-___ II . 4111th-lkintfkg. MI DON'T BE A BACHELOR . ..: ._ ' - 'Young WM, dOn't lie a oruky ao 1- ---L-----olor r it , is-n oLgopcLfo r _yo u ~ __lt_wilnet ' ther improve your morals, your. healch, - •, nor your . beauty. Marry as'you can .. - make it convenient, and as you can, shape ' ' your affairs tcrsuppor't a wife. But when yoa marry,: don't fall in love with a face - init'ld of a woman. 'llnmeniber. - that - corn ' • co on sense is a rare virtue, much bet • . .ter;th n Silver and gold and fashion. Don't ourt and marry ' crinoline and , money b , line or 'go in plenty; 'but' look. for t , s, simply because it'is erino- \ctd.h.L. •• sound, practic en / e in a woman firstp. . that is the touch-steno t ^ . , try her Other. qualitids by: • . • When -you ,have that,.all else comes. Your wife that is to be,. -if she is full of common sense, will grow to yoUr way of. . thinking and make you grow to hors. A. woman Who has .womanly love * in her „4eart, will find. ways to make yo.sr love -- -, toward her - c' elaW as • the years go over-- . - .you both.. And another thing needs to .. be heeded, _and that is—a common sense woman is - trot to be found where fashion 1 Ansists upon dragging young females into a whirl, where 'there is Simply idle gos., - : sip and little brain. • %. : . " Young man ! don't stand looking 'after that young woman who' has the dis`tin . - guished air, Ila'reputation Of a flirt arid -- 41 - - -- a - holloTwlro - s-e - ftith - earlituawdecTsif3 - 7 " ---- for - isit:not-possi bI o -that-While you :ate'- •' straining your eyes that way, you May be - - turning - your back upon ' SOlllO. UllObtell 7 . . . hive little' your whom nature has cut • •iout as your 'other half,- and who may -be . " just that pleasant faced, placid tempered,• jheable little er.ta•u e who sill IL nk . ' enough of you to go with you to the end of the, world, and stay' by and comfort • you when' you get grey dtairetrand fides .. . • otyl: - . . . .: - :Marry, 'y'oung - 'gentlemen; and -keep - .• - 'yourselves out of serapes.. ' Hoye same.- . taing to live for. A Juan 'done _in the ' -. "world isn't more than half a man, and • '. -the world wants entire 1110:11. . "So mend ' . yourself, tiad be happy. And you shall have reason to say it - was a good thing . -.. you resolved to marry itnd refused. to'be— I a solitary, toter drinkmg, pipe 'smoking • 'bachelor, if yon succeed' as well in your .efforts : as-he -Who,.-once-a.--young-Man .__ like you; is now simply the old, contented. and comfortable A DIS§ATISPIED" MAN , OE John• Fitzgerald 'enlisted on Saturday in the United States Army; for the' purpose - • • • ttiniltertr—"ure—uritits—itt litah. b On Monday aftt;ltoon 111-r;litz geralduppeared at the New-York Police Office _ __enter etunpla in t' .against the United States for t'obtainintr . ' • soldiers - " .under false pittances." • Mr Fitzgerald was slightly inebriated. • . , "What do you'lyant ?" "A warrant (hiccup) 'gaiust States of --1-Moralcy." "False (hiccup), 'false 'tepees. For obtaining soldiers by false 'lances" (hie - what respect ?" "They 'agreed to give me eight dollars n month and a th•st rate- suit of Clothes (hiccup): Call, that a suit of cloths ? Look at that east—so short waisted in_ the_back, itlifts.you_uff the gpund.(hic.... cup): kook at them pants (hiccup) - So long waisted in the suiit might use the slack (hiccup) for a back nom to sleep in!' • "And,for that you want a warrant' fiir false pretences age, iist the government ?" "I (1011'4 want nothing else (hiccup.) I'm not to be done •by such a pair of -.- trowsers no day." . The d'ustisarereset" to grant a warrant, whereupon-Mr--Fit geraltl - left the oflica promising to write to the President, and have "another pair of trowsers, or „blood.” The moment President Bucha -nan's,letter is received, we 0111111 publish Was a matter. MEM A No aIVECI lAN SLEEPY HOLLOW.— _ . Tayard Taylor, in a late letter from or. way, thus dcseribas a Norwegian warm ing-pan : At sunset we left the lake and climb ed'a long(wooaed nion:dain to a height of more than two 04onsand feet It was a weary pull wog we. reached the sum mit ; but we rolled swiftly down the other side to the inn of Teterud, our destina tion, which we reached about 10 I'. M. It was quite light enough to read, ict every body .ivas in' bed, 'nod the place seemed deserted,. until we remembered • what latitude-we- were-in. Finally the landlord appeared, followed by a v girl, whom, on'aecount of her size and-blub ber, Bralited compared to a cow•whale. She had been turned Out of her bed to make raw)). for us, and- w?; two sta nilil ?Wiled 77110, the warm, holhae she hwl iktictlyipmtp_cg Juie panic bed in anotbereorncr. t in- the Morning was utilised There she blocs:' and the whale came up to the surface With a huge pot of cuf fee,. some sugm' candy, excellent cream,. and musty biscuit." This reminds Ile of the- fadt that in Liqy'i. Varieties of Litet•ature, the tern "Scotch warming pan" is stated 'to have arigen from the well-known story of:a, gentleman travellitg in Scotland, who desiring to have his bed wartited, the servant-mdid immediately undressed her self and lay down its it for a while ! A ilool One About Railroad Passer. WO heard a story yesterday, which is rather too good to keep from- the public, and so here it goes A man residing at Schenectady, who has long been in the employ of the Cen tral Illiircad Co., and.is now a fireman on the road, applied to illy.. Hibbard, for a pass to take hinito some pint 'on the road which ho desired to visit.. Toe Su perintendent declined to grant the re quest, and sail : -"The company employ you, and pay you so much per month for your services. When yoOr , wages are paid, our obligation onds.—lf •you were at work for a firmer at ono dollar per dry, and des'reil tp go to Saratoga, would you expect. hint rto hitch up his team and carry ytitt there fur .nothing P'- The fireman •replied—"N6)•SifTiliut if he 'ail?, hitched up; - anCiVas go ing to Bar:dog:i d :l shou'd caillihn a d•-,.-r:•-;d hog Ahe didtt't - letTnie ride e!— Rodaitsidi- Uhiou. • ger A own:east ,eilitor, advises readers , if they wish to getteeth inserted gratis, to, go• and steal. fruit where , hie watelqog ie . otk guard. • • morning again, and Cold es Greenland, toe," 'said ho 'poked his -cotton night-cap out of bed; -"frost ; an, inch thick on, he windows, water all frozen in the pitch er, and 1 an old bachelor., ',Heigh-ho 1-ito .-.body_ to_-any.:,presents - tono - _little 'feet ' to come patting up to my bed to wish the A happy - New - Year." - Miserable piaci) or husiness Wonder what ever became of that sister of mine who -ran - off' with that poor artist? Wish she'd-turn uprsomeahere with two or three children for me to love and pet. Ileigh-ho I 'lt's a miserable piece of business to be an old bachelor.' , • ' . And -Uncle 'Jolly- brOke the ice twith frost-nipped fingers, rind buttoried,his dress : - ithri• gown tightly to-his chin; then he went ddiva stairs, swalloWeda etqi of coffee, an egg, and a slice , of toast. Then be Wien ed his surtout snugly over them, and }vent out of the front door into the street., Such a' crowd as there was buying New Year's., presents I The toy : shops were filled wi,th grandpas, grandmas, and aunts, uncles, and cousins. As to the -shop-keepers,' what with telling prices, - answering forty que,stinns in a - ininute,. and doil , up parcels, they were as„ crazy as a bachelor tending a cry ing baby. • Uncle Jolly slipped along Over the 'jury pavements,' and finally -.halted in front .of Tim Nonesuch'-'s toy-shop. You should have seen his shop window..l Beautiful English dolls at five dollars r ce Queen - -Vin.liatileii, with , -tiers-and-arms-one It "en-d-nad tea sets-and dinner sets, cunning - enough for it fairy-to jeep house With. Then there Were. dancing Jacks and jumping _Jennies' and ” Topste," and '• Uncle as•black as the chinianyjnick, with wool made with a raveled. black stocking. Then .thera were little work-hoses, • With gold thimbles and bodkins, mid scissors in crimson velvet - cases, and snakes that squirmed so naturally as to make yon hop on'the tabledo'get out of the 'may, and little innocend„looking boxes con taining it little spry,,mbuse, that Jumpedifte your time as Scott ns you raised the lid, and inasierboxes_to place-under-your pillows when you had drank too strong a 'cup of green tea, and vinaigrettes that you could hull to your nose to keep you front fainting when you saw ddrunly. 0! I can dell you that Mr. 'Nonesuch understood keeping. a toy-shop; there were plenty of carriages . al. •wat's in front of it, plenty, of taper -fingers pulling over his wares, and plenty, of lots -bands andifathers who. returned 'thanks-that _low Year do - frit come ever:// day! , • - ".flon't stay here, dear Susy, if :it_antkes. von cry," said the older of two little girls.= "I thought'you silk] it-would-make-youlotp py to come.out and look at the New Year' s presents, though we couldn't have any." did till 11 IC so," said . SuSY; but it makes me think of the last- New Year, when - yon and I lay cuddled together ill our little bed, and papa came creeping' up in Ins slippers, fitiking ive°, were asleep, and. laid, our pres ents on the table, dud then kisised us both, a E said, God bless the little ditrlins l' 0 I Katy—all the little girls in that shop hay" their papas-with them._ I want my papa,' Mid little SuSy_ laid her head on Bury's Shoulder, and subbed as it' her heart' were breaking. - . UNCLE BI:NJAMIN "Don't, dear Susy"' said Katy, wiping, away her own tears with her little pinatiire; „your yes7nrc.-= poOr"'S cey,.su'rsy," " Oh, Katy, I can't help it', -See that tall man with the black whiskers (don't he look likn tiiiirlituvra.-Vil -Katv;Lnial-thedours.floweil-afresh.-,------ - 'Code JOlly couldn't 'stand y s t any longer.. Ile rushed into the toyhluip, bonght an arm: fulmf phiyings, h'eller 7 skelter; and ran alter the two little girls. •_ " lIC e, Susy I:here, Kntyrhaid herb preseliti from 'Unide Jolly." "Who is Facie Jolly ?" • " d he'n uncle to all the poor little children who have no kind papa." " Nov, where do you live; little pigeons? got fa: to ,go ? tries all out of your shoes,' come in here, and let's seeif we can find -any thing to cover them: There, now, (lit ting,them both to a pair,) that's something like; it will puzzle Jack Frost to lind e yoor tons now. Cotton clothes on ? I don'thicar 'cotton elothcs; come in here and get,Tinne WOiden shawls. Which do you like best— red, green, or blue? lrlbtid or stripes, hey? "Mother won't like it I don't talk to :no; mothers don't generally scratch people's eyes out for' being kind to their hum take care of that, little puss. 'Uncle Jolly's going home with you. How do I know whether you have - got any dinner or not?— I've' got a dinner—you shall have a dinner too. Pity if I can't have my own ,way— 'ew Year's day too. '"• That your home?. phew! I don't know about.trnstihg toy old bones up those rickety stairs—old (tones are hard to mend; did yp'u know that Little Sus',' opened the door, and Uncle Jolly walkell in. Their mamma turned her' head, then, with one wildcry of joy, threw her arms about his neck, while Susy - and Katy stood in the doorway, uncertain whetly er to laugh or cry. • "Conk here, come here," said Unele Jolly ; " I didn't know I was so near the truth this morning, when I called myself your Uncle Jolly. 71. didn't know what mule my heart leap p so when I sawyotiThere ig llic street. Come here, I say. I say don't you_eyer shed another tear; you see I don't: And Jolly tried to smile, as he .drew his coat•sleeve across his eyes. Wash% that a merry New Year's night in Uncle Jolly's little parlor? Wasn't the. tiro warm .and bright? Were not the tea- Utteltrjollrititik'n - them eat till they had tightened their aprou=strimg: Were their Mes ever out of their shock again ? Did they Wear cotton shawlk in January? Did cruel landlords ever again make their mamma tremble and cry? . • in the midst of all this plenty; did they forget " Papa ?" No, no! Whenever little. Susy met in the street a tall, princely man,. with largo: black whiskers, she'd, loot: linty and nod her little' curly head sorrow,- Lily, as . Mitch ns to gay, " Oh, Katy,•l 'never cam : forget tay own' dear papa l" TAW: HONEST Boy's HEIVAIM.-TWO poor -.boys, while on their way to school one morn. ing, found a small pocket book, which was well filled iVith bank notes. One of thkbors said, " We are very lucky in finding so rich • prize r and now we will divide the money .in equal shares between us." "No," said ,the other, wtuao . .an honest, uprir,hyad ; "it not ikir'.4.and we have no right td keep it. We will 'give. it to our teacher and be may find out the 'owner." And the hottest. - bay gave it to the lonelier, told him where he had got At, and asked him to endeavor to discover the owner. A few days afiermirds the teacher observed notices posted up offer. ino a reward.for the recovery of the poet e'' book, and accordingly returned it to the boy that he might take it to the Owner: When the lad presented it to the gentleman who had lost it, he was so highly pleased with his appearance and honusty that ho gave. him a large share of its contents,.. and afterwards proved a good and useful. friend. So, besi Ids the nioney his honesty gainud him' he also obtained a good friend and estathiShed good name.' ' . ~ te- If no sins were punished,here, 'no Providence would be believed; if 'every sin Were punished here no judgment would he expected.,. , . . Dec` Why 63'6 conetrY•gam' 'oheeks wcll•printed cotton•? .J.icconeo they µl'`. wan: milted 'to wash and keep color. No insif,t* done' intended... . . . kilyt A kips,s'ap's an ingenious nutberit: . is, liko tbe creation, because .it is, iraule et. ricitilleg",'.oid is very go6d. - - • r:" " ` .. Goal cstory: lINCtE JOLLY E heir_li4lC,_oiles._l_' New ewobEi. I,,PRING GOODS! SPICING (lows! 'Bentz and Brother have Just'onetted ono - on the larttesk au boot aisortments of Dty Goods evet , brought to Carlisle. Their stock has been selected with more than uStial rum from the look houses intim York •-andeitiladolpitior niod-ovory-effert-ntudo-to-obtain,tha latest and inert fashionable stylus of dross. They flab .tor thomsolves they will bo able, to stilt every variety of (note at prices as *hiss or looser than they can -be' bought bore or in Cho city.- . Blncll Silk Babes; , Forego Robes; Poplins. Fancy Silk•Rolteth, ..Lawn,Robes, Agentino. . Foulard Silks, Orono line; - Brilliant°. ••Ptire audio - Gingham Lawn. Metro Antique, •" Dural, Bouthaslub, _lndia, Cretin do Ewan° Alpaca. Mourning, • Ilimalyn, • All 'wool do lane Fancy Silks, Tamartino, Cashmere. ' A full assortment of whito dress goods, Nainsook Mug. line, Victbria Lawns, Figured Swiss, Velvets for Man tles, White azid'lllack Crept) Shawls. Stella Thlbet, Mode and Brecht Shawls, &c. Bonnets; Bonnet Satins, Rib bons, Flowers, &c., Coronation, °novella and Crinoline, Skirts for Ladies, Also, Collars, Underslcoves, Hand. kerchiefs in groat vasioty, . • IL=3l . . . . Clotho, Cass!mews. Drop doll, Cooliroorobi, :Somber Cali sinierox, Cottoukileo, Silk Undershirts, Linous, llnailkor. cDior, to, DOMESTIC OCIODS. JRMobbed and unbleached I,lnon nod Cotton Shootings, Table I,l'nens,W4liin ditto, Piano Cover, Counterpanes, Straw' Hats, blots. 1,04 log Masses,' Tiekings, Window Shades of ail kluds,iklmbrollas,•Musltus and every ye. duty of Dry Goods in common UFO: • Wo kayo j not laid ha gt large stock of Tapestry, Ingrain, imperial, Mined and hog Cirpet, 011 Cloths, Matting Strew Mats; &C., git loirest, prices. vile the public to call and osamlne our stoulaieforopu • chasing.. We li;typ, bought our assortment 'nt such ptleas thst , we cannot be undersold. - Special attention paid to purchasipg goods in tho city per order at, shortest notice. livery effort will ba.& by tho firm to give satiritc lion to those who may favor them With n roll. j • NEW . FIR -- M ;=NEW GOODS 1- 7 - rAitis It N 11l FIT, Loto of Philadelphia, Paper ll:unclogs, 1101100, $1,41, and Decorative Painters, Imitators of Wood and. Marble, challenge all others to compota-with-them-lit-the-various-branches atini - nbove bukuess: ----Having fitted up our storelor PARE? , the exclusive sale of WALL iiGp HANGINGS PAPERS. BORDER S. VIRE 111 A D RINI! .; WINDOW ' eiet'llta faiil;• CURTAINS, SUM) , we respectfully Invite the public Dran examination of "our stook. front which wit'llre confident or giving entire on tisfitctlim to all who_favintr its with n raiii. Our. goods having been selected with care from the first manufac• Ores In Philadelphia, will' be fumigant nt the lowest ptices. All orders fin. taper - Hanging or Paltillng promptly and personally attended In and executed in n workmanlike manner. .1. W. PARIS, Praetielil Paper Ilanger. H. F. HSU: lIT, Praetical I louse A Sign Painter. South liarinver -streetone,l dcior.to IlannoWs -Hotel; -Carlisle. Pa:- - April 8. 1857.—an. • . . CIIRISTM AS AND - W EAII,-, un , stare of tho subscriber Is to reeript, nog tho 'shelves are note SUppilud with it hangsouto selection of fhb) and rich EIMEMMIE and - decorated fancy ware. such as InlAands, Baskets, Vases, Coffee en ps..lewell hoses, Thy Tim and Dinner setts, China in variety; and- a tarlety of other art feles all well suited far the remink . , . • (IRDCERIES AND . 91'CC1 . 4 4 ~ In every varloty. Womb end of hest guellty. hero just been added tIY our former stork. : . . . , • • NEW SEITII,I,EIIEMAIUCK,WILEAT, f Tin flUo quality in, gen on hand, CRANIIERSI I.S. RAISINS, •• . CIuiTIELTC, - Clfiliiriniltatifer goods to the season Ju - varle ty, constantly to slumsale by ... __ J,. IV. Ell Y. " rt ARRIVAL iMMEN 4 3E S'kOCK.Dr. liAitDIVARI "Fire kubseriber has just returned, from, the Instant cities, and would call the tattntithi.Oßhis ,friends and the public generally to tlid_large end: well-seiticted as sortment ofil A ItllWAlt on--liarbr iltriklittfuti, ni tett — TITriffITEVIN‘ktIrATRIti'AI.S., inch ati , 4:crab's; I lingek,•Bolta,= lateldb.ftlass. pf (Nary de scriptiou and quality, such as Cottithou, , Whltti, Polished American, Fru kelt, Enamel lod • and .thlcik of all sizes, Paints, 011s. - Varnishote • .: . • TOOLS—I neludlng „Rage Tools of exerr:doticriptlon, Saws. Pia It es, Brace and Illt ts; A tigortrltiliares, Ilasp.t, Hammers, ; cces,...Ativil, germ 'Prates, Blacksmiths Bel ... Shttemakers and Itaibllers.nd II Illuttrlarge assOrcutofit of 'folds of every description; togettilit.)tith 'Ladies' oral Gentlemen.' Motkateo Lining; . Bindltitt; l'At.ttl • and • French Calf Skins, Shoe Tlireiel, Awik, , Wett. Pegs..ll.esl.s, Harness linuntlnu, Collars; beer hair, Sathilo Trees, Am.; - - : ••' — AT,Talrdaitlf - MitlttnicTooltranttlatfiniblds of nillatuis; Canvass, Cloth, Dattlas,k,. ,Frlog ;yeti,. Mesa , :.A.l.les, SprlngiteltA. ke. . . :• . • Cabinetl.tlters will find a Itirge,statiokilleni-of• Tar _nislieS, Oak, Walnut, mild Maitagtm3t - VeiteefeACh'tl's Plush, Curled flair Chair and Rota . : ... a--Ilettsekeepers •also nod.. a. Info assortment of. Knives and Parks, Bratannia,..Alleita.nitd:Silver.Plated . • Table and Tea Simons. Catollostlcks.lWnltters;•Slfovtda. ' end'tango, Iran and Inns Kath,,a*mt, 4.4 together with Cetlarware of all kinds, auch . ..,tti Tubs.lltick ots, • Churns, &C., Ac, -•- - :. • Agrieultural cultivators, Iltics. Shovels, Am. I ItlYN'a - large - st4 , k; comprising tillA lik.ba .gun use which I am selling at Remember the tad:stand, Bast, Idolect!Frliet, . . . IVE .1300E.S SALE AND R gT.AIt yrtgt 4.0 SI I ItYUCK, - T A Lan • 5.111211, • Worcester's Dicidettary: Svo. • • • , IVorcester's Academie dn. ' • -•.-- IVellees Outlines of Universal' 1114toig„; Smith's ilistory of Orei,re, ' ' Tent Life In the lloly The Student's Itlbbun.. ,• 11'averdy, ( . 2 Vols. Cloth.) Roll Roy, " . • The testimony of the Itocki—lllii2ll7 . Nille7:: Wild Western Seenee—.l Narrative hf ere in the Weatcht Wildeence,-Avyl."P.Onh. Illustrated, Paper, TA) vtii:-Cloth 1 OD Auto-Biography' of , illllntl 100 The Tired Western Cook Bonk How to do Business. a Pocket MannaGilf.•Pritell: •-, mlAlfairr-antliluLdtLtEqiut,:ce.srlpiiijr,e': bracing Principles of litislneds„Cetpes of . Suecess and Failure, &t. ohly - .00. All the School Honks used in Ontotin . iind.'llirough• the County, wholesale and retail. • . . . Music and Al uelcal Instruetions, firi 6111tYOuKc. TityLigt & . 55,11711. Plain and Fancy Skddynery, at .. - Sint VOCK, TAYLOR 4 SMITLVS. .Sunday School Boolis. of city prices. at • . • • 6111[1'00K, TAYLOR & . . . Blank Books, of all shwa and qualltlea, at `,..IIIIYOCK, TAYLOR k AMITA'S NEW G'It,OCERI.ES!- J. W, IsllY. A choice selection of - Crererles of every variety, In eluding Spiv., and Two. have been added to surf ewer assortment, among which may he had strictly prime 1110, JAVA, LAtILIVILA. • MOCHA COFF RE, • together with a general assortment of BROWN di •WHITH including Crushed, oulated, Pulverized, and Clari fied Sugars. Also a lot of Now Cheese, Farelm; Corn Starch, Mustard, Chocolate, So. AlsnAreoufludillae4 Teas, of dent:la's select brand. For sale at the lowest prices at MARION HALL 0110. CERY by - (Oct 21) J. W. EBY. E S II GROCE It IE S I AT S. C. IIUYETVS • Sluul nod Alackorol of difforeot guattex, At ITUYETT'S Salmon, Seale Fish and,White Fish, Codfish, Sall and Pickled Hum Cheese and Crackers can be Ltd Dried Trull, Prverves and Jellies, " At, iluvurro Curod Boor and 1111,118, A flohli supply of LIQUOItB, OLIN, Mato Load, .- ' TTO- .5111 S AV A .171 ! ).= — The . ebe:lo,4' ; fiks46 - kftolte . t:: it:0,01114Y; aimmil of, - .1 1 4' ,. .1i.• tition. Luthv& and Ot . ale.V ll4 will kl ,o- :.! 5. 1 , 0r ma by pirithnsNA diet' Pools natl Shoes at tho Cunt Shotr 4tor liciuvi Ilre-ir corn... or tho public kquarti, ' • ' .FREVI I NII . tIVA . L . Ob t : 1 1 1 1 0 , 0 , 1:8 Au l d 'B I TIOES: p i . .fi r :sTrt ' te ' ulLr from l'l l atial ' a ' 4 1 t " i_ H oX i t n ui 5 isi C. 1 " ii, • and xplotillid itA§ortlnutit of • E .. _ CZNEBEZIMP=I tshlah 1111Ve been noleete,l with care from the bent man; uftetodes, and whieti he can reeomend for their nu. pod, workmanship and Ratan, lie has every thing in the Hoot and ;Ilion line suitable for the PlNltially 11011 WlllOl.lll be sold very low for cash. A great variety 01 nod hays Clatters, Boots, :hues and Ilrogdus La dles (loiters, lAteeslino.ts ' Buskins. lillppers, 1,11(1 Children's at the lowest prices. Purchasers are lenpeetfully Invited to call NMI lIPS. amine our largo and eleput assortment, and ther . will Bad that in mire and timillty it will compete wh i any Owe store in the place. us_lteparing done nt•,tlie shortest notice. * Ail ripe sowed Gratis. f)dn't mistake; the pliwo, elle:4113. W. (I trier of the publid square, posit,' 11. L. ilurkhnldurs 119 tel. J ACOII SPINE% Sureossor to M. Lemur May 2 I, thn Ts 13. KILLER'S.(IIIEA 11 ; N.T tl • OAP, BOOT AND 8110 E STORIL., • Wu Inuit° the attentlno' or thu public to our largo qua-varied aasortn• Int of GOODS. ,%111‘.11 will hO. Nola:, rhea p o at any other establishmunt loVarlialih We EVERY 'VARIETY OF lIATS, fir mon, bays and cldldron, Illado of osoollontivn &Hsi nod of ovory grads and mien. /Also n HPlio d assort moot of Straw lints, Caps, and liana's Hats, rololy, tilmmod. All Mods of Cloth and Illascd,C4pS.. from 25' coots upwards. Our stock of BOOTS AND SllOptt. can not he osailled, and we Invite our nukladonds and can toners, as won no others, to call and oatunlau oar stock as too foul cofindont of our ability to please. • . • All kluda of Ladles. aliases and Ohlldron's (1A1T1,111g; of the boat material, c Instantly on Ladd. .1.11. KELLER., [April 211,107. N. B. — All tips iieirid gratin.*; IMPORTANT.'---- . Smarr's. v Potent Solt So Oink fbr pfasorvink Fruits, Peas, T.amitihis, o, to. Erary Farmer arid lh.uai•Koopur should boa parehishr. For solo, ai; olty prim, at tho Cheap pal Ovum) Stoto of . ..• =ma. , SAXTON. ; Aug. 20;t67.1.• ' : - • 'I:Ma 3110 st., Carlisle.', T DIEBURNERS' • C 2,0 . 00 L TONS of Lykeas . Vtilloi,N,ut COSLiOnidrlor o receiving fir - 8410 - , Aug* /847.. „, - .' - • cZADDLE AND .1-IAIC.4ESS , MA K . .. ING. The subscriber continues co carry oh the - Alamo Misiness,in all its Various branches, in North Ilan. - over street, Carlisle. two doom North of Leonard's cornet whore heiptends keeping on handl' general assortment -In- hbrilne7consisting of-all-kinds-of-fashionable-SAD DiAIS, Bridles, Martingales, Oirthli, „ • • Cireluglesaud traveling mid saddle .• y tp y -, hags. Ile also man- - I IA I I ufacturos the most IQ4 approved SO A NI'S II I 11 cII ountry,-and 1r a y a u u B L EB o s 0 0 .- v w e ls I e n e g d ' h . a th l•• • • some, — , - dnrable - and - pleasant • saddle . • will do wall° callund see them. Be • a also manufactures Harness,•Bridics, . Collars and Whlps,in all their vario• ties,' and confidently believes from the general approba tiornarlilitduirtomers, that he makes the neatest and best gears, in all their variety of bredth, that is made In the country. HO also, makes oil kinds of•Matrasses to order, vie Straw, Mak, "Curled Hair and Bprlng Bat lasses. -All the above articles will be made of the beet material and workmanship, and with - the utmost deal patch. , • • ]c3 . l' REPARE FOR WINTER! . PARI,ON AND COOKINO STOVES. • Lo subncribor'cit; hitt old stand on North Ifanorer Carlloln'tho sign of the "Mammoth lied Coffeo CU," do free to Coll tho.attentlon of the nubile to bin largo an ortment of STOVES, of tho newest and mat %Manna blo styles, from the best inanuffictorlesdn the country, and.at-all.prlces from 4f to $l6, • ' Among hie initi,o CIIA3II3EIt STOVES I are the Mirror Stpre,lhe Arctic, Revere, Star, ' . 1,31 , Persian, Union And /Etna Air Tight, together wittultuteftitterns_wldeb_he-has.of-all-slzes fifliiilurs or eltambers.mul calculated forburning either, wood or coal. Also, the /Etna, Woke, Astor, Albany. • Flat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOK. INtl swoYES, comprising the latest imprevemonts hi kitchen stoves, and littendod for wood or mall— ' Also, the Dining nom Cooking Stove—a now and ole ganeartirle. to which - die invites the particular often tint, of tontines. His cooking stoves/lingo in price front $1 •to 25, with the fixtures complete: Also; Nino Plat, dP....ves of vorinuS patterns and different prices: • . . Also. IIEAMS:I,I,CD AND TINS:CD:WARE for Cook . lug Stoves, 11rass Kettles.' Sc. Also, every article in the. ling of Tinduid Copper Worn. The public are respect illvillP.Lt,fLca.ll.As_lieJs.l.confidontsvithhis-large, stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en tire satisfaction to every purclpset. Call and see. = . . . .. „,Al.4!„:l'„kicil23. - FETTER'S PPR, CPS d...yv10 - c . W• NITIjItE ROOM! - Vow on ilinn.l a large asschtmeni; - • - of iteli. ami.fitxhlcinabl ' e I , IIIINiTURE tind ClIATI: 8 . . 'Walnut and Mahogany Dressing Bureaus, with mar btu trips. Sofas, fables. and Washstands. ' ' • Mnlntat What :Not, and Wardrobes. Mahogany and Walnut Tables °frill sires: French Bedsteads,.Mehogany and Plain Tables, sit All , , .‘ - Parlor nneeltnira;nnil Rocking Chairs, with Tehetoi liaircloth seats and hacks. ' , . idahltany and:Walnut Chairs.will.halreloth or .cantr fiClthi . ..; .„ .. . , Plain, Chairs of all kinds. ,' . Call And si.o thlo"now.lool olegant noinrttn'ent et the Furnituro Rooms alio, oubscrlber,,coiner, of North.llo:-. , • • novOrpal Louther.M. JACOB FETTER. Mny 37, 1837 GAS FITTING AND kwl NG. The undersigned Nrould hiforni:lllo citizens of Carlisle' that he hail • mode arming, melds todo GAS Pll4l NO and PLUMBING iitsiliort at tiro, and nu reasomible firkins. 110 line engaged thin sei noes of it first rate baud from Philadelphia, and halitut, plied himself with MI uxtnueisu assortment of .FIXT UlI ES, whleli will tumble lilac fill all orderil promptly All while Ito warranted: Ills stock Of Gag ..I.lxtitres lel Who found 111 the room exactly oPposite establishment on North Ibutover street, where 11u invites . TINNING, SPOUTING, ke.—lle Is also , pieptfreil. Ito furnish, or nmko to order, every athlete of lin IVA BE' resod. by houselcomierk and others. Ile. U• 11 1. ohm attend. to SPOUTING, 11.0U8EellOO1?IMI,' BELL lIANUING; and' PLUVRING. . • Thankful for the pafronsge•wlth willeAnCiselreadr. -been 'favored, he respeetfally-aopelts-itventinimndereir ..the same. . • • . • -,•,' Carlisle, .Tuno 14, '63, .VA UlBl 11 . •.• - f).3I. 4 AND LtEr 1 - 5.1.131.N1E8. .4(41 Nti . 1 , 111N,T • r 4 .lr+ . ViES. • I " cr," 147414--"1" • CHANGE OF - .11ollitS! • -On and niter 71f0NDA.1%.1 20tli 1847,1.4issanr.Sri ; taihr . Will run us follows: (Sundays excapted • !1.. • . •. ro){.. HARRlsucitri:•. - •• tans° Olurnil•ersbui.g, 4.6'0, A. M. .41,00;gnii '• " sh l l , l , "flgki..*W., • .4.20 - 4210:.•:...4 - Newrillo; 6.50 " . 4,63" . 4 , oulio., • •. 7 : 6.20 - 4 ' 4.20 " .4110thalOrspurg, • .7.00 • , ".• ' ' 7 . 85 03.4 s . .• : . arrN3lncittipuild; lid T111111: -.. : Trrtier,: Le:iysrlinrrhiburg, -• ; . N.no A. M. - " 11.00 0 • " • 4 . Cmilslp. • • 11.40 . " • • .2.011,..7-' Nqwvlllo.• " 7'10.00 " • .• ACChnutberaburg, • 3.35 r.O . Front amt after thfie . dato; Atm fare fhini-:Mech s tinfes burg to H.lipiton trfik be 2O contlit front "to 311,1,110,0 m, 15 coma; . fnlin"3llddleqeA to .Caflitie, 19-ate; 'from DealAltofton, •'.• • • 0 Thtlint legivo'llarrlabu'rg for Ph Ilittlelphla, at,71571.', A. M., 7, - P. M., and e l.lo, P. M., vitt' columbla, . D itty :burg, i •at 3.35, - . A. M noon,.andt.ls: P. No 1 P.M Bultlmore ot 2.30 —8 ' 10; A,M „ oulfts on the Dauphin. and Sitatjueitrld..liallroatliloaco. rttd,nrg for Itomllng, 'Auburn, •e.. dully: • • •••• •.• • • Etre,: from Ilerrleburg, Met. anlomburg,CarlhA r libltt-, ftentdutrkt, and Chnotboutiewft, will be tee Nati I 'o4 when poltlforTiaicta nt the UttlOo than tthen mitt lu the Care. • ' • • •Q. L Lin..bh.g.'upert'f ' Thillroad omen, Cbanike'rabtirg, • March '25 1807'-3t. ' - • , , • .• • 311 . 50 1 75 3 00 3 01 125. 1 00• 1 50 2 25 N EWTILLm.• D 1 0 , P 0.5.1 13 . .PROPRIIITORS . AloxandOr Davidson,- • int4tOlcCalltliilitl,;,' George 103, ' a0)111 Wity,u'oner, • ~ Bracey . 2--J•Otin C. Bunco,JolitrOrace,v, . • 'Abrnlouti Cluict4 ; ;; Atelturem Laughlin, liCoce Join . ; littrsh, Jr., , . 'ffatlant Thounts.Stough, "Sidat , This Biotic, buslitet.it in 'the !HOW :et..11(1 Cutecy A: Co.. is now prep:trod Co do' a 'l;cluernl Bataan,' llnsioess ulth m u d" dionntoli., •• •- • ' .Money received on deposit and paid back' on dCninon. without ;Intim. • '. •. On ,Speclal Deirislts;:interist is paid as Pillows, sin Front 2 to 4 months, 3 per east. per annum.; For...i . months and stow:tuts, 5% per cunt. pteatintnn,', NitteS,- Drafts. Checks ,@c., collected in any part of the United States. • Farmers. lrechanies, and nil others deslritg a 'slab ! depository for their innuoy, will beat' In ittlud that thy proprietors of-this Bank aro INDIVIDUALLT to the oxtent of thoir several estates for all tint 'depOsits, and other obligations of ILEA, 011ACEIC d GO. • llotiklinalouse ht Main street, Nowvillo Pa. Bust , scent hours front U A 31., to 3 I'. 56- JOHN Newville. June 17, 1557.-3rnd I Cashier. CUMBERLAND ' , VALLEY BANK. I'ItCfPRIBTOR 5.,. IVituttt Kra,. • 711siel10111 11UNNEMAN, - - hoar. 0, STElliarr; • JoIIN DUNI.AP, .If Irlinnu Wimps, Joint Sl. STEitt.l:72, JOHN C. Dusi.vlf, - `-- If: X.'S.TVltOtort. This Kink; tieing businosi in the name of lier, limn faillifin 4 Co., Is flow hilly prepared to do n generolt II to Ling Business with promptness find fidelity. , 3lomy,received, oh deposit and paid bock on demand wttliont puttee. -;lnterest paid int special deposits. Our. tilled tea of , deposit bearing interest at the rein of five tier .riiiii,.;wlll lie issued for as short n period us tour months. IntfireSt On nit certificates will cense nt ma - Uity; proyldal;lienr ,, Nr; - tlar - Irilaltl• efinifientf.S"nrii renewed int pfy,tlfue thereafter for another given pe riod, thhy'ddi I bear ttut same rate of interest up to the 'du, of renewal. Particular attent ton paid to the mil lauthm Of notes, drafts, cheeks. 4c., in any part of the' - tin itml States crr - ea widow 1 Rim Ittnuces mode to Ragland, Ireland. or the Cont I. I neat. ' The 'labial and 'contidential °xi cutiou'll all 1 ,, orders entrusted to them, may lo relied upon. • .. ' They cast , the attention of .t mien, Illechartickmnd all ethers who detire a sofa deo nitury for their unifies, hi tlieU ntlatilable'fact, that tin , proprietors of this Rank' ;aid T. tin) DUALLY 'liable LO the bit tent of their estates fin: satrtl.e.Dehossts,; and other obligations of,tier„.llcettne-, ;;Th:ey_lnive recently removed In to, their new .11tvolditg Ifause-Alireetif opposite-their ftripos , sfsnil,. 11l West' aft7P , ,Street, , a' few doors eidit of tint -Railroad Depot; .phrre tiry'sJin 'At all thorn be' pleased to give -any in tliffentidtptlaslred In regard to irfloney.nintterniu gene.' . . MIIBMEI At IAUVIiT'I"S,_ At lIUYETT'S At 11.111'8,17,8 It II II 1: At)ilLyErtrs . . . GI iiii fir bu l l ores from 9 o' clock in thomorolne; uoill 1 ii!ildek:billie oyoulug. • ,11. A. STURGEON, Cashier. f . i.r.lisle, May :M. 1857.. • • - 1. 4 .1 111311 INSURANCE. - THF., ALtEN _L . AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY of Cumbuiland county, ineerpoe rated by an act of Assembly, to now hilly organized, nod in operation under the managoment of the following commissionero, Dania' thelloy. William R. Gorges, Michael Cockilo, !Rotol& !Irene: m n, Christian Stnyman, Dun lap, .laeolt Lewis flyer, Henry hogan,Ronja ,ll)lll 11. Muss... Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wickersham, Alexandei Cathcart. • . CeetcTleit rates of itesurance are on low and divorable no any 1 - Company: of the kind in the State. Perm"a wishing to become mombors oreincitod to Make, application to tho . ' -rtgouto of the conipshy,' who are willing to wait upon • thom at; any time.. ' ' _ '• BENJ. 11. MOSSEII, Prosldeut. HENRY LOUAN, Tice'President. • LEWIS MYER, Secretary. MICHAEL COCICLIN. Treasurer. . " CU M L.kND COUNTY.—linslolph Martin, N. Cunt hm.lntgl C, B. Herman, IClnmstown • Henry ZearisM Slitreenanstown •, Cherlea Doll, Cnrllnln t Ahl OharaMown ; ,Benntel Brabant, West Pennal aroma' 4mA? Bsr ,a.llool,'crissikihr4; moth, Priffith, South SHd 414 Ts; Samuel Colima., Benjamin ileverstlek, 7sterlsets leshs sat; Jahn Shorriek, Lieburni David Corner, Shell herdstawn.. YORK COUNTY.—John Dinvinan; Dillsburg; Poten- Wolford, Viand:llu; John Smith. bisq., Wnshington; W. S. Disking; Diwo..; J. W. COM I a •adiso. • - • II Alt lIISBUI4O.—IIowei k Lovhman. " Mombors of :tho ,cordpany, baring policlux ibont to ex illrenri ljave - ' ynd,by anion(' 01111.1 on pay .of Oa, age;tiF, TICI.-Notion -• .is hereby given, thetApplication milli be sonde ti next Legit,. lq ureOt Pennsylvania, to alter the charter of the Car lisle Begovit Bonk, loentetian the borough .of Ithoubcriond county, sons to confer upon cold bank the rights and privileges of a honk of le.eio. and to change Its louile to the'llirlisio Bank.. Also, to Ineroooo Abe . cogitator...said. blink (which to. et present' soventy4wo thoiosind -dollars )with the .pri,vlloge of Increasing the same under Ito voroint eltattee to One Hundred ThOU Oond tollita) to',Three llundrod.ThOusand Dolletri; W...I I 4 . IISETEM, Caottloi; Cadlolei Jul* . 1, 1861.-0 *i; . • W;!s. Diu uu y. , arosno~~ aroiaiist QM (gib) '2tbucrtiscmcnts. ('ZULU MEDAL_ .PREMIUM PIANO FOIPPES. RNABB, senionpartner of .tha 100 'firm °Monte, Weida A: Co., continues the rnanufactheo and sale of (IRANI) AND SRUA RE PIANO FORTES, undoe - the - nante - »f` - IVILLIA 61 - 10PARII - A - 00,7 4- at - ttrold stand, Nok. I, 3, 6 and 7 North Eutaw stet et, opposite the Eutaw liaise, Italtlmoro.. Thankful for the extensive patronage received by the late firm for the last ilitegn years, 1 respectfully bog leave to‘inform the public: that slum the death of one 'gf my partneiT, Mr. Ilonry anlie, by Which the part 'nership was dish red, I have purchased the entire . .large stook of unfinished , Planos, , lumber,'- and -other prepared - materiabibelonging - tcr therefore continue the business at the old staid as above and will endeavor not may to sustain the well established reputation of the late firm, but to excel All former efforts in perfecting the Piano-Foe to, Since the dissolution of the-late firm, 1 am manning turing Pianos on a herr and ninth improved scale.— The filit Instrument finished according to the now do eignt, Wes deposited in the Fair of the Maryland Inn 1. tuto, held October, 1858, at which It took the highest honors orthe Institution, having been awarded the "Gold 310 a! Protein:lW" over the unusual competition of fourteen Planes, exhibited by-some of the best ma kers of Boston, Now York and ltaltintrre. At the Annual Indust:Ml Exhibitions, held in Oc tober, 1885, and October, 1850, by the Mechanics' •Insl I . tutu of Richmond, Virginia, hay Pianos were also weld ed the Ilighestßromiums. Again. at the late •Fllfr.Or the Maryland Institute, held Oetobor, 1880, after a tenet thorough anti an un usnally protracted investigation of the merits of the . . pigliteen Instruments op exhibition, from the most' celobrated factories of Baltimore, New York and Bos ton, lily-Pianos were again awarded the - highest honors of the Institution, they having rectti,ved the "Gold Metireortillentrinatiltoffor - milnilljidged to articleit of such superior merit as to defy conpetillen for two successive years. • Also, at the Thlrd,...Exhibitlon of the Metropolitan Mach:alien Institute. held in Washington, D. C. March 1857,1,hey wore once.more awarded the highest hon. • ors. With regard. to the • quelitici of my pianos, dantly refer to.the testimonials I am eminently re ceiving from' Professors and MoakAtm:soaking for . thinnsolven and othorn, of tho high appreciatien In which my Instruments nreillitnys held, andavhich con be nice at my Warernoms. Anti thin Is the best and most reliable assurance I can oiler ti, etisttanmhopatv, „toormy - own — knowipdgfritrfliiTlints, that In 4 imrobaslng at my .establishment, they urn guaranteed __thq.posszssion ota,Plano..eqind, If not superior, to any ; , made in lids country or Europe.. • • All Pianos built at my Factory Intro foil iron Frames. being so constructed eW •to secure great additional strongth. without effecting the artar,and therefore will stand in any climate. Pianos made to et der, of any Lind of wood, and with • any style of finish that may be desired. - The greatest ea re ts, bestowed upon my work. and the selection of the best materials and every Instrument turned out of my factory ran therefore be fully was • ranted as possessing- alt the qualities requisite for a good Piano. , . . _ __. - All Instruments of my thanufteture aro 1 Iso gpnran teed for flee years from the day of solo ltarticular, attmdlon Is-laid to the selection of In r.trtitnents for distant orders, and a erttvziAux OF ex eitAstle grail fed at any thou within FIX months from the diti,orsole, should such Instillment not give entire sat (start fro!. : DrALIMS will fine It te, their ridron pro to give too a uall belies° porehnsing °bulgier°. itn,...Constantly on hand n 11110 nkurtment of MELO. PEONS, of the butt nta!ters; at prices from $45 tns2oo— oinglo and double reeds—nod also with dobble key 11.trtls and Maps, w'i'll adapted fir the use of small .• PIANOS exchanged, hired, or tuned. . •.. • Tlii fell6wlng testlninhlalg from Iwo of the most erni• cent Pianists in the meld. will show how my lnstru Molts are appieelated by those great Perriirmers;Who have 111111 oppoi 1111111.10 E for rating the best Manes of lihrope and Amerlen: Me. W. 11:111111101 . 0 . • " • Bear Sir: I have great pleasure In certifying that? liave try(' your Square PIATIOR, and find them equal, It not superior to nny hi this country. A inniqt their great qualities, whirl; distinguish Ilion]. Is the' eveness of 'tone, the agreeable and even touch, and volume tone. Wishing you all the 811fec0ti you - So highly the serve, yours very troll.. Baltimore 1866._ S. TIfALIIEIttI.. • . Tit Sic 7ws. Nl"m..linnbe 47 Co., Baltimore: 'Gentlemen :•Pernift me to express you herewith 'my thanktiiiiEthe nnpeiL tirand and Square elating; Which you have loaned me, 7111,1 on which f lioon per , PorinciPitt my concerts, 1 earshot lint eongratulato you Tido the immense progress and improtemcdts you-eon , ciditlikually melt' on your Pianos. which, in my °pin. lon, rent: anionic the very best hi this country. .1% hearty \THU'S Sir your success and Mx;'Sperity, whicli you richly duserve liy spllrkliterptile, energy and ' I remain plum - eery truly; - .-duly /5, 1857-Iy.. 31,11.11110 E SVAKOSCIE. .4. - -- .. STAUFIE IL & II Al'l L % Y'S • eb cimAy • WA:IT:Ims AND JEWARY. •'..., 4 ,*- 5 . ... •,. Whales:de and Retail, al the ".Plilladelphla • • Watrli and . Jewelry Store." N 0.116 North Socend street; coruhr erquarly, Philadelphia, " '--- tiold LeN'ilill ataes full jewelled, 18. carat - . • • . cases, ' • . ' S2S op , •.: Gold ',elan°, 18 raratil. ,t 24 hi) . .81Iver'Lever, full jou gilled, : . • :•• 12 00 ktilyer Lopitre. jewels, • . ~, Superior Q tutrtiers, - ' .. -. 7 00. , Gel d Spectacles, 7 00 flue silver do. - . • 4 50 ff Gold ltrneelets, • ••-.. I..adist Gold Pencils, • • - -'' 100 Hiner Tea ktitoons: net. : ' . • . 500 , ....• -Gold Pens. stith pellet is and silVer holder, 1 00 ::. (told Finger Rings Watell Glasses, &c. 'All gob. ~. wt.-tooted to be whet they ore sold fur. 'STAUFFER k "[ARLEY, • • Smeekispc of 0. Conrrl. • rirrOo litol,l some OiLI nml Nllver Lavern and Lupine :still Inner than Lim :thrive liners. ' . • THE LAINIEST CHAIR AND FummunE ESTABLISIDIIINT IN. 'BALTIMORE . • • . • • Nathiot's Gay • Street •Ware.roome s . • . No. 25 Guy Street, near n tayette.' ... . . BALTIAIOIt 8.. AID ' *um Is kept always on. litm,l;or ineidti, to Order, owe ry•strio of French ; TETE-A.I'I.I:LS, In ' PITO, link Cloth's in. Brocatelle, • . • , . , --French Full z.tuffahtl Medallion, liorlor.A R7(CMAIIIS In Plush, Unit. Cloth, or Broratelln.'s ' .. '.. Fromili Full sea . Carved PAELOIt . GRAMS, In note with Plush: Hair, or Itroentelle. • • • .. . • - •• SOFAS; half Fresielt Mahogany anti Walnut Parlor CM Al ItS, in I fair, Cloth'or Plush. • • ROCIC I NG t,IIA I ItS—varloun deslgnn, lu link, Cloth nail Plush.-,,.-• -' ' Stull' e , pring. I.9U . Sti ES—a largo assortment 'always on hand. or any pattern. outdo _or.covered.,ll Ith nay goods to model. . . eIIA3IBER. SUITS—In Wnluut, complete, front #3, up. ' CANE COMES and Melting do.—the largest escort moot ready-made In the Coiled States—front $l2 a do. .ZIIII up. . . her Room. °Mee and Dining CHAIRS, n Oak, Wal nut or, ,Mallogony. with Colic, ri'mal Or Stuffed Sento , — nil asrortnientondameing °weld) dozen. Wood Seat COMAS nnd SETTEES and ROCKING CHAIRS—over 100 doz.. F caller lieds. Hair and husk Matt ref./111 of every vu. tidy. Also, all kinds of Wit and Plain Frames for Looking Glasses; &e. , A. MATIIiCIT, 25 North Clay Streof, Near Fayette street. =EEO OUNTIt Y ME IiCHANTS! .Tlln Apple Harvest of 1557 has arrlimd, And If you widt to make money, pleahe your customers and save eanvashing +agent.. (who can make one, two and oven fdur hundred dollars par month) front sup ; plying the goods' In your town and county which you ought to sell, you ran du it by milling tun dollars ibu a sample lox' containing six- of Pratt's Apple Venrers (2:5)0,110 already odd) and Pratt's Apple Slicer, (a now article,) and ono thousand minted circulars to dlstel. ....but° in your town or con ity, By so doing you will ',find no trouble In ordualliTtiltAelling at a very hug profit ion,Lwytnly or °von 4 hundred dozen machinc i f during the neesen.. PRATT'S A I'VLB PARER, was patented in 1853. - Having a loose head or linPc carrier so armngod an to . readily aljusi itself to the inequalities of the surfnie of apples, or other frult, the working qualities of which hay!, proved so excellent and advantageous to the own- Indnity, think the manufacturers, Messrs: Sargent A l'lster, tette already' been called on to supply more thin hair. million tea,hines.. PRATPS APPLE SLICER, made Lo accompany the, Palm. was patented in lOU. It in a small neatly con. ,structed madn Ine;ond like Its companion, the Parer, . does most excelluot work. cutting in aboutfrresoronds each apple into twenty•two Nital parts, twang, with out waste, only it small core to be removed. A. child can readily work either .Parer or Slicer' at,a speed•of about three bushels per hour. 'RETAIL PIIIQF UP EACH $1,50. • 'All orders by Moil or otherwise should, to meet prompt atteuiloiL be • • • E.. L. PRATT, Pep 0- to tn . ( Sinieln OL;ThEridelpbbi;ft FA It AIERS' AND --11 4ECIIANI,CS' FOUNDRY AND IDACJIINII Fllol', CARLISLE, PA ; - - -"' - - - North Street, coat of Claaea hotel - The subscriber would reapectfully Inform tho public In ironclad that he is now prepared to manufacture all kinds of Agricultural Implemidtta; such as Ilovel 'Geer, Four horse Power, horizontal (leer, Four and Two Homo Power,, also - the latest Improved Railway Chain 11 orse Power and Overshot Theshers witliSepara‘ tors attached. . . Ito Invites porticulni• attention to I nfo's Patent Clo• ver Huller and Cleaner. This machine will' bull and clean freer Vireo to six Weibull; per hour, and is consi dered decidedly, the best now in use. Also,iCern Shellers,ihr.band.or_lierse_nower: lit ow and Fodder Cutlers, Ploughs, Harrows,• Oulautors, Hay Bakes, (train Kum Circular Smys., d..c. ' lie will also furnish to order • • lIION_ANIL_IIItASS_L'ASTI NOS; of °wary des:Option ; such as Tr6sliing Machine, Plough, Co'rusheller, Cellar (irides, Sash Weights; also, beautifully designed flailing for emoted' Lots, Endo. auras, 4e., Promptlynttandod it) for 11 caning, Nosing and Trorh• int 31nclilnett and all kinds of Agricultural pt 100515. CtulJoie, June.lU, 1867 Carlisle ~roundry,' MA'CniNE:BfIOP,. 'CAR AND SASIt FACTORY, Reit Mein . Street, CARLISLE: • . . This extensive estatal4hinont le now In Complete on: dor end supplied with the bestmachinery for executing work in every department. The buildings have also been greatly enlarged thin spring and stocked with the newest nod - most improved Wolff" Write manufacture of IMRE= DOORS, WINDOW ERANIES. BASIL Shutters, Blinds,- 1 , 49)11(114i; Brackets and all * other kinds orCarpenter search. .-Wk•ittvite Blinders. 'Car: penters And others to call and examine our f ellittce for doin g 'this' description of.lworli. The lout Materials used and prices as low is shiny otheiestablishuielit Gt the County or elsewhere. • ,'• " • • • syram ENGINES BUILT TO °MIER.. "end repaired no Heretofore: „I.:twinen Intro been recent ly built for W. M, llentlersnek Ken; In thin borough, It. Brynon di Co..Allini townaltip}Abl &Brothers:New villa, Shade k ,Wetiel,;.Pnrat Middleton, and,ot.ters, -11 L whose estql,ll:4lnnent they tinny i.e seen in doily op erot lon. oink to whonilpiremisrercr frie.ovidenee-of their. I RO,N,AND • CAST,,I7C,GS. °revery desetintlnn, ftkan the sinallest 'l.O the ItCaNlet pineen,:eanctited tit shurt; notjre tor, every -kind of ma- chimney. - A inege variety °Ginni oanti ngs Mow' on hand. Two skillful •I'attern rnakein 'eanntantly einmhOd.— .111-WAIIINO : proinptiv attended to. for Paper Mille, nintillerles; Orlst Mins. -Foolorlirs;,tc.. Turning and fitting Xlll Spihdlee,..kr7donu In the.l4nt style. • Ohms , . roivErt.§. • ouch no Bath Gear four 'dew) Towers, - Horizontal Over Four and Two Horse 'Powers, •Corn. SlwHers, Crusherg, Iron itollOrs. castings, and other sr tides for fanners, on bond ar prompti,y wade to order. -BURDEN CARS Bill I,T, ' , " and reps:rad.. Our ileliltien for bul/dhig , Cars 'are now. [nom eomplote.thau Ilnrutofor6 and enables us to- fur r.lsh them to transporters um the till road on acclaim. •dating terms and made of thO' hest ' materials. v Ordertl _solicited a mi'tintire katls fact lan g - : Thu lort - ',experlonce in •tlhe ilollloiitli 0( tit,' . FOillOr •partnur of the liononol..tho -completeness •of our . ma chlnery,in every . branch orme Vslablishmeof, Warrant • us• in assuring.: the kelt work, to-all wha faint. us with.theirordors.. The continued patribiage of our old Wanda awl the public is respectfully solicited. Mop 25, 'fa—Ay. . PAIARDNItit & Co. a • NEW ApLIIICULTIJ.R.A.L WARE Rooms.. , • • FATI,MINGPINIPLEMENTS: subscribor, 'located in.thwbasement of the - Menus dist Church, opposite the linilmnd •Wpot, b now 're ceiling a variety of Forming' Iniplenfohts, such os_ • U/kAIN ' • " GRAIN DA:4 CO, RN DIDILLETte, "' ' FARM BOILERS, 'Corn nod Cob Grinaors (Scott's Glant,) the Cr es c e nt Grain Mill, llorgil Shovels, REAPERS AND 1101VIDIS 'Oniony's with 11110tro Improvement.) Straw Cutter Le., nit of which :no of the newt, Improved Mod. and workmanship, nod will be Sant on the most acconnooda -tink, terms. Farmers are respectfully Invited wnd oxaminii before porclowilig. • ' . • ARMSTRONG... VFn_ For the colivenlence of formers, Moure's Potent Groin DI 111 will be said at zthiremansto.vn by Itenjamiu- Clay. and at Shippensburg by Christian Long. A ugut-t 20, 18116.—1 y. T. J. G Intl I Air, J. 1,. 3IeDOW B. 31, ray IDSON McDOWELL ,t•CO . Ma= Icrt.entrorth City, Armin., Territory • W• lit,ty,.sell•,.. and' locate: lands lii Kansas and Nebraska .Tertitories, lowa and y Weldon Missouri, buy and sell lands,,,inan and .invest ononey. buy and 1.11 drafts, give information respecting the country, and do a general agency business, • REVERENCES, . - . _ John 11. Batton, Esq.. Carlisle, Pa. ' • . . .W131._11. 'lepton', Banker, " . . ,lion. J. IL 0 rahani, " ' IS er,..llronnontan & Co., Bankers. Carlisle. ' Wm, M. Henderson Esq., Carlisle. , George Sanderson klsq., Lancaster. Pa. Dr. John A. Mil, IM. C., Newville, Pu. • : . . Win, S. Cobol.), Esq., " • E. W. Mat kJr Co., Bankers, Philadultiltht, - • Hen. Michael CooLlin, , Shepherdstown, Pa. Henry Bellow' & Sons, Mereitants, Baltintorb. li, L. Bloke, Esq., Cashier 31ercautile itank.• New York. Snyder k l'i , arlttint, Ewa Estate Agents, 31inneapolls, 31innessota Territory. Vim lillgorn, Em., Attorney and Peal }:state Agen Sterling, 111 I. IV. Meteer.ll., henry city, 111. ~ e -Cov...losepli Miner, Cumberland county, Pa. :. IV. Clarl, 1 Co., Hankers. Philadelpld I. Me. Pollock, March 18,1857.-Iy. - • LOOT IP Ait ERS LOOK 11 E MACIIIVESI • 'Pia subscriber lit'hirfli to Inform I'llnm-sand the pub lic generally that he- now has on hand and Is cor staidly manuficturing Threshing Machines with Nee 1, ad's Patent Shaker, which are generally neknowb edged to be the best articles new in use. Also n variety of Improved Clover II ulle, a, COrd .Sheners, Straw Cut. .ters-and-Plank's_CelebratetLEluit.,_liu_also.attendkAst .the repaying of. Agricultural 3lachinery in the hest 11141111,1 . and on reasonable terms. :11,Inufortory ,011 North Minor& gre. t, directly opposite the residence of Gcoge hletrgde, Esq. Sept. 2, '27 -my. JOIN PLANE. HARDWARE .HARDWARE !- JOIIN P. LYNN, tit SON are now receiving their Fall Stock of Hardware. which is unusually large, and in connexion with their for mer heavy stock makes It ono of the, largest and most varicdessortmente ever offered to this publle: They tare every thing kite t the Fernier, the Builder, the Merchant. or the public, may want, in their lines, anti 'which they are selling nt the very fewest prices. They solicit n coil rrom the public before making their part abases, as they feel confident they can offer Inducements that will retard the bu mr for the trouble. Feeling thankful ton generous public fur their former Intend patronage, n continuance of the same It solicited nt our old stand in North linnover Street. Carlisle. JOHN P. LYNE & -SON. :October 8,1856. TO :CARPENTERS, 1! AII Elt S AND DUI LDBUS. sAhscrilters would resectfully announce to the public, that' they 11111 ni & prepared to furnish the fol lowing a:lilted art LUMBNII: FTeat, Comman and PAnnol Piny - a outPLbarris et all thleness : Com mon lleardt and Plano white pine; liendock deice and Scantling. of all sizes nod lengths; White Pine and Yellow Phu, Flooring, worked; all kinds of Paling and Plastering Laths; Hue and Cyprus Shingles of nll qua lities; Shingling Lath and Striping, and 'Fencing Boards 20 foot long. All timbers sawed to enter, by leaving their bilis, of all lengths and 'Fin. (pine. oak, or hemlock.) Sash, thars, Blinds end Mouldings ready Pr use. The above will he famished en the most ren , sonnble terms, anti nt the shortest notice. • TO COAL CONSUMERS. 'We have constantly on hand al . O 1C kinds of • FAMILY COAL, such t,s Lykeits Volley, Shea Mountain, Trovotion, LG. cust•Mountaln, lute. Fiddler, Punloury. Wilkesbarro, - and tho Orval' Top for BlacksnilthS,; all of which we will deliver to any part of the town as low as it .1:411 he bought at any yard itt the town for cash or country produce. Coal all re screened and delivered clean. By striciAttent ion to business, wo hope to receive a liberal _Otero of public warming°. You will find our Yard In the eastern and of the be. rough. opposite the this Works. Our °Mee hereafter will be apt op twslte Bouts S Brothers store, in the office new occupied by 'Squirt, Smith:. All orders land the °Moo or at tailor of the subscribers' residence's, on Pomfret stmt., °rat east street, will be promptly at tended to Carlisle, Juno 3, IM7 'NEW GOODS-JUST RECEIVED ,• -At BENTZ & Mtn, cheap Store, Now Style All.WoolDolalnaa—Juit 'received . At. II NNTZ & BIWA, oppbalte Ufa poet Office. Plain and high Glinted Stalin Boider te celied ; " AC BENTZ - A ORO'S. Chopp Store. Now Stylo Dross Goods-- . ..E01l de Dhoito Valandau* —just yocolrOd at • .. DENTZ & .. et 186 7.• • °Malta ib• reel eire.c lgriculturat. EMIIIMM J7K UTZ:- LAN 11 -- AG NNTS. 811R031 & HOFFER ~lrti rcllnncous. rrinE TEMPLE OPYANGY NOW OPEN . • • .anise -KI N DL E - is - COIN° I • ' • And 'will be at his Old Ikea Quarters In North ilooov.or..streut, during..tho-Clir6tron,nott-New-Year'ir-- festivities, with one of I lie largest assortments or . CIIOICE CONFECTIOIVA It lES Ever offered in this place, consisting in part of Fine . Candy Toys And Fruits. Jelly-Cakes, lion lions ' Gaul Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Bose, Vanilla, and Ilihnt• Almonds, Fronrh and exploding Secrets ac.''Also 'all . 'the common varieties. - - FRUITS AND NUTS theAriteitAnivrtations such-as Orangee,-Lemonsi Raisins, Figs, Pruons, Currants, Citnin soft and piper shelled 'Ainion'es, Filberts, Cream, Co mo, and ground Nuts. In connection with the above an extensive as. nor moot of — TOYS — AND FANCY GOODS of every quality and price, consisting In part of Fine NYmi, kid, plane, cry lag end other Dolls. Sowing and Card Baskets, Fancy Boxes, Flower VrIBIJP, Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Masks, Drnms,auns,..AinTistolerheenrdeons; - -- Ilarmonicans, Trumpets; Chessmen of bone and wood, Dominoes,.Lotto and other games. Fancy SimCFI - 0 lair 011 s and Port Morales, &c. We have also a gnu lot of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as pulverised, crushed and brown Sugars, of ovary grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch 0 rem and Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda, Sugar, Wets,, and other Cmckers, cheese, gm. The subscriber returns Ms sincere' thanks to ligener , ens public for the patronage heretofore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire to plesie, to merit a continuance of the soma. I'. MONYER. • Carlisle, Deel.lo.lßse. M AItION HALL .AGAIN T. THE WORLD FOR I . IOO D - DA7IURItiIEOTYPES AND - CifATTONTYPES.z- - (1: C. BRANDON isould respectfully announce to the citizens of Cgiilinle and the public gen orally, tl at hos teken the Daguorrean Usllery in Aiarion Ball, (lately occupied by A. b. Keot.) Haring secured - the services ofMr. D. C. Nesgly, he is prepared to accondluxinto all those who desire (.1001) PICTURES of themselves or families. . . . 1 311-Theao Rooms have boon fitted up in. a superior style on the 2nd instead of the 3d floor es heretofore, and ore intended .to he a pe.manent location, goose, quently none but. Perfect. Pictures will be allowed to leave the gallery. 7) . All pictures not perfectly nati.sfactory, will be retak e n freitlfsilarge....„__:._, - Pictures copied fan old Druruerreotyponor Portralten ale.) Inserted In bocketg, Ilrenstiolnn, Flngerrlngn. &c. glren nu rOnnonnble.terms,--- , ---- All nre Invited to roll nod examine Our specimens and then judlre•fbr thinnselyes. July 15N- • lIANTCH, MERcuANT 'TAILOR.. Guth Honorer Street two doors North of Bentz & Ben's Store, Has Just returned Iron, Philadelphia, with a (nil Stork of Cloths Caschnrres, Vestlints &t, cults /011e for Spring and Summer wear,- which he is preps ed to ulnae - up to order promptly, and • on ressounbla terms. Also on bend CHEAP READY-MADE'CLOYIIiNG, togotlrer Wirla stocks,sollAre,-bandkerettlelikal4-other—: ertfele4-;nkua7lriaind In n Dentin:lane lninlshing Fiore. Goods bought olsowboto lOU also be truke.to Immure no , usupl, • ~ A TCIIES AND JEWELRY.- bnvo just rec'eived from New-York a large sup Ply (lull and silver Ilauting Watches, of the latest styles, nod yery_flod..gold.feb, Test, curb; gild 'neck - chains, metialions, In short, every artirl• kept by watch makers: n FO a new supply of 'llngley's thud I'ens,4ll Axes. The pub* le respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. - - Aug. 20,1807) , - W. D. A-. NA BiAcKsiurEs' C 0 A L . :-10,000 Bushels of Bituminous Coal, from the celebrated “Lonion" DILIes, receiving and for sale by_ . August. 5, 5H57. - • IL ROOTS AND SHOES:.—=Anothei. large assortment of Mon'. and Fine Boots. Ladles' Mormon Hoax and Misses and Chil dren'e llootiOind Shorn. Gum crershoes sad Buffalo Socks,ari, very: low prices,. .• • . • CIIAN 0011.117. . . Elie sobsoribei,luis•juq reeived. froth Phllndelphini_larrnk, Cullcoen ' Lfineue,-Sklrithe• n nthoi g ood. nuitable to the sonnon. July 2;107, • GEO. W. IiITNXIt. cEDurdtioit: .rEMA.LE.O 0 G E '., . . This Institution, has for the libnral clunition of Young Indies , has been In. operation one year with the most gratifying mini ts, It in now established on a firm basis, and its patronage already extends over nine sisterstates. .• . ' • Iniridg the last wintor, it was created a college pro per,,by thm.begislitturn of Pennsylvania, with power,h,_____. confer degrees; and', onddived with all the' rights and' privileges of the most favored Female Institattione. ' It In looted on tlicrCumborland_Yalley Railroad mid 'way between /InrrlAburg'and Carlisle, in the most for Gip and beautiful ,portion of the valley, and In In elem. prosioiityto one of the most moral, healthy, and oilier. prising towlncin the Sudo, • It. Is central, anti eau of Steen. Students - leaving IVnellington, linitimore, or Philadelphia in the morning train for lisrrisburg,.will arrive at' IdeqbanicsbUrjr, in time for dinner. The_ edifice In large and commodious, surinunded by 'doubts verandas, and will accommodate about one hum dred boarders. In its construction, it combines all the modern ImprOvenients for the promotion ofhealth,:com. a fort, and convenience, In those respectit phyniciana prdnounco it' unrivalled. - The Chambers are large and neatly furnished. Each has Its registers Pm hint sod 'Tent IlatiOn. ONLY TWO sTUDENTS °MINT rnx BAKE Moon. The Bath rooms, ore st all times supplied with warm nail cold water. • • The Grounds are ample, and well arranged for recrea .tion, and the various calisthenic exerctses—so essential 'to health, grareful.,inoventent and symmetry of form. ' • The Faculty of Instruction is efficient and expert- pneed. In the CoLLEOIATE DEPARTMENT the course of atyily is 'oh n high grade, comprehending all the subjects Irolong., tag to a Clasyleni, Polito and Christian Education. . In 11.1,e PAEPaRATORT DEPARTMLNT militia will be care. ftilly instructed In I,••se branches forming the basis of thorough English FAlluention. disslo:o.l—blint Sedsion-Proin lot September to the •- 30tICof January. • 'SceiMMPession—From let February to eke • . .let ofJnly. , " VACATION—DurIng.JuIy and August. , TE11303 PER SESSTON OF, FIVE MONTHS, PATADLII‘ ADVANCE.. • , Boarding, •11*trithing, . Furhished Dooms, Fuel and. Light, . • - • ' • ' $OO 00 TVlTlO:l—COlingisto Depnritnent,• - • 20 00 • " Preparatory. Depastnient, • . • 10 00 ••• • '!. " First Class . No extra charge ton Ancient Langtanges. 12 00 user—Pinno nod Guitar,. • • -' 20 00 Vocal MuSic, - • ... • . 200 Modern Language", .- • . - • .10 00 Painting. Urnwing and other Ornamental Dennehy', at the usual rates.' . • !rext.books furnished at City priree., •-• For further particulars address, • Rev. A. ,: U. MARLA= A. M., ". . • • President. . lisr.icENCES : ' • The Faculty of Dicylusno College, Carlisle, Pa. Rev; It. D. Chambers. Carlisle, Pa. William It. 31ullen,'Esq., , , Rov. 1)r. T. Daugherty. . , I ~ *Rev. C. Graham, Bloomfield, • . . • William 11. Alien. President of Girard College, Phila. James 11. 31cColley, Esq. . Clement Cla• k. Leq. • Rev. Andrew 31anship. y *James It. Graham. Graimmton, Pa. . • iltev. C. V. Sleeve!, 3lechanienhuN, Pal' '' ''' ' *lita Day, M. D., • P:11. Long, M. D., .l. '").. . E. Zug, Esq., *John Riegel, Esq., John Vendeveer, D. D., Norton, Pn. •Dayid Coover, Esq.. Shopberdstown, Pa.. ' ' George W. Meek, Pinbgrove 31111 s. Pa. • Levi Merkel. Esq., Shlrslumnshrwn, Pa:- .' *.l. 11. H a Hurst. Esq•lllsinirg, Pa.. ` 4I IIPAT - Stillth;Es , TTPlttsburg;lsl:' -- John Vandeveer. D. D.. Easton, ),,,, - Ills Excellency, Toter P. - Causey, Aillford . Del. • 1i0n..1. It. Loriend Secretary of. State, Roc. I'. P.-McColley. . *George S. Adkins. Esq. _ ,t, . *Samuel Sharp. Esq. . • , Prof. Thos. IL Sadler, Wilmington,, lion. runnel 31. Harrington, Boyar, ' " ' " lion. C. S. Layton, Georgetown, WilHan, 31arshall, 31. D. •• Hon. John It. Sadler, Bridgeville, , . *William S. tioslin, Esq.; Federalsburg, 111 d. lter..lohn A. Gme, Biltimore ' Md.. . • . - -s' *Jamb Shoff, Esq., lcmcaster,Oldo. - *George D. Evans, Esq., pllnrOtatown, T.. Alexander Burgess, D.D., Portland, Malta. Jbhn Edwards, D. D., Itochestor,-N: I.' Sullivan Weston, D. D.. N. 'l,'; • . S. F. Baird, D.P.S., Smithsonian Institute, Washington City. Jacob ltuple.Y..Esq., Lockport., Illinois. --• TRUSTEES OF THE COLLEOB. ' elra Day, M. D.,• Mechanicsburg, Pa, I'. 11. Long, M. D.,' ' ' ' . . *Solomon I'. Gorges, Esq.. •Ep mho Zug. Esq., *John Beige', Esq., :John Brandt. Esq., Hobert 1try50n,.11,04., J. It. Coover, Estl., ' *David Conner. Esq., *Col. 0. Sr Adkins, Ihrrixburg, Pa., Shopherdptown, Pa n 44 3111 ford; Del, t rOr s er the College Juue 24.--3nion. • (lARLTSLE FEMALE SEMINARY: ki The no scholastic year of this Seminary will commence on Tuesday, Septetuber let. The Seminary is a boarding and lib , school conduetral by experienced and competent teachore. It. in ret)red, healthy and. pleasant, and the course of instruction embrares the elementary and higher English, together with the Ancient and random languages,. made , Toad and lust rumentaL and the various ornamental branch. es Vacatinn during July ard August. For fnrther luforinntiOn apply to the principal, CHAS. CLARK, at the Seminary in }Peat Louther St, near the Gerutan Refbrmed Church. . ItitagitllNCßS: ' - C. P. WINO. D. DA Bor. DAVID DTERRETT,• Rev. W. W. MILLS,* - Bev. J. R. ISIORSS,* Rev. A. 11. KREMER, • Nev. JACOB FRY, ' J. 11. PARKER, Eeq.* RICLIAIIDPARKER, CAItY W. AUL. Esq.* t Teti 1e nr the Seminary. ' f Atm 5-at. .-/UDSON - RIVER • INSTITUTE,, , X. It - AT GLEVERACK, Y. ,s - : ALI AND FEMALE. Board 'and Tuition, $l2O per year. Term opens Peptember 10th. Gentlemen. Instrnelert in Plano, Nude. painting and Modern Longue e. Ad. three the Foe. Alonio Peek, A. M.. Principal. • • Aug. 20, INeI.-2mo. ENRY. R. KNOUER, Pads. Elmo", • OF MUSIC, ". . t ors his canteen to the.eltlsens - of Caillale. Me' wttl give lessons oo the Plano,liultar and Idelcideon jai also loatruet pupils In vocal muldc. BatlafaetOry nittlfr• env , * are offered, rds to his abllltt to give lintilalkelloa. _Reoldeneeot Hotiffi,„: Jonettialbiatow G7CIIRANTON EMIR =II