EMI arnurot Zwrfinrnt. Make Yinkt Own Position If tha world estimated- men according to the ; real. vtirue of. the servieea ditty resider it, the farmerwould certainly stand:high ' in its estimation; for - he feeds all and clothes all; so fur as the raw initttirial con dares to these results; and .the . mechanic - would t Ind equally high, since he not • only comtructs tie farifier'Siniplements . but takes the raw Martcrials and converts. -them. in o the forms deniaiided for. use. ..No thoughtful Man- can wear " a coat, or • cut front a loaf, or sleep on a comfortable bed,' vithntit realizing his' indebtedness to botlr the farnierand the mechanic' That the world ddes.nekt so estimate men. • -We n' - iny say it ought; but that -does not mend the matter; irwillTn-q----Weirnity • lecture the World as long as we please;-.. may tell . the , ricli Man not to despise thoke wild- have ideated the e q-• wealth which' • gives him consequence may say t wife of the-prosperbus-,_merchant, do not look-above_yoameousinsLim_the_country;_ it was - the farmer - who grew ; the wool-fur your splendid detains; the. inephanic gave - tr it its lteaiitiful form and color; for what. ever=of-cottlfort,--and-elegatice_therc_is_in 7 yoni hoine•atut Atilt your ptr ,on you are indebted to the industrial. clasS: But the world is. stiff-necked world;• it will •have . itti, way—it will-not heed our lecture's. ' ' • IIOW thed are the :Workers— -these who oou.e for us all the nece sties and all the ltixtir es Of life• , --to gain dint colloid,. • eration; standing and influonco,,..whteli • they really deiervd: that the world will - never cot/cede-it to thpm on.-the ground of usefulness is 'quite certain: : But there are other rules by wl.fich it judges. Its :judgment - fir in the' "compound ratio - . of •• intelligence,. moral •yrorth, .and a dedent ; conformity with established usage.; ..I ? et . a nian*he intelligent, able to converse well on alt topics of - generaliiitere'St, and thoroughly read upon matters pertaining to - his:own employment; let him manifest a spirit at once liberal, generous, .jtist, • willing to do as he. would be done- 1... y; and let _him conform to all the reasonable "demands of society, as, rtlr.sid 'Style of • living,' dreSS,•address,-manners, A Sr.c.,•and the world Will -esteem him, be his •em• - ployineni What way.. if - he "is high. in these respects, - it will have to look up .to _ see,him, for it cannot see liiw without. lookitlg wherejle ,But. rantollabbily dresstd, Minimal at war with die 'better see of mankind, where else can it sec hint but to look down?. . -The tv . orld'ts,'a prett3i.good judgeafler all. looks' at Men xvllete. they.are, - up . down'e'r on the IdVel, as the- case may be. • That farmeitsliave not received the con " sideration fairly due telbein., is conceded. There have bedn•iu our country ,causes for this, which space 'does . net -permit us . 'to Acted : , but-Aril-kit have now ceased . ..tit -- operate. Hereafter the-. farmer..will •be looked at just -. where •-he puts himself. . There-is no:hing: „in-41te • naturet of the employinent•toipprens hits, but on the other hand. there js•Mnuch to 'elevate. He, if he will,. can, be as intelligent as the generality ormankintl. Ile-can cul tivate wozal worth - assuceesofully As any other. • Silk stockings, kid gloves, and other knick hunks, he need not care for; but a ;leeent; ehmitened conformity to the regal' °meats of the age and the place in which he lives; ho can and he should.. To farmers 1, e complain that their —class is to I dt wn upon, we would` *hay, • educate your children, ,read, yourself up , to the times, - cultivate • thi moral and. social virtues r and the world will have to . loolt up.:t‘t) you in spite. of--its perversity, iVrit-eannot see . you-without. 'Then, and ' not till then, you Will. command respect for yourself,- and yen - have done:your full ~_ part towards securing 'respect4or your. emytoyment. 'llte world sees us'about as we aro. RIPE BREAD.—Breadlitude. of wheat flour, , when taken Mit:Vifthi — oV.eiG is tin preps:4-0 fer.th6 . stotitacir: It should. giy through a change; or. ripen before it is eaten. Young persvy; Of pet-sons in the enjoyment of good.itealth, may eat bread immediately aner being baked - without any sensible injury from it; bnt, weakly and aged persons cannot cat such with out. Icing harm to their digestive organ's': Bread, atter being bake'd, - goes through a bliange sitnilar,to the - eitati,ge in•heivly brewed beer, ur newly eburnetiliuttermilk neither being healthy' until 'aftOr the change.—DuringthClange in:breed it ' sends off ri large portiatifid carbop;: - .or Utt healthy-gasotnd'imbibes 'a-large—portion of oxygen, or 'healthy' gas. Bread. ---according_to_the_eomputation of:physi , ciaus,.one-fiftli more nutriment when ripe than When -just taken out of the oven. It not only-has more nutriment, but imparts _ _ a greater- -degree of- eheerfulr.ess. - that oats old ripe bread will have a- much. greater flow of animalspirit., than he w add were ,he to, cat unripe bread 'Broad; -,tt • before observed; disOlitirges carbon and - imbibes oxygen.—One thing in connection - with this fact, • should - .riartimilarly noticed. by housewives,; it is Wet the bread' ripen where it can inhale 'the oxygen in a- pure state.— Bread•will always -taste 'of the air, that surrounds' 'it. While ripening; hence it • should be placed where the air is pure. It should never-ripen in a cellar nor in:a bed.rootn. COAL ASIIES As A MANURE.—CoaI ashes are valuable to a eel tain "degree,, and should tint lie w'asted. .They consist mostly, of• earthlimatariuls—aluntil ia and silicia-with variable • proportions • of gip sum, carbonate of lime s oxide of iron, sometimes -phosphate of Wile, and with" _more or leSs'half-lSiiint 'deal: — They. eon." tain but .iiatih r and• that is mostly derived from the *rood - uadtkin starting the fires. , Different kinds 'of oJal very - nit oh-in composition. • *- They may-lie applied as top dreSsing to grass, lands•in autuii winter'-and to - cultivate, soil are *I a:vowed, in. ". 'Or.' theY.may4m ,mikedi!ith ',the manure or heap. 't We , prefer-them to all .Otherdiiir - poses fordaily iii:PriVimi;'as,they de ' stroy,nearlriAl , AlM . .ttotiji - .0f;p4 . 6d 0 i - ir seatteT6l, the depoSits;;.finff being dry; , *theST render.thein ionveniegtifor - • 'Their priPtl9 *. 1 11.'%Yi1f045041,146, tsies aim -different iaourees,-.oo. ; :lvitte the' el)Pikeeti9. must thereflire Mayo thiS , poiritto ,rt,iie,,*' _suit of ex`' eriiiieiiis 311 i 5 ceScanPu 5 .= 11,._KTAFF.ORTYS. ()LIVE - TAII •// gun GREAT ELECTRICAVREIIIRDY. tL ie. Inhaled'end ,Appliild ((not taken), te mare DIFOLICRS of the THROAT AND 'LUNGS. No. Rheumatic, Neuralgic, other Vain can taint where Olive Tar Is applied. Olive Tar mixed with Muttonl'4l6v-forum an ' Ointment dint cures • EVERY. DISEASE OF THE SKIN. Referencels made' to the, following ,gt•ntiereen • charm ivied Olive Tar, Or 0111 o Tar Ointment. ' '1 • 'THUBLOW WEED, lied ;of the Albany Journal. W3l. B. TOWNSEND, Now ,York Express. .101131 M. BARN AIRD, I:ol.,,lleston Herald. - ISAAC V. FOUrt :.,Postmaster," Now Yolk." • apt. EZRA' NYA,,, late of the Steamer Pacltic. E..A. BLANCII,, Esq,, Chief Engineer Pacific R. R. ELI COOS, Ex-mayor Buffalo, N. Y. Prof. JAMES Y. MAPES..Newark. O EORO LAW, sth-Avenue, N.Y.. HENRY RUSSEL, 56 South street, N. Y.. .105. 1,.,1t0RD, Mutual Benefit los. Co., 11 Wall st. C. Y. IFIIMPLE, Secretary 3laniudtan Life 'lns. Co., 127-Broadway. . , • .1. W.JUDD, New England Ins. Co.. 29 William et. .(1. W. ENS WORTH, Forwarder, 04.1'eari et." . E 1.1511,1 PECK, Waken 2 Broad st. •- , Bev. W3I, JARVIS, 51Iddletown, Conn.. And many ether names 'will Le found in our Cirri:llms, which ,1111 be had'sf our, Local. Agee ts. OLIVE 'fAil, - , •-•- 50 Cents a Bottle; OINT3IHNH, • - „ „ 01 LED.SILit INHALING PLASTERS, 25 Cents. For-Sale-by S. - NY: Haverstickionly.Agent Air C a rlisle Pa. Also sold at the Company's Depot, No. 10, Stop street, New York, and by Druggists generally. August 20, , 1050-61n. ARDWARE 'HARDAVA . REA--; 11 ' JOHN P. LYNII& SON • are now receiving their Fall. Stock of Hardware. which. Is unuaually large, and rn connesimi n ith ,their for. flier heavy stock makes It ono of the largest and most varied assortments over offered, to this public.. They have every thing the t 110_ Farmer„ the !Wilder, the :Merchant. or the public, may want in their lines, and videli they are selling at the ions lowest jiricer.. TheLs ' solicit a calrfrom the public before..tualang skar Purs glosses, as they feel confident tins)• can offer Inducements - that will veWarththe bu:or for-the trouble. s • ,Fgeling thankHil, ton generous public fir their (ovum libend tram's:lgo. a cellist nusunse of the snafu it solfhted nt qur,eid stand in tiortlt Hanover'Street, Carlisle. JOHN' I'. LYNN & SON: Ortnbur 8, 1856 _ - FALL: ST Y OF lIAT S - AT 'KELLER'S -01,0—ST-XNITF— •GEi MOE KELLER.- desires to Call the attention of Ids old fraintli, and customers to his now assortment °Nem '....tiemon's HATS, of the Oakford•Xiiii "tyle, with an elegant assortment of 1101" S CAPS' mid %%INTIM HATS of y very variety and the most fashionable styles. ire h:is alia, - Constantlynichand largenitd,varhaLas_ seriniont of his own manufacture as well on city made lints and Caps. suitabledloi thearason, comprising every variety of Russia, heaver,M - leskin and Silk,' Hats, fin. : - . - bilont - in•the'llitestlityleiegetherwitivn full Assortment - of CAI'S of every shape and descrlptici.,,and 'at. every -price.. 'Ho particularly invites the public to 'Fall and ox exoensive a.ssortinent,,which in style, mate ritl anal finish, cannot lie surpassed by Any in. market,. and which lie is able to put at prices lower than ever. ' (fa-itemember his old stand on North Hanover street a. aAS FITTING AN PLUMB - k‘, INo.Tiro undersigned wouldinierm the lisle that he has made arrange minas t I ,i; Ai.; I'll TING and PLUMBING at short no tire, an m reasonable terms. Ile lute engaged the nor vices of - ts first rateltand from Philadelphia, mid has sup hiecif with an extensive assortment, of-PINT Ult ER,'Whicirwill - ehablets Itit orders I . ,rotoptly, 'All work will . be warranted. His:stock of (las• Fixtdres will be tonna its the room. exactly oppoijite his Tinning establishment tin North I lanover street, where he invites a di 1., SPOUTING, &c.—lle Is also prepared to furnish; or make to order, evefy article of Tr N.WAIII3 mod by housekeepers and ethers. - Ile will also attend to SPOLITI No. tousE-RoIIPrN9, 'MAI: HANGING, and PLUM ltl N . 41. Thankful for the pntronngo with which he hnnalrendy been favored:he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. barlfslo, Juno 14, la. QTOVES.! - STOVES!! STOVES!!! •.1 0 I N I). WM:AS would infirm tho public, teal he has now on hand at his eStabllshment, on Main St., - liust door to.Narlob___ltelh the largest_ atul most com• facto assortmeht of COOK, OFFICE it: PAR-. • 1.011 STOVES to he'll., lln this county, which will bu sold at thu lowest prices for' cash or oppioved credit. Ills stork consists 01 s n large ansortment of new and highly op. proved PATENT COOKINO wrovEs, tioionor In the most„completo manner. and calculated for either wood or coal, or bath. All tam: old standard patterns whichilevu stood the test 'of experiem•c, may be found at his 0. ablishment, Also, a great variety of thit most oPProvo and beauti.ul P9II halt OFFICE STOVES,. in bhlin,c :. - umber of new stylus, possessing very supe .riur advantages over those heretofore In uso, ' Families soil housekeepers are rospoctfully;ln' lied to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. to any part pf the country and put twat thu shorterit no tice. Hu continues - Ea - do all kinds of TIN A NtrWIEET IRON WARE, and Copper 11 - ork, mid lies constantly on hand or will make - to order every article required by housekeepers or others. In this Ulm. Ills stock of. Tin and Copper Ware embraces every kind of Ithaschold and Melton utensil. warranted equal to the host mannfae Lured. Persons in want or articles in- his,lind may eib„ ways ys be sure m being accommodated to their satlsfact by girl tg him n. call. movl.A.• • •• • • IV EST. BRANUIF INSURANC . Ec y CO., O P - LOCK HAVEN, PA., ',minim Detantied buildings, Stores, Merchandise, Farm ..ProportiOilid otbiii buildings, and their contonts at moderato rates. CAPITAL SiitalASlO—CllAltTElt PKII.PLTUAL.. -. • marcrons. lied. Joint J. Pearce, .- lien.'.o. C. Harvey, ' ' • Jahn A. Hail, , - T. T. Abrams, Marius A. Mayor, 1/. J. Jackman, - • ' Clutiles Crist, W. White, • . .. Polar blokinson, Thos. Kitchen. ' . 110 N. 0. C. HARVEY, Pros. • " T. C. AHIUMS, Vice Pros. THOMAS KITCHEN, Secretary. Samuel A. A. W1114314.10'1:luor, L. A. Mackey, A. White, Joint's Quigglo," A. Upliegraff, 'John W. Alnynanl, ' Jamoo Armstrong, ( Hop. Simon Comoron, lion. Wm. Itiglor. - W3l. C. IMEE.II, Agent, rCarlislo, Pottn'a, My 15.183f,1y A B - 11.1PrwifY lJ FOIL INDEMNITY AGAINFTLOSS BY 'mtg. . .. TILE ,FR FIRE INSIIIVANGE CO'Y.; . . OF PHILADELPHIA. , . ClTrtor Pe . rpntu , nl , ..T . p , (20,.000 . ynpltnj,.; paa in. Ounce • • MAKE INSURANCE, either permanent or limitinlViunlntit loss or datompt s by llro,OU PILIRISRTY 111.1 d aTECTS Of every dotwkiption, in town or Country, ou the most inakruabla tenni., Applications made either personally or biletfor, 3V111.1)0 promptly_urtinaii4 . ' - • The subscriber is agent for the above 'company for Oarilsie cud its vicinity. All applbsitions fur insuraucu einem by _mull or perseualip will I. promptly attended' to by ' A. L Real Estate Agent and 6.crivuner, • 1. 4 1 111,E INSURANCE.-=TIIE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO MUTUAL PIKE IN• mittANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, Marva rated by an act of Assomblyi is now fully organlodd. and, In operation t under the managemunt of the following - commissioners, yin: • . Daniel ' IPlliialn It. Coigns, Michnol lifolchoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman,..lolin C. D UB• lap, Jacob if. Poorer, Maria Ilyoy, Henry Logan, Benja min 11. nusser, Jacob ,Mumina, JosepLOYlckorahutn, Alosandet Cathcart. , Tho ratearif Insurance are us low and-favorable osany Company of tlio bind In the State. Persous wishing to become members urn Invited to outs application td the agents ofztlur-coinpany, who-lire-Vining-to . wait upon. thou at ail:tithe. WINJ: IF. MOSSFIIt, President. HENRY LOGAN, VicL i P .„ rald :ili uti_t iLysn : ecrat.i .. COCKLIN, TrTpitirur. .cCUMBEIMAND COUNTY.—itudoiph Martin ; N. Cum beriami;• C. B. Merman, Kingstown; Henry 'tearing Shiremanstown ; Charles Bull, Carlisle ; Mr. J. Aid ihtuCelitown; Samuel - llralnieir West ilenusborough -- JAI.IIOFI Mo llyncel. Frankfortlii Made liritOth, South Mid dietun; Sainkiel Omer, lienjainin llaverstick, Meehan imentrg ; Julio ehortick, Lisburn; Mavid Ooover, Ship. hwilstown. , - • , YORK • COUNTY..--Jtihn Bowman, Dillsburg; Peter W Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Washington; S. Picking,' Diivei; J. W. Cralt; raradlse.• - & hoehlan. Mumbersol: the Coilirmsfy, having policies about to ex nircan a hare them renewed .14 , tusking 'application ' p ty of the'ewn.. CHRISIMAS AND , NEW YEAR. The stoke of the Subscriber Win reruiptond the rand vex aro new supplied ivlth a handsome selection 'of ao • and rich . PEEN° II 011 I•N A, • and decorated fancy ware ' such' as Inkstands, Baskets, Vises, Collo° cups, Jewell boxes, Toy Toil and' Dinner setts, China dolls •in varloty, and a variety of other articles all well suited fir the coming Holliday's. AIROCERIES ANDSPICES • ..... in been added taour'forniortitnek. NEW BETH I.EIII,3I'..IIUCHLWIIEAT, of -Tory,-11,no quality In onioll sacho oleo on. hand.' . UItANEEDDIES,ItAISf~kIy, Cuilanto,rlDon and °thug goodo odoptiol to tho ocnoolt n'irorloty,knfiStantly In otoroond for sulohy Ihno. Doc. 10, - '66. • , ' .J. W. EXTENSIVE If U lIN IT EltE ItOU.sl' - —LAUER It; WEAVER would. veseoefeully Cal ..; ~...e. er Abe atteution of ,Ifouse-keepers ana the publi , . te Ids eiteneive stock ofeloguitt NUANITUILE .... ! lbeludillE Eofas,Wardrobee,Centre sod Tablds ~, Dresalugund,Plain Bureaus, and oven , other article in , bis .lnutiph.Of business: . Also now on hand A I the largest assortment of CHAIRS 'in , Esrllsio, - lit the luwest Prices. AOFNINB rondo ,at - the short , est notice and a-Hearne provided fer.funerttin. -I.le elicits a call at his estPhlishment,UrCEorth Ilan. . nerletreot, near Glasse's hotel. ~-, • , • ' ' . viArßartilturo'hirod out by the montil or year,. ''- - Ig'ooT.B ,AN D, • larkv; . tiveortmont Alen' 31Ovinecollc and Sh 000; . ?Mown' • ond n .dtat'wllootond Bh 444 .(Invu'f,vorolloon.,nnd .1"luffulo - • ; Bock's, at voiy low ir:cesl" " • ;. ' • ~•, • • . • i^ ,:A-S 1 : 1111 M 11 PP I Y r, . ESE . 4 B Ajt DfAfOrtite. trIJAN6 :Fontaltibm mmiuftictuttd'nvin,9) t i ltiof,lo9lllitiekch r ,in,'°4". u o sale, In /.4 r e it Oikhiuiers, b,Y lota an itICIIARDS biILtTR, - ' .:Bole Agents ofThiladebbi pp r • 31 , p2,l o oo .o u t r a o 9 wi t , L-- , Nrian bias: rriik tall pin;pltarg h lt ~„,„ " ' ME BIO . NROE MORRIS uraucc REFERLNCF.S. • Thos. Bowman, D. D., • . Vunderbelt, -- &enrol., Dr..T. S. Crawford, 103 Chotoittt titrnoi C.N BA N ()KIX, Proi't mem - . )wpe,f.,- - ,#4- I *. G E . ORGE •EGG, Val;ol4Ce mid of the Coiirt 1140ot NA J 7 1 a t La L w lA . Off ce ,in .Alain tltreot, Carlisle, pa.- inrdiusiness entrusted , to him Avill be promptly at-. touded to. • • _ _ - . P, • HUSIitICH; . Attorney .1,,a141' k . .Clfsco : on North Hinovor drool, h few doins mouth - of Wass' Hotel.. ,All business entrusted to him be promptly ntteMlod to.. . , [April 15.. . A -N. 011113 PS Attorney .va..win attend Io'SURVEYING In c onnoxI Q oU xvltti • hie profession. - ;e • ' '. ' : [Ditty 21, 1252.-Iy, D"'s. B. 1 1i1EFFER Office in North liAnOvor street tVip ttoONtzlml;Volmt k CompltolVt., store. Wilco hours, nutro particularly front 7 - WO o'cltMlL, A. ilL,Apil from 5 to-7 - o'clorki P. ilI. , - 4 D°l'roit S; • p.- :ZiIiG.LIL E—Office , Pochlento liost.3lclu Street, third door clow the ill/trkot house. C u llti in town end county promptly Carllslo,'Jan.l2,lBso. • . ~, . .. 1)it::T . :0 7 - 1499mIS' vi ej ,„ .. .--.- --...-- South Hanove r ', street,' "'ll WI lirro, . , noxt door , to the Post - - ' . Oflica. fn)..WIII he absent from Carlisle .tho last ,ten days of eneh month:.. . . . ' • [Aug. 1,06 _,. •. „ . - TAR:' GEORGE S:;SEA=. jUSIODT, DENTIST, rivet the 1141- Mimic College of Dental Surgery, Dn,f/ilice nt tho residence of Ito mother, East houtliel street, three doors below Bedford. lielerettee—Dr. 000 10,1e6C7—tf. • . . . v BEIL—A. L. SPONSLEIIitegIstUr of Cumber and. comity, will Ciffefullf attend to thelratisactlon el rill such buslnessus ;nay be entrusted to-him, such as the writing ofbeeds. 3lortgages Cdnirarts. &e. lie will Moo de Vote his attention • o the pfecuring of Land War rants, Reunions, Ar. as well us the purchase and sale of Real Estatd, negotiations, of loans, ac. 11...- 1 1,.. 0 1Ec0 on . Went !Ugh Street, Ihrmerly rsest pled, ' , y .W. M. rimiest Esq. near the Methodist Eh oczh. . . • B. 1..." SNYDER. . W. X, PegARLAN. .SNYDER & MTARLANE' . ... 0 . •• LAND AGENT , - . , , MINNEAPOLTIS, Opposite the Suspension Bridge, yells of St. Anthony, Minnesota Territory, • • ' win_ buy and sell landif;Thegutiate•loanlOorstaland ,wartafitts inAltfpeaota,lown, and Wisconsin. inquiries t'elfpecting the country, liyAil tor er•othorwise, promptly - answered. - -.-, ' . - IiEFERE,NCES. . • ' lion. Alex: Ramsey, Efelloiernor; • • Ihm.ll. M. Bleb, Delegate to Onngress; Minnesota, Gov. Pollopit, ltarriobarg, . - , • James 11. Steele & Co., Philadelphia. - lion. Frederick Watts, Carlisle, A. Brady Sharpe, Eeq., • . • • (1 alligonn, Now York. • ' Robert Wadi. NOW Orleans, • . o . "James 11. Irvine, Esq., Norevilie, • • . Hon. J. S. Bieck, Somerset, Penn's., . lion. J. It. Eddie, " - " • - ``. • J. 'II, Cloud, Mayor, Springfield, Ohio, . .. , Gen: C. Anthony,. . "; .1 , " a.. Parson Esq. 5t..1.0u15,. Win. 'Wilson, Esq., Baltimore, Md., ..,.... J. T. Wright, Chesil:stun. S. C., J. M. Wilson, Phnadelphin. • .` . . -30.000 Acres of I.lr.lmproved Land for Sale, at from . .$2 to $lO per . 11,0; mho Improved Farms., Lots fur sale in .qt: Of. mith,ny;,,,,a oil towtovn the Minim ata-river, .. n attention given to tin; Loaning of Money, and Enteiing Land Warrants. Address, • FNYI/Mit 31'FAHLANE, - Morel) 9.0, - 1850.—1y.1 • Minneapolis. Min. Ter. EAL ESTAIE AGENCY. Liu • ANDium , N. aEri Tiaumos •lifl E T'lf M 0 N., • Have opened an St..losoph, Mm., for the pur chase and sale of Real 'Estate. buying nod selling Land 'Warrants". coloring land on Time; Surveying and Map. ping. Towns, Location of Warrants, and making invest, in - enta for non.reshients. pa) hog ofTaxes, and all burl. perlainilig•to a General Land Agency in Missouri, Kailsas, Nebrashn,and lows. .43),.11fi1ee on Sticond Street, North of At T. Beattle's thanking Houser' . [.July 80, 18513. . MMM CIARLISLE FIIIIA.LE SEMINARY j MIL and Mild. CLARK, nib have betin for aeverai yearn engaged in 6ohing,respietfully uziuounct. , to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that on t h e let of Sep• tmber, 1850, they will cominence the second sebsion, in Loather Street, near the (Sermon Reformed Chtli'rh' of their SEMINARY FOIL YOUNO LADIES. • • • Tito Institution will ho both a boarding and day school, in which all the branches necessary fur the ions plate ethic:Mon of young ladies will ho taught. Assist :ants of thu highest character fur qualifications and moralitywill be outplayed In necordance with the wants of thu Institution. The government will be condtiked on strictly Christian principles, while sectarianism will be as rigidly excluded. t • The Principals Ratter themselves that their long and successful experience 'as teachers, as testified by the •recomnieudations its their possession, will enable them. pi establish an Institutitin of the highest character for young hulk et. They are fully persuaded that such an •institutinit will ho ttustuined hero by the citixons and neighboring cuuntry,and hope that their confidence " may not be disappointed... The Scholastic year.will consist of four terms (eleven weeks etch), beginning tot SeptembUr 1 and ending on ' second WediteSday in July. '. 'TERMS PER gIifIRTER (11 weeks). Iloaidlng, including fuel, lights, and tuition in English branches, - fitys 00 Primary Deartment, - 6 00 • -Higher English,-- _ ' ' - - 8.00 Ariiont and ME;dern Langtutgef!...ch, - 500 . . - Ornament d branches at pniles,mr's charges. • No deduction for absence after entrance, except In ratio of protracted Illness.. =I - Hon. FRED' WATTS, Rev. C. P. WINO. .1. 11. PARKER, Esq., " A. 11. KREMER, JA M HAMILTON, Esq., " JACOB FRY, T. 11. SMILES, Esq., , " W. W. EELS. .1./r. R. B. I,IIIFFER, • " • Rev. Mr. STERRETT. - :Mnr..lo, 1850-1 year: • NyII AI; A.O .11.1) 111 V. TilltEE MILES WEST OF !lAD EISBURII The Twelfth Session of this Institution will I . OIIIMMICO on Monday, the Jd of November. Parents and Guar dians are requested to inquire Into its Merits before sanding their sous or wards elsewhere. The locati n of the Institution is retired, pleasant and healtitilil, .and the course of. Instruction embraCes the ordina ry and higher branches of on English Education, to other with the Latin, Omit, French, anti Germanzlan , wages, and vocal and Justruttientul music, Terms. boarding, )titshing, anti Tuition in the English branch• es anti vutal music per session (21 weeks) stio,oo. For circular containing particulars address. • . D. DENLINGIIII. Sep.l7, ' Harrisburg, Pa. T T) LAINFIELP ACAIht.DII.-iN - Twentieth Session. (f. , mouths) will commence •on May :411. A new build. ing has been erected containing Gyninasium, Mush. .ittioni, 1,01 inanased facilities for instruction' and ample • cconlinodations,' !his liibtit.tition 04,11iS great In ducenlents to 'mails * who desire the IdlYskill and mental improvanent of their sons - Terms - per Session, $OO 00. Tor amide] s. with full in formationoddress It. K. BURNS, Principal and Propril•tor, • April 0, 1860. • Plainfield. Cumberland co., Pa. . " 1' `` -• fIOMMERI3.IAL COLLE - GE k-i—romovell_to the_notriuml_MaleigllS lall, No. 99 an, 101 BALTIMORE STREET, Baltimore-. ILK- OttArucnutc, Principal and Lecturer upon Moreau the Science, • FL K. LONER, in charge of Writing Department. AL W. Kane, Instructoclp pereantlie Cal e ntations and inii Associate In Book Keeplintaament.. . J. M. Pinnies; Teacher in Book Keeping. . . BT. Wimming, LictunCenb - Cominenial Law. . • Three years hive not yet elapsed since the establish. mum of this institution, during which time upwards of eight hundred students have been to attbuditime, (rep, resenting nearly ovary ,State In the Union) among whom are numbers In Baltimore and elsewhere occupy. buy promluunt pthiltiono as business 'men andbcconui ants.' . . . COURSE OF STUDY BOOK KEEPINO.,The Principal hoe the utmost eon &Immo in assuring .the public that after an expel ICTICUo fourteen years in qualifying young men for the Count lug Room and other important stations, and nn•exten: sive acquaint:Mee with limomnungumbnt Of business books of every description,.pissistCd as he Is by two sel entitle aerauntals,) the,courso of training in this le partmont is eminently practical and well iidaptec to the rations pursuits of Commerce and Trade, including Individual, Partnership, Mercantile, Mantilketuring. 'Coramission,..Exchauge, Banking, *Wing. Steamboat. Big, Compound Company oponitions, Ito. • ' .PENMANSM.P.,,The_exorrlsell_MlMer...tilkLbead_aie free, only and graceful; comb] ning . rapidity of execution with beauty, of construction thus enablinp' the student' to write an olegaqt business hand °wean - 410M= of the • MERCANTILE CALCULATIONS in all 'their various beirings aro taught by the most accuratil and oBpedfl tlous method. Pally lectures are delivered upon the Science of ceunks, Mercantile, Custonis, • !to., these In connection' with a seeps of lectures oit Commercial Law, are of, the highest importance to' ll aMiring to occupy prominent positions in the Wetness community. • The - time neeessary for - an • industrioull'atudeMt, to. complete the course, vvirles from 8 to'l2 'week is. There being no vacation, appl cants. cau enter, at anytime, 'end attend both day and evening. Examinations are .4am at stated periods, and diplomas awarded to tl who graduate. For tunas, _ • ..: . nglish arli - - . l lou r rofivi*Fiiiatk: - ..: ,. . -- . -, . -- - , .:... InAfeWoekliialrlart 4-E alialiiiiioWila ,f;•.: Tho Socond or vinttllnn c';ftio 4.4nritution Irak' ,otietf ha-rho soconnulip of_Jait . arrjr;lBs7. i f , ,The usual Englichi if areical brsuchosordoptid b 'yk # Qui Hied grade Acar4, Iset, 111 ho tailed': No repihrclit': b 0 Spared tonrrlw. • , ro 11, pnrcticalriihd monitriabitti. Uri.: . ' • y ; , 1 - - • . , . ThiCvillago of .100 ril hirsute, clrusteQ ihlho roblar ' ,priiiajolalo hithaud:urßugrala"Accuilry,itlired miloa Ala! 1,,,tic.001(1.,tha1. Warm gprinimr, is lieSitt's and •ritriqr•' •iiiitriciarrillf o mo(ifirhi lb.? irrrecillailljosalarge.toruk and yofin il ins , ' ixaiiiiiirrolf. ila Nowport, and; •:ltiiiirfltiiiiroiali - ih - thrtririticiiiiValtioaira•rhaliints , •÷' , • , • ''' Terinii iiiie quirjo;o; g IN, $9; ai.oidlwOo tliki . 'grule; of. prudies. •.•Niusto. , Frea'ali ' 110,, 04ma5,..15 ', °arra. • 'Osaka at ciry . priers ' Boardrhg - for laolisi)h ethic* faint- Aoo7—eit 'prlytisolll:sl ,. Po,t()4 2 . QO per,waclr.::: . ;.,,....,..•• I .. K1 ~ ,,.k: ; :r ...'i. , '')•:•!': l ' ll ? . ` l .' e .fk . .t ',1 1 47 2 1 _4,/ r 'f . : ''l' . ; -.' , t ...., p,mtlyil -, .,:•;" , ~,,..,, , , ~,...,..,,,,,, .. ,- ;f: ,. , ~....,I;;;,,),Q . A.Runa;.-- A .: n, ',',..,.' ' , , q , ~ ,,, :i - '';'‘.. l , - s.''' - ' ''' .' ' ' 1 riuciptili..• ~ • -- . .,-) . miPtgtiittilittAt:i . i . . , :i . : 7-C . ,, ! .; . . . . . • Ng -NV! , :AGRICELTVIVAL'' IVAlit • . ...y....: :- •:-....: -. - i t oons: -•• • •••-• , .... i ti= FARMING . Thu submariner, located •ut ' the tusemant of,Lbe 'Mettle dl ' Chareb;..opposibi the ••Ralllvad: Depot, is 'min 'rem tt. ang, a variety of D'arining Implements, stieb as ' , '-- , .. ,- A• • GRAIN' BRILLS; " ' . ''. ' ' - ~. -:"., •.'• A' ' - ' GRAIN FANS, ' . CORN FAR SIIELLF.RS, - ' ' :•"- " '•• '• ' ' - 1 • M BOILERS,' 'Corn and iCob Grinder's' (Scott's OlanG, the e1e. ,0 . 1 . Grain AIM, Horse Shovels, REAPERS ANA: MOW Lid , "(Dlanny's with Wood's Improvement), Straw' Cutteve, atm; all- afAndricb-nre - sittneurnist - denproved - kind - und vtorktoanshlii,..and will be sold. on'. do most accent: in edatlng teems. Fanners .are ,q_aretiuliy Invited to call and examine before Inirehosing., .-- • '' - • J.-AUDI:WRONG:- • . • . • ,' 4a-Vor' the *edirrerilonee or farmers; Mooro's relent Orsin.Drill ITU), be eold nt,ShlromenStown by Benjamin 'Pay, and at biiippeneburg by Cnrizittan long. August 200850. 'GrItICU.LTURAL..INPIik. II ON:3 LI PENNOCK'S CELEBRATED WHEAT .1)111LG ' Adapted :alto, for soning onls,yynss seeds and guano_ Kr.tu nor's 'Portable Cider Nil—the test In thetnarket. Jinn [day's patent Windmlll. Horse 'Power's and Thresher's. Limp and Gullllo Stireeder's, -Daniel's - ilay, .and Yudder - JAW° Giant Corn and Cob NiIL Spain's Atmespheris Churn. The above Superior Implements with all e Merle for the use of the farmer or gar dner, foi tab V.11‘.11,141 And Retail by . PA 5C1L1.1.11., MORRIS • Agricultural Warehouse nod Feed Storil, err rrr 71 and . lllnrket street, Pllii oiphin. July 26,'66. • . Nos. 21.: v and 23 . South Sixth Stree II . AGRICULTURAL IMPLE3IIINT MANUiACTORY. DriFLOI. PR. .BRED,CIROUI4/L3 (MI/ .1 . leres) (11061.d:de: 114..1 Bristol. PA. 4 1 A RblEltS ( G 113011- I[ool.),:arosvers of Wheat nod Bye, use pIIOSPII ATE (0 , , LIME, if you want. hi,tvy Grape. OF — Y:Lellintt'sr - Arnerienn - ,' Pei tither.', • .I,..Thes'e,valun le Manttzet hone been used for the pnot six years successfully for the (Irian and. - I'..laireci 'Crop in ~Pennsylvanbi. Vew• .len.ey, helawnl . e. Maryland, nt.ll the2slatls of Bel tondo and llarbadoes. A barrel (250 lbs.) suflielent for do nem , of ground., The above Fertilizers ale composed of, reliable Clleelleal lihuents,'lvldehlnrgoly inereni..llTle crop and homy° the soil, doubling the cal lII` orthe laud. Price - of the Phosphate of Lime—s.lo n ton, Nltrogened $l . ll, the 1 American Fertilizer $25 per ton or.sS 50 per I nrrel, 51 25 a keg. Also every valid) , of GUANO, I'uro Land •Plaster. Pot Ash, Nitrate of :Rola, Dune 1)(1'4, Poullgred Charon:l4oe. Goods delivered free of enema. ,GISG. A. I.IANAU, PrOprietnr, • . No. llt South Front Street. Phila.' '.4-17P,T0 whrilesale dealers a Illerardismunt. Pamt Wets' he the English nod Clertnan lancum es Gratis' Orders at ti distance; Ccmh acrompan3ing or NAM promptly attended to, N. B.—D11? LOM AS lune' been awarded by the Venn. sylvanin Agricultural Stalely. New York Crystal Palace Assoviation, 'and the New...lersey State Agricultmal Societe. . /Seat. 3 ',he.--3mos. RMER S LOOK. HERE! - • %MlKltl3ll !NG MACHINE: , ! The subscribers desire to infermTarmers and publit gO.llOl ally that tkey mar !tavern hand And are constant ly man uthelnrinp Threshing Machines with Itlerpone, Patent Shaker,. which are generally rick nowledpoi to be the best articles now Its use. Also o variety of Clover ulliws,Corn - Shellertrand - Straw Caters. : -They nisi. 'Mew to the repairing...ofAgricultural Mach nery in the best nutnnte - and on reasonable terms. Manunte. tory on North Ilannoverit4reet, diiectly opposite' the residence of flee "letzgar; Esti. A ugust 00. ige ".. "7": ... .I' 1 , A liltIMS k PLANK. .rl l O WARMERS.--=-The silbsthiber just returned - front the City with ono of the largest assortments of Hard - nitre ovor.lomtght to this pinro. lie has just rereived.Bo doz. Mono: It Ith and with( ut pat. :Ist °Wogs, Iron and steel hooks ranging in pales from ILto.sl_sl7—Alsol3oo_pr_striileht nn trace chalnsfmm 50 to $1 . 25. home mode traces of nil hinds, also a lot of spreatt.' bread. butt,. en rry hie halter and log chains—also a very large lot of shovels. forts, spades. hoes. raises: and In short - dterything and toy thing wanted by thirl'armers— nomember the old 'Wind East Main St. Carlisle. " - Thlrell 19. 'OA. H. SAXTON.- 13A T E N r SELF-bIi4iPPE:ONG YANKEE FEED OUTTERS, rittthooto fin. smvo:NT, No. 410 Nlttrket street. rbiltaln This cutter Io anperiorlo any Il6w In Imo, for strongth durability. and simpliPity of cunstiuCtlon : It mats fast or,and is the only solfsliorpening Ilay. Straw and Corn :talk Cutter over made. It has but ONE STRAIGHT KNIEE, which an - + ) person ran grind and set ulth rose lint In Ordinary rats. is ground in the numbine. Al:in:- sands have already been "sold. and the demand is daily incrtyming. in most eases an oxandligtion to PllTetellt to convince one of its superiority. No one after a short trial would part with it for any other. All sixes of the above constantly on hand. and for catchy .1. I'. IXNE; Solo Agent for Cumberland county. MI • AGRICULTU 1:51.1.'LE . . • MENTS. t• Ridging and £ 4 lO vol . Plows, for Corn and Pointres, Expanding Culth atom will. • Steel Teeth of various patterns. Held aro' ()MAUI, Moamar, hand Pious, itevolybor 111.11 Raker patent Scythe, Sloths and Scythes, Luglirh Law Scythes with rivetted backs, superior Unirading Forks. with rope and hurtle ramplele, and all other articles for farm and garden. PAIrCHALL ItIORIOS dr CO., . 7th and Market Streets, Ph IK IMMENSE - S'UCC'ESS!!- TIIE CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IX WORLD..-- ; IIALLOIII',S DOILAR MONTHLY. DESIGNED }MR EVERY AMERICAN 'HOME. Encouraged Ey Ho, unprecedesitelLsurcess v. 111,11 this, popular monthly' Met ultlk; and the. reptdltyellth' which it bus ineresi:ed lia CirCElltait.N i hdpreprichir has • resmroi to Wale it still more Will thy nt the pirtmitagi of the public. That this admirable Inca is • . - A MIRACLE OP CIIPAPNESS Is admitted by every one, containing, ns it does. One Ilundred furor of readlialoutter iota, b 1111 l al or, Lepel:- mere than any uf.the 51k Maputo., and ne, nbug turn ' •volutnes a year of 'slx hundred pares earn, or we've . Hundred pages of Reacting Matter per annum for ' • ONE DOLL A.Il • Flullou's Dollar Monthly is printed with new ty pc. spun lino es bite paper, and its matter Is i•apefully cum piled and arranged by the hands of the editor and pro. prleterovlo , has t roll 1,,,,,e.,, to the pulite nr reinl.UttCli • with the Menton press fur sixteen years. ,Its pages com tutu •• '.• 2,IISCELLANY,. 'PALLS, , • AEVI•N'II.IIH.S, Dltal,llAl STORIES OP THE SliAirEl4.lllllleS, • WIT AND TILMOIII. -from•the best atatmost populne..wYeers of this country: , •It lo also spiced ,e4l a record of tau notable eructs of tbe times, of pra nd war, of discoverieg and improve . moats erten-hi Ay either hemisphere, hominy an' agreeable companint. fort, Isisurs . lll,lllellt or hour, nuy - where, ntittt meotObread,•earb number being complete; In itself. • Lasectarian Areqerts , ore. admitted into Its pages; Otero are enoughb'euntroverset publientions emit de. voted to Its peculijr sect or digt,,. This Icor! Is in. tended Tor ,v • • _All g I 0 N north or snit& east or west. and Is filled tothe trim each mouth With chaste. popular and provide imisele- lanyf Just such us any either. Indher r r blend nould place. Its the hands situ tinnily circle. It Is In ell 10+de partments, fresh and original. and. what it purports to be k the eheepest ntagazinein• the world. • • Any perstal eneloidug ONt. DOLLAR to the preprieter, as below, shall receive the .11egesIne for one year. or any parson sending up flout subscribers nod nitric nottsus, at ono thou shall 'receive a copy gulfs. . ••••. • 'At. 31,-..11AL1,01.1, Publisher and Preprleter. Corner of Tertuent and Brenifield :Areas, lloston. 'dune IL '513.• •• , , ' •- • , minAOLE OF SCIENCE-Dr. I ' C. L. Rolling, of Isfechanicaburg, Cumberland eJun y; Pa, announcen to those afflicted with Woes. Cancers, Poly putilLitiu — s - , - li — llS4lfiCSii — ar 'ule. King's Evil and all dieumes that Nava been usuall) treated with Caustic'er Knife. he can remove them with I out 'Outtlng, burning or 'pain s' neither Chlonethrm of ~gthorls administered Ito theapatlent. -It is Ins mattes on *Vat parkof. the body they . may be, bo call minors them with perfect. safety, acid In'u renusrkably short timen,^No Mineral:a Vegetable's Olson is uppliekund BF. •mOney,requlre'd until is cure is perfected. -_Prolapaus Uteri, Female Complaints, Chronic, Tone reel and.all other discaaes treated with positive Bascom Full particulars] can be obtained by addressing to eithes 'English Or Gertnan,-posi . -Pald.LPatienta can bo ;temp ,modsted with Board on reasonable terms.. . ' , echanicaburgle Ono' a the' prettiestdlheath) towns iri thist , or •anyothin diet°. It 'is '8 udiesfrom, Harrisburg, on, the Cumberland Valley Bail Bond, and• accessiblo from- all parts of the Union. The Doctor will , Yialt cams in; itnylpart of Hip;Btar , Alst..Rind.reaster if You know anrolllicted fellow' crea tiire•delay not to tell.tbetu of this treatment. .• • - t- • • • *fibs • VETTER'S—:::Ftrit— •—••• NITURE, ROOMS..". W • ~,. it NO:W. , tIN '•II.A.N sr • ..4forgo am:ertdirdt new and Lishloonble FURNITURE ntd • Milutps. and 'ldabogany.Dressing -Bureaus, with marl: I , 'fo , 80 ThAgablea, and.-Washatondie • - .•.,. - .IVuludt 33tmomea and Wardrolern ,, ,-, •.• • steliodany nivi.Wolout Vabloq ornll stses: . • ' • • French Redbteada; Mahogany , and idnin7nbles,'at nit priers. .litior:Ann:Chairsing!Rnehtri ' s , Cterirsi.-Isitiksoliet.or. vents and becks: . • . - Mobegany midNalant, Chairs m itts - hair-cloth Moe ••••• • 'l'/ntitChalrfigtitll,liirgis; • . , , call nod son 414 a nowinnd elegant- assortment at lho gurniture Ropyiq pf,the...rad*ribuir`bu- I .kuther. street.' I:enr.theyenter or Nerth Manama'. • • • ' ' • . JACOB P131313R., - • 14 .1 31 ,1 *2 4i ) . 1 5 5 k , '' . • • L s illilabcipl)ialr , '''' S TAUF - Ogit .47.11ARLE14 ,- , CHEAP -3V_AINSIES_ANPAIM..I.I I IO(I,:',A = 4 " , Wholerrale'atid 'Retail; at.' the '" Philadelphia. . Patch and Jewelry-Store." No. 00 North &wood utrrtt, , corner of Quarry, Philadelphia, Gold Lever Watehea, full Jewelled, 18 carat •• • .528.00 Onid I,4pine, 18 carats, . . • 34.00 " Shier Lever, full jewelled, • 12 00 • bepineAftwela, , . - 000 : Superior Guartlers, ' ! 7 00 • . • Gold Speateles, 7.00 Fine Silver do. 4 Glidtliraeolota, -• . • • '3 00 ',Wien` Gold Penrilb,. • r • • Sliver 'Pea Spoons. rot ,' Gold PLoo,_3llth4tenclia-und-aliver4ioirieri-1-00 •,• • 'Gold Finger - lilupsWatiltr Glasses, - am, All geode Warranted to be what they ore, sold inn • • • ' b`TAUFFIGI.&7II4IILEY..'; - ' . , . • - Anemia= of fl. CoUrad. - •CGY-On hadd 140114 Gold and Sißei•Lera and, Uptne -still,lower than Clio above prl*a. rr • • ' • • • 1 VALI CL . OAkB 1%.11 /0./VILLAS . AT WHOLESALE . Ai . l.oltET ' Aff.. 2 • , GT - VDT I, & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of CLOAKS - end MANI Ti LIJAS, No. 174 Chesnut street,*(a few doors RNA' Ttb. south side,) Philadelphia, (in cdnnection 110161'1N, 301 Yrn slimy N.•Y...thelargeSt manufacturer of theseTondlS In United States.) hog to call the Wt., - ten tlon of W I I On le arid Basil' buyers to their bite and varied stem, of CLOAKS, Sc., Ar., fel the fall trade! ! Their eollectim comprises a complete. no sortment of:all the latest Parisian. Novelties in Velvet Moire Antique,. Cloth, Plain 'Silk, Au. • while. he fa cilities afforded loy 'their connection wit h • the largest. 1%1.11h:quo lag Muse, (of these •goods.) in New York. unalolo - them to guarantee, hotter value than Is °Malan' Lfo .Isewher° 11l the Market. 000. 1.1111.P1N CO., t. 174 Chesnut &het above 7th. LW W 11 01;E ,SALE 11.-15. G • • stolen. • N. SPA NCEIR THOMAS, Nn. 20 , South siiennti Street , Phibutelphin, Importer. Manufacturer, and Dealer in . H—IWIICIS.,MIiDIeINT.S7(IIIIOIIOAVJTAOIII2 , . - 7:, Dye St ulis.i'alnts. Oils, Colorg. Whitt! Lend, French and American 3Vhite Zinc. Window Wass Mass Ware. Var. ..tll.laltes,Brushes,Anstruitients,Ornind.4pleett,.Whole. ;4rd,, and nil ni her article. usually held by Druggist.. ' Including . Borax, Indigo. Glue, Shellac, Potash. U.. All orders,..by mall nr otherwise. promptly attended to. Country merchants are Invited to call and.oxagulua_ our slack before purchasing eliewhere. , •.(14,-Ilends sent to any of the wharves orralliyad statlOns. Prices Low and (loads Warranted. • [Match. 6,1356-Iy, rosFrir A. NEEDLES, Manufact'u ty • rer of • 11IRE. Stilt AST DATIL,CLOTII SIEVES, ... Coarse, Medium and'Fine in aorsb r large, middle-sized, ' and small in diameter. M'ITA Lit 01.0 f ld OR - WOVEN - WINE, _thebestAimilities.wirkom skavof mesh, from NoB.l kit ineinsiso, nod from one Lu six foot fn They are numbered So.many.spaces to the lineal inch. -nod cut to - snit. • - • . Thu subscriber also keeps minden tly r ,u hand • SCREENS, ' for coal. sand ore, lime. grain, gravel. gunno. annum Sugar. salt, bone. coffee. spice, drugs. dvostoffss kc Together Leith au assorment of lilt AND. AN SEALED IRON WIRE. All the above sold wholesale end retail by' J. A.' NEEDLES, - 51 Front Strout, Juno 4..1,85(H1y rkENSLOW & CO., COMMISSION 'MENCIIANTS, . . nnd•Wholesnle Deniers In nil khids'of FOR FIG N e.DOMEETIC LEAF .TOBACCO, Tunicil, •. AND FORERIN AND DOH ESTIC,SEOADS, 21 South Front streut. Philndelphlas Importers of Fine Ilayana Segars, of 'the choice,* - growths of the Vuelta.abalo, A largo asrortroem of which are kept consanttio on lined, and for: sale at a - small alliance on cyst untopertritlo . n. 4 -- 0-Consktnnents respect lolly solicited, on which' 111,9ral advances will 110 made ,) hen dvsirid.. - • .Bprrial ntlentinu /vim to Ordildi, for purchase On con,' . 1111INS1 , 111 OrTOIOICCO also ovary &sot lotion of 31erchan , disc. tar account, parties living' nt n distance from this, market. 0 . tinln Ago - I for F. A. finetze's celebraimi (lemma Smoking TJ.har 0, comprising thirty olillerent varieties. A pill '23, 18 II IT 8,; NAN_ IlAjt LIN G-1. —The subscribers having removed to their NEW, AND SPACIOUS STORE. . ' No. 2)0 Chestnut Strout, fourth door above Tenth, " Aro now prepared to offer a large and well selected stock -. of Clio following fresh - end desirable goods. principally - of their gwili Importation, or bought at aurtlon, - withrlt they are able to sell 211 the importer's prices. and to which they rordlally . invite Ills attentlion of Cotintry --- Merehan tw. - I Intel lc °Purrs - J:lnd* famll les - generally.' Itarto,ley and Irish /Anon Sheeting, 7-4, 1t.4, 94,10.4, . -Bolster antiTillow Lineits of several elinle&fileachers,. and all widths from ns to 6.-Linehes. ' • Itedillankots of all shelf - and quailtios. ' Crib and Brudloll/ankets." Bed Quilts of thin following varieties. vie: Marseilles, • Welling. Knotted, Register, Alhambid, Allondahr - and - rafillastor A pf nll the desirable M.P. • '',81*"..."0Ve., Table rovorB, Window Curtain Muslin Towebt'und* Toweling of every variety, Paniask Table, ' Moths and Napkins ' 1 1 111rting . 1,1nens and 311181111. Olin - brie Handkerehlefs,EnthaolderieS,lFW - 41ery, Se, I . tea, Damasks, Moreelle.. finbroldored Lace end 'Muslin Curtains, 011 t Cornices. hands, Gimps. Cord. Sc. SIIEPPAItD S.. VAN ITABLI7OBI 4 I, ° _ importers and Dealers in-Litton and (rouse Furnish. Ing heels. , April :10, 18511—Onn. fa.l) fj .. N n1 3 1 A. e, 11. 1 - !S u n O n ;li n E-P R.I C 11 CASH ROOT AND saw:. STORE, N 0.711 South'Sicinid Si., Corner of Carter St. The establishment has boon enlarged and Improved and is supplied with ten largest and best Retail Stow), In the City,.prinelpally of his own man ufiicture, with n Andre assortment from the best haste, Market m bracing Ladles,' Gents', and Children's • HOOTS. 8110 ES AND CAITERS of every description, style and quality, embracing the liest - styleep,mlAurtlities In this or any other market. . This stock[Viitnot be excelled for Quality Stylo and Cheapnesß; Eaelvartiele Is marked nt the very lowest possible price, Irom whir. no deviation will bo made. No on= travagant katements will Ito needed, end nova tondo to effect sales. "Orunlyear's Glum in all varieties. Pure Gans, so (scat - Co in - the market, always on hand. The public is °spa:trolly, Invited to call. - [April 1, Mu. p kLA DELPH I A .A DV E • IiVANS' THIEF PROOF SATESI- - - tft. merchants, lawyers, farmers, and others, having Books, Papers, or ether valuables, to preserve from 1 , 1111.: or ItUItIILAIIS. .• • . Day and Newell's (Hebb's) PANIC LOCRS. A Cann.—The "Kin! Proof Spte," that preserved our Books, Papers, & e.. during thill great Fire at hart's 'Buildings, was purchased of Off/NEB BVANS, 11l S. ?aid St., Philadelphia. • GETZ & BUCK. = EVANS' Preadult, Ventilated liefrigeratom for cooling and preserving moats,—butter, wills, wator, , "and all ._urtirle,c,lbr culinary purposes. WATEIt Tf [aims for purifying brackish or inudtty 'water, whether ;drooled .lly rains, limestone, marl, or other causes; ran be s had separato or attached to the 41,d:rigpraturs—a small quantity of ire cooling Chu whole .r 'u thoAvertitest weather.' • . I'oll'l%olX SlloW.Ell malts, - for tbe.,iise of warm 'or mid watr. • 'd'.tVl tt C,l E,lalS:t r Hotels, Stores, and Spilt E boxeB,'ldles; SEAL Pitt Copying do., Dru4gist do. 01,1 V Ell EVANS. •1•4 o. 01 South Second St.. ( 2 dorati-hilow Chesnut. Mareli 5, 15511-Iy. 1835.) " ,•:;• • ?":3. C] `~ p C c p~ ° ~~.. M [LSI p; ro ,p44-'=" I!IXE9 ° •522. "p-,,g•F -.:Fr."=. o•F'' 7-te. ING ' S lIA II B O R N R F PIIOOS A sA T F E E r e C i •A' P l e P atent ' ' 'powder Proof Locks, which were. awarded separate Modals at the World's Fair. London, 1851, cud _als.u_at_tittLYrgrld'a;_tlin_NSW - .York, 1853 and '5l. Tbpsubserl 7 bore are the Bole manufacturers - and ,proprletors in -this State of the above unequalled Sarre and - Locke.. The reputation of ' the genuine "Iferrlng". Safe" in wort t' )wide, and for the last thirleet, yearn the mercantile coinnt unity --have witnessed and -borne total. mony to thedr. NEVER FAILING Ortiproof qualities: More than.l2,ooo of-these Etafeti have been actually sold; and over r Two uummto'have passed' triumphantirthrough% accidental fires. - .t The - priblie are assured that all Saha manufactured byttha subearibere are -not only gunrnri teed, to be fulirequal, but' in: many respects even Ettipi rlor' to those which have been so severely tFind by fire Few. will. forgot their services In' the burning of thn 7"Tribune establishment," Now York, - and' at the Great ' Flret-in Strawberry Street, at the large Oro last 'July, epPoslie 'the ,Gintrd .11oueet - --and mere recently "In the Fire at Fifth and Ch.:lntuit etc.. 10 the city . of in which these Safes name forth ,the • kuniviedgedleuatarted, '.whenr Many -other, 'eenurltlen failed: • _ , a.cn., . -. • • Taiix sAva AtcrltANK LOOK.Di4K6II.q, WALNUT Streoh:Philitdelphigi:;', • Chilled Iron' 'Satin; with row,* eroot 4eko,autiau ,- factured expirenly„for hanke r hrekers,..-Jeveliern,.and% -others Napkins aticurity froin,reguea,- ,Bank - Vaolle, band.and mitdo 'to order. All the meet 'lnilehrated Lockn for sale 'at manufacturer,' prices.- Snaend%.hand "Safes,",. '.'Salmaindere" f and. "Iron .Chents7; etho'r,realters,har beepfhtkorytt P. Bll lll`, ulent f li r Iforrinteti for sale St halfmlne. ' • , npg • , a , " - - - 2,-.7.: ..- i 'i , jßatiopci . - ' :si l l= '' .l ti ' r ill :"..',':` 1 PAO '. ik h , t l J .•:y al iii j l'; :-: ' ummi l ‘' "?. 4 ~;.;`-';'. OR .RE• - .NT:-4.13 . rick.'40 1 , 1 5.9.; $ lOl 7 rto tit4O4,:'WO4Oly . PPoolt , o, TtlM4Ahmkt., ' , Thin' 'louse lo adniitod for alio publlO -1,11411115P,.. 3 fortillxreoldendw.tbr - - le ' h im boon ibrtlinrly, ~ Gr9coott.St,2r Fart , - turtlwwk.pootlklloto miriv. In. or tlio, t3itirirrktior.., PO/140:0 .don glvon . • • 1011 N l'ill•LIPS' =ll LEAF -TOB A COO AND 'CIGARS: - . • . - DENBLOW - k•CO;": ---- t -------- 7 - 7 - , • a SOUTH FRONT STREET, PIIILADELOMA, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS )N ALL • 'Ruins or • LEAF TOBACOO,.MANUFACTURED TORACT93 . • AND CIGARS, '.l(roso constantly on, band and for sale low all- kinds of A iiiirlenn dad-Spanish Leaf Tobaccos, selected with Apechil reference to Manfticturene-use. - - Al Particles sold warnlnted to ho an repromuted; acid every opportunity afforded for examination. - ‘ Purchasers at a distance" ran send- their orders and rely upon bring as faithful', served ris if .their goods were soleeled in person. (April 2,•11356.--ly. . 4") • Z 09-4 8 Pd ° C.`" • F, CD 2 • " ` . r:, . 44 p-ai • 0 . C 7 P -`) z n ,F CD . “3. r-t• • a : t” C/) ` l l C") CM 1 3 0 O 7 9 19 •-i 7:, (,;1•A VI N U F U4N •U. S. •INSUIIANCE,•fiNNUIT.Y & !TRUST CWIt"Y.: , S. E. Corner Thiril and Ch esti O,S lissets; Phi Pa. • ' '-* - • f ,t)-,.-OA-P-ItltAl-s A .o.ooo,ttot Money is received • nn deposit , daily. the nntount de posited Is entered lo a. Deposit Ilook and *given to tine kne lifeferretb kg:D/ASO, large MO small,' are resolved, and the • amount. paid hack' on - demount Ulitinout Malec. Interest Is paid at tine rata of mt . . PFIL CLTTy sere intoning from the day of deposit, and ceasing fourteen aye previousto tine withdinutil of the ninney. . Cu the first day of.lanuary. in ean-In•yenr, tine Interest of es,ll deposit Is pnid to the depositor, or added to the 'file Company have nory nownr,ITTIC - 11,000 depositors inn the city of Philadelphia tutu., Any atlitionni Information unit he Oven b. - Uddrdssing ale THEASIIIII%, DIU kI'OSS: Stephen IL•Criorford. 141.81. LliwrOtree - .llllliumit, Tice l'L A nibruF,lo.-Tl.lllpson, Fleranre, I'l,T 4Y FIFIcr - C OEIII.I.C7ILMILR, Sept..C.? -- hull 11. linddrirtl. - (leo. 31ellenry, Dererepx,._ Gurt. Vali:llAL fleeretary-And ll'renrurer, Teller end In terpeter, 1 .• SEAMEN'S SAVING Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania in 1855 OF meg:, 65 15-. A LN LIT Kr it 14;3` • Ono dna above7Seroml, Street. Philadelphia,. Itere,hTs Peinwlts in sunkirof One,l2olinhld upwarda from all classes of the community, and . alirTu - s,interesl l i t tDe rote of 'live per •reint ,per tumuli) Moneys paid hack on demand: • .4)B - OfliciPopeu daily from 9 milli 5 o'clock, and on 7ilottilay and Saturday until It o'clock . .in foe evening. •• ._ 7 his hnstihntlon will be found a-convenient and saGe Owe if deposit PA.:Farmers and others doing ill Pilii.l,leipiligt. — Deposits are paid on demand without ;-• s .. Edmund A. Semler, flan. Job R. Tyson, Stilwell S. Bishop, George Tioldln, Janice P. Perot, Itebeh3lorrlif, John•slreattles,.. -- Edwardis. - elark, - - Jacob Sheets, .- Cald..Jobn Gallagher, Joseph 51. Carvell; - loin Rico, Joseph ii. 51vers; • Blatant O. StOteshpry, ....-Edward IL Trotter, Shippenijr. -•_ Franklin Ramon, ll'nt: P. Jenks, . Thomas Cooper, Edgar E: Pettit, ]'resident—FßANKLlN FELL. Tronsurer—CllAS, M. MORRIS. ' Secretary—JAMES, 5..P11 MOJA'. 1541 The Charter provides that no-nianagei, racer or agent shall, directly or indirectly,, borrow any money . from the Society. • . ' 0et141855-1Y 1 4 1 IVE PER CENT. SAVING FUND x. TILE NATIONAL :4FETY COMPANY, WM. tit al root, south•woht comer of Third street, plila.`l.neorporated by the 6tate of I'erWYlva ,, bl In 1841. Five per cont. Interest to given, and the money la al' svnyd paid back )vhoniu 4t it o bi called liar , without the LIOCPANI t) at giving notice fur it beforehand. People win, have large sums put their money In this SavineFund, on account of the superior safety and con venience it affords, but any surd, large or small, This liaving Fund has a very large amount of lUort gages, Ground Dents and other first class investments' Mr the sorority of Depositors. The rules prevent any' Dirretor or tillicer from using or Wm wing the money. The Office Is open to receive and pay %money every day, from Il o'clock In the morning till 7 &chick in the evening, mad on Monday and Thursday evening, till ii People who have money to put In, are him it ad to call at the office for further Information. HENRY L:11Ill:\ NEtt Preetde It. ROU . T. Vice PI ltEED,Se,crotary. - October 3. 1855. . -" . . • -10. 11- E N 011 - TRU ! SSES.-.--tlernia or - -L-Itupturesuccessfully-tfeated,an4comforthstiured, y_use of the elegant French Trusses. 'exported by the subscriber, and wade to order expressly for . fils Sales: , . MI sulforinOvith Rupture it ili be grallt ed to learn that the occasion now oilers to procure a Tt use combin ing extreme lightness. with ease, durability and correct - eiinsteuctionTin - lien of- the-ctinibrous-and-uncomforitc: btu article Usually sold. An 'extensive assert men always on hand; adopted nreyory variety of Runt ute In adults and ehlith•en ; and for sale at a range oTprier to suit all. - Cost of Single - Trueses, - $2, sit, $4 and $8; litinblii; $4, $5, $ll, $8 and M. Persons at a distance MI have a Truss sent to any ad• dress by remitting the, it Mb Ull t. seeding Measure atoned Ile hips. and slitting side affected. • For Salo Wholesale and Retail by the linfmrter. • CAL Ell 11. NEEDLES , S. W. ens. 01 Twelfth Minnie Ste.. Philadelpliin. x - -; tippet for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Itody 1414 Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent Chouga., .11races; Stilipensory Bandages; Spinal Props andnisi, ports. Ladles' Ratans, with competent lady attenda IOA .. ' spill 14. Cu W:A..ltll 'ASSOCIATIO.N pui LAW:U.IIIA TM PORTANT ANNOUNC.IMENT • •To all persons nfllletedwith Sexual diseases, elm ' BEIIINAI. V 1 ICINESS, 151PCErENCE, SLEET, SYPHILIS; to, •Ito.z ' • • ' The ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, In .view of the awful destruction of human life and twain . enuimil by Setcual diseases, and the dueoptione witleh m. by (lunette, have directed their donsultingDurgern, no a 011ARITA111,19 -ACT worthy of their. name,' to give MEDICAL ADVICE ATIS.: to nil. persona thus •at flieted.Olnle or Voinale.lWhoepply by.letter,(posttpaid,) with u desuiptiou •of their condition. (ago. occupation, habits MUM, 5.C.,) and in estrente-paverty and suffering. to NI ItSl lIIIDICISESTRSE OF CIIARGE. • The 'toward Arseelationi t ia a' benevolent Initituiltne, establiehed• by special endowment, Po' the relief of the. Wok and distressed, afflicted with "Virulent and 'Bps , dmnieff iseasea,"t nod its funds:MP' be usedfor no other puipOne...lt bps:nowt:a - surplus of .means, Which - the Dlreetore have voted_ to adverting the above notice. It is Deedless to add that tbe - AmMilation commando-the . highest Niedleal skill of the age., ' • • ^ • • .• Addives,(post-paid,) Dr. 0 SO. RI oAl.noux, Consult-' • Ina Surgeon, Deward, Assoetation . Phlladelphia, Pa.', • • by ardor of the Directors,_ _ : _. i• _ ESN.. D. 'MART% bl,president. • . aprI111• F.IffECIIILD: Secretary..., . 1 1111.0 4 N .; 1, 1 1R0N1 , 4The attotaituVofs :the' L the rldilla and Ilidskaadtllarrartleularly.is reitirest, 'ad tolls) lame assort:Amstar liar and ltalled 'lron a all Masa apd 41r 48.%Q0l ot, A tijcinds, -Filen. Hasps. Serest •Plittidt.Antils; VlCoB;'Relloivicrtml every thins" thatthe Blackanlth may .want. ',3royrsold In quantities at alty wttoloialo pikes. 'Allklnds warranted. , :r awni P. LYN.): k Mk, ." .(tet. 8,11056.,1 bl ••Itanoaar .Ft. earners', ANTERVSTIINAV . IO. , OI MS''' . 1nt0..,41;04 the ifrot.p . ronllom.oyar others at ilino r bor of 'the roeiliit State Mad County•Fairo.- Xvory, farnier', nkY who reek; pookohnuld.{no.vo one of tfieso. , thillo }'r . ' • — l.7oniq '‘Nort•toifopOyoO:groiit:Ceitlißlo.',. - Ult . "' - TT; . CELEBRATED -; , 0 Elll,lll A'N . I TTEIt S. ' , •• hellfire • , DR. 0. N. JACKSON. Pill iIirI.PHIA, PA.. . will effectual y csre .. . LIVEI COMPLAINT, Dlit. .IiPSI A,. JAUNDICE, Chrimle or Nervous Debility, Iseeses at'. the lildueSs . mid all diseases arising &tilts disordered • Livitr or 't.ttotattelL • , . , c • Buell Os' • : • Conatipation, '• • ' • Inward Piles. Pull: • ' nest , or Maud faille I lend, ' - ' Acidity ante SUarotct, Non - - carthuricllipini•lfOr•Foral: '— runners or Weiglit - on the F.tunteh„ . Sour Eruetatlons,rluhing or Muttering _ ,it the lit of the . - totutieh• I'wl,ffiffilog of the Head, flurried and Difficult Breathlng.- • Fluttering at the_lleart, • Chouliing or sulloen- Ling Ramalona when In a lying poi:turn, Dimness of V ision,Dots of Arch; bona° the bight, Fever • . • add dull pain In the 'Wad, Delideney of " t c. Peravirntlutn - lrollne urrgTf - tbe and Eyes, loin ht. the Fide, Back, Chest, • • Litol.s. Au, rt.udden Flushes of • Heat, liyndng In the. "Flesh, ' Constant `ltunaluluga of ' • , and' great /Jo- - • , . •presolon of • •-- The priirrister itrealling the at Con of the public to thin prepaintkrn, dogsno with a feeling of the ut mart' confidence' In its viques and ndeptatloti to the dlsi2asea fur which it-0s recommended. . , . . „ It is so now and .untrici article, but one Mk has -stood the tost'of erten. venrs i lriill..liefore, the American ' potpie. and its reputation etnNiale 'ls unrivalled: by, .any Shelltr prigiaratlonsestsint. -The,,tostlnnitly In Its favor given by the most prominent ail& well known Physicians anatindiy ideals In all parts ot the country Is immense. ' • • DERAMIEHIfETS OF THE LIVER AND STC4r2tat. A re'i.urces of la,sanl ty. From dinorder cr ebstructlon,i a morbid eel ion of the FyrUplktiliate amid t ther ben cc foliows, and tiMfuncticus or the train orgimpaired.ranal, • - tlertigqtl7 , deetWrgUti!etit . theru•wlll nlEu i•mdwre Ilhetts ex of the heart, El:hc luu4s und.6 Wiley F. It Is . ow lug In tile smite eattse tint thr•townilF dip with Chotern. IFov('.'3,ilfaLllna,rutAt..l"alloful t E12111%1 ie1111.1110.1011. . . The geiterel want OrSUCeeFF In trent:lug diereses of the . liver end stomach. has not heel a deficiency of petholre ideal littowledge of their funetfonk-abut of in suitable compound that would net upon the disenno nod, all the Inpathetie affections. Thnt has been golued 'ln thiso Bitters :. and they Can 'be Insect by poisons with tho, most delicate stomach witli_periledity=ne_theyu e - time 'debilitate the pollen(. but ghe strength nod ifcreose the 111,11/11$ energy. They ran betaken et all k amen. and mult , r nil circumstances. • No ordinary ei.pie sure will Nei eat them Intl dug a seintary effect, and no had effort can result like au over dose. •- If patent,: .111 pert.evr re in tiro use of this remedy, -and-use It strictly-necording- to dirertions, it will cure the forroing ilisetnes in every instance,' if not beyond , _the IMIVer 01 . 111ediVill0Lit eauged tuany -to eitjoy - the Meshing of renew ed itealtliTlind in nianfdeSiiratep . .und nhendoned-eases:a perfert - nitil • ADVAN(I.Ii IN 1.11 1 1:, ' • And feeling I Inflatud br Time weighing heavily upon ' them, with all Its attendant ills, will find lit. the use of Hie Ilitters.an Mixer that O 111, instil new tiro Into their online; restore, in a Itteai.ure the ettergratid ardor.of-. more )•out hfnl days; build up their slit unken and give •Itenltit J u nd hniMiness fir 'their remaining ones =I 1 It is a well established fact: that fidly tine:half of the Female portion•ar"or populath tl, are seldoth in the ml. Joyment Of goodllsealth, ur to use their own expression neverfeel well." They are laimnl,l,..ddi old of all en ergy, extremely urn', us, and have DO -1111110 HO. 'Co this eldeo of invalids. liner,. hitters' the eSpecjally re c,,mmended.. Their peculiar' tonic and' invigerating, properties render them invaluable in suclreasee. - • Person's visiting allarks harrassed Annually with FEVER AM) AGUE. or ANY FEV/Eit OF A- BILIOUS. NATURE, will find that' by thZ timely tute of one or wo bottles, they will+not in COO instance take the dis ease. as the hitters will 1610.0 nod strengthen the system, and carry the Llle ndi in its naturaVltehnel: - 'Prevention is letter than cure. TILLY ARE E.TI ii LIN - VEGETABLE And free from AleoltollcStimulant. and All injurious ingredients: are pleasii . nt in taskand smell, mini in theft...per/10_410,10 expel all morbid al:cretin:is from the 'body, give bloom' to the pallid cheek, and health And vigor to the frame. Price iL mots tic's bottle. . Priori! al Mike. No. nu ARCH street, PhIP:4 In. • ;aid by Druggists and-Storekeepers in every- town and village in the United StatesandCatadas, and by all Drugglstsin Carlisle. 1.5:211. lila FE 0 .4 k.F.FLICTIO): 'BEAD • I'll I LAJ/111.1!111 A MEDICAL HOUSE. 61.1thl bawd Oren ty.two ylll . l. 111,11 by.l)lt. INEELIN, cantor of Third and Union : 4 treets, Philadelphia, in. - 'DV KNTY-TWO YEAltit' . - • -Experience has rendered Dr. K. a most successful prac titioner Lt . the ra re al all diteakt , of a' prlvatti nature; manhoo's debility. MS 1111 impediumit_tu Jnatritute ;_... all__EfuttLinfittnitles,_diseases—of.ihe—thini' and those arising from alms° ot mercury. TA K 'PARTICULAR NOTICE. ' _ - Theto to no evil habit sometimes - indulged in by lim . yet to solitutlft, often growing up u ith Them to manhood; - - and -which. it not rblitrtned In -duo thnu, - not only htiola serious astades to nuttrimoblal happiness, but , gin es rise to a set ion of protracted, Insidious, arld.tfaustaling affections. - Now of throat who give Way to this pernicious practice are aware of-,the consequences, until they find the atcrz'.;.' Tops systole shattered, feel' strange and unaceountable sensations and vague feat% in the mind. (See pageg 27, 28, 2U, of Dr. Kls book on "Neff Preservation." The unfortunate "thus all'ectiq — bcitimes • feeble, Is unable to labor . wlth accustomed vlgoi, - or to apply his mind to study; his step Is tardy and . NrAmtil ho is dull, irresoluto, and engages even in his sports with lose enemy - than usual., I.llhe emancipate himself before the practice has done its•ithrst, and enter matrimony, his marriage in un truftDiG Atilt NS sense tells him (hut this is caused by his early follies. 11:lessen, considoraliOns.which should awaken tiniattentien of all who afe similarly situated. PATIENTS AT A DISTANCE Can .havo -(by'Stating their ease explicitly, together with all the ir . symptoms. per letter, unclosing a remit- Ammo) Dr. K. 's medicine, approprlnted 4ceoraingly. Forwarded to any part at the United States, and seeuro front; and CUILIOHTY, by mail oil; 'en/ 11111.5.14. DEAD! YOUTH AND MANHOOD!! A . Vigorous LIM or a PreMature Death, Rinkelin on Self-Pmervatiou—Only In rents. Letters containing that value Su Stamps, will ensure a copy per return of mall.. GHAT'S I GRATIS I I MMUS 11 1 A Free GIFT to all. MISERY RELIEVED. "Nature's liuldo,," n pew and popular work, full o. valuable advice and Impresslvo warning, alike calculi' ted to provent years of misery and save thousailda of lives, Is distill uted without charge, and forwarded by until, prepaid. to any Post (Thee In the United :Antes oh receiving nil order enclubing two 1101411g0 12011111‘Sa • rul• 0-NICS WON'T 0! —They never did do Moro than give temporary relief, and they Hover "ill! It is becanem they don't touch the rAusc of the disease. The. (1111$0 of all ague and billions ditetotn is the nine i•phei It. Imhof] called Miasma or Malaria. Neutralize this pt hen by Its N. rgnAt-tsrrunr; and ell disease c. lured by It dn.:appeal fi at once. Modes' Fever and Ague Cure Is this antidote to Nebula, and moreover it is a perfectly loundet.s med. , Mao. The certificate of the celebrated chemist. J. H. hilted, of ow-Vorl4_ to tide efibA, Is attached to eve ry bottle ; therotbre, If it does no good, it eau do no harm. This Is ni,he than can be said of Quinine, Arsenic, or any ether tonic In existence, as their use is ruinous to the constitution nod brinks sir 11113,11 AG 11E, which' never allows It person to - le@ perfectly well for it single poinent. illustration of these truths I annex or tire •extraats - frunf adetter just received - from a Physician: initurrewx, 7,1870. JAS. A. lillOAN 4 ..tsa.—licar Yoursof :2d inst., Is-at-hand. Thu Cure arrived late last year, and the difficulty in gel tiny any tire to purchase It wits pretty loci eased horn tine fast that a remedy had leen . intro (Weed which was growling in Mier will. the puille as being 1 otter than using int 111.00 Mg, 1 pre sume, that the remedy they used to escape taking Qui ltivaruulalwdtheLl:hU Iviegakitco (known ns " Smith's Tonic ; ") mould In variably IDEA kan Ague. but it did nit urn It, as it •would oft. return With renewed vigor. . one sir cmnstauro I deuced in your favor, if I could int.tituto u test comparison between It and your COLE. 'the fol lowing Is the it suit• , Three persottr took your "Cure," nil of Meth were .rases of "Quotidian I ntatinit4int -Fever." of ninny weeks _standitig. They bad tried ()ottani, and .other - rislueditig, °et asileaily Missing nlt g i ns(as Itti all such enure) lowly wearing them out, and laying the Ibundati , I: of other and severer maledles. I did . succeed in dlireo tiug a radical cure of all Mee of there cases with your remedy,tand they haVe not had a thin since. In all three of these caves the " Smith's Tonic' - itattboon - used; - and - would;ns-before statedi-I loutlifter u period or two had elapsed it would return. Molt dlflculty - now In -- giving to your "Cure' the vantage ground of any other remedy now in use bolo. 111.10lit.Elt,il1. D. It DODDS' FINER tind AGUE CDRE, or ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. the" ugly bet Mess remedy In. existence 'ls 'equally earlaiu'as a as a'• MS." !fake it when you feel the chills coming oM - an i d you will never have a .111.;h1 ,•••••""' RHODES, Prkiktor, • • Providence, It. I. ~ettoFor side by W. A. Kamm, and Druggigts generally. • .luny 2. llbet. N OW _READY, TEE NEWSPAPER BECORD, a collection of Newspaper Facts and otatitdics,containing a complete list of NeWspapera in the United, 'States, Coondas. and. Great • Britain. The only reliable work of the kind in Chu world. An loyal noble ..nokiuot to tho liditt r, Book Publisher, and Oen oral A&ertiser. San. 200 pp. . Od reoclpt of $2, it bo pro-nob' .per mail; tonny part of tile country. LAY BBROTlllilki, . • publinhers,. Nu 82 Pock st., Philadelphia. ffir:Plitout inserting the above three months, with - 01.11torloi — relerencortnd - kandinecopies — OfthellupOr pre-paid to the ribose adrcus, will receive a copy of, the : • ' [Sept. , ‘ CIDER MILLS can still be•fnniishetl' of unproved conetructlen and finish. Their grinding apparatus' id peculiar,' and given: ' • 'thorn 'an advantage over all other nails.- By the.actlou of two reciprocating pistons, the apples , 'are forced up againat the teeth of a 'rapidly revolving ' cylinder and retainetbtill ground to a fine - pulp, detach' Of course yields mote juice when suldeeted to pressure than if. the pomace wad coarse. The Screw. Press hag been, greatly, improved and strengthened ...slum last • year, and the whole frame is tightened by strong Joint ' It le adapted to either hand or borne power and can be worked by hand to the extent. of six le eight barrels a'day, Sop. 24.154(1, . _ EW G OVS:s.':ftG:AIN I. lIOLLIDAY I'liEnta.4ll • • avajust, returned nom tire city and am now .open. • 'tug a •lai•go. mwortment/ of .elegant, .Ihablenable,,• new styloo. Panay rindscaple In; y , bi H'L3, to whlth•l would; -respectfully call the attentlonof,all/ .purebosets; and. tbo bodies in particular.• '. • •-• • • / •nrotolla Long and.bquare Eihnichh...ticarha, 'ggellnai d id f rl"s ll l ld: l r i o 'F;cber ZOes,aaue;o/ wrs laluaa; c, ' - knew stock OfCloths and C.!ia nieres: 4 lltuallni,, In-preat. vat letyi•and• - vary - ebenfa -- 7"'"'" Alan, same elegant New, l'att q ernauiPerial : wrr,in• ,; Inn now recelyht Now 'Gonda weekly and',reclti tg , • thein'MY rapidly, at very rodalid,pricus.,'MY landa : ntid fpetomarre and all In want of clicaptind hatdruone • will plaaao to axandualbla anwl. brforo . - 4114 AF. 00IVELY9 • ;~t~~uiii~~, OM D FS PASCItAiI, ifORICIS Si. Co., Implement and Seed Store, - • 7th and Merkel,