Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 07, 1857, Image 2
tnr. W.E%.VESDAY, OCT. 7,, 1857 . . . Union State Ticket, Or G ourrnbr. • Jizikei.of the SiTrente Court. • • JAMES VRECIT, of Foygpe Co,' • JOSPPII• i LEWLB, of Cheater Co. . •1 . _ for. Canal • * IaLIAM MILLWARD of Philad'O Union County Ticket. • • ROBERT M. HENDERSON, of Carlisle. JEBBE RRNNEDY, Perry Cdionty. Priithonotory, 3tEPREN KEEPERS. of Quite,. Clerk o SAMUEL 411YER.6,. of .DitikinsOn. r-11:11.• HOSTETTER, of Meo4stitoiburg Treasurer, • ' JAMES . LoyD01!1, of qe,rllll6. Commisaioner: 111031 AS A. I'iIcKINEY ; of Newville . Director of the ,Poor,. JACOB MU:41111A, of ',llver-Sprlng Auditor, M0CL17143; of SliippOpsburg. .27' ‘ ' STANDING CODIMITTI4E. Lower Alleli—JrtCob;ZV. ' • trppsr„Allen—Levi Merkel. E ~ r , , fEast Ward—Charles Flesger. 1 . West Ward—dames M. Allen. Dickinson—James 'Me, re. -SNt Ponnsbnro'—E. a Dare. , • /rankford-4lamuel Alexander. Elsiopden—Thomas B Bryson. S Lntr~tlitfti Meths tiostsurg,-Robert Wilson. Monroe— David L Devinney. ' Ifsw Cuinberiand--Owen JIMA& mirth Iliddleton—George.L. Clark. .tilawton--Bamuel E. Piper. Silver Spring—Williams Parker. • Shippenshuru Borotigh=.lames M. Butts Bhippensburg twp.- Jolting. 0 Kuhn: Booth Middletnn-J. W. Crnigheitd. ' Bonthampton,-James MoCarrnisk: WilsrPeonsborig—Genignßes._,,, Nowville—Yesse R: Fry. . PIENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATUAE • 21711.A.5MS li ou boa mot yeeter oky st'l2 o'clock: The House woo . collod to or der by Mr. Getz, Eipenkor,rd the Senate by Mr. Finney, who wad elected Speaker atthe slam of the.loet,sont.ion . . . The Message of the 'Governor recommendi erweeret measures to the attention of the Lees, Ware. "enleulated in hie opinion, to relievo• likeGanke and the husine.n community; from WO present financial trouble, and urges them 41.- -meet slio.o important .questions without reference to political ferl•nz. After the t; nee elation Of 'mine iinimpoitay.t, liosinees, both Meow adjourned_tc_ttieet_this morning-et ton o'aleek. THE Iva:moue musrauva. Notwithstanding the c ourt. of the Volunteer - 'Asd=Demperne to create an impression abroad, ' *at the Wilmot meeting - wos a failure, - we *el autenri that throe who were present on ti Mita occasion, con tell exactly how natty 'mine of wheat are to be•found in each bundle 4f chai,• furnished by !hone papers on that isibjeotT — lnt oscrort Win eeting benii7irnade -lip of 4, Carlialers," there Was an unusual - stweeher of genttemen in from the country, and - ae number. large:as it was, would have been d, if ttie date of the r0,...:”g had not letittlereil with the leueon for needing. 'WIN, we do not hesitate to, say, Wit Wont any INA to exaggerate, that it was the largest po litical meeting ever field in the Court Room, lowd to ehow the character. ari . ToCtility of the Leo who composed it, we append the name. 411 the of President. • JOAN T. GREEN, Esq Vice Presidents. Dr. W W Hoye. of Shippensburg. • George Rea, of Kerrville. George Miller, of West Penneboro'. John Piper, of Newrillo. - Btewart - MeGnamn; - of'South Middleton: - Capt. John - Dunlaprof - Weht - Pennoboro.. - Williams Porker, or Silver Spring. Geo. D Craighead, of South Middleton. Janice Winkley, of Dickinson. . Maj. W. Sterrett, of Newton, , - John D. Snyder, of Fiankford. James Leaky', of Frankford. • • J. Waggoner. ; of Thos.. A. McKiney, of Kerrville. • Thomas Lee, or of Dickinson. John Sherrick, of Upper Allen. Secretaries N. W. Kline, of Upper Allan. Jacob Ziegler, of Neweil/e. C. B Underwood, of Metihnnkaburg. Thee. U. Cher/where, of North Middleton • The meeting woe much larger than the &lends Wilmot anticipated; and very much larger end more enthusiastic' than the Demociats desired it should - be. Every one who heard Judge Wilmot, Was gratified at the frank manly tone,' in which he met t he , abjeetlohs, that are urged against him,, and debited' his position, on the iseues now before the'people. _ fact the meeting was a strong indication of seal and vigorous notion in the Union Party ethie county, that struck terror to the oppo anion. and we can - therefore excuse, the Vol. ' Illatoor add Democrat in the indulgenee of a little spleen in.regard_tothe meeting. Democratic edi tars, on; the eve of an eleotioi V* often affected with political, serabismuv, or obliquity of vision,.nnd bPenuso they cannot pm for themselves , once 9onwantly endeavoring " throw dust in the eyes " of others. W. hope 1)0 , I,oev.ipi will muster sum Went ;mirage to avt. up a Cooker meeting. by wsy of comr,krie.w. APIENDURNTS TO rue CONSTITUTION.—As the reposed imemiments to ton Coustittition hen been extensively pul , lislmd, we.presume *eery voter has made up hi• mind whether he approve or reject them. The amend feats are to he voted for, or against, sepa lately, and are of ton much importance, to be loot eight of, in the claims _of candidates, or, Ile scramble for office. We here printed the tickets so that each toe. Sex san exercise his ownjulgtnetk. But there laay be something eignithiaiit in the fact, that tie Democrats ire attempting to stifle and pentrol your action on these questions, by printing a large majority of their tickets laid 00.V Iho omerkdounts. : 136 on-your guard. .Tres Anorises.—We have devoted a large specs on oar first page, to the address of the Stets Central Committee, •to tho People of Vertraylvania, to whioh we invite your alien. don. It is a well - written documout,. showing S•e Position °coupled by tho Union Party of leansylvanie, at the 'antagonist of the Shims iNteeerasy, and with the eloquence ef pure, imperverted truth, dates fairly, the Meuse be- Nein them. /lend the address, and then go to the election prepared, to door da , to the esarttvy' • • • • • ' - Regiater, West l'ennshoro' and Franyord;:will-,take good care of Kennedy. 'Let the "frosty eons of thunder," turn out in their strength, and give,thelciearocos Jean." Two better men than Henderson and Kennedy, could not hate• been put in nomination at this 'time, and if the people are-true to-themselves they-will-be triumphantly elected... Ne prescut the mune of STEPHEN . Kriuctia, and ask- your cordial support, he has been a resident of this borough nil his life, where for several icars.bc has filled the office of justico of thope,ane r ho will mike a competent and obliging officer; Ore him aniLL rOTE,• and his election is our'.., Yell have pie name Of SAIIITZL MYRIZEI the. whom no mau in the county, la better'qualified ter-the office has stronger - eh/Arne on tho confidence of the party. Look out fo".SAu," . on the day of the election. • . Olio your support to"Jonif 8. lIOSTETTLIt of'Mecbaniesburk. Ifo'ie one of the most esti in the county, 'and is admirably qualified for tho office of Register. Having been engaged as a teTeter, in Nowvillo and Mechanicsburg, be is well known in both ends of the county: give . him the regular vote in the middle districts and be will bo elected, by a handsome majority. We kayo-presented to us the name orJAnisr. LOUDON, Every one will readily ndrui,t,";hia-pe'l culiar fitness for the _office._For_intelliAence - and - moral:worth lie Is excelled by none on either of the tiCtats ; his business qualifica tions are undoubted. 'Be is in moderate cir cumetances, and the emoluments of the office would benefit him while his competitor Mr. Bricker, is a wealthy man and dooti not need it. Cast your Tote where 'you can do thetnost good. • „ . Vote for Tno3fas A. MCKINNEY of Nensille he is a-man of extensive experience in busi ness and just the kind Of material to make a first-rate commissioner. The • piesient county board, is composed of efficient reliable men, and no man is better qualified_.to_take the place of the retiring member,..than , ,Mr,. Mc- Kinney. 'Fos Minns or Tim POOE, Vote for Itcon MUMMA', of Silver Spying, and for WtxxiAm M'Craina of Shippensburg, for AUDITOR. They ere both qualified to fill offices of more extensive duties, and although _these_arii_notAbe,most important,-it-requires men who are reliable and'experienned in bu -siness Io fill them. Examine our ticket,, and you wily find that no lletterwen have ever been presented for your-suffrages. They are unexceptionable in every respect, and we call upon you Whigs, - Americans and Republicans. to discharge your duty at the polls faithfully. Vote the Union State and County ticket, the whole ticket, and nothing but the ticket. . WAsnmaToN, Oct. fi.--ktorney General Black, in a recent decision, says that a per ion who claims MIA in California_ under a grant. from Mexico - , is entitled to have a- pat ent for it issued out of the General Land 011 ice whenever he shows his claim has been finally confirmed by tho Commissioner of the District . Court,, or by theSupremeCourt, if he at !be same limo accompanies that proof with a sar i vey, certified and approved by the Surveyor General of California. The Attorney General has certain supervisory control, Over pie ie. veiitigatiou of these California -land while the contest upon them is between the Un-ted States find Mexican 'grantees: But be yond this, persons olaitiaing titles adverse to the patentees must resort to the proper Courts 6f the State. During the week ending Saturday inclusive, the Postmaater-Generak 4 haa signed drafts for the - pay of mail conteruitora at the amount of itt least a million of dollars, which hoe already been drawn from the Treasuary.. - In the Treasury tranictotions, the aggregate drafm.lar_tho,eame period are about three millions of dollars, of which 'nearly tvr,owid 'third millions are in New York. .Large amounts of U.S.. Stook continue to come In for redemption. Fifty •thousand dol lars were received this morning. • Four Companies of the Fourth Regiment of Artillery, ,hate arrived at New Orleans, from Timmy, Ttozave.—We are now , engaged in printing tickets fdr the election; our friends in the several elestion districts. are requested to take notice and call er send to the (doe, 111 pals, OUR COUNTY TI C KET. .The Oandldaßee for the Legislature. 'he voters of this county and Legielative district, have before them," ati' candidates for the Assembly, RObert . lll. Henderson, of Ou'rn: bacteria, and Jesse liennedy,•Of Perry. Are you'prepared, to give, them your votes f If so, remember that it will require the FULL VOTE - of - the party ttrelect them. They-are, iniiie ry—respeoti-rworthjr—of-yoir—Catifidifiarlaid: support, and you, owe it to the party, to their Ain& to youreervea to demonstrate at the ballot tioses, that you have don e your _duty. Be not over confident of leer Strength. Let no' man consider:hip - presence - tinimportaor and remember thatlf we would WIII mom, are must work for it. • •' • 'ID RODEET M. HENDERSON, Re ljave:a condi ,istmithoemprovinue_servlcen-in Lthe-Legiala . - titre, afford the. beet evidence of hie usefulness in that capacity. Aftitinst hie competitor 'we have not word toTM y. believe that Cuinberland county does not hold a more hon 7 orable, highntiodedi.worthy inaNt than Hugh ItEitewarti Esq., and yet with 'all this he ,nmy not possess the • requisite qualities for a useful Member of the Legislature,. especially now, when the butiineas of:the country is laboring under the .effects of a.finanoittl panic, requir ing legislative action of some kind to• avoid a general prostration of trade. It is in vain to suppose that the present Legislature now in session,.can originate any measure of relief—. .the time is too short. They may legalise the suspension and thereby prevent the forfeiture of Bank Charters, but the duty will devolve on the-neit-Legislaturet-to-pass-Suoh-Measuretirty will of the country from the evils of this revulsion, end place the banks oii euch a footing as will 'enable them to re sume specie payments, at en early period: To do this, will require talent, tact and Legisla- tire experience, and in all lbw requisites, Mr. Henderson ts eater the superioi of Mr. Stewart that it would be folly to attempt oa comparison. Mr. Stewart might do .well enough in plain tailing, but when tjte ship of State is tioutiderimi among tre P bEiakers, it re quire., an'able seaman at th helm. • . In ,Ystisw gENXSDT, you haya presentisd to you_ by '.ttie, uwanimoue action -ot the-:Union Convention or - Perry empty, a gentleman against.whom not a ayllable can be said dero gatory to his moral worth, or superiority over - Mr. - Bramit;llie - Dreteitieratia nominee froth the same county, in every requisite that marks the private citizen, or tho, public Legislator. He is a man of talent and intelligence, sound do all the leading questiOns of the day, and committed in favor of an economical adininis7 !ration of the government. Mr. fiennegy in a native of Perry county, but for some 'pars .1.11113_ asesident of this_county r and.wlierever he is best known bit -character will he 'endorsed by a heavy vote : -We think the " boys" of FOR PROTUOiOTAUT FOR CLERK OP THE COURTIS FOR COUNTY REOII3I4RIt' FUR TILEASUER FOR CORMIETIONIR FROM WASIIINGTON. =I 'T4IE SLANDER.,REFUTED. The efforts of 11. Ducker Swope; and John P. Srindireni4 : The Philadetp ia - News, to minufinitUre political capital by publishing a liet of pftPera in PennsYlvania,' which they say . were bribed to the support of Freemont, dur ing the last campaign, by the payment of me:: nay,' Is likely to give those gentlemen a' little - tutirtt - trotible 'than they 'bargained for, if the - editors-who have - been - napersed;tarrylkft'llible present intention of bringing libel suits. The editor of the 'Carlisle American, one of thei papers included in the slanderous chargeOlas already commenced proceedings. in 'the pace; - others we - presunie, will follow his. s =ample. The editor of the Adams Sentinel, prOnounces the charge, tt a base, infamous falsehood, without even the semblance We fo4ntlatien ‘ - and its authors uttprincipled`and-malignant` libellers O l and the Union Convention of Adams county, in a prearable.'and resolutions ivhkih• .were adopted in refaretuto to this 'charge, state that "they deem it due to filr Harper,' theEdi tOr of that Journal, whose high. character for honor and, integrity bat, during, near halta century of,Editorial life, commanded the con. : :Hence and respect of his fellow-citistine, to give expression to njust senae.of what they . 'know to bee base and malignant libel, 'with out de least shadow of foundvition." In this list Governor. Ford, ofohici, is named as the agent through whoin this money was received. The editors of the Altoona Tribune,. therefore, addressed the following letter to Gov. Ford on: the aubjeet, to which we have: added Gov. Ford's reply: 7 . . • Altoona; 5ept...22, , 1867. f 'Host. Time FOID—Sir the' Philaden phia. Daily Ned.' of yesterility ; -• we notice a communication aver the signature of H. Buck er Swoope, charging:uk on your authority with receiving from or through you, $926, from the Republioan.Party, 'during the-hied' campaign. The said 'charge is supported by an affidavit .of one Dr. W. W. Woodward, who says under oath, that he received fiCan you in Person, the list of papers said to be subsidized by. Or -throtigh you; among .which,the name of our The Altoona Tribune, appeUre. Will you be pliiiised to let us know, as soon as practicable, 'whether you are the author of the list in ques tion ; .wapther jolt ever paid to us any money during the Fremont campaign, or whether you paid mousy to-nnyagior - perinin or persons - for us, and if so, what amount, and to whom t ;An early compliance with the above request will confer a favor .upon Tours respectfully, 111'CRUM & ALLISON, ' Editors "A Dorm Tribune.'! if • MANSFIELD, Sept. 24, 185.7' BArioits - ALTOONA' TRIIIUNE— Gentlemen t r , Tourletter of the 22d- surprisca - me=l:do not . knovreither of. - you. lAm not the author of any Het of . papers in .Pennsylvania for the ,purpose- of subaidising them. I never paid money to either of you during the leremont. -or any other campaign I never paid money to any other person for you, therefore I cannot: answer your .3d interrogatory, What amount and to whom?" • . • I hove been informed, and - believe the devil, is the father - of lien,' butlike other great in ventors he is likely-to-lose-nntolt of hie repu. 'teflon by improvements m o de upon him by such a' ClOillfilliniCailolll an 11. Bucher Swoope hoe - furnished, and _such at; offitlaiit ea one W. W. Woodward 'las oworn to And published in the Philadelphia NCWB.--- In haste,-----L- .• . i ' THOS. H. FOI!.a• . The, editor of the . Fulton Republican,, in hie the charge, ,aye—•• we dent over , .-. receiving any money from Go,. Ford, or . any other mini -for supporting Fremont, bi.-for any eirvioes rendered to the Rep uhltdan Iterti during the conipaign of last fall,' or al . any Miter time; • and we . pronounce H., BdetieP I . . 'wooperJohn--Pt4atittlersom—antl—any- T othe man or thing who aaya.Bo, a liar, a scou;n:lrek Hud-u-toward-? , L.-- -- Tildehe not only repelelhe Blander irjth'elP the force and oloqueudae of truth, but'he pea farther, nod places the "4 boot on 'tether • in the following etatement • We do most emphatically aver, and •are willing to'be 'qualified to ite truth, before any' magistrate or other , proper officer, that the only money ever tendered to al, in, any cam pnign Bitten 'we have been ongngod'in polities was by JOHN P. HANDLHISON and 11.13UCH ER SWOOPE I Of the former we have evi dense in Phdatielphm, and in our possession and of• the latter we etate upon our honor, or will do so' upon our oath, that he offered, in conversation with us,. itt'this twan, to indem• nify us ogninst nny lose wo rni lit ustain by ening down Wilmot. and suppo liazle. hurat." . _ _So;:it-ecoine, they-are the - would=bc - hribare; who hare reeorted to intrigue and corruption to bolster up a sinking-Cause, and now, like the cuttle.fieh, nre seeking an esenpe through he darkness of their own filih. Let them go A , faction, based _upon proscription and into' erance, whose weepons are calumny, and whose hired exponent, imihe ignorant and in famous Jae Barker, of Pittsburgh; can excite no other feeling than that of utter coptetnpt THE ELECTION. There-never iros a period in the history of Pennsylvania, that demanded more strorigly, the united efforts of the opponent*-of locofeco- leitbohan the present. The' time has arrived whoa the People must put down, with a strong Ifand,, everything like usurpation of right, and allow no consideration to deter them from it. It is no less a duty than a privilege to pass a verdict of approval or rejection on all ques tioner affecting tbe.welfaro of the country. The second •Tuesday o( _October is at hared, and the issue of•slave-labor against free-labor, Is before you for trial. The Democratic party are already exulting at the prospect of a tri umph. The, bops again to rally their form+ at .the ballot-box, 'and succeed in crushing* those who are devoted to the cause of free In: bar, and nothing dun prevenlit buf ecnicert of action Rua untiring exertion, • Your oouroo iern plikin one, nod if you pur. sue it fearlessly, with that unity Of purpose which should characterize the friends erfree labnr-andilte-soil, your efforts must be sun - - easeful. - Remember, the eyes. of other Stnfe« nre upon you, and anxious hearts are waiting the result of your action. Friends of the cause, we appeal to you, to ho united and vigilant;' assemble in every township, and at everyleleetion district; make all neoedsary arrangements' for perfect and reliable organization. Secure correct lists?of your voters, see that they have the right tick ets, end by a combined effort, "snatch from your opponents the lictory over which they are even now preparing to exult. You must . cheer the hopes of the weak, ,you must rouse the enthusiasm of the indifferent, you must kindle. the ivatch.fires of freedom on every bill-top,,and prepare vigorously for a contest the sticcessful termination of which, will se cure the boat interesisnf the people, and the permanency ..of those principles Seat advqa• ted and established by the: fathers of the Re public.. • . • Rally - then to the polls; all who twit otipos'ed I to the sham democracy of dab present day; no matter by whatname you harp been called —Republicane, Americans or Whigs, forget miner differences,of opinion; and remember that you are united in .a common cause for common good. ' •Youthavea cause worthy of your warmest seal ; you bare candidates stee -1 thy of the cam ; were forward to the work, and your reward will be the reward of patriot .ine ea Oki. bleseloge of good goveragegl. THE CANDIDATES. Therebasneier'been a candidate for the office of Governor; more worthy 'of the °All deuce and 'suffrages 'of hie fellow <Athens, than David Wilmot. ..t" true disciple, of the first principles of our Government, I coneistent sup. 'porter, ofthe coitetitution the elogQ4advocate of a!! free soil for a freoppeile,". and a zealous _friend_of-Penusylonia's.-best--interesto,—lie cobra up, to ilie4iffetainn standard, of. be ing c.-honeat and - tape lep"!and7asktutbe, sup port of that, party,,;Wherelalone is to be found thictsonseriativo,eleineiite- a just and 'legal ado inistratloa.ef tate , ,fis ne Nntional ef face:. ;r s -•- -1 : _ We lotliefe ' the coming' election' to be, fraught with the meet important co'neequenees to the country; dot only will tbePelieY °Cour own Suite be affected, by the result, but groat national questions are ,involved 'to'-au extent' never dreatned,of , before by the people; , The decision of the Supreme Genii', 'uprooting all preconceived opinions of constitutional right, the, semi-official deolartitien'of the President 4n!. tho. Nation dote not own ono foot of free territory, but that by virtue of the constitution alavery'exists in all the territories of the Uni ted States, &Aid the actrine boldly adiocated of bringing slava-labor into competition" with 7ree:lnbor wherever it can botmade .! to pay," show to what esivemes a party may be led by a lust for power. The South now looks to the Domooraticr:party of 4";ennsylrania - for: , an endorsement'of tbeeie monstrous docirines . by the election of their 'candidate Gen. W. F. -Packer ; and - it-depends en yoicpeeplil'Of Irenif- Syliiinia, to deteytnitie whether you will , elect the first officO iti 3Com; oft, a well tried fMthfui publie seriant,,VoU find 'Wil mot to be, or ele:late a man of contracteil, views' like Packer, whose political vision is ruled by the wishes of thitoluth; end who is - opposed alike to the dearest rights of the people and the true policy of the state. David Wilmm's post life,'atTortle the strong. 'est proof of his attnehment to the true. prin ciples of . government. He has •ifevoted' hie eneigies; with a teal that never tires, to those Measures which the wisest and beet men of .Abe country, now as in- times poet; - lielie,t?d• 'essential to the well being Of the country. He it now,: as he hai ever been, the earnest oppo nent of slavery extensioci, and it is your'duty to vindicate yOur devotion to the cause be ad. vqates, by giving him your undivided support at the eleolion. We have did our .dpty, by placing the issue fairly before you, choose now, 'free men of ,Penneylvaillti, between the 'ptro ,Re. riublicoMDavid -Wilmot whose object- is, the grentest o pted to .the greatest miraher,7 and the unprineipal apostate Wm. F. Paoker, who forgetful of the interesie of his own State expects to ride into offloe; by a blind'obedienoe • toSouthern dietation. . FINANCIAL. . In New York mouetery offal rn Pre still gloomy, . end the oupperteion of business' houses, oci pure ((oily.' The Noise nre'rnoking a strong. oßnit to sustain themeeiTee 4l p epecieoying haeie but !Cohlif.,4B +AI ourteil.their discounts; t4ey tire'pnying tin enormous price .to'irin' the titleof the " city that cton't:eue, • . , . In Philadelphia the peciple seem to‘ 'bp ab-, Acirbed• AirUtiliiio6,ae to the dame° the, • Legielature'vriil ptirsuo at the exira eeseion, .end a varlet, of, op in ion * ore itthatt-aAtlrtittt:--1 'reaper me - Altura& to be adopted. It le to .be' I hoped - the Legislature will-forget party peling . during their deliberatiOpe; and if they can •-• adopt any'meaetirtf for the relief of the :bite'. - noes cominunity; *ay, will do so' at on4,loth, out occupying' ar- part of the short tire°. they,, •hare:to It, inue,iwee debate. • _ • A cuirreapefident of the Philadelphia .firett.s, Betide that paper, the following draft of a bill, whichlwOhinka would reed the, came time benefit the Slate., We give it for:what it is worth. • • • An Aerfor the ;E: efinquishment of the State . . Section 1 : . Thrytthe pennities under all ex isting lows, sgsiolt bankis , and ether. oorpord 7 tions of this Cumthouvresith, be sny.l the some ere hereby repealed. . , . • ' S ction 2. Tha t the banks of this Common 'reit rated th, be, rated they are hereby required to oba per the rata of 7 p. centtim per annum u n all loans and atinceenteLrunde,:by••.them, provided,tbatthil excess - ciTrrif. - 6 - . per itenium per annum, shall be paid quarterly into the State Treasury, either in gold or, oilier, or in • the I(nds of the State, at par, which num I shall be exclusively applied . to the Sinking Fund, for the liquidation of the State Debt. .' Section 3. It !Mall be the duty of the Audi tor Cleneral and the State Treasurer to require from every Bank lie accep'lsoce of the prod nitme of this not within 130 days after its pas sage. Any Bank neglecting or refusing to do no, shall be.excluded from its provisions.' Section 4. The Bra aectlon - of this artaball remain in force until the second Tuesday of February, 1659, The second section shall re main in force until the entire debt of the State is extinguished ME • Ilarrigurgi-Oc fiLLnige - untuberti - of the -4. members have already arrived here. As yet no'fixed pion of actinnlias tieen adopted, and opinionv are Tel , coueiatiug aeto what ought ; to be done, It is believed (bet any bill which the Wends of,suspenaiOn may, agree upon will be rend in place. and nut refereireo . /I , Committee of the Whole_cpon it,_ discussion— Will - peoffe - ed;lffirdriiiiiii - dmente or a substitute may bo offered during its pregrees. By this method delay will be avoided.° Thole is a heavy outside pressure against Maiy leading Democrats are here, 'among them:the present Auditor Peneral draw _ tho party Hues iu this dureetion.- A formidable attempt will be inacle en 'graft a free banking lei upon any bill that May be offered, and 'a Clearing House, abd weekly publication of condition, includink dis counts, epeci..and deposits, on the New York - plan, will be stronousl, urged. _ The message of the ,Governor will be sent into the two chambers as soon as he is advised they are re4tly.tcr receive it. It will, probably bo read by 1.21. °Weak, M., to 'morrow. The document is q short one, • and makes no specials recommendation of a remedy. • ler' We have been informed that Mr. Hus ton, of Saver Spring, recently sold to a gen tleman of this place, the fittest horse ever raised in this county; so say. "good judges of horse flesh," and Mr. Huston feels justly proud of °Waling for Silver Spring, the honor of being the tt banner township" for thebest breed of horses lo Cumberland. They raise a good many . 'Democrats dowq there too; and we like their horses batter than we do.their majorities. - • PROM KANSAS. Nearly One Thousandlltilsourions Entering Kansas. • ' Sr. LOOM, Oct. b.—The Quindaro Made wee Ott he Ist instant, says that nearly a thou- Sand Mis 4 ourians: have crossed into"Baneas, between Quinduro',and iVeston, for the — camel., tile purpose of entering lands. But well ina. formed ,parties in Mil/snarl declare their im migration is for pelitioal. purpose& Evidimae . of concerted action along the whole' border Is beooining more apparent, but Violence le bet apprehended. ' • " • 122 M afar We loarn'ihat by the thoughtful libel::: silty of en estimable lady in town, every room in our Jail, was furnished this week; with a new Bible, marked •for die nee of the prison are. 'Mn. Entrcht :—Sumo months ego, I eaw at Lititz, lu Lataiuster oodnty, au old family Bible, bhioh was printed in the year 1540: and. is new 317 years oil. It belongs to Jacob Techudy,. of - Oast place.: Dr. ilartin:LutWCe'll transla tion of the New Testament, was printed and published in 1522, and id the year 1581, fol lowed his German translation of thi Old and • New Testarnerit.• This Venerable relic of antiquity,ht illus trated by a, latgemumber of Wood ooze, and is bound in- velltim, the corners being ornamented with substantial plates of braes. • Mr., Techudy, purchased thitVtriloabla old book at a public este for 'one _rent! How - strange 1, - that such—a rare copy of lila •' hook• of all books" should be valued al a publio sale at only one cent, when . contemptiblo pain. 'phloie and libels, from such ignotant vaga bonds as Jae Barker, nro eagerly sought after nt almost any price. Wtionzim, It has pteemed Almighty God to rethove from our midst our .esteemed' brother Iter. W. A.•GItAIIAM, the'refore, • firsoived i That it is . with the deepest ser: row that we'larve beard of the death of. our 'brother, And while we bend in humb:e submis sion Willa will of God, wo cannot, but fpol.that our Suolety has sustained an irreparible loss. Re:olved, That. while he hae lieen called from the scene of his labors, the Church has lost an able Minister, and hie flock gt faithful antidevoteinstor • Resolved, That we do most deeply syinpa thise 'with the friends or our deceased brother in this. their sad bereavement. Thnt we drarieLour hall and wear the utimil badge of mourning foe thirty'daye Resolved, That a onpi of these resolutions be forwarded to the friends of the deceased, and • published In the Carlisle Herald and the PresbytOrian. W.• 11: Getsendaner, . • ' D C. John, • . 'J. Kent Dukes, . S. Al...McPherson, • • W. W. NM*. • - Town • Count!) • ~ . teal. Regtoter f nkpetoper sth Thermo moter. i Tuesday !64-00 14116 -- Wednesday TtiurediTy. — 56 - 00 Friday 1,35 oa Bettitday 59 00 Sunday 57 00 Monday 156 00 Week)) , l 56• 00 Mean. ' • * The . degree of the shove register re the daily lifer.age:6r three 'pbservations. •LUT/lERAN SYNOD.—We were pre vented from noticing in our last issue, the Meeting of thplitheran,Synoti, wbieh assent bled in the Eiiol6ll Lutheran Church - if this plcice on' the 2lth s r.' The. Synod entered.ori its business sessions on riiday morning,ll theOlection of Rev. A. If. Lochillati r attPtesi• dent ; Rev. T. Evans, as Secretary ; and Rev. P. Anotedt, es Treasurer. The business trans acted related chiefly t'o local affairs in differ ent churches. s Quito an animated dieoussien -took- place:on' flondny,. - conaernin - g - the sus pension : front church 'privileges of all-who negleat the' public meow of grace. • The S. pird resolved 'in_ reisothe 'allowed to beneficiary - students to It higher rum than heretofore allowed.; and also to establish a mission in Leavenworth City. The sermons preached during the Convention were 'of a high order, and calculated to accomplish witch good. On Sabhat b the membeis of Sy nod, 'supplied 'the different _ pulpit. tbrobgb A MAN TURNED 20•STONE,-4—A repOri, .hattibeen cirouieted :through town for •seierel days, that a short. time ago, a man—residing somewhere in Perry County, was turned to stone, a 6 ntrisitation 'On' him, for blasphemy: We havenot learned whether be has become marble,: granite, limes tone, or a ‘‘ perfect brick " Some say he is tit fair epecitnen of marbleised iron.- . N'ow, if be had turned to gold,. he- would have been of some oWt during the,nusPerthiont- hie Meads:could hare chop ped op his toes end Bolters into , emell ohange, and dis Counted the balance' of his corporation, oil Bete; irobat case, any one would consider hie liiinct"goo.d . for'silty days." But, if the. mite has:turned .to we (19,111 eel that he is 'of aity uest,"ei'C'eitto make tombstones for the rest of.the _ - Tat " MAtiNETIO - LAlii."—lf you want to he astonishd, and at the mime time enjoy a good' laugh, go to see .. the—masmelie . -lady et r Eddeatien ilall -- 13he ismertainly; the most cutrailies lady we have've . rseen. ' How she eXerts such an ' influence we cannot pre tend to nay, but . whenever she 4• realities" for a fellow,., she "draws h tin.. right , 'lmt of Lie boots. '"- Ilex experiments girl ofith4 i mosi aut.: . .prising character, and bear eir'.d,bnee through. out,.that — thoy. are 'the resole OVeope myste rious inegneda agenoy. 'whiiilt . tiiiikivotJieen, and. perhaps never- 7 811nm, - siatiefsetorily ex.. planed: 'AiLlier stay isdimitedwe advise all to' visit - her while :they have the opportunity,' — :NEW ADVEp.TIEIEMENTS.—Our (rictta J. B. Keller, on the N. E. corner of the square, is up . to timo" with his fall stook of Boote, and..llate. .As busincefitOi applies to.ths alma:iris, ha is ready to corer -,both , ' ends of- his- subjects, without diaeuesion,• OS tat 'fitting ocoasiuns. Go, and make your purchases, while hii atieortment is full.• illestorbetg, tho Piano-toner, is again at his post. Those who require his eervicee, will find his advertisemenlin another. solumn. The Cumberland valley Rally:it:ad.-Co. will lestie eieureion tiokats, during the sgrieultu r ral flair, from all points on the r‘sd. Ntr.G. W Hither; desires those Indebted to hins'to a,sll and settle their bills ; observe Ids ___ Johnson Moore offers. for rent: n deeirobfe business eland oti the %Vslout Button - I rood. STAMPEDE- OF SLAVES.--We :learn that on Sunday afternoon last, eleven runaway slaves, froth Carroll county, Maryland, passed through the principal street of Carlisle. Their tussiers were hero on Monday in hot . pursuit; ♦N OLD BIBLE TRIBUTE OH' RESPECT. U. I'. HALL,, Sept. 29, 1867 1 • Diiikinsou Cullege. Natters. r the Week 1857._ ..,. /. 1 411111!.. FOR 00 TOBEIL— T h is Monthly comes to ue aeutionl, iodetv with a .well spiced vari ety, nicely adapted to. the hotorogeoeoas ele menta of which. the American hark is mint paged. The grave and the,gay...—those fond of the liiitarDit'il, or the fictitious, the romantic, -or peeticitlia — atiltatinitial,,os the noneensitasli can here find a saiiefyimporiion. _Harperds. certainly.a•type of the 'times—si retleetten of tile' American character. It: has a 'World Of' its elm, and intrudes hot. upon the territory of itirconteMporaries. ' The 04ober number, • w 1 • 1 ell sustains the reputation-earned by its pre-, ' dem:seers. The illustrated' articles are .i'llie Phipef the Desert :"'"A Winter in the §outh;" " The Matrimonial Assembly;" and last, but not least, Nr„Jenk'sPatent Outta.perolin In llating Costumes.": "'The fair Dona Bella, A Tale-of Spain'," Tea sample of the fictitious and entertaining, and-" Wher ) e our.Daughtere go to School," is ft , iimiipimi• hit at the superfi oinl manner 'which American young ladies aro educated in this' fast age. "The Ameri . can Mind," covers the entire editors table, and the ~1 Drawer," iv filled with th'e "rich,' Taiv.anil racy." rake i a foliowing little nut .for ilieir clerical - friend to crick :.• .--• , • " A .corpulent olerg, man. rdse. at a public dinner to refurnihnoks, whieli i i lie.di'd bj lay ing his 'hands imploringly on.hls stomach, and saying : Ili Remark° Poet Frost (Showers EMI We thank Theo 'for these blessings , bountifully spread, and our .cappeity to enj •• . , e lyhoeTer iiants,nn , y more, just step In at Piper's andlheliiimself, at 25 omits per aim- . bor. "":".,• • GODISVII LanT's 13oon for October come freighted with its. usual oargo of refined and .exoellent things. As Harper'p stands 'forth;i4s American tretsculine ohartio• ter. so d 1 3 105 1. "Gocley'a " "reign nod rule" in the ili:Moine world. ' The presentnumber con- Mins"no leis than thirty fine embellishments. particularly interesting to ladle's. The suberb fusbion•plates, and steel engravings, the pat terns. for - neetliework embrObleri; are of themselves worth.trebie the subscription: And the oharping Mies the poetic gems the "use , - ful receipts, and the.eclitors instructive, enter. taming and euggestive table, are all so many. 'strait.... • Godeis in peculiarp an American Instiru, grand vehicle for' conveying refined nentimente and , a knowledge of femaie actiom . plinhuiente to the limes& • Igo.houeehold should be Without. it. If you wieb your daughters to have LI superior teiroh er one whose talent influenoesrill attract.. charm, inutruot, and re6ue her.. present .her with a Dopy of '• ° Godoy "H•lt will be one of the beet and moot profitable i 3,00 ineestmenie you User made. To be had at Piper's. • • DA Ig X LHEILIeB ILariTUATED NSWOI'APPIL" If s iou.vriali to see how fast the American - mind 'ie travelling in tho art of wood engraving, fust.etep.iu at Piper's and gets Frank containing ...the picture story of the emit fate of the .. , Couiral America." I• Ns* Music from. Oliser Ditdori & Co., Boa-, toe/ sr, huged by Jean Weber, "La Teariati Scbottiaini." A brilliantand pleading piece, nosy o( execution, and embellished' with a bean-. 'Lul4ubograph_likenisi,-of-Signorina-L'icoolinir .',Nothing To Wear Scbottisoli," by C.-Math er:s. - An - Tilftilitive Piece, tripping 013,141.cuae- tulip)iivle "Fall liirirQuickstep," - by Model: Pond. Pietty'ant .!The Su Pulite," 'arranged for two performer* by EVAlldert.-4,-Lpleaeing duett, and well 'suited fut: praoll'oo. "Air ilusar," a Randinetto for four bands by Charlra 6:en:tel. Lay ind,of,tnedium ex tailrace.. • . "Morning Call Walls," eernpossd by Harry Hinton• Style good and moderately easy, ' "The Brightest -Eyed," a charming eong written by Heine, and composed by Stigelli, words in Gerninn and Engl!db.\ This piece is Altiore the ordinary style of popularsongs. . j"ileaulifill Star." one of Charles Grobe'e popularruolotlies of the tiny, Tbueir, riatiun is brilliant, but the, theme is only me- ‘'A Any-of these pieces Cali lie had by calling at Piper's, or Smith & Co's. The fliaelrared Phrenological Almanac, for 1858. by L. N. Fowler• Published by Fowler &,:Wells, New Yolk. This is • very instructive and interesting little pamphlet of some filly pages, containing• thirty seven . illustrations—among which are many excellont likenesses of prominent men of our own times, with eltrt biographic sketches and an analysis of thcir . phrenological cluireotcrs. It is sold at the, paltry sundzof • ds, and whoever buys get the six-pence worth ho has iiad for some- lEIMII argecit line. Attie:lg the likenesses we note ouch men as liatiell Cobb, Dr. Kane, Prof. Norse; C. W Field, fio. heeido all this if contains nu accurate almanac calculated for and iiiiiipted t terry elate in the Union.—Go to _Smith & Co. or Piper's nud get a copy. E= — ‘llcier`io Care PaTii.r . - . -eontainitrg ftill in structions to inventors, and a synopsis ; of Pat ent law. Published by Fowler 81, Wells, Now York, price etz cent,. This is a valuable little pamphlet, as it ena bles any one' tar n few cents, to folly inform himself on the laws,'et cetera,. of Patents. It contninelhe.gist of the whole subject, clearly and forcibly set forth, and no one can consei emtiously profess ignorance of patents when the means of knowing -aro no cheap. CENTRAL AMERICA. Three more persons from the wreck of the Central America, have been rescued ~and brought into Sew York. . Their . names are John Tice. Second Engineer; Alexander Grant, Firetimn; and G. W. Dawron, passenger. ' For seventy-two •houre after the ship went down, Mr. Tice woe drifting 'en a plank alMie, without food, and exposed to the violence ut the waves, - and on the tourth 'morning mime across a swamped Mist; which he succeeded in getting into. On the next day he'pioked up Alexander Grant, who had been floating five days on a part of the hurricane deck, and who yet retained sufficient strength to swim to the boat, The two then pulleatto the frog; I went of the hurricane deck, and took from it the passenger, G. W, Damon, whom Grant bud left behind. ' There had been twelve men on that part of the wreck, of whom these' two were the only, :survivors. Among them were George Brid dington, third engineer; John Bmir, Patrick. Carr and James .Reinielty, coal passers; Ryon, fireman; Richard Gilbert, mess Man, and four paseeugers, names unknown. Messrs. Tice, D , 11,8011 and Grant were eight.daye with; out water or food, the acs making ,a over them meet of the time. qhey ate severely bruised, and exposure to the notion of the salt water . Ilas produced boils all over the,r personi. On the second day after the penranise of the steamer, they raw several pssisengers on pieces of the wreck. One of the last objecte seen by, Mr. Tice Were the 'ship wenr down wee Captain Herndon., The reseue•of these' three pardons will en courage the herr that othere may yet he heard from... Committer. - Dur 3300 ft eafife. • • . _ „ CARLISLE PRODUCE. NA EXEL. • , IMPORTED POR fun Xptath.l - ',‘ . CIALIBI3, Wednescloy,Beplember 15, WT. :;:. Swot Superfine, per bbl. - • - ~..40; 4 5.501 •• do- extra, '• do ,- ! - - 6.75.. do Family do - - -. 6;00 RYE ' ' do #4.00, WIIITIL WIIRAT'pRT WEIA: .. .k , 1,20' Ran - do •as - - 1,10! _ RY* ~;',.. 7 do - 80. Corti '' •`,... - , --- 9 . do •' - -• • '* 85 Oats- - •1' , ..;- do ° CLOVERMED ..' do Trtaoruyintan.. . do WINTER. BAMEY: . do SPRING-BARLEY. ''---do- DAI.TIMORE MARKET , BALTIMOIIX, Sept,:26, 1857. noun, per barrel, . $6 60 None offering for Shipping. Extra family flour, • 6 Mgr 00' Eye Flour, • • 525 Corn, Meal, '.• • 8 514 00' WHEAT, best white per bushel,• 125 a 4.60' Primo red viheat, • • 1 20 1 802, 1 Nye, per bushel,. 6170 Corn, " • 70 76 28( 82'. , 7 50®7.75 • 21®22'. , PHILADELPHIA. DIAILIKET... 0 .te, • eltrvereeetf, per buehel, , Whiskey, per gallon. Plumi,pgmmt.s, Sept. 15, 1857. FLotrn, Per.hairel, . -$6 5005 75. • ' Shipping brands; • S 75. Extra family Sour, ' • '..d3 0007•50 , Rye Flour, . . . ' 4 87' . Corn Meal, '' ' • 00 , Wuns , r, hest white, pertAnshek,--1-2001-86, Frime red wheat, 4 ' - , 1.20011 25 Bye. per bushel,. -1 , ,. ,: , 1' ' • Corn, !,. . -, ', ,,,, 0i Oats, .." Cloverseed, per bushel, Whtskey, per gallon, NEWS ,ITEDIS :sohn B. 11. , betteon, cashier of the Eagle• Bank Roeheefer N. Y. has been. indicted for. poisoning hirwife. • Twir men named B. M. Kinkade and' Wm.. ; Mitxwall, bare died frtim.the effects of injuriu:. , . sustained at a Sre itilittsburg. A trotting match came off at Springflelik Mae& on ff4turiluy, between Plori Temple - CM:V . toncet. Flora wort in three straight heitei the Met mile was made. in ;mirk. 32m0. lteLThe'redical portion of the Democratio party of Philadelphia, called a mass meeting at independence Square, last' :Monday evening to take into consideraticin the present financial difficulties, and to , make known their detar—_ mined oppo.lition to the_ legalizing of a sum.' pension of speoiapayinento by the Banks. The meeting .was intended to take notion _ against any legislation - for the relief of the Banks or the brininess community in the pres ent crisis. Geo. W. Wharton, John Cadwela= der, and 7.1;z-Celleotoe . . Charles Brown, were the originators of .this meeting, which ended in a complete fizzle. • WOOD'S HAIR .lIESTORATiVE.--Prof. I- Woe'ed. the renowned disc, error of he in•aluable testorat ive , atill - ronthrmertirlab or in biltalf of the afflicted. ills medicines are - universally admitted the Amp rican pees, to be far superior to all others . for causing the hair 011 the aged that has been silvered for many yearn to grow forth with as tooth rigor and luxuriance as when blessed with the advantages of youth. There can be no doubt that it ill one of greatest discoveries in the medical world. It restores perma nently gray hair to its original color, and makes it se /11010 a beautiful silky texture., which has-been very desirable In 'all.agea of the world.—hi. Louis Morning.. Herald. se-, DR. SANIORD'S INVIGO- • RAT.III recommended_to the public, relying u u ' 7 -l utriusic - mtvellenereto-sneure-it-f. hillouenttacks, it nmY be truly anti wilily or. Thud 011011 118' being' fully.eapable of removing . the dls :Dim% for tihieb it Is recommended, rind for giving tone - • and vigor to the general.systeni. Its- qualltie. have been fully tested lu a long prac tice, by the proprietor. Through the urgent solicite tp.m, of ninny, r,ho have been- induced to place It be. , fore the public. For all Billow; Derangements. Rick. Ileadsch. chmnic Dlarrlices, Ilitioit.uni Costiveness, 111. lie us (holly, Dyspepsia, Pain in the Stomach end. Bow ebt, (lemma! Debility, Female Weakness, &c. • Per sale by druggists generally: RATS, ROACHES. DISD Boos, INSECTS. &C. "Costar's" Bat, Bunch. Ac. Exterminator; • "Con.item" Rod Buz Ex tortninntor; "Costae." Electric Powder,. ihr Ants, lu,eets, &é., (the only Infantile Remedies, known.) 44 — • Costsr" Fends by snail, prepaid, ,a Sample Box of the Hat. Roach, d.c. Este nituater to any address, in. the United States. on the receipt of $1; or the s.iectris Powder Ibr 65c. (The Bed Bug Ex., being a liquid, can nut be .nut by until.) 48 --, Costar" with-furnish firsogist< Dealers, and' Stolle-keepers, a $lO eninplq Package 'this various pro- parations (assorted) as Rh Matteis. Mlle. Posters .tc., un receipt .165, (tenthly Isln err of e, due when sold) In order tbat they may teat their merits. crs...See Advertisement. For, Circulars, de., • - -- Address "COSTAR," No. 388 Brriadway, N._ Y. • — niarnagts. . • • "on this lat Inst.. by 1ie..., C. Burlier, Mr. lIENP` WALTER, to Bliss MA RIAU ELIZABETH, iinuc. Est of Solomon Ridor. both of North Middleton township On this tomb 'ult. by Rey. Mr. Eels, T. .1. FILBERT. of Decorah, lowa r to B 1 les BI•ItItION J. VAN fOFI of this place. On the tith inst., by the Rev. J. Dickson, MO DAVID R. M ER [ME, to Miss :ADE . I ..EBEIILY, both of Mara mansto*O. etu Abuertisements B. IC ELLER'S BAT, CAP, • 'BOOT AND SLOE STORE. North East Corner of the Publio Square. The Aubscribar offers to the public a complete pd choice aosortment of tints, Cap. Dontaand Shoes, which have lust been porelusaed Dann the best manufacturers. Our stock consists of a great varioty of beautiful SILK AND FELT HATS, • made expressly for customer.. All kind, of Caps lbw Men, Boy. and Children. We would Invite particular attention to nur well selected and great variety <I these goods, as we ore confident they cannot be excelled In the town or county. BOOTS AND SHOES, of every style and variety, all Unequalled for price and finish. It immolate In part of MEN'S tine French CALF BOOTS, BOY.K , " CI ti -• YOUTH'S " CI CI . LADIES' French and Ptstlitt GAITERS,L.L.L. • Misses' and Cblldeen'a 'Every vaHely.of Children's fancy Shoes. The best lot of heavy WINTER BOOTS, for VIM and boys, in town. Thankful to onr friend, and the.publle for past Nl sore, we hope by, strict attention in the wants of our customer's and by sailing GOOD GOODS, to merit their continued Owen.' • .1. IL IiELIsER. N.ll.—We sell no Auction Goods I [Oct. 7. 'IT. pIANOS.,—The undersigned having returned to earlisle...oirerg . eincern thanks to the citizens for the patronage heretofore bestowed on him. Ills shop to Menet.] in West High street, direct. iy opposite the warehouse of Jacob Rheum, whercrhe Is prepared to :tune or repair pitmen, tte usual,. promptly and on reasonable term.. Ile has alan the agency her the•nala of Wm. Gaels Jt 'Co'w celebrated. Planes, (late Knabennd Gaele) and Ls prepared to fill alt eiders for Plano, ftom that well known ttanufactery, by sale or exrhange. A. G. WESTERBUIIO. N. 13.—LPersoneWho are now using Geele .4 Go'. Plano. are reotiested to apply as shove Add have their Mourn. meth; tuned gratis. t i , A. W. GI 0et.7,1P67.-31. 5 s • F OR RENT.- A STORE ROOM AND MOUSE, situate on the lWalunt flottour mart, em, mite. west ' ' • of (GHIA°. we] known as the WRITE •-• HOUSE BJST OPEICE. Am a hurt. edes stand It to equal to any et , on In Carlisle. Possession given e n the let •.• ... day of April next. • • Also, A WAGON-MAKER SHOP and TENAN' [OUSE. eltuam on the Walnut Bottom road. !wren lien went of Celli/de. The Muleteer at this ehrp will ',ploy at leant three geod workmen the whole year 4 ossesslon given on the Bret day of April next. Apply\ JOIINSON 3100 R E. C,arllele. Oct. 7, 1857.—t7. EXCURSION TICKETS CUM.BEittrAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAL PAM. Tv be held at Carus!, w mbar nth. Mil and 17thZ, Isfq. I'ICI ETE3 'sill ho lashed bj`lbs CuMbarland Valley Hall Ili ad company, team all peinta• 9e the'llue of the rued, to Carlisle and return, at lured rates. Tickets good during the Fair. gem must secure their tick. Is at the eoinpaity's officio at Harrisburg, nechanicsbuig, Kowvilla , Shippensburg And Chambersburg before obtaring the .eareottherwls• they will be charged Cull farm- t. It Mee, 11/1. 7, IRS, • • rs " ilto ...ult. tine torebbiug need for all email due h;m, and trtll consider It an not of k Induce.. on the part .of debtors, to help - him through hie dlffloultlea by paying what they owe, promptly, and thus relieve Dim tram praetor-dune. whilst In dullest. h' h. ttot. T. 1147,1 . 911:0k. W. Iting9l4 ...GULL SALE. e'=l,ooo 11 6 ROUGIU soft Tr t•oupono glottriched. Nor inkratall, a ripply at 1114 ZHAO, 95 1 .4t 4 104. UOTAL - -- IBM 6.10 2,511 , 85. 42 6 60 , 2,3024. 0. N. LULL.