._ ~ -~ 4 1arkets. PRODUCE; X.IkRICET. IRIII,ORTED FOR THE lIERALD.I C‘RLIsLe., uusday , April I ) ..f 1 57, $ 5,50 . 5,75 6,40 8.25 1,66 1,25 FLoun Superfine, pe . -bbl. - 'do Extra,. do • ~do Family . do - ItYFI d o Wifyie Wnziijier It .do •do - Ityn• do - cORN do - Outti • do CLOVERREED do - TEMOTRYSEED.' dO MINTER BARLOr. do SPRING BARLEY., ,do New .ftfinertisements NOETII MIDDLETON Elias Light; DISTILLERIES Ahl and Enominier;.• - Brothann :Tohn Ramp; , . • Tthbort Quigley; A. Bonier and Son; ' • " • ......L...„3l,..G,Boltzhnnyor and Son; q. Saone W.l3iiiidt.l----------- Mosolngor and Burner; 'Myers and Bannon; JornloWirliold and Co; W. M. llondorf And Bon, - • • Simi° and Wetzel; , •Willlnm Barnitx; 1)11ler nhd (bider; Alt,' md Pticrgei • P.VI.: Ahl and Brother; r .Tnlm ' ITlrilry•llarnita; -- A, ilosler_and Bon;_. :lamb Ititner; - IV. S, enbenn, • Voclosnna. - - Chivies 15%1h - eater; S. and O. W. Brandt,' O. W. teldlgli, Benjamin Ilivier. • Jnhn Williams. Miller and Eberly, ' . . Jacob Conver,jr., Zook and Moore, - Christian Eberly,' . la Joseph Burlier, low er Allen, 14 Philip Zeigler, 14 • Nlibitrzer and Co., Lower Allen,. 11 ' :Samuel 'inner, 3 ansrph Whinier, . llenny..ltupp,„ llenry idannirt; — , T. 11. Bryrean, - 11. Bucher, llnnderson and Sori, 14 13 12 .. . . OYSTER AND HOUSES. EATING -- :.7n1.1 ..,lOltobion. • , r 5 00 • ' Sala ill Rupert, Mealianiesburg. . ' , •5 00 If. IH. Eberl, • • '"... • ' . 600 ,lordiniali Fr, Ailmip -- -4 5 00 . Mrs. Low, Carlini°. '. . 600 1k1rvi.74".-Nlll-dr,Tetrll.lo, ' fi 00 Henry enry niters, . 5 oq , .. ..„_. •,..., . • - , • A Tgl.l. PIN,.ALLEYS David Lnng, Mactanlcabaro,, Jncob Ilaunoman, --,,All.,rtorpne_wlitz Toy_ fool themselves aggriiived by tho abovo classification can 7mda IO optiortunitrof - ur , peallok, by calling on the undersigned residing In Car; lisle any limo bolero; the 2d day of May, 1857, after which time no appeal will beard. - JOSPAPII C. THOMPSON, • • :MOre.antile Nppralsor. - - • • ItIJG, PAINT, AND GLASS - , WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE, . . . ernes. of Tooth and Market Streets., Mar hi Second ' . story, Phitadolphia. ' -:- ,-,-,------W-e-Invite attention to our enlarged stock of Drugs, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, retriseleitedmspressly 4 sr „ ouc. sales. and.comprislng ono of the finest assertments in the United Stites, which WO offer .at low prices, for cash .or approved credit. • -- • _ - WE MANUFACTURE Tory extensively: - - Prelnium Pure White Lead, (best,) - ' Kensington Pure White Lead. - -• Pearl Snow White Lend. •' . ' . " Mlle Montagne" French Zinc, (best,) ' . Pure'SnowrrWhite American Zinc. ' Philadelphia Snow White Zino . Silver's Plastic Fire and Weather-proof Palnta,-- - , - -- . ell7#M-13 Greens,--Yellows,-and colors generally.. AGENTS FOR: . Porter's superior Alkaline Windriw Glass, Genuine French Plate Glass, (warranted.) ' .. . . ' The :row Jersey Zinc Company's products, : • Tilden and Nephew's Now York tarnishes, - Brooklyn Premium Pufe White Load, • - Hampden Permanent Omens, Pure Ohio Catawba Brandy, Ac., he., _ _ IMPOItTERS OF: 1 . . French and Englisk Plate Glass, French and English Cylinder Glass, Colorod and Engraved Window Glass, DagdertootTpo Mose. Hammered Plate for Floors and Skylights,. • • Drugs. Chmnicala Perfumery, d, • • WHOLESALE DEA LE:.S -IN : A Druggists` Articles genemlly, . . - Painturs"rools of all descriptions, Hydraulic and Roman Consent; Calcined and Laud Plaster. Paper Maker's Clay, Satin White, An.. he. . FRENCH, 111CHARD9 'lc CO. -; . • Store, N. W. Oor. of Tenth and Market streets, Factory. Junction York Avenue, Crowd and allow i ll Er rent" Philadelphia. E. W. CARR. MPURTANT EIVSENV 11 GOODS, NEW ATOM:, AND NEW PRICES. .T. A. llumnicii:Jit:; takes pleasure ih announcing to the citirens of Carlisle end surrounding conntry, that he has just returned from Philadelphia. and Is now opening nt• the .northwest corner of • North Hanover and ',outlier, streets. one of the largest and best selected .DRY GOODS ovotr broughtlo Carnal° p consisting In part of Silks, Barrages Brilliants 105li, • Mimosa; Ducal Cloths, Cholllos, Lustros. Poplins, Do Doges, 'Lawns, Skirting, Fronch and Scotch Dingbanis, Prints, GlovOs, lloslory, Ctillars,lliiiiiiherehlefs, &r., &c. • SIIA.WLS and SIANTLLLAS of ovory stylo and quality. . STAPLE, AND DODIE.4TIC. DRY GOODS, ClotllB, liniedinures, . Vesting/4 • - -Flannels - , • -Muslins, -- - . -- Tickings, Stripes,' . - Cheeks, Calicoes, Cottonades, Linens, Shootings, Denims, - Nankeens,, Drills, Marseilles Qulltsrcolored and white Carpet Chain, 44e PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS • Alan, a largo and aploodbi asaortment-ofalonnots lints, Cam ltoots natl . /111°0a A suptalor lot of Frosh • GROCEItIES, Teas; Collor, Sugar, Molasses, Itido, Spleen, &c., &c. 'aving soloheed my entire 'ateck with the greatest care and at the lowest ,C.lBll hum, I can arson, my . friends and the yuldie;golterally, that I will do all In any power to make my tmlahlishutontdrnown as tho , "HEADQUARTERS FUR' BARPAINS." • - • Those who wish to purchase will flild it,t,their ad vantage towall and examine my stuck before put-elms. • lAill_payAllehighest market price for Butter, Egge, Rags, Soup and Dried Fruit. '.. April 1,18 k?. . SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH ING. ARNOLD „k LIVINUnTON, ---- ;North - llnnover stvoppositesldnglaughltn's - notek - - - Tim proprietors of title popular Clothing' Establish snout, respectfully announce that they hove just re. calved nu immense stoekOf Clothing and. piled goods, •.which they will sell at the lowest prlcos. SPRING AND BUMMER CLOTHING . for Urn mud Boys, composed of every description of tiow goods; I eiceted with the greatest care, nud rondo in the latest style •and taste of fashion, and warranted to prove the same as represented at the Alum of purchase., Oleiarve that .avery article of (nothing sold by the proprietors of this establishment may be rolled upon' as being well selected. . Among his extensive assortment may be found Pine Black - nod Blue new style Dress and frock Coati+, made in the latest fashions of French and English,Clothli. NesT-style - Basinoss Coats, of Inuit, Blue, Brown, Olive and Green Cloths, and Plain and Fancy Gaul. • inures. Voids in endless Variety, of Plain and Fancy Silks,' Satins, Cassimores, Gronadlnos. Marseilles, Cc. Fine Black French•Doseikin and , FAncy Cassituere )ants, Plain Light• Colored .Cassimere, Pants—Spring styles. _ . - . Just col:Opiate& by far. thu largest and cheapest' rt • sortment of Boys'. Clothing, sultable• for Spring.and Suniatur that can be found in Carlisle, consisting 'of Coots, Pants nod .Yests of all skew and qualities, to trhieh constant additions walla" made during the sea , "-- 1:1011. Also, n Pall Assortment of 'Shirts, Collars,,Bosoms, Cravats, Becket' ‘llaudkerchiefs,• 'Suependere, Stooks, BleVeicilosiery and , UmbroliaN-- Just received, a.large assortment of Mack and , Faricy. Colored Cloths, Black Doeskin and Fancyi Cassi Meres, VCBtirign and a great variety of new and fashionable - Coeds for Pants and Vests, Which lilt' be made up to order,.on. the most reasonable terms: • - .- The subscribers hope, by strict attentfen - to baldness, nod endeavoring to' please customers, to 'receive is C 011.• tinuance of public, patrOnago• ' ' —• •., '• 'ARNOLD, ,ravixowrort: , „ April 1,1857. r „ , . • • Oft.P.H C011ItT" SALE,H Cto..BATUILDAY,the 45th of; Ar1t1L,447. By virtue of an order of the Orphans'. Court of Cum. Borland county, the subrcribers, as Sweaters Of"MILI • LIAM - taIIMAN, deceased, will offer at .Publia-Bale,on -Cap preinlitis,lo eantf„ford.totrtiolldp, it- 4 - , . „ . Tli./ker • • containing 60 Acres, situate In Frankftird toinishinand• bounded by binds of John•Blinixer,lieurtMillor, D u r• iiard' Wolf; Joseph Detroit and Johd Oiler, on Able'' , 1 / 1 , 81 • AND 'BA.* . hlif;L:' •"' 7ritifliiiiooreTtli.: No. I—the &tar Mill; iiiolllC,4l2ldijar4nith 34 acres and GI perchealend,' Nei:V-13:nm and 02:parches, Aleut .4 acres of irldch, are' cleated. ..No: 3-11 acres - and -37 porches, yritivatent three acree.cleared..• All the rest of the lau d is in Minter, -tale at- 1a o'clock, neon, -and , tonne mode known by „.,' ' DA*II.I).N,'OLB,; ..t JA00.111.41,111AN, , ;,.. 'll AXeCUtOlO.' ApTtt 1, .1657 31i t rTi "" -Whit. . n oreor, .matins•,Altrwirod, the'a CilAaelOGLui OOthUY. ONLY ONE BOTTLE OF lllt BANBFQ1(1) InvigOrator,- - or -LiviSr Remedy, . . . ' Is required to cure any ono troubled with liver Com plaints, unless the-niust desperate of cases, when the second bottle will, with scarce a single failure, rotten the patient 'to health aid vigor. , Wo wish to chill the Attention of all to trim, facts, that the , invigorator is 'compounded by,phy6ielan Who has used it in his pm, taco for the pust'twenty years with a success Almost cm. dulout, and, that It is entirely vegetable, being coup posed wholly of gums. Soniu idea of .the strength of those gums may be formed when it Is knewn one bottle of the. litvlgonitor COUttlillfleutilucli fit rutmth eta one hundred doses of Ca. lomeisaithout any of its deleterious effects. . • One bottle is the surest thing known to carry away the bad elects of mlnoral poison of Any kind. , ' Only one bottle is needed to throw, out of thci.systum the effects of medicine after it long sickness. Ono bottle taken for jaundice, removes nll yellowness or unnatural color from the skin. • , One diem after eating is sufficient to relieve the stn. , mdch and;provont the food from rising nod scouring. dOnly ono dose,talwn before. - retiring prevents night ()no dose takeii at :nlgbt loosens the 'bowels gently; 7,76 2,60 1,16 1,10 . • and curs costiveness... • Ono dose taken otter 'each meal will cure Dyspepsiii.• One. dime of two tea-spoomiful will always' relieve Sick Headache. - • taken for female obstruction removes the rause of the disease, and makee Only ono dose ithinediately relieves Chalk,-while One dose often repented is a sure mire for Cholera Merlins. and Sure preventative of Cholera. One dose token oftert_will Pievest the recurrence of blllinus natielts, while it relieves all painful feelings. ' AYR - One br twellososialten-oeivisionally-Mouti-of-tho -hest-remedies fee-a-cold ever known. — .--- Thousands of cases of iiillatenuttlen•nrid weakness of the I ti ngS hove llCOlicurpiEby,,the Invigorator. Ono dose taken short time before eating gives lager , tathaappellte and makes foo&illgi__ei,t . • . One dune oftenrepented cures Chrolifc - Dlitirbika - ;lifitif worst forms, while smother and bowel complaints Odd almost to the first-dose. • •• • • .One or two doses cures •riftarks caused by worths, while for worms in children. there is no sufer, War and speedier remedy in the world. MP It never fails. There is ini,maggeration ie these stotinneLts, they tF prove, while - ail who use It are giving their unanimous testimony in - its favor. 4110 00 50 00 50 00 50 00 69 00 50 00 50.00 50 00 60 00 ro on no on 50 00 10 00 In 00 7 00 In 00 700 10 00 I On 7 - nn 7 00 We wish all NOIO aro sick: and debilitated to try this remedy, and test it thoroughly. and-any who. are not bone fitted by Its Win WO shonld like to hear from, as we have yet to hear front tile first person who has used a Irit ni-Invigor itor-withontileifei v I fig benefit, for there are such astonishing medicinal virtues - LW - It, that - allow , matter lain long they hare been aliceted4r, their tom. pint arises-from-a deranged liver, benefitted, if Jot entiridY . cured: • • • PANFORD it CO., Proprietor, 345 Broadway, New - York. Fnr sale by S. ELLIOTT and S, W. LIAVERSTIC4, • Carlisle: and lfs , Druggists generrilly. r - March 25, 1857-3 m. • 12 50 7 n _ _ 7 00 7 00 40 00 7 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 1060 7 00 • • 700 7 00 10 00 7 00 • 7 no 7 00 12 a 14- 14 14 15 00 10 00 12 GO• • . . 18,-no doubt, the. ost wonderful discovery of this ego of progrm.s, for it restore, permanently, gray halt to its' original color, vaver the head of the bald with .11 most luxuriant growth, remove al oiled all dandruff and itching, cure all serlAtil:, and other cutaneous crup• ions, sorb as scald'head; etc. Tt4lll cure, as, if by ma• plc, nervousor,periodical headache; make the hair soft, glossy, and wavy: nod preserve the color perfectly, and the hair from falling, to extreme old ago. . • —Tim following isfrom a,distimsnished member of the medical profession $3O 00 • 30 00 PitOFESSOIt 0. J. WOOp- • • DEnn :—Unsolleited, I send' you 'this certificate. After being pearly bald for m long time, and having tried all the hair restoratives extant, And having no faith in any, I was luduced, on hearlug'of yours to give ,it a trial. I placed myself in the hands of a barber, nod had . thy bend rubbed with a good stiff breath, and Iho restorative them implied and W'ell rubbed in, till the scalp w:ls aglow. - Tide 1 repeated every morning, and in three weeks the young hair appeared audgKow ra ttily from August last till thetiresont time, and lk now thick, black and strong—soft itutypleasani to the tench: ;Jy_lki=s, before, it was harsh and wiry . what little them was of it. and Ttlo Wan oh; f•yea,lng rery.rjvhll I still At, your restonttivo about twice a week,-and shall soon have a good and perfect crop of ha'r. NOW, I had read of these things—and who has-not I but hove hot scon.bitherto any case where any person's hair was really Itenufitted by any of the hair tonic, etc.. of the day: and it really gives Me pleasure to record the re .sult of my experience. I have recommended your pro• partition to others, and it already has a large and gene rous sale_throughout-tho 2 l'urritory—lTlta_pouplehere_ Annerita effects, and have confidence Init. The supply you sent us, as wholesale agents fur the Territory, is nearly exhausted, and dally - inqulrles aro made for It. You deserve credit for your discovery, and I for one, return you my thanks for the benefit it has done me, for 1. certainly had despaired long ago of over effecting any such - result. Yours hastily, , . • . -• • BOND, , Firm of Bond & Kelley, Druggists, Bt. Paul. [Frfitn the Editor of the Real EstatoAdvertiser.]' 80rr0tv,.27 School S t reet, March 20, 1850. lye". Sint—Moving become prematurely quite.gray, was Induced, some six weeks since, to make a trial of your. Itestorative. I have used less thasitwo bottles, but the. gray hairs have all disappeared; and although tug hair has not fully attained Its original color, yet the process of change in gradually going on, and I am in great hopes that in is short time my hair will be as dark as formerly.- 1 have also been much gratified at a• re healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, which be am wow harsh and dry, and it has ceased to come out as formerly, Pipfossor Woo 4 . . havo used Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and hay° admired Its wonderful abet. My hair was become . ris 1 thought, prematurely gray, but by-the- use of. his "Restorative," It has resumod its original color, and 1 have no doubt, pern,ranently so. - • • - • I . • -- SIDNEY. BREESE, • • • ' Vs-SeucktgmljpbNl States. For salein Carlisle, ,y F. W. IEAVERSTICK, SAM% ELLIOTT, and Druggists every Micro. AMERI p_oon \ LIVS 'QUG A AR MANN. ABUNDANT FREE. WIER SUES -- P tEMIUMS. .S - A N D NELMASKA.- r. J. PiltAliAlli, LAND' AilENt,' Leavorrerth City, Bruises 'Territory, ' Will buy and sell lalids, select lands, and locate land warrants inNanuts bud Nebraskaebuy and sell town', lots, negotiate loans4and do n gonerul agency business. Inguiriesoreapecting the country by letter er other wise, promptly answered. • ' ---- 4 -- , -4— " --- RBFERENCh. s„. , , .. . Jobn B. Biatton, Eat., Carlisle; Ps. , . , . Wm. M. Beetem, Banker, " . . lion. J. 11:Litabam, • .. Her, Brenneman & Co., Bankers, Carlisle" Wm. M. Henderson, Esq., Carlisle. , , , , George Sanderson, Esq., Lancaster. Pa. . '• 4 , Dr.'Jebn A. ALI; M. C., Norville, Pa.,„, , , , Wm. S. Cobean, Ne4b; • " . • 111.-W;Clark-&..C0.. Bankers ; Philadelphia, Ilion. Michael pookilu;Simpliciillitewn;Pit: - : ----- ...,- ,lieury Reiman & Skins, 'Merchants, Bailin:ere. E. L. Blake, Nag., Cashier Meecantile Bank, New York: Snyder & MeFarlane, Real Hstale Agents, Minneapolis; Mlnnessota Territory.. "' • ", _ , . . Wm: Kilgore New ., Attorney , and Neal Estatp Agent, • .' • Stern og, - Ill' ' IL W : Milton.; Esq., Merry city,lll. . . •E:-Mor. Joseph Miner, Cumberland county, pa,. • March 18, 185 7.- 1 3", . , '- ' .. - • ' ' ' K 1 4 1 LORAL ,FESTIV AL.—T Union I Fire Company, hoeing6nitOrnplatloii the crea tion or an EntOno ,Itolding; a ,Festival and Fair; the 'first frock in 'Juno noot„at 'Education 'nail, in which the kind 000pomtion. of, the ladles of . (*lige; In Thomas C. 14:•WiirthIngton. "Bainuel'Abrahatua,, . Joehua Fagan, • •; • , oyrlis Arnold,: • •I , ' Luthor „, . F. &Corn:van,. ;• • A. - J. Faint, E, Merit, • OREENFIEtb, • iiipplk of 11,11#4v.' k3l - ',/.l4NipliLi.in:ollAtio;. con itifoiiig. „ 60' 'per cunt; ~ Phooputte LbOO, aitd,,4 per eeotp,• ltinnionht, "nianufOiOred frrom C9lPlobb.l),otel•PertteleiCaottno,. and" cootallied In leepl of ebOtit 1.130 to eutrpurebpsers. by )tiorialtuas...t ritzT,Cia. - - IF,k4o,Aoente of phibotelphla. r , ~ , ,,; (410611T11 F119Y1.:01..." ptirlieubirej at tlie office or this April '1; IFOT.t-lut. , ' . • : - .lll:t4iant - cf - ,T Sr. PAUL, antlUary 1, 1855 itespoctfully yours, D. O. M.ItUPP CARTA - LE, Illinois, Juno 10,1856. IF PUBLISIIER OF TIII CAN AGRICULTIZIST. s happy to announce that ho bas Jost ..deed an UNI.I 511O'ED'stpply of the ;avec:se NORTHERN Scout CANE SEED, tired from the IMMO SOU reo as that pro., :mod by the U. S. Govertmiont. lie Is now able, to offer to every NEW mbscriber, thlr4kring, over 000 pure, ,;erfect seeds linotead of 300, hitherto Me red.) To i:`,lul; subscribers, 1,000 medS..each: Vim seeds forwarded at ;nee, on receipt of subscription. (Send ; ready directed envelope, post.pald .vith two 3-coot slannis tSr 600 seeds, sad with three stamps for each 1,000 mods.) , One dollar hill secure for the entire dear 1857 tins BEST practical, reliable, instructive journal on, ,SOIL.CUIqUICE.. pIII4BI..RI—WYII tllO &RUE CANE and ,tit • , . . • Six eophis for $5. if no copies $B. old or now subscriber cim iikardrytof any oll'Oi2r of each of ch MOW seeds. feSe. c pu sending_a_ read Oldted. post.(lald envelop for oach kind desired. vie(: IClog Phil)p Awn; Darling's 11,114 Early Sweet ; Stowe t t's Sweet Own; and White Poland Oats(42. lacunas_ to the bushel.). As many seeds will be returned in each mvolop as-the pustVe stump tipon It will cover. ._no_Agricuiturlatimam.Bll l 2.Bcdirtiell_ list larger •by many thous nde than .th,fiAltersimilarJournal in the World, hod in reit urn for so generous a pa,rom ago, the Publisher concludes 'to make the on free offers of seeds to old as well as now subscribMs. • (25,000 packages of Match have already been given out this year.) N.D.—From the stereotype plates the numbers January; February, and March - (Nos; 1, - 2; - and 3 of Vol. 10) mu/- still be supplied. OItANUE 110 DP, Publisher, No. 191 Water:street, Now York. ViiiiitiefpOia - an') -New _ , VA.LI A ADRSI • PAI I IIII, I N O P I, ',WINDOW, No. 133 North Second Street t helOw Bitco, Philadelphia: Ilaving.conipleted their largo assort:l4M; 6f theribford Gouda 'for Spring and Summer Trade;would nimpect fully Inrlto Ulu attention of purrintsors to the, same. Their stock for bounty, cheapness and variety cannot 'be surpassed. They have constantly on hand' every dOscriplion of Gold: and Painted Shades, Buff troll:lnds, and Shade Fix Mils. Wall Popers. Curtains, Fire Board Prints, Mr ors. So.. all which they offer at lower rates than can o hid at any other establishment. • Call and ox nmin • L. ISAACS & - 133'North Second street, below liecr t 'March ;1867.-6 neon, .• • TOHN • H.. ALLEN & 2 tr • & 4 . OIIESTNU,T n.aoV L s!ile, bolovilynt(6)- 61[1:111fii;Pill A. (TIIE. OLDEST WOOOWVEE UOUDE lo reieCar.) • "", Manufacturora and Wholesale dealers in Patent Ma. chino made BROOMS, Patont Grooved Ocoviovvrtf, ',var. ranted not to shrtnic, WOOD von WILLOW•W MO:, CORDE, Itittisimi, iiic,. of all'descriptions. Please call and exam quo odr ether. . Rob. 25.1857.-33 r, . , )• •. . ri A RP F, T 1 14 'G S. • T. S. DEPTH . ki ',s, SONS, masonic Han, Chestnut siiiat;.lielOiVkli; Philadelphia. . st • " .. . , Would call the attention di' the public to the largo and -- varied assortment - of - -, --- - -- -- - ' ,CARPETR, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINag, *lllCh thoy ara.solling vary cheap for Cash or City An ceptances, whnlasalu And !anal. • o March 11„1857. UNION-GANAL.—This work Waving beeß onlargeethroughout to admit the largest sized Penffinlvanla CadaY floats; the-water will be let in from Middletown to flooding, on the first day of Toll Sheets and information respecting-the (Innal'ihn bn obtained at the °Mee of the Company, N 0.66 Waintit Street; Thiladelphialtkm appileitlion to 4 • SMITII, President, &e: GRICULTURAL 'IMPLIDIENS; essertmuntbf Aulin • tend and Ilortieultural implements, enibracing every thing needed by the Farmer or•flardener Mown of krent variety nod of different sizes. being tho largest and heal assortment ever offered in Philadelphia. Ilgr • rows, Cultivators, IforSo Hoes, Limo Spreaders, Sc., ffc,„, PASCHALL. MOHNIS N.ll. eor. 7tliand Market streets, PIAla . March:lloM. . . • fIARDEN_ANILEI ELD_BEEDS.--: A'largo'uNs6rtment of now and genuind Flower, Field and Gorden Seeds. in every variety. atwholesalo and retail, embracing all the now and desirable kinds, carefully pmt up in - papers for the retail trade, or sup plied lii bulk. Chinese Sugar Cane, Seed, Japan,' Penn; Orange, Water, Melon, lee.. Sc, Also; a choice assort- , ittent of Ono Flower SeedsdO'varleties In fancy boxes, for-Si. Clean Clover, Timothy, Orchard Crass, Rye Brass, Nerd (tress, One Lawn limes Seed. kr. r• PASCHAL L, MORRIS A: CO., Agricultural intotoment, and Seed Storo, - N. E. - Oornor of I'LL and Marktd pl recto, Philadelphia, V APER TIANGING WAIIII: - s. , ;'.e. ~.r.s xxl9i;;l,%iicCii,Zl•jCi , I.IIMADEI, I.IIIA LOirolli Mr sale'n largo ne.?)rement o f ' • WALL, PAPERS, . et prices ranging. from Six Cents per piece Upwards, of choice patterns, comprising . . . - Cheep Satin Papers, FiraDecoretive Papers, _ - Fire Hoard Prints ' - Fine Gold Papers, Borders and Mouldings, Floe SIILIn Paper, - Ittarble _Papers, Oak Papers, . _lra- NeWSfyfMClVindrnr Curtains: In great - ) ariety. - . - - Dealers supplied on most fivorablelerms. Itfarck4,lBs7. .. - - • • . - N 137 - GOOD S - FOR - S P-RIN G:- Fashionable Silks, New Spring, Shawls, Silk Robes, (Flounced,) lb-R isk& French Chintzes, Black Silks, (extra gloss,) 'Lawn and bawl) Robes, Spring Dress Goods, Shands, ^ of newest Fashions' Stage linen Goods, hlankets,Quilts, Unmask Table Clothe, Napkins, Sc. • • • • Gentlemons Wear rind - full stock of goods for Bcys Clothing, Bargains, daily received from New York rind Philadelphia Auctions - • Wholesale buyers ere invitoil to give ;MUM Carly call. • EYRE A LANDBI.Ib, • 4th and Arch streets, Philadelphia., Terms Nett Cash, and prices low. -31ar-h-4 -1857A:-41 mos: • - - - Tlli OAI/ W Y 0- 0 El) P N mAia , ACTURING. COM VANY., No. 335 Broadway, NO. , York 1=I=! $ 00 *. ' 2 00 3 00 4 00 6 00 3 00 5 00 2 00 .5 00 p 00 .3 00 6 00 2 00 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 4 00 " " with run,. - 6 00 Gents' Gold Cases and Pens. . 800 Gothic" 10 00 Se P . enell,_ . 12 00 And all othetiklnds and styles at the retail prices. Gold Dens, - Gold Pen mid Silver Holder, Gold Pen - and Double ex• Silver Holders, Mainoutli. `• • " . 44 • Leviathan." " 4 . 4 Fountain Pon, Desk Holder, Mautouth 44 . 44 Engrossing* NUN.. Leviathan x, Gothic Silvor Case and Pon, "• Engrossing " -4, • Matnoutit " ! Gold Tooth Picks, " Tooth nod Ear Picks, • " Pencil and, Watch kayo, Ladies Gold Pencils, PREMIUMS PRESENTED TO PURCHASERS To.every poison buying a gold pen of us we present : n ninnislred certificate, and each of the,.e certificates en titles the holder alit, by the extra payment of 25 dents, to an article ofjowelry, in value from 81 to sllg).. This Jewelry consists of (told and Silver Watches in great va riety. Silvet Uublets, Silver Fruit Baskets, Goid limn) Chains, for ladies, Lockets, Bracelets. Bents' Gold Fob and Vest Chains, ie., none of which sell for less than $l. For every dollar paid us, the. party is entitled to a numbered egrtitirate, and - by - t hopaymenPot YG cts. ex, tru on each certificate he la entitled to receivnwhatever the mindsr of the rortilicate designates. • We have been inpperation for three years and thousands halybought sins, and wo (nave never learned that any one was over uti - plffinifrOrdprortanitroftb , tabling a gold watels.or some article ofjowelry, for a tri fling auto. All our pens.pencil cases, ,tc., are genuine artlelesnianufactured by ourselves with great care, and nlier then; precisely at prices asked in all oilier stores in the city. To spas wu make advantageous offers and any energetic person can do well by working for us. We wish agents in every place in the country, and per wino would like to become such will please address us, and we will send. them printed circulars of prices, terms, ke. We have nu stated periods fur distribution. Tin,, moment a pun Is purchased, tie purchaser is anti tied to receive his premium on the payment of 15 cents extra. - All eiders by mall should he Addressed k„DEAN, • • '•• • an Broadway, Now York AGENTS WANTED. N. D.—Oold puns repoinied in a superior manner. -Eneiqso the pen and 29 cents in P. C. sumps, mind the pm will bo repointud and returned post paid. Tim 11110ADIVVIr Onto PEN MoorrAcTURINU COMMilt, In well knoWn throughout the country, but on tharo aro undoubtedly wino who aro not acquainted with us wo append the'Prilow.lug*.nnll.4Dawn firms as inferences:— \ l c & CO., No 17 amides Lane, New York. • ICKS & MITCH MI, No: 2W do' do . • RENTON 11110$.. Cur. ihrondwnY and Courtland street, Now York, and tlhnstntlt stront, Philadelphia. - .1. 11. STURDY & CO: No; b 011soy•Building, Now , -York: • -- GOULD 4 , 15 - 00 D, No. 9 Maiden Lazo. dn. • SA IWU EL M. M UTCHE N: =DIILLSVIIIOIIT.AND_ DODROJIIISTONE FACTORED. 7 2 - Solo Proprietor of Johnson's .highly approved • ond mnrh Improved RUOFF AND SCREENING MACHINE; Iniprosed-fron-Doncnve-Britn-Dusteri-theareuiluni-Als chino for 'Millers. , . . . . . it.E.BITENOE.—No. 64 Queen,Street, (18th Ward,) ad dross Euusington Pose,Oliice. Boor.—llaydock Street, beton Front, Philadelphia. Cocaina Mill Stones, Mill Irons, Sinutt Machines, Pa lent Mill Bush, Portable Milky Stretched Bolting, Content and Sereon Wire. SQUARE 3IESIIED 'BOLTING CLOTHS Fob. 35, 1857.-3ra. rllO FARMERS _GARDENERS. TN 11 , LODI' MANIIPACTIIRINO 'COMPANY otter for solo 400000 barrels of thojr , TiEW. AND mr,itavEp. 'PODDRETTF, ((Manufactured from the night soli of Now York City,)' in lots to suit purchasers, •• .' ' ' This article (greatly improved within the last two years) has boon in the market for eighteen years and dotes competition, as a manure put earn or g arden vegetables, being cheaporaini more powerful than atii other, end it - the same tiuto free from disagreeable odor.' wo 'manure an. acre of .corn in the will pare two-thirds it MLitt,ill caitelTit to mum up quicker, to grow'rester, ripen earlier, and will bring largoikrop on poor ground than any other fertilizer, 'and Is slim Aprecontatlve of the cuhworm t also, it does net injure the seedto ho pain rennet with it. The G 51:CmpOint to their long shuttling reputation, • and tho largo capital ($100,000) luaresteein thole busk nets, es a guarantee the% the Attlclu they Binh() spill always ho of such quality as to connuand_a ready sale.. in Phlladelphikatt•follows`n • ' ••• • . - One berrel - to - ...;>r= ' —.s 2 00':. Elva' - - '• ". •I• 87% and at tho into of CI 75 per Darrel for any.qiiatitity over 10 • r • Pamphlet" OMisaining - every infermailOn will he sent (free) . to pap one' applying for the same.' ro r .Orders aequested early in edvanee,tb avoid 'Mop. nolaitthont. Address.' • . „ 57011.1t4A CO:, Agents, ' Coe. Market and 7th siteetS, Philadelphia. Da. 4- ,Feb; 15,..1557..!—Ain,.., • . • - " . . • NECP` ) IIATJ'' CAP,.:-AND- SHOE GOODS. FOE 1850. Flee subscriber has , j opened' In the stone-room for merly occupied' by Clad: 3, [toot, owthe corner of tbe e piddle giinare," Meld stinet; n and 'adjOlulug , tlie'ilevrelrfiltare of Wre,'D..Nangle, an en . tiroly Ar find Splendid assortment of Fall 'andh Witer' ,Hoods—coutprlidmilberlatest styles Of SHOEEti ' Of every variety : and finish. _ k —II I s-11ieiot, o i milAt ,Sxta.llln t 3 , l4 146 4A3rT2 PearlNlneet, esnithportiig lints,-de;,• Also Straw_ . lints of ell varEtimu , These flats are_ mannGietttroil by , & and (abb., celetirated.battell of philadelpliin: — Ite has-also every varletypfilmAnandit. -Ibei urn: • Alt or 64 , 45 be hilt gmuuntob to glvemitlfe' tiattsf4'•:'lllti 'l4,lol44,sfloO'lliiriade oiip„of `every,.vpriety and lstyle'frem:tl\o chor e al. to, tinx Ile rospectfullYiellCl a....tlie,batronagq,;of Abe ,PubllC, feeling confident that lle can sell the c4tteptieCeli . tt beet, tr." 9" In t "' caxit ' Y ' r ' ' J. . . • ,5t01T51-arirS . XV ON'S SPRI.N(Y, ARTI,IY AL,' . . ''''''' ' Immon'sn'Stock lIARDVAILE; The' subscriber hex j • retuned froth , the'litisteiti ci Cl ties, and would call thiilittentlint of his friends and the public generally to the' large And weii.oelcctod eu I sertinent of HARDWARE Which he line now on 'hand; consisting in part of IBDILDI NO MATBRIALI3, anch4s • Nails. Screws, hinges; itgits litClcs, Glass of every il,. scrlptioii and quid ity, suCli al9Comition; White:polished , American, French, Enamelled add Double thick of all sizes, Paints, Oils, 'Varnishes:he., TOOLS—lncluding Edge 'Tools of iivery des'cription, Sawa. Planes, Brace and Ditto; 'Augurs, Squares, amigos, • lOW, Rasps, ilainuiers,. Yip% Anvil, Screw. plates, Blacksmiths Bellow& Sc., h:: • • Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a large assortment •of Tools of oven description: together with Ladies' and • Oentleraini: Morocco Lining: Binding, Patent and French Calf Skins, Shoe Thread, Awls, Wax, Begs,Liists, Harness Mounting, Collars,, Cllrthing, Whipstock, Deer.. hair, Saddle Trees,•&c., Sc... ' . • Also, Coaell Makers Toole and Trimmings of all kinds, etch as Ilubs.,Spakes, Fe)ioes. Shafts. Bows, FlooiClotb, Canvass, Cloth, Damask, Fang, Lace, Moss, Axles, 'Spririg Belts. be, be. 1 • • , ' Cabinet Makers will find a large assortment•of Tar.' nishes,•Oalc, Witlntit, and 'Mahogany Verieers.,Knobs of all kinds and slues Mouldings, Rivets, Heir Plush, Curled hair Chair-and Sofa Sponge, he„ housekeepers will also -tind . a large .assortment of Knlvel and Forks, Bratannial Allot, and Silver Plated Table and Tea Spoons, Candieeticks. - .Walters, Shovels, and Tonsil, Iron and' Bram Kettles, Pans, Sc., together with-Cedarware. of nil kinds, neck aq Tube, Buckids, Churn's, he , Se. - • • • Agricultural Iniplements, embracing Pltwsof all kinds, cultivators. hoes, Shovels, Bakes, Forks, Challis, he. IltON, a large stab, comprising all kinds in general WholesaltinviCes Itemember the (Id Rtand, Last 31t0,14rcut, Carlkil,: lI:SAXTON - • :UTE SALE. • AND TO • ItENT,- 1.: Thalloodielll. Flit - tures, and FuesilttiriNf An( SIME STORE, (formerly Porter's, nom 11 118%) on the corner of Main and Pitt street& oppo. ER , e t h e Methodist Church; Carlisle,' In. Prim $2OO. Moo for rent tlid STORE Roan on Main street opposite .tho Railroad Rotel and Mike:nine In occupancy of Mrs., Snodgrass. Rent $125 per annum. • . • Also. for sole AT COST n Well FOICCted stuck of ROOTS anst Burey in lots to. suit purrhasers. Appiy. nt Shoe Store, or address" .1. W: ItAWI,I . . Lancaster ; Pa N. B. Spanish quarters col en for :4r) rents. Pell. 20, 1227-ot. • TORE ROOM TO LET. ; ---Will j rented from the Ist of April' next, Pm t h termi of one year. or ntotlrlf desired; the stiare'rom& - Intely - oceu- - pled by Jameson Ildnium, decenked, find !nom recently room . lo considered on eliginble place of business, nod him been occupied en It store Mum ihr ninny !leers. En quire of Mrs. , Alaripitet llannon,'residlng on the yre mlites or to ' • WM. (MACE Y. Adm r. 185:—tf. • ) AGRICULTURAL IM I'LI MENTS, &c. The undersigned, whose shop Is In North street, near to Class' lintel, Carlisle, would inform the public that they are now prepared to manulinqure Ag ricultural Machinery naid.bnplemnts of various kinds, sorb . llorse•powers, Tread and Lever 'freshers Shah een of different kinds, Clover Sheller, Fodder Cutters ; &c.. Straw Cutters. Corn Sheller., and Trend rowerB . llo\ v on hand.• Repairing praiptly attlindrA to. Tomb rtla tiormille: ,-- rebruary - 18, 14357—5 m. - OUSE 7NE.W• S W•NI I b b—The under-. e g yed would infhrm the Oldie that . he bag tutted n Sior.Mill. three miles frotWMoun t. tinily, on-the road to Laurel Forge. and is now prepared to saw dl the various sloes of TN:WA/W.1 , 1Ni.: OAR and CHESTNUT TIMBER, which are .uxually wanted. Mu Is also pro pared to saw and furnish Chestnut and pine SHIN -OLES to order. Also, PLASTERING LATHS. - Those ilesitrljlg_thestrarticles aro-requested-A° send-In their orders. S. a. DI YEN. . Papertown, March 4.-6 mos, r . NE WL U 111-4-IE. -It -2 Y-A-It-1).- F . RONT STREET, The subscribers plier for sale a large and well selected Stock of DRY LUSFIHiR, SIIINULES, itt their Yard on Front St.. ahoy., the Cotton Fact&y. The patronage of the public to respectfully solicited Feb. 2.1 . ; HU: JOSIAH EPSY Co:' IVEIV GOODS.—Th© subscriber has just °puled a variety of Ladles' Tatum, -Broebn, Lung and Squire Shawls, Blanket Shawls; - 31011,10e5, Cashineros, Mous do Lalnas, ohlghnnts, Calicoes, Blau lots, Lc., to which ho Invites the attention, of the la dles, • _ _ 01:0. R' . ItITNIIII. „artiste Nov. DI , -- B 1 N,T -& B 0 ;7 - FALL AND WINTER GOODS.-- - -• • Plain Black Silks. Saila Striped. Moire Antique. Fancy Silks; ready nlnilo Cloth and Plush Mantles, Vel Vets fur Mantles, 'Jahn. Cloths; a• full assortment, of PUBS, in-' eluding • Stone-Martin, Fitch, kw,. _from_ .3 to 1130;, Merinees, Cashmeres, Coburgs, Plain and Fancy all-wool De Lam es, Woolen Plaids, Alpaccre, Boni seine; 'Brecht'. Stella and Cashmere .Shawls, Fall and R. itor Bonnets, Bonnet Velvets, Satins, Feathers,' ; Ladles' Skirts,, .Floe Icing. to., Collars and Trimmings lu groat variety. GENTLEMEN. Cloths,. CiiiitAme.,..‘o - ; Overcoats, Silk and Woolen ,Unilor iiiiirts, CriiTtits, Coll Arty Cam Ilokliwy, (Wives, &e. , • . 11031ESTICS. ._ ~.. --. ~ -.• . • - - - - A full and complete assortmout of Domestics, Including. Wool Blankets, Counturissuos, Domestic and Imported Carpets Woolen. cud Cotton Carpet Chitin, Woolen Yarn, limn Snobs, booking Masses, &c. ' N. 11. 2 .-IWo have Mad° arrangetnents by wbich we can Cnretslk any goods to bo bad in the city nt three days'• Oct 14,'50.1 • BENTZ & 11110. NEW, GOODS ! GOOD GOODS 1 IF YOU-WANT NEW 1100DS, GOOD 00000, AND 00000 GOODS 00 TO FOODS', cent door to Maglouchlin's Hotel, and you will find it largo assortment of Ladles' Hoods, conslsting,9f Mack,. Fancy and Henna Silks; Morino., Persian Cloths ; Do JAIIIOII, De Baps, Alpaccas, Scotch Plaids, Sack Flan nels, Scotch, Manchester, Earlston, Chambrag (ling hams, Calicoes, Floe' French Worked Collars, Ribbons, Hosiery, lilovos, &c. Domosvos.—Woolon Twilled Flannols, Bags - and Ragging; Cotton Flannels, Osnaborgs, Cloghain, Tablo-Drapur, Chocks, white and col, orod Carpet Chain, &c. • In Shawls and Illankuts wo have all sorts, sizes and conditions. . . . — Flir - gantlemen—wo have Fine French 111ack_C1ollie. hack and-Fancy.Canedlneros and Itherldne, Satin Vert- Ings,af weeds, Satinetts, Velvet Card, liontueity Jeans. &r. ' • . As for men's, Woolen's and children's . Boots& Shoes, 'o defy competition. Also, a vary superior lot cf Urocorles, such as enffie, • Sugar, , ltice, Spices, Sc. Our stork hits Been selected with the greatest care as in-price and quality, and we lire determined to sell nt very small advances. Those wishing to purchase will Bud t h at o e are selling as cheap — if not cheaper—then anyientsein towu ; and they will nod it to their ad vantage to give us a coll. ' • Butter, Eggs; hags, Soap and Dried , Fruit token at Market prices. ' N.W. WOODS{ Ag't. Don't forget the place, next door to Maglauchlin's hotel. [Oct. 101960 .SECONO A REIVATA OF. FALL AND WINTER. GOODS. Who subscriber low Just returned from Now York and Philadolphia with the largest assortment of eleganif WINTER. GOODS over brought to Carilsio. Tho ladies will find a splendid aosortuiont of Dross Goods of thu nowOst style of MOROI DESIES. an-immense assort uoit of Neediemorkod Undorsleares, Mono logs. Dandkerchlofs, ac., very elegant, lulu thu cheap. est lu_Atuerira., tiliAli ; bn A NI/SOARER—SteIIa, Breeha, end Blau Shawliwlitenttlful and very cheap.. BONNETS., FEATIIIIRS AND FLOWERS of every du. seription; alad, a largo stunk of Bonnet -Ribbons, vary cheap. GENTLE:SIR:VS WEAR.--A.frosh bit of Cloths; easel. 'ineras.and Satinetts, chea ier than ever. . CARPETING AND Ol I ' LOTUS.—lmperlal, Ingrain, -Vonitlannnil nag-Carta ins, non, : handsome-and-vary ch . • BOO p. TS AND SllQES.—Another largo Invoice of Boots and Shoes, from the best manufacturers In Phil adelphia. • • All In want of cheap and good goods,, are respectfully Invited to ran at the Vid Stand, East Main struot. 'Cardiac. . CHAS. OUILBY. Carnal°, October 2), 1850. XTEW 'GOODS,I • GOODS 1 11. NIItST Olt Till.: SEASON I . ' • Tho subscriber Ilan Just itturned &Ma the eastern cities and Is.owbgening a splendid assortment of - HALL GOODS, , ?ditch will ho sold at volt' , low prices: • , A largo stock of elegane_Stella ? Thibet, Cashman', Bream and illanlcet - Shawls:" An immonso assortment of. the most elegant Fancy nail Black Sill., very cheap. Moue da Wines, Mathes. Iferinoos, Pammettas; and grant variety Of Dross OciOda, very handsome and very ' heap. Flannel, Blankets, Casslncas; Jeans, Cloths and Cos -simorowirrgreat,rarioty.,:- • BOOTS AND STIDEP—A.Iargo lot"of Boots and Shoos [Ovary dfisdrlption, at:thelowaot - ' • OAIMOMINI.I—A new assortment of • Imperial,. In grain. Venitlon, and Wig . Carpets.- ' Thu assortment Is now *pry largo and complete, and all persons da want of handsome. arid cheap goods'aro ra Apoctfully•lnvltsd' to eta at. )ho Old Stand; East ?Jain treat. • Bop. 10,1856.) . . RAIN- -RANSii., - GAAAN, FANS.,—. Just iocelved,alot.. orni*haatia of Shrelaaa' Mad m qr. o 10,,,„,,iniaractare. ma.. 11110 wisartatallt-Or Uoy Stmt. a d Noddar .Cutterty of , tour ,different kinds, at the than, Hardware Stop) of .:.; . _. July 15, 1850.] • • BWOOD-P.IANOS;;FOWS.M.X.;;,. ;, Li; rT;vdtraw and elognnt ticsairiiodAllititeir Uy ~ and uctairomitrotu the celebrated utalinclat o i7ll4- - Davie & ttiston; , - lustriareenhajtaye, an qterefully aoleatud tram it large 484,, and Are narrantcd give entire - satinfaution:" They will be'sald 'F, -Pr *ll - P Wl° • - , a nit kept, ri.;ardei oonipabiat,ririimlisirir orke.leei, &rm date or rtalcaV, Theaeljhuralay. whdito lizelniup, r or ; parchania pod InetruntrOi.are t ipttiteilitelF4ll.l4p9,9l the aubscrbarat.llla.realdeneo id - Carnshi; ' • ''&1130, Or e eaconct-hand rianaJlortea t $8 per latirear.; • • • J9IIN. li. STAYMAN: 1 ,', - -)4.-.7 . t . -,i,.t..,A00.-*-tiiii.g.iik'.. - 0 HOIOE , F A.R. M LANDS, • :FOR SALE: • . TIIIA,,XLIANO,IB • CENTRAL E. It. CO3l Y. is now.prepared-to sell about-. 'OE AND A 91ALIVIIIILLTON of ACRES •,; •, colr 0110100 PArMING LANne, ' • In inicte'oll I acres. find upwards; on - Long tApilits and , e 2;.! at Low, ilates - of Interest: t :Abase .lands were, granted by the Government to aid 'hi ;the constrhotion of tithe Road; and are among the rlcluirt and most fertile-in GIP world. They extend from 'Nektlemist and North-west,ihrough the middle Of the Stiitu r t-. the extreme South, and include every varletV of Ornate and, productions found between those para. ltils'of latitude. The - Northern portion is chiefly pmirle, ItiMisnersed. with fine groves, and in the middle and Solthern sections timber predominates, alternating WI beautifulmrairies and openingri. ' - • 'ho etiolate le More healthy, mild and tignable,lhon rtnjLrother - port of tho'conntry—the air Is pure and arrcini, while living streams and springs of excellent water abound. • - .Ifituininous Coal is extensively mined.and sunplies chew and desirable fuel, being . furnished. at many points at $210,51, per ton—and wood-can be had at the shine nth, per cord. '.llitilding 'stone of excellent quality alsO abounds; which can by procured for Ifttle mom than -the expense of transportation. ',The great fertility of these lands, Which are a black rich mould from two to five feet deep, and gently roll., contiknity to this Rood, by which every fit.. ihtty litfurpislied for travel and • transportation, to tile" principal markets North, South, East. West, and the oionorny ,with which they can be cultivated, render -tUone the-most valuable Investment that ran bo found; ;MG present the most faVorabid opportunity, for persons ot.industrious habits and small means, to "aegulto a comfortable Independence in a-few years. ' . - :Chic:ago the greatest grain market In the _orld—and tin' facility and economy with which the iwommtwor_theseltinlican be transported• to that mar, trot, matte, Ahem .muell more profitable,, at the prices asked, thitift FOSS' tomatoat-goVernment ns the additional coot of transportation ik n perpetual tax on the letter. which roust, bo borne by the nroducer, laf there-Anted priee.hwreceivesibehis • .The Title Is Perfect—find whelp. the final paynonifts are made, Deeds are executed by the Trustees appointed Gy - the State, and in whom tile title-fit vested, to- the puteintselp, which coniey to them absolute titles in Yee SiMplo, free and rloar of ovary incumbraucc, lien or Mortgage. The Prices are from $6 to Ed; Littered end- ant rt Those rho purchase on long credits glen notes payable ,th 2. 3,4, 5 end, 6 years lifter dote, and are required to Improve one-testh annually frig five years, so as to linvu one-boil the land under cultivation "at the end of that time. • Compptont.Siwvoyora will accompany those who wish' nein in =Kim. pidections. . - • The lihnde remaining unsold croon rich and valuable dispoidd of t 1 - 13ErpTICiNAL 'MAPS .• Will be szont to any oho. wholvill enclose fifty ents to Postage Stamps, and Hooke 'fir Pamphlets, - containing numerous Instapees or successful farming, signed by 'respectable and well-known farmers living In the nelgh• borhood of the Italimed Lands, throughout the State— *tpo the cost of fencing, price of'. rattle, expense of liar .vestlng, threshing, otr.,—or any other inforwatiob— will be cheerfully given on application, either person ally or by letter, In English, French, or (Thrown, ad. dressed to JOHN WILSON, • Livid Onnindssion . or of ilia llllnoin Control It. It. Co tiflico lu lllluols Central Itallrcind Dornit, Chicago Illinois. 9 NYA RD FOR SA L.V.I..Th - e'Tlin:, ji yard In my occuppney, situated in quilt : coy, with. It four mhos of Waynestrune, Franklin county, In., is or sato. .rt, includes amid- threctriereit Or Land. n - good, Atbstatitinl two-story Brick HOUSE and Ititehoe, Stn. Ming, Carriage and Ire Rouse, blimp, and Writ of, ex• cellent . waterat the kitchen door, Steam 'Engine, Dock 'Elton, about forty Vats, - mostly under ,runt: a Running. Stream of Water passing through it, Oa dun. Orchard, and all the roquisite kbulldings and `appurtenances to carry on the 'fanning business °sten : sively. is one, of the neatest and imostrompleto prts -peaks of the kind, Inn shit% of complete repaKnird will be sold at abargain, us tho occupant finds it Items• nary to retire. If not sold at private sale; itiwilr lie sold 'fit - publlnauctlon - on thri - FIRST - Flt 111 AT tLN'lilAltell; ,1857.- Ono-third of the purchase money in cash, and the balance In two equal annual instalments, For further particulars apply to - EL - EGANT-SUB-URBAN 1 • RESIDECE -. ...' AT PRIVATE SALE, • .:. . Situate al the West - end of the borough of Carlisle, near hick Insrm College, weir owned by, thettev. IR. 31'ClItt• took- The hit upon whlell the buildings urn erected contains 77 feet In frent,on High Street and extends aerostihe entlrandare, 400 feet to bonnier Street. TIM MANSION-HOUSE ix beaut ,- fullysituated-on‘nbout4lto-centre-o.- tr.f , the lot, or midway between the two : •. ..1tW:: streets on an !devoted position coin. Mending a' mint delightful slaw of the town and rounding Country. .It IS a spacious and elogantht- fished Building constructed - partly of frame, rough cast, and partly of Brick, containing on the lower floor Largo Parlors, Hall, klitrary, Dining - Roon4 Pantry and Kitchen. On the second floor four Bed reconta' one Dressing itoOni and a Back room"; and on the third story, three Bed Rooms and - two Stoie rooms; The out Buildings consist of a LABOR STA BLE and Carriage House, Wood House, Work Shop, Outer - Kitchen, Ice Rouse and other-out Buildings. The Lot Ix covered with Ornamental and Fruit Trees of every description, the fruit being of tho best quality and In the greatest abundance. r The buittlings aro new, and wore constructed, entire ly regardlesatif espimse. The Fences are good; and the entire property In most excellent, condition. Nor ternls enquire of A. L. SPONSLER, - Doc. id, 'N. . Real Estate Ag't and Scrivener: DESIRABLE' TOWN. PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tho - subscriber cacti at private solo tho. property on which ho now lives ; situate in 'Author street, in this hdrough, nearly opposite Dickinson college. Thu pro• party consists of 11 BRICK ,DWELLING ItOUSE, ' • and Lot of Ground, containing ONE . 1 ;4il ACRE, more or less. The house is now , • nd i,m.excellent order, and has a com• • modlotis back btlilding, • Stabling and otbei out-houses attached, with a well of water and pump. The gri"unds are well' cultivated, comprising flower plots shrubbery and shade...loos, and the lot is amply 1111e1 with the choicest varieties of, fruit; comprising eight lands of till and winter apples, at least twenty oaf lotion of ponchos, half a dozen varie ties of plums, bigelher frith cherries, aprhxds, pears; raspberries, t:timunts, gooseberries, almond, and fig de:, in adundanco, all of which ore in thrifty I.llring condition. It is In ovary respect a desirable property. Persons disposed to purchase aro requested u call_atuLeliOilline• sepli, 2866.1 ICRAY;— TTAIAJARLE CORNEIt. PROP'TY v AT PRIVATE • , • That 'dory valuable and well. knOwn DUSINESS STAND tdtuate ou the corner of North Hanover und bomber Streets, in the borough of Carlisle now owned end occupied by Jacob Fetter, containing 30 feet front on Hannover street and Ibta feet on Louther street.— The Improvements on Hannover street are a large Thium, STORY HOUSE, with a laego brick back build. hug finished in the most elegant milliner. containing 11 :amens I minding...the store room, besides Pantries qf: and eon venlent closet arranguthents The STORE ROOD is 33 feet In depth, fitted up in the !hest uossible manner and one of tho most.desinible and long sta4llshed Lushness locations in our town. 'Mire Is a large two story brick building fronting-on Louther street; with a shop attacha, now occupied as n cabinet maker shop. 'Also a stable on the foot of the lot, and other necessary out bulldings., The property Is In excelltnitordenhavlat-been recently fitted up by Ihe pntsenVoccupant For terms &S. enquire of • A. L. SEONSLER, soot 5, 1855 Estate• Agent and,Scrivener. GOODS FOR L_T-LIE ..11 - 01ADAYS ! FANCY GOODS, GIFT BOOKS, - - -b. W.-JUANDRSTICK has just received-from the city and is now opening a spiondiddisphiy of FANCY OUODS, sultsblo for the approaching Holiday Season, to which ho desires -to call the attention of his friends and 'Um thisline-cannot-hesnrpassed hi novelty and elegance,) and tooth In . quality raid price of the artiaos, cannot limit topless° purchasers. It would • 110 impossible tlynutner.ito his - • • HOLIDAY FANCY GOOD, which comprise every varluty of fancy articio of the most exquisite shape such as. • Fall or- Ocala. • , , Elegunt alabaster and porcelain inliditands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl mud shell card rases, .1 Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boses,fi sewing hlstrumoutt, Monnalcs, of o variety, . Hold pens anil pony ;Fancy paper weights,. t . Fapoterles, and a • argo variety of ladies' Fancy station cry. • Motto seals and wafors, Silk and bond purses, - ~L: dies'riding whips, oleututli. if nithed; fine .oaq, _ • .Perfunio briskottiiitifhaiis, Briishos of livery kind for the toilet, ' ' Vortutnes of the various kinds, Max!cal lostrumouts, of all kill& and at all prime, together with no Dinuiaorablo variety of arlitloxelogatit -13,--tinishodand aultable.forholllday-prosenta,-tti- , whlch ho Invites special attention: 1 - , Altai; nu ostonsivo "that elegant collactlon of ", • ' - 'HOLIDAY GIFT 1100K§; •.. , comprising they:ulnas kngllshand American ANNUALS for 1857, richly emliolislied and iiustrated POETICAIf WOltitS, with 9141,1litkIN!&:p1C1'OILIAl s i BOOKS, for I children of all ages, than whichinothing can ho more IPPropriato or pleasing as hailtiargifts, Ills assortment alSchool Books and School Stotionry is also, complete, -and comprises - every , ' thing - mscd-in-College-rind.-the-, Schools. lle also desires to rail the particularattention I olognut WSIAZ v ' • , • I -LAINIPF, OIRANDOLES, ice,, ' • 6oin' tho extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer •aad others of Philadelphia, coinprislng', every style pf Parlor, Chamber and Study frunps, thr burning either 'lard,, sperm or °animal oll,lagethur with Flower Vases, Fancy Scroonef, Re, ,file assortment Ih this line is u,r equaled In the boryugh. Also, FitiillTS I+l , NOY GO' IIFEVIONAItY—NDTS—PItiI• . „ /Km kit 118, Be,;• ; • . In'isvery variety and at a ll . prices, all, of ,which nro pure and fresh, such as canam' confidontiy.secorm is eaded:to hib friends and the little' Ills stock ombruses - overrthing'in the I,lnonf Fancy deeds, with many other articles useful to' housekeepers, which tile public, are , specially.invited to 'calPtind - spi during tho thaOld Stand, 'nearly Opposit° tho niok °if 'North - Handcar' ative , ,,• •• 1 , • - • dee 1:1 - - - S. W. HAPEIISTICK, 011A8 .OGILDT If SAXTON ' , . • , ~ . . 'e4, ,•• -- : .I)UI3LIC .SALE..-71Vill:bti ,-• , , 19 - nantrittlinbilb — aate""ini - TIIIIItSII.II7 . • ,'... s ' March In Mg, at Ilia iosklanci ot he _.„.'' A _.,' ',,,,,, ' . ',' Wipe Mir,' In 'Cation 'tnivn lirp, Yo rk' ~ . at - ~,;',..,"'-'' ' ' count r y;nne and tchaltintlea ' finni'DllllV , birif. - "tia,af the • StAto`'road , ,laitding .. tn, Iliirrtsbnig; tbi' 'fb)lowing property ; Oa!' - .., ' ' '•,, I . : ..,, ithkbES, COWS , litiElil ,'.IICCa:Ih„Ii.IIOO;44,4IItAIN; ' ' • ' ~ . ' ? I,Nt.);,PI.OV . PIt SEED' ,', • ~' Ily, tha , lb:mina; 11AVIkY Ilia Tnn, , all4 tivarlety of 'Anri rultunil Implalnonta, ,- . liali to- coannoneo at Al_o'alook 1...31,, an in4d daY, when terms will ha made' known yb III:filtY LOGIN., March 11.1957., , y per ue e krZETt the credit- =CI= ICURTZ„ . Qufncoy, Franklin coup. l'ya, 31iisceffitileou COncation.,_ • ft U. M.ll FA' 11 AN.I) CI 0 U Y kJ' • ' NORMAL SCHOOL. 'NEIVVILLF, PA FAcTJLTY • . DADDLLY, .'• ' V 4 'Pr•iiielp J and . Profossor of tho ' Art and Theory of 'Poaching. 'D. E. KAST, , 4 4 , • ProfessoC,Of Elocution and Grammar. • S. D. 11,1110 ES, Professor of Mathematics. P. M. L GIILLI4•LEN, Professor of gatural Sciences. 0501105 ,SWAICTZ, ' Principal of Model Schools. 4 J. 11. HOSTETTER, . Teacher of Intermedlato Department of Alodol Sehools MISS M. SIIELLY, Toaehor In Primary Dopartmoneln ModorSchools. This inst:lttritoil will be opened for•the Yocogion 0 pupils 'on Wednosday, the Bth of Aprp, 1867. . BUILDINGS 'AND LOCATION. Thls school will occupy the eonyouient and tasteful buildlognf the "11Ig Spring Liternry I natitule," In the borough of Newt , 'lle, by whose munificent' liberality It hits been donated for Pee use of the school. Tito building Is is spacious, Mick' edifice, nevonty by forty foot. three stories . In holgth, and affords nmplo 'room furhall, recitation emus, Stc._ Tho town of Nowvillo affords unenuallod advantages for the location of this sob - dol. Easy of aOooss,tutaithy, and situated In a highly Intelligent, community; It offers a desirahlo situation for the teacher and student' to vi, trot's' rosecuta their studios:. .The Board of Trustees. composed of (11:2FDITifetbr from each schtml distrld, In Cumberland county,:have esta blished the school will? the 'design, that .teechers may be properly trained and qualified In the "different launches, necessary for a proper prosecution of their professional duties; and, to (Lindell as far as possible, a model of a liell.organlzed and efficiently conducted school; to all others who may desire to Attend, and pre pare newel:es for Miler positlon9 hi life. • • . . • ' The annexed list of studies le arranged- In depart ments, wllhout 'regard to - ,tho - order in - Which the vari ous branches 1011 ho pursued, or to the length of timO which:May ho devoted to them. .. Exatrsit I.4NatiAmf;.—The Elementary somuls, Spell ing and Definttdon of words, Rending, Elocution, Eng lish Oral:Mum, Composition including lihetorro„the Art of Debate - _ " MArnammica.—Oral or :Itimtal Arithmetic, Written - Arithmetic, Practical Aft,thenintico,-Mensuratlon, -Al'e: 1 iiiii;Tiemmdry7SurveYll4:;:iiiitiMMitiEfaiTlMiMlWlE: eluding the URO of °lobes. . . . NATURAL SeleNcr.§.—DescrlptlTo not Physical. Ong*. phy. and the use of the Globes, Astronomy, with us trations by Magic Lantern, Maps, Planisphore, man and Companttive Physiology. Natural Philosophy, with apparatus, Elements of Chemistry. Tit mar AND Pe t MIME or TEA ciima.—lntolleetuid Phi losophy, the study of School Systems, tortures on Edo. cation and the Details of Teaching, Practico in Model Schbols. Vocal Music throughout the course. Students le1),, do not design to becomo teachers can select their staidmii from the Maine list, and wllLho clas sified accenting to attainments. , . • liitertottm on Ttiscinno.—These Lectures will be fro quenrand practical, and 'comprehend the hest modes -of - application of instruction and discipline In schools. Al though not relied mum as the chief Instant Instruction; yet, in remidistilon with A rigid study of Text Books, their utility7'inquestinnable end fully acknowledged. ' Tito catecheibm lode will ludiscarded. The student will-be mimic o master his subjects and recite. them " in clear and hewn language of hie own. - • ,Monet Sc. ~There will ho three Model .fiehoolii connected w he Normal School, which will he at all • Limes open fel semi:atoll end practice. Tim Normal ILLUdelit Will bpfrOVrlOßtly called upon by the Principal to take part in tho menegementand to adept IL proper system - and nerhodin his ettempt each.the.young._! school can'prosper without good dig ulpltpe. Tian Jlmlol Do- partmont trir snore's' fo r -iTtoe artiV imitation in our public sclools. it will ho rigid and impartial. yet, ueiying much upon t h e lelfreapect of the pupil. Mite:lsm' will Dillow all hamortallty and ungen tlemanly deportment. , = •Sessiens will .coiitinue tined months.—The tuition will 14;85 pe'r three months, including use of apparatus' , c., payalkin advance to .1. 11. Esq., Treasur er, Nowlin°, Pa., No extra charges Will lie allowed for any purpose. No deduction Made for idisence.. Books, BLu lonery, &c., will be furnished at Philadelphia : retail prices. _ = " °nod bean' can lainbtalficd In relpaelable famine"; ar V. 25 per week, laeluding all except washing. the pu p rind frequently be linked by the. ae.adfcra-of-tb , _ Faculty; and a care exercised ovbr thew at all times. = . _ Male - pupils must be sixteen years Ong°, mid female pupils fifteen. Satisfactory evidence of good moral char. aster must be furnished, and the pupils must have healthy coestitutione. =0 'there will be public examinations at the close of each term, both In Normal and Model schools, which the pub. Ile is Invited to attend. A cetrificato will be awarded Co those, who give *satisfactory evidence of accurate at tainnsonta combined with ability to teach. = Webster's Dictionary, Sounder's Series of Readers, Pel(on's Outline Maps, lireenleare Arithmetic, Bonny castle's•MonstirOtion, Davies' Legondro, 0 ummoro's and Gillespie's Surveying. , Porker's Philosophy, Durvltt's Astronomy, Cutter's Physiology, Quackeaboss' Rheto ric and Composition, Sounder's Elocutionary Chart, Sill man's Chemistry, Covell's Digest of English Grammar. VISITATICNS. Tho Normal and Model schools will be open tuvisitol during the term through all regular session hoUre Miscns of the county and strangers are cordially in -I vlted to visit them at their convenience. All lettsPrs,nhinquiry should he addressed to J. IL Herron, Nowville,Pl7 Wu. It. Oono•s, OWEN JAMES, Cite INV A N'EDIOU.T, THOMAS 11. 11111'130Ni A. J. KAUFFM•N, SOLOMON MOHLER, .louts C. DUNLAP, DAVID BRANDT,. MOM: GRIFFITH, WILLIAM LIN; Wm. STROHM, SAMUEL 31 c(1 Aw, 31cCummon, : Sown Toi.ou; .1. 11. HERRON, .1.'31. SrouvrEn, I'. KOUNTZ, J. C. AMICK, A a a. Lona:mos, JACK, 31oC1i,Loen, Joint (1. WILIArms. DANIEL SIIELLY, frost. JANE:3 mccANDLian, Boonl of Trustees. March 4,1857--2 m. CUAII3'I) VALLEY INSTITUTE: COMMON, NORMAL S; CI STOTC - AL . for Young Ladies tu! Cun borland County, Pa. Thin ,wall known Boarding School for yoltik Indic and gentlemen, conducted for several years, by tl , Rev I S I was, A. M., will be continued by the sun scribers, who, engaged for years ns Instructors of youtl assisted by male and fumaluteachers 01 experience al., skill in their profession, " will qualify pupils to dischart with dispatch and accuracy', thaw duties which orb from The relations of feciprocally- dependent beings. Such as desire itewill be educated and .traluod for tl' j business of teaching. Special attention will he give I In the ! - Normal dupaitments, having connected thee with a-Model school. for the education and training i Instructors of youth; and, when, qualified, no pair wilt be stored In obtaining, them eligible situation. , Wu have now several applications for good Yeachers. I tithe classical department, pupils; male and found , , will he prepared for any class in college. ' Terms very' tuoderate. The next session. rot • memo, April iv UM. Parents, guardians and PM , Wishing hi lenan the particulars front a Circular, otherwise, will address, - • . , T. D. RUN` ie. 11. COYLE, •. Proprietors of the C.' V. Institute, Mechatilcan: Climb:Cu. rio.llE-TEMPIa, OF FANOYI NOW 'OPEN MIMMMI And will bo • at Iris Old- head Quarters In Norl liiiiiover street; during tin, Christmas and - Now Year festivities, NVitti one of the largest assortments bf CHOICE CONFNCTIONARIES EVer offered 'in this pima, consisting in part of Ph Candy - Tay" - litiirFeultsz - Joily - Cakerr, -- Ilorr - lioni, - (ity Chocolate and Fruit Drops, Rom, Vanilla, and Buil Almonds, French and' oxploding Secrets &e. Also a thu common varietios: 7 • FIII34,LAND NUTS of the latest inn: poi,witch as Oranges, Immo/ Raisins, Flgs; Pruee Citron, soft and Pal slit:110d Almonds, like Dons, Cream, 7 Coma, and - Cron" Nan.. In counoction with the above an extensive sortmout of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS . of every quality and price, consisting in port of FP Wax',. kid, china, crying and ethos. Dolls. Sowing Card -- BasketinTancy - BoxesrElower - Voing,Motto Cu --- Tea Rutin, Masks, Drums, Guns, Air Pistons, Accordess liarmonicans, Trumpets. Chessman of bone. and wo. ihmilnoes, Lotto and othur games. Finley Soaps. IL Oils and Port Mosaics, ke. We have also a Rue lot FAMILY GROCERIES, such aapulvorlsed, crushed brown Sugars, of every grado ' Coffee, Molasses, Stan - Omen and 'thick Teas, Spices, Butter, soda, Sugar, Was and other Crackers ' cheats, kc. 'she subscriber snturimhis sincere thanks to a gen' one puhlic fdr the patronno heretoforu bellowed on bi andEopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continua. ' _j Oveler. C. V. Id. P. Co., • 1 lilarch Id, 1357. NOT,Iat is horcby given, that sn sessmont of five per cent. has this 'day been vied, by the Board of Directing of this Company, on premium notes belonging Le illld••ComPany, In force the ad day-of Janneryol,-D.; 1857, except -"tbrgo.(l. , • log-before the 2Sth day of kebruary. A. D., 1857, (, not venetvell) on which 3 per cent. Is levied, and nil p (glum noted ofurlginal 'applications taken between dates, 8 per rent. Is levied. ' TI o members of this Company are hereby require('. ay the nbovb proportion on. their premium notes to • Treasurer of •thiti ComPany, be, it properly (maim, t agent of the Board, within thirty" days iron this o ,• By order of •,:he Board, ' • JOILN •T. OItEEN, Sact't. April; 1, 18y.i.-E LOAN of-T. - 1, Thohistud. Deflate, fora year. coated by. bon., foi ,11,1TElttraT,-• per-mlnuoa bo.'pal l.:_Notes payable at the Banking, flquao of Snyder, Alekrarb ,•,„ I' - h Conk, Illinueapollailllinuesofa Territory, who will • wit Angle to lift tlsa.notes Plrahme whoa duo. Parties wishing — to _make the ,Loan either In pail. , addreas 'AV; A. a lslarlaho Until 'the •11,„ 4Pflh at NowvIlle; PO. ' • , , , - ••••••Persontr-*lntiug , -fend-al'arntotaLleciteil-tp.4 , ± ,- - - shotild balmedlatqly:lbrvard thew' b? pe at Nlnueap, , 'pa onefof the 1 0 1740 will. at feud Alo talc, , May na aud locate any Warrant • whithlnai be soot to us... , • PN DP.IyhtOPAULANE a COOS . • Unruh 25,1857r-IEL . ,•• , , _ , ~• • • . AIJOHUBT•US • M. SAM Y Elti A k t (i . rti . ~ • at it,,,, , ,:cfni,a - wlitk -.I udgo. tlopburtt, ,ou * .., , lul street.' /tit tlio•tobtit oiltiiistOd to Mu "Cur 6 win :' .i promptb atteiotod to. • • . . . .• Margit 26—" ly , % . . ,• . - iittces: CUMBERLAND VALLEY R: R.— olleNdk: ON- HOURS t • f 02•- V:4: "72, - • On mid after WEIDNESDAY;ApriI 15i,.1807, Prursortgar . - Trains will run as follows: (Sunday/ excepted; FOIL HARRISBURG: • • • . ' . lot Train .."' •2d Train. Leave Chambersburg.' .. ' t 4:50, A. M - 4.30, P. 61, Shippensburg, 5,20, " ' 5.00. " Kerrville, ~-. 5.60. n . 6.30, " " Carlisle, • , 0.30, " 0.10,. " Mechanicsburg, • . 7,00, C' 0.40, ." ~ At Harrisburg, ' ' 7.35. " - 7.15, " •. - 1 7 -OR CIIABIREILSBIIIHI. .- . , • . . ISt Train. 2,1 Train: Lenin liarrisliurg, ' ..• 8.40, A.ll 1.10,1'. 51. Mpchanirsburg 9.25, " ' 1.40, ,, "IL ". Carlisle . • • 1000, " - 2.20, ." " . Nowvide, . . • 10.35, " 2.50, .". ii Siiimiensburg, • 11.02, " - ' 0.25,. 0— At Clrambersburg, • .11.41, " .. 4.00 i. ", • . . - FAIR& • , •.. , . , '. " From 'and after this ,Into, the fare from Menhaden. , burg to Kingston wi11 , 1,010 cents;-foe, Kingston to . Middlesex, 15 cents; from Middlesex tO,Carlisle,ls:ets.t.', from Doed Hope to Altorton, 15 r:raitil. . Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphin,Ut 7.55, A. IL, 7.40,,P;M, and 1.15, Pr M., via Columbia. Per Pitts 'bur at 3.53, A: 11., 12.55 - noon, and 9.25, l'; M. For . Baltimore, at 2.30-8.50, A. Mr, and 1.45, P. M.' Trains on the Dauphin nad Susquehanna Railroad leave liar rlsburg for Reading. Auburn, Ac., daily. • , --Pores from -lbirriabnix,-Idechaneaburg,Carlirde,Ship-. Pansburg..and Chambureburg ; will be ten cents less when paid for Tickers at the 0111ce, than when paid in 'the Cars. ' 01 • I. IC .LULL, Super% Bulimia& °Mee, Chamberaburg,, a illincir 25 1807.-3 i. • ' .. — . VDTI OE- is -liereby 7 -given-thati-have thjii-114 nssociatOd ivith ma as a partner In the Nnovakifinv, - , - Commission - iiiid Orahi business; my son' Albert K. Itheern, and that the above business will be i hereafter conducted nucleer the name of J. Itheom k. Son. JAIIIItEId. . • • • .—H , N. Bighest cash prices gli.on 'for all kinds of pro.. dinar—Flour, Wheat, ltyo. Corn, Oatr, ,tr. 'Salt, Phis. ' ter, &c., always on hand and for salo- • ' i STATE_ OF _MARY BELTZEIOO-- TER, DEUDl—Notice is • hereby given that Lot tees Testamentary on the Estate of Mary lieltchwver,. Into of Monroe township, Cumberland mlti, decriised;. have boon granted by the Register of said COLD ty . trf tho subscribes, the first residing in Hopewell township,. -and the latter in Monroe township: All perions knew -lug-themselves Inidebted to said estate are - required .toy make immediate payment and those having claims. to ' -Pfervarit_theniforlsattlement to ' ANDREW GROSS, CHRISTIAN GROSS, Executors... Mitrell 24--6 t. (10 - UR --:. T PROCLAkATION: . IV,lfereaa tho /Lino/able JAMES If. Ortolan, Pres'. , dent. Judge of the several Courts Oh' Common Pleas In the ,counties of Cumberland. Perry find Juniata, 01 1 Pennsylvania; and Justice of the several Courts of Oyor and Terminer and General Jail Delivery In said coun ties, and Ilan. Smautm Woo/sons and MICILtEL COCILISN: — Judges of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General ' Jell Delivery for the trjal of all capital and other offend , ' vws,.lit the said county 0 - Cumberland. by their precepts mo directed, bearing date.tlMl2th - lily - orhUitutry, 1857, have ordered tho Court of Oyer and Terminer and- General Jail Delivery to be holden at CARLISLE, on • .51 - INDAY, of April, 1857. '(being the 11th day) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, to continue two weeks. NOTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN to the Coroner, Jun , tices Of the Peace and,Constablea of the 9(11 , 1 county of Cumberland, that, they are ',by the said precept com onandedto be then and there in their proper persons) • with -their milk, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrance's, to - do' those things which to their oleo appertain to be done, and all those that 'are libund, by recognivances. to prosecute ,tgolo'st the prisoners that aro or then Shall be In the jail of sold - amtrrtyTara - te - be - tbere - tolllssgetliftrlTicin nn slittlrbe just.. •. JACOB BOWMAN. .2_9II.E.IIIEi2I3.9EPICESARLIHLE,}_. March 11,1857. _ ESTATE OF .REV. ALEXANDER SHARP, deSoased.—Notlce is horsily, glien that Leiters Testamentary on the Estut of liev. Alexander Sharp. Into of Yowtan township, timberland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to the. subscriber, residing in the same - town ship. All persohs knowing theinseivestudebted to AN iodate are requitekto make immediate payment. and tlaokithaving clailms to present them for settlement to JOIIN It. SIIARY;. Executor. Nob.ll--pd, S'T XT - E 0I? _J. /VW 1i_._.31 AR deconsed.—Notice is hereby given thattet tem 0 nitilstrution-tm .oe-estate- °I Jono Martin; Into or-Dickinson township, Cumberland county, do. ceasedArtvo been grinted by the 'Register of the' saki county, to tho subscriber; residing in Newton township. All persons' having claims against said estate are ro-, quested `(o present them for scttloment, and those in-' debted u !nalto,lrumedloto payment to • dministrator. Fob. 11,1857 NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS.-NO TICE Is hereby given that I havo applied to the Judgus of this Court of Common Mats of Cumberland county, for tho benefit of the Insolvent• Laws. and they appointed Monday the lllth day Of April, 1857. at the Court Ileum tint borough, of Carlisle, for the bearing of me and my creditors, when and where you may at tend If you think proper. W.M. °WINN. Jan:ls, 1857. FSTATE OF J. a BLACK, doe'd. J—Notleo Is hereby given that Letters of Admin istration on the estate of .1. C. Illack, late of Lower Al len township, Cumberland - county, steed, have been Issued to the subterlber, residing In said_ township. All persons indebted to said estate are MiThested to melte Immediate payment, and tbpse having claims to present them fur settlement to' SHELLY, Doe. at, 1850. 'Administrator. ESTA'rE OF HANNAH PFLEA- - -1 GElt, DECD.—Notice Is hereby given that Let ters of Adinlntstnttion on the estate of Ilan nab Mon ger, late of Dickinson township. 'Cumberland .cojinty, . deceased, have been granted by the Register of the said county, to the subseti her, re,!..hling in Newton township. All persons having claimq against said es tate aro requested to present thorn for settlement, and r' those indebted to make immediate payment to -- DA% 11l DIMUTIL • Administrator. Dee. 3,1856. FST AT F o of • WII ITEHILL CRANE, Doressed.—Notleo Is hereby-o{llllllml, Letters of dministratlen nn the eqate of Crane, late of Silver Sprleo township. Cumberland county, creas ed, intro been granted , by tho Register of saki County to tho subscriber, residibg In North Middleton tor.). ship. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate aro requlrettio .maku iminedlato payment, and those having claims to prlosent them for settlement to . &cid pd THOMAS U. CHAMBERS, Ad'r. • TH A STATE OF " JOHN limas, A DECEASED.—Notice is .heieby given that Let• tors Teshimentary on the estate of John Ilelkes, Into of West l'onmilioniugh township, Cumberland county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county-to the subscribers residing In the name town. ship. All persons Indebted to said estate era requested to intWe immediate payment,. and thus,, having claims will it °sent them for settlement to fl EORDE lIEIKEE,' DAVID Executors. Nov. 19-1312 d 1 - I_, 4 STATE ELIZABETII WILT, - micip.—Nonec is hereby given that Letters of Administration no the estato of Ellsotieth Wilt, late of Ictluton township, Cumberland county, dee'd, have been granted by the Ilegister of sold county, to the cftbscribor, residing In West l'ennsbormigh- township. All persons knee big themselves Indebted to sold OA• Into aro requested to make Immediate payment, and thoso having claims to present.theur for settlement to. GEOIIGE 'URA, Administrator, IMBIZZI 1 .. 17 /1 1 STATE OF ELIZABETH KERR; - decd.—Letters Testamentary on the, Estate of of ligabelh-Hurg,latehtthelforeigh—of,Carlisir ceased, have been duly issued to the Subscriber residing In mid Borough. .Ail persons having claims against sold Estate will present them for settlement and l.hoso Indebted will make payment to JOHN D. IIIOBHAB, • Exr.' Nov. 5. 1855] CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK. Pitoritlirrous. • - Mutant KEE,' MRI.OIIOIII BRENNEMAN, . .11011ERT 0. STERRETT, JOIINTUNLAP, RICIIARE WOODS, .1011 N 5. STERETT, J011:4 0. DUNIAP, — , JlESitti - A.STURGEON. This Bank, doing bitsiness in the name of KER, BRENNE3IAN & 00.1 s now fully prepared to do a gen eral Booking Business with promptness and fidelity. Money yeeelved.eg Deposit and paid lwclt on demand' without notice. Interest paid on Special Depotlits.— Cortlfiantes of Deposit, beating, interest at -the rate-of FIVE PER CENT. will be issued for as short a period az FOUR lIONTIIB. • - InterOst on all certindatos will cease at maturity. - provided, however, that if said certificates are removed . t-any_tima_thavonfinelar_anatherLiplion_OladAliff-: thename rata of intoyest to..the time -of- t .renowal. liarticular attention paid to the collnetion. of Now, Drafts, Ghocks, de.; in any part of the United States or Canada.. , .c .:I IAII,LISLE _ DEPOSIT BANK.— I ts_ SPECIAL DEPOSITB - r • w be'reuolved at this Panic, Incorporated by the State of Ponasylvania, for ae short a ported as Foti MONTH; and Interest, paid at the tete , of Ewe Nos CENT. per an num and tho principal - paid back at any: Lillie after bitt=' turit , y, without 'notice. . • Interest recites after the expiration of the Mute speci fied In the certlficale,unless renewed for another given period of !bur manilla, or longer. la which case the in terest Is pald:up. until the time of renewal. Bank otioun nt 9 o'clock coil closes at 8 o' clock P. M. By order of the hoard of Ifireetors. ' • . WM. m. DEEPEN,' • Caslilet Doc 2 ,1850. IRAM,Y re r ,, Calva dale lrge addition.t&MY afork of Family Givn cedes, among Ichlqh will Ito found Rio, Laguna, - Java and Roasted MITRES, crooned Lump, 'Granu lated and Brown SUItAIIB ; Lovering Syrup, .Now Or :learn; and Sugar /louse tioLAssr.s; itlc.,BFarFll,Poap; .• Soda, Omni. Tartar...Se:, Bernither, Pipe , Apple ' anal Sago CIIEF.SE Illack,lfyson, Imperial and extra yRAB; , 'Sploos•oFtwory. variety, Choielate,' Cogan', Fa- 96 . • ; rltia-itod Corn Starch, Raisins, Catmint:, Cit. , . inn; Bonne, liomfny, Cmnberrlov, r to: , CaLle Oil, Kotebup, Poppet. Sauce., Preserved' I itaetwirlino-Apples- and- Straw,berriver-Picliteloi;Gerr Oniona and Piccalilli, Frheli.RObeterin • call tipoclal attention to sny largo atonic:of • . „ agars ,and whidt is 'net - vim:Bed in the tawn, Lovers of-the weed 'can to, milted nithoringualltror pricolc.iklanvi White"! ,! Crenie,'Y a, leunstltmin for Tar. ••• • ° •' -111ACKNIUCII"No'r - 2,• andFhb; She'd, 'Zmolt oil Herring; tie;', All of Ow !limy o urn nod will buiwld 101 l for cull. or - Country Produce-W.1404'1n WILL4)if Jununry 8, POT:, - a El -.Bhurlll_-