Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 07, 1857, Image 3

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    New 'a.buettiiietitents,'
Fr() IN VALEDS:;-Lli,ll. 11.1 ARMAN,
eases of lice Lunge Th oat o rand Heart—fertnerly Phy
eiclan to the Cincinnati- Marine -Hospital, also to Inca
-Marcia, and anther of "Letter( to,lnvalida"
Membetnithelmndon - Milfilettl - SudetyWrObinitsittion;
'anti Editor of the "Medical Stethoscope," may he con
sultd at Herr'. Hotel in Harrlaburg, October 14th ..nd
lath—at the - Mansion Mune IN CARLISLE on Friday,
• October 114 h. and At the Montgomery House In Chain.
bersburd an SattirdnY, October lith
- • Dr. Hardman treats Ooniumption, Bronchitis, Astir.
- ma, Larryndittis, and" - all diseases of the throat and
by medical Inhniatiom - Intely - used In the Brom ,-
ton dilosplutl. London, The great po.nt In -the-trait
meet of nil human maladies Is to get at the disease In
the direct manner, All medicines are estimated by
their action upon the organ requiring relief. This Is
the important fact upon which Inhalation Wed. If
• the stomach is diseased we take medicine directly Into
the stomach. If the lunge are diseased, breathe or In
bale tifedbrated lupe 'A directly Into the' lunge. Matti
- elite', era the antidotes to disease and should he applied
to the very seat of disease. Inhalation In the applica
tion of thin principle to the treatment of the lunge, for
It dices us direct Acme', to those' Intricate nicselln and
' Lichen which Re out of reach of 'es cry other Aleuts of
ndministering medicines. The rensoti that Corieump
tion, and other diseases-of' Hui lake. have heretofore—
resisted all treatment has ham because Howbeit treyer
Warr approached In a direct manner by medleir.e. They
were. Intended to Act upon the hulks and yet were ap
plied to the.stomach. Their action wen intended. to
local. and yet they were•sn,mfroloistered that they
should net constitutionally„ Impending immediate and
principal action upon the unolfendlng stoitinch, whilst
the foul ulcers within the - lunge were unmolested.
- Inhalation brlngrithe medicine in direct contact with
the dinease, without the dissdrantage of any violent
• Action. Its npplicatlon - in so simple tint it can be em
played by, the younrest introit or feeldent lnvulld. It
does not derange the stomach. or intelfere in the least
degree with the strength; Comfort, or business of the
pal t.
following diseases, either when complicated with-lung'
affections or existing, alone. I also Invite consultation.
• ,I,usdally find thorn prumptly.eurable. '
• Probinger and nll other forms of female complaints,
ii7plnrltlbsjiii4 we:go:est,
n PDT& TAlsortormewrtreiitmr s6,
Complaint. Dynpopnla, anion otheadlscase's of stomach
and trowels. he..,.. • • -'
• . All dinensirs of the eye and ear. Neuralgia. Epilepsy.
and all firma of nervous di . No charge for ago
•oN sultntlon.
Sept. 30 18 -7.
S. D. 11ADDMAN. M. D
—The auterrilmie are now pre
lei v . , pared to furnish the citizens of
• Cumberland County with the
•-• best quality or, Coal-for - family
one, at the following reduced rates: Wo will. sell best
broken and egg coal from Lykons valley, Lancaster col
liery. Lomita mountain, Short mountain, Luke Phi
..tier. Sunbury and Willteabarre nt ton. all re
screened and delivered to any part of the borough.
Lillie cord at the yard for 113.25 and Blacksmith's coal
always on, baud. Also, all kinds of Luyther, cheaper
• .tiALE. .
I will sell; on THURSDAY, the Bth day of October,
on the farm on which Robert snhle resides, on the Har
risburg turnpike. mie mile and a half east of Carlisle.
one very fine SIX. MU GE TEAM, of large sloe and good
condition and one FOUR. M ULP. TEAM. Mlle mules are
all writ broke Ow all purposes. ,
Also, three floe Mood Marco, two good Farm Hones,
about Pim HEAD OF COWS,..HEIP CRS. and YID:10
a largo _lot of, Plougha' Ifarrowe. Cultivators,
thme or four Wagonol, new Threshing Machine, one
Wind MCI , a good Reaper. (McCormick's.) two good
Shafit Drills for see'ding grain, three pair Hay Ladders;
one (toil er. Mme Sleigh, ,Itarness, , Plough ,Heara, and ,a
variety of other articles, being the stock- of
• farms. - •
Tonna made knowteon thy of gal., by
.I,isNl , ll W. PATTON
_ • • . Attorney in fact for A. AIL Noble.
Sept. 30, 1853.
1-.1.. ko YOUNO Mltli.. n .
"The glory of a.ynting man in hie ntreugth." .•
(From the. Sunday Dispatah..NAy York. Alig.;:d 'Sr.) •
Our readers urn aware thta IV, Neltlotn. If eyer;;:ecom
mend any medical puhli.thin. If not endoyeed by the
'for, Ittot , st atitliortD , ita we: ahoy
- 7 - nyojtrcnil)r - cutt 1. myrt73 - Irew - rtilitlutl7trotflin - fra - aif
Debility and other weak neteteit. the result of early In.
Warmth, It Is a small but valuable pamphlet. 111 s
preparation, the - Itootratarott,..' and " Nr.nrise' aro
now considered the mole and only effectual remedies
est Ant fir the cemplaints referred to.
• OK. CUlsE.ftwur.'s thoutry,l and Royal
Nerving. the l orrrelen remedies far Seminal Wealtucen.
5.111% lltbillty, Impotanoy, Involuntry Etnimalons,
' tiro for sala'by must of the leading Druggists
tut the country.
De. C's PAMP , :I.r.r. SC above containing
for the cure Of Sportutitorrhon. cull be hail In a se•
cure envelope, by encloSing - n stamp to Or. C. Ps. J. C.
K 1.1114. tot %vent., corner 19th Street, NlflV, YORK,
W,05.0 . '111)e% the boot in uso,loolorifi
, lor•t• C.ovror and threshers. Corn Shaßera
- or varl.ltin nlzen., Ilay. straw: nini Fodder
• "utters drain Fl(116. Root ruttern,FarmerA
Si:l6 du, ~111.S.Jii and 14111:r PI li Casting.
Corti ilaiketA.•..4) Atinosphnric Chum., La., wbulp
.10 Mid retail. at
l'.1:40/111.1. MORRIS k CO.;
Impl m r.o:,,,,i_Seud 7th:cal Markel street,
TEloortrY . AND
N., ILt.I>II ASS d EF:D. OrebArd m... Send.
I:ye tirAn. Arnerlenn and Eng,1.1,11
Lawn Oran. KantUckr - Blue Oran, &e.,
for eddo ,
Implennont and :Seed 'ntnro.7tll.and Ma
Pr hhind re nts,s
lfl ICt I,TIJ IL A oat ETV.
Li- A_ ' • WALL 311 1 11 1 31 St: OF 0157,
Tue Ex1111,11.1..n to 1,0 hold on the& Fnlr Oroirrts.
1, 1 1"LONES1,1!,. 11,1.1111.51Wi and FRIDAY thu 14th,
15th nod 1..1th of October; nt which our frloncla aro In
Tlted-to-exhihtt-their-1,,t-mock. product, nod - work
Tllo3ll'iON A1,111:kaTII. Pres't
Itonr.or ?Coons. Sfey. ISl•pt.
. . Arron.NEy Al' TAW.
formerly oceupled by Jonlte H phurn, on Viest
It.sln street. All bush.= Intrueteu to Mx care will bo
promptly attenslet to.
• W IL LTA 111 0. RIIEEM, • Attorney
at TAW. °Mee lu Bialu Street, Ogallala. Pa.-
01-11unluors ontruated to him will be promptly at.
totoloil to. . sob, 7.'68.
ft P. lIUM RICH Attorney at L ,
.N... 1 • —Office on North Hanoverareed, it few d
itotttla of Glees' hotel. AU bughtese eutrveled to 1,
will he promptly attended to. [April 161
AA M. PENROSE tine removed his oillre to the room
formerly occupied by Win on Main ntreot a few doors
oast of tho Methrolist Chureh where he will promptly
attend to all bust:tees Cilitkusted to him.
August 19. Mi. •
J ham renn ' ued.the practice of the Low. OMc• lu
Centre Square, west slde, near the Viral. Preohyterlan
Church. '
April B,IM.
vt:Ortlee oppoelte the Went end of the Cuurt Mute
April '23,1856.
DR. .s. KIEFFER Office in North
Hanover street two' doors from 14ruold ASon'a
store. Olfleo lours. more particularly front' ' , tb 9o' clock
A. 3L srpl frost a to 7 o'clock. pr M. • '
POCTO It Alt 31ST BONG . has'ivinov
ml his rpm,. to Centre 1 4 ,tniire went °Ube Court
1 onae; whore ho may be consulted et any hour of the
day or night. Dr. 'A. has had thirty yeArn experionce
lri rho profesaion, the lest ten of whleh have men down-
WI to the study not practice of Homoeopathic. Antal-
Ooll• Stay 20, '076n1: •
booth Hooter (Arcot, —`
nest door 0 the Post
()Mee. .
cyll'lll ho absent from f'...arllolo the lot-trot .dnyn
of each nomth.• - , [Aug. 1,'55
.11 '' '" EIGHT, DENTIST, from tho Bsb
timore College of Dental h , urgery.
thu resident.° of hie mother, Eset tekuthet
street. thruo dome below Bedford. -Reference—Th.. 110 u
Z. Beets March In, 1850--tf. .
N. SNll , Te r O li hio. •
W. K. Mak t C. , Penwylvanla.
L. Cuuz, Rhoda 1814nd.
thinker/ and Detilers In Real Rotate,
Minnesota Territoty
eJunto 3, 1357.--17
IttE. A. 1.- ESTAT ,E G N
♦YLRLN 4. Lao. N. ll.rl THOAIP/411
Ii OK k 11 Mit ti N - •
aWe opened au office at 'lit. 3 osoph, Mn., for t4a par.
me and sato of Ileac Cote te. buying and selling Land
'arnitits, entering Land on Time, Surveying and Map.
,ug Toirns, Location of Warrants, and making invest
.•ittp for udo-rosidetsta. paying of Taxes, audall burl.
um pertaining to a tienerat Laud Agency In •ffilssourt,
anus. Nebraska, And iu wa.
*li_ Wilco on Second Strad, North of A. T. Iteattlels
-inking Mouse. (duly 30,1055.
T.U.4 P1LAN43.1,3N Y UR IN2tIRANCV, CO'Y.,
artbr I'erpetuel.—s4oo,ooo 'Capital pnW la. Mao
• 163. 1 ,:i chenr.ut atreut.
AZ IL Ina MU NOC, either permanent or Militant, against
nr damp by fire, un PROPNRI r and amide of evory
.erlptlon, in town or Country; on the moat reasonable
111111. Applications unide either parsoually or by letter,
1 be promptly attended to.
_ , b: .11ANOKEII,TtelPt.
.. .
iisubscribor fa intent for tba. abova entopanY' fbr
lislcand Ito vicinity. Allappnations:Or inaurance
in by mall or promptly attondsd
.. A. L gPONBLYII. , ---
to.lll,Vlb' /144.11rataiNNottitpinetivoom.
•. ..
Nero litiuMisenteuts
WiIEitEAD, )n and by en act of the General Ai
sunoly of the Cominonwpalth of k'suusylvanin, 6i/titled'
an 4 . Act relating' to the- elections -of this Coutmon
wesitn." passed the 2,1 day of July, A.D. liffid, it is Diode
the duty. etthe-Sheriff - of - uvary - cOulltrtilihi
Commonwealth, to give public notice of the U.nerei
Elections, and In such notice to enumerate:
1. The officers to be elected. ' •
2. Designate the place at-which the el elution le to be held
,BOW GAN, High Strada . of the county of
Cualleirland, do hereby make known and give this pub- •
Jfe notice to thu electors of the county of Centborlaud k
Abet. ort.TIJIIHDAYzetbe-latkdaty of Oeloburftext, an
election will be hold at the several eleetion dlntricta es
tabiishod by law' In ,ealti evitty. at which time they
will vote, by ballot fur the several officers hereinafter
named. viz:
°NH PEHHON for Governor of the Commonwealth of
Pont:ay' ratan.
OS H PrittritHi for Caned Commissioner of thu Coultnou
wealth of Pennsylvania:
TWO PHIISONS for Judges of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania. •
TWO. PRItHOSH to represent the Vountios of Cumber
land and Perry In tho House of Rep • reseuhstives of
ONE PERS.*. for Proth . onotaryef.Cumberland County.'
ONE PERSON for Recorder and Clerk of the Oourts of
Quarter Sessions, User and Terminer and Orphans'
Court Of Cumberland County.?
ONE PERSON for Register of Cumberland County,
ONE PERSON for Treasurer of Cumberland County.
ONE PERSON fur Commissioner of Cumberland County.
ONEPERSJN for Directhrof the Poor of Cumberland
ONE PERSON for. Auditor of Cumberland County. • -
That every person except justices of the Peace who
shall hold any office or appointment 'of profit or trust
tifider thu United States or of, this State. or any city or
inttorpornted district, whether a commissioned officer hr
otherwise, a 'subordinate °Meer or agent; whole or shall
be employettunder the legialative, executive, or judi
ciary departments of this State, or the United Staten,
or ;of any oily or of nay incorpornted district;' mid also
that any Member of Congrens•thrOf the State 'Legisla
ture, and td' the Select or Comm o n Council of any city,
or commtssioner of any Incorporated district. Is by - law
incapable of holding or exercising at the onion time,the
electiops of this Com! 1 1111 l wettith..and that no inspector.
judge, or other, Officer of sack election shall be eligible
to he there voted for.
And the said act of Asnombly; entitled an act wait
nog lathe elections of t his Commonwealth, passed Jul;
-2, lBs6Turther provides as follows, to wit :
•That the 'inspectors and judges shall meet at the
place appointed fur holding the elections of the district
to which they reapoctieoly belong, before nine
j o'plock.
in the morning of the Second Tuesday In October, and
each of said inspectors shell apptiint nun clerk, who
shalt be a qualified voter of said district. '
In case the i.rtton or Ito shall haveseceived the sec
ond' highest nutuber.of voice for inspe'ctor shall not at
tend set the day of the election, then the parson ' who
shalt have received the second highest number ofvotes
'at .th; next preceding election, shall act AL
hie place. And in cane the person who shall • have no..
calved the highest number of v. for inspector shall
not attend, the person alerted judge or .hall appoint an.
imp. ctor hid place; and In came tile person elected
judge shall not attend, then tho inspector who-recelv
ed the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge In.
,hIA-plactf, lir that Lonna'
fur WO space of one hour after the Untanned ti 'law for
the.opening of the election, the qualified - •otere of the
township. ward or.distrlct for which such
two been eleetedoprescut at the place of eleetibn, shall
elect one of their number to-fill such vacancy: •
•• it shall be the duty °POI° several assesiors of eadt
districrto attend at the place of bolding every ecooral,
eperial.tir township election, during the whole time
meld - election in kept open", for the purpose of giving in
form:y.obn to the Inspectors and judges when railed on,
in reitition to the right of any person asaesend by them
to vote nt murk election, - ,or such other. matters in rola•
Um to the assessments of cetera as the amid-inspectors
or either of then, shall frOm time to time reqnire.
_2_ , _No person shall be Vote ateny election
aa afitreenfil, other than a white fteemen'of the ago of
tw•ntr-one years or More, who snail have resided In the'
State at toast - one year, -and In the election district
where heottera at lenet.ten days immediately
preceding such election, and 'rialto two years paid a
_State or county tax; which shall have •Iteen nosaseed al
toast ten dayit before the election. hut a tinier, of the
United States who has pear l'oitsl ...been a qualified voter
of this State. and relOved therefroni and returned, and
Otto shall haat; resided in the electim district and paid
takes as afordetid, sloth he entitled to ado aftermild!,
big in tide Stets sla months:. Provided, That - the
white freemen, citizens of tine - -United - States, 144,0031
a n
ent.on and toenty yearn. reelded th
an elec y tion e
dietrict no aforesaid, abetbe entitled to
vote al thotOwthey Allah not have plaid tax ea.
tt No shall ler - permitted whose noon In
comniond_ln_lheilst_uf_taxelde tolinbitanta-fm- - -
'1151..111 ',IS Viral. •v0d0...
_ she Cumlitisslonern,'uniess First. he produce
- wteecipt fiFthe payment' within two -years of a State
or tenuity. tax si.inessed agreenbly to the Constitution,
and give natter:n:oex evidence, either on hie math or at
flonation, or'the until or affirmation Of another. that lie,
Ins paid curb a tax, or 011 iailuru to posttest, u receipt
shall /11111C0 Willi to the payment thereof. Pecond. if he
debit a right to vide by being an elector between the
ago of tirmityonn nod twenty-two years, he shell do.
pose on oath-or atilrination thet he line resided :in this
'State at' least info year nest before his appliettlion. nail
nu ke such pious or rs4.lsinnee In the district as is ',Noir.
ed by this net. and that he dues verily believe. Isom the
account given hint, that lie In of the age aforesaid. and
.such other evidence as in required by this att. where
upon the 110010 of the person thus admitted - to tots
_shallim_luserted In thr alnintbetical list lit the 1 s siwn_
- Mk Ana a unto nettle opposite thereto ho writing the
, word" tax," if he shall lie admitted to vote by 1 WWII,
nt harlot paid tax or the word Age," if he shall be
admitted to vote by rind: n of such age. shall be called
out to the clerks ,fh., 1;11,1ii make the like notes out the
lists of voters kept by them. •
'• In all 1,00, where the name of.tho
to vole is f. mid si, the list furnished by the Commis.
stoners soil assenkm . . or hi! right to vote, whether found
thel eon is objeeted to by any qualified eiti/eit,
It shall be the duty of the inspectors 10 ON:11111110 such
pei soil on hunt ns to Ills quidifications, and If he dmou,
to have resided within the State for one year or 1.1101-0.
his Mill shall be nuftleiont Kohl' thereof. but shall
stoke proof by at least nut, I.oll , llotellt solution, wilt/
shall Ise n qinditimi elector, 'hot he bon renbied It, .tile
dish Het for more than ten days next itemedintel,t' pre,
ceding each election. and shall also himself es - ear that
ilJ'llL ildb residence. in 11111,111111 CO or tole lawful call
ing. Is In said district. and that I e did not remove into
said dist, let fur the outlaw, of voting therein.
• " Every person qualhied as aforesaid. and who shall
make doe proof, If required. of the res.idenee and pay
ment of taxes as athresaid, shall Ise admitted to vote lu
the township, ovoid or district ill shall reside.
" If any person shall prevent or attempt toprevent
any oiliest of anrelection under this net from holding
such eleetion, tie use ot , 'threaten any violence Co any
such officer, or shall interrupt or Improperly interfere
- with - him in the execution of his duty, or shall block
tip the window, or avenue to ally window where the
'same stay be-holding, or shall riotously disturb the
-bears at - miclreleetl.nt, or ilidll use any intimidating
threats, (owe or visdeure, with'dosign to 101 l notice
duly ,or overawe any eleutor, or to prevent him from n.
Mug or to restrain the freedom of choice, such persons,
-ott-eotivictiott_sitelt_hcoaned in_aity_sum_not-exceeclifig
five hundred dollars, and Imprisoned for any time net
, less than three oar snore than. twelve smut ha. and If It
' shall be shown to Court, whom the trial of ouch offence
shall be had, that the preset Inc offending was not a
resident of the cite. ward. district or township where
the wiener, tons corn nitted, and not untitled 1.0 vote
therein, then on, convietion lie shall be sentenced to
Pay n fins of sot less than one hundred nor more Oats
ospithounand Millers, and lie imprisoned not lees than
ids mouths nor more than two years.
"If any Burson persons shall make any hot or wa
ger upon the result of any election within the Corn
monweelth, or shall offer to make any such bet or wt/
ger, either by verbal proclamation thereof, or by any
written or printed ativertineinent, rilllnolllol Of 11111(0
any person to make 01 e I bet or wager, upon conviction
thereof he or they shall forfeit. and 'say - three times the
amount so bet or to be bet.
n If any person not by law qualified, shall , fmudu.
dently vote at any election of this Goinnionwrals h. or,
, being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper
district,' Sr if any person knowing the want of ch
qualifications. shall aid or procure such person to veto,
the person offending. shall, on conviction be fined tin
ally sum not exceeding two' hundred dollars. and be
Imprisoned for any term not exceeding tie en menthe.
any-penton shall vote at more than ono election
district, or otherwise fraudulently vete more than once
ou the Rube day, or shall fraudulently fold,nsiti deliver
to the inapeeter two tleketn together. with the intent
Illegally to rote, or shall proeur /mettles, to to els, he
or they offendint, shall on coot leCiOn be fined In any
sum,not less than fifty nor more than fire hundred
dollars. sod be !imprisoned for any terns not less than
.three nor more than twelve months.
sus.!!lf auf.parson not_quelitied to vote! n-this Corn-nort.-
ifrweelth agreeably to law, (except the sons of qualified
citizens,) shall appear at anyplace of election for the
purpoie of influencing the eitimns qualified 'to vote,
he shall ou conviction forfeit end pay any nuns not ex-.
ceeding olio hundred siollarslor every such offence. and
be Imprisoned for'any term not exceeding three
months.' -
Thu said electiou will be held throughout the county
an fullotn:
The election in,the election district composed of the
borough of Carlisle and the townships of Math Middle
ton, Smith Middleton, bower Diekinnon and 'Lower
Frank( .rd, will be held at the Court House IWO() her
ough or Carlisle.
The eleetbarin the election district composed of Low
er West Penns-borough township, will be hold at the
North ,ehool'iloune lit Plainfield. . _
The election in the election district composed of Sll
, •er Spring township, will be hold at the public house of
Wargo Riley. in liogestown In said township. •
The tile:Coo in the election di.drlct 'composed of
Ilawpdcu towns lily, will be held at the house occupied
by floury ilieliernell, In said.townsbip.
•The.clectl in in the election district composed of the
tow '1,14 of Upper' Allen ' will be held at the piddle.
house occupied by W. W. Kline, in Shepherdstoun. •
The election In the'electlon district composed of the
township of Lower Allen, will be held ut the wasion 2
maker shop of Jonas Bunch barger, on Slate 11111.
The electiou in the election district coMpeseil of Fast
l'enusborough township, will be held at the house
now occupied by %Clay, at the West end of the !births.
bUrg ]fridge. , electitn in the election tlinfritt 'composed of New
Cumberland, will be held at the bunco formerly kept
by ifin. IL Bobl, in the borough of New Cumberland.
Thu election 1 n abe election district composed of the
Borough of Mechanicsburg, will be held at the public
house of James Sieloy, In said borough.
'the election in the election district composed of
Monroe townsdip, will he held at the public house of
Samuel A 'peter, In Churchtown, in Fold township. •`
. The eledtion in the election district romposed of, Up
per Dickinson township. will he held at the house now
occupied by John Garman, in sold township.
Nile election In thr election district composed of the.
borough °ON ew ell to. Mull to wilts of Wilms Upper
Frankfort': Upper West Pennsboro, and that part of
Newton t o wnship not Included in the LeeSburg electi n g I
district, will be held nt tho litick ficlutel House In the.'
borough of New wile.
Thu election In the election dirtri composed of
Ilnpuwell township_ will be held at the how Brick,
S.rhool Muse, in Newt, :qr.. In raid toyrn.iltip.
-The eleetion in the election district ceium:red of the
lewn.ugh of Sitippensburg, Slaippeendur‘townithip and
that tort of Leuthampton„..tol milli, not Included in
the Leesburg election .i.listrict, actin be held at tie
'Connell Rouse in the boromrh of F. hippensbutl.r.
• Thohleetiou iu the election district composed of parts
of Newton and Southampton totenships. not' embraced
10 the Newrille and fibippetisborg districts, will be
, held it the Mime formerly nectipled by ii Ilium Max.
Well in Leesburg. .
Agreeably to the pnIVIPIOIIII.Of the sixty-first section
of the 113 id art, every General and riper:lel Election shall
• 'reopened between, the hours of eight and tell In the
forewarn, and shall condone without interruption or
alljottroment until seven o'clock la the eTtattlg, when
the penis shed lie closed., • •
And titejudges of the respective dietrieti aforesaid,
are by the mid act requlrell to meet at the Court Muse
in the borough of Carlisle, on the third day after the
election, (being Friday, , he lash day of October. T then
,and.there to perforuLthoilluge required ofthem hytaw:
The return. Judges of the Representative district,
will meet at Carnal', at the time fixed by
,Y 1 law.
divan under my hand, at cmil '.:113 111
. ' • , sums iminuoromises -
PRWLA 211AT1014,
WIIKREAS, I have been directed by the Governer to
give notice the' a joint resolution, proposing certain
antenfilinents to the Coußtitution 'of this Cototenwealth,
has been agreed to by a majority of the members elect- •
~ ed-to eactr House of thol,egiSlatUicdirtifilitcriesitivii
terms of the same, and thal it Is provided by the Con
stitution; that any amendments so agreed up u, shall
' be submitted to the people for their approval of (*.lee- -
Mon. Therefore, for the purpose of ascertainihg4ite
souse of the citizens of this Conunonwealthhiq rogsrit
therennd. Jacob Bowman, High l'heriff -of the 'money,
of Cumberland, do give notice end mloclatin to the
.qualitledelectors of-saideurrnty:linfrarrellicilifile will
, .bo held In eat h of the townships. wards and districts
therein, on the 'SECOND TUESDAY OF•OCTOBBil, A,
0.1807, for the purpose of deciding upon the adoption
or rejection of said amendments, or any of them t which .
mid election shall le held at the places and opened and
cis eclat the Bine at and within which the (Itmeral Flee
. Mons of th Is (Lan nionnesith are held,opened std closed;
and it shall be the II- ty of the Judges . inspectors and
Clerks of each or said townships, wards and districts to
receive at the said election, tickets either... Titian or,
printed, orrPertly written and partly printed, from
citizens duly qualified to vote for members of the Bea
end Araenthly, and to deposit them in a box or boxes
to be for that purpose provided by the proper -orlicers; .
lebichitlekets shall be respectively inbellefi on the out,.
fide, "First Amendment," P Second Amendment,"
' Third Amendment," and" Fouilb Amendment," and
those who aro faiiondfie to sold Amendmeots or any of
Breen - may express their desire by yoting each mummy
se nuinte written or printed. or pm Ely written or poi t•
ed fiallots or tickets, centaining on the inside the of ,
the words, " For the Amendment," and those who e
opposed to curb amendments, or any of they mai x.- .
preen their opposition by voting ench no many separate
writhe-1)r printed ballots or tickets Containing on the
insith , thereof the overdo "against the Amendment"
And further I do hereby give notice;direct end eni-
Claim, that Elio electron on, the said proposed 'Amend,
manta, shell be opened and closed at
„the same time,'
and in all respects to be conducted, an the °mistral
Elertione of this Common wee I there now conducted. as
welt as respects the 'qualifiention of vnters:Xhe time
and.menner of making returns. as In all other partier.
lain, Olsen undo, my hand and seal, at Carlisle, this •
10th day of September A. D. 1857.
• JACOB BOWMAN, Sheriff: •
'Sept-16,..181,7,- . .- • . ~..
PS•oposing Amvulmel its to the Cosistitu;ion of
t 1 d COmmonwealth.
ESOLVI4,ID by the Senate and IlotOe
IL ) or lieprenontngvqlor the oinamovrealth of Penn
pyl yanla In General A osembly met: That the 6:llowing•
'Amendments Are prepaid to the Constitution of the_
Commonwealth; in accordance with the prosteknre or
he tenth article thereof.
There 'ball be an additional article to said mastitis
loh, to he deelgoated as article eleven, is follows:
sEeriorr 1. The state may contract debts, to sup s ply
casual-deflate or failvrefeln - r - ovennerortehieet - exped.
see not otherwise provided for; but •the aggregate
• tupulir of such debts; direct and coutingent. whether
contracted by virtue of one or more acts of tbe , general
assembly, or at different. period+ of time, shall never ex
coed RWOII hundred and fifty thousand &Hare, end the , '
-ninfiey arising-from - the creation of such debts. shell be
applied to the purpose tbr which' It woe °Malted, or to
roper the debts so contracted, and to .no other putpumi
Surma - 2. -In addition to the above limited power. the'
state may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress in
surrection., defend the state ins er. or to redeem the
present outstanding indebtedness of the etate; but the
money arising from the contracting of inch ifelde, shell
be applied to the purpose-fur-which- it- wen raised; orto -
'repo) such debte, and to no other purpose whatever,
SECTIliit 3. Except the debts Above speclfirClo net , •
Lions one and two of this ortieleoto,debtwhatever Audi
be created by,- or on behalf of the State . , •
SicrioN 1. To provide far the to.iyinent of the,prepent
•debt,and any additional debt contracted en aforesaid,. ,
the legislature shall, at ifs first session, after the :Wet•
thin of thin smendulent. create a sitiLing fund, which .
Shall bs sufficient to pay tife.riceruing Interest on such
debt, a n d an lewdly to reduce the principal thereof by a -
suer not loss than two hundred and fifty thousand del.
Jars; which sinking fund shall conehtei the n o t annual
income of the public works, from LIMP to time owned
by the fonte..oo Chu proceeds of the sale of the same. or
any' part thoreiif. unit'of the Jimmie or pneerdn of sale
of stocks ownad by the stair. tagelliene ith mbar finals.
- -as..that may be desi noted bo lon. The no Id
nd may is, inrrtoSaittAllitllle.:lo_l lll6 .-by_—:
to, it any parr of the tears or oilier revenues
e. 114 required for the or d ioary and current.:
.sp. ..,. Of government. and unless •in case of war,
va,dor r nr innurrectlnn. no p e rt of the said sinking: . fund
shall, be usedOr Applied 0011,1 tllllll to ONtinellikl
ri i often public debt• lint it fliceninunt of sorb debt
reduced 'below the be re of fire millions of dollars.
'ACTION 5. The credit of tire recentke ic ) . .t . th not
n airy Mee tier, or er rill, ire &Aged. r Marred 3,e, Any
ndirfriun 1. etaimany. mrporstien, or nssecietien: num
. 11, I l the commolorealth befenftrr heconle
In /my cuMpunx, ussocistiou, or corpo
nEcnoit 0. The COIIIIIIMINI.IIII AIM) not swum! the
!MIA, orally port thorny!: 01 any rouniy. lit Y. hot-01mb,
or torroslap; i!or .11' airy corporationo or tOo.l riot lon: on•
Lees such dnht shall 110• h hero non posted in nnaltiv I
c neon on,.npia nxt: domestic 110111 revllon,
Jlnhool its!'lf. 111 than lif 4,11 . .. , i• 0.157 the ntnte, ip the
disrharlx of our portion 111 it. presto:4 kilo! t toltn,‘ •
14sertus 7. Tlto I. p IsHtlire t authoriao any
eounty, eitY, Iso,tigh. township. to ii.corpor!it 011 ill
frlet,l!y_( Irian 0 it nth of Its eitisons. or oiltorwiae. to
.14,1.1111! a titochholtler'ltt !my 'ynowatty, nowylat ion. nr
l'orporatlon 01. oLtolti niono) lor or loan its !!rrolit
to, any. corporat 1011. e,sueinti .11, illStitlltion, or part).
• Thar. shall I,nn addilli , nnl artivle 'to Fail
. o?tli•titu
Lion, t. Loalehl,;l,ated nalele XI I, hs
! , .;o county shall-Lo di, hied rutting cR mar
01 (.401/1/101 . 1to reralbab.ll,ol:ller to t.rola la, county
orothurwise,) without the in.iirees ethsria ul such 'mut,.
ty."by a voluof the elecibre thereof: nor chill 311)
county be eplablished, could sing 'less than fourpui
dred equare 1011.0.
Venni eeetlon two of the lirst.article "Of the ennotPu
tlon, strike out the WOrtik, of the city 111 . 1111ildelphla
and of each mooty re,pectivel) ;" front iicotom time,
tattle article, etriko out the word,c, " of Philadelphia anti
of the 'Nom oral coon t lea ;". front root lon seven. same silk `
de, atilt", out the wattle, `• neither the city of Philadel
phia nor zrily,"'und itlecrtdn lieu theral thevrordr,"atid
no:" , and — imtrik e out ."FeotiOti four, same article,"
in lied thereof insert the following:
:iecries 4. in the year one thousand right hundred
and sikty•four, end itt every on chili year thereafter,
representative., to ho number at one hundred shell
state . . - bYdistricts, in proix.rtion to the number of tax
hide inlinbitants in the several parts thereof: except
.hat any county containing at least:throe l housand free
luwdred taeables, may be allowed a soparato represen
tation; but no more than three counties shall beJoined,
arid nn county shall 'be 'divided. to um formation of a
district. Any city containing n sufficient number of
texables to 'entitle it to at 'least' two repreeontatiers,
nhall hare a separate represen:ation rtsslatted it. and
shall im divided into convenient &striae of youth:Atone
territory. of equal taxable pepuintion an near an may be,
each of which district.: shall elect one reprvecutetive."
At tho end of section sov en. same article. insert thee,
, Tiortikt, "The City of .Philadelphie shall. i.e divided into
eingle tenntorial dbAricts, of conthtuntin territory or
us nearly equal in taxable pod Illation nn poseible; hut
no want shall be din ided iu the formation thereof."
- The Legitilattlre,ai fret seAmion,7after the adoption ,
Of thin amendment, shall divide the City of fLtlaSnl
Wile Into sennteriel and represiqttative diotricts, m the
manner above pros hitch, such S.etricteto 11;111St” sin
changed until the epportionment to the year one thou..
sand eight hundred 'sod sixty tour.
Then shall be un additional section to the trid arti
cle of bald constitution, which shall be numbered and
Seaton ?q—The Legislature shall have the power to
alter, .revoke, or annul, any charter or incorporation
hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, Or general
law, whenever In their opiniOn it be inittrleux to
the' entwine of the Cnntroonwealth; In each manner,
however, that no Injustice shall be done to the corpora._
SK tsroxxsz, Mardi 27,11357
Resolved. Tbdt this resolution „toles. On the first
!intendment, )ens 24, nays ;on the second emend ,
wont, yeas 23, tin, H; on the tiara amendulent. yeas
24, nay. 4; cm, the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 0.
lEztract from the Journal.]
ORO. W. lIA3ILHSLY. Cleric..
• A pl
llerolned, Thnt thin resolution pass... On the fir/4
amendment, yens itl, nnys 12; on the second amend
ment, yens 67, int,n ni ; on the third Innemiteent, yens
72, nays 22: on the fourth amend MVO t. 3 ens 83, nays 7:
I.lintrnet Mon the .lotonni.i.
• dACtil; Z11..0.1,E1t, Clerk.
Flied in SecretnrPs Office, Noy 2. 1F57. •
. .
A. , 6, VUitTIN.
Secretary of the Contuantwealth.
M::C111.7/11:7'd OFFIC2,
Ilmtmatomo, J nue 22, 1867
, tal do certify that the above anti foregoing is a true
nod correct copy ot the original "llesolution pri.m sing
amendments to MI Constitution of the Common.
wealth." with the tote in each brand, of the Legio,
lure upon the Until passage thereof. as appears front pm
originals on tile In this Mike. „
hi testimony whereof I have hereunto eat
I. t 3.) my band and caused to i.e affixed the seal of
t e &detail's °Mee, the day and year above written.
lieerdary of, the Commonwealth. '-
Iy SF.NAtg, 'Mardi 27, 1657
The resolution prooling swan:lwpm to the Consti
tution of the Commonwealth being wider considera.
On the question, ' •
• Will the :Menlo agree to the Otot :tmendniant t
The yeas and nays were token ogivolidy to the proyl•
ohms of the Cotmtitution, and it ere no - •
YEAP—Meginn. Bremer Browne. Coffey, Ely. Evans,
Fetter, „Flenniken. Fraser, I goon, Jorto n,- Ii ill Inge r,
Knox, rattbaell, Lewis, Myer Broileitl.tiollers.t.hinnalf, •
Steele, -Straub, Welsh, Wright and Tuggeit, •
. Nem—Messrs. Crahl,, Cromwell,. Finney, Gregg, Bar. •
rig POMO., aim Bouther—l.
. Fo thoquestlon was determined In the affirmative. -
On the question,
Will the 'elinte agree, to the,secoud amendment
Thu yew: rod nays weiotalten agroually to the pro.
OlOiOnn of the Conatßution, and were as r,lluw, rla •
YEACI —Memos. Brewer, Browne. Crosamel,, Ely, ii.vens,
Fetter, Finney, Flenniken. Ingraham, Jordan. Knox,
Laubach. Lewis, M y er, Felletallhumett,Toutlier, Steele,
Straub,- Welsh. 'VI tikina, Mrleht, and 'Taggart; Spea
ker-23. •
12:vis—Mesarn. Coffey, Crab)", Frazer, Gregg, Merle,
Clinger, Penrose and Peofield—F.
So the question wan determined In the alllrnuaive.
• On the question, •
Will ohs Semite agree to the third amendment t
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the print.'
,ion of the Constitution, stud were no follow, vie.:
Ynna--MOntfrLdtrewer. Browne. Crabb. Creswell, Ely
Fltibnlken, Prater,' Ingram, Jordan, Killinger,
Kno uha
x. Laelclawle,Myer ? Sellera,Ebuman,,.
NATA—ITOMIII.Ooffey, Oren; ill Odin And PenrostiL4i
"-, 80thecquaitihn wardetermltied la the allatontive.'
Oa thaqtralo
LIM flee . the MN% sessedikeul I
. .
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pr o.
I , Rhine or thaeonstitutlen, and wore salollows, vie :
Itres—Munsrs. Brewer, Drowno,Colley Creswell,
:ly, Evans, Flenniken. Fraser, Ingram, Killengor, Knox,
aultach, Lewis, Myer. Scofield, NollansBhutnen, South
r. Stria!, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins end-Wright—'L7 '
Cribb, Jordn and Penrose—l.
_ r _Stillfoguostion man detain - Amid in-theaffinnallsm — -
IN rar - tlaiwillt ItbriuralrlTArats,
• April lid, 1857.
The resolution pfolioSing ernettdfnente to the Conan.
+lon of the eumshonweelth being under consideration.
On the nutedloli,
Will the Ilona° agree so the first amendment,/
ViLYSeaand nays wore Lakenottr,mebfp tel the prowl
(lone of the tionstitotion, and were as fellow,
• Ysva-illeasnr. Anderson, Arthiw. Deckhouse, 11.11.
fleUk, Risher,' flower, Drown, Calhoun. Campbell, Chase,
Crawford. Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Flmsold, Foster,
libboney, Cltdoa. Ihnnel; Harper, Halos, Illestand.
11111. II Magas. llogwnn (Lena,)' I nibrie. Nue, ' 'lncas.,
Jihkins, Johns, Johnson, ICnnalnnu, Kerr, Knight.
Lelseurfng, Longaker, Lovett. 31enoor, Matilde, 31eCal•
moot, Melly:an, Moorhead, ,Mnnuna. ' Musaehnarr, Nft
chefs, Nicholson. Nunemechor, Pearson. Peters, Petri.
kln,•Pownall, Purcell, Datusby, (Phlisdolphie,) Ramsey.
(York) Roamer, Dee.. Roberts.. ltupp, nhaw,Sloan;
Ihith, - (e,ambria.) Smith. (Centro) Stevenson Tobin,
Tall. Vauvoorbin. Vickers. Voegble Walter, IYestbrook,
Wharton, ,Williston. Witherow, Wright, -Zimmerman
and Getz, Speaker-78. •
Nrrs--Messur,ltackus, Denson, Dock, Iteruliton,Tfarc•
cock, Mee, Hoffnurro, (Lebation,) Lebo, Struthers, There
}garner and tVlnteorle.-12. •
So the q uestion was determined In the at9reeti7e.
On the question,
Wlll the 'louse agree to the second amendinent?
• Tho yea. nuitilaye were taken agreeably to the pray!
hlone of the Constitution, and were nn follow, ,
)(Eve— dosers. Anderson, Ilackhousa , Ball,. Back:
Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carly, Ent; rauseid, roster,
' (Tilden, Hamel, (torpor,
Heins,lestand.lleiree. mfr
. man, (Burks} llonnekospei, Imbri 0, Tune& 'Jenkins
- John, Johnson, Kubirman, Knight, Lrisoniing, Longa
ker, Lovett, Manear, , Mangle, alclivniir, Moorhead. Muir.
. anlinan Nichols; Nicholson, Nunoinacher, Pearson, Pe.
• tars. l'Arik in. Pownall, Purrelidlnmsoy,(Phlladelphia)
• Ramsey, (York) Renner ; Roberts, Itupp, Shaw. Steen,
• , Tolnu, Vail; Yoeghley, Walter • Westbrook, Wharton,
Zimmerman, and :Jet:, Speaker!--67.
Nalu---Messre Arthur, Augustine, Backus, -Benson,
Skrirop,llrown,Cleme.;,-Cleave,-CrarrfOrd, , --Eysterc OR;
Hancock; Hill; Hine; Iloffmaiu (Leles
nou,) Jambs, Kerr, Lebo, McCulmont, 'Mumma: (lend;
Smith, (Cambria) Sanith. (Cent. a.) Steiensoir,''Struih
Larisrafflrie. Wagenielliir, Werner
Wititrod , ., With/wow and Wright-34.
So the:9;l:46.m teen determined lu the alllrmatlee.
On the quele Son'.
the House agree itithe third amendment t • .
The yens and nays were taken agreeably to the pro..
'blow; of-the Coned Mullen, and were as fellows,4ls,
- - Yaae—Mesars.• Anderson,Backlionse, 'Ball, . Reek,
Benson, Bower Brown, Calhrun; Campbell, Chase, Clan
vet', Crawford, DlCkey, Ent, tinnier, Pgusold, Foster,Olb.
- - tinney, Hamel, liariper, Hellintas,
Hoffman, ((terke) Holtman, (Lebanon) Housekeeper,
Imbrio. -Tones, Jacobs, 'Johns, Johnson, Kauffritan,
K-re. Lebo, lamgaker, Lovett, Msnear, Mangle, McCai
n:nut, Moorhead, Mumma, Mussehaan, Nichols. Nichol
non, Nunemachsr, Pearson, PoterS, Petrlkin,
Purcell, Ramcov, ( York) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, 'Shaw,
Sloan, Smith. (Cambria.) Smith. (Centre,) Stevenson;
Tolan, Vail, Vimenorhia, Vonghley, WagonSelier,
Westbrook, Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman
, and Orts,-Spenkr-.75. ' ' '•
NAve—Meafire. Arthur, Augustine, Backus,- Bishop)
Carty, Dock, Wlffea, Hamilton, liancack.lll:lo,Jerokine,
' Knight, Leimenring, Mellvaln, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,;
uoberts, Struthers, Thorn, Walter, Mr arner, W Patton,
Wt strode-2'd:
•Se the quostion'was determined trahe attirmative. -
On the question.
Will the Mouse agree to the fourth amendment ?
The Yeseaud nay. were taken agreeably-to j i lts prof!.
alone Ottho constitution, and were se follow, vi::: '
Yr:vs—Messes Anderson, Arthur, BaCkhouse,Bill,
Beck. Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Catiti ,
bell, Carty, Chem-Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Ey.
eer, , . rat:sold. Foster,' 0 ibboney, (Alden, lintel,llaner,
Heine: Itiestaml F lßlL-Illtlegarylloffrusn (Devlis,)lDdt ,
(Lebanon,) Housekeeper. Imbrie. blues; Jacobs,
Jenkins, Johns, ffohnson;Kauffnum; Kerr, Lebo, Lel
senriog, bongaker, Lovltt. Manear, Mangle. McCalmont,
Melivein: Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicbolon,
Nunerhacher,,Pearson. Peters, ('etrllfin, Pownall.
ell, Itainsey. (PllSlndelphla r ) Itanniey, (York), Reamer.
Bee& - Robert fl.•' it She iv, Float), Smith, Warnhria,)
Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson, Toler), 'rain:-Vanvorwids
Vickers. Voeghley. Wagnnseller, Weiler; Warner, West
!brook, Wharton, Witllntou, Witherow, , Zlmmerruan an
(letY, Speaker-Ba.
NVre—,,Meeern. - Dock. Hamilton, Hancock, Strnthets
; Timm, Wintrode sod Wright i..
So the question woo determined )u the affinuatlve
I. do certify that the ahnva am.l for'gning,ln a trine
and royrert ..op3 of the "Yens' and aye" taken on
the ri , soltition pmpot.itht amendments to the Constitn.
tion'of the-Viotti - 11013.'31th. an the saute appeara . on tine
.tottroaN of the two IfounnA of the tioneral, Assembly
of thin Cointnon wealtlt.for the nevsion of 1857.
‘rttnes.e my Imo , and filo neal of sml(l . oMee.
{L• tide hieoty.neeond day of./une• one thotinnod
el4llt hnodred nod Dit.).eoven. •A. (I. CUIZT/N,
Seerutnry of the Commonwealth:l
Car Hale; July 1. 1107.-3tnos. "
Neuf .ostole _811(6
--• .
IL 'floe aiih,rila‘r.aleslritig-to-retn4s—fo-the - tVi•t:
Offer:. ni •prlval.. male, ell flea rainalde propertodi a
tIIII / 11 , west 0-trtier of tile Piddle :1,1- !II
Nt...tly 'IMMO , 0,010 0:101140 /hp .Fit • 1111111:An the
"lea:lisle. For 'lt private resldenee, or pldoe of Ittihi
erns V: raaiia be xarpa,e.i. The 11 101000 fluid
ColanarlloUS, the lower part of the front house la oven.
pled by thd sithsuriher aa n ra edit
.hlr , rery and Q1.11:ISM13.1!"4,111
.1' rt . .. Store Itooiri is tioh•liod intim he, 1•01
ti-It' - w.f. Cal/SCSI(OIa rtiaintor, _the kip,*
lug being all enclobed ,rlth ,:13ss en.
g• wr r.'w Ith walk and cal thi 0..04
oil, and pl inked. rho se.Nold story of front hooks
contains two very lar ro , ais. with ilithibeil "flie
ol.tirolv now. forty filet 11/111t. (MA
hp;ln.ila;t !at,'llra) a throe stenos high. cniltahllni:
seven large rooms all papered and In thin Ott order.
The II fFCH El , . It ann and a half stolles high, Water
In the )uitchen and hydrant In Elm yard. and it large
brick cistern. The 1148 IN introduced het, every" r.i to
11101 front and hack Inlll.llinaa. 011 thr lower end of
the hit, whlell ix all 'ea/doled with high brick walls.
there is erected a one and a half story warhhouge. ,
-A fly person doslrotill /of arra rink' far themselves nee
of the inst, de,..llable I... Cations In our bhrou.rh, can dA
so on reasonable .ierunt—hy_calling on_the_attbserlbki_ at'
Ids :dere or resilience which Is the pr.portv cles , rlbod.
, . •
BALE.. ••
_The_sithscrihetnffers-for aaht-the-farm.on. whleh-lis,
now resides: situated on the rmindoguinct Creek. In'
Silver Spring township. Cumberland enmity. 3 miles
north of New liingston, and about F fallen norlh•east
of Carlinie. The truck consists ,4 223 acres., of it 1114
143 acres Is cleared, nod the balance well timbered, hi
eluding a large amount of thriving locust, suitable fot
rutting Into pats. The used Is of go tr 14,100
i•art limestone. nod admit 30 acres of Creek bottoin.
Theinipn,vernents area large two
story rennin house and kitchen. plan.
treed. built net year, a good Double d.
Dank Darn, with odiffer outbuild
imp, and a well of water at the
. ,
• A new'llinottlin has just keen tiniehed, and a large
linentitY.lor linuatone near the kiln.
The liin&sein le eo divided "iik' o'l3:lake two farm.
Persons a Oiling to rtirelWOOS will ran an the subscrlOr
on the woullsea, or address by letter,
New Kingston, Pa.
August 19, 1957
Thn Silbscriber offers at-Private Pale, the.FAßki on
xbloh Ido now rerides, 'situated in-North Middleton
township. Cumberland county. three miles east of the
bonntyli of Carlisle, on the Turnpike leading to Ilardis.,
burg, and adjoining the celebrated property known as
Middlesex Mills."
, . .. . .
Tbo Yam contains 157 Arran and 58 Tarawa, strict.
measure, ono hundred and thlrty4evou Acrns nre dear.
od and in a high 'date of culilvatlon and the halauen_
,riiiti.d with thriving ysunerlinhei:fi r ir whom tpta:
good Ihnie • . .
The - Improvements aro a Two4Story
0, BRICK HOUSE. . a double Bank Barn,
..; -.. , a t*o.Story Stone Spring Houser; Wip
,k,crini. '
• gon Shed, Corn Crib and other nacos.
't.. -
nary out-buildings. - r
There is a thriving young OROBAnyi of choice graft , :
ell fruit, consisting of Apples. peers, Cb rrle , &c., on
the Wm, sod one of the finest Bluestone springs in the
counts', rises within n fow foot of the house. The title
Is Indisputable. and the terms will he made easy to a
gond purchaser.
The subscriber also effers- (or sale with the
fen in. 0 Ai...mot valuable Chest nut 'timber Pied
eltoated in Rye township Perry County. which
would be Invaluable to the owner of thr Farm
in sliPPlSing_3ll abund,the. of material for-feneltic.'
Persons u Ming to dew the ere:nixes will rail a•
above: or address ADAM HOOKER.
Sept. Ili, 1857.-301. Carlisle P.O.
Ilv virtue of an order of -the Orphans' Court• to me
directed 1 will expo. to Public Sale the lien) Estate
lola of.IACOII deed. es follows:
On FRIDAY, the 2nd dav of Oetober neat, at I'n'•
clock. P. M.. on the premises. T will expose to silo the
Fenn situated in Newton - township. Cumbeilsod Co.,
bounded by land of Abraham firore's heirs. NVllliam
McCune, Peter 'fri tt and.lames alien. eutteining
more or less. with n good TWO.STORY
; URI 11OUSI. Log Mimi. 4e. thereon
minded. The hind is liniostoue. and
n ~f irst rote order, in .ntiont there'
*. Tt_i" o " #*," fourths of n mile Mier° Oakville, and
directly en.tho doihroad ,
On SATURDAY, the nil day of October next. at 1 n'.
dna, NI., on the prenilpes; expoßt-In sale the
Form iiitiint,Pd in Mifflin township, Cumberland Co.,
bounded by land of Peter Whleder, 3119. McElwain and
others, ennui tabling
morn or Iran, with a 'YWO4SII/IIY LOG 1101.1ti1l,
JAWf thereon ousted. Thus fatal Is of
slats land: and In Erst rataorder Attailan&)
will be atril, and terms made known on day .14,41N
0f sale by
v5. -A
• .
ir IT i3ji I , o' b A LE.---- • -
We will hall et, Public Sale, on the 1, fOll3 iieil on
$. TURDAY. the ad day of October, lea, at 11 laloelk.
A. X. u mall .11trin of tlret.ra toditnestone land. situate
about 3 miles.enst or eari We, near the 'bindle Spring
Road, containing
more or Mile: - ,
The Improvements are a TWO-STORY
,TaX.l HOUSE and good STONE DARN
Corn COL, Wagon-Shed and tenant
t y `era: HOUSE: There is-a' good orchard
of grafted trees and running dream
.through cue tilliallSON. The land le In a high , state of
cultivation addmuch of enclosed willtgood peirensl ,
voil - and board -
7101.1110 to the land is perfect, being the estate of
David Wlllitinta, Tl4eroyfill,Ato,t 'swill lot of
Mountain Land acid at the gime time.
. 9191162,1857-.410•' . lOW Ai LOW.
Ace estote ,Safes.
P1 1 313L00 SALE
I will poll *t Public Selo, on theironniecs, about one
woot'id - Clarlieleroh the tureplkeload,-at 11 o'clect
A. Si., of TTaureday the 22hd of October, 1157, tw, ) drat
No. I. Containing about 310 Acres, of which shoot
Macre); are cleared, clittiiited, and well enclosed with
pest fence, and. the residue; about 70 scree, is covered
with prime timber of the heat quality. The Improve
mettO! an this tract 'aro a great HOUSE. RAHN, Olt.
CHARD:and C 111118; and. there ban been about 2000
hubbub! of lime' and; a- large 'quantity of barn-yard
. put upon the la lid•this season. - -
No. 2: Tile form ad.ittlidng shrive and lying' on the
State road to Netrvilfe, and , hounded hyCumber
'hind containing 210 Aiwa& Thorn is a
good 1101.13 E. BARN, and 01111.18 upon 'this farm and a
great deal of poet fence. •
Before the day of sale these two tractn..which Ile lii
one body, It 111 be surveyed and divided into three or
more farms of about 100 acres ends, and will then tin
?told all togetheror In parts, as will beef suit purchasers
• 1 will nett on the same day at 2% o'clock, P. IL, on
the premixes.
No. 3 That elegant farm, which Is situated within
the lioroUgh. of Carlielc, calico Waggoner's Uap road.
containing 137 ncrre. more or less, al) of which le highly
ininroved and tinier post fence. havitig a first rate
BANK 11.11)N, 11015613, and other improvements there.
on erected Also, .
No, 4.,A Field of 20 acres, on the Waggeneen Gap
road, and adjoining the format George Weggoner, and
which le about one tulle northweat enrilslooind
width is able Ihnostono,ltiod of the beet quality..
• No 5. A PAK:lilt! Nitrth Middleton toivniship.ixind•
ell by Mode of Irviurfs heirs. John. Noble, Abrahern.
Alettrick. and-the entindoguinet-crentrwrontalningabout
221 Acres, n lairs part of which is cleareWandin n good
elate of cultivation. and the residue in thrill og timber.
There is an excellent 1/011.101t. 11ARN,,and other val ea
ble'llisprovementli on this form. •
No. 0. /lint VIII untao TOM tllt and LOT OP OROUNP,
.0 5 feel front. on Maki street. and 240 feet on Pitt
Went. b 1 CAI Rate. Tide property is most advantageous!.
ly sit noted for any public business, being ImmeditittlY
at the depot of the Cumberland Valloy Railroad Corn.
No. . tba 4 t tine farm altuae4lfri'NorihllllMlleton
township, about. 214 nillen from Carlisle. ere the 'north
40e of the Conodoquinet creek, imniedletely opposite
the " Allen Farm," and which is bounded by lands
of Peres Howard. Alex Common. and others, contain
ing Montt 300 acre" of gond slate land. er part of which
look:med. and a large part is ht One tiniber; before the
sale this Parm.wlll be divided. an'd sold in parts or "Ito•
gether as Will beet suit purchaser'.
Tho propertleg No. 1 and 2.w111 be gold en the prem.
ice, No. 1, and all the ether properties will be cold on
the premixes Nn. 3. at the hours mentioned.
• The titles to all those_ properties are indisputable and
will 'be msdo to the purehiesers, dear of all inenmier
lances, and possession will be given on the 1 et of April.
1868. Any information on the subject of the property
or titles, can be obtained by reference to Frederick
Watts ' Esq.. Carlisle. • •
• The terms of Sale, which will be made easy for the.
- purchasers, will be made known on the day of sale by
Att'y in fact for Armstrong Noble and Robert Noble.
Carlisle, September 21, 1807.—te,.. - -- •
Perlmutter Examiner and Lancaster Intelligeneer
publish till sale and send bible to this erre. ,
Tho subscriber dtfere• for Pale that valuable Farm
situated In Silvor Spring township. about seven. tidies
snot ritearlislo and two miles north of Kingstown, on
tho public mune:Wing to Sterrett's flap,' noW - In the
decupancy ofJonrithan lleagy, The Perin contains'
els Acres bf which Is woodland,. the balance all cleared
and In a high state of 'Cultivation., includingabout
'twenty 'acres of meadow land, on the Conodogulnnet
Creek. •
• . . The irenroyemen in are a'T WO.STOitY
°' ---",)_ lIIIIVIC HOUSE and IC PTCHEN,Ii:-
A .
oi . .r. " a double Barn; Corn - CilWagen.
Shed and other necessary out build
4tEr .
, ...:, Inge, and a never failing well of water
at the d. N Jr. .Upwarda of 3nDO lit/she/KO II ow have. been
put on the land within the hiltd*uyea •
---- ThlaTtr[niToThWgira — peentrar ad rantagen -in i'egard to
Fit U, T. having, a largo OliC Ilan D of choke
Apples. Peaches, Cherries, &e., selected with
great care. alidolTering A greater variety in that* -
.respect, than any other farm In the neighbor- ~,
hoed, , '. • _
yl mw 22, 1857
. . _ ,
Personm destring• to viesi the Farm, will t•All on .lon
thno hleaty ;I'Vhor in the prenlim.s or ell Vile xtlliget
14. T. Muting forte mile trext of the tcnne.
Pert. 41 - , lIEAGY.
- •CIIOIOE . . F A it 111, • .LANDS
'Wi ,ui 4 TIM ILIA:COI:A ct : NTI AL IL- It. COM'r.
IR now prepared to bell about •
. ~ On; ANT A HALF WILLION'of - '
thohu 0 - .14 Y111 . 1 . .1111 . , .%/11;:i . P,.:; :i ll ' ZID : trecIpts and
• Vit•Se i 11•44 Icon, gin!, t,l••Vby tilt, (internment to aid
lo the centtrocibm d this-Itnad.- and are lining the
„f ich :r ld iaot,t fertile li, the wrvid. They extend
'o.rtleeast and Xm th4eat, theettgli the middle - of, the
,qst.•!. ,Stri•Vilt , Mid ineluth: every variety
of •1111111t0 3,141 1/1•••lillOti•.11110.111)(1 between thew Neal•
tels 4
in, latitude. 'lite Northern potion Is ridelly . prairio.
intersperse.: with tine gnivex, nod in the-middle and
".,there xectionx timber' predominates, -alternating
with beautiful prnaricalfilli'ollUflilll,.
('h, climate Is corn healthy. Judd and equable. than
any , tin, ayt i•nuntry—the air is pule anti
-traeli chile living stremas anti spring', of excellent
meter abound.
Ilitoutittoun Coal Is exteonl city Inittntl. and noppllna
thettp • and ttnnlpultlo fuel, I.elog turninlted nt tono3
polo td at itt; to per too—nod word ran Int had at the
'not' tato per t.prnt.
atgne of excellent quality elan .abound
‘v Welt can pruxured fur little mutt', than iha expend!
'I be great. fer.til..4 of these lends, which are a black
dolt Mould - Trout two to live Pout deep, and gently roll
ito„,— , heir contiguity to this hi ad by a bleb every fa
. ellity is furnished for ravel and trattspoclatlon, to the
principal toarhota North,; 4 outit, last. Kest.-and-the
economy with which they can be cultivated. render
thetutheittost valuable Investment that Call lilifound;
and pc,sent the stunt fay.irable opportunity,for prior
of industrious habits and email means, to acquire
%11111(Ort3tile illtlllH.lltllllll,o In a tee years.
• •Chb . ago in now the greatest grab] market in the
world—and the facility and economy with which the
!mod eels nF thehe'lands call be transported to that 11.31'.
01. - illfiko - 01.11 - 11111C11,111,11 -pnAltrible, at the-mires
vit.', than those more remote at government rates
VI the Aildltio/1:11 elude' trannportation Is a perpetual
tax ott the latter. which must borne by the producer.
lit the reduced prier Ito read, OS for his grain.
TIIO Tulle Is Per:bet—and a hop the final payntents
Deeds ore executed by the Trusters appointed
by the Stale, and In whotts the titte to Seated, tn . the
purchasers. wltleb..convey -to them aleedute titles It.
ry Simple, free and clear it every incumbrance, lion or
Prices are from to CO; Interest only It per cent
Twenty per cent. will ha d.ittcled from the credit
•pelee Sro cash.
Those who purchase ou long credits glee notes payable
In 2,3, 4, 6 and S yeera, and - are required to
Improve ono -tenth tutometty Mr WY° years.( SO as to hare
ono-half the land under cult' rift th:cend of that
Coinpeitith Simseyers will arcluppoty.lbone who wish
to esvolne these Lanticheditf-elterge, and aid them
in mating selections.
. The tenth, remaining unsold are us rich and ialuable
.ea those which have Loon disponed of •
, be soot to any one who will enclose flay cents In ,
Dontage•StamPs, and Books or - Pamphiete, contalnlnt
numerous Instances of successful: farming, signed by
respectable and well-known farmers living in the neigh
borhood of the Railroad Lands, throughout the State—
also the cost of fencing, price of-cattle. ex pSose of Imp
mating, Lime/Hug, etc.,—or any other itifortnation—
will bet - cheerfully given ou application, either person.
ally or by letter, In Engllsh,•French. or Dorman, ad
deemed to • • - JOIIN wirsoN,
Laud comniipapneror ihe CentmlAt LC°
.14- Omen in Illlnoln Central Railroad Dopot, Chicago
tunted on Went street. to tho borough of Carlini°.
ndirdning property of William Porter on She North and
The, Sterrett on the South. The hot contemn la feet
front by 1'...0 foot lu. dopth. A teltb,a conahrtable IM
}IL 1,1 Nti Itel.l::.E. Yor furtlibrluirticulare,
enquire on the proutlette,
. 'Sept. 1601:61.-tf.
testamontnry on the entnteor liffe.! Marie Steven
son lote.of tbe BorouLthotearllste. hnvo been Is.
titled to the euhs,ribers tealdiny in saldrbomugb. All
persons Seville el,lms agnlngt•tho said tiAitte will pre.
seet,thenc flir , peynient MAI thorn Indebted will wake
payment to " T. et PLUMS STEVENSON. •
'Sept. Biter. of Mulish Bte:vennon dee'd.
NOTICE.—To the .heirs ;gunl legal
representative/I of Peter Andrew. 4consed. Into of
Vast hatopoter Township, Lancaster County: You an,
hereby, notified tube and •opaar' ill the Orphans' Court
nflaineastor County,,tohe hold on the twentpeirth
day ..r octane. A. D. 1957,A Ot o'clock, A: DL. to accept,
or refuse to nr'opt the real estate of salt deceased at
the ralutloo ite.reof made by an Inquest held thereon
end cooltrlned by said Court. or allow cause why the
Same month' not ho sold according to law.
Willa MI iIARTIN, Sheriff.
litlicaider, I ept. 23;1857.-4 ttinni:lo.
11 Liguw
MOst useful Aitlrlet over Instintod, for house, store
. -nog office, suristsslnA to uttlity'evory other „ .
glue, unto. .utuetlotto,- pasta or
content arm. known
Adhesive on paper, cloth, hultherjurulturn, porno:
loin, china. marine or glass.
For manufacturing Fancy articles, Toys, etc:, It los.
no eilperier, ant only pusessing grouter strength • than
- Any other known' article, but adheres more quickly.
leaving no slain where.the parts are Joined. Novae
Within the last theca yearn, upwards of 250,000 lad
tles cif this Justly celebrated LIQUID GLUM have been
sold. end the great csenvenience which it has proved in
every cm,- has deservedly secured for it n thanand
Nahleh, the manufacturer has found it, nt times, dill'.
cult to meet; acknowledged by all who have used it,
that, its merits ore ter ab eve any similar Article or Intl.
Winn erne eller.] to the public..
S-r - This GLUE is extensively counterfeited—observe
the labia,. Mcßea's Unheated Liquid Glue, the Great
Adtlesho." Take no other. '
- •slanufeaured and Bold, Wholesale and natal', by
Wit. 0. Dlcitß.%, Stationer,.
No. 90I.011estnut Strad., Philadelphia.
Illa s idberaLlAducamente.olim ' aLto-persomulleelrou'r.
of selling the above article. ,
Sept 24 '4557 —ll.
VNOR SALE OR RENT.:—A tine toiled
PIANO. Euqulra At the "Ilea,ld" Whitt
iftht aoosti.,
;•—qPSTAT —NOTICE: —Leiteo -
• ji_2,4 , minietretion on, the estate of Joseph Lambert,
•••.. Late of tripper Allen tO4nshin, dou'd., have been issued
to the aubarriber, residing In Feld township. Ail per.
gone having claims against the said estate will present
them. for aettlentent; and these indebted will make pay
ment to ;MIN COQIVER.
1070.41. 4,1 • . Matatstrator.
AT NAtIOLE'S Cilrett , •JF.lf
-- AfinirrStfirCerreiiiii, - Pig., •
A large supply of Wateben, Jewelry, Silyer and Plated
Ware, to et bleb Finelto attention. • •
If' du wart to eefeet'frpen the t
largest, sleek of CLOCKS. • h.r
Jewelry, dilver and Plated Ware In
Carlisle, call " •
At I , lA.UtiLltl3.
We have a largo asaortthent - of Gehl and
log and Opan Cu. Watv.'atis to suit all Fantle. and
Fine !Ind Cheip Jewolry of every style and quality
in setts or by the place as wanted, •
Sliver and Plated Walters, Coke, Trutt, Bug., and
Card Unekets, Silver, Table, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Salt,
Doseeet and Crean. Spoons,
Fine Ponel, Lees. Cora Cameo, Goldstone. Monte, Plo•
tontine 310 sate, Jet Box end Masa sotto cheep
PismoAd Breastpin!, and Fingerings,'
Gold Hunting Case, Eight Day. Levers; Gold Until,-
.ing Case, Duplex; (told Hunting, Clnvuonteters,
best quality of Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold
Peals ttud Silver holders,
' • . At NAUGLE'S.
snpv-ma Plated Tea' Geist, Goblet's, Cups, Toast
Racket, Pikchers, Urns, Tureens, Tea Dells,
Gold2Nerk, Veer, Curb, Arob„ and 'Cbatlalti Chains,
Gold Bracelete, lockets: Thimbles, Crosses, Cbarms,
Fianch Time Ploces , to run throe and (dur necks,
. .
, ~
GlAd.Sleova, Vest, Collat., and Shirt Studs of all styles
and quality,
- iiiii,*,fipkru - iiingr,
Thimbles, Shields,
• Xt:?1411 0 1L13::!,
Flutinne, Accordecie, Titanic 801011 fine yariety, ---
At h. WAS'S.
Ladle? Portmonalea..Yearl and Leather, Plain and
Panay Travelling Bags, very olcallylex. than')
At: 'N
It you want to Itave you} Watches put ln good re
pair and warmuleir, take them to -
If yOu wantt4oget4Chenp Clock,lr t nll cA cr jo V .:, 7 . .
If you want your Sliver ware neatly marked at short
. notice, call
All goods warranted as represented, or the Toney re.
Persons that want bargains aro Invited to call'
GAINS.—The sufiserlbcr ban Just returned from
. York and Philadelphia. and is low opening all im
.menen dock of the handsomes, t and cheapest Dry Goads
ever br .ught to Cumberland county.
. DIMS (.10Ohn •
• - • .
for the Leplles—a full line of mainlllrent 8111., C'hallls,
Surge-Stu h., Ducale, be !alma. lawn Stately (ling
hams, Lavellae, Ottoman, Plpls, •r., &e. •
An iminence assortment of elegitit French worked
Collars, Undersiceves, Handkerchiefs. !lapwing,
Inge And I nsertl pg - t 4 bought from-the importers in Sew
York, add will be sold at prices to defy-all competition.
' -•
A large stock of Bonnets, Ribbons and Flowers at very
low prime • ,
A new lot of Cloths and Calislrueres, very hanilsome
end very cheop. , . . •
Irish Linens, Muellns, Checks, Tfeklnus, I,lnen•Chocko.
Cottonrulcs, Pants for Men and 11031. iu great oli
riety, together with all other kinds of polls too u mut,
ono to Particularize. •
All my old friends nod Custunnus, and the publle.ln
Olers' ore resportfully invited to cull end examine , my
Block bet'ere purehaslog,aud they will boxertsin to get
good t o and Men motley, at 1110 Old Squid, East
51.a1n Street. '
Carlisle, ;AVM 8, 1857
N EW - GOODS ! 0001) GOOD'S
0000 110.14. .411, Otio TO WOODS',
next door to Maiilaudilin's Hotel. and yoll x9ll find n
InrOonSsorthonit emo.jotior; of JO. 4,
Fancy mid Genoa idles; 14orillooN, 1 . 1.4104. Le
Woos. Ua 113.40+:".tYlisicens, tic.ntai Fin"
mils, Scotch. Manche:der. i•iartsion. Cliainloag thug
limns, ealkoini, Fine French Worked Collars, liildions
Sc.. &v..
IXolii.STlCB.—Woolen F!,1011.1.,
Ticking, nags and IlOgglll4r.ColioltO .
Monk r1.41/01411.-Tainter ,
(wed Carpet Chain, Sc.
Sliandsantilliatikets we hare all sorts, sizes at
C 013.111401.1,
For onl.lemen we hove Finn Frond] 111 a., .
Black nod Fauey Coo Inmmy 83.1 ii.eskizog..Stalix e.
loge. Tweeds, Satinuttm. relvol Cord. lieotueky Jun.
As far corn's. women's and children's Boots kiiho
be defy coapetltlnn.
Also, a very !lapel her lot f Orneerics, suchzas Core
Sugar, I: lee, Spf.'o, hr. e ,
Our st;vll‘. has been selected with the peatest earn
In pains and quality, and we sea determined drill
very smell advances. Thom , wishing tripurchase '
fled that Se are selling rheap—if cheaper—tie
any house In town; and they trill fled It to &We
Butter, Egzs, Rage, :I.* and held Fruit' taken',
Market I" lees.
N. Si'. WOODS, AX t.
Dott;t forAet the vlace, nest door to Maalauchlin
WI I I I OP)Ii Ij . E 4N B D A. M i' U T YI ' C S ' l l 'O N ltl i ? CAl i tll l' ; ; L r l T, l .
JUST it yAlcivEr),
Dun OW/. Abridgment of tho-Dr beteg of -Congress,
__Vol..ll complete 11115 V,Cds. ' `
, Cloth. 3.014.5 hp., 3,50 per pet
ilenton'tiThirty Years - In the Senate. 5,,e.
liartiett's.Narretire of Expiorathins In. Teens. New
- alealeo. et e., 4,51
Burns' Cyelopellia of Sermons, 2.51
Layard'a Nlneval—N„ ew Ed. Complete, 4,01
evelopedin of Praelfral i:eeripts. ' ' 1.(1
Horse's iioneral Atlas ,if the World. ' 11,01
Wrapping Papar for.Falo at
SIIRTOCK. TAYLOR k 8511111.13
Band Doane for sale af.
• • •
Pianos, Melodeonn. be.. for rale 'lit
IItYOCK, TA 1 . 1.01 C & SMITH'S.
Porte ' , onus, Writing' Peakr. Ac, for as.kall
l'lctures and Malmo Fratnea,h.r rale at
Blank Hooks of all rhea for Fain ..4.t
Dibles,Hytau Hooks. I'lyor ih.oks be , thr;gale at
• •
At the New Store, Cornier of North Hanover and Lou.
The undersigned returns thanks fir the patronage
bestowed upon hint by the public, and at thclen,nin
I . ol , poeirtlity A.Rllol.llleek We be has just returnedfrom
Philadelphia, and is. now opening a New lot of Summer
DRY 00tIlki and tiltUCEttiES, ,consisting In met as
follows, and which he is determined to the low.
eat Cash prices.
SILKS, Ducal Cloths, Chrilles, Alpacas, Du I.itines, Du
Rages, ,Lustres, Poplins. Lawns, Bur:igen, Brilliants,
Skirting, French and Scotch Oinghttnls, Prints, (Boron,
enlist-I , i, Handkerchiefs, • c.,
SIIA.W.L.S•AN Jtmcpudis of every stele and
simeres, Ventings, Flannels, 31pailtis, Tlekinge, Stripes
Chocks, Calicoes, Cottonades, Linens, Sit.ett.g..
name, Nankeens. prills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and
white Carpet Chain, Ac.,,trc.
P.ARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. Alan, a largo and
splendid assortment of liotttet.ers.flesS, Orrs, Boors and
Suess, A. superior lot of Fresh
Tina. Coffee, Sugar, Moinise . s, Itlre, Splce — s. e., kc.
Having Waded 'my entire stook with the gsentrat core,
and the Imre/daunt PRICO. 1 eau assurnmy Monde and
the publi generally, that I will do all In my power to
make my establialmont known'as the "11E11114MM;
TklitS 11A/ MAINS." Those who wish , to pur,eume
will find It to their advantrtge tonsil and extualtib my
stook before purchasing.
1 will parthe highest market price for Sutter, Elgs
Raga. Soap, and bided Fruit.
. Culinle. July 1. Pia.
N floo subscriber, froon eon Unwed 111 health. and by Moo
advice of his physicians and friends.. offers his stock f
Ultll OiS)DS fir sale. that he may thereby be divested
of all the cares of business. and be enabled to devote
his attention eittlrolylo the restlratiou of his health.
The fixtures will also bo sold and the store noun of
fered for runt. To env One having the naceslaory capb
tai. and who will devote his attention to the business,
this will afford a rare chance. 'rite custom is already
Lunde, and as the stork has received frequent additions
in May. Jody and August. to an amount exceeding
ONO, $.lOOO more would then complete it toe oho Fall
Trade. For pnticularnenquire of
- JIM% W. HIT:II:It.
13,—A lot of goods suitable for the sessolujnat yo•
calved. - . fifont. 2, ISST.
NF, AV I? A- 14.14 000 DS
.3 Ufff R ECRU' CD. an assortment of hantlannce
and droop FALL DODDS. to which the attenifitn - of the
ladles Is rnapertfully Invited. Clegant Shawls,, Novi
Style Drers Cood‘, Einbrolderles, act
Call and SAO thew at the cheapatore of
Sept. 23, . - •
TILTITALO; ROB! fi! 3000 Now On
(land, and for sale by the bolo or sloglo Hobo. by
- Alte A Rail Stmt. above Fourth, (LAW, of No: 13
NOrfli.lrourth street, I'M LA DELPHI A. •
N. D. Ablo,-A !Argo assortmout of LADIES' FANCY
August, ID, 1657.-3 m,
10()TS . AND SIIOES:—A larg' e find
complit • aneortmont of Poeta and Shges of every
ity 0 and Inshion. Lathe% tine Monwoo Sltypeen, hoots,
Garters, Sc.; Mlexor and Childrene ditto;- Mon and
Boy' ditto, ~..Tnet receleednnd now opening at the cheap
store of'
FinfonefAia anb New Uord:
• Ferhant:. - Cul.done:,
respectrulir Anil the Attention of merchants, .farmed
and merlianfra„rosldlng out of thin clty, to the sunder.
ate terninfoi a yearly subscription to the Guide, Icing
to mall subscriber' only bb CENTS PER ANNUM,
snaking It '
The cslumns or the Guide will Mistsln . the. usual
variety c rlgival and spiv articles, written not only
to plessa hut tonstruct. In regard to politica the
Outdo will mainta i n am Independent tone,
Ways advocate measures as conducive to the domtest
'cumber. postmasters and others are revert:ll)lly "re.
quested to act as agents for this, paper, to whom we will
lorvrerdspeetuten emilso free, when desired to do so.
As an inducement for persona to lutereet themselmill
to obtain subseriptions to • •
We offer the following presidium. 'Upon the receipt ot._
names. piddle advance, we will forward them, by oz •
press or otherwise, a ordered to the address of those
,entitled to them:
For 250 subscribers, club, • *no ,
For 2.15 subseribers, will give a aplendistfine ssi'd
(warranted,) ' 110 00
For 200.subserlbers, en elegant- gold locket, four
. ginseelo, worth • • 16 00
For Du subscribors, one elegant bracelet, worth. 11'00
For 100 subseribers, one gold vest, chain, worth 10 00
For 75 subscribers, a gold pun and holder, hand
somely engraved, worth' 8 00.
For 50 flubserlborß, ono gold pen and holder worth 0 00
For 40 subserlliars, one Old pen and bdldbr worth 2. 00
For 15 subScribers, one geld pen end holdor worth 2 00
For 12 subscribers, ono gold pen andholder worth 1 50
.4111r-All conttuunicatiune should be addressed. to , .
W. 11/41811NEY, •
Editor and Publisher of the N. Y. Mercantile QgtdEr
1.0184/reouwlch St., Now York. . -
Sal-Newspapers throughout the tin ion, by pabilebhig
the above, appropriately' displayed, including no•
tko. two months, and •calling notice editorially to the
mos, and sending us the paper, trill be entitled to an
'exchange, and receive ti gold pervand.holder wottbSl2.
' Sept. 2. 1857.-2 m. '• ' •
B AG- St BAG AT _S I !! BAGStlr'
125 k 127 Broad Street, New York..
Now ready for HALL TRADE Cheep for Caste
.50,000 new 3 lie, Grain Bags,
25,000 "• 2 n "
75,09 Second fiend 2 and 3 lin. In prime order.
37,000 SEAMLESS RAGS of all the various kinds.
4, end LDS 1110 Bags, designed expreasly for
the r trade, and manufactured from our premium glazed,
cloth, (warranted not to sift Flour.) This fa a uew ar
ticle and we call the particular attention of Millers and'
Flour Dcelore.
. •
SALT FACTORTES stipplied , wilkellekiLo sites, du-
Maned expressly for • po•-•
41-All ordure executed with nentneestaldinpntch-ta
ScP- 2, '67-3m.1 IL E. CLARK. Proprietor.
Coe. Ovary's, Administration .in Kansan;
1 . ..m0.:148 pages, with a complete history of 'the Terri
tory. until June, 1857. Embracing a full account - of
its illscovaly, Geography, Soil, climate, Products, It..
organizatlen as a Territory, transactions and events
under Governors Roeder and Shannon, dime- ,
skins, Perm - mid liencountern, Election Franda, Pattie'
and Ontrago'n, with Fear:Meet prombrientactors
in. th
auenticated by JOHN amen, M. D.. -
I...trete Secretary to Gov... Geary. Carefully compiled
.from the Official documents on Ille in the department
of State at ifaihington, and other pattern In the posses=
sion of the Author, with full_ account of .Thm-Invasion---
of Kansas from Missouri; the rapture and treatment
of the Free State
_prisoner., the- character- and -move ,-
-manta of the Minsourl Border Ruffians, the murder of
11ulTum and other The eontroversy, between Clover
. -.
nor (leery and Judge [Ammon. Th . e proceedinge of
the Territorial Legislature, of the Pre Slavery
lion. and the organifation of the Notional Democratic
Party, withal Sketch of.Kensan during Rs 'early
bles under (love Reeder and Shannon. Its I nveslens.
Rattles; Outrages and
A copy - will be moat to may port of the.liolted Stately
iy mall. fru° of postage; on th .ertlpt of retail pilce.
A Ilbentl discount tfltradn_Apzi.looo--Aizeui
~l—Yltlfli [n Cloth *l. Paper, fol (As,
ciniu,Rs oamuy
Cha h ast peservial
6. pbbiabllr Pirapt rn
kW bp•set - ha
. 14 l'hy et 1. -. 7a, All
lands Id Wsz abed Chalet are tally thagrfflable
abd whales. la &ballad -
Id Phhbllbd LAU ankh bth e rutin; laburiv
shalloage• tie warm ht ample, Ilaby sod
REA.' probbador 116 , nalleal
?Athos blabbed la the PO 41 of Lanier Clam may '
darproblolo Oda ord.:llo.y ha* obithrabt• • but all
aelaallla sad pbadlabl baa who havlbahababd It.
V Is habbst a hall.
114 vs enacted to keep al/ ettielee pot up avehi:ding
lodination Try 9, ...a In .11 mum where • Warts
the feels of the CA/3 the money will b. refuelled.
The hotel is Pore thiadulleratsvt Tosteleen Ohm,
&Berm. from she on
ww uasslipi °them
The Bee/ing le on MI entirwy new platw—lhe Minkel
lags perfectly 91111, awl mating scrim. or virese• eh se
fore Gum
I. wwid Me., any etlisr , Calw
pont ' g he. eke
• trx t i b t I tt
_t±ii "" ;l, Ar 4:
ih. eenteate li4tnenoliffnmiTer
• 11l prlselpt Realism hoe @Wed th• teet'for Thee
— Tm.c.od . 4,llo.llal•ve tilid th eto suml
so •Olow
~t 7 ALL l'APkit AND V+l IN DO
SIIADESI. L.-ISAAC- rk - 10.102fftlft,
North Second Sheet, below_ Race, Philadelphia
flaying completed their ht assortment of the above for Sprirk.; and Slimmer Trade; would respect
fully luilte the attention of purchasers. to the mum
Their stock for beauty', cheapness and variety cannot
be surpassed.
They len, conatantiy.ou'lland. orory'deseriplion of -
Goa and Painied Shades, Bull , Hollonds, and Shads
tlittdrei'tt • Wadi Tapers;` Curtains, lire Board !Nuts,
Borders. !kw, All of which they offer at lower rates than
eau-be-had at-anpothur
1163 North Second street., belorrllact.
March 4. 111571—d 1111 l a,
JOLIN'FAIMIIIA. W. Cl)., (N eNv N0,)51.8 MAttlitET
Street: above Eighth; Philadelphia. Imparters. Montt.
factures and dealers In Endive, lientleeten aud Chile
dr•us FANCY FURS, ii holesale and Petal). .1.
would . rall the attention Of bCALLItti nod the Pubihr
to their immoune• Sho•h of Fancy Furs for
uoutlemon• era Children; their assortatent
n*truces every article said Altai of PANE'( FURS, that
will b• worn during the season—such so Full ('spas,
I lalf Capes. Quarter Capes. Taint:is, VlOorines, boas,
NI rill* 4, Muff/stem front the rot= hillat to
the lea oat price Domestic Furs.
Eor Gentlemen - the largest assortment of Fur Colial‘a.
Glbves. thiuntlets. Ac.; being the direct importers if
all our Furs and Manufacturers of them under our awn
supervision. we Gel satisfied that we can offer better
inducements to dealers and the public getterallythau
any other house, baring an Immense assortment to
Arleollfroin and at the . .Manufiteturers prices. Pis °NIX
81S 3IAlt IC ET St, Eighth,
Sept, 3, 1811i..-41vos. .
GOODS.—EICRE & LANDEL( h 4ourtie and davit
Sta., Pblledolpbia, respectfully request Cain Dorms to
examine a fine Stock of SEASONABLE GOODS,. adapted, to
-frost-Pennsylvania Trade: .:'.__<__.._._.
Lino of Fall Dross Goods. • . • • ,
Now designs of Fall . Sbards.
Pleb silks of Newest Styles. . -
. Deed Black Silks of all widtlqa .
4 Cases assorted Ereurb Morino's. • •
7 Cases Poll de Cheeses, New goods.
British and limPrlcilti Dark Prints..
Satinette, enactment, Clutha and tiodloge.
diuslins, Until& Fllnnelii. Blankets.. de., he. • .
N. D.—Auction Bargains front Now York. and this
City daily received. ?cotton)ar aitentkin given to
Country orders for dorisablel7 4o da—Tsaiss XEET Caen.
Sept 2.1857.—5 m.
At tho Quakereity Publislying blouse ml Passe Bali.
sou, Philadelphia. By buylog a book for $l, or mom,
you are at mice oresented with a prize, worth from 33
outs!o 310, consist Big of Fine Bold Jove' ry, lVatobes„
Or. Al) orders by mall will be pranupliy.filleib and the
prize or prizes will accomplum the books.. Our Bat con,
rains All 01 the moat, populaslw‘oks of the day ; anzi
be sold at the usual tetall prices. 'many Or them for oo
leas. Persons wishing any particular book cep order At
once, and it ho foreboded with a gift. h catalogue
givinx full itfurtnatian, with allot of gifts awl hooks,
he seat Bost Pahl, by addressing ,
No. 33 B. Third Street. Mils,
AM-Agents wanted. !Sept. 2, '57-3m.
The Now Tale. by the Authoress o( TOE LA3lt's.-
MU MIEN! Silks (Mumma has chosen fir the title of
her now hook the, name of the principal heroine, the •
beautiful and accomplished •
And has written a story which,,for elegance of diction . 1
and thrilling Interest, has rarely been equalled by any=,,,
Aineri,kt, lady. The question •has been repeatedly -I
asked—Cat Miss Cummins write another book equal "
to " Toe LAMPLIGHTER?" We can anbeor tide question, , •
now, k ilk perfect assurance, net only trent . our own
personal knowledge, but...(rons-jhe Anquallilrei testi- •
nicety of literary gentletneil utile - item, who. have read
the work withgtkat care, and with absorbing interest,-
Guth of whom pronounce it e stiperldr hook to her And, •
and 1184Ure us that the authoress of 'The Lamplighter, ' •
Instead or losing position, will odd immensely to hap • •
irusionsly welbearned and world-wide reputation, -
JOAN H. JEWETT & Publishers.
tee Washington La., Boston,
TO[IN 11. A.1 4 ,LiEN & CO., Nos. 24 4
Chesnut street, (south side, below )}ator.)
dolphin, Oho oldest Ilood.truro Mouse In. the city.)
3lntiufneturers and Whulessle Dealers In Patent Ma
rhlnetuado linionis, Patent tirooved eedspnaeo, (wars
ranted not to sinink,) Wood and Wllluenwaro. Cords.
Brushes. ae.. of all deserlptlonn. Pleaso - call and el s'
amine our stock. August
4 , : Yillsidloh liuta-Bagarl'urple.-Towitia%
Airving's hula Baas, Yellow Abiwdeas. e
Ilybrid, White NoriollerWhltellat.
and other thie varieties. • wholesale' sad
, Implement sud Seed Store, •-•!", •-• • •
,• 'Seventh & Market, Phila.
neati; ozerst#4.
Aiir,tißt 12. 1161
011Al1llES HIMIIES. Publisher.
Tim rarer HuiNiue, Phil's.
• OW
as ft.* n.