Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 20, 1857, Image 4
_,_....lamitr,i!.. - -,-„-Rtpiltizjitilt; 1101 • • From tLo Amoricau yarme . r. Planting of• Calm!' As. preliminary to the,culturefif core . vire . wiil lay down a few .proPoSitions,, it; the.adharence to which we believe sue Bess materially' depends; .• --Fixslly. We ht*ve that a large crop .• of corn csiindt be grown or lead nu aided by manure, and -that the Manure I • inst. be riok i tyzand. large. in quantity: Webelreve also, - .thet„even on good hind, manure will-not only prove .beneficial, hutis highly necessary to so : . eure g a verry large crop.. Seconlly• We / holier° that all land intended to be culdvated in corn 'should, be ploughed deep, 'and' thoroughly pul • • verised 1.6 r harrowing or tiyagging,..and essentialiTbeees sary to-encourage the growth, and secure a- free and.unobstructed range tothe,rnots Of the corn plant in search of focid..• --• I We. believe that fifty acres of land that may have been liberally* nu-, . nured.and thoroughly pulverized in 'the process of preparation, will _yield More „tiahn will-one nundred - neree . • where. these conditions - may have been neglected. 0f the•truth olthis proposition, the exPeri-. -epee. of every 'observing corn planter -must-long-since'-have - taught • him; for ' there is no plant that grows, which re-. quiresonore or richer food than it; and it Must be obvious to every ono.who . may have studied thd matter, that if the fleece. • • stery inorgan 116 substances be present . in the soil, you . cannot give}. the corn-plant • too much organic food. Fourth/h . . We believe, that, to secure .. a very large product of Oro . , the requehe number ofstalks must be open the ground, -flybear-the ears;-and-henee-tho-necessity of generou nianuring, and neat and eu - itable preparation. of the soil. - Fifthly. We believe that inorgan ic - manures; Viz; solphOric acid, magnesia, soda, lime, potash and the phosphates, are just-as .esentjal to the orowth ar maturation o a arge.crop,a corn, as are V•organic_or_animal manures, both 'kinds, • in our view being equally necessary. .;Therefore ' if there be Well grounded fears ' that they do - not - naturally - exist -i n - the soil, means should be taken to apply • them - artificially. . We-believe-as-indicated - in: our second proposition, •that deep plodgh-. ing„is absolutely essential to'tke, growth of aArpn field jil s qprli,:anail we wish to be.aistinetly understood as to. what we mean by the term deep, we will explain . out meaning-- We-do not - consider-a less depth than 8 inches:las coining within our intention _in the use-of the:term, and wd . are free. to. confess our belief, that 12 inches, were attainable would be still better and produce. more .favorable • results. V, We say this,_notwithstandimr . the dread entertained by many, of turn ing up the' poison, till,' as the advocate of ploughing only three or four inches in depth. term it. The more deeply you pen ' •etrate the earth TIM greater is the capac ity you confer upon it to drink in the ruins,-and to . econolnize the 'organic ele ments of the rains, of die air, and of the devis; and, provided propel:attention has been paid to tli9 pulverization of the in • vetted soil, the greater facilitylif offered to the plants to search for and assimilate their food. Those who know the fact that the tap toot of the corn plant descends beyond 4 feet in? depth, and that its • lat . eral roots extend from row to row, will . readily perceive tlu, utility ofdeepplough ing atit.dAtorough pulverization, as, aids to healthful feeding. 'Again, experience teaches us all that such preparation of the soil has the double effect ur enabling t 6 Bland; drought and wet better than whai under skim ploughing and indiferent pul verizatioe: : Seven thly. We believe that the culti vation of corn should Commence from the time the plants are three inche's in heigth , and be continued at short intervals until • the crop is laid by; that no weeds or grass should be permitteci,togrow beside the. earn plants, or in the rows between thsni, from time time the latter-come up, until their culture is completed, hence the lie _ cessity,ft•rearly and frequent cultivation'. • But although we are' the advocates of deep.prepamation of the soil, we are not , , the 'advocates of dimbp m•tirrini , ot. the ground in'the cultivation ,of 'this crop, 'and therefore perfer the corn loirroW, ul - the cultivator, acompaiiied by the lie 4 .t io the plonglr. ' Now-tken, if the precedingilaroposi, ion be adinitteti—and we honegfirlielieVe that theyofig - ,lif be—we willlie eiffiblet, - to arrive artheseitapottant facts in , coriw groWing, viz: 1. That manure; and plen ty of it, is essential to ensure a good crop ,---2: That to ensure a very Jorge yield there must be 'the reqUisite •number of stalks on the field,-3- That the culti ration' must'he' commenced early and be. • frequently.repeated, in order that the plants may be kept perfectly clean, and the earth opened to atmospheric influen ces. 'llia word, the whole mystery of growing a good crop of corn • may be. —ammtmed-trp-iirthcserwordsrimiTruisztber= • allb-vhnyh deep--;:pnlVerize. the soil the), 011;1/L1y-1-cultivate cleanly As we have Often. given , formu'aq, • 'prose ribig- kinds and quantities of mu: nure to manure an rcre of corn laud we will not repeat thei4 here; but ,would rcommend that every eorn.planter. who, • - - may have the means convenient, n) mat - ter how well he_ may have manured - his. • corn field.previoutny to ploughing in' his -manure-to-manure, his crop in the hill nls Bitch topical applioatious assist the. ger-, urination of the seed corn, and pushes the plants forward: n the`-early.stage.o' their growth-,:-=two verY 4nportant con . siderations• rlt is,not: . utaterial ; : whether. thete-lipplications -be-made-in at the time of planting ,tbe cern,. c. or .on - • the hill after - ilia';cern•le — dr,oppett - and ,COVEfild. Iti.either,mode they , will do good,—wel'hewever prefer the,first' plan. .Hell•Corit . posts.No,',l,.. For, an • acre* in corn 10:iinelteli . of :rotted' ~ dung; intimately inixed with, - 5 busheis of glebes 1 - bushel tif - jilia4ar;; sad 2 lOacisi. inty, bdehole otweil rettell • @ROI qrtlip mixture. • .No. 2. 2 liitols'af*iiiali.:MOOls4):B9lbs; of Periiviicii - 0.40, - -0, of , `,atiltes,; 1 bushel orilaster andAtic;tUsbel ,. of.ttalt. to - he Wult Csed;togatlmr,==ip.l3lO - oiiab; bill a small handful of the mixture.t'. No: 8. 2 loads' of inset uk,(”l, 40) sorapinas, or road - seraßings,_ 199110.., of. Of and' one bush el of.plaster, to' l be:lielltniied together to each fiill a Isinall handful. , Li.. 7_/ I.A__lt_i; 'l' ,$.4 4 .? . E.....4i.1.:(1i,t141.:.N.1.111X..f. , . • 1,.. FORINDRBINITY AGAINST LOSS *FMK. , THE FRANKLIN .1111 E• INSURANCE CO'lr.;' • !„_.„, _.. '__..OF_PIIILADELPIII/42 , 4, • _ ' • Charter' Perpetual.•=titaLOOU Capita) pitlifith `-'olEcel 10834 Chesnut street.. I """111AKE INSURANCE, either ilOrnitlllo n t or limited, against ziors or Ilamago by fire, on PROPt:RTV and tergare Ornery description, in town or ()wintry, on the moat reasonable terms., Applications tondo i niter personally or by letter, will be prdinptly attended to. . t --- '--•-• •-••••---- -- • CL - N- - BANGKEE,Prefet.. • the 'fittleferilber is **Out for ihe' above company for 'Ongllsle and its.vleinity. All applications fir Insurance. either by wail or persouallp will be preinptly attended to by • r . . .. ' A. L gPONSLPIt, • _ det.l2,'o. , . Real list4to Agent and Scrivener. 1; 1 11M TirE. ALLEN - AND EAST PIDINDHORO MUTUAL 'maul -IN-. itANOR COMPANY of Cumborlsnd county, incorpo rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully ergo iced, and in oporation under the management of the folibwing • commissioners, viz: — . • Daniel Dailey, William R. Oorgas, Michael , Cocklln, Meicholr Drennomani Chrittlan Stayutan, John C. Dun lap, Jacob IL Cbover, Lewis ilyor, Henry Logan, -111111 li.- Musralr, _Jacobjtuunitit,,JPaeldl Xigkerahaui, Alexandm Cathcart. The ratesof insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the Stalp,, PeDsPismlshingD: become members are invited to maks application to the aJonts of tile company, who .aro wilting - to pall upon them at any tints. • • 11ENJ. 11. MOSER, President. • lIIINRY LOGAN, VlC'e President. , • .. • ' . L 'IND% .Seeretary. MICHAIIL"COCKLIN, Treasurer. • CUMBERLAND COUNTY,—)tudblph Martin, N.Cum holland; C. B. Dorman, Kingstown;'lloury gparlug -- Shirt — iiiignstown,; ClFinal- 1104 Cartliddi Churchtown ; (Witham, West' Ponnshoiongh, Mc Dowel, Franktord; Mud° tirlffitif, - South Mid dleton; Satimol Coover, Benjamin Ilaverstick, lilochan icaintrg ; John Sherrlck,' LiabuMi; David.C,oover, Shen. YORE COUNTY.—iolin Bmrtnnn, Dil)churg; Peter Wolford, Franitlin; 'John Smith, Eim. Washington . ; - S. Picking, Doter; J. W. Craft, l'aradhm. L'ochman. •- Members of the coma • having •" - 7 • • nircan c hove - yndby making applltltl )am of the aget.ix. • IiIR.ISTMAS - AND ? NEW YEAR. Thu store of the subscriber is In rect Ipt l . nnd , the shelves are lIONV supplied with a handsome selection tif :ne and 14 eh • - • _ N C . NA, . ' • -and decorated 'Utley -ware, such-as' kukstands,'llaSketic Torus, Coffee cups, Jewell hiixes,"loy Ten and 'Dinner Netts, China dolls., In variety, and a variety of other articles all well nutted for the coming liollidam • . tlitool•3tlES AND SPICES in every variety. fresh and of hest quality have just been added to our Thriller stock. . - _ ' • . NLiV • or Nib - fillo quality In bninil socks alio :on 11In11 • lIRANBRICRIES, RAISINS, . Currants, Citron and other'goods adopted to thaseason u vsriety, ronstantly in store and for sale by , : • ' Q aid Isla: Dee.lo, 'N. .4e w. Erv. .., . J AR DIV-ARE ! • HARIMARE .101 IN P. toqN A: SON ,- aro now receiving their Fall/ Stock of Hardware. which with , their tbrs nior heavy stock inakeS it ono of the largest nod most • varlodossortetents , over offered to UM 'public. They have every thing Out the Fartnt , r, the iluilder,the ifferchitut..or the public: may scant in their lines. and which they'are selling kt_the very lowest prices. They: solicit a call - from the public before making their puts chases, no they I'm moodooLthey..con offer inducements that will reward tho bu •er for the trouble....: ' Feeling: Ihniihtoi to n elleeerol4 tOddi, fts.tikdolilstrle era van: age. a COlitillUdliell of the HOMO It solicited at our old stand in North Hanover iitreetXarlislo. MEEMI= Octobor 8, 18511 • -GAS_TITTING AND PLUMB -INII.--Cho-undersigned would luferimth u •iti4ens of entirnie • that lie •has made arrange 111011tri to doGAS PITTING and •PLUMIIINO at short it" on "'reasonable titans, Ile has engaged the Son ekes of a first rate linfid an Philadelphia, nod has sup plied hlifiselfwitli,a,u extensive assortment of PINT GRES, which will etifiblo him to fill all orders pfuniptly All work will be Warranted. Ills clock of (las - Fixtures will-be4lrundlipreisite Tin.lug pstabliOnnoninANMkh Hanover street, where liThtvites a call. '. • 'EINNING, SPOUTING. Is abs.s prepared to furnish. or make to order. every article of TIN useilVy housekeepers and others, 'lle will also attend .rtai SI9)IITING, 110U811-HOOFING," BELL nod - . PLlfltllNG. •• • 'Montt fill To'r the patronage with whiehlie hasnlready• tenni- favored, he respectfully seheits a continuance: of th 4 same. Carlisle, Juno 14, '64 MOIROE MORRIS . CARITTING ANI) OIL CLOTHS . .. I ha vo jtist rocolved it latgo assortinent of Elegant. - IMperlol, Ingrain, Vuoltlan and Stair Carpeting. Also, 8-4, d. 4, 6-4. and 44 Floor Oil Cloths, which 1 will at uncommonly low prlecd.-, Carlisle, April 8, 1857. 1)00TS AND SHOES.—A hirgeand • st;?romplet assortinent oCillmts nod Shoes of every e and fashion. la'tilos - Ilne - Morocco ellippers,9lhots, (Neter:, Ac.; '.3lleses and Childronet ditto; Stun and " Boys ditto. Jnst received and now opening at the cheap . store of ADDLE AND • lIARNESS •.MAK imi..,Tho sUbscriber contintihs to carry on the above linsinesS,ln nil its varleus branelies,iu Northpan: 'over Street,' Carlisle. two doors North of Leonard's cornet 'where he Intends keeping on hand R general assortment In his lino, consisting of all kinds of fashionable SAD. DLOS, Bridles, Martingales, Malts, ,'""-----.. Clreingles and Hai ter, also TRUNKS, \.., 0 \•.:. % ', traveling and saddle --,, .',n , bag, Ile also eau- • . • •• . ufactures - •the most • '(141 ,f :i. 4 .l l ; l n l'i tli.% S t S tF i ti l L ::v n e. fsill s n e ,tat t,h . l.- , ( . "I . will do NVldi to call and see them. lie • a . also manufactures Ilarnei.s. Millet •Collars and Whips in all tholroarle ty, and confidently believes front the genend approba thin of his customers, that he makes. the neatest and host gears. in all their variety of Medal', that Is made lu the country. Ile also •makes all kinds of Matrasses te order, sir: Straw, Dusk, Carlini Hair end Spring Mitt. mixes. All the above articles will be outdo of the best material and wiorkumuship, and with the utmost deist patch, ' ' WM.OSBORN.- • • I.IIDEN AND FIELD SEEDS.- A lance assortsnont of new and genuline Hower. Floid and tianien Seeds, In every inanity, at 'wholesale and retail, embracing all the none and desirable kinds, carefully pot .rip in papers for the retail trade, or sup plied in bulk. Chinese Sugar Cane, Seed, Japan, Peas; Orange, IVater, Melon, Bc., Ac. Also, a choirtrassort, merit. of find Flower SUMIN-20 varieties in fancy boxes; for fl. Clean Clover. Timothy, Orchard Union, ltye linos, fiord Urals, lino awn linos Sued. Ac. PASCHALL, MORRIS St CO., Agrlenitural Intpieinent and Seed :Store, N. E. corner of • .7th rind Market streets, PhQadolphla. March 11,1557. . - . IXT FiNSIyE I? Ult NI.TUI,tE 11,003 i J . .1,1111.;:s It. IV hIA V Hit would resoecibully cal 6 .. i • - ~ o.•• the at tentlim or llouse•KeeperTi add the publi to his oaten:dye stock of oIott.FURNITtIItE including Sofas, Wardrolies,Cehtre and Tables '7 7 • Dressing and Plain Bllrea UP, and every oilier article in his branch of business- Also now on hand .iho largest ansortMolit of CHAIRS in Car.'sle, .t „.„. • the lowest prices. AOFFINS made at tlin short- •- • -•• est notice and a hearse provided for funerals. lie — blieitiririlhirarhignstablishnientinu-North-llau- -.- - - oerstreewnear filaske's. lintel. ,_.. _ . . . -• _1 _ . v riarFurniturp hired out by the month sr t ping, . • IVN_ _._ I • 1)0 W . GLASS!-8 by 10, and y ell other sloe, or Hanks, Monroe. And Jackson Window Olnst4 single add Double Thick and Anwrlsan l'lnto. ~ Haring an ostensive stork. and daily receiving largo quantities, we can ftWnish with the greatest prompt feSs anti the inwe'st wholrady prices, the above au po ..rlor-brands of ttluduw_Olns• • Sly. A OS & BROTSERS, • Manufactorore, S \V. cor. Front and Arch streets, Ithila • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENS. A large And woU soloctod rtnarrtmont . of Agrlul-' oral and flortloaltuml Implements. embracing every ___thing_ln3ded by thn Farinur or Unrdonor Plows of groat vareyod ot.ditruront nines. fritig - tub - mrgur and boat nosurtmUnt over offorrkin PhOndulphin, Thu , 'ffinrs; Cultivators, Mum noon, Limo Sprendorn, £0; . . . PASCHALL, MORRIS A CO., • • N. E. ear. 7th and Market streets, POlla March 11, 1857. • ' VALUABLE CORNER PROFIT 'AT PRIVATE SALE: ; • • "hat very valuable and well i known 'BUSINESS ITAND sitnate on tho.corner of North Ilatiovor and louthor Streets, In the borough of Carlisle now mined and occupied by Jacob fetter, containing 30- teat fr ont. on ilanimver street and 24.) foot on I.outhor stnlet.— .. The improvements on Ilennover stecet - are a him° TUUBBEIt STOItY, NOUSE; with a large brick back build. Jog_tinishod in tho most °temp re t inannor„contalidng 11 Aromas Including tlie sto room, beeld'es 'elation . - and convenient closet armtiginnentit • The STONE 11.0051 is 38 feet'in depth, fitted up In the best oossibleinanner of the moat desirable and long .stabllshed business locations : ln our town. • t '• There Is a large two story,brick - building fronting-on" Loather street, With a shop attached; now occupied ss ' a cabinet maker shop. Also a stable on the,foot of the lot, and other necessary ont buildings. ; The.-property in excellent order haying been recently fitted up-brt helpmeet occupant ' • Nor tonne &c. enquire of ~ L,SIKINSIAIR; , -- 'sett t .1855 • heat EMU° 'Agent and Scrivener.,,: • 4.; n 1 M 143,1; .31; :3f T H 17 MILLWDIGAIT AND BUDA I,IILLSTONJI MA. • Elcde frotiriater _of .Jahnson'e 'applotind • ind „uch traproTad.B),lUTT AND SOREKNING 6.1A0111NP4 ['proved Iron 011qC-01/0 Bran .Dturter, the Premium hltv ilne fathillloro:• ," • ,• " • ' Itasinaspa.—No. 'at Queen street, (18th Ward;) ad- TVS Kensington Post Office:, . . • !,'' , snop,,--dtwiock Stmt.; blow Hunt. • 7 ' 4 3, 1 1 1C6 5 tiii atntlx, hill! Imne. Brnutt IsehlneS, - 'teut hlul Dumb, Portable Idlllo;'Strotehed Belting, "cemant"and.den•en'ylre, , AQUAlitt pourpro " < <:<•.7 116 Jtli:NT:44`lie ~Ton-rin Alloy on s . :ll . oroiltjoioto . pf troei, tit o.,el,Eionnotmeo p , . • 4: ~,, , ,Xati.ines-,!-Afeii)w- - - - '-''-..- , G . E o -B; at ,j1:-G• FACE .., aUbTIOE OF TH E xlin„„Qfflce opposite 1.113,61Ve4 end flit' thq Court'llouse APO 23, 1850.,",: • . , . .... , .. ' ..' . RHEMII, Attorndk, En Mai* •Stroot,,Carliele, Ontrotod to blm *III bo promptly at tondod to. ; 1-1 -- P:7FIUIIRIOWEAttioniey- at:Law. kj 1 , -0 in co On North Ifitnov‘or stit4.t. a fon doors south of llotol. 'All n .bosluess-ontrusled to bits will be promptly attupdad to. ' Art) . N. GREEN, -Attorney ,at Law: _,nL *Office to kart Main Street, Mehnnlreletrg, atterad.o4SUlLVlLYlNG..lll.coniroxion,Ath. hla profeseloe. i Jlilny 21, IS f4l.—ly; Office in North . 11tmovor street trio doors from Welsq: Cnmpboll's atom. Ofko hours. mono particularly from to 11 o'clocki A. 31.. nod from 6 to 7 o'rkick,l'. 31. • • "'" • , --- .. . • TAOCTOR S. P. ZlEQLElt..Office Ur and Residence Emit IlMin Street, third door °low the Market'llouse. Calla In town and county promptly attended. •• Carlisle. Jan. 2, 1250. . ... . , ... , , .. Du. I:C.LOCMIS South }known: street, ••• - 4 — r next door tp'tlie Post , • • tra_Willtio absent from Corliolo the lost fen doys rotetteli-nomtM . „ ii ,,,;,e7. 7 ,_.... To ,. GEORGE S.. SEA i_f ittairr, DENTIST , from , the Bel , uses - a . , , Woo., College" of lleotel Surgery. vts-Oftlee st the residence of Ills mother, Enot houthet street. three deem below Bedford. ltefereWee—Dr. Geo Z. Bretz. ,' . • • , - • .Alatch 19,1950—tr. . -. SORMENEII, --r- AN: -- CONTEYAN C - gEONSI.IIMI and county. will carefally 'attend to the transaction of all such business as may be ontruiatsad to 'him, such he Om writing of Deeds. Mortgages Contracts. he. lie aka devoto his attention ao the procuring of Land War rants, Pensions, kc. ns woll no the purchase and sale of Kona Estate, negotiations. oflasms, a. tpir,.olllco on %Vest High Strout. formerly occupied, yW. M. Emmen Esq. near the MuthotEst flau,rh. 13E!GME! S.,ZNYD.KR & IW.FARLAN,E LAND AGENT MINNEAPOLIS, UpposSte the Suspension Bridge, FaOS of St. Anthony, Minnesota Territory, will buy and soil Made, .negotiate loans, lorsteland warrants In Minnesota, lowa. and Wisconsin. Inquiries respecting the country, by letter or otherwise, promptly. '• 0 REFERENCES: ••••• • Ihm. Alex:lt:nosey, Ex•Govertior, lion. Il. M. Mee; Delegate to Oongress, ' (tot. Pollock, Harrisburg. ' • • . Jlll3lll It. Steele & Co., Philadelphia: - e Hoe. 'Frederick Watts, Carlisle, . A. Brady-Sharpe. Esq., - • - 3lngt 1111 l . Now Perk, • • • Robert Now Orleans. • James It. !mine, Esq.. Nowvllle, . Hon. J. S. Black. Somerset, Penn's., 11en..1. It. Eddie, " • " .1. tleod, iilayor,Springtleld, Ohlo,' • •Gen:C.. Anthony, ' JAB. Carson, Esq. St. Louis, ' Wm. Wilson,.Eßl., Baltimore, Md., J. T. Wilight, Charleston, S. C.,- J, M. Wilson; Philadelphls:'-- 30.000 Actus of Ur Unproved Land for Sale;at'ilum $.2 to $lO per luau; ,_IIISO Improved• Farms: Loin for hale In St. Paul, St. Anthony, and all towns - -on-tho Minn, solo . river. . iii„iLl'ortieulsr . attention given to-4lie Lesning . of Money, nod Entering Land Worrants. - Address, .• M'FAIILASE fftrelt- 9 6r1 - 85t R A -b E• E.E S A.IAGENCY ANDnEw U. EUU. m, JEFF T1101111 , 50N , EGEL TII WIWI. SOY,' have oponed an Mlle° at St. J oseph,'3lo.. for the pur chisdand sale of Heal ltstate. buying and selling Laud Warrants, entering Land on Tittle, Surveying and Map• -plug Tomes, Location of trarrants. nod =Ling, invest. nients far nun-residents. paying of Taxes, and all Lust• MSS pertaining too denerat Lain! Ageney In Missouri, •liansas,-Nolauskit, nod rows, • - Irty..ollleo-otr Second Strout, North - of A: T. - Wattle's Banking lions°. puly 30, 1850. IIAItLISLE 'FEMALE SEMINAR — SY -/-di 11: and HRS. CbAttli-,who hatobeen for fieSo74. - years ou t raged lu teachin g , respectfully announce th the eitiseits of Carlisle and vlelnityt-ttnit on the Ist-Of tie'. they-wlll ellultiumkp mt e s uid sesalostatt. Lout her Street, near the Demuth Delimited Church, of their ' - .SEMIN - ADY 'FOR YOUND LADIES, _ • The Institution': will ho both , a boarding 'and day school, In which all the branchewneressary-forttnrcom pieta education of young What will be taught. Assist ants 01 the highest _character for qualifications and morality will be employed in accordance with the wants of the Institution. The gqvulmment will be conducted on strictly Christian princlides, while sectarianism nit be as rigidly excluded. The Principals tatter titemselveti thotilwir long and successful experience .1,60nd s, ns testified by the recommendations 111 their possesslief, will enable -them to establish on Institution of the highest charnektdhr young ladies. - They are fully pertunded that such an Institution will he sustained here by, the citizens and neighboring country, and hope that their confidence may not i.e ,disappointed, - The Scholastic year will consist of four terms (eleven weeks each): fiegluniug or September I and ending on second Wednesday in July. . . . , TERMS PER QUARTER (II weeks). OGILISY CHARLES 0011.111 C lioarding, .Including rod, lights, and ' tuition in - English - Innnrheb,'- 4135 00' Primary Daparimont,.. '• 0 00 nigher English, - ' 8 00 • Anchnd and Modern Languages. each, 6 00_ Ornamental branches at pmfeNsor's cluigcs. lip deduction, for absence alter entrance, except Li rose of protracted illness. . lion. FRED'K. WATTS, Rov. C. P. WINO, . J. D. PARKER, Esq.; A.( ii. Klt EmEn,; JAMES " JACOB FRY, ! •1 T. IL'SIiIId :S, Esq., • " W. EELS. ' Dr. S. 11. KIEFFER. " J. D. MORES, Rev. Mr. STERRETT. Nor. 19, 18119-1 year. \ fr;i l i'il; l }: .I.s\ 0;‘"it ( A l l ' i v li l l ) s1 1 2 1 to st ; The Twelfth Scssien of this Institution will commimco on Monday, the ad of November.' Parents and Iluar dians-are 'requested to inquire lute its merits before sending their sous or wards elsewhere. The location of the Institution is retired, pleasant and healthful, and the- ammo of instruction embraces the unlitm ry and higher branches of uu English Education, to gether with the Latin, Greek, French, and (1,111110,in- Kangas, mid vocal and instrumental-aisle. Torn., hoarding, washing, and Tultlein in the English bran C hes and vocal music per hUPFIIIII (21 weeks) 400,00. For . circular containing particulars address. - Bop. 17, 1056.] 1). MENLING „ Iltirrlaburft, Pa. f IL AIN FIELI) -ACADEMY.—Near CARLISLE, Pa.— i Thu Twentieth. Session (five months) will commence on May 6th. A new build.. tug has eructed containing 1.411111:m1nm, Musk Room Ae.:, . Increased facillas for instruction and ample accommodations, this Institution presents great - in ducement4 to parents who desire the, physimi and mental improvelaunt of Shoir sons. „ Terms nor Session, $O5 GO.. For amnia, a. with full inforumtion, address It. It. Principal and Proprietor, L'lalutiold. Cumberland on.. Pn. April 0.1858. • ....... • 19c014 Ny R B 1_4 . 14 COLLEGE removed to the IteMand spacious Mali, No. 99 an BA WEIMORE nitENT, lialtimomlld. • ' O.K. CiLtmosnuu, - Prlnelpol and Lecturer upon Morcott tile Selene°. ' ' . . . • . E. K. Loinut, In chorge of Writing Deportment. Cl. W. Kims, Instructor In Mercantile Calculations and. Associate In Book. Keeping. Deportment. • :1. M. PIIILLII.B. Teacher in hook Keeping. . . ' 8 -T. {Yu:Lints. Lecturer on ConimerriaLlaw.- Three years have not yet elhpsed since the establish ment of this institutlom'cluting which time upwards of eight hundred students have boon In at:lend/thee, (rep. resenting nearly every Stale In the Union,) among whom aro numbers In Baltimore and elsewhere occupy. Ing'prMainunt positions as business mon and account ants. • OOURSII OP STUDY: • Docnc_kEEpirmt____Thg_priudpal ss the utn aeon fideucein assuring the public that niter an expel ifIIICOo fourteen years in qualifying young men for the Count Iv Room cud' other Important Motions. and an eaten , sive aoquaintanco with the management of business books of every description, ((melded ss lin Is by two eel entitle accountafs.) the course Of training •in this "lo partment is eminently practical end limit adaptoet to the,varlons puisults of Commekt and Veda, Including Individual, Partnerehip, Mercantile,: Manulketurlng, Comptiesion, Exchange, lianking,,Shipplaig, Steamboat., Intb Compound Company operations,' he. • - PENMANRIIIP.—The exercises under this hoed are free, easy andgracefiti, combining rapidityof execution with beauty of construction, thus enabling the student tolrrite an elegant bushioss,hand on completion of the . 'MERCANTILE CALCULATIONS, in all their various bearings ere taught by. the runt accurate and caved!, -tiods-tnethodi— • Rally lectures era delivered.upon, the. Seisms of 'An , .counts, Mercantile Customs, kc, - those iticOnnertion 'with a series of lectures on Commercial Law, are of the highest importance to ail aspiring to occupy prominent positions in the : business commugilty. • The time , necessary. for an industrious lent' to complete the course, varies from 8 to I'2 weekic Thoie :being no vacation, applicants min enter 'at qin,V time, -end attond..both day and.oveniug...l.Exanthiatione are hold pt stated porlods, pod diplomas 'awarded- to, t:' ice who graduate.. /for terms, etc, write end havo ach UAL IiONSU 111,1qt8:--;-1!he acrlber irould relpootfully Wylie tho attentlen.of 1 vitt - One of Calitelato his largo stock of COAL t ,oI - auch , go!Lykon'a Yalloy, Proken. bgg NuptOpp. Llreetttreeti;'lrevortnel Egg lihd Nut. Shama , • Mil Bretton. Egg end Ntit tall Of" which .he' aell reduced' prima from lest - year, , ,for 'casb:he...llrekenk, Egg, land Stove Coal, for faintly .Itee.,i 4 ll, be .j screened... 7 lly 'driving to ideate howl to' 'hare &liberal Vatruni TCt . BLACESMITAII. , -. ' . . . . . . . ''• I. atino*Preparedto supply you wits the i:oldtratil,. 8 oad ' Top. Coal. wtddlt • Is cot aldored,,thoS.Aled in, tlor fi tato, "Como :and , ,looli- ntit,, ,, l liavO3lo ',Allogtonty. 'Goal alga ma. lma:f. Of whith 'LSTII.I' id!, low f'.g cent!., Quick aato.s atd ali _ pridlta limy mc7llo4a ntu ale... none la,bottor thn 74' dullsatBBt , ii...Jjoal49:4Bta . Ml(t. ' '' t • '''''''' ' ' ''' ' '' 47— " ' .. ' 3A0011'S:111115*, . , ,40411.411 ordoix.lott• at• bin sBldenee In .Ebit .triltroi' 'at ',Teter , •btonyor's end natty Bar.ton , a- gt ,, co , N;wlll - 1 , 'o,:W47.;attinded t 0... ..,.".;• • :"' ..:., L,9,tr .../1.3..15..'', =I =MIMI= aiiintiait: = • ~ ..tvgrtcu • A GRtCUIII,`,VRAL. IiaIY,LE NI EN T PENrfocilt.s tiktiout.kikt) - *ReAT Adapted nisei, for sowing cate.'grase needs and guano ,t.krAnger'e Portable Odor. Allll-7the best in.the market. tininVeififirdniFesbieCT4h - itaitidowilio --- Exprendges, - Duklel's Hey",' ron'inifd Foddrr, u Little Client Coin and Cob 111111, Spidn'e Ater, o rp. Churn: ThonboveguporiorTmUlementsirlth OlLotherlr for the.use of-the farmer:on gerdneri_fei.enle..Wlioleen by PASCIIA 1.14MM0R11113. A * CO,' Agricultural Wnrehaurn and Bead 6 , tere. - corner 71 and Market streetecrlilladelgbia, „July 28,'66., • , • . • , . - • Ncis. 21 :and 23 South 'Sixth Street A ORIG'ULTIMAL Tiall;nlE/er MAN UF.4QT(IIIIr, 12rIPto1. Pa. Fa Ea OBOUNDS (370 Acrea)llloomsdalo, near firlatol. 4 1 .4-A.M1, 4 41 ,15_,L Q 111! , - - • Tilli,EMlTNtr -11m - subscribertrdmireltrrinfornrfames'and - publie genet ally that they niarhavenn hand and lire constant ly manufacturing Threshing Mirchines with Clement's pntnut stinker, which aregommelly acknowledged to I e 'the hest articles now In .use, Also a variety of Clover Iltillera.Corn Shelters and Straw Cutters. They nip, attont, to the .repairing of Agricultural Meth nery' in the best manner laid on reasonable terme.• Manor.. tory op North Ihronovee Street, ditectly opposito the ceshlonce.efflaarge MrAngar, ,Esq.• • ' _ _ August, rOh. . ASSUME' 44-PLANK: 910 -FAltillElfS.-The.siibscriber has • • Ji Just returned from the Cit y. ."e" all one of lila largest assortments of Hard ivitro over brougttt to, this place...llu imiti oat received FU don. llamas with and a Ittubit pat astersings, - Iron nod steel hooks mnglox In rive f rm .j 441°41110, Also Slid pr straight and .rivlst tsars chniml &milli) to 5125. Homo made traces of kinds. also a lot of sproad.,.tifth, breast. l•titt. carrying halter ending n very large lot of shovels, nobs, spades. hoes, rakes. and In short overy,thing and any thing wanted by the Formers— . Remember life old stand East Main St. Carlisle. March* '6O. • •" " • • • 11, SA XTON. -,--- • I)'AT E T SELF-hhAr 1 14,'NING .YANK E, FEED - COTTERS, manna.„ •^d for cutter is superior to any now In tine, for strongtlf durability. and slinplialty of .construction.; It cuts last or, and Is thornily soltsbarpening ilay. Straw and Corn titallicCutti» , ever made. It has but ONE STIIAIGIIT, KNIFE, which any prison 'run grind and set with case_ but In ordinary case. Is grilund in the 1011dlier. Thou sands bravo already neon sold, and the -.demand Is.daily increasing. In Most' chew an examination is sufficient viltßillee . No 0110 infer a shoal WA would part 'with It for nay other. • All PIMP of the above constantly on brae and for sale by .' .1: F. LYNE, • forCuinberlarnd county. EIZO 'AGRICULTU AL PLE 4we' • NI ENT& • .111_41ng• and - Sin vel 'Plows; for Corn mid Potatoe, • Elpittidlng' Cultivatoa; "with: --Steal Teeth of varioun patterns, Field end (Wilco Harrows, Hand Plows, Revolving Home kaki, .potent Scythe klnaths and- Scxtb__,es_ lenam Scythe* with riveiradThackii, , enperfOr Ifnhading - Ilt) I Forks, with mos .and tackle complete, and all other artieletcfur farm and gnrclon. - ' PASCHALL MORRIS k CO., • itb and Market Streets, Phila. . M--.M S E •• TON CHEAPEST MAO MM.: IN TIIE W911i1), BALLOU'S - DOLLAR ,morvrilLy. • DESIONED FOICHTEILY - 11.31ERICAN 110317: Enrottmkod by thb unprecedontrd sucoosa whloh Thin popular monthly but. mot with, nnif.tho. Iflttrlrlfttitalurrowarditirvit , ettlntiou;tlie &quieter boa retio,vol to mate it FUJI more worthy of tho patrobigo of tho public. That tills tubutrahlo worlds ,A MIRACLE OF CIICAPNES Is admitted by to:ory one, containing, as It does, One II unshod Pages at reading matter In earls insulter, twins more than any of the $3 Magazines, and formlng4no volumes a year of sit !Mildred 'pages each, or Twelve Hundred pages of Reading :Netter per ONE DO,Las A RI. • with .' Balloter' Dollar,youthlytis printed t now type, mein fine white paper; and"fte 'Duffer Is tunefully cons piled and arranged by the;rands of the editor and pro prietor, who,has becu.knotrk to the nubile 'as connected with the Boston press for sixteen years: lte pagea ego fain' • 'NEWS . MISCELLANY, ~ • TALEg, . ADVENTUIILS, ! ' Polo's, . . D M lOcill A DIS, I ' STORIESDir TUE SEA, SKI:Ten ES, .1, • WIT AND II UMOlt. r . An. Sc_, . . from the , best and most nopular'Writcrs of. this country. It is Ono oinked with a record of the notnide ove to of tiro thnes_of nears end seats of discoveries and improve. melds creuring. In either lieuilspliere, -- formlng - an agreeable companion for adnisure moment. or boor. any where, at home-or abroad, ouch number being eomplele. in itself. No sectarian subjects are- admitted Into its pages; there are enough controvert -el publications each de- Sided to its peculiar sect or clique. Thin work is in. tended fAr T II E, M 1-L-/. I O N north or south, east Or west, and is filled to the brim path month with chaste, impulor,„ and grant& misele• luny, just latch ns nay father, brother er friend - trottlit place in the hands Ma tinnily circle. It Is in all Redo partments, fresh rnlitlainnl. and, what it purports to be, the cheapest - maPashto In tluovorld. Any pertsm enclosing - MI 6 ratan to the proprietor, an below, shall real, the - lllnstasloe fig one year, or any person sending us EMIT suLerribers and EMIT DOLLAIId, at one time shall reecho a copy-grotto. . • M. 11A LL011; Publisher and Proprlethr. . . Corner of Tennant And Bronttleld titreets, Boston, Juno • • MIRACLE OF SCIENCE.—Dr. Nailing, of Mechanicsburg. Cumberland noeitY; Pa.. nnbounces to those afflicted with Tumwra liens. Cancers, Polypus, Lupus, Moles 'or Marks, Sc, a eta. king's Hvitand all diseases that kayo been unnalh treated with Caustic or Knife, be can removelthem with opt cutting, burning. or pain; neither :Chloroform of Ether is administered to the „patient. It Is no matte; on what part of the body Ahoy may be, ho ran remove them with perfect safety; and in a remarkably altar! time. No Minerabot Vegetable poison Is applied, and on motley required until a curets perfected. Prolapses Climb Female Complaints', Chrocic, Vette real and all other diseases treated with positive success Fell particulars ran be obtained by addressing in Onset English orlierman, post paid. • Patients can be_ accons moduted with Eden' on reasonable terms. ' : • .1 slileshaniesburstis one c. the prettiest and health) tosses In this or any othe, Akan. It is S.miles from Harrisburg. on the Cumbenand Valley Rail Road. arid accessible from all pmts of the Ulan. - Tleillortor will visit eases in any part of the Stn ellenpesh•ed. instreasler if You know any enlisted fellow errs Sure delay oft to till theutof this treatment. - IsiaIFETTER'S • FUR , NITUBB BOOMS. • C • ••TW , l , '' NOW ON lIANC , •• a_larstaassertutent of nor' and fashlvableFUßNlT,ll.llll: Walnut and Mahogany pressing Bureaus, with - ur aryl Satan. Tablas. andAta.listands. Walaat;F.tagerea alfditardfidcaa." -"" - , . .... alrthoannyllllll IVA'nut Tahlos'of all Maas. French Ilastuada,lllalkogany and Main Tables, at all Parlor Ann Cluarn. and Rmlang Cimhw, ivltit velvet or ludneloth Fe utcand illekft. ' , . .. _ :.. 2laltogn at ny and Wnlcutt,,"Cdttirs.with halr-elotb o rand . Mtn Chaim oral)Linda.; • ' . Call and on thisume and elegant assertmont at It nue Mtn° Rooms o . f the. sn'aterther, on Loather street. Year the corner of Borth 114“ over. -'.. • ' . ,r. JACOB I hTTViII. ' , July'23; MA. ' ' , . DARE rN.DIT,CEDIENTS TO --fltritatlpiTS:—.liiiperiencoil-Can-smislnstAgaurtaarruit, eil in all. parts of the country for tho Comprelanislve Geography and, illt.tory.' AticierTand Modern. of the Whole World, from the earliest ages - to the prosontlime: by S. G. Goomucti, (Peter Parley.) elegantly hi unit end beautifully Illustrated. Price $3. Sold only py A,ents, to whom special • itiatrieta uIII bo isiron. ' Applicants would Estate what icouutligi . they would like, For ful parlicularn aqply tri ' • • J.:ll.tiziLTON & Co., No. Tl 2 Willithu St., IZItAIN .ORAIN • vfi Just leeelyed.,a lot of Groin Fong of Shrilocie and Moblor's manufacture.' Alen a fine a r seortmont of flay. Strew. a d Fodder Cutters, of ibur dliferont,kludo, at the cheap Hardware Store of, July 15, 181511.1 • • tro--FARMERS:4_O , A4DILNELIS; T 11:: ItiM AANOVACTURINd: COMPANY • -- alley 'for !mluM),ol.lo,llarrats of their. • .. • fuNIODIPIIQT.ED•. POUDAETT4. ((Manufactured Ante the,night.soll of.NorrToth City,) inlbta' th suit purchasentr, . • '•This article (greatly improved' within the last two. years) ham been •inlhe market, for eighteen Yeara, And atilt defies •compoittfon, as a mnfirelin corn or _garden. r• - iiietisblin; being ithiytperithil more powerful than any. other. and at , thotante time tree frOm.dloagreenbletallir. Toe barrols will manure an 'nem of corn in-Ahe hill, will save two-thirds;thlabOri wilf''coun up 'quicker, to grow costar, ritallt earlieriefni`ttlif let ger -crop'. on poor•ground. than. a ny other fort illsoc, , audoldniso a Preventative of the gut4ortqf Mao, It deco not' injure the•seed to be patio con The ta; M. Co. point thliteir long stanillngirputatlon, 'and capital (31.00,1100)Inteithd , in thole btisb nazis, as e guarantee •tbat thd article they rhal 'always be of ouch quality scab coinuntyd . nieady'aale. ' • One PldladelPhle nerOlionut - i • • ' One Varna' to 6 bits :0 110 !f , ll+l*ey• • to', r •si • :and at the' nth+ oflll 74 per barrel foranYtinnntityorer 10•bar,rela, , •• ,•• _ A iminnbirt"bousaining 'ovar y ' intbthintleto will be sent (frno) to ally•nrie applying for tho'shrno, •. -Ordent'arerequestpd. eery 1.470 4eit1it. 1 .0 1 1 1 " P" pointlinant. 4 , Addripla, ?,,,,,, .• •••,'• hiflilliffii . M..-Ageots. - • • `r" Car; Merkel. std 7th ativets, .•: i';" • " ,)";06'.;1 7 . 1 . 1 4 . 0.9. 2 Pr14 Pkl,,. que.-119FP ; T AUFF.14.31„ •&. • CIiSAP.YATCHES AN 1) lanai° and Retail, at Om 4 10iiiiiidalphlw watt and .lewelry.stora,'!..No. 00 North Small" ordierid Quarry, Philadelplila, ". 18 - carat $28 . 00 • „Gold Lopintit,:... ' .24:00 Sliver Lover, fulliewelleo, 12 00 Sllver.Ltipine.jetvels„_ , . • • 00: SuparlarQuartleric - • • Gold Speelneles, , . Fine Silver do.' Gold Ihneeletn, • , .".. Ladles , Hold ' Sliver Tea SIIOOII/1. an£, - 0 00 Gold Penn, with poodle and allvoeholder, 1 00 Gold Finger Icings AViddi Misses, dm - All goody STAUFFER A HARLEY. • - " Sueminor nr iG Conrad. -44.-Ott hada porno Gold and Oliver Govern and Lopine • • NMI lowor thAn • the alnive lateen. • . • JL • CLOAKS ANT.ILLAS _ . AT WHOLE/ME A. n RETAIL.. (4 KO 13111,P1N.& CO., I 1 Importers nod Innufneturera of CLOAKS and MA - TILLAS, Ke. 174 Chesnut street; (a few doors nbove 7th. south side.) connection 170110 E :711 lirondway N.. T.. thelnmest mantufactucer et those goods in the thilted'States.) hog to call the , tit tention•er Win le ;410 and Retail Levers to their huge stud 'ended stock of CLOAIcS, TA;LNIAS,Ac.. fie., frr the [ell tradell • Their collection comprises n complete as sortinent of ill the latent Pnrlsian' Noveltien In Velvet loire,Antique, Cloth, 'Slam Silk, ¢¢e• be.; while the la. eilltkin °Mirada •turing House, (of these goods,) In Sole Turk, enable them-to guarantee better value than in oldnina• tie elsewhere in•the Market. GEO. BULPTIV A CU.. • • Sent. 3, , 174 Chesnut Street alcove • EW.W II 0., SALE . 1( G . T 0 WK. Ntittd THOMAS, No. 20 South Second Street I.hilettelyble,lmnortur,.llounfeaurer. end-Venter In Mit WA, MEDICINES. CM EMU:ALS • A 011),S, • nyo.S.tiSTA.Tal r ) IKTO.ifir4cLMIOP - Pl ll . VF ,,5- 1 1 i - dh -4 7 American Whit.' 7.1 Windvw Glass. I'ar .mlslies, Brushes. Instruments ; Grmnd Spleen. Whole Spires, and all other artidles usually' kept .by Druggist 6, Including Borax, Indigo: Glue, Shellac, Potash Ac. • All 'orders. by mall or otherwise, primiptlY. attended' to. Country mereltants aro invited to tall amt examine our atomic before purchasing chs4here. 04roads sent to any of the whandffer railroad stations. ' Prk.: I.ow and Goods Warranted. • _ [Marsh 6, 13513--Iy. •- .. • y OSFPH A. NBEDLES, Miinufactu • • ror of • - MILE. BIF.K. AND. MAUI-CLOTHREYES, Conran, :dietitian and Flue hi 1111,41 : large, middle-sized, and small in diameter. . . IA CC. rrlti Ott WJVEN• WIRE, the best curalitles. r orlotis sizes of mesh, from Nos. ] ' tin Inclusive, and trot ono to six feet lu width. are numbered 811.111:111y strives to, the lineal Mich, - and-cut to suit. •' The subscriber also keeps ennstantly,u! band SCREENS, for coal; sand pre, Hine, grain, gravel. guano, sumac funtar. salt,, bony, coffee, spice, drues, dye-stuffss ke Together with an nssorment of DIMWIT AND AN• NEALIID lIION WIRE. All the :thrive sold "A wholesale and retail by .1, A. NEEDLES, 54 Front Street, Phila. Juno 4,1850.—1 y HEI'PA.II. & VAN A 11. LING o—The ,stibliertherit hnvfug roninvo7l to then' , NEW AND SPACIOUS STORE., . No. 278 Oleg[nut Streot, fourth door whim Tenth Are now prepared, to offer a large and well selected stock "at' flu , following-Blasi; and desirable gouda. Principally of their own - impartation, or - bought at auction, which they are "nude to sell at the importer's prises, and to which, they cordially his 116 - 14m-uttention of Country Merchants. Hotel IllecpCra, and fitudlies ganerally. Butt, Omen nail l'enitlairWindoir • Barnaloy and Linen Sheiding,,7-1, 144,"14 f 6-1, 11-1, 12,4- • to atrr and ow Linens of aoyoral cbolco 1 anti allwidtlni from as to Li inchori.. --Itod - Blau krds of all Mum - and - qualities.. Crib and Itradlo Bed guilts of the following varieties. 'rtE Marseilies, Welting, Knotted. Register, Alimmh:a,• Allendale and Laneastbr, °fall the desirable sloes. • Duireala Covers. Told° Covers, Window Curtain Minim Towels' and Yowling of every varlet,. Damask Table, --:Cloths and-Napkins ,Slllrtlng_Llnens_and..blindln-Camt- brie Handkerchiefs, ' Embaolderles, Hosiery; /Cc - - 11riielw tel, Damasks. Moreens;llfibreldered , Lace and Muslin Curlalnsi . (lllt Cornices. Bands, (limps: Cord. kr. -1,111E1 1 1 . A111) S.—VA . :V*II - A IA I‘ol.llt -- - Importers and Dealers In .Lluen and •Ilouse . • Aprll :10, 181111-6 m.. . 11-1) U . N . 13 A R'S N E-P E - whoiet.h, unit ItiOnil CAS!' MOT A.NR SIIOIi STORE, N 0.76 Sout Second St., Corner of Carter Sti, - • The establishnutnt - hns - beetr enlarged - turd inipmveSi • -and is supplied xxith-thrs,largtisi-and -beat Retail Stork imthe City; principally of bin nova man tilltelpre, will, a ---- cliblee - assortmont - frrin - thlutent astarrr - :Olarke m , bracing Ladies,' (tents', add Children's 5111165 AND ,CA of every description, style and quality, enibraring the Mod styles and qualities In tide or any o,,hei. market. This stock cannot be excelled for Quality Style and 'Cheapness. •' Emil article is marked at the very lowest possible price, tram which no deviation will be made. No ex travagant stateMents will be needed, and none made to effect avletr. - • : Una- in all varieties. - Pure Gums, no __ . scarce In the market, always on baud. The public is espectfullY invited to call. - 1866- tipHILADELPHIA EVANS'& TIIYF.F PROOF' SAFESI. - or merchonts, lawyers, formers, onit:thers, boring bookO, Papers, or other valuables, to preeervo from —FIRE'or litJitGLAitS. . - Pay and Nowell's (llath's) BANK LOCKS. • A CAnn.Tlie . ..Fire /Wet' Safe," Unit unmarred our Otto Payers, &e., during tho great Fire at Cart'. Buildings. was purchased of ItLIVE It EVANS, 018.2nd St., 19111adelphia. • . 0 UTZ A: • BUCK. =l=ME=lnl -EVANS' Premium Ventilated.Refrigeraters for cooling "and preserving I neatß, butter, milk,. water, and all 'articles for culinary purposes. WATER Fl i',TERS Mr !unifying ICreekish--nr—utuddy water, whetbor afferto,ll by rains. limestone. twirl. or othei• rausei; our be had separate or attached to the Refrigerators—a smell quantity of Ice cooling the , ajtole n the warmest weather. • l'Oit'PA [ILE SHOWER DATIISJor ,the "use of warn or cold water. Atiat CI).II.ERS, for Hotels, Stores, and Dwelling*. 14T1111.1.; TRUCKS, fur. moving boxes; balew &C. , SEAL PRESSES, Copying do.. Druggist do. OLIVER };VANS. No. St'Soutb Second ( 2 doors belinr Chesnut. hignai 5,1856—1 y. (Kstablishellin 1833.) t 4 p...5 : 1 5;4 I n - . 4 • 4 =a- ' ' g P.• 'EVTS, E . 2 5, ;=. c` IF . F r d ; '" . 7 =CI Pirl i 0 V 5 03' . 07 42. r • g L . • ITE It RING' S PATPINT, C RAM PI . ti w . : ' FIRE. 11t0010 SAFFS: with Hall's Patent ' • . Powder Proof hocks, which welt '. ,-t" % - sal,, Cr'''';F:' , awarded sepainte Modal,, at the "Ilii`1„ I.,;;41,11l ~World's Felr, Loudon, 1054 and , by , I„,, : ,i: , also ,at the World's Fair, Now .' •,, I. ''l sti ~ , 0 York. ISS'I and '5l, ' The subsea here are the sole meuufacturois - . . I.` '' 1 . , ;: . ..i. ;d., -end-proprietors 16 this-State-of . I!, 4. t... 4 . 4 , -,,,i t the above unequalled Safes end : t. 'e, : 116 : 1 0- . . .1.60,.. The 'reputation of do I 1 '' .If ',;. , , , 1 genuine “Iferring's sate is work' " ‘. 1 ',..' ' I . i. : ; . 4, wide. and for` the lest thirteen. VGlvt,-,:,..„,.,.,.,...''.,*,.-, years the mereantile community ,0 -, have witnessed and la rite tooth teeny to their saran' FAILIND fire proof qualities. )lorei titan 12,000 of those Solos have been actually sold. rind • er—vito..ttutianen have pupsd triumphantly-this:mu aceidAntal fires. The. public are nasurod that ell Safes timnufactured'by the, subsoribera are not only gueram teed 0 be fully equal, but In many.reapects.even mlpe Hoc to those which Love been so severely tried by tire low will forget tholoservlces In the burning of the t‘Trlbune establishment." Now York, end et the Great Fire ilt Strawberry street, at the large fire last July,. app. - mitt, the Girard Gomm, end still' 100,10 recently. In the Fire at ' Fifth and Chesnut Ms., in the rityol Phildelphia, In which these Safes came. forth the Mt knowledged Cnsur,tos, when • many other_sec.Utities failed. .' . . -. • . ' - LtAltitEl. &.CCI., . •• ,--- . Icon Sara AND Bone LOOK M tENTIA. , • . •• , .. .. at-WALNUT Street, Philedelphia. . . Chilled Don .finfue. with Powder Proof Locke, menu. .factored expressly f r liankiy. Brokers, Jewellore, 'and . °there requiring socurity,,Dont rOkIIC/r. VAllitP. iloora t. ,tp. on heed end rhagoltn, order: 'Ail the most all - Alice ter ,Loche ,fiemir n " ihtfox.".i "Salem 'lndere" and "iron Coate" of other 'maker& have been takeu In fairt, pay Want Ibr Iterrines for sale at hutifpriee. apP U. SAXTON "D E • Q-A. D M • fdAill AND FEAfAtil. -• , ti.Engilsh and Classleal School, Landlehair,ya ! „ - The Smond or:winter session of' tlile open on the second 'L'hosday.,of Jan uary,lssl. The,nauel English Any: Olarsleal'ingttslhMdepted One brat grade Academies, will be taught.. No pains Will be ;marred tefnake ,tharough, pram e. icrd,,and. moral 'ach slump,' of 4135 situafral In 'the uthlstr • of maleatlc hill end .nmunlaln scenery, three mites tent ittont the" Warm, Springs," Is healthy and qp!ei.; anificlently remote from the Irregularities of large towed, • and yet lit dolly mnitection, Ida Newport and' Pennsyl vania-1401mnd, vithAlie Prineinol gltiee 1 thh'etate.•' , TOW nor nugtx.r33, $4%; so; accos diet to - the graft, .of 'studies,' r" Music. „Yvon.% ,and tiermati,' $5 'extra. 'Books at city prima:. lionodlmr Sro ladies-in aelcct'fallll? ; , Ilea—ost,Prlres from $l. Ott to's2:he per 0 oak: Sur further part{ , ~ulara, • !,T. nuottlqt, A, 15„ • . " • I'. .9.1) , - .'ittlllV4 .4114 olvtdvri ,Cheaqii ,': ,- 13j_ , ;d4iii; -- i i.jue4lecirtOr . l;-"Ot: till; ohtxji otoro or. ~. ~pl~ilt~l~l}~l~~r. •. ][ 4 1.1.A1?' T0334t1C0 AND,',CIGAItS • . DENSLOW 41...00., • '•• • - , ' 21 Sevin FliosT STREET, PlitEAßEErntin COMMISSION MERCHANTS' AND DLALERS 114 . ALL , - ' . " • . Rim or . - • • . -,-LEAR-TOBACCO r MANUFACTUTLED-TOCACCO- , • , -• . . • •' AND CIGARS: • ' : HaVe constantly on hand and for judo I°lolll kinds of Arai Hein and Spanish Leaf Tobaccos, selected with special reference to hlanfacturene'use. .'• • ' • "- - Ail Ul•tlcles sold earranliki Co lie, as represenfed;ind. every opportunity afforded for examination. Purchasers at a distance ran send" their orders and rely upon belhg as falthfulV•serVed 'as If their goodi were selected in perstin. , (April 2,18511-Iy, CD . 2 . 4 o 0 '2 - N‘P-, e•• (7) 1 -i • I 0. n p, • f : f„ . ff• E . .1 t y, rD 1,21n0-J •• ' x • -•- ' C • ) 0 • • _.."rt • ci) • -4 1 CM? g . 0 • QAVING.F,UND or yriiE INSURANCE, ANNUITY A: TRUST CO3IU'Y, .• S. E. Corner Third and Chesnut Streets, l'hira, • • for}..CA VITAL $250.6110. 'Eh " , Is received On depOsit tinorneuntile-_ isletiteredlita_houesit; - lit do and •RITon . to the • or., il' preferred. alardivati: — - --Ark .stuns large ..and ore received, and, the nutou'ut paid hack on demand, without notice. , • Interest is paid 'at the rate of FIVE nu CFNE.,,,EOFI - from the day of deposil, and ceasing Touftedn ' days previous to the willubtimal of the'utoneyo, , Cn the first day Of.lintary. in each year, the Interest of each depekit Is paid td the depositor, (madded to the p, tuf he way Prefer., .The Company have now upwards of 3,500 depositors In tile city of. Philadelphia alone. "Anv aditionalinformatirin will be giveilk'addressing, the inessunsit. - Step , inn R. Crawford. Pren't. Wm. Godwin', ',awl °nen Johnson, Vice rt. • Pau] B. Claddird. Ambrose it. l'hompson, 'Oen. Mellensy, Benjamin W. Tingley, . James Derereux, Jacob L. Fleraneu, ' Oust\ English, DISK. - - Secretary and Treastiret, .1:C OratuminmEn. :Toner and 7 tgerpeter, Sept. I'2 '55. —ly. , E A __ FUND, ChartiTl4% . by tholtc c! ... l'sni2sylntn In In 1855 OFFICP:, 55 11'AI.NUT One door above Second Ftreel, Philede , . - Receives Depoid s insutinvof.-One__Dollar-and:upwards: front all classes of the contnitutity. and al iONVF Interest nt tine rate Jr live per rent per annutir. ithineys paid hael< on demand. .gitisOfilee open daily from 9 until i:Veltter, - tifill nit 3londayand - Saturday until 9 o'clock . In I '.O evening.. . 'Phis Institution will be found ronvenient'and safe • place ofilop esit. for.Fartnors and others'..dolnOatsinestt in Philadelphia. Deposits ore paid tin demand n ithout any previous 'toll& being roquirt,d. • ; Hrin. .Tol It, Tysni, - •• George 11n10111, ' • . Itakert Morris,. • Edward L. Clark,— •- Capt. John pallagher, • (I..Stoteßlairy, Slrippenrjr. - • 'Wm. Jenks, 2- Edgar E. Pettit, Prenldent—Flt ANKLI FELL - . Trensurer—HAS. 31. MORRIS: • ' Secretary—JAMES S. PIIINOLF. • Vdmund A. Sender, Stilwell .1. Bishop,. .fruneS 1 , , Perot, .TarohSheotr., . Joseph M. Cowell, .! _ ..Joseph Edward 11. Treater, Baron, : Thomas Conner, - . ItIV.,.Tho Charter prov MOP that no manager, officer or agent stud), directly or Indirectly, 'barrow any ploney from the orloty., 0rt17.1855-ly • I i FIVE PER IN CENT. SAYG FUND 01 , Tlfh NA ' I7ONAL SAFETY COMPANY, WM. nut , t mut, south,rest corner of Third street, Philenbil -Ipwrporated I,y thu-Stato of Pennsylvania in Five-per rent. Intrrost is given, and the money is al ways paid Wick whenevin it is called for, without the neresnit) of Indic for it beforehand. People who have large swim put their mono/ in this Saving Fund, on acrimut of the superior safety end !tin sel in tee It affords, taut any sum, Isrge or small, is re 'erii ed. This :hiving Fund has a verflarge ampunt of Mort. gages, tiround Renticand other first class Investments for the security of Depositors. The^rulea prevent any Director or:ollicer bruin using or boric wing the money. The Office . Is open to receive, and pay inenq every day, from 9 o'clock in the morning till 7 o'clock In the esening, mid on Monday and Thursday evening, till 9 o'clock. • --- People who have many to put In, are InvD•d to call at the Wilco for further habituation. 11 EN RV L. P\K Preside JI. • . ME, Vice President. W5l. J. REED, Secretory. - October 3. 855. 1 1 ~1 ]NCH TRUSSES.--=-11orn inc or Rupture successfully treated. and comfort insured. by use tit the elegant• French Trusses. Imported by the - auliscrliav r and made to orderexpressly- torbleardea. All sulTerlint vvith - ligature -will - begratif ed,-to-learn that the occasion' now hirers In procure a Truss vent In log esirinnollxhincas. i,ith ease. durability sand correct construction. In lien of tho' (mash:vulva - ad lineman - m.op ble'art Ho usually All extcunl a assortmeu ninny., on band, adapted to every variety of 'Rupture in adults dud children, alai fog pale at a range of prier to' suit all. -Cast of Single, $3, $3, $4. and .$5; . Double, $4 - ,• $5. $O, $0 and M. • . Persona at n distance Tan have a !a ruse sent to any nil - dress-by-remitting-I be amo tuiCsen dluganeasure around the hips. and stating Ado affected. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by the Wanner. CALEB 11. fsEEDLES, ' S. W. ear. of Tividfth A Race Ste.. Philadelphia:. Depot for Dr. ilamilog's 'myrtle - v.l Patent Body Brace: Cheat Expander* and Erector Ewes; Patent 'Braces; suspensory Ilandro foots ni; Spinal Ps and :hey. ports. !Attlee' Room, with r competent lady attendants, pril-4-1. Li p'W,A It . 1) A S S.O CIATMN PHILADELPHIA , I, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMJENT 'Jo all persons afflicted with Sexual lIIEVIRCS. ant SIDIINAI, \V EA IiNESS, IMPOTENCE; OONOltlfil t• • HET. SYPHILIS, The 1101VARD ASSOCIATION of Philodelphla. In view of the awful debtroctinu of human life and heath caused by Minim) diseases, and the doceptiebs vbilh ol proctismbutent-the-unfortunotwvictints-ernuch_dLsettee;. by DuaeltS. have directed their consulting Surgeon. an I CIIARITAIII,E Aer worthy of limir name, to give MEDICAL ADVICE fRATis, to 'all ' persona - thus off fl lc tad. (M alwor Petunia.) who apply by I otter. (Prelt - Pllid.) with a description, of their 'oonditlon, (age. oreinatlon, habits of life. Sm.,) and in entiromo.poverty and suffering to-Pll RN ISII-\IEDICINES.-lifEr—oLciiAltart_f_ Tho'iloward Assiniation - In Wbonuvolont. estnblisbed by nodal' orillowment, ter the' relief of the sick and - distressed, afflicted' witiV "Virulent end Epe dutßlodleoasee,"and ltiffuwils can birused Am no other purpose: lt,,luts now 4, surplus of mean* which..the 'Directors have voted to ,adverliso the above notice. It ix needless to add. tbut ,the Association commands' the highest Medical skilful' the age. _ • Address, (post•pitid,) Dr. 0130. R. SIALILOIJN, Consult. (tiff Etfr'gann Howard.Ansocl e tionPhDadelphla, Pa:. Ity wetter of, the Directors, , , —, • • , „ '-fiIIARTWELL: President: :4110111... CCM. rAnwini.D. Se.etarl. ' • ':;:yard in, '1(),It The' in tni,oemipinCy. , ,lttinted Qulnce:y.'wilto. Weyneaboro', Fronklllt - emity,. Fe.. It: or` sale.; It includee about three acme of Ennd. a gelid. übetnutlel ;twontory" brick: U and 'it itrinm Pta• Car,Tine 'mind Ice notate,: Putop and-Well ,o f cellent water Itt : the kitchen door. Steam Encino. nark 11411 , 0, Coming Shop. aboutlkrty late. Meetly under ;roof. a Ituintlng. Streent of It at or plinFlng- Gardeti 3 Orehnnkand re-tulelte bulldlnge nod oppartennect eto carrg, On-the Tanning busluren oaten.' ot'clut tteatentond awed rtititplete pre-' pe?tlon of Alto kiwi, in n date of completerepair, Mid' will hot 1.111 nt &bar:3ll4l.lls ocetnentt (lade it meek' *.rf En retire.. If not cold at Idy:tit, ealo. it will be ntld' at nubile 811.111111 pn ilie7Flll§FiViltl '1 ,f)tie, third Of ille per. lueni non ey,in,cosh; end t ll 4 ' balance In twtoogilnf For further pettleplant • • Franklin' etdint lIPSet Liticbitille-4•, - . - .* _ • ii - o• 'r .- 4 . • i ".. < ottEMIATED 1:3.81tM A-N BITTERS.. DH: C. N. JACHEON. PHILADELPHIA, PA.. ' • • LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA; JAUNDICE, Chronic or Norvou Debility, Dlsetheeases We. ralylC . - and all dischses arising.from a disordered, • . Constipo Lion," • ' inward Piles. ness or Blood 'elite llend, ; . •p, . ' Acidity of the Stomneh, Nau sea , Heartburn, Disgust for Food. Fulineis orWeight en the Stomach,___ _ - SomiErnetationoSinhingiir lotto ItTriniclf. tVimming of • • • the Held, Hurried and Diftl6ult hreothing ••'. Fluttering nt the - Heart: - Choaking or suffers- Mug Sensationa when In a lying posture, DllllllOllll. • of 'Vision: Dots of webs beihre the Fevor sfahlull palm in the' Hoed, Dern:lend of • ' • I'erspiretion7YelloWhess of tho Skin skint • - • Eyes, Pain. in the Fide, Back, Chest, A•c , Sudden Flushes of Heal. Burning in the Flesh, . Eonstent Imaginings of • . Evil. end greet Be. - • • 'pression - of •• ,The priprietor In rolling the attention .of tho public to this preparation, dues so with a feeling of the utturidt .... f confidence' in Its clrtueS andlidaptation to the diseases r 'which it is fecommended. It Is 110 new and untried . article, but Oho -thst 'hal ' stood the test of aan years' trial before the Ameriren , - PulPlSetind ite,reputa ion and,selels.unricalledAy - any sindlsr prepamtionk extent. The testimony in its favor given by the most prominent. and well known , phyttirlans and individuals In all' parts; of the country . Is 1111111. SO. - o j d___ I , r - DERANGEMENTS QF THE LIVER _AND STOMACH. Are sources ales/mit* _From d'siwder or oNstrurtion, • a morhintetion of - the Situpathefic end other nerves . follows. and the functions of the brain are impaired and deranged; derangement there will also produce diseme es of the heart, akin, lungsanialhlueys--) owing to the game-cause — that thounda elle with Cholera, • Dlilona or,-Yellow Fever, nod thht HAM, baneful-disease, • Consumption.: - Thiigenciwiwitnt of sticcesa In treating diseases of thq liver ambstoniach. lowlinotteen'a deficiency of patboh ginwl knowledge of thelFfunctions—biit of ivaatind.le compound that wouldleimprin the dlsens,e and all the, s)inpathetic affections. That.has been gained 'billies • Bittern: ands.they Can Is: used by persons with tlif. - most delicate stomach' with perfect safety—an they at no time debilitate the patient, but give strength and increase the nervous energy. They can betaken at ell thee. and under all circumstances. Nourdinary expcs• sure n ill prevent theta having. a 'salutary effect, and " no.liad effect can result fribin an over dose. if !markt , will persevere In the use of this remedy,__. and use it strictly-aere-ding to directions It will cure the f regoing diseases in every Instance, if not t eyelid the power of teedirine; It has tanned many to enjoy the blessimi of 'renewed health, and in ninny deseratep - - and abandoned eases. npeifect and mike] cure. ". • Phlti. 4 oNS AbI'AINGED IN LIFE, ' And feeling the hand of Time weighing heayily upon them, with nil its attendant ills, will find In We tier of the hitters an b.lfxer that will Instil new life into-their veins; ft-store. In n .nnensure the energy and ardor of more ymitlifill days; build tip their Moon ken forms. end give .and Inuipiness to their remaining . ears 1 • • • , It n well established that fully One.half of the female portion of our ra.pulation:arr seldom in the en. %merit of good health. or to use their Own exprebsion "never feel well." They are languid, 'devoid of 'ail en extreinnly, nervous, And )11110 no rappel ile. To. this class of invalids. these Bitters. ore especially ro. commended. Their peculiar tonic and invigorating , propel ties render then, ins minable In such caber. Persons:visiting..districti hatless.' annually with FEVI,It AND AGUE, or ANY FEVER OF - A 11.1L1OUS ,find flint by the•thuely use of one or wo'bottles,dhey 50111 art in one instance take the dis ease, as the'llitters will renovateand stiengthen the . .I)stclu. and earry,the I.I)e off in its natural liannel,—' Prevention is hotter. than cure. NE . - . TREY ' ARE ENTIRELY VEGETAIILE And free from Alcoholic Etlail okra, and all 'lnjtirlottes ngTrdient,„ ltd . , ',lnman a blue . m n their operation, will expel•all mblidd hertetiOns from body,,give bloom. to thp , palltd 'cheek,' nod healtb and vigor to the framo. Pike 75 rents per bottle: Prlnril al Office. No. DO ARM street, Phil's, Ps: Sold by-Drugglsts and Storel.eapers In every town and . In the United aides and Collodi.,nnd by all Druggists in Carlisle. • • I Slay. 1185 W. • .11111:RICA1, HOUSE - -hsta !lobed twenty twuyeara rign'by Tilt. AIN K.ELIN, corner of Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. I'IVENTY.TIVO rEARS' • _Expehence has rendered Hr. K. a roost successful prat:, . tit loner in-the cure of - all - diseases - of n vriletinture;" inarshoorrs debility. on apt iippediment to marriage; nervous and sexual Info disenseg of the shin, and those arising from abuse of Mercury: TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. There is an yell habit sometimes indulge/ 110 T - 'ln solitude. Often growing up with- thorn to.mardnirrd; noel - Mai: it riot rearmed hrilue time, riot only.begeta serious 01,ttItTle5 tft mntrim,n . lot tmmilne,s, tint gives rise to a series:of pnrtrarted,'lrrildioun, and dc'et.taflng affections. - • Few or those' who give way , to this pernicious practice any awarn - of the consequences, until they ner vous systetr shattered,:feel strange and unaccountable fellFllfiOlif'and vague fears in the mind. o. 4 ev-pages 27, 28, 29, of Pr. Ito book on " tielfPreservation." • The unfortunate thus affected becomes, feeble, is tumble to labor with - accustoined vigor, or to.apply hie mind to study; bin step is tardy and weak: he is dull, irresolute, and engages even in his spend Milt ismm energy than usual. - • If he emancipate himself before the practice has done Its worst. and enter, matrimony, his . niarringe Is nu tridtnil, end seine tells 1/1111 that this Is caused by Ids early (Pines. These are consideratlittPlANch should awaken the attention of all who are nlmlinrly situated. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE Can been (by stating their rase expileltly, together with nil their symptoms. per letter, encicniint A remit tance) Or. medicine, Appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to any part of .the United States, and secure from' DAMAGE and CURIOSITY, by mail or en press. • • 111:AD I YOUTH AND 3IANHOOD I A Vigorous Lire or a Prewatitre Death, Rinkelln on Self•Presurvutlon—Only 2.5 rents. Letters containing that vajpe Lt Slatinp2sr 111 ensure a copy por return of mail. . GRATIS! •GRATIS I I • GRATIS) I I A Free GIFT to all: EEEETE "Nature's Outdo." a new and' popular work, full o valuable advice anti Impressivo warning, alike raleula tad to prevent .years or misery and SAVO thousands of In dint it uteri without , barge, and foinardrti by Mall. prepaid. to any Post Mee in tho United :taloa on receiving . an order enclosing. two postage Annum. r-VON ICS WON'.T O:!j —They never did do •mOre than give temporary relief, and they net er n ill I It Is because they don't touch the coma 01 the diocese. '1 he cause of all ague .and Milieus diseases Is the at thoophei is 'mailed Miasma or Malaria. neutralize this poison by Ito O. TURAL INTIPOTK. and all disci., r. used by it disappeat 8 at once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure Is this antidote to :Solaria', and moreovet it Ise perfectly Itatinlessxned- Mile; The cot Motto of the celebrated chernibtr, J; lti Chilton, of New-York, to title effect, Is attached to eve • ry bottle; therefore, If It does no good, it can do no harm., • . 'lt& Is moo than,ratt N 0614 of Qulnhlo, — Arsonle, or ally other tonlein oxistonct4 ON tWeir lISO to ruinous to tho'conAltution and brl k a on 1)U.'1.11 AGUE, .rt Lich novor s parson to fe.el,perfeetty,roll fur a alngla moment. Must rathm of there trtitlts 1 anntm H ma' ezttacte}Utunt a 'letter jto:t received from a I%3Al:inn: • • tiLoIIIIOOIIN, Umo, March 17, P'l,6, A: 1 11110ADS. ESQ.—hear Sir: • Youtnet '2d Ine.t., Is at hind. !The Cure !waved Into lent year, and the difficulty Iu gusting any 000 It: purehabe It um. greatly mounted fit m the feet that a remedy .had I con Intro duced V. filch Was gram lug In let, r mitts the puLlle as Vim: better than wing, Quinine—net knob log, ) pre sume, that the a coldly 04 aged to escape taking.Qui , nineroutalued the DIM() .111,4.1.1,1 • his remedy thnown an -I.millt's Tonic,") Would in variably nn Lot it did nil (• ore it. 2r it' would often rel urn w Ith renewed siger. ILle coo sir - euntstrince I deemed in pits. favor, 111 retold Institute ~ a test semparlson between It and your CURE. The fol. iowluy • (Films result;, • 'Thrio,s took your "Cure," all of u Melt were • crisca 'of w Quotidian Intermittent lever." of ninny weeks standing,. 9 hey bad tried Quinine anti other remedies, occasionally missing a chill, but it was (as in .ell such cases.) slowly waning thole out, .nod Inyieg the Mundell. II of t.tlier and • neterer maladies: I did gncreed n redicel Wrist./ , macs waitp.m remedy; and they - hevo - not - hed - si - ch ill . ADM. In all three of these roses thin w Smith's 'lOll4 bill' been used, and would, nn heroin Mao d. Ltenk (Le chili. but atter a period or two had elapsed it would return. . • . I think there will be no difliculty• now in giving to your turn" the Valiflige ground of any other remedy now in use bete. Ac., de. MM. EULKNI.II, 31. D. • 1:110111,S' r'Ll'hlt nod AGUE CUR er.ANTIMITE To 31ALARIA. the only bermiese remedy In existence' le eillially - e4rtili an'tioaLVEhntr., - an - awitnts.'' -- lake u hen you feel the chills cooling. on, and you will never bate a site. • • JAMES A. 11110DE5 1 .I'roprieter, • • • Providence, R.I. Vror mist by W. A. Kelso, and Druggfstectstenr„lalj.l% S 1 'ER lr RECORD, o. collection of Newspaper Facts and cintUtics, containing n complete lift cf ;Newspapers in ;the Boiled Stites, Canticles and firma' Britain. The only reliable work or the bind in the world. Au inval uable molstant to the 'Witt r, 'Book Pubitsher,.and pan oral Advertiser., Svo. 200 'pp.. On receipt ofs2, it will be' pre pnid per midi, to any part eine country." LAY k BROTHERS ' , - Publishers, No. Dock Ft., PhiledelplAa. • 'airEdltets losertion the above three moths. with editorial muumuu, mid' Bending copies of the paper pre-paid to tbaahovo adrebs, willsecTibe work. (Sept.:s-3m. PORT - cnl • • J • •%'!tat . -..tttr CIDER MILLS can still in furnished of improt eal'unstrnetlon mud finish. Their , • • grinding apparatus Is peculiar and given them-att•-adeuntage-occr,all. Alter_ wills.. By'theactinii•iif 'tiro reclProcatifik - Pistons, ILO ripples are forced up against the teeth of a repiOly revolving cylinder and retatned tilt grOund to a flue pulp, which •of courstrylidde more juice when subjected to presents than if -the pomace was coarse. The Ecrew Drees has been greatly impqt•ed and strengthened since last •.year, and the.nflinle Dante is tightened by.stronirietut• baits. it is adapted to either hand or horse power and ran be worked ity lured to the extant of all -to eight •Taiercle a day. • lIIN • W ;.l4l4 B . t i t ' t . A IN P G I ;t I gIIC A A V Is AL IK , j ' Just . secolvsd.tho lrimest Ilidlunit railed assortment ovor opened In Carlisle.' lbopubar m a iu ro o t .v o vl n trdt t,w oea n l t t . and make tbeselortMo fh"Fa our .tJus t rices eto' Ulu tory loirmd." - Also, a largo Tarn t; of. ..,Itirn ow I.lltuds•aud Are Ilnant.Printa, at '• ' • JOHN P. LY:ikt & 110Nrl, • .Nnrth Hanover ft., Corneae. , . Titiers on bsnd Annrlsed Fe 41.11 will 4a sold N .i; 11,11 It • Y It . STREET, . uo au!acritaiis odor fvr . utla a large 'and well endocted • •,' . , . sittßOLus, dc., . titAttolr Yar4 IM,Vrout St.; allow., tho Cofton Foamy:- - potp.moy,oOP tbt. soktei leg " - Fob. 6, labi : ,1 JUSIAIt It L ED PdSCITALL MORRIS - -linplowont and BeCd .Ftere; , • TO and Markel, l'ldla. El