Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 28, 1857, Image 4

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    :' .. , "• 7 !1. 0: -:(.. . t iti . il' '
Ohl HOMO JOUrllta
- 111;1:5Dtl'11. - 1•AOr.
Where tho rooks aro grey, and the aborojastoop,
And the waters balmy nod deem
Where tlio ragged plow; In Its lonely pride,
Imam gloomily o•pr the murky ildo •
Where the rondo and ensure 111 . 0 tall and rank,
♦nd the weeds grow thick on the winding bank—
_Where.thp-ihndow_it lioney_tha_whole day_tkrougk,
— tiaiMitliantodrlngs - the old canoe.
The uzoloso paddles flro Idly
. Like 4 solt-blrd'o wings that Lho km m hath hoppod,
• Andorosewl on tdio railing, ono o'er one, •
Ikit folded liond4 Arbon the woric s iti donna,
While buelly hack and forth hotArool7
riespltior . ateetchoa lots silvery arroon,
And tho,iolemn too him,"
Elotilek down:on tlionldo of the old canoe. •
' • i'ye,*gtOrti, • ludilinipl; In thd sl * ware, '' ,
aluily IlVin , sgi . ave; •
"'!" 4614 Mu) green moss crodus o'.u. ill; dull deray,
Vdlng.tlio roovldorhig tlList awny,
- • band the plunk rior 6he tomb n !towel-,
tlnt.,nnntleo tho fAlln if tower,
urdeny n tdussou‘ pr 11110
o'ur ttl'sforu of thu Lld eoouu. ,
-;lllCeprranlioss waters aro doK , I amt.:Ml—
.l6d. the liklit winds Iny . pith the. boat :it Will .
,Attilatllyin'and oh' again. • - •
n flontethe length•of I.ln;rtisly
j t ike'the weary march 01'111i. bands of line,
That laapt and - part at q 7, nooutido obinw;
Au tho.slioro IC Lle.4rd of eacll . lurn 4111On',
dripping bow old en
Oh, many It . filllo, tri •.
I tavoiiuiilled it s t
, '.A4i.11y041e.d . 1.t ilg‘rn Wlil.rottlltt stream rtii)K , l , ( lol:
'__:— _,_*hiiriittui_trlarls_tip.Xlifinillijiid'eLyilips_uro thick 4,7
-Alitriftuglii.,i ICI I I s
ettni.t4'o'ri , l.lto riwiting;sl,le; ' '...
And looked IioIOWAO tips trlzo,, „tidy,. , .. .
.• To tie,V.tbut 1110 hersawl 1V,14,F1 , lin't; T 11), '
' 1111 , it WEtalrlirl . 'ol .. .tintel 11'611f the of a 1 . 81100: ' ..''
• But no w , as 1 loan Col . Nawning bide,
And look' below In Om' ti ,h, • .
ThO race t L nE I 51 , 1 ' .. di1 ,, 1•0 io '1:1 vrorn, ,
And the laugh tbrlt I ln-sr
And the bawls Ihnt lent 11,.
• Have grown fatnilisr„l , htli nor. I.lll'ngs;
But I)Oneto think of Lim hoor, ,
Aul rocknit spelt.).
Yip tho:6l,ls‘,An'tis.warc,.t; nin44 grpw - -
tAelly;114141111• ,t4•l II , Pd 11111 ad.
A Gertv:t
.• • .Litw•-tfittnk,ll-fraur l d for'te p
. . •
• , %Gel eiy; for .thri intik id oul,dieneli f'ot: its meal ,
adinllS. : tif i a cottst rn &lion ad er's'e
. to.he designs of -. its 42.!.ri,..intors,.itnd, in its
' application,' ii•equeatly• du.ll.llls, ottjtic:t
vwhiCh it t waslititetttipd We 111% . .e,
livever, ift!innratts to Ices %diet:nip 'tort ! :
:eat juries.lttiNgiiTrt e,onfornt.::.
• . .•
ably to. tit •Ii rani itig6 ; of justice ; dlt a it- .
illy; ).• ist oa a have not sheet!. too
ft; tin lit • press'ed
, , they lif!..•;•oseap,ed •frora•ibe u! , 1)041 - ,
plot 11t tyattng noinett out .
4trlidelt ss.nlinttltiea,
us its 'ores; • 161(1.. flu 1): 1
• Chani.‘d, to be.:
aleq4lo:4 : iii , :AW.sit:;l) ill.'it lieat I
- if* •
icovntry4o•syri - *•..en - nsv N11111:1. • was court.
• weo.7, It on . thq : .oleew hat
niouok nowt it'ui;ofats of cJlti +d' life r )ye steep :
po' cult v t ,
•• ..Aigong,l*-10;i1;•1).(, , ,e3 . .ihit•1i box: Ive gore n •
_lad-about is a", tit ra uf • age iillosoaad and'
.ittfitg and ludo
'cant•tiftthiAtiltV,':iii - u",fillit • to, look 6 fully
m oot of tin. oliriMen'erll.4 whomhe .tip ,
• . - •,. , . •
as surroantleai: . . 7 . Close liy the bn. , ;,
nifeWttig:...l.lfiu in. tlta pro•• •
ofiaiigsi yl iii ffi:rQTi •
, jv . ,puit. NV os an xi.
op gluiicef`4jn7:Th u. 4 ire .huy I
s e ft us,
:ntiOpp);:...rgAtigr:.o;ll4;4.:,vic,:...l,.B I
itqnii the scene, to•
infpgra the prisoner, and,
ttec,l4o 6t• • stealing.
4 . 4 orcl, the
that 1.1 . 1 g
• crowd, wn
tilu . only one in
• leo 'pit.ititl el' you! It
Mal •f1ie..,..1111. ,x it ex
' .presse'd;ill,64 . ;:,4:lin - .i.ii)...). I 0 • - .11is
ycierig sistel; . :(l,n gained
bite . with
the witislierbiiijyf.' , ..llipe::: lint that Situ
'voice, Aldh , iiii4"iii:t;:fitt4:eittted 11 is it etit to
:bound'• with'...hutyjki't!!;•.f....i; to
grl'eflll-4."alaoii4T.iiif.i , l'a•nil7.lll I'9o
•`.l:lte..•pettAtte..4.:•;,ePl;t4ei ; asn ! • a nqutinted 'us
, N1111),' din i'e4 . ol l / 1 11 : 3:1"e"VS;'(11::thre lust , the 'e x motvl
. : (v:i,..:ftmxpi titisedy,
tru'e 'lnd uuidc
xsb'of if fol; . 3vfilt4lKc.llll; the
-14,30i.yi??, Worn its
otieuest see it
day passed,
, ,
pletkiqe.j•;.falitlikAlltr• ojir:'tititt?llk'll'edi • Aim
. ther'd4y.. 'bi IA
that the
key .2 shouh l: tni...eit,..4...@ifii**.6 let it found It.
" far . : the diAnt; ivus
f.;:.r.t hut iittle.'sis•
-his. own 'wAs
:ter . tlinfr.l . a
- ' e4ine r t,4 ttri : tUtc;:y.f.' ; .:i . v).iieff .
TheSii e * .iittu4s.tol:tim'cle : iii'A'"l , .i4ttlifin,f6d by
° 'parties 'tf.y.:lll.e.ploll :M•ged
.' upon' Pie, ty 44 - :tunl:1 nit this
ue,'? otliLlvs by pun
effiTt upon
,„,if:; . .. , Bqrit : e;:l..eotOd .. .see many
tOars of - lao,..and; his wic!.
oiveif4nother.Jiitil • But tl
iiyotweme ill p.r.y.,ne'tyi. [O4: . 9 tin e .lookeil as
if tliqy..oared fort ei o;xil;e:e.:lo:Unght:b u t
' ' '
. .
'The accu'se'r nnt . .iti :it'.ecoisiiienou place;
smilinkas . ...ifill,./leifisli QS)! Itatiom over that.
poor; . bift•once .happy ihniily.,.. • '
'Ne,felt That:lll(sre -was Ina little hope for
the boy-and the youthful appearance of the
attorney who had volunt9ered .his defence.•encouregeinent, as Ave learned that A Goon GIT.—.A Methodist divine of this
it i
city on last SuntleY, _administered a most
! ; s'!l.s . the, yoinag man's inaidegr plea, his :yen) rebuke to a common custom in those
first addresi. lie appetired•grently confused . d Lys, of. reading advertisements froin the
and reached to 'a
desk by him, from which •
.p dpit: - Al paper was handed to hint giving
took „tin) Bible thet. had b ee t, ' met ] i . , • . n nice that the " introductorylectiire of the
solet' - annual courmi would lie delivered on IVlon
:anize, the •tesiiinoity. This movement day might,' Am.., 'tkt, a certain Medical Insti:
was received ;with:' general laulliter 1g1e.,71 Ilt:011. in this city'..; The pi•Cae r siiid he
taunting remarkS 7 -itmong which wo heard, 11 ' , had conscieutiou# seraph's am •
,at cheating
harsh felloW, Close by us, cry mit:. • . . the printer by. malcing.such .itinionticomenta
"'He ,begets where he is. Thinking to
in the 'pulpit ;, flint 'he never hoard such ad•
vertiserneiltsread in - church without rernind•
take hold of some mindeyous law •book, he ing him IV - the oldjlleaton in Alexandria,
has made a tnis!alid rind get,the Bible: who on a CO' Olin beension . exhorted: in. a .
~ . - , ..
The,, rein - ark. made .the . yitung rattornei mast
.earnest . and•,veheinent 'language, the
sinners in his congregetion'to repent 9r they.
flueWvitiVangei bard turning his 'lle i • r .
s " 4- would all go to hell as sure 113 there was
eye upon b ence,y3,couvince -them it ' flour for iiii.leiii 'Maxim 'xi i, aml he wasMill t e
wafihecinisjilli. - 9 7 ).q sayieg,.;,, ~, .. . , ~ there was' tionr'•there; ...for he had received,
qi,jstiOe4tints no Other honk." the
' dey ' befotoll ate an , assortinent t • which - he
1 4.0
wouldse cap as y. mho ti 2,110 'City.
confiisien was gone, Andiustantly, he. , • • •':,‘ '• • . '
' . :..•
....r. .:- .- • .
.-,.- - 7. ; - ,.-.Columbus - (04 Statesman.-
• was calm aS'llitiiiiiberlitAgd:UPtiii=ttch.
The Bible was opened,. end every eye 'was
upen'hint'as ho quietly and leisurely turned
over the. leavei.--' 7 Arnidst a breathless si
lence he read to the-jury, this sentence :
.t minute of unbroken sileneo followed and
again he recd t • • :
"-Lead us not into temptation!"
Wo felt otit.lieart, throb at the Sound. of
- those -words:-`---1 be : nudielice : lopkod-at ench
other without speaking and thO jurymen
mutely exchanged glances •as the appropri
ate quotation carried its ' moral to their
ten followed an fill 'M, `wl,4,h-for-it
phthetic eloquence, we have never heard ex
celled. lts,iniluence was like
_ saws the.guilty accuser leave the room for
fear of personal 'violence. The' , prisoner
looked hopeful; and before its conclusion,
there was not an eye in the court, that was
.tint moist—the. speech affecting to that de
gree which causes tears, holding its hearers
spell-bound.' •
The little time that was rieeesSary to.tran
spire before the verdict•of the jury could be
learned was period of great suspense.. But
when their whispering consultation ceased'
and as those happy wordS,.•" Not Onil!y,',
came from 'the.. foreman . they passed like a
thrill of electricity Irom lip:to, lip ;• the' ans
. 'lei'e'dignity of the cos 't was forgotten ;'And'
• net a voice' was there that did toi - joiiiii! the
.„ - . .steelamatitins. that ltailedilielaa's relettse.z:
The lawyers:' firi t ' W:i . was : a successful
one. 'He was soon a favorile•,•amTnow rep.
resents his district in the councils of the na
tion. The lag,has ne'ver ceased his grateful
rethembrance—and we by the affecting scene
herein attempted to-be described, hare often
• been led to think how manifold greater is
this crime of tie tesipter than that of the
Oiie of'-the, comic papers • revives an old
story tladisbetter tiow- . tbdit 'lt was before
.;s . c7'deys ir ofspiritseeing:and lidaring., It
,th iqLl-ild - spa•eap who had rr..•
Aired .from sdrvise and - was living on-a fbi-in,
:bad wild 'barn tn.searlun, tiepli'vw living
with Lim., I3e could nOerdrii.qpr frighten.
•Idne.Pbei%% to - .do nything•,in its prOffr
triong the rest lie .conld—nover get
.I.liii;to drive the' cows tip to.tnills tier Ore dart;
inidlto•drive. theta, rip fraudl e bask
1 - nl.a:through 'the.engartnish.. Fdniilly, the
captain asked 111 . 6 , lad, if lia.iras not afraidLi
- 4o Ihroug)ttbs' the derk r ' • '
." "15'raiti 1 . W'hat is that.? ' lilt:war — seen a.
reidietl the •
)Pi..•H; trivet uiiiid tay lad'• vott
tine; Solna 91 these y tat dati . t. get t
4c4 , 1 att . before_said tiffs Captain;
meniiictgiv.. -,
fhat.oig•h,t.thn buy playgd• until dusTk .Ite-.1
faro-jic;witpt after trip .e 0 as . .tisual 7 - Tiro
4tptain tookn slieet nlit1:1il I oii•re tddli ni
the Cape tin : had a taiga: Vito- saw
- the took a
:tulle cloth find id lowed 'ealn in . .at„ tyre
epertfut..lialnnco. The - lettidttin'l went into t
:or trio woods; • wince •theta was it 1
• bid to tlei, (.4ting to,'
the Jurtli6r .end hits 'sheet t
.atitund• lliT;:••got .til:at • it, and stood still.
_Trio • tinolki.t..‘• ;tut on the. first- end Witbout . f
noise :ibid...did I:3lo .. saine." -- ::46 the panic:;
s'Ettod•lheit the boy came . 3vbibilihg
.with,lds-t;wi.. They •sltiicti tlittle npun:see.
ilk , the gliostsi , Ibtl boy to look.
"pallo r what isihlift4'.' ,hp :shontAJl r "by
i4011y,1 g.tte....;s it's a
.//vq).''.:itiia . i . hir
ing the !nonkey,die . sling nut, ',`. by thirliSa: .
lent; if t , '..teru4iint . twtifirtil'44e. rig fund and
alliffle fraid l'' • • • ; 1... - •• • - ' .
. . .
Phis ritusiOtho en'Fitaln to look: itynnnili
saw,•for the licst his. gliostly
eqippithinn. lie tlionp;itt
sin": enough.. The slyeakeel it
home, the niookey elinsihg
8 4 .1 ntili ng, `• rtniiAr Ital 4 fyaia
'A ketch zonl"
. .
"TARE )I.A'.t How dv„soti_4lu, said
11L•s. Partingam, shuLiiig • :liniids
hell utiG- f k id..fivC
• • •
"Fare Inh' It' Said: 1te . , 1 . 1 . 1•:: : i4Ty,i . . p her.
. 0,,C; it, fttid .
folklf itt.llollll.l
. r • : • .
" 'ma'am !"• Cjaitinued•
ten cli•og his hit lid • :The •pa.niiiagele irci:i fu
tOi•ekted.. . •• ' ••• • • : • : :
• • "-How do' ou Jite Boston r• she Se'readii-,
ed tuf the oninibi s is A •yelled over
" Park - s. tnieittllr 110 SI100t(:111 it thpitt,l)ith-.
(1111.W111011S 11.011, " . 1.41.111tj011
for your riiJe l°
." : ticernur s ed : she, ."I thought it : ins'
some 'one that'l n toleed:iue," titirl . inot t d'
doWn fit the. bottom: cif •her , i9tiCtite':'(OC:a
ticket, nthi•lt :colliel.Si tied; up Sit,
the corder'oi'lisi handkercli
the cansticutiud• and - 0 aerriCto •.atamp'e'.l
up.on it:.:': .. •
. -But•lhe* Smile that :Was •givon'hiln:was
:not wiilidra•wii—there Wits • 110
Ide.fiii::ulistakeii at that issuer-Lit'inl Le
`went ont'with ligliter heart aid: heaviiii•
tdo odteli,:the Tither coach. .
. . •
• ts„.. A.little 'Fret! (Annan who had been tw
.king:irregular Masons, on a voyage; fiipn. ; . a.,
Bow imsietig,er f complained Much of. the .
dillieulties Of our grammar. "For
says he, " 4tt verb to go. Did ono ever see
sncli verb amid with the utmost gravit,y- he:
read from ii sheet of paper
• " I gte' •
• "'Thou departest:"
"lie cleared out." .••
" We cat stick."
" Ye or you maddAraelts."
" They absquatulate." .
"Mon Dieu I Mon'Diend—what irregular
verbs you:have in your language."
Ncw, Cloob-5.
(ryPRIN'G 0 0 01l S ! S,PIZING
DODDS! Bentz and Ilrothe hide bist opened one
oh the largest and best assurtutotts. of Dry (Mods over
brought to Onrlialu. Their stock has been selected with
inorottinn-utturttearnfrolmthnbost-bousetiti-tiortllnr •
aridt lillnde Ishln, nod ovory olTort panto' to obtain the
Infest And 'nut illehlanable 'styles of Mess. 'Ahoy flat.
ter tlietneelves they trill be able to suit fivery vooloty
of taste at prices AN low, hr lower. than •thoy eau be
bought here or its the city. . • ,
I look Silk Hobos, Darego 'taboo, Poplins.'
I alley Silk nukes, Lawn Robes, Ageittiho. •
I oulard Sll km, G roan :Dna— Brillion ite. •
.---l'ayadoro-Sllli a, - -pore-pore Choll,- --Gingham Comm
:Moire Autigito, Ducal, •
' dia, .• . Grupe de Espagno Alpaca:
• ' Yourning, llitualyo, AD wool do lona
ropey Silks, Tantartl no, Caslitnero..• '
A full asitortmout of white dress gooits,Mtinsaolt Mtn,
Mts. Victoria Lawns, Vigurod Swlt4; , 'Velvolit .Ihr Main
tie'. White and Itlaok Crape Shawls, Stella Thibet, Mode
u , ntrltroolitt,Shaysla o ke,--thutlietsliaintot-Sall.
Nlnwers, eke., Coronation, Cruvella and Crltiolluts,
Skills for Ladles; Also, Collars, Uudorsleoveic lhoid
korehiola In great variety,
CIENTS WEAL • .. . .
Cloths, Cluisirtibres; Drop detl, easionc4cfm, Summer Can.
',fulcrum, ecltulindes, Silk Uutlershlrts,•Linons, Ilttudkor.
chief; Sc,, ' .‘` . • '. .
'• Blenched and unblaaehed Linen and Colton Shootings,
Table Linans, %Vol.! ditto, Piano Cover; Counterpanes,
Straw nits, Plats. Loa. lag Ii lasses. 'Pickings; Window
Shades of all lands. Umbrellas. M instills and every ra•
duty of Dry floods.ln cununon use.
Wo have ust lull Ina large stoelt of TaPsstry, T‘ , vrain,
- Inniertal, Mixed and Cog, Carpa, Oil Cloths. :11attfing,
Straw :lints, ant lowdst priers, Wd respectfully in.
thd public to rail wed examine our stock belbro pur
chasing. Wo hare bonght oar dmsortment-art- such
Wives that WO alYnm6 be 1111dOrhold.
Shiedol alluutimr paid to purrhasing goods Ih tho city
per order at'sinort est- notice.
Evorfelfort will lm mods hr the firm te.give-satirfacl
Mu to t hoso who may.tinvorthenn with a call:
PA ',US & 1c:1101ft', Late of Pltllndelplilo n ..
•P.lper 'longings. !joust!, Si.4n. until Decor:lov%! Valoters,
ltolto tors or Wood tool Molder I ethers to
competo with them In the various branelles or t•lin abovu.
totnlne,ss. ' . : • •
• PA the •of — W.A .
f LOS,. It I) 1311 I. I It
'•I'llT IN' , • lI.AII hIS..t
resperttithy .1.1, lie the to on'examloolloo of our
stork. frill wo Are roolldent giVilig Mall , ' 1,1-
i 0.4111 who 111,1111'AI , With II call. Our goods
unclog hve • n sylerl wlllk•rare•tloto Ihn . lint-insonow.
tures I o will is.: fIII ullh,ai of till. lowest
prices:. All orders far P.lper li.norint; or PoOltlog
promptly and person'olly ottooded to till.' exeettO.d, In It
workmanlike noomor. • • ' •
~ . . . .
. .1. W. P.llt I.S. Prsvtleal l'apsl If anv..i.. ".
11. I , .,l:Slllll'l`,:l'rat . l.itNil ilooss & 8iVII.1':11iltl . r.
_ snuth 11:imivor . ,trnextct, next door to ilannon's Ilotol,
CSI . Uslx.. I's. • • .
April 8, 1:3.57.-61C •
1 - lilliTSTi‘t:l7i • ANI)
k_i•. 'Lit,, Ftnfe if th q Is 11111
,theiv(sH are now t.upptiv,i'v,liii 11 , flautist.° 6°lectiou. of
fine and deli • . • •-
• If NA. -
.11114 111, , rlied 1:1111.y I,:tri..,stioll as I illodamis. 7
eilps../°,lOll '('''a tad Dinner
Felts. China 31 %1 118, .i:',rlvt,k, and a Nai.let:,• of .d.lier
or' , t•bis all woll ,allt,dtfdrl,llr , ,
fULO1:1•:II.1 ES A\l) '••
in every ,-ari0ty, , 111 . 1•1,,11.1a111.5," lave :OA:
bvon added 11 oar torintir . • , •
NENr . - 1Wilr1,1•1, Fr;;lf EAT.
•of very..fino •ontlity.'ll, Ithio inn hand,
- CH uN 111:1111I , • ^
. . ,
Curmuf s. Cit.,ll, nil.] MI. or' goods:0:101,1ln the season
in variety, 0011YtitntiViil -Atm . ° aild fire Fall, by • •
("...Ilhle: . 11.e. lb. 'hie.' • ' . . .1. W. !TY.
• • •
H . l.' It I (4 •A'ItRI AI
!..11NIENcir :,...11.101:;!)1,'.....f1.V1L1AV.Aft1::. ..
nu, rtbserliier Ipii:juit roturiled.'froin: this F.artern
Huh., and ,voold ;dl t.lolhttent..iom of 'his fro.n,lN and
I Ike onlav R,•110:illy tri. ttlf., kargt , an - d avoll•iselect. , l ,t•
Nortnitll( of. I I ARDIV,V,IIP. 1,104.11 .hr fl? 1.1, 1155 y Ori , 1111/14i;
i I,ollSiti Li it.g;lll j!!trt.of . IS LI I I,fil.Vll'Nl IVP EILIA I.S, suds' ....
Pialls.":+c-news. IlingeiT71,131.A:1::or%0:111:15s.-nl-eri,ry do
- serlptlon and ,inal it 3 . , gni:lJ ;vl.oiotioon, \1:11j V.11011;111:4
1 ,111n.Firali. l'iTnelt. Entonclli,‘L'und ,Doulde tillel,_ °I nil
I duos; Palnis, 014, l'aimtl:lo.. Sr, 00. ~
, T,,,,,i,5--.1.1.1t01i I . lg 1.:‘11 , .. Ti,lA - 111 Itvery deserlntl,lit,
1 S.nrs. Planes, 1164.0 and tilt tto, Autol .;,. Stfolr,..i, i I Mtge,.
'--EilllN. 1;11,10K,_BLI11.1)11‘111.S . ,• Nicot, ..:111111$ : - .51 . e.., , liatvs
I itinuk.gmich. n01iu,v5..t.,,,.*..1„; ... i[.•.. , - -..- '.
1-.hoimuocers ', L W s'ao.dioro-veift ii,i;.l alanviinssorsownt
of Tools ,d - ovory'dovrlifilPa. t0:5.,1:0 , V:‘,1t.111. 5,11 . , and
'•U0nt1;anit1,!....11.a.‘1ce.01'..1,,,1ni0.t.._.1,1.,,11,1n-r,1'.k.t,..1 and
FrejlqiCealf Sik ins, iillOi. ThrvtaiAmPlA. , ‘,,,,‘ I'Vg.• I .` , ',
IllirnwOloilitelopVollut",;(11111!Ing, .) . ytlyglcle.ll.. , Net ,
; luilr,•:iaddli, 'Pre. , ,kc.:.'til. '.. .., .. ... —. .: • .
l l' ,11sci, Oalls ;hill kir& 1:,,,o1:4 iim . ,),*Tfilanthigs of all Mail .
smell a 3 11 Ili.N, ,p-d: rd. I .
• Vi1An3.1. , :ii , d1." , . iiglV. 310 Pr Cid It.
. Vallya , s, Tlodi, ?in ita':l,c,,,' , Pti . lijr, .I ci
- ..,:t , „?• 5 1:44
~:;- ..A . : F. f.r.
r c „,..„.. ,i.,„„,„,r1 1 1 lila a 1dr,...,:ti n . ..4,d antont .4'4' VAT ,
nIr,IIK.:, I )31:.-NVII n n Wan d''M iffiCX.9l3.7T.roorN.ACti,ll4: •‘,
"all C. 1114 *,, aid . M.:Cs. )).4‘..a9i0v4,. lltrot.i:',.:ll.‘ll. Plot.h.,
PI 0,14. I'm led lIA i c,4*,.13a1r and tir,t,C,Zjitor;v, .0 i,:.t.i:. • .
11,,,P;e'iP,P.M. r, ill- 13.1;-..o ,110d;•-1,'
,1A V. 2 t. us , .:rtnient o
1:11 - ivt, and I , orl:4,ltrat.itoloi4...All.oiand rill% et . Platod
Tn l d" ." T.,','1y.,i1tt..• (..'anil;esili . l,,F,,Wllll ,l.l ., H1•,v,.h.,,
- and 1.41;:.i, Icon and Prat:5..1...t.:.ti1' ,,, . rmw...k. , :•, 1 1 , 4 0 .1,10'
with l'ild..trw.tro of ill 11ipi,, ialar 'RS :T.uir, 410,1:,,i a ,
A.,:riettli tun! lini&nients.erol.r.l.ollp , l'low,,viall Mod,
colt IV:t I.m, 1.1,4..... ,1.i.e1i...1V,P: . !,5,•11 51.1,5, (.I.pitllS, 41.,
.11LON. 3...hrgi.iito V,V;llllll.lSing o,lk Id ti4fi in go , ivral
usn'...v . .llelt 1 ton .r .l I II.; al: ;211 . 5 , pp . .ilimilo prj vi,b.. :• . '..
• . 1 t 6.,, ' ,1 ' ,, LI. , 41,1,dsmia,.11i0L.M4h..01oL.t, rorli,lo.
ATE W . . (.)( 1-IC'S- T.t1:.E....1V11().L1'..-
...4.1., 6.11,2 ...1S ItI.TAT.I,•STI)II3iIW . ."' " . •
..„ - • . • •• • . • „
811 It 1 . 11('Ic,;'r:11"3,0 • W‘t , 'S:11
...... ••
IVor&,4lor's 1)h.M.,,try,.8•‘).. ••• • • , :4!
Wiirenhter'HAvadtl.l...lp. .; • ' I 7;,
Weber%.lolloitli.B ~f I.;..l..rtl.lllattiry,• ' ; 111 . 1\
Slifith's ll I,to of ON. Olt
Toni 111 tho Holy 1,801, •
The SLIII4IpC I/ S • .• •.•
yule. Cloth.) • • • I
nob 11,,y, . . .
rho te.ihnony 111;e14..—.1t11:41);:kt)6r. 1:
Wt,tern •
eiti lu 010 15'isivni 12 no.
.thustratdel. • . • railer, 20 & , .—C 100 ) 1 00
Antki.Blography oil', Mthirtor, • ' •1 a.
Tho 4irnat Wohlor. . .• • till
flow t. n 1 , ..1,et Manual 'of rra , t.ll
earairihs t...`..ta•Ncow.lnLifv; enl•
— la.avinq Prineipteß
,Suoces.4l.l(lFnalfe, 21. -pp GU
All the School 1t0t;!.4 ut..l lu tho6•*nifirough
the Colin ty, iviviesnila . .
Monte nod Musical lustrlictiol.l,
• . L 4 11141:0C1i;•TAYLOI:
Plain no d F • ••
Tll - 1,011 5:-Ii511T11%;.
r,„,1 At CifvP,lcql,•t)
6itmkty 1 4 clibol I
' • „
Doolis, of allylio . ,llll ,
' • -t , 111:1;t/Oh. IA
•••.•. . • . .•
t E W . 0 . It .0 .0. ];'.it- 1 . E
A 1 , 101...1 F010t:b...,..4' tiro:in:lc:. of (very variety. lii•
1•10tIllig s l am., nial teav 1c0..... bjell 11.14.111,p onir leave,
110001 t.(1,11:1. 31110:1'4 NVillktil luny I/0 iilitil,ljilly.vini,..
MI), .1.1 VA. i..V.111 V itA • ' :3111i't1A COF 1 , EE,:
. .1 v..11.v 1 ', v.iit'a. ' .Tlttiin,l'ar.l, , i•Ctr ,, l.t Of : - '
sitiliv..s.x. 15'111TI 4pliA LS. ' •
llicluflinq Cra:ll,l, (ir...!:.tra. 1..11,,,-;,..1.,itia chief
kli ,, J;i‘igi•rH. Al. , ;, 10t... •-
or..Novt Clit:cso..l , aroi.l.4: o..ri.
ii!arell, 31nitned.1.11r.,...18tit,..C,...;-1,20..,z . u . i..1111e, h
'Tea., ul.ll,llklll's velum!..i.ittid. .. • ' ' -
bar sale at.1..1. l ric . to 31 .
.31• Alt MN II A MA:1;0.,
118141 by .., 1 . C.1,1,,....ix' , " ; , ,T: w. 11.11'.
Shainuid /I 4; i!rereo t
•• • •
• • • • , • ' ..i du
Salnion, Sctllu 11,11 anjl
iCodfshh,.:;:lll..nd . . .
Clweso MAU (2;ttelcilrA eau be had . • .. . ••.
Fruit, If ivrkerrvils rtwldnllio ," '•
Al UM:l7's,
• . .k. fi esh sdpi.l:,' tif fl!clif vILS,.
;Oils; '
1r.21 iis- IV Y '...!... lie elkezii),9). f
~, .... . . . . • . . .
. I 3 f fp 1.. h'/ , )11.1.: In the eb.lof 3Valwarl of- all qoalim - .
-titl h 4 - .: I;:h.l ' lkhi MIO UOIII.IO/1011 stills IVO 2:, 111.111,011t . ,!i)
tor.hhsl4,; Ithelr Boots mild Slioe, , At. tilt tartan sio,i,
:, . 4,01 '' ,. 5 4 a , ' , 4 - )Y ,, h l . cot oor of rho pphi lo s 'oar', " •
i r • 1..11i'.: 4 11. ARE IV.k I. ill' .11../..)T.S and tq1 , ..1}:!..;.
.''' •• . Trunll,A, V. 111,1... I,'“l.:wt 111;..;s, ' mut well.ts • Fr.
trot Ilt.on l'hllatlolphia sill extaablv'e
•,:oir w . ilphlll , thsstrrtinout of . , , .1 .
. lIIINT7,O I IEN'S .tNII 1,11)1ES
1 ' :i1101.:St, ,
ty11.12 a-svloctua. sill!. taro fronalto I,l=o tima•
uthotoyills.:ATl..whieh •ho ail' 'r r'eamhaal for thch'fisi
I , ;l'ior , i'ort‘kilaa - sa l 4 3 aril Ilhl , n, 110,has every thing Its
OW fla:ll,oa . lilhhi.tlao solt,thlo for th e th•as2a 1 Oust
,\ vhlti)rwlli'lto7sqltlNAry lust for nosh. A 'great variety of
: , leo . i.ito , l 4 4h'Ilallem Brocl - tg, Shoos and Brogan's. lA.
di , i ii11itYM:1.1. ,. .. , It .ts,'lta4klas, Slippers, Tlet , , Misses
atlt.'lll.lltrolys..ilrii,s, ht the lowost places. '
, VorolroorW aro. iecutoetfully In s Itol to roll and fix.. -
.1011,011 n hirirc siml etc athalinent, nail they trill
Pad that lit la ire' dod rotillty It with. vi.phto .llh any '
shop NOM, in. til ' U. pia.); • tf)..floi.arlag (halo at the
shortest notioc. All ripf smtol Grath. Don't mistake
the iihtoi, elte.vp B.'W. II woor of the publlc s fiaro, ot,
poNite 11. Is. Ilurls.holtlers II ,tel.,
.I A . OOll 5 , r.`•.E t,
1iciP4 : , ,, 1 . to AI. 'r,s.row.
.. \ .—.
llay 2), C
13. -.1(4;I LE It' 8 11 I!: Al' 11:1.T
notyp 4..N1).t411. , )1:•111tit
Wo Invite attottl.leot, of tl a• pliblle to our largo
out' varied tutrvtreutut ol•It0UI1S. n Writ will Ito /told an
clittly no at nay alier - ctitiall6luuttut In Cnrlinlu. 11'u
lotvu . •
tar mop, boys and 111111thell, made of excellent material
and of every grade and mice. Al splendid
meat of Straw tints, Cups, and lore it's lists, ready
loosed. All kinds of Ch.& and Glazed Cape. flow 25
route upwArds. Our sleek of 110Yrli AN D. nlIOE:6: can
eat he excelled, and WO Insitn our tad friends antLeue
towers. es-well na others, to call oil °Salida° our stock.
is lull i . 14 confident : of OM' ahihty t i please.
~ All kinds of Ladles, :Misses mid Children's OAITERS,
of the best material, Cmstantly on hand.
N. B.—Ali rips.sewed gently , .a [April FJ, 1457,.•
• •
. 1.31 PC)IIT ANT. Spitirr's
ratoat Soil Sailing -Cam,. for proservinw' Fruits,
01'111)11 qqrlii flan, Toomtpoli, Mr , ry Varmor
'mud ljnuAlqiropur aliould be a purehniee. For fade, at
alty lalcos, at thu dwaro I , tos 0 of
, • . , lIIMUY *AXTON'.
,', 'O%l , , •; 31a1,, at,, Ctnlitlo.
T IMEI.IIIitNEItS!: COAL :-.:2,065
TO.iS'of Lylions
clO, redelvlug and for halo '• • • • "
Anytime 6,180 T. • • It
4,Z21I)I)1,11 '2II4.I):IIAItAESS IVAIi
/0 INO. The subscriber eentiiitles te,flarry co the
above Invilama, In all Its varianabsilmileo.i l 'l'"th ih us •
oyar street, earliale;two doors bortll of Leoßtu d'S cored
vhertcheAntantialteeping-on-liand - wgonerai - assortment .
In his lino, conSiatlng of all kilillti of fashionable BAD.
.., ' = '.. DLLS, Bridlea, 3lartingalos, .111, ths,
\ .7, eireinglesand Ilaltins,aholl:lll.lMirS,
~,, 5 "1v....,\N1,' traVellogund saddle aysrai•-•,-.., ; .,
r• .a...•„ V, \\ 4 hags. Ile also man- ,'"g, 4 ' ~ ...-±21.,
. '"\'' 't l u „ l" :l ' :l!a u v r e ‘ XS i t! ' ::4l lu sit 7 414 ., 13 1)
1, :...
B . c s oo liiiii: ,,,
,:...' i i:
I n
o i t t a iii .s i, ,
s ak i
s lt i, s i •
.: ef t.
~ I y d l l; IIE
. . '. will do well to call and see them. Ile
' : ' Al • olio tilanillbetures Harness, Bridles,
- Collars nip Whips in 011 their Verio-
Hee, and confidently believes from the general einiroba
then of his customers, that - ha ,makes. the neateat and
best gears, in all their 'variety of bredth. that Is made In
the country. ...11e also makes all hinds of 3latrasSes to
4 .err.viev---Straw r ituak—esscled Haig-And...iquilliatut
rouses.-- All the above articles ,will he. made of the hest
material ®ltd workumublalp, and with; the utmost deal
patch.. . . . . WM. 0813010,:.
p R F
Tim subscriber at ale old stand on North Hanover at.,
efirthile, the sign or ow "Mammoth htod Coffee Pot," de-
Iron to rail the attention of the 1)01,110 to ills large
.ortniopt pf 5T05 . 114.4, of the newest and most fa...llionn.'.
bin styles, hem the host umit
yrlirs ullnforieshit the
71 1 ; »g his 'l?A a l 1 1. rE s
with other patterns which be has Of all Sloes
for Parlors or chain bots,and calculated for burning either
wood or real. Also; the .3.ltna, °lobo, Astor, Alhuny,
! Flat-top and Dandliox or Poor lAlan's, with other COOK-
IND STOVES,. embprising the latest . Improvements. Iu
kitelien.stoves. aml intemb.d for either wood or rout,—
the Inning Bonin Cooking Stove—it now and ,'le-!
gant article. ti, Which be ittyltes the particular atten
tion of families. Ills ewking stoses,range in price from
$l. to 25, with the fixtores'oomplote. Also, Nine Plate
I EA - . yes of in rlousnatterns and different prices.
;Also, LINA:II hIbLED AND trms WARE . for Cook;
,nag Stores, Wass Kettles , . ,to, Also, every hatch. in the
•Ilne of 'fin and Copper W'ueo. The. puhllr. are
fully invited to cal has lie is rind - Omit with liis large
stock. Variety anal cheapness. of being able to give ou
tire,satisilietiou to
1;j11'.1!', It S Ll
Is:ITURE Itil(ms;
I ‘ . . OW oil hand a large ilraortment of
nhij Itl/I:NITUBE CliAllt S
Wahl tlt and 7.lahogauy Dre,.sing 1ipr0.0.., with mar.
Lle taps.
• /1111111:stalids.
IValamt What Not. and li . nrilmbes.
313110;41.1y111111 M . /11111a 'Palle,: of all FIZOS. -
French liedsteatiF, /41111 tit !Ell
P111 . 1 ,, r and Tim:king Chair , '. with velVet ur
haircloth heats and "
Mallogauy And AV:anal, ellairs with hairekili ay 'vane
beats . .--• . .
Plain Chain: of all kinds.
)44.1\ I ilk 'tow /11111 (111:4:111t .isortioollt,at, 12
it Itolll/ 41 101 t 111,1/ IJSIVI,1!), of
- • •
Alay '27 11,7
..?•%:, GAS LTl'l N(I JIIN I) • 11,U1\113.
!NU'., The untlersirla:4l eonlrl'i+i I'll vii Lilo
4 ' 4 eitfie'llieof Carlihle Ilatt, hit !ma
meet:, ta tla(f.Ar; M.\ atn:lt)it uo
lid oil tol':ll..._.ll.lllo;.,enunged4-I.3.Fer
rives or a first rale halal trma L'hibuirlPlll. Mat litLc step
plied biliirrit 10111 nil arriat)lienrof 1.1 Xl'
I 13 Oil enable Ilillr t o fill “111,07,01.:: pmjt.ppy
All wpric will I.e 61'
.will he round lu , thilTlll.lll 1014itg Lid Ti1311)1IF
1,4201110;111011. 011 N l / 1 1,11 n111101,4'
TiNNINn. grouTING. nl,f•
forttlFlt. or rtiake, to'ortior.. every :n-11,1g,(if :PI NA . Ait E
usvil - by flonsvlWejoirt , ;tritl•otlon, IN Kill nlAo
to VI:.
. . . 2. . •
Thanketirfi'i• thn introloge filth l yldrli hr
Itt , tat fonortql,,lto Oiftllln:t4, of
tho mate, - •
• Iflflkitoll- M61111113'7 --
rit•ittio. Anne 14, • . • .
. .
f cliEA'S
, j;iQuip li,
hluet ti.rut 110 , 111,11r.i., Arlrl.l,
111111 UMW, s m•psf.+i!(r 111 Other
11111Vii11ov, •11:1:413 or'
cet,Aolt. vvrr I;italn, : . • • •
,Adheslvi , 1.11 paper, (.14;th; leather, fllrnitgri,..p.rev.
lulu. eltli,:tolatrl,lo, Or Irlas.4. . • .
1401 - 111!Illtlftirt111141;. , Elmo' Artielvs. it hag
any. ber known artlrle, hut.-11111eres 311oro. 41x1r,1,1y.
Irvn'ius Do stall, ,vllero it,, pat ta'Arii:i.../11011.
iVIIIIIII !Ito last 1 hri, oars. qt AVLIA . IIn q251),(11i1 bi.t.
1;b:s thi•-.3,11,t cylell.,t,il 1,191
'tll, ‘,.1.1y1.14ir1,11•1,1,111,11'it
.411411;. 11,oir . , 0 0" Ito 'it: 1P 111 , 111:11.11
11141:1114 . 111:1111 11.11•011, It. et -tAics. Silll
enit In low t avlotowleilgokt L e v all it.
that . .. 1,1 toveltg are Cr 81, .‘e
1 ,,1 to Ow •
. 4ra•Thit.l:l,&l: In extensively v o initerf,4, l ,l.ohForv.:._
•• Melt va'S etkkhrnied Liquit) Oltre,Ltbollrea't
A(lll,lil'i,'"l'a6o , no 01111,r, • . .
'l' V ENTY-FIVI: CIiNTS A 1101.71. M.
Manuractur.ol'antl 1•111c1.1Y,1,01,,,a10 alit if o tali,
• - WA]. Il‘.l:l:.l,Statlf.fler.,
• No, till' et„
ioclltt.movtitspliarthi tu pn'rmind drshqu
111.Solling • • . •
ept • •
• .
v f.; 1.; )1.; I '()8
. . •
. .
. Sh
• wt. . . • . I .thlS Mt,
tir.tecy, Vottlii1111; - ~ •
, 1111
C. tjw tl. .10.1 1. ravoy,• • . •
.I mt Al•ro{0.1 , 1 ; rivrt , , • •
Ibligh'V, • •
.Lihn II 111111.
• • . .I.•hti It. 1.1,AM:. . '
'ILL% lin,non,:, if 'NO
tir.Arti,) !AIM . 111,11arra (II do A gent• Nil Valian t
Itti,;iivr, li arld 114T:11 oi.
and 1 0 ,141:1 - t- - 1; uu th : thajal
s it 11,-111
11, , mi .4tot,tine, 3 peictlit.. I•vr ; For .1
nth/. 1.4.t1tt e( tit. peeo.;:tutli):
coflectetcht ;my Fait . .! ... oje toiled
. .
l'Artnet, 11”1.11.111irs,' mut - 1111.6.t1ivrtt.t1..5111p!, ,- n MIS.
.11,11..,Q,f 1 / 1 . (twit. 1111,1,V. nit 1 . 1 .31" amt. Hy.
I,t thin Itt.”l. (II 11.01. t. 10 .t Lr
I.! Dirk ,e 1 oral etattles lin r ill. 1116 % 4;1114M, art
1.1• Iv. , • .
11,111.111 q in 3lttrit ; , :m, I rn•
111111, 9•A ti :t1; - • •
• • • 'JOHN I'.lllll l AllB.
lure 17, IS:o7.—;lni.t: Cositior.
11.1. , •1$0111 1111 ' ,N131.tN,
4011, '
hull :ALI:LETT;
Is Atilt' folly 1 , 1 . t . Fat . u.1 to do a' genen it
iptoinktitons :ind f. , 11.11ty.
:\lotley tloT,lt sun I , aiyl Lack On denn ad
ltittoest pall on, opt lal
i],..tles ni il.l..sit 1.. string .t I , t itlc tal.rof Lip
vont. will la, I,ued for As Malt a !writ,' :10 :OM'
I,ltero,t vit all. co'. Ilfa . att,s will rinse tati ,
unit), that if Paid nOLLiliritt O are
awAvoi at :icy time 110,311er JILL
•ii. thou rh.lll 1.1.11 e the wtilt, rat. nil {lilt eyst. tip LOUIC
:"1:1‘1. PArtteUliii . --ntiOii Ell /II POW i. 1114
1111e1', ' IitlkiLS, ehrrl,i. 4.,„ lit any pait. of the
t nd.iin ilty orO4nuttw4.,•
• Itvulitmweg..wideto•Eurlunll. )reload, Con fl
noiat. 'Vito ttitliftil, and eto.lldeittial 1,1 elltioll of all
ontvut;t.,l 1.6 111195.Diav I upon;
0111 Um atti•oti,in ofFarttl , l,sl,ll;i4ileg and
^4f, rhvr, s,tf, d..p..shory ipr
1,, the tioillll.ll , lo !ILO, flit , proprirtilts
. 1
to tlAt• extent esfotes ful
and fdlo . r . übllwitiona
tVitt.ikm Ern,.
to rs:soit ly
iltFetly former :Snot!, 11 rut
Sticl‘t, fire doors earl ill •,t all t lows ttl npy in-
It)riii.ltiituilo..lrod i t re.;ard to motley ouitters ill {;nnc
At IIIIYI.Y1"113
4.l;iint f•,l' hasinessTrolti 7 Welt:el:ln the tnornit4 quill
4:n 3 In the o nning. , •
'• : ''•
2 . A. liT1.111(llig!,/,'011giller.
11;fle., Al;t3: 0. /n 7.,
I r l lltH . INSUR E
iCANky,c. 'I PANT of CpwiTrlaoll cuuctp. Ineorp,
rated by an Het of Assonlbly, is How Pllly - orgatui,d,s,ud
lit'ojwrat lon under tho maimgenrp.t ut thu fulluwiug
tnamqlPgl , .ilers, VIZ
)11111a IL Uorgan",•3liellael"roeldln,
M'Onitoir nu. m In, Chrbitlait ynian, John Dq v
ef,c,a, 4.Couver, 141,15. llynr, Ildnry Logan'. Book'.
unit IL. Mussel, Mumna„, Jo,:aph Wieliertanno.
wiantlto Cattunil..
lnpuraneu are its low and favoraLn; an any
Compaly of tini kind in the E tato. Perk..o wlinilng to
bacomnnioutturt:arOlnyitnd to Maki, applicatitti to thu
intonts nfttle "con tiny, who ire willing to wait 1111011
tea any time,
BEND. IL MOSSER, l'eusldent.
HENRY-LOC/AN, Vivo Presldent.
LEWIS lIYER, Sootelar'y.
M ICIIA COCICLIN, Tre.,sc.rer,
• 1131111111 LAND COBV.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum
holland; 0. IL Holman, itingxtowo Henry %caring-
Shiroomostrinin ; -Charles ; p r . J. Aid
churetnnwii; l lStuottol Graham, Went Penenboronuh
Jamm4 newel. Fra ok ford ; ..310do 0 riff MI, nth 51111
dlotoo; 1 1 noinel Coat Or, 11011.18111111 rem! iek, 51oelinit
Inshunt; .lolm Shorricli, Lisburn; Park' Cotner, Shop
herdsto,,wll.- • . . • . -
VdttN (.I:SIIN•PY.--.loliti Bowman. hillsburirt.l'oter
- Wolf Franklin; JlHr Smith. 1P,1.. Ilhahingten;
S; Picking,. three; J. sr. Croft, l'aradisg„... •
11.5.11111SIttlit(1.-Alotmer it Lerhotan.
'llloinhors of the compad'y Inning polletel abOut to (ix
nireairn have 4pdhy u. pin atter
- pay of tho
.N - 011011. --Notice , hereby -- given ;
thnt application will be made to-the next .Legle.
laure ot• roonny Irani., to alter thu charter of the,Car
ilido Mnrisit Bank, located In' the borough Of (arlbdc,
thimberland county, vine to confer upon pitld honk the, ,
right. and privileges of n bank" of Woe. hind to change
Its lumo to tint. Carlinlo Ilank.. Also, to Increase tho.
capital of Gull bank (which to at proxonf seventY.twp
thousand dollnru )with the prlvllogo of inci caning. Ibo
same undgr Its present. One Hundred Thou
sandliollars) to Three , lluudrod Thotwand Dollars..l •
, ,
W. 51. 1.111111111151, Caohint.,,
,111aill.le Ju1y.1, '18f.7.-41m. • * L. "
.12,,r,g!,,;-. I RIME TIMOTIIY:AND
11E110CilASS $ OrcLnPU 01/IFS Seed,
i• Wien ltyo 011139, American and
1 awn Crass, Kentucky Blue Glass, kr.,
Bala at
implement VA R eed Store, 7th and Market streets,
!itf :tUCIIt cnlritt9,
. • 11ANO FORTES. - r '
I,LTA3r liNAllE,'Seitior partner of the Into firm
'ofllpntu, Weide 'rots tin tit s the luau Whet tun and
the name of 11'1 31. - KNAISE A CO., 'at the old
stand, - Nos. 1. 3, a cold'; North Eutaw shrt'et, oppOate
the Etna, - House. Baltimore, . •
Thankful fin- the estensire patronage received by the
Into firm for the last fifteen 3 roar„l respectfully beg
lea'veto intornt the public. that slitce the death of GM
of toy partners, Mr. lienry Cagily, by 'which the part.
nership' was disci veil, 1 have purchased the entire
large stock_ el unfinished-Fianes,
_lumber. and.nther
- ” prepared netterlaNT.omi,gink to theehf lea /ill. I,l[ol
there - time chhtion4 the busluess at 1111, old' stet d as
alsti , r, and will endeavor not ohly to sustain the well
established reputation of the into firm, lint to excel
all former efforts In perfecting the Plano Forte.
:Mee the dissolution of the into firm, 1 inn unmet.-
turi4r, Pianos In,, it new and touch improved Oale.—
• The first Instrument finished =online. to the 111111 .
held Ociuber,llift - Whiell IC took the •Idgliest
honors of the Institution; having been awarded the
4 Ovid Medal Premium." over (ho unusual coin petition
of foitrleen Pianos, exhibited IT sente'ol , the best um
,hers of Boston; New - York Mid Bnittamro.
.At the Auptuil itulustlnl Exhibitions, Iteld In Or.
111MIltiii October, 1036, by the 31e, 'mt.,' I esti
tete of llichntend, Virginia, my Pianos were also awn, tb
eethe II glieFt Free:lmes. . .
Again. at the late Pair of the 'Maryland Institute,
held oeteller, IS3II, atter ti•tlio. - ough and au un
u-Sually .protne.ted vrt-tigation.od - the merits of the
,_eigideen Instruments on exhibition, 1,0111 the most
. colt:twtted tamer in's of Millie/ire, York, and limit
ton, fly Photos were maim; an - At-dell the highest honors
, or limo ho.auilloo. 11;4 having reerived the "110141
Medal Certilleate,"- an honor only adjudged to articles
-of such super', MCI it as to defy
. rokopotitio'n for two
'..•,•0,04 elf years.
Also, at the Thild i olmitjlirni of the 'Metropolitan.
• Met:baffle's Institute. held to Winhlngton, Wl> March
, 1831, they were once more anal tied theOllghest hon
MS. •
W11111'00:0,1 to the qualities toriny pianos. I confl
chnitly'ref, lo 1110 1 0011nionials I :on couPtAntly
(Tiring from l'it.feFsdr . s ntlll .%113110111r: sliest:log fur
them:wives nul nth:m , .of the high opprel•istion ill
.01 11,•11 my Inslrunietits lire always Indd, and whltletin
' In.seen st toy IVarerorans. • And this Is Lite .100 . 1. 1111,1
Most reltal,le Itssouttout 1 oul oiler In rust.'aner, tipsy
•, ' front my 0101 luens lodge 0i his Instruments. that In
purchasing at nty estaidistintont, Juisranteed ,
--- I,l,Friir,l7 - 1! - Fii,71.37.71ji nut sujuulor, to {sly
tifii - dilit eouotry,
• • All Maims hlllll at sic roll tro ll
bully so e•mstru , t, I as 10 notion, great additional
strou.l 11.,‘ ,ill.,ting 111001,01', and therefore will
any plimato.
rhinos made to "rally limo! or woo4,•and
• ;toy style of finish timt may be desired:-
'lite ;11'00001 rar,io bertowoil 14;101 sly soot*, nod the
selection of the best no11.011o1s; nud elery 111011111110111,
turned nut of lay illetery can Chet - Prot übe folly rnt •
ranted us possessing till the qualities retittisite foi•
• good Plajm.
All instruments of lily unninfael ors are Ibis guaran
teed fir tit e,”vorN from 1110 dm. of edu
Is the seleetlOn
rutoent' , db.latit ot.huo, sod It' NOVI. or. 01.
y time within riX 1.011111, to nl.
th, 113 y of No10,,, , •111,1111.1 soclt 20011.111001a1011 give ontlr,o,
• -
• 11 . 1-I111•11.1,111: / 1 1'.1.111 , WllllOO If, 0 their
• a'.o'l o .uive otos ion' •
tt 11011 a tie ossortlnetit of SELO.
DE, iN,.. o f the best lush t,. nl ts hes 0:32.110-
0,1111 ~1110,10 .nut .0040 0000—.1,01 also wi,ll. •11/01110
1•0, I,OIIIIIS and p.:, won 1141111111,1 fir 1110 1100 of 01111111
PIA tUF, exelotopol, hired, 1/0111111.01.,
'The Pillowing lenittiooinls from two 1.1 . the most Nal
" loUtt Mott - sin to the woiftl: will show-how my. Instrit
•liientS m r Approoliatol no.: a 1.. - rout Pertiolooo. 0101
-.--101y0-111111oppol 1,111,111101 tenLifig the Lest-Pilules or
,Ettropt. mkt )1.1110r1rit:
" Dal thsore:
Pear :qv: I lot,' errat 'pleasure 11l reidift 1111 X Eliot I
I'G 11'1011 your FllllOl.O 1141t1's, ontrlll.lllioo I.l'lllol, it
not sup, lor to soy lo (Ills emit, ter. Ationt, their gnat
which dhtlogolsit theht. is IlitF , eveliess of
tone, the a., - even 'touch. sod 3.,1t00e If
g s
tone. , %.,tt
,Llie..son•ces4 you No 111,011) . 00-
Nl'il'o i,iuli. Ytatri.sery-truly,
ltsAisiere, De, iii, It3li.' , 'i'll.l 1,11
& Balt rc,•
I,llintlrinint me to to pri•s, henry fill my
i•liici•re iit•i• 014 Ft (bawl intil Square Halms
tin 1.10.11,11 I 'Mit.°
rorurto ,uy ouo nlls 1 4 . :11111 , II lint riici.g.l1111:110 you
or. tin; voll
enitthltaly ivaLr mi yo ur indons. in 105 °yin
lon. laid. '111,11,, s svry 1.0:4 !his isountry•r,
- Firi l niti•nin•c•• ; t7 :ma prosperity,
uefit ily. . I 11.1111:1111 juUit, lore tinily,.
Joly 41tAICOSCII. -
ms..,i ~,•
... '.•': 4 r.,:, '
.ii Tor ,r:4'.‘ ;''-'' ‘" r i fl - 7
~,,:,,,,.,rl.l ',. ~ r ~, ~ 1104
~} r ;I!, ,\ r'• .rIF
_ ---,4
~, 4- ' 61. 4.,
.., I t o I • y,*l r 4- -
=.41- c r f,f - n i niir,-
• c 7 -. '. '-'d Ilr.' "3 11 ill I ' ' 4“ ''' , ri
, ";-7.-Lr i.',11;[f1V1,..t.r:1+4.,..11.v---74-..----T,Ti •..
i R
t [....1 -- ,-Etiu:ll ,A,i , , , - 7 ,, i' , -„
k,i,)-.1.1i i0 , : f ~:%
---7,-;!L_WQA.,4I.:I,I 4 III, MI? , ri.i I :IA
:,-<k ~N
3, , T5.- ,:• - 7 ,r*,41
t ,01...._.„.... - .4., - .
•_O. I. BUSH'S
c c Alif9l)enll '.llOU5t,
•linrlsrt b 6, Abovolkt h,
• 4 1 B`l'A U'IT 1.1.11i1.'!11"S
:old “rt IL.,
1':0,11 t•h, No. tw t4io,
conli:Col'il wit
lLdd I.t.ver.llatvlieN, fit:l jut tiled, IS earat
.24 00
12 00
Gold 1141114 ISZMIN.
: 4 11v, I,over:lttil.iwA oiled,
811ver I.eiriue. jt, L ds, '
•Supt•riot. Quart 1i.0..; .. .
' t4.1,i 011e.1•t:14.1 0 :,.. 7 On
, ,
- 4 toll.
Fillo Silg.l..i, • . . -
. rail 111 . 01.1411.1 S;, . - ... . . . ii )/0
14olie,' IlintlJ'etrilN, - . 2 In
::nllOl . Tl• 4 : 1 141 , :n n. yet... , . 5 On
(1.4.1 line, midi innhil nun slivrr, )It)lder, 'l, 00
Mad lingo,. Itinps 11 . 41441 tOns.n.s; 2.i.x.. All wo.t
mal . r.inkti to lea Islnit, t !Kt.,' :um .111.1 lor. • ' '
, ;,T.'t I. * 14E11 ,t . . 11.11:1, El
Stteve,nor oq' 6.
d 4.1 , 11, el , Levers and Lori,
st 1;4 I.wer d r ill the above Niel,.
roll E . LOl`ni . : :.l. Oll AIR • . ANI
:FUItNITURI: 11, , 1 . A12,1:9111ENT IN •
.BALTI3i Olt E. • ,
~..... • - • , . .
. .
Mathiot's fhty Street .Ware-rooms
Sheit.. dear Foie(le,..
• —l3;,
W.lttatmla Reid always on hand. Or made In order, ova
ry Ftl le of French In Hair
land ho or Brood ell, '
- Fiaoteli Folictulfand Meihilllon, Parlor ARM MAWS
In Plush. Hair, Cloth, dr BrOratolle.
Crooch Pull'Sturf Carved PARIAH: CHAIRS, lu sets
Nosh. Hain or llnantollo.
S.WAS half Fronch Mah,any and Walnut. Varier
CHAIRS, in Hair. l 91•01 or
RoCRI 'Ol CHAlRS—various designs, In Hair, Cloth
St tiff S,prin LOUNIIE,S.:.--a large naorkilent alnays
on hand. or any pattern made or Covered with any
gnnin order.
Ch AMBE Walnut, complete, fron
CAN and do.—the largest assort
umut readydiralo in the United Iftates—fßn s.l:l'a do
zen up.
!hum, Olney and Dininc CHAIRS, n Onlc , WM..
091 With OW, Wood or :Antr.A ,Srats—
all 11 , sorlInent einbrilang over f 0 dozen.
Wood Seat CAIAIIIS and SI:11:1E6 and ROCKING
CHAIRS--Over 101 l '
roadlor Cods. Hair and Hirt Mattresses of every va.
rhil v. Also, all I,inds ne Hilt and Plain Frames far
laouking (Ilacsec, ae.
A. MATH' OT, 25 North (lax Stroot,.
.Tro:r 1(1.1857. :Near Flyol to street.
Ci (..) (.1 N 'P E 11 ell ANTSI
The .Itllst Itarvest,of 15,7 has arrit od,
And Upon 091 1.0 nutku 1110,1Uy: phase customers
and ',lye rattv,nslng.aents ho norhe one, two
turd oven flair hundred dollars pop t000llt) front sup
, plying the uo,.lls'ist )IJII.I. unru anti t, , tIIsLY .wltlelt putt
ought to sell, you rondo It by sending tau dollars for
a satuplahoi; containing sit of I'ron'ed A pplullettrors
(ttiOntal already 601011nd Pitn VS Apple Sliver, (a now
',l and use thousand'. printed strettlarel -to dhitrl
,,, bide iu your town or county. Its so ditty 011 Will
1.11141 . 110 ([OlOllO luntderlog and ',ening at a very largo
pr CV ten. ,tvp alp. or open a hundred dor.on machines
during the sotsotu.
• IlltATI"8" A ivas patented In 185:I.'
' loose head or lotife inrrley so arranged as. fa
r..sullly ttejust lisell tat the Inequalltles . of tho NUITIIVO
-of apples.' sr other fruit, the worth qualities 01 - which. ,
have-proved xll aSeei pent and advantageous to the cone; 1
Inanity, that the inatinfleturers, •AleslyAFargent h I! eater, have thready loon salted 611 to inure
than half a million tonoltioeS. .
ITAl'f'S APPLE Sttft'Llt,' tondo to 11.:9)Inpany tho
rarer. was ll:lleum,' I o 1040. It Is a small neatly (spi t
titru,ted maidtlne, AM Ulm its otnipabitbi,
(loos nrs,t. I.KVIIiIO II t. work, swim... to abiout Aso tasswols
°deb 'Tidotofirenty•t wood parts, Irds w 11.11,
Out 11 • 11:5111, oily tunogll C 4 ,11.1. t 6 - lu+ 11'11101'0a. A child
can crudity comic eltbor; Parer or tqker.ut n spoed of
about three bushels, 1101 boor, ': ••. •• '
dtti'VO:ll All ordors by
mall or otltorwlio should, to moot prompt (ablution, Ito'
Oddresmi to, , Pt. L. PRA'll', -
Bay 9414. ' .617.S.antiolp
c~ irnittzrnl.
ef.-7,11:-:_tive:e....r.;,_f3,:„.4,' •
: 7 1
North Street, east of Glass'.illlptel
The subseribur would respertfully intbrin }ho pall:,
in goneral taut Ito is now mop:Crud to fonnulacture
oil Muds or _Agricull urn! linpletuenth: su,li ns novel
(leer, Ft•ur lloi . se Power, Horizontal Geer, Four mud
'Putt 'lmre Power, also the lalist Improved Tailuay
Chain liorse Power and Orel shut Thesbers with &para.
tot , atitadoni.
• invites pa rtionlar attekion to Ego i,'"Patept
ver Huller ntul Clutner. This noodline will hull and
clean from three to sl4 , bushels pet hour, and is consi
dered decidedly. the host now In use.
„ Also: Corn Sheilers.for hand tar Horse .power.' St
and !quitter Cutlets. Ploughs, Harrows. Cultivato
/(rain Fairs, Circular Sawn,',4,.;&,e;
Ito will alon furnish to ardor •
of evory Fne/4 its Tresbin;.;
Cornslteller..(.'ellar Grates, Furls 1Volgill8; niso,,
lionntlfully designed Railing . fur Cemetery Loin, Endo
Promptly otettottltol to for Reaping, Mowing and Tritrli
qnd ult kinds ut AgriroltattaL l'uttelo
1110111, ' •
~.nid j . , 519,.f p nr 10,
Y. Carlisle Foundry,
---__ ,
d -
7-I_ : Z < . - ® 7-7:
,):- _;,7i
4 11 %-
: 4 1
~- 01 g 1
M 1„ ;1, ~
A-. 4. :0=„ ~
OAR -A . :4 FACTOIrcr.
Eatt Main Street, CARLISLE..
. This extanrivn ostahli,htnent is flair in C64111;1.40 or_
der-and hupplied with the heti An:whine; r for eNeeul iue
work in ulery trt•nont. Thu intrialitas hire •iiiso
ht,t.ll And ' , lnched Atillh tle
~event 11111,1 )11Mit ingnoreci tom's fur illy numulneture
.F 4 AM 1:5. 8.1 Sit,
Shnt.te - rs, Itlhajw, Ihrtehf.t.: and all otta
hinds of o.lrpoater, ,a• 6,1._ We nriiTa — Whilam.a.
pent..ra and others to roll and axranina our ta•il it iow I 7
,1 "jog thh.' damTih9 , .. 01 it 1.1,' The hest )lalialal
asetraml Mire? , ew 19W:root anyot her establ ishmon t
ttio County or
and repaired a , tiorotoibrn.•'nos linen boon rooon
bnitt•ror IV. ilonderHns 11l this lonbogl
11. IWyson & Cu. .then veer
SiliDW ‘VaZei, .N . orth and otor.
at WllO , O t4O H
.11sinnent wy I c I: ,s4sorin dolly ul
erntion. fool to whom AI a 011) rover for ovblOnvo vl tl.ll
. ..
•oroviiry rlesoriptlon:'frinil tip, ,vyi . lii..,t 4., 11, he,yvi,.,t .
I.loeo, eNerote4 at *,,Wo t nr,tfjo for overy 1,11.1.11 r om
l'ilinery• A hove,Nuriotynri'mill eart),(1;;; 11 . 11 W len Itnuil
1 n
.; Akinflif ,hitt..., imiLo, vonst..iltts cloploye.l.
It EI'ANI NO promptiv attended toNlor I'mpr )1111r
Dr,/ m or i o , itrkt 3iltli:', l' - .' Ti11,111l: 11011
9trall-TFill - Frilltill.. - A,tittl , e-ii , tillo Wel my le: •
surly us Ilu,il thy.. Vow llOreo PosvOis.• 10111;0ot:1P
(fear Four mol T.° llio.': 'Powure, l:oro : , 1e110r.,.
r u p ; h ors , J r ,. Itillh-re... 1 . 1,01,11.c0,ti0pg. awl . ot PM . to ,
— th.ll,l for fro r inpiA ! 'on lototl'io. promptly made Word,
• 11111t1)(IS !WILT. • •••
nod reptt:retl.' Our fra:ilitios tor liolldiog cortt are too
Moire ,otripletit than Itertitotoie ittitt • enahlt, uv 1,, Air
r 1,4111149, 0 t.r.thilitit trrs. 111 tlirl , ll road tin :Loom°
ilatiog toms , onit 11141i1.1,r the lof ut.itorialtr. Order.
holl , ll.oii 111,1 VIA 111,31111:11 . ti , .1! ,11:11.:Itol,
Th(11011'4 il:114 . 1 , 411 Ihn I.OfllllN. Of SelUtl
ittirttotr of, th. fittin,:til Lisa iioroldrtoto, or our ion
•eltiotti)Jit iivery hilotrit 1 lot onlatilisliiitiot marrtot
Um IL agsoriti.: the loot why!. td'LII Mot thvor A.
la theivo.le.,.. The ,Iltillll.l ittrVrontrzti or our oh
rriorttl;i 01141 the rjiltic
- 1113. 20. ':,7 V. (Lilt 1:1:
Ell' AG RIGULT-1 7 1t.11. 'WARE
• •., unmis.
lovatca ti I a , onient I.i . t.lO Mahn
(114 Cilll.ll. 01111t.itl• tho hopot. to 11111{ . rc
relvlogTh 100 - 10ty 011:01010g 1101.1010.1,, naoh as
. 114.011%,.
(CEA IN P 111111.":!,
I:NI 1:011.1:ItS.
Corn and Can (tn (t , ',..tra .Nant.l Ito (N.t.Nadd
Grain )10%%
(Ilann.",, with Baud $ Improltanent.) :-trats Cautet
&.s., :01 , 1 clad,as 01 tLu nu st itupsti, tut kind tit t
nto htitut-liiit. :out will 1,, ,ul,l ull thoutust ttennttud,
ling terms.- •It'attmers usu. tt:spet-tfully tut ittAl to toll
and to,ottlito nontre pureltat•lttg
11')_ I', the ee.nreolance Of fauners, 31..11 , 4 Patent
Itr:dn it In uttl I,I,,ILLat :..liirein:lostnlvn t•y Beni:mat
0,0-. at It :11 :thipp. , ,ltillg - by l'Lt(siim• Long.
, A uglirl. :20, IS: 16.-Iy. •
T.J. 1111 A 11.1:11, 3. 1,..7t1r1111WE1.1
RA 11A M, MA2DU L S: ,
1 1 1; 11,1, boy ,• sell, and locate lauds in
Nebt-,lt.t 1.,‘"
tt . ,teL.ll hads. i, al. an.l
Money. Int. .! 4...Ln. sine inl..rointiot. lesCeetiit.
the voUntry. mot ;I ;00..ral
I:I•.CER F.) I'i.S.
ILlri. 11. i tour, Ent.4 r,•
11.1..1. 11.
Illoono.all llntake:s.
\ VIII. )1. 11.,.11•r50n.
11,1147:1 , 1,1, Pa.
11 . ..101111 .X. N0.1 . 111e, Ca.
S. C010..t0, •
E. 1%. Clan It .) Co.. llaoa, 1.1111:olelpida,
Iron:Alb Imo! Co. II
Itoory 114•Invoi &Soo, Mei...hoot, 141111p:ore:
I.:. 1,. 135,50. Casliiin. Mintlailt• Bank. NeW York
SllYtier 4V. )ITalllno. Kehl Estate Ageuts, )111locapoli.
Sllone,, , ta Territory.
'll'lll. It il,oro, .Ittt racy mid Ecal I:state Agenl.
Steeling. 111
11. 11. Mow,. 1:y 1.. 11.`ill'Y CRY. 111.
E5.011V.,114,1.1.11 !Zit tivr. loud county, Pa. •
It. IV. l'lrch Cu.; Paul, ro.
Guy, l'ollotit, II.mi.1.111:4 ; Pa.
IS, 1857.-Iy. _
i l l Alt:\ I .E LOOK II 1';11E
Tit) sui crii er nnendro s to intlernit nrmen snood theind,
lie tneerranic Hist he nos has on balid /1111 i 1g OM
taillir 31.•1/111t•S With Pier
veil's . Patent, n'lntyinr. geneyelly,ncknon
Lo I 0 tin, tot 1101 V In tire.. Als.l vsn'iet.
cif Impro‘tel Hollens. Corn Slinnlions. :draw Cron
tens sod I inddn • s Celt trnntent Plow. Ho :dee stio,nds
the ilninairine.; .ktn. Lull, mei Arclducny In the Lesi
mannyr :nut Oir rem, hle terms. 3lntonniset. r 3 of
Sortlellannover t:Ito I. directly inn) the "ri sitliotto
of t:ot
Ip ilD
t; WA REI It DWAlih !
are now receiving their Fall Stoell,of Hindman. whirl.
is ,Intusually large. soil eonne,loil with their thi
iner t i ravy ..nett mattes it elle or the Inty, dr and 111,4
varied thsortments over offered to thin toil lie. They
-have every thing flu t — flor lOwnter, the Builder, the
Merchant tor t tatty want in their tin., and
which they are etril Ile!: at the very lowot Thos
itolleit a nail hobo tin; piddle hetitre nothing their lid,
eltates. as they fool confident they edit otter indureinenlu
that will rewind 'the bat. or tr the trundle.
Feeling thantaul to a .011 rout. piddle for their limner
Ilhvr.iltettronage. a gonna native rd' the suture it hollelled
at our olitstand ha Noah Hanover St met. '
TO CA Itl'E NT EltS, A 101 E It S
A\l) 111:11,1)1:11.S.
The hither. 113,a would resectftilly mknounee tin the
public, they or, now preintred to furnish the
lowing lil`Seliheil ai I'lrd, Common
Pa.inl Plan,:tu I 11 , ards of all tlikneFs : COM
-111,3 ihtoll; ilendoeh Joke
and ecantllnv. of all 517,014 and lengthy; NVliite Pine and
Yellow' Pine Flooring, worked; 311 Mods Poling and
Plasterin, Laths: Pint and Cyprus Shingles of all qua•
Mks; l 4 isim.llng, both and ~!ping, and l'enchig
llontds :11 fvet. 'Aug. All timbers .Wed to crier, by
leaving their 1 ilk. of 311 few:tin: and sines. (pine. oak,
or hemlock.) Dash . Doors. 1:1huls and :Iloultling*tenly
Co' too, above will he furnished' on the must
xaunlilo terns, inal at the shortest notice. •
4-''- .113ve conFeantly on hand M
r,s keits Va '
l.ey,.Sbort.lountaln, Tr a.
,evorion, L
oust 3inuntaln. rqtribury. Willsosbarro,
'and the Pri , ad.,Top Ito iliack,inlths; all of 'whichw o
will del Ivor . r :toy Part of line town as low' sit can be
•lonialli at ' ,My yard in tine twvu I,ls. sash nullity
produce. Coal all ro rereened and 1.1,11ver,11 rlehn , Ily
stylel attention to business, no bopmto reeelle rr liberal
share of public patronngo.
You will hind nar 1 . 111.41 In tine eastern end of the be.
rough. opplel te the (las Worts. I rar onkel] ereafter will
be ,opt op 101011 e I:01110 db Brothers stare, in tine Mike
now occupied by 'S'irtilre Smith. All orders loft. at the
°lnce or at either oilhe sir tireriberh' residences, on NVost
romfret street, or at - knot 'fitl6et, will be p'runiptly at
tended to
Curllslo, Juno i1,1F57
At 116N . 17 S IlltO'S. Cheap Stare.
Noo Style Ali Wool Deleines- 7 -Just reeelv'ed
. .
' At II PINTY. klt ItryS:, opposltO tlio Post Of!coo:
Plain awl nigh cohl,:ed tnlln . Itor•ItIr Shawls—Just re,
colVed • '' At , .t !MO'S. Cl onp Store.'
, .
Num' fliylo Drcee 064:ids—Pu11 do CllO vro Ataluntiong. , —.)uot.-
recoiredrit<.' BENTZ & 011u'S.,
; 'rept:9, HIM OPpoidte the Poat Mc*. .
rf TE /).3, E . i\ (.; Y
1 Now orEN
/Id—llritil- - Quarters
er street. dm log slid :•.om , Year's
Wes, m.
1/110 of the largest asgortoolita of •-
1:11071lf COI\
liver, (droved this plare, romnlsting In
of Fine
Toys Frolls. Jelly Cakes. Eon Itons. thin,
Cliovidale and Fruit limps, Hose, Vaullis, rind Burn%
Almonds, French and exploilluesSeeitAs Le. Also all
.443 common varie ./ lot5 :1 ,
. . H`UTs
of - tho latesi.lutpottatittmlknrit - as (hinges, Lemons,
Raisins, Figs, Pruens, soft and paper
shelled Almonds, 'Filberts, Crum, Cocoa, end Ground
Nuts. litionneetion with the ahove an extensive me.
of every quality and price, consisting. in part of Floe.
Wits, kid, chine, er.) log and-other Dolls. liefelog and
Card Ilasliets. Fancy Doxee, ?looter 31Otto Cups,
^ -, Fetrdettrldnidor7tn"trunr.lrtillTrXtf - Mois. Aceordeons,
Ilarmonleano,Nrunipets. Chessamn of bone and Wood,
Dominoes, Lotto and other games. 'Fancy Seeps. Hair
olls nod Port 3lonales, de. We have abs"s a line lot of
FA 31 ILY • 9ItOtEItIES, Fuel, no pulverißed. crushed and
brown Saari,. of - every graderCeete. Molasses. Florch,
(Wm, and Tea.e, Splees.llotter,m,da, agar, Wate in 7 t.
Crackers. rhecsr . &e.
-The sui , riberretnrt,his sincere thinks to a genius.
oils piddle Cm- the patnmage heretofore bestoWedenlll,, , ,
, nil hopes. by a dc,lre'to please' to merit a roll IMAMS
the snout.
,Cni iislc , Det , ;lo.lpslt . • .
- •
A. 11107
AyoN T
y rEs._ G. C. 1:1;A NlioN we rid revectfully
no 111 ence to the citizens of Carlieldend the rubliegen
erallv, tl at he has taken the Deguerrunn Gallery in
3utrion Unll, (Web. occupied by A (1.R.A.) u s si sg
secured the services of 31, D, C. Nrugt'v, he is prepqrud
to seesionmdate thoSe who desirepOOD PICTURES
or throo.elvtql or nliniliee:
• Afie - These Norms have I:cett Otto& np in a superior
style on the llnd lm•tead of the :n1 thew as beretoirt
and a re , intended 'to be a • pe. ma nen t location, cense
unentlk none huel'crlts,t Pictures will be allowed to
Pew the ila/kry.
All pictures not perfectly satLifactory, Lc retaken
free of Isharge.'
11;pled frosn'olit Palm hrreotype.4 "nr . Portralt
IKT-INSITTCIIONS given.em reat!ul.blt, terms.. .
d - il - urea sitrd — [n , ~ll~iTi[_csuniinn .ur_. l , 44mo ns
und 111.1 fir thealsolves.
,N,„, •
/11 Elt ell ANT T,AILOIL.
&Ault. Haunter Strert tun Nnalr of /treat L urn';
.'titre, lies just returned err en I .,•es
i St: WIZ VlestleuYs et .e. etc. emits
althe.r.Jr Spe lug :nut Sutunier ' , or. lelete be is pre pre cd
UI eunke up to . order promptly, need nu rensonablo
Aka nn - hand CHEAT HEDYMDE
tit.,1111 , 2r niih nlrrla. eullnre, hardikervldefa and idlior
in I 'pin; tonally kound In a Gentleiriano Furnishing
I; rwits 'bought elsen hen, will .1. Lo 1114110 to 111n3.411r•
. .
A v .1 c W --
y 7 1,4,. junt re,rhed Iti , ol New York a large
5 . 1111143 of Gold and ,iiver Hunting Watches. of tiro
latest yies, and very lind geld 104. earl.. and
perk chains. npsiklions, Ac.; In 411111- every Al tielo
kept by match make".: a lleW — supply of
thed Pens. :di 'lnc.e 'l'llr publie is rekpeelluily invited
to call and eNainine Gar thew:elves.
CKS:%I ITI I S' (1-0- 1 1L:_--414(100!
Jo Conl, from the.t.tolebuntoS
-Lemon:" 3lities. tree(' lug Spirit r hale I.y '
tig oh( 5. -.•- W. 11. MURILA7
1) QOTS ANI) 'S I ES.—A not her
it ) la rcm assorttne . nt or m o ws , min Fi Ile Moots.
Ladles' it Slums. null Chß -
in 01 1 .1% Hia.ts attil titug and Itullalo
at Cupp low price:,
- Dee. 17. -
subscriber has just. feeeived .froui
Phila.l4lll.t. SLirti;: k ;
and other gnods itittli.ll, the 50:15 , 11.
'I higqiistltuilou r pedgned the Ilt.einl eiliwatinn
VolluiTlaliFflidg. i.en in uperalinnoole-year xilh
the inosl - gralif:, In insults. It is now estaldlnlied on a
:trot 1.4, and Its patninage already eytendh sire Wm,
,iddrr 'date,
barite.: tie -Ist.t. 0 inter, it nos created n college pro
per, by the;islattun Of Pen ntliltinitt. nlth nowtr to
confer degrees, nutt entlnwtql x jib .all the rights and
iltitigt..; of the most litutred Female I itktittitiet.s.•
It Is located on the Cuntletiontl Volley Ittnirosil told
way but. i /116'14 , 111g in the:o,st ler
the roil he:toilful portion of the i;tltoy, an t i Is- in ci,
proximity tit one ol the . mitott moral; brat thy, and entito.
prisito4 towns iu the tStote.'.. •
It Is rottirtl pod ent.s of nreors. Students tearing.
lVttsitingtop. Italtintoret 111 I'llii.u.telpLin in the morz,1111.;
train tor •11:tteibborg, viii au ire tit Meoltaniesbutg in
time '
edin“ . iv large
•I uhit t t•noltiAN. :,ol.llllllt date.tO...llt
lir el 1 11 41, U it, SI I uot Hi. nil the
1.1 . 0.1c0l f,r vont-
Orrl. nud eon\l ldruru. lit these rei.poi•ts 11113 i.lisiatis
tro , ittatilO• It lOU it/iPt.d. slit n e largo and
Heathy it: its leoStviti 1.1 . 111,t and
...Illation. Oils' 11%0 ,rt 710,18
are at all tittles war4l
rteiii Water.
Ihe limunds are ample, and well arranged recrea
tion. and Line Lnrlr.L: cali.thenie ezvoires—hOersential
In houlth. graceful nn.‘eann4L anal hi nnartry of Pirei.
nieitlty ui liiidetzetimi la till:lent edid expert-
nil' C 4113 //II,l11: 14'1%1NT:41NT the riouroe of.stuily Is
al a high gril, iitinimu g lamillo all the sithjecis
ha: tot Ciari f finl. nail Chi lotiom lahmatitato
la the Pft 1 1 . , 11 , 4 01 , 1t1"1/11,1:1MIN,, pupil. rill ho care-
Ily iustrui tell in t' . -
fie I rain hos 'armfu l ; ths banjo of
.t I.:olutzttiott.
tri.storirr.-11,14 Ser.r.itor-1 1 rolir lot Fepternber to the
raith or .lanuar.
.„ Eorolot , i,:ioll—From 1,1 February to the
Eel o July.
r, ~ •
VAC kTI ON - .l)u ririrrlttly“ A'argusi.-
IN 11/ VA:a 11..
Bearding, 'Washing, Furhitled Booms; Fuel and I
Licht. • •- - ' . - • • . $11) 01)
l'UrtloN—CcollegjAtu Departwout, - - - 21) CU
l'itp.rtalr) heraltnleat, - -' - In 00 .
First Class 12 00
All extra ,harge lb Ala-lent Languages.
‘ll - .0 . --I'ilno .0..1 Buttar, •. • - - 20 0)
Itodern Languages. -. • - . . 10 110
, Paint hr, than Illg and other' Ornamental Brunelle.,
At the 10Aud indes.
'text Woks Turntsbed at Pity idler.. •
For Well. Tparlieulals A 1 0 ,,, -
• . E., A. 4.1. AIARLATT,.A. M.,
The Faculty of PlrLins/orCollelierenrllele, rat,
It,. it. 111.1:1)31111.111, Carlisle. Oa.
It Iliktin lL 11 - tillen.
ee . .
Or. 'l'. Dough, ty. ,:
' Nev. C. I:rill/ant, lilt. inEeld.
'1111.1666 IL .11Irn. t'ir,hlrut of Girard Coltege,
Imo, It. McP-Iley,
Eln 1.. I.sq.
Andouv'Mon , hip.
lirahon...l/rolounton. i'.t.
. Shourr, 31rellanic,loirg, Pa.
•Ir 3 11,,.}-,-31.1) . ,
P. 11. Ilkolg, M. D., ..
It:. Esq.,
, gel, Esq.,. •
.elan 1 ;nteit",...r, U. 'D.. I:dsten. P. .
'Una id 0111'. Esq., 011.entiet,Isloirn , l'a.
h.orsr, 1 1 '. Me ,l ek, l'ine,il,ll. 3111111. I'6l.
1,1 i 101'1,1 1•1.1 1116111.6.1:416f.tb11 . 11, Is.
11. Burst. Eng., 1/illsl neg. 1.11.
Pitt.hurir, Pa. • -
/oho I'i/tot:leer. U. 0., Fidton,
(Its Ex:elk/ley, I tier E. i'aui.ey, Milthed, Del.
11. heidio,l rTerretary of Statoh% . •
Clomp. I .sq. • •
I km. an; use! %I. I Inn Dov er , ot
Iln. 1% 0. 1.:1 ton. I/porn/down,
111:lion; You,lntll, 31. D.
.IVilliont 0. iiesuin, I:sq.. Feileralshurg, lid.
Pev..lolin .1. 1101,,, INltitnorn. 11/1.,
Esq.. I.lneaster, •
oiieoege 11, '1:00us. I syn,llorgn. toot,. Vs.
Alexander Burgess. ItD. , I.' , l;rtland, Maine.
John I/.. S. Y '
Sullivan ll'i.t.ton.P. IL
0, F. La ird , lnstitut°, Washington
Jacob litirle.y. I.orlii4;et, Illinois. •
*Trn Day, M. IT.. 1 1 1echnnlesburg, Pi.
11., M. D.,
A - Solomon I'. Berens, Esq., 44
.11111 Jail. 'log. Ecq., .6
*John Pagel. , "
Brandt, Esq , • . '44
Itoliert Bryson, Esq., Jlsrri.hurg, ra .,
J. It. I.7norer. 1.1/q., • Sherherdslown, P 6,14
4 114,161 (In/over, "
G. S. Adkins,. s
!Wives of the College
Juno 21.-31111147,
The nest schelastizyear of this Seminary will
coleinem e en 'I uesdaY, September Ist.
The Seminary is a boarding and day school COnducted
and ~,; , ,,p etent,teachen, It is retired,
timidly' and pleasant, and tho course of instruction
me braves the elemen.ary mond:Thor English. together
with the onlent and modern languages,
,pinsic, vocal -
'and hist rmeental. and the iariens mnainelital branch... •
CS Vai . nli. , ll tillring . ,lulu :led August.
Fe, further information apply tit , the . principal,
CHAS. CLARE, at the Seminary in West Louther
scar tho thoman.iteformed Church. _
• It E E E C E .
• •
lice. W. W. EELES M Rev. J. 11. MORES,*
•Rer. A. IL Kit 1:311.:11, Itev..lAColl FRY. •
• .1. li. PARKER, Erg. ,ItiellAßD PARKER, Esq.*
CARY H. ADE. Ilq.•
• • Pntrons,ufthe Seminary.
. AcHN
HALE .6D FKM ua. to and and Tuition, $l2O per year.
Perin nnenn Sortember ath...6antleinen Inateuitora
in aun t NinFlo, pull:ilnu and Idadin.n Languages. Ad
,11.1•5.4 the Pry. Moor, Fleck,
4„ M '
, .
'OF MUSIC. ' ''' • . .
...t0... Iris services to the citizens of Carlisle. 'lre will'
glee lessons on the Plano, Guitar and Melpdoou, and
also instruct I , uplis in movie., Satiefftctou refee.
elle,s are offered, as to Ide /di Ity to giviiiallaNciaan . ,
'1? °Admire aL;drertinie Mott%
_your, 24, 1867.--ames. •
Elflford; Del