Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 17, 1858, Image 2
~, • , - .• . • . COURT MATI. .vitratit k Cxpaiittit. t . ".- - . f , ..:-..' ---.- R --. AL :' . Trial of Cot Sumner at the aarlisle Barracks'. "The omit martial for the trial of Col Sum-, ner met on Thursday the. 11th hot. all the .. members of the court werepresent except Gen. Wool.' The Eon. F. Watts, appeared ae °mitt 'eel' for the 'accused... . '4 - -• . ' - The 'condensed. report of prcoesdiege are rpm the Philadblpbia North American. ' • ' The:specifietitions of the charge for - which- Colonel Sumner is arraigned, are t First That Col Sumner did. pt Syracuse, on the 18th ofJanuiry, 1868, attempt to make a Pereonal affair with General Ilarney 'out of tin official matter, namely, ae to the answer made by thetiaid Barney in'response to .the . . .. . .... 1341.8.LZ5L11; 1 1 8: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1858 Counting Hom'. I' f 1868. i I^lol EMI EMU To rioadeirs and Correspond-onto:- A CoItRECTION.Iiii the HSUALD of the'lfith inst., we published, es original, e'poeta ' tied '“A Legend of Elsinore.'" The error was unintentional ,on the . part of the Andy who - • sent the cepy,,,and accidental on ours. _The poem, which is one of groat beauty, was writ ten by T. B. Aldrich,Bsq., of the Home Jour-' nal, and published in Putnam' , Magazine, in • 1850. A lady who is kind enough to make poelieal selections occasionallyfor_thellansui:_ happened to coPi. Mr. Aldrich's poeni, sow ' •- dentally omitting the name of the author, and • sent it to the Hamra) for publication. 'Never having seen it before, we presumed it was "Miginal, ann published it as such. •The vale take is a source of mortification to the lady, and a subject of regret to us; and we hate taken the earliest opportunity to make the : . correction. '• . • ' Is • our Brooklyn oorrespoinlent anoworod NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Our readers will observe that both of those "splendid store-7:43mq recently erected by Mr. Hamilton, on the corner of. Main 'and Pitt's street, are'now occupied, giving to that local ity a very bualriass like aspect, Mr. C. Ogilby 'lis . taken the ()inner mem, with' a full stook' of dry goods, and Mr. H. Mullen, 11fet•ohant Tailor has the ono adjoining. - (Ism=V. fit:J.lmo, Wishes to relitiquieli business, on account of continued ill health, thiireforeofferiforsaln,...bisentiro_stock of dress goods trimmings &o, with the. goo f will fixtures and store room, which will be rextted or sold- if desired.--: - _ This offer, affords "a rare -- obatioe," any one desirous - of going into a business already - established. - - tYNE LANDELL, 411ronii Afch e treete — Milo. or , now o enin: their necortmOht of spring goods, to which they invite the atten tion of country Merobante' Their. terms ere ."nett cash" and their'inetto "law priced." PARCIIALt MORRIS & Co., 7th and Market • Phila. In connection pith their AgricultUral Implements and seed warehousei, are prepared to receive coneignMents or-grain., cloVer and timothy seed, and every description of count ry produce. Dn. W. H. Wrrston, of Philadelphia, has located himself permanently at Lancaster; and offers hie professional setvices to the country nt large, his advertisement will be found in another coluinn. Jonx A. NAnt E6U, auccessor to A. J. Kutz, calls the attention of farmers and others to his Foundry and Machine shop, Mr. .Kuti, still remains in the establishment. ' Appointments lqy the . bosernor. • The following , appointments by Governot Packer, have been announced within the peat week : I= Flour Inspector—Oeorga Di. Laumsn, of BerktoCtiunty. Whiskey inspector—Joseph Collins. Bark Inspector—William 0. Itline. Inspector of Butter. and Lard—Johno.Keimt iley. " . Quarantine Maater—Lewis R. Dena% Port Phyaician—•Samuel P. Brown. Beata Officer—Arthur Hughes, Sealers of Weights and Measures—Andrew Noble, north of Vine street ; Folyard E. De w, south of Vine street ; • • .Superintendant of _the Powder Magasine.: : — Jnoob Layer. The following appointment's for the interior are oleo announced: - 'John Mackin, Flour InepeOtor for Pitteb y rg. 'Charles Smite, Sealer of Weights 'and Measuyee for Allegheny County. Nathan L. Atwoodi Notary Public for Clin ton County. FL Frederick Trace, Sealer of Weight's and Meaeuree for Dauphin County. *Bl5 CONyENTION OP TON NATIONAL Dw- SOCRACY.—A movinnent has been .started at Indianapolis in favor of holding. a Mass Con lention of the Dentilcriny, — Who are opposed to the Lecompton swindle. Such a project, if , carried mit in the present state of 'pill:Ala ' opinion, would be one'of the most remarkable dentonetratimis ever witneaeed In this oouufry. Itthe.Demoorats of the North and East agree, to the propositien, we think-the people of. the West are ripe for it. • To show how the leaven of rebellion is working among the DeMocraoy, we clip, the following from the Butler County Democrat, a n prominenc Bemocratlo paper in Ohio, in bold denunciation of the Pres , which, `Went and his policy, is equal'to any "Bieck Republiaall!' paper•we Imre mot with: -.• " In bispo4ey of admitting Kaoline under the 'Lecomptou 'Constitution, tile President __illustrates moot forcibly' a peculiar trait of his obatater-4. s —frvAingliis friend: I ,Prom _ Jung to, carry out the'Cineinnati platform and ithillansse:Nehraska act, the people 'elected blot to the tam" of Chief Magistrate,. arid' yet, watts year:elapses before. heforsokes his friends, ...demise the dootrinee be professed heretofore, kloke hMignataly froth bepeatit his feet the plaircitin ' . upon' which '. he was elevated; and does to to 'himself what the executioner doll to tbe that eopporte the platform ppon , which he stands—,hanysi . If the President imagines that,the'Dernooratiy ttieTllorth will blindly follow bluila his policy, he Is mletaken I How a ny , lean, profeselog, to be a'Democrat; clan abandon the, riuciples oponwhilibtbe contest, of 185B,and '67 were fought In;Oble, and ix!. peot 'to' rotate Ma' !Minding' in thit' , ..ohttrob Militant." is more than , yre can told as the Kansas Message ct the President As—. tierce op are Its, supporters,and able as'.ere the :argiiinenis lrought'lo Suiten:l •Ilienti theirimurem . ntitntMettheta - bas had the hard: , 'hood to olaita ,: for. the. policy eought . ,to ,, le .adopted, a axiom aaani wraps:ma I . _ 'Almanac for 1858 lEria quest one o t e court martial held at Fort Leavenworth, concerning his prejudiceor bias - against the said„Sumner. ,Second—That the said Sumner - . did, et -.Washington; on the-16th-.of pobruary,'lB6ll, on account of the said Harney'S refilled to re ply to his interrogatories, send asehallenge to the latter, in violation.of the Miti article of woe. , Third—That the said Sumner ilid, in a- let ter dated the 16th of Febrimry, 1858,.at Wash ington, upbraid the said HarneY•for refusing the said challenge, in violation of the' 28th 'article of war. ' -. • To these specifications Col. Sumner pleaded not guilty. The prodeention presented the correspondence which took piece between the parties.' The following is an abstract of. the aortas , pondepoe submitted in evidence :•: ' • , No. I—Letter 'froth Col. Sumner to- Gen. . Harney, dated At St. Leiria, • December, 14th, . 1857, requests Gen..llarnei,to !itOet him (Sum --nor) atiSt. Louis, to wettle I •Aifficulty exis ting between them. ' • No. 2—Captain Alfred Pleirsonton (Gen.' . Harney's adjutantpo Col. Sumner, returning letter No. 1, by Gen. Harney's order 2—Letter from Col. Sumner to ,den. Harney, from Syracuse, fixing the 20th of March to meet Gen. Harney at St. Louis. This is dated the 18th of January, and propounds queries whether Gen. Harney, Intended, any personal disrespect•by the language used by_ him at the Court Martial. 'No.9—Letter froni Col. Sumner to Gen. Harney, dated Syracuse, January 22d, cen ..euring--bint-for-violatint-the-sanotitrof-a-prki 'vote - letter;• and denying that - hw was under Gem Harney's orders. - • No..s—Letter from Col. Sumner to Gen. Harney, dated Elyrdouse, January 24th, alter ing•the time of meriting to the 12th of March. No. 6—Letter from Col. Sumner to Gan. Harney; dated Weehingion, Feb. 19th, repent ing the queries propounded in the letter from Symons°. •, •• - • No. 7—Letter from Ca. Sumner to Gen. Harney, dated Washington, Feb.' 15th, invi ting Gen. Harney to leave the oily, the_next day, for any piece Gen. Harney might desig ; .nate. [This is the letter 'charged as the chal lenge.] ' —No B—Letter from Gen. Harney to Col. Sumner, dated Washington, ,Feb. 16th, ack nowledging the receipt of Col.-Stunner's 'Vote of the 14th. February, and others, denouncing • the former as iin_pLopsro_bwaddr_esae_dio_lria commending officer and stating his intention to bring the matter to the 1:160oe of a court martial: Ne. o—Col. Sumner to Gen. Harney, dated Washington, Feb. 16th, •aaltnfiwledging the receipt of Gen. Harney's letter, and stigma tizing Gen. Harney's notion in insulting a brether officer, and in refusing an apology or batisfeotiOn, as conduct utterly unworthy his fizrlher:netice, „ This ends the correspendence. . • The prosecution rested its case on Ihie nor-. respondence. . 4 _.A.traoreript .of the proceedinga_atthb - A - Miet.7. martial at Fort Leavenworth was oCfered and eceepted, by the court es evidence, showing the langiinge of General Harney and . .0 olonel Sumner'essplyZ - The first witness fOr the defenee was Col. 'Francis Lee,. - (a meriiher — of Ma. court,) who confirmed the evidence of the transcript of proceedings end testified to the insulting lan gunge used-by Qen Itarney,MwrArds Col Sum ner, during the trial at Fort Leavenworth.. Colonel Bumnirenidhe should require the evidence 'of Lieut. Colonel John - llarrie;'of the marine corps,: to prove his,intention, aii' be was an essential witness for the defence. . - The court was cleared to deliberate, and it decided to await the evidence of Mr: Harris. The court then adjourned. ~!~ Nova li' ' Friday March 12th, the court met at nine -o'clock. The first witness examined yes ,Col. John Harris, of the Marine Corps 11. S. N.,'who testified that he was aware of the co►respon deuce between Col. Sumner and Gen. Harney, on or about the 16th of February last.. lie was consulted by Colonel Sumner as to the tenor of that correspondence, knew his views in regard to the note of the 16th of February witness did not construe that note to be a chal lenge, nor did, he understand .that Col. Sum ner so construed it, to the best of hia knowl edge. Did not think it „was a challenge; un derstood that Col. Stimner had not selected any friend to boar a challenge for 'him, nor any ono. to act as his friend if such an emer gency were to arise. • The witness wan not cross-exarninei. The evidence was then closed on both sides; Colonel Sumner was allotted two houis to prepare a defencemutd.thedourt took a recess • till 12 o'clock. • On reassembling at 12 o'clock, Col. Suniner's defence wee read by bin counsel, Judge Watt.. The accused said ho wished to impress the court _with the idea that ihe nets specified as conaiiihting an offence against artieles,of war, were not the product of a sudden' emergency or the expression af - paesion, but were, on the other hand, the result of deliberate ooneiderii- tion and the conviction of ahsolute necessity. lie then proceeded to meet the-charges in de -Mil. Ho denied that he had made a personal affair with - Gen; Harney out . oran official mat ter, on the ground that the mere presence of the court martial did not protect an individual from the-consequences of misconduct, nor that the inquiries of a court 'martial, addressed to an individual, could justify the expression of malignant or ignorant -passion. He 'denied that-the place in which an_indlvidual stood could cover him_with_officiaLproteotien, and argued that an individual called to account for slanders thus uttered; could not successful ly plead thekiceurt Mae a:witness. of his of fence. - • The question put by the Court to Gen-Har. ney was, whether he entertained_ predjudice or bias against the aaoused, to' disqualify him 'as a member of the Court. The question was simple, and could have been fully answered by yes or no.. But Gen. Hominy seized the oc casion to abuse the minds of the Court and in sult the acouted, by declaring thrit , hediad be fore charged the accused with ungentleMardike and , unoffioerlike conduct, and had Mile or no respect forhlatas a'aoldier, and that the no cured would have been tried for the offence, if improper and untrue statements had not been made by'him to-the Seoretarri,of War. Gen. Harney when appealed to by the welted to relieve him front the asicneation: of false-' hood, wrapped himself up in the - sileniur'of insinuation. Col. Simmer then, appealed. to each and every member of the cabinet, wheth er he did not owe to himself, his family,' his friends and the army, the act of propounding to Gen. Harley the question contained in his. letter of the 18th-of January. .He denied that' the letter contained. metier for charge, trial end conviction, on the ground that Gen. Har ney's declarations were neither official or prop er, and !bat this letter afforded him the op portunity to do what belonged to every honorti ble gentleman and soldier to do. ' On the second charge the accused „denied that the note ot the 15th of February was in. tended 'atfis challenge te_Getf. Hainey,.butoraa aninvitatleqlto:Harpey.,to - leaVe the • Bladed of Columbia to renew'noilreepondence and ex amine the ones of difficulty, and. to afford Gen. Harney the opportunity ,ot repartition., The note woo-pot a challenge: . . — r — Flret - Boaduse - it trould - notriirthatiriter"- - • Second. 'Because it would not bear a more reasonable one. Third. Because no proVious preparati on was made for such au event, • • • - Fourth. Pocauselt proved that aubh le not its chatomier or Intention.., • • . • 'The accused obndemndd his 'own jtidg: Meta the praCtise of duelling, but' held , that , •'qlrotimstances might opour to Decal g'xri?4o,• of•;OP11 0 0 ' • •- • . ' t . Thwthlrd charge WU' offl. g•oeginitifusing 11 Ab1010,130::::if Ith 4 00 u s ij, dtd•not mid a ohalleoge; Oen: Harney did not AETERNOON SESSION eefueelt, and could not, therefore, be upbrale ded. The Court received the paper, and went into secret session. The session , was' very shore. • The result of the deliberations cannot be 'knoittt till promulgated from Weshington... • Wejtope to have the pleasure hereafter, of. rectortfipg-ihe fact, that Col. Stmuer heO;been honorably acquitted by the Court, such a re- . milt, will be especially gratifying to the oiti . zens'of Carlisle, • • fait of the officers Of the Court left' lawn in theivening'train of Friday: • • Tuesday, i tifarch 16th, Col::' "Surniror left town this morning ; before leaving, he had received A telegraphic dispatch from Washington, 'flrl • notinoing-his-acquittal. As the Colonel was about entering the mire, he 'was taken somewhat by surprise, as a voice from the crowd sang out,--,".three-cheerti:for Col. Sumner," which were given Wills hearty good - The Colette! returned 'his ;thanks. briefly butfeelingli, and left, bearing' with him the bust wishes of the people of Carlisle,, for hie, future health and happiness. a Correspoiiont.' The Democratic , Protestants againit the Lecompton With are the men? Con they .be trusted Not 'a bit.of 'it! Who t• The candidates' or the Democratic . party: Hear Mr. - Fertieyin late number (9th inst.) of "Tun Press." He denounces the Iluchanan-Lecompten_9onven. lion that assembled at Harrisburg an -the. 4th.. instant, in well-merited terms of condemns•, thin. His clear exposure of the utter anti democratic character' of the Convention, is sufficient to barn' ahame into the heart of every. man of the party who is capable of Aflame. That Convention met for 4he purpose of nomi noting candidates for State officers. ...It did nominate, and this editor of “Titx Press". sus tains the nominations !! ! lie says, in his issue of the Bth : . . _ We acce _ptthe nominniions of the Con vention, for Justice of the Stipreme Court, and for Canal Commissioner" l (These nre the only general State of to be elected next.foll., After making a dligh eulogium on Judge Porter, the nominee teethe first office ahovp named, he says of Mr. Frost, the other . ciandi: date,- whom he appears not to know ,much about: "We hope lie may be elected"! And why, Mr. Forney, such a wish, coupled, with such denunciations? All for Party. his lender of the 9th, he gives a letter from 'IA Native--Pennsylvanian,-now- a - resident -and voter In Kansas," denouncing-the Calhoun frauds-in the same well-meatdired terms that every true Itepnblican uses, and Mr. Forney likewise,-eild - yet - in - the - midut - of the letter.his correspondent says: voted for theM (the Calhoun candidates) 'out-of allegiance." - There I ' If there is a deeper pit in the de gradation of party servility, where in the wide earth is it! A map, (Save -the mark!) tive of Pennsylvania"—liis judgment and con science ievolting against-the men and 'thee - surevandye rsh amid "I voted for them out of party allegiance"! and in the same breath asserting that if 'tKey' -succeed, - -- , Lciva way' must follow." But party, allegiance demanded it, and patty allegiance demands that Mr. Forney; and every voter he can infipenep,_sliall sustain the party candi dates in this. State, and they'll do if. But Mr. Forney says Judge Porter is opposed fo Buchanan's Lecompton policy, How does he knovi.this ? Why, "his Well-knownper ;anal- and political anteeedents have been Of . _suehikoharabtei to induce the belief that he is the'decided opponent pf.tbetepensidett swin dle." Alack,-Ithis, proof! And so had Mr, Buchanan antecedents, and thereby Mr. Forney. 'and others persuaded the good people of Penn sylvania to vote for him. And on the assur e-mm.of- these-belbl-inducing antecedents Mr. F.- never doubted, till November last, but that the favorite eon' and Ilia model statesman, weft. true to the ,priticiptes of Democracy. But, - alas! shocked, appalled at the perfidy of his against his policy: No, Sir—we don't like this political antticedanta. We can't trust it. Beside's, this Judge Porter tient anti-antecedents. He therized his friend Mr. -Cassiday te say to the Conventiont, " be would stand upon any plat form" the Convention might frame. But to makdassurance sure, Mr. F. urges that the candidates declare, unequivocally, their anti-Lecompton faith. Suppose they do, —can we trust them I Not a bit of it. So. Buchanan declared unequivocally to Walker and others, that Kansas shall have her rights, and where is hie plighted faith I Let the telling denunciationti of his own party--the men who fought his battles, and gained his victories in this State, and through,all the North-west . answer. Besideo,y Judge Porter wore hoeistly op posed to Lecompton, and could then submit to becoMe the candidate of such a party, with ouch a platform as the Harrisburg Convention, ho then forfeitii---utterly forfolto,all consider !Alone of respect from the people of Ponneylva- Thikdouble dealing is a trick to get votes from both sides. and "party allegiattee"'artil whip party slaves intosubmission, bat freemen; worthy of the name, never! ' • I repeat—We can't truit•theth. They may their° an axe to grind," or mules to sell. Titoism Alvin :—The allusion of. our -cor 7 rimondeot, may not be understood by some .of our readers. lt,is.known that Mr. Duel:lnn en and hie cabinet., make the ~ .Lecoropten ewindle" the. EUTII total of the present pro gravely° domooratio creed, and that, to secure. its triumph, he evens himself of. the potent prerogative of patronage. - This man, be buys with a prominent cooselehipi this, for . a mar.- thalship, another for a place for a friend, and se on; our own distinguished RepTedentative. of the Democrats of Du mbeiland for .m chance" of . hat k a v es 1 .f. e. he, (the Representative aforesaid), gets a contract to furnish certain mules forlbe Army, at, it. is said, $lOO a head, Whnevor.knows the price of muieeiwill see he 'can easily 4 , make a good thing of , it." Any mules, to cell? BEPOTOt t 'OH KANBAP. —We hare received from Mr. Muokalew, of the Senate, a copy of hie Report on the Lecompton Constitution; In whiob he labors hard to "Make the viers!, appear,the bettee reason." If you , luivn 't read It. you need' toot waite your tinui,in doing ea, but. Just !'ELT.'' YOUR DEMOCRATIC NEM aoas that Mr. ForneY . laye—rind be le good authoriti , in snob a sag, that-if-the-party-had-telientthergronn47-be tore t4e last election which le new - taken in, t , be 'Report of Setiator'Bnokaleiv;.oii the nos queition,the State Would havagenelnielnet them by 6;1,00! •' • ' " Look out, then, for tiezi October v - '" The maitiCureii "orbispepilti . sidTkpidre, 415eatme performed by the Oxygeoiited'Btitere after. ell other remedial hied failed, should be' , euffioient4O,indooe every. DyetiePtie, 0. 0 insdlokuti tila;:':-./tii:suVOss is Wonder4' . ' EOM . :nub "Tounto 3ltatters. 81e0oeologleisl Register : for the Week Meech .15th, 1858. 1658::"1 Therma- I Rain. 'Remarks 24 00 Tuesday as 00 Wednesday ig 00 Thursday 86.00 12192 Saturday 187 00 Butiday 42, 00 . Nionday 61 00 Weekly • • ,3800 Mean: • * The degree of bent in the above •regritei' is 'the daily average of three observations. BOROIIGIHI TIZKET `The following anti-Ledampion ticket for Borough' officers, wee ratified laat..night at a meeting at.lianticM'a Hotel! ' • • ems liunoEsl, WiLLIAM CART A sb I STA NT • BURGESS, FIBANCIB EcKgLs.' ---Aseasson, HENRY- MYERS : AIiBEBBORS. CHAS G. MURRAY, SAMUEL WETZEL. . AvtslTon,' • NATIIAN HANTCH • WEST WARD. Tax COUNCIL, • J. B. Parker, •• RoberriMaorev — J. M.• Alien- Wm, Cameron,: J. D. Gorgas. . John Gun.hall. SinnunrC. fluiett, Fynnklin Gardner, - Wilson Boater. INSPECTOR, Jacob Bretz. • ,bIDON, Thoe. B. 'Thompson Robert M. Black, William Bentz SOROOI. DIRECTOR 80110CiL DIRECTOR, C. PAiumrioh James 8. Colwell, --J USTI (k-OF 'A/ L. Spoos CONSTABLE, John Robert 'McCartney CARLISLE ARTILLERY. There are some thirty citizens in this Thor- . ough..tif whom, the naming of the "Qld Sar- IWO Artillery," is an oasis, in ttio desert of life, from which wollsttphoppi remembran ces of It was an . organization of which its members bad reason to he proud, cbmposed mainly of yountmen from the.mid 'die-walks of ljfe,of similar tastes and habits, with enough of military enthusiasm to make thorn prompt on parade, possessing sufficient self respect; to keep up the- charaCter of the corps to a high etandatd, and bound together by almost fraternal ties, they held alunfition second to no military company In the county, for soldierly appearance, precision in drill, and cheerful obedience to the . commands of thou offit,,tatid they keptithat position until unwiseinilkalawe and the direction of youth-' fill ambition into other channels, involved the First Battalion of Cumberland Volunteers into one common ruin. But, ilthough the sword is sheathed, and the militerylrappings given up to the moth' and rust of time, the same hearts that bounded ne the tap of the drum, in more youthful day's still throb .with quickened pulse. as they recal the incidents of tho parade,ground. • Ih view of this feeling it has been suggested that the surviving members of the company, should form an association under the old name, with certain rules and regulations for tiair,governmept, to meet annually on the 4th of Julj, - ind celebrate the, anniversary of the company, by adinner, nn address,..and such Other exercises it-may be most agreeable to a majoriti - of the aseOCiation. If thin sugges tion meets the approbation - of the old mem bers, let a meeting be called and the inititoary steps - be taken in time to effect the object, so that.the first celebratimmay, be held on the Ginning 4th of July. . , WHITE HALL ACADEMY.—We have 'received the Seventh Annual Catalogue , of this it'stitutiOni - trnder the - charge - orrrotessor D. Denlinger; assisted Sioacorps of able and experienced instructors; and we are gratified to see that during , the past year it has been in a very flourishing condition, which is a grafis fying gaaraayte of its excellence. Those hav ing eons to educate will find " White pall" a plitee atiapteg to their wants in every respect, and we take, pleasure in referring them to the. advertisemeti in another column . . A .IMPORTOT TO FARMERS —We have been requetr,to slate tha t are now circulating Pi , tbienounty, praying the P3gie leture to pat*: a law,. requiring farmers and nitwit °wilt* cattle, to keep •them within. their ondoearee, under certain penahlee. • Beir We dill attentionlo Mr. James Book ett's Wile of Hunaehold and Kitchen furniture to take place On next Saturday week. The furniture is nearly new, and the• eale affords a good , pporturkity for young fo)korliko are about to Omniense housekeeping.. MC • EVJORICTTII 160T01174.7-Alfirgo number Of ouiroltlieri% took adeantage, of the ~,e xour Mon train to . larriehurg. to heir Mr..Eicretep, celebrated lecture on 19eibiegton,*., Friday. evealig . last L A returned delighted 'wits the rich intelleotutl treat, afforded them by .the . trip. We lest by the Harrisburg TcegriTh, that there we seven htindred and severity eight tiokele akin' at the,l4cier f realising, 889. REonurrei-7-, Over seventy.reoruitelor AltAliouated rieglinente, arrived at thi SJar- BarraoksOast Friday.. A detsobment of '2l6,left about teed+ ago for tbe West .and 400 more we +deformed could be ready is few days if tilrequisition:shpuld ooMe.. .mten_ottunittm.,_-_On_inotlay:teornini next titstion. wilt rise, ipartially eclipsed by the moon. The: eollpse will continue fifty 'llllBminutes, and is ill, be visible. bijibe essternicrt of the - United /Retail, and . the.northerti pdet of &nth lA:net:Ms. • varf No peetponment , •ou zeooilut .of the =I =BM Piiialolop-"Yoe tbieit; 4111 bii'4Ctitii:ltrapelori'lioineitsrliiii, on Tiiescsy ti 0.281.1 hurt, 8110 advertise:pont. SUDDEN DEATIIB,:—TWO defftbSi:bring the past week, have &ilea upon this community with a orus4iag weight. The first was Mr. oeor g o W. Bucher, a native of ;this -County, but for some time a resident of 'Middletown, Dauphin •County„ who took ill on Tuesday .• evening, lii Carlisle; and died 'the neat He was a young man of 'great , Moral worth. and' universally beloved for hie many amiable 9ualities. Hie remit]; warp taken topilver'6 Spring for interment on Friday, accompanied by a Committee of 'the Mnionia fraternity, of. which the decease& was a member. • ;The othe'r death was that ar Moitroe :Morrie; one of our meet useful and enterprie• ‘ ,.itg_Oltizeno,who—hati- - the - conlidenoe - and es= *era o! every one with whom he was . aqiuoint• Combining -indueiry and energy in his buoinees, with a high - degree of public spirit, ' his anticipations were Might for a long course • of . future usefulness; but death, Cornea I t n., a .thief In the; niglit," and ho-ia soddenly taken 'fi . om hie li!tlofamily; leaving a large oircle of •. relatives and friends to mourn his early 'death. , Mr Morris wee one of the moat active' members of the Union Fire Company, and as a mark of reepeot to hie memory, his remains were attended - to the grave, on Saturday last by the Cumberland, flood Will and Unpin Fire . Conipanies, forming a large funeral procession. Peace to hia remains ! • . .• • OM - Titra the Union Fire Company; hold on Thursday evening, -March 10th, 1858, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimounly ailepted:' . Vilnannas, ft has pleased an all-wise Provi dence to remove from our. midst our friend and brother-fireman, Monroe Morris, an naive member of the Union Fire Company ; there fore be 'it Resolved, Tharvrhile we bow in submission to the will of Him who "doeth all.things we.are reminded of- the all-important truth of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death; Resolved,: That in' the death of . Brother Morris the community 1014 lost one of its best citizenl, the Union Fire Company one of its betit members, and the wife a devoted and kind husband. Resolved, That we offer our sincere and heart=felt sympathy to the family and friends of the deceased; over hoping. ‘. their loss may be his gain." Resolved, That a blank page in our minute book be inscribed to hie memory;: . ' . Resolved, That we attend his funeral in- a EAST WARD TOWN. POUNOLL, INSPIZO OR, Jupps, .body,. wearing the usual badge of mourning, and that the house and apparatus of the Com- Toay be appropriatelydraped . for the tiptoe of thirty days. . . Resolved, That these proceedings be'pulf lished in the papers of 'our Borough; and a .copy of the resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased. • ATTEST: THOS.,D. MAHON,. Secretary pro lens. . COPIITABLI, SOIREE AT IRVINGLEEMALE_COLLEOE. LOU— Friday evenin, the sth init., a'Seiree game off at Irving Fannie College; Mechanics. • burg, which is described, by. those who were -;:present r -Ms. having,been--a-very-agreenble--en iertainment. The evening's exeieieee consist ed or Recitation's, Dialogues..and Music',-in which many of the young !adios, and some of the teaohms,..iook port. - We have received a communication from n correspondent, over the signature of "A Bach describing theiitrair in deteil,'lont it is too long.for our columns, end we are obliged to omit it. ; • ' From the Baltimore Sun. PROCEEDINGS OF THE EA ST BAL.. TIMORE CONFERENCE. , Rev. ' John John Bowen, 'of 'the committee to whom was 'referred the affairs orDick inson College, presented a report of the Confidence of the cenferenee in the, use fulness and_generaff management _ of_ the institution. There were several resolu ' thins appended;' one of which assumed - the payMent of $5,800, being .one.third of the debt of the college, and pledging the conference to the payment as, soon as practicable. The resolutions were 'advocated by Rev. A. A. Reese and opposed by Rev. Henry Slicer, but finally prevailed. • Rev. A. A. Reese, of the committee on the' iesidence of Bishop Simpson, pre- Hinted a series of resolutions recommend ing Carlisle us the proper place. The :property to be purchased, and in the event of the bishop not-Waking his resi dence there, then the property to be, sold and the proceeds divided between the. East Baltimore and Philadelphia confer - enoes,• for the superannuated preachers, and tridoWs under the care of 'those bo dies. The report recommende'd the up-. pointtnent of a committee to carry out ° the object: The :report was adopted, and the following committee appointed.: Revs. Hong Slicer, A. A. Reese, and - Thomini B. Sergeant, of the clergy, and Jas. F. Purvis arid Robert Turner, of the laity. -- The call- was made for the single men who desired to enter the conference on ~probation,• When the following were pre ?muted and, received :—John B. Mann, J. Clark Havey, John F. Craig, Philip B. Eyre, James R. Caddon, James H. MoCord, George W., Heyd,. John V. Cleaver, John T. Cole, J. Benson Akers, Milton K-. Foster,, Win. T. •L. Weeeh, John B.:Searboro and John Williams. APPOINI'II.SNTS' CARLISLE DISTRICT. =John A. Gero P. E.—Carlisle—Rob °A D. Clan/hers, Carlisle, Emory Chap el,A. A. Reese.. Carlisle Curcuit--1-•%, If.Dunliip,,Nathan Shaffer. York Springs , and Hanover—Oliver 'Ego, Geo.iy.Dun lip• • Newpor—F. E. Crever,J.T.Pilson. Petersburg—Thos. D. Gotwalt."^e'Diew Bloonifield--Canibridge Graham, Issao o.'Stevens. Mifilin—John W. Langley, Milton K. Foster, W A. ••McKee, sup. Concord—N. S: Buckingham', J. Clark Ham. Lifilstown-LJoseph A. BOW, Lewistown oirouit--George Stevenson, W. T. L. Weech, Huntingdon—Alexan'-' der •M. Barnits; Shirleysffurg—Amos Smith, G.' Neyd, Shippentiburg-: Ruben K. Wilson, Green Village—Noah' Sehlosser r A: J. Bender, Chatobersburg Reese.... •.- • - Daniel, Hartman, Agent of the Tract Sookithmonitter of Carlisle Quarterly eon- Marlatt,Principle of the Irving,Femate College, member of-Car lisle- Circuit Quarterly Conference. Daukherty,• for the last two:years p . astor Of Emory chapel, Carlisle, is eta, ' honed at Waynesboro',. Franklin C,ounty., Conference tweets' next year at Williams-, As . tha proceedings :of.titir Conference 'were to long to 'give Ahem , entire in our • iiifter,.wThave merely' Pablished' suo:a thein as Would be Most interest ing to the.peopie here. , TRIBUTE OF nittgrEcT . . For the Herald 6161.1C06 'FROM AN OLD-TIDIES. HITOOING POhT. = Ain't it a gloriouti,priviiege to . ,be a, patriot,. `An" integral atom, cliPging,Alke a barnacle, the hall 'of the old Ship of State, as she floats along to the port of manifest destiny. For this exalted privilego'our • old daddies' fought, bled, and occasionally run, that we, their worthy progeny, might enjoy it, and that' is just what ram tryingfo,do. Here I am fast anchored on this 'ere door step, for the simpyreason that I can't travel ,any further'"nbt heiogdble - to take steps,. I just let the ateptialike-sim, and if they are sot isfied, so am I; :I Ain't drunk, only 'exhiler: aged Joyously glorious---realieing one, of the inestimable priviieges, all us in dependent. soieroigns, 'who bask under the rais,oethe stare which abide out like things of beauty from the flnetof.,Zour lTnititras it wayei o'er the latid of the free," when the. wind blows. Hem---Popespearo. - Ain't this the birth-day of Washingtonians? _and.ain't -I-.the -last-link-of that - . crowd." - wltioh used to congregate weekly in Beetem's Row, and WEANLY sputter forth words of wis dom and folly.? Aloe! where pow is that owl-like conclave of SOLO3IONfi ? Gone out, just like that gas light, when the puff Of- Wind ',took it., - Not beciluse there was a lack.of gas,• but &toads° of.a supettibundince.—All_that, nevcr-dyiug zenl- 4 -that eternal devotion 'that bubbled forth like froth from 'a kerof has oozed out and mixed with its kindred air.' Aye, it lies?' dead cs a„matikerel," its very abode has become the-resting place of a ureic end I am left solitary and alone, to record its virtues, ask forgiveness for its faults and hhild its memories.down to fulnregenerations as a thing that once lived and had a being in this ancient borough.' A " PIM/ to its rO: thaine,".which would, beziery_acceptable now,- _rlithe knaiving In my innards abundantly- tee tify. ' . Great wisdom and forethought was evinced by our fare-fathers, in setting apart—certain days, in the National calender, whereon to glorify ; for the fire of-patriotism, when heat ed by the gaseous .voleano within, would cause a "bust" were it not that ibmie " 0-bejnyful days," like great eafety.valvee, firs screwed "down .on the National boiler,.whereby the'gas: finds 'oMnt .. iii the shapeless oonglotneratiOns• called " orations." —Againi,-these—days-;form--fiitohini—poetir . whereon . to hangs incidents of the and thus keep them • from the insatiable mew of oblivion.' Let ue take down a few of these - abrade and unravel their meshes. Here is one wrapped around with wiLioi. It tells us that '.once upon a time" a wawa , °nova was the eboarma pineb of a flook• of birds; known generally as Deinecrats,..though they have liven frequently.oia'ssified under the names of ,SPECKIEIEACKS, SIIILI,EWALLES and ,REamourifs. - - A, grand -foest--waet-held-on ' a ' certain Fourth of July, concluding with a concert in which the notes, no they came out, were LIQUIFIED. by the ' coin whiskey that went in. - Speeches were made, and ' toasts were ()tank, and huge slices of double Gloe'ter cheese, were Trashed down with copious li bation& of punch, when suddenly a 'readily pallor overspread every oheek, - heade bowed down like bulrushes amid the tempest, and strong men sunk to the ground in convulsions., when lo ! like the wail of a lose spirit, the . direful' ory arose; "VERVLIIIICT6II. KASE! WE mucnTza.ansz II" The Vasty depths were stirred—tigheaving rarth it came with porten• tons sound, and the fair face of Nature gee* foul with " VirtILIJCIITER EASE!" Ah lin that sad hour, even demagogues grew honest, and-uttered the words of tfuth, in hope that de .confession iielgood for the soul, It might prove equally potent for the stomach. Let us draw a veil over the scene, for Charity, with whispering voice, says " pity poor human nature." thie would 'suppose that such a' cleansing, would have wiped out from the body politic, those leeches known as demapoittes ; but, we find the me is not yet 'extinct. They are still Trona to Wee the honest masses, as eo many Peek mules ; on which to ride into pow er. A long suck at .the public tent, is the eummum bonus, of their desire. "Get a bold and hold on." isJhe.tnotto, , and so it will be, as long as the Cumberland Sow has more' pigs than teats. Even now, there is some squeak ing to v get hold of a little teat, in our own town, not yit.disposed of, and whether the pig that has hold now, will hold on," or be forcedto give place to another sucker, is a problem yet to be solved. Be that as it may,'one thing is certain, " our member" has bate his mulish ness satiefiedby-contratlc-whilst-hle adhesion to Lecompton, is firmly secured by a package of "Jew Jewed Paste," which, it is said, was formerly one.of his favortte prescriptions, and so ends my celebration of the 22d of February. BALTIMORE CITY, March 10th, 1858 Ma. Entrett:- . -On the evening of the 2d inst. I was present at the Maryland Institute,, where a course of Lectures is delivered every. winter.. On the, occasion referred to, fkleoture was delirered by John R. Thompson, Esq., editor of the, Southern Literary Malinger, pub lished at Richmond, Va. 11113 subject was— ." The Ocean-and the Mountains as source's of Inspiration." He divided his subject into two parts z' first, an examination of what had been written concerning the Ocean and the Moun tains; and second, an inquiry into the ele ments of their influence. In the moat grace- Ad manner, and with great oratorical power, for an hour and a half, he dslighted his large audience with appropriate sad striking quota tions froin classical, English; and American literary productions,. whichAeemed to have been thoroughly studied by the eloquent leo. tur . er. The Ocean and the Mountains, though .objects of great interest, to cultivated minds, bad a peculiar Wrsairri thrown over them by the beautiful quotations, which, like sparkling gems, were' ecattered throughout the entire lecture. In noticing the latter parrot his subject, he considered power, beauty, mystery and immutability, as the most prominent ele ments of influence combined In the Ocean and I,lSicuntains. 'lmmo Newton, Napoleon, Daitlelwebster, end a long list of Poets, were ailed among those WhOse minds had been ; r perrerfully 'Mildred by the bold and sublime . scenery_of these eeio4cretat werk&Of-.Ndeure,' Taken together, tbailifferint parts of this' 'lecture formed one.of the -most captivating plattires ever presented to the . mind of man closed and took his seat, tba able leo turer appeared to be bathed in the llubliMoly - Inspiringindu*oeir - ot'the - thonierwhiehia engaged his mind'; - and Mi. I turned' my feet toward Ammo, the roar of a old Ocead" seemed to be breaking . nponmy eit,ittOd: . the, lofty mountain heights tieing in , pigeons Megnitit. oeace before J 10! eyes:, • On the 'following Friday 'mist* at the sane place, I beard Illon..,Eiter,ard: Ip.aratt's grost" lecture 4?6 - "Pi04 . 1,!. pop, : ie t iture. !Nat d!)liyered, ifehalte "Attmelatlen, PoMr:" . of this city; - The Meets were pit et • one diner,. ~and,, notteltbetendleig this hli price, between' three andlour thousand pet , sons crowded the immense hall, evincing the high estimation in .. ivirioh the people of this ,City hold this distinguished gen'tleman. Mr. •EVeiett is- nnquestinnbly the gr . entest living orator in the Unite4.. ° Btates t For ,esqutsito • beauty; Pathos , nod power, some. passages in his " Charity" oration are unsurpassed in anything I have ever heard or seen.. Tall in • I' person, with good proportion throughout, If appenred as if his business upon 'the occasion ' referred to, was to scatter broadcast over his intellectual audience, 'pearls, jewels, rind i diri... monis. Charity was presented in all its bear.: jogs upon society; and when he set down,' dewing tears and joyful'acalamatiorisa tarried to gaze upon the immense crowd, when • the mighty moss . ofhumnn beingsyresented scene which no pen could properly prrtrriy. - After the intense ezeitement—oconsioned ,by ° thn inspiring strains •of eloquence Which had fallen from 'the orator's lips—rad 'somewhat •subeided, a gentleman stepped forward and, presented 'Mr. Everett with a large basket, ,composed of flowers of the , most beautiful anion, and tendered by the . Graocfully acknowledging the compliment, the distinguished gentleman again seated himself, and the audience retired; .feeling to tneir bootie, that itis' f " morellassed tolive than to receive." - • . • The Beet Baltimore Conference of the M. E. Church, which has been in seesion in able City for a week past, closed itsjanorelvit e_vening,_ and by this time n i nny of the zministers ore on their-Way - to - limit-near field - Of toil, I under 7, stand the dailY sessions of the Conference were characterized by great pence and bar- . monS , : During their enjoin% in the "Menu- • mental City" they were hospitably entertained byllio friends of the Church. On Sabbath, • the 7th inst., the 'Pulpits of the different Meth odist Churches, as well as many of the• Prey-- byterian, Baptist and Lutheran, were oboupied by members of, the Conference ; Large crowds attended upon the Ministry of. the Word, and .rejoiced in the precious privilege of the Christ ian Sabbath. , Mothodiatn.has a powerful hold -upon -the population of this lnrge City, and through her instrumentality great good Is `being non,rn •pliehed. ,• • TItEBOB PARK BENJANIN, in his lecture on ~ Hard Times,"-nak . es the folk:Wing good Aila. Lt o 7-- speaking of thereat - it phrases which aro now so . much in -yogue,--that weshould -not-be- sur-, -- • _pftsed to see •them_imoupying_a_prominsot place in the next - edition or ,' Webster's Una bridged," be says: 00 IT WIIII YOU'RE ynamq Americans, are much - renown° I for - nlirases,sidd or sung, And the earliest thing to children taught In, (lo it,• while You're young;" ' ' : ' 'A riste - which they Ilibbey, and If the truth , were told, quoer A Tact ainJoeliy - keep on, and gn It when they're old Lrr 're. air. Another phrase which often glides in music from the lip, Is of finelaignificance and beauty, " Lot 'oe rip," Inlhe Int6 - pitile ire bake-kept this mandate o'er and - o'er, And let her rip so frequently, that some can rip no more.: RURAL HAND 13OOKEI..—F0Wier &Mena of New York, are publishing a new series. of " Hand books for Huine• improvement," by the author• ' of to write," "How to be have," &o Suob - hooks are much wanted, and as the enterprising .publishers, aro pro verbialfor gotting - out their works in good style at low pricies t we have - no doubt the new series will prove as pOpular, as, those which proceeded it. This series •iihe "The Rouse," "The Garden," " " "Do mestic Animals," GODET, for April, comet graced with fine engravings. is excellent—" Margaret's :atitintiee to increase in interest. ML gives a very animated scene between herself and a Count Virginia Tow,nsend's "Two Gifts" is concluded,' and a new . contributor 'fives a charming' story, called " . Blanche Brandon." For sale at Piper'S. Ingl.Rheumatisms,..r . the most severe kind have been cured by using two:bottles - of,Ou . Vitll's Galvanic Oil. ,I3anit ache, pain in the head, sick headache, nervous diseases of the head,.nre every day being oared sound by the use of DU VALL'S GALVANIC OIL. . ' Thiermedieine is for sale by 11. man, B. J. li!yffer, .1 S. Davidson, E. JunielS, Wm. Brattan, IVm Reed, Ilond & Cn., Alfred 11111nriA; :Highland & James Kyle, I) Hays, ltu,sell &. thee, Green & Co., Peter Garter; manic, mexander & Craighead & Moore, A. M. Leidriek, 'Mary W. Fosse!. 'Y • DR.—SANFORWS—INT-IGORATOR,----118 -- most skeptical poople ran ho convinced 14 trial that all the family medicines are not humbu4, and that among the thousand of butterfly life there are a few of great merit, and undoubted worth. or these Dn. 81NTORD'S INVIGORATOR. or Liven REMEDY, stands first and fore Mat MOOR the remedies of the day that can be roiled on as a medicine that in nil It Is r!..cosinneuded by Ito ,proprle.. tore. It advertises Itself on every trial, for there are none who use it but 101 l their friends to do so, and so it goes from mouth to 'ninth till ni the poop!,, of the Union have learned, tho good of thin'. truly.-val noble--' me Urine. It Is recommended with 'testinioniala to prove as virtue for the cure of liver complaints of every kind, from tho worst Dyspepsia ton coalition headache, and is, particularly sampled to. , .12111111.11/T, Dentnged Stountettr,llowel Complaints and diseases of children. • One or two doses ore said to pure a cold with scarce a failure. It Is worth a trial for this - alone. It is I-sr- Ocularly adapted to the use of ladies of sedentary I v o. Its. Some ladies of the Idgbast„standlng in socletif have given their certificates of Its efficacy, and we nay to all who arc ailing, try one bottle, and you will never be withoutlt:lhoomnsuc Puess. • reL,.There• is a DYED, •INviaonnr.pß for all who are troubled with any of threw disagreeable 'confplaints, such as Jaiindice, Dyspepsia or Liver Die. eases of soy kind. We feel that no are .doing our In valid readereatkinvaluable service if we can Induce ' them to got a bottle-a-gr. Sala:mire Invigorator, and take it, for we know from personal eiperieuro that it in one of the greatest remedies for general debility, and consequent inactive bodily powers ever before used. Its • action Is so perfect and complete wi to give relief the first time taken, and if it does to others as it Lae to us, half a•bottle will be all that is needed, We know of o nothing We can recommend with such confidence, for a family medicine, as the Juvigorator,—ltsuvrav LICAN• • .Woodoi hate Restorative...We have never known any other medicine win as largo a share of public confidence In so ttliort a time as thin has done. It has not boon more than a year since we Ursa hesird of It and It DOT stands at the bead of all remedies of the kind. We hale never used any oYlt ourselves, having bad no occasion, as tisir it crown of glory" not only as yet retains its original culor,but get tk more so—but some of our friends Lava, and'ity have over known it fall of restoring the hair to its original color. We ruk vise such as are becoming prematurely gray, to give the "Restorative" a ttita.-.Chestur (Illinois) Herald. • - MARTON HALL, is the _place to get good Daguerreotypes,' Aiebretypea Dielaulotypei, Eter-' remcopes, Onlyontypes and Photograph.. . . Penmen visiting Carlisle wilt find it to reward them for their trouble to atilt this Institute. . N. 11: Bat few specimen. ere - exhibited at the : door, .and the public are respectfully invited to call at the Gallery, where envy varietrof picture! capable of be ing prodMied by the Photographic Art can be obtained. r and Gentlemen call In whether you, want pic.• tures or, not, and you will meet %Bit a cordial fecePflolli. .. D. C. NBAGLEP..''' ptatts. . , . . . . —. .. ~.. ... — Ou the Bahraini orate Mb het:, after a short illneos Mrs. At N OMALIy of this borough, in the 57th year Other age. . _ . .. .• . • . -On the 10th hut" after a lingering Moses ~ M ra. IPA • ..111SLLA. wife of Wm. Harkness, deceased, In Rohe 77th • '.year other age; • On .Thireder. morning ' last. after • a sererillineW s ' SIONROH 1401tIII8, of Has borough, in' the' 88th 'year ' Oa ,Vreratesolgy; the llth injt. of convi Ilion - of brain;lllri.i.itiOlttlii 1104111ER,0, tut,. county.- mad' about 'l , ll.JHarf. (timber was apparently.. quite we 11..., he melted to rest nn litre *lir dwiectts e alibi and Cod the following of e:- own. (Perry, Lainplitu audlanisughis. papers plasm. • . as usual iterature IMIIMMEI