121 - . - a~~.~,.~.,.,.Y-... ~ +~. lirm¢e~~~~~~~~~~~fmprit. !MEI Cill.ttivr of. thii Mallen Sugar -I , 'We,linntix from 'an articfo which we : find . in•the New York Evening Post, frbm 'OLCOTT it , VAIL, proprietors of the Went ' Chester Farm School, Mt. Vernon, New .York, their. method, of cultivating and • harvesting :the Ch'irtse 'Sugar Cage, ,which may be of 'advantage to 'some of our:agricultural yeaders why desire to ex- Torment with.the new plant. • ,o, . NATURE:OF THE BOIL. To produce sugar, or iiideed to deirel: • ope its .saccharine qualities at all, it re . tittin3S.h _moderately fertile r warm,. ex-potaire,--and—a—tolerably •flr? In'Frince, the experiment has ben trie;'d lipliose who thought to gr - • tiatly an_ ntl V - P'et`centage of sap, of tiverfloWing"t.e ' field .ntilitrions times during' the 'season • .bt growth: The result has. been to weak en' thirfortiportion 0)344 in the sap, al-. — mssteitgh the desired - incretiee - quantity was-obtained.". On our own farm, we no-, ticed thakthir greatest: vigor, of groOlt . was • attendant npoil thi:warineat'weathet." Preylous,to the cOrnnienconient- of the warmer mouths,the plants'struggled' on, and seemed, unable to attain_a respectable Stripa'of Soigho and:Ale:dean • white flint. corn were planted Side by sidti:, Lki, first the latter sprung up', far 'beyond •_ltOtoighbocbut„Wheri T thelieated-:- ~, begin; the more embitioutt corn vhitt p great, astatine& by the Chinese stranger, and it the tutee of harvest was not so high by ihree or four feet. • _ Much of the seed hitherto grown in this country is of inferior quality. The hulls appear pliimp and.. black,. but will be , founkhollow on pre_ssurc...±Carc_shouldl • therefore be 'taken in the selection of , WANTING. - • • -.The grOund should be plOwed in early spring; the strength of the roots will grently - sideeby - the - use - of - the • - eGbioquenily betuieeu them when the plantslifeeibuut three or foiie lifelies hi li: Keep,the eidtivutem or hored:hoe St - work during the se lion iesiroy - wOo•tif UOd loosen the ground. ' QUANTITY - Oa' SEED. , . - • From one half of a pound to one and - * half pounds have ,becti.used. by• differ: - eat persons. By careful - planting, we • tbinkmhalf pound "Should be sufficient Air an acre. -The seeds are suiall, and of Collis() correspondingly numerous: - Put aight or ten seeds re The hill &hi Alia to' four plants. Make hills 'three and One-half feet apart eaCli way._ • .HARVESTING. If used' or fodder, the seed should be sown in drills as thickly as ordinary corn fodder, and ,about the first of. July can be Tent ; and fed green to stock; or it maybe - arid'atacked ttw4y. •If - deflired for sugar making,•the canoes shoUld be al- Ib'wed to stand 'until the 'seed passPs fairly out of the milk state, for at this particu lar time the greatest quantity of saccha rine'thatter is developed. The mode of gatherhig is as follows : - - --Let one .man go. ahead nod 'cut off the stalks about one and a half feet below the . . . aged head; these pic i ces may be thrown , itito heaps at one end of the row? . and be taken' thence and put it .some dry, airy place, .to dry-and ripen the seed. ...The strips otT the leaves, whiolcare preserved for fodder; the third hand cuts the: canes close_to _thc_ ground, and throws:them into heaps, from ,which they may be carted to the will, and are ready l____foilirushing,-without-further preparation. If it is not-in contemplation , to make eY rup_ or other use of the products, the Ones Mily be put-into:shocks and left on the field to dry, previous. to ;whore! to the yeril for stack:in - 4H If cute when the thernicopeter,stands 0t.40, to-'45 degrees, Pahreitheit, the sap.* not be likely to 11600rne sour in tinintolks.-• (iLIIA NINO gEED , ' have - stripped.. our • seed with a &Minion wooden comb;such as is used. for broom corn. If Ofauld be run once oY twice through a fanning mill. • •• Alluding to the properties of the cane for fceding'purpeses, the writers. say Ourshorses, cows and • oxen eat the seeds' as readily as grain ; min we have • kept out `, horses in • good condition 'for, ----riore!tbn-o-montly-on the - choppeitstalktr goigho'ntid a little English hay. ' hor feedinonilch. dews iriftts beeiroh served to lessen-the quantiffermilly, - but tO , inerease' its --ri ess:. -- Mr. — Whitney,. the•railroad •Napoleon,, who 'resides near Weihirtgaii; 'found that if, the •tia ing'S milk 'was put in 'itettle'andrield' 'in the refrigeibtor, it•heeritne.boy.ilight..time ;so ittryrriel in deem,' tb - be with difficul tpsztracted frkti the botile. , • FOREIGN , YiriSTs,--Fourteen differ= set kinds:of;wheat, received from abroad, have tAll':; - •' 41 1 8- t - iih - f4d the States older.fiXterle '- among, : - 4 - Meriotin farmert T.: : Mid l"llclit.sh flint whiiat :hits proved ihselfhoth hardy and prolific Win the .Ikliddlelkates, 114 well 4.leseriinag of AnliAlUen4id culture. - TIM - Algierinh • Sint ; wheat,has r,emarkphly,larod berry,- and weigh's:Seventy ,ponuda ,to,a hushel;; , , --the-Spanish Spring-wheat-in-said-to be-a Witttful variety; of,ittisarlias.able white= newt, and' likely ' succeed well - he' Wintei - wheat - at - th - e - Siwth -- ; - atrd - U 4 l - sfrin - g - Varietr the . .l . storth, ,the Sauzhei SPrieg: wheat, , and the'earlysToe.w,heatore pv bo fliiti,eenitat l ,Franee, and 'are 'teorletl, as • liatipg, the property"iipening-:soMe tiliefinieJthe- iiethniOti titorts.-'s l 7 Very , ; . • . - ~ , 2 . - GiAPE 6ULT,IRE.—an v, .010 , " . 00;i4i.:Wiii&i- Vour74r/, tot -incypy,4,94ure over fedi thousand 'iwrvr —leithlirptaritity-Winlhe!ifidif • ettptiti % l jp• tAt) 't.+l, *AV - °rpm ••low vs ey,,ftrl 1 13or!r9d.;er , iX divadred acres, -, -InAOßPresee . ,..4.loiania;-South and"fhloTON flfere4vilityarPf.:44ikeitcaT 6014 gT411!I 1 1 14Y9 iI4LOY 11400;.P ids!. ri,PAVVIP9,M, thuB"4l"l‘ol.6' 4 it;vettilrdizepealieLttiose4t %ow YOPY., • A 't " Adellte,a7,ll:l4.l,4,4lAtiqtit . • AIiaTICENIVEIik i--)-r ~• Whild'engeged in conducting -a recitation', I I • '. lii ini.School-room, one. morningoome yearsi 1 : -ago; my! iittvntion was attested .14'4 linooltat, 1 : the .door: -On ..upproaeliing- , the • :hall ; lilis-! ' ' covered a' lady deccitnpatitedlu Odd, awl:. • ready abont tea years ofige,.wkomtihe.whili-i ' 'ed to plaWnndertny instruction, .: paring thy.eoliveikatiOn with the•lady, I.,vinn atindit• -by-her-manifestation:oVdeep-regardlor-tlie • ;lad; : her tiVeitl.:miglid tibi her entire 'cent*: _Litunice;_eXPreseed.affeetien for him:: : Perliaps IShould,-long'ago,,have' ' forgot - cumatance, had itnot been for the subsequent ' , history 'of thalad,•and the lesson it' donVeys. ' He had, been utider,tny 'C'aie,bUt,`,ll44bort time,•before I discovered thathe was very in-' _.; dolma,: and that it was necessary,to subject : Min to frequent'. _discipline. .I called 'upon • • his Inotherto, inform her pf these ffacis.c "I, am sorry. toiearn: this of-my son," she:re- . plied.. - "I think lenicinduce him to do bet ter; but 1 intreat'YOu.: . 'do not iitention the nail . ter to his father; lie-is quite strict with the .- chil 'rett; an I; lam fearful, may be - too severe with 'Henry." ." - .This; to ,me, wai.a now fea ture in-home management. .1 doubted its ' wisdom.. , - Let usee the result.• • . 1-leniy" &on . tinned at school sortie length, of time, s 4 - -- t - witho 4 e o k f - marke4 toprOvemetit..: One day . While. detaining hiin'after Sehooliniurs , for :. in. o mace,. ;. e, it my duty - to inflict uOti' -; ' ; for soinec , rnisdemeanor, .eerpiireOPll. it, when; When; Watching a favorable - oppott -: l'ttliiiyi:•haseized• his hat;nnd • Made bisescapa: from the sehttobroace. i' I ftut • fortlt - tiii,atibrtii' to. ,secure; his return,•and,,after a few days, . .• sent his books home. - ...- Several Years. passed &Way before I again saw the lud; when, fbrthe second time, I was • , waited upon' by his mother.' She Worded, me,•Withont adverting to his manner of leav ing, that since Henry had attended my school, he had been in the country 'pursuing his sta. .d ,es there, that he . .badigrawti eonsiderithly, 'and was aluipst a man in size, nod That 'he 7_ wad aoxtous to_rettirtr to .ilie.city,land again -•place-himself under 'my instruction. ' After • some reflection, I :concluded' to,receive hini. ". Accordingly, the next day he presented him: , -- s - elraTirty sclibohroom.. He had grown - quite beyond, my recollection, stout.and tall.. He entered' upon his duties verpjnietly and good . hutn6ffdly. I noticed, he was backward in ' hie studies, and that he was obliged to take • . his place'in the, lower classes.. He excused 1 ,hbaself, and blamed the schools ;tithe coun try for' his want of 'progress. Yr-some-weeks-he:conducted himself .with_ the-greatest-propriety.--At-lengthri-began-to notice, that be was occasionally absent, - and for, one Or- two daysr at a t„imd.- Ifobseevad • that one of smaller. pupils was also absent on the same days with Henry. This led 'me to. ° make .inqUiries, which-resulted in . my discov; ering that he was guilty of playing . the tru-• DM ._:-_:llcalled_opon_his..Motiter; She WAS...egriy, _ but rather excused the lad. She thought his poolltiet did not_,proceed from a spirit Of Will-. ful disobedience,, bit from his playful-dispo sition. -Again se requeeted *me 'blot torn - - farm - his.rfather,'! - Baying, - slie=would speak-to Henry, and no doubt he.. would . hereafter - be: - regular in - his attendliace.', Her husband en tering at this Moment, she adroitly changed thesobject of cooversationi•rind in: a short time I bid them good evening. Mistaken - wornan-Ahought-I, as proceeded homeward, sou' are trying_.a• dangerous experiment ulymt ear( it' triarresult in the ruin of your Soon. after this; I learnedLthat he was addicted to profanity. Instances of his dis -obedience-daily-became - nforeTriarnertnii - -‘--- , One recess ho engaged in a quarrel with some of the younger pupils, and seizingin small - boy threw- lam over a fence. After full•in quiries intrithe particulars of the occurrence, 14es •led. in ,the 'conclusion that it was my duty to expel' Henry from schobl. I did 'so. In the evening his mother called:at my resi dencel and 'with tears in 'her eyes,'entreated me to permit his return. I-replied ! Madam, can not; your son is daily becoming more 'depraved, - you hide his faults from his father, he feels but little restraint upon bis evil in• Clinations; and 1 &insider his example posi tively injurious to my pupils . . She endeavor ed to excuse , his conduct, saying be was. a that ay, thathe meant nothing bad, that his truant-playing and quarreling were merely freaks of a playfully wild disposition; that profanity, With him, was hardly More, than an innocent use of expletives; all which Might be overlooked, or';'` at least, dealt-ten derly with. I saW that the mother idolized her boy; that to' her his worst faults were but WOO errors; and that it would , be wisdom, ton my part, to be decided in the matter. Consequently, the lad was not again received , into my school.• , , • . • These -events-transpired-a-few weeks- be • fore the usual summer-vacation, during the greater part of Which I was out of town. On - ThirreturiVl - lefitifed - the - Clienry eagerly pursuing his evil career. One even ing he became intexicated,'quarreled with a recruiting officer, was arrested by . a watch. i man and mprisoned. On.regnining his lib erty, liti.again visited-the recruiting Voinpn 7 ny, and enlisted... His mother was nearly broken-hearted. Site 'entreated her husband ,to procure the lad's liberty. This he refused to do, on the ground that he was rapidly-go ing to ruin, and that, the,tirmy mould, per-. haps , , prove a good place of discipline for - .him. He wend with the company to one of the places of rendezvous in the west9rn part of the country. There he insulted an Officer, for which he was confined in a guard-house, Front this he succecdedin making his escape. Rewards were. offered-for his capture. His -,i.plare of retreat was finally disebVered,' and If& became a prisoner,Manaeled with ball and chain. Years passed on, and I heard noth ing more of. Henry. . • Business . called me last summer to one of the,greatlhoroughfares of tiitvel. While • •sitting.in.the PasSengers'•room at the depot, large man somewhat roughly dreiied pre-' - rented himself - at the door; - : - His - countenanee -neerh&l-familiar--To-my-surprise-itwas• - my - old pupil' Henry. ' He.-passed me several times, and then. went .nit on the platform, and stood musinoly, as I could see, by the door..' Suddenly Ile turned, and approached tae with extended hand. .My old teacher, I' - believe! -he exclaimed: - - ..Aker' intereliang. ing inutuatinquiries; and passilig,eTeWuto ments in conversation, - we separated.. ,P,rom - what - Was said,l gathered .thats-he: had lost his ,, fhtheri.that.lre•had na regular titent, - or - tneatts - siiPporti - aud, - hi a - word. that he ,was mere dependent open - his me: theri . ,without Spaik . of pale „embitiefi,, - or • iMy•Justriense of honor.'" -Alai, poor woman; • she must ,iIOVI be lceeny sensible of her great error in the' Managereent of her son: Her ' darling boy , tbe'idel , of her:learti'is now a • inaio,. bur: onlY 'tte in - years anq' , nobleness of character,' the . iriaependence ! the virtue that constitutes trite manhood; he . does - . net; possess ., 'Unedneate4 ;dePraVed,; aihipS - Vielousitibe - •looks - upoir bintiandvbe-r - holds the rain her own bands have wrOoght, , , : , In ' ,allow ',a reflectiend:' Want of - harintii between - parents - 10W knenitiOrnetitinf they abildrenilis; fraquentli tliti:sot*ce:(of jrrepii•ablo ,Shjiir); ,te them., •Ilerc: it iefearfullyptrue, "A; house r:ditrided, ktgajnet., itself, catmot,Atagir! love,theAittle . ones, entruited to .our care, line,otlte.unsest , riiititifestation - of regdrei, has referettee td itahiglie'siliite'reat of tke The. gratification -of: tlfri.4hitas of )uven.ile years, at •the,riekiCeitifiVating had' liabiti; Wreak iiiiatiaii•ofactionils•not nmark bf true parental lore' the,folly,of mere faiioloo.-`!'7lo3';•Eittiiiletis` bet spiteful %Wk. 'orpettetLebildlioOd, May he ; the retwd o et orr --40: 1 -altheiht,i 1 . 6 Y-Mlle0 0 # 1 0* 4 1t-ZTIk - -- - - -feratit44:061: 1 414.414114L - Tanctea-itgiiiste :the. expresited;patental Vrlshintnyletid to.tbe ~ habits : 4,th°, CogfirmeiV.selfish , eenienlitit;." • -IThe: pert: skiing,: the.-cuit. reply,' the ..eipres• - ',sion of donlitfal,'.ptoti,iy#,,,fty:eot:iii 04 . übitoid boo celttogusgein .blita --rojesnyitselEz,tße:wite7Tvitki-ohildhood:"lhr, -:dom has said " Train up a eiii/d."''''NoNait ' • its,judgMenyieg.oWn , aerate of :Pttiprree it;•l!4Tittp . ;it • jii0440010.9.4 daaiiitirents '161711% tAiut it is sometimes well to enforce the - jcaittin - -;-lore - ,,WiselyNerclrork Nth*, .1, • -• , .174z.0 :111(q) Z411.i/gil. MEC . • .33usit,tc§jorPs-• f1 ; .11 k G , • OlDa~oopp to ii;44%lVZrf C 1 4 1 , 1 11g5.41 1. ' • ~Aprii •: .• ,1 .• , El VATILIASt'fI , RHEEM,;-Attorney . 14 1~ to ltie,"4lPl/!,e419ht°,1,!111-411' qt fldd• '• " • , eb; ;15. P.,.}11M111,10.11, • Attainey nt I.itssr: mi. :North. Hanover Aired, rl fele '-tlckwil south of °lase Hotel. All buslueelt eutr . peted to lam will be prompUrektAertfleitte, . -. , • lArAil 16. -Attorney. at Jaw, 1 - tooliko„iii.:24.t-ifp6 iiieba'nkhniiiide: attend to 8911VEI1DICI;. in eonnesiouimab, his profession: •: • •;1111sy 21,1614,4 i, • • _. . . 131 .13% Miramar street4wo doorp frothireise , lsot'ainvistil'S oro.,,Otflea hours, tnoreparlicuthil l y froth ~ 1, 0 90 ol(Kki Al 41 , ttud !! o ' clock, P. • • , • OCTOR S. P.- ZlE4ll4li;ll.—Lofrice eactilealdaileo Matt JlMixOet:6l,4lriiitoer elate he Market Meuse.. Calle In tetra Rnd Onnty,proraptlr Jan. 2, 1858.... • : . - • ; I.O.LOOMIS South Hanover• titreet next 'door to the Poet Office. '' • •ile_Willho - olbsent from Oarliale the hot l e l l'o3's of each month.'• (Aug. 1,'66 _ . -- , ---F [pit. ',GEORGE .S. SEA- Ili ~: -.17 , . MOUT, DENTIST, from lhe Bal- iii . '" more .College pf Dental Burgery. in..9Mee ;at thrtrenio4l hie niotheraiset Louthet street, three doorn!hod o . rd. lreterence—Dr. Geo 21 13 r.tx fir n ,,a:a:...Zy,. V ,Blarch 19,18511—tie • FT 11t1...1t 7 , 14 - 12,1r,k, having.beim Instructed • •• 'ln the art (by Dr. Geo. Z. 41tets, a graduate" or She Battlmore Dental College). is . now prepared to receive, his friends and perform - 11kt widows operatic no in the lino of the Dental_p_co_fesslon,' at his vealdenee; in South Street, third door from West Street.,:Give u 8 a call. .Terms moderate. • D Mayl7.• 1859-Iy, , . • •• • QC.EtIVEN.KAAND C ON.V,EYAN CElt.:--A. L. El - Mir:LIM. late Meglifer of Cruntorr laud county, will carefully attend to the transaction of all such hominess as may be entrusted to aim; such as the writing of Deed* : Mortgagee Contract*, hag . , Ile will also devote his attention 'o the procuring of Land War. Inuits, Pensions, to. as well as the 'purchase and solo allies) Estate. negotiations. ofloins, Ae. 42i * Office on TWest High Stn.:4. formerly occu p ied, 1 , W. M. Penrest Esq. near the Methodist Church. - --. • .w. •BRANDT, Manufactuier of .31 - . *llona {Vetere, Frond) Me'ed, - • • L_L—llottled_4llo,_Porter_eind_gder; North Eter Street, near the Itpil Itctid Bridge Carnal° N'!MAtISLE YARD.—Now is tho aceepted,thne, and now la the day for . • Gravo Stones, ' .. „, ,„. • lilonumente, — , . • - ' ills, kw., ie., at Itoffer's Marble. Yard, Carlisle, Pa. Also, Iron ROI: . • : . LApr. PI, !60-41n:C. ~ B. IP. fI NT DM - , - . - ' SI-N-YDE /CAStL.I‘I! EA RI; AN .E; ,. ...-:. - LAND AGEILT El MINNEAPOLIS, opposite the Suspension Bridge; Falls of Si Anthony, ilinnekoll Torritbry, .." will buy and coil lands, negotiate loans, locate land warrants in Minnesota, lowa, and Whiconsin:' Inquiries respecting tho'nousitry,bi lona- or otherwlseTrni?thptly answered. - -- ',' 1, ' ' ItEFERWNCIN . - lion. Alex. Ramsey, Fx-OoVernor, lloni-Ph -- Mriticer,-liiingateito Opngress ,-1111nnesotai— . • .P.V.,Rollovkaianiebunr,L,, Jumps N. Steele & Co; P iladelphia. - 7 -- ' , Now: Frederick Watts; rlislo, .A. Brady Sharpe, Esq„• , , , . , O Magonn, NO" , York . , .- Robert Walsh, Now. Orleans. -. . • Jambs It. Irvine, Esq.; Newlin°, ' - .. ._. _ . • lion.J.Sililack--Somerset,-Penn'a., -- 411 Iron. J. N. Eddie; ,' ' " ' - J. 11, Good, Mayor, Springfield, Ohio, -' - • - Oen. C. -Anthtiny,--- - . r ‘. ~• -.;. • ]nn. Carlson, Esq:t. Louie, ' • Wm. Wilson, Esq., Baltimore, Md., , • ''' ..1. T. Wright, Charleston, S. C.,' .1. N. Wilson, Philadelphia. , , . . 39,000 Acres of Urlmpror . ed lend for Sale, At from $2 to $lO por -ern,: • also improved Forms. - Lots for solo Anthony, end ell tonne petite Alimm• sole riven . . 022-eartienlar . attention- given to - the Loaning Money, and Entering Land Warrants. Address, s. .11 111TARLANE,_ March RB. 1860. , --ly.l Minneapolis. Min. Tor. „ - •B STA TE A G-E N 'ir IL, ANDREW O. EO6. At. 31/211 , TIIOIIPAOAr t EON 'THOMPSON, I[, TO opened an elute at St. Joseph, Mo., for the pup• eh use end pale of Seel Estate, buying and polling loud Warrants, entering Land on Time, Surioying and Map., pin; Towns , lucetion.of Warrant. and making Invest ments Mr inni..residents, paying of Taxes, and all busi ness pertaining to a General land Agency in Missouri, Nebraska, and lowa.- molllce on' Second • Street, North of A. T. ileattle'i Banking House. • (July So,lB6& ti iEbucation. CARLISLE FEMALE SRIINARY.. - NIL and MRS. CLARK, Wbo have been for several years engaged ill teililing.rezpsetfully announce to the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that on the let of Sep tember,lBsll, they will commence the second sension,ln Louther Street, near the German Reformed Church, of their SEMINARY FOR YOUNG .LADIES. • The Institution will 'be both a boarding and 'day school, In which all the branches necessary for the com plete education of young ladies will t ht. Assist ants of the highest character for guali ations and morality will be employed in accordance wit -the-wants of the Institution. The government will Ire nducted ou strictly Christian principles, while sectarianism will boas rigidly excluded. The Principals flatter themselves that their long and succesriful experience tur , teachers. as testified . by the• recommendations in.their possesslon,4Dl enable' them - to establish an Institution of the highest character for young ladles. They are rut* , persuaded that such tin nstitutionLwilthesustained_here_by_the_cltttonsand neighboring country, and hope that their confidence may not be disappointed. The Scholastic year will consist of four terms (eleven weeks each), beginning on September 1 and ending on second Wednesday in July. TERMS PER QUARTER (I 1 weeks). . Boarding, including fuel, lights, and . tuition In English branches, - $lO 00 Pritnary Department, • - - 600 • IligherEnglish, - - -. 800 . _ _ Ariirlont and Languages, eacb, Ornamental bmucbee at profeseor's chergre. No deduction for absence after entrance, except in roe of protracted Illness. RiTERZIPCES. Hon. FRETYK. WATTS, Rai. C. P. WINO, J. 11. PARKER, Esq.., • " A. 'IL KREMER, ,JAMES HAMILTON, Esq., " JACOB FRY, T. 11. SKILES. Esq., " W. W. EELS. Dr. S. B. KIEFFER, • " J. B. MORES, " Rev. Mr. STERRETT. Mar. 19, 1856-1 year; WHITE' 'HALL , ACADEMY:- , THREE MILES'IVEST OF lIARIIIBI3IIIIII ' The Twelfth Eossion of this Institution will comloop . on 3londay, tho &1 of November. l'areiste•and Guar dians are requested to inquire into Its. merits before sanding their anus or Vards eisewhero. The location of the Institution Is retired, pleasant and healtlithi, and the course of instructiow embraces 'the ordine. brancheabf-an—EngilahrEdneetion.--tre , gather with the Latin, Greek, Nrench, and Gorman lan. guamrs, and• vocal and instrumental music, Terms, boarding, webbing, and Tultion - lo the English . branch. viand vocal music per session (21_ w00k0460,09,..__y0r !renter containing particulars address. liarrleburg, Pa. 17, 1856.] PLAINFIELD ACADE Y.— / Neikr CAIII.ISLE, Pa.—Tho Twentieth Session '(ess months), will rommence 'on lisp stb. A Mrs build; 'toil hes ltihen brec.tod contaliting'tiptipmditin, unk With Increisad "fsellttfifi'llirhnstructlpp ple. acromniodailons; this' Institntlop' ,preaentsgreat' ducaments• parents who dosiro . it?* .. plvalaal . - Chit` mental improisweikinflhelr'sna • • , Terms par Session, 505 00. -For rireuhnil, with full inflirmatlon; cadres . * • ~ • " • - • 1 1Pririelimtand`ProPillitor,' -- April - Cumberland so., Pa. ' r.;.itli:',_ - 4 4 .4.., , , , ... • 1 , 1 . ~,',.---.'•• .. • ' ' Q0.01 4 1.P1 R PJ *.tr''''P Q•Z 1;14 E '.l, ' reitioied to the new and aPaileus Hell, Na 99 fin -. 'lO 4011.11111011.11113T11ERT, Daltimare, lid.: :i•••-..-, • . JO: K. cuauaratrat, Principal and Lecturer upon itaitlin - H. K. Logue, in charge or W riling Department.' . ..; • • •Gt. W. KRIM inatrUCtOr,l4 BlereNO th e OdClalltlOplakd I 4 , Associate in, Book-Kevphig -Department,, , , ,,, —;-.7,-:- ,4 1 .ki, PHIII3PB. Teachitimllook.Keeping.,, • .8 T. Intrusts, , Leitbree on ConirderrialLTAW.. . . •.. • • Three years have not yet elapsed'ainen the establ ish: 7inent - of tblainatitidloWdUring'Whiektime up wards at eight hundred stpdeuts hare - been in attendance, (rep. - resenting `nearly .every • Stale' In' the' Union;),nmong , twhoitr are nu be in ntlidmore and'elseWhere. occupy.' .Imtrotabrent pontiontioa bnelnerli , men 'and accOunt, an, .-:1 , ; ' . 1 .: : ,-' CollitillitiF ar., ~i ',.; 'LI. t 1 niffikc KEEPING.=TIM Prinel - tuts thetittninst'len gdenois in &miring the piddle fil I altar anarpm lance° .fnnYtn-Yeaili IQ q un grthk 7°,un g R' . .lk. OS` *bogMbit : I Ing Ro om arid other Important stations, and AP 04i41111,t -alve arsirthintinee' With' the, rultiageineht :§l.,basinesi . Bo o k'' at °rail deacripthm,(assixted ai be le y' two ear: Magic acommtlittsohe'cizg training in this dc.• partment he eminently' pra and well adapter! to theorarMus pursuits Of Comm erce arid Trade, Including Indlildtmli yittnershlp, , Mercantile,,,BratiuDictiiring,, Ooniiiiission,Eiehtiellarilittig,ShlppialkEtesimlient. ,1115659.4.4 06 CoPi _eA 4 04 1 9449 #4. ~ I 4 - er'F PENa444olliv.-- , ..exereld f ic A ndo Ilits•iond OA: ,reee. easy-an Ceibl‘einnblnlagniipliti(yoreanantian. ;to Irii an elegant.% . n hand on comp etianoy o w `73Talideiiiiir,E'estaitikriiiirgl6'ith YhelTii4le l ' '' ' bearings are taught by coat. tfte,n octiltntelld 0.44. _thou Method. , • . •:,.- ~.,,, ~,, . , , Daily leetureaare;didivertAnrq th e ' . o4lca .. o/.'Ai'r eininte,Jdensintlla ,Dirstems, .kc., three iii.coAkekilon, with a eerier, otleettiriaMtlMMrnitelei,LlW, are.the. highest, ImPortuntil Ac.o. 4s PhinielegPOl"W7 Pf?Mbloßt. positionilli the biatilliass ee i rizinnitY...., • • ,t,,:: ' : i, , 1 i The.time (nfieely.afyillir, ; 'lin, . inntatrioinstnitont Apt s completerther &mu* vanes '8.1 4 1 2' o aks.: !There tieing no .vanationi•pppllcants can ,1312 pc . at .1113.t.thMei ' anlifinEir 1 4 "M; 4,1 ,- giditinatiOw(Are ii. „p i el 4,, 4.llploviss .spee ded 60., ,laci - whh'sind "'. ibt4. l )l ll F" citr# o ,.. 4 have a cil.','o I,—a*l".3* ,NEWI,..AGILIC LTUR I. - .WAR.111 . : ~/J.u.,21...,24.,:iii fr..-:.. -_,...,' " _._ l ` - ._.. ~......1 FARMIDIG .. ... . , ,TheaubsiiiiiiKl tat - irr.'f tc' tins Vgnir* .441iii'Viitliti, di''''.%,.Citurch, oppindta, the Boma Depo, t , ' by now retroiliw nit a carlOty'orlbiiiiiineldrplenlintS,lttleh as • • -.-.....-- Tr,oivs, '"'' olleuN'idgs ','' ' '' ..,'-' •''' 'coit , s. hilELtklllil, '; '• , ~ FARM diIOILNIRS `Coin find Cob Grindora (Scott's Giant); the 'C'-" - andrilidilli-Horeo:ShalreleiltHAPEßßlAND-11 -• ~• --. 2n. l 7:l7 ' l ' ) ‘ f I w i lle . h V r r a w re. 4' o s f i g i erk v airi n ut " iirriv t ;t 2 l 7 ii. ‘1 ,1 1 ,i e l::. • • nrorkreatithip,t and-Will; be, told dn, the mos • accan • modating forms. Farmllis are respectfully . in filed L --ealtand-examine before purchasing. -•---- -• •- ---,-- . .---- .p3`• or the conveniond of farmersi Noore's iv - . Grain Drill will IA, sold at Shiremanstown by Ile ,-. 'Clay, /twilit BilirpollObUrg . ) y Christian Idrg. • . . . August 20,1850. •' , ~. . . ' A GRICULTURA L IMPLEMENTS PENNOCK'S ~,Clll.llllli.A TED 'it ItEAT 1) I'lll, thlpted also for sexing oats. rase seeds and guano Kramer's Portal le Cid, alill—thetest in* the market. .11ellidny's pat, nt Windmill.— 'Done Power's and Thresher's; lime Slid Guano Spreader's, Daniel's Ilan , Sten,' and Fodder t u net WM Giant Corn and Cob BD 1, -Spein's -Atmospherla Churn. Theabove Superior lei; laments with all otherle for the unto( the fanner or gardner, for role Ni holes,, anklietall by ,YOl , . . • Agr!militia' Wnrolimoe and. find Eter, , ..— • .11 and Metkidqdreets, Philedplptia. ' July 26, '55. PIIILADLI PIIIA. - 30RICIILTURAL 711PLE11070 . IdANUlAcio nv.Britol.l'n. ' 33E0'00037M8 (370 ACrenSQIOORI6IIrtIO. ONu vARAIFRS OF THIS NEIGHBOR, 1 HOOD ' , Growern of T HI S and Eye, LEINAIPS SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, If you ..nut .heavy Crops, or •'Leinou'n American Thene - valuable Manure! I eve been used for the pant 131X1 . V.1118111Ce0amfully for the (train and Tobacco Crop' Ih -Virginia, Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland. and the isiends,if Bermuda' nod Ilerhadties. 'A tairrel (350 . 11.04 'is sulliehnt for an, nue of ground. -The above-Fertilizernarenon.poseiLuf reliable Chemical; Elements . whleh largely increase the crop and improve the soil, doubling the value of Abe land. Price of ' the Phosphate of 11,1the—$40 n ton, Nitrogen.] $OO, the Anierlcan Fertilizer $2.41 per ton or $3 60 per barrel, 31 . 25 a keg. . Also every mainly of GUANO, Pure Land Phmter, Pot Ash, Nitrate of Eoda, lions Duet,-Powdered: , _lament, Slc. Goode delivered Seeof charge. 4.)E1). A.- LKINAU; Proprietor, . . . - No:19 Sodth Front Street, Phila. t....03) - To wholesale dealers a litawal.dlecount. Pam tlie English and I.lcrinan - Fauguages , Grotie,. -Orders - at - a - distance, - Caslr - a - ezawippyifig - &Waft, protriptly attended t,. t" N.11.—D1P1.051 - NS Inv . ^ been awarded by the Penn:- sylvenia Agri( ultuial ctety, Nrw Yttik Cry/1W! Palace Association, and the - E.. , Jersey . State ,Agricultund Society. [Ben. 3 '31.1-3mos,. iT ii IkLE 118_1, On_KAIRIII.!_,:: , ' THUMBS() MACIIINESI_ ‘, • . The' subscribers:desire to, inform farmers and 'public generally thrit-thetruoviiiivel,lll43,.idrud.itro-oonstaut imanufacturlog breslthigiLla.idnes with Plerpont'a afint Shaker; w 6 the best articles now In use., ,Also a-varlety of Clover tfuliews,,Corn Strollers and Straw Cutters. They r&o attune to the ran - taring of Agricultural Mach 'wry to The best manner and on reasonable terms. 31anufec• . . . • • . • • tory on North llehnoyor Street, directlY opposite. AN renhlenroht, Goorroi Mottgar, Esq. August o 60. • ,•• .. ATINEUS & PLANK. • TOLF-ARMERS:—The subscriber. lids . just roturped'lMM thOCity with Ono of the largest • assortment. of Hardware over brought to this plust.4e has just received 00 dos. Hawes with and without t. astenlinnb Iron and steel hooks' ranging In , putts from 4-1 to $1 50. Also 300 pr straight nhd twlat link trace - chains from 50 to pl2O. Rome made traces of all kinds, alto a lot of spread. filth. breast; biitt, torrYing halter • and log Challis—alao u-sory large lot of, shovels„ forks, Asides. hoes, Mkt% and in short everything and any thing Wonted by the Yormere—. - • Remember the old stand East Main St. Carlisle. • Slam% Mb '3531,-; =I I'• • A' T l, IsT X SELF-bnAPPENING RANI Eli FEED' , • CUTTERS, in innia, tieod for mum a SARGENT, No. 410 blart et street, Ilillada This cutter Is superior !piny now In uso, for strength durability, and nimpliAty of construction: It cute feat er, and Is the only soltaharpening Vey, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter ever ninde. It ban but ONE STRAIGHT KNIFE, which any person Can grind end set with - ease but in ordinary taco, In ground In tho '1111141116.e. Thou sands have already iron sold, and' tho downed in daily Increasing. In most cases an esarninntinn in eulllciont to convince one of its etiporlority. No ono attar a chart trial woulApartwlth li Ibr any other. All sixes of thb above constantly , on hand and Fir mlo by 3. I'. LTNE, Sole Agent for eutub, gaud county.. octil KRAUSER'S —PORTABLE 14 1- t ?r e MILIA •can- etill >M furnished of • • ' Improved construction And , Their grinding Appertain Is *culler, and given thetn-an- ndvantago-oXer-All-other-inilin.- By the action of two reciprocating plutons, the apples are fbrend up against the' teeth of a rapidly revolving cylinder and retained till ground to a fine-pulp, which of course yieldx More juice when subjected to presxuro then if the : pomace wax coarse. The Screw Press his boon •grouly improved and strengthened sinew, hint year; and the whole (Cams in tightened by strong jniut bolts. It Ix adApted.to either band or horns power and Con bO•worked by band to the extent of six to: eight barrels a day, " - 500 Sep 24, 1866 AGRICULTURAL J.IIIPLE- Al p rgi_ , MUNI'S. • • • •: lodging and Shicrel Plows,,lbr Corn and ,Potatoos,Expainllng (initliatora, with Steal Teeth of'yarlouvi patterns, Field anti 'Oard n Hermit's, !bind Plows, Revolving Morse Sakes, patent Scythe Snails and Scythes, b.idfsh Lawn Scythes with riretted backs, superior Unloading flay Forks; with rope and tickle complete, and gal other pri t ielei for Punt and garden. PAbCIIALL .MOIIIIIS & CO., • • . 7th and Market Streets, I'hiln. TM3IIIN;ST,I - S1- 1. vik CHEAPEST MAGAZINE IN THE Ii'ORLH. 'DESIGNED. FOR EVERY.AME*IIAN HOHE: • - Encouraged:by the'unire'codonted nuke.% which this. 'popular monthly has met with. and, the ropldity with which . It has Increased Itacircule.tlon,thapnprkttimbni. resoArod-th toolte-ItAtlllhoure ir(r.liy patrouago ht the public: 'That thloaduilmtlo Work to A MOAChE OF CIIFAPNESS, - ' le admitted :brevery one, enntatining, es It ;doer. One Hundred l'apenot readlate . matter %peach ournher,helng" more then •auyohtbola end-terming two mtlutbeirpr.yourhf elxlittlndrod''pagen 'each, or TweWo Huhdred.pmeeolltending !hitter per ennuin-for ..LAIL 5 . . ts - prtnt¢Q WlLlttew4yPe, anon flue 'white'paPerotnd its mattoPISCR rullj? cam plied and iiranged the bands of the ed tor,and pn3- prietorOchthims been kr:oat:tin the public aft connected with the Boston press fur 'lateen years. , Ita pages con tain : • r 't , r • "MIScELLANY,-- TALES,: .'; ADI'ENTUDES, • POEMS,' STOIDES 'SKETOIYES, • ' ' " WIT AND ILUMOIL , • Ac., ' from the beet and Modt popularwrltord of this country. It it , also spiced kith a. word , Of; the notable, events of the times, of peace and war, of discoscrips and ImProve menta—omuring!iu-Oltber, boutispliera, t !brit:hag .pn -agreeable companion fok a lehinre nmm2nt'or horn., any where, at home or abroad, sailttimnber being complete in itself. 'n , • • • • ' '"'' ' . • No seeterlan 'subjects are , admitted' into Its ,pages; there' are enough' contravene!. publication's • each,. cpt:,, votedAn its peculiar ;sect at-Alone. This , Vrerh. is /pi ; toridedlbr• ; :711.11 N - . north or south,, , exst- or west, add le' MINI to the , brim each, month ',with ebaste,-, popular , and ignoble ntlselo , lattyjesta`uclsda_any•bstherOnttier. or Mend Would: place inltilltinde of Wthiiilly circle. It in In iii ltaga_ parte:tents, fresh and twitched: and, whet lt . purPorte to bei the cheapest magazine In Ahe'world.', • ". Any .person enclosing 0111 k POUR to this proprietor, All below, shall metre the Nantr laz , •4:one yes, or any person sendinglas =GUT alfteriteti and:Mane: DoLLARN at , one , tirne shell-receive* oopygratii. , t , '• diVtdellA.LLOU;Poblisher'end'Proprietdr. , ; Doweer of Termont and'hromileld Ntrosts, iloston;: . .'.• • Juno 11,11 k " 21 ... ....A.L. .• . ..-- • ~ ,e.,,„,..,;„:„,,,,..,i,,,,,..,,;..00321)Prtitig, colon , y; ra t ananancon'..ta Wow ntlyotO 1 11•,,15g4.3.7nin7s We ColayolnanvEatia*, ID 'Or Or, MOIOD3 DO ..F. . Ula • Aina . ' o ittia-au dismsa-quithaYabeenNßBll,, lientad with. u*loni. knife tie aarana, ov e. oth_ont_ _with,. , ant =cutting %aiming 'hi" i9'*lth :" '" ti n • °-11°-" Ze i g• Ethar:Wadahlildol43n il'ilt-thmtri 121 - 1 4, 0 .i. . he nnn-ralnAT pn -what *Ut titk ia •ni Anariaty *so 44. 41a - VWI 'al 7, ... _ . `time. Tlio nwal,ottlogetahhtlsolll4l,Mir.ifin,P(A ' 4 1 ' 73, "lp. FL ukulp„ :mr ! ,, ANir. 1 .4Z.Ztv dor.Ph:Ten'ett OIID SD attIOS OoDD,Oril*OPOOltire ADICOSS. Hall jparElenloTwaw , Vo ot+ joYa4fhpaang In nlthOt 1 660sIt ' ar,O t t i nwslt:pal . oAallonta 0 3 411,:he lIDOODS -01,4114 wt wi..et sanii.Mt.s, , ,,...a I : :j.- A.ILZI niechniloilbaii Rao teßoN) , T9Wook au . ! 164 " 43, ' t w "h4l 414. Or I an_y Who, titaal,,,-. 4, kt 8 allips rpm acre e laril ot itur e 1 6"; &a part , Vom 4 Osa oc in tti n4l7 l o,l l 6 3: l4, fil p hon t... d: f an if il l, . ; 'felt dance la atl,po ,per! bYtho stetarbila pe — olrodS • ' . ~..,... _ 1113LAInd , ,Wor ityowknowanyloellotad follow ma Tata 4ploY Potia,toll , thaw at tkloitranknoni. , - . . „ j pasil " ' ' l/cid • ":. 1191,41414 N y exec . ~ , ...„, OM :agriuftttiinfil 6 . 6 r.,..,,, IbIPLEbIEN.'~'9: I'AI3CITALL, D 10111118.4 CO., Ll=ltil PASCHALL MOSRIS4 C 0.,, Implement and - Seed. Stem, ,- 7th and.Merkpl, kill: .11 VilliabClPhia . J.I ':. : ttS . -4141.1),11.1.4i1i , - :&.; kiA II LIM, ~ r y. ' "'CHEAP WATCHES:AND 'JEWELRY. t ' 1 : , -- 1, '::=. - R # Wholesale and Retail. at llio •• Philadelphia 11 at ett and Jewelry (-tore." No. 00 North Socend street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia, , 1 Alcdettovernatehinticulljetrolledi 113:cara1 ", -:: ' tams,. - •0 •- . • 428 00 , • Gold Lepine;lB mate, , - , ,- - „ •• • ' -• 21 011 - Silver Lover, fulljewelled, , --.•-- - .12 00 '- • Sliver Lepton jowola, , 5 00 t , Superior Quartlere; .• -': ' • '' •, ,' :' ' — - 7 00 . 'Gold Speetttalett, ' • •.•• ‘. ' ' : : ' ''; ,:: , :- • 7 00. Sloe Silver d 0.4 60 -.Gold &necktie,- '..,----.-, ~1. . _ 13 00- :Ladles' tiold_Ponelle, :' : ...-1 00 Silver Tom Spoonn, set, • . -.5 00 ..Mold Pena, with pencils and silver holder, . 100 . ,Gold, Finger Rings Watch illassett, 6re. ,All %oohs iverrantod to be what they - aro mold for:. -•.- .. --. , ...- .. - STAUFFER h...HARLEY, • - - - - - —. -Bueeedsor of O. Costred..-:- Mar-,Otilitild Irene Oddla SI li?er 1. - efeli ard 'LePin - trt still iptVer 01111 tilf111)11,1e prices. • '. • •', • . :..' FALL CLOAKS & MANTILLA Wnot.Esnit Ain RETAIL. • II E) 11 U I,N & CU.,. I mpartera * and Manufacturers of CLOAKS and ' MAN• 111.1.Ati; No. 114 Clitithut envie. (n fciti4tiora above - 7110 south Philadelobla, (In Con nertlon With 0 NtiEGO. BULPI N. tifil Broadway, N. Y.. the largest inanuflicturer of thee., goads In the' - United':itates.) beg to call the at Lon thin of 3Vholesale and Lottur Ino ere-to then. huge and varied stock Of C.IGOA LM oar tile hill trade! I Their' toilectlotr:comprlstie u cemplefiTne sortinent Drell the latest Parisian Novelties In Velvet Moire Antique, Cletli t Nam tilt,. Ar„ &c:; ,e bile the In ettitles afforded by, "their connection with ; the: largest illiinufatturlng Ileum (of these goctlii,) In Noon 'York. enable them to guarantee bettor value than is obtainr hie elsewhere in the illßrkot. , GEO. lIUI.PIN & CO.. Foot. ii..'fo —an.: _ - . j74,rilePTltit Rivet Okra ith. =l=l .081 , TH - A. 'NEEDLES, Matitiftictu . - • )VIRE. SILK AND, RAM-CLOTH NIXES, Coarse, illedlnm hnd Fine In.rucsh : holm, middle-sized, -• and small Id tilameter._ 13IETk.L 011 IVtiVEN /WIRE, the best qualltleiLlarlotarslses of mesh, from Noe. 1 SO lorlutlve.dsid front one to six feet ' They are nnmbered•so many spares to the lineal inch. and cut to cult. - The subscrlber also keeps amstantly.t a hand . . kOREENS. Mr coal, sand ore, lime; grain; ;gravel. gnario, canine sugersall, .yens, Collect. spice,-:drngs,dre.ttniTss-4 c Unetlier with arc.assorment f BEIGIIT AND AN - NEARED MON WIRE. MI the abort; sold wholesale end retell by, • • .J. A. NEEDLES 64. Front Street; Plina. , Jima 4, 7,(160.—1y. DE'NSLOW, & CO., COMMISSION - M ER CH A NTS, • • • • and IyholoEnle Polo n In Alf kinds of „ EVREION & PP3ILETIC_LEAS—TOPACGO • . MANVVACTI;BiO tOIiACCO, FOREI.GN AND 11031ESTI(NiEllklIS, • • .21 South Flout stroot.•l'Llhololphin. Important Of Fine Ilarann-Bogart, of the choicest growths of the' YuellAtilatja., A largo asrortnient of Width are kept cousanttly on hand,. and fur Salo et a - small advance on-cost of impartation. . - - --4Z-Constgninente respectfully" solicited, on .irhich Mewed advances will be tondo when desired'. Epecial attention i Icon to orders for.plirclnum on corn. ,ntiselon-.orfoldiceo,e elanevery-desorlption of-Merriam dist, for'necoutite portico using-at a distance from this mar 'et. • ~-,.. ....._.- , .. -- -- -ti??,..Sole Ago. I for' F.A. Gootze's celebrated German Smoking Total. o. comprising, thirty different varieties. April 2:1, 18 . —ly. . . , QHEPPARD - & - VAN - HARLINGEN.. Lo—The subserlbersintilogiumosed to their NEW AND -SPACIOUS STORE, • • 1.10.278 -Chestnut Street, fourth door abuse Tenth,. Are now prepared.to offer's large and well nelected clock of the following freak and desirable goods. principally of •Ihiar'own importation, or bought nt auction,. elicit they orb able to toll at the importer's prima, and to , which Macy cordially invite the attention of Country Merchant. hotel Koopern, arid familiar generally. Ittlif,fireen and Verna/in-Window Shading. Barnsley and Irish LIOn Shooting, 7-I, 84, 0-4,104, 114,.12-4. . Bolster and Pllloty Llnons of several cholce•bleacbore, and all Irldtbs from 38 to 84 !mhos.. • • • Bed Blankets of all sizes and qunlitlee.. • -- erltrand - Bridlirlfinnkets. • - 31.1.1 - ./ullts of tho following varieties. Tlz 111arsellles, Welting, - Allendale 'and 'Ancestor, Olen tho desirable f Iv. ' Human Covers, Table Covers; Window Curtain Diuslln Tnriclk and Toweling of every variety. llamank Table, Cloths ruid . Narklusitibirtlng Liman. and' Muslio. tam brie Handkorehle3l, Emluoiderles, Hosiery, Ac. Broca• tot; Damask's, Marrone, Ruby('[dared Loco and Dluslin Curtains, Wit 'Cornices, Bonds; Gimps. Cord. do: SHEPPARD it TAN HARLINGEN, ..Importers and Dealers In Llnou and !Louse Furnish. ing-Coode.' . • April 30, 1858-4 m. DUNBAR'S- 0 NET-RIC E_ Wholemli — nrid Befall t • - CASH. BOOT AND. 91I0E STORE, N 0.76 South Second St., Corner of Carter St . . The establishment bee boon' onlarged end improved and Is supplied with the largest and best Retail Stock in tho:C:ity, principally of kin own manufacture, Withra rhoico, assortment from the' best hastern klarkot bracing Ladles,' Gents' and Children's . . 1100111. 5110 ES AND CAITIIIIS • of every deseripilon, style and quality, ernhnteing the best styles and qualities In this or any other market. This stock cannot be shelled for Quality, Style and Cheapness. - . Each article is marked at the very lowest possible price - , Irmo which no deviation will be made. lie ea. tmvtopto t statements will be needed, nod none made to effort Wow t• Goodyear's Own In all varieties. . Pure Gums, n. scarce lii the market, always on band. The public I es pectfully invited to cell. [April 1,1850. -11)111 - ITADEL - PHI - A. -- 2tDIFE1,i'M EVANS' FIRE & THIEF PROOF SAFES! - r merchants, lawyers, farmers,• and others, bating or utlief_Yaluallles,_ to preserve _front FIRE or BURGLARS. Dny and Newell's (llebb's) BANK LOCKS. - A Csan.—l'lle".Flre Proof, Safe," thetreserrid our Books, l'apers,. &e., during the great -F ire nt Buildings, was purchased of OLIVER EVANU, at& 2ud St., Philadelphia. GETZ & REFRICERATORS A WATER rliirEit4 • , EVANS' Premium Ventilated Refrigerators fo r cooling and preserving moats, ,butter, milk, water, and all articles for culinary purposes. WATER FLLTERS•for purifificg brackish or muddy water, whether affected" by nibs, limestone, mart, or other ceases; can ,he had separate •M- - iltilielted to the Refrigerators—a small otaantity of ice cooling the whole o the wannest wamthdr. • •L'ORTABLE,BIIOIII4-lIATIP, fe'r the use of—warm or cold %Tatar: - , • ." • .. - wATER cloacims, for Hotels:Stores. and I - rolling!. STORK TRUCKS, far moving boxes, bales; 6'c. - SEAL PRESSES, Copying do., Unr—ist OGIVat EVAVS. • No. ER South Second St .. ( 2 deers balmy Chesnut.' Mardi 5,1550-Iy. , (Established in 1132.) 51e , • 4 >441:0 ±IP'Eg .y: r •g•il . • • , • -• JE t.) g Ergr , gi-rT p - i ERRiNers PATENT;'-.CHANIPik , '' ON Pine, PitOor 'SAILS, _with. Jraira:Patent • ~.. .•' Powder l'roof :Ipeke‘,..tehich- aere . .. ; ,n,.,0-,, t ,,:, -.....y ? -.. .alyar r ied. separate filedids at, the 1 • ..,,,:- -.' • .' , .': j. timid's, Fair, Londee,,lBo. nail ~1!.-4, ; ,. , S)..,ii -;'. ti „also at tile ,World's , Pair. /if"! 1 1% , • ,-" Jtl s ill ':'?! ,Iferfi,lBs3 find 'fit, ,;Tliq nal:seri, - .:i il o, ' fil ri .l! '4 ' 1 ' a be n r d an it e rop q r i rto ' rs " ln on ird " . ° 4 ` .= !....,,?41.0 . t e, the - Above unequalled Safes and li . ;i;1;i la . •, ?..erks,.; The ; rap‘itatinu. of, the' .1 'it!'.s '. , - I, ueneine-ulierrinu A bilfe're Mitre • ... ....2____ I ...., . ' wide, and' for:the last thirteen, '''' '• I I ~. `'' ' rears the mercantile tri'' - - hate 'witnessed and borne testy: onit.b‘ their nuts* yravuta tie prisif qualities. 'Wore, hart:l24CP of,thaselliefes•hare . beenlictuallesedd, anot Ter two 'ltunnako` hair passed triumphantly thrbinch Ilecidental fires. • The - pilblicere — aludifelf - tharitlfFafe pianufestured byithrt.subseriberenre pot .tiTy Una:elf • teed to be fully eclual, but In nlany.respeete ova sups l .- ricktolluliarnbieli bite' bean • So' iiiveroly tiled by t re . pew, will fait* ,thele'serviceif in the'burninit : 9 r tl4, oTkibunieittibliguillint,” rieir ir9r, Old - at . the titer' • tilre'llt fltranbeft street, at ',the. larire' firellast'aul i' • oppealfe 'the - Girard' !image; and, ktlit 'mere - rOaltt y:' In the.,Fire at Fifth and Chespiu,t lite., tri'llie eltyni hlidelphia; th:nhich :these Safee 'came.:forth3he ea-. newleidged ,Clitiirionl,'Vhen ninny' °that ' socuritiii' tied.' (-: : • • '„ .• , - ' •c'''.',PhilltllL 'A' efie ; • ' ',' ; ' Teen Mil* Atli Bap Lott tint-nth'. :'• 4 ' ,' '.. ' 's _ 34,i1AG ‘ NUT - Atieetiiiladelphi ' 6,. .. • -.' , • ibri4r iti-lionder•;P:e4f L., ' ...ntalltr. .factuNrod nap . y ,filiclkiiike. Ilrokern; Jewellers..and' atbers requlrlinf.security sfrom Nomaes.-.Thnk,Tatilit, ,mkorg,'Atoi ow-baud. itbd , ! made to ardor. . All the mord cerebrated Loclia ibr itale atTlilanufaelinere,pcleenl t li LSecond, band P target"! , 'SFalamendere. and ' , lron] pmtetormther, makers. hare been taken in part payf ?no n+ A.r. llorelnes fir oznlo at hri1ft0, 4 4..;.•t , t, , ',Awl` Ai: I'NltTget= reoeive3 `e `" kodluost , Approved 41,y1gothirAshOpatlipaleikro o n p . V , 'clinic and the pima kpah.4m,eanyait.„tal,l4trai've Itatla 7, faatl6A.if f y, l tniflle in am e tr i a: T r a tt4l , ! . F b u ro blltg i t aa ll g, to bur a !, 'l. ' l ? 11 , '. - AAKTON: :atatebi k li Bait - Dim 011.004 Carl!** • . • —•- hiCti• ILF,LIF TUB A 0,;(), AN .• ... . 31 BUM. PLIONT STREET. o a l ß/A3.10N MERCHANTS AND DEALEDS ' 4IS ALL LEAF TODACCO, ItIANUFACTURED• TODAC4., A`ND ClOAllB.lflivo e t, On a n n ta t Ut s t i o i ltan t d i, fl a q for e low el lkindsof Ajn}deavideeled.with, ritforenre.to "ltani ct ' t All uncle's sold vt ' ervan ' ted n ,to ra t rep ' opportunity afforded for iiinTu'll'ititlon""'"; End , every 1 Putlchasera at ti distance - inn v amt..tbalr,ordern and rtAY-:PP9n being as falthfaly_saryad , an ttielr gooda .acre Hated edlit &min. • (awn 3, 1856_1y, 7J. • , 9 P PC) ra 2 -P • oa, 11.011 i Eom• ••••.% in-. N. 0 rto _ Z wa ' o • • e- I-1 ct 2) tv Ci) ID: C.) • .1 att • MIDI QAVI-Na FUND' 01? TTIE U. S, I - Kti ANV ti,•-.ANNUITY-k -TRUST-COMPIY.--- 7 , 1 • S. 11:Cornur Thlednoti Chesnut Streets; Phil's. Tit}_, CAPITAL .5250,000. yio' . .101giris recta re - ml m oupeeitTanlly the amount f1m,.. 1 Igiimlterodinn -- Deposit Bonk-Rod . given to Lim.fl Poposl tor, or. If preferred, a eertlllente will In given. All sums large and •sinnli, • mire reenlyed, ummd' the amount pald hark on demand: without notice. ' H771 - nterestiegald• - at-thrt rate' nt'rlT7: -1"E11.-CF:NT:;•corm. mincing from the ddy., of doinsit. and wising nuke°e days previous to the WithdreWill Ortllolllyeee. fn the fleet day ofdanunry. in eneh year. time interest of eneim deisuslt,is Pohl to the depositor, or added to the It Immelpal. no h 6 may paufor.. , The Compnny hove now. upwnrds of 9,500 depositors the cite of Vhilndelphinolone. • • , • • Any adltionni Information will bo given ty middressltur • iho Ttmastntsi. • . , ' Id Stree ler In -onell nod l neg. % or rx, Whole h`ugglets ke, ratt nth 11 I wcaruht, MEM 'keg [Marrh • ' DlllEl'l'oB9 Stephen IL Cratvforili Presq.. Lar rune° Joh nspn. -V Ire Pt. AmbresoO.'l*ltompson, Benjamin W. Tingley, dncnli L. Ylorafico, C Sept. 1.2!(.5, —ly, . . by the State of l'ennaylemiln In 1655 OFFICE, 65 WALNUT STREET One door above Second •Street. .ilecolves Deponita In sums of One Dollar and upwards from all classes of the community; and allows interest 'nt the rate of five per rent' per annum. Moneys paid back on demand. Alai - 0111 m opino daily from 1) until. 5 o'clock, and ow3londny and.Saturdny.,untilbo'clock In r..e.oventhg. - This Institution will be finind a conronient and safe place of deposit for Fnrmers and °thorn doing busknem. Dnpualts nru paid on demand wi th out any pretioui nolice Laing inqulrod: MANA(1018. Ilan; Job It. Tyson, agorae Boldin, ' Robert 'Morrie, Edmund A: Sander, Stilwell S. Bishop, . James P. Perot, Jolln 3fcenfitoki,. Edward L. Clark, '•Jaeoli iibeetz, ' Capt. John Odllaghery --- jineTp - IF3l7reTwTell , aohn Mee, • ' Joseph 11. . Mantra -0.-Stotesbury, - - Edward IL Trotter, ' Shippon,jr. . • Franklin Peron, Wm. P..lonka, Thoman Cooper, , _ Edgar E. Pettit, ' - : Pl'eAdenl;-FRANKLIN FELL. . • Treasuivr—CHAS,M. MORIUS ' " Feerotary-JAMES, 8. PTITICOLF. 'lo..Tho Chartor provides that no manager, officer or agent'sball, diroelly or indiroctly,, lebrrow any' money from' tile 130 eleti. • ' 0rt17,1855-1y y. V . OF TUF.' NATIONAL SANE* COMPANY, Wal ntastrock; southwest cordor of Third atroot, Phlladnl phis.• Incorporated by I Statq.of PonneYhanin II , Five per cont. tnterest is given, and the money in lib trityip.ald back whenevei .It, is called for, without the necesiil of giving notice for it befitrelland.. ....People.who have large,suins put their money in this Saving Fund, on account of the superior safety and con venience it affords, but nuy stpu large or small, is no calved. •• • . This Saving Fund has a very large tiOutit of Mort. Ground Dents and other The class Investments tbr the 1,1 oc url ty of Deposita& The rules prevent . t4 9 5' Director or Officer from using or born wing tho money. The Wire Is open to receive end' pay bound every ,day,"fruin S 'o'clock • in the morning till 7 o'clock in the 'evening, and oti Monday and Thursday eveutt,g, till li People who hare money to put In, are Invil qd to cab at the oiliCe for further information. • . , • ILEN HY L. lii ,44 NMI, President, ItunT..SELFIIII9E, Vice Pfusident. _ '‘• W3l. J. REED, Secretary. . October 3, 1F53. • • . • tit -N.l - E - N - 01D - T,RIPMES . Horil in — Tor 'Rupture successfully troatrd, and Out fort Insured, ily un'trof the *Neat Staudt Trusses, Imported by the a ultscriber,-and - roadit - to - ordafitsytWrfor sufforDilf With J 94141.49 ?vi b 6 gr,ntlded - Wlettro, - , that tho ocraeon itow offers to,prpcuro'n•Trtitis qualm ' - litßintli'otooltt,htneinf, with onto; duraltilitY•aila Sof *S• eoustructlou, Mod , dr miti,...4tuitwoos and, uncinatortn, Ida article usually sAld. rate wit so assort oeitartys o'n 'hand, adapted hi every ritrlOty, of Rupture, Dra ulta attil Chtldrett, aud for salami fature'Of wire to 'suit all• t tz o# of Single Trumps ? s3.sl; and ssi• 'Rouble, . $ll, SS aiot• „ , , —Perseus at irdistancit-canibifeli'iitait soot to any nil drews by.rout Itt log tho amount. sea difig nicusurtiaroupd• ILO Rips and stating. aide Ottheted•-• • : ittor 46MR4f:sale ; afi.:l Beall the ImPorteri - ''' ' . • CAttilf If: NEEDLES, ,•,•, S. IY. t•or. of Ttdoifth L,ltitee Sta., Philadelphlu. • Ditpot for Dr, Ilartnlng'a linprovOtiTatent Body Bra*, kato4 R . :rounders 4nd,tiroc.tor llnictinkli'atani:Shoulder, lb-aces; busitens4l • ltabdagds . ;'Splital, Trope ports. with Folinvltuu,t lady agOntlants. • - appl 11. , , -vll' A.KPAB-B°'4'•t".. n.v 'I , .iLADELp,,, , IMPORTANT • ANNOUNCE3IENT• To all parsons. afflicted' irlik Sexual diseaseS;suli : SHHINALA,THAKNBSSP IMPOTENCE, CONOltilli i - . GLISET, SYPHILIS, Sic., &a. -The I(JWAIZII - ASSOCIATION., of, Philadtighlt, In vbilt'of ilia abrful destrnettoli of Ifilintife,Llfe and Ihialtrf caused bCiespal dfa9gmr, end the deceptions whirh 6i'. ac ).ipon.thif unferiiinate ilitims cif Buil' illerasef by gi me ',Mira di r itot.ail their consulting Surgeop,icif a CILAHITABLIi . ;AM' worthy of their name, to . glve JIEDICAL . ADVICII GRATIS, co all persons - . thus of flicted.(Maleor remele.).who apply,byjetten(pott , Pali.L) m/th:a description-rif-theirr-iimditio,-(ageoeimpatlon” h.ibita °lnfo, Ac.,) and ifi . et trentiiperprty, and sarrgirg, eci . xcitcsls.lt. mEDiclti,EBll/ftkg OF CUARO , N. •,., . • , :i, Thellipiard,,Articiclation'ltrs benevolent Institution, ettabilthed liy 'epode' endowment, fbr the relief ob the sick, and ,dittrasted, afflicted iiitit Firalentiand. lips. detiiie diemusba,:'!and,liifunda,calc, peed fee no ether. 'mimosa. ,It7 - ..hiermov, eitifrplut,O r.tieginf,-whicli r -Ilie; Dlitictort liave voted 'tii , adyertici the above iietlee.. ,M,', les needless to add that the Assitiliitbin `ammmulds' the Ilighmt Medical .._ ~,... fkillgr th e. AP. ! •i. - • r-- ' -: d - A.aaf.fkilifOSTSid)P i !•-Ye O r It. P . AMTO II AP9wipII i98045.91. 1 0 , ard.41 40 0 641 RD#01000 4 4.f*... 7 , u Y 9l " ..°r4b ''' 'N - '''',ZZiIBAiTIVELL, TredAii; . airlrf;;' .'' "" ' .'.oo , AgfilCUlLD..efignitarY.:. - ~ .. -: ;:, .1 : ' ,- t - - -- ' , ~ 1...,=1--;;;W-. •:;j_.".;',. - ~••••• ,i - t - e• • 4•Cgtt r,vitwouro . 1 , 1417 ; 'Oct 13 .. , 1 . 0„ '.;;....••,/ 0 ,•• NITORIO )ROOMS, -,:1 , ..:?i,...„.., : Ira ~t'- , - -1 ,,.- ; ,4,Vkjiotaiti l 4 -u----.} ' 1 and.btlAills ,, ,.; ;,:: ;, :',. / ;p•..',,, Z-,,:3 :1,, .4W :!T .1 1 ,', Walny ;and Mahogany Drefelnicammans, ccl thlinarbt . , r Seats,. Mbles..anitillavitidends.: , .. , , , , ~..',: ~, r,.,:', ,,-.• Wldnut Minims:Mei Wardrobes.? ; d , , ....• d:. , ,, :. . d.:l ...., . PdahmtanyMnd.Walnut , Tables Dr alisitte.,,— ... ; .1.,.. , ; French Uedefgadt,Mahl)gfillY Wadi Plain , Tabltri, at alb ...,_.,,:_tpracea..0.2....v.i_.,..- . .. , _ii__;,.:4....:-L.1.,,,,...4..di..L. - ;, Parlor Arm Chairs, and hocking tholrs,,with.yii;Mt on ~tuitr.eia t h seats end hankie, .., ~-.-... ,-,,, .•:;•v'.... , ; ill , Mati,Nany and.Wslautc Ploini , with r lugnelotty.or. :acme er,ntestadt 1,10 .1.‘, 1 ,),, ?'l, 0 rj, i:,) -1,1. :Ll-.00,11t,,!: , Plato abstract all kluds., ..;11 , i,..,.., .J.l r.14.t%11 I, ' , ' ,'; '''''' ' • ' Calligiud , soco.thlcnow and olognnt.aasortatent t ,st : ' mirnhure rt.:Malign(' the subscriber, on Louthrt.PS'. . Fur the corner of Itortit Itimuffor.., -, .., ~ • . -,, , - f'' ; . JUT 'eat lirgf,L.ll;!.Nl") ' 1444 ii.. ...,,,,, .IP Iiilo)(113:11.0 Wm; M. Godwin. , Pnul li. ( I .o4lard Doveremt, - • Earrottiry nud Trenpurer, ._,TCIIOI. and luterpeteF. -' ~~~lt~itllte~~, ,'tx ~:r.. ..~~i H.— . 0 - Q • 1? - , 4 7- _ i t C ,; ' - ' eL,46eLiatAir.i, "" --h ! • • • CIERIVIAN BITTER'S. • : Ptepared • % M. ' ;,•,. • • , ! avilloffecthally cunt • • • • . ,_.l.llTit COMPLAINT, ,riivr,psi4.,.7AIIIIDICE,. Chtetile or' Nerve& Ihildtity,l o Mapuseaf•tlio - idneys • and pll dimes. ;wising from a.disordertid - Liver. or Sternuch.. . Ceitatipp don-, - '! - • 'lnward Pllesaull• . , • never pined to the livid, - Acidity of the Sternlieb, Neu- • • m.lienr/4•1li en orrnod. " ••• • ' Fulinese or abuW eight en the Stomach, : Sodr Eructutiens,Sin king or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stemacli, Swimming of ' • ttio MO, IturrNd and Dalleplt lima/NW - 7F, • Mug Setuattione when in a lying poshirti, Dittman ' -' of Vißlfni, Botts of woos lief.° the bight; Fever • • and dun pain in the, lima, ReScioney of, Persniration. Yellowness of the Skin and - Eyes. Pain in the; Side,. Brick, 'Cheat, " .kc ,Sudden Plush. ;of - Matti - Burn init.' in the • Flesh „ • , , iunialnines• • • - • ' Evil, and great lle , • - • • , pronto!' - of • -,: +l' t • The proprietor In calling.the, attention' of thepublic this nroparatlon, does MO, with afeelingof Hie utmost. con gd.,,, e , In Its yirtnetiond adogtation to3lßedloceises fUr which' it IS recmumended. It Is 110 new and untilediorticle, but lne that has stood the test Oa ten ,yeorw' trial before m a ,4r ger h.„,, ' purple; and • to' reputrithei and sale Bi - :unrivalled by any Find!, nreporritionsextaith ,Then It, &Vol , given by the hien prtaillitent'Slicl Veil known PhYolciOns and PldiTid..4:lli all parts of - the country is Minions°. . LIERANOMIENTB:OI` THE LIV , Np ANDETOSiACH.- fire sources of insanity: ,From dheirder Or obotruetion, oinorbiti autioreof-the Oinipathethrittid - otlitir ilerves rol,„„ a, anti or the biotin are Impaired and deranged:. derintgenimit there will else rot co dlserts • s • ire-1 skitiltrobs),lima mulievo. •• aow Mg__ he sair6)Cause-tlatt -thousandr-ditrwith---Clia: - Bilious ti(Yelliby Fever; and that most baneful diseitse, Consul:it dlon. The genorol , went of sIINTIM ht treating disthicfrof the liver aildatoniticlo.hos notheen'a deficiency of NUMB. Ideal imbiledge of their fultailomi---Idd of a suitable cornfield - id e ft wonid act mad, thodiscase end 'nil the •Sy itipatlietitlireetions. 'runt has beet ginned these Bitter,. ::and they con Le used by perste. a tif' the most delicate etiOnett h- with perfect safety:-us they at no time debilitate the patient, but give strength and Menem, told nervons'energy:' They con Le token at all . 'times. and 'limier all cirrunistonces. N. ordinary expo:. Mire will prevent then' lists lug a fetiutar,y effect,' and na laid effort tam Jesuit from au oyeEdose. ' • , f iiatlietts 111 perseverwist the use of this remedy, find use it strictly according to directions. It will euro the forcaninb- discus. Hoovery Imitate:a, if not beyond - the of Medicine; it has caused - litany to enjoy the - blessilitior rimea ed health, and in ninny deserateir Ulla abandoned caves, aperfect and hdical cure, -• ' ADVANCED IN , And feeling the bender Tillie weighing heavily upon - them, With all its' n Hendon t 1116,wi1l find In the uso of the Bitters alb ElhieEthativill now-Igo-into their • , veins; rest Ore, in a measure the energy anti ardor of inure yOutitful clays; build up their" shrunken Ruins. and give health and . happiness to thei r renanning ears • It Is a well established fact, that fully one-half of the female - portion cif our population, are seldom in the en joyment orgood'health. or to use their own expresnion "never feel well." They aye huiellid, devoid of all en ergy, extremely 'nerve., and bore no appetite. To . this class of invalids.' MOW Bitten are 'especially re. _commeeded•-,.-Their-peenlitir- tonic-und-Infig-oratli promotion render there Invaluable in such cases. Persons visiting districts harmssed annually , FEVER AND AGUE, or 4NY FEVER OF A BILIOUS NATURE, will find Unit by the Huffily ion, of one qr. MO - bottles. they will not In one Instonco take the dim 'once, as the Bitters Will repovatennd strengthen' the' syeterin and carry the bile dff in its natural thahrtel.— Preventiin Is better than' cure:- - '• ' THEY A ItE EN'fi RELY VEGETABLE .- Arid filet frigit...4.lle Etimulantb•Ond_all_injuriono_. litgrMlictita ; ore plcusurit in taste mid, aniell, mill it their operation, will expek nil morbid secretions from_ the body, give - bltenn , to - ther - pallid - clittikTfind health and vigor tai the flame.' ' • -_-> II • - Fria, ' Office. So. QU ARCH street, PLIPI, Pa. — sop Ly Pluttglols and lititrekeepers lit every town and villi.go Li tba I:halted States and Canadai, and by all Diugglsts In Carllale. ' l.ll.ltty'ls,' 1850. • AF FLICTED, Map P • . . HILADELPHIA MEDICAL HOUSE. hstablished twenty two years ago' by DR. KINKS:LIN, Corner et Third and Union Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. 'TIVENTY.TIVO YEARS' • Experience has rendered lir. IC. a most successful prac titioner In the cure or , all diseases'orn privete nature; - manhood's debility, as an Impediment to marring° ; nervous: and, sotruil infirmliles, diseases of the shin, • and those arising from almoner mercury. 'TARE PARTICULAR NOTICE., . • There Is en evil habit sometimes indulged In by toys In solitude, often growing up with ibein to,nanhood and which. If uot, Wormed lu dUis'lliuo;lnot only begets serious arteries to ulatriihuivial happinesit, but gives rise.ta it.serie.of pt2tractF4, iumldloun r and-4.loveuitatleg-- affections. Few of those who givevai to this pernicious practice are.nware of the consequences,•untlF they lied &honer. vices spited shattered, feel strange and unaccountable ronsatlinis and vague fears in the mind. (Sae page& 27, 28, 20, of Dr. K. 's book on "Self Preservation." . The unfortunate thus affected becomes feeble, is unable to labor with aocustothed tiger, or to apply his ailed to study; his stop in tardy and weals; Ito is dull, irresolute, 'and'. engages oven in- his sports with 'lmo energy limn usual: , • if he CUMllelpattuNweabeforn the phial,e has done Ito worst. and enter matrimony, his marriage is um. trultfut, oust lils• sense tells him that this le caused by his early follies.' These aro oausiderstiollfl which should awaken the attention of ell who are similarly Situated. ^ PATIENTS ATIA DISTANCE Can ! have (by stating .their case explicitly, together with ail their sympteilis, per letter, enclosing n remit-. tante) Dr. K. s medicine, appropriated licrerdinglY. • Forwarded to tiny part of the United States, and secure from DANIAUE and CURIOSITY,.by mail or ox lips& rtEADI YOUTD• AND MANHOOD! I A Vigorous Life or a Premature. , Death, Rinkelln on Self Prosurvation—Only 25 cents. Letters soutuinlng that lulu° lu Bl n sups, will onsuro a, copy per p Fylawu plum. .GRATIS 1 GRATIS! I' GRATIS!!! A Fret, am to all. . MISERY It.IiLIEVED. "Nature's Guide," a new and popular wprk,full °- valuable advice, and inipmnive' warning, alike calrula led to prevent years of misery and save thousands of lives, in distributed without charge, and forwarded by mail; prepaid, to any Post Office yin the United Elites on receiving au order oz.:losing two postagtustatnps. rIiONICS IVON'T DOl 1 —They 'never did do more thou giro •temporary - rcilef, tinfl - they never will!' is because they don't touch the csmis of the disease. The cause of all ague and billions diseases Ix the atmospheric poison culled 31h,pma or Malaria. 'Neutmlistithrs poison by its s TVRAL srerneore,and all disease ef.used by ft dlitapp . eara Cum at once. Rhodes' Fever and Agile Cu is t antidote to Nalarla,.and moreoverit is aperfectly lutrtulesataed iclii.: ,The certificate of 'the celebrated chemist, J. it. Chilton, of Isfmr•l'ork, to this effect, attached to ores ry bottle; therefore, if it floes no eod, it rod do no harm. • ' ' This is abbe litan can be mid of Quinine, Atsenie, or any other tonifln existence, as their.nse Is ruinous to the couttltufion taut tangs on DIULIt Ail Ul,l, which never allows a person to feel perfectly well foe a aingle . moment:: .10 Illustration of these truths." anbox-votanti. extracts from a letter just received from a Physician: Otosorrou - tt, (two, March 17(33d. JAS. A. RHOADS. E'f sq.—Dear Sir: ours of d lost . Is at baud. The Cure arrived late jest year,hod the* difficu l ty in. getting any one to purchase it wee greatly increased from the Mot Wet a remedy had been intro duced which was growl, hillivor w ith the public as being better limn using Quinine—not know lug,, J y mune, that tiorromedv-they used to escape taking.(l% ; nine contained the DR1.11.1 \ hie remedy (known WI Snlith's Tonic, " ) would in variably BR EA It an .A goo, bub It did not Cure it, an It would natal return.with reptueled.vigur. . tilde one cir. culartauce I'dt:eon:Win your favor, if loould institute a lust comparison, between It and your C.U.R.E. Tito lowing is the toeultf , "• • ' • --ilmorrpersons-took'yotirr Of cams of "Qttoildlari 'lntern - Ottani ' of 'many, 'eye!. stiktling. -They. hid 'tried QUiniuo • _anyLotbde_ - rynuOleafocenedonatily - rnisitliTzFelillcbuE 1 wan (M. In „• _all; auch ,wearing,them -out, and laying - the founded , a of , other and soviimr maladies. I "did succeed In allotting a raffledl curd of all tints, 9f [lamb cases with your remedy, and they have not had achili ; sluco.ln all three nf,thode mum, the , t Fintlth's Tonto'. ' had bier used, and would, as before stated, break the, chill, but after a period Or; two had" elapsed It wOUld return. I think therb will bu no difficulty now in giving to Cure" the veiling° ground'of othor remedy j now in use here..kn, AILIODES' Pt:Mb - end AOUII CLFILE, or ANTIDOTE TO lIIALAIIIA, the duly hurmloss romody in exlstence: -. is oqually'eartahr en a PREII:NTIVE; An a“tnte,” Tako . It Willlll you foul t h e china coming ou, end.. you will , novae hate a 6110: • . - , dASItIB A. RHODES, Proprietor, • ....lTor ludo 'by Ittmen, and -Druggleto generally, - ; July - TMPORTAN T 'J:O '‘.N,XIIItYIIOD ; 1. For the loot Chino years been engaged in a bininetos knoll n only to mysolEand comparatively few others, when] lotonflimirocted fbr the 'stintoi.. l ooo" „Mull, which hoe averaged toe at thete of NOW. :to 0,000 Pur - aiiirtitut'ond; having lot lng made aralige elite `to go to Europe in ihe Fall, to etntageln the mom bust , 'noss, I no, willing th glt 6 tell instructions in the art to any person', in 4he;Vnited.states or Canada!, who wIU , um the' sum of $l . - am iiiddied, 'from the sun. ;ccoal,have been favomol with. and the many 'thankful ackuowledgetnents I hake received from those whom I' :have inetructod, and who are making from • FIVE VO •FIFTEEN.•DOLLAREI PERIEAIf •;',"! 'at It, to, give any person an opportunity to .entottge in - this - buoluessrwhichiwnasyiplcallitotTand — fery prof' • 71,1,,, at a small coot. There hipositfrert No Minna in the matter. Itsferenceeof the beet class con hofgiven as. iregards Its ehervicter;Mid•l min refer tnipiettinps haielnstiucted, who will testilythat therarelgoln g from $5 to sls' thee,,per,day,at Is business in 'whichseither • • - .. , 1 t -- T LADIES OR cIENTLNtMN , - can engage, and 'with perfect, ease mako a M. 17, hand. Gpvered Lunas,in various parts of 14w York Htzto, Pentisyltiola and'Blarylarid*, whom/omill Instruttwtmo now,makipg from $3 to El Per fl *7,4 it. It Ili p omistavemmszlie. and buys dollar ca. 'two , 1 ,re• nuked to start It. Spon_recalpt, dr 10 1 .; 1111 ! 011 ?*!• i dlately sand to tin appllmdt ItPrintad,Fhwuk l Fllol4l l l..,. 14 Cult InsthtZtldna lb? Mt, whleh can be 1 , 15.41 'understood at ouce, • T er : , .. tea motithbf Ma* litscl Mate y adverti etz „ to tba editor of the " Ititading Gt and' Dem t, Geadlng, 10m, and also aeut,o44bun 11 4 wltlnGztv of , -lustruzGams.--Oults o WASuldna,— km, I aium, fel theAbilossing4A "we to apitrtakqusent of .Ir. d. T. Parsons, of ia bw h n etle,;;;t 4 w i 3RTAll u T T: boat" 7h" " 11l 1 P.07 Wa n 11 dad an ln t tbe r' ad. ban sant us one of " ba. at It and On examlnallon Ace final4h "A.V.INIXO mbag, but alight; easy' and. 4aaoroblq that nut? , be mado profitable on V 417 ' t , 4 4 4 8 0/ 4 g4.415 Mt 0 o re mu bnadWaY. NOY , TOGil , •' • pno 116-Im. Ttit r A*BJ, 14 '4 4 , Y91t4 :SE - The JounnerlbOr oilers ior„ silo a MIT Stamm -tiollar.*olkb; toan , feat lung and thirty,lnettetdni.diametno wltlkona fnurtnan inch. Due, apply, WWI.. PiTer MI eV • ,I' F6ll.lB4Al&tc, • Ar.O4,IOUM-Ar.„ A' th • - - . 1;r1 ,1,0; ~. .17 , .