Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 06, 1858, Image 2

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    Et; xilt ioiftir.
tnalit i
OAR. Ml , ' i PA- ,
2; /.....
N. 1, 1858.;
Counting ;0 .. ;time for 1858,
..r-- 2
F..r.,7 00 ,N , 4,4 efirfi!`6:
1558.- 1 i 1 ?di ,
ii ,
1. 4 . s l If i 'd'•
JAN - --I- - - 1 2 1111.1 --, - - I 1
345 C 701 I 5 C 7 t 9 io 1
10 11 12 II 14 lb If 11 1217 14 I' II 17
- 17 18 19 20 21 2= 21 10 li, 20 21 22 ~., 24
24 25 V' 27 28 20 30 22 28 27 20 21 0 311
31 AUG. 7 4 7 4 C e 7 1
FED. - 1 2 J 4 5 6 8 0101172 1" 14
78910 11 1218 I , 19 77 18 19 2121
14 15 1C 17 18 19 20 22 23 21 2, 29 27 .0
21 22 2,1 24 26 2C 27 2 to 31 - -.1-
128 SEpT - - - 1 2, 1 4
31A111- 1234 I' ~ 7i17, t , 610111
t I
7 b 910 11 12 1 13 14 1 II 1 - 18
14 15 In 17 ILP 19 20 IP 20 21 2. 2 e 4 25
21 2= 20 24 25 20 27 2027 2829 11 -1-
28 29 30 Jl---OCT. - --
1 9
_- - - 1 2 3 " 4 5 1 7 8 9
4 5 C 7 8 01n 00 II 124 1 1 8Oil 6
li 12 1. 14 15 I. 17 117 18 If 20 21 '2121
18 19 25 21 22 23 24 .4 23 21 27 21. _Ol3O
26 29 27 228 J 0 - 1
‘Ol II - . 1 -, 7-, - 17
234 5 678 7601011112 i t
9 10 11 12 13 14 7 1 14 1 5 1117 16 in 20
IC, 17 15 19120 21 2. 121 222 1 _-1 226 27
2J 24 25 2 1 27 20 29 1- , 29- - -
30 31 F 7 71 4 ' -, "C
, 1- , : , : l 1 6
1 2 1110 1 111
- 6
- 7
8;In11 19 , 112 1i14151a 17 18
13 14 15 16 17 18 1.4 102121 2,123 1 24 25
In 211.2 23121125,2 f 2 0 27 2120 10111-
27 26 24131 - -I-1 I
A aper 'for. tile Olds atr Nob.
Is published at tills' office, at the lbw dace of 'Fifty
c•nts:poryortr, In advance. It in devntedontitoly to
isholisoind to thit nhirh interests Girls hod Ilnyti.
Xveryaildol girl and , school bay sliatild subscribo for e
!ropy. You can easy alibrd it. (nay Yarn Crave a
=o4h...cannot you spare that, harder to Levu n paper
of younown? • -
Clubbing with the lileigdzhies
ilke Meierld for one } , ear, and either of the
following three dollar works for the same pe
rind, will be neat to the nddreas of any anh• .
eeriber . fof three tiollarti and tilialf, ( to bo
in advance, viz.:.
The parlialallerald Ho . rper'a .Magazine •
Emerson'. Magazine and l'airiane:t Monthlg, or
Frank Leslie's, Illitatrated Magazine, for one
year, foi. , . . : . .... . $3, 66
The Carlisle - I:Mall and GidNahri Magazine,'
er.Groday's Lady's Book, for gne ye:Tr, - $3 po
Thto Carlisle 'Herald' and l'ereiso's 'Lady's
Aurther's Jio ne ~IThgazine, the
Venal 111agazine or The Ladies' Repository. for
one tear. for
.._ *2 8d
The Carlisle llerald.eqd The School Room
Ledger (pub office) for one yens.
for • . , . -. .• . .... . . $2OO
ladtteement to form Cluhe 'for the
, Any one !tending us six new enbsertbere, cc
: nocepanied—nith- nin reoeive- , ST ,
copy oldie " LIFg OF Dit. Mom," writtenby
Dr. Elder, and to be published in ;Innuary by
Mich & Peterson of Philadelphia. This
is' to bo..bandsomely illustrated and brought
out,inTbniform style with the "rilictic-Eglo
' last _year.' For twelve subscribers ond'eigh
teen dollars_we will mend the " bro or Do:
ttit 4 'd the "Ftlist. GIIINNELL EXPEDI-
Tiox, a - largeprotirproftraoly - illtitmatel — iniil
written by Dr. Kane,and -for Mvenlysilbect:i
.befe and thiity dollars we Will send the "Iffe,
of Dr,. Kane," and the - . . -
• largo work in two voldnes of thrilling into
rust, nod got up in'te style that bne never been .
_ .
isoelted In this ocinntry.
We desire to extend the circulation of the
Herald - throughout the minty, find have been
Induced to offer the above liberal premiums to
effect it. • •
It is not essential that the papers of any'
ens club ;Mould be all directed to the manic
Post-officel We will'llirect to as many differ
ent offices, as may be desiretiby subscribers.
Some three months ago, we announced that
arrangements were 'making to publish the
Historical Address," - delivered by the - Rev.
Dr. DOFT1111,1), ofDetruit, at the celebration
of the Centen nial Anniversary of the . First
Presbyterian Church Cr Carlisle, in July last.
The Address has now been placed in our h'ande '
far that purpose and we contemplate iseultig
it about the first of February next, pro'7iiled
a sufficient number of Copies will belbubscribed
fir, in advance, to warrant the expense. It
*ill to printed iu pamphlet form, 'on vied pa
per, with new ripe, and will contain about 65
pages, it!cjuiling a valuable appendix, together
with the proceedings of the antennial Cele
bration,.ind will be fdrnished to eubsoribers
at 26 oefits pekcopy.
The reputation which Dn. Dirryinn enjoys
U a vivid writer, hie relatiOn to the. Church,
for many , yars, se its.pastor,pie eircutostitn
• Gee which celled forth the Address, Rod itn.
• • wattle te r n bistdeloal sketch of the early net•
tlement;ef the "Churches of the Valley,': gives
peculiar interest to this 'publication, and as
the edition wilt be limited 'to OA nufibei of
copies subseribed for, those who wish to ae
sureit,;_i_houlcLeencl in....tbett_ortlera_yrDhem
delay. ' Address
W5l. Id • PORTER.
." Herald OlDee,..Y . Carlisle, P. •
Deeember 28, 1857. •
N. D.—Orders may.cleo be left at the stores
of D Holbert and S. Elliott, or
et the Bookatores.ofj. London, A. Tif, Piper,
and Shryook; Taylor & Smith.
To Readers and Correspondents
Thi flattering eomplitnent from F. J. of Bel:
timore, is duly appreciated, and his offer grate
fully accepted. I -
Several correspondents, whose , articles ore
now on -file, are infortited that next week a
. Jorge portion of our paper will be absorbed by
the Governor''s message, otter which, we shall
be able ) to resume our usual veciety. ;T"'
This week our Carrier pays bis respects to
the patrons of the Herald in a neat New Tear's
auras. BUt Lovetigood's Lizards," we con
feu, is not very polished in
,style; but it is
wary amusing, and S goad laugh is necessary
sometimes, to shaltethe ocibirete out of a man's
• brain, when preesed . tiown with. too much
aimed. Th))tadioti will god in ther colOmn,
. Cuss, en intereetinifit:tioto onconcrivdnees anti'
tiake-shiftf. These 'Who:ha‘M hear d' the". l
`"Retiredtbat C.-II Lo
• Isud, of Gralttn's , ,,blarazipe, ha's w• EOM')
°this pest licitAntoliii old gentionion's song-,
box Lettsi No., .5, frum,pr..llAnnuAn, on ,
the treatment of thl Chest, '
halation; will be found on Our, Bret
This subject itoinferiating t - ti'''O ' 've'ry' one; :the'
'series will oont r ikider 'itilfi one iore, f letter -.
The. Fa - ruler's column"' wilVbe' foetid Oa 'die
hulk pap as imam: "• • .'';s :
LimierAnvic....• Wol:r.H:4s:elalii - iif Writ, lois
been ideated Bp9oket,of.thet:lBentitcyafid.4t,
iongiker, of liontgomeoy,t•BpOttLer :BP the
Roque. . . ~.- •
Intereating from Nicaragua.
The steamship Northern Light has arrived
With two millions,imgold from .„
Aniolig her passengers ie Qeh. Walker;, who
wits,:ette hundred' - an4',tifiy of iii!i",.irieW";,mas
ciaptursd'!)y 004Modore.poulding,4'of thji
S. Frigate Geeeral to on: pn
role: The wiriflWreplaied - iiiijo - iiiiii — the
.S..SloOp 'of war Siirotogs, to be conveyed to
'Norfolk., . .
'The lake' anif'rlier steamers on tbe.;Stin
Juan boxie been
,banded.over to lUesere. :Tom",
eon-- Ar.'liTorgitn:t Th nee_ '4631'161.0re( htia.'.been
ittiffiired;by Gen.' Walker,' hut were retaken
•, by an expedition from the Wabash. •
Fort CO slillo had also been captured by
Gen. IValker, nod 'a party. of fifty Americans
under Col Anderoon still bold possession of it
'as well as the river San Juan. Anderson - has
a supply of provisions for three months, with
six pieces 'of artillery 'and •an abundance of
C.lptain Engle, or the Wabash, is a passen
ger' on board the Northern Light, and is•a
bearer of despatches to Washington:
•The river steonter C. Morgan, sii , ied by
C.innuodore P_aulding, was put in 'charge of
the American Consul at iareytowitl
_The mxpedition..that;:oaptured Gon.r - Volker
on his meeconsistedOf 850 men ; landed from
the frigate Wabash.
. •
-. M trtinez has boon elected president of Ni
. c iragua.'nnd 110 is making active,preparations
for no energetic war on Costa Rica. lie nes
sent a force of 900 men against Col. Anderson
for the purpose of recapturing Piii't Citstille. - •
• Commodore Paulding, on his arrival at
' Greytown, in the,Wahash, had tsent word to
' Walker that he considered. him a pirate, and
would take him and all 'hiti linen prisoners:: :
'Witi k er-sen t . Captairt - Payeb - u - i - oirliiiiiil — thii -
Yu bash, to tell the Comrnotiotle.thai he should
' resist tb the last - This was - on the Bth, "had
Capt. Eaysoux was detatied On board: the Wa
hash until marines and sailors were rent. on
shore, These united with men from the Pill
. ton 'and Saratoga, made a force of 750 men—,
450 on the' point, and 100 in boats. ' The
force onshoresntrottilaFtl:tho filibuster camp
and the boats itivanccil to the head quarters
'of 'the P.rato chief. An officer thereupon
'jumped 'en shore' .and coiled upon Walker
to hall down .Itik flag. mid surrender to the
Milted States. ..:
After all his: boasting the ma of , destiny
made no resistance,' but surrendred himself 1 .
and-Ids—whole. force. -:The-whol e - rair . • - did '
not Occupy more than ten minuf6 '-'lle flag '
~was hailed down and Walker cirri d prisoner
on board the Fulton,. just as the steamboat
Morgan canna down the river; She 'was ito-•
mediately surrounded with armed boats. and
taken possessio,ft of for the United States. She
:was under the command of Debrissot, an old
fillibuiter with Mr. McDonaril, an' agent of
Garrison k Morgan on: board, There were
elan on theateamer fatty Ur lift/CO - Sin Iticansl
,taken.prisotter hy—Anilerson.:=at Castillo, /nil --
on - board' the steamer La Vligen. ~9 'moil as
the filibusters werti'mads prisoners,' the En
glish !dimmer Leopard left.for.Jemaca •
When the Northern Light fIkIYCII at Now-
York, Gen, Walker 'proceeded ...on shore and
placed liiibself in the. custody of Capt. Ryn- -
ides, U. S:. Marshal, in compliance with 11.113, .
pantie given to Commodore Paulditig: Walk
er left for Washington in citst,itly , or the Mar
shal, and Wait there 'discharged, there being
no authority to detain him.
I,he Adni . lillistratiollaiild the Flllihnfti
There seems to'be much unc6rtnintji' •,-to,
the - cowrso -- tlicirciiiiinlitriiiiiiiiiwill pursuo
m en.
Theto the arrest of Walker end his
The instructions to Commodore Paulding were - ,
necessarily general in their nature, it being I
impossible, tar government to tin ticipate_every.l
atato - of circutnaninces, and not until his
clod dispatches ohnlf have been received will it'
be-d eterinined - Ultether - .orn - orliti - tviis"ji.fififielr
in Gen.. Walker's arrest:.
The N. V: - liertdd's - 31rashinston derrespon
dent blapi,. it is stated thaL-C m. Paulding
acted without instructions _ in- Ititt demon:are,
tionSagainst thet — Pillibusters, the only orders
issued being those promulgated edme time
since to nil the officers.of the' Government, to
- prevent infractions of-the neutrality laws.
It is'furtiertnorouthted - flint the adminis
tratittfi'disclaints and disapproves of the con
duct-of.the Commodore, atol 'that' he will be
held to n strict occountability. It .was' not
anticipated that any attempt would be made
to arrest Walker (inland, the act being a vio
lation of the international law, but ns the nil.
ministration is without any information upon
tiro subject; nothing ean be known as to their
views,'until they receive the official disiintches.
The Southern men are very violent in. their
&lonia:intim' of Paulding, denying his right
to dt4itcle that.lttrlker is to citizen of 'the Uni
ted States, and claiming it the duty of gov
ernment to send him and his men back on a
' A sprat! dispatch to the Phibidelphin Bul
letin gives the following information : ~ It has
been determined ,in Cabinet meetings to con
demn Walker'i conduct, and to sustain Com
modore Paulding hi his course in regard to
him. The ground taken, is that Walker was
interupting the Transit Itoute_tn_Nicaragua',-*
• Thus caang a violation of treaty ‘obligaffens.
The Southern fire-eaters aro enraged at this,
and a war on the' 'subject will bo commenced
shortly. Mr.' Toombs will make a demon
stration in ,tlie Senate and Gen. Quitman will
make one'in the [rouse ngainet the policy .of
the Cabinet, and will defend Walker. Lively
scenes may be expected."
. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 20.--The news of the
capture of Gen. Walker by Com' 11111101 g was
. received in this oily with nmeli_jmfignation
.and a call - wee immediately issued for an in
• dignation tneeting this .evening. The meet
ing hoe been adjourned, however, until Thurs
day, in 'consequence of the rain,"all tlmpapere
express their indignation at the ourae .pur
sued%, by Cam . Paulding, and an it tense' feel
ing prevails in favor of,imtnediatol reinforc
ing Col. Anderson, who ,holds possession" of
• Fort Castillo. ' • •
• MontLE, Deo. 29.—A Nicaragua Indigna
tion meeting has been called by the sympa
thisers with Gen. Walker: Gen. Case' . repor
ted repiliation. of Commodore Paulding's
conree, has hut little effect upon the public.
'kuinClind the excitement is still intense.
Wastilsnron Dec-81, 1 1V is ascertained
that before Walker left Central America hi
sent orders to Col. Anderson tol z retain ,pose-_ of QUOINS/is long ilfi'!prissible, , and it
obliged to nhninte_n_it,Ao_ratain4ho-toote;- hu t
if compollod 6 destroy 'any of."them tiefoie
falling into the hands of the enerriy. - to tl i estray•
first the river boats end hold on to the Virgin.
This order was repeated from Aspinwall, and
' arrangements wore nI9O made to send up. a •
number Of men in' the Bongo, and under a
competent lendei with a view -to convey ;the. '
orifer s touindetson, and to advise any United
Stated vessels approaching the . coast of the
state CI affairs at Punta Arenas and San Junn
del Norte. It is said that Welker, has, oonfi
•.dence that Anderson will obey the order.
ney's Pliiladelp4io .eress, of Tuesday, says
•• Lnrd President CALHOUN, es will ha soon . our telegraph . news from Ennene, giving
the result of the Election In that Territory on
the 21st, has had things allhis own way. The
Constitution, fahricote I
by CALMOUN and his
confederates, under the lash of tine supreme
master of-the ballot-box, and this mighty mon
, ufnnturer of votes, has probably been, adoplei
• with nlte slai , ery clause. • This is courage ; and
we rather admire the pluck of the men who,
. considering that they are in a meagre and refs
at•le minority in Kansas ' have yet the will
to force their way, through all impediments,
Hind to.gotnPel• Congress' to take .1 . 1143' dose as
they have,prepared it. These men knew right
well that, even if the slavery clause had been
rejected, they bad matters, pro ,arranged, that —they-.could-introduce-nnddioldlavedielionso -
in daring-defiance of the populirwlll.
' But they determined to make - diulief . the
-- matter; end, se - forced ;through the tiavery,
.• 'clanse-holdly. ' ,
.Xe have ow to repeat, once for all, that if
ibe people Ot Kill/W4B are in favoV'cif 'elavary.l
they elionld 'have and. we should protect
• theffi in it; but we are inexorably, ,
.•fttreing,that,orniny otherdomestio institution
:upon,tbetn. They are op . pesed, l elavery. - =L
Tkeir :whole .vecord , has . shown It since the
TeriiroV.V' has been . orgenived ; and cot , . we.
lindtt t• they 'tire itilietrto accept ,it, in the
lace of their iihnntlont Protests, This Is neitii
:_er justicoi linmanity, reaeon,,nor law. • •
hOWever;the'y Vesired'end .deservtl,
• - Wee Vo'n•otettpon tkeii"tinsiltUtienit;" knd
„Attie dadheir kiirabla petition to Congress unii, •
Ottr.seliterio:thie;grcar prinolple in'
end fulfil this ;pledge,
Tuna nub Eniuttg 31141ters.
Meteorological Reglater for the Week
~, , •:- : Enilint;Jauttary 4th, 1658. • .
1861.Tbarma r I Rain. Remarks
I meter.* I •
• I •
Tueedn .
100 00
184 00
36 00
134 00
Sunday ;
183 00
41 00
4'ee4ly 35 00
. * The degree of heat in the aboye .regieter
the 'doily nverngoof three.observatione.
SUNDAY' ciumEnnaTioar...-
In accordance with previous public notice,
the Sunday School attn , tiltctl to. the First LII•
theran Church of , thus borough. a clammed
their anniversary on Chrietmas night, • before
a-crowded audiende. The exhibition was a.
most interesting one, find was highly appreai-,
at edby thoen_witn,were_ present. • .
The exercises consists d of. speeches, dia
logues, and singing by the 4i (Mold, agreeably
divereified* . with excellent music by the choir
attachetdiothe church: The great length of
• the programme,:. prevents-us from ' ouumera
ting the subjects and speakers. The intro
ductory address by
. Charles Phalcr, 'the ad
dresses by Wm. McCartney and Charles A.
Common and the valedist - ory by Charles Leeds
were' will rendered, and would have • done
credit. to much older boys;. indeed all, who'
had anything to say or do,
.in the dialogues,
• tko__ epeechea_nnd eingitig,acquitted- T .them- 7
, a-vory-praiseworthy maimer. ---- There
was a freedom Wont embarrassnient; and a
correctness inexpressipn that ,wereAsstronk
ly indicative of their own intelligence. as of
the.htbor bestowed by the teachers in their
Wu were pitrticularly struck With the efforts
of some of tli6 - )nfant scholars, two little boys,'
sons-of-Alr,-ArneY--and - Mr 'Sterner, and ,st •
daughter Qf - Mr Wolf, all of - whom were -per !:
hops under fear • years of ago, displayed -an
aptness in their marts, -.that was surplising.
.Iffester Sterner had a poetical speech,-and in
the concluding verso, wher'e lie apostrophized
the J'lml,eriesliu flag, he happened , to get the
yed etipes" mif f the " wife atippo", ti little
Mixed up,:so that he couldn't' place the stars,
hut he finally got through, and with a woe-
Tinilbow fo the tadietie'e, he took hie :gent' I.
, Little Lizzie Wolf,thcn canto for Ward "lisp
ing in numbers," and sang a beautiful hympt
and when at the Olen, with her finger
iigTtipiqritc - • ae`lig • i le children
to come unto nie,,t'or-of.suCli is the kingdom•
of Iteaveti,"'there. was-many a - hibiet eye in
the church,mnd the audience were -almost on
•the point,of forgot sacred - Olatrnoter of
the place, (3p,d- givittglmnt to thoir.feelingslC
mn --- outpurst ef - applliffse, •
: At tlio close -of the exerclies,•the Rev , .
Weilehinff; of Lebanon, ninde"mitne very inte
resting reniarks, •lio conimeneedz_by_mtatlng_
:that before he loft-limns, bo had written out
what Ile hail intended to say, but on arriving
- in town',' discovered that he had forgotten his
manuscript, the loss of fwpicb, he thought,
might be Providential, as he had come With
strong doubts as to the propriety, of Sunday
School exhibitions ; but those doubts had•been
removed by, the interesting exercises' he had
witnessed. Ile had "learnt 'wisdom from tho
mouths of billies and sucklings," and
would go home with a high appreciation of
what may be accomplished in Sunday Schools
by well directed efforts. IliOernarks to
children, parents and- teacher's, 'were happy'
and well timed, and were listened to' Ilith
much - attention.
In tho whole exhibition there - Was . such
word ns fail." Everything woe n encomia
from the beginning to the close, and 'reflects
n high degree of credit on the pastor of the
church, as well as the mongols, toachsrs and
children of the — sol Ml. •
Anniversary of the German •
• Seibboth School
A largo and intelligent audience, crowded
the German• Reformed Church, on New Yeat•'e
night to witness the anniversary of
. the Sab
bath School .attached to that church:, The
school is quite large, and the scholars were
arranged in the front pews,' presenting Nue
ceasive rows of bright, intelligent boys end
girls whose eyes sparkled with animation,',
they found thetneelvee the centre of observa
tion, . "
"The Superintendents Report, read by Dr
S. B. Kieffer, gave a very gratifying nocoun
of the condition of the BCIIOOI, - ILI numbers, nt
tendanco end deportment..
The..RePort we's followed by 'avi address to
the:children, from the Rev. illr. FrY. - Ilia re-
Marks wore very happily conceived, plain and
pracjcal in their tendency, and suited to-the
'capacity of the echolars: Ile impressed. on
their minds the importance of attention end obe
dience, es the basis of a life of waefwinees,_and
enforced his arguments with well timed Slue
tratiens fromnfantiliar objects which riveted
the Attention.of,ths entire audience.
Au address was also delivered to Parents
and Teachers, by the . Rev.. Mr. NitterOur, on
the'dulies , they owe to the rising -generation ;
especially that of placing within their reach,
good wholesthne reading, linked of the trashy
literature of the duy.
.During the exercises a collection was taken
up for the bctiefitf the libXery.
-Several beautiful anthems were given by
the church choir, in relation to which ; it is
only necessary to-say,. that the pieces were
executed in the same artistic style fur which,
this choir has been so justly Celebrated, on
former oectteions. In - addition' to the muela
from the ohoir, several iielees were sung by
''the school, under ttie"direeilon of Mr. John 11.
Mantua, whose.efforts to introduce a correct
idea of music among 'the youth in our schools,
is highly 'cointneuilable. The children Bangsans
opt,, with an unction that wee quite refreshing
and niadetheletlY'enough for twenty °boles t
yet above aft you could' bear' the eontroling
'nice of the leader,' reminding fpi. that one
RhesurwarifferKiihrietVivalitylhdiri. ,
.._Thofflterobtee were ex(remely :Interesting
throughout and every one - seetned - LePPY, to
Live spent the first svening bf the New Year so'
pleasantly. ' ' .
. .. .. ,
VIAII . NO. —An exchange popee.of,n; neigh
boring county onpouncee,thoynneringo.of Mr.
Reseal M. Tront,.to 'Alien Sniah, Siiver. , , , Hi'
is not tho firet trout that hoe been caught with
a' ailver book. .
~ . ' , .' '• , : :
. .
.ACCIDENT. -Mr. N. Itanto while,on
way to one,eeening, hiat' meek; gat •'a
ooTorofall,,by which he froctueed bitalipaiden
blade, and injikeed ido,arm, 114 bac beeticon
fined to liiiieoool ever einoe,.but bor.
enttigh In a few days to'be.out again.
-We have quite'aii influx of "now advertise
meats this *eek,,to whioh, we invite the at
tention of our readers.
Orange" Judd;j'uhtieher - : or the 'A'meriaitt!
- .
Agricylturalpst, .offers'n selection from fifty:One
yfirictlis ofitaluablb,sccd,Ac_evcry_subsoriber
fur-1868] •:_Ttie.-.A . AricuttitrOgat, id, n' vblunble
Cornier jOninal; and.tletir , rv'Oa w' wide al reuln,
1i0n..,: 'bee niftertGni
eent,•' . ••,
.± . 7lticht6,boile,:oe New ville s . will Mier 'at PtibL.
lio Bale, a valuOblo tract of laud Cdjoining
Donbling'Oap Sulphur Springs. -
James R. Weaver, has locate 1 himself in.
West High street, Where Le lIIIEe, on. hind
largo and, h eautitul assortment of - Chaire:and
. Ferniture, • His skill neru ,meohanio, and h's,
icuig experience in business, enables Lim to
give general satisfaction. • ••
Rain and Snoii;'.
Rai!' and snoyi,
.The partriership betweeti:2l. J Kntz end 4.
4 Wa•field, has •been dissolved,. the Foundry
and idnehitie Stutp will hereafter be otinduct 7
ed by Mr.' Wardeld, under the sitper . vielen of
• ''tlellry, - giveit notice,: that tis , h . o is abotifto
remove to the splendid, store room, recently
* erected by J. Hamilton, Esq., he has coin
inenced to sell off his entire stook at greatly
reduced prices.
„ .
C. Intl ,gives n friendly hint to thneo -in
'debtea' hi Lim, to , ' cull at ihidartain!s office,
and settle."-
Teimute are refOrretito..4,ndrartieement
. or J. A. Iturprigh t - Nl4.offers 'several. proper-
Lice for rent.. • •
Lettere ol' o administation : on the estate o
John Irwin, - dec . d., hare been iseued••to J.
S. Colwell, Esq.
Among .the business cards our .renders will
find the Law Notice of Thos. 111 . Diddle;
and the cord of Ilemingtou & Birnbaum, Book
Binders, of Mechanicsburg. -
The Foy Gf the Good Will hose Co
Thiti enterprising Conipony hold their efi
fluid Pair during the Ifolidayis_nnil notnith
btanding-the difficUlties they had ti enbontiter'
frum thelottittioh of the Hall, the inClemency.
of the weather, and the general cry of " ha'rd
'tunes,", it fortned . n very attractive resort dur
ing the leetivo season.
'The IGtll was tMautifully d.'eco'reted with
bannere . and evergreens; Along both
"Ries of the room, a b evy , of. fair, merchants
...displaYed.their-h.goods, mares-awl- Metchnn--
diso," and wero very,ind4sthotti in aee.kilig for
dustomers. At the. South rod, an arbor • i,r
ergreetis; tastefully arranged, Introduced visi
tors to the .itestattrant, -Where a letaritiog !dil
-1 of-fore Aires setbefo're all who tviabed to satisfy
the cravings of the inner man: The Post Of-
Ace was established at the north end. It was
draped in the ref!, while, and blur, end from
tliii — klnne , o get of the Post Mistress, we
tholit that in dress and complexion, slid dis
played the same color's.: The front of the 'e f
flee was decorated on emblem i,f love', in
the Shape of two' hearts pirjrced -by a . s , opfen .
I,)C,r; n'Tli is ag e
of speculation, -hearts and impenetrable to nay
_other'Meild. . .
The members _ of the Company, nccompsnied
the '•unaliacheil lolynteers,"
_in %ups._ and
"crin'''''' ' . itinerated -nmun~
_the c_rdwd - with
poubd-oaken, - jewelry and fancy,
_gon :p r npd
seemed extreinely that every one
should"take a chance." The consequence
Was,.: ill a t_a_g reat-mn ny- d d -tn ke-clinneeirruull
that waa - ay they took. -TheThumbers were
drawn by a nainfitture Goddess of Porinne, the
prizes were fairly distributed, and every one
Was satisfied. ' •
.'Owing to thnottuses mentioned . above, the
attendance one riot as large as last year; still
we Lope the Comjinny have mode something
hy the operation. Th 6 cd;jCat etnntnenils
to every citizen, as they are only. asked to
place means in the hands of an halve, ener
getic Company, for the . protectilin of
.life and
property from the ravages of
' TIIE NEW YEAR.—It is pleasant,' iia
we step over the threslthold of the New Year.
to exchange kind greetings with our friend,
and wish them happiness and prosperity—
wishes, promptest by the great law of amps
thy, the very foundation of all social enjoy
ment. A Harry New Yenn. To ALL! worth
of deep significance,_ and thong,' sometimes
llghtlyspokenSet always , awakening regrets .
for the past, or hopes for the future—arousing
feelings of comtuiseration for the unfortuntly
or a spirit of rejoicing with. tilos . ° 'who arc
Tisza, during the pest year hoe marked his
course by n thousand memories, of revulsion,
disaster and death. Science mourns the loss
of the heroin Kane, and Scoresby, and Strain
and Art.that of Crawford, and Souvage, and
Glidden, and Czerny the coatoser, and Wast
the painter. .
Of literary men,, Beranger the poet, and
Jerrold the wit, Sue the novelist, and Croker
the. reviewer, with ; a it'oat, of others, have
glitnincrel in thi socket, and gone out for
ever.. .
In the death Toll of Statesmen nre found
the names of Marcy auk Dobbin, of Cheves
and Birney, Bell; RUA end Butler, the ven
erable Custis, Illebone of North
Runnels of Illississiseippi, Penn of Lowilin
and Penrose of Pennaytannin. •
Tlie•aftny haeloei Wand], and Crane end
•Trutnbvll; rid t ha - Navrgelit on - undibirrie;
all have gone torjoin the innumerable army
of the departed, rind as wo chroniclo the" list,
wo.wander who will live to call•tho death roll
of 1858. ' ^ , • • '
• It-riould he, iterheris; a salutary exercise
of our thought's, If we'could put down the brakes
for awhile and hold communion with the days
that have fled Neat Our gi•nsp; but Time re
lentlessly hurrW us 'onward; and the recol
lections of the past, aro' swallowed up in it e
curie and responsibiLities of the present. DA
us then' enter the new year with buoyant
Lopes fun. the future, 'end en abiding coat,
'donee that .patient tail and honest' effort will
not go unrewarded, and in this spirit we greet
our readers, with dui sincere'wish that each
returning year may find them happier, wiser
and better.
Christmas day with us, passed ofr with the
usual amount of festivity . among the juniors,
and quiet home enjoyment, stoong,the' seniors
of our staid• community.. On .Christmas eve ,
a few' juvenile imitators of Santa Pays, in fan,
satleArahtterriert — naniTalliEthit streets,. 1na . ..1
king nighthideoue , with nmmusiomf tin horns
and the toy and fancy Stores, were crowded to
late hOur,; with customers, who were-procu
ring it variety; of gifm, 4bieh' were 16 find their
way Mysteriously, into' einidry :nairp ' of .littlo
etoakinge, to the'surprise of th '
e' young folks - ,
:fin-the 'morning. DUrinethe: doy,''blisiness
was geiterallY suspended; except nt the con
?eationarY:..and .tanovesthblishtnentio,' of
which'srere fitted up . ..wry taiteftilly; ( *Wiilt
:nom 'attentitin. toaieptoy. than' IMMO.
. .
The weather - was . pleaenet,nnd • the streets
•ware riremeitadere ; until abauCtWo'
O'olook when a unibined attaelywee made on
Terko, , after:whieh the . paptilatten
nate on the ideesu i ree erit'tielh4i.Chrietintie,
Nevi Advertisements
LII rr
Loot week we tOokocinsion to ° rill up to
Shippenebui.g, and, Dail=in at the Convention
of the School Teachers of, our count's tiseem
. bled there. WI radA 11: Conon.% 11.3.14,_rite:-
sided:over it with his )tt . sual ability, and al
though we wereobere lint sheik, time, and
only attended iine:ovenitig,and alitorning ses
sion, yet wnsaw tolonvince us,:thiw
ter-Conventions nre - calculnistl to o a d 'greitt,
nmotint df good'and that the•children of our
Commonwealth will he vastly beneqtted by
them. Br:inches of study ere taken up in or-.
-der. and-it-is the - busineee of - the In - ember's. of
the Convention, to freely.diveues, the differelti
modes of teaching them; each one to give
.own: manner of imparting .inqtrnctlon : and to
'dive:lse 'the :nualificatinn of the text bank. in
use., peraon.must'see Ihnt lbe a things
eushle etteli ter:ohm: to take hie exactintittide"
and longitude; end find out whether lie .is coil
ing along in thegrear trock , of &till,. or drift-_ I
iii away upon th shoals of error..
The evening • session, tit wb(ch we boil the .
p'easure of being present, Wog opened with
singing by 'boor members of the Convention.
then followed original essays by two lady mem
(-hers.. The first-ono-wax by- Miss - Brown. of
linet Pennstiorough,..on-thesubjeot "Self Cm 7
"trol." It nts' well ivlitton and .finely
the yoongbolt's clegcequnciatlon,-and=oxael-1•
lent intonation,. gave the best evidence of her
ability to tench elomition. The second one'
was by Illies.Fleming,. of Newville.".The ex
net mime ofthis.essay we not hear:, but the
Idea woe " I .- 1 wits done going to school."
She first descanted about llie - atiltiety of pupils
to get through school, and to commence teach
ing, thibkiag the littler a much pleasanter life
than the former. Then she drew n picture of,
the te tellers' troubles and showed the reverse'
to be true. This essay like the former, wait
equally well written and well read, and the
young lady did hereelf:great credit,
lie _subject for the.erening'stliamisslin wrye
English.Grammar.'! Mr. P. M L
Or Plainfield, op'ened the debate in a masterly
monster. lie took the stand, that no text 11 . 41 c
nn EttglishGrenfmary hes yet been Ptiblished,.
which meets the wants of the common schools
—that pupils' soon beconte cmtfouwled in the.
ilderness.of nbstrections which the grammars
contain; and nfter'tfloy Intre.waded-Iltrough
11tetn,_ their prsctical, knowledge of-the Eng
lish 11114111 TC almost 'as limited as when they
commence. But the length of this article
will not admit, of even-giving a good, idea-of
the gentlMrttan's - argument. Sallies it to'Say,•
that lie gave the-Convention a scathing satire
on nil English Grammars.extant, 'lt woe
p n leto with' spicy things, end -the O.Mvention
Ftestified their appreciation' in..frequent,pinu
dits. ilia position, though :pie], is, never
theless,-Supporte'd by experience everywhere,
and, wo think, cannot be -successfully contra
' verted. Of course this lcd - to a long,.debate,-
- watted - warms- - end7interesting,' - yet
clo'sed with good feelings_ on the part of all
. cancel:MA. ,
In the morning session the sulticet of arith
-metielvas--Trell-Illll—ably diSetissed,•and . we
were. happy to learn that, mental arithmetic,
be-itrportanee -- of-iylaich-in: l mental - colture-is
almost beyond estim.ilion, is so : faitlifullz.
. taught in
,our.carritnen schools. = ' '
-The 'good people 'of:Shippenshitri folly np
to ,onvention,- if wo can judge.
froin the crowded-condition, prate house, not
withstanding the inclemency of the weather.;
Diming our stay, we put up at tile ," Union
Hotel," and we were made very comfortable
by the gentlemanly proprietors, ftfessrs, Shade
& Wilkins. . We found the accommodations ex
cellent, and the.kinil of a table that "Jack"
can set, is too well trinwn over the county . to
need any commenilati.m from us. We ntivise
all our readers who may have occasion to vis
it that section of the Ountry, to stop at the
"Union," if' they desire ."good cheer," ac
companied with low charges.
MORE LiMlT.—Last Saturday 4iight,
was as dark as u pile of black cats'-eodark
that you could ohnost and it with a knife, and
consegneutlino . cidents end collisions in the
street were not unfrequent. A darkey who
missed his way, fell into the gitt.ter, anti 'IS he
picked - himself - up - ha - mu ttered " I - wonder
.why de JOH de nun don't shine dese dark
nightie, anti not .always keep a shinip in de
day time when he ain'itio use " If the dor
key bad npobtrophized the gas-lnome,instead
'of tho'inn, there . iveuld have been some rea
son in hiss rhetorio,"for.:unfortunately, our
lamplighters, like the foolish virgins; consult- '
ed the almanac instead gf the Weather, and as
it said " full' moon about t his time, or there
pbouts," they.took it for grunted wo-ihould
have moon-light; but the moon having proba
bly taken a horn too much on li . t'iveyear'e day
"couldn't shine," and we were there,fore left
to grope Our wny through darkness ,Its,hrape
!nimble ns the fulure. -- t , .1
• RzikivAt. —.A series of revival rneekngs,
have been held, for the lant.four weeks, in the
'ALE. Church, tidd6r the pastoral rare of the
Rev. R. D-Chantbere. number of persons
have been converted, and on last Sabboth,over
forty new tnembers were 'taken into the &lurch
on probation. The meetings will Ate
ued during the week. • •
." '
Our...Gl:mks ore-tine to the. Hon. L: ToMi.for
port IV of tint Commerdat Relations". The
pork is publieliettity the Government in gooti'
style. nod Is very voinithie.
. •
1.." We tender our grateful aelcno`tvl
eilketneuts to the fair lady who sent us, as
Christmas pre3ent,' n sprig of heather from
the shores of Loch Katrina, in bonnie Scot
ian-I.' We shall prize it as a Vali° from a
scene,-immortalized by Scott, in the " Lady
of the Lake,"Mini cherish it as- an Appropri
ate so,venir of a much valued friendship. •
•416rA moo, who calls himseltsPeter Cum
mings, wits arrested by AN McCartney; an
Saturday last, charged with piping a coun
terfeit note, of the Co. Bang; nt the Maio
of Mr. :Hiles,. in High street. Cummings was
committed by Justice Keepern, for trial. The
„ratite is' of the 'denominationof 6 dollars, and
is well calculated to deceive . the uneuspeoting.
non pu Vales, GlALvasio WBB
firsl - Mtriltiond - ttite7this — maricecit never was
thoughLof.heing-applied, , Ity: the -.propriefori'i
to Lung Diseascs,.butAtebeing applicable: to
. • ['boost every other disease, the id:Blued bare
need this preparation , Consumption, and,.
although it haenever . oured a purely consomp
',Alve:Mitierit, yet it. hut earad_matii.who....base_
lime. prone to tho,discatte Crum an early grave.
Nees!. Vie Late.—:Hundreds just. Veliginr the'
griepcif Consumption are enved every yenr by
'the faitliftil 'use of flir,„Wisini's, Madam' lir
Wild 'Ciier4. ,its...eueeetis In inllaying -end
Oaring SeVVio protrnsted „soughs. is...unpreeeL,
•.' '
jp*TW,9 .a're..pitjoyinq,4leligthrul- wonther
,t4O 4p,a,son,of4lie yoNtr:
For the herald.
- -
:,hln.,''.Ertiron.Our . beautiful Cumberland
Vil47lif inpidli: beeiniting famiine for the
ecluMitionel facilktfec she affords: 'Within-ii
_elinottlof.fifty:_tfifiei, intro ore no . lese-than
'twelve inatitutiontt of leniting . .., : . We - think
'our 'zippy well Merits this distinction; for
w4hin:herbordere dtealth,. Intelligence, and
prOhperlii_nre .the.:prtiminent-characteristice
of lice inhabitants, and.a inore moral anti re,
figiolli community, I will venture to say, can.
not be found in any country.
The out of this sketch, ne we suppose
yen well know, is !boated at thc eastern mul
of the enterprising. town. of .Mechnnicsburg.
The R.kilroad from Iforrishur'g to Chambers
dmig.ptisses directly-by dbe . College.buildings,
soultht the facilities of. coming to and going
trait:the Institut:on are' nmple' and speedy.
Tie-hours ride, either-from Philadelphia' or
Baltimor'e, brings pupil or parent• to the
lightful location of Irving .Femalc.Collogr.
The building itself is A fns specimen of su
perb architecture, ivoll-nrratigell, end proper
ly sub-divided into comportments; both large
and well ventilated, to reeure• health and' .
comfort to the , stutlettf: The Campus con-
[taing several acres of 'ground; nil of ibleb is
planted with ornamental shade trees, 'inter
warped with eltrtibbery.. end beautiful , fl.)7rer
and pleasure during the hours of reers.
• The.illme. A
,G the Presi
dent of this institution. is a:graduate of Dick
inson College, an necoinplisheil scholar.: and
and \ e'xperierkeecd instructor; having
,been en-'
gaged, in that eniMeiry for many . yearn;
The other-insinhera of the fneutiy are emi
nentl3 qualified for theirne!eral departments
having had 'expericnce
~in teaching, 'and
Iti•hei'th Imgc recei,ed the approval rf •all the
patrons, scouring commend' tion and honor to
themselves, • •
I_The.insiltntion is still in itclitinitne...L.y.eld .
:.-ntnbers oven. Seventy students,--who linil froth
ten States or this..tinion,. t ill or whom ore
yonitg ladle!' of intelligence. and moral worth..
The semi-annual eZendnation took place on
December 23, 1957, - on which occasion: the
patrons of,the collego nntl others were prev
ent, nurong whom was your burnhie servant,
and I can assure you, it .
. commanded my
tniration.and-nstonishment;'llie zusnr(er or
conimunicatinginstructiim -quite different
frotit.that ()ClO:tiler years. It ie dills in-'
ductins order on the blackboard and by - lec
ture,. The student is not'etipected to recite in
the Inng..ungt; of the test-hook,. but is required
to communicate' thit knOwledge she may have
acquired of the study' under considerntion, in
hei:own dietion, - Xlint is, giving what she..un
derstands the4nuthor to mean,' in - her own
language, and when required, to 'give din.L
grams and demonstrations on 'the blackhonrd,
after witiehlbe lessons ore enfttr.Cedby a fa
nnd forcible lecture from the'prefeSsor;
Welt-so-int pressmrt
trained; that it. o indelibly fixed on the mind
of the student.
For the public exoteinntion there is no ei
Thestu Opt goes on in the even tenor of her
-wey-with-her-ntuilles r up to - tho -- very - dnyi - or
eAaminntion . , not knowing on whet branches
of 'study, or on what partienlor port if nay
branch, she in to be examined, no - that the
yarenror riresefirluis
o !air opportunity of ascertaining whether the
student thoroughly 'understand's ihe Itninchetr
she may be pursuing:. To these explanatory
retnniks we have only to erld_thst the exami-,
nittion . ,wns very entiVrnetory to.the entire nu
is.spokonlof with admira`tion
. by
all who of jnyed.the privilege of being piesent.
on that interesting occ a sion
At the conclusion of the .exaMinntion, one
of the most interesting ceremonies .took place
that could po4ibly be exhibited before any
audience, who could eppreciato the sympathy
existing between -pn roe 'ind child; for _the t
endenting prin'eiple vino F fully demonstrated
on this occasion, in the presentations made to
the dtfferent members of the faculty by the
Ench gift, wIIEII presented, 17/111 necompon
ied with on opproptinte Pp edi by one of. the
young Indies chosen for thut purpose, nut re-
1:11)et‘soi, in a very feel
ing manner.
In conclusirin,. allow me to say, that al
thong!' the institution is in its infancy, as re
gards years, yet .We feel confident that in
ability it ranks among' the first in our land,
and its watchward is atilt onward. •
Mechnnicsbutg,.Dee, 26, 1857.
Bur 3300 ft Cr-nOfe
the most useful thing that any person in busi
❑ess, can have in these times, is n correct 'and
reliable Qounterfeil, Detector nod Bank Note
This want is now to• be supplied.
Messrs., B—Petersoni& Brothers linve just
commenced lie publiention of ." PETERSON'S
BANK NOTE LIST"— a monthly quiirto publien
'ion which contains all the ihfortnatim that
catrbe obtained in regard to nil Count erfeits,
Broken Banks, and the rates of discounts on
all the Bonk Notes of the countletteri—
Drexel St C 0.,. the well known Bankers and
Brokers, of hit citx, will superviee it nod
make the corrections in each number of the
list, tio thnt lA', may -he perfectly relied on,
while the welt known home of Clark &
Co., Commission Stock and Exchange Brokers,
will correct the Stock. List, Not being inten
ded to subs'erve the purpose of any banking
house, as most of the Detectors do, it will. be
a useful and relinblequblication to the . whole :
business community; and we should advise all
of our renders 'to remit the, price of oneyeerhs .
subscription to the publishers at once fur it.
The prise is but ONE DOLLAR a Year. To
Clubs, Four copies for $3.00: or Ten copies
for s7,oo;_or Twenty-five copies for $15,00.
Addreee,,all T. B. Petersoni& Broth
ers 130 G &stout Street, Philadelphia.
. .
TLIE AT,L'ANTIC Nlinvrtnair for January fully
sustains the bigh ,chm-ncter won by its two
predecessors.. .It contains an able paper on
" AGiissiz:n NA:itinAF, linsTony," The
crat pf the Breakfast Table" and'." Akin by
Marringe" are Continued : The paper "Bootie"
is well writtniainii replete with Interest._ The
sulicesii- which . .Magazine, _ hen `et,
ii a proof ilMt - itio, , AtAfrican people 'ono ap-
Prinfiane on able solioinsl7 monthly,
.and are
willing to sustain, one.
By arrangement witbilie,ptrilisher we will
furnish.." The gm the`
4 0derikl" one year for $3,60 in advance.:
ter sele'it Piper's ut 25 cts per number.
Tun NATl.immr ! ll!innzpin , for Antiunry nom
nieneee Vol:' 2 , liti'dentne. ninener.
It ie profusely
lifer ithite 'nit() the typography is fieet
It 'contemn ninety. nix peps, twecuwob..ollavte,
nig mine Ended to euit nll,teetee, te,ereew,
f'utiih'itieit $2;130 pe;enri—Curltnn,
l?ortes bete York. '
For edlo at'l'.ilice e .r . • •
• IiOUSEIIOO Wound for January is out, with
fte usual spicy land interesting table of Min
i tents; of all the American reprintei,this "peri-
. oaico is the'ftintit popular,—whinh it 'richly '
merits. The :present. number' contains a
charming Mary—. Lyrnlon 4shost .
of other equiilly attractive articles: .. Terms -„
$3,00 per year,-.—John 'Jansen, NeW - .York.
For sale at , Piper's.
. - ,SA . ItiIENT ' S - SCIIOOI,IIONTIILY . ie fhc 11,1111--Of
a new publication jutst started in Bpston, and
edited by ' , EVES SARGENT, Elq:. 11410;geitirge
expetictice in editing standard .school text .
lmoks, As_ a sure- guarantee. : that-he—will
duce nn attractive monthly. The number
berme ue is finely illustrated, contains - 32
octavo pages, is printed on excellent paper
and with clear type .. . • Terms $1,00• r er year,
Address Epee Sirgent; . Buston, Mites.
. .
TAX GU..F.DIAN; for January, comes to us
graced I.:WI on excellent mezzatint engraving.
lir.:etinimances the nintlivolnine, published at
Lan - cndter, and edited by Re 11. • Ilarbangh,
whose inirania It.-sufficient warrant—of7tlre-7
phlect adaptation of the ' , Guardian" to the
flatlet literary and, religious interept4 of tho,'
Young:_ Terms 31,00 per year,'addres.i Pear-
aol & Geist, Lancaster Pa.
Mrs. Stephens New, Mantilly_fflo 4 _JAnuary_
comra to tM'profudely illtistrated, enlarged',
and much improved. Mrs Stephens com
mences "Barham-Stafford "in (his nurobei, -,
and Frank Leo llenedict, givesthe'firet part
of The OMNI'S Favorite." "The ,Ladies .
Treasury" nbtiunds, with its usual elegant Pat
terns; et cetera: interesting to the fair sex.
The price only $2,00 a year, is a commends
ble feature, or you can get a number far. 20
eta, bY calling at Piper's.
• Jyar-.We hove received the current number
of .13Laouwoon's MAGAZINE, published by L.
SC-Ott-S7cc.-i:Ne-VliTrk=rts contente ore, as
.usual, of a sterling cltniacter, tart - embrace-L. -
Seen'es of Clerical Jane's Re.-
r r u l tanci .L Notes - on - the - Istlinide or P.matita—
Whet will be do with it ?—Milits - ry Education
—Cambria • and eatednopolie—A few words
(nun Rktietee—The Company's Raja. Thus list
palter treatit 'on I than affairs in a masterly
manner. Ternts,,V2;.oo-peri-ear-For-sale
at l'iper%. -
TIIE 110,1 F. JOATI:NAL."-TIIC first nuotheo of
this popodur weekly for 1858, has been reedy.,
ed.' IL is every thing that its editors prom
ised it Should lie, therefore beyond a 4 praise:
Among all the papers Of the country, it stands
unrivalled in its oWnpeculiar line, as a spright
ly Journal of Li:eraiurp, Art, News, Fashion
end Now is the time to , stlbscribe4or:
the new voltoe. Term; two dollaria yenr.
• STATE LEGISLATI7RE.—The Permayliarda ,
Legislature met yestr.rday.___lte'.l,bamble ....
to give•aovA'ollock's :11e,snee in our next pa, •
per. :file inougurationof - I'n'elter will
take place op TueEday, the 19th inv., at which
time, here is to ,, ,haa. grand military display
ofaereral ioluttieer- companies, from different- - ‘'•
parts of th'e Stat'it
,„ _
. .
Tig IrICATTIER.—PoIks at the north, are
freezi4g rid' the Therinonrter only .11 - de
"ettnorphero or.about,lo.
'Ode Agent at Athens,•Georgia, sena., va the
following Letter, with permiaston to publish .--
ATHENS, August 24.
Dear. ir : been afflicted for mare
than ten'months' with Chronic Inflamation of
tile Lungs, at times very severely, and having
adopted many medicines without nay but tem
'porary relief, I purchased about three bottles
of. Wji tar a Balsaln of Wild Cher ry, from the
effects of which I obtained more relief than
from all the medicines I had" ever . taken for
that distreesing disorder. I have by •the re
pented nee of this valuable Balsam, been tan it
free from pressure fir breath nod. oppression
on the Lungs. than I anticipated, and, indeed
conceive that I will be-cured, by continuing
its. use, of this most disheartening . milady. I
do most cheerfully tender you this' acknowl
edgment, which you will use as 3 our judgment
• _RODNF;l:111.11110E,
- Wnynsborough. Burke Co:, Oeurgia
A Ltvmt It EM EDY.—We IsiOt to say
to •very person who rends tins that there Is an :101410
known nn lig. )41 , 01i0 . 8 J.Nrl , lollol9olt. a.r Liner Ilentedy,
Vahick MIT to relied on as certain to cure liner fool
plaint in any of its forms, spirit as J tundire ' byspep,in
and other complaints described in another
...donut, besides which it IS one of the greatest prepa
rations or cures Mr consumi tins, taken iu early stages,
that in now known.
We take It for granted. as experinient has proven,
that diseases of the lungs are nut generally the fi r st,
cause of eons ttttt pilots but a debilitated systrus, caused
by the improper action of the liver, which reduces the
power of the lungs to resist or throw off diseases rowed
by cold and Irritation, leaving the lungs at the mercy
of this disease, because the liver has Incapacitated them
from performing tlseir,prpper.actioss of throwing oll.dia
weed matter caused by cold.
Thus to prevent consumption, rure - The liver and
keep the system strung esinigh to throw off slight die.
easee . of the lungs.
There is no: world.a Letter liver remedy or a
cure Pw debilitated system than - Dr. Sanferd's orig. ,
rat..., fir-it has been fully tried one large and extrud
ed practice till its results are fully ks own. end now It
is offered as a tried remedy, and ono that cum be rolled
, Wood's Xlair Itestoratlve.--We have
net er katown'any other inedit tun ain as large a rhino • .
of public confidence in so short a time as this has done.
has not been more thins year since we first heard of
it, and it no • stands at tho head of all remedies of tho '
kind: We have never tailed any of it ourselves, hat tug
had no occasion, as our •• crown of glory" tacit only as
yet retains Its orightal coltir,• lint gets more so—lnt .
fail of restoring the hair to its original color.' We ad-'
vise swill as are becoming preterit ut ely erav, to give the
" Itestsrative" nett Isl.—Chester Mr Is)
"On the 22d of December, by the Rey. T. Dougherty,
Mr JOHN MILLER, to Miss mAirr KERNAN, both of
Carlisle, Cumberland county. •
On the 17th of December, by the Rev. C. P. Wing,
FRANKLIN KING, of Coometorro,-D. C., to ANNA C.
DOWERS., of Carlisle.
On the ltd ult., by tho Fame, SAMUEL DUFFIELD
HAMPTCIN; to DAILY MATSON,I troth ofCarlisle. -
On Thunnlay tbo 31rt nit, by Abe' Bor. Jacob Fry,
DAWSON, both of Carthio.
On the 2ith o ult..*at Crozier's Hotel, by the Rey.. A.
0. Kremer. Mr. GEORGE tI:BEIDLER, of North Mid
dleton township, to Mts. MARI/MUM WHITE, of Dick
inson township, Cumberland county.
On the same day by the same, Mr. PHI LI P IfOOVF.R,
of North Middleton twp., to Allas ANNA MARY SID:T
RES, of Dickinson township, Cumberland county.
On it.e came dAy_by the came, Mr. DANIEL WON
,DEBS; of South Middleton tarp., to Miss SARAH ANN
'BILLOW, of Carlisle. '.
On the 2.sthu'lL. Inc,the Rev. J.. Evans, Mr. JACOB
WHALER. of Neweille, to Mfrs ANNA MARY WHIST
LEtt,Uf 311111 In.
On the INith ult., by Mtn name, Mr. J. SHANNON Me. . .
ELWAINE. to Miss M. MALINDA i ILtIOADS, both — of -..•.„-
Newellie, Cumberland county.
- On the name day by tho ewe, Mr. HENRY MILLER,
at Perry county, LLIZA JANE FEEBLER, of
Cumberland rounly. ' - - •
. ,
'At ihe residehce of the bride's father: near Florida.
.P...Jitlialni_ecuality._lll.._om.thethithaile,:by:the Rev.-Bev).—
Anplehoe, Mr. J. }. bUNCAN. formerly of tlerilkle.und- :'..
aidlior of the Mu mum l'ainear, to ,Illisti - ,IIII.GINIA.
youngest daughter of Major John Waugh. ~- . , . .
At St. Louts, on the 26th of. NOvember last,' by the
Rev. E. M. Mervin, 31r.BASIUMI. D. MENDEL, ibrmerly
of Cudiale, to Alias MAGGIE H. daughter of 'Mr.. Jebel°
Amor:, of St. Louie.
this brlieuels on Monday the '2Bth 'Ult., Me. 81 7-
widow ofjeretntah Berry, late of l race
Ueorao county, 51d., in the ?lid year of her age. 0 . .
Meek snii'bitinble to 'dl ri*aftlou::—lgtifeag aqd , nu b.
missive In rafferlng.—resigned in the presiert of death.
,BtAF4s tulip !fiber last hours, balm; .to death , as
Irauslitten to the abrsle of the blessed. where she so
ire,;lll;if iliet . iesus her ibilcorif find 'be atieiti tOre.iir .
Near NeWillle, no the 7th ult., 3lrs 31ADC 11331- .
/NO Mg. In 06 34th Irarirf her age: '• . .•
•. Near Newsllle,iin the 15th ult.,' SAllali 11. ..V8137.
thltre 7th your vf tirt *gm: : ' "
•Ideliligiolt tsweslitr, on. baler‘day
rif,onolo,le4l.l.lETE3, In tlie.7sth )ear of her ng's-.