-- Mt DIAMOND STUDS. tried or hie establishment in Paris' he died ; And my mother siirvived• him only a Toy ' - -imenthe. 'They left uto to theinj•tyment o a princely torten°, which former experience lute taughtme . to uiti•worthily. - drink nor . gamblif. 1. -- pass mq life otiieoy - iirt)nvel= I out not married, and do not think it likely that Lever shall be'; for Katrina is ev er pre - sot - it in my heart; find when I lost htir, nalest.the poWer of loving. Sines tluit period .biteen years tare eliqiired7 -- rhirtriviftidered" thrOligh - nitiy7lands, - trodden the- ruins_6l:- . Thebes, ai'd waked the echoes of Pompeii 'elapt the buffalo on.the Western - prairies, and pursuodtiM wild boar in tho forests of Weil— phalli. ant novr - On my way to Denmark; but propose remaining a few days in Brussels 'where probably I shall have the pleasure of Meeting you again.' . . _ The 'stringer bowed as he - said, this,.sod : bowed in return. ' And now, .str,' ho continued, 'from the night flint I lost them in a setae at: the Nai l 80.1 Dorre tilLthis evening, when I behold throw \upon your shirt, ,I have never seen those thhi iuond studs... have sought for theni..adieP. tiled .theni,. offered rewards innumerable for • . them, ifuring the spartiftelii ry titre rup fo • space ii . • the:present niiiment 01l who in 'vain.' Not for - their hstrinsie wortti,—for i l could purelinse, plenty like th - ent,—but . for theassoolatiotts - co named wiflillte - to I filiretrao - lkigivii - value • upon those t Inure. They ate the saMe which grandfather tioncealed in his pillow or mat . flog, which my father, gave to me upon my birth-day, which tarot drew upon me the eyes of my' lokt K 411 4 .1111. surely you will ackmiw . ,ledge that this is a pardonable weakness, am' aloe that the stadd Illy really ionic V ..Yonr tale, sir,: HMI 1, politely - but :firmly, - 'ls indeed very_ surprising, 111111 soy vvry conclusive ;• bur the - mum is so -ningehtta i thy etude belong suit 80 much riglif to both of us, Iliflt: I really think we must refer' all decision oil the point of ownership to tliM law. You cannot expecif , iiie rvittijuitili thing no Villlllllllo Witlllillt tint ascertaining liether I really nal compelled 'legally to do. Nly: deur gir.' replied the gtrneger. '1 find uu idegplnglring yom to rel;iluilzh the e... , It.yeu will do , 1110 th e . faver utiee,tuois • to ihilw me chat little bill (the 111110111 IL of I linve forgot ion.) 1 ahuli bed lighted - give you a cheque for the tool! sow.' Exousednu, sir,' I aunt ainuewhat line:truly but you Lava iiot yet proved to we that iliese _atones are those of which you were tubbed in the-Maison burro ~ Make it evident It; this i+ - tiut a n 01150 . of acbidental re.,eniblanee, and • • intetr.uptud tho stranger, my %flier gave 1111)the studs on my birthday, Ie - caused my z initials to' be engraved in' minute eborlietere upon one et' the fatMtant the back To do ilno,ls'lltl ii great expense. When . done it deteriolvi:il fiuM the itiorkei..volue " of the geins-;_hut it lttiide themiofmilely more pree,imts to ine.r If, sir, you will , have the ',gootlti . eils to titire them Duiof your show you the itittiuls P. P. upon the_, uuGer .13y,this lime the-train Int.l renjelied The en buebs of Brussele ; an , d moments more we should airive: 1 well knew, nt the s u ction , I think, nir,' wild 1, • we had ; better deter this examinatiou till to• Morrow; WAlinvO al most, gained our destination ; unil by the fee blo•l ight of life roof-lamp • • • The stranger breu:ht out a small silver box filled with wax 111/11C1161. • -•• tijo :fight-or (wed' these-convenient lit• tlo articles, air,' ha surd, .1 will eugogo that you ahall bee the lettere. 1 out moot 11.11Xl0118 to convince you oftholodentity of the stotten. Prey oblige Ine . hY tolting I could no longer find any pretence - for re fushl., The etude wore ntteched each to each by slender Oulu, nod to eantotta9 ono 1 woo forced to take 'out all.- As I wee doing this the motion of the (rein slackened. eantuitied the citaies with eti nine impatience' Upon niy: honor sir,' I enid I, sery ettruent 13., 'I eau percriv •nothing,upup 'HA you not better put. en your glusae l il' naked the etrunger. , B, nellea P shouted the gunrd Change meld tle . Concoic pour. Gund, B ayes et Oniend ! flung the ginases: they VCCI'e au mkt . ) , I Could nut.seeitn inch-hi fore wo. , •' Allow Inc to hold the studs for you while you rub-thetn up,' nni,l the stringer politely I thntiked hint, polished the gkeses with illy sleeve, l till them up to the light, put them Now, sir,".l mold, 'yen mny light noodle' Inottuh, and give me the di, nonds.' etranger ninth) no reply. • I *ill notlrouble you, air, to hold then Wiry loltger . ,' .It,id ..1 nilliriekof dismay, l • iiver lily own portinatireau, which stood In tweet' mu and the doorway: * ••• vett( ;lestfluke said—the ..guard with it grin. , . • iyhere is the stronger ?•. d •cricd,' lenpiu} Out nu& duitcitti nh••ut the pint litres. • iVitere is the stronger? whelp is Po ter l'otroffski where are my dininond Muds?' • litts moneieur lost nnythingt• . nuk'ud th e_ railway interpreier, tutiching^his cup. ifs had wj studs in h,is littittl! ...I turned my biarftieTt wets eV! neey'oteesee" hies !' hneo the goodness to dc i seritiwilts_pereen el the thief?' • HU Vol IS tall thin very dark, with black eyes and nn ncquiline nose. , • ' And long hair ha tighig - to' his shoulders?' naked the interpreter. - ' ' Yee, 'yea." .. • • - . . , And ho woro a largeoluak ;milli a high fur eellne the Very enme,' The' in)rter end nwt byainndere E mil e , iol Outwit menningly eVene ;mother. The in- rerpreter elinigking his obould7s. . • Every vffert shall bo mode,' he. said, BlM king ribs head; ; hut . I . reirot to'..ony amt. Wo hevalitttle prosptat of BUCCOS:11. This mau's name to Fnkolun: lbis nn experienced swim! . rid:Vitra ei tcrity. It is nut -three week's sii,oe he l tiom milteda similar robbery on this very lins,'Cnd . ,tire police' hove•beew In 'pursuit, of , him ~eter. since witheurnffect.'.;•' - IlliettLilol6liihreitrifdt-141eC.Pidroffski:?' Certainly lie is ho-ltussisn?' . . - more than I - gruiiiltailliir 'Who beSuWOl - prinoess ' Ati- monsieur •iiiity he ousvineedi'- psi& the. inicrprotsr. with,komllo, 'whikevei eiory 'w•t4 n 0,40 to hi,it l , yPier is V4llllOll Wili,ll . Qlll bOgii II Ilg tifel,=: • ''4 . kito:isti;lptit!lFn; - I;ittiowapil:nloivi 'null -took If I I e , T; 1 0;1.4'1!c!. 1. 4 1 ',-,vIPF; w pains n uuhi riotre,l - 011-. the 'llo.li -0 hr. P ' No. bt ULU. Jtetn iltinettisc cuts. TWENTY GOOD BEASOn. WHY CHUM'S 13111 COMiINED REAPER AND MOWER - FOR 1457, • '• . . IS THE, most coMplete Mach* in use Lnud tho anu best adapted to the wantli or the Far , - - Ist. Being node wholly of Iron, It In more Burn lan any other.• 'Amigo that any person non really manag, :hi: ft Is so strtingly and well Lriilt , that it cant, wily got out or Kopair. Alb. it is -- ntal - and rompart,Toolupylng: nut any pthu. ' sth. Tho frame Is so 000013: Imlanred that thorn is eight no the h•Jrses Eth. 'Thorn Is Ilttln hr no shlo droll. • t - Irill - vitt - IteaVy .1111 d 11,1tromg equally won. 11. cuts WET ffralis is ne Y. I . .. . . Ti7l iii - Tirew eittti,l.arwhoil lesions tho'ilnift at least one-finirtli in inAwing, • loth. Two lI'II . NIM Will work it with rase In any kind .of grass or grain. . . . II LL. I t•is the nitif InaOltine with the eutte,har di. ..roctly opposito the short of tha lifiling-w heel. 12th. l'ito open elating-blade eifeotually prevents clogging in any kind .1' grace. lath, It is changed in a few minutes from a 3lowor to adlo.to:r. . I .th. It Is the only machine with a rear and Mall do livery for grain. It. It la the only marhye width' given the raker -eogiplete-control-01 thevalth, Loth before and after it "mayhem the platfrm. 11th. The adjustable spring -seat and.new reaper shoo lure capital Imprrnements. - 'l7th. Se'vetry,-em's f._nraelleaLtaittl.!..wilitlno as tltuu I'L (Intl in:whines have proven its 'decided superi• ority. 1,11:0 wine: It Improves with age, I , th, All the Improventonts fir 1857, have loon pray. tinny and thoroughly tested. LVOry part of Iho 1113 , 11i1i0 Is mode by master we; lanen. and ill' thin 1110:4 Manlier. 25th. lietohunt's Ileaper and )trover it we, ranted to rot grans and graht'as will an It ran lie done nutty a s•ytlo. In eradle. In 1 wonl. it isjust lie machine Itlllol n rlitiller 1,11 buy Witilit tiny 1•10 i. • iii.l,lll , l' :011100 1111 111 , 1,1 i tbnt it is kallolile is all earls. • Filtllll.l, anud In yetir orders ns the sale,: fo this cc ism, 111,0 ; HMS far, been Ilion. Illao double tin s , of 1441 - year. :11aNeKeff.qorty ho seen - l',11:11q10 / 1 Ite4c inaltidneß nre not iho kind that were sold It Curnbeeland , lonty - instammtn-ns - Krtelltnn's , •iteltrel's They aro entirely Altdfnet. and , tattipether superlot Jimmy only in seen find purchased-6-r ,IMT L . J.,' 1,481.1 L,. • • • • ilov. North g.„.enst of Glm.s'sllote] Csible: ••• _ BOAS, SPAM) bElt A' CO. Solo Agents. - F 1,027 xt.:Lelow 7th. Mirth I . IOAS STAMMER, Solo 3imidtio•Curiirs, 11,,tfRog; May 27, 11;57-41. , 2 WITNE; SSES ; or, THE FOR . GER C.MIVICT.E;•I. • JOHN-DYE:. Is' the . WHO has livid ton fears - exilerj v•lf once as a Banker and Publiatier, and nu- thor or A SIMMS. OF LECTURES AT TIIIrIIROAD. R•.LY TA It Elt.N A (3;1:, • 41, where. - for ten hileressiiii. 1,-..,rip'ere, 50,0 n, 1imp:1....Q.4, greeted .hint with I tounds of Anplate.:.l while he exhibited the inauner in w hleh Cottet... feiters execute their Frauds. nod (he t.3urest. nod Sit st test Me ns of (tofu 9l ng, hem :". • • •• ' 0 Jplllrf 15'11-)rolvers.all: say fhort,lic. is the C- 7 yitalrgt Judge of l'uncrill , --- -dieateA - tiscovery - Of'tlre - PrOAWit - Century for dlittetitng .6nuitrtfrit / 1 1 . 1111'L 110te.51 De.rrillug 1,1,37.0,mu1ne 11111 to Exlstenm , ,,nod exhil Wag at a glarmo ovoriTmmterfolt, In l'irom • lotion!! • A imaged no admirably, that. ItIiFERENCE IS — EASY AND DETECTION' IN STAN-I:0118. ' No, Index to examine! No Imam 'to hoht. But ii, simplified and arranged. thliCtlm Murrhaut •—• Maher atilt Minima+, 31 , a a tail 000 ...id, AT dmi.A.Ner. AND ' C.) • ,Thus each may , read the Same in his own Native Tongue. : ~co• Most Perfect Bank Note List Pub • cd of All tho Private Rankers hi A me. rira. A einitplitte Summary to the Finance of Ea rope 111111 .1111011,1 Dill ho 11111111010 d in earl. o 01111. to,veliter will. all important NMI'S OF Tile: DAY; Alai, A SERIES UN 'TALICA, from nu old Manuscript found in the (Cast. It furnishes the CD intist complein history of DRIIIATA i. LIFE, do g svi•ililng the 3lost,,l'erplexing l'asitiens 01,1015 9 . tho (lillith•111011 Colllllry bIIVO 11001 r SO 011011 L , mid. Those Stories will runt tune t heoughoill- the - r,--anit - puree the most, enti•taiiiing ever °Rim) to the . . . . .11 , .1j'. Furnished 'lVvelily to m11..1 . 11,0111 only, ,. nt $1 IL ) ear. All letters must to tolifressill to , . .1011 N S. 1)Y1•:. ilaillier, • Publisher and Pmprleturs.lO Wall st., N. Y. May 27.-1814', POUNDRY, MA„„INE SHOP, CAlt F.WP ,1117 and 0 - 11 -•• •"..e. Haut 1:1111 '.1 ' 411 ,et. . . , . This extensive establishment Is • 111 iu Utimplett, n der and NO 11IItt %kith file !WS( 111.11:1111wry ri3O etoltl ma; nes (Ty department. l'he buildings llato•/as imen greatly enlarged this spring and steeked o s iih th newest and most illlprOVoll LOON. rlr 111,11111111.1111rtlIr nrons, wixrow FRAM ES, SASH, . _ i 4 lintlers, 31(4%11,11n s, Its...diets :nut all other Linda of Carp.ititer worrk. We invite lhdhlers. tar , .pastors and Oilers to rall - ahil ex:11111110 our ilivititles for - doing thh,' leer lon Of - work: The be. , l - used and urines ns L.it 11e at any other entabilidinient hl the County lIC,IIISOW bele. . • STE.I%I CStt I Ntiii 11U11.1"r, and rept h•ril ns 111 . 111141.1 . 0. 1.11;21111.8 toms 1114 M ri3Vollt• ly Islip for Sl'. M. Henderson 4, Fun, in lids' bolinugli. Buxom -.1111 e villa, Shade k IVatsel, North and ot.iin•s, at who, listaldisinuont they may 1-e seen in daily pio erathin.iind to 1t hens we van refer lilt evidence of their superiority. IRON AND BRAES CAS'IINUS • of every desni lotion, from thesmallest to the heaviest pleres exemiteil-at short notice tor .overy kind of nee eldnery. .3 liiii: . e‘ariety of mill co.:Ling,: now-on hand Tiro skillful Vattern makers eonsoi,tly empl o y e d._ It I.:P.1111M; promptly litt.thtlett to for Paper 311/ Dlstillvries. grist — 3lills, Fartei lrs. ST, Fitting Mill &e. done in the best style. • VIRESIIINO 31ACII!DES AND 1101Di1 POWERS. mm l l - 414 - 1 1 oV11-Dom—Vour—llorso-Dowers,- norDonta Gear Four tool wo Dom Polio, Cure • ne)11.1, Crubliers, iron 'toilett. Plough rastimm, Hull t UHT or tides Mr lot mom, on hand Cr , promptly mmlo..to ordor .1116 iiiil LT, and centered. Our facilities (or laillding'Cars are now i slZterii t Aitl "j'll.s4'l'l"'th , yorters , on the re._ not aeconnu dating term. and made the Lest materials. Orders solicited and entire satisfaction guarantee - I. The long experience in the husiness of the senior partner of Ihn firm. and the completeness of our Ina ehiooiy In every bi l assch of the essoLliMunrot warrant us in no:ming the I est weir!: to all whollivor with their orders, • 'The conti, tied patronage of - our/1d Mends and the pnlAid is respectfully solicited. May . F. ii. DNEit & Co. • it. WM. H. .I;;s'l'A -1;1.1,11E1) PRIVATE HOSPITAL n romoved In the linkable Are Ade, oppnit (noillt) the Post Wilco Sent 0..., bore hu ME Introduce to thO Both) of those oink:tea with PRIVATE AND SYPIIII.IO DISEASES, Tbn French n stem of cure. 'Phis' close of nOlllOllllOll Ile ban outdo nod Intends ,to make a *vela Ity, and knowledge ho has OP TUE NEW kIETUOD. - of - tretanient , now - Inmperstinirlif - Praure ana tSi Elio Mosta tals of this country. warrants Malin saying that none of the forms thu disease is wont to 'ensues, is ' without a • • SURE, QUICK 'A ND, pE PI A N ENT • REMEDY. • Five thoitsan'd patients , cured annually. The nano. dies out ploral by Dr. W. E. lIOYr. are free front in VP taste Or lane ) -- 0011111111 an incr.-pry and require on --change of diet, business-m• • • PERSONS AT A DISTANCE.- ' Aray lie curter-at homb, by stating their rase,-and gib , ' dressing a, letter talk, WM. kb HOYT. Recollect the name and-pince. • " ' N. 11.~Imdlos In want of a pleasantWird Safe remedy for Irregularitles,obstructions,.Ac , can ebtain Dlt-DIJSIAS,'4ItENdIf - PEMALE - 111ONTIfix - PILL& - lit the lici s cio . r's Oillee ththelinstable Arcade:. Married lailles,in certain , situations shenliknot use thou. Per reasons, see alrectlempwlth each' box. price $l. sent , by mall. to all parts of Ma ; Wm. tis the only agent hr the' United Status,-Also, for sale lit the . - DoeterSti, °Rico, the Female .Pioteeting Tinitrunient,"nn . 'prectaftlitivo . of conception; isimialuable to such nail - are-incapacitated pAro .roproduotion; 'Orders. from, any part o.r.the 'lnitial Statos, etichistug will' , agent e tim rutuili of the Instrument.' And all onion Almelo/hi Jr a private .nabure: for lineal,. asos;'oaa bp' , blid at the Dacter . a.oilice• • Remember •that,Dr..W.m. 11, Hoyt hi the only, permanentlY est:Milan il and respomil-• ble physiman in salami New Fork." that, ti was private! diseases, and his iiimaire extends through every State lublitt•Utilen.•••• itememlair the pitieli-Bribable A rcaibi. Office haurs:o Sundays Spin 2:tilks P. M. AR , cures warranted or no pay. ' • r MOTT. , . ' Synteutie, Et Al... , ll.AT'f'S • T Sir riiiJ rwitil4t itrl 11141 . 0iy'101 inlitver . i* the tuw, 1111.1 p or, • " " Zro floobs. - . „ G' o'o . o D. S! . • G GOODS! and Itiothor hive just opened one .QJ_tlto-IrirySOßt and bCst pAsortanents' of •Dry Goode' over ta ought.to Cern - Ala. Tln 7 ir nfhok lidh bumf rielertetllFltll• more then usual carp from ate best houses In New• York nod Philadelpiiia;and every effort 'made' ro Obtain the hawk And'anostfitshlonnbla stYlee of dress. - They Ont. tor k thotneelveAthey_mlll bo able to_ stiltuVerY_Tatioty_ 'nf-taste -at, prices-es low-or lower-than -Gm- MB lel 'bought hero or In the city. Black Silk Robes, Geroge Mabee, Poplins. ,-VanCy , Silk Robes, Lawn Robes, Attontine. ' ,Foulard Silks, Orono lye; lirlllinutn.. ' BayAdere Silks, Pure Chnit, _ . Oinghernlawn. 'Moire Anthoo, Dural, , India,' - Crepe do EspagnO,A loam. Ilimalya, -'--7-7,-A-Ihroobdulm ., Fancy Silks, a Tainartlne, Cashmere _ asset Gook of Irlitte (tress goods:, No toso,ok lins, Victoria Lawns, figured Swiss. Velvets fur. Man tles, White nod Black elliplf Sio,wls. tunic 'l'llll , nt, Mode nod hrecloa Fhmrls l ,ke. Bonnets, Bonnet :Feline, Lib. boos. Flowers, 4., Coronation, Crovella nod Crinoline, Skirts' for toles, , Also, Collars, Underslooves, Hand lierehiefs.in great variety. ' HNTS w EAR Ceeslmores,•Ffrapdetl, Caslimerets, Smunriqr Cns. shnores, Cuttonntles, h7lk Undershirts, Linens, Ilintilkor eltiet; t(c. DOMESTIC .000DS . Bleached and unid-adied Moon and Cotton Sheetingt Tulle Linens, %Vole,' ditto. Plano Cover, Counterpane, Straw flats. Flats. 1,30 log Classes, 'pickings, Il Indio Flialles of all. I,lmlq-Umbrollas. 'Willi; and every yr riot) . of Dry Goods lii eonuenn ifse., - We bevy just laid In a large stock of VaPestry, Ingrate Intporfar, Mixed qind ling Carpet., Oil Cloths, 3lettitu' Straw, , Mats. ,tr.. at 'lowest prices. We 'respectfully Ii vile the 11101110 to call and exantlite our'stock hefore pm chasing. We, have Itoughrlik assortment at suet pikes that we cannot be unflervld. •' - Special attention paikto purchasing goods In Ibit pee order at shortest olutlee. . • • ..... • - Every effort wilna•inade - by iturfirm - to - gtetienttrfne- INa to those who way Taxer them with n roll. BENTZ Si BROTHER. ENV G 00159 A(' AIN )..T THF .N • - 2 Sceond urrival qrSpriny and Sumnic/ Cowls. . • 4 . Tim subscriber begs leave - to Intrnrin ts, rrinmla -ntil the public generally. that lie lass hut rout itid arc I lie large supply of GOODS. ti hich he in determined In sell eheaper than ever offered in Carlisle, consisting In part of Ilarages plain &rig. Brilliants, ' Alpacas, lito-il Chlthq Choi] ks, LLArtql. Purlieu. Iht FrencittLawns, Skirting French and Senteli Oinghamx, Prints, Moves, llohlery, colors, liandkei.cliiim., 4• •• SHAWLS and MA NT111,5 S'of every style niniquality „ •STAPLE AND 11011 , .STIC, DRY _DODDS, • . • Flannels,' • )J , irk hips, l"tripes, ' , C110,1;8, Cain . 1710ln/tildes, Linens. Sheetings," , Denims, . Nankeens. . Drills. Quilts.,,cAoreil and .11143 Carpet (Sethi, PARASOLS (NIl . 1131111tELL.1S. ' • • • Also. a - larle a pl splendid its: irtintelt of Bennet. Pars, raps, Hoots and Shei:s. .A superior lot Of Fresh • • ItoelillIES; Tows, ColTiT, Sugar, 316 lasses. Rise, e. • Mai . ug selested my entire nt , rli rout, the greatest rn !lad at the Irnvel , t, t),,sn l'sist,s. I 11111 .n•sure nn• Lnmis:Mit llm iml.fle,gonerally• that, I , vIII il.. all In y nowon to malts my i•slablinktitentlnown. at, Those who 1041 to, intreln , a gill find it yn their mi na:lgo to rail - and oxaMino mg nho•L - ledoie purr-tarn: wilt pay the highest Imit•het price for lllittety qv, Soap awl Dried Fruit. • May 1:4 PILL : . ••• ••••" • NE‘‘r•G001)8! 13A11,13',.‘ I NS, liAlt - GA INS.-..-The eul:s..t.11o•l• liasjitst rot lulled Truro Now York and ildla.lelphia and Is 11:11V °polling ad lin, amuse tdoek oljlle Ilai.ilsontost and clioailust Dry Uocds vver br u,4ld. to Omni 4a land county: - . • 1 .1)111:F.S 116011,-; , argil lit LAMS, 1.3‘1 . 11 ItobeK, 61114 LaVenall,litt01111(111,. 'laid!, A. . • ....1011S11011W1{1 E*. , . An lininewo•asaolitheilt of elegant. Vona , 11 131 , rhott Miura, l'aata,leavva. Ilatll.erchiofs. Ellamming. Lila% aaa alai lama'lla:;. l 44 , ht tour lii hapi.llVl, in N,Sv l'”rk, and o il:l i sahl'at. prier, to . 3' ;di , adap , tilb . ll., ..• imNsvers,•itinpo:o4, hu g e ~t,.,q, ~r n01,,,05, !gm.. nndVI.VOI,I it Very ,v . paces. f . • 4 ,_ , .1:11S 'AND 'CASS] 31 Eltl:S.- . , 0f,,0 .. ei aittl.Onit.interes,lqTY - En. :11eq - ll 11 , 3%in grl'llt vl togi.tiinr with ull oilier hinds or gdn tis too, 111111111 sG, p:irtirnl+u•ioe. All nly,ol.l'l , rlends and,llu,tionci - s. anti tho pnl.llo In goacial aro rcppertfally-Invited . to call nut oKainiil/1 illy stock before iporcha,lng. IiLITY Hill I e rert:du ten out good bargains awl fact e.mozich at the Uld .` , tand, Main Street. „CILIA I I 1 4 .1:S 0011,11 Y. Carlisle. April 8. 7857. tt • NT FAN' d001j8 .4 . Gt)()D 7 •; 4 3OODS ' ll' you WAXY NEW (0001)0, ' , noon 000111, Attu 010:11. 'TO . nox,t (10,4 to and you will Ili - Win kirgoni,scrtutenlo,f 01111111:. ronsiMing of 11141 c. Valley nod Oriono 011104; Minium:4, Poona. Clotlin, Iln Ipavens, ;NO; Ohio Srotql, ( . 1111.1111/iIW tduF iIIIIN, 011iVI/igi 1100 l'l,lol R 1114,Ca ettllll.. 11114iery. ii10010.;A:V.. &V. 'DOM ESTR'S.- , -%Vflolell 'Twilled Flannels. Drilling- Tiehing. Iles arid Ila,,ging, Cotton Flatinelsmsiiiihein:. lOnnk. Cinglinn braver, o !lite anil .61 Carpet I lin n, &e, • , In :.`11:1WIS out Blankets we 1t . ,. all sorts; ,I7.es and Hue Fro'eh Bine]; Clot CoNsinlert, nod S:4lilt 5r r geritlLlit =IE=IMMI As for motors, 3vontena and eltildren's Hook & Floats woorlefy taaspeOtion. - Aiso. II very t.tilso I,r lot , 1' tin - moles, smolt as 'Coffee .911,11 1 , 1111•1 1 , :11111 ; Le. . • Our StilillZ lIIIS 111 , 1111 AV11 1 1•t1111 tho eiotatest more O. 10 noire and citss!lty, 111111 we iris oletrrelltord to so:I tot vory small adviroves. Thom. to porrlmn tt ill titol ' thal no amrsolling ss ir silolomper—tlino 111,11,11 In 11411; altd trolly sill nod It to their god. vuotlat.o: highs' ita 0 mill. ratter, l.ggs, hags, :' , nap and Mita! I's nit taken al Marlt!et N. W. WIMPS.Ap.' t. • Don't. forgot the place, next i11.;.r to :t1 agltiochl I i hotel. Q - P - 11-1-M-I=A-N-14-+T-NHHilt-e-LOT-1 ARNOIArt I.II'INOSTON. - , The proprietors 111' this popular Clothing; rstahlisl moot, respectfully:immune() that they hard just 1., touved 1111100.se sGlrl, If OW king autl piled good which they %sill sell at the lowest ' Uf==lo==o for :11.1 :11111 110y8. 1 . 01111/.14.010 , 01 . y tisFeriptinti of it., .gonals. ro:erted Attli the grva4eNt ears. and loads In II style allll 111/40 'of Wilton, and muTattt.il 111'010 1110 .11 . 110 us represented at the lime ni parches Ul serve that every arliele of Clothing snhl propriet,rs or this - eht.thih.lintent May Lu reih.al elm at: i sing tt ell selected, -- Amng - his _nnsnyttnont may be ot.tl Mug: 111 . W Nt. 10 1)11, , Mid Frock . . Coats, mad lu tho latest rastlinns o f French aint Englip . .ll On tbs.. You' e.tylo Itu , iness coats; blue. Drown Olive and Green Cloths, anti Plain anti ,Fancy Cass onillosm varkty, of Plain nuil:fnoey E 111; Satlos, l'af•Nilllorl 0; 01'014111W M:lll,l4Mlq4' . .. . t . . glue 1,111.11 C 1401111 11 , 1,-6i11.111:11 I.'4MT Olt/4111NC E:Oltti. l'lttlit Light Colored L'assiniero l'iatits—t 4 vring style B- . --- . . . 1.30175' ;lust completed, by far tin, litr,:est mu 4 cheapest us. lioy so! ( lithine;..miltable.fer_iSpringand that can be thuMl ia Carlisle, consisting ni CI tits. Pouts and Vests ~t till shies and qualities, to which constant additions will be made during the he:, tn." Also, a full ass irtinnot of Shirts, Collarß, Ito*Homs Cravats: Pocket Hamlet:lllllas, Susptudel 5, Storks Ulm Izlrrl'-uiu4 Iluthrellos e .- :runt received, a largo asserti . nent of.lllack and Fancy Colored Cloths, block lineeldii and Fancy ( :shim os Vestings and a great vorietv ul now nod ihshionahl hoodoo Sro Pantti and \eats which I, made up Iv eider, ell the boors rensenalle suttrieribtirs hope, by.striet attention to business and endeavoring to please customers, to, receive a COI tilluatico of public patronage. . ARNOLD- ..S; LIVINGSTON... A 111 1 .1,1857 rps" T RECEIVED; .. . No. I.—Prl li It Ing song, 25 .—VII lovely Perim! 21 Itenulles , of Traylnto, or- 3.—A brays Free, 2:. , rlsge.l for the Nano,' - 4.—tilpsv (11.110: • 2 b by J. A, (lam 5.-011 Cherlshect-M e: . . moray . , (t—lu light Whispers Willie Atliottisch.-Pollts, 3luturkit, by James:7l. , . , 10 ink, each, . :• •' 25 • Camillo Polka, , . " 1 10 Ileyw's Baguet do INfolodivs, , • ; .11autbrula—Daaso do - Nagrus—UorrachAta, L 71, Prida et•ltot ti ` salto, -•-- - -., •• • • • -.• 1,1. Throo lfullii'l'ollt, . rat I rteslstlldu l'allia, . - . ;_,• • • ,- ;1a Oland 5.015 a do Gout ort —ll"tex t tofi. • • . . .75 lastrua.lon Illadtsfor ; riano, :11oladoda r nalo, ,Viollo,•11oloacollo, etc.. etc. M'• -• • • ' ' emo 0000101 l WILY. • - A liberal Ellsvount will ha' Hondo to DEALERS and to TKACLIEIt3. ,Altitio mailed In% Of otpunso, to oily "part o: - tho'coui3tt•y.. - • • '• • . . ' - ' MI.ItYUCK;TAYLOtt:I sanTu...!. . • . . ,• • , XTEW ,BOOKS,!..•Thii stibscri,bei.§ have jugye F oived:the following NEW I'urticAtio:lB:—, ThlnBitirit oonorolly linriwic:LD. A. 11'zitil,t ; 1 25 Americo and Europo,•Otroott4Bt; 1.26 Tlin.Atnerlcatio,lo ditpalteoti: ,•,:4-25 , 3141401 M's Illtigraphlcal ttial . 1 1IstocItml'Ysloyo,76 ‘ 1415 P.A. 0 1. 6 :A/11. 1 .1-1M1119,=.9A.8811.-t;..2 • llryollt's Pooool, 'Novrou., cloth gilt; . - •.• : tlolort tho Deel4lollB of Iho floprono Cotirt iio V oMed:S:ateiii nit d, the tlpinhitot of :, the .ludtte4l,l tho Droll ,Inlt. - en'so,' • . '6o Qoat:i - thosi . IflAory of Cho Ullltod.Slntoni :1 on A pplotOn's Vollivity Guido for- 3 1dYf.• 25 llm•mnny;, TheOlugy ttu'l'atullglon; Ily tlclalf, .• , . , Bchlutter's. mr, find Trnvobi-114rtontratr, on TolOinitiny of the !looks—Muni!.llB.l .B o, Lift offnotz Victim ; -• , , . 40 l'rinclg'o of P,OlOOO, - . -Pitrwidt, orlioOlyloaga—FitANClB-WAY4.17.i0,••-•—• Mt •Arolle rAploratt - 014—Dit. H.(88, 2,C918: 8vo. ? , "6 on ,lAI'4 af.ll'olillityton,,•l chlB., I' t., t - 8.0 • - • ' .83XITit 11 - •tt , .‘ i.e u!m Tte •• 110i(tibefpOin ant) kein,_4orft. . 1110 . .FESSOR D!,,S !".1-lAllt. - .; no'doubt, the most wouthalul discovery of this age -ot , progreserfur it - wlll7estore - purionnentlyvgr-i.halr:to Its original calm,. cover the head of. the bald - with a most lu turipat growth, remove atlike all dandrillf and Itching, cure all acrefula,nnil Other eutaineouSeruptions, fit " , Itoi_Cattra„ria_ ifby_uigic, '. him•wue.oS'-perludlrn4 - Lm+ailsrhn;-uhnko .- LLeLn(r r eel't~ and wavy, and preserve the clsur purfectlyould , the lush , from falling,' to extreme old age. The following 114 Irons a distinp,uhlicd niember.of the , . . • Sr. ram., Januaty I, ISE•S PROFESOIt O. J. WOOD— • DEAR Situ—Unsolicited, I send you this certificate. - A 11w-beingNearly-Illtitritlett=lfinirtfil-fir-m"1-4"Ffir tried all. the balk restoratives extant, tad having ha faith In any, 1 was 1 oduced,un hearing of yours to give -it 1r trial:A - placed' myself - hi - the bandit of a, barber - , . and had lay head robbed with a good brush, and . the reel uutivu then applied and well ruLbed ie,Zill the scalp was In laglow. This 1 repeated gyery working, and In three' weeks the young hair nppeared and grow ra pidly kiln August last till the present thee, and Is 11 . 0 1Y thick, bleek.and strung—soil and pleasant to the touch; whereas, bel-ro, It was harsh and wiry, what little was of it, and that tittle was disapposeing very rapidly. I still use your rust;eretlvoabout twice a weak, Ind shall . 00011 has o a good and perfect crop of hair. Now, 1. had -.road of a w t hese things-nd Lo has not but have not Coen lathe, to any, rose where any perneigs heir Otis re aliy, bench tted by any of the hair tonics, ete.,,itf the day: and ft reply gives eau pliwuroltq.rocih t d the result of my experience. .1' have rooms uended your preparation to others, 00,1 it already haaalarge and 'ttenerons salt, throughout the Territ4y. Thu Teeple here know its elle, to, and have.conlldenre In it. The supply you soot MI, ice W11•411.i111 /lAulitli for URI Tun nary, is nearly ex , heusted, end daily inquiries an, made Our It. You de servo credit for ,yOlll . discovery: and .1 for one, return you my thanks lilt the benefit it has dello ine,dhr 1 Cer tainly had despaired long ago acre,' affecting nay such rstult. ' . . • Yowl;letethy, - •J, W. 'llONn, • • Firm of nand Kelloy, Drit;glats, St. X4t0.11.. [From the Editor of the Real Estato Athol' Ward - • 110,t0z, - , 37 - ,4eh001 - Skeetol.relt. 20, - .1856. :Shan-At:;—lfitelog-iveolue-preumtutely,quito_gray; wan induced, onto nix week, slave: t,.. teake a trial of pair RUM:WeaI Ve. 1 linen 11,ell let. than two bottle., but the gray hails have all disantlear;ll; and althoutli toy hair has not Tully attained Its orightal color, yetlite proccos of change Is gnu vitally going op, and - I ant in great hop., that In a short Unto my,haltv 111 ben'. clink as formerly. 1 taut, also been much - gratitud at the healthy amdsture and or the hap. stilt before was Introit awl dry, and It has ceased ti eolllllllllt uabt- yours,, Professoi flood. "' V. M. RUPP,. C. f 1.1:, I MI14 , 4;111110 10, 1556. I..haro u'soilProfel,nor Wood's Hair Itest,rutive, and hnvu admired its wtoulerful cliand. My imin•Arns I ermn• inng.-s , l—tli.ht—preonnturety—grayrlnkl , dly-tlitT=lme of Ids •• Itesturn re; it hand.i!sunined en.h.ron Ind I hat, ins doubt, ruennationn.lpso. S DN 11111ill:i1 , ,, • - Ex- meater Tor sale In . cad We, by S.. w. CIA V.1:10 4 T1C15, SA M ISLLIUIi'.:uid Dru,c.ziriti Cy eyy wbero.„ Feb, 28, Ise7.--15., TAR U (1), T, AND • , witoi,NsALE w-Anwt )t;.41•:, Uuktier or Tenth itu.l . M . :trlzet. Streets. &Hike lii Secopil rt,ry, • Ito 1111111! 111.1‘111111,11 to law enlarged I.t-rk .4 Drugs, Pall" tg. rater. nod comprising 0111, Of ill.) 11111,1 jut till, (111,111.1.,g nee , wltielt we wife rat lieu pdres, far 1,11.511 01. 1 / 1 11,1111.11 rl Vail. 31:1N V If very- extemthrly: Preniltitri 1.1 , 3.1, (Loot.) sotistligUdiTuro 111 into Lead. •Peall Snow While I,ad. • ••Vlellu , Nlontagile F0n...1C/Sur, (bast,) tdtow Anwlican-7.1114,. '•-• -- I'llll.ldolphidt.low iVidte %Am , : . • Si) VIT . N elantre Eire anal .11' eather.lns;ol.l'alp , ts, - (1111/1111: Ermine, Yellows, and velar's generally. . AtIENTS 1 , ' ) ll: . • ... .. Poi ter's, soperier,AllniEue IV iinlatv Class, _ . . (leonine Kronen Plato (thee:. (wareanteity • • The Now Jersey Zinc Conirany!iiliredurtl, 'Tilden and Nephew's Nine Ynrk Varnishes, -.- ' -- Bouldyn-Erernima - Pore White Lend,.__ - b - - . ' TrIIIIP.iOII ltornuenent ti Peens, ' l'lll . o II II in i'llt...lW La i 3111,11.1 ) ., Sc., Sr.,. .. IMPOWITI‘SriI.F: . . i , • .. - I, 11 OVIII soil lin)rli,li Plate Class, , Pronely old Inse2ll , ll Volledertilarr. ' • •' Colored a ret•Engniced Win ins (:Ines,' -, Ds znerreot, ye Elie,: . -.. • . 5... Ilinnnoserl, ettiolor Fieors.and l.iltyliAlikt, . .. • firings (tlonnirais, Perfumery, .ke., ' 1Y11...i1,1.... , ,1 I.E DEA LE ii IN : • • .I)rn:.ogis:s'•Arti-9es V.rilerally. .• .. , ' , •• Poi al ers"Dielsor all doserliainin., . • - ' •ItydrAolie mist Inonao Conent, . • . ' , l'al.tlnoa•soil Lard 1'11.,,Cr.' •. • - - • - . Paper 3tal,or's uhly. Satin Illifte. Sr,. Are . . - . -_-,---- ..... EltENCII,111t:11.11ills A: .00.- . '' , Start;.• N. W. col% or l'enth nod 11.194.-1 streets.. • Factore..lithrilan YerleAvunno, Crown and- Colitis hill .lii.reota, iltlladelnltla, . E. 11*.tA1;11. ~ .1 , .1. I -I.N" .ItS A N .1) -S 1.1.A.D .E . S.! or Ninv svii.r:i., 15..1. Wmll.l\l'. No. 'l•2 NA1•111, Sistli kivet, 11111: dolplila, Mantil..lier of VENITIA:, •lILINIJN, ViA.1 . 1.1 . A N A 11,,,, Ito,/,,,u:, , 3 •,, j',INT::II Sor e'. of it..t.i rut lie,, , iros, (hilt, and all other l'of9rs ofglilloi need fol. Sll,oks. I , ixt ores, 'l'l i u ,to., Ally. 11111'11, We 1111t1 Iletall, of tlro I,twoot ensli Prices. 1, r:TonE 5i1A1); , ,, , , pa iolvd ti •,o'iler. 11..1. IV. 116.1,1'• al lOU pout liAjAlll/1;t :, ryepretfully 00' linlto OM 11111:111 to :•:ill and 11.11111i1111 11, • tallY,Allll 101.40' 1111S:11 . t111011t; borA11:11111•1•11:11:1111.e 411S111i /All 1 : ' •., • ' " Wl:.:al;lol•.'l'i),PLE. '.!t, ,' ' • Morel, 13. ISX;', - 1. r()‘T.;ll's .1.1Q1.' , L1) II Alit DYE I . 1_ Thk pill; ovi:'wed , : only .ial to I.,:tlisly r ell in ifs perfection ,1,11 11ye. nil th' , l'ollinling teen ,nlonllll (MIA illlW 01111011111 111:11311V l• '4III.IAG 1'1•li•SS11. It:mill:111 11111 1/.1.1 3110 t.-will orilil)*ilt,n•ylint, thim -1-1111li• 11111, previously borl,o,ll4,llnanly to. , "L.o.)ll.vroitv Full I'll ACTICAI, l'lllpf 1F,T11.1%,1 • -. . :4(..:•;(1•1•111N'S 11,11•11. ' .1 14111:1:101111113. Pi:ll.l7th. 1857. - • •, Ii •Inr, yell ,tevetiat , ,l pith 1.1,1 e sul.etttnees'emnpoF inr Il•Wer•S 1:11111:1 11.111. IWO : 1 11111 AA11:1111111 thou by I Alowing ille Al:111110 direethoe given for Its 1100. It 11111 11111,1110 1111111:111•111. 1.1,111.11111 11•111 1 1,111e.n natural and durable VolOr'to - flre 1111111 ' • • • .J.llle.S 1.11,1.1'1',11, .tnolytir Chemist: . '''. 11,01' lill'S )VIIITINII INKS. Ineluilitor llover's 1,111111, tool 1111,R.11111 bin Met! known m i d I tt . troduerd retioirot tiny of thiJir eh:trader. Thu t•illos has e liven inertiritio, salvo I heir first lotrimlttelloo, ith•stre Oita the to 111-les •tritly posse, that ilott 'lisle merit el:tinted at first for them by the Altittlitettirer. • firth,. modem.'' io the lilanulittdory, No. 410 Ititt i ll•l stride, olio ...I ItT 11, (old No. 141,)'PhIliolelithlit. - roeciVo.l,l,ollllll. afb . btb l ll by ` JOSEPH'. P. 'HOVER, fibutufarttber. • TALLIA_k - CIIEST.NUT (South side. butuw Water,) - .• 01.1o1:1T 11 . 001AVVIll: 110CSE 1N tut Cuir.) • 1111,Wiltel livers null dealer.; iu Patent Sht• rhino math, 11161).118, Palma lll•onv..d. var. rutted Irk in sill link, 11'04.1, Vol, 1111d:ns•n:c+tt:, COW'S, ,¢r., DEMI duecrlplluus. Pleam, cull mid ino, out stock. Fob. ONLY ONE BOTTLE OF DR SANDFORDS Invigor4or, or Liver "Remedy Is rounlred to our. any Olio trooLlud, with Liver emu idaints, unless the most .lesporato of canes, W9lell tllO 1...,UndC10. will, WWI mi'an, n single failure, rest its. the patient to littaith ausl vil e. tie mloin to call the attention of an to those .thetvi, that thoLovigorator in emnpottudel Isy a Isll)sielan Nvlto Ints used It in his pro' tiro fir the past to linty' plat, with a SIICITt,S ahnest era. .dnloiLL anti that it is'ontirely p esod wholly pf soon, Sumo Rh rength .of 1111.,5t, gums may: ht, (omit, I Wiloll 1i Is !MOW. OHO bOtt:olA . th(01111q1111itOr 0,11t•IIIIH an m u: h_ UN 0111.1 Cu• lontel without any tit its ileleVeri,uB ofrecth:-• ; One bsttlr is the surest thing known to rnrry :may Alts.lonti equels of_ inintwal ,usi.s..oLut:.sny.ktod_ . linly Witt Itui.lo Itt•otted to ttirtlw out of the spawn the °Puts it nut.lll.lne altar a long sitrkht,b, Onto Initt.lu takvlt I.,r'.latulicu rentort.s alt yullownesB or unnatUra I e%lor fr,on the shin. Ono (14.NU . nn4;reatjug Is sipilvio!it to relieve the sto. one tins tdkon at night /00Fans tidy Lowols grill and curos costivenssa. Um• 3 tal..a lutes...nob meal will emo 110 91010 6. One (Mon of two tea.spoonsioll 1011 alivoye; relieve 81,4 IL.Nodaehg. . 'l•he I.ttlg takim female olostenetlon remov-es the cause of the illstmg and maces it .perreet cum, c. (Pity one dos° Itaul,allatuly n Ilveux Eh.,lle, 100 IlasehlOn rope:dad is a Oulu •urn tar Choler 3lorLus, and 3 hare 13 . 11 , 1010L1Vil Of CllOlOl%, • One &so-taken •ent the recurrence of attacks, elllie itNlieys nit painful fuelings:_e_ .0.0..0ne -we tah4n ninny is line of the • Lent 'remedies firecold ever hoinvo. Tlmussuils of ceses of Inllaulation nod of the lungs, here been cured by thellivlgunit. r. , • • Ono dose taken n short yheu heihr,o esti lig glves.vlger to the iippeth 0 and makeli Mad dh;ebt well. • • „ One Jose often repented mires flhroole Plurrhen. In lb+ worst forms, while sonnina• nod bowel compliant:: yield almost -to the first dose,' One-or-t we-doses-cures-a ttechel--raus:cd-loy-worms.- while for wormslii_chlblren, there in ins sure, I.lll3 , anci speedier roiiiedy In the worldi es it never-fens. I ' 'flier° Is no esnoeratlon In I hum) stateineelg. they are pls lit nod sollegfects,,gpit wo run elie' tnicence prove., whilr All uLo u4uit ere *Mug - their unAohnous tAbtlinony,ln• Its aver.' • , • \fa all olio aro oleic and dobilitatoil to try Ill; roineliC.•and•test - it. tliimingilly,'.Onifiluy who IWO 'Mt belleilttOti by Raven WO ohoald IMO yot to limit`fram, the first 1101$011 . 101001:13 used a bottle or Invigorator. - witbdut roceiring Pernik, Mr thuro aro ouch astnnishingluoilleal virtueirla it, that all, ito matter licirlopKtlioy have boon afforked," if their, 'complaint aideuv from askoraugod lleary will ho tedltpot outlfely_cur ed, • BAN_ co.- •••-. • • • " 'lll5 Ilraaaway: .New.rork. roVsido by, 0.. ELLIOTT' And7tS:lV. ~11!AyERSTICK, anobby. Drib%hits genq!atly ! ' , ; , •Mnrcb 25; .1857-41 m., • . •-• ; . • • Uit ;...A4st t it's r aß,qorkoeiit':.'Vt; „now and WainuCand t,lahogan , y Drnnetuit Bureaus, with - 410r. ' Soraf,. raldon, Rnd Wasbitandn., . - .IValpitt IV;lnkt, rot, and , W4rdrolbin. Tal,thatofalt.tass. ',. • , 'Fventlillednteadai Mahogany 'dad' Plain 'fables, at all Parlay and chnlin, and lioclting Chairs, rlth yulyet Qr seats and 1 / 4 6F , '. 8.' - ' • • 3lnll lut Rndf4'telnut-Cludkirwlth, ltdlrelotkornano '•clutr , ll Qr. " • • •••, - • Oaf 1111,d 4100 4 pis nair - aikil elagan t. esso,tuqnt,at.thi, V Unit tAiril' liont40)0 'Nulliarlirei', corn f of:North p.webi . ,(4o,,Sotkit • ". .•' hltty . . . . . . . INTHO'LL ',li,lllrUS - E• .. TO:BUY yy., .. JoINT- STICK. OF 9.11 - ._ E.' , . .. 011t.i.T INDUCEMENT , TO INVEST. • The Good Will Hose Company,.respectfully inform the ipitbile - that theylieve living - it - a:Milt Steele - Assoclittbni,', Mr the purpOtte of shearing sullieleot funds to parch/41o: (i'Flre - Engine and 'Hose, They have procured a large assortment of Elegant Engtavings, which-they will sell at one dollar each; the purchaser of an Enginvlng will •receive with it a ticket, which will give the holder thereof an opportunity to-draw one of ,too annexed splendid gifts, to the list of which we would 'invite at-, tention. No bettor oh man was over offered than the --- presentptsdht , imrchnsrriroVanly — gliferfartfirgillirtr, but nur scheme Is so full of gifts that in story sixAlck eta sold there mast ho drawn two gifts, to wit:—There . - will .he hut .10,000 Engravings sold,arillte,gifte will amend to 3292. , , . . 1 S'demild New Brick House, 3 stories on Pitt . ,sl., now occupied lay John :dell, Vsti., autl. ' . occupied by Daniel Bolter, • 1' .a $l,OOO 1 Spleadlif Rose Wood Piano, .... ' .- • " 400 11„ Splendid. M elodeun, oe.!': . • . , 159 1- liuntam; Coca Gold Watch,'' .• • , ,120 1 Sett Oliver Ware, ' . ' . ' .- 125 1 [Noting Case livid Watch, , ' 100 1 'Ladles , . 'do.. ' •100 1 Sett Claim, Wore, - . -.- .. . ' 100. 2 aon tietnen's Gold Watches, (at $75 each,) - •" 160 2 Ladies' do. 150 1 Wohntt Seib, • • 75. . -1/ Bedstead, • , ' ... 75 2 Gentlemen's Silver ll'atches. (at $79 eac),.) -14 U 4. do, do. • - (at $3O cast.) • 200 2 , do, - . 0(04 Watellya, (at $ . lO ouch,) Inn 10 So. • Silver do.. (at $2:.; eacit,)- 250 - 2 Setti Jewellry,,(at s2s•eaull,) -•• '6O 1 Gold Bracelet, • . . 3 Gold Bracelets, Mt .015 each.)) 1 Gold Bracelets. (at *lO earl)) . 1014)11es' Breastpins. (at $lO nich,) 10 - P r air - EaritingsT(at - $lO - caelb) -- . -- 10. . do. oat $5 early) - l 0 Breastpins, (at $0 earl,.) • ' 10 (Mid Itlngs, (at $5 each.), 100 choice books, (at-$i each.) • 100 ----(1 , 11, ' (at $2 c)elt,) • 10)1.00141 Pencils, (at $2 each.) _ Ins Onlll - 111110 - . (et. - s.2.ee - ai - .) leo Albums, (et $2 each.) • 101) Gold Rings. (al $1 each) ..., 000 Hauls, (at $1 13 Irk) 100 Ladies' Collars, (at $1 ea 10 ' Limo 1111gravInga. (a! $I )111,11 •/' • 1,001) Vleces . of 3iiisie, (at 25 e s:eachj . . - . . , - $lO,OOO As soon as the. shares nro all sold . , tho' property w.I be drawn, and tiotTee will ou given to thnt effect. • For tile object and design of the nhoyo as well as the enterprise of the parties e nolucting mob( rode, the assedat on we would refer to the following named pen= Human. Es q., H. M. 11..1111erspli. 'Esq., James 11.'8nat11,. Esq. MIA Polinsbor.rugh:=llon., J. A 111. M. C. Agents ieilnted ill ovary In the Stale. TioLet+e:tu to hall I n"the:ll)ll.ving 1, , ,r5.1s In Dry (Ion& Ft ro. Samuel I/rug P.:Arnold St pru. .1. I/. Ilull,crt. Grocery St,ro; 'll.lllas Coulr n, .14,%e1ry Ft, - re; Henry Susts,ll, Hard tern Store; Steluor4.r.. Brothers, I' otlinu.: Store: C. It,. ihro,ory 11% 11. A. N1111:2,1o. Jeuelry S.Ctire. 'orH.,lls wishing to, lussone Agt4,to will hunk,, sylles• ion - .11.110r by letter Or inursolially to • 11. (11)111,11,. Seereturyi Carllsit!,- 3lity Ctll,lB7l,:—G Inns . - ' ~,., .11.11'111ED 1' II - YS - ,•I (1 I A N -- _ - _ , ....4 7 .3,... - uUusr-sanda . .":llr, liave - fieirlY milibaLilis ,/verra'whllo In the East Judie's. a eertalu yore fori'nsewnptlun, oauutlaptlan, Aatinna, Ilsduelillls. 1 . 06,..1,,,. faith , . mud Ilenerta I/ability. The ruumly was Ilisonvereol by 10111'wholl his tmly dabl, it daughter, was giro. u t.a die. Ile If:Wife:lrd snub I. II •l Ivo; •.• • , V ;1 . 114 101 111 V. 111:1111, phiptra thus Ilf.lllo 00111 theK i i• list Julia Hemp :and the th unit oiLiiiirtall to him that 'h.: nii,„etlik.loalal remedy lie Ills child. Ito /11, di.' loud, hhillsucceeih .. s tio, I'c:tilting his - Iv iNhes. Ill s child" vtits' Is iunr ally and Ito has adrolphitiptil tllu wondorlbl 1'11111,4% . to 11111WIF • alikds or pierce or thin ho has hover (41104 noplidoly hualtliy and happy. Is•iyhta;; to dons wild) good asp, 0511110, Ito mold to sash astliceod as rov.mt. COlilo, With full-ahil e.y pliclt dlrciilion's 'for itaildiht It up coil' sivcossrttlly ushilr It. 110 such oppli .ront- to cerise- him ono shilling—tlapo cubit , . to 1.0 ft. .0. Iho ,4104,0,1, owl tho rrnwln to -be appliedlto ply went of this oily ortisophnit. _ A ildnas, . - 1/i.. - 11;.1.5",\ I Ni I!1 (Irani) 5t.../crsey City, Dr. has ih ollivo nor lig In Sntr Notit, it 551111 hum ti and :ay.:also!: The rurripa is sent Il um Os ! . 1.55.: but No. 11) tiltaild st root. JiitSol . City. N.. 1. O'1'1('.1'7—'.1111• undersigni3il return 1111'111011 :11111 Cili .`llBolrarli,lit.g)!tiorally-Prr olticr ixetil .ii, in 111.. lir.. - .lrourre.loo ri:lt.lll,hlV 110- orropleir 11 , 1i.;01.. neartt lit; il;lll..ry will lot up, rind reztly ii.r 01m/11110n in IL f.v days. May .27. ISa7. .1t TAI,II M. • - A. le Ettr.6t, triluE iy horeby . t,rivep that yeti,: day 114..dati'll with 111,.. as.a. partittnt itt Ihv I , nrirArding, t'unintis.ion and (h ItoNittr.ts.`tny A f.lt'dltT N. \ Land Jot the alv,‘u fotsittes, will 11 ,'fB conducted under thu flalno of J. 1:Illili.lt .4>'7~, 3. It N. 11.-111411rttt Clllll prices for PRODUC4o• all Cl :Is, l?‘*41;l14.11'11E,IT, La. Salt, Piaster, a' Art:l . 4 011 I.l , thli and Oil . Moy 1 , 1057-If. • •• • ra, . • .I'lo I\ I It 4 .14 E to Ilte . Henv ,pujons ILJI, Nu. 9:u: 111 l 11.k1.1 . 131011/: STREET, llnllls ire. 51d, • ( . 1“311:1:1.1.1.N. PHlll'lOll uud 1.1..l . j.11r(11 . 111.4111 tilt ~ciunre. I`..lL.l.,,Aza r llLeliarge-of.11":11ItzTopa rt mob t.---._._. (1. \ I ostria..t, ih 31,T:intik, Calculations and Asiimint..ln It o,i. 1:1,...1,1ng Department. .1.11: 'readier It, Let:barer /.t; C.1111.•rd:11 LOT. • • • . . Three 4,11• F have not 3 t.t...1ap,r1 sine.. !Ileegtablisl 'meal or chi, I.;itsainu, duo. Loa hno,t,,i snia,,ts I.4:smithy. nearly Ivory Male hr thq, 1;111mi.) anion siliont are numbers lu Ilalthaore ekes, here ['vett!), rng protaincot posilious ns bunlilesh men 111111 , • litlalt" l'ririrl l eii has the utinost co litionea In tissnring the tinlilic . that Idttrvm expoi lence fourteen yew, In qualifyint: youinc men for thn Cou/L. Ing noon, mariner itnportaiii stations. nuII nu ealei Idve acquaint:me° with the 111:111:1.,01111,11t, of honks sinners description. (in.sinted as he is I T two 5 .. entitle aissittntats.) the course of training in this I partlitent Is eminently ,praetieni And well athiptisa the carious puisults of Continerre and 'Pratte. inelinlii• Judi ridval.. Partneredilp. Commission, Exchange, lianhing. Shipping. lug, lannpound l'onipany rlperatlinis, a.e. .PEN3l.lNi3llll..—The tiA.ercises under this head a• free. ints,t anti graceful. mouth ilig rapidity otexevirti li'lasinty ot ennatructlen, thns the Lu write an elegant businets hand on completlial \los. 2 MERCANTILE (1.11,(111,ATIONSlo all their vitriol hearilige are taught by the most ummite mud PllOll theta 1111,010.1. Daily lectures 010 delivered upon the :'I . ICIICO or A )anints,lAloreantile Custutne. hr.. these emote, /If b ru t h of lerlttre, nn Commercial Law, are of tl 1,1,1,1 importune.. to all asph jug LO 014:1111Y product Ositlons. In the bustnes,...onitilindty. ":.• The Limo neee,..ary for ))11 1 1, 1111141101115 studentl eoniplote the e..tutt. verbs Imp) h G. IA weeks. 1 11.1 no weapon:applieauts van enter at any tin, and attend both day Mid evening, lixanfinatious a lOU lit 'stated perm's, and dipletnag ituartltal I) . ,),„-t: -silt., graduate. For terms, etc.. write and hay)) n ei• 1 Oct.)) -I L,OII A T., tES'IILVAL —The_ll l) i m Fire Cmpany. having In rota emplat lon tire ere,. thin of an Engine llotro. intend hOldillLl II Froth: :Ind Val, the first •leeol, in Julie neat, • Hall; In Mach the hind cooperation of the ladles Carlisle, Is respeetfully.sullelted. • Tien.. I). Mahon. C. AI. 'Worthington. --eninlrot-Ain.:llKpirg;'A7ll. El,llll.ic J 1 shun Eason, Cyrus A ring, • Luther 1.1110, 1..1. Corniunti, ' A. J. Faust, • C. It 11arh,. • • 11. 31. Stevenson. • L. T. OREEN HELD, ClucMilan. • r IIIEFLORAL FESTIVAL& FM It . opon 0. TO ESPAY EVENINC, Juno 211 nt i O'nloel; and continuo °ilea during the week, :atm , day evening Invlnslvo., • L'ootrilittiors to tho Vostlyal 11111 Fair will picaso Fond • thrirDlltieloo-tii-f,i,liteatiati-liall.-ror-31ntatiiMiiTiirla— whore n oOottoittco trill be in willtitti4to receive Mom, it tioliots gait ho piirchased Pir 511 rents. tick. ets'l2% ets 7 to ho had ormolu) pro 0! the Committvo.. order of 11tH L, T.CIIIEENFIEII,I4 Chairman. MEM .11A NIX LT, .3fitliellANT TAILOR. 1`~T• Soul it 1 fanorer Straet two tinots.Atilksifitenty_LiiraL tore, llira•fueL returned. Irma -Philadelphia, with fall sleek of 171, tim Cassie...B s VotAlms'&n. ate. Mitt: able Ca. Sp ingind :Monter we tr. within., Is piTpti e to oink° up . tn) order promptly, and on reasmail • Also On halid, P It RAUI'-UAflli CLOTIIINV . immtlmr null II lalndkerehleM and .ott,' 'ArtltieS - usuall3l (Mina. In 'a Genthunami ,Store; ' • Mks) bo 'natio to tu:sit3tu . as usual. . . _ . - NENV , . AGItICULTU l IAL -11rAltE•i iloom$:" FARMING IMPLENIENTS. - 'rho hasoluont_of. the Moth , dh•COilurch, nplAwito thojtaiinnitt To pt, how, ro . aelqug varluty of Formic% an ti ' (MAIN • ' (MAIN ' , ME CORN SITELLERS; 2 , VA:101 1 1 011.ERS,'2 . Corn on4l Cob. Orladen; • (Scott's •altuator Ma Crone°, Grain4llll,lloriv 0 1 1 0 )olar 702 ASSES AN ti , l2' VtlannyViiltlt 1 Vocal's .Itoprovounnlt.) Straw Colter &c., all of whicti are of tliu, 0n24. Iniproyrd : kind, en morknonnolirp: uod'will to auld, on thoutot.t accommon Ling tartan. Fartnoniarw. roapeetrully Invltrtt do, en, und,uxotalonlmfory intivbasl4g.. • .. ' , • . . . Clio copyoulumm of farinors, Monio'ft- rut°. lirulu Mill ITI11•111‘ Aoki nt e•hirupinufitowit-Ity,llopjula. (Any. /Wt.( tlt bliippoinUtit, ,14.chrlotiutiLopg, ,:••••• Augwit 20, , , •• •_' • • 1 . . t I iiAll.Ast. LARD ItlDßl`jr ; • ; , Louvon u firth 04y, fik, aliqdr oti .1%111-.1h..4- midli tirtryt . DdiaA,4l,iu) . Jof.;dlZ vit ri.drnts In•ntddx AlD(Rulda4ll,‘A,ul 04 'tell. 10.0;ituirtDdr . lortos. , 4iid iu,krda,ortd•A;4'titirild{Alnr„ Dig 1141( . 6,461,ra Dig_, (hd. co uotry DY.D:tcor or vtii j:1C0lj PILTTtL nucatton.. lOU —lntl W31:0S110:t N Julia ,K. N1.11,N, ,lAS. 11. °SWAIM.). = .)fen'['-f .. (36iiiii,_Stifes 011.01010 Alt M LANDS ' son „, TILE., ILLINOIS :OENTIZAL 41. Cfl3l!)r.. - - to sell ahriiit • ONWAND A 11.11.1 0 1 H MAUS of ACIIRS .px • ClenlOPo sArmtrat In tracts o[4o acres and upwards,' nu 'Long Lredlts gild at-how itabstvot Interest: - 7 ThaithTandifirere - Lii:iinied hy the diivernment•to aid hi - the - construction of this Road, and ern among the - riclisst and most fdrtile in the world,' They rotund from North-east, and North.weitt, through the middle of the State, t' the extreme South, and Include every variety of elimate and productionit'found between those paral lels eflatitude. 'rho Nortlfern portion is ridelly prairie,' Inlerspersed with line groves, and In the middle end with beautiful Prairies find evenings. - 'rile climate is more healthy; mild and equable, than . ”"any other -- ftift' , of the country- , t - liTi it; pure and aracimr„whlle living streams and springs of excellent water abound. Bituminous Coal is extensively mined, and sUpplies a rhea p`nuti . desirable - fuel; being . flirnished 'at many points at $2 to $4 par ton—and wood crin Ito had at the -- same nttuTer cord. • Building-stone. of excellent quality also abounds which can be ',marred for little tiers than the expense; of trans', 'nation. - 'rho great fertility of these lands, which are a black rich mould fro'tr two' to five kat then, ank.imittly contiguity to thisittlati, by•whieli every fa .cility is furhillett_fer travel and transport:didn ' to tile principal markets north, South, Rost, \Vest, and' the eemiumv with which they cnh be cull 'valet], render, them the indat I'lolllodt investment that sl o bs found; and present the Mat favorable tlppprl 11111 I y, for'pers'nis . of industrious habits and small. mane, to noquire'n comfortable independence In a few year;t. - s . Clileazo Is onto the greatest mule market In the world.-itild the facility-anal cc/menu with which the• products of these lands can be transported to that Tram . • heft leaks them notch m o rn profitable, at the prices asked, than those more reinelai at geVernmelit rates.— the_mblltletol:citsi-of-transportatien is - a - perpetual. tax nu the latter.ovhieli mind be horn° by the pfodueor, In the reduced price he-receives for his grain. The 'fill° is Perfect—and when the final payments nro Made. Deeds are exe land by the 'trustees appointed by. the , purchasers, whieli - convey to that .nitsiditte titles in• Fee Shitple, freetted,clear of overyincumbrance, lien or Ina lrt~n^e. • • • e • The fences ore front fo to $3O: Interest only jaw emit. 'wenty per ceitt.'ivill la, deducted hunt the credit _ • . - .Price fin. cash. Those who pair t:tattle on long credits give notes paYable In 2, a, 4. I; years after (late, mill ore required td blifkrOVe one-tenth annually for Ave years, so "ay to laude . one.lialf 'the 11110'11;1day cdlli vat ion, at the end of that time.. .• Competent rl rvey.ors.lwill a/Yip - menu -those who wish td examillo hese tatild'd, free driaeparge, and ' hi making selectioin.. The 1.ar014 reaminingpin.told are'lls rich and valuable as - litosiTWltielfhave been disposedor . 54:1"11ONA 'MAPS - ' Will be • sent to any pile who will °net . ..a filly cents In Stamps, and Books or - Pamphlets; dontaining ___llllWerialtazlnatanves ilf-loicevsoftil-likrist;og,--nla'aittl-Tiss--- ~ , ileolable and nosh-leaser farmers living in the neigh, low/vest of tileThallroaul Lands, throu.dient floe State— also the,ost or reliving, price of rattle. (Nati..o., or i 1 ,11- • 11(111.1. • will /al eheerrolly given oil applleal.ni, either person , ally or by letter, is French. or tterhetu, rid dressed to ' Jul IN WILsoN, ,„ Land efl he Central 11. 11. Ce 'AT- ;mien in I I/Inols Central Railroad Depot. eineags • . Illinois. • • I". 0 0 2011 '„410 "00 200 500 500 1,000 2 0 TOIVN a. 7 , • you t4.11,1i. t privat,-salo-tho• property on h hull igprZlier street. in nil, nori4)t, noarlyitiMih .., r44oorm perty.c:olll4iStn,o - .'I:IOeq.DIVELLING imusE; 0).1-14: t p. of riround. containlu ON 4 •' .VACltt.,.4iten'e or le,s. he 11 , 0,4.14 In,V. F. '? Anti ilVVX(...liont order, and Las a vane •• ; elections hack building, Stabling au,' , • ...other out-it/Sion, attached. _uitit n urn - of watermnil"puinp. - The gentutdutro-well,raltivatetli • mwittlaing ii"Werigittt;idtruhherf and shadd twits, and the lot is Whit - with the choivest varieties of fruit, eantprisingeight Itindn'orLlh nuni at least twenty yari..tiON of pinichrs. hal ra'aloAen curie. ties or pinalut... together with eherries:nprioots, pears. raspberries, etirratrts, gof .se•berriCS, ainnOni WWI 11 . (1,8. in nillind.llll . l 4 . ail of tvlJrh ern In thrifty _ bearing vontilt hot. , -is iu everrrespert a desirable ' ftrtierty. Pet Puns disposed to are requested . 0 call and I•Xn1111110. * 'hopl7. ' CORNE4t 'Plc I VA . TE - 14.11.X. Tin t very • %von Wl' IND situate ton ho cnruvr y'f N,Srlh II tutor vital ',Winer :lift:els, inn Ike nod Jam], nit 11.1tnint,.ent surest inintkett t l tout On, finutiner 'ring itopn.venlonto oic , 11:111110ver nluoel tire a largo 11 - OUSI . I with in Imre lu il.lO , :11.)i • lit; huimpod int tillt nitrrst triltgatit" II looms the ...Ivo( lilt 1,, the last inn° of thomnistiltisirattli-ond inning • 14:11 , 1i,111 , d Ingitaing in 11111. vita 11. : • Thertl lile,r, to n m titre briiiit building ”ow no eabiget - nunitestsh.qt Allot it titabliion the lit ta") . 111. •Itit. and °thug nittitsstiry tont buildings. Tint iinlitirt, la in tit:Z - 0114a hat log bvml reettully lltliad'ilp l+• presont oceuptint tot i nun of • ‘A. ltnnl 'A . Lseti't and Seri-hem,. MEMO ► N I) FOl.t.tiA yara In Toy net•uponey. idtuatetLin tlubu•oy, watt le tour mitos.nr—i%:t{•iuwkh~Y, Prtnk lin enmity, ha., i. or mtle. It Ilii , lnflo,:th.Jut 1.1141.. a uhsLmitial t,,,sr tot. 141,:t 11.11ISE nun 101. . 10_ - • !thug-tarring° duct leo 11 , 0150.,1 . 11111 . p. it0111V(III r,. Cbiltiiit %Vat,. al Mr; lill.clion ilonr,_Steain 'Engine. Back Ibluse etiiv.ying al.nt flay Vials. mostly uv,14.1. s :pr.f.'/V l ttitrinjvg ;i10 ., •,t0i , \Valor ims,lioir, 1110.11;:11 It litirdiut. (IN:hal..l.:old 1111 tlio I,..llllsite Lo earry Risen Y .. It ho 'sic, of 1.110 110410 . 5 t toil 100• I t.ololilulir pro. jo l l.llos 01 . llie kilOlJlll ,1:11.0 or 00101110 ft. and will I , e rug :il•Assalli. us tin"l•ehislikt Mid, It 111.1'1 , - 01try to 1 . 01100. Il'nirt sill nl prilalt• milt, it will ht. Polil at.public-attltli. 011 lb, 1 , 1 !let' FRIDAY IN )lAttl'll. ma. 0..0111,10f 11101001.10,0 hi'uney In 0:041,1111•11.110 It:11001, hl 1110 eqttat For further 1•11111,11:ars apply to • • • K rirrz." r rr.ffidip rquu. trya, )inlici~s.= NI 01 . 1( E A 1 .- '1'1 , ;; \ I,S.—The•Cow ji of Cuin1666661616661Cnunty16:66 1ix66.1146166661 1,116616 I Ira lin66-6,.at 1.166.(Natnni•••••F66664 , s Mike. In t ar• "r• for t. 11.6 :111,16,61 Iln• the noveral T0w666616iph And •16 , 616 - .6,11. in Kilt! C4Attity. Upper A lien 1•1666i4F, A hen, New Cinnltarland - T016 . 31.6n. day. .1j61 . 11 pot l'elkiNl6rniiil6 6 North .),11,1611et!ayS1611'1.1"burg T0wn:6161166 on 'Llnonlay, ,11 , 1 . 111:2`411. • • ..11.1µAms.:11.-‘64-11:6661;n6 t day-,,i. 1661i-26 6 0i:- :611 err Spring, rd. tot 1 . 111n.:66166!... Apt 11 :tali. , ‘" 6,1 1.1 66, ..M666,. 11 . 6,66 A1. N 066 ‘llle, on Friday, Alay Monroe. ton Saiurday, Afay 261. • 1 1 '6,6166.66.110r0ugh, Monday, lay 0,011, >li‘ltiletno. New Loll, an '1'616,61.6y, Ma:66UL •• Carliole and .M6.6 . M0u1t 6,4 mq:6 66 66 V. 1666,61 nY, MAY blip. Sout,lnnoilLon, 0wT1666:66f1ay. Nay ith. e; EOM: tilt.111611e) - Al. II EN " 11.:111t, • • COMIII . ,rS. 0111r4. 6 Carl kit.. April 116, 1857. ,Xf 011 i,;•1 , 1.—T0 the Schetil-Direetors or rotoi.e,h,o.t ty.otity. th:‘,crto,;o: 111111 , 1 - Iltlei! or the iva Ner.rioti the .1:1 of yon bureby Jellified to alert in 01111,11th:8.M. tile Collet nallso la Carlis . .e, on Lbw lit 31oNli.ty in At A. In., boino; tit° Min tit don ortiso month. at la la tho filroncan, aml solovt. viva owl,. by In majority nil llio o Lola natal:m..o Illeeet Drosont, our person of litoomy and s.•lontitm...attaialamm., anti of mai oxpto ilMon in the or 7b.lrhillr. a, Comity ~ 'All.ollll totalefit.. ire ILu 'lave stwoomiing gotersaino 1110 atimunt of I.Oopelmation for the snow, and ton tilt Wr result to the i..lato Snot:ail:tomb:AA at liarrbMtirg; as roliirreil by th6Jath alta.loll, spoh mo or sabl not. t County Saaarlalobtlant. of Cumb. Co. Apt:ii 45. 1,;41T. 111"P' YOUR lACIENSES4-VII SOILS 101.1 h.l I'o r.11.1 , 1150F, to lift, Ito livreby ea to do mi lutaaltdhitely, as slits.,6ifi I,claatig,lll again. fly,se who, do nut, for mulling ithout Lb:entry, after Li 511150 OF JUNE. -- A. SINSibIAN, Co. Triner. . Cords]; Way 6, 1557. I I 4 :STATY, 01. , ',1)E I '.l.' I{ 1 (1 El COOV II?, itheE.v , Ell.—Notleo is hereby given that Lek lers fest:mu:Marion the Estate of 1 / I ttl lc 11 enovor. lore Of Uilloar .hell lOwnlollll 2 elOnlajtlailil eoliiity,ilevozowtl hale beim granted by theflout.io•ol said tot•Oltly to 1 lie I.ll.:l . llHO'S.robbli rig in flit i•aino township 411 pot mtl., 1:110oIng tloolowlveN model led to ankle:A:dear° required to make I innedinto payment, and Ouse ,havlng, claims to preseut them folisettkunmt to.____,..__ 7 .__, _____ "TiISTATE JOIJN. YOUNG, 1)1- "Ti crmsei).„-N c o. is her'ol,y 'Oren, that Lentos ox Administration, cum tehiamonto :mnesu, on tho Es• tato of 3ulin Young., liOrliaSPli. lute of :liter Fry lug township, etimilorland yout:ty, have I ern issurd p{ Ilnl iiidogied to tlio . will wink,: papuent, and those haring elahns against it milli present. thaw for het I.l6lliat „_. . . April 5 , 1,F57,-civ 911..1101.E3 1 4 .181,1 .1.4 A 131., 11 _ Isherel y given that Letters !VestAuncialo rv. on Alie=listßO•CAlis, jc..o4tiikthjj9lo-4 Into of North Middleton township, (*no d.Jrnd county, IiJCNINCIi, horn' b'ecill grunted' by. the ltegisti‘i; of sont county to the subseriber, living. Lt the,slue township All persons knowl• g themselves indebted to k , eld estate ore re:inked to mute Ininicdinte payment, end thorn haring claims to present them to: • April 8, 1557.-Gl• 1111STAIT.. OF - JAMES .GUTFllijlil; DECItASEti.- - -Notice botchy given. that Ant ors 'restnunnsfury on' Mu Ilstato- ot.•JAMEti U UTII= ltil deeetsed; 1:to of tliu DorOugh of Corlistu, hote lmen itlitteti to tilO - 1111tIorrignt•cl aitid rough. ,:All_putyons livinittbAnuoliten..fla-itio.to• -thee ful•liettletnunt,-nnd - those. indebted Exoculti, Jfintes Uuthrlu, deeudoed , :Atn-1114,'1857;,•-td. ' 1_ 1 •1 1 8'CAT•b•O le 14 i , ,0.1,{(,,111, )V.1 4 113.131±:1tT . ,. •'•:•: 1 • ;IEOMA tiED: , --.Nittronhs hoi.oby gboon..iluit . t.oleol ft :: fooofinefittirj'oo tho'hitotO of Verrice It'obb,cq,lbto'bf •.- sOith ,511.04b0t00 tlwhohlp,' CdOtheohnob roooty,. de, '.. , ,j•oiooll,lthro'botolizoanhl by tho it mit:cot. ofoold county, • !to - 1,110 failmrkt;otii 1.01414 g . .lit'll , inroq toWoohip. All. vu'Oporkiitniihg T.tionlooirtolihtobtOit'idloibt•ostoto rie -- ~. • iliolivittoi uta o ,14.oes,,tourtttl latau t o , 0,10 . y In GI u h.rthd . tiles? li . or: .. t,, j og t illl 7, v 1 . ,-- .;; bii .. l er N h 61; -. . < l / 4, ~ .'' , ' —•- 11ENRY1 B:IIiERT 'A pr1L1L . 1657.-COP.:". - . , mEI,L -neatly exocAtell. TO COAL CONSUMERS. . ' haveropstantly °named at ' 4.0 ' 0.41 14 kinds of ,a FAMILY COAL; Cola.. s LyTens Valley; Short Mountain, - Trevorinn. 1,6- rust Mountain, Lute Plattler. Sunbury. IVilketbarre, tool the Broad Top far 01nel:smiths: till of•which we? will deliver to any part of tile town 'as itnr ns it mei be bought at any yard in the G _ wa Inc eat); or country_ - produrct — Coarldrre sereininlii.lardelliered clean. 'By . strict attention to business, we ejpe to rncedan liberal share of public patronage. 1(..n will find on? Yard in the cattai' end of the Inn. ;' rough. opinnite the tlas (Sorts. Our Mike hereafter Will -be-kept - apnasito - linfill - & — BriTthers, store, in the olllre now occupied by:Squire Smith. 'All orders left at the .. office or at either of the subscribers' residences, on West Pomfret -street, or at East sheet, will he potently at tonded to MIIII.TEM ['LE OF FANCY! NO IPEN IS Cf/INI:t • Anilo•111 - • o at his 0,1 !load Quarters In North Hanover st reet..tim hip; the New Year's fesLivii Ivo, with of itiehirfe4 assortinenfs of - 'War offered in this: plane. in part.ol , Flito Candy Tiiya fuel Fruits. Jelly Cakes. Iton . :lloos,Aiuni Chocolate - aiul — A - Inronrla7 - Pralcit — Agd exploding Ferrety ke. Also 011 ' • AND Ntril - 01 the Inte4 iwp , r4itioiis .oncli as Oren •es. Lamm., Eakins. II: 11e. Cltron.s.it and paper shallea Alaroal... Fill rein, Cream, roeoa. 1001.(lruum.1 Nuts. 10 er•antytiott with the. alma 00 extousive cur. sortment of TOY: 4 --IND FANCY 1;0111)3 ;If every goal iti and privy, raw:44ll.a' in part of Fine rhino, ,er3inir and lith , •l. a nits. Fewitifr Cavil lin,lieta. Valley Hoses. Pinner Very, Motto CAW:, Tea `Otte, 3 1 / 1 ,1,. liroomtilins, Air Arrardealia, Ilarowairarta, Trull pets. Of Loon and ivnntl;. 011,-iurd port -1 7,11;ii.r, 11;1%4'1 AIM: fAleSblt .of F. 11111. 1. stiriCari piii , oririal.;aaisliril nod lirown Stozars, of every prude, unify, t it ern and Teat' :?Pirrs. sialii,ijAgar, Witter nail-other t iarLrrs. elier,;A, . . . .. The :411iserilier return,. Ilk sineere -thanks to n . grilar: - o •: pith's.r n.r the fiqe,“.., g ..,4,0,4 4 .„,,,._ } , r , • I ii„ and hopes. by a desire to tilenho, tit - merit it eolitilituilieu of the s mei . • r. it lONYEIt.' Carlisle, Dee. 10. lits 6 T H..g--co:ma .1,54 f! CHARLES IL 3HIRILAY ANNY'SO)3I.IjINED REAPING 1. ••• AND 310IVIM1.10111NE,',„, .., In putting these maritim: into the market h.t. the - s, leassest of 1557, I lett e.the, lat.t grounds ha' beliat inn . ' 's, the ~ill meet an extensile sale, :Itl plots :1!. stalrely ...,11 1 .sfat. c I:1' to the, t t laatrs of Cittol.t.l land t•oon ty as ( hey hate Fret .e jr I 1 c. l'it to this thm• there •• -... . Itaisiott ls, toottlme 1 tlntbitt, tt ne,,,A,,,...,,,,t . N„,,j),, ,. 2 )laeltine nettle that 1 1, - .,.....atm1e1l to au tt, hat I. chat N, ill tiatralit auralllll.D.tlll, 111 lillilillllil i ar o 1.11 . 111 f, in loot Illg it corn iiIIII I, IIO d IIIIICIIIlle: n hi', the ' ,11,11111V Afaeltine as evil, la . Alta II hats I , l'oll sti .1011,40 1., , both 11.ri.,,.. I \ 1,i1414: mid Altoring, t toll in stlls.. m hoe the, laity,' lli s.II used. limit relialanty 14 as null tetialtlisheil as. that 01 any other implement used by tile 1.11 . 111 , 1, __l.lft er I ite_expedeit enntot contests off he last - harvest, fr wt. tieent it! ir.ly ttetess - y' rto term . t In set, ishing to buy a tAllll4.lleil ..thichini• to lila: lIiIIIIIIIIIA I/e1,31•14 al ISO usetl 31ait3:1, At:whine lu elation - i hen tat pt. ;ant - year. lit 3. . b . ...tn. IVatts, .1.5 , 1 , John : - :01,1e, 11 illlant 'Parr, .13 . n0 Mint Ilratlley..h . .ttpli A. t 4 tatart. James. :quart. 'Alward IV. II etttley. Poter Lomb:, AVllliant Woos. Christian Iferr. IVlllhies I tirter. sfatties. ll mltant,• lit best I, sub, ' Smnuol Alkil. 84 , 10.. 11, , k0. J011:15 Rudy, .litim 31, iVo.utbiwn al:d John Erk-r,I. d , 1“.1.11 vaell imichinu .111 i. furnished two scythes, • ._ m , -tat : it extra guards. two eh!, eotians. one rst ra lonian atal -- nelt. All the lll,ltill sof journals will be Cant: w f, ' hattlenol. The shoes. tttmols anti gearing will Ie of tho ' be t Stint:lolU 11,11. The machine is warrahted cart- Itio ' of. mit ihs,..s from tell 111 I Well 0 :tents id gtiits or grain t.• , Pe r ' l ' l 3:-1.-a_worltlia it likt.-enntsnor,---7 Pries of Coin hitital " Yittehilie. - nt. Carlisle. *lln. ' l'aese AltteltAnt•sralt he butt at Singizgr's AVartthonre, ill 3l echanieslalig, - by ' llp; , l , ) jug to,ll. AV. Zr, in at the liallroatl Depot. . • s ... .1. ARMSTRONG, Ably '. 1 .0. A R , , 7—lf. • ' Agent far 31'. A. hoot!. `•• C 1), I'AJ.l,ln.'- BANK. Picoviti rr010 4 .. WILLI aI firm, 31r.t.(111.11 lti MLitt C. S'll.l:llETT,_ lit NL kV. ' CllO 15'01/11, •,11.1thrT. ..!ta, C. HUAI; r A. thing Inii.ine,s in the 11,11110 of li !fill, 111:1INN AN NOW rally priiiKtred tip don oral Itani.init prompt itn.s and fidelity. Nloney rein.ived on In-posit and p.iia bark on detuandi Without notice. Intornm paid On cpecial Vortitivates of Deposit. Leal intereNt nt the Tate of I VII PEI: iNfited for ns shorr a fieilotfits ' • • I niernst. on AU cord:4.Al, will reuse nt tnehti Ile. Prot ide•l. Ivi,t e, yr, Ut.tt ore tenon f. 4 et isp dine given prri.ll, they shall use rite nl i ntveest or to the tune .ot renew.ll. l'artienhfiAtentlon pail to the collection of Note, Dolts. I It/1.1,, In any p3rt of tits - United tates nr ea nudes. - - K CIIEA P IIAT J. CAI', nooT ..1X1) 511.01: STOlle. IV° ill NO the, at teictioirof the to our largo and curled assortment ufl7CnuLv whirl,nlllol !.1 a. 'We ni at 1111,y ether. establiAnnetzt in Carlisle.We . I have-- tAItIIAY opJIATS, fir men, hop: aLrl , rhiltlrerb made of excellent material 31111 of on err grade and prier. Alsri a splendid Assort liVot of :ha, flats, Caps and Ina .t's Hats, ready. IA int:twit. All Urals i‘f cap.. f ro m ;!ii, 1111kVartS. ('rlm SlUrk of houl z : ANN) sit oE s ran .. not Hie excelled. andinvite one old fdinids and cos. n 1 VII :1,-Ilters, tin 11111 k.d*oxtunine our stock ( as an Ituel colindent—d our abilirto p. All kinds el Ladit•s. 311,,en and t 111114011's ,or. the Lea water y . ellusLtiktly.iiii KELI.IIIt. N. 11.—A lllipa newel graft,. 4 {April 29,1657, . JOIN B. COOVEIt, WILLIAM COO VER, Executor& • E 8 LI S .UP P IT OF- 'DRUGS, FitUlT, A ND FANCY titgips, I hasp just reeiii veil a fresh stud. c,f ti LASS, 01 1.5, Sa, ti hit It havihif been • , i.efedlnd with grot• Cars at the • Lest houses PliSimbilphlit. 1 ran e.intithintly riiiiiiininiend to Eiotimee, - ar7dill ii nsTziag - rr 7 .71, and pure. Drugs: Patent Chetah:its, Instiumer tr. pure 6searial mills , 1:orlis and Estrd.its, Spices gre - mitt anti w hale, Ltattntres, I l artattwry, dat. Cod Liver Oil—Warranted genuine., DVII . STUPPri—:.IIIII4.T.CS, MailderS. Samar. Alum, Log • and ram oath, Oil I pupperns. 1 4 ,,cfry, PA I ITS,—\I ether 11l Priether:'s pure Lead, atriums ~ Green nail haul awl Varnish ..11rushrs; Jersey ; Dh , ss: LlpsettLOlLTurramtlue (Sipa? and reach Canoish, and lied Lead. All of which will lio , at, -the very lowed ipOrk - oPpi , . • •. 1 AI., n . forth and spletalld a . m....6014°k of rat , 00014% Fruits, e , iifeetionary, dud- luhutnerahltriiother articles calculated for use and °rudiment all of schlch - areaffereil itt.the lowest rash prices, at the cheap Drug, 11 ink and saucy SG re of tho subscriber on North natio. -, • Ter street. i.. • . DAVID MIT; :•lxo¢utor~. Time 3, 1857,—1y To Cll LIBRE BUILDERS . 11 w Plitne_ausi apeatleations for Ai" -Enter,. blink-, adirt Eitiseelltd_Citureit to ba erected the corner "r • Wesfand ridefret aryls,' Carlisle,. 'will - be exitlllited.•' • -atiliellottntlint - reom - trif.darob - liheeitfini", It edtiii;dny the 2i tit instant at whirh time renditions ft'ld tree will be inattleiffionf. Tliejob i s wort) 3 - .llre at tendon. of Builders, - nutl-pnqateale lertho entint work received tin! loth erdune., - Tito fluttilatiqu. will be required to be' In readittani fur tint CectiOS,tonenu the 6th of.? uir. - ' C. COLLINS • 1 6 . - • , .& II.IIILLNIA. Comuilitee . ' 'dry 15, , , . , 0 11 .te, 1 %." : 4114 11 . 1.1 tem? tok the routity Cumliorletne, fru; 'AWL?: ' ktLI dn' of April. 1 tlerekv_glres , n6tU3tutt s VINT 11, , .14 . 0 . 1) 0104 : „,, - • CII4II, co, Ju: . 311i6Iceffirn61115 . .----- aftb* teMilft" IIfECHANICS:DURG, PA. A designeflY» tilta,liberat Etheeation of---Young if , dies. - - - Sesslolut..Pive.plo ntlis'eitoltp Commencing September Ist, February let. Closing January aOth, Juuu Sul k. . . A. (1, MARLATT, A. ➢I.; I• TllO CARPENT 111t3,. F Altll E .11: ANIPBUI FITS. rg Th: subseribe..would reseceft ly announce to 'the p ..die, that theeare nnW prepared to furnish the f• - owing deseribed articles of 1.10114:11.: First, Common and tunnel .I'lank; and them& 01 all thickness: Como- non Reeds and Plank of white pine; Hemlock Juice and Scan tling.of all sites and lengths; White Pine and Yellow flue Floor*, worked; all kinds of Paling'and PlasteriPZl o aths; Pine and Cyprns Shingles of all qua; Iltirti . - i. 4 ltingling Lath- arid 'Striping, and Fencing Board, 20 feet long. All timbers sawed to order, sty leaving their I,lllq, of all lengths and ,sizes, (pine, oak, or lionlack.)• barb:, Doors, ,Blinds and 31aulelings , ready for use. The Omer will Lu furnished on the most rea sonable terms, and at the shortest notice. • 811110t!' . 0.10FFEA Carlisle :Juno 3, 1R.57 See yen meteer.Comet flagltiteg. Fior.'e along" its: tcltloray Nation, 4i Ile"! yvhilo ever nearer Flteells t 11Z, ohnt —nethibg dearer 'l' halt ere fades I he 11n. ere e(., une, It trill sweep. (Air earth to ruitr. , Ere we drip the • '' We would left fat knew Ihr eevtait t ,- • . That the-Bell of BENTZ ,t BituTitr.o - .1 re alised or . hit e MIL.. that set never. -; , et , n.. hen he wrote ehelien Or or • are, Wr w infilvatenee Iris fated - re,'re' l _ies:h tg . 'Then to mitt the nunnw r weather, We It e tire,., light aPetlier, ' mo••• Yen Ithoul.l hear Ili s. -new di, Carpet. hi 11:iehl e.. Itehoq in gravolul art 7_Tgiuti flul ht arts.. ills Fo r ,note . let e'.l ono 11" e h.te senile,• era ery.shatlt. ...elfin:. in lit - freNho,t theirg , rernte„ll:-Ineln-lenve r ,- . IVi . "Ve't"iflte,tilraperil.../!th a t toiit tit', ' 1P WI 11 ittfew.! r,dnt fit .1 And lively Innvers.. Vottese rime ' , lilt 'the Eri.l.s 111, II 1/111 , 1/, Anil yet. 1...e11 . the vast ott:line) Hato rrt vt.t.t.t anti l'ety.tegm:. 31aitie. 1111,, ,u I , 11,11 " I WITH WooD'S• IMPROVEMENT.' N, S: IV: ILIVERSTICK I,' ' 2'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers