Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 04, 1857, Image 1
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EDITED AND PUB,LISIIED FOR THE PROPRIETOR BT WILLIAM ➢I. PORTER. . PUFILICATION Tho 41/AOLIOI.O limmtn is published weekly on.a large ' , boot containing twenty eight columns, and f Orninhed to subseribers nt $1:50 1 :paid strictly In advance; stvp. If pald within the year; or,V2 In Ml_ essot , :when — •paritettt - ls - delayett 7 utiblifter year. No subscriptions reechoed for less period than --nix-months; lOW-1301M d iseon ued-until-all-nrrearages ---artrpnbrualesrartlnroption-of-the-publisher.--Papers- sent to subserlbers living out of Cumberland county • must be paid for in advance, or the payment assumed by noun, responsible person living in Cumberland coun ty'. Them terms will lie rigidly adhered to in all ADVEIarkISEMIZN7 r S, Advertisements ,will be charged $l.OO per saltier° of twelve lines tot three Insertions, and 25 cents for each subsequent insertion: All advertisements of less than t tvdve lines considered ate a square. • Advertisements inserted belbre Marriages and deaths S cents per lin° for first Insertion, amt.t cents per line for subsequent insertions. Communications on sub , 3v.ets of limited or Individual Interest will be charged -- cents per lino.-- The ProPrieter. will-not be- responsl., bin in damages for.errors in adiertisnumnts, - Obituary notices or Marriages _not on-coding five lines, will be - Inserted without i•ltarge. • • JOB PRINTING The Carlisle Herald .1011 PRINTING OFVICP. Is the epa.t and most complete ostablisinnent in the county. There good Presses. and n general 'variety of material snit.' for plain and Fancy murk of every-hind. 'enables • ua to do Job Printing at the alihrteet ',olive and 0., the nord. ryasonable trestle.. .Perionis in want of Bills,' blanks Or anything Li the Jobbing lino, still find it to '''' thWest to give us a call, Every varfoty • constant's• on hand. I.Sencrac • anti Local- 3llrorniption V. S. GOVERNMENT Prosidont—JUSlLY 111,THANA N. I'rvAdrnt,-,..44,140 • I , oorotary oT '.. 4 tof}3 I.v,•tils - SeeretAryor ln terifor—,l,{cou Tiootio3oN. Nerraary of War-,../ouN lt. PIAI' U. rit•oretry of Navy.-1,4‘.0 'forest. Post. )I.l.orllonoral—A. V. ItitowN. Attorooy H S. • 114te6. Chief ot. 1110 United Stales-:11. TANET STATE. OQVERNMENT GoVerlior.—.ll3ll,l POLLOCK. °. . 1 4 ..1,1,1;0'y of State.--ANI.I:I•AV I i,CIIIITIN, Slarvryorllteneral—Joily ItOwe:. 'Amlitur - 111.1111:111—.1 Wm, Fltv-,li:. _'froavun•e:—lie..ux S. ,)1/ . ... itAw. .. ' . • .111.1ges of 1,1111 Supremo Court —l . l. Imvis: .1: M . Arm e5n.,.n.,, W. li. 1,01, M.: (1, 81'. u'nopo - u[➢. J. C. ViAux. COUNT' OFFICERS j' . nt 176414,-11011..bi1m,4 11. I Inthatil. _ ,A,. 4.i:ills .1 tiLlel—i it/11. 1t,:11:fel CutiKlin, Ennzuel W... dbor:,. - . NAHA ,-M.;Tiloy-IVtii... l . Shuntw._ _ _ • Proillont,tur.)-1. 1 .1.1 K - . N 4.1.11. 1 . . 11....0rar Sr.--John M. tirogg. - , Ileglstiw-lillllam Lytle. . • , 111411 elterilf—Jacob itownmn: Poputy, J. llounnin4 cr. - . . • • etquity Trensurcr—AilnlC SO.OIIIIIII. _ ,CorollVY—Mitchell Ml'ool l / 1 11. , l'ounty l'onlonis4co.r, , --IJecwcifr . Ora Imp?, 1%11113111 31. 11.eniere ni, .11[011,1 liar. Clerk le ennunissienur., 31Ielinel 'Wise. , Dire , lrs nf tlie — PeUr—Genwe Brindle, •.'lelln C. Drown. Samuel 'Fria. Superintendent of l'oor Heusi — ' • • BOIICAr 111 .OFFICERS 1,111.4 raugoss-- It:short IrlincJr. .I.sistsid Burgos—Ceorgo r IS. I..trker tPronidont) John qut• shun. Jame.; Calllo, sr., Frauldln tiardner. Sainnol :I In . Titer Monsur, Saottiol Il . otzel; J. I). Ilalberi,Jorch elot.:, to Colt•tull.—lfni: 11. Wetzel. ettn,,tales—..l.,llll. ^phuq 1 . 11811 CoLstable.; 314• Cari Wnr.lo),,Ntable. 41.116. s ..r (b.. 1.1.1102 --George 1:go, David Snittl,, t) (211U,HCIIES l'irst. PrenLyt v; In!) ( tn... 11, Nor I Ilvalxt .7i7igin of Cen tro Silvio:. Ito.o - .. F.'01 , , ty V. IV lag eyer. Sunday )lorning xlll &dock, A. M., nut! 7 tielok I . . Second Pro,hyl.t`rian Cltur7ll, earner of S.:11,111 mama. and I'uuuritnt outs. 11, 1 v. Mr Eall,,Pastor. Services 1,11111111,01 . 0 A. 51., and 7 - t,'elocit P. li. st..ll,lln's (inn oh, (Prot. Eisopal) norllntiistangle or I',v, tro Sln iv,. IttlV..l.t • Slors,4. nectar. Services at 11 A. )1., 1111.1 o'clock, P. 31. .1•111glihn Lathe, an Church, ladford la.ta•von 31n in and Loot lire storms. Krc..Ltcuh Fry, Paster. Seel ices pt 11 ri•e•la,•1; .1. 31... and 7 ti clod: P. 31. (Iceman 11ut0..11.1 , 1 Chuff h, Louther, bul,r,ern Ilan. 1, or and Pitt Ntt eels.. Plev..l. • 11. Keenan., i;in•vitaa. it 11 A. 11. nod I. 31. )lethodist (11rst charge . , corner of 3lnin and Pitt Street,. I:er. . l'llliabers, Pastor. Sul, i.a.ts ut 1.1 fit•lnt•k A. 31. till o'eloek P. 31. aa lice. Tlnas 1/...igherty. Pastor. Services In UolleBa Chavol,. at 11 eelovii A. N 1.111141-4 P. 31 Ch I'morrot, Waal' EtA ptroat• r.;.1 kos m, ti o 2nd Sun day of earl' .fflont.h. 4;eralan Lutlntr.ln Cliur..ll on, n•i• of Pomfrot nod llodlord stret.l.o. Eno. I, l'..Na:chld, Ooroloo ut 1U!.1 A. M. • . . . 4.orlion olinogrs In t,' above Ore uocch::nry thn Ironer 1 , LT:.01 . 4. are ivtlunit•Fil to ll' Ur), UN. DICKINSON COLLEGE Err Charles Collins, 0. D., I'r,lllolll. And Professor of Mond Svionve. ker. I: ammo M. Johlismel. 0.1), Professor of Phnom". filly old En•.*linit Literature. -- .hum,' R', Marshall, A. M., Profiwsur of Ancient Lan. gunge, Rev. Wm. L. Boswell, A.M., Professor. of Mathematics, IYilllaln C. Wilani, A. M., Professor of Natural Science nod CM:lord 1110, ProfT:ssor. of:llebrow and Modern Languages. Samuel V. If lllurin, A. M., Principal of the Grammar fit•hool. P, Purcell, A. It., Assistant In the Grammar School., • BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS Andrew Alnlr, Pre§Went, li.• Sax too, P. Quigley, H. Car:lmam al U. I%llli:tins, J. Hamilton, Serretary,Jahon W. %by, Treasurer, John illeFseuger. Meta on the Ist Monday.ofench Month at 5 u'eltali.A. M.. at Eit• oration Hall. • b CORPORATIONS • CARLISLE DEPOSIT IltNM.—PITAidOllt, 'DORM! Parker, Cashirr, W aI. M Melton; Clerks, J. P. Hasler, N. C. Sias ...imam C. W. heed; Directors, Richard Parker, Wm. 11. 'Mullin, Hugh Stuart, Thomas Pax ton, It. C. Woodward, John Sanderson, Moses Bricker, Abram Hosier, Jacob Lelby. CUMBERLAND VALLEY R %IL ROAD COMPANY.—President, Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M. Biddle; Surrrintentlent, O. N. trill. Passenger trains twice a day. Eastward leaving Carlisle at 0.21/ o'clock A. 31. and 3,30 •e'eloei; P. M. Two trains' even; , dry Westmont, leasing Carlisle at 10,00 o'elud: A, 51.1 . , - tittt 2.00 11. SI. CARLISLE OAS AND WATER Com Amr.--Prosiclent, Fred• crick Watts; Secretary, Lemuel 'Todd; Treasurer, Wm. St. Beam Blructnrs, P. Watts, Richard Parker, Lamm el Todd, Wm. M. Bretton, Henry Saxton, J. W.' Eby, John D. Comas, It. C. Woodward, anti ,I:. M. liiddio COMMA:MI VALLEY DiNlC.—Prtilidut, 'John S.' Sten yott ; Cashier, 11. A. Sturgeont.Teller, Jos. C. lieffor.— Pin:lnters, John S. SterrAt, -Wu, nor, Illeleheli Drone. 'plan, Richard Woods, Jo tn C. Dunlap, Debt, C. Sterrett ; jl. A. Sturgooth and Cap nltt John Dunlap. ty— ., SO ISTIES. ,Cutulierlow - !. Star Loth; 11 , rilarlon call on thu .2 t • - Month.' . -.. • St..loDns 1,40 No SS pt. Y. M. Meets ld Thurs. Any of each month, aMI don MD. -. , ' Cpykislo Lotlgo No 01 1, Aofo, 5. Meets Monday intatulne,s l l o'ro.u/s build pg, ..........s4O--st.ww-w. No. 197, A. Y. M. meats at d and 4th Tuesdays of overy TIRE COUPANIBS The Union Fire Company wan - organized In ran. Prnahleat,.y; Common; Vice President, William 4 ,11 . Porter.; Secretary, A. U, Being; Treesurer, Peter Mon yer. Company meta the Prot Saturday 11; 3lafeh, September, end December, Tho Cumberland Fire Company was instltuLed Fobru• Ark 18, 18111), lireeklent, Itohert McCartney; Secretary, Philip Quigley; Treasurer, U. EL hitter. The company wets on the dthfrd ifetun.ley of January, April, July, and October. . . Tito Good Rill Hese Company wai Instituted In March, MS, Prosideht, 11. A. St urgcon; Vice Priaildlint, Janice McCartney; &twittery, Samuel 11. Gould; Treasurer. Joseph Jo.4lnlhert. The Sampan) , mots the s6:9111 faturday of January, April, July, and October, SAT 9 !:??? POSTAOB , . Oosingo on 0.11 lottersritinci•half pupils woos or un . dor, Wcents tilo intlf,''''sxeopt, ;to , California or Oregon, whir. to 10 i....oto.oßropop, , • •.• •. •. . . ..,•, - Within en lite !'iithr-:-erithin die Connt.y..lree.. 'within t ogo oi3•ocoo Dor year. To'any'part of the 'United 8 'OA g 0 pentlii' 'Postage on all transient papers u nder 8 ounnoelp *Until cant pro-OK or two cents npaid.' A •thlnttrortlfe4 ptkro, to be ebsTeti with the coat ' Advipg:' • " '•'' '' - ' ''" " ''': o A „o '5 O - Fg 0 R , . If* TF9I: Frakaaa .61MOIM 16 - netrti. A BALLAD n TIIE RAIN The following ."11aIllut of the Bain," appeared In' lato . number of the flume ,loormil. N. I'. WHIN Kends It in a letter from Id!mild, In relish he sup ite_words - aremotwrriltillfirifFere — Filent he could writOott to the very tture of thwfalling rule. Also, that' More }:dgiir VW.; "Ilaviiitnikuing.nttivigdt_luts.lieeuwritteu se sweet as "The Ballad of the Italll.l The: author is :qrs. JULIr.s 11. L. CA . IIIPHELL, of Pottsville, daughter of: Chief Jostles Ellis Lewis: lAA night, the fingrtnit Illy, So stalely, wan, And gaily; Held high hor pallid chalice, gatheang whiteness from the moon; • . Aiid standing liken 3Yaran, Bealdetld enchanted garden, The tullretreo tossed high and freo hie yellow atara of _ _ • bloom, • -Ani1.044 their_ golden fleshings through. the fume. nest of June;'_ _ • 'While the plain • Of shivering breeze, and . quivering Arum , 'foretold the coining rein. - TLc 11Ir Lnlle nro nonttored—:- Tho tulip's bolo Is shattered! Ills cntoraitl crown canto roxiilng down bolito Ilia wink% --- and-rein; " Ali &duty, summer lily ! . - • diritli nod' All, woo is pint the tullp.tree wine unnied for Lanii`rebot . - Who never, In thin gleaming, shall seek ill bowers ognln; • Ituthlese rniti ;levee r wltil nor Illy mirk),shalt keep Ills tryst In Rood!, it, is appalling! The coil, retell tlvss falling— • . The wiAry, drearp,pliolling and itiodling of Ilia rain! It rains at tlio gable, " All iiiiiithor ataliied and Fltble, .kad fiercely thieve at Mabel, a Ith,Theek agahiat the • ptlnu— Wa telling; 311thith Ivlt9se tears fill 11lie, the relit, I=l I — At lmlihly„fenring 31i1 'The moon tlelf ere! batik 11:41tIO Iler lover when ^nuntnin h trea weld his plighted, by lips 1)1korl thn • 11111 i Nil 11. 'thou g.;ntlo nwvl,.phsom•ed too stun- mid 'grOdo- him once ogitin! - Ifliosllng Er I Oh stortr,ob,lalo! oh rloudn roh alit, oh henvon with ' hold Jim rain!" =I ' tZtlitloved Ilio n. clouding— The olu e rk (1111 almitnt slirondiur, - • to-light for hope and light to llonvoll Alas: oxp&latit Thy pr,,clqiit snul ip Intloll With narneleF3 re“.; and blinding tears nt,rptin down the erystal pane: All dhn ulkh drop. of ;Inguinh, and met wipi 9ing rain. Drifting . • • Ti.e must:, of Lin romirg, !.1101Lturt:Lagain.— = Illn nllll,lvlllte'ste,ll, of Kithlelia breed, I ranirs ittr the grart.y lane I • • .N 0: the hill fox' Tun noni the ban ',raj lug— It 11, the wild %loll", gallop :woe's the ilkotal pinta— Itlellseiradl :11141 llorkileglograin-- Dlrglog rato, 11'1111 eea‘eless deop, * (lrop. dropplog upon the tortured , 7 van not boar the sobbing, : deo', anti labored throl,hing, From yondor forgo that in tlio gorgo Loath its great heart of Pain. See 111)1T lie MIIIIIOEII golfer, • • ,I,town the turbid river, On untamed Os aces, from mountain on : eF, fosL.linstrio tho Ou milknrLlto horse—on Mho limbed course fast.drift ing to thu nantu l'afle: • Thu turd of Toy, dhl'ot thim esssay, all rovolleu with the rains! The lilybel Is are Seal tered ! The tulip's Loll is shattered 1. The tulip tree, so proud and free, a typo ,l u,rolot Vane. Oh, maid among the JIIIl& ' Thu eh urohyardntou Id so shill Yet rest thy head upo'n its bed, and coal thy favored bralo God's runt upon thy dolour, see lay thou in tlio ralnl elalllnq rain; All quenched MO lire if nick desire, out youtler lu the lulu! Purr.—A large dry goods establishment wait recently'burnt down in this"'City, when one of the large fire safe manufacturers of Mery York who knew that they had ono articld in the building;. wrote on, *and requested the proprietors of the ruined store to Rata how their safe had withstood the conflagration, The answer Was as folictWx:—"Genrinen, your safe is wonderful. Nothing can urpav them for protecting books and papers, though they have some unfortunato opposit: effects. Ono of our clerks, on Saturday, .bought a Shanghai: rooster and at night, unknown to us, .put! it for safe kipping in the safe. That night, our. establishment was destroyed by lire and the safe audits contents were exposed to a tremendous heat for thirty-six hours at the end of which time it was hoisted out red hot. As soon an possible, it wits opened you may judde of our surprise, when we found within it the Shaoghae rooster loaning against the ledger frozen to death!"—Spirit of the Times., •.Bove our AT noirr.--lire find the follow ing truthful paragraph id one of our exchanges, which the boys of this town would do - Well to read : "Night running is ruinous to boys. in all instances. They' acauire, under the cover of night, an unhealthy state of mind, .bad,_ vulgar sad profane language, obscure PraMionsorim inal santiments, and. a lawlees and • riotous bearing. Indeed, Kill in the street' after night fall that Goys princitmlly - acquire tbe'educa t'on ,of • the bad, and a capacity' forbeconing reitly; dissolute men.". Some one says.of a certain ooagregn• lion that they pray on theirinees on SundAY, and nalhelr neighbors the rest of the week:. Snooks says the, ladies do not sol,theie caps for'the gentlemen pny more; they, spread 51 3.7stiiiicrous gtort] A DAY iN PETTICOATS. TEM "-I oou ' "But you mgst. ly 11:pppittees ttepentie oh EttLpn the — tliingumbatbi,_Wa_tital what's Lis onine." • And my fitend.. Bob Styles;:held up before My hesitant gaze a suit of feminitinapParrel. Ills idea was that I should personate his la d}'•lore for one day, to prevent:anybody from suspecting the truth—namely, that she had jolued him inn runaway marriage party—un til it should-be foo late for intci•ferencb; that is; until the minister should have tied a knot between them, that nothing but special giant of_the.Legislature . Could untie. - This scheme Was not. actually as absurd as it appear . ed at first sight, Maggie tee mils a' tall,'queenly woman', with an almost mascu• line air, and at that time, I hod a very slight form— almost elleinchnte, so that; in fact, there :was really but little dilferen'ee in that point, Theu.l had light -hair, tolerably.long, and a ireilli — Cornpliiiion - t - TrartmY hale to ifitrinid: din, acid put a bonnet on my hen I" . and 'few . persons would have suspected but what I was really. one of the softer •sex. The'se access° , ries also gave me quitep . decided reSettfblancu: to Maggie Lee,- espet;iall.i. when, as in this ettio,,the disguise woo her °rm. - ' e..da-3cerhosert-for-the-Itmnrway.match --- Was milt uspiciottS one. Maggie's father MO to drive her to sthall village .neat' Where , she lived, and there she' way to•join a sailing party down river, to the grove .tlit co miles ljrlow, from which the .parry wan to return in the evening in carriages, • per plan Was, (hitt T should be in wailing in the village, and sho u ld go on the haufwit , h the i imiling_party,—whild.flaggie,-aSter-loaving hurl father, should slip off with 8,,b-tylea r •aero4 . • the ,cotn try. • - . . 2iiig Atlnst, I got dreesed and presented inysylf before Maggie 1.1;e, blushing a great deal, I believe, feeling very much pinched about ILo n•ais t, alid with an uncomfortable conicions netts, that shirtsleeves—were--tbd short, or want:ng nl - ogether...-1 • Everything finished in the wny of llob Styles took nteinto his light.wagon, drove' me over sezluded ratite, nod, left me itt trio hotel, where the sailing party was to tissomble..—Severni of 4 the—pioludokers were nireadY tbcriu; end they greeted my ones- Bet cordially, (evorylintly knew :13,,b Styles,} lie min ping with thorn, etc. Ile told them he was not.. " Pressing business engagements, you , ku ntul all tlial sort of . Deuced BOlry I can't go, though. had just flint! to Ming Miss Lee over, and now I'm off. Mr. Ilitoliy, phis is Jiiss Lee.—Mis.S Ilithergall, Miss Lee,' , and be Tattle , l off a long 'string' of brief intro' duellol4, (1,111111004-111C - thfit - but fey tlw compauy.were nequainted with the y.l lady whom I was thus pprson.., fi,rtuntite thing for the pret.ervalipti of my din 12111 Mr: - 1111)T'a I 11 , topil num, with lo.oh-line, and eye gloss nud fluffy" tienned to be prepoute.9sed with toy personille, Lind I overheard him %Oilier to Bob Style, he went out : Nice loo king girl, that 314. s Lee." "Vee," answered Bob, with a misCldevous glance nt " the is a nice girl, though II hit tlo.go ohcadrsometimeF. Keep a little look out on her nil you"—then, lowering his voice —4' not 'a bodintirdi-fte - you old follow; sho is rich." "Is she ?" said Ur. Dimby, his interest deepening• "On my hoinw," .replied lAb. "Fatty thousand dollars in her own right. Day, day I" and he was gone. Maggio Lee, artful creature : that she was, hadCtold her"father (bat the sailing party - ins I to nekemble at aniiih r: Cr hotel, and thither he had taken her, btsiness in D—, he - left her. there merely saying that. he would Anil the carrinAo for her nt eleven She, like a -bid--- - him good'W, and before he had gonewhon. I deed — rods, 100,k.n seat in Bob Styles' light Wagon, whielrhe had driven up to the bock door as old Lee's onrringe drove away from the front, -and the old story of bend-strong - love and prejudiced age was enacted over • again.. ' As for us, of the pic-nic excursion, we had a di;ligh!Sul•rnil down to the Grove, but soni.le how, I could not enjoy it as Much as I ought to have done. When 1 walked on board the boat, I felt awkward, as if everybody was looking at inc. I found Mr. Dimity, as I had suspected, a young sad . rising lawyer, mighty in Blackstone and his own ol.iniou.-116 in: !Sidled on paying fur my ticket (the boat was a regular excurtion packet,) and purchasing enough oranges, pears and candies, to set up a street stand. Four or five times I was on the point of swearing at his impudent officious ness, but bit my tongue just 14 a time to save exposure. But it was not with him that I found my role hardest to play.' No; the young ladies were the difficult ones to deceive. Fer instance, there was. among them, a beautiful girl ofyseventeen,:just re turned from boardingltchool, who had not seen Maggio for three years.' Of .course, site was delighted to see. me, ri•hen she found out that I was Maggio, which, by tho, way, did not oc cur unti' after wo had started. She thrdw herself into my artns,.pulled my veil aside and kissed me half a dozen Boles; .in a manner that made mifinger coda tingle for an hour, It was all very nice, but if I het, beemin pro• prig persona, wouldhdio liked it better, As it was, I felt as if I were " obtaining goods undo': false pretences," 'and that lawyer Bim by tnightisve a warrant fur my arrest on that ground at any moment. • A whole knot of orimilino then surrounded. me, on the tipper. deok of the boat, to the ut ter exclusion end . consequent disgust •of .111 r. Elimby and the other gentlemen... I kepLver4 quiet, only!spoaking monosyllables in a fulseo-. voice,;, but the others—Lord bless yoff4- knei . they gabbled! Undeftketriet mallet:roc secresy,the little- boardingsehoOt maiden] who had kissed,m 4 eso affectionately, revealed M. het loverTeffaliviaitd, also, became unpins- CARLISLE, TA.„, WEDNESDAY, .NOVEMBER 4, 185.7. EL= = IMEMI ) of er3 MOE cent enough in themselves, but not oustomart ly tiillted of between Indies and gentlemen. I was terribly embarrassed; but it. wortld not dtl to give it up then. AS soon as my trick ti o il9 become known, Bub fityles'. trick would also come out; and!as news of that kind trav els fart iiirhe_couUtrY, be tindhis ladylove 'would be telogropliecl and followed before they could reach Philndetphin, where the Stye Intnily-livettothd-where-tith-knot-watrio-be tied. ' The river breeze wee very fresh where we sat, lull I noticed that several of the ladies 'were glancing uneasily at me. -I couldn't di 'vino the reason, until Jennie, my little friend from boarding school, . laid her face dangerous ly close to niine, s and Whispered: "My dear Maggie, yoUr - tlress is blowing up terribly high —your nnkles.will be town talk with the gen• flatten." • • . . NOIVAns I conscious of having a very small foot for a mail, and hod-donned a pair -Of open work stockings which CaMO up nearly to my waist, with a pair ..of gaiters* borrowed from the servant girl, all of aliich together with my "running gear" looked quite feminino•andro- . spe - ctable ; but the idea of tho gentlemenlalk log about my tinkles, *and of. being cautioned thus by a young . girl, who. would kayo, been frightened, to . delithlt I had told her the same thing yesterday, ins tee* , muelng p ,..l burst in a Sort of trangreirtnili;:lwrifel - I could'only check b swallowing half ormy lit., i c tie filagree lace aged handkerchief. 'the young ladies all looked at ale in-apparent as- thrtal - ffiroira - tiMT — inico,• nil( I wanted to 1,114111111 the more. Fortunately, sll".'llitoby came to ray reecuo nt the tnomonty nod edged hitWeelf in among.tbe crinoline. 11137 I-eit Imre r Le naked, .pointing to'n low etoornenr . tne, ' " Certainly," I eiimperml, in my high fulisot Ali, thank you," anid BintbY with a 'lackadaisical air, which nauseated - me, ase - oin, rig from one, Man to dnothei—"yoU. nro:as abut ns you are fascidating-!"- • •• You fliitter me!" • ••1 No, indeed pre of you cannot ho lottery, Mies Lae." •• Oh, sir, really,you ere it very naughty mon," 1 :mid, - in the most feminine tone 1 could command. • • . cast it languishing glance at. the Ilirough the black veil, nod i'fairl'y began to 'fear for his feelings." • We soon arrived nt the grove, rind found our band—engaged beforelind—awaiting no. Of course dancing was the first rim :f Mont, and lawyer led One. •feA nOttiselm, It Wan hard, , at first, for me to take the lady's part in the dance, but I soon got accustomed to it When a waltz was proposed, I resolved to have a little'amusement at the expense of the unfdrtuoate Minh)... • I had 'first made him purposely jealous, by Anteing with two other young fellows; one of whom I knew, in my , own chnvacter,_but _who never suspected me as Maggie Lee. This youtig man', who was a great woman killer—a t Leasy_,,-wbo-toode the ladies imonfterhim, by his alternate wnru,th of action-and coolness of protestation-1 se• leered to "play off '.againat my legal admirer. I allowed him to hold me very closely "and on elision:illy looked at Mtn' with a half ',Machin- I ri n g expression. When we stopped dancing he led me totmy seat, keeping his arm about toy waist, and I permitted it.. 'Laving thus stirred Dimity up to feats of wrathful valor, I naked one of the gentlemen to direct the musicians to play a waltz°. Min; by came immediately. " Ahetri—a Mks Lee, Shall T,—n, have .the tauter of trying a:waltz with you ?" I mniled a gracious acquiescence and we commenced. Now, I am an old stager at waltzing. I can heed it up lcoger_ than any tiou•profeesional dancer, male or female, whom I ever met. As long as the pochticha or Schounebrunnen ring in my ears, I can go on,.if it is for a year. Not sn with Ilituby: .11e plead want of practice, and acknowledged the ho soon got dizzy. • ",Alt, old - bay," thought Iygiveldu a . . , turn-then!" ' Bu(•I only imiled, ond , said That I . ihould probably get tired first. "Oh yes!" ho exclaimed-" of course, Lonn waltz as.long tts'atuy one lady, but not much more." For the first three minutes my cavalier did well. Ile went smoothly anti evenly, but 'at the expiration of that time, begun„ to grow warm. Five minutes elapsed and Ibuthy's, breath came harder and herder. On we went, however, and I scorned to notice .his slatiken ing up nt every, round, wizen we passed my After.some ten or twelve minutes, the wretched man gasped out betuCen his steps: ” Ah, a--are - you r i ot--get—:getting tired I.' "Mt, no!" I said, ns coolly as , if we were riding round the room—" Oh •nc, I feel as L if I could waltz all night." The look of despair that he gave ryas terri ble to see. • I was bound to etc him through, however, and we , kept Ilimby staggered, 'and made wild steps, in all directions. Ilia shirt -collar wilted, his ey,e,n.protrutied,'his jaw hung doWn:;- and;'--altogether I saw he 'could not hold up much longer.. • - Thie is delightful," . 1 soid composedly-; and you, Mr. Ilinthy, waltz Elio easily!' puff;ryes—oh--pulT—V4,y delightful,".gnsped he. "Don't you Wink it ought t9 l go a little foe. ter ?" No rolled his eyes lieavrnivard in ft,gony. ' f.Ah, puff—puff--1 don't—nh—puff--don't know." So, when we neared the moskdane, I said, ' Foster, If yeti please—fasted' end they play ed a/a whiiiwind, • . . • , 'Poor Bit‘liby threw hie feet about like a fast pacer, and revolted after the mariner ofa teeto: Aunt whion mita nearly run down—Atdast-lie ; staggered a step haokwards,.and :spinning co centrically away from me pitched headlong into the midst 'of a small bony of ladiesin a corner. 'I turned • aroand - coolly, and Wallied to ktilietilt;:si3fitrthe fOr.a glass of,iem:Water. • • The:miterablo laWjfor reeroveiod:his senses just in !iota: to see Inothank.his rival for the water.. . - :Indies find in tormenting us poor devils of the other - sex, • At thin juncture, and before 11.1 r. Biniby had titriSlifyipologizo for hie itccident,littio Jennie • came.rtmning 'into tho.paviilion which tervod ae a ball-room. .As she came near 7 perceived that Iker hands wore . chrtnbiditgh_tlyanLbrr'' dress, nod I positively'shotlered as she whis pered to me • Maggic ! come and - help mo xmy skirts—tliey are all coming down !" What, should I do ? I was in agony A cold perspiration broke out upon thy, forehead. I wished myself a thousand miles away, and anathematized Bob, Styles' masquerading pro .ject inwardly, withiearfultealedictions., I said I was tired out—could not'somebody else go? ••• • No, nothing would do but I must accompany the. house of a gentleman who . (Toed - the grove, and assist her to artango her cloth. ing. • So I wont. " • - . ' • What if it should ba necessary Ito remove the.greater part of her raiment. What if she should tell me . to do some ? What, it In the midst of all the embarrassment of being olOietcd with 4 beautiful . girl of seventeen, in a etato of comparative freedom from drapery, my rift' sex. and idetititY .should be disdoverod by her.' ' .1 felt as if an npOpleticy fit would be o for tunote ocenrrenne forme, just then. • However, neryod - myielfup for the leek, and accompanied Jennie to tho houso"desig• . .natcd:An.old lady showed us into her ohm-, her, end Jennic,ithaving - a sigh of relief let go her dre:ss. As' she did so, tt-pnido. p'ettleoat.,fell to the Door.: ito was about to prooeed,.bufl7rilartned her by a . sudden and ribenlent gesture: . • • "Stop:" 'Period frantically, and forgetting my falsetto; stop don't undress for' (kid's alike Sho opened. her ir - '`.entbrowb eyes to t widest extent • •PAnd why no!1" I am—n—can ybu keep a secret 1" ' Why yee--how frightful you -look! -Why what is the matter--Maggic-:-Iyou—why---oh oh!!' . Anitalke gave - three fearful !creams. " euire, or lam lost I otclaitn ed, putting my hand over her mouth. swear ]'.mean no harm ; if I had I would not have Mopped you. ' Don't yod seer' • Sho was all of st tremble, poor little thing; butalie saw the force of my argument. " Oh, sir," rho said, "I see you are n man ; but what (limit 'all mean? • Why did you dre.°l°l" I teld her tho story as ,bristly ns possible and csocted from her •a protuiso ,of !be most sacred secrecy. I then Went outside the door, and waited she hind arranged her dress, when she called me in ngaiti. She had beard. - of - me frott Aluggio and others,. arid wanted to h6rtr ill t~e perticitlars; co I sat down by her, and rw a mit un feeling of friendliness nil old acquaintance ship .quitp wonderful fu'r people tneetiai for the first time. Just ns we•started to go back, to the pavillion. I said that 1 must re!ieve my mind of aite , more burden " And chat is that," she asked. . - ~ ' " I . .'hose kisses. You thought I wns Maggio Lee, or you would not hove given them. They were very sweet, but I suppose I must give them back." . . And -I did. She) hltndied a gobd deal, but she didn't re sist, only when I got through, oho glanced,up timidly : " I think you are ren t ! ttanglity, anyhow." When we returned, 'I found lawyer nimby quite recovered from his dizziness, and all hands for buppot:', - whiceivris served io the , -ball-room' I sat between Ilitaby and Jennie, and made love to both . of them in turn; to one as Maggie Lee, and to the other an myself. After supper, at which: I astonished seyiral by eating rather more heartily than young ladies generally do, we had •moi:i dancing, and I hinted pretty strongly to Mr. flimby . it rather dry amusement to dines With my own kind, . l soon abandoned that pleasure and . persuaded actlatio to stroll off into the. Moonlight with me. We found the grovo a charming, place,' full of , pletunasque little corirrs, and rustic scuts, and great ,grcy reeks. leaning out over Om river. On one of these latter; ti little bench was placed ; in a nook sheltered from the Wind, and front sight. Hero We sat -down in the full flood of the moonlight, and having just had supper,l felt wonderfully in need of a cigar. Aucordiugly,- I went back ton little stand near the ball room, and purchas4 several of-- - .the wonder ing woman who sold refreshments; Then re titraiigto the sent by the rooks, I gore tip all cares or. fears for my incognito, and revel led in the pleasure of solitude—the 'fragrance of' my cigar—the, moonlight—and little Jen• ttie's presence— • • How long we eat there, heaven alone knows. We talked, and laughed, and nag. and looked in each other's •epw, and ..told fortunes, and performed, ell the nonsensieoloyerations com mon ainongst young people, just falling in love With each, other, and - might, have remained there until' this month of our Lord Eighlee'n Hundred and Fifiy-Seven, for aught I had not the carriages been sent to convey us home, and the 'rest.' of •the company began to wonder where we were. • This wonder begat • questions, the qestiiits, fears, and the: fears it. search, beaded .by the rallent Ihroby. • •They called. and looked, and listened, but our position dowp Witte eheltor ed nook among the-•rooks,' proventod them from hearing us or we them, ' At length they hit- upon • nut•• path, and ell come 'along; single file, until they get to•tho •elear speco;above , Then'rk sight. ' • ' I•Was t;proad'ent in a free and fasy positren,• my bonnet. taken 011, and my Lair aonietybat toullad Up. Ono foot rooted on a rook, about level wit6•mybend, (rlgardleaa of Yiuk!ea ibis •time,) and there - lElh puffing [multi 11 story'_ uyilady-ilke - atyJo, at kw Jdgb. Havoiod Connie.' , Jennia seas altling close beside mo with he'r hijad 0,64 on toy: sbcielder, aod , itor small came along above us, I latighed ow in a loud, masculine voice. •! , :fust think of ponr what's his.nome there —Bimby t Suppose he knew that he had been making five to a men'?" " flush ! eried Jennie. "Look_( there be is--twin4Lab_;_my_gracioui-!—thereis_the_rimle company!" Too, r were fairly caught. was of no 'usa for me to clap on ray bonnet and .aesume falsetto again-they had all sleet'. too mach for that. Besides by this time, .Bob Styles and Maggie Lee, were 'doubtless " oho fish," dud my disgnlse was of no further importance, an' I owned up and told the story. Lawyer Bimby was"inn rngo. IT:vowed - to shoot me, end equarred off, but the rest Of the party- laughed at him no uninercifullY, and suggested that we should waltz it out together, that ho'finally cooled doWn, end eldok away, tit take -some private conveyance beak - to ' Bob Styles and I are living in a large dou ble house together.. Be often says be owed his life to my ninsqueradipg, but he dohin't feel 'under any obligations to me, fur I owe• my- the same thing. N. B. • My wife's name is .lennig. (iltcresting REV.:or.oRGE COQKDAAri Via following sketch frottitlq; rcininiacen ries ofib° lion. 0. li. Smith, published in the tUdianapolis Journal,, will be highly .interm ting to all who ma:ember the ”uloquint preach : . - or and sterling man:— _ It was Sabbath . morning. - Tho last of the city 'church bells was ringing as I left my boarding - hougq.on Capitol Hill, at Washington city, for 4— Wesley • 040. It 15119 quarterly meeting. The prenclitr bad close•l bis sekton vihen tiro arose at the.desk a slender, spare onion. about - five feet eight,' dark compleximi, black- half falling cnreletsly over his high fore heati,lenn bony foic'eovido Mouth, round breas ted black coat, with velvet falling collar, black vest, knit pantaloons. Addreising the y mid gregation ho said—"We desire to thke up small collection for the'reliefof destitute, worn oit Methodist preachers - and .their families. We appeal to-daytollte hearts of the congre gation," - and took his sent. A large •collec lion followed. whispered to Patrick G. Good, of Ohio, who sat by me.—" Who is that?". "Dont you konw him? It is .George Cookman." The next Sabbath . I 'was at the Chapel - again.. Mr. Cookmau prencird. I returned satisfied that ho was 'no ordinary man,. The election for Chaplain of the Senate Was a few : dayeafter,Mnit without the know'. edgeof'Mf. Cookman, I privately suggested his. ntit~io to the c'.nottorso around inn. The lot of them had heard him preach lie elected., Chaplain by a deaidcd vote over .whOm -there was not the least of ;, but we wanted to bring Mr. Coolanan more prominently be- fore-t he-pnblim—Themertl3abb - eitili: - ed his first sermon in the hall of the Ilouse. to a very large_ congregttioncrfroellob -text, " The sword of the Lord nod of Gideon." Ile' 'Made a profound impression on his hearers that day. which seemed to increase with every succeeding sermon. It is not my purpose to oskotelt the many sermons of Mr. Crookman during the time he' was Chaplain of thiSenate, the most of Which I heard. He was a clear, distinct, and pow erful preacher. The remarkable clearness ol of hie mental vision enabled him to see and,- desetibe whatever be touched so as almost to make Paul, Silas, Peter. Mark and John stand before you as ho named them.—llis tone of voice, as' ho warmed with his subject and the tear stealing down his cheek, Were irresistable, Asa pulpit orator, take him all in all, he had few s equels and -no superiors, that I ever heard. There was no place for a chide' Where Cookenan eau'. ,pie Voice was melody itself. I' heard him in' the Senate Chamber on the funeral occasion of Senator .Betts, of Connepticut.l The Chamber 'was crUsided., The President, Departments, For,- eigri=llDeistersi-Senators:and—ltepresentatives wore there. I diethictly.reiellect one of his figures of speech. "As the Liman family so .porage of life, they find at every fork of the road the finger board distinctly pointing to the grave—to the grave! There is no other road to travel from infancy to,old age anddeat'llbut the road that leads to the grave." There was not a dry eye in the Clamber whewhe closed his sermon of one hour, find eang alone the single verse cf the hymn— must this body dle— drhis well wrought (roma dom.)! And must thennantivo limbs of mine Lie mouldering In'thiclayr The session of Congress was about to close upon the administration of Mr.:Van Huron. rho inauguration of General Harrison was soon to take vise°. Mr. Cookroun had nil bin arrangements made to visit England on the Steamer President. Thefirst dispatch ,from the new administration wits to' be confided to tile charge.. The next Sabbath ho was to take leave of the memb'ers of Congress in his fare' well sermon: The day ciiiner An hour be• for thensual, time the crowd wns seen filling the ermine:%nd passing up — the hill to Repre•• sentativo Hall, which was soon filled to over flowing, awl hundreds unable, !o get 'seats went away ‘ disappointed. lobtained a' seat' Lrly in frentor the clerk's dusk.—John Quin. ay Adams sat. iu the Speakirs chair, facing Mr Conlin:in - a: The whole spite° no tha re-drum and steps was filed with Sruatorsant Repro' sentatives, The moment had, :come. Mr. Cookman,' ev i dently mob alTected,., kuegted, in a thrilling, pritypri noti ruse with Ilia' clee Wintfed with tears, voice faliered witth e*uprrespe4 emotion, as be gave out the hymn. 1:Ito nightly, ploln . Mum rearsliain4 on Ono star 'Mono of all the . . • `,. Can 14 the slisnWP,liontliwllig ore, • %: . . : .. • llatUl nark) toClodtho chops hreß * l - 4, 4 ' Frain query host, froni,evory ion; i ' But 01201110 U6 the Beileili SpOnk, '. . , :• It la the star_of Bothichoei. : . ' ', -'-'.onco on thiorilgiq - Too storm wit 6 tho night: ivai'dij-ki; , i .4 Tlidocennpkwnodon44. rudely klowed. : :: : : , ,ficd*ls4 twist.nt7t9l,,l,u,storincelii!lc., I can )'et in imagination, hear his voiee, as' it tilled the large hall, .ond_the 49th theleselmes, died awn,' ih the dome. Ail 1.51111 . 1 a pivot Lithe throne, Dna him , thlt ent on it:from .1104 face the etrth and' the Itenvet,s 11,1 mem, and the. 6 was do place' 6,r them • ''‘ln.ll sari the deal small end great stave " before God, and the' !midis . *ere openetli_nwl,_:_. :triotlivr book, which is Me Look of life: no :he dead wereMago 1 out of /hose things vrhiish' were written in the oce?rti:ng to Miele vrorks " Mr. dookman wee 'morn nfrocted 'then he •give us the test, than 1 bad ever town him W.: A fore. Ile severiii times pas.ed his' handkOr clid-f over I is'eycs before Ito0:gott. The first sentences are fiesti in my recollect'. n: "When Mossillien, one of the greoket 'divines that Franco everlnew, wan cnliel to Ottach the , funeral aermore of the departed - King,: lit' 'ate. Cathedral, 'et Paris, before the reigning;, King, tho - royal fetidly, the'ohambers, and the , grandees of Frano), he took with hini to the , ancrecidesk a little golden urn. containing 'to , lock of heir of the late King. ' The immense congregation' were 7m.ted, end the eilence44l death reigned., iditasidion 'armee, - held Abe — , little urn in hie hand renting a : the sivitlatiallion. All eyes were rainier."' fixedWpon him. Momenta, minutia passed. Sleeillipn Stood tnotionieis, pale ste a -statuo the feeling' became intense; many believed was struck dumb before the august assent Ely;, si}tbed-anal-grosucd - tCtva eye4T 7 were'diffuiei aid' tears, when the:band er 31,irsillioewas seen slowly reiainctlve littlo golden Urn, - his ey?,,lixed upon the• King, • As, the hand was returned to the snored sushi. at the loud and solemn voice of Moss'Hien woe hear din -every port of the Cathedral, (Fa irlohe is Great."'—So I say to you to:day, 11. y beloved hearers, there is no human greatnees for.i.,._flod_olene_is_flrrat.." -The Intl jest was - the day of judgment: I had heard irpreached! lict ! remanytimee,. but'Ae.ver es I 'heard it - then.—The itnnianae Congregation, was held • .21most breathless With the most beautiful, sub- Lane amid ,powerful sermon I ever •Ite•rd. Ifte . spoke of the final sipatatont in the .great day . of judgment, and fended the angel of the Lord locking the dear dist ni,en'ed to the bot tomless' pi•, step - ping n, on the ramparts, tang fall - the key into the. abyss below, and drop Ping the iast. tear :over fallen end eon- demand man. lie eloe.l, •• I ge to the laud of my . birth. to proWt once more to my heart' my aged mother, and drop a tear nn the prise of my sainted falltr'r. 'Farewell, Farewell."„ Amid he sank overpovirred to his. seat, the whole congregation reeto;ndled with spurs,. ailing tears. Genernl IlnrriNon - tsosn inaugurated.' Tho dispstehes from the. British o..vernntOnt were signed by Mt. Wehrtsrstol ileileored . ui 111'r. Cooktunti: Ile took Nitre of Lis friends ni Illashington, and left f.•r 'New Yak. Ac we parted - his twit words were. May heaven bless you, Mr. Smith; If over I zeturw you will see me in the West." few days sfiervlards there wo. seen fins. ising i thivernor'il Wand the rpletrlid now stea mer "President."' on her out w•rd trip to' Liverpool„wifli Mr. Coultimin, '0 rune Pow er, and a lung li . st of other distinguished pa.- senders on board. The flying steamer had left‘the lighthouse fir behin I and moved gal lenity out on the'opun Athntic.l with prospects. of a+ epeedy and safe a virile a. any vessel dint ever crossed tho oconn.. Night was corn ing on. ..The cloud. in the hear t ens pories ded storm. The winds blew and hateled, a perfect hurricane. /The ill-fated vessel Wan. sera late ip the evening, struggling with fate-'-now lying iu the trough of the nee , now' on the top of the niotintnin wavy, nit! - upon her eideostal again as it were,in to. the abyss below, ••' Tho storm rta loud. tUe night was dark, The h•Onll yalrliel;Wiil rudely binned, Th. %I' 10,1.tkat towed my. ii.underlug brlrkt' Moinint ennui The sun-rose wino open sen. The." Pietideni," with' nll , on Wined, had rne.lonn, nwl rens nover more. Thus perished, emu he reached the s ineridinu . f: o life, one of' the eininenrdivines of our aLuniry: ser• The .wontl4.llll facility' which Henry.. Clay possessed of putting every man at hie ' rase - witb whom ho same into 1100ial inter-, course, 11119 often been the subject of plerierint 3 illustration, but we rem:fiber nothing better in this coy than this , . A Tiny, of gentlentitu lied come on as a eon, mittec of one of the -Western toWns,• - to malCo` . Ar. Clay a engulfment present of a silver rain or something of the kind. 'rhea were leoeiv; ed by Mr: Clay with his ele g ant ittititi smite, invited to dinner, at lion it wan arranged 'that 'the, pies•mtittion rhou'd take. place. the Cli tirmui, uf, the Counnitter,, was appointed to utulie the pre-, Lsetitation sprcell, %%Mob he bud curt fully cput—, niitted,to ciriting mud Re uu It iry. Fortifying. himself with t wo - ot three extra weaves of wino, Nut! rising to speak , . "Mr. Clay—" Bet the words refused to come. . Ills :e.nbarrasinent woe not relinekbyr another glans; Enid eLto., in despen.,_no bin hand into his to , k Atet end drew Lutli, the. tunnueeript he we, at . ?;e, to rend it'uuly In the, utoetbengling, style t hie" own nieritfientiant and that of his friends. Lblr. lacy tespoutlegi, and soon'after, WM:inn-eras sitting next to, him; Mr,, Clay sail to hi u. Wh'tt a pity it in (leueral, y9e did, not take to public er.e,lting nt atteutier,peri,, ytu have t,lt . the elpuents ; great orator.'.' Uo you,thiuktiol".golipe4the Gone:rut, .11r. 7!ial you trick . , m.m unn ivy - s — dOghtl,:y.thly how Lis saartifia.ttl'on, ha eittdialheartily t lll, 4 . to the, featititioa occasion ; ; ,atut Went Lenin iliiuking that ho not 31r. hro that over livo.t" per God:leis:nrktton Om ; flowers ;that • ocooten.the ain--npnk OieJaku:,dr(l 4 . 3 ..0 1 43:Prr9 14 1, 14 - eptli:pf ,thi4 1,,11 . 4.,4!5 4 1112944g,t,1ig deep ci,l9oers . t i t i llee P l .: , .P 4 11 , 1 . 4 the ,Itnti, no loss than.upen the mighty.,..veji thai warms and_ eheers millions of. creatures . .% 6,1,1,,h' 1; in.t 4t, lIR uL.,,...var;ltio;,,.i.lamui, —27 lIE IE9 NO. 9: =a