' o,or, 'altarftets. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET Reported weekly for the Herald by Woodward derigolainidt FLOUR Suprr6ne; per Lbl. • do. E [tn. do. do.•--•Fatnily ' -do ; Ain WHITE WHEAT per bllOlOl RED. do. • • do. RVB Conti (new) CoriN (old) OATS 46; do. CtortfilseED do. TIMOTRYSEED do. WINTER BATILRY 'do. .' MrelllnTrortrMaNtl PIHLADELPIIIA MARKET. .Ft.cen, 'perbill re!, .• ' . $5 00®5 50 ', shipping brands,' • .5 25 ,Extra family flu'ur, Rye Flour, ' '.4 00 Curn Men!, .- . . 3 00 Wuraer, best white,, per bushel, • . 1 20 Prime red wheat, . •1 1101 18 Rye, per bushel, .. -. . 75 Corn, (new) - • 50055 Oats, , 4. e 34 Cloveineed, per bushel, - Whiskey, per gallon; ti4LTimoxtri ➢IAfIiET Fr,oun: per barrel, Shipping branch . , 1 , 1:x.1111_111mi! g • lir $5 25 5 25e5 75 Rye Flour, • • • ••• '4 25 Corn Meal,' bent white per bushel, 1 . 056., 110 Primo red when!, • • 1 02et1 0' Rye, per bushel, Corn, (now)-- , - .Oats, Clorerseod, per bushel, Whiskey, per gallon, THE MORBION WAR (Correspondsnes of the N. Y. Times ) CAMP OF TIM AVM OP 'UTAH, • Ihnee Fork of Green hirer, " • ' October 28, 1857. Ou •the 11th, the whole command' loft their cainp and' proceeded up Ilom's Fork nineteen miles. The grass had been burnt nearly all the way. • We .camped•on a small spot which the fire had spored.. George and Jefferson Hickman, brothers of Bill 'Rickman, came to the train while'on its marohthi . s day, , with a note - from to Mr. Perry, requesting an in • terview on Green River, to settle some bysi• Deal matters which ho had left in Hickman's 'hands for settlement when ho was a merchhut in Salt Lake City. - ; After consulting with_ Mr. Perry,:the corn. mandant • had them arrested ni eines. It snowed nearly ell day, bitt melted as it fell . On t1e.12,1i, we continued our march up ham's Fork. Sifter camping for the night, we were surprised by the - intelligence- that the Mor r mons,. under the lead of, Lot Smith and Porter Rockfre:l, had,,biken some 800 head.of cattle, being principally those that - belonged : to. the. • trains lately burnt, together with n largo num ber of beef cattle, ,within three miles of camp: Xlicitnerf in 'charge of the cattle were allowed .ta come in. Sill Rickman sent Word by them .that if his brothers were not •released.vrithin live days he would ecalp adozgp_noldierti;'fite. it. and Smith and Porter declared that if the command persisted in,advaneing they should all bp elaughtered. Oct. 13—Continued up Ram's Fork for the last three days; route very rough ; and canip- • ed shout four milei below the California Road • Mainly ' '-estertlity-delferson ___ _Bic • inn_was:reNatted,-and- sent-with - an - ex ,- : press to Brigham. An - express was also sent Cob Julunon, - informitig - him of:the move f, meats. •The advance . .party this morning nearly captured some M ormons, who were set . r ting fire to the grass in this bottom IF has beet - decided to remain hero we.receive some intelligence . from Col. Johnson and 'the -• --trains on the road. - Oct. 16—A party of about 100 mounted vo __—_- liinteers,4soblierte-rind-teamsters.) tinder the comineutl of Ciipt. Marcy, of the 6th Infitutry, left camp this morning at dayliglit, for. the - purpose-of exploring the country between this mid Muddy 'Creek. (a stream midway between . ibis point und_,Fort—Bridger,) Capt. Neal and . I,ietitenatits Blanchard, Level, and Lynde, of the nth, and Lieut. Gore, of the 10th Infantry, accompanied him. They bail not gone more than two miles from camp before et party of 65 Mormons dame suddenly upon them ft - Om the rear. Our party immediately for.ne . d On • a Jail-side,- and .the Mormons drew up in a line, two deep, within about 100 yards Their Captain then advanwed half way, and ttlk with Capt. Main', Ile declared it to le tiwpu'ipti.;e of. the Mormons to resist any at tempt on the part of the United States troops ti advance, aud_also that-it avas - by - Brighau t it order that the trains had been burnt. Afier this parley they were permitted to " - move off unmolested. They hail not gone Tar Woe they commenced disking their b ankets, yelling loud C 11111•78 and shouts of _defiance. The animals of our party wore so weak that pursuit would have been useletts. Soon after some men of our party, headed . by Jim Baker, an old' mountaineer an I guide. for the conimandrode to the top of a hill and discovered thezMormond at the foot on the • bank of a creek. The - Mormons no sootier saw them/than .one of thttin fired, whereupon .our party returned the fire, wounding one and putting them all to flight, they no doubt sup posing that our whole party were upon them. Baker, pursued them more than a mile, and foUnd scattering along the route several pack- , age:: of prlivisions which had been dropped in their busty flight. ,Our party arrived at Lower Springs, about 12 miles from Ham's fork. Soon after start ing on our - return to camp we surprii.ed a par; - ty of five, Mormons. who were carrying ,sup, , plies to the party seen in the morniug, two orl whom were captured, and 'proved to be. thil -i leaders and important persotinges.' They goes their - Mimes as Colonel Taylor and -Adjutant Stowell: Their pack animals (three Mules and two horses)-were captured, with their loading, 600.1b5. flour atittother provisions. — Important despatches were fsund upon tbe portion of Taylor, from Lleutenant-General Well eog___E o r_Lßridger.,Alirecting-rill-the-par r ties in the neighborhood of Green River, - to return- and coneentrabi in advance of the troops on Bear - River; and stating that there were Some 800 United States Dragoons on their way to reinforce our command.' They were further diieeted , 4mburn the grass, steal the atiimals, fell, trees in . our path, and in every. potaible inanner annoy us bynight and by day. I,ni consequence of this information, Captain Mercy was eent, neck (Oct. 18) with two com panies, to, meet 'Colonel Johnkon, ati we ap , prebend that our expresses' may have been captured, and it was also , decided that we should return aturgo into Winter quarters on ~.11enry'e• Fork of Green River, ns the cattle rod moles of the command were very weak. Soon after - Captain Matey had left two express moo come into the camtl, briuging word from Brigham. Young; the purport of it being that lie, did not blame the officers and soldiers, as they ware merely tools in the hands of a cor rupt Government, and had to obey his orders, &a., &a. lie also tiflaiseti.us to place all the - Women and . children with the commend in a se; arate from the others', as lie wished' by all Means-to spore them. the eveningOen ixpress men came in from Colonel Johnson, who Wan tit the last crossing of the Sweet Water, waiting for all the trains to coma up. Ile pent orders for our command to . return 'to Green River, and •. there await his arrival, An'txpress was sent sect mording. . lire were visited by, i severe snow storm the writing night, which continued until flotilla tif be lodowing day ; tlionnow to thedepth if about eight inches. Some thirty. mules: .nd, bones .died in the night. from, the cold, October, 10, we , began our re-1 urn rib:troll. Ou 'the evening of the 21st of .octoher, one' f the wagon -masters, belonging to the ox _ritlns,-was...taken-prisoner-by-ther-Mortnotir.' bile ile)trns out hunting cattle.' The next, • veiling ultimo 110 Mormons came ton bill near re cninp, and sent 41 a note by the teisneter •hem they bad taken prisoner the presimis veiling, suiting that rimy tvisl . inil Coloneljay - .1. i u . exchange. regaeat coto lied With. aini;nl;'n,liswer returned. • On the, 2•ith . en eiproOn einne in, frpm,Ool: britigisig, the news dint ult-but oils of the trains had arrlied , t. thit-the tragoone, wire still behind,.hut 'were inflected up every- day, - end , that be would Mat t on the 27th, and come directly to'Oreen River and Black Fork, and we were directed to return to that place and await hie arrival. ,' • On the 27tii tind'2Bth thrcOmmand travelled , down the fork come 12 . $ 4.fin (•00 • 660 A DOE FOR DYSPEPSIA. 1,05 Ft'om Me Hon. Solomon Foot, fron►-Vermonl. . WAsuincrron, - D: - P: June DR. Geo. B.' GREEN,- Dear Sir: In your note of this morning, you naked t. for-an ex pression of opinion in regard to your med icine-called Oxygenated Bitters .". It affords me plesstire to mote, that from the' e x peri- 5,00 2,00. - 0 _once ave- a in-ouring-n-severe-attack:of Dyspepsia in my own fan .. iily, from_ the and frome - Weifirealiii — efrati — WEiiih it has produced in other and more severe cases, arising hi fain.. lies of Members of emigres's with Whom I am acquainted, I think it an invaluable medicine, and hope ghat ettch circulation will be giyen to it as will bring it within• the redoli of 'all who ore afflicted with thatilistrissing malady. • Respectfully yours, _ ' 8. FOOTE. SSTs IV. FOWLE dr.t-Co., 138 Waahingtorr Street, Boston, Yrofriebirs; Stld by their agents every where. G 12.1 22,023 lrjolibai Murrtisonento,, ItR - E S A . It It" T y Gams FOR THE 1101ADAY8t! FANCY GOODS, GIFT BOOKS, • • W. 11AVI:HtSTICK has' just received from the oily and Is now opening'a sillend id display otFANCY COODS, suitablufortho ammo:idling Holiday Season, to which he desires to call tho attention of his friends and the public. Ills assortment in this line cannot be surpassed in novelty and elegance,. and both-In quality and price of the articles, cannot fall to please purchasers; It would ho impossible to enumerate his • HOLIDAY FANCY GOODS; , which comprlsAvery variety of fancy article of the most exquisite finish such as. ' - 4, • Papier Macho Coeds, • Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays, Fancy/very, pearl and shell card canes, , Ladles' Fancy Baskets, . Fancy Rork Boxes, with sowing 'lnstruments, Port Monnales, of every 'variety, • Cold pens and pencils, Nancy paper n : eights, PapeteVies, and a larger', r!cty of ladles' ynney Station 42049 35 5 25 22023 Motto 'seals nthd wafers, Silk bead purses. . Ladies' riding whips, elegantly finished, ,Ladles' fine cutlery, . - -- - • Perfume baskets and bags, Brushes of every kind for the toilet, itoussel's Perfumes of the various kinds; Musical Instruments, of all kinds and at all prpes, together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents, to which he Invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of HOLIDAY GIFT BOOKS. • comprising the varioun.Engllshand American ANN UA I.S - for INK - richly umbel kited and ustrated,,,POETlCA I. WORKS, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, Mr children - of all ages, than which nothing an be more. appropriate or pleasing as holiday gifts. Ills assortment of School Rooks and" School Stationary Is -also complete, and comprises everything used in College and the _Schools. Ile alto desfres to 'rail the particular attufe lion of Families to his elegant assortment of , LAMPS, GI Itit NikklX/3, lee., front the extensive estabilsluuents Of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm or. Etherial ell, together with Flower Yeses, Fancy Sereens, Arc. Ills assortment in - this line is un equaled In the borough. , Also, PItUITS, FANCY CQN IiECTIONA I . - NUTS- PRE =MEMMI In every variety And at all priers, All of which Are pure and fresh such As can he confidently reconntnendod to MS friends and the little folks. Ills stock .entbraces. everythipg,ln thaline'of Fancy floods; with tunny other aitfaesThi.effil.to heusi2ki.opers-which the,publie nro es, peciallyinvited to roll Ittidst,e durittir - the holidays.— ltenfenther the Old Oland, nearly opposite the.linuk on North Hanover street. Der. 16.-1847 P'S ALL FOIL . 13 U N m B .111 - ! ! 'fine fejlowk that fllng_out4helt.reil-llage and—make •ri - tiichfuss ationt the effects of the n 31oney - Pinile," `Suspensiiiii and Its consequences'l'!flreat attractfon" Prices greatly reduced" nud 'other queer ‘• mnors," re all talking for Iluseemm s Ilut If you really want o get the worth of your money, call at the - Family wicery and Queenaware Store of 7- I= • .on the N. Corner of the lublin Square and directly • Opposite the Carlisle Deposit hank, In the borough ,of the stork of China, Ofn. end QUeollewaro bee jest been replenished from Philedelphirband for Lenutyo of des.ign, quality and chrapriesit IT CAN'T BE IMAT, E s • . Ills' assortmeut of FAMILY GROCERIES is full, fre,h, clean and•compl:te, such as Java and Rio Coffee, Mixed Pickets, " Roasted, Plalu do. iz.7 , ~ I : re o r d ln o l r T i t i r o , ou do . I:n o r o c r tis ,„ t , Th , i i r o e Sauce, a 0 ' . r . ' Pou%ded Hominy . i'ontato eaten 5, n, I, .4 . ig,, ,r ,...k,.c r trina, Salad ~ .1. table 611, Pepper suture; Rico Flour, Tattle salt, ' Baker's Cocoa, Syrups and Mohases chocolate, of every quality, Preston's Eagle do, , alitcaront. SUO ARS, N•w•Orleniin, Portn Crushed, • Greuulated„ Pulverized and • Relined. SPICES, (ground & ungrpund Cinnamon, Marv, • Nutmegs,' Cloves, • A Inpke, ,Peppor and._ _ olnger. • CHEESE—Pin° apple and New York dairy Cheese. Cranberries, Brooms suit Cedarwa re › i tt e lb id ACK Elt E i i ke e Dte Nos. I, 2 And 3 - Saponifier or Concentratial Lye for making soap. Be sides a 4 . THOUSAND AND ONE" articles that cannot lie enumerated, but which tho public are gmrdielly invited _la examine Mr themselves. . The subserDer thankful for the very liberal patron age which he has rerei rod from tho community iu times past, responfully solicits a continua,. co. JOSEPH D. HALBERT. Carlisle, Dec 23, 1857 O_IFTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS . WATCHES JEW ELIIY AND SILVER-VA Rh Al CONLEN'S old established Stand, West Main, St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Bunk. . • 1 helve Just received a new assortment of watches, Jewelry, medallions. silver ware, kc.. In addition•to say former steak to which I invite the - attention of the public, The nssortment embraces fine .. , . gold and silver lover watches, Hunting . and, open wee do, gold Anchors fir. ‘ Ladies and Gentlemen and Silver Le- c •••,: pines and Quertier _watches of every vat 44 riety In style and price. Who tine gold Medallions. Breast pins for Ladles' and _flontlenten of every quality, patters and - Price. Cold fob; vest. curb and neck chalps. Sold bracelets, finger, ring's,!culf.pliir, studs, sleeve-buttons, crosses, charms, "re., he, (told and sliver thimbles, silver and plated butler knives, forks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoon!, of every variety. A largo absortment of gold, sliver ''andw 7 os sllt'e i n to cult ;ne - - A line lot of GOLD PENS from the best makers, •pectscle rases, fancy boxes, silver and pearl card rases', gold - Atilt/mitutHriThitelag coil ll etud nx , t , Illantle Clocks and a variety of article. U.. (..," ally kept in Jewelry eatahlishinents, which Al I will soil low for cash. All articles war. ranted to lie what they are represented. Particular attention paid as usu a l to ;p,:;Zo wracil REPAIMNO and all work war ranted. ^" Doc. 22, 1657.], A GItICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND SEEDS. CkESIAN'iII FARM MILL for grinding all kinds of grain of any desired fitenelis. DANIEL'S HAY STRAW AND FODDER CUTTER Lir Land or herec-power—thelie are uusitiplicied (or effi ciency. simplicity and durability. NEWSHAM'S PATENT PORTABLE STEAMER for' cooking food for stock. """' Hay Presses, Corn Shelia's, Plows, root Cutters, Sau sage Cutters and Stutters, Sc. Inquiries and orders through mail promptly attended to. I'ASCIIALI. 3101illiS & Co. Dee. 23, . N. E. Corner, 7th and 3larket St.., Phila. fl IFTS FOR THE H 01,1 DA YS. N . - j .suet opening a fine aeoortment ~ sa l of motto Chine vases, cups and saw core, large and small, with a great vu. tiety of other fancy articles suitable for L Helaine and New Year presents. . , Call it the fancy China Store of JiD tti . e l p lA u L b li tic ENZ . . re , • N W. Corner o Dec. 2.3,1851.] : LweA.23BA,S7B],AT..COST.—The subscriber Is now_offerinic a lot of CABAS for . side at c IC ey will be found desirable for C o hr e l o st . n i i r e . s i p i r i e r a N en t t ir s i. ' SALT.BY THE SACK,' - . GASKETS, , TOBACCO and , k . . ust. received et the Family Grocery /GOP of -CIGARS, "'Dec. 23,'57.] . - .7, D. HALBERT. .r A w NOTICE.--TllOB. M. ,BTDDLE Li continues the practleetl the lair, in tlietdirce formerly occupied by lila father Wm. M. 'Diddle, .Eaq arid mere recently, by the law fi rm ' of Penrose & Diddle, now,dleaolved. , • 1)E -A 7. 118 TA TE All E N-C Y.' .. . . , - ; 1 • CR - 1 I,NER AND, 'CONVEYAN- i-t, arrirnirg o. tat.. si.rtfr Trierasson. If° t 1 & TLIOWPSO.3I, - k .) 0111.--A. L. SPONSLER Inge Registernf Cumber- liwrOngened ern °Meeoseph, Bio4 for, thOptir , - and. county. will carefully attond to the transactiou of rhos° and - sole of Beal ketute. laiYing arid selling Laud all auch.larnness en may be entrusted to him, such no Warrants; entering Laud on Time, Surveying and 3frip'' the writing of Deeds. 31ortgages" Contracts. Re. He will ping Towns, location of Warrants. and making Invent also dwrote Jils attention,' tr iho procuring of Land War manta for mo . residentc,paying, of Taxes, and all busk-, rants, l'onafnus,'&e. as well as the , purrliase and sale ions portalning to a Goner.' Land Agency .in. 311ouronri r of Real Estate, negotiations, Orions, .'.e. SkyL.olllre on Kamm. Nebraska., and lowa. . ..--A -, West Ifirril street, formerly occupion,., y. W. 31. Norfolk. - rtur-Orneo on Recoml. Street, Mirth of A.-T. Benttle's Esg.'near the Alothodist Myrrh. • Banking Ilouse. ' - • • ~i~ FANNY Fitltiewrites nn ly. for THE NEW. YORK' LEDUtht. SYLVANUS collo, Jr., - writes - only - for - THE NEW. • YORK L EDG Elt. - • -EMERSON BENNETT ' writes only for THE NEW . . roicicrxnuElt. ALICE CARY, Mrs. Si. ' - GOURNEY, nod th. NEL. SONArrito for THE NEW YORK LEDGER. GEORGE D. PRENTICE, JOHN O. SA XE,and all The ' other hoot writers, contri- Lute to VIE NEW YORK LEDGER. • THE LEDGER Is devoted to POLITE LITERATURE, ORIGINAL I LUST RA ' TEL TA I, ES, ESSAYS, FOKTur, SKETCHES, Ul- OUItAPIIY; Ac. THE LEDGER is every where acknowledged to ho ' • the best family papkr to the tvorld—ltence its extraordb . nary anti unheard of pope., larity. ¶I be Proprietor of the LEDGER employs the Lek, talent, and by so doing • makes t h e beat paper In the country, ' THE NEW YORK LED. OEit is printed on beautiful -.-" white paper s lnd Jr nom . • posed ofeight pagesAnnking • . • • • the handsomest weekly pa. __ - per In the Union. It in .. . I published every Saturday,' . • and sold at all themewn,of-.. fires In every city and town -- - - : - through'out the - einititry - ,' and is moiled-ler sulincrlb ern at fit'per , annuen; two • • copies are soul for $3. Any • . . Pinson obtaining eight sub. . . scribe. at $l5O each (which In our lowent club rates,) .. . and. needing MR $l2, Ion! be . • • entitled to -Mtn espy free. • - - Teittin Invariably in ed.- -- - *--- . Sanyo. Address ell letters to , • .ROBERT BONN,ER, PubliNhor of the ... NEW YOI,K 44 Aim street, New York. N. 11.. Now Is a good limo -to Nut: scribe, oo Mrs.SOUTII S. 11 4 . HAVEILSTICIL • . • moat ntkTerd or by any - money- to any Agents.' A high Mend' tone characterizes every article In TIIE LEDGER. In feet, the naines of Ito lending coutribu tore are a nutrient guarantee that ft ntandiriwmarked contrast to dolmas of weekly puhlications, that have tbr Erlong a time flooded the cemitoy, hut which, fOrtu uately for the morale of our people, are almost extluct. bee. 23,1857,J • / V . O U • .I‘l, SAW, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Hillro formerly occupied by Judo Hepburn, on East 31ein street. All business intrusted . to Ills cure will be promptly sttende,d to. May E 6, ' lA T ILLI A M C. RHE E ; Attorney at LAW. Office In Main Stroot.Carn,le, , trirrllusirterei'ontrusled to Lam will ho promptly at. teoded to. Feb. 7.'65. CP. Attorney at Law. •—ORIce on North Hanover streei, n few door; smith of Glas' Hotel. •All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [Aprllls. IJAW NOTICE. ItEmovAL. W. pENRO.9I.I llas removed leis office to the room formerly occupied by lilt,, on Main tdreet a few doort, east of the Meth,:dist Church whore ho promptly attend to air buslnesieutruhted to him. A,tguot 19, IST.7. A w OFFICE.-1.E31UE7. TODD L has resumed the prartli3 of the Law. Mee in Centro Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian Chervil. April 8,1857. DR._,S. K - lEFFEIt-Offieo-in North Hanover street .two doors from Arnolit&_Son's store. Office hours. momparticularly from 7 to 0 o'clock A. H., nod from fi to 7 o'clock, P. 31. DOCTOR ARMSTRONG- has ramify , - .1 his office fo Centre, Square west of the Court House; where he may be consulted at any hour of the dny or night. Or. A. line hnd thlity years experience In the profession, the last ten of which hare been dero ted to the study pod 'pnictice of Homoeopathic medl• eine. lilny 20, '1,76m. . DR. I. C.LOO3IIS South Hanover street, next door to the Post Onlee. dale of absent from Carlisle the last ten clays eaelt month. fAug.l, , .4.--77 — , ; X::- T\R. GEORGE S. SEA ; in,.,:...1-‘:•:- - It14 lIT, DENTIST, from the 115t .44i1111 • e College of Dental Surgery. ILMOffice at the residence of hie mother, East bouthet street. three doors below Bedford. , Referenre—.Dr. (100 Z. Beets March 19:1858—tf. __ GEO. - W.' NEWICII. D. D. 9. rI: fa te Demonstrator of Operative Den tlstry to the Hultlmore College of Don t II Surgery. • 'ealttlits-rottklinielipiiiiiiillltelireTlOintalcitinii 31nIt, Street. Carlisle. • Nov.ll, S. W. II A V 1.1 ItSl' IC K , Druggist, • . North Ilanover Street, C.irlisio. Physi vial's prescript lons en t efully compounded A full supply of fresh (true nod cherub' OS. THOMAS CONLYN. . SIMON_ P.! SN.YDEII, -- 0111,,,....'--.=- ...-= W. K. McPAio.tse, Pesiwylviolin. L. Ire Coorc, Ithetto Islnlid.' . • ' , SN I' DER, IWFARLAND, AND • . .. .• COOK, • . Bankers And Dealeks In Real EidAte, r MINNEAPOLIS, , , . Minnesota Territory. June 3, 135T.—1y. • CIARLISLE A(111:NCY, N.../ FOIL INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSSTY EIRE, TILE FRANKLIN FIRE INSITRANOE COT., OF PHILADIIMA. • ' ,Chentor Porpotunl.—s4oo.ooo Copltsl paid In. OMee 00. 103% Chesnut streot. • . • Ill Awn InsunANct, either permanent or limited, against loss or damage by fire,on PROPERTY RIO evrxcre of every description. In town or Country, on tbe meet reasonable ,farms. Applications made ell bar personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to. • The subscriber is agent for the above company for Car Halo and Its vicinity.- All applications for insurance either by snail or porsourillp will bo , promptly attended tod oc by • A. L gEONSLFII, .12,15. Real Estate Agent and Bcrivener. - 0 - .P,AI;ES TATE 'AGENCY,' RE MOVAL—A. L PPONSLER, REAL ESTATE ALIEST, CONVEYANCER AND SCRIVENER., has rec moved to his New Office on Main street, gllpe door west of the Cumberland Valley Rail Pond Depa. • lb la zeg peiumilently located, and has on band and for Ale a vology.bogo amount of Real Estate, consisting of Parrs, of nil slues, Improved and .unimproved. Mill Properties. Town Property of every description, Dnifd leg Leta, oleo, Western Panda nod Town Lots.- Ile will • .glve his attention, vs heretofore to the Negotiating of Leona Vfrilinoc,ool Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, Contract., and Enlivening generally. • 13i,o,00tps; H N !MA .D G e THE BEST , FAMILY PAPER IN All the Favorite Writers 'retained,, . and New • - ones added. • Still Greater Attractions for the New Year . , The,circalation of THE NFW YORK .LEDGER ' le now Tnwon llonnion AND THIRST THOUSAND Colwyn which Is gr.otor thou that of any . Ten other .Liieraiy Papers in America. .Ths pmflts on this um WlFltSrarciirearcrirgus,,, to theproprlotor ,of TIII _LEW Elf- to-oxpend- , sums upon It w 1146 would coon swamp any ordinary pubil• cation. A met with a circula tion of only a hundred thou sand or so )N ould sink un der the expenses of THE LEDUER In less thau six months. All of the old and favor; • It. Contributors will con tinue to write for 7118 LNilitailtlts heretofore. No expense will be spared to soeuro others whose pens shell he considered ennui. , tent to odd to the LED ' ED'S 'attractions and use fulness. • ICI Mrs.• EMMA E. N. SOUTH WOETII writes only for THE NEW YOItiLLEP -7.— GEE. • WORTirli new story, THE BRIDE OF - AN — EVENINO, w1:1 he commenced In 1116 LEDO tat on the first ofJan.: miry. , N.ll. No. 2.—We brire no ." • uth0r.17... , to r. crive subscriptions it I' 1) 'E (I C EIt. Subscribers , Jitistitess - Tarihs C. N 11/,NCI{ ER, Pies't WM illigrellakOii6 cOOD WILL L HOSE''COMPANY'S • ()RAND. HOLIDAY •• lio'Efood itoco Company thankful itfrthefvors conferred on them by the eitisionirof dur town and vi rginity at_ their jest Year. intend boldimpanother - EDIRIATION - lIALL: .."1 — . • commencing December 24th 1857 r and °toeing 'January let 1858; (opon Christmas and 'New-Year's' days) In whleh.your kind co.oporatintagreefeetibilly • Our object being to raise funds fbr the 'purpose of :purchasingranlingina. We besitatiraht to call "upon the Ladles of-onr-towt, and- vicinity,`- who 'are-always roady to respond to benevolent enterprises,:'- • A few moments devoted to the making %of ouob arti clow•ds your ingenuity niny suggest, Will he thankfully 'received by the mombere of the Good Will. Anv articles intended far the Fair,• melt be sent to the House of Charles Ogllby or to the' Kali on Wedoes, day, December 22rd. 4 . - • - 124 eta. Tahfilimi_froni_any.of_the Coimaitteo and at the door. Very respe r 4fullY - Allison, -• Sein'h.ll.,Gould. L. St. Myers, ' Joshua Miler, • George Wise, • If. V. Knight, • • •It. 11. Spottswood; • ' Joe. C. Holbert, Wetze!, Johnson Wareham, liervy Sanderson,. William J, Cameron, • J r . V. 0011.1114 Cheirman.. Doe. 2, 1157.1 ' . TAU YALL'S. GALVANIC. OIL.- ... Thin great remedy hen obtained forltself,lltrorld' wide reputation, as a blesslug to invalids. In curse of spinal disease, Rheumatism, Burns and Scalds, Nervous headache, Erysipelas, Neuralgia, de.; it has a magical effect in removing pain, Imparting to the'diseased parts a natural current iff electricity, by Which the healthy. functions are rostoredimmediately, and a Sure effected As no one, has ever used this article without benefit we confidently refer to those who have applied it, (4 their testimony In Rs favor. ' • • Per sale by S.V. Haverstic4, S. Elliott, 11. Kauffman, 11; J. Kloffel, and at all the country stores:dhroughout the county. N. II: Tho uniform price IS FIFTY Colas n finale. no this is tho 'only sign that le shipped to the United States.. _din v-25,-1 R57,- . . • . - IT A MIL Y COAL. - —The subscribers ,are now pre , pared to furnish thq citizens Of ►,..M . k-115..1 . Cumberland Connty with the best uality of Coal uoo, at the following reducedq for rates: We' will Sell famil boa t' broken and egg coal,from Lykons val/ey, , Lencaster cid liary. Loconst mountain; Short mountain, Luke lid 'diem Sunbury and tl'ilkeeharre nil rosqrcened and deli vered to any part of the borongh.• Limo coal at the yard and Blacksmith's coal - always on hand. Also, all kinds of Luiuber, cheaper than over. Carlisle, Somt -30, Sinto3l A' 110FRE1t. ' rrlll3 HOLIDAYS ! Just moire,' at Naugln's Cheap elery Memos fine supply of Gold and Sliver [hinting and upon Aces Watches, very fine and Infest styles. Also. n largo esserinient of Fine Jewelry, Ilulidaypresents, Se., whirl; we will NOll et n redueed prieeotnring the holidays. The public Is respectfully Invited to call and examine otirfgoods before buying elsewhere. W. D. A. NADOLE. Carlisle, Der. 8, 1851. Meal 05stote Safes. • IDESI RA 13 L E .ESIDEIOE AT VATE BA LS. . • Tim Mouse and hit recently ,owned" - ;:n_ by Mrs. ,Maria ,Stevenson, deceased ; 7- Situate on West Main Street, In tho . borough' of Carlisle, nearly opposite _ 471 the warehouse of Mr, Jacoli Itheeni. The jitimerty is hins - collent repair and flier& Ilia never failing cistern in the yard In addition to the lirde - ant. ,eater. Possession may be had immediately. Terms made knowd by application to T. C. STE: V PINSON, t a OM J. W. 3IARSIIAL. or A. L. SPONSLER, Esti; Real Sestet° Agent. • Dec. 16, 1857.-31117 DUBLIO SALE OF VALUABLE ..L. . , REAL ESTATE: . . By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cum berland county, or proceedings - 111 partition, - to me di rected, I.will expose to - pithile solo, all the real tenth of which 'Mrs. Jane 31eCorinick, late of 311fIllit township, dead., ' - died wised, on 11,110WH, viz: No. 1., A tract ~f land situate In 311111 In township.' CuMberland county,. about two miles from NOVVIIIe, thn Otato road leading from Boublin Hap to Newvllle passing through the farm,. bounded by lands of Jacob Waggoner, John Brown and others, containing 117 AMIN'S AND 87 I'igitCllNS,' • . . ict - vitertaurtx — Thbvirlterl affitTlw_x/.0 or' , !lOUS E, LOG BAR', .tc.. about 38 or .10 acres of excellent bot tom land, and the .° Big nun," 'passca - wlthin.'filty . vauiLpLihe_bUlltlings..- A ho,- - nn-oacellent - Sulphur Spring on the premises..., ~ , .• Thu above farm will bo sold on Thursday, the 24th -day of December. nt I o'clock, P,'.51., on .theAtrerrilses. ' Ni,. 2. The undivided one half of a certain house and lot of grOutut In 1110 borough of Carlisle, situate on West Pomfret street. and:present occupied - bv - Mrs: Ma- - ry 'Harper, The 110UF0 Is ri good. comforta . ble, TWO STORY BRION; on a lot 30 feet In front. . by 180 foot In depth. Tilbc , undivlded . anon 1111 - House, in Carlisle , fifiNienday. the Lath "of December, nt 11 o'clock, - A. 51. No: 3. Also, on the premises, on Wednestg, Derrtn her 30, 1857 nt 1. o'clock, P. 31., another ti , of /nod In 311111 in township, containing, • • - 121 ACRES AND 132 PERCIIES - -- strict measure, hounded by lands of Henry Snyder and others, having throne ..reeled a • DOUIIDE STONE HOUSE, 1.o.; Baru, and other ont•huntlings, with a • goad Or• chard, kr., and astleam of never failing running water at the door. Ms tract can hu divided. lletsons demi , ring to secure a good lot of Thither land, will do well to attend to the sale of the above. • Timms or SALE.--Fivu per cont. of the amount paid on the day of sale, and the balance of coo half to Lo paid mom the first day of April, 185 F, and the balance to he paid in two equal annual payments without Interest, scoured by Judgment bonds on time property, ANDREW H. 13 LA I it, Adm'r. Dec. 0, 1857.--U VALUAIILE LA It AL AT PRI VATE SALE. .Tin Subscriber offers at Private Sale, the FARM on which ho now resides, situated : in Nbrth Middleton township, Cumberland county. three relies east of the borough of Carlisle, on the Turnpike leading to Harris burg, and mijoiaing the celebrated_preperti known as he .• Middlesex Mills." The Farm ceiitains Acres and 66 Niches, style measure, one hundred a ml.thirty-seven-Alires are clear od and inn high state of cultivation, ani the balance covered with thriving young Timber, the whole under good fence, • • The Improvement, are a Two-Story -= ' - 'l77.ltlil„Cli - 11011SE, a di - 14b1,, natilillrn, , -- 7 a two-Story Stone Spring House, Wei ' •.; at, di ra gon Shed, Corn Crib anti other nem. nary out-buildings. , I'luirod4 a thriving Apples,Rß admits., graft. oil fruit. consisting of pears, Cherrie , &C., on the farm. and ono of the finest limestone springs In the munty, rised within a few feet of the house. Thu title is indisputable, and the terms will ho made easy to a gond purchaser. • The subscriber also otters for dale with the Act os ol valuable Chestnut 'timber Land ilteated in Ityo township, Perry County, which would In Invalttablu to lho owner'of the Farm in supplying an abundant.° of material for fencing. Persons wishing to 'low the promise's wilt rail it, above, or address ADAM MOCKER. Sept.lo, 184.-3 m Carlisle.P. 0. ITOUSE AND LOT 3. A7 I'liW TL Silusted on Went fared. W the Inrough of Carlisle,' adjoining properly of William, l'effur on the North and Mtn ) Sterrett on ciuiffb the South. The 101.`eotitalno al feet front by 120 feet in depth. with a rtahle• b,„: ~,,;,,„0, HOUSE. Nor further , partittikrn ---enluirtron the premises. — Sept. 16 1057.-tf. emir Notic,es. dil], STATE OF CATITERINi.E . STOUT • . deceased.—Notice is hereby given that Letters of ninistration on the estate of Catherine Stout, late of Plankford township, deceased, have been Issued by 'the Register of Cumberland county, to Jacob Martin, res'ding In West Petpsboro' township. • 'All Persons having claims against the paid estate are required to present them for settlemiult, add those in debted_toinake inunedlatepayment to - JACOB MARTIN, " • Administrator. Dec. 10, 1857.-00 • A D3IINISTR4TOIi'S NOTICE. Letters of eAdministration 6n the mints_ of DV. ati Erkor , Into of Newtoo township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been issued. to the subscriber residing' In said township. All persons having claims a 'Moist the estate are notified to present them properly . ai thentleated for suttlement w and those indebted to ut u-prompt payment to DAVI/ DEMIITII. Administrator of Dr. David Raker, deed. v. 25, 1857.-Bty. • 1; 1 1 .4 ., STATE 0.8 • DANIEL - GOOD . R YEA, deceased. Letters testaniontary on the WI of Daniel Goodyear, Into OP Monroe. township, do , ceased, have boon issued by lieu Itoglster of Combo', laud - county, to Daniel Goodyear, o f troderiek, raiding In Monroe township, and .Cyrus Brindle, residing in. Whitman township. All persoifs indebted to Cho estate,"aro required to Make immediate payment, and those having claims to ,present them 'tor settle ment to • DANIEL GOODYEAU and CYRUS 'BRINDLE, Doc. 2, Executors. Er . ESTATE OF JOHWlllFi,l.3"dec'd,' J fbitlpe la hereby piven that Jetfoil Test=Outs. y :enAtiiii s estate ofJobo Rife, late of l -- kimit_epouphepol o townstilpiTtinitiditiffid rouuty7have beiiinissued to the stibieriber residing In mild township. All, mimeos In debted to the'estate. are required to make Immediate payment, and those having claims tp present them for settlement to: .. - - ' - ..ELIZALETIL • - Executrix Dee:; IRS7.—Q N OT.tdE..---- Notice •is hereby 'given . .to all person. interested, that aptdicatlons for L cense under tbenct of alat. Moran 18514,n:find' be 'hied with the Clerk of tho Court of Quarter 'Betokens,' on or bean* Moriday.ihe_Hth_dar.ot Demi:Oar, lost,-- - .otheT,Ofee - theY twill not he hoard.: . 'DANIEL 8. Cuoir; Cle.rk • • V• ()TIC subscriber kits just ' reduced Cho price of-his f II airufixons to cost, offering one lot nt $1 and -another nt 6,s'centa, (*- olden many other articlre nt unlaced prices:" ' • ToTo^ these persons Who have accomniodated him' by nettling their hills. ile le deeply grateful, And hopes that others nutty see-Ot to ryppond to his (impend for settlement no qulclaynurpolielble. - - Doe. '4 itS7.] • • _ ... ._... , ... . , ._.., Milling, AcSoideons, Munk Boies—a fine varieti,,. At NAUGLE'S. • . - Ladies': Portmonaleg, Fear] and feather, Plain ay., Fahey Travelling Bags, very vice styles, cheap .At NAUGLE'S If you want to have you'r Watches put in good r 4 pair and warranted, take them to • _ NAUGLE'S. If you want to got.° Cheap Clock, you can cot it At NAUGLE'S. . If you want your Silver ware neatly 'narked at short notice, call ' At NAUGLE'S. • • • All goods warranted as represented, or the money re funded, •. TB. K ,E S THAT; "(,`AP • - - BOOT AND SHOE STORE. North'East Corner of the Public Square. . The subscriber offers" to the public a complete and, choice assortment of tints,-Cape Boots and Shoes. which havejust been purchased from the best manufacturers Our stock consists-of a great variety of beautiful . SILK AND FELT HATS, . • Made expressly Si customers. , All kinds of Caps fo Men, Boys and Children. 11'e would invite particuln , attention to our well selected end great variety e ~these goods, as wo are confidant they cannot be excelled In the town or county. . BOOTS AND 'SHOES, of every style-end variety, nll unequalled for price and finish. :It consists lb part of MEN'S fine-French CALF BOOTS, - BOY'S • " - " - _YOUTH'S --". ' " " • LADIES' French and EnglibliGAlTEßS, , ' • Misses' and Chlidren's " • n Every variety of Chlldren's fanclShoes. Tho best int of IteavY :HINTER BOOTS, for men and boys, In town. -- ' , Thankful hi our friends for past fn. cure,alng n o o bir w s strict attention-tonulling o( ; o) 1)1; to Nen m e e t t o ft their continued favor: ' J.ll. KELI,Eii. N. 11.t=1Ve sell no Auction Goods!' . [Oct. 7,'57. • . VFW GOODS ! GOOD GOODS..! IF YOU WANT NEW GOOD,S, - 0000-50005. AND ClIE:11.. 00008 00 ?0 . -WOOD - B', next door to Maglauchlin'S" Hotel, and you will find large mai-timid of Ladles' Goods, consisting of 111,k, Fancy and Gonna Silks; Iderinoes, Persian Cloths, Dn Lollies; Do Ilagos, Alparcas, Scotch Plaids- Sack Flan nels. Scofch Maneliestor. Earision,_charjawyg.....um anis, a .00s, no French Worked Collars, Ribbons, Hosiery. (notes, ke., &r. • • DOMESTICS.—WooIen Twilled Flannels,. Drilling -Tick in- ' ,- Bags and'ilaggingi-Cotton-Fliiii-MilicOtiiirshit-rn; Demis,Clngham: Table Draper, Checks, White and col, ored Carpet Chain, &c. .. - -- In Shawls and illankets we have all aOrts, sizes and conditions. - For gentlemen .we have Fine French Black Cloths, -Moak end Fancy Comintern nind.Doeskins, Satin Vest- Twoods, Satinetts, Velyet Cord, RentuckyJeans. dx. As for MOWS, "woman's and Children's Boots & Shoes,, .vito defy competitiom- • • Also, a very Superior lot f Grocorles, - such Sugar, Rice, Spices, Ac. - Our stock hoe been sellicted with the.grcatont gavean to price and quality, and we aro - determined to - sell at very-renal) advances. _Those wishing. to - purchase-will find that no are selling as cheap-1f not cheapen—than any house in town and they will Sod it to their ad. vantage.to giro us a call. Butter, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit taken at Market prices. N. W. ODS, t. Don't forgot the place, 'oxtn door to t Illa O gfauchl Agl lnle hotel. 1300. O TA K Y S Ib I iI& . .q 1 3 3 11 ( 1 ; ' I? " 1-1- aro solo agents In Franklin and Cumberland counties fir the following valuable works: Itenton'a Almldinnent of the Debatee of Congress Price par Vol., Cloth *3 00, Sheep 3 50. "Ames Thirty Vallee Vie empletu In 2 vole Cloth 55 00, Law Sheep 50 00. Morse's General Atlas of the World; Colored 31aps, and hound, $0 00. Burton's Cyclopaed4AWlt and !rumor. American Eloquence; a collection of speeches, etc., by the most embaont orators of America, with• biogra phical sketches and Illustrative mites. by Frank Moore', non ready, complete In to ,=-vols.- Cloth, $5 00; Library style, leather, $0 00; half soli, gilt, S 00; half moroc co, 7 00. SANDERS' SCHOOL 110055. Sanders' Primer. ' Sanders' Speller. Sanders' Reader, No. 1. __Banders'Ateader, No • • Sanders' Reader, No. 11. Sanders' Reader, No. 4. Sanders' Reader, No. 5, ' Sanders' Reader, No. • Sanders' Illgh School Reader. Sanders' Ladles' Reader. Sanders Speakers Wholesale and retell at SIIRYOCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S Melodeons, Planott, A largo supyly of School Books, wholesale and retell, SIIIIVOCK, TAYLOR & SMITH'S.: • Toper. Ethropps,..Pens, TON, etc, etc. sll ItYOCK, TAYLQII & SMITH. • NEW G'GODS 'AGAIN!! The subiwrlber third returned' from the city and Is now opening Ids third supply of Fail and Winter U OO4 /S• bought at greatly reduced prices tor cash and "wit) be sold for the rash at the in figures. My bid customers and the public in general are lust ted to cell whilst the assortment is complete and et good bargains. MARY GARDNVI Dor. 16, 18574 itUGKIVE EAT, „up Crauberrlps, • • Raisins, . Currants, . . - Citron, • • . , , • Innainnn, with al other Spices and articles suitable for 4C dolly use, fresh and attic, finest quality, In store and for sale by. J. ll'. Bur. Nov.lB, 1857,1 . NOTH lt ARRIVALII! - We are receiving and opening thic.weok our sec ond l arge purchase of Fall and. Winter Howls--bought entirely for rash in 'the city—and whirl, we propose to soil at very low prices, to those buying, FOlt We would also add, that Our customers will find It much to their interest to buy Mit CASH, as by that means we are enabled to do tho same, and thus we can offer much 4reator inducutnents to the consumer. BENTZ tc BROTHER, Opposite the Post Office. Doc. 2, 1857 1 COURT PR 0 CI, AMATI ON WHEREAS thellopcJAMEB If. GRAIIAM, Weal dent Judge of the several Court!, of - PmmonsiPleas of the =unties of Cumberland; terry and Juniata, and Justice of the cavern! Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General -fail Delivery in said countion, and lion. Ssm or., M..WooDucna and lion. M. Comma, Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General .1011 Delivery for the trial of all capital - and other offenders, the said county of Cumberland. by their preceptn-to me di rected, dated the 11th of Noir. 1857, Intro ordered' the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Operal Jail Delivery to be hoiden at CARLISLE, on the 2d MONDAY of January, 1858, (being the Ilth. day,) at 10 o'clock in - the forenoon, to continue two weeks. , A,NOT.IOE IS HEREBY. GIVEN to the Coroner, Jun , '.. tires of the l'eace and Constables of the said county of Cumberland, that they are by the fudd_precept_com manded-to-lorthen-I(irettlirralirthAi. limper •personn, with their. rolls, rerordn, inquisitions, examinations and all other rometubmbees, to do those things which to their officer appertain to be done, and all those that are hound by recognlrAncen, to prosecute against the prisoners that are.or then'nhall be In the jail of said .unty,nro t. bo there to, prosecute them as shall Lb 'Just. 6. 0, 1857.] , .JACOB. BOWMAN Shock,-14 • NIT•H.II.A.TIAOY'S,AItCH ST. 'THEATRE. Arch Street, Above Sixth, Shills - delphia. The Star CAnnpany, compoaed of tlAullgt:Are. -Alstre- rsorld,--end—ostredftilrittiftrongth and Talent any Dramatic cembinntion heretofore elTerei to the! Theatrical Public. will eppear every night Mecum. ey, Tragedy, BerksComic Dram., Taudoeillee, vseical Duriettaut, Ar., Ac. .When visiting the City, go there. Nom - 1e;1657.--4E- - .4 RY Tilt! COURT, • .[Uce. 2. '67 • • • A - (1 RD.--Mo 7oultl're§pc6tfulki bui -x_i earnestly urge upon tho attention °Nie%) of our euslorneis who kinvo accounts standing on oun books, the nettle! neciseity there exists for the settlemont of the name, 1114MIXIATELY, eitlier by note or otherwise. _ BENTZ.* BROWER, v • aPed: 96T„. Oppealte thalosbOltice. ' New 14,1360. TUST RECEIVED AND "OPENIN 0• AT ClillAI" JEWELRY STORE,, Nat)i Street, Carlisle, RI. A largasnpply of Wad los, Jewelry, Silver and net ---- ii — .you Z n atego - w i bith - linvito attention: . from the A . .largest stook orCLOt& t ,'W a ntobas, , Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware In - Carlisle, call , • • • At - NAUGLET. -- baye a large mortmant offlold and Bulger 1101 LT and ()poi' 0401/ Walel/6a to cult all Nanolox a Poukata, • At NAUGLE'S. . Pine and Cheap Jewelry or every style arid .quall In aette or by the piece as Iyanted, At NAUGLE'S. Sliver and Plated Walters, Cake. Fruit, Sugar, 1". Cirdtlaskets, - EllverrlableT.VlSFOing ar Dessert and Crean. Spoons, At NATILE'a,_ : Fine Pearl, Luna. Coral; Cameo, Goldstone. Mosaic, F rentino 'Boccie, Jot Box and Glass matt; ()lump • Diamonaßreastplua nad,Flnße;ings At•NAUGLE.S. dold•ffunting Case, Eight Day Leven; Gold Mir 1114 . 'egise, Duplex; Gold Hunting, Chronomotora. At NAUGLE'S. . • Dagley's best qUallty of Gold Douala; Ditto "Co: Pone and Silver Ifoldora, ACNAUGLE'S. Silver rind Platect ,Tei Bette, Gohlete, Cups, Tom Racks, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens, Ten Bolls,. • • At NAUGLE'S. • Gold Nook, Vest. Curl, Tub, and ChatNM Chair Gold Bracelets, [rackets, Thimbles, Crosses, Cherms, At NAUGLE'S. French Time Pieces to run three and' four weeks, At NAUGLE'S. 'Gold Sleeve, Vest, Collar, and Shirt Studs of all tityl and quality, At NAUPLR'S." Prated Forks,. Spoons, Knives, Napkin Rings, "Sliv• Thimbles, Shields, At NAUG IX& • Persona Lind want bargalns aro Invited to call SHRYOCK; TAYLOR SMITH'S SIIRTOCK. T tYLOM S; SMITH'S CgA'S. 901 LOY 4 _ PiirabeMl)4! itiiii;3tiai Vora: -. .8 !kV. 499 ItTWA" I . lll9lL i rlid' 14 The . Original Clift book Sioro. . O. GAVANS would . Internvhie Months-NW Oho -puh, I 10, that lie hoe romovild ids atop 0111. Book 91,0r0 And Pubßehind•ilauso, to the- eplendlil store in. Ilrown'e Thin Building, 430 Gun/win Strad. two (Wore holow 'Fifth, Whore the mellow et 04011,00 k will riletdxo 000 of the Billowing idileonluod At-hunt-26-oenti : do ow,- miaowing °Mold Watohoo, Joyolryi, do. ___., . . - • - WOBTII ' 550 Patent Enilleh lover Gold Watehoe, $lOO 00 pooh 650 nitwit Anchor= do.. do, .- •, 50 00 n 400 Ladiee' Gold Wittehol, 10k mei,- 95 00 n 000 Silver Lover .Watchoo, warranted, 16 00 0 ' 800 Parlor Timeplooea, , • 10 00. 0 800 Cameo Sots. Ear Drope and Plue,- - 'lO Q 0 0 ' 800 Ludic.' (told Bracolete, ' $0 00 to 12 00 " 'OOO Goat's Vent Chaim', - • lO 00 - 0-- "TdES7I7IEWWII(SBIT(7SFie $126 sioubtralik"grE•oo — . - 2,000 Gold Lockets, (untall eke) • 300 it 1,500 Gold Pencil Cason, with Gold Pena. -- -- 5 00 0 1,000 Extra Gold Pane, with cues and . hßld're 10 00 . •• 2,500 Gold Pontine, (Ladles',) 2 60 '" - 2,500 Gold Pons. with Silver Pencils' 250 v'.' 2,100 1010100 . Gold Pone, with calms, 1 581 •• 5,500 Gold Rinse, (Ladies',) . ; 100 " 2,000 Gent'. Gold Ringo, •. ' 275 0 2,600 Ladled' Gold Bracatpine, 2 50 . " 5,000 Mesa Gold Iheamtpine, .1 00 "'. 3,01 - - --• ME= „000 Poektt Knives, •.-- +76 . 2,000 Sots Cent's Gold 110 P0111Ii1X, ":3 00' 2.000 do. . dn. Sleeve Diatom!, , • 300 ” 2,000 P.rirs Ladies' Ear Drops, • • 280 " 8,000 Ladies' Pearl Clard.Cases, 6 00 15,000 Ladies' Cameo. Jot or Moor& Pins, .5 00 " 2600 Ladies' Cameo Shawl and lUbbon Pins, 350 " 5,000 FetridgoM Dram of a Thousand Flowers, 50. " EVANS,' new Catalogue contains ail the most popu- Mr books of the day. and the newest publications. all of which will be sold as low as can be nbtainoll nt other Storrs. A complete catalogue of Hooka gent free, by ap plication through the mail, by addressing O.O.KVANS 439 CHESTNUT ST.. Philadolphle.. Agehts wanted In every town 4n - the United State.: Those desiring or to act can obtain'full particulars by, addressing as above. • , 51..11.—1n consequence of the money oriole, and nu _memus_fallures,_tha_subscriber_has._been-onabled_ to_ • nurehaso from nobrlgneesan inimensoldrickbf trOolis; em. bracing inciiry'dcpartinont of ilteraturo, at prices which. will enable him to give $5OO worth of the above gifts on story $lOOO worth of hooka sold: • . • • • . An ext.nt book, with a It, will he sent to oneh pee. non onloring TEN books to ho sent te' - ekno oddross r ' by Express. • . . • .IM-SEND FOR A EATAT,OOI7II. GREAT LIQUIDATION SALE 301 BROADWAY, NEW YORK., 'NI ARLY A QUARTiIi, MILLION OF DOLLARS OF CLOAKS, EIME= • • SHAWLS; LADIES' FANCY FURS, FRINGES AND TRIMMINGS, ,Jbt 4 T RETAIL, Itele,;-F - 011CASH ONLY, 9Eig AT PRICES TOTALLY JU • OF ORIGINAL COST. , . DESCRIPTIVB PARTICULARII. 1000 film Cloth Cloaks, at 3 dollars each,. 500 Supe y rior Chilli 'Cloaks; tit 434 dollars each. 800 Extra Cloth Cloaks, at 6 dollars each, • - 450 Very Madman° Cloth Cloaks, at 8 dollars each. ..800 Excelleutillaca Cloth Circulars, at 8 dollars' each. 5011 Very ,S uporior Black Cloth Oh culars„ ht 'lO dollars each. 600 Superfine Black Cloth Circulars, at 12 Sollars oath. 300 Black Lyooa Velvet Cloaks, abilEsalollars each. . 250-Very Superior Black Lyons Velvet. Cloaks, at 30 dollars each. • - , 200011eautlful NeW style Stella Shawls, at '5 dollars each. 1000 gstra Superior Ninv style Stalls Shawls, at 6; 1 4 dollars each 800 Veryltich Plush lkwders, at 8 dollars each. 2000 Chenille Borders, at 8 dollars each. - 900 Very Bich Chenille Larders, at 10 dollars each. • TILE FOR DEPARTMENT . • . IS.REPLETE WITII EVERY NOVELTY, - AND, AS A QUOTATION.OF PRICES • • IN TIIIS PARTICULAR MUNCIE . IS OA LOULATSD 2'o ISLEA D, SUFFICE IT TO SAY, TIIAT TIIE ENTIRE STOCK It EDUCED• TO ABOUT TWO- " TIIIIIDS ORRIINAL COST. 10:000-Vards of illsek'nn tiraLCimAjug..Clo 100 Cartons of It leli Trimmings and galloons 23 Csrtons of uipuro Lace. 'l2 CArtons Rich Crodiu Fringes. ---,-60-Plecos-ftirir _ 20 Plec'es Mack Lyons Velvets. TItH iy110LES11.1:1 WAREICOOMS • UP, Bi ARC - EXCILUtIIVEI.YMIS - APART Lox, TIIIBAL . MATERIALS BY THE YARD, • so that tho Laillerde . slring to econoinizo can pitrchaae their own materials; and make get' jlindo,..their own - Cloaktint 'saving, • BUNN'S MANTILLA EMPORIUM, -.- UM Broadway, Now York. Nov. 18, 18574_ EVWARD A ASS'OCIATIO'N, A 11 a nevolvit jndliutlon , established by special ant downtetlYur the tonere( the sick tend distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic disease! - • To all poisons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, such ns •SPERMATORRIBRA, SEMINAL 11* EAICNESS, 15IPO TENCE, CONORItiIIEA, OLEET, SYPHILIS, the Vice of ONANISM, or SELF ABUSE, Ac., Ac. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, In view of the awful destrurtion of - human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate vie tims of such dleenses by Quacks, several years agn di rected their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, loupes a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, In ail their forms, and to give SIEDICAL 'ADVICE DRAM, to all who' apply by lotter,'with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, ,te.,) and in cases of ex trema-poverty, -to - FURNIB/1 - MEDICINES FREE OF 'CHARGE.. It Is needless to add that the Association connimilds the highest Medical skill of the ago, and will furnish the most approv.sl modern treatment. Thu Directors, on a review of the past,, feel. assured that their Inhere In this sphere- of dionevolent elTert, have been of great benefit to tint afflicted, 'specially to the young, noel they have resolved to devote them selves, with renewed zeal, to this very, Important but much despised cause. • . Just, published by the Association, a Report on Spec motorail., or Seminal Weakness, the Vice of °minim., Masturbation or Self-Alms', nod other Diseases of the Sextial Orgsns by the Consulting Surgeon, which will. - be - sent - by - tnal(in:a settled - letter etivehipe;) PRICE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage • Addrees, for Report or treatment, Dr. GEORGE It. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, !fawned Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directofs. EZRA D. lIEARTWELL, President. CIEO. FAIRCHILD, Secretary. . Dec. 2, 1657.] WALL PAPER AND WINDON% - SU ADES I A. ISAAC ' S, No, 133 North Second Street, below Race, Philadelphia Having completed their larmfassortment of the above floods for Spring and Summer Trade; would respect fully invite the attention of puiehasen; to the smite. The-stock fur beauty, cheapneas and variety ,caunot bp surpassed. *. Ito has. constantly On hand every description , of Hold and Painted Shades, Buff Hollands, and Shade Fixtures. Wall Papers Curtains,' Firs Board Prints, Borders, Ley all of welc h they offer at lower ratesflian ran Ito had at any other ostabliShment. Call and ex antics A. ISAACS.. . . • 103 North Second• street, below Race- Sept, 4. 1857.-6 nos, NEW TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. • CHEAPhiI THAN EVER t : \' AND REST ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED. ,New and beautiful styles now opening of French Mt ; ebanical Toys: Richest Dress_Dolis and.Fattoy_Figures. , WilTTE — yr lug ntulThidiDallr, r eliiiiiPAW'dowiTlin - ii 7 i; Card Receivers, Vases and Fancy articles, Alabaster Uomis, Confectioners Mich Doses, Cornets, Itgs, he. Fancy Baskets 14 Willow, &r., over 10 . 0 Patterns. Dar man Toys, over 1000 Patterns ' with an endless variety ofothor goods of tho latest and most desirablo styles. For solo in qunntltios to suit nt very low prices. W. TILLER, Importer. - No. 24 South 4th street, Phil's. —. .ffiy•Oases of nasorted Toys it 85, - .slo and *20.. Nor. 11, 1857.-2 m. • STAUFFER & HARLEY CHEAP WATCHES AND JEWELRY. a HOLESALE AND RETAIL, at tl tho " Phllndolphla Watch And :leivalry SfOra" No. 148 (Old N 9. 98). North SECOND Stroot, Corner of Quarry,Thlladelphla. I (lold Lover Watches, full .lewello,lB caret cases, $2B 00 Gold Lupine, 13carel, ' • :24 00 . Sliver 'slier, full jewelled, 12 00 Sliver Lupine, jewels, . ' 000 Superior Quertiers, " - 7 00 Gold Spectacles? Fine Silver do., , , 7 00 , 1 50 field-May.4oe. 3 00 Lady's Gold Pencil., ` 100 Sliver Tea Sissens, sof,' 5 00 Bold Pens, with Pencil and Silver bolder,„ I 00 Uold Finger Singe 37eta to $80;' Watch Glasses, plate i2' cte., patent I H., Lunet 25; other articles in prOportfou: All goods warranted to be what they era sold for.. • - STAUFFEk & HARM, liGies On hand some Gold and Silver Losers and Ira pines still inner than tho above prices. • 0et.1.4, 1867-Iyr. IHOVER'S LIQUID lIAIIi u DYE: The tenth:Wetly of Prof. Ildotti ;Ina Iftlirlnckle having previously boon publishel,thefulpivingienow - added:= ,---------- - -"- - 7 - From•Proi. AItCLOSEY, formerly professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the }male. Medical Col. • lege of Pennsylvania, and late Professor of Surgery in "the American College of Medicine, &e. . • PHILADELPHIA, Nov. ftb. 1850. ' Mr. Joseph E. Ifoovei.:—A trial 'oltlyo "I•'" LIQUID !LAIR DYE will convince the most skeptiral, !Malt la a sera, SU:4MS. nod irsioscious preparation.- Unlike many others, it has in several -Instances proved err 'Beattie in .the cure of some cutaneous eruptions on the 'head, and I have no hesitation in commending it to those requiring curb an applicaMen " , Very respectfully, -,1_,.F.,•X. McCLOSKY.IIL D.; - --:-„ ---416 Roue 8t.,-aboverlfithr . . MOYER'S 'WRITING INKS, - Including - 110VNIPS MILTING PLUM. and"IIOVEIPB INDELIBLE INKS. cull maintain their high character, which has always distingukbed them, .and tile extensive doomed first created, hut continued - uninterrupted until the present, Orders addressed to tha "Manufactory, No. lit RACE Street,- above-FOURTH; ( oldNd.l44)l.llll4dulplda,4lll receive prompt attention by -- • • ~.,' , , ~ .. • • , JOSEPH E. HOOVER; "Manufacturer.' WANTED O'N 1115 AL Z)os9.tioti TATE.SECURITY._ , write 1 144 to tlie Editor ol the MNI OP RULPIN'S ENTIRE STOCR, AT CLOTH'S, lEMBTI TA YOUNG MEN. , "The glory of a young man in his strength." • • (From the Stinday Disputa', Nevi,YoriC, Aug. 2, ',27„) •,. Our readers are aware that we seldom. if ever .recom• - mend any medical publication, Knot endersed, ' bv now very highest authority. As such an Initazipaivre may . , • mention Da CUINDIRELT...9 TinW 'lllll/11 CALI OP 01 .85 0 r1.1111 • ' Debility and other verak'nessee, the result ° of. early • discretion. it le a small but valtiabie pamjiblot.. 'nfig preparntirine the "ItrerrirliATOitj! ant. Nnevutal 'are • ' now considered' the sole and only effectual reniedlss, extant for liraSomplaints.referred to, . Int. o'B.w:um:Li:a Seminal J.inguntrittor_and%-lioyal---- ._Neevint,the soverelgiree - Me - ales for Seminal 'Weakness; Sexual' Debility, Impotency,llnyoltintry I:Missions, Piles, &e.. ere for sale by most of the leading Druggist; ' In the country. • • Tin. PAMPIIT.F.T. as above containing. full *dykes' • .for the cure ifßpolumtnrrhon. be., can be had In a se. cure euvekire, by enclosing a etynp - to Ai. :VD. Kum& Ist Avenue. corner 1,9t16 pm:K-ImAK, POST DOX No. 4-5 S 7. ' • „ • • • " • peisonsindebtfici to tl nulweriber, nee narnestly ,requesto4.4o call nud math', their :woman without; delay. ,Tho city cnembnntshavin';F ndnptod theensti sy.stem, wlll compel lie to curtail our cridtts, and do,on near mash buidttosn I nu 114/41,1e. Duo. 10, 1817.3 . ME altebicified, plioFlllBB,oll' WOOVS ' RE. • - 4. • • ' : • I. nn douht. tho Inapt wongaitil dlioarapy of. ildi ARO ItPragrOWlr will remiaranarmanently. goof-halo in s-op l a valor; o offif haad of_tha. bald wlib a _loot log winos groiolibloinoya dandfuft Mid our° alloortifulo. god outanfatil moon 0 mild hood, Oro it Will aura, na If by inagli o norouo Pr porloglaul ignidootoll maga. %ha bolo mon, --- gloomy, and wavy; Mid promorfa ilia color parfaotlyf and rho' hair Nur litlllog. to oxtrotoo . fallowing la tram a distingulabodinamber Qt mongol profasmioni . . . • ' • • Sr; PAUL, January 1,1866. PitCiPEROII, 0. JAVOOD— • Dun SlR:—Unsolicited, I mend von this certificate. • After being nearly bald for a long time, And having • tiled all the hair restoratives extant, and baying no faith in any, I was indircodon hearing of yours to give's' it a Irbil.' . I' pland‘ntycalfalu4bo.4mndent-lebtrbi-ter"—" MrliiiirinyhOTS rnbbell with a good stiff brush, and • the routonitlVo Won applied and well rubbed In, till the • aculp WOO in aglow, Thla I repeated every morning, end • • in three weeks the young hair appeared and grew ra tidly !Wm Augiud last till the present time, an.l isnow hiek, black, and strong—soft and pleasant to the touch; • whorouw. beftwo, It was harsh and•why. what little then woe of It, nod that little was dleappuaring very rapidly-. I still icon your reatonitiveatout twice a week, and shalt' soon her e.a good and perfect crop of hair. •Ilow, I bad read of then things—and who has not i bnt hav,e• not soon hitherto any 0.11141 where any perwan's hair woe re, ally bulletined by any of the heir tonics, ete.,43fthe day: . and It really gives eon pleasure to record the result of my experience. I have recommended your preparation to others. and It alrenily.has a large and generous salk throughout the Territory. The people leers know it efforts, and have ednfidepee in It. to supply you want, - nil, as wholewalo agents for the Territory, is nearly so." bavoted, and dolly inquiries aro made fur It.. You do.: . • nerve credit thr yourdlueovery: and •I for one, return . • you my thanks Ihr the benefit It haada'ne rue; Air ear•• laltily bad despaired long egcrof ever affecting auystleh result. • Yours 1i stilt', Firm of Bowl &Iloy, Druiglati, St. Ps/ - . [Prom the Editor of the Erni Estate Adierttesr4 , __./ 3 0.vr01 . fr.27,13eh001-Ettra et: Merck 20; EH Dian 810:—IlavIng becomuprotaStur'ely quite gray; I wag inducod, 0011111 six weeks sinus 'to make. a trial of your nestorativu. I havo'used lens than' two. bottles, • Gut the gray halm have all disappeared; and although my hair hue not fully attained its °Halite{ color, yet the procese °reining,' le granually going on, and I am in great hop. that In a short time my hair will be as dark as formorly. I have also been much gratified at the healthy Molsturo and vigor of the hair, which baliwo won harsh and dry; and It has coased to coma out as for merly. • • Respectiulliyours Profeasor Wood CA7 ,- LE, Illinois, June If, 1866. • • I liave wad Professor Wood's linir Restointive, and. -intro-admired its - wonderturialiiff: — .6ly . liiiriras beiont log, as I thought prornaturery gray, but by the tie of lila •lltestorative," it bee resumed its arigloareolor,aoC I have no.doubt, - pernianentb so. SIDNEY BREESE,. . Ex-Senator United Stoats: . . • For sale in Carlisle, by S. W. 11 AVERSTICK, SAM I. ELLIOTT, and Druggists everynllierG . Feb. 28, 1887,—1y. THE - 122 M . LIVER INVIGORATOR ! Prepared by DR. SANFORD. . . IS - A GREAT SCIENTIFIC 'MEDICAL DISCOVERY. and is daily working caret, almost too great. to believe. It cures an Irby magic, oven the find dose giving bene fit, and seldom more then one bottle in required to cure Any klinfor LIVER Complaint, front tho worst JAW/. 'dice or Dyspepsia tea cowman- hwidarho, all of which are tho moult of a Diseased Liver. The LiVer le one of " the principal regUlatora ~of the human body, and 1 g w hen.lt performs !ter functions w.. 11 the pow- • ••••„..,„ era of . tho system are . fully developed ., . The IlVslil stomoch In almost en -Lindy dependent ow the .. h.ithy - action of the Liver for the proper per-.r.1 fiwmancc of Its ffinctlone When the stomach In at ...,nri fault, the boweln are at fault, and the whole --1 system suffers hi conse quence of ono orgen-,, e a. . tb. Liver having rented to do Its duty'. 11 For the diseasen of that organ, one 'of the pro. nib prlotors has rondo it hie study, in a practice of _,_:—. mord than twenty years, to find some remedy c..D wherewith to counteract - the ninny derangemonts,_, to which it In link!.. ' - To,prn,yo that thin re: . ,=. 'reedy in 'at-lost found, any person troubled 't•-•, . with LlVer . Com plaint in illy of it's r -- - form., him 'but to, trla -. _U°, and conviCtion few in certain. • -- .'.compound has beep VC-I -formed' by. - dissolving- gown and oatracting 1.,..,,L that part whielrio•nolu• Tie for tho Active vir- teen of -the medicine, - Those gums remove all ` morbid or W . :matter fee the system, nun; ple, plying In their place a health flow of Ails p- a Igarattng4be-otonmr • , , cauemg ore 0 digest T.,1 • woll, purifying tho blood giving; tent, Mid health ' 1.,...,. ' toile whole Whole Int a l i f r l e e c r4 - remoVing the Caucus 'of - Ing - a - radiral - curw.vvitlf, out anyOrtif dbagres able otter effece„ toll by; wring Calomel Db. - morel Polinim that , 1 is - nsunlly resorted t 0,,,, — Ono dose - after eating __r"'l in onfliciont- to - reli ef;. the idomach" and. pro- vent _the food from ris- -Inv and scouring.. cbaly. ono tioset-taken- before retiring prevent. - high tamro. _ - • - Only dose taken p i . at night loosen, the , bowelsgontly, and cures p g costivenesn. . -- Ono done taken .altar . each meal. will curd Dye pepsin. Atii. One dose of two C)_ teaspoonfuls will always rellove Sick Headache. One bottle taken for PT.( :found° Obstruction re _moven tho cause of the z,. diocese, 'and makes • - . parfont,cure. . - - .... _ Only one Jona Immo- . • diatoly rellevon (Sells, while one dose often re. ard footed Ix n stirs cure for Cholera Cholera. it:orbits, (7) and a preventive of Ono doso token often will pro Vent the recurrence. of bilious ntineks, while it relieves 01l painful feel ing, 11 - 9 . . Only ono bottle is needed to throw nut of the system the effects nr medicine otter n long stelinet.s._ —erre bottle Calton for Janis dice removes all yellow. noes or unnatural color from the skin. (Me dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite and makes food digest well. One dose often repeated, cures Chronic, Max, cheers hilts worst tbents, while summer and bow. el complaints yield almost to the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by wormk while for worms in children, there is no surer, safer-or - speedier remedy in the world, nit it never falls. There is no exaggeration In these staternents: thoj aro plain sober factk that we am give evidence to`:. prove, while all who use it are giving their tintinhuoun testimony in lie favor. 'WU take Infinite pleasure. In .recomnien.ling thin ini , dielne no a preventive for Fever and A goe r Chill Fever and all Fevers of a 13111Ione Type. It operates with Certainty. and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful virtue.. Among the hundreds of Liver. , Reinedlee now offered to the public, there are none we Can so fully re. commend no Dr. Sanford , . Invigorator, so generally known now thioughout the Union. Thin vennianon- is truly-a INTIOODATOII, produ cing the most happy results on all who nun it* Almost Jllllll[lloEo , lo certificates have been given of the great virtue of this PlelliCillo by those of the blithest stand ing in society, and Nee kIIOW it to be the best prepare. don now betbre the publiC.—Duilson County Democrat. PRICE ONE ROLLO. PER BOTTLE. SAN FORD A CO., Proprietors, 345 Menthe/Ix, New Tech. C TO INVALIDS .Pr. Hardman, Analytical Physician. Physician far diseases of the htngs Aroict and Reartdbraterly Physician lo CINCINNATI MARINE HOSPITAL alio, to - INVALIDS RETREAT. A uthor 'of ‘• Letters to Irivalids" is coming'' See lulluivin Card. JANUARY APPOINTMENTS PIIYSiCIAN FOR I /disease of the Limos, (formerly Physician, to Cin cinnati Marino I lospltald.will he in - attendance at his.. moms its Carlisle, Mansion Rouse, Wednesday. January • 2o. • Dr. liardman 'treats Consumption, Bronchitis, ABM. ina,•Lorryngittls. nod all diseases of the throat and lunge. by medical Inhaintion, lately used in the Brom- . ton liostrinil.•London. 'rho event point in the treat irfarit of alDhumnrrmalettiorirtnioriirtreilliii— the direcit manner. All medicines are estimated by their action upon the organ requiring relief. This Is the importnnt filet upon which Inhalation Is based. If the stomach is diseased wi...tslie medicine directly Into. the stomach. If the lunge are diseased, breathe or fa- hale medicated vapors /tiredly into the lunge. Medi cines are the itirtididesite - dlaifium and should he applied to the • very sent of disease.. Inhalation is the applies !ion of this principle to the treatment ofthe hinge, for gives us direct access to those intricate Air celle and tithes which ila met of rear Ili of - ov try other mettle administering Medicines.. The 'reason that Consuinp. thin. and other discuses of - the lungs, have, heretofore resleted all treatment him been beenute they had never been etionnehisi In a direct manner by medicine. They .. went Intended 11 Oct upon the lungs and; yet were ap- plied to the stomach. Their action wan intended to •' local. and •yet they were an mintinisternd • that they •• • should - art constitiltioninly. expending Immediate ant principal action upon the unoffending stomach, whilst • * the foul ulcers within the. lunge were unmolested. • Inhalation brings the medicine in direct contact with the disease, without the disadvantage of any •leleiat ' _action. Its .appliistion is so simple that It can Ire r played by the youngest infant or feeblest Invalid. It - does not derange the stomach, or interfere in the lout degree with the strength, comfort, or business of the patient. OTIIEiI DISEASES TREATED. — In relation to the following illeenses, either when complicated with lust affections or existing alone. I also invite consultation. I usually find them promptly curable, ' Prolapeus and all other forms of female . complaints, Irregularities. ainfiswenktmin. • Pnlpitation and ether forma of 11 ' e ... tilt Disease, 'Myer Complaint, Dyspepsia, and all other diseases of stomaak and bowels. kr, • All diseases of the eye and ear Neuralgia, 'Epilepsy, and all forma of nervous disease. No charge for eon natation. 5ept..a0,1857. S. D. HARDMAN, 3f. D D. 0. M. 110 PP, eti.ll3 OGMBY