Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 28, 1858, Image 4

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    Formetil .'4o4irirtniiiit.,
The Flower Garden
, As the,,time or woe tng tto luwer
.. As
has now coine r a few hints on its
Management will be appropriate: . • •
. 1. Clear off all dead stalks of herbaceous.
-I?ut. everything in good.
Manure rosy, beds with'well-rotted
... have, cOntained are decayed, or they will
gerthinate and fill your. bed's With weeds.
Thoroughly rotted manure is the only' '
kind . fit to ho used in the flower garden.
• _ I stgikthe woods is:also excellent
as a fertalizer.and is n'inost essential to
the p• oper cultiYation of many, species of
'• plants..
3..Tfvr transplant and re 7 ‘
move har it'immediately; no..
time slu esnceially with
. Spireas, Forsythia as they arc now .
Imrsting, their hurls. Hardy roses should
also be removed at the pre.ent time.
The Remontantes or Hybl id•Perbetnals
must he cut down to a strong hod; they
will flowerall the hePer. 'Poses thntbloom
. on last year's. Wood should he pinned ivith
reference tp thiS. The tender sorts.espe-
• clay:Su - oh - as have been
house r -shonldLnotle_remoYedialheLoper
..nic.nntil the last of May. '
• • • 4. - -Tn :sewing. perennial -horbarerms
plants Insegtkrt7tt• by good taste; better
obtain a 'few choice things than a host of
•roots with queer • names and doubtful
repubtion• Phloxes, Lilies, Bellflower's
and heconies are tdl good. Add others
• according to taste. -
• 5. Sow hardy Annuals in a warm her
. •der by the middle of Aptil. if the- westher
is fine. .'llender sorts four weeks:later.
You masr : sceure a succession Of blooms
by sowing seeds of the early Mowing sorts
nt different Periods,' Many kinds improve
• by transplanting; :others . will senreely
survive the change. It i s n grind pion to
have a little plot, of nnrsery f r i m
which to supply the places of plants that
are done flowering in the •gardet. - You
will by this means alwitys keep the garden
G: Weer] your beds of bulbous-rnoterl
flowery end take eritii that:'yroir.tolim are
• not 11.estrnved h.- unit nr high winds.
7 -.11.3 rirri7b 111 2.9,3C 9gs, ); al,i(l.llu,rt-he gr.nvc..l
, . walks in prunLyaill'et.-
Indian Meal And Corn Bread
It hi said that ninny more people would
wit coil bread if they . knew how jos"..iok
it. An "experieneed housekeeper" has
. arms ie us -wit t scone ;rood recipes,
which we command. to inexperienced
housekeepers. A bushel of eon; contains -
more-nutriment..than it-busltel-4—wheat
- The litter is not generally considered
- eat unlel , s _ground_wy—fine _a nd
bolted. 'lt is a mistake, however. Indian
• corn treated in the same way. is nearly
_lt never should
• Let that be remembered. Fine areal cony
-- Th - e - Faleii - TriiCii - TOTigifd - , --- WOI - ii will
not keep sweet; The broken - oil globules
become rancid and bitter. • •
Corn, cal:es, made of m:-al and, ( water,
with inlittle salt, mixed into a stiff dough,
-thoroughly, ;Aid baked on a board
before a hot fiire, or Irriv-dyrOivi, or in
. little cakes on a ariddle;till entirley done,
are very sweet, wholesome bread.
Corn and wheat bread is wholesome
and nutritiOus, and easily 'made—if you
know how°.--Stir twn teacupsful of white
meal in a pint of lint water (hr each loaf.
free it of lumps,,and let it stand twenty
four hours. 'Boil- two or three potatoes,
peel and slice, and mash in ai pint of water,.
;which thicken with flour ' till it is stiff
batter, and then add hail t' a teacupful of
baker's : yeast. You will use - about • 011e
third as touch meal, scalded as ❑hove, as
• you do of floitr; knead the meal and yeast
and sponge and add a little salt with the
-flour all toge.t .er, and work it well and
:Mold in pms to rise moderately, and then.
bake, at first in a riot o'ven. This bread
will be. moist and more, nutritious and
more kalthy than if it were all flour.
Bee!cwheat cakes are improved by ad
ding corn meal, prepared in the saute way;
in about the same proportion as for bread.
A little wheat flour may be- added to
advantage. Don't let your batter over• rise
and sour, land never use salerat us if floes.'
Corn meal pudding may be made of
. /.." , --4e - llow-tneal, stirred into scalded-slimmed.
milk till as thick as gruel, And. when cool,
• add ginger, citiminton, nutmeg, salt and
'rweetening to suit the taste, and a little
fine.eut suet and "some raisins, or dried.
• 'peaches, or more, • licemding to. size:
- You who do not believe anything made
of Corn meal can be good will please try
this recipe for a pudding.— G (wool
Telef . /mph.' ,
,; -Cake Recipes
If you demo the following• recijies
_ worthy_of a. place in your valuable paper
please. insert' them for the benefit of those
• interested in donlestie economy: .
GAKE.-Eight, cups of floitr,
4, cups of sugar, 2 cups of hin(er, 1 cup
of inolass-s, 1 cup of raisons, cggs,
pound of tturrauts,3 teaspoonful ufsalertt:
Spice to. your taste.
HARRISON CAK.E.—One cup of suigitr,
1 cup ofundasses,_ 1 cup of _milk', two
thirds of a oup of lard, 1 cup of raisins,
1 oirg 1 teaspoonful salerattis. . Spice with,
nutmeg and pimento. .
RAISIN CAKE.- . —One cup, of sugar, 1
cup of inolasses;..l cup of raisins, 2 eggs,
a piece of butter as large as egg, 1 tea- .
. saleratus, a little spice.
PORK CAKEI—T.vo and a half cups of
molasses, 1 cup ofsugar, 1 cup of chopped
.fat park, 1 teaspoonful of salerattis; spite,
raisins and 'Currants; flour enough to mix
as hard as cream of tartar bread.
FIRENOII CAKE.—Fqurand a half tam
biers of fluor, 8 'tumblers:of sugar, one
half tumbler Of biltter,l tumbler of mil
1 teaspitonfui of cream of tom r,l teaspoon
fill 'of soda. . tipice,-citron
dad if desired:
Make Rata Baga rudding.
Ono and a half pinis of pulpid .ritta
'bags; 2 Npoonsf ul of wheat flour; fi ur
,half-pint of inn and one tablespoonful,
of butter. The,pan fee t tsed and floured
'and baked 'with a,quiek fire. .
AktroTtiEn pini and a , balf
'of pulped
. riita
.lutguinf :a, half pint of
:whest fl ur, four, eggs ; pad a littlf •pint; of
•snet. stunk pine'of .• The pan , us'
. .
, , ,
obitiTHEtc ---tone pintandnhalftifpulp
;cid titta bap, five spooosfol •pf - floor, a
"he'll' of beet'li..mbliy'Nr
three eggs,two spoonsful or ,
New Oboobo.
Aid. FOR -tll3 UNOOM
ThenefelloWs that fiiog out their red tinge /Ind make
much fiisti about. thif ulfecte of the . 4 .310114 Panic,.
"Suspension-nod ita'koltseolioures" (treat uttreetion"
'' Prices greatly reduced'. n u t other queer ..uotatte,"
ere n 0 talking for BUNCO3IIIe. Hut iryou really w
te - get Alto worth of Puir itUitioyeall at - Me y
.GaCery atidlluZeustratere Sten? id
on the T, W Corner of the Public Sunnre And directly
,np..nite-the-Cor:hde , Deposit—.llunk r iu-the_burough_o.
Ills stock of China, tibias and Quennsware has jus
been replenished from Philadelphia, and fur bounty. 0
design, quality and cheapness, . •
..- - - IT CAN'T ifirlibller. - :-----
. ,
- Ills assortment .- of FAIII,IN • - ti ItOCEIII ES In full
Vfloh r clean and complete, auchias .
Java and filo Coffee, Mixed Pirkels, •
_ .
‘,..-..„,,..., Impend Tea.orcestershiro Sauce,
', I Oolong or Mark do.' Moorhen do.
ewe' Pounded Hominy Tomato Patsup, ' -
Ill] t
1 I ector',. Farina, Salad or table oil,
i., Corn Starch, . Peppin. sauce,
. .iice Flour, " Table, salt,
Iltker'a Cocoa.,. - Syrups and Molasses
.• Chorelato, i of every quality,.
Preston's Eagle do,_ . 1 Macaroni; -
• SUOMI'S, SPICES, (ground ,ir, ungroUnd.)
New .Orleans, Cinnamon,
Porto (lien, - Illace,
Crushed, Nuttnegn, • 1
Grantilated, ' Cleves. •
PIII worked and Alspice, -*• .
. • - Relined. . . popper and'
liinger t
CRIFIC9/1-19 ne tipple and Now York dairy Cheese.
Cranberrlel4, Brooms and Cedarwaro . .
Saponifier or Concentrated LyO for xnakingannp. 110-'1
unieratell, but which the public are cordially Invitee
to examine for thetnselvea. • ,
'l* I . e ..iuliserlber thankful fir the very • liberal patron ,
scotch , he has revolved bran the runup nity in theca
past, respectfully sonata It coati n liar re.
Carlisle, liec."23, 1857.
.Abin &reel, Carlisle, lit.
, 461 1 * , ' ~?"- - „s „ '_ AstiY gd .7o: 4 rr iYnr
..._: L - - -- .4 ... r.. , , —, , , , ,A.,(, yer nod NUM Wog
may': .;. 4. ' ;k, ,:- to' oda,- I' uvito e
• --) ~ ~.`; 'L.. telitioil.
_,,,, ' ' .. " 4 i ft, - - 21) ' If you want to ,
,„...• ~ " .",----, -" i'l i 4_Ziloct from no Intro
Er . ,;.;4,.. , • 4:.y '.:, ', ~,, ' .47.-- stook of elmM,Wate.
t „ "'3`, '• . ;:!,,, ex, Jewelry, Silver iu
'...:. - ~:,,11.,„,. . - .;; L Y , it. 4 warmin
,b.,_, call
_ - .
IVO have a large assortment of Hold anti Silver flunk
Jag and
.opou Case Watehes to Suit all Fauelen and
Pockets. - - -
Floo end Chenp Jewelry nr every.stylo end. quality
n sults or by the ph., as wanted,
Siriror and Plated Walters. Cake. Fruit, Sugar, an
Card . Ilasketi,. Silver, '!'aide, Tea, Croatia, Sugar, Sal
Itmaerl and Crean, Spoono,
, Fine Pearl. Garai, Canton. Gelligto . no. Fl
routine Megalc, Jet Dux and Glass belts cheap •
Dkainuallreastpins and Fingerings:- - - •
• -
0.,1‘1 punting Case, .Ely:ltt Tiay Levei.a;••gold Hun
ig, Case,•Uuplex; Gold II unting. Chron 1111 l kern.
. ' At:NAUGLE:B..
lagley's hest quslity of (1011.1 Pencils; Ditto ((old
ns and Silver Holders,
Silver and I'latt..l Tmo Roltp. 17nLivts, Cupx, Tom,
Racks, Pitelmra, Gnu, TUr OO, N, Ten Hills,
Bold.\e.•k, Cont. Curb, Fob, nutl Cluttkin eluting
.flobl Bracoletx, L,,,ekeis, Thimbles, Crossll,. 'lnirmx,
French Time ITeres to run threenoilWar
. At NA11(11.1:'8.
(101 l Sleeve, Vent, Udlar, mol Shirt ...t.udt: oral! rityle
nod quality, "
. Plated Forks, Spoons, Knivoso Napkin Jonr,,,, silre
Aecordoons. Musk; Boar..—a fur variety;
• I ES.
Ia Portrnottaies. Pearl and Leath - el, Vialit and
Fancy Tret riling Hags, very rice styles, t heap '
• At NAlltil,ES.
11 you want to luk‘o your, IVatellev put to good r
1,311,1111 i warranted, tt4lo thorn to
- . .
If you want to gel's Cheap Clock, you can dot It
If you want your Silva. ware neatly marked at taw
All abods warranted an represented,. or the money re
At N VO 1,F13
Persona that Want bargnalig aro Invited to call
( . IABAS AT COST:—The subscribe
is now offrring a, lot CAIIAS for sale at cos
they rift be 11.111(i desirable for Clirlstnnkc present~
Doc. 23 i '571 GEO. W. lilt\ ER.
/ This great remedy has for Itself It World
11i4i0 reputation: 05 a ti. itilitylitlt„ h+ euies ul
gdnal disease. It Ileum hen. It tiros /toil folds. Survint.
headache. Erysipelas, Neuralgia. 5.e.:11 lots a mingle/II
elleet In removing pall,. Imputing to the diseased part,.
-A oat ural eurreot 51 filch the' health,
toiletllms ore restored ittinO,llatilly, and a cure °fleeted
is tio one has ever Used this at robs vithomt benefit
vu I . olliitit'llily rotor 1.0 show oho have applied It, 12
their testimony In Its
For sale•hy S:11". Ilaverstlek. N. Elliott, 11. liattlfinati.
If, d: tlolfae, and at all ile.touutry stores throughout
N. It. uniform pries is rifrf Coins n bottle, as
this is the only situ that Is shipped to the United
N0v.25, 9557.
VOTT.O E.—All persons indebted to
the aubxrrlber, are eainestly_ re4nestel to 611
Ind settle their neetinots without delay. The elt,
mnrchnu is having adopted the cash system. will compel
ux treurtail oui-eirdits, and do es near'a cash business
tx posidtde.
Hee. 111, 15117.1 [MY.
10110 Cases .Na? AN Ohl/ INDIAN DOC NM, who
has made his fartuuo and retired fr..m bu
.010 Cases elites, will spend thO reinalnder, of his
dais lo curing that dreadful disease CON
-3000 Cason OE3I PTION—FREE OF CU AIME: his ear
_ best desire being to communicate to the
3000 Cases world his remedies that have proved rue
ressful in. more than 3000 cases. Ile re
3000 Cases quires each applicant to send 1111111 n minute
description of the :symptoms, with two'
3000 :'aeon stamps. (0 COMM to p.iytho return letter.
• In'Whit h lie will return them WS ADVM}I.
3000 Canes PRESCRIPTION, with dirFctions for pre
paring the niediclues, -
The OLD DOCTOR hopes that thorn af
dieted Will not. on a..councol delicacy, re.
4000 - Qtses — frain —r from — ronsulting — linn — hccause he
makes No. Charge. Ills solo Objed in 'Over.
3000 Case, thineln t o do all the good lie can before he
dies. r Ile feels that he ',justly rehd.rated•
3000 Cases for aim cure of Chustimptlon, Asthma,
Bronchitis, Nervous affeeilons, Coughs.
3000. Cases Co Ids,. 4.e.. Address .
1101! 3531, P. 0., Now York.
JOIX) Cases
Ca,rlislp, FourOry,
East 'Main Sticet,t.CAltl.lBl.ll.
This extensive estabilithmont'is now in Complete hr
ler and supplied with the best machinery for tNocuti tic
work in every •depnrtmont. Tho buildings have aim
been greatlyuninrged this spring and stocked with tie
newest and most improved tools for the manuincturc
Bhuttorp,llllmlß, Mouldings. Brackets, and all- other
kinds of Curpenter worrk. We invite Builders. ('sr.
mutters and others to call and examine our facilities fin
doing tide description of work. 'The best Materials
d - end nrires ux Kw as - at any other establishment in .
the eountyor elsowliere. '
Ind repaired no lionlofore. Engliiroclinve been recent.
ly built Per W. M. Itemloroon Pon, in thin borough
it. Bryson k. Co. Alloo toweohip. Ahl Ittothars, New.
villirrSiunirt - it—WortalTNArth — Middlotiim
I whom cotalgioltutent they- may-ho seen In daily op ,
elution. and to whom we ran refer for evidence of Melt
'of every deactiptioti, from the scialleat to the heaviest
picric+, executed at short notice lor, Avery kind of mit.
chicory. A largo variety of mill testing. now - on Mind'
Tiro ekliTfur Pattern makers conatattlyleMployed.—
REPAIIINO, promptly attended to for Paper Milk
Matillerlea,' Orbit 111111 a, Factories, Ad. ~Turnitiiii and
'Fitting Mill Spindles. &c. done in the heat etyle.i:-
such as 'Bevil Gear Four horse Powers,- horizontal
hear Four and Two Horse- Parent. Corn` 'Shelters.
Crushert, - Iron Rollers. Plough eluding& and other or.
Melee for farmers, • on , hand or prmptly' made to ardor
and repittred.', Our facilltitit for building Care are'now
Imine complete than heretofore and enables 'us to fur•
kb them to the.rsil road on aceomcs
dating tonna and niadn of the best materials. Orders
The lona •exporbinre In the „businese of thween.hir"
prirtnernf the tirtm'n ut‘ the completeness our tna
1 alstnery•ln every, branch of the eatablishmeot .warrant
-seatirliirt the • best work, to 'all who favor ; hp
wlth.thrjr.urders.;•The continued patronage Orme el l ] TriandwaintilniTAlbile to respectll,llll`atillette
* k r 20.. , 01—ay„ • • iItDDIER., 46 Co.
TO CAIIPENTtIIiS, FA It 1.11'.1.t.' 8
lou sub:aril:cm resectfully announce to the
public, that. they are Aim !armored to furnish the fel.'
lowing deseribud urtieles uC LUMBEIC: rlrxt, Common
and Viiinul• Ulan, and Boards et nil
,tineuisss : Uoun
01011 hoards and Plan of whit, plue;. Ildtnloch Juice
and Scantling. oral I slues and lengths; IV hilt, Dine sad
Yellow Pine flooring, worked; all hinds of Poling nod'
I:hat:Ting Laths; Ulm and Urmritsa:blitgles Ol :ill qua
litieo! Shingling' Lath and ',wiping," and - limning
Dom MI 211 tee& • lung. All titubero sawed to order, by
leaning their bills, of all lungths'and slrls,.(pitin, oak,
or-hemluek)—SashrDoorsrldlisilhantlltiouldings . reoay
fur use. The above1:111 be furnished on the must rea
sonable terms, and at the shortest matte.
Riniane constantly on Intrutal
O h ' t,SK filvdsof
-:i\\ FA3III.Y
sum, sLy ,Mmy, Short Mountain, Trevurlon,
cost Mountain, - Luke Fiddler, 'Sunbury. Itliloollowlw
and rho llwad Top •Ifir blacktnithe:; all of o lath We
will delher to any part of the town ex IoW es, it be
1 "21. 1 311J-111-141Y—YArd_ill_Hte_tuttn...1.11r_clielt.J.,r...countr,y
Praline, Cool all IV KIMURA and delivered clean. by
strict ettenthth 10 buslhess, wo impale rueato n liberal
stare of public volumene.' • ' .
You will find our Yard Id the ern:turn and of the b&
rough. opposite Iho lien Works: Our office hereafter sill'
-he, Opt op pestle Bunts, & Brothers store, in %It ollice
refy occupied by 'cquire , rforith. 11, order lett tit the
entire or at either al theroftscribers residences, tit West
Pomfret street, or at Else street, will be promptly of- •
tended fit.
• Carlisle, June 3, 1.R67., -•-
C 111 18.E.1t.E, A.N D ALLEY 13AN K.
. rimPRIET(ms.
11000. C. STERRETT, JOHN DUNLAP, • - -
Jolts Dusr,vf, lt. A. 8111L0EON.
This Bank, doing business 1n the IMMO Of lier.;_ltren
' noman B C 0.,. in 11010 fully prepared to do o general
• Banking liuslitestk-with promptness tool fidelity; • -
Money received on 71eposit and paid Lack on demand
-without I.4lmi — interest pit Id ort-si ,
HUM. of deposit bearing Intel est at the rate of live
per cent. will I o Issued lon as short a period as few
murithib Interest' ion all certilicateit will erase at 11111 ,
' Wray, provided, Itowiiier, that It said certificates are
- renewed at any time Ilimeatter tor another given pu•
rlod, they shall bear tin MOM rate of interest up to the
time of renewal. Particular attention paid to * Ihe rot
lactlnn 'el' ntitesolratts..elteeks. Ac., In Ho) port ut' the
United States or Oneidas.
Hood tta tices made to Ellgln MI, Ireland, or the Conti.
neut. The litithful and c.,tifidential execution of all
orders entrusted to . them, may be relied Op.!.
ThOS coal the latent:oil Cl Fartllert, Meellallirli and
all I therm who LOAN A sate deport Lili" Mr their 111.110 i,
to the : undeniable liwt, that the proprietors of I Ids hank
are INDIV , DCALLY Italic hi the extent of I heir estates fill
all the Depdssts, and Other obligations ' of ICer, - .firmititi.
man St Co.
They have recently rentoved bite their lIA,T R:041,11114
House directly opposite'rheir termer stand, - In II eel
Main Street, a few doors east or the Itailroad Depot,
whore tltyvill at all tibiteti be pleased tt; give any hr
ibrination itenlredinee c zard to money mutters In gene
. for business from U o'clock in the morning until
4 o'ciffili in the evening.
11. A. STURGEON, Cashier.
Carlisle, May 20.1557.
BURANCE CO3IPANY alCinalltrland es,ui ty. h eca.v..
rated by au net tdAssembly, Is um, Gil ly orgnalud, mid
iii operation hailer the nuplagement of the, haii wAr.,
etanialshildier . t., viz: . .
. ,
Danlid Bailey, WiIII:11 , k% It. tinrgan..Mirlinel
.Y. Eklielirerger. eltriAtail Stayittaa, ...Ittlot Cl, Mut.
hip. .Igtetib 11. Cover, I.t.srb% Byer, kingly, Her*,
nth% 11. J. Brandt, Jokeph Wicket/4m%
AioC3illil.l Clltilt'Art.
The rates nfi nAllrallen are as lOW and faVerable as All)
Company of the kind In tin, State. nersonn nhthlng
herniae Danaher,. are In Vltell to InAke Applleatlnn tn the
Atrentabl . the etnnpany, who are willing to 'wait 'upon
thorn at any (Into. . • .
If. IIO3SFat. President.'
SPAVIIAS. Presirlout.
COCKLIN. 'Treasurer. .
ey3IIIHP I,A ND COIiNTV. T l n I , l , errlek. Allen.
II udolpt 31 . prtIn . . 'New l'Anolnrland • Henry Zenrlng,.
Sliireinanston Sonitn.l 'Wnntll urn. inekll.,nn Item.)
('hilrehlow y:llntle tirlll3lll. r•ntall )11(1,11e
;1111: P 11111110; CllllllllO. W. 1 ; 1•111•1111.10'; F1111;1111 ('rover:
Nechnnicsbneg W. - 1.',11•1.11n, Flteplierth ton 9; It.
1 . 7)..Ltc._11 - 11,ialentEl.unal.;_e. 11. II I , H111.1.-1 , 11VCCS.111111)/1;
!lied. llnvet :...prion.• Charles Pell. Cal I
VI /I; K CAJUN TY.— W. S. Pleldng. Dover; Peter 1% al-
FrAnklitl 111111'11,0m ; .1. F. Innir
&HT. Wusltlnirtml,
', DAUPHIN 01.-11imber & Ilnrsir•burg.
Members of the rollijnltiy 111,11)7 pOlivien a Pout to 4,
Orel eau Isave.lbra re!!m•ezi 1.3 tohislog applienthm to
any of the
" "Man Know Thyself." .
An Invninnble Monk for 25 Cent..
•s • • , ~ . 1,•. mr.incm,
14 . ft . L• •"" ~• II I. A FFLICTI.:II
" ontlfning nn toinlim• of lin.
• 'll4ofreirs A , .is in. pr, prose.. • t ma/ men t
• •..1 cure of • vor3 Orin at In
', coo Imo by plank.
,•.' ••• self Anna,. Or by. to•XlIal
• , //f; 4 " ••• ' s with sdeice, for their
pro,ntion. wt It In a familiar 1,154 e. avoitlintt nil
meti teclanlvalith s, and everythlog that would of
fend the ear c.l fierce ey.
• dny of the Profer.ser of ildstetrlrs In Penn.
Phifadelplda.—' Mt. II IMT It'd yI litucA 1,
•I A ant hor of Ibis work, ;th!, - th°
• onjoritv of those who advertise ( , cure the dlseas.
Fr l x tatvldsh It treats; Is a graduate .of 11110' 111 the
ht thu 1!”10°,1 .`Like. It affords me
pleat:two tO memo feud him to the unlio tool tr, ‘,06
' l "4 the • Ittho of hal poo•tlee, as a surresslul and. 1,1.•
CC ',Admired idol:none, In whose honor and totem II)
they may place thwgroulert roolidehee.
at From A Woodward. M 1 U., of Penn. Unliernlty,
rhilad. It glees nip pleasure to add my teldhoony
u 1110 Professional ability 01 the Author of the
•• Nledl,.al Mnitual."—A unit:roux rases ill Ideeases of
p- the timiltal Organs, some of them of long standing,
5 have come under my notioe, Ih wide', Ilia skill lins
been nAnirest In rebtorin..t to purl. ct health, 11l
A.llllO 111,441110 W tr 11.1 1 .0 tilo 11.1010 it has been consid
w mod beyond medical Sid, lu the t reattuva of send•
1131 0%11[1000,11r dIS:111:111,001001t of thin rumito.
prudnrrd by SSLS .worse. or -. Excess of- tenery„,Jl di,
not know his supetbir in the molt std.,. I hays
lure,, acquainted with the Author some thirty
oil years, Allli 110011 It 110 111011. 0001 jlooiee • him as
N... 1 well as n kindness to thin note, nitwit° vial," or .1.-
ly indiseretinu e to reeiMonmol him 11S 010,111 IX 110,0
mof,o,si•outi skill and integrity they may. safely
. confide themselves.
ALene.b 11 • oolwum, M. O.
One linpy. securely envelored. will be forwarded free
f postage 10 oily part of the Culled :tales. for 25 els.,
mll.'olllol for *1 uO. tides CO:WEN & CO.,
1. 111/11ellere. 1100 107,
41 It•.el.selle•s, ovassersand hook Agents supplied
m the most liberal terms.
Dee. U, 107.-Iy. . . ,
I NO. The suhscriher continues turnery on the
:Lh - ove Mod Ross. in all Its various lennehes•iu North Ilan
ever street. Carlisle. two doors North of Lismard's corner
where In, intends keeping on heed a general assortment
in Ids line, consisting of all hi WIN of Maltionable S. 11)
!MKS, tiridles. Marthwales,
Cirri nelesand lhtlters, also TRUNKS,
traveling and saddle'll
110g11. 110 01i0 Mall- • L -1. 1 4
i l i f , 1 1 1 , 0 r 1 , 1 , 1 . 1• 0 1 , 13 s thei'swlt .
I pl ~ pNl lII\\III c S o P u t i r; 1.; toueus t
v m e i r sh u rn e g d a T1311 1 :1.
, soma. durable and phetsant saddle
well t 9 call and see them. Ile
• a also manufiTiiii - WSllarnes - I,lliii es,
Collars and Whips in all efielr torte
ties, and confidently believes from the general approba
Lion of his customers, that he makes the neatest and
best gears. in all their yarlety of Lredth. that Is made in
the country. lie also makes all kinds of Matrasses
order. - vls: Straw, husk: Curled hair Mid" Spring Mat
rasses. All the abets articles NOlll be made of the hest
material and workmanship, and with the utmost flesh
patch. 1 . WM.OSBOItN.
lAcoo [Meru. • A.l(.llnErit.
(yrtog hereby given that' I have
thl,lday!imelated with mu, torn 'mailer in Me
- -
Forwarding. Commission and Undo Iluslnem ^my m
ALIO= K. MIEENI, and that the 01.0 blIS{lll,B wl
be hereafter conducted - under the memo of J.. 11,11 ER
$z SON, .1
11.-11hrhas.t.hash prlcet. for PRODUCE o. all kt
AMUR, km. Salt, Plaster,
}) j ays no hand and Sir sale.
Oarlhdo Nay 1 , 1857—tf.
f - .I.YE Y STABLE.—Lluving per
,•hrisal from .1. It. Sonnet:titer ids LIVERY Ee
H. I will be stuns reedy to tweet=
-date .the public olth HORSES, CAlb
10111 t lAGliti, i lltitlOlES, and every ether nr
• ticlo In toy line. By strict attentioo tt
business and n desire to please. the subscriber hopes to
.receive a liberal share of public patroonge. '
. .
• 0 lltti
N. 0. OninPlusses on Lund to supply those who may
in In need of them; • 0 0, 11.
- ?F. %I it An NOWER
A T N I,
• yFeilts for Manny's Combined Itenpm and Mom or, wit!
onion' hIPROVEDIENT. for. Iddladolphln enmity, or
lido prepared to receive ordure. Perwino wishing to so
tied; thu test combined machines In woo, will pleas
Tidy early, no the supply In limited.
Sued and Implement Stun', nor. atinuilllfericut stn.
or both band and horto payer, o,(superlor quality anti
iniall{ and at groatly'reduced prices; also .ItuOt, Straw.
nd Fiattor Cuttera,,,:r.%
A mime. &cc;
• ' cosr: 7th and Markat Streets I hilnilvlplda. '
'PROUTY PLOWS.-..The undersign
.4l.lmvhig bean appdinted pole yenta Cl Philadelphia
sw the Prouty Plows and Caat lima, are note treittred to
..f it them to Farmers and I/anima at wholeanteand rla
tail, Th.Muty- Plow took the firetcpronium at the
World's Fair inicondon, agalnat all competlilunt and Is',
unstrusted an no to plow ird .pulsorise at ona °pain ,
Linn. For the last tau years Wpm boon more ex. oat.
sleety sold in the district aroti cd Pialladolnbta than.
'any other: and to now offered of improvad'ulanitracs I
turckof all the different also , . )
N. E. Cor. 7th andliarket Stn. Philadelphia.
-; .ROOMrou.'nurcr: ...•
I'he. well Knawn' I)welllnk Ileueo Aud 'Ednro IMMO •
limitAM Naha Wart, And now in the 'orrommoy of
lowletilhdlnyofillln for rent from 11041ret, of :dpril
'Aid,. termi apply to, .
.1 a. 27,1849.] • • J.W
TO 64-'6934imEnB
110111 fglirDS.
1 .
. 4. It'
L 5 11_ GROCERES!-
- ...'AT S. U. 111.1YErl'S • . - .
NM nud BlacLeriA of dilliiimt wilden, - . -
' - Al 111.1YETT'S.
: - galmon,isL,:plo , liskietrid ' , nil& Fliii,;ciiiiye,-•vrs:
Balt 'and t'lekled Herring, • '
Cheese and Crick - 43es can 'la bad
Dried Fruit,,Prprecree end Jellies,"
• -At
Sugar Cured Beef end Ileum,
A OM, Pupply . of LIQUORS,
011 a, White,',4c4 &c:,
• SAUL . .
fmut etithined.lll health. and by the
advice of his idly elcioiia and friends., sir, IR Ills shirk r
blf V 1-10 . )11S' fpr sal a,' Lbett he may. thereby. Le diyeAed
Of ell this torso of business, and ho enabled to &wade
The fixtures will also be sold and the store route of
fered for rent. To our one haling the necessary caul.
tat, and who willklevoto his attention to the busluesx,
this will afford.n rare chance. 'The custom is already
made; and tui the,stockhris received frequent additions
In f.ilay. July and August: t 9 an amount exreeding
$OOllO, $lOOO mere would then ootupletic It, fur Iho Fall
lrade. Forpartieulars enquire of
N. It—A lot of UUNiii auitat le feethe season just te
ethed. ' leept.l2. lbfa.
tilrfb!!! GIFTS!!!
PittZlr . TO EITI
sdo riasityru Worth of GU*l46'6
~IViLLlcAnbtrituurtn.wmi EVt.I.Y . I'oo O.IWIO,
11,1, ehlooldre stsortillent or vultiablo etundard and
MiNeollimerries li•niLi, width tilo .11 - , red for F
leweot Letup Prives. A'(1114 Wirfall FlOt3l 25'
CENTS TO 81.00. WILL 111.: PA,'
11001(. -A eotilloielo Flt
,wills n 11x1 or 171rrx, will Lu li,rwrirded o
rerncnn wit.hing to of der it toce, 1011 order on, Hoof . .
puldini lid Now York or II ,too nod
will he iuroinhini nt the idthlithnen Judie. with
Auy 14000011 M di•rhgl 10 1,041 will receive for nninds.
idol] extin In 01. Will, Wit. Vor . l . ,,lnvp thod ntninlo,
10 agar, fur $l.OO llwk, Address
• - - .11thAN.E.IlULISON.
Nn. :38 Somtli Phi'adt 11,1410. ,
• . TrtE'
• •
it coLialr . s DI largo .1.10.1 y prlnDal ninßto
Bhing dioine ,yoar 4.n0 E.An n
than 01 Lll.l tiOI'O 111.11111. 11n , nlhlirr. It IF ill/yd
frith till.Vt•r3 I 1.14,1X11, l•il that lon
pr.'nor ii. It it to lintel D• t an clear, row (A pr,
on faze tonpl•r, in a couroolout SII/17.1. for I•lntilanr,
111111 alI• f r 12 n 1 I ar.
t•: pop /i•LI I'ltlill4/1-
l• 11. only town and 1•1 t,) ill tun nnuntry
Grnnlirit .111 trriptir hit to ,l/0111 n 111,1,111
.Inn In I o AddnK DANIEL ADEL.
KO, 1, 'fiE.—:atif,O., • 211 Cobtre ntra•i•t, oen Yea 4.
"Moat useful article ever Int riled, for house, More
laud °glee, eta:passim:in utility lirery other
gine, gum. mucilage. panto or
cement mot' k nom n.
oAdltesire on paper, cloth, leather, furniture, porn.
lain. china, marble or glass.
Fir matiurieturing Fancy krtlrles, Toya. etc.. it has
on sumo lor, trot only p•itai-sging Treater streopth Ihatt
any other known art lei -but adheres. 1111.11 l quietly.
lea, big ill, stain 11/Ifre, the parts are jollied. Nt.vta
able the last three years. upwards of 250;600 I:
Iles ill thisjustly celebrated LIQUID tux, Itt n b eeu
the,great cool eidence it has proud lt,
ivory rase, has -- deservedly aerured for it n doomed
m Web, the manufacturer Imo f o uod it, At thu e s..ditti
roll to revel: action, ledge,) by - all nhu line nerd tl
that its merits are far oh ill, MIT I.llllllllr ut tide rue imi
tattoo over ritereotto LLn pul lir.
zila-Thk. °Lull; is extentivel3 counterfolted—olwerve
I lie labia, “:11elten's Celebrated Liquid Clue, the Li reit t
Adhesive." •L•al:r en .0 ber. •
Manufactured and 141,14, Wiltilmode and lietall. by
. • - WM. C.- lien EA:-Statloner. '
No. 907 Chestnut Street.,
tr)..Lllieral,tiolueeilientwpdt cr&Pttr.persoits desirou'
id - selling the'iiloot
Sept 93,
Jog received itt,tho Family Grocer) , Store of •
J. P. iinucirr
f , 4;12 ,7 5,00 IAN,TEI) ON REAL ES•
14 a•lotoillI0li011, write or ai,fily to the lAlltor'oi ti)
Carlisle, N0v.16,1557.-3t.
OST —A copy of the illustrated edi
JLA (ton VIIDISSAIMS wan 1014
Jaunt a year no. Any 111:15011 having tho work, will
cooler a laver on the owner, by returning it to the
Herald Othee.
enrilein; F0h.17,1 UR.
E 3.1 OV AL.—I .11;ive, ronoved iiiv
jtlLAtuto from the old stand toilatoliton's nen 1,1.11.1
In c .•1 , 1 110 001 1.4.1 . of Main and Pitt Nis.. directly ,ppo.
silo the Methodist Epineoptd Church, w torn I will be
pleased to i.e all my old customers, and ma litany 11011
"Le , : an 111 hoer toe with their Olt romme.
I mu receiving a new nt,,rl, of gr ode, and w 11l run
them WI at very reduced pikes. •
Came mm and all to the New Stere. and eceure go-.d
banzains. Entail profit s and quick enh s.
M uch 10, ISItS. CIIAS. 11011• By
1 4 1 01 t BENT.— The three
• story BRICK HOUSE, In Ilat.orer
street. three t hr'rs trout the corner o s
f the g
Squat e, iu Carlisle. at present ocettpled 11 1 111
Otto. Foul. This llouse is xrol
for a Inhale tirveßitig or place of bllnillunh. Apply to
Parker, or to tho
Executor of Thos. Brox u, deed.
ettrlislo. Feb, •24, 1658.--41.
!1 1 0) 1' A RAE RS AND GA HI) N
relebratsdl 1N10,111461 of the. Lodi
Menufso luring Compeny. l•ow in use over 18 3 ears. Is
I:4Fint hand nod so'dhy the following firms In Plain.
delphla A pnotphlet sent gratis to any MO npplying.
PA:n:1111.1s MORltls A CO., eor. 51erket 011 d. 1111 ot.
• SPAM - 11.En & 0 RAIIAM, 1127 'Market street.
FEN II Y ASIIIIItY, 325 South 11 loaves. Ur,
Lodi Mauutiacturluir ..Coinpaity, CO Cortlaudt Street,
litOr York. •
T. J. (111.111 A M, .1. L.:II.IIOMM', S.M. 1/Aill/SON
ItAl. I.A.NU A /WO,
Lrateniewili City. Almada l'erntory:
\Y ILLba • , ell and locate lauds in
• Eallk-lb till Nebrneka Teri ltoraw+, Ituvn quid
11 estmrn - 11lissonr1:10iy - ntul dud - Iti% et:l
1110111. y. bus 0114 sell lir .rib. E lve latfornintiliti respeetliii;
he OM ot Lry, and do n tngenej )410.1i.iths.
john Carll3,le,.Pa.
Win. M. Ilveteinc !tanker, .• '
11014..1. 11. tiraleti '
I(or, lirennetana & Co., Bankers,
Wiu3M. llenderion. t:31., Carlisle..
Ocorge Sanderson ' F:35.1., LancaFter. Pa.
1,1, A. Alll, U. C., Now In. • •
Win. S. Cob. n, Esq.,
IL W. Clink & Co., Hankers, Philadelphia,
lion. dlichnul Cutklla,:licidierdstown. Pa.
Malay itehioni h Eons, Merchants, Baltimore.
K. L. Blake, 1:3e1., Cashier Mercantile Bank, Ncw York.
Bnyder4 3PFarlnnur Heal Estate Agents, :111111icapolls.
Mieniessota 'territory. • .4ma.333,,..
Wiii. Kilgore, Esq., Attorney and Eeal Estate Agent.
Starling; 111
IL W. Matecr. Mtg., Henry city, 111. .
'Ex•tlov. Joseph Winer. Cumberland county, ea.
E. W. Clark & Co.. Itanktrs.l:lllladelphla.
(lout. Pollock, IlairlsbuJg, Pa. 3
....11arch IS, 1857.3-Iy.
'Pita subscriber &Sires to inform f•ritters and the pub
lie generally that ho now has on band•nfid In con
stantly manufacturing Threshing 31aohlues with Pler ,
Patent Shaker, which are generally " sokilun
odged to be the best articles now.ln UFO. Also h variety
Clare II °Epos. Grrn ahrlent,Staw CUT
ZZl ian Y Cibbr a td M iatt'nd , t i
alilgOA;rieU:ral lbi in the boot
inanner„and till he:minable terms. blanufactosy on
North Ihninvor Street, directly opposite the residence
of George Metsger,
Sept. 2, '67,1Y ' • JOHN PLANE.,
• • -
Si u now receiringliteir .8 tuck of Hardware, which
Is unusually large. nod lu orate:clan with. their fer
nier henry stuck Makes it one of the largest and most'
varied asnartments ever 'offered to this public. They
have eller: tht t the Fanner . the Builder, the
Merebant, or the publln, my want lii their linen, and
which they Are nulling nt the very lowest prices. They
solicit u cull from the public before utalther their pur•
chosen, ns Choi feelemilldent they can offer hid ucetnents
that will reward the Ito •ortite the trouble. •
- Feeling thankful to a denerour piddle for their former
literal patronage. 4 continuance of tho canto it solicited
et our old stand In North IlanoveeStreet. Carlisle. •
. •-. ~• 1':-LYRE k BUN.
---Ootober kiss
~ AEAti, •SI.A.T.E.'..AG.ENCY,, ilE
' hiovAp.—A: 1., SroNstuie, NEAL ESTATE
moved tit'h'e New-Offleo on Mole street, One door west
of tho.Cumberistml.Valloy.llitil Hood Dort. , • •
141 s now,perins on lOgateoEttnd 60 int, bind end
. 1
for Mali n.viiry isrg Amount of . lftial Estato,, consisting
of Vann+, Of Oil sl ~,iittproyed 'a ti,l. Ittnii - proe ed. 'Mill
Properties, .Town l /party` of e m ery 'do:lA.4ool4' Build.
log 1n,t0, - -1,1ii.,, , ‘V0s retAinbenfid•Town 145.• De will
giro his nttentiol4:ltsleretollrokb , the liegfitistlneot
Loons;AVritiojr Of: Deeds, Mortsslies, Mlliir,.Contracts,
soul Shrlivening Fearally.' ,
~. Mt, 2811154 7 7. `' '1
,-- ' ' ' '
_-r.bucrtiscincrttEv. II
4 •
11. . DEG4AAP,
87 isowltitv, (1•Ilholerisle ware House ;
'and .104 PILARI. $l. (Retaliatory.),
• Y 11 It IL
Bolls of $23 al Wholesale Prices
P A 11,1. 0 - 11, U R.NIT U
AtilUY rrrE,
In Ileogeteile, Dad,. and I'llo, Conn Sent and. CON
111011 Furnituru in great varlet/. A la,o,
In Sete 1r0n0922 to 8190— •
' •' M ESSES.,
Bedsteads, Pate nt nad. Sill ritooking Cr:taloa.
Dealeor will tied nt this iils,en stores the Inrgsst and
1.11 , 4 assert lama ornny establishment in Ntvv York, and
can' tiny either nt wholesale of retail oho:II:m.41nm ut
nay taltee lannmjit the city,' • fAp. 14, .
. runlsEntr.s.
I , lllll,ollltOtti' I'ItOSPECTUS.
On the tl4 o: Aril. wax I•otlimploTtl tho NI.
SEW L.S• 01:- I.lrigo enlarged
inr.oo4. 10.011somely 101tIte4 00 000 paper 0 .
rut o•l . ges, issued weukly.
• 110. 1004 est sl.lo.ti 400Filemo ff rvetlly 111411 1.61.0t0L1
*bleb this e 41.001111.1.1 truck has onjoy,l, annlero it sup
1l onus to refer to its 0 1 / 1 1100 Its a mild tlittien 11114 111
condUrled colevotillitlin of the
tlinea; Cilehm.l4ll,7, a. It does. the rreefe de lu 1.1,111!
all the moil run...) nr)11 llovicus nod Perhollrals of lin
lop! orhinaf .W1,14(01101NcloTtiO1
fed.. tilt 1818 t litl'hltllBB 0r our thVII country. it'
will hi! :WO 1 . 8 811,1 . 1 . 08 t 'that )t • ell lyactor
alh) Itribino anti nuflcallellojEtoblo. for :111 claw:. of
FiMosopher, and
I!'autil. • eircle. lei a Itlitln r to Ow lola Disk quality of
Ito litjlory rnntoulathil_ quantity 0 r leading tooter
utubractot Inn smote,) manly volume or till.. work ouu.uut,
to lour thoti•ettll one huitdrrd :tool sixty pages. the sub
seription price which only Six Dollars 11,, .Anumn
prop 11.1.0 aor:oldre) , —thus constitutim, it VIII: Ilf),T,
This work Ivo...oohed lint, uttiverml apiiroval of the
. pr o•, re!l.tiolis :104..0111t1r. 010 l MHO limo con11:11 appro•
Lafion lit many einimivi.t 1111.11 (lour comilry—such2ls,
CI I I I.: .117:q10E , 1 1 11/111'.• DEM
11,,11. 17111 11.1 Sllll O /I , l', 15'. 11. 1 1 111.11. 1 e0 rT,
1 , 1121,1.1.111: JADED SPARKS,
.:11. Q. ADA:IIS.
".• Com lg.: le sots. or single •vol:unes
irtrketl In twat /not 11,11.rrr,1 iu Idi the prlnellril
rides. Tree of expense of I'rel,4ll, are for sale nt Too
Poll'arr h Volume. •
Any numin•r nifty 143.1in.1 fir onto: rind it moan'
liii worth :vhih• tipr Suh,•erihern 0 .'1N to eons
elute :up• h r:)..n I'a; un:es-1, lire tray l:.:ce.:uul thus
gru ttl}• cnhaio't• their ral w'
(Su:Tv:4,ms t , l Stanford ,t,,wortls". 17f,.7.)
April 70,1 ' Publisher!, Nex
• I , (111(1••; v '4".!‘.-.1,';. --- ,
:.• wls itt I I'm olsli teo•lpt It Ir
toiLlrety it
4.1 eAery .eu. or r e .
male. 'rho lot,fuvr- is 11,111 111:0 • 04
1i.100r.11.10. Try It —you otuom help LW soured.
Pip! era ‘‘ II 1.,11,1t..1ir,.1,111y. Olio over sl Pwo. '
I mold eirelliar. 1,4,11 Lull iostl „1111. om.
Into N.l op es,,yl i'vet•lpt of :=,1.11J; or I will
•Xehp:lvo 11:lit 11 . 1 V uug y t .11 with lost thau_.:
lo,tri.linh lbft into:, to, $.5,11,5 largO cities not'
Jolu. '1'111.: Ix IW lutallutt. ealehtionny tiffeh'. hut . "
nor LI whioh my.l.lioustiulsuttloPars. IrIII,,
ho m vie by .1 001/1e: now your unly
. ,
i)3. mmr;:z 1)1.: ifINTI.Jo,
2.11, Se... York City. 1
April 11. 1951. Ito .A. - _
• ,
I3LACK WOOD' , B - Tl 3l A G ' A. Z I N
BRITISH RE17 . 1; . •
L. SCOTT Nl',W YORK, contintie to pulinsh the
following lemlitig Itritibh l'ethglintin,.%
vt!.: g4Airri.3u,r onservative.)
NORT 111111l111: 4 1,1 UIEV I•;V ( Frye Ch Ltrell.)
- '
i(.VGAZINE 1 / 4 Tory )
Theme Periodicals ably reioe,,tlt the tbrre,rt cat pw
panic:: 01 lireat Ilrilimi--11'111 Ind
poltlms f wium only 0 se feature of their elupteter.
Am tlr,anm-of the In 0.0 pr dloind at it,•lB .41 : 4 rlr
lAtormtore, klorallty. !lon. they stnmol. /IR they
01'1,111v° said.4o norvalled 6t tlio . morl,l of lel
1.4 rousiden,l iodisp oon•le to the 111111 the
petliill.4.llllll 111.111, 1111110 to the 1111,111ronl rradrr olive.
ry th,y l'ornkli a sun' rolled and ..atislortory
ree and l.f the rw re•.t literature /II the day,
the world, th tit emu he yon<lLln &A:tined flout uny other
'Cho fveolpt or ADVANCI. frehl the Ilritlsh
1141,0 al‘ei Llitional voloo th,o lieprhas.
ottieh es they e5ll heht hr. Waved lo tlw hroohi of frob•
borlboni about:in si),h`as the origin:ll oditiumi.
Pe ,
For any one of the four . , j 3 00
I: ally t•o of,t1O• four 110111.4, L tai
1 ,,, r ally throe of th , lour Ilutivws 5 00
Vor all four of Ihr Ito - Jews -. • S 00
a• Blur!, wimal and ihrei• rrrimex 9 00
For Illavkwo.ll mid tlio 10 It
Pal onen t.. to be in itlo 19 all in ad valira. 31tinc)
current ht the et tto 1,101 01,0e.1.% ill t o recoil .1 at par
A dixenvtt of 0%0114144C per Cent. (POP 'the ribOVN
11,, 'A 14! 3111 y lied to i:i.rnq ord.; lo;; i. li r more COr
le% u; one .t al,o‘r ‘t, Pone
enp.CS ,o 1 111.‘Liorou I, or of n iv 6evion.. 1.111 be taut to
ate .o.lret.• 1 , 111. MOP, or the Gate Itut s and
Blacku oul for $::t1; and so 01.
In nil the In Inelpal .11•Ies and Towns. these work's
0111 I o rol.ll UP l',l;•TA • ti E. %Viten rent
omit, the I go to any lont ot the 1%01.1 t-tatm.
h u h u t fneoty t'ent,t ;ear " blitsltoo , sl" ;and
Litt loosteenl'ents n r year air vtivh of the Itstlews.
N. It. The prim In Ilrent Itritaht of the Inn l'eljodl
caltalotwon.ned is ;;II per anntlllt.
April 11. ihr,s.
172 Greenwich Sired, New VOrk.
A Ito prlec or i; a 6 0114 plmlar 'Joust, IIIF 1'0411.16,d
MI OW Ist of Jaol unry,Lo * LGu pvr day.
PAVIYA, .10. A:-(IENJ. LYNIM, Pitorramirts.
Feb. Z1,•1655.--3t1164.
t, N ENGLISII LADY, widow of the
Viiogllll.ot, l',iwyt,rt'hotoistry, tag d0c1.1.1 tip at iii,toiog . A 1.14.1 . 1ra, itttlISA!111.1114!,
to 111,111114 frollt lISSA ge311.1,111{ 21101.1. en to gins to
MI tt ho Ittly requirt, It, u I.e•lpe (tlispottquil I.s Ittf
11U,5131111. :illd now lu her polo:et:stint 1,111 y) for =king it
prep:wit:l.l for I,it.lti,tiag•llAlS to 14114' 1 . 1.1.0115.
lug it Lit its ori4iiial flint, IC it. ILI, unit!
proVinatliig it ft,oll' nut. 'riot OM
Inc WAS AL A WO' sat cult. sviiitinv;
petiyt euelo-e tint je.ntago t:taitspe, (pill roll
• .iull_lu lilting. r
iti,hri•si La. rm riL
un ithi her roll, NV . OO sill d.,010 cie trio thi s
as him carrying sot u.' his non !icy's sill rood
10,11 .0. h 1 :sew Von,
Fels 21, Init-. it, .•, .
51000 ..4 ."
yiism 81000, A
s Louo A VI:OFITABLE AND IlilNoll ABLE i:.l.
pinup A YEAR. I . I.9YMEN 1 , 011 A:A.II3IES.
$1,100..1 YEAR. Pormons In town or country In search
$lOOO A YEAR. of employment as a source tn . Income.
'slooo A YEAR. or tuhill. up their leisure hours, may
$lOOO A YEAR. hear el such by 2 stamps (to
01001)A YLA R. pay postage) to Prof. .1 A NIEs HUHN',
SIMI A YEAR. 1100 N0..4551, New York Past Office.
411 Lion A YEAR. Thu employment is It Led I. nit berNeN,
$lOOll A YEAR. stattin in the Immaterial. It is an or-
Veal A YEAR. tide of daily consumption. and :an La
$lOOO A ;.AR. neuitnaei wed the agont'A dwetil.wr
01000 A YEAR. secured Icy copyright; sale ns p qua
s.,oou A YEAR. Mata!lil us Au Agent wauttd
*IOW A VI:A 1.. li, every tul4u In the Union.
Feb. dl. I-118.4m,
TIS NOT 1)17 E.—We sulljuiii 11 .
11 few names of thoso mho reeountnend ..1I he. S. A.
1tALAAMt131. Prot:Wont Eatois, of Union University:
rho falling of hair ceased. and nil gley locks chanced
to original color." Poo. C. A. Duckbee. I'ress-MR.llllde
limit in, N. Y.: •I helteedully add nty_te.tintony." ties.
li. Y. Dagen. I'd. •• h nice to iloilness,” Roston: e
ono testify to its o'lects." Lev. h. It. Fairchild. for.
Sec. Vien V 01..., N.Y : Used In toy finally with belie.
tielal effect's." hey. A. 10tbster, " Lien. Era," Roston
:ince usintr. your wiper:Alone, I sin nailer bald or
grey as Iterstoti.ra." Itoc..las. D. Cornell. Coe. See.,
et, , N. Y : `• It has restored the hair of one of any 'fatuity
lam Itrittql ruler and stopped its filling out,'
etc. it'oc.utyu.tu float nuinonius others of like stand•
Ing Int Lump, and A uterlux, but for norther Information
send for circular
_, _ -
• 112,r61's Resinrer Depot,
. Nth $l5 Droomo sc., N. Y
311dPi•li'17 1858-3 mos. • . 7
Cl 0 NSIJ :1•1 3
1 k:1111.1TY,
tool nil Wpm.os irlfink from n Serorulous or iniporer-
Lilted store or tlir Wood; II nN, CLAIM &
• !
llas siend the tret idorSr.teS leardextievienco, and Is
recommended by nil the Tont nuttiest physicians the
most valuable remedy in use. 171Illionis. - the eel..
Invited Phystrinwor the Londel Consumption Hospital,
tool: notes e( its etrocb , In abet 505 eases,' and found it.
nine o efficacies. than ell rested ea yet discovered.
melody. se valattidexitax- visa, becomes noctidevs or
ajurionaXtion adtetoritted._•gso thAttb,4_lebul bnpibe ,
e..1g10 and mortar; and the ad nature over the cork of
en-h so than's:lnds hair boon cured by the use of
the genuine:Wide - wito bad sad others without sue.
cues: Bold by alli)rtiggitteb ' '
?duel? 17, 1859--,Snios;. •
.AT II F. A 1, I LE IT! 8 It C
14%; TIICATIt 11. Arelf Alnwe'FlXtli, Phila.
dolphin. The liter riniiitaiwyreenikeed of the hint An
tistee In the norlii, end exceeding In n:444011 and
Wend Any M*llll4lo coullitation heretnihre offer° I to
the Thentricel "will sinew,. eccin a lelit, in (pm,
Iy. Tragedy. Sethi-I:4vdr Viiidevilles. - .` Aided
Xirlettax, •te.; "etc . Whoa clotting the City. go th ere. •
• Nev..lo, 101.—K • . .
. 1 4 - lIEGEaAN . & CO
.riarros:Pl.iL OS :
.. . PIANO FORTES.' ' • ' • .
— WILLIAM - ICNABBlTonittnetttlirtliiniiren
of ((mate, Diehl° S Co. continues the manufacture nod
sale of GRAND AND SkiAltil PIANO FORTES, - under •
the name of WI 1,1,1A31 KNABE: St CO., at the old
' Stand, Nos. 1,3, 5 and 7 North Eutaw strict, opposite
I the Eutaw, House. Baltimore.
Thankiul for the extensive patiosti , recelied by the
Into firm far the hint fifteen .years, I espictfully beg
_learts_taluforni.the-puldicithat_since-t e.tleath-of-one
of my partners, Mr. lieltrylOtchle, by which the poW
nership wan disolvedf 1 base purchased the entire
large stock of .unfinishod'illatios.lumber„ and other
prepared materials belonging to the late firm. 1 shall.
therefore continue the business. at the old std el sts•
abet e.'und 1,111 undedvOr not only to, sustain- the well
establLAted reputation of the into inn.' but to excel
all former efforts in perti , ctli.,t the Piano Pen le. •
Sille(f.1110 dissolution inn the late firm, 1 not manufae.
Luring I:intion 011 a new dud nmeh improved . srate.—
.' A Al I 1, Y
Th., rust Instrument fi nished according to the now do- •
signs, was deposited In the fair of the ,Maryland lust I-
_,.....,..,,' , V 1... • t' i , e
tote. held October. I t , f,O. at 'lllicit It took the highest .,. . L t.• __ „..,. , %.)...s. LI —l,OOO
honors of the Indian tuna. having been deluded the ; i . 9 t-..V .- =:;s'' .'” ,,, r 1 .1• 10, 1 VelleY
ellold Medal Peetnlunt." over the unusual coupetinot•.; 'Mr, I • ~ " •"'''' .4.,
.. a f 1.. Igo] en 'and re.
of l'ouriveu Pianos. exhibited IT some of the Lest nt- ' 4 , • 11 , emoned. 1 , r ,.,,,,,, , ,,,
V Wilk ' Air ' :
hers of Ilcodoe. Nut,. York 111111 Bllltiinote.
At Ong Annual Indust:hi Exhibitions. la id_ in Or-'
Fent CNlcni; cw
m il.„. p,:,t,,,,,i I Od 1t.,".1t
oter. ,by thin Nlechat4cs' lust b' on that I ~a., .11.1...5., I.: ...., and 1:1E.1,{ 1111,,,,01 f. 14' Ba s ell t. tli•
l inn or 1:10111,01.1. V ic . :410.1, nay Pianos um...lse award- : 3 in:, I halo also 401 11:111th 1110 fumes the iII,ACE
td the Highest Premiums. .
,; id ANI, tN It OJAI,. from the Paltintore Company %lines.
Again. at - the bete lair Of Jim Maryland Institute, , 'lbis Oat is admirably ea:culated tor 1,trt,,,, 6,„,,,,,
held, telpher. leife. after a im st thorottth and 1111 un- :lout Cellar Viten:west all'ot' obi, in j trill sill at snail
thighteAnoly Idol meted inn v.,l4citiccfc 01 the f alien It , or the , pnditt, for cash, and deliVer to ally dPaof I h..h. n ..1
celebrated-factories-of - Italtimere.
ett, Instruments lot exhildlidu.• r• - dif The;
- New Yr:rig - and n 114,1 A ugCaSis, Itis7 : ' --•
..117,.11. NI CUBA Y
lon, my Pl.tte IS Were :1 . .' , 111 I", ardrd 'tin hie hest honors
id than' Institution, they hal log reeeired the ••Gold
Medal Certificate," an honor, only adjudged to articles
of such superior me, it an to defy competit it 11 fur Awe
sureessi,e years.
Also. at ilot Third I;x111Litho of tho'Metropoiittt
31evIntol,'E Institute. l otd lo Wtoltinglon. 11. C. 31nrch
1857, they WOVO once more:ovordea lion•
With regard'fo the finalities of my pianos. I. rolifi.
- den Ely rater to thu testimonials I fun COTlFtaultly
cell ing front l'n,fessors and Amateurs. speaking far
the,nionive4 and otisuli. of the appreciation In
my Instrument, are:du:ly; held. had whialt rats
be Seen at, lily Nr.11 . 11,011111 And hills is the laist'antl
ttii3Oi reliable assurance 1 rain olTer to austosners.
fitiin lay unu Isnowiediu. of ilia Isn.truniants. that In
purrhasits.: at met f•tali111•11111011t. HIPS ore. guaranteed
the possession at it Piano, equal, if tint ' superlor, to asiy
made in this country or Europa.
• All i;listio. , holly 4.t. toy Estiitory Ina ve toll Iran Pr o tons.
heing so oinstian Ind no br secure great .
she u _ l h. tent lout ; u!frrtluy 1.11,1 • T05.r., aullAitilrefore
st sod in any climate_ . . .
. .
I'l:uum rondo to u,dor. of any Mull of wow!. and with
.tnyi:tyli• of that tony l.r desirt..l.
„, ~,, urn say wort:. and the
selentinti the hint materials: and et ery instruinutst
turned nut of iny lltetUrpritil therelorn he fully waiS
muted as pussrssititt all the qualitius requisite torn
good Plan,
MI Instil:m.l,4'l;ly of.lelure aro lAO guaran
fivt..year% frmit •
Netleu!a.• attention Is 1;3111 to lite seleetion '0(1o ,
.4,1111,1.1 as (hr lilSt:alt, male's. and a ?VII, 01. or ES.
gran lull at aaVi IIMP•1, it hill FiC alicathS (real
the flay o(N.nlo. thonnini such lastratueht not give moire
u 111 fins it to thrir ntivatsi
age to giro nia a -311 I.eliimsplarifinsing
ti n..V. , ..tantlS Oil 1111.111 fill 1; lkssortmOlit i f 3113.0-
E)NS. 411i L e111 . 14 maker.. at prices 111 ml tn~^ao--
Flutzle and d•ntbiu reeds—And alsq nillt cloubje.
.10/11.1121 mid styes, 11'AI adapted li.r the.use It small
PIANOS exill.•ulged, hired; tlr tuned. . „
WM. liN ABE. "
Th• ("tinning lost inentiele from into t.t•the unnt eon
11011 In tie• world, will nitric lostrit
tttents tint apprecinted itc the great Itertioleers, who
lone atl.oppoettiottle - e' . fit .os
r testing tine bent
.iiattett Of
Eoropc and toeritn:
ter. Baltimore: •
Deer :tit,' I Itatc'zrent. itiont.ore In certifying Unit 1
hate tried veer Floare Pitinos.)llllt fjnrt.them lqll,ll. II
not ituperior to nu% h, thisettentry. Antolig titrirgrent
nottlitit•s, which nktionnkit ILrur. in the evetiont. of
tont:. the ntneent.le nod AIVAI 'tottelt. and initstint of
tunic. (fishing yon rill th. nusrrnn viii so highly:4l.-
J 3,11. sir, yours t ery
.itultitnoro, pcc.B.l, 1156. • i.
(1111111111ln 1'4,11/1 tire to 1,10,e, 'too !wow'Lk olv
sint 111 tlr nrk. try the .111 rllt.rotti and Nqu:rrnl!imm o
~ h 1 11 Sou Imrr ). tont! int, roil on ithit 1 hate pt r
fi•ruled It tin . roma tts 1 1 ulllOl. hilt n i nntr stninte too
up '.n tilt loom nm ion - ars, tool impoott int las 3 011 0011-
1111111110 11k nuke on c lone 1 . 1111, 111111111, 111 111) 011111
1011 1 onong tin 11..4 in Otis sonntr3 _
hi ills hnnoft nt•ln•s no.)our shut S nail pr ,
which 011 tit ilk eh 41110 of t ellelg, and
m 111113." I o fin 3 ours cry truly,
1.• !Vt . ; -is \Il hilt I . IiO SI il.
kft •
011 '
'" 2,
-1112414,1: - -L
, 4ipr !:14 PI ;' , .w
7 7:c',),‘
4 I
g„ 1 1
4 1.7 ,
I sr 4 irk, 4,6
C.C.I, Bv,s2 , s
• -
pledket St., above Eighth
11111..thELI 111 A:
Il()Vh'lt'S 1.1Q1.111) lIATIt DV E.
The tostlemmy of l f. fl 11, asrtl !Sr. Minekle
11." tA1,1.!1/111%1011hIS !mesa pulylinheil, tliu ft - 410411g IA now
tie of lion os,i 'cassia, and lair is oit,sor tturger)
the Atneilcan College if Medicine, St,
Volt. tma.enia, Nov. 27th. - IStiti.
Sir. Joseph H. Tin overt—.t lila! nir I.IQUI
11.%1 It IIY I. {Hit non into the !wait skip ./ . it
dssrr. t.i snail, suit preparation. Unlit
ninny tithes n It
,lots lit srt era) c instances proved s.
‘leentile Its the cur ...intone col:menus to uptlinis on Si
heat!, and 1 have no hesitation In etanntentling tt
those musts log such an application ,
Very I,pectrtilly; .1. I.X.
=1!IE M=l
ItitVER'S AVItITINI3 IVt9. includintr II:IVElt
WitITINII INI.1.1.111).1.: INK
!AM maintain their ItiAlt charavier, m luts
thaw, owl the exteut.ile
as COlitit1111.411"1140111111ilvil the prit.en
addri•..ca4 t the Malltkilictorv.A., tit• litkC
Rh•rvrt t ttlif,ve FM :1Z VII. (1,111,N0. 1-14.)1 . 101.1delphk, tal
pr,lniAAtttall ,
CITE P IVA CCU ES AND .1E11'k:1.111
W i t i l () e . I .l' l l : . S tl ' ;‘ ‘ l ,il lj 1 1 11 •S ‘ V ‘ .
tit. ' 4l! a 1 1 1
i t i 1 1
: 1 1
: V A i
r I V
4 ' III
No. 14S (Old N0....0l North .SLCONI/ Street, Corner t.i
.Quarry, Pitilatielplll,.
11011 Lever IVatrlieh, full Jewelled, IS caret coves, $240.
Gold Lopine. lb 1,111,L. ' • 24th.
Silber Loner. (nil Jewelled, . 12 tn•
Silver hotline. Jewels, ' - in nt ,
Superior gun rtlors, ' 7Oh
"tiold Stwetitries, • 7 in.
Flue Silver do., . . , ' 1 St
liold Bracelets. - 3 Ot.
Lndy's tiold Pencils, .. . 1 to
Silver Tea Spoons, fief it Oh
Mold Pens. ulth Pool! nod Silver holder, 1 0(1
Licht linger I:1111. 3714 eta to $411; Watch Glasses
plain 12,!.1ct5., ',tarot Luttet ;Kt; other articles h.
tooportloii. All:gothls warranted to be what they nor
toad for.
air (In band FOIrIY flo'd nod Silvl Levers and Le
pities still lower than the abOve prlct
Oct. 14 lEtti—lyr. •
1011 N IL ALLEN & CO., is:us. 2 &
Clll , Blillt street. (south side, below Water ) PhPa
dulphhi, Itlw lddrnt \l d ‘,lllO Musa ti the city.
Malittthetliterll 1111 d P holip.ole Dealers In ; Patent Mil
chine mode Brooms, Pliteut• Grooved Pedarivare (Wm
raided not 'to shrink.) Weed nod Willow. ware. Cords,
lirtaslies. he., of all descriptions. Phase' call nod ex.
0111111 C our stork. August '1567-Iy.
W .1 1.N L ,4 11Y 1,; \ ANT
Stand, West Muhl St., nearly opposite the (ttn a l l leirtt a l
Velley Sank.
I have just received n new assortment of- watehes
Jelvelry. niedallions sliver ware; ac.. in addltleu town
former stork to which I invite the .atteld •-• • f the
011•11 c. The assortment oat braces ' into
Fold and silver levee watches. Hunting
1 / I , lles and Gentlemen end eer
Own and gnarlier we tehea of.eyer,yve•
• .
duty In style and price.
• Also floc gold Medallions. Ilpiast-pliis fur Ladles and
Gentloinon of every quality—pattern and pries,. Ould
fhb; Test. curb and pock ell duo. :flokt bracelets,' fingri ti
rings, cult-pins, slants, sleeve-buttons. crosses. chorma.
etc., Ac. God and:diver thimbles, and plated
button knives. forli: table, tea, salt and anwpard spoons
of every variety, A Nem+ assortment of gold, silver
:g n e d s m ita n ' tln ti V 'e l l l e a%p t e o Cla s l u a i tiO a ll " .
A lino lot' of GOLD t'gNS . from the best .makers.
. ... .
• - ;fitiCtricliiraliits. fancy boreatillreirrinifikiiiirliarril - eliTal,
..$lll,l and common limcelitts,iratcb - rhalns, . „"
Alantlo Clocks and a'variety of articles usu,, •,-,.;
ally kept In Jewelry astabllstiments, whirl ,y ''''.
I van sell low fl' cash.' All articles' war ,
ranted to be wbatrtoy Ara rapresontetl. - ', .
' ' Particular atton lon bald as usual - to ' -• '
WATell ItEPAIIIIIcO and all Work -i . , , ,r . : r
Der. 29,.T857.i
J.N POW 81.1.t1DHS 81404
fa l 14E1411, !InliSteirest
. luirr!irkeral. of Windo!!
" it . au" ' " l:4 SiinARM2.4l
T 11.1.1 T E ATP]; E• 0 ANcY
kolv:opEN • •
7 1CRISS lil&t:LE id COINU!
' And will, he at his yid 'Dead Quarters. In North .
Hanover street, during thu:Oltilstania . and New Year's
lestlvitles„ , a)tlt elie td ILe largest ascot tments of
• C1A1...11,&A
• ' •
Ever, nlierad it/I
place.-e l.o onsbitian: Inient er Tine
Tandy 'rays and trues. Jelly 1..14.tat, Inn' Dune, 'Gum
Chocolate and trait brori, Lose, %aunt, and Burnt
A Iniendx, Froneh and o.l.ll4aling Carrots &c. Also all
the common yarletles. ••
itrtlie latest imporlath 118 SUCh amt.,
RN Oranges. Lemons,
Raisins, I. igs, I'ruens. Currants, Citron, soft aid paper
• t_...
shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cream, Cocoa, and Ground
Nuts. .1m connection with the above au - estimslve as
seamen tor • .
of every quality and price, consisting in part - of - Fine -- Wax, kid, chlun, er3 lug and °Cheri/011S.. bowing and,
Card- baskets, Panes boxes, Flower Vases. Motto Cups,
Tea:ions, Masks, Druins,Guns, Mr pistols. Accorditils,
llarinonionts,,Truninets. Chessmen of bone and wood,
liondnoes,"*Lotto and other games.' Fancy Soaps. flair
tills and l'ort Monales..te—Wo-Inivo-als o a tea lot rd
- FAMILY - CI IIiSOKILIES, such as pulverhiod, crushed and
brown Sugars, or every grade, Cot Or r Molasses, Starch,
Green andlilaek Teas, Spleen, Butter, soda, tupar,l% ate.
and other ,crackers, cheese. ,te.
The sulikerlberridurns his Sincere thanks to n peon,
outs piddle for the patroilage herebehro bestowed 011 hill',
and hopes. hy a dia.ire to please, to merit a rot/thin:lml
of Lilt, /.41111d. 311./.N
• GpODS .FI/ j it 110 LIDA VS!!
. S.• has just received than the 'city
and Is now opening a splendid ilisplaj of FANCY tiOoLs,
suitable for the approaching Holiday :mason, to
ho desires to eall the; Etc., tion of his the
public. Ills itsiewfininit In this lid'e enitind i rsutpussed
in m.t oily and ele;.ninee. TMd bOtb ill quality m u d ytivo
in the articles, eaum tldl P. phrase pureliaseis. It would
be imposslblo to:nonmetal° Ills
which 1101.11/A Y F.i NAT (MODS.
eionprise'euerj linty tit fanny article of the most
.usquisite Mash st!, n. as. • •
Vanier Mailie
Elegant al:o,l4er and wircelain Ink-stands and trays,
. Yhety Ivory; fa•arl amlnholl (made:lces,-
I.4divs' Fancy
Vaey Work 11.,x1•5. wit It'sewitip, lastramenta,
I'4ll ylnmedes. arelery inriety,
Gidd pet sand IwneiL, "alley paper
Palmterim, awl a larg•s: i!t•t3 t. 3 ladies 1 auvy stall 63
, e lll % lll l.l , 4ltti•TS. Silk Mar Lama purse:. • -
Ladies' riding edam:. elegan../I_inditefoe- -
I'vranne Ise.kots and tags. ' •
Brushes of el yr; !dad for th e toil e t, •
heronries, pertmees of tht•l•arlf us
iostrttmei.ts of all kinds and at all prices. .
.together 111, a,, inn tmeral.l..l iety f:i, tie!, allynet-'
ly tl,. tehed and suita/ le f r holl•In) in esentn, to .liirh
hr int :Les sposia I attention.
etetirsite mai oleganl eolleetion •
11.1i/4 N• tll h'l'
rOtoprisinp the ern lOus Logli,ll and A ire: i Iir:ANNUALS
for 1,5 a. richly rml elirdird and illustatted Pal.%
• %veil:K . l, with 141/1.1/Itf..V.S 1 • ICTI•111A I. nay! F. for
110111re:1 flan :tees. than It Lich art Ling ran to mote
vppngn late or pleasing. ash:lllday gifts. Illsass. ntnent
al School Books and School :••tatienn atm., ern bete,
and - i•onipriAi•e — eeer)flilpg anal in College' non the
Sehools. Ile also &stn.. to Ihe •part {valor alien 7
F . :11111111.F to his elegant 100,01 tmei,e et -
LAMPS. 11111 AN ' •
from the ea temd re e‘taldisiamo.ts of Cornelius. An her
and others of eogaprihing merry 1,. of
(11111111.0 t mud stale Idiot, for I arning either
:Lard. Sperm or f:ihnlat 01 1 , tovei here it 11 Floe er %an",
Fllllry $.11,11, Au. rttneol iu till, Iluc his tlll..
oilllale.l 111 the 1 .,01.1,11.
PlltlTd!, • FANCY /NFL/ UTS-- PRE,
•' 1 .SEIIVEII (1:111TS, .tr.:
In every variety Opel at nil rl ieeP.xli .;f eLfrL nit pure
and fresh sash a , : ran I e etmEtitqaly rmconnurnded t o •,,
his friends' and the little Gilt,. His stork en:haven: -
ever, tlll.ll, iu the line of homy Iltio/IM, With maul I th - er
al th•les modal to hollltekvellt•lS \ill. it lite 011 Ile :or en
perially Ina ited to rill and see lain,. the Idlillays.-
11emensber the Ohl Stand, nearly opposite the 1101 k on .
North Hamner Street.
Dee. Di:
IY:'"'" I)
S ()CJAT,I 0 N„
1.111 I ! AII L lA.
A Benevolent Institution, est:lll6;lmi by _ Aneelal v,n
'don went fur the relief ol the siek and digt, ion LI,
alllieted with Virulent and Epldelnie diseases.
•-• • • •
To i at .Fin goi. 'a filleted with SPX ast Diseases, Furl) as -
SPER M ATinti.IPEA. ;i2;3) I\ AI. 11 E t EIN F,s, INI t.O
- thINUlt h !REA, (MEET. t.YI'IIILIB, the %lee
of ONA Nl6‘l, or SELF jIiE...E. tle., Av.
Tho II tIVA RD A;I:•ti ICI (THIN. in view of the awful
tlestrnet too of in amigo life. rnut.ed by Sex unit dit.etiset.,
and th e , derriAtiots prnetb.edltott the unfortunate t ir
tin. of such disentoot by (11.ntal, several years awl (lb
roiled tbolr Utintotltibg Ilurgeon.nt a ril ARITA 111.11
ACT Worthy of their nation 41.1441 it Dispensary for the
treatment Of thin 'rta , t, of diseases, In all their In root
and to gitti..%l;l4,ll'Al i A Itl'it . F. tiliATlli. Iti_A4ll_wlo.l_
alutlt. h'?' letter, with 11 ile•eription of their cooditinu i
(age, oventi aim], habits of life. A e.. 1 nod loll:Ines of e,x
tretile poverty, to FURNISH AI mull' 1A 1:11• HI EE OF
Cll.l.lillti. It I• needless to mill tnat the Anuirlation
commands the highest 3lediral skill of the age. and will
furnish the towit appear 4 ilialboya I.l . o.3taleat.
The iiiVevititt., tin it re( levy nf noo pAtr.t. ieel :11.111 . 1.11
that lit dr I.llritt. in this /Idler° of benevolent ,011 01,
Jolty be in or great lien, fit to tine afflicted. especially to
tine). nib „mil. then hate iesoltril to devote I bet,
seh es. •itli renewed zeal. p. this Nary 11111101tilat bat
!Mth ANA...A ea use . . ..
1 , 14 1, 11/41..ti the AF..".int bn. a I•ep rt on 'per•
ininorilool. or t•inninal tt entinet., the I ire ni• Omit non,
AlustAirloalon Mid Cab, biesi :Owl., ill Om
r... tell 4.r,VtlIF, by UP. CO, !deli will
e sent by .t.‘1,9 tlu n krnird ktiCri.lllClol.l',' 131:1: Olt
lIA on rovelpt 01.1 WO ST.A NIP, for ronINUI. •
for Itep,t or irratnintit. Dr. it I olttili It.
CA 1,11. ;UN, Von miltin,i• •te• Itonard
Nu. 2 lioutlientli i• tr.. PA moolphio,
.16) to • er Itirert,s.
/f/.1. A D. IVt.LI„ Presl.l.llt.
Ike. 2, I•
,iluated on West atreot In the horothli of eprll.lo,
ndjt'iniV. property 011% Minn PolTer tin the North and
Sterrett no the South. The L.t enntaii.s Ll fort
liy IC.i.feet in 1.1,1411. with nc•onifhrtithln
11012,1:. h'or (nailer partkularr
I . llfllirt.oll tllO prundars.
Sept.. it, 1`.57•-tf.
'FOR It ENT.—The Stole-• and.
iininon,“ on North Hamner I.tlnel.. 110 w ill then,
nopaney of N. At hi,. Woods. in offered rtilt it ENI
Iron. the I..rtt.hq of .Ato ii tool. TI AN property Is cm,
well klll.lll-10 l 11 . 41.,,twit an 1111 old .1420161. rd
that.sioillin.z ontxt 1.0 twid In rena rd to h l anty.
ror Inaltor Inhumation tills to lh o rubw•t hit r, nt
the Lail !load inni, JiPII:\ CA:MI.IIEIA..
Jan 'a. IS:•S.-til Apnit for tho on Inv.
1 Il J. 8I() It J 1 I(Il'1 1 II S .
A. It. , II F.:Mta , ll Art.lll.l rel.', att:l3 i, fl tho
otteiala ain't 11.1 a and vivittlty ha.. tat taa P
/I %.I.4'n 1117. Llllllllllr. rant aorta . .. :1 I!.tt t. :gnaw,
ho la at all Unto. matly o tal.e A 41.1iii111.1 24
I la Me hitaat 221.t1 lanai apprta tal 021 h thit s tal,a
la auq and altAttly tIV/IjIS Cher. al.d ont•
. t.•l:ares terir.tri ;I I /IV) , alal—ra
atterreott rt.• tatted. Niis.latute Pit two. tal.eft fir
Lockett. ie., in Aultatit3tae.'
Anibret3 yes garrttif led to'etand the teal af ttute, hunt
or Water. . - •
1:0111.0: and (10..tle.nom:$0.1 cordially 10l fled to tall
nod imetoi. •
1:11.t0g . 102,0 to $lO,
L, k N I WSPA OEN! lIAIII'II 8 WEEK 1.l • :
A •Inornal.or lit Ili - elm, EuiplovF the beat Tal
out In I Ito World! Terter. inviolably In advauen
I ropy for inept). ivivlka, - *1 00
1• " . . Iyenr, . ' y ' 2 20
1 " 2 " 4 I'o
5 e• plea for 1 y ear, : II 00
. 211 00
25 'i• •1" ' ••. . 40 e-0
I larpor's '•lreekly" and! Maraeine," one year 34 (0.
iNvannibtil a sentllng a club of twelve or .tirenly fie,
a 111 l'eeelie a :' py milt.
,Subarriptitna may I onentenee with any ilinirr:'.
1 4 p.vImen nand ern ,:ratitio mall inpolltit.
•Park numbera ran be furnlabea to iby eat eit. - .. '
• clergymen' and teaebera aupplled at lowed dub
11AliPEIC - A• 141101111ERN I Publlabow.
Frankllti :gnaw, ,ow York.
LOSTOST —The centre setting of a Cameo
lire:04011. W:.14 lest nu the street a few days ago.
L .- • •
lila linde, will rooter a larerhn,the nwtier by luaviug
It at the Herald Olilos. (March 10, 1,38.
• LAW.. li. a pupil et CAnll.ll. the rele
brattid Maoist, of 0 aslllontoit lb C., idlers her services
these lesselis In the Plano. Ilex
residence is in Alexander's hew. Pitt street.
Terms dollars -
Carlisle, Marelyl7, 1858. '
~'~ _
~~~ :-
a EM 0 V.A .—That old and - well
1 ' L.lipiTyilnilpringiAnubbnient.taltwyjyAllidwit__"
by 31r. T. II; ht,llert. hap , tklrt day l.ewl Jammed by
the PubPerlbee to Ilatoiltoik's'new north cant
voroey of.llato nod Vitt etwt, pecond dOOO, [Meetly
. ppriAl I e the 31elleudIst ,E.Coitenh.
' H. 31111.1.13 t,
. Feb. 21084 ; 41 'EueeePsor to T. 11. hkilert.
L A C:K6II C ()A L .-1 0,000
Ilurheliof Illtutoinrui Coal. frm the 'eelelneted
'Lemon — Alines. rarefying and for ode by •
rind S. 111.17. 'V. h. 14 , 01 n AV
.COAL:-= 2,6'0(1
TONS of_bekeni Tedley. Nut Cost. a Puperlor
• e. rallying end for safilky ,
Atielet 5,15 F IT.II.:MORITAT'
..lyita E , S• 'll -T. - AGNNgY..-„
• L i, ,111 , 1D2i3V0. i4z., lair TIIOIIIION. •
.-. 7. ' Tiro3irsoN,
ilava opened an °Woe at St. Joseph, Mn.. 'Orkin pato
chi/wand .Estate. buying and soiling Land ,v
'Warrants. entering Land on Time, Surveying and'3lap..
ping TaVois. Location of , Warrants. and making invest- ,
mania for nondasidepts, pay lug of Xalea; andsdi Lind.
ups* pertaluink to a Genera' Land Agency: in .3Liasour4, •
, Kintisok Nebraska and !oust
otlico on &11:0114 , . North of A. petittieN
lionse. • • [July
S.. W. 11.11'Llt$TICK
A. E. II ENlthil).
A rtint