Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 03, 1857, Image 3

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fTATI4~'O~If'~SAL` ~~miTTBIE..
• •The.,Preshlent of Abe.later'itnniioan: Repub.,
- - 'Haan Convention bps -appointVHte following
State Central Committee,
'LEICHIL TODD, Chairman", 7 - 1
• Simon Cameten, , Ititiepts'eseey, •.-
• John M. Sullivan; 1:0:1Celly;: -
.! •
Joseph' B. Weil, • • I. `M:' Sellers,
Henry White, James'Edwards,
Lindley,Smith, - J. B. , Loneseter,
P. C. Ellmaker, Jncob, L. Hessler,.
_Eduard C. Knight,
William. H. Kelm, ‘4l!son (Ime% -
--PeterlllOrtin; T. J....Werth,_
Peter 8. Michlei; Simnel E. Dimmeek,
..Thomas E. Cochran, • David E. Bmall.
E. C. McPherson, , R.Rush Petriken,
John Penn Jones, W..P. Miner,
John Laporte,- . 1.4 P. Williston;
D,, Gill wade, ' , , . B.: Curtis;
John N Purview., D. L. Eaton, •
Robert 'P. McDowell; 'D' E' Flimsy, - -
John - R. Wells, , *3: R Edle -
F. J. Cotrey,, .• -A:1 Fuller;
A '0 A11.D,,
.. r o* Sitb;crjbeis of the ;School-Romri.
'":Mr. J. : N.L.. Gillelen having disposoci
of his entire interest, in !,he Bob of-Room,
Will hereafter be
:attainments . , and long experience in teaoh
eminently qualify him. the
euthieaserof the late editor. • •
' -The-Ledgeiria- now firmly:eitablished,
and no - trajible, •or expense, will be
- epared,lo : pakelt ti welcome visitor, in
every Sohool-Room and family.`' It will
be issued-regularly on the first -Saturday
of, each . Month. • The *number :for June
will be roaclibi keir• days. The num
bersfor - Aprirind May, which have been
, lost to subseribers, be 'm'ade up to
them, at the end of the year—by allow-.
ing their subscriptions to run two months
longer. , ,
. .
D. B. Coovzs,
• ' Proprietor
- "
• New York. May 28.—Tlintsimer Illinois,.
from Mpinwall, with data to the:loth ult.,
hal arrived.
, .
•. .She Icings $176 000 in golf, and -$BOO,
• . , .•.
ilioningeen and Col. Titus, two of Gen
- aril Walker's staff, are enaoneher passengers.
Rims wee. evacuated on the 0 rst . day . of
May by General Wall*, he having capitula
ted-to the Costa Rimini, and - being — elbowed to
to retire on board the St Mary's.
Callao wee attacked .on the midnight of the
24 of April, by the lasurgenti,eontoianded by.
General Viranos. The,latter suffered a .total
New Drleano. May l27.—The Steamship
Empire . City has arrived below, with two
s weeks later adviies from'Citlifornia and Nicer , .
ague.- Her dates from.Sanfranoisco are to ak,
Coth inst. . • -
The Steamer Illinois left Aspinwall on the.
- inst, with the California and pas
' singe:l4:4nd two millioneln specie •
/tatting Om passengers on the Empire - City
are 'General Walker and his staff: He .oapit-
Waled to Capt. Davis, of the U S. sloop-of..
- war St. Mary's oti'the let.of May, and was
brought to Psalms by that vessel. Two bun
., diva and silty men came off st 'beams time.
The Costa keens. were not known in the
tieles ofeepitchltion. • .„
New Gratiada Ise ceded the islands in the
Bay of Panama to"Cirestßritain, is Ilettlemont
of the Mclntosh claim.. , ,
. . Emplrs4 laity reaelted : -14r:estrarf
siven:O a idock elite evening. -
At least ten thousand people were gathered
at the warf on her arrival. '
• Gen. Walker; accoinpaniad - by Col.Jacques, -
Mr. Pilcher. , and •Mr. Turner, agent of the
Associated Press. proceeded In A carriage to
the St. charles Hotel, the crowd following.—
At that place Gen Walker spoke to the assem
blage, expreesing thanks for the reception,
recognizing the American , love of liberty to
the art, and assuringthem that vietory was
still sore.
The greatestexciternent prevails in the city.
The St; Charles Hotel was beseiged by thous
ands. In answer to.tbe repeated demanditof,
the -esremblege. he again ethireisetthem.
' Gen: Walker surrendered becauee Captain.
Davis signified ble intention 'to selztr.the.
echooner Granada, which Iteld"-;lVelltretrige. ,
"serve: Walker was kept.* prisoner by thi
CoModore et Pa a, notwithstanding
the terms of the capityrdon, which allowed
liintand his 'officers to •retsin . their side arms
and their liberty. •
•Lieut. Strain died at Aspinwall on the 15th
Ne" , 00pertisement.
- FUR.
golimio:. Nnoitr,,, loops. *. -...
on' band.a large araortment 'of
. . new and fashionable MIMNITIIRE ind GMAIRS.
Win n and Mahogany I . :treating Moraine , with mar.
. Me taps. . - -
~... ,
Hasa, 'fablea. and Washstands: ' . ~
- Walnut What Ned. and Wardrobe . ' .,
- Mahogany and Walnut Tables of all alum , '
Trench Bedsteada, Mahogany and Plain - Tablet at all
Parlor and eliiirs.:an dlicalting Chairs, with velvet, eir•
bake-loth seats and dicta.: .
J----ldshoOtkiaad Waltint Chiles with/WM/oth Or Mae
• Elan Chain! of all Mods. - - . -
Gall andtwa this new and.elegant 'assortment' at the
Iturnitare - Monts of the subscriber, corner of North Ha- -
woven. and gouth at;
. May it, leid.
NEW BOOKS t The subaeribere have
roreiteirAbe rollowtoa Niw Paorraitione
. Vane. knOwn--D; A. Willi, , 126
.11m0ttatiand guidl6*--1121,611124 1:26.
The Amilito6.lll4l•oliCmerintir. .
Memoiley • Iliogrophloirand 75
• Lire 001serlotAn tiropt.,4-.0450.41 , 50
Bryant:A.ll/4mm.. New eloth ' • - 1 00
AL Reportt at tbe,OeciiinnePf
orlbe .000018.Pted, ends tbe Opinion. or -
:Atie audit, On the.Dre4 Soon rase,
g wic k e i t tfepr.A.•&r..y±nr the United Wai l ; •1- ea
a A k iston'slitilwer
0 y; itwrlniverstilesM,Tingsand
himiff, • • n
e4iieeeeentstienelva et ir4iitiiima,, , ' on
• 1
.Teeianar,erziapoe pan; . - ,
're of flelewili6l46 Pantie' JOO;
Po' silt 'ciibid•dgi•Atiomoui Wittl.k* 160
, Ar A Akino ' 800
/!1;1"prYcnIOI0104PC' 4 00
. • '6OOKOOOI - 4TA 7 4o o .A . . os frrii
. , ,
►~ =`
____. ~ ;.
v pz)
„,, .. , ,,1
.... 2 10 . 1 2,.. ....1602 % t i l ls,
Iktingei Of 71:6•1616.01.-. „ B.—Abws hin,. '.; 5.
ran xEI ;ti Plano, ' 4.4-431pa,gborsuo, , „It
~....- ... , t r.'” '. .) 3, OrYt‘ r ,20
, t , , ~ _ . o , ...4lo.llo4tYnAglieffikVi
, , • $ . • . .- -
Walla 00110ttilteb,PCMFit Mrankai bJ 4 r ,itr,ll Bd . ' ' '
110100,113111$4411141110d 1 0 1 , : : '-;';.
s , ;
,-' ;
,- - i 0 ,
• Daatiwula--1)6 6 1 6 4:0 Neva . tlvic , -, ,1,„ 5
' Priile echottfolts.: .'' 1 " " ' ..• " ... ' .",
' "
GandP6lk µ ii de C06464r t `
uos. • . .
laittrueoll tki 4 lo)nanl36olts Ilbekl6o ta, 6; geloderipute, , „ 2;
M . V 1 Vta full" cauwAO.NAM no, e T:' , A llberd , dipostat will
wad* to Iliwatia6llo.Taktotem. , ,..rdits,l6,46o4, !Yip,
6,C eximunt• 9 ii,/ 100 tik.4ekcoetrs , . .. ; ,‘ ; ~ t , I.y ,
' • •, - smelted", TATUM #111,1121! ,, , ,'
~ , - ~, . ~.• , , . ,
4'dth f anoveiit'n4 iiiour t ooxiOssfiti, , i Brew
at om , sp. Julit• - riturned rbilogoipbto,, inith's •
••• otoOlt • fil•Abiriissimioicirlistlnncteh"l4,ool4 ,
ado fur Mea ls I! preps.
to, make %%IV to *TOW promptlyonCon tw000blo:
Also on band • OBEAP 'ltisort,ma.% - cgAmunio
:tooth., !di 0, proxwmpoivimpok*ok trd!: 9 ther
•RTY•t j li
nljii 1. 61 0 14 • 1 *. , 114 6 ,iiiiii4kfi.On!.;!#: ,
' • -• 5-
iao!nint Nun'. icirEat AND AILOWINA
,FOR 11957,,.
8 irliteill
sad the 'One biat adapted to the wanteof the /an;
• ."INFHeidg made wholly .of Iron, it is more durable
• thadaany.dther. ' " • 7 .
.2d: It lean simple that any perion can reallyranagell
3d. It is so strongly and well built, that it cannot
easily get out of repair. • • '
4th. it is neat knd compact, occupying leas 'space
than any other.
Rh: The frame is so evenly balanre&tbat there h no
weight on•ths horactS,',pc,cle. , '
7th. It will cuebeavy and Ifight.giviiswqualljr — Will: —
. ..6th. It cute was graze at well as oar. .
9th, The new cutterbarviheel lessens, the draft at
lipsil.Attelourth iu knowing.. • ' - •
Ibta: Two tomes will work It with *again tidy kind
of grass or grain.
11th. It la the only mead's') with the-cuttesbar dl-'
rectlyoppballe the shaft of the 410 , ring-wheel. . •
12th. The dpen cutting-blade effectually prevent
clogging In any kind of grass.
lath. It le changed in a few minutes flume Mower tr•
Recptr... ' .
. 14th. It is the only machine wits a relic' and side de:: . •
• I
livery far grain. •
Idth, It le the only machine which 'gives the raker
complete control of the grain, both before and after it
reaehewtherplatforni. -
-.-.16th.-The adjustable springaeat and new reaper shosi
are capital lusprovemenru.
• 17th. Seven ybirs of severe practical trials with more
than 12,000 machineih have proven.lts decided superb
ority. Like wine, It improves with age. • '
18th. All the improvamente•for 1867, haveshave been
'practically and thoroughly tested.
19th. Every part of the machine li'mado by master.
workmen, and In the must substantial manna).
20th. Ketchum's Reaper and Moweele wailtanted to
cut grass and grain at well. al it can be done with a
'Scythe or cradle. .•
In a word; it li just the machine which a Farmer can
buy without any risk,-beeause ample a:patience has
proved that It le realisable In ill parts.
.. Partners, send in your orders early, as the sales !be
this season haveithus far, been more thin double Wasp
of last year; ' • . .
P. 81',..-.-Sample Machlneaboaj.he wen In Carlisle in •
few days...
Them =aniline: are not the-kind that were iold-in
Cumberland county last saaion — i — e Kitchuan's Relkpers.
They are entirely distinct, and altogether superior-
They may be seen and purchased or
. .
-At their machine shop, ?birth st., east of Glass's Hotel
Carlisle; Pa.
• lIGAS, SPANGLES & CO., Sole Agents,.
No. 027 Market at., below 7th. North aide. Phiba sa
Sole Manufacturers, Read og, 'a.
May 27,1867-Bt.: - ,
20 " WITNE8BES . ; or, THE ZOE
, •
JOHN DYE, Is the . Author.
' VITRO has had tea years , experi.
, ly encores* Banker and Publisher, Old Cu.
0 7 ... thor of .
iit.:xthere, Sot, tea auccessive nights, ear over sem,
iiit people ..Itip greeted him with Rounds of Applause
while be exhibited the mannerirrwhich County
,te falter. execute their Frauds, and the Surett and
'X Sboi test Me ns of Dete:ting them. 1
o Bank Role Bnaravers all tam that hell* the'
0 protest:Judge of Paper M?ney Lfaing.
g. - _OrOateat. - Discovery__ of the PrOgent
co Century for
c';' .. . ,
0- glettrting tounterint Bank totes!
, ,
.. Describing every Genuine 11111 In Existence, and
Q,_ exhibiting ata glance every Counterfeit In Mow
s• lotion!! liranged•scradmirably, that
0 a
.32 No Index to examine! No pages to hunt up
But so aim piffled and arranged, that the Merchant,
Banker and Business Man an see 'G. AT • 01A2(12
' • . _
• ..
— Thnii - eiftedi - ntny mid "Thirsiiiif iit:
g t Ids Oft Native 2 . ( 1 1 1Ine.
04 _
isi iTost Perfect Bank Note List,.rab•
, •
is Also; a List of All the Private Bankers In AMC.
14 rim. sk Complete Summiry oi thelinanee of En.
o rope and America will be published In each edi• 1
Mon, together with all important 20;198 OF T A UE
Y. Also, siISERIES OF TALES,, Om an old
manuscript found In the East. It furnishes the
0 most complete history of ORIENTAL LIPS, de.
,S scribing the Most Perplexing Positions to which I
0 1 ' the Ladles and Gentlemen of that country bare
been so often founds . These Stories will continue
tbrougliout the wh ole y. ar, and will prove the
most entertainingever offered to the Publia.
.40- Furnished Wtratal to Subscribers only, at
111* pep% AU letters Duet be addressed to
JOHN S. DYE, Banker,
Publisher and Proprietorsi l 0 Well st. t N. Y,
-- , ---- 1 4T- 21 - - - 1- i' il' iL '
- . • CAR FACTORY and •
Fast Wain Street, CARLISLE.
ThIS extensive establishment is now In Complete
der and supplied with the best machinery for executing
work In every department. The buildings have also
been greatly enlarged this spring and stocked with the
newest and moil improved tads for the manufacture'
Shutter.., Blinds. Mouldings,•' Brackets • and Tall "other
.kinds of Carpenter worr k . "WA Anvite,.l3uilders Car.
peeler' and others to call and examine otir Mutinied for
doing this description of. work. Thrbeet Material,
used and prices u low as at any other establiehment In
the OnztV or elsewhere. - -- • -- - - -
and repairitias heretofore. Engines have been recent
ly built fig. W. Henderson & Fon, in this - borough;
It. Bryson & co. Allen township,'AM A Brothers, New-,
tale, Shade It Wetzel, North and ,otUrs . ,,
at whose establishment they, may be seen In'daily
'titian. and to whom we can refer for evidence of thole
"1:1 11
, •
Of every description, from I the smallest t o the heaviest
pieces, executed at short notice tor, every kind of ma
chicory. A large variety of mill Castings now on hand.
Two skillful Pattern makers .rourtentlY employed.—
' REPARINIi promptly attended ,tO for Paer Stills,
- 1111118; Factorise; &e. Tu r ning. an d
pitting - MD Spindle*, Ac. done In the best style. •,
such 'as , .Devil• Gear Pour floret Powers,. Horizontal
'Oear pOur • and 'Two Horse', Powers, Corn Shelters,
Crushers, Iron Rollenk Plotigh misting; and other ar
ticles forbomerei on hand or promptly made to order
• - _ 11URDP1' CARS 111.1ILT,
and 'repaired. Our facilities for'bulldlog Coro ore now
more complete, than heretofore and enables us
chill them to traniporters on the rail road on , scramm
datinrcterms and made of the best. materials. _Orders
-solicited 'and entlre - satbdictioh -
Tho long experienrriln -,tho business of, ttio senior
*trier °rifle kern, and this. qfnipletenisse of our ma
chlnery , fitiisery branch of the establishment warrant
) nir In. cmitiring the . beet work. to, all , who favor us
Iwith their orders. The congaued patlonago of our old.
friends Midi tb poi:q u a la respectfully solicited.
inter 2C; ..lefi,ey I . .iIaRDNER. tCe.
, • ~ BLIEIIIIED-PRIVATE tfirfill'AL •
roistered. to"the Basteble 'Arend% onpoelte (north) $4
'Peet Mee Bjrnener, N. Y.. where boleti' Introduce 11.0
the notice of those 'filleted with • • •
The Friaeti Yatettrot cure. • Thu co®phd nta
be hale , !aid l . ntowls . to f!iikook'/Apoet447;ctao the'
: • 'OP, Tni"itZW
pi treatment tine , In operation In France and lactibe
Ifapl Ws of this cenntry;ivernints aging - that'
mentr - ofitbeformsrthe - dlsenea - Is-wont-te-nalrencle-
81M11, QUICK .4 lAN
• • , •
Ftve. thoeieti4 pettenti cured aeloutll7. • The, rem.
5 dl it,lPr. W. B, nom are free front offensive'
tette er,eme-.1i.--0014010, no. Ingtaterg end *Luke no
Alail4l*, OW jilptneeeor 'boa st*.:, •
- 2 4 !19 i!I4I3TAIOE:
May 'hom, 4, 4144 . itiorsase; end ad.
drettlitrit; letter 44 Dr, W ‘ F..l,* . ;,liT ! the:'
ilia or apleailint, and sore rentedi
'Foltrepthuitles, fl ebetrue4ons,4l4,raw obtsln . .
RD,Dll:94oinuartal.innatai MONTHLY PILLS..
'AI the isitinee Oak*Di the MAW. :Anode, Mulled
White, oertehriltditioite.ehbuid hot IMO them. For
reseonei ice atertlone with "dial' bet 'fetes" lit, sent
mall to ell' parta - orthe Igerldft•Drilie42:llols Is. 4110:
solytigent Mink Utilted •fita n soi• lbr•lnle at 'the
,nootori Dade, the Female, Pilet g: Instrument, tin;
Mammtattve or IX. n 1,4 lairspluitble to
aortins thwart: kontelphyideal MRlbirmatioa 'ow matt:
ratty' ard leOps•jtateit ter.:rah 'reproduction: .Thlen
front Out oFttheltuitod- States.
ilewethe'return‘or the thatrAteetoti'• And'eltotheetul^
okhrturterte i oPs *Otte nature; for female .lasee;teri'be'
' l l4l4l ll 4.oodoe.ofilee. ReFietehtr fthit Dr.
~ 111 0 .t- u .thO oFtr. - ”Feetel,4letitil Mad reepotiti
e physician
,rep art „IfoSts,ttmt treehr . prit tat
Mitt Uatlgi! , l=&42=: .
Oms FA' Ws - ,01441:49i1i,g44
V7' .vsaing
CIRGANDYEa- tSreltrit Impala :IVO,
Slllaitiot the West iit* . eiz I,*; ll Kfi r i
log SOW*" the sinok dam
. .
.*t i i'ii.:4l6.:o l 4 l iiiitit:e'nts':".
0 1 o'o . 1)1347.. , ,
='•o the jargesit and best 'aisortreetrta of Dry voode. ever
• .Bionght to Carlfali. Theirstock haibeen seloteitwith'
' =oration tonal oars horn the boat honses in Neti.lforh'
and : PfillidalphWinVerrory.eifOrt:Mide to Obtain' the
.Ilitestand moot fashionable styles of dowel Thettlat..'
teethemeelves they to , ault friary variety
~,',Of•taster' at:Tricia' ".or !paver g titan " - ,tloy
. bough t•here of ;tithe eity.
, Bleak 811 k Mos; • Birege Relieve. ..Popllna;
' „
Panay Silk Robes, Lawn Robes, • Agentinin
Foulard Silks, Gremoinir, Brilliante:. •
:,-,llayalere Silks, Pure Chalk IGlto,baniLawn.
, Moire Antique; • ThiraV , .• .-Brotebashie.
• , Cranedallapagne Algetas. ,
l'aney.Bllke, , Tamartine, .Cleadonerta.'.,
' A full assortment of white dress goodaiNalrotook Mot.
Ilne, Victoria - Layne, Figured' SWlu, - "Vedwits.for,./ilan , '
.tips, White and Black Crape Shairlia Stella Thlbet,hioda
and Braha Shawls, de.- Bonnets,' Bonnet Seth's, Bib
' bone, Flowers, de : , Bomnation,,Crurella and Crinoline,'
Skirts for Ladle*, Also, Conant, thidandeerraia:l3lind•
karate?' In t inot variety.. ; .
. • GENTS :
()laths; 6assinieresi. Drop deft, eashmerefer, Summer Cu.
.elmeresi Dittonades, Silk Underehliti, Idnant, Handker.
• DiimprAip- aciatis, • • • •
Bleteltedand rinblearhed Linen tton Shootings,
Table Mena, 'Wolen dittoePlono cover,Vounterpanea,
Straw Rats, Fists. Looking Glasses, 'Makings, Window
Shades of all 'kinds, Umbrellas,' Muslim and every
•ristyotDryGoodelncoalmonuse, „ • • '
— WiToßWlUstialdttralanreatoiltof„Ta aeoimingittim
Imperial, Mixed and 148. entPetv' oll ettuV.MottlnB,,
Straw Mats, &e.,,at lowest prices. •Werrespedrally
Oita the public to mill and owning eurstotk
chasing. We have.,bought our assortment at such
;alms that we cannot be undersold. ••• •
Special altention Romanians 8000 In ilmOilzr
.per order shortestlootree.• • • • •
Every effort will by made by the fliin'toAro satirfter
tion to those who may favor them With a all. •
•' • • • . BENTZ.* BROTMBS.,
-Beg" and 'arrinal,of %Mini, and Suninier
COds. • •
• , The dubemiber begs leave to lulbfrir4dit ;Mends aki
the public generally, that be had Ind received soothe
large supply of NEW' GOODS, which he Is diterinined
to sOll chekper than ever offered la Carlisle; condithig
in part Of ..„ .
Silks,• ,' Disagek Plain kVA.
Alpame,• • Dim] Cretins, ,
Lustre.. Poplins, . IhVilsges,
4/reach:Lawns, Skirting, French and Scotch Gingham.,
'Prints, Gloves, Hodery, Collars, Handkerchiefs,
de, ke.
• . ,
SHAWLS and MANTILLAS of eery-style and qudlity.
Clothe; Caisimeies„ • Vestlngs,
Stripes, , Checks, •-• • 'Caltrnee,
Cottonades, ' , Linens, - Sheeting',
' Denims,. Nankeens, Drills,
Qnilts, colored and white Carpet Chain, do.
Aintoi large . and splendid iusortment of Bonnet*
. flats, Cape, Boots mut Shoes. A superior lot of Fresh
Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Itice;t3ploes; Ac., de. •
. • 'lading eelecied my entire stock - With „the..greated
care anct-at'the lowest quit l'ad4oss,l ran souse my:
Mends end the public generally, thatA all in.
my power to nuke micatablialuperd'lcnown:es the
.-Those who wish to pinches., will find it to their ad,
vantage - to all and examine any stock before ntueluke:
.- . ,
J: A. 110PARTOff, .7s.
I ill' pet
_the blgbest market. prices Car Butter, Eggs,
14gs; Boa? end Briod•Frult.
May 13, 18E.7. •
_. _ .
Nnv:pooDs! BARGAINS,
N B c - Thenlutwerihorlfarlust - returuert - Itum
New York and PhUadelphis, and le uow opening an
manse stock of the handsomest and cheapest Dry Goods
everbr...ught to Cumberland county. • ~•
I, for the Ladica—a hill One of marrilificent Silks, Challis,
'Barge Robes,'Ducals, - De Ulnas, Lawn Robes, Ging
. hams, Level's's, Ottoman, Plaids, Ac-, Ra
. • zmnßonnutiEse
An imn,ence assortment-of elogani wrench worked
Collars, .llndersieeres, liandkerehielt, Flouncing, Edg
ings and Inserting', bought (Cm the importers In New
York, and will be sold at prices to toy all cotapiUtton..•
A large stock Of Bonnets, Ribbons and Flowers at eery
low prices. . • • . •
A new toter Cloths and Cassltneres, very handsome
'and very cheap. •
• Irish Linens, Iduallna, Checks, Ticking,, Linen Checks,
- -Cottotuoles, - Pants Stull' for Men and Boys Ingreat . ya r
"tidy, together Vrltlcallotlielklndi goods too nutter
sous to paiticularlse. . -
All my old Friends and Custom'''. and theynabllc In
general are respectfully Invited to call-and examine my
stock heave purchasing,. and they will be certain to get
good bargains and save money, it Ihe Old 'Mend, net,
Main Street." •
Carl,loo,olll 8,186 i
•cmon aloes; AND Can, '66ODN' CIO .10 IFOOD4
next door tolifiglauehlin'savieptsZlaled•••
rtire l f a 'SPGro t e s till i ai grol gcroirilt
Lames, %lieges, Alunats,7lBratch - Sack Flan'
• nets, Scotch, Manebeeter, Karliton, Cblunbrag Ging.
haum, Calicoes, Fine Preach Worked Collars, Ribbons,
Hosiery, Gloves, 4c., &c .. . • ;
DOMESTICS,WooIen nantiels,
Sage cud Sagging, Cotton Flannels,Osnebergs,
Bemis, Clugham, Table Draper, Checks, white and eel,
ored Carpet Chain, &e.
In Shawls and Mankets.we have all sorts, sloes and
For gentlemen we hale Plie Trench Black Cloths,
Slack and Fancy Caesinieres and Doeskins, Satin Vest
ings;&Tweeds, Satinetti; Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jeans,
As for men's, Women's and chlldren'e DUN A. Shoes,
we defy competition. "
Also, a very superior lot t f armories, such as. Co ff ee:'
Sugar, Rim, Pplemb Sc. .
Our stock has been selected with the greatest CM : O as
to price End quality, and we are determined to sell at
very email advances. Those wishing to purchase will
Sad that ee,are selling as eliesp—if not cheapet—tban
agylususalwtown - rAnd - they - will adlt • tisth id;""
vantage to give as a call. ' .
Butter; Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried -Fruit-taken at
Don't forget the place, next door to Waglauchlln'a
hotel.' .
ING. 411.NOLD .2 * . FV . INT3RN. • -
Noyth'itanoner et, oppodte Maglaugblia's*td.
The proprietors of this popular'Clothing istablish•
ment, respectfully announce that. they have just re;
calved an - Immense stock of Clothing and piled gads,
which they will sell at the lowest prices.
for kfen and Boys compoSed of every description of near
- latest - style
c. greatestfia d
n, end w . m a d u ctn d a t it
prove the same as represented at the time of purchase.
Observe that every article of Clothing sold by the
pmprietors of this 'establishment may. be relied upon
as being well selected.
Among his extensive assortment may be Lund Fine
Black and Blue new Style .Dress and Frock Coats, made
in the Week finddene of French and English Cloths..
New style Bushiess.Coate,.of Jilack, Blue, Brown '
Olive and Or -Clothe," Vain and Fancy Casa
Vests in endless:mu-ay, of Plain and Fit - ney ' auki,
'Satins, CANIIIIIIOTeXi Grenadines. Manielllee, Ac.
Fine Black • Iron& .Doeskin-and Fancy Canamere
&ante, Plaln:l4gbaColennt Casehnertr rants:-.Spring
Just completed, by far the largest and. cheapest as•
sortment, of .IlOye_Clothlng, sUltable_for- Spring-and
, Buettner that 'can be found lir Carlisle, correlating of
Coats, pants and Vests of and qualities,
whicliCoUstaut additions will he made during the sea.,
• .
eon. '
Also, , a full assortment of Shirts; Collars, Besoms
• Cravats; Pocket Handkerchiefs;
,Suspendera; Stocks;
Gloves llosiery and Umbrellas, •
tat received, a large assortment of Black and. Fancy
Colored Clothe, Diack_Doeski& and .FOl2 , Lr
footings and a great variety of neva* d fashioned&
' Goode for Pants and Vesta, which - will , madettp to.
order, on the reasonable terms. '
• The subscribers hope, by strict attent on to:bUslness,
and endeavoring to plasm enstonient r , recelya a. tam,'
elite:ince of public patronage. • .
" • •••• :ARM:OLD:Ai
April 'I; 1857. • . .• • ,
• Leavenworth thtj, Kansas Tannery. "
buy end 'cell lands,. select latids, 'and locate 'lnd: ,
warennts in Amami and Nebraikii, burand 'sell:town -
lota, negotiate loans. and - deb Phalli sfeurY business;
,Inguiriee , reapeeting the country, by, letter or other
salmi Pirntdir±orinniut•
, 'Jobs' M. :tuition, Bog., earlisie, , ••• •.
.. Win; M. Beetem, Banker, r , . •
ilon.4.ll,Orlduun, •
, Bet, Brenneroah caillsikeis; •••••• •
It'sn.2.l44tenderstut v _Eig., ---•
,•• Bodge Sanderson; ,TAUcaster:Pa. ',. • r •
Jobn A. 'Abl M. ' • -
111.1,obath, " •
,&• W: Clark & C 0.,. kera, - Pbibidelobbt, •, ' •
,Mon. Michael Coeklin, Bbepberdrtowri, Pa; ,`.,• , • e
Henry Reiman A tons, Merelutoth Balthnora;
.k:.• N,:; Cashier Mercantlie Bank; iSeWlerk-,`
yiterrt menitarlaneilio*.Batetu'Ail!ioll9
R'ntlfdlgore,Hisi.,-A tarsier and Yeat:Eitati , Ageisii?
Sterlln ill
..; 11.'11". Ida r.`,Esq.; gebrielty, - 111.
. • Onothealandeounty,, , ,Pa l - ,
• •' ''VaOribtit;•.4.l4;
11 8.:: - .4h0',e,u ,
,• _ . ;
'nWti!"- 1 1 . ofimili.satria=,
Ask 4°llo gillig,/nrist n Celtria4lZ,
' '4 arre, x , i4lnes. 9ni
Dr NI. do
thdoitoution .i_.-- ;.4.
''.-‘' Oo*WPres,' Plousb lOVII-U
..: O)2:I,,Nr'',ULFI4- °'''`,' ',
'nu, 'o, ifaY,'fle, 1 • ' , • • 'it:IX:MRS.:.
'' ( ' POO
•• . tiltri.:. -
',,','—. p 1,401(1.4-,---,iiiiii,-,4orpi:
J., cAn.,-,:..,,;,,, i4 ,14 7 . 8 74„,tini k . 441:
p .
,Lego , tyttizci,-Rrini t u t !, 701 0 c1apt.§:F4411411...!1 .1. ,',..
iraA4lp,., ..,.,,,i,..0„*,,,,....:::.
...„,,,,..,....--..,.. ~,,,„:(. ~..,....,,,
...;;;::,....,40. -*-4.A.i0. ii508. , t,....,-, .
'citroW Ato. 11;'
sakt,L;orks sumnaslitiimon it, 0 1 1,61 1 0 ; 11 k .
, stain nor kiisinsitroran kinds ibika yo_ar ot tw o, or?
ki.isseVt battik olfst• for sato . "Hun
'.orePodl4 kulfflq , prO_Pir° Prn m earKr•
-us %go veselvl4 front tko tit, • lot of Op ttit
b,:,sottAstiktof Osman tben! goNth * O OO.lOl*M
VinititatO. inwfia. 'as toiratiaty. -S4O
- rtd gulag*. twportilk
--,..#.l4ao.,4pOi4.'itnivxgrojtorL ,
„ , a ” , , , < _ .—t.
0F4 8 1 9 P , W00k55. 1 , 1 4 Amr
A NA d o ub t, 'at: siostsoomaioN474 41,14 oft
a si e n:o: IS IlljetoreFlu• s itar
its gin tglilti, the ,. :4 • _ Id* a
am * / 1 /ZU Id &Mari ' 41 , 4" 4 0i1t altalal* 1 14041 1 4
Poldw;cut. all , o , folsiatsdother,Oatleoneenl•lenili
uncle all Meld head, , .It,irllkmuv r eM if briniest;
herrouS, or.pasiodlcal.hsedaritep,Makthihe.hatt slott).
SWIM iif wary, sod p . kvbierve sae cillorklirn!c4 l .nalla
the hair ps plitninl=lteld age. ..., .
,- .The tb out le trcatt yyttahmi nastntatrof the
. ..__" :1 ,', Sr. Petit, efenu • M7 . l,lßas. _
ptuFE.sautt 0.:1:W84-. ' , .
' Diwi thitt-,31541411 . 11 yot.this certified/1.
1612 6
4/14,..b e i nr _ t , 4 ip. 2114.4111 T int
'tried all Ile hair rut . veelta hating no
filth inanyatiltsluA atri a 3 ' nni t z t .
It mtrlat. - - f plaid-my , WPM, Alf a ,
mid had my head rub 'WOW SOW brush, and 1
the restorative then 1 1 %0 mull till th e
scalp was in aglow; II I , _ It, and 1
In three weeks tile' hair llPPetwor IllirlfteW 110 '
Pidly hum• August Matti! thiOnE r filmoutslitwor
thick, blaek,and strong it tiontstonehT ,
&k w
wherels, before, 'tit handl au , hat Itttie theft
was of It and that li t lett* dleetopearMliwirl M a k _AT.
I etlll use yorestoia Imialsout team eWeel,felto mew._
soon have a good aud 14' 0 90 0 ml -,00 r ,, i'.. o
read of these thlnge derhotesotot 1 but hare not
semi hitherto any que whefriviny peneto4 hair was rte
ally benellttett by'anypf thtihafr looks, eto,of the day:
and it really glee, me plontahre tatqcold the result of
ray expertence. .1 Wife recommended your-prows - flint,
to °thin's, and It already halal large and generous ale
thronglout•the Territory.. The people here know its
'elfilets, and liiii — nmliddiMed lir it — Ttre supplpyousakt
,l34-iiii wholesale agonising the Territory, le steady H.
haueted,"and daily Inqulrleire Mad/ Or W. You de.
Sarre sredlt for your disMS , sod, l , foe - Moi return
you my thanks (or the ben It has done me,.Por 1 eer
' taint, h
result:ad despaired long' Wet ewer llihntittitshifiellolr
• , , • •
z i t
J. W. BO D,
'lrmo( Bond k Keller , dhtupthile, ilt. ul.
(From the Zditor of the Real te•Adearthell—
' Demos 21 School West, 31Prelt 20, 1t36..1
. Dma that—Liselnbooboo pienualwatt Sultana
was Induced, some s it waste elm* to', make a anal of
your llesteretlee. I hart used tree then two. bottles,
but the primate's' here all disrioppmesitt wad eithoVl
my hair has not fully atadorskipterigloel.7!fetthe
proems of change is hesurrielb. golly on, and , - ‘ am In
Vold hooM that In a short time my hale will *lda*
as formeily„, there elm been tunch
whirl /4 the
healthy moisture and vigor of • the hair : whiall Indere
was harsh and dry, and it hummed to comecostailin ,
merly7 --- . , -----
Iterpliettully,Dmrs, •
Professor Wood
'• ' . Csamals,llUnols, Jane 19,106—,
Thave weed Professor WomEs *Sir Restorative, and
have admired Its wonderful effec t' ./dy hate niiii boom..
Ins, is T.thgrught. prematurely , burby She use of
his ~ , R•storetive '!' it him nnumect original eolor,and
I have no donbt,'Rerunmently so.. 4 ,_ .
... 'l3; EY BREESE,
Bx4enkillor United Stator.
For bale In Cullsle,. bj IL W. aii,VERFTICIC; SAM L
ELLIOT% slid Druggists erarywlsote.
Feb. 28, 11167.-Iy. ' , •
wnousetts' weincuou6g,
ar of Tenth and Market Btraidltt -s-5 0 . 014.1n Befeend,
• • , story, Phltidelptide • . . • -
We Invite attention to our eidanked stock of Drum'. •
• Paints. Oils, Varnishes, de,. selected expressly-fix-our '
sated, and comprising one of the finest assortmente
the United Stites, which we offer at low prices, for card
or approved credit.
' WE MANUFACTURE very extenidtrelyt.
Premium Pure White Lead, (balE) •
• - Kensington Pure Whit... Lea& '
Pearl Snow White Lead(
Vieth, Montague" Fixate& Zinc, (best,) - •
• Pato now White American 7Ane.:
PhiladelPhia Show-White Zinc. - • -
Sliver's Plastic Fire and Weatherproof Paints; '
htOi re Greare - 10tMIows, and c&oni son y.
• Porter's superior Alkaline
• -.Genuine French Plate Olass,twarranted.)
The New Jersey Zion Company's ptoducts,
Tildep and Nephew's( New York Varnishes, • . .
. Brooklyn Premium Pure White Lead.
Hampden Permanent Greene
' Pure Ohio Catawba Brand.G/td . ,Eer
• Frenchand'Engllsh Plate Oleos, : '
French . and English CPiludes 01 1 11 41 • .
Colorodond Engrared.l.l3ndenro44._
• Deguerrent•pe.Ulass,
„•• 0 . •
• llantmered-Plate for Floors and 111 ,41 1 46 ,66 .
• Brugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, de,:
.Druggists' Articles generally,
Painters' Tools of all descriptions,
Ilydraulle and. Homan Cement, ..
Calcined and Land Plaster. ,
Paper Maker's Clay; Battu White. dc.
rauNcx. lIIEMA= B . 6 co.
' Store; N. W : cur, of Tenth and Market; streets,
d'actary:Auneti - on..Vaffedeenue, Weekend Callowhill
streets, Philadelphia. , • .. •,B4W. CARE.
MINDS AND $ 14A D.,E:5..,1
- . OY NEW erym, , • . ,
-3 V7.1. WILLIAM?, No. 12 North 'Sisal Stmt. Phila.
dalphia, Manutketurer of VENITLAN, BLINDS. Paver
Deafen, Duff all other Colin* of IdellanOf Beautiful
d used for
Mad's,. rialpres, and
Trisaminge,` die, de i , Pilzolende and
• iletail,. of the Loweit Cash Priem- •..—• •
• . STORE SHADES painted teeirdar. 4 _
. J. W..thankful forlatt patronage, lly..ap._
I=o Vatdioanwallienerwitaat . ll ll M l 4,
„. NIP:
ent, beibre purchasing elsewhere. 7 '
- • ' ; .19E STUDY TO YLEAS.L." -
March 18,1857, • • .. . ' - - • •1. . , i
111 0 V ER,' S ' DYh.
46 ,
• Thin HAIR DYE needs - only a hist .to NOLO_
a o I ts peirectlon as a - Dye, and fhe following testi.
menial frd that etolnant Analytie eDenittit...Profeeson
Booth, or the U.B. ldintrWill only *mann What *OW
sands have previously bovne.tovVilt9P/PL-7-
Br. StlttaLleelttet ,
Vbillidelphbi, Feb. 1;8141857:
Being well acduabited with the eubstanien compreo
Ind flover'e !Auld Hair Dye, .I,aeu satielbut that by
following the simple directions glean for Ile use, It will
not Insure the Ilalr or Skin. but will Oren natural and
durable color to the nat.', ,
••••-• • • • • .
'JAMES C. BOOT% Sonatina Oheipist!'
ROVER'S WRITING INKS, hicladinloier i a
an flover'a Indelible Inks, aro,too wel land In
trodyted to require any additional testimony of their.
ehanider. The salmi have been increasing slum their
- flint introduntion --- , gititur - avidenerthat - the - itrtleles
,truly possess that intrinsic Merit elatined at Out On.
them by the blanediteturer. .
- Orders, addressed to the itutititeCory, No. 416 RACE
*trete, abose FOORTII,OId No. 144,)
receive prompt attention by• .! -
JOSEPII N iTIOYER, Nanitfaettner.
. - SHADES!' • .7. Is. iSAAO4' =OMER, '
No. nd North Second Street, below Bsie; Millttlelphlar
ilarina completed their larieassOrtnlent of the ahem
Goods for Spring wad Bummer Trish!, i would respect,
fully Invite the attentbm .of.pnrclunteralto_the, seine.
Their stool( forbeauty, chum= and variety cannot
be surpaised.. „
ithet,beire constintly on band every description of
Gold and hinted Shadetr, , Butt IfoUands, and Shade
Matures. I. Wall. Papers,,Curtaida, like. Board Prints,
Borders, de., all i'4' which they:der all lower retell than
can be had at any other eitabllslunput. Call and am•
nnline i ', 4:.11,..18.1LACS b. BROTHER;
• . , '
' 'SS North Second stand, below. Bade: .:
' March 4,1817.--C roos . '
OHN ALLEN di 'oo.—Wos. 2
. • a 4 OnEeraut or.; (Soutii sideberowqratoi,)
- nu 4)tistr,..WOO 140 1,1 ;i 14 rea enr.)
MuinuGLotureit and •Wboleture daukeirei In Pateut , W,
chine w 4015 Ullt)0,418, Patent OrtoOtidtitovimUtteiheri ,
noted apt to atuink,,Woork,JUl Wn4wor-lre,eolDl;
gßoßuts, , ka. - ; oral dosgriPtions:'l4lK,o44.lllloo'
Ise our stock, ^
Y0bi,25.1&57.-7T.. . • • .1. \ •
Is required to cure any' one troublod with Liver
plaints, unless the most desperate of essos, ,when the
second; bottle will,. with, . starve widertle fellore restore
the -patient to health add vigor. 11p... wish to 'call the
attention of , all ' to " them' farts, that . tte.litehonetor:ls .
eompoijoaded by siphysicims who his Used It in his prae
losAsthe past twoutyysars with a swam almost ore.
.dniOMOwnd that It Is entirely resSltahlit,. betas Qom
; po6d whollyof:gunts„ • i . ,,, ,. ' ,
~ Some- hiss. ot., ihe' slllmiti4' of itt6so'qunis maj be
lo t iflowheol!ot koorow pow_ bottle of the Invigorator ,
1. • us as murk strength as one handwork &sego 944
I ti .wlpout itwy of Its deleteriouslelfeete,-- , • ,-
'One balls- if lb; somas-thing known to eirr i. away
the bad Oats of mineral poison grtiootr.kbut. .. '.„,•
- gavials tiO•Slo I. needed tethideGoutrif sisis em
.otwo ere* of'sOodleihO after a lopg 14okoewo. - .:_ •
, colo-,bottlotAkOnfr Oundlat ireiiwol:l
r/ lowOop
• or upootorol tOb:Olkora the wliii.:-.`, i.": •
_. • ~ .• •• •
Oni:dowoOttoriatbai'to wollidloull 'l6 :'rellioor thik ito/.'
'mob -.00 ptorroit thi /TA Orwlortilogindorouring. , .
Only,. one tit llokwo iteihre;sWtifißtilltstfli Ufgbk.,
w! 46: 1 -
O token at ui i i,b* i T o ! iens is. lowailipii* .
One dOso token after each iiiWarell
IQ-al *1 1 1 0 1 111 1 1 ; •
•' OtOFOrotr_olow--.7owaprO, ropllrst.,
witi/tiwdorDW, ' -, •• ,• P ' ~ t . "- 1 •t1,',!...L•'
o bottioli tiOif fOilinwioWietiOu - Tewoorsi•the
woo orttoi prolumsoldirs 4 4. oo2, "Wad o w% , -*".-'-'..
Outs arnadom proorwltOoly relieve! qtallo, •.: , •••, • •
Ontidoofolton.rrpois st sure bele ' ti ro',oilers'
mr...%,."444m="`.. ftgirATAilft=' ' 'a. - * oi
;ialloni 0444 while sollllolol l o l. MuNfoolioliww , "..'
'Wene_ Awo Ow t4oP.OoqU' . .,_._ .7,1 . / 100 4 4,),t. 44e
lioes'oloo!q o cold Ifltr;oWnri.4,-. ,'";•• ‘ _ ,'' '. - --- - •
,- ‘ ,ThausiOdO 4 6 . 1 0 e's 'or Milmil*" 4lo /ArviTooti 4.
!...q lung4hait boes oiarod tir the • :-. -
l "t4"efti r " VelC h at b rel. n g r i. "„ .. +l .
tit Opp° t Olt ow
, • tie dose nen resulted:SUMS Attars' hw. Ili
;iii it . o, whitirworio44 - 1024 - aworOLOslttg
:yield•olii ' .the grOkliolo;, .. ~..: ...; ; - 4' ~.. ...• .t.. - ~.: •,. .-,•.:•,•,
• • (bred ;Oomi sumo , attOoror_ooPOK. :11,7110021V
i t ,
-,wlilleitbr" ' ' 10. 'oblldmr,thowo ii lie, tiser,,lder "4,
:voMfor" y . Ito the rnirld.„,u lisurrow halw: - . 4 L¢' , - ' -
' , • There'trilOullogOrotton In : time iltosOnionto...tlioy
•' ll -nrPlain:loil 'mbar Soloolbilt!WO ISMOStiesteinerlo
. s prriee,'`iithlte all who use It 1F... Or!!kik,fir. , Wtta!AlrnlE
. 4 0, 00 14 it - 11 A • arr , :' ''- •‘:-,.-"''--,-..&-•,-';.`" ' - ';' • - ,
'' • : •;, „." I '. , - •:), .• '• ',1 • 1:' -- : : :" , : 4- .::'.i'pi. , ,ri ' .. ....WV.,.., i .
'..lVeisish idlii r 00 ibilL Iltid;01.1141/1AMMIAtlikittlAt
.rartf. 4ol 4 tt 0.4 61, i n t And 4 r4Y . 'W ~,V X I
be ag.i HA 44 us. we Au l ike ii lust *044 I
have zet ;a hosifloti,'4li RO O O 6 -1!) 7 4 ,1 0. hoc si.,l 1
bottle,;ef:lst*lgtoater.:Leti n •reetiljor
da ruo4
thwnirotfOOttr# auitOiwttliii. 1 ' TIARA* - li-iNig'
illicoo inattortio*.loottbOY. yAboeiiroted, - 4 thaw,
conaPIAPt +Ow A* a 41.1;)11,0• ! , Iplibl . bea!ot ,
4i4usTA l wY ll3 : ll4 " A ' ttili" - ' ..;144ii‘a' . ' "'''
• .: •,- . - - • :.'; ~... , - -;B4s , ,alfaidWitY44ow)Yorki. , - -
4 "‘11or :isiiiti ii, .ilLiXlTt.smil,. S. Wi.l4lllNßlPci,''
Carlisle, and bibiugt4ollllr!a!)",i",".-: - . ri." e'.',4,1
:', ,00 1 .1Fr,)k$ 15 i 3.10-4 o). - - +•,:„ 1„,..; . -... . ,. ., -.," ..•.- ~ - , "•,..: .:
hiv i n an y...•
0 4 A ' t Pl3B E,q TQ
giovig. 'or inn , I
..ouisi ninnonrsfl *OlNYiSt.'
Theo WlU,lloesOompsny,eoepeettnllyinformthq
public that they hate &Mods JoineBtocklismodatiom
• ' arra okleie. and lion. They ;mire *Mitred ii,larp
steortnient of alepoint EtignOluge,vlileli oitif *01,553u
at one doll= =kb, the ptwohaser of an .lingniving Will
"..neiatite'orith It i ticket,, Whir& wlLLiglrb. the bolder
thereof an ppportunity •to.'dritor: one .of annexed
;,spleudittorjlia,telbe list °forbid& werwould Melte at,,
botter • chmtme.was cieer offered than the'
....44wesentoutthitpuntbasr_not..dinlfgetan-e,zigiairlun r i
but °urethane b oo full of gifts that In every Ids tick.;
ats sold.there must be diawn two gilts, to witi—There
_Lorin be,but.lo,ooo abignitinnic.stdd,.lind_the . gills !ill
amount to 12 , '
• 1 ibiendid a 'tort« iitt.;
now occupied by John md. . •
. • occupied by Daniel ltober, • 0 1 . 006
-, .1 Elpleadld Bond .W.oodlnanoi . 400
. I Splindkl Melodeon, - •• • • ' ' • 150
Huntirg CasaGold,Watch " •'• 125.
Ware,: 125
• • '1 Wanting Case Gold Watch, • 100
• Ladies' • do.
, 1 Belt China Ware, ' • • !. 100
:2 Gentlemen's 'Gold Ware, . .
(at. $75 eachr)! . 6 °
: . do: • . 'do. • • ] 6O
. .
..1 Walnut SoDy -
' 76
2 Gan lemen'a Silver Watch!". rt .s7o.eacli, 140
• 4 - do. , , ' do. ': at *SO each, - 200.
_2-40 -,, --0014-Watobtli : - it $6O each, —lOO
10 *il.. ' ...811rar. , 110. ,' 00.05 iiii - ch, . 7 . - 726 2 -
- I IbittiJoyollo;,(4 s2s 'IWO ~
', r . .''
::1 (N1421'100104-- :7, 1 . , . , . . . t'' .
30014 Brae:Gets, (at $76 each,
.r. 4 Gold annulate!. (at 010-each, . - ..
,1014 dieemisistptus;"61iSicreath ,)-
' 10 pair Ear Binge, (44410 each, ) ' •
:10 do. . (at 26 .earbj '.
.10 nniwyaiir. Ni 2 0 each,) .
10.0014 Elugs, (at,geach,) .
1 0 0 - oholcabooklat $2 enthi - . • -
_loo_._„,do: - ,-- at $2 n.cli, - . t
' . 100 Gold.Penclla, at $2 eaob4 '-. •
100 ( 0014 rUngo, - (it $2 each,)- '
100 Albnme t .(st $2 each,) .
100 Gold Rings, (at $1 each,)
-606 BoOksast 2 1 . 44 c 7 4) - .: • - •'
100 Ladle.' Collars, (at $1 ea-n,) - "
I:ooo'EniriaTlnini, (at St iamb) . .
'l,OOO rteoes bf Rude, (a 724 et a;
• •
____Ausoon_aattusehares are all soldithe p;or..ty - w11: - .
be drawn, nod notice will be given to that etreet. -•
For One object and design of the above u well aithe
cara= : rise of the parties conducting and forming the
t on we would refer to the following named gen
tleme . • • . . . • ,
ltsg..7l4lll:Hialderien, - Eic
Aimee Statith, Esq. West Pennsborough.--Ilon. J .
..A,genteermstedin every 61111 iwthe State.
- Tickets can be had of the followlpg persons in Carlisle:
" Charles OgGby,ltry Goods St. - in, Samuel/Blot, Drug
Store P. Arnold Store, J. D. Halbert, Grocery Store;
Tprnlse Vonlyia,•Jewpiry, Store; Ilenry ; Saston, Hard
ware Store; Steiner 4k-Drothori,'Olothlog Store; 0. In:
hnd, Grocery , Store; %V. D. A. Naught, Jewelry Store.
Person, wishing to become Agenill make applica
tion either by letter or personally to
Secretary, Carlisle,'Pa.
NY' ilth, 1857-6 ma.
( •
-- t -- .—.--,—cm: , wham sands of liffitavehearly tiin out, (its.'
covered riffle In the East Indiee, a certain 'Cure Mr
Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis , Cough', • Colds,
aud.Oeneral Debility. The remedy wit discovered
by hinCwhen his only child,* daughter, was given
up Lodi*. Ile lied heard much of the wonderful resin
ail?* shd healing qualities of preparations made from
the East India hemp, ind the thought occurred to him
that fla, might make * remedrihr his child. lie stn
. died hard, and succeeded In realising his wishes. 111,
child was cured, and, Is Mow alive and well...ffe
.. since administered the wonderful remedy' to thousands.
.flufferereirrallpirtenf-theworldintid-be- ... ; . .
felled in making them completely healthy and hippy.
Wishing to do as much good as possible, he will send to
such of his afflicted fellow-beings as ruisett it, this so
, ceipe;with fall and explicit- directions for snaking it
up. and imcceufully using it: He requires such appil
. - cant to enclose him one chilling—three coot" to be re.
turned u postage on the rocelpe, and the reniainder to
be applied to the payment of this advertisement.
• . Address,
JAMES, No, 10 Clmnd st.; Jersey city, N. J.
P. B.—There are persons who pretend to prepare rim
S&LS the ...Extraet. of Canonbls Indice_ from 'Dr. 11.
Jkles's Itecelpe, end who profess to be his /mum, All
su parsons are imposters.---Dr. 11. James's sole object
2 18 to benefit the world, and not to make money.. Ns
"'''has no Mims who prepare his medicines from the re•
seine, and 'neitiPelll hero! The imposterk CANKOE
make up the medleines from the meelpe so to sell '
it-at oprofit,the coil of importing the Paw India ;
Hemp alone being too great to admit of /4'
speculition lathe cremes remedy; -The' thole
are probably, compounded of molaues 4'4' punt, '•
Clone drug or two meting a few alts.:- •
1V •
OTICE.—TIie undersigned... return'
their slnedre thenlu to the Firemen and Citi
zens or Carlisle generally for theleprotopt, energetic,
and electual exertions in extinguishing the are which
occurred on Saturday last,'and thereby seeing the pro.
party. The Sr. originated In the third story, occupied
u • Daguerrean Gallery, by Main & Osborne, and was
occasioned by working with Collodi= near a fluid lamp
The Gallery will, be immediately fitted up, and ready
for operation in a ten days.
, 401161
ltay 27, 11.857.1 t.
T. 1.0011 Reeve,
OTICE, ii hereby given that have
tblo def eisociated with ate,'se t partnsi in the
ilorwanUn. COMMIIIIIOII, and Wain Badness, • ley eon
ALBERT H. RINEENI, and.tiutt the above business will
be hereafteeconducted ander the,n2Ulio of J. RUM
N. D.—Mghest Osaletificeafbr kRODIVOE of all ktuta;
WIINAT. RYE, OATS, An twt, fleeter, to.
blimpa on band and for sale.
- Catliale Slay 11,1851'--it: • • • ,
; 4 4411'
. - removed to the new and spacious Hall, No. 09 an
-10 DALTIMOBII STREET, Daltimore, Md.
- 0: - K. - Cifununittw, - Principalendl.ecturerupon - Marcan
tile Science. , . .
E. K. Lenten, In charge of Writing Department.
G. W. Kent, Instructor in Mercantile Caliultitions and
..„ , Associate in Book Keeping Department.
. '4:.73. Pamirs, Teacher:ln Book Keeping:
' 'ill T. WitLiami; Leaturer on Commercial Lew.
' Three years bye not yet elapsed since the establish
ment of this institution, during which time upwards of
eight hundred students have.beett in attendance, (rep%
resenting nearly every - Mate In the Union,) among
whom are numbers In Baltimore andelsewhens wimpy.
ts. prominent positions as'and account
tu - .
BOOK KSEPIJIG.—The Principal harithit utntost con
gdance In assurMethe public that after an expel lane° o
Iburteen.yeers In qualifying young men for the Count
.ingitoom and other Important stations, and an eaten•
sire annaintencer with - the management, of bueliesi
' books of every drieription, (assisted as he 4 byltrolal
entitle accountata,) the course of training._ In this de:
ftlerTeatlst. eminently 47:1 to
Individual ' , vert u erLip, Mercantile, Men e ilu n ie r t: r ju n g, g
Commission, Ex change, Banking:Shipping. Steamboat.;
lug, Compound. Company operations, de..
PENIIANSUIP.—The undies -under this - head are
free, .easy and graceful, combining rapidity of execution
with twenty of coustructiomitnis enabling the student
to write an elegant business blind on completion of the
purse.. • • - .
bIERCANTILIS in all their various ,
bearingaure Caught_ by the moat accurate and raped!.
Daily lectureaaredeliveredupon the Science of A.
counts, Mercantile Customi; de, these In connection
with a series.oflotturea on Commercial Law i are_ of the_
'highest importanea to nil aspiring - hi nee — 60 freniTrierit
positions in the business community.
The time necessary for an Indushiouts student, to
complete course, varies from A to:12 weeks: There
being .06, - racation,'applicante can enter pt any time,
and attend. both day-and evening. 'Examinations are
held at stated porods, and.diplomas awarded t: ise
who graduate; for terms, etc, write and have ach
- .
...rumns MIGES WEST OF ItAlifilBOURG.
The Twelfth Setsion of this institution will commence
dnidonday i lb, lid .of November., Parents mna Guar
dians are requested to Inquire auto its merits before
seeding, thriraens or ward!' elsewhpre:The location of
thplnstitotion ..I,eretired; - pleasant... end heitithfull
and the, course of instructionAmbrares the ordir*
ry and higher twanchmot sgo 'English ;Education, to.
;gather with the Win, Greek,,Fiebeb. and Gamow
=and' vocal 'and Instrumental Anoxic. , Tinos,
Ir. Wseldn', and Tuition hitbe Eat Ish,branah-
Ss ow* Noo ll ,Mutda per owdorli( 2l
eirordar otiliabgnS Pellitiaareaddresa.
- . -
, •
00TH AN IS!' • *SEANAS •—•` . •knOther
iii~iiwllo4o3 cIA 'e Patio end .
13opti xhl. 'Woe* and ,Cllll
- diet'', iota IDA 4h0 6 41 4 11 . 9,1,7410411,' saILDJAid
troancarrWorP 6 o!W ,
'-• ~.' ~,'I.;OII4,L'.'VESTIVA,The..., , Upto. o
--,•,-: -, 01r ? Mammy; luodng.ta aciptaltidat3Oa OE area
11'4' an Znalaa.ll9atat, totataik boldins a iNadlyar
..'''. a nd Yak; the OM !weak- la. dacif , ol•3o6 at 1 1 5dnaldl:up.
l i t
11611, - .lii *Mph ' th e - I ,oadLar,ll7 l . l , '..... '. th....r. .5.
r ia!'-ii Thoma=.4•7"..! —. o...w' tati0c..,..., ,
---,,:-....„-A,....:E.;."."..4: li. Inft J
T s .. ' Anima rdiragi'Ci f'i' - 1:.I. ;a r r . . me- .-..!,, ).`
'fi • - Mathat Llaai . .. • ~., !,. , ',.., ....L,Odrn lo ,
', - - - '414 - .1. - intuit?. .'4'. , -- ' , -0 : 8 . " .
• , I:'' .. •i',' :!C 31 ; 8 4'r , I l d '*
:., .'.''''',_-'-,''':':.'', ~'„ ' ' ... I' ",.i . ',. !i- 7 . 1 : 4 -- -.0 ' n.
i. ' • '' ~ lui 4en OientrAIDATUPIING, June . 24
I , . e g y rAl i rtli c A M k 9 V 1 A" ,4 " 1 " th ° ,, , rN. Bat , " ,
4,Z(14 . Isibuitto niAr t trietifair7wiltplierite 1 1 '0
;,-04 1 47oi r Zwilttarorllii.eiri wair l 4P k litilt t ili,
114 4
'444 4 4Vir cm'
trdirln gbr ' 69 41 ' '61141 ; 1 / 4 t;
, sttrtit IP p Ootriralae
.r 1 .4, ,, , P 7M B r-tt 0 We:. ' -',„
;‘ , l ,) , . Y* ~ .1 1', : •• - .0 , , 7. T.:, . ,.. „ _II p ~w1)..r,".•
Ur A 'tv1 424. 1 P-11,A. #7,
' 414T0Z.1.00....-44A' Aptimy mow.
--,' riman..B4l:;l4ll44,ol"4blartig
-; 'it„Pir,r, 8.l am --01.r.v,,tr,th0....t
Yltoik=4.l2 mtiv= l,o 7l=44
:.: 14 "M e n ` I
.= bi'7,iii bi ' NAWl a rUgl: "1 birii,sihi44l44l,
f l u biweanted
_ we.
kl l itl ar
ali nariE(ITTOM
- -zoo:
2°U. l
< 500
r7.!l ac
Xetit -,,e-statel-Sure4.•
•r• !LAtlO3.
• rtz ritiAt i AT. R. R. COWL
_ .
• .
in now kin sell about
'o44 ANDA:. or, • • y.or,,pholiziorentura .
In t t /iht ref Longtaudits and
;mitt . -41141 istettbi-tiereitiverinieni toata
ltrthe oiref - this-Roadeindsuwameng-the
rich/arta trite lettheworld.,"iTheyextend !loin
North:Oast a Norkh-west, through theiteldthe of the
aukte;l7. the ato,o Bdtith, and Wanda Arery yeasty
of climate andpeoduettonsfound between.thoslxparal
lola of latitude... The Northern portion le chiefly prafrle,
Anterspersed cres, , andja,thol,piddlo'and
heltlitermeectioWf Von '-2,predompates,...ilternsting
• with beautiful es opehlogs ,
The-climate s More In's• mildand equable, thin
any other pert. of,thajanthtry-lhe air Is -pure -and -
wacinir. While tieing stratums - aid aprings of excellent
water abound.. .
Illtunalnons Coal id rikensivelYinined,and supplies*
cheap and desirable, being furnished "al many
points at $2 to $4 per Y ff eilrdwoOd can trii had at the
same rate per curdy,- .
Building stone - of• excleJlent quality" also;"abotindi
which 01111biiprocured flit little more than he expense
The great fertility of. th r ogrbinde, awl gblaCk
rich mould from two . to fi ve ectileepAild tly roll.
logy—their contiguity to thl ,11 0 .ed,,f0.019 every
tally Is furnlshidfor eraver.krilf-Anmsporta lon, to the
principal Bouttptgast -West, and the
economy -with which' theyta.
evellirated, render
them the mrat.valuable investnre,:t'Art can be fpund;
and present _the moat farbrable onnothirdly, for persons
, of Industrious, habitland smatrinewas, to, acquire a
:oomfortebleindopendence z inlafire;Y,....._
Chicago is now;:the greitest'inahrroidet - lit — thil=
world—and tke facility aneeeoullelth • which - the
products of these lands can 'mitre= rled to that mar •
ket, make them touch-More prate le,'att prices
asked, than those more remote at goiertrinaut rates,—
as the additional cost of transportation Is a perpetual
tax on the Latter, which must be borne bilker-mean
.In the reduced price he rocelees for hie grbhl. ,
The Title he Perfectr-and when the final plyilientie
. ate tioute„Deeds are.exiouted_bythe TrustWappointed
by thedlitate, and la whom the 'title le vested,lrthe
purchaiers,..whicli. convey to. there abeolule tulles 'to
Yee Simple, free and clear of orerrinatiniblidopfail'of.
The Prides ire from $6 to .30 p Interest only tper taut ,
Twenty per cent. will he deducted from the credit •
, • pHce for cash. . • .
•, Thos who purchueon long credits give nutlet psYlibid,
In 2, 8,,4, 6 and 6 yeare after .date, and are required to
Improve one-tenth annuelly yew*, so ex to hatt
one-half the teed Under cultivationi at the end' of thalt
time. ~
, .
Cbmnetenageorveyonrwill thoprwhcriche
to examine these Lands, free of c e, and aid thee
in making selections.
. . .
The [ands remaining unsold areas rich and raltable
as those which have been disposed of
Will be sent in - any one who will - enclose - MY cents in
Postage Stamps, and Books qr Pamphlets, containing
numerous Instances of successful farming, signed by
respectable and well-known farmentliving lathe neigh--
isirhood of the Railroad Lands, throughout tho State—
al so the Coat of fencing, price of cattle, expense of bar.
vesting, threshing, ota,,••or any other information
will be cheerfully given on application, either person , .
ally or by letter, „English, /french. or German, id-
Aroligotll to . JOBB. WILSON, •
Land Oionnilisloner of the Illinois Centralli. lt.Co
• Kir Offtoe In IllinohiCentril Railroad Depot, Chicago
70It BALE.
hn Isubscriber offers at private ails the PrOperty
which he- now lires r eitimie -in -Lordlier- street r izr this
borough, nearly opposite Dickinson_ college. • me pro,
peaty consists of a
and Lot of Oround, jot:detains ONE
I] ACRE, more or less. The house is new
and In excellent order and has • com
modious back buildini fitabling.and
• other outhouses &Oat wlthst well
of water and pump. ,The grounds are well caltlvated,
comprising fituver plats, shrlibberjr.and shade - triiii; an
the lot is am I filled with , the - choicest varieties of
rUlt, compril age 12 , W1 — ipp at,
at least twenty varieties of pfte.b.s, haifa dosen patio .
this of plums, together with ' eherriea, apricots, plus,
raspberries, Currants, goosetsuries,, almond and fig
trees, Ac., in adundatica,all of which:are In thrtfty
bearing conditlen. 'lt is In every, respect a destrable
property. Persona disposed rto purchase are requested
to call and examine.
' sepl7, 2868.1 ollentxti E. MURRAY.
, . .
That. very valuable and- well known susines
STAND sltuateob :ichrifer - orNorth - I.lenovev and
%author Streets, in the boroUgh of Carlisle now owned
and occupied by Jacob Bette containing 30 feet front
on Hannover street and 2,10.,Teet on Geuther street.—
, The Improvements - on -,Hannover stettet-are a large
THREE STORY /101418E;with a large brick back build.
leg finished A in the most elegant manner, containing 11
rooms Including the store room, besidesVries
andeonvenlent closetarrangements. Thee RE
__ROOldis 33 feet In _depth r titte)l-up in-The-best
nossible manner and one of the most desirable and long
itablislnxlbhsiness locations in our Town. a lirge two story brick building froging on
Louther street, with a shop pttiched, now occupied' as
a cabinet maker shop. Also a stable on the Mot of the
lot; apd other necessary oft buildings. The property
Is la excellent order having been recently fitted up by
the present occupant For terms As. enquire of
sept IS, 1868 . Real Estate Agent and Scrivener..
11 1 Yar d he
i OR-BeLLE I T w a n t
.n, miles of Waynesboro', Franklin n
county, Pa., is
or sale: It includes about three acres of Land,-a good,
übstantial,ttroetorY Brick HOWIE and Kitchen, SW
bllug, Carriage and Ice liouse,'Pamp, and Well•-of ex
. collect water at the kitchen door, Steam Flights, Back
Uouse, Currying Shop, about forty Vats, mostirunder
- roTaL - altuntling Stream of Water pusing thro bit
ug ,
Carden, Orchard, and--all-ther• requisite -buildings -and -
appurtenances to carry on the Tanning Widnes' eaten.
duly. It is one of the neatest and molt complete pro.
pertla of the kind, la a state of complete repair, and
- will beeold at albargain, rut the occupant ands it nue*.
rto retire.. If not sold at,private sale, itlwill
tiubile auction on the FIRST, FRIDAY IN MAIM!,
Chietillrd of the purchase money in cash; aim th 6.
balance in two equal annual instalment&
for further particulars apply to.
L. B. *BETZ, •
• 'Cluineey, Franklin sonn. tPya,
- - missionersorCumberlandCounty have fixed-upon
.the °Bowing times, at the Commissioner's Office, in Car.
lisle, for holding the appeal for tho several ;Townships
and Boroughs in said County. i i
-Upper Allen, f i iwer Allen, New Cumberland, on Mon
day, April 27th. - -,
East Pennsborough, North Middleton, Shigpenyburg
-Township, On Tuesday, April 28th. '
Dickinson Ilopewekon Wednesday, April 26th.
Silver Spring, Frankford, on Thursday, April 28th.
Solppensburg Borough, Newville, on Friday, Maylst.
Hampden, Slonroe, on Saturday, May 2d.
Westpeusboropgh, MIMIsi, Monday, May 4th. , • •
South Middleton, Newton, on Tuesday, May sth.
Carlisle end, Mechanicsburg, en Wednesday, Alai 6tb.
Southampton, on Thursday, May fth.
W. M. HENDKRI3ON, ' Comm'rs.
'Comut'rs. Offlo, Carilale,'Aykril 16, 1857: : - -
N9TIOE.- - -To the Seltcpt, Diieotors
of Cumberhind County. Oentlentin'ile puree
ante of the 494 section of the Act of May 8;1854, you
are hereby notified to meet in Convention, at, the Court
MUM In Cwrlbile, on the let MONDAY in MAY, A. D.,
1857, being the, fourth day of the month, at 10
In the forenoon, and Baled, viva, voce; by a majority of
the whole number of - Directors present, one person of
literary and galantine attainments; Mid of shill and
experience in tba art of 'Teaching, as, County Strperbr•
fondant, nor the three succeeding pram; deferminelhe
amount of-compensation for the game and certify the
rgeulttO the_Shitefiuperintendentsit.Harriablugoie
required by the 80th and 40th sections of said act. .
. • ••• County Superintendent bf Cumb. Co.
- Shireininstown,-April 15 f 1857, - • -
I.4I.OENsEs !t- = AI/43e0
':sons who him Licenser to lift, are hereby 'rifl
ed to do so Immediately, as suits will Imbrought against
those who& not, for salting without License, after the
, • A. SENBEMAN, Treier.
Carlisle, Way Cq 1857. • • ,
DECEASED.—NotIea. Is hereby 'given that Let
estameotary on the Xetate of Dietrich Coos er,lale
of Upper Altai towimhlP,Cumberlaund county, deceased
lave Ideal/ranted by the Register afield aunty to tha,
autaseribers residing in the mime township. 4U persone
knowing themselves Indebted to said entatgare required
to Make itrunedlate payment, and.. Aram having , tilalms
to present thern'ibk,aettleteeuLto •- ' :
.loulCa.coovzia;- . •
Executor*. ';
• OBABElki—Notloo I. bcrebilltioulbst. Lottery
o iltolnittrotloo. cum toolgoiooto Ammo, ow the Er
lite - of , John Notuit.dooottoth; ids of, ' Biher SPlint
lowitablP; tura boon lined tp the
Sawa& retildlat lb the sumo township-' All mom
'lndebted' to t he said estate will Witte payonooti and
thoto hating claipia,agoinst 16 , trill - present them tbr
ou6Rpl:B • TOUNO Adui'r
il;lBp7,7Bpt , • ; ; 7.
. . . „
STATE O'F' ,tfoltApplig,ituTz,
fiheievYkiven'that Letters
tamentare on the Estate of hlre._ Elisabeth Kate,
late of North Elddleteit tioinablit,Eamberitna eonnth
deceased, base' been panted by • thnatithder goat&
coutity-to the'ententiber, 11,14111. U. lunel,ownstdp
-AU poisons' kn0:414 themseltes Indebted to said exude
are,,,requhed to_.mOke • 4111MOdlate papacatt t elod
14'034 clihni to present thorn:to' , , ,
ectttor.. -
I)EXIIIABED.,4 I I6iIIci . ii - leinEdij.' g liii i rbt,..LeV:
teitabieidarY *a Abe &dodo otJAg z- Mk,
IWA deceased. ' , .s! l 'ol.Akst B.grotal-Dt Cid Ike,
V itt
Win -liiiiid ' F a t rundendped - residing-14 - do:
• romh. , , All . s 'hailog , elitd*.lipbn,lold'est* *
, Rill proient. owlbr,settlessuint,taad the** liddiddid.
VW MOM kyIITIODi tO . i:A , .(1:? .. . V: , ~ , i 1- , ..,r,i•k1), , A;
- .'.. ' : r.• :4'. ''; tlMlZAANnilitik ,.. 4
'.,'.. : , i , r , t ., x.,., , kiviiutor at Jailer °who"; gia , 4 04.:.--d ,
400 , 1 1 3ED.—Notteo lo hereby given tbst , l4ttoto
utiootat" , oaths Sotato Of Pot* , Webbed, litto of
Oonth IkttOdlotoo tartish% edzobortand tounty,
40 "1"d' UtO %/M l le% ToOltifi b r e l l is e Arlitle teir toir °("l ottl a p. " ll;
wool* knotting thottootbros IpOobtott lo add estate oto
loqulrod to make Immediate loptient, outt•thoso bar
lox ail= to pletootOtttoo 40,•
• ;Inv n I
1114.41.; " '
. .
VROP,OSA ricl;_wklll* ••rec!eivfa• by..tlt o ; ..- -.
• •• '• oallimuivsoneip. -. or.cumbariok,sikiasi.:l4,66.ll, 2 • . , • .
. co - woginue, iietif Ilie .191164.1i11y,*
.. 1 . ,ifdi.i,"'" ..
election of tals,ool4llllllllDsllFkiirodelkik. . .:.i •
het Creektelthe pnblii.rele4l*ding..lkei
'to ..NenieHle, nearetecatulidisdlfrartkiia" .
. .
Tine.bridge to be of the talowleig.climirialenui; ebb; ....... .....
-Tea'aentaln . 1 4 1 digt11,176.:teek lathe clear, from dehe I .
abutment-to the. otber,Ao 1,10 felt nide .front eta to -
out; and to be 12 feet hlglethito the 'door I.s4ll6.ieduartf "'
of the roof, to be deuble • geared with - teed Inch - Oink; . " "
the lower floor to be pine, and the rennet' Hoer tetra oalt
plank, and relied lit the centre ten inches, and_wed tee , ,,P,
cured. The bridgeato be one epee, to extendlit to nblefe . "7 ' •
meat to abutencnt, the wooden arches' fib be 'first'quis,':_,
-lity-ottimbef i'Wd , brldgerterlariteatbellioTtided with
three-quarter Incl Opine &code well lapped; thelinitrdl
roofing te.he of good and sufficient pine ablaglenr;theL.•....--
roofing to extend at eachendbf the - bridge:l2 feet over -.*--- -
the heel of .the arches, and on each eldo ovir"t fee.lieg.
therboarding two feet:. All of the woodwork outride id ' •' '
be painted with Ado good ceatfelearhite lead mined 's '
With'. bolledllneelatreffrkba bride to hare one coat of ' . .
whitewash' lime. - The'idene .wOrk to be as follow,: ' '''',.
Tatonbutmei3te to ble &Mt on er'eolld fbundatfon, nib!
Joel to the approval
_of wild Comilla/dopers, to be in alien 7c•" •
15 feet at the bottom, - and to be 113 , feet'lltgif.'fiomlber'',
'watermark to the cord lindortopokthe'abutment; the. ''
paid abutment to'be built &good Mil, 'and largo MOM- '
and lime and, wirier, 'With a batter ll 4Wall'of canyeeir .?'
to the foot od threesidea of thenbutinkfttertlf the ;
• walls On each aide of wild bridge tdeateand Ude Prthc. - •
end eolith aides AO feet from' said bridge;' maid id' i'i'"
walla to be fire feet flick It the abutment 'with; ie -', -
tering of one Inch' to the , itet to'fbe - top,ot the In .- ..
, t 4
and extend In that Manner do the'firw'exthernefirtiti "';`, l '
It meete the road I/khan - anent not iriededin# an an- n '
l a . ..of_font.aaareenk_wlth-..aurtala-walla_ornntritien
lanath. - hehthK - infdF thlektteii, sod" - to bd'.Weir btivaitir ' '
• with Moe shinglee. - The gild work
deserved shore to. L •
'be done in a good and workmanship manner; the iniii6er . .
Work to &anointed fronathe back of theithattnentn.the: . ' '
n ehall conalat of 'sill and stone-Well put down,
• The nndertakezto n furnlab nll the materials at hi, own.' ' . • •
• trEoo.r,A.t. o.lLettr7lM,
:WM. Dr. TIK'NE:III.I3ON,--- . .-.
oommleelorter's OftHee; • ' 1..
!' • ihrlltli , Apr 1123,1867, • I .
THE T EM z iX y L o ;E w . r t) Fv F A,Nlt,
' • 111 411k.H1N01..r. •18 7COINGI. •
'• •
HAnd' Will be ..3111 his Old Head Quarters in. North ,
anover Street, during the Chrittmas and New Yeses •
fostivitied,.with one of ihelargest assortments of
tver * offered in tide place, consisting in, part of
Canda:Toys and Fruits, Jelly Cakes, Bon Dons, Gum , •
Choete hal Fruit Drops, Bose, Vanilla, and Burnt
Almodds, French And - exploding Secrets AO:- Alai-nil,
ther tenmxteitivesiales: • •
of thil i iiititlmportatiOns such di Oranges, Lemons, !
itals;7lgs,' uens, Ceirrelitobtifteh, soft and
,papen , ..;
ihelled•Ahabhils,"Filbikte"trasiM Come, and•Groond-' •
eolusectiort with-'the above an extensive as.. •
sortment of - '
•of - eydry'qualit 'and:, consisting part di' Fide-
Wax, kid, &MR; crylintand.elbee Dolls. Eleninalandk-a
Card Baskets,'Fancy DoiesAllower Tames, Motto Cupe, •
TesBetts, basks, Dinmst,Ouns, Air Pistols, Aocordeonlas
Ilannonicans, TruffMete. Chessmen of bone
oDoll* mi
and noes, Lotto and Other games. Fancrlioapallair , •
. Port , Monales, dc. Wir have also fine lot of •
FAMILY anoonips, such as reisbliirlisbl; crushett•srld
brown Sugars; of every grade; Coffee, be,
- B tareh. •
"Green and Black Tea , Spices, Butter, Soda; iinger,wast.
and other Crackers, cheosa„Aa• •
returns his shieere"thailks to k gator
ous public lbr thepatronage heretofore bestowedun'itim,
and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continimnee
of the sand. . P.
Dec:lo. 18p11 .
• Bee yon meteor Comet Oniblen,
Merest along Its pathway dashing,:
...Nations pale! while ever nearer • •
- • Than ere fades the flower, ofJune, •
• It will Sweep fair earth to ruin.; • •
Ere we drop the tragic curtain,-
Ws would A i m of
know for certain
That the Aim of BENTZ ginoTufra •••
Are ahead of any other.'
- We have silks, that poet never
Been, when be wrote "ladies ever
Lovelliet ire, with •
• • We would change his mind we're guessing.
- Then to suit the summer weather,
We have dreams light as ether, • '
---You s hould bear theladies praises )_
Lucy says, - "now did you - stet r
-80-so—"NoI never" • ' _
Carpets in bright came glowing,
• Rolm in graceful goeinces Bowing,
Andlor bearte with anguish
• For some loved one passed to heaven, •
We More sombre crapes, revealing
Every shade of wounded fooling.
For thane, who la life's froshenthoura.----
Would bend their steps to Hymens bower,
- - .._lye've richest' raperies that will vie, •
"WA Winters robe In purity ; ' •
And lovely Cowen,whose rosy.guste,
Blends sweetlyorit the Brides own blush,
And yet, to swell the vast outline)
Efaraiihttnrcur and,thitsournt.
May 2cl, 67. •
In putting these machine' into the market ler the..
harvest of ISM, I have the beet grounds for believing
they will meet an extensive sale, and prove is entirely/ ,
satisfactory to the farmers. of Cumberland county on
they have proved borate fore. Ilp to this time there /
has not been another Combined Reaping and Mowing" --
Machine made that ,has eucceeded to an extent that..
-will warrant-a manufacturerin bundle"' or firmer In.
buying it for a combined machine; wh ile' a
Machine lte made by Wood has been NO SUCCelliftli fet
both purposes , Reaping and Mowing, thet 'ln motions 4
where they have been used, Guth reliability is as well.
established as that of any other Implement used by,
the farmer.•
, After the experience and contests of the last harvest , .
we' deem it only necessary to refer those wishing to buy
Combluedhlachine to the following persmis who 11111114: ,
Manny's Machine 'mantling their crops ]ass ear, via: •
Fred'k. Watts,' Esq., John Nerdae - Wlli 11U — :CHarr, Ayr*. . -
ham Bradley; Joseph A Stuart, 'James Stuart, Edward
W. Weakley, Peter Louck, William • Moore, ChrleGul
Herr, Williems Parker, James Graham, Robert Bryson..
Samuel Allen, Solomon !Joke, Jonas Rudy, Johtt-,MI Woodburn and John Eckert'. .. • '
With each machine will be furnished two ',villas,'
two extra guerde, two eatretseatione,_one.extra_pinion.„-'------
neirlar , iich: — Alribilearings of journals will be case.
hardened. The chose, guardtand gearing will be of the •
bet Salisbury Iron. The machine le warranted caps
ble of cutting from ten. to twelve acres of grass or grain..
per day in a workmanlike? manner., 4
Price ofComblued Machine, at Carlisle, 41t40. „.
Agent. - for W. A. Wood:, . ,
May 20,1827—tt
WILLIAM Ku Mumma Baulnutin,
Roster 0. Britian's., Jong DUNLAP, . .
* RICHARD WOODS, • • Jona 8. Straarr,'...
This Bank, doing business in the name of REA.
BRENNEMAN & 00.1 s now Italy prepared to do a gen
sul Banking Busineu with promptuourand fidelity.
Money received on Deposit and paid back op demand
without notice.. Interest paid on Special Deposits.—
Certificates of Deposit, bearing interest at the rate of
FIVE PERCENT. will be issued for as abort • period as
Interest on all certificates will cease 'at maturity.
provided, however, that if said certificates are renewed
at any time thereafter for another. given period,' they
shall bear the come rate of intrust up to the time'. of
renewal. Particular attention paid to the collection
of Notes, Drafts, Checks, &c., in any part of the United
totes or Canadas,
Toyr AND 13110 E STORE. •
We !mite the Attention of The public to. oar lime: ,
and varied assortment of GOODS. w latch will be. sold as
cheap - as at - any other eatabliclunintdriterliele.
for men;:boya and Children; made of oicellene material
and of every grade and price. Also a splendid assort..
msnt of Straw Hats, Caps, and .Infant's Hats, ready, •
Dimmed. All kinds of Ciotti andOlased Cape, from 25
cents upwards. Our stock of BOOTS•AND SHOES "tin,
not be oscalled, and we invite our old Mende and ctuv.
tamer,. well 1211, a d cumin - 06p stock'
as we feel oopleentp'esie„
AL kin le oflndles, Misses and Children's GAITEBS,...•
Of the ..11$ materlal, constantly on hind. —'
, • a. 114HELUSR. •
'11:11.—All rips mcni,"4l' gratis: ' [April 29, 1857. '• •
D , .
For sale by . -, J. PALMER a1p.... —, :„:,
Market Street' harf Phillidelphla..'
May RO. at
Y TUBS,' SOY Tll ES Itt ,
:100 . das. Oran and Gran. Scythes,
'American, Sliver steel and Etas] Baalts i at this nil.
threat makes.. Also 711 deli; Scythe deaths, of Jill tha.. , T , •
diderant pattethaz.-togetherWithses
Grain and Manure tbrks by the quantity, Just retain& ,
at the ehearl!.aidAiiiv store et. •
, .
Justrix,ived--A, begs amortsitent of Hay.
altn ropes and Palled% all complete, alio alaita
•lot 'otrevolvlng hay 'and Oniln takes; klreln Cradle,
deythea and Boaalhe, taae l ., ;tame% Hoes am at
• )14 so .sf. • Fiat Mali{ ;asst p a :hi s t.„-
pidc•FlY Nets, /Saint," Cattaa" ;
'and Twine of all colon., „quallty.and etylikeheaperrimi ~ Lt f!
t erec , ataliplteep ilanittara sore .
11114;,20, 104,1. „nit min sity•fi cano.,rww
. .
,„ ,:% ,- „ot the matiwiletitrii.4lU7; with iltitie' i I
; ~„ , „ , r ecent improvemel44e., , They ere ; wittett. `.. ,
'!` - ' ~t edto eat 191 a, 16 - t,es of 1rt e i , t r," ; :„...... : .,..
willteY;lSF*o. l-41 !t c an be t °""ii11 41114 it CO: ' : -''''' '''''-.
'die is{.l,yelgiipt ;. c• • —•,-PAEIC lALI,BIO . . , ,„,,.„ ~
Anigethitwtirld re!' '
,10b0, 74 . 1.'14114. West Street '• . 4 -,,-
haik esusej IteammtMelsrerequoritsearkilirr"7:.,
,r9r okiks, , Dustibyvkyto•Dc
,Lilorne),Alpfteu;oLaW~SP rislssosty stsistsolitSgs,itriottcipasPhionelliA, ' i
'llllld summit GOODEkr ,OorOei Par*. Pkblitie ,
..SH4 l ?O€ 3-17 14 0 f-t#OW: , 6 S
• 'nkoikeipas assostMq , „
' t . ,