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HIEVFTY, pit'OPRIEtOII AND PUBLISHER , . . • TE1.1.1415 The CAULibtil lILRALD is published weekly ens laigo ihent, contailniug rouse COLUMSS ihruiebeil to sub adhere nt the rata etlf.so if paid etrlctly in advance: 0.75 - Irpald, within ,the year; 0r.54.1n all eases whom pAyinent is delayed until after' the expirntion of the year. )lo subscriptions received fur 'n less period than six months. and none dlncontlnued - until all et:rear:we are paid, unless at the option of the. Publisher. Papeis Bent subsribers 'Keg sift of .Cualberlatid county utisan_paia for in -.demi by some rownsiblo person liiilii - glii - CM/inhorlaud.ieuuri ty, Those terms will be rlAldly 'adhered to In all ranee. ADYEKTISIttME N T 8 Adverthannenis will be charged $l.OO per squnril twelve linos fur three inserilonn. and 24 cents fur end; • inbscquerit insertion. All advertisements of less than twelvo Dues considered as h square.' The full., frig rates will bo rhorged fur quarterly, ling Yearly and Yearly. advertising: Mouths. ti * Months. 12 . lonths. 1 B‘piaro, (12 lines) $3.00 $5.00 $B.OO 2 " :" • • • 0.00 8.00 12.00 . ‘‘• - • .:1.2.00_ , R. - .2 1 .1.0.0'. 30 •9 0 .-o 1 '‘ • - 25.00 38.00. —** 45:tiii Advertisements inserted borire Morriar,es and Deaths, • 8 cents per 'lino for first Insertion, sell 4 cents per •Ilne rorsubgequent irmrtions. Counnunirationh uu suljerti — ilr. limited or Individual intereid - Will 110 ehargett - troonter • - .per lino. The Proprktor'wlll nnt'be responsible in dun-' • ' -ages forerrois In advorttheinents. •01.1tiniry notices Ha -• exceeding live linoS, will he Inserted ulthout ebarge. .1 • JOB PR.I.N TI NG• TheCAatisre lltattto JOB PRINT:NO OFFICE . Is the largest and meat complete establishinentin the county. Three good Pressen. and a general variety of material -suited for-Plain and Fanny work of every kind. enables us to do Job Printing at the shertent. notice and nil the emst'reasniable terms. • Persons In want of Hills. Blanks or any thing - ln the..lobbing -line. will-find it their ln- - terest to give tin a eall. Every variety of BLANKri con stantly on hand. • , ply- All letters oirEisiness must ho} post-paid to . se cure attention. - .I)rlieraf t tocalOnformalion YT• S• GLATERZEINIENT Pruslitolit—.lA3s6 BUCHANAN. ' 11,0 rro -- adont.lollN linneKnim•Gk. " Secretary of Stnie—Goo. LEWIS C . -- Secretary of 111tOrint—.1.10111 THUBL,Q . X. ' .. Secretary of Treasury—llON‘lll.l. CiiO. Bourittliry of War—SosiN 11. FLOYD. Seceut.nry of Nary—loan; 'rovers. Post goster r floitoral—A. V. 1.1r.0wm.. kttortioy General.,-.lkinmt.tir S. lies CI. ^ Chief Justice of Unitod ntiteb-11.. It. T.vic Y. ST AT 3 0047.11NDIENT ( - lor . ernor-- , JAst ex Por.l.nolc. - • . . - • . iiNretnry of stalm—Aspoinc O. (7‘301:14 . •-: • , rveyur . tionot.l—J. P. Itonwi.E.T.• - Athilt•ry - Oolloral-1:. it v.,..--• —....._ Trenhu Mr- If I.NI:i :!.. 311.onAvr. e -.- .. Jud;es of Om Btt lov,flio'Coui . l,—,E, fJcwo, J. E..lll..acit, W. 11. favour:, O. 11, %VOA... 4110, J. C. li.m.,x. - , COUNTY cirrlazats. . • - . _President Judge--ilon..il OILS 11, GRAHAM. .-AssociateL_Judgmf,-Ilen. John - Rupp, Samuel Weed • Sure. District Atturfloy—Wm. J. Shearon • . Pnithonotary—tlaniel K. Noon. - • Reeorder, iie.---rinhp M. Gregg, . liogistur—Wllliain 'Lytle. Ilign Sheriff—Jacob Bowman: - Deputy, J. lien'- . ;flinger. . .- County Treasurer--Adatn Sonselnal. • - 7 Coroner—Mitcholl M 'Clotho,. _ -". • --- • - • - • County Connuissioners.-4fenrge M. Grahnni, WIL " Ilan, M. If endersen. Andrew Kerr. Clerk' td C011111132,- eioners. Michael Vino. • - , . Diroctorg of the. Poor—fleer.ro Ilan Ile, .Iphn C. --.llrowu,.SatimuLTrltt.. • Superintendent r' Poor lleuso —loseph Lobach. . • • BOROUGH Jrrziouns. Chief Burgoas—ltnueivr Inct,, jr- Assistant Ilurgosi,Aleorgo Handel, Tow,n Varkor, ki'roldent) - John Gut, shall, James WWI, sr., Franklin Outdoor, Samilel Mar tin, Polar Jionyer, kawuel Wetzul, .1. 1). Halbert, ja. cob Dully; lionstablos—John. Spahr, high , Coneitahlo; llobort McCartney, Ward Constablo. 01-ZURCaIES. ' " • First , Presbyterian Chnren, northwest angle of 'Centre Square. Re, CONWAY I'. U too, l'ablui . .--i,erviceB uv ery Sunday .utornlug at 11 o'clock, A., M, and 7 o'clock, P. 31. Second Presbyterian Church,corner of South Hanover and l'ontiret streets. Iter.r3lr. fa 1.1.8, Pastor. Cervices continuer° at 11 o'clock, A. 31,, and 7 o'clock, P. 31. St. Jolii.lllUl . ..h, krrot. Eplsq,pal) uoi thoust angle of `Centre Square. be, J tree 11. Meaes - , - hector; - Servlce9 at 11 o'clock, A.M., told:; o'clock, P. 31. English Lutheran Church, lilalfard between 31aIn and Loather streets. Roy. .IACOIi 151.1", Pastor. Services • at n o'clock, A. 31., and 7 O'clock I'. 31, • Lierntan Italbrined Church. lanabr, between Ilanovor • and Pitt streets. Ituv. A. 11. linrutit, Pastor. Services at 103. ii 'o'clock, A. 31, and try I'. 3t. 3lethedist .11. Ch arch, (first Charge) corner of 31aLtauti Pitt ~treats. (tor. Jolts .11. I'ml,, Services at .11 o'clock, 31., and o'clock, P. 31. ' 3letliodtst E. Church, (sewed Ultar,,,e) Rev. 'Pinatas Danutilivri , Paster. Services be Colleg,eClumel, at 11 o'clock A. M., and 11 o'clock, P: 31. . itinuan Catholic Church, Pomfret, near Emit street.-- ' Bev: JAMES 11.11111ETT, Pastor. . icys on Ike :Cud sun. day ntettki mouth: • thrtuan Lutheran Church, corner or Pomfret and Bedford streets. Rev. 1. P.Naalhold, Paster. Con Ice at 'lO% A. 31. 44.Winnt changes in the above are necessary the pro. per persona aro requested to uutify us. DIOXINSOINrCOLLEGE. Hey. Charles Collins, Prusidunt and Professor of Morel Science. Rev. Dorman M. ;Johnson, Professor of kbilosopby English Literature. "James W. Marshall, Professor .4. Anelont4.augusges.3: Her. Offs 11.,Thfany, Professor of Mittheinati„‘:;;;, . Professor of Natural Seloueo,&ud Curator of the Museum. 3 Alexander Selitini, Professor of Hebrew and Modern Leapt:loa. Samuel . D. Ililburiu, Principal of the Graniniarliehool . Janies P. Marshall, Assistant fa the Crauunar School El .00 a POILLITION S • 8 Cashier,. Wm. M. Eastern; Clerks, deb P. Hassler, IS. C. 'alusseltuan.Dtiertots, - Richard Parker, - John - Zug: Hugh SluNct, Tlionuts Paxton, It. C. Woodward, Robert " Moore, John Sanderson, Ilenry Logan. Samuel Wherry. CentitaLAND VALLEY It It Itoso CUMPANIL—ProsIdent. Frederick Watts; Secretary and Treasurer, Ednard 31. - Diddle; Superinteudant, A-8-Smith..__PaFsonger tham: . twice ICday. Eastward, tattling Carlisle at 10:25 o'clock. A. 31. and B.ss.ticlock, I' M. _ Two trains every day West seat d, 'eavlug Corthtle at 10.43 o'clock, A.al.and 2.48; Cettratir:-Pres.itleitt-Fred crick Watts. Secretary, ',cutlet Todd; Treasurer, W in M. Ileutein; 'Modern, P. Watts, Itlchard Parker. Lemma _ Todd, Win. 31. Becton, Dr. W. W. Dole, Franklin (lardnor, nor, ilenr3 , Glass and E. M. Biddle. CUM/ARLAND VALLEY ILUSX.—eresidont, John 8. Stet', rrstt; Cashier, IL A. Stu goon; ,Tqllor, acs. C. ',offer.- - ISisectors; John S. Sterrett, Wm. Her,. al elchoir Menne. man, Richard Woods, John C. Dunlop, Sterrett, • II A: Sturgeon, and Captain John Dunlap. , Ita..rius or row/ Postage• on all. totter. of ono-half ounce ,welght under,3 routs pro {add. (except I°olllllnl3la andlir-gon, which is 10 cents pro paid.) • • • Postago on "Tits Iltatatu''—within the L'eunly, ram Within tha State, 12.coryts par year. To any part of thn United States, •20 cents. Postage on all transient Import , under 3 'ouncen in weight; I cent - prepaid, or 2 cants unpaid Adeortisad ltd tors to be charged with•the cost of advertising.... • ' • • . .•: • 4.T.11 4 4 E , SY 11 IN 8 1: IM' M.l HATS - AND CAPSI ' • The undersigned invites the 'at tention 'of his old mt.. „tumors and the. public to . ; loinnow- and seasonable on. sortment of SILK, SUR 'and STRAW RATS, CLOTH CAPS, Ac. for gentlemen a,- d Boys . weariqf the latest ' styles mid best quality, 'The assortnient will be'Llbuii " tqAtmbrace every sort and' else' of Hate and Caps tor -" Royn and Children:: ATM the' C(41111191104'1011 N.• cheapest to the moot stylish' and. fashionable,' Mich as paßtord's„ Spring style or wmeit tle r W n's Hats,hlts;illieß "°= aid Brown, ttiouch'llats,Witßittar llats,othis own non utactitrealoys - cleft qAtattir siarlowraolon; 'anti plats: • with a la " assortment of Meit's and lloy'itetraw that of different qualities and prices, to snit the' kekfltv of .bath rich and poor. • Feeling'ionildent • that - every pun • ,Ohaser can be accommodated 'fronv'hlsi • extenilvo And varied assortment be: . cordiall3 invites , bin. trierids tq ealtand examine at' ,bitrolff . I,eatablishment on Mgla - ,Street, : • ' ,W.SPII:TR0111". SPRING -p T. Y.:L•Fi','QF I 4 T'S AT K OLD STAND:,:, (MOROI: KELLER dealint to- cell' tho attention °thin 'oldiftioncht and customers t° his - naW assortment offidn, tleman'a HATS, of . the Oakford Spring 'style; With an elegant assortment of BOY'S OAI'S :and ,HUMMER ''llATiji of ovary variety and tita'mbit fashionable styleig He has also nonitantly otl hand j a largonnii.variedns. isaitment of his own manufacture as :well as city mado .. , Hats and Cape, suitable for - the saaaanoompriAing every Vailety of Ewalt', • BenveCild.loskin and Silk Ilats; lotted in am latest stylC,logathei with a full assort - input 'Of OAPS'of every alum, and. descriptieL, and at ovary, .....,-...prlee,....l,l 4 lAWHaultirlyilsoltes the:public. to fall and ex. amine /Oa alrPonSiVe assortment; which in style, mato.' . slat andtinish;catinat be surpnsied by . ,any In market, . Inbritiel!‘ be hi ablo to put at pricei lawns' than evisrc Itemeinber Witold - stand on-North Hanover 'dreg!: - far Cheap Job Printing done'hore... = CS lilil . • • r_o Ito rYW OFFiCE..I. 4 .DIUM.. TODD 1 . •• •. Imi; resumed the practice of the Law. Oince in • . . • £e trelignare,' west9idei near • tly) first -Presby teriuu.k.TH.3 .•• • r - 11EST . '"ZULROONEY"-• YET. pegq- 3tot(ces..: A prit 8, 1667. ,• TAIVIDEND,—A dik i: //ow ',Atcry. Donovan Pracirurthe Science 0. - / 7 Abs‘radhshin,'!"! I_,/dobd at FOUR PER. CENT; 'the preferred•Stocke • • nod TWO PER CENT.' on unpniforred Sthili or eho' Cuniberlandj'allox,/tail Road Company. will be paid on ! Did ye never bear tell of one. Andy DOl3O d . . demandnd e' th171.Vq.'..8 Office. 1111)DIA von? now; only think o' that? Trilthuror • • eich's genius! .WeIL Andy War a rnal - gintletnnn, nnyhow, for he war Lorn nn' brid to do nothin' nt all at all, and (olloyed the LI TOUR BOY. lANTED.A Ij naive and Intelligent buy whnted "immediately :shout sixteen or seventeen years of age. Application to bu successful nnu.t be made in person. Carlisle. April lu, 1557. ' U tat. W. lIITNEII. - - ..decent.- livin'.- . Divil a -Wilier ,feelosopher., . ... 11 1 1_ T OTICE.— Td' the' School Directors . nor Andy nil - the wueold et4r,:. for he bate 1 I_l of Cumberland County. Gentlemen: In puree- . Kure of ilm.4;:d ~ e ctlon or the Art of May ii; 1F64. you . J / 8 . no yua timer wit the great/ gift of abstrack- I ' are herel, n'otitied to meet 111 Coll4lltioll.nt, the Court lious'e in'erlisle, on the Ist. 1110N11A1' in MAY, A. D., Ain ho had. But the rungistheri, nte squir _ _...-- _thra...bollig--ther-t.rurtli-dny'ofzibo - 4nonth:l,Vll!, , /'ololA — ae:WitilVjh - diffo - dil)efs, nu mullile men, war M mo‘l4,moonould Folett vii It Corn, by a' majority or . loused - • the nhaln ',hinter of Directors pregent, one person of Jah of,,,his reputeshin, find sent Itint.over literary and seletttitie attainments, and of. hkill and the Rift eay in Ii thriflin' of fi shal capacity, the, I experience in the art of Teartitng, us County . Fuperin- foldout.. fur i lie tlineiiilin , i•e"edlitg y,ni•s; determine the , tingle of which '1.,: disrentimber ; but twat, a amount - of:rompesatir.r, - for the - snme. - lind - certify the • : - negult to the Stole Mil.erintendent at Harrisburg i 'as" 1 ' convert' they celled hint, 'Or some neme that required hy the :nth Una 4(111 seetibmr,of said net. . I wot.faather brother to it. . . DANIEL sitELLY. .., . .. . • , County Soiperintmlent of Comb . - to. Rut about Lis wonderful peweis.• of lib 'Blilremanstowij A'pril.ls.- - 16yr. . • ,- -- ' ' . " 'struckshin....oh ye', thin! sure I 11.conte to it 1 1 1 STATE Og GEORGE WI'II3BERT, , prisintly. ." What 'ud a poor do without alio' . J IWCE. o ' l . 3) . — Noii.'. is herohY gl , en tha Let.t°r s ' aiid dial:Ain', I like to know? An' dosen't 'Testamentary on the I*.lnte of tleJ rge Webbed. late of 1 • • South . Middleton township. Cdmherhislit comity, de- L everybody folly the scie,nwt of abstrnekshin, ecasett. have helm granted by the Register I/fsaid county. AO -the , sobseti ers residing-in-)lonroe-tounshij, pommy knolllay themselves Indebted to 2:ablest:an tiro reiwited to maim Immediate payment, and those hav ing claims tY, mesent . them to tiE011(1E HENRY irmtuner, Exemtore- Arrltß, 1557.-lit.* S'f A '1.1.3'; J (MN 'YOUNG, 1)E -CEASED.—Netterts 'hereby gi•en; that 'Letters A j dnilnistration. et nn tosinmento mines, on the Es. tato 'el' ~lidnt Young. cleansed. Into ot' Silver 'Spring township. Cumberland county. hove been Istmed to the suLsoltstr-rosktlng. In limn Flttire-to4lllFilip- - All persons indolded to this sold ,estste Wlll .tosLe pnytnent. and. tipee, having rialtos agalirt It Arillpresent Omni. for settlement to • , - :CHARLES YOUNG, Adner. April R. 1&57.--4t. sT ATE OF ELI Z A 11E14i, I( H 14:41i.k8E11.—Ntitlee-Is y given that LetterF Testamentnry no the Estate of Mew MlK:Meth Ent', Into of North - Middleton t•ovitslilp. (1..1,614 iM mono, th,onsed, a nto hem] muted by the the Feld 1 . 6 . 1111ty to Fullseribpr. IlthnLin the sumo tovrmlilp, All persons know).s I'd to Midi 1,441t0 ImmedlattL.puynient,autL.thotte. baying claims to present them to , Aprl),R.; I 11 71 STAT- .31Is Hlt E, J DECEASEIL—Notke•is hetehy glen .thnt Let tens 'loNttnnentnry on 'the Est/Ito of JAMES OUTII• ME; Ji ., ea.l , . Isle N' the ltorough of Certhdo. bore been-Issued to the ,nntlr:rslgnetl teshling. :n_15:11(1 lii r,11,11. All persons IJ:tying dal,. upon , sOl.ll mints urn present them fortsatlenionLznd not.° Indebted ulll tank° pnpnent to . " • - • • ELI ZA OGTII 111 E. . • • Excent'or rif James O allude , deceased April le), 1 f , s7.—(it. . F STATE , OF. ELIZABETII WILT, herehy given that Lotto's of Athol olatrat ion on .the Qstato of Elizabeth Wilt, late of Newton bawnahip, Cumberland rounty, 'dio'd, bare been groule,L by tho "twister of void County, to the Wod. l'entmlarrotigh lownshin. All 'perFons- knowing themselves indebted ti, said tatewro requehted' to make Immediate 'payment', and ihomilaving claims to prenetst them for mat foment to EMILIE Nov. 213-6 t Adminifitrator, , TESTATE OF-ELIZABETH, KERR, j deed.—Letters Testamentary. the Estate of of EllznLel If Kerr. late of the IloPavli of Carlisle, de, ceased, have beell duly issued to the sobarsiber,resldlog In Mid Borough.". All persous haNltx. Halms .against sohl I state Will present them for rettletueat and Chow ludebted'alll tualtepayrnent to , • • JQIIN D. GOIWAS, N0v45.18.56] Ear!. - _I - OFFICE C. V. M. P. Co., March 10, 1657. ' NOTICE - is hereby given;" that an as ,sensment of five per cent. hue this day been le vied, b;,' the Board of Directors of thin Company, on all premium notes belonging Weald Company, in force on the 3d day - of - darturfrYJA:ll:l/t57, Octant - Lions "~zptf Ing bolero the 28th day of February, A. 8., 1547, Mud not renewed) on which 3 par cent. In levied, and all pro. mium.notes of original applications taken between t.ald dates, 3 per ront. is levied. 71 e'ruembers of this Company are hereby required to pay the above proportion ott their premium autos to the Treasurer of this Company. or a properly authorized agent of the Board. within thirty du) e arm thin date By order of .he Ward, JOIIN T. GREEN•iiect'y. I 857.1 t. FLORAL FESTIVAL—The TTnion e... ompany. navius - lo contemplation the tow. nen of nu. Englilo Intend holding a Festival and Fair, the first [week In .Igne sent. at Education Ilan. In which, tins kind cooperation of the ladies of Cur Is respe,tfully splielled., - • 'Tiannas- - D. Mahon. • C. M. Worthington. Fnumel Abrahams," - A. It. Erring. Joshua Fagan, Cyrus -Arnold, Luther Lino, P. .1. Common, A. J. Faust, • - C. II 7leek, R. M. Stevenson. 6 . • L. I'. (1115.1.1, C 15.1,1), rh • -„ . airtnnn. PIA.A N S' - SA LE._ " ph SATOlDltt;tb2stifof APRIL, 1857. By vititunif uii outer of the Orphans' Court of Corn. berlatid county, the sulaeribers. as Executors of ME lAA 31 LEHMAN, deceased,.will offer at Public Bale on tho'.premises, in Frank Ibrd township, a '- TRACT Or LAND,, Sil,Acres. situate In Fratihford township and hounded l.r funds of John 311.lser, tier: nerd Wolf, Joseph Dewsit and .InhuQUer, pn _whkh_loo uiinrl,_BAßN_A 'D-SA.IV • The tract has been divided Into three , lots, No. I—the.isa*, Mill; I louse nod linen *lth ;l4 acres end fil . Pacal , 's /and. Nu4l-13 nom nod O 2 prates, about 1.-acres which aro cleared. ice, Z-11 -an cc and 57 perehes with about three acres cleared. All the rest of the fetid Is In limber; ~ Thle at 11 o'clock, noon, - and ternuonado_knaWn ' _ D.A YID KOLB, JACOB LEHMAN., . Bsocutorti April 1, MT KANSAS ( A NI) EBR Leavonw iFtii City, linnpnei Terrlioiy. Will buy and sell lands, Peiva Inn a, and locate rand warmnts In lioness and :Ca nasta:tiny and sell town lots. negotiate tonne, and do a general agency but:intim Infinities respecting Vie cutiutry' by letter Cr - otber promptly arise creil.; • John ii. •Brat • • • • ' m, Iteetem, ' • 110'1..1. 11. Graham,,' "• E'er, ilronnenian•A Co:, bankers, Carlisle. Wat.iltli•lfenderson.'Thirt., Carliald. ,licorge Sanderson; Eso.,•tAuctister. Pa. . • ' 'John A. ALI M. C., Wln.S.'Cobents, EMI.; " • • :IL W. Clark le Co.' Minket*, Philndelphia, .lion. ellepherdstown: Pa. 1" 'Mitts Itellunn 4 Buns, t, L. Blake, 84; Cruilder Mercatifllellank; Xeic York. ,yder & 31SnParlano, Meld Estate Agents, lilluneapolla, MititieSsotiVebltory. ' WrOTKIIIMIM *, 'PACPTAttettIy" - Slid 7 lEeiirEistat - o — Agerrt,. 111 !,2 • - • - i• .11. W. Ma teer,lEsq„:llonry'eltyi 111: " Ex•Gov..lesupli littncr, CusrVierlapd '• March • - •• ' ici,o6o bushels Pittie Coi11,11111te;1 Broad Top helisitilthe' C6lll7ecelvink'and foi'ouili by ~ "; • 119.3, 18'511;1•,' ;, • 1 • 1V;• 11; ..liunitAY,'.• ltElor,v4iLLEy dOAL. Brakon. and, re:a,crealwd, prepared axiironaly Tor ihrnhy.fina dadloptimhai COVEN, So that I, carrturqlah PAX, 01401.cluripg tlla wink+ Aohaah." 'alati; oh 'halal ahtlihr sale gin :LUKE , COAL - fritnOtha mined brilajd, ltaeser b lAM (MIN WAl4ram , tha :mloax of Chlah• rani:Peal all of.Whlchl.will, sell at anadl,pcohta ' and' dallireeto'itLY , t hi; hordith. ' • G',kß: A rholZe.eolethin or.4lpeortee Rt.ov'ery inriety; fp rludhg gpleel‘ arid_ Teas heyo,bsen eludedto - pur former Otecilluent - , - smotirt wbkh rooy: Ue htiel'eteletly prime :„ •..tßgetbig witkngerwrglA4oi l tpaeut of:" " • C 1 1311%%•.5UGA r ..,:,, - • ' fiandlitt iiirephlitel:4 - n a 'biiiii.- IltuliSugetriv; 'AlsO Let' of. , 'New Cheeeetehmei nt m o n, ellsre4,-Mustard, Cboonlite t ar, , j,..4lsp annul - avid Itiarke 'rods, of..7eiihl • '!` - 'For eale.rit the lowestprices pt )144L10N HALL' ((kt 2t) . • - girl. VZOW9 , I `&o3's TWA WZBAHIVE I= threhile prf_n•feclimpher by way of aunkin' a tho.raka o!the.gorl,_hreaktynsta, Alai_ illegant dilatant, nn'-the likeeV'thint-? !qualm thin !shy wouldn't Audi• do that. same. an' wid dointp . to bog over his shoulderebo won derin' over the . 00tthility, in&litatite, at prep- tisin l 443 own grand :flatlet)! bciettee of oh strackshin'-t . • Well, wan day, betimes, it !he ritornite, out goes Andy Wid his bog overl!is shouldher, nu!_ his fishin'-rod undher big . vets on OM!! he' sees' forcnent hum 1111. gt eat Hoek of geese: •••_. • Tliaa'a hentitiful birds,' see Andy, stoppin . short, •an n espielially the gandher. Troth, now, there's . no . hartim,., Sure,. in cultivatin' . his acquaintance! ArrUli, now, itltitther Gan der,. see be, poltin'atlbim with his rod, •• is are_th e_day.:l2 • • Ice I iiis!!Sez•the -. • now, but illl n he pleased to bear Ito.' z Andy, sprit) inannera, - mq yo •if fa - d7ofigood cotupany , ye are • • Los sex the'gtWt.lbei. • - • • Ayrah, Ey! .. Anily,... , tlon't be bashful, hot lake out. May - be my geed looks that 'ud, he takin' yer eye . !' .• Los V - ser. the gltndher: • . 'Many thanks ta; the . complement,' see Andy, makid a ginteel bow. • There'i bit of n enbiu madher the hill yonder as belongs to my own self, mid entertainment . for man nu' baste_ to_the fore,•at' come_ _wid. me,' sure but i'll make yez ' wiloome as the . flower. in May,' _ _ •.• • lasi P see the •gtinalter, crainin'-eut•his:neeli, and. !Amnia! • aft her' .the OEM greet desai'ver.V' • *. . • . Well, it' isn't the like a' me tb ratan out why any reaprciablr-gancllier shouldn't choose hisnven Innether,' sez Andy ; t ate: if . ..yell only 'stay therag'in,,byjehervbut - I'll not ,be the bey to love yetis disconsolate! Are yeee minded to go wid me ?' . 'lse! lee I—e - --S I' says the gendher. ' 'Sure I . plight to take the' effeekshinate creytkur at his word,' eez Andy ; . but it. 'ad i he - right to let hint eniptielhor over the mot. 1 ther a little while longer I( lt.wur wan a' thim faymeles yondher, I'd be puzzl t d la know what to do' at all, by radio' o' their cliengint their mind so often, no becoorse is nathural esiongla to thin apAies ' But 'n, gill demon.' on' rt gintlemen ganather 7 -nu' sure there's no great differ ilt times beruxt ;em-- 1 tiny a gititleman, nit' a giiillemen ianalber, 'us never go book o' their word; for. by ra sonTniieir superior dignit), - 'tin she likes,..n' thint gm 'ad be ethented to say whin they menus los.. Sd now,' set 'he,' tetelain' the panther wid the ind of his rod, ‘l'll , be afther nskin' yees, ray friend, for the third an' last , tile: l it it 'ad be 'Main' to ye to some Mimi rid toe?' ' ' . 4 Ise !:issi . lee f. 7 .-s-,4*.et the itindber in the Most' pi..00104y Manner possible. . 'Oh, begorra V ere Andy, , if. yeas so fond of me as 'all- thtet, Ilon't nee why I shouldn't make yer betther acquaintance.' . ' An' thinAnity,• the slily rogno,.he fasthena .ii bullet en the Ind o' his fishite.-line, no' whir ..liti',..tlieCiodlialthe:air, Ibri;ught,the - litte -- stid: : denirround - tin'aeound the neck 0.. the, gaud her, an''' fished him up•Wid n giv 4 iit lift, ate . put him in hie bag? a , 'Allah; now ! but warn't 'that a beautiful speciment of Andy Doitavares ecienco - of - nbitirackshint . . _.... . ...Oat!' eez he laughin' 'to' his own aelf. oterar a'great'piece s o' friondehip. in the fat gandher; ,anyhow, to take a likin' to me:— But Shure it Only shows the disoriminnshin o' the baste;' fOr I tuk that sante Obit,' to his self; Mid that's no lie. '.Truth sn'..l'itbe good to, the crathue as long no t he lives, (Oil (Maker hint up' aid pattaties 'an' buthermilk. - .'Tis ofemd I Mit that ho wont' live' long; but l'il .b'e thankful for.bienillick,Shiii, an show it, too, by atilt'. him tindherly.' :'Well,-by lies' by, he comes to a pond' where there'were lashing o' cicks, au' prisently; Up waddles a grand gintlentau ~of, ',a Moskairec,, I,lo', ,waggiie his curly tall r luoke . him :in ,the I lace im.boutd-as-ye.•plosis. '' ' ' - '' ' 77 - Witeitlel - frlerAutiy : .., . • - , - 7,,. - ' "."- - 4.: , ...44ak - !'livacii'l .'pi keli,l',,,i‘ezthe clunk. „ ~ Be MT , whl Yet'''';fiez. audY,.,...an.' . behave leereelfilko',n:dnoeni furrow.'' Yeee wilconie' - to - thet ett lie,: ttie . t het elltri4ll4! tho., 6 9 40' 0 'feni.hsre de CeMog vr4l ii; hut . ..sore I. think at, ,tiettherinonnern !Jr yeeemot to , bl , afther (her. ferin' 'rid!the liufehntes orndontithry borii.,!; , 'Quack' . q9kiiler : l43:liO`-nniikVieol .' , .',": '. 1 -Oli . , muriligil' tiei. : 4Miy,:;. Did 'Over ben; - Jell. the likee.co'.._that.?/Au' l'. 'etailin' • hare ',Wont 'anyin - g fiothiii" nil! all, r -MIN ' : se; ttingile **ye''hiniintb'rniizZil tnefe ' Mii - - ,foil i t ain4dher, an bplieep.boy, that wry.!.':, ~ „,. „, . , Qunalel quack - 1 -!quack rink' •the iinpeiL i'dent du'ok ''.'' ' '''' .. ' '' ,-,.:'' -; ,' '.` `' ' . ' . ,'l"4'r:oit,te nuni.lee l' . B ,Ano .', q l . 'll, .; .. li.itihie; 1,0 . ye, off,A . Jell yeee. , Is it Ina looks. Ulm . a iquack;-vld.nivei o rap In.my peeket, : iin'. l Mil t 4 liettiMred 'ci old ,catithoe'tifirtnY::beati :yryt(lti j. ;.- ? - 1, 4 4440 1 0....quit011.;.quiteic eitsoz -the' duqk 4 , t'atesthinj by, villje,4in' ,brhat;;liii the ludo L duck s tilk up the try, aud sung out : . goad! quack I .. .Annelle B, .. ~, : . • .. .. , ; MM CARLI.LE, PA.; WEDNS.DA:Ir, APRIL g 9; 1857. - . "Hugh •, , ,aez.Andy, : feelosophytin, .Ptie th. vay o' the Wureld,ovir overt : -iNiver tb. bad war put on a man but su're dOiett p ented• it, ; Upon ,nty conscience?: ere he, • 'tit. poor, tuisfo-thenate igliqr,watiiies;.iiii! may be they don't know no betther *so menu wit) Oh but Andy, war the perlite.man l'an" bad -,Abraveled-norossitlitiault-say- to discuorsel_wit - the Englishmen all-about-hay-makin% OW, re , pin' all' vvather-dralns, wld practi43kle;:expla unshinS, By throtting about be seen the wureld, and hiAtted the- inn* they multi' poll• Matter apaches-in - thin' Arlin parts,-So, dt this prisitit time, - be got upon an ould.Astuniti , by thelmildaide, au', lather makin' a scrape band to it; to- - make believe. he- war- Bathe a .sup o' could wittLer—thougb, betust you, an' I, sorra cup o' isather, wilt Andy's lips _ whin lie oenld get. anything botcher— but he . knowed - that war, the troy 4,0 committee a apache'; ..an' so, whin he'd been taken rid the BUM cough which the raftl politiohmers have on tech occasions,. an' wiped his mouth amass' witl ; the handkerchet ho left at home, be inter . juiced his own - self :is Andy D movan by ontiie, , fnr want of another gitttlenan . -at - his ."an"thicr•wid•a•grand• flourish antra, set he to the ducks, .scz .:Gintletnen—no, that's not what I matte. Friends an' .fellbw,- eiiizthie, ..011,Inurther, but lisn't citizens ye are 1 . Friends Rai fellow cuinitilrYiti . 4,—fsii lut•'lio right lam atlust FelMw . zoonltlity• 7 : • Qoack I quack!' nes dhe big duck. !, . -•.' Augh. millia tuurther, sleuill , teiroui ould ryptyleP son Andy., • Why will : ye. he _ either interceptin me, an' I, etnntlin, here -in dsfiapce o'auy cherackther ? 'Put ylii• rp, 10 . yet' mouth, ye toiste, and lave ashamed I ant u' yam] for canto' a (Malta mutt, wid a cabin full o eltiliihre, a lulfak ! Alltthe ware!) known—yen : thief, rat' Kilkenny too, for that Mittiller—that it 'nil break my.heart • TiTlre — nipiettk, ~''Tia - iliflilisneJ' iGruik 'II em ',petit& the day ; yell take yer 0118 out ii .the mud; an' stop gabbliu,' rd like to ..• •, ex yeei,it Mindful o' questionit. . War.iver the uumo of Audy:Donvan.ln the newspitper I tell MC that, ye, Jhuadheurts,' barrio wriest whin 1 bruk Terrenee Maltoot'e, bed•wid n pewther noggin I - Did I, iltor (1 - e; mono mp own self to pay a ibirneento nitewS paps•r Man to Print . letther's in Dublin, nit' Kil kenny, an' Cannaught, an' Wicklow; to any : that tourayperillia wer . tAtthor nor bricwhono to a Sitotchnian, mora.proftiable lOE . to Johnny Butt? 'o' . .me that • '.tl• break my', bones wid ..fiitler • :if.Dougiieftio . we] k in!, elicit . by taken' sot j.t .'eath . Blatf i Afic!'Y tiouoiatt's . Pitiaty ti :Win 445,0 sugar, war the best purgetbory insiated by rucTtlelmnu 4—Ayelt I .Is it,l .that tilirawe an'que'rtered, like chicken in a cook fur sellite magnified powdbers, to.be tea, ken throngli,thaiud of a tellyskope? Is it as 'oil be her:e t,he day, wid a lisle In my, lint big enough for a bull to run through, end watt tail to my coat, whin l.is'lashins of gook' that I'd ho sounpite up if I warn quack P • /neck ! quack! quack! quack „Bei' the inuskovee. . , Olt bail leock-to yees! sez--Antly, jumpin' down from bi 4 'roithre ;' • hut 'tis myself Omen tactic yees . what - it is to, bespattlter ti gintletunn.' An' share he'did • right aff ; far he put a hit o' red rag on his fishin' book'an' tilwaggied it ong lather him; an' t;.thie an' by that, the diek_muthevee prisintty wi) but 'be war flappia' about iu the - bag? • • the way wid all them born natherals o' furrenere,' sezAndy; 'Troth, but I theuebt .ye had betther Muse. An' now be aez he' . 7 -An'that'erthe ai4ory all ai¢Ou‘Audy Don ovau bvcorain' a convart." DitRAD IT WEE A DOG "—ln the Court of Special Seesiimi this morning, n man named Smith wag arraigned for ',tenting n demijohn containing thrie gallons of srhisky. - • , 'Are yOU'gitiity or nut guilty P asked - the Clerk.. Well, you can Onll it -whet you likte; tuk the whisky, that I hdthit,:ond drinked to ' - - - t: i rfni traikr it without leare,Jild you aof.'• • ,`f.ntiver wait to he asked - titian' Ih - ot - hrti ole's round,' ... . ' You drink all you can get" . . , •Trttatutnd sec Judge ; .11..reokoirl'in er Perienoediu that line o': trade . ' ; , I tilink.froin your appearance, that no one will doubt you on that point P. 4 I can prove a eltitrainer4 anybody double . No body doubts that, iind it will he neces sory to .send you to the Penitentiury 'three months to get'the 'whlsky'out. of - yOu„' ' Can't' elan' it; Jiblero 1' - Pre 'lira!' •the critter "for fiftenti.; years b'eati in/ Meal' and drink, 'and yoll'4 better hang iiie'and ihme with • " .„ . pity;,l)l4 'ther'sOci:help for, you-; will do you good to get eoher.! • Well, if I moat I mugt , :.but I'll tell .yogi What !tis;_JO‘lite-1" dived . 11 like U . flog)?—Eve . fling' hest. - rleAuTtyutax.FlAln -;:4l9ltie like thi jewel, preoierie Iti it , ' epuricielind .• A , really clever', ibirig appeeCelt'ehould be on"reoord . ' lie "eshibilor ore 'eetving body's etterlthin * et ilrii , Criliit4l;;hrici'finiehed'ir trial'otit lit! the -Eieatiiiivell'O'cirii."2 When: the needle hid evineeriite hilcelpid — Yo!4 l 99vernPr, , Pqe,a4n40 00 10re r ,‘ ,inetnntlr:uneneretl..Aut oprirteons ceiernighqttle, "A ; y prntly girl'. . • Dirtuineen; T6.1-I;ivi`.i.eit News Fi!tei ir i The Nee' York Timis.rporills the !dory' .of • 'country e!iiter; . leho,'tie:ihng:the,he:ly, oPti.e . kee' .heagiiid,te,eihleeri poet 'cite ttiihfeiltet:,hte:. - oiki, to ilreeni cu { 3t low zpt~,anf= ' hig tho'uoivo; and was himself indieited tor th; - 40EMOZMO 31liarthiniguo. A EGEND_ OF_NEW_ ENGLAIM 11It JOltti-ti.I,7I4TTIER . One hundred-years agli l—the bunter, who': ranged the hills unclfuteitte of New Englund, •,' fought against other, enemies4hiiiiitho brown tTr and the' panttiet:. The — luntion - dmiit3Ttos7 - ke toiled iu the plain and narrow ,clearing, kept closely at, Ids side, a loaded weapon ; auk wrought. diligently and firmly in the midst of peril. The frequent. crack of the Indian's rifle Wse hoard in the still depths of' . the Barest—the death knell_of_the-unetur hunter; anti. ever and anon the ftame'or some devoted farm house; whose dwellers had been slaughtered by.seme Merciless' foe, roee redly upon the thulium Of the night time. The • .wild-and-fiery.eyes..of_the .heatben_ gleamed— lhrctugh tlf thick understood' of the forest, upon the'passing of the worshippers of the only true God : and the war whoop rang shrill and loud 'nutter the very r walls of the sanctuary of prayer. . . l'erliftps no Kitt of Nour - PAgland .affo'ials a wider field fur tlie reSearclaei of le*endry,. than:that portion of Massachusetts pay. fort merly known ne the •Provinno of Maine:— There the fe'rocioun Roilltrefidock hold hiO stein counoils,,and there the tribes of Pend), scot Trent - forth:•with long end dance to *Me up o n the whini twin. Theric - the iomentiO end ohivalrouti Custine immured himself in. 'fore‘fit aalitudeo, and that.° high ' litarted ha - Ile—the Mild, gifted Jesuit—gathered' tot. gathered ihe'broken strength of the Norridge 7 iriek, and,builtAp in the greatsriltlet'ness..a temple to the true God." There, too, 'he per ished in the dark onslought of the ColonistaL peiiithed. with many wounds at the very• foot of the eroll6, Artlich his !tern hands had plitnt• ed .:-lAtid there _the Norridgt . noynki . fell—'enn after 'mother_ in stern and unoempromising• * - quiarter; -- cie ,tliePteitetl the white spoiler upon the thresh- htild,tif their gcnsearatea Tditc`c . of worship, aq~(.IA Nevi Wf.l heir wives and children.. Tha (clewing is'otte anong,inany leFentla of ihi; allionge encounters of 'the: - 'White Man andr:th'e fll4lllll, which are .yet preserre&-in the adaieut records'and traditions of 'Maine. Th'enitnplo.and unvarnished-harrative is also `elicit. . It was a etiltiraieuing-tovarde the hat er JiMe, that' Captain •, Hermon nnti.,the 'Eastern Hangers urged . . their canoes up the Kenebee-rieerde . purauit of their • enemies.:, Pont. houre they toiled dilligintly at the oar. The Ink' traCkof clvillzatiou - was 'kit behind. nud Hieloni[ahady_we'' of,, the - skirting forest met nud blended In the Middle of the tiroltd etrcam, whioh wound darkly through them Ataverisound from the adjacent shores--;the ruellingwing of some:night bird, or the fimt itteps of . aemo wild beast—the dash ef,.the our was 'suspended, and the ranger'S grasp tight eried on the rife.. - All. knew_ the 'peril of the enterkise ; and that silence which Is natural in jeopardy, settled like a cloud •upon the . • Hush--softly men !' said the watchful Her- men, iris voice which sOarcely -rose- above, a hoarse whisper, as . the canoe swop[ around a rugged promontory, there is - ti light ahead!' Alleyel were bent towards the shores. • A till Indian fire gleamed up amidst - the great oaks, casting a red acid strot g light upon tho dark wateVs. For a single ,and breatliles tnotnent the operation of tne Oar was suspen: (14'nntl every ear listened with painful ear- . tiestne'ss to catch the well known sounds,- which seldom failed to indicate the propin-_- qtlilyTtfhe savages. ,But all was now silent. With slow and faint movement of the oar, •< the gradually approached the suspect ed spot. , The landing wait effected in silence. After •mov;itig cautiously for a considerable , distance in the dark, shadow, -the party• at length ventured within the broad circle of the light; which at first attiaoted-their attention, Hermon Was at their head, with ele,dird hand, quick as those of the savage -enemy whom he sought. • ' • The body of n . fallen tree lay across tbo ranZetti_w_cre'_oti_tba...paint-: of yaping ovor it, tlie.coarenwbilinir of Hermon again broke. the silence: ' . • gad of heaven l' be.exclaimed, fainting to" . :be free. • See hen e!--'tin the . work of the cursed red .ekiner . ..Letnothered.eurse growled on the lips of the rangers, as' they bard grintly forwtird in the direction pointed out by their eoutroanil er. Blood wowsprinkled on the rank grase ttudt.he baud of a white maulay on the 41064 log, . • There was not a word spoken, but every cumatenance worked with terrible.' emotiOn.-L flud tbe.rangers followed thelr.own desperate ilkolination, they :would, have -hurried reek; 'reedy °award. to, the. work of vengence ; •-but ilig example grttip lendsr, 'who had regained usual calinneee tied self command, • prca pared them for a-Jeee speedy, , but more liera ;sin triumph 2 ;. ,•Cautiously passing:,oNer , this fuirful onstacle,na tee! pallittlq: .0 08 09 followed. by . his companions , •.advanoed. stetitbily - nod -- odutiouely - uponAbiLlighti - hi ,— ;ug bitneelf audible:Party:au nuudr us .possi., pile behind the .thick trees.. In • a ,few..tne.. meate.they otaLained n full vied fof ~the object if.tgair,eei.i•o'h; Sirete lengtirr, 4round a huge fire, but et — a; orarelent:••• diet tenon from 11;.layilzeiMinted and half.-nuked: forma, of . tvrenty ir -seraties, •1 It eridenv Yrore their apfteeranoe, thet.they ;bed passed: cf, the' t.horri Li; resole, cad that. ...Pey item now, euffering wider •the .effeete of, intoshattion. ',ooo4elonally na grini".warrioi • inteng them; started ,h df ..npright, !grasping% ~liiktumulitivikgus if ,to. oontbat some vision . . of i ltia distorted brain, but,-unable' to ..Slinitti ‘,ofp, I.4e.einpor.frcn hie eenties,-; nniformally fell .4alcluin hie fenne4tmition. ,The pingere crept neartr. As: they. beht heir c ifeini , eyee aicitig!their t.ititi felt : Peirfee.tlyi ,Sure.; :4aited , (orllicelginit 'Of :Ilertifeti hof'weit'en.i. , i i h ikays of i e to? di) hio tkcir 0(4 amtigiybittnilitt • • iiVo - e. • 4 Fir(' l' de at length exclaimed; ae thessigkt MEE of his piece - interposed full and distinct be tween his.oo - and the 'wild scalp look of the •'. Fire! *knish, oti I' -The :ahnip of thirty riSis thrilled throegh.l4;beneftettitildretit; Therit`liae a groan. -a snlotheredory—a tvild..and ''oenvul 411 , 13 movement ameng the sleeping. Indians and all again, was silent. - • The rangers sprung forward with their ‘olulthettLutualtets and—hunting4sivesi—but. the ir_wnik_st r ae_tion to their last audit before- the Gre,at Spirit, and no sound wits beard Ittnong them - save the' gurgliagol the , hot blond- from' their -lifeless boson lit ; • They ivere left unburied on the place of their revelling—fvprey_ to._tholonpairds iiir,"and the ravenous beaks of theivilderness. Their scalps were borne homeward in triumph 14 the successful rangers, whose children and . grand children shuddered,, long after; at the thrilling narrative of the midnight atlyenture._ The•• Twelfth Oyster's Difference Madame 'tie "K—; , a itnesian - lady of great coneequeiloe, formerly, in the fashiona ble world, • returned lately to Paris. She . had been Sbeent some years,.- and of . 00urso had be'en foriotion—but it rthe..now necessary to her happiness that She should ne•cooquer her I fernier glories na the mast adorable and best drest of Womeri—Litartionlerlit the latter. -811 4 nintin upon , her • fot-mer dress-ma: : apt., the most eminent of course itt.,her-sue ceases of toitetes;'confided to her the problem and Its anxieties. There' was to be a Seria4n , all --Madame tie:lC—;- i hed t o l a 4 ear first at that,ttrnearl.tthe .. tiosttime of ,a Ga brielle LI trees.••"lt vies pretnisell. — _ . .On the morning of the day re the ball, Ma dame called .upon her dress-maker. The•dress "was,done. -It:Was 'a mini* of perfect beauty! TWenty thousand frince.tif lace reposed ceftly on folds' f tulle; gaited as if - by . the fingers' of rdriCS.. , ..The corsage was truly marvellous— but.- oh horror i—vriin it •oaina to be tried, on, it wits baud- impossible for Madame de K. to enter it I. ,Against • the hints and soUnsel-or the dress.tuaker.it bad -beim made (To herold measure! .- Itlii;.desolatiog - inexpressible exclaimed . Maim," What isto'be donej t - But it cannot 'You Miles sel itatantlY to work ilos' me another corsage I'. Impossible !' said ,the modisfe, we .have• but three bonds, and thirty, dresses to cow plate and send' home in that time.' !But, 'would Madame make 'one more 'effort . effort:Was Made, and, this time, the car-, sage admitted Madame and her enlargements.. But Ellie was very pale, and had resource every Motnent or twii,„ to her 'sake I suffocate!' slie.peutingli Cried. , . lifaclmne will get acogetoined to it, little by maid the /disease. And then, With the exettletf of the hall, the site ditniniapes. tuotgely 'it In a bell, for if it were' a diaper , : perty,lladatue would be bbliged to y give up . . , • Theatilling woman looked with glaring eyes upohdbnippeaker. • 'lt is a dinnerr she ea- IWror. ' They dance , after • . ~hett"' said the .I•tittensaker, vary popitise ..)y, ait wllkbe necessary for: No lams to omit the dinner:', . . - An to thiadesPerate resolve Madame de K ,4---,`oensonted. Slie,took the Areas ma ker home with her, drdered a dozed oysters and bottlO'of Burdeaux, and, sent an apolo-• gy ofheaVa . clin.: She would niake her appedy once in tia+ fur the dance, . • Tweleemy.sters exclaimed the ii3odede. as she saw hei customer go at them voraciously. -t Please, Madame, omit one I—Eleven are as many as your ctorerige will admit! Alas, Ma dame, the brtst oyster takes up a groat deal-of room !' • • I - •Eleven be it, then!' said ... Madame, sigh.' 'Atidletiving the , longC4 for ultimatum on the, plate r she oomtileted'her:Aitetie for the • - evening._ • • .•. Fier:lfiend's rebind her figure charming—her waisi f tte Isjight , tte'evei•L,-herself paler thati she deed to • be,: but still :otherwise' unchanged. And 'l9l6..inavitirigfeensation of unnppeased , hunger:WhiCh Ate hnd all the eveningi•_,,was oriiiiiteriCy:tlitijeiepiltn en fa 'WU er unrivalled dress blr wed! remembered and still beautiful . Aguri:l , . But another oyster:would have burst the- Iti.oini•of the r .adoiable.,nCrsage I And, (moral!)to forego-that twelfth -oyster should be taught in the disCipline of female. atade mie . . A FINE THottanT.--. I would not (said one who was not himself pious) marry any woman who was not a Christian. I •should feel it such as honor to share a heart in which God dwelt.' - It was a fine thought and deseryVa to 'lnf especially remembered. ' Nou•went a friend in whom . you can have entire and unlimited confidence . ; one who Can be your counceller in , all oircuinatancee of difficulty. or trial ; one who is to.bo, identified With yriu through, life, in hope and fear, in joy and sorrow .:` i She tt'te be'e Bert of Pield• ding divinity at thy family: board; l 'end 'her countenanco,the Mirror in-which tenet' he'ee'4 floated the faithful imnge otthy &emetic bliss o r wo o; one vArtiy°wlil be dlsoreet, nffeo tion'ate and firm' in governing ber children; Atialfort,'whO will hive yew for yotir own flake ,oe.hapipy With you iii cabin, and who will cleave -the olbeer to -you wheti...:_tlio ... etorm: of iudvoToity .9 r..p cps eo 'ewept Away or. witherid every veatage. of 'earthly comb Et from about you. Now. bear 'all these i hinge. iif mind ; mut then-to yourf prayerel and the,exerc!ke . of a becoming prudence, and , yOu will not be likely to fail.," ,• • -_ , you :honor!) in do. Pilau' thing , ie THOU , Got), Swart ytnr. 77 444...itt every thought; and death, anci,„ltroose,you are ..y bad ? imi do, the '.',lll)l44')'!'4gliPlc.-010*:PuTP°13e,, 704114%40. " 1 1! , ) . - I , 2W hl !' t lie,that`eoaret/hlning i neplioti°4 fietiticrief4 indixpreee; *ken tii - o ,caintoo. - OittitieePtif t rwhOtio'npYeiaion: , ,ious,Purpoie ?Mall taletiv'itiokeepietilireittit'ta ell the frame of my mind, end all 'the work jt my. hai)J; if kl thou Gloil eneat toe ?" MEE Ini The hit nember of the 'Londtin Quadirly‘.• 1? :view Contained an interesting arliele thev invtanoes given. of their 'fecundity, fereeitY, and ingenui ty, ate almost incredible.. A single pair of rate, In three }eve ? nn -disturbed Will have thirteen littera 'of. eight cacti,eta_birth and the-young will ... hegin lit— teringjpAli tittiLratio_i;hein_six_menths- olde so that'at the 'end cf three ,years a single hair' i!!1 here multiplied to 06808, Calculating that tau rate eat ea much'in oho day as amen' the - consumplion of These would be equal to . that of 64;698 men. It Is clear, then, - that „if it were not.;_tor7neTextraordinary-diiiiinution in their numbers caused by the ceaseless War fare Carried . on against them by • doge, cite, polecats,- otters. snakes, and beyond all, hu man rat:catah . ers, Ake whiskered vermin would' , speedily - odium a'fantine in every - part of - the_ - world in - erfileh -, theY are found. . • • . Rate are great travellers, The ship rat . in., feats veStiele orall classes: as many ea' five hundred htive'been found in a Ma& East In 7, dinroOn; Their.greatest difficulty, when ,on shipboard, is that of procuring water; 'and .they have been known to ascend the rigging bfnight,efter a etorm, • and sip the :Pin found in the folds of tke - salls.--When on slitrc'ehip rate are exceedingly fond of prime fitiit ; and by burrowing under the walla of garcons will help thentaelvee to a taste of the oliolcest-mel. oni, strawherriee, dripee, &0., that-they pen' find. k • " RatiVixistht sewers end drains, - particularly r, ere - there is not a good supply of flutihrater. lly burroring in every di'rection they do iritmenSe harm to the brickwork of the sewers, end frequently spoil • pipe drains . by causing them to dip of the joints, under - which they have eicavated the earth. London and puris.numbers of profesdanal rat- catChers find - lucrative employment in huliting them in the• sewers; When caught they are disposed of either for sporting_ purptiles—for— ihich they . cornmancil ready sale in London at seventy-five cents per dozen-,or they are killed for the Bike Ofthe fur, 'which is 'extensively used in getting up the unrivaled ...beaver bate sold by Parisian betters. • The hide, al:. so, is useful•forinaking the thumbs of the best {so called) kill , gloves . ' - - Rate oleo commit great depredations. In elautibterho - usee and ,Knackers' Yards. In the - severe frosts, whet' it le impossible to • out up the bodleilOf the horses, apd,whenthe out side flesh is 'tiiiihard fur the rate to feed upon they enter the body and devour the flesh from the inside, .eb that when the their coines the workmen findYntihing be4bw tho ekin but a ekeleton,.bctter.'Cleared of its flesh than if it. had been done by 'moat skillul operator. When rittehavirno tither food they will de= stroy eeoh other. Majende pieced a dozen rata,ln a box in order to trysome'expellmente; when he reached home nod opened ,the -box, there were but three' remaining. Those had devoured the rest. 4'nd left only the booms and toll. • • :These little animiila are indefatigable in the pursuit of food, and hardly any amount of precaution con keep them from n place where they know there ix a septilyif be had. ...The. proprietors of po . nded warehouses know this to their cost." They infetif l the London Zoolo gical Gardens in itqOiene . numbers, and have eaten their way ihrougb the copper wire fluor of the tigera' (Jana. . The. proprietors of, the gardens have'been compelled in self defence to keep. a pa'ok of terriers to hunt them, by, wheui as many LIM a- hundred are sometimes, destroyed in one night. The.propcneity . of the ref to gnaw through, even the hardest obstacles is not.merely advt.: ring, but a neoeseity, Hie teeth are so form• ed a. to continually grow towards each other eo that nothing but the constant wearing, away by friction could prevent hie' incisors from passing completely through bis lips. A good sized sewer rat cad inflict very severe bitespl. even-in some instances, enabling him to inn. quiet; a. terrier dog, or even a ferret. There have been instances in which rata. have become thoraughl,y domeiticated like a. cat or dog; and when 'this is the case they rendeb good sorviee by driving from Ile miens -all-others - of thett - tribe: 7- oMTiiiii - de or/ ridding & house of rots is 'lc; catch a •single , • specimen'audfaston it small bell around. his leek, the tinkling ef,whinh, ne hei-ifpiij'oaohee the hauntsofhis comrades, will 'frighten thew a trey. • An expert rat-thtteler, howerrir,. fat' minor with thehabipi of hie prey, will very soon clear 'Owns° of itsobnoxious 'visitants. ton bas driven the inhabitants to economise every species of food, rate are eaten and esteemeda great luxury; and.eases are reorded in. which ships' crews, - when r ehOrt of provisions, have avenged themselves on the rats for lessening the Supplies, by cooking and feting them id the form of biked, One . , which it inlesicl, been deemed quite dainty by.the partaker.. One of the most common modes of . ridding preinhoW of these unwelcome hanntee, is, that of niimiaisteridg malted's to'ihetn. This, 'roe,' is attended with very great danger, - • rate have partaken of arsenic ' - make' tweeter the nearest water, and-if there tie a', iiietern inthe house they are apt to poitim it. Our readers are anare that al Dose of this; kind has recently oormied,,it WaShiugtene, In phial . ; the lives of President , parlanput„anci s. several_oftbe.titsoi prtireineer of !ha day, vieiii:ploood•in'imniiiihnt h'd partaking nr.Vrateerfpm a oietein_the 'oontents.l Of which had been Akio poisoned. I • • . . . . , , i 4eir„Tsno,:q4 ; sl l ntl!cuP9 7! ) .F.7 3 , o . o rll l lT4Puttla. lug peat' otber ee , fbei , r , btibiteef teTpereuee.,: : ! ..Dju7oli eT5r. 1 ?! ) . 1 .0 t ! i # ,. ! 11,I i 0 'd° , ‘,.."! 0 ? 1, • imi'iritb aniire itiii - 4`l 0014 carry ?' • ii: 1 ." No iiideel4"iinirthe iepry,' "not I. 'Bait " ; f, ..be!e 'man you-*Lieti L. thoilg kit you -bad bet- . r tie.rie, $9140 tYlecefterit.'t,:.' : ,)1: :: ,'• ' • 11121 1. ge•One of our jokers' tG other , dehl 4-o to ~ (Socling therdenthto irk it down . east p0pet.,*14:1,,," ' eteg,-Al gq.is 9ha STP.'t-filt9i , °R) , EP;lo°!f k .': , be 0 04' *d 97Z r sl f l l i k!4l . 1 1 ina t tf/t4 '''''' o how priapic afforded to itve eo looLat't O' '... North '= tie won't over thirty, ondvhadn't ' , money enough to hold out touch lintger. `, NO. 41. TEE 110 . TRIBE