Ititnierit CARL, coAL, 4to. The Forethought of. Nature. 111121 A long ago, some laborers in dig - ging a-well.ienr- our, Atlantiioen-const, threw out a sort sort greenish-sand, tnix'ed with hits of ,sea-shells, which ettangely • pitzzled,them: The next . year the owner of the farm was surprised. to find-riit wherever hispeen dirt bad beemilished •—brui - —.us; We P.- u a 1.. wai3 marli-a-fertilizer T -which-has—already,re-1 generated whole counties of New Jersey, anti which, when it comes. into more ex hausted fields hei:e in the East to rival the • rich bottomlands of the West. • . • . Not less accidental-wan the discovery • of coal: Just' when our great cities began .to,experience a scarcity of wood for tires, just when the astonishing national advan ces Of this century commenced demanding an- exhaustless supply of fuel for man ufactures, chance revealed, high up among the stony and, barren mountains of : 4 11ary- Pennsylvania and Vir g inia, aotbra. -cite and, bituminousamal. At-the pres ent day,onillions of aeres - - . 'which other wise. would be unproductive( yield their fossil *cod. to warm • our 'parlors, cook our dinners, drive our stetunholitS, , propel our locontotives,and turn our cotton milli ; - . We' oVre both marl coal to the Provident' forethenght of dittureceuntic§s , years awl. For marl is but the decayed' remains of Marine aninials, and derives its fertilizingyroperties chiefly- rinn 'the • litpe,which forms a yrincipal• ingredient'; of shells.' Far back in sonic remote get). logical era, untold centuries before (Ilan I . .had been—crbated,Abc,waves_of a:shallow • sea washed - ,the -leculities'Where we now ; dig - up our Marl, depositing therd, precise ly as the — ocean does in similar places • now, the slfells and• dead bodies of tiny Marine 'animals. Year by year, genet.. ation by generatidni age by age, theSe - deposits Went on. At last, sonic Orange in the shore, such as the opening or shut ting of an inlet; the closing up of a river,. 'or the sudden denudation ofa bank, stop-- ppd the accuthulation; the (16posits,peased; satutor other soil begairto_cover their; • in time they -disappeared from - sight ;, trees- began to - grow above. them ; new and strange land animals roved' throtioli these woods; than_finalli came upon, tile .scene• But thousands of years passed, and the re' , 4 Indian had long Wen-..way to'the white American before these ma , . ride deposits' were brought to light and used to fertilize our fields as inarl.,--Ng : ture was patient -and -could; Iv - it - T - 81W could foresee and was—content. Beare man was created she laid up in herstore • - --houses-un de r--groun d -the,manure--wit which lie was to raise,, his 'bread - when a dense population -and exhausted soils . should make corn difficult to- get. s . • And so with coal. In another remote geological epoch, also before Mad 'trod the 'earth, vast_ pine trees covered the globe, growing rankly everywhere its reeds in a jungle.Age.byage_they ger minated, shot upwards,-shed their cones, lived out their centuries, - died anti fell._ Age 11...ege others, grew . in their places,. and in turn perished and fell, till they lay piled, orio , above'.another, - like graSs which the Mower has cut, Then -came .a =different geological epoch. The Pine for t.estsbecame swamps, the swamps bogs, the bogs were 'succeeded by Solid earth; and all this while, nature,-in her secret ahtmbie under_ ground, was converting submerged treesinto coal.- The thigh ' ty carboniferous era, which we have de scribed, had for its chief purpose the providing fuel for civilized Man. Millions of years before ii-human being lived-upon this globe, nature,'aware not . pttly of his coining but of kis future ne&ls,. made' ready for his wants. • • We - Haight follpw'but thii thought and furnish other 'illustrations— 'We might show how, now that ou'e cedar forests are • becoming scarce, rails and shingleS arc made from primeval 'trees, dug out of swamps, where the tempests prostrated them thougands of years ago. We might demonstrate that nature, long ages since began to manafacture diamonds, iron ore., gold, a thousand things expressly fur • man, and iv manufacturing them still. But, we have said enough. Great rod be- bificent art thou, oh. nature: • ' ANOTII IA DIVORCE CASE.—Here is a story of the times, a bank and panic incident, that must not be lost : • In the midst of the late excitement,-1 and at the moment when everybody; thought all the banks were. going to the dogs together' ' Jones .rushed into the.. bank of which', he was a stockholder, and • thrusting the certficate into the face of—ffie -Ara nsfcr erk, isaidThr great haste: . , llere, please transfer. half 'that to JMucs P. Smith! '" The clerk lo aced at it„ and, aske,d, "_Which half, Mr. Jones?" -' c '' - I" don'ts oare... Which half," replied -Jones; -puzzledint - the - inquiry- • " You had better go to•the Courts; , can't make the transfer without. a, legal' decisiik., you really wish to transfer your other 'hula° Mr. Smith, wo can't do•ii . here." JoneS was confounded," He.knew the banks were all in a .muddle, but this was too deep for him. Ile took his certificate from, the hand of the smiling clerk, and on *king at it, lo! it.iias his niurriuge certlykate! Being a printed krill on fine paper, and pue_away among his pri :vate papers, it was the first thing that Mr. Jones laid hands on when he went to his secretary for his bank-stook scrip. He went home; kissed his wife, glad to find she hadn't been transferred to Mr. Smith; and, "taking the right papers this:', time, hasteded down town in time to gettl it all Straight, women, at' the' .hend of nurser'lee 'ermanlY, sons and .lovely damihters,•lay ate world under &op .4 `gations, Sonic write glerious boobs, that, beside -th it °yin intrinsic worth, are; to the sex; Inispresentml i the sliiidotr of.) great' rock•in weaiy land;, a .towail'of defense:. ...Without being.see , th'e'• Amid, great'Women again and again arrests the meditated degradation, suspends the cruel blow, The 'domain". i "bald of m woen Who indhifest . what has been so preibund ly Idddep,rinisunderstood powers.p, their shrre.iti ifee'd their obscure and help- . . less sistail; standing', army, ,peac.. fully Ittitiened'bctiifetlii danger and weak" OMNI We havve"ten seen a Ow , ~part with her niilk in 'the !host patient manner, sad then turn' roniid;'tind tiikt the puffh reminds as • always' of a' generous Solon grueekS4 done !---Puveret . • ge•,i)on'tskiß this•column ER Ansallaimitts. ri' l o CARPENTERS, ARNERS • • subsCribero would, roseetfully announce to the public, that they are; ow prepared to furnish tbo frl lowing described 'articles of LUMBER; First, Common rind Salina Plan, and Boards 01 nit thloness Cool mon tioardil and ldan of-white pine; Ileinioek Joke and Scantling. of all side's end lengths; While Pine and ~.Yellow.Plue Flooring, workedi.all lands of .I'n)lng and Plaster-no laths ;Aline an d-Cyprustdil ;la litho; Shingling Lath and titriplug, and Fencing hum d 0 feet long. AlPtimbers sawed to orator, by ;Leaving their bills. of. all lengths and sires. (pine, nak; Or henducic.) Sash. Linn,, blinds ai,d Mouldings ready. /rho above will ho furrilshed on the meet row Bonsai% terms, and at the shiniest notice., MMIM=M Gttatiot IS _lrindtro • • Otico Nu/ ley, . rust litoput,dit, linkh r lriddler, Sunbury. iVilkesbarre, and the' BMA& Top for Illiteksinithsi.all of which wo ' will deliver to any part of tholitown as low as It can be . bought tit any yard In the town for cash or country predul.e. Coal all re screened and delivered cleat.. "By • strict attention to lousiness, we hope to receive nllteral .share of 'nubile patronage. You will find - our Yard In the eastern end of the ha ' • rough. opposite the this Works. Our Wilco hereafter will .be opt op proud Bentz . Brothers stare, In the &lieu tiecupied,hy'Squire Smith. All orders loft at the ' office or at either of the suliseriheni residences, on M ct-t " Bonilla street, or at East sheet, will ho pnnulltly at tended to ' , . .. • t 6111t031 8 HOFFER Carlisle: June 8, Inn ICr i‘l .11; ItL AND VALLEY BANK. k.), • ItItOPRIEI'OIIS. WittlAst Ktat, • , finssi.EvArt, imn.T.o; STEiIItETT, JOHN In1:11.01., • llionsan Watley,. J o ns . s, JOHN C: Drill.VO, 11. A. $7 tiIIGEON, This flank, doing business In the name ol Her. Bren nein:tit A. CO., In now fully-prepared *to do a general Banking linelfieSs With promptness and fidelity. • 31ontry received Mt deposit and paid latek ou delitilltd without notion. Interest paid on eperktl drf to.'Cyr• Iltrat. ToWite per rent. will Le •Issued 11,1 no short a period as four Ninth ths. Interest on all rerriliettleSM ill tent, at ilia.. tUrity. !Wielded. however, that if said terfilleatrt are rrneuad 111. tiny time thereafter fsr another giv', (1, rind, they khall bear the wendrate olinterest up-to the t hi.a of renewal. Parldettlan.attentton pahl to life eel. 'l,o•tbm , of notes, drafts. chucks , Ac., in any part of the United States or Canada, ' • Itemittatteeg made to England, Iroland,•or fhe Cotili• pent.. The faithful 'and confidential extention of all orders entenNted to them, may be relted.npon. g•. 111 like attention of Farmers. 114,h:tales find 'all, there oho desire n Rile dot.. slyly Ihr their to the undeniable filet: that the proprietors of this hank nittiNinellirnt tiv_llabhsto the extentqoftheir estates - for: nil the Depossts, and other obligations of Key, Bandits man A . Co. They have rerent ly removed into their new it:v.1:111g House directly opposite their former. deed, In West >lain Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot. whore tinny 00 111 at all 1,1me5 . , pleased to give any In• thrtnatlon desired In regard to money matters in gene• rnl, Open for hunlnese from 0 o'clock In the morning null! 4 o'clock In the evening. 11. A. STUIttl EON, Cashier. Carlisle, May 20. 1857. • J . l FRE INS URANCE. TilE AL LEN N ANU EAST I'ENNSII9ItO MUTUAL El liE IN SURANCE QOMPANY 111'(,,Initherlatid 'county. Neon,. rated by an nelvf Awitunbly, know Filly organized, and nrii.ralion Miler au management or thu tali: wing miniiikaionerg, viz: Daniel Bailey,, Willill/11 It. florgas, Michael Coeklin, 7. Pielielliergor,'-Clirbtlan .Staysnan,. U.. 11. Oinver, .Lowli; flyer. S. Eberly, I;enin-. .Mouser, .7. lifandt, Alexander Cathcart: ratos or In'innlnce ore ax low and ihT01111;10 Vlany• eoinpany of MI• itind hi, tho :state. Ptro ut. n wiling to bi.emon member:Aro invited tn 1111theapplICOU011 to the agents oltho company, who au, willing to 'wait upon them at any titan. 11. MOSSER.4'reallient. pinusrum 5T.11711.1.N. Vica Preaillont. LEWIS lIVEIt, Secretary. Treasury. , • AGENTS. • • CU UII 811 I, AND COUNTY.— John Sliorrlek. Allyn, Itit,1(111,11 31:14111, New Gunitierliind ; Henry %oaring, SillrontatislAiwit 'Sit uel ‘Yonillitirli. Melt I elt ry Churelitown - G 1.11 - I , initt ; Sninti.. P enin4ln wo'; Snititiet •1 W - Con, t ' Courer. C. It. Ilerintin, Fih or' i rmwl Irk. Silver Sluing t 'Cfrwles 11,11, Cm 11.1 e. YORK I'OUNTY.-11'. S. flavor; Peter (Vol fnri.l. Fr:oil:11in 4111 E. 01 . 11110, IYarrlngton i .1. F. Roar ;• - _ • .1 1 IS of 010.'4 , 11p:thy juiv I tn.; pnllair.. :Onto t. VIM 11.11,1 renowini by_ snaking ' , any' of hie Agent.- "Man' Know Thyself." Au invallonble Book for? 5 Cent ,Evc • ry Vain&ly nhould have n Oopy. , • r:6I t t~i.//.-N R. EDICAL ANUAI...,D II A.NDlttallt FOR THE • Volll.olllllg 1111 treatment .writys i ....orhan, progress. treatment iviratc4 oi avery form et 114• L. .4, MANaft ,•)•••••••• ease controptiol by proillis- .• s s `• .CXUIII 111 toreour,.. I's r. ‘. s s N, ROli Milts°. or by liOXll2l • • •• ///o'l 1 1 !9 t • • • • cogs. with v leo for their prevontlan, written Inn familiar styll.. al - aiding 011 medical - technicalities, everything tifet4iiuld fend the ear of decency. . o . lstintony of the Professni• of Obstet ries 111 Pen'. 1 I 1:,: lee, Philade(phin.— , DR lII' WI lI'S M A MIA anti " York tnt;k ij n it t,l i t ir onajorit v.r those • 11:, i ' , 71,p o ir. .el . . i t , ii , o e u t.:, , , , ett;e the dlseas s of whieh it teat, v of out, of the ,4 hest Colleges In the United Staten. it nlfnrdo ma hot the unfortnate, Or t, W u 2 anti ex ' /d integrity p,04 they may place the greateidt con llTC:rnesut..l too nt n •41 From A Wima,inr:i. jj:‘,"'n,"T' N. I). rE.. I t gives no pleasu . re iel, ' l7l;v i' t. ',. • l slic '4 l Y. 1, 31 1 , 1 . 1 , 0 1,. I . :‘,. 1 1f 1 6.+11).11 , ability of the Author of th e tint, liismses 0t have come Lent .under my notive,, In which 111 Genital Organs, some ut then of : still hen ce the, ll i l .,. reNtOrllg perleet health, In , patient has been consid• ‘ , 1 . :”II,61nol medical old. In the treattnettt of semi I weakness, or disarrangement Of the. function; ...' produced by SM.F.AIILSE. or Excess of venery. I do riot ktmw ,, t. I , d , ssniwri•pr lo the prof, ssioo. I have ''years, m o m thirty tee weti as kindness to the lllifoltllliatO rlethn ,A am ly . hi 111 no OWL in a ho,e professlnnnl skill and Itegrity they may safely coo fide themselves. Al.rnEn IVool)vr %up, M. I) • One copy, securely envelopes), will be forwarded free of , postege to ally part ,of the United States. for 25 eta, or li envies for" et 01).'•AriP- Address CO;WEN k CU., Puillkhers 1105 197, Plilladelphl, if 11 ,oksellees, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the moat liberal terms. • Dee. 9,1557.—1 y. • • 13001 t. 110 USE RE PORT.—.latitiarY Term. fSsS—Quarter Sesslolls '5ll. Before the lion, Jones R, GrilllMlll, President and Id., Associates the following proceedings were had, to wit: • • undersigned Committee appointed by the Conti. to vita, examine into, and report upon the mode of managninent and present condition ot the I'o,r I louse of llth, county, hog leave to state, that in disairge of the daitleXasi.otl them they hare visited the institu tioa Alt diGctent timq during the year. There were to the ilonellogse on_tindiraLilayofvlanitai y. which 12 were colored.. There have been admitted since then 221, including II horn in the . house, making the whole number provided .for during the year all; Including 22 out door paupers: of these 7 have died; 2 bound out. 9 eloped, 1111,1 discharged, leaving the number In the house on thwilst of January. 351,0, In cluling_22 out thior,pnip_lll-1. _ ll ll-. 1 .11.101h.trL.-the_! 7lfi transient paupers have bean admitted and their wants supplied. We are happy to say that In all instrinecs we found everything Iu pw:lindor, all Clio appittinp.OF_ I'ioanniil healt Ily appearance. their clothing Is alum d int.:their diet abundant and nutritious. and all who aro Oltth receive the faithful attentions of the rezular physician. Labor Is provided for all who are able to work, The children have proper care a nil attention be. stp.ved upon them, and when of . sunlelent years are utit out to .sorviee with suitable' person's. Upon the whole your committee are fully stabfled that the In stir talon has been well managed for the year Just er4: - .0.1. Wo notice intthis report of the Committee of 1 8511, -the opluloa oxplyosed that there should he a hospital nparaie (ruin thL main building. After a consultation with the steward and the attending Physielati and see ing the comparative comforteble condition of the In. mates of the institution, your present committee are of opinion that fir the preseutt hush a building can be dispensed with, Itespeetfully., Ar., • 11. W. CAUFMAN, • • A. BOSI.Eit, }Visitors. ACOI.I NOFFSINGER, '_'‘a ADDLE . AND . ..11A1ti1ESS Li TIM. The subscriber continues to carry on the above business, In all Its various branches; in Northlian. over street, Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's cornel* where Ile intends keeping on hand a'general assortment in hls line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD'. DLES, bridles: Martingales, flirths, Circinglesand Ilalters,also TRUNKS, \I% \ traveling and saddle • ,• , , : hags. Ile also man. t ,§ ii rj ufactures the wont cla z 811 1111 1 4,unto, durable-and pleasant saddle ,%will do well to call and see tboui. lie • a also manufactures Harness. . Colima rind Whips in all their trade. ties, end confidently -believes from the general appraise .of his customers, that ho makes the neatest and bust gears, mail their variety of bredth, that le made In order, 'via: Straw r llush, Curled Hair and, Spring,blat roams. All the atamoattleles' will be made of the best material Ind workmanship . , and with the utmostdeal patch.. WM, OSBORN. . iscott Bisset. • l •. ' A.K.. Itasca: • NOTICE , is .h ... reby l given that I ' have thin day assoelatej . wftlt me, as a ;partner In the , Forwarding, Commission and Graimßuslness,• my . soil K. Wilt KM, and that the above. business will be hereafter cohduet6d 'under -the name of J: lIIIKESI J. K. 11.--lllRitestkash prices for PRODUCE, m dll MAN, FLQJa WHEAT,' RYE, ylaster, Ac. talwaymon hand and, - -• , , • Carllale.May 1 4107 r-tr. <. i , 1 • Y: ; LI 1r . 1 1 11.i Y 5TA13,140,--Itaving pur-, elicited from J. It. finiunaker. bie. EP. TAIAISICiaiNE, I. will be always ready to eremite,- date the; pulthe with 1101iSBB. , VAlb• lAGEB, Mid Ilitt,•and every other at , tide in nly line.. By strict attention-6 business ittufa desire to please,. the subscriber hopes to 'receive Share of public patronage. '!-: • - - . • • 0 EOllO.ll lIENDEG.• • N. , D. —ffianillintes vlrbabd tro In'ueed nt them. , 4 • (1.• /LT 31( " 1 ‘ 9l)- ° 338 . New • Om6o. HARowAR Sd 13P - it ARRIVAL. IMMENSE RTQC4 9E,', HARDWARE. ' ThuSubserliier just riitiirlual from tho Random 'cities, and wouliteull tlw attention of Ills.friends nod the publio genre:illy tti the largo and iffill.solecteiths, sortiount of HARDWARE which ha has now on hand; conslstilig ineart of BUILD! ATERI ALS, ousting - Serews, - Hinges, - Balts, Locks, - Olasir - of - overy - do and Judean. Fremili, linamolletriind Double thick of all ' " ' rOOLfi,locitiding, Edge Tools'of ovory description, andllitts;Augers. liquares,il tinges, Files, 'Rasps, 'Lammers, Virgo,-Anvil. Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Bellows. he., - • Shoomakors and Saddlors 11'1111'11nd a largo assortment - urn:iota of - tti-ory dead ijdi rlrto~'etlnTrwielrfaldles'nfrd 1-tleutluinsit-I—Morocco„Lining.-.llindinic,--Datont-lind - Freih7lfiliTl'Skins, Stine Tliiioadi AWlifriritit;r CS:Las - tic ir -hair,-Saddlo.Trees-hewhe-.7.7:- Also, Coach unborn Tools and Trimmings of all kinds, finch as Rubs. Spokes, Felines, Shafts, Bows. Floor Cloth, Convnss, Cloth, Damask, piing, Lace,. Muss, Axles, Spring Bolts, Ac., Sr. - Cabinet Makers will nod u large assortment of Var . nishes. Oak, Walnut, nod Ilutaigany Veneers, Knobs of ' all kinds and Mies, ulmridings, •Itivots, Hair Cloth, Curled.llair Chair snit Sofa Spongtl,Aca he. llousokeepers. will ,also. thud a -largo assortment of Knives and Forks; Ora tannin: Albuta and Silver Plated Table nod Spoiins, Candlesticks. c, I,lloVehl, iunl 'Tongs, Iron nod Brass Kett ll's. POOH, Ac., together with Cutlarwaro of fill Mods, Well us Tubs. Buckets, Chtirus,Ac &e.• ,Agricull unit Implements, embroclng Plows (dab kinds, cultivators. floes, Shovels, Rakes, Forhi, MOWS. Ac. IRON, n,L,rge stn k, comprising all kinds hl general use which I ain culling at, rug wholesale prices. • • Romomber the ;Ad stand, East Main street, Owlish,. . . 11. SAXToiiii, • UOUDSI'SPILLNG• (1001.! Bentz and Brother have just ialene4 nue ot the largest a n d best assortments of Dry Honda over brought to Carlisle. Their stuck has liven selected with more Qom usual care from the htost /10111 , 4 in New York sod Philadelphia, and every churl made to obtain .thil Latest and most tashloonble steles of dress. They flat ter 'themselves' they mill be aide to suit 'every variety if-tasle-at-priees-am-low-or-levror than - tidyiffilid booed, here or lu the city. IRud< Fill< Hobos, Ilarege Ilobra, l'oplina. Fa,ey Silk hobes, Lawn Rohde, - Agentine. Fouhird.6lllN, tirona Brilliant, • Ba 3 ade'rumi I k g, • Puro (;boll, (iingilnin Limit 3loire A iltique„ Dural, ~ Crap, de I•:kpagne Al paro. • .., • . . Mourniqy„, Minalyit, Fincy Tainartinu, A full assortnient of white dirssgnodg, Nainsopic um .lins..l.letorla La, us. Figured Boris, 'Velvets for 3'llll - White awl Mack Crufe Shawls. Jollali Thlbet, lodo and Ilroelot `bawls, ke. Minuets. Bonnet nib; I, , ,m,..rieiters.. xe., Cotitation,SruyOtjAnd.,C.rbuillne r Stilrts — for e l,ndies, ...Also; Collars, - lintlersleeves, kerchief:, In great variety. • (I ENTS IVEMt. . • • Chiths, 1211,simerem, Lrap dell; l'ahltmerols, S mer Can simeres, Cotton:l,lot, Silk UriderAiris, l,inuua, liandker. chief, to. ' VOMESTIO GOODS. . . • Illearhed and until-ao bed I.lnonand Cotton Sheetingr, Tabla Linens, \Yuh•u ditto, Piano Cover. Connterpaneg, Straw Hata. flats. Loot lug Glasses; Tieldogs, St Dillow Shades of all hinds ? Undwelsaft, Mashes find every vii rlety of Dry Grads . lu comnunt use. • )111.V0 . j114t told in a large ht. , ,e1,:0f and flag Carpet, Oil Cloths, Matting, Straw slots. kr.. at lowe4 prices. IVe respectlully in. vile Oil. pal•lie to ,•all and OSAMiIIO OllONtnek ilefOl . o 1.111 . - Pb:l,4lW. WO fIOVO bought our as‘ortniont at hurl, p 1 ci', that she mullet be undersold. - cliori;+l'nityutlon 1.1,1 to purchasing goods inthe city iler'or,ler at i.hortest notice. . _ 'limb. by thn tliAn to give stalrfac tfei l l y 'l ' :; ) ;l " n irr . " o r ,tho may (ZITSPENSION AND' ITS CONSE • QUENCES, . who wish to see the .etTects of the prestent 'FI NANCIAL- ('111515, o 1.1.1.. has a1...1:5t plunged our couittly.into a state of bankruptcy. maklog the riots of today the-poortifio morrow: - drt so - bn;alling•at . the - NEW . smice, of this' sal:scriber. who lutsjust returned : snm...the east with a large aslortment of - -- Illtl7 - 000DSTOROCERIES, 111/oTpli SHOES, HATS; . AND CAPS, ' redch,he Is determined clumpir them ever offered tor ,;:041 . 11 Plaids at 117!.:, worth f201:, - De ',aisles .• 25, ' - Thibet. ClUtha "15 o 25, , nucars • " 25, • Together will. a large assort of Alpacas, Challlem ke Laines. De Barges, Lustre,. Poplins, lh•lllimnts, Skirl Mg, French and Scotch. llingloonn: Col -1 hat, Hadkerchiefs, Hosier), Shan is ofevery k ,eve yle 15111 i Staple hu ple nod Inestle Ito (binds. Cloths, Cassiniere, .Peelings Flannels, Blushes, 11,dt- • linens, „„Sheetings. Denims, Nankeens; Wilk. larsoilles Quilts, Vidored and white Caipet •Chait., Umbrellas Ac.. ' Also. a largo awl splendid assertmeut of Ilenneta, - Ilats. Cops, Boots and ors,sa hick e ill be sold at. the present greatly reduced pikes. • A superior lot of Fresh. Grocerlek, Teas. Coffee, 71Io lasses. Itit•e, Spices, A.e.; A.e. !laving selected my entire -sleek with the grentestsenre eel-sit-ti, -lowest- Casty prices, I enn risiure 111 y frisouls and the public generally, that I alit do sill lu my power to snake osy establish. angel known as the "•111.:11) QUARTERS FOIL BARGAINS." ' 'Thom, who wish to purchase will hint ft to their ad vantage to call mid examine loy stock Locum minim log. • I will pa:y. tho Llghcrt tUnrlict price for.lintter,_ Eggs, 1h gd; Sonpulid Oiled Fruit. ' iItESII Cr lt C ii j..l RIES! xr S. C.,IIUMPT'S blmd and 3lnchurol of qiinrifikt glades, Al IIUITTTS galLnan, Sralo Fish and IVlllte Fish Codtixll, Sall and II&led Herring, At lIU YETI'S uCheese and Crackers ,nn Ile No. At HeyF:Trs Dried FruitiPropervea and Jollies, Sugar Cured Beef and Hum, . At HUYETVS. A flesh sun"; of LIQUORS, Oils, WLlte Lvid, &c., QTOCK OF DRY GOODS FOR LE file subsrriber, from continued 11l health. and by the :IIIVII.O of hio 11hp:ideas and friends., otb•re his-slosh a f lilt 110)DS for sale, that ho may thereby be divested of all the.rares of 1 / 1 1N1111.., and be enabled to devote Into attention entirely to the restoration of his health. The ikture,s will els , bo SOW dud the store room ef frent fu• rent. To am one has the neeessany eald tal. and who will devote his attention- to the businet.s. tills will offoid n rare annum The custom Is already made, and no the stork Into received frequent additions In May. July and August, to an amount exceeding $5OOO, $lOOO more would these complete it the the Fall Trade. For partieular;: enquire of ' • (1 :o. W. .• N. 11.—A lot of Goode coital to for the Fell6oll Just r coi•od. ' [rcpt. S, 1b57. f ) ~ 1t.E1. 3 ARE FOR IVIN'I'IR ! . PARLOR AND COOKING STOVES. it_ Tho subscriber a his old stand on North ll:tomer st., Carlisle, the sign of the u3lainutoth lied Coffee Pot," du. -ire),-to call the 4d,tontioil of the public to Ills large MO ortuMut of STOVES, of thd newest and must - fashions. - - - - .1,10 stylos,,from the best manufitctorles Li the ... Nun try f and at ell-prices front . - $5 torsls, '-' 7", . Among his PARLOR At CIIASI DER STOVES ire thn.sllrrer:Stove, the Arctic. Revere. Star, ~.,..0 Persian; Union and :Etna Air Tight, together -....._. with otiatr-patternit.wh telt he him of all sines 4 m,it fur parlors or chant berstatacelcula red for burning either Wood or cool, Also, thett:Etna.'.olobe, Astor, Albany, Flatftop-and-Ilandbovveullonr-ltlaws,_with..otitcocoui( !Nil STOVES, comprising • tin" latest Improvements in kitchen stoves, and intend'sl i Ibr ,eithor Wood or cool,— Also, the billing Room Cooling Steve-n lieu' and ele gant article, to : which- he 116 . 1tetf - the.partlettlar -at ten; tiou of families. Ills coolting , stovs meg° In price from $1 to 25, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plate' Si yes of various patterns and different prices. Also. ENAMELLED AND TINNED WARE for Cook. lug Stoves, Brass Kettles, &c. Also, every artlelein the lino of Tin and Copper Ware. The public nro respect rally invited to call as he Is conlident with his large: ''stocit,mtriety and cheapness, of being abld to give en tiKisatisfactlon to every purchaser.. Call and see. - • 01111[MS Det.2s„ 1854. . - 51. ... . . . AS ( FITTING AND PLUMI3- INa.. The tinderslgned would Inform the citizens of Carlislu flint ho has tundii arrang• rnentriln do lIAS FITTING and PLUMBING at short no Lien, and on reason:thin terms, Ito has engaged dim err vices of gt first rate hand from Philadelphia, and has sup {Mod hidiSeLf with' all extelish o assortment of FI NT GRES, whh•h will onablo lam to fill all ordors proniptly All work will be Warranted. Ills stork Gf tins Fixtures will be round In the room oxau•tly opposito his Tinning establishment ou Isiwthllaunror street,irharo tin invites a mill. •*. . . TINNING, SPOUTING, 'A:O.-110.1s also prepared to (urn lob, or make to order, every article of TIN WA RE used by bousokeepers and °there. Ile will also attend to SPOUTING, lIOUSt-11001lING, MILL - HANGING, and PLUMBING. - 'Thankful for the patronage with Iyhieb he hnsalrendl Loon favored, ho ropectfully solicits a voutinuance o the name. '4z . P.IOI4ItOE Corlltte, • Juiletl , 4. - '54 A N 0 T. 1113 11.13 D (;11. 0 N ITT Inionding• to remove my storo to Mr. Hamilton's new building, I will commence thin week•to sell off my en , lire stook FOR C ASH. Rl' greatly:Mill:Med prices MANY ARTICLES, REGARDLESS OF, CQ.ET. Nothrthirtirricelbfgrest - bgrgiltre'lwAltlctathipraiy goodd. Hoots and elmos, Carpetlngs, Ac, . ' • , CIIAS. 00ILDY. Inn. 1 1 , 1 .1 358., • ' . • IiT.I.CKIVII.PATi„_ 1 ..... ~ . •„..._,_- : r . ., , .;ii... ,1 • Ornnberriep, -. • • -• . - Itorniny, • ..., , . • Retsina, , ' e - . '-. l' A . - - - Curronte t , : . Car-ein e . • :. Ohiniuion, with al other Spires end articlei euitablo for dolly WO, leech and - Of the fineet'quallitje, in eitoro nod for wain by , ' J. IV. killYi • -- Nov. 18,1857 j ,_ (~Z.A.LT. 7 ,, , T, F ±..v SAON,- •• •''. .- r • -- 0 . . !,,..... -- , - - BASKETS,- '' '' ' . . • 011ACCO and. „ • ,hist iectivedatt the irepitlY.oroe; y tore of • - • 5 . • • • D o .. A 34.] . . . • L • ,500-.IvA.NTED t inrormitooji,'''wii6;' : jr l lp r p g ly B l B o c . 0,114f41.07. - . JTEST •REOEIVEP AND OPENING - - AT,NAIRILV . 4.9 CIIIVAP JEWELRY STORE, : Nan Street, Carlisle, A large pupil' lYin — f• 'Watches, Jewelry. SII. ver and Plated Ware, to w high 1 invite' at- - tonelou • If you -went-to--..e• &4leet from the largest stecicol'elnchs, Wntcle es.-Jyrelry, Silver and •Pletzl ware In Carlisle -}....- o. - ' - k;.s ' , :..,!. 'St ; ~....-, 4 r I , M --4-- ""`' , '.',,,,..- .. 1 .. - *l i4 U''''''' ' ''''. ~-te >---7 0 .t .. f,-. ..... :-.: ~,, ,__ -„,- !..- t L.; [° "--- ~~,L., -:-.C-1. V.- . 6 2-7 - 1 ' EN ;.---W-04nrre-trirwrgcrmsnorkmfmt-cd-nold-rnyit+lll . ror 4.31.1.-Opeth_c , ... Watchall to gnlL—all--Enuales..luuL -- At; NAUGLE'S. . - =Fine wrid ClitTarTaWelirlif - iveryhtylu lh sotts or by the pleco an wanted, ' • ArNAUOIX'S. Silver and Plated Waiters. Cake. Fruit, Sugar. am Card Baskets, Silver,. Table, Ton, Creaut, Sugar, Stilt Dessert and Cream Spoons,' • At NA tRi LITS: Fine Fdaepeira.Cond:Caineo. OoldFiona. Morrie, FIO tontincr Weide, Jot Box and (dace sate ,leap ' At NAU(II.E'S._ Diamo*lllreastpiiill and Findnilligi, . - At NAUGLITH: Gold Hunting CA...., Eighlt Gay Lovers; Gold Hunt lug Caoo, Duplex; (hold Iluntilitt, Chronometers._ At • '•llngley'n hest gonlity of aciil l'enells; Dllto (fold Puna bud Silver holders, ' At NAUGLE'S:. Silver, nud Plated Tea Setts. Griblets. Cups,. Trgtst Lacks, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens, Ten 'Bells.` At NAUGLE'S. • 'Gobi 'Seek. Test. Curb. Poll, awl Chan:tin Chains Gold Iteacelets, LOckets, Thimble*, Crogies,l:lthrte*, • " . • At,NAUGLE'S ;Branch 'Pllo fleec; to roil three oath four ir.,104, - - - . At NAUGI,G'S. Gold Slsove, Vea ' Collor, nod Shlst Studs of All st, • xpullty,, " At NAIPILITS.... Plated Forks. Spoons, knives; Napkinittims, Sllr Thimbles, Shields,. A t•N 13(; Flutrnits; Accordeons;.3f usic vnrint • At NAUGLE'S. Partngonales. Pearl and ',calllnn Plain an Fancy Travelling Bap, very rice styles...heap • , Al. wool Jolene ( osholetT. - • A t NA liti 1.I; 8. • . . . ~ If you want to hate your Watellem lout In good r pair and warrantod, tali° them to NAUillAt'S., If you waitt, : tO . At NM7('S. ' If you want your Silver ware neally, marked at stmt; notlee, call , At NAIIOI,F:'S. All goods warranted as represented. or the money ri funded, . , - At NAUOI,I.: • . . . Persomi that vent bargnimi aro Writ e.,1 G. von . ELLER'B TINT, CAP, • • BOOT AND 8110 E STORE. • North East C , ;rner of the Doldle - Square, 'The stile...lke offers to the public's complete nod choice a4sortnient of Oats. Clips Bolds/old Shoes. whit h haveluit been Purrhastal from the best manufacturers Our stook consists of a oral variety of beautiful • SILK AND PELT HAI . . made expressly for customer.. All Muds of Cops for Men. hays and Children. .We would Invite partiettlar attention to our well selected and great vfaiety 01 these gods, as sic are etinfident they 111111101 bee:o,l4Al In the town or conuty. ' AND 'SlIttE9. of every M.) le and snrkty, all unelittalled her price 0111111111A1•• It 0011111StS In part of . MEN'Sfuto French . CA BOOTS, ; YOUTH'S -- " " • LADIES' French and Eitalhlt GAITERS, Misses' and Clllllllllll'S •.- • • . Every variety of Children's limey Simon,. Thol:est lot of hoary WINTER DOWN, fel' men nod toys, thankful to our friends .and"the public for past th .very, we hope by strict attention to the_ snots or our 44 -, .lllvr,S..inid_by:selllng_UUDDAloolir,yeelt tima imutlnuell favor. . • .1. 11. KELLER. N. 11.11's, sell no Auellop 0,,4s . Loot. 7.14.. MEW" (MODS r GOOD 0001 S IF YOU WANT NEW OOODS, . 0000 . 00000,.Amt cittAlQ:odos -CO TO woooo', • nokUtloor tw3lattlaueltlln's Hotel. and you will find large asscrtnient Latlies'.floods. consisting of lila k. Fancy and llonoa :Wks; :tlerinoes: Torsi:in Claim De Lalnek Ito Italtex, Alpaecas, tiootelt Plaids, Sack .Flan Scotcli, Nlanchest6r, Earlobe, Cluunbrag ( ling bums;Callencs, Fino Prolielt Worked Collars, Ribbons, troslery.4lloves. Ar.", Ate. Bil3lESTlC4.—Wonlen Twilled tinnilyls. Drilling. 'Ticking, Bags and Bagging. Cotton Flantiels,ftsnabergs, fowls, Clughnut—Table Draper,-Check sorld to4tild nred Carpet Gbaln.,&r. In Stinwis and Blankets sob Intro all Sorts, sines and conditions, . • ' For gentlemen we have r111(1 French Black Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassbneres and Doesklnx, Satln Vest. lugs, Tweeds, t+atinethi, Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jeans. As for men's, iromen's and children's Boots & Shoes. ,iros defy empetitlun. • -'xAlso, a very Strperinr flrecorles, - suelt as Coffee, - „ dgar, !tire, Spires, An. Our stork has been selected with the greatest care as Ks price and qua:lty, and ire are determined to sell nt hcry small advances. Those wishing to ',arch:me will ud•that us are soiling as cheap—if not cheaper—than my hints° In town; and they will find It to their ad v•intriTo to Ore tin a call. Butter. Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit taken at Narket prices. . • N. W. WOODS. A,:4, Don't forget the place, twit that to Idaglauchlin's hotel. EMT= 1300,KS ! BOOKS !! BOOKS !! SIiIiYOCK, TAYLOR t SMITH are eole agent', In Franklin and Cumberland rountle for the following value -Mu works: • s lAmintee Abridgment of the bebaeea of Congress -Pileo per Vol., Cloth &I 00, Sheep 3 :AL Bonton's Thirty Year's Vie ; ,•onplete in 3 yob! - „ Cloth $5 00, Law itherp'So 1)0. I= I= I=2 :Horse's General Atlas of tlni• World; Colored 3laini, and bound, $6 60. Burton's Cyclopaedln of * Wit nod Humor. Alll,llllll FAINIIIIIIeOI It Old 10,0011 Of sperrLen, eta., by OM most eminent orator., of A tnerlea. uilh blogra• phical Milgrim% and illustrative notes, by Flan.?lo. re, lICIW ready. eknipleto in tab iols. Cloth. $5101; I.ll.rroy style, leather, $600; half call, gilt, h 00; half touroe• co, 7 00. . . SANDERS' SCHOOL ROOFS. Sanders' Primer. Sanders' Speller. • •.- - Sanders' Reader, No. 1. Sanders' Reader, Ne 2. • Sanders' Reader, No. 3. Sanders? Render, No. 4. Sanders' Reader, No. 5. • Sanders' Reader, No, 5. ' Sanders' lliuh School Reader. • Sal Ladles' header. , Sanders' Spuakers. Vholesale and retell nt SHRYUCK, TAYLOR h SMITH'S Melodeons, • Planes; SIIHVOCH, TAYLOR tt SMITH'S. A large espyly of Scheel Hooks, whol'eFale and retell SiiIIY ( V4,IIAX I / 4 44_E!. 31 1 1 4:1 4 ,: 4rer. Enselopn, haw, Inio, etc , et r., SHUICHI:K. TAYLOR & SMITH. k. RICES 'GREATLY BEDUL'EIiJ .• . ~ AT 0(111.11Y'S CII IIA I' STORE., fora Now Cho tILt100(11, this week fr o m A uel lon. . . . A rilt/11:111—zrelfifare— '.121-5' cis. IVotked Collars aolliliFior il.i ets., At Oil 11.81 — :$ Cheap Store. ,81.901 esslmeres sel lug cur.:s ch..,. - At 01111.1lr$ Cheap Store .25 . il 0. Do I:aloes selling for 20 010. At 0011,111"8 Cheap Store. 26.cts. Duvets now style selling foe 144 .to., At OW Wirt. Cheap Store. 18 cts. Plaids rich colours selllui?fiw 12 1 6 els. At (1011.111" S Cramp Store. .1. egant new style silks uncommonly lon, . A At oulLitPe ChoopSlore. - , 'Coartlnis Owl Oil Cloths milling tinder price, to .. At Ott MAI V 'S Clump Store. 11S1 pairs of Shoes selling for .II :NI,. Al 01111,IIIPS - Cheap Store. - Money dented fur Cheap II nods. At OGILIIY'S Chin, Store. NcW.ll.; ISs7.`>, FOIE • NEW 'STORE A lIE A D Ole bOMPETION.—Tha great oat and cboapust "arrlval of tlsti season of ; FALL AND WINTEIL,DRY GOODS 'rootries, hats, Caps, Deets and , Shoes. nt the New !Mawr; lu Carliele, corner of North lin never nail Lout& Streets. • Tha Undersigned returns thanks for the patronage liestdered on him by the public. Bud at lbe, name time respoidrully announces tout lie lute:just returned from Philadelphia nod is now opening &now lot qt. Fall and Winter: Dry goods and Grobecies roi.lstilig. in part, an follinis, and which he is sell al the low,. est cash prices :- pllko, lineal Clutha, Alpacas. Cliallica, De Lilacs, De Danes, Lustfes, Poplins, Brilliants, ekirt. log, Vrensh and Scottish Gingtiatite, Prints, Blocs, CoThiee, ilaadkercblelk, Hosiery. kg, 'Am Shawls of every', otyto and quality. Staple, and domestio Dry Goodi Clothii. elvishness, Nestings, Flannels,.Muslins.. .Tlekings, Stripes, Cheeks Calicoes.' Cottonades, Linens, Sheeting', Denims, Nankeens, Drllls,Marseillas Quilia: rehired and iebite Carpet 'Chain, Umbrellas,. fic, Ae. Also a large and splendid assortment or Bouunts, Caps,,tktots and Shoes,' • . -• • A superior lot of Freslio recedes, Teas, Coffee, Mbles steleplehsrite7,-.te:7-11avine-serettad-tirtrihrtifii. stock with the greatest care:and at the lowestossu pri Ceti, I am Assam my friends and 'the public generally, that . I^,will'do all in. my power to tutike my establish.. rneut known an the • e.11[11•11i QUAItTERSFOIt DAVGAINB:” - I'hosW who wish to purehaso• will find it to their atl. :vantage to'vtil and extuoluelny 'stook berm() porches. tog. r;. , pny„the 'highest market price fee Ituttiw, Egge, hags, Sone andl:01:1Sd Bruit. • 1 , , • •• We Ji. 'nig•st isfrir... • I T • ' • • • 11 ii i pefsons indebted to. thiliubscriboNare, earnestly—requcatod Ito call and acttleaccounta without clolay.: Th. city inerchnota havtni'intopted th9c4/ 411 ai51 44 44444 , 111 compel tul toot/lie/11 - our oredltioutd ddha pearl% cash hualuesa se Ih/C. LA674 .. - onAys.ooltliy: el -7 - kgi . 4i. , i, ' CclST,=:.--Tlio ( titibsoriber ,ILd ii ovr of/m:1 . 4;440CW OABAS • tbr 'cale Ct . cost Choy_a 114, I,bund deninthla pro - Fenix. Dim 2, ~; ~,,' '47,1 , • , • , ~ • Ul4). W. II ITN Mt. . . -. .. toNs,,chard6ui : q 2] icAgo ytONl , , lor . ,!lle the Wert house of "?.. , ,1 6451 4'. " RIKRAII.-.. EMI At NAUGLE'S IT VIEMPIE! SURYOCK, TAYLOR A: SMITH'S. ~UjSfcllQ'ucous. • T ' HE JAR ctrwriv --- AINIY .011-NITURE ESTMILTSILMENT,IN: BALTIMORE' Mathia's ay bcruet Ware-raomii. So.. 25 Gay St,rel. near 'Fa/714k, • 1311110111'4. D.--, • Wirier Is kept arrays on hand:or made to prder. ova .ry style of Frelfch T1,11.1.A-11:11 - .S, lu Phsh, Hair .Clothe or ItroeotellC. Froorli Fu11,,-tuittunt Medallion, Parlor ARMCHAIRS 6r PlnFli, hair, Cloth, or Ilrocatelle. French Fall Stuff Carved PARLOR ,rIIAIILS, In sets with Plush. 'lair, ur Brnton, hall French llohobtny and Walnut honor IfS, In lI rir. Cloth or Pin..l, -IIIWRING.CIIA MS.—various designs, ( u Jlah •,~Clulh 111111 P 111417— ' • Stull Sprint. I,9UNCi largo nsmortracht .ol ways on hand. or any. pattern made Or ci,vered with, any goo,IF to rirdi.r. Cll A3IIIEII SUITS, -Walnut, ,romplete, frion up. a . . NI.; (11l AMS and llneltlnv dn.—tho nr.knrt !neut. reatli-nyulu In Hui Uni:ed .1(1u. - 7.lll — np It. Room, Ofnec and; Paolo: Cll Al ftS. fc . (SITI. WnL UM or . 31atiogooy, with 01110. Wood or Stuffed Sous— au nsorhucut end,ruriuF 4invr :11 • Wool Tent (:11 AIRS nod SETTI:ES and 1:0(21UNG 1,111 41.7,011. . F'eatfter Ileils. 117tir and Husk 311,alres,vi, of every va riety, A (audit of Gill and Plain Flames fur Looking (Moos , Sr A. :11ATIII 01'. 55 Nriiith any Street. •Nr4r lA.. street. =ME Carlisle Volindry, T ' - r --_-_--- --- --- q.,_z 1. ‘47-4: - : -, -... , • -•-•__• • , gr• `i-,. , : e.. , • • ~.., 7 7,- .i_-,- --i r- -- '4 - 7,'"----= -- 7 i.,:l ---:„'-: f' .- r• .'-' '.' I , Z , . A,lline,;\ ei . ''''' • 00 2 t0t 4g'j''' . .! 6M ''. . 4 ..'' AR . . 1 - -7 • ..-,„..:-. .•-• , f l/'i Al ACII I N SII P , CAI: AND SASII FACTI/ItY. • 1:11st. 31111 n Street. CAI:Mt:I.I This r'stent•ive e%tal.ll4lthoent is how in Complete .hr tlenntol Lost for oxeouthit: worlt in et ery trtmeot. lotiblines halo been greatly 5111(.1x :old stocked ee It the itonest is,st iw pruned Isis fur tit! huinuhseture of WINDMV .Shu Orr.. Blinds. Moulding' ghlr•kets 0011 4,thrr ot"{ • :4rpelit, ‘vorrk. ‘Ve ear pNiters ritill'others hi roll and exablit9r our raellideK f0r .41111,,r thk okrrriptkir wort:. The hurt Mthhials used nud r,rives'nsh I , as at Lily riitablishment•hi -the etiunt y or.elrotr !spiv. 4:NOINI:rk BUILT TO (MOIEIe. iiVid repaired us heretofore.' Englpvs ins,! be.o'recont• ly lor'W. M. llotpli.rsim , this .I.oropx).. It. Itrysho . 4: Co. Allen toliirship. Ail 4: protlptrh. stile. Sipple IVetrel. :Corth Middlprn, cupl otaerN. AC who, ,tal.lishment litre iparlpe sr.n•lft dolls op• oration:mid to whom eau refer for eVi.11.111 . 0 of tlipir auperlorlt3. • .. . • -111fiNTANIYItif.VS:i lreVery.lietetit.iioll. fivesthe Shelhef.t. lie Ile:ltleNt iiieeve,4l;tel'eted ilLehett uolhuinr eeeey find of ma chinnery.' A Or g . ,. variety unw rail h:uul. Tau shi'Afill Patter. owl:yrs It EVA ppoopilv Atled.lo,l to: for Pap, Alin!, 'DM i list NI 111, Factodes. Turtling mot 1 , 11(1 . 11;: 'till Spindle, Ae. domr in the Loral tyie, Ttlinisn;tNii NIACIIINES AND 11011:Wil'411VERS. ns lievil • Gear liorizolitni (ienr Foulf — :11.1 T.O lbw.% I'ue•erx. 4-brllers, Cridiers. Iron Rollo,. 1 . 1”1101 rutiupti nrl., otlu•r or• tiers fitr lailners, on hand promptly mold to order. lIUItIII.N 'CARS 4.1.:-11.1', am! remi • red. our lineilitiet. fur Cars-are now IllOrt , Vlolll,llll' dour ileretolore and . I.llllbit'S us to fur- Lich thenato_trannWalets....oti_the_railoitCorc_arrointi, tinting. term. and mach , of the bent materials, 'Orders nod enthe satinfaction guaranterl. The.limar expelionee in the I.m.iness of tho senior' portlier of the inalipletene , s our ma eliinery lu rcari Lrn mlr orthe eniablislimeot warrant us in lac the beq, work to 101 l tilts Inver us %Atli their olders. The m1111E111..1 'patronage four old friends fool the nubile in reSllVl.lft.lir M.IY • RON iltt Ai Co. NEW AGRICI I .I , I,7TRAL WARE- The s‘l4, Inouted tohe I,anrment•or ti; Mahn .114 l'burell. orlinsite Ibo 11:111road 11,11,4. hon ro o.lVing a vnrlolr al ' , Arming I topleole C.; ouch no - • PLow.4 • . .. ....• CiILAIN IMICI,S, ' ~ GIUIN FANS , CORN :MECUMS, • FARM fill LETO+, Corn and Coli Orituters .(Sentt.'s dine 1., tha l'n•sevitt I: ralu )1111. 11,Tot.: 4 1iosels..1;FAPEIIS, .\\11:110W Nt.t It (3)anny's \ Vomit: Improve:new.. L. :grow Cu. ter de.. 01l nbicli ore of the most l oprnerd Lind nod work'odttnthip. and dill he nil of the nee.t accommoda ting terms. thrmers ate re,pectthily inn ifed to ,nil and examine I;foru pnrthosin.;:. • .1. .AJ:\ISTRONiI. For the ednvefilithee iforfurN. Groin szdd - lit rthl efualf:didth by 11unjdwin Clay, and at sillpi•nsburg br:Cluislido Long. August Ali, I h;ni.-1,y.. 1'..1.1:1:AllANI. .1. L. M. DOM 1.1.1,, S. )1. DAVIDSON 1.1. t Alt•DO •1 1,11, &CO , • • (ii . ,:ont.u. LANs AouNTs, • . • Learenworth City, Ri1115 , 18 Territory. WI 1. buy, sell,-and locate, lambi in ...II Nebraska Teclitorie , , leen and IVestern 311 e, uri, buy and sell lands, bout nod inv..Bl 11101111. Int,, and sell dr ale. give informant respecting 'the country, and du a general ogeney busines4. 6 ° REFERENCES. John' li. Brat lon, Een..Carlisle, Pa. Win. M. Ilerteui, Banker, ••• • • 11un..1. 11. Graham, ...• Ker, Ilronnebian A Cu., Ilankeen.'nlTriila. • 'Si in. M. Henderson, Esq.. Carpi-lc. George Sand. ..1, Dr. John „I. Ald, .Newrille, Pa. S. Celle:in, Esq., E. 'Si'. Clark A Bankers, Philadelphia, Ilan. ieliael Cocklin, Sheplierdslon n, Pa. Henry HeimanA Suow, )11.1,101115. E. L. Blake. Esq., Cashier Menaotile Ibw I,,'Neni York. Snyder (teal Estate Agent 4, Nlinneapolls, Territory. Itileure. Attorney and Agent, -Sterling. 11l • - 117 - 11 . 7.11attiet. - Egiczllenry rity7•lll. Ex.(re..lo o i,ith Jltinla , ..Onnletrland row)tY, E. (V. Clark A Cit., Bankers. Plilladelj,hia. Gov. Pollock, Ilarrlsbnag, l'a. • March IF; 1557.-Iy. . mm•iiisiis! • sabsorlber ilosires Ca Ld trot f•riners and the pub. Ile - generally - lira. hu 111151' has on - hand - zing - is con , stantly - noin 'Clireshlintt Alarlikpes with I'lur pust'eti„tront ;41,,her t WlllOl in.., generally 'ilk:nowt edged to be the hest article, now in um, Alonevariety of Improved Clo, or Mille.. torn Shelters, Straw Cut ,t 11.1111 Ilactic 0114.1111:114111 1.1.. W. 11411tIRt attends to Zhu repairing of .Igriculteral 311.ellitiery its theshest manner and on reasonable terns. on North Ilaitever :grins t. elireetly the r 5 .ileum , of tiero•ge Metrgor, Feet. 2, • 57 -I y JOTIN 111. A""WAR2 "A""WARI JoHN p. INNE SON • are noir revolving their Fall Stnel., of hardware. which Is nominally large. and lu Collllo‘ll,ll xith their for mer ilva',toyii makes it ono of the' largest and most varied in,sertments ever - offered to this toddle. They have At, PO' titling that the, Farmer, Hos . Builder, the lileeehant. or the puhlie.hnty want In their lines, and whlelt they are selling at the very lowest priers, ..They tiolicit n call from, the public Lenore mitkli, their pur chase, as they feel I , lllfilient they unit otter 11 " idneentents that 3rlll reward the . tin or for the trouble.' Feeling thankful ton generous pnblie for their fbrmer liberal patronage. a continuance of the SUMO it solicited at our oil ',Conlin North Hanover Street. Carlisle. = October 8, Ifiso ' S:UVERIOR CORN SIIEL ?..- LEM of various sidiOund patterns for band or horse power. Vegetable Cotters, florsa Powers and Threshers, lined nod ; • - Power (halo Nips, Farmers Boners Orate Fat.% Urlndstnes with friction llullars..lkwmdonr ltoI• lows. Stint Copper and Silver plate, hull ?Uppers for leading, horse and tlx Marries, Pat. nt Row Plus. Ux l'iikes and Boivs,:rimphertis Crooks Reek Soil, Tlne_Prnntont Saws, also Prattled Saws and Chisels, with everything nestled by the Partner or (Wilmer at wholesale nod retell. • J replentent and Seed Shwa, 7th and „Market streets. PhiPa: Nov; IS, 1857.1 • • D.A.N.IELS'---RAY,i STRAW, . AND FOIMPIII OUVrt.R.—ljavine been up , pointod solo agents In Platilelphii for the . alinee cutler, no are able to - auliply Shout Fu unit rotol, nf Improved eon- Ai. (glen and fetch. Four yeara . tr t i ll this section lingo oetablialual their reputation no the beet gullet.) . of , the Mail In the market. ! hey ure adupteil for band co. buireu power, selfsbaiperilog, and are simple, dinublo and afilchnit:. %. •,• • • .. , •. • pAscir47..L,Stoßms. d CU..".;' . • ' •, • Itaiplerntntlind'Sui:d Slum, and. 314ir1 t. strpals, .1,411 n IC II II; A Y. TithiATitti:Arch Thd cinuposoil of, tho •fi rot ..Ar. tides hi' the. horld;and tixeontllng ,In 1 4 tootigtli: end Talent 'ony.Dratnotio'Onnibltintion liorotothro nfrorol, to .thoalieolticol Public . , every " night Como -dY, Tragedy, SorinComie parlettruilp. &cc tbd City, vothorig *';`:Fogey priniin done, here, 3burrtiscnients • .P. 14.11•08 1 ., I Isla OS: Gol,D EnAL .T.ll E U I • ..!'PASO. FbitTES.' • 11'11.1,1Mi itneinle A: Co.. Celitlelleft I i.e IllallefaetAlle Sate ef WI AND AND Slit/ARE PI ANo,l , olLTEB,under J.he nat. of 1V11 4 7,1A 1 It NAM . ; A C 0.,. at the 1,111 I stand, 3, 5 and 7 North Eutaw sin et, opposite '1 the Entail:W., lialtilitore. Thankful for the I,tetisive petronagerereivell In' tlte.l lateilrot tor ter last.lifteent )eara, respectfully beg leave to Intone the nubile. that since tiro detail of 1.110 I tiff my p wlners. lir. ljenry . tint hie, by \retell the part. snerstiii, a. di,..:l;a4i, I have purehnsell the entire large ,Lorl, of unfinished Ihnw.x. 11111111er: and ether prettareit materials belonging to the late MAIL.' 1 14111111 1.1101 . 14 . 01 . 0 the 1 , 115,111eAS at the 1411 st. Is '11110,.. 111111 ~111 elnleaVer net "Illy t, ' F11441111 the Well . replilatitel of the Into Vans. but to excel all f , nurr. eß,xt. inn jterfectiox the Plane Rot to. T • I Z 4 1.1 ,. 0 the dirtadelljen or the kite firm 1 ml,reqinufineAl ten ing ° Platneslol hew tied leech The first I lettrelleelA ihd.hrd tieveriling to 1110 new Ili , siglet. 000 deplndted in the Fair of the ylm•y land tete, held Inelober„.lS7ls. at a Inirin It took the highest honors; of the Institution. having been awarded 'tire I "Pohl 31, 1 / 1 1 Premium." over the unusual eougretla,u, lourteen ['boos. e‘ltibitekt by some of the Lest I..t&s of lioston. New York onid Balt !Mei, At the. Anneal Indust, lel' Exhibitions. held in 0, °abet', 1058. aneL October. 1K56, by One Meehan hie , testi- I fete et Mellowed. Virginia, pay Plan.were also award td the Ilighest .. • - .1 ;min. fq Hie bite Fair of the , .Marylathl Instittite, (h . toror, lsbilonfter must thorough 'and an tun- 'rally prolrarted invest.igatidn , tit tine merits of two f Itteen—Untstrenn^—" itictebn - li:eintmrrtrnit — eSldfYtin' - i-rsi it < tun;. coli•lmited iaaloril, of ii/Mlllloro. New I" , wk nod BON SOIL P1.111 , 1h awiinletl the 1.1g11.-4 .honors of - thcr I nt.ffittli.m. they It/I,lllg ITIVIVed •1 Ito ....(111141 glide l'Coct to. ail* honor only 1111.jia.1,4 ,, 1 Lo urdelrs mil•ligoperli)r merit. to 111 dors - compi,tit len, • iel th.. Exhlioll Inn of thl4, Mearpoltistri !Institute. held lit l\lysliinglt.i.t. It. C. 31.trell In:". they IVIII.O once more awarded. the highest hur.- FAMILY (0 A L.-1 000 I . IIIIF . I,ylion't. • Valley - la /A h. !trot ell , 1111114, surcrord, prepared ak tir,a:ly rfamily.ure,— e, and kept 1:X1:1:14 C 1 ,111.. ! 11111.1114 ran furnish It DRY and Uri' , 1111'f.raqona of tlin , I ear. 1 linv • if also on the nod for Talo the • 11 . 1611 regard to the ,Inalltioa../,f iny C. 1 1 “. I DIAMOS111) (10A L.' from the' Ball (more Comp,any dcntlY rcrer to 1110 hinnoll.ll. . I 6,1. '''‘" •! kil :!PY Thin Coal Is /ohnholdriraleula led for I,4Thora FtoTen rei , lag f lll l ll 1 ' . 05 “ . '!” , 'and '" 0,41, '' 'r ; and CI•llar Furnaces: all of 11111111 I. will sell at: small themael , 016,0. or thl. 111 , 011 In : nrolit6 for ...ash. antlAilll3:ar_to_arly_partalf_t.ha_horongb,-- ,whkh 111 0 1I: riiinfhituttg,ilaTuarl.-hald--4111.11,11/r",'""...---•• A tigo.:l 1 - .Srd • ' 31.•311711 AV. W:111.11m111!: A 1111 1111 s 11. 1.1',4 411111 • 1110,1 1 . 1 : 11:11:10 11 , 1.1 . 11:11'1, I ran offer to ele-toineraa arar ,„„, ItNI'llS' — (1•0 - k 000 ,fr..m my the Iladrulnenla, lint ; di IA) • 2 / Y. pnn•ha,inr art nay .a..l:ll.li6lonent. they aro guatantoed IJ VONT; of I.yhons Volley Nut Cool. a anneTior T•• • the pos,,a.lon .:1 V1:11111. equal. if Lot 6npol'ior, to any rovelring and for'Tale ley made this country or liorope. , • ! A oguTt 6, 1}157 All Nano. hoilLat my l'act.N . y have toll Irmaramea. _ _ heitlg con . ..truated :IS to Fet!llft• great additional ntrangth. - n raffortlng the 110,,• and tfterefore x 111 stanll • in any climate, • • • I'iair,s node to order, ...any hina nt wood, and a itt any style or'llnkh list may l desired.. The greattedv.droto lo,k,wed opan my work. and the oTthel•est materials; 301 i every lit,trunrent turned out 01105 thol,,r) Tao tlerefore hi. laity WIII• reeled Os posseseiog all tho qualities requlhite for a goidiTla no, All I nstrupents of rov InnwurretHre air i )so7gritran teed l;ir tlro.l ears 6,111 the day ul Partlerdor: al tenth. is paid to rho seleetion of in- Ftrurrewrts dlstairt ordiAs. nod n rill1711:101: nr FX, ted it ariv time a !thin vie wontler freti t ho day of sdle, slwadiirArth I.trairrent yet giye entire Will flit' it to 'their' ildratit io,e to give in° it ,II Loin.° r O oirt•lmng el Kewherr. ii..rooslsitty liu IlAtAl 3 litre ass.orl °lent .if NIELO. DE, lent At lIA.IVAA sis SinAtA 1111:1 V.Oll Att:1111:Al for tlie use of PIA Ni Or toned. . . • • . • Wit. IiNA 11E. . . Tli. fnlllwylin: testlinanials fmrn two g,l the most 11111' !lei& l' tlia sofa 1,1. will shwwliww nn' meat: :I I orprvelated by ila, creat. Prifill'llleis. who 1131 r 11/14 olop , (11,1111111,1 for tenting 1110 - Lunt 1 . 1311 . 1,1( 01 Ellrt(pe mi.l Awww Ira: ' . •, 31 It. 1% . I:, tut, halt ilawro,:.. . . ; . Delr Sir; I love great pleamnre in eaklivlng Limb] 1 1 . 1:1Vi - triril - yilifrSoit1(11 . 0.1q,11‘,R. /11111 fillllll6 - otli ( - 1111111.111 nnt ~nl),rior bc nnin Ili,: ..nantly.,...klanug.their.great tinilitie:., whivit tlistlagni,ll tin•ip. lb the rri(lirool of hula the, ..agreewl , lo awl' e% en Intieli, grail Twllllllo Of.: Lnl); . . ‘ViNliin,......ywil all - the oneevon yin on highly da• . i 1 am. eh'. - ) ours very 101117. :11,111..linorvi Dee. :33, I hr,... . ~ , , . : T IIALIIERG. .... .. To Nips,, Wtn..Knabo. urutlrnu •i : 1,111 . 1, , you herewith my ,Incere thanl,h Si,, tina kulawl.l;rand and Squarwl'ianos, •whieh liaVoI6WrA Isle, lout on Is Sikh I have per -1,11.A at nn - emo•erlq. totitholAin-trongratulato ytt 1111.•11 the 11111ner14,progrvf:A:Vild 1 4 :11th:11311y 11::11.0 oil your which. in Illy opin ion. tan,. .1161. iu this'rotiniry. • • , . • M itb fivarty 0 ',lies r..r•pittr' 00001,0 and proprdity, ividdi on id , bly deS,ll.l I)) your enteridiso, energy kW net I vily. I remalu• t ours. rFry truly, .. — :raiy - tvrAs7--Iy. MAURTCWSTRAKOSCIT. 7 4'1 4,1 MEI Bus t " pusr, Plnrkiet SLf uLoac IKle,?tlx, • il()V111%7; HAIR DyE. Li. The lastimotly of Prof. Jlntdli and Dr. Uri nrldu has I t 0q.% been ptiblisbed, the Is now whott:— Front Prof 31071,0Sliformerly . prof emr of Theory AndPraetieu 3ledl;hto hi the mm ,iet,MAW.' Co.i logo N 1110.311,11113, nd late Prole'Nsoeof Surge 4 lu Iho Autell.ll e01111."0 PHIL Not'. 27th. 185 n. Mr, .I..srph Iloover:—A trial' of your LIQUID will coot Ince the most ekt , ptireL that Diu a 5.04 II L..., NI. end 1.1 ile%l . loCB memtration. Unlike manly others. ii hi t s in s7.verel instances proved- err rive:o3le in the ettreof some rotate:one eruptllms 011 1.110 111 1 101, 11101 I Kato 110 111,11311011 lit rommemilug it to thaw reltill lug soolt :to tmpliention• l'ers respertrutly, J. F. N. Um:lf/SKY. M. D., '" 4 47S.Iluee tit., above 13th'. !DIVER'S AVM TI SO DOVER'S w'ltrfhtl FLUID. antI'IIOVIIIES INDELIBLE maintain their high ehartieter, nr Mat hme always tllFtitigokluell — tloto,ntol - the--ettt , ett.olve—dmortod--lirtrt created. h in eontla tied uoloterropted malt the present. Order,. addre,i•od to the Mattul'oetnry, No. 4111 RACE .'itrept, above Ell Ult ru, (old No. 144,) f'hilndrlphia, will ravel,: prompt attrution by .Itßiltl o ll E. IMOVEIL Manufacturer. Undersigned, after Jentry_years of enreful research . and experiment. have dlricover ed arid perfected_a. Fate, converdent alit ,11110ncept1011:11,10 Ineatili of completely rontrollfrg—the,firaternal function, without 0 , 111 , 141ng any of ille:unnatural and li/den:HMls tinpetllo,ltn so of ten res..rterl to for that purpoFe. Apart from Ito SPECIF IC 000 f provolding tli/Oreption, •it Is art W 61111,10 means of restoring to health tiedvigor the al . orsed. de. rairgeri arid enfeebled procreative tunctions of.faurnies. arid of re 111 , igor.iting rind restorhthihe general health to Its wonted constll talon:II integrity. 11 Consists of a yl n:Nr.TIC BELT, I, encircles Um body directly over the ms 11.0100, by tio, Aloglietie action Of 1,1111.11 the emulating pour, is inturrepted and held sill 111,epolre, and the %Mal neuro-nragnetle currents. other. Isedrain• ed elf byt.eXtlid excesses .itru turned back through. the Stilllnpdflic all the tiseern ton healthy nor- Mai tone. In 0 true Moral aspect. no valid oltierden .111 be urged against its lawful krAu:an It 1s desiAlted to sulq...ree a great 11U11111111Itiry purpose Inn the. rcteroilltrtireeconially - . It ris 111,1arthillie in alO ler card' to give Ilse reader 1111 1111l1.11111,11! 1 . 1 1 111,111.1111111/1 . the vie. tues or the discovery and Ito metros of Its . action. At, (tingly. the imp; tutors have prepared a pamphlet. fully embodying the philosophy of„ltn innuoure upon the genitive function, its uses• tests and results, which they will forward, upon tint reeeilit of Phi touts la postage Statiopp, to any address. • The price of the Belt In fr, sent by mall free. De COURSIA, NORTON A CO., 3Ati Broadway, New York. Address P.O. hiux :811. '2, STAUFFEIII CHEAP WATCDES AND JEWELRY U HOLESALE:AND RETAIL, it r•' the"pillo d ulphln \nteh nod Joruliy Store" No. 148 (Old N.. ho) North SECOND Strout, Corner of Quarry, phi lodelphlx. Gold Lever Wlitellefi, full Jewelled, 18 caret cases, r 221.00 • Gold LopinglBo,kret t , ' "400 t...')1v0i....1.0r0r. fullJuwolled, . (~ „ 12 00 'sledrtilitlitic ---- J Jo‘ols — ' ---- ' ----- Y ---- 9 - 00 . Sorel.' Qonttlero, . . . . . 7 00• Ofail Sped:lC . loß, , . , , 1 7 00. • Floti Silver do.: • I. XI , Oold.ltracolots. . . ___ .400 , , ILAdy'illold Poncile, ' - ~ . • - 1 00 Silvor Teo Spoints. dot. •', , . . ' 8 00 - Gold l'on'u. w Rh Polon alld Silver luthler. . • _ . 1 00 Liold Finger Moix cta. to llSP;„%ratch 11lomat, plain 1:134 rts.: patent lAlj, h , unat 25; Other articlesln proportion. Al) goods warrouted to b what they are .. . . . . • .• ' • STAUFFEIt & TURLEY. . , . ... eii. On IWO row Gold and Stllii.r Lavers and 'La pines still norm' than t h e above prices. • ' ' ' ARA..l.4.lab7—lyr. ' ' • •- ' • .• *. -•- JO R . . N 11. ALL '& do., Noi. 2& 4 Y 011 1 ,51 )1A f•D'Oot, (Routh 4,100)4110w Water.) Phila. plda; (thO oldod. . {feed wore How. In 'the 'city.) slnnuilielan'era'aull AVlle'e, - al. Dealer. i n i.... a . M a . Chilli! nude Itroofna, Patent °moved Cedar , ware. (war , . ranted nut' t 3 . abrlnk.) Wood and Wlllow.ware. cont.', Urtlaties. de:. of nil detejlptlona.• Please' call and ,ex en A due our uk • ' , •: „ Auatistfi,,'' 14 1 A It Ai ERB "I.OOK, , AT THIS =- t. _A very silprrlor ht s(llooairprrniiteci,sol(‘44l l busllvll4 11t V 1 1 4 411' 4 1 ,14411 i 1' 2 ihnxllotftilt $4 0, , r dosvri, A111i• 1111444111 g 'IIIU/11111e, 1Ce..,14 , (An boit . s 441113 by tell bs 4 :hal at' the naw,A.basp stoni oil , • • ! ' " • • TsccllUneott: • • p E TT.; P EOF FAN - Y ' . • Now OPEN ' . • " KRIS'S a INGLE IS COMO! And will be at his Old . Head quarters ' in Norldi •llanover rreet, during th e Chilatunoi and New'Year's .• with one of the largest lu.474t.ments 4 :A11916.: /NFI.CTION.k • Ever offered in this place. eon sihtinfr in pin of Fine, - Cdutly:Th.M and - n'filts.'"ltell37Ciikes,..llen_tons. Al no, Chocolate and Fruit' Drops, nese: and Burnt A innsinfs, French and exploding Secrets he. Also all the common varieties. . FRUITS AND NUTS . or-tbn West- importations such as ()hinges: Leninna, •Raisins, Mgr, Pruem, Cnrrarits. Citron; soft - Amt - paper -- Shelled Alumna, FiibUrtF. Cream: Cocoa, and tiround Nuts. In connection with the nLove an extensive as, aortment of ,--------Tfyts-A-szy-rxxele-rav=--7- L of every funklityLnnll _price; Conslatlng_ill:part of Clue :Wax, lad ehlna. er3ing and other itolk. Sowing and Card Ilaskets. Warier .lloxes, Flom er Vases, Notto ca t ., Tea. atts. Mashs:Drums,(luns, Air Hsi ols. 'A reordeens, Ilaranoleana. Trumpets: CLLasmoq,nf Groin and mood, hand uses, Lotto not other prunes.. Fancy ', , oars. Hair Olin and Port Monaies„&e. We have also a tine lot nil ,PFA3III,I' MOH 1.:1111:S. sueli as pnlverlmal. crushed and 1.14 n Sugar. of en Cry izrade,Alo , ll e, 310111Fses. St arell fireen and Illaelc Teas. Spires. ItAtter,stata,Stlgnr,Watei 1 , annul oilier i'raehers. elo , esr. sulseril,er IT! m 1 , his sincere' timid. to n kenar. Olin pulolle for the patronage heretofore,l,estowolon him, and hope, lay in desire to please, to merit a root in tfasirf iof the krionl,, . I'. 310:s; Cadlsle. 4lrr. le: JIANT€I.I, .1)1 EIWIJANT TAILOR. Noulli Ifrw, St !et two .I.m. North of Brut* d itrn'ts - Store. lins just retuturd tans Philadelphia, with tut'. stork of Ch.ths l'utsltneres. Vettliont dv,. .t r. sultu. nide fir :plug:ma Summer lea r. •hr In Kept .orl • to nutko ui to order promptly, nod nu roltsolothle terms, • A isn on luind' CII EA I' REA DY—MA CLOTHING, together wirli stocks. collars, hallaprelliers and r tiler articles usually found .in - a tlenticumus Furnishing Rom Goods bought olsolvhert rill also be mope to tnettsur. mn uSttl. . c • A Li - ------- CII.III3MILAND • VALLEY IL-- i WlNfili A RUA Nli EM ENT ! ;mg', CII ANTI F: OF ROI:RSA , . On and after )l9\ DA 12th 11.57. Passenger Trai s • will run as Rilon (Sundays ezrepti•d :) FOll 11A111111,111/116. I ' , • , ' Ist Train. Leave rhainborsburg, 0.50. A. 01. • " Sid ppenattTg, 9.20 •• vine, 11.01, 10.30 31erbanksburg, 11 CO lAt Harrisburg, 11.35 " FOR CHAR URN tiRlllOl, Is.t • Leave Harrisburg . A. 31 1.50 P:3l • 31voininiesburg 0.10 •• Carlisle, 0.50 , 2.50 " , ""10.25 " • 3.35 " Shlppenahurg, '•11.00 " 400 " , At Ciunbur3burg, 11.30 " 4:10 •• • 'Trains li ; ave,Hanlaburg for Ph Nadel 31.. 7.55 li.. and 1,15. I. 31., via Columbia'. Lowe ~ Harrisburg for 0 1.30 A. 31.. and 1,0) 10 31. JLoose Harrisburg for l'ittsburg, , ,at 3.35 A...., 12.25 lino l'ilssungers for Pottsville. Reading, rind pointti on the . Dauphin and Sillailleilatlnn Railroad. and for Trovort on, • Millersburg, and points.on the Northern Central Pa 1- - rnad,: - 01uat tha 31orniugjrain. from Chainbereo. burg.' Faros fronillarrisburg, Morlaaniesburg, hip. R 141041.4. and Chambersburg. will be ten (VIII, Ira when paid forTlekets at the 0AR..., than , when the Cars. ' 'l./. N. LULL, Super'( • ehatilbernburg, 1.. 1 1 (1.8.1587:31. 1 m i s G. ul ‘,\., .A . - ) 1; 1' I 1 1. ,1 ..1r - , •‘ - tc - e j t ' l ' i - e - (1) :-- Ill ' i ' s - n - l j itii r l ‘ iiTil .: Ii . iti e l ' isi9if i n l i ' v . orld . w 1111 reputation. an n ',lensing to invalids, In curt' , af spinal illsonse. Rheumatism, Burns null Se:dill...Nen tuts lienibiehe. Erynipeins, Nemaigin, it e., It has n magical effert in removing pain, liiipartlng to the digensed parte a-nal urni current ninleetricity, by which - the .henli by functions - a re restined Immediately. It nil a mire effected .ttl nn'ono him exer usettPtilin — iiitivie Is Ithout benefit we confidently refer to those 'it lio — have applied It, fit their testimony in its favor. • , . .Fl,l. snie'll S. W. llnverstick., Elliott. 11. linulliosti, 11.3. [(lntr., and at XII the country stores throughout the county. . N. It. 1 1 4 uniform price I. Farr CENT° it bottle, es this le the t lily she that is sldpped to tile United States: CIZIEEM 1100 TS AND SHOES AT COST. Intending to relinquish this branch of my busi ness, I sill soil oll — tliTentire stock at coet. f r (Asti. The stock is good, most of It Is this fad —Also, Cloths,'Cro.sitners and Yeetings ht rout for CAST Nose Is the time and Ogilby'a the place to get good bargahis. bac. In, 15C7.1 (aucation_ IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE • . mEcitAzucsuutio,•pn. Institul ion, designed for tho liberal education of. Yontig - Lolles, 11311 bi:1011 iu operatiOn one year with the tuoht grad dying results. It to uois established oif'a fires bahls, ;Ind ith patronage already extends Over One hinter Males. liuring the last winter', it was created a c o llege pro• per, by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. with power to conkr degrees, and endowed with all the rights and privileges or the most favored Flllll3lo it is located on the Cumberland Valley Ilai!road mid way between liar, tsburg and 'Carlisle, to the Tierra far tile end beautiful portion of the valley, and is in slots proximity to not' Of the most moral, healt by, and rotor. pricing towns in the State.. r It is ventral, nitd cosy of access. Students leering Washington. Baltimore:or Philadelphia In the morning train Mr Harrisburg, will arrive at Mechanicsburg in time tar din tier. The edifice Is large and fonmicslions, surrn untied by double verandas, and will accommodate about one hun dred boarders. lii Its construrtion. it combine, all the modern improvements liar the promotion pr heal th,•cons. fort. and convonlence. In these respects physielana pronounce it unrivalled. 'l•he timed en: are large and neatly furnished. Each has its registers tor heat sod VolOOTOon. ONLY TOO NTOOLNTS 00011'5 THE FOIL a.m. 'rho Mall rooms, are at all times supplied 0 ith warm and cold water. The tin uuda are ample, and well arranged for I.c.cres thou, and the iarlous cAlislhenie exercises—so exnential to health; graceful :n010...1it and symmetry Oi fl/1111. The Faculty:of instruction is clll,:ibut and es port• eared. • . In the COMM iTE DEPAATUENT the course of study is ot- a-high-14i °dr. - comprehending alt - the lug to if Ci ticnh Polito tutu Choitolsn Eduration. In the 1'RITAII•1:01{T DLPARTIIiSi pupllll will. he rare • fully instructed lit brunches forming the basis of a thorough English - hlduratlon. buiston.—Virst Sesslon—From let September to the • • •.litith of Jau wiry, Ist of July. • Vserrtou—dMrll4 July and August. TERMS PER SESSION-OP-FIVE MONTIIS, - PAYARLE • IN ADVANCE. Boarding, Washing, Furnished Rooms, Fuel and Light, •-• '• • - • SlO 00 TurrioN—Collrglati,Departmomt, 10 00 Preparatory DoPartmeut, • 10 00 1 0 First Class 12 00 An extra charge for Ancient Languages. Mt:me—Piano and Outlaw. • - • - 00 Vocal 31mie, -- Modern Languages. -, 10 00 Oraterndand other Ornamental Branches, "at the usual rates. Text•lssil.s furnished at City prices, For lurthar particulars address. Bor. A. U. 31A111.,Art A M., • 'Preideni, , • - r r REFERENCES: The Faculty_ of. Dickinson Cidlege, Carlisle, Pa. Rev. It. D. Chambers. Carlisle. Pa. ' • 1 IVllliani It. Mullen, Esq., " . . . - • . • • • • Rev. Dr. T. Daugherty. " _ • . •liev. C. Grahm, Bloomfield. • Itlillani 11. Allen, President qf Girard College, Phila. Janice 11. McColley, Esq.. r • Clement Chi k, Esq. ' , Rev: Andrew Mat:ship. ~ . "James R. Orabani, tirahamton, Pa. allov. C. F. Stoovor, Alechanlcahurg, Pa. ' . • *lra Day, hI. D., . . . .P. U. lung, 31. D, ' . *E. Zug. Esq., ~ "John - Hiegel, Esq., " - - John .1 . 1111:10Veer. 1). D, Easton, Pa. "David Cooeer, Esq., Shepherdstown, Pa. • George W., Meek, Pinegrove 3111 M. Pa. Intl 3lerkel, Esq., r ShiMinapsfown, Pa. *,I. it, Hurst; Esq., Dillsburg, Pa. . 0 1/111 A. Smith, Esq., Pittsburg, Pa. . . John Vandeieer. D. D., Easton, PR • - . • Ilia Excellency, Peter F. Cang - ey, Milford: Del. . Allqueth l itriadiaTid - Stcretarrol - Statori; —.. ' 11ev. T. P. 31cColley. , *George S. Adkins, Esq. . • • ' " • . '*Sanutel Sharp. Esq. • Prot:Thos .. E. Sadler, Wilmington, - - • . . '- ' lion. - an:tit:l.3l. Harrington, Dever, •'" " r, , ' •Ilon. 0.8. Layton•flieorketown, . ' " William llarshall, M. D. "•. , ' i ' lion. John It. Sudler, Bridgeville, • ' " "William 8: (Malin, Eaq., Federalsburg, Md. , • Bev. John A. acre. 111111 more, Md.. *Jamb short, xo. h ., Lancaster, (thin. . -. I Vleorge 1). Evens, Esq.. Morpaotowq,'Va. , • Alexander Burgess, D.D.,-Portland, Make. John Edwarris, 1.); D., Itochester,'N: T. ' • • Sullivan Weston, D. D., N. • ' 13; .1), .. • ~ .., Baird, D.P.S., Siultbso lap•Distitutro, Wmetinglins . - Jacob 1 pplqy, Esq., Luetiort. Illinois. ,• • . • . ',A • .• • TRUSTEES 01 ) TIIR . COLLZOS. ' - - . *lra: Day, M. D.,' - r • lliechaulepurg, Pi. Li.ll. Long, 31.11.,:, .• ` r • , "•• • • .1 • . . ',. APSolpuion .B.Aiorgas, Esq., . .. ,/ . '. , *, En' nilm 'Lug. Esq., • • 'r. !Johns lielget Esq., ••. • rt • --.. ..John Brandt, Esq., • ' .: . " ,:. , •:" ,--. 1. • ; ..,•,•, ... Robert Bryson, Esq., ~ ', Ilarriniparg, Va., . ,ris, - ~,. '. .' J,,Kooover..Tbri.; • ..' . EBerßerpStpwn, ra, : , ',' ~,,, --. .I)avltlCoover, ENV.; r ' r 4. ' " 44 , , 1 iscol. Si. B.4dltinsi - :if 1116 i d;De1..... ,- ow Patror sof thl con . .es*. • -'., • :._ • ' - 311;111:AT 2tl r rnin 3.1 " II 2 1.20 4.10 4 . 1) 44 5.00 OGII.BI EMI