Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 24, 1858, Image 4

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Work for February
Though this month•-has. been called
,the month of leisurelqr she fanner, there
is much that he - din do .to save tithe and
labor the Spring. - . . •
Cattle should be well taken 'care
of. Cut straw and foddershould be used
• a steaming epp_antruswill belfonse_-
" I of se
" viee.--Cows-about—ealving—should_hav_c_
extra - food and plenty Of stable room at
night,:' • -r
.Sled Cornii3 often fOund to lave been
defeetivo after having been planted: If
the seed has'not been selected while the
Corn was still upon the stalks, taking
thoie which matured , earliest, and upon
• etalke bearing More than one ear, it should
.10. attended to now, and samples should
be'sprouted -in the house to ascertain •
' whether its vegetating power has - been
r n any way.
.Fences.-Newones should:be 'built . and
old ones repaired,• if the frost does not
prevent.—Materials for future., fencing
should hp_repared. •
Fodd9r.—=Cut and steam. the coarse
• - and mix. with corn meal,'bran, cut;mem,
&cr..' Use racks in the yard .to prevent
„ the ibacle'r from being scattered,
- ,Fhicts should have boiled. potatoes;and.
Other vegetables iu addition-to their regal,
• lar focid.
• Grain, if not threshed yet, thresh it' as
soon as possible, instead of . leaving it for
the rats, miceanclwreevil. Many formers
refused to thresh and sell their wheat.'
-when it is worth $1 50•pqr bushel, and
now . when it is worth but about they
appear to be waiting for it to fall to 75
cents. •
Voris .should-have—wawa (not_L'bot).
/Spoked food, and occasionally, Salt . or
charcoal, breeding sows especially require
the two last
Mules and IlorOs.—Give them grain
or carrots with their cut feed.
Manure—Continue to collect manure
and cart it to the fields, leave it in leaps,
covered with soil or muck, until wanted
.for use. Save till' the liquid drainage of
the yard and stalls,, by absording it with
Amuck . , leaves', saw,dust,'&e. All manure.
heaps or yards should haven coverin. , of"
some kind,•aud should he sprinkled' cc-
Gasionly with plaster, or if couvOnient,
chaicoal dust; to absorb and retain the
ammonia which is continually escaping.
to the damago of the manure 'mid injury
of 'stock.
Plowing.—Stun the furrows a little
deeper than last year or follow with the
Potatoes. Assort for planting.
Sleep.—Keep them well sheltered from
atorma-lutd__sepaiato... fro .cattle- and.
horses: Let. them have ~free • - access to
salt and water. - •
Tools.- 7 .t,Lwainy days.put them- in or
der..and_make_such_now_uncs_as may_be_
Turnip and - olher Roots. --Feed them
dail to cattle. "If tnriii L LI cabin' eI re
fed after milking they impart no.disagree
able never to the milk. . .
Mod.—Lay in a supplylbr next min—
ter.-717ut,§plit, and idace it under shelter.,
Don't believe.that there is any economy
in trying to burn green - wood.
Orchard.—While the ground • is not
frozen, trees• may be-transplanted._ The
moss and rough bark• should' be Teniped .
from old trees; and the tru4s•and large
limbs washed with strong soap suds or a
weak' solution of potash Of soda. lf pro:
ning is done, the wounds should be cov
ered with paint or a weak solution of gum
shellac. Manure the orchard with muck
lime and ashes. Destroy the cocoons
nests of insects.
Grape vines, if not pruned in the Tall,
should be trimmed nuw,in moderate weath-
The iniportanee of importingyour own
stock, if you are going into the wood busi
• nese, is very emphatically euforeedin the
following capital story,, that comes to us
from a very agreeable correspondent.
" Some years . ago I was travelling on
Eastern shore, of Maryland, and stopped
for the night at the house of a gentleman
by the mite" of Jones. He was not at
home, but his wife received me very po
litely, though I was in the capacity ofs
, •travelling merchant, a peripatetic vender
of,notions, vulgarly called a pedlar She
made dfew purchases of articles useful
in the family, and Might have bought
more had not Mr. Jones returned unex
pectedly and at once commenced abusing
• me most roundly, and said lie•did'ilt want
any pedlars about his house. I gave him
back the change 'in his own coin till he
cooled down, when 1 lust asked hint what
- made him mad at all 'gentlemen In• MY
line of business Ile told me.
" few mouths ago a Ydni:ee pedlar
was about here selling hie tin-ware, and
taking pay.idanything he could get.' . 11Iy
neighbovfarmet . .,llr. Brown, had a vcv
, troublesome ruin; mne time he jumped
the fence and got intit-the corn, and :was
always where' he had do business 'to
be. One day, just as the farmer had got
him out and tied him up i pedlar
came along, and, wanted to sell his.tin
. ware l.r. Brownsaid he would sell him
the old:Httn, and take his pay in tin. The
pedlar took him up, offering hint two dol
lars' worth of his ti tick-' for the ugly old
sheep; the farmer agreed, picked out his
tin things, the pedlar hoisted the ram,
, with legs tied, into his confounded old,
cart, and drove right along here to my •
house; and had the impudence—yes, the
scoundrel had—to tell me the ram had
beediMported from England by order of
one of the rich fanners, Jeffers, down the
country; and he had agreed-to take it to
• him it had - cost 8200 on landing, and
he was to have $250 for it when.. he de
livered it - to Mr. Jeffers, Mit he Was so
tired of having the pla,, ,, uey thing in his
wagon that he would take $lOO for'lt the
first chance be could get.. I was quite
anxious - to improve my stock, and thought
this *ea so fine an opportunity to buy an
imported.. fullAdood, •as that rascal war-•
'rantedit to be, that, I jusel up and paid
• the fellow $lOO, . and lie out the grinds
and let the ram run.. Sure 'enough, he.
did run full Split - right oi'er the fence
'mid I 86rhim, and my niggers coining
on. In fifteen minutes my ram,thiggers .
and.! fetched. up s an ]crown's yard, when
I foundjlied lmen. sold as well •ethat
rascally old , sheep. • . Before I :got bilk
the pedlar had;sold'ten - dollais',worth of.
yroodet!hatmegsaadileeeenee to:my wife,
. . and had;gone off unknown.. Re
mayor Sawa, ;this way ..again; and if, you
are one of that soft yeti had Vetter pitt up
your trope:and be movinlg.
E4lielly:freVailed'oti him to lot me
stay till,'iruorning,;-anti- to, aeaent'a few
Yanlies;:ilotiOne..wiihniit'"fee or-reward..
But het :HaVor. - forgot that. sl.oo'sed.
his neighikii'ifiam.". •••• •;• •• ' '•
• .:
.. •
• 'tile subscrlbors would reseitfullY , announco to the
•public, - titat - thi.:y are now prepari.d te:Murzeistilho
lowing described articles of LUMBER: First, Common
and Padnel 'Plan, and Boards of all thicuoss :Morn=
Mots Boards and Plan of white 'pine; Hemlock Joke
and Seething. of all iismeand leng,thstlVhito.Pitutaude
• YelloW Phu: Flooring, worked; all kinds of Paling and
Plastering Laths; line and Cyprus Shlngleivot all qua
lities; Shingling Lath and Striping( and Fencing
Boards 20 feet long, All timbers sawed to order, by
leaving their bills, of all lengths and:sizes, (pine, oak,
or hemlock.) Sash, Doors, Illindsund Mouldings ready
for use, The above will be furnished on the most r E tt•
-.. — Weluerotonstantlizarharrd - al
_ °,111:4 n 1141410 kinds o f
sum us tykens Vaitoy, Short Mimi tain, Travorton, ei.o
,Cust Mountain, Luke Fiddler,' Sunbury. Wilkenbarre,
and the Bread Top for Blacksmiths; all' of which we
will deliver to any part of the town as low as it eau be
bought at any. yard in the town for each or country
produce. Coal all re screened and delivered dean. By
strict attention to business, coo hoptito receive a liberal
share of . public patronage.
You will lint our Yard in the eastern end Of the bo
rough, opposite the Goo iYorks. Our office hereafter will.
be opt op posits Bentz & Brothers store, In the eßiro
now occupied by 'Squire Smith. All orders left at tiro
office or at either of the subscribers' residences, on West
Pomfret street, or at' East street, will . be promptly at
tended to •
Carlisle, Juno 3,. - vis7. ;
This Bank, doing business In the name of Her, Bren
neman S Co., is now hilly prepaced' to do a general
akinkitCg lididtiess with - prompthesA - and .-- -
Money received on deposit and paid back on dement'
-without 'tette°. Interest paid on special deposits. or.
tificates of deposit hearing Interest at the rate of five
per cent. will he homed for . as short a period as four
mouths. Interest on all certificates will cease at ma
turityrprovided, however, 'that If said certificates are
renewed at any time thereafter for another given pe
riod, they shall bear the same ra to of interest up to the
time of renewal. Particular attention Paid to the col-
Motion of. notes, drafts;.ehecks, Sc., in any part of the
United States or Cubed:mi . •
Remittances matto.toisEnglarid,,lreland, or the Conli•
mint. The faithful and confidential exlcutitin of all
•orders entrusted to them, may ho relied upon.
They call the Attention of Farmers. Mechanics and
all Otters who, desire a safe depuslttniy for their names,
to the undeniable'fitrt, that the proprietors at this Bank
me INDIVMVALIN liable to the extent of (heir estates fur
all the Bepossts, and other, obi iintions of liar, Brett no.
They have.reeently rembied into their new Dn./king
House direetly opposite their . former' stand, in West
Main Street, a low doors east iif the lisilroad Depot,
where thy will atoll Mines be pleased to giro any in.
formation desired In regard to money matters in gene:
Open for business from 9 o'clock In thelnornhig until
4 o'clock In the evening.
L. A. STIIRGEON, Cdshier.
Carlisle. May '2O. 1857
11t14] . INS lA{ -T I IF, A LI.FN
S IL% NCH COMPANY or Co inberht enunry,'lmenrpo•
rated -1,): a it-ni.4-of Ai,sumbl r y, , ll; ncnifully orgmllzed, Ind
liperat ion limier th,i - iminikaiimitt, 'of Ulu
conrnrl.Joucrx, VIZ r • --
Bailey, William' It. norgas, 311chneI Cocklln,
i. Eichelberger, Staynnin, 'John bun.
.1 1 ,1 1 11 . (jeerer, Lewis Ilyer, Eberly, Benja
min 11. 3losser. J. Brandt," Joheirth IVlelcert.bain,
Alexander -C'ailtrart. •
The rates of insuninee are as low and favgrable as any
Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to
become members are Ins Ited" to make the,
agents of the eUmpany, who are milling to welt upon
thou at any time
LEWIS HYER, Sucre Pay.
miciLtEL OXMAN, Treasurer.
CU9III . IItLA:siD COUNTY.— John Sherrkk, Allen,
Rudolph Martin, :New Cumberland; Henry %oaring,
Shiremanstown; Sothuel {Voodburh Pleltinson; [ivory
Bowman, Ch unlit own; Mode' Grldth, South
Grohom: NV.' l'enoslii:fo'l Soniuel.TVOi
3lerhonieshnrg ; W. Cocklin, Sbepher,lstdun: 1)-
Cork, Shoplierdstown ; C, B. German. SiFver Spring;
Benj. have, st Silver Spring; Charles Gell. Cot lisle.
YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Pinking, honer; Peter Vol.
Fool. Frankliii; Jos. Griffith, {Torrington; J.. F. Door
I) %tii l.ll lN - Ct);=lltingar'ttrttatVirifir,"7la - Fi:FMrpt7 —. 7
prollelesabont to ex
pire, edit have the in renewed Ity tucking application to
_ any or the
"Man- Snow - Thyself."
An larvabauble Book for 25 Cents. ',Eve
ry Fninlly should knee n Copy.'
,••;‘ , , , tir, Dn. ilusTElni MEICAL_
• S N \s • - • ' 'vt ‘ •2 - Now,/ mAN UAL AND ILAN DIIOOK—
, AT i t • FOIL TILE .A FE I - CT ED,
ire " • : 4contaiiiing un °WHIR, of the
' . ,, , ,11,ri/A•rerty. r. progrelis, treatment .
/4"."1rE0/C.4 and cure of every (Man of dis.
‘.7 ease contracted toy promis•
COllll sexual Intercourse, by
• r‘ss: , self , abuse. or by sexual
! II 1 error. with advice for their
prevention, written in a familiar style. avoiding all
medical technicalities, and everything that would of
feud the ear of decency. •
restlinonyof the Professor of Obstetrics in Penn.
Collage, l'hiladelphia.— , DU. HUNTER'S MEDICAL
MANUAL.'—Thi, author of thin work. unlike the
• majority of those who advertise to cure the dler•os
(l4 of which It treads, is n graduate, of ono of the
,4 host Colleges ht the United Staten. It affords me
pleasure to recommend him to the unfortnate, or to
." the a irtiot of mil-practice, as a successful and ex•
• .cgo perie aced prat:Omer, In WllOl4ll horror and integrity
ii..Y'they may place the greatest confidence.,
Losusiionr, M. J).
IX/ From A Woodward, M. D., of Penn. University,
E., Phi 110. It given me pleasure to add my testininny
a • td, lite Professional ability of the Author of elm
" Medical Manual."—Nititierotm roses of DISlt:1608 Id
Pla• thollenital timing. some of them of long Ft:hiding,
O hove COlllO under my notice, In which too skill has
been 'manifest In restoring to perfect lnenllh, in
601110 lustanees where the patient-has, heen_consid,
• bdi erect beyond medical aid. In the trealllMllt of seml•
na) weakness, or disarrangement of the functions
produced by SEI.F•6IIUSE, or EXCESS of venery, I do
not know his superior in the profession. I have
been acquainted with the Author virile thirty
' 4 l ye:ita, and deem it no more than juhtlee to him as
%A. well as a kindness to the unfortunate victim of ear
!" ly Indiserethn, to recommend him as ono, In an hone
professional skill and Integrity they mar safely
confide themselves. m
One copy, securely enveloped, will be fbrwerded fre
of postoge to coy port of .th'o United States. for 25 ets,,
or it copies for $1 UO. A 7 Address COIS.DEN "d: CU.,
Publishers, liox.1:17,
11,,oksal km+, Can/posers uud Book Agents auppl led
on Lilo most liberal to s.
Dee. 9,1857.—1 y. •
Li. LNG. The subscriber continues to carp• on the
above all Its various branches, in North I ron•
over street, Carl isle. two doors North of Leonavn, eorucl
where he intends keeping on hand a genetni assortment
In his line, consisting of all hinds pt fashionable SAD•
DLES, Bridles, Martingales• Wilts,
Circingles and Hall erg, also TRUNKS,
traveling and saddle
bags. Ile also wan-
MitetUres the most MI I
ti g t: It INC] 5t1 , 1.1,V.S ever uSeeill thr
country. and those wishing a hand.
sonic, dnrablo and pleasant saddle,
will do well to call and see thorn. lie
Cellars and Whips In all their varie
ties, nud confidently believes from the general approba
than of his pustomers, that he makes the neatest:and
best gears; in all tbidecarlety of bredth, that Is made in
tin. country. Ile alto makes all 'Mods of Matressea to
order, viz: Straw, Husk, ended Unit. and Spring Mat,
fusses. All the aboi?, articles will be made of the best'
material aed workmanship, and with the utmost dosi
patch. J IWl‘f..ll6lloltN.
NOTICE is hereby given that I have
• this day associated with me, as a partner In the
Forwarding, Commission and Orain Business ' my son
ALBERT K. ItUREM,aud that.thu above lmeiness will
Le hereafter cinducted under the name of J. ItILEEM
'k SOY,-, •S. lIIIKEM.
N. R.—Highest Cash prices for 'PRODUCE - midi kl MST
FLOUR, IVILEAT, RIMOATS, Ste. • Salt, Plaster, te.
always on hand and for sale.
Carlisle May 1 ~ 1857—tf.
lV E R Y STABLE.—llaving pur
'chimed from .1. R., Noncinaker his LIVERY ES
TABIASIUSIENE, 1 will be always ready to accommo
date the public with HORSES, CAR.
OXftgltl AGES, BUGGIES, and every other or
licle in my line, By strict attention to
business and a desire to please, the subscriber hopes to
receive a liberal share of pdblic patronage. ' •
. .
N. B, 011111011.18SeS on Inuid to supply those wbo may
be In need of thorn. ' • 0. IL
Nov. 25, 1857.1
f`l A R would respectfully but
ki earnestly urge upon the attention of thoM of,our
'customers who have accounts standing on our Cooks,
the actual 'necessity there exists for, the 'settlement of
the same, 1315IEVIATELY, either by note or otherwise.
Opposite the' Post. ile°.
Doe. 2,1857.1
itt. The subscribers booing boon appointed solo
agouts for Menny's Combined Reaper and - Mower, with
Hoops! IMPROVAIENT, Ow Philadelphia county, ..are
•now prepared to receive orders... Persons wishing to co
' cure the best combined machines In -use, will- please
Seed and Iniplement F.tore, cor..7th and Market ste.
for both hand and heti° power"of superior quality and
finish, andnt greatly reduced prices ; also Root, Straw
and Fodder Cutters, he. he. .
. .
. • .• PASCHALL 151011RIS, 40 p
' ' . Cdr. 4th and lllaritet Streets Philadelphia.
• .. •
Pnouty PLOWS.-=-The undeisign 7
- oil having Leon appointed sole agents In Philadelphia'
, for the Prouty, Plows and Castings, aro now preparedlo
'..otforthoni to Verniers and. Dealers at wholesalo•and re.
tall. The Prouty Plow took - the first premium at 'the
• 'World's - Flo. in London, against all competition; andts
constructed anus to plow am' pulverise at fine opera
tion. • For the Mit ten years A It how been toots ex; en
, , slyely sold in the, dintrlet•around Philadelphia than
. 'apy other; and is now uttered •Uf Improved Menial's&
tura, stall the dlffeignt sixes; ' . •, ," . •
• ' •'' PASCHALL MORRIS* ko. •
N. F - Cor, 7th and Atarket:Sts. Rhil,adelptda.:
UM' • • •
Tho dthscriber has Just - returned Miff - life' Eastern"
cities, and would call. the•attontion ofhis' friends ur
the public generally to the large and woll.selectell
gertment of HARDWARE which he has now on ham
-connlstingin part ofIBUILDINCI.SIATEtiIALS, sushi
Nulls. Screws, Hinges, 'Bolts, .Locks,Olass of every d
seription and quality, such as Common; White, polish,
American, Froncti, Enamelled' and Double thick of
sizes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., Ac. •
TOOLS-Including Edge - Tools of every descriptim
Paws.Planos, Brace and BittspAugers, &pains, G intgi
-1.11ca..--Basiiii,-/LatrunersoVices,Anvil,-,Satow, lUD
Blacksmiths Bellows, Am., A:. • ...
-.lthoumak!ultuliyAlawkllimutlll find a large assoromeni
ofTools of ovary description,
Ffiliurtlemens"--Aloroeco-Liiiing•-Binding,-L , ateut_ancL
French Calf Skins, Shoe Thrkiol, Awls, Wax&egs, Lists,
ilarnesi,Mounting, Collar's, Walling, Whipstock, D.:cr.
hair, Saddle Trims, , • ' .
Also, Coach Makers Tools and Trimmlngs'of nil kinds,'
such as Hubs, Spokes, pollees, Shafts, Bogs, Floor Cloth,
Canvass, Cloth, Damask, - *lug, Lace, 31oss, Axles,
Spring Belts, Au, Ae.
• Cabinet Makers will find a large misortliuMt of Var
nishes. Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany Veneers; Knobs of
all kinds and sizes Mouldings, Rivets,' Hair Cloth,.
-Plush, Curled Ilalethinir and Sofa Sponge, Ste,, Ac.
Housekeepers will :Ilse find a large assortment of
• Halves and Forks, BratallIlirl• Ai eta and Silver Jfiated
Table and Ton Spoons, Candlesticks. Waiters, Shavels,.
nnillongs; Iron and • Bums Kettles, Pans, Ac., together
with Cedarware of all 'kinds, 'ouch as Tube. Buotuts,
Churns, Am , Ac.
Agricultural implements, embracing Plows of all kinds,
CUltivalok, lists, Shovels, Rakes, Forks, Chains, Ac.
I ItON, a large eta k, comprising all kinds in .general
use which I tun selling at thy wholesale prices.
Remember the t.ld stand, East Main street, Carlisle.
• / 11. SAXTON. •
. - -
klt 1X 14 0 0u p 8.! 8 rlt I N t;}
..GOODS I Bentz and Brother havejusropened one.
ot-the-largust.amLbesLassurtuninte..OLPLY_AlOods over
brought to Carlisle. Their Stoeß has been seloetk.with
more than -usual care from the best houses. in New l'Ork
and Plilladelplihwand ovary alert mode to-obtain the
latest and most_lashiumible styles of dres. They fiat
.ter thenisoles they will he able - th bait everrenriety .
of taste at prices an low or lower than they cite be
bought borer In the city.' \ •
. .
*.Black Silk Robes, Birege Robes, Poplins.
, Fancy Silk Robes; lawn Robes, Agentino.
Foulard Silks, ___Uremulne; Brilliant°.
- ' Bayadore Silks, - Pure_ChalL Gingham Lawn.-
Noire Anthiue, Duval, Bombazine.
Podia, ' Crepe de Bspagne Alpaca.
Mourning, . , liimalya. . All wool do lane,,
Fancy Silks, , TIMIllalll., Cashmere. .
A full assortment-of white dress goods, Nainsook V us.
Victoria Lawns. Figured, Swiss, Velvets for Mau.
ties. White and Black Ctllllo Shawls. Stella Tidied, Mode
nod Mocha Shaw &e. Bonnets. Bonnet Satins,
Isms, Flowers, ,tr., Coronation, Cruvella and CHM.line,
Skirts fu• Ladles, Also, Collars, Undersleeves, Hand
kerehlufs In 'peat variety. -
• ENTs WrAlt.
Cloths, Casglni&res, Lrnp dolt, Cashmerots. Summer Cas•
Amer., Cottuntides,t3ilk lin,tht,hlrts, Linens, Ilautiker.
chief, Sc, •
Bleached and unbleached Lim:nand Cotton SheetlngK
Table .I.lnens, Wolen ditto, Piano Cover, Counterpanes,
Straw Hate, Flats. LOlll ing Glasseg,'Tlekings,", Window
Shades of all kinds. Umbrellas, Muslim: and every Im
rioty of Dry tioodklu common Use.
Wo ha% e just laid In a largo stock of Tapestry, ingl'aiti,
Vitperlak'Mixed and Dag Carpet, Oil Cloths. Matting,
Straw Mats. ke., at -lowest prices.. We respretrally
vile the public to rail a n d examine our stook belbre pur
chasing. We have bought our assortment at such,
Mimes that we cannot be underseld. • - '
,Sporial What t ion.puld tp purehasingvsnis in the city
per order at shortest nothau
Every effort will be oracle by the firm to give satirise•
hoots those who may favor them wills a all.
Those who wish to see the effects of the present, FI
NANCIAL' CRleln, which has almost plunged 'bur
country Into a state of bankruptcy, making the OH, of
to•thiy the poor at., morrow , eon do so by rollluµ et the
- NEI% STORE of the subscriber, who haajnat returned
front the eael,wlth u large assortment of
DRY 11Q01/S, onocau ES, lIOUTS, 5110E8, HATS,
wfflcli he itdt:Prinitu;l to sell channel . than titor offered
in Carlisle, gleffAaff:
• •c.otd.l Plaids :a 31 , worth 6211
" : :11 0 • " •
'25,- • - • •
Tglhot Nibs „ 15 "' 25,
Ducali ,1 15 "
Together-wills a large assortment of Alpaens.,Challies!
De hailleN, De Ilargek, Idagrises. Poplins. Itrilliants.i.4kh•t
ing, French and S c ot c h Illughnme. Prints, Moses, Cob
- Ittrstlitiyhlk - anaTe_4,lthosier_v,ke. de. lilatimli, - ecTrer3
st'vinllllli Ky. tleedk
Cloths, Cashittimes, Vesting, Flannels, Matsllns.,Tick
hogs, Stripek, Cheeks. • Calleoks, Cttomattes, Linens.
_Sheetings, Denims, Natakeons, Deills,Marseilles
"hits Cal put t intlnrlinthrritts - it-c7711;.
Ako, a - la 'rj.laranti'splenalial :assortment of llonnets, hats.
TWClliii - C` Shoes, which 11 be sold at therpresent
greatly reduced , nrices. - .
A superior Jot of Frebh Groceries, Tens,' Coffee, 316-
lasses, nice, Spices, kr., Sc. Having selected my . entlre
shwk . the grealeaLeare_ltuLat_the_loweet'SaNla
can'assure my friends and the public generally, -
that I will do all in coy power to make my establish
ment know it as the
Those ho Irish to 'purchase wilrfind It to their ad
vantage to call ang exatulue my stock Lehire }lurches.
1 will•pay the highest market price fur Butter, liggs
Hugs, Soap and Dried Fruit.
Carlisle, Novenilier 11, Isc,7
Shad and 31ackorel oidlffCrant giadea;, '
Salmon, Scala Fish and White Fish,
codflkh, Salt and Pickled Herring,
Cheese and Crackers can he had
Pried Fruit, ProiserveH and Je
Sugnr Curod Roof and Hums,
A flesh supply of LIQUORS,
- 011 s; to 'l,cdltikr.7 er;
k tho subseriber; - frout continued JP he . alth, and by the
advice of his phytilelans and friendliOdfers his sleek tf
DIIV GOODS fur sale, that he may thereby Le dile:dud
of all,the cares of business, and be enabled to devote
tug attcutiun entirely to the restoration of his health.
The fixtures will also he sold and the store room ef.
(bled for rout. To our ono having the necessary capi
tal, slid who will devote his attention to the business,
this will aloud a rare chance. The custom is already
made, and as the stock has received frequent additions
In May. July and August, to an amount exceeding, 'VOW niore would then coniplet4 It for the Full
Trade. - For tiartieulars enqdlre of
11.4 A lot of Goods sultat to for the season just re.
ceived. LiSept. 2;11157.
Tho subscriber at his old stand on North Ilauovor et
ho sign of the ••Mainmoth Red Coffeo - Pot,"
,lies to call the attention of the public to his largo a
ortmout of STOVES, of tho newest and most fashlom
' • Lin styles, (cool the best manufactories lu the
country, and at all prices from $3 to $l3.
, Among his PARLOR & C11.13113E11 STUNTS
VA nro the 31Irror Stove, the Revere, Star,
, Persian, Union and ..'Etna Air' ight, together
with other patterns which lie has of all sizes
fur parlors or chambers, and calculated ler burning either
wood or coal. Also, the tEtna, Illobe, Astor, Albany,
Flat-top :tudilandbox or Poor Man's, with otherooolC
lSO STOVES, ,comprising the latest improvements in
kitchen stoves, and intundmi for either •wood or coal.-
4Alse,-the Dining 'loom Cooking Stove —a new and elm
'taut article, to which. he invites . the particular , /atom
LlO . ll of families. Ills cooking stoves tango in price from
$l-4o 25,:witipthe fixtures complete. Also, Nine Pluto
8 1 .. res of various Patterneend different prices. z
ing Stoves, Brass Kettles.,&c. Also, every article in the
lino of TM and,copper Ware. 'rice public are re'spect
fully invited as kg is confident. with his large
stock, variety and cheaphoss, of being able to give en,
tire satisfaction to eiory purchaser. Call nod see,
0rt.1.5. 1854
-4 ING. The undersigned would Inform the
II • citizens of Carlisle that he has made 'wrmng.
manta todooAS FITTING and PLUMAING at short no
tic°, and on reasonable terms. 'Ho has engaged the ser
sires of a first rate band from Phlladelphiai and has sup
piled himself with an-extensive assortment of FIXT
URES, which will enable him to' fill all orders promptly
All work wllrbe warranted. Ills stork of ths Fixtures
will be found In the room'Mractly opposite his Tinning
establiiihmout on North Hanover stroutorhero he Invites
i call.
TINNING, SPOUTING, dc.—lro Is also prepared to
furnish, or make to order, ovary article of TIN WARE
used by housekeepers and others. lie spill also, attend
Thankful for the patmnage with which he ban already
boon favored, ho respectfully solfrlts a continuance of
the same. • •
Carlisle, Jima 14, 'l4
_UP ' Crauberrim
- . . Hominy,
. . . Currants,;
::, • ~ Citron,
.., ~ : . -•, • , !'" '''' ' '•, • ,Ciniunnon,
frith al othaPEpleeitandarticlos oultablo for dant , use,
'.oh and of tho•fluoit quality, in stare and tUr mile by
".j , J. V. Tall'.
Xov.lB, 18570
Just received at the Femtly Grocery Store of.
Dee. 2S, '67.] , J. D. tIALBSIRTI
. . .
. 113:
8,50 Q NAY; #'!"'2,',P,lt.iit„, 4 i4. ,-
For inform lon, 'terito 'or apply to. Op' Editor of the
•.• . .
leNo*. 18; - 1*.= -3t. :-
.. ; , . - , ,-,
E (421: o'o I) S A I N !I
Th'e stlMicriber bas Just returned from .the-city ,
dud le no' opening hla third supply of Fall:tad Winter
Atolls, bought, at' greatly }educed. prices tor_ cm/vend
will he sold for ttinanshnt the !owlet figures.' • '
• ,fily 41d Customers and the public lu general aro Irfi.•
lad to call whilst the esenStusent, is •ounpletts
° and set
good bargains, • .
'pl. 18674.
4313011 , i811 gl'OOk. OF lIARDWARK
Dom EsTib doons,
J. A. Iliplltlol, Jr
.014 T. OGILVY.
Nevi )00bs•
• Main Sired Carlisle ra.' , •
A largo, supply of,•
'ntelles, Jewelry, M
a. and' Plated Ware,
whirl], • I Invite ut
If you want
got Irem the largest •
lock orCiticks,.Watch
3, Jewelry, Sliver and,
Mated ware in Carlisle
• At NAIR:ILI:T. -
-- Wertinvolrlargoltgaortmantat - Gold - andidtroollunt— ,
• ingfind Oimn,,csu W
aatrhes to Butt all Fancies and
. •
7.71n0 and' 'Jewelry of acery style and quality
In setts or by•the piece Ca wanted, ' • '
Silver and Plated Waiters; Cake. Fruit, Sugar, and
Card Briskets Silver, .Table, q'en Cream, Sugar,Salt,
Dessert and dream Spoond,
Fine Pearl, Luva,.Ceral, Cameo, Goldstone. Mosale,Flo.
main° Ittosalc s 4ot Box and Glass' setts rbeap. ' •
Diamond Breastpins and Fingerings, '
. . At NAUGLE'S.
. ,
Gold Hunting Case, Elglit Day Levers; Geld Hunt.
lug Case, Duplex; Gold. Hunting, ClironoMetors.
a At NAUGLE'S. '
Bagley!s best quality of Gold-Pencils; Ditto Gold
Pens and Silver Holders, ^
Silver and Plated Tea Setts, Goblets, 'Cups, Toast
blacks, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens, Tea Bells,
At tst.;LUG LE'S.
Oold 'Nark, Vest—Curb, Fob, and ,Chntlain Chains,
Ainblitarolots,'Lockels, Thimbles, Crnsses, Chnrms, _
Piencir Time Pieces to run three end foul' weeks,
-Opld ‘ Sienve,l'est, Collor, arid Shirt Studs of nil etylee
and quality, .
At NAUGLE'S.' •-
Plated Forks, Spoons, Kuires, Napkin flings, Silver
Thimbles, Shields,
At N 4 . IIGLE'S.
- Flutings, Accor,deints, Dtueic Boxor t
bridles' Portmonnies. Pearl and Leather, Plain nail
Fancy Travelling Bags, very glee iitys i,a l l l
I .l c ll At ,E,s.
If you want to have your Watelnew put in good .re
pair and warranted, take them to
If you want to get a Cheap Clock, you can eet It
pig:. Skiver ware neatly marked at ahurt
At.N A 11(.1f,W8, - . --
Al f goods irArranted as represented, or the money re
funded,' .
At NAI104:13
Persons that want bargaina are Invited ti. call
J , B. KE LLE 11' S HAT, CAP,
North Bast Corner of . the Public Square.
The : subscriber oilers to the public a complete and
choke assortlecot of lint s. CI11101(10tIlltIld MOWN'. Which
hasp just been purchosed from •the best nmoufeeturers
Our stoclecounists of a variety of beautiful
made .e4pressly fin. customer, _AII hinds of Cape for
Men, Boys and Children. We would Invite port,eular
-attention. to our well stllected and grout vartety of
these goods, as WO !ire confident they unmet be excelled
hi the town or county.
BOOTS AND SHOES., ofnvery - style nod.variefy, all
unequalled for mit, and finish. It eobsists in part of .
• MEN'S Tine French CALF-BOOTS,
BOY'S " '•
YOUTH'S " ' 4 ' • •
-LA DlES'..French and BuglishilAlTßßS,
• Misses' and Children . ), , ••
Every variety of Children's fancy Shoos., •
The best lot Sf heavy D'INTER BOOTS, for men and
bovs; In town.: -
Thankful to our friends and 1110'1 - mlllr for past fa
vors, wn hope by strict attention to the wants of our
customers, and by selling GOOD GOODS, to no•rlt their
sell nu Auction Cleo& ,
(.100Ds! Goo p - ( 7,19uD6 :-
IF YOU WANT NEW 0001).9,
next door t)inglanchlin's hotel, And yon 4111 find et
largofifoierfinisut nr Lndieo Goodx, consisting of Malt,
Fancy cold henna Serinner, Felon Clothe, Do
- • ainxer:lB,. Scotch Plaido.,_Eack _Finn
nelr Scotch: , 'Manchester, Enriston, •utoitnotint
Calleotl4, Fthe French Worked Connie, Eibtons,
Hosiery. Gloverl..Ar.ok.c.
DOMESTICW.Iitti Twilled Flnnnrin, Drilling.
Ticking. Hags n nil Bogging. Coil on Flan ands, Ornithergs,
Donis, Cingivini, Tolls. Draper, ChM., White ouch p/1, , .
arch Carpet Chain. A.
. In Slutwkaull Blankets ue 11[11%6 all- aorta, t•lxes and
.condltlons. .
For gentlemen VII linvO Fine French Bleak Clothe,
Black and Fancy Casshnertql suit 'flochklns,Falln Wk.
Inge, Twee4.Sattnette, Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jeans.
As for men's, women's and elilldren's Brads & Shoes,
we defy competition. „ •
Also. a very supeilor lot f Groceries, such ns. Coffee,
Sugar. dice, t+plees, &e.
tide stock bus been selected with the m'eatest ears as
to mice and quality, and we are determined to sell at
very small advances. Thosu wishing to purchase will
find that we are selling ns dienp—if not ,cheaper—than
any house hi town; and they will fluid it to their ad
vantage to give us a call.
Butter, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit taken at
Market prices,
N. W. WOODS, Ag't.
Don't forget the place, next door to Magluchlin's
BOOKt.S itt i c 3 l l 3 . 9r,1a!3
fi l r . s 11 1 2( 1 ?K'S'l !
are sole agents In Franklin and Cumberland counties
for the thllowing valuable works;
Benton's Abridgment of the 'Debates of Congress.
Price per Vol., Cloth $2 00, Sheep 3 50.
• Benton's -Thirty -Year's I'!e'.; - complete in- 2 vols..
Cloth $5,00, Law Sheep $0 N. •
Morse's °enema Atlas of the World; Colored Maps,
and bound, $0 00.
Burton's Cyclapnedia of Wit.and limner.
Auterlcan•Bloqueneo; a collection of speeches, etc.,
by the most eminent touters of America. with biogra
phical sketches and Illustrative notes, by Frank 510-re,
now ready. complete In tat vols. Cloth. $5 Ott; Library
style, leather, $6 MI; half call, gilt, S 00; half moroc
co, 7 00.
Sanders Pt Isar.
Sanders' Speller.
Sanders' Reader, No. 1.
Sanders' Reader, No 2.
Samfern' Reader, No. S. •
Sanders' Render, No. 4.
Sanders' Reader, No. 5. .
Sanders Reader, No. 5.. '-
Sanders' High Schunl Reader.
Sander.' Ladles' Reader, -
Sanders' Spuukera Wholesale and retail at
A large aupyly of School Ileolm, wholesale and retell;
Puper,,Eneolops, Pens, Inks. etc' etc.
covvratoN.—Tho get:Mont and ehanyest arrival
of the 'smolt of
°nicerles. lints, Caps, Poets and Shoes, at the New
Store. in Carlisle, corner of North Hamner and Loather
Streets. • •
,The Undersignial returns thanks for We potrodago
bestowed on him by the public. and at the same time
respectfully announceteAsuit ho has Just returned front
Philadelphia and is now opening is new - lot of Fall lunl
Minter Dry Goods and tl robot les. consisting lu part ds
follows, and which he Is determined to soli ai the low
est cash prices n—Silks, Dural Cloths, Alpacas. Challles,
Do Laines, Do Doges, Lustres, Poplins, Brilliants, Oche
log. French and Scottish Ologimunt. Prints, film es,
Collars, ilandkerchielk, Hosiery. &e., kr: • Shawls of
every, styls,and quality. Staple and domestlo Dry
Golf, Clofits, Casale., s. Nestings, Flannels, Muallus.
Tickt Igs, Stripes, Checks (Widnes. Cottdmides, Linens,
Shootings, Denims, Nankeens, Drills. Marseilles Quills,
colored and white Cnrpot Chain, Umbrollas„Oc., Ar;
Also a large and splendid assortment of Bonnets, Hata,
Caps, Boots and Shoos. -
A superior lot pf Fresh Grogeries, Tess, Coffee, Moles-
RCS, Ake, Spices, &W." - 'Haying selected my entire
stock with the greatest care and at the lowest mat pri.
cos, I can moon° my friends and the nubile generally
that I will do all in my power to utake iny
s estoblls"
plant known as the
, o %rho wish to purchase iTill find it to-their ad
Tantage to call and examine my stock before purchas—
ing. • •
1 will pay tho highest market price for Butter, Eggs,
Rage, Beapund Dried Fruit.
.1. A. uummen, Jr.
Carlisle, October 14. 11667. , •
NOTICE .—Ail persons indebted to
11' the subscriber, ere earnestly requested to coil
and settle their accounts without drlay. Tho city
merchants harimradopted.the cash system, will compel
us to eurtell our erudite, and do us near a rush busluese
as possible. •
Dec. 10, 1074 •
MIA'S 00111IY
• ••
ABAS subs6riber
Tcls now nfllitino n lot of 6,411 Ad kdo nt coot
will ho found ddsirablo for Christrim prottontH.
Dec. 23, 'b7 • "(MO. W. lIITNEII. •
LIU (raise) 10 IRON, for /valeta the Wart help. of
Jan. 27, 18►$.l A d , W.II.dIUIiRAY. '
•sifir. • • • .
Vitteo 1n borepi given that tho partnearallp hereto.
Pore exlstlutrbatmeaif.k..J. KIJTZ and 4911,11 , A. -
FIFILItt IR tbletday brinuttull correint-dloptied. All A. J. itretelA, the
Attotnethftifool - Jahtt . A. Yarflohll. • • •••
Carilele '11;1 1 364 - •• - •• 1- • • ••,
~••. •• . .
'The inishseid *ll7' beriaftee. be • 'tarried , on, ett. the
Foundry 11114 Modal e glop In rest North Atreet, by
Warlierdi underlbe Superintendence of A: .7.
.11Cotra, as Yeremay. Thankful Per , past resins, tho par-.
the' reepootfully, Abets • non , - knlntlonsblp so)loIt a
acintinuatica thp: pro ionageall,lio former „oustornore,••
etpkthei:patronege of the pi:and gonerollt •
' „ . . . 4 ,KP
0*,40,/ 36 .94;L • ,„ • .".„ ,
„. .
, .
laathiot's . ~a y Street . Ware-rooree.
No. 25 Gay .Street, near Fayette, . •
' •
Wnsns Is kept alwaykon hand, or made to order.'eve
ry style of French IfETE.A4LTES,Iu Nub, Hair
Clol ha or [World°lle.
French Full ctuffamLidedallion, Parlor ARM CHAIRS
in Plush; Ilair;Gloth, or Brunton.. • • ' .•
Frmclt Full Stuff Carvial. PARLQR CHAIRS, In sots
with Plush. Hair, or Brocatello.
SOFAS; half French 31alloininy and Walnut Parlor
CII Al lid, in Hair, Cloth or Plush.
ROCKING' CHAlRS—various designs, in hair, Cloth
and Plush. .
Stuff Spring LOUNGES—A large nimorlmont always
on hand. or Any pattern made or covered with any .
'goods to ordori. . • .
. CIEASIBER 'SUITS—Iu Walnut,' complete, from $3,•
up. • ,- • . •
CANE CHAIRS and noel:lug do.—ilte largest assort
mutt readydnadu In the. United States—front $l2 ado
zen up:
Bar Room, Oltiro and Dining n Oak. Wal
nut or Maltoiony, with Cane, Wend or Stuffed Seats—
an Imsortmelit embradingover 50 dozen. • • •
ClCAlltS—over 1 0 1 l dozen.
Feather Beds. [lair and Husk Mattresves of every va.
Hely. Also, all kinds of 01Itand Plain Frani. for
Looking ((lasses, Ay.
A. MATIIIOT, 25 North flay Street,
Near Fayette street.
Carlisle Foundry,
),,.,.!1 i ..,fr , .... :.,.',-. isgor
~ .,r,•:-. 4 t... . , ''.!= ke ","'"-... ,-..
/I o'l
111-A. CII I N,„I;1 SIIO P,
• Emit Main Street, CARLISLE
Tllls.extennive establlsliment Is now In Complete or.
der and supplied with best ulm•bippry for execullir.t
work In ovory,lnvirtilitmt. .The buildings have also
been greatly enlarged this gprlog and stOelted with the
newest and must Improved tools 'for the manlulacture
Shutters. Blinds; Mouldings, Brackets and all other
kinds of Carpenter worrk. We,4rvilo. Builders. Car
pato, and others to eall.ond examine our farlllllo4-for
doing this description of work. The host Materials
used and mires as k iv as at any other establishment , In
the tr',unty or elsewhere.
ntid erpaired as heretufcm , . - Entfilthsharti beenriTionG
ry built for W. 31. Henderson Pon. in Mil bol.lll=ll.
IL. Bryson A Clo..theil t0wn:4..141 - 4: Ilrothere, New
villa, Wetzel, North.,Miderto,i, anti otaers,
at Sr Ito,* establishment they may lit see'n In daily op.
erotion.and to'lehorit ISO eau ruler for evidence of their
superiority. - •
1111)N-AND BRASS C.t.9.11N05.
- of"dfi , ry'deSeOptloll - ,'Onni - the stdulloltr to thelymtriest
pievcs. bxeentell at short Wien for even , - hind of nno
chinery. A larce variety of mill castings 110WMII hand:
_Two teriCAnniters: consh!ntly. . employed:—
It I.: PA It I V promptly attended to -for Paper ~M
Distilleries, Grist Mills, 'Factories, ke. Turning And
such- as Bevil Gear Four Horse. Passers, Horizontal
(leer:Four and Two Horse Powers, Corn Sheller's,
Crushers, Iron. Rollers.,Xiough castings, and other er
n, es 1. rlitilniN on hand - Min mood) noulutrurite
lipilDlyN CADS DUI LT, - •
add Our famllities for log' Cars are now
more eomplete than heretofore and enaldrs us to fur.
:Ash them to transvorteri on thdrell road on 11,01110-
tin Ow' terms nod 1111111t1 of the best materials. Orders
solicited - and entire satisfaction guarantee I. -
The lone; in the husiness of the synth
partner or the firm, and the Vomilletenons • of oni Ina
elsinery In every hnineli orthe esiatlhi t warrant
us In assurinO the la.lst work to all who favor 'us
frith their order. - The continued patnmage of our old
friends and the public is resim , tfully
- 3lay 21`, P. UARDNER et. Co.
The subscriber; located In the bmsement of the Moth.
dist Chureh, opponite the Railroad Depot, Is now r
ceiling u rmiety of Forming Implements, swell ea
FAIL3I 11011,EltS,
Corn and Cob Grinders (Scott's dlanto the Crescent
Grain M ill, Horsy Shin els, Iti,APER6 AND MOWERS
Wood's Improvement.) *raw Cutter
e., all id which are at the most improved kind and
worionansfdp, and will be sold omtho most iteconinnala,
Glad terms. Farmers are tespectfully invited to eiti:
and examine before nntsdnising
ytn.. For the convenience of farmers. Moorvis Patent
Grain Drill will !resold at tzhironlawstown Ly_llunjatniti.
Clay. and at Shippansintrg by Chrlstiat , Long.
Angunt .11, lttslL—ly,
T. J. UR AllA 31, J. L. 31c1/01VEL1,, S. 31..14 V.I.DSON
• G RAH All. NIeDOW ELL & CO ,
Leavenworth Gdy, Eansor Territory.
s \ e , l l l, : :t i nd T, lo
cate • holds ii
MishOliri. buy and sell lauds, loan and invest
moiler. buy and colt dr.its. give lulorqualou respecting
the country, and do a general=a,hey busluess.
John B. Brat ton, Esq.. Carlisle, l'a. . ,
Win. M. Beatn, Banker, 4 *
lion. J. 11. Graham,
tier, Brenneman 8 Co., BaniterS; Carlisle. ••
Wm. M. Itemtorso°, Esq., Cal lisle.
lloorge Sauthrt.on, tae.. Lan aster. Pa.
Hr. John A. Ahl, ti. C., Nuteville, IN. >,
Wm. S. Cohean, Esq., •
E. W. Clark it Co., Bankers, Phfladelohla,
Ihnt. Michael Cookiln, Shepherd,.town. IN.
Henry Ilelmarr Sons, Vmrltants, Baltimore. •
B. L, Blake, Esq., INshier lereantlie Bank. Sew York.
Snyder k M' Beal' Estale Agents, Minneapolis
:Sllpnessilta Territory.
Wm. lillgore, Esq., Attornoy 111 Eeal Estate Agent,
Sterling, 11l
11'. Meteor. Esq , henry gty, 111. •
- Ex.Uor...ll,,eph !tither, Cuniberlainteount3% Pa.
H. W. Clark ,t Co.. hankyrs. Philadelphia. -
(toy. Pollock. 11:m.14)m%, Pa.
Mareh,lB, 1857.—1 y.
I A. 4,111.11.11 S LOOK II 11.4 E!
The subscriber desires to inform Prmers and the pub
lic generally I hat he
fa now has on hand and Is con
stantly mintucturing_ Threshing Machines with Ple,
punt's latent Shaker. Which lire gobersdly neknowl.
edged to be the bust articles now lu use. Also a variety
of improved Clover Itullms Curu Shelters, Straw Cut
ters and Plank's Celebrate d Plow, Ile also attends to
The repairing ur4gricultural Mschinery in the best
manner find con reasonable terms. Manufactor:i , on
North Hanover :Are. t, directly opposite tho residence
of fluorite Metzger, Esq,
Sept. 2, '57,1y JOHN -PLANK.
aro now receiving their Fall ,Stock of Hardware. which
is unusually-darp, and. In COIIIIOXIOII with their for
mer heavy kteele makes it one of the largest and most
varied asl4ortments over offered to this public. They
have . every [ilk. tin t the Farmer, the Builder,
Merchant. or the public. may Ivant in their lines, and
width they are selling at the very lowest prices. They
solicit a call from the public before nothing their par.
chases, as they rod vonfidunt they ran offer Inducement tl
that still reward the lin 'or for the trouble: ;
Feeling thankful to 11 uonerous public for their 'thriller
Illoral . patronage. a continuance of the, IAIIII, It solicited
at our old stand lu North Hanover Street. Carlisle.
October 8,1850.
• A 4l -4 ijt . 'ft, M
IS of various sizes and patterns fur
hand or horse power, Vegetable Cutters,
Horse Powers and Threshers, Hand and
Power Groin Mills, Partners Boilers, Urniu .
,Fans, Grindstones with frirtion Rollers, Barredoorßol•
lore, Bull Binge of Steel copper and Silver plate, Bull
Nippers fur lending, Homo and Ox \lpazler, It/Mint Bow
Pins; Ox Yokes anti Bows, Shepherds Crooks, Rick Sall,
Pine Pruning Saws, also Priming Paws and Chisels,
with everything needed by the Former or Oardenor at.
wLo'esalo and retail. . ti• •
• Impluttion and Seed store, ,
• , ' 7th and Market streetii, Phil's.
..4 - - DANIM 4 S' RAL..-_81.14.4,Y....
Aiii+4 - .ANlClFeinDkflt CUT --TLII„11a‘ bur bairi op.
• '"Ii• pointed solo agents in Philadelphia* flx the
litrive cutter, we are ably to supply.. their
- la wholesale anductall; dr linpuived ef.
tructlon and fiiiish; - - Four yaws' a t Plat in - WIC - neat
lave witabliihed thair reputatlon its tho best artlise 1:
Ibe klad in the market. They ure adapted for haudAlf
horse p•urer; selfaharpening,,unduso alluvia, durable
and efficient.
PASCIIAT,L . : 4onniB az:co..: •
- • •--. • . landonumit and Baud'Stara,"
7th and alaikat streets, Ibit'a
• • ;• ROOM MR RENT.'
llte.woll known ihrolllng liourA,And ilMoro Room
idturkto Io Mull? street.; And now In; tho'occupancy , or
Chitties OgIlby; no for, root from,the first of 'Apr)!
.next.. kor MAapp . lilo, •
" Jon. 270859 7 1'., 'LONDE
't - LAVIiB4 - 111 , 118 4 ,'C,t),,A L .- - --.10,!)110
- 'Buhhairorpitundnoua Coal, from.. the
, iilattratiod .
1 mOU" Mlnaa,' Maivlog and fOr aide by '
. .... 0. YUAi.
. .
JOHN. I'. LYNE & 80:‘:
prosy ectus39.
00 - J. Ddff*ED A .114 P R AI U
VILLIAM KNAIIII, senior partner of the Into firm
:of_Knkbe,:tkelth3 J 1 Co.. continues the num ufacturo rind
sale of GUAM) AN)) 31111AIIII - PINNOTORTES77 - under - I
the"pame of. WII.I.LA l KNABE A. CO., at the old
stand, NAIL 1,3, 41 and - 7 North .Eutati stn.ot, oppuslto
the Eutaw House, Baltimore.
' Thankful for the extensivo'patronage received by the
.latti firm ter the last fifteen yon is, I respectfully beg
leave to Inform the public, that since the death of one
of my partners, ,Mr, Henry thehle, by which 'the part
nership. wax disolved, I have purchased the entire
large stock of unfinished Pianos, lumber,. and other,
prepared materials belonging to the late firm. I shall
therefore continue the business. at the old stet d as
above and will endeavor not only to iustain the well
established reputation of tile:late firm, but to excel
"all former efforts is perfecting the 1 . 13,10 Forte.
Since the dissolul Mtn of tine late lino, 1 am,nmoufhe•
tuning Pianos On a 11010 and much Improved scale.- ,
The first Instrument finished aecording to the now de•
signs, was deposited in the Fair of the Maryland limit.
tote, held October, ltifia, at which it took - the highest
honors of the inStitutlon, been awarded the
"Gold Premium." over theMnusual competition
of fOurterin Pianos, exhibited by some of 'the best ma
hers.of Mislkm, Now Turk and Thiltimore.
At the .
Annual Indust;Ml Exhibitions, held In Oc
nober, 1855. and October. 1856, I,y the Mechanics' Insti
tute of Richmond. Virginia, my Pianos were alto award
--td-tirtyllighestErimihmna... • •
Again. et, the late Fair of Macyhtnd Institute,
held October, 18N. eller a moot thorough end un un
usually protracted investigation. n 1 the merits of the'
eighteen .Instruntelds On exhibition, from the, most
celebrated factories a Ealtimore,. New York and lies.
ton; my 'Pianos were a..t.titt awarded the highest honors
of the Institution. they having received the .• (told .
Medal C'ertilicate," an honor only adjudged to articles
-of such superior merit as to defy competitirn fur two
suceessive years.
Also• at the Tided Exhibition of
.the MetrOpoliten
Mechanic's Institute. held iii Washington. IL C. Starch
1857, they were once 10010 awarded the highest hon.
With regard to the unalities of my pianos. I ronn•
tinkly refer to Lin testimonials I ant .rourttmtly
coining from Professors and Amateurs.. speaking for
themselt es and °than, of the high appreciation hr
which my lillitFltaletitt4 OM always held., and which ran
be seen at any ll'arerootos. And this is the best and
wort reliable asstirative 1 ran offer to customers; :mar
from my own knowledge or the 111,4111111Filtn,- ONO 111
„pureltasimult loy.esialtffshimmt, they.stre guaianteed
the pris.Miett • or. rum.. eou:a, it not superior, tunny.
umdy In lIIIS country or . Eltrollo.
All Pianos built at iii)'l , actory have full Iron Frames,
being ko constructed ON to secure great...additional
strength. without affecting the TONE, and therelOre will
stand in any climate.. 4
Pia tws made to under, of any hind of wood, %yid with
'any style of finish. that may be desired. - -
Thu greatest earn In bestowed upon my work, and the
selection of the bent materiats; mid avert/ Instrument
turned out or my fitetory can .therefore be fully um •
ranted as .pussesslng all, the .qualities requisite fur a
gaol) Pima, -
All Instruments of nty nut timact tire are tigo'guaran•
teed for five ear: froni.the 11.ty Of FAO _
i'artiealae teOllloll in fetid to the selection .of
r.truments for .distatit 10,100 t. Inlll In FOLVILIOK OF FT:
CrIANOF granted at any time within, six 11101101 F front
the day ofr,ale; should such Instillment trot give entire
sat istltel ' .
frF_WiimigiAte IW.arns will find it In I helr 'advant
age to give my a ' , all before purchasing elsewhere.
UCLA:mist:ll:lly on haw' a.line :tsAnrtincot of 11 , :f - As•
1)1:0NS, of the beet makers, at pricesfrom $45 tos2llo--
with single and double reeds , -and also with double
key boards fwd st•ps, well adapted for the use of email
PI ANO4, exrhangcni, hired, or tuned.
Tht folltmlng testlinonlalgfrothlWo of the inost - imil.'
!Wilt Plan ists In the eVrld, will show how my Instru
Molts are appreelatml ley those groat Purfortners, who
have trait oppottunities for Lustig the best Planes 01.1
Europe nod A nOle
ra: s --- '; •
Dear pie: I t rue great pleasure In r - erli'fylny; that I
have tried your Somme Mem, null find them riond. Its
not superior to miry in ILIA eountry. Attumg their greet
.sllMlitien, A 0 idek slintlagalsh..theul, Ig.tio,evoness
tone, the agrerablf,ual oven tonell, nut volute° of
tone. Wishing you nll the_ screens you so highly de.
_serve. I am, air, yours very truly, . .
• Ilalehnore, Dee. 33, 185 ii.
Yares_fronrllarlishurg. Mechanicsburg, Carlisle, Ship- ',
- -
pencOlurg. and Cliambarsimm. will' be tan cents tern -
- • - • - wen paid for Tickets at thin Office, than when 01,1 in_ _
fe - Mh7..57 - Writli - rnabrriTrr:Tlialtiterrr . . °l . ' 6 r ,,,----- -- • - . _,-.0, - ...N.U111 - t iliii.l-2 -- -:"-_ -
--- - trobtroidtm - K - VllTfrilio to Alifiqwpaulinfifv7llll`lif,VT itTitirolirtYilir•e7Cl67ll I if i7r;l;iirg, 1
sincere thanks Ow theiimperb tirand'and Square Pianos - ,Oct. S. 1857.—at. • S
which you have loaned me, and on which I hate per.
funned At my concerts. I conflict hut congratulate , you
Upon theintmense progres.t and hoproventionts you COW .
-COI 1114 5-u3 1!-JA1 )011, Rhuom,th - orarvp - ttD:
lon, rank nuraiig the very best In this country.
IVirin hearty a ishes for your ancee'ss and prosperity,
whieh you richly deserve by poly m 11,1461., energy and .
atilt ity,, I remain yours. N ery truly.
July It, 1857--ly. 111 UR ICE Fricmcosett.
c e _ACCc 12 en sc . ;
Market St., above Eighth, •
The toWtoony of Prof. Booth nod Dr. Brinrkle
Loring previously been published, the followiug is now
From Prof. 31eCLOSK Y, formerly profenser of Theory
and Practice of . 51edielne in the Female Medical Col.
loge of l'enoxylrautu, and late Pi atessor of nrgery to
the American College of Methane, Sr.
Nor. 27th. 1850.
Mr. Joseph E. Hoover :—A trial of your LIQUID
lIAII DYE will convince the Most skeptical, thot It Is
SAFE, riniANT, 1111 d Erriatcnios preparation. Unlit.e
ninny others. It has In several Instances proved see
VlCollbie In the cure of snow. cittancom. eruptions on the
head, and I have no hesitation In commending it to
tboso requiring such an application
Very respectfulty,' .1. F. S. MeeLOSKY. M. D.,
'llol : Eit'S '\{'ltiTlNti ]NICE, Including HOVER'S
11111T1NO FLE;II/.llllld - norvic , s IN INKS.
still maintain their high character, which h a s always
distinguished *thrill. and the extensive demand first
created: hat:retaliated uninterrupted until the present..
Orders addressed to th, latturictorr, No. 4111 RACE
Street, andve Ftluirm, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, will
receive prompt at te2ttion by
HOOVER, 31anufncturer.
V, H.E M A G .N . 1., T.I 0 BELT.
---, m
- ..%0 underilgn'cil. after any years onarefut research
and experiment, have dloeuvered and peril:etc,' ti' safe,
convenhutt and unexceptionahle means of completely
coutrolltig the maternal function, without employing
any of the unnatural and deleterious expedients so of•
tell resorted to for that purpose. Apart front its SPECIF
IC too i f preventing Convention, 1 is an infanta°
means of restoring to health and rig° the abused, des
ranged and enfeebled procreative tune lons of r0m0i...,
and of re-Invigorating and resterlne th general health
\ I.
to its wonted constitutional integrity..
It consists of a
51soxime BELT, whirl) encircles theJoal directly over
the os italest, by the Magnetic anion o which tile fe
cundating power is intercepted and held-in abeyance,
and the vital neuro-magnbUe'currents.otherwisedrain.
ad id by sexual excesses. are turned back I ineuttimthe
system, stimulating all the s Brent to a healthy nor:
ntal tone. In a true...moral aspect,' no' Valhi nitiee.ion
call be urged against its Jae fed use, 'lnasmuch . it -is
designed to subscrve a great Mime :, itary purfms& - In tile
reproductive °mammy. ' It is impo•slbie in a brief card
to give the reader an adequate conception of the vir
taies of the discovery and the IC)IWS of its action. .lo-
co• dingly, tile pnialetors . have prepared n pamphlet.'
fully embodying the philosophy or itF influence u p on
the genitive function, Its uses, tests and results, which
they will thrwitra, upon Ulu receipt of 11.4 x. cents in
postage stamps, to any address. • • . ,
The Kiel . , of the Pelt Is E, sent by mall free.
De COUILSKY, YORTON2"it .4.10., 1.110 Broadway, Now
York. Address I'. O. Box,:23.11:. .
, Deo. 2, 1847. , -Bm. 't
• ~, - - -s • '
tho." Phaft4Qaada wt.,•ll'
.aild Jowalry - P taro"
No. 148 (Old No. 90) North 'SECOND Strout, Cartier of
Quarry, Philadelphia.
Onld Lover Watclies, full Jewelled, ,t,B mirk cases, $2OOO
Geld Lupin, 18 ,'rot, 24 99
Sliver Lover. full jewelled, • „ I 12 00
Silver Levin, Jewels,. ' 000
Superior Quartlem • 7 00
Gold Spectacles, .. ' " °' ", , . 700
Floe Silver do., ~ 1 AO
Cold Bracelet, - ,
~ ' 800
. . .
LadlylaiLluld-Fernells,_;_—__.—___,.....A:—.l.l7o. I
Silver T poon
ea S& sot, 5 00
tield Pens.with Pencil and Silver holder. = 1.00
Gold Finger Hines 37% ctn. (0..5'0; Watch °lakes,
p1a1t.i23,4 ets., -; other arti,les In .
proportion. rtion - Altgoodavarra rated to be what Ahoy lira
band 'ime Gold avid 'Sitror ,- Lovora and to
pines still bower thou tho alone prices.
:JOHN tlI. 411;14.EN & CO., Nos. 2 & 4
' ch•oiniut' stroec(xouth side, below Watir).Pbin•
olpidn;:(thei WoodwareHowie ,in Kke c
l'iltknuthaturors, and Wholemle'DMlcirs' n
aini.Entido DroonucTntonCtiro . oved Cedar-wore; Nar+
i'aidod'ubt and Cordic
110.1isbes; &c.., of all dosdrlptiono. Plense roll tytul ex-
Amlcievurlttotk: , August 6,1857,-Iy, '
hireset: and antortmeht ,of Window .
*ides oah Op had it the new store of
ii'„ •(:;'t,,11.,..4,4M414444444,,,
r 1 1 . r .ll T E .1)1 . , E . . 0 I! •I? A N
• • NOW OPEN " • •
Anil will-h at his-ttld Dead QuartCrs "lii North Hanover street, dtninglini Christmas and New boar's
festivities, o ith 050 of lin) largest' assortmilltg of .
.Itver offered irk_this_pluce, eemdsting-ln part ef-Fine-
Candy Toys inni Fruits." Jelly takes, Lon lions; Gum
..t. 7 [Alto* W..,Alt _Fill] t__ lllll l l l4,Alta . ,A.A.loll . o . u . d Alan,
I unuly • rench and exploding Secrets ALF.' Also all
- .he co mon varieties.
h the. 41 tost—linjoirtntiong-guririg7tliiiirkiiii7l—
, Figs, l'roeoe, Currants, Citron, molt and paper
• shelled Almonds, Filberts, Cream,'Coron, and Ground
Nuts. In Connectionitith atoffst_au_nstenslvems—
sor niSii of ' • - • ..
of _every_quality_tuuLrlce,ronsistlint_in_part_of_Yine
Wag, kid, er) log add other Dolls. Sewing and
Card Baskets, Fancy Boxes; Flower Vases, 31titto Cups,
- Tea Setts, 1 1 ,Insks,Drrans,Cinns, Atr • Vistols. - 21'etordeons, -
11 arinonktans;Truinpets..Chessmen of bane and wood,
DOllllllOOB, Lap and other games. Fancy FORTIN. Bair
Oils and. fort ,!'r a cks, &c. We have also a fine lot ofi
FAMILY BROCEIII ES, such as pulverised, crushed and
brown Sugars, of every grade Codce, Molasses. Starch .
Omen and Black Teas; Spices;Butturooda, Sugar, Watei
and other Crackers, cheese. ac. •
The subscriber returns Ids sincere
.thaultVto a goner.
ous public for the pationaga heretofore bestowed on kiln,
and hopes, by a desire to pliasg, to merit a continuanes
of the mond.' -' • .I'. 310NyElt.
Carlisle, Dec. 10.1850
ZmithN. HAN TCII ) 11.1gitOlIANT TAILOR. ''',',.
.. ,
• ltanover Street two 'doers North of Bentz it tiro', •
Store, tins flint returned from I'lilledelplibt, with it
lui: sink of Cloths l'ai.slineregi, Webtliitis'ite, 4e. natio.
able fOr Spring and Summer Sear, which be if: preps efi
to utidte up .to ord.' promptly, hod DU reasouable
Also do bitpdCllEl? READY-31ADE CLOTIffi;;(I,
I ogelliur With stacks, edllurs, bandkereldolii nod tabor
dirtl - Mor - ,pmiltll.* /build In µ Oeutleunthe FUnils - lifig
- •
ti tnie. .
I.loodv bought olsowluiro will also be mare to moasura
as. usual.
CO AL-1,000
e:„: .„
'fans Lylien'a Valle
COAL•broken 113 Y.
mlten•reened, ' prepared
o ,
for family 1/Ff,
. • and kept UNDER cover,
sn thdt 111111 furnish IL Dlty and CLEAN all Feasons of the
year. I have nlwo mill hand and fur sale the lILACK
.1/I ANION LI COAL. (non the Ilnlthnore Company Mines.
This Coal is admhably calculated for LtlHOllO 84m . .
and Cellar 111111..0s; all of Which f will Felhat small
&Mils for rash. and dell VET to any part of thin borough.
August 5, 1857. NV. It. MI/1111AI%
E B (JUNE ltS' - 00 A L - 2000
,L,4 lONS of Lylcuns Valley Nut Goal, a suuerlor
ele. revolving and fur sale by
August 5, 1857'
On /manner IMtI\DAY, Oet.l2l,llltir.i; Passenger Trains
will run as follows: (tiuntlays excepted:)
7 st Traln.
1•111'1) Chninbersburg, ' M.
Shlppensbitrg, 9.2.0 ".
• " Carlisle, 10.30
lledmilieshurg, 11 00 *6
At Harrisburg, n .35" "
let Train.
Leave Harrisburg • 8.80 -A. M
3leeliniesburg 9.10 I'.
Carlisle, • 9.50 . - -a
New villa, 70.35. "
•-t• — Shippensburgi 11.00
At Chamberiburg, 11.30 " .
Trains reave Ilnrrisburg for Phibidelphia, nt
31., 7.55 A. M.. and 1.15, P. 31., Celunibia. Leave '- •
Ilarrisburgho Baltimore. at 8.;i0 A. M., and 1 :10 P. M. •
Lease Harrisburg Jr Pittsburg, nt 3.35 A. 11., 12.20
00. amt 5.15.-1. M.
hishuilyerx for Polrsvillo, Heading, null points on the
insupilln and Sos.inebanna Railroad. and for Treverlon,
Nillierstirg, anti s - on-tho-N ort herrn - Central ltn
roi Pt], must take. tile :Morning Train front Chambers. .
MI.A 1111 ,- gteat , cemetty-into-; , 441n-ed-for-iterelfa-a-or-1,1
wide reputailon. Os a blessutg in invalids. h cures of
spinal disease, Illieuniatifaii, 'lotus Mal Senlds. Nervous -
.E rynipelat, Neuralgia._ de., It has in magical
Aleut In reumilng pule, inipartiag to the inst.:ll:pi parts
a mile al current Of electricity, by which the healthy
fullet [MIS aril restored itilineillately. and.a I•urn. strutted
As no one has ever article - Wit heel - Letit fl
ettallilellilY refer to these who. have, applied it, fi
their testhoony inits favor. ,
It. .T.liief(rp airditt all the country stores throughout
the oiunty.
N. It. The man., price Is FIFTY CENTS a bottle, as
this is the only also that is shipped .to the Untied
States. '
L • i k_ GENT S, T TION!
/0 you wish to find rood employment. and 'peke
money with little or no Investment, and with - nt
terfe,lng with your regular business i If you do, rend
this Advertheineut.
t'. E. Toms it Cu., of 392 Broome Street. New York,
are manufacturing and se'ling massive gold Pencils fon
j 5 each, (which are cheap at that price.) and they I brow
in a gift or mine with each Pencil worth boon $2 up to
$3, $lB. $l5. $2B, $23, $3O. $BO, $7O, $lBO, $2OO, and
srdM. - flout cry out. " Humbug! Lottery !" It's no
such thing. The Pencils are sold at their cash value,
Mid all Chu ',milts over the first rest ore thrown Into
the gilts, dela actually cost the purchaser nothing.
The prices are distributed on a simple plan of tintwing,
which would tuba too much roan, to OXIONIII, but o Lich
has nev, Mod to itive'eoutplete sat ishisthin. We have
iliown awl sent to purchasers 183 gold .watches of va._
rlous prices. 74 purus of gold dollars, 238 gold lockets,
8511 gold elmlns, and corresponding number of other
prizes, within two months.
Ind every purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, And
It eGuula U1011 , 1..18 of rl':uu•a' toa.ti a higher figure.
IVe want t goadligent in every neighlsirliood through
out the COMltry, to sullrlt • purrhasers, and any agent to ' 4ll.
be succesi..ful. must have a POOCH and a prize to exhibit.
WO pay agents $1 rash, for welt pureloisur lie obtains,
nd 00 first persoit in any nolghborhood who applies
for a N 4141140111 gift, will receive the ageticv flir that
locality. Should an itgiffit obtain it Taluahlu prize to
eidlibit with his Pencil, he Woulffilme little difficulty
in obtaining scores of purchase's, iind_malo.llg it u pay
ask nolaidy to bend their money till they know
what prize they.draw. Any pergon st Ming to try their -
hick, can firs' scud us their mime and address. and we
still make their drawing end inform them by return
stall w hat prim+ they drew, when th,py can suedes and
take the Pencil mid prize. or not. is hichever they •
choose. We gins this priVilOge only 014'0 to 0 pa'chee•
er. Alter the first drawing, every purchaser will I.l+ re
quired to. send in advance, thiough the autherlied
agent. We will seed with each drawing the number
taken out, with full description of the plan of drawing..
• C. E. TODD CO.,
392 Er.wo Strout, low York
Jan 13,18,58.-8 m
ril I I. A D E I. P II li A . -
A Benevolent Instituiion, eNtahllehod by sperhil en .
dumnept fur the rellerof the sh•li and° distressed, .
nillftWnith Virulent mid Epidemic dlscm,es.
TrraHymns°. afflicted with Sexual - Diseases, such as
of ONANISM, or SELF ABUSE, ,tc., Se..
The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, In view of the Awful
destruction of bunion life, caused by Sexual diseases,
And the deeritibus practised upon the unfortunate vic
tims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago di
rected their Consulting Surgeon:eon 'CIIABITABLE
ACT worthy of their_ name, reopen a Dispensary for, the
treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms,
and to give MEDICAL ADVICE ORATIS, to all who
apply by letter,-with a description of their condition,
(ago, occupation, habits of lift &e.:) and in cases of ..-
.trent,: poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF
CHAROE. It is 1100,11.. to add that the Association
commands the highest Medreat skill of iho age, and *lll
furnish the most approv. d modern treatment.,
The 'greeters, on a review of the past, feel assured
that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort,
have been of great benefit to the afflicted. especially' to
the young. and. they have resolved to devote them -
solves. with renewed zenb - to this very important 'but
much dospked
Jugt puhilsbeil by tho•Assnelatioti, a Report on Suet ,
thatorrboot. or Seminal Weakness. lite Vice of Onan ism.
31asturballop or Self.A hose, and other Dlsuisos of tho
Sexual Organs by the Conimiting Surgeon, which will
bo emit by null tin n sealed letter envelope ' ) FREE Or
CII A ROE, on receipt of TWO sTA SI PS her postage
Address,.for Report or treatment, Dr. URORON R.
CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, !Inward Association,'
N 0.2 South Ninth Street, Plilladelphla, Pa.
By order of the Directors.
OEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. . •
Dee. 2, 1857.3
Situated on West street, in the borough of Carlisle.
adjoining property of William Poterer, the North and
Mn, Sterrett en the South. The lot contains 31 feet
by . 129 feet In depth. with n comfortable
11W ELLING 110Iln.'. for further particulars
envire on the premises. y -
13.44: hi, 1857 -tE "MARY GARDNER.
-throning on, North Hanover street. new in the oe
ctlisiney Wtison \Woods, Is offered FOR RENT
fyoui the first day,cit_dpril nest. This prehtrty In so
WWI - known to-business-men en an -eht,eiltablished
mend, that nothing need be wild in retard to
For further Information apply'to the Subscriber, at
,the Reit nand Offlco. JOlll , l CAMPBELL. .
Jan, RI, 1858.40 ' Agent for the owner.
•V ; X - 0 11 - L S 0 S
A. It. IifINWOOD wbuld f roFpertfully Inform the
of earllele and vielnitY that he ban taken mown "
In Zug'd new building, caFt'vorner of' , Market. Square,. :
when. Ito to ell tame ' ready to • take AAVIMOTYPES
•In the 'Meat and moat approved otyle. Pictures taken •
twntinyttntl - clen4y . lteather, SF wall.aß - elenr.l — andlutt; -
lalketlon glven'or tin chanrestnade. -'l'ortraltg and'
guerreetypitt copied: • bllillatufa Pltutre taken for
•Ineketa de:, In .Anibrotypo. , .• ••, • : • . •
. ,
Antbrotypes trArrnntud to stnp4 tholestof time, tiept
Lodleti - and Gintleiren sire'cordloily int:tied ; In nett ,
'and dxamlnaTlinene.'. ' „ , ,
irou o e4s. Kslo,
r h • .4'. musk'
2d Trnin
210 l'.
6.05 "
2d Train.
1.50 P M
2.20 •,<
2.50 . 4
J. 21 4 .
1150 •