tftpnt` MIN MEM • 'l3 — reekuig a Baulky Horser • . _ .; there' ie any time when smart needs, ,the "patience of Job,"-. it is when his .horse baulks. The horse that , eaknot be '.coaxed,ieked into labor, had far het - ter be left alone.. Many a noble uninial haiobeen fdined , 4 violence, mid pany c m • ' , desperate baulker.haS been made valuable • by - kind and ,gentle manageMent..,- There . • are many methods by. whlchLa horse may be'eured of baulking, but the following,. • narrated by. a correspondent of the Rural :American published at Utica, possesses. ,„notne.:novel.features. ;The writer says ho had Myaluable horse ,, who could' go 'fleet ly when- the-hunaor,--and- would- not goi. • at all when 'so disposed.. -OM; day, losing • his ternp_er,''Ff coursei__hp:whlpped, the 7 - horse untiLeilmusted, and -then • hired neighbor. to continue the;:operation; ;and .after two oarriagem..* re. broken, the vie ..." torions horse was put-im thmbarti. How the gentleman rOdered his . horse kind and tractable, ive will let him narrate in. ds own language: • : • , " The•next day,' after my anger hat settled,, I thought -the matter carefully over; tufftconcluded that; as I could not' myself be driven where I;did not want to go,' bit could be coaxed, the horse . might be influenced-4 the 'same feelliii.4: All . entire change of tactics - was 'determined' - upon, -For the three next-days the- ani mal was well fed, much fondled, and not - ;used except a little 'under the saddle, where she always did well enough Then the repaired' gig, was .Imought . , front of the house,- the beast hainCseed, . • • • led : out and hitcyed-.o.the gig, - carefully _ :thidAO the post and left there foran hour "to -her own reflections. It - was Meat sultry day in July, and .I concluded tle exposure 'to the sun would incline .her • rather. than . It .was h Mistaken . opinion,' for . hen I got into the gig at-the-end-Mf-the-hour,--she-stood:- at . still as the, post she had boon tied ---,----New•-efforts-Wore-made-mkurge-her-for • . ward, butou.the contrary, she .was well patted, the bridle taken off,' a couple of• sprigs of gree,n lobelia Wrapped - around :tho bit, and then tho piece returned to - her mouth, and-left.tti eheW - upon: it at - - her - lelsare. •At the mul• - of - another hour it was evident that the lobelia had begin' • to Make her feelnauseous, ,anti again she -was - tried, but would not Move any more than before. Fresh sprigs of lobelia were -•- then tied uppn•tbe bit, - at cloth dippbd in cold water and.: placed .upon the top of lier.head_and changed every .eight of ten minutes }or another hour...Abr . - ilia time - • she began to_frath_at..the.motith-and look sleepy out of the eyes, • good' eVidence that the - medicine had made herdecided ly sick. • I then got into the gig . and chirrupped, arid -away - went - the - animal. at a startling pace. • I drove her for four ' or five hours, she. went every way I want ed hepiind returned home with a good relish for supper. • .•• - - In this way I managed thohnitnal eve ry time she got sulky, and always with suebes4 In a few weeks she became so •- well acquainted, with' the mode as to give demoostrations of a desire to go, wlcenev _, er the bridle was•boing removed with the intention of . usink .the_ lobelia. In 'two months she was thoroughly broken' 'in, ,and never troubled meMfteronrrda.. • There is a philosophy in this mode of • nianagiiment.. "Iti•yhe first place the ani mal was wholly nonplussed by being treat ed With ,tho• utmost kindness and gentle ness for.she was not used to such manage . :roent.en such occasions. Then, the re laxant influence of lobelia made her. feel nnuseousi-and nausea is suitable antidote to ugliness , softening down the passions in a anost surprising manner.. The addi __ Aion_of_ivater-was-a-decided-q,cooler2.f_up= -on- the temperas - well - upon - .t4 - . - likin, and was an argument against Which stub , boroness Could not, thrive. - The treat ment Was's'o.effectual - kliat we artstindneed ° to gibe it It warui recOminendation. Tlfare are some farmers who .do not have baulky horses, that - can yet b try It upon - them selves. and,thus test its, potency to groa • advantage." PHILOSITHY OF RAIN.—To,- under stand tie philosophy of thislmeautiful and often stibliinp phetiumencob so oftdrm wit nessed since; tho creation of the world arid so, essential to the very existence •mi.' • .plants apd animals, a few facts derived from observation and a long train of ex . periments r must be . remembered. 1. 'Wore the • atmosphere everywhere, •- •at-all-times,.. of .a uniform temperature,- we should 'never have rain,: or hail, or sooty.:' The water absorbed-by it'in poration frotn'the-Sea and the earth's sur . face, would descend in an imperceptible ...vapor; or cease to be absorbed by the air wli_ on it was oneefulrylinurated7 -3 2.. The, absorbing power of -the atmos phere, and consequently its. 'Capacity to retain huinility, is proportionately great er •in-warm than cold air. - 3. The air near, the surface of the earth . is warmer than it is is the region of the • clouds.-- The higher - we ascend from the • earth, the colder Ne-bmid,thniatamosphete. . Hence the-p'erpetuad;aMMOW;On-.1•97-'l4lO mountains - 411'0e lintteit ••• Now, when;, from; continued. evapora tion, the ; air ;is hi . glmiy..satiu•ated•with vapor thongliit be InViXible and the skim oloudiete,•its• tamperathre is sumicienkim„rt: -.1- duccii - ky.meoliteurrents descending. frotti' .' above . ; or •rushing-,from ,a ,higher Ito a: cooler iititnde, its capacity to remoisture LLis‘dimaiinshed,÷olouda'a re fecifffed rain.—Air condeneei as itcools, . and, like . aSpongo fillett.nith water and compreased, pours nut the water, which its dmminialmed Capacity cannot hold:- HOT sin uipr, yet how'siiimple, the .philosophy of rairiT:-:Wluit but •Omniscmence could have devised such mum arrangement for wa terine-r+Areui 'York %server. AGRICLIVITHE- IS ,AN ART.--Man le -the artist;' toil his, /sb,oratory; man urehis raw material;:anintal strength, and maehinory ,leis _air; , heat and hts agents; :snd, 'grsinti, roots; truits;ithil 'forage hitproducts::• • ; . Thi,pciiittily*Ohimeti oon saw 44 , ),Vik ,titend who;' on, pru3sinF•q• Ottiok spi4tipprogetioaiiy, Doti. " .31gdutn." . • - • ME ME Sia" . Spring is again returning =Eli it y R. STAPPOAI:OS OLIVE TAR -ty .- THE GILEAtI'ELEHPRICAI.IO.ISIEDY. --- -tl is Inhaled and - Applied (not taken), to wain , Thatstels • • ' of the THROAT AND 'LENOS. No Rhoumatie,i Neuralgic,' or other Pain 'can exist. ' • ' Where Olivo Tar is applied. Olive Tait mixed - • with Mutton Tallow forms Ointmentlhat burets • 'I:VERY ,DISEASE. OF THE 13111 N:• -- Reference is made to tho following gentlemen whO have used Olive Tar, or Olive. Tar Ointment. -THIIIILOW, WEED,' Esq ,- of the Albany Journal. W5l. D. TOWNSEND, New.lfork Express. •• .101 IN 11..11ARNAltD,.Esq., Boston Herald., ISAAC -Y. FOWLER,•PostmisteriNew York.- - Capt. EZRA NYE, late of the Steamer ---- ,11: - A.IILANC11,,E4, Chief Engineter - PacifleltAt. C. itI.'IIARNEY, Pres:W. S. Express Company. COOK; Ex-mayor Buffalo, N.Y.. • L Prof. JA SIEB P. MAPES:Newark. N. J. GEORGE LAW, Mt Avenue; N. Y. ItY-4t USSEL,6U-Bouilrotroeti4 , JOS. L. LOUD, Mutual llonell4lns. Co., 11 Wall st. C. Y. WEMPLE, Secretary Manhattan Lifeslns. Co., 127 Broadway. • • - J. W...11.11/Di New England The. Co.. 29 William at. ~. . G. W. ENSWORTII, Forwarder, 64 Pearl at. ;ELISIIA PECK, Ranker. 2 Broad st.• Itov. WM, JARYlS,.sliddlotciwn, Cann. - r " 'And many othormatnes will be found in our which can be had of our Ideal Agents. OLIVE TAlt, - - Cents a Bottle. '••••t' OINTMENT, ' *4 . . - -0.11,ED - SILK INIEALINfI PIASTERS k 2 Conts:' , . For Salo by S. W: Haverslick, only Agent for Carlisle Pa. Also sold at the Company's- Depot, No. 16, that, street, Now York, and by Druggists generally. August 20, 11356-. om. • ITARDWARE ! HARDWARE 1— . _Aix JOIIN P. LYNN SON are note-receislng their Fall 'Stock of llaniwaro, which Ic imusually large, and in cOnnexlon with their for 4mer Laney stock makes it one of the Largest and most railed assortmouttt over offered to ,_title .They. liarci"voirery thing 'Wit the Faennir, the Builder, the Iderchautcor the public, may went In thalr lines, and which they era Soiling at the vary lowest prices. They • solicit a tall from the public before' making their par -•chtnios um - they fool confidant they tali olfelliidireconents that reward the bu:or for,the trouble.,- - Fooling thankful to a geriarous,pubile for their former liberal.patronage, a continuanca of the,tiame it solicited. aCtuir old stand In North Ilantiver Street, Carlisle. • JOIIN I'. LYNE SON, NOtober 8,1800. ' r f FALL' STYLE OFHATS AM" AT KELLER'S . ,OLD STAND! • GEORGE KELLER .dosires to call the attention of his old friends and customers to hignewassortment orGen flotsam's • HATS, of the Oakforsr Noll gtyle, with an elegalit assortment of •nors. CAPS and IVINtEII. HATS Of every, ,varlety and the most fashionable style's. Ho has also umb' n tly on hand a largo and varieties. sortmont' of Mt own menufacture as well as city made llateCaild Clam sultoble fir the season,gempVlSliskrefery. .variety of it usWa; Beaver, allesklli and lobed In tho latest stylo, together withg full assor'tnteut of CAPS of every shape and :slescripticr., and at. every. price, Ile particularly invites the public to call and ex amine his examslve assortment, which in style, mate ri Wand finish, cannot be'eurpassed by any In market, vud which bolt able to put at prices lower than ever. smitomember his old stand on North If:mover street next doer to Hqett's GrOcery Store.' • AS FITTING AND PLIJ3111: .k N. INU..-Tho undersigned would Inform the is • AG/AM of.Carlisle that ho - tom made arrange GAS IaTTING and PLUMBING at short nu Li n , an •••I torins. ' lfe has origaged.tho sm. :vices of a first rate hand from an Philadelphia, diniksup ;plied hhoxalf - with an oicteuslre assortment of FIST which Iv Remade Lim 10.611 all orders promptly All 'IMO< will ho-warranted. ills stock of Gas :Fixtures will be found id the room exactly opposite his 'Maud establlshmont Hanover street, where ho tuvitee n call. - : • . TINNING, SPOUTING, &c.—ITO - to also prepared to furnish, or make to order, sorry article of TIN WANE -used-by-housekeepers and othora — ll~wßt also aliond to SPOUTING; TIOUSE-ROOFING;IIELL •TIANGINCI and PIXIT RING. - Thankfudfor-thepatronago-wltb-ishlch-he-heisolroad bow, levered, ho respectfully notions a continuonco of the same. ' - • MONROE ?do:ARTS. CaißsTo, dune 14. '6'4. . S TOVES! STOVES 11 STOVER!!!---, Ky - JonN , D. 001iGAS• woula inform tho public List he ha's now on hand at his ostablisismont, on -Main St., next door"to Marton "liall, - tho lailtest roost spin. pieta assortment of COOK, OFFICE & PAlt , LOH STOVES to be found in this county, which will ho sold at the lowest prices for. .:44;;;.,.p, cash or approved credit. Ills stork consists of a - large assortment of -now- nod -highly ap proved PATENT COOKING STOVES, finished In the most complete manner. and ealculated for either wood or coal,'or both. - .411 the old standard. patterns which love stood-the test of experience, may be found at his ec • ablisinnent::AlSO:a 'great variety - of tip, most approve and locautiml PART,OIt OFFICE STOVES, In eludingr - ;:ilumber - ofdtew - stylegfposSessing- very-sups rior.advantages over those heretoforeln nye. Families and housekeepers are respectfully invited to give him to call halm purchasing elsewhere. •Stoves delivered to any pert of- the country and put up at the shortest no tice. Me continues to do allkinds of 'TIN AND SHEET IKON WARE, and Copper Work, and has constantly on hand or will make to order every urticle required by -honsokhupers or others In this line. - /118 stock of Tin and Copper Ware embraces every kind of 111)0801.11d and kitchen Utensil. warranted-equal to thd beet manufac tured.- 'Persons In want of articles in his' Jibe may ways be sure of being, accommodated to their satisfitetiec by, giving him a mil. ' ' , poovl-l. XT,ENS,IVE FURNITURE ROOM - --.4AmEs It. WEAVER' would resneefetilly cat the attontlon of House-keepers and the publi to his extensivo stock of edegant FURNITURE Including St,fas, Wardnthcs, Centre and Tables Dressing a nd Plain 'Mavens, and every other erticle In him branch of business- Also llow.on hand 'The largest ansortmont of CHAIRS In enr.'sie, at the lowest prices. AOFFINS rondo nt the short est notice and a Hearst) provided fur funerals: Ile solicits a rail at his astahllshlent, on North llans viler strut, near I.3lasso's Ilotel. ATV-Furniture liked out by' the month or'yean WEST OFCO., .131t ANC II LOCK ll , p INS . URANCE . uroc Detached bbildlugs,• Stores, 'Merchandise, Fenn, Property, and other buildings, and their contents nt moderato rateit. CAPITAL tSOO,OOO—eIIARTEIt PEItPKTUAL. • DIRErTOILO. lion. John .1. Pearce,. _ Iton. 0. C. IlsrvoY. - John -B, - T. Abrams, • . Charles A. Mayer, D. J. Jackman, .ClMtles W. White, Peter Dickinson, Thos. Kitchen. HON. G. C. HARVEY, Pres. T. C. Anapts, Pico Pros. finerclarr ' . • 11.ZIKR014 OM. . SU mud 11. Llo; d, • Thos. Bowmin, D. D., A. A. Winegardner, . . Wm. Vanderbelt, 1.. A. 31achey, Wm. Fearon, • A. Whits, . J . Dr. J. S. Crnyribrd, --- - Jameri (Wiggle, A. Updegraff, John W. Ueynnrd,• James Apost rang, lion. Simon Cameron, Linn.' Wm. Bigler. • N3l. C.,lt/lER3I, Agent, . [Carlisle, Penn's, May 15, 1856-17 CI A R "S ,14.1.1 A GEN 011 ki FOE INDEMNITY- AGAINST &J. ..... . . • . . t-- . THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CCFY.,, ' Or PHILADELPHIA. A. . . . . Charter Perpetual.-8400,000 Capital paid In. 'ollie 16J3 Chesnut street. MtEE miuRANCE, either punna Runt orllolted, egalnet loss or damage hy fire. on PROI!ERTY mid ZFPECTB ()r every ileserlptkid, lit town ur Country; on the most reasonable tonne. Appileatlomruinde either peremiitky or kylettur, Wpromptly Will be attended tu: 0. N BANCICEII,Pren't. Tir. , snbscriben IR, skont fur Um above via:alma,' foi Oarifsio mid Its vicinity., All applications for insuranco either by mail or porsociallp will be e rom e tly attended A. I. gl'ONSLtIlt, • 'd0c.12,7,5. 'ffiflrTSS URANC R. -,- T A • lIE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSBORO. MUTUAL FIRE IN. SCRANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incomm• rated by an act of Assembly, is now fully axganized, and it. operation, under, the roanagmuou4 et. rjl9.fmlowin g „ commissioners, vim ' • Daniel Halley, William R. Gorges, Michael Cocklln., Molchoir Brermentani - Chilstlnn Stayniandoldi C. Dun lap, Jarbb freohior, Louis llyo M dff nry' Logan, Benja min IL usacr, Jac'llimun mph Wickersham, Alexande; Cathcart: '. • Ttie rates of insurance aro as low and raverable an any Company of the kind In the State. Persona wishing to , !Jeannie members am Invited to make ;mplaeation to the 'gents of the .company, who are willing to • .walt upon' them at any time: • . , • , BENJ. IL MOSSER, r PrMddent.' . , HENRY LOGAN, Tice President. ' ' , • MYER; Beeretary. MICHAEL COCKLIN. Treasurer. • • • :.•• AGENTS. ' • '. CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum . borland; 0.• B. Merman/Kingstown; Henry %paring Sidremanstqwn ; Charles Bell, , Carlisle ; Dr. .1. Ahi Chnrchtown ; Samuel Graham, IVest Ponnsbomugh • James Me Dowel, Frankford; Mode Griffith, South Mid dlotou; Samuel Coover, Benjamin llaverstick, Meehan Icsburg ; John Sherrick, Lisburn; David Coovor; She;. • herdstown. --; youE COUNTY.—John Bowman, Dilisburg: - Pett r Woltbrd, Franklin; John Btitiph, Esq., Washington; P. S. Picking. Doom; .1. IV. Ora •INtradiso. • • _ - 118.11.1t1811U1t0.-11ouser•t2 Lochlenn. • • lielnbe're of the anuipany having pullehurabout totx n treall e have 'them renewed by making appileatloL --pay of the agel,,s. 4 • . OR ,R.ll.l.lslT.—A,3riak House • situ ~ . . Tito lu 'West 1141. atrept t aciudy.appdsito -the Rail Road Depot. /Ibis house Is 3voll adapted for any public • businoss, or a fataily.resldonce tbr a sufell foray. It _ hut bood.fortnerly _occupied as -a Grocery -tore. -For. further vortioulars onqulre'of the.!3ubssrlber.. , ..,Poeses. slop given let ot'April, 1857.. '•,•'•:',:. ' - - '' -.— Jou. 7,1861.—pd 1.m., ' "'' - '''' JOHN rumps, , . QTEAM.BOILER 'FOR SALE. , =-The ..:;:sitbscribar offers for auto a now Steam ballot, nigh. tom 'foot long and thirtyloches lu dl motor, with oan tonrtoolt lath.: Ono, Apply at: Oa raper tmitr at' Vapor.= .town. •Fab. , OOTS ANVIL SHOES,', 7 AnQther tdosOrtuient Of Men's Coarse toui Vine Boots. Morroeo Boole . nod . Shoes. — 311aspi and, Ohlt, dram's Boots a o d.dhoes:•, Illudr'Cvorshoss nodAbittitlo • Socks, at very ims,pricros! ' • - fIANCER • Canbersi. 1 - 71 thogI'unpors:..fkroruhi,.11111te---Bwellin g ,:itu,- ;entra ifiklout43urdlent °vomiter; by , ; - - - 2 . l)llJhuivsliEnity`: tta,:j/i:.lilithimiilet (2 Oil oftltion)on the -Treatment , Cum oreentpre, Tamara, &P.,.1111 be_ /Lent to 'any'' , iladdetarr(frne) pu reepipt ofn pertain., stamp'. Ocoee, No rjltlq.4,Witlntit Street ;.' =I _lfiLllayiabills,neatlytesepMed II MIME ME Jitsuraurr W.;B: .7k[VIXEN . i;:,h,,,. , r,.';,',.'; ..,t;:,:,:i! ;.;!A,J,,,*-k-„;;:, . (1 . 11 O'IiAPE' I :II I GPR; kji • • ,-- • • JUSTICE OILTHE EAo VALOMce oppoto,tbp Wel! pR4 citthirc . trai t!,014;0 - IAT iE ILLIAM RHEE - A, ;Attorney Law.' Office in Dlnln Street,Parilsle, Pre:-- :derllustuess entrusted .. toAdm will be promptly et -tended to. ~ ' - ''• • Yobc.7. • FITIMRICH, Attorney at Law: - C.—Office on' North litmovor.strert, A foci doors moth of Glass' Hotel: All Imalnons obtruded to him pill 1:4 promptly !attended t0...._ „ [April • A- - N , 'GREENi—ktorney:-'at i oroco :in Fart Maim Street; Mehnnieeburip tot: Will - attend to SURVEYING 'in cOhnexton frith his profession.. • - • - • ploy Tilt: S. B. KIEFFEi Office in . Niiith mipoier street two doors from Weise & Campbell'. , store. Office bourn, mere particularly from 7 to 9 o'etock, A. M., maltreat 5 to 7 o'clock, P. 3k' pooTOR S. P. ZlEGrAEß.—Office and ItetildencellOst Main gtreet, third tlorii, °low he Market House. Celle In town and county promptly attended.. . • ' • . . .. Carlisle, Jan. 2,1856.. ' ' • . ' • . - DR. I.C.LOWIIS South Itsuover street, next door to the Post, •• - Office. , . - • • " , . be absent trot) :Caillale . the last ten days of each month. fAug.l, • Tr ' GEORGE S. SEA .. • EIGHT, DENTIST, fr om the Tr' more College of Dentat.Surgery.. tt",„0111co at the residence of ttls mother; East Gauthc2 akcat, throe doors ‘ below Bedford, Deference—Dr. Goo Z.Br . atz • ' • ' March 19, 18,56—tf. win o ,, /haring . been lustruited tho art (by Dr. (leo. Z. Brete, a graduate or 'Baltimore Nadal College): is now prepared to receive his friends and perform. the Tendons operatli ns In the line of the Dental . pipfesslon, .at his residence, In South Street, third door from West Btreet. (live us.a call. __Xertila moderate., May 21, 1.850-,13.... SCRIVENER AND . - CONVEYAN OEII.—A. L. SPONSeEIt, lafeltegister of eumber , land 'county, .111 carefully attend to the transaction of all business no may - be entrusted to him, such .P the writing of Deeds. Mortgagee. Contracts; &c: lie will also devote his intention t‘the procuring of Land War rants, Pensions, Ac. as well as the purchase and sale :of Real-Estine;nagotiationecnflEansra-ct— , MiEllre on, Wienilltgli Street. foinnirly occupied; y, W. M.' ['onion . near the Methodist Church. . • • . ft W. 13RANDT, .Manufacturer. "of kjr. Mineral \Vetere,. French )lead, • ' • Bottled Ale, Porter and Cider, . • North Eaef Street, near the Rail Road- Bridge, Carlisle 'MEW YARD.—Now is !IA accepted time, and now In the dayfoi .• Grave Stones, ' ^ Alonuments, , • ' &c., t notrar's Moat° Yard, Carlisle, Pa. Also,lron Reil . • . [Apr.l6, • 8. P. fiNXDF.W. • W. IG, IerARLANZ S NYDER &* M'EARLAN • . LAND 'AGENTS lIZINEATOLTS, Opposite the Suanenalon DridgO, Falls Of St. Anthony, Minnesota. Territory,. • will buy and sell lambi, negotlate• loans, locate land warrants In 31innesolk-lowa,-and respecting the country, by letter or otherwise, promptly . ._ :rai - ,fi.: _- A i erril ,_ ith .....j r t.E .L. F .,, E• a it 6 E ,,, s e c rn E m s. , - • lion. U. M. Bice, Delegate to Oongresa, Minnesota, Gov. Pollock, Harrisburg, . : James R. i,:teclek Ca., Philadelphia. ' Hon. Frederick Watts, Carlisle, " - . . A. Brady" Sharpe, Esq., , 1 . • " '0 Magoon. Now York, -Robert Walsh, New Orietinsr -- - :•-• - - - James It. Irvine, Esq., Nowvillc, " -, -110n..1. 8: Black, Somerset, Pennta., ._. .- . Uom J. ft. Eddlo, ^ ‘• ~ . -. ,1. If, Good, Mayor, : Sprinktield, Ohio, . . Oen. q Anthony, ''` " " - . ,Las. Came, Esq. St. Louis, Wm: Wilson, Esq., Baltimore, Md., • ' . .• J.,T.,Wright, Charleston'; 8: C., • J.-M.Wilson, Philadelphia. , 30.01;111Acres pf Unimproved Land for Sale, at fCorn $2 to $lO per acre: nem 'improved Farina; I,nls for sale lit St. Paul, Pt. Anthony, and all tovrim on the 3linne .na river. • in„.l"niTdeulitr•attention given to the Leaning o Blone - y, and Eiltering Loud Warrant, Addresx, lNYDlilt & ,WFARLANE, Morsh R 6. 1856.—1y.1 !Moyle:tool's. Min. Ter.' DE - AL ESTATE AGENCY xi ) 'ANDREW a, DOE. N. JEIT THON.OII.. . .. . . EU E it.T.IIOIIPSON, . Have nimilid an °Mar a St..] °writ, Mo., fof the pur chase and sale of Real Estate, buying and selling Land Wnrmnts, entering Landon Time, Surveying and Map. ping,Towne, Location of Warrants, and nutking invest- I mentslor nen.resideots..paying of Taxes, aulrall buEi. I irelrportaining ton Generai Land Agency in Missouri. I Ronnie, Nebraska, and lowa. • 1 litT.-0111ce on Second Street., Nolth of A. T. Ileattin's Banking Timis°,- [July 30,1856. "' . . (Ebuccttion, • CfARLINLE FE3IALE,,AE3IINARY Silt. and MRS. CLARK, who have been.forseveral years engaged in teaching,respectfully announce to the' citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that nn'the Ist of Sep tember, 1850, they will commence the second session, in Loather Street, near.the Urem m Reformed Citulth, of their • *SEMINARY FOR YOUNG LADx4S. The Institution will be Loth a bnardirit and• day school. in which all the brai:hen necessary for the com plete °dunghill of young. ladies will be taught. Assist ants. of the highest character for qualifications and morality will be employed in accordance with the wants of the Institution. The government will be conducted on strictly Christian principles, while sectarianism will be 7.7. rigidly excluded. The Principals flatter themselves that their long and stleceesful experience as teachers, es_tk , stifled Ay the recommendation. in Omir possession will enable them toesiablish- an institution of the higlient character for loungladius. They are fully persuaded that such an nstitution will bo sustained here by the citizens and neighboring country and hope that their confidence may not be,dlsagpa l lited. Titti - Schelastic yeatAfilleonsist_of_lbur_termer(dinvom weeks each), beginning on September 1 and ending on second Wednesday in July. 4 TEIIIIS PER QUARTER (11 weeks), .Doerdlng, including fuel, lights, and tuition in English branches,_s3s 00 Primary Department,o 00 Higher English, 8 00 Ancient and Modern Languages, each,_ '5 00 ' Ornamental branches at professor's charges. No deduction for absence after entrance, except in ease of protracted Illness. .11,EFLIRENCT.8. • Ron, FRED'It. WATTS, —*Rev. C. P. WINO. J. B. PARKER,' Esq., " A. 11. KREMER JAMES ILkMILTON, Esq.,. " JACOB FRY, SKILP.S, Ens.," W. W. EELS, Dr. S. B, KIEFFER, - MOMS, Rev. Mr. STERRETT. Mar. 19, 1856-1 year. VII`Fr • HAci IDFlfir , e" — •• TIMED MILMWEST Of HARI:I9IIMM • The Tweifth Session of this Institution will emunience on Monday, the 3d of November. Parente, and Oulu, diens nro requ - ested tit Inquire into its merits before sending their sons or v ards elsewhere. The location g.l the Destitution is retired, pleasant and healthful, and the course of instruction embranen the 'ordiam ry - and higher branches of an •Englieh lEduration,: to gether with the Latin. Greek, French, and German lan guagesi and vocal and Anstrinnenial .music, Terms, boardintrovashing,vd . ,Tultion.intlut English Invlch-• es and vbeal music per session (21 'was) $00,60. For circular containing particulars address. D., DEN LING F.R. , 11arrishurg,Pa. Sop. 17, 1850.1 .•DL2INFIELD 'ACAD.E3IY.,Near• L_ CARLISLE, Pa.—The Twenlietit Scesion:(flve_ months) will commence on ?day sth. A now indid. log has been erected containing, tiymunslum,, Music Room. de. ' • • ° With increased facilities for instruCtlon and ample arcommodntiona. Ibis institution presents'. great, In ducements to- parents who 'dceiro lbe physical and mental improcnment of their eons.' " . Terms per. Echisiora, $6.5 00. - For elreulam, with full informatifuk,address. . • K. Principal and Pmpriotor Plainfield, Cumberland co., Pa." April 9,1859 ~.. _ . . . - . • .‘, .. . - • 'loco M RH .4 13 IA L I ' C Q fi l lin d:E, removed to 110: now and spacious Hall, O. 99 ant BALTIMORE STREET, Baltimore, MO. .0. K. Ciampi:l4as, Principal and Lecturer upon Moreau tilo Sacrum •' _ K. K.,Lostan, In charge of Wrlting Department. ' 0. W. KEnr, Initeuctor In.Mercantilu eatetitations.and 11,...tiAt0 In lk.ok Keeping Department': 'J. )1. Piistmrs, Teacher in hook Keeping. 8 T. Wawa' s, Lecturer on coutrilevial,Law. _Tlspsey'cars-have-uot yet elepstaltdoce-the-establish -mourn( this Institution, during.vrhlch time upwards of eight Inindred students have been In ;attendance, (rep. resenting nearly every State. In the Union,) among whoul ore numbers in Baltimore and elsewhere occupy ling prominent posltioneas business men and aCCOiIUt • C 0131113 5 .0 10 STUDY. , BOOK KBEPING.The Faincipal has the utmost con Odence In assuring the public thSt after an expel fence o fourteen years In qualifying young men for the Count 'Jug !Mom and other important stations, and an'" exten sive einualutance with' the; management , of .usirierm books of every description, (assisted as he Is hy two entiflo accountate,) the" - course of incising .in this de; partmdnt is eminently practical snd adapted. to the - various purslane of Commerce and Trade, including Psrtnerohlp; Mercantile. Manufacturing, Commission; Exchange Banking, Üblipping. Steamboat. lug ComponndCompany - Operatipna, • PIINUANSIIIP,-••Thelimaigises nallor.thlcluiad fink free, easy and graceful, eombining:rapidity.greneintihn With beauty of pinstructionAlma'enabling tbestildent to Writorm elegant business band on Completion oftho, • ' , , ...,BIEDOANTILt CALCULATIOND, lu,all their yarleus •liearingeare taughthy ille most aecurate and ,erapedir'. 'tiros method. Daily lectures are delivered upon the Science ; 'Are, ,counts, Mercantile ,Custome. dc,, these luconlertleu. . With a serlasivflactams,on.Comnicrallliaw,are.oLtise higbeit impedance to all aspiring' tn ' occupy prominent, positionalnilho,businealtamenwiniss,, - The !ha& necesaary tor eti induatilMill..stadent 'tn. 'complete the,couran, sorb:afro:n . B Di 12 .weeks„, There being w 6 vacation, appliimits easi enter at auy tiros, and attend both day and evening: Examluatious ire hold at, _statcal, periods, and diplosnas awarded to ti,se: . who gracilate... Par iermi, etc., prriteend have.a rh -Saforiraided btnial/. , „..1; ME - . , -ITEW _IAGWCULt.U . RAI, IVAItt -••• .• "" ' " FARMING , IMPLEMENTS: The enbeviber, lcattect In the: l.erpment of the tilettir 441 ChurclL',hproiltel.' the' Rnllroed Dqiot, ir , no variety ntraininlnkl!uplements, such as • . GDAIN DRILLS, • GRAIN FANS, • • " •'' CORN SIIELLEISS Corn-and Cob Grinders (Scott's Want), tho Croacont. Omin AllII, Homo . Shovels, REASEIIS AND MOWERS Gl(truny's -with -Wood's -Improvement),-Stmw -Futterm de., all of which are of the moat Improved .kind and Workmanship,- and will, be Bold on .the moat aecorm• mod/ding terms: , Farment are respectfully Invited to call arld_onamineieforopurchitalng; • . . ' ,4 For the convenience of fartnersOloore's Paten Grain Drill Will to ROM et Shlrthannstown by lienjandi Clay, and at Shippensburg 1 y Chrhdlan Long. • • August 20,1856. AA GRiCULTURAL IMPLEMENTS ,PENNOCK'S .CELiIiIIATED•wrOAT 1.) 1111 dnpted also for sowing oafs. miss seeds hod guano Kmusor's Fortelle Cider,Allll—the lest In Hui mnrkot., Ilallitlay's patent . Horse Power's and Three ! er P r Lima and Guano Spreader's, Daniel's Tiny, Straw and Fodder n tier Little Giant COrn and Cob Mill, -Fpnin's Atmospheris Churn. The above Superior Implements w It); all rtharie for the nod of ihh farmer or, gardner, icy sale ll' bolmsa and Retail by . PASCITALL, MORRIS & CO., Agricultural lirehnuao and Seed Seem. earner 7b nd 3larket street's. Phlladelplda.. . t~ i ~~ • . Nos. 21 and 23 S( nth Stith . Sll eet . • PIIILADI.I PIIIA. AORICIILITRAL IMPLEIIETiI Nnnerneroßr. Brintol: Ps. S3ED,CIIIOIINns (370 A 408) Bloomed*, nen r Bristol. Pe, _PARMRS OF THIS NEIGHBOR • .11000, ti rowers of Wheat and'lt3 5., use • LEINAy'S SUPER PHOSPHATE OF . LIME, 11.34 - nr want, heavy - Creps, —.- nr -American • Fectilizer."; ' • • . These valuable Manuret has e been' used for the past Fix years succ'esSfully for the Omin and Tobacco Crop. In Virginia, Pennsylvania. Nee . .Jersey. Delaware, Maryland, and the Islands of -Bermuda and Ilarbadoca. A barrel (250'1b5.) is sufficient fur an acre onziround. - The above Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical Elements, which largely incremre the crop And improve thevzoll, doubling the value of the landr Prlceof the Phosphate Of Lime—S4o n .ton, Nitrogened .SCO 3 the American Fertilizer 525 per ton or $350 per barrel, I $1 25 a keg. Also every serial, of GUANO, Pure Land Plaster, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Soda, Bone Dust, l'owdered Charcoal, Ao. Goals dolibersli Tree of charge. GEO. A. LEINAU, Proprietor, • - • -Novlo SoutirEmntStreet;Plilla= 11(PTo wholesale dealers a literal disconnt. Pam. :blots in the English and. Herman languages Gratis Orders "at n distance; Cash ,actompanying or Draft. promptly at tended to. N.8.-011 , 1.031AS hoe). beenrawarded by thiPenn t Sylvania Agrhul tern] clay. New York Crystal Palace Asanciation, end the Nee Jersey ,State Agricultural • lets. Neti. 1.6.-3tuos, ARNERS LOOK HERE! • TIIRESIIINO‘3IACIIINESI • I — Theattimeribers-desire to inferrufaraters_andLnuldic.. gcnetally ihnt they now 'moon hand and are resistant ly manufacturing Threshing tie giblet with - Plerpont's Patent Shaker, which are gentrally acknowledged to he the best articles now in 'use. Also a variety of Clover Hullers, Corn Shelters and Stress Cutter's. They also Atone to the repairing of Agricultural ?loch nery in. the liest - Manner -arid on reasonable:terms._ Manufic• tory on Northilannosor Street, directly opposite the - residence of George 31etzgar,-Esq,-,—,------- t . " — Attgrist o on. . •I 'FFO FARMERS:—The subsoilber has just rat urned`from the City with one of the largest assortments of.llaidware_orer brohght to this Once. Ito hen just received SO dos, names with and without pat. astenings,. iron and steel hooka ranging In piiirs from 44 to $1 50. Alan :100Ipr straight and twist link trace chains from 50 Jo D 25. Home made trares - ntall;kituts, ninon lot of spread, fifth; hresst, butt, eari'ying bolter and log elMins--,also a very largo lot of shovels, forks, nadelk - hoes - rn, km - and - in - short - everything - and - any - thing wanted by the'Farmers-- Remember the old stand East Main St3larlisle.-, 31nrch 10.'56. ' . • ' H. SAXTON, . pLDR ATENT SELF-OHARIDENING - ' YANKEE FEED CUTTERS, manumitored for ICII 4 SARGENT, No. 410 Market 'street, Chilada This cutter is superior to any now In use, for strength durability, and situplialty of construction; It cuts fast ' er, and is the only seitsbarpening Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but ONE STRAD:UT KNIFE, which any person can grind and'set with . eaSe but in ordinary case, lb ground in the nowleine. Thou. sands bave'aiready been sold, and the demand Is daily increnaltig. In most oases an examination Is sugleient to convince one of Its Superiority. No ono after a short trial would port with it for any other. All sixes of the ore constantly on band and for sale by J. P. LYNN, °eta • . Sole Agent. for Cumberland county. ---7 ---.-- • ~4, -; -,2,i. KRAUSEa'S POIIT A BLE ~ . ?. . ,hrbflte'. CIDER . MILLS caw still be fUrrilified . ol , s, improfed,:conetruetion at d_ finish. Their - , grindiOg r apparetns, is peculiar. and gives - them an' advantage over All other 111111 s. By the action, of two reelpnwating pisteds, the apples are forced up against the _teeth of a rapidly reiol, nig r7linder - and - retained tilkgrontrd - toallne-puipo, bleb of course yields more juice.when sun jected to pressure than if the vaunt,' was coarse. The Screw Press ,bas been greatly improved and strengthemal since knot year, and the whole frame is , tightened by strong Joint bolts. It is adaptedlo either band or berm, power and ran be - worked by baud to the extent of six to -eight barrels day ' • PASCHALL )11/ItIRIS & co., linplement and Seed'Storo 7th and Market, Pidia.' Sep. 24, ISSO • AGRIOULTVEAL 'AIIPLE -31ENTS. • •i" Ridging. and Sluvel Plows;fbr Corn and Potatoes, Expanding Cultivators, with Steel Teeth of vat lons patternro,Flehl•and Garden Harrows, lined Floes, .Revoliing llorso Makes. patent• Scythe .knatha and:Scythes. katglish Lawn Scythes with rlvelled backs,• superior Unloading May Forks. with npe and tackle complete, and all other articles for farm and olden. PAKIIALL SIORRIS & ' 7th and Market Streets, Phila. NMENS:E'S.U . COESS,N THE CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN TIIE WORLD. DALLOU'S DOLLAR .111ONTILLY- DESIGNED FOR EVERY ANERICAN7IO3IE. . . Entuuragial by the unprecedented success which ibis popularitionthly lam met with, mid the rapidity.wlth which' it has hierensed its circulatfon;The per pricier has rostured Ce make it stilf more worthy of the patronage of therpublin '1 hat this admirable work is • A•9IIItACLE OP onFAPNEss is admitted by every gni; containing, na it does, One Hundred Pages of reading matter inmeb number, being rtiorvilban`a ny urther $3 -- lingalp erg and - forming - two volumes a ,year of six, hundred 'pages sorb, or Two/vir Hundred paged of Heading Matter per annum for . • , 'ON 11.'001.f1,t .„ . . i nation's D olla r Monthly s printed wilh' now type. tinfoil fine white paper, and its4natter la espoinliT cow piled atidntninged by.tbo hands of the cdttor And pro ; prtetor. Alin has been known to the puidir As connected with ilie Boston Eyes tor sixteen leant. lto rues am ialti ‘. ' • NEWS, • TALES, 1.0h11:4, , STORIES OF Tug 13E4 . SNETCIi.EB, WIT - AND from the Feet and - most populate Writer-a of MD country. It to alieveyfred with a mord of ,tim•tiotable events of tho times, of imam itudinni, or discoveries and Improve. dinents•vicuring - ettliter bendkpliere, forming no agreeable norapiplon fora leis fun-moment or bour,any ahem, at home or tibruitti,.eaeh - number, being complete , . . • Nn F tarla n euhjecte adadtted into Its ,pages; there ore enough motif:monad, , pubileatlons mach de voted to Ito peculiar .sect This - work - Is -In. ' - north or •itonth, oast fir treat, and is filled to t)tli, brim each month withellestit" papulir and arspltlc •rttlsele -lany-7.lnst-itt—Ch no any or &fend _would place In the hands of a finullvnirele. It le In all Itade p&rtmonta. fresh and orlsinet; and, what it purports. tii be, the cheapest maga:lna In CO world. • - Any person enclosing intsnousn' to the proprlettir;vte bolow',lthall receive the Idagailne'llir one year, or 'any parson sending uti mar Onfivot-lbefil 'and zronv'pottAns, - ; at one time shall receive iteopy'grittls. •- • ' • Pnlfifither and ' — Owner of Torment and Bromfield Streets, popop: ' . AA 14IIRACLE Kelllng,4llUeetuirilesbiug,' Cunillerland von yr; Pa; anneunoes to ander Ith‘ Tum , ; , ra Wenu - Caneare,'PolyPtis, , Luptii, Motes 'Ott IllarkkBc...4' 'ills. Hines:Ern and all dfaeitaeathet base bean usually treated with Caustio or Knife, be ran retnevii them with out cutting, beirning-ssr , :psint'etelthir' Chloudbrin or Ether Is admihittered 'n to .itio matte' ,en what part - of-the bcidt they maylls, heron rosettes . :them-wlth: perfeetiadetzund , lii - sCrenlirkiibly 'Sheri lime. $o Mineral bt'Vsgetatdepobion le applied, andtii -money required until a crepe Isperfested. ' • • 'Prolapsus Uteri, Female timsmialnis. Chronier , Vene real and all OtAorillaiitileil fhated,witl. tieltlye enema partieuhuweiin.bit obtidned. addreaslng In Atha ; English or lleginin, piwpao; towfs, can .be stooge. mediae& Wittilloardou reaxiimable terms. . . --Mechanicsburg- is • tine ` the healthy" towne ln. tbla ,or aprothe k dtate. hi* o l as from • Ifarrisbirli; on the•Cti - inberpaid ,end .amessildeltinn';a/Imelainf tlittNidom ,TFri d tilt mace liSany tert-pftheAtSwainirrptishid.'' ' ' )131 1 and reader If yon ' A ttnisbcfri 01. 9 , Sure delay riot to tell thornier trtatinent. t I .„„ • xtm.tianoy Printinirdode .here • 4:•' 31,4 • m MX= UM NE ITIV-IfQ L ESALE,,.I)IIUG TORE. • 0 N. SPX NeER TIIO3IAS,-Sh. 20 South Second Street' Philadelphia, Importer. Maunfactnrer. and healer, in ...„ lilt MN, MEDICINES. ell FMK:ALS, Dye Stunk: Paints. Oils. Colors_ White Lead. Fren'Eteriti'd ' American White Zinc. 'Window Glass. Ohms Ware. Var nishes lirushes. instrument., Graind Spices, Whale SplecsLaud-all other article. usually kept by Druggists, including Borax, Indigo. Glue, Shellac, Pettish, . All orders. by mall or' otherwise:promptly attended "'tic." Country merchants are'in viten Wean and examine onridneh before purchasing. elsewhere. .01:4 -- Iloods sent W illy of the n harves or railroad- station.. Prices Lew and Welds Warranted. ' . [March 0,1350-Iy. • OS.P.PLI lA. NEEDLES, Manufactu rer of WIDE, SILK AND lIAIR.CLOTII SIEVES; Coarse, Medium and Flue In TIIPPiI : large, middle-sized, and small In diameter. -\, - MET ILL of, jetl3, Oat WoVEN WIRE, \) the boot qualities. larloungic's pf mesh, from Nos. 1 . 80 incluAlve,'and from one to' slit feet In width.. Theyare numbered so many soaves to the lineal Inch, ' ,rod cut to suit.- • - - • u . ' . ...The shbscriber also keeps constantly cn hand. ~..,. - SCREENS, • , • .... .... , .for.:coal, Wind ore; lime,. width since), guano, NUMMI sugar, salt, %one, coffee, spice, drters. dye-stun :9 Sc To tiler with - an assormank .of DUG= AND AN. NIALED IRON Wilt& All the aboic sold wholesale "and retail by _ • 3. - A. NEEDLES, ..• • . 54 Front Street, Vilna. . . • Juno.-I, 15504,1 y.. . . IyANSLOW (t• CO., - COMMISSION • 31E11611ANTST - - , • indWholesslG Denlets hi all kindr7 of roIIEION & DOMEET.I6 LEAF - TOBACCO, . ttstrupteteszn Tenter° - AND' FOREttiN NI DOESTIOk.SEGAIIS, 21 South - EI:4M street. Philadelphts. _ Immrtent nf fine 'Havana Sekan4, -of the 'choicest __,:rovrtlis-of-the--VueltnethaJo. A - lice* escortmea 01 which era kept consanttly on hand. and for .sele et n email advance on cost of Importation. - 4i - B - Consigtinicnts respectfully solicited; on which - 11h.nal advances sill be made alien desired. • 4 -- Special.ttentien — ive.n.terorderiforptirchastrorr - coni mlsfilen ofrohneco - IS also every description of ferchriii. tiimer fOr acconute parties living at a distance friim this market. 0,11,5010 Ago for F. A. Goetro's celebrated German Smokirm Taw o.cdinprietng thirty different varieties. April 23, lei —ly: • . Q.II I It3PPARD - & - A -N HARLINGEN-. s4!2lettliPrnlming_remaredto their • — NNW- AND VACIOUS STORE; No. 218 Chestnut Street, fourth door above Tenth, Are now prepared to offer a largo and well selected Mork of tho following fresh and desirable goods, prittelpidlY of their own zimpnrtatipw,: or - Dr,uittirnit-nuctiorr, , whielt tild they are e to . i 11 et. the nipOrter's priers, and to which they cordlallyinylie the attention of Country Merchant. Hotel Keepent, and - families gonernily, -- I; i i i :27::n?h i rlsln t .ln a v " ..l W .4l.:e d e " t7oV: VI: 74 9:1 10-1, •• Ilidster and Pillow Linens of 'and all widths froth ;1S Lo 54 inches. • lied Blankets - oral! sizes'and 'qualities. . • Crib sold Bradletilankets. - lied QuiltWor the following varieties, viz: Marseilles, Welting, Knotted, Register, Alhamlwa, Allendale and Lancaster, of all the desirable glees. • ' Bureau Coven, Table Covers, Window Curtain Muslin . Towels and Toweling. of every variety, Damask Table, Cloths and Napkins, tibirting.Linons and Muslin, Catm brie Handkerchiefs, Embaolderies, Hosiery, he. Broca. tel, Damasks, Mammas. Enbroldered Lace and Muslin Curtains, Gilt Cornires, Rands, Gimps. Cord. &c. fiIIEPPARD & VAN HARLINGEN, Importersand Deafen In •Lineu and House Ourulsh. ing (bads. • April 30,1850—fm. . • - • • • • • FtI)UN.I3 . R'S ONE-PRIG . :A. , holeaale and Ratan CABII BOOT. AND )311011 STORE, I.:G. 76 South Second St., Corner of Ca 'ter St. The eitablblunent has been enlarged and impmed 'and Is supplied with the largest and loot Retail Stock in the City, principally of his own manutactur,,, choice assortment front the best Eastern Myrkek -- ,7 bracing Ladlos,' Gents', and Children's BOOTS. SHOES AND CAITERS or every description, style and unality, embracinglh, beat styles and qualities to Oda or any other market This stock cannot be excelled for Quality Style ant • I. article In marked at the very lowest possibl price, tram which no deviation will be made. .No ox. mva.mut etatements will be - needed, nu/Inoue made to ,lied tales. - Goodyear's Gum' In ell varietle. Pure Gams, SO scarce in the tnerket,.always - en-hand. The public espectfully luritell to call. lApril 1, 1850. -Er,H IL A: DE 1, IA - - VI: It' EVANS' FIRE 4 THIEF .. PROOF SAFES! fur merchants, lawyers,-farmer', and others, havint, Books, Papers, or other valuables,• to preserve froth FIRE or BURGLARS. 4 . DdYatod NewelPii (Iloldfa) PANE LOCKS. -- & - Caut,--The' - Flie-Proof — t 4 ife," that - presumed - our Books, Papers, &e., during the great lire at Hart', Buildiugs, was purelmsed of ULIVER EVANS, 61 S. gm St., Philadelphia. GETZ & BUCK. It V..FRICERATURS WATER. FILTERS. EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators for cooling and. preserving meats, butter, wOk, .water, and all articles for culinary purposes. ' WATER FILMES for purifying brackish or.muddy water, whether affected by rains, limestone, marl, or ether cause I can be had seporato or attac hed to the Ituirigerators—a small quantity erica cooling the.whole n the warmest weather. SILLAVEIt BATHS, for the use of warm or cold water. WATEICIL)OLERS, for Hotels, Stores, and Dwellings. '!:'tJltl TltUlaiy , foronovin4 Lcus, bales; &c. SEAL PRESSES, Copying do., do. - oLtvEtt No. 61 So . uth Second St. ( 2 doors below Chesnut March 5, 1853-Iy. (Ebtablishud In 1835.) 41 V t l t ;" = o~yH“ ; •FC.P fL 5 .• 7,4 . 1 PC •- 5 *- 5: g.,P a *ara LC4.- I. =“. 0 4A 74 . 14. CO i TO 3 g mgt., g f,•••c c 67. - • Y :4:? 0 ••, 1 - 4' ao o MISCELLANY, Am" rict u BIOUIIA PRIES, ITEItRING'S PATENT '.OllA3lll'. •jj ON FIRE PROOF SAFES, With Ilalre Pato , ' Powder Proof Luckd, which soanded solatrate *plain at t . World's Fair. Lendob, 1801, a .2. , :i 1 ,11 ' also at the Worlirs Fair, , • ' York, 1853(aud The subs. . • ~lA'tprii/ bore are the solo' malinfactur . 10 4 ; and propriettirs In tide State _ . • -the-above -unequalled ref, ~i ,7,_ • •.F1 • - 7, 1 genuine I'llierrig s rare" la Will Idn, and 'for tbe Ana, Mira _ears the mercantlle commuul • Mire wltnem. at and borne ter oPy'tellitdr /lapin irAllairu Pre proof qualities. 'Af, 12,005 of Ahem, Safes 'have Iven'actually 'Bo l if,Of Oier'rwo - nom= hare passed triumphantly' them', itePhlental firms. The • public! are Piloted that all Bat , - • manufactured by the subscribers are pot , only goer* : , teed to bo rally equal, but In many respecte 4111111 au., to theseythich Lace been so umereiy.tried bpi Ye* 'will For-get their .1111iVICOR In the , burnlng T , "Tribune eslabilidnuetit,'„!, New York, and at. : the, r, Me In Strawberry street, at , the large Ore last,Ju opposite the Girard Ili:moue and., still more reran, In the Eire at Filth end Chesnut sta., ,in eit; Pblldelphits In ;which COOP Sakti came fortli tie knowledged CuakrAex, when , , runny ethqr„ aecurit ' FAltltiil. & CO, ~„ IRON SAW: .INDltang ,Locx. • , 34 jyALNIIT Street, Philadelphia, . 1 7 , 1 .Porrder . Prop( Locka,,mr,, far red ex retotry - for Dahlia, Tirol/caw, Jatrefkitik others requiring security from rogues. ~, Doers- fie. on hand• and made to order. . 411 :9 8 i. 'ioebibrated Locks for salo.a tat manucteluriirk - Pri".. P. Second hand "Safes:" `lEalalridere.,aridrA 'Chests' of other makers, hare Veen taken hi part •ment,for-llerrinsrla saio et heir . . • - 111 j, Thn Migic 'demi n o d h 2 VI •JJ Thin Mill - hes taken the fleet 'premium orde At 4 number of thiracent :Mato and' , cubit,/ Valra. r Ey. • atocleahaukt hard Murutthkrei" mi • .7411 N PY'Ski ' • Mannriir Shutt, • / • STAUFF.EIt & HARLEY. '.- . . ... . .. . , CHEAP WAT . CII - ES AND 7EAVELItit. , ‘ ,•!: v-oiY= l 'S ., iVholesele and Itoiall, A l tho '" Philadelphia %Inch arid Jewelry Store." No. 917 North Sowed it - reat corner of Qtterry,Philelelphhi, . . AMA Lever %V etches, full Jewelled, 10 carat $29 09 I - Gil Lepine, 18 carets, • 24 00 ' , Sillier Lever,"full Jewelled, - ' lg 00 Silver Lupine, jewels, • s ' 900 Superior Quartiors, .. ' ' 700 ' Gold Spectacles, • , 7.00 - Nino Silver do. 4 50 . . Gold Bracolote, .. .„._.. -_ - -3 00 - Ladies' Gold Pencils,'' - _.. - - •4. 00 - —Silver Tea Spoons. act.--I-- --. 5 50,.- • Gold Pens, with panrils and...diver holder, I Ott Gold Finger Rings %Vetch Glass., dce. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER-A-HAULM". _ . .--' • r., • - •' - ' "Suctsstior of O. Conrad, itiir-on Ladd some Gold and Silver Lovers and Levine still lower than the above prises. ' . • ,HALL 'CLOAKS & 'MANTILLAS AT WHOLESALE A. n ,IiETAIL. - O EfrITULPIN.&OO, Import - era and Manufacturers of CLOAICI3 and MAN TILLAS, No. 174 Chesnut Steeet.'(a few doors above 7th, south side,); Philadelphia, connection with - ttEoll6t: BULPIN, 301 Broadway. N. V., tin:largest manufacturer of these goods In the United States.) beg to call the at tenth". of Whblesale and Udall 1 nyers to their later, Wild varied stock of CLOAR'S,.TALMASI, dc., &c., for the Jail trade! 1 Their eullecti,,n coinpriOs'a complete as sortment of all the latest 'Parisian Novelties hi Velvet' Moire' ntique, Cloth, Pam Ac.; while the fa cilities atibrde y , by their connection with the largest Manufafluring House, (of these goods,) in Nev York', enable them i to guarantee better value than is ol4sina. Lie elsewhere in the Market. ' ' OEO. 1111LPIN Sept. 3, 1 66-301. 174 Chesn et Street above 7th. =I EAF ,TOBACCO, 'AND_ CIGARS. • DENSIi6W 8 Co., • C 0.,. FRONT STRIFT,syIIILI.DMI.I; lIIIISSION ItIEItOIIANTB A tt DEALERS 114 ALL LEAFTOBACCO; MANUFACTURED' TOBACCO AND CIGARS. . nave constantly on and for sale lowan kinds of ',fluidram and Spanish Leaf Tobaccos, ;selected with .telal reference to lib:nem:tutors' use. All article. sold warranted to as represonted, and every opportunity afforded for examination. Purchasers ata distance ran solid their orders and .iolE.npoit %being .I .lfi.'fitithfUlly served as If-their broads_ 'ores FOl4pti'd in (April 3; pd n • a J 7 T P. • 0 C") r:1. 113 0 r 0 rD - p cn (D . (z 2. 8 ) - 1 00 a_ A cn ri . 71 • IP g • IE 122 AY, - .1..N . G 2 FUND OF THE U. S. S =IIIBI)*RANCE,**ANNUITY& TRUST COMI"Y.. . SAL Coiner Third anti CheSnut Streets, Mlle, _fish. CAPITAL , * Dinnerleirecel•ed on deposit daily, the minim de. rielted fa entered in a Deposit Ikwk nod given to the Depositor, 'or. If preferred, n kertlficate.will !le given. All sums large and small; are received, pad. the Amount paid hark on demand, without-notice. Interest is paid at the rnto of FIVE pin aNT., Mrr mooring from the day onifposlt, and Ceesipsreutteett. - days previous - to thiinithilrawril'of the looney. the first day of:lanonry. in each year, the interest of eavh *deposit Is paid to the depositor, or added to the p.lnclpd, as he'nnly pvefer. ' ' The Company have now upwards of. 34.00 depositors In the city of Philadelphia alone.* Any aditlonal information will he given b- addressing the TkßAStitElt.. DIRECTOSI3.. ' t4tenhon Oodtv In, JAwnome Johnson, Tice I't.% . Paul B. Waltlard.' Ambrose 0. 'Elminpson, • .Con. MelloneY, Benjamin W, Tingley, James Devereux, -Jacob L. FlOllllll,O, Oust. knyllah, ' "PUNY FMK. • Seeretary and Treasurer J. C 011/LEICIILAO En. • Teller and interpoter, -Eopt:lL' . _ UND, S Chartered by the State of Pefinay 1655 OFFICE, 55 WALNUT STREET One door above Second Street. Philadelphia, .- . - RecelYeaDePositain 111.11.1PPLOPP_ Penne ambupwards front nirelnnsea of the eommuhity. , end allows interest at the rateof - Ilia per Sent per annum. Moneyaimid back on demand.' .GB-'offire open doily' l'imm 9 until 5 o'clock, and on Monday and Saturday .until 9 o'clock lit me eVtmilig. • = This Matilution will he found a cOnotenlent_and-rwafe piltßi or - deposit foe Fatatiera and others doing business in,Philadelpilla. Deposits are paid on demand without any-previous noticu being roquked. ' "" • .... . .. Edinrind A. S - Orider, - lion. Job R. Tyson, Stilwell S. Bishop, .a . - George lioldin, - •. • — James - It:Perot, ThnlFef t -WhYriiii, . John 'Weenies, - Edward L. Clark, '-. • ' -- -;. - Thcob Roots, -- - " * - Capt. John °klieg!Mr, -- Joseph .'ll, Cowell,- , John Rice, '. Joseph 11. Myirs, _ . Richard G. Stotesbnry, Edward' 11. Trott r, . WllllOOl Shinpon, „fr. _ Franklin flacon; - Wm. P. Jenks ' Thomas Cooper, - —•- - Edgar E. Pettlt,, • . . • President-ERANELIN FELL. • Treasurer-CHAS. M. MORRIS. • . • • Secretary-JAMES S. PRINGLE. Ikft.... The Charter provides that no' manager, oillrer or agent•nhall, directly or Indirectly, borrow any money' from the Society, - 0ct1i,1855-1Y 1•cIo1Qo eachon, out street, south-west corner of Third street, Pbiladel pida.• Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania 11 • Five per cont. interest is given, and the money is al: ways paid back wheuevei it is Lulled for, without the necessity of giving notice for It beforehand. People who have large sums put their money in this Saving Fund, on account of the superior safety and con• sentence it affords, but any sum, large or 'small, IS re. • mired. • . • • Fund : • • . . • This Paving u bee a very large amount of 'Mort !pig.. Ground Dents and_other first class Investments for the security of Depositors. The • rules prevent any Director or Officer from using or horn wing the money. The Mice is open. to receive and pay looney every day, from 9 o'clock iu the morning till 7 o'clock In the even ing,.and ou Monday and Thursday ovenl.g, till if o'clock. '1.....1 . People who have moneyoy to put In, are invitvd to cell at the office for further Information.' IlliNltY L. BEN NEIL Proside4t. ... MOM. SELFICIDUE, Vice President. Wll. J. REED, Secretary. ' October 3,1855. .• . . hRE Nell TRUSSES.—Hernia • Rupturefillneessfully tecated.'and comfort 10suned, " • -- .by use of the elegant French Trusses, imported hy the subscriber, and made to order_expresaly for Lis sales. . all suffering with Kunlun) oil, be gratified, to learn that the ,ocrnsion now often; to procure 11 Truss combin. log ostreme lightness: with:ease, durabllity and correct, construction; In lieu of thcreuntbnme and unebmfbrta- We article usually sold. .i.destensirepssemen ids,r t m, on hand, adapted to every .ariety of Rupture In alluitx _rtudeltildron,,mdlor ssio at a range of price to Ault all. Cost. of Single Trunifiri,4l,4 fi al - aqd sa, $4. $8 nod s l6 .' • Persons at n diatanee con have _a Truss Slat to Rayed• dress by remitting the amount.hendinglll.l3U re around Ilia hills, and stating' side affected. I±or nal° Wholesale and Retail by the importer. CALEB 11. NEEDLES . • —Eh tr,vor. - of Twelfth - it ItarnStO.,Plillailelpliln.'" - Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Doty Brace; Chest Expanders' and 'Erector Braces; Palen( Shoulder Braces; -Suspensory Bandages . ; Spinal' Props and Stile ports.- Ladies' Ittrocris; irith competent lady, attendants. April 11. 1:101VAItll , -ASS,•OCI.4IT.L,ON. j_ • i.• PHILADELPHIA. ' • • IIIPORT.tICT ANNOUNCEMENT • i ' To all persons , enlisted with Sexual dtioases.itt ' . SEMINAL WEAKNESS, IttPOTENCE,.GONCERII O LEET, SYPHILIS, de:, - Ac., • HOVARD ;ASSOCIATION' of Philadelphia, id :View of the adfuLdestrititiprvolflitimein life and Buda' . . &tomtit . by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions which pnwtised upon the ottlbrtunata 'Jilin°, of such diocese: by Quacks, Davdslirected tliiirConsulting.Surgeon, ea a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their. nanve, to glee MEDICAL — ADVICX - CRATIS:Ixi -- all pefsons thuateg: - filsted,(3lsle preuutie ) who apply by loiter, tpostipald,) - with a description .P ription of t heir 'conditton,(age. occupation. habits of IIG, , hc.,) and in extrema poverty And Plaraling% i 0 AIEDICINES.III.I4; On, CHAEOE.... ,•,, The llowsni4ssociation lea benevalept, Institution, established special endowstent, ter,thareLletztf the sick and distreseed, afflicted with Virldentand. Bps demi° diseases," and Its funds eau •be used for no other parpsesq... It has now. a,surplus of L mosns,•whish, the • Directors helm Voted to advertise the above notice. , Js neediess:to.add3bat. tit4sitioct commands the Idgitest OlotHenlakill of the tide. .. • .. , Addiesiapostspaidi Dr. HED. R. CALHODB,psesullo, ing Surgeon, Howard Associatiorahliadelphls; /I TI ° MS I . lllrtft t rl7 ' .- ' dent. GECKLYAREOLIILD.-Becredar+. - , . . . .AA atrajist• roty.fried"froni "niencisit, open lug t , unsmittiont 'ot 'elegant, "Ifishronitble, no* orkylm.y , Palle' , and Sitiplo to width I Mould rcs*ANllit thri:atteniloii itu!tkiepitirE, Op 4 Alto 'Ladino lit !particular. t."" ':• ' '' • " ' ' BroccLa Long and Square ShaVels,`Warra, .tle; gang lintioldories,' erlsndlit • Bilks,' FrenCh • Morinctie;. Do lad nos. Ceishincre Plaids. Ribltonn, &c. A nawistookof.o.loths•aini-Vaitkliuscgar•iblitisltnit, - 4Wi logo. Gallegos , ii,94,ll,lgnsat ctirlotyonil, Tory cheop. Also: Sonj • etslifinAklStrs 4nporial."apit.4- ititin'earM iii tingfc' • - ant L A*Kis - w'erldi 'tho , '"fr n4Adis;nofor,l,rtaticed prlro ..ProldTrlMiilS and customok and nt elieari'antiLniidttign9., goods. ivlll planyo tnincltuintiShitSatoCk lictuns lug olsowhorat. .. •. . MIAS, 001141 Y.., ' rae:l7, ' ":" • 1= • .'.IP:II*Os. - 11))* - ;. , :.':. --, EMI - ;,~'jii~tilllra; D . -.4.:7:11-9,(?,-P MIMME3 GERMAN BITTERS. • • . V • Vi spared by . • DR. C. n. JACKSON. MII W DF.IrIIIA, PA. - - will - effectually cure' • • ' LIVER COMpLAINT,-DYSPEPSIA," JAUNDICE, Chronic or Nervotut Debility, Diseaste of the Kidneys • qnd all discuses arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. • 'Such RR , Ceefitifletloll, - • Inward Pike. Full.- - • nessor Blood !leak _ Acidity of the StottnichiNifte. -------- : "--- ,sca.-Berirtbilrn, Disgust for Fot`d• '• Fullness or 11 eight effill the, fitontach, . Sour ErnetationeSinng or Fluttering - • attife - Pit of the etomach, Swimming of • • the Bead, Ilurriettand Difficult Breathing ' Fluttering at the ,Ileart, Chunking or sulloca • nog Sensations when In a lying posture, Diumesir• of Yllaoll Dots of wets I.efere the eight, Fever and-dffil pain in the. !fetid, •Defieleney of . • Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and • • Eyes,. Pain In the Side; Meek, 'Chest, .• Pude, &c Sudden Flushes of • ' • neat, Burning In the Flesh, • . • .•• -. • --- - Coustant-Intaginings• %of . • • . Evil, nod great De • • pressj n of mr t,P. The proprietor In calling the attention of the public . ' to this preparation, does so with a feelingof the utmost " confidence in I tl , e Irtuen and adaptation to the diseases for officio it is teentellleilded. ..- .It In tin new"and untried article, but one that has stood the teat of diem }'Cars' trial before the Annuli an potpie, and Its reputation and sale is unrivalled by any similtrpreparations extant. , The testimony in Its fever giver, liy the moat prominent and, well known , Physicians and individuals In all- psi/sof the country is DF i frtA n' N en O n e e '.s . lENTS OF . T/lIS - L . 11 . 1 R—. • A ' ND "13 -. TOMACIL. Are sourem of Insanity, - Front disorder or obstruction, a nutrbid notion r a the Sympathetic and' other, nerves fol'owit• slid the fo 'mikes eLthe.brain are impaired nod , - • • •deranged,r detangenient also produce diseaa es of the heart, skin, lungs and kidneys: It Is Ott bit; to,rn antic cause that thousands% din with Cholera,' Bilious or Yellow Fever, and ilia most baneful,dlsuasc; Consumption:• The general went of success In treating dlseasei of the liver and stomach. has notbeen a deficiency ntpalliolo- • -glad knowledge of - their - functiiiiis—bul of - a/tellable . -compound that would act upon the disease and Whim sy mpathet.ic affections. That has been gained in these . Bitters : and they can be used by penvons tit ith the must delicate stomach with perfect ,safety—as they at " no time dehilitete the patient,' but give strength and • increase the nervous energy: They can be taken at alt . 'times, and under all eiremnstnice . s. ordinary OXIIO- suen will prevent them having a salutary effect,. and no bad effect con result front an overdose. . . ltpatientewillPersoVere In tile use: of this remedy', and use it stric disease° i tly accord every to instance will-cum the ffiregoing if ) noteyod lb e power a t mom. ; ht NA caused many to oojoy the blessing of renewed health, and In many doseratep 'and abandoned eases, a perfeet,,Mid victim! cure. •, • PER ADVANCED • And feeling the SONS hand of 'limo weighing heavily. upon them, with all its ettendant ills, will and in •tho use of 'the Bitters as-Mixer that will instil HOW lite Into their •eitts; restore ' in a measure ' the energy,, , and ardor of more youthful day s; band up their shrvinken forms. and , give health and happiness to their remaining ears • • It is s wellesieblished fact•that fully ono-half of the : fendq - portion of our population, are seldom In the en joyment of geed health, or to use their .413 ex pression "never feel well." They ore languid, devoid of all on- - - -orgy, - extremely - nervous, end hove no appellte..''To this class of Invalids. these 'Bitters "aro .especially e , ,nimettded. Their la:duller tonic and invigorating . • 'properties render time limitable in noel, cases.. Persons visiting districts bemused annually, with FEVER AND Aft UE, or ANY FEVER OF A _BILIOUS - NATURE, will find that, by the Hatch}' use of are.or____- wo'buttlett.they-will-notlit-ontAnataber•t die-. as the Ilittortiayill renovate/tint strengthen system, and carry the ile off lulls natural channel,— Prevention is bettor than cure. • TUEY ARE ENTIRELY. VEGETABLE' And free front Aid:belle Stimulant, tuni all injurious 'theirligtinrMro'jxViiall Morifi ' d ser x t... ' • l t t ffins A ron: the body, glee bloom to the. pallid cheek, and and vigor to tam flam e' • Price 75 cents per bottle • Fanciful Offico. No. bill Allen Street,' Phil's; Pa. Sold•by Druggists and Storekeepers In: every., town and villsge in the United States and Caned.; and by ail Druggists in Carl's). • - • IMay 15, MK ia i .. il , ritlCTll) ; READ , I- H -•- • . • . _ • p I 3IEAI, 110 USE. - stablished twenty two ytnrs IrADELPIIIA. ago by D DI h- C IiINRELIN, corner Si Third snit Dillon Streets RS Plillatielphia,p a _____ t -- t . : --- Till, t 1.111.0 I.EA' .. - Experience has rendered Dr. IC. a most successful pram 'Moiler In the cure-et all diseases of a private nature: • manhood's debility as anfinipedlinent to Mar rlage 'nervous and seNAtth in fi rmities, nistiases Of the skin, and those arising fr o m abuse of mercury. • . , TARE PA MAU ULAILNOTICIL • - -' - Tilton in an evil habit sometimes Indulged In by boils. , in - shifted°, often growing up with• Mem hi' manhood: - and.whlch. 11 not reformed in due time not only begets serious obstacles to, matrlntotial happiness, but gives . rise to a series of protracted, insidious, and devastating.. ' Few of those who give Way to this pernicious practice, • are anent of the consniumtces, until they hod the nee. vans system shattered, feel strange and unaccountable =,, liars inneatlons nod vague itethe iniryd. Ciee , pagea 27, 29, of Dr. li.'s book on ~ Self Preservation.' • 'The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is unable to labrtr with accustomed vigor, or to apply his mind to study; his step it: tardy and weak: t., Is dull, Irresolute, and engages even In his Sports . with less energy than usual. . . . . - If he emancipate 4h:itself before the Practice has done. Its worst, and enter matrimony, his marriage Is nil- , irultful, and his sensq tella him that this In caused hy h i s early fillies. These are considrations which should awaken the attention of all - who are similarly situated. PATO:NTS AT A DISTANCE ___ Can - lave (by stating their. case explicitly, Another with ail their syniptonis, per latter, enclosing a remit: tance) Dr. K.'S medicine, appropriated accordingly. . " f Forwarded to soy part of the United States, and Secure front DA3IAUE -and CURIOSITY; by mall or ex- - ----- - - • NANIIOODI A Vigorous ßEAM Life orYOUTII a Prem A t u r n Death, MIAOW on Solf•Pmervathni—Only 25 rants.. Letters cOntallillig that valueln Stamps, will ensure copy per return of omit., IiItATIS I tiIiATIS I I GRATIS 111 A Free toIE all. " • 3IISERY RELVED. "Nature's Guide," a new and popular work, full 0. valuable advice and Impt•es,,lve morning, alike entente ted - to prevent. Scare ol till6ery and Savo 00114111 nm of • lives, Is dlstrli uted without charge, and for%arned by mall. prepaid, to any Post Wilco in the United Staten on Neeivlint ou order enclosing two postage Amps. IT °TheNy ne i ver e dh S l .16 l o l t r ore O tha N n :le l ; temporary rettePand they never will! 1t is because they don't totich - the - trausc - orilic - iirsenser - Tlfeiiii n Ui ell ague and billions diseases is the aninspherie puss. u rolled Miasma or Maletla. Neutralise this poison by its NA TURAL ANIIDUTR, and all disease c.:liseil by it disappears at once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Core is this antidote to ;Wade. and' moreover it is a perfectly harmless med icine: The certificate. of tiro celeniniiiii chemist, J. It. Chilton, of Is uw•York, to this effect, is attached to eve ry bottle; theemore, If it does us good, it eau do no harm. 1 / 1 121 to [Mho than can be said of Quinine, Arnenic, or 'any other Moto in existence, as their use la ruinous to the constitution anti brings on DUILD MIRE, which tuner Idiom a a per on to feel perfectly Well litr a single moment: In illutil ridlulu-of these truant I unneX•Snrue extracts from a letter just inieited WO a Physician: '.- . Umtata:tows, thno, Mlirell 17, INK .4AS. A. RHOADS, Li.o.—.ltear 61r: Yours of td inst., la at Land. Clint Cure arrived late last year, and the dlinctilty iu getting any Rita to nurelmso it Des greatly increased froni Hie Met thit a remedy lied been intro duced ti Lich was posing in tutor with the public es being bolter titan using Quinine—sot knowing, I pre- - Mane, that the remade they used th escape taking Qui- Dine emiteincd the MUD I'ISLLP I ' his reutetirOinowo as " tioilth'6' Tonic ") would lit . verlably BREAK nn Ague, but it did net ' Cure It, 'as it would often return 'with rotten ed vigor. I blaxtue cir cumstance 1 denoted In your favor, ill could institute a test comparison between ft and your CURE. Thp fol." lowing is situ /vault ; - Throe parlous took your " Cure," all of which were . cases *6f "Quotidian Intermittent lever," of amity weekti standing. They had tried Wein.) and other _remedies, occasionally &lasi og a 'chill, but-It - was - (as - in - all such cases.) slowly a earitig them out, and laying Lb...Mundell. t. of other and , coverer maladies. I 'did succeed in effecting a radical cure of all three of these cases with your remedy, and they have at hada chill since. In oil three hf thes'e rases OM "Smith's : Tonle` had boon used, and would, as before stated, break the chill, but after at period or two bed elapsed it world: retti rii.7 , 7 - •' 7 -- . I ,think there, will be no difficulty,' now In: givia g to • your "Cure"' the ilintage ground of any other remedy now in use here, &e., 2.... WM. DUCHNIIR, 31.. D. IlliODEti't FEVER and 'AGUE CURE, or ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, the only harmless rentedy In existeme is,equally certain asA URRVENOIVS,-715 - 11- . .UURE..—TiIk ii -- It - *Len you loci the chills coming on, and you Will never have a .Inzle one. ' • 1 ": . . ' . ' JANES A. lillliDES, PrOprleb..r, .. . ' - p R. 4- ...*For We by W. A. KELSO, itid DrOg rovide:w, glsts generally; July 2.185 u. OitTAINT TO, .NVERYBO.I. , • 12. For tko list thiso'yerra barb Lea engaged in businers known ably to inistaf,stidOemparatlvely few, . others, when bare lottrupted foi,the ,aum or s2oo x " will; whicb has'iverageik me .4 'the rite, of {B,OOO t 055,000 per'swonion and, baying Made araugemenla to go ttrEurope lathe Full, to, ongago ill the some k no t. , nesv,3 am willing to,gh`o full Lu Oui art to - anyliernone,ln tbo Uulleiratites, or,EanndaSewho wlit. Mu thu sa p, of $l. `l . am - franca, from tho sue- ''' • ass I bare been'llivored with. and the, many, theokful n‘qietylidgeuslitits There ricotta, Skoill.thoso.Nhom i . _Atirelnitructid,Su'dytho ara.toakitut from , • FIVE- TOIFIFTEEN OOLL'A.IIIII.I.II..pAY - at if,-td- glireany petio . n" au opportunity to eagaili to thi n I,w,loess, wi tch is easy, pleasaat,aud very prulita. ;bleint,,aTfiCre la poslllYidy No.lluauccr in tte, ran tter.' RelVreinresof th e loot, elastic:lm; be stria as regardi lieriberaeler, atobtelin refer toPrramis whom - luireinsttuited;.who Will teStily that - they are from $b to SIS per 47, qt tbp same., ,It le ,a business la which either - • • , LADIES: OR GENTLEMEN • . 'can eogOr•cand with purfcet ease., make a :very band- t' 'spins Income. 'Serial' talis'ia ypricoaß partiof Narrti' York State, Pennsylrialaidid lliltrylatl; whom I bare Instructed; ardnow Making final ta'to Per diy at it. It is a pe,ewt. AUSltigf" and but* dollar or- two to rwc-"-- Tquired to'reark it; ; Upon -receipt of will Immo „idiately head to thii.applicat'aprintadoiroular contain.. ! lUstructiona ,whieb am be perfectly ..-Fn 4 PrilioPii alpaca 7, .• . 01 .` , 7.” in the month of MaY last. 1 sat my advertisement , -to,tbq edltor,ol; the, Eroding Oaseits.And - 7DemoeraLO `Emilia's, Fit., and also tunitltim. one of myelrealata of ,lartructiona... On lta recalptc ad pa searefolietamtns. ,tlen. s bo luSerta tlitylkNowlog editorial In Ma paper ` , Werall , affentlet i to aereitisameni . of. sir. A. T. • 'PairsOna-of Nati Vork,.Licallri:tqutekarazir ro mottioi• .column. - Mr-d':. oduded.. l Plin the verthiemee4. arei.:Mt 11)tethlWeliew We PWc l ' l4 o nays ' it I N oti - haultag,l?ut alight, easpend honerowe bust. i• tICIWISTIO it , POIAY , NI twlllo , Protitablo on aT yerr - ! I° l " r " tee tai it t'' ".' 41.otapo be 14itedAu PARSONS, 986 IM:4dr! .„. 4hane . .2e•lon, - 'll:j:—jus'alikopd 040p11.9,i!,uni!5,? 'tuu4~w..:e. e . D' S ~~~``,: j „_, _,_w.