Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, February 24, 1858, Image 2

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WOVESDAY,' VKI3 24, 1858'.
~ .Vinillitigilouse Aimanac . for 1858.
•-•• __
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" IS ' t rr, 441 p. 'A 1858. ?, 1 o. ?. 1 ,,, : e g,, ,
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A Valor for iteOiris Hnb gm.
. • • •
. THE SCHOOL-ngom LEvoitri,
Ti published at this orrice, t the low price of Fin y
Cont. per year, in advance. It is devoted ontirely to
salmis, and. to that tchirh interest's Girls And- Boys.
liory school girl and school boy shO)?id FUI scribe fora
espy. You can easy afford it. QAT YOUR Cones A
mont4. cannotyou spare that, in oilier lo,bave a paper .
Al your Own;
To Reader. and Correxpondepts
• .
The beautiful • Pctem of. " The Bells " by
Edgar A. Roe which has been read and ad
lnieed by thousand's, was !minted 'for the
Hercadoeveral weeks ago, by a* Lady, to whom
we pwe 'an apology, for our seeming neglect,
but as we only delayed the publication, until
an advanced stage of thnseatton woul I make.
It more appropriate, we expect. to be for
given, and hope our fair correspondent, who
eeegArrito have on, appreciative taste for the
beiutiful in Poetry, will, continue her favors,
which, whether original or selected, stilt al-
Mays be meteoric.
The'lrife'i greateat Grief," is n.
-sketch wiitten foitbe Iferal4, - by Finley John,
Mon Esq., of Baltimore, Mr. Johnston is
graceful iiritai r and in thileonnection we beg
leave tMifilfl the attention of our readers to
hie card in our advertising, columns. Persons,
deeiring - Speeches,:,;Essays; Poetry can
. bsve'th9 arable furnished, by.addreesing lfr
nBton 'tiroUgh tirelW-t-n;;;Ic.--6:71----
" Ernst,isi dent Leben," An essay by 'our
Ou•respoildent Weisdnicht lem,,tre commend to
our renders. For e'rgnen, s us thought, and chas
teness of style,it is for superior to any similar
article we havo . fIOOLI in Newsfiliper 7 dom, — for
come time. • •
' , The Royal Marriage.—We have given up a
' • 'considerable part of our first page, to their4e.:
monies attencling - of thC Princess
• Royal, of England. Those who take on int -
.. eat; -in court pageantry, •will road i with
Interest, while- to those who do no it Will
afford MA opportunity of talking yanfree, when
they contrast the pop.of It fatty, with our -
Several original Ccrm i
for which we shall 1
our next.
---- 7 —....--• •
• cut law with the ftla,
Th Herald for one year, end. either of the
fellowiog three dollar works fer the enure its
zifed, will be sent to the address of any oub•
/ twitter for three dollars and ahalf, to be paid
In advance, viz. : . . - .
The Carlisle Herald and Harper's .11agazita
Ammon's Magazine and Putnam's Monthly, or
.Prank Leslie's Illustrated Magazine, for nue
year, for . ~ . .. . . ._-- .$3 66
. The Carlisle herald and Graham's Magazine,-
' er Godey's Lady's Book, forme year, $3 '5O
The Carlisle Herald And Peterson's'Lady's
Magazine, .Aurther's Horne:Mogazine, 7'o Na-
Mosel Ma:gm:ins or The
,Ladies' Repository, for
cc. year, for . . . . .- ,L---„--.52.-8'0:
The. Carlisle Herald and The School !float
. Lager (published at this office) for one year.
far - • $2OO
munieltiona are on file
!ndeavor to find room in
Ing with the Magazines
Seale three moittbs ago, we nnnounced that
arrangements were making 'to publish
"abstorical Address," delivered by the lice,
Dr: Minim), of Detroit, st the clilehrntion
of the' Centennial Anniversary of the First
Presbyterian Church of Carlisle, in July last
The Address has now been placed in our hands
fir that purpose end*. contemplate issuing
II shoat the first of March next, provided
— *sufficient number of copies will be nubscribed
far, is advanee, to warrant the' expense. It
will be printed in pamphlet form, on good pa:l
, per, with new typo, 1414 will cdntain shout Of,
paps, including a valuable appendix, together
with the - of the Centenbuil Cele
bration, and will be furttitthed to subscribers
et SIS cente per copy.
The reputation which Dn. burrou,n.enjoys
es a vivid writer, his relation to the Church,
hr esaitj years, as its pastor, the circumstan
ees which called forth, the Address, and its
:value es a historical sketch of the early set
tlsteetir of the "Churches of the Valley," gives
peeal!er interest to. this publication, and at ,
she edition will be limited to the number or
sepias subscribed for, those who Wish to se
erre it, should' (tend in . their orders withou (
Herald Office," Carlisle, Pd.
Desereber . 23;1857. ••• •••-•••• ....
X. D.--Orders may, also be left at the ater.
elf C. Ogilby, J. D Halbert and S. Elliott, or 1
at the BOoketeres of J. Loudon, A. Id . , Piper,•
fad ShrYock,' Taylor & Smith.
11118" Aitiong the ninny medloines offered to
Om public,.DlyaLi's GALVANIC OIL, to eur,
riming all in amount of -antes. A grenter
Timber of dozens of thismedieinii have bard
eoldtimn , ,OfanYttllirrrypnralien—and r by?
.141aues kW% goocrartiole mulls in demed•i,
This medicine le for sale by U. W. Cauf ,
man, 8. E11i0tt,41.4. Kieffer, J. tiLDnvidion,'
E Jane ~,W.T., . lbattari,, , Wm.' Re d,'lfccd &
CO.. Alfeeillifiinrigh, Highland & .Wachinger;
James Kyle, D. Ifoya, RuseeilA Dice, Glean
&Co.,- Peter Garber; 8: Plank, Alexander Sc,
Mullin, Craighead & Moore; A. sf. 'Leidrioli,,
Mary W. Pelmet.,, '
ay, reoantly delivered a. lecture : at the Musioal
Prod on.l`,Tbe Relation'
of Frtat lkihrfitry,tapytlieutton;", , , -Prof. , Tit'.
7 6 4 - w -I T l V, , fdt,l . g!ad rxetiftlent: Villali; of
'Glesymtcoll!Ae,,audlree reaineed with, cordial
jpantiog, by the, lamp. audience aseembled.
The Pfilledalphia Bullo.l.WoontauTha.a.ieporeit
IDo LothretoffiCll Arto,:oannoe
404 I OOM ro tir
DR. AM.'
The, rolwyeei, of last .Wee 6 .649 volunitered
In.,defence of the Heti, Joett A. Ane,bni•wiili
a qegre . e . ofounning,'lbioli,'however Useful in
parrying home-thru9t9, Is not very'eounen
, dable; he evades,, altogether, the Coal point of
aprt'olc,_ and With
_Qplrotfc iinlietuosityi essays
Ito - dem - OM an enemy - Wiii4i - W - C9Only4cinjui . - -
'ed.up by hie, own fears. , ,'.,
No oonielplet, hod doien netdd ogiiinst' Dr.
course' on thit Kansas Question, at the
tiMa the nrfiolc in the ' Voluntettr"
ten.:-. Ills ywear the party collar'
is .notorious, and every one knew he, would
'vote "Locompion" when the time came ; - hut
not front any pledges he'had made to " stand
by the Adniiiiisqation," because the time
Of his election, Mr. Buchanan was himself -in,
a "tigheplace," and,it4p mainly ()Wing to that
fapt that' Dr. Ahl has now.thahonOr of Mis-re 7
presentliikthis . District.
•It is not the " BlaCk Republionn§," there
fore, wh4 are exposing Dr: Aid to "censure,"
and bringing up before his mind's eye, the
ghosts of "violated pledges " The shaft comes
front his own household.' 'lt is .his own party
friends,' such democrifis nri Dr. Day. John
Bohli,,X, N. Green, John W. Conklin, Edward
Lamont. and others, who now declare. that:
DF. — Ald's Conduct itl relotion to the rpst:tit:
- flees:lll'llde county,'lms=placed itiin beyond
the pald,of party confidence,- , •
- They do not say n relation to Kan-,
sao, so that in this' instance the Iroluntrer
overshot the mark: • lie devotes half a column
to prove Dr. AliPs consistency,.ntul the point
which really requires ; defence, is parsed over
in silence.. • • , •
But, says the Volunteer; "the bald stninllie
(Dr. Altl)•tins taken in -favor of the Admiitis
tration and t he Lecompt * cin Constitution,meets •
the endorsement and IS approved by his demo:
cratio'conslittlents." 'fliers are two opinions,
on that- subject, neighbor.- Perry-is-port of
this District, end n productive soil for dem
ents, yet the Editor of the Perry Democrat,
the organ of the party in tittit'countY, says:
, _ ...•
t. Platiterdt „ over no they may, a large ma
jority of the democrats of Perey arc Anti-Le
compton to the Li:without% rind while they
cordially endorse every other part of Mr..llu
Oman's policy, - they. emphatically . (Unbolt
from, his views on this one question.”.
In this' county, the *suppOrters of the Le
compton swindle are tarsi& to count noses.—
We venture to ttay, that if the democracy of
Cumberland have an opportunity to express
their honest..SonVictions, two-thirds of their
the, course of Dr..A111,.0n...fie
-KAnitas rptetifion.-- To do less.lhati'ilds, would
be to forfeit theiT coubistenicy as democrat,
fthd ignore the fundamental principle of he
.GovCrnment that tho •IAJOIRITY 2 9' TALL
• Nor nro tho Demoerecy pf !pie county nod
District alune,'in their , opp . oifiou to the Kr_
. e country, they are
ii x
.t 1 ' s Here are a few t.f the
i are now found Bottling in
2trf(i Their names nro taken
'S Pre..i
ens fraud. Throughout ,
choice spirits, who
the cause of t:j‘
front Forney"
- ROBE ,16 J. WALKER„who when a youth
I in Pi burgh. a
--Democrat, instinctively and
,ughont, raised the JACKSON flog for
e - le Presidency, and made otir 'western_ coon•
ties ring with his elerptent• recitals ofthe gle ,
tins of Talladega, Emockfali and New Orleans.
STEPHEN A. DOUG whose celebrated
argument proving that Oenetill JACKSON ens`
right in his refusal to obey the civil 'author
! ides at New Oilcans, drew from o'd Iliekory
at the . Hermitage-the grateful thanks of his
pond and noble heart.
GEORGE BANCROFT, the historian, who
added new lustre - to the renown of JACKSON
by his Marvellous oration at Was'iingt on in
1845, Mille grand obsequies wide), solemniz
ed the elentit of the Hero of New Orleans. --
HENRY HORN, of Philadelphia, who shared
his confidence to ;be last hour of his-lifa.
The" accomplished HENRY CHAPMAN, the
Representative of Bucks and Lehigh, in this
The intrepid JOHN IFICK . MAN, of Cheeter
and Oelowat e,' who. did mote in 1855, to re
verse the Republican majority in his district
than any other man could have done, thus add
ing thousands•of voles to the BUCHANAN Cal-
The popular member from Montgomery and
partpt . Philadelphia, OWEN JONES. whose
_centy -. :feiled_Jtp &Itch ik grelkt nti.juitty = , fur_
The Repreeontativo from Franklin, Adams,
Fulton nod Bedford, WILSON BEI LLY,
whose services in the Deinocratlo ranks
011dtarfOl 111111 to 001141111 d.;
WILLIAM. L. DEW'ART,'IL,G Repteeentn.
live from Schuylkill end Narthuntherlond,
en to the Democratic Tarty for.many yesrs;
And Inut,:but nnt.lenst, the fearless Atem
her from Fayette. WllPhington HIM Green coon:
speeches hove gone so fur-to give victory to
the Democratic party in Western Pennsylvn•
These, efficient Representatives of the De.
--mocracy in Congress are to be rend nut of the
Democratic church ; and with them twenty
five of the mo,t influential Democratic papers
in the State, a host of able Democrats in the
dilferent,counties of the State—young and
old a number of;Democrats in' the Legisla
ture, " and the rank„,antl,file of (he party it-
Add to-these, GOV.. PACT ER.EVEEY
RAI, JACOB FRY t Surveyor Oeneral JOHN'
SUPREMV, COURT of the Statc,but one.
• All of these men; you Lave endorsed over
and over again as tieulocritts of the first•wn
'ter.-- lloit do you-like-their Complexion now,
neiihhor •
As for Dr. Abl's "constituents captaining
him, because tbey.ltvo implicit confidence in
the wisdom and patriotism of Pennsylvania's
favorite son, James Buchanan," that is a mat
ter to he tested next October, if he should he
insane enough to ask a re-nomination.
W.ncidngton Feb. 18.. in the United Stnden
s ena t e dlr . Green of Mo. reported , from the
oommittro, a bill for the admission of Kansas
into the Union as a State. Minority reporti
were also presented by Messrs., Douglaa :and
-vieollainey which were...ordered_to_beLprinted
after which they resumed the consideration of
the army
In the house, the entire day was consumed
In partismi debates,,,,
Feb. 19. In die U. S. Senate the private
°Mender' was taken up, after which the hill
to iiiereasi; the army carne up in order for coy.-
sideration. It was however, pestponMl, to
allot's!. D iris time to prepare a speech; and
the Senate then adjenrned until Tuesday. In
: the House of 11.epresenfatives. the cal
havingiriublialied tn,,tha newspapers a:,iitate-.
meta deolaring,Mr.,lloard'aimputationabout
him raise, :M r. 'Hoard' offkred amritten ,'state}'
now, alleging lli4lllr, If urns himself had fur
,. rash
the notkorliyfor : tho olutego,. in ~too=
; -yeiaa on xeith,trother meailler.a..tho•Honsor:
Mr.:l oaril, lloiefori, moved .to • appoint{ a ,
--7..nammittea-Ofjnvoatigoiion,- , -but - pending ''the
oonoldeilit on of the onbjeot, .the Howie la 'i 'tit , :
Ma until Tuesday.,'' ' •4. .... ~ 0 • - ' • •''.
vont) Cutufrit, Np.-'-itatiernore,.ll6, 20, 7 -The
' Courtilduse pt Dell Air, Ilarfort ot,Ontj, wn.
Dearly diteittyril lest' 414,1ilibY. AlbnY 9 1
tUe reoeide..ot the Zoutity were'tle'eti6yed. Tut)
'llia Wee 'ogenelonod neoldentally; `, They'd is ni`
1110t461011 011 , 1 t4l, prppe!
The Kansas question.has assumed so many
4145 t,, that n statement. of the vote 'on the
fiCooMpton oonstitution,•at the different oleo
-14)0, Avilr eery°, to p u iks the Matter
understood at a glance s ' ,•
On the 21st ' of December the clause proeli.
ing for slavery was Submitted in-this fern and
wrtlr this result , --- • -
Coustitution with Slavoiy
" without
Alojority for Slavery
--More-than-one-halt-ot-the-iotes cast were
not legal. Oiford precinct returned 1,205
votes for Slavery,; Kiokapoo 1,017. ono Show'
nee, 700u:AUNIfftlng a total of. 8011, at three
precincts which do not contain mure.than 500
legal v#l - es nll told.' The free State men did
not participate in the eleotietit. •
Ou.the.4th of January the Constituqpn,
tire,. was submitted to' the people,.a, few pro
sloveryitea voting.' The,vote being—
Against the Constitution • .10,864
For the Constitution 138
Majority again:lt - • 10,216
Other returns come in, hut too late to cutlet,
which would have swel e I thermajolity against
the Calhoun contrivance to 11.137.
The Constitution' goes before Congress,
therefore, with this endorsement.:
Const'n with Slavery, Dec. 21, 0,143
' " Jqn: 4,
\ • 138
. ..-7----
For Sluveys,.in Kansas , . , - • 6,281
Striven',Dec. 2 - 1; -- 5611• -
1 1.1 Against 11 . _"'&,:Cytisen" 1in...4,....19 31 4 .. '
liganitit,- but. out counted . ' 773'
•__,_, -
K, r- r 'Total against Slitypry. -11,708
Mnjority ngninet Slivery
_ . .
Reject We ilh , girrvotes - cast for Ow Coti,ti
tution at the December election, Mid the ma
jority of the bona fide citizens of the Territory
oppsedto the instrument would reach 8.000.
And this is the C o nstitution the President
seeks to fasten on the people or Kansas,
against their earnest protest and in the face
of his own pledge to the doctrine
. of popular
sovereignty. .. •
The deception_of democratic politiolans and
wire pullers is 'thus, made manifest and thy
predictions of the Republican party in he
lust Presidential camPargu, are now ft).* Ye
...rifled. Pi was charged un .the perpocratic
party, that by the repeal of Ihe,Mistiouri Coin
prOmise,'they sought to est , ablish slavery up
on edit dedicated to freedom ; and' that upon
• tle success or defeat 6f Mr.Buchanan,-de
pended the acconyptishment or overthrow of :
thitt - stapendouytraud. The • catithig, hypo
crites who urrde spejches at Democratic meet
iltgs and. lie fluttering of banners, inscribed
Bug J anon, BrecAenridge and. Free Kanaas,"
• fajeli• r to !heir profesSionsotre'no,w foremost in
- ,upport of this attempt to stifle the 'popular
will, at the tick of rousing dim teople to resist
by force , of arnie On perpetration of, this
yvrong,.42otitheM. • This iniquity may receive
• the sanction of Congress, by the votes of
Northern dough-faces. Who can be made pliant
tools in the bands of the illtecutiv.e„iyhen
tiienl patronage is held out as a bait, but no
pOwer 'eatoli, Can enforce it iteKansas.
All' honor to ,the few noble spirits, atttotg
'the Democrats, who stand up in defence of the
rigbt, , whileeverlastlng contemptiMil disgrace pn the shoulders of the traitors, who
in.viotation of their_oft repeated pledges be-:
fore the country; that.Jhe 'people should be
protectO right to form : their\ own :dal ,
• mestic '.institutione, are now contemplating
this outrage'on populai freedom.
As wo took the liberty of commenting on
the course pursued by 1)r. Ant,. in effectingis
change in the .Mechanicsburc Pest 011iceond
publishing the Card of the' oommiltee, ,in
which they charge hits with duplicity, we
deem it but an act of justice, to giro him the
benefit of his denial, which we find iu the foil
lowing letter addressed to the Editor of the
Mecitanicsburg ,Gazette, The Doctor insinu
'totes that the gentlemen, 'alio composed that
committee, fie under as mistake,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13E11, 1838.
W3I. E. McLAIAIILIN, EST, Editor of .ate Ga.
zette, Meellanicobury..
observe iu your paper of the nth"
inst., a communication over the sigietturea'of
- Dayi - dohn - ,llohb N. Greenr
John W. Cocklin and Edward Lamont, relat
ing .to the conversation and understanding
they had with me at this place with regard to
the appointment of Mr. Leos as Postmaster at
your place, in which communlcatien I am de
-1 pounced us unworthy the coufidence of those
entlemen and of. the party, because of a via
-1 lotion, no they say, of the pledges made by me,
to their], that. I would confer with them and
fix upon a third men; one who hail .alw,a)s
been itteittocrat, who would locate the oflice
in the centre of the town, and with whom the
committee would be highly gratified.
It is due to myself nail to my constituents,
that I shotdd reply to.thitt charge, and set the
matter before the people in its true light.--
When. those 'gentlemen, came to see me at
Illifshington, I informed them that I was Wil
ling to do anything that I could to gratify
them, consistent with honor. I could not and
would not say that Mr. teas should hiretnev
ed the insisted on his right to hold the efhee.
I did, however, any that I would do all in my
power to gratify them
,and those whom they
represented, provided I could do FO without
violating what I considered due in justice and
honor to ethers, I never did pledge myself to
have Mr,,Lells removed and a third roan
pointed who would.i.e•aceeptuble to then]. I.
did itot undertake any such teak, and would
not, for the reosen that I do not know that I
uIJ effect' the removal of Mr Leas, unless
eliarge's of ofliettl'or tither - ntrsconduet, - unfit- -
ting.him for the position, were !node and sus-
tattled by evidence against him, 1 have - done.,
everything fair and honorable in the matter,
and more, perhaps, than either of the above-,
named gentlemen would Miss done had they
been placed in similar eirounistonces. I am.
still willing and Muttons to do .whatever is
within my power to gratify the Darnocracy of,
Mechanicsburg and its vicinity, hut keen not
do that which would he dishonorableinktify
- any - Mon. ---- ln -conclusiam-1-sity- t hat-the -state
ment of,the gentlemen about pledgee made by
me is incorrect, and that the gentlemen who
'were present when the matter 'wits talked a
bout and settled between us, will sustain me
•in tills declaration. .. Yours truly,
•:,' JOHN A.
After a troublesome term of Isvo'years, the
President of 'Mexico, Ge'u. Comonfort, hits been
driven from the country. Nothing so strongly
indicates the superiority of the Anglo-Saxon,
over the Spanish race, as their capability far
self-government. Here, after en existence of
marathon eighty years, under . a republican
form of government, the fruits of a revolution,
every year, but confirms the wisdom of .the
fotbers 'of . the Republic and strengthens; the
bonds of Union. Wtillst in Mexicp„the.igna 7 ..
_ranee of the tines es tUo weal ill and infinence ,
Of tbe Priesthood and theieetless ambition of
their leaders, leaves the Government a prey
ta"every petty tylant who ortre,rolly,a
strong enough to get up a proilunciaminta,
tlhth3ee revolutionary forieW,witte any amount
4ftaisioncide on 'oeiheidc 'we'd rank
oh theothet; have mit() the illexioan Govern,
tle-word an dl her people.i Ipugbiwg.
stook to the whole civilized ;world.
'Gen: Cdmonfort Inninrrived ot'Nowt)!lenno A .
stild'the new ii(iieniciie4tife electeo, o slon , Zu
4onga-ProvieinnolLl , r4l6nt.- Woo'
"foinaorly ii' r inortizaii 'conionfurt, but. pqw.
bendollie 13ontn . Atipn pasty. .At.the lant On
. COU tei,.liart of the finny, Irtio gec!t!i11;f0A1:91
to' the.old" COnnittiuitbri; .4t 7 ern preparing to
- nit rottitigalost the. city .
Zo,turt anti uuntg 311itter§:
illetforo_legreal Register' for the Week
.liluttlekg February 22nd, 1858.
18'58. 1 - Thermo-r[Rdiu. I 'Re - marks
•' I meter.*
Toesday.. ; -
• . .
Wednesday,. 18 00
Tlursday, 92 00 •
Friday. •. 20 00 - 8uow:
Saturday: 21.00- •• •
Sunday: 22
. 66 - ••
Monday. 22 00
1 1 eekly
I. 22 DO
* The degree of !rent in the .abrive regiathr
ia the" Icily average dithree observatione.
Bids have been printed hiltbie office ior the
ANTIIO2;IY Fiannuan,'of D:okinsen township,
will offer at publio 81110, ' On Saturday the 27th ,
of February, oll . his forminduten'sils, Brook, &o :
dote rctt - Res; one. mile-south- of—lllasar~_
vine, will ntfer'oaTueittlay the 2d of March; a
variety of Ilauyeltold fuinitare, and Farthing"
utensils, togetber.wjth a lot of Poplar and
white oak platilc., • '
JOHN BEST, of - MOorne township will sell on
Tuesday tho 21 of,' Nlarch, wagons,• Horses,-
Cows, Hogs, Young cattle Sheep,' Threshing
Mowing and Rasping machines,.and :other
farming 'utensils,
Minim'. GARTH'', of Monroe township, will
sell on Monday, the HMI day of Nlarch yaks
ble Horses, Cows, Hogs nnd Shunts, young
cattle, Plows, cultivator and n variety of arti
cles necensnry fer farm ••work.
SAateel Cur,ASON. or West Petinsboro,
sell, oulhe Ditlt inst. his entire stook, consisr
trug.of Horses, Celia, milk corm young Cattle,
hogs, w'agons'and farming utensils.
MArtim TitomeiMx,of liliflin townt•liii. will
8011, on the 21 of March, lioCsee, Stoma, 'foga
and a•geoereil variety of farming, implements]
SINONMIIfLEMAN, of Silver Spring
Will olier at put.lie sale, on the :31.1 of March*,
Ilerses,'Colys, -young ca ttle, flogs, fuming
utensils, and a vat iety.ul•liinisebold
en' furniture . . • - ,
ELIAS tittilpi; of•`llickinson township will
.offer_at public sale on . lllell of:MOO, Horses,
milk cows, Sheep anti Hogs, wagmi,-plows.rind
•barrows, with., the •usual variety of farming
implements.' . .
bANIEL LEplAti, AdMiLliStrAtOr of Jacob
Lehman, deceased:of .North Middleton town
ship, will offer a variety of articles at public
pale,. on Saturday the 6tlidnyi of March.- :
C. EBERLY, of Ilnmpden toithship, • wlll
offer at public sate, Thursday the 4th day
of March, a very great variety-of stdele,l-aud
largest osgortment of Inncbines- for forth
bor, that bait been offered in this county
embracing. 'Dopy, of tliiiUToilern inventions
11.tid :improvements Po will, it
.the :mime
time eon his household i u 1 kitchen
J. op WITMER,:of North -Illidilleton,town,„
'ship will haveirpublic'eale of 11 - orp—bu2ek_
onil farming otent.ile:on . Tuesday the 9th Joy
oflitrell. 'Ail his residence is ou the first farm
below the Popr House . , persons from town
have en opportunity of securing some valuable
horses by attending this solo.
.suriden and uneipected advent of cold weather
Ims found thousnntls of our fellow creatures in
stnte of almost utter destitution, and totally
unprepared to meet its inclemency. There are
always many, very many, in every community,
who, owing to ill health, mint of employment,
improvidence, or eonintiinforanevi crac"hrrence,
are rendered in a manner dependent upon their
more opulent or provident neighbors. At the
meeent time, especiallz..when.employment is
scarce, and the " storm-king" line undisputed
itsvity - ; alien the snow lies deep upon "ihe fields
and ronds; - aud - the - shrill - winils - find - piercing
blasts of winter whistle around us; and when
cold and frost affect all, it is not surprising
that many of the eons nod daughters of toil
and rienitry are suffering. fbr the a-ry neces
saries of life. Cod hoe truly " tempered the
wind-to the shorn lamb," and though the f o re
part of the wintee was mild and, pleasant, ren
dering but little fuel necessary; tin re are Still
six weeks of cold weather to be experienced,
weather which may prnre nu incessant source
of 'euffering. to the destitute and needy.
Now, then,-is the titut for the exercise of
true benevolence on the3iii:it Ofllltocharitahle
and htininne, nod it is to be moot earnestly
'hoped that wherever the destitute eon ho re
lieved, no means will remain unhdopted to in
sure such a deeirithle..end. The ''l.,a4jett . Be
nevolent Society of Carlisle," once so conspic
uous for the efforts:of its members in alleviating
the condition' of dip kthiustricus poor by fur
nishing them with work, is noir expect?.ff to
renew its exertions: arid our citizens,, one and
nit, should unite their effrts, not ynly, pecti
ninrily, but actively, by baiting, personally,
the wretched homes of those to whom they de
sire-to give their_cherity.
day lust, the 22d inst., was the anolversary of
ale birth-day of the immortal WASIIINOTON.
The day gimped off in a 'very quiet and orderly
manner, nutl without the good people of our
borough making any demonstration, military or
Maio, in honor.ot the natal day of the Father'
of his Country. In the days when wo were
young,' t h e 22d of February" was a gala day
in Carlisle., and it was mimed in' amidst the
ringing of belle, the firing of cannon, iho sound
of martial music, and other patriotic &moil
stratioim. During the day, largo bodies of
well-drilled military would be under arms;
gaga,. tgutritrsand strentnera di4lnyed ;
.none fired, and the day pretty generally ob
served by the c tizene. Al...night, the Public
buildings and hotqswoultbe handsomely B
lumlnatod,and Militnry balls and civic sup
pers be given. But now, like nil our national
holidays, J{naltington's Birth Duty coines 'and
goes, and no display of any kind, takes place.
Not to druniis beard, not a sliotis'fired, mid
not a soldier is seen in 'uniform: Neither
citizens or Military seem_disposed to do it re- .
jorenci; , is It. so ' '
. ,
the Mounted Regimente, arrived' tit Carlisle
'Bartaoks yesterday. Althougli,t here are quite
a iittilaber or rearuits at the Boritickalitw, our
town is' veryfoist at night: -- Few oflhn men
are aeon after, dark, and those who clout! In,'
ge,nerally , pooduct I themselves in en 'orderly
Inanner, a L fact'which stieaks.well for COluitel
'RITTENDEN. and the - other offio4s attaoluiti Ter
thol'ost;:: Tlte,tenet kindly feelings exist be...
tweet' 'the oltisens ofttlia town and the officers
the interest of : overy one tto oultivatethat orate
of thttige .. ottly.alforda a pleasant 're
tkorJ for cal seits , pnd but tbb nolinne
annually 'es Pended fOi.eutaiistence, fOisie l and:
fepaiya, I! a ief,y Importatit item' to this eoUitty;"
time for - 444erlY , holders, bath' hi towqnhd
opuntrf,. tit t &et iri'suranoedtSpon thoifrespec
tivo properties. AlthSo4ll, thus for, duririk
the . prement winter, our - ehmmunity has marer
ed but little from tho effeene of fire, yet it to
altoosilmymiollde to iunrd 'ngaintd de:Menlo
and the toreh.of the incendiary. •The bolter
r)londolobo_in . :•umt,..ond in ihn.eyent of fire,.
they will tint he OtiljeetTo :114)M! lied. A very
large number of poison?, there to good tensor
- to beliovo, neglect to effoot in•urancro upon
their properti,, on ncootint of the . tritling.cost.•
.case' of fit e they meet' within total loss, nn
many insiiinees appeal to their• friends anti
neighbors for that aid whidli, by the exercise
of ordinary. prudence, they would not' have re•
quired. •
..Theee ore, two excellent Insurance Com Pan
ice in dootherland county, conducted on the
tnutuat principle (tile :'Allen and Dist Penns
borough" and the tt'Cumberland.Valley" Coin-
Pania 4 ,) in which thecost.fOrinsurilig is TO
101 V wonder:is all-do not avail them=
selve's of. their advantages. -- The companies
above named ild"not confute their operations to
the country disti ints, and' persons residing in
town can readilyeffect Insurances on favorable
terms. • IVo advise every' ono of our readers
' owning property: whAlnive hitherto neglected
rho precaution to insure, to do so at once.
' nunn.—On MOTU'S V I est, the 221 instant, we
/ learn that quite a handsome display of firemen
, tool place in nor sister town of Mechanics
burg,. The. Washington Fire Company of that
beautiful and thriving horough,„haring recent
ly procured a new and splendid Engine, was
noxious to toot its powers, and resolved to
celebrate the event by a procelofifm and other
apProprinto ceremonies. '
The " Cumberland Fire Compony" of C me-
lisle,-With "der machine," W•os, by invitation,
preFent rm . the occasion, end . e.sisted in 'the
ceremonies. Tl:vettninerlitud' way under the
column , d of its presiding ellicer, Ittainwr
NICCAIITNEY, and nunitu4ed afinut tirty
The parade is de,eriitellZaq having heel) n
very nut in the evening the
- members of the "Citittlierland" returned In this
.place, well plett,ed With their re9eption and
. treatment at Alechanicslturg. • ' •
• Tull LECTURE SEASON.—The present
winter 'has bee . more than usually fruitful in
popular lectures; end the citizens of many of
the neighboring towns have enjoyed rich intui- t .
lectuol of high character and
sle cling literary acquirements. In connection
with this, we Would inquire, 'wily the .Course
of Lectures before the "Union Fire Company"
came to-so sudden a tertitivatiun 1 ii,We
'tnko not, but two jectnres of the coarse were
delivered, and we are sorirised that the anti-
cipnto ones were - We Drp ceCtait,i
the 6mlt was not.upoo-the part of our siiizens
who have always liherally-eacoornged - the leO
tur:s. Can the committee explain this matter?
TIIE • Teil CH:OP.—The recent, " cold
ennp" has dissipated the 'fears entertained in
regard. to a 'failure of the Ice - crop; and the
hen"ria,ll " pablienns and binnert! have bpen
made glad-la coneeplenee of:the very palpable
- -iippenratiee tit... Jack Frost." r a week and
workmen litiyeheen busily engaged in
---eiitting—and-liattling-leil-and we. presume--hy
. this time all those intending in.iitcite away a
_ • Bondi of the "congealed element," have had
their ice bowies well tilled. N 'xt summer,
therefore, we shall have ice creams, lemona
des. mint-julips, and all the other delicticieS
which make life agreeable. in any quantity.
• day eveniug, Dr. CM`ItUiV delivered all Intro.
ductory Lecture to a regulai course; on Ana
tomy, Phytdolopy 'and the Rules of Health:
Education. Hold was' erowded on the occasion,
and the lecturer was listened to with intense
interest. The first lecture of the regular course
was given lost night, the subject being, the
Frame of Me House we live in." lir. estmoii
has put the price of admission to these lec
tures so low, that every one may-avail them
selves of the" opportunity to attend the full
crirse - rand - ris - t hj - subject - brinteresting - to - an,
we anticipate full houses. A Lecture, espe
cially for ladies, willdie given this afternoon
at 3 o'clock-, P. NI,
LUCK IN LEISER K-- t We learn from t'...`e
IlarriAurg Daily I lerahl, that Nlr, J,tatcs (im.-
Itallitat, of Harrisburg, and formerly of this
borough, huts recently fallen heir to a snug lit
tie fortune of :520,000, lilt hill] by ttCMMide - -
rato . relative :in the :South. Ir."..u.'has been
quite poor, owl being an old man, this lucky
bit of fortune will be a very gracious thing fu,ir
-111Asosic.—On'Thursday evening last,
Cumberlimp' Valley Lodge, No. 815, A. V. M.
of Shippemburg, Was institutt tt by D. D. G.
M. lierMan4t Johnson, anti the officers in
stalled. lion. Henry Ruby, W. 1I , Rev.
James Colder, S. W. and Rev. F. A. Rupiey,
J. W. Title Lodge goes into. operation - under
very favorable auspices and with every pros
. •
tier The Right Rov..Bistion PorrEn is es
pser.tod to xibit enrli,lo. on 'the first Sunday in
Nardi Oho ithyond - administer - the - ApostOlic
Rite of Confirmation in St. J o ho' d church.
Bit.z.-Posma.—The bill-posters of Buffalo,
N. York. are running opposition to each other
in business. Col 'Loin Smith advertises to
pint hills nil over the Union end. in California
and Havana, and'entlorses his merits by 'refer
ring to Hon. Nlillard Fillmore, James Iltielittn
nn, Niortiit Van Buren, William H. Seward and
other distingnisltertgentlemen..vrhoseopittions'
.on hilbsticking. Ile a nuttier of course,.arecoti
sidered ortlpplos Prof, Bend puts fortli tt
'counter advertisement, in which he states that
although Ile has no special agencies in Gtlifor
mtliavann, and other sinall places, he is fully
pr tired to Post 'hills, on the shortest notice.
in Chinn, the Sandwich Islands. Jerpalem.
Bruzil,:at the 'sources of the
. Nile, on every
Peak orthe Alps, and all overibe North polv
Ho gives among his references ,tho Emperor
.of Russia, Queen Victoria,,Clllo l Ching Ching
of' China. end ,the editor of - the Rochester
Union. lye guess thert is snore *hid of ti drive
In the last referenee.—Detroit Advertiser..
Prof (Omens L. Gum:Wen, Ex•
trnerdinary to the °Wiens of Ctrlisle, (Joints
It 'unneoessary to give any references out of
the county, but bi wishes it distindtly under
steed. that. he continues to' precties plain and
fainv bill-sticking at short notice,-
.7 - Pe ttWY:Cistit!rY:=llte — , D enieoro'ti - ",e r - Perry .
county met in County Convention orillte 15th :
inet , and eleeted C. J. T. - Melntire;• Es.j., or
13loonifieht, to_represent that oounty in the
4th of .lercji Convention. The eeleation•of
Delegote,' wool' toot vote between the huohn-'
WeW nodDdogines ntin, end stood 18 for 1110-•
Indic. 'to 17 kir John Power:. . •
i!lrryFreenant - tise - infornintibct , ifroth
one of the morober,t,of.thtiponvention, , thht if
. all . tbe delettlitee bad Tefletzted tbasill of those
.irbeeent Wein,. the ,Poughts Mtn W ' QUIII,,bIIVO'
hna a'mnjt
„ . „ ,
rlty of,qetn, ten' to -,iwelre , itt •the
Coivention, :i ftljt ie , tho,•Dentoorhoy Of Per-.
47; :reotioented to 'the St.tte
091c,gato, fottoettlide Ito . Buciumants
new , platfoith tikat.the mioritteball rule.' •
ADAM'DDNSDMAN, EKKTrenemrne in conformity with thn lath section,
of net of.Assombly nntltlod nn not to
ruriso tho Jillltla 5)810111, to ., passed thu Bute day of AprililBs3, nolibi to Ito following account :
To Amount of oulotno ding 31111tio .11 nog no. UN and pros lookyOars. • I
• 31Litia•l• Ines flllief.sed for the 'oar 16E7, an, per tot uru of County Couttnltslonerin
Ily Ailment of (Ines outstanding and uneolleated 110 , 1837 and prerlomi years, , • V 220 01.
• Si eximerations allewed colliiiitlirtrfi t ri .liifi7 'IIIICCPI . OI4O its years, • i 330 00 •
of collectors' minnissions for '- o , ..:•••• 77 15
for printing military statement for 1550,----- - ".
. . ' paid Samuel Crop, Brigade hispector t for satrryt.B.o.ji.i..: .• .. 118 Oil
paid hit:gold Artillery comp:lly, 'due for 1856, " - - . • fio Oo ...
' _old,. Ualtilt Guards ciinipatty, duo 111.2186,4______'
____ • .
bil 0
-- IFilit gtoriiiiiirolif Wain tiiitto ry:due . l.,r 1857, • 50 - 00
raid Ad:10100a .11 muds, due for 1587, . , ' ' ' 75 00
. paid Quitman ifitards, duo for 1857:- - , 73 00 -.
paid County CiIIMIIISSIOIIers for services ournilitary business, - „1 114. .-60 00
~ — ..11:11d Fttlte:TrinlSUrel . as per receipt, • ' . ' 31 33
paid Township and Borough ANSWISO. for 1857, i _
.. 55 PI .
: oferrur in the last annual statement 01 31111 Lin tax,. 46 444 '
. .
' hf County Treasurer's Coupon: on on 81,081 73, •• 4 . ' B4
. -
balance duo :unitary fund in Lands of County Treasurer o ....„ ' 606 81 •
', . .-
-.41,932 82
. .
Schedule of Militia Taxe3, exhildting the purouinf of (laplifwk3;ambant. reeciveri; amount of
,Colleetars peg, amount of exonerations god aplawit oatstandttly, fin! the year . 1857; and
yea); •
Townships. Collectors Nature. ^S Years
, •
Upper .111oli,
-Prim kford;
Lower Apen,
Frarikliml, •
Newrillo, l.lehn S. Mm•row,
NrWtoll, . ji 4 3tliii4,l (hero,
Shippentattirg• Lor., ;Jacob Strlnnum, ' l
Southampton, • J. K. Kelso,
Lower Allen, • , /Samuel Shlretnan,
Lipp, Allen, .i.lntin W. Coeklln, •
('111•11.1t , • ;.(trortre Sruhy, •
hlekluron. , .:S. NI. Kenyon.
East Pennal.rol, ? Abraham fool',
Frank 1br.1,• ',)lartln )fount!,
Ilammtru,,,.. - 111:,01,1Ilumr,
Hopewell, l,lolutMeCes, . l
3lostr..i. •• :loluilllelm,
Merhaelcsburg; ',George Attleh, - l
3111111 n, - ~ , John .larebr. • :
Newton. • :Nylnlant 311•Cyne, ,
New CuMberland, :Jelin ('hurry,
Newrllle. •.lohn Moore, .. -
.Nurth 111 , 1dIrton, - : . - - I.i.:it Zeleler. ..•
South liddlrton, :tVIIII•un Moore, „
Silver Spring, ' .r.... 1 Senmean,
illllpprn•dir4 1, • , .. • flrilliam tlriflin, .•
Shippresburt! twp, I 111155 11.01.
Ire St. re. 1110. 1 .41:, • ; . 1:111POrt. (it7lllllll,
: : 0111,111i1110011, ; • :•.I. 11. CoLover,
Ily amount cash 'paid Ilenjaniln 11114er. A5;440411' of ?litorio. Clip ,F r return of 100 permuis, - -
• •,• • -• aid dolin I.rihr, Assessor.of South 'Middleton 1 wp., fin teturn of 178 persons, -
pall 'Martin Ao .lsgegsgr of Sidppenslibra . I sop., t.r ref urn of 17 per6ollP, _
pat I Itolert Nllekey. Asgessur of Newton toxin:hip, for rotors of 41. f p o roor,
p.! !sage PlogArolf, ,Asses t or of Carlisle, for ten urn of :V.7 perhoDF, .
-% paid 'fharnag !triton, Assesgor flftoutlininpfon 1.1 p., fi,rootoro of too persona, •
- "O . , _ p• 11,1 l'lnirons )1eC01.1141.., .lssessor of Neil agile. for return of 79 persons,, '
.. , paid !meld (lads. Assessor of Sheer Splint: tOWlltilip s , for return of 168 persons,
..,1,1 Jaen], Stelnrinto, Assasoor of shipoolothorg boroooh,•ror rogue,, of 122 porsonn,
. pllll .1011110. Snyder. Ass !aro,. of Frankford township. for return of 91 pergneid,
'- pill John 11ru. , ,i, A agesior of flainpilen township, for return of 140 persons, , .•...f,
- • "' paid : , ,,ni Ind filler, As,,, , tgor of aVes't Pennslioro toirdship. for retort of 120 person,,
pill Thipolg'S. , auler..%S.-.1.1.Jr Of llPllitl tO,VIISII,Ip. for returnl,,, Of 91 ~,,.,,,,
rill !ferry ram, .Isse , ,,or Of ,%1120113111,01111T, for return of 102. persons, •
. 'pilaf .1/411a11101t, - As'4essor of Ilopow'sli tog nship, for return of Inn piTsol j , .
_ , . - pli 1 litgorrni.3l.trtln, Aggesgor of ItHillig,.. township, foo„oiturn of 202 persona,
paid l'eri. Quill'' Aggearfir of Sortlt.Nli I !let in (ONTOSIIip. for roi urn of 171 persona,
- paid ,latonel .thirithf,,Aggesso.' of East l'OOOSI•oro' totruship, for return of Iso pernonfl,
. • -,,,.,,,d,'„1 11 , K. 'Taylor, Ac..,,,,,,,r ot Co Aor Allen tornallfp, for retort, of 120 personr,
, ',paid John Italian, Asigis.or of Ilpper Allen finroiship, for ref urn of I.:4'.Lpersons, .
pill' John C. li'irli, Assessor of Sow Cumlierhand, fdr rill urn of 21,.poreons.
C1,111,.1 %ND Col;Nrr, SO,
. W.. 1.010 1111 - th.ll , i4livil .t,itltos Or ( . 111111,0011111i.ronulty. 014 , 60 sworn ocvorEllog to law, In witioriiiinee with
thel of tlic :loth A. I), oh we ne,onnt. oC.tdaat
Esq.. of ft. em ioty ittortmbl., In Ow manor ilp,yorl.ll)i,that Wei the
stated. tilttie,s'our him& 1.1114 2iith day of January, A. '
0 . 1" Gov }icon —Most dour ren'e
dens will rememilier - 016,1 ex-Governor
frebb, of pitio,who now resi lea near Rock,
ford, Illinois, was lost fall indicted fur theot•
ing at and mortally wounding one of a party
of reckless young Inca who were f intesting'his
residenee and annoying bis family with a cha
rivari, or horning, party, on the occasion of the
marriage of one Of Gov.:ll.'s stihs. He -was
tried for murder last wetk at Rockford, and
triumphantly acquitted. Tote Corwin nnd
Judge William Johnson, of Ohio, condAted
the defence.- The-verdict
tM is' sapl to be in fie
cordae with public sentiment in Rock coun
ty, and, while the fatal result of Gov. dlebb's
~ shot is deeply deplored, it fs' hoped that the
verdict Will do much to put down those dis
graceful exhibitions of brutality and ill-breed-
Ling known as charivaris.
The James Itachnontr" - is the 'tme
of a Olive sohw that hot. just 11111Idtd a car-
niißt on the coast at
The name in n delicnte copplitnent to the
" favorite son,'" who soya " he has done more
for the outh than•tiny,tnan living "' The
"cargo" bhould hove been •e?itt to K 2111410.
E t s ,„ The:Cleveland Register tnskes the Col
lowipg good hit. " Whether Queen Victoria's
fled petticoat will become the fashion in Afeti
co, is yet to be known. It is evrtilid, hodfliVer,
flint - the efforts of soffit, of tier male predeces
sors to introduce their red coats, did not sue,.
tl i
.' .
tel A _young Ant dean Indy . in . Patin
brew ens to sue Pre,nlent 13n.1t nano for breach
of promice. She says that (lining at her fath
er's table,,year4 age, he shit' to her—" My
clear Miss, if I ever shinddi he President, you
shall be mistress of the V, bite House. ,
Mir liooft Cr.atife.
GODEr fir March presents unusual• nttrad
lions. It Is graced with nu unrivalled steel
engraving", '• Thu lot.lll.;r's Bliiiining." - -The
Solored_fashion_plat,,is extra,. and_the- 'woad,
outs are worCed item which anti
poi he wild of many of.the monthlies. " :11nr
gere't's [Unite." by Alice 13 Haven, is contin
ued; and the literature throughout is finely
adapted to the cla,qt of renders for which it is
intended: Godey, in hin own sphere is- unri
valled To he had at Piper's. .
PETERSON'S AIAOAZINE for Alnittli is out,
tilled with pleasant stories, poetic gem 4, pat
terns for dresses slid embroidery, and a host
of other its, inlerustinil6 Lathe's. , Tlio iii
formation in efirronti number is worth a yew's
subscription to any . lady: Ti be had at piper's
has been received. Th's periodical is mee
with high favor from all quarters, sud it richly
merits it: Thediterature is sound and wbole.:
some, and the attractions are sutlicieidy varied
to meet the'" wants and wishes" of tlio whole
fair sex. Terms 20 cents tier, number. To be
had'at Pipers. • .
GRAIIAM for March in; as usual, tunny,
grave, fashionable, learned, sentimental, eciz
entitle, historical,' iitty.and - poetical,
person can find something In it to.plenielbem.
"St.' Aubla," is continued, ditto, •• The Mon
tignes.'!: Lelnud 'throws his versatile genius
in all its 'force, IMO Graham. 'T*) be had it
TIIE, NEW Wax Pam is rnis of the hest and
cheapest Illustrated family..p9 pore pahiished.
•It 'contains:over 1000'large quarto pagCsi .of
closely printed rending mnttei•yeariy, , ..fiqeq
withr• handsomely :itlustrafeir "TulCs, /, :N.l,re;
dm:, by the nicsticiMiais'irriterSaf the day.,
•The'Prelis for onn
he much 'reading matter any ;of
and at the lari;f:rie n 'n . f , t'Si r o
liebeiltrD. /OBE; 21 I CoiitTe .N. t."‘:.
i.roim If. Simlir,
.i):111111 Taylor.
MonjtitnlTT7UtiklieK -4 , - .7".
I•Ijmot Ilrookg, ; •1656
,Stunnol Berry,
','Adzo Sofro,.
.. 1 / 1 14,1) K rout. •
Amoriiit paid .dssessars fur furnishing delinquents, al two cenis.eade, vis
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lAmount, of Amount
Duplicate.; received.
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2.14 is i *77 s3an On
.ISAAC RING WA LT. 1 ' Auditors : -
DA VI D:G. OYSTER, ' - , of. -
B ENJ AM IN.I)U K E, - Outrtherbrnd cunnty.
DISTII ENS IN(1,011 Tuesday evening of fast''
.week, a - Most distreiiing accident'ocourred-oil
the, Cudoros - creed, rt nr Yiirk, Pa.,. whereby
three children lost their lives. It appears
that five children, three boys and two girls,.
who were returning from school, ventured
upon the ice et the Cotton's,. but it not being
of sufficient thickness' to bear their- weigh',
four of the.num her : broke through, and before
assistance could he rendered' three of them
were drowned. The fifth child, a little girl,
gave the alarm to some young men near by, 4 , \
who hastened to the rescue of the children,.;`,"
and with m u ch difficulty succeeded in bringing •
the other little girl safely to shore. Two of, •
those . who perished were sons of a 3fr.
and theother mean of Mr. Philiplahr.., Wu
gather these particulats from the York Re
publican. •
A Cunsc - ttmovitn.-=:Wainanhoo t i ever -
1 141 h e_sidLedfeuts-of--t be—
ctiNe•intlic'ed either sex, by Eve's disobedi
; the gar len of glen: Ever since our
a solist inothees first bide her Blume
for violating the express .will of her Orsator,
by sewing together and Wearing fig. leaves,
her daughters have been doomed to "stitch
awdy their lives," in obedience to the exorbi
tant demands of fashion, itt the modern adorn
ments 01 lier vex. The only relief they can
ever ,expect from the drudgery of band sew
ing, must he found in die Introduction of
nov Ell. C 13,txen Sewing Machine inte every
houstiltuld, Ily its use every wife and tooth, r
trill have amp e leisure to heetow attention to
the etincotion of her childred, du letter I,Y
-ing than by hand, nod have better health and
tnm•e'coiitfort that she can.possibly have with
out a Guovtm & Machine
where is ex
• 1)R. SANFORD'S rN I GOR A'l'O It .—ThO
people can Im con that all ...
thie fanilly -- madicines are tint humbibt, and that among
the thousand of butterily•llfe there area few of great
merit, and undoulted a or. h. Of these Ila - SiSVOIM'S
VllioltAl ox. or Liven lisaitoy.stands first
' among the remedies of the day dhat can he relied nit ao
a medicine that Is all it is recommended by Ito pi oprie
tem. It advertises Itself on rrruy trial, for there are '
none Wito 'We It but tell their friends Grilo so.-and on
it pea from Month to mouth till al' tno people of the -
rearned,tbe_goed-_of thit, truly - valuable - -
It recommended ith trstinionials to -
prove Its virtue fur the cure of liver complaints of every
kind. feMn.the worgt Dyl.pepsfa to a I'ololllOn ,
mid Is pa - Ocularly adapted to Jaundice, Deranged •
Stonnich, Bowel Complaints and diseases of children.
One or two doses sire tidal to cure a cold with scarce-a-----._
failure. It is worth in trial for thin alone. it is par
ticularly adapted. to the use of ladles or sedentary bah-
lin- Foam taillo, of. the highest standing inn society
have jiVoll their certificates nut its ufi ea,y. and we say
to till who are ailing. try one bottle, and you will Hover
he without it.—BI.OO3IIIELD PRESS. •
rip There is a I l lyEn INI-icionAToit
for all who me trout lad wiiii ( ltny (if thnoo disnereenble
complaints. nitelt as .Inuntlice, hyspepgla or Liver Din.
eases of any kind. We feel that we are doing our in
vnil,l readers an invaluable service tr... can I I nd u ,,
theta to get a to of lie. Satihrd's I tiVigorntor, nod
take it, for we know font personal exncriutice Haan in
Otto of the greatest remedies for general debility, and
consequent inactive hodily roWerh en er before used. It'.
action In so perfect and complete as to give relief the
first time takdo. Auld Wit does to other:. as it_ haft to an,
hitira bottle will be all - that Is needed. We know of
nothing we min recommend`with sach',ottlido‘nce, for ii
tnhfly medicine, an the Invigorator.—BAßWAl
.• Wood's flair R eat orntive.wwWe have
never known any oilier medicine win as large a share
of publle mm11,1014.1+ In so short allme aithis has done.
it has net been more than a year since wo first heard of
11, and it no., stands at the head or nil remedies of the
kind. We have never lined any of It ourselves, having
Ind no occasion, as our ••erown of glory" not only as
yet retains Its original color, but gets more so-r-blit
some 01 our friends hove, mid we lave never known It
fail of restoring the hair to in origin/11V odor. We ad
vise sari, as are bemaning prematurely grav r to give the
Ilostarat lye" a trll.l.—Chei.ter (Illinois) Herald. •
. .
• On ilVo Ilit. Ins t., by the RO ,
Y.' A. G. Marlatt, hfr ;
GE l. W. GA ItIIETTSON: otillaltlmoro, to telii •MAC. ,
,GIE A. only daughter of Goo. Wobtert, Esq., of Me.
eluiblcobtargvetinthorland count} p , Pa.' -
, .
C2Ct4 5 .: -
TntbliLomugh.onthilrth lost SIJFAN.CATIIE
LIINir?,tInughtor pf Rev. A. !I. KroMerokgrd 1 4 .r<•
The Lord pre add the Lord both , token Away;
Matted bo the mute of the Lord.. ,
borongb,On" ?dandily night last, Allan SUSAN ,
iILONECK ER, at an advanced aga.
On'Ounday warning. the 7t1 . 1 Ind , of crnnc"IDITAS.
417. 7 , 7 DLE PIC:1119SE; infant obn of J.ll. atd
aged 7 pl6ntlfiandlBdayai. "
TN Newton taivnahlp, on,ttielat
at t advanevd aft 67112 yaingh. t"
$ 574 so
1,:. s oo
'1,932 89
13 GO
- N3 i 3
11 50
a 0
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$2 12
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