Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, April 01, 1857, Image 3

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    410 Iflaikets.
CARLII,46, irodnos,l4, April 1, .557;
• FLoun. Superfine; por bbl: . -$ 5,50_
do 'Extra,. do ' • 5,75
do Fumiiy'
' - '8.25
WHEAT,4IOE bUEIIOI • - - 1,85
RED 'do do . -
Itra • ' .- do
Onto • do
' • Sramo BARLEY. 'do •
New 'fiGnettisemen(s
'a happy to announce thin he hasinet
*calved an UNLIMLTtI) supply of the
direct from the came source as that 00.•
Cured by the U. S. Govormitstit.
He is now able to otter - to every usw
tubacrlber, title Spring, odor 00,0 petit;
iarfetit woods ((matted of 300, hitherto.
nfered:) -- TQClub - eu bscribenti - 140 0 0 -
...ode each. The seeds forwarded at.,
lace, on cur:ape of subscription. (Send
t ready directed envelope, peal paid
with two 3.eont sheens flu WO' seeds,
One dollarmill'irecure,.for the entire
year 1857 the BEST prectienl, reliable,
inetrurtive Journal . on Hon.-Cum:Re
published— , with the. &MAR EArre nud
Alter seede
Dix - aides for $5. Two copies $8 :
N. 11.—Any old or now subscriber can
bite a pekoe of any one, or of each of
the billowing seeds free, on sending-ft
each kind desired, dz.: King Philip
.loru; Darling's Extra Early Snout
orn; Stowett's Sweet Corn; and Will to
Poland - Oats (42 pounds to the Mabel.)
As many. seedgarlll bo r e turned in each
envelop RH the pastage Ptaump upon It •
,will corer,— '
-QTFIE - t4
The Agriculturist has a stibsociption
list larger, by tuaoy • thousands than
toy other shallarjournal In the World,
and In return fur so generous a pa.ron
ago, the Publisher concludes toonakur
the so free offers of seeds to old as well
to new subscribers. (d),000 packages
of seeds hobo already been given out
this year.)
N. 11.—Frout the stereotype plates tha
numbers for -January, February, And
March '(Non L. 2, and 3 of Vol,16) can
till he supplied..
, ORANtfII BUDD. Publisher,
No, IN AVater.stritet, Now York.,
Invigorator, or Liver Remedy
• Is - required tu_cure any. gnu troubled with Liver Coin.
plaluticithless the Most - theme:4lln a,f , etikos, when the
' second beau will. with nice a single failure; model.°
the ,patient health and vigor. We wish to call the
attention of all to these facts, that the I nehamitor is
compounded Lay a physlelan who has used Jr Nib's prat ,
thee Ihr the pat twenty years with 0 success almost ere.
---dulous r .and4hat: it-As-entirely- vegetable,- belug-coni
posed wholly of };um,. • ,
• Some - idea of the . strollgth. of these gouts may lie
twined wheat Ills known ouu bottle-of the Invigorator
eimtains us much eitteagth as one hundred gases of tad.
lomel without any of Ito deluterioutt effects.
One bottle Is`the surest - thing known to carry away
. the hel elects of mineral palson of any kind.
- one,b.e.tio In needed to throw out - of tho sylitom'
the-elfects of medicine after a long sickness.
- duo bottle taken for Jaundice' removes all yellowness
or unnatural color from the. skin.
mach and prevent the fond from rising eV scouring.
- g• Only one dose tat..n - before rtftiring prevents night
Ono dose taken at night loosens the bowels gently,
and cures cUstiveneles. '
One dose taken alter each meal will-cure Dyspepsia.
One dose of two teaapaonsful rill" always relieve'
Pick Headache. •
The bottle taken for female obstruction removes the
cause of the disease; and - makeea - perfecriMre.,
Only one dose immediately relieves Chalk, while •
Oho dose often repeated Is a epee cure for Cholera.
nldrirbus, and a sure preventative of Cholera.
One dose taken often will prevent the reourrenco of
,hillious attacki, while it relieves all painful -
.tCar- One or two doses taken occasionally In mm of the
best remedies for a cold over known.
Thousands of rases of inflammation and weakness of
the lungs have been cured by the invigorator. "
Ono doso tskou a short time before eating gives vigor
to tho appetite and tuskes food digest
, One dose often reposted cures Chronic Dlarrhces, In its
: worst forms, while summer mud bowel complaints yield
'almost to the first done. . -
. • • .
One or two doses cares 'attacks caused by worms,
while fly worms In children, there le no surer, sdrer and
speedier remedy In the world. as It never Volk
There It no exaggeration in these statemeLts, they
are plein and sober acts, that we con give evidence to
prove, while all who use It aro giving their unanimous
testimony in its favor: • •
.• - We wish all who are sick and debilitated to try this
remedy, and test It thoroughly, and any•who, ore not
benelitted`by its use we ohoold like to hear from, as we
hare yet to hear from the first person who has used a
bottle of invigorator without receiving benefit, for (here
are kith astonishing inedtelual virtues in It, that sill, no
matter how long they have been affected, If their "coin
plaint. orison from a deranged livprovill be benefitted,
if not entirely cured.
SANFORD & CO., Proprietor,
315 Droadway, Now York. ''
For sale by S. ELLIOrt and .9:" IIAYERSTICK,
Carlisle, and by Druggists generally. .
March 25, 1857-3 m. - •
is, no doubt, the most wonderful discovery of this age
of progress, for it will restore, permanently. gray hair to
its original color, cover the hood of the bold with a
most luxuriant 'growth, remove at once 'All dandruff
and itching, cure all scrofula, and other cutaneous crap ,
Lions, such as scald head. etc. 11/will curd, us if 1.. y nut._
glc, nervous or periodical headache; make the hair soft.
glossy, and wavy, and preserve the color perfectly, and
the hair from falling, to extreme old ago. ••
The following is from a distinguished mambo? of the
medical profession: •
BT.VAUL, January 1,,,1595
Dein Sltt:—UnsolirJted,, I send you this cetkiflcate.
Afthr being nearly bald or a long time, and having
tried up the hair restoratives extant, and having nn
faith In any, I woo Induced, on hearing of yours to give
It a trial. 1 placed myself In the hands of a burlier, and
• had low head rubbed with LI good slid brooll,llllti the
restorailvo then applied and well rubbed la, till the
scalp was aglow. This 1 repeated eve?). morning, .nnd
in three weeks tho young hair appeared und.grew ra.
pidly from 'August last till the pnetent thonand Is now
—thick; blueltuisid.stroug , rauft.tuul_pleiWenti.94he
'whereas, before, it was harsh and wiry, what little there
nnd.tbat little env disappearing very rapidly.
I still use your restorative about twice a week, and
shall soon have u good and perfect crop of hay: Now, I
had road of those things—and who lots noti-lnd have
not mu Idthorto any case whore any person's hair was
really bonentted
. byully of the hair tonlq, etc., of the
day: and it really Ares me pleasure to record the' re
sult of reyoxperience. I have recommended your pro
pandlowto others, and It already has a large nod gene
rout sale throughout tin, Territory. The people herd
know Its effects, and have confidence In it. The supply
you Sent us, as wholesale agents fur the Territory, is
nearly exhausted, nod daily II:qui:ill are made tby It
You deserve credit .fur your discovery. and 1 fur one,
, return you my thanks lie the benefit it has done inn
fur I certainly had despaired long ago of o v er ellbeting
'any such result.
. .
• , • Yours hastily,
Firm of lilocrd - fr Kelley, DruJghts, St. Soul
[From the Editor of ttia itoal Estate Advertiser.] •
BOSTON, 27 School Street, March 20, 18.30; *
Da Sint—flavhdlisprome prematurely quite gray, I
was Induced. sonto Tflr weeks Mum to make a trial of
your Rostov:dim 1 have used less that, two bottles,
but the gray hairs have all disappeared; and although
my hair hits•not fully uitalited its oilAinal color, yot
the process of champ is gradually going on, and T tun
in groat hopes .tbdt in a short tines my hair will be as
dark as fOrtuurly. 1 have also boon much gratified at
ttie Hell by thrilithre
fore was harsh and dry, unit .It has ceasoddo come out
as forniterly,
D. C. M.It.UPP
Pro fea4o - rWood
etitt•TLE. Juno 19,1866.
haye -
have admired lit: wonderful eireet,' My hair was bosome
big, as I thought, prematurely gray, but by the use ot
itis "Restorative," it has remit:awl Its original color, and
I have no doubt, permanently-so. • ,• .
Iti-Eanator United States.
Foi‘itili In Carlhili, by 8: IV;
EIiLIQW, and Drugg ists eyerYisber,e. •
iIEI . . .. . .
- DlSC'D.—;•Notlie is herby given' that Let
en 'testamentary on 'the Estate or Mary Bnitehoover,
late of Monroe biwuehip, Cumberland county, deceased,
have been granted by, the Resister of mild county to the
subeerilers, the ,tirsir residing In 'Hopewell tovehship,
and the latter In Monroe township." All persons know .
lug therntiolves liallebted to mild estate are required to
make Immediate payment And those" having claims to
preseist.thens for settlement to. r': '• . : " r ' ,
011111821 AN CROSS, •
\ : - •.'. . clEttecutort„
Mareb. 25--CIL _
74611.' REIVT.-4, , A:Biiale :Utilise' situ,
eta lei lyeet Iligh.ntiont, nearly. opPosito the Hall
• ' ! 06i:41, 1 1%1s h ,uso le well_whiptedloinihy
'peter p fainl4,,iirerdence fur, a , kbell: tawny,.
been; teimurl.e - ,Peeup4 , 411..463131r000ry' - For
ppftleplartl enquire er the Ettheerlbor..., Poefew.
Yon giyart-let orAPril, - . 17 • •
Jau:74Bo.744,pflAuLly' .101T1 plume&
FOIL xsso.
.Talin,Clondgnin, William ,Gornpan, and &impel Ti
.. . . ..
cif re., Drrectors •of the • Poncien4 . ! louse. of Bruploy
. mootoreinUliciiieild .
ciniiitY. in .ifißiiiiiicirlfii said'
County, froni the Tot day of Januar) , till the d!al day,
.of December, A.'D.,1856, vie.: .
Duo cpuntyhist.; P . :sq.,
Treasurer in 1855,-
Dy cash comets od trusu county Trost.
. surer. . •
'From J..olandonln. Esq.i and
Minnkb. for hides and skins,„
From 0.0. Sanderson, fur use of
Mary Kuuttle, -
From D. Wherry, - Esq., for tempt It. 'Dollar, ' -
From A. Brannon, for blind horse,
From W. M. llenderson, for rye,
Nrom, It. Irvirie and W.
• for TlMothy Seed, ' •
For tallow, • •-•
For potatoes, ' ••' . .
FrOltfillrt."StuiqfnMesi for I:ISO - aeon;
From 3. M. illetne;•Efq., for use of,.
0. Laughlin, •
r . •
For use of "ciderpress, "
For indenturM,
Due J, Squier; . Esq., nuasuter 'on set
tlement by county, •• • ' •-
By paymont Info - Met on DEM : Min •
•favorof Afro. O'Brien. on the land
• purchased of A. lirDowell,in 4142,
Groceries, mareliondiso, clothing and
bedding, included, ' , 2,173 70%
-For stock,
For support of outdoor paupers, • 7 1 3 30
For. Wood,. ' 313 - 73'
For•Frou kiln Insurance Company in, -
For Imnatio hospital , dt I.l.terisburg,
_ e i undrY paupers, I! .
For shoemaking, talloring-and hot
For Mono-mid, • • I.l'
For hartlw - Orca. AC., • '
For grinding, barrels and bran,
For innterialsoku, for. use of house
- and Cann. '
For tin. capper and shoet-ironwore,
and repolring,
For clover-seed, • •
Fog blacksmithing,
Fur migamitaking and coopering,
'For castings, "
For frei,Git,.
For saddlery,
For plaster.
FM , itiiiirer. - .. -
- For 'constable's foes for removing
panpors,_.-' . • —...=—, • • -- -40 15
For out-door funeral aid.. .. 69 37%
-For out-door medical old, • ' • " •18 60
For drops, ~ , . 90 . 70
For-leatinav -
For survoyfor Insurance, _, " 000
Y,90 sundries, , , . • ' 8 _04%
For postoge and Itationery. ' . • 4 43%
To hr. A. J. Harman; Physician one-third_ •
of a year. . 33 33
To S. P. Zolglor, Physician tyro-thirds of . '
A year,
'l'o Joseph Lohaeh, steward, salary, hiro
•.llugu „wages lucl udad
To Jacol; tiquier. Esq:, Treasurer,
Te T. Y. Wattle, Esq., Attorney,
To John C. Brown, t:aq.. extra pay as Di
'To John Clendunin, Esq., extra pay.... DI
• rertoe. ',. • g
To 1111)1am Cornman, 'DI., extra pay ae
- Ireetur, , •
Jecoh_ Fig uler,- Dot—Treasurer of the Nor- House • and
nod !hots° •of Employment of Cunitterhintl.. county,
in .neeount -with the lltreelor4 of teittl Institution,
froth the first Any of January to the thirty-trot tiny
...of Deeentber, A. 1);,_113.50, inclusive vb.:
' •
- Cash ron,ainlnoln Tattidtibt Ttia•
-.Burer lit fillitlolllollt - - • -
Revolved front County Trpthurer,
Fnnu J 05151,11 Lohnelt, steward.
• - rOnn:dilTorout'sonreve as orb!. e
. bittul In the Lore,toling statement,
Ilalanco due Tronsuror on FottlenJOut,
y cash paid ou Diroctone orders
Sko'ck - on e‘ii•Wi, -- Jusary 1. 1857
7 hood of horses, 11 milk cows; 22 hood of stools,
hull 0 calves, 12 bog., 4 brood sows, 30 shoots, 3 sheep
d 2 colts.'
Beef Pork,l'ark, Mutton and Veatlattened and
hilted on the . Farm in 18,56.
25 beeves, iiversgo • svolgl4, - 355 pounds, (0,875 lbs.,
70 huge, averago ‘voight,lo4 pounds, (5,0 20 llm.) ealve•
averago weight. 05 pounds, (445 lbs.) 20 slump, :morns
weight, 38 pounds, (402 lbs.) inaltlng in all 17,252 lbs.
.arming - ffiensila on the.Fami,-Jan. 1, 1857.
1-broad and 1 narrow whooled wagon,l atone wagon,
wakon' bed, 1 pair of wood ladders, cart and cart
gears, 1 one-horso,wagon and harness, 4 plows. 4-bar
- rows, 5 doublo slow•01:plowic -- 2 - singiti - shovel plows, i
thrashing machine and horse-power,2 fanning mill; 1
corn-811011°r, 1. cutting boxeb, I ground roller, 4 rolling
screen, 1 grain drill, I grlmbdone, 2 log cludris,-36 cow
chains, 6 sett of- 'wagon - - - geirs,l-sett-of carpenter tools,
1 sett of blacksmith tools, 1 sett of butchering tools, 4
wheel-barrows. 1 cabbage knife, 6 grain cradies,lo mow
ing myth.., 2 meaMcks, cranrbetre,-2 pfmhey-V•ithlrrolgr,
and a variety of quarrying togs. also spades, forks,
rakes, sickles, corn hoes, steno banunersi sledges, axes,
wood sows, mauls, wedges, dm: dc.
Schedule showing, the Proceeds of Me Farm for
" • 185(1,
1470 bushels of wheat, 64 of rye, 1000 of corn, 815 of
oats, 450 of 'potatoes, 3 of eloverseed, made 36 loads of
hay, 20 ,of oornfodder, 2 wagon loads of pumpkins. 6
barrels of elder, 3000 bushels of Cabbage, 30 dozens of
cucumbers, 15 bushels 'tomatoes, 20 of ttirnlps, 4 of
bonne sod pose, 15 of parsnips, 50 of onions; 36 of rod
boots. .
Alayufaciared and 'Made in the House and
125 shirts and sliinties, 113 comforts, 42' aprons, 40
frocks, 58 skirts 26 sheets, 21. cam 51 pillowklips, 20
bolsters, 40 cha lr-beds
21 pstrs stockings knitted, 11
pairs footed, 16 towels,B sacks, 16 sunbonntes, 14 pains
of drawers, 35 barrels soft saw, 25s rains, 1 largo gate,
12 spittoons, 2 wheel-barrows, donelabout fifteen stel.
tars' worth of bbseksualthing.
Number of paupere In the Institution Ist of January
-- 1850; of which 16 were colored. 101 -
Number admitted up till Slot Dcbombor,
.1850, of which .12 wore colored and 6
born In iho house, . • 102
Molting the whole number' through the
Of which 17 died, 4 children bound ofit,
20 ulopoil, awl 100 disebaritd,
Leaning the number of paupers in the
• u . iMINU Ist or January, 1847, of
Oul i to h r l p 2 au "' r) re leAsti , r ;:o d hei nt public ex
pense through the year.
Of those remaluing In the Pour Ihiuse
31st December, 1102, there are males
58. of which 7 aro colored,
- Fent:lles 32 of which 5 are colored, -
°ILIA. door paupers, •
There are as near Ile can be aseertelobd
1 uNe - 1 -- )rear, 3 11.001'1 to 5,.1 from •
5 to 10, 8 from
,100 to 20. froui 20 to -
'30,14 from 30 to 10, 15 from .0 to 50,
10 from .50 to GO, 15 front 00 to to, 0 -
from 70 to SO, 111
In a Itlitlon to the 'above 1153 transient peiuners or
travelers Imo been received and suppOrtud for short
porlods . 4vlthout molar ordure.
Wo, the biroet,n, of the Poor and of the House of
Employment of Cumbetlatul rounty, do cartify.thet the
above and 1: or,,p.hur statement contalne a just and true
oihibit or the Institution during Cho period above
_statulaceordlng to the lost of our knowleda;
D ... .
,„..; ,„ -,
t,' 'Wynn utulex.sUtiniAtAitd_the.sealoLzaa.
'.".‘"'"-- Jule... tblh Unit day of January, A. D., 1857.
- '/— b .--. ‘ '
Directors of the Poor.
AttiTt—Joeupli Lobth, Clerk
Wo, the' Auditors of Culuburland county. do certify
dint the titmice and foregoing statement contains n just
and tree exhibit of the 'lnstitution during the period
mentionea, areartlieg to the best of our know.
lodge. In testininpy whereof we hereunto set our
hAnds. to the Coin o‘lasloners' office, Carlisle, this 30th
shy .Icrillery, A.D., .11S5i.
:A liditnrs or Cumberland county
'Leavenworth City, Kansas Territory. •
Will buy and - sell lands, selegt lands, and locate land
warrants In KlllibUS and Nebraska, buy and sell town
lots, negotiate loans, and do a general' a,,sency business:
Itmulrles respecting the country' by letter or_ other
wise, promptly answered.
John B. Bretton, Eim., Carliele;Pa. •• ,
Wm. M. Lleetein, Banker, lt . • - '
•lion. J. It. ("reheat, o • . ' • • .• : •
Kor, Brenneman & Cc, Bankers, Carlisle. •' • ••
Win. M. liandersoniikm., Carlisle, •-• •
George Sanderson, Eng.; Lencaster. Pa.
Ifr. John A. Ahl, Al. C., Beeville, Pa.
Wm. S. cobodu,..eig, •
Clark it Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, ' •
Zorn. Michael Cockliti, Shepherdstown, Pa.: • • -
Henry Itelnian Si Sons, Merrirnote, Baltimore.. • •
E. L. Blake, Esq., Cashion Mercantile Bank, Nob York.
Snyder AleParlihe, lire! Estate Agents , Minneapois;
Allemerisote.Territory., : . •
Wm. Kilgore, Eeq., Attorney . and Beta Estate Agent,
Sterling, IU • . • • -• " • . •. a •
-IL W. Metier, Fie., Henry city, 111.
Exilov.•Josert 'Meer, Cumberland county, Pa.
1 1 1:011,AL FESTIYAL: H The Union
:Filly Company, hating In oonteeeplatlon the erectt Wept en 'Engine .11ouse, Intend holding a &Festival
and Fair, the 'fret (week In 4une nent..nt, Education
'llan.'in which the Iklud.cooperetion.of the, ladles of
pa/lisle.le respeetruliteollcltedi. '-•-
:";Thomas D. Mahon., •‘'-
„ .RWeuel Abraham,,
:Luther ' 1% J. C 41111 3
, 1, 4 •
j[BTINZiTJ . .
R1 4 .10.!T0 :FARALF44B.••••:,
The lingla Corn and Cob Mill. 'tie beni 'it'd* In - ,iiii
hie Mill lung taken the find pienalinnoverAlOterset
nmumber of the nwenClitate and z3ountyltalni - Stirl -4 7,
GI rroorigho foudri.!tnot Would er havone of these mini.
v7ki , 7. ' , "JORS:II O .IInit k imx.v. ' - ".
Zia*, IS ' '6O, '' ' ":,..- /19114.-RIPKIPIY ilkt•Okwu.lo.--.,-*,,
T•T'• . .SIIAILSS is .4. L:ISA AO AV DROTEIJIii," • •
• North-blerth-Setand-Street,-below-Ilace,-,Philadeirlla . .•
„ .
Alavlng•eomploted•their lare assortments of the Shovel
floods for' Spring and Hummer Trade; would respect
fully: Invite the attention of,purchasers to-the same:
.stojk for beauty, cheapness and 'variety, cannot
be Surpassatl. . • . .
. .•• .•
T.7lliny:have - VOnstantly band f
: Child' and Pillared Shades, Bug ,Ilollands and Shade
'Asthma. 'Wall Papers, Curtains, Niro :B oard
'llarders.-Ao_ all of which they otter at lower fates than
can be had at any other establishinent. • Caltand ex
amine • •• J. L: ISA ACS & BiIOTITEIL , •
133 - North Second•stroot, below•Aace.
101 3131 A
40 00
47 15
25 00
45 12
. . . .
T ALLEN 85-.00 .
-Nos:. 2
J 4 4 04E$TNUT AT., (South side, belo*Witer,):
.. , .
'l . iii.'Etv.nnECr Woomvxna Homo IN Tux Gni.). ;.
--111anuniclurerei and -Wbolesele-duciens In -Patent AlX
chine made DitoG3lB, Patent Grooved Usnvx.wvar, vtai ,
ranted not to abrink, Woon vOO Itimoiv-iratts, COW,
Daosans,&e, of all descriptions. Please call and exam
ine our stock. -
. Feb. 25.1857.-Iy. -
. .
. .
8 0(1
8 45
13 63
43 00
150 00
1 12%
2 b 0
ARP E T I gil S.--J. ° S. • DEPtiY
-- ..4 SONEfilhoonlp Llall,Chestout Street : below 6th,
p ilodelphia. . ; '• ; . • :; • - '
:11:ouittettjt,the attOnt.loo of the puhhet to the' lorgo and
.$8,007 9934
which they aro solllnk for Cash or 'City Are
cephicea, wholoaalo and •
Marsh 11,18.57. • ' . .
UNION CANAL—This work having
been enlarged throughout to adffilt the Largest
liiied'llennaylsania Canal Boats; the water will ba let
to , from ,51 iddlotOwn to Beading, on tho first •day of
, Ton, Sheets and Information' respecting the Canal stn obleined at the office of the Cptnpany, No. 56 Waltibt
Street, Philadelphia, on application to
,• -R. RUNDLE SSIITII, President, &e:
273 153
221 78
114 68
111 31
86 01%
I G A R I. U o
a n d
writ seioctei , 1 rt 1 6, 3 1..13 , !1 4 4 1
r NS.
turf and Ihrticultural Inipiellierits, embracing twerp,
thing »ceded' hy the Farmer or (hardener " Plows of
great varietiand of different sizes. being the largest
sod best assortment ever offered In Philadelphia. liar.
rows, Cultivators, librse Hoes, Lime Spreaders, Sm., &c.,,
47 31%
66 60
• 38 35
41 40.
34 0834
03 00
82 ely
27 00
• 0,5 00
N. E. cor. 7th end 'Hornet streets, Phlla
IdArch-11, 1847.
G A large assortment Of new and genuine Flower;
Feld and Garden Seeds, lit every variety, at .wholesale
'and retigeinkrachigitll_the_tiew_and _desirable-kinds,
criWully pnt up In topers for the retail trade, or. sup.
plied in Milk. 'Chinese Sugar Cane. Seed, Japan, Peas;
Orange, Water, Melon, 4c., Ac: A Isiclt r etedete
went of fine Flower Semis-20 varieties In fancy boxes,
for $l.. Clean Clover, 'timothy, Orchard Grass, Rye
Grass, Herd Grass, fine Lawit'Grass Seed. kr..• •
PAtioliALL, 31011515 h CO.,
Agricultural Implement mid Seed Store, N. E. corner of
• ith and Market streets, Philadelphia. -.•
March 11, 16t1.
COO 00
50 00
au 00
. E. ,Cornor SIXTH. and ASCII Strootgr PHILADEL,
MIA; offers' for aalo n largo assortment of .
.16 60
7 50
, .
' WALL PAPItitS, • : • .
t prices ranging front Six Cents per place upwards, of
hake patterns, comprising- •---
Cheap Satin Papers,• . Fire Deeorativa Papers,
.Fire Board Prints, . Fine lield Papers, - '. •
Aim-dors and '3louldingx, Fine 'Satin Paper.
illaible Papers,Oak- Papers,
, .
Air' Now Styron Window Curtains. in great t Arley. '
Drifters supplied on most favorable takes... .--,---
31nreh 4, 1857. - I
$5,067 909.1
NE - W - G - 0 - 0 - D - S - FOII7S - 1 5 1t e rN G
ON 1851. •
Fashioned° Silks, Nom sprlng Shawls.
Silk Robes, (Flounced.) British d French Chintzes,
Black Silks, (extra gloss.) Lawn and Lawn ltobes t
.tihing..Dross (Nods, .Shands, ,Inowest Fashions
1000 00
- 'l.lnlikGts, Qullta, thunnfik TrsPle
- -
18,067 91%
. ,
tiontioutens Wear and full stock of goods fur Buys
Clothing. liargalns, daily received from Now York and
Philadelphia Auctions
Yholefale - buyers - cre'lliviteirtnitlre - Me`efira en .
. . EYItH & LA NL'5:l,
. ,
. 4th and Archutreets, Philadelphia.
Air' Terms Nett Cash, and prices low. - . - . .
March 4, 1857.-3 mos. - .: •
$8,087 99%
B li OADW AY -• G 01.1) P i N
_Gold Pens,
Gold Pen and Silver Iluidei,l
Gold. Pen and Double AK-Silver Holders,
Mauiouth " "'
Four thin Pen, Desk Holder,
Matnouth " "
Engrossing Pane, .
Leviathan and D. a , •
Gothic Silver Case and Pen,
. .Matnouth"
Gold TOO=
-Tooth and Ear Picks,
^ rebel% and Watch Keys,
Ladle. Gold Pencils.
with Pea,
s' Gold Cases and fens,
'Screw, Pencil,
all other hinds and styles at the retail prices.
To every person buying n gold pen of us wo present
a numbered certificate, and each of these certificates on-
I titles the holder alt., by the extra payment of 25 cents;
to an article ofjerwelry, in value from el to $lOO. This
jewelry consists of gold and Silver Watches in grenCvm
duty. Silver tioblets..Vilver Fruit Baskets, Gold Guard
Chains, for ladles, Lockets, Bracelets, Gents' Gold Feb
and Vest Chains, Ac., none of ebich sell Yiw heti than
$l. For every dollar paid us. the party Is entitled to a
numbered certificate, and by the payment of 25 cis.ex•
.trtl.en•sstch certificate be Is entitled to receive whatever
the numbor.of the certificate designates. tic beet, been
lu operation for three years mid thousands have bought
of us.nnil we bare never learned that anyone was over
.dissatisfied. This plan affords every-opporttinity of ob
taining a geld watch resume article ofjowelii,Tor a tr/
fling mum All our pens. pencil cases, Ac.. are genuine
articles manufactured by ourseli es with giwat rani. and
we offer them precisely at prices asked in all other stores
Im ago city. To agents we make advantageous otters.
and any energetic person can do well by working fo? us.
We wish agentsln every place In the country, and per..-
.SOUP who would Ilhe to become please addreSs
is, and wo will send them piloted circulars of• prices,
terms, ..te. We have tin stated periods fur distribution.
The Moment a mu Is pfireitascd. the purchaser in out'
tied to receive his premium on the payment of 25 cents
MI orders by mall should bo addressod'
335 Broadway, New York
N. 11.—Gold pens ropeillted- in a superior manner.
Enclose the pet, and 24 cents iu P, C. sunup's; and
pan sill be mpolnted and returned post paid.
The I.leuttlWrlf Coto Psis MVNUFACTILIONG Coortor, is
xel: known 011%14h - out the country, but as there are
undoubtedly s ono jolts are niu...uequainted with us we
append the following well:known tiring as references
.PEI.LoWS & CO., No. 17 Malden Lane, New- York.
3111111 ELL, No. 20 do do
BENTON, BROS.. Cor. Eroa d way itml CourtlanG street,
New Ycir . k. find Chostout `street, PhilodaPhio.
J. 11. STURDY S CW., No. .5 ElliOy Eultdltig, Now
OOULD .4 WOOD. Np.letdon Leine. do.
. • •
-Nolo-Propilidor-of-Johneou'v.blgidy mpproved. end
mproved Iron Coneave - Fran - Deeter, thePrenduu .tdie ,
him, for :DiDers. . •
ItesieLwer.No. 131 Queen. Street, (18th :Ward) ad
dress I(ensingt9e Post Office.
Suer.—llayllork 'Street, below Front, Philadelphia.
&calico 31111 Stones, 31111 Irons; Suntt l'a
lout 51111 Bush, Portable 51111s,Atretebeil Belting,
Cement and SCPTLI Wire. ,
Feb. 25, 1857::.-31n.
otter for sale 40,000 barroll of tbolr • •
NgIV . AND nIPROI ED pbuDnErrr,
(sJanufactured from the night-soil, of New York City,)
In lola to cult purchasers,'
This ortivie (greatly. improved within the' Inot two
years) has boon hi the market -for.eleitoott 'Years and
still defies competitioni es a ammo fill corn or minion
vegetablos, being chrapor and -more powerful. than any
other. andot the same One free front disagreeable odor. '
Two barrels will manure an acre of corn in the hill,
will save two-thirds to labor, will cause it to mine up •1
quicker,•to grow Gutter. rlpint earlier and-will' bring a
larger crop on poor grottud then ahy,other
audio also a pmvontatlve of the cut-worm; - also; It'doos•1- -
not . ; injure tho seed to bo put In contactavith it:: • •
and the largo capital ($100,000) ,Invested in their bust
' nes., as a- guaruntee that thu artichi they make dad
always be of such quality as to command Toady, sale.-
• Price In Philadelphia as, &Mars:
One barrel to 5 bbla.:- . 1 • • • - - ; 1 -42 00
I Bit,
and at the rats of O 1 70 pot barrel for tiaytjttantlty over
• 10 barrels:: ;e
, At. s..plunthit committing every InfortnotiOn . 74111
be sent (fre6) any one applying for thq same, — -
' Orders arerequested early,in ridvari - C-OTto isbold y asap._
pointment.•' Address. •
• , • I'A8! HAIL MORRIS & CO.. Aientik •
• • Cur. Market nod 7th - streets; Plilladelphla, pa,
Feb. 18, 1857—v8nt * 1 • • •
HAT, 'CAP; . .1.010 , SllO
The subscriber , has Just' opened In the •stoeudom for.
word oigupled•by Cleo. W. Wiper, on the coiner of the
public square, Alain street; near the elarketileuse;and'
u,kleiniug the Jewelry Store , of Wm. DAtaugle,an en'
thuly now and sphindld aesort7ntof•Ball and Winter
Uoode—compfleing the latest st ea of - -3 -
BOOT :4Ni? suclE,s,
'of every,iariety and • , •
• Ills Hats eatenst of extra: fine , Melesian.. Ilenver;•
repti;Claret, Kossuth, Sporting Hate, 'la'- ',Alto Strain
Hats of., all varieties. These irate are tuatinlbetured tq , •
tiabford, Morris .4 C 0.,. and °the...celebrated hatted of
Philadelphia. Helms also every,variettorloninklw,,,v,
'Willie; theiegixids he will patentee to fide entire
1,414000 u,
Meet.* of Shoes is niade 'up of every' a d
style Mon rho bbit/dud to tlio,liest article - 1n lb* tad,.
ket.-and.'dnnot tall tOPIwille• • ,' "
He rai,pdcilltllr selicita - the ixi "..
tintiage he the 4 • .tabile, -,
feeling confident that he can omit the cheapest and befit
Inds in the mond,. , • ' •
•,. .
a.. -_ r va .,.. , ~ . yis
- - rtinted-from-tho-let-of-April-oext,_fur_the_term_of_
.one'year_er more If desired, the-store room-lately occu
pied by J 20110.11 Hannon, deceased, arid more recently
_ by. AV.-L.-34.0;11MM,- to-Wain-street, -Nearvllle. -The
room is considered an ellgiable place of business, nod
_has occupied ea rtfikore.riremiur_lharry, yours. ho.
quire of Mrs. Mitrwaret !Unison, residing on the pro.
WPCS, or to . : tiRACEV, Adm'r. '
-Feb. 18, 18b7—tf. - •- • - - •..
&c. Thu undorshmod, whose shop loin .North
street. near to Glass' lintel, Carlisle, would inform the.
public that thoy are now prepared td manta:solar° Ag.
rieultural Machinery and Implemenin of vartoun kinds,
sue', as llonnquiwers, Tread nod hover Tieshors.
ore of dllihrolit kinds, Clover tihellers. Fodder Cutters,
So., Straw Cutters. Corn Skinners and 'rregtl Powers now
on hand. 'Repairing promptly attended to. Torms men.
eonnble. c
. .
February IS, ' • -
NE W SA W. 31.1 L-L—The under.
signed would Inform the- publle.that he Lax In.
elated a Saw 31111. three miles from Mount Holly, on the
coed to Laurel Forge, and Is Mlle prepared to now LH the
-various sires of YELLOW PINE 3331 L and CHESTNUT
TIMBER, which. nye usually wanted. • Ito .Is also pro•
pared to saw and furnish Chestnut nod Pine SHIN.
GUN to Order. Also, !VETS:BINH LATII:3. - Those
_them 'articles - are requested to coedin tbeir
Orden, S. N7CIA'EN. --
Pa porton:, :March mos; . • ;
The subscribers offer for salo a largo and well - selncted
Stock of
at tholr Yard on Front St.. above the Coittm Foamy..
The patnningo of the nubile to reapertfully.solleltea
Feb.. 45. 1857: IOSIA LFSY k tt.n.•
. .
.Q 0.008.-4110 subdiffil)er has
Just opened — a — in - a - 0y of L•idles' Tallman. Broehd,
Long nod Square Shawls, blanket Hhaavl M hoe
Cesitheres, 411..t.i du Lainos, °lndiums. calleoed Bleu.
kets, ae., to which ho iiivites the attention of the Li.
till° W. 111TNN1t. •
Carlisle, Nov. 26,-1856 . - - .- -•
E Z & • 'l3 R.O
kAhr , AND
Plain Black Silks. Soils Strlpe4, Moire Antigni, Fanuy
Silks; readymado-Cloth and Plush-Manties,-Volvets-for
-slanlles, habit distils; a full assortment , of FURS, In- '
eluding Plano Martin, Fitch, from *3 to 030;
Merlllol 4 B, Cashmeres,roburgs, Plain and.lancy_all•wool.
De Lobes, Woolen Plaids, Alpaca, Dom' taint); Mocha.
Rolls and Cashmere Shawls, Fall and 11...it0r Bonnets,
Bonnet Velvet_, Sattisi4 Feathers, to.; Ladles' Skirts,, FlniticClWTHEninlng, ho., Collate 'and Trimmings In
groat variety.
$1 00
2 00
4 00
5 00
3 00
5 00
2 00
5 00
3 00
3 00
,Cloths,Cassime,w, Overcoataditk and Woolen Under:,
shirt., Cravats, Collars, Cans, WelcrY, Moves, Sr ,
full and complete assif Demesnes, incliidlnk
Wool INnnkote, Counterjoincs, BOmestic and. imparted
Carpets, Woolen and Cotton tarpot Chain, Woolen
Gum tilirsia, Looking Ulaases, Ac. •
N. have made arrengemente by which we min
famish any .gonde to be had In the. city atdbroo days ,
notice, :
Oit 14, '11.1.1 BENTZ /qlto.
3 00
2 00
.3 00
4 00
6 00
8 00
10 00
12 00
next dooi to Maglaiuchilti'a Hotel, and .you will find a
large.aasertinent of faulted' Dada, consisting of Black,
Fancy,and Uonoa Silka; • lierinoca,• Persian Cloths, De
Lainew, De Rages, Alpaccas, Scotch Plaids, Sack Flan
solo, Scotch, Manchester, ./tariston, Chambrag Ding
buns, Calletals, Fine French Worked Collars,' Ribbons,
lipalory, Mores, 3c. , &c.
DOMLSTICii.—WooIen Twilled Flannels, Drilling ,
Ticking, Bags and Bagging, Cotten Flannels, Osnabergs,
Donde, Table Draper, Checke,iirttite and 'col,
°red Carpet Chain, .
In Shawls and Blankets we haTe all some, Rhos • and
For gentlemen we have Flue Branch Black Clutha,
Black and Fancy Casaltneres Cud Watkins, Satin Xi:st
ings Tweeds, Satluetts, Velvet Cord, Kentucky Jeans.
it, '
As for men's, wmen's and children's Bode & Shoes
we deTy 'competition. .
. .
Also, a eery superior lot I' Groceries, such as Coffee
Sugar, nice, Spices, &c.
Our stock has hues selected with the greatest dare as
to price and quailty, and we are determlued to sell at
very small advances. Those wishing to purchase 1011
find that no aro'selliug as cheap—ft not cheaper—than.
any. house lulown ; and they will find it to their ad
vantage to give. us a call.
Sutter, Eggs, Rags, Soap and Dried Fruit taken at
Market patios. • . .
N. W. WOODS, Ag`t.
Don't forgot the piuso," next
utul. ' . f0rt..20 1856
the subscriber has just returned from New Yorkand
thiladalphia with the lamest assortment of elegant
W I N'tElt iN/JDS urn' brought to' Carlisle. The ladles
will lard a sploadid, assortment of Dress - Goods of the,
newest style of RSIDINDDINtigs, jig ne,0,1„.
ui-ut'of Needle-worked Collars, Underaleoves, Floune•
lags. Handkerchiefs, 4:c., very elegant, and the cheap.
•- t In America.
SHAWLS AND SCARFS.—SteIIa, 'Brodie, and .131ao
ket-Slmwls,Reautiful and very, cheap.
arrlptlon; alio, a large stock of Bonnet Ribbons, very
OENTLR WEAR:- , -A fresh lot of ClollukCaasE
forms nod Siiinotts, cheaper than ever.
, -CARPETING AND 01.401.0TUd.=-Iniperlat,-yligraln,
Venltlan and Rag,Carpetiug, new , hancipme.aud very ,
cheap.' - • .
ROOTS AND SIDIER.4,:- - cArather -largo 'lnvoice of
Boots and Shoes, from the best numutacturere in Phil..
adolpida. , • -- -
Ali,in want of cheap and good goods, are respectfully
Milted to call at the -Old Stand, Nest Male street.
Carlisle. - • CHAS. taAILBY.
Carlisle, October 25, - • -
" ,FIRST ormie sEisoNi
subscrlbor has Jima returned &ton • the :cistern
cities and Is now opening a splendid assortment of •
ALL 000DliC
which will be sold nt very low pr
A: large stock of elegant
,Stollik,Thlbet, Ciisbeeere,
Brocha and Blaitkot Skewle.
Au Imo - loom, assortment or, the post elegant Panel
and - Black - Silks. very cheap. ' .
Mona do loins. Ohallies. Verb-Mew. PMitinettsi, and
Great variety of Dream Goods, Very luitidsouienud
„ •
heap. •
, • — Flannel, Blenheim, Cassinettis, Jeans, Clothii'lind ens
' elmerem in groat variety, - 2
BOOTSANIii SIIOBS-4 Idrge loevif !Mots and Shoes
(every descrintlon, at.tho lowest . :-, •
suegrOoent of IMO:140,1'o"
no assortment Is now very/ergo-and- complete, and
all persona in want: of handsome- and cheap goods are
'respectfully Invited to call at, the Old Stand, East Wain-
Sop. 10,1856.)
Just iecoliod i 'a lot bfatilla Vaal or 811iiiiiieiV grid
o let's inannacttire: , Atio , a flaasamottptant'arHay,"
Straw, a d l'adder Cutters; 4'fti 'dttrt.t'eltt' Malt, at
Vie chant ttarditate Store Of • • • .• •
am t it, 1,856.] • • ••
sfar~~~ cin€b~~'~~~ps:-
;I; ,; , ' J . 1, 4 . , 7Ri
dThe subscriber bus Jun: returnrid.rreurtiterlfasterti
cities; and would WI - the atilentlem-pthliiiiiitida And
le generally, to tha.Diritir initimelbeelegtAiPaSi:
lertment of lIARDIVAIIIR which Bikini iiiite'dti
consisting In port of DIIII:DING MATERIALS, such as
Nulls. Screws, Illnges,iliolts,,bocks, Glass of every de
scription and mpality,suctitis Common, White pollehort
American, French, Enamelled end Double thielr"oft24 'I
vises, Paints, 011e. , VarnIshei,
,TOOLS—lneludlowEdge Tools of everY .deseriptlon,
Oasts. Planes, Brace and Pitts 1 Angers; Bgnaras, 0
;hasps, Dammam, Veda,' , Anvil,' Bor e * Plated;
Blacksmiths Bellows. Be., • ;. • „... • •
Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a large assortment.
Of Tools of every.descriptleru together with Ladies' and.
Gentlemen,' :Morocco Lining. •Ilinding, Patent and
Preach CsltSklus; Shoe ThreadjAwls, Wes; 'Pesti, Line,
-.Harness -Mounting, Collars; Birthing; WhimitockeDeer 7
hair, Saddle Trees, kr.: "- ' '
Also, Coath Makers Tools and Trimmings of all kinds,
. such fig Hubs, Spokes, Idiom Shafts, Bebe, Floor Cloth,
Canvass, rilloth, , , Damask, Fring; 'Pim! ,Axlas,
Spring Belts. &a, Ac. •'
Cabinet .11nkin•N will find a lingo assortment Of Var-
nishes, Oak, Walnut; and blehogany•Vpineerv. Knebs of
all 'kinds. and. alses, 01'ot11,
Pluslx, , Curlid flair Clistr'and.Bors Sponge, &el,'
• llousokospers" 'Ono lind,rt large' asserttnent', of
Knivra and Forks , - Itratafinta:Mtnitn sad Silver Pla ted
"Tabt's — and" Tier:Spoons?Candlostlcks. - Walteri,.l3lthiels,
and Tones, , lion and 'Brass Kettles, Pena, &c.; together
with Cedarware of all kinds, Ouch as ',Tabs Buckets;
Churns, kc , Ac.• •
Agricultural inipleminits; enibrricing Plows ofall
cultivators. Sloes, Shovels, Bakes, Forks, Chaim} AC.
• IRON, a large.sto k, comprising all kinds In:genera
use which 1 am soiling at city wholesale prices.'
- •Remimber the Gld stand, Fast
. 31ain street, Carlisle.
- AJ R ,AND TO' ,11,
The Ilh . nitthis;iind Faralt'dre Of that old.
A : ENT.- • —•
well.esiablished Sues Srotte,(formerlit Pertor's,now
Rawlins'; ) tbo eoeher of Main km/ Vitt streetti,,depo,
silo - the- 'Nlethedlet` Churrh,'lMFlltdeW Ware 's2on.
Also - fur rout the &root, Malt) street, opbOslte
I ho Italtroad !lota'. and .ottleet now In rntlx.9..Y. of Mrs.
Stiod,ratas. Bent .12L pordteabitt.... , ,
Also;for sale, AT 6:113T,-11 well. rieleated,istock of lloord
end SIITEd in lots is : suit pprelosora. Apply at Ito
Shoo Store, or address, ' J. W. UAW ;xis,
.Lattrester. Pa.
. • .
•N. B. Spanish qizartere oaken for 2.5 cants.
Yob. 20;185i—ft. ' . -
000 t. aooos, AND cosAr oo 7.0 WOODS',
T. •
, .
g t
, t
: _i_un ,
_,ru, fil
to us%s ro cgc r ri o r t tA a.a v i r iitm iL u To__ , sl_ , .:
*,.triicie q A acres aod upirmity' op - . rAms Wed."! a
' : - - ; ' ' '.at Lbit/Critee of Intismit... .1 ',
eso laude were grante&by tile G •
oVernment to r
1n .the ' MmetrUctibli of this RUM at &ard itniong. •
ric a it . lbi!tkelp,i_insVl i d, ; They esiend fo
NOT, -ocAlid
Dolftil.'i3Y•eltila kb iler middle
Sta .b.''' t e t „pip pp A oclude every
lq i
o rm atriA kg. dertionli. du &between those par
leis dilit;it4ad ThllNortheruportionis chiefly prilr .
idteretiOrsed witit' tirliil groves, and in lhe'nlddle a
DialliDefil-seetioile•limbel - predominately . alternati .- .
with beautiful prillliep Al* OikentbPi
Thb climate lir dibbetealthglinird'and equable, th
any, other part of the country—the air Is pure -a
anselpg, while living:streams and. springs of oxoelle
. ._ „
water abound.
' Is extensively mined, sod onpplfe,
cheap' and deslroblo fuel, 'beta furrilahod at me '
point; at $2 to $4 for ton,-and wood can be had at t
same. tate per.cord. '
Bulldlpg stone of.exallent quality also abouild ,
which: an he.procured for little more than 'the'expen
of transportation.. • . • . • - j
The great fertllitY.of these lands, which aro a bla
rich mould from two to five feet deep, and gently, to.;
Ing =their contiguity,to this Rood, by whlch.eoery I
ally Is furnished for 'travel and transportation, tot
principal markets 'North, Sduth, F.ast, West, and t •
economy wlthJwhich they, can be .oultlvoted u rend.
'them the mmt•valuable investment that can Vermin'
and present tho most favontbleopporiunlty,for pored,
ritlndustHunsliablts and small• merino, to 'acquire ,
comfortable- independeneo in a few years. -
Chimgo is now the greatest grain market In
world-and tke facility and economy - with which t'
product's bf these lands can be transported- to that me I
make,.them Much: zooro, , profitable,lat the pile I
asked, than tbosUmore ref:nide at governinent Traci ;
eui'tho additional Cost of transportation Is ri porpetit, -
tax ou the latter, which must bo borne by the produce '
In'the reduced price he receives Inr his gain. ' ,
Tho Title is Perfect-and' when the final psymnn
are mode, Deeds are executed bYthe-Trusteus appoint.
by? timiltato, hod In whom the -,tltlo-ls-vosted. to li,
purrhiseri, which' convey to them absolute lines, '
Fee Sidipie, free and clear of ovary incumbrunce, lien t
utorkpige. -
.... • -.
• no Prices are from $6 to *3O; Interest only 8 per cent
Twenty Per rout. wlll be deducted from the credit, -
. • price fin cash. - •.• .
... • . .
Those, who piirchase onlOng credits giro notes, papal' i
In 2,2,4,5 ma 6 years after date s are required _VI
Improve one•tenth annually for live years, so as to ba• 1
one•half the land under cultivation, at the end of th. f
Com Potent Servoyors will accompany those who Id ,
-to.exatnlne,-these-Lands, free.lo-eharge,vuid-ald•-ttni-l--.-
• In making Selections. - ' ", •
The Lands renialnlng.unimid Are as itch antlfaluabi•-• -
as !nese which hate , been disposed of •
Will be aunt to any one who will enclose liftyea . nts
Potgage Stamps, and Books Or Pamphlets, contalnh
numerous :instances' of anetvissful farming,' signed I I - '-
respectable and well-known :ruiners living in the neigl •
borhood of the ludimad Lands, throughout the State i
also the cost effeueing, price of cattle, dxfititiseof ,
vesting, threshing, etc..—or any other inforination- • •
will be cheerfully given on application, either penso,
ally or• by letter, In English, French. or, Dervattn, au
dressed to • • ' • : JOANWILSON, •
Land Commissioner of the Illinois Control It. !Leo
Office in IllinoleCentrebnaliroad Depot, Oble eg n
• - .• •
•l yard litany occupancy, situated In Qulncoy, with.
n four tulles of Waynesboro', Franklin county; Pm, Is'
or sale. It includes about/11mo acres of bind, a good.
übstantial two story Brick ROUSE and Kitchen,Sta.
Carriage and Ice House, Pump: and Well of ex
cellent water at the kitchen dime, Steam Engine, Rack
House, Currying Shim, about forty Vats. mostly-under
roof. a Running Streaneur Water passing through It,
Garden. Orchard, and all the requisite buildings and
appurtenances to carry on the Tanning bukiness eaten.
Nvdy. -7t is ono of tlio_nentest mid ,land coniplete'pro.
portion of the kind, in ¢ stet; of 'complete repair, and
will 000W . ryt-aJvincnln, nii_tlin_nrcupantAulalLneces•
'wiry to retire. if not mild'al private sale, it be sold
at public auction nu the FIRST FRIDAY IN MARCH,
1867. Ode-third of the purchase money in cash, and the
balance in two cline! annual instalments.
For further particulars apply to •
, L. D. KURTZ,
Qulncay, Franklin ttoun. t Pya,
. , ILES I D II C E . •
-- Sicipitratttrwexralravrtli - iniaqiiiiiratciillk, near
Bicklnsen College, now owned by the Rov."Dr. APCIIm.
irk , — The lot upon which the buildings urn erected
COnillill9 77 feet In front, on high Street and extends
'across the entire square, 480 foot to Louther Street,
p i
i —' . l. fully situated on about the centre of
' :: : 7.. ~ tho lot, or midway between the two
.• ,5 '401" streets on an elevated putiltiratppM,
- ° . -• .... mitntling — amblicdelightftir view of
the town a. d rounding country. Ills a spacious
and elegaip U. (Mho(' Building constructed partly of
' - framorrougircast, anidrpartly'Lf Brick, conteinlug on
the lower iloor - Urge Parlors, Hall, Library, Dining'
Room, Pantsy and Kitchen. On tho second floor four
Bed rooms; use Dressing Rooth and a Back room; 'and
on the third story, three BedMtoma and two Store
roome; The out Buildings consist of a LAIIOE. STA
BLE and Carriage Ifouse, Wood 'HMIs°, Work Shop,,
Outer Kitchen, Ice.ilouse and other out Buildings.
The Lot Is'covered with Ornamental and Fruit Trees
of every description, the fruit being of tho best quality
and In the greatest abundance.
• • . •.
The buildings are new, and were constructed °nate.
IS regardlem of oIpou!io. Tho Font,. Are wool and tato
nfant. ptera•ely moat. excellent: condition. For
terms enquire of • • A. L.. SPONSLER,
Dec. 2i, '56. "teal Estate Ag't and Scrivener.
.The ritibscriber olTers at, private sale the property in
which he now lives, situate In Loather street, In this
borough, nearly opposite Dickinson Colleo. The pro.
perty consists of a
and Lot ofro
Gund, containing ONE
IitACRE, more or less. The house is now
. and In excellent order, and his a coin.
modious back building,. Stabling and
, • • other outhouses Attached, with a well
'of water and pump. grounds are well cultivated,
comprising flower plots, shrubbery ifed miracle trees, and
the lot is amply filled* with the chbleast varieties of
fruit, romprishig eight kinds of fall and winter apples,
at least twenty varieties of peachia, half a doyen vArie”
ties of plum, together Xiith cherries, apricots, pears,
raspberries, Currants. gooseberries, Almond and fig
trees, de., In aduudenee, all of which are In thrifty
hearing condition. It Is In every respect a Tile
property; *Poisons - disposed to purehase Are rag Bided , .
to call sod. loutai "
sepl7, 26C6.1 •. Cffnul 3E.
. That very valuable and well known BUSINESS
STAND situate on the corner of North Vanover and
Geuther Streets, In the borough of Carlisle now owned
and occupied by Jacob Fetter, containing 30 feet front
on Ilannover street and 2,..1 foot on Louther street.—
The improvements on Eannover steeet are a large
THREE STORY HOUSE, with a large bark back build
ing linithed-in the most elegant manner, : containing 11
Aroma including the store room, besides pantries
andeonveuient closet arrangements. The STORE
ROOM is 33 feet In depth, fitted- up in the- best
uosfible manner and Clue of the nsOst desirable andiong
stablished business locations In our town.
There is a largo two story brick building fronting on
Loather street, with a than attached, now occupied as
a cabinet maker shop. Also n stable on the foot of the
lot, and other necessary out' buildings. The property
is in Bacchant order having been recently fitted up by
the present occupant Nor terms Ire. enquire of _
Re) Mate Agent and ScriveLer.
sot 5, 185
0., DAVERSTICK bus just received from the city
and Is now opening splendid display of FANCY GOODS,
iippidach ing • iday Season, to which'
haddidriarter Call the his friends and, the
public: Tits assortment In tbbilind cannot he eurpashed .
n novelty. and elegance; and both in quality and prim
etthe articles, cannot fall to please purchalens. It would .
ha impossible to enuniemte Ida— • •
which comprlseevery rtriety of fancyarticie of4he most
exquisite shape Bush ns.•
• Palpor !limbo Geode, -
Blegant alabaster and porcelain Ink-stands and tray;
Fancy Ivory, pearl and shall mull case; • • •
Ladles' Fancy Baskets.
• • Fancy Work Boxes, with sawing Instruments,
Port Mammies, of every variety, -
Gold pans and ponce's, Fskncr• paper Weights, '
• reputed" ['aka am, virleiy of ladias" Fancy *idiots,:
ar liottcleale;nsd wiikuvl, Bilk kik•hend , • °I.—L .
Ladies‘r/diug whips,•• elegantly flashed? lbrllel . fine
cutlel7t - •
-Perfume Mulketuand.brige,
.Britabliktif every kind for the toilet,
ltouaool' Perfumes of the various /chide, •..• • •
)11:Wad instrumenti, of all kinds, and tit 'all price* .
higether with an Imiumerable variety of articles elegant
ly flashed and suitable tbr holilday presents, ttv Which
he invitee special attention. ' - „
Also, ran extenaire and elegant colloction
•,,,•. —zromp-Ait,carr-titsoics-,.
- •
comprislegthevariOus Engiiihand American ANIL,' AYS
for 1867; nobly' embelished and Ii
ustrated, POETICAL
"children of all ages, than' which nothing au bo more
• eppropriate or pleasing eisbOliday elle. Ills asaortmen t
r School Look s and !School.. Statioury, Is also complete,
and comprises every -thing used 'ln College and the
Schools. He also deslres to will the particuhw attention
ollsindllesto his elegant as - .. 1 1, v. of, • -
7.42013, OIRANDDLES, -•
11nm : the extenslee establishments of Cornelius, 'Archer
'and-Others of Philadidlibia,. comprislng .everY style of
.Parlor, °bomber and . Study lamps, ler . burning ' either
lard sperm or etherealoll, together with blower Vases,
Pansy &MIMI:. Ac, Hk,pstgqiumnit In this line is un
equaled In the borough'.AlsO, • . ,_•-• • , ,
paurrig,, .trittlint COSN'AOTIONAItY—NtITS—PItIf",
la everywerlety and at all prices, all: o " f Which are pure
and tresh, such as chit be confidently recommended to •
his Mends sad the. little Mk!. .stock.'embreises••
,every tbbig thelinewfranzy,d4ods, Withmanyother •
art Wes neural ' heuselteepere,whlch the .public, are
'!appelally_ Indted to sill fing Iwo dtuing.the holidayn—•
.Remember thetnd Stand, nearly opposite the ;Dank. on .'
I 3 •• • ••• '13;..W4141,10113T1C/f•
. .
804 at: publio;:islec.oti. .THeins"
186'6111 Ow regidetlesof•tbe--.•
(es••••••+,._ subecriber,tn - Cairo)! tewrathlpi
,".. uittuty,•oue'auda Whittles from
.hurg. near : the .Btate road leedltrut td , Ilartiab st rgi
~ A Atc!lort4 ut•Oto,rtD•vtal,!
lupsBBl-001iiillEMP, ' llol 3kAtiiao!if!,:.o47, - ,;
ANW.CLoyso pun -, ; • • the Ton, and n variety of grt•
,cultural Imptemouta. Pale te_commente t
:.,c,"14,,; on mitt day k whip,teitue rip be made Am 4 ris
fu ]u-ar •
- -: `v
: . .i-•; - :-; , 5 . 1P,f,..)!
'..- - ! '---Iblittitiiiii
Isl Y
NoRMAL AlynooL.
'•• fIitELLY,. , ' •
Prlnelp4 and Professor of the 'Art and.Thodry of
Professor otEcull:ti'ettdOremmtir. .
: . . ProfeSsor of Ifathematler.
• Professor, of Natural Selen'ess. •
Pr' nc I intl. o -MIDI Schools.
•• • • J. 11.11 - OBTETiER,•;" • .
Toscher of IntsiziodhsW liepaitmeni of Model Schools
MISS ne 81113L4Y,
'TimikieiliCtriquiry Dopartuu;nt lo Model-Schools;
Thlp institution wW be opened; for• the reception o
'pupllb on Wednesday, the Bth of April, 1887.
• •
• Thhi school will occupy the convenient and tasteful
building of the "Big Spring Literriii Institute," In the
borough of Newville, by whose mu ficent liberality It
hits been donated for the use of the• cheat. .
The, building le lons, brisk edifice, seventy by
,forty feet. three atones in belgth, and 'affords ample
room for hall, recitation' rooms,
The town of Newvllle affords unequalled advantages
for the location of this school. Easy of access, healthy,
and situated in a highly intelligent community:- It
°Term a desirable situation for the teacher and student
to vigorously prosecute their studies. .
. .
The Boarder Trur composed of 0120 Director nolo
each school district, II Cumberland . ..county, have esta
blished the seholtlim th the deelgo , that teachers may
bO properly tuned and qualified. In the, different
brunches, necessary for a. proper prosecution of their
professional duties; anible furnish nirffirnipiniiible, e
model of a weitorganized and 'efficiently conducted
school,:tolsil others who'may desire to attend, and pre
pare' tinituseiTes for.other positions in 'life.
• .
Tho annexed list of .studies is arranged in depart.
.ments, without regard to - the order.. In which the verb
one branches will be pursued, or to the length of Gene
which may' be devoted to them..
Raman LANGUACIE.—ThiS Elementary. sounds;
inq'and Definlitori of words, Reading,- Elocution, Eng
lish Grammar, Composition Including Rhetoric, the Art
of_Debate- . • '
liikrusmstlea.—Oval or Wental_Arlitimetla, Written
'Afathemathe, lilansuration;. Alga
bra, Geometry, Surveying, Mathematical Geography, In.
eluding thence ofGlobbs..
phyond the umo of the Globes,•Astronomy, with Illus
tmtionn-by-Magle lantern. Maps, Plan!sphere, &c., Hu
man and Comparative Physiology; Natural Philosophy,
with apparatus, Elements of Chemistry.
THEORY •ND PRAGTIDE OF TrAcmwo.—lntellectualPhi
losophy, the study of School Systems, Lectures on Edu.
ration end the Details of Teaching, PaactiCe In Model
Schools. Vocal Music throughout the course.
Students who do not design to become teachers can
select their stud es from the above Hot, am! will be clam
Ailed according to attainments. • •
Lv.crimes'on 'ficactiffla.—These,Lecturat, wlh be fre
quent and practical, and comprehend thelkisf mciffee of
application of instruction and discipilnoin schools, Al
though not relied upon as the chief Maloof Instruction ;
yet, In connection with n rigid study. of Text !looks,
their-utility Is unquestionable and fully acknowledged.
The catechetical mode will be discarded.- gle student
will be expected to master his subjects and Cecile them
Invlear and sreU chosen" languageoChis own.
MODEL Sciieets.There will be three-Model Sahoels .
connected with the Claimed School, which will be at ell
times open for observation And practice. :The Normal .
student will be frequently called .upon-by-the Prlnelpsl
-to tithe part in the management and to-adapt-a, proper-'
system and method in-his attempts to teach the youbg.
&tonne. The goveirinnedkof the Nprmal and Model De
partments will be ouch as to afford a model worthy of
Imitation In our public schools. It will be rigid and
Impartial, 'yet, relying much upon the selfreopect of the
pupil. , Dismissal will follow Alllmmortaillya 'dungen
tlernanly deportment.
liessions will - continue "three months.,:,The tuition
will be *5 per three months; including woof apparatus
c.,payable in advance ,to .1. 11. !lemon; Esq., Treasun.
' any purpose. No deduction made for absence. illookin
Stationery, ire., will be furnished at Philadelphia' retail
prices. . _
Good lward can be obtained lu-respectable.fmrillien at
$2,25 per week, Including all except - washing. The pit
plin—willliirgriaritly be, visited by the members ot.the
Vacuity, and LI earn exercised over them at all times.
Male pupils mind be sixteen years of age, and- female
- Sabi iffitiiiiiividanrciof good moral char
acter must be furnished, mad tho puplb must have
healthy constitutions.
Thera will be public examinations at the close of each.
term, both In Normal and Model schools, which the pub•
lie is Invited to attend. A cetriticate will be awarded
to those, who glvaantisfactory evidence of accurate at
tainments combined with ability to teach.
. .
Webster's Dictionary, Sounder's Series or. Deaden+,
Paitoics Outline Maps, Green! Arithmetic, Bonny.
!awls ft Plenatiration, - Legendre,Guramere's and
Gillespie's. Surveying, Parker's Philosophy' , Jharvitt'a
Astronomy, Cutter's Physiology, Quockeoboss' Itheto•
plc and Composition, Sounder's Elocutionary Chart, Sill
man's Chbuilstry, CoVell's Digest of English Grammar.
• The Normal and Model schools will be opal to visltora
during the term through nil regular session boom.
Citizens of the county and strangers are cordially in visit theist at their convenience.
. . . ... . .....
All letters or Inquiry should bo addressed to' J. II
lerron, Esq., Nonville, Pa.
Wx. IL Gonass, WN. Brooms,
Tuouss U. Bassos, SAMUEL Tsmon,
~ . .1.11. 'LEBRUN,
SOLOMON 11101ILER, . , - J. 31: - STOOY/E11,
JOHN C. DUNLAY,. ' , . P. Kovs•rt, ,
JUNK Q. Witustas.,
, • • - DANIEL L I IIELLY, PresL
JAMES plot's:nitwit; Sect'y. Board of Trustees, •
- ,
for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, Mechanicsbirog, Cute.
berland County, Pa.
• • "Ibis ,well known Boarding School for young Jadies
and gentlemen, conducted for several yeses, by the
11ev. J.S., Loose, A. M.. will be continued by Ike Ant,.
seribens, who, engaged fur years as Instructors of youth,
asilsied by male and female teachers el experience and
skill lu their profession, " will qualify pupils to discharge
with dispatch and accuracy, those duties which. arise
from the relations of reciprocally dependent beings."
Such as desire it, will be oduroted and trained for the
business of teaching. Special attention will be given
in the Normal departments, having connected there.
- with a Model school. fur the of
Instructors of youth; and, When 'qualified, no • pains
will be spired in obtaining them eligible situations.
We have now several applications for good teachers. •
• In the classical department. pupils, male and female,
will be prepared for any elan in college.
Terms very moderate. 'The next session will com,
moue, April 1, 1857.. Parents, guardians and others
wishing to leant the par Oculars from a Clrculur, or
otherwise, trill address, - . . .
roprletois •of the C. V.. 11 - Istituto, Mocheniceburg,
./MEuglish.riud Classical School, Landlshorg, Pa.
ThiSetund or winter session of this lnetiLuLloti will
open on the soeond Tuesday of January. 1857.
Thowsual English and elasslcal brandies; adopted by
-our that grade_Acadendes,wllibo_taniglit_No_pyins witP
be spared to make - thorotrbiposetleal;iutd. , snorafeetio--
'. . .
. .. . . . . .
. The village of 400 inhabitants, situated in the midst
of majestic hill and mountain scenorY, three miles (Hs•
taut from theft , arm Springs," is healtty and gidet,
. sulllcieutlynlmote front the Irregularities oflarge towns,
thud yet In daily conneethin. via Newport mid Pennsyl
vania Railroad, with the principal cities In the state.
Tonne per quarter, $3,.51, 1 4,511, according to the grade
of atudies: " - Music.. litetteh and Berman; $5 extra.
Books at city prices Boarding for ladies In select (awl
lies--at prima (row $1- 40 tit $2 00 per week.
Nor fliatur particulars '.
Address either. . •
. Rev. T. P. BUCHER,.
A. Du
. - or 8.11. RUDY, A. It.,
• '
Principals. .
. .
, .
And vill) itt ids Old Head Quarters In North
Hanover street, during the Christmas and Now Year's
lbatlvltlus, with bne of the largest assortments of
• , 011010 . E CONNKTIONABIES. .
Ever offered in '; consisting in part 'of Fine
Candy. Toys and Fruits. Jolly'Cakeic, Bon, Bons, Gun,
,Cheadate - and , Fruit:Drops,. itos4Vanilla r and-flurnt-
d'..m.den varieties; • •-• . •
• '"" .F.IUITB.AND NUTS •'• ' • • •
of the latest importations such ,as Oranges,' Lemon's',
Raisins, Figs, Preens, Currants, Citron, soft hod paper,
shelled 'Almonds, Filberts, Create, Ooeco, and Ground
?Nuts. In connection, with the Above en extendre es,
sortment of
• , • TOYS 'AND' noiat Gotire • -----. -
of every quality and,prieS, oouslsting . ln 'tort of Ede
:Wax, kid. china, crying and other .Dolls. Bearing and
Cerd'lMskets, - FAnty, Boxes; Flower Nimes,* Motto Cups,
TeaSetbn Orksits,..Drums,Ouns,'AlePistobi, Aceerdoons,
Ilarntonicaus, Trumpets, bone And wood,
m u d no ,df ladtaand . other, games . Fancy Soaps. Heir
011 d And Port MonsidiOse. We' have also aline lot'd
pulverised, crushed and
brown ;Sugars, of diary graffe,Coffee, Molasses , Starch,
.Green and Sleek' Teas, Spices, llutter;inda,Sugar,Water
' and other Crackers, cheese, do,'. ' • • • • -
Thelubscriber returns his sincere thanks to a goner
°id public for th , e petronageheretefore bestqw,ed on him,
and hopes; by *desire to please, to merit a continuance
Opthe sans& • . • ' .;. P:"MONYER,
• • „Carlisle, Den. 111. 1550. • ' .
tAtiIAS,-'AND W - r
C The store of ,the ' In receipt, and the
!helve* are now Supplied' with a handsome 11610010 n ,of
,jlne and rich K •..
And doeiirateiraY 'ra re, such as Zukstafide,Dasheta,
'N'aluigjeeiri. ON Jetfoil , beset. Toy .Ten and Dinner
.setts„Mtina,dolle .varietyk,and 1! variety of other
q uiteles albvreU suited thillteennolti - g- , 11,01Ude0 , P., , , ,
, ~ a nocniurs'AND, SWAIM]
An, eteryeartetY, hush' - -and :oil best _qUailtY tote luat•
hien Wed to oar former stachi., • • • :
_ - NZW . D14714.11,1115K
'os, fibs .qualltyAn'aintil rearlie also on'hatd,
' • ' • I
barrauts,,CitrOn and)Ottue t folds eulapttil to, till%
In vartett."ConstatAigiii riot§ ant for sale by
liarliShit'D•o•loe J.W: EEYi
TEXT 1100 Es
• -
1. Bach semi-monthly part, containing as ahoin ape.
rifled, 25 cents, payable on delivery. • , •
• 2. AU subscribers must engage to take the entire r
3. The second and subsequent volumes will be issued'
ddouble partsand the whole wUI be published, at .
regular intervals of two weeks; , • • • '• • •
Among the Illustrationcalteady engraved or nearly . •.,
etn7dpletedotrotheribllowing. .
77 - .. -- 'PoIiTILAITS - ONTSTS -
Oon,lichwyler, Oen. Charles Gen. Putnam; :ChM; I
Arnold' OM. Green. Thor Ward, Gen. Enos, Oen.
elair, Gee, Montgomery,Ocre.•Lord, - Gen. Stirling, Oen..
Baron Reuben, Oen. Lafayette, . Count Hen ,
Lincoln ilen.llierrer; len, -Henry Lee,' Cot Moultrie; : ,
Opp. Wayne, ,Oen.Clioton, Robert Morris, Oen. Stark - ,
:Gen. Hamilton, Oen:Oates,
Hato Howe, thin. Sir Henry Clinton, Washington, (Bent
the picture by Poole,) Washington, (Boni the picture by
Trumbull,) Washington, Mote the picture by Voremul•
her,) Washington,' (flow' the. picture . of Houdeon'ti Sta.tue.) Washington, (from the picture of Browne Stites) .
Washington, (from theorigtual:proMe,) Mrs. Washings...
ton,(early portralt,)'Mrs• 'Washington, (Atm attuirt,):! •"
(how original picture.)_ .
• Übstorkal Seettos, (chiefly glom original •dealgisq
_Sight of -Washington s'Birth'Plaeet Moant::Vernon,
vieWSO •Wauddnlrten :as Surveyor: Washington :eV,: I vi•S
Fort Necessity:, Washingten . Surveying the ,Disotal , .
Biampt: .Washington :it: .Winchester; Washington's• '
glad Sports; ,VorWybig_Bianker Mill rirent.ifieendelot•
ea; Lake tioorget,
_itortilleatiOn 'it West ,
Washington Quelling lUot,ffroni iteetempermy drew.
tug.) Ylew of New York, t,770;, Breton Onm.BOrehester fi •
liolghts,.lT79( Aunimeament of hadeOndene6( Beb.".
He of Trenton ;.Battle of Germantown; Battle of Mon. :
inbuilt; hiSebihekli liattli9 l l•MkMila?"loon
, nee pew retpaln. pee, einlnintoe, Watery o. 'Vitt
the Fathirt of , his OonntrY.P. , ..Phila. Bulletin, ' , , „ f ty
B rilt IsEintended that the Uluttrations to Ma'
edition Wall 1w S worthy of the antiket :Wet theinthor.',`—ill---
'The best'artleta haeit been enge.o.4 to'snake•
drawings, and the moetemineut engr(rfere are insured!. '4: VI
No espensWerill bii spired t:o inalse she engravings
dltable to Anne lean art, and fully satletteinry " •
tOmvl.9l fastidious taste. , - • • ;.„
, Agents. and' Oaniasseni 'aripidied libi t 4ul;teitM! , .
.This er.;_tion publiattialestinalvely kit in bern t ir.
Cheapjob Prjotiog 4olle 1!(re.• •
c ..1 ,
N,_,) Whereas the ilmiemblo JOWLS H. GRAHAM, Pied.
dent Jiidge of the 0011H11 of Common Pleas
the- countles:Vt-thunbtitiktidrfarkratirjtitilitSOn
Pennsylvania, and Justiee of the never* Courts of Oyer
and Termilier,antti general Jail DeliverYiln said • coum
tjcardndi 1i0n , 13-islBsy.WcOnattats
" 14 P. orrtillit:btlilto7 Oyer and:Tertithierteud General
',, l
DtliVeriler the Hist of Wapiti,' and other offend•
ore, In the wild olituityofOuulberlandi th elryirersrphs •
to me directed, bearing. date , the Igth day °Yarn:alle
1857, have ordered the Court of Oyer Mid Terminer and
General Jan Delivery' to ,he holden at CARLISLE, on
BilN DAY, of April, 185 7,1 being •tlie' 18th . day,)' at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, to continua two weeks.
NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN to- the Cormier -
Mos of the Peace and-Constables of the yid cotlity Or
CUMberland, that they are by the scold precept tom. '
mended tti -be than , and there. In thei - proper persons,
with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations
and ail other remembrances, to do those things which •
to _their office' appertain; to be done, end 'all those that •
are bound by recognizances, to prosecute . against the -
Wieners that' are or then shall be In the jail ;of' said '
aunty,-are to be dhare to prosecute them as etiall k'
Mara:llli 1857 ? : . - -'" '
'SHARP, decessid;:Notice Lei here* . given
tters Testamentary on the Estate of Rev. Alexander
Sharp, late of Fenian township, Pamberlind county,
,'deceased, have been granted - by- the Register Of sald
county, to the snbieriber, residing' in the semi
hip.persoriatttowingthameelves indebted to Salk'requised to make itorttediato payment:4dd'
thndelaving claims to present them for settlement to
• - JOHN - E. SH ARP,
: 1 (0 1 . 1— pd..; , Esemstoi.,
i d
4 STATE. - .OF JANE MA,11,..:,
sr ; or T A IN, ll:Lir: ti t N o o n tlz I
~i e T t f abio ti ll. e n'treit LeIV- , '
ena Manly,
'l3O of Dickinson township, Cumberland Uottnty.,.dis...
ceased, have been' granted by the Register of the sahL,
county,. to the subscriber, residing in Newton township::
An Mutant haring clalms'inminstaald estate are re, -
quested to present them fbr settlement, and those hi.'
debted to make Immediate payment' to -
'GEORGE giiiiitllAN,-- ~
-- -- Administrator. • '
Feb. 11, 1867
Nudge TlCE
Is heteby given that I hay applied .to the,
sof Court of Commonldeasdf Cumberlaiad',
county, for the benefit ofthe Insolvent Laws, and they''
antedated Monday the 13th day Of Aprd, 11351; At the
Court, noise, l 6 the borough of Carlisle, for the,hearing
of me and my creditors, when and when, you may atyr
VSTATE OF . .j..C. BLACE., dthi'd.
-: - j-,Netice is hereby Oren that - Lbtters L o weittlit
is ration on the estate of .f. O. Black, late of r Al
ien township, Cumberland .county, dec'd, hare been
Guided- to the subscriber, residing, in mid township.
All persons Indebted to said. estate are requested to
make imniedlele payment, and those hoeing claims to
present them for settlement to ' D. MELLY * •
Doc. 24, 1850. . . Administrator.
• GillltillEC'D.—lfotice Ilf 'hereby given that Leh; -
era of Adminletration on the estate of Denial' MOS ,
ger, late of Dickinson township, Chimberiand county, '
deceased, hove been granted by the Register of the.
mid county, to the subscriber, residing in ;Newton ,
township. All personabkving claims - against said" air
tate are reauested to present them for settlement, and .'•
thoselharobled to make immediate
Administrator, ;
Dec.. 3,1056.
rj ._____,_..-.
.% hti:ei ed 'onTn N 'et e ent i i: m o t 7lttl u n t r i c i gu tta e,?ati ,'
of Bitter Sprino township, Cumberiand e _eounty, deems= . - .
od, have - bani granted by the Register of said County _..
- to the - anbsdriblis; - itsidiprlit - North - illiddieton - town, - -
shlp. A ll persons knowing lhemseiretindebted tamdd- -
'TARSif° reiiiiiiiiii - tomakii immediate payment,rind
those harnig claims to present them for settlement to'
de0104)d... ~. . TflOtlAEi IL Cliklißilfi, Ad'r. -
entRSTAT • 0,1? .7011 N HEIICES,
-DECEASED.—Natice hoi °by' given that Let
estatnentary on the estate or Jobtralelkai, late
of West Pennsboroogb township; Cumberland county.
deceased, have been granted by the - Register of sald -
county - to the subscribers residing In the ..ame town
ship. All persons Indebtbd to said estate are requested
to-tnakti immedlata - payment;and - thasubavlbrulidnia
will p them for settlement to '• - " •
Nnv. 10-74 pd
DEC'L.—NOTICE bereby given that Latent of
A iinistratlon on.the estate of Elisabeth- Wilt, - latehf
Newton townshlp,.Oumlpriand county, dedd, hovel
been granted, by the Register of said county, to the
subscriber, reildlng In West Ponnotiorough township,.
All persons knowing theniselves Indebted tcrsaid
tate are requested to make Immediate payment, and
those having claluoi to present them for settlement to •
Administrator, '
Nov. 26-06
1 decd.—Letters Testamentary on the Estate of
of Elisabeth Kerr, late of the Borough of Carlisle der
coaxed, have been duly homed to the subscriber residing
in said Borough. All persona having claim against
said Estate will present them for settlement and thoao
indebted will make payment to
Eire •
Nor. 5.1850]
JOHN 0. DUNLAP, Baum Ati Ovonazos.
This Bank, doing business In- the name of Kik.
BRENNEAIAN & CO. Is now fully prepared togdo a pp
end Banking Business with promptness and fidelity.
Modey received on Deposit and paid back on dommid...
without notice. Interest paid on Special Deposits,—
Certificates of Deposit, beating Interest at the rate of
FIVE PER CENT. will be hutted for as ahort,a period as
. _
Interest 'on all certificates will cease at maturity.
provided, however; - that If sold certificate/ are renewed•
at any time thereafter for anoth/t given period, they,
shall bear tho same rate of interest up to the time of,
rene*al. Particular attention Odd •to the collection •
of Notes, Drafts,Unocks, ac., In any part of the United
Statei or Canada/.
be received at this Bank, incorporated by the Sid%
of Pennsylvania, Mr as short a period as Pima Motivna,
and Interest paid ut the rate of Fiva PER CENT. per an
num, and the princlnal paid bads at any timeai%rma.
lurity, without notice. • •
Interest ceases after the expiration of the time aped.
tied in the certificate,
unless renewed for another given
period of four months, or longer, in which case the in
terest is paid up until the time of renewal. Bank
opens at 0 o'clock A. 31., and closes at S o' clock P.M.
Dy order of the lkiard 'cirDiroctors.
Cashiet .
Deo 18311.
-I_, calved a largeaddition amy stock of Family Oro.
ceries, among which will be Ibund Rio, Laguyra, Mocha, ....
Java and Roasted COFFEES,.• Crushed Lump, Grant'.
lated and Brown SUGARS ; Lovering Syrup,: New Or- ' ..r
leans and Sugar Home MOLASSES:, Rice, Starch,
Soda, Crean. .Tartar, de., 'Herkimer, Pine Apple, and
Sago CHEESE; Black, !linen Imperial and extra TEAS;
Spicesiof every variety,' Chocelate. Cocoa, Fa
. n a and Corn Starch, Raisins, Currants, Clt
ron,ileang, -Hominy, Coulierflse, Maeiropl,
Grits. 'able - 011, Ketchdp, Pepper untie, preserved
.Poaches, Pine, Apples and Strawberrloa, Plekelh Ger- 4
kins, Charts and Piccalilli, Fresh Lobsters, Ae.
• I call spechG attention to my large ate& of •
agars and Tobacco;
which'is not . excelled in the town. Lovers of the Weed' ..,
can ho suited either In quality or price. Aleci - .Whita
,Greldie," a substitthc for Tqr.
• MACKEREL i No. 1;- . 2;,Atpd 3. *Jae' Fisbehlid,
Smoked liervie. ".. • '
All of the silent, articles are freeh. and libe sold low
- --liinelidElierituritsy-Produeolakerdn'excluttige.._—_._.. •
. ' . JOHN O. W/LLIAMS. , t :.1
• Carlisle; Jaikunry 3,1337. •
• • •
ILd'.I7NABI & CO., whi. commence •
in a few days, a mew edition, of this great .
work, inserui-monthly parts. yrioo, '
cents each.
Each velum° will 'amidst of tour .puts, handsome!! • ,
printed In imperial octavo. The whols'arak bo • •
illustrated by about Pity superior Eugravinga on Steel
Including Portrulte 'and original Pictorial Designee,, by
eminent Artiste, with numerous WOod Cubs and MAP.
Each put will contain at least 82 pages and ous—
log on Steel; 'aeon , other part will have •two — reeei'