Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 19, 1857, Image 4

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    lii vvr Btpartmtnt
W.ltEkr.-.—Before the .10th .of
. B . epteinbig indat'bf the wheat ' that' will,
,3101, good Crop next year will 'be' in the
taotindrand - the - value7cf -- tlie — Urop ---- will. -
'4ooll:greatly on the character and-con
ilktion of , the seed;.The'; mportance Of
tuitergreit and•the -distress 'remi
ting fretu:o„ dinkm iah suii ply of
ehthirtll ard'aids in•procluction to a care-.
..'SEtESP'42IOOD BgEto '
, Ast. dhonse.a kind -which has ' , succep- ,
'Aeillwell in soil and climate similar
rafraltqcoll - wheat, mar:help—muck.
_4llLthisinatteit is not well to try new
experiments on' a large scalp,. unFeitinej
prepared to risk a considerable loss.
24. Accept only that seed
" wlticlr is
perfectly ripe"usol pluUr.,„„ Let no man.
-impose upon yOu by saying that smaller
kernels will produce a greater number. of
plants from a bushel of, seed. What is
wanted is a strong vigcwous growth of.
'Wheat plants. This yen cannot effect
from half-grown or shrivelled seed. •
3d., Never sow any but the ciewnAt
seed..':" You can tell by examining it what
ite condition is:' If the seed is good in
- other respects, but if foul clean it yourself.
But be surc'to have it-clean at till events:
4ttLltejec't'seed that has:'beenikept_
dtt - itiA or has — been hooted.' - -- Secd - jillat
suffered:either Or both of these injuries
May geirniuste,,but a: -. ltart of
its vitality, and shotild never lie used for .
;seed if better can possibly be secured.
. sth: Do not, sOw, Uji-,04 seed on the
same ground. , Detahe seed of one sow
ing in the sameNfftilie of one kind al mo•
You will thus know what kind . you: are
• &Wing,' 4rtilhe able to compare results,
- with an approach towards accuracy.
6tli. If possible, never sow
-seed which
is more than one year, or at most, two
years Old seed: 2itcy_, grow _well.
.But it may',not. Prudence will suggest
that seed should be .:tiSed before it has
bead exposed tb - decay;to insects,to damp
ness, or to other injurious agencies. Ex
perience.has taught that some of these
are likely to injure the kernel, if 'it is
kept after the first year. - -- •
One wow to yet seed . , is to select the
cleanest and best spbt it your *heat field
where the grain grows more perfectly
and is - most mature: Then harvest 'and"
thresh these pore:ens - separately; witlithe.
F reatest care, and save the seed for . sow-
Pursue this course for- a number
of years, and you will produce what will
seem to be a now :variety of wheat. Blit
.it . will only' be the scone; developed .and.
perfected Ma higher degree. This ope.
, ration-for :scouring geed. ve4 payin .
.every-„41 - eVartment.oT farming and
,gar; .
cloning.— • .
A god mode of . preventing smut is
the following : Spread seed wheat on the
- barn-floor. Upon four bushels of .whent- 1
dash from 12 to ,16 quarts of humane
.urine - .. Stir the whole Well together.
. Then add uhicht six'qUarts afresh-sleek
-ed liine,!and shovel-the -.wheat_ over till
- the lime-is evenly ditfus - ed in the wheat...
It,should be sown" as soon after" this prep
aration 'as practicable for 'a .long delay
. Would injure -its vegetative powers.' This
mode of treating seed . . Wheat is ; deemed'
in England; a spci.ific-tigainst-,smut.. It
. has been practised in • Atecrica also hi
. some wheatgrOWers, who say it has, been
uniforinly. Stiecessful; Tar water will
answer instead of urine and,ls. preferred
by ninny.
-The farmer .who will select and pre
paiu his seed, wheat according 'to the
above suggestions, will greatly inerkse
the chances in. favor of his having a fide
erojrnext year.
—We notice some pf the agricultural
journals complaints of the farmeraapinst
rail Way companies ; that they take up,
the best lands of - the farm - , do not protect
the lands' and often . kill the sheep and
cattle, and ar(i7r - douhtful utility. This
a very short-sightcid view of the influ
ence of railroad-i upon the farming inter.
ests, by opening new markets for districts
remote from the city they often doub
le the value of farms within-a few years.
Instead of a dull market tlai farmers all
along the line of road find it difficult to
meet the preSsing demands for milk, but
ter,cheese, calves, lambs, pigs, and u -
most every thing that the farm produces.
Husbandry thrives under the stimulus of
a hungry market. Almost every thing
brings cash in hand, instead-of. the old
store pay, with a settlement once a year.
Farm lands are in brisk demand,,umd go
up iff•priee forty, fifty and a hundred per
cent . We' believe that railroads have
added enough to the value of the farina
of, this country to pay for one' hilt the
original expense of building them, enor
inotus as it is. ..We were conversing with
an intelligent fanner, a o few days . since,
who lives upon the - line of the 'Syracuse
sari .:I3Ytlghnmton railroard. Thy stoat'
was worthless, and he had lost the six
hundred dollars which - he had put into
- o it.,- . 41t-he - said-hp- considered--it-ono. of
best investments he over made, for it
had added ten thousand dollars to the val.
ue hie farm: Fanners, Urea can af
'ford to put up 'with the trifling inconv&-
tliflab of railroads. .11 , i,54e..f0r .their
to eubserille for mhare of the stock, ao
eorAing to their tneas,if they can there,
by secure the building of a road and open
a ready 'auriket•for their produce.---Nero
linw4l4l COOK , POTpttO*E.-7-Do ,'pee;
pla-ever think ortlia 'ininienSO waste. of
tcrt"tmthey are treated in , this city?
et me tell you how potatoes are Cooked
in Lancashire, Bogland, They are peeled
first' and boiled gently till'nearlYsoft,and
then the water is poured off and the
steantevaperated, .when 'they are poured
into n and:a feW slices of bacon'
laCort the top - aiid brought hot to the
table, where they are eaten with a; elish
and . for a. good reason—they are truly
god lduoh people not eat much
bred& The potatoes are sotiryand Meal
y that they- are 'tin excellent
for.bread,iind.very unlike the= niiiairable
waxy things that we cat here. 4
I:fpw!TO cop* Eqcis. --Drippect- eggs
Aire prOhlibli ihtP/ 32 04 -- b , Pidtbfrd- form . , 'in
whiahiliey 'can tie Prepared for , the . table.
Siva the eggs Terteareftilly ihto . epan
fif 441xliug Watei4 end le). the watrirreolises
. .grad4a47 ; to it boll.,..ressoviiig the .eggs'
' isl4.olßtup2pr,;oo;3o - , , rea the 'White :is
set, . BFv,e,on it horolatter with - a little
let u
aalf 1 ,;•: - ti.indlittetL:of lay: the ;,eggs
on bOt;; tter=- PA I A .- ',KOr invillids '.use'
•ertialik WO ' d Orbttitep,l,,. ; .
1 tritia4 „
.. Pr.
z .iusiness=(Sfea =`". T
CCIt '131:1 •
Tei..OhlOOUSg o illte tho Wont and of the Court House.
9.: ILHEE,I%:, Attothq
. .
, •at Law. , 'OttiCl)'Main -Ptivet;Catlisle, Pa.—
,1 3 :'3017;101tIc.11; - , Attorniey!4t - taw.
irallOVO stieeti- door's
::obuth of mod' • All Voidness ontivOlOtt to him
viillUrromptlytittOnded to., ,4:—(.91pr1115.. .
1 - 11L5787• KIEFFER Office _ in North
jk_.l.llnnoyor stroaetwo doors fironilVillsot Campbell's
store...olllco haunt 'morn particularly from 7 toil o clock
A. 81.. and from IS to 7 o'clock, P. M. , • t
4A. - 1 44 FICE '•-•-LEIVIITEL TOD 1)
en re 0 quaro, woes side, near the
. Wit.. —
"April 8,1857. ,-- - . _ .
. ..' .
. •
MpOCTOR S. P. 'Zit GLER.Office
anditesldonca East Main Strekthird dooT"Stott.
t irka< •IlouSit:: Onlls and county promptly
:Wended. • • •. •
g, 1 • 856 . , .
Da. LC.LOQMIS vr es .
South ILino'vor ' ntroot;
next door .t.O the font• , ""'
be absent from. Carlisle . the last 'tau clays
ofeaoh month. • [Aug. 1,'66.
. jultlollT, DENTIST, from the
".`" timorn, College of nautili Surgorv.
firgAlline at the reelittufee of hie mothor, East Igmthal
atreot, three doors holm* Iledford. • Ileforenee—LDr. Deo
Z. Bretz, - March 19,1856—tr.
011 cc Ennt Blain street; .All
business his care promptly attend
• li r iny 26,-1864,-
Slno P. SNYI4.II, Ohio. '
.W. K. McFArudn, Penneylveulln.
L. L. Coox, , 'Rhoda lotand,
Bankers and D 'niers In 'Ra u l Emtigt,„
.• • ' Mlnneso_to:Toraja,
• •
Juno 3, 1837.-'-ly.
ed.bigofilcuto Centre tiqUaro Ast of tho Court
Douse; where ho may bo consulted at any hour of the
day or night. Dr. A. has had thirty years experience
laths profession, the last ton of whictihaye been_chwo
ttid to the study and practice of Ifomixopathic medi
cine. May 20, '676m.
.CitIL—A. L. SPONSLEII, laic. Register of Cumber
..aiitroounty, will carefully attend to the transaction o
all such business as may be, entrusted to him, such a
Fo writing of Deeds, I)lortgagos! Contracts, ,Pc. lie will
so dovoto his attention I o the procuring of Lpnd War
ants, Pensions, kc. an ivoll us. the purchase and sato
of Real Estate, negotiations, of loans, &c. IM.Office on
West High Street, formorly occupied, by W.lll. Deuront.
Esq. near the Mothodlst..Ch arch. -
Have opened an office at St. Joseph, Mo., for the pusr
chaso and solo of Real Estate, buying and soiling-Land
Warrants, entering Land on Time,'Surraying and Map
ping Towns, Location of Warrants, and making invest.
mants for non.residents, paying of Taxes, and all busi
ness pertaining to aGenerar , Land Agency In Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska, and lowa. • ;
4...N0111e5-on Second Street, North of 4.,T. KCiattio i a
Banking House. , ' (Ju1y.30,1850.
rt AR L .L E _•A N () Y
CLartor Porpetual.--$400,000 Capital paid in. OM ,
- 1133% Chonnut ntreut. •
..MA10; INeutioque, either permanent or limited, agalnst
loss or damage by tire, on pnorzerr and 'grerctedf every
domrtiptlort,ht town or Country, od the most reasonable
terms. Applleattoug rondo elthor portonally or by r,
l letto
will be promptly attended tn.
• .C. N lIANCKER,Ores't.
-- The anbecnber in agent far the-above - -coropany-fo
Oarlielo and Its eleinlty. All applications for Insurance
either by mail or pursouallp will he promptly attended
to by .. A. L gPONtILFIL
d0c.12,'b5. Lipid Estate Agent and 'Scrivener.'
INO. The undersigned would intone the
• • sitltehe of Carlisle thot ho has made arrang
snouts toduGAS FITTING and Pl.U3,llllNti at short no
tics, and on roasonable terms. Ito has engaged the ser
vises of a Prot rate hand from Philadelphia, and hoe sup
plied himself with extensive assortment "of FIXT
URNS, with 11 will enable him to fill all orders promptly
All work will be warranted. His stock of Gas Fixtures
µAll be haunt in the mans exactly opposite his Tinning
establishment on North Hanover street, whore ho Invites
n calf.
TINNING, SPOUTING, Are.—lle is also prepared to
furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN WARN
used by housekeepers end others. HO will also attend
Thankful for the patronage with which ho hasaiready
been favored, ho respectfully solidti a continuance of
the mime. •
juno.l4, '54.
'A14014 COMPANY of Cumberland .unty,.incorpo.
skted by an act of Assembly, Is now fully organicedond
In operation under the uutuagemont of tho following
commis:it:mom : '
Daniel Halley, William R. Gorges, Michael Cocklin,
Melchoir Brooneman, Christian Stayinan, John C. Dun
lap, Jacob 11. Coovor, Lowig llyer, Henry Logan, Benja
min 11. Mussel:, Jacob Mumma, Joseph Wickersham,.
Alesander Cathcart.'
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any
Conn:any of t h u kind to. the State. Peraons,vishing to
become mombora nro invited to make application to the
agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon
them at any Hine.
BENJ. U. MOSSER, President.
'HENRY LOGAN, Vice President.
LEWIS JIYER, Secretary.
MICHAEL COCKIeIN, Treasurer. •
CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—ltudolph Martin, N. Cum
Berland; C. 11. Herman, Kingstown; •Ilenry Zearlng
Shiremanstown ; • Charles Bell, Carlisle ; Dr. Ahl
Citurehtown ; Samuel Graham, West Pennsborough
James Mc Dowel, Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Mid
(Beton; Samuel Coovor, Benjamin ifriverstiek, Meehan
leshurg ; Jelin Sherries, Lisburn; David Coovor, Shop
YollK COUNTY.—John Bowman,,Dillsburg; rotor
°laird, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; W
Picking, Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradise.
if AltßlSTlUß(L—ltounor A Lochman.
Monibere of tho company haring policies about to ex
ilrcau e barn yndby making appllealon
ay of the ag o .
'subscribers 'would rosectfully announce to the
public, that they aro now prepared to furnish the fa
towing described articles of LUMBER: First, Common
'and Panuel Plow, and Boards of all thicnone : Com.
. mon Boards and Plan of whi to pine; liemlock Joke
and Scantling. of all sizes and lengths; White Pine and
Yellow Pine Flooring, worked; all kinds of Paling and
- Plastering Laths; Pine and Cyprus*Shingles of all qua
-lEle:it—Shingling Lath and' Striping, - and Fencing
Boards 20 foot .inng: All timbers sawed to-order, by
leaving their bills,
of ail lengths and sizes, (pine, oak,
or hemlock.) Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings ready
—..for.use.....The_ahove.wiltbaritnisheiLon.the mott•jefO,
seeable terms, and at the shortest notice.
• -- • •;,„ We have constantly on hand al
u 1... L I IC" kinds of
11 1, FAMILY 00.4 L,•
such 1. s Lykons Ye ley, Sitorthlou ntain, Trovorlon, Lo
cunt Mountain, Luke Fiddler, Sunbury. Wilke:ll:arr.,
and rho Broad Top for Blacksmiths; all of which' we
will deliver to any part of thb town as low as it can he
bought at apy yafd in the town for each or country
produce. Coal all re•screened and deliver6d clean. By
strict attention to lousiness; we hope to recolve a liberal
share of,publio patronage. -
Yon' will and. our Yard in. the eastern end of the 1;6.
rough - oPporito.the Dan Works. • Our Offietl hereafter will
he ~ept 010 posits Banta 4Brothetwatbre, in • the omen
now occupied by 'EkruirO'Smith. All orders left at 'the
'office or at either of the subscribers' re:adorn:es, on West
Pomfret street, or at East street( will be promptly at.-
tended-to - '
- glft.o 3 l-* EIMER.
,(Carlisle, June 8,1567. , . - o .
a2rilit r eis . ;— / -'"1. - ' I SAXTON'S • .....
---s .., -.. - SPRING ARRIVAL .
. ..
The' isubeerlher has just returned from the Ea4ern
cities, and would call the attention of his friends End
the public generally to the large and well-seleited' is-,
sortmont of HARDWARE which. he has now on heed:
consistingin part of BUILDING MATEBIALS,'encb as
Nails, screws, Hinges, Bolts, Locke, Glass of every de:
soriptlon and quality, such an Common - , White, pellehed
Aflierlean,Filmeh, Enamelled and ,Double thick of-all
. ' shies; llaints, One, VarolehOs;-&134 Ste -, -.,"I•
„ii- -'. ~.
' TOOLS-Including Edge' Tobin 'of eVerideclinnen,
-'--Saws, Planes, Brace and Bats; Augers, Squares, Guagos,
Piles, Rasps, ; Ifarnmere, Vices,.;Anyll,, Screw - )gates,
Blaoketuithe Bellows. &o 4 .1-.. f. 1, , -
' Shoemakeriand Saddlers will Arid'a large assortment,
' of Toole of overy.deseriptlan, together.with.Lailles' and
-.Gentlenielts' Morocco Lining, Binding,. Patent and
Frotiolt Calf Skins, Shoo Thread, Awle, - Wax,Pegs,,Lgato,
' Damon Mounting, Collars, Girthing, Whipstock, Deer
, .
hair, Saddle Trees, &c., &o. ~ . •.. .. ..
Also, COach blithers Tools and Trimmings of all kinds,
• . !melted ilubs,'l3pakes, - itelloes, Shafts, Bows, Floor Cloth,
, canvass,: Cloth,.;Dateaek, ' Frlng,,,Leee; Moss, Axles,
-, Spring Belte, &e., ke. 0 -.' , , , - , ~
Cabinet 'Makers:will -find a lalie ainortment '.:3f ilia' ,
Illettee.pgh, - ,Walnut,, and Mahogany Veneers,.Knobe of ;
' -, all , kinds -and ', ',WIT bloiddings,` ilivete;: Hate .o . lolli
. - Pinch , Owed Heir Chair. and-Sofa Spcnage;'&c,lle: ' - "
.• nguselSeePars , VPl -41 6q, find a •large- assortment - - of,
•-; toilet and Fcirks, Bratannia, Albata end SW* Platbd
.' Ahblg, and. Tta, Spogruh.Catuihnltlckg.Vgiters, Shovels,-
. Alnd'Ton •OranrAtal Waits' agithit, Ihnudt, together,'
- .:wlth , , rgitre.:ptpll. kr,hich.,: 344.rriVTAIns , ,Bgpketso .
1 • 'Ol uml iiiikiftetiLis;ocingPiowsofellklnda;
4 .
:,:xcltrintt*ltchr, $4.57019, DOM Eotl,ss;Pbolne . , AI& • • .
: MCCP4A - ittgollt.o4,ipprigug akliads•hugandial
• zillitl l W Zletllf-RalbT Ili 'elm w4olowlevrices.:, 1-J
71 8t0ir. 1 4 1 7:44 0 gA,44 11 4!.,* gain !itgoti °mot).
-'s • ' -", 77: - : I.:' ~. ' , ' , 7•• • . •-••••"•.•-.' . , • —, .
- ' Thg:sublionbet kiiis !'jtist. received :. from
;:i ; onwAraik:taltiv. -clalleockifill*rting
'., twa otter a Atult4ool9 to the ;dawn.- - • -
"4 ~ : 4 47,7,22) rfi. - r ..s, , -', - -t; , . • t:920.17:147/41M. •
eo - orts.
S 't .E.R, G.O 0.0. D S P R 111161
_ GOODS,- Deets arid Brother havoßiat
o he largest; and boat assortrtionts of Dry Goods ,erat°
broughtto,Ciiillsla. Their Meek bee been selected with
more than' L usual care from the beet blouson in liew.Tork
and•Philadelphia,sind awry effort' made te,obtand the
latest and most fashionable styles of dross.. They - flat- .
iiisr:UhiiiidelfleftlibfWiltlardlifd - RTFOrtiV4I - VrinetY
- of faste'lit , prices - as low- or lower than 'they ivAr'bo .
taught:bpi . ° or 14 the city: . - '
Hebei, • forego Rabat!, I Paelini, • •
Fancy Silk Robes, Lawn Robes, Agontine. • ,
• Foulafd•l3llke ~ Grenadine; • Drilliariti.
,Bayildare - -Pure Chan, •.Gingham Lawn.
Antlque;" ' Dural; '2' 'Dow-basins.
CrapedoEspagne Alpaca. •
. „ lUmalpq All wool de lane
Fancy Silks, . Tamartide,' • Cashmere. ' • .
• A full assortment of white drCss goods, Nelnsook
line, Victoria Lawns, Fleured 'SWISF,: Velvets .for Man•
ties,Vhito and Black Crape Shawls, Stella Thlicot, Mode
and_Droalta Shawis,Ae.. BonneLt_N Bonnet Satins, Ilib•
, u. ewer] 4,4o . .,C.oronaticau-COLLCllK7sEdLLfilithllno,
Skirts for 'Ladles; Also, Collars,,Undersieeves, tan • •
- Riffdfdadiflitiloßirvuriety.
simeros, Cottonitilos, Silk Undershirts; Linens,diondkor.
chpif, &e.
Bleiched and unbinachod 'Armand Cotton Shootings,
Tattle Linens, Wotan ditto, Piano Cover, Counterpanes,
Straw flats, gists: Loot lug Glasses, Makings, Window
Shades of all kinds, Umbrellas, ?dusting and every va
riety-of Dry Goods In common use. ".
Wo have just !Wino large stook of Tapestry, Ingrain,
•Imperial, Mixed and Reg Carpet, Oil Cloths, afotting,
Straw Mats,' ke., at lciwest prices. We respectfully In
vite the Public to .011 and entrain° our stock before purl.
:chatting. Wo have ; bought -nun assortment' at such
pukes that wo cannot be undersold.
.91ieeial attention paid to. purchasing, goods In the city
"per order at shortest notice. . •
--.Evory•offert will ho made'hy the nem to give potterer
tion to thoso•who may faVoc , thent• with o
r • •BENTZ -tit BROTHER.
ARIS Lai° of Philadelphia,
tpoir'llaugings,-Ifouse,-bligni-rtud Decorative-Paintors,
Imitators of, Wood and Marble, rhnllonge all others to
compote Mitt them In thii various branches Of the abOve
budness. • • ,
- = ' Ilaving fitted up our store for
J"/..PAPEI!‘v 41u - excluded sale of WALL
• • SISU - I tTAI S, SHADES, &c., we
respectftilly 1111 , 10 the public to on examination of our
stock, front which we are confident of giving entire mt.-
Alsfaction to all who favour us with a call. Our geode'
.having been soleeted with care from the first 'lnnnufsr.
tures in Philadelphia, will be furnished nt the lowest
prices. All orders for Taper Hanging or Paint:llg
- promptly and personally attended-to and-executed in a
J. W. PARIS, Practical Paper Hanger.
II: P. KNIGHT, Practical I louse A Sign Painter.
South Hanover street, next door to Hannon's Hotel,
Carlisle, Pa.
April' 8,.1857.-6m. •
NEW BOOKS! The subscribers lave
Just n.eeipsa the following NEW PeOLIOATIoNss—
Things tiot generally known—D. - A: Waits, T -- 1 25
America and Europe—Gm:mem, • -. 1'25
: The Ainericans in'Japan—Coe. Prunv, 1 25
Macaulay's Biographical and Historical Beisays, 75
Lifo of Charlotte Broute—Cissum.„ 2 vols., ' 150
Bryant's Booms, New ed., cloth gilt, 1 5U
A Report of the Decisions of the Supreme Court . - -
.of the United &Ides, and the Opinions of
'the Judges In the Bred Scott ease, , .60
Qtlacitenboss' Illstory of the United States, 1 Off
Apppleton's Itnilway Guide for May, - 25
Gelmanyi Its liniversition, Theoloky and Itoliglott, .
• By-V. Schaff, D. D., 1.26
Schlatter's Life and .Travels—TT SP fiAttelf,l 1 00
Testimony of the Rocks—Mau' MlLLrat, I 125
Life'of Capt. T,lcars,• . 40
• . .
, .
Principles of Science—AlAM2o Voiska.p . 100
Pursuit of Knowledge—FßANClS WATLAND, ' 150
Arctic-Explorations—Dn. KANE, 2 vols. Syn., 5 00
Irvlng's Ufa pl.lVashington, -1 vole., gve.,- • 0 11 00.
fEWAR jfis
. - • ' • , No.l.—Dtinklng Song, 25
. . - 2.-0 h 2.-0h lovely Parini .26
Beauties of Travintn, nr- 3.— AI nays Free,. 25
ranged for the Piano, 4.-01pny Chorus, •
by J. A, Getz°. - s.—Oh Cherieht44le.
nutty, 25
: 6,-503 light Whlspers,2s
Willie Schottlech,,Polia, Mazurka, by Ja_res Bel, -
Ink, each; 25
• -
Camille P '
nlkn • .
fleym's lloquot do Melodies, 60
Bambrula—Donee do Negrcs-- . 4larracmait, • •75
Pride Schotthicho,_ 6O
Irrosktible Polka.,
Rubeli Polka—SU/LAD,
••. . -
Grand Polka de Concert—Wetzscs. - 7k
Instruction honks for Plano, Melodeon, Flute, ,
Violin, Violoneallo, etc.. etc. •
Music 0111 , 6rtell attur. -.A- liberal discount will be
madp to DEALEttB and to ;DUCE:iII& Music mailed, froo
of expense, to any part o. the country. -
N ENV GR.O.C E. It ES !-
- J. W. DRY. •
-A ebolco selection of Groceries of every variety, In.
eluding Spices and Tons have been added to our former
assortmentolmong'whiell . thay be bed strictly pail
together vlth a general assortment of
isciuding Crushed, Granulated, Pulverized, and.Clarb
fled Sugars. Also.n lot of Now Cheese, Fareira, Corn
Slarels,,Muslard, Ch6colate4c... -Also Green-anal:ll4dt
Teas, of Jenkins select brand.
— For sale at the lowest prices at
. 11IMION HALL 0110:
CERT by (Oct 21) J. W. EBY.
Shad and Mackerel of different grades', •
Sairnoteb ale Vigil and White Flab;
A t IfTifETT'S. -
Codfish, Salt and PlelClnd
At 1111Y141"9
Chao. and Craftkara can La had
Dried Frult, Praia - reel. and Jellies,
Sugar Cur.(' Beutaudlbansi .
?' A t lITIYETT'S.
A flesh isupply of-LIQUORS
'olln, White Load, ke.,
AND ,SllOES.—Another
large assortment or Men's Coarse and Fine Boots.
es' Mbrroco Boots and Shoes. Alines and Chil
dren's Boots ityi Shoes. , Gum tvenshoos and 'Mifflin
Socks, at very low prices.
Doe. 17.
WIN1)011r , GLASS 1-4 by 10, and
all other sleet of Banks, Monroe, and Jackson
'Window Glass, single and Double Thick and American
Having an ostensive stock. and daily receiving largo
quantities, Wn can furnish with the greatest' prompt
ness and the lowest wholesale prices, the above supo
nor brands of Window Mars.
• Man ufncturers,
S.slV. cor. Front and Arch streets. Phila
Q • •
SALE.—Tho subscriber having boon advised to ob•
stain from business of all kinds for a year or two in or.
der to recruit his health offers for sale his °Miro stock
of Goods; Good Will, and nut of ston, immediately.
lie has received from the city a lot of Sluing Goods
r ousisting of Wrap and Chelli Robes, Moue do. Lathes,
Chintses, Lawns, ,Lc., in great variety. also
f r inges and Trimmings of various kinds. - For portion
iron enquire of [April 29.] - HO. W. lIITNER,
'1 41 7" --7 " txxx - k - soNS'Cli RAP
The public are reqUested to call and examine our stock'
Ward maklngibeir nurehasos, as' ire are soiling goods
.at-tho-Low.t-Prlcoo,-we-have every. thing-you- may
want in our lino, and in such quantllica that wo tan
supply , all who may favor us with• their patronago.
Carpoutors.Vabinut Makers,. Wagon and Coach Makers,
Painters, Slioo Haltom, Blacksmith'', Fannon', Laborers,
and the Public generally will 'find a full and complete
assortment of Ono& to select front, at suck Prince as
will be sure to please all. TRY CH.
North Hanover. .street; Carlisle
_u RERSVA(IBY - COAL:Broken•ancl. re-screened,
prefiare,l expressly for [orally use and tent - UNDER COVER,
so that I can furnish it DRY' • and LEAN during'-.the
winter seake.n. 'I have, also on , bend, and for sale the
lAMB FIi 9 EER COAL: from the alines of Boyd, Rosser
& Co., and ntIAMOKIN COAL front tte mince of Cooh
ran, Posa & Co., all of which; I mill:se at small profits
for =Ski, end deliver to any narV,.er, horotigb. ,
& 80N8, Hasonte Hall, Cheetiut latreat, below Bth,
Would cell the attentlorl of the publle the large arid
varied aneortuteut of •
()ARK -VI; OM CLOTHS, MA1171.108, &e.,
which they inn tedling trerl cheap for; Cash or" etty,
naptancon, wholesale and retail. . -
Ithiroh 11, 1867. ' . - • • ,
'‘ n I CYTHES SCYTHES 141 •n:
100 do's. Grans and Grain; Scyllite, . Englietr
dmerlean, Silver steel and ,Steel Denim, of all the dip ,
ferent makes. ..Also 75 dos. Scythe' tioath - of 'all the
different patterns— t , gether With rakes, Shallitigntey,
Gratn andldanure •ks by
_the qtiantityidnedfintniXed
lit the chain - Itardetti'didoin or •'
May 20,. East Idainlitreet
ORIN% 1at111141.,1867. , •
Justreeelved the largest and most varied assortment
ever opened In Carlisle. The pul?Ila aka Invited to.oalr
and tnaini.theweleetit.# from our mammoth assortment,
Our prices ace the Thry..lowest. Also, a largo variety of
Window BUJids andbire Board Priuta,at z • •
• s, )JOBB p.,L - FNE 41A0N6,.
" ;North' tt,
Papyri% On band trOntlastseliton will be sold
1 7 1119 finest
. . . #..q.liOiti.ll,lr.
.0 68- D ,-- 4rg nu
6 r A, - isT — FgEliiib. is - ',-- 47 - C 6: ' 4
.0,,,,,,T0t . .,.....itbi- k0 t..,;; ,ziocrf,kidittikig cliot,
sty (and Ashton."' Ladicallnes3loroc pripm - P,nots,
'Garton. &CY Midi's And',Childrons , MO; • No!. And,
Lk yallttli.''Jistp?cottod fu4n4if 9 tV,,t'Oto cheap
' , ' , '•'.. ,' . . (31)11tit3 OtrliIIV: „ '
NEW SAN M I L b.—The under.'
shred would inform Abe public that- he.bas
cntod a Saw Mill, three miles from Mount Holly on the
road to Lailrel Forgo. and is now prepared to saw 1.11 the
curious sink of YELLOW PINE OAK . end UII ES'M UT
mtimic, which are usually wanted. lie is also pre.
pared to saw and furnish Chestnut Mid Pine SHIN
GLES to order. Alen, PLASTERING LATHS. Those
llesiritfar - theso• articles are requested_to send in their
orders. S. N. LIVEN.
At HUYETTIL F Papertown, March 4.--6 mos. .
Otorci (111 - h Slip
JOHN P. LYNN '& - SON' '
are now receiving their Pall Stook of Hardware, which
la unusually , large, and I • connexion with their for
heavycltock nakellto .0 of the largest and most
- 4ariodussortine,nts ever o; irod to !hie , public. They
bales' reso_q:thing , the t t e Periner; the Vander, thq
erWerN.An — thelriluestand -
Which . they are selling at he very lowest - prices. They
sollaita-Call from, the p .110 bolero- malting-their per
chanicli - ea they feel tn ent they can OP. Inducement s
that willi reward the b rer for, the trouble.'
Feeling thankful t generous public fortbelrformer
ilberainatronage,st —ntinuance of the MUM It solicited
-at our old stead-in orthilanover Street, _
October 8,1860. ' ' • •
ING. The .anbserlber continues 'to carry on tho
abovnlnislnesiolo all Its various branehas,ln North Mai.
o w y b octsU a a ii rl d ls g doors
on.h la a ' ?ft a: . Leonard's .t iler o n e!
t i r ( L tl j ee, 4 1 - gtittiV 2 o .
141 _Snveling and saddle a
bags. Ito also. man
ufacture? the most LA tnl3
pproviNl,l3 , P ANIS If
iiVit r Ti O . SADDLES' over used In thr
country. , nod those Svlshlng a hand•
some, durable and pleasant .saddle
will do well to call and see theta. Ile
" also. manufactures Harness, Bridles,
Collars and Whips In all their wale.
ties. and confidently'. believes from the general npprohn
lion of his customers, that ha, makes the neatest. and
beat gears, In all their variety of brodth, that is mnda in
the country. .11e also in • hkes" all kinds of bit:tresses to
order, viz: Straw, Busk. Curled Hair and Spring 31n4
recess. All the above articles' will he made of the best
material and workmanship, and with the utmost des!
pitch. . • WM. 0131101tN.
- The sUbscrlberat his old stand on North Hanover at.,
Carlisle, the slgn,of the "Mammoth Red Coffee l'ot,"
11 . 011 to call the attention of the public to his large an
ortment cif-STOVES,-of-the - newest and most= fashions
• Me styles, from the best ntanullictories lit the
country, and at all prices front $3 to $l5.
era the. Mirror Stove, thu Arctic. Revere, Stnr;
hg.,;21,1„ Persian, Union and Alton Air Tight, together
with other patterns which he hos of all sixes
for parlors or chambers.and calculated forburhing either
wood or , coal. Also, the. /Etum - Globe, Astor, Albany,
Plat-top and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOK.
ING STOVES, comprising the latest ion rofentents in
kitchen stores, and intendcd for either wood or coal.—
Also; the Dining Room Cooking Stove—a new" and ele
gant article, to which he invites 'the partlcular atten
tion of families. Ills tooking stoves Immo imprice,front
$1 jg, 2,, with the fixtures complete. Also, Nine Plate
8' . yes of various patterns and different prices.
ing Stoves, Brasil Kettles, /4e. CA's°. every article in the
line ofTin and Copper Were. The public are respect
fully Intited to call es ho is confident with hill:large
stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en
tiro satisfaction to every purchasel. Call and sec.
- pet. 25. 1854. '• - • ' -_ 'M. MORIIIII•
The afire of tho suliscriber is - in - rem ipt. and Ihe
shoress are now supplied with a hnndoomo selection of
fine and rich . . , . , . -
FI?N C II 'C'Il 1N A, ,
and decorated fnnc ' ware, such ns Inkstands. Triskets,,
Vases, Coffee cups, Jewellboxes, Toy Ten and Dinner
setts, China • dolls lit inlay, and a rarflty of other.
artloica nil well suited for the conilug liellidnys.•':
. .
In every variety. fresh and. of best quality Kayo just
been added to cur former stock.' •
of_}•ery, lino quality In small such. •MO on hand,
Currant., Citron and other goods adapted to Lila season
in, variety, constantly in store and for vale by •
Oldish,. Dec.lo, '66. J. I:Fh.
~4,0 01 FETTER'S FUR
p,O l y i l k , y NITUItr ROMS:
cin'-linad a large assortta .of
new-and fashionable PURNITURIiand dt IA 111 h
Walifut and Mahogany pressing 'lumina, with Jnor•
bin tops.
Bofas, rabies, and Washstands.
Walnut What Not, and Wardrobes.
Idalingatiy and Walnut Tables of all sizes.
French Bedsteads, Mahogany and Plain Tables, at all
• rrices.• ' • - • ,
Pntlor and chairs, and Rocking Clialmyilth velvet or
hal rclotlt seats and backs.
Mahogany,and Walnut Ohairo with haireloth or cons
Plain theirs of nil kinds.
Coil stud see this min end elegant - assortment et the
Furniture Intents of the subscriber, corner et North 11n.
=tier end Lou titer st.
Mely 27, 1857.
'All jobs entrusted to his care will roelore ernsoriAL
attention. In order - to gito entire satisfaction to' the
employer, and be done at moderate &ices. Ito also
pays particular attention to Paper Hanging and Mack
Lotter Signs. - -
,Iniltetions of Ilikurn Stone, Grey Stone, °MOW,
Marble, Oak; Walnut, Mahogany and Itosewood. Pron.,
lug on Iron, Marbling Mantle's, Calcining Collings, &c.
Sresco-Pnlntimg done In tire most, improved manhet,
and 17 0 er Ae i ltld a i i r , o r ' e rlre te ri r . i.. Sig u i r t c y:omfret streer
17not 17 '51.- 2 -Sni.l A. T
• - . J. E. VANMETER,
'A.-Cortex SIXTIf. rind ARCH Streets, PiIIiDADEI,
PULA; ora for sale a large assortment of
at prlCem ringing from Six Cents per piece upwards, o
cholee'patterns, comprising
' Cheap Satin Papers, Fire Decorative Papers,
• Fire Board Prints Fine Gold Papers,
. Borders:lnd Mouldings, Fine Satin Paper,
' Marbio'Papers, • Oak Pape.,
.O New Styles Window Curtains. In great lankly.
Deniors supplied on most favorable terms.
Marsh 4.184.
A large assortment of now and genuine Flower,
Field and Garden Seeds. in every variety, at wholesale
and retail, embracing nil the new nod desirable kinds,
carefully pot up in papers for the retail trade, or sup
plied In hulk: Chinese Sugar Cone, Seed, Japan, fens;
Orange, \Tater, &c. Alan, a choke ;man t.
molt of lino Flower Seeds-20 varlotles In fancy boxes,
for $l. Clean Clover, Timothy, Orchard Brags, Rye
Grass, Herd 0 rase,. fine Lawn OMR Seed. &c. -
AgricuUltra' Implement and Seed Store, N. E. corner el
7th anti Market strode; Philadelphia:
March )1.1857.
Jua repaired 11 full supply of cheap and desirablo
goods.Alni Molest Paris fitollion of our own importat inn,
also from Auction and import .ro, with In we offer much
below tho usual prices.
Thinnet Ribbons, all widtlis. - -Marselliolls,
—Gatti° nod Crapu, 11n. Florences.
Black Velvot, . do. English Crapes.
Mein Satin,' • do. ' Aorophano do.
Plain Man tua, Fronch
, Glafh Silks. "
Poult do )501 Dommt Lawns..
Terlalan, white
Grod' Afrlquo, . Joined
Blot* Ore de Rhinos, . illusions and Nets.
Ilia& Meth's, - 'lt ueßos and Clitpllngs.
• Black Bombazines, • Crown Li n I ugs,-
• • " Oil Silks, oct.. act.
-- Embrolderles7•oloVes; Mitts,-and Inee4oodo,
At No. '1 dolt: South SECOND Street, Second Dry Goods
Storwbolow - SpruceiTI.IIII;ADEIXIIIA.
May 0,1857.-3 mos.
XtE.W L . O M EY •Y A B
'fhe sulsicrlhers offer fur sale a large and well selected
Stock of '
ittihoir Yard on Front Si, above the Cotton - Freliny.
The patronage of the public is respertfully solicited
1887. ' • JOSIAH 'EPSY & Co.
1 HALL A° AD ' IY—
ntrT3lfth.Sessiou of tide ;Institution will commence
on Mb ay, the, 3d of Novimber. Parents and Guar
aline aro requested" to inquire lute Its Merits before
sending:their BOON or wards elsewhere.. Ties location of
the. Institution is-retired, pleasant and healthful,
and the 'course of thstruction • embrarcs .the ordina
ry'andhlgheibranches of an English Education, to
gether with the Latin, Greek, French, and German lan
guages, gnd._vdeat and Instnmental episode., 'Tertne,
boitrdlng, pushing,, and Tuition IA the English branch
es and local miudeper aessiqu'(2l. *ohs) 1180,30. pe r
'circular conealning,partleulars address.
5ep.17,11004 Harrisburg, Pa.
NQTICI3. Notion .is hereby. given,
• 4hntappllrntlon yilibe made so the next. Legis
la tire Dennsylvania, to 'alter the charter of the Car
lisle Depesinlank lomtodltt the boroholt of . Cdrible,
Oausherhdad couo (y, sons to confer upon said bank the
rights, and parlleoes or ¢ ,bapic of issue. and to change
Its ugune,to the C.aillele Bank. Aloe, to increase the
talgtalLef said bank (which' is pt-present seventptio
thousand dollars )with' the privilege of increasing the
:ramp : under fts present charter to One .11undred Thou
,send,Dellals) to Throe AluqdrodThousand Dollars.
• W. DDETEM, cash!,
,&:4 ' i
In. , • ,
'IVENIf.' 600D5. , --The eubBcriber-has
• lust opeued'a Tatletydf Ladloel'ainias, 1 lobs'
rsiln; &mare Shawls; Blanket lahawls,. Mar/noes,
'74linierea, Mous de lailnes;,Glntharng,•caltaoes.
kits; winch ho invites the attatition of the La•
dies. ONO 'W.
palliate, Nor. 26. 1800 ,• • •• • —• •
flithiente - Of the Inoteet'etylo cart 'he bad at eulto
rilohidis . low pilot% at the neyr stdro of '
-7 11 1 ; 11I ti t t e the a p n h d eap_stgiii_or
NANTII;LAS . I , Just 'reueli ‘Jarge:
tat!olleui, most.' fasVointi4e' Neil.
".!Vl4ll sol lips loe, atthe stare of
Olio for nolo 40,400 - t*rolit of thole •
(Manufactured from the night.soil of How YOrk city ? )
in lots to stilt purchasers • " ' -•
This article . (g - r - eidly - lifilifrfiltiT.Wlehte7tidr - TafirtWir
- years) hasbeen to the market for 'eighteen yearicand,
still defies compelitiori,ns a manure foi corn or garden
• vegetables, being cheaper and more powerful than' arty"
nther, and n the same time free from disagreeable odor.
Two barrels will manure an 'acre of corn' in the
will.save_two-thirds lulabor, : milLeause_iLto tome.*
-quicker{-lo' growlasterivipen earlieriand will- bring -a
larger crop on poor ground than any other fertiliser,
and la also a preventative of the cut-worm; also, it dour
not irduce the need to be put in coll./let with IL
• The- L.ld.Co. point to their long standing repritation,
• and the large rapind ($100,000) invested in their Mud ,
nen, no a 'guarantee that,pro, article they make shal
-. always be of such quality note - rammed a ready
• OnsMIT4112.1,1tIlltl; - -
. rive to
..and-rst-the-mte-of-dl-7.Erperlwrrel-foranyquentity over
-10 barrels.
pamphletcr -- im'aldning every informatien whir
be sent (free) to ally one applying for thq
Orders are requested early hr rdvance,to avoid disap
. pointment. -Address. ' .
Cm: Market and 7th streets,'Philaitelphia. I'a.
Feb. 18, 1857-3 m.
1 -
t ,
21- und•-23.—Sou t h th—Street
: — IIPETVONGUNDI3I37O - Acl - 1 - fli - I/INlttlu. near Mist ol.,Pek, • I
110 FA 11111. Ell S :-:—The subscii - iter has
just returned from the City with one of the largest
assortments of Hardware aver brought to this place. lie
has just received SO doe..4lames with and without pat.
nstenings. Iron and steel hooks ranging In pairs from
44 to $I 60. Also 300 pr straight and twist link trace_
chains front 60 t 0,5125. Heine mate trares.of all kinds,
also a lot of spread. fifth. breast,Utt, carrying halter
and log chains—also a very largo lot of shovels ' forks,
spades. boos, nikes.andin sloort_everything mid any
thing wanted by the Farmers—
, Remember the old stand Rastllaiu St. Carlisle.
March 10.'60. • • , ' 11. SAXTON.
t_l3 A- Tyr, N SELF-ti.A.RPENING
x VA N KBE FEED CUTTERS, inanum6 orml for
A bnitiCH & SARGENT, Nut.llo Market street, Ildiatia
Tide cutter le superior to any now in use, for strength
durabilityond nimplisity of construction; it tots fast
er. and is the hilly tad fetharpening Hay, Straw and Corn
Stalk Cuttnr ever made. It has hut ONE STRAIGHT
-- KNlFErwinch any person can grind and set with case
but in ordinary case, is ground in tita, ninehino.' Thou.
minds have already been sold, and.the demand le daily
', increasing...4l most cases an examination is
toconyinee nno of its suporly,!_tion n
,trial-notild-parrtvitlf other. Alb Bison of tho
• above constantly on bane and for sole by
. , • 'V INNE, '•
- net° Sole Agent for (Mtuberiand county.
North Street, east of ClaSs's Betel.
lir •
The subscribers would respectfully inform. the public
In genet'dtthat they are now prepared to manufacture
all kinds of Agricultural Implements; such as Bevel
Oeer, Four Horse Power. Horizontal Geer, Four and
Two !tense - Power,'ldso. the latest Improved Railway
Chain Horse Power and Overshot Theshers with Separa,
ion 'rittaeluid. - - •
We invite Particular attention to BHA Patent Clo
ver Huller and Cleaner. 'Thin machine wilt hull and
clean from three to sla herbals per hour, and is chant
dered decidedly, the beat now in use.
Also, Corn Shelters, for band or Horse power. St aw
and Fodder Cutlers, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators,
Hay Rakes, Grain Fano, Circular SUMP, kc., de. ,
We will also furnish to order
rf every des:rip/ton; such- an -Treshhr,• Machine,
Plough; Cormhaller.llar. Guam Sash Weights; also,
beautifully designed Railing for -Cemetery 491 n, Endo
Promptly allonded to for Reaping... Mowing and 'rrosh
tn; 31achlnes, and Mr kinds of Agrleultund
CIO ink., .1000 10, 1E57,-omosc
_CO ..
. .A! j u N 3 l l ,,4' t p c PI N G
In putting these 11Maines into the market for the
harvest or 1507, I•have the bekt-grounds for Loirivtng
they will meet an extensive sale, and prove on entirely
sntisfartery to the fanners of Comberinlid comity an
they have proved beretc fere. Up to this time their
has not been anniheiCombitud Reaping and. Mowing
Machine made that has succeeded to an extent that
will' warrant a manufacturer in building, or a farmer in
beying it for a tomhined newhine; while the Mannv
Machine an' made by Wood has been so successful fi r
both 11111 Doses, Reaping and Mussing. 'that In sections
where they have been used, filch rcliablllty it as well
intabliFibed as that of any other hnplement used by
the fanner.
After the experlenco and contests of thohtst harvest,
wo deem it only necessary to referthoso wishing-to buy
a Combined Machine to the-following persons who used
Maney's Machine in rutting their crops last year, viz:
Pred'k. Watts, Esq., John Notdo, AA ililam Derr, Ayr.
ham Bradley, Joseph A Stuart, James Stuart, Edward
W. Weakley, Peter Lourk, William Moore, Christian
Williams Parker, James Graham, 'llbbert 'Bryson,
&non] Allen, Solomon Hoke, Jonas study.. Jule M
Woodburn aud John Eckerd.
With each machine \Till ho furnished two heythoe,
two extra guards, two extra soetlons, , . one oxtra pin Inn
and wr •neb. All the bearings of. Journals will ho rase,
ha , don ed.' The shoes, guards and gearing will boot the
ho t Salisbury Iron. The umehhie Is warranted .capa.
1,10 of euttiug from ton to' twelve acres of grass' or grain
par day In a workmanlike manner.
Prim of Combined Machine, at Carlisle, $l4O.
These MaEldeas can be had at Sieglisr's Warehouse,
Mec . banirshurg, .by ., applying.
Railroad Depot: . •
-- lifili - 20;laifitt I. • "Ageat 'Ur
• Just received, 100 pair Fly Nets. Linen, Cotton
and Twine of all colors, quality and style, cheaper than
ever, at the cheap Hardware store of
• • May;2o, 185 T. , Fast Main Street Carlisle Penne
Alexknder Davidson, . James McCandlish, . •
George ltea, ' • John Waggoner, •
William Gram, L. 11. Randall, •
Jona C. Brown, John limey, .
Mathew 11. Boyd,' Abraham Grote, •
Atcheson Laughlin, lsa,ac AM/ulgley,,
' John Hursh, Jr., • James 31cKeetian,
Thomas Stough, ' John P. Rhoads.
This Bank; doing business 'ln the name cf
Gracey & Cu, is now prepared to do a general Dankly.,
Business with fidelity and dispatch.
Mousy recePred pn deposit and paid back on 'dinhoha
without notion.
On SpeciarDeposits, interest Is paid as follows. viz.:—
From 2 to 4 mouths, per cent. per annum.; For 4
months and.upyards, 5 per cent. por annum, Notes,
Drafts, Chocks ft., collected in any part pf the United
• States. • •• '
Farmers, Mechanics, and all' ()tiers desiring a Safo
depository for their money, will bear in mind that the
proprietersof this Bank are uttonnuatis LTADGIN to .the
' extent of theirkeveral estates for :0 the s depesi r ts and
other obligations of ILEA, ORACEY & CO.
Banking Henke In Main street. Newville Pa.. Busi
ness hours from 0 AI AL, to 8 I'. 111. .• • •
Newville. June IT, 1857.3 m.; • Cashier, •
F.R - E S - 11: - SIT PM . YOF 'DRUG...S,
. , ! FRUIT AND FANCY GOODS.. ; ' .....! '
i t
hay-03481 received iffesh stock of MEDICINES;- 7.
PAINTS, 0145% OILS, & c., which , hi.tyow,ito,
selictod with great care at the !bit.,o3,l4ollMdir -,
.. -Plislidelphire. I can confidently fiecommtorik to.
and DEALERS, as being fresh-and'pute.;. , -=''' ' . ....'
" . •
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Chemicals - .linstruntents.:.
pure essential oils,' Herbs and Fattmds; 'Spices 'ground -
and Whole, ESSIIIICON POrrUMOrY, &e., &r, ! • ~ .!
! , Cod Liver 00—Wgrranted genuine. •.' • • -
DYESTOPPIndIgoos,. Madders; Elpitc..Alhal, Log
.. and Cam Woods. 011 :Vitriol; Copperas,- c Dye,. •-, . .
DAlNTS—Wotiumill & Drother'S Pnr -Amid, Chrome
, f Green anilltellomPalfit and Vitrolnit 13rualies, Jamey
Whadow"Glailt Unsold' 011, Thipsithic Co,patatitichaott
. 9 TarriiihVadd Red Ler d 1 jAll of which trill 'Ed 'sold at
the very,loweettuarkidoprite. ..--' ~,.!,!+ -. • ; ',',.• t.
Alio- I fresh and splendid assortinenf of FA' WO Y
fh.....iDl.pFrialts, Confeetloneity. and !Innumerable, ether:
-,' tartish* calculated fer-ilawand ornament all of- which.
are.offsred pa the htwest:atah priceirJ,at, the Cbtaip Drug,l. Book' iintiltaneySl' r 4 ot.tho - s4aTtlxF on Ehttb, llauo.
~,..;.! r . •. ,,, , ,., 14 .' , , :; '{ 0. ,. . : 7 ,' ,' \'' ''' ' '' 7 .' .F. IV, IIA:ItElIcirCII:!:::,
;, I3and6i" neatly oaa eti;`
Ito 3.6ierfigententev,
- OVER'B' . LIQUID HAIR In 1 , 14
Milt MAIM 'DYE needs only n trial to satisfy
all of its, porrostion as n Dye, nod the following testi
• monlal ;from that' eminent Analytic Chemiat. Profeisor'
..Dootb, of tint U.S. Mint, will only confirm what thou,
,sands bastorpreylonsly horny testimony to.
Feb. 18M.
'Being acalatilnted with' trio knbstancest compoey
lug Ileyer's Liquid , Hair• Dye, lain satisfied that by
followingO e pimple dinictiono Wen for its use, It will
not Nonfat° Hair or Skin. bubwill glyna natural and
dnrable cokir .
TAXES C, 1100Til Analytic Chemist:'
• ROVER'S WRITING Ittl,S includidg Mover's. Fluid,
,nnd UoVer'aludelible 1131(8011u too well known and in
:troduced to require •any additional - testimony of their
character., The fades have inni, increasing since their
first introduction, giving' evidence thnt the articles
truly-possess that-intrinsic merit dialmed - atfirrit . foi
Orders, addressed to the Idanufnctor
, . • 301 , :P11 Ji. MYER, Manufacturer.
a s 7.
Market St., above' Eighth, •
Invigorator, al. Liver Remedy
1 . 1 1 required to.eure may one troubled with Liver Com
plaints, unless the in=l desperate of eases, when an
second bottle will, wilt, scarce n single failure, restore
the patient to health find vigor.
.W 0 wish to, call.the;
attention of ell' tot these f i lets, that the Invigorator Is
ompoundcd by a physician who has used it in his prac
tire for the past Cr, en tY years with a .success almost cre
dulous, end-that-it is- entirely7ogetablic t,eing - own=
posed wholly of gams. •
Norco idea of the strength of these gums may be
formed when it is known ono bottle ottlio Invigorator
contains as much stroligth as one hundred doses of Ca
lomel Without any of Its deleterious affects.
. .
• • •
• One bottlAds the surest thing-known to carry away
the bad - &feeta of naheral poison of any kind... •-+
Only Imp bottle Is needed hi throw out of.tho system
the efforts of medicine after a long•sickness. - •
Ono bottle taken for,Jatindice reinovgs all yellowness
or unnatural color gold the skin.
after "ea in sitillident -
a to - relle4
mach and prevent the food from rising anti seottrini.l.
'Only one doSe tab, n before retiring, prevents iffght
um re:
Ono dose taken at night loosens the bowels gently,
and cures eastivenfoni.
oOn.thise taken after carat meal will cure Dyspepsia.
Ono dose of two tieespounsfull will always relieve
sick Ileadaclie...• • '
Tine GUM:taken for telltale ohst ruction removes' the
Consent tho dlscasii;sindlntalsoti a-perfect curey
- 5 -Only one . destrimmetliatay relieves Cholle.
One dose often repeated •is a ours cure . torl...9saleta
Illorbus, and a sure preventative or Cholera', .
Onis'dosts taken often will prevent the recurrence of
'billions attnelts, while It relievs all painful feelings.
, ir-4,000 or ..wo doses taken occasionally Is one of the
bent comedies 11,1 a cold ever known,
' Thousands of eases of intlamittion and weaknossOf
the lungs, have, been cured by the inv igorator.
011 Q dose taken a short time before sating gives vigor
to theappetite nnittnakes food digest well,
tine dose often repeated cures Chronli3 Diarrhea. In
inn worst forms, While stuffmnr and bowel 'complaints
yield almost to this first dose, •
One or two doses sums naneks 'Famed by worms,'
while for wormoin children. there In no surer. saf4r And
speedier remedy In the world,.akit never
• -There the.- statomonts.---thoy
lire pia In and sober farts, that We can give evicence to
prove, while all who use It are giving their unanimous ,
testimony in its favor. • , - • •
We wish all wboitre:alck.and_debilitated td try blis
remedy, and test it thoroughly, and any who are not
bonefitted by its use we should like to hear Irma, as tee
have yet to heat from,-the first person who has used a
hottio of Invigorator without -receiving benefit, for
there aro such astonishing medleaU.Virtnes in It, that,
all, no nuitterhow long they have been affected, ifthetr
complaint arises front a deranged liver, will be benefit
tad if not MI ti MY cured.
• ' • SAN FORD & Co. Proprietor, .
815 Eroadway. New York.
Nor sale by S. ELLIOTT and S. W. HAVERSTICK,
Carlisle, and by Druggists generally. '
Marrh 25, 1857-3 m.
. 1 ' - Withltialb and Retail, at - 111)t -. ThIlndelphin
Watcli - ind .leivelry knee!' Ntr:ll.o North Second street,
corner of Quarry, Philadeiplua,
Goltl.l,ever. Watehes,lulljuwelled, 18 carat
9POS, $2B 00
Gold &Tine, 18 earn ts. 2100 •
Silver Lever, fußjew oiled, 12 00
Silver Lupine, Jewels, ' ' ' .. 900
Superior Quartiurs, • ' 7 00
Gold Spectacles, 7 OLP
I.:lne Sili or d 0.4 50
• Gold Bracelets, -- • • - - - 300 -
Ladles' Gold Pencils, 1 00
• Silver Ton §poons, set, 500
(told Pena, with pencils and silver holder, ' 100
' . Gold - Finger Rings Watch Glasses, &e. All goods
warranted to ho what they are sold ihr.
. .
e Successor of 0, Conrad.
.111" On 'mid some Gold and Silver Lovers and Lupine
still lower than the above prices. •
North Sixth Street. Phila
delUbia. 'Manufacturer of VENITIAN . BLINDS. Vr.LveT
AND' IiOLD IIiIItOEIIKD IND- PAINTED simpns, of Beautiful
Designs, Buff. and all other Colors or Milland used for
Shades, Fixtures, Trimmings, Sc., &c.,-Wholesale and
Retail, at the Lowest 'Lash Prices. .
. STORE SHADES painted to order.
11. J. W. thankful for past patronage. respectfully so
licits the public:to call sod examine his now stud lafgo
assortment, belOre purchaslngoltewheae.
March 18. 1.867
Nathiot's Gay Street Virare-room's.
No. 25 Gay Sheet. near Fayette, - ; ,„
• •
Wuzoz In kipt niwayl4 on hand, or made to order, eve
ry style of French TETE.A.TETES, in Plush, Ilnir
Clothe; or ['mantalle. ,
• Frunch.FullStUffand Modallion, ParIbrAMICIIAIRS ,
In Plinth, flair, Cloth, or liroentelle.
Fnmch Full Stuff Carved PARLOR CHAIRS, in sets'
with Plush, flair, or Jiro:atolls
SOFAS; half French Mahogany and Walnut Parlor
CUAIRS, in Hair, Cloth or Plush,
ROCKING Cll AlRS—various designs, In Hair, Cloth
and Plush.
• Stuff.Sprlng LOUNGES—a large. assortMOnt always
on, band, ,or. any. pattern made or covered pith any
goads to order. . ,
CHAMBER SUFffil—in Walnnt r complete, (Wm E,
• —. • ,
JANE...CHAIRS and Rocking do.'—the largest atsort
;utast readydnado"in the United States—from $l2 a do
• 'Dar Room,,Office and Dlniug*CHAllta, n Onk, Wal
nut or Malmgony, with Cano,•Wood or Stuffed • Senta , r;
an 'assortment embracing over•6o dozen.. •
CHAIRS—over 100 dozen. -
- -
- eautuer Bede; Hair and Husk Mattresses of - every va.
Katy: Also, • all kinds of Gilt and Plain Frames for.
'Looking Glasses, &a.' - - - - •
•.• .A..MATIIIO% 25. North Gay Street,
10i 1860..• • r .
Fayette street.
. .•
(' A - ItEI l I'R ED -p:it - y . ,pl - o - I. AIT
. a., - WilUBS ' Binds of life have nearly run outarr•
Covered while in' the -thud Indies, a certain. cure fur
Consumption, ,Asthina, Protiehltisi Coughs, 4 Colds,
and Goneral . .Debility, The.romedy: was dinpvered
•by hint whew his-only , child, a-daughter, win given
-Up to die, . Re had btcrd mode of .the wonWful resto
'mainland healing qualities of preparation's made from
the Haatlnt/lad/mop, and the thought occurredto him
that - he inight,..upthe rt:remedy for. his child. lie stn.'
died hard, and succeeded-In reclining his wishes. ~.His
child "roe now alive .and well.. 'Ho . boa
:einee administered the wonderful remedy to thoutom's
of sufferers in all parts of the world, and he hes nor,'
tidied in malting them completely healthy and Minor.
Wishing twdo MI ninth good es pcssible, Ito will send to
such of his afflicted f en ce eelegs as requeit lt, this rer
4olpe,,wlth fulLand onplicit directions, for 'making . it
4.ip: trod • riudoesgfilly using it. Ho requiree Such appli..
-Cant tur:lciest, .111Monoshilling—three Cents tohe ro.
, . . ~ . .
turned as postage, on the .recelpe, and the x emainder to
be apPiked to thenayreont of this advortineirient: ...... '
i, Mr; ti..14. - SIEII, - .Slo,11) Grind at., .1 Distr. gity",Dr; 4..
~ .F. 41.,13';•.1tr; H.:James Iwo oelther.ollho our agent in , ,
'Hort44tifae'lMnle' havo : Pretandod 'And adverthol, •
Jim redellkisfint, from No St;tile hithplo;.lo Or 4E4
. stieet:lqw - city, p. :J. .. -, . •:' -- '-. . , ' - •- ,'
~.:1111ay'2,L18S7l=flin: , :'-'-' '• - . . ' • •
(401, MJ D Pit aMIUDI
' fILLIAM KNADE, senior partner of the late.firm
of Ktiabe, (treble & Co. contittues the manufacture and
inleof GRAND AND tiltUAltk PI AN° POI.T.LS. under
the, utimo"tif WILLIAM IMAGE:4 CO., at the old
stand, Ne5..1,..3, 5 and-7 North EutioV strfet,LoppoxlM___
- the - tintaw - Ilouse7Daltimo u.
- Thankful for theextohdlvfi Patronage received by the.
late' firm for the' last' fifteen years, I respectfully beg
, leave to inform the public, that - since' the death of one
of mp partners Mr. Henry public,,
by Which the paid
nership Was partners,
I have purchased the 'entire
large stock of 'unfinished .planes, lumberi_ and. other ..
. prepared - mat - 860i Lelaiging Witt/elite , firm. - shall --
therefore' COnlinUe. the. business at. the old stet d as
ahoy.); and will endhavor not only to sustain the. well
established reputatimi of the late firm, but to excel
all fernier efforts imperfecting tho Piano Norte.
13Inee tho dissolution of tho lattifirm,l am mknufac
turing Pianos on a new and much Improved scgle.—
'The first Instrument finished according to the new de
signs was_dePeENSdin_the:Eitir_of_the,l3larylatatlnsti
hid-October, /855; at which it took the highest
boom., of ttny - Trigtltt“ n, trrein• Seen awarded the
“Gold Medal PronvluDl,ls_lol..thtLuuusuaL oftemet.ilion-
Thrforiffierti - Plenes, exhibited by some of the best ma.:
ker. of Ileshin, New York mlllaltimoto. ,
At the Annual. Indlistrial Exhibitions; held In oc,
toter, 1855, - and October, 1850, by. the Mechanics' liaBll-..
WO of litchutond, Virginia,.my rialtos were aleo•rtworti
ed the Highest Premiums.
Again, at the late Fah of the Maryland Institute,
hold October, MO, after a most,thentough stud an un
.protractest investfgallfin of the merits. of the
eighteen Instruments on exhibition, from the most
.celebrated factories of finitiniore, New York and Bos
ton, my Psalms were again awarded the highest bettors
of thatlnstitution, they baying received the
•Metint ertificate," eh honor-only adjudged-to articles
of such superior merit as to defy competition fo'i° two
successive yearn.
'Also, at the 'Third Exhibition of the Metropolitan
Mechanic's Institute. held In Washington, D. C. March
1857, they were once more awarded the highest hon..
ors. •
'With regard to the qualltlee of my planes, I cont•
dontly refer do the testinionials I am conrtantly re..
caving front Professore and Amateurs. speaking for
themselves and °Hors,' of the high; appreciation In
whirl, my lnotruments ore always held, and whirl, ran
be seen at my Warerixons'.__ And_this-ls-tha.-heat-and
most reliable assumes, 1 can offer to customers, opar
from My own knowledge of the lUstrumfmticij m
purchaaintratitarMiiblikhment, they aro guaranteed
the possession of n Piano, equal, if mot superior, to any
vendable this country or Europe. •
All Pianos built at my Factory have full Iron Frames,
being so constructed' no, to secure 'great additional.
strength, without atfactiug the coax, And therefore will
stand In any climate.
Pianos made to order, of any kind of wood, and with
any style of tlitiol that rany-be desired.
The greatest care is bostowed'uuon my work, and the
selection 'of the best materials; ant every Instrument
turned out otmy. tactorrean" therefore be fully Wm.
ranted as possessing all the qualities quisitti for a
gond l'iono.
All Instruments of my manufacturo are Cleo gum..
tocd•for tiro years front thr day of solo
I'erticular attrattion Is pahl to t h e selection of In
strumonts for distant 'orders : and a raiment: or
cum.*: gnu trd atone Moo within FIX montim hom
Um day of calm should such I ustrudent clot give entire
MIVIIOL'ESALE DFALEBS will floe it to their. advent
ago to etre me n betbre purchasing elseU here.
1, - ,p,Constautly on hand a fine nisortment of -MEM!.
DEONS - ' Of the best inskr , ra, nt prices front $45 to Vito—
with si ngle and doublb reeds—and - also with double
key beards and stops, FOl 11,11110E1 for the use of small
churches. . -• .. •
PIANOS exchanged, hired, or tutted.
Thr following testimonials fron WA. ICNADM
t of the moat eml.
centnt Pianists ht the world, will shore how my Instru
meats kreuppreclated by those great Performers, - who
hare bed opportunities for testing the belt Planes of
Europe and America:
3ln. W. HaAlle, BRILIMOr0:
Pear Sir: I have great pleasure, in
.certifying thati
have tried - your Square - Minos, 'and find them equal,
it p
not superior to any in this country. Among their great
qualities, which:Alstinguish them, la the oneness of
tone, tho,agrerablo noel, touch, and volume' of
tone. - Wishing you all tho- MRCVSS you en highly
roni,iiiir yours very truly,
Ilidthnore, Doe, 33, 10 ' 6. ' S. 'I'II.II.IIEIM.
'To 31ensns. Wm. Kindos & Co., Bat thnorn . .: • •
gentlemen :' Permittuo to express you bernwith my
sincere thunics for the nupytt flynnU•hild Ntiare Pianos,-
whiclrymthnveltetifeCine; AU on •whiell I have per-
formed nt my concerts. 1 cannot but congratulntoyou
upon the Immense progrceJ d-411proVeinell yell con.
continually inake on your l'innos, which. In my °pill:
ibm'rituts nmong the very bentin this country—
With husky wishoi for yoursuccess nnd.prosperlty,
which you richly deserve by your Olt terptiNe, onergYand
activity, I remain yours. very truly,
' July 13, 1857-IS. STRAIKOSCIL
.0 1 - 10IdE
is nowrepared to sell about
•• o 00 0110105 0000100 wont,
4o _tracts o 40.acresand -upwards,- err - Lonitredits and
itt.Leve Enteric! Interest.
These, lands were givinted by the Coverndient to old
In the construction of this Roademnd are, among the
richest and most fertile In the world. They Attn.! from
North-east and North-west, through the middle of the
Statd,,t the ex South. and include every variety
of climate and productions found between those pond- _
Iris of lafltude. The Northern-portiotTli chiefly prairie,
intempersed with lino , groves, and In the middle and.
Southern sections. timber.-predoednates,idternating
with beautiful prairies and openings..
The climate Is more healthy, maid and enhable. than
any other part of the country—the air In peril and
arming, while living streams and springs of excellent
water abound.
Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, and supplima
eheap and desiniblo - fuel, being furnished at many
points at $2 to $4 per ton—and wood can be had at the
came tete per cord.
Building steno of excellent quality 'also abounds.
width cauthe procured The little mein thah the expense .
of transportation.
Tho great fertiliq of these lands, which area black
rich-mm][llmm' tive•to-fiviFßlilrdeluctairgetillyrof
ing,—their contiguity to this Road, by which every lry
ditty is furnished for travel and transpovtation, to the
principal markets North, South, East, West, and the .
economy with which they can be culthated,render
them the most valuable Investment that - tan be found;
and present the most favorable opport unity, for persons
of Industrious habits and quitill means,le iumnire a
comfortablii independence Ina few Yours. •
Chicago,,is , How the greatest grain market in the
world—and tko, facility and economy with which llia
produdefor there lands can bp•tramporled to that mar
ket, make them much more pmetable, at the prices
asked, than those more reunite lit govorinnept rates.—
as the additional cost of transportation is a Perpetual
tax on the latter, which must lathorne by the producer,
•lit the reduced price be reeelyes for his grain.
Thu Title is Perfect—and when the final, payments
are made, Deeds are executed by the Trustees appointed
by the Slate, and in whom the- title Is vested, to the
purchasers, which convey- to than absolute titles in
Fee Simple, free anti clear of every iticuuliwance, lien or
mortgage. .. •
Tim ('ricer Tirofrom $0 to $3O; Interest only:. per cent •
Twenty per cent. will be deducted from tke credit
Those who purelLe on long credits give notes payable
In 2,3, 4, 6 and •ti years aft,. date, sited 4irci,requbed to
ImprOve ono-tenth an n cony for five years, do au to have
one-half the land tinder cultivation, at the end of that
time. , •
Competont Surveyors will accompany thou: who wish
to examine these Lands, free of charge, and aid them
inranking selections.
, The Lands remaining unsold areas rich and valusblo
as those which have boon disposed of
. Will ho sent to any one who will eirelose filly cents lu
Poising° Stamps, and Books or Panlphiets, contnininp•
numerous Distances orsuccessful fliNnlng, signed by
respeciiible end' ivell.k now n•fariners living hi the neigh.
Slenrhoend of the lialiroad Lands, throughout the State--
also the cost' of rouging, price of cattle. ripens° of bar.
resting, threshing, etc.,—or any other information—
will Do cheerfully given nn appliclition, either person.
ally or by loiter, in Unglish, French, or Oerninn; ad.
dressed to ' • : JOHN. WILSON,
Ladd Comlissinner of the Illinois Central R, R. Co
trei- Office in Illinois Central It: inroad Depot, Chicago
. - - '7,
is, no doubt, the' most wonderful discovory of this ago
of progress: for it will restore - purmancntly, grip hair to
Its original colon, cover the Lena of the bald with a
toast lux urlaw t growth, remove at OHM all dandruff and
itching, cumuli scrofula, and other cutaneous eruptions,
such as scald head, etc, It will cure, as If by magic,.
, nervous - or - periudieui hendarher make:UMWO soft;
glossy, and wavy, and preserve thp color perfoctly, and
the hair.fromlalling,-toostrethe
The following Is trout a distinguished member of the
medical profession: ,
Sr. Pap, January 1, 1855
'DEAR 'a: — IDIAODatELVI seed von this certificate.
Alloy.. being nearly bald liar a long time, and having
tiled:AlL the hair restoratlvee extant, and having I
faith In any, I was induced, on hearing of yours to glve
it a trial. I placed myself in the hands of a barker,
and had 'my head rubbed with &good stiff brush, and
the restorative then applied and well rubbed in, till the
scalp waste aglow. This I repeated every raorning,!and
in three weeks the 'young hair appeared end grow ra
pidly from August last till the present time, an.llB now
thick, black, and strong-504nd pleasant to the touch;
. whereas, before. It wne harsh and wiry, whetllttle theta
wane{ it, and that little wasff isappearlng very rapidly.
I still use yourreetorativests.ut twice a week, and shall
soon have a good and perfect crop of hair. how, I bad
road of these thinger-and who has not f bat have mot
semi hithertcf any case where any person's hair wde
ally bonatted by any of the hair tonics, ete.,of the day:
and it really gives um pleasure to record 'the result of
my experience. I have recommended youf preparation
to others, and it already hes a largo and geurreuc sale
throughout the Territory. The people here know its
effects, nod, have confidence in it. The supply you sent
us, as wholesale agents for the Territory, le newly ex-%
boosted, stud daily inquiries aro made for it. You de
.serve eredlk fur your discovery, and I for One, return
yea my thanks fOr the benefit it bas done me, Ibr 1 car
'.3lolY had illoPtlinxi lotiff age Of emir 'affecting any such
result. ' ,
Ntritt Or BOad & slitO,Np.Daui
Youls hastily,
• , [Froth the Editor...3f the liSul Estate Advertiser.]•
_Beaton, 27-School kreet, March 20, 1856.
DEA bsectme prematurely quite gray;
was induced, some ala weeks since; to make a trial of
your Restorative: I have used low than. two ,bottles.
but the gray hairs have all Wrap/lasi . ..Al and although
my hair has net fully attained Its origin s t color, yet the_
-process of change la Mnnuallygoing'en; and am In
great hopes that In a abort time my hair will he aadark
' as formerly. •'1 have also been much gratified, at the
healthy-moisture and vigor of' thetalr, -which before
was harsh and dry; Sad it has ceased tonomsont as for.
nesp,ect6nrY°ul nurr,
. .
rioressi+r Wood
autinr., 111thalo, .10no 10, 1800
' Dhow" usad Professes: Wood's Hair Restorative, and'
'have AdDlired Its wonderful enact. 'llly hokum beeom
lag, oaf thought pretuaturely gray, but hie the' use of
'his "Restorative," It hasfrosumed Its oolgitkcolor, and'
I bare no'douht,'nermAnonely so. .
, sitoNt , riatnisE, •
,••• ' •-7" "Xx.S.natdr Thiiteed States:,
For solo In Carlisle 8.. iv..ALLys:Rapcx, 13A24.1.
liA'Drug4sts ever,yvvScite.
,FeIVMS* . ..; , „ • .
Fanoy..Printlng „,
•--. •