Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 23, 1857, Image 1

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113 T wiLt.rAnx P9ALTER.
• • TEnnis Et76lacA 4 rlolr.
' ' '
• Ina OArtunralenlia lepablishCd weekly on in go
about containing twenty . olghi columns; and furnished
to ,stlhscrelorslat st:fio :paid - strictly iu .advance:
$1.75 If paid.welain the year; or 52 In' all, Cases when
.payment is delayed • until after the oxplrtitlo t of the
. year. No sulocrlptlonn'recalred for aWs period than
ala triontlub and nana . dlncontinuod until all :wren:ages
. are paid; unions nt-tho optionof the publislier, ' PAWL
sent to nubscribers.lising out. of Cumberland - county
"must be paid for In ndrante, or the payment assumed
by some rosponsillici person living In Cumberland pun.
Thom ton= will :lie rigidly
.. newred to . In all
Art*EßT!si - .'zix)WNTR,
„ • - , •
. .
Adreethwenente• will be charged $l.OO per. equpro of
twat v,o_l esibr thret/niertione,_and ,25,eents,lbr. cad*
' subsequent. insertion.'• 'All advertisements. ofteps than
twelve lines considered ha 'a synare:
Advertisements innortmlbefore Marriagoi and deaths ,
6 rents per line for Onst insertion, and 4 cents per •Ilno
for subsequent insertions. Connunuicatlons on sub.
-jeets of limited or individual intermit will be charged
0 cents per line. The Pn•prletor will responsl:'
bin in &makes for errort in edvertfeesneuts, Obituary
. indices or . .11arriages not'excuedlog. Ovn linen, ivlll be
inserted without charge.; , ' •
The Carlisle Herald JOB PRINTING MICE In the
Largest and nonit'completoestablislunent In the county.'
Three good Presses. and a general, variety of material
suited for plain and Fancy work of every kind. enables
-usto do Job Printing-Fit Um shortest notice and on. the
most. reasonable terms. Persons in want of hills,
Blanks or anything In the Jobbing line, will' find it to
their interest to give us a call, Every .variety of,Blanks
conktantiv on hand. , : - -•
actieraf . anb £ t tut snforptltion
Pre"ldOrtte- ,7 AME B ItCcnnxwx., -
Vice Irresldent—Jon3 C. Ilnecnrrninor,
•Secretory of State—Germ I.nwm Cmis.
Secretary of Interior—JAC:On T9I9ITSON.
Necretary of Trinniury—flowntt Coon. ,
Sei•retary of War—Jon:4 C FLOYD.
, fieeretnry of Navy,—lwoo Tuumag:
..Post Master
Attorney (lemma—Jr:non 9 S. -111,AVFC.
Chief Justice of the 'United Stntes—lt. B. yOrs
'Governor—JAMES l'fil..l.oCn. .• .
Bccrotnry of State—.ANDREW O. CURTIN.. , . '.' • •
Surveyor 0 onorril—JAeon Vivi, 3n. , - .
Auditor titmorni—Join 110100. • ...- . .
. ,
Trunnuror--11r.NRY B. Muonssv— - J . , •' '
Judges of the Supremo Court--E: Tatum, J. hi . uss
STRONO, W. Ti. Ldwoin 9. W. WooDWARD. J. C. Knox.
a - 1" --
President Judge.—lion. Jmnes 11. Grntmm.•
Associate Judges-110u. bllehael Coelinn, Samuel
Attorney—Wm..L Shatter..
Prothonotary—lntuiel K. Knoll.
ReCorder &o.;—Jolrn M. liregis.
2heriff—Jneob llowmon: Deputy, .L.lfouniilog.
- . .
County - Treasurer—Adana Sense man. •
c oronor—Mitchell McClellan. - •
Cpuuty Commissioners—Dem - go M. Draham; William
M. Ileaderson, Andrew Kerr. Clerk to Commissioners,
1111i:heel Wise. -
Directors of ' Our Boar—George Brindle; John , C.
Brownitiumallittilfre - rfritifilWallaril
--Joseph hobnail. _
• I
Chief Durgoalr— Robert revinejr.
Assistant llurgess--ticorge • Itendel.
Town Counell—J. D. rocker (President.) John Club
.hall, Jaluos'eallio, sr. Franklin Deaner, Franuol 3lats
tia, rotor fdonyorr Sa muel Wetzel, J. D. Ilalbort, Jacob
Clerk to Council.—Wm. 1h Watsol.
Constables—john Sphar, bligh Constablo ;. Roberto
bleCartnoS, Ward Constablo.
. Justices of tius Pence-George Ego, David kmltL, 311-
, chaol lloicanibteplien Keepers, ,
[drat Presbyterlnn Churb, Northwest anglroreen
tro Square. Roy:Conway. P. Wing Paator.—Sarvkes
every Sunday Morning at llo'clock, A. M., mud o'clock
P. M. •
Second Presbyteilan Church, corner of South 1. snorer
and Pomfret stroks. Bev. Mr. Cells, rotor, Services
.oistinuneu at II o'clock, A. M., end 7 o'clock I'. M.
St. John's Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of
Centro Square.. Bev. Jacob B. Mores,' Rector. Services
at 11 o'clock A. 31., and 3 o'clock, P. M. • ,
English Lutheran Church, Bedford betlieen Main
and Loather streots. Rev. Jacob Fry, Pastor. Services
at 11 o'clock A. 31., and 7 o'clock P.O.
German ReformOd Church, Loather, between Iran
over and Pitt streets, Rev. A. 11. Bremer, Pastor.—
Services at II o'clock A. M, nuddio'clock I'. M. -
'3lctliodistE. Church, (first chargo) corner of Idalit no
Pitt Streets. Rev. R. P. Chambers . , Pastor. Servicos at
11 o'cloCk A. M. and nt s o'clock P. 3t.
" Mothodikt E. Church (second charge.) Bev, Thomas
Daugherty, Pastor. Services in College Chapel, at I
o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock, P. M.
Roman Catholic Church, Pomfret near East street
liev:James Barrett, Pastor. Services on the and Sun
day of each mouth.
Osman Lutheran ("Lurch 'corner of Pomfret any
Medford stroots. Mee. I. P. Nasehohl„ , ,Pastor. Sonic
rain. A. M.
p} - Whien changes In the. above aro nucesahry lb
proper persons aro requested to notify us.
Roy. Charles Collins, D. D., President and Professor of
Moral &lone°.
Rev. 'Orman M. Johnson, R. IL, Professor of Philoso
phy and English Litensture.
James W, Marshall, A. M., Professor of Ancient
Ho y. Mu. L. Doswell, A. M., Professor of Matboulatles
William C. Wllani, A. M., Professor of Natural Selene
and Curator of the Musounl.
Alexander Sehew, A. 11.1., Professor of Helium and
Modern Languages.
Ileum! D. 11111unct, A. M., PrlUelpal of lbe Graturnar
s -
D. Purcoll, A. 8., Ansistant in tho Ornmmarichool
Andrew Blair, Proshlonfit.H. - ".torii-Hi-Huklieri - E.
- ornmati. - J:G7lVlMains, J. Hamilton, Secrelary,,Joson
'W. Eby, Treasurer, John Sphar ' illeasoniter. Moot ou
tho Monday of each Month 48 o'clock A'. M. at kid
:watt= Hall.
011Witti Thereon Benx.—Procklont, Richard Parker,
Cuhlcr, Wm.M. Deetem; Cie/104J, P. Hasler, N. C. Mus.
solnian,O. W. Reed ; Directors, Malawi Parker, Vra. B.
Ilugh'Stuart, Thomas Pantos, It. C. Woodward,
Joliii`Sauderson, Moses Bricker, Abram Bolder, Jacob
Le/by. • -
Frederick Watts: Secretary and Treasurer, Edward M.
Diddle; Superiniondont; O. N. Lull. _ Passenger trains
twice a•day. Eastward leaving Crallsio ut ti.dd o'clock
and 5,80 o'clock_ P. 1.141 Two tralus every day
Westward 4 leaving Carlisle at 10,00 o'clock A, M. and
CAOLIALL RAO ADD ,WsvaliCOHPANl.—President, Fred.
- orick Watts; Socrobtry, Lemuel Todd; Treasurer Wm.
Dootem; Diu/eters, F. Watts, Richard Parker, Lenin.
61 Todd, Wm. M.' Beotom, Henry Saxton, J. W. Eby,
John D. Gorges, it. 0. Woodward, And E. M. Diddle •
CIDIOERLAIIID VALLEY Rera.—Prsldont, John B. Ster.
rott ; Cashlcr, 11. A: Sturgeon;' Teller, Jos. o.•,lioffer.
,•Directore, John S. Sterivit, Wm. trer, Drone
' ease, Richard Woods, Johu 0. Dunlap, Rohl. C. Sterrett,
1L A. Sturgeon, and Captain JohliDenlap.
Cumberland gitar Lodge Net 107, A. Y.111.-meeta'at
Marlon Mall on the 'Und and 4th Tu.:Adopt of °Very
Bt. Johns Lodz° No 260 Y. M. Moots gd 'than!.
doy of each month, at ,Marlon fall.
Carnal° ',alga No 01 1. 0. of 0. Y. Mouta Monday
atonlo6, at Trouts building. '
The Union Fire 'Company. was organized in -1760.
Presidnat i. R. Quantum; Vico Presldeut,, 117117 am 01.
Porter; ElOcretary, A. It, Ewing; Treasurer, Peter Mon.
yor. Company meets the first Saturday In March, Juno,
ScPteltdier,'and Doccniber. ,
The Cumberland Sire Company was instituted Fobrm
cry IS, 1809. President, Hobert 'filcCartuoy;,.Sorretary7 l
Phillp QuiCIOV; Treasurer, 11. S. Hitter. Tho company.
ZOPOPI on dim third Saturday of January, April, July,
and October.
Tho Gond Willi idleCompatiy was instituted in March.
Prosldont, I. A. Sure:con; Tice President, James
rtnny; Per:rotary, Samuel 11. Gould; Treasurer.
.1 mad, The company weeder Out !second
Sat. any try. Sprit. July, and Octoher. • '
-1 I'.IIE.F--FIF
• 't
hat: „ u• Wllfht or
der'.; rut, 4;.)1,14. vSe.4 t , 1,..4 4,
MAI b , l vei..t. •
11. v /116;:gul tioa ••agit • I •
11 {alio Ow 1:{"c,4,t,0 ;• , ggr. .11•gew path , ;(
li••ieril - t3 . ang - 4, cent Twl4:age ago tiN hp ctuy t 14111.
"0Ar..4.1 ,1 11NAJJA. , / , CL/ILj: ottyreptutrlictlt.rtilT
iswpgll4. AdyaollSco.l.l4tVai7Lirgo , Igargva wlilt
of otilverolvigoo. • ,
- 11: ,; . :f r;;;•
When the uneasy wages subkids, • " '
Anil the soothed ocean• sleeps in glassy reed,
I sop, submerged boyondvor storm or. tide,
The treasures Oben:ll l in, its greedy breast. •
'ere still they shine t4ini 4 gli the translucent piuit,
FM. down on that forever quiet fluor ; ' •
No ilercomMenreil of the.desp shall east .. • .
.___Thent.babk—no ways- shall-mish'tliem-hitliiinlioil
:MO them &echoing, booutlful on n . hen
Erewhile they floated coAvoy'n of my foto;
TIM - barksainvely women, nolilf! men,
b'ull•sslled with hope,. nail stored with love's own
• „*., •
, .
•The aunion s treatturos of mrileart as wall •
Look Up to me, itaiterfect as at daunt
My goidt!d . rlace heaves beneath the swell
— Titiaaet my touch, - aud is again withdrawn
Theie sleep the onel?lelumphs, cheaply won,
That led araidtlon to his utmost verge, •
And still hie visions, Ilko a drowning sun,
Send up receding Splendors through the surge
There, trait ilia reeognitionaAhe quick tiesy—
Wl,onco the heart knows ittikln, wherever cast;
'Anil there the partings, when the wistful eyes
Diros each other as they look their last. •
There lie the summer oven, delicious eves,
The soft green sallies drenched with light divine,
The lisiling murmurs of the chestnut leaves, ,
The handthat lay; there}:es that loolted In mine,
There Jives the hour of fonr And rapture yet,'
The yortleLlchninx pt the plestonute years;
There btlll trio rules . n
of wen December wet.
rtri naked T 110116,1-1 9nnot E for tears
There aro they n 11; the}• do not finle'lietcpcia,
Lopped iii the aims of the emlilming.brine ;
More fair tune when thelrbelngA mine embraced—
Of nobler Aspect, lieOuty , more'dlyine, ,
l'ace them all, but stretch My baud In . valn;
No deep coo plummet reaches *hero they rent;
No naming diver shall descend the main
bud bring a single jewel from its breast. , ,
tttttttt Eloctlon of Trustees
The routine - of labor at the 'High School
Farm was interrupted last-week by' the - elee
'Son of Trenton, which by the aut of May 20,
1857, in appointed to be . held en the :Farm, on
--the-first7yed - nosdar9larSivpda — nber.
• Delegations from 'Bucks, Delaware, Erie,
Perry, Ilorthemberlanti,.Sohuilkill and Lan
caeter, arrived early Hod Tuesday, ender the
impressiondhat Toe/May-Was the day of the
election. • These gentlemen had ample time to
inopeef the farm, the buildings, and the opera
thins thoroughly, andlo see much "of the
oiuity. .
—Early on - Wednesday a crowd of delegates,
trustees 'and visitors arrived on 'the ground,
'and the lands of the Farmers' High School .
bore the weight of a body of men combining
intellect, skill'ard active philanthropy such as
few other causes could colleot together from
the far corners of our State,
. Of the Board of . Trustees. there were present IVatts. A. 0. Bloater, John Strohm,
A. G. Curtlrt Tex officio) 11. N. McAllister, J.
M. Soodgraes and Jae. Mlles.—Absent, Jamgs
Pollock (c.x.cflicio,) A. S. Elwyn, A. S. Rob
erts, Wm. Jessup and David Taggait (ex-offi
President Watts Capaunced the Board
that this day was that fixed by the Act of the
Legislature for the election of Trustees in the
phice of those whose terms expire. Whereup
on the Board appointed J: Moo. Snodgrass
and.!!. N. McAllister, as 'Judges to rec9ive
and count the votes. The Board then/ ad.
journed until noon, when, after reassembling,
the Judges made tho folloWing report:— ,•
"We, J . : MoN..Soodgrass and IL N. McAl
lister, appointed judges to hold the election in
pursuance of the Act of A;seenbiy, incorpora
ting the Fermi:n.3' Bigh School of Pennsylva
nia, make thblellowing report.
• • The following' is the representation' which
opposes for 'the purpose of electing' the mem
bers of the Board of Trustees; and duly ac
credited by their respective County Agriculth
ral Societies: ,
—.14//eghen.Litnifilteed; - Mqses Ness.
Berko—Geo. M. Keim, Solomon Kirby,,
C. Anomie:
Blair—A. M'Alltpter, J.. 4. Ctinining,bpm.
~Bucks—W.Rogorsi JobnTlackfan.
Cambriaß. L. JObruiton,•Wm. IL, Gardner.
Cheater— J, K, Eshlefium, •Phirco Hoopes,
• Clinton—G. M. Halinbake,J..-S. Furst, .8",
R. Peal
annberland—Goo. W. Sbne,frer. -
Centre—John Daily, Jos. Shirk; Sarni. Gil
land. -
Delaware—Abraham P, Morgan, Jonbun p
Eyre, jr
Erie—Robert EMS, John Burton.
Nuntingdon-Jonathan rdoWilliams, George
Spear, • --
Juniata—A. Pomerciy, Wilson Jammu,
Hugh Hamilton:
Lancaster—J. II Hereby, J. B. Gerber, L.
S. Heist. •
Harehberger, Rob't. CatePhell.
Northumber/anuf—Jab. Cameron, John DV:
Cormiek. ' . . -•
ferry—Jacob Billow, Jos, Bally. •
Schuylkill—J. S. Roller.
Breemoratancf—Vred'lt. J. Cope, Bevil W.
Sbyrock,•M. 1.1. Dlok. •
Union- r The credentials of F. Wilion, 0. N.
Warden, and Q. R. Bike were received, with
power, pt subeatution, but 'no gentleman ap
peared for, Union. •
Upon counting the ballot it appeared that
Fred]lx. Watt!, of Cumberland, James Miles,
of Erie, and Joshua P. Byre, of Delaware, had
each 44 votes.
And the Judi
that tii - o ttg, James Miles.
nii Jpabpit P. Eyio 'beep:ll9ly , cleated
“tte: , of tho Pgqmera'.iligh i3nbool.
. • • J,lB. M . K.,BNODGRABB,
N. 14.Alif.STER.,
-- , - .S - ATI. -- d7r 1" 5 . 17 ----" • , • •
II Igo Vitt tva9 then tinanirtiowly .electetl
. .tp' • 1, • - Ite
- 15-v
goleetealor the 'Herelo
StnifiN 8 unps. •
rAe4:_thF . r.orora:reportand-oertify
n; -7," , I . :••! - I'• ,
~papga.....:g0ai,,,,,..wmag..,,,, ,' , w av,0-Emr. • aziedza .
.President, and James .
lifter which the Treasurer presented his. ac
count, or receipts and expenditures. • Hon.
3 1Plin Strohm and Gen. Snodgrass were. ap-'
pointed a committee to examine account i
.•-. • • ,
of the Treasurer... Edward C. Humes, ,watl
'elected Treasurer forlini ensuing year. •
. After the transaction of • ethee_businces the
' Board adjelirned,:•after which they sat down,
with:about . two hundred visitors and friends,'
io en excellent dinner prepared by the ladies
pf the neighborhood, and laid out on a t a blet . ..
.eiglityy_ six feetlong i _archesinver_with_fellage,•,--
tastefully decorated with floWers, fruits and
garlands, and ladened with the best subitnn
indefatigable troop of lady friends of the In
stitution eoUld, possibly spread' before their;
guests. .
Ample justice Laving been done to the qin
nor, the table was cleared, after.whichaleeet
ing was organized; of which Judge Watts was
cibosen.Preeidene: The meeting was addreee: ,
ed by Hon. James T:
Furlow CITIZENS tender the thanks of
this com - munity to our distinguiehed and wel
come iisilors,.the'delegates from many noun•
pus of this Commonwealth, who, at great sac
rifice of time and convenience, have assembled
hero for netive service in the promotion of an
institution which we all value so highly, and
in which we have so, groat and :universal an
interest. And 1 ,- feel that the thanks of all
dre especially duo to the Board of - Trustees,
to their acting committee; and Ptittieularly to
their accomplished President, who, in the
spirit.orpuro philanthropy, and argreat saori
floe of: time and money, has devoted himself
to tho eStablishnient of this grand institution.
I tender the thanks of. this convention, end
of this community, to tho Ildn,Frederick
Watts, and trust *to ear a response.
Judge Watts replica 'as follows :L-
I feel profoundly sensible of the honor AO,- ,
corded to me by sueli mention of my !limo, be audience. I thank - the Boarker.....
Trustees for' the. honor of permitting mu to
preside over their deliberation's, rind am sensi
ble how largo a share of credit is. due' to my
associates therein, for what bas been' accena
I overheard this morning, .n
_remark by a •
friend whose remarks always maim un impres
sion•upon MO, thatllio amount of a non's in- -
finance depends Upon his education. • 13* Wei
amount and finality of education men are
classified, and not . by Thus, in the
_Eastern 'States, - merabants and manufackyrers
lead in influence, for they have, as a elites, the
moat eultivaied , intelligence. In
nia, I may say, •without disparagement to
tholse in cities and some other porfions• who
form exceptions—die learned professions lead
in Influeneo. In iho South, it may saki
with enuattruth, that the planters have con-
trolling influence, and In all these eases the
amount of influence is in eqtMl ratio with the
amount and quality of educatiori. •
'There le stimalim in this idea. It sboics us
how essentially important it is, inn State
whereligricultural pursuits prevail, and con
stitute the broad basis of thia wealth of that
State, that,agriculturists should have an
cation suited for themselves, and .equal in
power to their own wants, ant the nation's
ror they have an amount of solid virtue—
we can all acknowledge—which is stronger
than is possessed by other classes; and which
if rendered active and influential by the pow
er of an adequate education, will ever prey)
tiNeafety and bulwark of all our institutione,
and of our and fleck posterity.
This is a meeting of all classes. The pm-
I Veal farmer, the sagacious and intellectual
lawyer, the thoughtful and careful physician,
the generous patriot, the philanthropic
all desire to combine their best charazteristics
in the institution we contemplate, for the im
mediate benefit of the farmer and the farmer's
son, and-the Multitude who aspire' to become
agriculturalists, lining thus to work out grant t't ,
ultimate good to all.
It is impossible' that any selfish, motive -- ean
actuate any one who seeks this object, and we
ask that this may be looked nt and -believed.
No other motive'llas animata these who Lava
lettered for the establishment of this moans of
education' tban a desithis
—7 ,ll\klivo a firm nod witto ••
shal iavo a firm:and widefoundation. 'Let it
begin in prosperity and full efkieency, and its
beneficial results'will rapidly spread through
out all our.cauntics —The institution is yOure;
We ask your helping hands for its promotion.
• I dare Say you have all *erred the mighty
movement of agricultural progress resulting
from the general establishment, within a few
years, of agricultural 'societies. The United
States Agricultural society exhibits in one
view the growth, the production, the stock,
Alm men, with all their industrial achieve
ments,,from all quarters of out: immense na
tional territory: At its head is a man of the•
'rarest ludgintint, industry skill, science educa
tion, and lofty virtue, devoting the most vale
able'time freely to the grent - good ofirrtrtt ion.
The influence of that society is felt everywhere
throughout the United States ; everywhere
powerfully stimulating the ablest inventors
and most accomplished mechanics to enter the
great arena, opened for them,. 4 in competition
for the supply oe every implement and ma
chine mot perfectly adopted to the wants of
the firmer, either on the grassy flains,of the
distant west; or the heavy soils and rocky hills
of the east, and for all objects of mature and
cure. . ,
To come to our'own St'ate Agricultural 50.,.
(tidy, which especially for our own Stele dops .
like great servico beyond what tho..Natioual
Society Can roach to do. Let no jealousy, no '
offence, either imaginary or-real, no objections
against any individuals,—for the term of , any, :
one man's influence Is but temporary—bar us
from Joking kindly upon it, or °strange us for ,'
ono moment from a souse of its great °aped- •
with till our united iritinenoti for our mamba
good as an agricultural people. •
Arid let the same enlarged ; feeling animate
ue,torrarja odr •auxiliary county aricietietr. r :,
ThrVki' f . armera— Y!o - IT.q mll ; 97 A ro-Almoot,
nll . perornally known to each other; .let them
'avoid any oe'ui•le that eau diaoourage.
But the most Is by2na means ths grealea ob
jection, tor the effect of this - educatio.n is iota-.
most every easel. that of utterly estranging
from, and unfitting for the safe, healthful and
normal pursuit of 'thufarmer, that of-cultiva,
ting the earth, and conducting the operation
of the farm. The .youth .who - returns. to his
faun home after a three or four years study
of, books at college desks, and in purely lit
erary society, finds utter uncongepiality in the
ccmpriny of his e rn father and brothers. Ills
mind has been trained in paths leading quite
away from rural pursuits; and Ks hands aro
- inatnught and unfitted to assitit in or diriet the
labors of the farm. The moral effect of this.
common but sad result Is equally disastrous
and pitiable to both father and son. - It le
state of things whieh must - be cured; if not it
will act likeNt_corrosire_uleer-Wm-mustoom—
bine the oUltivated intellect and social mitteni,-
ties.. of Mental -refinement 'with the strong
practical usefulness'and sound virtues of the
agrictilturalist, who, giving . -the sweat of his
brow, receives from Pro/pence such. bountie. I
as are now stored around Us in this
.building I
(bare) and spread upon those tables, tho'citiily
support of all human life, and who dispenses
them to all other classes:
"if theSe be not thus wedded, this great
riculturel State of Pennsyfrania must remain
I as now,, with -the balance of inffuonee, and
yoger inihehandsor, comparatively-fow,--for-
I may be allowed to repeat—feeling no : desire
but to contribute tq the security of the future
prosperity of our glorious Commonwealth—
that the great body'of citizens—the great ag.
ricultural body—have not the Power and in
,filience which they ought to have, for the prop
er balance and benefit of cociety: -
—Som'ething must be done. How shall we in
orees&th-eir power? The remark ofinnd.
anslvereihe question. ~E dtication will
tfluence.!! But it must be .inch educe.:
tion BB will Icia",to the desired .ond.---It is
self-evident that it ie no education, unless .it
iii a fit one. • Science, ert . ,,and labor-iinst be
- di:imbibed: - Here is our want. :Ages 'at we
have no:eolloge In existence.. Whatever may
have been done in Europe under the greater
pressure of necessity, 'we have no'suchinstitn
tion-as yetio'whiah tie can have any access.
Now the institution i wo tire striving to es
tablish at the earliest possible period, is in- .
tended to- supply this great social, political,
moral, And I:economic want. Arl'while
proves the agricultural mind, and trains the
hands, it will do bath at less expense than the
'purely literary training can be obtained for.
Thus,. while reducing cost very greatly, it will
oductge better, end fit for every bueiuess or
relation of practical life.
Wo estinuite that ono hundred dollars per
annum will fully cover all s ewnees for board
and tuition, as we ato'iliSlitirting pion the
Dim different branclithi of culture adapted to
"exercise,- and - illustrata - fullytheentire theory -
And practice of cultivatiOn, and nt rho same
time such au will afford pleasant and. proffte
ble, moderate, regular and varied labor to the
Provisiouji, will be made for ample 'and 'ox..
tenaive mathematical training, and engineer
ing practice. All the branches of natural
seance will be fully illustrated and taught.—
'korai and civil seience, and all the arts 'of
practipt'd life, excluding nothing - but what, is
exclusively literary—the acquisition of the,
dead and foreign laftguages. .
We have started—there must now bo.for us
no such Word no tt fail I" Oun Legislature
has done much to, aid us.—we have much to
do ourselves. Lot -us ask ourselves, each one
of us, how much do wo owe to society, and es
pecially to the groat class that forms its basis.
- Probably_nolssomblage-oPmen=of'variditif
pursuits combining so much acute intelligence
As thoptielibiethot could bo convened for any
other object. And I' believe myself juotifled
In saying that our objeetineetstbc unanimous
and wurm-approval of every one present. .If
then it meets our views, if our motives are
right, t 'llow much ought we to do? Let every
man seriously consider how much ho ewes the
world, his fellow men, nod posterity; and an- I
ewer by the exertion of his influence, taking
care to do what ho finds to do, with all his
might. Let men damn with faint praise,"
or make no'exertion with pen, or tongue 'Or
puree, or speak-evil of the cause or of its ad—
vocates, and with the downward'grado in their'
favor, they may counterbalance tho efforts of
those who strive to push upward and onward
this car. "
Let there be no adv,:erpo feeling foUnded on
local preferences. What motive could there
be to induce those who examined, .and •deter
mined the locality fdr this school to do else
than right? With the approval of my asso
ciates I could gladly have , taken It into ray
own dear:alley of Cumberland, but in the ex
ercise of a'sound untidier judgement, (I speak
for all es an , inconacierable one only) 'the
,hdard,-having looked over
. all proposed lands,
and considered all circumstances, telieved the
one chosen tote the bat. It is possible that
we were In fault ; yet I have everbelieved the
ideation made coinbined more mdvantsges
.than any other 'offered, ,end aak for myself
and associates, the credit at least of 'honest
motives; and, of all, ,to consider how ninny
of the most essential advantages of soil, sur
face, exposure, healthfulness, and Centrality,
are - combined' In the groundd jve have noivmet
a greit common good, and In a agritOf
.mutual confidence, let pokaonal feelli 3 lo 4 not
enter our oonefderatfona; . lit'ue site°
inctlex , oonialtisionvthat •adititlit 'test
linnet only iletala you witli a brief detail our
financial stre . agth. 1 •Wo hove rooolved from our
• , iIA. , !-Cft V,47.11
their offic6llc4;'*o;
. ,
Cennnon aCciety. -
tis the' gr and, oflnvtoy.etnent.
and foonsof 'educatio4lpewer,,ive have here,
'only - Partners' High &heel, founded ,fer,,,the
eilitcatio'n fai.ineii''SOns to ntiiiiitnowleclgti
•and lOio'and pridd of 'their noble occupation.
This is our greatest want ; the education of
the hands, and the disposition, as well as the
intellect with especial reference lo•ttle calling
to be entered upon.
We do not find fault with literarytdacatfon•
as bestowed in,nui_eollegea_hut_thet'o.are--few
farmers in comparison, who oan stfurd' tirpay
atllus rato of 300 dollars ayear for tbdeollege
education of anon; and itsahnot
for less
StattrpooletyiVAOth'fi frOM citizens of Con
-treeounth .$10;000 from the Btatb,7o6,Qoo ;
from the Amite% qf the' late' Elliot Cresson,. .
ssloo6;'teakitieiti idt $60,000: to.oempieto •
the institution; ".we
mutiVhaye $50,660 more, and this is prOilded
for, if ono half the amount be raised by iAdk.4-st,l
.IYe have $ 100,000, with
whioh Ve can start this institution into native
and useful eperetiori, at a rate of "charge to
aach dtUdent of got over ,slQClper anum. , All
the Milner* and - industry we can exer aid *
vrill go iota fhoacooW, and if out judgment
and management . are approved, we shall not
he allowed, this great Commonwealth, to
community, un
derstanding our aims, will not lei us fait. Wo
must obtain the $25,00 . 0 , by. individual con-•
tri n bution,.and I say, for myself, 'only booauso
I sm urged to say it now, that" will be one of
ton, to give•slooo eaoh,tewards making up
that amonut... -
Judge Watts at down amid.onthulastio ap
plause from the audience. Responses to the
Judge's liberal offer; and general "remarks
were then made by different . delegates and
visitors as 'follows:--
,Ten. James Irvin—l giyo.slooo as one
of the tons •
Hon. James Miles—Erlo,and Crawford coun
ties are pleged to mMtributeslooo.
lion. James B . urnside—lt has: been sugges
ted that $lOOO may be expected from Clinton
cottLity, and ss_ol4from_Cambria.—i
Geo. Boal—Centro_ county has..raisml
and paid .in $lO,OOO, Without consulting
any one, and without previous knowledge that
this e‘ourse would be taken t l 'pledge the coun
ty of Centro for slooo . aditional.
Gen. T. tlfeli. Snodgrass—As a ropyesenta ,
tiro of tbo county of Allegheny, I pledge lier
for 441(00. .- • '
N. OfcCalliiter, 'Esq.—Fellow citizens:
The good work goes nobly forward. Tho time .
for speeches has passed, and the time for ac
tion has come. I pledgcmyself to be .one of
twenty to contribute ssooesch.
-fudge'Burnside—Mr. President ; I move
that at your appoint a 'committee
of ono or three In finch county of the State to
solicit, collect and fonfard subsdriptions.
The institution : must receive • students from
every toanty, and naustsepOrt every news
paper in.the State, and it seems but right
that all should have fully.opened to them the
privilegcuy contributing for such' an - object.
mayln this way raise
he atl specified, and miiro, for the establish.
iiient of the neoossary - professorships, to se
cure the most thorough training in every de
partment, at oven lose thaa the estimated cost.
The President is well acquainted with men
who will tako interest in this, sad lay hold of
it onerg,otically,
Jas.' Cameron—l like this proposition; and
beltevelt *ill lie - agreeable to many who will
desire an opportuhi4 of contributing accor.
ding to- their means. Our cennty„will- be lib
eral,.but I cannot, unadvised, make a specific
proposition of any amount.
The motion was unanimously agreed to, and
the President announced that - the committee
would be reported in proper-timo.
McAllister—Let this arrangement not
eupercedo our previous ono. I have no.doubt
hut that gentlemen onn raise
, SI,OOP id any
county in the State, with mode'llately energetic
efforts, excepting only the voli nowest and
Most thinly settled. ' Every ono is interested
-in point of fact. Every man, woman,. and
child in the Commonwealth. . Fet all. unite in
action,-iestant action: NOW Is' the time we
S. 11. Paal,'Esq.—Clinton county . lm boon
referred to. as good for $1,000.. It may bo
possible to that amount, or oven -more.
'Thu dolegotes will make every . effort, but
would rather not be eousidered as pledgibg
any particular mite. :
Judge hale—There are abundant means for
'such a purpose in our great Commonwealth.
We have only to exert our, interest, and fairly
undertake to : raise tho funds. Centre county
has raised $lO,OOO, and ono of her distin
guished citizens has given an equal value in
land, and hen just pledged another $l,OOO,
followed by.other unconditional pledges by
other of her citizens for yet another $1,600.
.The president of this meeting, who has given
so.freely.- - of rhis-valuableitunr - and'alii Minh
all the details of the enterprise, at the greatest
self-saorifiee, has offered yet a'sum of $l,OOO.
cannot we , raise the balance of the sum
wanted on the_ spot? _ I will pledge myself
to raise $5OO more, if we can thus accomplish
this. Lot us hoar from all the counties repre
sented. As' to the location of the school, it
must, of necessity be !minted somewhere. , It
:has been planed here, and we are sensible of
the advantages it brings to us, and have con
tributed very nearly one.fourth of the entire
estimate of $100;000. Yet all other counties
have an equal right with us to send pupils
1 - •
atid we,feel: that we have a right to ask other .
counties to aid in the consummation of this
great State work.
Dr. J. R. Eslllentan--T have consulted with
my colleagues, and we pledge Chester county
lion. John Strohm—Tho - oounty of Lances;
ter, which I have the honor to represent, has.
yet been an appreciation of the
peculiar merits of the school. • There is a
prejudice against college and high sohool odu
cation,'becautio it has beed found ruinously
uufit for Boned farmers, intended to follow
their father's . But 'there is Much 'fit
vor shown of late to Common soh - 00l education,
and, in a portion of the county,,funds are
being raised for the establishment of a Normal -
School under the kali act, for the second Nor
mal School district of York, Lancaster, and
Lebanon. This makes a call for 20 or $25,000;
hut' one I,ocality; .We have plenty
of men who, if they were here" to see'tlite:Ta - ;
()talon, and look over all that bas :been done,,.„
eat,ilrere_acquainted_tvith what it is purposed'
to do, would pay' largely *twigs pleasure--
certainly without feeling it. The county,'
ought to glib s'Apoo. hassent,a full dole- .
iation bore k and we .noito In doing our , :
duty to, inferm oUriellowcityee t and to raisei,_
hear a7gratl-' •
fying account, and that Lancaster, as 'hereto.
fore, will do her daffy. 'I will pledge ntleast
x. "
$5OO, and promise . to raise it :myself if there
be no other way, ' .
• Jiidge . qutinsicte.:—We should hear from.pau,
l Phin—papphin f which has tho ,State Capitol,
the Asylum, and is, in so many ways, , the re,
cipiont of
,publio bonsai, willgiVe us at least
$4000.--(Calls for Judgo floistir, Gut he was
not in, being engaged in Calls for
Gen. Baily; of Perry.)
Hugh Ilftmilton--As 91egato from Juniata
: X will pledge myself and aesoalates toloavo no
atone unturnedloAo_all-wo can-for-the-Far
more' High B,ohoot,of Pennsylvania. •
Col. Curiiti —I move that tho thanks of this
meeting bo totatoriii_to_tho-ladies-who-havo-
provided So hat dsonaely for our Oujoyment
" . ..I!tesident Falts—LEveri one will reSporid to
tktkinotion from the heart. The ladies have
done so very much for our personal comfort,
that our warmest thanks are too poor a return.
This well deserved•tributo was heartily
Itarahbarger—{9e are not in l a position
to pledge Mifflin to any not amount, Mit we
will do our duty, , • •
.111 r. Billow—ke Perry has been culled upon
I will Boy that wo will do all wo can do.
Judge MciVilliama—l cannot any Idiot wo
may be able tondo in Huntingdon, but we shall
Jo our beet. I trust oolleotione will bo taken
At all our county Aim'. • . •
President—T. wish to suggest'before adjourn
ment that we look forward to our State Society
forsomo.ll4ol'aid. -_Under favorable auspi
ces and whit managed,-it ho very
productivoVi have conversed with its ProFl6
dent, Mr. Taggtirt, lately, and bo.asstrres me
that his warmest feelings aro embarlied.with
us, and.hkwill:do,all is his power - to oreate.a
surplus,' and to secure its appropriation to the
Farmers' Iligh Sohool.,•
Resolution offered by Judge MolViMorrie
' Re.isirgil, That the friends of this Institution
look forward to tho•Stato Agricultural Society
aoa - rainable . auxilliary in.this.good.causo. - •
Mr. Strohni 7 —This school_ a ay.. bo balled a
child of the eociety,_with_a—right-to-look-tolr
for 'What aid it may bo roude.r.
Judge Watts—The resolution is Only an ex
[Menial) of good fooling. We aro the repre::
sontatives of auxilliary county societies, and
iris fit that wo should embraeo - this opportu
nity of acknowledging our intereet in the
Soddy. It is an institution thtit we must
foster: Pennsylvania eannot'llispense with it,
and I trust it will regain_its_ prosperity,and
oat any feeling that may have o
growth`has kenta laid aside. -
IL N. McAllister -196 have yet some time
to spare, and there is a rich and Powerful sec
tion of our State represented from which we
have not yet heard. - Let us hear frp,m mighty
Captain Ancona—.l regret that the chief of
the delegation from Barks is not now preseCt.
Fitlaw that I ant right in pledging Berko for
hearty co•opgration• under Judge Burnside's
resolution, and all know. that Berke makes no
pledges, that she does not redeem.
J. S. Keller—l am the. only representative
from Schuylkill, and cannot 'mike an ultimate
for her, but I promise every exertion that
whole . hearted men can render to a noble
clause. . .
lt!r. Biqa:fan-111y colleague, Gen. Rogers,
has been obliged-to leave for the U. S. Fair
at Louisville, Kentucky. I can oaifor myself
that I have been greatly pleased with my- visit
to this place, and the course pursued, and will
exert myself to acquaint the people of Backs
county_with tho
_great claima.of lhis enter.
, The proceedings were hero interrupted by a
cell of "Stage for Spruce Creek," and after a
hasty adjournment and a general 'discharge
of kind wishes and farewell expression's, ono
of the most intelligent, philanthropic, liberal
and iMportant. Conventions by which Penn
sylvania was ever reirosolite'd,,froni Erie to
Buolts, was dissolved.
Everything promises well for the speedy in-
Maude° of every department ;Otte Earmers'
nigh School. The works 6n the ground go on
uninterruptedly under the wise directions of
the acting committee of the Board of Trustees,
and there does•not .appear to be the smallest
cloud of nr feeling on its whole horizon. Ev
ery lover of his country and hie me n -every
one who hors to leave an assured welfare;
_etsafety,and.happiness-to posterttrhyplffain - if
the bahmee'of influence in the hands of the
most numerous and the most virtuous of• our
citizens—every one who is dependent upon. the
success and .prosperity of the cultivators - if
the earth (as we 411 are) for the means of life,
will join in hearty congratulations on those
auspicious prospects, and in strenuous effort
to place in the bands of the liberal, enlight
ened, and self-denying Trustees, the funds'
necessary for th4fullest developement of their
Ir LEAKS.--A friend; Bap an exchange,
returning from.a depot a few mornings since
with a bottle of freshly imported. " Main
Law;' sow a young lady whome he must in
pvitablytjoin. So •putting. the bottle under
his arm, 'he wanted alongside.
" Well," said the yourig lady, after dispo.
sing of health and the weaiher;."whst is that
bundle under your arm?" from which she die•
covereitd , dark . tlitiii dridping.
"0! nothing - but a coat which the taylor has
been *mending for. mo." , • •
"0! it's a coat, Is it? *Well. you'd bettor,
carry it back and get Lim to sow up'one more.
'hole it !jab.
.7J:A •
forttor,who thoroughly detested • kazoo and tax
gatherers, was onto called upoti, by a Collector
oacoond time far taxes ho had (me paid, but
for which lo had mislaid the roceißtk aud•as.
dg told the story to his friend,"
Would you bolievo it, sir, o follow begast
to abuse mef"
- I .lyell."'soid hie frietd, "what did you do?"
"DO! why I romdnotrated with hito."" '
' "And to what offect?", . .
}mow' to "What offoot,lnt the
yokel. was bent:'.'_ . , ,
par An old maid was onotrisked toy sub
scribe to a newspaper. 'She ansWered no; she
alwayetnado her own news. '
• '
~. , ~
ikli&ING IN
Awake, thy arms were round 1110 j
And stilt In dteants we met,
In dreams thy wild it;To:4unit me
By V 01 1 .15 which thrill Mg
lily lips were pressed to thinelove;
With klosee , then I spoke;
'Twos Eden while Wo dreamed, love;
ltec,, From the Clotobor number of Graliettn'a,,we extmot-tlid—following
report 'of fashions for Oothber..—. , Tho presettd
month introduces us top grdadvartety of new
and elegant costtrtes, which cannot but prove
acceptable to-Our lady-readers. The style of
toilette worn during the Past few menthe were
of so 'varied Wand 'extensive a chorea
ter, and their universal adoption 'proved
them So-successful rind becoming, 4ltat at itl
hardly. necessary . 0
• do other than adopkthose
forms to iho slightly heavier materials which
the present sixteen brings into use.. ' •
. IYo see no signs just now that hoots will be
relinquished during the present season. All
the new robes ;:eqUire the same amount of ex- °
tnosioa•to' produce their usual brilliant effect,.
and the annoyance of clinging Akio, afterbo-,
ing accustomed to hoops, is' so great, that it
will be long before ladies will consent to re
sume them. In the now fall hoops we notice
sonic modification in the size, which renders.
them — morn
„desirable for the season,_ plain .
heary materials not requiring the. amount of
'expansion pormitted•to - light summer falirics
' Handsome morning dresses are made .of'
'black and.white check silk: and wool,' with' a
'plain skirt, Alegi 'jacket, and .Wido slee,
bordered with a, bright-contraetiog color, s uch
as eborr,y, deep blue, green, maroon. - This
is a fanciful caprice, but, it is very pretty nob.
withstanding. ' •
For the purpose ordecoration, velvet,-but
tons; and . chenille trimmings, are mostly in
vogue and arc4repared in—olory_variety_oV
Poplins have Made their appearance this
season, in quite a new form,.thonentral.eolors
being wido stripes of dark _purple, ,green, or
brown, plaided at immense _ distances bynar
roiv Stripes of orange colored ea, or Cherry.
The - prominent features in all
s lim designs 'for
this siason;iStheir large, bold, •and striking
character ; for small, modest pesple„
-visionsoeras to have been made.
coked its
A. very handionid cloak' - Lai made its ap
pearaucellds season. The shapo of a shawl,.
circle, poluted hackand front, and surmounted
by, the pretty three pointed hood, which 'we
have mentioned in a previous number, as hav
ing originated 'with this establishment. To
each orthese three points' handsome tassels
are attached, and to the points of the cloak
before and:behind still larger tassels Ore sus-
pended With very etylielt effeot.. The mate
rial is a very tine hapless cloth, in all the fa
vorite tillages of drab and brown.
In trimming a groat deal pf' taste will be
displayed this action, the materials being
very rich, and combined- in beautiful forms.
The advent of chenille has proved quite an era
in the manufacture of various hinds—of dec
orations, its susceptibility to charming ogees
having rendered it on important auxiliary in
combination with other materials, aside from •
the great number of elegant novelties in ithiCk
it forms the most prominent feature.. •
" When I recall the stories of friends,"
lie passionately pleads, "I could tell you, vol
umes of tragedies: Quo hived 'a maiden, and
was loved in return; but helms poor—she
was rich. Parents and relations despised him,
and tivo hearts were broken. •Why ? Because
it w•oo thought a misfortune that a lady's dress
should be mode from the wool of a plant in
America rather than from the fibres of a worm
n China
"Another loved a maiden, and was loved,
in return ; but be was a Protestant—sbe was
a Catholic. Mothers and priests, disagreed,
and two hearts were brOken, Wliy, Because
three centuries before, Charles the Fifth, Franr.
cis the Fiiet, and henry the Eighth, played
political game at obeas.
return ; but ,ho was a noble—sho was xdo-,
beian. The sisters were jealous, 'and Iwo
, •
hearts werp.broken._ Why Y Beimusia bun-.
drod years ago a soldier slew another who,
was threatening a king's life in battle. ..11O„
was rewarded with titles and honors, and big-
great-grandson atmrs,' with' a blighted life,.
for the blood which was shod by him.. Each
hour,. says the .collector _of statistics, some,
heart is broken ;" and I believe it.
Fenton is the 'Model mad asylum in 'ranee,,
and worthy of a visit from all tourists.
The last corner at Chareaton is M'me de
C—, who was, two winters. ago, the belle of;
Paris. She was equally celebrated for "her,
cm, sprightliness, and, beauty. One night,:'
fabling slightly unwell, sho 'took by mistake •
ono vial : for, another in . her medicine .chest,
and, swullowed, a poison. „It was' believed. for
a long time that she must surely die; the. •
prompt aed skilful notion of the family NI ,
;siolau vanquished the.polson, but, at the es : .
"pease of Imit , fuce, which was terribly ravaged„
When the vlolim Was ha some measure restored '
to life, her first care was to ask for, a looking 7. '
glass, liar request was Imprudently grantorlt
She saw4he dreadfuttruth at a glance;, be -
beauty WA§ destroyed, kgr. eyes wore blood- -
shot; Lei cheeks swolien,ler mouth friatek
and crow's• feet and 'wrinkles furrowed her.
brow and oyes.. She gazed with haggard eye la
on the wreck for, Borne time in - silence ; she
gave a heart:4'o43g AFielf, 41 2 4 wee a Luna
tle for life., - , •
10..Youth,.heeuty, pomp, what are theeo,
Ip,polut gttreotion, to a woman's heart,
rehab gorepared , to- eloquenee ;
,the , magic of
thq.imigqe 0, the most ihingerous of shovel,
IleAlto hoop question,:liktpttoilt:othe*
hos two sidinio *.T4ol4 . 4tAttlie tlitv jnj
tido of courito:' , • -
NO. t