per bbl. - • - - Gram—the receipts were exceedingly Bed to-day, the' total .Offerings. at the Corn Egehange not exceeding 9000 bushels. • • Whites were,in -rift her -hoer deMand, and • the .market was a shade-'firmer.- -There were • sales of 1(1(10 bushels Hilt, to prime red at .95 a 10-I--cents, and .or 1500' bothers' -white. at 95 a I - cents for-, fair to good lots, mid 107 a 112-cents (hr-prime lot of Western. There were no • choice' samples in • marimt. Curn,wes in light receipt, there being only some 5000-bushels offered; but prices , had rather a drrioping tendency. • White' sold at 05 a 06 cents for genii to prime parcels, and 68 aO9 cents fbr do yellow.- One - . small Jut .`of choice yellow brought neents..Oats were .• in lithited receipt, and-the market for them was heavy. There were 1000 bushels oiler ed, but only 300 bushels were sold he 38 - cents for -prime Pennsylvania. We quote' Virginiaand Maryland at 34a 35 cents.' In Rye we had noted a- sale' of 150 -bushels prime Pennsylvania at 70 cents. No Mary land at market, but we quote it nominally at 65 cents per bushel. WISTAR'S BALSAII 4 IIN VERMONT DEE Mr. S. W. Fowle. Dear Sir, I am nearly out of-the' Balsam of . Wild, Cherry. You may forward if you please, two or three doz en more. The medicine givds.better sutis factioi here in pulmonary comfilliitlTthan any other that I have kept. I have tried it with perfect satisfaction upon-myself; having been troubled with a cough more than a yeay, and having pr'ofuse night sweats for tie last:month. I had tried various popii: lar remedies without material benefit, 'at ldngth I tried Wistar's Balsam of Wild Clie?s ry, and before I had finished the first bottle I found great relief. Two bottles hilve wrought a cure. ' • ours respectfully, 11 . UBBAHD HASTINGS. — None - gdnniite unless signed — l: BUTTS en the wrapper. SETH W. FOWLE & Co , 138 Washington St Boston Proprietors.' , Sold by their agents every where: , S. Elliott agent. for Carlisle MAitiox HALL, is the pinee to g good DaguerreoinTs„Anwotyprs, Melatdotypes, reoseopes, Crum - ay pea and Photographs. • Persons visiting torliSie dill find it to reward th.. for their trouble to visit this Institute: - N. B. But few specimens are exhibited nt thn door nod the public aim respectfully liMted to call at Ho thilbry. where eiery yariety al pictures capable of be log produend liy the Photographic Art rail be obtained Ladles and Gentleman eellie whether'you want pie tures or not, and you t lli meet with a cordial reception Respectfully ypuni, triages.. On tbelOth inst., by the W: nerd. Mr. 1011 N• J. REED, to Miss ANNA MARGARET MOUNCE, both of Cuuleriond county, Pe. On Thurs , isY, the 10th inst., by tlu; Rev. J. Dickson. Mr. DANIEL MAY, to Miss ANN SMITH, both of this county. ~C.iit~~,:' Q= - • On Friday, tho , ilth Inst.. Mrs. BARBARA CORN MAN, wife of H. Commit.. Esq., Ellltot of the AMERICAN DEMOCRAT, nut, eldest daughter of :11r. Joseph Shrom, o this borough, In the 42d year of her age. . gi..:100 yard liente another stneof The fireside shows a vacant daily." Ilow ore our busy thoughts arrested, when tho rune al knoll Is sounding.for the death of ono, whom• once familia - 1r face haw flitted like a FLndow aeremi glio river of life, to.,Le seen no more; In.d with' wiAt _pier! the solemn adthonitlon comes, that .we-too must dlu. Thus one hit ono, the essoclatlona if earth are broken ,tho ties or affection sAired, andEMEN mournful prirtlego of roMiding I*N - irides and eber =MEM • "dark talloy " before us. t . -- Thicifieia'so of "lilrsoCiirninan has loft avoid in a larg, circle of relatives and friondp, which, will net soon filled. Offtedby nature with a brilliant Imagination and a tanto for literal uro, eho Charmed all who cam. within ItiVfilifuence; whllutin the several folottulis vylfe t mother, sister, daughter, frluud, She ihkly mare piffled the character °utile TIME WMAN. puisq_to_h e , memory—To her bereaved husband'aild chlblrou, reslg nation. • ' . • • - 1" .. STATE NOTICE. —Letters testa' , mentary on the Estate of Archibald McAllister. .ussed, Into of Dickinson township; have been hatted to the subabrtbety residing In the NMI} township. All Tenons ligelng - einhins against the sold estate will pro. sent them for settlement, and'alo/10 Indebted will wake Itcynnint to -•''' . • •.. • , JAMES AL RALSTON,' • ' Executor of A, Altutllletor," dec'd • .--- ~.• .. .. • TIOCTOR: W. H, .W tTAIOII O of bait.: xy oaaternity, - ,will 'bit Cerhale .Washington nutel, ott Thursday, the 24th ingt.;. Mechanicsburg:Ashland Nouse on hrlda),'the 25th inst.; to - oximiao patteute, aonouft, with 411(1 aucattvirully.thtt all (licensee of tho human body., • Private Parlor for Ladies. ''Conaulkttluns ninny' free of charge. '(Sea hia regular card.) ..... " CAVE • YOUR MONEY BY- PUI OffeTEO ATIUN'9 OELF-ItAKINO • , 11 A.P E A D M 0 W AT PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIME. $ 4,00 4.25 - - [n Sala AM now preparedto furnish tile above named value I ble machines which hare met with BO much !liver ail who have properly tested them. It is admitted b - all who have used Ws' and - other machines that Al KINS' pIAPEA—AND MOWER is to porinr to all other's because It is no easy draft for to • horses, no weight on their necks because of tho light rites of the tongue and no 0.113 draft. ' A boy of from 12 to 15 years of ago, is able to manage this machine. The rake attached to the machine does its work fully ns well as !trait be ' &119 by hand. Tile following named parsers have purchased and 'deed this amid:tete whom we would refer fainters fur any Information they desire on the subject. . . . , . Col..Wni. 11. Henderson, Alexander McDowell, George lieltzhoover, or., Jarob,Nottsinger,' Jno. S. Sterrett, " Richard ‘Vi.ods, ' William Kerr, . • •• . Peter lyors. . • George Bretton . , Samuel Bretton. Thum, wishing hi purchase will rail tin • , . . , . 11. L. BURK HOLDER. Carlisle.. '_... • ' .. ot , 37II:TOMLINSON, Ilarrlnurg. Carlisle, June 9. 1858 . -.lra. . _.. • . FAT NJ? AMMAN/CS' FOUNDRY - AND MACHINE SHOP, ------ . :-- 0 -3k- , ii ::=_=---, ...0.0 -6...4,1w:;1,41,; , ..:._ - i.q. - : , - a0510., ph A.4l-i- 4----- l li 4, ,., .. ,-. f .- c-- - ii i , - ~,.. ll .'-"-11 i - --0 - ,.--y,--•;19 , ..0xi • va. ~. -A... S. , : - -= ;------, z_ ..:s_„ - -----= --- 7 ---- - r 7. .- :4 /r.,--- - ;..,,._. -....,-"---%-=-.- - --, ~.--W--t----' NORTH STR EET, EAST .OE RA Y MOND'S HOTEL rpm: ,wild respectrully Inform the I public hi eimeild that lie. hi maw pcepamil to uunnn future 1111 kitlllp of neri.ahn7,l Horse Towels and Threshing Machines with sepatiilors attached. • A lso, Corn Sheikh, fir hand Or hm Ne power; Strati . mud Fodder Cut Ors. Harr,. s. Cultivators., Ilav itelies, : tirain-raio., Circular Pews. Ac.. Ac. ' • ' . ,'lie invites particular nddrllou ti, ltife'si Patriot Clo ver Ilullor and (homer.. This , mitchlue will hull and clean from three to nix hll/4111.1M Per hour, and Is consid ered ilis•ldeilly the 1. - fist HOW in USI., lii Will nlxn furnish to order 1110 N AND IMA:4B CASTINUS. of every such as Threshing •Mtieltille, I...matfett). designed Hulling for Cemetery Lots; linclo -It I'AI It I Nil promptly alto - Heil to for lteaplii it, Mow ing alai Threshing Alaeldnes,.lind all Hods of Agricul tural Implements. ' • JACOB AIIIIAIWIP Car&le, Juno 10. 'sB—hunc. • NORTH 'HANOV 141 R STREET • CONFECtIONEItY, C ,ISI WholocaleTote,t Reduced" $2 per 100 H. - The attention oreountey Mt;reliant, and thu pub generally In Invited to a large nt.•ortmenl of manufactured of the best material and warranted to etottaln no potion In .their VOI(11 . 11. wLlOli. will he sold • Wholesale or Netail at low is at - 1 lie al stand of - • DIONYEI rt NORTH . II scorns STO?.ET, (1101 : 161,.!., fow doors North of Depehit Hook. - - ;Just recolveti 010 rO.O os/4(4000 tof • ' FRESIT FRI:ITS NUT'S of tho latest impoytatlons, consisting of, Oran ;ZOK, lessens, . • Prunes - lianarmax, - Apples, '• • Almonds, Filberts, • • Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, ke., • all of Which will be sold at low ratio,. Al6O, n largo es. .rtment of of every carloty, Aloo, all tin, boot, brands of I3EOAIIS AND TOBACCO, of American and Oorman Manufacture: The subscriber returni thanks for the liberal patron ago bentowed him by the public: -mid erilicitaa eon tine:men of their favors. Remember thu ()Id Stand of P. MON UR, Carlisle, June 10,'08. North Honorer Street, urg, Vt., Alay,s NOTI um rc.i, AI{MEItS WHITE:NM:WS IMPROVED NEW JERSEY REAPER AND MOWER The Subscriber being desirous to introduce the 'Move mooed machine. would do so modestly. having learned" by experience unit large Merles ore nu sure ,Iti ilex o f superior nub:hi-hes. 'Therefore. he would sn}• the -elmtvo mimed ntnrhhto• lax i 10,31 in lice FiIICO ISs2,'nmd hus,givon the most et. Ito satlstitetiott. It Is simple. durableaul eiTertlve, not liable to go out 0(111 der, ond, or light draught. Equally adapled Loth mooing and reaping,. A e implo .Mllllllll may be seen at the maeldne shop of tlardner A: Co, Carlisle. where farmers nee lurdlo•l call 0101 elamine for themsehea. . . One of these univitines will be exhibited' hi nunving nt an early dee, erns soon as it field of Ferns nil be pro. Cured for thetantrpw.e. Due notion will be gften of sold trial. Junu tf, 7Eaf;-Pt 0U T 'S - 31IXTUR143.—This is a . poweriul and truly magintl remedy tint all ester ' nal diseases, either Olt niter Or relict. lye Willllll / not, have you the Itheumathint or Corns; These ere not pleasant companions, and we know that .you would like to drive them aunty Ifs quick al Ismdble. Then use Fontes 311 N titre. Would you have your sores . , swellings, ruts, burns, sprains,ilruistis. or any other wounds Lcalod, WO repeat It. use POlltS'S 1l lxhurn. It is truly' a wonderful article. If your horse has theavin t Ringbolt°. Poll-Fall, Fistula, ciciatches, tracked heels. heels. Chafes, Halle. Sprat., ke -- We say tcraltrand again, your reefed - y.ls Fortes -Mixture. It t•esto butiwenty.five cents to try It. Hundreds who errs, with pales - 1,01 . 28 who were thought incumbly {diluted. bave Leon rumored to health and suundnrss anti are Odin rejoicing In the ,blessinics that health ITstows; end - thins. doer reader, - may it t o , with you. Af you tire to unfortunate lte to be afflicted with any of the Irk for which yen Pod this Liniment ri`r o llllll.llloll, use It . presoreingly. use it faithfully: and ten think you will here rause to Lines the day WllOll you became acquainted will; Foutz's Mixturo. Prep 'red by A. Fril l a7.. Westminster, 31d. For sale by S. W. Haven:tick. and store keepers throughltut 'the county generally. Pelee 2g . and fie rents a I Otte. Julti'sB-Iy. D. O.'S E AG LEY -" MOUNT7IOLLY—SPIUNaSTibrEC,' riyE NILEs PROM CAILLISiE, PA., Ai the ( 4 1 ap,qlthe South Amidain. /II elt SL ekoot ) dove woulor Si 105.. W. Ni t°, or tho roreptioN Terms tuodurx eONSUM PTION ESEM CURED, I=9 0- 0118 ANDS NSTANOYS, Dn. 8.11. Dunss MENEM COSUM ll'lON IMT3 cuitm,— AND 11/8 DFLEN TapOsic.iqnsl NSTANOES, p'.'BUIINI.; MEM of the enterprising, • firm of LEIDICII 4. SAWYER, is now,. In the". lty, selecting another largo addithin ' ttr, onr"steCT of Sessontible goods, which will be +opened on Almuley..v Call and examine. + . •-• • " • Carlisle, Juno 5, 3few abuctilsements. MEE c.A it 161`.E , p.A CIIWCE C•A.\ HIES, TOYS AND FANCY MOODS . P. CIA IMNEIta CO., Temporary Agent,, Carlisle, Pa I III: It, of the St. Laiirrence ti)l , eel, Thibtilylphia. baying lensed lbo • ono.' or thu late Il'roprieLor, will Up. ' hilll same on the 401,110f.th00, II or groolsto. =EMI Mmint IJolly Spring& Cumbnrland County, Pa MA) lilt, STEPHEN BURNS, the celebrated Indian Physician) liar , ,ng arrived to au advanced ofd age, de in, to npund tho remnant of lilt days .1 niytding to the afflicted throtsghout •he land the Medi lee which has waved no IMOOOIO4III In the Cure of :onsumptlon, Bronchitis, 'Alithlllll, Aver Complaint, -Coughs, Bysipp,itt, to.. free of 'charge. The old Doctor has brought his Itont dy great perfectbin in Ids practice •f the-last Pity years. and feels cont. lent that it will cure 0 rates-out of In I' confirmed Consumption. As his of. [neat circumstance,: enable him, Ito rill bend each'appllcant who furniblies “Ittscription of lilt symptom.: a Small imintity !Obit medleine, with minute, .nd explielt dlrectionsliir preparlint It i101111:01VON, whoa they shall have - tried It. and learned Ito beneficial effe, is In liAreases.,,lueh 11111111P00L,11.1 send ; stamps (9 cents.) to pay the return Otter and to assist in the' payment of .his OflVOrtjtolliollt Address DR. H. 11. BURNS, 'jut 6'58. New York; - OLD - Ufl. - 'STI IIIIN it, ItURN.3, who has devoted bin whole life to the cure of CONSI131i1T1111! 1111 . 11 ./IS kindred, diseases, now that.'lls days are nearly_ spoirtrhe Is - dpidrinfifif fiTiffiffliblaivuo ody in the hands of all afflicted,' freeof !chum, hoping •In : this Amy to do a I . Om great deal of good before lie dies. He leek confident thlll his remedy will of- feet 11.1,11111 ht »Inetymlue rimes out of 1111 handled. lie will semi yeah applb rout that gives Into, trnieseriptirm of him or her complaint u anrall quantity lof medicine; with full and to.plielt dl. reetlons for Preparing the same article tifeinialves, wimp they find that it tmuefita them. Each atipileaut will 'and three stiimps, (0 cents.) to pay the return letter and assist in paying for title advertisement. Address, DR. 8, IL BURNS. • NoW.York. 111Williutrous; S B OOKS si ! t . yo ß cf ,) ,ll ), A K yTo ! ;t i a s ß ml o l 2 K s ! am solo agents he Franklhi„and Cumberland counties for the following valuable works': lionlon's. ALrltlgniont of the Dohakes of Congress. l!rleu per Vol., Cloth COO, Sheep p 00. Beaten', Thirty Yearn Vie ; complote In 2 vole. Cloth $0 00, Law Sheep VIM). - .. --- NloiFo's . tlmitirril Atlas of the 'World; ColoredOlaps and hound, $ll Burton's co/clepoedia of , Wit and !tumor. • y - Aniericn..APielite; n - Collectinn of ap. noioo , ite.; by the,inost eminent oratora of Moulded, with biogra phical sketches and illustrative notes, by Frank Mooro, now. ready, complete in tot vols. Cloth, $1500; Library styleZreatlier,-sooo•;Their 00 - ; - haif - moroc- - co, 7 00. • • . " 'indent' Primer.. . . .Sanders' Speller. ' • Sanders' Reader, No. 1. Sanders' Reader, No 2.° • " 1-. • ---- 'Sanders! Render, No. 3. • Sanders' Reader, • Sanders' Reader, No. 5. ' . - Sanders' Reader, No. 5. Sander' Ilirh School Render. SanderWEndloW Render. Sanders' Speakers' Wholesale pad retail et. • SHRYOCK, TAYLOR & Sid ITU' Melodeons, SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR. & SMITH'S Pianos, SIERYOCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S. Alarge supyty School Roolca, wholesale and retail • SURT , A: OOK . TAYLOR SMITIPS. • PAper. Envelops, Pons, inks,ele, etc. SUMMON :TAYLOR & SMITH. _ ODAIE AND SEEKEDLEII, , C 01041,11 OPPOSITE THE. MARELT Itousx. BOOTS, — SHOES, HATS Ato. HA PS; • • R-IV •A -11 R. I' V A I;—. , -- ;117.1offer to our - fonder eugtoitoeru nod tiorpubliejn. • f firat'ratu assortment nt liow. goods, suitable ur • . SPRING 'AND' SUMMER .11'..EAR. • unsurpassed for beauty; litylo, durability, and-cheap ness. 'Our stoek•eont,b,ts of , , - , , FINE 811,1C.310LESEIN imrs„. Pine . I,Coatiutb, linyri, Ye;lilts', and Childretea Fancy Hata, pf every color. , STRAW GOODS AND CAPS, too are 1111111 the best asuortinent ever offered in the county, mid worthy the attention of all. • BOOTS AND of every variety and .style,' Ladles, 31Isses and Chil dren's :Inc Gaiters, andall kinds of Children's Fancy not, : e _For tlen Coldest a Olod ossortiliont•or-eWery style and finish: in faet every variety in oar line. l'hanlifnl to the puldl, for past Ilivors. e we solicit a ,- mmtitrUati r m - nt - elisM111711 7 :117 , 11113 - 111113 - Ire - tulMlinklr ' it to thu advantage of the pnrcbaser. ' .1. IL KLLI,EIt. Carlisle, April 20, 10a. ' 1 - ') - pUBLICI SA LE OF VALUABLIf, . • lINA I, I , :i..Z.VATE. * i - On FRIDAY tlio . l6th day °I'M'S ii, MR, the tuatara. her will Our at puldie sale, on thu ptellikeS. a tract of land. pit tutted . In West l'enualtaro' township. Gunther. land caul) ri,..tttljni [ling the village of Plainfield, fornae . ri r y the propeirCrilirlionnts Ii re:IS011. (1 0 1NTAININO P. 22 ACBES, and will•be oiTered hr tWO parts, or in into, as :110' best suit pureitasera, having been surveys, ns bilious: • •• Float.—Lot. No: I cant dllB 3 - rid ifi persheaTiarouts on Second street, Plainfield. The Improvements:ital . /1 TWO - •• • • , sTincy BRICK IBIUSE, Bums house !!!! adjoining. a Welton, branni horn, wagon shed. corn crib :and valour outbuildings, and well stnitilltal_u•ith_apples, peariLand other choke • Lot No, 2 contains 0 aeros, fronts on Railroad strait, and embraces part of the Or; . 1111111. . Amts No. 3,4, 5 and 11 emitaln live acres, • Lots So. .7 contains live acres, hoots on the C. V.ltnil reati,.atill Is bounded tutu bra public roaddieing a ablo location low any kind of Inn 4111• SS. I,ots NOS 0,9: 11l and II - 1!aell contain tics aeres, and limit on Railroad street.. . . Lot No 12 contains live null,. fronting ,north on the Railroad, and east out itallrond street, the moot suitable plaice l'or a station between Carlisle add Al terton. '15 . 11014.1 nnJ 1 ' 47 perches; frenthig,touth on tho ,Itailrood and east on in nubile rad. Lots Now. 2,3, 4,5, o,un,u I contain 8 lieneil eneh, front. log On 1,110 1( 11111 , 1111.111.1( . 0,111,11,10 -. • A 110,11) QUANTEEY 113111131. Any person ivishing to VIM eh r o o"rty, van do so by I•alling an 5a111116.1 Morrell, tinnier, to tiale - to l eniiiirrence - at k. SI i whmn terms (which. will be nonle"Caliy, to ' sac the tlnoci,) will he mode known by DANIEL, STE Ed. 'DAUNTING (lI.AZ [NG AND - l'A _REII..: - .ll4,:cilfNe,...—.ll:ll(u kk aJ, lull, would rl , sieet fully Oknuati the eftly.ena of ( s arllslik and vlidelly, .tha Ike idllf`r,ftalkikken the übu, e buidina-s in all Its.vnriuu. braneluni. Orders tar Pa (11,1zillg kind l'inke Ilaidikg; nosy ho loft Ilk :guy. In bulgier street, In the building retailer's upruplad my. Jason Potter. Al Jobs nik trusted lo Limn, will in attended: fa likOlrlpely lint entire liAtirlilletioll, 1u pilaus as well 114 WO:,111111f slap. guaranteed. TIIO3IAS 51arell 3. 1A54.--.3rn. fIUMBE ItLAND VALLEY It. It. SUMAIIM ARRANCIIMILNTI g r a 4W' * • . CHANOE OF, HOWLS! Oh and after THURSDAY, May lath 1858, Possengo, Trali , will run as follows: (Sundays oxeoptotl:) ' FOR lIAILIUSBURO. Ist Train. .. garTraln Leave Cliambersburg, 5.15 A. NI. 2454 , CA Shlnlinsburg, 5.41 -. 2 . i40 Nowvillo, 6.10 ". 3.18 " Carlisle, 7.00 - " 3.58 Mechanicsburg, 7 30 " 4.30 Arrive at Harrisburg, 0.00 " 5.00 " ..- ' FOIL CHANIIIIiIOiIIUItO, ' let Train. 201 Tram. Leave Harrisburg 11.30 A. M 1.05 P. NI. Mechanicsburg - 9.o`i " • • 1..11 - -"- ‘, arlislo, 0.10 " . 2.13 " .Neville, - 10.20 " . 2.17 " " S ilkonsburg, 111.52 " . 323 " Arrive at Chantber.iburg, 11.22 " 3.53 " Trahis leave Ilarriabta.,4 for Philadelphia. via l'ean't Railrentd, at 5.10, A. M , 1. R, I. 0.25, M., an 12.00 at night. Hy Heading, via I.obanon Va lley rand ,at 2.45 I'. 31. For l'ittqinv, 3.40, A. M., 1.00. P. 31., and 3.10. P. For Mahn,. tt 30, A. II and 12.10, 1)1.11. FOr Tr,e, ton and II iilhnnspot t, at 1.03, l'„ 31. Trail) on Dauphi Road at 1.30, I'. 11. • Fares null Harrisburg, 3leehanirshurg, Carlisle , Slit pensburg, and Chainbersborg, .111 he Joni , oath Ir when paid for Tickets at the oilleejlia_athen_paid_ the-Cara. ea_ 'rho Ticket - 0111Ni of tho Connell)). at Ilarrisburg. as loon einuared to the Depot or the l'onnpyi vault allmad Company, third door front the, Eastern end 'o ho building.' O. N. LULL, Super' allroad Office, Chanallereburg, 1 May 12, 1 1 11:,11., .1" NL IV 'S 'l' A G• 8 It OIT 'l'l3 _ The subseilhor_lins stdrtetl n trl.weekly line Stu e$ between Carlisle owl I...olisburg. Irm tug Co Ilslu livery Monthly, 41'ednerdns 111111 Friday, home,' ntely, nu tire nrriKni tbo h the edst., Iteturniugyleaves I.mullshurgdlt 1(10 A..)1 livery Tuesday; IVe illefohly mut Suldu•thiy. Ana aril , at , eurlislo at 1...U0 via. Perry County WA tOlermontolnit. Sterrett'B lap Vollislo it Our Springs. Ou And law' June the 15611.41n6 On., i t .ho run dolly for the neconunintation or pntisengerh got - tn the Springs. Faro In Ito muesli points an follows: Carilslo to t•ulphur Springs, . . . , . Sterrott's (inn, . "." S'iertionisdalo. -. • , . . Perry l'inuaty Worm : 6 prlngs, 66 1,6 . Lintlisburg. RETURNING Andlsborg toll:irrot •• tdiermanklale, Sterretei3 (tap, Sulphur ziprinps, . , The ;there line trill tegularly carry the 31 Lto and tan the several points ahoy, lint tea tell. I have als, II Well stocked LI Llt front Idol/ I :nu at all limes ready to furnish horses and ear Mr. to those who will favor me with their patronage. I the most reasonable terms and 111,the Very bent style. may Ittrit.lB. • • ' ' C/201111E II EN DEL. HAIR AN DFORN IT TIRE 110.1ruhscrilmr baying !neat.] himsnlf pornumuntly In %Vest High strout, two doors ahovo tbu Itnllrwtd Do. pot,,Lusjuht °pulled his CA lIIN 1 , 11 .-- W-Ael ? t 00)18. whore he Intends, as usnal, tw.,nlanu I V and keep oonslantly on hand every style of parlor furniture and chairs. • ." . IValnut and Malentany Dressing .e •- -- - Iltkeaus. with Inerble tops. Sofas ' "4 , -4 1- 4 Tabh•s and Wash.stands. r;.4.:r•1i;;•,;4 Walnut " What•nots" and Ward• robes. . . . • • FRENCH AND PLAIN BEDSTEADS 4.1PA111,011 and ROCKING aludra with voliet or hair cloth Roams and barks. Mahogany and ‘ralnut chairs with hair cloth or 1•ano Seats . .. , 'Plain dishs or ill kinds nail stulT4.FrlngLovaiiss. Curled li/drain! husk 51ATTItAtiSiiii o over) , variety, together with all other articles notedly found In. his lino of hivon..... Particular attention paid to i epairing and varniahing ihrulturo ofall kinds. --- • Heine provided nicu with an axcellebt 111 A lISE, Lo N prepared to fill ullywdere fir FUNAIt-ALS In town or :ouutry. JAIIES It. WEAVER: i858.-ly LAltltl AGES AND 111JUDI•rJS FOR SAl,B.—The subscriber bus now on build at his shop In Pitt Strout, near Parsons'.llotel. Carlisle, an ex. Wind t:e a ssortuient of_ OAIIItIALIES,-.IIUGGIES,IIAIt-, N IfSS, ;oh his men and or Philadelphia, inake, and style, which ho is prepared to null at prices 'to suit the .wtlrlng nf...Carrlagen,and Buzzlns done at 'tile Rhland n o tico and at rensanublo prleun. - Thu subanibur hie still on band a largo number of 1101tSES ()AItMAU ES, bc., for Idro, whirl' ha oltUrs on ronsonalitularo4 -.l7llanltftal tbr pot rum's, I respect-' fully Holleit a skaro of EMENITMEM3 Carlisle, June 10 ! 18613-lin viE VoTE4e; of cumnsiu:o6 COUNTi:—FELLOW CIIIZENS DeAroux of elog electod to t h e Mike of SI I ItltllT of this county, I heroby offor Myself' to your consMomtion, co ri cond. dote tor thu sumo, and most rosportrully &Melt your ItOultiqtreelAßTNEy.. Carlisle, Juno 2. 1858.4 IDIEBIJKNE. n, ,b 1 August 6, 1857 • -- • Acv DI: BIDDLE IL/ continues the practice of the !ear,'in the °Mc° formerly occupied by hie father, Wm. Al. r Midd le ,bboi null more recently, by the law firm , of s Fenroau nnw:dissolved. Dec. 23, '57.] • , P: HUM.IIIOI - 1, Attorney at law. _‘...../..=.911ice on • North_ Iltinover_street, n few-doo south at/lase' hotel. All business entrusted to hiM will be promptly attended to. • T• AW , sm ItoVAL.-- W. M. PENROSE haw removed hie office to the room fornterly-oemtpled by hint on Main street a fow doors oast of the Methodist Oburehwiteso-hetwitt-promptly attend - to rill butineetiliteeia - tid to him. • . . August-ID.-1867...: lAW .OFFICE:-LEMUEL , TODD has resumed the practice of the Law. Office In Centre B(tuareorest side, near the•Flret,Prcebytffrlan Church: • April 8, 1857. . Dn.. S. B. KIEFFER Office . in North llitnnver street two &sirs rim ., Arnold d Son's store., Office hourn,:moro particularly from 7 to 9 o'clock A. M.; And from 510 7 o'clock; P. •i'd. DOCTOR ARMSTRONG has iemov oa biu office to Centro Minaret west of the Court. Douse; whore homey he consulted at any hour of the day or nkoht. Dr. A. ltY l,ad thirty years oxperlunce in the profession, the last ten of which have 'aeon deumi 'Led to the afully nod practice of ifonmeopathio medi cine. May 20, 'Lion. A R . J R A ',N. I .E N• llonireopathln an 4 Surgeon., Office, .Boat 3tuin stmt. udjulrilim,taxton's hard Ware store. ' Carliale March 310538.-3 m.. • • el Ea. 'W., NEIDI • CH, , D. D. S. ‘,3 - , Latn Deuumsl rotor of Or e mtivin Detitlstry to the lit ~.., • Italtituore . _ . C4,llego of, r„,. •-w I N • ^ ihwt it Surgery. • ' . irr.l. 0111rAt his resideeo, opposite Marlon Hall, WeA 3lalti _Street, Carlisle •Nov.l 1, 1857. • Dit.I.O.L9OMIS _. .040,,-- .. „,-..- sunib Hanover street, "'"' '4 ".‘ Itlirre tt. -- - . Mixt door to the • Post • ' " OM.. itl-Lit'llj bo absent from Carlisle the-last ton-days °roach month. ,14 ug.l o , 5 ', • • _ _ _ • DR. GliongE Z. JJRETZ, 'fraying returned to Carlisle, .oliers his_ professional services to the Otizens generally. Mee In North l'ltt street, nearly oppeslte 14 former rgSPiollee • l'erins.-Moderate. • [Carlisle, Mareh 11.'76. GEOIiGE S. SEA ja_y IT. DENTIFr. from the Bl a timer° College Of 1)Outal Surgery. fr.n_olllre et thu residence of his Motlpr, East Louth°, street. three doors briloy Bedford: - May.4o9, 155th—tf. . . DR. J. C. NE if respeet -fullyiriform the ladies and gentlemen '• 4 -m .O, of Carlisle. and vicinity. that he has re- Hunted the practice of Dentistry, alld in prepay.' to per ail operations on the teeth and gents, belonging to tile profession, Ile will Insert, full sets of teeth on d - or sliver, eith gum tenth. or blocluOts they - nmy Prefer. Perms moderato,lo suit the times. • Mice in 11141 street, directly opposite the Cumber. land Vallej. Bank. . an-nr. N. will La In Nowvillotlto last tan days of (ivory 01,01111.. M= S. W. HAYERSTICK; Druggist, North ifituorer Street, Carlisle. Pil vslel ❑l'H prekrrlption.carefully compounded A full supply of fre,ll, drugd and chemicals. • • • - U B H !—R. t. Shapley, sr., having porataiaal the LIMIER YARD, formerly kept r, Henry Gloss,. has removed R to the corner of North and Pitt reetv, ho has 0 large lot of oak, eltesnut shaved Mid cut xhlm;h•s. With 1.4 S of all de. serlpilen, oak p nnk and scantling•. shlnale and plaster ing lath; all Of whhd,ulll ho sold cheap for 2,11i1.1. March 24, 1838. . ft A. BIRNBAUNL.Bnok-hinder and x BLANKAME MANUFAOyultlilt. • Mechaniexbury; _ Mitattzli•es, N0w:1,31,1,5, Wks, Blank-books, Pags.hooks..,Copy•boolts, ke:, arc rerelred• and re turned, twat!). knind In on, west, at moderato charg -a. Also. tripar ruled to nay dutlred pattern. .lan. n, 1H51.] Q C RIVENEIt ANTI) - CONVEYAN- L:7 CHIL—A. L. SPON81.1:11, tato Register/if Cuittbitr .and county, wilt eurefullv attend to the transaction of alliikkh business as luny bo Onteto,ted to hint, ouch as Ili Sting of Utsals. Maregages....tlitotrvt*,to. also dovate his attoptlon to thin ;mooring of Land IVar rants. Ponslons, att. woll us tho purchase rind sale of Iteal Estate, negotiations, of loans, to. trv_Oftlro on West 11th Street. formerly occupied, 12,y W. M. Ponrost. Esq. noir thu M 0110.1114 Church. FRANKLIN HOUSE, Seldlt II mover Street, adjuluing Court House, Carlisle, l'a. JOHN HANNON. Proprietor. AZ" 11411 Gtarlt leuvos daily for Pakorlmrta Teton urg, York Springs and 11.t.toror front tills Hougo. SIMON P. SNYDER., Ohio. W. K. MeletinaNE, Peonsyleneln. • L. I: Coot, Rhode Island: • S NYDE R, ll' GARLAND, AND COOK,. Hankers and Denienria in Real Estate, MINNE.IPOLIS, Zillunepta Territory. Julio 8,1857.—1 y r 1 O THE PUBLIC.—The undersign rd holiigi well know. as Cl wrltur, would oiler hi - - . - • servleos to all requiring I,ltenkry 110 1%111 furnish .I.l.lresse%!Omtbotx, Essay:4 -. Prerontatlon speedo... 41 replies. I,loer for Albums, Acrostics—prepare matter tlir the Press—Ohitnarles. mid write Poeta). upon .any subject Address (post paid) CZE (1U REIMAN D COUNTY NOR-. lj 31AI SCHOOL.—Thu second RNA , n of this all. a4ll I . OIIIIIIOIICOIo LITERARY DMA:, Newvillo, on TUESDAY, APRIL 6th, 1858, and continuo YE MONTHS. the turps Of Instructors have been secured. and effort will be spared to render the school worthy of position it seeks to occupy,und of thu patrouneh. portiolly 'or circulars containing full plrficulani address T. A. Molil.N.WY, Treasurer. NowVlllo, l'n. = IJAN EL - slur:l - x, pr,;.,idoia, MeC \ Semtary. Feb. 17, '7,l.—tf. lIANTCII, 1\ lEncliANK : TAmoit, . Wei.t Malts Street, (opp”Rito hus Just I..oved It era• nod oleyoust aswrtintsist of Cloths. Plain. Black and Faney . Caf , slosors, nod u varlet; ,of Plato stud Figured Vt , siliigs. all of o•hirh ho ouslce up to II filtili if/Halle style, Mid all minable torsos. —• trie' I Rdms attended to prouiptly, and the fitting all 1:113 . 1111111i I , gnarl teed, or no sato. - Carlisle, uuq•IUIBGS :0 , . $0 N ornet;.___-_gotk,e hi hereby givetti hat lint liuxinoss!' conducted In the Borough nurvillo by William E.. Ccatzer, for the subscriber, Indio , the 09100, and style of " William E. Cratzer; %gout," Was discontinued on April et, 1858. Thu account trots are in the hands of the subscriber, to only, is duly authorized to ladled thu same, and !mods all persons indebted on sold books to roll tut ,rtbitolyitt4fiittla their accounts. • JAMES IIiciiANDLISII, - New vino: May 5, 1858.4m0s 11:7 1 SPATE OF PETER DILL, dec'd. Letters of .on the estate of I'oter 1, Into of Hampden tuwuship, Cumberland county, OCO:IN011, 1111,0 been Isst) • ad by the Register to the sub. edber, residing in Lower Allen tow untiln. All persons ndebtod to the estate are reatilred to make immediate myntelit and those haying claims topmost them duly• tuthen t kilted for settlement, M. P. DILL, my213'58-60, Admlnlstrator of Doter Dill, !toed • f ETTERS TESTAMENTARY ON 'I. Eittate of 'JAGOM LUC4B, Into or tint Town-, ship of South Middleton, dotnotrod, Intro been granted to tho naircrlbor. melding in •.tho name Township. AU 1,01 mono, who Intlnt claims ogolost tWili Estate are re quested to present thorn, for settlement; and those Indebted to mold Illotitto are roquostod to make tunodi• -Ito poysnent. . my 18.1858. Nrorte subs'oriber having sold his entire stoelc and Interest in the Dry Hoods husluess, to Meisrs. Leldleh & Sawyer, .would respect. AMY reetannwnd tin iu to entitle old eustutnere 'and all who went chimp 'and destrultle goods; being satisfied that they wlll,ettileavor phase ell who may give them a call. .I%vpretlng to.leave forn -14. &gull upon all those who ,linti unOettledaccounteatlth blot, TO OAGI;11/111IZOliTKI,t ANL tiervte elyan no further In dulgonee ran ho ithowo.: - The subscriber may be found at his reeldonee for trweek or sctready to settle up with ell.ttituttludebt' my2tY6B-Bt. • Notice. is .11sieby. given; Li. that appllrAtlon will be' made to the neat Login. Idiom of Penudylvirrila. •to 'alter the charter of tit' CAIILIRLId 01190,51 T located la the-Borough of Carlisle, Cumbekland. County,: an tia' eenfor'llptdn - said Itenk.,the rightii and privileges of a Punk of Issuo, And to change ita nasniuto the CARLISLE 'DAME: Aldo to /"'r:oii , o the capital of said Hank, Itlett id at !proaint devoittptiro Thousand ,vr PriYilude of, la• dreading the Remo under present charter tonne - line, dred thousitfiddotlars, to two ItUndred thousendditilard; ' N, C; AlUSBB4dlAN,Oeenors; , Carlisle, Juno 9, 1698,.. • ! ; • -- • ouporhr PIG „. IROIC-LTEN haroo4 Forgo) Pie IKON, for oaltl at Oa, Warchouao of Jan( 27.-16e.1 MIE Zustness EarDS. ~ 1 FINLEY MUNSON. Italthnor,md DEEM 3lniices JOHN umanurc. , Exku tor of Juooli Lttati,-duel OKG. NY.ufTNEk. , Ncw 0i5006. L AR 'NEW tORIC AND: PHILADELPIIiA ELEGANT - N E w GOODS A. -W. -nEritTiPs-sToitc.• Splenilict sloek of new Black Dress Silks , -Magnificen • at,. Fancy Dress Silks. - - 111C11 I I- RARIii 1 Ii - ELPIG;ANT French Foulard Silhti , Cl:hit:se Silks, Satin and • Striped liareges. Valet:cies, Duealles Beautiful nun printed Charnel:. French pein ' ted Jam very - handsome English Drib • Bantu, very handsome French .• _ • American Prints,' Scotch, - French and Domestic • " • • Alingbams, • Bonnets, lion, - • not Ribbons and Dross Trimmings, • Shawls In every variety, Bilk Crape,- Stella, Cat:l:Mere, . Ac. Embroideries; very low.Com.' • . prising COLARS. SLEEVESFLOUNC; INOS, EDGINGS, VEILS,' Se. • Carpetings • and OH Cloths: 'VENITIAN. IN Ult AI N, THREE. PLY, ISHUSSELLS, 'COTTON Drugguts and Floor Oil Clothe; of all 'widths.' . „ 'LINEN .GOODS. A complete assortment embracing nil` the most eels brai s ed marks.' • • Moves and ••.llosiery far 4- d us i :11Ihkes Children, grout variety of ',kid, silk and• -Cotton . • Oloves,.Ladlex Elegant Twisted Silk Ilt.ftr, DONIESTIC AND STA . _ . PLE 000 DA : Bleached and u nbleached,` Skirtings, Meaehed and unbleached •sheet- - hoot Wou/enjunl Cotton Flanneht. Corset Jeans tektites, Cott onades,Satlnets, "Tweeds, "Cotton and' MI). , pots, Table Covera. Bleached— ' , and Ilroent ' drillings, • . . , , and an endless we- ' rlety of other— • articles. In fact, this stook of goods Is 'very extensive, Mot , ough and complete, having been purchased with. a great deal of care, we feel confident we can please any ono who wllLfitvor us wlttp a call. - • All candid persons who have patronlied us hereto fore,will nitwit, that we lave sold the.best ham'ns ever purchased in Carlisle. a We ran assure our friends and all lovers of "Cheap Coodsr that we aro as well prepared es ever to offer superior InduPements for their patronage. A. W. 111-:NT6, SOuth Hanover street, opposite the Post Omen. EW GOODS !. NEW GOODS !I _ havejuslretnrned f on% New York and Phila. dolphin, and nth now opening in Ito new stun) room the largest aid post splendid stock of. SPRING AND,.SUITIMER GOODS - ever brought to Carlisle. A inatoinclint Ban nf LA DIES mp,ER; GOODS. such as Plain and Fancy, Silks, ilayadere,Side Stripo Silks Elegant Illnrk Silks, very low, Poll De Cho% lora, Urania!lnes, Vandal..., and ha rage ItobeS, Side Stripe Del,anes, Ducalls, Organdy Law., Brilliants, etc., etc. A full assortment of Embroidery, Elegant rollnrs, Undersleaves, Handkerchiefs. Inserting, Edgings, - FlounOne . s: 'etc., - chealler than ever. 'Cambric's, &urea and Striped Jaconets, 8.14:4 Nansooks. etc., etc. 3lus Tirkings. Cheeks. Ginghams, etc., of all kinds and at the very lowest B ONNE TS, RIBBONS, FLO WEBS, Ulltllos, an entire new assortment. 131'1UNG SHAWLS, a largo aSsertment and very cheap. such RN Stl,lla,,Wlllll Domaine; Thibet, Grenadine 110 w CifltilN and ratt.imeres also just ,received:' Gate simeres and other goods for Boys' wear in great variety Counterpanes, Hosiery, (Hosea: Mitts, etc.. etc. A hull and new assortmont or Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut framed hooking thasrs. CARPLT , MIB AND 3LITTINOI. , -..tilhillet supply of super Imperial, Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp and Stair Carpet ifiss, at very tiqiurial aril... Mk stork has helm laid In with great care at the very lowest cash!wires,. Mid will he told for the rash atsueb prices as will .rnn vinru all tliat,Ogilh& new Sion, Is the'plat , e to lay out their liah' to the very hest advantase. Light profits and Recolleet.the now storu iP onAhe corner_of Maio and rat streets, opposite the 31elhoilist Church, Carlisle; April 21,'58.] , 'CIIAS. 0011,11 V. NOW IS 7'.11E TOM FOR '.441?0.A1N5. 1, A RGE 'AND EX T E . N SI VI - AitltivAroP " • - SPRING AND.. SUNI;IEIt .GOODS 4.t the New Store. Corner of -North Ilanover and Loather Streets. The undersigned returns thanks fOr.tlie patmnags bestowed upon him t' the at the FaMU the I . s:sportfully announces that he has just returned frosts Ishlladelphia, and Is stow mood mg a now lot of SPRING 'AND SLIMMER DRY 1100118 AND eon sistltag its part as follows, and which he Is determined to sell at the lowest 'rash prices. SILKS. DUCAL, CLOTHS,. Cltallies, -. Alpacas. De• fialnes Deltstzes, Lustnss, !Awns, Ilareges, Dr' Man ts,Sltirti ng,Frestrb and tiesstels fllngleinis Prints, Gloves - Ifissierv, Collars, listmikerchielit. he. tiIiAVLS XND,3IANTILLAS, In every style and quajhty. - sTAI , LK AND DOIESTIC DRY GOODS, Cloths, Cm, slmeres, Tirionmt, - Stripes, Cheeks, Calicoes, Cottonades, Linens; Shootings, Denb ums. Neal:eons, Drills, •Marseilles Quilts, colored and white Carpet Chain, Ike., to, Parasols and Umbrellas. Also n lar4o and splendid assortment of BONNETS, HATS, CABS. BOOTS AND SHOES. . . . A superior lot of fresh UM UM:RIES, Ter., CIVITOO. Ss. gar, Molasses. It iCt, Spices. &v., Ac. Having sole,ted my entire stock with the greatest care, gold the lowest ClBll 'limits, I eau assure 'my friends and the public generally, that I will do all In sty tower to slake my establishment known as the " HEAD QUARTERS MOIL A ItO AIM." Those who WWI to purchastovill find It to their advantage to call and munino my stock before purchasing. e • , . 1 will pay the highest inarlcot price for Butter. Eggr, ltaAs, Soap, nod Dried Fruit. CarllEJo, April 21, 1858 NEW GOODS'POR SPRING CLOTIIINO. The subscribers respectfully inform their patrons, and the citizens geneivily, that they have recently received from New York and Philadelphia. a largo and elegant assortment of clothing suitable for tho preSent season. man Martens' of tine best in aerials and In the most lashianable style, wilivh they are determined to sell cheaper than similar tulle'. can be eh:milere. Their stock comprises lilt Ess AND pitouli COATS, of nen I.llli ihshionable styles. Business Faekk and Frocks of the Isrst material Ind latest patterns Double and. single breasted Vests In endless varlety—ehoiro styles. ',Fine Illadi Prench Doeskin and .Fancy Cassl• mere Pants. Plain light colored Cassimere Pants, In great-variety—choice styles 1301" S CLOTHING. )- • 10 Order to meet the newts of the people in thls branch of their business 'great. two and •sttention' has been given to It the present season. Coats, Pants and Vests of all sines and on:Utiles, to which constant addi tions will be made during the season. Also, a full assortment of Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Cra s.ats, Pocket Ila ndkerchiels, Suspenders, Stocks, Uloves, Hosiery and UMbrellas. • - . . Always on hand a largo assortment of Black, Brown, Itluo and Olive Cloths, Black Doeskin and fancy Cassl• tui•ro Vostings, &e. Clethilur.,l ovory description and quality well Outdo, nail of good material ennstantly on hand. CtiaLonier's_wurk_nintle_tin_to. ordaroit- the shortest notice and on reasonahle tering. Alt:if/LB & LI V11 , 4 - 440:1. Cnrlixle t Morel, ...North Ilanover at:. K E.L S FIAT, - CAP, . BOOT AND SHOE North East Corner of the 'Pohl ic Sqhlfre. , -- The' subscriber. (thaw In the public. a complete and _choke assortment of lints ' 'Caps Mots:ot Slues. Which' have ;lust Leon purchased frOM the best manufacturers, Our stock consists of a great variety of beautiful SILK AND FELT lIATS, made 'expressly' for customers. All kinds of Caps for Ilun. Boys and Children. We wOuld invite particular attention to our well selected and groat variety of these goods, as we are confident they cannot be extolled In the tumr or county. ' BOOTS AND 5110115, of every style and variety, all unequalled for price and finish. It consists In part of flue French CALF BOOTS, BOY'S YOUTH 'Si ,a - • LA DlES':French and English a AITERS, Misses' and " Every variety of Children's fancy Shoes. The boot lot of heavy WINTER BOOTS, for men and boys, in town. ' Thankful to our friends and the public for past fa. tors, we homi Ly litrlet attention to the wants of our customers, and by Bulling GOOD GOODS, to merit their continued Incur. . J. B. KELLAM. N.ll. 7 —We sell no Auction Goods! . [Oct. 7,'67. D. .1. W. C. SAWYER , NEWS FOR THE PEOPLE. • • Large arrival of new and seasonable goods a LEIDICH SA (formerly Gen. Ilitner's) - Store, East Main Street, a few doors below Mar ' tin's Hotel. &VINCI Just returned from Philadelphia, with a -1 large addition of new and desirable goods to, 'fanner stock, WO am now prepared to offer great lourviao manta to town and country trade. Our stock embraces nearly every thing suitable for Ladles Migfl'S.,s-1004.110YSlAnd.Dhildreu'il_wear;_ Mng D atii •fuirt' of Olugant Crape Shawls, Stella and Cashmure Shmtls, Lace mid Silk Mautlllaa, very beau tify! Swim and Claintirk Edgiklgs. Insertlngs, Paraxols, Ladies Sun Umbrellas, Gentleman's' tine silk Umbrellas„ltid Gloves, beat quality; Aong and • short Mohair Mitts, Silk and Male. Gloves. a fdll line of lit,- story,. suited - to•J:DlD,patoppyind all siaor. Beautiftil black Grotto Dalthing Sititriilogant fancy silks; selling VERT ounce. N, opc.ls 10µ11m1.0111uli Marcellneaud double Flocunce, all oohing and gutiffties, very superior Minim aluen,:Alpacao,_ black mid . :coliwied all wool De ' s ' pise, Tissues;"Beiregasi..Jaapar,`lleyedire,tiniiisslan ind Ilia. alayali Cloths for tiiivoilhig dresses, Chaillea; Chita:ex, fine Gritlndie Lawns, French do, &armlet, do. Lisle Gingham, Scotch do. Engiish.,Calicoes very denim , • • tile at 1234. domestic, prints all pricesineWstyle shirting, Oallooes, alwo *largo .stockwfuew • and • standard' brands of .Uusllns and .Sheetlngs, 10-1 •Allendnla Sheeting, .Pillow=case' bLrellu, . wtrathrend aiirilarring-bona. ck• ngs• " Virginia Plinaburgs, . Furilituro Chocks, Cottor. ipantings, , comprising • kirk ]{tills, -111Pka's Stripoii. POnu'll.lllllls, Denials, &a...Ay. •. 0.4 French' blackeiliths vory superior, • Nronoli black Dbe-akin Clisalmores, •faucy. for boys wear. Silk and gatlnVentlngs, black and col ored Silk Ilandkerchiell, Man t a Stocluvlhano 'Carrots, . stand ingun d Byron Colimit, ready, mado linen Mid Mar salllaa, 'madam. for shlrts,".bhialt- and while straw' and alkali!, bonnets, eats, and' is great variety,, of. abr , We hope Brim nor experience in Misinosii and &wire. 'to blooms established. in.tralle andettentiou Di, custom- , ore, to isHricebiiire of , puling patronage for, , which • we . will lbell-trilly.gratlifull,, - Plusses call soon as thu bargains ,Wre"goligg:off • •• , .; Cnrlle e, nty2o . oB-4y. • - "-. . • — IIOIIP - HalldbillS l- 11Datly - O,,SeDBUId, • Theo SOUTIIWORTIL COLONEL V;'W CROCKETT, . CIIARIAS BURDETT, • THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAIM', JUN., 0501105 ARNOLD, • , EL&NUEL YOUNO-. ' • Mon. ANNA NUMMI:Y. Mss-VIRGINIA YAUOHANi-- --'• - Moo. DI VERNON, film ArrtE.CLAILE,_ . • FINLEY JOHNSON; ".." - Write only forItluI! " • GOLDEN. PRIZE. . . GOLDEN .PKIZE—.: . • - -;—.-----GOLDEN--PRIZE. • GOLDEN - -'---GOLDEN GOLDEN PRIZE. ' 9rl!E , . • GOLDEN • - PRIZ M ILLUSTRATED • DEAN & SALTER, Succosgornlo Dyiicy'r Co. , - • 111111 The New York Weekly GOLTiEN PRIZE' is one of ti largest and hest literary papers of the dayan Imperi Quarto, containing eight pages, pr forty columns, of tl most interestingamtaltschuding rattling matter, fro the pens of the vary first writers of the day. Will be given to each subscriber immediately on recoil of the subscription money. This. Is presented . a M mento of Friendship, and not as an inducement to 0 talc subscribers. • ' Ono copy for aria year, $2 00 stud 1 Present Ono copy for two, yours, 3 50 and 2 Present. Ono copy for tiaras 3 5OO and 3 •" One copy for five years,.... 800 and 5• _ • TO CLUBS, Three conics, ono your; $5 00 and 3 Five copies, ono year, 8 00 and .Teu.coples,_one year, ' 15 00 and 10- " Twontpone copies; ono year, 30 00 and 21 '• Tlie articles to Lu given 144 nro comprised-In the 2 Packages of Gold, containing . $5OO 00 0.11. 5 do do do 200 00 each. ]0 sio ,do do lOO 00 each. 10 - Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches 100 00 each. 20 Gold 'niches 75 00 each. , 50 do . _ .. 60 00 cork. 100 do . • ' 60 00 each. • '3ooladies' Gold Watches ' 35 00 each. 250 Silver flooring Cased Watches 30 00 each. IM O -Silve'r-Watrhes.---r —,--- - ---- $lO - 40 to 25 00 .., I. -1000 Gold Guard, Yost, Fob Cpaitaslo 00 to 30 00 each. Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops. Breast . Pins, Calf Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Hines, Shirt Studs. Watch KeysTGold and Sliver Thimbles, and II varietyef otherarticles, worth from 60 rents to $l6 each. ' We will present to every person sending us 50 sub scribers, at $2 each. a Gold Watch, - yv,»•V, $4O; to any • one sending us 100 subscribers. at $2 1.11011, 0 1,01,1 Watch, worth $110 ; Every subscriber will also receive a present. 'lmmediately on receipt of the' money; lbo' Pubsrab or's mono will be entered up,9l our book, end !he . pres oat wfillie - forwoilled within ono week, by Mut! - or eit. press, post Judd, ' • . . . ON— Al eoniMudientions should be teldrewd to DEAN & SALTE!t, Pkornmonsi 335 Itrbodway, New Vents EZ2 - A GI?EAT BOOK PPR:AGENTS! ' Publiehe !hie day, Feb. 914, 1868. rT Y k A R,S IN CIIiAINS OE,:TOE LIFE OF AN AMEILIOAN SLAVE. This it the title of one of. the moot 'lntensely inter °sting blogrAphies the tIV. It is the plain history o an American Slave In the far South, after two o three eseape.i and recaptures, finally. an old man, fount freedom mud rest in ono of the Northern States. ---- The stay Li bird - With - g4•W:tt. T;leiplivityrbuit - with murk power and pathos.. SYlloover takes It will find It dlllieult to lay it down until It Is finished.,NATloNm. Ens, Washington, D. C. A .narrative of real - exparienve like the above, will have far monreffeet against slavery than the ingoni• nasty Wanda novel. however true to life Ito pictures may be.—Am. Ii terror liere Is the book of facts. stranger,Pian'fietlon..and a thousand I morn thrilling; a simple tale of Ilfo-long oppreshion, revealing truly the worklngS of tho " peva ttutlon "In our country. To the Ftory-loving we would say, heroka story repel reatling.— ItEroau. • - • •In each county In the free States, to onmtgo_ln the sale of the above work Immediately. Such .can Vastly clear from • , TIM work hi boautlrully printed and Num!, and is as large as the hicks that Nell far el II): last as - we mean to sell at least osi: 'cif:ll/RED T 11011,1551) COPIES, throne:ls agents, we have made the retail price only ONE DOle LAR.- A SANI . PLE COPY of the book Nr II I ho. sent by !null, )ostagu paid, on receipt of the prim, - and our private .irruihrtro Agouti!, with terms. is. Add•tuel ..II DAYTON, Publisher, No. '-'9 , Abu•stl'eet, Now York Margh,:q. 1855-41m05../.... , ~...., SHAWL S, AND MANTUA:AS Extra fodueemonts to Buyers this Seicon. Opening of BULPIN'S NEW Smt. No. 415 BROADWAY, ono door South of Canal Street, Now YonK, o.a ON MONDAY, MAY THE 10nr. • Ono thousand elegant new ~NIAN VILLAS, Imported 4 1-„,„ iron, Paris for the Geelthioll, 1611 BB EXHIBITED ON Thu OMNiNG DAY SPECIAL NOTICE TO LADIES. J. A. lIUMRICII, Jr. In ardor to satisfactorily Inaugurate, the auspicious • event of Removal to his Now and Elegant Store, the subscriber has determined DURING THE WHOLE OF .THE PRESENT SEASON to offer to his very numerous patrons throughout every • ...Hon of the Union, )lost EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS ns nro.tnes , lie to now manufacturing from Imported Parisian Designs, . MOST. EXTENSINE AND .lINTIRELY NEW S'RICE : having. in accordance with hisexpressed determination as per prior 1111110U111:0111011E, made u complete clearance of all his former morchamllme. The advantages of purchasing front this collection will, therefore, at ones. be manifest, every article in the _ stuck being entirolylresit 1111t1 new, Elegant Black Silk Smuttier Circulars, - Do. do. Silk and Lace, . French Lace Mantillas, Do. do. TAMAN, DO. do. Circulars. Suunner Cloth Raglans and Basques, '• Denys and Crape Parlez Circulars, Nourning Mantillas, Misses' Mantillas, - Ladles' Dusters and Traveling Cloaks, together with every other fashionable article convected with tin , Mantilla Trade. IttCautifit I Stella Shawls, in black and alto, and every desirable color. N. ll.—The subscriber takes this opportunity of stet , -- lug, thatwltllst fully resolved on untatitittlng the high eh:mu:tor his establishment has already obtained for • ,- ,.keepintrarticles of first Maas fashion anti quality, he Is jequally determined to offer them , et prices in ne,erd d,-011ce with the present IMELS4III- of retrenchment 'and' economy: (11:011(11: ItILILPIN, • • . . ' 415 llmitlway:'New Writ. ' (Uttder thu llruudroth House A,, May 12, 1158-2nl. 1,• % . It. S.S ELBERRY'S , (LATE AYRES & CAPSELIJERRO - • - DRY-GOODS STORE, b 3 NORTH MOUTH STREET, • BELOW ARCS, (OLD No. 40,) PHILADELPHIA. _o_ DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL, ONE PRICE—SMALL PROP,IT-.-CCP LU FOR CARS. JuU'6B-Iy. ek, CO.'S IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON THILOLDES I' ESTABLISHMENT In the UNITED -.,STATES, E3IPLOYINII TWO HUNDRED - 3IEN, and Finishing EIGHTY INSTRUMENTS PER W HER_ Combining nil their Recent improvemente--the Divided Swell, Organ, :Melodeon, ic., (The Divided Swell can only bo obialned in Melodeon. of our hlnnufneturo.): Manufacturers, NuTao, New York 87 Fulton at. A: Y., 110 LitAi: at. Chicago,.ll WILOGESALF: 41.(11iNItussoll 111clowhon, Ik. to,, Mom;. W. F. Folburo,lnuoll. 0.; Palmor fi ) Volum, St. [Auto, Mo.; Pb P. Worlolu, Now Orleans. From thu Homo Journal, April 3,11368 The-tdelothione manufactured byPriuce & Co.,- and. for sale at 87 Fulton atreat, are the best In the world. We have tried theimand therefore speak undmretand• ,ingly of thole merits, They are afforded at a very mod. orate cost, • PRICES OF PORTABLE:INSTRUMENTS. RIM , octave Melodeon, extending form C to,C. * 45 - - Four and a bolt octavo, nvo Octavo Nlolodouu, Fly° Octavo, double, rood, do '... • Prue Denim of Koyo, Five Sots of Weide, Eight Stone 0110 elidtt Reif Octavo Foot:Pedals, Ono Set of Reeds, In rola Dm Independent $350 -- • • PRICES OF PIANIA, CASED • " Five Octavo ideindeon, extend l ng F to E.......g.5100 Six Oettive Melodeon, • do: • lo tan Five Outlive double reed.. de." F to Five Oatovo Two Danko of Kepi 2011 . • , . Our fabillifel for matinfacturlnir are perfect, and from our long experience 11l the, busitios, having finished and sold..oter TIVENTY•TWO THOUSAND .tifitOpri. ONI3, we ibetrunfident of giving satisfitetion.. • 'Alibleloddons of our manufacture, either cold by tis,, deblers part of the. Unitcd'fitates or Oanadaii. 'eta Wnnn (NT8I) 1,11• Q.), re 00 r . rUCE In ()tory reSpeet.and Should ptilra be necessary. boh _re the oxpirntlou clone year from the be opiate wsliehrourseives.ready and' to - make,the P 411 1 ,0 free . of charge, provided; tip injury cause! by atchlent on dea r ; ••: Airafitii (bribe Bala about Nolotleono may be fetiVdl4 Bli the principareitles Mitt 'Outfit( lu the United, fitates. 'Agentsitt r OactifilititYoOKlTAY.LOft-,:t:811iTIL , " At Newvllio—W.R. 1.41141 , i,• • [mayitilfi." !titn tigrincut . I=C:=l ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK A PRESENT, WORTH FROM . 69 CENTS TOi6(l9'oo, :1! II it DI 8: WRITTEN II? HIMSELF. 430 Raga, both, Wit Buck. Priro IVht the Press Say • A THOHOUOIL CANVASSED J 8 WANTED S3O TO Ilklo , X!ITAL ;MONTH (EO. A. PRINCE ,k, CO =1 et I ' F to N. F to F.y 311chicines i . VIE LIVER INVIGRATOR PRE AILED BY Dit. SANFORD. ,• • 'Compounded entirely from GUMS.' J. S ONE OF TILE BEST PURGATIVE AND LIVER MEDICINES now before the .public, that acts as a _CATIOUtTic. easier, milder, end more effectual than any other medicine known. • It le not only a CATHARTIC, but a Lthat reteutlyouling find en the Lwaa, to eject Its moriad matter, then on the stomach and bowels to car • e,v .off that - matter, thee accomplishing- two - purposes effectually. without any of theValralul feelings experi enced in the lipernt ton of pleat CATHARTICS. It Strength etei_tite system at the some time that it purgereit ; and when taken duly hullAitterste t doses._ will strengthen --Met - Thu Liver Is One of the principal regulators. - .netheittttaithody;and -- when.- it -pdrforms fenctions w. II Carew, •• are of the system are fully developed. The stomach le almost, en- Orel,' dependent On!tho healthy action of., the Liver fie- thin preprints- Eformance of its flifictiona wino) Ca:steeled) Is nt Ault; Pie bowels are at Molt. and the. whole system suffers in conse gttsnro oho organ— rwr? the .Liver having eared to du Its duty. M"'l For the diseases of that Mgani' onu - Or the pro- O Trleters Ban made it his .study, in a num:Lice of morethan tiyenty years, to filid ' setae remedy • wherewith,to counteract the many derangements to,whicit It is liable. To prove that Ibis re- medy lb at loot found, any person troubled with Liver . Cola. plaint in any of its r" - : forms, hole but to tty • bottle, and ..tiviction is certain. These emus removeall F-;--1 morbid or bad Anatter fl ran the system. sup- ? „.„1 plying In their place a healthy flow 'of bile. In- vigorating the stomach, muslin; food to digest " well, purifyingthe blood giving tone tied - Smith g to the whole machinery nititOVlng the causes of •the. diocese, and effect ing readied cure. • p.l 0119 dose eller eating • Is suMeient to rellevci the stomach lord pro. vent the: food from leg and souring. • Wily ono_ dose taken 1.71 before retiring prevents nightmare. • Only one dose taker' at night 'loosens the istwole keutly. and cures', costlVenesa. .• • , One done taken 'after Go each meal will cure Dy• nce- Onb dose of two tenepoottfulawilielways .relieve Sick lientinche. One 'bottle token Pir female obstruction' re-' tenses the cause of tling_disenao, _and . makes s poil...a-61re. Only one dose Immo- (2), dintely' relieves Cholic, while one dose often re- panted is a sure cup for Cholera illorbitsi' and a . preventive of Cholera. One dose token often „Z . will prevent the recur. retire of bilious taoks, while It no- Heves 411 painful fuel- ...el logs. .• ImOnly one bottle is needed to throw out the of system the effects - of lf_ntrilidlicinealter. a . long ' 'sickness. Cite bottle . taken for Jaunt:ller removes all'eallew. nese or unnatural color front the skin. siffuttintiaeforneating gives vigor " fo the appetite end makes fooedigest well. One dose often_ repeated cures Chronic Diem." r cera le its worst forms, while Summer and bow.. el eottiplilliits yield tamest to the first dose. thie or Iwo. doses tUres attacks eaused by worms, lit children:' there is Ho surer, Rider or speedier remedy in t he world, as It. ,never elfin, We take htituttu . plensuk in recommending this mettirine es 0 preventive for never and Ache, Chill Fever mid till Fevers of a Billions Type. It ..Itorzttes with rertninty, and thousands are willing to testify felts wonderful' virtues. All who me It are e i ring their Unanimous testimony. In Ito foyer, ', Mix wafer iii•tler mouth- vilth the Invigorator, ati,l 4w:11114v both together. TILE LIVER INviocutAirotv IS A, (MEAT SCIENTIFIC MEDICAL DISCOVERY, • end isdnily.workilig etireN, sitiukt too great to believe, 'lt 'errs as if hy numb., even tliO firtit dose giving bene fit, end teddom more than - mai truffle is required to cure any kind of LIVER Gnnploint, from the worst Jaun dice or Dyspepsia to a eniiimon harder:he, all' of which 'are, the result ofw Diseased Liver. PRICE. ONE tartan PER nO+4E; .• SANFORD, Piopeletor, 345 Broadway, New York. tin,_ Sold In Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT and S. W. HAY: ERSTICK. I my 2611358. THE OXL I' SAFE . PREPARATION - dots not Dye, but will redgro 0-R H A. lt,Tilifklual color, by Naturo's own process, to PROF. o,..h.wooD's CELEBRATED HAIR RESTORATIVE. TN proof of the above asseition, rend the follisfring tea. tinsmy from distinguished persons liftman parts of the country; _ 110 N. 801.0310 N MANN, Ahn Arbor. Mich. says his wife, whose hair' had become very thin - and ' entirely white was restored to Its original brown - color, and lied thickened and hero* beaus iful _pod glossy 'upon, 'and entirely over tbd head Others of toy fatuity and Ukiah are using 3ouritestimitivo with tho'happlest effects.. -110N..10000 illthESE, Ex-Senator of Illinois says toy heir was prematurelygray, but, by the use of Wood's Itustoratho, it, has moaned Its original color. nod ILnve no doubt perninuontly so. : ZION. If. h. STEWAitT, says. my hair wen very gray, but after 'using two bottles, It restored it to its original ulor. 1 REV..T. K. BRAGG, Brookfield, Mass., my, It has re moved front my head Inflammation, dandruff, and a constant tendency Br itching, and 'restored my hair, which was gray, to its original 'color. • .1. W. DAVIDSON, Monmouth, 111:, says, my hair was two thirds, gray, or rather white, but by the application of the Restorative as directed, it has resumed Its origi nal color. DIL (I. WALLIS, Chicago, says, after using a great ' many other preparations, all to no effect, 1 used one Islttle of your Illll44testorative, which has cured a 11101'111 my Iteml oftwo yearn' standing. ENJ AM4N Lo:srulei DUE, 254 Seventh A-venue, Now York, says,lhaving lost ray hairtby the effect, of the Erysipelas, when it began to grow, Instead of. black, as heretofore, it was well mixed with gray. Having tried many preparations to restore the color without effect, was induced to try yours, and In spite of all my doubts it has had the desired effect. 11. L. WILLIAMS, M. D., Peckensville, Ala., nye, I have used your Restorative, and find it al4ll is recom mended to be. 1 have' tried it for Totter and findit a certain cure. - It'. Si. IVOODWARD. 21. It., Frankfurt, Ky.. sayil,' he recommends It it his practice us the beet preparation Mr the hairnow,in use. ' ' • .EDIVARD WALCOTT, says,.ftnie menthe ago my hair was very gray, it IN now a dark brown, the original odor, somotliand glossy, all by the use of Wood's Re storariee. • WILSON KING, says, one niontlett proper application' will restore nny'person's hair to its origh.l color and texture. .1. D. 110 ES. says, a few applications fastened my hair firmly, it began to grow out tilla turn black, Unoriginal color. BETSEY S3IITII. North-East Pennsylvania, says that her hair bad, (Or n number of yetuir, been perfectly - white. but now it is restored to its youthful color) soft , and glossy. Dit. 3. W. BOND, :471%W, lays that - hieEriiaiiffrong thick and black, although a short time since he was t.;' , both bald and gray. Th., people here saw On effectsand • have confidence in it., • MORRIS GOSLING, 31. D, St. Louis, says that after trying many other preparation,, ell to no effect he used . two bottles, which covered, his head with a new and vigorous growth of hoireod inviteii all Cu Cottle and see It. SA It All .1. BROWN, says her hair NMI - not only gray, but so thin-she feared Its entire loss--but after using two tkdtlea It has restored both the collie and growth. Prepared by 0..1. WOOD Si CO., .114 Market idreet, 81111 l LOUIS, and 312 Broadway New York, and sold by ' all Druggists and Patent •Medle ' l no Dealers; also, by all Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers in the United States slid Canada._--_— f my26'sB. For sale in Carlisle, by S. W. lIAYEIISTICK, SAIII'L , ELLIOTT, and Druggists everywhere.' -READ - ! READII FILLS 1-NO CURE, NO PAY R. DuPRONT, the celebrated • French practitioner - , - has established an 'agency in Phildelphia, the only Ono it America, whore direr tints end nualtrina_maybe procured for the treattnent (old 0000 of Ilemorrholds or PILNS in an .incredible short space of time. This annatittelnlent Is rends with the utmost: eonildenee, because it an 'ESTABLIRIIOI • rter, attested by thousands who have been sufferers, that the various phases of this distressing disease can lie speedily cured by this naw mode of treatment. 'The relief, in most cases, is most instantaneous. 80 eurt: are the pro:irk:me of tills, that they ore settling to fake the risk themselves: az- MoNny 05 ANY PAYIVIT • . AUL). lie. III:TURNED, IF A cent; IS NOT eneeenukp,, mixes DIREeIiONS see £Ol.l.OlvElI Tim great nntemlt of distress and torture endured by thousands of people. from this disease, the other .de rangements of the system consequent upon it, skid knowledge of the fart that relief can be afforded,' has huhteed,the establislun.t of the American agency, Persons at a dist:lll., wishing to obtain the thedt• clue r should state. by letter, how long they have hid • .the disease, and whether the piles are of the bleeding blind, or protruding character, no the treatment has. to be varied according to the variety of the disease. The Dwane are HO plain that any person can make theapple? cation. Ity making a plain statement of the rash, and enclore tug three dollars, medletne and full directions will 'hi sent to any part of the country. Address,, ' bit. J. It. DI.II.ItONT, ' . philadelphia,'Pa• • maylolB6B-1y DR. IVAt..iore,ta AMERICAN PILLS. • JOY TO TUE AFFLICTED: • YOUNG A AIERW A VICTOR/OM. • Ono innin box 0(1'11111MM nlnety-nlne cases O p t of - • ithdrod. Noltalsam, no Mercury, no odor ma the: • breath, no fees of detection. Two small pills a dime tasteless luioaenfaTi ' lVAn "fls-- tra t.ltitr;!icitfrT s certain" as ' with the advice of ,tho ingot experienced unmet, nod much bettor nom will the edvico of one of little • exporlotteo in this class of 'disease. • SENT IIY MAIL TO ANY PART OF TIIRDOUNTRY ) - by enclosing, one dollar to DR: Ir. G. Wspron, No. '144,, • North Seventh St. belonirele.,,lthiladelphia; A Liberal' Discount to , the Trade Noun Fontaine without the , written signature of D. 0. 'Walton. Proprietor. Pr. W 'ft trotituout for Selfabuso, A eakuestc de, ie - entirely dllferont Tramtheautual course., Dr.' W. lam .„ ' - enrol Itnndrods - who'haVelrlad'otbeienvitherartmitiflr . Thmtnettruent as Co cure as tha !sun, rim. }lnclose a stamp, and address Dr. W. as giving n NIP blstory of the rase, and yottwill blena_the _ you 111040 the effort to secure what to 'certain—A RAMA LOIRE." - JIM. 27, 1558.-If. • • ' • • DU - VALL'S GALVANIO OIL.— , great roniody Into' Itained fOi Itlolcarforld IR& roputatkm; ooa blcoolug to Invalid& 114 ourat.of opined dlieose, Itboumatlam, llut ne and SitoldoiNervotto headache, tkyolpoloo Nouto/gla,* 40.,:1t !tool ity piaghia ; _effect In romorltut. pain, lintiartlng"lathidltatoood ports a natural ourront.nt oho:trinity, by whlcli , thti , beatnik' 1 functionyukt reottaltdimniadlatuly, attdk &core °Mott A t 'K Aonb ono hatevotusott RAI 'attract ItlthattO beindit wo canfitlantly . ofor,tO I,bostfulta,havi 7 opplted; It, ~ tO t ',U3airlcattmony:ln Ito tutor... • .:" Foe Onto EC Wlll. Eilloltataitintirt tt n;4:Kloltoiclipaa{.},l l! °. .B. • he uniform:price 10. therv.Veztra boalis . this Is the only ohm that Is Jahhii3O.l. , to the Uoltiot Staten.'----- ,