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T 1 ~, vb.., ~ ... , pp. ... ,e I . ~ v. - .•1 , , --,..r.r., , . . . , ..., !.. la ',. 4 - .i.'t4l o"..F.'ir , $0 . . 1 '. -''', Ls. , I ' •-, • 1 I ' _.1.: ' • ' . • .. , , , s. '. '. ' ' ' ` l . . . , ~ , . II SE VOJJ LVII. EDI,TED AND' PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETOR' ISt WILLIAM DI;PoRTEIL. ME TERMS, OF 'PUBLICATION . , • . The CARLISLE IXERALD • piiblishod weekly eq is - serge sheet containing twenty eight cillumns, and furnished to subsorlbots at $1.60 if paid strictly In 'edviluee $1.76 if pahlwithlu the yebr; or 82 In nil easel; when payment to delayed. until after the exPiratio I of the year. No dubscriptlons received fora leas period than fdx months, and none discontinued.nntil all arrearages aro paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Papers Sept to subserlbere living, out of Cumberland county' must be pSid for' in advance. or the payment iss/umed by tone responsible person living lu Cumborloud court -4., These 'tome will be •righily adhered to In all MOS. • ADVERTISEMENTS, 'Advertisements will be charged $l.OO pes square of tweivp lines for three Insertions, and 25 cents for valh subsequent insertion. All advertisements of less tban twelve lines considered as a square. • Ad vortlioments Inserted before Marriages and deaths 8 runts per line for first insertion, and 4 cents pub lino for subsequent insertlons..• Coenniunitattfinis oil sub- Jude of limited or Individual interest will be charged 5 rents per line. The Proprietor will not be responsl. ble In damages for grrors in ativertismnonts,- Obituary notices or Marriakbs not ascending 11Ve lines, will be inserted without charge. JOB PRINTING The Carlisle Herald JOB PRINTING OPPIOE to tho largest and mo s t complete establishment In therounty. Three good Presses. and a general variety of. material suited for plain and Fancy work of every kind enables us to do Job Printing at the shortest notko and - on the most reasonable terms: Persons in want of Bills, Blanks or nnythlog In the Jobbing lino, will Ond It to their interest to give us a call, Every variety of Blanks con/tautly on hand.. tioteraf anti Corttf anformution. U. S. GOVERNMENT. President—J*lm I.lvoil,ANA Y. t. Vico Prosidont.—ofouN li. HItECKENRIDOZ, ,Seeretnry of Stott+ —Gan. LMVIS CANd. Secretary of rut erlor—JAol.lll Boccotztry of Truasury*---Ilowni. Couu. =B.3eretary War,—JoHN--11.-FLorb—____ SeCretary of Navy,-15.w.0• Touoxr. Yost blaxterOonoral—A. V. BROWN. • Attorney Ilonom1—.11:111311 HI S. lILA6S. Chief./ ustico_Of—tlko_Poitoil. kltatos—ll. 11. 'TAZIIII, STATE-- GOVERNMENT. ZES . • • .. • Hourotury of st,do—AuDnuu. G. CUR2III. - , tiltryOyOr 00ROMI—JACOD FRY, OR, _ • . , Auditor Gonoral—Joils Rows. ' TiossurerilVinir S. Meonsw. ' Judges of thu Suprema Court—E. LEWIS, 3. lif• Alm MONO. W. 11. LOWRIE, li• A. WOODWARD, J, C. litiox. COUNTY OFFICIHIS , President Judge—llon..latues It. Graham: Agapelate Judges.—:llon. Michael Cocklln, Samuel :Woodburn, Prothinotory Daniel K. Noell, • . - Recorder Se,—Jobirlil. Gregg.' • . • . Regiseer—William Lytle.' Thiputy, .7.llOmming: County Treason Adam Sonsoman. ;,,„ ~,, - • - ' Coroner Mltelioli .)loillellan. . . County Commissioners-00*e M. tinhorn, William M. Ifmnforson, Andrew Kerr, - Cierk,to Commissioners, - Allillibr MOO. . • Directors of tho Poor—George Brindle, John C. Drown, Samuel Tat.. Superiutondent of Poor HOW Joseph Lobach, . 73011.0U r ilygFICEII • Chief Burgess— -Robert Irvine Jr. • f...rtssistatit. Burgess,—george Bendel. - - Town Council—J. B. Parker (President) John Gut. shall, James Caillo,-sr. Franklin thirdner, ;hound Mar . tin,,Reter Slonyer; Sa mueli Wetsel, J..D. Halbert, Jecob . Duey. • I Clerk to Council.—Wm. It. Wotsol. .• • Couotobloo—John Sober, II Consthble; Itobert AlcCartue), IVard Constable. • CHURCHES, Flrat Presbyterlan'ellurab Northu•eat angle of Con tro Square. Rev. Conway, P. Wing Pastor.—Services ! -'lll4efq tiunday Morning at 11 o'clock, A. 31., cud 7 o'clock p. M. ------'7. -- - - socaid - PiexbylorlanChiirch, corner of Sonth L allover and Pont ret St. outs. Itev. Mr Ealls, Pastor. Services s • • ',commence at l (o'clock, A. M., and . 7 o'clock P. 31. .;.„ k,. 2 8t. John's Church, (Prot. Episcopal) northeast angle of 'lo3entre Square. Rev. Jacob 11. Mores, Rector, Ser.vicce I. ,f at 11 o'clock A. 81., and 3 o'oloek, Ewalt eh 1.11910111)1 Church, 'Bedford between Main and lam t her streets. Bev. Jacob Fry, Pastor. Services 4.41 o'clock A. 31., and 7 o'clock' I'. 31. B erman Reformed' Church, Louther, between Him • ci‘or soli Pitt stroats. Roy, A. 11. Kreider, Pastor.— Mt wlgs o lt , A. 31, and ny,o'clook I'. 31. 1-4 1.i'Itt e Street . S t '.. IE. r.hli.(lll.ltuclb.errl:aTto"r'leAriVicucasnal 11 o'clock A. 51, and dll y o'clock' I'. 91.' • Methodist E. Church isecolur charge.) Bev. Thomas Daugherty, Pastor. Services In College Chapel, aC 11 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock,' I'. M. Roman Catholic Church, Pomfret scar East street. Rev. Jathos Barrott, Pastor. Services on tEe 2nd Sun a day of each month. German tu,therau Church corner of Pomfret and Bedford streettl. Rev.l. P. Nam:hold, Pastor. service 14.0% A. U. 'sir-When cheuges lu the' Mauro are flummery the 'moor pursues are requested to il^tify us. DICKINSON COLLEGE - , - , , Rev. Chnrlos .Copms,ll.Usidont end Professor (,. of Illoral Science. v , t ,, '. ' . 7 •...--',. . .. Itev. livrnion M. ;Johnson, Profssor of. Philosophy, nod English Literature. • Jornes W. :11arahall; Professin,of:A•telent laleguagon. :tor. Otis THLuy . , Proimoro3luthunmtleb. C. WU. on, Professor' of :Natural Seim.° and Curator of the Museum. Alexander Schein, P ro f e s sor of Hebrew and Modern •Sanouel D.: Hillman ' Pho rlnclide of t Gianunai School. Jatnui P, elarshall.Astdstaut - le the Uranltuar Selteol. BOARD.OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS AiWren Blair, President, \ 11. Paxton, P. Quigley, E. Cornman..l. (1, Williams, J. Plainiltbn, liderelary,Jabon W. Eby, Treasurer, John Splrnr, 31caseuger. -Meet on llioistßoutlay_pl each Mouth attl o'clock A. 31. ut t'AV utAtitei Hall. CORPORATIONS 'I , • CARLISLE bEPOSIT DANE.—Presilest Richard "Parker, ...Cankler. 11'111.31. Ilentensoleiks:2,l', lianler, N: C. lion saltuan, C. W, ledd, Ilivetors, Richard Parker, John 'Lug • IluglStuaart, Thomas Pakten:lV. 0. 'Woodward. Hobert Moore, Joktrestulei SOll, /testy Logan, Samlel Wherry. ' CU/JILERIAND VALLEY KATE RoADALSawssir.—Prealdinat,. Freda. ink Widta; Secretary. and-Tr,easurur, Ildwur.l lilddia; Supnrlulandeut, U. N. Lull. Passenger trains twlcu a day. _Eastward insvlng Cathsiont 6.3do'cluck' A. 01. and 0,10 o'clock P. IL 'l'wo trains ovary day Westward, leaving Darlisln at 10,00 o'clock. A, 11.yauu 2.2 u I'. 111, • enaLtsLifLis , AND WATER Colsnml2.-;Proaltlent, Prod: crick Watts: lueretary, Leann!' Todd; Tv:Santos 'II tn. 01, lantern; Directors, , P.. - Watts, itichatl Par)ter,lol4 . al' road, %Via. Va6.lluotitut - Dr. , W. Dald; , yraiskilul Llardnurjilunry Muss and L. M. Nadia. CUMIISRLASM VALLES' BATI/1.-.PrOSideta. rett ; Cashier. 11.4.13turgeou; Directors, John.B.-Sterrett,'' Wm. Her, .bleichoir Irene. man, Itlchant,Woods, John o.'lluulap, Bold. C. Sterrett, )1. A. Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlap. POCIETIES „ Cumberland Star Lodge 197, A.. Y.131....Reete et Marlon ',114.11 on , the dud gild 4thlttesdayi,L of every, Illonth. • ' ..; t ; . . Bt. Johns Lodge No 200 A. , , Y. 214 -Meets Odf . day of each mouth, at Marion-11.11.. ' csrllsle Lo i dgo No) U1!,1. di' U.. M. Meets Monday. eveniug,•at. fronts building., , i , UNION. FIRE , COMPANY, , , oikokwiiDl7B6: - • aIItEEIENV 01 1 1 ; ,I6ERE: • Pareinsta = E. cORNAt'An. . •.r .Tfen,rnser.— , -BA'AiIIEL'NETZEL, •• • • ,SISCRETArti-,ALEX, IL EIVINo„ IIIO,NyEE; Meet 'tile flint 4411;44 In - Mercil, June, i 3 iidelnbeli an 4 I)ocember. t , • ••, •t-• • • • ' • tostue. lettbri of gnerat (ounce trel t orAttn. der, J" .euts, per paid ? , except ,tp.,CBllifornill•i9ro l leBBol, which ltrctiltelitetethr: ' •• • • Postage en the ..Ite6thr .the:coutitt,n, free, Wlthltutlielltetels - c4ucs . pet yideY , lo at! 'lLlnltedtitatewthl eent's.:"l'behige Or itatmefit mow under 8 ouneBe , lu Welkht„l'cenytirB ,f•ln le unpaid/. Adverifetd lettere t01e0,1%te.,8 , .ittedverthdmv • ,' ' " '• ' 11A R 'Du (.)4L§ Agiutlier largi anorlmeOt Just ,rusolysit,,ltut! Ilst.onistsibuty luW . • • - • ; 010113. 00X1 0.E.; June 10, 1867. • • 100610.1 P PfinthigltthAftia."lA.r.‘;: I= 'Of the.Malakeff,':and he dreaded thepost, les , Inslead'elthebold wilting oihireen; it should bring here cold,' Ofltoial letter; • to cell her tit her only ohild hind followed tiiefatlier to peel dcer'e grave. , Butt happier fate was in store for her. 'See received a letteefrom Videorfull ei wondering thankfulness that hedied been spared, when bid nomintdotiel on hoth t eldei wate r er Mewed, •dolvn in their dedperittel rush hied' the Ade skBfr ; anti-the motlierread 'with' pride t Mii• tie had been one of the first to enter the fort, whisk had procured for_him the :sphiel notice_ iron he Mediterranean and the Ato: - TrEhTeemmareling officer. Bardmonths af. latitie f, but, from •the low level upon which 'ter; when t the , welcome pence was proclaimed, I most of the eitYkstande T and from the rapid and 'Jeannie Pet herself to work, to prepere the and often ridelleWcurrentra of the'rrvers, it has house fo r t• his return'; and, etialiin•itid after- frequently been tho scene of most terrible in- noon on which our story dommeneee, as she I undations. Embankments have been formed WWI kneeling down on the - floor, deranging at various points to wined the city from its some linen which she had just ironed, in a bee- watery lee ;„ but though useful in -restraining eel, she felt tWo hands laid upon her Acd any ordinnry rise, they are totally ibidequate ders, - nrl, sthrting up, found herselr in-'tip to protect the lower aerie'` t the place from, arms of her Soldier sun, Pour yeard abeenee the powerful fl oods which occ eionally over- had altered him much ; the' slight borlied iti f„, „,)1 whelin the unprepared •inhabi ants, causing come a firm and naive loan, add the eneterd such a loss of life and properties can scarce- climate bad two - weed his fair skin; but there ly be imagined by people at a distance,— was the pame'bright, hotiest expreveion, and Lyons has, however,. even a more terrible etc. the same loving heart, and the mother rejoiced meat thou 'even the , angry waters running indeed to find him tnielniegetf hi all• but , . per through her streets. In 1794, when' Collet genet appearance. . d'ilerbeiti and hie terrorist associntes held- , ' Home looks Teri comfortnble after the their tribunal in the Hotel de Ville, the exe tretiehes,' said Victor, ne the glencedLyound thereat room,' with its bright stone, white entiene,were eta ntimerous that human blood was'poured -forth- like-water, .and . wiih _its walls, and well eared-for•pieced of furniture ; crimson current flooded • the .Place des Ter 'that old peese, and ilia little teble, look to renux. Se horrible was the sight that 'the me like particular friends ; heathery id'actus 1 agents of the Convention, fearing l es t the in- ally my own favorite chair reedy for me. But habitants should rise, gave up the guillotines What a`•soPerb • new .enehian it hoe! ^ Why ' too much exposed and tothjardy for their von mother,•l I'M nothing prettier that thigh' the geano•t they transported their prisoners Turkish bazaar at Constantinople.' ' ', Remits the Rhone; and in the open fields on "It was made by b 'lberia° Mereler's nims"‹. the left b - ank`of that river, with no hearts near ble fingers,' answered she, 'in preparation for thrq e, that i en one tench et pity, werntWbelp - 7 0 ° 1-4 ° 414441 ; * "' • , , less victims slowly mowed down by die- This piece of information was Cvidently very charges of grape and canister, end scenes were gratifying to the young• man, -for -he regarded enncted, which gave to Lyons, a preeminence the oushion . mor d - carefillly and tenderly, and; of suffering, even amongst the many' • il l-fated' as lie over the embroidered flowers, said cities of. France. ' • , in a led voice, ' Hew is Catherine, mother 1' But the open fields which witnessed Glue , . ' Blooming 'se n. rose, and brisk .as a mar.- guilty deeds are Open fields no more: Though motto, Every Sunday she comet acrose,, in the city at the time of theilfll/oilltiollWils-con- - 44190 -. 44114 °°- 4 °ll9°J-me- 40 -ma". =id' -then-eh a fined to the narrow tongue - of land between spends the rest of the day here. In,. winter, the two rivers and the opposite hank `of- tfie Pierre domes to fete) h his daughter home, but Saone, • comprising the suburbs of St Croix and id eummer we go to the Promenade, and afy Fourvieres, it has, since the coinmencemmd terwarde I sup with them.' of the present-century, extended to • the l eft '.And do you think she remembers me I', henk.,of the Rhone, - end ilia - populoue and asked Victor. ' etntely illetriets of Leeßrotteoux and La Gull ' Pray, do you think,' said his mother, eml- Lotto are connected with thd parent city by ing, ' that the prettiest 'girl in Lyons, "who several handeome bridges. might have been married well' twenty times, The sun was setting one evening daring the would come end spend all bee Sundays and , last week in May, 'lB6B. Heavy rains had fete days With a stupid old woman, if that old poure'd down hopeleesly the,whole day, and woman It ad not a certain absentooltfier son 1. the sky' as dark and lowering, except - in the " Victor Inirgded as he seized Ile bright !Ra west, wfiert.the glorious orb bad broken mother HIM,' arms, and kissed':si her againne throttglittlie clouds, after many etruggles to again, " Ali,but you know,' said he, ' that •,,, throw his welcome light upon the city for a she was wend flirt four years ago, and I have few minutes.' His rays • were but feeble, for always , heard that such dliefiee increases the some-relentless rein which had just ceased with age. ---' lind prevailed for many days, and the very at- ' Well you meet remember that Catherine mosphere seemed saturated. New born rive lost her mut her when slie_was_aninfent, and ... lets-ran down the narrow streeticlindinftheir tiasheen her father's spelled child ; besides Way to the great swollen, yellow Rhone, which she has ninny admirers, and it is hut linters coursed along with accelerated speed to ire that a young girl's end should be somewhat ocean home But as butterflies come forth to turned by all the flattery she has received. the summer sun, so did .the jay inhabitnnts Why, I have even been told that her fathers of Lyons pour forth to enjoy for a short time employer, the rich M. Lenin, would give hie the fresh air unmixed with rain, and the streets right hand, to say netting of half hie tortune, ' were crowded. Amongst the many foot pee- to ninny her.' sengors who were cross' g the Pont Marand, ' And what does, Catherine any to such a' Was a young soldier, walking briskley In the magnificent proposal?' asked Vitter,• with a direction of Les Brotteaux. His regimentals doe fed brow. were faded and worn, hating evidently seen llt de said that she tells him she• does not hard service. His 'lmo was sunburnt, but a care a pin for him; but lie will peisist in be- pleasakt one withal to look nt, and the smiling ing at the hoagie every day, and is her very' mouth, just overshadowed by a juvenile mow- shadow; and there is no knowing what poets i blithe, and the sparkling, intelligent eyes, see- verance might not have done id her . .Itilired toed to say that he—Victor Chancre:m.4-min lover had not returned to claim her.; but with - in high good humor with himself and ell, the all her little tolliee, Cletileririe is true at heart; world. And certainly, if any one hind rename she is an erdellent daughter and will be t a good f to be Imppy, end thankful, it das he, for he w ife . , . . . . hind just returned in honor and 'safety , (rout • ' And how does Pierre get on—is he still a the Crimea, and woe en hits way to Lee Bret.- journeyman -wearer p, • , - : _ a - ~,. - - - I levier to see , Catherine Mercier, ,rep, four .ph, nu; ho is 'hOoonie a ebi4 d'ntelier, years wheu he left. Lyons, had nimeet lives an troisione in the angle hoithe where he, promised to be his tiride. t , , ((innerly Hied au neuidenie,"hadtherwhole flat ' Victor Chapereau was the son- of a soldieri to aimeelf and hie looms, employs severriliiien ' who was killer% the riotq of the Bilk weavers under him; amid is 'reputed to be the meet Bird at Lyons, in 1881. llls Mother, previous to weeeeibl`Lyons.'" ' ' ' her marriage, hatllee? fennnetde-chamblein ' Mother, :I see' the rninlitte ceased; I think, - a nobleman's family in the country, and when iti,.,y e t w in ji ve me e t i l ej e thi eg :by,l'est, -1-rill--• she was halt didow with - an'lnfant lia"ar just go across i 6 the Merniers'' to / night. •I" her former mistress showed her great kind- _shalt Linde- return, but. ; l 2' dirn't - drink I alien - nese, establielted li.eptaili , KlidgepfPl in the s leep till I have BeCll Catherine) Whit't. wi i n • & suburb of Fonrviieres,ihtroduoing her' to the er it is,'"addetrlie, going to the' window, and notice of several influential, families' the looking uppit the drenched world Witheut ; it, ' neighborhood. Jeannie'', - itinetry et d skill looks as if It tiejlieen raining for it mouth.' procured. her , plenty of mutterers, end she was .We have had teW•dayre inceesidierdin, and thus enabled not. only 'to stipport ;her eliil4 thb.lower parts of the citi aro flooded; it, is honeetly, but' aleogive him the edvadtage of ti• to la hopOd•that we sball ' hnVO' fine Weather good e,lueation. , When Vi for reached the .soon, or lam afraid'tbe rivers twill tie 'rising ' age of fifteen, nothing would satlefy.him but , t of e h hi t tilee,r• , • •'• . i' 'i . • that he must he'a• siddlar, 4 Ms./Miler 'hod - 1 Bustling about , she Boon 'prepared a Meal been before him; and alterritenY a oirnigltif for her sou t •iiiitrwheWft witril4nfilijeleal-'lLe cud tunoh . seeret grief, hip mother . gaTo het: ',soot bimiforth.wlth many- injunctions to res consent. • To leedtitieolh4erful conpanion, ter tern inigeolilimo.% ;" For?. „amid, alp, ..1.5ha11i......• 11 ` 1 ° I;t ", ' ''O' b • °I ,", 4d ! th Yt• "an hard 4 4ialth ' tli . ° ' t:e.afraid,it's A dreani , thpt Junt-nto atilamieJoi poor • woman, but elm bore it with t rue ,reelgs ee l-w e ,t,etti.,l actual' hank '-i , • , rll ~. -.( . !-- ), , 4 " ti r , a P el i. i f't e ad of: 4 ° 44l thg.lier hands by t. crosekirtho Boone, Vieter(padeed through •): 411Pairr only werke.4 the th, °v° OliliteWilj i ll'ull :the ernwdeil l atreete oflyonti,inud,leavinethe ", elid , mighulay 14 a. stare fer•fier only Irbil& pdtiee'deilreyreitim, Ileitanhed•the Pohl, Mn - 'Per three y eldwelie:eqd hdtp,frrifitleittly, 'as his' - , eie t t ' , Th e h e ,- •v dr • tth •mitidle•bf The 4 fg i T e P t • w ' ° ', 44l°ll°ne d 4t . t :2 1 fY4 1 0:1 3 4 / Aia Plitim 'brid g e, he bent oveythe peropetfor a nlngierle •rntti . ghhorlng OM, • bitt niter that limirtt Wee ''gltrangth'reald he.to•himeelf, t I well retneer•O sedeto Mat:Miles ; n,it ' , heti 4 11 two ioora, il , ri berra eurieudistalhe earvedliktrit tltig'it Lead;' War broke out with , Russia, she'iedeived a has, oijoh projected, from, that: pier-, many-feet`:'' tj lino fromVidtcir, to say . that he was le ems r+rittibm wa t or , s o new Loam:4,6e 11, i anti ti befit dint dij..foithb thdritentiritheret ite '4 :4 - ;rie o multi belitigto indeed I! ,1•• • ~ :4- i Tr ',714 , .,, , ,P,. Y' ,. ., . of bidding l i a t • f4lTWe. l l. :li:Wee le - . Upott remitting! tho-DtherL tide,: he. peetted,:, deed with an anxious , and- lov i ng he ! s t h - 2 , l"ki !, through the mote stately etreets, , to-tinkriu4rbe the poot O?their , 3efeea ber •1 40 : 1441 . • 4 ° 'the 'erlof,La Petite Californie;iwhieb Gs altUtited •`, many strong h`uppliontto - ne ithiah'iloke",fri?todl ,to the'east of lies Bretteauk, hmtllnrifitig'intd. Innis of the land•for thedafetr of tent Tim" a inane* street, hotfoot:quid it thirgefialrairehl ' 0 who werafighting itt,ttifefereff ;Sir., .. Gaon: triniceret The third houstocrtherietehtrailde. ' elona4 0134.4 . 19 1 ,1 from I her' ti ei';' ' Act, wrote ; Lihirmost of th&ittires tw 44mt it''W'ohAhhitfic wheWenifiPlted ilree :-beleemethneethe le t ' seructed • el' woodtn, fro Mini filled inlifieliL t . < .ter4MerNitngiftddlaponktintedithf7iteW*OV• " Oaks, and coimlsted.otribae-iate r -which ream ttoon thtt . •dro i of. "Ild/ate.llol4,,l,l•ii!i.tl; th° 4 4,`,,!?° l l l !e in dia,,etheigbl,,atlynegb,eMityn'f ittirbneigebted,T thoftyceutrigpleepemei t 'Pe talikft,:kisOi., mut, ~rn ir te t iete , e4 wernevyi bigher,,,,, 61p,denterly 13 1 4 146,t . 334 q. ,F t i 1' i i?" , *nu e, tiltkir tili ii- 4 "0 1 .0)8P ' % " ' " lat ' ieti it li A ` lye et/hAtr % • ham It'll• tded ' ' tbat:Behastepol-witp.-takers—taken r -lewelet, P .irfl e t h' e 'V e t eV e ` t ,, •''','ll - e :h . eet ," g ' it f 4 ol - "'' ,witft'sfu t eli at 16tei tielift4 that "1144' ' t ti . ilaildedi ' ` a .7 ••• ''''''." * - ••••` - '' 4 " • ' ~.- ' . g ""‘"'''' • a - 44 " 1' 7..'i - ` ~13 ." r. ' . 1., . 4'3 ' y4taine0104.49,444% • .Ittfl.',l!Pnft.4l)§lMMl,l 'itnd orphan weratbe fielte Of t _ali,:the &am; usst"'" •'-' ''• -• " ••• • ~1' •-.":- v..' ' " " ' ''' *" '' ' •''''. " I "i"i t t , g , MlNO. l l9Nk u P. l t . , , ;04q , F , to , fer.$ ana Avii.i. ku°' "'• thm Vict o r' '• lll ' 6l6 " i ' llll ' d it f tniiopeihr•ctros,3l44oog ti,9 *6040* been inie of 'die fireeforinitt'n'ti t itie tdeatht•iiiill w a tt o ~ ....! . . . -, ~i ~,, 4 ,, li bit • 4,6 - - ..r . lkt r, L , ~.., y , ~ ... ~ . .. 4 odpor.gt,ft,OrptftfrttlP-10) pP, Al. .Y* .t. • .911,11Zerik010:,,,,,,g.t,1,141.14i4ui',,Aek10" ' OW-1 ,01 e4at 9 11.! d tPlt e gifi k,fetuisjiictstP444l ri i _ ~ t..r g eop„or h y.o e d 4 evreT_ldefievlnorrity,lx, '''' w4.'"--' ''' - ' ..-3 . r .+4.3. 4. - - ' .'"?..%. !1.,: . , ~- . .- - • -• • crimparyri 111E4 " lER. A TALE OF ' THE - INOSDATIONS IN . Lynne, the Aecondofty ..1111106.413.11.4q sent of the celebreteil..moDufacturpof `built principnlly upon A :titikunif land fontect by the confluence bf . rthil kfoAiie with , the Rhone, a situntion of great.tuivitolokicnnunerciinily,' . . . no-it offordo-tholuoilityrof—trntotHoommutiitia--1 bnth with tli MI t ~.ti CM =MI I z , er,t It. : r ,r FRANCE. • = io ° r - r, . '.%.: ~ . CARLISTA,. , ,,J4 .WhENESADI , JULY 1857. =I ow upon 'the h?arthatonls ti for ,tt!e r oonttnnol wet weatherl'irendeied fire anAnAlepeneable oetn fort,'notwithstanding the •fate, season... The apartment wasithewise lighted hy ! lemr, and at 6 table'tii one 'corner Men, with . pa . pare 'and'ititeree apreitriit'betpreifem,'tice one writing frOM'the.'otittioirdltaticlii. l 'lpi; ehlerl'of thtiqWO Wee' gert4fii atiperior' T,y6 f aStee '' weaier, ''' but' hie cempanion'editlilittly'heleigittici d very differ; ent'dlees. "ttie beat Wats ef the. finial material, cut in the - extremity of . the fashion : he-wore a-riohly,embroidered',wniataat,-Ind ple-ealtiable ringa,:numerone gold °being, add diamond.brimettilti, teetifietktithe; of the hearer, ii not,ta the tart,e4; and:Vet/Jr at once decided that he - was in''.,th s e • •preeetioe. of bitirival, 4 Lubin• , . Buick*, glance atattino., mentary, for in the .cetitre,aftne rome;,arrengil log a: table for -aupper,.weel,,Catharine Nor :-if-Vietor. bad carried away Cant inapreedun of ,her-.ifi s .during . ; the )aat few meidhapehiid bean 'platifri rig to illnkulf what he .'ltfter•fijr•Yeara' ebeeUce and hid painted his' imaginary-portrali era' coleis, he woo not ,deatined -to ,be pointed in Per appourance, , , , y4hther under the middle licight,,hcr figure,. tgpugh alight , ,tree' beautifully rounded, atictaheivn off to the_ beet. adtMninge by her perfectii;fliting . •Whim Vicier ent,eted,:atto,lntPcd-41,1,0i014?--• -wards him, and'b'er tirstriemiiftilin, was'. all that he could desire " ; her lace lighted up, and, ails aprang'forward to' Meet .him with a da lighted 'cOlaitiatitt'; but ,muldenty, partly ; from shyness,' partly hecuntle;the felt that' PI: Lubin's- 'atteution - had beeri - ttttraptcd-and that great man wee watching her with his Emily eyes—and partly lierhn p e , Rem a .feininine,' but not . veri 'amiable desire,' to tease her lov er, aptidrew back, and giving him her hand, 17 s ictor; yOU tiro: come' home a last?' ' Viettir !! exclaltited the too' much father, who had , . • been toneh engrossed :whit' Lie writing to hear _ - the - door-open. - CVictor Chapereau, welcome, My briti fellow; I am - mery'gled to see you anilt-baok'again; we liiite not - been a little anxiimis about-Yourl-oan-tell-.you—a-tilit he, advanciing iind erultrieles .tb young.aal: tiler heartily. .He is the son of i oltl friend M of ours, M.ti Lubin,' added he, ' ng fo that t,..... gentlerniturrauif we Lilly° . *own Lim _ever since belviisja boy.' AL Lubin•bowed very coldly: A young sol dier in faded reginviile was not interacting to him;. besides, be soli; With, tru s e institioti . that Victor was a rival, and tbereforebe felt hostile to Lim ut..once... ', _ , •• - - '.dome,' we will eit dow n . copper !tow.' Mid Pierre. . Ill: Lubin. aft; a me to gave the Lenoir of aipistitig yell.....T,S.Mpilslitoto;-, .leiter, - .lc)iti'Velui* Atli ; Hof...Urine's 'agars artrAcistiodeeeful in 'the precivation of mode "ilisitetttiofn embroidery.' , .. i ,.. x -., i i ..... ..Aiiitbing made by Made moiselle Catherl• ins must be, like *emir, eltatllittg,'laaid Le, with a complimentary bow., ---- Catherinoreplied - with - somtvlively - bal*K ' and she and M. Lubin kept up no animated eonvereatiou, during supper, to which, it must be confessed, the other two did mit contribute. Victe . r was geated near Pierre, and, number less welt - the questions which thekind-heart. ed old man Caked him respecting all that' ho !Jamey!' iu thwEast, to which' he replied rtith• ee itbseniiy; for his eyes were following Patb eque'e every movement, „tint masking with je:tious ire the officious attentionsrof the - rrich merchant, which seemed to',liier.fpvoralily fir,r oeived. 'Alt,' tlimightbe, ' h 1: Lubin intiiiVe as stout and as selfish as !longs be, 41c-wo men tire co bewitelled by riChes,,fine elothea, and fluttery, that a poor soklier_ like me .htut no chituce.l; At lasi, M..Lubin, or.ilted by., of fubility to which he 'was nytaaeustouteil, gave vent itrhie dielikO•to-Vietor in'intaiikl 131)!'• cites directed at 14, and which were the har der to beat. us they otter ealled_fortk. gather- ine's merry'latigli 4_ Victor wae fatigued and dopreeee'll; and rote to go. , . . .... . . llu riot go yet, my geedfellow,. 'said Pierre, ihave'nat heard about the 3.laJakoff.' prerinsedmynlyther thit9 would be bo,IXIS in good mim e. 1 only Lyo'ne • this atteinbun, and begged that -I would net • toy la Catherine-,,whose conscience was stinging her, as she, 'wilted at 'I amp Fiery sorry but leannetil promised to leave at nine, and I inns( heep fay 'Oh; said ',Catb4ide; 'pray,do net put•yonreelf out ofithe way to do ine.a little faver,,''nud with an offended air• elle turned 'anay, - and began Jaking.the things treat the :Viator , bit hid lip "•IL• Labia pinned - spite = 'rully, and Pierre, who ivoS blind te . .all„ , shat wasgbAtigf goO4 , iiigqi. after. alreatioriataly,ntitiiintingbira coma.. again sabot. The young 'niab ii Luhin',''thiaiVea,Olnioi Jo •liithrip,O• 4 ak held yandsadlyha herfaee, she.tnevely , shoulialianila ouldViitud' hohcii•luS ybia: oopiPaei i•' ' . l , ,fot.tittletli ear. Meeting . is:likely; 'to be n ,haPpier rine ttiail , :thje lititi beep;: ekiii:he4-kinS:- •tni, ,i 0 At Wici . i;,4 tiii::::•404t.":,,;1:..' : - .,,.,1 ilt9 ait 4914iiiv fatterit ittw4ol4 we return after a long ibsenoecfall - orantleipetion°tou r ' licit meeting with ih2Ai. r iiii toin.'6 iiiid %;:ii n t selves Tvelien i ld:froin enr plensent dreame by soMegidd, ifbiappointing feality, Sco poOrVietor felt, as v he J?tt LaXetite 9tlifortde k , : andAtruElt. for ii. 311".;. •i 1 / 14 - 2 1 9:3ipf item* tlie Tili9rfe - , about;gi'faii;ii' in Piobniki he would :not . hat•dified af dialigriViet I;6l4ii . iBB,iiiii the 0'4'0,, mu h;!cia**W. la a;liveliabill. - ril ' - ' O . , , • 4,-, ; •i• Liel3, .7,,Ae 1 ..' '.- tber lififated, rapick ba tnimiiendAtips . he Iliad belY4 z ,t,OC,W,tttaltf,.EO;:ifp:e ii take 'oe. feriae, which hillTifidoib - dPiiiiniiir'iiold mid oodsfollikar ViiilfeiliWtt'Mlin'te`lil;llt 444i ° turiitieiVii•filOtigAoililige.W.bili'MO'r 11113, AS :Cclferth:o-'l3iiii. ''';''.,4.....)...; '21:4 '.' L . ,4. - ij-j2:1; i0 - 1.0!Wt4kAiiiii illie ' ;elo; ' o, ' 1 . '''' ' ' '''? t; .; ~.,Itottratoyk-Ukd gullPo4oo:OtteqMol,-;'!'':.:.-" 14 P* 0 - 1 .#4 i 4A0 . 0 0 4: 4 • 34 i 4 iti ii 0 4 1114:?1.4i*Elf.40.00414ligiiii004 . : :: \ ': *0 1 9, ,, 1ii 6 . 1 :44 2 11000,(4 , .A1k:. ,7 4*. *,fiiiff,ia*liivAliAica4i.#o,:pi'irt•' . ... 4 t . ~a , , " :• ' -4. 19tArtouqter,otsfolodo..c, 4,sta t 'tinnier iiutifetetenimiv.enillfbetOtitarmdue MI EOM IMEI tered Lyons, the sti,eate were unuttually threng aitd:geedreirtont ieWer'ititte tbwn Molt- werit. flendecf;'othire.66lTeotinetti ering grinips:untlei, l aroliee.oi 'any pvicjeatirig • &mtg. Whieh'affOrded eohie ehtilier?agathefilie pitiliiss rdib , Whioh'Was! aihin Ia •soMe:streetit Ott Iu •wattie .4 . p . failed la arouse tile steep he reaobed . fioine'diebetind' 6 tiithe ,, 'skin; and his methee . tit I tintio" . :he bad = heln- - Wbutidediileferid!hf pleased tSytiie - , - , ‘aCteliaineanY she•onlf tried .3 . 44 '11414: ititin i tieit',!teo; 'soothe alitubiniitort "'Se 'ptirbuttiteii bib) . •to ge.talietli - . inadti hith heme hot"iitiffee; and ithed hq drank- slits to' the sleep he 'eo greatly' had been' eruittliclous'to ieneh haute that he hail hof slept' .foti three nights; and Was notarletely :ed. is retitle/1i tniserY eobld net keep, him 'awhile: . Tor, after tossag abdut for a short 'tele, 'tired' , nature' ainerteit her claim; and . sealed his'seases' bieisedforgetfulness. -1-le ° Wes weakened . era it' Was light the'next Turning' by, hiii , 'obliged to shake , him the shoulder to !rouse his heavy sleep, Why, nottier,' enid be,•rabhing eyeo i • what oa earth do youlratit rie to gefup fort' it to-not-lig4-yet-i-Tli-ihaaght7TWaiitd—ilifeli*- till toon.r. • 1 • = i'My eon; thtillomis rleen fearinliy. and 1311011 tieing; they 'enyta Petite California tinder irtiter to the 'nomad_ etory.- 'Nettie Metoier,' . ytho Mime niermea fast night 'lira' fat'imete or- dare in the morning, tratitittimiptinito 'Tiara homer when i'pleon 'of timber fell 'upon him Mtpf broke hie leg. They carried him to hie × homee; meat here, and helms tient: this notitioyou: Viotoi : hadjurn — perdp, 7 ana'tytta putting on himolothes: be took the crumpled piece'nf pa per, and read the note : . . ' My imare - friend—La Poll to' Callibrnie to flooded; I am dimblod. halm my daughter, if it le not, orou now too late,. 'Pisani MERCIER. ' It took but a few minutes to equip the randy to eat esheyent Meng. °you will need all your strength,' said she, and must pat it for my Bake..' • • lie Linea, down for on instant as ho heed to do when a little boy- r . ...Bless me, my mother, ere I go forth. Slici laid her band upon.hlshead, and with a choked Voice said ; 'God preserve you, my, own beloved son.' ; Ile rose, took her in his arms, gave her ones long, long; loving embraeoL-fieling. it might be tholast 7 ead (ken he spd away upon hie perilous enterprise., f -. -Reseeudtpg the lull of Fot rvieres, Victor saw in the faint morning light a terrible Pan mama of destrection before him. Both rivers .wore rushiug.madly along, studded with the spoils of their expanded and reeistleiefaierb; The Rhone, especially, he observed, was dot _te),lover withthe - objeota - Which - wre being carried away ; and fehring_lest indeed he woe too. lute, he dashed recklesoly on.- In his pas- sage through the city, he had nearer: and stronger evidence of the:extent of the inundh- • tionto Thong!' he chose the higher; parts,ns lees likely to impede his headlong .career, he , had ever and aeon glimpses of streets in which themilfer, was rushing like a river, where whole houses were crumbling down; where the roofs werecrowded' with refugees from the• rising floods; where boats,wore passing to rind -frok-untd.hastity-oons_drueted, rafts, laden with women, and children just rescued ,. home Oven in their nightclothes, were slowly moving •to • sore° place of ' shelter. In . his - path were groups rvho.hnd been landed—children wailing .. and calling in heart•rouding,neuenta ,for their parents ;'motleys rush'ing wildlyftbout seek ing for their lost, childrem,and refusing to be , comMitect, ,Others 'were sitting down in hope lees despnis, t having peph those they.deved -best:ernslied in-sour .11319kruin - or parried away by, the raging waters.. , Victor, siolcenad at the eight ..ef so. muliV tnisery r anddaehedecross the :nearest bridge:. ,On ;he other aide ho,seited a email boat,"and istting . a soldier to help him, they transported ; it.throftgit eurne,streete :which wee pronto• led by an enb.gukutentistnd thei_launchedAt: on.thetl.i.ed ( floor:found that the . :xapid , adrrent m.An, hie j(itlytlce:lffeiO4.ikt:thoptoF-- gyiding...,thedpoat,wioh poleii 4114,, guarding it from.thentiotte.pbetecle&which •wero,tlo. , tins shoat,. -A Juya , ,ar two more would bring- • him within eight of Catherine's dwellidg,-; but across; current met him, and. he - lad -a seri-. nue.etruggla.te. preyent ith,catryibt.hlm'iway* bat„..J3y.w,strongleffort he , :tusned• .the.boat round the right corner, and then oh—heavens. ::..bow fearful wad - the-scene. that .burst:upon his Sight! ; 1 :-f.;• •' - • ' ' The valet. Which wad healdrig ' hi6 Wee' -- 'up Lb'. hut there'Witic a` greater" 'CatlMrine e piled troin groat ;Alibi • Wlrielilhe'fife'rsfitts:lfieli; 'gWA:O4II.Co" ' glad 'fra )liiiiafga l dfille t ifO r r4e'itdg; 'Nip d-iitiiiiiilt34trY64libitiiick;'`'en 'Served thnt Catherine was st. as etch , t 6fd p .. ' I ;`,54$ i) Wiih detrrato otrokce , 1)e . rpt,144 , 1914t foN Ve l a illV ' tir‘oiczLionrtle, pi eOCiA fa iu tfMtAkto , 2 l 4 l l4- 1 -WkicAirllCATSTPgitli:". tlii!.(loVp,9,„ MAR I ?lttittt4,. l lle Pia9B'PlAat,flp geebp; o, kohtillyA,ll Ak4etiolim94:awAt9kirgpo i4!iv:all.ba;waternliii4/.on,vbl.4.b,,yrgre rzbleoioolikekttio#6, l qoiiklr a ot ppoploottoolo , ,,t, iag .!k!)... , C4A l .9l(o.49P.oit.frel'hio,.q.m.csyc .419iite =brad, iiim, ip wilip%4o.l 440 :14ipeitl ogr , OtireAtsls.44 a ) rAirkef laglou4,oolmolvAivt , , , , il ill WA n•PPV4Eteit hilllt° , l9°Sl4/049k9411910 119;.'1“ ,iliutirbtiMi,9,f,kill OiTild 4 2Fhthe . tetflm p ' !YI,4:I4,APAUSENNIWP-6-,9.3.4'0,7:1043: iltfiLlAL,,,,,, i °l4li ; , Ar l f.tL 1 ., , 00 , 41_ . „ aqtrtztv3rA: ~.. 9: i ...' • ' , , • ......,, 4 . ..#NRCLOV:f,_ . O , tg 4 ,4:01. - 1 41. 1 .i,t; Et : 1WAVW09040,11, 7 4110115': : -..,:•.' , e 14$19,10%plillW:141;111-14A*W:44;;A y 'pare was ao a motialaskripiliwpOt,4, °'} • V; 1 .C.',..• lE. fi, ~it,~ i ," rr Mtn 1 ~4, 1116111 of she bOatiLehlibteleene'd 'hoileoe - rate ',the , ORSI3. WU. " ; • ' " W TientyllirottsiendfOrti thonsand dial be' r erlid'he. * ' ' ' ' ' ''`Still ifo or e stirred—life was dearii,thtlitim the e ' mo l deY. •-•• i ',' • Yung intin;' roared the frappe:mm.96ot, as Vidier'i beat abet PitMl.haif of my fortune ahall yea have it"yon save 0114 gitl, l ,P '' BiAnrel l Orle",d an old Wier. !it; will b e oe7- -,.12 ig . e r.,. t • lr ln e .l; d h hI ,P . ,. , a l°1”•9 for elle.• i n 4 ta . • t k t t - r --_en 4l lot q ed ?!° l o l )7 . - , ~ ...: t4"P e 7 0 4nPc4 save Karl M., Idit ll taer -B,tfe9Jnr,lnly,' ' • '- ' • : A moaner, of applaneebtirst trim the crowd. ,40 , 3,1eybriveienow I' cried-the old; sal tor, throwingerroPe into , the boat, 'tie that testi:we shill,pulLlon , bank: more. quickly than ytu cad row,:and there le no.time •to 'be loetr, may, (Jed speed, y01i , 1'..•- ' '' --i 'Violet' liaised the rope and knotted At !to ja seat; gave tinidesPerate stroke, add hie 'boat, ,released.from rime genes witioh had stopped it r ebot under the yewoing shadow of theirthri hling bonne: ' ,' •a • ' ' •_. ' ' '' , Catherine had given upon hope—life Is reify sweet to , the young ;. a nd it was with SO agonix- Zd heart that She had Watched the boatmen— , had' seen M. Lubin's, fruitless gesticulations, and - felt that no human Pid woe to Le proem, "ed. -- All the - ivents 7001 - er - past life flashed ciorne her mind, and bitter was her penitence for every folly 'which had looked - o'o little till seen under the stuidownf death. She felt that she 'could ' meet' her fate cheep cainily if she couldlo,ve said one.word - to-Vietor, r but where was . he t 'A eudtion end more violent move,- nient Of the house convinced her that the time was etort,nud shutting her eye'', slie knelt cloic'n and eommendeclhereelf to god. A l'itrong,hatid laid uppo tier , shoulder called 'fierrlitick*liftyanci eUtiting up, she saw her lover standieg in the.boat, keeping it close to the window-hy-leatneg-hirhole-weight-upon the sill. . .• i• ) ' '' ' Quick! quick!' criedite,lNureP into the boat. emigrant that it mayrabt be too late!' It is very sad to watch by the sink bed 9f a She sprang lightly down; Victor pushed a- - man in 'the prime of youth and strength; to way from the houset_the boatmen, who wets 901 i the body belplese as a little child: the watching scene - frith breathiere attention, hands vainly endeavoring to grasp anything tightened the rope, end drew them rapidly —the restless head that tome from side to back Scarcely wre they at a safe distance. Adel the parched lips. But it is sadder far when the whole building ion with a, terrible when the patient is_ane we l o ve_ best , crash, and confused heaps , of . timbers and -am earth--when on the whom .issu depends Our bricks, round whieh the' waters - hissed and happinesar our bitterest sorrow. Very si.,, foamed, were all - the remains of 'whet had so lent • was that sick room—few wore their words, . lately been her home. Catherine shuddered hut constant were their prayers. By turns, , . L.. • • , and Lid her face.' victor w h o , tall thief in. Jeannie and Catherine eat up at night; and it staqtbad been frowning brew saloneilent, teeti hisf compressed lips and_ was a elight s consolation to the latter to try by y ing his deep aexi- every loving care to deaden the bitter thoughts . ety, exclaimed— '. I' . whicnyerethronging in her mind,:anci Which, , • Thank god Iwe are safe.' • '-.--..,' when .8120 feared he might dis without bearing • They wen drawn to the Lank', and lantial tree confession of folly, and speaking one wort entida thn' cheers' et, t h e • s peetet.nTe• ' W hen of forgiveness, were well nigh insupportable. M. Lubin saw that Ca herine was out 6? -dad- Day succeeded (fay, and still the unconeoloue ' get, saved by his hated rind, he pulled is lcat invalid tossed to and fro, every hour becoming over ows, and spurred his hem away from the, weaker; yet the fever did not abate. spot. Victor, having, thanked the „At laet the nigh - teethe crisis comet-Vidor- , --- boatmen warmly foe their_eympathy_and help, h'akftille - Onto a heavy sleep—that Bieck) iciOlc - th - i - rieeigirl upon hie arm, and winding which; N when ended, might reveal the worst. his *ay by the more 'protected streets of Les Catherine \ had retired from the bed, teat, on Brotteaux, got safe across one of the bridges Mat waking' the eight of her might startle which yet remained unneeded. ~..N him; Jeannie kiteD by her son. As'the morn- But danger stillheld her naked aword above ing dawned, he opened his eyes, and said-- their Leads. Now, they were obliged. to fly ' Mother ! where on - I : I: ' • from fallitighousea, as they panted, in '.a boat Oh I the joy of that, vowel it was his OWli ' '' through lonic of tie flooded atreetS. :no' accent, though weak and trembling. 'She as they pursued their *ay on foot, they Met a gaie him some 'nourishment, and with a few , fierce current forcing its way IL a neW ellen- • Idving words he fell asleep again. \ The den, Now they bad to thread a terroratrieken g a r hoe passed—her son was spared. crowd, 60 dense and reeklese , that it required d atum ... ine continued in her office of nurse,. ' all Victor's strength to guard his companion for ha urnti„,sstita "neli ,:reiluned, `and required \ ' from being crushed. Misery antroonfusion constant care; and though all extiltement'wai were on every•side—mutilated 'sufferers were strictly forbidden, and be was sattrceljallow.i ; being carried on stretchers to the hospitals. ed to speak, it seemed to do him good to watch and muds of grief and wild despair rang in her, !walla moved lightly about the roam. their:ears. At last, weary and drenched, Vie, • One afternoon, when he had recovered a • for led the peer girl to her aunt's house, and little strength, be was sitting propped up• by without waiting to allow her to speak one word pillion& The window was open, and the fresh of the love and gratitude which her full heart spring 'air was blowing in, while the warn; was strugglihg to express. he_left her. _And shine illumined the room. Catherin e wee ylt r c ' so the cloud Min rested between Octet.' ranging i'boquet of flowers which she had just,, , • •P‘thre'snicoMed his daughter with , 'des brought , in, when Victor' called 'her to' him, - emotion; he lied scareelj hoped' to see her and aa rd,, , _, ~ ••; . I . J , agaiti, and' reeetved 'her almost• as one given I' Catherine, I foie this siok:room label a ' '-" him Peeh ` prom lili-ih4d. ilie leg tied beep 1 " 11 ,P 11 "1 fhr,” , i , - ! tatall'tell my meth - Or to set, and Catherine found him as . comfortable invite M. L ah i a,to ape " the mottling two so . ni nder the eintinistannesconld ,be expepteg, ahaei...y; a .. '' • . *,, '_:, ~..,, __, .o -..; • Again and again he toeteher relate the tale - -E-j6-4,t't-ract'ith•eislviotor, M. Lubin is ioth _ of her danger and her rescue, and tha ; ,warin i att y, me ;: . 'l nd g e ‘ sayo tap lire 1 ,,.."- --,--,--;,--. ~ ,, -,?i,- -- preises he-ottered F of,Vieter's braperyrpere-iti t And•the , fact of , my having bad that gteaa r i music to ber,een. • , ~ , ~ , , :',' , • - happineectitt Li weigh - down , ,,ttuyaialkeveli ki`- - Tlie 'Yout:lfeoldier had gone at onc) to his gelato, M., Litbin. and all hheadvantegis I' , • ' . , , • Father's home, to relieve her fears, and get iCertainly, ifthe mune badc:not been,woighll some net:infer" fgog, but ill ' 1 94 1 1 1 d 'net stay to dowb long before by sometLing ele,e.' . reef., ~, . • - ' '•-. ' I Mut What'l9llo thatsometiiingelse I'' cried ~, _ i No, mother,' said lte,'!lliarestrid Cattle hec - dnwing her towards alai;`' what Wonder: ' rine, aLd•her DV has'beee granted ` to enr , full thing could out-Valencia M. Lubin, hie fa- A" , P r - s X 9rl , ;, -‘ , "" are. thousandg °C hei P le " ": shi l eti,r bin' Amino°, lie feweley, the carriage he men.and children lit tlanger and distres s , and wouldprevide „fop; the rich dreesesyouVcititc%, i f ... huvery gratitude'l•Mutt go , and ,d , tio . mY best t o' • l be e ns to buy—what was it ?' :, • ' - , '. i . euettor th,," l ' "', ' 0 ~ •, . She jloblied iota hie eager face. Her eyes,. .., Tiir , s ockdaysOi4nights did belabor amongst :were filled With tears, and, with a ' tremblin i ll . i • the suffering population of his native elty..• 'verce,Pari • she laid her head upon his 'shOulder, , Where* , dangbrani the Areriteitt, and misery ,a h t i' aaid : the ilee i )",l l: 11 ' 14 ° - " vi i 1 4, r''11 .!..e h 3 r ....§ et t-Ang tr. 4 , ',.:.F 9 r g iT4 ou,niy buy Victim., for it•Witis-n • . the!) 1 41.4;4 1 ,iipg.:,0.10,49,....ned'i./..,h0y0: Loi , A let ~:, ~ L.,.1..,:' !: , ;„, ; , :;.-., , tt,„•to .I::bailee:it , Shearing !MO . fearfal,she. , c•xty, own patheripe t ! yhtspered,'lta, i t In r .. ,1 r 4 46 ink I 11 " " dell * i h i 1 O IP .aliffil F,F te l e : ' l l 4 ,ha i i: l "iiiii n n' iti' giiiirdanger',. end , yet we ber_e„ . ~, speq's :threqgliAli, l iti.liei r p `4oB ,i4,,n.!;re.elitcur on , . spired la each, other. The remit h,:a T ere . ,:er., l , t A' 4 4 , 1 ,nele t "liqin,k1' B ° P4t o 4l l'inqf n 1744 ° 110 ed froln iiheeeith,a'id thir donde' have patuied . .,.,,` • IftrOPeßdet4,llo it k nan t id . l ' huse , th ! rh Punn' ;am& :010.1900 more ' ithadows 'One 'opine ' " alieii"gt3wlV"f " tith"'' ' ikilt lr•q 'i l ' ; 111 ; i r Agrin";butetetni thee ad ~ , - e.': • f.... :.! ' . 4 6 ii ' i" d thw ; 11 " 16 ). 6 Pi i '6 445 1 ; 2 41 1 . 1 P;P0' , . 1;4- 1 • • ~ :i ; : ..• •• 2:- J - t pining tits reieued,w' ete,dasuedle piectichib,y, t inein B4- ,ealb , , rit H r!om . aul , nu , n:latl , . , ..,_ , ,z , , ,L .1 th4JOle width wort heiag:edrellill dboirr Cy .•,,, , 1.,r,}1 - r- , . ,', —.- • i -,- ,1 . _, . r l* .. I ••,t.' ' ' ' I I i it. lon i d- • N nd' ' tlielfaiii6'4ll44 . - '''' , tint , rigiuga wittere'olll2l therieTarynb i tllnet , ,xt.;B ti,..", Wiry tr . f tieglin'th 4 tytellie 's`iii'etnees" of:hOpe,wen,,, pkticl Dr. Johnson, when he sildt:,•.‘..Pioploj.t, . iiittry,,VieriAji4g;iilisfeli s e,V;l4.leic; to ; Abele: ,Iluoit ,to hear a _woman.preaoh,•nixt -becanea_l ~ ,te a tA4 camateriea were flooded, andihe our she iperlati a lei welli.hnt bectimse_aliapref9ll9P., tern mp gavelcuitlel their daact;'wtiori bedies,', ItnyhealOimi,t, , it e t hey foto see q ad9g,wall o& (....,,, ' ''''' d ' his laid la s' thoush he' does not walk ; cp _ 'it ererYMeg9 of. A n fn ii M t ilp ) 41110x,g ~, ~,, ,„,,,,, .4, .., ~, . , lioiro„.4l , o s 9lot,ql9ltfAel k trA;,l4 wi P 4 ' i bc + -Eiiir ; 4 . ' -‘ 6ill '°' n -t r ': . ••;„ .1. ;1,.;,, , ,» a 1%.7•0-1 3 k'' l' ci - ' 1" - f - dbiftwhitl'bagElo• a ' lii .I •"•i , if'r ".4" ". " t, 40 'earl OPPBO OPetkeSCO .. , ri „ i „, 0 ~ ~.:.. .",1 ~,l't limn dee entferineVitilkithr lielik Illtdivnisd ' A gm lia T l , .01.6.1i. 1 0, ! ....k l a dy i m i a ..lfa , .._. .Witiiiii liiii.•': ° "! = " 4 ~ v. ta ' ; :I ' l L o '''' ,"fl• l ,ll%,:r:l .0% 7 ; :-, i, l ; 1"; e fleirectaterli t d6rla delV l Piti! l4 . ehh . tr.9 on L i: ~" .1 ; ailatita srepethe whole timatillecinttlyt .heellivotorethiaO ra ,a,h an h e i talem i np. ,,,, . ,_ loeusientilittat hhtnenelinral4 " iro " 4 : l ;,!* ,I'..hi>ifiltie!,!tneh.faq+ n!ni • „,OP*O.ft*q.44o4l,iits,': i , oi.e tire t ,oll,ool44-I W aial t 4 W lo . l6 / I ' '. ... ' i : . 40,1 e .P.ig,1!Y011'010 frA!P gi ,,# - 1 . V 1 2 :;1' fV••:%12'' . 4 •', F ~A . . kaCLag, PO r,,,( 4) , ... 11 , ,:. 0. 1 ,44 ...., ~, ~. t 0 , ,„„, ~,,...,I,t„ 1 , , , t: , ,, , , .. '.. " .4' ` L ' 'A --- 4 . 41,10, , 4 3g"7 - i ,`, ' •••” z4:40-044,*,80004** F( J•iy,.ll. `' , 11.114* li • • '- 4 - • • -..-,. • • •-.• ,••• t•• ,! ,1 ~,,:- ._ 14"01 1 : 11 Vt .- . • f i 'l l ',: :r l e ,i ;Clß 19 - "• 19 2$ *P • 11 iliilrilit94 1 - 41 M1-.• .I:',i)tik-Nitimiiilm..4o4,l4m.,l3g,,„AL•'!!! '' 0ii4,11 19 1 e 1, 1 h;, i iit . 7 . 011.0.410 % 1 f' ~, ... ~,, Y. '•" Siiikicl4loog4S/P.?Xl'MAtt-WIW A tk, 00 1. 0 4 . 0h/aft* -iltlP g . , ...4 , It , - „,tosT::' ' • WWil iel kA r tW i l i . ,l 4.s.4,f,!•,os-Ciiinto* tikAtito.olo greund - ! !' 44 .. , C . ,•,!. ,-- • 1 , -; ' ,;.:' ' ' N - ~a ~ „ Ili . MEI -.• :• 414•'‘ft;y.•,; , =I EM roYOLIN ~ j tiet :been getting' ithie , *omen otit'of .a tattering h4tiee, 4fien4l.lnta calledby a.gotttlenytn, end; obeying : 4bn: ariuti• nona,r fatlaClPpi)!UP -the, I ?T e MPc',.._° of, hiej lifej eaty,, :wit 9 .rese tending in t h e, , Mida t of dond's half Wak up to 'hie tiaitiela water, -. and' I , by hie l aidel , iria my oonimeadial Otliaer„'.atid re ' be"apoya.& A/1f:414044W . 1 • . thea.hia,Mejeory. 4!tlled andto, Itimi'and de'care , t `7,lkh ilegil4:9C) l / 9 e; . nor,tor Whathe•called nipgallantry.in,.aftel4 the incottdis'* lAnd_.he_larther,—said;ithnt hiaring 'or My Oandant'at . the"Valaliefr, Would' giro' Me a commission;' and 110 . 11;:ill)ii; 4 dearest , mother, will be Lieutetiaut:Oniier.o eau; said , he; ..hutnomel44 I !violet . 'seem .to ?are for it's much .ae;l;otight 3 . 1 y. bead is,eahad,' added he, throtriag!hlta 7 : l self On'the'groand, and laying lilaheed:on:his ,- mother'a lap ; feel al .if r bad ao eirength • • • r • SliO• pal her bend npon• his' head;- it Wei • burning hot. •Ske felt his poise; It west hetit.:.7 She'•aasr. et °sec 'what're!, thi.•.r eorroyr of the : dreadful eeetieS he hed •passed.thrOugh, and the constant exposure to gat, n 1cold; Wad : been too much s torhiintii bilarrtinc[ker giunnt eon—iheratt ly hild- - --wa a stricken frith a deaci• ly.fever.: ' • ' • •.- '.‘ .. - • When.Catheriti o - celled - an - hiturefterWardic she found theantimm mother PriettlOg 4 g *ie. ; • minute direotions of a physiatan,,7baimidtttra!L:__ it Wasa veiy, serious Oise.. ; Though ;Jeannie •, was rather'disposed to be angry with her; the sight of Cattierine'e raitiery; she - ' - of Vieter's illness, sod cotttui *as til6- , ready : unootuutioue,. touched; her: heart of ,bernltrn accord rite' asked the poor:giri to ; cottie' i and help to , florae ,knowing Oat , waiivinat:ehe .was hinging to do.'• Catherine ; thankfully a g r eadie_cli:Lso,and-e'ut-hone 1 , tell her father of this n4 - calt upon her tino. - • 4e was progressing. fayorably; wad in no den. ger; and having- his rioter to wait opoii be warmly approved othis daughter's going . . to nurse ter,brave Preserver. • • ." • I II `, A. NEM - N0. : .: 44,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers