Ella,i .- .1(1)tral-0 - 2- D pa,*zasLm, PA. WEDSEBDAY,' APRIL 7, 1858 LICOORIPTQN ,D EFS ATE D. the - Intin4 .- , the Kansas - bill; as it passed the Satiate, Wan token up in , t h e • The hill was read. 'and Mr. •Siddings, .of • Vhin. objected in a second reading. Under the 'rule the . iriestioti, • recurred. • " PlinlLthe hill be rejected ?" Mr. Stephens demi - id - a - file'yeicei - in - d - iiTiy.. The vote Waken, npd stood-yen. 90. • sinfi 187. The hill 'pie then read n second time. • . Mr. itlelitgionery. of Pent SYlvithiii. then Of '. feredllie Crittenden viilimitytte, no Hmende bpthe anti-Lecomptori Democratic C.•nteretice, , Mr. 'blotitgoniery mid, he had no remit kn'to, -make The euhstitute wiin it. best . inter im. - ' ter:' ile•bnitttrnielied copie s to the titymbrrii. ..'and was randy, te.supply the P. Me. Otliinislll i•tdistitate. which 'is the abut. Re the Senn ti; hill, with th'e otiod.inn ' of the tit chiriii4y.•elidi.e.' lint tie people have the right at all tithe. to alter or amend their Ct : natitution, in nuolo pninuer - its they think - proper.'etc - 'Mr. Uniiiplirey Marshall whiled . to amend. 'the original 'Senate hill Ity ettikitg out Site • cope 'Cisme ,loopii.ed to tie vniitied in Mr. • Quitninn's . Mr. :tiepin:tie retitsed to yield. the , flew' far • that putptire, nud demanded • queetion,• . •- - Mr: Morehall. wonted-Mr Stepheyes _refusal. • to he burnt in mind turd entered on the ri cord . . • quveititit wan thin on Mr (titittinin't. -- -- eytheitute; •, ••• • • ~ It woe negiitieed-yen. 72, nays 160. . . . .The.question tbeii teamed on Mr. Mont goniery's but attar., end it. was adopted— yeiis 120. nays 112, • The •encement was greeted with much applause from those in, the-genth tnen's gallery The bill all now go hitch to the Semite: if they concur, it vends the whole matter back, to the people of Kansas. The first section of rite. Crittenden's tuie as amended by the !louse is as follows: “S..k.c'etorr That the Star of Kunsan I. and is beseby intrultirti lilts the D tau eqa lbobiting with bite boigittel :Staten m fib rest -ens nteterer I int inasmuch ,as it is tally bliaptited whether tl e oanolundou /flared -at 'Li eibtron stn tie Tilt day of NII vetober tpet. at.d:to w imtuoinp I I fide C. tigress. was taith made ar exurteseethe with or the • • ret:ple 67 1{111..0111.. thio.ntlinoorion of ht's boot the Union ex Nfittite.,ishere (belated to be topan • tide fundranrniel to till, r. pacedent.nnteely : . That the tettith oohed dont nal Monument .41m11. • liii - first bin , edited to n cote of the vi nide of Konsoelood orreh'ed to by then( or a mei, tit) of the 'airs lit 1111 els (lii b . to be hefil for the • papist. : 11P POPII ee tooth assint (built lie pivpti,pl,ll.llU . l)• 11111 . 11P•ho.11n 11• (he • :Petah:lfni . o r the Utdied he eitall,seouttudoe 'the same by ttachimatitn, nod there tier, end -without any 'further plea-edit the port tileoegtere, theadmiesion of the PM& Stine of Khnepo.lloo.llll. Uairn ou iii quul rioting will the original glide& in eta ha l er, Plll.ll he c. nil lete and nbsolute- At the said itietioti 1110 . V1.111.g shell be by bath t. and by indorsing on his ballot, am - te 2. o voter may --plense r Abitr_the-coretitution.'2._ur .••••• Readmit ; the . eoilditutien,” Should the sold constit(l- •tlott be vjectal at the bad election, by a too - jorfty voies.beieg cart opplost it, then, mid -in that re* tit. the naltsbitonts ofpaid - I'm itoty, ate hereby militarized and empower. d to tam for tharaelvra a et netitution anti Susie g(iv, eruntent by the time abbe Slide of "{ a u r ae; aeradieg to the filet el cruatitution. in d' to that Ind' may' it Cl litleglileb to N - C1•11VC1111011 - as 104 basin r I t oridtd. Seot.on ireletes to the - State's yorisdictien. and slain'. 8 iti el e mallet of c.! tin. to p the pliant ins' authorized by the Ist eeciion. ThP pr'rwirs nod dutieb of the hist court nth n ate _then dt6ited : • • liVha it arartabd the eon'. mina shall first (feta mine, by e-vote, %Vet) tr it is the it.eh of the hromwed State' to tie admitted into the Union ..t that One: and ii so. shall morrld to Titan a le netitution, randtake -• meersory slips 11. r 140,1614 M un lit' a State go.rrn melt itt . ri . v.lmis) with the tetietol s uhpet to the appreval atd intifiration of the people of the ptoposed State. Anil die sahlyonicaian el-rt I. of:Clld.tigly i "lll(iPlitt tar iteTsyrtnirstion to the awe (4-- the pee pie tot . 1 vap-thl nt lljid IP!' : and it the majotity aid. a atilt Le pl”ti for firmed nit nioiessiil. the Q. vets. r 61 air Tel ritrry.elOill, within IW4 II 3 11143 k, HIRT the to 9 .eult is khan. notify the enit ut ot tl e Steil rof iLr estop. Aid II t 1111111.11 the Yre•i.)rnt 1141111 /1111.1 mice ae same moduli, end thirielor, 14111 WIIIPIPIA 111.3 1 . 19.• the, ,p et edit px %Init.-v.l it. ti r 1141 co C. preps, VW 111 1 11111•Pilili of the xnid Slittl• if Knu• 61+8 iitto.the Ut.into opbu•sn quel fnitil j vi ills St6tex in till teliiete %Lefever, ellen tit ei mph. to Dud Or; lute." • It_is 81,48 peotilleii, I.y im•ttidment, dint the • retutor of the estistituiiiintil nitetiuu shell midi• not lIP tin Govt rice ulonr , ut 10 of ei niniirsieners, n m. j , .ti•y 1., it lion. cm. art •• Thy , truinining acttnut• relate to the public Untie jit tLe Territory, mid viirieue ruiner Dials tees. . • , The eilhetioutelhus =ended, lorne•adopted find pas4,l by the votes or 92 republicans, 22 demoei lied 0 Anwrioaes. lu : the Semite On Friday. after some, tutiaa portent 1 usittess. the Eames Lill, hB amended Is) 'the Brune; wan token up. • The' amendments were Teed, when .Mr 'Gret n, 'of Marritri, without fur, Far rsih,wi.. tion,.reid he wittild'rul.mit hir motion to dies grey. to tte tillret of the Iterate. • Speeches were male II Seamans Bigler. Dougtar atii vugh. No. other Senator veivltittg to vpepk, 1111 ' 'Greetitr,,totiots WO. fit to a vote, and wit; agreed_ to—yeas 32, sw! .23; °ohm quently • tit. gi tise ; atite,tudtneette / Were Iliregtred to. Yue vote watt as. follows: Yrae— Meavre Aden. Bayard, • Betty - min. 8iqa,141.. r .- Bright. Brown, Clay. Enna.. 'Fmk 'Fitzpatrick. GI ern.- win„ ..11tintmatidt H o mpic - 0, - fittittee, tvei'son.-Jt•nea, Jahnson. tf ittkahrev• - J• 11118011, of Tettnearee: Mil 10.7. 'Macon,' Pearce. ,Polk,. Ptigh.Vdstati no. S ulellc Titompron.- of -Ky., Thump - tam, .of N. .1,„ Wright. Wee.— 82 . • • "7 Nave—Meerrs.. Bell. Broderick; Cameron, ChanillertSlark. Cofittruer crittentlett, Dann, Doolttile. 410. qt. Fesett mien. Ktot; Fort - . r, Mlle. Hamlin. Ilarlt•n. niiitc-Reword. Situ. owt, Stu rt.-.Truuthull, Wade. WPattn.-23. Alowitt=,Mew•rv. Davis, , DUI kee, Henderson D i ehl. Sumner and Titanths. , • [Tile Senate wall artys'ile4 during the dip.; ouraiou'orr wit, not mirk:excitement on the ettuounCetuent of the EEEkTEV4pT IVE FIRE Weicern , :irom•the.llurrieborj papers, itutt dretruouive.fire occurred In that bormiglifen Tueedey.ldght of limit !ell!. The Tele.era)//i .8e38:: ' • -•-• • ' The-fine.nriginnted in w email Tense stdhle, belninttim to AriGovron's Hotel, on the corner of Second and 01I.81nut ffiteeeto, entbwith•encit eaphi4 'did' the flemeadtptemb thot three Raj_ oiniow-buildinge; beloOditithol 14e.erme Jaime end ftly,rem,-,lorere eneeippid before the 'firemen could brtngtheir,etro eto play 'Phan. them From ifieett,.eeverndfri.wintildingefn the Teri! took fire; and Moen ihedietinin ioniMeni cottrdoto lbePreebilet lan Church'," eit' 'Second etrettriliti.s . edifioe . could .htive been :Milled; bud Grp impoTtti!o: ciency, olio the °winkle oikly of onr bpd fleet took. fire. liore' Ciliien fiufet;:nMi a. etreamtemild. not Ltenth , that dieittitt, " = tii• de t vr:l o 4,,i? wpo rimo 4 7 Ike roof eyd rppgle -7:-beietederreiriveleprilin9l - elieet - afinferi - eO4, . as' the 'iliterrieit fire fitolintril 'WO of the • • eupereitewifilillingly greed eight was p'rexentrik Yet •APPeillOCto sway a,beett who witutesed Theeoilc 'en'ineiniikery. and ° spetehrlll4leiekiii i iiiiiiiild-tetiie4leceuee4 which will be' thaately was erebleVeti . letir tome h'eli.lido isti4ltlelo'he hoped that, tu'r piPeteeivi eiFieliipeNtoeptei'he•yfeeed • ..feholtefeeetirftv;•dhir That Oitiargri p'uideheieef. The tti* l eeA;ioeili ifierfdthiieolsvl .04e1 ; kali ifiltiiriFillskilhiktinA ..• .7 - BANSAN .AGITATIOk. We odmoititt ,to our waders ihe following Article from the Nora: Ame man of Dlonday: `!.lt hue been Avorito'ohnrtie the.. to 1 7" voontee cif 'the lecotiquinn 'constitution the' the 0 14 1, 4 1 01,1te of that iOstronnent waited to em barinpa,lts puesnge .thtough Bongrese, onto defeat it nitnuethe4 foritid purpose 'of linning the !Canons end ntiti,Aniery sgtttitiorl But time nod circumstnnoce have titnnge , ll the hnot to the oßlei.fout. A proviso, Po.* 'adtejt ling tinsne jinn O; Union under the Lpcomp. ton constitution, lion pissed the !louse by n Tote of the opposition: but 'with n wise firtiPilit. ttie 1, pr puee~~in bstionee 11 , T Senator front outlet' hack te:iiie people of - the territory Bet • has been defected it. the Senate by the • Very pertiestately an solicitous to put an end r y ; itflitestionwhich kettpa,up- seetionol strife, ' and pleye into the hands' of Soitihern todicale and dissmionists, or Northern obolitilinhitg;_ Who now are thepgrt;en pridonging strife end viisconi between different sections of the con try? And whet mist be - thought of the pro fession Inteiy , nitride by the Lecemptonites? And What of their desire for pencesio often expren-- ed.Xlien they Plus prolong the coulee of iiiy cord h. Fortunmely it la not.in their power to disturb the country much - linger.. If the Sen. th its resolution to rifScr. the' hilt as peseed by the House, why that measure will fall bitween the two bodies A new eon epeedily!c. nte_up :from-Asnans.. .and the long disputed territory will ,happily come lent 'the Union no a.. free State. It t will be' impossible, to prevent such n consumine. tine, et even seriously Act obstruct from present appenrenies this is the course that affairs ore likely to take. It deem not 'now Deem prohnble !lint either the Senate or the House of fierreeetaintivre can be brought' to consent to anything substs4itintly different 'from whet they beveelready.ectecl - on, port.: to plevenethe L - tteempttin constitution from being utterly defeated, • ' Well may every lover of his eonntry, the friends of nee institutiens.end the believers in populer: government. colfigretiente'tlie - meelves 'on lhie result. It ph, vas that notwitheterofino . 'the fotce of r arty discipline, the power of local neilerctiennl 1114, &aeons. the tempinti. ns of petnenal-intereat and r the j atron rp of the federal got - element openly' nod onset orulottely .t0p103.61, end nll dint niime lees it fluer ce which en adteinlstretion . %weep. sillily wields from its position. nnil which, in .the prevent inslnnce, - ltati 1 iron exerted totl4 - utmost exienti-it show Ont. notwithstanding nll this..en Attachment to what is jest end tight, etill exists among our ptill'e n en, and prerndernies in - the tintionel eenneilit: Ne eotifese:bovri vet; that n Brent want • of ibis . att. ihmeht hoe let n displeird by but too ninny nit nit ere of C. egreo , s The purposed inieteet_an_section-heve-ted-the-greed-ouni.. icy i f the reprtsentativep from thy South' to -nectifice-il.nt-in- their !mit to; de); - 14 - nnw tri Fe' tight to y/31_44)1 evpidieney, or, as -they trot it, political neceetity. A desire to keep right. _with_t_tt part.V7.... to. be n sir night nut-out demt cont—or en Arresistaltle appetite Tor the . hooves dietributed by Ike executive hand, led Teeny democrats from the North in gO for 'Le corepton *nitrifies, theirAtisvn conseltice It is redly deplorable Met tinder such prompiings, Mal' on the most shallow pretextoc.e.. Ito's' shit uld have Let n moisten d itd.oll greet vrt vg. But sn it 61 . .10 this fact may . well Isar it . people in the refute to 1.. k more els et 1 , 3 - into the t Lenten r end queldicatietis of of their tipreseniativre, Hod the Ltptiopti n ci mt . ninon mow(' Cc ngrt es the denier/111 , ring it titterer of the net on our politico sod public men would bete been fearful naked. It would have teen pat. cur to every m e ti at the meet tot Mime petite to preleiment. That the moot lithjuitous menruten. prosecuted with energy, ntiPht run (wed: and the( any instrument, tin mutter bow' ttworili, might he used to-forwatd an ran.. jtratifinble trod mirchievone , end. Hence the hot t nonce of tie teltdie int , lied in the foil. ure to tiling Kenyan into the Union tattler Constitution notorionely direr; loved of by the iitliabitantec, Tne which they boll no voice in Ironing, end on which ihty travel' bed the (pp. minify of exl terricp their ot ink The el jemionr urPed to the Let i tot toil con-tine ton itself eve light. when ctrl tired w ith tha.e exieiing ',veinal the eircumaninces 'airmen& fog it, orratunder which it came into exhtettee. And it it hind been approved by Congrettaolien that body would ' tally have set its rani of opprobation on ell the deetle of vfolence and flood of which the Leromplon echeme,wes the moduct. The country bee teen Filmed thin liumilistion. The way it now opened to tpsiel --fotally-the 7 Kansas -coritrovernyhy . , -feir—and honest means. If any obstacle PltiPtP, it will be found in the action of :hose if 110 have hith Irmo been 'so ready to clam/a., the men who op potted the adoption of a fradulent instrument with purponely prolonging egitation on e (men then 'molting slavery, in mder_ to profit by it pereumillY. l Let UP, by ail memo+, bete a 11.1111)0 nettlinant of the Knunaa di& till Nut by the pensage of the lecompiets conali• tution, for that would only have made nett. vt *a thousand times wo'Cae, end renewed aphelion to the rimpe moat to t,e dretralet, but . by de. - fretting Lecomptod,. getting it out of the way althmtlier, anti then nhowitig the people_ Of . 11C/111/011, to from such , fundamental lase' ai they may desire. .tkilWrov, Hoax --A Sheffield (England) pa. per contains the following': aungular stir ettne-bloce Imi:opened at.our untott,hot, en * For some misconduct, the rroioter , Inul—put boy, for punishment, into the tleod'h"our. At ih'.S time there' wee n corpse- in the den& ward' in a coffin. 'The boy -took the o..rpse out ~(thb ooffinoiremerd•it in hie.ftwunlothee, og o inat the well, nod then got into the cc tbn lay_down, otoLeottred .. )kinplif ove r. In the course 1.1 . It Clint t tittle, the in tee come. looked in at the door, mid sow, no' he thought. a sulky lid .standing ageing th e •wall. • , Now,' eity the . rnonter, •dq you wont any popper?' TiTere — wairatiFtinew/W7The queetion wee repented, with the came result. The boy looked out ham' ills ce.lkti and said. ' If Ite.woo't , have any. Thei moster fed in terror, and received such a shook that it Mould he has titian died•from the effecits." • CHANGE Or TLC e. 8 Aue" UNIVORDS'•The , Sect etniy of ,War latOif;tted has order to. a' chaege die Uniform Chile 'army. Mae tine tle.cr bee the-ebonite: • pied+ new worn ie , eupplanteti, by s hlt hot With brit? 8} inches wale, end 'crown 61 inches blab; henna' with ribbed milk fur 'ant.. atoinot the rim 'for men The iiiihntitlie Tor iceuero oifieera are AN faill;syrk, 001.1 opril, itithccorn ilatpitherole the hrinl'of the limit 1°46) ' ,Up on the ',mitt. "feeticed will. ten - iogle attached to , —the Witte. or ilia hat, Ibree Week:ostrich•,teothers ' 'the heft aide, "itehl.himtwohderwl wreath in froht,tith'hhieic,ltihretgroutei, inciro!ini iha V. 8, 41 09 `Eiighelhohoraoters,, othir Cht.etfittetione offieerentat foi.,ttee , Aofiatta theentarn 14: 'inch, distinctive - , gentl,e pr,,olaea The. oheinkorsile.O e x tend. to the potthth dee'ead Aim"it"ia , Copfloe4 to' lot,io.or.d:lll,;_,Offii , o, of tuttd for' itOol • e,' o. " • 1 163 61/ *49 nB died on taw " . r'' For the :Tut'3JlA o* Tuff. STATE CANALS. few yearn we have witnessed oar - riiption arid hrilirry in those entrusted with: , legii.lati6tv in Congress and elsewhere, - anal wholeintle pillagelty treasurers 'of e a mpanies' and officers of p,!ia. been just ' , horn that the Positnaster who.negatialed the Our:. ohase.ef_therdte_oftlta.old_B of. Pennavt. clinic no' the part of the Coned States,received .denrear of twenty-three thieusand_ dollars, front the late Preeident of the Pennsylvania 13 ink. The Press ore the sentinels to watch those in atitharitioliail sonndAlletinctly the -alterm,-when 2 , her witiass any-departure-fans • rectitude and propriV*l and the people might Artcall to neouunt. dg. 'militia servants-4ml. forevt;r. *exclude from office. such milli-grace themselves nod their country. ' A lavish, mi.l useless expentliture'uf the public inoneys,taken from the people by taxation. is another elin! - - noteristic of the times. Congress has spent seven !militate oftioll.trii - letweettra injpuhe lisping hooks amtvot:4lonisepies their salary in advance. It appeois :ilea that's variity tif ntmcles hate been furnished members fur their wives ai :the exprtise, l 'and the excuse i- that they purchased them nut of. the allow-. once for nevrepapers, &c. ' Our Legislative have alto voted themselves trio hundred `dollars each he 3 nod the solorY • previously fixed, and are paying routine to on . unnecessary nutnher of doer-k.eepei 8 na:pages Which lice nothing but sinecures to favor par tieular intfividuals. A hill huts recently passed the iiiiver House for, the tiale of the Camas and tonalining public works, which 1188 81,1111' locus poen& about it, deserving of scrutiny sitar itt vvidigation by their caitalittients. We find the following chimes futile report of Mr Jolo3 K. Calhoun Mit.l 11. e rent of the Committee:. The hill provide.. that the C 'souk• coven taillioae in bowie.. bearing - niereet at.the.rate of five 'per centime 'l.er annum. to ha tte4up-d by mot timer ,of all their pt. petty xml purcharem—*3.soo 000 . f which ate to he given to th. , State itil.nynietit of the imeeliane money..aull the tveithie to he. cleva.ited with the State Treaseter, to he eurtetalerell to the Company by convent of the Porerner, oft eer fait. umillipone explaine.yu ti-ethi.l" . • .•And if the tnelitis of .the Company are be PlifflC!llt will. tar $3 600.0c0 of -reserved botale to CoMpleto" it.: Ili , to• 100010 are to le burn nderell the. Cowpony from tame to' time to pay for the wor k i.e the tonic propretTa; and to gutted miainet may prom.- '4. re Cr imju r oper Witte of bottle by which the Mt Wally. to tiic State thight 'he inTait Governor. ia *repealed to 'endorse on the bolds before they ate eon:. ndety.l„,over lute own alg a...ore. the. or.ht ittord by oillhorstyyf lam" and no bond except the $3,500,000 owned hy the Stowers-6 tie i-ntitlett to the atrocity of the moitmege with o ut that en.loreemeni" Ellglith I,f , all this inlayer is;-thattrbe-timethelbrmrriiere-iiirooveretl--noW don the-State-ierto-selbell-the (311111i . 111,11111prOperty IN.eutertnined. that be fired the building either of the State to the Sunbury and Erie Eillrand accidental], 0„4.y design. nallions five hundrid thou_ firemen feel, thrtneelves under many sand dollars,. of._fice per CPllit bands of _that • obligations. to Mrs. 8. E tylingiird nlimre kind 'dompany, nod That the 'State witlinut nor nes* and btorpintliiy *Arced her to reptile consitieration-Whati-verie_to-tintlorre-tiontlier--ct.ffee and oiltel tefreelintents,...for their beue hatch of the Ilitilroad bonds to the additional fit; otter the fire amount' - of Orie and a half thilliohs,witb• the worth. " isrued by timber ity of law-" there is.att3 menning it' thin eunning Ile t be either to &cave titirOot•ets alit oath with_ the blew_ 11'1.1_11116 , nre Nand i guaranteed by qt . tifitinte;_er, th enrre nit of to - bind theSA t ete, then there tegi f l a j 4 .re. in diteet taci , ot the le.te I;Unrtinationitt 'prn.• about ,to ISTILVE Tnis STATE IN A AMY DEBT (4 , :MELEE -BULLIOAS AND A BALT. rilbui.l ashy iquivuletit ur cobsidontwn %but- MU By adroit moringement; theSpeoher ruled Mr Conse'n stneiolii i mnt out otot der, 111.11 lIIUN re!uoed par mile open Ili ,CI of the tt muining lath le voila, Ire tpo). , rity voting 'down .erety I re! own n to titnend the. hill. Mr. Editor, de give os the :mules of theta Who rot II fir this Iniquitoue bell ; and let the ofic ihro; to account lie thus attempting not only to give :wily the .reninin log oMM...without n lair gl en only, hut to in yoke the &ate inn tow It ht. D.d the Con mint e redly think the eluding Laud pm chats meening in tritiCla Aide Plan is pr. tented could gilll nud dtceite their con stituents? .• To guard eg dtt.i any' rvemoture • teen° of the bontia,' "t&0.,.&e. What !tee the State to do with tiny halide cut those it receives for the Catiolaaold I • .Whitt ore seven atillimts ol,bfintle to he issued for, and dellfereq: to -the State Ti raiturer, when. the State is to 'votive but three millions and a hall ' this Committee exploit' this 'matter to the people. We went to know the teal unsure of Slit? scheme, mid not to hove a - hill entleetruo• Tive to the interests of the State reseed unaer a glifte. Let us hove plain, open and Millard dealtug THE METHODIST CONFEHENCE —Doting the the eation of air Philo,lelphin conference, of Diet,m, the introduction of the slavery gore cecoviobetl vome excitement,. 110 n little oletrp Ittn.oting nniong, the menthere. . Charge,' were ',referred agninst the Rev. J. D..1. , ,ng for writingmnd publi-lAng a book' in which, it woe. oille . Oed he hid done Atiustice to the mittietry and • members of the ohm ob,• in Moll loud find Delaware, 'but they 'were nut eller' Mini& by the tonterence. During the dircu•sicin on ktiljeci, the' Rev. J. LI rill, ores , and stated dint he won'the owner of a alai° who iritae into hie pciession Bogie four yesre ago,he hunt ototedsonie rinoe that he could convince the most ultra Abolitionist that hilitiilding or this lfq 7 ,16 Eqtre.th!l,- It eiroli ot .'. Not dint be &add' conviece - sgeb that it woo jtiotifilqp. , Their4 (wan) was,* drunkard; end the freeing nf.hi,u j old injure the nnti•sliitieryciptie.-' lie would bike manures irthe Confer encein rirtlereil,'' to ma .omit Min d though he bplieved fiesiiion was best for the slave and the cause. Rev. W. Cooper. Presiding Elder of South • i • .1 hie 1 iotilot it' reoinied 1 elither Wei benevolence, hut es the bolding of a elute by e travelling prettelar wee contrary to thecitil 7‘ Aline; it 'requirittgthe lantaneipatiou of every slave held by a travelling' pr‘eneher. that if he did neitletthe elms go, the cruference . rooll feel itself obliged to let him go I-. Her, Mr. Merrill Jutting nfluntrd . .prtpotitely, to Mr. Long no n mnn .of , Mr. Long Spited that hr•wcultt Other hp p itirito great biro- 7 11nm a pan nf a ip„ousno, 14Vor Ur Aholition!pt.:, "".;: Ilpdgeng snit]. the ,brotlttr; kik . .arontot. kiteso!r:em,..Willit . ig Titter to. bee !jinn gr A natititetrAtutit.a-tho sand .Ittle:oneie.:.-4f. Luke : ldra olu. melte . se grfec:,• rove silt suppetsolo wopM NipiJA;ray. up.liki: Ire 1 ILa.ttsttter,]: , sod UP .n cotton AlOtOr; oiy!" (I,eugbiet..l‘ The joke oliungetk .bendir nuddettlY• .: 7 -Tlit k Ritypent Oiiteral i3..veritLerl t7 ll , r . .•1 1 1nfP 4 1144 Ptth!i! . etafio Wteir,Wir Liao 'Awe sitArinti.;, town tutif.l.toyitig ]Mutters. ineteorologital:Orgisorr far the 'Week fish, 1.1438. 1 ;imp, Tueatirty , 00 . Wedueoday 151'00 Thursday II 00 10l 00 OM 162 00 SAunlay Sunday 56'00' siputlit - y 0000' eeyy 156 111_11 , ,--I 16 Menu . , * :le &gyve (11.1ent In the nilovt• tilth , ter le the daily evelegivir three ol•t•IValinloP. .Tllll6 - 11.1118T OMAPRIL Thimetlay woe Ohiewliful day; and Home who were obliged' to change , toeMtions, had nothing to 'complain t finregard : io the wenth:. er. Evert wheretenyle weyeeeen carrying . blink cie of otteenewtore; . , end • other domestic utensils while,wigggK'etirte, and wheethnr tirrascere...l4 s tt.tlettnieition in the removal of fferititihir: - A IM:ge . itstrither gere in from the country attending to the tranafer 414 property although. operot inutrot _thin nii_were_n ot_es_ hinge an fornierly; tirriitg to the iightnem, in the nittnerAsnerkstir-Still no doubt a good deal of Money ghtingell • I As usual, on all - fools day r " there woe. I considerable eport among the 3 totituMmte, ain nothing "April rod's," of eneh other, here tut el-ehern. lu the cities a-number of the were victimized, Ito, we thiok, the ..rioltmt eel'," occurred at Wadtington, ,when tie nl tt istration wmi feared on the teem!' pion Coned 'lli inn. . The Detengrats • were PO badly fooled: that they will hetveinnilcati4 to re member Or that of April. • . , FIRE.-o!) . sliturday night last a fire occur:v.llomm liner miler fr. m town, ptrahe T , lll4lo'l4.ept jag rood The both of mv: Iloorei.iiiter - deftroyell tort tier with three and n quentity t f rot n. wheat and finbler. the Pe 1 , 011 M. aht of Spo 41; which these it most probably no inenronee. The flip hrt;ke ouratoiit 11 o'ch etc . awl the light woo clietinetiy,seen in . town. The Citm- Verhttiti Fire — benipnny, with. n zeal whi, h knows no fatigue; in the line 'of their tint); after tineiteneive run of more than three mitre attired on. th . estrt4tniiin lime to sore the houee and ennuEof the out bniltlinge; which .were in inoinent danger. - As n'etrouge Gerthnn was feen.in the neighborhood of The horn. nhnnt Ttilni • --E N,G F.B . 7in t evening 1;1.1. wm• given up to- the traler4nds, who tht:it Invoito rieneeiti 01l 1 . 1.110 and (Ayr the Old t Mute, in gencral-trial orthefire:appaealtutr. t The J.ll i t av tPipire of the 9isre G_uMrtitt. point: for ttrll4 the . reln•ive power fur C'un.berJanel , lEttglitep. Il6dle 4 etr : gues-witilied will, but from • ille - posititn w 0 oclritried. we think the Union Lirew a euretent, I feet . higher luau the Cumbrrlond; 'bowrin r, be rirrum thrown by the'CuteLrilandl , larger thou ilml thrown by flee Union. it winlth lruhobly areoutit fur the differreiee in altitude. Bole mimed's' are i goiul e and are iilwaja ready fur t)uq• wl.en tie Omni ie. given. WiriTtyrnen !—I lie Scirillif• Ameri can EitroiShen t'n tic.li. at rrceii • tor -tookioli t latewash lor tonere sad the outside id build inge, and as thus is the beast a. wilt a hunters end others hesio elsan up tor the au r, we advice theM to use it. t• Take halt . is 1.b4. - i of fresh-horned white lime. and sleek it•eitlar uith.hot of cold. wa ler in a . mutt or, hostel., 1% tbotousitly .hacked, dissolve, 41 the a tiler r. qtat ed to thin the lime , man quarts of coutto.o s t ilt, sat it 'thetotighly, tit ti..it ix thin reedy for 'use' to put out va.9l a brush " If you to woke oketrtim.euior. odd n little ochre. Itr uelog th j a wnehfor the kite rior of bullet' you ;putt Omit the ' Belt, ee it tendo to APRIL COORT.-.. Ou 1110taley nest the 12th lost. the April te,m , , , f the court p 1 Common Nees, (outlet Sessions ,ft• o:, for CutoJellorol county still ootimrnee its this borough. Ire I.elieve theteoi ill best !urge enir.unt I f bit •i -max to be tio.poeed of ~jty the 'way,' . we hope oar cum try filetulto whetun he called to lotto will visit t•Ur.ionbum, etitkolletti ue.ao much "material aid," us possible. OUR Niiw 1:11011 CONSTADLE --AVo orr•ethul to }44 : //111t cur hvw 11 ult. gooliuldr, 111...j0r Jacob. lirr.z, it rert..tioiUp Uie duties with ;in tu t *Hy Nhdc:ftioicoey6u.youtt The Mojur tilh inhky u ieeolaue n:ul Ttgiloot offiorr.'nuulthtritigiiyi bum of 'clhoe, rowdy igua In intcOolough beat a dieootiut. Dlon 3R On S j .turdny; ulorithog4l; otd, Armstrong Iklobiti. , of lids boroulib,,thrwurded biPhilodelphiu 27 bend of the !built fattert•' meets ewer 'ritisetl In Cuutherl,4l;eounty. Theeo Arent Rgre . fed by the Col. hinittelf,on his form Mijoitdng the borough,oud, ns Oui`y were in prime order:, • 'our only entree hi,. that they were not renew red fur the Cattlele4'morillt. •' ....11EC11131T8.—A detuebnfent;of fifty re, ornite ;he rnenuit9.. regithenn!,,",fitri: , ed Al" the Car 61e thirrnekf, , frota: the 4.6erent re• eruiiing,.eteilene,' on 8001114. "The' number o r t h e men' , atihe pimyenw, iheluding4he tier =anent into!". ibusi fivi hunch ' Pilommolc—Ainong the recent pro molten tu the Natl.lte fire •ttratifie.l to , see ottrlownem,o Andrew J.. 5100nriney, to be a Lieutenant framed'« tenter February* /808, lIIM C==Zl 1 .190 4 :11 1 ka Yfalpiefl - tri• oring ept i ebyph . tetiet 404 elpthieff store tt. the rimni flivniqlylwesipir4 , Ai 41 P U re toliesol,t)X.Mkiit,Nabhl.4lolAppft , t_0 . 49 !hp • ; , , . .• r troop . IsS•Xlisb 19 'h nP , tui 4.000. • ditotivo varlsnts?is,;.l ' , pt+4'44o4llooo . 'Pili:'tioir•h44o:ilie I w,ll , ll',lllli,thipd;i hp ,'14:1:41.1 . 0,1 skid' 'orkiesliii,l'. bi II Is 4.1,i5ip.4 1 .N force . 4 4 7 1 .. - ,19 1. 90i, -1 1,0,P H 10#,Ar*J 1 ):.:1w ,- . l. *Wir . 1441 . 111 i Piny . 81ftitti . • lorci, ist.ll4 , t , TOor drug uri 11..0 kiijai4kr olio slitumegii 1 110'0. 0 0 ANtirMl1 5 ,V;ir.,.'fiTit: - . isIOTVIRA:s. • OR TUE SCENERY QV A TOUR. !R. ,EDUIVIC:- The hitt • tine 'that, we, NO gnitipse 1:4 fine nrulijtecture wits ,tOitleated the 'wimp niists .fit• morning, while. the cars !bait-bore us "welit:thutiqerinic Plinking the eartlt'betteUiViheir t ieULl—:hutses of xteel-nod olourio!, , of wind, -r Another dny- bright, Was"the'sky above, nnd.of olMmequotteoe Cright was nil beneath; ' Rohl that bilge black tibiae of man went emokini. and "snaking" us along the Sinque• ' hanna. Green were. the inters, Seen With the shitit !tillOf GinUTaltoreern stnt.-arbts gated,green of every kite , both visible nntl_ viaible;.—frotn-the-pnlemt7yellwerin - t be-deepest feiewns thii*Teen orate waters ; . ,ntol then they re og broken by islands, wand-oovered.. fan . tootle; each nn 44 islet bait inland nen." on great ins the breadth of the wnterg. In 'one' prone the Waters were brokenhyJaggel rooks, mid 'here, rolled and roared in ,alt its glory " Ilothwielett roaring strand": bet In place of old ;min seen, pletnresque garter. nn their woody wily. n stony path, worn end wild. All, down the steep's. where wound our course, t ne . evetittg min showered its iohlen"light . :titl in our view it gifted the - spires of ilte •4 Monti 7 ttuwal C ty." ond.evriligitt chi...m.l the .ceite.. s illaylliright and bentitittal . ngoln broke over dhe world t' said the master-of the lunge glint had drown us yesterdny—'.•go.'.‘ enbl he. ' , eluting in, the ditto - dint) of the nit heaved-It sigh - thnt shonk iron' frtimeL-sntoke and fire ittoted . from Ms imptrito, out with a fleniening eel! nI etvenuth a tremor ton throutolt 'nil 111 , train that shook the firm earth—then amt. the 04h . ..ring epee.' for n roce'with the light . - ninp: whose guiding wire+ ran side by ride alone the piney a n d barrel,' wn.te. '• D • you , know." snit on old Dioyene., "..to you know why the Turkish flip now II mitt over Willard's lintel ".- I' If you an not,"_ he soustinnea ! '" let, me tell you—the:Yorkist; A.l - I in .toppincithere, Ana they count item:l4i nn honor that they fling the !Turkish 'nines to the Itre'ete. ,Now, yniing man. why didn't'you try to he great I—such honor lien . mialtt. he. Oven yon -4erhapa you mean to try..-well. you may tryitt vain. for I tell you that' thia human grentneea depend+ upon onntinieneiee: which ore very (roil thitip to depend upon." Elmer left' him an 111.4 . w4y In ef;f. whom heoffirmetl ." might be seen Wonyotie , - hod the spunk to col! and eny they must see ME (Nee me n few cents for n ri¢lit■ lieleing." fetid n poor Irishomn, 'stand'ng on the pave ;_snent directly nt the rntrnnce to the President's House, ..• And do you think," lie continued. !` that 1 could ttet tiny_ help ,from_. Yon house there ?-rcould.you tell n Vane follow any On cent way he could come to the.tunn 2" That man is the 'President of the -United .BtOteo. poor' an. - Your votr and that of your f e llow that • tmeition.and. yet:N.4'- 41pm of the,people tnn he is. I really am nt n hoc' to ct you- how yen -Jung ntopronCh to ''receive any needd Ititninetui from him: he nily-have,a-hindllenrt.-hut .therenre_con.een • clonal horde's between—for even in this. n iepublican nation, ektrrno a fluty meet but luny not ussileinte. On thi.integi is the Pt Psi tit:nt;on-rlint.the 'poorest-of the poor, anti hot . a step between:—that one is on the giddy : siumeit of Mir elite] "Lose lowest.. rettatnt :Cruelietr.t Ids - one-itt. the 'dust,' Tutu on,_o_ • wfteel of human greatness, verily sail tilde! -,-the poor 'may not thin op in this wet.d,• but they may in !harm! • At the first meeting of the National Cenr3n•• Lion of Artists in the Smithsonian inelitute. IpcunnstiT. PEALE. the ienersble Artist of 80 yens.. of age, end the only ono lisiUg wh o painted Illiollitigton Iron life, gave us a highly instructive mid interesting letuis on the P . . re trolls Wedtingun, illusirsted . in u laird non tier by psintiligS. tesiotA . _, to the beginning of the leti titre, oflicions Congre.tuttin pre.ent —i•robahly some vanity on . , pait that beta use he was sent to Congress lie .) must know it great •drill—molt up o n himself the responsibility of suggesting with regard tit how the guts lighr should strike the picture before the tuntience. Mr. Fettle followed his suggestion.. which were all wrung, nod the . Imilled Congressman Miami that Mr. Penh• knew m re clout it picture thou be dbl. This chommitance only served to show bow little our public men sometimes know of the works of it liniment owl taste. An artist in our oaventien remarked that, nn n people, the Americatm - were ighoran IN I egairod the Sae arta I thierro.l that it would he the desire of. the artist that 41 nhnuld Le otherwt-e—then it occurred to me that. ifute would have the people endiithietted w tlo tie respects, it bee..Me Mot as well as ever) at gist to do eomething in the way of lectures nii.l !asinine to Itelp - the people, housed of shutting themselves up us must ul them do in [lair sou dios, where they scarcely II everti..tiw the people to enter, or even the breeze of 'leaven; then Ker.- hap. the peoi le might choose Wader at en Units the you allu teal to'ultuve -nod elevate' Art ac cording to that artist's doeitc. ' Hot to return to the leciurA: ,sett he Wo l ti — tiot fund of Making crittchone,7 and added that a true atittet would mho ink in' eilonco'from the hitter husk, leaving into rig - innittrurs uts , l-incompelent coutwincuris -^ i --- • Nniauleuti On loot sting orate death of Vittehing ten, ;aid, 6 , The great Light of the world has gone out!" So tee felt -on visiting 4 31uun1 Vernon. The rotted plunk walks—the falling oUrniee'of . the plow town, to nay nothing of the 'tiegleitted old oue,the ohatterod fences—the .ruiated Mansion itself— its sunken trine—like 'Queened hoards eiteWering to the witoirzetrag 'gling, negruee John A. Wasliftigtuu anal Mount Vernon manes! • • Soil, in that •grand old Hall. fancy could dear the tread of the mighty Washingtv, and 'ee his tn:l form enter the e zy - draiting-room to enteituin hie guests—nod then. titif,:lai 'we -see he: its the picturetk MARTHA WASHINCITOM graced and Cheered the presenue; How ent .blenattio is the Attie of 'peace 'on the vane id ;lemon Vernon : 0, thou home and grave of. Washington, may Amerio en fair daughtere be able to give ye peace! la ,vivid contract to the above was the levee of the i:seuing-ce we left Ina cult rain' the gloom MO limeihutilatttl 'abode of the that nod great-President for the moonlit night, and the glittetlng bells of the hew andlicrone. • Here . : tie.we ' fiom the 'tilt! , to' the . blue itioin froth -dint •io Ike 'on. thirough the riot ropML—anil:loiti efiriceti r. ',.oOunding 'with tuu_ila =with iiniety and fonibiun • of binr ofillount . Vernon in biO'lOnoV roitili •TilnOto• :Wo were , nivenye find' in inn:ll44- 2 mA' becoune like kind. old Preiidcnt , hitni.l4 ludg of blui . .olkod nor 'Of Vonnoylviinin • but notiksni'-if gouts-Of :tiOrnity - wife tiolillog • tm4s'of uw'nei daep "tumor: .., ; 3•,llluralt 80, 1868, F lB O AT • 011j411141Diliti•—, ..flya:•popurreo er Bbosio,'.ll4 o,loo3l#3),:lo3Apusto , p!:;#ll.olari, , *SUMO .; . HILL. • „We ahstrSat or thOnp prOOris as it r000lvt•d tho knot option , of the Logirtsture. , NOV erred pulyltlng' an abetinet the foprap d rta k tionlBlll. k b till suult dale tbrit. pbatald rad..lvo-tile final 'Won or th e Legisla- Tfin tallowilig.i p . 'notruntaryat,int.pro. riAtitia flat from atbiolt.dt avia•nra Oat tEtt ttpprapriation - Up heady a tiallbottleyadliandlio*e-f0rA857,7--- Pablio printing and binding, 430,000 Di4ribming. • _. 700 . Ilditatrat Legislative ExprwaditiflBs7, '4:193 Leninottive rxiodnwa for 1858, - 125,603 Cork hire and einiting.euvezpeueve -of . v..rious tleraiteience, ' 41,002 1 - 100 'Aajeteef 0,110611 . i_ . 8110. tat ttry-0..n..ra1, 8 01)11 Gaaratneed Iniert4d; 18,517 Intereardin Siete Debt.. President rind Associate Judges, J fail ge t , or Supreme Pen.ioni nu i (Inanities, .'• tr Inman &Minds, lY ites 11111 i - Experivs, lleisr 11114 -Dit.tib 50h0..1 rir I,b, iiu Children, s.eq!e Superititetoletit of Public Printing, Sloe I.lllr..rhiti*, - - • . -' - --- &HA:. for bhrory, • le gi.hitive Record, - • Pubfo.drottn'l•. ' . Mli•ce:loi t Enpensee, • • . S.urve.yof-Getp•ral, • , Au liiur-fienrrol, ~._. . Dlotty Seerrtory . . SPtirettsry Qf the ammonwealth, 131,verloor.• . . '' 7,$ Ptloo4l...nin. Inatitute f.,r tt a Bfitiv.l, 22 101 We.trin Y 10v.51 1 / 1 00,1 llospit4l,. 7,0 0 0 0 It.. 10!0. . 0111) Pill ill r p Poing rat E % siert% Politetoiltry; _ • .15 1511 ..f 60111(11) C. ix,inuer, 6 080 .. - . OtAlin...r.s Ropairk ~I C , nrcd., ' 226 SOO 1/ dn.n , y•lt.p..in. ,iffer Dec 1 1858,.11111,1311) C. Dectors,'Weiglonnt , teni, $40., 20,06 d I. ck Iteeper. , , 23,1610 11 , emill and Fl..c Fund,• . 50.006 5f,,,, Ilincuo.cc. . .. Nnrlln rn fnr Filen 9eim Children, 6 OW Evils pity in L .gisintore, 28.1199 EVI , PI II . 1 ': 898 ostiiuituCii to dischne gad oorketets, IMIE Important Law The Act of the 19th of April. 1848, - which wunln - force and lorterne.court ties:only. commonly called the Sheriff's Inter pleader net, has recently been extentleokto the tiltole sloth, by on net of the Legiel2ture: It is almost per.batim n copy, of the British Situ e 1 raid 2 Will. W. C . - 69. 6. and the courts of prac- II•re under it. This' itone of the . most limper tent and solutnry lows posell by the present legis'othre. It applies in all •cnnes where exe cution in issued ngainet,.ond a leyy is mole of property. no the property of A. hilt which is o'ninted be II in %Melt come B. ptvee notice -to the-Sheriff that ..the property..dOes_not 1.111'2 to A. but flint helicons to him. B. Whoteupon the Sheriff noire for n, ride frtim the Court, wheiice the , execution,..wns i.ruted, 10-oullthef•-re-snid-Court_thr , m . .rty,inguing.th prow sstintltile immy nmking the oleim, that Sold polies nutty try the title in the : property Bud that the Court . ntny decide to whom it be n touch speedier and.nore sat isfsetory ttiny.nud lem htmardous mid expen sive to bath the Sheriff lind the ponies. time the uht method of• allowing tbr,Bireiiff.to Pen nnd;then "prosecute hint fur trelinss. • Demo , mt. A FAT 3011.—OAT renders ore aware no doubt-that Puma .time nos% .the U. S. Glieertsr Inept purehneed the rentirylvlthia Ilosk prop erly. its Pitiloshdpi.lo. Rs a site for a Post (A ce, rinve the sole. charges have been made to for .ffert, thud Mr. Mil er hoe Pso-Int ster at Philossielphin, received it lorge,bund+ from the Wink for hid rid ins freetiog a toile to the d a rroweut. eu inveetiessrunt cousutstiee WAS ross.v4l y 1.34 'wiles. owl the correbilnotent of the North .interkatt, gi4l a the following par tienlars, of psis t 4.f the e yid' bcr, before •hurt Committee; given by Mr C4inipin-11 logro,t Minter Gruen.), stud Mi. Allitsuue, late Presi dent of she ••Jtle Conipbell nrpenriol before theAfi r vvytilentilie Colllllllllte thin aorinutt, and give n ulcer nod cetichre holery of nll the itygutin tootle conneete.ll with the pinch re of the Penney Ivoono B sok, trout its inception to its etinNitintuniiiiii. The C. 411111111145 were 1111.1111- 111.1 n. 1111,1)1111. n that too pithlia efficlor-poohl have neteo with more loud, nce litol propriety or In.vr . tokei greater polio; I,( ti pretrot the pub is inteteon every 'way. le neat ,inn oreloteut ypeciully to yin:nine 011 the pr. po-e I Hite. corettil y, nod_ il , wee, not until title. htr tenon, the bank Wllto:tlt.. it..1.111.d In . . detailing the eircunietnnuen by eilifelt tlie•trittemotion one brought to I,i. knowtedge, Judge Gaup cell minute:dot much feeling. and ii. conduct when the-kit iniedgim was a-sureil. (milled out .rBl rreo.ll.o 01 1110 elrleligtB4.xespect : •• Mr 'All b- i.e stated thot time purchase pm icv UI woe pall over' to time hank with lin emit ess iliolire l lBllllllll4 Crjelille 11 by J mugs Lbitimphell, that no to iiiii uni s ion shuulu be pouf 10 1,81 pet non. Before the loqineeet woe 111 orr,selni w hen the lostmlCs neceesit re re gni red the use Of the money, eimine delity and dmiliamlty having micomarrni, lie Now Mr. Miller, for t..e porpoise' 01 getting his al I , to close the art augment. tie ,thitike it prub..hle some mm.mge,tion woe theti - he in regard to. con tingent ree..imiticuse. Atter the hank , woe -Paul. Mr Miller Malted him, /111111 8 4(111- tleil-lon- wooll.l bke- hie compensation-filed Mind named $25 001 as 'he tee. Mr. Allibone, he• mug 01111101811.1) surprised by tbs. large demand,. 8 eid 14e woo .1 consult the hoard of directors. but lonia $8 0110 then, to meet it preening ne. cis,tiity. urged 'by Mr Miler. Subsequently. he pita $16,1160 more,Anil tinge he Mopped, Mr 51111er ..rimeetolly stilimitting to a 8111-ill 4 1811011 . 1 ) 11 1 $2 0 1. 1 0 on his first demand •-Mr. till, r has been sumuoinell, and with his evidence the inveetigntion will cluse,-there hying nu dileigreement as to time facto." COAL TAR AS A POESKUVATIVE —The Schuyl kill ;bur ma, .ligrute, that farmers who have occasion to net out new Mimes this spring, wand greatly. advance their interests; hy pro curing and making use of coal tar ass al(111119 of preset sing poste fioni rot or decay.. The woy-to do it is in dip the lower end of the posts in she tar, which acts, us a preservative, the tar permeating the w heel and .preventiiig de cay.' 'Posts treated in this ,werwill last , two ~r. three times as long as they would if insert- At 1 in the ground without it. ' The railroad companies have heeti .- .the'firsi'M &cover the saving qualities of ) this tar, and now use it sl togetimi un their placing them on ilte track. The' tar le 'else •:eacellentne pp ,out=door point, eV' for t conOnglrenlintuil,inery, veiling, dm. Boiler inskers use it, in this way, se' an 'outside coating rupee boilers, thereby . ! repentingroot ^ Unlike painfiA • vnll 4. 44?, t. scaleoff by wear or. exposure. -, ~ omit tar may be.Rrecured d,4 the Q irli tie Ibirta , l l l.iks, we presurim, at a, mere .nominal T i rice, t ni worth trying the exPeriment:,, , „ Qpltie IN PIIILANNLPIIIA -4le . liitt in thii rural dimtriuts•of.:Philildelidt±; are nlmrturd-Id- the-fenriul Anotitoc.io, ,irNiiertyi iu-min. the - • • D. C. C. , , Dur Zook Eafife. TotO NATIONAL IllAanitni: for April hi grliond witll nn likeneim of t 1).• tele Bilduip itoconmoinied with a well written me. moir. No Wigwam! in the country *Berens more to live nud re rile, poronanr • tnim b - e - Nn!lounl ..- rorniu4en more - solid urnti . VRI . for less any nontilily, in lholfultod Suites. To he had al Piques. _lllne_Strcrlicrl.-Montruvr for OM t: -This - nohlu looking ltfagoziiie o , noco Laden,. es you'll. with' inteAndiltg Portty and everything liontloome the line of—Fashiono-,nr- fancy -- worlt,__Onrially_frientl4 will NO 1 . 3114. tte: phone a delighiful companion. po to Piper' irnumber. • AILTIIUR . B 11011 E Maarataa. ior April ie at" .hand, graced with at tirlea, from ita aceomz Pliehed editor., T. tt. A thar. and V. F. Town avid. "The' Italmo. Pe amat Bay" ie n ppi• rated utid.bedatifol atrrl engrav!hg: We'hare clipped" prveral pirCes from' tho for our readers next week To be had at 2 011.0,0110 102,0100 18.700 15 000 240,00 b MB lEM 20.000 20 000 I= PIM LIST OF ILIVOSKS POO. r ' RIA4 AT APRIL, TBtill. 1838 , FIRST WEEK.—Cumthenring April 12,,1858. Dl2 , thl.th I.IIOIP v:, . Chnrlen Bit.. .its. rt nt 1 , 4 . .Intin Seliar. Orin It .1.11,11114 . I . IIO9FiN F. D non 11. It. ,enuron'n Heirs • if: SiFqoelinntri Unit Road. 11.wer, rm. MyPrt , ..:. • • . , ECON,IY aonntencin .44/.19, 1858 J .lan Turtler va elporles 11.1311,111011iti, 41, for MO! ae Anlinv N — `,/roan. Ur urge, wykts. unsigner, &o. vs. Michael Mill. uieh F sidturn .Ir. vs. Rirhnr.l Woodr. , 1101,1 Oho.. vs. W. 1. & T. B. avnilthtvoL • M•ort Ego. Et. of Mlchnel Ege, tlecenUell vs. F. Eve 4. NI elev.! Slnen vs W Al.ll.oderson. et al. A B. D,vidneo vs. Antrear .I.4septi J.,!insnn vs J tin S Keine. Knit kCo t) , ..Prnnkl , o Stotts • Win: 11. IVethle, et ul vs. ititto Fisltburn; Jr., et nt` I.otteMarkwartt, fne - one is. P. A Alit & Ahhey„llnnelwre us Jvhn S' ' .et MI ' Jacob I.l , ortlitz vs. Wm.' More, Cu pritmisctr. - . &o. C.ttimitir M. NOtte rt Rohts:l,M , ere: Henry 0r.5. 7 rs E iznhwh 1V1.1 , 1% 1.1110 nmi4nr 8 enuel S. Smith vs Willintn IL M Jolie_Weuilvverd vs I II isz,l,l Trestev, en nI. MID $3,861 4 2 lo 11)11.. Th. o".o . v:tig rrnitarLe trnm thv Centre Peinocral p•slip"ni itaw . lor of lii pain evrnotre; . Du Vall'a Galvanic Oil.' We publish to-day ee”tificnte - from one of our most citizous'i'n and inee 'chants 'in this county of 114 m dieing' power oftu Vall's o,beanie OP. - Vine is not the only.certificate or reeetemendation.for Scare - ly an exchange can we pick no from the taide in our ranctuyti but shot we see es.tneeliitic re commendatory of thi . i9:l2.Y_ celelnote,l oil It_ is' a mystery ; but n positive fact. how if ROA "e n the huinati.system wieb.sitele power..ntnlim 'speedily relieves the -offerer from his pain 8. for its -etidered. elrotrit a ly podtive,ley n pewee gaivatile.tun ! chine, on which . depends the me:limbed viripe, and it fhb , he the osse, it is truly in a lynnee of the 111PiliCilla I gen o n d J r i s 4 , Ir utrepli which never befeere has been oittnit!ed Whatt:ver it-mny he it recommends itself to the publielie tee just what,l4. in the Fibit ofwiiiiie7g - r;tbrmisthe for patent, me keines, but in this ense;we' are mempelh d 'rum duty to our country 111111 especially shoes who suffer from disease. ntel recommend - theo• who wish to ptyalin.° anything of the kitil 'co try Du Voli's Galvanic Oil.—Centre Democrat. Centre county Pt Wistar's Balsas - is of Wild (Merry The Editoi. of the Boston Post save:—We hove not until recumly, heed ocgoniu•ed ex petino-nteelly, Vrith the true endue of Wi.tor's .Ism. Front this tru'Y vettneeh'e prepor.stion we hove rou t oved jeres”ut 11. teetit. It eying re cently used it in o erase of ,*tiers r eodl viii cough, with entire t.ticcees. need ino.t cheer ,„lo%,:recceentettend it, to tho.ee nhke isti9 ed. • It is et ocientitic preporsetion anti worthy of con- Dr. Dratlford K npP, of Crown Point. N. y letter allied August 3, In the cour.e of 'toy praothw in this v , olnity, I hove tented the goal quuluies f {Vistaed .13 ilmtni of %MI Cherry tir Pohnonury Rant.. ploints, on& I ow wish to prouurs n supply of the N•me geounin iflow; sig.le.l I. CIU rrs on the wrapper. THE WuNI ERB OF THE stem en- gine and toe electric telegraph have 'ceased to he the senderu of toe age. Y g America •is vigorously pushing ahead iu every 'depart ment of science an i art for the nmelioration of Uritiltital front the tells and cotes incident t file.. Sewing by noushinery_fs the must re cent successful invention. as well as the "most ..immrtittit one IS enslitvett wotuanhtio It Mot-. bles her to escape the dt tolgery itf hand sew ing. !tn.! gives her stun'e time to eulti F at e. n o . Own mind those orher Dot of all the nt.chittes.that haven ever been tit rented, commend us to those of Gnoesu fi lianthes, which are the heed in the in ,ritet 10% family..., • Offices of elthilAtlon and a Ile 495 Brompivny, New York ; 18 Suiumpr Inreetwil.).stun, and 7toCheut plat l'hilmlelpltio, . . To Cure a Couyli, buy w bottle of the ail- S.lllll of %VII , ' Cherry. We luive •more Nit,' hi thie conittinalimt of DI 'Whiter ihan in any ether remedy known; likvi . i . ir ., wittieeeed ire tira'''etnic+i in many clime of prutracted coukdi. . . . , DR. SA140111;t1 'IN V Illoll4Tf/R.-Thfl most skeptitwl people can be convingeol 14 Dial that all the family medivines are not lice and lila among' • the thunsaud of butterfly lite there are a tow of great merit: and undoubted woe h. Or lbelielOu 8888888 8 INVIOOIIATOR. or LIVIM HEI/114,144111inhing. and !lOWA/A smog the remedies of the day.:that*su be retied on as • medicine that In all it Is reran e lied Dy its -ploprle- , 4 i. tars. It advertises itself ou evert), hpk.lor there are none who use it but toll thelefeitt do so. and so It goes from mouth to notuth tilrar l',lnt people of the thilull have learned the good of th in. truly valuable medicine. It is recommended with testimonials to prove its virtue for the cure of liver complaints of ever) kind: from the worst ; Ilyipepsia to a cowman beatdachb„ -1 and Is pa Ocularly adopted to daunt:lice,. Deranged' Stoineteh. had Complaints and distaV children, ' One or two 004414 are eal4 to cure a'ro lilt more • -, failure. 'lt is worth a tried for - this ale e. It is par ticularly adapted to the use of lalliett of•sedealtrfbab• ' ' it. flows ladies of the - hlghest standing in society haie given their tectifleatea,ol its elbeety, toll- we say to all who are ailing, try one bottle, and you will wirer he without it.—llLoowrim Pawn, . , . Woody. Hate Illestogitliw . evddlArts . home oovorkoooo nuy o her mediated wlu as WKS a, shank of public confidence In an short a glum is this, has done. It has not bdiustudre than a vase aince-re Uret beard ot rttiatLi4jitnitlVlV,VettiLlikArl;gigunintligit," of SP;- had noocuudon, as our ”brown or glpry! ' not ,only as yet retains Ltd original 'rotor. but, gets 'reOre • some Of our friondivhave:and„we have never known It . rail of metering thisholr to ha original color. , We ad. vb.° ongij *sip* booming outman, ely dray, to give thy' t , 114,444[00.7 a trisl.7,-Chestur (1111nels) literam. • , --• .gart;QN. HALL, is...tite. place to git riod IhiituirkKlypre. Mu , rotsp•r,.Motaul 4 nes, :to , remrop4 , 4 Crayontms lima I: hotograpbe. , ': •.. • . l'emons visiting , ,CarllNle IT 111 find It to,rfsissil them for thelki 'mut.ln to ?hilt it& tiostltuto.: : : ..: • ~. : .:. ' --- 117 - 11:':10II - fint opectlo•liii lire exbilllted at 4167d00ri . t lind,thrt public, are .respret,NlLy Alivltid, to, toll at 'ho . Gallery: t/here; 'W.1..? variety: ot pisiirmi: rapaile'or be. , lAug_product_d_ht.thst_4llC4lo4._Alt.Mo , ! 4 . l l.ll_ ,kl• ' -,'' , LitillegAnd,Oitipepleiit WI Ltt, ib+lbOir you WillirVe" . 141:iiIM i11i,1104 antlltiti 1g IJI moot It ith'ine ? rdig rocialpti: ~. ! Min