Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 27, 1857, Image 2
Calitpziihar. DARLISZEI, PA: '_WEDNPADAY, - ITAY . 7, - 18,51 - I:I2IROVAL. Tha7Catliele - Herald:Oilice - haa been removed to , ►t'ug's Building, lipuith-Bast Cor'ne'r of the Public Square, Third Story. • - Union=State4=-T=feketr .P6r (.7 61)C11107!. 15 AVID :WILMOT of:_ilyntlfor4.l Co , For Jidges.qf .711 e. AS'uprenp; ,Court. JAMES VHECIT, of ,F,tiyotte Co. - JOSEPH LEWIS, of Chester Ca. — For Canal Commissioner:. WILOAM MILLIVARD, of Philad'a * TO CORRESPON BEN TS.-A ‘,‘ B & M." have answered their own ques tion,.we cannot venture a solutiOn. We will be able to !hid a " market" for FRAM{ Oaao in. our npkt, number.. LEdISLATIVIFC We learn by the Harrisburg Tetilgra'ph, • .that the Legislature adjourn.. d sine die, on last Friday, after, a protracted session of one hundred. and ilitrty-seven days: Eight hundred and siity-threc.bills..pass 'ed the" tWo Mousey, and 'eight hundred andthirty-se:veli of. the'se have receivo the Signature of the Governor, and - . •arc_ now the laws of the land.. The members i:oted themselves two. hundred dollars'cach, eN.tra pay, .on ac count of the long session. '• The terms of the,' following i'Senotors, , . exPired - with the present session : • David Taggart, Rep„•Northninberlond Co, James M. SeHera, Rep., Juniata d. William B Frazer; Rep., Fayette . • Francis Jordan, Rep., Bradford John C Flenniken, Rep.,,Greens James H.':Walto,p, Dem.; NI on re ' John IV. Killinger, Rep Lebanon Jacob G. Shnnian;.Rep., — Helawnro N: B. Browne, Dept _Philadelphia ." William A. Crabb, Rep., " . Before tire - close of thb ses.sinn )Ir. • j'agg4rt formally resignercl -- his seat - ' a-k Speaker of the Senate, and .an • election was then held fur his successor ; -which resnliA in the choice of 1), A: - .Finney, of Crawford county, the American: R - .utilican. candidate. 'The Detnocrias ted-for Mr. Welsh i -of-Tork. - Mr. Pinney took the_oath of office and . delivered a short address. Theloilowing is . the :apportionment Bill, by.whieh the State is so be govern ed Selection 4mietobers. of the . , lendslature for the nex.t . seven years:_ Presuming that "the several districts, will . vete - as they did at the-la St. election, the Democrats claim the Senate by a ma jority of one, and fifty-three. members" of \the llduse; leaving four doubtful. • Sometimes however, - -they claim more than they' get, and ice feel very sure they will find it so in this•instance.• • • It will be seen by.this bill, that " Mother CuMlie - rland." loses one meMbi f i c . her little " daMdtter Perry," is now tied to.her apr,M string, mid the two counties — form-onto-district., siwrding tcrcH . ieinbers.. Well, if it was7riecossary-that-Outwber „ land should only form par(of•a district, we are gratified. that the Legislature " kept it in the family." by joining us . to our relations, over the mountain. SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. City of Philadelphia, • 4 Chester and Delaware, • • Montgomery, - 1 Bucks,• 1 • Lehigh and Northampton, • 'Berke, •'• 1 Schuylkill, • • Carbon. Monroe, Pike and Wayne; • 1 Bradford k Susquebanns, Sullivan and Wyom i . in 4 g• 1 Luzernp, • 1 Tinge, Patter Wlienn and Warren, 1 Clinton ; Lycorning, Centre and - Union, 1 Montofir, Northumberland, Columbia and Snyder, 1 ,Cumberland, Perry, Juniata.and Nlifflin,,•, Dauphin • abd.,Lebanou, Lancaster, .. York, • Adams, Franklin and Felton, Somereet,ltedftird find flunting.loll,-, Blair. Cambria and Clearfield, Indiana and Armstrong. Weatmoreland and Fayettn;___ Washington and Greene, _ Allegheny,. n. Beaver and. Butler, t , ' • Liwrence. Mercer.att Venkngn, Erie,upd Crawford, . %erten, Jefferson, Forest and Elk, =I Phila. pity dptilet• l'Cutilierfand . ,t Perry, 2 ed, •17 Adanm, Detour° county, Fraoklitt'aitdlfon, 2 —Montgoinery,i:. Bucks, Bedlird & Sunturbet, 2 11 itif, • 1 ■ === L'anthrtn, . Lehigh•& Carhon, 2, ....klonroutuad_Pike, -1--i Wayne, - I Luzerne, . •• 3 Suequphannn, I Bradfora • 2 Wyoming, 011 live/ Columbia nod Mon • tour, . • 2 'Lyootliing & , tan, 2- Catlin), 1 • Mifflin, -1 Union, Snyder and 5 Northumberland, .I Setiuylklll, . 8 LAnnon, • ' • 1 Lancaeter, 5 York, 2 Indiana. - 1* _We'etatarelrind-&-Artn--- etrong, 8 Fayette, • 1 Greene. ' , 1 i Washington,. 2 Allegheny, • ' , 5 Beaver & Lawrenoo, 2 • Butler, , ' 2 Afereer and Venango, 2 - Cleriorranci — Voreet, , 1 . Jtifferson. 'Clearfield Elk and M'kenn, 2 Cranford & Warren, 2 Etie, ' • 2 Potter and Ting, 2 Dauphin, 5 Berke, 3 ' Total, - - 100 ohilas & Peterson, of Philadelphia, 'an . notince' that they will soon publish a me moirOf the-late Dr. Kane,:by Dr. The. Elder.. This, to very many persons, on both'sides'pf the Atlantic, must begiatt - fying neweTand the 'forthcoming work will douhtlees be looked for liftlilively interest. • ' The:work will comprise 150 pages,, and will ble embellished.' with a"full pee por trait of Dr.'Kane,.engrnied on steel,. as well as engravings of hid retidence tomb medals &c. , • ~ It will equal in eller.*speot,, the''so. perb, voltam ne •of tho Arctic - Explore. tionSi"`atidifitelre . ":sTold SR - 1318Crib:er5; thes.very price ,81.50- - :Late adviCes froni salt - Lakc city give an awful account of the unsettled COndi .that: porlioi of .the itea'ffee - in to have - every. thing- their own wily. At the, last session 0f% . , the U. S. I . l)istriet Court; the Dlorinon Mernhels . `of the Bar, assisted=hy--tlie=-Dnniles~--woll= twined, confined Judge Stilesin a private room, and with a revolver at his head; forced him to promise to uphold Own itf . whifLikey_did r and-flSustain-thelJa_ws.zi- Utch,".tilleging that no one should be tricil for, offences committed in The Terri, Cory, except by Territorial Law. On the opening Of the Court,'an -attorney named :Ferguson, commenced an abusi:ve. attack on the Attorney•Gcneral Mr. Burr, then turned to the'judge, and: told him that if he l dared to'decio against their laws' lie could sit on that3bench nolohger, and thitfr ti k o cOArt,room would -be cleared' !pick 1" The' District Attorney followed in a violent harangue; in' which he accused' M'r. Burr of trying to set aside the' Mor- , mon laws, and that- the Morino'ns , • had ;'Submitted ,to • ilentile interference lenife : nOtgli",lhat they were now going to have thei'c own way; and hadtgood,du; thorrty for what-theydid;as as :safe . backers. The room: Vas .filled at the titne with arined vultans,, who constituted „the„(' backers" alluded to. . As soon, 'is Mr. Burr and Mr. T. S. Williams gpt.up to reply, the Terracnial Marshal ,Ofticred . them peremptorily to stop; and immedi ately the whole audience sprang to their feet, arid the Danite murderers, who filled' the Court, threw off, their coats, brand ' inked theirkiiives and revolvers, and'ere•-. ated so grtidt confnaion That the Judge was obliged to adjourn the Court at once: The next morning, the Court opened amid intense excitement. The whole Morino') populace Were armed,. and had been inflamed to slich -a degree by the in ' eendiarys‘pecchesof--Ferguson, Stout and' others, that.theleast'pretense Would have — been aV'ailetreif - td - massaore -every Gen -=tile in the pl'ace; l— .The - mamen . of- Messrs. ,urrAstid were ntricke❑ from: the lint, of atterp4B,..anq the Courtimule, iliately adjoerned sine. die. _ TILE CAMPAIQN OF 1857:—From - and -after the firk of June, fifty thousand tra copies, of thd Philadelphia Sun, will be issued to 'aid the eledlion of DA VID' Wu meh: and the whole State Ticket. Fifty thousand copies weekly, of a pa per of forty colur, .devoted tethe cause Of sountl-Pennt;ylvania doctrines, to the repudiation of 211 ULTRAISM-i and to the support„oftlre rosurfoN on the . subject L ot Slavery and Slavery' exiensiottaken by those who o - ppoie the principles.of the National AdptinistratiOniand the CINGT NATI PJATFOR . M; cannot fail exercise -a beneficial and salutary influence on the prospects of the WILMOT STATE TICE.ET. Each issue will contain forty columns, , and. tvill be furniaked at the rate,. for the campaign, of fifty cents, or of five dollars to clubs of twenty subscribers, or ono dollar per - thinwttrfut our present weekly. IJAnnus TYldittrx.--This splendid paper has non reached' a circulation of sixty thousand copies. Each- number containing as much reading_mattor_ tie a duodecimo--volume--it is put- up -in- a milliner suitable for binding and contains a number of fine engraviiTs. Terms $250 a 3:eaP - it can be had at Piper's Book store.. • • HAILROAT). AcninFNT.—Ank.eident occurred nn the ,Central Rail R i ad alio& a mile aim e liarrisburg yesterday by the breaking of an. axle. ____ We hay.e.noelearned the particulars, but understand that nine or ten persona were more•or less injured, none however fatOy. :DINS:IIODES AMERICAN RAIL ROAD A . Nr? STEAM NAVDiATION GUIDE, for 31a5 , has just been received. The Pres, cot number contrin.vivAitilficairgap of the United States. and Canifdit. - :The; woik•-comprises a vast amount i d valua ®i ble infuj•mation... It is published at'S2 a yeiti Oiglp co_pies 25 cents. Dicsitiore & Cu. ;Nu 9 Spilled st.o)rew York, a. [From $ll,, Thtnpn I'nunsulnr, The Florida __!!tint!:! 'Two ll'utmded—Five'huniirett Round.' 6f Am• mtmition taket4.4lthe Tho rumor publi*liad last nook °fan - attack by Indians on a party or 'tailors nt 'Palm Gro'vi, is contra:lncl. Tito particulars are tiff follows: • Two detachments (numbering In - nll, abotit twenty men.) freniComponies ' en d' E 5 1 1, Infantry, under command of a non commie sinned offieer, were, left in charge of bonts.• .stores - &c., at Palm 'Grove sub le • toMajn_ body of the troops that liqd boon' operating in that quarter were withdrawn. The nearest point froth which water could : be obtained being about three-quarters of ti mile, the men were itempolled to convey it in borrels.,lllVPettficustononry forfour men to carry arel, while nix others accompia fied them i gli vele.. i! On the 20,734 k, whilo approaching the well, they•were 'elf from the camp and fired on otlndians. Pri patty fl, were killed; privates Saul., Company E, Severely;and Wolf , , Company, I, slightly' .wounffed. , Three of the remainder threw away theirtfrms, while thereat modes good retreat. The camp.was,also fortified by a breastwork constructed of barrelst I While this V*ark,' woe 'going on, the Indiana showed , themselves, Arid dared thesoldiers to.fetkielight:::'rhesoldierre wont out, entkithe Indians retired, to •a . hate. mock. The savages Were ted'by'a negro. who was' dressed in' the - full coetutife'- - ef a, Chief. Its end several others could speak very .good English, and Were - not very choice in the epi thets they applied to the whites.. • Sixteen lnditins'vfere counted, and from' tbe a'gns it was eupposed'there was akininny alma . They whooped - around' the 'comp diiring the night, nftl retired in the morning Of on discover ng" the approach utddeut, 11111 With e detachment. •4! The- bodied-of Saler rul. ringer ; were-496 . nd . and Inrleci„by. Wandifed,liuni indecently Wm' , • tiecordetiee' i.t , .sir:tictinne,..ident, a!arfia and' , delivei,.!: MEE UTAH. It •le Al-icl; . wqe the, rinnie of the man killed, end thnt the Indiana secured hjq gu and - nhout - G00, . -- niumhr - UfTitirtv7 nauri!tion. SrAsord's horse tieing eat in tthe potty,•he was Resigned .thik ut'y- of carrying the. 'ammunition, which..waa being, conveyed to the Comptinj. ' . • in pursuit of the troll ; also Company. L.. 4th Artillery, bonta, :tinder command .„of Major Williams. Capt. A; D.. Johnson, Om' in consequence of impaired health . , bad obtained , a short •kave, anAAndjaitutted-vititing-hi&fatnili,-Ileardilte above' report at this place, end .itrmediately repaired to,the ',acne :of-action. . We • hove great hope that the oorahined efforts tb over -Iml-tiff-savages will be crowned *ith suc'cetis: Oun COMMON Scnoots. —Ae the youth of any land ore trained, no will. be the Ininre welfare of'that Country—thin is a m:c int freely sdaititled, (but . ttot well. eonsidered by all persons.) •J,ust in proportion as, the 'mosses nre eductited and mnfle intelligent so tn i ny e ' xiVect, that. wise sad just laws, will be Promnlgnted, tatt:i• the true . principles of government will bo cnrried.otiiinnitingthe nn tion prosperous and happy,'., To eff ect :this ; nothin, exerts ti-grenter influence than our. system of common "selmehi. They ;ore the' foontenf source, make jt. pore, and the - ,wateh , • .. flowing therefrom will . • We. think .we hove cause to congratOnte ourselveit upon the prosperity .of the schools throughput our country. -They certninly at moving.onward andupward- 7 More interest is being manifested iii them,, Teachers are pro` paring themsolves better, and better sal l ittles are being paid. Institutions of s'lt t ighe'r order. are springing up - oll.nlong our valley;' and attention of the people is tat:ping toward the importance of thorough edue,tion. 3'Le Normal School - now in.suoceriftil nt Newrille. is. nn indientiOn of the. ad- vaficetrient of the Contemn school cause. It to deblgnettfor.thp education tind.proper training of teachers,.ixtid grill exert a beneficial inflit f .• ence. ileirg o lalppy to learn that it ism, eqf . statainineratitution, and that the ninth .Whie:ll were so liberally subscribed through the county, to dafrify its. eapdtieca;'ir'ill. not 100 needed - fat- that purpote, and have been used in purchasing phircsphical apparatus for for the ue,e,of Itcalt I iOll. :We hope the School will be well sustained, for it-is a public benefit, and cite .which will be felt in after years sere nags auger we or our May r e not • " liecome'weary at well cloipg." PtPiurowN.--4.17, ny of our !enders who sonic yenr . eogo,-wse,l io Joni occk Old Sloce_3_ MEM " Swiftstire" lino of atagesno - dnubtibongra tulatingllminselyes that they could matte the journey. of sevolty-two 'miles from . Carlini?, in µ day and a half, will rordember that about, five toilea from tiyti' they. passed a stioll clue • tpr — of - dwelling?, . ritperioum. The 'Ulises - Isere "lying areinul loose," or weran-, dertd io_the o right and loft promisenously;_every thing about it I , iokeil quiet and dull;_and on doubt •the rattling of the , old stage through -the town was quite a ;.eliel to the monoteni_ of the inhatlinnte. • An . , this Railroad ago has in azrent.mea: sure diverted Baltimore traVel'from this route; ninny persone no doubt suppose,--thatPtOed town is coj..ying snooie,nnd will waits up some morning like Rip I'ini , ll7a. ° . kle, to find herself a quarter of n century be hind the ago. To correct this impression, me with to AIM" *-I . T hat Pnpertown really is nt the. present time—that the energy nri'd tttet of the busineon men in that section of the county, aided, by the facilities' which are stforded to' trade by the CuMberlntni Valley have placed Papertown inn position - far ahead of any other portion of the "County, compris ing the Sallie nmount - of population. Poor 01d../16gs, who was ono of our "institutions' hcre, for many years, peed to sing a song, the burden of ,which was, If nny of our readers will go to Papertewn he . will find that their whole world le sustained by pap& alone—that by it they "live, and have their being." To prove this, .let us give, die Nets: First on the list, we will call your attention to 'titer Paper mill of iy3f. It : Muncie, Esq.. .becense it in' the oldest in the place. It wen first erecteddn 181 . 2, and for'innny yenta wan' the only 'hill in the county. It wits burned down in 1846, rebuilt by the present proprie tor, the following year; and fitted up with new mnohinery. Two fears ago additional 'int. Provements were made, by -which the cope , city of the,Mill;wo.s more. than. doubled:. ..The. amount, of napital now employed in thin mill is about :IV40,c011; . it producea annually about SZO7O worth of-panel., consumes 260 tone of domestic and foreign rage a year, and given emploiment to twenty-two oper s atires. The conntantly.eugaged iu tricking printing paper to order; the paper tined by the State in matmfactUred at thin mil), and in evidence of its good .quality' we .refer you to the paper on which the Carli2e•lffrall is 'Printe For 'clenr white printing paper the 'mills in thin county are not execaeol by any county in the State. The nent . paper , mill we notice in owned and succontrully - cnrrird - On - by . - 11nbert - ntul - Samuel- Given. Its capacity itsabout the enure en that of they Mullin PtiPer mill, nhuen described, producing the entnit amount --of-p'nPer:itinilfg the same qUatitity .of etnek and employing about the same, number of blinds, and their ,paper finds a reedy market in Baltimore and' Philadelphia. Imlnediately below tho (knit named nllll if the Paper mill of Mr. 'd Zag. Title mill ie engaged - WM° matiftfrialitre o wrapping pn kr, principally from etraw. The annual pro duct froM this mill is from twelve to .fifteen - thousand dollars, end 'a good home Marketla found for a large quantity of its paper. ' Recently a company ban been formed, enn, sisting'of Messrs Robert Given, Wm B. Mul lin, Samuel Given, Sanmel.Kempton.:jr., of lliltiattore„and S.'.l; Megarge of Philadelphia, WEOfinve purchnenetle Mount Bully Estate, and created a very large establishment-for the manufacture of all .the vatqous. (pantie!! of • cap" and letter paper. Thin mill is now 'nearly completed,'and will lie put into opeit lion about -the 'first ,of Anguslneit; it will give employMent,to about eixti betide; and will turn Out annually ablaut one hundred thoueand dollare.weilli of paper; adding .this 'to the product of the:other' three mills, the amouot of trade brotight to-P4:lertown' by the .agency of paper'llono, will eiatied fwahund,eci 'fhourand, dollar. I • • ,The: bovrover, do not stop here, on • . impulse is given to business of .nli. hinds in Abe ' neighborhood: %Y Jenne' that .releisihe.• lenatl'und•Aleinre,',lfove r Oect oVoint"thiely Sots, which they deteignjo.litig nvoleunies and osher4,: !lin mop nebele nud esteshitieh' themselves . bunineees,'Onit i there licertainly•'ud:phieU in:thO'sionseix,lbiele• CrWir , CO etlllieln to , ItlegiiartOmitsteratravtlion Key. inetant, Meat; Johnson. with.slx jeteii,,inet'and attacked about twenty Indisne. After suetritninitho loss of ono men; ho with• . _ . , tEouia aitn" thil world wns qmd+• of PA PTP. What would we do lon drink?" holds out grbater inducements to. Mechanics thointhe tillage of PAPertotin; the Mention is lt:enithy, tifit,stMnotj , beautiful end. romantic, aindthelnorsk:intelligentie of the people is equal to eny portion of ,Penney I Janie. • dcii-Yeu. bone. tlyit ?" Now if yr u wirik to encourage borne inrluetry, eubeeril e of to u - itt..moj-e:itf tjtOti pripee, While your . will be tryikink n grin& investment, ..nuvre obeli gii e you tuoreilion worth , of jourineuey. PARADE AND FESTIVAL 7 —Next 'rues any, is to be a yqa any in , .carlinle, nail i‘ time to come , to town,.ana finrticipato with tie on filo occasion. --For-soirte-rtiontha-past-the-Union Fife C4ll , paitilhave.been making Itrrangements to hold a Fl,Or.irlPestißal and Fair. which. will open On Toeaday evening, (Tune 231 ) The Union Fire, 'Company, Cumberland : Fire Company,, and Goad Will ilose Company, pr'opeSe . to itraniu• -, rate the festivitiee, by n public paraila t on, 9154 day, at 2 o'eloCkiii the afternoon; cn which OCansion they will bajoitted by.. the" Junior oadelit," a gallant typo of .• Toitng : America," Who will Ora additional interest to die. • . • Arnintrong Noble, twill officiate snakier Marshal, which l is nullicient evidence that the parade will be brilliFint and lint Saturday .afternoon our citizen; were hy the ery' or fire. which' title found to proceed from the reel dance of- 'Air: .0S11011 . :4:. in North• Itcn vt . rr etr . ciet, :I'llo.llre origitinteid in th 4 third rectipio) atin . ,Main C 011.orne, and tens eau! 61 ht' ii tlnid_ lamp paring hien -brought in contact wish the vapor fret; n hot lo 9,n• Fire- . . .men, Aft lINU3!, ivere,prompqy on ihe grrodirl; lint) the fire 'Wet,p.elll)!llleil: without doing much danlogi. tn . die bitilding. hut t h e ttorlc. in — the Gallery wan nenrly nld douroyed. The Nil,,henvy on our tnterprizing young Artiots, bra we I' et, n notice in thiejyer, thndthey will be l'eudy` for : operntion ngnin iew dnye. • •• the beginning of July tie...Kt, we hitierstiiiiil, the meuil;ers - oftite Firitt - Pieshyterinii Church of : this tieirongh,. will celohrnte their'eentenni al .Annivet The prograrin`he of Cxe.l'llises (on the n ee •si., : n id WA fully' coinplefint, hot sutliniclifts known to _warrant us in maying,, that it will be an event of -ithmorbing iiitore.t. All the Clergymen=wbn have to coy wiy Bible, be nongregaied here. discourse-will-he'din verna.illy._ the Dr" Duffield; for so malty enre the Puler of the' Cougregation ; there will hied ; prulikhly 6e li saceril concert in the Church, ailed 11151E1E1 the Meeting Holiso Springs, in jwilly regiirtled nr the old homesleOd ~ 6ft the Citur;:h in this counly Aboitt • ihn ye•ir)74o,thePr - eshyterinn9who had settled slong . the eottcloinionet C;rkelt, bait s, tog church lit this place laid not A grave yord ; uonie year:9 later; wlicm ,Curl iele was laid out and scaled, - the -Congreption moved to limn, and lioilt_ilio•prea,mt Church in th'synare, mid although no vestige. now . remains of the old Churcii, tho' spot ie still known lif*tho • Meeting 11onee Springs." Th - eold grave yard however hi still then, and it will halm event-of no ordinary interest ; , to BCC ilia . 6 1 / 4 ilcfren of Me niter n . hun dred yearn.have.passed away, making,a pil• grirnago to the graves Of'their filidoers, and rencisring their faith over the nahsa of tho.s, who having " fOught the good fig:ht/I,nd liuish ed their joy," [taro slept the sleep . of a coriturr, • THE BOOK row - plif.: -- Trlres Pttbii.hed, • 'Wells' Illustrated Notional, Book,' embracing Invaluable liientnents con fleeted with The Political lli'sitory of Ainorica, comprßing The Original Articlos 'of Cotife,lo - I? . eehration of Intleptmdelice, Ordi n'ance 'of 1781, Constitution of the toitod States,- - Fortnntion - Of the - 000 tytt A - morinqn Pnion, Washington's Four moot • Important 'Addresses ' , Misiond C.mpromise, Fugitivo Slave Law, K. 111335 and N'al , rasktt Act, Popit• lotion or tlo United Sates at bacon:dal Peri Mis,'Etectoral Votes rot President and Vice President, from 1789 to 1857, Intereating In• • cidonts of eaoh , Administratinn, Ore - ot Sear of the United' Stiites, with description, ',Seals - of' the 'Thirty one States ? with .desct i pti no, llio graphical Sketches of the Presidents, from Washington to Buchanan, wits Portr,iits of each, Party Plattorins of 1856, C ingress of the, United States, Cabinet Otlicere•ninco the Formation of the , Governnient, with a Coin plate Chronology of import suit ,Evento in Ame rican Ilistni7, front the Landing, of the Pit griiue tide. " The .work id exnefly--1444.4,t0 the - times, and.olinuld he in tho rosses . siekor .s. eyney nine forenco Moue, ft io north mon): time. jts'eo t. It contains 162 pages, with 47 Illustrations; is,printed on extra fine paper, antl handsome ly hound in Ntualin. "price, C . )6 Cent.; ICE The Book. c, procured. tlik week 1;y Agent,,, at 1I4u• nun's Huta ..1 , earWe nvite• kite attention of our farmers td . theadeerlisement of ••11annys combinetrinnerer nmilti , hper" This machine,' has been sell tried, and !Ito list of n , !eion given. of gentlemen in thin county why tt.nol it last year in cutting their crop,. aff.ird the bust evi•lenee of its practicll utility " • J. Armor-silk is tale ;gent An. tbi4 olunty who can always be fonn , l al his A'grienit4ral Ware room in Alter basement of the ,Aletliod ist.ohurelf. • lio was el _firied of' town last week, ib oonsenittence of •outuring out'-in white pants, is informed that..ho_ rot,urn with safetY'ne the Wentherhai become so warm ai to rentlar,light elothingahvolutely necessary, Thoie whefare not, - Yitt sttpplied with summer : gawks, by oonsulting our adver tising oolunins, , oklf find- out exactly, where they can procure - ..FIRE IN NEW.VIivE. , -- , A - friend, who was in Newville latit week, laterals us that on 'last Thursday ovenitg, a fire lirike out in the otakilo of Mrs. Davidson, Which was entirely destroyed, notwithatanding ,the exertions of the TheAriiito, no.doubi,she . wesk_ or an ineendiarl, As two Atherlwiltlingi'were fl e l at. the some thine, in different parts of the tqwn; but'ircro sxlitgoishol Went credit ie due 'in • ihS citizens of IlOwrilie for th?lr liteeisorul•elfdrts•iii saving the ailjviniiig propeity; 'asperknaed City Firvmln lotvohrooght.their ettainaiutoservice in belie,. 'ol . yle,• or • used it with 'meta 'effect . .tlinn the .If,retoen of Newvillef'Op this ore ' 13 les-vho - wis4 to procure ri!, ioseirirriAt - 74 - .l4cier's 'Shoo Eijc • Under Iltin . ofiption ,fre Nino.' to. dpioto: n poVtion of our pntail•;l,lt4 , lien tint) . of such ni'liolos, ne-arc .to intoro,t, —initruot-the-fentitlolierTo-Apeoiiillyrtlt4,-kautig--- , er pnrtiith - ! • F; years the .Titthlie trenvure' has b'eett , n • —under onntribution-in -the-ereetintr of- Ultiver iities and Collexes to .tit !nen fur tt,ke :native duties of life, 'while the etic:Mimi of. %swami, whitse.hilluence ie tliffmet) IhrMigh every air .ele, nnii entwined with nil our anti I relatiods,' -- lin,s — reT , i7llft solely t.Vprivnte entorpri%e, ns gitnig!irthey were-n -rrwnnl,ery pnrt- ot—tn:en. lido - . Now, it 43 n•I trio rack the cradle • the trorld:'.' for it is the ninti;er's inllngnee on :the infant mind, that potrfts'it in tifter'life; tor went or"ivee. • .Iforr - •importlint that those silo :cc a fetv yellr4 ore' .11 become the golden and instructors of 'a ,pe‘y geheraiion, should be propelly fitted for the tack. '• Itot.stup, young ladies, if y o u have'''read tidit for, don't ran 4f. with the idea Ihtit 'we intimd to fill this column hereafter with a col- Riefler! or (11.3 , piles of morel goy'erern , t ; tvc • desire to Milk° thin iitlifirlineitt nttr.etive end istrresting, 'wed! (19 .1V1; know ' flint ti , ototto Will . intended to be, o.ltokopital tis Well tit.; ottel.'o._ltittl„tlraufare, while 'tlC •nke the oki:1 ? I" litfivts, who are eau to"nnottibuto , !pelt or S u : bales no trill to find pleiiiiitry in101:1, • 1. 1 1 LI~Illli 111 iii r~rt 'or nn turn. trigfilfle mud rog❑ intc,ymn• lasts sii.l (es, yi.:llllrit •` self begins -where soloed teleentimi en in," we ellen give you elsp roll reports or 001,infortnelionfoe - the toiht, eliplet'e for tlie_dravini•roonl. for the tee --enhleyti,wlitelt NYC ei l Inhl rules foe diet-, and pre4eree tilc lentil end bens Cry the pe . rAeo, end tinny un;fitl receipls, iu dev,ilt 01 Imliselp,,piug. Iu 11113 ITC: . 111ily not reitelt the toorely nislifounlile 9ntlirr , , who', erijosing n life cif tail nat, oeit.lier der th.ey . but the irueipm irt, will-Niel dint Jim intelligent' thinil•thaken hestuty titortwbenotifill, nod Flatly et . tptiviitinit luvelineaa over'tlie , whore fenrili• ,etinrnettir. Lnich,_ric dettiente this co_. locate for the fuctire.•' Oar en tkr . !sing ,young friend j(lIN 1. flumaten Jr„ has tiroll''mock or iv)ot{.• ntl , l uhxrges .6pl' thon. to 111 ett&tmogrs, Jni 1 Im . ctirl the energy and 1)104)11.1)C the motto of.":Ten.fyettle, and '," induce:q him to sell goods very lair. • NF SOIP • WASIIINGTO 4.ITA I ILN WarhingloW, tuber of appliotWns foreigA. ITEM MTIM - nppointtotttporticolorly fn imumintp.— e.iiirmes , to increase Ever:',V dny hriottA hi holt itelividunln and letterh, nitigel 1,C011111101.10t 101'y rir them) offices. ,The Pt on) • deirt deninrr.l--tre him friends t-t.-thebusi nes• hrtlnt lv e!, him, portieutorly nn be entmot grniify one, imysetty. ten of In nit ptie tots. No •Jotibt tloz nyobinttomits/vrili br tropte gradoslly, Ire hosing tho'cotire summer 1,,,f0re Morfor tent putlotst.r • If is r titel .the right-MAO for . the Gove . r - oordtip. of Utsh, nod still Monte diflienit,, hosing bond difm, to' Mel Ittm to no•ept (lint irksome, responsible, nod thlukless posi tion. ,C,innrning': An In‘lintr Sgontet the IVuyt, ham been tentleeol the Governurehip of UtAh, bnt - Itn• denlined: _ In order to necommadate the: public mole satiscetuorily_the Preiblent has set aside two days ill the: week, Tuesday and .Friday, from twelve to two (,'clock, for the .ygnier meesions of the ColdlietC2 , 131»ti extraordinary mesa siene they will be summoned by special not , ce. Visitors at the. White noose liee.reeeived MandnY. • Wednendaye, Thursdays, 1111 A Sete' , fleye, freer tiVeiTe to two 0'91(111h Whirl( the least ceremony. Set h. Kinmoii CiaiToTiiia hooter, hit,vpr sent id to the President a bockhoi it chair, Mr Heenan erns introduced bY Urn ,Den .vere, and made a neat speech, ittformin the Pitr:idmit that it was tho best piece of (346 i. net 11.1.1111 ever !Metal/IC.I. The Presirlent's respottae,as %yell us Kitt matt'a aas 1011111 y applilll.l,l in s . tried the chamr, the 'President pronounced it conifirtalde end promised to preserve it as a choridted la!,I1111.1111/. Time chair is,Marle front massire buck horn-,, with tha antlers 111./aelliag Ma Its gracefully and naturally no if.,the whole thin; grove info its present ahaps, whole detrign ipt: 'rine and beautiful from its Simple c aistruc. Kintmai---ls (pike nn olject of inti rent ,in IVA Ile WAS 1)11,11 ip Unionk Culinty. Ph., and 111igrAtC.1 to karma llliunie, nod l , wit respectively. yenrs ago, before tine march of civilization pift on 110 seven-league bouts. Finding, himself oromped 'in that regio'n, like the star of empire, he turned still we•twor I, crossed the Hooky and brought lip In California, where he will proloibly etny till it gets more crowded, ' Setlt embodies the idea or tli;lt vent. a•lvatice ,g l l4 l lAlebrs the forest I, colitis:l.les the prairies, unit Vitelids' the law or practie•l pogroms. There he life, six lee) hig.ll, with nu oxplioled chest, well mini dad. s Dewy limbs, n beavy c n I ill 1111eligkiel t. , 1l lu too, his neck .free, an I looliing a. pill of n py iiiii I planted in greatly; with ti th in his h•ool. wish h g fall live nod twenty which It. has carried far e seventeen ors nn the best rest - unit:o thrtitg•h• lIIc no cell.celle.l3tWi.te of the West. • '-..4-3ich 4 tel : the picture of Ode sturdy frontier ineh-..yrho Ottrice n fu:iture.iu A 41 . 1 ittliii eiViii. ajOii:>, it eibrjei hie region of Giliforniu; etol'itetigie - ,io the iiltreuit of mine 14.01 ISear Vallepioto c2Yrego_o...; vx•AT C'Etetl4i•A L CODI ni 1..1. E • The Presidek or too late An:clic:ln Itepi jicAu_Conyenti:to'ime-;.p'point.-tl , 3!)e--fdlowing Slut , Cent:. 61:11miitPe, LIMUE:., TODD, Choir nolo. .Siolon_Canteron...-- : --H- : -J-..sephl:nsey.-m-7-- ---.., Jahn .1 'Clyde. Gtolte 81911111'1% .Joint M SIIIIIVI)II, Wi'lollll U. ICelly, Joseph 11. Abers, I. Al. Selle's. heir IVllite, , .. James Elwards, Lindley' Smith, ' :7 B. Lananster, P. 0. Elbithlcer, .I.lcob L. (ioss'er, 11. L Penner, ' ' Edward C. Koight, David Newtior.t.. ,', Edward Darlington, 1 Willhrm - IL — Knint. 'lVilizirirCisi.l - '7 -- 'Peter 'Martin.. 'l'. J; Worth. • Peter B, , Miclder, Samuel U Dirnmoelc,. Tlmma4E Cochran, David 1 . :::..5tna11., IC C; -- .Al:3l.Therson, . 'B. Rush Petrilten, .Iplin Penn Jones, . V. I' Miner, John Laporte. . L. P., Williston, D. liillesoe, • C. B. Curtis; - John N. Porvianoe. l I) hi. Raton, Robert P. MoDoWell, I) E Finney; John 11. Wells, - ' l ' 7- JTC 6 RW,' --- ' '= "t = 7 - A -- . -- J -- E - ofler, John Covode, , , • Robt. Ti!. Palmer.' • • • • -nay- DR. SAN FOR D'Srj- IN VIC 0- %%Ton is recommended to the public, relying fipMt its intrinsic excellence to secure it theta.. For all lllllrius attaclo, it may be truly nod safely re• lied upon at being fully capable of rop2ovlng the die estalstbr which-it Is recommended, and,Ong, ton.) -end Vigor bf,the generalsystent, • Ttr have been fully tested., n n lring prim' lice, by the Propljeter. Through the. urgent solleitit. tious.of 'many, tthW have ,been Indured to pinta, It re. fore the labile, ••For MII Derangements. Melt lisadach: Chronic Dint-Ims, Ilnbßunl tlesthamees, lii 11xus PhalleDyspepsia, Pain in thrirltmottell and. Pete• ale, Ourientl ' Peitllty, Female Wee:wens, Be. ~ • ' por sale hydruggistet.fetteially. ;...' , , •, , . tar. WO 4ye-ftieg twit tly. I Ipllrcl of. tke tn Iti , tnrx, of hl, Ity ^nArch itroot. 0p0';...n or In. to. urn 1.1 tin. Itlglttvt nontunistlattlon. mid Ito liinnonlylolloyo tint it Ix ono or th, f,r,which it Is Pion tho and 'ran 1.0.- uintir 'any - t4.lllcon 'l**,ow tarot *.dolkalo , htontki-lt, 10..1ns for nild.wldo.:ltiroitottoil In contnnoullto; Iliix,hnnJgei lo rowdy 00.110, &P. liti) I.nallOct &roan rd tfilslinnocon , thrn wt. hopn'lt'nini'l,o ery. dinnl , PE/a, hGA 'II" is llkglSe in' btru, A vl..thni GENTIINI: PAIN. trptAoT,Oft Will tittbdnoihojwiltr and infltimntion Iron . ' the severest buint or nialds, In from one to Wanly, mtnuton—and — that will 'heal the wounds witluint a ocati: and effectually, • • rover the Sales—l'lles—Salt Ithoum—lnflaintentory, hhotuna red Inflamed Byes—Culft—)Vounds - - ---Ilrelnen—Old and. Inveterate" Soren—Senld 'read— Corns ana Ilunionn—Erysipelno—Sprains— , wollhnga reteus - eltilblolon,ltitelf of I nnOrto'-4-airellod and lure- :Rein- Weald Son- Nipple,--Eruptlons-r‘and all - Other' a lullnmmntn ~_'y:olni..entaneouitAllsertses,-where-the . partP niiii'rEilliWeduloun ahem t the ninny disimnes named to 'he cured by. only. ono thing—but reflect that the few,: but tooltive. proportion which the Maley . Salvo alone omit:des. nod no he'retothre onumerfitetione - to lour= earl reach tf,L. .t"; • 1.1, I• (AMU - RI JAI —.--Query.,-Du•not - .ro,trUltiredpi brtie:lelanspresori be role mot nivArdly Olrligaron t diseases! Each hnx nrir.sufst DALLY'R PAIN EXTRACTOR 14114 Up• °nit Stool Plnte Eligra VOA Lobel nn MI the signature, or C. V. oidOri i\rlt &propriotam. and .1f EN It Y If A 1.1. EV. manufacturer. All ntbors ore eau lite r rel t. All orders oh dllll-1m addressed to C. V. (Aid:ll.r & Rl Itzirelav strt;k, :COW I b, • ~ . ilTretTrAl! - • . , • i'VT)Ol;f4 ITA T E•;TOR AT I'VE:--Prof. wc.A. rotrilii . lied slice curer of Ilm 1141 .111.41t,11 jv.,- NMI 611111111eH 1.11 homir or. the mniao4. If Is 1 1 / 1 . , 11 , ,1 ties are xii vet'sajly admitted by the A me pre4s-tri Ite . far superior to all others Jar reusing On: hair cpa the - :earl that ins liven Filvored lily many yo ire t.l ;seine real vv itll'aS tench rigur elni luxuriance a. whvvrl,io.trd nctnntn}•es'nf yr.tith. Thera ~•riti In, Tin doubt that di lie iino'nf the greatest 'the ine,ll,l iri:'rld; 'lt :restores perms• u eel lc chit hair oridatil rob,r slim., a / , ..310,11 . 111. aid4r texture 1111101 Inns been very. AloArable In ill ages of the Louis 31oruing Iltirald. Plarriags At tiorton. ilhl I. mi tlll' I 111 ho tho Bor neo!, 'Arorrer. Mr.'l t1i131.48 II 1)1•:IMIN sKji,Es Indhnt, to 3114 "IA It ' , ANN STRICE I/ IL - of flostoff,--1414: __ Nen) )Ibuertisennnits • • . t Yl' I 1 , 3 —The inle'rsiulied, N I their sinoero Ili - oil:9 (ho flint CM zon, or I 'avii,lo !,onerally Eo• their prompt. ruler ell, and el vel nal exertion, In ,tin,iiit , lihoz the Orrrue orre.l •nr:.nt”rdor bod 'nnictlito•obytii log the pro: '1•11, tiro ori , litotod tbild ctory:ovenpfed is x It.gtool:ent; (hiller,. by ',obi k Chborne.ptol 0.,,10ed bu. v:, 'Mott 41111 Collodion moo. 0 flold Tho ho'.; Immediately tilted up, and reltdy forpor:LLionit mew • " . ' •- , - . 1 1 V O1 f t . N 4 ”4 5. 13 ?Lll S, ' - Say 27, 1N;;7.—1t., JAA. It.l/61:1)1VNI:. ' ..• _ ' . ‘TEI\ T . li( )()11."S '. Tile Sl;keri ber m hav e i 1 I , i , t , .‘ , .. , !1‘...1 t 1 tlitlf.wing N V PrIII.ICATItiNS: Thill, ,, , 1 , .t 2010r:illy kypoiVli—D. A. IVi.i.t.s, 1 25 Anno I...rand Enr..p..—itygori,rci..l 'llll. Anwri 11 cAns in .1,.06.-1 , ,n. l'Erily. - I 2:. Nlo..tol.t,'s l'A .0.4014.01 noo 1ii..t. , ‘0 i.,11 11,4‘nyg, .75 Lilo orl'• 1W010....--1i,r,111.. 2 lids.. • 1 ;',O 1;tw•ot•.: 1.. nun.. New .01....1.1111 gilt,. • 1 00 A Coq. 0.1... r I. Dtwisi,ng of On. :-.. , :npronn Coort, ,w' I)n. I;nit.mi 5.01..5. 0110 11,.. 11.11,10,,,...0f - --. th , ..l.lixes in (lie Pled !,..• it- en,e, ' r..., 1:1 l •., tin Ill+) 'F..; 01 - 1.1”, Ilnitvri :Onto:. 1 00 Ai.lo..t.on's I:niNay (lii I.• thr Muy. 2:1,. . . . IItoronnoll': Its l'oilvtoP4ol.l , o o :Tltiorylery . zonarßullzion . . lIY I'. So•11•01*. 1 , . 10.. - 1 '25 S,•.ll.oil's 1.1;•• :1,1.1'1'0;11 , s-11 ontotroon, . '.lOO 'l'e:4 ion fly "1 th-olttoe'.A—..llLlooir 3117.1.1:1t, , • 1 f.•. - . t o ,il: , or o %wt.. V lo•oorn. . 10 1 1 4'iocipl, t , 010t00.--.lloNvo ' I no l'kt,ttit of li too, lo I, --Pt , Ir. tip l'AjOorptions-- Ult. K iNI . , f• iii Life of IVahli),Nt.,p, I lob,. Hvo.. ti'uo . ,S 7 Mls= . . . • • 1.; .. cy1.1(111SIC . 1 • ~ , „, P. „ -- ...-,;----.,.... 1I .- •••, I- B. 1 , .. ( Tl' .1., I); . . N0.1.-111.11111na Snug% 25 , --MI lovely Nris! 25 _ Benu , ien of 'P4 rall.a:nr- ..2.-.11“:t....• h'co, 'lr. tiiilge•l ro, Ow l'iaitct, ~ . 4.-tail:.. chorus.. 2:, ity_d_._.%•...thtta• G.—Oh Claotbdied Mii.• I . " - . , . nito•y, . 1;—In I I:ht IV hiFin•tit2i, • . 1%11110 Fitod I is.:ll. Polka, May.firl,•... t. hp J:1111, EC!. i 1%. :'h. '2O .. rnmillo I 1•11,1 _ - . • to Ih•yel"s lt , q11••I de Melodies. . Pa 111.: lit:, --Oil's., di, .Segres—ClorTictorn. . To ' , t ido t•olodtholle. . . tl. 'Three Rolla Pedlut," . .Ju In i•si:itii,h• l'olta. • _ .v14tio!!! l'olldt--6.t.:tth, • . , ;;t1 I; inn•l 1'f1 . ..3 do Volk•ent —lV.tit.try. • • •q:,,ion Iloots Idr •I'ldot )lidodeon,..lllllo, Vitjhl. llohtnt•ilo. etc.. etr. T 11 . 1 - 11 t.. 1.11.1.ra AlsPouilf. I.n t 4 , ilt pi ,TEA.•)”.:t+. fnin nun part 0.1.110 votintry. \S;('6.'l•.\l'l.o2l I nMI'I'II. (II 11'1 It I.' I) t'l I X' S I(I I A N . . L. n brine 8.111,iS I , :".life !luxe ni•arly run out o lis. eot et/ w bile 311 Ilie`East Impel, ii certain eure I or l'onstiattition„lFtliat. Itronelittlit, Coughs, Cobb , . ;0.1 II:till - era: Debility. Ttot routed). 'vas ill.icoYereii ' by him when lib, only child. a llaivglilvr. was tii,en up to ilio. Ile 1,1,1 heard min II of the winnlerfni resit/ 1 , . ivwiIIIII IIII . IIIIIir: I wdirl , .$ 1 1,,,,,..a1”.,,,,0 lb.. 1...,t Int*, Moms, and the thotight iii•ourviid In him Unit Ito might, twilit, a 1110011 for Ills AIM, •Ho Fitt, dlr.! haril, anti rucotteded in. reitWing Itin.w•lslii.s.. tiro ellibl was mire& and is note alit.. anti writ. holing billy, ailtoinirleriiii thit'wonilerliil remedy In :Ilioni.atiols la: RA:r,lel, 111 all parts of the world. mitt Ito has net or failed inntal.iig ituthing• (111110esileroly In•itibb'patiii happy. l‘ I :II 'y to ibt 11,11111011 good 110 Ilt NSibil., hr swill won! t 0 si t itltof big afilit•lit feibtiv-I•oinirs ax-rettnehtt—it,lbitt'rt".-- 4.1.1i05., With bill ~..,r Ps plinit ilieue(lottr to r tmt u tt , r it ail: Illai :•11,,,e4111y 0-log it. Ile roilaire,,neli Mph.' ,ut t vooloso 6frt 0111,11111i114--thIN. I 111 M to' m. , 111 . 11.1 ~11.1110: ervripu, mul I ill, I'ol,lolllder to ha Ili/11110i! to Ow paymont of Mitt nakrrllseinout.. AddresTs. = per.effs who pretend to prepare roe. 'fif the ...I:.ctreet of Ceonill inat.' Ifr. lI J.itet,'e Ile •eip, ;11.1. ,tl4 I plort.Sn to ba his mOl-nor. • All pees , es rireitele , ster.. IT..latnei's sole oljeet t le,nefit the world. end not to oethe money. - Ile Trepan. hi. , -of telleloesTroto there. e•lff.t nd love/ r oil! haritl The hop fftel, elooifr leako lip the niefli..lnf , the reroi,pr 5 ,, is f. fit. Illy., t l .; Ting I Int Med. India [hoop el me Leif ez"tof. grt,ll. 10 admit of n iiernel.try ap.e eat i 111 In 111.. refootly. The itoitetlons ate prol.aliTy roof founded nfolus,es and vorni el, no drug or leo vesting a row rents. May 27. Atli, E. 11()Yrf'S 1)1.1) 111,;:4111:1). iquv.t.rEnu rrr.u. IS 0:111 ,. .0 1 I. I OW B t .t relde, epilpa , 1,1,111.1 . 111) tho :'yrovalse. h V., woro o ill introduce to tj, !loth., or ,vlO, VIZIVATg AND SVPIIILIe DISE.ISES The Pronell ai stem ”t . eon!. lids class of eonyjnin,ts coI has MAO such illtollll , l 1.11V11.1 it y, nud the knowledge he has • Ul' - Ely :11 )D. of trontmentFralleid alltl In tho llrsplta!,,i this Zw7irra,,ta lam in saving that Win° or OM fnrutk Ole iii`iV.l , o IS iv illrn)t,it SlJlt h, QUICK AND pEIimANENT FIVO thousand patients ruled annually. The oi.doyo,t Dr. ll'. II iv% are li oa front ottencit 51110 I—.vont ain t itter'itry and 1,1 late Ell Mango of pitstsnen. = May he eurol at i1' , 1111., l 3,taling their rap., 011•1 dros•ia.• n lotto: to Dr 4'.11. I. 11../V - Iter..ilert. tha mane and play, N, 11.—Ladies In tvalit cf n pleasant And safir reirivtly tn. Irro •,Ustruetioha. dr,. can ..ttaln_ Ifi:UiLA Mt)N'f II hl' PILLS. atilt' Doctor's office fit the Ilan able .Lunde. 'Alarried ladles In ('•rtain shoal ti'sns should nit use them. For .rva ,0 111 1 ,11112 llirortlfula.avlth o.lell—late,-10 . 100-411,01.11t , 1ty - mil to all narts,l the a or:d: 111. IVnt. E. 411.y1 is the/ only agent In the United States, Also, for hale at tile: Dactor's idlleo, the SemaleJ'intertlng I list, untei.A. pre‘enta itltd of Is invaluable ta;' such nsth.'ugh PRNOral e , dilaritontinn or defor.l laity aro incarkeitated P r safe reptitetion. (Inlets front' any pat the, L'Hted States en 1 , 101 3 • t. Mill :isms the return of thainsteantept. Anal all other In atruinents of a [Wis.:au nature. far Ilunale uses, - eau he Lad atilia_Atspd, t Esi jitre L .-Ll.lent ember that I r w. lido is t 'ad rn lr loduanftly established and rospoktsi blaphyslclan lo cot trail-Seer York. that treats prat ale diseases ;mil his panatirc astatois t kraut th every Sta to iu the Union. Remember the place—llaitahlo Arend , .flilfileahour, - U - A.,‘l. - Sundays front 1 till Nilson 0 arralitell Or 110 flay, DR. WM. B. HOYT. .tiyrneline, N. 1. ET our • FE'I'T Elt S NlTunn VOW olj hand -J! law; assortment, 0, L 110 1, 110f.111:111011MINNITuni.Loomunt.5. Jl'n nn Maltogany OreSslng Bureaus, with mw• Ito tops. ofits, rablte3,_antl Wnshkunas• Walnut What NO, ntld Wardrobes. . Maltoettuy nud oldnut Tabre'surnil RIZON, t'rettelt Bedsteads, llahoitatty nllll Plain Tablei, prices. Parlor and ChaiN. nod Reciting Chairs. ult.), velvet pr halrelotk scuts and Intel,. Malto,ploy und Walnut Chairs mitt, hnlreloth or rano 'eats. tal= Coil Mai son thir , 110 w 111111 C/07,111)i, assortment at thy ):1 1 .9 1 4.nreAtOttniti_ntlite.sttlisadber,carver Valet)/ Iln. a.A.cow. 'ETTER: May 11i, 18G7 • - TIO Tars WA Y.l I !:--Tbe cheapest snot: Frany, ie. the reality, ahead or all Ci,1111 , 13. Ladles and tientlemen .w 11) save 26 per cent by purchasing their Hoots and Shoes at than CIIVAI. Shoe Store SOUTIf West Corner of the MI - bile Htluoro,. • ... . . _ ' . •F TS ItESII .A ItItIVAL lA , 800 and SHOES. 'Trunks, Valises. Carpot Raps, umbrollas ke. f 1.,.1u5t, recolvaitfrour-Phlludelphla nu •extenalte • , and splendid sssortutout of - , , , 01.LNT14.1MEIF8 LA,DInS' SHOES,. 'which b:ire ben saldtiod 'with earn from the• Lest mon and whlch hu blll eu,,utet,d the th e i r au junior workmatislibmind Ndnh, lie Lits every 01110:1g, Lit, unit and $l - 0.0 lion Butt:Oda for the Feasott. 11101 which will le sold very/low for can't.-- -A great f 'Men's and 1 10 ye li/titers, Botta Slums and dirottamt, La .dies ihtiters, Laee Bunts, ltuAllts, ttllpprelt. Ties, MIMIC mid Child:lan at the 1010001,1.111,e5, ••• I . orelb,sufs are veepoctfully too iced to' call mid ex, 11I1d 110 eur large nod elegant u,,, , rtioent, and thuy .will find that in bus and itunlity it .1011 e miitadu 101111 . 46 y nitre mare in the plate, -tt,tl...lh , parlitg. Maio at the , 01,M•tost o .0: All Om. sowed tiralls; . l7lMret. mistake. OM elloap'S. ii, Crime of tie puldlc,agtoteu; r.03,t0 11. L. Burithuldevs - , • . • , • ' . ' - •,1AC.)8 81 , 4•71;it, hog C 2, 6, Ctn. uigeaspr to 111.,1.,'07.; ;. ub C4RDISLE . 2 PRODUCE NARR.RT Dili [REPORTED FOR TRE 17ER A EDI , CARL! V, \redneSillj, 3lny 27,.867 --*prfine, per bbl. $ 7,2 WiIEAT pee butifiel CORY Oil is CLovfnsvki) MIER MEM 2.5 'WINTER- . do - 1.1 —_....... Illiontseinents. ..TWENTY GOOD REA,SO is '' WHY _. _. KrICIIIJAPS _.. ---- COMDANED REAPER AND MOWER. . . . FOR 16L7, ' • • IS THE .thost compleie Machine in upe, j_ .... and tho ono bent: adapted to the wunie of tlio For ... lot. Being mode wholly of Iron, it Is more durable Um tiny ether. lid 'lt 1x s.ininiplis that any-persbn can really tonnage It ail. It 'ls on of renvly enthrall huilt, th`tit cannot 0:10113' get nut of repair. . 4111. It Is neat and 'compact, occupying leoo opdre 11/Hll HO' VIII,. • Lth. Thn frame it, tel e'renly, lahthred that.there Is HO - weight 011 1.1/0 lorors' 1110:11/1. ; - ..0L11. 'Tern little Fide Jim " 7111. It will old. lo,avy am,l light don eql.. ll v wo n. it -null 11F., grltss as 1110101 1 1 / 1 Pl' 11/.'..101.11..tur-htrirllo.4,l-14ne4/G the draft • tit -101,1 one.fourthlit ott.wing. Tiro horses it iilverlyit ivlth nose in nny Ylnd or 1/011,41 ..11th. it is the only tintellina with the .riit ter-inr oli• ieetly upp. Fl'e the snail he di ivlne.wheel. 'clogging luu no- 21 h. The opeltlrid n. mitlitg.lghlado elfeetnnll: Iltnvento _ • , lath, Ii rolv* ,,, liiittet: from ti Mower to 14 111. 1 t is the only nutriline nith n rear and shit, de• livery for groin, _ .'l5lll. It • thelnnrbimb whirhiglves the iolfer compl lio ete 0011 /I'ol the grain, both 1/I.ltre and oiler it reao, pall-I,mm -1" - 1 . 114 /01101, - 00 - 111;00 , .01110 1 ./:111/000 1 011/0 711,, Spirt: yen., o f . o..yero,praelleal . I.' Join 10111 111010 CI 1 / 12 poe• ntatiri t, es hove pi, on itH 110.0111.0,1.1/11Fool• oricy, -1 11. - e_itine: It improlie.-will6M.: 1 , 1,11. All llie improvoloon to for 1527, 11000 have loon praetletilly :111.1 . loth, Eettre tort of the nmehine ,onto by nnloier workmen. and In Ile 111 o r, 11 01,1 I:11 111110 10. , genp Men.- In rut grow. 111111 .0111111 as well an as d It can lot "I'l 111. 61 th • keythe Cr cradle: . 11 ,00rd, , Farmer con laty without env I ocarina nrriploo,xperionce proved that It is renlia 1 lo L 1 oil iv, to. tli lritor,,ond In 3, to. ettlett• tatrly, as the tame ta .s cat.on Of 1001 hove,.;7. H t e. f a beenr. ,en then, than duuble tb 00 - .1 . 1 , . P.-- :2,unplo Maohins4 may LI, seen fn Carllsle In n Gar 11335. • - .1 So. >^ Atrl.t.t t.t.,1.010w 7th. North v.cottt. SPAM; LEH. AuldManufacturers, Itendlog,ltr,.. 25 WITNESSES THEFOR- R CONVICTE • JOtIN 1 / 1 - IC, IN the Auther: • -- , te d i n-y! , r iol s— c x-pdcri:.- az, tl Ior 0 r. - 6 • . . _ . !--.• ' A SEMIS -Dr LucTui:Es AT TI18,11ItQAD • IV R.N_A AI"rApEiLLE . . . ,vlioi.o. for. len'e nights_ .tri,- ever fai 3 Ono •, 1 ,1,' "h'-'1'!"-4v ereeted him witli - Ituds er Applause, n ,.-. while he exlill.iteil the manner in which Ceiniti , ;-"," fellers oTeente their .Fratols. and the Sun:4 WWI W ` / t oot lost 31« ns or Deto - ting them. - , . -. Pank Xote E n ,r;trers all,edy Mat he is the . . , i 1 ./ailgt r!! Alper IV:.. ney Lim' v.- ' _ . _. K Greatest . Discovery of the Present -- Centuryfor .. . -4 1eittfiNT o:cunt(crftit `gaillt 41 ottst. ..., , c _ .., Ca I.: ' ,- lll , erihilokl:i.stir . :, UllllOlO,ll 1P In Eal,tence. null ,7. a glaneii every Counterfeit in Cl,ll - lethal !:- Arianpoci oo:nlnihably, that . • 9liltEscr, Is PIA sy AND DETECTION IN • STA N 0 . No Jodi, to exnuilni,! Ku poses to hunt up: lint so simplified and ai ran,,ol.l.lmt Olt 31erelmnt, stud Rusin— 31., Ml ' 000 AT 4LANVO , FLENCII AND OCI:NIAN. o • Thus each may read. the same in o his own Native Tongue. htost Perfect Bair 6 l-•Note List Pub ca • lished. • Alen, n UFA of All the Private Rankers In Ante. 'lea. A Complete the 1101Ince of LSo- 11:0 nnd Anlel n 11l he inthlb.hed iu ea,I I? tog..( hop all Important NEWS TII nI nu OM 0> • • 111 , d-in Cl:., 1::114:: It turnish, Ibo lll .t eomplero In -tiny of (1111ENTA 1.1 LI, c.," F.:10.111g 1110 Wool Perplexing L l ...aloft:, In width -• the Ladies and Gentlt)lnen of that r. , ‘Ditry 1 +, o no nu. en hannl. These } , thries n 111 continuo throughout the n bole y Ito. and 0 111 wove the • nllO4. nut over 11110011 to 1.1311 41)• l'urni,ll.llvkly to-FrOollfilAA.,./nly, it $1 n year. All let tels most 1 o adthlotool to .1011 s S. 1/1' E. Nolte, I'o.ll,ller tool Proprietma, 70 Wall A L, 5. y, May :!7.-1857, CARLISLE FOUNDRY, FEq cmt Fl SHOP, • uTintl . klllj.o SASH I , AII'JRY! Fast Main Ftrect, CARLISI.E. Till , extol:sive entaldishment is low in Complete or mippli.4l with the Intl oint•hioury po. o‘mutitur work ill en ery delmrtmoot. 'rho holitihms (info oho bolt /rmtlfy volorred Uilt spri Cr, and Willi the hell not tint wi a 1111111111,d 1.1.18 fur the notoulavture of • I/001:S, WI N 11011 . i i. SA';'ll, rorq. Illiuila, 51..n1.11nyis, Bra..ltel, and 'nll ntlior Lind: n• word, Wt. I,All..,Eniltlin,. pollyrs 11,1 1 1111•1'S 14/ t• 1111 111111 1'X:1111111e 1 ur d, ius 1.1.1% dr c, 4111011 1.1 . xll6. 1111. 1 4.•1 :11a1,1“1,, and nrir. , ...nelliW 11N At hilly ,/1111 . 1 . 1,tahti•lam•at In I.lin_Qouoiv Itl . rinr,v lieu,. ENWNES 111111.1" W 01:1)1,11. had topaired ne heretofore. - Engines hale been relent• 114 loth) Ii r Heed. ~on ire. in Ilth hen ugh Itry'son lu .(Ilea vllle. tAtatle \Veltel. 311tIttlet,n, at whir.° they hint I 6 ,et•tt In daily 9.- erallon.itild to nitwit Wlreall refer for evidence rf bliperiority.` . . I= of eye! y duet it it ion, ill in the gtitallu,t In the fit , nl,lr , t r,vrtartl nt Awl t uothr for e,ety 1,1‘.11 I ton. ohltiery: A taro. variety of mitt rastln r , li,lW iu liand Two sktilftli en.plop d.— it RING nttet.dett to tor Toper Furtorirs. &r: Int hing. !Ind Fitt:tug AT. done In thel,cht = 511C11 . Burl] Guar Four , ors, rowels: Itt airman! Gear' Four awl 'lwo llinaw.aihwers. Citn ('rashers, l'haa.lrysthu, a n d t slat or .(unlptlymind.r_lo W:ItIIEN CAM; 1:1:11:1' and repa'red. Our raelllti e s fir 1,101111" g Cars are and ,nor e eeinp'ete than herutelere and enai l's us 10 fur , _ I WI them to 11:11 , 9.1t IS oi, the I ail and u, ntirtre thillne• ( thu I est letlerial, Ci dela , sollelted and en! ire,Slll isfartin rtlttrmitee 1. ' . he long expel truer to the' Ipr lr., lqr Of the seeit r • partner or ihet 111;1h :toll tho rompletent,s 'nr I Ur um chimer) . In eu ly I.rauch es!al Ifshterr.t warrant us' in aLQuilnir the I art ,worlt lb all who Sin or 110 • elite (Vie e a ,l e fe,. I. I riled patronage of our 01l Mend" and the public Is restlev'tfully euih. led. May 20, . • r. & Cu. ,:fFentafc nancuANICSEURG, n.lnWintion designed Ar the Mora? Equration Nexs . fous,-gl;re - fliontbe eitoh, - 7 - o,liTi;firTinAFFfAeoll . er ,IFV:Ti.Wkrfls . . Closing January iluth, Juno an h. A. a, SIAIILATT, A. M., Prindi al . . D OCTOIt AR:I 5T I,RONG,I!nm reninr: od his office to Centre Square Ivest of tom Couat lionse; ashore he may be consulted at any hour ut the ' h t i t ly cr night. Dr. A. ban had this ty years experience. halm pa,l'esslen, the lest ten of which hove seen do-c -teal lath° study anal preetice of Homeopathic meali clam; ''`, Aley . 2o; '67—em. , ' . - I\TOTIM 7 .i. - o — CTIIIII - CI-111 - UILDERV.. ' 1. 1 ""'"lTlans and'specifirations for the Emory Meth odist rpiecapal Churelittkbe erected on the corner of West and Pomfret Streets, Carlisle. will be exhibited. -- At the Counting room of .Incokilbeem On Wednesday.' _ the 'Mtla Instant, at whirl' tlaneNcAnditinos and tonne 'a .;',; will be made known.. The job Is wort! filii - 4 itetitton' of Blinders. and propriaals for the entree work .will to ' received until tho lath of 'Tune.' '\ ' .. The foundation soul be. renuired to be lit‘toadtrioos : , lor the Corner Stone on ilaoth otjuly, • 2••• . ' C. COLLINS', - I Builslits M ... . • .1. RIEM, - ' R.. A. HILLMAN.. Committee.' ' Carlisle, Mal 16, - IA3I. .' • . • . , • ... .ItOUGUS. EAT V. , .• • • .riety ennsisl - rif Prouty, blinkers, .j. edge hill. subsoil,. In üblu and Star Plumbs with wrcuglit shares, also cop tailing cultti ntoru. 2 nitl, steel.' nail • ratrn.lblu troth, gr'd aid Aline. rnl6s, Cast Iran Boller& hay, sting and fodder Cutter with a Ini:gn, tment : of la/final arid Tnoip, at admire:llu retail. , ' morOus &. co. -.. ._,Jinetnnei.L4ncl.mud.staro7l,ll/tud NatkOt '• . /ARG A bYE.S. 'French:. Lawns 'an4 n r ei Itiil!*l of Iho histeit ilv11; 14 had at r p1:1111.1iik pri6va the; , niw (tote of" ",:, . , IB iiilS 7: