‘Agrimlturai Neglected, Iffitei of. Wiltb.7. not•quitol4ond ourinernory, and we are brno means the oldest inhabitant, when people, otherwise tolerably sensible ; ~rent off .upon a: wild:goose Anse after the buried treasures of Captain Kidd- - - the same that he buried, upon every farm along the sea shore of the New. Englund 'States. t • . - " When ho Hie name t:wae William Kidd:" Unfortunately, as a reward of industry, that of the money-diggers never was re ' warded. ?It surely would have been, if the dame amount of-digging had been titi plied to:the,Mines of wealth that lie tied all along the sea shore and near every stream,' and between a thousand hills upon: • seaeost add inland, from raisaniaquoddy ••• to Cape ITattevas: Betifeen these prom- . ! . inent points,. fa ',the" coast survey," we have lately discovered- that there are al- Most innumerable mines of wealth within easy reach of the • °Wrier, .yet "neglected tird,unworkod,- notwitstanding each one ' contains niore gold -them we ever heard . • • of being deg from all-the deposits of W Kidd . - " while he_aailed_— Not-with standing,-also, that the • owners._oethesei •negleCred Mines -.are also the owners of - Poor.gravelly farms, front the cultivation of which they try to live, and-do live-to be sure, but it is by hard •digging, hard • • as the midnight. money-hunters used to dig for.the wealth theymever found. • No , . Wonder. Look at his pa , ture—overgrown • with moss till instead of carrying five sheep to the acre, it requires five act Cs to . a sheep,"and that but dialt fed. Look at his mowin g lots. •• Does he get two or 'three tone of hay per acre? No, but he ' mows two or three acres - for a ton, and Mavis part hunch' grass, part-sorrel, part mullein, and part five finger vines. Nov and then, a stone-heap produces a few . • thistles and blackberry vines to mix in a the hay, but the land .is generally. too - poor for,that. • No wonder—it is never- 1 immured; all that the poorly-fed stock • snake in 'Winter, after being exposed to storms'that fall, is .ipplied•stingily-• - to.corn and..potatoes. The oats, rye and huckwbeat, havelo look fur their share at second : hand, - "itild after these the - --- grass: It is not surririiiig that it is .not ' luxtriant; it is not- stintrising that the • 7 toiling owner looks like a sad - piciure of . discouragement, and complains-of" hard times ;" it is not surprising that his sons leave the farm for soinevother occupation, _..., or go West to loo fc fera4 better farming country," and that_his. daughters declare they will'"never Marry' a farmer," because they see the 'drudgery • and ill-requited . • tell of fillireaer's life, and the unenkiable . position of slick a farnier's wife. . But' it is surprising that such a far " rater_ can live.upon such a farm, and never • • discovere the liable of wetilidi hidden in that fifteen acre hog.awatiip; which as by . the band of a beneficent Providence, had . • . been placed there for the restoration, of graVelly Upland, when" its natural fer-. tility_was-worn-out. * No trtikli. is wore true. than this; - that, a load of inuCh .worth as Inueli,"an . d - often more thtur-a • load of barn-yard manure. .1 et, true as it • and-true-as-it nisi; is that, a - Termer-I would- grow Wild with excitement if as sured that a pot of money was; hurried upon one corner of: his farm, .lie , "'Wbvild'• sit doWn and whine about hard times - 'and his inability to produce`petter erops, while lie looks every .day-upon, What . should be to . him •an "eve-sore—a mire swamp on his farm—which really tiontains and would yield to him if dug, a mine of wealth.—Nets York Pribune. "ts 511 E WHOLE J.lo(r—le4ny one be lieves that •all the stories of the glorious old-times of Jackson and 'Clay campaigns have been used up, he will find how easy . it is to be mistaken. Witness the fol lowing which conies to us from Old Ken tucky, by the way of Louisiana.. Our entertaining friend begins: "You must know" (hut we did not know) " that around. and about the beaii.: tiful city of Lexington, in the. State of Kentueky, for a distance of twelve or fifteen • miles, there lives—or did live, twenty years ago—a great 'number of small farmers, who find in that fair city'. a ready market for the surplus produce of emir farms; and there they %carry it to sell, and buy finery and nick-nacks for their families. One of these farmers, a poor but industrious, and fearless man, hatta,perker; a few bushels of •meal, po tatoes, beans, etc., which The wished 'to dispose of; and, borrowing a. horse and wagon; he -packed up his things, and just at dusk, set off for town. Arrived at I . . one or two o'clock in - the morning, he he entered the market house, and selec ted a stall; be split the dressed pig, 4116 halves, and hung them on the stout hooks, and with a kg-of meal for a pillow lay down to sleep till -morning. He slept.. soundly and late, and When '.awoke the market people Were crowding iii ; and lo ! one-halfofhis_pig had- been-unlMok •.- -'ei and - hooked. It gone - ! - • He-made known his' and raving'und . swearing, he drew the whole crowd about him. As he grew warm with his wrath, he Said . . '.‘l . know the sort of man 'that, 'stole that - pork—l do l" " Well, why not let it out, ifyoU know and•we will help fintiliim for ph" they cried out, in reply.: . • " Yes, I know whaF sort of man he -was; he was'a CLAY man !"•- "As old Harry Clay 'lived within a mile of Market, and every man here was ready :to go the death for •hhn, a bold , speockto accuse' a 'Clay' man steaaing.half a pig in Lexington,' and they closed on hinfte give him around thrush iug When one-- demanded of, him - what , made hills think • • .•, "Why, riebehOdy- but a Clay .m.n would have:-done it;- if he° had been a Jackson man he would .have gone-the whole hogl! • "I.lls turned the, the fables. i . The liu. . Mor_of the:robbed -farmer was irresisti- ble.l The loxintonions carried Idi;t:ofl to a coffee-house to a hot brealdasCand.a morning apree;• and after drinking to the health of Retry ClaY, •they made up hiti . loss anctlamitim home . rejnieinir.'4 . I perceive that Senator - Hale.Lob4Otti io onions on account of the unpleasant odor which - they communicate to the breath... If he will swallow alittlo vinepa r afte'r „eating, it;will zemove the cause Of. his, objection..- What is, much better - Hi' this' ease, . ; is, few::.k . ernels of buriit coffee; tiikep 'after eut - -, iilll effectually remedy ihe evil SpOk - dh - Of.: 1 -t - Granttie'Vtilts"Rihn er . -- . • stir Afarnier:Mio - niarried a long nose and pltalred - ohin, ifilysli,e'producied•'vine gar I?reiniplr . gettie:s7l4 - ., , ,tice : • • liliottildit tttttttttt il'llo. .r R R - AND BUILDER • I ' llo subscribers. would reseetfully S. announce to .the public, that 'they are new prepared to furnish the fel -1 " 11 41.dokeribedd articles of LUMBER: First, Common and Pannol. Plan, turd Boards .ot all• thicriess.: Com mon Boards and • Plan or whit!) pine? ilearloele Joico and.Scantling. °fell she's and lengths ;-White-Plue and . Yellow • Pine Flooring, worked.; -all kinds of Paling and Plastering. faiths; 'Pine and Cyprus Shingles of all qua- Ants Shingling Lath. and • ntriping, and - . Fencing Boards 20 Ibet.long. ,, Ay %timber* sawed to-order, by leaVing.thbiraililii, deal) longths.and sires, (pine, oak, onhemlock.)i•Sash,-Doors,-BlindS•snitZiouldings ready for use, The abolo will-bo-furnishifd the.most run sunablolorms andut,thO shortest iptlio. ' • - - TO, COAL 'CONSUMERS:'• : , A A , ... • 'We have constantly on itand sr. kinds of . • . - P' • FAMILY COAL,"' such t.s Lytton; Valley, Short Mountain; Trerorton, Lo ,cust Mountain,. Luke Fiddler, Sunbury,. Wlikenbarro, ;and the Broad Top lbr•Blabksmlths; Ali of Which will dollvorlolnly pail of tho,toali as low as It can re bought: at any yard ifl the, t own hir 'eireh.or:couutry producb. Coal all io•sbreenedund-delfteredViean. By - stria attention ,to business, wo hope to feX e iryaliberal 'share of. publimps trortagO., 41 — %,.-:••••• - Yen will find our Yard ,in the easfern, end of the ho. -,ktrugh, oppriSite the lies Wake.; One office horeofter will bo• opt op posito lieptz • Brothers slam, iti the:aloe now °ampler! by 'Squire Smith.' All order] loft. at 'the offiee or at either of the subscribers,' residences, on West Pomfret street, or at East street, will be promptly eV tended to. CnrThlo, Juno 3,1357 C . UMI3ERLAND YALLEY - BANK: • PROPRIETORS.. • • Wit.II.I3I.SER, • • Mitcuotn Rannsftift, ;ROHT, C. STtSOOTT, JOIMMINLAP, Jolla S. STEHELT; • . JOHN-C'. DUNI.Vr, il. jl. STURat:ON. .• —__Thisliank,Alning business in the unnielorßer; Bren. bonen] isvnow folly prepared to do. a general Banking Business with promptness and fidelity. Mongy received on deposit and paid - bnek on demand Without nottrif. Interest paid on Rpeclal deposits.: Cer .tilicates of depogit bearing Interest at the rate of live per • cent. will be issued for as short a p eriod as -four months. Interest. on all certilleates will richer at one. provided, however, that if said certificates are renewed At any time thereafter fur another. given pa rind, they shall boar the !Amend° of interest up to the time of renewal. . Particular attention paid to the col lection of notes, drafts, checks, &e, in - any part of the United States or Caimans. Remittances made to England, Ireland, or the Conti • cent. The faithful and confidential execution of All orders entrusted to them, may be mined upon. • They call the attention of Farmers, Mbrlanies and all i titers who desire a safe depository for their names, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this honk: me iThIVIDUALLT liable to the extent - of their estates for -.all tbe,Depossts, and other obligatioos 'tier, Brenne man & Cu..„ They have recently relieved Into their new Backing Rouse directly opposite their former stand, in West Main Street,- a few doors east of the Italimad Depot, where they will at all flutes be pleased to give any in .formatiou desired in regard to money matters in gene• Open for business from 9 o'clock In thd morning until 4 o'clock in the °telling. . . IL A. STILT/I.}:o\, Cashier. Carlisle, May 20.1857. - lI&SURANCE.—ME ALLEN AND ' EAST PENN SWAM MUTUAL nut; IN-* MANCE COMPANY of Confoormod county. i t ,n r pn. toted by no not of Assombly . , Is now fully orgnolz(4l, and I ir.operation'untler the management of the folh wing conunissiniows, viz: Data' Bailey, Willinm it. (limas: Michael CoCklin, 3,-1 , :llielliorgor, Christian Stayman, John C. Don- . Jaen!, If Convict., howls flyer, S. Eberly,' - olio Mosso., J. Brandt; Joseph._ Wicki"islinui, Aloxantho Catlwart. . _ . The rates of In 4111'1111C° are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind In the ;gate; Persons wishful: to berome members are Invited 'to make application to the agents of the company, who are Willing to waif upon them at any time. - MOSSElt.•President. CIfItISTLAN STAIIMAN, Vice Presidout. LEWIS JIVER; Secretary MICHAEL COCKLIN. Treasurer. AO,ENTS.' CU RER4AND COUNTY.—Jiihn -Sherriele, Allen, Mortin. 'Now Cumberinud; Henry 'Gearing, Shirenitinotown; Svnuol NV.;;;;limm,l)lA 'mm ; Ilon ry Cliurelitowri;. Mode ,Griflitli, Sliuth lon ; Samuel Grahnn. W. FotiniaJoni; Samuel Conver; Merlionleoburg; .I'. W. Cool:lin, - Sileplierdstowi; P. Cnover. Sheplierdstown ; C. It. Hermon, Silver Spring; Benj. llorotsllck. Silver Spring; Cliorlos 8011, Colligle. • - YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Plekin?s, Dover; Peter Wni fora, Frooldln ; Jae. Uriflith , IYorrington ; J. F. Poor' doeß. DA 1.? I'll IN Crl..--Ilouser 3 Lorhutan, Ilaralsburg. 31ontbers of the rum H 0 hiring ponchos about to ex Oro. can hhie makln: a he I. • G b-N-T b . - ATTE N-T 0 -.N- 1 ,- /V ° you Irish . to find Food employment. nod maim money n ith little or no investment,- and with 'at iq terfe. - lug with your regular business ,1 11 you do, mid C.. k. Timm iz Ca., of 192 Broome Street, _New York, aro tiontufarturing-and-sening massive gold Pendia for 85 each. (which are cheap at that pr,lco.) and they throw . in a Oft o 8 prize with rash Pencil worth foul $2 up to 4 2 r., $ 3O . $2O, $72. $100,4200, and staio. Don't cry out. Ilutalnig! Lottery!" It's no such thing, The Pencils are sold'at their mph value, and all over the first cost are thrown into the giftg . ,'w hitch actually root' the z pureliaser . noticing. The prizes are distributed on it simple plan of drawing. which would take too much room to explain, hut which has never failed to give complete RIIIIIIIIISiII I II. We here drawn and sent to purchasers 183 Odd irdtches of va rious Price , ' 74 purses of gold dollars, 23S gold Joeliots, 14511 gold 0111111 N, and n corresponding number of other prizem, within two months. TIll.:111: A ItE NO lILAIiNS, but every purchaser draws a prize worth $2 certain, and it Rands thousands of chances to bna higher figure. It a Wijlt p goldegent In even• neighborhood through. out the country, to Fol frit purchasers, and any anvil( to 'be successful, must have a Pencil and n prize to rxtilbit. We pay agentr - sl4xxii, fur each purclitiFer he obtaltix, and the tiro person in nay neighbot hood who mine., Err a Pencil and gift, will receive the agency . for that locality. Should , au agent obtain a aluable prize to exhibit with lila pencil', he would have little difficulty in obtaining scores of purchas4ro. and making it a pay ing business. A NEW IDEAS rt AD ii BEAD!! ! We ask nobody to send their money till .they know what prize they thaw. Any person n felting to try their lurk, ran first send us their ma n e and addreFs, and we will make their drawing and inform !limn by return mail what prize they drew, wheu they ran send on and take the Pencil and prize, or .not, whichev er-they Oleos, We give this privilege only once to a lurches. or. After the first drawineovery purchaser will be re. quire d to send in advance, through thePeuthorized agent. Wo will send with each drawing the number taken out, with full description of the plan.of drawing. Address c. CQ., Ilroonio Stroot, New YOrk Jan 13, 1319 —3i33 130011 HOUSE VISITORS' ICE -11 PORT.—January Term, 1858-41urirterfiessions '5B. Before the lion. James 'I. (Yellen, President Judge, unit his Associates the following proceedings were had, telvit: , The undersigned Committee appointed by the Court, to visit, examine Into, and' report upon the mode of management and present condition of the Ponr youse of this county, beg leave to, state, that in discharge of the duties asigned thym,they have visited tile Institu tion etAillTerent tittles during the year. There were in the Poor Ilefise on the tirstday oflenuary.lBs7, 90. of which 12 were colored. There have been admitted since then 224, Including 6 born in 'the house, ninkfitg • the whole number provided for timing the year 814: including 22 out doer paupers; of these 7 lira° died, 2 hound out. it eloped, nod 185 discharged, leaving the number in the house on the lot of January, 1558,. in el titling 22 out door paupers, 144 In alldition to the ab..ve 775 transient paupers_ have been admitted and their wants supplied. - IWe urn happy to say that In ay Instances veal found everything in good order. 011 the appartments present n clean 'and,healthy appearance; their Clothing Is abun dant, theletiletnitundant and nutritious, and - All 'who -are elek-reeeive the faithful - ettvitions or - the eognlar, physician. children Is provided for ell who are able to work, The children have proper care and attention be: stowed upon theta. and When of suffielent years more pint out to service with mitten, persons. Upon the whole your committee aro fully satisfied that the in stitution has been wall managed for the year just clos ed. We. notice In the report of tine Committee of 1856, the opinion expressed that there should ho a hospital soparate.from the nintn.bultding -- After aWonsultatiou •Yrith the steward and the attending physiolan and see. Ing.the vomparative eronfort..ble condition of the In niatem of the institution, your present committee are of opinion that for the presemt such, building can be dispeneed with. . Respectfully. kr., •- ' A. 11081,1filt, . Vit.:tors. JACOB NOFFSINCER, • • ' Q A.DDLE AND BAR:IESS MAK i.„3 INB. The subscriber continues th carry on the' Alvaro business, in all its various branrheA,in North Darr over street. Carlisle. two door's North of Leonard's cornet where he Uploads heaping on baud a general assortment In his line, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD. . ' " DL6S; Bridles', Martingales; Ulrlbs, '.›-- - Circinglesand !Leiters, also TRUNKS, ' `.'s.:", „\ % j ‘ Ireveling and 'saddle ...R l , ,-,..b .. . „y .bags t l Ile also man.. :,.....- 1 ...,. I , , ufecture_s_the most ?ot . mi t .. (( 1 1 o eir wi r ai u i s n e g a h n a a d r .. saddle will do well to call and see them. Ire . , 11 1 , 1 \ \'-' ' .s c.ln i ol : L n ul " i r e : , 4 2 a rl S' l l:l :l nA e ltl a r.: n lS d n pleasant e . A also manufactures Harness, Bridles, ' • Collars and Whips in all their varie ties, and confidently balloons from the general approbs.:' tion of his customers; that he makes the neatest and best gears, in all their variety_of breath, that is wedeln the country. Ile aisti makes all' kindspf Matrassas to enter, viz, Straw, husk, Curled Hair And Spring Mat raises. All the above articles will be made of the beet material and woricentuship, An il .with the utmost dent patch.. . - ' / WM.OSBORN.' ' -- • thiii'day associnted mitt( me, he a 'partner In The Forwarding, Commission and Grain Business, my sun ALIIEIIT K..itilEßM, and that theabOte Mishima wIII to hereafter, conducted under .the name of .1. 11118861, & BAIN,• . • J.RIIBEM. feish prices for PRODUCE of NI.OU 1, 'WHEAT, BYJI, OATCh " Salt, Piaster, /M. al weir, op band and for sale. ' pirlhile May 1 a,1857-if. ".. , ig v JOHN , STONE . 8r ; SO.i‘IS, • : .• . IMPOOTIMPAND 'ODDER, OP - • BILKS, -1114180 NV,.. AND MILLIN.ERY,.: 01:10Dky ' Ileao renewed from No. 45 . deittli.Seeciad ttea . t; . 'f:o iliefr '',Oer,iled,'ilegantialara, '... - :, -71 i ' .Iti 0: sips rs'iiiiit it. our door above tilth i r .', - i• - : - ,!. - putpan!,rpr,t - ,7 -- ,7,:, - 7 -- ,:". T. ..iVileia the arill ie . , pleaaall'; to',m( liaii frisida 'and Ithe trade generalti; , .', -• .. .... ~ 1: , . , •.,. . —, ~..,-' .!as.l3:l63!Le.:llmal ~,,,,. *.-'.,:e '.' L ; . '., ''. • - - - ''X , '..:-'''''"ltel#"..slYiitit - .':"''' • .4: : lase Ir ar - 1)WA di Vit • " I R LA.B.RLYAL. _L • ItnigNsp. STOCK, OF HARDWARE; The subscribor has just, returned from the Eastern citids, and rrould'call the attention of his friends Mad .the public generally to the large and .Well-solected'as sMttnent_of llABDWARE_whichuhe.hasminy on...hand; :consiating in part ,o( Bump; NO IdArtiltlALSreticiias Screws, 'Binges, Belts, Locks; 01111111.61 every' do scrlptioir and quality, such as Common, White, polished sizes, Frond', Enaineited and Double thick of all sizes, Paints,lfile, Varnishes.'&e.,"&o.'. TOOLS,,lnoludlngrEdge_Toolir otevery_deseription, ° Saws. Planes, Bravo and Ditto; Augurs,Equarerr,Guages, Files, Rasps Ilammers„..tilcas, Anvil, Screw Plates, , D]ackaudtba (fellows, 4e., &a. , Shoomakereandladdlers will find a large 'assortment' of Tools of every deserlPtien, together with Ladies' and 0 entleniens' Morocco' Lining, Ilindli,F, Potent and French Calf Skins,.S.lnkc Th iron d. Avila, Wax, Pegs, Lasts,' Harness Mounting, Collarn, Birthing, Whipstock, beer. , hair, Saddle Trees„.&c., &r. Ise,Coaelt Makers Toolsand Trimmings•of all kinds, such as Hubs. Spokes, Follpen..Shafts, Rows, Floor Cloth, Canvass, Cloth, 'Damask, _Eying, Lace, Moss, Axles, Spring Belts. &e., &e. Cabinet 'Makers will find a largo assortment of Tar nishes. Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany- Veneers. Knobs' of all 'kinds and sires, Mouldings, Rivets, Uolr Cloth,, Pfush,,Curied (lair Chair and Sofa Sponge, &c,, &e. ' Housekeepers. will, also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Bra tannin, Aibota and Slicer Plated Table and Tea Spoons, Candlesticks, Waltoro, Shavela, • and Tongs, Iron and Brass Kettles, Pans, '&e., together' . with Cednrwaro of all kinds, such as Tubs. Buekets, Churns, &c , &c.', . - .• Agricultural hilphiments, embracing Plowsofall kinds, cultivators, Bees, Shovels, Bakes, Forks, Chains, &c. IKON, a large etc k, comprising all kinds_ in general use which I ant selling nt - elly - wholesale prices. lientember the c.id stand,'East Main street, Carlisle. IL SAXTON. SHRO3II4 HOFFER. -11.-. C-Is- G-0-0 - 0 - .D . 8 - ! - 8 -- fi . GOODS!' Bentz and Brother have just (Mated ono '1 the largest and'best assortments of Dry Oooda ever brought to Carlisle. Their stock. has been selected With chore than usual taro from the best houses in New York and Philadelphia and evoi , Y effort made to obtain the latest and most fashionable kyles of dress. They flat ter themselves' they will , beuble to suit every' variety of taste at prices as low or lower thou they•can ho bought here or hal the city. ' Black Silk Robes, Barege 114eV, Poplins. • Fisfey'Silk Robes, Lawn Rebel,, Agentine. Foulard Silks, Grant fine; • Brlllinote. Bay adere Silks, Pure Chall, Ingham Lawn. Moire Antique, • Ducal, ' Dau.lazi no. India, do Espagne Alpaca. Malatya, . All wool do lane Fancy Silks, , Tamartine, Cashmere. . A full assortment of white dress goods. Nainsook Victoria - Lawns, Figured Swis,, Velvet. for Man tles, White and lunch Cfape Shawls. Stella Tillhet, Mode nod limelin Shawls, Av. lionnets,tlionnet' :.al Ins, Rib bons, Flowers, &L.., Coronation. Cruvelin and Crinoline, Skirts for Lodi6s, Also, Colhire, Undersleeves, Ilan& kerchief.; In great variety. - Cloths, essslineres, limp doll, Cash Morels, Summer ens. slinores, Cottouuden,alk Undort,Larts, Linens, llondker. Le. llleached and unbleached Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Table Linens, tVolen ditto, Piano Cover, Counterpanes, Strain Bats, Plats. Loot log Glasses, Ticklugs, Window Shades of all kinds, Umbrellas, Muslim and every vs. rlely of Ury Goods In vllllllOll use. We have just laid Ina large stock or TnpostrVingrnin, Imperlal,lllxed and" tag Carpet, Oil Cloths, Matting, Straw Mats, &e, at lowest prices.. We respectfully In vlte the public to call and examine our stock befbre pur. chasing. We have bought our assortment at such pt ices that ,we cannot be undersold. Special a Iten Lion paid to purchasing goods ht the city' per coder at shortest notice. Every effort will be made by the-firm to glee BMW:Ac tion:to those - who may favor them with a call. • • (ZITSP-ENSION AND -ITS CONSE- K 7 QuEscus. ! nose who wish to 4.1, the effects of the present Ft. NA NCI AI. CRlSlS—which hes .eltnst plunged our country into a stele of bankruptcy. making the rich of tode i y the.pottruf tonnirirow, - Pati do so by ceillidat tho NEII STORE of the subscriber, who has just returned front the east with a largo assortment . • DRY GOODS, GROCERIES; Booys, lIATS, AND CAI'S, • .• e • 'Odell he to determined idsell cheaper than over offered Cerlisle„for Coon. - - Scotch Plaids at 37.3.4 worth 6234, -• tt t. " " 50. . • Do Tallies .• 25, • Thibet Cloths" 15 " .25, . Duals 25, Together milli ry largo assorlment of Alpacas, Challies- De laines, Do barges, bustra Poplins, Itriillents. Skit t. log, French end Scotch_ Ginginnm..Printa, t;ION ea, CM. late, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, de., de. Shawls of -every style and . quality. Staple and. Domestic Dr • Goods CI lIIS • • altsr-H•arrilltia. Tick , ligs, Stripa; Check's. Calicoes,: tlf.iinidea,,'Linena,. Shootings, Denhns, Nankeens, Drifla. Marseilles Quilts, coloreCand while Carpet Chain, Umbrellas de.. de, - Also, - a large mlll splendid estlortnieut of 11°11100. flats Ceps, Deets and Shoes, which will be sold nettle present greatly reduced prices. . A. superior -lot of Fresh Groceries, Tens, Coffee, Itlo. lased's, It Spices, de, Sc. Having selected my entire i -- stock - trith - thergrestest' - caro and - at - t he - lowest Cali - priellt,'l.ean assure my,frbtnds null the public generally, ' that .1, in,,ltty•power to make my establish ment known es the , "IIEA,D QUARTERS FOR BARG ATNSY .TilAn; who wish to purchase will find it.to 'their ad sant:lip to call and examino.iny stock before purchaa . , Twill pay the lxigheit niarltet price for flutter, Egg. Itngs Soap nutt Ifiled Fruit. • • J. X. 111131111E 1 1i, Jr • . Carlisle, November 11, 1857 TTO TIES WAY !!!—The cheapest i.....L5111013,5.T0RE in the Cr/Wily ahead of ell Compe tition. Ladles and Gentlemen will sale 25 per rent by purchasing their Boots end Shoes et the CHEAP Shoo Store Seem Wear Cornier of the public square, • , L EU,HSII ARRIVAL OF BOOTS and SHOES Trtfiiirs, YalllieN. Cornet Dags, umbrellas Ac r I Just received from Philadelphia„ an exteusly tani'spleutlid assortment of ' OENTLENIEN'S AND LADIES' SHOES, . . which have been selected with care from the best man ufaetories, and which he can reenmend fur their su perior workmanship and.finisti, _ Ile has_every thing In the Boot and Shoe line suitable for the season, and which dill be sold very low for cash. A great variety of ,Meniand_Boyelialters, hoots, Shoes and- Brogansel.a— dieS Gaiters, Lace Bouts, Buskins, Slippers, Ties, Misses and Children's Shoes. at the lowest prices. Purthasers aro a espectfully lnt iced tin roll and en and ne our large and elegant assortment, and they will Olt I that In price and quality It will compete w II la any shoe store In the place. op.lteparlng- done at the shortest notice. All rips sewed Gratis.. Doit't mistake the place, cheap S. W. Corner of the public square, op posite 11. L. Burkholders -JACOB SENEII,, . May 2.0,'0ut: Successor to M. bellies. FRESH GROCERIES!- AT S. C. lIUYETT'S . Shad and Mackerel of different gradjal YETT'S. • Salmon, Scale Flab and NOIR° Fla,' . At HUY ETT'S: Codfish, Bp and Pickled At HUYETT'S Theme and Crackers can bohad: Dried Fruit, Preserves and Jellies, Sugtir Cured Beef etn7 A flub supply of LIQUORS; Oils, While Lead, &e., (ZTOCIi- OF .D.RY GOODS FOR 'SALF. The subscriber,-from continued. 11l heallb.-andby the advice of his physician's and friends., offers his clock t t Dlt 00t)1.19 for sale, that he may. thereby be duo rated of all the cares of business, and be enabled to ,devote his attention entirely to the restorstlrin or his health. The fixtures will also be sold cud the store ruOni of. furred for rent.. To - any one having the necersatm cardb tal, and who will devote-his attention -to the business,- this will afford a rare chance. Thu current Is 'already made; and as the stock has received frequent additions in :tray. July and August. to an aMoutit orecedtpg $5OOO, $lOOO more would then complete it fur the Full Trade. For part Iculirs enquire of OM. W. 111TNE11. N. 13.—A lot of Goods iultallo for thcosenson just re sired. , - [Sept. 2, 1857. 131tEPtRE•TOR WINTKR - • t • - PARLOR AND COOKING STOVES. The subscriber at his old stand on North Ilanover st., Carlisle, the sign of the "Mammoth Red Coffee Pot," (W -ires to call the attention of the_ public to •liis large am ortmuut of STOVES; of the MOS/WA and most faullionn )l,e styles,,frout the best- manufactories lu thu country, and at all prices from $3 to $l5.- if, Among hie PARLOR k CHAMBER STOVES ate the Mirror Store, the Meth., Revere, Stir, with Pian, e li r " p i e a rl d s 11:1:bliierTrotitnorstli!..e.: for parlors or chambers, and calculated for burning either wood or coal. Also, the JEtua, Globe, Ash r, Alkany, Flat-top and llaudboa or Poor Map's, with otheuCOOK IND STOVES; comprising the -latest improfements In kitchen stoves, and,inteudcd for either wood or coal.-- Also, thirDlnin eltdoni Cooking Stbve—ii new and gent article, to which he invites the particular anon- Don Of finitillea. ,Ilifccooklng stoves range in price from $1 to 25, with thollx tures complete. Also, Nine Plate i..vos,of various patterns and different prices, • Also, ENAMELLED AND TINNED.TI ARE for Cook ing Strives, Brass Kettles, kc. • Also, every article in the line of Tin and Copper IVare. The public are respeet fully invited to call as is confident with his large stock, variety' and cheapness, of being able to give on tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and see. .0ct.25. 1854.„ •' , • - MiMORIDS' (fAB FITTING.' AND PLUMB , ~ The undersigned irould !litany the •• citizens of.Carlisio • that he . ban made' tithing. ,inents todoiClAn 19TTING - and ~P1...1331111.Ntiat short no and.oureasonable tornie., Ile has engaged the see vices of a first rate hand front'Phllhelghla, and has son •plituf himself pith ',rut extensile assortment of FIXT URE i tii,whlrh W.J.ltUtingiaihri.to.iillall.brdeetrprortuptly A7l worti , will warranted. lIIs stoch r.f Gae ,Flicturer wjll be found In the room exactly opposite 101'1011Ni! entablislimeittun,Nhrth Ilanoverstreet i whore he Invite. - rall: , , TINNING, SPOUTING, Ix • also prepared to furnlshor rnake order,:every . article of TIN WARE used by housekeepers and others. lie will also attend to SPOUTING, lIOUSE4IOOFING, BELL GANGING,' and PLUMBING. , ,Thankful for,the Patronage with which he liasalready been favored, he respectfully solicits a. continuance o: the send. • -" ' • June-14,•:'54' A MOT.IIE R D . I.T GTI ON . I:.N !•-•••_ • •• „PItW iB. i " • •••, ntendffig ta'reaorre. ply-litoie to Mr. Itandlton's um. inlndhar. I will un conenee Ws week to sell off my on. tire Mock YON TASII, at grontly radar.' pukes MANY ARTICLES, :It EOA'RDIA.E34 ON COST: Norte the timatOr great' bargalos kft.deterdiY• tax de. Ikets and Abed, Carpeting, Ac.', • •. .' • -• ' 'oarprx..., MENEM DoSIESTid uOops =2= II=! =! At HUYETT'S At lIU YETT'9. I= MONROE MORRIS: .. ~~TCIU .. ~QOI~S, JUST_ RECEIVED -AND OPEN IN if , NAOLIC.B,CIIHAP JEW ER•li' STO4I, • '• • 1111 - '.i , !Nre'et,''Carlislei Pa. '. . :A, largo' supply ..of, `Watches, JeWelri,Silo ?Iglio"re. an ' lf You: went to act from the fargest tack °Mocha.' Watch. a. Jewelry, Silver and ted ware - lit Carlisle- We have a.large asfuntment of Gold and Silver Hunt ing and Open Case Watches to cult all Andes and Pockets; _ • - •At NAUGLE'S.. _ .Flneand Cheap Jewelry of decry style end quality In setts or by the plume as wanted,. • 'At NAUGLE'S. . . . . ' Silver and Plated Itialters, Cake. Fruit, Sugar, and Card IlasketFi, Silver, Table, Tea, Cream,-Sugar, Salt, Dessert nodoCreen, Spoons,. At NAUGLE'S. . . . Fine Pearl, Lava. Cord, Cemeo, Goldstons. Mosaic, Flo. rentine Atomic; Jot Box and Claaa sett. rberip . ' , . Diamond Breastpins aid Fingerings, • . At NAUGLE'S. ' .. . . . ... Gold Hunting Case, Eight` DO Lavers; Gold Hinit • Dig Case,•Duplex; Gbld Glinting, Chronometers, , . ... At NAUGLE'S. . . Bagley's hest qual4 it of Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold Pens and Sliver Hold, ' At NAUGLE'S:. Slyer end ,Plated Tea Solis, Goblets, Cui,S, Toast Itacks,Atchciil9.lrns, TtirSons, Tea Al NAUO LE'S. • (101,1 Nett, refit: • hairh, • Fob. end Cluttloln Chains, Gold Bracelets, Lockets, Thlmbles, - Crssses, Clewing, -• • • - Ai SAUGLE'S, : French Time PleCew to run three 1113 d !co9r.sv?elis, • At NAUULES • • Gold Sleeve, Test; Guitar, and Studs cif all seylos and quality, . • ' At, WAUGLE'S. . - . Plated Faßas, Spoons, Knives, Napkin Rings, Sliver T41[111)108, S4lolds, . • At NAUGLE'S. ~ . , Platlnas, Adordeons, Music Boxes—n line.varloty, •• • • . - AVNAUGLE'S, Ladles' Portmonales. Pearl and Leather, LIAM and Fancy Travelling Bags, Neil, eke styles, cheap A - t NAUGLE'S. • 'lt you want to have your Watches put in good 're pair and svarruntedjaho them to NAUOLE'S. • If you Itaiirto get a Cheap Clock, ynu rim ant It • • At SAll(7[4l3'B. It you smut your Sllver,warerheatlyinarked at Wool notice, call . . At NAUGLE'S.. . All goods warranted as renreitented, or the money re funded,— - AL NAUGLE'S . . Parson! that vast homily,' aro Invited ty coil jdi.. KELLER'S .11-AT, CAPi• • , BOOT AND SHOE . STORE,.. North East enrner bf the Public /inner°. The subscriber offers to the public a completb and choice amortinent of lit., Cups liontsand Shoes. which' have3ust,bean ptirchased from the best manufacturers Our stock consists ors great variety of beautiful,' , . SILK AND FELT - HATS, made expressly for custotm , r?. All kinds of Caps - for Mau, 'Boys and Children'. We would invitee particular attention to our, well - selected and great variety or thiqle goods, as we are confident they cannel be excelled in the town orscounty. , I.)Tzi AN D' SHOES, of every style, and arkty, nil unequalled for price and finish. It consists in part of _ :HEN'S fine French, CALK BOOTS, . • BOy's s .os YOUTH'S " " - LADIES' French and English GAITERS, • Misses' and Children's " •• , . Every variety of Children's fancy Slire , s. The Less lot of-heavy WINTER BOOTS, for men and boys, Inc town. / Thankful t o our friends and - the public' for pa'st fit• yors,-we hope by strict attbntion to the wants - of cur customers, and by felling 00011 GOODS,do merit their continued favor. ' J. B. K ELLER. • N.ll.—We sell no Auction Ooodsl [Oct. 7, .57. I\TEV GOODS ! GOOD GOODS ! IF YOU WANT NEW GOODS, • - GOOD GOODS AND 1•11 , 4 P 00000 next door to Maglauchlin's Dote!, and ynu find large assertment of Lull.' Goods, conskti lig of lila-k. FIIfICY Ind OiniiiriSilki;"3terinnes; I'eFlkiii " Cloths: - Du Mines, !foliages, A Ipaccas; Scotch Plaids. Sack Flan nets, Scotch, Matich'ester, -- Eartsion; - Cinitabrag hams, Calleoes, Flab Froneh Worked Collars,-Ribbons,. ssiery, Gloves. A,. doe. ' ISOMESTICS,—WooIon Twilled Drilling. Ticking, Bags and ltagginf, Cotton Flannels,Osnallergo, Table Draper,. Cheeks, white and- cuts ored Carpet Chain; Ac. • , -in Shawls and *Blankets Waliave ell sorts, sties -- end, conditions. • • For gentlemen we - have Fine French Stork Cloths, "Slack and Fancy Cassltneres and Doeskins. Satin Yost. ligo. Tuepds, Satlnethii - Vinvel - CorllT - lientucky - Jcans. - % ibr men's, Wumsp's and children's_ Wets Shoed;. defy companion: Also, a very superior lot f Groceries, Such on Coffee, Sugar- litre, Spleen, ,tr. , Our stockthas hem seleapd with the greatest care no to price and quailty,.and we are determined to at very small advances, Those wishing to purchase will ; find that no are culling no cheap-11f not cheaper-4112,n' houselortowril and they will find it, to their ad vantage to give us a coll. Butter, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit taken at Market prices. N. W. WOODS, Ag't. Min's forgot tho place, next doOr - to 3tog!oueldl, hotel. . 1100 O Situ YUCK, T A K y S LO I Ii f & 4 1 t 3 IPTI? KS " are sole agents In Franklin and Cumberland counties for the following valuable works: ,Benton'a Abridgment of the Debates - of Congress. _ Trite per Vol.. Cloth y 9 (XI, Sheep 3 511. , Benton's Thirty Year's Vie ; complete in 2 vols. Cloth 00, Law Sheep $0 00. Mom's GenorefAtles of the World; Colored Mope, and bound, $0 00.. Burton's Cycloptledin of Wit 'end flouter. American Eloquence; a collection of epeechee, etc., by the most eminent orates Of America, with blograJ phical sketcher nod illOstretlye notes, by Fronk MO WO, now ready, complete in to Ovols. Cloth. $510; Library style, leather, $600; half cult, gilt, 600; hell mom> co, 7 00. . • -SANDERS' SCHOOL BOORS. • Sanders' Primer. ^ Sanders' Speller. Sanders' Reader, No: 1. • Sanders' Reader, No 2. Seri.len' Reader, No. 3. . Sondem'. Reader, No. 4. • Sanders' Reader, No. 5. Sanders' It coder, No. 5. Sanders' High School Reader. • Sandera' Ladles' Header. • Sanders' Speakers Wholesale and retail aC " 0111tYUCH, TAYLOR & SMITH'S lifolodoono, EJIRYOCK; TAYLOR'S B=l • SIIRTOCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S. A upyl Paper. Envelops, Pens, Inks, ate , etc. SU STOOIi. TAYLOR & 1)1110.f.:S• G E ATLI' 11ED DOE ! 0011.11'S CII SAP OTOIIO. • lore New Cheap Goods this week from Auction. At OW [AWN Cheap Store 13 1 5 cte. Worked Collars selling. for 6,4; cis., _ At 01111,1117'S Citesp - ,StOrei, 00 CeSsltnerosSelilug for 74; -",;•—•••• ; • _At_olli4lll76 K'ercts. Do Mines ,4111 lig for 20 els.- - At o(llrAirs Cheap Stoi:o. 20 etc. Duca% now aisle ceilingl Lb i r x l , 2l4 ets., • • Cheap S tore . 18 eta. Plaids rich ocilours selling. for 1244 cis., At 0011.11 Y'S Cheap Store. Elegant new style Oke uncomiiionly low, •- - At 00.14111'S Cheap Store. Carpel lugs and 011 Cloths selling under price, At 0011,11rS Cheap Store: 150 palrirvf,Shoes selling tbr $1 25. At 0011.111"8 Cheap Store. Noun wanted fur chcaP4l.lloodil. 001E111'Cheaph Store. , , -Noe. 11, 1857: , , • ' Fr FIE NEW STORE AHEAD OF COMeETION.—The greatest and cheapest arrival of the season of FALL AND AVIINTEIt DRY GOODS, . Grocerlee, Hate, Cape , pads end SVOCN, et the Near- Stare. In Carlisle, corner of NOrth Uncover and Loather Streets. . . . • The Undersigned returns thanks for the patronage bestowed on him by the public. and at the aline time respectfully announces tnat he has Just returned from ,Phlladolphia and is how Opening a new lot of Fall and Winter Dry Oasis andllroberlea consisting In part—as follows, and which he (*determined to sell sLthe low est cash prices; —tilikarDueatCloths, Alpatualfhallies, Ue Lines, Dr Baps frnstres, Poplins, Brilliants, Skirt ing, Fronek and S c ottish Gingham, 'Prints,• ()loes, Collars, Ilaudirerchtsik, Hosiery. &c., Ar. Shawls of every style and' amility. Staple and doniestie 'Dry , Goods, Cloths, Cussimers. Nestinga Flannels, Muslin& Tickings, Stripes, Checks. Calicoes. Cottonades, Linens, ' !Meetings, Denims, Nankeens, Drills. Marseilles Colored and, white Carpet Chain. Umbrellas, , An &c, Alec a largo' and splendid assortment of Bonnets , ;fate, Caps, Boots and Shoes. • " A superior lot of Fresh 0 rocerles; Teas, Coffee, MOM& acs, Rice, Spleen, &c., &e. Slaving selected my, entire stock With the greatest care and at the lOwest Calm pri • cos; I can assure my Tripods and the pupil° -generally, that I will do all in my poweeto make my establish rapt known 6. the • " lIEAII QuAtzgre.w - roirriAinkno." - ~ T hose 'who wish topurchase'will iind it to thole Ad - vintage to call and osatairre thy, stark before before ' I will . pay the price for Butter, Eggs,' Itsgs,O3oap and Dried Fruit, ' ' Clitlcle;Octbbirl4;'l47:"' A. - . 1. 1 rl' We . ar6 'end Opening this vreokunir see; T. oud rgo purchase of WI and Winter .Gcpds—bought .onttrely for.cards In'theAty—and vehlch we propose ku sell At wry low•Prfersi, teatime bu;slOg. VQII VASIL We would also odd, lite:tour customers irtli find It mach to thole Intelsat tqhuv r 'kOlt Citf3O, no by ,Ibet, 'means Nairn enebied 60 dpiho senie, and thus we con offer IRUctS gnetteriodutinuouts to the consumer.. • .. • • BENTZ & n, ' . • Opposite the Post•Olitee:. Dec, '20.857.7_ ciABAS Is now offering a, Itit !Of for. , Dale at cost Mond ketrit t ble for.ehrlitinal , p_resenig. "InFiCit,'ST , !GAO.,W, 1141270611. • • .Kan .Know • . 1. • • • 1 Au in.hiab.ce Book for .25 Cents. 'Eve. • ry - Fixtvil;y should have alDfipy..! I DR."1101T KR'S . .F.14.0144 /lb MANUAL ANUHANDBOOK. 't Tp / Volt-All it -- A Fr ircTED; ,> containing an outline tha l A ‘ j es f r 'v „ ll ic4 "" .. 4- '- :; l l i e 9 tirb i o7i=r7h t ir " n a i t or Ire- AIANZAV .; contracted "by_ prouder, Tr li t t\ s ,' -- •\.`‘ " tcous sexual intercnnme r by •-S • 11' bum, 'or' b 'Mutual-ex "%M., ! Coon. with advice for their prevention; mis Moe sin a familiar atylct avoiding all technlcalitlea, and everything that would of fend the ear of decency. = , cstlmony of theTrofessor of Obstetrleti In 'Penh. • College, Plilladelphla.—‘Dlt. HUNTER'S MEDICAL MANUAL.'—Tit author of this work. unhke. the 'majority of those who advertise to cure the Micas es of whieh It treats, lan graduate of One of the best'Colleges in the-'United States. It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the udfortuate, or to " the victim of mal.practlee, as It successful and ex perletwed praetioner, in whose honorliiiil4aintrlty • they may place the greatest confidence. • i19E1.11 Losostionn, M. D. 1: 1 1 From A .Wondward, M. D., of tenn. UnlrersltY, E.i • Philtol. It gives not pleasure to add My tostimeny Goitre Profooti Cont. ability of the Author of the " Medical Manual."—Numerous C-13000 of Diseases of p h the Madill Orions, contra of Moil, of long standing, c. have Come under my notice, in,whlch Ills skill has been l ' l ' n‘ a t ' a fi n k c ' e t s liAgrZtt.folrehiVom peered been h a letohn4 In ered beyond medical Ad. I n the treatment ef sentl• toll weakness: or disarrangement pf the functions , producer! by SeLr-5000g or ItxcEss of Tottery. Ido not know ills tonwiler ,In the prof. beton. I have been acquainted, with the Author some Ahlrty "N years, and deoto it no more than -justice to hlnt no §if well as a kindness to the unartunatexletim of ear ". ly Indiscretion, to recommend Islin as 01111, In (thole profigodonal skill and Integrity they may •ctifely . confide thetniel yes. • , • 103311263 ALITED..WOODWARD„M,II.. . Qdo Dopy. securely envelnred, will be foiovarded flee f post,,ge to 4111 V part of the Unitedlitates. for 1:, r d copies for .*1 . 09. nip , Address COSDEN & CO., üblisliers., Jinx 197, l'lllindelphit. 11 .oltsolle•s, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied n the tTI 14 liberal tenns. Doc. 9, 10:.7.—1y. Carlisle . 7oundry,, - ' n(* .." =. -,=7b. -..,-,_-. ' - t 449C':,.., ~ Ile„ ,„ : - s . 1415 P M.„ ... , 14 `i,rr7&,- ' agiA naP 4 : : Al AU [IINL S CAIt AND SAMI FACTORY, •. • . Enst Main Street, CARLISLE =EI This extensivo estoblkinnoni Is now In CompliTir err . der nod supplied with the best lonchioery, for ex.:m(ln' Avork.in every ch , plr4niont. The buildings have Aiso been prosily enlarged this spring nod stueked will, the newest nod most hoproved.tools for the tonnuineture of DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES. SASh, Sheter, 11111 ids. • Nlolthlings. Braekets and nil Other kfnde of earp,mter worrk. We Invite Builders. Car. pentersand others in roll and examine our flfellities for doing this description .of work, Tile best Materfabi used mid Driers list., :is nt any other establishment In .the County or elsewhere. STEAM ENil IN ES 11 U UV TO ORDER. nod repaired as heretofore:; . Eimines have been recent ly bullt for W. M. Mendel-$..1 .4 F 4,13. hi nib. borott,,,h, It. Bryson 3. Co. AIIeS township. Alai Brothers, New. •Ille. Shade .1: Wetzel, North Middleton, and ntaers,. no whose establishment they Tinny be seen In-deity op. .oration. and to whom we can refer for evidence of theft' superiority. - • , lIION'AND MUSE PASTINGS of every description', frOnt the ebullient to the heaviest pieces. executed nt ekkort notice nir hvory kind fit ma. ehinery. A large vnnety of toill enstinge nOw on hand. 'Two skillful Pattern makers constantly -employed.— IiEFAItI NO :promptly makers to for Paper :inns, Distilleries. Orbit Mille, Factories, A.:c. Turning and Fitting Mill Fpindles. Ac. done in the beet style. TiIitESIIINII :11ACIIINES AND 1101ISE POWERS.. such as Bevil Dear Four How Powers, liorirontni 1 Gem Four aT M nd 'Pero Horse Pincers,-Cann' Cant' libellers. , Croshemiron-Itollers. Plough. castings, and-other... tioles for farmers- on band or promptly mode to order. 1., . ,And retail-ea: Our fileilittes for building Camaro - no • more. emu pi ete_titaulMretulore antLenatiles us tofu r 101 l them to transporters nu the rail road iiii 4 feolll doting tripe 1110 made. of the best materials: oEdg . solleitA4l nifdntire'sli(is - faiiion Oinfaufeili. - ' The loufg exptirirnee In tile lousiness of the bonier partner of the firm, nod the romplefoness of our Inn chiner'y lu ovary branch of the esinblishmeot witrrant us in nsmt•lne the bt,t work to ell who favor us wi{4 their orders. The eon tintied pstroonge of our old friends and thn public Is respectfully solicited. May 2e; '67--Py: F. .t Co. I%TEW ,AdIIICULTURAL- W.kltE ROOMS. ,• • • FARMING IMPLEMENTS Thetubstallter, located in the Iwo:neat-of the- Metho dist Church, opposite Oki Itallroad — DaiiiitTirt — niiW:76 calving n variety of Farming linplementa, Mich all PLOWS. •• ' GRAIN DRILLS, GRAIN FANS " CORN SIIELLERS, FARM 11011,EltS, .Corn and Cob allude. (Sentra al lant.) thti Crescent 111:1111 Mlll, parse elp, REAPERS AND MOW KITS (Manny's m Ith lVond'n Improvement.) Straw Clatter Ac., all of whirl] re of the uurot Iwpnrcrd kind and worlinatinddp. and will lie Fold on the mutt nrcommoda tins. temp. Pompon are ,eapectiully invited to call and daandue Lrfire mirchardng. %M. For the convenience of fanners. Mores l a tent Grain Ilrili trill he sold at Shireman,town by Ilunjamln Clay. and at Shippensburg by Christlay. Long. • . Aug.t • 'l, J. URA it AM;L. S. M: DAVIDSON . ItA II A AIcLAA ELL &CO , GEWERAL LAND AGENTS, feavenivorth EdllB , lB Territory. „ WILL buy, sell, and locate lands in Kansas anti Nebraska Teri Nodes, lowa and Western Missouri, boy Maisel! lands, loitimuid invest money. buy and sell dr,,its, give litllormatlini respecting the country, and don general ii , eney business. REFER ENLT.S. John 1. Brat ton, lisq.. Carlisle, Ps.. , IVln. M. Beetent. Banker,• Hutt. J. ii. tinthatii, Nor, lirttineman 4t. Co., liankern,Parlisla. Win. M. Henderson, Esq.; Cellist°. lieurge Sanderson Esq., Lancaster. Pa. Irr..hilitt A. Aid, M. C., Nanville, Pa. Win. S. Cobean, •• E. W. Clark k Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, Michael - Cocklin, Shepliertintown. to. Henry itelnian S Suns, Merchants Baltimore. E. L. Blake, Esq., Cashier Mercantile Batik, New %%wk. Snyder M'Farlatie, heal Estate Agents, :Minneapolis, • lintuissota Territory. „ Wm. Kilgore, Esq., Attorney and Neal Estate Agent, • Sterling, 11l - - 11. W. Mateer, Esq., Henry city, 111. Es.tiov..losoph It liner, Cumberland county, Pa. E. W. Clark:-&-Coo-Batikersi.dililladelphia Gov. Pollock, ilarrlsbuag, l'a: Larch 15, 1557.-Iy. 4 • 'l4l ARMERS LOOK II 1.1 R ! • - Tit It ESIIING MACHINES! rho subscribe,' desires to inform f , rmers and the pub lic generally that hu now has on hand mid Is cen t tautly manufacturing Threshing Machines with Pim , pent's Patent Shaker, which are generally nation b edged to 'white best articles tour hi lieu. Aisne variety of Improved Clever If till. s. Corn Shellers, Straw Cut. terrand Celebrated-plow. -41 t, also attends to the repairing of Agricultural Machinery in the best manner shut nut red.:imble terms.. Manuthrtery mn North Hawn', Stre.t, directly opwslte the middle,/ of George Metzger, Esq. Sept. 2, '57-ly "HARDWARE JOIIN. y UARDWARE are note.recolving their Full Stock of Ifardware. which is unusually large. and In connexion with their fon mer heavy stork makes it one of the largest alai most varied assortments ever offered to this public. They have every thing thi t the Farmer. The Builder, the 31erehant, or the public, may yant In their linen, and which they are selling at the.very lowest prices. They solicit a call from the hublic•betote nothing tiMir pun ehBsos.lls they feel eonttdont they cots offer Inducements that will reward the bu: er ihr the trouble. ' Feeling thankful ton generous public fur their former liberal patronage, n continuance of the same it solicited at 'our old stand in North Hanover Strout, Carlisle, ' JOHN LYNE L SON. October F, 18511,• 'SUPERIOR CORN SHER . .14trkt... Lulls of various sizen And patterns - for hood or horse power, Vegetable Cutters, Horse Powers and Threshers. Hand And Power Grain Mills, Farmers Boilers, Brain Fans, Urindstones with friction Hollers, Barn-door Rol lers, Bull Dings of Steel Copper and Sliver plate, Bull Nippers for leading; Horse and tix Muzzles, Paten tl. Bow Pius. Ox-Yokes and Bows, Shepherds Crooks Hoek Sall, Fine Pruning Steve, also Pruning Saws and Chisels, with everything needed by the Farmer or . Uardenyr at Wholesale and retail. Nov. IP, 18571 DANIELS' IJAY, STRAW, A*, ~.. ~,, •• - AND FODDER C1:1111,11,—Ilaving been ath . •-, •• • ;;Z,' - .., pointed sole ag'ents,ln Philadelphia for the . t .! above cutter, wri are - able to supply them at Atholaeale and retall, - of improved c on _. , • :tructiforaildthilslC - FOilryearie tifirftilliTi - sealon have established their reputation as tho beet article of ;the kivd In the ilirlad. They,nre adapted for hand or horse power, selfabarpoiiing, and are simple, durable and eflicient: - ! . - • • • rASOIIALL MORRIS A. CO., • - „ implement and Seed Store, 7th and 'Market streets, Phil% ov. IR, 1867.] • JELEAT - L 'S ARCH. 5T.... . -TIIKATRII. Arch Street,•Above Sixth, Plain. dolphin. The Star Company, composed of the. uret At , Votes In the world,, and exrceding in Strength and ; Talent - any DramMia,combltiatlow borenifoiro °Sorel to he Theatrical Potato, will appear every .night int:lame; Tragedy, Seri() comic' Drama.' Variqr villas; 'Musical iflettaS, dc., &is I.Vhen iteltlng:ipitiffAlnithers." NATIN DOW SHADES I , =-Th'e fineht; .„ latoest. and Cheapest assortment of Window 'wades can be had at ;b. new store of - printing dens heri 9 li~rcjL i 015. UttrlEN CAMS 11U . 1 LT, MMMEE! EMI= PASCHALL MORRIS k. CO., • Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Market el rude. 14411.0 4 r ltii: :*SU, C ...: r - 49 ' . 'illiCili ' ::: ' :=,. rtaIXOS Isla 0S: 't 4_o ,IL D . M E DA 14• .BREMIum . .. I'IA NO FOICTES. YVILLIA3I KNABE, senior, partner of the late firm of Knelt°, Caddo & Co., continues the manufactute and I sale of BRAND AND SRUARE NANO ROUTES. under. the memo of. WILLIAM , BN ADE, A CO., at the. old stand, Nos-1, 3, 5 and 7 North Buten' street, opposite, tile Eutaw Home. Baltimore. Thankful for*the extensive patronage received by-the latelirm for tho lent-fifteen years, I respectfully beg 'leave to Infortn thinTublic. that Mince the death of one 'of toy pan 1101 - 14; Sir. Henry Deride, by width the pert iterehip one disolvnel, 1. have purchased the entire large stock of unfinished Bianes.-lumber, mid - other prepared underlain beilonging to the la - firm. I shall • therefore continue the business at t old stet, dno above; nod will endeavor not only to is tin the well established reputation of the late fir . but to excel •„ - _ „, , all former efforts in perfecting the Neu Porte. Since the dissolution of the Into firm, tat,,lndnufac. Miring Phnom on a new end much Improved scale.= • 1.1.A.N1l.;•11 - , .31ERCH ANT TAILOR Thu fi rst I ustrueninit finished according to the 'new .do ' signs, was deposited In the Fair of the Marmint . ll.ll- N.., • . ____. . • _ - Lute, hold October, 1555,_ - et which, it took the highest South Hanover Street two users North of Bents & Tfro'a honors of the Institutlon, having been awarded the I more l Has just returnee! front Bhiledelphiu„ with a st °old Medal - Premium." over tho_un usual coltePetiti,n. foils oil( or Cloths Cassimeren. - Vestings Ac ; - At: - with. of foun eeoPia nos, exhibited by soniebf the beet ma.teblit for Spring end Summer wear; which he to preps ed' kers 0r Bot.too, Now York . atiel Baltimore. .. to make .up to order promptly, and on ,reasoueble. , . At the Annual Indust, fill, Exhibitions, held in Or-1 tent's. • sober, 1850. and October. 1806, by the Mitclianics' !natl. I Also sin hand CHEAT' lIF.ADY—MADE'CLOTIITIVO, twerp!' Richmond, Virginia, my Noma were also eiwat d- 1 ingetimr with stork n, cotters, londkereltlefa'and other td the Ili best l'retnitints. -•?" • -- t... ~ .- articles usually -fnuu In va 'I/entitle:lns - Purnisiiitie Again.'ut theilete foie of the Mnryiend Institute, Store. . . held O ctober,-1806, after a most thorough, and 'en un- 1 • Goode bought elsewhere Will also Lo mope to measure usually protracted ittv'estigettion of the toodtK or the L an usual eighteen Instrunteiits pt; exhibition, from the most celebrated factories of 'Baltimore, New York Anti Bos ton, my l'imms_were maim nwerdml the highest, honors .of the Institution, they having received. the .. Gold 31edto Certificate," en honor only adjudged to articles of smelt superior merit as to defy Conittetitien fur two successive years. , • , Akee ot the Third Exhibition of the;Metropolden Mechanic's Institute. bob! in Washington. D. C. 3lerch 1857, they wore moo more awarded the highest hon. With regard tqjjp, qualities of my planes, I ennli• dently refer to the CktiIIIODIOIS I Inn rinlrtlintly in. cch {rig rnou Professors and Amaleurs: speithing for themselves 1111.1 . 0012111. of the high qppevelolnlil in w lii ii up' inOn - InOentn nee heft. and which inn In seen at nay lrareroomA. And this is the hest and most reliable assurance l ens caller mistoniers• epee from lily own knowledge lif the Instruments. that .1n purchasing at nay establiSliment, they 'men guaranteed thwposs.isslon slit Piano. equal. if 110 t superior, to any tends in ibis inuntrS' 1.0 Europe. . MI Plaine, built at my Factory have full iron Frnines. being so eolistrii. t ol'no to secure great' nddlthrmb strength. n ithout affecting the TUNE, and therefore wit Aw! in any climate.' mile h, order, of any kind of wood, and with Any style of finish that may he desired. • - - -The ere:at-sty-a eels -1,1- stwored - uponitiy:work.-anti-tfi e selection ~r the and every Instrument turned mit ofmy factory van tinkrefore 1 , 11 fully q n, • ranted as possessing all the qualities .requisite fora good Plano. • Alt Instruments of my mann fad urn nro't Iso guann teed.for live 3 oar.: front the day of xalo l!arelcular nitontiou. is Maid to the ,olertion of In. strunientle for distant tordln.s. and a nu Yuman rx. grar trd nt any tlwo within six months front the ,lay nr.de, should curls Instrument not giv.e entire • TNALITS will tine le - th their advrint ago to give 1111.. a Tali bellire purchasing elsewhere. ' 4,ll...Constantly on hand a line assortment of 51E1,0- ofi.lie heed Tankers, at prices froM44s to s2oo— and double reeds—and also with double key lentils sad ntops, well adapted for the use of 'small .thurclost, , PIANOS eXchanged, hired, or blued. R7l. !CIA DE. . Th. - follow - lad testimonials from two of this idled coii• omit • Plaolstn in Op n ill .slonv hiiw- my-Instru ments are appreciated by those great Performers, who have hod opportunities for testing the besV , Planes Europe and America: MU. IS. Es.tus. Italtimore: Dear...Sir: - 1 have great pleasure in certifying tlaiti have tried your sq"... Planes, and find theta .1' .11111. it not smierlar to any ht ry, donning their grisit qualities, whirls distinguish Ilion. Is the eveness riT tone, the . agroeulde and .even foneli, and volume of, tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly do. serve. I ann. sir. yours sery truly. Alaltlinore Dee. 88 'lBB6. To-M —Wri,lirrahirktfrr.ltattliewle • -tlentleinaw Permit toe lit express you herewith Say sincere thanks ti n ' the miperli da un t and Boniire Phi isldoh you have limited lire, and-7Ol• Which- I have - per fiwined at my concerts. I eannot lint cotignitulate you upon thelowitenseliwg v; res , unliniproveuietitivynuxon--. con - tlnuall:y make, on .3 Mir Ylatiot, whit:1011 nifopirp lon, wink among, ihe very. most in this country. With hearty wi‘hes fo. your success and. prosperity, - witrelt you richly desert p by youtwonterptlse,e,pergy and activity,' I reituau yours. very truly, • -•- July 15, 1 . 8:4C - --ly. NIA URICE rkrli A KOSCII. 1 -I ()YEWS LIQUID HAIR - DYE The testimony of Prof. Booth nod Dr. Brined: having previously been full,l6hod, the following la no, added . • Frou(Prof. 31,ELO5EY, formerly * iirefesser of Theory and Practiceot Medicine In the I•emale Medical Col. loge of Pennsylvania, and Into Professor of Surgery In the AmeriotteCollege of Medicine, Le. Priwanadqua, Nov, 2701.1856. Sir. Sosepb E. Hoover :*—A trial of your 1,11.)EJ1) LIAM EVE will convince the most skeptical, that It is arlrfe, ELM.% NT, and EYFICACIOCS• preparation. Unlike many others. it Ims iu several Instances proved her vireable In the cure of some eutnneous eruptions oh the Lend, and shave no hesitation In commending it to those renniring such au application Very respectfully, J. F. X neCLOSKt. )1. D., HOVERS WRITING INES. Including 'HOVER'S IVIIITINCITTXTIKand HOVER'S INDELIBLE I NES„ still maintain .their high character, which has always 'distinguished them, fold the extensive deMand first created. Ills continued uniutekrupted until the present. Orders addressed to the 51anufaetory. No. 416 RACE Street, above FOURTH, (old No. 1440 PhiLtdelphia, will receive prompt attention by •. JOSEPH E. HOOVER, Manufacturer. • • M . .1)1 .I ' o BEET /Mei nially yen. of enieful resenrch and experiment, have discovered and perfected a safe. convenient and unexceptionable Menne Of COIIII,MeIy eollleoiill4. the. maternal function, without elsiployin”.• . city of thu unnatural and deleterious expedients so of, ten resorted to toe that purpo.e. Apart from Ito SPEC. , IC CSC of preventing Conception, It is , an Infalible. means of restoring to health nod vigor tir abused, de- - ranged and enfeebled pMerentive 'functions of fenialk. and of reAtiviltoratlug and restoring the general health to its wonted constitutional integrity. It consiets of a- , 11AtiNkric likur, which encircles the body directly . over the OS 11.1.10/, by the Nl:month: :onion of which the fe. condoling Tower Is intercepted and held in nbeyntice, and the vital nourcmnagnetic cummits. otherwise drain ed elf by sexual excesses are turned back through the system, stimulating all the viscera to n healthy nor mal tone. In a true moral aspect, no -valid of jec.ion ran be'urged against its lawfuhuse. low:much as It is designed In subnerVe a grkt Is umnitila ry purpose In the reproductive economy. life impossible in u brief card to give the reader tut adequate conception of the vir tues orate discovery and the Monica of Its action. co, dlaly, the proprietors have prepared a pamphlet. fully embodylitg . the philosophy of its Influence upon : the genitive function. Its Inn's. tests nnd results, which they will fOtWard, upon the receipt of Six route Is postage Ramps, to may add 1,51+. l'he price of the Belt is SS, sent by mall free.. De COUBSEY, NORTON 4 C 0.,, ado Broadway, New York. Address I'. 0. Box 2341. -- Dee 2, 1057.—ant. STAUFFER & HART.EY. . CHEAP WATCHES AND:JEWELRY. • HOLESALE AND RETAIL, a tn." PhOndelphloAretelt and .Tonolry• Store' No. 14S (Old No. tt) North SECOND Street, Corner Quarry, Philedolphlo. .• Gold Levee Watches, Pull Jewelled, 18 caret eases, s^_B 00 (lold-Lopino, 18 caret,' 24 . 11 0G 0 Silver Laver, full Jou 12 ' " Sliver Lupine, Jewels; • 000 Superior Qaartlers, • . roo Gold Spectacles, ' 7,00 Fine Silver do., • • T ' • 1. Gold Bracelets., • • " 800 'Lady's Gold-•Pencilfir , ------,----••••— , --r-1-50 Silver Ten Simon, sof, —•' •' • - • - 500 Geld Penn; with•Pcnell and Silver holder. • '• 1 DO , Gold Finger Ringo .47 1 4 , ct5. to 150;• Watch Glom.: plain 124 eta., patent 14,, Lunet 25; other articled in proportion.. r All goods warranted to be what they Ara , r. •• ' STAUFFER di TGOLEir. 451 7 -onihond Nome Gold and Silver I.oYeril and Le , pines still Lower than the above prices. Oct. 14. 1857-4 yr. s •.• ltiN . • TOEiN H. ALLEN 80.10:,' - Nii&,:2•&•4 tp Chesnut street, (south nide; below Water.) MCA (tho_ohlrst Weed, were noose. to the . nity.). ,Matlreeturers %fitt 'Whole:ale Deniers In Patent, ala. clammed° Cremes, Patent Grooved Cedni•ware, (weir ranted not 'to shrlnk:) IS'onct - nod; Willow.wnre. Cordr, lleushes:&e et tilt descriptions: Cites° est) and'iq . 7 . ambit nor Htnelc. ,- - ' iigupt,t, 12577-ly. 4 WCINWItS :14()OIC:-.A10.A111, . A v'ory superlo lot of 800 ~ • 4ertivited to bold 11 1 4illt i gtl7;ttfirlirr.: t f t alt i .:Atti r yl i Zl.o . hail at We noty..etwap stun of :--; . . ,r.n..,' . _.- ..1 c.......' J.; Jt. , IIIMIMCN, Jr. . riiHE TEMPLE F.ANC NOW °Tint •• . • KINDLE 'IS CtOING • Andrwillinfo at his Old Bead .QUertera in:North' Hanover'Stroet. during the Christinafe And tow Fair's tbstivltius,,w Rif one of the hirgest assbrtmente or 'CHOICE CONFLCTIONABILS' • -Ever olToted ,In this - place; - conidatlng inpArt of Fine - ' Candy Toys and Fruits,, Jolly Cokes, Eon •1101114, GUM Chocohtto_and 'Fruit Drops, Rose, 'Vanilla, and Burnt Almonds, French and exploding Secrets Se. Also all • . • the common varieties. • . • FRUITS AND - NIITS of the latest Refilus, Figs, l'ruons. Currants, Citron, soft and - pner • shelled Almonds, Filberts, Croon, Cocoa, and Grobird. - Nuts. In connection with, the above an extensive as. wanton t of • • TOYS AND FAN'aY GOODS. of every quality and - nrierceinisisting in-part 'of Flee - Wes, kid, china,' eo lag and Other Dells. Sewing and Card Baskets. Fancy Boxes, Flower :WARM,. Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Musks, Drums. Ouns, Air Pistols. Aceordepna, Ilarmoolcans, Trumpets. Chessmon of bone and mood, , • D111111110(;A, Lotto and other games.; Fancy Soaps. Bair Oils and l'ort Itniales,./Ic. We have also a fine lot 01 FAMILY GROCERIES, such as pulverised, crushed end brown Sugars, of every, grade ConAe, Molasses, Starch firm, and Meek Teas, Spices, soda, Sugar, Watei and other Crackers: cheese, At. - . . 'The subsrriber returns his sincere thanks to a gonet ous public for the patronage heretofore heetowed on him, • and hopes. by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the samd. P. 310 N YER. Dec.,81,1550 • . , • • . . _ • - ' FAMIWY . . . . ~.,...., ' 1 ' - C 0•A L.-1,000 v• - •-•vi"1";•-... -- .• • , - Tons Lyketes , Volley . - ...A" , f .- --l----' - ' ' COAL, brl.to and re. .-- ~,_ i .. ‘ k‘ mi t &qpir screened. prepared es ' ... •, '. . --• , pressly for family use, -,••'' - ''' '"'" . - and kept UNDER corn, so that - I tan forlitsh it oar and Gu n n all seasons of the . year. I have Also on hand and fir sale the BLACK --...• DIASIOND COAL.:froni the Ilaitimoni, Company Mines. This Coal Is ndinhubly calculated for. ',mons Stoves t and Cellar Furnaces; all of which I will sell at small .... profits for each. and dilliver to,any part of the borough. August t,. 1857. • W. 11. MUllltAli. ' T M EMT COA I. •2,00e1 .1 J TONS oft yligui Volloy Nut Coat a suporlor la. revolving and sal• by August 5.1857 • I CIUMBIRLAND VALLEY' It. R.- ,/ WINTER ARRANOEM ENTI ~.? ' = ' , CirANIIE, OF liollitSr • ',' . r On and after - 310:1!A Y. Oet.l2th 1057: Passenger Tnains will rungs thllswa :.(Sunda2aexecl4ed .... ..• FOR HARRISBURG. ' -- .. . ... lot-rain. Leave Clnnbersburg, .. '5.50 T . A. M. 210 P. 31 . Shipponsimrg, 9.20 ' " . 2.45 -'! 0 Neovville, 9.55 . ° •3,20 • •• Carlisle ' . ' 10.30 -. . 4.00 Meehanlesburg,- 11 00 • 0 4.30 " At Harrisburg, 11.35 . ' 5.05' " FOR Cll/151111MSBURG, Ist Train. 2,1 Train, - Leave Harrisburg . - 8.30 A. 51 ;1.50 P. 3f. ' •• 3leelta II lesburg 9.10 " -' 2.20 " Carlisle. "" 9,50 • 2.50 " " . New villa, ' 10.25 0 . 3.25 —.- " Shippensburg, 11.00 • " •--..... 400 " At Chtunbursburkt,,:, , 11..39 !, 4.30 " . '.- Trains leave Harrisburg for Phlladolnhin, at 1,08, A. M., 7.55 A. 31.. and 1,15, P. M.. vla.Cplutablu. Leave IhtFrislairg for Baltimore. at 8.30 A. M., and 1.00 P. M. Leave Ilairisburg for Pittsburg, at 3.35 A. M. 12.25 Noon, - ana 5.15;1'. 31: . Passengers for Pottsville, Reading, and points on the Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad. and for Treverton, 311,1Iersburg, nail points on the Northern. Cehtral lb .l. a ord; must take the 31ornIng Train from ,Chatobers burg,_, . - Fares from flarrlelmrg, Mechrinic'oburg.enrlfele,-Ship.. 'penehur.Ounl .Ulmfollersburg, %VIII he tence?4.s itsll. * hen Oa f for Tlekettutt_the "the Com • 0, N. LULL, Super't . Railroad Office. Chembersburg, ) Oct. - . . - . . , • f- - -"fhis,greriereMeirk Iffia-nlitlliefrfOriticlf;a7nrerld ivviith rcpntat inn, as a-bless:lig to inrailds. In come of I ',phial dip - ease, Ilheurnatisin, Burns unit ticalits,..Nervous i headache, Erysipelas, ;ceuralgin, &c:, It has a ningleal f chest in minoring pain; Imparting to the disenned parts - n natural current of electricity, by whleh tlio healthy functions are restored immediately, and wenn. effected &LULU:MO heucorp , used this article without lienotit we confidently refer to thoso who have applied It, 1,. their testimony in.its favor. / For f•nler by S. W. Haverstiel, Sy illintt, 11. Kauflmam • It. J. Maffei, and at all the country stores throughout the miunty. N. 11. . The uniform prieal; Fiery CENTS a bottle, It -- -/ ' • • . • • this is the Only •slte that la shipped to the Dulled States; IZEIEM 1)00TS AND SI.IOI;,'S •AT COST. A ) Intruding to Felinquisli thin branch of my busi ness, I mill,sCH off the entire stork at runt for CASH. The steel; trotol, most of It hoopla this fad—Also, Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting,. st,cost for CASH Now Is the time and' tkllby's haigains. 10, 16174 • Cll,l'S. OOILBT. IRVING FEMALE COLLEGE 31ECHANICSBURO, PA. This Institution, designed fir the liberal education of,Young Ladles, has been in operation one year with the most giatifyingresults. It Is now established on a firm basis, and Ito patronage already extends over nice • sister states. During tire last winter, it was created a college pm. per,by the begishtture of Pennsylvania with powe I. roofe r degrees and endowed w ith ell the rights and Imielleges of tire most favored Female I ind.itutlons. It is located on the Cunt' Palley ilitilroad mid • way between lion ieburg and Carlisle, in the most fee the red beautiful portion oV . tho Valley, and Is itt . rloee proximity to one of the moeftural, healthy, and enter prising towns in the State. It Is central, and easy of ceeas. Students leaving Washington, Baltimore, or Philadelphia in the morning train fire Harrisburg, will arrive at Mechanicsburg In time our dinner. ,a ter. ' The edifice Is large and romModions, surrnunded by, double verandas. and will neconn one It un• dred hoarders. in its construction, IL cuntldnes all the modern Improvements fir the ',remotion of health, emu, • fort, and convenience. In these respects physicians . pronounce it uttrltalled. The Chianti era are large end;' neatly furnished. Each bum its registers tor heat and ventilation. TAO sTuDENTs OCCUPY tilt sone noon. The Bath rooms, are at all times supplied with war' and cold water. The Grounds are ample, and Well arrange,' for recree- _tion. autt_the-varlous-callslhenie-exercises—scressciitial - to health, graceful movement and symmetry of form. The Faculty of Inetructlon is elllclent and expert. Weed. 1n the CoLLEGIAIL DEPARTMENTAISO course of study is • - ol a high grade, comPreheuding all the subjects belong., log ton Classleal,Polite and Christian Education. In the PREPAIIATORy LISPAniIIi.ST pupils will be.enre fulle instructed in brunchex forming' the basis of a.thorough English Education. 50001055.—First eesslon—From Ist September to the 3uth of January. • A Soared Cession—From Ist February to the . . ' ' • Ist ofJply. - _ tnee St,•al:tiVo 13th YEIPIS PER 885,410N•41 , 1YE MONTHS, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Boarding, Washing, Furnished Rooms, Fuel and Light. - - • $6O 00 TUlTlON—Collegiate Department, - • . 20.00 . • Preparatory Department, • • . 16 () .First Class •`- 12 00 No extra charge for AncientLanguages.. • • Music—Plano and Guitar, • -- . - 20 00 Vocal Music, • - - lkinderu.Longuages,' Painting, Drawing and other Ornamental Branches, at tho usual rates. Texthooke furnished at City prim.. .• For further particulars address. • Bev. A. O. MARLATT, A. M.,' • • President. REFERENCEg: jrni Farmlty of ,Inclanson Cbtlege, Cudieb, CR. Rev. Chathbors, Carllqe„ra. •• William 11..31 ulled,,Esq., .: . ,Itev..Dr. T. Daugherty. " •• +Rev. C. ti nitwit', Moorefield. ;Will hun 11. Allen, Premideut of Girard College; Phila. James U. McCulley; Esq. . , Clement Click, Esq. . • Rev. Andrew Manship. - r *Jams. H. Graliaui. Grahomion, Pa. ,/ ~, 'Mier. C. F. Soarer, Mecltuicsturg, PA. ' Min Day, M. D., . . " - . - 4 P. ii. Long, M. D.,- o . ••,• OE. Zug. EN., li +John Diego!, Esq., ii , . • John Fair/m.oer, D. 0., Easton, Pa. .David Ciniver, Esq.. iiiiepherd.town,Da, George W. Meek, Pluegrove Milla.•Pa. Levi Merkel, Enq , Shireninn.towu, Pa. . ..11. B. Hurst. Esq., Dllisburg, I'u.. • . .0111 A. Smith, Esq., Pittsburg, Pa.. - ' • John Vandirreer, D. D., Easton, Pa. 111. kixcellcucy, Petet F. Cauxey, Milford, Del. • ' lion. J. /t. Lotiand Secretary ofiState, ".. -Bev. T.D. McColley.. .-... • .. . • " • ':• Xiciorgo S. A dicing, Eeq. *Samuel Sharp. Esq.. • .• • • Prof. Thos. E. Sadler, Wilmingtob, -. ~ , f ••' .11on.-ainuel4ll/ Harringron•,-DorolV----,,---"--------' lion. C. S. Layton,•Georgetowb ,-- ) ' .• - - , ' .....," s fi , . William - Marshall, M. D. l' . , ' • lion. inbuilt. Seidler, Bridgeville,.' .' • '" *William Si Go.lin, Esq.. Eederalidurg, - Iktil. • lien. John•A. Gore, 13.1thuore, Md. . .'Jamb S hoo Esq., Lancaster, Ohlo.; - , " • ' *George' D.•EVArlii, Tin., Morp,actown, Va. 'Alexander Burgess, D.D., Portland, Maine. , •. John Edward., D. D.; liorhenter,• N.T. • ... Sullivan Weston, D. D., N. T. S. F. 'Baird, D.P.S., SmithsonixA Inatltute,lfashlngten i'. City, • " ~• _ ....."- • - Jacob Eppley, E.q., Lot/fpniii, 1111nola • ' • • • "DUSTS'S ON 9'lll. COLLEGE.., • v*lra Dayi 31. D.. ..3130fiablcabur . g, Pa. 11. Loam 111. Gorguy M.„ ts o , "' L EP: 11 1 1111 Zut.• 3 •al.i ' • • • 4 •••• • •• • . •.- , .'la.lllllu Bolgei r "43 - ' • 1 ' a "—Jelin; Brandt,-334.W • ••a • . 1 , •• Robert Dusan . , • t 11 0 ,11ont•Pr. ' BbephiliOptovrn,,te n , • • ;*Divid , : 9, B. •Adklne, 3 - 3112 Pi d;Dol. iF trot oethe • -„..- , flisccllnncou, w. is. nvitnAlr EMISMMaII',EN aucation. IEI