Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 22, 1857, Image 2

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    • lAitaltukfilindlor
.• ,,,,.,..•„.•..,,._._,, .f...., ..
. 41 4 1 ;4 41 ,FL -3 1 r 4.1
WEp r Y SD Y, APIiIL 224851
e far le - Pterald — Oilrev — has:
been removed to Zug's Sul!ding
South-Mast Corner of the Public,
Square, Third Story.
Union State Ticket,
For Governor.. •
of Bradford Co
For JudgSs of the - Stipreme Court
JANES V.FIECII, of Fayette Co. •
JOSEPH LEWIS, of Chester Co.
. . For Canal Coamisqloner.
The President of the.late.Ainorioardßepub.
Boap,Convention has appoduied
. the following
State Central Committee, - • -
LEMUEL TODD,,:Choirman..; • •
Simon Cameron, 'Jneepli Casey, •
J,,hn Clyde, George Bergner;
John M.. Sullivan, ` f William. D.' Kelly,
dsoph:4l.-Myers, 1.-M:-Sellers • -
Wenry:White, - James Edwards, .
- Lindley Smith, . J, B. Lationbter,
C: Ellmaker, . Jnooli D. Gossler,
—H.-L-Benner, . ' Edward-C-Knight,
David Newport, . Edward Darlington,
..• William H. Keim, Wilsen-Coswell, '
• Peter Marlin, T. J. Worth, .
2 ,, : —Yeter Sa muel E. Dimino!k r ,
--- • Thomas E. Cochran, David E. Small,
E: C. TifOrherson,. B. Rush Petriken,
. John Penti•Jr, - W P'''. - 111iner: --
.• •John Laporte . • • L.• P-. Williston,
D. Gillespie, ' C. B. Curtis,
John N Purvienoe; D. L,..Euton,
Bobert - Pg McDowell, • D E.. Finney;
John , H. Wells.
T. J. Coffey,
John Cavode,
-Committe is, called, for the
purpose of organization, at the St..
rence Hotel,ln-Philadelphia on We 25th
of. April inst. -
t0),...-foThe growth of Individualism" is
the title of an- Address delivered before
the :mu:al - meeting of the Alumni of Penn
sylvania, College, : Geitysbiirg; .Pa„ ,by APPAiEnsxN, A K 2 of that
place. Like everything emanating from
our talented friend, it bears the evidences
of a high order of.,intellectual ability.
The-author hag our thanks--for-theme
sent us.. - , • •
Apportionment Bill
The aptiortiontnent . billwhich h . as beep
.un — der . diaenssion in the State. &nate for
some, days, passed that body_ on. Monday.
- Under its Pti?viAong
Dauphin counties ; will ford , a :Senatorial
diffirict, and Cumherland• county is out
down to one Representative in the Houi3e.
Philadelphia, is diiided into ten Repro:
sentative districts• prid-allowed seventeen
members. The bill has yet to pass the
Witner,XAry . ., mayor elect of St.' Louis,
?was sworn into office on Tuesday'. In
his inaugural addritai. he took, strong
ground in favor of' - i'ree white labor for
the State of Misenxi. Ho..was replied
to,bylClr. ptcaident of the board
of aldermen, on behalf of the city coup
cir who.agreed to the positione, c teken by
_theanaypria the abitract,:bqt4osigreed
•seii tp the propel' tinieqo . qgi!,ate-thb. u 3-
The triumph of tlie:eminicipationists
in St. Louis-was a puo 'free soil victofy
' In a slave State:: ; , , Bentenism or anti
- Bentonism hruLlittle*
,with the elec.
at some'have;stipposed. Indeed,
Col. Benton, with a laoh . of, moral cour
age which we shouldhaiAlY,lnive antici
• pated, refused te4alte Ani lead in a rnove-.
ment that proinites,to-roOkeut.slavbry in
'Missouri. Before thp„afoetion• he' wrote
. a letter to the emancipationists, in Which
he denounced the tf Jnd dis
claimed nll connection' , With the party.
The Frea'Soilers however-boldly - pushed'
forward and achieveda . triumph, and
Col. Benton luissed •ttn. 'opportunity to
earn a surer title to• immortality than be
-acquired-by thirty years-service -in- the
United States Senate. Ile was in
aition to g i ve an impulse to the movement
' • which seemed destined 'to Make Missouri
. : •• — • - i - free - State T — : - Ain -- enviable- fame,-and-tho
- gratitude''of posterity would have reward
ed-any•present•self•sacrifice to help along
so noble a work. • • •
for separating the , office of .p upe rite u
iiint of CiMinion . &heals. from the office
of Secretary orthii — commonwealth, hie
passed both nouses of out State Legisla-
ture, and there is no doubt will besigned
by the .Groyernor.. The pest we cons-,
ment of 'kap; akok, thepres
ent able and mtlefatigahltDcputy'Super..
intendant,;(3,f4O,School pePartment. -
Co];F l iOrnont, - We, see it stated,
hafi'beembusy since :lbw - election': ie . wri
ting out a'oomiiyite teeteld bfilirt talons
Exploritig Expeditions!' .fflie troth" is,
- oearly aotnpletg;'un'd'will;.}ie `published by
Childs & Peteison, of.Philadelphin.
book will le gotten,-tip in. fine style
illustrate <the.same•artists who wore
-engaged -04'-,p.e.'4'!,o'B;‘!mptio:txji6iii'
1 4 °"1" and;fo -1 "--;a fit oorapinion•:ra , that
popular mirk! 1- .1 , ~•••• •,. • ,
—OLuNTEER-411.-riDialtle kr: •L , 'Cltir
uetg,hbor ot:AO
the Vaunt . '
Ildsqoatest :"..401e 1 r
iounct..... • . t77.`i
.; •
•. . • •
.. .
sc.wpcirtsisisT IN 'THE
Weliknorn that when .16!„.wp
mqtjqt,rodueed famous Proviso into
Congress; in . .1446, his 4 . demoein!ic . cob'
leagues in thh Hduse;,:iitcuid by, ~bint,j'Ap4.: . '2
that when he;renewd,
tion,to atiach•jhe Proviso Jocthe three
if had not hecome .undemo
......ersMin_s_oteinlator_of the prohibition
of Slavery. It was' only after Mr. - Bu: -
chanan, in his struggle after the Presi:
dentin] nomination then approaching,thad,
led the way.agacnst the Wilmot Proviso",
that Mr. Wilmot bem to, stand ' alone
among the Toethocratio representatives .
from Pennsylvania, under the old inffer:
senian. platform of Slavery restriction. :
. The Legieleture -of 'Pennsylvania,
which was chosen at the general electio_4_,
in . 1846, and which met in January, 18-
47, took early action Upon this questibn,
and it is 'gratifying to turn .baCk trr - the
records of that body, and son hoW em
phatically it• .sustained 'Mr ; .Wilmot.
There were Whip] and,,,De . mocrata in
thisse daye, aud-theii!-party-fighti-were-as ,
bitteicas-any_that..2lMve_happened—since ;-
but upon - this question they were united. :
Nearly every Democratic member of loth
Houses recordOd his vote in favor:of the
Wilmot Proviso.:- .
Victor Piolett, a democratic me -
ber of the House from Bradford 'county,
preamble and resolution :
Wlyrests, The •existing...war with
Mexico may result in the acquirement of
.new Territory; and
Wh_exple,....Measures_.are—now_pendi ng_
in Congress haiing in view the appro
priation of money and.the conferring of
authority upon the treaty-making power
to this'end,"therefore.
Resolved, Bio. , That our Senaters in
Congress be - instructed . and ouritepresen
-tatives. be - requested - Co .vote - against any
measure whitteverby which teriitery will
accrue to' the Union, unless - , as a part ~Of
- the fundamental law upon which-ani com
pactor treaty for this purpose `is based,
Slavery or involuntary servitude shall be
forever prolibited, except for crime."
-- On the 26th of Janufary this Preamble.
and resolution
.were called- up; and they
• passed tint/almond/6 by the ,following
vote : • . . -
J. R. Edje,
A. J Faller,
Robt. M. Palmer
. ,
. .
YEAs=Messrs. Anderion,
'Bassler, Bentz, Bingham, Black, Blair;
Bonghter, Briicman, Breidenthalhi Bull,
Burns,. Built, Bush,: 'Bus 'b./ark ;
Colvin, Conner, Daly, Dickinson, Disk
son,' Do.nahlson,- Evans,;, Fosse'',
-- suth7Fax, Gei'lleY7GOfild; — grarif,.lll:afi;
Halt', Harris,' liaison, Ilayntaker;
lands, Hunter," /),e g; -,fi r zeol / vi. Jackson,
Kauffman; Kea'ley, .
Kline, Klingensmith; kabx,-Krick,
ly, Loughlin. Lttlyrence f lionun; Loyh . 4ii;
'Lockhart, Long, Maekiq,:./Ifather,,
thias, Montelius, Mc
'MoKnight, MoKinn,
.Noble Pittersen',"
Pau/ing;:Perirce i - Arry,/-I40; Philli p s ; '
Pomeroy, of Mereltr, Ponieroy,.of•Frapk-.
lin; Reynolds,- Robbing; ' Ross; ;: Rypirt,
Sanborn; Sharp, 'Shelley, 8;/)Ps;,Siiiidcr,•
Thomas ; Thompson, Trego, Plietl , War
ner, Weller , Wenner and Cooper, Spew.
NAYS—None. Democrats in italic:
. Every! democrat present voted aye, and
every democratic member of the HoUse
-- was present but one..,
. .
. Thoresolutionewere sent' to the Senate
and wore called that .body on :the
27th. -At the late 'Harrisburg Con.ven ,
lion Mr. Gibbons 'Stated that he Wag
. .
Speaker of the Senate at that. sesaion
that Mr. Bigler, then Senater friim Clear
'field, afterwards Governor and now.C.' p.,
''Senato'r'Tame the , mornink:of
41147tb; and asked as e . partigegir. favor
that the Speaker would. award thd, floor_
to him that morning to enable him to call
up the House resolution ; The' Speaker
did so; Mr: Bigler accordingly
the . volution, made a-strong.
Jte favor,, urging its immedlato passage;::
moved to suspend the rillea'• to ybt: it
on its final 'Yassage;- and. the ,yeah -144 :
nays having been callediAbiqcsalutio4"
Garman; Crahb, Darragh; Daraied.fd
/is; Harris, Hilid&over, 'Johnson ' aor
, dan, Levis, _Mason, Morrison, Richßich
ards .4oss, Sandersop, smyser,
Williathson, and Gibbons, Speaker-24.
NiTs-Messrs. Anderson; Black and
Potter:ler-3. .
Thus it will be seen that Mr. Wilmot
receiyed.the strongest possible - endorse- .
meet of-his course from the ,democrats
of PennsylVania, every democratic inem
her in both.. Douses of the. Legislature,
.excopting - three, - having voted - 10 - st - istrilir
him. It is worthy of note,. also, that the
Legislalure that ivinterwas 'Whig in both
'yet_thicresolution_was intro
duced in; one .branch 'by a dethodrat
and• urged through in tlie OblEby an
other. .
DAVIDAVILM6T, true to his democra
cy, lias'..occupied", the same• ground
since";: but the .party which then endorsed
, him, ims:4lsely deserted tho tMble, stand
it took, Apostatized fioin'th`c;fidtp'4,.its
Jound,ers;_and' sPam_eleSsly:JinoniKOA
.the good which it did' in its Pei tor. day S-. •
A nericao, State Council met. at Altoona.
• on Th 015711 ii i., when; by .e vetesefss.. 9 s
t 0,17, lts'2endorseds the-Unioti•Statn 'ticket
headed by the' Hob's- Dairid' t Wilmet , `fOt'
Goieinor.': The' minority 'thereupon
ceded, Mid issued a
an, address
lag' an 4tnerjeM p4it c Conlention,tM;l3e,
held on ibe ,Pd.sols June, „ats liancaster;s
e'onipesed of:delegates from eaohs.'senttte's:
rial sand:ssrepresent-t-ve' r _district':the','
:t.st4e;' to :'deteritifn'e
Orolehing eleetlen, §lagelsiOns hage been
:the girder s - days. hi the ....timeriesif;
rarty l
. . .
tires, the • Frei State
ttatidt4ite'for - maiine'oll4eitv'entvoitit, hie
o've'r a 1 'die'
litheridittik : i 4
• ••,•;•;
Bedford In quire r
York, R4tiblican; Delaware county Ad..
'l)rtser Rolliday_sburg Register, Strouds-_
burg Jeffersohign',lnd , Somerset kieria
..papera.,,•of_ the kanucliest
kind, and anionA.,,tile most influeutiiC in,
at their Editorial hefidß, and ;ire giving
to the ticket an enthusiastic support.
The Perry ciainty - Freeman contains the
proceedings of a ratification meeting, held
: in that county,"which was addressed
it F. JUNKIN, Tilsit:, a delegate - from
Perry, to, the State Convention, and jam'. :
W. SoonEi..u, 'ON present Senator
from Warren county, at widedi
t on s warmly endorsing tho,nominatione
were ussed.. The political horoscope in
dicates a vigorous caiuraiga, and - Oat
the 'straight-outs' will be pretty well
straightened r out before the contest is
_Lodi° atltibbot,..ttLe School Directors froin-the
veriouia districts, who ire called . together in
this borough on theArst Miihday in May, for!
the purpose of electing's' County Superintond•,,
ant or. Schools, will be:passed over, the Rail
Road at 'half rice.-
Cbnrlee Clark, will coulmenoe its fifth Session
Ott . Monday.tbe 27th inst. We are-14egtteeted
to state : l.6lo'o4 Lectures on -Physiology, - by
Dr. 8.,8 Kieffer, will be continued thrtiugh'
the session. This school !int( now attained
'n the e-•
aoracter whioh' fully eatttles it:to the patron.
nge of parents in our town and-vicinity,
, and
obviates the neeeeeity of sending young la..
diee to boarding , echoole ata diecanoe for on
edueatiolt ' •.*
-THE- IVEATrtErt,The- North-1% atin
:Min, of .whose wavy lineagainst:the-ski vie'
jeive a vivid prospect from - the windows of our
ner . t oloouto, shows just now .s surface of
snow, apparently several inchre in depth, the
Product of last Monday,', furlong snow storm:
The like of Monday'S ,now storm: we, fancy
has-never been witnessed - in . the .month of
April, before, even by the 0 oldest inhabitant."
The gtorm seems to have covered a 'wide :ex
tent of country. A despaieh from NO York
nays the storm prevailed there and fat. to-the
East and West. _ ,
Wee( Chester papers notja the, arrival „ilkthat
borough of n.Chlneee female, a nurse. hating
in eharge‘the little daughter 'of Prof. Went-
brought enfe'ly through A long voyage to the
hoine of its grand-parents in West Cheater.
Pint Wentworth it will be re - membered wee
about twci':yeara ainee- - nppointed Miesinnary
to China by theoPhilatleiphia 51. E. • Confer
ence. Before he left.he• was married to Was
Anna Lewis', daughter of Joseph J. Lewis,
Etq pf West.. Cheater, who • Accompanied him
to China.. ' Her _health . .failsl anon after ar
riving them - and °tidied few months after,
leaving en Infant hitt a air days 'old. The,
faithful . nurse will be returned to her home in
the,o•Celeetial Empire" at the earliest oppor
tunity. • •
!SPRING FASIIION'q ioit . l.Bs7.—One
- of - eurCotemgoraries has it that the fashions,'
bo far as nature is.eoileerned,, will not-be mu.„
terially changed from the mode of last season,
.The hills will appear in a beautiful green, and
will not assume any 'ornaments until May or
June. when dafsies and butteroitps, kid sweet
and Indian pinks,' will probably be
extensiyely worn. The locust trees will come
out early in snowy white and green, while the
poplars will assume a mare modest appear.
-,anoe. The-sky—will be varied—light and deep•
blue, and bean black - will he r ita prevailing.
As to the Speng fashions for ladies, we
... could not tell what they are if we would, and
would not if we could - for that would pro.
elude the pleasure of the ladies in gratifijing
their curiosity, if they have . any- 7 RO Shake.
pease 'soya they have- at the pry Goode
Stores of Mr. Ogilby, Meters. Bents, Mr. •
lypods A 1:
Dods where, respectively.,
tifse Spting..f#MWas, for - this year ate sup.
posed MiiiiiVsktop - rZleittheir.head quarters.
• Durinegist of the dais of last week, /mei ! .
atonal snow sq - uails,'With sprinkles and driz.
zlss, and furious galea,- contributed to keep
the streets muddy and the-Walking 'disagrea-.
ble. • As soon however, as the sun and. aide
walks invite to feMettine peiliiiiiiiotihrto.' we
would suggest to one and all to oalkatitlicso
favorite estahlishtnents and
,exathink the • new•
stook of briliafit'spring goods, the varieties of
which are too numerous to portimilitrize.
Horn, CHANGFEL—On the first of
April several hotel changes" tonk thin
borough, Jacob litedseeker,' late of the Stone
Tavern, bits taken / of the Haien . 'Ilott;1,
lately kept-by •MonatiO!..*tintiOlti -- & Sositli;
and Mr. William Noitlier : itiii• of, Papettoirn‘,
Intaloonted-in'tbe- hou4- - latelyi-kepiltey'Col:•
MintOy. In Meohaninnburi,
bas . inken the Dopot 'and
Clay ban takerrelinrgent Ilia hotel a tRb west
end of the 'Harrisburg'bridge.' ' • • ' '
rg*LEOr SCHOOL.-The:' kali:Ting" iS
he returorof'the tel!ot ooholorti for the'cittlit:;.
,Ontlhig April -let; 1861: • ' :';'
School N0..11.. Jefferson Vingeone'. Wien
J Sterrett, Wm e.linpley... N.). Agnes
Gralinnl.,"Anon Aleander,...Grace, Townie.
Not. 111;111nri, I.4didin, Mary, A:. Bender. S
Cornelia Smen'd. No . 14; Jtibn `V. VolVtaft.i.
John C.' Grahnob L .Wta.; gun&
Spam... Sandi :Tarberi
r • • .D, .EcKs!.B,- P. S. S.
~.:13,El?'crpIATINO THE:, BITILV.7-7.-The
: ,American says-that - the ;Ciiiboloo , Prieit,
'whalsaiatety , etfidatedin 'the Cathi;
lic gbizroh, in Carlisle,: tack occasion :a'-'taw'
Sundays 7siuce . to. donouBoe••the , tat. Unities
,versiop 111,43114e : end , to ioterdiet therena'
: 16 g. ot it by the , ohildten of Ranieri %Ctiihollii
.parents id our 'publio aohools.;
s great mistake its cointuenointletiolr'n'irair
,Jere In this oommunitN - • :+:,1,41
notate and !moo - Willi) ,
• boo," beon'tino of tile'
aiGrahani,j'and , baSit 'fitiefos' '
:prpod ) poputarlepirhiah It' nor ‘l,ietijOye'•:`Thej
Mr U! flltlialos4lts,apttitlOn . lli
bonittlflul, eiltiOldeon 'apieoefnn end fini"ki
eild•tlin•Fdlthi°6 Plan in" ,
4dtl, t Ittestitn; other lilltotatloa,l
end ihV'enOeilor "salon° ofilttt 4 repqlng
'fa, - /did yo,iiil44'i "(4 - 10 . 4 ' rho 00.0 i jkingiliOPO
pubilehed.!; l o/3
• • ,
';,l k :;::,, ', ,: :fl'Ai • -• J!r, .:,::.!
Town. 1 nub TOtitoll .31/titters.:
• •
SonnTB.,lllllllll titlnnortiorn to the &buy]
kilLiitiirniti':,Bariteininseirioncood rending._ Iv;
the linkran; mer: 'tiaeuksair.: lovnroannit wn•
Prone'tiu!tiesditp. : lverfonday,,l'hur,sdny nod
, Ftidny;Oitb.!ic44thgt purpose of ooueidering_,
Bank : bille; 'was ' ' "
"• , TEIESDAT, April 14.
a supplement to the act extending the char
aciter_of the Bank of Pennsylvania ; also
. •
4itenient to the act •reiniatiifg Batiks. Bills
Were 'passed.flnally 19'incorperate the Sehityl
kill Haven Blink, Yens, nays 10; an d n sup
•. .
niernelinci the - ant relative. to the fees of
Sheriffs.. The bill relative, to the 'Pennsflva
nikßallread was . tekti up ; to whilik : W.variety.
,of,...firenndmente,were-offered, .all..;_of!, which
Were voted down, and the hill panned
Yens 17, unys 10, • The apportionnient'-hill
was considered i nnd a-dricition.- to-reconsider'
the's , * by whiahliAitill had been negativ
ed, inns earned. The bljEwas then •debtted,
during the balance of tße morning session.—
In afternoon session several private, bills were
paseed, and the 6111 to•incrense onpitel of
the Southwark.Bank debated vWithont corning
lo' a vote. 'ln the House, the following • bills,
were objected off the' ealendar.:-'--To\-•ine:orpn
rate the Crawford Coulity•lionk • the 'Bearer
Cnuntillniikl' the State Cdpilaillankre'iffi" -
-plementdo•th - e-York-County-Bnnk
mokin Bonk 'of Northumberlanii•Couniy; the-'nf Philadelphia, and. the 'Metier
County Bunk afternoon:aession, a num
ber of bills were passed Bunny, nono of them
of special interest to our readers.
. .
WED:M/11Kr, April 15.
SENATE.—BiIIs were iniruduced. : relative to
its of Cuurtp ; td organize n new judi-
offal district out of, Clearfield, JeffereihVElicr
and Forrest counties and for other purposes.
The npportioomenrbill .wai then taken
and Mr. Crabbe's amendment; giving the city
of. Philadelphia two Senators and the County
three, was - 7deln - ited — iiith considlerat wail-TAR
-those opposed to it taking the ground - liot
the Constitution forbids any city Or county..
'being represehted by nioro Orin four Sena
tors. The discussion was continued until - the*
close of the morning .oession. In ~ ,evening
session a number .of _bills were passed, none
of whicleare of interest to oue'reitlers.'ln
the Bondi the'amendthents of the . Constitu
tion—were- considered - it). Committee of the
Whole,. and the further,,eonsidvration of the
.stihject postponed "iii.Weduesclay- noxt: The
hill to inoorpotate-the Unign Bank of Rend
- Mg was re-coMildered, and wee then voted
down by yens 86. nays 48 The bills to incur
pqrate the State Capital* Bank, the Pittston
Bunk of Luzertio County, and the 'Corn Ex:.
change Bank of Philadelphia, were also lostt.
The_defeat of these hills. ieregardmi as indi
cative of t the fete of other Bank bills not yet
disposed of. .
. _
• Iti the SExA,Te, two. or three • unimportant
bills passed. .Tke HOUSE passed the bill to
eepnrate the Sohool Department from the Of
•fice kf iA Eiooratary of the Comtnonwenltli,' ns
also tfie further supplement to 'die Reading
- and - Lehigh - Roilrond. - - -- In'the - wsening - severnt
orikiF•AEreitTilintik bilis were re considered
and ptWitoned for the present, inoluiding-the
Union Bank of Bonding. ' • .
The Senate plumed . bills 'supplementary to
the not regulating titmice, to regulate the. fees
of District Attorneys. The apportionment
bill was considered at ,lengtli. An wmend
ment-was-adopted•making Lucerne county a
single district, with one Senator. Madill.
phia wee 'allowed but four Senators; and in
that shape the first and second sections were
adopted. The third section; being that, con
cerning the representative districts, was • tit:-
Ikea up. Brinalushanna and Wayne counties
wereiMparated, and each allowed one repre
aentatitft. and Bedford counties wer , a,
likewis4separated and each allowed one re
'presentative. In the HOME, the hilt for the
sale of the Main Line, was considered, and
after.reatibing the clew:milk section, the mai
der_waa,ptuttpotted.' Bills were passed rela
tive to the duties and Balnry of the Attorney
General, and about the sat to reform the penal
laws. .
tice that there is a hilt pending befere the Le
gislature, which proposes to raisethe salaries
of the Associate Judges of this Coinrabilwealtb
to a riving figure, thus :—.For amen whose nt
tendaneu at Court; does not exceed four week.
fir - antium,theliiim of $150: for c lhose whorl
attendance at Criait exceeds four weeks and
does nor exceedAdx,weeks, $203 1 ; far that,
whose attendance at Court exceeds six waek.
end does not exceed eight weeks. $250 ; foe
those whose attendance at Court excel:AS eight
weeks and does not exceed ten weeks, $300:
for those whose attendance at tourt exceed,
len week. and does not exceed twelve weeks
$350; and for, those whose nttandance a
Court °made tivelve weeks, $4OO
Tcownswir Ltensatus,--An excellent: bill
has I,een introduned into our'Legislature, giv
ing to,ithe,uMee, boroughs and townhips, the
power of-detablishing .Public Libraries, for
'the use of, the people, odor levying fur that
purppee, ,equal in amount to one dollar .
for overitaxable oitizen., This plan,' we oh
carve; has been Some States with em.
tire mißess, and once. eslabilshed, would no
coMplish a grmit. amount of good, and might
serve as it.aentro of.rezunion an(,lplace of at .
trtiotion,ln connectiiiii'With debating eocie.
ties, for improvement. of the mind, and an
centive than would ghost) many young men
frtimgambling, and other liattnts_oL
PROIIIBSaY Noii.e.—ye observethatan net
has beedintrciduced into the Legislature of
,Perlosylvitnia, Whiob pre r vides that itshall be_
lawful for the maker, owner or holder of .n
promissory note or &lie bill, which shrill..have - ,
been made pnyliblalithititwelve montipifrom'
the dayoef its date, or of its' negotiation ,awi
rale, to isell•ordimpose.;:if it in any - other man-'
'nor fur such' r ate of interret, atpo,.or' coned&
erxi' tion as the seller and buyer may agree•on.
terll9v.Fx's AXE,. made in , Pnifadelpbin;
ic.w great conffortio editors, and, wo suspeou
.even grenter,to compositors, seeing that, Its
Icaiee exouse'for bad or ',barred
writing—the.grent fOesf, of, typmset tors.— •
Jt a •pleaeaire: to *rite with
quoh Mk:especially. witty, 6;10 . 04. - tired pen ;
be *MOW idutoli It
. ii,prepored —New Mork
- Ameeteari. , r- .
Virk, ch eon:fully' add •our testimohilci-ihtit,. of
'the, Editor of the American,, in feior of 11ri - ries ,
lk :is oat can befleeired,--h r ew.,York:
Ceririiii arid Engiiirei. Y . •
f!hiladelika J I hi tvberiutitul eitj
cotoulalortfor metal pens: is it 'Apes,
not,:oarretle them.-mßrother-Jonathan ,
Piil • • .
""!(E 'A Freno mien ieaently
wrote a lio* on
ihe_Milied:' Sadie of
fnot'e be lye ' s the
Slatim;of mit;
Stittelit ie. expected Will bety.ndd‘al
ttiPvePl,Ork9ttltitroitek. , l 3, ol• l oi otepemn_
ererj Ifict ypirel
ditteir , Alnalml,4kadj
Ahp, Cquitwinder•hiMbferari; *kid ttierpeibe
Po. l lo4l?,..lifteir tbic' theoDiokeWee's;
01:10. 0 qui iheNlirrylithh t9Ry'hiclo , their diniitt4
Digrt f 4 014. TBp ••6117.,1A:.5p10ia,..,.; A
Imly,iMmet4 Atm gilet,tliodismideolk Lon. !nit
ihtira4Y litobmomi: AIWA , from , the'
ty .. as
,tOrtc.,no ibo: tight ,
41MAt'lho 'hight'imh4o. o
ti d (9,(1..„ih0 ; 9 4,14
t vOMig..frOM'tbilittootit.' •,
-picapidsTint - ups AND DOWNS.
. .
--4he , drania. of -Fillibtlideriem-Tragressee-iti
Central America, with
,ineisentlt• Alt ernntipini
otedeeemi.and..feilure,tiLettely.of. the ailderee
parties. New Wailer - lc irinnp Itani ; anon, lie
ie surrounded by _pg.,dver_irltelininF2foioa'..of
the alliee.- and threatened with eiteemination.
Neat, large reinforilemente arrive
Orleittie;'San Frniteis'eo '1 . 11.1 New
seine new slaughter of Spanish Americans
_.takes-place,-anil -while- we= are—niueing' over
this, along comes another batch of news in
,' forming us that butt the fillihneters ire either,
kill64,.wountleti, sick, tir tnisein4 ,and th;,t .
large numbers' of deserters seek .to teturn by
every opportunity The Cintral Americans
nre'olways on the ,point of surroutulong And
cruhhing.Walker, but, somehow„ . thc cruAing
never. takes place, Genet al Carrera hes been
going often with his army that
tho.evor recurring announcement-of
aceemplished..,.nrooedtsre-,retnin is , one •of n
similar utolertiacing -of the. lambus Russian
' General ()men Cat:lieu, in the late Crimean
_:ltvd%.lqliesemareltelipme„ there, and even , :
'where, completely puzzled the 'public, until
• it turned out that he had
'never marched tpt'
nil, the annornarments bring• ,more blinds
thrown nut by Itutuinti 'agents. Just so, we
`supimse,y must be with Cnrrera, who is too
ennifortnhle nt home in Gun,termilli, where he
reigns with absolute• sway/ to ever venture
into the 'vortex of Nicaraguan .politic'n.
•, The last advises from San . , Juan :are,. per-
.rimpsbe—only.;-nittlten tic :neritoeceived - fi om
that region •pr.eiously,
- we . hml fiiideet of reports- sent hither by:
Lockridge, to . the tlieet . tint he had capttired
Castillo. {tilling a certain, epecifiC number al
- Costa JRicans, and that he Ilnd opened the
communication by, the river route. This was•
announced will( a grand,flourish by the
tn-zof—til I ibtinterism—irt—t haUnited
States; when lo! in the midst of their'gratu•'
infinite, conies a steamer with the intlisputa
ble intelligence that Lockridge hall,' in fact;
not attacked C aelilln, biteretrented down the
river. to Snn Juan. his steamer'lhforiing ' up,.
and his force Icing virtually disbanded. I" . 4ey•
eh was there more amusing eiposure tirthe.
entire falsity of fillibusteh victories - than this. -
. The very, men who were !laid to have gained
-victorylinve .ntrived at Neat York, ' and de •
fatifit - at jol:
. .
• Thus. the largest body ..of recruits yet col
lected nt ono time bits abandoned in
. deepair
all efforts to 'reach Walker. It numbered
about four hundred men; rather more than
'Walker himself has under his cominand at
Rivas. The terrible influence I.f Vae climate
hue from the first been the deadliest foe of the
filihtistera; and necordingly, all fite . necotittre
'which reach us tell of hundreds -of the levies
being 'sick aeon after their ttrrivi4:-1-: • •
Boos. FIIOM GOV: GEAnY 7'4 Chicago
TrshuhC bas the following stntement. W pre
sume the informant of that journal .is . Clover
nor Gorman of Minnesota:.
..We are told by a Democrat of unquestion
ed faithfulness to his party; himself:a Gouretier,
that in it late conversation with Gov. - Geary.
he learned that that gentleman iii preparing
froth his diary, faithfully kept during his ad
ministration, a summary of eventa in - Ransas,
tut they came under his•own peranal . or dfli•
cial observatien. We tire told by • the same
authority,lhar in thati.mok, when it is given
to the country, the allegations of the Republi,.
clan journals iii relation to thejimidish atroci
ties prneth , ed upon the Free State men by
einilbartier-Ituffhtti invaders. w .be_nat „old •
'Confirm edzitutquity-provedr , gewill-be—stated
that, during a trip on a much ;frequented 'road,
soon after his &vivo! in the Territory, the . Gov"
• ernor sow the bodies ri tlyenty 7 stx. murdered
Free-State-men,--Sotne tbeee-bn d- been -nliot,
.or brained, and thrown out by the roadside to
rot under the burning sun. Others - had been
scalped as Indians scalp their viotims. One
was pinioned to a free by a bowieknife driven'
through his heart into the solid
,wood at his.
bock; on his breast was fastened a' written
warning to all other Abolitionists." Some
were buried just beneath the prairie tied, their
Londe and arum left sticking out'of the shallow
holes into which they had been thrown. lip
oon' others, itte*.riameless mutilations of private
'parts, which characterize 'the ferocious jay of
the. Indian, in the moment of victory, bad been
committed in alrMises, brutality seemed to.
have exhausted itself in insulting what, among
all civilized,men, whether friend or foe; are
looked upon with respect=the bodies of the
FRIDAY, April 17
• lied:these things appeared ib the letters
detailing evisnts in Kansas tietween Mly and
November Inet„the journal publishing them
would have been 1 -respected - of exaggeration,
even by its own , political friends . ; yet more
than. one of the atrocities which the. Governer
will itoteribe was written out by I car
respondents for our columns, but we refused
publication foe the reasons alleged above.
What efforts may be mode tnstappress rev
elations like these, whiCh will not only convict
the Missourians and their allies of all that
has been Charged upon tliem, but the; entire
Borderrilullian press pf the North oloompliai
ty in, or criminal idlence iu regard to, these .
atrocities, we canpot tell. But if the Gover
ner's prevent determination is ndliered to, his
will he the sensialon-book of the season. We
await its appearance, knowing That its testnio quest awl that it will he it
justificatiortor RepubliMuriam'end 'n deserved
and overwhelming rebuke of its opponents."
IMPORTANT Decistoos: Chief Justice Lewis,
of the Supreme Court, recently' delivered his
opinions in.'Phindelphia concerning 'the fol
1 "It is the poliefht.the law to facilitate
-the .settlement of contrilaersirs, mid therefore
• an offer to pay a suede' money to compromise
a diepute, is not admissible -in 'evidence to
prove that the sum offered was admitted to be
due. But it ht-oltio the object of the law of
evidence to ascertain the truth, 'and therefore
.the distinct admission of a foci, in a letter or
. iu convereat'' ,is not to he-excluded hectapie
.it is accompanied - by an- offer to compromise
the suit. Proposals made while the • compro , .!
mice is on the carpet do -not tdtal,. but con
' 'which.asinct is' disclosed, may
.he admitted to prove it ",
inns has a - hydrant onitin premasee.
and the writer runs from' it 'anti - through his
— floor into the story beneath hiM, andPinjuree
the_occupants.-there,%ipso,Aclo .negligence. is
- prima facia made out, and he is responsible
for the injury, unless he con show that ,it hap-
pentil luso
- many sorts of negligence that are mode out
in the some way." • , •
Tim SI:1'1161E Coe tt.r.-,rhe. Albany_Jourtiat,
says: Five of its niuti Bilk grits are worri by
slavehoMerp,. More.. luau ,half of its long
Beech is filled with slevelioliters. Its Chief
Jant)pe. ja,_ a elaveholilei.,, The free Suttee
with doable the population of the slave States,-
- do not have half, the Judges. The nnijority ,
, repreeent nAninority of 350,000. The taitiori
•ty reprettoit it'in4jotily of twenty millione •
It 11 4 -13 ..lOugibeen ea.' Originally' there Were
three Northern • istll.three -SoWthein „Judges.:
: But the:South soon got. the bigger share of Mt
.. eight whii have eat there in jiidgment, twenty.,
tyrp,frero MartUreit"..rin piatitittionn.":' The'
slave Srites masters of the Cairn'
Iffiy ewien the-frre States,but, simnel
r• The free - States haTe : MO -the majority,
.ealy yenre, • this century. ' Even Os • free
Stiifr,Judgee ere chased fram Slavery' exf:MS: -
ding periiew- -- Xresidents nontinste;' Wad' the '
Senate other: -Three- times it
) 11611 , Judgeship . Ime,..been .ereatsd, and every ;
-.time it tutibeenjilleCtiitii etaveholder,
hiervuickin itsitiultrdetwif;l' kid upon
'et uffed Leisty , yppris::lor it
eMse-ie• • judged. before it is armlet!, .essil,.lsis
. . .
TztAaziiiie NU Ives than ihrPe
murders it! trpepcl)ll 44,)uy
A . pi a p
...c of hie !rl!rdi!ii!g t l4o%9": ! !..y
tnini.;ietl. I',lesmiu. 464E441,
.41.0 Iksi.rr a!, '1441;6'0 nth ihvideo4r6; re 44-
by hie"
r146/N4 rPiga I,4 l !,wfge vu uu
ir!tit .9 011019; II FX tiOn!tinkik
Ft ioir reit in 't ie d,
i:melle In ft thetsodod. ,- '-!I ',;
' TginuTs Or'RESPECT.:—At.a . speojil Meet- ,
Mt: Lodge, 187,held-.March $1,1567:.
;tile .'iell wing , resolittone' Were unanimously;
yhireas:the-GraWd-lrehitect -- the Lrni-'
:Terse him again for ~ an' all wise • purpose
toted our earthly lodge and,removed=frommur.-
iißitlirothir ' Nines L. Guthrie it becomes
• our ii,utY to yonder the laiit.'„end the.
'remiiins-of,our . ileeentied, brother -and though;
we bend submissively to the stroke, we can
not bitt•deplore his him., therefore.
• Resolved, That in the (Math of Bro. g
has lost fink of its moot worthy nod.
devoted members who from hie character as
Mason, and his molly virtues as a man enjoyed
.aOr wannest regar.l•
Revolved. That the lodge room be placed in
mourning for a period of, three ininiths.
•"Received That thin.Volge., attend the tuner
al in full regalia to pay unitionitrhonorn to.the
remaine of our deceaeed brother and that St.
.lohnit lodge be invited to partitipate with (18
on• tido oecl.aion.
". tilesafved. Thnt s.oopy of tbrf.af_ resolutions
he . sent to the widow of this deceased, and pub.
'ribbed in the papers,of tlir 11 ., rooub •
- Br ViPe..-C_OintinSlL.,.._
• I
The NliSsouri Ilemocreq learn. from a gentle-
Mali wh o recently arrived Ain' Council
thht the people of the various , lowns.. on. the
.river ohm e St J..raph,' were destitato,not only
of thedoxories, 'hut litany', of the: neeesearies
of lite As the steamer St Mary_prisgellmlong
eager, crowds ba.irOiriz board* at every
landing: for the purpose of pnrchuning 'pot ,
tious of her car - go that might he for sale.
- Several. .persons who Went up, with • her
had provided themselves., for much demands,
and realized large profits on their Ventures,
The Defacers/ learns further, that four' men
w . e.e shot- at-Plaitsmentli, N T., ori Berardi -
evening, 'trot In I. by order of hands of the ,
Vigilance Corantinee,. atid Hutt • five, others'
were banielied by ihe-sarne party, frotri
the river,. and forbidden In re—,
tu'rit tollielerrltary,,under pain of death,if
offence niid eI iim jumping
PA B£OI,QIM WILMA MliON CA sk. , — , Thet:actipt
for domages . bro4l4 figrii st Judge John, K.
Kane in the'courf Commutt_Pleas - of Dela,
-ivnre county, waii,sOme thne• since argued
upon demurrer.' To the declaAtion claiming
damages Judge Kane put in live special pleas,.
setting forth his office, the proceedmde which
occurred, end justifying his eritire conduct..
'l'll6 plaintiff replied 46 injudintn these plans.
that th,eidefentlant had committed the acts of
his own'eriilo and without - cause. • _ ' •
- The Judge's -cniThser deniiiiretrespdafally
to Oa; repplicetion three pleas, and joined
issue in two of them The argument on de
murrer Avaii held in December.. On Saturday
give notice that he decided
against Judge Kane, Co that the
statids,'Jind the,case will go on trio{ on the
generithssue,. and - will be tried some time
during the present summer:
Third Congteeeinnol Dintliet of Virginia, Mr.
lnt:Jen:us nanounceediimself as n'candidate in
nli address. His" pays die - is a," progrespive
Democrat." and Promisee, if elected, to "cow,
hide the first Northern rascal who dares.twin
sult_bis.conittituotits Sy making. an• offeneive
speech'ort the subject of slavery !" and that
" be would like to have Alm pleasure of strip--
toribe back - of -- Bvar..uAlW: --- IturomisttE:
to 'treat the:N;trthern bully worse than the
'sweated - BROMCS did Ills c,.lleague in the Sea
„ate, old SUMNER !” 'LIPSCOMB, should certain
ly be'elected by a triuttipltaht - majority,.. h . O
p - beierieeiTill the requitiiieelieVetTetiri
&Althorn representative.
- AT LOGGILItniADS —An unpaid grog bill bee
involved the Central Cointuittee of the New
York Buchanan party iq a • deal of (rouble.
The fun of it ic, a darkey is
seems. that in . a jubilee over the election Of
Buchanan they not only ate his bread but
drank his wine to excess, and then like a peek
of ingrates, walked off and refused to pay him.
—Sambo,.however, is not to bb trifled with,
insists on his rights, and, with the air of a he
ro,Arags theta to judgment. •
fire Occurred at Baltimore in the t , reparf‘of
klorareek 4 hy which properly to,the amount OF.
Dearlir half it million 'ran destroyed, only
about half Of which non tiveried by insurance.
Th e most dreadful part of.the affair is the lose
of huinan life, at least thirteen , persona are
known to hasp perished in the flames.
OUR COLD..WINTER.—On the Bth priest Janu
ary when we were suffering from the .intense
cold, Boyar& Taylor was -passing through
Kengia. nu ItitYroad to Lapland
nod sisty eight degiees north. latitude,• with
the thermometer twenty-five •degrees above
zero.. Tho next day, however, it was ,town to
fotty•four tletrees below. and be rode scion':
teen hours exposed to such n temperature.
Junon DRUMMOND of the Supreme Court of
Utah Territory hits resigned his -office, find
gives his reasons et. length for so 'doing. lie
says the lays of the United States are entirely
ignored and set nt naught by the Mormons,
who acknewledge . no law except what conies
from the ••lloty priesthood," as pereonsted•in
Brigham Young. .
Nem iltmertisements
E OF APPE A LS.—The Coin-
L missienern off,lnmlnwland Potty have fixed upon
the following ti toes, rat the Connetimioner's Offlen, In Car-
I isN. for"Dpid Int; opal for tho auroral Townships
and &loughs In said County. .
Upper Alien, Lower Allen,•New Cumberinnd, on Mon.
day,pril 27th.
I•lnstrennsign2)lA,North,,Mithileton, Shipponsburg
Townethili, - 1111' Tuesday; April 25th.
Dickinson, ilolo on Wednesday, April 29th.'
• Silver Spring, Frankford, on Thursday, Am
Soippensburg Borough. &mein°, ou Friday, May lit.
..linnunlen. Monroe, an. Saturday, May 2d..
Wilstpenshorough, Mifflin, Monday, Nay 4t h .
South Middleton; Newton, on Tuesday, May 6th.
Carlisloimd Meelmnrenburg, on Wednestlay, May 6th.
Southampton, on libursdny, May 7th.
51.• ft RN DERSON,Conmera.
OUrlisle, April 16, 1/157.
p", ins I- 'KNIGHT, Late of Philadelphia,
Parer Ilanolues, noose, Slgut, and Dagorative Painters,
Itnltators of Wood and Marble, eballonge all others to
contoote.wlth thoto lu thu venous branches of the above
Having" fitted up our store Air
• PE' the exclusloo " sale
respectfutly tootle the publlo to an °input nat ion of our
stock, from which we aro confident of giving entire sa
thfiction to all who favour us with tv call. Our goods
havlnt.t.hean selected with carefrom tho first inattufic
tures in Philadelphia. will he 'fitruistiod nt the loweSt
prices. All orders for Papor • flanging- or '•Painting
promptly and personally•attunded to and executed lo a
workmanlike manner. • • ;'
W..PAHIS. Practical Paperltanger -
H. P. KNIOIIT, Practical House @ Sign,Painter.
South Hanover street, unit dour to Hanuon's Hotel,
April 8, 187,-0m
-- • _ •
S IN G AND S :1)1 .M-113 lt,
lon or cult
tainerpand the publid . to' . his: now and lieasonable
wirlinent,pfcsll4{, SUR'rind STRAW. 11AXS,01 4 0Till
• iA Illt;.&c.Ilir gentienion nod—Boys-wear, of- the latest
„styles and bestrliuslity., The assortment will be. found
AO embrace, livery emit and else.' of ItatA,and. Cap; for
.Cbildlron, from tho commonest and
cheapest to.the most stlilth And Aishionable, ;such' as
tiakforWaapring btylo Of gentlemon'n Hats; Aithits; Black
'apilLltiotio.SJoucti liats,With Fur !tato - oft& owo man
. Warlord; tioys..elotitcaps of _varioun colors and ,pricia.
with it larad assortment of Men's and', Soy's. straw. that
. of different lualitios and k prictia,lo cult tho' , Xiaketant
Nigh' Hob and poor. • Feeling ilatilldent , that* Otty
-..abanoe icon he'accointnodatod' from hfitimitennive end'
iarlidemortroontbe , cordlally hie , friends ' to
4,11,and. exam:dna .; his 014' 'Mitablistuneut on 4 waln
Sliest:-„^ • Tif TROUT. •
SPRING • s' l l' V L 11.1' OF A
OlkiltOE FELLER doelio'to raJP'the ottentl64 of Ids
, Old%friedds , and'euitotneis to hit oe*ass6rtment of Oen:
thuert'ailATS; , of the Oakferd Spring 'style; withan
l' elegant...assortment of 'HOYYS CAPS .end SUMMER'
Ile has alsoronsiontly on nand . * laniiand varied es:
soinneut - of hie own'uninufabture ae.
Itotq cud Caps , suitablo for the soroi66,edrunrielne'rirer*
vrarlety Of 14tuoclo; lienver;lTlehltln and fn'
7 lobed blithe latest style; tlguther - irlth o full 04 0 46 o ' , t
of CAI'S of ever)* Anne And..doseripticb; and'at flours
• Porkleularlt finvlten,tlyepublle And ex,.
• molnc i,te *Oen int n'esi rt neot, whlrh Style, Mato
Finland firth*. rannot' ha 'anritk66.l V,- any lit tr.nrketV,
willzh lie le 11.4014 at pouts lower then irpac,,
Larainnisnliopidnold pond on,Nnr,tilienorer ervol,l
O.OIIBIE, Watlnes4ny.,
"F;;Oy!t -- 9ulierfin:o; : j4i13b1. ''S 5,5 0
do 1 Extra, do • 5,75
-- do Eimily
1,30 .
RED . go - do -
do ;
-CORN • do -
()me, .do -
CfIOVERsi) , FD . (10
Brom/ BA,ntwr.
On tho 7th Instant, by Rev. J. Evans,NINVONRAD
both of thls,Enttnty.
Co the annul tinx, Ity.nttmine..Hr...loNATHAN..BAß
"lllolirltlliti N ANCY WHISTLER, both of thht county..
On tho .10th Inst., by Bev.. Jacob Fry, Sir. LEVI
YOIIST, to •Ntlon • RUE CATHARINE STILL, both of
Cuttiberlautlt minty. Pn. •
On the 2918 of Unroll. DUTRICII COWPER, en
old On
of Upper Allen toirnehip, aged 86 yearn and
month., •
In this borough, on the oth timtrint, by. the Revile"
hiItII,IIOIIItISON, both or Carlisle.
JTew ..fitmerlisemonts
LEC'flON.A—The'stcekholders of the
j Carlisle Gas mid Water Company, will meet In the
Arldtrntion Penni , of the Court Alonso. cm MONDAY;
the 111 h of Mny, between the hewnhi one end six
o'clock. P. M., to elect to President-and Dirpctern of sold
Company for the. ensuing ye re'
UN.AO EL, X 0 It IC ULT URA 0301
6rir. 7 . 2 m1 r ivirAq . interhsted in the formation of
n A it'Slo/1. Aurao.'m.7llllAL Soorrs, fur the promotion of
rAgrimflture nod fee the nurpose of establishing an Agr
efiltural Library. will meet .nt the Court Moutie,' - on .
,SATURDAY, MAY 11th, at 2 o'clock. P.M. ' Young meu
from nil parts of the county are Welted to attond.
.. CllEit P STORE.
-- Tliontlilleicitti•oquested to call and examine our stock
before makingtheir pitrchases, tut we aro tolling goods
at the Lowest Prices. we have Ztrery - thing you may - .c
want Jo our lino, and in 'such nuantilles .that'wo can
supply all ,who - may• favor us with their patronage.
Carpenters. Cabinet Makers, Wagon and Coach Makers,
Painters. dhon !tinkers. Blacksmiths. Farmers, Laborers,
and the. Public generally Will find n full and .complete
'assortment of [Moils 'to anklet from, at such Prices as
will ho sure to pluton all. TRY US. •' ,
, •
ti - North Monier street, Carlisle:
FR ii S Hlt 0 EItI KS
• - Aii -- B.CAIeYETT'S
Shad nna Mackerel of diltoront gra d es. - • ' .
- At MaYETT'S.
Salmon, Scalo•Flnkand White Slab,
Codflah. Salt and Pickled Heeling,
choonO and Ciackera can'bo had
Dried Frult,ProForvsp,and Jeillos,
Sugar Cured Beoif and , llama,
A fresh supply of LtQUOI.tB,
0110, Loid, &c., &c.,
HAY .and CHA TN eltA KES .for solo Wholesnlo
and 1 otoll. 50kogo of NAILS, at • •
JAMES LOUDON, Romugh Tioastirer, In account with
thu Durough of Carlisle. ..
• . WECEIPTh. •
.IlalnneeFrlnerDoronghmtdant settlemontr -- $20510' .
Amount received from 8. Caldwell, collector, 8588 24
FouedliTerent loans from Carlisle Dep. Dank, 2478 67
Amount recall/ad from Samuel Drown for stall 8 60
,rpu ls,
•Arlionnt received from Stephen Keepors for .
stall rents,
—recofand from A. Noble for,Liconsce,
rerefred from J. Fpahe for lamp and
post for Presbyterian Church. •
--. - recelvMll4 - JantoidNietloWeilt, col. of
loan of Samuel Reffor,
Balance due - J,ames Loudon,
Adam Crouse, manure for trees,
W. B. Matthews. repairing streets and sialnry,. 2 4'
Jacob Itheetti. holding election West Ward, 10 00 .
James Hackett. '• . ", East Ward, ' 10 00
Sarah Todd. Interert on bond, - - - • 13 90 '
A. L. Sponsier, bal. tar revising ordinances, . 6 00 ,
Thomas M. Biddle, Esq., set vices rendered, • 19 00--
George Zinn, inapt fOr ordinances, ' 25 40
" • " printing ordinances, Sic. • 137 75
11 Common, printing, . • . •• 38 25
J. 11. Bratton, " ' .--.. . • ' ' 44'50
-E. Beatty, • " 24 00
Janus Armstrong, copying ifiiplicate, . 10 00
William 11. Wetzel, - planking bridge, ~,
.. . 125
Robert McCartney, reward, Jilt)
Jonathan Zel.zier, quarrying stepping atones', _ 24 00
Jonathan giggler, hauling Monett, ' - '137 00
W.-T. Swigat. for sand, 760
Samuel Holliday, tiw cljraning spring, - 50 00
_Monroe Morris ' tlir plumbing, . . - 443 42 -
it. 'Stitcher, salary as janitor, " 2 11 00
W. H. Wetrel. salary as clerk, . . 100 00
J.!Sphar, salary As coma able, - ',
700 00,
.1. Loudon, salary na treasurer, •-. ' . 80 00
11, Dolcomb, qualifying officers of elections, 2 50
A. A. Lino, painting market house, 140 50.
Janice Haughey, workingin-graieyard, - 7 75
Carliale Deposit Bank, ciumens re'deented, 1428 (0
Ilenry.tlilbett. packing for water plugs, . ' 14 02
J. - d D. Keeney, piirebasa mime) , for lot, 300 10
Nowshain & Co., lamp posts, • - . 65 40
James Spangler, laniplighting and ladders, 48 fo
A. & It. Noble for sand, 32 50
William Line for regulating, . 800
Jacob' Spangler tir regulating, • 950
henry Class, hauling with cart and for timber, 309 22
Cariirle Leposit Bank, Interest and discount, 05 68 , •
George Lino, interest as bond, 69 00
.1. Outshall, hauling stones, - -- 0 60
Water and tins Company, for water and gap, 342 95
Emanuel Golden, laying craning - el, . - 02 80 • .
W. J. Shearer, for SWIM, - - 702 -
' .A.: 11. Zeigler, for blackpinithlng, -- - • ".- 63 10
W. Cameron, for bridging, 4 25' ' '
C. InholT, for candles, Ac., . ' 600 t. , t
C. Stayumn, for hardware, Leo., . ' 2C2 '
J. M. Oregg,._costa of clew on Church Alley, 17' 00 '
R. irrine, lor steno, 437 '
- W. It. Wetzel, for repairs,2 62
J. & .1. Rosier, bliieksmithiug. 1 7. , • ' _3ORI '
Chtirlen Flogger, far pick handles, - . 18 ( . 0
Joists Armstrong, for lumber, . 13 92
Jantes Sweigerl, for hauling. - 40 80
William McGrew ; repairing lire plugs, . ' 3 CO
Deter Monyer, appropriation to Union Flre Co., 114 00
II: S. Millar,. •..- • " " Cumb. Fire Co„ 34-00
E. Steel, winding clock, • t 12 - 50
J. Gutpholl. bridging and lumber, • • 611 -
RAM , WEAL. ' damages in blasting rocks, 0 6 00
G. W„.l. 4 heatfer, interest on bond, - . ' 84 00
T. 51. Biddle, salary-as attorney, , 25 - 00
- .l.l.orillen, binding "mid ki tte
wi - bary, ' .712 - 6 c
Benjamin Puffer, interest on bond, 30 00
Jacob Radom, fir regulating, . 5 00
W.Gardner, repairing tire plugs, , 075 ' ..
Jacob Inseam. freight on lamps. - - - - ' 920
~Michaeb Lehleyr hauling Rind,. 1,0 3 -So- ' - ..,
John Splint., rumoring nuisances, .• . 050 . ' '
B. F. Foot, plumbing, 28 05 .•
.I..tiorgan,--lamplighting,,-,---- ..
:4, Brown • " 32 50
2.llowman, abet IV, for c - sta, &e., . 13 F 7
. '
11. Saxton, powder, tools. &e., 1(0 50
Abner Marsh, coupons redeemed, •
-' • • 80 00
Adam Puffer, interest ou bond, SO 00- ,
April 15.
pßoros,oB will be received by the
COMLIIIISPIIIIItitof ciimiwrlimi county, At their
;glee In ()agate, until the . IDlh of b1ey, , 16t7, for the
erection of a WOODEN screen the Couodnhul
net Creel!, on the public road leading Alan Landlaburg
to Nowrilie, near to Christlau layoffs in rim:Afoul
totrushth . •
The bridge-to be. of tins followingAimensions, - vial
'hi Mutant in length 179 feet 'in the 'clear; frtanione
abutment to the other. to be 10 feet wide from out to
out, and to be 12 feet high teem the floor to the square
-of the-roof,-to be double-lima ed-witil-tutrilleh-platAr-'—
the lower floor to in pine, and the upper floor to be oak
plonk, and raised In the cent re'ten inites, and well se.,
cured.: The bridge to be one span, to extend Min aldit
meat 'to abutment,-the wooden archon Liu:l43ll,A qua- c -
• lity.o(jltnbcmitald errdortoakrii4itieitioarded )vith
throonttarter. lock pine Weida well lapped, the entire
naiflog to. be of good and Sufficient, pine thin et} the •-
tooting to extend at each end of.the bridge 12 fret over'' •
ttialleesnf,the arches, and on` mich. Ade. over-the wee- '
therboardlng two feet. -All of the:wood-work' outside-to
be paltdid. with- ,
two good mate of .erbdie lead r mixed
with bulled 'linseed oil; the r. inside tiribase ontlinest '
whitewash' Iluto. • lbw stone work'. M.' to" ea '
Two abutments to be built one ithild Ibundationt , onb.: , '
Plot th the approval oil raid CommissiorieSe; tole in else
15 (Mt et the botheiti, andlabe 13 'feet' high
IlAtordnerk to the cell line or toriof thealmterent t the'
-mid abutment to he built of good bard and large Mona
-and lime l.nd mortar, with alittering wall Orono inch' • ••
to .thefoot oir three sidee of. the abatmenta. with wing , •
•Ivslis on et c - reide ofmld btidgedo.extend,ortthe north.'
and south sides AO'farrildni bridge; , "
_walls tot . I thestuittneut,ltlitt
tering of one Mit to;tbo foot,tis the top of-the tilltug,
went extend manner oath. tire eratromea until
ittnt eta tb'e road, with en ament not exceeding en
ale urforrdoserss, - with rurtein walla of suMrtent „
tigtit; height, and,,thlckness, and- to, be .well.covered.
-with pine, shingles, . Ibo paid work described AEO% to,
'be,uonfort it soot and weekutenlihlninattnet.tbe l 9570 1 1 ”' .1.7 •
ierrodemsbaninted.frismihabiegnf thitabutmentsillitiTh
consist of earth and stone welt put dean:
• TnelUndertakeite furnish, em bpi own
UF.OlitlE B. r
• • •.„1751.:51.
- ooutociMbiners.
remiss ener P - • •
, .„ ,
, Int if 1857
,1 • •
11,11,11,Jpb 1 - rtutmig here,
7,00_ ;
93 07
20 CO
20 00
9233 72
R 4 13
$0317 85
$0317 85