I ii Cy Markets. cAttirast.F. rinouvera 111AAKE Ittetiorted weekly for , the Herald by -- , Woodward & Schmidt, FLoira. - Suprrifue, per biot.'. •,d0.,:- Extra,do. • Fatally!: , . do, Urn' • do. WRITE WIIEAT per bushel Row-- do. RYE do. Coax . do. o.tr9 do. -, .CLOVEREIRED do, TIMOTHY/REG do, SPRING BARLEY do. WINTER SMILEY - do. __PiilL}►R GPIIIAIIIAfKET.__ __noun, pet barrel, Bates family dour, • • 6 60(3,0 00 . .Rye •Fluur, 8 25 Corn Meal, . &25 W.ttakr; best white, per bushel,. 1 1500 25 Prime red Wheat,•, 1 'oo®l 18 . . Rye, per bushel, ' • • - 60 Cara, 66 • . 70 ORM, • " • Clovereeed, per bushel, 'Whiskey, per:gallon. BALTIMORE DIAREZT. • . noutt; per barrel, ~ .• 4 2505,05 - Ohio extra,- . . ~ - 475 City mills,' . • 6 60 , _ Rye Flour, . . .8 25 —Coro,--Me4—.-- . . ,8-00 — Wilximbest - white - per:bushel,-----1-10®1-20 , `Prime red 'wheat, - • 1 00®1 06 • Rye, per bushel, . • . - 72 `Coro;. • " . ' '. ' • 68et,68 Oota, " ' . 36' . Cloverseed, per bushel,' . • 4 50. Whiskey, per gallon;' ,• ' . . : 21 •j- IST OF DEALERS.—Of Goods. j. Wares and Merchandise. Also Distillers, Milford, umbermen, Tanners, fir., within the County, of Cunt. berlond, returned and clossilied in accordance with the several acts of Assembly, as follows, to wit . Carlisle. Abner Hostel, dry.gorels • • D: SI. Conklin, groceries. J.Y.Armstrong, lumber, It. E Shapley, • S. Hover, 'W. B. Murray, coal . Woodward & Schmidt,•produce J. lament & Son, ti • J. &D. Rhoads, cool W. A. Mlles, dry-goals _ Henry Mullin, clothing Reuben Line, (lry , goa 11.• M. Johnson, books W. L. ilaßor. — groceries W. 11. Trout, bats • 1. D. Dorms, stoves amen Loudon, books' • A. M. Piper, . (‘• . • Samuel-Silintt, drugs . - Thomas Conlyn, jewelry J. W. }lily, groceries . Henderson & Fous,-preduca Jacob Senor, shoes J. D. Halbert. groceries • 13. W. ilaierstick, drugs 1 .• • Fredericks & Homer, marketing ' Arnold & Livingston, 'clothing • , J. P. Lytle & Son, hardware Jonathan Cornmen, shpts • J. A. litimrlch, dry-goods ,vt.l - ChrhilialiTirnciries Jaceit'Welf. ; ; goods .. James Collin, marketing • Jacob Kenny, " • • , ' S. C. fluyett, groceries (Damn & Heifer, lumber. ' Monyer,.confec'r. (il stores) • .Ar told & Son, clothing ' George Koller, hats • Philip Arnold, dry.goods 5.11. Keller, hats Henry Saxton, hardware - Steiner & Co., clothing Charles Ogllby, dry.goods W. D. A. Naugle. jewelry • 11. S. Hitter, clothing C. -I obeli, groceries B. .1. Kieffer, drugs G. W. Illtner, dry-goodi • IlenPy Harkness, grocries John Faller, ; 0 . • John Keeny, . . P. !Resent-eolith, " Atom Anirannitan. N. Ilantch, clothing • Smith & Tayloi,books —William - Askevr; - rnarketlng Henry Rhoads, ftlifilture J. It. Weaver . A. B. Ewing, David Sipa, • " J. W. Smiley, defiling • H. Latobridge, shoes Thomas Phillips, shoolMlk Robert liners, shoes 4. SIIIIPPENISBUDO. ---„,” 11. Ituby & Co., Produco 10 Bonjatnin Biggs, nlarkellug 14 Willlain Clopper, " , , 14' M. 31.-Angle, lumber . - 14 Philip Detrich, groceries 14 Baughman & Fosnaught, groceries 14 Deughtusu & Fosuaught, produce 13 Samuel Sugars, marketiug • 14 Willis, Moore & Co., dry-goods 13 Anthony F. Wolf, wares . 14 I'. £3; Artz, sho. , 14i S. C. Moller, " , . 14 J. Heck & do., dry.goods ' 13 J. &J. B. Ileddig, " - Bomberger & Blair, produce 11 (Newman & M'aggouer, clothing 14 J.C. &hick, drugs 14 Stevick, Kunkle & Bro., dry-goods 13 Forney & SVPherson, hardware 13 J. Stumbangh, Mims Jacob Pagae, groceries John Bridgos, clothing W. A. Cox, shoes Tatou A htewart, dry•goods John IWCurdy. books John Criswell, drugs J. Fisher. hats Ilrabill & holler, hardware 1.31. Bikes, stoves NEWVILLE • S. L. Lerl, dry goods Fry de 31'Elwalne, knees Joseph Laugnllie, clothing Stough k. dry.goods J. M. Davidson, shoes Bratton, drugs ' WIL lam Rood, ,•• W. L grocerleg William Vona] d, marketing William Stiteel, •• Jonathan Forroo, •• • Joules M'Clandllsh, dry goods W. W. 'terra], drugs WEST eENNSBOEOUPII • townaend & Co., produce l'aul & Bro. Woodward & Schmidt. produce lotus Lk Davidson, dry-goods • Edwin James, J. Hood & Co., Alexander Coodhart, marketing 'William Bishop, NEWTON P. A. A hl & 'iron., produce J. & 3. B. Kursk, proluee, (New) Alfred :Mulch, dry-goods. C. Vosnaught, A. C. & D. Miller J. 4 J. It. Kursk, pro. (Oakville) • j~ de k M'ashinger, dry,goods Jadakepi.rq, marketing J.M. Wag ur, James Kyle, ...Av.:goods • SOITTIIAMPTON *o.7aught & Isoris,,produco '• D. hi. Clover, dry•goods J. T. Baugham, Schoch, Sous & Co. George Clever, henry . Ilyers, marketing James A clark, ..• MIFFLIN , Henry Snyder, drygoode 'Lewis Sitter, '. FRANKYOItD William Gresn, dry-goods ' • lIO@RWRLL h.:drinker di-Elliott, dry:goons Jonathon Stri lfo -Hooter di Itebuck, marketing Cuttln 141.1.ileaf, • 'C. C. Stouffer, clothing DICKIABON • David Ilaya,dry•gooda Buvael A Dice, • .Clabit. tlaker, AY..11, " Jacob Plank, 4 . • J. Green A Cu, • --- Peter• bavid Claudy, groceries Ilutchinsou.'inarketing • Jacob Doetexu, marketing SOUTH hl IDDL Et 01: •, Moore & Craighead, dry geoda Mifflin & Alexander, , a. A. &1.1. Caufman, • • A.ll. .Itllgll, • - . . MONROE. • , ( 3 . Laidig & Stephenvi drygooda 13 •'lO 00 Dovinny A 13 10 00 , . .• • , • „ . i. . • • , • - NOitTli 111IDDLETON, • DUav Lighl,dry•goode '' •; ' ' ' ' ' f3ILVEIt SPAIN° .114 V r It firoiroadell, dryood; Joidal Culp, 4; jacatit3lmmods. d David stroidd, • • J. U. 1 . 0 141it. DrDdije•' , - MtCHAttICSIICItO. 'Daniel Comfort, dry•goiidti ' , Oswald k Co., lumbor • Nlngixork Sharper, produce Nolt e ro a Bt 4a 44,,e ba r ! • 1 7' '•J; Johneipn *Sou, " itsz.V . A . . Kaufman A n, hardware' •, ,• ~ iJ Ira Day, drugs - Jacabhorsbnimer, books "; I • 14' Brindle t Nelawanger, dry•gooris "•- 12 Swisbcr & Emi . 11.13rahill, cloating 41, ,14 E. Lamont, shoes ' • • • ,-'-'- - 44 Bobln Herrotrem & Co., hardware 14 Wonderly & Bro., stores • " -14 1 John''Harlan, 111arkeling • 14 IL Wilson & Bon; stoves ' . •" ' 14 Daniel Holmes, shoes " - 14 Haigh, & Hewing. drugs ,•• : 13 L. D. Kieffer, clothing . 14 • LevlEnell,, 11 14 ,I). IL Butler > , - " —. l 4 Leas, dryloods " ' " 14 Jolla Height, " " 11 Andrewßinc,iser, groceries , 14 Jacob limminger,• " - " 14 , William Huston, furniture 14 Samuel Worst, ", . 14 $ 4.00 .4,37 . 4032 • 2,50 . 1,05 - 4.00 2,00 Na Sale. GoswoMiii4 Zug, dry.goodu . 13 . Mr. Slither,. .• - " 14 Ilyinun Longnockee go :odium • . 19 Peter 43Ingerich, marketing_ . • •14 Ealie — tellettific - 7 ----/4-- George - Widnes, Abut. Brower, John Ruts, Lloyd, &Use NEW CUMBERLAND. Charles Oyster, lumber ' J. IL Church, V. Freeman IL Marlin & Sous " James & Musser, " B. F. Lee, ‘.‘ J. O. Miller, dry.gooda 4 24 2.0®21 Jacob Henninger, pi - wades John iirCiiitnirk • " -Warmly & Zinn. lumbar Jacob Longneeker, groceries 1. W. Feeler, drygoodn U. & J. Ilynitni, lumber • Y. F. Alartin & Co., lumber liar & Hummel, .'• • 01tanks, Limeades 5.-.lt-I'attoreen,-projusu--: Jilielinel Free D. bienlinger, drygoods_. Rugg & Son, dry-goods IV. 11. Echols. ‘• •Fsustiol She:trek.' Remy Hupp. produce Johu Kum, shot. . • ' .TANNERS. Samuel Orabani, Went Pennsborough 14 George Koslit,,Frn nkford, 14 Michael 31 Mich '• ' • - - 14 ALthony Foreman, Next Pennaboro' 14 Samuel Davidson, Nnwrllle 14 John Wagoner,. " ' • 14 A. Bricker, Newton, 14. Jerob Miller, • ".. F. .t E. Itli o Hopewell:. .14 IS. W. Frazer. - "- l4 Benjamin Baseborn " . 14 Win. M'Clenn. Shippensburg , 14 Jeremirlil Conner. " Wm. Wagoner,Bleklnson - ' '. 14. A. 11. Blair, Carlisle N. - • 14 31; Minieb t " 14 It. Irvine, jr. " 14 It. COMMIT!, Sifver Spring 14 J. Clendeillti" 14 • Henry Babble • 14 Jam .b Noss: " . _ 14 Richard Miley " 14 Bryson & Irvine. Upper Allen, 14 Geo. Shisler, North Middleton . ' 14 .." • 'MILLERS. . Duller & Gilder. West, IMenshimough, 14 Charles Fregbil, Mare.hall James . ;•,, " 14 Alit & Dunfee 14 Philip Zeigler, North Middleton 14 *Henry llamas, " 13 ' -rowel & Ilonsel, - South Middleton -- 14 !Maier A Simnel., " 14 License. S2S no oo 10 00 7 OD 7 00 7 00 rell Peter llermiln W. S. Cobs n, Cprlislc, 1): 11. Voglesottg, Monroe, Benjamin „John Williams - S. & ti. Bnitidt Miller & Eberly, Mechanicsburg, 11 Jacob Volume, jr., U. Allen, 14 -Christin it Eberly, L. Alieul se, Joseph Bucher " Neblnger A Co. 441 pi Moth, Cnufman . 11 Joseph Whlsler -• " . ' 1 S. Udell, East peonshorengh • I .1. h. IL Hupp, liamialeo I Henry Mamdug, Silver Spring, T. 11. Bryson , 1 0: 11. Bucher Henderson & pons. N. Middleton. I DISTILLERS -. P. A. Ahl & Tiros. Newton, • • Ahl & Ensminger • Robert Quigley, Hopewell, • lieltshonver A Son, Monroe, A. Bolder & Son. South Middleton. • Myers & Benson, Silver Spring, Henderson & Sons, Samuel Grissinger, North Middleton, Barnitz. Carlisle. OYSTER-ROUSES. John Nicholson, Newville, Eberly & Fought, Mochunicehurg, Samuel Itmlart ; • John Maloy , • Henry Irvine . .." • Mrs. Low, Catilsle, J. Stratton ' ° Eisenhower & 3lorreit, Ilopewoll TEN ALLEYS. tillvid Long, NredIAIIICRINTgo Jlllll.l Whorl., 2 Millard tables, Carlisle, -cIIMUERLAND COUNTY, AB I hereby certify that the oboes is a correct list - or the Dealers in Alerchandite, Millers, Lumbermen, 'fanners, Oysterman, &c.; returned by the Appraiser. l'!..otire is given to 01 persons to lift their licensee IMMEDIATELY, end alp who neglect to do so will ho returned for selling . without license. ,f2O 00 JO 00 13.00 10 00 .., 15 00 7 00 20 00 10 00 15 00 7 00 20 00 - 7 00 7 00 7-00 7 00 7 On 7 00 7 00 7 00 - 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 MMI M ,13, 5,1858.-4 t. „IT.; 1 7 1 .u . b c s .o rr a l l tr , s . t , r i o n ti ,, n . a , b eetfullY the attention f P earliale and vicinity, and Iho generally to their superior quality of coal, G Ile a. LYKINS YAM:HY, MIKE FIDDLER, , 11 13 TKEVORTOY, do. do.' do. and tho celebrated Lobbory wbito.oob, brolson, Egg, Stove and Nut Coal. • This yard Is hit tut fed at tho east end of Carlisle, oppn• idle the Oas Works, where they will keep constantly on hand a large stook oral! kinds and Firi, of coal, Width will ho sold on low as any In the borough. All coal ihr family Use will be rescreened lt•tere delivery and war ranted to give en I ire wtti•ftctiou. 10 00 7 00 7 00 1000 7 00 Best unAllty SI LIMEOVIIINEICO and BLACRAMITICB COAL, 'iliWAyA on hand and at low figures. All cullers 101 l at the roldenee of James Holler, West Pomfret fitreor. at Squire Smith , . Mitre, South Ilanover Street, or at the resident,. of Jamb Shront, North•east street, will lot promptly attentled.to. ' 7 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 LUMBER Ll'3lllElt I— We ale also prepared to furnish all kinds and qUality of. dry Lumber at grratly reduced !Ores. flub shred to order and furnished at the shortest notice. 10 on 10 00 10 00 7 00 tVe have constantly onlhand all t huh: and quality el Shingles, such as white pine, hemlock: chestnut, mk, &e. Allo all sizes of Walnut for Iland.ralls, windon• 1.111/4 and Lintel stuff. ash, poplar, oak and Linn t all hinds of paling, plastering lot h,rshingling lath. broom handles, worked flooring and weather-hoarding, ttingh and smoottnralls. posts, and every article that can be kept in a Lumber yard. Having ears of our own we can at all tha t 's and at short notice supply nuy article in our line of business at low prices. We are thankful for post favors and solicit ticontinu auce of public patronage. Our motto is to please. SilltoMot HOFFER. 7 00 10 00 7 00 1 00 t) 2 7 Ou 700 7 00 10 00 7 UO 7 00 712 Carll4lo, my2111?48. PHAN C CO.'S IMPROVED PATENT MELODEON — TIIEOLDEST ESTADIAIDIENT in di° UNITED STATES, E3II , LOYINO Two HUNDRED MEN, nod Finishing motive INbTEUNIENTS . -PEE WEEK. • Combining oil their Recent improvomonts—the Divided Scroll, Organ, Mo &e., 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 (The Divided Swell CAD only ho 'obtained In Melodeons of our Monulucture.). . GEO. A. PRINCE CO. Illanufnoturero, UnffolO, Now York 87 Fit Min at. S. 110 Lake at. Chicago, 111. WHOLESALE 'AO ENTS—Russoll & Richardson. Rae ton, Mass.; W..F. Citichinal I. 0.; Palmer a Wither, St.- Louis, Mq.; Ph. P. Wedeln, Now Orloana. 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 ' Prom the Home Journal. April :i, 18513, 'Tho Melodeons mannfuetured by Prince Jr Co., and for tale at au Fulton atroet;"are.the bent in the world. We have tried them. and 'therefore apnea undetstand ingly or their merits. They are afforded at a very :mod. orate cont. - PRICES OF PORTABLE INSTRUMENTS Four octave Melodeon, extending from C to C..... Four and u belt octavo, :do. C tip I' Fire Octave Melodeon; do. Five octave, double moil, do; F. to F 14 7 00 13 • 10-00 14 7 WI -14-----5 - 00 LT - 10 bo 'l4, 7 ou .14 , 700 14 700 Two 119nhe of tier, Fife stto of Wed,. Add Rolla Ono and a Hal f,Oetavo, Foot Pedals, Ouo 'Set of Itnode, I'ol4lllan, Independent ' • $3,50 PRICES OF' KANO CASED Five Octave, Melodeon, extending from F to Six °Olive Melodoun, do. ' Five Oetave'dodble reed. do. Fto }lye Octove, Two Bunks of Kos 13 ' 10 00 13 , . IUOO 13 10 00 . 1« 60 Our &with tot for nianutitcturlng are porfret, and front one long experience In tint 'business, having Mashed and .sold over TiVENTY•TWO TuouOAND SIRLODE ONS, no fool confident of gluing satisfaction. iliki.c.gitoits.ollour.nutßulacture,llithur sold-by-us: or dealers In an) part of the United Status or Ceieldee. are WArtlttrlTED to bo.llerrert In every reepeer.ned should any repairs bit' necessary before the expiration of one Year from the date of Sate eu hold ourselves ready and willing to Muke the same free of charge, provided the injury is not caused by accident or destgo. t . OHO, A: PRINCE & CO. Agents fur the.sale brow. 31eludeons fluty be Roved In all the principal cities and towns la r the butted litptea and Canvass Agents at CarIiaIo—FIIIITOCK, TAYLOR & SSUITIL Al Nowvalict—W. It, - [ntity.l4Y6B. 14' , 7,00 14 7 07 10 00 14 1 00 13 10 00 14 . 7 00 18 - 10 00,1, 13 10 00 12 12 50 -.. A' IkIRCIIANT .TAILOR; West Main Street, (opposito tbalialiroad offload' as just received a ilew and alegwit 'essortutent of Ciotbs, Plain, Black and Fancy Cosettners, and a'variety of Plain - and 'Figured 'Coatings; all of which be, snake up to uununtrn pad on res. 431- Orders attended .to 'potently, and the fitting: Of all garments guaranteed,VAno sale: CvWler m* 191868. uoton. 12, - 113 ao 14' ;,;1 700 ;:: ;;14';;;' 7 00 UPPER ALLEN. LOWER ALLEN. ~' BASTPgNNSDOILOUGII ME ilAdlrDEli I'2 14 1 t 13 1 8 . 5 DO . 5 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 6'oo • 5'850 • 6 00 M. BRICKER, County Treasurer 31eu) Jitmertisements FAMILY COAL Broken, Egg, Stoll, and N'ut. WHOLES ALE DEPOT --01G4\ -MELODEON . pUBLIO VA;LUA Ll4l, MEAL - ESTATE. • On FRIDAY the 18th day ofJUNE,IB - 513, the sulfacii.. her ‘7,111 offer nt public mile, on the premises. a' fillet of , land. Alluded in West Pennaboro' township, Climber hind councy,ndjoining the Plllago,of formeth Zhu property orlboiringUreason. CONTAINING 122 ACRES;, , and will bMoffered in two parts, or in Iota : lIS ntsY heal suit purchasers. having been aiirve:ied as followa PLOT FllthT.—Lot No. I contolna3 nem and 78 perches, fronts on Becond street, Plainfield. The improvements are a TWO STORY. BRICK 11008 K, a Manic house adjoining, a kitchen, frame barn' wagon shed, corn crib and other ent.hulliiitige,! and wall supplied with apples; pears and other chOlco fruit. . . Lot No, 2 cOntalue 5 acres, fronts on Railroad street, and embraces part of the °relined.,' ' Lots No. 3,4, 6 and 6 each contain five acres. • Lots No. Teoutaine five acres, fronts on the C. P.Rail road, and is bounded also by ri public road, being a suit: able location for any And of businima." Lots Nos. 8,0, 10 Well each contain five acres, and, front on lialimad street. Lot No 12 nontainalive acres, fronting;north_on_the. Raliroatimmteastoriltfitirifld'al rent, most suitable place for a station between Carlisle and Alterton. , .PLOT Sr.couo.—Lot No. I .contains 15 acroa_and..l47- percbesTfronting - soUthirtlf6 — RsllFoad and east on a public road. Lots Nos. 2,1,4, fi, 0 and 7 contain qacres each, Wont. log on tho Railroad, nod comprise A. GOOD QUANTITY•OF TIMBER. Any person flightier to view, the property, con do so by calling on Samuel Morrbtt, tinner, in Plainfield. Sale to commence nt 13 o'clodt. M., when terms (which relit be made easy, to suit the tiniemy will bo made known by . DANIEL STEES. 10 00 7 00 10 00 7.00 --rtr 10 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 75 00 12 50 7 00 = Rpm irmasiV SAXTON'S • . WAR SPRINGi ARRIVAL.• DorEysE STOCK OF HARDWARE. • The slibscribitr has just returned front the Eastern cities, and would call the attention Ohio friends and the public generally to the largo and well.selected as, sortutent of HARDWARE which he has uow on hand: contlisting in part of BUILDING 51A'rERIA1.S, such as Nails. Serews,,lfinges, Locks. 01110 of every do seription and quality,suelt as'Connitott, White. polished American, French, Enamelled did Double, thick of all • sizes, Paints, Oils. Varnishes. Ac., Ac. TOOLS—lncluding-Edge Tools.of-everrilescriptirm. Saws. Blanes, Brace and Ditto t-Atigurs. Squares, CI mtg., Tiles,. Rasps, Hammers, Vices, Anvil,- Screw- Blates. - Illacksuilths Bellows. Ac., A.. 'Shoemakers and Saddlers will find n large assortment of Tools of every deScript fen. together with Ladles' and Gentleinen , ' Morocco Lining, Binding, latent and French Calf Skins. Shoe 'Thread s, %I ax. Pegs. Lasts, Harness Mouthing, Collars, Birthing, Whipstock, Men hair, Saddle'Trees, Sc.. Le. A Ise Cb.ieh Makers 'fools and Trimmings of all kinds. suet, as Hubs. Spites. Felloos.,,Slnifts:llows, Fluor Cloth. Canvass, Cloth. Damask, Fringe, Lace, Moss, Axles, Spring Belt's. Se., Ar. Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment; of Van ulftlics. Oak, Walnut, gad Mahogany Veneenclinobtoot ell kinds and sites, Mouldings, Rivets, Bair Cloth. Plush, Culled hair Chair and 'Sofa Spiinge. Ac„ Housekeepers will . also litid large assortment of Knives and Forks. Brittannia. Allah, and Silver Thief Table and Ten Spoons, Candlesticks: Waiters,. Shovels.. 'end Tongs, - Iron and Brass liettles o .,Pans, Ac., together with Cedarware of all kinds, such as Tubs. Iluekets. Churns. Ac Atc • - Agrlcultund implements, embracing Plowsofall kinds: cultivators, Hoes. Shovels, Rakes, Forks. Chains, Ac. IRON, a Watt stn it, comprising all kinds-in general use which I am selling at city wholosal; prints. Remember the old stand, East Main street, Carlisle. April 7. 1850. IL SAXTON. 7 00 7-00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 12 60 7 00 -10-00 7 00 7.00 L ^ '2 50 1 00 700 10 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 - 7 00 7 OU 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 , 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 A. 8.. EWING'S FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, 1858'.a 18,58 • West High Street, Carlisle, _Pa. (Premium Wilmette,' at the (.'untherlahtl' Comply Agricultural. Fair of 1857.) Thc subscriber has Just received the innst splendid at:seaman! nf articles in his lino. over •llrl.llolt to this place be is determined to soil at prices that de ty tompetithoi. (bit ut Pier, . Parlor, " Dialing-room, FURNITURE. and • alike Embracing every article used 1 . .,y House - and hotel keepers, of tint -iest approved and idsilinnabie design -, and tinkli. Ineludlng also Cottage furniture in setts. reception and Vamp Chairs, Mattresses, Wit Ironies, pictures. Se., &C. Purchasers ore requested to call .itrid ozonise lilt, stock, at his extensive ware.roorns, West Main street. North side, A. It. EWING. /bit" Particular attention given as usual to fimerals:-. ordeTifron,bovn and country, attended .te promptly and en moderate feints. -. A. B. Carlisle, May Id, , 25 00 25 00 2. 00 25 00 500 25 10 25 00 25 00 25 00 ARERLAND VALLEY R. R. SUMMER A - RRANGEMENTI . . - r. " 410-1- t 4 V.: . !.. VS • . . . "W. - -We. • • *-- 3 . • CHANGE OF. 110111181 • On and• atter TIIIHISDAY, May 13tir 1858, rasseno Trains will run as folloms: (Sundays arepted:) • FOR. 11Alt1H811U111.1. .Ist Train. Leave Clunbersburg, ~, 5.15 A. M. Sbiripensburg, 5..111 New vllle, 6.10 • Carlisle, 7.00 • Mechanicsburg, 7 ' Arrive at Harrisburg, 8.00 " Foil CIIAMBENSBUIIO,, Ist Train. Leave Harrisburg • 8.30 A. M • Mechanicsburg 0.04 Carlisle, . , o.ld " ' 10.20 " • Shippensburg, 10.52 Arriv'e no Chamborsburg, 11.22 3000 40 00 ' Trains leave llarrishurg for Philadelphia. via Penn'a Ihdlnnol, at 8.10, A. 31.. 1.00. P. 31.. 6.33, P. 31., and 12.003 at fly Reading, via Lebanon Valley Hai row', t 2.45 P. 31. Foe Pittsburg, SIO, A. `., 1.00, P, 31, and 5.10. I'. 5 . For Bultlinte. 030, A. 31 and 12.16, 110011. For Tr.ver ton and Williamsport, at 1.05, P. 31. Tllllll on Dauphin Road at 1.30, I'. 31. Fares front Ilarriaburg. Mediiintesburic, Carlisle. Ship. ponsburg, and Chaniberiliury.z. will be ten cents irsa when paid for Tioliets at Ilia °thee, than when paid in the Oars. 12:1)„ The Tichet °Mee of the Company at Ilitrrisbur; Mtn teen 1 . 011111.!li to the Depot or the Pentix3ivetil Itolirond Company, third door from the Easterh and the Minding, ° O. N. MIA, Snivel Refirend Office. Cbrimbereburg,l • . Ney a ISM:. Nh 'l tis ( % l- ta j r . te:l -1 ;1 ; ;:e a: Stages between Carlisle and 14111111014 g. leaving Car• llsln scary nanday, Wedneaday and !Feillay. lanntall Moly en tire arrival of the alternorm train of can, roil the east. Returning. leaves Landishurg.nt .SOU A. M.. every Tuesday, IVedslemlay rind Saturday. and arriveP at Carlisle at ltd P. 31.. via. Perry County Warta Springs, Shermatirdale. Sterrett'a (lap a nd Carlisle Sul phur Springs. Our and aferalune the .15111, the line will he run daily for the accommodation of passengers gbiug to the Springs: ' Fare to the several points s's follows Curilsle to Sulphur Springs, Sterrett's Gap, stieruksiulalu, Perry County Worm Springs, • " linalsburg, . .. . . • RETURNING. Landisburg to IVarm ppriitp, • •*- • Shormansil ilo Storrett's Grip. . Sulplcir Springs, . . - . . , . . Tltp nbovu lino will iegulnrly rarry.thp SAIL La and TGuir - tlie severail - Volnts ovOlndirsted. • 1 hnt•o"also a well-arcked LIVI,ItY STATILE. film nide!' I ant nt all Hines ready to tarnish homes and car rlares to those who will firer mu with thelroontroungt. 011 (Ito most reasonable termkand in the i',9l . Y to ststylo mayl9lBsB. GEOWIE lIENDEL rr ITING.—RE OArA vl C. VIN itEtt.EN. respectfully informs the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity. that be hoe reamed two doors south of filass's hotel. in North Hanover street, where he Is prepared to executo all Ric ds of work . connected with 0 , I Ida has alwa,rs on band a large 'assort. molt of ready' rondo (lumc, Pistols, • • Locks Keys. One 'frinneings, ,tr. all of which ho will sell wholesale or retail. Ile also attends to reyaritex all kinds of linos. Clarks, Look., Lc.; so graves on (tens ( 4 6pper and Iron. mends scores ke. 110 has also purchased the patent right tin• Repeating. nines fold SIPA flung. which he offers to the putlii• at Tory low prices. Ito hopes that Icy a strict attention to hom iness, node desire to please. he will merit uonvcll as re ceive a pima of the public patronage, .crrr - All kinds of Fire dons made to order. Ma2== -13U13 LW-- SA Li?,--121y-- virtue — of -nu ' order of o lyOrphans' Court to us directed. wo• will expose tf sale 00 the promises situate In plekin,on Township, the Wailful Bs ttotn Head, about Olin mild ni.ove thw,Sll,llo Tavern. on Saturday the - 12th of Juno. 1858. at II o'clock, A. ;kJ, • • Two Lots of grotto,' containing about ono third or on acre each, situate on the AVl,lnut hotfoot Road in Dick. Jilson township. oath of the said T;atii having a Log Mouse. Stable and oilier higiroTotnents thereon elected. Torun wade rknown on the dot of sale. • - • ISAAC NEWCOMER, CAARLIS 11...11011N. • Adudnistrators of John Kistler. tlec'd. • I!3DJ'te ,.. U . L , C L : I T in l e - 1 0 1 A ER- 1 1 11 vIn i d e pu j rc il li S nau l l . tho stork of,Goo-11 1 ,411toor,ltnt) luloplated tholnvouto• ry, intond radponlng' on 'rhombi), with (MEAUX -RFAHICED PRICES, eo au to afford, burg:this to all for CABII. They have also purchased. and will open on Monday, a new stock of goods silltablo P,r the season, to which they would invite thenttantintiof thole Mon& and the public generally; being satisfied that with their Prices And stock nrgooda, they will ha . ablelo'please all. • Call and examine for yourselves. • • • LEIDIOII Az SAWYER. Carlisle, May 10, 1808. . , ETTEES TESTAMENTARY ;ON jiJ thi I... Anita of JACOB. LUCAS, latalor tho,Town;' ahlp of South MlMllator, deceased. have .Soon grouted to the subeerlber;.reeldlng.ln tho some Tow All persons who have dolma agalnpt said Estate are to. quested• to- pnwetit them Or - vettlement: and: thole Indebted to sold Estatanre - vequested to make ltataedl• .ate payment. , ."o , ` •-• ,• • • • • • tny113;6458. FadaticHr Jalcob ens, deed. . ',ASV„ AL • I.37ipiii.E L A I continued the practice alba' lawi iu theofflee formerly °coupled by Ms father,:Wm.'lll. Biddle, Beg , and move recently, by the low Prot of Penrose & now dissolved. . • ' ' Dec. 23, '27.] , • ' „ , • , - C P. Atto.friey, A.L../.-I)ffico, on:North Ilanoier•ittpeti n Caw doors south of ablest Unto]. AU bitstneent 'entrusted to Win will be proreptly,attonded to. • , [April Ibr --- 2•• CO P Pi I . ...,. .. . ti .. ANY_ NOTICE. --:ll,EmolitL. W. , 4at rEt4RtSE bee romoved bhilinflrti to tho room oroterly °coupled by. blat on Main. itroot a tor,' dem seat of, the blettaaltat Church where he will promptly attend to'all basitiose entruntod to Sem. ' Auguet•lo,lBs7. . . 1. A W - OFFICR-z- I LEMtEIi. . 1 1'0Di) ee b resumed the. practice. of o Law;:.ofliee io Oentro-liquererwesreideptearBllo7lfiterTireililtlfitid. - April 8, X 867, B. KIEFFER °lce in. North linnovor street two `doors from Arnold A: Son's store. Omen hears, more rorticularly from 7 to 0 o'clock A. M., nod from 6to 7 o'clock,-P. M. DOCTOR ARMSTRONG•6s remov ed Insoffice to Centre Square Wont of the Caurt House; where he may ho consulted at any hour of tho day or night, Dr. A. hen hod thirt y,yeurs experience in, the pmfossion, the loot ten of wh-Whave boon devo ted to the study and practice -of Homoeopathic toed'. eine. May 20, Want. F 1 R .7.. • S -R A -IT K , , rommo r .thic Physician d' Suriemi. Office, keit Mete litroot, a:joining bextou'll b!irdwaro•sfoie. 311trch Bt, j.858.--41m,. GEO. -W. NE'IDICII t., D. D. S.-. . . Late Denionstintor of Operative Dentistry to the cfmit,,, ...._ b lii n it t t i lmie 7 - College—of ` ••1 1 11 tr.l. .. ()TeiffelZ r ill ' a rY . re . Sidell en, - . - . • lipposito Mallon _Ball, Alvin Str.ct, Curllvlo N0v.1.1, 1R57. Dit. , I;(I.LOOMIS SO 11/mover Ntroot, nest door to the Pos t Office. - ' 11101111 ba'absant from CarllsloAlia last ton days ,of earl, month. • fAug.l, '65 DR. G .113 OR, Hat ing returned to- Carlisle, oars his prafe:valonsl - services to the citizens generally. 011ie° In North Pitt street, nearly.opposlte Ills fernier resi , lunce . Terms—Moderate. ICarptile, Mirth 11. 'AS. GIOltGli; 1„.„/It10111', DErpsT, from Om Bal . tinier° College of ,flental Surgery. Irfl-Onice at the residence his mother, East Loutbei :treot, three doors below Bettliird. 19,185 G—tr. •.6.14, T :. DR: J.. 0. NEFF respect _ iii a *.-..":4•7- "o f the ladles and gentiMnon 7 11 Ifial• of Carlisle. and vianity. t bat he Intii re- Rimed the practice of Dentistry, and :is. prep wed to pet , forts all operStions on "theleeth mut 'gurus, belotseing to his profession. Ile,wiD Insert full sets of teeth on gold or silver, with single" gent tooth, - or Nooks. as they way prefer. Terms moderate, to suit the 111111, _Wilco I,l'lllol street, directly oppmdtu Mu Cumin and valloy Dank. Aii-De. N. wilt be In Newvallo aka lust tun dnys of every month. • • JAIL 20, 1858.-Iy. • . S. W. HAVERSTTOK, Drikkgist ) North Hanover Stroot, Parlisle. • Physician's prescriptions rat ofully roulOunded A full supply of fresh sisugs and chemicals. T U 31.13 E K !—R. li. Shapley,'.sr., 1 . 4 h tvlpitr, purchased LUMBER YARD, formerly kopt by Ifoory.lllabs, has remaind.lt to_the corner of- Nor , Frand roots, when, ho has n largo lot of oak, clips:int shaved nod cut shingles, with 'Knits of all de seriPtlon, oak p nok and scantling; shingle and plaatiir log lath: alt of whlchwill ho bold clie:ip for cash. March 1853. • A.. BIRNBAUM, Nonlc-binder and BLANic.a3i.n n.iNurAtmultna. Noarapapo•a, 1111,Ies. lllank•Ilnoka, l'aus.hookg, Copy•Ilooks, &c., &c. cue received and re• .grAWI I .:I4I I -5:-WlLL.l . 44lStit6 4 ;litat%-mutYtteen - ellarg , es. Alen, paper ruled to any dealred pattern. Jin. a, IS,-.43.1 QCRIVENER AND CONVEYAN -1.3 CER.—.A. L. SIniNSLEII lahL'lleginter of C bor. nod county, will carefully attend' to the transaction of all such business an may he entrusted to hint. such no the writing orDcods, Mortgages Contracts, &cr Llo will also devoid his attention the procuring of Land War rants. Pensions, &e. as well an the purchase and sole of noel Estate, negotiations, of leans, .e c. tyn.olTtro on Went iligh Street. tbrinerly occupied, ,y W. M. Pennon Esq. near the Methodist Churl:4f; -•.— • FRAN:cLTN HOCSE, - • South Kumar Strout, adjoining the court House Carllelo ‘ Pa. .. - J.OIIN HANNON. .1 - . Proprietor. 4r - n- INS Cnteh tolvos drily 'for Pnportown; Peters burg, York Spring, and 113.10v0r (rota thin House: 2d.:Trall 1 ' 2.15 P , ..11 2.4 d 3.18 3.58' 4.30 6.00 " StmoN. P. SNYDER, Ohio. . . W. IC.' MeRmsNE, Num:Avant& L. 1., Coon, ' Ithatio QN YDE R, VFARLAND, AND COOK, Bankers and Deniers, In Itimi Estate, 2d Tram 1 Oa P. 31 2.11 " "..17 " •22 3.03 " runt 3, 15:,7.-4-ys rico TEL If: undersign : ed beltu; well known ns n Writer, would oiler lilt, Bert kon to all requiring Literary aid. 110 will furnish Addressee, Orations. }slays Tresontation speeches:lnd ropiles, Lines for Allonnb. Aetvitirs—prepare nuttier for the Press—Obituaries. and write l'oetty upon any sultjeet Address (post paid) FINLEY .IinIINSON. Baltimore, MO. Fob. 17, I„SF (IU3II3ERLAND COUNTY NOR ./ MAL sm Kni„—The seiNtml s ' i.s.ion of tills !mill. tution will continence In LITERARY IJALI. Newrille; Pa.. on TIMSDAY, APRIL Oth, 1855, and continuo rl v E . An sea. corps of Instructors Intro been secured. and no effort mill be spared to t•ender , the school worthy of the podtion, it seeks to occupy, and 'of the patronage ii reqlol4l . llily solicits. Por'eirculars containing full particulars address —.. T. A. 3IcKINNeY, Treasurer. Nowville, Pa. 'Hy order of the Iheird of Trustees, , DANI SIIELTIX, President, J'Ae, Met; tr, leen, .Seeretery. Feb.l7, 'sS.—tf. • • - BELLS ! •BELLS ! BELLS • FE S LOO IC HERE • The subscriber boo beau appointed agent for Cniliberland' rpinty. for the' relebrated lireeneastlu FARM ileu..4 whirl,h