• -Mtisceffaticoti6. CIUMB.gRLAND-TA „ R ILL „NJ CHANGE OF 11001161. • :oil MittafteriVDDNEISDAY - ,-April-latrys7,-Paskinger '. : • ' Trains will gun as follown: (Sundays thcopted :) • , ` - . FOR HARRISBURG - . , • , let Train. 2d lqttin. ' LearaChamberaburg, , . ,• 4.50. A. M. , 4.30 F. 51.. " 'l3hlplionsburg, ' • 6.20 . ' 5.00 ' Neweille, ' 5.50 " 5,30 •• "_,Carliale • - 0.30 " 0.10 ' " ' MocharillibiitC - 780 — " ---- 13.40—" At Harrisburg, • • ‘ 7.35 -.l' - ''' 7.16 . . _ 'FOR 011AD1BERSBC110, ' .. . ' ' ' . ' lit Train. 26Trfkiii. • Laavel Harrisburg • 8.40 A.M. 1.10 P. M. . ' " Mechanicsburg 9.25' " . 1.40 " ' ' • , Carlisle, _20.00 " ' 2.20 " • " Newville, ' 10.35 " . 2.50 ' 4, "., Shippenaburg, . 11.02 " ' 3.25 At Chamberahurg, ' 11.41 - "-.- . , 4.00 • " • :„ FARES" . . _.'lrrom and after this date, tho Owe from Mach:Mies :burg to K ingston will 1:14 20 cents: from Kingston to„ • . dliddleaex: 14 canto: from 31iddlesex to Carlisle, 15 alsl „. ' Dom - Good Hope to Altertou, 16 ca nt o . - „, • ' Tiains lanes' liarriaburg for Philadelphia; at 7,86, A. . • ' 54.,1A0, P. M., andl.l6.P. M., via Columbia. For Pith:- Mpg, at 8.56, A. 111,', 12.65 noon, and 0.25 P:5l. For Baltimore; at 2.30 -4-850, A, 51., end 1.45, V:111. Tralua on the Dauphin and Susquehanna Railroad leave Dlr. c... ' risburg for Reading, A uburn, Ac., daily:, '... • - Fares from Hardt:burg, TiechanieslArgf Carlisle, Ship pensburg, and •Chambersburg wili bo ten cent. leas when paid for Ticketi at 'the Oflit { e, than when paid in the Cars... • . 4: 0. N. LULL, Super't . Railroad oMco, Chambersburg,.l , , 'March 26, 1857.--Bt.• f . . . PREPAREIOR WISTERI: - • PARLOR AND COOKING iTOVEK - ' The subscriber nt hiaold'atand on Noith Thintiver st., . Carilsle;the sign of thomMammoth-lied Coffeo-Pot,'.idet, Tres to call the attention °Utile public to ills large as ortment of STOVES, of the newest and most fashions. • -'blo styles, from the hostA msnufiictorlon in the - • • ' country, and at all prime from $3 to $l6. Among his PARLOIt k CliA3lllElt STOVES are the Mirror Stove, the Arctic. Revere, Star, , Persisn, Union and /Etna Air Tight, together with other patterns which he than-of nil sloes for parkins or chambers;and calculated for burning either wood or coal. Mao, the /Etna, Globe,- Astor, Albany., Flattop and Dandlxix tr. Poor Man's, with other COOK • ma STOVES, comprising the latest' impriiiiemenDe in kitchen stoves, and intended for either wood or cool. Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stove—n now and etc. • gent article. to whielChreltiVites the particular-mina thou of families. Ills cooking stoves rang,' is prlce,frian sl' to 23, with the fixtures complete. Also; Nine l'lnte• 31..rtis of ,various patterns and different prices. Also, ENAMELLED AND TINNED 'WARE for Cook ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, &c.. Also, every article In the • ' line of Tin and Copper Wore. The public are respect 'fully invited to call as ho is confident with his large stock,.,yarloty and cheapnons, of-being ablo to give on tire natinOtetion to every purchaser. ~Coll And goo. , Oct. 25, 1884. . M. MORRIS tTICEW FIRM !-NEW GOODS !- 2 PARIS k KNIGHT, Late of Philadelphia. aper Ifansings, Howie, Shin, and - Docomtlie Painters, Imitators of Wood and - Alarbla,tchalleinni all °there to oompetewitti them in the variona branehos of the above holiness. • --- .- ----, . • Having tittediunur store tier wrf.h _ the. Axclattive ..tat O -- 01 - aBLAI,T, ,4'.., , IN, ..,.--...> PA 11 PAPS, 011 DE Ii 8: }URN Wit 4r. • •...- - r. ~,..,- BOARD PRINT S. WINDOW • • I' o4 t , . dlastwt- CURTAINS, SHADES, Ac., we mit:tactfully invite the public to an °Seminal lore! our - 'stock, from which we are confident or,dlving entire no. ' tlataction to nil who - AVOW Its with a call. Ourpooda haylpdlssm Wdd* ae with care Iron c the first manufa tures in Phfladelfltiii - 1, aill-he-fnruiehed-et--the_loW • price, All orders for •Paper flanging or Paipting . • promptly and personally attended to and exocutedlu a w,orkmanllka manner. J. W. PARIS, Practical Paper Hanger. 1 • ' U. F. KNIGHT, Practical Goose .1: Sign Painter. South Hanover street, next door to Ilanuon's Hotel, • Carlisle, Pa. . - • . April 8, 11357.—Cm. • . . A R P E TiNGS.T. S. DEPUY ,1 - 803:9;litiutonic Ilallpaheattiut'gtrect, below P fladelhia. Would call the attention of the public to ill.; 14egelnd tarlOokassortmont of . - • 'CARPETS,' OIL OLOT 119, JMATTINO9, which they aro selling very Cheap for Cash of Clty ceptancos, wholesale and rotall. March IL - • • ' • • ATERIf ANt'INGV AREItOUSE J. E. VANM'ETER, ' . Cornor SIXTH nod ARCH Streets, PIIILAIMI, . NITA; Wore (yr silo a largo — assorttnont of - WALL PAPERS,, . ' . at prices ranging . from Six Cents per piece - upwards, of --= choice patterns, comprising . . . Cheap Satin Papers, t Vire Decorative Papers, 'Fire Board-Prints . Fine Gold Vapors, „,/ Borders and Mouldings, Vino Satin raper, Marble Vapors, Oak Papers, - • ..Ikß Now Style's Windoir Curtains. In great ! May: Dealers supplied on most favorable terms. March 4, UV. , NEW GOODS 'FOR SPICING 0F167. - • - 7 Fashionable Stilts, New Spring Shawls. • • - Ellie Robes, (Flounced,) British k French Ellintse, Black Silks, (extra gloss,) Lawn and Lawn Robes,, .t` ilipring Drool:tootle, Shawls, of newest Millions Staple Linen Goode; LI/ming!, Quilts; Damask Table Cloths, Napkins, kr., r-- • Clehtlemens Wear andifull.stock of goods for Ittys Clothing. Bargains, daily received from Now York and Phinidertihin Auctions Wholesale buyers - are Invited to give no an early rail. EYRE & LANDELL, • 4th and Arch streets, Philadelphia. *Sr• Terms Nett Cash, and prices low. '4llarch-4,1867.-3 mos. • cs . PiENCSAW•MILL.—Tho under signed would Inform the public thnt he has 10. a Saw MITI, three miles from Mount Holly,Cin the rand to Laurel Poige. and fa now prepared to maw cll the various sines of YELLOW PINE OAK end CHESTNUT TIMBER, which are umunlly wanted. lie In Men pro. pitted to saw and furntah Chenfnut and line SHIN GLES to•order. Also, PLASTRON() LATHS. Those desiring those articles are requested to (mud In their totem. S. N. DIVEN. .l'apertown, March 4.—(1 moo. . . . NEW GROC . ERIES!= J. W, EBY.. A cholci selection of Groceries of every variety, In. el udlngßpices and Tone have been added to our forever assortment, among which may be, had strictly prime RIO, JAVA, LAGUYRA MOCHA COFFPR, together witkim general assortment Of • BROWN A WRITE SUGARS, Iticluding Crushed, Granulated, Pulverised, and Marl. fled Sugars. Also a lot of New Choose, gamins, COrn Starch; Mustard, Chomlate, Ac. Also Groan and Black Teas, of Jenkin!a select brand. For solo at Mrs lowest prier's of MARION MALL Gl* C2RY by (Oat 21) - ' RIIY. WARBURTON'S • BONNET . M A.. TERIALS FOR SPRING TRADE.' • TO MILLINERS, MERCHANTS AND OTHERS. ,Jukt received n full simply of cheap and desirable ' goods. the lasteit Paris fssition of our own importatlan, • also from Auction and Imporfars, with we offer much below the usual' price,. , Bonnet Ribbons, all widths. 4tanpithies. Dans.) and Crape, do. Flneences.. • • .' Black.Velyet, do. Erigibilverapes. Plain Satin: do. Aorophano do. . Plain Mantua,' '..French do. . • Glace ••• Bonnet Lawns. Peult,doiol • ' Tarlatan, white & eel.- ' Oecd. &Gigue, , . • Joined Blonds, tr)',l3.lack °rods Rhtnes, Illusions and Nets. Black Mcidei,, 'Boehm) and - Quillings. Black ItombasliMit; • Crown Linings, Oil Silks., pct., eat. Embroideries. aloves, Mitts, and Lace Goods, • 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • . . • At No. 1130}4South SECeND Street. Second Dry Goode Fore below Spruce, PHILADELPHIA. , • - ' .Slay 04857.—.11 mos. ' TotrE s GROCIIIfIES!- AT A.O. IIUYLVT'S • . Shad and Alticiterfilof different Bralo Flgh and 41-B"YlErr Cactileh; Salt and Pickled Herring, Ctieeno and Crackers crat be hail At 11UVErr8. Dri!l.lltiPreietlesimq $4;qc.,dt,4,43.,;n;nd aakru Jump . 17, of,I4QUOHB, ;iins;tirtlik;Lend; hr., ae., • r•TTARDWARKI FIARDWAI=-• t 1 A LARGE !WRING ARRIVAL AT JOHN P. ' • LYPHI A SONS CHEAP STORE. Thehublle are reqinsted tmrall and examine onrstock -befoternalting their ' piirehases, ax we are 'selling geode at -the.Dawest Pricesr we have everything you may. • want in, our Hoe, and is ;Such quantifies that we min. —iIUPP.LY a.Who:Puiy_favor_ne_wlth_lhoir_patronage.. Carpen l i ters. Cabinet' Ushers, Wagon and Glitch Malcom `Plintdra, Shge *alters, Blacksmith's, Veneers, Laborere , and tit'. Peddle Wenondly wilt And a full and complete assertment 'of Goods to select - from at - such Prices 'a s will.be Sure to. please all: . TRY DS.' • ._, • JOHN P. LyNE & •" • •,•• - • North; ILsnover etreetaarllele . . _ tiMI w LLY 0 ARRIA ti-E AND` ,H , limn-ro SALII.I willed' a Fatally 'cart - lake_ • a yet of stogie /lamas for $l2O --if fourebased - on at borne Iliay . B4.:ne I am ,aboutAeavlarloy-Fitativia, 7114 tcrattiag• *An info Niwatk; . N..J., in the bit, :JelettneotnA An, been 111, - .taatj•at tbrea:laata, nude, in New Btunewiek' by' ono of-the 'hutlneliele,lttlit hes benineed' the. same length ettime.: They may neetkat Prof.:blarshall's reildenee: ' • , JpwißleomwrooK• ' FL. aua VAL EY 00AL. Broken and . roaartiacied, 11=4eakoady lot Sadly um, and kept MID= COVIII• , xlein Nursw .*s4 0 44 N. dull the utot*ajw:dx.''. kbsim'')ilWiplumd 'and An. f il i i ; ll79 . oll,loo ALftenilbeianines of Floyd , Ron* '00 :•4 0 /1 11 4A 10 15/71 , 0 0Alk flninialia: inlay of4ock glina*l tv. cfP4 in 010440 000411 4. iginalt,iiroato.' t illh 1;: jkawsic.o4:(r 19 , 7 1 . 4 i 0 noltopriroplitit,-, , :a,... • • 10 - 4.4tipti , A; ; • 2. ALM4I4IC. • ith ua Ve7 ot E A :E 111 TO 4 bAi: f• Zot in i a. A ll 7 l o(Tetplortoreitk6:,o>Ve • ros, 4 130 f 1 %#14 -,, ,1 1,10/1- at 146 as ' band -,- "April •'' ' • • - • • • • - r1 IT S.' s -K-N -4 . 1•V• NOR INDEUNLTX AGAINST LOSS fl FIRE. ____Chartar_Perpetual.-1400,009 Cepalll* paid . tu.• Office • • .1044 Obosniit street:* , MARS Ustiluxes, either permanent Or limited, against -loss or damage by Ore, on raortnricand I.ITECTLI of ovary drscription, in town OrCountryori the meat reasonable terms. 'Applications made either personally or by letter" will be-promptly attertded to.' 4 ' ,/ C. N RANCHER, Pres% The subscriber is agent for the aline company for Oarlisio and its vicinity. All applications for insurance either by mail or porsonalip will be promptly attended to by , ' . A. L - Real Estate Agent and Scrivener. VIRE INSURA.. NC14 . .1.-THE ALLEN ,AND EAST •PENIISBORO AMMO DAL FINE IN: beitkNON COMPANY of Cumberland county, Incorpo• rated by an act of Assembly, Is nowluily organized, and ,lis operation under the_ management oT the following conunlssloners, viz. Daniel galley, 'William It..Norgas, Michael Cocklin, Mulehoir Brennetnan;Christlan /Hayman, John C. Dun lap, Jacob li. Coover, liewiagyer, Henry Logan;Benja . min 11. Musser, Jacob 'Mumma, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The rates of inaurance are no low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State: BersOns wishing to become members are invited to make application to flip agents of UM company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. . . • Imp. 11. MOSSRR, President: HENRY LOGAN, Vice Proficient. - • . ',ems HYRIt, Secretary. MICHAEL COCKLIN. Treasurer: • ~..AGENTS. • OMOINILAND COUNTY.--Audolph Martin', N. Cum berland; .0. B. Herman, Kingsttwn• Henry 'Taming •Slilla-ifiWtiwirl—Charleo-Bellrearlislei--Dr. J. Ahl- Churehtown ; Samuel, Graham, West Petinsborough _...liones_Mc Bowel ; Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Mid dloton; Samuel Coover, Benjamin Icgburg; John Sherrick,.Lisburn; David Carver, She'. herdstown. YOUR' COUNTY.--,John Bowman, Dillaburg; rotor Woiford, Franklin; John Smith, Esti., Washington; W. 8: Malting, Dovom J. W. Croft, Paradisa. . iNtitItISIIUIIO.-11ousor S Lochman. • . • Motflors of the ama having policies about to ex nircan a have • yudby u alsit, Arpin nlOl2 pay of tint agst”s: CIDRISTMAS AND -NEW YEAR. Th. ,tbre of the subserlhor Is in rot all!, end the sholves ore now supplied with a handsome selection of no on lel ch • ItRNCit CII NA, and decorated (alley ware ' - Such an Inkstands, Baskets, Tattes, Coffee - cups, JeWell imam Toy Tea and. Dinner. - setts, China' dolls In variety, and a' variety of other articles all well suited for the coming llollidaya., / -- 0110 IERIES_AND SPICES' In every variety, fresh- And of best quallty . lxave just Loren added to our former stock. • • NEW iIETRIA.IIIII3I 1111CKWIIHAT, 'of tory line quality In small sacks nine on , band; OSA NB S t ItRIES, It Al SI NS, Curran ta,Cltron and other goods Adapted to the arson n variety, constantly in store and for sale by 'Carlisle, Dec.lo, '5O. .1;11% EFT:. IIARDWARE ! HARDWARE • • JOHN P. LYNN li , SON . . nre now roceivlng their Pall Stock of Hanlware. which largit'and - in •connetion with thelr,P,r, mer heavy sleek makes IL one of the largest and most , varied assortments ever dffered to this public.,'they inter every thing tint the Farmer, the Huiblr, the Merchant. or the piddle. may, want in their liumi,and which they are selling et the very lowest prices. They ;solicit n'call from 'the public before making thblr par, chose , no they feel confident they can offer inducemenlit Ihr . thn _ Fooling thankful ton generous puhlle for their former I ibbral patronage, a continuance of tho samo It solicited at our old stand In North Honorer Street, JOHN P. LYNN & SON. Octabor 8,1866 FITTING AND PLUMB 1N13.--Tho undersigned would infortn the Ati‘ens of Carllslo that ho hag nmdo afrango mqufstoduUAß FITTINO and PLUMBING at short no Lice; A n d on reasonable), terms. lie has engaged-the sor, fi "first rate hand from Philadelphia, and him sup piled himself with an extensive 'assortment of 1 , 11. VP UREA. which will unable him to fill all orders promptly All Work will he warranted. ilimadock of ties FlicturcH will ho found In the room oxactly opposite his Tlnnalg establishment on hi , dth)fetnover stroot, whom ho Invites a . Oa LL . . 'TINNING, SPOUTING, ko.--.TIO In also proprirod to furnish, renutko to order, ovory erticlo of TIN WARE usod by housokooporn and bthorn. lie will law ottond to SPOUTING; ILJUSE-HOOFING,, BELL lIANIIING, and PLUMBING. . • Thankfullrthe patronage - with which-he-Iles already Teen - favored; he iespectfUlly •aollclta a continuance of M=Ml Car Juno 14, 'l4. T) (JOTS AND S large and ) connpkt assortment of hoots and Shoes of every style nod fashion.- Ladles fine Morocco Slippers, Boots, (letters, Jty.; rill,ses and Childrens , ditto; Mon end Bays ditto. duet received and now opening at the cheap store of ,ZADDLE ANY) - HARNESS MAK k i ING. The subscriber continues waraFti on the above business,ln all its various branehea,ln North Han. over street, Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard:s come' ;whore ho intend, keeping on Land la general assortment lo Lin Itno,.ernullating of-all kind s of fashionable SAD. DLES, Brie* Martibgifes, Girths, • Clreloglesand Halters, Also TRUNKS, K,L._,,, ~ traveling and saddle - .4 . .1,, '' 7 ' .— \ ,\V, . hags. - Ile also maw . ,11 - -.... J ..- 1, ; 1 %) 1 1 '; ufactures the most /01 ; 1,11 i approved Si-* a I en kil l i CO B P uri n g. ° An S rt ' hose tze o ZnlT e rjetto t o h j. • 1 \,' ' . sumo, durable and pleasant, saddle . . will do well to call and see.thern. Ile I also manufactures Harness, Bridle., , . . Collars And Whips in all their ranie• ties, and confidently believes from the general npproba tlon of his customers,that, ho makes the neatest and best gear e, in all their variety Of loran, that - Is made Li the country, lie also makes All, lamb of Motrasses to order, via: Straw, Busk, Curled Hair And Spring Mat. roses. All the shove articles will be made of the best material and workmanship, and with the utmost dosl patcli. , fm.osnoßN. ARDEN SAND .-FIELD SEEDS.- kleirgo ansoriinentt of new and genuine Flower, Field and Garden Suede, In every variety, at wholesale and retail, embracing all the new and desirable blade, carefully pnt up In gapers for the retail trade, or auto plied in hulk.. Chinese Sugar Cane, Seed, Japan, Perm; Orange, Water, Melon &c., &e. Alm, a choice asso rt. went oP tine Flower-St:ode-20 varieties In tkucy boxes, for $l. Clean Clover Timothy, Orchard Gram, Rya Grass, tient arms, fine Lawn Gram Sued. &e. PASCHALL. MORRIS & C 0.,. Agricultural ImPloment and Seed Store, N. E. comer 01 7th and Market streets, Philadelphia. March-11, 1857. E XTENSIVE FURNITURE ROOM ~..lANIES It. WEAVER would respecfoully eel . the attention of.ll6uwistopers and the publi to his es tensire stock of elegant FURNITURE including Sofas, Wanlrobes,Contre and 'fables Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other article In' his branch of liusiness= - Also now on hand The largest assortment of CHAIRS in Car.'sle, at Atielowest prices. AOFFINS made at the short est notice and a Manse presided for funerals.. lie ,elicits a Call at his eatablishment, on North. Ilan oar street, near Glasso's Hotel. YAEiirteurolture hired out by the month or year -WINDOW GLASS 1-8 by 10,1 rid nll other - Id:m.l,lf Ranks, Monroe, and Jorkson Window Mass,' eingle and Double Thick and American Plato. Marini{ an exteniive stuck: and doily_ receiving large qunntitics, wo can -forniall- with the.greatesi prompt none and the lowest Iwholessio prices, the above sore rinr brands of Window-Wass. 11101 ARDS A BROTH'S:RS, Manufacturers, S. W. eor. Front and Arch streets. Plain --- A - GRICULIVItAL-MAAHAIENS. A large and selested.aawrtmeni. of Agrieub tural and llortleciltural implements. embradng every , - tiling needed by the Fenner tir hardener Plows of great variety and of different Mum being the largest end best assortment-ever -offered ba. rbiladel rows, Cultivntorh florae lines. Lime Spreaders, ke., de., At IIUYETT'S PASONAI,II., )10111118 d'oo., • • - •N. E. ear: 7th and Market streets, Phila. ,•- • „ At.,IIUYEIT'B Q*ll 7 lol 14. 0 4 .111 1J:70 itE • SULLILBIOLIT AND.BURIL 'MILLSTONE: LTA; • BACIDILBL-`' !.le—ProprleDer_nt_lohnson`c highly appror t criu much Improved OMIT AND SCRESSINO MACHINE.; Improved Iron Concave Bran Duster, tho Promlum chine for Atlurirkrro - At'ITUTETT3. thirrrrre: — ; At IIUTETT4S. Reetnnace. , --No. 61, Queen Street, (18th Ward,) ad drew Konniturnm Post Office. Sttoe. , —llaydock Street, below Front, Philadelphia. Coadien Mill Stones, Mill Zinn*. ffinutt Machine*, Pa. lent II Boob, Portable Mille, Stretched belting. • Cement and Screen Wire. SQUAILM MESIIED .1101.TINO CLOTHS. Po:-24; _ TETTER'S — TR: • NITUILE BOOM& ... , NOW ON'MANI,. a largo assortment elven and raahlonableFOltNlTUßE • :Walnut and Itahogany Dressing Bureaus, with math]. tibiae, and WaShstandS:' . • Walnut Etageres and 'Wardrobes. Mahogany and Walnut Tables of all slam. • - 'lrenetritedstemls, Mahogany and Plain TablegY at ill Tube Ann chalk and Itnektng-Chalta,Nrlthvalvetroi , lthargAnY'an4.:Waln:9!idra' with :bnit'o44h _ 'eats. , Plain Chafe gran, ' - Can and sae tills new and elegant ,asiortMant at 1110 inirniture Itomakel the subscriber, on Loather Stmt. lrosi,the !iorgsar of North Hanauer.. • , • N. 01:LLY...4- - 1, - ki . . . ' 71. , KEEt would roalarfrullY Inform t .t111,71,,,,,,,7,7,,,;', mkrio. uol , /brilj:Y cw I A ina4ad of the third . n*,,,' ClallerS' in um ,. P il i ° 4.,,, fiqu t to elderly peOlan 10 VP . M. iloffor, the : 6 cr,, ,, „...- R iotiut -E -an A tlw il lehlle — in A P ; 1 : 1 7 . 6 . 4 . ci A :u ` d °"' n b ' P i ' re E o t A N . m Tide will be ,focal a r - , . , mama , . liant ''SKIII e ii i r t ti m inr . i' p #l . et le e r r i zt 3 itirr and wiii , - , l t y lti :, 7 2.b. in 44. 14„. p.„, :ip5.- pi g,: , ,t o :soak', It 11:1%,.6 „ -' i • ''.4oetv.i our ma ter . : - theted quallti.- *6 Y o rk city, w b t a k ..... ulastiaar . zi e . _ . -. A.GENA:-Bxporl ~:a . 0 I - I. .* '.nnriOnt 404 )14drii. ""desnYwing 4g6*4 Y 96- an"tber ` reroffenaLfor ails In .ttda 7 COI i r -• . al 'Dort -f Ow country 'for the Compri:tonsil* .... ... ,Its, .r.". nap 017.'4 to 'a oalia an artlat wtin )1.14. been. p' 14-the I h ikvc again in tII 4. jy_ aim.. ~..; ltarrobtrit, 1 ,,, , ,,, 4 A It:':°' IT:11:15' V 941'1111131144 5''.11.9. ' edialetli fr c"l6lh4 :4 l74 an n*n d -u' iro P TW " arr a g l il l t be tb r e w t it to st r, l" or t ;sk rili Pur7 hy, and witerh , u .4, os to the praAnt Hata; ~,,,,,„,,,tal operotknl i n AF,"' ;44,"Neturvitt9 , ~,,,..,. ..I,LAtoTheft ih. g ;116 - d '- "0 t. and Ve ~. SUR •.i to Wreoipt " "‘" - . 4 e r r ePiIV eteudntir ' l)6 "" an r. ' Penral V * 4411 ' i With a oalli .A I a ~ ?by 8.:41. a Tou . 4 ' T A , il ' Bold only;br 0- ,at th 0 .. 37 h 0 ,011 err° If ._ __,„..,nto:or.,barse, i , ;:besuLituliptibuient . . bit etn!ir ee lil -be •••'.0 11 en... 2 ' , A11P I.* n t ° ' n efliettigiattariketorl'.4" , l,l 1 c0 . a . m . 13 . 4 , o uvil •'. 11.0 whom .. _18P,01.4,2,1_,„r1„..,.. iho,rwom.itha.-77,irotlya-tetetm,worifteedin-Lp0”11., Ar..,.a..r,nim.o..i..konntt ~.....'wouliti .14411k.Wi.71,..-,..f-7.."-- -,,,;„.!;.-..,., y;,.:-.•',7'ii. :"...,,., '4,, , ,, , , , ti...0kinit givep. ip=rn`eolovpeiGenc whit • _... , rn,,- 7 „. ..,,,, 641 a nx,. . - IF u Pgi g - ft."' ' ' ' 4:icklinirmtlititlit.qtiti, ~• - we.iirdte all le ftlll isi , ae t. thou . jgdwesor mot . ; . i . ; - ', '....":'.1... 1 . '' '•• • ! • ~, %,-,. '•,'.. 4 0 10 'c e ..,,..,,,,:;, ,;, , :,...:--.. - . , -,--- ....- •,,,, - • .... , .... , rt'POAIEN.6;;Ien74-1j1:- ---*L itit" - 11 .v- ' . •' ' r lVrtaliiid 3ll . : t V1.14. ; t r 'in44414 ;, I !' th. !::711..i,AttaliMIA .!". • I!. e.'in*,4,li-6e:,1 ' 1 •; - 1[0.10.w.mt , plIfF,4 - 7:,,...• - :., ,, ; !..J:,..-...,..-„,.,.,,,,,„...,,, ~m atoxio.oitifesw,:ot t - !' . .,c• - •• •:- , t..,...,,,,,.- •,.., f., -- '..'''',-11.%4X. - e,p, .•., . 73ii,9,41410,q' ; . - THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y., -OP POILADELPITLC. • • • • MONROE MORRIS It 34 . ygtpe.s' . .:*iicka.. - kji MO: dCo l;4l.oig 10_00We AAT ILLIAM RHEEM,.. Attorney v u r — zitlAw: -- ofaie In ldat,vinmeti entruated, to 451. vial .tosdedio. •• • : . . Feb, 7.'65. • • LIUAIRKH; Attorney at Law. J.:--offica..on North . Ifanover Street, o row cloors south oralass' Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to.. ti [April 15. In 'East, Mehl Street, .Mobeiniesburg,l'a.' IlttallittO BUMF:YIN° - in etinnoxion with him profession. [Stay 21, 1666.—1 i, - B. KIEFFBR Office . iri -Nortl Iver street two doors from Weise & Campbell's D 1 ' la o store. li ice hours, mureparticulerly from 7 to 9 o'clock, A. M., li", d from 5 . t0 7 o'clock, P. M. . , T AW OITICE.-LEMUEL TODD 1,4 loss Agonies' the practice of the Law': °Mee in Centro 'Square, west silo, tear-the First Presbyterian Church. • rtprli 8, 7887. • - • fOCTO It S. P. -.ZIEGLER.—Office and !Malden. Enet . slaln Street,third door Mott the Market Douse. Calle in town and county promptly attended. , Caillelo. Jan. 2,1850. • . • • Dm I.C.LOOMIS . • ug h , k -South Ilonovor stroot, next door to the Post lot;Will be sayeent fromt Carnale. the lasi ten days amid) month."- • fAug,l;'66, • 17fit. GEORGF L S.' SEA _I_,F.IIII3IIIT, DENTIST, front the thnore College of Dente( Burgei.y. • te..oiTice nt the residence et his inother, BSA' l.outhei etreot, three doors below Bedford. llefereece—Dr. (leo Z. Bretz • • . _ • March lib 1856—tf.. UGITSTIJS 31.;SAW.Y.Elt, ATTORNEY AT LAW. oilier, with Judge Ilep'aim on Fautillialn street. All business intrusted to his bare will , lip pronultly attend ed to. May 20, 11167. . -- QCRIVENER Avg . CONVEYAN C'ER: 7 4.. SPONSLEItnte Register of Cumbet a Ttl- unty, will carefully attend to the transaction of all stick business as may be entrusted to him, suclias the writing of Deeds Morsgages Copt rncts, &c. Ile will .also devote las attention o the procuring:Of Lan War . 'rants, Pensions, &c. as wall as the purchase at ttsale of Real Estate, netptiatio,s, of loans, ..c. IMAM re on West High Street. fey marly occupied, lifs4. near the Methodist :hunk. S. P. N SNYDEYDER.. R & M ' EARLAN F. W. X, lentllA . SI. ''. LAND AO ENT . . MINNEAPOLIS, .Opposito the Suspension Bridge, Folio of St. Anthony, Minnesota Territory, . will buy end sell lands, nejotlate loans, locateinitil wiirrnots In Minnesota, lows; and WiscOnsln: Inquirieli respecting the country, by letter or otherwise, promptly answerod. =! lion. Alex. Itainsey; Ex".Gorernor, lien. IG M: Eke, Delegate to Oongress, Minnesota, Gov. Pollock, Ilarrlsburg, lames R. Steele k Co., Philadelphia. I ton. Frederick Watts, Carlisle, . • A. Brady Sharpe, Esq., • . t .tagroonrEmr4tork, • Robert Walsh. New Orleans. • James IL Irvine Esq., Nentyllle,"• Hon. J.S. lfinek:Somerset, Penn's., lion. J. It. Eddie,. " ". .1. II; Cloud, Mayor, S.pringfield, Ohio, Gen. C: Anthony, " -Jas..Carson, Esq. St. Louis, Wm. Wilson, Esq., Ilnitinaore J. T. Wright, CharlestOn. 8. C., J. M. Wilson, Philadelphia. • • . . . ' 30.00 - Acres of Ur fniproved.l.ard forltalarat-from $2 to $lO per acre; also 16proved Farms. Lots for W. In St.. Paul, St. Anthony, and all towns on the 31Innir 'sots river. ~ attenon Wept to the l Money, and Entering Lend Warm We. ..Addrees oaning ,•; • PalYllEtt March 16, 1556.—1y.1.. . . Minneapolis. Min. Tor • I)E • STATE •A,-Gl.vcr. ANI.IIKW 0, ran. m.. 5001 TllO IPSON • E '.l: - ,THOMPSON, . flay° opened an Oleo Et, - Josrphilito - for - the rrun chalk, and stile of heal Saila.. buying and selling Land Warrants; entering Land on Thno, Survoyingand -Map ping Towns, Location of Warrants,'and making inrosE nnitifs tbr notoresiderits, naying — ofl'axes - , - and - till - busb 'loss pertaining to a General Land Agency in Missouri, Haim., Nebraska, and lowa. tr". °Mei, on Second Street, North of 'A. T. Iteattle'S: Thinking /louse, (July MI, 1850. aucation. DEMPSY ACADBMY. MALE AND FEMALE: ' • *. Au English nod Classical School, lAndisburg, Po 'Thu Berorad. or .wintor 'tendon of this lustltutlori utti open on the second Tuesday of Jandory,lBo7. - • • .The usual English an.: Classical branches, adopted by our tlrst. grade Academies, will be taught. No pains will be cleared to make thorough, practical, and moral Cobb - The village of 400 %bat:Monts, situatkid.ln the midst of majestic hill and mountain scenery, three miles dip• taut from the "Warm Springs," Is hi.altt y and quiet, autTiclentlyromote from the irregularlticsof largo towns, and yet In daily connection, via Newport and Fennsyl• vanla Railroad, with the principal cities in the:date. Terms per quarter, s3,s4%,.sll,accordln'g to the grade of studies. Music. Fiends and German, $5 extra. hooks at city prices Boarding for ladies In select fault lies=at-prices-frum-$1 hi) to $2 00 per_week. ... __ . .. , . For further particulars Address either. „ • 4,: , Roy, T. P. I/UCH/ill, A. 11,, . or S.D. RUBY, A. ii., . . , • . Prior II al F. • . )LAIN-FIF,LD ACADEM Y.--Near JR_ CAULJSI.II, I'u.—The Twentieth Session (five months) will commence on May sth. , new hugui. lug has been 1.00,14 containing Gymnasium, Musk Room, &c. "' With increased . Gwillfiee for instruction ,endyonple accommodations, thin institution• •prosents groat in dueements :to Parents who dealro the phyeical and mental ireprovement of their eons. Terms par Session, $O5 00. For circulate:with full Information, address lb K. Principal and Proprietor, ' Plainfield. Cumberland co.. Pn. April Cr. 1850 - RAXTON,'S WAR SPRING AItRIVAL. IMMENSE STOCK OF lIAIIDIVADE. The subscriber has Just returned .from•the Eastern Altus, and would call the attention of his friends and the public generally to the large and well•sulected as sortnient of MAR MAI; E which ho has how un bhndi 'consisting:Di part of BUILDING 3IATEDIALS, Ouch as ticaiws,Llinges, Dolts, Locke, plass of every do seription and quality, such as Coniurien,lV bite. polished Amuricair, Fretich,,Enamelled and Double thick of all 1111.1. R, Paiute. Oils 'Varnishes, Ac., Ae, TOOLS---Including Edge Tools of every deceriptlon. Saws. Plants, Brace and DM.; Augers, Squares, (Wages; -Files, hasps, 'Hammers, Vices, Awi it, Screw Heins, Blacksmiths Bellows. Sr., - hoonlnkerti and Saddlers will find a large assortment of Tools of ever)J descriptiCti. together with Ladles' and Gentlemen • Merriam. Lining, Dinding, Patent' nod French ciarlimpAi Shoe Thread. Awls Wax,Vegs. Lasts, Harness Mounting,tiollars, Birthing, N hipstock, Beer heir, , _ • Also. Coach Makers Tools and Trimmingiuf much as Hubs, Spoken, Fellow.. Shilfts, Bowe, Floor Cloth, Canvasu, Cloth, Damask, Frlug, MCC, )lose, Axles, Spring Belts, Ac , Ac: . Cabinet 'Makers will find a large assortment of Var. rilahes. Oak, M'alnut, and Mahogany Veneers. Boas of all kinds and sizes, Mouldlnge,,Atlvets, flair Cloth, 'Flush; - Curledtlnir-Chilir-andEofe-Sponge,_dea.te,..._ Housekeepers pill also find a largo assurtinent — oT 'Knives and Forks, Bratanrila. Afiwita. and Sliver Elated Table and Tea Spoons, Candliaticks. Waiters, Shovels. end Tongs, Iron sell Brass hogt, a Fans, Ac., together witli - Cedarvrare of alt - kinda,-such- es-Tutek-DiStketa,• Churns. Ac , • Agricultural iinplements enibracing Ploweof all kinds, cultivators. !look ShovelsAtakuk Forks, Chalon, de. IRON, a large ate- k, compriairqr all kinds In keueral 'use which I em-selling at wholesale prlcee, Mtn dilatant!, 41.44141tioteent; earlialet. -- • EN' HAT, CAI, AND $ll.Oll ARRIVAL OF le,A1.1,0001)8,F0V-1856 The subserlber bas. just opened in the Store-room for merly occupied by Geo..y. 'Muer. on the corner of the public square, lilainatreet. near the Alarket House, adj adjoining the Jewelry Moto of ti'm. L. zg nngle, au on 11311, and splendid assortment of Fail end Winter Oouda—epmpprlNogß the latest styles of . lIATB, BOOTD AND 8110 ES, of every variety and finish. • - 111 - a - Ifits - e‘melst - or extra - fine hfoleskiti,ileaver. Pearl, Claret, Kossuth, Sporting Hata, Ac:'' Also Struve Hats of all vatiction. These Puts are tuanuactured by s *ford, NOrris k Co., and Mile. celebrated battens at " fillideliliiii7ll6lMailaifeverreariety of h - Jue manu facture. .11 . 1 these good: he will guarantee to gtve entire satisfaction. , n - His stock of Shoes Is mado tip of every variety and' stile from the cheapest to the beat article in the mar- Rot, and cannot poll to please., —• •• •--- • lie respectfully solicits the' patronage of the pnbtie„ feeling confident that he con self the cheapest and best gOods•ln,the county, • • • ~. frep.17,,11356, ---A-.GRICULTIMAIr-A-ItA t-}-DI J -11- - ' - .4 -- X — PHNNOCKIS7'OELEDICATEI3,-WHEAT-D1111.1c.-'- - -.- - Adapted also lbr lAilislng oats; )rase seeds and P i gt alm lintusePe YOrtablii Cider ?dill—the' 551 In the market.' -• Ilalliday's patent IV,ltidmill.—' ifeliSkre‘ser's and 1 hres,tter's, Lime aild Guano ;,-, - anrelidlies; battlers „k Straw . - end Strew andirdder sesthrt - Little 'Cliant - Corrrand't ob - 81111, -- to:pile's - A Ire oCpetle - Churn. The above,Enperioritoplemente ultb - ell et ' for the use of the (armor air` gerdner4or sale 11 hi r Al And Retail by •' ,' I c i t eollALL,llloll - Itli tr,CO., Agriculture] •WAreb" se and Feed Ft ore. coine r il and Market etroote, Philadelphia, • Juily,2s, $l5. - ' Nos. 21' . and 28 SOuth Sixth Street , . ' ' , PIIILADELPIIIA. AGRICULTURAL TtelpLzklCElT lIIANUFACTORT:ItriataI..Pa. SIEn Oliouaba (576 Acres) 131°01:n5,1111e, near Prlstol. Pa F A 1t bll 11 / 5" 0 0 It' HE !- • . THRESHING MACHINES! , ' The subscribers desire to Inform formers a ril pot it generelly that they now luivion band and' arc conFlavt ly manugicturiug Threshing Machines with PlerponCr Patent Shaker, which are generally ,neknowledged to I r the best articiesnow- In. use.' Also a 'variety-of Clover Hullers, Coin Shollers end' Straw Cutters: They etteno to _the repairing of Agricultural Mach fiery hi the.hcittuaniiit_nnituorlainioriebio - ternis.7 - Min_ufec. tory on North Ileunover Eircet,, directly opposite the residence pf George Metzger, Esq. r l O FARMEEB.—The subocribtir has . Just returned from the City with one of the largest assortments of 11ardwitre ever brought to this place. Ile has just meetvedlez. flames irlthand with, of pat. pstonings, ..lron and steel hooloi musing in pairs ben, 44 to $1 50. Also 200 pr straight and twist link t,orr chains from 50 to $125. Home made traces oral' Lind,. Also a lot of spread. fifth. breast, butt, currying halter and log eltainsalSe a very large lot of shoy.h. spades. hoes, rah es.nnst in shout everything and any thing wanted by the Farmers— • , , Itemarnbor the old stand East Main St. Carlisle. • ,Marrh ItIJLO. 11. SAXTON; 1.3 E - NT _SE'LE43IIAP PINING YANKEEFEED .CUtTERF.,• monunt."...cd for AbOltlCll k SAIIO ENT, No. 410 Market Street, - *Mule Thu cutter Is superior to nay now in-uso,for durability. sinsl sdraplhay of construction; It cuts fast 'or, sisals the only self sharpening . flay, Straw null Cern i-tolk Cutter ever made. 1t has lost oNF. FritA NNlEN,,wilicil any ponson can grind and set with ea.r3 . : -I t t tn - ortlinary - easseHa - ground4n-the—taselsin su -. Oafish; have already been sold, and the demand is daily Increasing. In most.yases an examination is s‘ufficient to convince one of its superiority. No one after a short trial would part with It for any other. All slkes of the above constantly on band and for Hale by " J. P. LYNN, • octil Sole Agent for Cumberland county. - • TO FARMERS GA-RIANIMS • THE LODI -Al ANUFACTUIt INti COMPANY -- - otter for 0 01e..10,0W of their NEW ANL 15117101 ED routhanvr; I ,(l l lanufnetured from the night.soil, of New York City,) rig lots to cult purchasers . 'lbis article (greatly improved,vithin the last two yearallins 'been In the iunrket for eighteen years. and still tides, competition, ins a.manurn fn corn or garden vegetables, being cheaper - and HMCO powerful than any oilier. and at the PallllLitimo tree fnon disagreeable odor. 1 . Two louvers will manure an acre of corn in the hill_ willsave two-thirds in Wan. will rause it to unit up quicker, to grow faster. ripen carkier, and will bring a larger crop on FCror ground thairaity - other ferfilirkr; - anti is also a .proventative - i7f the rut-'north, altiiitAlikti -nOt Injure the seed-to he pools rou'aet_with The L. NI. Co. point 'to their long'statoling reputation, and the larr.u.iedpitalit,foo;tleaq-litiodedlirthelrittisi, UM, as a guarantee that the at tide they finiteihal alwais ho of such quality as to command a ready sale: Price in Philadelphia es follows: 43110 barrel to ft Ms. $290 Five o to •' _I 57,14. and at the nitwofsl 70.perharrel for any quantity over 10 barrels. Air A pamphlet eonunlnlng every information • will be sent (free) to nhy one applying for the same. Orders are requested early In Advance, to avoid disap pointment., Address, PASCHALL MOJOHS A'CO., AFcidy, Con Market owl 7th Areas, Phlladelpbta. rft, Feb. IR, 1847—aut . • ' •M-11^.L N-11,.1; S U Cr (11 - E THE CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN TILE WORLD. 'MALLOWS DOLLAR MONTHLY DESIGNED FOR EVERY AMERICAN 11011 E. Encouraged hl• tho unprecedontod success which thl popular nootith4 Nei mot with, and the rapidity sill o blob it has increased its ell culation, the pet pricter ha reserved to make It still more worthy of the patnotag of the public. That thin admirable wort; in A 3111iACLE OF CIIFAPNEIFS In admitted by every one, containing, at ft does, One Hundred Pugea of nwding matter in emit number. being more than any of the $3 blagatinnsond tunniug,twp volumns a your of pia landred pages eaelt, or Twelve Hundred pages of Mantling Matter per annum for 11$01DOLLAIII Ballou's bfonthly in' printed *hit new type. main fine whits, yak, and Its matter is capyfully ta.m piled and arranged by the hands of the editor end pro• printer, who ban hehu known. o the pulite an mossected with thu Boston press for Mateo* yearn. Its pages con tain NEWS 311SCELLA NY, TALEB,. ADVENI 11141.8, POEMS, . MAMA I'IIIES, STUDIES OS Tit E SEA, Slih'iClikS, WIT AND 111111011. ac., Ac., from the best and most popular writers of this country. It Is also spiced with krtitiord of the notable events of the times, of peace nail war, of discoveries nod iniprov meats suturing 4a/either hemisphere, Italian); an agreeable companion fora 'chore moment, or o here, at home or abroad, ouch nuiiii.er beitg complete In itself. No sectarian subjects 'ire admitted into its Amities; there are enough enntroversal publiestions each de voted to its peculiar - seat or Okine. This work Is in tended fur noith,or, South, east or west. and In filled to the lain each month with chaste, Ta.nular and graplite mho.' !Any, Jfist such an any father, brother ur Irlend wool, plum in.kno tom& of a fatally circle. It in in all Itsde partments, fresh ondvrlthlal, and. what It puiTorts fie. the cheapest. nutenalne In rho wOrld. Any person ench.O.lng. ota DOLLAR to the invnrictor. ai below, shall royale° the idamtqlnitifor one year. c.r any person sending US TIMIT SUbkriteTSlllld EIGHT DOLVIReI, at one time shellreeelran copy in ads, M. M. II4LL01.1; Publisher and PnTrletor. eornOr or Terntont nud prontlleld Strerky Iloxton. Juno IL ••• I. A... AffitiOULTUR A L . nuns, • • Atthtlist and Sht The Putetees.it A'spettding eurttychtm. astir Teeth of.iatious pettervi. 7 4lChi and Garden Herron's,' !find I'lows, !revolting llotseltakes. patent Scythe gnallAiLand tirythce. Lawn Scythe's with rtrttted Itacint, snperioe Unhading Hey Forts, with repo andtterkle cumplete, and all other ertlcloa fur dam andgarden. • • • J'ASCIIIALL MORRIS A aU. =-4 ANO :,full supply of lIEESE'S ontainhtg 4d, to ,s 0 _par cent, Phosphate L, , ine: and 8 per cent. Atunionia, nunnefiitnirA: fend erdheiblen'aind 'Perm inn - bionno: and coistaitdid tiLisage of about . IGO It s. iwcb, In store and fur sato, hi Zola, tu . suit.purchn.cs. by lilt - MAROS A • Agents of Philadelphia.. ••. .. 9'2 SOUTH }VONT 41Ch'filtilartILIar., at lho afire of this April 1; 1887: -Lira, f• • : ' • • AC.. The mule grid, %those shop is lit North' siren near to Class' IFFFFFFeeeeee tol, Carlisle, would Inform the public that they ore no* prepared. to sinsnufactiona Ag ricultural Machinery abil Implements olyslisua sunh•aullohniponers,Ttcad and Lever reof Treabers, Shot c clover Sheller,. Tedder Cuttes. du,Stra*CUttins,Oonsidiellere and Tread Powers new on band: ',ltopalrlng promptly attended to:' Tern* rea. Vehruary ' ' • . . :ptOUG BEVIN' G Rl4.] AT ,VARIIiT Y,_ - cßlCOCeilijg of ro .;:ifthiy, iiiiiiii.Peekskill, I 1 111:1,13ubst41.;11Sub filiAlanu and Star • i Ploughs. with wrought - Fos, Alai, Expand- ins, Cultivators, with :Pleat an 4 Ihnersilde Tooth, Field and OardetPliatrowVeast•Json ..., Rollins. Mr, Straw, and IVotidsr - Cuttsia .wilh a largo assutineut ol'ltortleulturai Tools; at *hairdo and sis• Mil:, • . L,';„ . ..',i , ~ '.. - - PliEtQllttLL, 1110 It 18 - a Co., •: Implothebt and Owed ati , ;ite; ith and Market...l44a. • 'AIN' es 1850._ ..: , -.- .I- ' - .• , „ . J. B. EtCl4llll. TfETCJIIIII!8-105111-B114FM:REAP - --,--: • ' 0 ' u simpufticturfio , flll6T,`wlth all ttiiiii* , ~.:' gent ImProtgritonti - ThErdtti'llanaptrd to' , : - iP-.. cut. kid td fifteen Aires r4rdtaid id --; .- .. f - it , ddh.lui .wolt di If ' can , , d, dope 0'44 a ' ' ' Scythe or Cridik'tbr date. ~ • .. ~,. .. . :, i '• ..' • PASCHALL, xfpnnia r CO T , . '..ftrtidavent and {{Aid OtOgo; 7th and 114dicei," Phila. '... ' • , . ,• ' "'ql, . .4. . , 0;'. .fies.ll .- rind g e n u in e oirlogit, z .DM iii. 7 refers satiety, - at ttbeltatate end Otte: t , :Aasarted Maas-put _._.. 4 . ;:,..'''" '-' ~,,,. p Meer 4 7,1 .0, 01 90 e ra er o a si nt o tz e t r ra_ s t. ; ,,, 1:1, 2 1 0 e -. 11 /1 1 1A a rtpre • otealt i ttiee fitte ti It direttiers: Japan Nah.sio.gio.cana.FdiodiTo fumy Driart Peas, Orange Water. MOO, Rinio9untdknitadn entdagn ined: CO. -- ':l",', ,- , 1.,.,"._,, , .' .J !.IqtrUXILL: MifilltlS'i . CO. ' ' . 4 PPl.,°itlP ' .tr l,44l34 l# epriattt and Market Iddl: .. ....,.... .'' . -' ' • . lit 61,A 'l. If!! B ,e's - 17d --; ,' k .. 4 . 1,-',4l'A4 ii,,1nn0te;f1.04.,,,, ilguihid,, ' 44, 1—.6,etar04.,. lbw ditTere [ r •iSt . ra lb wri64.Bw.-').tr."tlttrgi 't,' ' '-- [ Vie chapyig'n . • -',-- i . ; ~ -- ~.,....hil _ , _......../;-:.:,..t.,..? x If agrifulturaL • .74 M-,r4 M THE, MILLION 11. SAXTON V.440 - b(lplitm.;_ F. t.'7 ; --: • ' --.StrAUFFEII k-1-1A4.11,1,W-P-S --•-•-••=•,.?•• • • --- -:..OIIEA4k4IATCHE3 AlkilYlE3l'ELlilt.....- . 'A e WhelesalOOnd Retail, at the "I'lliledelidila ' l3 ateli and Jewelry Store,. N 0.90 North brood street, .• or neiorQuarry, Philadelphia, . -', ' ' ,--' _ _ liold hexer Watehmlniljewelled, 18 First .'. , T cases,- ' Gold 'Leiplii - r438 - is, Silver Lerer, jOwelled, - 32 00 . Silver Lep jewels,: , : . • 000 .. Ihtperior guar/lore, • '<laid Spec:melee, ~ . .'_ ' - . Pint Silver de. e . • 400 .. ' ~ (bold Bracelets, . 300 , 'Julies' Gold Pencils,. • • =e — Tea - TrailswinsTset, - , • --,-- -- 5 - - -00. , _ 4Po rs,. with pencils and slyer bolder,- 1.00 "(bold Finger" pings Watch (44,soea, &c. AR goods etrranted to be what they aro told fur. . . . STaUFkr.ll,' A.. 'WILEY. ' Suctaaasoe'ofO. onrad. 41111 , 0 n toidd Borne Onld and t•llscr Levers - an C d Lepin al 111 lower quan the above pricer. - . • I,IALL CLOAKS 4i MANTILLAS • AT WHOLESALE A. Il 11/TAIL. • • Eolt U P 1 N Ar: (.1 i • - Imp and Manufacturers of 'CLOAKS and MAN ' TILLAii, No. 174 elwatint street. (a fmi &rims alcvo 7th. mutt, shle,) (Inconnirtinn with ONOlt4 FE .11t11,PIN. Mit liroadway N. Y...the largest in(nufriottirer of these goods In 'ho Untied States.) Ire , q t.,1 roll the at tention .1 M. IA le; do and Retail - buyers to their largo and-varied 4in:h of 111.0 A 'cp. TAI.3IAII, Ac Al'.. fin tie Lll tradell Their ndiection momprisrs A cOinpleto as sortment 4 - all the latest Parisian Noveltioa in TOlvet Moire Antique. 6r..'ke. ; while the Pr ditties :armlet! hp their connection Wit the largetit Mantifaitur ling lions.. (of these gootima in Nov York. WWII., them trignomoteo hotter value then Is ol•talim. la. elsewhere In the slerhel. A CO_ Seet.:h •174 PhrsnntStreet Moire 7th. • • LW W (./ 1, - 8 A• 1, I , l' - It U G 114 1f 1 . 113 11T 1 111051AirN6720 - 1. 1 41011 Philadelphia, Importer. Mantifarturer,inti Dealer in . 1)11 11118,11 BD ICI N 1 4 3,4111 P.M ICA 1.5,-A(111{$--- • Dye Stillis:Pai tam. Mix, Colors. 13 hit. Lead. Frenclrana Americans White line. {Vitiator Blass. Mess Ware. Var.- - minims, Brushes. Instruments, fir mod Spices, Whole Spirci , 111111 nil other articlra sou illy kept by Druggists, ,Including Borax% Indigo. 111 lie. tqtellac. Po.tash. Ac. All ortlens • by omit Or otlimarke. pi-olamtl? attended to. Coutitry merchants are invited local] and examine our stock heron , purchasing elsewhere. ihralOods Seat any °ribs wharves or railroad stations. Prices Low and finals %rammed.. • Murk 0, 12,14,-.ly. . . __• TOSFPII A. N1 , 11';1)1,,ES; rer of 811.14 AND liAl ft-CLOTH • SIEVES. Curse, Medium and Fine in mesh : large, middlesized, and small In ill meter. - • _ * Irxrtf.f.- VIII{ - 4311 Well3EN WIltR,- • the beat tpitlitbal. arloas sizes of Mesh. from:Sion.] lA, I whist re. - atol from olne.hl siX, het in er1,411. , They are numbered no ninny spaces to the lineal inch, ' A:o u s t :L . l sc . k to: • - pS constantly I u band • • -+ ••• SCREENS. - . 4 -6+ e - v -1 . 1 .' 13 .hd lime;ll9min. gravel: guano, Bunter ' !Maar. salt. lone. e(.ffce,-spire, drueS. dyestuffs,. .tc - Together with an * assortnent .of 111111 IPf AND AN . NE.4 LCD IttlhN MBE. All the above sold wholesale slldretail by - J. A. semn.l:-.s. 51 Front Strect,.phila. June 4.18513.-1 . 1.. • . Li ITTIPP, Alt & VAN UAW:ENGEN.. /..)The Statscriblit's having removed to then. . • ._..NEW AND .84+ACI0118 BTOOE, N 0.218 Chestnut Street, fourge r rth alm we a above Tenth, Are line prepared to eller a launt well selected sleek nettle allowing Trsle . and desirable goods. prineipally of their Own inliortatlon, or bought at nuetien, which they are able to sell et the importer's prieek. and to which they rordiatly Invite Ile, attPotion of Country Merchants. Hotel Reopen, and families generally. --/Infl r titer-u_mad reolr t ,t+ 3timioar Stooling. • Barnsley and Irish bitten Sheeting, )4, 84, 94,104, 114.124. 1 ittaster and Pillow Linens of several choice bleacher.; anti all witithsdrom 18 toltl int'hes. . • Bed Blankets flail sties end Cabana Itradle Blankets. - ' -. Bell Quilts of the following varieties. chat Marseilles, • Welting., Knotted, Register. Alletuilnit, .Allendale and - 'Lancaster: of all theileldraltle sizes. 'Bureau Covers, Table Covers. WI ntlowCurtaln Muslin e TOlrelS and Toweling- of evert' variety. Damask Table,' 'olliths and NaphiliS:Shirting (411C.IIK:11311 Muslin. Cant brie limplkerchiefs, Endemiderlea: IlnsirrV. A-c. Broca. tel, Damasks. Montens. Poiltroitierea 'Lam 'and Muitlin Curtains, Gilt Cornices. Bands, 11 hops. Cont. Ar. • • :BIN:TAM) , At VAN ILABLINDEN, • Importer,: and Dealers In Linen Mid lionse-Furrash ing 11 1 010. • April 20;.D3513--1;m. _ - ti It'S N E-P Fell wholemt.... and Retalt CASII HOOT AND — SHOE 'STORE ' - _ Smith Secondlit.. Corner ofCarhir St. • - The - e , taldighoomrlins be ll 'enlarged .uld Improved Is supplied with the largest and best Ito:tail Stock In the City, Vriticipatly of his osstrinatinNctUr e ;" a ith RS.G0111111•11t frt.lll- the I cot l astern Alstket bracing Ladles; Gents' and Children's - 11‘10T67: of every description, Style' snd quality, einimtring` the , hest 'styles and qualities in this-or any mdler market. This stock cannot be excelled fur Quality Style and Cheapness. Each article N. marked at the very lowest possible price, loom trldrit. no deviation will . be made. No ex- I ravalmnt statements will be needed, and none made to effect sales. Goodyear's Gum In all varieties. Pure Gums, so se -tree In the market- always on hand. The public Is espertfullyjnvited to call. (April 1,155'5. pll ILA DE I.l'lll A Ei'D N P. - VANS' FIRE. THIEF PllooF SAFES! l!,r merchants, lawyers. fanners, and ethers, having Itadis, Papers, or. ether valuables, •to preserve from FIRE or BURGLARS: • It'ay and Neweips (11oldia) itA.Nli LOCKS. • A CAno.—The —.Fire Proof Safe,' that preserved our I"" during the great Fire at Hart's Buildings. was purchased ofOLII EIt,,EV ANa, al S. !ud SI., Philadelphia, GETT, h BUCK. ILSERICERATORS & WATER EILTERS. EVANS' Premium Ventilated itefrigeratursfor cooling and_presersing butter,- milk,- water, and - all articles for culinary purposes.' WATER El LTERS fur purifying brackish or muddy water, whether affected by mins, limestone. marl, or oilier cause.; mu be had separate or attached to the Refrigerators—tt stiedl quantity of ice cooling the whole n the warmest weather. • POI:TABLE Slwwi:it BATAS, fur.tbe use of wr= or cold water. WW - - ATlilt ILHII.S. for lloteli welling.. . ThrstilmsjasulA r; - • ST,IItE TRUCKS, for moving ...es, bales; Sr: FEM. PRESSES, Copying do., Dro=ist do. t/LlViQt No. (a south Sih.ond 2,..100m below Cliesnut Man% 5, ISSU--ly. (F.stablishuil In 1835.) • • c a El . • 3:9 >a 7.e: 2 :4i - v•P g • g 7. ;- E . : E- • ::\ • -• • c • Ve .."4 111K13, RING ' . .&1 3 A T 1 , 1 N.T.,_ C ILA. NI pj, ON FIRE PllOOl , SAFES, with. Hail's Patent Powder Proof Locks which were .i.6"_ '''-'" -. ..,5- - ..7 - . arraoled sepanite - Illedals at the .„..N. Woe Ws Fair: London, 1851, and ..V . .. ti' 1..,....t ..., -I also at -the World's lair, New L...rv ii ..::q Turk, 1853 awl '51. -- TKiiiibiserit 1 ' e15..iii;) , 1.,, ,':', l bens ere the solo manuacturors ...... - sass.,t. -t• , . and proprietors In this State of ` h ..55: 1 .1(: , .., , i - the above unequalled Safes and .t 14.,..x12q Locks. The reputation of the Lles. „.. . --; l'. genuine "Ileiving's Safe" is anrle . z s ktlL___ It . • _,,, vide, and fur the Last thirteen ~,..„4. g itio,), ~,,....,- years the merea, ntile community hare witnesstot and borne testi mony to their NEVEM TAILING fire proof qualities. More than 1.2,00 U of these Safes have been actually sold, i — ii — nl ever TWO lIUNDIMO hays passed triumphantly through accidental firm. The public ate-assured that ell Safes manufactured by the subscribers are not only guaran. teat to be fully equal, but in many respects even supe rinr to those which have been so severely tried by tire Few will forget their services In the burning of the - .`Tribune establishment." New York, and•nt the Great Fire In Strawberry street, at the large fire last July, opposite the Girard Muse; and still more recently In the - Fire at Filth and Chesnut stn., in the city of Phildolldils. in which these Safes tame forth the no- knowledged Cimino; when vanity other securities —Whit— ~„-'........,_ • j , Etanra.Axix.------ - , VA - Sin .t. MANLIOCE. M terms. , -Si WKLOT CT Street. Philadelphia.. C led Iron Safes, with Powder Fend' Locks, manu factured expremly fur Banks. Brokers, Jewellers, and others requiring seeuilty- from rogues. Clank Vaults. imurs. de. en hand and m ule -to_order.. All the most - celebrated Logics for sale at manufmtureye pekes. . 'Second hatid "Safes,"- "Salamtuders" and' "Iron Chests" of other makers. have - been taken in park pay -Meng for Illeilves kir Rale at Imif Mice. aid. • MIRACLEAI O I?._:SCIENCE,--D..•. C. L. Knifing, of ,MeetutniCeburg. Cumberland auto y; P 0„.., announces tcetheseadtleted - with Tenors , Wens. Cancers. Polypus, Lupus, Moles or Marks, Bei-71 •ula- King's Eyil and all diseases that base been usually treated with Caustic or Knife:lmola reasove them with• • out cutting: burning •or pain; neither rhierolbrat or Ether isadrainistemi to the patient. It Is no matte, on what pert of the body they may be, 110 'am rename them with perfect safety:and in a sionuitblyaltoil• time. No Mineral of Vegetablepsitini I. applied, and oc • money' required until a curetipeefected. • Prolapons Uteri. Female. •Demplainte.Throfili, 'Vele :veal Rini all other diseases treatedwlth positive seeress Full particulars can be obtained by addressing in elthei English or German; peat.-paid. Patients. can be scam 'medetel with lkiard on reaeonable tonna . ' ; Mechanicsburg is one ins prettiest:and healthy ' towns In this or , any other state. ' Is miles from M ertisburg. on the thintbend Valley , Bali emit, and seem:llU from albparts. of the lint us, ..The Doctor will ' vlsit Fares in, any.pari of the ittawhen noshed,. - tnadtzifYnu.knefi ady fdr•l'led isfislf_frfs Cure dslev not to tell them of this treatment. _ . , . • : . . Y.' 'A.14:41 7 /ilid..4,:t!—Tiitisn .. whn -. :whilt - Ti - the 11.1 . n twit .'s•hin r ipi."i - typlatjd iliii; , ... liliiliel lit . 'jai ever iefreitelltit Ctilielei will .rifthtrw ei the Near ~.tore, ' ' i' J.,41, flu IIIICII. , , . . _ : 1 tiU~ldflprjia. MI • ANC. CIGARS. . •21 SOuTII FRONT 82111 RT, kUILAbr.LPRIA, • COBIIIIIIII3ION. MERCIIANTE AND DEALERS 311,4E1f. • " stnos.'or • LEAF TOBACCO; MANUFACTURED TOBACCO ; -AND 010A1113. - he constantly on and for sale Jana)] 141)11st - if Antrrleito and Spanish Lear !toll:locos, selected with special reference-to lilanfacturers'. UFO. • nrticleti sad Warrouled to be oe roprOFonfotl, and every.opnortunity afforded for examination, Purchasers at n distance inn cam! their orders find rely upon . being Rs fitithfully,serind am IT their goods or , r lo person. ,(A 11,1856-Iy. • 0 . :P. V, • n . rri o P • r g fa. g 0 rD CL. 5,1 CO ,t " =. 0 0 c.-1 Cr 3 0 I'SANING FUND p.r.nn; U. S. --1N51511ANC1 , ...-ANNIIITY_:& :TRUST - 3, - K.'Cortter T tint and Cnemtut CAPITAL $ . 27,0,1at0, — Money - in rereived-mr-tirperit-artity-.--tini-omount-de posited Is entered in n Deposit Book and given to the Depositor. or. if prelimred, a (•ertifirate will he given. All sums large and knelt;. ore received, and the ,ntnnunt paid bald: on demand. without notice." Interest is pola at. the rate FIVE Pte rEaT y con mencing from the day of depesit, a'nd ceasing fourteen floes previous to the withal:i n 11l Of tile money. the-first day of Jenuttry.- in each year, the inyerect of rein deposit in paid to the depositor, or added to the p inripai. no .1?r, may pr4fer. • • The Company 11111 e now upwards of 3,soo.dcposithrs In tine city of philatlelphin nimto.., • • Any allitional in formation Will be' given ir addressing the Tatim.roin, ' DER ECTZLSS • ,tep'len R. Crnwtnrd. Pree't, Lew •ellitillnltne7in. Ani6] . n:oll'l hemp:mit, llenjel,nin W. Tingley .Inrolp 1.. Flemnre, PEISY, risi:. .1. e 0 1:111-41 . 111. GER. Fent ..12 ';,5. —I y .t• . kit o 4,4 1 •,` r L ,,I-xtY • • QENM N '.S : ".SAVIMG FUND ; . Chartered by the. State of Pennsylvania in 1655 • OFFICII, 55 WA ',NUT 'STREET_ ' ' ' One door oho ye ferynd Street. Phlladett•Wn.,. Itereivea Deposits In Antna 1100 - Pallor nod op‘inrd front all classes of the ..nnt tnur ity, end allows Interest at the rote or five per sena 'per soulful. 'Misses paid on, demand. - ,tEr), 011 ire • opeu daily • front .9 until and on Monday 'and Stan eday 'until 9 tielnek In r..e'ereolitnf. ' This Inst.lintion will he found n conVonlent and silk place of deposit for Fanners ain't titers l lq, Undue.. - in Philadelphia. Deposits aro:paid on tlettlaud ii.llll6lllt nny previous notice beinv rtiqulrcd. IIANAOICIIH.. It. Tyson, o. etlege ltiiliert 3/orris. - - ]:domedL. Claric. -•- _ : Capt..l.ihn thillegher, It lehardii. Stotesbury, WilliarA 4 hippen,jr. Win:P., Jenks: ' „ ' Edmund A. Solider, 7,9111)voll S. P.jeleip; .Inntee P. Perot, John.llrCentesi -- Jecob Sheetz, Joseph 31-Cowell, , Joseph It. dyers. ltdiver4l 11, Trotter, Frenklln Itavost, - Thoonts Cooper, - • Preiddent—FßANE LIN FELL. Treniurer—CllAS. M. .%101:111.8; • Seeretary—.l AMES S. ITINOLF, to The Charter !Iron ides that no manager. officer or nizpiit shall. directly or .Imilitertly, borrow nny.incatey (rani the &wkly. 0ct17,1855-1y- FIVE PEit CENT. SAVING YUNI) or THE NATIONAL SAPETY COMPANY, Wab out st root, muth,mt comer of Third street, Philtolob p ot, Itmorptlnttell by nu I.nto of Potion)lvan% 111 Firo per rent. int, rest is given, and the money Is nl. ways paid bad; whenever it, in railed for, without tho neresAl) ol pining in tint for It bolbrchaud. • People who have Isms sums put their money In this Saving Fund, on account of the superior safety and sou. venionee it affoidn, but any . sutu, urge or Man, Is re• evil ed. This Saving Fund has a very large amount of Mort. gages, Ground 'tents and other first class investments tor the security if Dept sitars. The rules prevent any Director or Dllicer front using or horrg wing Gm Ilit , Ley. 2"he Office is open to receive and pay money er cry day, from,9 o!clock In the morning till 7 o'cloot in the evening, and on Monday atid.Thunslay evening, till 9 - People who have money to put In, are irrilivd to cal at the Mike for further information. ~ • , • • HEN ItY L. lIENNED, Pie'slde. At, • %11T. st:Lllll , tlE, Viro PreFklent. WM. J. REED, Sucrelttry. Ortottpr3. Bbs. _ Eit EN (11l TIWSSES.IIentin 1 ---icupturo successfully treated. am! coutbalusurrd, by use of the elegant Frenala Trusses:lmp stud by the subs..riher, and inane to order rapt essly for his sides.... All suffering with htipture wilt -t.O gintired Ao /earn that the occasion now offers to procuri a T. use 'coull.lll. lug extretue 11111111,A05.. stilly ease. liar:A.lll y and correct - coustruettotEltrlletrOrtlre - voinbrbu s - an d uncompTi.• hie article usually sold. An extensiVoassor omit al ulll. on hand, adapted to every variety of bold ax , In adults and chlidreti. and lbr safe at u range of prl c to suit Cost of Single Trusses, $2,,5, $1 and $5 rouble, $l. $O, lb and $lll. Persons nt - Adistance ran - luive a 'I rat; .!31( . 1 , it Welly ad; dress by remitting the amount sendlng . ml, uurenrOund Ilia hips. and stating side affected. For bale Wholesale and Lotall by the Importer. ' CA brill 11. NELDI,ES S. IV. our.' of Twelfth k Sure :its.. Pidlude/pliis. Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved l'atont llidy Mere; Chest Expanders and Erector Droves; Patent Shoulder Braces; auspensory Bandages: Spinal Props and bup torts. Ladies' Scoots, with compatuut lady attendants. ,i_AUIVAItD ASSOCIATION.. J_ PHILADELPHIA. DIPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! To all persons afflicted with Solrusi Ammer& nu! sElligAl, IVEAKNESSAMPOTENCE, ! iILEET, SYPHILIS, Ac.. do. 'flee HOWARD ASSOCIATION 'of Philadelphia. itt clew of the tufo] destruction.of,buntnn IMO end hcoltl m It canned by surd diseases. and the deceptions which at pructimd upon the unfortunate victims ofsucb disease by Quacks. have directed their consultlng Surgeon. ns a - CIIADITAIILE ACT vvorthr-nr-thide—hunte, gI e eMEDICAL ADV/DE GRATIS, to ail 110111011 E thus at (31 ale or komale.);cho apply by letter. (poet paid.) with 'a description of their condition, lags. occupation, habits °fifth. 4c.,) and in extreme poverty and suffering to !FURNISH MEDICINES OF }L. • The Minn Aisociation- ion benevolent Institution, eatablished , by special endowment, for the relief of the, nick and . distrtuised, afflicted with Vitultaidend "Xpo donde diseases," and its funds catd/be used for no other purpose. it has now a surplus ,of !Moans, whiCh dhe Directors have voted to.advertisedlia - above notice. It Is needless*, add that the As.rchttlecommands the highest Medical skill ortlio age.- . Addroes,(post-paid,) Dr. 0 P.O. II.tOALTIOIJN, Consult. leg Surgeon, floirard Association Dhiladeligilai Ay order of the Directors, EZRA"). IrEMITWELL, President. r . OW) FARECIII . D. SW•rotary. SIM flO - I , OA.I:I I ()NSUMERB.—'I: ho suki 7 'tribes nioulil respectfully Ifirite. the attention ol t e elli-Ons of Carlloilo to his large 'took, of COAL, various kinds, surf) as Lytton*a Va/h33 , Prolion. Nut Mr Llmeburours. Trororton. Egg and Nut. tihnont, in Broken. Egg and Nut; oiler which he. frillnell at 'reduced. prises Ibis hist . guars :or 'cneh. 11gw. and Store Coal. for family use. w 111,141. clrivtug, to pleams ; hppe ti lutr9. a liberal Patnire ' • i •TO BLACNShIITIf I fen'infist , prepared to Ruin, y you frith t,ho OilatrateiL it sad Top! Coal: which, let ninsldered-tho the .Btate. Come • and loob, skit, i:floT l 2 :OW alim em,tusd.",slitif,stblelf •41411, f -unit* salescinfit short Profits Is my frottor=it tiltotte Aso :pease Le lietterthau it" dulk 441118g..81ea50 ;lye us it, ; - • ••• --, • '••••-' .mil cue and aIIY ••••• AbCilt 'Mt ' criT7 ‘ll , oid4l - 1} il9r loft' at residenrein riaiit.titruet t os -at c frier ` teneyrto.a*klieniv3:-sl9liPu'n' 4"'re"' aiii to fir, F pile attended , ; " - I;thit:L.,yee. .• . FA It II • 0 '0 P •I, -A. Isl. .1/: ._S 1 : 7- r' . " ---- '''' , " : t 5 ELlialarifi'7 .----- . - 7 ----- G .1111'.111A N B• 1 TTEIt B. . . . . Piepared by.' .. ___ DIt.P.-or. ifAUKiIon;PIIMADELPIIIA. PA. • „, • - . . • • . will effectually curd • • -, .- iLIYEET_ICOMPL AINT4 DYSPEPSIA, -J4 fINDIO.II,- - ,Chroule or Nervous ~Delillity,nlisofheog,,,tto„ ,iyit and all diseases arising from a disordered :Liver orCtornach: ' I • .. .. • . ,Fue Constipation, • .. • , . Inward ffiles. 4.' Full- , . • - Timor Blood bathe flood, .- ____... . Acidity of thufft , onmejlyain n ,_ .._ • ------',—/lirintirtiiiffirCij:Dlsgust for Food. -••- ..4 .. - • - Fullness or Weight sii the :tan: eh, 1 • . Sour Eructatteine-tilulef itgerFlutfering' f - •at the , Plt of the kffinach.•ffivllliniiiigof 'the 'lead, flurried and Difficult Breathing ' -. Fluttering at the heart, Choaking Or suffoca- • tln of g 11tontatleus When In .rt•lying 1: henige, , Di nese Ylslou Mita of webs before th t, and du ' ll pale In the /teal, Deffieloney of,Favorni Persidration; Yellowness of the tAtlii and ' Eyes, 'Pain In the fide, Bock, Chest, . . • . Limbs. tee, Sudden Flushes of •• .'. . - .. . . html, -burning, hillier Flesh, - ' • ' Constant Imaginings of - • ' tvil. find great Du.' .. ' `i , ' • •• - " prom:ion, of . . Ppirlt o s. . • .. ' The proprietor In calling th attention of the }.o this propitiation, does so with a feelin public g-ofe utmost th 'confidence, In Ito vinueeandadaptutl to the dlseeses for which it is recommended.. on ' •It is no -no:e'er& untried - article, hut One thin has stand ill° toot of a ten-yearn' trial before lbw American-. people, e L ir nd I re ropatietion'and, sale' is: unilValled , by ithi pparations extant. • The testlinoni In Ito 'favor given by thlknumt prolitinent and. well - known Physicians and Indi itd mile In all' parts of the country •Is humans:, • • %, DMA N CEMENTS fir ThE. LIVEN ANT ,ETIIII4OII. Ara source,: of Insanity. Fran ethauder oriobsit union,. n morbitl'artinn of the syrup:Malt:and_ other-nernfr --fepowUiiiiil-the•fithrtranroTlhe brain aro impaired in el deranged; deningenien t there} M/I also . prod utieuffsi ini --talif_therlienn?skienthings-and'ffilineys.t to Awing to I lie name ea use that Ili, in./aids din with Omit in, Billet's or Yellow lever, and Out niefselaninful Jima fie,, Comarniption. • Tim general mint of Slier:Wain treating ditenses of the liver and strimAch. has not linen n , Ingelellry of Nth:li -• thrall knowledge of their fonetiens--but of 'a suitable compound that would-art upon the disease 011,1 01111 o s inputhetie• affections, That has been gained In then Bitters :, and they ran be tined by persona U (Ili Ili 111,151 no time d dollilltn stomach *c.l I. 11 perfect Fa tnty--no they, at ebilitate the patient, Pi t t 'give strength lind 'increase thu tiervous energy. They eon Le taken at all trines. and under all cireonistances. No ordinary cape sure will pre: out them hat lug n salutary effect, nod Ilo•laill effect can result from an over dose. If patients will persevere ht. tin, use 01,11115 remedy, 'and' use It strictly according to etircellons,.. it-will cute ' -1 h ali reprting - diß,KEiflit every 11 0.. 21 1u . o,01:0;vt I.eytnal the power of medietile I 'it . Ithe - ea nem - 1 - 'l.loly 'hit ei•Joy the Meshing or renewed heel iii, god In many deseratep and Ilbalidaned rasp:, a o ,, rti, l and Milked cure. . PEIINONE ADVANCED' IN LIFE, And feeling the hand of Time w eighlug.hour : lly upon them, with alltts attenda'nt-illA, ulll find in the use' Of the llifteis'an Mixer that "ill instil new life into their veins; reatoie. fn n meatitre .thiT energy' anti .ardor of more pia liful days.; build up their Oirmilten memo. end tits heath and Jaquith:as to their remaining Villa It is n well established het. Thar fully 0 00.11011 W the fnYlOg emale portion of our pUpffiat ion. are seldom in- the en ol at go , , I 1,0,, 00. , I'll litVilleir,,,VO e: pre:let s: 2 , "nen, feel' triji7 'lliei lire languid, deft le} of all en ergy, PI:111,11101y nrnruo.'nud IiaVII no appelltn. To this (lona •01 Nalitts : th e.... hitters tire especially re- , c. njuieneled...• 1,..1r: - prattler. tonic . and thirigiffating 10,pert 1.4 , lei:iier them imahuilde In lunch caves, totoollo visiting districts bin lashed annually with ' VEY lilt AN D AU UE, or ANY FLYER 'OF A 1111.101'S N ATI; It 1.1, .1111 find that by Ihe timely . use of one or - ,n bottles, they will noDin one Luellen tithe the din e/me:es and'r ll r enovaleand o.lett uthen the Ryetem. thrry the Idle oil iii its mitimal vluiti nel.— Pfeil,. thin In better than cure. I'II-E-Y- A - ff. l- ENTIItt:IfT - PEGI. t AN ~ti . • And tree from Alralione Hlinethint. And all ',OM lain-- 'lngredient": ; orb jileasant in' taste mid yawl?. toll.) In their operation. will expo' all morbid secretleint Dom the body, give bloom to the mithel,cliceik, and health ~. and c Igor to the r , 2•111... , ' Price it "rata per bottle. . -. 'Prhiell al Omen. No, Oa ARCO street, Plill'a. Ptt • kill by 1 , 1 liggials and Shaul...pent in every town • nod Allege In the United - elates UM"' C..,11,g,_ __. __ _ and, by , all DraggiSis 111 Carlisle, ____ • j Nay IX, Ihrth. __ • • . M, Ondwin,, Paul B. Goddard: (I,lo.3fllFay. • dames DovorirV, (lost. Eng Serreturs nod Trensto Teller and. Interpete. 11 I ILADELPIIIA 311 MICA L IfOfff , ll, ttafilfslied twenty two years nee Fy lilt, EiNREIAN,' corner 01'1 WO and, Philadelphia, TIVENTY-TIVO YkA,llB' - Experience has ren des ed Dr. It. it most sitscessful pros !Mover in the stirs of all disease+ , of a. n r “ ,,,al mt , l' 0 ; ." noodle, d's doiiltit p, as lilt, impediment ,tip fontringe; lien r o ws and to.tita/ Infirmities, diseases of the skin, nod those arising froin Abuse of merettry.. TAKE. PA IiTICUbA It NOVICK. • . There Is :merit 11041 sontethoes indulgt4 In by boys' in solitude, idjeft grow log up wilt them to manhood; - edit' not refornad hi due time, not only begels serious ritstaCks -to: fon trlitioliol glt eS floe ton series of protracted, insidious, and devastating • offections. Few "r trbi,g who giro way to his pernicious the ore nit nre of the vOin,etiOCOrt% 1111th-they find the sir r voussysten -shattered, t'eel strange and unaccountable , rensotions and tag nefma In Ike mind. (See pages 27, 28, ofhook on Self .".. 'lite, unfortunate thusffe acted Preservatl become on s feeble, le • unfold,• to labor with osco,.totned w Igor, or to apply lilt.. znitt,F to stud an y; his s t op Is tardy and wenle: he is dull, : irresolute, d any even In his spells with lose energy tllltir if ho esinsulpsto /draselrbelbre 11,5 pCostice has done its worst, and puler toatrintost) , Ills inni liege . Is un 'fridtftil, nod his /411,0 tells him !lint this in roused I y his early follies. Those ore considerations which should awaken tier attenth•n of ail who are stnillarlSr satiated-. I , ATRNI.S AT A DIBTANCE Can hay.) (by stating th e ir case expileitry, together will, ad' their symptoms, per fetter, unclosing n 10.11311- tnlier) Dr.nu'dicl mr. lipprrprlitietl dittply. • • Forwarded to tiny partof the United 'Stotts, and secure from DA3IAUE and CV.ILIOSP.fy, Lj ti-ail or press.. READI YOUTH AND MANHOOD' I A Vigorous Lilo Or a Premature Death, Itinkelin n • erlrPreberl talon—Oily 25 milts . , Lettcrs coo tatujug tint Tal t.to In Stamps, will ousuro • a copy per return/of mall. UItATIS I - (MAT'S 11 - 1311AltiS !I • A Free GUT to all. • M 1,5 .1t; it V E tE V ED. • "Mauro's Guo," ti new ad popular wOrk, ell ot Tat ' uable gallica id and impresniv n u %at nng, calculi tot to prtuent ,years of tnit.ery mid Pave thousatids of kl' Men, la distril wed without charge, noq . faimaithil by wall. pi, paid, to any- P, at Ofilce in •Um Culled ;talon nn receit tub an. order enelesing two postage ',tamps. .1 N () S IV 011 they did do more then give temporaryf r I . ettufcand never, will! it In becauhtt they don't tont-h the vat've of the diseano. "'nir vitas(' of rill ague tool 1./111mm diseases is tine nun, rpitet it pule( It inflict S:lannat or-Srtlittle. Iretitralire this prim. ly Its no. ltatAL An 111,141; 1111 a nil dineaso e. tired it dlsappeats et once. till, des' Fel or and Ague( tire is this ntalthre to Nalarla. and Elir•ret.ver It Is jt pet ketly hai11,14.,s The certThrate Of rant toted tlt enlist, J. It. hilton, of New-York, to this effect, is attached to eve ry bottle; therefore, does no g(.‘ d, It elm' do no harm. I • 'I Lis is m . 571,, then can be. raid of Quinine, Arsenic. or • ally other tonic lit paktum-41, as their use In mittens to the torntitul lon and I tim..s en All Vl. nith ' tinier aliens it 1ie114,11 to Joel pertmtly n ellll4- n sing.le ln ilfusitation 01 three tt tithe I itai.ex 01100 estracts from ti lettPr just recollect lit In ti Ult3 L sic6alt : tit.tmemonN, Coto, . 1 A.5.'A.1.111/AIPS. I,m-Imm Yo.ursot is et hand. 'I he Cale arri‘cd lute Mst year, et,d the difficulty lit getting attyi.no to purl hose It was vltiltly• linen eill•ed :rein tin' rmt n.t o ix.lttrdy had / eve ilti ru kit. rd it Lich tills pi tmlng lilt mil lie nn I ohg heat r than 11:42,,t QUI1:11:e--110t kom, it g. I pro snail., that the veil ear they nerd In rest ape takirg t;t11. 1,11. e rill tabled the Idali ! bis remedy tkin,Wll an Tt ni old in Itill.AK en 'Aplie, lot it tlitl lint t ore It, es It xuuid t.ltrii et lilt moot ed r. 11;11,1 till t cowl-tenet, 1 thorned in yput fart r. II 1 could inntittlte a tent columnist n hotween it old your CLI 15, alto fol. lowing is the tenon,: • Tlueu pelabiS took - yr-ur "Cut c,?At of bleb were raFt, ' . (;11111d12111 hrtet u.ltnu,t "pet Or many 14211.diaig. 'Ahoy hod tried Qiiittl/ a and other etnedirs, t ottid al ally' Ittissidf a chllblut It-was OS In ell. suctMoses.) slowly mowing thoit int. and lay log the Inundati. It of other and su s cam nallotlich. I did succeed In alio, Ling-flyatileel cure of all. (Mee Of tin so rant FAA nth yror repistd.y., and, tbey hare tmtJilldfi_ehilL.—_. tirthestl'eases Toni, had leen used, and n ould, as berme stated. hreah.ot)m chill; I tit stmt a period or tun hed'ernmed at • rot urn. ' I think there:mill he no dillleulty - now i orr v lto our' Cure"- the vantage ground of ally other rono:tly _litil , lll-11. 11010,4 e.r&t ,--- 11 - Xf..14.4 JC1):It, Si. I , EV.hlt and AOIJii ANTIIIt,TE SIA LARI A, the only 'minders remedy In existerce Is equally eortain axe PIitVE.NT/Vr, no a CURE." •"I Oka It when you Joel the chills coining on, and. you w 111 - MI here a .I.n !in ate, JAMES A. RIPIDES, Proprietor. Prm Mance, Itr .roFor an te iiy W. A. lirteo, ford hingalsts get/orally. :July 2. • :OW _RE All , E NEW SPA P.E R RECORD, a collection-.of Newspaper Parts ntid • •n, contatiting a Caw:plot° list 01 Nee 'Ampere in the 'Waled Staten, Canada?, ))add Great Bcitaitt, Tito only relfaLle work of tho kindlin the world." An Inver; noble mnistaut to the Edit , Book Publisher, sudden. oral Advertiser. Svo, DMpp. . receipt orgz, it 0111 tu prhpaid per mail, to any part of the country.-, LAY & BROTII.EIte, Pubilshern, No. Fa mot st, 1 iitiadsipbts:. A:7-Editots bisecting the Min\three months, with editorial' tW ttee, ere and sending copies of the paper id_tt:Ltheitintv copx_of the woe •ICI I AUSEItS I'UTAI3LE ft DER 'MILLS can Mit beikiliOnd of ••••,, improtedWorsti,uetlon and. Cade, Their. minding, apparatus .Is peculiar, add Ives , them accadvantago over all thoe by the action of two rediiirocating pistons, lite tipples are flireckf up against the teeth of a twpldlrrevolving cylinder and retained till ground to a floe pulp, which of course yleftici Inure 'Ake when sutticeted,to 'pressure/ than IY the pomace was coarse. The Press boa been greatly 'lmproved and strengilientd RITMO /Mat th p r44l . l - .. can ho'worked hylinntLteLthe,extent of Mr, to barrels a day. • PASCLIALLhIOIIIIIB A till Itutdeatedt And Seed - Fiore, lAttand MarkoL.Phlla: :ap. 21 t IRK • • VILTALL 1-tA-Isit111. ; 1.•W ALL' PAPI'..R ! •• • hipitrNo...e.nnivAl.;lssz,. • ‘. y 'Jit.t'recelied tholsr4est dif d ' , most varied asseamen6- 'aver opal 6,1 In Dsrllslo.. 71w public Iry lvvltt.,l to ortll -and melee e railarlien from I la.. viunmetlynsi'ortuma, '• nnr paces nee the very 1-west. 'A bin, a /l a za' yarll of IVlnductlllluills_and.kire.Rmed Priptß, L , • Lltaitt , . •", .• ' . 'North Iltirerroir CarliAo, P. Paperffod band from butt sealicni I o ecold . •Tki '1 . 1J Al B . 114( . .:.;)( ~ , A.l( • ; N -0 V. sTßKE.'e t itotitinsiluno: I'llit'oirdoicrllpre-oller lutle.w.litogoi'stild - Ivoll' ooluOted DRY Lumß!git, '• 2 11//09.1 the Catin) FAC(6IY. The patronage of the ',Oblic is'irespectiroltp solicited 26,-11i57. - JOSIAH EPSY Cc. fllflflCT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers