Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 23, 1857, Image 3

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    t a *ear abOCCUSCHIqId.
111 -1 . 4 LECTION • PROGIAM ATloe."
XI WHEREAS, In and by an act of the Colera' A..
eousbly'of the Counhauweilth OfPuuhsylvanli ff T attled'
in "Art relating to the elections of this- Contuton
' wealth," pissed the 2,1 day of July, A.D. I 8:1O,It is made
• the duty-of,Sheriff of every enmity. within this
Commonwealth, to glee nubile notice of the tieneral
Elections, and in such notice to_onummate: - •
I. The'officors to be elected.
2.Designite the piece at which the election is to be held
• I, JACOB BOWMAN, High Sheriff of the county of
• , ,Cumberland, do hereby Make knownoind give this puts
- Ifenottee to the olectore rteountyOctober of Climnext, bed:Pad
• that on TUESDAY, the 13t h day of a n
election will be hold at the several election districts ea
t:Mambo:l by law in said county, at which, time they
wilt vote by ballot for the several officers hereinafter
named. viz: • .
--ONE PERSON.for Oovorrior of the Commonwealth' Of
Pennsylvania. ,
PERMYNToe-Canal-Commiseloneref-the Comment
• ' wealth of Pennsylvanin. -• • • '
TWO PERSONS for Judges of the Supreme Court of
TWO PERSON.S to represent the counties of Cuinbera
land and Porry In the House . of Representatives of
Peuttsyrennia. ,
ONE PERSON for Prothonotary of CumherlainiT County.
ONE PERSON:for:Recorder and Clerk of the Courta-of
Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer and Orphans'
" • Court of Cumberland County,
I ONE PERSON for Register of Cumberland County.
ONE PERSON for Treasurer of Cumberland County.
" ONE PERSON fur Commlesioner of Cumberland County.
.ONE PERSaar Mr Director ore the Poor of Cumbefland
• County.. • . .
ONE PERSON for Auditor of Cumberland County.
-•That every person .except justices of the Pence who,
shall-hold any ofßcoorappointinent of tirolit or trust
• under the Vatted States or of this Statoor any city or
Incorporated district, whether n cannurisslotted officer or
otherwise, a subordinate °Meer or agent, whole or shell
' be employed under the legislative, itocutive,'oi juin
dory departments of 'him State. or the : United States,
or of any city or of any incorporated district; and also
- that any-Member of Congress and of the State
taro, and of (ho Select hr Comm...ll.oolmM of any city,
_- or cmtOnlrylnnur of any incorporated district, is-by law
• incapable iifleoldlug ear exerrffSlk.rartinrsame - thee
' ofece.or appointment efjudge,inspectur or clerk of any
• 'elections of this Coinmonweiltfi, and that,Not inspector.•
judge, or other officer of such electien be eligible
torte them voted fie.
And the sold net of 'Assembly, entitledan art rein
• tang to the el:nil:Ms of this Conineminialth, passed Jul;
• 2, trier., farther•provideo my fellows, to wit:
"That the inspectors old judges shall meet at the
• place apintin hid the Wiling the elections of thu district
to which they respectively belong, before nine o'elock
In the morning of tile `sandhi' Tuesday in Oelober, and
each of sild inspectors shall rippoint . ono clerk, who
shrill be a (unstilted. voterOf said district.
" In case the person. solos eflvll 11:11,0 received the sec
ond higliestount heraf votes for inspector aural notent
tend on the day of the election. then the person who
shall Wive received the second highest nifinlier of voles
atthe next preceding election, act as. Inspector in
his place. And in case the - person who shall have re
ceived Hight:do:at number of v, fes thijitspector shall
no t,.. e tterA the meson elected judge shall, appoint an
inspector in his placel•amt in resit the pellion.‘elected
_judgnishall not attend, then vlic_lnspactor 'who recelt_
ed the highest number of vetoes shall appoint n judge I
his place, or if nay vacancy shalt continue in the beard
for the space of ono hour alter the time fixed by law fie
the opining of rho election. Ylio quallfled• roars of the
tOwnship. ward or ilistriet - for which dunk officer shall
- have been sleeted, present at the place of election, shall
elect one of theienu tuber to rill such vacancy.
" dt shall he the duty of the several assessors of each
;distrietto attend at the place of holding every general,
• iipeclid,.or township election, during - the whole time
sald election is kept open, for the • purpose of giving in
fOrnrition to the inspectors and judges when Called on,
•In relation to the right - of any pore em assessed by them
to vote et - such election, or such other_ wetter,: in rel.,
, _tine to the assessments of voters a's the' said insitectore
: or either of them shall from time to time
"No person shall bo permitted to vote at any election
as aforesaid; Other than a white freeman of the age of
tarenty-ime years or more, whoimall have resided in the
State at least one year, nod in the election district ,
whore he offers his vote at least trio days itaniediatelyi
preceding such election, and within two years Paid a'
• State or county Pit, which shall have been assessed at
.. least ten der: before the election. But a - citizen of the'
United Stlites who has previously eon aqualified voter
of this• State. end removed therefrom and returned, and
who shell hnie resided in the election district Anil paid
totem as ateresnid; shall' be entitled to vote after maid
' big In this Stato air months: Provided, -That the
white freemen, citizens of the United States, tetwcon
fa, enty-one and tyre titpte o years, who have resided In
an election district as of .shalt bo
rotenlthough they shall not' hose paid taxes. o
" No person Shall bepermitted to vote whose mono is
not contained In the list of taxable inhabitants fur
is-idled by the Continiseloners. unless First. he produce
• toreeelpt for the payment within two years_of _n Stale
or county tax assessed agreeably to the Constitution,
and glee satisfactory °aided.), either on his oath or af
, • Remotion, or the oath'oe animation - aim:Mier, Mot he
has paid such a tax; or on !allure to prodtme a receipt
abet" make oath to the payment thereof. Second, if he
claim a right to vote by being an elector . ',Mire°. - the
hge Of twenty-one and twenty-twit years, ho shall de
pose on oath or affirmation that tie has. resided in this
Slate at least ono year next before his applfint inn, aril
make such proof of reiddeneedtt the district a; is requirs
ed by this act, and that ha does verily believe; from the
account given hint, Oust ho is of the age diem:aid, and
imeit other evidence required by tills act, where
' upon the name of the person thus admitted to vote
shall be. Inserted in the alphabetical list by the inspee-,
;torn; and a note morloopposito-thereto byweitilm the
word " tax," if be shall he milmittod to vote hy reason
of haling paid' tax;. or thereon' age," if ho shall be
: admitted to vote by reason of Ruching°, Shall lie called
out to the clerks. who shall make the like notes onaho
lists of Voters kept by them.
" In all cases where the name of the person alalming
to veto is il.1"0. MI the list furnished by the Commis.
stoners and assessor, or his right to votoWliether found
thereon or not, is of '.to by any qualified citizen,
-It shall he the duty of the Inspectors to examint,socit
person on oath note his qualifeatione, and If he claims'
to liave - resided:within the State for one year or wire,
his -oath shall be sun:lout proof thereof, but shall
make proof -by at least one competent witness who
shall bo a quali fi ed elector, that he has resided in the
--dietrictfor more thantenalays..next_linineilatelviire
ceding such eldetion, and shad elan himself swear than
his .bona fide reeldence, in pursuance of his lawful
le In said district, and that I e did not remove into
bald distolet for the 'impose of voting therein.
"Every person goalles' as aforesaid, and who shall
make due proof, if required, of the residence end poy.
-' moot of taxes as aforesaid, shall be admitted to vote in
the township, ward or district in wldch he shall`resido,
•• if any person shall, prevent
' any tinker of any election under this act from holding
such election, or use or threaten any violence to tiny
such officer, or shall interrupt or improperly interfere
with him In 010 0X1,11t14111 of his duty, or shall block
up the window. or al - 1111118 WIII,IIIW where the
Frille may be holding, or shrill-riotously disturb the
peace at such election,' or shall use any lothoidatiog
throats, force (11 . VIOIOII^O, With design to lulinence nip
duly or oventive :soy elector. or toprevont him from vie
Hug or to restrain the freedom of choice, sith persons
on conviction dhoti be finedln env sum not _exceeding
- five liimilred dff lett; and imprisoned ter any limo omit
less Horn tit rotoor_morethatt_tivelve_mouths-andifit
shall bo shosvu to Court, w here the trial of such Orem°
elnill be Imd, that the p meson so offending was -not
resident of the rite, word. district .or township where
the offenim mom committed. nod not r . titied to von,
therein, tiptop:l conviction he shall be stmt: i t.] to
pay a fine of not less than one hood.: nor more Imo
one thousand dollars, and pe imprisoned not less than
mix ',malls nor more than two years.
" If affy person or persons shalt' makenity bet pc, wa
ger upon the result of any election within the.'.lidu
monwealth, or shall offer ti make toy such 'bet or. ire
gor, either by verbal proclamation thereof, Or by any
written or printed nilvertisoutoot, challenge or invite
any person to make such bet or wager. upon omit:Aims
thereof he or they shall ihrfelt and pay three times the
amount sabot or to be bee:
"Many person not by' law quolified, shall fraudu.
lently vote of any election of thin Commortwealth, or
being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper
district, or if any person knawing the want of such
guanine/tient., shall aid or procure such person to vote,
the person offending,' shall, oti conviction be' Sled In
any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars. and lie
imprisoned far any term not exceeding three months. •
. " If any portion shall vac at mord than one election
district, or otherwise ,fraudulently vote more than mice
on the name day, or shall:fraudulently fold and deliver
to the inspector two tickets together. with the Intent
Illegally to vote, or shall needle. another to do' on, he
or they offending, shall on conviction be fined - In any •
mum not leas than fifty nor more than , five hundred
dollars, uk , be-Imprisoned . fur toy r
"9 . " 9 ! A : Ati' n •
If any iferson not qunlified to vote In this Comnion.
weisith'agregably. to law, (except throbs of qualified
*altizens,o shall appear nt nay place 'of election for the
purpose of intiumicing the_citirens qualified ttr 2 fdle,.
he shall on conviction forfeit and pay any onto not ex
ceeding onelin oared dollars fur everyoneh offence, and
be imprisoned for any tern) hot exceeding three months."
The said election will be held throughout the county
as •
The election In the election district composed of the
borough of Carlisle and the townships of Not th Middle
ton, South Middleton), Lower Dickinson and Lower
irankford, will lee held at the Court House in rho IMP
ough of Carlisle. .
, The election In the election district composed of Low
er West Pennshoruugh township, will be held at the
North Schad House in Plainfield.
The election to the electfon district cionposod of fill
vee Spring township, will be hold Mau public house OH
GLitorgeiliney, In ifpgestanvn in said township.
,The election in the election district composed of
Hampden township, will, behold at this houae occupied
'ls,y Money Ilickernell, In said. township. . •
The electiMiln'the election district Minposed of the,
townshiti of Upper. Allot,,will be: held at the public
'Mum necupled by W. W, Kline, In Shepherdstown.
Thiialectioli in - , the elisition - district composed of the
township of:Lower:Alien, Will be loifd at the wagon
. maker shop of,donasjiunchbarger, on Slate Hill.
The cluetion iii tha - electiOn district reimposed of East
reerimborough ',be, held at the holm
now occupied by.R.Clityi et the West end'uf the Harris.
burg Bridge., . •
Ehe election intim election district &imposed of New
Cumberland:will boltnid. at the Louie Almeria kept
by tam. 11. Bolicin 'the b orough cif New Cumberland:.
The election'imedie ideation district composed ofltlie
Borough of Meclianicsbitrg, 'writ Le held at the public
house of James delay, In tiald• borough. ,
... The election in the election district composed of
Munroe township, irlil ,be held at the public house of
Teithipit,Acier; in - Churchtown, in mid township.
The erelthoplnthe : election:district composed of Up
ao,l)l6klnoOtrtdtatiship: will be held at the house now
• ocauptiolV Joliti . Oirman, In sald township.
• Mhoolectibtala the election district composed of the
:borough of.-„NeWillie; and' townships of Mifflin. 4.lpper
Frankferd, Tipper -Weit Pennaboro, and that part of
N ew t on township not Included In the Leesburg elecilua
district, will beheld at the Erick School Rouse in the
• borough of Newsille.• s '
The election la the election district composed of
Hopewell tow.hship;will be held •at the New Brick
School lions°, hi Nee - Virg. hisald township.
The election in the 'election district competed of the
borrough of Shippenaburg, ShiPpensburg tow uship and
that part - of Louth/Mitten tot nship not Included In
the Leesburg election district, wtil be held - at We
Council lioustriuqhe horough of Shippeueburg.• •
The election in thd olocilon district composed apart.
of Newton and Southonipton townships, eat embraced
In the Net:hill°. and ShlpPentiburg districts, -will
held at the house, formerly occupied by William Max.'
will In Leesburg. ' '
Agreeably to theprovisionse the sitty.firtt Suction
of the said act, every tonere! and Special Itleellen shall
be opefied between-the hours of elgtit'-and trot In the:
forenoon, and ahall.contlnuo without Information or
adJournuiont until' even o'clock in the evening, when
the polls shell bo elated. - ••'
a And the Judges ,of the respective dietricts 'aforesaid,
are by the sald act requirekto meet atethe Court ilpiroo
In the borough of Carlisle, - oil the third day after the
election, - {beiuglrldaii:the - IficirdnyotOctober,l - then
and there to perform the things required of (boot by law.
.The return .4 mire- of .the -Representative -difitrlet
will meet at Cattle e, at the time flied by law.
/Midi under Any kulnd,'lst•Carlislo, this, 10th . day of
• - • .• • , .•
• ' JAOOB - Dowialai - , 13bariti:
WITEREAS,I have. been directed by the Goierrior to
'give-notice that-a--joint-resolution,proposieg• certain
amendments to the Constitution of thlsCommenwealth,
ions been agreed to by a majority of the members elect.
ed to each' 1101150 . of tbsluglnlature, at ,two,itzecessive
terms of tho RAM, and that it is provided Ify the Con
stitution, that any amendments so agreed .uponj shall
be submitted to tho people for ,their approval or rejec-,
tion. Therefore, for the 'purpose of ascertaining the
sense of the eititens of this Common Wealth in regard
thereto, I, Jacob Bowman, high Sheriff of the county
of -Cumberlandr - do•glvo.noticir-and -- proelaim -to-the
qualified electors of said county, that art election will
ho held in each of the townships, wards and districts
therein, on the. SECOND TUESDAY• OF OCTOBER, A.
D. 1857, for the purpose of deciding upon the adoption
or rejection of said amendments, orally of them; wilfcli
mid election shall be held at the places, and opened nod'
closed at - the time carrot and within which the General Eled
tionsof this-Cornmonwealtharobeld,opened and elosetl;--
And it stall be the duty of the-Judges, inSpectors 'and
Clerks of each of said townships, warts and districts to
.receive at the , said election, tickets' either ,written or
printed, or kindly written and. partly nrinted, .from
citizens-duly qualified to vote for members of the Gen
oral Assembly, and to deposit them in a! box or boxes
th bufer that mirpose provided by the 'ironer officers;
which tickets shall be respectively labelled oh the out
. " First Autendment," "Second Amendment,"
" Third'Ainendment," and " Fourth Amendment," and
those web are favorable to said Amendments or any of
them, may express their desire by voting each ammany
separate written or printed. or partly written or print.
ed ballots or tickets, containing on the inside thereof
the words. " For the AMendment," , and those who are such arnendmenticor any of them may, ex
press their opposition by voting each as many separate
written, or printed ballots or tickets containing on the
inside thereof the words "against the Amendment"
And farther I do hereby give notice, direct and pro
claim, that the election on the said proposed Antend•
menu; shell be opened and closed at the samo time,
and' lit all rcspeetri to be condinted, as the General
Elections of this Commonwealth are now conducted. as•
well as respects the qualification of voters; GM. time*
and manner of inaking'returns, as in all other •partffittx
lore. Given model my hand and seal, at Carlisle, this
10th day of September A. D. 1817.
snpt. 101861
Proposing Aineiullnents to the Constitution.of
' the Ctimmonwealth:'
icIESOLVED by the Senate and House
of Roprekellta tir Clll
es of the Omonvrealtlrmf Penn•
sy viola In General Assembly met: That the following
amendments ore proposed to the Constitution of the
•Commonwealth, in accordance with the nroi'lslone of
the tenth article thereof..
There thrill be an additional article to said constltif
Lion, to be designated as article.eleven, no Views:
. .
Surtax 1. The - state may - contract debts, to supply
casual defirits or failures In revenues or to meet expell
ees not otherwise provided for; but the aggregate
mount of such debts. direct ad contingent, whether
contracted by virtue of ono or mere acts of the general
nseombly, or nt different Periods of time, shall never ex
ceed seven hundred end tiny thousand dollars, and the
money arising front the ere:filen of suet, debt's. shall ho
applied to the purpose for which ft was .obtained, or to
repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose
whateVer ,
Storms 2. 'ln addition to the above rnlted power, the
state amp contract debts to repel invasion, suppress inr
surreitieu, defend tho state In v ar. or Li, redeem the
present outstanding indebtedness of the state; but .the
meney_arhing_from the contrncting - ofsuel, debteislinll
- applied to the purpose fur which It wee raised. or to
repay such debts, and to no ether purpose whatever.
Morton 3. Except the debts above specified,_irl ACC
tiaras oho and two of this article, Ile debt uhateverehall
la, created by, or on behalf of the stnto. • -
Siarrioh d. To provide fur the paymelit of . the preiont
debt. hied any'additional debt contracted as aforesaid,
the legislature shall. at its firstleesslonollor the adop
tion of this amendment, create a sinking Aunt, which,
shall bo sufficient to pay the accruing interest on inch
debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereobby a
sutra not less than two hundred and fifty thousand dol.
lore ; which sinking fund Anil consist of the net annual
-Income of the publir works, from time to time owned
by the slate: or the proceeds of the sale of the snore, or
any part thereof, and of the Income or proceeds of sale
of stocks Owned by tire state, together withothertunds,
.or resources, that tarty be des', noted by law. The said
sinking fund may Ile Increased; tivon time to time, by
assigning to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues
of_the state.tmt_required_for_the ordinary and current
expenses of government, ond_unless 111,C.0 of war, he
easier, or insurrection. no part of the said sinking fund
shall tar used or applied otherwise than In extinguish- .
.tnen t of the public debt, intil the amount of such debt
Isreduoed below the .111 of free 1111111011 S 11111011 AM
• •
"Setcrios s—The credit.or the - commonwealth shall not
ill any manner, or event, hip - pl3dged, nr loaned' to, ally
Individual; company, corporation, or esm‘datiOn; nor
shall the COMIROIIIMith hereafter become a joint owner
or 'stockholder, in any company, association, or .corp. -
Stem:lß The commonwealth shall not assume the
debt. or any part thereof' of any elltlOtj , , city, borough,
of township; nor of any corporation„orfissoriatlem urn
less awn debt shall have been eontracted to enable the
state to repel Invasion, suppress dbine.stidiusnl•twctinu;
defend-Itself-in-tiute-ofwar, or to assist the state In the
discharge of any !lonian of its present indebtedness.
Secnort - 7. The - legislature shall - not authorize any
county, city, borough, township. o r Incorporated dis
trict, by virtue of ,ote of its citizens, or otherwise, to
Jerome a stockholder In any company, association, or
cuiporation ; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit
to f any . corporition, association. institution, or party.
• ECON D — A - mEND3wi ; r. -
Tho re shall be an additional article to Emid constltn
tlon , , to be designated as arthie :ill, as follows:
No county shall ho divided 'by a lino rutting off over
01 o. tooth I/1 its population, (either, le forma nen' coUnty
or othorwise,) x ithout the ospreys assent of ouch soUg
ty, by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any no*
county be established, containing less than four hun•
red ',inert,' union
• • r;
From section tw'o of the find article of the constitu
tion, strike out the Werds; of the city oftpladel tibia
and of each
_county respectively ;" from section five.
I owe article, strike out the words, " of Philadelphia and
of the several counties;' front section sevenoalne arti.
Ile. strike out the words, twit Iterihe city of Ph timid
phia war any," and insert in thin thereof the words, 'mnd
i;' and strike out "section heti, same article," and,
in lieu thereof insert the following:
••,,ECTION 4. In the year ono thousand eight hundred
and sixty.fottir and in every seventh year thereafter,.
tepresontativea to -.he number - of one hundred= shall be
apportioned and distributed equally, throughout the
state,-by-districts,n-proportion - to - the - numberof tax
able inhabitants in the several' parts thereof: except
that any county containing at least three thousand five
hundred taxablos, may be all Owed a separate. represen
tation; but Ima more than three counties shall be joined,
and no county , shall ho divided, lu the formation of a
district. Any city containing a sufficient number of
taxables to entitle it to at least two representatives,
shall have a separate representation assigned it, and
shall be divided Into convenient districts of contiguous
.:erritory. of equal taxable population as near an may be,
each of which districts shell elect one representative."
At the end of section seven, floury article, insert these
words, " The City of Philadelphia shall lie divided In to •
single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory or
as hearty equal to taxable pod ulatioti as ivossible; but
no ward shall be divided in the formation thereof."
The Legislature, at its Ilrst session, after themloption
of this antemintent, shall divide the City of Philadel
phia juttiseit;torial and representative districts, in the
manner abov pmVided; such dodricts to remain un•
changed until: the apportionment In the year one thou.
sand eight hundred and aixtyfour.,
There shall be an additional section Co the first ern.
cle of said constitutlunivhieh shall hp numbired and
read as follows:
Secriox 26.—Tho Legislature shall have the power to
alter, revoke, or annul, any charier or Incorporation
hereafter conferred by, or under, nay special, or general
law, whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to
_the.eltiaoria_el-the _Corentonwealthiin-sueh manner,
however, that no injustlecsball be done to the corpora.
tors. 1 ' .
TN SENATE, Mardi 27, 1857.
Resolved, That this .resolution pass. On Om first
amendment, yeas 21, nays 7; on tne sorond amend
ment, yeas 23, nays 8; on the third amendment, yeas
24, nays 4; on tho fimrth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4.
-' [Extract from the Journal.] - •
0110. W. lIA3IERSIIY. Clerk.
TIIi /101.'66 OP'RIIR696NTATIY!B,'
April 29, 1887,
Resolved, That thle,sesolutlon' pass. On the' first
amendment, yeas 78, nays 12; un, the Pecolid amend ,
meet, yeas 57, nays 31; on the third amendment, yeas
72, nays 22: on the fourth amentheent, yeas 83, nays 7:
. [Extract from the Journal.]
Flied In Secretary's Office, May 2, 1857. .
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
HECIIITARY'S 0111 . 0 Z,
11Anitisuumi, Juno 22, 1857
Priitsmattia, re,
1 do certify that the above and foregoing Is a true
and correct copy of the.originnl Itesolution,promodng
amendments to 'the Constitution ,of the Common.
wealth," with the vole in each branch of the Legisla
ture upon the final paasage thereof, as iippearn from the
originals on file In thin .
.I.t tenthuony whereof I have hereunto sot
hiL S., my hand and caused to be affixed the seal of
Beetotary's Office, the day and year above written. '
4.0. CURTIN,
. .
Pecrotary of the Counuonuealtb..
• ••••
Iv S.ceetw, March 27,1857:
The resblution proposing ameedmenteto the Condi.
tution of the Commonwealth being under consldera•
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the first amendment 1' •
The yeas and nays' were token agreeably to the provh
- alone of the Cirestifutiorq and 'remise follow, 1•14:
• YL4o—Mosses. Brewer Twowne, Coffey, Ely, Evans,
Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingrate, Jordan, Killinger,
Knox,' Ictultach; Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sullers,Shuleau,
Steele; Straub, Welshp:Wilklns, Wright and ,Taggert,
Speaker - 21. , • . . •
Kays—Mesis.Crebb,'Cresswoll, Finney, Gregg, Har
ris P 0111.060 •MIT• 01111101-7:
- So the question was determined in the affirmative.'
I On the question,' .
Will the Senate ..Bras to the second amendment I
' The yew and nays were .token agreeably to the pro-
Vicious of the Constitution, and were as follow,
Yeas —Messrs. - Brewer, Browne, Oresswell,Ely,Erens,
'Fetter, Finney; Flenniken, Ingraham, Jordan, Knox,
Laubach, Lewis; Myer, Sellers,Situman, Souther, Steele,
Straub,' Welsh. Wilkins, Wright, end Taggart, Spas—
Gregg, ~llarrle,.
, So.tue question wee determined In the affirmative,
On the question, , , , •
Will ells Senate agree to Oiethirdemendinent?
The yeas and nays Were taken agreeably . the prod',
elon'of the Constitution,etubmere es follow; • •
I ~ Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Crewmen, Ely
Everitt. ,Flonnlken, Fitter, Ingram,:Jordan, Killinger,
...Knee,Lattbach:Leville,lnyer,Seofieldc BellersiShumarr, -
' Souther, Steele ,. Straub , Welgh,:Wlikins, and , Wright'
Coffey, Gregg, Merits End Peeress-t. , ,
• : So the question was detergaluell in the eilinnetive)
• • .
win the Smote /vie to' the fourth autougutaut t f
. . ~ . .
The riasiind nays ware taken agreeably to the pro- .
visions of the Conatitutlon, and were As folios-axis i
- YZAII—MeaFre. Dresser, Brown°, Coffey,: Creswell,.
'Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, 'lngrain, KIIIIngr, Knox, . • VALUA.BLE .- P AR M AT • lutr.
Laubach, Lewis, 31yer, Scofield, Sellere.Shummil South- , . .. „
.01...Steel,Strauli,..14'41a14-Williiusand.Wright=fillL ~ • - • VATS SALE.. .
NVie-316.r5. Crtibb, Finney. Jordan and Penrose-4: : - fiiiiSiitilcribsiFoffinilit. Piivate - SAle; 'MC - FARM - on
•So the quution was determined itzthe effirmotive. I . which he now yesidea titivated in North Illiddloton
• `,. IN Tug MOE or ItErII24 , ENTACTIVLS, - ' -township, Cumberland county. three miles east of tho
• : • - -. ' . April. 29, 1857. .- - borough.of Carlisle, on the Turnpikeleading to ilarria
' burg, and adjoining the celebrated property kiiewn _ay
, .
- The resolution . ..proposing amendments to the Conan.. -
the " Middlesex
Don of the Commonwealth being under consideration, The Farm contains 157 Acres and 58 Porches, strict
.On the question, . . 7 . . . 7 ... ' .. • .. : ' immure, one hundred and thirty•seven Acres are clear
•_ .Will the Mouse agree to the first aufendment r
ed and
The. yhas and hays worn taken - agreeably to the pnivl! • . in ti.hlgh state of 'cultivation; and the balance
t,7 covered With.thrlvlng young Timber, the whole under
stone of toe" Coratiltution, - aud'were 4fiftillOir, Vla : „ m i. p m . ,,,. - .- ----',--'---•--- ---------
Yeva—Messrs. AndersonpArthUr,, Deckhouse, Ball, • . " The. improvemente are a Two•Stm r yi
Bock, Bishop, Dower, Brown, Calhourt,Campbell, Chase, . . BRICK ROUSE, a double Bank Bar
Cleaver, Cravilord, Dickey, Ent, Eyoter, Fausold, FOAM ... . 42 A'..7 . . &two-Stork Stone Spring Rouse, W •
It !Phoney, Mitten, Daniel Harper, lialos;..lllestand, -. t 1.14.1 i.',.....• 4 '. gon Shed, Corn Crib and. ther need!).
Kill. litilegas, lloifulant ( Barks,) Imbrlu. Inner, Jacobs: 7 . ,•-ediss.l,:•se.- nary out-buildings. -
Jenkins, Johns, Johnson; Kauffman, Kerr, Knight, •
Leisonrlttg, Ltingaker,"Lovetti . lllauear . , -- Mangle, Nees& a There is a thriving young ORCHARD of choice graft
-ILant,--111cilyain,-51oorheadi-Mumina-liliunolmanr-NP° ' A pies, oars, Cherrie-,
---- I kil r elif n r t 1 " g ;15 1 11 -7- t.- ft iltn r Fti th -
andone o e nes in il o e - spr rig li o
chola Nicholson,Nunemaolior,' PearsoM:Peters, -Petri- .
kin, Powhall, Pirceli, Ramsey, ( I'
Rupp, Itainsoy, ..countY, rise - s - Withln is few feet of the Douse. The title
(York) Reamer; Reed, Itoberts, Rupp, Shaw, • Sturm, ls Jodi utable and the terms will ba made easy to a
good purelnuter ' . , ,• ..
Smith, (Cambria. ) Smith,..(Centro,) Stevenson,. Tobin, .
Vail, Vanroorlits, Vickers, Voeghloy; Walter, IS , T sifbscribor also offers for sale with the' •
1 .. 0
Act es of valuable Chestnut Timber Land .
Wharton, Williston, Witlkcrow, Wright, Zimmerman
' sitmited In Bye. township,, Perry County, which
and 0 etz, Spettkor-78.
would bo tovolooblo tollre owner of the Farm ' „,..,
Ners—Xlessrs. Backult, Benson, Dock, Hamilton, Ilan
cost, H ine, Hoffman, (1,0b:V2) Lobo, Struthers, Timm in supplying an abundance of material for fencing. •
Persona w ''
.wishing to view: th 'promises will cell 'as
Warner and Wro
Intile-12. .. , 31,., . • -
. .
.. .• ~, • above, or address . . ''' ADAM DOCKER.
~. . . _
So tho q uestion was.determlned in the affinitive.
On thoguestion,
Will the House agree to tho second amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the pros!
stets of the Constitution, end wore as follow, viz.: •
Yvva—Messrs: Audertfon, ilackhotasa, Ball, Beek,
Rower, Calhoun,Campbell, Carty, Ent, Fausoid, Fester,
CHldea, Hamel, Harper, Heins Illestand, llllieges, Hoff
man, (11crks,) 'Housekeeperloon e; Inure, Jenkins
Jolts, Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Leiseming, Longs
ker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, DlcllOnln, Moorhead. bus-
Neiman ' Nichols, Nicholson, Nuneuntriter, Pearson, Po.
tuts. Petrikin.Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,)
Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan.
Tolatt, Veil, Voeghloy, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton;
Zimmerman, and Oetz, Speaker-57.
- Nays--Messrs.Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson,
--Ilishom-Browny-Cbtme,-CleavetrOrawfordr.Eyster,Gib .
honey; Hamilton; Houma; Hill; Hine; Hoffman; (Leba
non,) Jacribs, Kerr, Lebo, Mee:among', Mutiana; Read;
Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Cent.e,) Stevenson, Struth,
•ers, Thorn, Lanvoerhls, Vickers, Wagonseller, Warmer
- Witttrodo, - Wltherow - and - Wright — f 3.l .
So the quest was.determined in the affirmative. ~
Ou the question, •
WM life House agree to the third amendment ?
The yeas and nays wordtakon agreeably to, the pro.
.915101/K of tho Constitution, and were as follows, via: •
TEMS—Mtissrs. Anderson; ilackhotise, 'Ball, Beck,
Benson, Bower Brown, Calhoun. Caittpbell, Chase, Cies
ver, Crawford, HlCkey, hut, Kesler, F2usold, Vester,Olb
honey, Martel, Harper, Heins, Hit:stand, 11111, lieltepis,
Hoffnm, (Rorke,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) . Housekeeper,
Intbrie, limes, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, gauffutan,
4e;'Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, 51anrar, Mangle, McCal
moot, Moorhead, .lumma, Mussolumn, Nichols, Nichol:
son, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Po wnall,
.Purcell, Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Remi, Rupp, Shaw,
Sloan, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith. (Ceram) Stevenson,
'felon, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Voegitley, wnonholier.
• 'Westbrook, Williston, Witherow, Wright,- Zimmerman
and Gets, Speakr-7 . 2.
Nova—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop)
Carty, Bock, flUdea, Hamilton, Ifsticock..i fine, Jenkins,
Knight, Loiseurlng, Mcllralu, Ibunsey, (Philadelphia ,
Roberta, Struthers, Them, Walter, Warner, What flt;(
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the fourth amendment?
The Yeas and nays were taken agreeablrfo thif provi
sions of the .Constitut ion, and were as follow, vie.:
Yore—Masses Anderson, Arthur; linekhouso, Ball,
Beck. Benson, Bishop, Bower. Brown; Calboutt„Camp
bell, Carty, Chose, Cleaver, Crawfoid, Dickey, Ent, Eys
ter, Faust:ld, Fosthr, Gibboney, Gildea, Hamel, Harper,
- Heins, II lestaml, 11111,1 I i 11101Tuntlf (!leeks,) Hoff
man, (Lebanon,) lionsekegper, Imbrie, Junes. Jacobs,
Jetiklus,. Johns, JOIIIIIM), Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Lel.
smiting, Inmgaker, Lovett, Monitor, Mangle. McCahnont,
'Melt vain, 51unnsm, Mussolman, Niehols, Nicholson,
NutteMaciter, Pearson, Peters, Pownall, Pur
cell, Itamsey,.(Philadelphin.) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer,
Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria')
Smith, (Centro,) Stevenson, Tolan, •Vanyoorhis
:Wickets, Voeghley..Wegonseller, Walter. Warner, West
brook, Wharton: Williston, Withermr, - Zlmmernum an
Gett,.Speaker-83. • '
Nvrs—Messrs. Dock. Ifemilton. Hancock, Strothets •
Thorn..Wii: tratle'a nd Wright —7.. ' •
So the lueation was determined in the aillrmativ•
Irtuusuunu, June 22, 1557
. .
I do certify that the above and foregoing to a true
and correct copy of the •' Yeas" and - " Nays" taken on
the resolutjon pioposlow atnendnients to the - Consulu
Lion rif the Commonwealth, AS the same appears on the
Journals of the two Ilnuses of the ( Assembly
of this'Commrlow6rdth for the session or 1M:17.
- 'witness my hand and• the goal of sold once.
[b. S_.l
this 1 wenl.y.beeond day of June, "one thoUsand
elighthundred and Ilfty.sev OIL A. G. CUItTIN,
Serrefary of tbutemmonv.'ealth.
Carlisle, July 1,1857.-3 mo. - • -
Ilea( Cistate,.Safes:
T AND woain,ANlLir PUBLIC 524. E,
. • -
On FIIID.4Y, t . . 111.1 End Df OCTOBER, .1857
• - -
Will Ito of Sale, on the prinnises that
valuabh FARM of OVA/ROE WEIHIERT, deceased, sa
tiated In South Middleton township, emulate land
county .4 inihls_eouth aot of Carlide. and 1 1-2 miles
North of "Iloilhtg Spline;' bounded on the west by a
road leading flout the York road to Springvilbi ' on the
South, by land of Isaan Kaufman, on the East, by Iliad
of Henry Weltl,,ert, and on the North by land of Peter
Young, containitniAisf=AClVES, all of whielf is in a
high state of cultivation. The . improt entents Ore a
two-story 110 USE, and kitchen, a twt •
story stone wash-bonen and shop: a , t 4.
stone bank-barn. wagon-shod. rorterrib .
and-a the,-neeessary-outlAtlldhigs-an 'Of;
orchard of choice kat. and a never
failing well of water near the house.
Also. at the woe time and place will be sold a trac t
'or WOODLAND. half a mile north of said farm. bound'
ed by leads of Peter Young, Jacob Myers and others,
antaltdog 20 ACRES. which will be sold together or
in lotit to suit purchasers. Persons wishing to view
the said lam can do NO 14 calling on John Lininger,
residing on the premises, or on lienry-Wylobm t, one of
the Monitors residing at Boiling Spring, by whom the
conditions cud terms with be sonde known. .Fale to
confluence at 1 o'clock, I'. 11., on mid day
Executors cif Hereto Webbei t dee "sod.'
.Auguq. 10,1857.0
SALK. -;
The subscriber olTera for sale the_farm..on .which-he
now resides, situated on the Conodoguinet Creek, In
Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, 3 miles
north 01 New Kingston, and about Ii miles north-cast
of Carlislig Vie track consists of 223 acres, of which
• 143 acres is cleared, and the balance well timbered, In
cluding a large amount of thriving locust, suitable for
rutting into posts. Thu laud is of ger gbiden
.part limestone. and about 30 acres of Creek bottom.
The improvements ore a large two
story 1 . .1110 house and kitchen, plas
tered, built last year, a good Double
Dank Bern, with other outbulid-
Digs, and a well of water at the
• • .
A new ilme-klin has Just been finished, and A/ largo
quantity of limestone near the kiln.
The land ran be au divided as to make two farms.
Personi wishing to purchase will call on the subscriber
on the premises, or address by Idle?,
Now Kingston, Ps. •
August El, 18.57.—Ct. .
" 11.4-1 AN ' CO U RT. BAL E.
• By virtue of no oi‘r of the Orphan's Court, the
undersigned will expose to sole on
SATURDAY:, the 3d day of o.•toberwlBs7, •
the foll6wing valuable Beat Estate, Into of John Eingei,
of 'Hampden township, deed
that valuable tract of land situated In said
township, bounded by lands of Elliabeth lit, George
Rupp, David Hume' and others, coutultilfig
m'oro or less. The Improvements are
new Bank Barn. ''rienie`ched, an Or
,' g arr. chard, &e.; there ismlso a nover
••••'Y; fall
tag spring of %lfin. near OW house
and a stream of water running through the farm.
2nd—A tract of TIMBER LAND partly '
In Silver Spring and partly In Bowdon -Wl'„
townships, bounded•by lands of W
Matchet and others containing about tw,,
Acres.-Salo to (1,111111011e6 at 10 o'cloc' s t
A. M., Cl) }he Mansion Trifet, In Hampden
Uwnship. Terms mode knowlion the day of sale by
Aug. 26, '67.] . Guardian of Mary A. Binger.
• By virtue an order of the Orphan's Court, re
wl I expose to Public Sale on the premises,
at 11 o'rlock A. M., three LOTS in Curnmingstown,
Dickinson township, on-the Walnut Button lioad, , one
mile above the Stone Tavern.
- ..
• No. 1. has thereon erected' a TWO.
• a r.
---, 'STORY BRICK HOUSE and a good
Stable, with a Cistern on the feline.
N 0.2. has a two-story leg STORE
.. .
HOUSE and a Stable thereon erected.
No. 3. has also a two-story LOO HOUSE and Static
thereon erected.. -, . • . • ---• • '--
. At the inanutlina.nn4 plarrolwe , will sell a tract Of
land. in said towneldp, bounded by lands of John S.
Dunlap, John S. Kelso, Jacob Beaten, and , others, con
Mining 141 Acres and 149 ,perches, having a ... '
two-story. BRICK HOUSE, Stone Darn and all :ail
other' necessary Improvements thereon erected, .9 • 5
Terms will be Made known on the day of Kee by
, . CHAS. H. HORN.
. .
Sept. 9, '57.-ts.] ,Adm're. of John Rimer deed.
pußLic - a A LT
will sell at Public Salo, on 1.0 puldmot on
.SATURDAY. the ad dity of tb.toiNtr, 1847, at 11. oclock,
A. M. a small farm of first rate limestone land, situate
about 3 miles rant of Cariislo, near lbw Triudla Spring
Road, containing .
more .
or leas. , - • • . •
• . Tim Improvements area TWO.STORY
• .
":2•01. LOU ROUSE and good STONE BARN
• , , - -
. -- 1 • Corn Crib, Wagon-Shed and tonant
.It , c,4 - .. .1:• HOUSE. Thera Is n good orchard
.! : .,._...12_• ,, F - of grafted trees and running stream
through the premises. the land is in a high state of
'cultivation and much of It enclosed with good poct-and
reit and hoard fence. ..i. ,, -
Thelitle to.tho land is perfect, being - the t octet* of
Darid.,Williams, : dated. There will Le a' small lot of
Mountain Land sold nt the same time.
•' - Ropt.,2, 1857-15.] - . . ' Moira et Law. •
-- ;iOTTlltft:ed on street, In the borough
:ndio)Ping PnVotty„orAlllienn Perter on the -North and
Mrs, Sterrett on .the - South. Tot - thnielni 31 - feet
tont by. 120 feet- In:dopth, with a -oorefortibto
pv.plAhuns..liospx,_,per:turther .partleulars
. rinuntre on thit : wndbeir.
1300.164887,41. Ifitlatelatteitß.
31cal gistote Safes
Bopt. 18, 1857.-3 m
• On FRIDAY, September 25, 1857. •
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court tome
directed, I will; on the above day:at 1 O'clock, P. M.;
expose to public sale, on the premises, in Silver Spring
township, Cumberland county, the farm 'lately owned
•by Henry Biittorff, deceased. This farm contains.2l2,
ACRES and 18 PERCIIES, strict• measure, of excellent°
slate land, in a good state-of-cultivation. • One. hun
dred and twosty-three acres are cleared, and tinder good"
fence—inneCLl it being poet and rill—agd this part of
the farm was heavily Ruled• within the lestsfew years.
The Improvements are a large - •
BRICK Housm. (mon BANK BARN, - • .
4 tV-AOON-SIHiD,COftN-CR7ItS,-= -S
- •
There is also on the premises, a good „l."
--belonging-t3 iti-besidesa-well of excellent water nt the
-.-house.- The farm .has the advantage Of running water
' in live fields. A thriving young oi•chard also promised
abundance of. fruit. . • •
The farm is Daunted by the Cenodeguinet Creek, by
lands of John F. Stein Daniel Kunkle and others, and
is Omit one a•inilf relies from llolalter's mill, and -two
miles ;rum Bucher's mill.
Terms of sale-t-Five per cent. to be paid on the day
of sale;, one-half the purchase-money (less the five per
cent.) on the Ist of April next, when the doed.will be
delivered and posseislon given. The other half of, the
putehmswirinney in two equal annual payments, with:
out interest .to be secured by judgment
August 15, 1857.*
By virtue of an order of the,,Orplytnte _Court, to me
directed, I will expose to Public 944 the Real Estate
late of ,1.10011 TR ITT. deed, as. fidlows: . . .
• On Fill BAY, H
Hie 2nd day of October next; at I o , t ,
clock, P. 31., on the premises, I will expose to. sale the
Tartu fatuity/1 in Newton township. Cumberland CO..
Mounded by land of Abraham tirove's heirs; William
McCune, Peter THU' and James ellen, containing
• , more, or 1611, With a good TWO-STORY
'—'",-- - LOD HOUSE. Log Barn, &c. thereon
:-..; 7 erected. Tho land In limestone, and
~. in first rate, , order,-is , about three.
Bette.. fourths of n mile above Oakville, and
directly On the Rail-road , - '
On.SATUIU)AY, the lid day of October next, at 1 o!-
clock, P. ,1.. on the premises, I will expose to sale the
Farm situated In 3111111 n toWnsitip,"Cumberland Co.,
bounded by lend of Peter Whittler, Ern. WE wain and
others, containing , 0
more nr less, with a TWO.STORYLOO II 9E, ~
Log Barn Am Idtereon erected. This farm in br• fil
slate land, and in tirst,ratoorder. Attentbance :
will he given, and tonna wade known on day 4 '.•
of Oslo by
, - JACOB T. LEWIS, et
Aug. 211, 11457.5.
~ • . •
The subscriber offers for rale that 'Valuable Farm
situated an Silver Spring township, about seven miles
east - of Carlisle t vro - miles north of litngstown, - on
the public' yad leading to Sterrett'a Cap. now in the
occupancy of Jonathan Ileagy. Thu Rut. contains
six Acres Of which la woodland, the Instance all cleared
and In a high state of cultivation, Including . ; about
twenty cores of meadow IdECTUrtlitT;Ciiffolligitltiviet
- The improvements are a TWO.STOItY
1,1it10.1t.. HOUSE and KITC111:::4,
- a 11011140 Barn, corn Crib: it aged'
Shed and other necessary. ottt-,lntild
• y., ngs, and a never failing well of water
at the door. Upwards of 8000 litilihels'of Iltnehav,Obeen
put on the land within the last two years. "
, This farm possesses 'similar advantageti in regard to
having ¢ large ORCHARD of choice
Apples, l'oaches. Cherries, &e., selected with
great and offering a greater satiety hat
respelit, than any other farm in the neighbor- -
hoed. __ . -
Persons desiring to view the Farm, will rail on .ion
than Ileagy living on the premises,- or on the suborn
her, living you mile west of the same.
Sept. 5, 1857.—0LJ - • ItfiltllitT.
Is now prepared to sell about
ill tracts o 40 Acres and upwards, on Long Greditx and
at Low Bates of Interest.
These lands here granted by the Government to aid
In the conntruction of thin Road, and nie among the
riclisst and host fertile In the World. They extend from
North-cant and North-west, through Iho middle of the
- State, t the extreme South, and include every variety
of climate nod productions found botieeen those paral
lels of latitude.. The Northern Portion Is chiefly prairie,
Interspersed with One groves. find in the, 'Midi., and
Southern neetions timber predominates, alternating
with beautiful prairies and openings.
The ell ithln more healthy, mild and equable, than
• ' any other part of the country—the air Is pure and
nracing. while living streams and springs of excellent
seater abound. Coal in extend rely mined, and supplies n
_ cheap Ind desirable fuel, being furnished at_einity
_points. at $.2 t044-per-ton—cold wood can ho had at 'the
name rate per cord.
Building stone of excellent quality also abounds
which cast be procured for little more than the unix:nee
of transportation.
The great fertiliq of these bonds, which are a black
rich mould from two to five lea deep, and gently roll.
Ing,—thele contiguity to this Road, by whirls every fa
cility Is furnished for travel and transportatlon, to the
principal ninrlcetn North, South, East, West, and 'the
economy with which they can be eultivated,
them the most valuable Investment that can be found;
And prevent the most revertible opport unity, far porsonv
of Industrious habits slid; small moans, to noquiro
comfortable independetiewi{i a few yearn. ,
Chicago. n now the greatest graln market in the
world—and tke facility and economy sculls which the
pilffirnets of these lands can be transported to that mar.
' kelt, make them much more profitable, at theprieen
, asked, than those more roftinite at government rates.—
as the additional cost of transportation is n perpetual
tax en the latter. which must be borne by the produefir,
In the•redueed price lie receives for his grain.
- The Title in Perfect—and when thin dual payments
are made,,Deeds aro executed by the Trustemippointed
by the State, and In whom the title Is vtinted, to the
purchasers, which convey to then, absolute titles In
Pee Simple, free and clear of every inctimbrisncedien or
The Prices are from - Vito 030; Interest only 2 por cent
Twenty per cont. will be deducted from the credit
price for cash.
Those who purchnse on long credits give notes payable
in 2,3; 4,fi end' 0 ,years after date, amt are required to
liep'rove oner.tentli annunny for five yearn, no no to have'
ene-half the land under cultivation, at the end of that
. Competent Surveyors will accompany those who wish
to examine these kinds, free of charge, and aid them
In makingtielectlons..
The Lands remaining unsold areas rich and valuta&
as those which have beets disposed of
Willho sent to any AIM who will enclose fifty MAN - ill
Postage Stamps, and Books or Pamphlets, - containint
numerous instancen of successful fiirtning, signetirlaY,
renpectablirand well-known farmers living in the neigh-
berhood of the 'Wilmot! Lando, throughout the State— I
also.the cost of fencing, price -of cattle, expense of har
vesting, threshing, etc.,—or any other intbrunition—
will be cheerfully given on application, either person.
"nif.r7iFliy letter, In English, French, or German, adxo
dressed to JOIIN
Laud Commissioner of the Illinois Central It. E. Co
, Omen Illinoin Central Railroad Depot, Chicago,
' Illinois}
testamentary on the estate of Mrs. Marla Steven.
eon deed., tato of the Borough of Carlisle, have been is.
sued. to the subscribers residing,' in said borough. All
pors.m. having Online against the said estate will pre•
cent them fu p ayment end. these Indebted will make
payment to Nk. ir..powNs STEVENSON.
Sept. 0, 's7—St. Exec. of Marlah Stevenson dee'd.
to EI STATE - NOTlCE.—Letters of Ad
ministration en the estate of Joseph Lambert,
of Upper Allen township, dne'd., have been Mimed
to the subscriber, residing in said township. All per
sons having clahus against the said estate will present
them for settlement, and those indebted will make pay
ment to JOHN- 11. COOVEIV.
dept.., 1857.—at.] - Adidinistrator.
A UDITOR'S NOTIOR—The under. signed Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court
o Cumberland County, to make distribution of the
fund doclarod by decree of the Court of the 11th of
August, 1857; in the hands of John limner, Pixecutor
of Robert Cook, late of mid county, doo'd., among the
parties legally; entitled thereto, giro!' notice, that he
will attend to that duty at hill office in Carlisle, on
I aturdny the 2d day of October, 1857, at 10 o'clock, A,
Id. of that day, when and where the parties lute:listed
are notified to attend. - -A: 0, SliAltP, '
' he Exhibition to 1,1 bold on Mali Fair Grounds ' on
15th end 16th'of October; at which our friends ore in
vited to exhibit their best Stock, products and work.-
ROBERT Moons, Seo . y. - ' • [Sept. 9,--bt.
Office dumberlaud Valley tall Rend C 0.,.
, Clintubonsburg, Po., 8ept.,9,1857.
An elactlon for Officers and Plannaera of thlx Com
pany, will be held at the hall flood lllltee In Chambers- .
burg, on monday the 6th . Oet., battreen the' home .of
Sept. to, 1857:—St.
TONS of Lykeni-IValley.N‘O. Ookti,..a. superior .arN..
celvlng and for,talo by ,
August COM th MINAY.
Ron moms.
Alurga 'supply of Watches, Jewolrk;Bilvor and Plated
• Ware, to width I Witte attention;
- IC you went to taloa from-the •1 ' •
..e.r• .
largest stock of CLOCKS, Watches, v erg.
- Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware in. ,:,-t •
- •
Carlisle; tall
We have a large assortm ent or Gold andfillvor aunt
=log' and Open7CaseWatobes - toiralt_alL - Fancloo add
Fine and Choap Jewelry of oyez:) , stye and quality
la sotto or by tho Nero as wanted,
'Slll7er and Plated .Waiters, Cake, Fruit, Sugar, rind
Card Baskets Sliver, Table,Tea, Cream,,,SuKar, Balt,
Fine Pearl, Lava, Coral, Cameo, 0 oldstone, MORIIIC, Flo
rentine Notate, Jot Box and . Glass setts cheap •
• • . • • ' At NAUGLE'S:
Diamoh Breastpin' and Fingerinis, , •
. . ,
Gold Hunting Case, Eight Day Leveret; Gold Hunt
lag Case, Duplex; Gold Hunting, Chronometers,
Bagley's best quality - et' Gold Pencils; Ditto Gold
Pens and Silver Holders,
Carl( la P. 0
Silver and Plated Tea Set tiOiabletsi - quo, Toast
Racks, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens, Xezt Bells,
• t' At NAUGLWS.
poll Nerk, 'Fest, Curb; Fob, and. Cbatlaht Chains,
Cold Bracelets, Lockets, Thimbles, Crosses, Charms,
French Timo Pieces to run three and four weeks,
At NACU h 13..
and Sleeve, Vest, Collar, and ShlreStiida of all styles
and quality,'
Plated Perks, Spoons,lyes, Napkin, Rings, Silver
Flutlnas,'Accordeons, Music Boxes—a fine variety,
At BA Ua
, 4Aulles , Portmonsies,-Peorl-and-Leathm. Plain and.
Fancy Travelling Bags, very nice styles, cheap •
If yon want to have your Watched put In good 4
pair and unrranted, take them' to
If you wantie6rirGlicap Clock, you can get it
• If you want your Sliver ware neatly marked at short
notice, call '
All goods warranted as represented; or Gm money re
• ' At NAUGLE'S.
Persons that want bargains are Invited to call
GAINS.—The subscriber has just returned from
Now York and Philadelphia, and Is now opening an in
memo stock of the handsomest and, cheapest Dry Goods
ever br_ught to Cutnherlond 'county.
fir the Ladles—a full tine of magnificent Bilks, Challis
Dame Robes, Ducats, De Mines, Lawn Robes, Bing
Lams, Lavelles, Ottoman, Plaids, 'e., &c.
An immune° assortment of elegant French worked
Collets, U.ndersleeveS, Ilniiiikerehiefs, Flouncing, Edg
ings and.lnsertings, - bought front the importers in New
Yerk,aud will be sold at prices to defy.oll competition:
A large stock of Borinets, Raisins and 'Flnwors at very
low prices.
• Acorn lot of Cloths and Cessimeres, very handsome
and very clomp;
." Irish Linens, Muslim, Checks, Ticklng7l,,Linin Checks,
Cottenadys, Pants Stulf for Men and Boys in great va
riety, together with all other kinds of gob& too nulao
rpm to particUlarise. • ' -
'All my old Friends nod Customein, and the miblic In
general are respectfully Willed to call and examine my
stork befiwo purchasing, inul.they will ho certain to got
good bargains and wive money, at the Old Stand, Ensf -
Main Street.
Farlislo, April 8, 1857.
0000 GOODS, Ank cone 'oonoS co TO WOODS', •
.nost door to Maghlhehlin's Hotel, and you will find a
large assertruont of Ladies' Orions, consihtlog of Bla,k,
Fancy and Gedna Merinoes, Version Cloths, Do
- Winn . , De Rages, Alperi+, Scotch Plaids, Sack Flan
nets, Scotch. Sranchester, ltorlston, Cluunbrag Ging
ham+, Cal icons, - Fine I I oath Worked-Venom-Ribbons,
Illedery. Gloves, Sr., &c.
DOM.ESTICS.—WooIen Twilled Flannels, Drilling-
Tient , ' . Bags and Bagging, Cotton Flannels, Oknaborgs,
Donds,Clnginun, Table Draper, Cheeks, white and col,
bred Carnet Chain, kc. • - •
In Shawls and Blankets we have_all sorts;sizes and
Fnr gentlemen we have Finn French. black Cloths
Black and Fancy Cass!metes and Doeskins, :hitin Vest
ings, - Tweeds, - Satinotta, Velvet Cilrd, - Runtucky Jesus
As for men's, women's and children's Dootri & Shoes;
we defy competition. • -
Also, a very sum:Him lot t f Oroceries,.suchiul.SOfiet.
Sugar, tiler; Spices, Sc.—
Our stock has Impa selected with the greatest care as
to price and we are determined to sell At
very small advances. Those wishing JO purchase will
find that we are selling as cheap—lf not cheaper—than
any house in town; and they will find it to their ad,usq,call,-
Butter, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit-taken at
N. N•. WOODS, Agl.
• Don't forget the place, next door to .51aglaueLdlo's
Beuton's - Abridgment of the Debates of Congress,
Vol. I'l to be complete in 15 Vols.
C10th,.3,00, Shp., 3,50 per set.
Benton's Thirty Years In the Senate, - • 5,00
Bartlett's Narrative of Explutatious In Texas, Now
Mos leo, Ac., 4,50
Bums' Cyclopedia of Sermons,-• „ 2.60
Leyerd's Ninevel—New Ed. Complete) 4,00
Cyclopedia of Practical Reoelpts: 1,50
Murne's General Atlas ,kf the World, 6;00
Wrapping river at
Band Boxes for oak et • t
Pianos, Melodeons. Am.. for halo at.
emtvocK, TAYLOR, A: SMITH'S.
Porte Fillios,Vriting Busks, he., for hale at • ••
Piet ures'and Name Frameatim sato at
Blank Books of all tare for saln at
Bibles, Hymn Books. Prayer Books. Ac.. for sale at
- A:;;I) SUMME R. HOODS, .•
t the New Store, Cornornf North Hanover and Lou-
The undersigned returns thanks for the patronage
bestowed upon hint by the politic, and at the .1110. I Ime
respectfully announces that ho lots just returnini from
Philadelphia, and is now opening a Now lot of Summer
DRY BOORS and GROCERIES, consisting In part us
follows, and which ho le (World nett to sell at the low
est Cash Prices. •
SILKS, Ducal Cloths, Cindlies, Alpacas, Do Laes, De
Rages, Lustros, Poplins, Lawns, Ramses, Brilliants,
Skirting, French and Scotch Oinghams, Prints, (Doves,
Hosiery, Collars, Handkerchiefs, no., tc.c,
SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS of every otylb and qua.
sitneres, Yestings, Flannels, Muslins, U.:kings, Stripes
Chocks, Calicries„ Cottoned., Linens, Shootings, Do.
rams, Nankoons. Drills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and
white Carpet Chain, he. Ate.
PARASOLS AND , WHIRELLAS. Also, a large and
spiondlihessortment of BONNENTB. HMI, 0018, 1100015 and
SitoEs, A superior lot of Fr'esh
Tens. Coffer, Sugar, Molasses Rico, Spices, .Fe `
~ ke.
Having selected my entire stook with the gsentest care,
end the lowest CANII Dozens, I can assure my ft ice& and
the pnbil . generally, that I will do all in Inv power to
make my establishment known as the IlgAll.QUAll
TENS FOR. BARGAINS." Those with wish to purchase
will find it to their advantage to call and examine my
stock liefoot purchasing.
1 will pay the highest market price for Butter, Egg's
Rags.liesp, anti Dried Fruit
enable, J u1y_1,1857
The subscriber, from continued health, and by the
idyl,. of his physicians and friends„ offers his stock t f
Mit GOODS for sale, that he may thereby be divested
filial' the cares of business, and be enabled to devote
his attention entirely to the restoration of his health.
The fixtures will also be sold and the store room of
' fend for root. To any ono having the necessary capi
tat, and .who will devote his attention to the business,
this will afford a rare chance. Tho custom is already
made, and ss the stock has received frequent additions
lu May. July and August. to an amount exceeding
$5OOO, $lOOO more wcfUld then complete It for the Fall
Trails.' For particulars enquire of
N. B.—A lot iiflileods suitable for the season just re.
ceived. • . • iSept:
Cheap Store.
New. Sty Alt• Wool Delalu'es—Just received •
At BENTZ & IMPS., opposite the Post OfSoo.
Plain ea. - High Cdlored Stella Border Shawls—Just •re•
calved ; • At BENTZ & SRO'S. Cheap Store.
Now Styto BrOaeGootlarolnlichavra Valencletia—Just
malted at . . • BENTZ & 1111011,
Sept. 9, ISST
UITAILO ROBES! 3000 Now on
, 'Hand, and for age by the bale ow 'Anglo Rolm, by
415 ARCH Street, aboye Fourth, (Late of No. 13
North Fourth street, PHILADELPHIA.
• N. D. Also, a large aieorttueut of LADIES' FANCY
'August 19, 18117.-3 m, ' '
naool'S AND SIIDVS.—;•A large and
enroplet, assortinerit or-Poot i s ntid Shires of ever 7 .
y and theltion.' Lades flue liforocco Slippers, Boots,
Oarters,•&e.; Misses And. Chi!drone ditto; Mon And
Bois ditto: .Jnet reeelyed and no* opening At the cheap
, ,
AT-EitY--.151-PORTANT. - --Spnere4.
Patent Self Sealing Cans, for preserving _Fr4llO,:
:Green eorsb—Peas,--Tentatoee,-80,,te. , —Evert-Parsuer
and 'tense-Heater should be a purtser.For sale, at
C4 _ 7 " /44'm ' ?'" e P h " ''l4"l7Erat'i of
' '07;1 , ' Zait Mahe at.,
Oppostto the Pest Oe ice
crunLzet osnarr
) 110ifakijiljia nnb lforfi.,
Perham Outdone.
. .
The PrOprietor -Of-the .MERCANTI GILTIDE-aronid
, 'respectfulir call the attoution of merchants, thrums
' and mechanics, residing out of Wig - city, to the sunder
' ate terms for a yearly subscription td the being
'to moll subscribers - only SO CENTS - TEE: ANNUM;
making it •• • :
The columns of the Guide; will' contain the' usual
varlety_oLariginatand spley_arties,_written not_only_
' to please hut to Instruct. •In "regard - In - politics the,
Outdo will' maintain an Independent tone, and will al
ways advocate Measures as conduclio to tho greatest
*number. Postmastein and others are respectfully re
quested to act as agents for this paper. to "when
forward specimen copies free, label.: desired to do so.
Astutinducenienttbdpersous to interostthemselveer
' 'to obtain subscriptions to
We efferthe following premiums. Upon the receipt of
names, paid in advance, wit will fbrward then:, by ex
press or otherwise, if ordered to the address of those
entitled to them:
For 250 subscribers, cash,' , ' $35 00
For 220 subscribors, will give a splendid fine gold
Ivetch,twarranted,) '. . '3O 00
For 200 subscribers an elegant gold locket, ilnir
glasses, worth' - , 15 00
F0r.150 subscribers, ono elegant bracelet, worth 71 00
For 100 subscribers, one gold vest chain, worth 10 00
For 15 subscribers, a gold peu-suil'holder, band
sinnely engraved, worth 8 00
For 50 subscribets;cine gold penned holder worth 0 06
For 40 subscribers, one gold-pen and holder worth 2 00,
For lb snleibrlbers, 'ono gold pen and holder worth 2'oo
For 12 subscribers, one gpid pen and holder worth 1,450
. . .
• 4.7, - "All oonnuuoleations sboul l i&bil l atisiod to
Editor and Publisher of the N. Y. MureaLinluid.
N... 103 Ureetiirleh St," New York..-
. .
..@;T-I , lewspapers throughout the Union, by publiphing .
the above, appropriately displayed, Including Ulla na
-1 — tite, tVo montliS, arcd
same, and'sedding- us the paper, will be entitled to an
exchange, and 'receive a gold pen and holder worth $l2.
Sept. 2,18117.-2 m.
11 GS! NYC, !!
• • . AT TUB
' - 125 5, 127 Broad Street, New York,
• Now ready for FALL TRADE Cheap for Cosh
50,000 now 3 Bu. Grain Bags,
25,000 4, 2 4 •
75,800 Second Iland2 and 3 Ito. In prima order.
37,000 SEAMLESS BAGS of all the various kinds.
• 14, ix, IA and 140 Bbl. Bags, designed expressly for
' their tamp, and man utheturod from our premium glazed
cloth, (warranted net to sift Flour.) ' Thls,is a now Or.
tide mid we rail the particular attention of Millers and
Flour Dealers.
SALT FACTORIES supplied with 1544, all sizes,
signed expressly foruse," , '
ArirAll orders executed with neatness and Sispatelrlikt
Sep. 11.-E. CLARK, Proprietor.
Coy. bleary's fidminlstration In Kansas; largo
121 no: 348 pages, with a complete history of the Terri
tory, until June, 1857. Embracing a full account of
Its dlscove.ty, Geography, Soil, climate, Products, its
organization as 3 it Territory, transactions events
under. Governors Reeder and Shannon, pollticablissen
!dons, Personal Ito:mounters. Election Frauds; Battles
and Outrages, with Portraits of/11,1111:unit actors there
in, all fully authenticated by *ham 11. Gin" M. 11.
Priyato Secretary to Cos: - Unary: Carefully — compiled
- fram:tho Official documents _OH tiluin_the.depattment
of State at Washington, and other met, in . tho posses
sion of thri Author, with full account of yho-Invasion
of KUM.. from Missouri; the captdre nit trootthent
of the Free State prisoners, thin character .1 move
ments of the Missouri Herder Ruffians, them or: of
Duff= and others. The. controversy' between t
nor (leery and Judite Theo proceedings
the Territorial Legislature, of' the Pro• Shivery
tlon;alut the organization ortlin Nati;:nal Democratic
Party, wills a Sketcli of Kansas durhrg it,t early troll..
Wes under Uovs. Reeder and . Shannon. Its Invasions,
Battles ? Outrages and M u rders.,
A copy will lei sent to any part of the United States,
hy .nial I, free of postage,,on the receipt of retail price.
A liberal discount to trade. .e'..1)00 -Want
ed. PRICE, in Cloth 81.. Paper, II Cts. .
'CHARLES C. 111101) ES, Publisher.
Inquirer Building, Phil's.'
Thia Clan I. foe rmy Vegetoblee;
la • perfectly Pratt State. U regain. no Wes, Solder
or Gement, eeale bletantly, and Le more smelly sealed
!tot o . peset than any eke, Can ever invented. All
.emso Lf i rent are equally disagreeable
preeenting Ude un lade to th• public. the Inventor
ehallenges the world In an Infallible, dimple, Ea.) , and. 1
R Va i l a r eig:ette ' Pa r TC:at e o . ftfrioi . o She y to
to derpmelete tole article by fele. staternents • but .11
scientific sod 'vertical men who have examined it say
hl without . fault. •
It le w arranbd to keep all article. pot up according
to direction. Try it, and in ell cares where ••failure La
M Th.
fault of the Pa rc h money wW be rs (nod ed. -
The rfasket I. Ileadolterated • Teeteloss Gain,
different from the offen ohs used by ether..
Tkt S ven le orlon entirely new pi
ano—ihe Gdeket
lays perfectly Still, and shonot mistreat premola r as
Y pe
Pore Gum gaskets would do 44 any other Gan-
el. "
; It la made Tin.
TWA principle of gosling hasM ood o tho teal for Throe
Yea., and thee, who have tried them will oaf .
no other Cane.
• .
• LIBERA L DlSCOtiliTio Tlig TUVE'
sti Bide 84. N.Y.
S No. 133 North Second Street, below Itoce, Phihutelphl,
paving completed their large assortment of the above
, floods for Sprint and Summer Trade; would respect.
fully invite the attention of purolnoters to the . same.
Their stock for beauty, cheapness mid variety cannot
by surpasSed..
They have, constantly on hand every description of
Bold and Painted Shades. Ituln lioltands, and Shade
Fixtures, Wall Vapors, Curtains, FOo Board Prints,
' Borders, ,te., all of width they °Herat lower- rates than
_ can be_had_at any_otheLeidabli.shment— Call and ex
- amine A. ISAACS.
1(44 North ..Seeond street,. below itnee.
March 4. 1857.—G mos,
' .101 IN FAREIRA k CO., (New No.)818 MARKET.
Stroh, above Eighth, PhliaMphia. Importers. Mau&
factures and dealers lit Ladles Gentlemen yud Chlb
deans FANCY OURS, 11 holesaie and F.&
Co., would call the attention of Dtsums and the Public
generally to their inimence Stock of Fancy Furs fur
Ladles, Gentlemen, and Childrerc; their assortment
embraces every article and kir.d of FANCY FURS, that
will ho worn during the season:--such as Full Capes.
Half Capes. Quarter Capes, Tahuas, Victorimm Boas,
Muffs .4 Mulfatees, from .the risEar Itcsiturt SMILE to
the lowest prime Domestic Furs.
For Gentlemen the largest asswrtment of Fur Collars.
Gloves. Gauntlets. Ar.; Mug the direct importers <f
all our . Furs and Manufacturers of them under our own
supervision, WO feel satisfied that wo can - offer hotter
inducements to deniers and the public goArally than
any other house, having nit humentor assortment to
select from and at the Manufaet liters prices. We.' ONLY
Abs ACaLL. , JO/IN FARE! RA .4 CO.
No. SIS MARKER St, atbc.No Eighth, PIIIII2A
Sept. 3, 1857.-41110 H. , ,
(100IDS.—BVRE k LANDELL, Ftiurth and Arch
Thiladelphiit, respectfully request. CANII licl FitS to
examine a One Stock of SEASONABLE Courts, adapted to
best - Pennsylvitnia Trade.'
Full Mlle of Fall Dress goods.
Nevi designs of Fall Shawls.
Rich silks of Newest Styles.
Good Black Silks of all Widths.,
4,Ceses assartedErench Merinocti. ' .
7 Cases-Poll do Chances. Now goods.
British and American Dark Prints. '
Satluetts, Cassimers. Cloths and Vestings.
Mutants, Linens. Fllnnels. Blankets, &a., Ac.
N. B.—Auction Barphis from yew Nork and this
City daily received. Particuldr tenth.' given. to
entry orders for dockside goods—num Nett Coon.
Sept 2. 1557.—am.•
. .
At the Quaker City Publishing lions° of Duane 'lnn.
son, Philadelphia. Ry buying n book for $l, or - thottc
you are at ouce,presented with n prize, worth from 2
cents to WU, consisting of Flue Cold Jewelry, Watches,
&c. All ordere_by_mall will bo promptly filled, and the
prize or prizes will accompany tho books. Du'r list rou.
tains all of the most popular books of the day, and will
be sold at the usual retail prises, many of them for
less. Persons wishing any particular book can order nt
once, and it will be forwarded with a gift. A catalogue
giving full information, with a lint of gilts and books,
will be sent post paid, by addressing
No, 33 Si Third Street, Phila.
!Sept. 2, 'O7-3m.
ilariputs wanted
The New Nolo, by the Authoreas of THE LASIP--
LIGHTER:I Mint Cutimas has chosen -for„tho title of
her now book the name of the principal becolue, the
beautiful and accomplished
And has written story which, for eleganco of diction
and thrilling interest, has rarely boon equalled by any
American lady.. The question has been repeatedly
asked—Can Mimi Cummins write another book equal
to " Tus LAMPLIGHTER!" WO can answer this question
now, with porfo . ct assurance, not only from oar own,
personal. knowledge but from the unqualified testi.
molly of literary gen tlemen ' of fiesionr who have raid
the work with great care, nod with absorbing in terost,
both of whom pronounco it a superior book to loaf first.
and assure us that the authoross of ' The Lamplighter,'
instead of losing position, will add immensely to her'.
proviouip wolbearneci and world-wido reputation.
Joll.arr. JEWETT CO.. Publishors."."
289 Washington at., liostpit"'
TOHN.H. LLEN &'60., Nos. 2& 4
I Chesnut .street, ((south side, below Water.) India
delphla, (the oldest AVood-ware House lit the eity.) ,
Manufacturer's and Wholesale-Mentors in - Patent Ms
chipo•niado Broonis, Patent. Oran - rod Cedar•ware, (war
ranted not to shrink ' ) Wood and Wlllow•ware, Curds,
.Brushes, Sca, of all descriptions. Please call and ex ,
amine our sedek. • ' August 5,1857-Iy.
istEly (mop TURNIP SEIM:
Purplo Top Ituta Rage, Purple - Top Plat,,
SkirviresAuta Raga, Yellow:Aberdeen,
Daleallybritt-Whlta Norfolls._lYhltellat.
and 'other Ono varlotlea; wholesalo and
PASOIIALL - ,A1.941119
Imylemotit aral Seed - 810re, ,
Seventh 4 ?dirket,
AUglist 12,165 Y
iiisadbills neatly gagestadt
THE GO D .141 N .P R 1
t lifigelicalitrbeSt - Lititaiy Papets Orfila . th l l6 - -ViTtiffc
OP StIllgellIPTION $2, por oar; and .ft Rift bo pro.
sented to each Subscriber Immediately on receipt of the
subscription money.. Each subscriber rklll•bc eutitled
to a Rift worth from 11 to $llOO.OO to gold. '
To •Clubs. . .
S Coplea for 1 yoar . . . . . •-• . 45.00
10 -do 1 do • • : • . • • 15.00
GIETS- 7 LItFTS.• • •••
---IPackage containing • • . ! • $500,,in - gold.
10 Gold Potent Lever English Hunt- •
lug Cased Wntobos - • • . . 100 each.
16 • 'do . do • do _Alo • 15 do
25 • . do Gold Watches . • . 60 do
' 100 do • do do .. •60
100 Ladles' do do . . . do
100 Silver Hunting Cased lirite . hes . 25 ,do
—Watch. - --10 -to 20--du
• 600 Gold Vest and Guard and Fob • •
Chains. . . .• 10 to 30 do
5000 Gold Lockets . . . 2to 10 do •
Gold Kings—Ear Drops—Broaches-
Breast Plns-:•••Studs--auff•Plus- - . .
Sloove . Buttons,, . . Ito j6' do
Immediately oturecelpt of the subscription money
tho subscriber's mime will ho entered upon our suls
scription bobk, opposite v number, and the Gilt comes
pending with that usual will be forwarded to his or
her address by mail or express, post-paid.
, Address BECK PH' & CO., Publishers,'
02 Moffat's Building, Now York.
North Ilanover st. ' 'opposite 31'sglaughlin's llotel.•'
The proprietors of this popular Clothing Establish
moot; respertfully announce that- they Lave, ust
-- eeived an itumense• stock of Clothing and: piled goods,
which therwill sell at thn lon - eat prices..
for Mon and Bops., composed of every description of new
selected, w the greatest care, and made in the
latest style and. taste of fashion, and warranted to
prove tile same as represented at the time of purchase. •
Observe, that every article of Clothing sold by the
,propriclbts of this - establishment-may - be - rolled - upon — '
as being wall selected.
Among his extensive assortment may he found Fine
Black and Blue new style Dress and Frock Coats, made
in the latest fashions of French and linslish Clothe.
— New - style - Businesa - Coats. - of - BlackTillue7Browii,
Olive and- Croon Olotint; and Plain and Fancy Caul..
. .
- 13ATG - Slll
‘Vests in endl6sii..veiriety, of Plain and Fancy Silks,
Satinsleasslinem,(lrensillnes. Marseilles, &c.
lino Black French... Doeskin and Fancy Cassimere
Eants, Plain Light-Colored • Cnsslmero Pants—Spring
Just comploted, by far the largest and cheapest as
sortment of Boys' Clothing, sultable for Spring and
Summer that can bo found in Carlisle, consisting of
Coats, Pants and Tests of all sizes and qualities, to
which constant adilitiuni will be niadeduning the sea
Also, a full assortment of Shirts, Collars, Bosoms,
Cravats, Pocket liandkerchiefg, Suspendors, 'Stocks;
„Gloves Ilosicev, and Umbrellas,
-- „lust:received, a large assortment of Black and 'Fancy
Colored Cloths, Black Doeskin and Fancy Casslmores, -
Nestings_ and h great variety of now and fashionable
Goods for Pants and Vests, which will be made up to
order, on the most reasonable Coigns..
Thu subscribers hope, by strict attention to blisiness,
and endeavoring to picas,, cusloruers, to rebelve a con
' tinuanco of public patrininge. •
Ouruer of Tenth and Market Streets. Office in Second
litury. Philadelphia.
We Invite attention to our enlarged- clock of 'Drum "- -
- Taints; Gils &v., seleeted estwetedy Tiir , ou,
sales..and comprising non of the finest assortments in •
the United St:fles, which we offer at low prices, for each •
or approved credit.
WE MAN UFACTUItE very extensively:
' , rend tint Piire.White Lead, (best,) '
Kensington Pure White Lead.
• Pearl' Snow White Lead.
- "Tillie Montague" Frenel,Ziiic, (hest,))
,'Pure Snow White. American Zinc.' ,
,Pliiindelphia Snow White Zine. ,
• Silver's Plastit , Fire and Went)... won't' '
. 'Chrome Greens, Yellows, and colorC generally.. . '
_ superior Alkaline Windup' Glass.
Genuine French Plato Glass., (warranted,) -
The New Jersey Zinc Company's amain - RS, • a
1 Tilden and Nephew's Now York Varnishes,
Brooklyn Premium Pure White Lead,
Hampden Permanent Greens,.
Cat:twist Brandy, &c.,
r rreneli and - English Plato Gloss,
French and English Cylinder Hlaks,
Culdfial-and Engraved Window Glass, .
Hanunered Plate'f.a Floors and SI:S . I4OIN
lirtigs. Perfunwry,'
Drtigaiids' Articles generally. .
.Paintimi"fools of ell deseriptions z
Hydraulic and human Cement.
• Calcined and Land Plaster.
-.Paper Maker's Clay, Satin.Whito: Sc., Ac. • .
Store, N. W. roc. of Tenth and-Market streets, •
Factory. Junction York AToilue, Crown and
streets, Philadelphia. E. W. CARR";
- irouNSON' 8 NiNr. 1 LLUBTRA
ipy TED AND EM I,•NLISIIED MAP of the Republics of,
North America, with the adjacent could. ho nod
1:1111.6 ; compiled drawn and engraved from the United
Statps 1411.111111111 Coast nod British Admiralty Surveys,
•hlyd other reliable resources. A SUPFRIOn CopruntiC
. ENOlt:sVlN{Pr\ Published by A. J. JOHNSON, New Tort
and WitshinAton.
This work exhibits the whole of North Amei Ira,
South of the rdith Parallel of Latitude; embracing the
.Cauadas.tho United States and Territories, Mexien,Ceu
tral America, the Isthmus of Panama. the Vest Inds ,
Islands. New Promo, ick, aura Scotia, and part of South
America, Also it imperier limp of the World.
All the Ceilidhs in the United States,and Territories
are named and colored on' the face of the Map.
The large scale on - which the map Is prtdecied has
. enabled us to give a much better Map of Mexico and •
Central America than Inns ever before bleu exhibited
in connection so Rh our country,..
Thin work Ilan loon careful 4 compiled, drawn and
,ngraved by - D.(4. Johnson, who for twenty yearn has
men engaged in drawing and engraving pap:s.
Ara - Sidd at ONE PRICE ONLY by
July 22, 1857-3t* n Agent for Cninberland Co.
Nervous Disorders, Head and Mind Affections, Ind
pout Consumption, Low Spirits, 1 neapaeity to Study 'or
labor, Premature Exhaustion nod. Physical Decay of
the Spitetn, Loss of Memory,indigestfon,-SexuaL-Deld
lity and involuntary Einisskins,. Piles, Diseases of the
Eidneys and Organs therewith coil nested, whether re
sulting from Imprudence or othcrwis'e,pre invariably
and permanently cured by Da. omi:unlit's famous
RADICAL REGENERATOR, the full particulars of
which, without any unprofessional secrecy, will be
mailed gratis to any address on, receipt of a stamped
envelope properly directed.
Sri,- The successful results (lathe lestten years hays
proved this Remedy to be the ON IN EFFECTUAL CVER
extant for the above complaints, and the description of
it is kiven In so plain a manner, that every one la en
abled to
' Address, post paid, AS:',l. 0, KLINE,
Post Box, No. 4556, New York City.
DRAINER AND a LAzl lilt.
All jobs entrusted to hja care will redeye ernsoseb
attention, in order to give entire satisfaction to the
etnployer. and be done nt moderate prices. Ho also
pays particular attention to Paper Hanging, and Black
Lotter Signs.
holt:alum - of Brown Steno, Gtey Stooo, Granite,
Niarble,Dak; Walnut, Mahogany and Rosewood. Brous,
leg on . l roll. Marbling :Ilan ties, Calcining Ceilings, &c.
. Fresco Painting done in the most Improved tuannet,
and . by extferienced workmen. Shop in Pontfret a treetz
opposittf4he Second Presbyterian - •
,Jtme 17 ' A. T DEEMER..
... J. E. VANMETER, ~
.. Corner SIXTH and ARGlCStreets, PIIILADEP:
PIIIA; offers fur:wale a largo assortment of
at prices ranging from Six Punta per piece upwards, 0
choice patterns, comprising
Cheap Satin Papers, Fire Decorative Papers,
Fire Board Prints, Fine Gold Papers,
Borders and Mouldings,. Floe Satin Paper,, • -
Marble‘Papers, Oak Papers, .
46- Nuw Styles Window Curtains. in great t arluty.
Dealers suppliud on must favorable tams.
, - March 4, ISa7.
11. J. WILLIAMS, No. 12 North Sloth Street, Phila
delphia, Manufacturer of VENITIAN
Ave Ono llonosar.n AND PAINTED SHA'nxel, of Deputlful
Designs, Ituif, and all other Colors of Rolland uAe - 11.11.,r
Shades, Fixtures, Trinuulags, Ste., ke., 'Wholesale and
Retell, at the Lovest Ceu.ll Prices. .
STORE SIIADES painted to order.
11..7. IV. theoldul tor past patronage, respectfully so-
Belts the public to cell and wamine his now and large
assortment, before - I - dirt:basing eli.eschero.
March 18. 1857,
AlT'a.NllDota"olze?oliallaSnkSo,lMon B roebyan l d o 2avak - snoda
Window Wass, single and Dost.l9 Thick and American ,
Having an ostensive stock. and daily receiving large
qUalitilioS, wo can furnish with the greatest. prompt-
nem and tho lowest wholesalo prices, tho above sups- .
riot brands of Window CI inss.
itt. nod Arch streets, Ph ila
., rloty &insisting of Prouty, Blike y s, Wi-
Poclishill,'side bill, subsoil, bouble
Michigan and Star Ploughs with wrought
shares, also expanding cultivators, with
tool and oversiblo tooth, fluid and garden-Mar
:lms, Cast Iron Hollers. bay, straw and fodder Cutters,
elth tt.largo assortment of llortienltund Tools, at
wholesale and retail.
Implement and seed store ith spdltlerket Street
. ' - Phtladelphl
,MANTILLAS I Just received a large
invoice of Mantillas, *most' faablonable New
-1 4- 4 6 .ityles, selling low, at the cheap store of
int 9 10, 1867
IIEbUCED.—The - subscribei
, has 'Ws day • commenced to sell off las entire
stock of BUMMER' GOODS at greatly reduced prima.
All 'who want bargains, call at the cheap store of
Carlisle; Aug. 5,185 i. C11A8:0011.11Y. '
1 L 3 08 3. K AT t
thusheln Li u li P p e o r r n t r ioz o on ° ;' 2 briehe a l r e rl 2;l, peor Lld
aeri,, s .• '•
and • bagging towline, dt., of the best quality can be
- had at the now cheap:atop) of • • ' • ,
, , .
4vpiT'lNDow SHADES finest,
Y.....lareast, and &taped. assortment .of Itladow.
ohida an 14 had at tho now ito j f:t of