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Z. ... . ti_ --. 4 , ; : ' : f i . .A1ry,.:,, , , - - „idi t iwifp,...:- ; ,.. ~,,,. . ~ ~. I: . i , : " P„ -- f ~. jiff-...,—.; 1 '• e ' Cit. , :k — .t -- _ , 4 , A.. A ., liA . „4 - ii.; .. g - ,v., :. , ..r. - 11. ...,4 4:‘• ; .. , A ', ' ''i ''. AO' r''''''' ,,,,, ,,'...-.,,-,;. , .9'...:-.4 ,- ' - ''..1.„ 1 „,•.... _ I ~...40.-,> • „..„._,,.„..„ r • ~,„,_412., „,.„,.., 4 ___ : . rt.tu . ' " - It - '' Vii' , W . V'' -r ' L4l7l ;.- 2 " , -2=3'La;.-7 v-'-'--z.t--.'-'"-- ---,v.: 4 .:,.- • • . 7:: , . , . . . _ 1 __.... k. . .!-....---- .:: e 4 -1.-L-- 4...4-., :X 3 i g , : 7 , ' '''''''` =- 4 -. •, , ,Y . "5-W- • ~;- A - 4 .-.4.' ' ' '-f ` '.--' '''›.-;il • .__ . , WILLIAM M. PORTER, Editor VOL. MIT. TERMS pH PUB6CATION • -The Osnsiess Matsu is published sv , ietily on a largo ,sheel containing twenty eight rolfulins, and furnished te'subscriliers at sl.su paid strietly In advance: $1 , 75 if paid within the year; or ell Cason when p iyinent is delayed ninth unth after llie expiratie I.ot the year. Win subscriptions reeeived Lir a less •period than six 111' , 1101{1,.(1114 Halle 4DM:00111W:11 until all arra:wages are paid, unless at the option of ihe publisher: Papers sent te.subneriborsllving 6iii„pfllunilierland county mast be, paid for I n advance. ertim.payneint assumed by some responsible person lh lug In Cumberland coun ty. These tempis will, In; rigidly adhered to In all. cases. A OVEIVVISEIDIttiNTS, Advertisements will be .eintrged 11.00 per Pqw"ro of twelve Hi p% for ilium Insertions, and .2.r. cents lin• melt subsequent insertion. All advertisements Olives than • twelve lining collsitler,l no a square. • - Adyeritsuinenls inserted before Marriages end deaths units per Iluit Ilh• first insertion, and 4 cents per lino f.+r subsegnent hisertion,4. Cointuttlltcations on sub jects of //mittd or individual Interest will be .rherged ti emit,. per. tine. The Proprietor will hot be responsi. . in damages fn• errors Inn mire:l,l.l.'l ,o .U, Tbituary notices or Marriages not exceeding live lines, will be Itiserted,wlthoutOpirge =Eli= The Carlisle !torah' l'lt I STING OFFICE Is tho largest 3111 i MOot, COlllpieteeStitilliSlllllollt, in the eounty• ' Three good l'reshe4. and ❑ general variety of material nuitnd•ihr plain and Faley work of every kind enahlitz to d don Oriati ttt at the shortevt notion mid 0 1 the Wont National& loran. Vera nnn in want nr , inm; fgfimr. orauiy thing In the - dobbin); lino, will find - ft to their Li Larost Co.gi Ye aa a call, Every variety UTltlanket r e nstan tit . oil hand.. &nem( 110 Coca(' .anturinqtioti U. 8. GOVERNNIENT President —3.kme.s ltuciiANAN 4 . Sorretary of State-1113'1i. bedviii Coen.. Seeretney of / anti Ir THOM VSON. 4 , 0 re Ltry re its ucv =7llOll . ,:t.r. _ Sovi,it-try "I'Wtti•—JonN 11. 1 , 1.614. ry of Navy-I+n to , Tonvid. •- • • • Pied )faster thinned—A: V. !items., • 'A tlnrne; lion :di eviAti 9. 111.4q2 • Chief J ustlen 01 ttin United glates-11.11. TANxv ST.I'l'E (i()Vl?.lttsffENT - _ (. . governor—lV:al M - P. - PACKER. - Seer,lary 5t...1.0-11 . 11.1.1nr)1 2 IlrisTrit .81srveynr lomE. tic:Auditor , • 'rill:. I.1:N It I% S. NI FAIR of the Supremo etiurt.ll. Imvpi. 3f. Attu OTIWSU. NV. B. LOWRIE U. W. N'. A. Puttee MM=I=MEM Prrsiileill..ltitlgo—lloo....:nies IL iliqlitint: ..--- 1 ' ' • A s:, .riftlt. .lodges -11'03., 11114:11nel Cle4llu, Swam, It ..dine u. 1/ strict A ttonley-11'm..1. :qhearer. " Prolltunittlry-1 1 1k11111.11u1...,•ley. -- - . Itevoctlet• Ne.--I.):iiiivi S: Croft. _ .. . Itepj.iLer--S. N. 'l.tilquilig,t , r. , . PIM. rherla—.L.ob Bowman: Deputy..l. Iletninting er. ... ' • , . . Camay Tie.tvurer —Moses lA•ieker. ii.7"- - N1 it cti..it - . csi,ay Ilinalersnn, An ;l row licirr. 3leguw. Clurk to Connnishioners, .I:oneA Artioannnr... ' • Diroctore w Brindle, Jul. C. - - Itniw -Smit tioL.Tritt. _Superintnnannt. of Voor • liong —Juvcph I,.kbarli. • . 110110U,;11 OFFICERS Uhler Burgess—W.llll am Cart. • ---Anslst.tot Itnr4eBS—rrllltlM INFt.ets. Town Conn. lI—J. It. Varner" (I'reslllont) Joint Gut t:11.111, Itoln.t •'lnure, *Tauten IVIIII:tut Cameron, John H. Gorang. 31Ieban! llkontb, 3lichttol l'etep 3lonyor. Clerk to o...nocll.—Tlios. I). 51:thon. Consi,:tblos Bretz,' 111g1) ecnn.tablo ; Hobert ll•nrd Constnt.lo. 11.v1'oneu—A:'1.. Sponsler, David Eolith, llolcontb, Ketpct S. CU UlteilES F lest Presh) tel lan I linr , h; Northwest angle of.Cen tre Square. Ito', Con :ty I'. Wing l'uslor..—Servlees over Sunday 3lornlng at I IVeleek, A: 31, laid 7 o'clock I'. 1.1. Second Pre'sbyterlati Church, corner of Son th I allover and Pomfret A cots. Rev. Mr Halls, Pastor. Services COMM.. at II o'clock, A. 31., and 7 o'clock I'. 31. St. John's Church. (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of Centro Sys Ire. 1t0 , ..14. , 01• ii. .$1,004, Rector. Services at II o'cloek A. M.. and 1 o'clock, I'. N. 1.0 them. Church, Betiliod bet wren' 31alo and bout her street., Rev. Jamb pry, Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock A. 31., sod 7 o'clock tiermun Reformed Church, ',outlier. between Ilan. over and Pitt streets. Rev..A. 11. Kreuter. Pastor.—, Service.; at II o'clock A. N. and 1 1 4,o , c1; wit P. M. Megh,slist H. Church. (larch chariw)cornerot gal. and Pitt Si routs. Rev. R. IL Chambers, Pastor. Serviette at 11 o'clock A. 31. amt oil o'clock P. 31. ' 31dthodist E. Church (second charge.) nee, A. A. Reese, Pastor. Set, ices in College Chapel, at 11 - o'clock A. M. end 4 o'clock. P Rem to Catholic Cheryl.' Pondret near East street. Re - v. James Barrett.. Pak.... Services on 1.1 *.ind Soo day of each mouth. German Lutheran Church cot tin. of Ponifr,t nud Bedford streets. Rev. 1. P. Naschold, Pastor. Sect Ice ut A. 31. Okr chemses In the above are neees..ary the proper persons are requested to n• tlly ‘1415. DIC IN NSON COI:LEGE Rey. Cloirles Collins, U. D.. President nod Protestor of Bloru,l r,clunee. . nee. Lrrneut M..tolismott. U. U, Profe'ssor of Philo.- ' 1.16 . 'ntn11.11g11,11 I.lleratut 0. ' .Initzeit 11' .Ilueds.lll. A. M., Profemor of Ancient Lan - guano, • Roe. %Vitt. L. It.envat, A. SL. I , rofest.or of Mathenuttirt, A% it bunt C. A.3l.,.t.rotenhor of Natural Science and Cutattor ul the:3ll.lFront, Alexander : , r•ltetn, A. NI., Profesm, of Ilebrow and Slider Language, Samuel 1). Hillman, A. M., Principal of the Urernmer t:clmol. It. F. Purcull 3 A. IL. Assistant In Ilia Grammar School UOA RD OF tie 11001, DIA ECiORS Altdrow Itlntr. Pi osldont, 11. Paxton, P. 51tolgley, E. COrll.lllllll. C. C. Ilumerl,ll,.l. I holilltott. Sooretary,.lnson IV. TreasiWor. aelnrSplutri — Alesseogor. .Nlootsott do Ist M h of earl Mon/lint 8 o'clock A. M. Lt CORPORATIONS CMIST.r. DrrosiT B %::K.-7 , resident. Richard Prirker 0.101.635 m. U. Becti.a; tlasivr: N. C. 31us I.,dandT,C.. W. Bred;' I/Brct.. rF. Itichard Parker. Tlanuns 861411, Dlnaes I{tiolLer. .kbralaun Dosler, .1.0, Luil.y. 11.0. Woodward, NVIa. B. Munk!), Wliorry and '•JUllll Zuz 1:1911.1ERI4N1, itAll. TIOAD COMPANTI—PreFIdent, • , Frederick %VAIN: Fecretary and Tukkurer,loord 31. Riddle Oiuperlotendent. l'am.coger troloF twice t‘ day. • I:kstward Icuvl,, enclimle at 10.39 o'xlech A 31. and 4Ou WEII4,cI: I'. M. 'too troll.: every duy Wehto arc!, lenviog Curlible nt 1.1.611 o'cloa A, 31., ono 2.50 I'. M. e _ GAff AN. IVATERCOMPANY.—President, Fred. crick Watts; Seeretary, Lemuel Todd; Treasurer, 11 ni. 51. - 110etuni; Dlieetnre, F.. Watts, Richard haler. beinu 01 Todd, IV in. M. Iteetont. Henry . Saxton, J. W. Eby, John IY. t'. Woodst ant. and E. M. Riddle . Connatt, inn VALLEY 13V , Iti.—Frtildent, John S. Ster rett; Caships, IL. A. Sturgenn; Jert. C. Hoffer.— IHreetore Jelin S. Sterrett. Wet._ Ker, 51elellotr Prone anan, Richard tWondx. John C. I/U.IMo, Hold,. C. Sterrett; 11. A. Stur 'on aiiiliraptlin Dunlap. SOCIETIES riunberlno •, star I.odgil No. MIT A. N. M. 'Ned': nt Motion Hall' on Lim '2nd 'lnd 4t h Tuesday' of bvery; Mond'. St. I arts 1,1 l :e 2(111 A. V. M. Sleds id Thtrs• day of (•aeli «iolitli, at .3farlon Carll%lo I.(alite \a al 1.. U, of U • -N. Meets (5141(1ay evohlu t t. at 'I buts bulldtug. - • . FIRE CO .11.1,11i1ES • The Union Fire Company was mu' anlzed In IIBD., • Pueddr, At; I;. Conlin:lu; Flee FresidentOVlllinta • Porter; Secretary, A.' 11. Mime; Tretoutr , Voter Mon. yer. company meets the first Saturday. In Match, Juno, September, and December. ' Thu Cumberland Flee Company WAN inatitutekEobru , arylB, 11019. Presltirilt Robert 31cCartuby; ScerViary, Philip ,Quigloy; Triamurer, It. S. Miter. The company •• meets un the third Saturday up January, April, July, no Goad Will Hose Company was Instituted in Mimeo, 1855. President. 11, A. Murgeon; Vied President...hunts ill.'Sl4:Cartnuyz ;Secretary. Samna U.,tiould; Tireasurcr, Joseph I). Halbert. The' company nip stn thn 'Seeded Saturday of January, Aprll,..luly, and.Oetober.. , ' . RATES 1f I'OSTAGE. titatage on' all letternof onit.half nutter , ight *or 0i1... rents pro paid. • except 'to or Oregon, which' is 10 ran. s prepaid. • Peatate on tha . '• I lorald • the Count), free. Within the Nlntu 1,3 onto oitr year: any.part 'of Ilia :- Molted I , te , eit '2'lr/iota...AoatintionitilLtranaleii4iiliera nutter 3 . ,,.1111tefi11l WeiAtt. 1 COON Iraq learnt?. to Ire; torged iill,ll withir th . . ; Ii()OIi . AND JOIt IOitiNTING' 0 1 IF/ 4 /-.E*. corp-of-114-tquarei poetr,.q. • For the Ilum ld MT VISIT TO 0AD1.15....A DREAM EINEM Whil;lYlng ono eve on the, velvet grooo, %VIII; my lOW In the litli f s fi vorlto lass, singular vision thug coma toyass _ And ono.the,ilynet nnelyit, Nor a - youthful swnin enain,airoti nf . one, it'lltAo 11,111 t 'walking plfgrlinage. jug' . hogun,; Was 1.1,4... tined to snake in toy hearts undone— Egoost auu, 't was of the devil No nuo would supraato fhat n persui placad In my situation. could mrar havo Ewa! A itontionvin su bataalin.tly diphasail • As his royal blghn,ess, devl . : Itut. ti toll the truth. my lave and goarl'el!ol !midi: cross words ran high, Sine wished nut dead—!111t:l1) to cry: So, being Intl„Tutol t I el.wed toy eye In (Ire tins, 111111, the -Id ew by. And wont being witlenit , . Imps and fiends to relel. ritivrittit!ti t I.torl by lilyx•a In irl , ?nner crowd than could kijoly ildo In Ito rickety boat, whloh•thcin doth glldo F01 . 0v1 . 1 . ri•OM FIIOt . O to 41101 . 0; • . And whits, I staye.l: tlii•nnn an ellsor•tlilel, as the ;:he.t. 1411.ramti. Or die "hrltlite"in Ike hat ii':, Council !lan ' At a diallur for the alit or the -hut Chariot coolest:1 his slatelyin.lon. .I.oolting as flurry as over was sect : , And s:yeAring by all that's-blno or green,_ Jto ferry P soil .Ici,s; to the throokzed Il. ll lsnr — woll. A plow where flood. :not Int 1,..1.1 it,t Oh • And boh.tasl politician,: swell Unless, train tficir poel.et I o d.s they'd shell Out the usuid (Are cila lip. " (lore 1 ferdiell 1+1.1.r0 t h o fiend, And :ion or both(•, h.ts inY'noldo braid • Won KO pxrevaingly.rugled and a nn ual• Idyll ns I.a till. day, .. • . . When making my re4ithir morning trip, 1 aski.d ti n • 14!,:nlizod fart, ot'n CO, • oi , ttro Indies rroto Atoorkot 111 Anil the ST. , WI: 1110.0 f If genet nllyjtnoiv Would certainly chilli fro,. all it groan Uf t,.emtittilatg ghat surrlite; nuttlustly 011011.11 thrlr upper lips,- Aull sold I :night go to lito•itteto Ito- the flp , , ." For their part, tlattx',l „I,rtm Hth. ttlxll.” —thutt, x kit rune tuttetuitalum,klitq, f.111.k0 vurttfit,: toy. eyes. ' 4g - r. - .t po ? prAnt fill haric - 71sttre-..0nt,-3-ttigt.cor—: Man (Imo 311.althott411 htftm n 1 - 11,“vi t For he Ite - ttits the warltl pullint tli., trigger Fr6om tenting slut till hl;hl1 mum io;i:o, and of failiti Attsrtrt Ititt.rlghtet t - vyttitl-Itln that Pluto should prt.t&l3l 0 . 1 Theill - here--till.flanuy±tvlll tomato -- lllr and hitt might. Alt! ladies escuFe me, hut rt Idle I ant gone, Y•ou'll do toe a favor by leaving your cone Of witaleb,ite :Old steel, with our larinite cruise, Mt, 31st yarn I y VolllC • }'or sttelt things pi lisides aye 1101.C1: ; ililcwod, As out mats tiro all tilled by the numerous crowd. Of soldiers, bah Ettall,ll and•Freuch; 1,, fao, every. ehainher Each jut Hine dentitu isfoteed to Molt Ills toil, for safe . iteeping, outside a window, Ur stiller the hugs of a wrench." The whistle Is blown, the wheels slowly turn, Thu It ,it leaves the whierf, and now 1 dkcern Captaln Charon collecting ht We; And thine who exelitlnt, •• I have nary led!" 110 quietly inlies by the idt'of then Aittl gives them it,wltirl to the shore's sandy beet, Foieetrr i tu, entholete there. - , lint antis I \vas over; and hating obeyed The euunuands of Certerui,„ mho boon heti laid At the gales us 'Duteous, l b.rtliwit tedel)ed To engage Memory as a guide: ire promeded to,viait the pares of note, And pay our respeoia to earls oonderful goat, hu, billing in belting this mold world :Went, Or titire,_thmb lollowell th u Ilsky led him— 11111,, an tildes Went° stroke! \there he might tluat to is region lira end eutoke, Au!d And first we proceeded along the bazaar, Where eubbleau and tai has, drawn faun afar, IVerelielliog i heir inerchandizO below par, On eel:omit or the terrific panic: noticed a placard, pinned LO tine back °teach ill thenU• tellii‘,B,11111111.:Illing the knock, They had Ca unwarrantabh;black • • To their tonight., and sac Inns llarh• clack Was simply a Ile and satanic. As I wandered alonc; lu thou„:lttful mood, I notieed,,near,by . me, a Atli or stood, . . Wino very fnuilarly gave we a nod; And a grin recognition; I stared•fdLa moment. lit unfeigned surprise, Al %VAT ii.lbh) ViSagO and lead colored oy ex; And afterwards asnod Lin yusiQon. nui," lie replied with a ;quir>lcal leer, 4 .4 very grent.eld to the Vacuity here, In giving my . judituent, when such things occur, ettututrite-stit tied For you see, Mhos I lett old Lleklunno's shade 1. , r theendm of Tartarus, I combine the old trndo Of gi lm jeditor, with tont of Facuti old,' • 'And thus their udtautvgo increavo. - " Ilia: follow mu 130 W, show you our college, Whine studroto ntriuir•• n poetical lituArledgo iire.poithltur. of/yinr, nod Co fhrtil ; Imro the WA text-molts — Matiiill7l± - 140,4itics, Ilse Virgil's - A:au:ld and UuorgicS; Agtromoiny, Qliemintry fluid ottor such physirs) And when our young men desire to go forth- - Ryon Um world's tichs we fm nish - Of blgroglynbleal nauluyent, Widthnone . eun over And Ibr n Weil we OM' Re tho inodoratu toll - Of flea dollars nplcrr, reseAlugllio wholo For a regular' bust" at Comment:olunit," As ho fin ished, art eneered the spacious saloon, • Where Pro : lessor.; and sluiltAtts, on Faturday noon, As usual, had ta'un their position; Knell spealter lees° nith a rain and a tear, hipped eatelio . ibig words and fri z zled his hair, Looked tvirk: arlho Pritslitueit 11111 i :ophamotes 'ham -And trighteinli the so, by his terrible glare, • 'that 1 asked Watts Elio reason, wisp said, with a Blare, That "such smiles with us area eintinton *flair, • lie wahte a Society disquisition." • !We paraded arotund t and paid our respects To the Idandtd!revideut,'ll; golden booed specs, Eutered the rooms and viewed the effects, sulphur Mid ashes pivdueed; I,Vhou, to any surprise, at the Prialdeut's . A bevy or,Preposatue swarming the ball, Adleurlattlug btfehrni:d rielittr a squall, • •They-jututiett•uuttluetuifortably.vdtveAPAut • . Aud u very bad tejuper futtueed. •'. awOlte, with d ebrne, fur my niisclulevous mild! tied given my bole en uncOnifoi toil., !witch, While orirtning with Inugliier at'ene, ' And shriel,ing, by hbat In the world . lo,tiatttiatter/ You've been talking' of 'NON of chute!, ing der pp, ,and ilindh 7 - wound up . tlilla clifter; Ily triltig to butt down a treu." • it AL Uy TrakTulin° friends, a word 0 1: 0 .1 pR , ! , ;; oNArAIIAA' iOll rotpw tip Avi, , k.griklNATfr Imps, ; ••,. 1111Oullii -‘ A gaiiii ! tku . iiiclh Jr!ir llAChauu .6 )l}it.ll; • 'Burrerial floAttrring You dr'uk •[ft tlse,dregn,frour n. 6itterer'cupl' a: ...iio . 6iti:s;:oµini:bilig - litlFe44 t!4k1.3, - A,, - ' - . - c7a,P,)%11 .-WOM-,,.).T10.14-, FAIRY TALE. OF LUDLOW. CASTLE. - It watt nn a soft nn l lovely summer's after -110(11), in'the p.m' 1634, that a . latighino Irmo, contiistiog of ft tiuhlo lookitip, youth' of nhout twenty, ii lICCOIId, 501110 years younger, and the 'third,.n laughing girl, Just enl eft:Chau her sixteenth, year—mounted upon palfrey", and atteMledlly 31 sltiple aerVing 101111 On n HOU! I'olo ' titer that wait e'viiletitly Kell fi•ted haltrd nf.n anoint, inviting, and Mil fashitttetl roadedde to vein, situated ,1111 the borilers of the'' rioh owl greenly stretching torest land, which farmed n psi lion at the noble deimmic.of Lad. low Omit e. Their costumes were rich and elegant; nod of that kind . to racil of \rand ) o has 1111110014 no muck romantic attention: Thu 'youths wort; riding Molts of butt IreatlMr, and their brood flopped. lotto, dra,piag feathers, nod ettit robler.,l mnulicb. erlo;nced the hoy isli grace - of their pet 8 0 115. Thu With herb:Vitt rillink mite, andistruill ele gant Jioottl, , would' have Millie n piciure of the . Most facitotting kind. The rich carnatioit.or he'r.lipr. the cheek in.which the roseii•of heath were" toblijy - plowing, Mite refinement of her our nail person; • and the long.luxot.i• us coils, rendered tier a et ifation on. which the painter would have 'delighted to exlMust the skill of his timid—all the tesources or his art. ' _ 'litttlitJtingly,- they imutotorytrthe. hot.t-to-t Ito ,tloOr,t ho 'bore to thFot itoote 4 1 1 . 1144 reireit It -1111011 it troy, nod tlit•n the ritlerdemott .Athow for it' wits to the. Conde?" toy riung iiiiiiders," returned the blued) , hunt—lds gray eye lighted up with frank Ilciinare on Inukinl; over the. lintideidne group—• , ln take 'lke rood, de your auitutds will be bike VI do, it. kitty be Home tour )0 tiv'e toilet.; wberens HOW, 09'11110 the fore.t to Ike e.trtle Ettitte,7o.outethlog 'miler two would bring 3 ou "13uCalle Imtee. liii - st;"bolitl the dile!. 4611 :•eitit they thir manage it 118 well. its:we V heel( Itis !tend. "The patlin nre blond enough in smile it tip: nuimuln odic 'ltem, it will Le to rarity, there id a lirm.k .• ”I , d 11111111 p. 40 01.0:•8:11111.11-i.ii7e-Trir:(ItiiiiriillIrr I , lllke the 1111161 V lOll.l, uuil . 80 olgtlr 110, ho!" and hi, jolly 1it.411 echoed,. '• have nti ides," tooth - the title! Lodi Alice, l ugliugly ; •• and iltst • ts, to tynik through these delightful fttrest iift; the rat! with - our - um xpreted.wppori tion. e trent,: and - idl looks tis lovely and - • " Nny, he expects ua fast etiou g lll sioter_ Alice, " said the younger hisqlier, who woo called Master Thomas Egerton. , - "Ay', but not slodt,.like gipsicw, or lets," laughed - Alice, .• but gallontly on our steeds, to is fit covitliers and dime ,;" find she thew up hor -piettY figure with tt bewitching Ile she picltrd some sweet comfits, off the troy which the hint held. LEE ' • 'lf yutl Itru for the castle, gentles," quoth I the inkeeper in turn, "(heti m goodly tei t d , lug going uu, uud ' , pit to in the bill given by het Uri ce el ii idgniter, Who 1 heir' in put in jutiodicitott over thiltlistriet." `• "Its ett, good ftlend," teturned Brickley, "and we tire tuning the . ttiviteit„ and, I frinltly coolesS, titter this slight relre-litietit, that itn IWOIII ha:lined to unlit tie . two, thin I it 'to ride thti five. B'hot 8113 nit thou, brother Ton Eget ton :!" of your mind, ).iio," renlionded the 3 Olinger blether golly, no it gluil that the el.otinitillity 0118 dotted oil 11. n nhotildi tn. • tlnt thorn in one thing forgotten, ley," eatiq the Lot). Alt!. " Attil what is that, toy pietty Meier 1" th,- , mantled LirnekleY• yttitit, it wertoty hitt take our palfreys the way we desire to go—what me we to tin with than Y" ":Lvt ue leove then' here, nod milk our wny Tlu•y cull he I. (;11t olio 118 on the Sour-, rots'," tlllll tilt; ekh.r, in reply. " And 1 dare tiny our boot hoe town enough fur them." • ••iTY thy hut1 1 I 1 Ice Ilie thought!'' Conot wiiik o *team II nijlea Arcadia'?" a•ki..1.1 Dratilt , ty, ell ! The iiireat . iiii,k4 eu calm, ait.tl gnnnl , tmd ht uuuluY. Do huilook a the bliaaltiov i gl,utetnig, ne it does, and disci thtapgh the lei yea of 3 . 0,0- - clorloogo;tieoht 1 ononoi teolo. the "Have . a ilia . you," dried nekley: leapiag .tr to deceit& ' `•Oti, tl- fellow !" caul toe young•!ord to tl, hoot , '')uu eun givelenia pultre3e town, mar loud, wad gaud ucnge 1 doubt o u t A 1.015, cm. I, my 111:Ibler, filid WOCenlie: Ilia/ I nay, truth, the pretty Indy bath u !air in,te l'ur the topti grreti Wilyd " It' woo ii frolic folte3i, a toorqueroding in the•green tied fenly wbode , it pleueuut ramble, perteetly 111 itecordittiee with the happy dinpo mitioCut their rhey . reized upon the eititurtuniii-withi wildent-glee s for ell that the young Lord Brock ley, es 'the elder, hod trted to look grove upon the. unitter. . Calling their groom to Into, therdure„Lotd Ihtieltley 'deviled huh tu tithe eloirge ut the hornet+, to ludge'thein there for the'nighi, and to kiting them nil to Ludlow . Comtle riti the 11.1411'- n,w, Tbe t , alone Snoop wo)tt,tett n f ,, rteett rieeurid grunP,rven JllOl e attroeui•e +lotto tar fi b t ' etrindinity iu the good landlady 'm eyeo who would titin, 1:111V ((Wiled lottli alitient , trout the Intr.window, bet %vett a tri;up of runtiCs, unvo Ilitildeattiou„Oilty yt unglinly a glostrtit .her.eliateivr. eutrmtiii wine; but 'they 'wtito (10111) etkreiiiter lid itiilidun Ite got Ott, that'llit; nppro timid}, of tdreri4ll .CV.101)//1111jilt DI the 1 . . . . There were riefoeropti broad, green, roods, bwa r ried idle) e t „otol it% fling pathe'llyt , jeodinti I it) itkaclttlie,,ltel iiirtreeetfilit vtielt other jii eieiy dlivolion. Iliteifig ; foquif red the wily, it -tttto+rtq.!),:.e,ipipi!:nofttfirect 1 it ,, titt bi dee' tie eetue.kulizity - oit:ilie Rohl of 11,!.. jolly 11 ,, iq, %he eiftereti no fur hite 1 he. epfilt of tflt,fuo, iltet. lie ,pen t . tt e v 4,._ , h 9 , ,g „l4, tO' 4)4 - 4 frr)111,0),. ifteee, fr'ool..e ilinlike , to Flinn whet Wap r jt1:1:0111i 40): te,'!ll.e)or ft. refoot e ,11,,, h0P!,i %Fit (41:: ME DM , ' CARLISLE; PA.; '''IVE.IS.ESDARIT,_'I4 =IIM . eer berded.--Where the Preserveswere den ,est .ttf the ding's Bosh—the ,Wfteh Dike—the Ilerlem' Pool—the .11tantited•-Wo`—the -Fairy Iting—this atm/le.—that qopse..:tin effect, pot to niistoke the right for the- left;.iptr the left bar - the right—t• keep stettight',:only—to heed the hriage—the.ntreatn—oncl thou bend east ward or westward—certajo.thaiiall woo &ear, iuid distinct, the glad party oihytod on -their wa"y, 'and were 'soon 'plone r ittg . ii,ti tin; silent, beautiful foreergitp e les Per. it. time they went bnsileOlylktied with the real' elia'i ni which eurrt;nttded thew in &rives ivy cal utnbra geops branches, through whinti-the situ de -cendea }et like a showier of eters—the elite , velvet ;sward—the delliening vista—the . green hod shaded ve'stibultsAintlprmsently they begin to brink into' a `diiatittory chat, mote like 'a prattle than'shopledlotiversation, " flow pleasant!" cried the:' Lady. Alice. I , •Whot if We minima ! ' lose ourselves, Itraehley Are we hiking the right path.ptteir " Oh, wits the responseti..straight ou ytitt know ! Why, dinte.s the Zing's Bush tell tiott'm the blackbird ,cortilling What a • joyoit, non}!" " Aud look ot the deer,,n Ilia pretty fawns going to their lair!" a gain tiliontitd Aloe, ping her !tomb, us panning n broad extent of pasture, drooping to pool; they saw the dapp erea t area Ina lang . for I hitir covert "Ilark a , t that Itirring—thatta a partridge, cried liLiiter' Egerton !" I. - " A piover ! —a boron f—a bittern !ill-iten to its crake ! Taere's a reedy pool of hand, I du al a re ! what deep luvwn, limpid pie lure !", "The Fairy Well ,e xclui metl this st fniry ri g?" and lib pointed to tt circle in-the gra,4 (.Stated orfun gi. Deeper, brown;r, . greener;' out caulk!, grew the xhndowo now clo6ing over them. '7lterr's hare.—two—three!" lilies-io hook at timed : what.lraNes . 'tinting tin the surf:toe: blustering so olo , ely 11:f oft could Bli n o st walk over the: water Upon dim r' -•• " !" .from t te • IS iteli Dike, lie said 7" ••N:iy put in 121;ertnii; it • witti tile I lt ? ' '• It's grawinF,liglti! . only'lhe ry;l4-clifln ges,frout Wizzliog Iwightness to tl soft serenity. .111.1 7 ---14 y, is it t , titlown—ot i l i thot:fo 0 in p;11 western` °polity; of the forest ?" °pi the petty Ltd) , Ajloe, ilhatitygLitersijekyyith Ate) - -- 11/nitt4; - behold the I..ttt. golden _fro of the day expire. . ..Pu whist—tu , whon r erietlllotteliere- tit ligekrei lit ugh err 7 7 b- ' - .1 7 77 7- • ... .. '• . ••• lio! Ito! hob" rang iti '8414111 formS ofl olangor mound them. "'fbitt's linbin Guotifellow, oil elite no echo!" fluid M inter 4:gecouti, intighitig in hi+ turn. " 114! ha: Ini! futent rung no if hunting horns were need tug forth their 111111 - mg entinuilontt to the eport. Smelled, yet pleiteil—delitchted, )et becoming tioulittul— the three began lii think ,t hitt, by Oil' time, they ought to hare arrived in %tight or in the neighborhood of the ensile, of least. But only the leiifY forest deepened. nod grew nom tire, grand Mid inuptinning iWuettni them, mid in:hinging to putt for it monte:.t in three elite- . direetione, to nee it any opening. showed they plUnged ouch i . tity MHZ) 11013 limb xtentieted ut for.itdute , three or lour rate itmd ntei bouts They lout lost ouch other. Bitetiley, Lit O ealled_out, •• Alice Alice St.- ow Alice Alicr!"-sod itt 'mother part : Eger-. tolo-prsti doing the spline. Itce !—eibter ( A lied" critic] a 11;ack- nig voice 'A/tee: Alice! At/cel" repented a blit e tul iltn d voice . And ..4licel Agee! Alice V' flied- faintly away in the fairest, Hy if the voices were those of people, becoming indistinct and separated. ' It is dillicult•to describe the sensatitMs of tliJse who lose theniselVe; ill vaitio ~, Criii,'ler. logs, and especially under euoli oil cuinstatit;es hec..use the,nwtel screnittes—the soontl4-- 0 1 ,l . 11!, stilly tdomlierott+ night„-_- the rti•ttlo in the gross—the timid hare' stirred Irvin 14 8 t am, resting place—the ittriled pheasant-It he ghost _ly outline of a deer, ape in Inter thatilais Com , rai_hi..._4lte_rectiy, r pottli-,mt - the fatirgilto'ilecitri: t .lug hollow—the . etiioes that, are awakened . • e month of August, 1834, I was sailing 'even by a whitiper dull these conspire to fill lii the thu j otit6l , !) . ~i tii,s. ,! nlethii, m voimo B ;,, i.unijr. up the Ohio river, on board the lity4 . , steamer :fined partakitig of it cili!iploter akin to awe, irtietillste; ii,beti, 'as - We approached it nott , d . but a iliCkl is npart hull Mere vulgar terror. , spot on the river, called the • , 'ltobbers Cave," t The Lady Alice was left fa the great bound nay iiitv"thil "0" IIII"ed by several loud *.° seretints,— . l looked shove, were the .. 0001w1 lens, fathomless, romatato torest; mud oatpre having let lu.ie the orttststupi, 0ni,1... niti. seemed to originate,mittl I , IIW_III/ cagleilescril;-.. mg circles -in the air. in a most beautiful and Itartitontcon," poured lillunde, subtle melodies . ail an 14a1 1,,,, rola, the ta,pmait pees, d.). -graceful manner —As it : wliteleil : etetteil ilLite. to iho - rotitijoo 0 ,... s ot her re . et.. prow., w w a l a t , C.Vrotions with niatlitlatitio precision, with at baud, la, : 11 7 14 : 4 .6 ,, ,;„iiiing ~.f ,rvi, Robin • outstretched hut motionlets wings, it ever and the p, culler strenms - which• first Goodfellow watt,yerched ,ton the • stiinip of a 1111011 ut'';rell drew my attention. 11:bde I was . gazing in withered fir by her side. ',She laughs t liearti apairation at its elegititt._curves,_it_sudtle~ .... ly, loudly mid Pucic" t up, and rep took ieat ch..ougell its tuctim4,•mrl descended withal- n. ill inusioal echoes thatbletilled with ilia B 'ed 011 nil. use i . iy most inconceivable veloeity in it'perpeodiculor gelatin trailing id the.eiglitel.•. hircti.,_:, where a Week expotnse illy.titoler a huge fringe lit"' to tile .ca l'l i • .7- 11 viltPt down, no ..tte of•the ,• or ron.si trui..,Hd abiah ,ht; knew 55115 1. It. plssengene described it, '• .like a "dart," ,Be . fore we could expresa . mir I,l4'otti,limeitt, ,or marsh, halt 0 rze.ly grov,.-10;n- o ...the..4 01 ,, give , any opinion . ,,mincerning its objects. it , began to'ellow his lincein, tu Ilium., and cur tiscate,•Mui expand, .1114 :M1;1110141 his light. ' ng " ktt ' ro- e ; anal Beenied In 11 great_"i4ll' and now 1 . 01 1 downi.rnad i w i dia.ba.ea a i., lBiver i with a rtOli n ly almost egtml tit its descent,, ; aoaiiig i ,i ,xt i t,ga ' L.bed ! bearing: in, its .. h - eitk., a hit ge serient.!, ,A+ It. i ,, ajianae, Iha s i , ,,, , ; wiag poor hill , and titet4,i).xih.e sal her shwa . .olimototi up the long bode of the stioko :hung 11 iish .Hhenrketi I 4Viti ' i; is 1111111. iiivougl; i!,,wn trout the bealt,f the,ettglo like the , (4'4 6 ,, t,iives bkvelo . , willi al; ! .., t ,ll,tt ruub, :but oh ii large rope. It wots,tim,, however, lifeims. eel tein4 and subdue',4 , 1 4,",j • h ew i t ird , t) i yian i 1 I . l' squirmed in eve_ry,,,,.direetien. and m a de vrortk; the •wind litillie )lciiieij . u l op i ty th. i. ot ettee# efforts for its delivepince. ~ put,in Vlllll. woe like thedim.sounds-eiVry Audio ..htirtm Ti Y 44 i!eid.!'il ll witls lk death grii. ! . . •j. 0 ..ti i . it . enr ,...,: . ..- 7:7 :........A...L.................:.:....2.,...,....:,..........2.... ~s,e,..rgritt,_lrtypag,te,,eell hie life nu • i v,,c..4 And :vote t; lint .".. - . .. .. •• • iie'erly ne peseibie Vll.lVilVOrolCtWilllTil '*-- f - '' ' n i “ r Y .Theiii r iti!tq; l eta creeds -,, ~. .. ,. • • •.• - - le e•t le.- Hying ot the bird, and by dint of bora Shut:t otal faiths of the 'people these' atirireititi which ite - enitt or:all ilea is. ieyoilio 1 1.1 glint; nnnneed" in.getting-ls body, t wee the . rible,:atofonly ansociated .with ,nlifortimor oh, :. h. "1 { ,!,, ' l !‘"!.e n g lo . , ~- ..., .-, heouil6; l , the faiie;:t‘te , sy r iv,iit deitles, •16 :74 1.0 .Aere,1 pirate now become owttre . 14 twee , of'old retig.l,...ti t ,.'whiiiti .woreeforC pt , o9ii, i i v t i i hie datiger.,,',, I Ile w,itaiiit.:were hie .oray menet.. our,gratplelre, acre stron's„ then:Adn :.tlie . , ~ t t 4 ..r:, , irf , q.. , ..ir ,PtTp..begl..lr/W,bflubd,: lie duMti . ily Alice, Atit,mittal, at little Irtgittenetf slii,het,,,,, , iTnicb. with .ii : ie enemy: All' his tifiirli,' litivi.,,, Yon. , polii• ct!ilit !bit,..tft•iteilitT,g".'ijelyiyifi.efir .. .„°'" ; ,c_Piti'* - liiii : .ilti•titititti..: ll tF tipfilte,..,,Tlin. wity,.. : l:, eitulti pot ; , divest,. ?if,yven , l,itutt . il.tida,llite;oir,e7 jpiylf,taorytliti fly ..., .!'"ik!ii rer9 "!3'4 . 1 1 1 1 et'' llt !!o4 ll' ) . 4:Jut l 3' roWt -'l 4 Tkui t iltn, ' . I ,._J il • 1 ,1 0 7. I !. 4 i l •i6.o v iAtltag 1 11. ;14 1,,, •.: ? 1. 11 ' 1t '0ci1 0 ,' 4 . 1• 01 1 . )w ...* , V,‘10 1 ":.: 1441 1. 4"lltl'io - .. ° , ° ,44: i ....; 11 .... ; 74";!. 1 1 31 : .e6 4 1,1.11 ; (0 P , # 4 . i ilTitilt!L:t OltS'L Dept' 11111111illiii wpf . i4 Silt:: e . ii"-Ait;tt;l,lii,f) bed; of iie4-91,riereOrYi woe elaidded ittcotit ;4, : -.4 ' 1' 6 1 4 '! w ,,.uf 1 , 11 e ttol h ~.1 „ .0 . 0 _ , 1f5 h1 , 1 4. ..6 4 1 0 6 ' 4 .• irg. i i 66r.yle're'ty ,t - qtme . r iti , .'wloge, end,: iitetv : ll . s giot. .. MEI I i* I ~.1858. soft anti velvet=likeal though it wore owno's thitynt, There fell n lull a'peace, n holy calm min gling wittit the glories of the bleitting statry night: ffer wondering eye converted the.. mighty trnuke"info• towering. pillars, their in terlaang brnuelies into grooved nreltes;...and the drooping moonshine into fatups„ pendent by minute millions from- the grooved roof. • Suddenly the moon, gliding on„. seented • to cross an open space among the giant trees. It was like the folding dome of 11. VllO m1111'0.14111 opening, and pouring 'out the lighted ..splenL. • dors of the interior like it tido around and n bout her feet; unt.l,tnen the deepening wind bore fo..iwr ears a rinhtg 'sound—n - grit hi ring of melody 'wide!' if It wns•alighily in tuonottii Juktl all the effects of n chanting .As if n inightrjohilue were performing; Po did ten now become vivid , re'aliZed, and all but re'cog . nienble. Adding_ At; the' illusion,: the projections Around the trunk s , their great holes, enroll coppices growing in the intervening spabesi and other effects that might be putt fancy nnd pittlt fnqt, give to tier the iMen of men and Wo men kneeling in a cathedral. aisle, arto the heavy, swelling, dying chant floated bilettee, sweet and delicious, fell again: Ilo! ho ! 110!" - weat alga, acme..., the lake.. , --Vilitiol•iyhool-whoo!" went-- with--a tnoro prolonged and hollow ‘naonn,•like d, vilry in a Gernun, drama:- • . In t !feet, the night Ideas- wnked , up. nod clurpings,..ehAtteriogs, litughingq, holdings, I , lllilltifigs grew Remind 'her 'nod !'dear Alice!" come nearer MA Mayer no she 111 . 0,0 and walked on and on. mid . eainte td +llmln , li , oleil 'Mde bridLtecromsbig n breed stremn, uhere she beheld two defined ehopet§ Inlore h,r. . • ' Benoitley t Egerton!" the cried. Atice! lenr Micti! Mire we found h they kissed nnti , etntunced her warmly. watenot c.4.l`,"iter frightened, —but stnused delighted, tired ten; and• oli! where wns the c.etle? For chic wils . erowing hungry tn'tj !hest Bynchley said they surely must ho nt lined.•-: ••• What's here ? T.n;hes! domes, Momue,- and-their clew !" exclaimed EAerion, ov 1111118 thsliell•ni. the end-of a dim alley, and nhot;t 7 groom' of..pe( ple. were tarelrin hand - , - . lhtted - to - and - fro. • ity,..there!.l shouted ,Alica, - "Aud these fire the guests!" sail Eg , irton. '• Bola! holm! iolte!"l,riitig - •the voices, in rare ohot us. •• !, hula! Thiel way, friend ! this way Cried • Er'nekley, iti reply. Why, icii'der'n the earl, my fitti;er i" again cried Alice, running forward, and lialf titatub ling am clue caught her tiny loot inn Juige mushroom a'curioum fairy had knit heaved up, that he might peep Ihnn under its c h ide. —1 wonder if they search for ti‘t Who could hove told them We had wandered away? Budd Egerton. . ' w'arrant that the grown, Hugh, has den in, thinking we !night he lon, utter all; und . l thank Lint for Alice's bake." tt We Inure been wandering!" Intighed•Alice, now almost crying with joy, titter having much enjoyed her weary lanulilittp to nun fro; ttet,l'in very pilot we're lucre, foryou, Bruck- Icy, and brotherlont, must be tired. Anti there's good Master Laes, our nitWo wasterli contintted Alice, who tow to . enuhritee thin inu ritatti—to hiss her lather, 'the eail—to be rotated, petted, tptertionettiref lie for ert-noirer--to ;•pertlc of the spirits, the tnitiet4; the, njlvitut fulfil fink, the bentutiful illusions, the goaded avenue.., the precut cathedral, with it s llianua t tions descending trams . thetnpitto%t there mote did the little lady detail to the Curious, admiring folks .tit the Castle (who never tilvtlititlwrti trite 1111:y111111g 11 . 1 11 forest except the trees) befUnn she kid her sweet hand down to rest. And this )t was which supplied John Milton wilt ihO ".11Lnetinen1 CMIMM," alt . (' itwhich JLtuter We;:i•N:rtlC 141101 111114 - 0 un 11011 not been nnrl twsed, if evuoil , ll. ; end n 'audit played this wry mosque in the great _half of Ludlow Cns -110;ns they hud'rehearsed it in the for.e,t. -DA 17ri.t.E - 3rE N„EAG:44. ,15113 A SpIIPENT The struggle ceased, The eagle was conquer ed ! They both began to fall, hound together no they were. Tli'ey came down nh rapidly an they - ascendedc . apdfell in the river: - . So in terested were:thirg-officers and passengers in the singular contest; that the steamer booked Water; a boat put off, and in a few minutes the two belligerents, were laid upon the deck. dead I The stinke - had Wound' itself complete around the wings of the noble bird. ' • For the Hereht WE RETURN NO MORE" MEM Whence comes the echo of 6(44 werdo: which is wafted to our ears on every posing breeze? We hear it in the early morn, a n d at t 4 .,!ilight dim, in oroviileti halls, or when shine, ;tiff comes floating that mournful sound, "We return, we return, we return no more." What is it, that vanishes and. returns never . ngain ? In vain, do ive.ei - eaedrithe'llidilen misteries of nature for an 'answer. lh it thn song of the flowers; - as they -- fade - and perish- - beneath--the rude kiss of the "Storm King?"'As we watch " heat drooping nod dying, and feel that tliey; - who now form Bo beautiful a " sister hood," must surely return to_ the dust, do thoselloW, dirge-like Strains murmured among themselves, reach bur ? Or when the cold -blasts of winter hush the songs of the birds,. and -they prepare, to seek a warmer clinic,' is' it this echo of their parting song, Which Comes stealing to ue on the evening breeze the beauteous bow, with its brilliant; though evanescent colors, which__rtv, turns no more!' Gr us, we gaze upon the gold . ' and COIIIBOII hers of iiiitu;et, comes there •voice from the western hills,-" Gaze oil, and iitm•niar,- oh sons of Men, for . we return, we return, we return:no, more?" it •Ccintes from none of !hien "It ie not - the bowers, thnt return no-more,' A, breath of Shriek shall tb,eir . bloom tegiore, And-it.fe uot..the_vuicte..o9.aletilows the. bow., tVit stream of love, Wr.ugh. the starry ' ! Nor is it the crimson of punnet hues, Nor the frail - ,: - thimheil leaves; which the tuntn etrems u uo c re - 5 h I-I:nrvurfc—rec,' ,urri.ciion—that the tiols.of suiiset shall spin oppeor, that Clio how of protn,ise shall still tce seen in tho olus ts.and thnt-tlie From the laud of the vine afid Shall come with •the nuashine—when .waves . prow etim - Whence, then these mys't erious' mitrome? MEI tote fails*to instruct west)? Look .we (itrt moment at old Eng land's bhuie. See there a band of n..ble heart- . ed moes,.persecuted nLd oppressed, yet firm in 111 ' e3uB k. -or 7 i ihtr -- "CritiginArilllti3, 1101110 and country, for an uttuuthed heart, and liber ty of emc;ence, preparing to bid adieu to their land, end in the tintrodden'wilds of a new world to find a hemp. What eanid have led them thus to rew unce the land of then• birth, the friends of their childhood, and Atte associations of their youth, brit . eing the perils-of the sea, and the thingera of uu known land.! • - What ^sought they - thus aln-, neighs jewelts'of 'the wine? • ' The wealth et - seas-11.e spoils of war- 1 . They sought, it failles pure shrine! Yes, this . was the oho of these nuts hearted one's., And now, ,though . with bowed hoods mud .treating eyes, they opproneh the 33,- pas side, they turd toibteir hearts the proode . ti •ot n betier drays. Yet as their notiveiliorp die oppeor., conies the 'murmuring eutUol at:- two no tore. , ' - • .• A n d through en,ve and dell, ]lluiirnlully euitueel thiti. cud farewell." Look once more" at the poor Dri`yea by the sdiiitip nun ofThwatite tutu, Item lintlyowilds, rot etot to leirve the char attwuma and 'Mating tit:Lnais of his lathers, atel driven we. ward before .the march of eivtilz See hint; nadte stands by the burial pkee of his trdie, , with listless eye; till uniort:97iew ; the proud, brave spirit oroSiteilr by okreiision, unit bear bin regiiient for 'the denoted. lite heart try full, even to bursting, tin I it's "lie't.k;s his Weld woad march, there comes, waltiol to our ears,: his partaig.song. Farewell ye beau teous vales, and limpid streams, • farewell ye birds and flowers. ttever,oion sloth -ye- glad den our hearts, fur we return, "we return, we return - no more , Whitt-sound is dint, which comes floating up the dim aisle of - the past, like Online of long remembered music? , List I The'f.ye of iouth, vanished pleasures,. blighted.impes,, ns well no gleams of sunshine, and visions Of hap piness. Thu pliiiniom forms of thepast,'come up to attack . us. The vicious 'of hist fr4iids gleam before us, until we long to plump them to our lull hearts; arid live • Ogiiin the Ate of the past. But vela'. The loved; as well as.. the Liauttfttl,• have yanielieil. end return not. And though we would fain lure them batitktp, - earth, Mid keep them eves - with. us, we eituntiu - We seek—but find them not; 'bu't beyond the,dire . and strife of -the World,. luw,,nweet Strait', its , from angel's Weep,not for us. E.Ortli - Was not our Welinvefound a hi igh,er, and a hup: pier,eue, mad. we return no more ". ' ' Often!do,we sigh , for the doj!' of our'youth, for the opportunities for doing good, which we hove lost—hitt all in vein. And thotli we know that the joys of earth ore ... - tranoient, no the colored light that helium . in morning dew drops," , Ye,Oilth. Ie hove them recalled -. pit they Atre;tmothe'red . with the things the[ !tern , . .tirsiir rlb,Colll , - ore, we ?mo.wet ed. It it not the birds, .the leaves, or theflorrers,. dint ere fure'ver,b4m- " flee we, we return. we return no tnnre Tlll7 yotttig4rplitiff."l4(fititi npritig ix tie'r. - • 'Biel hno;poured. on: freeV forth,.• -"; bxotall,e,es I tot, in idexi worth,; • , . . Nitti iu xifortixti---!iep, xt,roxg., void), .. iTfle.e . l3, ; the legit that return noveviin."‘" 1848. . . TI.V . man 'wit°, cal ries .4 _lantern In a _thit„4 , 2lloll :can:J[lll4 , o -friends. all nrinnt,l r .hlin. :1 1 : ,, lkinite 4, 1:9S:,bY:I 11 P•elinIn of Itn rnya,4Wl br im4goirvidel),.,,Bo,lle,who hne.the Ond, pigetr 1 0 6 . 1 ?" 1 ":"io !4qiii - 4117 11V111t; 40,,eric InAlthOrli.l . t4.4l4lnesee Dot . td; Lid own ,10 their stab: 1 . . 7. R. COOyER, PrOprietcm:: I yaaits' gitparinttut. . • ' Written fur Llio Herald. EDUCATION, MI.S. , iION AND iN ENCE Or WOMAN. DT ALP/IA We find the educatiOn end mission, of ivo• man strangely peculiar to christianity, and to it alone. Thu intellectual oulture,,and of refinement anCient.' flreece nod Botne have ever commanded the admiration, and awe ,cftnOderntitnes; . yet in the history of their • paltniest dap, we can searcely_perceive any' trace of this phenomenon, which itt' identified with' the chriStbiti In the - Pagan dr Heathen world,. woman• has never held that . Positien wlt ch obis ie justly; _ to, both by her' nature= and , civilirttiM never faritted n trittf:' , eopceptihrt, of her education. hnd ,nrissiety'but:'t*Yiftirbitile the °Mem win; a duty thilt4ieV ' olved on elitistiattity. flab] she faithfully 'performed , this important, task ? to 'certain extent Bho hen. .Cornpnrewpmtin of ..ancient , lianesthe mere slave of man's patision, with , woman of tinalera times—the •heroine, that inspires. the poet to dog, of 4 ' lo . vely woman "—the queen; of the fire-side and social life, the very em botliment•of the chaste, the beautiful, and the good. • But yet there remains a great work for christi inity ; and modern progress to 'acoom--- . ._ • ••Plie statidard of education - in our Bohr:tole, . and seminaries, with a few exceptions, is not sufficiently cotnprehensive. ' On education, we :-.III Q I- fli • ;11.1 1 111rillteilCer.11111; Useful and or. tiantental education, depends the fulfilment of her titisElott. Education in the goose we use it, in the•only panacea that min remedy the die frets in the present' positiett.of woman and en:.. able her to lissome the duties of her situation. in life. Of ivliat woman's education phouid consist, there is a diversity of opinion.• Some .coultud„.i ndeect.th &larger mlass,..lhat_it-is suf.-- ficient for her to obtain the practictil alone. - Lard Byron is obe; .among the greet' names 'that has taken thils narrower view, he sayti:— " the Bible and Cook-hook are the only hooks needful for in woman's library." ,But if wo --ntirtr-thrtleprivgd-rliterat tire and smence, wh t at a degeneracy would there be in society ! Am Ikl , 4bli',x,thex , e,,YP to train- the chilli for fit- - ' ftil ture usene:kp? If such had been the 'Cir . /li the world's history would never hive haul aught • illtistr . ittut; n.tineS as Augustine; Chrynostom, Sir, Thomas .Metre, Li Fayette, et a 4 genus ennlie, eminernier_piety, teaming antl_p itriot- Lon, these great and doe I met lit recorded their-grateful aoknowledginents to their pious Mothers. Upon the moral' and intellectual education of surian, the prosperity of n nation depends. Montesquieu truly . reniarks, that the Safety , of a State depends on the virtue of woman's Virtue unit intellect 1111191 go hand in hand, Virtue in to moonlit character, an the sciences ate to her mind. Clothed In' virtue she id nu angel, without it, even if she be the• .most intellectual of her sex } she is a fiend. Virtuous women like the starsof heal/encore ever heautiful,'niglit's darkness eau never' dint their blight effulgence. llow beautiful, and pathetic wax the answer at' Madam emulte, when Nepal - eon naked her what. France needed to develop her greatneg:. Motherki," answered the nubie woman : " , That ii well bid," replied Napolnon :I—There is a system of instruction in a single word." M ',lan let the French be indebted to you for Winging up the niethers'of their olttl 'drew" • lii the history of literary men, we can see, the evils resulting Crain the neglect of fermi s ellication. A.ltli.ou'e wife • wits heatitiful, weelthl; otol a countess • hot the ilotteeilliy of her ntlp Ileet Was a 000stant source of troul.te to hint ; 6c had to tly to -olito , le tor peace Of minds to club.; foe Coltivatett suciaty, in tito Spl'el.lit/P she ii immortalized under die mottle of Ocenim. 31iltort, the swats of 'lantern song, til ti wits who wits not suit dile ns n ontipart, ion tor him, she conlil not assist him in those studies which so soon injured his sight. He says: " :Matrimony brought hill, on um:peaks. ble'Ave . nritiess utul despairof all social delights which turned , the blessed irdinanoe of God into n.sore HO puthetiOall,k di;noribei, his horrowr : Dark In light Exposed t daily fraud, contempt and 'wrong, I{lElll el do In; nticf without. &Maui a fool In power anthem, never In my own, ' " Seam half I ennui to I he, more dead than WIC" But with all the trouble and pain he'recelved front ht's uneducated wife, "ho-allowed daughtere to grow up in -that Same tiarrow:: • minded state. Qtten he would have them read lielirew, Greek, Latin, French. or erome t flier layguages,- without- a- knowledge. of a single -- - word ! when they nturitured he said:—" I' • • -vim_ them eat - to learn eame virions. giMious tirt4 - Of,tnatitfact:;ryi proper for woe an .tt.kleow.--pltiticularly-ettihreideryin ellvee tied gold." 13iing Inartifrd ofl why ho did ' teach timid the languages, he replied : Otto tongue is' en iugh - for iv - woman:" •tl:e talgetyNlilton whotte-Coleridge says:- •.'Ait the olutespion or intellectual ',liberty woe eo Air • iu advauceuf his age. that- fre,ois dwarfed in the Melanin," and who gave• an' oduontiunitl scheme to the world which; as the author of • The Ancient' Mariner" nays. Maredergd matilttensivo thin bath' yet been put into practice." Yet 'tie large, twat extensive - • as it was it exolutted the cultivation of the fn. male mind. We could etren I the exiMiples ' to great letigClt -if we daw. tit,.yetstwatabre wdl Ilielmp Cooper's wife .one day bra': pat oto em nranier, being Elie usted.wilh -him in spending: lo,rtruch of Itie.tintemn , the pilntiuu.ot u pain Lexicon; bernt'aittiteminn.„ . .- 1 1 5 4 14-compite-it.7 - 7+-- At that ,tang bu must,havelltaught iiro - of Th!nnite Motirc'e wire Wks orrt very'unirosedemper and r flo in ,dor tenets. Ile .pertahtded , ,her to-play on the lute, other .in•tt'u;. numb! tvery,tlay,in,ogder thut.i6 might- Berlin tier dtspiisitietti. . - 7" • , . .. . . Wn hove now given -you n vinturemf'.lllOnn;4''''u liiii.pitie,q of literwry inern, - xviund -:- oltnibwit=7 ,4, - 1. ~ t 1): the, wont ofalLio,Ltipn-ou,lbitri;:iiri,:uf (hate.' .....,:;; ,wivoki,.n!,quoty 1; 1:.11419". 141 . ;;,,i'1 I! i .oii4Ailistl'ik*i,-:'fikt,;•, ...q. ll iIA 1. 5 . 1 .1t4U44L i ...110.14144?' . ... 1$; - 0,L 'lli , :.4,iii.,,-,,,lipp.i)iit6.liiio,,, 111=5 I=l3l ell= NO: 3.1. REM