Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 28, 1858, Image 2

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    .. ~ .. . .
WEI!SIiISDAY,, AI , REL 28, 1858.
The legislature 'adjourned fitially_oniThurs.
day last, after a session of less than ordinal.)
,Interest. AR nsual,.four-lifths of the session
Was consumed •in *. prisate legislation, leasine
but'littfe . time to apotiss or mature • measurer.
of riblit benefit, To Messrs Fetter, Stuart,
McClure are•u—videFtratiyilbl
.gatlons for •legislatiee fiv,ow, especially. so to,
Mr. Stuart, chose daily attention to the Herald.,
In this respect, is fully appreciated During
the entire seesion, on' every untram
melted by party, lies,-Mr. Sttuirt has shown
himself is man at prudent, oonserwitoles feel
.nti.das lona no Cumberliiiiil county moo
be.feprtonented by a democrat; she can send'no
more worthy man than Ilugh Ste ;rt.
• Among the public acts,' which distinguish
the late session. is the bill fur the sale of the
fitate'C IN to the Sunbury unit Erie
rend, the effect of which is an immense saving
to the State; in the abolislitfieidof the Canal
Board; nether the immediate proceeds of the
•enle shill be beneficial or n,it. The 13 :nal.
Board remain in office until the meeting of the•
neit begislature, to settle up the business, uf-"
- ter which period, ' '
" halto's occupation's gone."
-Another.mensure of
.getieral interest is the
License "Law.. The. new lovi throws open 4 a
wide 'door to all who wish to engnee in the
liquor truffle, and estoblishetifree trade in rum.
• Ws hope, to see such au - --oppo-ition-orgtinized
ngainst it, as will, by the meeting of the-next
Legisloture, expthige it from the Slot itte BOOk.
: The tlemitOititic moj city of the Senate ths
gratied thaebtoly, by passing an net to abolish
uJ e - Wilmot's disttiet. for the purpose-of
gislaringhim'outld vffise. The motive won
too transparent to deeldretVkone. It WnB a
vlntliativeprestittition of power. to pont.ll
potiticol opponent—a petty scheme of revetige,
rthy.:Wltleli meta who prefix h . onordde to their
• nornes. thonght to shelter t h emselves behind
their legislative poi: ion, and; onstassin-like,
- stab Judge Wilnioi in the "dark. The House,
however; gallantly caws to the rescue, end .
klllel the oaring "the Legislalure
from the consunimotion of ti g eat Wrong.
• The Legiillittite ohm pissed a law rt quiring
the appointment of three CoMmissioners to
codity the renal laws of the State, each Corn receive a italary of two thousand
alohnrs. The Governor leis appointed Jiitige
LEWIS. Attorney' Generol KNoic and Mr: BUCK
ALLAY Commissioners wider the 10w . 5,1 •
The Committee ofConfeteiice. to whom woo
referred the diengeoement between_ the two
ton disgracmul trick„by which they hope to
mime tie Lecon.pton COlll/111111i011 on the
people of Kopme, andby achieve the lang
bill now reported by Mr.Ensiisll pioviden that
• certain Lit.d Ceilinonce, tiie peo
. ple of ,111110Dniount - of publio
ihsll be pultnitted to tiuse of the people 'in
connection with- the Lsci..turdor Constitution:
If the bill and ordinance io accepted, then
be' 'Minified by proclamation of
the Pt eeident. lint; if the people of K umar
reject the Constitution, c mpied with OM bribe
of pubic had, they ore to either the penalty
of being' kept in a territorial condition . , until
such time an Kansas- 01;111 bare 1 population
sufficient to middy her Inn repreeentative in
the Ilou.e.untler the nppoitionment, the ratio
of winch iv nearly 100,000. 'years tti4
elapse he fore that 'Tmid of populati 111 l is
reached, with the element of alavery idrendy
engrafted in the Terrib ry, the people of
coo any he (Tided to ndopt the Lscampton
fraud, however repugnant, ns-it in, with
a grant of laude, in order. to avoid greater'
The Administration, having been defeated
in every ammo to force Lecuitupton through
the Comte, are tinw Tesorting to contemptible
trickery to gain their object. With a hih ain
one hand, and a whip itt the other, they soy
to the people of K.I4ISIIP. "You millet vote for
the Litiettipton Constitution, with Its protec
tion if slavery, and all its . fraitile, or we
will keep ion out of the Confederacy. until
you ate bodied into " Thin is the
pure inglish of 111 r. Enalioll'a bill, and we leave
the mil jest for our readers to make their own
Lourx.'April 17 —The -Republican - learns from
a molter entitled to ot edit, that all 'express
messenger pii•eeil through this city shout two
weeks sieve, W t 6 illl4tlllo lo lll l to
sum not .to 0111111111 noe ofb tt ive operafiona
agubuit the Mot moos before the arrival of the
Peace Cotniiiirsionera
The pr fey of . Mr. Buchanan in
regard In the Utah Expedition it. contemptible.
Alter - a large outlay of monry and puliki
stores, in transporting a hotly of men, within
striking distance of the Mormons, it is .rod-
JolinstonN Nice is not large enoligli°'
to not. with efficiency, and he is therefore or•
tiered to wait until the spring for reinforce
ments. Bring opens, and orders are issued
tomencentrate-a large farce; to unite with Col -
Johipton'il command, when a- new-line of po
licy strike+ the President. and he appoints
Peace Commismioners to confer with the Mar.
mane! and Col Johivitnn is instructed not to
commence Imstilities before the arrival of these
Peace Cammissionere. Sit, we are to have no
war at last, and we just feel like the gitirigliV"
Walked ien miles in the rain to see a man
hanged. and miine hecau-ie he
wee reprieved. We hope, iiiviever ‘ that peace
will ant he Made until all the mule contracts
are filled. '
Tae L4QCott LAM—The new L , qunr Lnw,
will helound en ot.r first page, it will he in
farce-probably nhnut a s yenr, and then. h
"peroe•led,by a new one, when .the next Login
la!itre meets: The following are iternain fea
tures.. ;
•• Voltam. to he granted in Philadelphia by
tte David r f Appratverty in Aqesheny county
by the.Avatioiate Judaea and Treasurer. nod
1 4 - other count ea by the Judges of,the C isms,
qualified discretionory. power. over the
The minimum price of licence' with poles of
over slooo . to be s2s.qtod 'under $lOOO
to he
IQ 5 —lu=- Phibolei p hut_ a t tvb
minimum to be $5O. Hotels and rfolverna to
be chiesified and rated according to the enlee.
OU'ealev of,$10:000, the licence to N. s4lof
on sales of4ttoutt-the_licenee be.s2so; en
Sales or $6 0 00: the licence to he WO; nod
on 'We's oromm, the license to he $5O. •
• Retail brewers to ' , scrotal' se eating bouncy
414.protnere to be oppototed. to P'SHlllllle and de-,
trevielinterated anti drugged liquors, and the
sitricif eUati u oft") rob' II lied and putiltilied.
Gerriehnegrforntyp of Girtele, hoe beennp-
A n ted:C*lr 'to the ;Attorney General,' hy'
": The sitit ;lit! Eltnie'lgrfaillttp:
•y, tr,A;l3.),
, .
- • Ahliontik the Cegisliture long shim. nholish-•
did hitteriett in Pent:Sylvania:end prieeed bests
• imposiw4enelties bn the sole of lottery tick
etcr_ it:fiery tomtit eeemo to be7e
feken:pcssession of the peoPle.• flumlmß
Frowsier On 4Mittlity,. end the ntdrpnl Is cot": .
finite ly stirred 'up fey the !misfit of those who
wont to "see the Elephant," bye POI' OrPoll1.•
there under the tinme of Gift Book Stores;' ! -
‘, " Gift Concerts," and flashy newspapers The
cf. cities are overrun with them, end brew:hes
1, are new sent out to the country towns. PO ki
more effectually to tench the enrol districts.
41it_al,few_weisks ranee Ctirlisle woe
honored with one of these "gift enterprises;"
in the shape of a onek-ntore.,whers honks were
offeretlia " the lowest retail price," ittOl'a li
beral supply of gold (? ) watches. pencil. nod
hreest-pins thrown into the barman en gifts
The bait took—the store wale crowded, Mid.
those OM pressed through. to 'get a hook nod
gift;could fully realize the trouhle eons. wield
upon, the •' pursuit of gilded supper under
' diffictilties " Even professors of teliginn: who
would he borri • fied at • the• idea of 'fumbling.
were net %limed to t.gafiteir pile' . ;l om a,
book, and looked with as much anxiety for
the drawing of the v i e. pn if titeYlnfdennl
in front of a faro. • -hank;;ith theii•ehfps, vibra-•
Ming on•the Aura. of a card, . . • '. ..• •
In the spirit of the - times, it Dr, J. 'Payne,
. _
Dentist, has opened ft:Benevolent Inealudori at.
-Illoontingtoti,lllinnia, - where I.em - okeit - tficlor;
• 1 lolving . litet HI offer: "A beautiful silver Cup
Will he ipt'esented •to the person having the.
• gr. ntest • unieber of teeth event:red—and u
splendid gold watch will he awarded to the
one the Ceroritriificierteethin
eer ed. Teeth es,tracted for $1 per dozen."
• The Mayor of New York seems tletetinined
to root thrise swindling ouncerns out of that
city. A few wee ks ago, Gib- Pullet paid a
visit to 872 Grontl.street. the " liCad eptotterti
fur bargains," of _C....E..Tt.th1.& ~.itntl ors
-- 'reiteri - ammirtOlisrfirthiebtf
• aged the concern, awl - had-tvri4Orlifteivoinen
employed, minted Cothatitio and Mary TUdd,
to aimed to th‘cerrespotinence."
The girls stated that 'they were itino . iny
connected with the concern, nor wits there
ouch II firm its C E. Ttithl & - Co thet
Was the only person carrying on tiott • hu-itiess,
. mid they were employed by hint to answer let:"
tete. The' Alityor accordiugly:diechorlci t h e
gide, III( to hail in • the stun of $1, 7
_OOO. 'thropetting the letters, $2lO
'wa it found
enclosed in. nboul, sixty of them, for chinces
n the gift enterprise. - • '
• Tile Clerk: et the. Post'Office stated ihnt C
E. Toild.&-Co , fur the Imo month or two, hue°
not received less - then one hundred letters a
day. •
It is thought,tlint -;the receipts of Todd &
.1 about $1,500 per . , •
Loot • week, the Moyor'e - Police arre4led
Aleeers lb an & Slooghter, the ploprrene ol
another gilt Foilce.fo_on _Broadway, Thi l / 4 s _
terpnze wee tononged by the pehlication of nr
Piper oath d the "Golden Prize " filled will
tlaelty. tiensatiou Yo,k Led
ger school, and illustrated with thr uxiuul Duni-
I or of ill designed, - and worse executed. wood
thseharged the defendant,,
1 , 11 their pt utilise to abandon the buAti r se,
The game- r n.w is flats tin \ a" - sleit;epe; .11 , 1 ns
long us King Humbug rides in his vouch, aunt
won *retain
. must be•ciontent to trudge by the
_ -
On.thf right Track.
'As an evidence, that the straight-out
Americans, are coming to. their . set Hes,
we clip 'the foliowitgsparagraph, front the
Philudelphk Daily .IVi..ics:
—The Springfield Illinois Weekly Amer-.
teen lit an editorial article, after review
ing- the Administrations of Pierce and
Buchanan, imd the results office year*
of national uull;fleation rule,'lmyti: -
"But now there is an all important
work to do." This Uttiuk is itiyhe ands
olcorrupt mid bitter foes. A rottsn dew
ocracy is casting its desolating blight everything lovely and pleasant inour
political existenco-:' 4. • ° .
"They have gained grezt .pawer, aqd
now:lnuntaip it by illustrating the Maxim
," divide and conyeur." , Let the lust few
years teach us one and all, who are op
posed to their nefarious schemes, a Imo
of practical sense. Let us learn to har
monize. Let us. for a while forget our,
individual prejudices and preferences.
Let the Whig uronee himself from the
political lethargy tliat oveishadows him,
and yetnemher that he is strikitl: dowit
the saute enemy that bound his, great
leader:to the grave. Let the Amerimn
who lovesliii whole country, forget for a
while his plebeian tenets, and join Naiads
with the Whig and the Republican di
vest himself of whatever of sectional
thought tuiy have cramped and eontrac 7
ted hiS s'ol, ,and stand'aide by side - 'with
the Whigshnd the Anierican,. Until the
great work of purifying our corrupted
government shall be uecoMplisbedi
CENTRAL RAILIWAD.7-1 . 110 Pittsburg
Dispuich to n late number, epenke in glowing
terms of the n(iminkb'e mlinuevoigit whioli
*Oharniteriien the Piinn.ylentan Centre!' Ril..
road, in the security, es well ato the speed or:
morel. ;AYh have penned - frequently over the ...
.rood, and cheerfully endorse eiery word of
the Dispayklta i
n n recentdrigApyAlladel
phis we until:eaa "neSi - wkle," Which saves
yhe of an exclusivs smoking oar. A
~ good cigar may be very god in its Once . , but
to be forged to sit inn crowded ear,' with the
windows down to exclude the night sir.' while
fire men are , industriously ptiffing at , as many
font mum and blowing the smoke in, the Mors
of the passengers, does not argue touch for the
' attention of the conductors.
ACOIDE.Nt—We - learn front the Cin•
tinrudi Colnmerrint. of the 21st - inst.,' that..the
retrults that left C•itlittle %make last 514 , 11-
day wfrk. met with an azeitlent onhe,
antl.llli-sissippi Railroad. 'Tile thift*,..:9o4
;heel , utFirr.otte of the second chic! can woe
br keit; and two or three curs ran ittT the track
....Stvernrof the_ioldiere' Wrio bruised; but no
lives were lost. •
If Uncle Sam rip full fare for his' men we
should. like to know why .they tire
aboard of t+eaond satin lYliegrre~ nn
s ngeitt of the'dovernmetutte again.' a R a th.
rand company. that pte, to . printioe im
position nn themen. he should give the, order.
• Passengers - change ears hire." ,
~ •
Tits Bsn Aor.of THIS SnostoN, , —The , Smte
Legiolotiirr„Mipnrmi vim die td-rny, *loin the
mrthhers *nit •pnaltrt 'hair , 31 . 2011.rztrn rny,
pinion from rho' Trfloloury:to foe. their cloned
tuento,— , vutuntei , y the 22 , / init. ' ."-
Att d,lni r ge majority of both brauchet , of the.
Legjelature are the political friewle of the
it'• r of the' Volunteer, they will; no,doubt,
tL•tt . " " •
Air,iwaa uii sew Autteirtisuma.
"1 The etentner "Paean Spray," on her pan-
sage tol'enria, Illinois. when about fivo nines
above St. toad's, took fire, and was Maned to
the writer's edge. filleoeins riming tit' the lime;
with the ttllattinbal.thty," one of the.Heekuk•
pekoe. • ' . • •••;',•
STkinnewn Or Mn. T, W. BRANDON, 13ttir, , ,
risoLURIC.-111r,Tirtiellot_ weston_beertt the,
Ocean Spiny for the purpose of •attentlingAtt.
the shipment of about 200 Mtge of eolt.
the boot woe to tithe on boned. nene.Seleher'e
Sugar ?glittery. After,' -hoWever, hob boats ,.
were out \tulle ityentri;ned the race had fairly
begun ; be Cnittuip' informed Mat
lie'could not stop for the reit, and -he would
klire to ogrry l'orhe wonted
to bent the Ilnunibnl City, which hoot was at
the time ifoining nn the Spray. Mr. Itrandm,
stoles thu;
4 he eve the: firemen on' the .
. ;City hrettk.neup rosin am) costing
it •n fornnee. R h thehnots were round
iitg the.point 'Move, the city, they were 'very
-close together„, the Seolitik pocket Mitring
etendily :Pitinell upon her rival,.nmi olmost
coning Mt.- juncture. the fires
of the Ocean Spicy were fad with rosin and
turpeptine. mol•witis the inorente of etentn Me
was jest beginning. to gain upon hercompeti,'
for, when the, alarm o fire. tens henril -Mr
Brandon says he became alortnorat
,the heat.
of the Milers; ttel thinking there was some
danger of nit eiPhision.-wentupcn the-Ittirm-.
cone deck, nuthomed hock until -he woe 'over
the Indies'vabin, gie toys there 'won conside
rabic excitement on. bogrd.- nod molly - were
extrevitely'engious to bet on flue CUCCRFD of
-their-boot: 110-soys he hod-been-- standit4t
over tire Indies' cabin but n few'inioutes. when
he woe etortled by n Mat cry of •' fire.” coo
ingit iPrrindistitictlY from Abe forward port 'of
10 boat. The cry - erns limmedittiely followed
by sevettill eltouts, oud cooing hiiceye townrds
thepiltit 7 hotitte. Fie sad the pilot give the wheel,
tt-4cry-sudderi-tern; - 010 - Iwitierdy - tlfortiartfilift;
which wilt. ;atom ''2o 3 . ltrda....i.tit in the btu Mint,
-begot to bend for shore- -At this the
Was great • tun' the cries of the patisengerirtte"
gun to he fearful end 1420Di:ink' The wallet'
and children; croced with olortn, were Word
in thegainltin below, while the lionne shoot;mot
of the men in tepid mode the moment must
terrible. Ills first itnpult.e.'directed !din to
rush-..forward. Ile roil to, the wheel-house
?taps, Find hod placed his foot 011 the fires e•;ep,
when a vuhlt of flamed tind - ettioke fmint below; - ,
- Nt
droVe• ' back.
• lie then iron ,ilong-the roof forward
o f the pihrt•lio.llBP, and before the boot lied
struck' theehoi... jomPed for hie lire, landing
mofely en the ttliore. sonnewhot chocked and
nuinbed .ram the full, but not verion,ly but t.
. Brandon says the ept•ctocie fro:n the
t4iore MU most heart rending. Too blie,t
'first 16'0 to save their biggege,' Po:prof them
throwing in their trunke atoUthen jumping in,
„after them, citheie were 'eemderne,l . fay' for
the/11,41mi omftiteir - ebildren;:nuil - ritn ---- mil,h.
ty-nhout-eerrankiog fur help. Ac the 'biters
* Tr - 4W' • ttietn.eive4 down from
th,.. - gtani:dn, while one. or two ',ere seen
rlide down the rope.. ;not poets n t the rear.
Utter mow) , were sunk or Met man"t be to.eyr
him d, nor even peeped nt now Them were
some fifteen or twenty women on hoard, and
Koine eiµht - or • ten are Or that ore- thought to,
be eared.
Serttrol which were fastened- in stalls
beltind 'the wheel-lieu-e, were burned up The
kickings, rovinge, and huninn-like 'cries of
these poor-bruterots the flames wrapped then,
orninuti, ore described no most •tetrible awl
afflicting. • •
After the upper part of the boot had netirly
been conannied nn explosion of n keg of pow..'
der took plaice in the !MK, which added to the
consternation of those ott shore, NII. Brandon
describes one wenton who was buoyed tip in ,
the water by her clothing, chic thatch
111R11 against the Slot- of !lie West, whe;trehe .
woo modeled by n gentlemen, who extended
hero long sapling or pole, to which she dung
tuttil tonne gallant swan! in mid res
cued her.
Mr. Brandon inye be saw one family, of n
nr,u, MS wife, end two girle, who nil got
offs,fe, hut were lamenting the lose of their
little hey, who. they mold, wee bane.) op.
lle 4.1!o saw the holy of it duck hood pulle.l
out bel.4 the Sum of the Wee , . life wow ex•
Attout..twenty pontoon were lost,
A State Convention oftheE.litots of Penn
-9)1 ruffle. was held ut the Mueical 4 Fund flak,
au the 21st inet. the olject of which, WAN SO
fk;rtn s Siate.E Mortal Assoaktinu The ful
lowing preankhlu awl resolutions were milkukit-.
ted to the ounven4tm .4 C. J Peterson ut
Philadelphia and 'adopted.:
WuEux,,its, When - This convention as
sembled it was found that there existed
two ergaidzlttions—each claiming to, be a
State organization, one called the Rey.
stone Euitorial Union,. and the other The
Editorial Assucmuon of .I'4ol , :ylvania.
Theretose it, deemed best to'nlC - rgeboth
associations into one, audio invite co Cp.
sylvitnia fir the purpose. Therefore—
Reso/reti, That the name ofthis organ:
izatiot shall be the retuillvasiia Edito
rial_Union. •
2d. Its officers shall consist of a Pres
idiutt, eight vice PresidenV, aVreasuren.
five Secretaries, and one Corresponding
Bd. There shall be an Executive Com
mittee or five. to.whieh shall be referre'd
all dock of orgauizatihn, which coin-
Atitke slUtil be itgiacted by the Chair.
first_annual meeting ; of the
-Union shall be field cuthe second Wed
nesday in June, 1858, in the city of
1'1660101a, and thatthe Corresponding
Secretary be • directed -to give notiee
of said meeting to every editor in the
The following persons were suggested
'es the officers to be elected
President—Morton Mo
Vice , Presitleiiie:---lievi L. Tute, John
G. Patterson': 3t. Lyle.NlVlOte,i,Jos P.
.B.trr, P. R. Pros,- Evans, 0 .N.
Worden, i!alivard Skull, •
Treasurer—Louis A. Godey.
Secretaries—J. Henry Pule ! , ton, J
.Ilueeton, Geo: Thiyinond, J. /1 Davis.
Corresponding Secretory—C.J. Peter
SOU. • • . - •
The above . name,d gentlemen were
un n int ously4l etaetf as e off eery o lio
Union. .Tinf elmaion being, terminated,
the'lfivicattiiirtieipatcctin a banquet, at
Petry l iTsaleow, in .Walutd:•street, above
Third, provided by city represents
tiros of tink`' , Uniun.- . From the reports
in the city Opera we take it Tor grunted
that all present eitjeyed a good, time:
The Convention . Wes decided succeas;
and catittot.da . o th erwise
,than begot the.
lutppiest results.'
Oxygenand- Bitters.—F , ,r . the bore of
p'sprit end, general Dttbility; \iiiitFoine„ it
fWool , e.:Ottintra'tt , ifil is
to nit of reeerienoe, end 'An •tetientte knowl
edge ei tkie salami or Sewn' ttimuteles. , •
eoWli. tuunty__altatters.
Meteorological *roleter for the Week
. 1 0 11 41144pr1L iss4". :
1145£1 .' iTiierwi I Bain I ': . atmoin:rko;
; I
Tag/day., 4 , 00 - .60 • •
- Wednseday - • --- • *
ThuiSday 60* 00 ' •
• 54* 00 . - j •
• .
~ 12 00. Frost.' ' - •
Sunday..'ll AO Frost. .
Monday. 42 00 -- Frost.
47 00 -60 .
• * .1:go tlegr'ee of heat in the shove register
is the. tinily 'overage of three obeervotious.
TOW N TALE.- It is ri o te ' • n I
crnlly,b,•lfevol,thnt N. Napoli, lotXl.receivell
it very homisolue nsecrttuent of !too& • for
'Npriog land Nuirimer emir. with which he; ex
1 , t0t4 to trtiprove the habits or tho,to , . who omit
on him. Nathan inn reiolor 'couservittive,
und goer , in . fdr measures dud men.
. .
..reople'sny that ' Ogithy h ,l! tile hand.ometil
mute-romp iii,town •ittol Ogillirsays tliut the
heauty of his nett - gentis are id - kiii , pftig - with:
the room. If-this he 00, his goods will um:in
he in (hp kieping 06110 ladies." •
It i; said, that Keller hos a vi ry fine. stock
of.Bp . ute,"Shoes.find ' iists 11119 season, and we
:elieve it, lor.lCeiler. eieierties ti.strin
his selections. Ile con fit the , head and tot
both, .n feat, that i.boetinaher.olten try,in vain
Salton is still at his old tricks of trying to
persuade the farmers to spend their money for
omit:Ottani implements, of which he has
great variety, A.thaugh Sation.tietilitTextat-_
sively Sit hardware, he Jill) a the new Liquor
L ow. won't effect is said, the Town Conseil will recisive
prepos.ils fur pikintt s rrtas.btreet,lss the North
e.-11 Lthertiees.. C..ntr.sesors toilet hove their
buds its I.y the .2.1 s of May.
Town COMICALITus.—We take some
credit here, for being n quiet orderly commit:
city. but, we oceinionly get op little nide en - .
• ternftimente by way of variety, just outlicient
to - ke - e . p the moral utniniipbere frortnetngtinting.
- game lloye 'vet we wiutesHed - Htl rxiiinpore
fight "on the eqn . nre. between . two colored gen;
tleinen t one of them I eing lightly eprtang in
the knoen. from nn overdose of str3cllnine,
wan made to "kit. hie mother um J," by the
nit of n light tap tinder the ear, mid when he
gnt_np, eplureed rounii n go-od denl to find the
imail tlint.hit hint: bat did not happen to iiiok
iu the right diirotion....
. .
Lauer in the evening we I stfir nnnther "cul•
slightly inebriated stitinring'
- proniii.nuon4ly.:n6t -- nniinuoty — lnviting-Uonte
ont• to ..jump into but. no nnbotl • permed
inclined to it . rtietipe rynttint•tieri At the-time, we
ntis•tetl the nitphrtunity of wit nersing It e effoot
'prAtlttee.l by our nattit innliting int. 'mother - •
otte dny long w,e!..k reel lents in the
netehh.trhoo.l orate Beria• fliet;,wit e thrown
of excitement, by. the. ttirert
drunken Whtin;tt n M Ili] eteert.
She tins very. disorderly, mid .seemed tie-.
terniined to t:eo . iti 1101 its," nod hove it good
time generally. but hosing rod-11 .note feats
of ground nod. lizyty:tionthiltig; by running her
niitbtrlbt thrt.tigh one of the show window., o f
Ktd yew shoe store, Iligh Constnlde Bretz.
ti to the,i,e*e . .!thd.politely iliVilOgl herd°
the ITigisirtitete , effice. This she resisted man
fully. end 6n,411,0 Intent 'herself down in the
middle of the eireet • where, she fought nod
etrugted with SUi3ll violence that it moire.'
the efforts of thre'e men to gt t h. r to the office
",81. It three 'lichee if mud nit.l writer in the
street, we colt enfely.nettert. thst vralloing in.
it, wits by no mean—improving to her j ert.ottni
oppettranoi.„wittlid the indecent exposure of
her per,on may_ he • intogined, but citinnt be
described. fu. titer dubs to utter n h. pu that
w h en. feton'e goes on it spree again, she
will tolopt the “illumner costume."
kent.—A meeting of the old members- of the
Artillery' Compony,'yno hell in the
Col:Mt' House on los; S ouribly erenttig so take
Into eopoidertition the propriety of forming i•n
r;!•tieelotion, by syllich•l he name owl tioninii•- •
tions, outmeeted with the old C ebonld
Le .perpetuated. • Cwt. E. M. Biddle was
milled Si. Alm Choir, nod Jomeli M. Allen wits
ni;pointed Secretory.. The roll of the CoMpii
fly war c.Jlyd, and the fulmering ineenhen;
ewer. tlMfr !Mines : &din Halbert. E M
Il.d.ile, W M. Porter. L Todd. R. A 'Noble.
E C 1111M.111, J It. Turner. J Weibley, 3 M.
Or; gg. T. Miller, P. M..nser, It.
Gregg F. Dlnkle; T. J. 8.,11,20. Crop. A. S
S;Mer, J. 13.irlio. F. S G. A A. L
Simio3er. W. Carl. F. C. Porter. L
A Delitiff. R Nottlier. T. -J- Iteigliter; J. M.
A11en...1. Spottswiciid, F. Commit.. * _ '
.The objeut of the meeting Loving been stn
-teildt- rm.-on-motion •
`ll4. Ived : Thin L Todd 3. Milliert, W.• M.
J AI. Gr..egl'J It Turner. , D snith.
E ,Cornenin. It Netuller nuJ•L M. Bh4Jle. he
si econmittee t.. irpurt n WWI foor alll 1111 4 110aliOn
in he outouttted to the Compony et he next
meeting. - , , •--
After n friendly interchange of opinion
among the me'inbers, the meeting adjourned
to Inert ugain at the call of the Committee.
. Chatruian
Citunott —poring the week before last, the
1.1ar.1 of nankeen° ;Missions of the Eisvt.rn
Synch of the Germini Reformed Church held
its annual session iti this place. quite a Thiel.
her of those compmting the.' , l4l.toril" were in
oiteinlauce.. The Meeting woo opened rn evening the 21• t 1114., with an ex
ttellehiand 'oppropeitata, pennon, by the Ite•,
I). G ups of Ilartishorg, the like billowing was
devte.l to' the tranetiotion of busitieSiand tie
services Nerr chimed t.o Thursday evening with
a very iii,truolive Nr4.l discourse by
the Rev. Dr. 13 rhart, Rrui•Went of Franklin
Mill Marathon C .114;e. The mksio..B und , r
the Mire of t hi . 13. dd. are.sepresioted no be:-
ing to a growinat outl:h'•pe ul condition severel
stappot tins during the lust
'leek! measure! here taken toextend their
,perotioite, to the Slate, oi"Nortit Corolh.•
.bete there k n feel amount or ototerhil
•ng the impiithy doJ sitent - Tiln of this
branch of the church :of •
...+-..-• i
Proteeeional .exed writer, bee taken ••oeme ..t
situ Nlxesiotcli•mee, vihere he will be hey y
oily op . lerithet*.3 b ink ter; writieg .
Irese dud .ev0i1 . ,134,0 , trd , .
,I metrw
lion wlll Riau be siege ate uDies:ehouhl be eb.
Mr has event tlitt...wittteratt ll•trehthurg;
md . the.pippre, ern *tie .ot.iro!crtt iii the his I •
shit term hi Ws charotttir
A 000 D 01 , 1 , 01ITUNITY FOE A PitWl
, _
TABLE WV sT)f Swift' whin
asked t:. itreach'it 'cluiritilre;eructc, he entered
the polpit . trucl trick pi his test: •
. " Ile that eiVeth'to the poor, lendeth to the'
. Lard, end Ile will. repay Iduiretkold."
• Now," paid lie, "'brethren, if you ore el--
lir fieti skit the security, 11.51911 sith the diet:" ,
An opportunity is noir offorde , l to . Rake
• eituilar:_in.quit.utti. 11.'
Church. 'A judgmMit wa..".mine time gn
entered ogulit'eCtitisVhurch on which, .execti ,
Oen hob ',sued, and unlims the money ie paid.
the Chinch will he eidd. • XIMItt five hundred
dollon,"hoie already heen'ohtained by gab-
Fprj pi io A lTnip . l the.ootigreiatioti‘onothlently-nr
. peol-to rho benevolence or the- - oillviorof
and Its vioin - dy, to desist them out of the
&Moan. persons ihn hove nie4s will, no
doubticlTlly n.dil them:l4ller, of tlti
to Ice s,ecinl tie , usits in a (usk Ihnt: never
payment, e.pecin4ly, when by doing
no tliey will enable the Winyah, in the Intuitinge
of the Rev. Wm. Barnes; to raise n financial
jingle iu the mire of the Almighty."
BARRACKS BAND.—We have spo
ken before, of the rich dreat off,rded to out ,
citizen evgry Turtobte mid Friday afternoon
by the thdightffil untie of the Btmeks Bawl,
in the public seta ire.: jive+ life anti nob.
to the town, amLiA an ocreeable ear-
Price .
ittrangertt Woul 1 it not be well,
therefore._ret,thi:' citize i nsof the borMich . do
device come mane by 'Which they eouldi show,
the r appreciation of the polite attention of the
'CMema 'dant tit thepoit, at; well as the Mind.'
in tliie matter . We would eogite*?t, PA .one
by the Batel,nt-B-in
- eintibn awl. which 1.1 "Id be, to them, a co'in'
phmentary henifir. Who seconds the motion?
1).W, , till speak at once. Bat let a - committee
of gentlemen take the natter in haw!, and we
have no dlould the people will tospond heartily
to the call. r
ger A union meetingof all denomina
intelinit of, the Billie Catvol. will he
belt in the 1..1114 . t . Lutheran
,Chiirnh, of this
place, on SaiLath everiing next, at 74 u'elork.
key: Mr Torrence. of Philadelphia, Ic expect
to be 'prevent on the ocaaehin:
nlet, of cliiiinh(;r4iiire, have just isseed a new
paper called ..The ludependent" , It is to he,
neuron] Hi - politica. `it willbe - the aim of the
editors tottilke jitiehorticter ietirreigiontl with.
it mime Che pOper prietith a very neat tip
.. pevrance, anti we wialrthe enterprizi , nbundant
elieceve. -
PunLic SALE: A publicsaleof personal
ropeity, will he held itt theresic:ence of B A:
Atighittbsttpli, on son?li, Pitt street.. esti
. p..noret oil NO, nip Woqnstelny the 28111 inqt
Stile to et nun. nee tit 2 I' 111. Porch
niece tire 'requested to attend, tie the sale will
TIM,. Dr iforilinno, will he nt-the ITtnsion
HOURP on TI11111,1iuyr ow) tinwo who
lily to commit hint, will take notice
sre tolver.isenient on 3.1 !Inge,
Our. llooft enfge
. .
The Foreign gunrierly lieviewe
T 111: • BbISBUIVIII It F.lll-.ll'. Jan. IMP. • Coorreicrs:
1. Prorpeetsof the Indian Entigro; Milman'o
tory of Latin Chrtottnnlty ; 3. Pcottloh Unirermity
Reform; 4. "The Angel In the House: fi. The Adding
ton end. Pitt Alminlotration ; it. Tom Brown:o Pavel,
'Days; e 7. kbhe Le (Heuer. Stomata, of Baronet; 8.
The Irawkern . Literature of Franco; U. Lord Orer.
atone on Metallic and Paper Currency.
THE NORTH BRITISH n Evunr, Fob. 1858. CON ,
TENTS: 1. Lord Mahon'm England. Walpole and Pull
nay; 'Noplea, 11548-.1658; 3. Scottish Natural
'Science; 4. 11111'o logic of I riduvldu ;,..s.,Arzold and
Ids Sch ol ; 6. Proverbs Secular/ and Sacred; 7. Qua
trefame Rambles of a Naturtlyt; Q. Capital and
Currency ; 9. Poetry, The Spainiodists.
Eyre: I. African life: 2. Spline and Spirit nap
ping; 3. 31orayslairm 1 Shelley: 5. 1
NV*35118.04 . 4 Preteetatism ; O. 'l•he Crisis anints Cam
11.91: 7. 'the English In India; 8. State Tampering*
witiOlonerand Dank*.
1. Inflieultlos of Railway Engineering; 2. The Ilia.
Tie Peerage 1:f England; 'rubles Smolett: 4. Wilt
shire; 6. Church Wenslon; '6. Fentvot Pain In Man
and Alinele; 7. Woolwich Arsenal and Ito dianu.
factoring Eetaitlishmente; 8. The future manage:
wont awn' Indian Empire.
There is no species of Literature more at
truotive to men of cultivated inbuilt end sohol
hrLY attainments their able Reviews of the bent
publications of the .lay. It is impossible to
remi—mvett..y it vett rending-all that is
sues from the prolific pre-s, but it is det.irttble
to cullos large on count us may be front its
ht uie t fruits. .We lied in flits country, from
time to time, sonic very tilde specimens of pe
rimlical literature, but none of them 'ivier sus
tained so lenglitheneC an existence. et este..
.li-lied such permanent riPute as the above
Foreign Reviews. of which the enterprising
puithsher., Leonard Scat & Co., furnish. MI
with such tiocanttv and eireAt4 reprint's -Their
pages abound with eloborate criticisms, bril
hint essays, profound speculanons, and with
whatever of intoreA may lie found in science,
literature, morality, and religion, thus being
'dike hY,liitiiensable to the scholar. professional
tna 11 l or Intel igen( reader. - They' wand forth
ile the critical censore 9f British literature.
cud present ft compendium of all that fei inter
sting in the World' , of letter, Lind no time
mild be better employed than .that devoted
out careful and attentive perusal of their pa.
es. .Vor,'Hit another line noid, we .hove in
them it Quarterly 'Cycl.ptiqiu, h ' rouglit up to
the hoe,t, minute: various, general and cow
pr . eken!ive, but neither eoholasee, abstruse,.
nor we.ikeneid with iletitil4; strong without
coarseness; mono uctivit without pedantry :
practical eithlut meahness.
Ti e " North Biitish," which bad recently
,beeotite iess Etratigrlitpil time in iti earlier
genre, hati got-hook to ism/N.l)(4th, tots
cotoltaute 1 on the snipe tirmeiples awl with tht•
some vigor which ohoroctrrit , ti it' whei t
tile 0 ire or Chalmers 011;1 hie illurtiimin Om
von,. The t.rv.e.eitt editor of 'he Eliliburgh.
in ylr. (let:ye; of the Nt,rth Profetooo
Fn . namtt: of the Irremi , ,iver, JoiNCIIAPMAN
( L Ina ttkeeller) or tilt
i,"l-9.uarlerly Rey. W ELWYN. An übbi corp., it ,
ottuclara to ettch
_oitoi eat taltot of Great lig
. •
•• Staotitttd.. Own, Its
wOrk.4 ere itnd ever balm been, b'y Abe Itigittito.
oinirrof eoliplpoolo n Ali itj awl politica!' aajt • -
city, we need Hot he aorta hted to Rod them'
oeOupylog a tat u.l'pre-enduenee
the' liternry oroducilopis of the woril;
negltot of their high claims noon aotodil. ,
station of all chigoes of the intelligent coati ggggg
otty,would ileoes,arily . argue a aorresia;ndiap
italiff,Tence to the groat interet4e thootitii
•mnn wenl.". • . '
Fiery intelligent reader should notowrihe
Ut i'• perittilicals'iig nil' touch
coo b e intellettond . 1.0e0t." nod ,whleh' tb
ontettrino of "Ainerhittiyoldi7 , hers has ph,aeo
-14410‘14..iiifg ie
referring our' ren.lereto thttr embes titortc... 114 .
„itUot her coittitu . , t , tliere they will seit s :thett there
fiftirgignutio.lte'vlewo, together, With "13:tiok7
wood," 'ore fin 'Melted,
.hy them for $10 : yee
year: ' lu Greta Britain they emit $Bl.,
V. hove. received 'fro n' the, puhlishers T. B.
& Ilr•o+hers Philadelphia
Mrs. hotrr Mph+ for the . million,
tninini;four'tlimmusand five• hundred mind iftirty
hoe recidpts. facts, dancfitmns, r kpoikledge,.ele,
in the Userti!.. ”rimmegi CO mind domestilt ,Am le,
nod in the condinit of life, by 'Mrs. Sarah 3.
H .le; complete in one 'urge •Ntritatteil • near
8110 pnges, nently hound imr cloth. We-have
curclully-4Xamined ' tBis •.stlimme_ond - noti;•
Hider it,ittaidetily_the hest work of the . kinml
we leave- seen. and fu ly
ing fromn . ihe.Dullar Nampaper. •
From itt pogen thone e;ho hove not leintne
from Inoine,s, nor nptitTie f.r mento! toil.nnq
.of liartl otudy nmi an itimisaintiunce .. withthor ,
sands of yobitties. ..11 . - very receipt, every pre
cilit is praakal, and line been tested mid
proved Worthy of credit. Those little secrete
of the Arts,. which professore"sell so 'dear,'
through long Courses of lessons, ore here dies
put in it form that nay per - son may
.:118V thou with great prnlie here., for the
.first time: those goldiiirake of conduct, which
our Washington framed fur his Own , guidnuce
is early life, are net before - the people ; - extra°.
.teil front the ponderous, hi rrrtte volutiiiM in
Moly - they have been
theme wise' maxims will now be, accessible to
all. The yo - ung the inesperiettot4,. awl those
who live fir fr seminaries atitl.9ities
in this hook find du retiol'is th at" will be useful
iit.evofy emergency awl' 11141 -Itimrne
thin whi h will stuud them, instead of what is
called an ,acebniplisliml minoUtium . It, is a
book 111,4 thould be owned by every toile end
tenmle in every city. town nod village in 'We
1 mil,and skald be ai ey Ty . Cr sql • throng' o t
the_ wurlil. Tuo.ex ei hmineke'eper,
'whose pride it it. to Odd tdAlie 13(.111 . f .rts bf her
home and the happiness of her• homily. mey,
hero itier'eube her stole of u , eful receipts':
otliers who peek to einhellfeli life by elegant
neeonirlioliments.will hind in the,e.pofges in.
volmihin ditectiony to tort her their pur-uits.
Iu siturtolt!neekers of amusement nod of utili
ty, niut.t ogre° that in ppest , :esing
receipts for the million; ": they will
. hove,
Abilium in l'urvo, the most cougilete work or
the kind iu the whole world."
Any - pc , iraaii read! th!g-t he price (1.25) ,o_thr
publialieN will. reeelvt..a e,.:py poet paitl, it
he hail at Slir)ock T y h r Sr. Smith's
COLLEGE Or NEW J casaY.-- , We nreindchted
in Mr. %%Idiom Br)son. of Silver .Spring, a
'ineniber of .the,Senior Clo.s, for a catalogue
t for H I I6WS
that it in in d vigorous -condition. The sum
mary gives • . •
S•oinry -
• Jnuirre .
- S. 111)ottiort.S:
Total, • . - : 272
Cletiiese . studr;nta, Pennsylvania fornallin's
New Jen.ey eiii -three, New York
thirryiwir, 'Mary' thd_ twenty three 111i!4:4:=sippi
1eri.._)11..(1 the refit are
. dtvided among twenty
did er. Southern. The
1.),-trict of Coltnnbia sends one, and Northern
India .ate.`
The Fhettlty of At t4convists of thirteen Prn
feseor;! nod fire Tot ore; and if we ate to
judge from . the •number of L. I. D's, D. D's.,
awl 31 It's. attached to their flumes, they-ore,
gentlemen of large experience and uudotibted
ability. Diming the part year. through;dlie.
liberality 4f Caleb 11:Shipman, Es ti . 4.f New
oak, n valuable beginning of 44 Geological Mu.
perm .bas bet n, made by a collection of alter
hundred speCies of fosrils, most of which are
represented by mtmerou. rpeeimens.'
We notice that our Ex-Governor. the (inn
James PolloeU',. i- to deliver the annual oration
before the two Literary - S4.cbtien, on the day
preceding Commencement. The Commence
ment faked lance, an usual, on the hot Wed
nesday in Joie. The Theological Seminary
Princeton has at prevent 130 students, 44!
whom 4-1 are Juniors, 50'srcond-clase, 87 Se
uiurs, 3 resident gtailnates, and one t cadent
mirsionary. ,
HOSTON, Jols 3, 1351
Gentlemen —Agreeably to your suggestion,
it gives me plea-ure to state, That some five
weeks ago,' I purchased two bottles of your
Oxygeontril Bitters, and commenced using the
tottn'e eicvoriling to directions,•nud experiecced
the happiest treed.
I lotil been troubled with dy.pepsia a bout
three years. Dining the warm season, and at
times was oldiged to Flit. up all toy attention
to business,.and although I hail the advice of
many point physician. Iw .s cidtfined for six
woeksdo the house, nod 'eontinued to grow
worse, until I took your medicine, I sot now
almost bure , i or every dissagtent•le
and able to du blleilllCBP its usual.
, The whole, credit of ley reeteration 1 . 0 health
is due u the Itt wonted
Youi• obeilieto Pervßnt,
Central Square E tst Bontoit
SETII W. FowLe S,Co, 188 Wit.hingb,n St.
Beaten :Proj.rieture. Suld• by their itgeetv
every where.. •
air We are not in' the hnhit of puffing
p tient:Medicines; but when such nn,nrlic'e lie
DU VA IZI,LVANIC OIL, which eustaititi
fcl what it claims: iq'firesetited . to the pub_
lie; we heel no hesitancy in speaking t 1 e truth
Gen Of charge. The ribose m en ti on ed medi
cine has obtained for intelf,a worht-wide m i me
never In go down with the'comnion article of
the 'My It in one of the eery hest remedies,
for nll kinds of pain. that can he.produceil,2-
It'often gives relief in 5 tninisten -Troy
J Tlri4 mrdirone is for elle by S Elliott. II J.
S E. W.s. Brtt
tin, Win. 11.. r .I. Ilond Alfroi :Min'right.
High Sz*Wssliinurr. J imrs Kyle. D Hopi
lt , r,spl& I.) cr. Orrin I'rtrr Qa,rll , r.
Alt.x.toder & Criilghend
Moore, A • • M I,l.ll ‘ iok. Miry W. Frbeel.
413A10- SAX'ION'S"
u , WAR Pllbis-G Alt
The subscriber has just returned from the Eastern.
cities, sod wuuld call the attention of his blends nod
the pul•lic gel . ..rally to the large and lied selected as
sortment of HAMA% Alt h widchlie has now,lon baud:
consisting In part of 111.111.Dlith IIIATt.11141:S j ouch as
Nails. Serowe, Binges, 1101 to, Locks (Russet bilsy-Alis."--,
wriptiiiii and quality. such as Common, ti bite. polished
Autelican. French. Enamelled and Dbuble thick of all
sixes. Paints. MN, Vartilsin'is. de- dc.•
TOOLS--Iticludlng 'Edge Tools of every description,
Sad*a. Hamm, Brace and Dills: Augers. Squares. ti nages,
Silos, Rasps, - Hammers, Vireo, Anvil, Screw Oates,"
Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a large assortment
of Toole of every description. together o Rh and
Gentlemen Morocco Lining. landing, Pettovit and
French Calf Skins: Shoe Timed, Awls. Vi as Imps: Lasts,'
Ilarnem.tinuitting, Conan., 'Bribing.. .Whipstock, lher.
- hair, Saddle Trees. Sc.. de. , .
Also. Coalilt Makers Toole and Trimmings of all kinds,
such an Hulot S o Lea, Felh es. Shall s Rows, Finer loth, '
Canvass, Cloth, Damask, Fringe, Lace, Illost'Aaloit,
Spring Delta. Sc,. do- "
' Cabinet Makers will find a large assortmei t of Tar
. lashes. Oak, Waittut,'and -Mahogany Veneers. Runts of
BELLS . ! BELLS! BELLS! •• all kinds and sizes, .31ouldings. 1 fysts, !lair Cloth
Plush, Curled Hair Chair and SofitSponge, de n
. Housekeepers will also fled a large ass. ntmont- of.
Knives and Forks Ilrittannia Alt stn and Silver Plaice
' The subscriber - halt been appointoil !Mani . 11; Tabl e And S4µ S p ume, , CAndl;;jdlido
•Nmib,rl,nd Wunty..for 'tbo colehrited areoncludlin I and Tongs, Iran and Wass liettiva Sc,. together •
FARM JISILIto which hhts selliog at very lor prices:- with Codarware of kinds, such at Tubs: Buekets,-
en article which him leen sold all over the Stole and ' • • .
given sedisfartion to all who have I-led them.—Also•-n —Agricultural Impromenti. embracing ' ilowsinfall kinds,
hand /VIM of the lieli , Mptal warm Rolls. awl ovorythlog tuitivators. lbws, shovels. en. Fork p.(Mitins dr:
one In pro farming and mechanical line...AU to be had' .11110 N. a largo stn k. aunprising all Moos in
geoeml -
at the dump bitdwaro,store of ' ,- 1 use which I am selling it city wholes/Heights.
, MINDY SAXTO•';,. I ltanterober.tits nid stand. East Stahl sweat,
"Cald//de s 'AVII,2III lkat /ban 14140,4%; :!. 44.41; ;
. •
flow vo ' fin Ecnnonipab.-True emnomy
Maisie!). tts.gettitir, the beet or every thing nt tt
fair prce. This is true of almost iTiery;thiog
to he putrabseMl, hut le especially true in the
purchase of a faintly Sewing - M whine - - nut
Oroyer & D'.ker's is the beet for family nes,
'ts - ttlain - thst - etan , tiot - hermecessfullr - disputed , .
Ind we advise our readers to purohose no oth
e'r It seas w etronger tuol more hinutilnl
.issn, is more easily umierstmal anti managed
than any machine in the market anti possesses
all the quslities which should reecoutmend it
for.fontily ,ure. '
• •
DR.. SANvottD's .INvictonATon.—The
most skeptlal people caul. [WI I II lerd by trial dint all
the family median. am 'not huuibta quit Out among
the thoitsancrof s batterily lime there are u few o( groat
Merit. mid undoubtkl wt.!. b. • Of these Da, gta WRVS y
INVIYUILtIoit. or Livsteltsatsint.standithosVand awaked/4C
moue' the remedies of the (MY that eau be relied on as, o
a medicine that to all It is recommended by its '
tont.; It advertises itself on every trial, tor there are
none Who use it hut tell their friends to do so, and ,so
It goes from mouth to mouth till al' tie people of the ,
Union have learned the good of this truly valuable
me tidos. It is recomme,uded with bnadituntals to
prove Its virtue for the cure t-flivercompiniutitof every
kind. from-the-worst Dy_s_m_mala J4Lasou 1111 l 111 huadticbe r —,
mud la—pvilcuterly — iiilaptetrie• -Jaundice," Dertmard
g "Stoitateh, Vowel l'ontplilittOffind - dliallhies - of ClulWcu . -
- One or two demon are rabl to cure a cold with mace a
.failure. It In worth a trial for this oh m°. • It to par
ticularly adapted to the n.°1'111,11.0 of sedentary hab-
An. keine ladles or the highent Mending. In sorletr
have ;riven their rertlfleaVes vi itn ofh rary..and we
to all who are ailing. try Ono bottle; and you will never
be without It.—Bmontrirtn Panne.
Keel ors:I v e 113 ay.?!
_never known fw) o• her tnetilah.o win no lame n FluArs
of nubile confldoneO In on !hod Wthne as this his 'lone.
Wham not been moni than a year Moen wo find - heard of
It, and it no s Aunts nt 'the head of ell remedies of the
kind. We have nsver used any of it ourselves. having
had no oewislon. no onr,•• et own of 'glory " not • only on
yet retalnO Its original eolor, but gets more so—but
some of our *hinds have, w,d we Intro never known It
vise ouch Ng are becoming . prernatmely gnty, to give the
" Restorative" a trll.l.—Alhegur
• •
MARION OALL, is the place. to get
gait Daguerreotype. A.thbrotipes, Melaulotypes,bter
reoseope. Crayon types
Persons visiting Carlisle will find It to reward them .
for their Iroulde to iisit tbis Institute.
N. It. diet few Ppechisotis are exhibited at the 'door,
and the Public aro respectlully tht ited to call nt the
where otrry variety (it - pictures capnt,le.of
ifig prutiuNd Jri the o 'raphie tit eau be obtained.
Ladles and Gentlemen en 11.1 ii whether you :lin 111 pie:
turns or out, and you will inert with ncurdiul reception.
Itespectfdlly yours, . "
• __ - -
• .
. •
6n the 20th hint., by - the Lev. J. Fry. Mr. WILLIAM
fri 3 ONti'Lr;lt, •of Cmlire, to Mks. LIJZA JAN IR CAR
ROLL. or Perry rOll Illy,
On Ow 2241 Inet.: by the Rev. A. II Kremer. Mr.. :IA
COll K KCK. to 3llse '1.71/1A UNAM At:llElLlJrthoof
the ♦lriolty of Landlaburg. Perry county.
• On Iho-2lnt inat.. by that not. J.-Ittant..-Mr,:-A AltoN
CilCll, of souiLalnptoo. to miN. emtAii ELLEN
TltOrr, of Sprhigliold, Cumterl and etquity. •
- N c ,fleatl2s.
Tn Novrville. on the 11th Mrs. .31Al'ITA .
In Newellni. on the 21th inst., by gettina‘ n piece of
pencil in his wincing), GEORGE ANI/ItE3V STITZEL,
aged 4 years. 2 111011t1. and 21-days.
New Jlithertisemeitts
ConyEllOppo,lTE :11.1 . 111[1.7' 110118 E.
N E 11' -4 RRIVAL.
Av.t.orrot to nor former customary and the public lo
general. a first rate ets.rtnieut of new goods, suitable
- SPR/4:0 .4 itil) . .SU.I/ME.R
tinnurpnesed r , rl,eautv.-•ntyle, durability, and cheap.'
neon. Um Awl< consints of
,Fine Hoesutli, toys, Y. nibs', -and Children's Fancy .
- Hats. of elery color.
oIICAW ll iloD3 AND CAI'S, we ore -wire the hest
asgottinent ever offered In the County, and worthy the
attention of nil.
every variety nod style. Wien. NlisseS and ro
dren's floe Calters.'nod pH . khaki of Chltdren'n Fancy
. _ .
For Gentlemen a good name urn t
s of every style and
finh.h; in fart every variety hi nth. line.
Thankful to thesuldie fur pnet favors we eollrli a
continuati on of dun an Il . f. ff. Pun, we call make
It to tho adfantat.e of the purchaser, '
.1. H. KELLER.,
Carnale, April 28. 1828.
v .
l;tillrll , MAY sth, 18 iB,
r,AIA . Qt the VAIIIVI , F .11tE
nut'Streei. I.lte entire, I , to,r'k or New ne.l
Liegnot' Furniture, - eoutprlPlng All the 'ustial - n,,bert•
untut, - In
Thts stock war, inanufarturred by T. tdierhorne k
Sons. expressly fry Retail Sales. and I, emir/intend - tp
be or the ~oat oo.toriolp and workflow ahip.
"Tlicwol known rimutratjon or this house, who hare
treentoind the above Ntarod ir the !sat alacrity years.
An assurance that the Goods ore all dm) flto - rePr , o‘ted
to be.
Purqbagern . frnin n diFtnn, ran hare Oleic - M - 6de
parked on'the premisiw. If dettired ,
. ,
SA id . : • PEREMPTORY —To close n pntnerphlp _sc._
roust.. [April . 2s, ifibla,
lIAD}To 111 E OLD
The sulmeriber respect fitlb Int lima the public Feuer.'
fly that he hes resumed the umuufnrtm Inc of hOuTS
A\II SILIEF, In West Main ' , treat. n few doors w. at of
the Railroad office, and hat p 'Fond assortment of
Lenther.:llnrocro ti Tritunlines. and engaged romp...
tent workmen. he Is prepared to make up to mesaule,
eve, y deverlpflon of work In Ids
• Ile Ir. nleo reveired from l'bilade'phia a well.nelerted
stork of 11 ITS AND SIDJES. P*ery variety
fir Spring and Summer wear, which he offers at low
1 . • Gentlemen's line French Calf Tents,
do. Ilalters.Uarerd Ties and !trepans, ,
Ladles Gaiters - . Boots, Buskins, Slippers nod 'lies,
with n large variety 01 - lin ',oars end I hlldi No. Gai
ters, Ito .to. etc. etc. • Purchasers are m 111140.41 to tall
and °amino Ills stock. - Itoll}.l.l' MOOIIE.
Carlisle, April 21. 11.58.
A Nati:l MAK Itebec
-4.Y world repertfully nr . the ladle. , of
at o•Ii• and the vicinity that Mill. it. ri 1111111'11NA the
MANTIM•MAKINI: to nll It. branches. la her
residence on North Hertford etreditlfreetlt opt ra-its the
Ellgiisll Lutheran Churc:r. ebe will happy to
wait on all who t r y la yor her wi th a call '
All orders will • attended to p. omptly authat tood
onto charge. /thd every effort made to ensure' enlister
lion. [Ap i 21, 3LI
Voisi 11EILEN, respectfully Informs the citizens
et i article that he Into rented two doors
smith of Glittet's hotel. iu North lionover street, whore
he Is prepared to • execute all kit ifs of
work connected it Itit
Ile has always out howl a large assort
ifient of really male latles.llunit. Pistols,
Locks Ke)s- thin Trluttningi p ,tr. all I i 6.4
which he will sell wholesale or retail. lie also attends
to repining all kinds of (tuns. Clocks. Lock., dr.; en.
,races on .Brass Copper and Inns. mends Loses Ac. Ile
has /111.‘ parch:is, tl the patent right ror lienvoting Rifles
and Shot &I nos—which lee offers to 'lie publie at vety
tow prices.. ilohiiiies C it hy it strict attention to home
linens and a desire topless...lie in 111 spoilt us well as re•
eel sea share or the public paroling°.
k I tidg of Fire A rum made to order.
I __S 10E.1.‘ K I NU.—J.
& U. TAYIAIt, return their plume thanks to
their Customers, for the t ery liberal pa t mrage exien•
dee to these, and would respoel infor,,, the public
that they c,intio no to manufacture CUSTOMEIt 11 ork,
it their old stand. on' North I lanover street, - two doses
above the drug store ar S. W. Ilaverstlek..._
Withtsnitsubermf-tirst-rate -- workmen erimloyed and
fiiillales for securing the Lest stock to be found In the
mnrket, they are prepared to make up every description
of 111)11T8 AN le 811. MS. for ladies and gentlemen's wear,
ha the most fa.lsionahle style, and of
611 , 1 s and workmanship.
Many yearn of prat tleal experience In the business
both here and In Philadelphia justifies them In ea) log,
that they are able to Insure full eatisfact len to all theta
who may leave theirorders:
April 21. IFSS, tf.
kjw,_nr.tor ..f sale from tht; Orphans' Cuart of Cumber
heed county, the untleralgaetl will offer at Public Sale
the Waxing pm arty le the borough 01 Carlisle, .late
the Meal ti.tate of Samuel Itlehlsen. deceased.
A of of ground situ:dud Oil Lialther
adjoining the lots of Mary I:Jellison and
Jos •ph Spangter's heirs. Containing , 30
In frost and 120 feet In depth, more
• , r.lOOl. milli a 011 e Story frame house
° nod other bulktionn thereon. Also two
Inds In the rear of the ebtive ou. Dickinson ettit•
lathing each If feet In frunt end 120 feet In depth. Al.
so three Lots situatettnn b,sfuet`ti lane, adjoining Rufus
She ploy, sr, It. Natitter , , Ord 'Jefferson. . Lath eon.
tail:log about 20 feet In faint and t 0 feet In 'depth.
One or these Lots has a two-story frame house crtnted
thorns. . •„
MT sale, will b • lipid at the Court Ileum on Thurs.
ay the 20th of .lay next, at 11 o'clock, A. 31., %lieu tits
terms of axle will bp made known by
Trustee to make solo,
April 21, V 683
0. TAN' LOR,