Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 28, 1858, Image 3

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Reported ‘rieldly for the Hernia by -
Woodward It. behuddt.
FLeue Sup per bbl.
do. J do..
do. niultly ' do.
• . hire . do.
%V err WiIEAT per bukthel
lire. • do . ,
T/1411111YSEXID do.
.. • ecoun, -per bluest,. . -450 a 4 75
Extra family flour, • 6 000600
R ye Flour, ' .3 25
Curt, Ntr.ttl 5 :45
• WIIKAT. Best its, per bushel, 1 1707 - 7
• Primo red when , 1 06®l 'i I
,per bushel, ' 70
C ,r,i, -
041 x, ~,
ClovvrAi.e.l, per tmelwl,
Wlitskuy„irra• plimi
PLOUR. per barrel,
O. '1,4 rl,
.City nulls,•
Sys Fleur, • .; •
'Coto Mesli. • • •• .
tir, - AT,hest hite-per -bushel,
'Pekin ri:•I wheat, _ •
Rye: per, bushel,
Oas. ••
Chiqersee , i, per huskel,____
Whiskey., per gall ... •
• '• FIST Ulu DP:ALP:B.S.-Of tirt/IldS
i. 4 ' Wart. and M0rei.4.11 , 4. Also Distillers, 11111ers.
• - Imo, won.. fanners, Ar.. within the hounty of Cunt.
oberlaiol, returned and el.:shied In accordance with the
several acts of Assembly, as follows, to wit: -
Carlisle . Class. Licecge.
•„ .. 1). M. Pos:,kiin. groodles, ' 14 _ . . 10 0
7 . .0 0 0.
.1. N. Armstrong, lumber, . .13
It. Fi Slut buy, ••11 7.00
• S. 31, Hoover,' 700
. IV. 11. Shanty. cosi IN: \ 12 12 50
IVmalward A, Schulldt, ptoduce ' 10
... - /4 '
J. Illieent A Son, /3 Di 00
' J. k'D. lamed, coal • 14 ; 7 Oct
IV. A. Milos.dry.goods • 14 ' 7op
. Henry Muillo, clothing 13 ' 10 Ou
Reuben Line, dry•goods . ' 14 7.00
I!, 31. Johnson. looks , 14 . 700
W. 1.. Haller:groceries ". •-14 • • 7 00 W. 11. Trout, hats -- '' 14 700
J. D. ib,r,an.'oooooo .• 14 7 00
Jam, L•ni•100, In• Orin ' u l4 7 v 0
A. 31. Piper. •' 14 .7 00
' Samuel e. 11041. drugs ' 14 , 700
Tit •111•10 Cooly ii, jewelry r,....1. , - , ; 1 14 • ' 700
' ;J. W. groceries_ 12 _ . 11 50
. .'. Henderson a roils, produce ' 11 ' 441,,, 10 — .20 00
- •
- Joeob ,ger, plum. 1 . 3 1 I0!-
.1. 9. Halbert. groceries • • 12 ---" , s, 250
Si W. Ilaverstick, drugs , .._ 13 .. '
5.,4 0 00
- Fredericks A. fluffier, marketing' ' 14 • ; IMI
Arnold A: Llvitagsbni, cluilting . .13 - - 10 Oil
.1: I'. Lyne a Son, berths are 12 ' ___ 12 50
Jonathan Cornntril, shoes ' .14 7 00
J. A. Iltunrielt, dsy.goods 13 . 13 00
David COVlltlialk groceries , 14 7 po
Jacob 11',,11. . ' " , 14. '7 1111
. A. U. Lechler. "- 11 - . 7 fro'
Will. (lonia A Son. dry goods 1-1 7' 00
James Callioonarketing , • 14 ' 7 00
Jacob lieelly, • .. ' , • 14 7 110
S. C. lloyett, groceries 10 20 00
• Shrum a llodei , wither 13 - . 10 00
IS ,iloilyer, 4.•.111,',.. (4 stores) .. 14 14 00
Arnold A sou. el thing 13 • in 00 /
George Keller. hats 14 7 00 1
- • - - -- Pliiiii77.4 - r - firlit — dr) , ond "
. .
• - .1:11.
114wr1•mt‘toll. hardware
Stwhior XCo e:o[hhx .
11g111;y. d.r.g.ooda
n - .
- W. - D. A. Nauglo. jeo el ry
' IL lttor, 01,0,1;4 -
C. 1111101 T. i.troverles
11..1. Kieffer. drugs
Moly I4arkties4 groceries
Joint 11.1011)•,
Y. 3lest.ermitkith.
JanittkOrtintuiolutn. •`
Smith 6; Tavlot. Woks
llpury 1/110.1,1d. fyreilcure
J. I:. Wenier
David 6lpt.,
—J. W. Smiley. 'clnllllll%
11. IlAlribrltlgo, shout . •
11. Iluby & Co.. produce . 10 20 00
' Iletajandu lll,tp, 11100 klllll4 14 700
~. IVllliaau Cleppor, . • . , . • 14 7 00
31. 51 Angle, lumber' 11 7 00
- - I.lllllp Octi Ho itrocerlee 14 7 00
- Rau zlamaar& - Yestanugh+,-grocerles -IA • ,7,120
IlauAltainala & Fosuaught, produce 1 3 10 00
liauzuel Siittara, martealeg., OA , 700
1‘.441., m. .„ r. 4 Co.. dry-goods . 1.1 • 10 00
Autlibuy E. Won' t: yams. 7 (NI
1 0 0. Artz, slim./ `..... • ' 14 700
8. C. 11Alar. " „
.. 14 7 00
.1. Heck .0 Co., dry•goatlai - . 13 . 10 00
J. & .1. 11. Iteddhr, - ' .. 13 uu .
Betathcr4er & ithir, prnduce . 11 - .14,
(.100000100 lo: 11a41•0000, clothlni --, I
• 14
U .
C. Alt ick. dru,zat ' . 14 _ 7 11)
Stet h.. hatutle 4 Bro., tirSlo.o.ol NO 10 00
• Forney & 51'1'horram. hal...Lear° I'3, lII' 00
J. 0100 rough, oru s , 14 ••••.,- 7 00
Jae..h loaAu.. 1 4 roreelca 14 'N . 700
Jam BrltlAria. ca,olaing •
11 ~
19 , , u°
W. A'. C.., oboes .
Totten & neiart. alry•atooda 13' 10 in
Ji•ho 31:Cunly. Heti 7 00
John Cri.o,ll druAs7 00,
.1. Fishy, hats , ' 1 700
Orablll4 1101110 . , hardware 13' 10 00
I. 51. Hikes; adore. ' 14 7 00
NI vrvaLe
L. Levi, dry goods
Fry k 31 . 1,1walite. stoves
Joqpla Lau, )n
tough & Illllcr, dry.gtaids
J. M. Ihividsoit, shoes
IV illiani Ilnitton, drugs
111111si /teed, .‘
IV. L groceries
illiant Venal d. marketing
%VIM= htltzut , . •
Jonathan Ferree, , " '
James Illiandlish. dry goods . 13
W. It. (term., drugs • 14
Townsend 4: Co., pro-Ince 13
Paul A Bro., 13
.Woodward 4 Schmidt. produce 13
101111 S. Davidson, dry.guods 14
EdWill •ii/IMF, 14
J. Hood a Co., " ' - .13
A tamale,. ihsaillart, marketing s. — l4
iVillhau Bishop, "l 14
IL A. Ahl k Brom., pr‘oluce ' - lO
' J. AJ. IL Hurst', pro ince, (New) 10
---Alfred-311.01c11._dryrguoda l4, _.
C: ruanaught. - "—v . . ' 14 700
A. C. .1). 31111er 'I . 14 7.00
J. ic J. 11. Ilurvh. pro. (Oakville) 13 10 00
llighlootia .t Wa.shlng,r, dry,p,oods -14 . 7ou
James Bishop, morkOting . 14 7 00
. '
J. 71. IA ogooner, • .• -14 7no
James Kyle, tlty-voile l4 . 7 00.
Fosnatight A !,esfis: pmducei
D. A U. Clever. dry gouda
J. F. Hallam., ••
rrhoch, .y no A Co. o
Gourge Clover, . • •
Henry Man. marketing ,
James A Clark, 4•
. .
, Henry Snyder, dry-goods
Lewis Zltzer, .. •
William Gruen, dry;ignode
- •
f hternaker &'l3llnti, Ory-greils 13 10 00
Jonathan Striae - 13 - 10 00
ileover & Rebook. marketing. . It s 700
Eisenhower it Monett ," 14 7 00
Calvin .11'Cluar,' .''''. " 14 .7 00 .
C. C. ? Stouffer, clothing 1 i t 14
. . , 7 on
Paliti Hays. dry•gasts •
ittnotol A !tire, tt
Christ. ticker,
W. Al. Watts. '
Jacob Plank, n' •
J. Omen k Co., , .
Potri Warner,. "
David Cloudy, gm:arias.
13. W. Ilutchinson.ittarketiog.
Jacob acetam, marketing
..., - SOUtII -.MIDkokt:TOX. 1 .• •
Moore keralshrad. dry pr ods - 13 \ -
. 10 00
)10100 k Alexm.dor, - 13 - 10 00
J. A. le IL Caul - man, , f . 13 10 On
A. AI. Leidfab, . ,12 , _ 12 0U
•Lolll4 Stephonr, dry-goods., • 'l3
'Dangly. & Hull, g 13
31;sayneel, drugs
... 'l4
NORTD AliouLtrim
Llias Light, dry-goods
IlVeiirer A Crow newel', dry geode 14
joghuu Culp, .. - 13 10 00
Jacob Simmons, . • o- 14 7 00
David Struhmi - 13 ' 10 00
Y. 11 - .1;0;Mk% pruduee . 14. '\ 7 00
Daniel Comfort,;do •
°AMIN & lumber • • •
4.4311nk,er, produce
Dllliaeu a.Z•tellorlas . 4 - , •
(Monte Ylugher. • • •
J. &Mug. U s don, 11
T. It. Uryocl. , : .
&Ayer a Um. • .
' INIMICII 4 I lumber. .
Joyob'ElhkrllT. dry goods "
haufmcumt Nor r drib •
lieufman &gm., hardware -;
Ira Dayp &via • • . •-•
Jatob ll,orahultger,,lvote • • :. .:.. 14. .• ..'• 7 .,( 1 4 1
illindled .' . .eitorauger, dry-goods • 12 - -12 6
... 14 • ~ 7 ou
Sirndier al Pm. ,
b. or,ll,lo..clot ' ulng 14 - 700
-0 Lamont. MIOOO -
Robb: Oat-ram:ln hp), hardware .1.4 7 00
•Woodorly h Bro.. rt.,"
.. 14 7 60
John Harlan, iiierkoling• " 14 •,7 00
ii. Wii6oll dil Non, etor . oe . •14 - 7 00,
Panlol 1101,00c..rhoca - • 14 7 00
Italgle .6. Herring. drugs 13 10 00
1,. B. filolfurp.cluthing 14 „ '7 00
Levi Snell. • .
II 11. Scaler, w, • 14 , 'L ~,7'oo
!hairy LettP,:dry.goodn 7 00
John, Ileiglo.• ' " ' • " %-13 -, --, —lO 00-
:- Andrew-rin-izor,-grocaries --14 .
.11106 - Ennui rigor, . 14, - ; 00'
William II uaton, furniture - 14 7.00
.Samuel Worst, ,''', 14 , ', . 7 00.
' Urron ALLEN:
oostroiler & Zug, dry iti:Odi
llr. Shriver.
Ifiutan Loncurckeir. produce
Tutor Glitgorlch. marketing
Hobert llottrick.--q.
$ 4.25
4 Ott
2 25
George Tinlnes, dry.gc;ods • --1
Abel, Brower," 1
3olin Ruts,' ' . "--- '- - 1
William Lloyd, drugs • , 'l4
.Imrleientrrderr4M - i • .
' •
.1.,11. Cliurcb,•,,'
' . • ; 14
V. 111111111
FIV . .. 13
lil Merlin .1 Nona " • l3
Jarnesqe Musser, " . 11
li. F. Lee - 12
.1.41, Miller. dry•geZls ' "
. .•
„lornb Benninger, groceries l4
.10hn :IPt!ormick .. 114
AVorntly 4. Zinn. lumber 14
Jacob brumbeeker. groceries 14
G. W. Pester. dry g. o Is 14
1/..1 .1. llyinird: Ittor er 14
W. V. Min tin A. Co., lumber - . 14
ger & Hummel, - 12
Wm, irlisoke t , i rorerleg d
, 14
S. It. Patterson. produce ''
. .13
Mielte; Free ••. • - - . - 14
D:Deljllnger, dry gads - . •14
4 24
40®2' I
4 2506 00
3 00
GI 07
, -
. 314
4 60T
IV. It. Erne .•
Samuel Shealer •C
lieors Itupp. pn•duce .
John Kum snow
1 4 iiiiiielnrahatn. West I'prinaborough• 14 ' TOO
George I(eislit, Front, ford, ' . 14 . 7 (1(1 ,
311chael 1/10kb" 14 7 00
Al.thony Foreman, IWest Pentiaboro' 14 700
Samuel NIVIIIFOII, Nei. villa . .14 7 00
John Wagoner." • 14 , 700
A. Brleher, Newton, •
14 - - 7 01)
Jacob Miller. ' 14 ' . 7 01)
F. A B. Rinehart, Hopewell . 14 7 00
W. W. Frazer, 14 7 00
Iteßimiiiii Rosehore " ~- ..,-, . 14 700
Wm. 31'Clenn. Shlppensburg 14 7 011
Jeremiah rower. - " :- ' 14' -•-. 700
IVm. Wa:o.ler, blekinson r - 14 700
A. 11l Blair, ( arlislo .- ' 14 • 700
11. Nlinleli, " 14 700
It. Irsine, , ,jr. " 147 00
It. Corntivio, Silver Spring - ..14 - ' 7 Oil
.1. Chmidotnin '.“ " • 1.1 ' • •7 00
Henry Itabl.le " • 14 r . 7 (ni
Jae .11 N , -nn. • " - 14 - 700 ,
Riehmli 3111ey " ' 14 ' '7 60
Beyeon A In hie. tipper Allen, . 14 7 (111
Choi. lilihler. North 311(1(11a. 14'' - . 7.00
Miller A Odder. West lio niilsorough, 14 - 7 00
Charles Frei:lin, .14 • 7 00
. •
Mundial) James ,I
. r A. ] 1 .'' .l ; - ' 0 " 0 )
.001 Nulled • ,it
Philip .Zolgler, North Middleton 14 - 7 iit)
John 31: ore, iiiehluson.• 'l4 7-00
henry Barna.. ' 114 10 00
Veiisel k llonsel, tiouth Middleton 14 , 7 iiii'
liittior k Siviaffer, - • "'' •7 - 11 '. 700
Pller Ilorinan .. . " • l4 . - 700
..W. S. Colman, CarliSle, ' IS' ' . ), 00
1). 11. Voglesolig.,Nlo , ,or • . - -12 • 12 00
(1. W. Leidlgh " . 14 . 7 00'
1 - 1110,kinlis Meier . "' - ' 14 7 0 11
- John Williaoo, " 14 ` 7 00 •I. Brandt " - 11 7 01).
liller A Eberle, Nleiliiiiiiro4 urg, _ 11 14 00
Joi oh I novel., jr., P. Allen, ° 14 • 700
Christian I.herly. Is Allen, - •13 . . 10 00
. I, setili Bucher " ' ; • 14 7 00
• Nelilliger A Co. " 11" 7 ini
martin l'aufnion " . - -15 ' 7 90
.10,epli W birder '' . 14 7 0"
S. Vile!, Hold pennstiorough 15 7 00
1. h. 11. Hum., Ihimpilen 14' 7 ,10
Wrier llartiling, g.ilver I.siirtng, l 4 '
M - 11.11resiin• - -..-- -_.:
__7 ----_ rt - - iti 00
11. 11. Iluelier 11 . 1 , - -- -- 10 00
'lentil:llqm A'Sons, N.l . lldilleton, - 12' —l2 50
P. A. All) Ai Bios. Newton, '
50 1)0
Ahl A Ensnahger " - , . •50 in)
Robert Quigley. IlOprwell. ' - 50 00
Ilelts.hoover h : , 01... m,,,,,,,,•,. - . 50 101
S. A tl. Brandt, , 50 00
A. Itoider A Son, South Nliddleto . n. 51) Oil
Myers Or Ilensoli. Silver Spring, ''. . 50 00
Iliindeu.oii• A: Fine. .. _ . _ , . . 50 0)) _
thlssinger rortli Middleton,
;,,,..• !Li 2 .
Willlna l
llarnitz. Carlisl , e. '
7 ou
20 00
10 111
1., 110
Pint Nlrbolson. Newtllle, 8 5 00
FLerh & FonAlt, Mechankabuig, 85 WI
Samunl Rupert . , 8 - 600
tiohn 35.10.v•c. , " -- , • - 8 000
'homy frt.lnn ".. -"- .-- i l , c -8' A. 500
Mrs. Low, (Inflate, ' , t,-_. 8 5 00.
Ilrnry 1'er5,..:,.--7. - .. 11 ' _.B . . 600
Mrs. 51I1ler, '''
.1. Stratton '•'
. . TEN - PIN ALlg t' l 9' S ' , B . . . 5 83°86"
• i
Darla Long. Yee41015101145 : i . 30 00
--4 A,
7' 00
7 00
7 00
Joseph Niericle,CarlieleJ. 3f) 011
James Wharri., Ullllard itiernt, Cnrlixlr r - 3h 00
Any person reeling themselves aggrieved by the ahoy°
cl.issilicatloo. will have an oliportunity or appealing by
an the' s ll , w, Me,, at the Volunteer Prluting
111116.,..1n CarlliJe. any thou priivious to tint 2.0t,11 April.
1655; alter that time no appeal will he hoard.
.10;4. C. TrramPSON, 31er. App r.
Carlisle. April 7, 0 , 58.
-t 4 113113F,ItLAND VALLEY It. It.,
• t il f ":t .01
Olt and MI .r,.310; DA V. A prl 1 . Z.1,11 I 6 ,8. war Train
will run an fellevs:.(cundays 'excepted :)
FOIL ILARictsitu
Int Train. .941 Train
.Leave Chnuthershurg, 0.10 A. 01. .1.16 D. 31
Slalpponxi.nrg, - 5.44 " 4.40
" Nrwvilic, 0.10 " 0 .1 0 "
Carlisle. 7.10 " -- • 0.00 "
4. " sleelendenburg, 730 " 0,30
At rarrisburg, ' 000 •" lb. 7:00
1,4 Train:
m've Harrisburg. F:4O A. M
•lie •. 0.6 g "
, Carlible, 9.10
Now, Ilk?. 19.2,1
F•hippmhburg, 10.12 "
At Chamberaburg, 11.= 0
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 .- 00
'fading leave Ilarrlahurg for l'lnladelphlnAt 8.10. A
M.; 1.00, I'v M , and 715 N. M. For Nlttsltrg, at 3.40.
A. M.. and 5.10. V. M., and Alloolill Way 'Frain at 1.00.
P. M. Nor llalthnore. at 030. A. M.. and 12.10, uOOO
Trains on Clio naupli and SIINUell:ITIMI and 1.111i31.111
Valley 16,11roalla, lea o Ilarrlhburg for Reading. Luba
non, Auburn daily.
- _Eares fivnn_lbterlahurg.-Meehanlvalturg, Carliale4l4
pentd.ure,and Chanthembnrg, will be tan cents lee
when paid forTleketa at the Vince, than .when paid In
10 00
7 00
7 00
20 00
20 00
4.V.. Tho Ticket Office or the Company at Ilarrisbure,
on nod urttr thu first any or April, will be removed to
the Deput of the linfirona Votimany, :Ira
door from thu Eastern mid of 'tho
0. N. LULL, Super't
Railroad flake. Chatubershurg, 1.• •
• 31.1868. L • •
‘2l The first of Aiwil lx past: the panic is ended. and
A. B. Ewing In previred to furnish ehnirs, Lureilture.
1 avid every variety of ware In Ills line. from the pinine,4
and cheapest tip to the most fashionable and.esdakthliNn.
from n stock so large and well selected. that tlo6,ulest
Atntidioun cad thud something to gratify their bike.
Ills neck now embrace.; plain and Jitney Choirs. hu,
ream., Sof., Tables. N hat note. 'Bedsteads In great va
riety. Spring and lunch 3lnttrasses atilt krames.toguth
or with ever) other article of housi , furnishing generally.
PUIVII , ISPIN aro renursted to coil and examine' his
stock. at his extensive war...rooms, West Mil. street.
North side, A. 11. ENVINtI,
Oar. Particular P ttantlon given no u , ual to funerals
orders Gum, town and 'gentry, attended to promptly
and on modesate ' A. 11 E.,
Carlisle, Aleul 7. ISst,.—ly.
13 10 00
" 14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 Ou
.14 7 1.0 .
14 7 Ou
14 0,44,40.1
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
N ORDEN ANCE, Itr:rr,A l ,lMi rut..
bccrwo A Ti.x . orlfS
150 It enacted by till, Town Con hell of pre Ibaongh Uf
' Carlisle. and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by au
thorlte of the •
- Thai neetbiti second of the Ordinance passed the 28th
day of April. A. 11.. 18.15. levying n tax upolt dogs and
slutc,'ownelLor kopt within the Bonita or this Borough
be and the same herein repealed
Enacted into un Ural; core the Uth day of April, A
0, 1858. •
~1. 11. PARKER. Prest of To'wn Council.
WI bI.I AN CAST. `Chief Bur,:ess. •
Attest :‘—t,Trios. D. See'y: of the Corpora! ion.
April l 4 1868—'20.
14 ' ' 7 00
13 1000
14. • 7 00
14 7'oo
14 7 00
14 • 700
13 10 00
.7 00
14_ 70u
14 7 00'
R-A Om.
plots Library of itandard Medical wort.. a
A:TOL and a variety of tt1.11:01CA ilqt'fi
11ENT:1, aro offorod at pritantatio, Withal Pratiltion.
ers'who may with to etriutitto:Piont. ran do to ity, adl
ing on_ thu aubseribor latthor roxitionew'.East Main
Stmt. - • • t , Wit.
nliifarnttrix of Dr. J. Ilaughuniii7dia.
'CarlLai, Yoh. 1.7, MS. . •
10 00
19 99
7 DO
14 7 00
VII I'IA 4 ItC A it l Y t tt IESsT OF litlnUiu7
Thu fifteenth seltAkill of thin Inetitution. will ont.
otonoe on Monde,, the of Mny nest. The cotimn of
InAtructiort eitittrorre the Wood hrteurheit of an English
odoentlen. together with the Latin. Greek. French And
001111[111 languages. And Vocal rind Instrumental 'emelt.
Tennet—ileerdlog, Vettehtng And Tuition per' pee.
des, (21 etOenite.XsCo 00. .For eirgulAt A rontatnitift e,
18 • 10 00
13 'lOOO
12 112 50
.12 12 *0
11 • /5 00
,ttarriov, s
„ .
UST "TIMIS!' ED--,Pri co - 14 6601 i,
bion,' - u'.tli.• sawn. il'oup.lllP. sod' Scuola Mke
A dllrcks43r.4-RAt4 bk1.01.3.11ac korai cprup of
o.lll , lllr.ptiott,
12 12 50
11 -, ' 15 00
/ 3 10 6o
J4l. 7 7' . ?;P
14. - 7 Ou
Li 9u
13. • •
• „1 Od
, 13
1 14
New Abocrticinents
- 2d Trait.
105 M
1.59 4 ,
2.11 •
2.15 4 '
8.45 ••
lik i ,
1101011411, ACCOUNT -FOR OW , 8
.1. LOUDON. Treasurer, •hi nrcomit with the Boroug
or earlithir • -,-, 4
Loan from °corgi) Lino, nualwrlztar Li - y ordL
-.ammo of 10th Man 0. !Kg. , • Om 00
1.01111 from It mi nt , p u ff er ,' .. d o. . Tot) 00
Loan from George I.luojr u . ' do. . ' 350 CO
dd. do, do.. . ', ' 700 00
Loan Iron. .1. 11. - I,l,oolburn. In; " ' 400-00.
Loan from' GooMo IMP, Fon., do. 7200 00
Lou,, from liiiiIIIIII t ndultead. do. 400 U 0
Amount rucokod•from 3., romm . i r ., u oi re t or .,_couo . ..oo„
-Minolta t- - Orel f vod o -Water, aud G
. as _Compan,
for ditching,
Amount received of 11.1rvine,Jr,, litirgera, for
'lemma, , 38 00
Amount recelied.of fitophen Kiu!pers, Market
noler, . .1 , -137 00
. . _ .. _.... .
.Aninuilt revoked of Abram Philips. damage',
assessed for opening Chestnut alley, 25 . 00
Amouutvecolveduf damn N. Eby, do., 12 61/
/3 . 10 00
14 7 00
13- • 10 00
14 7 LO
.14 7 0
Babinec duo J.-Loudon at last settlement, $ 84 13
Paid'W U. Alatthaws repalrlngsta. salary, Ac., 3745 00
I'ald A. L. Spinier, rovlsitis unharmed'', •, 2 50
l'ald Jas. WilSoll, bolding election, East Ward, 14 00
Paid Jacob Potter, hAding - election, Went Ward; 10 00
Paid SaialiTiald, lilterest on bond, 16 90
Paid Water too link Coniiiy; for water and gas, , 162 so
a , s • 601inir
Paid Bouts Si Brother Pad dad Interest in full, 578 22
Paid dls. aunt. Carilsle 26 57
Paid rauluol Crall.,nissou 'yolk, ;RA , • - ,010
Paid Williandliaered. Oath*, 1 50
10 0.
1U O.
15 His
12 621
7 00
(tri ,
M•l., •
1' • ••. 4 1110Iiel 1,1711). 4111:111•111g pIIVOIIIOO.O, „
Paid hoot d Cal, OW .
Paid Miellael l n,e, COW isig duplicate ;
Paid John i4ntlir, cleaning sin lug..
'old It. ,fttclier. ft ary :IS ,laillt r •
I'd-1 LI, Nu a. tieburg. hall' yearn salary as lamp
I' I ° l ° S r.
1 " •
lir. It;• as comtable
7 01
12 ht
I . lld W. I. It etzel. salary as clerk, ' • -,• 100 00
l'ind :anima Blown, sodas;, - Wlainplijiter, 80 00
raid :I. Laudon, glary slre u
asrer, ' 60 00
raid W. It oil". half year's saltily as lamplighter, 30 60
raid‘.A. 'l', Deatiler. painting bay and coal scales,. 2 00
raid IVllBatii Miller. repairing pump, ~. ' 411
Paid Water trod (nth toilitially, water and gas, •' 128 . 10
Pahrloidi tlifitiorge - 13ini7dateil - April - 1, 1861.1 - - 800 no
r d'aid-buitil to Ukrgo-I,ine.-dated-Aptil-1, 1800,.: 200 00
- ('aid,ll-ilutsliallrepa , ring-treo-1i0xe5,....._-.L_ 11.63
raid home Barton, interest our lurid, 30 Oa.
'told Caslisle Deposit Bank. on note, '7B 76
Paid Benjamin Pelf,. Intereal Oil I,olld, 30 VW
Paid Richard (;rd head. interest our 1 1011 d. 12 CO
_raid A. Blair, °Winging curl, rut ;outli street, 10 60
Pond Uponm Line, Interest on build, . 10 CO
do. do. 21 10
Paid Water and Gas Clammily water and gas; 103 08
?Adj o in, &8 her. ground rent U. 0, llouie, 21 00
fold U. Thompson. 2 tiro plu,a, ." ~, ..• . 34 10
fold Jonathan 'Ziegler, ft.r stepping stones, 8 80
raid A. r.esiseinnii, litre of li..rse and buggy, 1 80
p a l.; John spalir, reilioving nuisances, 8 80
raid P. ilardiler 0 Co.. for llre'phit:pr 16 00
,l'aid,Carlisie Dennnit Ba tik. discount on note, 26 (7
raid Samityl rent, interest 101 Ilt.ll. . . 24 00
raid Jonathan Ziegler. for ntepping stones,- - 10 64
Paid .lelTerpuri 11..3 IT, for patrols.lo 00
Paid W. liii..4l,...d."lor'idepping stoner,, `.,-- . - 24' 00
fold F. Gardner, for lamp putts. Or.. • 63 10
l'abi S. Wetzel, me In idols,, a, el c..e.ings, .
raid .I....Brinntrone. lamb, fol.crossings
Paid 11. Swaim,- for.liard“are, a.e,
rold-Wal. S. Co' int. eq•aning sluing,
71 , 0
10 00
7 ill)
7 00
j 2 .50._
1 Ott
7 00
10 0"
• 00
(I. 11'.Shimlfer..onlerrst:oll I OOU, .
i'alU 11. W. :•lientler,r..r, J. olleaffer,dtiningfx for
l'ho•tnut nl t 0,.,
Paid S. W. 11:“..0.,tirk, for }Abort.' oil
—aid Wator Owl ilas r otdp.toy. water nod gas, 178 RO
pall lloory War.. lorliandog., . 64 GO
J'alll,lldoph : WI
doom, ropnt.: w pavement: _
l'aid W. I. Wetzel. filllog tax lo till,.
1 . 11111 S. IVVV/A.I. 411111, :o'd work nt Ididges,
Pohl :511roto & lloffer. Ititill)er (dr Jr!,'.l„r,
Paid !Itinroil orrlP. fitting and plumbing. • 136 72
Paid Carlisle DopneitYllaiik. Mt . ..smut nil note, - 14 17
.Paid .Inseph.Jump_l or mason, oi I:, ..... ._ _ . ,00 . 49
Paid John 11 Iliatlon, fur pri iitinei 1700
1'a14,0. I....minim, 4 . . • 12 00
Paid 0 ltontty, . " •
Pnl.l It. Zinn, 20 25
Paid M Morris. puttlnd in fire plugs' • 12 00
"old Burgess- painting fire plugs. 10.50
Rid Ilur,:ess. nfiltawaslillig boxes en square. ' 275
Pitid.litugess, twice cut. log grim; in p.11.0e yard, . 0 50
fall Iltir.less cleaning sonw fisen public square, 450
Pahl .iamb : , paii..der. Ibr rigulating., • 4 00
Pahl William Me, for re;ulating, 5 00
Paid Water And ti. 4:0)19011y, bilinfil pipes; - .•
frelglit hr., • ' .. , 34 00
Paid T.l). Irish. lb. regulating. 3 00
Paid .1. Galli. ,jr...ercing lax notices. • , 500
M. A. idan• willing. - 2 37
. .
PSI( II: S. [titter: Co entailed File Compnny,
1.. 110111., , , I.r I'ni m Eire C o mpany,
Paid ri,upuuh redveturd,
' 4
$1.0.5R1 fit
'We have Lida day axainhh • d the' foregolua at , nuut of
Jamas Lowbub l'reakurer 111 or Owlish.,
awl Chid n Lnlnn,a duo by !Wu el mix hund re d and six.
ty.sevr•n and forty tutu 7,.42.).
' E. 31.111111)1AL t,„,,,,
Cnrlisle. Api II 71. 185 F.
(-1-11A111.6 AND. FUIINITUItE.
The subsvrlts•r heclu¢ I..rat.ed hlinArlf vernlettenily
lii 5% est, llEgli sari I t tnu dpVIS übeve the Ittillrped ttr
put. has just opola , ll Ills •
%live lie lutcudr, fie usual. to manurarture and keel
cotintitutly mu hand nunnery style of parlor furnitur.
nod 0111111,. •
. .
W.linut and Mahogany Dressing
Ilan nun with marble tops. Sofas.
Tal.h.s anti Wash.atanils. '
A% ninut •• D hot Inns" and IVarti-
.., PA HD lit and HOCK !Nil chairs xiih volvet or
% hair cloth scats and locks.
Mahogany and walnut chairs with indr cloth
or cane worts.
Pink /.11,1 / . / :
.or all kinds and shifted Aprink I.ol rs
elli led Intir,ond busk M °very
togellon other ortirles muully found In Ids
lino or Inedness.
l'itilleular nitrrt lon pah.l Lo ; °p firing and Tamil:4lllw
furniture nt all I,lnds.
Hob, nrvl , l.ll m fib an oarellent he
Is 'will:lied to till all tollorr tor_ FUNERALS In town or
vonotrs. \
4 ;1
FOUNDRY A • NIAITISE :•1101.;"" ,.
Vorth Sr., Coriale, Eav G1.18.7'3 Hotel.
The sul.,eral.ert.u..eesgor to A. .1. Rut ,
I ;.„ ii . :4,274 uouta Int the public in
; •••• •••••• ,oeral I lilw t he is' no propored to
nutottfoeture li - Inds Agrioultu n d
Implements: moil as Until item. Four
llos Alm etn. 11,4170i1tal hear Four. and Two House.
Powers. nod 'Threshers ..r the eee.t :Ir p row ,d mod, oh
thee wood or ioet3l et liod!., F. with Neparators nitnehed.
Alto t oru Shelle,F. fur lots d or low:, power. Sir w;
111141 rudder Cut ter., Plows. :hotel Plows. Ituurt.Wg r
different Isla.ds, l salt °tom 11, 9 . Vekes,eiroutar Fox r,
de., de.
of every• deKeripth n Item thesmenllest •Lo the lie/lidera
pieces executed et Nill , lllll ;ice fl,r all kin& of mead
leery. niteli nn 3lill (tenthly, !'low• Costing., Threshing
%whines, Corn hhellrrn r cellar urntes• knit weinhth.
railing for cenietem lots. dr.. Ar• Funning mid fitting
mill xtiiLAlux Av., M•tie In tire Last
/I« Imitrx or dealer nttentloit to hell's' I•ntent CM
ter Huller and Ch•mur of ,trio, fill !MN the exelitsive
right. This machine nil! hull end rtenui from three t
six litiFitels tier hour, end is eunsldered decidedly the
1,1,4 nen lo
I ation rntain,ed Ilr Kuta anti nth, al llfni meet.
idea no Ilattinr nnursell that no n ill Ina :tido to re. dor
satisfitetir•u to all a to unlit fnvor ins wlt,l hair
Partt•nlar attention n 111 1.0 !Mid la renalrlug Itentidnine
and Ninnwithn \ln:•ldr.nn. and all lands of Agricultural
I niplaw. to. moot re:don:llde tennis.
March 17, Plif+
A it l; • 'll A N Er—A desinible
opp•a timity le mw ..01.rdeif to hr.) wishing to
ono, u iii a pr. Etat•le Lusimos, for the pureint•e ut a
well huosoll mid Inemtive (dn.
Is offered I r sale 501..13 ondireount of .the mud introd ill
hialth 01 the subecrtb,•r, whirl: reoders Lim :milt tor
hush:os. Tho Duca r Wiiieli is tot Inge..-w ill he dis.
Awed itt at a great discount. The store is loratod In the
coutrood lie town 111 oil eXeeilelir situ:alp:l. It has
perm rEtafilistied - years,..and in addition• 'to ihr
valuable sunup.,. tt is lair 'little trammeled by etnnr.ett.
Mutt. laing one of hot tile 'St, rgs to :lb.:: of villisidene
hie size, coatliallitling also a largo and well 'sty log etnin
try cnstmn. 'the recall Is lilted up Ili Moder. style,
with form: 0 cold •:as. and will i.e rer.ted fEr sold it d o .
sired. For further lutot•wution apply lionsedbiNly to .
0E44 W. 111
%arch. lASB
• FAMI 1., I.' 00 AL.
ar m ar -.flu, subsellhetle are now pm
i-V _, 4.. 4 ,.... p.c v a to turolsh the ell tarns oi
crit;...ALiN eutul , orlnlid Countywitli the
• hart qualit, et Coal for family
use, nt the followthr reduced rates :-11 r a 111 Fell beet
breken and .44: coal from Lyketis vallex. baso.ncle, e.d.
Ilery. I,oe. ust Inoti , •taltt. 811.‘rt iiiminialn, Luke Fid.
.iller. Sunbury nod 0 IlLeghorre all ft...mooed and deli
remit to :Inv pat t .1 tine 11,,ugh.
Milt cent nt the yard noel Itlnekstolth's coal always
on Laud Al.. all kinds of Lutalher cheaper Ihno ever.
Carlisle, Feld 3U, '67. ' 81110131 A I.IOVIEII,
"STATE. OF 110` !O1 . I‘lolllllB.,
1), CFAhl.n. —Native Is given that Lethal,
Of Adml IFtrnllon nu thu estate M on roe North, late
or iho boroodi of Carlisle. de..eamal• havo, heel, bi,uell by
the It... Mater of Ilutotawlahil comity. to lho ,obgedb e r,
"It•s1.11ou In call homthtli. .ttll,purootte inib•hti.l.l to said
estate aro reflurNte.l to wake.
.liose having .lobos-to jewieutifiPioh•properly nutlio»
tiented auttletoubt to the underplgova.
MARY N; 311 . 11tIt1S.
Ad oil ol.tratrls.
I, I 4SI.IIONABLE .311 L 1.1 N kilt Y
Mimes nuke min A uthlitha ugh, beg leave tc,annouuce
to the publie that they will open on tar first .
- orApriirdii oidirwbriv - ittifek - or :111 Liil ichilir -
ths di or nil hinds. on the comer or Hanover
and West Lonthei streets. iii the Inuit for Mer
ly occuplid le Jacob Fetter, and adjoining Dr. 7.lliteeti
. .
reeldence. , ,
par. ossoctment embincea 'many varieties for the
Sluing season, and having a perfect kilos ledge of the
I,llNilleSS. MI will spare too effort to Please our eustoni
. ors. The Ladles ere especially intits.d to mill end ea,
amine our shwa. , '
• Illoatignw for Ladles and.Oeff Unman's wiar.,•JionwAti,
In tin. 'afoot atylo and 'warranted equal to any done
• l'ar.l,lle. March 31, I6O8.•
PHII-11ANUISH.....11unnos.1! Hell. would respect
fully Inform thu'elllzons of Carlisle and 'vlrlolty, that'
he still effflti , lW'M ti,lntskess In all Its various
bra urlma, orders fe.r. likely and Taps,' llandqlni.
Ilandlng. May Ile left at Ida 'Shop In Lou i her Porett, In
tho'hulldlng formerly a•cupled Iq, Jamb tenet', ::N4.
Jobs entriudad to bin will It altemled to teirap,lls.
and 1111ibe - kitightetkilr es sior'onan.
ship'; ~piPMAS J. =LI..
80.1348,73m.' • ,
$10,58,1 t'2
24 00
5 50
105 00
• 10 00
00 00
25 00
20 (0
300 00
4 12
77 OH
84 00
18 50
32 17
50 00
51) 00
7'b'.o 00
Saul ha urp'on.
11,•powell, _
Lower A i 11111.
NeWC Utl 1 herland,
__Upper Allen..
S.UIII Mlddlutoli~ ""
'North Middleton,
90 0 000 W 0 TII 0 F
Doing BUNN'S wake wbolewdo bt.(Ck now offend
at Vasil at
• 361 Broadway, New York, •
Iu connequenee of removal no the lot of May to the
J-4_ store 41:1 IM!oaIiWAY,(NcoNCIIIIAIStreut.)
Every nrticieof this iiew and donirable stock, Prepitaili
expressly lit anticiptition_uf,an extensive first clash city
tchtticsaic trade 11111 War he olferiol nt from 40 to 00 per
cent. bpl••ty r . ccultir ichnicintle token.' the - euhm••rWdr
hnJng Ketnived to submit to thin sacrifice for OASII, In
proference to selling bin Anode on credit trial uncertain•
ty of getting pall for them.
• -
1,180 very pretty Broad. Stella pbawle, at • $ll
' Regular wholesale prim , $4.%
2,640 Superior do do - • at $0
Regular wholesale price • . oii
1,800 Extra Superior do di ' ' at $0
. • Regular wholesale price $9
1,600 very Rich mid entirely new . do tit
' • . -EOl4B 8,4 r wholesale price -- - 'so
' . An'lmme* "
mot admi t of VISE GOODStrd similar
riniticed nites• —:. . . . ,I , ' -
Black 911 k and Lacerr — lantibie, toduZed to RI
do do - ;I.tmo• Slia gg
OW • do •• • dd ' larnor F.!
otou Itlch do, with deep taco Rumex, •
truprlor Moir - t
a - tique , do at
; o d
' extra rich -
All tho liner gooda at a pn.portlonara rato. Alto
(New and pretty tn style.) •
at equally cheap rater.' rho "entire stool( boa been
marked down, and the gale *lll continue until the lat
of May at the reduced priceiL •
AEA- Liberal terms offered to the Trude,: ' •
Aprll,l4, !Sg-3moe.• IBILP.IN, 361 Broadway
OTICE.—An eleetjon will be held
in 1 . tintlot i room otthe•Court House hi
ri h on; o A t
g r Cerliele, on MOND4I‘,'IIIIAII 10th, JIM.
for the election otPrealdent naalnr.octor.B°"ll.,a"lle
Alita and WetetOotepn?3/:,, ''• • -
ttl,U; 1111,11.: • ,PLIFft,
aontinuel the' practiie of the ilia, In It:mall
tbriuotly, oaauplad by bla Biddle, liar •
and - trinro rneuntly, by MO law artii . of Paarusu 4 Biddle.
ums , tllNsolved,
Dor. 'A
TAU O. - RHTEM, - Attorney - a t taw.
omco In • Mato .2itruat,Cmilido. Pa.—
liirlluituni nitrated 'to Idurwill bo promptly •at
toodod to. • , • F0b,7.435.
er P. - El UM RIO H; Attorney at, taw.
xj.-0111ce on Norih Hanover. atreet, it few doori: ,
noun& of Mom' hotel. All boldfacing entrusted to him
will be promptly attended to. "" • (Aprlll6. •
J PENROSE be■ removed his office to the'room
formerly occupied by Wm on Melo drool b few doom
otod'of the Methodiet Obuich where be will promptly
August.l9, 1857,
A tuts roaumed the practice of the .Law. Oilice,in
re itinpan, west Ode, near the First Preibyterian
Church. '. O . .
A. -
.ril 8, 1867. • •
. ..
[\R. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North,
ftlanocer street two doors from, Arnold t Son's
store: Office bouts, more particularly from 7 to 9 o'clock
A. M., nod from 7 o'clock, P. M.
i ou,. . : a ,w h i l L o n ll f: t i t: ,
a D y e n b t e ro o ,
n ttil
any of
hourt he
f o t ia b r e t
day or night. Dr. A. bee laid thirty yearn experience
In the profeeqlon t tho lest ten of which hare been de•n
ted to the study and Oxidice of homeopathic moll
eine. Slay tin. 'Min. , . ,
T]ll. J,.. S. R.A . N.K N
litunce +Able Physician and Surgeon. UMee,
Cast Main street:ruljolnlng , :snaton'a hardware store.
31arch 31, . . , •
' Itsltlinore College of
••• " Mints] Surgery.
• I al% 011 ice gt Ids residence,
• • opposite Marlon--ifull.
bent 1,11 ti Street, Caribtle
NOV. 11, 1857. •
bit. LO.LOOM]S .
South- Ihunver itreut, ""'
uext door to the Pont
'try be abiont Prow .Carliele ;the loot ten day,
of dash 'moth. (Aug. 1, '36
I) It .E olt G Z.. it Itli TZ ,
1141 - 0 , '
hiving returned to Carlisle. Weis life professional
SurviceB to thin citizens gonerally.
Office in North Vitt street, nearly opposite hie former
Terms—Moderate. 'Carlisle, March,31.,58.
Ilia - IJIIiGIIT, DI:NTIST, - froto the Hal.
' tl 1111 l re College of Dental .Surger%
er_t_i)flke at the re shlence of his mother, Knot Louther
street three doom below lied,tord.
11 ttLh 10, INoU--tr.
-••••;"1.-- I) It. J. C. • - .IN itypeer•
• fully. informs tho Indies alni gontleuton
CArlis.le and vicinity. that hec fiaa rw
stinted the pradice or Don tlstry. s a d Ix prop trod to pen
rum an operations 1111 till, tooth . an.l guula e belonging
to his profl,4loll. 110 will Insert Nil rots Of tooth , tto
gOl.l or vilver. vll.ll single atutt tooth, or as thaY
inup prof,. Terms to FUR tiro
111;11 stroot, .11rdetly.npp toile the Cumber
land ''alley Bank.
pra-Dr. Y. will be In Nowvillb the leek ten dayi of
S. W. II AN' 14:11.5T K , Druggit4,
North lionoverStreet,
ehyslaio'n prescriptions eniofully compounded
A full.supplx of fresh drugs nod chemicals.
r ..1:1-31 13 H 1i !-13. 13. Shapley, sr.;
kept—by :Henry Ulan, _has rumored It (0 the corner of
North arid Mit streets, x here he has a lnrge lot of oak,
chi nout shared nod tut 1411ln:den, With ports i,f all do.
,erlptlun, oak p auk and nrnot.llog: nhlu¢ir nod' plester
lag loth; all of Wllll,lll, 111 be sold cheap for cdsh. • .
31arch.24, 1838.
C. A. BIRNBAUM, Book-binder and
. nt.ixe . ..nticAt aIANLTFACTUREn. .
• . Alechaniobary, Pa. • • -
:kluge. MaZazi - eo, Newspape•s.ldea, Illank.booka.
I'ma.books. Copy Ito.)kol, arc received and rel
turaed, 'natty bound iq On, week, at moderate charir.
en. Also. paper ruled to any du trod pattern.
11.—A. L. SPONSILEII. Iteiaster of Cumber
and county. will careful's , attend to tile trans:talon at
all such buxitlesa as may be entrusted to Mid, Such oh
the writinger.Deeds. \iortgagen 01116. U -etc &N. Ile will
also iterate his attention o the procuring or Land .War
rants. I'onslons, he. as well as the • panties° and sale
of Real Estate. negotiations. °rioting, .e. QjUltra on
West High Street. timnorly occupied, y W. 31. Pouros.
F.N. near the Methodist Chu,h.
.9imov P. SNYDRR, 01110. •
W. K. MaArti...tss, POntbilyiVAniA.
I. I.' COOK, • Ithodo !Anna. -
Y 1) E It, s .k.I'FARLAND, AND
Ilantiers and Dealers In Real Estate,
31 Inn.gota Tonitory.
Juno 3;
PUBLIC.—The undersign
. ell being well known as a writer. would Mier his
all requiring Literary aid. Ile trill Furnish
Addresces. I Irntlnus. Essays Pre.!ontation speeches/m(1
replies. Lines 11 , r Albums, Ai•losties—eprepare matter
foi the lives—Obituaries. and write Melly upon any
lubjeet Address tpost paid)
Baltimore. Ni d.
m SelloAL.—The secnnd ses•lon of thio. 1.41.
Intlnn will vonnninco In LITERARY HALL. New, ilk,
In.. on TUESDAY, AMU!, Wi t I bSS, and 6ontlnue
An . able miens . of Instrnetore harO been mecurcol. and
no effort will he spored - to render the school worthy
the jotAtinti It reeks to occupy, and of the 'iwtrounge it
respect fully &Main.
For eireulars containing full part irularn atiolranta
T. A. McIsIYSLY, Treamtrei.
New vole, Fe.
By or. rof the Bonrd of Trurteen,
lAN! El. 811 ELLY, Pro:,ldent.
JAs. Mcetptsit, f, , ecretnry. Feb.
A' 1;1 , 1' kr c •
, le .onimissioners (It
t'unlheitand enmity have fixed upon HO, follow
WI LIMP, Ilt the 0011111101..11erfl OMIT, 10 CIIIHISIO for
bolding the appeals for the 14, end towm•hipm and her
ouphs In add county, for the year 1658: -
Mouday, April 26
Tuesday. April 27
WednomlaY, , Akll-28
Thursday, A prll 29
Friday, April 30.
Saturday May 1
Monday 3lny 3
Tuesday Mny 4. -
Wednesday May IS.
r Com.lit.lonerg
' S
/WM 14, 1855.]
. • •A. W. BEAN VS • STORE; •
Splendid sleek, of now Black bro. Eilka—ltagnificeitt •
Styles Vaney Drool Silks.
• . .
• ilt ILI —IRAlit --AI E0.11.N T
French Foulard Silk., Chineae Silks, Satin and
Striped Barepo. Valencia% ticallus, -Beautiful .•
• . now printed Chellice. French printed Jam.
node, very handaeme English Bra.
Banta. very handsome French
Brilliant% Englith French and •
• American Print!, ecotch,
French and Domeetie, _
• • gingham% •
• net Ribbon's and'
' ream Trimming%
•• • Sheltie In every variety,
' Silk Crape. Stella, Clubmen% - • -
- ! ' lc. Embroideries: very low Com ,
1110 S, itlnl !NOS. VEILS, c. sating.
Druggete and Flops. Oil Clothe of all wldtbs, • '
A romplete aenOrtment einbraellitt all the most-eels
prated tearke.
Gloves nod
Hosiery for - •
d / es, r3lleses a n d
• Children. 'great vailety
° 'of kid. silk and Cottotr- - ' - '
• Gloves, Ladles Elegant Twisted
Bilk Mitts. Ac. DOM h.:4IC ANT: STA
PLe; WOW: Blenched nod unbleached
Skirtings. hie:wheal and unbleached sheet
loge ifooleteatl.Cottott Iknonela Corset
Jenne Tick I ngs. Cottoned', Satinets,
• Tweeds. Cotton and Linen .
pees, Table Covers. illeacidat
• hnd Boma' drlll"ngs, ~
. 'nod an endless va. • .
. 'slaty of. other
• •
In fact. thin sto,k of giola. Teiy:extenelev. ihor
augh, and .complete, having been purchnFed with It
great dent Or eare. we feel confident we can pleame any
one who will favor. do n ith a rail. '
All candid persons who have patronlied us 'tondo.
fore, will admit that we have Pohl the best .I.nresins
over purehased in Crlisle.- We Pip assure Our Mends
end all lovers r of heap' Goods." that we are an well
prepared an ever to offer auperlor liolueements for their
patronage. • A. W BENTZ.
South Hanover street, opposite the Punt Office.
Carlisle, April '21,1858.
1 1 I have just rrtorned from Now York and .I.lola
dolphla, nod am now I;perllng ' in the new store room
the largest and moot aplendl.l stork of
ever brought to Carlisle. A magnificent line-of LA
DIES 1711 r.s.S (MODS. tiochas I'loin and Fancy Silks,
Rapider° Side stripe Silks Elegant Mach Silks. very
low, Poll lie Chin fern, 17,0.11°e5, Valencless; and Ra
mie Robes, Shin. Stripe DeLnues,- Luealle,' Organdy
Lawns, Brilllatils, etc., etc:
A full assortment of Embroidery, Elegant rollers,
Unifervlreves, Handkerchief's, Insetting. Eibrines,
lounc . iigs etc., etc., cheaper • than IT. Canibrics,
Mitred nod Striped Jacimets. SWitY Milftlillfl.7intim ohs.
etc, etc. iekings. Checks Oinghnius. ale., of
all kinds and at the. - voe, lowest notch,
PETS, • RIB BO S; Pl. Ir ER S,
Ruch., tin entire now baorment:
• ISPRI Inrge. assortment and very
cheap. such us Stella. wool lnet.alne. Thlbet, Grenadine.
Nee, t lotha slid r its;ilnirtia itho jiist rejelied. • OM'
sitnereS and other cool. for boys' wear In went variety.
Counterpanes, Hosiery. Gloves . . 31Itts.• etc.: etc. •
k fill and new NNSO,LODOir Or Mahogany,. tosowood
and, Alai NM framed Loni, lug (Hessen.
• • CARPI.T”:III AND MATllNOS.—Ailutfier supply of super
Invert:o, Ingrain. Venetian, 11,44 totd , ':talr Carpet=
lugs. at very reduced prices. ; thin stork •ilas been laid
lit with great care at the very lowest-rash prices, and
will-he sold t:or the rash at such prices nr will cent Ince
that. I hAlby's new Store IS the . place to lay out their
cash 1w the very, hest tele:lilt:1;e. Light profite and
qui •Is sales. Recollect the new NtOrD it . OD the corner Or
?loin NMI D;lt sh At.ob oppo,dte the 3lethotllst Church
Carlisle, a lull , MIAS. OGILIIY.
1 ARGE• AND EN. N S,I 11
..41' the Nu; Sh;r!: CCrner NBIOs Hanover
atm' I,uther threets
. . . .
Tile undersixtted reruns thanks fir the patronage.
bestow e'd 111101111101 by the public and at th e 1.19 r tllllO
trSTlOtirlllll IIIIIIKUICIFJ)1:11. lie has just returned from
Philadelphia, and Is time 06W lotor spici
AND ell-WIER ItoV GOODS AND (1110C/ilil on.
sisting In part as Pillows. and ehleh he is determined
to sell at the lowest cash Prima .
,Alparas. Do.
Lobes Dvlltwep. Lustres, VLeen.. Bareges,.
- 11r1Illants.Skirling-Ft each and ,eotell illiatimins Prints..
Uloyes,, Voltam Ilandkerehlers. Ac., Ac.
Sli AWLS AND MANTILLAS, in every style . and
AND DOMESTIe DrrY Goons. • lintlio. Caw
simeres, Vent lug.' Flannels. Mtiolliiii..Tickings Stripes,
Cheeks. Calicoes, Cottonedes, I.lllollf. IheeUugo. loml.
unto. Nankeens, Drill. 3larseilles Quilts. colored sod
white Carpet Ar.. Le. l'aresels end Um relies'
AIM 71 large and splendid assortuleot of - lIONZ , LTS•
A superior lot of fresh OM 0C EMI:Q. Teas. Coffee. Su
gar. Molasses. lace Spices. Ac.. Ac. Having seleetd my
entire stock with the greatest care. sod the lowest
ctstt edicts. I eau a s sure toy friends and the public
generally, that I will do all In my II ewer m.make my,
establishment known IF the •• lIIA It QUA It I Ells
lIA MIA INS," 'those whoa Ish to purchain will find It
to their advantage to vial and examine my stock before
1 .111 pup the. highest mrket price fur Putter. Egge,
/leg. soep, an d Dried Fruit.
Cnrlkle. April 21.185 S
S W 00 Its FOit STAING
The subscribers respectfully inform their pian's. and
the citizens generally. t hat then Inane recently revels
Iron New Vsrli and Philadelphia. a large and elegant
11FM.etillel.t..r 641'11 4 : ..oltn MP Ilit the present season.
manutn•htred'otpthe hest on .torlatn and In the most
rashionable style, withh they and deteindned to w a ll
cheaper than Fanlike attic es eau I.e eh , 0%1 hen•.
'fln•lr stock comprises IMES, AND FM K.% COATS,
of now . lid Ihshiodable styles. Itusiness Sacks and
F rocks or the best tsstelisi but intent paurrns IhwLle
nod single breasted Vests. Itt endless variety—choice
styles. Fine "inset Preneh Doest In and parry C 4,41.
mere Pant., Plain liehl agored Cassimere Pants.
great variety— clad, nth les
In order to Inert tho wiiiitsThf the people in this
branch ,d I heir gi eat rare and attention Jinn
been glean to it the f1e1..411 FPan,II. Coats. Pants rind
Vesta of all sires and qualities. to which constant addi
tions will lie'inatte during till, M 1.., '
Also, a full assoitinent of Shlrtp, Collars,lloFlllllF, eras
unit. Pileki.t I 111 nelkerelliefs, liwipende.ra, torkii, tilos es,
Ili/Fiery and Ullllllllll..
largo 1.5,t10P11l Of Black, ltrown,
Jane and .dive Clotho, Mack Doeskin.and fancy Cassi•
1111 , 111 V.141111p11. ' &i,
Milling f every description and quality well made,
A , d of pLod material constantl on band.
Customr's work made up . to" the shortest
nutlet, and.on reasonable terms
Carlisle, March 24. ';58.-3m.] North flahilver st.
8.. K EA.!, R'B lIAT, CAP,
• 1100 T SI101: STORE.
_ North Rust Corner of the Public Square.
Thu - subscriiiir - offrre - or thelpublle' a complete and
hire assortment ot lints. Ceps llootsand Shoes. h
harel ust peon purchased from the best matitensturers
_atirstocii consists of a_Krent varlet of beautiful '
made exprenaly for rngomer•. All kinds of. Caps frir
Mon. Hoy' , and Children. tt a would invite particular
attention to our well selected and grunt -variety et
tires goods. , an we aro confident they cannot be excelled
the town or county. '
. .
II 'TS AND 5 I 10kk of every style and variety : Ali
unequolicd for price and finish It consists In part tit
3IEN'S h no French CA LP 11001'8,
" • "
I.A Di ES' Frepri. and Engihlt IIAITERF, •
' 'Misses'
EA ery varlAy`id Chlitiren's fancy Shoes.
The best lot nt henry IVINTLIt BOOTS; for turn end
loya. In town.
illunhful to our frients and the •publie for past fu
rors. tro ;no hr stri , t attention to the amts of, our
rustonerA and by nelifuu UIIUU at/Mr , . to merit their
coutintfed fluv r .1. li. KELLER:
N. e sell no •A net lon.ilordul Lila.. 7.117.
)OOKS.! w;`..l ! ' BOOKS !!!
SHUT; trK. TA 11.1111 & SMITH
are sole tweets In FrAtILIItt and ( Cumberland coutttles
for the following valuable works !
Ileetett's alyblytteett of the Debates q 1 foniress.
Prim poe-Vol.. LI. th 113 Ot , Sheep 3 50.,
Mutton's Thirty year's Tlo ; complete In 2 solo.
Cloth $5 00, Law iittetp $llOO.
Morse's Uotteral Atlttsof the World; Colored Malta
and bound, $n 00: .
* Burton's Cyclopeedia or Wit and Humor.'
American F.loquetwe ; a t.olleetlen or speeehea. etc,
lee the mot& eminent OrittllN or America. with Moo,.
pideal Aotehes and illustrative mites. by Frank Mo re,
now ready. complete le tut tolk. kth. $5 00 ; Library
style. leather, $600; Loll cal,, gilt, 8 00 ; half muroc
to, 7 00.. • •
•,.x, SANDtiltS' 0011001. 1.100v13. •
Sanders' Pittner.
Samters' Sp. Iler.
Sanders' header. No. 1. •
Sanders Ittsader, No 2.
Sanders! header, No. 3.
Sanders' Ileadte, NO. 4.'
Sandal's' header, to, 5.
Sanderte header, No.
Sanders' II lett :crawl Leader.
•• .Sandore'Ludlytt' Leader. ' ."
tilanders'Spqabers ' O helesale and retail at
• • • SIIRTOCII, TAYLOR 2 $51171111
Nance, . `/ .
• SIIRTOCK, TAYLOR & 8311'111'p. •
isniesupyty of &lent 14 ot wholeealt: awl retati;
- , 8111tV0( tt..TAYLOtt k 8311T1113.
p e eper. Envelope, Pici, lilkn. eft , etc.
8111:YpCti, TAYLOR A /9)21111. . •
wika. ' , aeon ran aor,Nit.taatt.
A largo vatietv•ef neve. nod beautiful pattern!" Just
,opotiing and wilt:Jai '&4d ebeapar than ever at. • , • .
' ' ' . • Che,ap,lllirdynsre,Plid Paper Store. •
: • '• ' • ' • • North' ifarover eitrant.
A tenuiffol, variety .of.WitilloW. tallAtikti.joen ;
dy e d .., • -J. P. 4YNE A' SOWS.
Orton nod blue iNindow Papetajust •epenixl • nt. r
A 9441.24311.4 , J. l'..4llSicir SCUM
.r •
New ottotibo.
situ Witicitigentrntts.-
Rat, Roach, dc. Exterminator.
Put Up,ln 2U0., 250., 150 a.; and .1, ItoKon. Yoe ton de
xtruction of !LIAR: Mims) Uruiatul or Fluid 311ao,Itoisdirt , .
Urutta Lugs ) Auto,.&n.
upiu Mo., No., Mo., and
Put up-In 2.60;. and /Sno.l.lo.les. To destvis MAIM Bod
Mosquitors. Ants, F10114, * PlMut insects, Vermin
on Fowls and Animals.
*if Tonne CAA:
ILA. No good's rant on cemmisslan.
tier Liberal erbolosalo Torun wade to Druggists and
" Costa os Private Circular to Druggists and Dealers
sent by mall, on application.
eold, wholesnlo and retail, at "COSTAR'S" Principal
Depot, No. 388 liroadway, Now York, and by Druggists
- nud Deniers overywbere.
Important litlimmationfor the People.
, x;.r.e..40.441N-Y.4b0u..0
•-" , 1 will forward by mill (post pall) a RUalchint quail
ty of tlio KAT, 111M11.4113. EXTERMINATOtt tO &RIMY •
of thls class of vermin that may Infest your proud&
boo Costar's Private Circular to Druggists al
Dealers. •
WA, Address all letideto
o* liroadray, New York
Sir To save mistakes and trouble: /
1 Write In a plain band the name of' Post-Offire,
'ounty and State. -- •
2. tlegister your letter. and it will comearmy.risk
a. Sped York and Eastern money prefer red. '
... ' I: IIAT.s. ROACHES, 'Bugs, INBLCTp. An. •
'What the Farmers ray:
,A late writer Faye that "the yttrium, species of ter
mitt aro multiplying at gt fearful rate throughout the
land. Theirvavages linen . breonova matter of .serlons
dread." A Postmaster-In Illitteln,Wrltrng to" Costar's ,
Depot - ,sarty." The cent ttry T hOlterally-'uvere'uw-with
them Vas t Mitre. A.") ,A nether Irma the F4ten
sayn, 'Mu poaltivelY • gnaw the - hal lora offs my
leaseit whit° ill the stable." An Ohio Corresuondent
remarks. ?.They (the, rats) are everywhere--in tin;
house, the barn: and ander every stump in the field."
In the Wroth it Is still worse. A late order from the
Navy Yard at 3lobile was fur thirty pouadtof the Rat
Exterminator alone.
What the People say :
Now YORK, April 12, 1850.
DEAR Sis,—Havine a groat many into aviund my Eta
blo and shop, I thought I would try your lint Extermi
nator. and DOWIL 0110 of your Isom. mid I fixed It or
cording to yotfr directions. The next morning I found
over one hundred and fifty Omni rats. I take pleasure
in saying that it, will do more than you nay it will. I
have also tried it on stoambOats, and satisfied them that
iris' the greatest thing of the ago.
S. UNDERHILL, N0.,43 . 5 10th et.
• CAVE; 111., Juno 21st. 1857.
Dose Stn.-31y brother, .1. W. NicCreery, P. 51.. pair
chased a boxiof your Rat Exterminator, and lbund it tt
be what you ecommend it to be, a perfect Rat destroy
cr. 1 heretofore inclose $5 for more of it.
Yours, &a, ASII LhY 51cCREERY.
• Elm Yong,. Der.l7. 1857.
Stn.—. • All thin summer f have been troubb,
with Roaches and 31ice. 1 was actlitilly ashamed of tit
house, for the COAT. re ere everyithere, and I .dtni
know ,wlixt I olr.uld .liTtve titian by thin thno. I put
chaXod a bon of your E ctertithiator and, tried It, and it
Otto week there' was not a Roach or Mouse lit the holm
,1 1 / 1 1N It. 471 VENN. No. 0.4 Elm
;loony.', SALT NVOREF, Ohio, June 8, 1857..
DEAR Pte Hi have use it the hat, Roach, Ac... Nator
minatory three • ni4lits, and it is making a — Kati — havo,
mons the Rat tribe. Yours,
that the Dreas say
We know, by actual experience. that "Costar's" pre.
parall.'ols for Rats. hofirllCS. lied Hugs and Insects genn
entity. nib complete and pm rest ternllnators." Wher!
ever •' Costars"
Exterminators have ben used, they
have never failed Viper:brut all that is claimed fit theta.
Illousekeepersaltould not fall to try theut.—N. Y. AT
IS hat the in . mtuists oar
A.. 1. 111..W.E5.)11. (Itrukt.) New Lisbon, 0. . " Your
Exterminator proves sAinfactory."
ti. tiv t:. %,,,DiN A LI), i Drulglsts.) New Brun/mirk,
‘• We tried the Kat, in., rh, Re., Exterminator,
and It anewesed a good ',Amos,"
'B. E. CLINN I Nil (Druggist,) Beaver 'Dam.' Win.
It (the lint. Thtch, Sze.; Exterminator,/ In highly sat.
id trtory to Woo, who have tiled It."
SA MUHL "11l Ll k (Druz; lIIFar Creek. Plekawny Cn
Ibkarb..&c - F4 - IRniiirat& - diies - alrit
recommended tutu"
OUILVOIin & LENllll:ltoEit.Ythacraxts ) Lebanon. P.
"• tVo'are plearitatto hay that which In Sold glvessati
IVhnleenle and Retail Agents, ;1111n., Pa
March. 21. 1/1:18—,t,
Published:flits day:Prb DO, .18;iti;
,INOITTLit DT 1111.111ELV. •
430 Oates. Cloth, Back., Price $l.
This is thetitle of one of the most Intensely Inter
tiding idintraiiiiiihi of ttlu day. It In the plain history of
nn American Stitee in the far South. who, after. two or
three es..apea and recaptures. dually. an old 1111111, tound
freedom and re.' in our iii,tho •there States. .
W hat the Pres. Say.
The niory is told with great sitliplacity, but 'with
'much power mid path,ea U houses takes It al I find It
ditlieu.t to lay it down until It is finished.—Nottosat
D C, -
tmtlitffe of 'roil experience like the above, will
have fur more effect against ..slaiery - than the- Ingeni
gaudy wrought novel, however true to lite Its pictures
may be.—Am. It fills?
litre 14 the I.looli. Or farts. AtranitPetfiati fiction. Mid a
thousand fold tome thrilling: a ...hind. , tale life•long
pprps,4•lll, revealing truly the workings of the peon
liar Ins itutleii - cduntry. To the log
c would say, here Is a story worh readitig.-311toting
In emelreatility In the free States, to engage In the
sale of the above work humedlately. Such can'eardly
dear from
The work is b.stutlfully ',tinted and bound. and is en
largo as the books that t.ell for $1 . 25: but as we meat,
to soli at Iten4 COPILe, through
agents, we hate wade the rikail prior only ONE DOL
A SA %Inn COPY of the book will 'be sent by mall.
post's., paid, on receipt 9f the price, and our prit ate
circular to Agents, ulthlSrtos. etc. Atid-ess
11.4 ITON, Puldinher,
No 20 Anti•streot, Now York.
Ult. W. 11'..- 1V 11'31011;.or
(1•111 A. Whelk. IN lilt 110.41'in iniccessful
Mr a number oryears. received his education at the
best Medical 1.4/1113,t0 in the United States and hid the
expel len, and practice in the different liosidtals fv
I severni . years, n mend er of the Altai) deal Medical le,
butte 4.l' , Neer Yet k, :99191 hi , 9 Medlivil Sur ,eon of the
United States !Vary, new offers himself to the public to
at tend any'professinnal,galis,_,,
The purest utedicinesidways \hand direct from the
tarot laboraor es of our countey, and the. Ibtanical
Darden', of the world. ISo patenluiedicines prescribed
or reeomMended. :%19alicities used only which will not
break down the constitution, but will renovate the sys
tem from all Injuries it has sustained from mineral
medicines. Chronic and difficult diseaseS must NI treat.
ed upon analytical principles, which is to know and as-
Ml_ what disease is. Its naf ore and character re
e a n k d r i l d ed ni te t if t i b ui e n c i lle n nial coffst it uents of every
holy; the changes those
solids and Out& are capable of undergoing: To know
shut medicines to employ to mire diseases. tavimires
knowledze of - the chemical constituents of all kalifs I
employed in medicine; and if Wit 111.0 In possession of
this knowledge, it la possible to cure any diseasetio'
matter of how long standing—and leave the patient in
Melancholy. Aberration: or that state of .allenation
and weakness of the mind which rendee.9 persons Inca
gable of enjoylint the pleasures nr pert rming the duties
eflifh; Dyspepsia, that distressing dines...and •fell th ,
stroyer of health and happiness. undermining the con
sate ti in, and yearly carrying thousands to untimely
graves, can most emphatically be cured. Rheumatism,
hi any form or MAIL on. chronic nracute, _warranted,
curable; 411epsy or falling sickness; all chronic aim
141.11.1100111 .metro of Female Diseases radically removed;
Salt libeillll. and every description of uleenittms; Piles
and Scrofulous Disease& which bathed all previous
Medical skill cant. cured by my treatment, when the
noistltutlon Is not exhausted. .
• •. .
I do my all diseases (yen (oNat73III_TION) can la, cured
U. Cancer ennui without 'ha katil.
I will MIIIIIIII ktl Illy OMco on iVgI , SF.B I / 4 T4 and SVITII
nitre. Irene U Weinek A. 31. to 3 P. M.. to accommodate
patients trout d distance, and consult In the English
and Merman landuaces Will wake visits to any dis
tance lintquired May be addronoted by lettor, : Fulton
W. 11. WIT4OII M. D
March 17. 18.58.—1 y
Within s nut•shell all the merits lie,
• Of Crlatadrnses never equal Dye:
lied It makes black. tot nisen transfbrms,a grey.
And keeps the tibms al waVi fro n decay.
The matchless rot Waltzing flair bye still holds its pm.
sitt n RA the most harmless and effirarlous llelr Dye In
the \Cl•rld. Prepared and sold, wholesale it of retell,
and applied In ten private I , OIIIF, at CII DOMYS.
No. II Astor lions.' Ilrotilwaki and by at 42s ggiste and
Perftitner, in the U! lied: tales.
AO F.:VT.-41m It. litres! , liltisturgh,
Hand, 17. ISSA—:imps..
E'1"1 . CAS I DRY 01)UD4 lIOTSI
itirori.mmoos ePIiINII (70111ISLf*
l & LA NDELL, Fourth mid Arch Sts, Philad'a•
r 'adoring a full stock of .
Fashionable Spline. s' •
Black - Silks. 24 taLgi4 Inches wide,
Spring Deese tiooSS, Nair Styles.,
Shawls, In all the Newest Sty'es,
British. Ereurh and Amerl Chintzes,
---- Full clock - orDonneitic - goods. ••
Full Slack of Europium Goode, '
C.. l •“arraine in Peawmable floods. daily received
from the AUCTIONS of New York and Philadelphia
1'..5.--;slerrhanta are Incited to examine the Stock
TNIt‘IS. Nett Cash. and low prices.
Mirth .10, 1858.—linos.
••• • eubacribers In cennectioh'with their Agri
• ' cultural Implement and Seed' Warchouer,
• In Philadelphia. are also prepared to re
celve conalcnnienta rr Orate, Clover end
Tinni•hy seed. Butter. Lard. Pried Percher, Apples and
every-description of rnerieulturai produce for which they
will obtain the highest market rates.'
to •plomanfand Bard IVarehause,
• ". '7th aniAslacket streets, Phliad'a,
Mandl. 47.1558.
0411 110 i
A lIGA 'N S. IN - S IL K The sub
.., o w Wi l , o w dot* nut optlre ot.Lck of plain
ai ndlaney'Bll.l(fl at 'flat coot 'Ali west nt tboe war,
low; itijoilratle opportunity will be, afforded - 10
witblng to putebaso, • •
Comolois Aistralcii ' • W.llllNfia
, sroialriv.g..•
a no.dmiht, the moat wonderful discovery Of this an
of progress, Am It will restore peroutuently.griy hair to
Its original color; cover the head of the bald with a
loot luxuriant grOwth, remove stance all dandruff end
Itching, rum an acrefula, and other rataaeoux eruptionr,'
such ma scald head, elc. It will cure, am If by magic,,
famous 'or periodical headache; make the hair soft,
gloomy, and wary and preserve the color perfeitly, and.
the heir from falling, to extreme old age,
... , Thu ibilowing Is Iron' • dlotlnguhhed.towintrer of the
.hiet.lkal profososloti: .
-Br. Patit,".7anuitry'4ll366.
Map 1-1.111 solicited, I send von this •certificate.
'Atte% being nearly bald for a long time, and having
tried all the. hair restoratives extant, and baying no
faith in any, I wits Induced. on-hearing °Omura to give
Ito trial. - I placed myself In the hands of a barber
and had my head rubbed with a good stiff brush, and
thokedorative then applied and well rubbed in, till the
scalp might aglow. This 'repeated every morning, and
In three weekePlßLY_Runikhalkappeared-and-grew
-rTt dly from August last till the .present timeiand lenow -
thick, black. and strong—aoftand pleasant to the touch
whereasebefore. It was harsh and s wiry, what little then
Wan of it, and that little was disappearing- very rapidly.
still use your restorative about twice a week, and shall:
10011 have a gooll and perfectcrop of hair, Now, I bad
read of these things—and who lumtiot t bnt hare not
soon hitherto any cAse where an . L. arson's hair wp •
frerrettWrrgrfro the noir Wes. ete.,of the day:
hod it really give. lee pleasure to record.khe result of
nay experience. 1 have recmontended your preparation
to others. and it already has a large and *term, sal*
throughout the Territory. The people here know Its
°fleets. And have congtience In it. 'The supply you sent
us: as wholesale agents for the Territory, Is nearly ex.
'mated, and daily. inquiries are made for 11. You de
servevretlit for your discovery. and I for one, return
yob my thanks for the benefit it brut doneMe, for I, DM ,
talttly lied despaired long ago Meyer allectlng any ancli
Yours hastily,
J. W.
Firm of pond & Polley, Druggists, 8 80,
P NDula
. •,--.' • .
• .
"/ [From the Editor of dr& Real Estate Adiertlier.). -
Boma, 27 School Street, March 20,166 g.,
• DEAR 0f R i—llevring bettonie prematurely quite gray I .
4,1101Mo:ea; some Nix: weeks since: to make a trial of
your Restorative. I hero used lees than two bottles,
but the gray baba hare all disappeared; and although
nty hair basing fully attained Its - original color. yet th•
process or elylvgq lagraquallygolng.o.u._And_l_am_ln.
grata hopes -that in a short time my halr,will boas dirk
as formerly. - -I,have also been
;lOUch gratified at tha.
healthy moisture cod ykor of• the hair. wlcelt bellire
wan harsh and dry, audit has ceased to COM OW. lUi for
merly. . ,
Professor Wood
CAlr . t.t, Illinois, June 19,1868;
I have timid Profeimor Wood's Hair Restorative, , and
havenjmired its wonderful elket. My hair was bee,ln
ing, an I thought_ prematurely gray, but 'by the use of
him •'itestonitive.".lt ban twinned Its original eolor,and
I have no doubt, perunsuentl) ^
Ex-ilenator United Statas.
For mtk In Carlisle, by S. W.. HATERSTICK, SAM I:
ELLIOTT, and Druggists everywhere.. -
..Feb. 28. 1857.-Iy.
Prepared by DR. SAIVPORD.
air Is' daily working cures, nhnost too great to believe.
It iu rte. as if by magic, even the fi - rst then, giving bane- -
fit, and seldom more than coo bottle is required to Mire
any ki n d of LIVER 6111Viaillt. from the. worst 3111,1121.
dice or a common nit Of which
are the rennlt of n Ditisemed . Li ver. . •
'rho Liver Is one o the prinripal reghlatora
of the human body. and j - ..„„.1 when It performs Its
functions w. R the pow:
.ers of the., system are
fully developed The - C) stomach Is almost on
tleely dependent on the healthy action of the
Lire, for the priperper- formancc of Its ru.ctlonll
vhen the stomach is at ...44 fault, the hroirels are at ,
cult. end the whole systetn suffers in come=
linence of one organ— ry? the Liver haying,
caned to do lea duty. 1 6 '1' For rho diseageo of that
organ, one of the "pm-, printers lino made it his
study, In prectlce- more than twenty years,
to find -some remedy •CD wherewith to counteract
the =my derengementa to which It Is leblv..
Ti. prove that this 77-1 medy le at last fund,'
env person troubled with Liver Cosa.
plehit in any of Ito r" -- forms, loin but to try •
iodtle,-- and cOnviclllin to certain.
A compound has been 1, 1 firmed by
gums end extracting 1„1 that. Mirt which Is sulu
1,10 for the active vie tuna of the medicine,
These gums remove all morbid or tad matter
nom the system. cup- :plking in their place a -
healthy flow of bile. In- ligomting the stomach,
cnnstuif7gartn — il
giving tone and health to the whole marldnery _
removing the Names of thin disease. and effect
lug a radical rune with- out any of the "liSnaree
able artoLgrevs felt by f" —( ußing_Colosnel 1111.;
aerol Poison that Is usually resorted to,.
One doss after noting ! — v." Ru ffledont to relieve
• the stomach and pre- •. vent the food from
ing and scouring. cn
July 01111 doaa _taken before retiring prevents
Only 0110 dose taken 0w..1 at' night loosen. iii.
bowels gently, and cures costiveness.
One done taken after 1..1.1 eath howl will cure Dye- •
per•in, • .
dre. One dose of two 0 termpoonfuls will alwayi
relieve luck liendashe. -
One. bottle taken for I+l female obstruction re
mores the cause of the• i z diocese, and makes a
porteet rum. -
091 y nor does home- dlately relieves Cholle,
while obe dor.° often re- .. pouted lon sure cure for •
Cholera Illiorbuo, and a preventive of
Cholera: • ( y)
finn dniiilak7iTeften will prevent the recurrence of
Lllloue attneke t while it relieves all Painful feel•
logs. .
Only ono bottle In needed to throw not of the
synlenl the eireeta or Inedlellie alter n long sick none.
Cue bottle taken ter Jaundice remorei all yellow•
neas Or unnatural color film the skin.
rine dose taken a short time before eating. gives vigor
to the appetite and makes Mod digest well. • •
orfellose often repeated cures Chronic, Dior,'
them hilts worst forms, whileau M . 11311 er.nuf bower .
el ram plaints yield almost to the hest dose.
me or Iwt. doses cures attacks ,nuNed by wormi,
while thr worms in children. there is no surer. safer or
speedier remedy In the world. as It never fails.
There Is no exaggeration ill these statements; they
are plain sober forts, that we ran give bildence to
prove; while rill who use It are,gliing their unanimous
testimony in its favor. 1 •
We take intiutte pleasure in tecomm•nding this
medlehre noa preventile for 'Fewer and A gng,
Chill Fever and all b'e'ers of a Billiouts
T y ink It operate,' with iert ni ty. and thousands are
within to testif, to its W(11 - 111frrN virtues.
,Among the hundreds of 'laver Remedies now
ofihed to the nubile there irre 'mop we 4.3 • fully re
commend ire Dr. lisofitraics Itivigorialorolo
generally known now throng rout the Union. his
prlliarothor is truly a Id V kit produ-
Hug' the most happy results on all ho use it. Almost
innumerable' rertitirates haie lel given of the grrat
virtue of this medicine by th....eot the hi.thest stand
ing in snidely, and we kiting It to ho the loot. ingpora before thopubile.=ltudson County Democrat.
OIL ..kiALLAIt era coyote.
SANFORD A CO.. Proprietors. :145 Itmedway. New York.
Dr. Hardman, Analytical Physician,
l'hydrian Ibr diseases of the lungs, .77roat
and Heart,/hrniertill'hysielan to the •
Author of " Letters to' Invalids"' is coming
See following Card.
ritselute of the 1.un,..w, (formerly, Physician teSin
rintati Marine Hospital ' ) will be in attendance at toe
nation as follows;
Mansion Minsk Thursday. A
'Shippensburg, Union House,April - 8 - 0 - .
Dr. Hardman . treats Consumption, Itronchitia.Asth.
ma, Larryngittla and ail 'disease, of the thrust and
lunge. by medical Inhalatliat. lately used In the !Man
ton ilospltel. leondon. The great 'peatt In ,the treat.'
mutt of all human maladies Is to get at the disc," In
the direct manner. All ntedichtea are estimated by
- their notion - upon- the-organ requinng - relief - 'this In -
tho Important foci blunt which Inhalation iP • ed. If
the stomach is dieetmel we take mellielne directly Into
Ile stomach. If the lungs are diseased, breathe or In.
bale aneditsted venom directly into the lungs. Iledi.
eines are the antidotes to disease and should bsepplied -
to the very seat of disease. Inhalation in the appliet!
Hon of title prittripie to the treatment of the lungs, for
it elves us direct neves. to these'lntrleate air cells and
tubes which lie out of reach if de try other-means of
administering ntedielves. The reition that COOPISIIIO.
thin. end tothsncliseases of the lunge. have heretofure
resisted all treatment lots been bo4niete they led ' , ever
lotto, mom, ached n direct matinee toy medicine. They
were intended t 'I act talent the luniniand--yet .were
pl!ed to Mesh each. Their aethirt was intended to e,
local and yet they ware so administered 'that they--
shouldnetmenstitutionally. expending Inunedinte and
pritielpaf artiOn upon the unotlending stomach, whilst
the lout ulcers within the lungs were unmolested.
Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with
the dimmer, without the 'disadvantage of any • Host
action. Its myth:Mon -la-sosimple that it can i.e em
ployed by the youtt•,est infant or feeblest huralid. It
goes not derange the steel arh. or intetfere in the leant
degree with the strength, comfort, or business of the
rl'l'll RR DISRASES TREATED.—in relation to the .
following dleeasee. either when oomplleeted with lung
affection or existing alone. I also invite consultatiott,
I Inunity find them promptly curable. •
Prolaptue end all ether hams of female complaint*,
irregularities, end-weaknese.
Palpitation and other hams of Heart Disease. Liver
eranplehtt.,Dyspeppia, end ail other disease. of ettsztach
and bowels. Se. • .
All diseases of the eye and ear Neuralgia. Epilepey,
and all forma of nervous (He se. No charge for Cone.
Supt. 3n, 1857'. , S. D. lIARDMAN„ M. D. -
YOUXO AMERICA virroßrod-3.
One mail box of 1111, puree ninety nine cites out of
a hundred. No bum. no Mercury. no odor on the
breath, no fearof deteetlolv. Two entail VIDA a doiii;
tatteloei and , hativtlese or Water. Full direc , inne are '
en that the patient con rune 'hitimelf. as crirtalu
on with the advice of the meet eiiperlenred 0111 , 1Mq •
and inuch better ban-with the advice of one Of ilttb
experience in thlavilatta of dißeate. -
by entiloalnit one dollar to DI. 1., t 1• ''Amos. No. 154
' North Seventh SI. below race Philadelphia; A Literal
.ffilwount to the Trade. None genuine 1.1111/nut the
Writion.Rlgnature of U. O. William Pr -iirleDir.
• Dr. W treatnent for Self abipe. Deaknem ke„
entirely different fr'm the usual room - Dr. W. hit
cured hundretie who have trio! about without 'benefit
The treatinent IR as rertnin to cure as, th • pull in to t
tine. , EI I hIOPO 4 . lltAUlp. and nddren. an .aleve.,
giving a full hiacory of thecae', and yoitirlll thin the
ileyjou made the wort to wore what enritiDni,ll.•
Jen. 27.-113414.-ly. ' • • , , ;
ipil.Flinci.Prilating duoo
Berpoetnilly yourl;
D. C. M. RUPP,