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(Pram the eineLnmli Canmercl:l.l SIX LITTLE FEET ON TILE tENDEIt In my heart, there livetha picture, Of a kitchen rude'aipt old, IShirru the tiro-light tripped o'er the refturti, d:S - firOiierif - aildr7 :- 1111111101 the edam firm the kettle, — TIIA hummed on the-fieit-worh hearth, Throughout all the livedong evening, Its measure of drowsy mirth. : Ildenusd of Ihe•threi+.nlifht shadows That frescoed that rude. old roam, • • BOCHUSU or the volres Mined, I.lp:mld the rafters gloom, Because of the feet on Um fender— Six restless, white Mlle feet, • Thu thoughts of that dent old kitchen, " Aro to me so fresh"atta sweet. When the first lash on the winclow; the.entiiitig-rnin, where nre the @dr,'pount fares, While lilts of hre.light steeling, " Their ilimplot.l cheeks between, Went struggling out in the Jtukuela r In shreds of silver sheen. Two of the feet grew weary. One dreary, dismal And we tied theta with sunw•whito ritdone, Lintving him there by . the way; Thervras fr.;idt rimy 1111 thelimder, That weary. wintry , ' ' Ftir theletr . little feet; leidirtehell . - :From his grave oar the brown height.- Oh f why on't..hls dar . ,somo evening, Thin gcnnin¢ of nun and glint, Rost rug font all alone on the hi artliFtone .0! where are tletse Other feet ? Are they treading the'pathway of virtue, That will bring us togOlter Shove? Or have they made steps that wmfol elanspoli ---A rioter's tireless love ? .[From the t.7outher9 1.10.,ry Meggetwerd. THE -LETTItiII,S _ MOZIS ADMIRES 'TO BILLY IVVINS FIRST 11.E1"I'BR , . F11.6:51 , BY 'WAY OF lIICIIMUN --114siusartN_Cursi., Dee. the 14, 1857 To ,lf(sier Billy. Kerd.vil, Bucb•i»yams,_ .Pcryinny:' DEAR 13 I Yoti reelect lass summer 111'1 er I bad pull'emht my shmim andhti4 dettimmined t Vashinlloo citt V. monist. von to rite freekwently if tigt gunner, II 1111 11(10U111 ity nll d scot and 111111 bin boar inta.9'it a weak Mal has writ nay t wa ..- . . yit, *lir the ree,ht _that ,much has seen so touch, _and has bgen Iso bizzy kuddint thin k. ,much - .2" inn rite. . Billy this is the (limiest place on : .*he fuse or the erih. But I'Mti going to be gin at the begioin. .. . , . . I took the car at •Fotovil on .Friday, in on lucky day.. It were tholust.time ovveatook - the car, but I warnt akeojed becos 1 ltad . seen the car a numyer time . befo The • seitsashun predueetlumm.themine arc that of rapid tray s, , • lin.. butno n'l tn, I donut , keer how good a reth • metisiningre - s, kin count the pannils ttv the 1 fens° a 'going 'long Bllt.t he mile stones aint ..0 like it was in a grave-yard—tha r t'S,a lie. owl aludes to the telegraf posses The High Bridge did'nt keer me nuther,,and I wonder it skier ennybody, fur the 'itkiitle goes over it co s'ow . ' that'ef,the blame thing was to bust throo, we'd nil be dead heft) we - cauld pos . bly git throes. Itimeby we 'wilt the Junkshin what. I techt • about three lingeranv hall rase whisky whieh I kinnot mintier. ' Nevver do you mend yo drink at the Junkshin. Leech . ' %iv the Junkshin, my lied a huzzin with the striknine whisky. w.e got upon the • Damdvil rode, and Altar the car •rarly ript it • what they call the strop wrail. which is not a sollid wrail, sick as lhey have 011 the Sowtli side rode . , but puthin mo nor less than a wag • utt tire nailed down to a raftur. • Inotised that the peep. 1 in the car sot their eyes on me mighty_keenly. and fur a time was alarmed, reerin I hail let loose toy skean which'corntinually orkupide my mine But it • was within 1)111 the atentshun whielt a stranger nalerally adtracks.. I, shill not dWell upml • the minushee lir the jeiney ; satire it to say. that. tWIIIIIB dark, we bulged down frinn the Piney ole feelda and the (foie pills to - the,,riv ver which we skeerted with rapidity, ,the iu jine setting up a loud shout as we went howlin • into the tout or It ichmun. Plegg take them bridgis takes no less than P. bridgis to cross the rivver at. thissPint, and you klitelt a sight mv Nun jest ill rime to git iotoo a nuttier bridge and see !twilit'. • Billy; I kin not fungit the kowr I enterd 'Richmun. Ef the faouv. being the feet limo Limit paid my Visit to a Whit of great dimes • 9.11111111 had Mot - bin the fee; the okaOtun wourd, still have bin momcntious and.thevver intprest itself upun my mentry from this sucktu»st atter. I wus skeerd too deth—litlrilly , and no jo king, skeerd to deth ! • Skeen'? Mozis Addums' don't git about Judith'. But t was' Ito'. I sot than tremblin and sweatin not knuwin Whether to ' move hand. neffoot, wharasthe rest stint cited up Oar little-untbrellers and things anti jntt . .,.411V - 1ik0.4! gang tv• wild .turkies. . a l tided budge. Sel•tuy, I fell.myjnsigniligance in rho uv them ousings ue rich merchants and'edjuested peeia — norkuowin ear, single, - livin 1 uv'em. But t warm that that skeerd • me, Billy, and 1 warnt afeard that somebody Was going to hart me, for I has bonier nucklcs than most menignd you know the size uv the frog'in my ord.. It was the all-tired, the ow-• dashus, and trenienjus noise that skeerd • it was_enuf_to tiv skeet,' me. May be you've heerd two injioes hollerin tit once. 'You've • heerd the wind bellowiu in the woods like a bull travlin to a cuppen throe a. bush. pile, and peepcl shoutin at vault) meetin and 'Net ' B tuns, an ATiTATs - troh - lin u$ n debut-in e.iety-i the evenin . ou'vejteorn them things. Also you've knoti yo the . aot'ir-to git into the fowilvt. jr - ultees git-t-o-gobblirr-trnd-tlic-gcetre to cacklin; aiid the Guinea chickens . to Lavin uv thajdecups'all at the saiiiirtliAeliiird es ' *they:e in stave; • Well, jest Minh' all these noises tangled up like a lishin line, and cumin 'right slap into yo' naked ear when you did'nt . pretend to ixpect it. Taint 'tidbit', taint be . ginnin to be nuthin compared with what j tumid when the car. stops in Rich:nun.. And • What oil you: reckin this humid racket .wits • *hen Laonte to find it out ?' Why, it preeedid frum a passel—l ded't think tliar ~was twa•duzzen , u, 'eta; but j ktiddent see strait at • . the :time— about two . !luzzen •the witst„ destitiest„,sassiest t 'lltgrinotit West *ridge drivers 'liellerifit"iit the pec - pel fic•git to carry • Bier tldngs„trunks.and so forth, to the tar ' erns. Ditti'ver, "lwyer,. did I hoer the beet tic' it.. It mighty nigh distraCtid me—and I have ' sense bin told that titer ithforty,odd dell pee '• 'pel:in llichmtilt, andll in the loometick from • ' thesCVery ca r t r idge ' drivers= but. for some.ree ' ein rinhor,.:l spose there'is a-reesin,. they a . carridge in tons, aline • May be the • earridges titer is made tic lineberry. I 'don't know: But these plogi-gored drivel's ought to be whips day.ondnitepannytnniiirid'in Inc. • the importance uv iny-sketitit, and :ltirttrinheerd tr'fite, nititte bore, I went into ih ; ',crowd tiv.ilieni driters all IMllerin •"" etirridge, eh , ;" sir ;" lisitif,Tui, the Sitceltlirles; " Poter - Tur the Patii tut -, tjxchain: ; ":"sv e nt. scut/d fl Aylf . 4 ild ,etl,ioied. my :iie aJ" ` `koAOrtfll7ilOY. t/1' snneis. ""T • • B aSs "I want to, go right home with you." Says he, very "gimme ye'. ,elteex. yung marstee," .911(11 not kmahrtlie meenin uv eltee'N., loitered .whae lie pintild; unt Wel I come to a splendid, painted, kind uv n tlieltuss waggin Wit Ii it beep uv windows and real vel vit. seats. oh the sides, .and, steps to git up at ,the hind poet no it: But the Ixelmin nigger he come right' behind me,• - and got. mice me, agitC.hout..my_eheexl_ IV., he..3'..e . y_d wits - to play7atid startiti on Friday, 1 etin:t take time to tell yon, what eltee;t is. Thiiik — Tliiid , nt ler my etnifOutullil ole trinik; nun's best line trunk at the ,Itink shin ? Fust I . wus dist rest, beeos I ihoutdd it were lost, ' toe you know' what wits, in that trunk with money ; then I tmortid, and eu,sd myself• into vulger frnekshins. JALI.he eend paid a lelegral• to the Junk.hin, and the eussid trunk entue down the rode the tMx mornin heft dor. • I .l'lle . ,lxelfain . are * a inagnitbe , ,iltint Tharisiwó lir 'em, lotertOhy a liridge, whicL :pang,: the street and which is belt ern 'muse in, litteltingame county. Otte side the street is filled with I haus andtheather,sidd with the miter Loos: the Midge jine; 'VIII. is 1 - s - etl7 . —The - 11 - 0111, Irigher'n a tree, and tiro lions 011 that side ha', I reeicen,,more'n n thonstm winders: All Finn- vil (NOM git iu that taveyn, and it.itot feel it. Inside the Mots. it jos' dazzles you right tip. Nlarbill floes, laid in (Unloads: lamps nv 901111 gold. hangin done like the branellis tie it white oke, and lighted with Whet .they call gas, a kind - 11v anthill., like the fir. which sinells...„ver. loud. when it Riot' lighted, but when it is heroin. ittlikeg Avery thing bread-day. yhen thar is leekiu-ghtesis rnunot leis uu.n !emit further frettoillorbrass men in goldt big is thi, side aio n eon-house, t5..1 iA•pivit they calls the Washing.tun menumint, piektelatirs itnil paintins, :not ii spleitilid,blir- - afortni the rite side no if the higg,est - lie N rottni'and a ettlin Shop tilled with tables, and Boyer lieel4l iiv: tilred up agin.the monninint. me itiggerS and people and' trunks and hoes' .Inside ut this bas. they tole me was iniuther and sirkuss waggins, (which is called hominy' IlieniBB tioll.lll•Wiwltingeint., straddlinaiv a- Inisses,) cumin and goin and talkin rind sniokin rarrin boss • I relltsajd spun the snehuni awl drinkin and eatin and ellawin tolishker m a r tian gmantl etette to the dniuni and g o in lip stars iind eettith demonist 'login tdm et the . ele (Mind wus alive et to. t sett no bolls, flow can nover Iteeril no. I tiohl'ent the - wield niss no Ihedo times, he'd he rarrin eat nothin the night I goi thou., fir leekin. instil 11 his hose. They've get . n thing I har to read ,when supper ways iilli,a thoi . :e, tittles is wiass'n (twin times culled - a - gong; a now peeue Thar is a crowd WO lit' things. 'Billy to tell no sheetitin a little ltigg,er'n the lied ova Ileior yen uv MCIIIIIIIII, but l'shill not tell you nc - A - niggef - eorne. , :illong -- holditt - ite ahe now. When we all gits tegether :iglu, I shill thleiltil thing iii one loin' by a string not wine, 1(41 you. But the - wit:a no h _all come shout and in the other; l, ( .• s got I,lllSent with. by 10 SCR ILc things, nail thi sumthin like the louldil uv n skrtio flea, thing I metle . it yoere night. I had \lnn iver with . the little eund salick. into a -miss my dinnir •Wllleh hey - made.nie pay fur the gong with the trahlaill, 'all the saute as it I had curt it. riiis is cheeks taut I ,ies' tell- you it 501111's 1110' like the day no the trust Lind. But Mr.. Ballud he didn't uv jedgenie . tit was COlilill 1 1 / 1 10 ennything I no- seam la agree with 1110 on Inc pint. Jut vet. heerd. When I rust heerd it, tity• l a ir rid didn't matte noldn uurat nie at supper. I jes rite up like teeth in 11. wool card. and I woe or tell yell I.laill haft herd. heep ma' skeertl - than who'll the earridge That Idt:red-raced teller witiidi inOngiled me rot's wits id': at the deep 0. But stein into . the barber shop in the :119/111ill. 1111(4 110 body ( thrio_ th i ne it I ntivve y to on , 01111 thin% and sot right serest 11 . '71 titbit from me. -yell is the- find I I has sett a word too about it. , i4cain aile our I eet, lie s )oke u ) iiii ;lit • to give pot %%ell I've it. I lcuthleat help thin . kia what a tine thing that or Voog.would be to skeet. crows oitt itv a coo-feel with. • I went to bed rite erly, for my. eyes was a akin awlmy-Ited_a sizzing. the tavern-keeper, was mighty Rine and' pet-lite. Sais he, Mr. Addams, I 11111 a goin to put you in a high posichun, whir you kin see every thing " Says obleeged to you," and) follered a nigger up stars. untwel we VenCeleen. out qv site, and he put mein a long narrer room, with a rutin winder whar I could see when day eonte,,the tops thy a millyttl'uv. houses with the smoke risin out Ur the leys and a peesemv the never which core in the wife like a lion. The washstan uv the room was real nettgliy.' but it did . nt have no 11)111.1)111 top sieb us lhas sense seen, theidieers was good cheers. nothinextra, thin' Wilr.o car pet 011 1110 (10, no fire plais buett warnt Cole) and the bed mighty low dam) to the grotto. like a trundil bed. lint the sheets wits Hindu and•dlichtts. The pillars is too big. It took me nigh a our to . git to sleep, and then I ditrnt cheap but kept it •wakin and a ,hunpin; my hart beetin. and I a thinkin about my trunk and what war in it. You,,kno. It comeli,„%„ the mornin% is I tole you lief°, and it tle_and soun_insido_the.think.__N body Inurnt (etched it ' billy the peepel in Itiehmun nuvvur cheap. Oltin is I jumpt up in the bed in the nit'. they ivus cumin and travlin up and doun.the passnis, treddin on the heals uv that. boots and a maliitt ttv too much noise. The Loral only. nose what they.war a doh]. HMI 111111' t liey" does to do without sleep beets my time., Kun o.y peepel is bleest to sleep some, me ptialy s .• I don't see no use tiv havin nv beds ef peepel don't cheap. • / Bout lite„ tea little after, I got up. Ivaski my fast!, and eel brekfus with ,e passinitts goin on , the cal . Tried to g . a tansy drain hero 1 eel; but they did nt ave. 'none at the beat% tine its it tells Ilm :how, I had It ap pytight. and laid lit solo it '.spur-rib nags to Match,. - eteory. :Smola a flute -t , eegare at , Ipens,to 'keep up my cackler. but had anther. ttrittid a pipe. with some plane trash at nut hin at all. ......., 110hlin nv my impious in view, I throde away - abont i»cla and-a half uv air seegare nod set to bizniss Foot I inquired fur the (inviter. They tole me. but tole me not to go Thar Only! 10 o'clock..and plcgg take it all I had to wail. Well, the 'Garner lives in a right deasent sort uv a square buns in one ethontler uv the Clamul \' a ril, and whin '1 got thar at In o'clock he waist No I asked for ole Mr Welty, whar he lived. an Lee JAM!' me anti I robin uv thar dreashins'got into Nlain street, what. that. Ayus so tummy sine and thing:, that I got lost. Then) s e es n y oung man, ti dark eomplected feller he were, and I uv them swelld Nees wllieb comes uv drinkin uv whisky-or Inivin tiv the tooth-ake. 1 says to him, I says: . • Kin you tell roe what' the inquii•er.ollis is IvlutrNlr. liiehy lives V And he ldokin of me plum in the eye, did'ut say nothiW Presly he remarked,' he says, very partite, - says' he: You see that ar toll luaus' over flour with the flag a tlyin fruit the iaultl '1" I voys, Well," he says,' .• hat's the Merrykin hot ell, and, you go down ih? site. nv it. till your come to another pole. somethin like that on tot the hotell. only the thug slat thar.,but the streaks ire tto•ag is wrayjiTal rpm( to po e, painted like. That's the Inquirt.U. (this, ecOin." ___lgues (lawn and' when I pits to the_pole I knox.. They says,. "Come in." and openin uv the winder. I see a heap txv lookin glasses, two or three likely..mlatter boys. with_kombk" in than Lnr and spurns on, end' a feller standin befo a glass tyin to; somethin round his neck. "Are this the Inquirer Mils?" I says. The inlai ter boys they MI, but the feller at the glaSs '• Yes, this is the Inquirer Offis. What kilt we do for you V ,he says. ".I want to seethe editor." " Well,.he aint here."' " Whar is lie ?" • Ile's tied and berrid—bmid b'but a fortniy •• - That flustratek iint'a good eel, and I (Valet know what to do, but jest to be sayin somethin, L says : Wlanttdid lie die 'IV?" , 4 Well," he 'enys, • "-I can't say that I iz zactly kno. bat or you want- to suseribC, take ye intiniV jest as of he was I toll hiin. " . No. I didn't redo mighty well, and hadn't no money to spar. that follered a eimeiderbuluir talk be= twixt.us ; lie appearin•varry apkahue to find Pitt, may, biznies. end I net lettin on, 1 has fiefifie Iffilmt that that warnt ito Inquirer 011ie . retati._bitt , a he - Titer's shop. , -. Sp I dittif.t pee l - IW34ltwner,-noi 1111!-- , Itichy nidlter. • ..shop: $1 reekin wenkinto 211 bane, rotititslootin fur edterti..doti bein eonetati4 fooled find:Ate peerill id/ Melt 'bettet- (tents 'thatt•fn think- it mightY,Puitly , to fool:. Sons' from; .thoi P& 4 2Lv2tE rom- ‘,, But, did git I'6 see some ethers and lied sonic • hat with wit, but as I Wits afraid. let out about my skeitin, I didn't learn.nothinmlint .wa tit ed. Mein satisfole- I couldn't do no bizniiiet'?' started roue to sea:. the curostes. They tole me Itockits wits a prAyAdiis„ nllO.l. went tiler, and seen a number lIV stile vesqs, which 19 aniusin to it men what nurver seen HIM be fo, but ain't uri mighty Kitty ether. Themier ehtint's mills, in thylpinviln is the best lookin thitfga.ill it - 1711YriMirge - rriheriFfbnii-* ters. dSilly, dune ism° brix in one ur them utills`timtrim Pon vil and Ciry-put-togetheri— heerd th i n' won soine tine grarmyards in the sithbubs ur• the eitty, but 4 didn'l go to nun . uv um. iwerearhig n sirens which that wol'ut; cony` to town. - The Cepinl bilditt,-wbur they make the logs. sin( is luptsum is the- Ixrhoing sly it that• is alikeniss in While, rock ur Glued! IVitshiniona, With n . 10ta . 12 in his-hu anti a plow S 011111: 1110 thiii . gs at. his teat. I seen no °hied:shun to his exeeptin they'• drnn•d his stuck rulLor tits, givin uv It choked loos, ,to hits, On the fur side tiv the Capt.ul trunitiweirentendusitrase men. Listed. on the hottom purl tiv the bon . histerl ut• the steps. 7 - otrinel7., - T - OtTie ItiTtirT7ialirt:lfe7fiTh - er wini Tom Jetiesun , . Petrie ho or rytor, and Tom .lettesun he ;lig the Inst. dein- myerin.,exeilit one. whielk is Abraham, which didn't lodeuve in no gurrermint at all. but went wil , . arever he dire pleased utnl didn't pay no taxis. In)ookin at these gentilmen, i IVas.'lit,rtiek by tffe cue how much bigger peepil used lobe than they is now And 1 atribated the fallin off on-our part-to the use_ti.bad sperrefsl pearl. te sacs: .i......._--- " You don't seem to have no anpyt ight." - I 011:014 to him, ".No. 111141 et' I didn't have no • more appyt ighl I han you ve got isuituturs. livin • Irould lie cheap white I ens." -- I . 1 sedthis mighty 'airlift and moldy-manila, Ind he satin or a kind ur a growl in my .eye, silo up, . - • 1 Artier a while r WllO out on the steps smokin )uv ' a scogare, lie come et me agin . 1 wits • I lone:quo aud warm sorry be cum , ' Stranger in the city, I presunte,' he stye: I says, " Ye);."" Sc.' ..). llttyitrtrr goals lit : - , Fi. "No." . 1 . ' S'e, " Leave yo thinly well r SI. " Tollibul, I thank you " S'e, " I woddent take you to be a marrid man ser. you look mighty young.'" S'l •.• You're rite. I aim murzid yit." ) Arfter that lie didn't say 00 mot for conlC, ) tine l'eard lil:e lie 10110 Studdyin about some thin. Prtlsly ,he Ciiliralcmt agin, he.saYs : S'e, "Coin back t'o Fluvanner in the morn in ?" S'l, " I thank you, tier, I don ' t lire in no skit a place ds Floranner, and I snit a goin back in the murrain. I'm a trarlin." S'e, `• Fin. ye Itelth ?" • , .S' 1 •• Skeerdr." ' . — Lfe shet np Agin. Pretty :men Sc,' " Sold .V,I unties ?" S . I. " ]low in the name 0' sense did you know I had 'only mules . " , S'e. "Oh, we fain ill town nose everything. Did you git a' good pris . e?" ' ) , .S . I. •) Only far." lint how he avver come I to no about them moles) cult] yo pit. is 'a mis ) try to me. Ile Walkt or like he woo goin away.. But all or a soddin he:tinned round and say: . . 'Sc,• " llow'd you like to take a Mill turn Ilia. ev'nin ?",. S' I, n Turn at Itintt ?" 6'e,t• Tapistry, velvit." I . SI " 1 don't kook yo ineenht." I S•it, •• Gran planer clipper in _the. recoil, ' kroahus -afloat] in the .ittiqtil You no." ' Si, —l\ 'kiln% 1 don't understand French, and you no it, and et you think you're guilt to ),redikewl me. you'll fitril you've got the tong rsow by the year. I'm a mighty chicken-heart ed man, but 'bar .10. some things-I-won't-put 1 up' with. as you'll find mitt mitty dirthquick . of yoit 'keep a roolin arrter me'' Then lie ltog:t1 toy pardon sed he did . nt mean to hint my feelins, and all that. But I :to d him to clear out, •I didn't want to have no no to do with him. And I did,' 1, for you no ; " Billy that when I'm Mod I'm mad ki.__l_,, ' That NON the lost I scan tiv him and the last - advetichef. I had in Ilichmon.'from - which - L. shuck)oll the 'dust od inY feet the fidlerin •mornin, taking ,the North car it leetil artier ' sun up. . Yu arecks . nit,fren. trooly) . 'Moms' Anouns. • . . IQ" - A reckless dare devil named Sellers, made n balloon ascension troni Dayton Ohio, the other day. instead oft ,ilk balloon prop erly rigged and arrangeil 1 . 111.1hd trip, he'lind provided it huge ito.s in concern, coated with glib and • whit e-washor with yellow• ochre, in size and shape very nowt' resembling the camas under which the small shownfeiroolhe out E:kirts or the circus•eshibiioflit women /1114 big snakes. It was to lie set afliiitt by building a fire under it and inflating it with ratified nir. While being inflicted, it caught fire, but nt leak a mile hi . L, After being at this hi ight fin• a. brief peri; , the rent in the balloon allowing the ratified Lir_tn...esen.po rapidly, he logo Lis deseeM, which iv as nearly as;rapitl as he had travelled upward. At one time he was in dans' ger of n cold bath inhe, well-swollen Miami, but a .enrrent of wind struck liitn.antl ituans, down safely in a marsh about Milo from hue starting point Altogether, it being laic first attempt to get IRNIVCII-Ward, and ins4ll. - rt frnil vessel, it was the most _ . fooliA and . reckless Rdventure flint ve.have heard of for manyaday. J111)1ZIIM, AND :11'1)101011S HlNT.—General'. D • was more dist ingitikied for gallantry in the field than for the care lie lavished'npon• perknial clrnnliuc N. Complaining on a cetr t of the siillering lie endured froin rhountatiant, that learned and linittoretut JudgeAnderteek' to tir'esei Die a lamely. • • • • "Yon Imo do,ire your servant", he' said to flue General, !CO place every morning' by your bedside alith three pat is filed with worn water. You will then get into the'tub..and having -previously provided yourself with a petincrof yellow soap. you must rib your whole body with it, immersing yonrselrecea *malty in the water, and at , the end ..of one fourth of an hour in iwocesa,' conclude 'hy wip-, hig''yenrself dry With' Towels. and serubbing your. .person fish brOsh.". ' • • Gete•nl AA' it few'min tittia'rrtithiction upon WhitChe - ,:hid juAlioind; ' 2 oll6 , eeinwtirnc•loo - tieitlier more nor.-less' than waildug•yourself: - .Judg(ii':.qt to, Aat o/deetioql7, " • •', • - lirVDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1.858: CARLISLV,, LETTER ERpm. MINNESOTA The India na ti , —Trai i - and .Cuatonis cer p responde . nee of the Herald ! ,- 'RED RIVER, Alinnooka,,,,_ April 26. • b p evil that men dn VeiS at or them, ; The good Is oft Interred kith their hones." • Tlie trUth'ef the above is n - rtiittreletudY tx etuplitied ut thoLmany_erronennsitetiona that rexislin the minds of your otherwise intelligent people, regard to the Intliaps t , 'Nor nerd for - the lit ist ory oC flic ' past conies fronting' downloran' with suffer 'tag, bloodshed, and deafh, eniluted at their hands by•our foretitthers, -But )vlty tire they responsible for this? Why arraign the 4otrogc at the bar of civilized 3ustice... : 4nd deterttiine his acts by its enlightened code Is ignorance no palliation ? Is a seWconseitotiness of right, ns measured by his ideas of rigtitt nun wrong, no excuse'?, In a word, hove Lila not, the in-1 alienable privilege, inherent inlhemselves, of dCtermining what is justice •riSurely they have. We -might us well- expeet figs of ; thoros_or..granes.otiltisties,'7. ni ciagiachein justisN at the hands rifsavage... . now propose to give some tnformnfimt in regard to these sons 'of the. 'wOods derived from what -I Litre learned mu .ity intercourse with them, and from. the testimony of others,. familiar with their Traits, tf:Lbits and Customs. Government policy, in regard,to their remo val {Vest. has been to place thein in leealiti, , B etlpjioocd to passers ns many of the requisites essential to their weliiire, as possible. 'Again,. marking theboutidaries"of theit''several Res ervations by distinct : find 'defined lilies. Accordingly,wedinil llret•lhe ilowcyful tribes ot the "Sioux" dish eltippeWas" are located 011 the !lead waters of the Nlitrsis,sippi, , htul di vided by its broad and rapid ourrent : These tribes are bitter enemies, and-bloodsli&lvvinald inevitably be the result of a 'contact—hence all dutereetnise is strictly-prohibited.- 'As the traits 'Charnel erising these tribes are very nimihu, 111y,r0111arkA will in. 'confined to the •• SiOUX..." Passion, in the - Indian. ever exists in exce? , s, They love or hate..mourn or rejoice: they are cruel or merp;tul, revenge ful_or generous, 11141 uulch high4edegree_thnn elsilized nation. They tn'a certain ex tent, controlled by a sitigle idea,. which exer cises, for tile time being, an undivided ittlln Nice All absorbedin accomplishing his desire And attaining his end; he assumes it fixedness or purpose commensUrate with , the importance ul'the objeu7 - 1164 - eislr therdeign is revenge in viewor wrong endured; it demonizes him to n certain extent, and every powiti; of his mind bent to its aeedniplislinient. (lunge]: in , tintidates no obstacle discourages, and half it of this trait, I 'give — the - followikg truthful ex omplel..l—. ,. ` A Chippewa brine, Many' yeWrri . li . go . ,.While 'under thel-influenee of liquorYeemmitted a petty.lareeny at one of Jl . lO trading posts of the Hudson Bay Company. Hu was •tietl up and flogged. 'The man whoSnflieted the chas tisement left the country, and went to Montre:. . , 81. in Canada. 1 The degraded brave.. smalling under his wrongs. planned a triP. and netually perfohned it. by Navel ing -a distance of nix limnlied miles, Shot down his viletilu, and re * turned with Jim . sealp„ Which ';'e.-WearS over ,his heart, 'the - proudest tropli, ,it life , !,--- If genefosity, for a favor' ei c.. should be, the object, it is marked by the sonic devotion. 1 An Indian never prd(cmes frientivitalp when he! does not feel it. Therefore, trnejery is coin- J Inuntively unknown eating (het . A curious I custom prevails among them applicable to this part of my subject. If n gill of anything is tendered to find accepted as a pledge of friend ship. it is considered binding is 4ing -a. , it is in possessi )))) . and no provocationisamnsidered sufficient for its violation, Itliti I it is returned, and It warning given of his determination to redre,s his supposed wrong, always "coupled with the offer ,hut a sufficient time will be given for his escape ; But No to the person that — negleuti — the — warning . . -- 11i - s — life - is - 140 forfeit. . .. This U'& it possesses great interest, from the fact og - its teachings are supposed to be tra ditional. The bout-belief:do that hundreds of , 'ears ago, a certain. chief, in time id' peace, took a number of pristo.ers and wits aboof . in- Hiding death by burning them. Jlis braves hail collected it huge pile of logs, and placing their victims thereon, were about to apply the faggot. when a voice was beard, like the roar of mighty thunder. proclaiming that the. pris o era should lie set free. The. chief defiantly ordered the logs to be tired—when the Great Spirit hurled a ihmideibelt which burnt the chief to n crisp. Then a mighty earthquake , shook the hills :out-tolled back the waters of the Great Lake. and a voice proelainting these words Wo be it to ally of my .SOllB 'that accepts lot 011 (pledge.; aed betrays; he dual never enter the warrior's rest !* Another trait - worthy m of notice. is their tini for:kindness .to male • prisbners, Their persons are protected from insult; and every thing is made 1 i cottrorm to their contfort:-- Thousat do or cases might bo . readily adduced in proof or - oli o . , m o lt 0..00m00 1 t I on the brutal outrages so-ollon perpetrated by ITings who claim The chastening influences of civili zation: ... . I Will Conclude this branch of toy subject by allusion to another curious taw out, in. Can, 'motion 'with the burial of their dead. After the death ore warrior, his coil s is chithed in . thit ilk I dress.nsually Worn on the occasion of the - War Dance l' • All his implements of warfare are laid upon his breast, over which hi arms are folded: Alis budy•lies for one :. n(a day.) A small bright tire is. kindind i ('' at 'is head, and a silent watch is Itt , Pt by his wife and near relatives. ' this twits, before latria Is-placed in a: rough birch - bark coffin,. and then &pained in the lairhil geottud of the tribe. A hushed silence. pervades the multitude.-save an occasional sob . front the wife. of the departiia When the body is low ered into the„grave, the orator tines, and with impassioned eltlttwenee. recounts the virtues 1 and the deeds OP glory of the departe . d. He then advances to the sorrowing, wife. and tab ter-by--the-baud,-he-cMls-ttport--the Great - Spirit to comfort her in her afflictions; aid reminds his brother warritms that her protec tor is no more. and - lcia - weir - their - soleant duty to providelor.lerwants. %•Over. the ginvc, a tire is. kindled for4our:nights... This has A reference tb II tradition. which is recognized by all the tribes of the North West. - They! belieVe that it requires a . four day's journey after death„ere they reach the, sunny. land,: which is the abode of the .• Great t , pirit,"=-- and as they have to .journerthiough a strange' land; and that they may have a lire to rende n their' camping for the night coinfortable 414 the reason given for their custom of ''' Fire On the Grilve:". this rifle.will be neededAn slay the deer in that ! , I.lappy Lund "' They .tirmly'l 'believe - flint - all jby - attainnbleitrth is - HO - wilt be realized in the spirit land, whilst sorrow! and suffering-14M lie'unknown. • They. loch 1 upon dettllt'esitiViely a...transition of place, I as necessary to makel.toont fol. others. : In .view of. these facts-what •µ , Intilancholy interest is thrown over Ihesty-sittgular.people, worthy the contemplation of, thiPking .men -:: Does not the momentous question here present itself, , Han thembe nothing done 0-illumitiate. thelr.darkened minds' with the rays of the KUL of rlghtt?onaness ?• .r; .- • • • A. mllonevo',Ysnoo is noW defined as the gi'v ing away of people:B , money charity ; supplying - ,yogr wife; h a : ,bsyrsliifilbsus; anti tti*haartedniiss:Oling pair - girls'haopt. With tholieoahatiry ancompattitivititi,lnatryotir boys itioney =I MIMI IMBED =LI PENIIIINA lIMII "AN'INT'ELEIKAENT 'WITATICSS Not 11111119 Yel:lll4 . agn a :criminal was tried . in, an adjoining county, in 'which one Ben ‘was-n ninterint' Witness for' the State. The chnrge wits flint Foster nude an attempt- to kill one-S. with it four_ pound weight. Ben was ntstontistrohg ntan.,with huge bingo, and not in the habit Kefusingn social drink with 'a friend. He was only a tulerably. good ,na tured fellow when he bad n. brick in his hat,'. nd-letiicdrotrilie-Aeinils riv-tiSt great relish. lien wee called up by 111651111 e,, null politely_Ltequestedioltell.a4 Lo _knetie .n bout Aftersquariag himself . round allies or two: pad adjusling -his quid, he began in. ids peculiar nasal voice. • • •• • all Went 16 - the sale—there was a big . eroivd that— some•waS dvinkin, and some Wan't'-1 wit's, Judge sorter So inykelf. Well Niel Hales was thee twin' to buy an old spot— ted sow thnt 1.1111 e:oseto hint. Noel is it good feller Judge, but he ain't smart ; he : went to Jackson oat. and hi s daddy got out of sight and be went about axing every man he met. .Whar's daddy ?'— • ' 'P r o on, Mr tell . us all about the fight. — 1- , 4 11e1h-ns-I-was'srr.riti;' - Noel - wrinterttlie - Pittr --- and IVIIB arfeared he couldn't buy her without pittite 'somebody , to : stand for him, and told him el' he'd make me safe I'd do it. or 'die and he said he'd pawn his gun hnt hit was' Wingat's shop to lie fixed- I told him .All right, Noel.' hit shamt.breatt stmares'with us no ItoT . ' Nd'el hedid-hid three dolthrs and it 4111110 or a quarter, and !can't say which ie the po.vitive.'- -• Go on, sir,- if :run pleat e, about the fight.' , Well girt:Atte time to hring.it round right. Well. Noel didn't pit the now, _St611143”1111: 3Vall hid more:n site I then a cow was pal up and Foster bid ten dollars • and li-quarter. and she was tittoc , ,ell off to him Posit:r . snitl.lie only Nil ten: doll:tilt; and S . , . HlLid lie bill tcu aid a quarter. 'flit!y gulp - to I liN.llltill. t!IIII . I. 00004,01000 Was aid for 0 111011 to 110'1_00711111 Potuer took it. .'Try kept On jawerhe and at laqt 8. told Foster he'd , btr of he'd . scrapulate. Foster said he'd he'd combolieate- from what ho said. Well almatdhis thee I felt Ilry, and w.nt over to the doggery with several, and we tuek a. stiff .10)04,1 .{,nel; !iliac with siveet- Judge. Well. Noel Ilsles heeled lit t -alamt-trot. gittinl-the.Pow.: so - -811y$v •let's have some music: to mike us foul better. = and ci git' Abe lArd 10 play Cotton-eyed Joe.' I'll (feat to a half Out,' •:Well; in time we b eam the Ns., over thu.way, rind went out end who should we see but S lying down on thepiazzer.and Foster as (talent skitinocdgitilt See 1. •;\ len let's have a fair fight' Some eine acid,-Mien they!ve already tit.' 'llr ,---. lid pent see the fight 'Well., squire . Cott , , • ; 4 ' l ot-:trre-,tlM7=-1 deknembranee ain't very .elare; but, ono thing I'm sure of.lodge, and that is Noel treated ;. lie didn't 11l . = Ilene the State informed idle diet lie could stn et aside. and dm Court not Imppening.lo Lein• the oath. the witoe:m teifx.•permiited. to rot ire amid the sorpiemsed laughter or the wlkole court room The Captain who waqldit't Race "11Y TIIIS YOUNG *UN • ' Early initte spring or the petit reel., a wag niticent new steamer IVILS launched Upon the Oltib V.ver, and shortly allerwArds made her appearance at the levee opposite the tiouri,h ing city of Cincinnati Gilt .edged covers en veloped the captain's, 'respects' accompanied with invatatioos to 'see her through' upon her first drip. being forwarded to' the ' editorial corOdif that vicinity, the chalked hats were , nonterou4 . on that oecaMon. - It -Was-a grand ,altair, this debut of adloating palace, which. has stillmaintainediter repute untarnished as the 'crack beat' par rxre//.arr upon the West ern waters. Your humtde servant was among ' the invited guest a- rind a nice time he had of it! myself aboard this beautiful craft, • in close communion with a score of unques• t hatable Imam ies. • The company proved to be Iteterbgereous conglomeration or character —made up or , ieditois • lawyers, auctioneers, indescrillibles and fancies —with a: stolid:- ling or monesuches ! There Wit!, n stray pur -1 son, ton. in the crowd, but as his ri.isure tittle .between meefings'•was,pent itt trading hor ses We dispensed with his grime Wore meals. Wele4 our nuim•ings.an hour befere sun ' t,-tapon a clear cold afternoon, and passed rapidly dowel' s. emun for a considerable dis tance, withoutexperieneing any out-of-the way oecurrence. The %son of t entPerance and the parson aforessid amused themselves over ,a molting whiskey Italy —t he dtoys' were ridieving eachuther of their silltet•thions dimes and quarters at euchre, when 4.11111 gentle, 1111111. win) was some when ltd wits sober, step ped suildenlP o the cabin wit h-the informs-, tion that a' well keown Itoverita 'Sight at, the mom h or • t he Rent tacky river. The cards were dropped :instanter, the punches di•appeared, and the mounters' weie soon distributed in knout spot the prome nade deck to note the"progress or events. Our•bully' haul sped away like a bird, however: and the craft behind gave us early esidence that she should•ofter..m. p tty. Tho' , ;at ;Will3 in the lire' at .once— kbage col ummor It ack-smoke curled up in the clear at mosphere -tat extra turn or•twt»vas risible upon our oWn.boat and aWay we went ! good deal, at' excitement existed einemg the party. us thit rival steamer WAS clearly gain ing on us A exalt like outs with' ouch a conirany and such a captain.onustn't be beat ; • , • - As the boat behind us fell in under our stern and we could could her passengerS, a sort of impression came overits that, by t ‘ t.tile mis take. we had got upolvllie wrong - boat ! At. least that Was the dt!presi4ed opinion of the parson: as he • threatened 'to go down stairs and take Another. drink. Our captain Ivas a.nOble fellow—, be paced the deck quietly, frith h constant eye to the windward; but he said' nothing: . A Levy of • the mourners itepped.up to, hint with-- a • What—speed-enitln 9 ' ..• _ . ..Pair, di:111101mi; ; I think it is very fair,' responded jho captain. calmly. an Ito placed us 111111 upon n sn i t tra,s mot) at the of-the pilot house.--The. movement . was re sponded to by theliiint jingling' of n bell be low, followed immediately by a rush of cinders front the smoke pipes, and an improved ac tion of the paddles. • , • Now we move again.' • . - • `lFonse,' was the response; and a momentary tremor pervaded the -bout as ,she slid along right:smartly. • But the, craft in our rear moved like - our shadow on the calm waters.' and as we shot .doten tho'river., it scented .as if we had her in low, So Calmly and su uniforntly . didtdic follow • wake. ' The'exciternent of the congregation upon deck-had by this t hue bcoome'intense and. it. was.prauy>pinijt that the boats,niust shortly part .votopittly or split something' The-ray,. enlbeftind us took advantage of a turn in 'the , channel, - ilrld Bits' clearly 'beard.frenr.tlia li)ok .out: of our rival, , as she hove olf•antlsuddenly 'alongside -The. parson went belt* at once to, put his - An:cat iti execution. as we conie . npfliocitiTent again `neck and - neek,' and uwlien - Ito'rettirned 'ware 'running a ;twenty-flve' knotlick, , the steam sinack.otr•to degrees!, , muttered . an -auctioneer to . " •A' perfect nonsuit i ! relenrked alaner to 4- Beitieitfbot 'net Odded 6 , poli4 tieSO4 ; Anti awayove §00,144.8y10.5ky-etlile.gir ,?alt • Wanlirrit she hem• a !cello more,' meakly, aslcoll thC•parion. . " • : she's doing very well,' replied the captain. .Don't gel excited gentlemen, my boat is a new, (pie;:-Hber , repithition and mine,is - at t..take. We nnisti't herL.racingiilways injures a boat; , anti I am „averse to it.; saying. which Ite,Lap plied his Ihnntb and finger to the brlitis kuolr agaiti—the bell tintili4l in the' distance and our rival Pilot . ,shertly find an opportunity.. to _examine,:the.fireiliteettne..atiOtte_voldei4DaLl. .1 was aelmtainted witlitheettgitmer, step ped below (belio;ing we shottld . be beaten at , Tittr - Preserit sfh.tl,) and enteting — tlMlngine room,- we'll 'be licked—give her anuthe turn. eh t rather think she moves some asit is,' said Tim. ' Yes, but the herd on tis—give her ttlittle, toy lioy—,jllSt for— • Step in here a.moutent,' remnrited Tim it's . all.'munil you lutow—nothiug.to be said, eh? Quiet —there !—doit't she tremble some?" ' i notieed for the first time that our boat did labor prodigiouslyE contiimed. Thu 'loot( I lixre ntout!N.ilti, n•ord _poi 1.9% ' stepped nut of that engin-room (i'int said tatet:wards, that- I sprang Out it Dile bound ; but he Heil!) in a htirry. The sOlder upon the connection pipe had ntelted and run down oven the setuni in a dozen places, from the ex cessive heat -a ormv was placed •athwart the safety vAz e, -with a fifty-six upon one end and we wea&qmoting down thevOliii), under is head of steam; chifck Up 10 51. 41): My -looping ttp trtment was well aft. „I en , lereidthe state room —got vet_ upon - the lmek !side 6r eh ) . the cor n ers of I the pillow into iny 'ears. and cudcaeored to ' ll.llll;lrel44..lllVheit its Sleep It. nas 1110 of 'She 11110tilillil hi attempting to rights myself I ills, covered that. my hair ;Inuit out so straight that it was impn,,,ilde formwdo_vt myireatlavith_ in six inehes of t Im pillow. I d tylight. zit monmutary eXperiation of bring landeid in Keittuety (or sour..where,eise!) hitt we got its led IMP riv.a hour int) Louisville, and I I ititorolivery i:woee 1111011 tiiy nittliteoP fled. I would never accept another- invitation for a pleamro trip 11'0111 a ,lee31111)1.1111, MIS 'aver4i2 to roeing. 110 W 0 Y ROY .07.1t11 , T II IS PAT DOWN . . Byron had not d nn god his body by strong drinks. but his terror of getting fat iv is so great that he reduced- his diet to the 1/Mllt absolute starvation. ,llc tilt of 'that son. lymphatic temperamant. which it is alinost impo ., sible keep within a inwlerate corneas, particularly as, in his cote. lilsauituness-roser" .... i•entrd.taking - thett he whi e d to this weight ecru standing was - painful': Si) he resolved to keep'down to eleven stone, or shoat hint , elf. Ile : said everything lie ,swal• lowed was instantly eanverital into fallow. I t atudaleposited on his ribs,. ; ; - 1 . 12 was the ,only Inupan being I ever met with who had sulli clett self rest rains and resolin ion to: resist t his proneness to fatten an,l Inut, tihrri~ he way dra Ivts On stone and nine !annuli, and looked much less a • Thi. ores not from v:11116 • 111/iell lid . 1/21 , 0111al appaarance,Lnt froM a INtt or ; Mot ive; an I as; Ilil WAS ulay.tvo 111111gyy,•I his nurit. wis the gee -der. Oaeasion illy Inc rel."ed I ris v_igil-nice, when he stvalled apace. ThilitoMther anta of . his -old ' Byron. how well you are looking!' .11' Ito,' Lad mnpu. I there it It td bceu well ; bid when Le ad led, • Von are gettin g fat.' Byron's brow. ',reddened, and his eves flas hed, , Do you call 'getting fat.looking.. weld as it' I were a ling ?' and turning to me he muttered, • The.beast, ' I can hardly keep Thy hawk off him The 'yin who thus offend.al Into was the husband of the lady - addres4sl las blenevra,' and the origittal his.•zuluik:;,. in the Brink , nj don t think he had miteh appetite I his dinner that illy, or fir many days, and never forgave the in tit who. so far from wish- , itiz to offmul intand I to ply trim a complo went Byron said he tried all sorts" of exit- - Frinr-mt - s - to - slardi r•rif • • his swelled rte. said. •of one tim ~,to fourteen stone. On I clapped the nitt9.ll.• ;my islns. and like the hiliern consten:a. my own fit would gist on biscuits_ and ,so la water for y days tog:alter ; then. to allay the etern II hong .r gnawing at his vital,. lat would' maki , up a horrid mess of cold tot noes, rive. Ash or greensalolu' , et I in vinea• tr. and gobbleit up like a famishes dog. On either , of iltegtr unsavory dishes. with a bisent awl' a ...lass or . two, ar wone wine. he l eared not how ,senr, he called, feasting sump -11111.11:4. L'pou my observing he might :Is well dare., freqi fish or Vegetables. instead of stale, .11e.langhial. and answered, •I have an advan ,tag • over you: 1 have no - palate ; One thing lis as aeod as another to tile.' ..Nothing.':l said, •Tlisagrees with the natural man. lie fasts and gorges : hi; brains don't bother him; but if you wish to live • Who wants to live." - be replied., • Not I The Byrons a -short-lived race on - both sides. Voile' and mother. Longevity is hereditary : zuh,no.tr ly at the end of my tether I dent care I'm death a.d : it is her sling: cant bear pain ' By stdrving ins body, Byron kept Ids braids clear No man ,had twighter eyes Or a cle,trin voice; and Ids resolute bearing and prompt replica, when excited. gave to his body a mnsettlar power that imposed on stranget•s. I never doubted. for Ile was:indifferent to life.. Mid pronderthati*Litcifer. flint, Iwbairdrawn Ids :sword in (hence, or elsewhere. he-would have tIIVOWII /Way the scabbard —Trelawny's Ileeolleetiona qf the Last Days ql Shelley 'and Byron.' • per' The ininTin g e 4E41.4? are tintinnbn. 'Med in the kilnettinl !isle of sonte•of our ex:- elentgeentler ibis flo•hion : , • .lortietl iti- county, North eitrnlinn, by Rev. -, Grtpt- Grove- , to .11.iss•Dittuq . (.1 rill; es. The graves 'tis said, • Vill'yiehl their (lead • Whet the last trumpet shakes the skies ' BLit it' Gull please, 1 7 _11mi - 6ml - es like these A'dezen living'folks may 'rise. Ondhe 1011 i, Mr. .Bean to 'Miss Sarah 11 Greenfield. tees Amt. to tbolr wishes ,And 11150 to Wiwi. VOAIIIIIIIS' '• Titob may 41ustow Cu thislirten field - • • • i t lovnly crop of linens. • in Mr.' , Ili - airy Wiser to Miss Lucre tia llced. . • • •;.,' , . - wltaly.dld 'Hebb- IVlsti. wed, , Lt erlo town, latecrotit ;lend;' • • 'tis hoped Cita he may liAly.atoahor., For though slice heat her heed, she's w A Virginia. paper recailds Site . marriage' of Miss ,daile Lemon and. Mr. Ebenezer .Sweet ; tvlicroipon our dev,iranoralises. as follows; ' liolv istypily • .Ist n. 5 I, I DISCS .Istio end -1-beoeser, no longer pith.: hiit•SweSt - , • • ' Alld•ho'We 1.13.n0n squeetel 4 I - - .fig'in4"lVol," said - his honor to•on old noir° who lnul been hauliul up for stealiniAt'Pullot. "whatjnive you to tniy Tor yoUrolf ; "Nut' . fin' bait'dis; , bossyas . erocy as a bedbug wtion - lAtolo dat 'tie pullet; oos'l' slight 'have thi . wg rooster. - and nfiber:do - to tt. Pot 8401V*'61.8i.V0V that I, was,'lntiorlii* tinder do dolfriwo trOmondous.,7:ll. . . . . ~ . , . . • .i.,i) 'w .. • . vo.AL,vo . •.iiall. au i , gnorittit'bpr . devout cbdvort id a comp' - riftitithig, 'tolling- his., oilicri-. mercy- in. which, ulto,r, speaking, of thif"gront utorcy of liic Lord; Ito-sitid . :,.: 't Nty r brothrou 1. have cr:o4oid the ifirlgiiiirtii4lbany; - tient tilt' 'Orhikiiiik Orinik nt- OA; tilitlY,; 'and 'l'Ve: 'Otte. thottot if‘tii6l4lSidlind'-only. , 4•lnituitt4l.littrc, .hoputttlitPlO:Oto449l.4 l 3;"494' :4 1 k1 30 #4.4) 1 NL: 44,,M4 1 ,,T, 1 , 3 ,,'5. " ..r t l :.,•. I.., ! i'i ',. „,-...!. '..c;!-,: , i‘ . . - -,t . ,: ~:' 1 . , . ' -- 'cirr -30 70 13 r - anillumitradvaiiiO4 = : ISt oo ir not Paid In noltouttner4:' EMI rrt 4 * gitpartnitilt- VASIIIONAULE 1V EDDINGIS. Se:Tnwleutlpnrsen has been hating a sly' 'dui, Wed fashioni.bh; wedding: . . • : k.l.llll..nnittiventy alt,in . rour-and4wetay dnndldb, dressed from s, teptrs*e.;: Y . Four , tinddiventyLgrizonnis,lenirguil_tiventy_nosilen,r : Four twtnity' brideinnaldS dressed-i 4, y . ep_ .111;4_ Eight-and-forty Mind:les Blending All together, The bride ringindanitiowelleiti . The groohi gloved and glum; , Anil both of theinhiok.foolleb, ' And both of them are dumb, - A thousand spectators , • 7 To sco the pretty nudell'i, A thousnod tongues to whisper, II o's rondo diiite it catch." " _ Jilglit and linty ninnies iiiiirchism out of church, like so ninny schriboye ilumilug from n birch 011. - irlfath si,II tiol.)14( upon 11, Over. T . ay,(44, - Theworkd tunics, gliniat filen for OClthlng gems to am A'AVOILD TO TiIErv.WISE. Love hailed it llttle amid, • humping throuji the meadow; Heedless In thu:sun she played, iS,orstel the shadow. "Come with me," whispered `• !Astro. street, to love nod ftwio.. , '• 11.1,2,0 by," she uMeked reply, ..• LIVII . B 1111 io seasun.M yehrH s went. yeeis came; ' - I.IA - ht mixed u•lth shadow; Love unit the meld Ormolus throu,th thu meadow. "Sot so e , .,y..urgil_lho boy; • I.lSNe'thno to loic and reaeaa" and by," she mused. reply; • • '• Lore's still In reason:?' Years went, years, aline; , Ll,;ltt,eltati..teti to shadow, "Lnro !vile the mad again, Welting in the tnemlow, " '• taco no more: itiy'dreant is o'er ; I can listen now to' reason." •• iteeli thee coy.' 'mocked the bay ; v Love's out of sCason." PAINTS OF' A GOOD • 1113811AN-)3: . The "Ohio Cultivator" lets pond:tut wlnt_thus-sensiblrgfiii her opinion TOI the article. , • p IVA T : Fe. wrote, yen • upon the subject of Good . IVii'es, wo Itart ' come across, a passable description of Otodel • tt ilhoul, Which Causes us to Modify what'wo said before —that no such essay had over been In ale Gontletnan's Magazine for , 1761. tindli he following mental and per sonal utt ditatfions or a husband:—"Groat , goo I-wit are, geptl humor mid good . sense. Lively by . till means? Stupid by. lite means._ Ills prstla agreeable, ratherthaii handsome. tin great objeci,imito six feet, with tin-exect symmetry of parts. Always clean, bat' not, foppish in Ids : dress. Youth promises a du raliou-or happines4; therefbre is agreeablti. Mrsi.l-read iu theelassics, but no_petiant..- per i imentalir a`equttinied with natural- philosei play. A tolerable ear for music,: butt fiddleit must repeat it •again no ;fiddling, hush44'. .An env and unaffected politeness. , No bully, just ns much cottrge as in necessary: -to-ti fend his own and wife's honer. trivellet , ,. no entlinsiagni for the vertu. .-Mayslortuns smile on the man of my wishes, A free-thin 4, in everything except inatattersnf Now, does tgiii,thlp well; Still; it isA • little too modest ,its its requirements. • The Model With is,,Whrthy of a companionvidee of perfectien; and the gentler sex should net. be ditii lent in making their standard of excel lence-known. In this respect, if in no 'other; we'wottld advise a eloselmitation of theieniale elendS. We would add that the Model. Bits mild must not find unceasing fault with hie wife's dress—that is he must endeavor to be eans . istent in his criticisms, and when'lM.has ridiculed her out of wearing thin , shoes,. be Must not pimvokingly amuse himself with the ' "cliekerty-ehielt,'. or thick boots, nor etinstant r ' Iv remind !Wl' of the, dangers of hunions•from heels. lie taut mi call a high dress, prudish and a low one, immodest. must not dub a •Inutt on .1e,2•," awkward, a coat sleeve, silly, rid a flowing one dbsurd, because it is al ways,dipping tlfe dishes." Ile 'must clot tell her that she "cannot- have a-new dress... she must make her old one do—he cannot af ford it," and when she ibis furbished it up to ale best or her ability. remark to her "Inlivr dowdy you looked my dear last evening. What a lovely WORM that elegant Mrs. Shap66fi iuul what it handsome silk she wore: -: Really she. ha, the best, taste of any lady I know Ile must not rail at her desire to show. her pretty ankles, when her skirts are two inch(' rroni the ground ; and accuse her of eiveepiag the streets. when she lengthens them: dews.; .. neither call her .h "shad," and perhaps,. ",liadoW,"ll.olC wears one petticoat,, an . Imesheiil n balloon, a putf ball, rithitiii -. She adds it few mere,' Ile must not Aim that he abominates tight-lacing, arid yet betray au iiL eiitation to - span all the !gentler walata .he s with his iirm. Ile must not. dcelnce that the is killing herself with that•'iveight.rif skirts upon.her riips,. and ,rienstantly,-,witint., and outrageously jest, about "that thing,:. • „ when she frames hrt eelf in the airy Orincillri4.; • Ile must not tell her that he "(1b pniee'alibie stacking,". and sneer at. her for a little ankt.o, because 'she doeS net•know ti-Greek eharaeter rpm nw Egypt in hieroglyphic„ .Irt.shqrt..ho must not have n.bor, ot'reinarking about sit times a day, that "all .wenien are boiiadole!"7 . " Moreover, the truly Model ' mot' becaffse he has ill luck with his business twitters through the . day, come, home 191110 bosom of Ids expectant family with tV'frOliti upon his,brow. kick the dog, box Infect 1101 to. see his wife's rosy moutit::,yeady for a kiss, Iln.l 'rank with the• tea andlonst„ send for, the cook out of the kitchen, to, cow.' plain that she had bntteredmuffine instiriiii:o? f idles orrthut ylartiettlnr day, sad Anal subside sullenly into his elippersand. t• 110 will-alwayfugive.hiswifemoneyoykelt - she.itsks - for it ; and - never - ;:fltink.atitetkinii ; -What did Yon de with the :quarter,Of:a !sir 1 gav,o you'last Ave•ek'iny love Y" He'ite4 requests her'-not to have. that everli4ting, gtissiping Mrs. Rat tle'to tea agaitt,!'.:Wltett'l49 knows that estintable little - 1(1(1y- is- ;Nit • deatu4l7firellil — fle 'eats cold diitnerttan' and is thankful.' Ile, bring's' hoitiC.ii beautiful present upon every Ile, • of his marriage, and does not fintot 'birtlitlay. • lie pays 'the does ' , 'cola JitiWthe - _eltildreit_tutltoes.,LAvithout were tingle again. 'lid' " 'not' smoko , Liu ,Figar untlei• tliiiithadow'oPtitovatteetttorains . nor call, his titiftkto,lealte thetlitttlfclihrSho;till sewing Upon, aiiti-ooluettp ! to,Ahe, ti4rd[4o4, • tti take his clottuMtandkerchief out erguk ' tier of the drawer for him;' siAler iniegink Milton lie' very greatest *tett a married luau can suffer.-.11,.. , ,.. , a t.tr.t.! • L• ; la short, thorn ja much '..ragatrful to,,Ate l ke 4 ii `Lus6und whit ho ought:: lo t to Inentianect fourni" the csaifitlitidts which :a should deinand i l lliefiare proinises la marry: and flarctl et?' 4,00140. when tho sterner sox havo.chis lesson by heart ii. will'ho thue to 'eat thOn' ariorhat. '"tit VI I :44" • . i 1 " "orsoriTonkin u 8 Mai the atho day, askackalOtinfloclPV/p.+ wherolo oLLhi d; .f.;10'.11N; . . II IV 1 , : ESE N0 5 :.;37 MI ll= - -An ilf Tlo 11011411LTW EMINFEWM