P 1 --- illgkets. CARLISLE 'PRODUCE MARKET. [REPORTED FOR THE lIERALU. Woduesday,AEFfillp,_ FLOUR Superfine, per bfil, do Extru, do do .Futuili •_ do Mtn do -WHITE WHEAT per bushel, ,Reo do, do ..-Coax - dfOT Oats CcovsnisED TOLOTILYAKED. , do IYINTNii: BARLEY. do SPAIN°. BARLEY. -- do ateto - ilGuettisentetits • ' LIST OF DEALERS fiF. Goode, Wares . and Merchandise. PdirtaitiAdifibermim;`&c: tbu countror t:aintrorland. rolunied and einosliiod In accoiddired - Willirtlid:adffairittla - 01 — .AssonddYiarloi• lowa, to wit: - , cAt7.zoLE • • . A: Bentz & Brother, dry goods, • 11 Illlam (Muhl, grocery, ' . John N. Armidning; lumber, . .W. B. hurray. tval, (LW, Hilton, coal, • • V. 31. Iludeerr, hunber, Woodward & Schmidt, produce, • . .1. Sheen) & Son; pOoduce, . .1.2 i. Williams, gn eery, J. & P. liliMs„ciail, • Ir. A: 3111 es, dry goods; ---- - i 11. Mullin .1 Co. - , clothing, . . I.cubuil Lino, dry goods, 11. 31. Johnson. hooks, —7 . --- 1./7F - . - 11 - 61wer, rib-Hang. .- - . • Henry Peters, marketing, . 14 700 .3W-11. - Arouti,lints., ' Q - 14 • 7 Ou J.B. Burgos, stores, _ ._. • - 14 - nor • - . James loudon, looks,' 14 7 -00 A. 11. Pipet., looks, 14 7 00 ' Samuel 01 lott...drugs.', . , .14 7 tiU ---- ' Thomas Conlyin jewelry, .14 ---.---- 7 - 00 - J. 11 - . - 4.liy, grocery, • - 12 - ' - 12'50• illendonion & Sous, produce, ". • • 10 20 00 31. lArels, shoes, . 13 10 OU "J. I). halbert, grocery, ' . .12 12 50 ..• . S. 11. /later:o.lok, drug, - 13 .. • 70 00 ' " Frederick's & Ili:liner- marketing, . ' 14" 700 'AI mild & Living/Won. clothing, _ ' .13 - - .10' no .1. I'. Lyme & Son, hardware, 12 . 12 01. i _ . . Dionne 3lorrls. stores, '. 14 7 OU • Jonathan Contemn. shoes, . 14 7 0 0 ' John A. Ilunirich. drygoods, _ . • 13 10 00 . -n . 11. tooratnian, burl , l4 . r .-- 7.00- • Jacoli.Wolr, grocery', • ' 14 , 700 • ~..... .1:W. Smiley, el.ithin - g, _ - - 14 - 7 iio ' James Cello: marketing, 701 ~. 'Samuel C. Huyett. grocery,' . IQ •.21 00 Shrion d: Holier, lumber..; 1J 10 OU . • Peter 3lonyer, c infectloner, (2 - 111 ores,) -14 11 00 ' • Henry 11100 L 1111111wr,,. , , 14 700 - • 11. W.Califinen: drag, - • , IT . 2 7 00 , Arnold A Son, clothing, - 13 . -'-- 10.00 . Iliwrice Keller, hats. *: 14 7 00 ' ' P5lllO 'ArtiOld. dry goods, • ' 11 ~• 16 00 •.1. It. holler, testa, 14 . . ._7 Op. hi. W. Woods. dry goods. - • • 13 , 10 OU : - Henry Saxton, hardware, • . 10 • 21) (g) IL W. !Moor. dry goods, - - 10 20 00 _ ~ ' Steiner .0 Co., clothingi ------- . - . .. 13 -- 10 00 . . I harks .ogilbyAry. goods, , 11 • , It. 1/.. A, Naugle, jewelry, 14 11:1;% - ltittiit7cInttritn, -------- 14 - C. InholT. grocery. . In 11..1. Kieffer, drit.:ft, • . ' •• •• 14. -•- .lleniy 11arknept., greenlet', - ' 14 . John Faller. grlnTry, . 14 • John lieon.Y. grw. , ry, - 14 . • • Philip Mc,.F.erentith. grocurien, - 14 Jaws 31eIrAnniten. gn.rery, . 14 Stephen K00111:pi. innrltetlng, 14 . .11okr.j , Rhoads, furniture, 14 Jacob Fetter, " 14 • • . J. It. Roarer, •• ,-- 14 ' A. it. Ewing, . 14 lhall Sipe.. " • .14 N. livaels, clothing, - ••14 • John Ilentx,..riothing, 14 WI -11. MeCullah,_ -. . . 14 =I . W. 11. Onwidirk — Co.;luoiber," - ' 13 Maginot 8, Slinfiter, produce, • l2 Mellion Sc Z 44.111,1.1., `.. , - 10 John Johnson Sc Son. produce, , 12 floor:4.1: 4 111;46r, produce. . .• 10 Andrew Sloginer, grocery,. 14 linuftnnii & Son, dru,is. 14 Kniifinitti Sc Son, liardwon.. • 13 Brindle & Neuswonger, dry goods, _l2 1m Ihty;drugs,, • ' ' -14 .1. Dorshefiner, hooks, l4 Bold, & iliirretson, atodon, 14 iiIIMMei & Coorer; /umber, • 14. Coorer & Co.. produce.. George Webhert, dry goods, 13 Lori ninelETchilhhig, . .14 Henry ',eon. dry Romig.. , 14 J - . S. Ifontetter. confectioner, 14 L. D. Keefer, clothing, • . 14 neigh, & Herring. drugs and dry goods, 13 Johii Bel,do. • - 13 `Wilmot & Son, stores, 14 Swirlier & Son, 14 Simon Arnold, . 13 Edniond.l,nruolit. hoots end shoes, - 14 Wondeily & Brother. stores,• . 14 William tickles, confectioner, _ 14 John Zinc, grocery. . 14 Daniel ilniblll. clothing, ' 14 John Harlon, wort:ding. •• 14 Boole! C 1111 l flirt, dry gosh, , 13 .1. 11. Smith, shoes, . 14 BRIPPENSIIUIIO Philip Deter!eh, grocery, M. M. Angle4umber, 11. Ruby*. Co.. produce, 'William Baughman, marketing, ,Itenjarain Briggs. marketlng, • N. A. Cornelius. produce, Satnuel Sugars, marketiug, ' John McCurdy, books, John Criswell. drmoi, Grabill & Holler. hardware, _ S. C. Boller. shoes, - • A'Co., dry goods, • P. S. Arts. 'shoes. • Huck. Lafarty A Co., dry r;oojA . —l 7 - 1 - 1 -- II: - IteddliCAryIrrsids, Bomberger & Illair, produce, • Albh, drugs, • Sterlck, Kunkle A llro., dry goods, Forney,S, :McPherson. hardware," .1011 u Bridges. clothing, W. S. Coo • boots end shoes, 'futon & Stuart. • Jll,ll 1't17,110. grocery. John Stambaugh, hardware, J. Fisher, hats, DM= dry goods, Rough & Ulder, dry goods, .1. M. Davidson. shoos, . W. Rood. druo, Ullll3,llllratton, drugs, Jamie 31ceandii•h. dry goods, Mmes.. 31cCandish. dry goods, .1. 11. Ifernm. drugs, Joseph Laughlin, clothing, ' Bear & Cobaugh, - honlware, 5M.,11, marketing, • .e._-„John CManinn. marketing— Jonathan Ferree, marketing, NEWTON. P. A. Ahl & Brothers, iinaluce, & .L 11. Itursh, produce, • James Bishop, marketing, .1 ' J. C. F.linught & CO. - .'dry goodu, 14 11.Wagutner. - ntarketing, .- It - N. C. .11111er, dry gdoits, . 11 Smith & McCoy, produce,' 13 -=- T Toiii7 3finin, lip dry Odds ' _l4 Clarver & Mowers. dry pods, 11 dry.goods, 14 WESTPONNSBOROINIII. Thoodare IlOnudno., dry goods, •14 Wood word & Schmidt, grain, 13 • John tirenoon, grain, 11 • 3'. Tow Mond. gralry. 13 • John N, Davidson, dry goods, 11 ..I•s l •Flu.lantee,.drigog.ds,. • 14- John Tregn, ' 11. J. Hood & Co., dry ge;uls, 13 MIFFLIN. Henry Soyder,Ary •PRANKVORD C. Meer. dry goodi),. -- ' • 14 ...,. WIIII,na Green, dry pop. - 14 HOPEWELL. . Shoemaker & Elliott, dry goods. 18 'Wherry & Eisenhower, dry goods. ,E) 1). ll,mrer &00., uuttketing, . ) 114: -1.)Alvli) 31eClesE marketing, ' .... 14. -- C. C. dtouder, clod:dud. - -', 14 C 3 Rupp & Son, dry upodk. Henry Hupp, produce, W. 11. Eckolo, dry goods, Samuel Shaeffer, dry goods, . ... SOUTHAMPTON, . , .1. F. Baughman, dry goods, ' . 14 700 J. W. ClevoKdry goods. ' 14 ' 7 00 _._:_ff Corge_Claeor. dry. goods.,—. ' 14-- " - 7.00 Conrad t'osteaught. produce, , 13" • . 10 00 - i „Henry Myers; marketing, 14 ' 700 " thhunel Clark & Co.; marketing, .1t ' 700 _. - • BP PUP. ALLEN. . . ~.., ' (insweltor & Zook. dry goods, 13 . 10 00 James Ecliels.drY goods," . 11 ' '.. 700 Peter Oingerleh.. ' 14 • '7 00 Hobert Ilettniich, • ~.- • •• :14 . 700 Ilytrutu Isnigneykei:, ' . - 13.:-... , ',"-.-- , ---10. 00 Itobert,ilryson, . 13 • , 10 U 0 . . ."••••2149WEit ALLEN. • Georgh Babies, diy goods ' ' • , ..:14 Abraham Bro9or, dry goods,'- , .- 14 . William Loyd; drUgg .. ' ' - 14 . Job ffus; drw geode; :": - lz .4111017.1N50N. David Dare dry goodie - 14 • . bo liussel Dieti; dry noodle • . oo' Jacob lieetane marketing; ," 14 • 7 W llutelainekit marketing; ". 14 " - 700 Chrletinn_Ocker; dry gthdic , ," '• 14 . t . 7.00 J. OrOCal A-Druther; dry, gopdtg , .13 - 10 00 imaebieweemen.dry.goodte • • ' 13 . • _ 10 00 W. Watts; dry goodie ' 14 . 7-00 . lietjamln Plank; dry good; 'l4 • , •• • 7 00' Idoere and 'Ornighe'ad; , dry geode., 13 . Idullin and Alincander;.diy , gik4l4 . 13 • Da•l'd,Nic.l:ol; gnmtryp. 4, A. and 11 ;Caufmani.tiky:goods;; 13 A. 31;_14341010 dry' goodie • .. - -12 • Leirlitt and Eitepheng dry goodie, 13.. Derlunny•and Ititlipdry goodie 13 . • , • • . r. . . D.. 31. Leldigz.dty, goodie ;14 • -7 00 Ilatike - liroirMitrelli,dry,gnetD; •. • ;.-7 00 J. R. L.k. 11 0 drYgeette: • • - • . •-; • -13. ••.• a 0 INi .3iekels and Martin; drigeto . 4 - „;:' ; 7. 00 Jacob Siimnonir:ilry geMkg Da 14.1 tnibni; drY gmMi. 13', • •,.10' 03, Jiihn .11.atelt; 7 00. Andre" , . .. . . .;NEW 'CUMBERLAND. ~. - - , „Clumles.oyeter.lumber;...- —__.:_:..l3 .____.....-._.__ .1. 11. Churchr . lumber; Rudolph Martin; lumbbr;, ,IS .. ' , • J. 0.31111er; dry..goodc • 14 . . Tolealoo Yeoman; • . • 13 -- -John, Horn; lumber, JlllllOl , nod Ilosser; Itimber; - 11:' ' IL .F. Lee; lumber; • • 12 - ..-_EAST .PENNABOROIIIII. -----. Jacob Ilenlnger; grocery; - .14'• -. John 31cCormIck; grocern . 14 ' • ' ' O. IV. Feeler; dry goodm , ' '• 14 W. F. Martha and Co.; lumber‘ • 14 D. atillJ. Ilynard; lumber; .. 14 14 D. William . Bld aric grocery; John Longnocker, grocery; 14 Michoel produce; 14 Bucher end Bun; producci, , ' 13 Kerr andllumr i liluitikly- -12 -_,,.. - 11.1iiiiilligier; 'dry gool* , ' ',"ir --- m,.. • " 4'. NORTH MIDDLETON. , .. • . - -$ 7 - -Ellin Llih „Frac $ 5.50 5,76 0.00 3 2,5 1.40 1,30 ---- 7,00 2,60 1,16 1,10 F. & E. Blnohart, 14opeiroll, W. W. Fraser,. a ' a - .. --- ; .. 14 - - 700 11E14 putoltore,! , "• • -' • '._ 14 . 7'oo Anthony Fororuati; New , /Ille, . .14 . ". 700 John' WaktttomO.,. " 'l4. . 700 I Sruntibl Ihivldnop„ " ' • :14 • 7.00' IVllllatalloOlean, Shlppeopburg.. +'l4. 7 00 Jorutulah Coi.ver,' ', - 14 . '7 00 William Waggoner;e4fitnivllle, - - 14 . . . 7OQ • Samuel tirnhom, Westponsboro' • • 14 '7 00 Robert I,IIOJ, jr.; eirt Isle, 14 • 7 00 Michael lillnlch, • " . ' 14 • 700 A. 11. lIIAIr, 14 7 00 Goorge Kosht. Frankford,- - - 14 7 00 17clO31"31101ehr'": -'-'--- ---'-'•••- - 74'' -•• .7`Oo Robert ?Akron 11111 l Slicer Spring, . 14 " •7 00 John - A9ondonliti - -- ---4 •.. • 14-- -I-SW llimyy Babel •14 . . • 700 Jac..l. Nan, ; ' " . . 14 ~, .'7 00 Richard 1111ey, '• . • 14 • • .7. 00 Robert .Bryiull, I. l pOor Anon; l4 • ' 7Ou .Uourgo Ohlslet., North bliddlvton, 14 7 00 • ~ .0 • $24 00 14= Sou 13 10 00 • 12 12 GU' 14 , ' .7 00 • Diller end Gilder; Ahl-and P. A. All end Brother;' John Moore; . Henry harnitsi itusler'and Son; .1ar..10 Littler; R'.:. Cohan; -DA I .-Vnglesong, Clunks W. Shunter S. and (1.. W. Brandt, (1.41. Veldlgh • Bet..)ritnin Mager. debt) Williams, / Miller and liherly, - Jacob COM' or, jr., Zonit endkl _ Christian Eberly, Bucher, Lower Allen, Philip Zeigler. : - tiger and Co., borter,Allen, Samuel Miner, „losePh Whislar, S. Urich. Honey Pupp. Henry Manning, T. 11. Bryson, H. H. llitelinr.. Henderson Stud Son. • 10 20 00 12 32 00 14 7 00 ---- 14 - .7. 00. 13 10 00 14 , i'oo • 14'i 00 DISTILLERIES. . • ... . - ... . Ahl and gnsolineer: . 000 00 . . .t , I. A-Ahl and lirothers;• 50 00 .711iIII Ramp; • ' 60 00 Robert 110igley;• - . ', •- - . 50 00 A. Bosler and Ron;. • ' • - Si 00 V. 0. 0.0.0,..v0r and Son; S. and - 11.R'. Brandt; '5O 00 Messlngerand Burnig'._ - 50 00 Myers and Benson; ' 60,00 Jagebs; 1 Vartield and ('o•. • ' . 50 00 W.,01, Banderfon and Son; ,-- * 00 00 ,Shade and Wetaeh' , • ., . --60 -00 William itarnits; . . . . 60 00 OYSTER .... - AND• EATING HOUSES. • .7.,bn mcb.u,n. ~..,•, „ ,_ . il - S( 3 ) Samuel Itupe . rl;3leclumicnbeirg;' '. • IL 11. Eberly, .. 5 00 Jeremiah V 1 .111... Lower , Alien, ' : • 6 00, Mrs. Low Carlisle. - • .. ' • - 500 Mrs. 31. Miller, Carlisle, 5 00 . . Ilithry Peters, .• 5 00 ALLEYS.. „TEN PIN. A ." David Long. Mechanicsburg, - . $3O 00 .tac.h Illenuinnan, Carlisle, - , .30 00 . • All persona .who nifty . cool themplelven.aggrloved by the above ellissltiratlon eau hare an opportunity of ap pealing, by calling on the underaigned realdlng In car- Hole-any.lime before the 2d day of May, 107, after which' time no appeal wiil bo heard. _ JOSEPIII TIVNIPSON, . -"—MiTreantiltrAppralser. 10 00 12 50 21 00 12 50 21 III) 7 00 (1,1; PAINT, AND -CrLA SS wiiiihEsALE- WAREHOUSE, Uoink,r of Tonth end Alerket, Streets. Mee In flocrind - story, Philadelphia . . , Wuinvite attention to our enlarged stock of Drugs. Paints. Oils. Varnishes; &c.; stflocted expressly for our wales: nod colorising one - of the finest fussortnzents,ln tie United'Skftes, which We offer et low pricits, for cash or approt ed eVedit. _ ' Wlt MANUFACTURE very ostensively: ,_ • Premium Pure White Lead, (boot,) . . Kensington Pure-White Lead. u ' • •,• - Pearl Snow White Lead._ _ f ~., .. o %lone Montague" French line, (boot,) . • Pure Snow White American Zhu, • ' ' Philadelphia Snow White Zinc. Silver's Plastic. Fire and Weatherpna.f Paints, Chrome limos, Yellows,-and colors gonoraßy. AGENTS FOR: . ' PorOeft superior Alkaline Window Gloss. t,ifnutine French Plate Glass, (warranted.) ' TIM New Jersey Zinc Company's products, ' ,'Video and Nephew's New York Vankbhes, -- , . - Brooklyn Premium Pure White Leal, Hampden Permanent Greens, , . ' Pore Ohio Cotawint Brandy, &c., &c., IMPORTZRB OF: . . French aini English Pinto Glass, ' . ' . French and English Cylinder Glass, • .:" 'Colorral and Engraved Window Glass, Daguerventvpil (Hass, . . . Ilettinteretlylate for Floors and Skylight., • Druss. Chemicals ' Perfumery, de., • WIFILESA LE PEA LIII.S IN:. : , • Druggists' Articles generally. .Painturs' Tools flail descriptions, 4 . Hydraulic and Roman Cement,. . Calcined and land Plaster..., • • Paper Maker's Chiy, Satin White. &c.. hc. ' FIIENCII, RICUARDS & CO. 7 U) 7 011 JO .011 10 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 20 00 7 oo 15 uo 7 oo 7 110 7 00 10 00 7 00 10 II) Ftare, N. W. cur, of Tenth and Market streets. Flirter:v. Junction York Avon'ae,Crorrn and Call.orhill streets, - Phllnrtelplita. - - . - it. W. ()ARM. - IMPORTA-NT NEWS! NEW I NEW - STORF: AN D - N NAV - URICES. - .1. A. noun/Zit, Jo., takes pleasure In, announcing to tho citizons of Oldish, awl- surmtiodiat country, that Ito has Just rotnrited from Phtladolithla. and in now opining at the north-went corner of North Hanover and L.tuthor streets. one of the largost nod best selected •stocks of Sprittgltud Summer 7 0- DICY GOODS • ever itrousht to Carlisle; mining ng In part of Ail ko, Barton.t Brilllnnts, Alp:two, Ducal Cloths, . Lunge& Poplins. Du Rages, Lawns. Skirting. French and Scotch gingham& Prints, / Cloves, llosiory, Collars. Ihnfilkerrhiern, Ar.. Ac. SII AW LS anit NI ANTI LL 1S of ovory ityla and quality: - 'STAPLE AND D,)3IESTR) DRY GOODS, • -. Cloth& Cannitnerom, • Venting., Flllllnelg, 31toll to, Ticking& •• Stripes. , Checks, Conroe., Cottontiden, Lille:lP. Sheeting& Dentin.. Nankeens, ' ' Marsoilles Quilts, colored and white Cncpet Chain, As. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. a Lae , o itMl splendid nasortmuni - of Bonnets' Cap& Boots nod Shoes. A Anterior lotuf FrOsh GROCERIES, __ - _nms,_Coftee, Sugar, 31olonsoa, like, Spleen, Ac.,-Ac. noleeled my entire ANA with tho greatest: rare and at the P,Woat CASH VILICNN, 1 ,illll aceuro my friends and the public generally, gust I will do all In u.ake.my knorrten Om' ," IIEANUARTERS SOIL BARGAINS." , , ThOse - wholVlNlC.td"ptlrchnse - wlll - 11ndit - to - theirad.. vnutugo to call and - examine my stock before porches hog. I will pay the highest niaritet price for Butter, Eggs, Rapt, Soap 61111 Dried Fruit, April 1, 1567. 10 00 15 00 7 00 7 01 7 00 0 00 0 (9) 7 09 7'oo 7 00 7 99 7 00 7 00 '_ooo 20 ((0 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Ul) 70 00 - 700 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 1.1 Ou cl Pit [ND AND - S U - M 31 E R.r , CLOTH, INU. AttNoLD & LIVINOSTON North Hanover at., opposite 31riglaughltu's Hotel The profrrlotors of thin pvninr Clothing Establish 111011 t, 1111,110CtrUlly RIIIIMULICO that they 'have Just ru coy id ml lunneuse stock of Clothing add plied goods which they with sell at the lowest prices. • 1 700 7 00 SPRING AND OUNIMEIL .CL(YrIIING ferMl'llulti..tillYa.,..conlilititott.ef.OVerY_tietteriptiell of now goods,migeted with the greatest care, and made In the latest style and, taste of fashion, and warranted to prove the aame as repremnlted at the time of purchase. Observe that ovary article of Clothing sold by the propriaors of this establiahmont may be relied upon as ueing troll,tducted. Among his extensive assortment may be found Fine - Black and Blue new style Dress and Frock Coats. made fu the latest fluthionrof Fienctcaud English Cloths, Now style Inninese .Conts, of Black, 'Blue, Brown, Olive_ and Wean Clotlis, and Plain and Fancy Coml. mores. • _lO 00 4 10 0 7 00 JOO y ‘,O 12 , 1290 19 10 00 14 , --7-00 11. ' 700 ..Vents ondleca variety, of.Plaln and Fancy Bilks. Satlnsvt'aschncreaFGrenadinne:lllarsollleardw Finn Black; Fran& ' Donelan and Faucy• C.acalmera Banta, Plain LighßOolored Caschnera Pante—Spring styles. • BOYS' 'CLOTIIINO. ...lust completed, by far the largeat and cheapest me Sortment of Boys' Clothing, suitable for Spring mud BuftiMer that can be found In consisting of Cote, Bente end Vestaorall sizes and which - constalit additiebe will lie - Mideiluringthe eon. Also, a full aniortinetot of Shirts, Colbws, Bosoms, Cravats.a Peekot - Handkerchiefs, puspenders, Stocks, Cloves Hosiery and Umbrellas,'.' " JUst received, a large ansortment'of Black and Fancy Colored Cloths, DlacioDoeskin and Fancy Casalmeres, Testinge and , a great variety of new and • fanhionablo Goods Mr Pantn and Vests, - whleh will be made up to order; on the most reasonable terms. ' The nubsoribers hope, by strict attention to business, and endeavoring tq pleaseverstomers, to reeelve.a con. thine,* of publio patronage. ^ AftNOLD 3 xavutosToN. 7.00 7 00 700 10 00 ' April 1, 1867 CARPETING AND:Q[Ii pLuno. : r ve Juat recoiled a large guasortment cdElegant, Imperial, lo j raln Vonltlan and ittalr'pirpoilng. Also; 8.4,114, 8.4; and 4-4 Flora , 0110016, !1:11Ch 1 will sell at.'nacolatioulylow prima, r . • Alloo ' %MAW. camel°, April, • • • 10 00 10 00 7 00 lU ou • lts 69 10 OP 10 00 00 po()TS'''AN D h tiiid irge , c'omplot • nesorininnt nU Puoti /314004 or, eir.ol y ni;n4rinhl Anitte.. Slivoi•6> .oartern, Ae.;' Minencniur Chlidtebs , 'ditto; !genii end Hoye di 06 , • Just euentynd, no*: ripnning 9nt.ebnilp • • 1, rA TT IN ; - ntid ch ee k e 4 c .sti k it!oirijuat rem,yedi• ' atthe oticA Ml p 'tare f , ' :i':OHAtti,Xislftit'k 7 0 0 10 00 7 00 1 0 0 0 7 00 15 00 12 150 700 7 00 700 700 7 00 7 oti 7.00' 7 00 XllOO TANNERS MILLS 13. 10,00 - 14 7'oo '23 ' 10 00 qd 14 7 11 • • 700 700 14 7 00 14 7 • 700 14 • • 7 00 14' ' LOU_ -13 . 10 00 14 7 U 0 10 13 _'lol6o 13 10 00 13 10 00 44 - 7 00 7 00 14 • 700 13 • 1000- .14 - -7 00 14 • 700 14 • 7 00 14 700 ! 11 • 15 00 .13 10 00 13 50 tdi Acres situate in Prunkfiwd,township and bounded by lands 01 John 51Intzer. Henry DaRI iVolf, Joseph hownlt and John 011er, on which is a 'rho trod has been divided Into three lota, No. I—the Saw M ; Home and !tarn with 31 nerea and 61 needle. land. No. 2-13 nem . and 62 perches. about 4 acres of 'which run cleared. No. 3-11 acre!, and 67 perches. wl.ll about three acres cleared. All than rent of the land la hr timber. Sabo nt 12 o'clock, !Kam, and tends outdo known by -11 :4 'LORAL FESTINAL.—rThe Union V M Fire Company. hag In rnntrmpintion the eree. t of. nil Nimbi° House. intend holding n Festival and Fah'. the first :week• In, June next. at Eduentlon lo whirls the kind cooperation of the hulks o Carlisle, ix respeetfully solicited. _ Thomas 1/..Mnhon. .o:M.:Worthington., Emu.) Ahmhuins, ' A. It. Erring. Joshua Falcon, Cyrus Arnold, • Luther-Line,' N. J. Cornumn, A. J.,Fulltst,• 0. 11. Meek, : —AcMcStevenism: - , • L. T. CIREENVIELD,.._. . . 'Chairman. K ANSA p S 3:O A R A l ~ , D 3 N A NEDBARG AGENT, K LeavenWerlh City, Kansas Territory. . • Wilt buy rind-sell lands, select lands, and locate land watrants,lti_ aud Nei/ranks, huy grod_rtelh_toww lota.negsdiate Wass, and do a general agency buelness. Inquirics• respecting the country by letter ro other wise, proulptly answered. REFERENCE. • John b. Walton, Esq., Carlisle, Pa. Wm. M. Berton', Banker, " • lion. J. 11. Graham, , Err, Brenneman & Co., Bankers, Carlisle. Win. M. Ilendsmin..Esq., Carlisle. '• • "Gummi Sandesson ' Esq., Lancaster. Pa. • Dr.. John A. Ahl, AL C., Newrille, • Win. S. Colman, Esq., E. W. Clark & Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, - Hon. Michael Cockliu„Shepherdstown. Pa. Henry:Reiman & dons, Merchants Baltimore. ' E. L. Blake, Esq., Cashier Mercantile Bank, New York. Snyder& McFarlane, Real Estate Agents, klinnuagolls, Minitessota Territory. _ _ Was. Kligure.- Esq., Attorney and Heal Estate Sterling. 11l - - - H. W. Battier. Esq., Henry city, 111. • • Ex• Gov. Joseph 'littler, Cumberland county, Pa. March-01.4867-.-Iy, TANYARD FOR. SALE:—The Tan yard in my occupancy. Situated in QuinceY, n four miles of Waynesboro', Franklin county, Fit., is or sale. It inrindes about three acres of Land, a good, übstantial twoetory Wick 110118ganit..E.itchen, Sta. Wing, Carriage end-Ice ilouso, Pump. and Well of ex• celivut water al , the kitchen door, Sloan, Engine. .I.Wk House. Currying Shop. about forty Vale; mostly under roof. a Running Stream of Water passing -through It., Gorden. Orchard, and , all the requisito ibuilditige and . appurtenances to carry on the.Teuning btudness exten sively. 14 is one of thci neatest and most rootplete pro .perties of the kind, in a etateiof.complete repairj'and will,be sold at a bargain, as the occupant finds it nacos.' 'nary to retire. ' If pot sold at private sale, !twill be sold at public auction on the FIRST FRIDAY. IN MARCH, Onetitird of the purchase Money in cash, and the balance in twlsequal annual inslaiments. . Perla - it:hue particulars apply to. , RON ! IRON !—The attention' of: tile the'lmbllanud blneksullthepartiaolarliis ,requagt 'ed to the large assortment of Bar and_liolled Iron of ail sites and kinds Stool Of all' kinds, - Files,' Rasps. Screw, Plates, Anvils, Vices, Ileltowst,and every thing Hutt the Dlseksmith may want. Iron sold In quantlthe at.olty wholesale prlat: All lauds warranted.. • • , • . • - 40101:1 . .1,yNE SON. .;.tlet; 1856.1 . : - N. lia . nover fit.:Carlhaw, TFIRESTING :TO - -,FARIVERS S '4 _ ;Tito Ma,fle Corn'and Cob MIII. the beet now In new • 11 MIII hae,tehen thn flan premium Over another,' at 'a nunbr of the r ocopt Btoto mud t!ounty Fehr. Every, IhrinaLwlio fatale stnck dhciuld hove ono of thaw mind. I:„ . . ; oertUt!lttp #oki dund heTv. Ntisceflancous., OFFICE.4-:-.I4,EMUEL . TODD bail resumed the 'preetico er the Law. Mire LW '.Centre Liquare, west side, neer the, First Freebytirlen . Claureh. April 13, 1867. • --divi ju /demi of FOUlt PER CENT. on the preferred Ptocka ftuar TWO PER CENT. oh unpreferred Stock' of the Cumberland Valley ItallEoad Company, %HI be paid on demand at the Company's °Mee. Er Bt. DIDDLE, 8, 1857.-3 t. . • Iteasurer ,2110 Andy on North Ilanovai Argot, Immediately - In the roar at • • _ BEEF ! :Thytitibecrlbertiwllthare some excellent *DEEP at their plane in the merit.. Inrieg the pima. moot t. • Wa.invite lovers nt good Bootle give use call. They were fed by J. W. Cmigbead, of South 3111.1 dire ton twp. We invite competition With °them in our buoinese to endeavor to excel ue. April 8. 1857 - •• - • Ntw GOODS! BARGAINS, BAR • .DAINS.—Tho suhscilbor has lad .roturned from Now York and l'hilodolphlu,and Is now oponing an Du monde stock of the i11111 . 1180111.t. and cheaprkt Dry Goodo ever br u,;ht tweuntborlOnd cunty. • • '..-•DRESS GOODS... • • fir lhb Ladles—it full line of nutgulfhent Silks, quails, 'large Robes. Decals, De Lnines,• Lawn Robes, OlnK. hams &wallas ottoman, IhBWn, &e.,./ke. • _ EMBROIDERIRS. 1 . . An iminenro assorcriient. of elegant French werktid Collars, Undersleevesrliandkerchlets, Flouncing, Eilg. _Jags and_lnsertings.linughtlreinAheimportorsin_New_. York, and will hi sold ilt prices to defy all competition. • ' BOlilirliTS, RII3LIONS,',AND FLoll'llli.9. iarke 'dock of Bonnets, Ribbons and Floitoin at 'try low prices. . . CLOTHS AND'CAi!SEVIED4S; • A now lot of Clotho and Casolnreros,"-vory handsome and-eery-cheap.' !HMI Linens, M 081 Cheeks, TI chino, Linen Cheap. CotteModeo, Panto Ruff ter Mon and Boys In great 'me .rlety,iogother_w Ith_oll other kin& of goods too nume 'us to"e—tle^'^^.-^ rolls to particularise. • • All my old Friends and Custoineis; and the public in' general nru respectfully' Incited to call end examine my stock-before purchasing', and tbey.will_be_eurtaln to get good bargains and map money, at the Old Stand, East Main • Carlisle. tf,1857. - Zi • cuAlerais 0171 Llil.°~ • QPRING GOODS!. SPRING A 7 uooDBl Bentz and Brother havijustonfoned one of the hugest and best assortments of Dry Goods ever bro.ight to Carlisle. Their stock basheon aplected with um 0 than usual vitro front the host houses In NeW York and Philadelphin and evory effort motto to obtain -the latest and most iesitionablu styles of dress. They flat ter themselves they will be olio to suit m ery tnrlety of taste at prices as low-or lowor than they can be bought hero or In the city. • -Dlaelt Silk Robes, • Datego pollen,. Poplin - a. Fancy Silk (lobes,' Lawn Robot, Agentine. Foulard SIMS, -- tirenailiten — ltrillL tin. linyadord Silks, Pure Unit, • ( - thigh:nu Lawn. - filoiro Antiitoo, ; Duvall. . . / mite; crape do Famegne A Ins.. Mourning, flint:dye, All wool de lane.. Fancy ethos Tarnartinc, - Cluthine - 0. • A full assortment of white dress goods, Nslnsook Mus lh,s, Victoria Lawns, Figured Swiss, - Velvets for. Man tles, White and Slack Crane Snails. Stella Thibet, Mode and Smells Shawls. dm— Sonnets. Minna ttile• bons, Flowers, &r., Cnri,i eitloti,'Cruvella and Cilnoline, Skirts Sro Ladles, ;Also, Collars, Undorslueies, hood. . - a ENTS WEAR ensrlmereic Drnp dull. Cnrhmerdtr, Summer On. glibpn.!tg, Cottonalles,tlll, Unarphirts,-Llmonp, Ilandker. thief, he.. ; . DOMESTIC 0 IHMS Bleached and uilblea. hod Mum and Cotton Alleetlnia, Wile Linens, {Nolen ditto, Plano Carer, Counterpanes, Straw tints, Flats. boob Ing Masses. Tlcklngs. Window Shades of all kinds, Umbrellas, .31 usllns nod every va• rlety of Dry flood, lit COMMOTI UM_ • li j u have ustiald inn large stock of Tapestry, Ingrain. Imperial, Mixed and Dag Carpel; 011 Cloths, Matting.. Straw Matti. *e.. at lowest prices. ,We respertfully In vite His public to rail and examine rulr stock before pur chasing. We have bonght our ass .rtmeut at suet) fakes that Werantadlay - undersold7 -- - -- - Specialaltentiun bald to 'purchasing goods in the city Per order at shortest netice. Every H etyorialll be made by the firm to give satlrfac- Den to those who may favor them with a rail. = ATEOF G ORO E WEI3I3ERT, DECEA Bh:it—Notice lo hereby given' that Letters Teattintelf,titry hu the - IMMO - of Ow rge Wohbert, lote - of South Middleton tqwhiililp,' Cduilwrlnild county, de ronned..itre been grouted by Lilo' hogister nfwddyounty. to the subscribers residing in Moors) township. All persons knowing theihmelven Indebted to sold estate aro riguired to nuke inintediato pityniqutond the,se har ing rloima to piesept them to • • 0 1111INDLE, - • .;,. , HENRY 117E1111E1a, April 8,1857.-9 t.! Executors. irsTATF OF JOHN YOUNG, DE -4 4 CEASED.--Notire to hereby given, that Letters or Administration, rum teslamento annexe, ou the Es tote of John Young, doansod. late of Silver. Spring township, - Comberland lxnauty; have bedu humid to the subscriber residing in the saran township. All persons indebted to the said estate will nmko payment, and these having claims against it will present t i tzinsfor settlement to CHARLES YOUNG, Adm'r April 14, 1857.-130 FSTATE OF' ErAZABETII 'KUTZ, DECEASF:ILL•Not ice Is horn y given tiat Letters Nestamentary on the Estato of Mrs- Elizabeth {intr.. late of North Middleton township, Cumber', nil county. deceased, hove been grauled by tint Register of sold county to the subscribr r. living In the some township All pereamo knoeil g thionsoives Indeded to sold estate, are required to maim Immedinto payment, and tin, having claims to present them to April 8, 1557.-Ct* It PIE NS' . 00 tr SALE. -‘ = "7 —lln SATURDAY„the 9514 or APRIL, Ifis7. .fly virtue of on order of the Orphans' ,Court of Gum herissol ,noty. the subi.eribers. as F.xerutorii of Wit Li A LEIDIAN. 1i1,0.011. xitl offer at Public gale 01 the premises, In Era nkford township, , • TRACT OF LAND, El= 1/A YID KOLB, 4 AOOll I.IIIIIIA Executors April 1. 18E it. • ' - L L ItilltT4 • Quineoy; Franklin coon. tPya, . . " , :;7011:sT P,: CYNKA:I3O.N. Streel. . , NOT, 5.,'66; FljifothefpQin; cut Nem • ALL PAPER. AND:WINDOW SHADES! J. L. ISAAC jt BROTIISII, No. 33 North Second Street, belowliarei " having completed their largotisMillnout alibi above' ' Goods for Spring and Sugnmer Trade:• would raped; fully Invite the attentloirof ptiriliaseratn atm,. •Their_stock fyr beauty,„ebeapPneattuS_varietreannot . ' They have 'on band-'every desCripilon Sold and Painted Shades, Duff: Italian& and Shade -. Fixtures. Mill Papers, Curtains, Viro B o ard Prints, Sordoni:age.. a ll of which they offer . at lower rates than I can ;he had at any other establishment. '• Call and-ex amine J. J. L. ISAACS A BROTIISS, , • . _ • • ••-• 'I , • 133 North Second street, below Rare March .1,1157.-0 mos, ' „ . - ----- • JOHN A. ALLEY . iii 7 CIS - .aßosi 2. - . a 4 OUESTNUT ST., (South side, below Water,) . ---,. ---- PMLADELPIIIA; - ....._ .. . (Tna Murat Wootnrvue'liousa IN rue ' Orrr.) ' ( 'lllanufsel wars - and whoimmin=doaten4 ina teat Ma• I -_-,- chine flied° ilitoG3lB, Potent GroovedDV *w War , ranted not tri shrink, WOOD van' Wittew- ream, Coatis, Itausnre, &a., of alldeseriptions.... Please ea 1 and exam. inn our stork. • • . . . , Feb.2s; 1857,-17. - .. ~. : .. • , A RPg EPUY . Ilallitlheetnut Street : below dth r Philadelphia. Would cell the attention of the public to the Jeep end varied nemortteent. of • . . J. F. HOFFER. lI.'NOBLE. ' CARPET%OIL CLOTH% MATTING% &A', - • . • which thereimatnfling very chenrfor CON' or City Ao• ceplancel+, wholepale and retail: • . March 11, 1857...... • UNIUN I CANAL.—Thi work' having been eillerged throughout tole:lnlet the largest eared Peannylrania Cnnal Beata; tho water, will hea let In from hliddletogn •to Roitlng,oe tho first - tray of .April. Toll Sheets and Information respecting the Canal can "-lis.6l..tainial at the Mace of the CompartFlT Btrcut t l'litlitdolphlo, on onpilcat lon to ".- RUNDLE SMT'l'll, Precidott, &c. GItICULIUILAL IA11?LE CENS. 11 A large and well' selected ass. rtweut 'ef;Agrlrul. turn! and ilertieultund lti,plumuntn. einlwaring every thing needed by the Farmer'or .Unrdener .'.Plows grant-variety-and-of-different-sizese-being-the-larges and best assortment. ever offered in Philadelphia. liar rows, Cultivators, Horns Hoes, lime Spreaders, &c., Ace., &c. .• — lASCll•dttlii - 310111318 - & - .00.,--- - N. E. cor..itk and 31arket Weals; Nord 11, 1857. - • • • • GARDEN AND. MEI) SEEDS.- •A ferxe aasortinent:of neieand frenulpe Flower, '.leld and Oarden,Seede.- In. every-variety, WV wholemle and recall, embracing all Cm new and 'divirable carefully pnt up In.:papers for•the retail tun* or imp. plied - in hulk. Chinese Sugar Cane: - Seed: JaPenf Peas; Onmge, ‘Vnter, Melon, Ac., &r. Alen:a dada , assort- merit of Una Flower - Seeda-70 yarlelles In fancy lama. fir .0. Clean Clover, Timothy, Orchard time, Rye Gram, herd Grass, tine Lawn Gram Seed: ke. ' MOlt BIS A CO., Agricultural Implement and ,tieed Store,N. S. forcer of 7th and Market al mete, Philadelphia. March 11, 1857. • . fIAPER HANGING WAREHOUSE E.-i"ANMETEIt. -- - •- ' Corner SIXTH Mid APCII PIIIIADEI, " PHI it Offers for nude n large assortmetiat of WALL PAMIRS, • . • ' it prices rangiDg from Six CeL4 per plere upwen "Xi ls. of - choler -patterns. coniprlsing • : Cheap Satin Papers, ' Fire Decorative 'Oven', Fire Board Pilots.' Fine Hold Papers, • ' 'Girders and Mouldings, -Fine Satin Paper, Marble Paperift Oak Papers, .. ..- New Stylea.Window Curtalus, In great l nrlety ealitra_suppileclousinaLfavernideivrlne,.:; March 4, MT. • W GOODS FOR NG . . OF IS.;. Fashionable Silks; • .Ne • tv Spring.Strittio. • Silk Robes. (Flounced.) British & French Chintans, Black Silks, loxtrn gloss.) apd lawn Robes," Spring Dress . Shawls, ornowest Fashions Staple Linn Goods, Liatikets, Quilts', Damask Table. Cloths, Nepklns:',te. flontlettions Wrar and full 'stock of good. for Bert . Clothing. Bargains, doily ITCPII , OII from Now York and Philadelphia A uctiolds Wholesale buyers are invited to give us an early call. -- - _ .1.. Y it t: & EA NDELL. • 4th and Arch streets, Philadelphia. ' Alit - Terms Nett Lash, and priori low: , 51arch.4, 1857.-31111. M sio A DIV AY' G 1. 1) P Ai • . MANPACTUNING COMPANY.; Gold Pens,' - $1 00 • .. Ovid Pen and Silver !folder,- . 2 00 (fold Pen and Double ox-Silver Holders, !.. •3 00 na finouth " . . •• - ‘ •4 00 Leviathan " -" . ' " ' ' 600 Pout fain Pen, Dark Holder, .3 00 Maniouth " " " , 6.00 Engroasing Penn, ' ' 2 00 Leviathan and Ms, t 1 ' 600 Gothic Silver Case and Pon, , - . id s ; 300 •• Engrossing " .. 3 00 d Mamouth " ; • ' l ' I , ''!'6 00 Gold Tooth Picks, Y 00 Tooth ;lid Per Picks, Pencil and IVstch Keys ,. 900 '10,1tIle! Gold • ... 00 . . $ 06 it AI ii • . • with Pen, - '• - ~,, 61)0 iicrits' Dold Cases end Paw, ' ,„ '8 00 ' Donde ..‘" .. ' 10 00 , 4 Scrow Pontil, • : . , .i 12 00 And elßidlior kinds and styles a the sotsllpriciiii. , ' I. RIINIIUMS PRESENTED TO PE IieIIASERB. To every perm.' buying a goldjoen of us we present • a numbered certifklite, and each Ditties+, cerltticatesel. titles the holder of it, by the extritpayment of 25 cents, to an article tifiewelry, I value from 01 0:0100. . This Jeweiry CoUslals of Gold/aid tqlver Watches in greet Ira. Hay. Slicer Goblets. tqlver Fruit Baskets, Bold fluent for ladles, Lockets. Braceiets, Gent ' (bald Fob 'and Vest Challis, Sc., none of which moll tbr loss than V. For every duller paid AA the party IC entitled to a liumbenkt certificate, and by the payment of tiA ets.ex• bra on each certiticate he Is untitled to receive whatevEr - the number of the cortillmite desi s mates. tie have . been In operation for three yea.. and thousands have bought of us and we base never learned that any one was ever dissatisfliel. — TlitiCifinit affords every oppilrtuultv of oh tsining a gold watcher sumtrartl¢ln of Jewelry tar Atel fling sum. All our pens. pencil tames, Sc,, all genuine articles ionnufacturod by ourselves whit great care. and we utter then. precisely at prices :tidied In all other stores In the city. To agents we make advantageous whim and any energetic person can do well by working far us. We wish agents In every place In the.country, and per sons who would like to Lll'ollllo such will please address no. and the brill send them printed circulars of -prices, forms. Sc. We have nn stated periods for distribution. Thu itionient a pen Is purchased. the purchaser ht anti • tied to recelre his premturn on the paym e nt of 2! cents _ extra. All orders by mall should be addressed _ _ • MERRICK, BENTON & DEAN, • "855 Broadway, 14r 'York. • AGENTS 'WANTED. DAVID lirTZ, • ExecutM'K D.—Gold-pensN. repel:Wed inn superior 'Manner. Eiicloso the pen and 20 conto In P. O. stainpa.and the . pen will be repoln ted and returned pout paid. . Thu 111t01101%11',NUIPACTUIIINLLCOUPAZIT. le eel: kliOwli throughout the country, hut en there are Undoubtedly some whulwe not acquainted with us we' append the following Well.knowit brine an referencee: 7 _ EJ.LoWS $ CO. Ne.,17 Vaiden Lane, It ow Turk. HICK'S .t MITCIIIIhI,,-.)W1,10 . Ylu do - BENTON. 11110 S.. tor. tin adi entj and enurtiandstreet, New York, and Chestnut street, Philadelphia. .1. 11. §TU PLY 3: ph, No.b , tliisey .New • Cork.• - ' GOULD 1,IVQ01). No. U Malden Lane, do, , ‘,L I A 3I 13 - 14; I. M.. AI ,F; T . 1.) II E N. 10 MILLWRIGHT AND-ItUitit lIIILESTONVALA: FAUTUREIt. • Solo Proprietor ot.Johnoon's highly approved and much hoproved 3MUTA' AND SCREENING MACHINE"; itoprovod Iron•Coneavo Bran boater, tho Pfendum'Ma rhino for Millers. Stuntlicu—No; Queen Street, (18th Ward )ad drose•Kmreington Poet Qflice. -Bnor.—llitydnek Street.-below Front. Coe:Oleo MIII Stollen, Mill [num. Smutt Mewhinen, Par lent Mill Mush, Portable Mille, Stretched,lleKing, Cement and Screen Wire. • • SQUARE: ME111.6 I.IUyTIM.I 01.0TDS.. - rob. 25, 1 110 FAIt3jERS. & GAItDENERS. SIANUtr'ACtUDINO COMPANY otter fur sale 40,000 barrels el their • • • NEW AND IMPRO I 1.1) POUDIULTTP, (Manuflictured from the bight sulfur New York City,) in iota tb suit purchasers, - • - Tkis article (greatly Improved within the last two years) has boon ht the market for eighteen years, and still duties, compei Mon, as a manure fut corn or garden• vegetables', 'bing cheaper and more powerful limn any • other, and at the same limo free from disagreeable Won Two barrels Will manure an acre of corn in the - hill, will save two-thirds In labor, will cause It to rome up' quicker, to grow faster. rlfun earlier,vaud bring_sr laFger - • — celsti — ucf - p-kik and is also a preventative of the cut-worm; also, 11 does not injure the sued to be put in run act with it. -Thb b. 31.Co.point.to their long standing reputation, and the lance eapltnl(Elptl,ool.l)'invested In their Nub 'nessols a guarantee that the article they trutki chat altrays be of such 'quality as to 'summand tirody sale. Price In Pitiledelpilis as fellows: • One barrel tut. . - • . 00 • Five - to, - - -. • • 167" and at the nth: of:11116*r barrel !bratty quantity over 10 barrels.: , • I . . . . 'isir.A pamphlet 'oonialuliM ereiy * la ferinatlou be eapt,.(free) tomay one applying for the same. Orders ere requested early In advent*, to avoid &Leak: polntment. 'Address, PASCUALL Nonni& & CO., Agents, . - Cor. Market and itlx streets,.Pblladolpbla, pa, , Feb. 18, 1857-3 m. .- - , - J3W 114', ~ CAP, :AND SHUN FALL 000 rd FOR 1856. 'The aubscriber . bie. just opoied to 41/41 stororaem for-, inert, occupied by Geo.'ll7. the:wroer of {be 'public !square, Maio street, near the Market liloimapatiC. 'adjoining tite Jewelry t}tore -of. ni:ll;Natigle, iver t • - lively new and apieudid,aanortment of and Muter tiooda-T—comprisilig the latest' stylus of ~11AT4 011.1'8,110(Yr14, AND . 81100, • ,•' : . of every society and flnleh , Ills lints consist - of I,extra line 'Moleskin. 'Beaver; Vat OP ' i ' d7 t iii i r ( l ( l.7lel b i 'lre;a 4l A g att hl a t r: Int; u - garli t d rA l; I•l4ltford,' Morris 4. nod ,otiie: - ;colobrated Latteni'vf :.lie bes niao every variety 11- . l ne faoturu, •,tittliene pods be will goon's/ tea tsi aptly. - Ills Stock 'al Eluitnils'nnite.up :Of ,siviry:egisietiina . I.Vilftham tine cheapest 'to the •tierKittlieleitt trier ; ,ket: and. Cannot All to phew, - .:,•••••• - • . rentectruo,yonci4 . ,tpcp4mmAir of , the wing confident tbat;ba can tbe-syrapastnini foottp lu t hetuunty, l• '•,l-• ' •,•-• : - _ ~'..,• No.= liradwaj; Now York • - - LIST OF RETAIL PRICES, stoiek :646:-,66118; . . "SA T 0 N.'S - SPRING ARRIVAL. Immanno Stak of MARDIS - ARE. 'The PubscriberaulaJust returned from the Eastern' eitlini; and vtiould call the, attention. othi s .frieli do And The potillcganerilly to the large and well-selected as sortment, of RAM/WARR; lie has now on hand;, •consinting in part ,e)I BUILDIN.O MATERIALS, nuch_as Screasillingen, eke, Oboe of every dor. Reflation au d quality, Ruch as Crduanon, White, poi s hed American,,French;-.Enanielled and Double thlyk,of all sizeß, Paints. Oita - Varnishes, ke., Re. , TOOLS—lneluding Edge Toola.of every destription, Sawp. Planes, Brace and Rifts; .A:tlgers, Mantas, (lunges, • ~ - -. ..- R eurps,— . ..tiauxeere;,- - ViconllipStrilicelf,, , rillackstuithei • Shoemakers and Saddlers "will Sod slier& assortment ofTeols of . siverydescriptien.'•togethev.velth Ladiese.and Gentlemen , Morocco ,Lining. Binding, Patent and French Calf Skins, Shoe y bread, Awls, Wax, Pegs, Lute,: -Harness Mounting, Collars, Girthing,Whipstock,. Deer .halr Saddle Trees, Ar.. As. . • • • Also, Coach Makers Todlwand Trimmings of all kinds, such As Hubs, Spokes, Pollees. Shells, Ilows, Floor Cloth, Canvass, Cloth, Damask,Fring, Lace, Moss, Axles, Spring Bolts. Ao., Ac.. • Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment of Var nishes. Oak, Walnut. and Mahogany Veneers. Knobs of all kinds and' Slam, Mouldings. Rivets, hair Cloth, -Pltish, Curled IlnlrChair-and Sofa Sponge, Ac,, As: housekeepers will Also find a large assortment of Knives and Forks, Bratannia. Ansel* and Silver Plated Table 'and Tea ,Spoons, Candlesticks. Waiters; Shovels, and Tongs, Iron and Brass 'Settles, Pans, Ac., together - with Cedarware of all kinds, such as Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Ac • kr; Agricultural Implements, enaltracleg Plownofell eriltivators, Hoes, Shoveliy Rakes, Forks, ChainicAr, • • a large eh) k; coin rising all kinds he general WO which I am selling at city wholoiele Arirea. •Itomember the (.Irl ktand, East Main iifreet, • . ' .II.43AXTON: roR 'SALE AND TO RENT.- ' The Goodwill. Fixturre, and Fe nituro of that old iwnialuistieu nuns Mums; or mer y n a a, now Itnivllis',) on the corner of Main and Pitt streets, oppo alto th o' Methridist Church, Carlislo; Pa. Price s2oo‘. Also for rant the Sioux Room on *Main street oPpositu the Railroad ifohil and Mike, now in occupancy of Nits: Elnodsrass. Rent *125 per annum. • Also, for sale, so cosy,. a Well selected stock of lion's and Suns in lots to suit purcbasors. Apply at the Showlitme, or address • J. N. RAH LINS, Lancaster,yr --- N. D. Spatilsh quarters caken for 25 cents. Feb. 20, 1857-6 t. •.• - rented from the lot of April imsti for tho term' of - ono year - or mores if - desired. the otoro room Intoly-oceu• pJed by Jameson Hannon, deceased, and more recently "by W. 1., McCulloch, In Main stroet, Nnxglllo. Tho 'moat Id considered ad eliginble-placo of, business, and has4 , Mni - eccupled ad a dor& room [Or many years. "Mb quiro of Mrs. Margaret Hannon. residing on the pre, minas, or to • " WM. GRACkIII, Adm'r. Veb . 18 185"—tf GRICIJLTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Ac. The undersigned, whose- shop Is In North slreeL — llear to Wass' Motel, Carlisle, would inform tbu public that they are - now prepared to manufacture Ag ricAltural lachinerYwnd Implements of varlinui kindiC such as illorso.powers, Tread And Lever Troshern Shak ers of different kinds, Clover Shellers, Fodder Cutters. Ac., Straw Cutters. Corn Shelters and Tread Powers now en hand. JRepairing promptly attended to. - Tornio-tea seeable. BUT'!. & LOSIL . February ill, 185T-3m. ' • .. _ • - • • 1. WRA W M I L L.—Tho . under- LI xigned would -Inform the pulde.tbat_he brie Ire eut,ed.a Sew MIII, three miles front Mount Holly. on the road to Laurel Forge, and Is now prepared to sow all the rations lazes of YELLOW PINE OAK and CHESTNUT TIMKEN, which are uxuallyy wonted. no Is Also pre pared t&saw and rumba, `hestnut -and Pine SHIN OLES to order. Aierr,.PLASTP,ItINO LATHS. Those desiring 'these articles are resjuested:to Fend 'hi their Oldors• • - S. N, Papertosin, March 4.-0 mos. . ITE W :L ICY A R ON FRONT STKEET, 'pm ? Rubscribera olTor for sale a largo and well aulected RUA of ' DRY LUMBER, MINGLES, &c., at thole Yard on Front St., above Cho Cotton Faetoiy, Tho pitronage - of tho-publleln rempootrully collated Fah. 25. 1857. JOSI All EPAY k Co. NIIIV .GOOD . S.—Tho subscriber .has just °plied a varietymf Ladles' Telma, Brecht'. Lok and Square Shawls, Blanket Shawls, Morinons, Cashmeres, Maus de Loin.; illnghamx; Calicoes, Blau. kets, Sc. to which he invites the attention of the Lt. (.5101610, Nov.lol, 1856 13 E N &_. B ii 0 FALL AND ii*INTER GOODS. • • - . LADIES. . _ Plain flack Silks. Satin Stripod, Mulro Antique, Fanny Silks; ready made Cloth and Plush Mantles, Velvets tbr Slanting, Habit Cloths; x full asSortmont of FURS. In. cluditak Stone Shirtitt,. Fitch, Ac., from $1 to F 110; Maritime, Cashmeroa, Coburga, Plain anitFaucy all-wool De Lain. ' Woolun Nelda, Alpacca. Rom' azino; lirochn. Rolla and Casittuovn -Shawl., Fall and 11. dur Bonnets, Bonnet Velvets, Satins, Feathers, Ac.; Ladles' Skirts, Flouncing, Trlntmlng, An., Collars and Trimmings in groat variety. I= Cloths, Catislme., Overeoats, Silk and Woolon Under shirts, Cravats, collars, Caps, lioslery, Uloves4r. DOMESTICS. A Dill and complete assortment of Domestics, Including Wool Mankato, Counterpauce, Domestic mid imported Ccopete,...Woolon .and Cotton Carpot Chula', Woolen Vino, (bum Shoes, Looking Ulauos, &c. N. 11.—We have made arrangements by which we can _punish any goods tO be had lu tho city at three.days' 1114.01. , Oct 14, '5l/.1 BENTZ A . NEIV .GOODS ! GOOD GOODS t IF YOU WANT NEW GOODS ? . GOOD POODS, AND 'GARAY GOODS GO TO WOODS', next door to Maglauchlin's Hotel, and you All and a large smscrtment of Ladles' Coeds, consisting of Black, Fancy anti (Tenon 'Silks; Merinoes, Petslan Cloths, Do Lain.; De gages, Alpoeras, Scotch' Plabinc.Saek Flan print, Scotch, Manchester, Ear Won, Chambrag Ding Casts; Calicoes, Fine French Worked Celia,* gibbons, • Hosiery. (Doves. &r., &on DiIMBSTICS.—D nr..len Twilled Flannels; Drilling; Tlcking,'llags and Bagging, Cotton Flapnels,Ostutbergs, Dennis, Cinginnun, fable Draper, Chocks, white and col, ored Carpet Cl3lllll, 51`. . In Showbkand Blankets we have all sorts, sizes 'nod conditions. For gent:omen N‘ have Fine French Block Cloths, Black null Fancy . Cassinnortleand Doeskins, Satin Vest lugs, Tweeds, Satinnetts, Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jeans. 4... & As fir men's, women's and childnin's Boots & Shoes. s defy competition. Also, a very superior lot ; f Groceries, such as Coffee, .31.1g31r, IWO, Spices, f;c: Our stock has been selected with the greatest care on to price and quality, and we are determined to sell at very small advances. Those wishing to purchase will and that Nit) are selling as cheap=linot cheaper--tha n 1 any house in town; call they will•Ilud It to their ad. %vantage to give UK It . , Butter, Eggs, Ha s, beep and Dried Fruit taken al Market prices. N. W. WOODS, AF t.. Don't forget the place, next door. to ainglauchlin's hotel. fOrt. 261666 ECOND ARRIVAL OF FALL AND WINTEII DODDS. Thu subscriber has just returned from Now York and Philadelphia-with the largest assortment of elegant Avukakat thIODS ever brought to Carlisle. Tho ladles. / will find erspiendid assortment of Limos Goods of the newest otylo u( EMBROIDERIES, au, Immense assort o(Needle.worked Collars, Underaleuves, Flounce Digs. Handkerchiefs, me, very elegant, and the cheap. 'est in America. • SHAWLS AND SCA 11F8 - .,:itella, Broth% and 11lan ket Shawls; beautiful and very, cheap.. 11ONNKIS. MAILERS AND P'l4./11IIRS.ofevery.de, ittfgeatiadiTaC-Ilinutet Mibbons,...tmq• NTLEIIHN'S WEAIt.—A irosh lot of - Cloths, Carat memo and Satinetts, cheaper then ever. CARDSTING AND 014CLOTII8.—luiperlal, Ingrain, Venitian and Beg copoting,.tww,,handsantu and very cheap.• -- PILOTS AND. 13110E.9.—Another largo int Mee of Beide and Shoes, from the beet manufacturers In Phil. All hi want of chomp and good goods, are respectfully lirelteci to call at the 01E1 Stand, Nest Main street. Quash,. - CHAS. OUILBY. Carlisle, October - 29, ISM% • EW. GOODS! NEW GOODS.: FIRST OF THE SIIASONI The subscriber has just returned from the . tastern cities and is now opening a splendid assortment of FALL GOODS, which will be sold at very low prices. A large et wk of ele,,talif Stella, Thlbet, Cashmere, ,Urochn and Illanket Skswls. • An Immense assortment of the must elegarit Faney and Mack Silks, very cheap. ' Mous de ',nines, Chant.. Mediums, Pammettai, and umat variety of Dross (lends, very handsome and very • Flannel, Blankets, Casa(netts, Jeans, Clothe and Cems Minerals to groat variety. • BOUM ASO SINES—A lame let of Boots and ,ipieen — cf every - description; OAR VETINti—A new assortment of Imperial, Venitian, end Bag Carpets. The assortment is :now very large and complete, and all persons, In want of handsome and• cheap geode are respectfully Invited to call at the Old Stand, East Vain . . • Bor., 10: Ind.) CHAS 0011.11 Y: . • • FANS, GRAIN FANS.+ ,. ILA Jusfi °calved. a lot of Orlin Fans of Shrelnee and Mobler's manufacture. Mao a flue assortment of Ilay, Straw. a -d Fodder .Cutters; of four, differerit kinds; at the Amp Hardware Store of . July 15; - 18,po.) . ." ' SAXTON. • -- • ' , JIC, '• '• • • • • • • • VyesEtOoD PIANOS : FOX SAL.N. . . . new and elegant Rosewood yleues and' e i ,thun' the celebrated manufactory of irallet; ..;. heft h, Co., Beaton, These , luttrumeuts hay° been " soleitiht from a large *Lock' end , are.warrented, ghe entire eattaftetir."- They hill heaold at, 1 kept itt" order,by a competent person; ime,yeer nea date of le;. Those who'. may wish' to calming,. or ;; :, :I !* biot 4i t i LVl l r i g t agit t iii br ejrl:ll. 42 r Pffik ,..L "P99 , • Tti,Rmarktre second-hand Plano Br u te * at 9, 3 Wirtrm• ' • K. BTAYIKAN: CUMBERLAND COUNTY. NORMAL SCHOOL., FACULTY: D:I3IIELLY, • irinelitd And Professor of the Art andTlaet;ry of Teaching. • D. E. EAST, • Professor of Eloctition and Grammar. ' 8. D. 11E111E8, • • Profeisor of' Mathematics. , • Professor of Natural BeleneesE; -- _ . GEORGE SWARTZ, ' • • Principal of Model SehoOls. • J. iI:ffIOpTETTER, ' , • Teacher of Intermediate Department of Model Schools • miss.m. BUELL; Teacher In Primary Department In Model Sao°ln. This institution will be opened for the reception o pupils on Wednesdnk,.the oth of April, 1857. • " • • • This' school will occupy the convenient and 'tasteful builillett - or this "Big Spring Literary,lnstitute;! Iri the borough of Newvllle, by whore munificent liberality It has been donated.for the use of tho school. . The building In a Bp:okm, Mac edifice, seventy by foitY feet.'.throe stories in 'helgth, and affords ample room for hail, recitation rooms, km.. • The Warn of ‘ Newvillo affords unequalled advantages for the location of this school. Easy of moms, healthy, and:„Altitated In a highly Intelligent community it offers a desirable situation" for the teacher and student to vigorously prosecute their studies. Thg Board of Tiveteee, composail of one Director from arch erhool dletriet, in CumberhinCcounty, have exit'• blished the school with the deel.nvtivit tenchere ma .0 proper y • re no. and guAlifi - c - tr in the different • . Thinnelies, necessary for a 'proper prosecution of their • professional duties; and, to furnish as far an possible, . modal of a weitorganized and olliciently conducted school, to all others who may desire to attend, and prp pare themselvis fo'r other positions In life. „ •• COURSE OF STUDIES. ,The annexed list of *duffle. Is arranged In depart- ' - montsi - niihout - regardicrthe - orderin - whieh - thervart. ---- -1 ous branches will, bo pursued, or to the I.o4Ph°r•th" which may.be.thivoted to them: •••• . • "- Erf(llJ.9llLopuAmt.,-The Elementary sounds, Spaii --•-initatill lb& Oranunar,Coinposition including Rhetoric, the Art of Debate • 31son6mi.u6s.—Oral or 3fontal Arithmetic, Writ.ten Arithmetic, Practical Mathematics, Munsuration, Alga bra, Geometry, Surveying., Mathematical geOgi:ophy,!n 7 eindln; tho uso of illobec, NATURAL Smorces.—Descriptive.ant Physical Geogra phy, and-the use or the Globes, Astronomy, with tretione by Magic Lantern. Maps, Planttphere, &v., Hu man and Comparative A'hysiology, Natural Philosophy, with apparatus, Elements of Chemistry. TUEORT •NDTRACTIOR OF Tv•ctiPM.—lntellectual Phi losophy, the study of School Systems, Lectureeon bide. catkin and the Details of Teachimr, Practice In Model Behinds. Vocal Music thwMghout the clent°. • , Student's who do not design to become teachers can select their stiidiesTrom the above list, and will be clan. sited according to attainments. . loxrunts Ox 'Duca!No.—Them, Led Mrs Will be Ire fluent and practleal„and comprehend the best modes of Application of Instruction-and discipline-in srhools... though not rolled upon,. the rider Imhof instruction ; yet.'in connection with a rigid atudy of Text Rooks,. their utilityils unquestionable and fully acknowledged: The catechetical mode will ho discarded,,The student. will he expected ,to master his subjects an mita them in clear attaWli chosen language of his own. !lona. Scitoota.—There will be throe; Model Schools connected with the Normal Sehuoh'wliich will be at all timbs open for , observation. and practice. The Normal - stildent will be frequently called upon by the Pririelpal to take part in,tbe management and 'to adept. n proper system anti meth - od - th atibmpts to leachthe young. Diseirninv..—No school can prosper without good dla-. eipline.• The government of the Normal and Model De partments will be eq(h as to afraid a 'model worthy of imitation In ourpublic schools. lt will be 'rigid and impartial. yet. relying tnnelf upon the seltrespect of the pupli—Dlacnisaal_nrlll_folhiw-altitontortalltyand uugen- that - gully deportment. - • TERMS OF TUITION. • • Sessions will continue three months—The tuition will he per three months, incl udi ng use of apparatus c., payable In advance to J. IL Herron, Esq., Treasur er, Newt!lle, Pa., No extra charges wilt he allowed for. any purpose. No deduction IMO° for absence. jlooks, Stationery; &c., will be furnished at PhiladelPhlfi. retail . .pricea. - • .!:3io W. 11.1.T14:It • good - board can be nbtained In respectable funlllett at $2.25 per:Week, Including all except washing.;-Thn pu: pile will frequently be visited by the nwinbees -of the Faculty, and a care exereinedOver tbetti at all Owes. Mali:pupils:must be sisimin years of ago, and female pupils fifteen.: Satisfactory evidence of good moral actor waist - Aid furnished; and the pupils' must' have healthy constitutions. EXAMINATIONS. Theie will be pgl.ll exaMinationa nt the clone clench 'tern both in Normal and Model schols, which pub• lid le itlyited to atl end. - A Cetrilicate, will be awarded to thew, who give eatiofactery evidence of accuratb,at talnmente combined with ability to teach. Wetliter's Dictionary, Sounder's 'Series of Readers, Poi ton's Outline Mope, Greenleaf's Arithmetic, Domv. castlq'e Mensuration, Myles' Logendre, ummere's and Gillespie's Surveying. Parker's Philosophy, ilurvitt's Astronomy, Cutter's Physiology, Quad., boss"lthetr. ric And Comsition, Sounder ' s Elocutionary Chart, Sill man's Chamis po tryt Covell's Digest of Alitgllsh Grammar. . Thobliwouti and Modal schools will ,e open to visitors 41,09011 e term through nil regular sossion hours. 131tiaolin of the county And stningoni nro cordially in 'Weld. to visit them at theinCollVelllollCO. ,„- '• All latteri of Inquiry should be nildrogind to.J. 11. llorron;'Esq., Nowvillc, la. • WY. 11. GOROAS, 7 . We. SIIIOIIV, OMEN JAMEJJ, Sonnet Mell •W, CIIIIIYTIAN MOM; , ' • ' WM. MCCULLOCH, Tilolins 11. I'HYSON, &won Tenon, A. J. Kauffman, J. 11. II /AIM. SoLOMON Monica, _ , J. M. &tomtit, JOAN C. DUNLAP, ' P. KoUNTZ, DAVID.IIKANDT,J. C. ALUM, • • Moos p lIIFFITII, ABM. LAYUCIVIOX, • WILLIAM LINT, JAMIeI MCCULLOCH, . • . Jogs G. WILLIVMS: . :D:i;k:lElr :SHELLY, Prest Jam ens IkeaNelsen, Soet'y. Board of Trustees. Marsh 4. 1867.-21 n. fIIDIB'D VALLEY INSTITUTE.. lJ .COMMON, NORMAL 4; CLASSICAL SCHOOL • for Young Ladles and tientibmen, Mechanicsburg, Cum.. befitted County, l's; • This well known Boarding School for yowng ladies anti gentlemen, condueted fur several years, by the.- Rev. ..I. S. Loess, A. IL, trill be continued by the sub scribers, who, engaged for years as Instructors of youth, assisted by male and female tractors et experience,and skill In their profession, " will qualify pupils to discharge with dispatch and accuracy, those duties which arise from the relations of reciprocally. dependent. beings." Such as desire It, will be educated and trained for the business of teaching, . Special attention will be glyen. In the Normal dupartments.--having connected there. with a Model school. for the education and' training of Instructors of youth; and, when qualified, no pains will ho sphrod in obtaining them eligible situations. We have now severaPappllcatlons for good teachers. ' In the classical department. pupils, male and festal., will be prepared far any class In college. . Tortes very utedimpte. • The next session will corn-, memo, April 1, 18JP.' Parents, guardians and others wlslting.tp -leapt the particulars from a Circular, or otherwise, will address,. • ' 1.11. RUPP & 11. COYI.II, l'mprletors of - 1.59 . C. V. Instllute,..llloclutulcsburg, Omni,. C 9. I.a. • . _ 1?./)11) L F. AN Y! N.ow_opra. . , And will be .at,, his • Old Hood Qiiarter. in North Hanover street, during tialtriotmall and Now Year's R dlritios, with ono yf the I rgest assortmonts of CHOICE CONFi; VISNAItIES .liver offered In this place iepuslating in part of Fine Candy Toys and Fruits:. Jolly Cakos, !km Bono, Cum Chocolate and Fruit Dootts..ltrrsdirVatillla, and Burnt Almonds, Frourh 'and oxploding • Soorets 3c.. A 150.1.11 tho common varieties. • . FRUITS AND NITS of the latest iruportations'auch as Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs,- Venous, Currants, Citron, soft and raper shelled Almonds, Filberts; Cream, Corea; and Oround Nuts. in connection with,the above an extensive as evrtnaout of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of every quality sod price, consisting in part of Fine Wax, kid, china, crying and other Dolls. Sewing And Card Baskets, Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases, Motto ('ups, Tea Setts, Masks, Drums,Ouns, Mr MBAs, Accordoons, !formulations, Trumpets. Chessmen of bone and wood, Dominoes, Lotto and other galley. Fancy Soaps. flair Oils and Port Monales t i&c. We have also a tine lot of FAMILY tiIIOCERIES, such MI pulverised, crushed and brown Sugars, of every grade,Li)lfee, Molasses, Starch, Ocean and Black Tees, Spires, soda, Sugar,lVater, and other Crackers, choose. Ac. The subscriber returns hie sincere thanks to a genius bun public for the potronogo heretofore bentowed on him, and hope., b 1 a desire to please, -to merit a continuance 'of the namd. I'. MONT-81V Carilale,-TMC:10:1-8fdr . . cOmmr. C. V. M. P. Co., • . 1 • March In, 1857. . • • v DTICE:It hereby gven, that , an as oummoid of Eve per cent. has this day been ie. ad, ihe.lkprd of Directors of this Company., on all 'premium notes belonging to raid Company, in force on - the :id day of January, A. D. 1887, except tin-se , espir• lug, before.thc 28th 'day of February, A. D., 1887, (and ", not renewed) on which% percent , Is levied, and Alf Wont notes of on applications taken between said dates, 3 per cent i s levied. ' • r . ' - T 1 e members of this Company are hereby - minima to pay the obeys proportion on-their premium notes to the Treasurer of this, Company, or. a properly authorised agenl of the 'Hoard, within thirty days aom tide . date By order of.ihe Board; • " • ..- JOHN T. GREEN; Bect'y., f April, ' • LOAN or Ten QO ' j, • *Thinutand Dalian - for ro u e year, secured 5,10 hy bends, for which 'TEN YHA C ENT. , .per annum will be: paid. " Notes 'drawn, payable at the Nanking Jlouse.of.anyder, McFarlane ,s Cook; Minneapolis; Minnesota Territory, who . will ; re- : mit drafts to lift the noteefor same when due.. •. Faith's 'wishing to make the Loan eithea In part or . 7 whole, will. address W. K. MelfarlanenutU ' the '&1,,0f April, at Nowville; Pa. , . Tenons wanting Land Warranty located Ui 'Uwe shouldimmediateliferward thew to tui at Alinneapulle;•! . .• 'AS tinker the Firm will attend the sal, ;In' May nstt,. and 145atikany warrant iiblth may be sent to no.' .. • SNYDNII, McF4I,IILANN WOK. • • • .• AUGUSTUS I.•SA.W Y,14.1R v At oiney.sl •at Judge ep urn, on. olu groat, Alt Modinott entrusted to hto promptly 'attended la. • , - thuchtion. yEWP.I.E, PA * IWITADINCiI3 AND LOCATION DESIGN 111:333 = = VISUATICNS. • Itoticeo. kJUMBERLAND V,4LLEY R. It.— . CHANGE or lrouns e2* . • On and alto. WEDNIESDAT, - Aprdint, 1851, , Ppmenger Trains will run as Mows: (Sundays 41.2611ted NOR HARRISBURG let Train. " 2d Tralny 4.60, A. 2d 4110, P. 5.20, 14 it Ai , 5.50. g 'SI 7.00, " Leavo Cluenbenibutg, fibipliensburg, , 64 Newellie, ' Carlisle " Mechanicsburg, --.-.- 7ort - 01111AMDZRSBIIIIIr Tht T/11112. '8,40; A. M -9.25, ' 10.00, " 10.35,, "- 11.02, " 11:11, " [Aare Harrisburg, -- • Mechanicsburg Carlisle' ' ' Shipponnburg, At Chrstaborsburgi From and 'after thin date, the fare from Mechinifi burg to Kingston will be 20 cents from Kingston to Illiddiestix, 15 cents; from Middlesex to Carlisle, lgets.; ,froni`Hood• Hope to Altertbn, 15 cobts. ..Train learellarrishurg for. Philadelphia, 111., 7.40, P, 51., and Ll 5, P. M., via Columbia. For Pitts• burg, at "3.66, A. M., 12.65 noon, and 0.25, P. M. For Italtiniore, at 2.30-8.60, A. M., and 1.46, P. M. Trains on the Dauphin and tiusonehitona Railroad Dace lbw- Xisburs for Reading. Auburn, 4,c., daily. - -Fares from Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg, Carlisle, Ship• pensburg. and Chambersburg, will be ten cents less when paid for Tickers at the oMce, than whim - paid In the Cars. 0. N. LULL, Super% • Railroad Ofliicei;'ehataboeribtirgA • '• March 25, 1807.-Bt. f . , . NOTICH is. hereby - given 'tha'l.have thin day afeeicieted with me ne a Furtnet In the roma hubConomleshmt_and_firain—huslnese,—lny-sou Albert K. It and that the above brininess will be hereafter" conducted under the name of J. Rhoeni son. ' . • .. . J. RIIEEM. , , . LB.—Highest eaeh prides given for all kinde of Pro. duee—Flour, Wheat, Rye. Corn, 'Qats,.&.ct ' Balt. Plifte ter, &e., always on band and for man- • " . LSTATE_ OALMARYBELTZHOO. ju,4 VCR, DEC'D.—Notice Is 'hereby' given that Let ,tore Testamentary en- the Estate of ,Mary Iteltshonyer, late of Monroe township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county to th• - subscribers ,- the - flret - resicling-In-IloPefiell-terenship,` and tholatter In Monroe township. MI perions.know ing themseiveslnidebted to scald estate'are required to make immediate payment and those having claims to ' present them for settlement to . ' ANDREW GROSS, • CHRISTIAN GROSS," • . Executors. March 287-M. GOURT PROCLAMATION.-- Whereas the honorable Jainis 11. Gaeuax, Prat dent Judge of the several Genets of Commonness In - the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, Pennsylvania, and Justice of the several Courts of Oyer -and Terminer and. General Jail Delivery in said coun ties, and lion . SANWA WOONIUIOI and MICHAEL Coating: Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and'Gemfral Jail Delivery foe the trial of all capital and other offend ers-, In theaald county of Cumberland, by their precept. to no directed, bearing date the 12th '-lay of January, 1857, have ordered the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deßvery to be hoiden at CARLISLE, on - MINOAN, of - April, -1851—(being the 13th-day,) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner; Jets- - Gees of the Peace and Constables of the .vald odunty et Cumberland, that -they are by - the said precept cons mended to be then and there lu tbeh proper peraons, with their rolls, repoidtlf%lnoutsitietis, examinations - and all other "nimembnances, to do. those.. thingi which,. to their -glee appertain tolls done; and all those that -- are bound by recognlsances, to prosecute against this prisoners that. are_or_ then shall-14_ in the Jail of said cJunty, are to be there to prosecute them as sheikhs"- j ust. - 1 JACOB BOWMAN, SHERIFF encr. fbutasail • Skagit' . March 11, 1857.. ' • hI . STATE OF REV. ALEXANDER :41 . 11iitA 3 ,T011eatiott:—NoticO la hereby given that Lei terTigstaineatary on the Estate of Rev, Alexander_ Sliorp . ,Juto of Fewbin Gianehlp , Cumberland county, deceased, hove beau granted by the Register al said county, to the subs&ihor, residing In tho same town. ship. All persons knowing tbeinsolvesludebted to said estate are mO3llOll tamales Immediate payment. and those having claims Urpresent thauptiir settlement tio JCIIN It, SIIARP, - ' .. Executor. 'ob.ll—pd E STATE 'OF, JANE MAR - TIN , deconsed.,—Nutico to hereby given that Let, torn of Administration on the estele,nf JaUe 31 3111%. late of Dickinson' township, Cumberland county, de ceased, have hien granted' by the Register of the midi. county, to the subscriber, residing in Newton township. All persons having claims against said estate 'are re- quested to present them for settlement, and 'these in debted to makelmounitate.paymint to GEORGE sdiRnAN, Administrator Fotb.ll, 1857 NOTICE TO CREDITORS.-NO. TICE Is hereby given that I have applied to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county", for the benefit of the Insolvent LAW., nod they appointed Monday the 13th day Of Apilh 1857, at the Court "Mouse. In tiro borough of Carlisle, for the hearing. of ino and my creditors, when and where you may at• tend if you think proper. , WM. GWINN. Jan. 15, 1857. . J. C. BLACK, it - doo' ice is hereby given that Letters of , Admln- E 1 STATE OF . Istration ou the estate off. C. Black, late of Lower Al len township, Cumberland county; deed, have been Issued to the subscriber, residing. In said 'township, .All persons Indebted to..eutid 'estate are requested to Make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement tp D. SIIELLY, • Doc.-21, Diag. ,• Administrator. 11 .4 , STATE OF • HANNAH PFLEA. GER. DEC'D.—Notice Is hereby given that Let tore of Administration on the estate of Hannah Pflea• gor, late of niekluA m t•iwnship; Cumberland county, deceased, have noon granted by the Register of the mid county, to the subset-nese, fosidlng In Newton township. All persons having claims against said en. tate are ro posted to present them for settlement, and those indebted to make Innuedlate payment to DA.$ ID DEAft7Tlf, Administrator, Poe. 3, MO ESTATE of:WHITEEEILL CRANE, Deceased.—Notice Ix harehy given that ladtent of Administration on the eatate of Whitehill Crane, late of Silver Sprino township. Cumberland county, demo. od, have boon granted by the Register of mid County to the subscriber, residing in North. Middleton town ship. All perilous knowing themselves Indebted to mid Itstate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to thiclo pd' • TIIOIAB U. CIIAJIRERS,,Ad'r: ESTATE . JOHN HEIKES, DEL:JUNI:D.—Notice is hoieby given that Let. tern Testamentary on the Mutate of John Mikes, lat. of West l'onimborough•township. Cumberland county, deceased, hove boon granted by the itegister of said county to- the subscriber. residing In tha same town ship. persons indebted to said ostato are requested to make linniodinte payment, and those having claims will p osont them Air sottiomentio • " GEOROE HEIKEN, DAVID lIEIKES, Executors. NOT. i4-Gtp. , I; I 4 STATE 01? 14.11.1ZABETH WILT, 1 DEC`b.—NOTICE hOrobragivoi that Letters of Administration on the estate of Elizabeth IVltt,late of Newton township, (Motherland county, deed,. have boon granted by the noglster of said county, to -the subscriber, restating in West Pennsbornugh persons- knowing-the:niches indebted to said Cate are requested to make Immediate paynione,, and • thoso haring - claims to prosent"them 'foe Settlement - to GIEORGE REA, --Administrator, N0v.26--6t - . F I STATE.OF ELIZABETH KERR, • deed..—Letters Testamentary on the Ealate of or h. isaboth Herr. late of the Borough of Coghill, 'a.. ceased, have been duly hunted to BM subscriber tealdir , ll In said Borough. All persona having elating against said ii4date will prevent them_for settlement and-theio indebted will make payment to JCILN D. GORBAB, Exr • Nov. 5. 1855] CUMBERLANB•-VALLEY BANK. 'PROPRIETORS. • WILLIAII KKR, MELCHOR". 11111ENNIMAN, Roamer 0. STEHILDTT, JOHN DUNLAP, RICHARD WOODS, • JOHN D. BTLUSTT, JOHN C. DUNLAP, Ilmiur A. Brtmotog. This Bank, doing buslnens In the name of lIRENNEIIAN A 00. la now fully prepared to 'dura gon ural Banking Buil'minx with prouiptiman and fidelity. • Money received on Bewail and paid back on demand without entire. Interest- paid on Special Depealts.,—* Cottl6,-idea of Deposit, bearing Interest at the rate of VI VS DER CENT. will be loaned fur as abort a period all VOUS JIONTIIS. • • • ,f utmost on all cart-Ideates will cealgo at maturity. Pmrldwl,•however, that if ratid dertideatel ore renewed at any time thereafter for another given period, they shall bear the saute mtir of intorost up to tho time of - renewal. --- articalar - attentinn - pattrto — tint — odlleetlon of Notes. Drafts. Cheeks, de., In any part or the United dtates or Cauadas.,' CARLISLE DEPOSIT • SPECIAL DEPOSITS 'VS be rowlYed at thin Dank, incorporated bytheState of Pennsylvania, for all short a period an You Aloarim, and Intereet paid at the rate-of Ems IPLWORNT: perCn num, and the principal paid back at any timeafterum lurity without notice. -Interest. ceases after thriexpiratlon of the time, aped. fled In the certilicate, unless Yenewed for another oyez period of four months, or longer, hi which cam the In. tercet in paid up until the time of renewal. Dank opens at 9 o'clock A. AL, and cloaca at So' clock Dy order of thalloard'of Directors.' , WAI 31. DUTRA Cashict Deo 24, 1886 • FAMI.LY 'GROCERIES.,Juat ;re. I. • caved a larie addition to xpy stock Famll# Oro. ~ among. wbi - h will be Ibund lagnyra. Mocha, „ -- Java and !toasted COSPEES, .Crushed Lump, °MAU, Wed and' Drown SUOAlifit . Lovering Syrup, New leans and Sugar. Moose MOLASSES; like, Starch, Soap, tics* Cram Tartar, Lierkinter.2l'ine , Apple, and Sago CHEESE; Mack; llyscin,linporial and extra TEAS; aSpiciest• otevery variety, Chocolate . Coma, Fa, dult' and Corn Starch, Raisins, Currants; Ml' ron, - Mae, hominy,, Cranberries, Macaroni, ' Unto. table 011,• Ketohup, Pepper 'Saucer, Preserved I .. .ochre, - Pine Apples and ,Strawberriesi s Pickeisi-Ger—",: kiwi,' Onion& and Piccalilli, Fonda Labaters,'dav • .;• :". i,cell special pitenticin tom z_btrys clock of which tc ..:egars and.. Tobacoo, toot extolled ths.toir.Loievani the weed :non *lgnited either 10 quality. Grown)," a sobatitfite (Or Tar, , MACKERIite.:No., 2;;'iind . 3.;' , • flOtOlhad.: : ;Smoked • - _ 'All nfithb'aboveardeleitiiiii frosh iiiid'wllll4l,o4lOw . ilbr!!!!khz - or Ceontry:Pnattico taken In exchange. , ••, . • ' • •' •- ' 4011 IN 41111144 AM EMI a id Trains 1.10, P.M lA% " 9.25, " 4.00,