El II - Pr~clrcF TA gr. : i ,:, Ou . A*tri-14: 73 . : r.A.';. --: '..:. WNI6ESDAY JUt4Y - 22 1.867 v Fdr dovarnor. - DAVID WILMOT, of Bradford Co. For Judges . of the S . uprerne Court. WlESEECHratftetto--Co. -- JOSEPH LEWISj of Chester Co. For Canal Vommissioner. , . WILLIAM • MSLI 4 IVARD ,of Flrilad i a „ ,THE V A DIP AIGN. Although the Gubernatorial campaign', has not yet fairly . olietied; it is' tithe that,' our 3Republican friends should arouse to a sense of the importance of u thorough — edinifforgtinitation. A :ticket, headed, • by - Mich an array of names as Wilmot, • Millwtird, 'Veeoli and Lewis. deserves more'.than a mere passive 'approval. If • we believe that the princfples and policy • of the, party which placed these Men be . fore the' people, are, founded : on minim , and 'itiau.T we should allow no other county, in - tho Commonwealth, te , -go step beyond us in bold, earnest. advocacy , ' of their election. • To' do this, successfully, requires in-_ cant and efficient organization, in every . township and election district,. in the County. 'Vigorous, active, energetic sup - - pert; You owe ae a duty, to those, who are-placed lathe front rank of.the battle, find on you rests the responsibility of victory or defeat. Do not suppose for a Amoment; that the Democratic party,:con , tiding in theirstrength, are sitting inac tive, around their camp-fires; like the old French. Guard, amusing each other with incidents of the late campaign; while - some are superinten-ding-trgenernlAivi sion of the spoils,' others are busy • mar ---thaling the !ones for the coming conflict. obtained possession of the Glon eral” Government they aro determined now if possible, to secure an asendency in the. State; to counteract their'- efforts 4equires vigilance arid 'activity.. on' your part- • GO td Work with' a 'will, form . Wit - met clubs in every t,dwnship; , register your force and nuke every, vote tell - . .The northern . _and% western counties, will roll up Wilmot - majorities so large - - as to put all preVions calculations nt de . , fiance, and if the people of the eastern and middle counties 'do their _duty the result will be a signal triumph. ' AMENDMENTS TO DIE CONSTITUTION. - 7 Eier:since the adoption of the ,New Constitution by the p_eeple of Penney': vania, there has been a constant tinker- . • ing at it by successive Legislatures, un til it bids fair to rival in . pntelt•tvorle the .shophe'rd's coat, which; had been so often mended that it was impossible to tell what part was the original- - - • • Ai tLe election in October. next, • the people will be called on to vote, for- or against, foiir proposed alterations, or a . theudn3ente to the State Constitution, • 'which have been adepted at the two last . ; sessions of the Legislature, and will be _voted upoi seitaratelyilhey - are ---- -1: In relation to the creation . of Pub- , Ho Debts, prohibiting any increase of , the. State Debt, or the borrowing of money for state purposes except upon temporary low, and preventing the state from be codling a stockholder in any corporation • or-loaning her credit thereto.: . - 2. / In reference to the erection of new counties. • • 8. In re • . • Letrislativo apportion. moats and 'proposing the election of Rep resentatives by single districts . _ • 4. In relation to charters of incorpo ration, proposing to give the Legislature the power to alter of revoke; any charter when deemed necessary. We invite the attention df our readers to these amendments, which they will find on the third page of our paper. It is unfortunate perhaps, for a fair expression of.the svill 'of the people, that the vote on the new Constitution, and on albthenubsequent, amendments, has been taken at the general elections, in October When in. consequence of more . exciting issues, constitutional:questions have . teen forgotteirorciVerboket ecrtain however, the state Department using every means to "Keep it before the people; '! by extensive advertising, and' no Voter, who wishes to inform himself on the subject, can plead, ignorance,when —he comes to-deposit his vote. TIMB KtErEa..-- The. Harrisburg Daily Telegriph, makes e , dctily against the elook on the Capitol, be-, cause. J " , eatet come up to !hue' :why do not,. thellarrisbUrg folks gct • a clot* of their own ? , They. have a rickets , old Court house, with a dilapidated looking Indian on the top of it,4l,iyould &sillily be tolerated in a wildcarcounty. . , The population, trade and position ,of Harrisburg would, justify the. erection of a Court,liouse and county buildings lie cowl to none in' , the Statel That once scoom'plishsd, Ivith' a reliable time-keeper on it, relave no objection to call Harris , . burg •a a City. " . ' . apivifiErk.-Aftor a trll irhioh : ted eleven days and prodneed iiltenie u rea in the OdmmunitY, ren % demi a verdict of guilty, of murder in the ilirfA t ijere against Charlotte .Turiei . Steward t„for the • Alialrdtir.-tifLOo Wilsonfaionily, at MoKees, F9 11 ..§40 , .- - r 4 443 0 ft' 1361 .14 1 *., 18 , 401444):#00 fr,Of 6 ' 3 *1 4 4#(40:44e, 0 , 4 2 ',4*:4411' of health • and pfteillie 14 4 0 9 ,0i 3 ti • tf I. fbr fiven4r;fl4 EMI Attgium 6.111;, 6 4% • hvitte in st ; .11W earner of afAthe •*- .., • • Nlay)linitnetit, itaa - 'laid at ! I.4laingtorr tnuel inierest ih presenee of a , lareennanurseOfironag -and clapt both sops, xesidentiand Ottan i_ admitted into „ the, cemetery grounds was the carriage still in good keeping,that was presented to the H.on. Henry Clay • __by_ the city of Newark, New. Jersy, Nov 23d, 183 K —ft was ornamentell byforit -waving white funeral plumes • at the cot , • ners, and inseat - was placed tc bust of Clay; also the engraving of•Clay'!, leave taking from the Senate of the Uni ted States. Within sat the old coachman of Mr.. Clay, a venerable, _but hale-look ing gray. hatred negro; ‘!Aaron . Dupev," • who had -:been bred, and. born at the 6 Slashes," in Old anover, • Va. He " traveled with him, he said, *hen there • were no turn Pikes in Pertugal or in Eng land. He commenced service with him When Jefferson was going out of, the Presidency, and has been his faithful servant until the deceaSe Ohio much be ) loved `master: • '. ", • • A few aged men were, present, AO had "known the sage is the yOung, Harry of Ashland, who heard him in person de r ' trounce the cnterferenee of Goveintment I in personal liberty, and that of the Press, as.earlY as the alien and . iedition lairs , some had beard his bold adioeacy of the. HEN war of 1812, of internal impidyernents - and of the American system-his meneetnent and cloSe of life a Statesman. Political followers and antagonista,now disarmed, were hemp testify to the. sin cerity, ability and purity of Mr. Clay; I,', men who knew by experience ; and youth who had read "and_beard . of his gallant deeds, trooped into the Fayette county seat, and on the early hours of the Fourth Lexington was filled with people from 11l the adjacent counties. --, • The sidewalks were jammed, the win !• dews and housetops were &reveled with' men, women, and children, gazirtg upon • the pagan', that for two bolus was ;puss --ing-through-the-avenuerwhich-was—eol— ored With- wavingtiagsi and. pendant ban- . • ners, and which thundered with the ex ., plosi on_of_artillery, _the...rat tle of d roma:, , and the music of brazen throated instru -meats. _ • • Rev. Robt. S.. Breckenridge, himself - a proud representative of _Kentucky - in .talente,andlineage, stepped forward and addressed,- for near two hours„ the- vast. ~ and attentive auditory. • Vii. c • It was not an address s eeeking' in fine words atid nioeuinent to•the spegker,of ,his rhetori cal powers, or to the writer, of his abili ty in composition, but a noble, simple, earnest, eloquent memorial, in high mor al strains; and deep philosophic teaching by example, from the Inituble commence ; went of the Orphan boy of Elanover, to. the lofty acquittal by him of every duty faithfully until he, as an American Son , ator, folded his robes around him to die in the National Capital. - The immense concourse agent an hour tut the grou n - ds after fife midres. --- Pie - - - nie dinners and .publio Vrbeeue furnish • ed food foe the inner man, while around - . on the green Sward, parties spent soci ally.the gay passing hours until the grand ' ' military review, which was a creditable ffair to the citizen soldiers. MATH OF WILD CAT . THE SEMINOLE ,CHIEF,—A 'late/ to the San Ahtonio Taxan, dated Laredo Texas ➢lay 25, says: You have doubtless learned , ' before this reaches you, th'at "Wild Cat," the Semi nole chief who two the United" States so !much trouble in . Florida, 'is dead• ' He, with forty of his people, fell victims to the small 1,,..51r.. Benjamin° Whitman, has assumed the editorial control of the Ilar risburg Daily Herald. Mr. W. ia a racy,"vigorm writer, and will no doubt keep the Herald up to the same standard it had attained under the Care of the late editor, J. C. Cl.)%e Esq. • Ptc-Nrc : --The Printers in Harrisburg are making arangements to have a grind pie-nic, some time during the present month. We presume they.. will have plenty ofpi, on band, and that the Devil will be "chief cook and bottle washer." APPOINTMENTIP-It 118 confidently asserted by hie friends, that Capt, Geo. Ehmderson, of the Lancaster Intelligeneer and formerly of this place, 'has' been4P pointed Treasurer of the' Mint - ,lkt Phila dolphia+— The post is said to be worth *6006, a year. . _ - --- -idartriluiairtwo - rtußstrrocar.--A Witting- Watt tied recently,in 'Newport, ,Kentuoky, to Uorainate Republican candidates for COngreas And titti.Stute Satiate, itt whit& tGe following -raolutlons_Were Adopted: Rotorua, -Thid the pinsperiti - tend , glorious future of Kentucky, is dear-to our hearts, and that, On tn derlopeecta of , Its i 111111411160 Agri cultural and mineral resources should be en oijeOt of our highest regrird. • • Moo!via, That it is .thaperaniOtitit • Oat of Kentucky, if she would keep nixes with' the growth and .onward, career of Jinn. sister tates of the West; to foster and, encourage, free white labor, and that,all her liktite. senashonld be/tee:Am -fief 'to Mink; 'to epeak, and.free to fete. • . Baotou!. That while one drop of American, cii'Angl6 Sesdniblood shall.aantinue to course our veins, we Will 'cling to' await .of freedom characteristic of Oar racet that we Will bow,in abjeot submission .to no utan,while we, unfurl .sur banner to the breeze., with this words of the immortal POtriolt,lleury,inscrib - tbetteOn;'sdive me Litterl or Oro modenth. • . Berotred, That: We 'l4ll4olth - opeh `hearts' open',.. arms , that, ouriing of- oaf igration that le setting-in upon us • from the. old world: and oamposetl of 005 0 - WhO' for that'freedom and - hint:Mu - happiness. hera that is denied 'cierywhetW oleo. -" " Baotou!, _That 'bp exietencu of Slavery in , ItentnoltY Is deeply to , be_ regretted,, and ,that °veneer much diffeioneo of opinion May, ealst n regaidlolthe Propthity 'et abolishing it now • stiq; were ' We free from it, ' we 'would' *Mani— tioneby • opptute its • introduction beret• and while entertaining, these :principles if a ppit.:„ Coble - at hone.. • , • BetOtrotkithat'welmixtity adopt the 'prin ciples of thegreat Atedriesn,ltepublican party, , namely : - ."non interforenee , (on - the- pert- of Abi,4"9.01049)•in regard .to slit; • very in the sonreign States Whets it note ex. and-non extension of slavery' Tree iferti- Booolve4 hat we bold with • Oblef•JOidlin that sovereilletY 444W° in l b. ' people, and EMU.* propert y. 1.- --- 41 r; - .CVO. Payne • was noMinalei for the State Smite, sad B F. Elanfor.i wel emaelna , 1 7,44 for Coagessie MI ' rfomOnt'itt 4.ing - . earl Quilyill , W44“'lrork-'o4.', - grownAint,kloutitg: Vattert.; .14:1 R. i biter for • SulOtis attar t4~ 1867. 1.867; V,l.TherM - 3- 1 Riau. 1 Iteitierke..,7 51 meter., 1 I - riiiiipjet 6604 Wednesday. 78 00 . Thursday. 75 66 .10 '= 78 - 00 -BatOrilitY.. - -_ 78..081- ‘. thiOdny. 80 00 . • hionday. 8000 te.eak2 Weekly I • WHO IS 10 BE OURNEXT REIMESEN . . TATIyE'-Inl.; &any mintiest throughsut the State, local 'conventions of both parties, have been held; and tickets framed, ready-, for a spirited contete In our-county, ,as. soon as the grain is out and housed, the formation of a county ticket, will press itself upon-the at tention of the peepte,and it heoomes 'a ques... thin of some biter*, 'to know who I. to repr; resent us ; in . the riest Amgielature. : , ' .• :-Eleretofore, 'with two members, It.was, ex;._ oept in a few instances,,contieded.as a matter Of right, to the_"upper end" ned,"lower end;'. but, as the apportionment bill of lost session, 'gives this ',Minty but onevember, , it will Ate a moot point to determine, from , what part - of .the county, he shall be selected. -. The next session of the Legislature, will be done of-unu sual irderest and it le important, that we should have a man of the right stamp, to rep. resent Cumberland county, no matter whether be Is "high up, low down, or middleway." The Union Convention, will come Into, existence', untrammelled by- "pre-emption' rights," and may,fitirly scan thei_whole tiOuntyt in:search .of a man of sufficient . ability, to " carry weight °. in the House, and independence enough, to -withstand the tribe of borers; who ore con stantly "bobbin' around" for Votes, to influ -mice-partialror-privato-legislation. " As yet,there seems to be unusual apathy, in regard to the forination of a ticket, we have, not heerd,the name of a single individual men tioned, in connection with any office in the We -have no - personal preferences, but, trusting that the intelligence atid.pstriot ism, of the ptirty in this county; will ensure a popular ticket, based on a 'proper regard for — What -- Erdiftirreev'ery aeotiOn`!Of the county, we shall devote our best energies to its support, and, ittim . People are true to their'profossions,_ o th Ouitty; ere ' cad be no fear as to the result in this -•. . . , PIE EMORY M., E. Ctittacti. - -In our' last paper, we gave It brief description' of - the ceremonies, at laying the corner stone of the Emory M. E. Chitrch.. Thie edifice when fin• lobed, will be quite an ornament to the town. The dimensions.of the Church, are 70 feet in depth, by 47 in width, With-s height of 86 feet to - ,the eaves.. The style of.tho Church is to be the modern Gothig,the . basement will be elevatml.two or three steps above the pave ment, 'and will be divided into mimes, for Stilt day;ScheOt and Clags,tneetings On this story. there are to he three doors of entrance, 'from Pomfret strict. Two flights of stairs lead• from the vestibuleto the abdienoo room, which. will be about the - ell of the First Presbyteri an Church, witho'height of about 26 feet; the pulpit will be atithe north end of flip - church, and the choir gallery opposite this min will seat nearly 600 persons. The front of tber church is to be ornamented, with .0 siring moulding, in imitation of atone, above the en trances . ; and nbove the. moulding; there ore -to-be-three-windowsi-the-centre - one, - otwhich, is to be 30 feet in height. There will ohm be four octagonal turrets in front ; the angle tur rats are to be 72 feet high, and - the centre for rats will he 00 feet to the pinnacles. • _Five windows run along each side of the (Murat, and will be so arranged, that the low, er part wilniklit the , basement, and the upper part, the audience room. Mr. John IL Turner is the architect and he has contraothd to finish it by the first of next May. • TIIE . HARYEdr. — Tho weather for the past weeki.has been favorable for harvest ; by this time; no doubt, the hey crop has been se cured, and our farmers are now busy at their wheat and rye, and if the weather continues favorable' another week, Will probably com• pieta the work. The accounts of the wheat crop in s tills county are quite encouraging,' a large a mount was put out last fall, - end al though the cool . weather has kept It back soinewhat, we BA told that the effect has been .to cause the grain to 511 hotter than . .usual. Some of the wheat near toVen, is mildewed: but we believe it does not extend to other set done or the county. The% oats crop, will be very heavy, this. season, and • the corn looks ! promising. A backward spring, "has thrown the sulnmer work all together, rind our farm. _ere sr, nousualltbusy, but they'll • feel good' ,when }he work is done, and in - the meantime they can oonsolkiqemselves with the redeo don tbet "there is a good time co l totig,” when they den." lie book In the tall grass" and slog Itarkir farmer WAWs a man wbo can make a full head about 4 o'clock ft 4)ie Afternos; are opOti loan engagement—Lai Gradoe'l wa. A muoarry.—We warp shown s few days ago, by M. Attacob Fetter, iflileoe .of wnl. out plank, which Imbedded wftblo It,two rifle bells; of IVO) .sfae; Ott , trO,wae.out on the F;lloiritt:Peobee creek, near IttsnOt's P.4!11, and utiosu4d,tbree .0 n !MI( Ceei . aorose tbe, stump. 'Fbera wee u -strewth ,of more *lnn) Olghteen putties :of wood, outside of the ball.; perhaps some :of our, correspondents, , -who are pocineluted,*o the' grprb.of tbs,welout, eau estimate t h e lapse of lime', Ante these, balls , were flied,. llmpleuk isframttte heart of tba tree anti wilf l. .b!,filufsfied so as to expose one of tb-e'buits; , People atbo a re curious In , poet, matters, can , call atlii;Fatteett wire-roOm and exontfoo . ind while doing so, they can have on 0 1)F 01 1n• nityr?it very ; superior furniture. NEtv)obomoTivE.—Theeiniobeilitild, .Valley- hnee'reoently put a eplendid 'Lonetootire en' the tend, 'ft oin 'the Lanisetei; \ Locomotive'- 'WOW, g nitnied 4 Judge in compliment' iii"the dept of , die company, ' , The deliingoirlicelo are' nearly five end the' thobee'lif dhunet4i,ivith - a'birnite of twenty-two .-_,FletTesentitives Artit.ion'_':, and Toni*. `America.. are 'ocitioOpoopeiy 0 1 1,76d z 0n inisipo; .ikird,tha 140 le tented aliniottes',l4 'Pre- : : 'Pio Iroonietirtritr nenti'lor , tes Ins alone. ' and she'eottintlininr bridge 'up' Co , 'oinni , Mug: that if the i i,o 4- 10004,!Oloti: 'sio4r i n to the ' Tall ix.siihom Mite inn; ortilgtowre "but 0 4 tWati-atrtrei4-41 -correspondent, wrylittas'tha.,folitiritit.:44 saw -some: oats, Ool.#ob).eit',. in . the toll tlui i 4 etad 41he he tifeaiittredlBln osl4:thigiti4;ki°nA „tliiine J of DeiftltooietT . ,'•:allike'illetiostid ore but a simple of the eiltireqleld". • ; tn. Drawbangb, of West.rennsborol -liien township, ight_tocur Office yeatereay,-a etali of oties,'whloh measures 6 feet S'incees, 'elgoieuergroWth, ihie 'Stalk ideate is really a - Curiosity; , - - . 'has also sent us; from his farm in North Middleton, •thre'e stalks_of TlieCtity one of Whiol;;:nteatinies's feet.Blnehes leEtlOh k tke,,,,liesdAncaseritiriritfahes.. a field of twelve-fteree,-t‘e,aserage height of the timothYitikfeet. Whathi3okes the growth more extraorditiory, is the foot, that is the product' of elate ln d. • . . . Posteeript.-11appy retreat against the State.---111.r.•John Sanderson, has furnished us with stalk of oats, that Ineasnies 6 feet 8. inobes, length of the bead 22 inches. There were . eight_or ten stalks morn all of which meaeuredfover6 feet. Tbliftakt oentake 25 acres, and is hunted by James y, Sauderson:• MEM .• DISTIMEISINO- TO CHEWEItS.—Penny, plugs; OougreaßliugeTPtuyUglies and Pigtail' are abOut to 'enhance In price. A hogshead, of TObseao eold - irritichmend, Va, a . few days 'ago, at sloo' pe;' , llundred pou nds . This_ is eonsidered:the highest pride , yet obtained in Virgil:de; for thbacoO in the leaf. In confliction with this Subject we may 'state 'that a recipe is going the round of the papers, reieturnetiding the application oflohnecojuic7 , to make muitaches and whiskers grow. lie censider.the,recipti. a humbug, we know sett 'ern] persotiS In this community, who hove used tobacco, for many years, without producing any` effect either on mustaches , or Whiskers._ TEACHER'S ' CONVENtION.—A". State Cotnrenion of Teachers, is to beheld at Chain.' bershurg; nn thellth:'of August next. •The Cumberland-Valley-Rail - Ronri - conirwmlll issue half-price tickets, to all Teenher,. who -• attend the Convention; arrangements are ma= kin in Charnbeysburg to acoommodnto a large uunahor of delegates. preinfroe the Teac hers Aooocintton, of this County, will be well represented in that Convention. A. : CARD .OF THANKS.--Th tWo fir° companies otWork, that pafticipoted in the part*. at Cltiunbtroburit on the dill, bale pub lished card - a:of company "The conductors en the Cninberland h yalley, Please accept , our thanks for their acre ettrititetition, loth'going and re•, turning,. They are • adin . rably calculated for .theii dutittor on ihat:admirabiy oondtteted-Rail road. Pnomonori—ln the official list of pro inotoinEinnii-kipeintaients ,the - Army; einee tho Ora' flay. olltnip, puhliehed in the Wash ington Uninp", ire"%nd the follorrhw,,- Third Regimen! of Artillery —Mojor Charles B.lllerehunti - to he Lieutenant colonel, front June 10th. 1847, aloe Belten, promoted to 4th Artillery. • • . . ' ADIOVIEII• FonITEDIENT IN KAN/MS.—The town of Voniphiuo,..Kantme was . Ottown into 'a elatOof in consequence of a quar rel bettclken d'afig.idbn R l 134d.fartnerly- of South'Catolina, alt.l Capt. filttchell, one of tiee. tithe's Mitchell took excep tion to certain . Atltirtiorti of an oration' delis ered oft- the 4th, 10 Boyd, an 4 sent him a chal tens, to fight a duel with muskets n. Corey -pacee7 --- The - cballettge - warmecepted, - -the[par ties met, and iveie about to fire, when they 'were arrcited bpihe civil offictere. This, was the origin of an outbreak between the free-sollors, and pro-elavery men, and fears were entertained, of n general fight; but moderate counsels prevailed,. and thevleaders of both parties, promised to keep the peace. Our late townsman, Co! A. O. Ege,. took an active purl in restoring order; 63 We happened to. send a mipy' of the Herald of July Btb; to an old friend and school fellow at Allentown, and received the following acknowledgement, which we ',take the liberty of publishing. It may surprise our friend somewhat, to see lame°lf so tinespeotedy in print, and perhaps we oire him an apidogy for violating private coreespondel,Ce, but the letter does so much honor to hie head' and heart, that we could not resist the temptation lo give it a wide cir culation. We feel a sort of brotherly affection for a man, who can wear sissy twenty. years, in the bustle and turmoil of the .world, and still preserve the recollection of his early home, AB o. green.epot in the deiert of life, to whirl he can turn with fond, remembiarce, 10 his sun declines from the meridian. FRIEND. P._ I - ha ye ICrifloolt - you - for -n - copy - of - the lisle Herald." containing so many, items that are interestiog,t4 me,•partioularly, Gee. Duf field's [ince. ! .. , _ • " I have not met V George, for very many seam .audjetalLprahnality mares. f-you ever etteatinn-:telfhiM..for the, that her haa'en. ilaredbyifeelf. tpeekeitoutst4 . righl . :tnltided parilite boy," :y.itie. - graceful, lB!OPll, l o and most vivid picture, of the peculiarities of the "old town," pt aftitue, obeli it, wee the very ceutie o the earth"' if nut tlat world it , ' self. • Tell bim, thatinire ( ' ' among the.Gerittatis. there ha 'one' " an elderly one et thdt, whose bead ie white with . inany a -attire yard' blosiorn—one ION) has teen, and . .felt, and en Joyed Muoltof vaesilise, who has beep ."multiplied brtin" Myht of whom, together . re .with the ultiplidande will probability;. keep .the oroltmtier Dom ever seeing "old' Ilthither,soutaberittod," but who never ;can cense hint to foiget lier-,-one ,who, holde,in dearest. remembrance, the , holy, teaching. good old George Duffield?: in the old Mane .dhurch, and ,aroutl,,whose• heart, the ' ideidant 6idneAes of the old ,toinoto. •ttott stood in the'yOrd.'still' twine, in all their virdant freehness and beittitY;.. tc1,1.:: Hai that that one, thanks blutfrote'hiSvery 'heart; for ids life-like toucliing eketob.. ~ • Yours truly, ' ' IL'E. W.= , Nth. We hkelio apologize for flit! the of t4o ill . riOar , firilhaq • One In lts prop oripi:o r for a - niitipoßer. sdlertleer le a cliderij o s yOarig, 40: a 'll49l,ol,‘oriolda: In . w oe .of iiiinao or Melo4eono p .iiap, 4apilidoi4MO erleatiOno: A teilitiiiti44,4eiw' from Wee bin ; top esyiithal; of fiep.erii*alk4r;'oeifiii:4Brnqf. 4: s dreigeona end ib iConeei ungll2 the , glitobei; eleot!poe, 14141 ifB;,,Jeimiton,l , ,o the thoond,Camobillieei,,iiiteiree, *ill be order; .ad to' procee d . ITl*o l riivind 'of chic tltph"expe4, slop atioltler. 'despatch itaye tbot both Hilrooy, theppM 04 , 8644 . :. 44-.040ti eicisinoti 'Tar 17"4.4)to:IFT•414.1011 " . . ..! bur . 4atifilEfifite .' Populur Written for the use:otmorobanitt itactitainene 771iterch)t - Cleorg.e Published by'lluyee4lelc,Philtidelphiiie;Z:y. volume - ,tinntaine lectures, .the--pupils _ '.Crittenden ommercial_Col! legs " They are of popofs~ ahereoter~ , and . intended to be misity-Maderatood by those who are .not 'lawyers 'by'.priitaiision.' Every , • • • young man oommanoing.*,ineroantile f ,tifo,' • _ : :shon Id_obtaln thla tilde. 'andatudy I lie will Berlin it:rill'thetie - oeienry; --struotion-concer u ing--Onttrastc - fr Mercantile_ PoPer--lin 11144;11w' Ageneies---Partnership,, Shipping—and Ilaritittinsuranae, -put up'fn portable ford): , Without ~tnige.ofthese things; no young-umn•onti-- bops to maltea merchant. ~ A nd many.‘taro:so : oir cumstsoced;',thot they cannot afford to ,spend . • time in ti Cotomercini',College acquiring this .. knoWledge. - .Much'creditl9.duo the publishers fur the , neat style in which they have gotten itup. ' korsale by flav,erstiek. •.; ALA.ENrowN, July 11 Grain,—New damp white wheat' at 1 80 to 1 611 and WI choice fensily.flour de a t W 2. ; Balesaf good to printe new sad 4 i:•11 red at 1 2041 80 per I:ldabel.-- Itye—Aboin 8000 .bushels of. Pennsylvania ; Bey offered' '9 ll 3 .o6ange . to -day, and part '..sold..at $1 12 poi iinsbely,whieh. is a - Whilst advance quotations. ...iltes.....,P,etinsylvaula gt 0844 audillaryland.Onts of 67460 cents. • , lot 0f.68 .bushels: new Virginiq , (Nita ;offered . 504 : At ~ceots per .•.buehela , flits:newton very , I it L, GRAHAM Fog JI7,LY:IB on,o , e tnhle, and this nonther sustains the high position which this periodical hoe taken.' . The,tahhitof toetents whieh we give speelie,ft}r itself. Steel'Engpiring, (The, 'greed bird.) Petit ions for_ August_,(colored • Matlatoelleltteinteitoti (Illustrated.) '„Winit, • - eatne of a - Party. Patient Theophilus and • Marinette;' The Poet.. The'Esnpress Josephine' (illustrated) Alone and . Net Alone. Maine Pickings trim foreign inn:nal:4. A nen' Love Stori Sketoh of on Bretton...for n Member of Parltatneot In England. Horne: Weeithrook ,Abby. Latteie from abroad Nly:ettrly Friends Hope. The Colieeuto Rains. A Strange Marriage Flower find Q;u•Jeu Hine, Ou; Curionitlen : ;Tire Cabinet of itii*it. &Mori. Eiiny tithbi bilk. Li brary nation& • FaAkin aril Drees (Illustrated.) Tile Ladies' Wiirk • table -• • (Illustrated:)-Comionlities. HAnran. rot JULY, is another magnificent number. Ws give the table of 'contents,. in which the itiost „fastidious taste 'eau find a Scraps from an Artists': Note Zook-. ,The — iCntih settlements, (Illustrited ), Tito SM.kers (Illustrated. The two KateS; or first rind - else -411 lose: *Causinsau.lpreventioof Ice. .Mr. cloigley's experience.— Thu' Eloperior Nu;Minot; the third. Mar cousin'.from.tJern. A family reminiscence: A summer Idyl: -The flolbrnok Donee The story of a piano. Lltqu •Dorrit (concluded.) Monthly I:e4i - rdtif—cur rent events. Literary tintless. Editor's table. Efitor'ro-BuSyobair.---Felliur's , Dinsrem -- Famil . Daguerreotypes, (brad everywhere, • F ashion . —for, July. • MACKENZIE'S FIVE THOUSAND Etcetera' in nil ihrUsSrUp and !MAJESTIC ARTS. A new American, Irma the latest-Landon Edition, Bro. pp. 456. Published by - Hayes & Zell, -Market street, Philadelphia : ' . • This is the great Recelpflitcrok which lies attained,such celebrity in England. The pub lishers bare conferred n great fa'vor on the American public, by re Is s uing it 'here, with au iaany -valuable additioorr. • Tho 'medical _inn has been elm dined and ada ted to the 11: S. A great-ninny tllnnOuB receipts have bleu inserted, and numerotis.originai re •oeipts from the beet '4.Kticheu" authorities, for preparing various animal and ;getable delicacies. It forms, of itself, a complete ppetical library. All the known valuable rttOsipts, are here collected, nud ea arranged,. as to 'be conveniently used. They` embrace leverydepariment in the useful and domestic' arts, and no ono can plead ignorance in these arts, if they poSsess a dopy of this work.. It should find a place in eery household in our land. For sale by S. ilaverstick. -- ' — TilitTwsTrrtirk — CnonuS of Popnbar appropiate and pleasing VOCAL PIECES, fOi CLASA SINGING' Compiled and ar• ranged by FRANCIS li. BROWN, (pp. 208,) price 60 seats.. Pubbelted by Willman Hall & Son, Bra .dway, New York. • , This work ItribTended for those, who hove learned the Bret rudiments of music, hence no is devoted to elementary principles, with vocal exercises: The pieces selected are of "the higherordei of music. Standard pieces arranged.as Solos, puetts mid Trios, " List to the Cinivent " Come o'er the moon. • lit Sea" " The Messenger Bird" " Origin of the Harp" ",The Lonely Bird" to, Mo, Ore .. samples of the contents. ' • " There are over on:; hundred such Fader, any two of which in sheet form, would coat as much its the whole book. Every musician will tit once see, that it is a valu,blo eullec lion: for a very'emall sum of money. For sale by Sbryock, Taylor & New Mumc.—Publialied by Wm. Hall & Son. 289 Bromlway, New York. • _ La Rode Da Florehde, Polka tittsurkti, by .Alphonso Woo. A very brilliant little piece 'And rather eaay. Dix Mecum:A — pope Le Pbinn" ihnluding "Fen Fullet," Chant ;B,ine Peeples," and .Reyerie" by 11. A. Walbenhaupt.. These Ocoee aro moderately eimple.and ad H—mtrably -- arrang_e_d-ferloung;Terforreiera.--- - The Lovere Leiter Box Scottleh,._ by 11, A Wullenhaupt. ,Brilliani and not very di4eutt. The Swan Qaadrtllee, by Richard Linter. Pretty and molly arranged. Ettbi ding, Bapnd aupg by D B. Wombabl, ccipippeed by,.1,. R. tbunas, Be ktitiful &lad touching blit;r character. • • • .•. . . • , !Ipar.One To Love, Balla - 11,0g by Mr. Ferolval, rOusio by J . R. - Thomas. • , • 1 , For sale by Shrlook, Taylor & Smith. • nALTimonin. 31A1111311T, noun ANA MUL.,--There was a Air devoted, !tor Flour today „ at $7 50 'per bbl. audd,the; market 'eared steady! at the quotation pow quote nominally;.(ibio ultra at 7 7548. power' street do. 8 25. City .Mille de: :at 8,25a58 60 per bbl.• Flour—;;No • salsa to-6sy. ,Wa quote at 4 8041, 021 .per burn Meal—We quote' country meat • t $ 8 75 lend city 40. at $1 25 per bbl. The ielebrittait'aftha ae4enti eighth cool terse 4 of the stormAie *Oa ail the latti'!eiteat vas a grand 000aitotli. :•*tie•ooteerefoiii,of at:cement to oe,eregiil',oe'..ttie s 'weeniety•_of' cauiregeti'ittahiht with NPf'inifiott were /%0 10", t ) egigd' ) ;PrI° 10 •J ' Ad4' itaesea*nicbandsr by ftk,,liati:•PeOltaitt STATE CEWrRAAt. COMMITTEE, Ttie President qr the late Amerlean Eeplth oirt..o Convention )the 'appointed the following CPlntrilltle. 4 11- Joesph casey,, ,Jqlnti. J. Clyde. e `, . George Bergner, 1. John a' Salßrieo.' l• William D. Kelly, Siniopirth.ktyere,;;;--- ~ seppra., Henry whitc.. • .notes Edwards t • Lindley-Bmit6r--.= a. --J.-8.-Lanoneter,- .P. C. Elio:taker, , Yottoh Onse , er. '11:L - Benner, Edward C. Knight, , Doeid Newport. Edward. Darlington, %Vinton' H. Keim, • IVilson Cosweli, Peter Martin. J. Worth . Thomas E, Cochran, David E. Small. E- C.-.l%laPherson r --- BAl.ush Potriken,-- John Penh Jones,' ,W. P Miner, dohs Laporte, L. P D. Gillespie, C. B Curtis, John N Vorvinnoo, 1) I. Eaten, 'Robert P. SI eDonell,- - D - E "Finney, John IL Wells, .J R. Vie. T• •I• Coffey; A.. J -Fuller, John COVMII, • R'obt. M Palmer. Zlarriages. On the sth inst..t..b.. tho Rev. T. Daugherty. Mr. WILLIAM REIDICII,. in Mies,Auna R. MACMORRAN, both of Carnal° • • , With:, the above notice, leo received. a generous slice of delicious wedding cake,for which tho yeano couple hnvo our gratefill thanks.. May thelliir bride :who 're. Jumbo ed the printer, over find matritneny to be"' " The silken lie. that binds two wiling hearts.! 'Qn the 7tb butt., by Abe Rev. A. U. Krimer.4lr. MR. NELAUS DURNIII,IO NM 11E11110; both .1' . . • • . Sutidehly, on f. miday last, Mrs.: DIARIA, STEVEN SON,Iaged about 73 years. - The death of ihts estimable lady is• partirnlnrly die, tressina. from the fact that both of her daughters. with their husbands, Bev. [Jr. MeClintoCk and hrofrdsor Marshall. are now in Europe end her son [Jr. T. C. Stevenson, we Are ItiformeiC is absent on a: visit to Maine: • , * We have frequently heard of- the celebrated German hitters,- sold' by hr. (I. itl.,..lackson. 20 Areb street. Philedelpitla. speken.of In terms of the ititthest chniniondotlon, nod we honestly believe that lt, is one or the beet Inedielnes'idrertiseti for the com plaints for 'which It is recommended. They are plea sant to the tante. and can be taken under any dream _ atnnees by the most delicate - steinarb. ThepresSfer and wide, - linvibunited lit - coffinienaliii thin invaluable remedy the dyspepsia, debility. ke.: morsnrit are the hoofing effects ol this panacea. that nee, hope It may be introduced to every family where dyspepsia has or Is likely to have a victim. See advertisement:. . WOOD'S 11.. An t. RESTORATIIYE..-Pnif. Wood. the ronnetned - d rarer of the ihval noble flair Revtorstiih, still continuos to labor In -behalf of the Ills Wilke& . o &edit-Ines aro utilvervally.admitted by the Am., riven press to be far superior - to all others for causing. theintir on the. agod that has been silfernd for many , - yearr, to - grow - lbrth - nith ermined rigor - nuo - luxuriance - as whop biassed with theadvantages ofYouth. - - There can be no doubt - tliat It Is one of the greatest discoveries Ili the medical world'. It restores. perma nently gray-bole to -Its original whir: and lushes It as sume a beautiful silky texture. has liven very desirable' In all ages of the•werld.—St. lyoula Morning herald. - ter I.Dlt. - - SAN FO JP'S I A T4411-lu-rccommappled - iblbe pnbfiq relylbg upon I trbuilc oxcelloncolo necure It favor:. y For all 1111inun attacks, It may be truly nail _safely re. lied - upon is being 'fully . ciipable of rimming the die, easels for which it Is recommendpd, and for giving tone and vigor to the general sysioin. ltd quniltle. have been hilly tested In a long prac tice; by the proprietor. Through the urgent . solicits. Bonn of ninny, who have been Induced-by plarett be. fore the . public. - - Far' all Bilious Denuigements; dirk liendach, Phronle Dlarrhien, Habitual rostiviiroms. - 131 lions Cholic •Dyspepsln, NM In the • Stotliecli'lißil Bow els, aimed Debility, Feritle . Weakness, &e. For sale by druggists generally. i S DALLT'it GENUINE PAIN EXTRACTOR subdue the pal n and intlaptatlon from the severest burnt, or soalds, In from one to twenty minutes—and - that will heal the - wounds without fa scar; and effectually' • Fever the Swes—Piles—Salt Rheum—lnflammatory -ItheuinattsoL.Sonvand Inflamad-byes—Cultt—Wounds —Bruises—Old and Inveterate bores—Scald Head— Cores and iilllli ol lK — Eryedka:as=Spntins--. it.. leliati. - - - .Chllblains.-111tes of insects—Swelled and lire too ilistafft-Suro Nipples--. Eruptions—and all other , inflammatory* and cutaneous diseases, whore the parts Don't be Incredulous about the faulty diseases named to be cured by only one thing—but reflect - that the few hut - positiie properties which the Dailey :Wye alone contains, and as heretofore _enumerated—one to tour can reach:not y tht te,..3. , diseases, hut Query.—Do not regular bred physlciansprencribe (ado' mel In drardly nor scores of different diseases! • • Each box of OnilllNE DALLVA PAIN EXTRA6 . OII has up , milt a Steel Plate Engraved Label with the signatures of C. V. °LICENSER A CO..,proprleters. and 'LEN Y ItA I,Litr .. , manufacturer. All others arc cosaterfelt. All orders should be addrdssed td C. N. Cllekener Co., Ell Barclay street, New York. ' , Rau iltmertisentents. I NTSON' •EAV - 7 - 1 - Li,usTßA'- T LI/AND LIMBELISIIIID MAP of the Republics of orth America. with the. adjacent couutries and Is. lauds; compiled drawn and• engraved from Ilia Unite,* States Laud and Coast soil British Admiralty Surveys, wad other raliallia,resources.__ A __SOM:I.IOIt COPEOCLATO 1 ;S011AVQ19. Published by A. J. JuIINSON, Now York nail Washington. This work exhibits the whole of North America, South of the bulb Parallel of Latitude; euibracing. the .Canadas, the United States sad 'Perrßuries, ilexico,Cers trot America. the Isthmus of Panama, the West India Islands. New Brunswick, Nova &Mil, and part of South •Atnorica. Also a superior map of the World.. All the Cohuties In the United States and Territories are named and colored un the face of Map . . . The large scale on which the Map Is pnuected has enabled.us to giro a tifuch letter Mop of Mexico And. Cu ntral America than has ever before been exhibited In coudection with our country, • This work - has been carefullycompiled, draws and engraved by D. EL Johnion, who for twenty years has been engaged In drawing and engraving maps. 411ir Bnld at ONE MICE ONLY by 8.8 SULU:NUMB:MIL Agent fur Cumberland Co.. July 22, 1857-3t* rill.: AC LI Elt'S 1 . 1 . 1 AN TE 1).--Seve Teachers are wanted ',to take charge of Schools In South Middleton distil Int. Salary nor first class teacher $27, second chips, nd third class $2O. .An examin ation of teachers. will take 'place at the t'apertown school house on Friday the 7th of August, where appli• cants are requested to attend.. .lly order of the Board' July 22, 1857-3 E J. 11ECKSI AS, Sac. ARION :HALL AGAINSI"rHE WORLD FOIL 0001) IDAI/UCitItIIOTYPES AND I.;AA ONTV PES.-=. G. C. BRANDON teifitid reSpectrulty announce to the cltleuus of Carlisle nod thu public gun erully, [tat hu hos taboo .the , flaguorreau Gallery in !Arlon Hall, (lately occupied by A_ U. Kea.). secured the services oplr. 8.0. Nuagly, he le preparnu to urcuumodste all Woo, oho desalt GAUD Plt:T1111bo of thutneolces or families. AlEirTheso Rooms have beetriltted tip An a superior style on the 2nd Instead of the Bd - 110 , 11 . ee horetaqrn, and are intended to- be a pr.manent location, cense qtrently-noue but,Perfeet kieturee will lie allowed to learerthetiallery.- -All pictures. not free of charge.. Pictures copied from old .Thignerrouthirs nr9brtralts; also Inserted In Lorkets, Breastilinsdlugurrlngs, SZ.INifiIITCTI.ONS glien on rensounble terms.. Allaro limited to. odll•nud examine our micrlissens nrlclibelfjudge fur tltouiselves. ' • July 22,1667-4su !lint; rxiwTrt ABOUT KANSAS! Coy. Onary's 4dualuistration In Kansa' ;. large i2nie.34B pages, With a complete history of the Terri• tory, until June, 161 , 1. .Embracing a. full acoount of Its discovery, tieogtaphy, Sol., climate, Products,. its Organisation as. a ,Territary,•traesactions and events widerDevernors Feeder and Slislin9n. polltbalcilaseu sluntaersonni ItencoUntera•Flettloh Frauds, 'lattice and Outrages, with - . Portraits olipromluent actors there. ,tn, all authenticated by Jona H. (tinny, Private Secretary to Henry. Carefully compiled • from the °Mall dectimenttran Ole to the department .of Mate at, Washlagton..and other papers In the posses . pion Of the Auther,,with account of The Invader of kanSas !Wm Missouri; the capture and treatment .of the Free .Btate' prisoners, the charectee:and move --menta gf the, Missouri Homier Ruffians, , the murder, of . ittofumsed others..!•The controversy between Dever rev Unary and 'Judge Geonetple. ? he .proveallOlto of the Territorial Ijigislature, of the liro•Slaveri' comrst, Men. end the organisation of the National' Dentecretti• 'Party, with a liketch of liensia during its early Itroy,. ,blee tinder tiers 'Haider and Shannon. Its Invasions, Battles, Outrages and Murders... • • • ••, •• • A copy will be Boat to any poker ihe United pintas, bjr.mall, free of postage, on the reeelplef retail A liberal discount to trade, .0/-1600 ,Ageula want.. ed. PRICE - Its Cloth It Paper;6o eta • CitAiti.C.4 C. RIIODUS, Pubbodter.jf - Jtfly . Inquirer Building, philre. DgNNSYLVANa SOCK: L ETY.—E. A. ilitapslieviug been :duly;,apPl oin ted, the ligeriVet She Peensyleanlit 'pink tioeirty, - to 'can. Cumberland • County: is now, engaged:ln that lot; portant work.: His duties are to visit every. In the county, tell euddletributallibles end Tenements. 'and receive dointfletyl•PplO th,,r!lpplpi3r. to earrliagOti her Operations.' : • •We liononsind 'him - ,arid late. cause:to-the people of I C l Cumberland 001111kr.. . , L i - ~ C ONWAVP: wtNit - JA1:01.11C14 • ' • •KIIPMW ,;;;, It, D. CHAMBERS.- • ,yi;3302 - 0,11 . 3117I—It.) DAIIIMIIMITY, To,erkE, OPPOUlkitTEtt-' 4,LAND.:oo,•74foffMatioo,Througli obllcitotion of nu m. of o k y *l9uds, bl,ll boon Induced ,fooffor to s ou IritittildiffSAffafo,offlffrof OffuottTreal. 4fo,would fooplukftiff*: 4 .7f . . y..zpmur imppor4; :440 4 . . 7 1 4: stoio PhAleolOphia, Lamps Colupaq, umenn, /3,clrtlair vlber*oods oultaVo OiSho season; I'v • I -2,1:41A1t 5 . /. ; : : MHP•Yig/P.*P?::- ANTILLAS' T44 . 44eopiveJ I#,r g e gr ?m" 0, 4 1,* meet' o•4lllll.o6crtUrt' =ME C SLR ". 41 A, 8 .. fIISPORITD IeC3. ' ;THE EIEp.ALD.I •,! • - Oinuai.t; liodnesdai, July 41,7.E 1 , 5t, t4ortft . :du - 1 . , ,:/14, - ; • • - :7,50 Sp! . I‘, • 8;76 buebolzi , ' 1,85 4ED •__ do• do - '4,75 Mt! - 4,ii - Count • Oato • , Cciivintazzo TIMOTHYSEED, WltitTE: BARLEY.I. - . - -, i do • Neu) dthuertisenteitis ..--.):0T1.011 . TO • SCHOOL DIREOT . • • 0,1113 TEACIIEIigi • ti examination of Tee:Client for the Public Echccds • will be held as follows: . • ' Mechanicsburg, August 6, at .1 o'clock, P. M, • Bouthafiddiettni, • " .7, 9 " • A. M. librtti Middleton,. 6...8, • 9 " " v re 6hippcnihurg p ore' .6 10 , L " p 91. souchnuioton, • ,"' 11; 10 " A. 31: Shippentilturg twp. " 12, 1 , " pi. •• . biewrille; " 13,, 1 " - Newtint, • • '.' 15, 9 A. 3l ; . " 17, • p. •. 3111111 u; " 18, 1 " • " • Yranklbrd: • • " 'l9 1 " • v " • West Pen Dt,kineimnsbore, " ~ .• " A. 21, ,• • • " • " • BlWer Opting, , (••• ." 22 , 9•" • Monroe, • •• " 0 u , . Upper Allen, " 25. .10• " • • ' Lower , • " 20, '.' P. U. '• Ifamptittn," ' ; 27, 1 "• Man Pennebiiro , 28, 10 —6- A. 3I: Cumberland, " 31, 1_ 31. • 17 - 1111i - Tdreiturt -- will Appoint the places of meeting and" iurnith everything requisite for the purpose et conduct lug the examination. a The examinations will,bo public, and the citizens are Invited tootteud. . DANIPI.BIII.I.I.Y. • July 22. 1867,41] Co Supt. et Cern. Schools.. f!ULD D A L--P It MIU ‘ PIANO FORTES.. • ScILLTADI KNABE, senior In • -r of the late firm of Knaixepreitie A Co., continut $ manufactuie and side of tiftA AL/' AND BM/Alit. P....NE-FORTES, under the name of WILLIAM KNABE ,k 1 co., at the old Meted. Nos. 1,3, 5 and 7 North Lutaw strict, Opposite the CLUMP 11.nse. Baltimore. ' ' 1 hank ful to the extensile patronage received by the late Wm teethe last fifteen years. I respectfully bog lextvotoittform the public. that since-the death of one - of my partners, ttr. Itmnry , timid°, by 'which the port nership was dis,ived, .1 hate purchases'. the entire • , large stock of. unfinished flame, lumber, end other prepared materials belonging to the Into Arab I shall Muroran ettniit.ue the business at the old eta die . -above and .111 endeavor not only to suetnin the well • established reputation of the late firm. Lut to, excel • all former eThrts,in perfeeillor the Piano Forte. ' ' Since the dissolution of the late firm, I sue manufac turing Pianos on a now nod:much Immured wale.-- 'the first Instrunionfilifished accordiorto the new do. signs, was dePts4.s-Lin,the_Fair_oL.thp_3larylandlosli - CuteAccitil October, 7855. oh Which it took' the highest . honors of the Institution, -having been awarded the '"Gold Blednl Premium." over the unusual 'competition . of fourteen Pianos, oxhibited by some of the, best ma kers or Itostem,•NeW York mill halthnore. - -At the Annual Industrial Exhibitions. held in Or. • _taber,-140..and.0ct0ber..1.850.-by.the tlechatticsDtlusti. -tufo of itichtliolld;Vlrginla, my Pianos were also awed._ ed the IlLtheet Premiums. Again; et the Into Fair of the Maryland Institute, held itetober. UK after xi- most - thorough and 'etr' no. - Usually protracted inv.:801;1%0lb of the merits of the eighteen Instruments on exhibition, from the most eelebrated•factorles of Ualtlutore a New York 'and Doss - Mn.'my Planon were again aWrirded the hlsheet how.; of the institution, they hating re mired the Vold Medal Certificate," an honor only adjudged to articles puperlem_morit-us—to-dory—irompetifi , • . AUCCURSIVI, years. Also, at the Third Exhibition of the MittroPoliten D ebonies Institutes held In Washington. -L March -- VW they were Mice !nom awardeertho highest lion, ors. With regard to the qualities of my planes, 1 confi dently refer to 'the testinamlials I am constantly 10. caving tuna Professors and Artdeura. speaking fur themselves and others, of tho high appreciation In which my Instruments aro always hold, and which can, - be, seen at my Warerooms. Aud this ie •the beet and most reliable assurance I can offer to customers, apara from my own knowledge of the Instruments, that in purchasing tat p,y establishmeet, they are _guaranteed_ the Pesszsgion of a Piano, equal, If not superior, to any made in ibis country or Europe. All Pianos built nt my 14u-tory - have full Iron Frames, being so constructed as to secure groat- additional strength. without affecting the year, and therefore will stand In any climate. Planes made to Oldor, ' of any la . • The grenteslcare is bestowed upon my work, and the selection of the Materials a and avert' Instrument turned out of my factory can therefore bo fully wat• ranted as possessing all the 'totalities requisite fora ' good Plano. — 7 - 2 - , instruments of my manufaci tire are also guarati- - teed for fire y ears from the day of sale Particular Intention is paid to the selection of In. rtruments for distant ordure, and a tRIVIZACI/i or'ix• cussuaxgrar ted at any time within_ six months from the day of sale, should such Inetruatient not givotaatire satisfaction. 10,..WHOLESALE //FAMES will sue it to their /Montt agisto give 1130 a call before purchasing elsewhere.- Isok_Constantly on hard a lino assortment of DEONS, of the best makers, at prices from 5.15 te with single. and double reedy—and Iliad with double koy boards ankstope, Well adapted for the use of small churches. PIANOS exchanged, hired, or tuned. • , WM. KNABE. • Th, following testimonials from two' of the moat evid nent Pianists hi the werld,mill,show-how-n.y-Instru inenta are appreciated ,by thorn great Peribrmers, uh• have had opportunities, fur testing the bent Planes oo Lumps and Ameri. a: .f Ms. 11 Aligaes, Baltimore: Dear Sir: 1 have great pleasure in' certifying that I hove tried your Square Pianos, and hitd.them (lord. it not superior to soy In this country. _Among their great qualities, which distin4ulsli them, is the eveness of tone, the agreeable end even , touch, and volume of tone. Wishing you all the success you so highly de serve, Id am, sir, yours vary truly, Baltimore, Dec. Cii, 1850. . B. ILIALBERO., To slcasslOThlslrnsftdri Co., Baltimore: Gentleman l'erodt me to express you herewith my 'sincere thanks for the superb Onind and Square Pianos which you have loaned toe, and on which I have per formed at my concerts. I cannot but cormmt'ulate you ? upon the immense progress and improvements you con-. continually make on yonr Pianos. which, in my opin ion, rank among the very but in this country. With hearty wishes for your success and prosperity, which you richly deserve by your en terpties,'energyvirisi activity, ' I remain yours. very truly, '• •- July 15. TRA7—ly. . MMd slit ICE STRA MISCH. cUMBERLAND VALLEY iNsTr. TUTlL—Euglisle, Berman, French and Claeslost I.e. eel tar Young Ladies and Gentlemen Mechanicsburg,. Pa.—This favorably known Boarding School, conducted -by ten well qualified Instructors. C ,, MMerseell` Ito next session on MoLdny July 27.. Pupils attending Ole In. Xlitution will be prepared. for the practical duties of fitted far any clam Its College. Special at. Mutters wl sus given to the education of Teachers.— Terms, very °dorsi° and reanenable. - Parents, g ardiann and others. wishing particulars, will address I. D. ISUI'P & IL COYLE, • Proprietor's. Rev. T. - G. APPLE, Vice Pyincipal. July 15, 1857.. .-fit. App rroit'S NOTICE. =I ti -the nint ter of the Ertato ofrarob lofts, late of the towei nhip of a f oot l'otinshorough, deed.- - The uodersigned; oPPointod Auditor by the Orphans' Court. of Humber' laud mune". to distribute among the legatees, the Nib' 'once. as shown by the alccount'of thol:xecittors, of the said decedtint, natant' and confirmed by the'llaid court, wlll mealtlut devisee& legators and all other parties ' lutereeted. FT the put pesos of hisappolntmentf on:Fri - day, the Tat der_ Of Angell...loZ. at We10ck..A.411.-at lotiler,ln Cite borough of Calla., of which- meeting - they will Hesse take notice.' W. M. PENROSE, Auditor. • July.l3, 1857".[5t. ' .• iiflietorT, wIU be reinkon R, EGIST-ERI--Pello* citizens : . ';tro hu g h ttio earnest selleitailon of friends. '1 n ' • er tuyeelk as n candidate for the office of itkalSTEll, • '''. of Cutaborland'enunty. subject to the deglsi.n of the Union County Convention. and respectfully elicit the support of my party friends. In the several townships,. for the nomination 1 plugging myself. lf alerted, to 'ills. charge the duties of the uffice, with fidelity - and kupar. •tiallty. . • -. - i l • • DANIEL 51/1.11871'. • ~. Shop erdstown. July 8. 1857. !ii. • : ' :. NULLS! MULES'! I. t, a S an i elt Y v e A ll t l i r iLl sal ‘ Ne,DaT'Y wille ry in c . o n i r fe e ' LI%7 • . WO% 0/ Kentucky Dlules, • which are now ox. . , ....Is •--- ••. posted daily. and an be seen. at ~their • y at Churentown, six. miles mouthy:kit of 'Carlisle.- ' urchasel II are requested to examine the stook, MP thy In and ,xl,O animals to be equal, if npt aurairu,r, te s y than have over been brought to this market. •• , July 8;1857. [tr. , . .. .. . • ' York Casette and Ytyderiek Examiner publish six • .times, end send bill to this office for collection. G. C. BRANDON ELF CURE !--=A l-4A BOON TO TIRE; Alt FLICTEDI • - •inratte Head aud 'Mind Affections, Incl. ra tg r eo ,, A re surep t t u lo n, n. tat/ o o r t 'the System, Loss or Memory, IndL tition, &finial Debi- Atp and involuntary Emission, Pigs. DISMIWO. 0r the Kidneys and OrSaus therewith connected, whether re. -*tilting [ran Imprudence or otherwisg,--are invariably and permanently cured by Dn. Cotwznwsti.'s. famous. RADICAL ItEOENRRATOR. the • full particulars ,of which, -wltheid any unprollostionsl secrecy, will be .gmtis to any address on receipt, or mdanipsd upvelope prpere7dlrected. . . , - lir The surceraful resullitif the Itudisti years have prated th.s Remedy' to ho the I NIX lIFFECT DA I: CUBIC extant ter the above Complaints, and the, descrlpt9n or II is diet% in so plain asmaniter, that overy,,,one i s uu, .444 4111'4E1E1.p OVCOESSFULLY AND Addroist, post. LINE, ° • •, Post Box, N0:4568.1(ew York tity. TAOUBLE .ENTRY% ,. :IIO()K-ICE1411"- ;jur EtnaKiltAMICT pAgit; •-•-. . • . , o;:tii,j,lo9lFr; Oioppstf4ll,y Infortna Abe 'cabana of ' tbta'plaae and.vtabalty, that -be stye Inetmattone to such tadlea, Gentleman and Youths:as oboosa to pe 'butte hi:A.l4oe above , branches, at him/looms,' North , 'lliattiar 'street, over :Y.Z. LBERT'SSivoteryStaaa. .sod.. Balanced, Carnal bated ZotrieearAipatel, and Oven,(lu accounts) .144,4tei teasona gtvanto'!..adtat at their realdentes:, it . , ditttit, atera ' firitratilna, 'anted. lo) 41141 ,40 d/ 4 and iu the nvatest manner, to .- Terms made known at • • '.71aT1M,1141;;.,14. - 6,50 1,15 :d'of wood, end with
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers