' New fiGuirti4ements. DEALE.R:V • OGoods, Waies and Merchandlse. Also, Distillers, Millers,. Lutnixwmen, &c.. within -..thwcourity olOomberland. returned Mid clessitled lii accord:oleo with the several Acts of Assembly, us fol lows, to wit:. I= • A. Bents & Brother, dry goods, . 0 $27 00 .Wliliam Gould, grocery, . 14 .7 00 John 9. Armstrong, lumbar, • 13 '.°lo of AV. 11. Murray, reel, '.• 12, 12 50 •/•,, 0. W. Ililtrmy, real;l4 7 011 0. W. Williams, grocery, ' 12 -,- 12 59 • • S. 314/lbovor, lumber, • , • 14 • 70) Wmorard & S.cmidt. produce, " 10 -20 00 . J. Itheem & Son, produco, 10. .. 20 Od .7, G. Williams, grocery, . •12 , 12 50 W..A. , 3111e5, dry goods. . ' 14 TOO If; Mullin .1 Co., clothing, • 13 - , 10 00 Reuben Idno,Ary goods, 14., - '7 00 If. 91. Johnson, Imoks; ' . : -- 14 - 700 .F. Rohror, clothing, , - -.• : 14 - 7 00 Henry Potors, , markating, . 14 . 700 IV. it. Trout, hats, 14 ' . 700 II D. tlorgas, stoves; ' ' , 14 7 00 -.James 7 London,-books, 14 ..,,_l 00' ' A. 31. Piper, lmoks . • , • 14 7 14) Samuel El fat. dritge, 7 00 Thomas Conlyn. jewelry, 14 - 7 -1.0 -•- .16 W. Eby, grocery,. ,t ,„ .12 ' 12 co Iletnier.o & tons, produce, '," , 10 ' 2o' 00 111,1,grot..Shoes,--. • ' , - 13 10 00 J. D. Delbert; grocery, .; . .- 12 12 50 --:-SA..liivenitkkoleug. - .. .. 4 _l3 10 00 Fredericks & Ilunier,muirkoting - ,/ . . 14 - "7 00 Arnold & Livingston, clothing, ~•:•.. r 13 • 10 00 J. P. Lyne & Son, hardware, 12 • 12 '5O rilotimo Morris, stoves,' 14 ' 7 00 14 7 00 Jouathtin Common, shoes . . John A. Ilumilth7 - dty greeds, 13 10'00 D. Commit, flour,' 14 7 01.1 Jacob Wolf, grocery, ' 14. .7 00 J. - W. Smiley, clothing, • 14' • 7 - 00 -.James Cello, marketing, ..14 ' . ' .7 00 Samuel 0. II dylitt, grocery,- _. - 10 '' 20'00 -- Slinon 14 llolier,lmober, l3 '---.._.. __llLoo_ '• l'etei Monyer, confectloner,'(2 stores.) 14. ' • 14 00 Henry Glass, lumber. . " 14 , 700 r . 11..17. Contemn. deng, - -. •, -- - .14 . . , 700 Arnold & Son, clothing, ' . 13 10'00 7 0 ' G tri74Vo l 7,;!r t' cood ; ' / AN 1.1 . - - 15 , 0'0 • J111.1(eller, bats, •- - y l ' '4 .- - (2., 14 ' - 7 00; N. W. Woods. dry goods/r. • Ai • • 13 10 0 ' . .'11 miry stsston,linnlware,' ;,-- ,' • 10 ..._ .. 20 00 ', 0: IV. Hither; dry goods,; ' ' 10 ' 20 , 00 -, - 'Steiner a Co., clothing,. -y ; •:. . . l3 __ 'lO 00 Mierllialtir - dry7toollll, • 11 15 - 00 - IV. D. - A. Naugle, jewelry,- •14 , 700 11. S. flitter, clothing, • ' . -14 7,00 C. Inboli, grocery,. • ; , ,•• '• 10 20 00 11. J. Kieffer, drugs, ••.. • 14 - 7 - 00' -. -Henry Ilerss - ness, grixwies,-- 14; ' ..-- 7.00 - John Faller. grocery, ' 14 • . '7 OU 'John lieens-;,,, , rvery, • . • . 14 . 700 . PhilimMt 3leermnith. groceries, : 14 ~ 00 7 • -- .7tuires:3lJdrattahati. - gn , cery; --.--_-14 7-00. Stephen Keepers, - rnarketing, - 14-: -- - '-7- 00 .henry Ithoods,"furniture, ' ~ 14 7 00 .lscob Fetter, ". • . 14 . 700 .1. It. Wea•Ver, " • 14 , - 7 1.0 - A. 11. Ewing, . " 14 7 00 linntch, Clothing .John Menlo, clothing, W.. M. Meeunuch', MECHANICSBURG 13 12 10 12- 1f IV. 11. Ostold & Co., lumber, ittgiser & &miner, produce, Menton, & Zacharias, - Joh', Johnson & Son, prod.'s., -41norge.singiver r produce,,_. Andrew Singiser. grocery,, Kaufman & Son, drugs, .1 Kaufman & Son, hardware. Brindle & Neuswouger, dry goods, 12 Ira Day. drugs, ' 14 . J. Dorsheimer, hooks, 14 Bobb.& blarretson, stoves, - 14 II 1111 l tuel & Coorer, lumber,' . . 14 Cooror &oCo., produce, 13 Georgem Webbert, dry aids, - 13 ' 'LeviBnoll, clothing.. 14 'Henry Loam dry goods. • 14 J.S.,llostetter. confectioner, '.. .11 1.. D. Keefer. clothing, - 14 Belgic & Herrlog, drugs and, dry goMli, 13 .John Belgic,. . 13 - Wits,'lf& Sots, stoves, •- 14 Swisher & Son, - - , , - 14 Simon Arnold,33 Edmond Lamont, boots and shoes,_ . :14 .. . IVonderly /4 Brother,,stol on, ' " 14 William tickles, confectioner, 14 . John Zinn, grocery, 14 ~ Delial lirnbill. clothing, • 14 : • John Harlon, marketing. - 14 ' ' Daniel Comfort, dry goods,. ~ i Li J. L. Smith, ehoert, .. - " 14 9rtIPPZ:(6DURG ..--FhilipMeterlch, grocery, . 31. 31. Angle, lumber, • • 11. Ruby & Co'.. produce, William Maughmars, marketing, _Benjamin Briggs, merketiug, N.A. Cornelius, produce, ' - SieWiel"Sligars; Marketing, John :McCurdy, books, • , John druga, Orabill & Moller, buhiware, S. C. Holler. oboes, Willie. Moore &,Co., dry goods, P. S. Arta, shoes. Heck, Leferty & Co., dry ghods; • - .1. &-J. B. iteddig, dry goods, Bomberger & Blair, produce, J. C. Altick, drugs, _ Stexick, Runkle & Dm., dry goods, Forney & 31rPherson. hardware, , • John - ltrldges, clothing, • ' ' W. S. Cox, boots nod Tottmi & Stuart, Jamb Prigue, grocery, John Stambaugh, hardware, J. Fisher, hats, IMMEE! S. L. Levi, dry goods, .1 Stough & Diller, dry goods, 1 J. M. Davidi.on. shoes, I "IV. Reed, drugs, 1 William Oration, drugs, 1 J.ICR MeCandish, dry good., I Thomas McCandish. dry goods, .- . 1 J. It. Iferron. drugs, Joseph Laughlin,',elothing, , 1 .11. o& Cohaugh, hardware, . 1 William Stitsell, marketing, 1 • 301 in Caitlin:in, marketing, 1 Jonathan Ferree, marketing, • NEWTON. • P. A, Ahl & Itrothers,'prtiduce, 10 .J.& J. It. Ilursh, produce, . 10 James Bishop, marketing, 1 .1. j;..Fostinught A Co.. dry goods„ 1 J. M. Waggoner. marketing,. '1 A. C. & Miller. dry goods, . 1 Smith & McCoy, produce, 1 John Minhich, dry goods ' 14 Garver & Mowers, dry goods,• 14 James Kyle, dry goods, 14 WESTPENNSBOROI.79II. Theodore llompsber, dry goods, 14 Woodward & Schmidt. grain, 13 John Greo.n. grain, J.,Townsend, grain, John S,,Davidson, dry goals, Edwin James, dry goods, John Trego. dry goods J. Uood & Co., dry goods. MOM Ileury Snyder, dry goods, . FRANKTORI f. Zitscr, dry goals, 14 William Green, dry goody, _ 14 • . nore,cct. E.honmaker.,t Elliott, dry goods. 13 Wherry L Eisenhower, dr) goods, 13 / D. hoover & Co., marketing,• 14 Calvin 31cCicaf, marketing, • 14 C. C. Stouffer, clothing, 14 FM= -Rapp, Son, dry. 12 , henry Rupp, produre, v • " 13 'W. U. }Moils. dry goods, • , 14 Samuel Shaeffer, dry goods. 14 soUTRAMPTON. • J. F. Rauginan, dry goods, 14 J. V. Clever, dry hood?, - George Clover, dry goods, 11 Conrad Fosnaughh.produce, j 8 , Henry Myers, marketing, Simnel Clark & Cp., marketing, • 14 • , UPPER ALLP.N. - Homelier & - Zook, dry goods, 13 - James Eskels..dry-goods,- 14 - Peter Gingerleb . , Robert Hetterich, Wyman Longnecker, Robert Bryson, . . LOWER ALLEN. George lialota, dr.y g lfTh 14 Abraham Brovrev, dry goods, 14 John Butz; dry' goals; • • 13 DICKINSON._ David Hays; dry goods 14 Busse) & Dice; dry good* 13 'Jacob !lectern; marketing; 14 J. B. Hutchinson; marketing; • 14 Christian (Joker, dry gm die 14' J. Breen & Brother; dry go ode; 13 hatac-Newcomer, dry goo.* 13 •W. 1 Vette; dry goals - 14 Dpvjawin Plank; dry goo.* 14 ' 'BOUT)) \II`DDLETON !deem and Craighead; dry 200,1/4. 13 •.Bluillu and Alemaider; dry goed4 13' David hiekel; grocery;' . 14 .1. A. and D. Cauftßao; dry geode; 13 - A. 31.1,e1dIeh; dry goods; 12 31eptratm, dry . Ocala; 713 • • Dorinney and Hu ll ; dry goodic 13 Nary Pisani; drown • 14 1 • (, ' Alcvpit SPRING. D. IL Laidig:dry goody 14 itiory .1. B. Leldlgt dry sonds • 13 - Ecksla and Marlin; dry goody, .14 • Jacob Sluniionr, dry goisles . 14 David Strohm; ry goods. Jobn Ilauck;grOn; . ' • • ' 14. • Andrei! siporn:. TOPIAL 13, NSW- CUMBIRLAND. ' Charles Oyster, lumber, J.ll. Chureh, Wilber, • Rudolph Martin. lumber, , • J. goods, • Valentino Yeoman; : •.; John !tern; lumber; • ' James and Musser; lumber; F. tom lumber • t rAiimmenoscluou Jacob Itenleigeri greeem '1" ' • John McCortuldggrury; =: . — l4 . , 7 00 II- W. Delft; dry tootlß • 'l4 • •'7 00 sud.tatlnmber; • -...14 •' • • D. icrid'.l. Rynard; Innitu6t , "l- - 700 Willow li . Lecnkwurocery;. • . 14 • , .•••• ' ..7 00 John Longnerker,urocery: 14 . ' 7 00 Michael Free Rrodunr,- Or Bucher und.kkro; prOducer.-7 , =. Kerr and pummel; lunation' • ..•• *- 12 "" 12'60, • - .BORT!' 1211DDLIVD12.—. • Ella/ • • , • • ;-. I I,ANNEeS.- F. R Edlinabart, Ilopepill ., w. Sr. Ouzel' 4 )1i5U:P.410.` . • Anthony, Foremen, New Ile, , 14 700 John Wacprier, . • • 14: • •7 00 Saititiol Davidson, - 1' di -- , - 14 - 700 • Wllllam McClean, Shippeneburg, 14 • • 700 Jeremiah Coover,. Willlain Waggoner, Centreville, ' 14: '' 700 Simnel Orrilisin, Westpeuelxwo , - :14 74 0 .: holier Irvine, jr., Carlisle ; 14 5 -00 Mlchae.l3llnlch, .• • " , • 14'' 7 '40 , Cam-go ifi ela,'Frankford, - ' • 14 ,7 00 311thael . 14 - 7 00 -Robert C rou eu,zuNFer 4priog, 14 - John Cletidentn, 14 , • 7 00 Henry -Robot • " • :: . 14 "7 OU Jacob Noss, . Richard Miley, 'r " 14 , , ' 700 Robert Ilrytion, Upper Allen, 14 7 00 Georgo,Shisler, North Middleton; • 14 7 00 II Shall James; 11111cr and (Bider; Ahl andlinilke; P. A. Ahl and Brother; '.John Moore; Illenry•Bernita . : A. Basler and - Jacob Muer; • W. S. Cobean, _ D. 11. Voglefong, Chad. ll',Shearer S. and IL W. Brandt, G.II luddlgh. John IS:1111mm, ' Miller and Eberly, . ;111fOli Cotner, Jr., . Zook and Moore, tairhidlen_Ebgrlv, Joseph Buelier, - I.otter Philip Zeigler. Ne.blngetand Co., Lower Allen, Samuel niftier, JosepE Whlsler, _ S. Erich, Honey Itiipp. Henry - Ma uning, " 'l'. 11. Bryson,' . • (1. IL Dueller, Henderson and Son; 4) I STILLear All and Ensminger; -P. A:-Ahl-and.,Brothers;. John Ramp; • Roliert Quigloyl A. Bolder and Son; Beltzlmover and Son; 8. and H. W.,,llrandt; Alesaltiger and Burns; Myers and Benson; ' : 1 1 1711Mi r l f etn ' a u l d Shade and Wetsol; ISilllam Bart.-111s; OI=NEIL• AND. EATING HOUSES-. - John Yleholeton. Rupert, 51e6banienburg. 11. 11.f:belly, • •• Jeremiah Freeo.e. bower Allen, Mrs. Low,-rearligle. Henry Peters, TEN PIN ALLEYS. Dodd Long. 510„ellanirsburg, $3O Op 30 00 , — Jiretili - 1 I unkfotheniXerttile, • All persons who mirty feel theinaelvea aggrieved by the ahove classification can have an opportunity of np, pealing,' by coiling on the undersigned maid ,g in Cm , lisle any limo before the rd 416 , of May, IN,. after which time no appeal will be heard. Jop. , 6l'H C. THOMPSON, 31ertavillicr.Appraiser. 10 00 11-T5O 20 00 12 30 - 20 00 - • 7 - 00 7 00 10 00 12 7 00 I -TVIT)-A-D-W4-Y- -P 1 111 _Lir • COMPANY.,. G • old Pens, - _ . , $1 00 • • Gold Pen and Silver Holder, • • d 'OO Gold Pen and Double etc4illver Holders, . 300 51atoulli "" .7.' " '• " .4' 00. Leviathan " •' " , 5 00 Fout taitt,Pen; - PeA (folder,. 9'oo 31tnnoutir. . "-o " . " .6 00 Engrossing Peng, • ' . ' • 200 Leviathan and W x,'.6 00 Gothic Silver Cage and Pen, . ' . - i • - 300 " Engronslng " . " 3OO " 3lionouth "6 00 . . . . . Gold I'ootli Picks, • - - 200 --t- -Tooth and Ear-Pleks,_,.3 00 " Pencil and Wateltliryx,, . ' , 300 Ladles Gold Ponells, • - .3 00 ' ,' ' . ' • . '- ' 4 - 00 . " " with Pon, _ - 5 00 Gents' Gold Cases andl'ens„ - ' . B_oo ..Oottile." '' • 10 00 • " •&.ni‘v Pend!, . , ' .32 00 And all othoe Undo and styles at the-retell priers. 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 PREMIUMS PRESENTED - 'A) PURCHASERS. • To every. person bnyinangold,4nof un wo present a numbered certificate, and each ortileseccrtificate,sn titles HUI bolder of it, by the extra,punyment of 25 cents, tin no article tufJeweiryrin - vwlnclunneLLlEllll9o., - -This - jewelry consists of Cold gout Silver Watches In great va riety. Silver Goblets, Sliver Fruit Baskets, Coot Huard Chains, for Indies. Lockets, Bracelets, (lents' Gold kob and Vest Chains, Auc., none or which sell for loss .than $l.• Forforery dollar paid' us. the party Is entitled tern numbered certificate; and by the payment of 25 ets.es• tra inn each certificate he is entitled to receivewhatever the number of the certificate designates. We have been In operation for three years and thousands have bought of mu. mid we hese nurser learned that any one was ever dis.slntinfied. This plan affords every opportunity of ob., tattling a gold watch or some article of Jewelry; for a 4,1 fling sum. All our pens, pencil cases,-Are., are genuine articles Manufactured by ourselves with' reat care. and AT:utter them precisely nt prices asked {null oilier stores In the 'city, To Writs nye make advantageous -offers. and any energetic person can do well by working for us. We wish agents in every place In the country, uni per sons who would like to become such will Please address us, and we *lll send them printed-circulars of prices, terms, Ice hive no stated periods for distribution. The Moment a pen Is purchased. the purchaser Is anti tied to resolve his premium on the payment, of 25 cents extra. • . 10 20 00 -14 7 00 14 7 00 11 - .15 00 0,0" 14 ..7_oo -14 ' 1..00 ' 13 10 .00 14 , 7 CAI ' 12 12 60' 11 15 00 11 15 00 14 7 01) 13 10 00 13 10 OD 13- . 10 00 14 7 00 12 10 00 14 - 700 14 7.00 14 s 7 00 All orders by Mall should be addressed - MERRICK, lIP.NTON & DEAN, 385 Ilroadway„Now York. • AGENTS WANTED.. • • N. R.—Coldpens repointed in a superior' manner. Enclose the pen and 2O cents in P. C.atamps, and the pen will be repointedwnd returned Pest paid. The lIROADWVY 1301.1, PEN 3IVNUAACTURIVO COMPANY, Is wet! known throughout the country, but as there are undoubtedly seine who are nut acquainted with us we append Hie following well•known firms as references:— PELLOWS & CO., No. 17 Malden Lane, New York. HICKS & MITCHELL, No. 20 do 'do lIENTON EROS.; Cor.Dread way and Courtland street, New York, and Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 20 00 20 00 7 00 700 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 .1. H. STURDY & CO, No. 5 01Boy Building, Now OOULDA WOOD, N 0.9 3taidori Lane. do A RETIRED ' PHYSICIAN i - jCw40,,4 `minds of life intro nearly run nut, discovered while in the East Indies, a certain cure for Conkunption, Actin., Brimeldtis, Coughs, Colds. - - tun' tieneral Debility. Thu retned3 was discovered by him when his only ehild, 4 daughter, was id, en un to die. Wishing to do. much good as possible, he will send to such of his afflicted fellow-beings no re quest it, this recelpe, with full nod explicit direc tions for sinking 'it up And successfully using it - , Re requires each applicant co encl.,' Idin one shit liar—three cents to he returned ay postage en the roc .ipe ' and the remainder to he applied to the pay. me it of . this advertise. Address,` Dr. 11, JAMES, Yo. 15 anuld street, Jersey CP y April 15,1857,-Im. ,Lew Jersey. 7 00 10 00 15 00 10 1,0 7 00 7 00 7 00 1(1 00 7 00 ILLUSTRATED. EDITION OF IR VIM'S LIFE OF WASILNGTON. G.-I'. PUTNAM & CO., will commence In a few days, a new edition of thisgreat , work, in seml-monthly parts. Price, 20 cents each. e . "l Each volume will eoutlst of four pasts, handsoniely !tinted in Imperial octavo. Tho whole work will ho illustrated by about fifty superior Engravings on Stool, including Portraits nod original Pictorial Designs, by eminent Artists, with numerous Mood Cuts and )taps. Each pat t will contain at least 32 pages and one Engrat • ing on Steel; ovary , . other part will Intro two Steel Plata. 10 00 10 00 7 00 ' 7 00 7 00 12 60 10.00 7.00 7 00 7 00 ' 7 00 7 00 10 00 7.00 7 00 1. Each sOmbutontitly part s containing its above spe cified. 25 (route, payable on, delivery. 2. All subscribers must engage to takp tho entire work. • 3. The second and subsequent'voinmes /111 be Issued in double-parts—and the whole.,ulll-be published-at regular intervals of two Weeks. Ainnsu r pthe illustrations already engraved or-nearly completed, are the following,: 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10-00' PORTRAITS ON STEEL. ; Gen. S Eon. Charles Lee, Oen. PutnemirOcn: Arnold, Oen. amen, Oen. Ward, Gun. Knox, Oen. Sin clair. Coo. Montgomery, Oen. Lord, lien. SUrling,lien. - BoronStiiiiiieliTaiiiiThathietticebiiiit lien, Lincoln. Gen. Mercer,Gen. Henry Lee, Col.-Moultrie Oen. Wayne, Gen:'Clnton, Robert Morris, Gen. Stork lien Ham Ilion, Oen. Oates, 'Oen. Glover. (len. Sir Wil Item H.me, lien. Sir Henry Clinton, Washington, (hum, the picture by Peale,) Washington, (freuttliti picture by Tr umbull.) Washington, (from the picture by woremul -110 Washington, (from the picture of Houdson's Ste. toe.) Washington, (from the picture of Brown's-Statue.) Washington, (from the of igionl profile,) Mrs. Washing ton, (early portrait,) Mrs. Washington, (from Stitartf) Miss Phillips. (hem original picture.) , , •A' ILLIJSTRATIONS, ON STEEL. _ Historical' Scenes; (chiefly from original designs;) Sight 'of Washington's Birth Placec, Mount ,Vernon, 83 views° Washington. ea Surveyor: Washington at Port Necessity; Washington Sileveying the Dismal Swamp; Washington' at. Winchatter; Washington's Field Sports; Fortifying Bunker 11111; Port' Mounded). es; Lake (biome; Fortification at 1,1 - ; point, in 1780; . 'Washington Quelling Ilietr.(frout empodtry - draw. , M g g.) View of New , Yerk, 1770; Beet from, Dbrchester .heights, 1770; Announcement of Independence; Bat tle of Trenton; Battle of Germantown; Dottie of Mon mouth; Braddoek's Battle Field; Washington ping to' . Cotigress, etc. "Most. nlways. remain, her eminence. Tlig'historro. the Pother. othis Country."--Phila Bulletin. • ' ~ N,, 1 1 —lt Is intended that,,the illuhtraticins in this - 'oolfifittahall be wortif i thoaaject inittof the author. Ilito,Wetaitiste ban e n atiltaged to make original rdrawiftlYand the mom fanKtti engraved) are secured, No expense will' be spared' to'inake the engravings ere dltable td Arno dean art, and lully,astiefitctOry,to ama teurs of fastidious taste: , ' `Agents' and Canvameni supplied, On, liberal terms This as Mon ie published exclusively for eulieerlbere. BEM 7. (r - 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 10 CA 7 00 10 OD 12 20 10 00 10 00 7 00 ~~ 7.00 10'00 . • 7 00 700 - 10 00 7.00 • 10 00 ia, oti 7 06 ' 10 00 13, 'lO 00 ' ' 7OO IL-. 15'00 DJ it E' L - T ,N. ITO g.lklE L. 3 0 j_t; - AGENTS.L,ExpOrlencideenvaselo g Agents Want ed all perts .of , , the, country? for -the Adomprebensire Geography and llistery, ,Ancleint ,and Miniertr, •of the Whole World, from the earliest ages to the preeent time: by 8, o,,Glontnuen, (Peter IPerlei a ) elegautly boond;ond , beautifully illustrated.. Price dold only by„Agetits; to 'lyhote aperitif dlstriets,yrll be, Oren; .Applleants 701d:teats ' nountles,they,tretdd. like. For tel ppytkulars,pply, • • • • 'I.I.COMON Voo No, 1p St,-N. V. qicArzr',. -rANs - - 6.l.t:iist - RAN§ rJast O . lot 'of Grain Fano of Shrainea' and Ma leek manufacture.' :Aloe a tine amortment ef flay,. Straw K:4l- Fodder -Cuttora;-olf different - Made; at. the rheapiinrdwareStere 0f , .• JO , lbi 1850 4; 'lf. -S,A,XI;ON.: ", (is 68 ,-1 • p4e,,•w,10. ,• the test and chestiest two ttiittffireet.ltestiel;llsigs' 70eeretrated iu Carl,telu,; e ill tiptt..tbetiVikt - tite , .t.tuvi Ruse . : - • ! :" 7 00 TIM it MILLS In 10 00 13. 10 00 14" . 700 10 • 10 00 13 1 ' -14 7.00 0 00 14 • 7 00 14.- • 7 01) 14 7 01) 12 12 60 14 700 14 7 00 14 - 7 00 13 10 00 : 347 00 10 - - 1 0 5 0 0 0 0 13 • IS 10 00 13 • 10 00 . .7 00 14 • 7 00 13 10 00 14 • - 700 14' 7 00 14'• 7 00 14 - 7 00 11. 15 00 13 10 00 12' 12 50 X5O 00. , 60 90 . 50 00 -6000 "fio oo oo 60 00 6U 00 . 50 - ,l=dl„i, • 5 - 00 5 00 5 00 00 - . - - ' 500 5 00 5 00 .N 0.335 Broadway, New Fork LIST OF RETAU; PRICES TERMS OF PUHIIOATION . . . . . •Pol-0.0p70.5-7‘......-. P.giNu uooDsrSPRING - fiDODSI - -'ilentz'aud Drotherhavidust - ppened,one7 ' 0., the largest npd b e st assortments of Dry Deeds eye I:lneght_to COU stockLD,: ' Their stock haabvien selected with • .elloin,nsual dire from the best liouseitu•New York. ' 'itilPhiltiabiplile, and ovary effort made to obtain the ,liifelit - iiiiirinnstilishliiniibTOWDes of Area, lasi-; - ter themselves they will be able to ,guit , every variety .of tante at-prices as love - no:,loworr - than 'they:Tram. big - 'tought Mire or in the city. • Robes, Iten-ege Robes, - Poplins. ' Fancy Silk Robes, Lawn Robes, Agentine. ' • Foulard Silks; remoluer; ' Brillion te. Dayadere Silks, Pure Chali, IlingbainLawn. Moire Anthtuo, - Duvall, • , ' .Ilombazitip. • India, Cmpede.Espagne Aipsea.' Mourning, • liimalya, ' All wool I.le, lane. • Fancy Silks; ' Tamartino, t; Cashmere. • • . , A' full assortment of white dress vgoods, Tainedok Mutt: Ilus,-Victoria Lawns, Fisesred Swiss, Volvets for Man tles, White and Black Crape Shawls. tßelhi Titlbet, Modo and Brocha. Shewln, &c. Bonnets. Bonnet 'Satins, MB. bons, Flatcars., &c., Colimation; Cruvella' and Crinoline, Skirts, for Ladles, Also, Collars, Underslesses, Hand kerchiefs In great variety.' ' ' . . GENTS WEklt. ' • Clothe, CARNIMOITS. Dnp dot', Cashmerelo, Summer Cm slalom, Coat:utdo., Silk .Undershirts, Linchs, Ilnudker: chief, &c. DOSfESTIC GOODS • Bleiched and unblrnohed lAttuu and Cotton Shootings; ?obit, Linens. Wolen .ditto, PhuusCovor, - Countet•pAnes, trnw Hats, Flats. booking Glasses, Ticitings, Window Shades of all kinds ' Umbrellas,. Minting and every X!. riety uf.Drylloodo lit.coronEtn use. e have just laid in a largo strelt of Imperial, Mixed and Rag Carpet, OR Cloths, Mating, Straw Mats, kc., at lowest prices. We respectfully In, • vttu tho public to call and examine our Stock before pur chasing. • IVo, , have bought our assortment at spch ptit•os tbottwe cannot be undersold. • StornialUitention gild tuPurchusing goods In tbo city per order at shortest notice. Every effort will be mode:by the firm to'give sstirfoo tiou to those who may favor then, With a roll. BENTZ .k BROTHER. . 111 Polt T T.„ NEW S! NEW. STOItI3,- AND NEW PIIICES.- • J. it. Insinicu. Jo., takes.plei4ure In announcing to the citizens of Carlisle and surrounding country, that he list. just returned front Philadelphia. and is noue opening at the north.iregt corner' of North Hanover and Louther streets. one of the largest and best selected stocks of Spring.and f7nnunor nib coons-_.____._ 60 00 60 °O - N 00 over ',relight in Carlisle; conkisting In part of - • . . • Silks,' ' • - - Barages, - • Brillinn ts, Alpacas,. Dural Cloths, • ..Chaillas, ' • , -Lanais, Skieting - , French And Scotell -4inglinn., Trials,, - „Mores, hosiery, Collars, Ilandkerchiels, ,Ile., Etc. SHAWLS and MANTILLAS orevory style and . quallty. STAPLE _ . AYD DomEstio ‘ PRY GOODS, „ ' -- Cloths,- -- ''- --CasslinOres, , ' Vesting's,' - ' Flannels, 31uslins; , "'kir-kings, . -Stripes, Cheeks, • Calicoes, Col tonades, - Linens, Sheetings, . . Denims, Nankeens,. Milk —Thirseilleii-Qullitn-rolored - and-white Carpet-ChainsAc„. lE=2l Also, a largo and splendid nssortmont 'of Bonnets lints, Caps, Boots and l3lloes. A Importer lot of rresll °HOOP:Rini, Tons, Coffee, Sugar, .7iltilaises, litre; Stokes, lto. • • Having selected my entire stt pk with the greatest aro and at the lowest CASII Aquas; I ran assure my ends and the RubllO gutturally', that I will do all lu , pliwerto'ntko trOt.establlshilient kiloultits.the_ "IIEADQUAIiTERS FOR DAIWA I N Thoae,who wish to purchase will Sod it to their:ad vantage to call and ex/unfurl nis stock before purchas ing. 1 will pay the highest market price for Butter, Eggs, Sags, Snap and Dried Fruit. . April 1, 1857.. ' - NEiv.GOODS ! BARGAINS, BAR GAINS,--Thq subscriber husjust returned from ow York and Pldladelphla, - and Is now I)pening no Int inonsustork of the Immhannest and ehompeat Dry Uorals ever Ur. ught.to Cumberland- county. .. ' ... ' DRESS tIOODS . . 6r the llaullesa full Duo of-mognlllcont Sllko r eballla,-- 7 Barge Mhos, Meals, Do Lalues Lawu Aubea, Mug L: —. hams, Lvellas Ottoman, Plaids, Sc., Argr . - - • , ' E=! An immence. assortment vt °lnput French united Iliniersieeves, Handkerchiefs, Flouncing, Edg ings undlubert lugs, bought front the importers In Now York, and, will lot sold at primp_ T defy all coutpetitloti. BONNETS,'IILIIIIONS, — ARD FLOWERS. A largo stock of Donnas, 1111)bonS nod Flowers'at very• low inices. CLOTIIS.AND CASSIMERES, A now lot of Cloths apt! Casstunnies, very lanalsouni and very cheap..- • Irish .I.lnens,.M uslins. Cheeks. TickingA, Linen Checks, OOttonoules.-Pants Stuff for Mein and Boys •In great va riety; together with all other kinds of goods too nano, rous to particularize. All any old-Friends nod Customons. and the public fa general are respectfully lo riled to calPand uza mine lily stock before purl:hislog, and they will be certain to get goodliargning pod save monrey, at:the Old Stood, East Mahn Street. • • CIIARLES 01:11.111': Carlisle, April 8,1857. NEW' 'GOODS !, GOOD GOODS,! IF YOU WANT NEW GOODS, GOOD GOODS, AND CIICAI. GOODS 'OO TO WOia, • noxt door to Maglaueldin's Hotel, and you large assertartoat of Ladies' Goods, consisting of Din k, Fancy and Genoa Silks; :lieritioes, Persian Cloths, Do Danes. Do 'lnes, Ahrierax, Seotrh Sark Flan nels, Scotch. Manchester, Earlston, Chandwag Wog . hams, CatirOOD, Fine French Worked Collars, Ribbons,. Hosiery. Gloves, kr., &e. • Dom f:sves.—Woolon Twilled Flannels, Drilling- Ticking, Dogs and Bagging, Cotton Flannels, Osmihr rga, Moils Gingham, Tabla Draper, Chocks, whltu and col . cireirearpet Chain, &e. . - In Shawls audDlanketa'we kayo nil aorta, sizes and condition', For gentlemen We hove Fine French Black Cloths, Dinek and Fancy CIISNIIIICIVF and Doeskins. Satin rent- lugs, Tweeds, Statuette.. Velvet Cord.. Kentucky Jeans Le. A: As for men's, women's and children's Boots A Shoes, ivo defy competition. Also, very superior lot . f Grocerie;, such ryn Coffuo, s Sugar, hire, Spires,.,ta,, Our AO: has been selected with the gteateht core ns to price and quality, and ue ere datermlued to sell nt very emall advances. Those wishing to purchnt , e 0111 find that ue are selling ns cherry,-1l tint übeauor—tium ' any Louse urtown flout tuoymoir null it — to their. nd valltage to us II fan. Butter, Eggs. page, Soap and Dried Fruit tnbeu Market prices. . , . • ' N. W. WOODS,.IgI. flout forget the place, next door to .litightueblin's :‘,Z•PRINO • AND SE3I3I,EIt CLOTH ,g•-•';•••,..- • INO. ARNOLU k LIVINOSTON, - North liatiover st., 'opposite 3loglaughlit's note! The proprietors of this popular Clothing Establish ment, rospertfully announce •that they have just re. cesved an immense stock of Clothing and piled goods, which they Will sell at the lowest prices. SPRINII AND . 101301Elt CLOTHING for :Harland boys, composed of o°ery description of now goods, selected with the greatest care, and made in the latent style and taste of fashlon, and warranted to prove the same us reptesented at the time of purchase. Observe that usury article. of Clothing told by the proprietors or this establishment may be relied math as being well selected. Among his extAnuilre. assortninet inay be' foetid Flue lirkmul Blue new htyle Drees and Frock,Ctints. made -ireMitest fgothions of French unit EnglfFh New style Business Coats,!or Block, Blue. Brown, Olive and Green Cloth:4. null, !Ma end Fancy Cahn' mores. Vests 111 ondloss variety, of Plain and Fancy Bilks, .4atins,Tasslinerss, Urenadinos. Marseilles. &e. Fine Block Fieuch Doeskin and lanoy easslinero Tanis, Plain Light•Coloeed ,casslntere Pauts—ttprlng = Just completed. by far the largest rind cheapest as , Beanie:lt of Boys' (nothing, 'suitable lihr Spring rind lStitiliner that can be found In Carlisle, consisting of (hats, Pants and Vests of all sizes and qualities,- to nchich coustiut additions will be made during the sea t'sbn _._. ___.._____• -Also, a full assortment of Shirts, Oollirs, Bosoms, Crafats, Pocket, Handkerchiefs,' Suspenders, Stocks, :010000 Hosiery and Grime!lasi' t:d ust received, a largo assortment of Black and Fancy Colored Cloths,l3lnch • Doeskin and - FM cy.Casslineres, • Vestiugs and a groat v s arlety of now au 14.1 , 10na bl 0 the4 4 lol . —e4.PPLiTcl,Ylll4l-YRIPAMILII , P_ n oiptt_. order, on do most rensonAble ovum. ' . • Too subscribers hope, by strict attention to business; — and ondeaveling to Mum customers, to receive a cum Guyana, of public: patronage. " AItNOLD A LIVINGSTON.. ••• _ . N T Z &. 13.. R 0 11 - ,FALL AND WINTER ODODS. LADIES, Plainlach Slik's. Satin Striped, Moire Milieu', Fundy SULK; ready made ("Mit and Plush 31untles, Volvos for 51antlute 11altit Cloths; u full assortment -of FURS, in cluding Stone Martin. Fitch, fie', Dent $3 to $3O; 51erinuos, Cashmeres, Colturgs,,i'lain-and Fancy ulharool Be Woes, Woolun Plaids, Alpncen, Dom' szlue; limb& sta. and Cushmoro Shawls, Full and W. Aar Runnette Bonnet Velvets, Satins, Feathers, dm.; Ladies' Skirts,. 'Flouncing, Trimmlug; &c,, Collars and Trimmings In FroutvariiltY. GENTLEMEN. . . Gassinie.„lL Overcoata, t 4 llk and Won Undet- BLirte, Cravats, CvMars, Capa r Goslory, Moves; Sari , , nomoyles. ng Wthi Blankets, Counterpanes, Domestic and Imported Carpets 'Woolen and Cotton • Llarpot: Chain;, Woolen Yarn, durn hoe s , Looking Clarice, &c. -• NrlL—ilie have made arrangomeuter by which 'We'ean famish any goods to bo' bad hr the city at three daja' noi‘oo, • . . • 'Oct' • "BENTZ' & DRO. NEW r er.l)oDS.:—The kas . Jusf opened a'variety or Lanier? Talrene, lireelin, Long Anil Satiate Shawls, ttlankotr slniwio, Morn:toes, Quitundras, 3;0111.40 Ealuee,liingtiams,.Calionee,: t liliin, Leto, & b., to !ditch ho invitee tno Attention of , the' LA , ' dies:'' ' • - •, (UP lIITNEIt. Carliste4ioi: , ; ; • ; • • • AR AN') ()IL - C,LO'I I HS. • lIJJ I,have japt re . cyleeduAargiigualortnleut or Elegnut, Imperial, ingratn, Tenitlatiland Stnir. Carpeting. MIO, 8-4,.0-.4014,,and 4-4 Flant: 011 Clotbsorblet4.l.oll eell • - . • )00'1'S ,AND:,13110:111S.---A lay' ge'•lll4 • ,cuiilphit,..rtsurtniout, or Mote iirid:StiOCi9( piory: ',my 'aiid aghlon. - bactitis Ono 'Mormeo SliOporsi, Ittiots, finet o l;ittcr - FllllAspg - itint -- cliildreu4 - ,dlttor'sl9lc i. 0,1 - ..poyq illto. , 4,ot_recTlvpd , mod now - opurifilgat thoilleap .ellO 1163; 0.4 pi ihtniivtitit,,it Chu , rear, of 1101011 • • • „ Ff)ifaheipOig . „._ . AR If P NTi AN IG L A .S. S AL, -witoLgsAta:KaitEliousEr . Oornoi• of Tooth and Market Stredo.,,olllco in Second " - . . invite ' attentlep to clirt)titiirms.i stock of Drugs, _Falnt... OL l.:.Varniahed;Ae4 - tridelittidlexprmisty.fuMour.' ' sales. arid comprising one; of, the tlimig...tortments ,the_Cnitad Stlttm,'w hi clottopt(4 foryipti or approved credit: : . .IVE•SIANUFACTURE vary 'extenilvelyt Premium Pure White Leihtbdat,) Kensington Pura White Lela • ' Pearl•Sneiv Whitehead. • ." Ylotle Montague" French Zinc, (best ' ) • • Pure Snow White American Zinc. • ' -' Philadelphia Snow White Sloe.' '" ' Sllsm'a Pinetic Fire and Weatherproof Paints, . Chrome Groans, Yellows, and colors generally. AGENTS FOE: • ,• Porter. supOrier Alkaline Window Gloss, 'Genigno French Plate GISSA (warranted.) •Tho,Noor Jorsoy•Zine Cl:imps4's_ products, t Tilden and -Nephew's Noir York Varnishes, Brooklyn Premium Putt+ :White Lead,' Ileanpilen Poi:int:lent Greens. • Pure Ohio Catawba Broody, to., &e., IMPORTERS OF: . . , • , ,• French and-English l'lntp Class, . ' . ~ . French and English Cylinder Mass, • ' , Colored and Engraved Window Class, Daguerreotype Olasit. - • ' .'' - flapimored'Plate for Flocirs and Skylights, • Drugs. Chemicals. Perfumery, &e., . . AVIMLESALE bEALEI-S -IN :... -' ,- ... .. Druggists' Articles generally. - . Painters'-Tools of all deneriptiOns, ' 0 - - ItYdrAtilicited Roman Cement, Caleleed and Land Plaster. , ~ - -7 ;. - Paper Maker's Cloy, Satin Wilkte. &a.. &c., FRENCH, BICILAIIDS - & CO. Store. N. IF. ear, of Tenth add 31arkelt streets, FaCtory. .lunel ion York Avenue, Crown and Weil - hill streets, Philadelphia. , - . . .'' -.• , E. W. CAIIII, , • I J.T:N AND. ; ES !. OF. NW-STYLES,. ' • ' WILLIAMS, No; lib North Sixth Street;- dolphia-Monufacturer of I'ENITIAN 'BLINDS; YRist.r ARn (loin BORDERED AND PAINTF.O Sllll , o,`Or lientitirtli Designit, INIT. and all (Aber ColoiirOf Holland used for Rimini?, x tn., .Wholeaalo - antl" at the Loirest flab Priers: • • • SPOIL E 'SIMI/FS paintect,to order, 11..1. W. thruilt fill for past potrinnign.resPertfully RD. lldfs Rho to call and brairline Ills now and Jorge ,assortnient. before purchasing • WI.: STUDY TO PLIIASII." IR, MI, jio 'S LIQUID HAIR' DYli, This . 11Alit DYE needs only a trial to satisfy nil of ils perfection nn n Dye. nod the following testi uniulitl from that eminent Analytic Chendet. Professor llooth,"of the U.S. Mint.; - nlll only confirm - whet - thou , sands have previously boCne testiniony to. "LABORATORY FOR PRACTICAL CIIEMPSTRY:I • FT. PLACE. • j : Fvb, 11th. VW; Being well acquainted with the subetancen compos ing ilimer's Liquid Hair Rye, I em satisfied that by following the simple directiotm giVell for its use. it will not Injure the Ilathori 4 6ln. Inn will give a natural and durable-color.to Mfr. , MOVER'S WIIITINO INKS, ineltulleg Ilever's and Myer's indelible are tip ma known and In troduced to The nay additional te,thnony of their character. The tales have been ineressing since their first introduction; giiifig er Weer., that the articles truly p..s.lfia that lattinsie merit claimed at first far thelft uy the Manotheterer. Ordent r aildreseed to thu linnifoctory, No. 416 RACE F trot oot e POURTII, (old No. 1440 Philadelphia, will torero prompt attention by ' - , • JOSEPIt E. IiOVER, Nlanufarturer. WALD PA PER AND WINDOW SHADES! L. ISAAC A IIItOTIIEP, i 33 .North Second Street, below itace,rhiludelpNa. 'taring completed theifiargenNsortipent of the althre Goods for Spring and . Summer Tnnie; would respect fully Invite the attention of purchasers to the game. Their stook .for beauty, cheapness-and variety cannot bu surpassed. They hare ranstantly on, bind eyery,deseription -af t:old and 'Painted Shades, ItnlT Ifollandsr_and Sande Fixtures. Wall Papers. Curtains, Mire - Board 'Prints, Ilerders,te., all of-which they Offer at lower rates than' ran'be had at any other establishment. Call and ex amine ' . .1. L. ISA At'S A BROTHER, 1,33 Norl h Seeund streot, below Wier March 4, 1857.-6 mos. . . JOAN—IL—ALLEN& CO:—Nos: 2 A 4 Cl(Es'isrr rT., (South (Mo. below' Wator,) PIIIIJADELPIII A. . (Tar: OLDEST NVOUDR:ViIk HOUSE IS rut ('RIV.) , . 51nourztv(tirqrs 'and WholeFulu &Mors lit Putout-Mu. 7:111nolontle 111(0031S, - Putout lirouvell h:orn-u rnvorur muted not . to Shan Wool, VND IV,LLoW:WARR, CORDS, Ac.. of oil doserlpthum• Pleasircall nod exam. no' our mod, • • ruh. 25. 1557.-Iy. ft A lt 1 3 E 'l' LN S. DEPU 1.1 triONS;Mlaouule•tlpll, Chestnut Street, below BLL, Would call the nttontlun of tho pliLlle to tlio forgo and .^vArldd nfisortfuent of CA ItI'ETS, OIL CLOTHS, MA'I'TINOS, Which they aro selling very eheap for Cash or City Ae roplane., wholesale and 111trehd I, 1857. • pAPER HANGINg,WAREIIOUSE J. E. VANMETER, S. E. Corner SIXTH and ARCH Streets, PIIILADEL. Pill A; allure for sate a lirgu nasortmuut of WALL PAPERS, IN s at prices ranging from fAlN..Cente per Tete uiwites, of choice patterns. comprising Cheap Satin Papers, Fire Decorative Papers,''' Fire Board Prints, ' Fine Ooid Palma, Borders and 31oultlIngs, Fine Satin Paper, Marble Papers, . Oak Papers, .C,W , Now Styles Window Curtains. In great variety. Dealers supplied on most favorable terms. 31arch 4, Dan. , N E W • Gre 0 D-S FOR . OF 1857. Fashionable Silks, . New Spri s ng Shawls. • - Slik Robes, (Flounced,) . British & French Chintzes, Murk Silks, (extra gloss.) Lawn and Llwn Robes, , ming Dress Goods, Sheen. or newest Fashions ' Staple Linen °nods, blankets, Quilts,gamesk Table " Cloths. Napkins, &s; ' • f r * , Gentlemens Wear and, lull stnrk of goods l'or !Lys lothlng. Bargains. daily received from New York and .'hiladelphla Auctions ' Whoa,sale buyers era invited to give ns an early, call. F.YIIP: & LANDELI., --- ' , ' ' All, and Arch streets, Philadelphia. C TCI.I/1t Nett Cash, and prices low. .., . larch 4, 1857.-3 nos.. ~ . , 1 4 LT EL Al. Al UT l) 31ILLWRIUMT AND DEICE MILLSTONE MA., 80lo• Proprietor of dohnson't highly approved rod auch;Joiproved SMUTT AND SCREENING MACHINE; niproved mitt Concave Brun DusteV, the Preiniuni,Ne. Ting for Millers. • , , lir.sionses.—No. 'Queen Street, (18th Ward,) ad arose Kensington lost Office. Snop.—.llaydoeic Street, below Front,'Philedelphia... i..ocalleo Mill Stones, Mill Irons. Soiutt Machines, Pa tent Mill Bush, Portable Mills, Stretched Bolting, - Cement end Screen Wire. SQUARE MESHED , BOLTING CLOTHS. Feb. 25, 185i..-9n. 1 1 0. FARMERS & .UARDENERS. THE LODI MANUFACTUILINO COMPANY - ollor for snlo 40,000 barrels of their. NEW AND IMPItON Elf POUDIIETTP, • - Of nnufneforiAl Ingo Om - 11104 skill of Now York City,) In lots to suit iiurrlmers, . Thintirtiele (greatly .improved within the last iwo years) bits been Itt the market for eighteen ymtno-and still defies. competition, as a manure till earn or garden vcAltables, being cheaper and Moro powerful than any other. and at filo Milo lime free from disagreeable ode ~, Two barrels will Mantua an acre or earn 111 . .th&gli, will. save two-thirds in.labor, will CallAu it to roled‘Up quicker, to grew faster. ripen earlier, and 11111 - briiiiccr larger crop on peer grouitd than any other fertilizer, and. is also a proventaave of the rut-worm i also, It does not injure the seed to be mat In rennet with The L. M. tO. point to their long btalitiing reputation, Mid - the larOn capitol ($100,000) berated - In - their - bust= noes, eis a guarantee that the article they make Elm] always be of such quell y int to command a ready sale. __Price In Philadelphia aq follows: . . One barrel, to 6 bide. • - •'• ' $ 2 00 and nt'the rate of $1 75 per barrel thr anyninantity over ! -In ' - A pamphlet eormainlog otert - Infilrelatien NRI bu sent (free) to any one applyiiiii Sr ChTi,anne. Ordorn are req m•andl early In advance. to avoid disap pointment. Addrevs. • PASEIIALF, MORRIS & CO., 'Anenia, ger. 6lnrliet and 7th streets , Philadelphia, pa - . Pe1.(18,1567--2m. T INDOW GLII,B I I-B.by 10, and I ell other elzom of Henkel 34140 e, nud Jackson 'tt'llidoer Moss, elugle ntiU Double [Mirk- nod luterlene Plate. Haring nu extensile stock. and dally receiving largo quantities. we can furnish - with the 'greatest prompt • nesry and the lowest wholesale prices, the above supra rior brands of Window Ohm, • - ItIOLIARDS BUOTIIIERS, • •. , Manufacturers,. •- • ' 4"-W:cer. Front nud Arch streets, Philo AGRICUITUItA 11. iIIPLEM E . . A large end well selected assertmefft, tw llAgricnb end and Horticultural Implements, enduicfng entry-. 'thing needed-by the' Farmer or, llerdener Plows of grunt-fifelef infd - ordillerent'sizate being-the-largeat and best newrtmeut Over . offered iu Philadelphia. llar ,rows,Eulttrators, florae Ems, Lime Spreaders, &c., . r • , PASO AL; ltfoßl2lB.A ~ . CO. „ N. E. ecir:lth and 'Market streets, Phlla. IRDEN.AND FIELD , SEEDS.=;„ , •A -large assortment of new and genuine - Plover;, Field and tiarden. Seeds, inocierrvarlety, at Wholesale Mt:renal, embracing ell' the - new and it/eatable' kinds, cc/irefully pct up In papers, for' Ole. retail ,tmde, - or plied in bulk. (thinesoriugar,flaue,;Seed, , Japan; Peas; Orange, Water,Melon:Au:l4e; .Also;. a. ebbice assort. mont of line Fower Bee - da-c"AI 74rtailga In Irtinci boxes, "Air, - $ . l. Olean ClOregr Tirriothyi. Oienartktlipas,illyet; 3rase, - 4 - euit ormpyfttlo6niyii Gain sepd.: , 4o, • ' , 'or • - . PAEtMIALL,3IORitIIi & kgricultrawitiptentent andlied Storni N..E. - coroefot amt. - Market streets. Pnlladelphia. • .S AL AND ( .The Geodtvill. Fixtures, and Furniture of that ilia Wellnidelt!tehed, SuoeS7onn, (16T110431orter'e,1/011/ .tattlitie',) on the cainor'ef Main and Pitt streets, °pito - Ito' tdethedlst.chureb, Carliele, , Fae Prise S2OU. •tbialorrenc-the•Si•Oftn-ItoenunilainstraiLeppusite 11e.ltailrend lintel and nflice, nertuu,seupanoperl Ire. , Iliint 411.25 per'annuin:- -'- Also, for. sale, AT coos, a' Well Seleetod 'stork of •lloois ;111.1,Sures In-Jots to suit •purshaleirs;,, tit,thii er n addreett ••• ~ ,! N. 11: Bpitntel for 27;. cents, , • 4.01, ; 24 ).. 1 gP 7 - 44 ... - • t"-". • . . • • • -.• „ •••• , gAlti,EB .. OcilLBY JAAISS V. !MOTU, Analytiv Chemlst." =II i .. - :'.*liiii,iiiiiiii;:' PIT.MRERLAND' VOUNT.Y WY4/ . , i4E. PA FACULTY - t -- e . • D. 81111LLY. • Prlnelp land Professor of the Art and Theory • • • Te.ohhi g , • •• D: KAM; . Trofeisor 4 ElcMdt.lon and Grammar . B. B. HEIGES,, , . . Proiessor . of Matlnimaifea, . 1 1 , M. GILI,ELEN, Prdfessor orNatural Sciences. GEORGE SWARTZ, . . , . Prlpclpal oifdodel Rondo's. ' HOSTETTER, , Teacher of Irkterhlediato Department. of Model. School', MISS M. SHELLY, - Teacher in Primery Deportment in lodel Schools.' . Tole Institution will be 'otanted for the reception of kupila on Wednesday, the •Sth 01 April, ItS57. DUILDIN(IS" AND, LOCATION This school will occupy the convenient And tasteful orthe "Big Spring Literary Institute,” In the borough of Newilile;l4 Whoie - niuulticent liberillitY It his Neon donated for tho use of the school. The building . is asp:felons, brick edifice, seventy by fray Tabt,"fliree etriultelhi keigthrand - altords - ample room for ha,II, radiation rooms, &c. The' town 9T Newillie affords unequalled advantages far the locajion 9f tbls school. Easy of access, healthy, And situated -1-res highly intelligent community; it of fers n dysiralifif situation for the teacher and student to vigorously prrisccuto their Studies. ' - • • DESIGN'. • • The Board of Trustees, composed of ono Director frorit . each school discricS, lii Cumberland county, Iwo este. b lobed the schobl with the design, that teachers' may in properly trained and qualified. In the different branches, .necestary for-a proper .priesecutiou of their_ _professional duties; and, to heuish as far ns possible, a 'node] of a Wolf Organized-and effirleutly conducted school, to all others who may desire to attend, and pro. pure themselves for otbeepositions In life. COUgSE,OF STMES • The annexed list olattidies is arranged In depart ,. eutsorlihout-regard-tn-theurder-Itt-widob-tho-veri ona branches . Trill- be pursued, or to the length of time which may ho devoted to them. , •INGLIBII IiANGUACIE.—The Elementary sounds, Spell ing and Definition of words, 'Reading, Elocution, Leg. ilsh G merman Composition Including Rhetoric, the Art of Debate IlaxitEmAtics.--4)ral or Mental AtithMetic, Written Arithmetic. Praetical Matimiumlicx Menstiratl n, Alge bra, tieenulry, Sum eying, Mathematical Geogra y, in el Oleg the'use of Globe.. . • " NATVRAL &It:Nei:S.—DOM - 101TO en. Physical Geog pity, and the use of the Glebes, Astronomy, with Illus trations by Magic Lantern. Maps, Hemisphere, he., Hu man and_CemlattntivePhysielegY.Yatpral_Phllesophy, with apparatus, Elenienixibf Chemistry. ' nil:6llT ANil Pn wrier. of TEACHlNll.—Tntolleetuntrbi• losephy, the study of Sq•hool Systems,'Lecturos on Edw . cation and the.lletails of Teaching. Practice in Model Voeal .31usic throullhout the mgrs... Students' who do not design to 110E611110 ten. can sOleet their stud es trout the ANA . ° list, and will to chiw nlfiedpecordini; to attaininents. •" . . LECTURES OS Lectures will. be fro quest and Practlcal.,and comprehend the best modes of application of Instruction and discipline In schools. Al though not relied man, astute chief basis of Instruction ; yet, In connection with.a ...rigid study of •Text Books, _their utility Is unquestionable nut fully acknowledged. 'rho ~,toehutr i mi motto will hs discarded Thu student will Ile'expecled lo master his subjecta and'reelte pun In clear and well chosen language of his own. Moon Scitoota.—Tiliere will be three' Model Saitols connected with the Normal Saed, width will be pt,rll times open lot..observation and 'prOtice. The Normal student will be frequently called upon by the Principal to lake part in the management and to adapt a proper systamaind,mathod in his attempts to teach the young. Inscirme.—Nilkhool can prosper without good dhe ciplinS. The government of the Nqinal and Model De partMents will lie such us to afford a model worthy of Imitation In oar public schools. It will be rigid and impartial. yet, relying much upon the Self reipect of the pupil. Dismissal will, follow all humortalityMid ungen tlemanly deportment.. i" = Sessions will continue three months —The tuition will be $5 per three months, including use id spparat us Sc., payable In udeance to .1. If. Herron, Esq., Treasur er, Nowvllle, No extra charges will be tilldwed for any . purie,se.• No deduction made for ale.ence. _Books, Ntatlonery, still be furnished at Philadelphia retail prices. • BOARD. ',Good board can be obbilurd In realieciableetuillW at $2,25 per week, Inclinllng all except washik.- 'fbe.pw , pHs will frequently In, VlSiti.lll by the rnemberil '. - bf the Faculty, and a care exercised over them at all tituefm. -- - CONDITIONS OF ADMISSION. .0 • . 31:11c rinfills'mustbo sixteen years of ago, and fotunto pupils liffecno - Satisfactory evidence of good moral char. actor. ;mist be furnished,- hud the pupils must have healthy coustitutions. • AMJNATIONS There will be public oxamitiationc at the cloSe of each term, both In Normal and Model schools, which thepub• I b is Invited to attood. A 'et:trifle:do will be • awarded to them', who give satisfactory evidence of accurate at tainments combined with ability to teach, =l2 Webster's! Dictionary, Sounder's Series of Benders, Palma's Uutlino Maps, Groanleaf's Arithmetic, Sonny castic's 'Mensuration, Davies' Legendre, 0 nunneries and Surroying—Parker's Philosophy, iluevitt's Ahtrolionly, Cutter's Physiology, QuarkoMmsa' netts. ric and Coamositiou,Saunder's Elocutionaly Chart, Sill. man's Chemistry, Coveill's Digest of English Grammar. VISITATICNS The Normal and Model schools will be open to visitors during the term through all. .regular . session 9uimm. Citizens or the county end atningers are cordially in vited to visit. them at their convenience. All loiters orinquiry I,llould bo addreseird to J. H 1;m1., Nowlin°, is. • • . WW. It. Guitc•s,, `{Cal. STROHM, •• OWEN JktIES,, . .. ' .SAMULL MCII AR; , CIIIIIIAN liIIEIILY, , . WM. McCULLOCII, THOMAS 11. 13111".,ON, 'SAMUEL I:ArLun, A.. 1. IcArirm•N, ' JAI: Ilu*oN, SOLOMON MOHLER, . J. 31. STOUVYLII,. JOIN C. DUNLAP, • I'. HOUNTZ, DAVID 1111FNOT, . J. C. Amex; MODE GnirriTir, : AII /I. LAMIILII.TON, WILLIAM LINE, JAMES 31CCELLOCH, JOHN G. WILLIVMS. . DAN iEI4 SIiELLYO'ITEt J. 51E9 MCC N 1 ,1.1611, Sed'y. Iluartl or Truelem EM=MM (1U3113'1) VALLEY - INSTITUTE. comSION, Noloim. a. CLASSICAL SCHOOL for Young Ladies and llontlomon, echnultsburg t Cum -1,41n1ul County, Pn. This well known Bearding School for yo•ing Indica and gentlemen, conducted for several years, by the Iter..l. S. Loon; A. M., will be continued by the solo te•rlbers, who, engaged for years as Instructors of youth,_ assist ed by male and female teachers of experience and skill In their profession, •" will qualify pupils to discharge with dispatch and accuracy. Moss duties which arise front the relent,ns of reciprocally dependent beings.". Such as desire it, will be educated and trained for the business• of teaching. Special attention will be given in the Normal departments, having connected there with n Model school. for thO education and training of instructors of youth; and, when qualified, no pains uih be spired in. obtaining them , eligible situations. We have now emend applications Sir good teachers. • -In the classical department. pupils. male mid female, will he prepared for auy class in college. • ' . Terms very moderate, The next Session will com mence, April 1, 1507: Parenti, guardians and others wishing to loam the particulars from a Circular, or otherwise, will address, _ . " • 7 'l. D. RUPP & 11. COY LE, - Vropiietgrs of the C. V. Inhtitute, MoclualleNburg, Comb. Co Pa. • Y A.() A-4),E Isl .ANIUNII3.IALE._ . und'Classind Selma!, Lapillsburg, Pa. r..T.n;uHenud or winter session of Aids I, ilstitution will open ofilhe second Tuesday of Jan uary, 1857. The usual English an.: Classical branches, adopted by our first grade Aradetnies,4llllte taught. No palm will be spared to make thertiugh,_p_meticat, And moral scho- Fats. , . Thu eillirgdef 400 inhchitants, situated in the midst ' of majestlcjtill and ußintifftin scenery, three miles dis tant from. tije.t..Warni Springs.'? is Lentil . 3 , and quiet,. sufficiently remote from the irregularitiesof large towns, and yet in daily connection. via Newport and Pommy). Mink Railroad, with the principal cities In the state. -- Ternm - pur quarter, - s3;st%Ttnrocem - ditig - to - ticolteinfe .of wstvdies. . Music. Fiend% and tienenn,sli., metre,. Hooks at city prices. Boarding for ladles in select faml prices from il, 01) to $2 00 per week. . For further partiplars ' • ' . Address either: , .I . iey..T. P. nucium, A. ' or.B. B. RUBY, A. It., E TE3IP,LE• OF , FANC.Y! . • . • • XRI SS BANGLE IS COMM • And will be at Ids: Old. Head Quarters In. North Hanover Area. during the Chriettnas and Now .Yearli featitritlea s wStb ono of tiro largest arsortmonts of - CHOWN CONFECTIONARIES • - • • - . - Ever offered inithis place. couristlng io part of Fine' Candy Toys and Fruits,' Joily Cokes,-Enn Bons, (ium Chocolate .auct...Fridt, props,.,.kowee,:Tabilleotnddiurnt Abilopds, French and oriphollug Hocrets.lc. the common varfilties. • • • _ FRUITS AND ,NIJTS . . of the latest importations such as Oranges, Lemma, italolue,-.Figs,-Pruens,-Currante c eltrou r soft-and-paper shelled ,Almendx, Filberts, Cream, Coma, and Grrworl Nuts., to "Connection with the chore an extol:pave as sortini3nt of • . • • • , • ',- • . - TOYS AND -FANCY .000DS. • of 'biery quality and price, consisting In part of Fine IVA*, kid, china, prying and other Dolls. Sewing and Card Baskets,.Fancrilages,,Flower .Yasee, Motto Cups; Ton 13ettN,3tanlis; Druini,Puns, Plptels, -Accordeons, Harmoniums, Trurapeta.,Chesernen-cif hone and wood, Mondqoes, Lotto and other ,games. Fancy. Soaps. Hair bile and Port .Monnies, .tc. We hare also a One lut of FAMljklr 011.00EIMIIS, such as puichrised, crushed and .brawn 'Sugars, of, every grade, Coerce, Molasses, .Stargib ieetf and Illack,TeasySpires, Butter, soda; Sugar, WaTer Undetlnir Crackere,..ckeese: . ...•' , The subscilher returns his sincere thanks to a goner ,oue public fur thepatronage heretofembestowedon him, :put hopes, by it desire to please, to merit n continuance Of the alma. BIONYEL. • c rlfel~y Dee: ,10.16L0 71 EXT PAPER! WALL PAPER . ,! spinNWAlkicrvAl6;•l" §• 47;77:, — ; - . 40st fiepltibd thy lef4est nitd moat tiriod essorfniobt ever Opined l'he!rullle nre inVltiqf to etilt - , - ..itnd make the aelectien, from bur,,tnnttunottiaatrittuibut,l Our prltvei aro the hwest. : A hn h a lerge,Tatlety.of Windoki)Bltpds - milyttlre ltbard'Prints,"nt :.". ''',.Ntortl‘ Itleitor,er hipera oit hittid 'from last scamp *IA be addl.., •- • • TO,I:I6TUS.,WOAIV. Strt,.l - tifOr . Myr Itepniarn,',nn t n streil. • Allliuglaitm.inittnatod to ritint 31/isceffinicou§. C UMBERLAND VALLEY BANIc WILLIAM' KED, . 1111ELOIIOIR BRENNEMAN,. .11000110 0. STERILErI^, JOISD.PUNLAS, WOODS, Jelin S. STDRETT, JOHN 0. Ibiabta, ' HENRY A. Svinatos." --- Thls - BankjdoltigThtifiluitak 7n thirliiimit - tif 1(1011. BRENNEMAN A CO. in now fully prepared to don sen ora] Banking Business with promptness end fidelity. - Money received on Deposit c u d i ald backcin demand without notice. interest paid on 'Special Deposits.— Certificates of Deposit, - hearing int rest at the' rate UI FIVE I'ER CENT. will be issued for as phart a period as FOUR 'MONTHS. • Interest en all certificates will , cense provided, however, that Heald "Certificates at any time thereafter for another. given shall bear tile same rate of interest up to t renewal. Particular attention paid to the of Notes, Drafts, Cheeks, Be., hinny part of the totes or Canada% ME NEW • HAT, CAP, AND.: SHOE • STORE. .* • • ••• AItRIVL OF .FALL GOODS FOR 1856. ,The subscriber has just. 'opened In the storeroom for occupied by Gee. W. Muer, on the corner of the public square, Main street, near thci Market House, and adjoining the Jewelry Store of Wm. D. Nanule, an en tinily nor and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods—comprislurdhe latest Rtyloa of • HATS,. C tPS, BOOTS AND suon of.eyery variety anti finish. - - • His lists consist of extra fine: Moleskin; Deaver, Pearl, Claret, Kossuth, Sporting Argo Stiaw liars of all vaileties. — These - Hats are manufactured by- Oakford, ' Morris A Co., and other celebrated hatters of Philadelphia. lid has also every variety of limur mann twin* .111.thrise goods he Will guarantee todgiiirenttre, satisfaction. . Ills stock of Shoes Is made np of every variety and style from the Cheapest to the beet article in the mar ket, and cannot fall to please. • Ile rospoctfulfy solicits the patronage of the. public, fueling confident that ho mu soli the cheapest and best goods In the ceunty, • 1 . Sep 17,1866 SAXTON)S tiARtvAA sPRING ..Ant'itz-vet. • IMMENSE STOCK OF lIAREM:OIE. • The subscriber - has just rotiWited from. lbw En tern cities, and - Would call the attikitlon of his-friends and the public genewilly•to the largo. and well selected an. sortment of lIARDWARit which,' he has now on band; consisting in part of BUILDI NO MATERIALS, such as Nails. licrowei,Ainges,lllolts,Locks,Olass of everydo. scriptiortand quality, such as Common, Whl • AmeriCan. French; Enitinelled slid Double. thick of all sizes, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Ac., Se. • ..TOOLS—lncluding -Edge Tools of every description, Saws. Phones, Braewand Ditto ; Augers, Squares, (lunges, Flies, 'limps, .11auners,. Vices,' Anvil, Screw Plates, Illasksmitlis Bellows. ke., • • Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a large assortment of Tools of every descript len. together with Dulles' nod °antlonian , ' Morocco Lining..4llinding, jatent and - FraiieliCalf Skins. Shoe Thread Awls, Wax, Pegs, tots,. Harness Mounting, Collars,l.llrthlng, Whiplitock,'Deer ' hair, Saddle Trees, Or., &c. Also. Conch Makers nada and Trimmings of all kinds, nub as flubs. Sjailtes, Venues. Shafts, Bows, Floor Canvass,'Clin.la, -- Pantask, Bring, Lace, 3 arra:, Spring Begs. ke , Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of Var nishes. Oak, Walnut, and Mahogany Veneers, Knobs of all kinds and sizes, Mouldings, Rivets, Hair Cloth, Plush-Curled Hair Chair and Sofa Sponge, So,. . Housekeepers will also llnd a large assortment of It of vas and Forks, Bratannhi, Attalla and Sliver Plated Table anti Tea Spans, oCandlesticks. Walters, Shovels, and Tonga, Iron and Itruss Kettles, Pans, Sc., together with Cedartrare of all kinds, such as Tubs, Buckets, Churns, &e , ke. Uttiral implements, embracinginownotall kinds, cultivators, lloce,,`Zhevels, Rakes, Forks, chllit3l3, • IRON, a large: sco , k, euniKsitq - all klnds in general use which am 'selling st oily wholesale prices. Remember the lid stand, East Main street, Carlisle. • - • 11. SAXTON. IR, I?, AT ATTRACTION . G f .ICEET would rospecifully Inform the citizens b Carlisle nod the public genendly that ho ban repur• aimed that well known DAGURRACAN GALLERY. In .Milrlon Mil, formerly occupied by Geo. ' The Gallery is now on tho wont instead of - the third flout.' This will 110 a great inducement to eldnly . peopleln par ticular, no hr Is easy of access. The - rooms have Lenin. fitted up a superior style, and no pains will be spared to make It a FIIIST CLASS GALLERY.. The apparatus used is of the best quality. .We recelvn our materials) direct from the manufacturer in New York city, which enable us to be hi - receipt flail. the latest stylthl of fancy and other cases, and we . warrant them to ho ot sums rlor quality to any OM' offered for wile In this I feint ty. I have pieced In thiatlallary an artist who has been In successful operation In the Gallery . In Hardt:berg for. several ylitro pa'st, and willAtuarantee good pletureo r to all th&q, who will favor with a call. • All philtres not perfectly . satisfactory' will be retaken free of clia rge. pictures luserted in LockolsOlreast Plow-Finger [lingo, Instructions given in the art on reasonal le terms. • We Invite all to rail atulmtatolne our specimens. whey-' tier they want pictures or not; then judge - for them. yes. - . ADDLE..AND. HARNESS MAK iNa.. rho Subscriber a ntinaes to carry - en the al, WO Insist...in - an its various oranybes.in North llan.• over-street. Carlisle. two doors North of Limnard's - cornel where imititdods keeping nit hand a general assortment In . his line, assisting of all kinds of_floaltionable.SAD. MSS, Bridles, Mertingelesollrthe, Circlugles end halters, also TRUNKS, tmveling and anthill) t i ter 11 +, lilt hags. Ile also man- 11 itfeethres the' most inet 1 15 1 ro • I I 1 Op , gp i r a m i v .. ;d 9 S s e m t , s E l B s over used In t ad hr some,co u n r y iu n m o i d Q t h a o n s d ewishing a Lnnd ' middle will do well to call and see them. Its A also manufactures Harness, Bridles, • Collars and Whips in all their yule .thee, and confidently believes from the general approba ties orhis customers, that he unless the neatest and best gears, in all their variety of bredth,"thet is wedeln the country. lie also makes all kinds of Mattresses to order, via: Straw, Busk. Curled Jinn and Spring Mat. mesas. All the above articles will be 'made of the best, material and workmanship, and with the utmost deal - patch. WM. OSBORN. PREP A.RE ._FOR WINTER ! PARLOR'AND COOKING STOVES. ,The subscriber at his ofifstand on North Hanover aL, Carlisle, the sigh of the "Mammoth lied Coffee Pot," de fres to call the attention of the public to his large as- Ortment of STOVES, of the newest and most thshiona *- Lie styles, from the best manufactories in the country, and at all prices from $3 to $l5. Among his PARLOR & CHAMBER STOVES are Mirror Stove, the Revere, Star, Llj Persian, Union and -Etna Air Tight, together with other patterns which he has of all sizes fir parlors or chambers.and calculated forbitruing either Wood or coal. Also,the :Etna, Globe, _Astor, Albany, Plat•top7and Bandbox or Poor Man's, with other COOK ING STOVES, cemprising the latest improvements in kitchen stoves, and intendod for either wood or real.— Also, the Dining Room Cooking Stove—a new and ele gant article, to which he invites the particular' atten r tlen of fad] cooking stoves range in pile. from $1 to 25, with the fixtures r eomplute. Also, Nine Plate 8. yes of various patterns and different prices. Also, ENAMELLED AND TINNED WARE for Cook ing Stoves, Brass Kettles. &c. Also, every article In the line of Tin and Copper Ware. The public lire respect fully Invited to call as he is confident with his large stock, variety and cheapness, of being able to give en tire satisfaction to every purchaser. Call and 'see. • Oct. ''s. 1053. 31, I.IOIIIIIR A GIUCULTUItAL IMPLEMENTS, ja_ be. The undersigned, whose shop Is in North. street. ,war to Ohms' Hotel. Carlisle, would inform the publid that they are Low prepared to manufacture Ag ricultural Machinery and Implements of various kinds, such as horse-powers, Wad and Lever 'Cumbers Shak ers of different kinds, Clover Shelters,--Fodder Ca tern, Straw Cutters. Corn Shelters and Tread Powers now on band. Repairing promptly attended to. Terms rea sonable. ' • RUTZ & LOSIL February 413. 18F-31u. TE NV SAW M IL L.—The under sig.ned would Inform the public that ho h'l4 ea Saw Mill; three nill6s from Mount Holly on the . read to Laurel forgo. and Is now prepared to I.ll' r.li the various oboe of YELL9W PINE OAK and CHESTNUT TIMBI iR,. whirl, are usually wanted. lie is also pre. pared to maw and -furnish Chestnut and - Pine SHIN GLES to - order. Al so, PI:ASTI:III NO LATHS. Those desiring , Lbw articles are requested send In their orders. • S. N. DIXEN..i. Papertown, Marele4.-0 mos... '. • . • . 'N' ' J . U M B Eat Ir• A - 13 - 11—, , ON FRONT:4TREET, HARRISBURG, . N,, The subscribers offer for-sale a large and well 'seleced Stock of . ' , .. , DRY "LUMBER; 'MINGLES, . • " at their: and on Front St., above the Cotton Fachny. „Tho patronage of the,publle Is _ resportfollyvllo . *ll — JOSTA - 11. -- EFSir To. crOODS FOR.TiliciioLiDATs! FANCY GOODS , RIFT BOOKS, c , AV. HAVI, RSTIC.K.hus just received from the city and Is now opening a splendid display of FANCY GOODS, suitoblo fir the ;wpm:whim; Holiday.. Season, to 'Which ho desires to call the attbution of his friends and the public. Alia tuisortment hi thls line cannot be surpossed In novelty and elogunCe, and Loth In quality and price of thp.artieles, cannot till to plearlopurchtwers. It would bro"impoilslble to onlitilftratlf WS - .. . .e . ILHADAY .FANCY GOODS, .- - : . . which ebnuktso.Mory Voriely,of fitnay aril - demf the most , isqolaiti'sllapaittyli a15,;.,,,,:',,:;i4, 1, l'alpoeMache &cods, .'. '',. , '. '-' Elogaiii olabustormod porcelai n lok•sinode and frays, Fancy ivory, pearl add sholl card cases, . . . Ladles' Fans V MISIOAS, ~ Fancy WorOloxes;irlth sevriaK Instruments, • ' - . , .Port Monnalos, of every variety, , ..... -- Gold pens and peneols, Fancy popermaghts, ,' Papotorles; and a argovarioty of itollos'Yaneyultation ' .l otto seals'and watire, Silil.dad islaripurSl, • - T,,iftllOS — ritilag - whips, - .l3logantly - firdshedr•Ladlen , fine cutlery, Perfume baskets' nd bags, ~ , . , Brushes of every kind for the toilet,. • '' - 'ltodssol's Portman of the viirimis kinds, . _ • ' IduCleal Instruments; of all klnde and at ill prices, together with au Innumerable variety of artloleselegant lyDnished and suitable for holliday presents, to which lie Invites special altsntloh. Aloo, an extensive and elegant collietlon of ' HOLHAY an' BOOKS, " - • . . , , .. . -comprsing.the various ngßullard An,erieeit ANNUALS fer. 1657, richly embelished and iluntnited.•POETlCAll ' svonKs, with. CIIILDittN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children Mall ages, than which nothing .can- bit - more • sppropriate or pleaelng all holiday gliti:"lllsassilsoinuit of ScheeLlk?oks and Reboot: Stationry.le.also `cOmplete, ' and couiprlsies every.' thing used in 'College and' the Scheele. Lie ale, desires to mil tivfmoticialavattention Ler Families, tOhiselegent...Vv , k 2... :' r , .... ••_!••••. LAmepl tvOies, iii. t . '., :,... • :. from-the extensive - este ishriteeits of ,Covtiellue, Archer . and otheve• of Phlindel hia,- comprising every style a. 'Melee, Chinital - raild'S iiity ignimn, for -IDurning ,elthgr lard'•sperut.er ethereal - oil; together : with flower-Yeses, Fancy, Strome. &c. Ale' anoortmnflt lu this, ino is up, equaledin the'boninglf, ' Alive, - ,• - • -••-,.• • , ~ --.-, ... ,•"•-• -,,--- PlitliTS,." FANCY „CONPECTIONABY4NIITS—PRR., ..SERVED ,FABITS; r•',‘-• *- _• . 'lti'avaryreeletylind - et - 101 - tiriceepill of - indult aurpurcr and trash, such es CAD be confhluntiy.reomuniended to hie 'flelenda and' the little,, fele,* ..!llitk'stock . daribrnses • every thidg in the lino ufnuicy :Axle, - wtumny other artielee usefal,.tO hensokeepers which the " peddle are . speciallYineitint 'to Calf and' see during 4011.1ipi,-; Remendier the Old. Stand, lioNtilY oi)popito tho'llatitc en' • North Hanover street.. .* :, . -- - ••• ,-. : • ' . , dee 13 181$8 . ' V. W.IIO.ERSTICK. r HIV. OFFICE .LLLE SIVEIT 1 1'01)1i I=famg - Tregilirie - d" Ir 'al if Law. Office, iu aqtre Square, west side, near the First Presbyterian l'hurch • •. ; Apell 9, 1887. , ... • " _ _ 'DIVIDEND.—A semi - annual • J:J- 'den d-of NOOIt PER CENT; on the preferred Steckel • and TWO PER CENT. on pnpreferred Stook of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road Company, will be paid on demand at the Company'. E. M. RIDDLE, April 8, 1.84. 2 -4 t. • ' •. Treasurer .1' • • ' at maturity. Are renewed mod, tiny time of Inaction rolled STO.ItE ,BOY WANTED.—A. !mart, active and Intelligent 'boy wanted immediately about sixteen or seventeen years of age.. Application to be successful laud be Mode' In persiet7 — CorlIsle; April 15, 4857. . WAIITNER. • IVOTIOE.—To . .the School DireCtors li of Cumbdidand County. Gentlemen: In punts- , once of the 43d section - of the Act ,of hay 8,1854, you • are hereby notified to meet inuverrtion;at the Court House in Carlisid, on the let 5 ONDAY•in MAY, A. 1).,; 1857, biting the fourth day of be math: at 10 o'clock' T hi the forenoon, and _select, ilva,yoce, by a majority of the - whole number of Directors prer,ent,,ohe person of literary and scientific attainments,,and of skill and ' experience Itx the art of-Teaching, as County Superin tendent, for the three succeeding years; determitie the amount of compensation fur the name, and certify the - resultld the State Superintendent•at llarrisburg; as. required by the 39th and 40th sections of said act. . DA .n t fiN e l ofc l u SiE m Ller -• ;,. . 6 . ~. .. COuittiStipeiiiited - Shiremanstown, April 15;1857. . • . - - VSTATE OF GEORGE WEBBERT, DECEASED.—Notice is hereby given that Letters. Testamentary" on the Estate of Gouge Webba'rt, late or South Middleton township,, Cdmberland county, de ceased, have been granted by the Register of mid county, ,to the subscribers ksidihg in Monroe township., persons knowing theulseives indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and thoso hav ing claims to pfesent them to • " • ME=M April 8.1857.-fit VSTATE " OF JOHN YOUNG - DE / CEASED.—Notice is hereby given, that Letters A Administration, cum testament° annex°, on the Es tate of John Young, deceased. lute of Silver Spiiim township, Cumberland county, have berm Issued .t° the subscriber residing in.the same townstrlAlLPensona, u - Riled to the said estate will make payment, and. those baring claims against it will present them fur settlethent to April 8, 1857.:-.ot* VSTATE - OF' ELIZABETH'.KUTZ; -- DEOEASED.—:No4ce is berety given that Letters Testamentary on the Estate or 31ra. Elisabeth .Kuts, bite of-North Middletonterrnship.Cumberit lid county, - deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county.to the subscriber. living 1n the R11111C•towns14 All persons knowit'st themselves indebted to said estate are required to make Immediate payment, and Jilt Ps_ boring-clainis to present thenao ApH18,1A67,- , 4A. - - VSTATE OF JA3IES GUTHRIE, ,ALA i)EQUASED.-- , NOtifo hereby given that Lot tern Testimonial.). on the Estate of JAMES GUTH- • 111 E, demised, late' of'tho Borough of Carlisle, have been' issued to'the uudernlgned residing said 1.10- 'rough. All persons having 'Claims upon Chid rant, will present them , for settlement, and these 'indebted will make payment tc; • ELIZA GUTWtTE. , Executor of James Guthrie, dei.oesed. Aprll 15, 1857. - ---st. , ESTATE OF ELIZABETH . WILT, - ..DEcb.--,NoncE Is hereby_ given that Letters of Administration on the estate of Elisabeth Wilt. late of Newton township, Cumberland-county, deed, hole been granted by the Register of, said county, to the subscriber, rotiding In West Eennshorriugh township All persona knowing themselves indebted to said e, - tote are requested to make. itninediaie•payment. and those having claims to present them for settlement to GEORGE, IZEA, Administrator, MEM STATWOF ELIZABETII CERR, decd.—Lettere Terdmnentary cln tie - Estate of ort.limbeib Kerr. Into of the Boreuglx of Carlisle. do 6.aged, bare been thay bowed' to the aebseribeeresldb% In said Korona,. All Immerse booing claims aeolmt mid Estate Will present thenifor settlemout and thoso indebted will !nuke payment to Nov. 5.1558] . ' f CPPICE C V. M. P. CO., . , - / Marchlti, 1857. • • QT • is . hpreby given, that an as- Fes.amat of five per cent: has OAF day bon 10. 8 ed,"by the Board of Directors of this Cotopatty. on oil pr,•nti um notes belonging to mid Company. in force on• the-3d - day of January, A. D., 1857, except these tapir hilt before the 28th day of.. February. A. D., 1857,(and not reneired) on which 3 per rein. ili levied, and all pre- Mium notes of Original applications taken between said dates, P psi Cent. is levied. . TI o mentbors of this Company are hereby required to pay the above proportion on their premium notes to the Treasuter. of • this Company, or a properly authorised ,;gent of the Board, within thirty days tram this date By order of dle . lloard.- , ' • Joll7i T. GREEN'Sect'y- . April, 1, 18b7. 7 .3t. VLORAL FESTIVAL.—The llniolr j: Fire Company, having in root anol:ll.km the erec tion' of an Engine House, intend holding a. Festlval And Fair., the first [week in Juno next, at Education Hall. in which the kind cooperation of the ladles of Carlisle, is respectfully solicited. Thom. IL Ilahon. C. M. Wortbrngton. Samuel Abrahams, A. B: Erring. Joshua Fagan, _ Cyrus Arnold, - • Luther Line, ' F. J..forvinnan, A. J. Faust, C. A. 31eck, It. 51. Stevenson. 0 Rl' H A NS' . COURT .SALE.;--- On SATURDAY, the 25th of APRIL, IFSi. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cinn berland county, the sulocribers, as Executors of WIL LIAM , LEHMAN, deceased, trill offer at Public Sale ort the promises, in Frankton" township, a • TRACT OF LAND, • containing-5d Acres, situate in Frankfort] township and bounded hydands of John Mintzer, Henry Miller. nerd Wolf, Je.seph Dewait and Jolm Oiler, irof which Is a HOUSE, BARN AND SAW MILL. The tract has been divided Into three lets, No. I—the Saw Mill; Mouse end Barn with 34 acres and 61 perches land. 'No: •_'-1S acres mud 62 perches. about 4 avres of whict are cleared. N 0.73-11 acres and 67 perches, with aletut thtee acres cleared. All the rest of the land la lo timber. Sale at 12 o'clock, noon, qutl terms made known by ApHII,I&W K ANSAS AN D NEBRASKA:- - T. J. GRAHAM. LAND AGENT, . Leavenworth City, Karina Territory. • Will huy'and sell lands, select lands, and locate land warrant. in Kansas and Nebraska, buy and sell town lets, negotiate loans, and do a general agency 1 mines& inquiries respecting the moults IS Irltrr tr other NT Me. promptly, answered. REPERk:NCE. John 11. Dratton, Esrj., Cat lisle, Pa. Rio; 31. Ileetem. Banker, • •` - lion. .1. 11. Graham. " '" Ker,• Brenneman 4.C0., Bankers, Carlisle. - Wm. 31. Henderson. }:sq., Carlisle. George Sandthsatt ' - Esq., Lancaster. Pa. ' • Dr. John A. Ahl, 31. C., Newvtlle, Pa. Wm. S. Cobean. Esq.; .E. W. Clark & Cu., Bankers. ' lion. 31lebael Cocklln. tAtepherdslown, • - henry Reiman & Sons 31en•hants, ilailimoro. E. L. MA°, EFG., Cashier ' Mercantile Dealt. NOW York, yder & 31SuFarlane,31eal Estate - Agents, Mioneaporla, , 31 in nessota Teri Dory: Wm. Kilgore. Esq.,..A Gurney and. Ecal Estate Agefiii . us Sterling, GI " • • 11. W. Mateer, Esq.. Kenry city. • Ex.tiov..loseph Ritner, Cundmrland county, Pa, Mardi Iti."lksl=Ty2 . • , , 10,000 busheht of the .Colehrated Broad Top --i l deltatltileCda4seetTlnirdtalfse Sep. 3,1850.] .A.3.uby COAL.-500 TO.NS KENSVALLEY COAL: lihriked• and re-screened, , prepared expressly for fatally use and kept wont coven, E 0 that I can furnish It one 'and etutti•during the . winter seam.. I haro also on hand and for sale the • ISE , _COAL trim the mines of Boyd, Rosser mimes of Curti- A small profile benumb. .11. MURRAY.' , —The the att talon of ; or-ck ZaCIAI.7 - of , . , ‘Broken, Egg Nut for blineVurners, Trovorton, Egg And Nut, Shawn. Id* . Broken, Egg And- Nut; all of - which at— redUred nriees,from inleyear, for cash. The Brokin, Egg, and Stove Coal, for fawn/Ilse. will Ito screoned,r• lip striving to please 1 - hope 'to have a liberal patrol:v. ago. 'I am new prepared to supply you with tbe eeletrated 11, rail 'Top COI. *Meta' is considered the befit In the State. Come .aud .took at it. • I hays the Allegheny Coal also on band. all of which I will sell low for'cash. Qulek sales and short woks in my motto—a nimble sit; penes Is betipr tluih a dull shilling. Please eta Sit's' call, one and all, • • Air All orders left at Ids residence In East street, or at Velar,' Monyors .and limey Easton's Morse, Will le promptly Otani:44Sn; ijOet. 1, 161i6 . I_l(.<= EIV G C • I, • A• choke selection of Groceries of every, variety; 'eluding Spices sad loses have been added to our tetuter :esaortinent. mutoog . which may , be badatrletly ` 7tyli,:.LAG writ&c COVFEE4 together with a koneril:ascortreent of . .BROWN , Ji , WHITE 'SUGARS, • including Cittelted, Granulated, Pulverised, and garb, hod Sugars. Also a lot ,of New Ciwese, Farelra, tern ' Slareti,4l,ustard,,Cbocolate, de.. -Also Green andalliult—: selectbrand. - For sale st.ttus lowest mires as 1141iliMIALL . 0110. ' pet 11) ' ' , - • J. , W. „ , .... . . AFIL6N - 1 1 *-I,ItOAL? r The•att . titan bt tiltc.,. ,-, ---,--, - : e.O ,- _ __ . ~ ,L. the putille'lted Illeateinitbe pertieulatli telegiteei-' : - ed th the large essortinent n(llar and Rolled Iron- of 011.,' , ;- . .- altes end blade Steel of id' kinds; 2 Fllei;"Rasps; Root! - ...' ,4 Pletas Anvils, Viime r ,Llellewe r tuid'everY, thing Ihat t1e,'1 .4 : 4 LlKkAritti army;• , went.---iireareolditiqteddltltil 4;1 1 &:,)•, . .7ithfosale prltea'374lll4slleVnihrented. , : , : t. • ,'. ~ ..i..' •:- ,',-. , .JON P::ll.Yelh & SON. ~ ...„ --- 04.'...,r., . _. R . N. Veneta sc.; Cerlll.lls • • se4aC Notices'. "'OFOItOE BRINDLE, • 'BERRY WEBBERT,' -Exeeutors CIIABLE ' S DAVID K UTZ: . ' Executor. JOHN D. aonwis, , L. T. GREEN FIELD; Chairman DAVID •HOLD, JACOB LEHMAN, - Executors - (Coot' linros EMI iM;mmi:n .-TO BIACKSMMIS,- JACOB BHR011: El EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers